#and 2. we are literally 160+lbs
weight talk below the cut!!
[insert standard caveat that no one has to lose weight or feel pressure to lose weight, everyone gets to make decisions about their own bodies, and choices I make about my body are not an implicit judgment of anyone else’s choices!]
I’ve been working for three years—literally almost to the day—to slowly lose weight and keep it off through sustainable long-term lifestyle changes. three years ago this week I was at my highest weight I’ve ever been and was having all kinds of health irritations that I thought were just the result of turning 30/getting older (I now think they were the result of an extremely sedentary lifestyle combined with fairly heavy drinking combined with a really bad processed food diet). anyway I won’t rehash everything as I’ve def written at length about it before but I started eating a whole food plant-based diet and trying to consistently get an hour or more of physical activity every day. it’s sometimes felt like sloooow going, esp compared to the short-term results I used to get with crash dieting (where you’d lose a bunch of what was almost certainly just water weight by starving yourself, only to rocket right back up to your starting weight or higher within a couple weeks or months). but I’ve made changes to my diet and lifestyle that now three years later just feel like a rock solid part of how I eat and plan my day, and I feel the benefits of them so strongly (and the negative effects when I’m traveling or out of my routines and can’t do them) that I think they’re just like… permanent now. best of all I feel like I’ve spent the three years negotiating ways to be flexible around food so I don’t feel all those strong bad feelings of guilt/shame or deprivation that used to characterize my entire relationship with eating. I can make a cake and eat it without feeling like I have to atone for it afterwards. I can be adaptable when I’m traveling while feeling confident that I’ll be able to reestablish healthy routines once the temporary disruption is over. I can calmly regulate my own emotions around food and make good decisions that will make my body feel good too. and even though losing weight happens really slowly, I track it pretty carefully and that helps me see that 1) it’s a steady downward trend and 2) my weight fluctuates significantly less than it used to, which I think means that I’m basically very slowly lowering my ‘resting weight’ (ie the equilibrium weight my body hovers around even as I fluctuate a couple pounds in either direction throughout my cycle). and that is very cool to see!
May 2020: 199 lbs
May 2021: 183 lbs
May 2022: 175 lbs
May(ish) 2023: 169 lbs
I could probably ‘lose faster’ if I restricted calories more, but I don’t want to! a lot of the research says people can lose up to 1-2 lbs a week for sustainable weight loss but that just hasn’t been my personal experience—if I lose too fast by restricting too much, it comes back and the temporary loss doesn’t seem to shift that resting weight baseline for me at all. whereas losing at this rate (less than a pound per month, but with a slooooow steady downward trend) seems to give my body time to readjust and accept the slightly lower weight as its new normal. this is totally unscientific and purely just personal opinion lol but I feel like, we know that the body doesn’t like change and is always trying to reestablish and maintain homeostasis… so in my mind it’s like well if I bring the weight down so, so gradually maybe my body doesn’t really register it as a change it needs to adjust for. anyway I don’t really care about why it works but it’s working for me.
I don’t really set goals around weight loss anymore (or I’m trying not to) because I don’t want to view it as like, a competition with myself that has a clear end goal, but I think bringing my resting weight to somewhere in the 150-160 range would be ideal for me… I have that sturdy Italian + Irish peasant stock build lol I’m not meant to be waif thin nor do I aspire to be. but 150-155ish is a weight I’ve felt very good/healthy at before and in the longer term (like 1-3 years) it’s the place I’d like to get to. I feel like sustainably losing 50 lbs and making lifestyle changes to keep it off is actually a huge fucking deal and if it takes me six years or so to do it that feels kinda right to me… like of course doing a complete and enduring overhaul of your attitudes and habits/routines around food and physical activity is going to take a long time to really firmly and permanently establish. like it took what, 26+ years to establish pretty fucked up and unhealthy routines/mindsets around food and exercise? so in the grand scheme of things six-ish years is actually really fast. also I am just kind of into the slowness of it all as a concept—like, proving to myself I can conceive of and implement a very long-term transformation of this huge area of my life/identity. I like the idea that you can change any aspect of your habits or attitudes once they are no longer serving you well. it’ll take time and patience to do it but you CAN do it.
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theleafpile · 2 years
tw body image, venting
my step mom has been dealing with some serious health issues and all her life has had difficulty gaining or keeping on weight. if you didn't know her you would think she has ed, she's maybe 5'6 and 110 lbs, very thin. it causes her a lot of distress, especially lately, as she desperately wants to gain weight to look good for her sons upcoming wedding, and I listen and commiserate with her struggles and yearning for a time when she was 120-135lbs.
the difficulty for me comes when I don't even remember being 135lbs. and I know our body types are different, we have different makeup, I get it.
but when I was trying to get into the military, I tried desperately (working out multiple times a day, restrictive eating) to get below 140lbs, and still clocked in at MEPS at 142lbs. I was so disappointed and disgusted with myself.
The only time a boyfriend told me I looked good, like I lost weight (a moment burned into my memory) was when I was severely depressed, without enough money to eat, living with my parents while in grad school, and I was 138lbs.
When I was rejected by the military, I started to gain weight, having no reason to restrict myself to thoroughly and exercise as vigorously. At the job I had for almost three years, during and after that time, I wore a uniform. I reached 168lbs, and at that point the uniform would get tight, so I restricted and dropped and worked out more to stay at about 165lbs. and yes, it made a difference.
I still hated myself though. hated that I could be 20lbs heavier than I was at my best.
then I got engaged. for months before the wedding I worked out almost daily and restricted, and yet nothing budged. not one number on the scale. I got married at 168lbs after months of trying to lose a single pound.
I started to lose weight after the wedding, just a few pounds, but I was over the moon. I wasn't keep track as well then, but I think my lowest got to be about 161, 160. I felt and looked so good compared to what I'd been that the fact I was still in the 160s didn't bother me.
then covid hit.
and overnight, I couldn't go to the gym anymore.
I tried working out at home, taking walks outside, but living on the 3rd floor in a one bedroom apartment limited me in a way I hadn't been limited before.
within a year, my highest weight reached 192lbs.
there were times I had to laugh. I had literally never seen the scale that high. but I was confident that once covid ended I could go back to the gym and lose it all.
then covid never ended.
two years later, I'm at a steady 186lbs. steady as in for a year I've been this exact weight, fluctuating naturally by 2 lbs in either direction. that's as much as I gain or lose naturally, without diet or exercise, just based on what I was doing or eating.
and I hate it.
I hate being my husband's fat wife. I hate only being able to wear a few of my shirts. I hate my double chin. I hate my arms, my thighs, my stomach. I hate my jeans that I've worn holes through because my legs rub together.
When I first reached this weight, I told my step mom how frustrating it was. I cried at her kitchen table.
she told me it's easy to lose weight.
she told me to try harder.
to keep track of nutrients, everything in, everything out. keep track of my activities, how much sleep I'm getting, my daily weight.
and I have. for two years exactly, next month.
haven't lost a pound.
she tells me again. it's easy. just try. just do better. just work out more. just eat less. God, she wishes she had my problems!
this morning I woke up and said, okay. how long does it actually take to lose weight? my husband bought an elliptical machine. we have a punching bag and free weights and a room dedicated solely to exercise. I used it for a week straight, pushing myself every day, and saw zero budge on the scale. zero progress in how I looked or how my clothes fit. so I said, what's the data?
turns out, burning 3500 calories would make you lose one pound.
I would have to do the daily, punishing exercises I was doing 5x a week to burn 500 calories. 500 calories a week.
so in 7 weeks, I might have lost 1 lbs.
7 weeks. a month and a half. for 1 pound.
when I would ideally lose 20. get back to the weight I hated before I knew how much worse it could get.
to lose 6 lbs, to get under 180, would take me 37 weeks. that would put me in June.
