#and 'wdym' 'man' etc. etc.
yellowyarn · 1 month
the autistic urge to use overly formal language. wdym i'm being pretentious for saying "one", its so much faster then being like "somebody ... some people ... blah blah ... "
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carnivaldisasters · 13 days
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jackleopard · 8 months
The fact that my brother has never heard of Radiohead ???
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kissitbttr · 2 months
frat!miggy headcannons !!
frat!miguel masterlist
sfw !!
frat!miguel is the type to giggle and kick his feet up in the air when you tell him simple things like ‘i am so proud of you, baby’ or ‘look at how handsome you are, my big boy!’
frat!miguel gets jealous of small things. your fictional crushes. your girlfriends. your pet. your back spotter in the cheerleading team. gloria.
frat!miguel is also protective. very. to an extent where even you’re only standing five feet away from him at a party, his eyes will be locked in on you. arms crossed, nodding along to whatever his friend is saying in front of him. smiling like a lovesick puppy when he sees you laugh.
frat!miguel who would in seconds, kneel to tie your shoes when they see them undone. you don’t even have to ask.
frat!miguel plugs into his laptop, spending hours on his free time to look up cheerleading sports when both of you started dating. learning about the rules, routines, physical training, winning teams, tumblings, pyramids, etc. why, you ask? no idea.
frat!miguel is your own personal scary dog privilege. there is nothing about this man a golden retriever. especially at the gym. since you love wearing tight shorts and sports bra on leg days, he would stand a few feet apart behind. glaring to those who stares at his girlfriend’s juicy butt.
frat!miguel brings you flowers every weekend and send ones for your mother too. every once a week he goes out to play ball with your dad too. the man is surprised at how well your dad could throw.
frat!miguel who keeps stashes of condoms in his ‘special’ drawer since you stay over almost every day at the frat house. he figures that it’s better to be prepared than nothing. when really, he’s just one horny motherfucker.
frat!miguel who is so damn clingy that you have no clue on how to deal with it anymore. you could send this man a text of ‘bye, talk to you later, baby’ because you’re leaving for practice and he would spam you with
my miggy<3 : what? no!
my miggy<3 : wdym bye?!
my miggy<3 : princesa please don’t leave me!!!
my miggy<3 : i’d die💔💔💔
my miggy<3 : omg pleasepleaseplease come back
my miggy<3 : so you’re just going to let me die:(
frat!miguel who spends almost his entire junior and senior being fawned and gushed by other girls that he didn’t even think for a second to actually try. but for you? ask him to get you the moon, and he gives you saturn
frat!miguel asks you one day if he could be your boyfriend. not the other way around. not ‘can you be my girlfriend?’ because he’s threading lightly and he needs your permission
nsfw !!
frat!miguel is a large, large, man. he’s jacked bro. 6’9 and built like a damn linebacker. he’s big down there too, so it did take some time for you to get used to his size
frat!miguel loves fucking you. to no end. his stamina could go on for hours and he’s lucky enough to have you as his perfect match. ‘always fuck like damn rabbits’ is a review from glen
frat!miguel doesn’t care about whereabouts. if he’s horny and needed you, then you better get to it! (but of course, only if you’re comfortable)
frat!miguel prefers taking you from behind, he loooves seeing your ass bounce against him. it makes him lose his mind. guaranteed that it would be hard enough for him to last
frat!miguel is a sucker for eating your pussy. day and night, this man could have it for his five course meal. he loves it when you’re sitting on a chair, legs spread and tucked upwards while he’s just on his knees lapping at your cunt
frat!miguel loves having control but even more when you’re in charge. bouncing on his dick, not allowing him to touch you while rather just let him watch your tight pussy swallowing his cock.
frat!miguel gets off to your moans. they’re like music to his ears. how could one be so angelic and pornographic at the same time, shits crazy.
frat!miguel who has a breeding kink. he would go on about how he’s willing to knock you up during fucking, whispering in your ear that he’s going to put a baby in you.
frat!miguel is obsessed with your mouth. the head you give is top notch. you could do so much shit with your tongue around his cock than half of the girls he had before with their hands.
frat!miguel who’s lock-screen wallpaper is a selfie of you in the shower. hair wet, one arm covering your tits, puckered lips and doe eyes at the camera. head tilting to the side. it’s one you sent when he had texted you ‘what’s my girl doing today?’ during football practice. you look so damn cute and sexy, he just had to do it.
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vernoniekiss · 10 months
kim mingyu headcannons
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↬ offer to do all the house chores, like washing the dishes, doing the laundry etc. he’s literally a house husband.
↬ another pouty baby. really likes the cling onto you with those huge muscles so you’ll have no choice to but stay with him.
↬ loves to go on dinner dates with you whenever your both free from a busy schedule. likes to have it at-least once a week. he’s sooooo romantic. even if you don’t have time for a long nice dinner date, he’ll take you on a walk to the park. anywhere as long as he spends time alone time with you away from work and any work calls.
↬ he’s literally so babygirl coded. would get all flustered and shy when you compliment him. hiding behind your shoulder or hiding his face in your neck with his arms wrapped around you. doesn’t mind you teasing him either.. he’ll get all pouty and shy.
↬ he’s such a cheesy man.. would come up with the cheesiest pick up line ever. no matter what your doing. cooking. brushing your teeth. “i think someone must have stolen the stars and put them in your eyes” (o_0) CHEESY NICKNAMES !!
↬ i see mingyu as a person who really likes to have skin contact with their partner every way possible. linking pinkies. holding hands. arms around your shoulder or waist. has to be touching you in any way.
↬ would be your personal driver. like wdym he’s busy rn ??? he’s totally free and can definitely take you wherever and whenever. it’s 3am and your hungry ? “go get dressed more warmly and let’s go. i’ll pay so don’t worry. pfft what ???. no i’m not tired. come on, let’s go now”
↬ literally your personal heated blanket… once he lays on top of you. he’s never getting off. he’s just always so warm. if you always have cold hands he’ll keep his hands on yours or stuff your hand in his pockets.
↬ also your personal chef. learns to cook your favourite food. makes the best ramen (according to wonwoo). if your hungry at 4am, he’ll make you a meal. if you skipped lunch ? you’d bet he’s gonna cook a meal that can feed a whole family.
↬ i feel like he’s big on pda. really likes to show you off (≧▽≦). in public or on social media. gotta let everyone knows he’s taken by a goddess..
↬ best comforter when your sad. why?? because that chest of his is comfy and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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cinellieroll · 3 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 3!
beelzebub, belphegor and solomon ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part two (asmodeus, levi and barbatos)
part four (satan and diavolo)
cw: slight spoilers again if you haven't played the recent lessons
small note: thank you again for the likes and reblogs. also, happy 20 followers! yippeee :^D also sorry for the delay i was being silly the whole day so..yeah
☆ beelzebub:
- doesn't listen to music that much which is kinda weird like wdym you don't vibe to hard ass beats everytime you work out? on the bright side a cupid playing a harp melody does start playing in his head when he sees food
- some days his resting bitch face goes so hard you think he'll start biting your neck off if you even try to talk to him
- he does a lot of unintentional things it's actually so hilarious. like no he didn't mean to mindlessly draw an icecream on your hand and start licking it. it was an accident! he swears!
