#bible quizzing
Hazbin Hotel Names
Okay so I have a teeny tiny obsession with names and their meanings. Here are the meanings of some of the Hazbin Hotel Characters’ names:
Charlotte is the feminine of Charles which means Free Man.
Anthony means Priceless.
I’ve seen Vaggie called Vagatha and the name Agatha means Good. I believe I also saw somewhere at some point that it also means angel.
Alastor means Avenger.
Vox means Voice.
Valentino means Healthy and Strong.
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kelly-danger · 4 months
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber is kinda making me go "wow he gets it" cause my deep seated hatred for reform calvanistic theology goes all the way back to when I was like 9 at a anabaptist christian camp and they hired a bunch of nazarines for some reason and they were all like, strict and boring losers!!! They beleived in predestination which anabaptists arent about and also I feel that the music that year was lacking as well for that reason. Also id bible quiz againt nazarines and they just like, were taking it way to seriously. Im Like bruh fr lighten up, acting like youre gonna get paddled of you dont know the answer to a situation question (who said it...and to whom? "Feed my lambs") but they probably would. Thats just the vibe of the nazarines
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dukejeyaraj · 8 months
Sex, Love, Marriage Bible Lessons from the Samson Kahoot Bible Quiz!
Duke Jeyaraj A total of 55 players (with forty three players answering almost every question) joined from India over and beyond as Dr. Duke Jeyaraj led the G4 Mission-organised Kahoot Bible quiz on 07 Feb. 2024. Pre-teens to those in 70s, folks from walks of life (IT Pro manager to school kids), from various churches in various cities joined. The winner was Jaaziel Charles, a Civil Services…
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azuremist · 10 months
I made a uQuiz to figure out how you would fall if you were an angel. My credentials are that I am gay and my mom was a pastor.
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lady-of-the-puddle · 11 months
Good Omens 2 Opening-What are they marching toward?
Hi, there's something about the opening credit sequence that immediately caught my eye upon the first viewing. @metatronhateblog and I have discussed the whole opening credits at length (helps that we're siblings and can sit in the same room to talk about it) and we both will probably make some posts about things we haven't seen addressed yet.
I haven't seen anyone mention this particular thing yet, but forgive me if this has already been pointed out.
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This mountain they are marching up? This is Zion.
I'm almost certain. It's a very interesting word that's used several times in the Old and New Testament, most notably for me in the book of Revelation, which I read a lot as a former Christian (I liked it cause it was the least boring thing to read).
It has a few different meanings from what I've gathered (a note: this is not about z*ionism.), which I will try to give brief explanations on.
Originally I believe it was meant to be an actual location in Jerusalem, a hill/mountain that held the City of David. Literally called Mount Zion I think.
In the Old Testament it also is described as being the place where God rests, where they are enthroned.
Now look at this.
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Pretty sure that's a throne room? It looks like a Greek temple, so I think that's the vibe it's going for. The place where God is located.
Most interestingly, Zion is symbolic of the city of heaven, which will come to earth and God will dwell with the people upon Jesus' return and judgement (at least that's what I'm getting from the text? It can be difficult for me to decipher sometimes). Revelation 14:1 states
"Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads."
I believe this is the first time Jesus appears during(after maybe?) the great Tribulation (aka, all the torments the earth endures during this time before his return) with those who have been chosen by God. "The Lamb" refers to Jesus, for those who may not know.
I thought it was odd that this possible Zion reference was placed here in season 2 since it's not something that we've seen or heard mentioned thus far, but I think we can safely assume it has to do with season 3 and the Second Coming.
A side note, there's something else I caught while looking at this as well:
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I could be wrong, but it looks like these cherubs are tipping bowls. BOWLS!
In John's visions in Revelation 16, we see seven angels with bowls pouring out plagues to the earth. Bowls of God's wrath. I could go into what they are but that's a whole other post. For some reason I always remembered the bowls the most, I have no idea why. There's so much to find in the opening, it's like a scavenger hunt and my little brain loves it! Anyway.
Fascinating that Zion is what the people and our heroes are marching toward. Are they simply moving toward the end times (again)? Are they marching straight to God's house to get some answers (Aziraphale might be)? Are they moving toward that utopian heaven on earth as they begin eternity, forever and ever amen (as Michael mentions in the forbidden heavenly footage)? Maybe all three.