June, for 6 pounds.
yes, I know my health could only benefit. yes, I know it shouldn't be about the scale. yes, I know as the ball gets rolling I'll likely be doing more workouts and burn more calories per session. I know I know I know.
that doesn't make it any easier.
it doesn't make working so hard and seeing no changes any easier.
it doesn't fix two years of not working out. it doesn't take away that it took me months to gain 20lbs the moment I stepped away from a gym.
yes, my thyroid is managed. yes, I know what I'm doing. yes, I'm very lucky not to work outside of the home and not have to worry as much about finances and don't you know that people have real stress to worry about, kiddo? don't you know that real people have kids and jobs and you're so lucky and I wish I had your problem and just do it it's so easy JUST DO IT ITS SO EASY WHY ARE YOU STILL FAT ARE YOU EVEN TRYING WHY ARE YOU SO LAZY DONT YOU KNOW PEOPLE HAVE REAL PROBLEMS AND REAL STRESSORS AND YOU HAVE IT SO EASY JUST DO IT
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candle-jill · 3 years
I've been MIA for quite a while here. Lots of things going on...
So... my kids had a covid scare a couple weeks back. That was fun to deal with 🙄😑 (I'm lying. It was not fun - I have been paranoid AF this whole time). The person who thought they might have had it ended up getting a negative result, so we were in the clear!
Then my daughter started school and I got a call from the office two times in the first two weeks. Once because she got stung by a bee (which turned into cellulitis, so she had to go on an antibiotic), and the other was for bumping her head. She was probably over reacting with the head bump and the school just wanted to be safe and inform us (she was fine). But anyway - busy couple of weeks! BUT! The main one - I had breast reduction surgery. I... am cautiously optimistic about my results. I was hoping that more of my recovery time would actually be chilling in bed as a bit of a "vacation," but the first two days were a fog of pain and exhaustion. It's all a bit of a blur. A few of my fears were... 1) waking up during surgery (which I did not do - whew!) 2) the placement of my nipples - many results I've seen have the nipples placed way too high for my personal taste - the the point where they can't wear certain bras or shirts because nips be poppin'. My surgeon gave me the perfect placement as far as I can tell. I'm very relieved with that aspect of the reduction. 3) size of the boobies - 😑 he was very adamant all along that I would end up a small C or a B which I was not overly excited about, but we bow to the whims of the mighty insurance overlords so... I accepted it When I opened up my surgical bra for the first time I saw... some very symmetrical pecs. Really lovely moobs. The nicest little nipple mounds I ever did see. I've only seen results this small on people who are NB going for a "radical reduction." I tried not to freak the fuck out. It already happened, nothing I can do about it now, and if I'm really unhappy, there are always implants, right? So... I started preparing my SO for it. Besides the obvious pain of surgery, it's so so so much easier to move around now. I can use my stomach muscles to sit up without hoisting my shoulders forward. I can breath easier. If I never look at my boobs again then I'd be fine with teeny little baby boobies, but... I was worried about what my partner would think. He's been so incredibly supportive and if it weren't for him there is literally no way I could have done this. Emotional support aside, he's had to take care of the kids on his own (using his vacation time), plus like... his job is what gives us insurance to pay for it to begin with. ANYWAY, I was concerned about his opinion even though he's been super supportive and chill. He looked at them and said, "They're way bigger than what I was expecting. They look proportionate to your shoulders and your frame. It's just-" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, all my fat is in my stomach so I look 7 months pregnant with tiny boobies." "Well... I wasn't going to say it. But yeah. If you lost weight I don't think they'd look that disproportionate at all. They don't now, it's just your stomach that makes them seem small - AND you're probably just used to having bigger ones. But these aren't that small." ^ the weight remarks - that's how we talk. He wasn't insulting me or telling me I need to lose weight. He was stating a fact that I agree with. All my fat *is* in my stomach. I had a thigh gap when I weighed 160 lbs because my legs/thighs are so skinny. I've never worn a pair of leggings that weren't baggy on me. Everything settles into my stomach and boobs. It's just how my body is. ANYWAY After he said they're not that small, I took some pictures so I could compare before and afters and I think they puffed up a bit from the first day. They still need to "drop" yet too. There's enough boob meat that I can't grab all of it with my hand. When I did my measurements I was a 36 D (which isn't actually right because they wouldn't even fill out the C cups I have). But I felt more reassured that they're not as small as I was imagining. I know I have a lot of swelling that needs to go down, and the whole boob healing process is a long one, (plus the bloating from anesthesia and the IV can drop any time please) but I feel much better about it all now. Honestly... not having to worry about nipple placement is the biggest
relief of all. Now it's just keeping an eye out for necrosis or openings in the stitches. 😫 For anyone hanging around for Hit Me, Baby! I am working on the last two chapters concurrently, and I'm actually getting somewhere now that I'm out of the fog of anesthesia. I don't know when I'll update- but I am working on it.
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coldangelpastaland · 4 years
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Day 1: (142lbs) HI I am Zigomi, I am 20 yr old female, Canada, I live alone, in art university, binge eating/restrictive eating disorder for my whole life, sometimes purge, sw:160
Day 2: (141 lbs) I am 5'9", I didn't like my height for most of my life, I had my growth spurt early but now it makes me feel beautiful and modelesque and I can't wait to see what my legs look like in heels when I lose more.
Day 3: (141 lbs) I don't have a picture but my fav thinspo girls are lily rose depp, effy stonem from skins, 90s models, e girls...
Day 4: (???) My biggest fear about losing weight is that when I look in the mirror I see myself way bigger than how I actually look.. Like when my friends take pictures of me I look skinnier than I thought. So I worry that I will never reach a place where I am happy.
Day 5: (???) why do I want to lose weight. It's always been a dream of mine. I just romanticize what my life would be like if I was thinner, like my life would be a movie and I'd be that beautiful girl people stared at. I've never felt like I stood out in anyway in particular, I want to know what it feels like to feel really pretty and wear what I want and be complimented.. Last summer I was at my lowest ever for about a 2 months and I was treated so nicely, met so many cool people, literally had strangers asking me out almost everyday, my clothes were so loose, I miss being treated special.
Day 6: (141 lbs) do I binge? Why? Yes. I have binged my whole life, my mom wouldnt feed us much when we were little so when I was with her it was kinda like the bare minimum for food but when I visited my grandma she would give me whatever I wanted and over feed me, being a kid this was just awesome and I enjoyed the pleasure so much that as I got older and moved in with my grandma I didn't stop binging, I would eat a whole pizza to myself in a sitting, all I could think about was food because in my mind it was a very positive and happy new thing for me, but it got self distructive and I couldn't stop binging until a few months ago (I'm 20 now) and it's all thanks to healthy foods, exercise and ignoring junk food (my enemy)
Day 7: no my grandma doesn't know I wanna lose weight, I try to act as normal as possible around her, I tell her that I don't have an appetite as much now that I don't eat junk food.. She's still always offering me food tho
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Little life update 😏
Hey guys!!! T-minus 2 months until Benjamin is born 😱😱😱.
I literally can’t believe I’m saying that. Today is exactly two months until his due date. But i am really hoping he comes at 37 weeks! That’s in like 5.5 weeks 😅😅.
While I am so ready to be a mom. I’m also a little scared out of my mind that it’s real and it’s happening!
Last year this time I was recovering from my RNY bypass dreaming of being small and healthy so I could have a baby someday, and now a year later I’m sitting here contemplating the fact that my Son is rolling around in my belly as I type this. 💕
My pre-pregnancy weight was 160 pounds and I weighed in this morning at 168 👌🏻. That’s a 8 pounds gain so far and I’m 31 weeks 3 days 🙌🏻. My doctor told me she’d be surprised if I gained 5 more before he was born. But Benji is growing good. At the last ultrasound at 29 weeks he was already measuring around 3 lbs 10oz 😯. He’s in the 68% overall meaning he’s larger than “normal” but still in a good range.
I have had a really healthy pregnancy mostly. I’ve had some hypotension (my blood pressure just drops for no reason leaving me feeling crappy sometimes), hypoglycemia (my blood sugar crashes if I don’t eat enough protein or often enough), but other than those two things I’ve been good. I never did have morning sickness or anything like that.
Anywho my goal is to give myself a week or two after Ben is born and then to get right back into my healthy eating. I plan on making a lot of freezer meals before he comes so we can just pull them out and bake! And as soon as I’m cleared for exercise I’m gonna take that jogging stroller we bought out for runs! I’m so excited for this next phase of life, but I’m enjoying the last few weeks of it being just Dustin and me before we add this little one in!