- when you cry he tries to cheer you up with jokes but it always end up being horrible because deep down he's panicking inside on what to say. the bitch starts saying "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes while watching you bawl your eyes out with snot bubbling out your nose
- so instead of the horrible jokes he decides to hug you instead while picking you up and gently sways you left to right <3 and during those situations he's willing to do anything you want. you want him to carry you to your room? gotcha. you want him to buy you food from hell's kitchen? he promises he won't eat it. (he actually didn't but you could see his drool staining the paper bag once he gives it to you)
- there was one point in his life where he was the smallest and fattest out of all the brothers when he was still younger. his older bros, especially mammon would always pinch and bite his cheeks because of how he looked <3
- watches hells kitchen while eating food from hells kitchen. mans obsessed with the show
- has dimples and an eye smile
- he likes it when he holds your hand and look at it from time to time. he just likes to see how big it is compared to yours.
☆ belphegor:
- doesn't really use his phone a lot and resorts to watching TV instead so he doesn't have to use his hands
- slept while candy was in his mouth and woke up choking once. safe to say lucifer banned candies for a whole month after that and everyone else was NOT happy.
- since he is the youngest out of all the brothers he's pretty spoiled in a way. he wants to be the one you hang out with the most and if he needs to pull out the moves just so you'll give him cuddles he won't think twice
- "what do you mean you have plans with asmo today? didn't you know? he ditched cooking duty last night and lucifer told me to do the job instead. i deserve your attention more than he does."
- he thought you were attractive the first time you two met
- takes reaction pics. it's mostly him in a dimly lit room with his eyebrow raised or replicating a funny photo of his brothers
- wasn't interested in shows like hells kitchen until he saw you and beel watching it. he occasionally watches drag race too
- during car rides or road trips he always has to be the one in the back just so he could lay down and sleep
- you can't rely on him for notes because it's always covered in drool when he sleeps in class. although he mostly never takes notes at all he just relies on stock knowledge and good memory
☆ solomon:
- he never caught up with the recent trends in the human world so you really had no one to relate or talk to about your favorite shows, songs, etc
- decided to catch up for you anyway. what a sweetie pie ^_^
- a tear rolled down his cheek when raphael confessed that he liked his cooking for the first time.
- when he's drunk he starts singing love songs and starts going on a ramble about how lonely he is when he isn't with you. and yes, his voice WILL crack.
- sometimes he points things with his lips it's SOOOO HOTTTT
- he gets sad when you get suspicious of him when he's doing a nice gesture for you. he's aware that everyone else think he's shady, and he is! but mc, he just wants to do something nice for you!
- he's an asshole and will constantly tease you especially if you guys are seated together in class. he'll write a note on your notebook saying something like "remember when you *insert embarrassing moment here* or will start writing something subtly flirty like "wanna come over after school?"
- he buys you a lot of expensive things out of nowhere. like there was no ocassion whatsoever but he gifted you the recent iphone like what?
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shesalewa · 3 months
She says "what does your heart say Jiwoo???" Ksbdjrvsj FB eirhbrbfj ugUGHHHHHHHHH SPARE ME THE EMBARRASSMENT.
LIKE DAWG. The only reason why jiwoo is drawn to Jiyoung is because he's thankful that she was there to help him and protect him. And because she's strong.
Jiyoung actually has no reason to like Jiwoo. "slow burn?" NO. IN THE EARLY EPISODES. Jiyoung blushed at Jiwoo because she was growing fond of him. JUST LIKE HOW INHYUK BLUSHED AT JIWOO'S CUTENESS BECAUSE INHYUK SEE'S JIWOO AS SOMEONE HE WANTS TO PROTECT.
I do not approve of this relationship. It's ugly. It's disgusting. It's forced. I hate it.
BUT FKN DAMNIT THE ART MAKES IT WORSE. "But wdym makes it worse???" THE ART MAKES IT LOOK LIKE IT'LL BE A GOOD SHIP WHEN GOSH DAMN IT DOES NOT. (no hate to the artist. I just hate how it's drawn as if they're drawn to each other when they clearly have absolutely no chemistry.)
Okay let me explain.
In action. Romance is a thing that shouldn't be written in. (Unless you're the dude that wrote down White blood/unholy blood then yes. Because you're a professional.)
Designated bully.
VIRAL HIT. (How to fight)
Damn 😭
DO I???
The gays are the most active. When it's Action, Sports, Action-fantasy(ORV, trash of the count family etc.), idc. Idk. There's probably more. BUT. AS LONG AS IT INVOLVES FIGHTING. GAYS ARE MOST ACTIVE.(Yes this involves debating. Like ace attorney. Cause gosh damn. Miles and phoenix have so much chemistry)
Take True education/ Get schooled.
It has absolutely 0 romance. And the romance that did exist. Is gone bc our Mc Warren, lost his fiancee. And this was the best action story that spoke of romance without getting it involved.
If writers wanna write down Romance-action they should learn from White blood . ESPECIALLY IF THEY WANT IT TO BE STRAIGHT.
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
IM BACK CUZ IM MENTALLY UNWELL OK. and yes you’re the best sub Leon writer 😏🥱 and yes I liked it, SITTING ON HIS FACE? 😍🥱
I’m so sorry for blasting ur req box but YOURE AN ACTUALLY GOOD SUB LEON WRITER SO can you blame me? concept: idk why but re4 Leon is so free use coded and so imagine he is on a mission with a new assigned partner but she’s an asshole to him (“fuck off man, I can do it myself, “I don’t need your help”, “you’re too nice and gonna be taken advantage of 😐”, etc. You get the gist) and his goofy ass just tryna be nice and helpful, cuz this is leon we are talking about. But the fun part ⁉️ they have cameras installed in the hideout they are saying at for security purposes. But ofc, Leon always tries to check on reader to make sure she’s ok - even if she’s an asshole to him. AND YK WHAT READER DOES 😭 she’s way too horny and just goes at it, girl got a masturbation problem on god. Every night. One night - wrong time and place - Leon opens his laptop to see the cameras making sure she’s ok AND HELP HE SEES HER … yk. And he feels guilty like he shouldn’t watch but he does anyways. And this goes on for weeks. Until one night he’s sick and tired of her always being so mean and he accidentally lets it slip that he’s been watching her LOL AND SHES LIKE UHM BOY WHAT 🙄⁉️ and he tries to play it off like “I didnt mean to” but like, my brother in Christ… you’ve been watching every night for weeks 🤨 wdym you didn’t mean to? ANYWAYS LONG STORY SHORT SHE PUNISHES HIM AND HEAVYYYY ON THE FREE USE THING. Love you bae 😘
i made a couple minor changes just for convenience :) fem reader she/her pronouns!
also i didn’t write the smex scene IM SORRY but i have been working on this all day and i need to get to other asks but i promise i’ll write some more free use in the future because it’s so smexy
"look, i know you don't like me-"
"oh? really? tell me what you think you know, kennedy," you scowl at him, and though it spooks him just a little, he tries to seem unphased.
he frowns, not hurt by your words but definitely concerned that you'll make a bad partner, "you don't need to be this hostile. we're allies. we're supposed to have each other's backs."
"right..." your voice echos, and leon knows that if it came down to it, you wouldn't protect him, wouldn't save him, would barely help him. he's practically on his own for this mission, just has an extra body with him to shoot at the bad guys.
it hurts, to some degree, because even without knowing you well, and even with you being cold and rude to him, he knows he'd come to your rescue in a heartbeat. something about him feels fond of you, even though in your entire time knowing leon kennedy, you haven't said one nice thing to him.
he thinks that maybe he likes that you've never been nice to him. he doesn't really know what to do with that thought.
leon is proved wrong.
despite the harshness of your words, you come to his rescue, fighting off the villager who almost decapitated him with an axe like both of your lives depend on it (because they do).
he watches you fight nervously, but when you come out on top, aside from the gash wound you take to the hip, he feels his heart skip a beat.