It may not be all that important and just be purely symbolic, but I thought it was neat. There really is so much in the details!
Thanks for coming to my rambling! I'm going to go try finding more references now.
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zukkaoru · 6 months
an opportunity to ask about grace wips.......... i'd be a fool to miss it
12 and 13 please!!
hehe ily <3 these two are both ideas i'm plotting for fyodor ship week in june!!
midnight baptism (12) is a no-powers au that is. pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. fyodor nathaniel and nikolai sneak into a church in the middle of the night because fyodor wants to be re-baptized after coming out as trans
fyothaniel communion (13) takes place the night before nathaniel's brainwashing/lobotomy/whatever in which he comes to fyodor and says he wants to partake in communion one last time before the procedure, and asks fyodor to do the sermon for it.
see. okay so the thing is. people are always like "omg i love writing fics as an excuse to infodump about my non-fandom related knowledge from non-fandom related interests" but the non-fandom topic i have spent literally my entire life studying and memorizing is The Bible. and i can't just make any random characters bible quizzers or send them to youth group or whatever. so now that i finally have characters who are canonically religious that gives me the perfect opportunity to write fics about things i'm very familiar with but have never had a chance to explore in fics before. like baptism and communion. maybe i'll even make nathaniel a bible quizzer at some point. you never know what could happen next.
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asinglesock · 1 month
they got me again and they probably can always get me again
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astriiformes · 2 years
Saw people on Twitter talking about nativity plays and was reminded of an anecdote I don't think I've shared here but
One year the church my family went to did a kids' nativity thing that wasn't really even a proper play, it was more of a "Come as a character from the Christmas story and we'll have a couple of you read lines but you all get to be up on stage" thing so that everyone actually got to participate (it was a big church)
This, of course, meant that every little girl in attendance was dressed as either Mary or an angel, or maybe a favorite barn animal. I, however, for reasons I would not properly unpack for another four years, decided my only option was to attend in Christmas pageant drag, and showed up dressed as a shepherd, joining the ranks of various 7-12 year old-boys running around with lacrosse sticks for staves.
Being an overdramatic weirdo who loved showing off and at the time thought there was nothing more important than getting a good grade in church (something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve) I also enthusiastically volunteered myself to read some verses aloud as a part of the "performance," which lead to the person in charge of wrangling costumed children repeatedly referring to me in the third person using he/him pronouns several times over the course of the evening. This sent a strange, electric thrill through me every time (no one had ever mistaken me for a BOY before) and in a move that was both extremely normal and cisgender of me (not) I neglected to at any point correct them, something that, again, it would take me another four years and also learning transgender people existed to process.
So anyways I may be well on my way to being Jewish now but that's how the nativity story made me trans, which in my mind is the actual Christmas miracle.
Bonus, feat my middle sister as one of the many actual girls who did attend the event dressed as Mary and my tiniest sister as (presumably, my) sheep.
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aduarte · 3 months
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bookofjudith · 6 months
btw however much I post on here is directly correlated with how much grading I have to do
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t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
oh yeah. you know how it is
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biblenewsprophecy · 3 months
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necromanceyourgays · 9 months
10x23 of spn is so important to me. i. spoilers below obviously!!
the cain and abel references go HARD. the title of the episode, ‘Brothers Keeper’, is a direct reference to Genesis 4:9, when God asks Cain what happened to Abel.
And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: am I my brother's keeper?
Even the position Sam and Dean were in reminds me of the line just before, where it says Cain “rose up against Abel”.
Him losing the mark right after killing Death instead of Sam is basically saying that he is not Cain, and he chooses to fight the darkness (basically the embodiment of Sin) instead of killing his brother. haha. IM GOING INSANE.
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salvationcall · 11 months
Revelation quiz by chapter
All quizzes from Revelation. The questions are set chapter by chapter; from chapter 1 to chapter 22.
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deerlirium · 11 months
I am so so sick rn but I spent 8 straight hours doing homework because I have 4 quizzes across 3 classes tomorrow and sick or not I decided to be an academic weapon this semester 🥲
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