Also here’s a comparison picture from 5 weeks to 31 weeks 😘
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stardustlashes · 4 years
entry # 2
i lost my original post. wtf. anyway, it was about my insecurity with my weight.
when i was younger, i always stayed between 100 - 125 lbs. until i started getting stressed. but no, i never felt fat. or ugly. or whatever. in fact, i was 2nd runner up for one of the local beauty pageants and best in sportswear. but my parents never failed to let me feel it. in fact, i was always reminded at how much kilometers they completed running (13 kms daily, usually) and expect me to pretend everyday how amazing that is. you see, their friends are at the same age group as i am. but when it comes to interests we have zero common interests.
i have a generously paying job, a boyfriend, and now, a 167 lbs weight, which was my goal to bring down to at least 130 lbs  in three months (which i totally can do by the way because i was already down to 160 then this stupid pandemic started with the bat eating contest). that never bothered me much. but every single ffffffff day, i was reminded of that by my parents. and some cousins and uncles or aunts. screw them all. yes, my family. RUDE.
one time we were eating dinner, and i was wearing a tank top. then my mom suddenly asked me to stretch out my arms, and she looked disgustedly at my upper arm. because she said im starting to have “wings” which is a sign that im obese. what the fffff, right? and yet they wonder why i have such a “pleasing” personality, when i see them treat me with their “pleasing” personality everyday.
im not sorry for my weight. im not even going to hold back on how much food i want to eat. when i see a chubby girl in makeup and a pretty dress, all i see is the pretty. but my parents, welllll, they smirk and literally speak out saying she’s disgusting and even has the audacity to wear make up and that dress. fyi, that girl their referring to might as well could have been my best friend since, third grade!
and they wonder where i get my insecurities from when the reason for it is right in front of me.
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sonderrr69 · 5 years
Rise & Shine
I lived next to this really pretty redhead who was about 22 and I was 28. She had a party one summer night and invited me to it to meet her boyfriend who was in from out of town.
As the party died down around 2 am, and it was the three of us, she got up and put a porn on. I went to leave and she said for me to stay. I stayed and all three of us watched it for a while. We were all horny and they started to make out. I went to leave because I was by myself. She told me to stay because she and her bf had always had a fantasy about fucking in front of someone. So I stayed and watched.
She was about 5’4″ tall weighed maybe 120 lbs. Her breasts weren’t tiny but weren’t huge either, kind of looked like two perky apples on her chest. She had her nipples pierced, as well as her belly button, and the hood on her clitoris. He was about 5’8″ tall and probably around 160 lbs. He was in decent shape, but I did notice he was not that well endowed, maybe 5″ long and thin. I am 5’10” tall and weigh about 185 lbs. I am about 8″ long and 2 3/4″ thick.
I was getting hard as a rock and she asked me to play with myself while the fucked. Her bf said to go for it. So I pulled it out and was stroking it. She told me to move over next to them so they could both watch. I was literally a foot from their heads. I kept stroking, and right as I was about to cum, I said “I am going to cum.” All of a sudden he jumped up and wrapped his mouth around my cock and swallowed the whole load.
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fitnesswholecake · 6 years
On Wednesdays we do leg day
I literally LOVE leg day so I do it on the worst day of the week: hump day. I get the hardest workout over with on what feels like the longest day of the week and then it's (kind of) smooth sailing to the weekend.
I go hard on leg days for the 🍑. This morning I:
Warmed up with 2 miles in 16:18
Then I did 4 sets each of:
Squats 8 × 115 lbs
Deadlifts 6 × 160 lbs
Followed by 3 sets each of:
Cable side leg raises 8 × 17.5 lbs
Hip abduction 8 × 150 lbs
Hip adduction 10 × 155 lbs
Leg press 10 × 250 lbs
Single leg deadlift 10 × 50 lbs
Leg curl 10 × 60 lbs
I finished with 15 minutes of stretching. That feels amazing after working so hard.
Next week I'll increase my weights by ~5 lbs.
Everyone I follow has been so inspiring. I'm so excited to see how the fitblr community progresses through 2019
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I have a seriously awful relationship with food as I've said I've always gained the weight back and the last time I lost weight I went overboard. I moved away for university and and that meant I had no filter or no control no one to tell me to stop. I felt that why not, I've felt restricted all my life in this constant cycle of trying to lose weight so fuck it, and are myself into oblivion, gaining an extra 50 lbs on top of the 160. Goldilocks zone is not as rigidly defined as people think. It generally reefers to the area around a star where all three phases of water can exist. But even that has a pretty large tolerance depending on the atmosphere of the planet and the size of the star. As Dot got out of the car to head down the hill, her father told her, "Hold your head high." The harassment started when the wife of John Z. Warlick, an officer of the White Citizens Council, urged the boys to "keep her out" and at the same time, implored the girls to spit on her, saying, "spit on her, girls, spit on her." Dorothy walked by without reacting, but told the press that many people threw rocks at her most of which landed in front of her feet and that students formed walls but parted ways at the last minute to allow her to walk past.The following day Dot had fallen ill. With a fever and aching throat, she stayed home from school for the next two days, but had hoped to start the next week better. Technically speaking it s not auto immunity but it basically is the same thing. It s the immune system attacking something that will always be present on our skin. Therefore we could consider almost as part of it. Sounds like you have hooded eyes. On young non Asian people hooded eyes are usually due to having your eye 화성출장샵 socket relatively deep within your skull and having your browbone basically engulf your eyelids. Somewhat unintuitively, deep set eyes means that your eyeball kind of protrudes so your eyelids are more visible than on the average person.. talks about how she loves makeup, but also loves everything under the makeup. Mentions how there have been many launches of color cosmetics in the past few months, wanting to do something different says product is small, but packs a punch claims that it improves hydration, redness, unevenness, etc because it's "working not topically but literally from the inside out" says previous launch was successful, but there was a lot of confusion due to the ingredients calls attention to before and after and consumer testimonials says she could have just moved on to another category, but felt in her gut she should do another supplement that was just skin focused took away hair focused ingredients like biotin and saw palmetto, kept 11 ingredients from the prev formula that helped with skin, and added three new ones that supposedly help "synergistically" says there's a gap in the market for products that are focused just on skin most products are hair, skin, and nails new ingredients: Bromelain (pineapple derivative to decrease body's inflammatory response), Quercetin (helps fight free radicals), Kiwi Rx (Kiwi Seed Extract that makes Ceramide Rx more powerful) claims that we can't get all our nutrients just from food because of "the way that soil is" and "the way that food is produced nowadays" + ingredients you can't get from food like Ceramide Rx hints at more products this year, and not just supplements says " if you feel good and your skin is great you might not want to wear as much makeup," claims she didn't wear any foundation for the shoot talks about the work she has done, says that all the other factors (food, sleep, Halo, etc) matter just as much says to only buy one supplement or the other, not both says she hears us when we give "good" feedback thanks her subscribers for supportEdit 2:Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed that it's another supplement but as some comments have discussed before, there must be enough people wanting it for this to be profitable. I'm a little miffed by some 화성출장샵 of what she said; yes, people were really nasty during the last product launch, but she did shut down/delete many constructive comments, so I wonder what "good" feedback looks like to her.
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gymequipmentperth · 6 years
Finding the Right Treadmill for You
If you’ve been thinking about how to get some exercise in a way that fits into your busy schedule, you may have considered a treadmill. It fits neatly and unobtrusively in a corner and allows you to exercise at any time of day that’s convenient for you, without the huge time commitment of having to go to a gym. But what treadmill to get? There are many makes and models, from basic low-end models with nothing much more than a speed control to high-end Cadillac versions that automatically adjust speed and incline, monitor your heart rate, track your progress over time, and even ones that allow you to run trails from around the world. For those who simply can’t afford any downtime at all, there are models that include desk space so you can work while you walk. How do you pick the right one?
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While there are many high-end options that you may or may not choose based upon your individual needs and preferences, there are a number of questions you need to answer for yourself before you can determine the necessary basics.