"this is what happens when you hurt my partner," you groan, holding your side, trying to speak through the pain even though leon can see the blood seeping between your fingers.
you whisper something in your victim's ear, something leon can't quite make out, before you kill him. leon wonders what it was briefly. he decides it doesn’t matter.
you both breathe a sigh of relief, but it's short lived as you collapse to the ground. you saved him. you got hurt saving him.
"here, let me help you," he mutters, coming over to you, not even stopping to ask if you want his help because he knows you'll say no, "stop fighting me. you're hurt and i need to patch you up."
the pain is agonizing, but even through gritted teeth and tense breaths, you push through it. he has to commend you a little bit, you're tougher than you look.
but when you try to push his hand away, claiming "i'm fine, kennedy," he sees the struggle in your face, hears the hurt in your voice. his heart seems to stop. he's worried, "i can do it myself, you don't have to- fuck, dude, i don't need your help-."
"-just relax, okay? i got you..”
you don't have the strength to push him away, but you know you shouldn't anyway, so you just slouch back against the wall and try to breathe, "fine, just fuckin... hurry up."
"i'm just trying to take care of you. we're partners, right? i gotta look out for you," he smiles, trying to lighten the mood even slightly. he wishes that this would be the time the barriers come down, that those skyscraper walls that prevented him from coming any closer to you emotionally could come crashing down, if only for a moment.
"you don't have to do anything. you're choosing to put yourself in danger to help me," you groan as you lean back, looking up at the ceiling, "suprised that no one's tried to take advantage of your willingness to help before."
"someone did," he mutters annoyedly, focusing more on the wound then it being your wound, on your body. his eyebrows, almost naturally furrowed from years of stress, somehow make his face even more sad to gaze upon. it's not that he's unattractive, far from it, but he's... worn. tired. a piece of your heart, no matter how far you keep away from him, aches in sympathy.
leon carries you back to the safe room, a hideout you both are using to rest and recover in while you plot your next move. he lays his jacket on the ground to at least give you something comfortable to lie on. you don't look comfortable, but he can't do anything else to help you.
he looks through his things, trying to concoct something that will at least make you feel a little bit better. he finds a first aid spray, and his heart jumps out of his chest in excitement. he uses it to take care of your wound, and waits for you to wake up from your unconscious state.
he decides to go back out, hoping to maybe find some other things to help you both on your mission. he knows you'll berate him for leaving on his own, risking his own life needlessly. but god if he didn't imagine what it would be like if he found something you could really use, and watch your eyes light up. even if you didn't like him, you'd be happy. he wants to see you smile, to praise him for a job well done.
he cringes at how pathetic it sounds, but he sets off either way, leaving you wrapped in his jacket with a note from him saying what he's doing.
he doesn't do it intentionally. at least... not the first time. genuinely, he just wanted to check up on you, make sure you were alive and breathing and safe. and you definitely were.
he doesn't know why its so hypnotizing, why he can't put his goddamn phone away with the stupid security app on it. of course it's you, though. you're hypnotizing.
he watches every pixel, every distorted view of you touching yourself in the safe room, obviously unaware that he could... see this. he's glad there's no audio, or else he'd be unable to control himself, even in an abandoned building surrounded by zombies. maybe its the years that haven hardened him, burned the fear out of his soul and numbed him to the presence of those things, but he doesn't feel anything but uncontrollable desire right now.
have you been doing it the whole time? you both had spilt off from each other multiple times, and he would almost be upset at the idea that every time he was fighting for his life and barely, barely winning that fight each time, you were getting off a couple hundred feet from him in another room... if it wasn't so fucking hot to watch you masturbate.
he keeps watching until he notices that you're having an orgasm, body twitching and your chest heaving up and down as you take deep breathes. it's so fucking sexy, leon probably could have cum on the spot if he watched anymore.
you keep doing it. he keeps watching it. over the course of the mission (of course he had to be stuck on a long, secluded recon mission with you of all people) he's watched you too many times. he doesn't think he has enough fingers to count how many times, which either means he's been on this mission longer than he thought or you have a fucking addiction. he's almost kind of impressed at how efficient you are. takes you 10 minutes tops, and then you just get back up and keep on trucking? his sentimental, post-nut ass could never.
and, though you recovered from your wound, you haven't displayed any sense of gratitude for leon taking care of you when you passed out after getting hurt. not that he expects it, truthfully. you saved his life, he saved yours. you were even.
he just doesn't feel like he's broken any new ground. he feels like, if anything, you feel even further away, emotionally. he's about had it.
"hey, we need to talk," he says, ominously; he doesn't intend it to be so, "i understand you don't like me. it's fine. i don't even care anymore. but i am tired of you talking to me like i'm a pushover."
you look over at him, reloading your gun with a displeased look on your face. leon hates the inner urge he has to cave and apologize to you, as if his body would rather give up any sense of dignity he still has in favor of being slightly more tolerable to you.
"well? are you going to say something?"
you scoff, looking away, "didn't know you were so fucking sensitive, kennedy," and you turn around, ready to walk out, before he snaps, "this isn't a pleasure trip. sorry you're not having a good time."
"clearly you're having a good time with all the pleasure you're giving yourself while i'm trying not to die."
he stops. panicking. trying to think of how to spin the words he just said and make it not sound like he knew every tell you had when you were about to cum or exactly how you touch yourself in order to get yourself off quickly.
you stop as well. and you look back at him with this expression on your face that is completely unreadable.
maybe it wasn't the best move to reveal the only card he had left to play if it mean he would get this reaction out of you considering that, again, you so clearly do not like him.
... right?
"what... did you say, kennedy?" you ask, pure venom in your voice. it's not a question, you so clearly heard him correctly.
"i- i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that-"
"have you been watching me?" you take a step closer, eyes boring into his soul so intensely he can't make eye contact. he has no way out of this situation. he feels out of breath, nervous, god why are you getting so close to him? "answer me, leon," not kennedy, leon, "have you been watching me masturbate?"
he looks up, trying to keep himself from making eye contact. he knows the second he looks into your eyes, he will be putty in your hands, free for you to mold into whatever you'd like. he knows you're not looking at him with distain like usual, it's something else.
something hungry.
"yeah," he breathes, barely getting the world out at all. you take a deep breath, as if you're debating what you're going to do.
"what you did was wrong, you see that, right?"
"yes, i know, but-"
you scoff, annoyed. god why in this moment, just inches away from you, you notice the moles on his neck, the angle of his jaw, the entrancing aura of his eyes. it's so damn distracting, and you have to pull yourself together, "but nothing. you watched me without my consent, you got off on it, didn't you?"
"god, you're making it sound so bad, i... i'm sorry, okay? how can i make it up to you?" he asks, trying so damn hard as always to please.
this is where you come to realize that maybe you didn't hate leon kennedy all this time. maybe you found yourself too comfortable, too at ease in his presence. maybe he was safe and sweet and gentle and it didn't sit right because nothing in a world with zombies and bioweapons and cults and parasites was gentle. but leon is.
you look down, considering your options, "i have an idea. you're free to refuse and we go back to before, and you get nothing from me. do you want to hear it?"
you take a breath, going for it, "i’ll be… blunt. if you couldn’t tell, i’m a bit.. insatiable. i need something to get myself off now that i’m getting bored of my own hands out here. you help me, and i’ll forgive you for watching me.”
his thoughts stop. he genuinely can’t put together a coherent thought, what did you mean? "are you.. are you fucking serious? you barely speak to me, every time you do speak to me you act like i'm the scum of the earth, you act like i'm not here when i saved your ass and carried you and patched you up, i-”
you cut him off with a kiss. it’s not gentle, it’s rough and messy and your fingers dig into the skin of his cheeks, leaving him red and breathless. he finally gets it. you don’t want him to help you, you want to use him.
he lets you push him down, pin his body to the wall as you kiss him breathless. he lets you dig your nails into his neck even if it hurts. he lets you touch and kiss him as rough or as gentle as you like. and you don’t like being gentle, clearly.