What are your needs and goals? What type of workout will you be doing? Will, you just be walking or will you be running long and hard enough to build up a real sweat? Will there be others using the machine, who perhaps have different goals and capabilities than you do? How much does the heaviest person who will be using the machine weigh? Not all models can handle someone who is very large. How much space do you have? Can you leave your treadmill out all the time, or will you need a model that can fold away and be stored behind the couch? Horsepower The first spec you’ll need to look at is the power of the motor. For light walking or jogging, provided that you are of average size and weight, a motor in the 1.75 to 2 horsepower range should do. If you’ll actually be running on your treadmill, you’ll need at least 2.5 horsepower, and if anyone who will be using this treadmill weighs over 100 kilos (225 lbs.) you should be looking at motors starting in the 3 horsepower range. The Track The length and width of the track will be determined by the size and height of the user. Tracks range from 40 cm (16 in.) to 56 cm (22 in.) wide. Narrower tracks are really only good for walking, or use by smaller individuals. People of average size will find a 40 cm wide track to be too narrow for running, with an increased likelihood of stepping fully or partly off the track. This is dangerous and could result in injury. Most users will be very comfortable running at any speed on a 56 cm (22 in.) track. Track lengths range from 105 cm (42 in.) to 160 cm (63 in.). How long of a track you need will be determined by your stride, which can usually be predicted by your height? Obviously the taller you are the longer a track you’ll need. Speed Most models will go up to 19 km/h (12 mph) and this should be more than adequate for most of us, but if you’re a serious (and speedy) runner you’ll need something faster. To put it in perspective, Olympic sprinters are usually moving faster than 30 km/h (18.5 mph), so even if you’re not an Olympic sprinter you’ll need more than 19 km/h to do sprints. Incline Running up hills, while torturous, is great treadmill training. It not only makes your heart and lungs work harder but requires extra effort from leg and core muscles, resulting in greater tone. Finally, because it’s harder, it burns more calories. Many higher-end models can and do adjust the incline automatically as you run, based upon the type of training you selected, such as hill and interval training, or one of the Cadillac models that allow you to virtually run a wide variety of trails from around the world. How much incline you’ll need will be based on your goals and ability. Most models with incline capability will allow for grades up to 10 — 15% and this will be fine for most, but if you’re a serious endurance athlete you can get ‘incline trainers’ that go up to 40%! In addition, there are some deluxe models that also have up to a 3% decline, to better simulate hill training, but this isn’t really necessary for anyone but the most competitive of distance runners. Track Cushioning Most models have at least some cushioning in the track, but if you are very heavy, you have joint problems, or you’ll be doing a lot of running, you may want to shop for a higher-end model in this regard. Some models can reduce the impact on each step by up to 40%. This might also be necessary if the floor where your treadmill will be is not concrete and you have neighbors below you. It will help to reduce the noise. Programs Almost all models will have basic pre-set programs such as Manual, Hill, Interval, Cardio and Fat Burning. Higher end models will have variations on these, with more adjustable options. Extra Features You can get a host of extra options as well. We don’t recommend units with built-in TV’s or MP3 players as if these electronic components break they can be expensive to fix. Better to have a wall-mounted TV or battery powered MP3 player that can be cheaply replaced if they fail. However, you can get other features, some of which are very cool. Some models have built-in fans – literally cool! A wireless heart rate monitor is a great feature for setting your pace and measuring progress and is very superior to one that’s built into the handles — holding stationary handles doesn’t really work when running. As mentioned above you can even get models that allow you to load and run trails from around the world, while the trail displays on the screen in front of you, or you can follow your progress on an overhead map. A water bottle holder is almost a necessity. As you can see there are many things to consider when choosing the right treadmill for you, but with this guide, you should be well set to find the model that will take you where you want to go. Source: Click Here
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umflowers · 6 years
bpd - blacklist “dumbassitude”
Day 1: Think of the last time you were really angry. Why was that? I am always really, truly angry. I physically cannot reconcile the breach of trust that is what my mother did to me with the idea of continuing to exist, knowing absolution will never come and any semblance of it will be a lie that I won’t be able to believe.
Day 2: Why did your last friendship end? I stood by my best friend through 10 years of getting screamed at for trying to help, getting ignored for weeks or months on end, watching her try to kill herself, either by blade or by drugs, then by alcohol. I was one of two who showed up when she went in the psych ward, and the only one who didn’t bail when she got clean. I insisted we drive out of our way to visit her at school every single time we drove from NY to Maine or vice versa. I went, at her request, to her grandmother’s funeral and cried while she sang her a song she wrote and played her guitar. I helped shield her from a very bad person who showed up. I fuckin. Finally needed her help, needed her to listen and be patient while I acted like a selfish dick because something was fucking me up in ways I didn’t even realize yet, and she bailed. Called me selfish, belittled my trauma and mental illness, and told me she faked the whole friendship because I manipulated her on the way out, too. I don’t have or want friends anymore. Just a whole lot of missing who I thought she was and hating her with everything I have. Day 3: Do you self-harm? If yes, how? Not anymore, and I miss it. I’d scratch at myself with staples til my wrist was ripped up. Day 4: Have you ever attempted suicide? Directly? No. I went from 160 to 350 lbs in less than 9 months at age 12, maintained that until I was 19, went from 360 to 530 in about year, lost down to 286.6, and am now approaching 500 again. Day 5: Have you ever written a suicide note? Yes. Day 6: How’s your love life? Jack is the only thing that matters to me or makes any sense at all. Day 7: Have you ever dissociated? If so, how often? I genuinely don’t remember the last time I wasn’t dissociated. Several years. Day 8: Do you have any other diagnoses? Which ones? c-ptsd, acute anxiety, depression with suicidal ideologies, lifelong insomnia, eating disorder, pcos, endometriosis, hypertension, GERD, fibromyalgia, severe lymphedema, hydradenitis suppurativa, IBS. other undiagnosed musculoskeletal problems, probably arthritis, maybe epilepsy. Day 9: Do you get mood swings? My mood never stabilizes enough to distinguish one swing from another. Day 10: What kind of impulsive decisions have you made? Everything I do is impulsive, even the abundance of doing literally nothing. Day 11: Is there anything you do that helps keep you grounded? Be with Jack. Day 12: What’s your relationship with your family? My dad and I have been talking more again since gramma died, but there’s much unresolved that will never be addressed. My paternal grampa is losing his memory but we’ve always been as close as you can get to people like us. My mom used me for kiddie porn that she then showed off to her boyfriends, along with the nude pictures I had to take of her, and my entire family, including my two half-siblings and maternal grandparents, chose to believe her that I was lying, so we’re estranged. The nephew whose company mom seemed to enjoy the most went on to rape several 8th-9th graders at parties when he was 18. I warned my sister, his mother, of what our mom was years before and nothing changed. Day 13: Are you a perfectionist? No. Day 14: Do you ever become obsessive? I can’t enjoy something without fixating and becoming obsessive. Day 15; Have you ever changed your opinions, depending on the people you are with? No. Day 16: Does your style (clothing, hair, etc.) change a lot? No. I’m always desperate to not have my natural hair color (or long hair) because it makes me look how I did when I was being abused and later raped, but physical pain and dissociation have hampered my ability to work and I’m too broke for hair dye. Day 17: What are five of your biggest fears? Death. There will never be enough time for me to heal and give Jack all the things he deserves and make up for all the time I’ve already wasted giving him anything less than my best. Day 18: Do you worry what people think of you? No. Human beings have become expendable to me. I crave validation, but a new source will always come along eventually. Day 19: What are some lyrics that describe what you’re going through right now? Apparently tumblr added the video to the end of the post. Day 20: How do you usually express yourself? I don’t. Everything I have to express is negative and even I’m sick of hearing about it. Day 21: How many people know about your diagnosis? I have no idea. I don’t hide anything for the sake of anyone’s comfort bc tbh fuck anyone who thinks that’s more important than the mentally ill knowing they have nothing to be ashamed of. Day 22: What’s a random story from your childhood? I made sure I got raped one night cuz the guy who raped me repeatedly was leering at my 14-year-old friend in a way I knew all too well. Day 23: How do you think other people see you? I know it gets said a lot, but I honestly don’t know or care. It’s not even because I’m some kind of self-assured badass. I just literally dissociate so consistently that I don’t really think about it, or much of anything else other than self-loathing and stuffed animals. Day 24: If you could pick one year of your life to give back and start over, which one would it be? I wouldn’t change a goddamn thing. I hate life, itself, right now. But somehow, through all this shitshow, confusion, pain, and fear, Jack’s still here. Like, I still wake up every day to bright blue eyes. Even my worst breakdowns end in his arms. If I stick around, floundering though I am, and try to make the right choices when I can, someday everything will level out and I’ll be able to start giving him the version of me that I feel he deserves. I wouldn’t risk changing that for anything. Day 25: What’s one thing you wish non-borderlines could understand? They’ll never understand. They literally can’t understand, and they can’t (or won’t) understand that they can’t even begin to understand, so wishing is futile. Most of what we deal with can’t even be put into words because, as part of a personality disorder, it defies the logic that non-borderlines don’t realize they take for granted, and when we try to explain, they just go “oh, relatable!” and dumb it down to their own experiences. Day 26: Name three fictional characters you relate to. - Finnick Odair, Hunger Games, tribute from District 4, sold into sex slavery after his “victory”, finds love with a mentally ill fellow victor from his district because he sees the good still shining in her, sacrifices himself for his friends having never truly received absolution - Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead, raised in an abusive white trash family who only valued him so far as it furthered their own interests, gruff and hard-shelled but compassionate, loyal, and selfless, continues to love despite repeatedly losing those he cares about - I sat here & tried to think of another & have nothing Day 27: Do you have any bad habits? All of my habits are bad habits. Day 28: Do you consider yourself high-functioning or low-functioning? Somewhere along the way I went from high-functioning to low-functioning. I had a job that was very indifferent to the extreme physical pain I was in. The stress of it drove me back to compulsive eating, while simultaneously making working out (or cleaning, or having sex, or anything else) virtually impossible, which worsened my depression. Day 29: If your mind was a house, what would the house look like? A mound of ashes and an overflowing septic tank. Day 30: What is your “safe place” when you are upset? Jack.