“use me,” he whispers between kisses, and when you pull away, eyeing him intently, as if urging him to explain himself, he does, “do whatever you want. just keep going until you’re satisfied. don’t… don’t hold back. whatever pleases you… i want that. i want to please you.”
“awh, you just want me to be happy with you, don’t you?” you coo at him, endeared by his selflessness. truly a good man in a bad world, “that’s all you’ve ever wanted, hm? for me to like you?”
his resolve cracks just a little bit more, “uhm, yeah…” he his voice is shaky, unsteady, and he just needs to give in.
“then you’re going to let me do this every single time in horny and need something to get myself off. i’m going to do whatever i want to you, and i’m not going to ask. you’re just going to let me. if you don’t, then we go right back to being enemies, and you really don’t want that, right?”
he stutters aimlessly, his knees going weak. he’d truly be done for if you weren’t hold him up with a strength he did not know you had.
and you just keep going, “i’m not going to ask or care if it’s a bad time. i want it to be inconvenient, uncomfortable, ill-timed. i want it to be permanently in your head that i can have you whenever i want you. that i can do whatever i want to you.”
“only i get to have you, got it?”
“g-got it,” he mutters weakly, feeling your hands on him, touching him in places he hasn’t been touched in a while. he didn’t realize how desperate he was.
“only i get to touch you, only i… get to fuck you.”
he nods helplessly.
“it’s too bad i didn’t bring a dildo in my bag when we set off for this mission, because i would so fuck you with it until you’re seeing stars and apologizing for going behind my back… but i suppose i’ll just have to satisfy myself with your cock…”
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ianthoni · 16 days
wdym he came out like for real? or was it just a joke im so lost in not a member lol
Ok first of all it's absolutely not a joke this live had too many Ian implying he's queer moments (imo)
In this context he didn't directly come out and said I'm queer but he implied he doesn't look queer enough/not looking visibly queer and he asked for advice on how he'd look more queer. The subject was meeting people at the bar/going on a date to a bar Ian said it's so 80s it doesn't happen now and someone said "i meet people at the bars always, cause I'm visibly queer and hot" and Ian got so loud he said "we can't all he visibly queer and hot, it doesn't work that way for some of us" like he was angry but then Anthony said if "i think you could be visibly queer easily" And Ian was literally happy about it he was giggling while saying "me? really? You think so? Thanks man." with the biggest grin and then he asked "what do you think it'd take for me to be visibly queer? Should i wear a second chain? Should i cuff my jeans?" Which literally he's doing already?? And Anthony was giving him advice saying you should cuff your jeans and Ian said they're all tailored to me 😭 and the crew was giving him advice from the back to saying septum piercing, dangly earrings etc. This went like 1.5-2 minutes and in the end Anthony said i think if you just painted your nails to bright colors that'd be enough lmao and then Ian said "AND THEN PEOPLE WOULD START HITTING ON ME AT THE BAR?" and Anthony said if you went there (as in gay bar in this context) yeah, and you look hot yeah. Cause he's already queer. I SWEAR I'M NOT CRAZY.
The thing for me is no one looked shocked because Ian said "i don't look visibly queer" or tried to take advice on how to look visibly queer. He was basically saying people weren't hitting on him because he doesn't look queer enough. He was not asking cause he wanted to hit on a woman like why would he want to look queer to date a woman, he even told a story how only one woman hit on him before she flirted with him asking for drinks and he said "no thank you" like? Ok then. So yeah no one was shocked or scared he's talking about this subject everyone was genuinely giving him advice, Anthony, Erin, probably Mallory they were just sincerely trying to make him more visibly gay. So i think he is coming out without coming out. Soft launching if you will.
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sugar-omi · 3 months
I hate myself for thinking this but, what if MC finds out she’s pregnant and the first thing in her mind is that she’s fucking up Cove’s future. So instead of telling him she just breaks up with him and shuts herself away from him so he can’t convince her that they’ll work it out. Now Cove has no clue why the love of his life just broke his poor heart. Skip to five years later, Cove comes back to surprise visit his dad but surprise there’s MC, Cliff and a little five year old boy that looks way too much like Cove. Like I’m talking copy and paste that’s a little Cove
oh my fucking god.... i. pls i have some thoughts but also OUCH. BIG OUCH
mmm i'm not gonna make a full fic/detailed post... maybe later if we're all itching for some angst or i'm up for causing more heart ache n then i am very much open to expanding on this (already thinking abt cove getting to know his son.... omfg my heart HURTS)
but i wonder how MC "gets away" (for lack 'a better words) with not telling cove about the kid.
because i can tell you right now, cliff and kyra can't know about it and keep it a secret. not for 5 years at least.
so does she beg everyone in her family to keep it a secret? i think that's the best bet. moms would really prefer Not to keep it a secret, but they also can't force you to tell cove...
but i also don't see them letting 5 years without cove at least knowing, go by either... they'd try to keep the secret, but seeing cove's sad face would break them quickly, if not instantly.
also your friends!!! god, they can not keep a secrete to save their life, especially that big. so you can tell them, but expect the news to find its way back to cove in about.. mmm... 4 hours? so yeah....
anyway!!! lets say that your family kept the secret...
i think your son would eventually start asking about his dad. he sees how you and your family react to him, hears all the mumbling about how he looks so much like... "cove"? when you think he's in the other room.
and he sees how sometimes you look sad and how you slowly and tenderly run your fingers through his hair. and how sometimes you tell him "yknow, daddy has hair just like yours."
and when he asks why you're sad, if you respond with something along the lines of "you look just like your dad, thats all."
or even if you say that in response when he asks what his dad looks like (if you haven't shown him pictures), or if he overhears you saying he looks like this "cove" guy
you notice he starts looking at himself more often... maybe even asking, "does daddy have green hair like mine?" "are his eyes really blue, just like mine?" "does he wear glasses too?" and still in awe that he and this man he's never met, but already seems to adore him (as much as a toddler can adore someone they don't know), share the same features.
and if you show him pictures of cove, which i hope you do, but if you don't, don't worry because your son will probably realize "he has green hair like me!!!!" and he'd either run up to enthuse about it or run up to ask him if he's his daddy bc they have the same hair color... or just call him daddy n if anyone tries to argue about it, wdym?! they have the same hair color, what more do you need?!
so hopefully, cove is the only man with specifically seafoam green hair. otherwise, you're shitting yourself every time your son runs off to meet his green-haired-brethern
anyway. I think all your sons questions, and seeing pictures, knowing that he shares so many traits with cove, and seeing you miss him.
oh god, seeing you sad would make him insist so so much on seeing cove.
"if we meet daddy, will you be happy again?"
also can't believe I almost forgot.. your son being sad about not having a dad, and being jealous of other kids for spending time with their dad, etc.
he'd ask you questions about why he doesn't have a dad, n if he does. why isn't he around? and a real heartbreaker.. does daddy hate him? does he not love him? is that why he isn't here?
so I guess that means it's time to go back to sunset bird! and finally explain why you moved away n never looked back, and why you don't talk to anyone but your parents from back then...
now I won't get into everything right now (im a fuckin liar. I can feel a tangent coming on)
but I wanna talk abt how cove would feel, just a bit, and how I think your future with him would look...
I think at first, he'd be really shocked, seeing this carbon copy of his much younger self. the only thing telling him that his 4-5 year old self didn't jump out of one of his many childhood pictures,
is any birthmarks or beauty marks that maybe you have, or the boys hair being curlier than his, or his skin tone, or maybe he has your nose. whatever it is, he knows he's looking at the imperfect combination of you and him.
(cove's heart is beating outta his chest right now, n you're lucky he only stumbles instead of fainting, because this really is a shock... but that deeper part inside of him, that egotistical, primal almost, part of his heart swells up at the thought, the reality. that his son looks mostly, if not entirely like him.)
but after shock, he's sad. I think he'd be really sad, because he realizes that this is why you broke up right? and no matter how in control of your emotions you think you may be, your wide eyes show how afraid, nervous, and sad you are. he knows. he knows without even talking to you and it hurts
and after he gets past the anger and confusion stage, maybe even in between in fact- which would be more natural since, I think he'd feel this all at once but that's besides the point
he'd be really sad he missed all his sons milestones. walking, first words... God he probably dreams about it (when he does eventually fall asleep), and now his heart is tugging at the seams and the seams are RIPPING.
he also starts thinking about how hard it must've been doing it by yourself. and going through all that without him, your partner.
but maybe you didn't rely on him like he relied on you? maybe you didn't trust him like he did you, maybe you just... didn't need him. like he needed you.
you did break up afterall, and you never let him know about the kid until now, so maybe you thought he'd be a failure of a father and nipped it in the bud before disaster struck...
but I also think that's where anger comes in. because you didn't tell him. he didn't have a choice at all.
he knows he had a tendency to hesitate or run away, but he thinks really hard about it, and he knows he wouldn't have ran away from this.
leaving you alone would scare him a lot more than being a father. being a bad or absent father would scare him a lot more than trying to be a good one. knowingly abandoning a life he helped create, would scare him so much more. he wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise.
so while he gets it. he doesn't get why you didn't try.
and if you explain that you worried about ruining his future, he's so upset and so mad because how could you make that choice for him? how could you take on the burden alone?
this is also where confusion merges in, because while the answers are so obvious or easy to guess, he just can't believe it. he doesn't wanna believe it...
now about your future...
cove still loves you. he's loved you his whole life, it's hard to stop even 5 years later... and seeing you, it makes his heart throb because he's dreamed about this for many nights.
you broke up with him without giving any answers. you even up and moved by the end of the week so when he tried to give you space, before talking to you, it was too late. your room was pretty much void of every sign of life.
you took all your treasured items, your clothes- spare some youd been meaning to get rid of, your pictures, your hobby items. everything. he's surprised you didn't just take the bed and frame.
he's surprised you didn't just carve out his heart n take it with you, because if it's still in his chest, why does it feel so hollow?...
it'd take a really long time to even think of a romantic relationship. if at all. maybe cove's even accepted the break up at some point, depending on how long you'd been together. but if you'd been together since you were 13, it's a hard pill to swallow. bc you can put up with his angsty teenage self, what changed...?
I think seeing you be a parent, and so adored by your son, warms up his heart. makes him fall in love a bit at the sight.
it's not instant, he's getting to know you again. and getting to know this life that he didn't even know was waiting for him.
it's a good 2 or 3 years of figuring out this mess until it becomes something that makes sense. or as much sense as it can make. and if there's still something there, no matter how miniscule. it will catch fire.
now about the kiddo... he's so scared. and I hope you took a few days of talking with cove, and prbly cliff n Kyra bc they have a lotta feelings n thoughts on this too, before you try to integrate cove into his life.
it's small. cove meeting you at the park, and either your son is asking cove a billion questions (both abt why the sky is blue, and awkward questions abt why he wasn't present before...)
or he's trying to drag him on the monkey bars (doesn't work, cove's feet are on the ground still....)
or he's sitting silently on the blanket, reading, occasionally showing cove his favorite scene of the picture book or making him pronounce a word
but it does get bigger, it becomes lunch-n-movie dates, spending the night at your house (at your son's insistence. prbly bc he didn't want him to leave after a fun day), then cove taking him out alone..
it's a lot. and sometimes it feels like you're going backwards or that you're not moving at all because it's hard, for awhile. and even though his dad is on speed dial, there's not enough information he can give cove in how to take care of and deal with a kid he just met a few months ago.
especially a kid who already has a bit of personality, is hell on wheels (like most 5 year olds), possibly has many questions n sometimes problems with cove suddenly being here... it's a lot. n cliff can't help with any of it really.
he does get comfortable, eventually. although there's still times when he's sad, sometimes even angry about what happened, and all he's missed out on, he's so so happy to not miss out on anything else.
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jackhues · 4 months
that first goal feeling - (b's version)
note: this takes place on JAN/20/24
buttercup's world! au masterlist
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liked by _connorbedard, stephmarner, alexned_ & others
buttercupsworld: yeah okay i know what y'all are thinking.... bee the pens didn't win, why are you posting?? well this one isn't for the pens, it's for this kid my dad used to babysit
shoutout brendan for getting your first nhl goal, it was a beauty and i may have even cried a bit. i'd like you to publicly thank me for cheering you on because i got many dirty looks by some fans of your team and i didn't let that stop me. i'd also like some chocolate, that'd be very good. also i'd like to be thanked for being such a good photographer.
anyways, enjoy that first goal feeling brenny. i know i did <3
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brendan.brisson: aw man you didn't put that picture where i threw you in the pool -> buttercupsworld: I CAN'T FIND IT ANYMORE -> brendan.brisson: WDYM YOU CAN'T FIND IT?? -> buttercupsworld: IT'S PRINTED OUT AND IN SOME ALBUM BUT IDK WHICH ALBUM -> brendan.brisson: oh phew. i thought you deadass lost that pic -> buttercupsworld: i gotta make multiple copies of that. it's the most iconic pic ever -> brendan.brisson: it's got you and me, nothing's more iconic than that
brendan.brisson: this is me publicly thanking my favourite little sister for one: cheering me on for my first goal even though she was wearing a pens jersey. two: being the best photographer i've ever known. and three: getting me some ice cream after the game -> buttercupsworld: it's a good start, we'll work on it for your next goal
mackinnon.29: i don't remember this for my first goal -> brendan.brisson: it's not ur day go away -> buttercupsworld: nate i didn't even have ig back then
marner_93: on second thought, idk if you could be the pens admin. you can't post stuff like this on the pens account -> buttercupsworld: that's why this account exists
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @mysticaldonkey ,  @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91  , @moldenhauers, @hischierdevils, @jackhughesily , @panarin10 , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes ,  @mitchymainer ,  @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj , @fandom-oneshots-etc , @ajbird18 , @cherrysodadevils , @cixrosie , @iikximii , @xcicix , @wbkz3gras , @cole-mcward48 , @starjoyyy , @eagerkya , @idontlikelizards , @trevzeags11 , @al-lie-cat , @kjohnson-91 , @bitchy55 , @privatemythss
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isa-ghost · 2 months
*grabby hands desire more qphilza headcanons*
qPhil headcanons masterlist
He hates it bc he hates the quiet and feeling vulnerable n bored but sometimes this idiot really needs alone time. Whether it's to think or to do something Just for him or to self-care or something else, he needs some Him Time. And between being a dad of two, several people's confidant, a Horrors(tm) magnet, and just generally a self-negligent dumbass, he rarely gets any.