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sin-till-im-thin · 6 years
So even though we have those same dreaded holidays coming up, Thanksgiving, being the worst of them all, Christmas, and New Years Eve coming up... i have a gala to go to in roughly 2-3 months. I NEED to lose /at least/ 30 lbs. Like as a minimum. So, i guess over the next few weeks i will be vegan? Because its its mostly just veggies and oats and fruit when I'm forced to eat breakfast. And tbh idk i feel like veggies shouldn't even count because their calories are INSANELY fucking minimal. 2 cups of spinach is 20 calories.
And quite honestly I've been trying to quit meat for a while now so why not commit now when i need it most, hm? If i could lose 34-ish lbs by the gala i would be at my first goal weight. For the first time since 7th grade. I graduated this past spring.
And you wanna know what the worst part is? I've known about it since the beginning of October and i didnt take it seriously enough. Now November is almost over (Thanksgiving is literally a week away, kms) and if i had committed when i originally planned to i could already be like another 20 lbs lighter maybe?? If that were the case, i could be at like 160 now and i could be down to 130 by February. 20 away from my ugw.
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compressorlab · 3 years
Top Hand Carry Hot Dog Air Compressors
Perhaps the best-selling air compressors are hand-held 'hot dog' compressors. They are called hot dog compressors because of a single hot dog-shaped tank. These models are ideal for homeowners' activities such as inflatable tires or water toys, the use of an air nail or stapler, and air brushing. These models all operate on a standard 120V power source.
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There are many factors to consider when inspecting air compressors. Most importantly they are air flow measured in CFM, or cubic feet per minute, at 90 PSI. To use your air conditioning tools, your compressor needs more airflow than your device requires. Additional features to look at include weight and texture, sound, and volume of the tank. Perhaps one of the biggest complaints about compressors is how loud they are, but some manufacturers are creating models that are just quiet.
We will look at some of the best air compressors. Certain ratings were compiled based on specifications and actual user ratings.
The Makita MAC700 is a high-pressure hot dog air compressor with a total capacity of 8.8. The product includes a solid performance of all 3.3 CFM @ 90 PSI, 130 max PSI, and a capacity of 2.6 liter tanks. Also good is its low amp pull, which means a very small breaker trip. Its audio is rated at 80 db and that is almost normal compared to other models, yet it is not as quiet as the others. The cost of this device is about $ 200.
The second best-tested hot dog model will be the Senco PC1130 with a total rating of 8.6. PC1130 delivers maximum performance with 3.5 CFM @ 90 PSI, 125 max PSI, and capacity of 2.5 liter tanks. It is moderately light at 39 pounds and at 69 decibels is among the quietest compressors you can buy. The plan costs $ 160.
The next model on this list is the Bostitch CAP1512-OF which comes in with a total of 8.2. This compressor is undoubtedly one of the lightest there at 23.5 lbs, making it easy to transport. It delivers a 2.8 CFM @ 90 PSI performance that includes a maximum PSI 150 and a capacity of 1.2 liter tanks. Another good feature is the 72 db noise level which happens to be much quieter than average. The proposed price is estimated at $ 150.
Fourth on the list is DeWalt D55141 with a total rating of 7.5. This lightweight product weighs 100 pounds [30 kg] and is of considerable strength. It offers 150 PSI, 2 CFM air through 90 PSI, and a 2 liter hot dog tank. Silent compared to 79 decibels, this model also has no oil for free repair. Yow will find this model available for about $ 180.
The fifth air compressor on this list will be the Thomas T-635HD which covers a total rating of 7.4. Weighing only 100 pounds [26 kg], this unit weighs quite a bit. The performance of this model makes sense with 1.7 CFM @ 90 PSI and 125 max PSI with 2 liters of tank capacity. This compressor is also remarkably quiet at just 69 db. This model is of professional quality, limited to continuous use, which means the price of this model is more than about $ 350.
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loadhotline911 · 3 years
RDM Driver Download For Windows 10
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RDM Driver Download For Windows 10
Rdm Ec7000i Driver Download Windows 10
Rdm Driver Download For Windows 10 Pc
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1.5-liter turbocharged VTEC® 4-cylinder direct-injection engine
192 horsepower @ 5500 rpm (SAE net)
192 lb-ft of torque @ 1600-5000 rpm (SAE net)
LEV3-SULEV30 CARB emissions ratings
CVT and 10AT models are PZEV-rated in California and states that have adopted California vehicle emission regulations. CVT models in non-CARB states are LEV3-SULEV30-rated. 10AT models in non-CARB states and 6MT models in all 50 states are LEV3-ULEV125-rated.
Continuously variable transmission (CVT) with sport mode
Drive-by-Wire throttle system
Eco Assist™ system
Active Noise Cancellation™ (ANC)
Active Sound Control
Hill start assist
Direct ignition system with immobilizer
MacPherson strut front suspension
Independent multi-link rear suspension
Electric power-assisted rack-and-pinion steering (EPS)
Front and rear stabilizer bars
Power-assisted, ventilated front disc/solid rear disc brakes
17-inch alloy wheels
225/50 R17 H-rated tires
Show 13 more
The main problem is that the common operating systems (Windows and Linux) by default do not recognize the partition with the VMFS file system, because they do not have a VMFS driver. In this article we’ll look at how to access virtual machine files on a disk with a VMFS file system.
Driver’s seat with 12-way power adjustment, including 4-way power lumbar support 60/40 split fold-down rear seatback 8-inch Display Audio with high-resolution (720P) electrostatic touch-screen.
1 Horsepower and torque calculations reflect SAE net, Rev. 08/04, SAE J1349 procedures.; 2 None of the features we describe are intended to replace the driver's responsibility to exercise due care while driving.
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Download DMX lighting software and USB DMX interface drivers from Nicolaudie. Official (Windows version). RDM addressing tool for Windows.