Another hypocritical thing he does: Complains he needs xyz (a break, rest, some kinda need met, etc) but whenever someone else tells him he needs xyz he's like What No I Don't I'm Fine And Functional Wdym. It's like the second someone is caring for him rather than him finally caring for himself, he's suddenly allergic to care at all
"Thanks I hate it" <- loves it very much or thinks it's hilarious unless it's a legitimately bad thing. Says this to Fit A Lot
He's the epitome of "Fine I'll do it. But I'm gonna complain the whole time." And depending on what it is, he ends up genuinely enjoying himself
Boating unironically de-stresses him. Though nowadays he can't help but think back to the Purgatory insanity he heard while at sea Day 1. 50/50 if he laughs about it or gets a pit in his stomach thinking about the trauma
From all his sleeping in that stupid fucking chair in the bunker, motherfucker's back sounds like bubblewrap sometimes
He has to sleep on his stomach bc sleeping on his wings BIG OUCH uncomfortable. At best, they just fall asleep. At worst they're in unbearable pain.
He's extremely paranoid after Chayanne's 3 day fight with EK that EK will possess Chayanne next or go after him first whenever he returns
At this point he barely thinks Cucurucho is a threat. More so a semi-annoying pathetic little weirdo with an obscene amount of power
He misses the old spawn bakery. The new one's kinda whatever. Too boujee. The old spawn one was not only a short walk from home, but also cozy and had character. Also he misses being able to prank it.
He also has beef with the use of gold for decor in new spawn bc shiny surface sometimes blanks/distracts his crow brain.
He (used to, been kinda difficult to post-Purgatory for misc reasons) go to Cellbit to give him pics & info on happenings/enigmas on the island. Now his go-to is Bagi (he sees her more), but like. He never Goes To Bagi. She just so happens to bump into him when he has something he needs to talk to her about or give to her
Missa occasionally gives him really good back massages that melt him into a puddle. They're rare bc a) Missa's away a lot and b) his back is very sensitive and in pain more often than not
Every once in a while he gets tea cravings and he hates it
Good god this man is not a morning person. His body just simply won't let him sleep last like 10am and he hates it.
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youuuimeanmee · 5 months
Noragami Final Chapter Thoughts
You know what? I'm used to it.
I'm used to have exceptionally well-written manga get cut off or deadline-d to finish at certain point of time (usually by the publisher's order) when the authors still have so, so, SO much more left to give, so in the end they have no choice but to rush the final chapter.
Shingeki no Kyojin, Promised Neverland, Nisekoi, other mangas I forgot to name. And this manga. For such a long-running series with deep lore, they all could use a special volume (200+ pages) as an epilogue, not a 45-pages speedrun of everyone's everafter. I wish more series could follow Mob Psycho's example. Some say Mob Pycho Season 3 is too long, it needs to be more compact etc, but I don't think so at all. I think it's perfect the way it is -- it's a fulfilling send-off for all the characters we love so much. I wish more series would get their ending like that, but what can I say about Japanese manga industry.
And there's also Adachitoka's health to consider too. In which case, I'd say they did their best, and I'm really thankful for them for being able to deliver this series safely.
In short, I already expected this chapter to be a speedrun. Because of that, my experience when I read this chapter is better than I expected.
Maybe because I've learned my lessons for not making theory too much, so I don't have certain expectations that'd cloud my judgement.
With no deep thoughts when reading, let's go dive in.
The PUNS it still gets me. Yukine's sister calling Haruki's name while watching a tree that blossoms in spring is 😭😭😭
Ayoo he can change to a dog still? My poor baby 😭
I guess this is his punishment for wrecking havoc in the human world and disturbing the Heaven? But like, he was clearly under the influence of trashdad?? He's not really at fault?? Is this author's message that we shouldn't justify his action just because we understood his reasons?? But still. That's too cruel for doing it for your own main character.
I know shinkis that were left behind by their master would retain their name after the master's death, but still. To think Izanami's power is still working on Yukine after the Kotonoha is destroyed. This is tragedy.
Daww that's nicee. Hiyori as an intern!
Damn, she really forgot everything. This is for the best though, she already died once when she got too close with the far shore; I'm already prepared for this much. Maybe Yato had finally severed her ties with him and that (along with the cpr) is what allowed Hiyori to return.
Wdym "intense cpr," it's more than intense. It's hella long too. Nobody could perform intense cpr for hours nonstop, unless that person is non-human.
Good to know Yato broke her ribs though, nice work!
Hiyori's missing notebook? Prob taken by Yato or something.
Dafuq. Move along with your "it's me!" wishy-boy. No. This time it's not you who kissed her. You were delirious in some random abandoned building in some random city when Hiyori was dying.
See, this is my nightmare. To have the real Fujisaki Koto as Hiyori's future love interest. Because I know for sure, for so long, that they could bonded with their out-of-body experience when they both lost their memory.
Sorry Koto, 'nothing against the real you, but your alter ego has kinda ruined your image.
Damn, Father's longing for Kaya runs deep in Koto's veins.
BAHAHA, Nice one Coophone. Or Yato. Or Yukine. Or whatever tf Hiyori's guardian is.
Aww man I didn't see Nana. She'd love to have a picnic with both Bishamon and Arahabaki! Is it because she was infected with GGS, or is it simply her turn to watch over the house? I hope it's the latter.
I wish the Gods would talk more about Yato's miracles, including about Hiyori. She is literally the glue that help stick these guys together. Without her, they wouldn't even know about Father's Liberation ability.
Heck, forget about Yatori. I wanna hear the Gods reminscing about their situations & conditions after the incident. But alas.
Oh well. This is something I've learned to let go.
Woow Kunimi looks young! Does he finally have a vacation?? Lol
Ebisu's voice got deeper? He still looks like a baby to me. Is he a baby 12-yo?
It's real nice to see the 3 reincarnated gods! Though I coulnd't care less abt them,even tho i know they have main character energy
Oh. my God. TakeKiun is really sailingg Look at dem. Matching clothes and soft smiles and all dat shit 🥺🥺🥺
Um, okay. It's good and all that each mortal has their own version about what happened at that time, but like,
Weren't people DIED???
I thought many people died!! Getting slashed by Gods!! Why is it not covered on the national news-
(myb when Father's "nation" returned to the underworld, the souls who were lost were also returned to its vessel somehow?)
Nope, nevermind. Just don't think too deeply about it. Moving on.
BISHAAA it's good to see her in great health!
Though I really wanna know, how is her relationship with the Heaven and the other Gods after that fiasco, how she feels abt Father's defeat, etc--
NOPE. Don't thinkabout it. Just moveon.
Here I thought Yato was gonna get a reward from Amaterasu for slaying "something that doesn't belong on this Earth." Oh well. Guess Amaterasu is hella stingy like that.
Why Yukine seems like he got even smaller though. Is it the changing art style? He looks more baby than ever.
Wait, they got a whole proper room to sleep? Is this their old room in Kofuku's house?? I thought since Yukine is infected by GGS, Kofuku stayed the hell away from Yukine, but that doesn't seem like the case?
Maybe Kofuku-Daikoku are the one who abandoned the shop; leaving it for Yato and Yukine to stay in? We'll never know.