Collision Mitigation Braking System™ (CMBS™)Collision Mitigation Braking System™ (CMBS™)CMBS cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and other factors. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. System designed to mitigate crash forces. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.'>8
Forward Collision Warning System (FCW)Forward Collision Warning (FCW)FCW cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and other factors. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. FCW does not include a braking function. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.'>9
Road Departure Mitigation System (RDM)Road Departure Mitigation System (RDM)Road Departure Mitigation only alerts drivers when lane drift is detected without a turn signal in use and can apply mild steering torque to assist driver in maintaining proper lane position and/or brake pressure to slow the vehicle's departure from a detected lane. RDM may not detect all lane markings or lane departures; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road condition. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.'>4
Lane Departure Warning (LDW)Lane Departure Warning (LDW)LDW only alerts drivers when lane drift is detected without a turn signal in use. LDW may not detect all lane markings or lane departures; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road condition. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.'>10
Advanced Compatibility EngineeringTM (ACETM) body structure
Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) with traction controlVehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®)VSA is not a substitute for safe driving. It cannot correct the vehicle’s course in every situation or compensate for reckless driving. Control of the vehicle always remains with the driver.'>5
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD)
Brake Assist
Multi-angle rearview camera with dynamic guidelinesMulti-Angle Rearview CameraAlways visually confirm that it is safe to drive before backing up; the rearview camera display does not provide complete information about all conditions and objects at the rear of your vehicle.'>7
LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL)
Advanced front airbags (SRS)
SmartVent® front side airbags
Side curtain airbags with rollover sensor
Driver’s and front-passenger’s knee airbags
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)For optimal tire wear and performance, tire pressure should be checked regularly with a gauge. Do not rely solely on the monitor system. Please see your Honda dealer for details.'>6
Front 3-point seat beltsSeat Belt
Honda reminds you and your passengers to always use seat belts and appropriate child seats. Children 12 and under are safest when properly restrained in the rear seat. 
'>Drivers Perin Weighmaster S.r.l USB devices. with automatic tensioning system
Driver's and front passenger's seat-belt reminder
Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH): lower anchors (2nd-row outboard), tether anchors (2nd-row all)
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Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low-Speed Follow
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low-Speed Follow
ACC with Low-Speed Follow cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed, and other factors. ACC should not be used in heavy traffic, poor weather, or on winding roads. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS)
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS)
LKAS only assists driver in maintaining proper lane position when lane markings are identified without a turn signal in use and can only apply mild steering torque to assist. LKAS may not detect all lane markings; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road condition. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.
Auto high-beam headlights
Dual-zone automatic climate control system
7-inch high-resolution WVGA (800 x 480) screen with customizable settings
Bluetooth®Bluetooth®The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., is under license.'>1 HandsFreeLink®
SMS text message functionSMS Text Message FunctionCompatible with select phones with Bluetooth®. Your wireless carrier's rate plans apply. State or local laws may limit use of texting feature. Only use texting feature when conditions allow you to do so safely.'>3
Power windows with auto-up/down driver’s window
Power door locks/programmable auto-locking doors
Push button start
Cruise control
Illuminated steering wheel-mounted controls
Tilt and telescopic steering column
Center console with armrest and storage compartment
Beverage holders (front and rear)
Driver’s and front passenger’s illuminated vanity mirrors
Map lights
Sunglasses holder
12-volt power outlet
Driver- and passenger-side seatback pockets
Remote fuel-filler door release
Remote trunk release with lock
Rear window defroster
Cargo area light
Floor mats
Side door pockets
Driver's seat with manual height adjustment
Adjustable front seat-belt anchor
Fold-down rear seatback with center armrest
160-watt audio system with 4 speakers
Pandora® Compatibility
Pandora, the Pandora logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc. Used with permission. Compatible with select smartphones. See: www.pandora.com/everywhere/mobile. Not all devices compatible with USB connection. Your wireless carrier's rate plans apply. 
'>27 compatibility
Bluetooth®Bluetooth®The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., is under license.'>1 streaming audio
USB Audio InterfaceUSB Audio InterfaceThe USB interface is used for playback of MP3, WMA or AAC music files from digital audio players and other USB devices, as well as smartphone data transfer on designated Smartphone/Audio Interface ports. Some USB devices and files may not work. Please see your Honda dealer for details.'>2 (1.0-amp)
Radio Data System (RDS)
Speed-Sensitive Volume Compensation (SVC)
Backlit gauges
Aluminum Hood
Security system with remote entry
LED low-beam headlights with auto-on/off
Taillights with LED brake lights and integrated LED light bars
One-touch LED turn indicators
Body-colored power side mirrors
Variable intermittent windshield wipers
Body-colored door handles
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Show 39 more Show 39 less
Adds to or upgrades LX features:
6-speed manual transmission
Available continuously variable transmission (CVT) with paddle shifters
19-inch alloy wheels
235/40 R19 V-rated tires
LED fog lights
Body-colored decklid spoiler
Chrome exhaust finishers
Sport pedals
Leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob
Driver’s seat with 12-way power adjustment, including 4-way power lumbar support
60/40 split fold-down rear seatback
8-inch Display Audio with high-resolution (720P) electrostatic touch-screen
180-watt audio system with 8 speakers
Apple CarPlay®
Apple CarPlay®
Apple CarPlay is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
'> integration
Android Auto™
Android Auto™
Android and Android Auto are trademarks of Google LLC.
'>17 integration
USB Smartphone/Audio InterfaceUSB Audio InterfaceThe USB interface is used for playback of MP3, WMA or AAC music files from digital audio players and other USB devices, as well as smartphone data transfer on designated Smartphone/Audio Interface ports. Some USB devices and files may not work. Please see your Honda dealer for details.'>2 (2.5-amp) (front)
RDM Driver Download For Windows 10
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Adds to or upgrades LX features:
One-touch power moonroof with tilt feature
Smart Entry with Walk Away Auto Lock®
Remote engine start
Blind Spot Information system
Blind Spot Information system
The system is not a substitute for your own visual assessment before changing lanes. The system may not detect all objects behind or to the side of a vehicle and may not detect a given object; system accuracy will vary based on weather, size of object, and speed. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.
Power windows with auto-up/down driver’s and front passenger’s window
Lockable glove compartment
Driver’s seat with 12-way power adjustment, including 4-way power lumbar support
Heated front seats
60/40 split fold-down rear seatback
8-inch Display Audio with high-resolution (720P) electrostatic touch-screen
180-watt audio system with 8 speakers
Apple CarPlay®
Apple CarPlay®
Apple CarPlay is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
'> integration
Android Auto™
Android Auto™
Android and Android Auto are trademarks of Google LLC.
'>17 integration
USB Smartphone/Audio InterfaceUSB Audio InterfaceThe USB interface is used for playback of MP3, WMA or AAC music files from digital audio players and other USB devices, as well as smartphone data transfer on designated Smartphone/Audio Interface ports. Some USB devices and files may not work. Please see your Honda dealer for details.'>2 (2.5-amp) (front and center console)
Check the HondaLink® website for smartphone compatibility.
HD Radio™
HD Radio™
HD Radio is a proprietary trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation.
SiriusXM® Radio
SiriusXM services require a subscription after any trial period. If you decide to continue your SiriusXM service at the end of your trial subscription, the plan you choose will automatically renew and bill at then-current rates until you call SiriusXM at 1-866-635-2349 to cancel. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at www.siriusxm.com. Fees and programming subject to change. Download Sea-bird USB devices driver. XM satellite service is available only to those at least 18 years and older in the 48 contiguous United States and D.C. ©2019 SiriusXM Radio Inc. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc.
LED fog lights
Heated, body-colored power side mirrors
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Adds to or upgrades EX features:
Driver’s seat with 2-position memory
Front passenger's seat with 4-way power adjustment
Leather-trimmed seats
Leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob
450-watt premium audio system with 10 speakers, including subwoofer
HomeLink® is a registered trademark of Gentex Corporation.
'>20 remote system
Automatic-dimming rearview mirror
Heated, body-colored power side mirrors with integrated turn indicators
Show 3 more Show 3 less
Adds to or upgrades EX features
Rdm Ec7000i Driver Download Windows 10
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2.0-liter turbocharged VTEC® 4-cylinder direct-injection engine
252 horsepower @ 6500 rpm (SAE net)
273 lb-ft of torque @ 1500-4000 rpm (SAE net)
LEV3-SULEV30 CARB emissions ratings
CVT and 10AT models are PZEV-rated in California and states that have adopted California vehicle emission regulations. CVT models in non-CARB states are LEV3-SULEV30-rated. 10AT models in non-CARB states and 6MT models in all 50 states are LEV3-ULEV125-rated.