(Now where is Kofuku's new address, I need to know)
Since Yukine is infected by GGS and always in constant nightmare, I'd like to believe Kazuma is experiencing the same thing; in order to separate him from the rest of the clan, now Kazuma sleeps with Bishamon every night. Lucky bastard.
That is so touching of Yato for comforting his sobbing child every night, but I wish we got a glimpse of his reminisce with his now-gone Father.
Oh wooww the dude finally stopped playing around. I thought he didn't have the guts to cut Hiyori's ties, turns out he really cut itt. No wonder Hiyori forgot about him for 10 years.
(Though I don't think she forgot completely either. Yato might not be in her head anymore, but he's still in her heart)
Adachitoka-san. Are you trying to tell ME this teke-teke thing is way more viral than the mass of unnatural, unknown deaths???
Is it because there's no death at all???
*sighs.* Anyways.
Aww Nora is now staying at Iki's household, happier than ever 🥺
Oh so that's where Hiyori's notebook goes.
Wait, Iki household creeps Hiyori out? Why? Is it because she was traumatized by her grandma's death? (Does she even remember that?) Is it because she faintly remembered the way Nora broke her house's windows? Or is it because she could sense Nora's presence and it icks her? I hope it's not the latter ☹️
I'm happy Nora is finally a happy child, but, Yukine? What about my son Yukine, who is no longer a pure soul, who could no longer sleep peacefully every night. Where is Nora's apology for leading Yukine to Father huh? Where is her apology for (indirectly) turning Yukine into who he is today? I guess it happens off-screen, we'll never know.
Wdym "the night has a scent."
"Night" is using the same kanji as Yato's name, 夜. She is remembering his smell from the nightt, peoplee
(The night when he kissed her prob)
The power of the match-matching ema hunged by Ookuninushi is really strong, huh. Hiyori managed to remember Yato again, despite her already-severed-ties with Yato.
(or maybe not. I guess their fate really IS intertwined, knowing their first meeting)
I kinda wish Hiyori would remember Yato much later, like, in her 40s when she already has kids on her own, but hey, the sooner she remembers him, the longer he'd stay on this Earth so I'd still consider it a win!
Tbh, a part of me don't want her to get involved with far shore like she did in the past, but a part of me also wants her to snuggle between Yato and Yukine's arms after her work hours end. Dilemma.
Now I need Hiyori's journey to become one hell of a rich doctor so she could build a proper shrine for Yato so she and her family could pray together every morning, because she claimed it's Yatogami who saved her life that day. She'd make dinner for Yato and Yukine and eat with them every evening while her family acknowledge it as her night-praying-time. She'd tell her family, her future husband, and her future children about the legend of Yato (she'd exaggerate it a lot) and the next thing she knows, Yato have already has a devoted followers. Oh, and she'd often visited Bisha's shrine, Kofuku's, Ebisu's, all gods associated with Yato.
That's it folks. I rarely do my thoughts about Noragami, but I do read it religiously regularly each month. This manga has already become my comfort manga no matter how angsty it is, so it's gonna be hard to part with it, after all this time. Maybe for next month I'm gonna restart from chapter 1, one chapter per month.
I do have to say though, usually when I read a series with unsatisfactory ending, it leaves a bad taste in mouth. Somehow this chapter don't feel like that at all. I don't know why. I still look at this chapter and all the previous ones with fondness.
I wanna dream that 1-2 years from now, Adachitoka would release a 200-pages of Noragami epilogue -- which I know it's impossible, but hey, let the girl dream. I'm also looking forward for the extra komas, if there's any.
It's been a good time with you all 🤗👋
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Could you do a stray kids reaction to their gf or s/o being flirtatious with women when tipsy? Love your writing
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stray kids reaction to their s/o being drunk + flirting with women
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genre: crack!!!, hint of suggestive
word count: 0.8k
warnings: mentions of alcohol/being drunk, suggestive in seungmin's part
author's notes: thanks for the request, hope this is to your liking. have fun reading and enjoy! <3
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he wouldn't mind it as much compared to if you flirted with a guy. idk he's the type to not be too bothered by other women because he simply doesn't compare himself to them. whereas if you were flirting with a man he might be like 'oh... is he better than me? he's more handsome than me, damn it' etc etc you get the idea. but when he catches you talking up some chic at the club he just laughs knowingly and watches on whilst drinking his own drink. he knows you're always like this when you are drunk anyways.
lee know
similarly to the previous drunk reactions, lee know would find it pretty hilarious! he would record and take videos of you flirting with another woman to show to you when you are sober. he would get you two together and be like "pose for me" as both you and the girl pull this sort of face 🤪 together. then he just sort of leaves you to it, joining his friends and pointing to you, saying "oh i've been ditched by my girlfriend for tonight, she's found her own all by herself!"
well you'd just be flirting with him and suddenly you see this beautiful girl and your face is like 😍 and his face is like 🤨 as he watches you leave him to go talk to her. he is so confused he's like??? THE AUDACITY????? totally lectures you about it on the car ride home. "y/nnnn you shouldn't be flirting with other people! not even other women! you are mine, mine only," he says with a pout. "and to think i bought all your drinks just before you went off and-" he realises you had fallen asleep during his rant.
hyunjin is just standing there like 'what about me?? :0' regardless of gender, he only wants you flirting with him. so when he sees you completely throwing yourself at some girl you just met he pouts and probably goes to sulk in a corner somewhere lol. when you come back to him, he gives you as much sass as he can possibly muster. "is she prettier than me then, hmm?" which would make you giggle in response before giving him a smooch on the cheek. "yeah she is actuall- NO hyunjin please come back i was only jokiinnnnnng~" "yeah whatever"
hannie is extremely amused as he watches you stumble up to this 10/10 woman. like, she is gorgeous. neither of you would be able to pull her. especially if you were drunk of your head. "wassup gorl, wanna d-aaddaance?" you slur your words as you talk to her, trying to remain balanced. han is fighting back tears of laughter whilst watching you get rejected for the tenth time that night. you trudge back to him, sad. "she doesn't like me" you pout. he chuckles and puts an arm around you. "well its a good thing you have a boyfriend who does."
felix has both your drinks in his hands as he watches on to you dancing with some random girl. he probably ends up drinking both drinks because you guys were dancing together for a looonnnngggg time. when you come back to him, breathless and smiling and tipsy as hell, he says with a spike of jealousy "you know i could've danced with you you know?" "yeah but you don't dance like her" which just makes his jaw drop and he's like "BITCH I'M A FULL-TIME DANCER WDYM??" while you giggle like a maniac at his response.
like if you were full-on flirting with him in public to the point where its uncomfortable, he just doesn't know what to do or say. but he would rather you be flirting with him like this rather than anyone else take his place. he's furious when he finds you getting all touchy with a girl by the bar area. "y/n what are you doing?" he asks plainly, making you retort in drunk defence, "hey, you said you didn't like me flirting with you so much and i have to have my fun so-" "if you want someone, it should be me," and with that, he takes you firmly by the wrist and leads you out of the club. he's going to have to teach you a lesson tonight.
he's kind of a shy boy in this situation. he says hi to the pretty girl your talking to and sort of makes eyes at you that screams 'what are you doing' but he never actually does anything. partly because he doesn't want to spoil your fun and partly because he is lowkey intimidated by the beautiful woman you are now with. he just keeps to himself for the night, or hangs with his friends, but he will glance at you from time to time just to make sure you're ok.
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yourthirdparent · 5 months
OH MY GOD okay so a beloved follower of mine sent me an ask about my tristan mclean headcanons like in december but i accidentally deleted !!!!!!! the fuckcing ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i'm making it a post. hope you don't mind. also sorry for the wait
most of my thoughts are things i can not share on this blog (this is the Normal blog for Normal things and not the fucked up torture i subject this man to on a regular basis. tbf i hardly post about it on the Bad Posts blog either but like still. can share it on ao3 though check out sleep by imjustheretoreadonefic (don't do that it's not good)) but you can ask about that (if you want, which you probably won't because it is not most people's thing lmao) on my sideblog, yourfourthparent!! BUTBUTBUT i do have some thoughts and headcanons and such that are at the very least decently presentable!!!!
starting off first: i think he's bi! i think he figured out he was bi when he was pretty young (probably somewhere in his teenage years, probably like 15 max) and when he was in his 20s he was very involved in the queer community (his 20s being. in the 80s. sorry.) and was like a big activist. that is until the curse.
the curse being him hitting his big break. stars in some film that wasn't supposed to really blow up but it like Fucking Smashed and suddenly he was like all those guys who do one role and then are suddenly in Everything. cuz he sure is in literally everything. once he starts blowing up ofc he's got folks to help manage his image and at some point they're like haha [lip bite] you gotta stop with that gay shit or straight audiences won't find you marketable. you're already native and folks can hardly handle that let alone you being an active queer activist. you gotta cut that shit out so you can be the next batman or whatever. and tristan's like Well at least i'll make money to support myself and my dying father!
newsflash his father dies of cancer before he gets a chance. tristan's doing his best to avoid thinking about his father's death so he moves out of oklahoma blah blah yk how it goes.
he has piper when he's 33 ! everything's set and he's settled and then piper comes along and like. he's alright. he can handle this. he can be a good father (he's white knuckling the bathroom sink while he says this)
yeah he's terrified of being a shitty father. he does his best to keep her away from the press and keep her Okay for the most part but in order to do that he doesn't get to see her much etc etc. you know. you've read hoo. bleh
when piper starts dating jason he's like Oh cool ! i am about to break down ! cuz like. hey man. he is so not prepared for the reality of The Passage of Time. wdym his daughter is 16. fym tristan's almost fifty. that's so fucked up how is this allowed.
anyways he and jason are like Besties (*shoving my Bad posts to the side*) like they're such good friends they hang out so often even after jason and piper break up they're just Hiding it then. like they have weekly chess meetings and they talk about books and their lives and jason concerns tristan So Much oh my god tristan is so scared for this poor boy What are those tattoos young man Who are these "wolves" that raised you What is this "legion" Are you in a gang Little private school boy are you in a gang. What do you mean your first language is latin.
ngl my obsession with tristan came from my obsession with jason. i made a post like ages ago about how silly it'd be if tristan was jason's gay awakening and i just kept. thinking about them hanging out. and it spiralled and now i'm insane about him sorry. jason will always be my number one but Oohhhhh tristan consumes me.
anyways live tristan reaction when he finds out jason's mom is beryl grace in the middle of showing jason and piper a million old movies (beryl is in one and jason sees her and immediately freezes and tristan's just talking through the movie (hes silly sorry he talks through the whole thing. piper actually likes it because she has a hard time following movies so tristan explaining everything is good but jason is vaguely annoyed by it. he loves tristan to death don't get him wrong it's just that he can't concentrate on the kovie with tristan spitting fun facts a million words a second) when he looks over to see if theyre still watching and he just sees piper fretting over jason who's looking at the screen with a thousand gard stare.
let's go misc things that i want to mention somewhere but don't really fit uhhhh
i have this idea where tristan used to be a drag queen. i don't have any of the details down not a single one but i think about him talking to piper and her friends about the old days when he was a queen. mentions something offhandedly about how he wants to wear more feminine clothing and someone's like "oh are you like. yk. a gamer" and he's like "oh nonono i'm not trans trust me i explored my gender plenty, wore makeup, padded my bra, did drag for a few years, changed my name—" and they're like "you did DRAG ???" and he's like "OH yeah LOLZ i was terrible lol. my team keeps trying to bury it from public view for a reason. those looks were NOT serving !!!!" (he doesn't talk like that but i'm being silly rn)
(you just knoooooow jason was jaw on the floor immediately looking up TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN PERSONA NAME TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN TRISTAN MCLEAN— the SECONDDDD he got a chance. like staring so hard at old ass pictures of tristan doing drag and realising like Oh maybe i am bi. piper dumped him because she found his search history /j)
i think when his father died he cut his hair but then when it started growing long again it reminded him too much of the past that he Didn’t Want To Think About so he just. kept it short. and it's been short ever since. BUTBUTBUT when piper decides she wants to reconnect with her culture (which she's been mostly separate from because of tristan's own avoidance of it due to memories of his childhood and his father and blahblahblah) it sort of motivates him to do it too. like if piper's gonna do it after tristan entirely cut her from their culture then like. he can too. and it was a big part of his life when he was younger so like. he knows shit. i'm not good at this btw sorry i just have ideas UGSFHADGSF but anyways when piper starts reconnecting he decides to do it too and his first step with like Getting Comfortable again is growing his hair out. it's a smaller step yk he just doesn't cut his hair it's nothing active. (ofc when it starts getting properly long he has a few moments. he has to really confront his grief over his father's death and just the fear of that alone is enough to make him want to cut it again. piper stops him before he does but he has a few moments where he questions if it's worth it)
ik i just said earlier that he's not trans but like sometimes. with characters. i have headcanons that complety contradict each other. that is to say Transfem tristan mclean headcanon. she changes her name to t. just T. t wynn mclean. she goes by t cuz it's something she's already used to (jason called her that all the time before she came out).
these are all the ones i have off the top of my head agh pleaseplease feel free to ask more about any of these !!! (or critique them lmao half of them are. things i suck at explaining because they exist only for hyperspecific scenarios wherein nothing happens but tristan talking to jason or piper LMAO) you can also send in your own headcanons about him or jason or piper because EYE WANT TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM RAAAAGHHH seriously there's so little stuff that features him especially and if you have literally anything at all i would lovelovelove to read it all !!!!!!! sorry for deleting the ask btw i really didn't mean to LMAO sorry to my honourary mutual (i'd tag you but i'm afraid of misremembering who it was LMAO sorry mate 💔💔)
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just-pot-over-here · 9 months
man. my problem is that i’ve been obsessive over newsies for years now, but i’ve only recently gotten into the Newsies Fanwork Sphere, and so the side newsies i’ve built in my head are so insanely different than the accepted fanon versions. for example, here are some ideas that i’m Pretty Sure are not in the general newsies canon? but also i wouldn’t know:
wdym mike and ike are teenagers? they are twins who are 9-10 max.
crutchie race and finch are all the same age (17ish)
sniper is a girl (and/or afab nonbinary depending on how silly i’m feeling)
tommy boy and jojo are german w/ heavy accents
mush is a heavier smoker than race
henry is aromantic (but not ace!)
there’s some romantic tension between elmer tommy boy and jojo. nobody knows what that’s about
race is a pseudo caretaker for the littles. (cooking for them, getting them through wash day, making sure they’re all inside for the night, etc.)
the age order goes jack > henry > mush > crutchie > race > finch > elmer > tommy boy > jojo > romeo > sniper > specs > buttons > mike/ike. where’s kid blink? don’t ask me that i dont know
i cannot see anything else as canon bc i’ve built this little world up in my head for YEARS. help.
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