6-speed manual transmission
Available 10-speed automatic transmission (10AT) with paddle shifters
19-inch alloy wheels
235/40 R19 V-rated tires
Body-colored decklid spoiler
Chrome exhaust finishers
Sport pedals
Leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob
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Adds to or upgrades EX-L features
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2.0-liter turbocharged VTEC® 4-cylinder direct-injection engine
252 horsepower @ 6500 rpm (SAE net)
273 lb-ft of torque @ 1500-4000 rpm (SAE net)
LEV3-SULEV30 CARB emissions ratings
CVT and 10AT models are PZEV-rated in California and states that have adopted California vehicle emission regulations. CVT models in non-CARB states are LEV3-SULEV30-rated. 10AT models in non-CARB states and 6MT models in all 50 states are LEV3-ULEV125-rated.'>
10-speed automatic transmission (10AT) with paddle shifters
Chrome exhaust finishers
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Rdm Driver Download For Windows 10 Pc
Adds to or upgrades EX-L 2.0T features
Rdm Driver Download For Windows 10 64-bit
Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™
Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™ 
The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™ is standard on Touring and Elite trims in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. (Honda HD Digital Traffic service only available in the United States, except Alaska). Please see your Honda dealer for details.
'>with voice recognition and Honda HD Digital Traffic
Adaptive damper system
LED low- and high-beam headlights with auto-on/off
Rain-sensing windshield wipers
Memory-linked side mirrors with reverse-gear tilt-down
Body-colored parking sensors
Door pull ambient lighting
Courtesy lights
19-inch alloy wheels
235/40 R19 V-rated tires
Ventilated front seats
Heated outboard rear seats
Head-Up Display (HUD)
Wi-Fi® Hotspot Capability
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Requires AT&T data plan.
HondaLink® Subscription Services
HondaLink Subscription Services come with complimentary trials of Security for one year and a Remote/Concierge trial for three months. Enrollment is required to access the Remote/Concierge trial and to access certain features of Security. At the end of each trial period, purchase of a subscription is required to continue the respective services.
'>24 subscription services
Wireless phone charger
Wireless phone charger - Accord
Honda wireless phone charger is compatible with Qi wireless charging standards. Check with your device’s manufacturer for wireless capability.
Chrome door handles
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asipasi · 6 years
A New Journey (written January 2018)
I wrote the below during my first Weight Watchers Journey right as I made goal. I thought I knew it all then. I thought I had it figured out. I was going to maintain my goal weight forever and ever. And I did, for a while. I was a WW receptionist, as it afforded me the luxury to “have a job” while we moved, and to get some discounts on the awesome snacks. I try not to be judgemental, but sometimes I judged “my regulars” who gained weight or the lifetimers who were 20 or more pounds over goal. I was never gonna go there again! I gave away all my “fat clothes” so I wouldn’t have an excuse.
It went well for a while even through the long roadtrip from GA to CO when we moved and through a trip to NYC with my friend, I held steadfast. I will always blame my brother-in-law’s return from deployment as the starting point of my decline, as there were a lot of pizza nights, going out to restaurants and such. But really, that is just an excuse. I’m a big girl, I could have made better decisions. It is hard when you live in a family and you don’t buy the groceries and everybody else can eat whatever they want without a problem. But it can be done.
Anyways – the weight kept creeping up and soon I had no choice but to buy bigger clothes again. I told myself it was “just for now”. I will loose this again soon, but I have to have something to wear in between. Another lie. Soon you are in the mindset of “whatever, there is nothing I can do, I’m just meant to be a fat kid.” And you get more depressed, and you eat more, because it doesn’t matter anyway. I had no more room in my closet and was forced to pack up my “thin clothes” and get fat clothes again. But this time I did not give them away. I still have them.
I tried the new WW system and could not get into it. Without meetings (and I was too ashamed to go to meetings as a lifetime member so much over goal, remembering vividly my own judgements), I did not understand the new plan. So I dug out all my old stuff, books and calculators and tried to do it again on my own, but that also didn’t work, because all the support tools were geared for the new plan. I gave up again. I did a short stint on Shakeology, which had worked for my sister, but not for me (and I felt so deprived). I started realizing that once again, I tried to not be in photographs or made funny faces, to hide my weight. I also wanted to get back into horsebackriding and I was horrified having to tell somebody my weight so they can pick a horse for me – would they even have a horse that can carry my weight. I felt so bad for the horse that would have to have me on their back. I finally decided that I can’t let it go on.
One of my best friends had just started again and was raving about the new freestyle and the free foods. I re-signed with WW online. I was skeptical. I loved the strictness of the old plan I was on 10 years ago. Then all you could possibly do is use fitpoints (and I didn’t exercise, so I didn’t use them). And now you have all these free foods, weekly points and fit points? Granted, I have way less daily points to use (then I started out with 35, now I have 24), but I was going to give it a shot. It has worked for me before. As a matter of fact, it’s been the only program that has ever worked for me. So I was willing to trust it. And it is working again! I made it to 5% in three weeks – that’s insane! It’s crazy. I’m not complaining, but it is literally blowing me away. Just this past week I had a couple of days that I had to dip into the weeklies and I went out for dinner. I lost 4.1 lbs. Ten years ago my average weight loss was 2 lbs a week. I know that it may turn out to be the same again. But for now I’m ecstatic. It seems that the difference this past week to the week before (when I lost 2 lbs) was that I ate way more “free foods” – salad and salmon. So there you have it.
I know freestyle doesn’t work for some people. They crave the strictness or “more control” of whatever was before. And I know where they are coming from. See above! Whatever the program was that came before freestyle didn’t work for me. And I know I never gave it a fair shot and I may not have done it right, because I was trying to do it without support. But freestyle seems to work for me. Just because a food is free, doesn’t mean that I will overindulge in that food. But it makes for great snack options. It makes for great options when I have used too many points already. I don’t have to go hungry. I don’t have to deprive myself. And that is what is going to get me to sustain it this time.
I know I was eating crap, I know my portions were creeping up, I know I was eating too much chocolate. Now I have control over this again. I’m accountable. And if I want chocolate, I can have it. And however many points that costs me doesn’t mean I have to go hungry for dinner. I can eat a salad with salmon and still not go over.
I’m not sure why freestyle doesn’t work for everybody. I’m not a nutritionist. It seems to be working for me. I also love the control of tracking. I’m trying not to use my weekly points. I know you’re supposed to, but for me that is creeping into dangerous territory. I am not swapping my fit points. Not yet anyway (all I am doing right now is counting steps). I am swapping weeklies first. Maybe when I start exercising I’ll start using fitpoints. We’ll see how it goes.
I’m going on vacation to Brazil in a week. For 10 days I will be somewhat cut off from WW. I will try to track, but I don’t even know how to find all the foods I am going to try in my app. I know I will be eating a lot of fruit and veggies, but there is other stuff, too. I know there will be a lot of alcohol. But I also know my BFF is going to make me exercise. So hopefully I won’t gain too much back. Or maybe I won’t gain anything and just plateau. I would be ok with that. I don’t want to stress out over it. But for the first time in probably a couple of years I am hopeful that I can get back to goal and that I will be able to maintain it for the rest of my life.
Highest Weight 240lbs
Goal Weight 160 lbs (lifetime April 2009)
Starting weight (1/8/18) 230.3 lbs
Current Weight (1/28/18) 218.1 lbs
Height: 5’8”
February 15, 2009
I think that's a good tagline for my blog today. I wasn't going to write this until I actually achieved goal, but I am 1.8 pounds away and I just blew my mind a couple of days ago, so I decided it was time. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here is the story from the beginning:
A little over two years ago my size 20 jeans started to get snug - and really, I needed a 22 but I could never find jeans that I liked on me anyway. I actually had to look into men's jeans. Somehow I had gained 40-some pounds since I moved to the US. Now - I was always the heavy kid, never small by any means. But I thought "well, I'm getting older and I'm likely to gain more weight as the body's metabolism slows down. If I gain at the same rate I'll be close to 300 pounds when I'm 50." That scared me! A LOT! Apart from borderline high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes was another concern for me (runs in the family). At one point my hair actually started falling out like crazy. Then it got greasy so fast and so much that it never looked clean - even right after I washed it. I wore my hair in a ponytail for months, because I didn't know what else to do. I started getting winded just walking up the two flights of stairs to my appartment. I couldn't really blame that on "being out of shape" anymore. I knew I had to do something, but the prospect of having to lose 70 to 80 pounds seemed daunting to me. I have never been able to stay on a diet long enough to lose that kind of weight. And I was afraid that if I didn't lose it fast I wouldn't stick with it.
Then my friend Angie lost a lot of weight on Medifast. I looked into it, but I could not imagine following that strict plan. Nevertheless her weight loss pushed me into more research. Then my sis decided to check out Weight Watchers. I had always thought that all those companies are like little "secret societies" or something. I thought "they are a business and they're only after your money, trying to sell you their high-priced foods." I was reluctant and decided to see if it worked for her. She was successful immediately and was gung-ho about it - she had the best time and loved going to her meetings. So after a couple of weeks I decided to give it a try. I'm not the "rah-rah meeting" type of girl, so I decided to go it on my own and signed up online. I was willing to give it a month or two and see what happens. I couldn't imagine it working without me doing any kind of exercise and because I thought "I'm not really eating that much now - there is no way I can eat less in order to lose any weight"
Well - my eyes were opened. On the program I had to eat sooooo much that I seriously doubted their sanity. Some days I couldn't even get all the points that were alloted to me and I had to drink some extra milk or eat a yogurth at night in order to get them all in. Yet - the first week I lost 3 pounds ... and the second and I kept losing usually at a pace of 2 pounds per week. Turns out I wasn't eating enough and I surely wasn't eating the right kinds of food. Every week, then every month I waited for that point when the shoe would drop and  I wouldn't lose anymore. And I did hit a couple of plateaus - but generally I kept going down. Hallelujah! As I said, my eyes were opened. I learned portion control and better eating choices. I learned to read and pay attention to nutrition labels. I had to restructure my life. But that's what it's all about. It is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change. That is one big realization to make and that thought had always scared me in the past. Why? Maybe because I thought it meant I could never ever have the foods I loved anymore. No more pasta, bread or chocolate..... But now I learned that this wasn't true at all. I could still have all that stuff - just not as much and in different ways. So ... that's what "lifestyle-change" meant.
So here I am a little over two years later and (almost) 75 pounds lighter. Losing is at a much slower pace now and not as easy anymore. However, it is still going down and not back up. I am NEVER going back. I know, I know "never say never" but in this instant I can and I will. I don't EVER want to be where I was anymore. How did I let myself get to that point anyway? I gave away all my big clothes. As soon as they started falling off of me and looked really baggy I gave them away. No more holding on to something "in case" I gain some weight.
So this is where the "mind-blowing" episode comes in. Sis took me to get a new pair of jeans that fits right instead of her hand-me-downs, which are starting to slide down as well. I bought a size 8! ...... I have never in my life been a size 8! I didn't know or think that I could be a size 8. I have wide hip bones, so I thought..... but apparently  I can! It just is mind-boggling to me. I mean - I see my before pictures and I can hardly believe that that is me. And I see myself now in the mirror or in pictures and I can see the difference. But my mindset is still not all caught up. In my mind I'm still the pudgy ugly duckling. And then every once in a while I look at a new picture or I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I go "WOW - is that me?" Like - sometimes I will walk by a picture window and catch a reflection of myself and not recognize myself, I will literally not realize that this is me. It is a very weird and schizophrenic feeling. Don't get me wrong. I am very, very proud of what I have accomplished and I am celebrating. But it is also weird and strange in a way and somehow the brain needs some time to catch up.
For example, the 8 is still snug. There are still some areas on my body that I do not like. There are still a few more fat-pockets than I would like. And I guess that - in my eyes - won't allow myself to measure up to those beautiful Hollywood women with their perfect bodies. (no... no... I know.... ) But if I look at where I have been I am certifiably skinny! That doesn't even sound right - "me" and "skinny" in the same sentence. But I am! And only now do I realize how much I loathed myself, and how much I was in denial then. I still do not "love" my body, but I am definitely proud of what I have accomplished and I do want to show it off. Gone are the days of bulky sweaters and XXL T-shirts to drape over the pants to hide the belly and hips. I will actually buy clothes that are close to my body and that show contours. Who would have thunk it? So what if a little roll still shows above the belt-line? It's there - I'm human. Maybe it'll go away, maybe it won't. I know I have some more work to do. I have to start exercising and try to tone my body, get rid of some of the flab of extra skin and weak muscle tissue.
But for the first time in my life I'm mostly ok with how I look in my body!
Thank you so much to Angie and Sis for inspiring me to start, to Cynde for supporting me and not unintentionally sabotaging me but always being right there with me when I tried to figure out what I can eat - especially in the beginning when I was like a lunatic with my "complete food companion" and my points calculator, and again for Sis for the continuing support and encouragement. We did it SIS!
If I can only inspire one other person to take that step and trust this program to work, then all my hard work has been worth it and it's the best thanks of all!
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smittenakitten · 6 years
Easy ways to start losing weight
Hey all, so I’m no fitness expert, but I have noticed a few things that have consistently helped myself start losing weight. Before I get into it, let me just tell you a little bit about myself. I have been consistently working out for about 3 or 4 years now, (I honestly don’t remember.) Starting at about 160 lbs. and being 5′, I was technically overweight; but it wasn’t even just that, I simply didn’t enjoy the way I looked or felt. Something needed to change because I was fed up about never being able to wear certain clothes or do certain things. Now, I did go down to 125-130 lbs., it felt great! Long story short, I ended up gaining that weigh back (due to several lifestyle changes that I thought I could handle at once.) I technically only took off a week of my workouts and I still weighed this much; obviously I felt like absolute shit considering I felt like I just severely screwed up everything I successfully did (I was never in shape before this in my life.) Now, I am at 155 lbs. but truthfully, I don’t look like I did at that weight before; I’m thankful that I at least still worked out because even though I weigh a little more still, I feel stronger and thinner. To be honest, I was even hitting a plateau, until I came to a realization of one of the things I did before that seemed to jumpstart weightloss, ya know, cause I still have some more to go. Here we begin, I don’t know how many things I will list off, as I’m just writing what comes to mind in this very moment. Of course things can change and whatnot and what works for me might not be a guarantee for you, but either way these tips help you in life besides in just weightloss, so read on!
1.Cut out your sodas, your sugary-sweet juices etc. Drink water! Now, there’s water calculators online that determine the recommended amount of water you should drink based on your physical attributes. I still drink some sugary drinks on occasion, but I completely cut soda out and haven’t touched it for a few years now. I’ve also heard many people dropping like 10-20 lbs. at least just from doing so! Water also is sorta required to live (lol,) it helps your body get rid of toxins.
2. Don’t be so damn hard on yourself! Stress is a factor in gaining weight, and it also is a factor in losing weight. Simply put, in Kinesiology, stressful or negative thoughts and such, decrease the body’s strength by at least 50%. Plus, if you’re like me, you could just be a stress eater and just gain some weight back eating junk food. It gets old beating yourself up all the time, and just being negative about everything. I’m tired of being tired. Remember to love yourself as you are; find at least 5 things you like about yourself and constantly remind yourself of them. One thing my Mom does is list 5 things she’s grateful for every day, I don’t do it as consistently as she does, but you’ll be surprised how much that even helps.
3. Just do that thang! It doesn’t matter if you can’t do a certain exercise, or if you need to pause a bunch of times. Literally doing it sets you aside from other people! Saying you want to do something, and actually doing it are two different things. Something doesn’t work? You can change what you’re doing so at least you are comfortable doing so; remember to push yourself, but not so much to where you get hurt! Even dancing for 20 minutes or taking a nice walk will help you begin somewhere; I always recommend cardio/light cardio for people who are new into fitness, or even yoga.
4. Now I know I literally just said something about suggesting cardio, but if you can manage it, do some strength training. Muscle helps burn fat faster; working the legs/butt especially jump starts the metabolism since they are the largest muscle group in the body. Planks are also really good because of all the core work involved. Having a stronger core helps with just about everything that you do. 
5. Switching up workouts really helps in weightloss. Consistency is key, but it doesn’t matter what you do. Changing workouts confuses the muscles in your body. It targets everything in literally every way that can help achieve your healthiest body: strength, flexibility, agility, cardiovascular improvements, and a healthier heart to say the least. Also, if you’re anything like my Mom, she tends to sweat more during certain exercises, and doesn’t in others, (sweat helps remove toxins within the body.) Plus, I get bored, (lol.)
I’m going to stop at 5 for now, and let me know what you guys think. Tell me if you have any tips that work for you!
Much love
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