#and Bakugou fell in love with him right then
gamblersdoll · 23 hours
Bakugou, reader's biggest rival, who believed that their story would be a classic enemies to lovers, discovers that she has slept with Deku...And Kirishima...And Todoroki...Also Kaminari...Oh, with Monoma and Shinso too.
Several times with everyone...Sometimes all at the same time.
He hates himself for falling in love with a whore, but mostly for not being part of it.
he hates you so fucking much.
at least, thats what he tells himself. daily, with that.
he hates the way that you equate to him, but have such a nasty ass fucking attitude. he hates the fact that each mission you both do, you always have an idea.
he hates the way you talk, you talk like you know everything. (you do.) he hates how you always have a strategy. (you do.) he hates the sound of your voice, he hates how you talk back to him, the fucking next best thing.
he hates the way that you always flaunt your status, how you flaunt your strength and your carefree attitude. he hates you, hates the fact that you even knocked him down because he had the wrong tone with you.
he hates how you make him feel, though. he hates how you smell like something of a bakery. he hates how your hair is always so nice and how the fuck it stays that way. he hates when you don’t address him at all, because hes right fucking there. he hates when you get attention from people that aint him.
he hates it.
but oh, how he loves when you look towards him, how you sometimes offer wisdom when he fucks up in a mission or assignment. he loves when you dont have that attitude and can hold a conversation.
he loves how your hair looked last week, you should do it more often. he loves when you have something simple on. he loves when you’re at least laughing, seeing your letting all your fears go.
he feels as if you both got off on the wrong foot. at least both of you getting along for a couple of months showed him that. he loves where both of you are in your friendship.
“hey, shit–head.” he would chime in from time to time, throwing a stack of papers on your desk and sitting down. “im not understandin’ this shit.” but he does, he just needs a reason to see you, smell you, be with you.
“you look better today.” he grumbles when you sit next to him. (you look better day in and day out, his heart aching in jealousy and awe.)
yet, you had been some common whore, he thought. his rage filled him, hearing about whom you slept with. monoma, who he didnt under-fucking-stand. kirishima, his best fucking friend too? denki, that says alot, two whores fucking each other. todoroki, that fucking emo dude? shinso, what the fuck do you even see in that?
and deku, his childhood friend.
he felt all of his hate for you come back, his eyes glaring when you step in the room. because not only did you sleep with them, you slept with all of them at the same time like some fucking slut.
he hated you, he hated your existence. he thought he could trust you, how could you be like that? what the fuck was wrong with you?
he hated your breathing, he hated your body and eyes.
he hated the fact that not one fucking time they even told him about you, and the fact they waited to the last fucking second to tell him. he grew hateful to them as well, shutting himself off from everyone.
he hates the fact that not once of all his efforts, he was even able to see your car, your home, your casual wear. he couldnt even see you with no makeup.
he hates the fact that his dick wasnt inside you, yet six other boys were familiar with you. he deserved all of you, he put up with your shit the most.
he hates the fact that he wasnt even involved. he hates the fact he fell in love with a slut that went through so much dick he couldnt be apart.
he hates you, he hates what you did to him.
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bkgml · 5 months
Omg! Just found your profile and I literally fell in love with your writing, it’s AMAZING! That’s why I’m here to request a Bakugo x fem!reader where the reader has a telekinesis quirk and overworks herself during practice. After that Katsuki can’t seem to find her anywhere until he searches in her room and find her in bed with lights off and just enter protective boyfriend mode? Thank you so much, hope you’ll write it! 🧡🧡🧡
you felt your head pounding as you stare down at the gym mat. you’ve been training heavily all afternoon and you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your limit.
“yn, you good?” sero asks stepping closer to your hunched over form.
your eyebrows furrow and your ears ring. god your head is pounding.
“yeah.” you mutter weakly, breathing deeply through your nose.
“you’ve trained enough for today, go rest up for the test tomorrow.” he says sternly.
“no i’m good, one more round.” you say, standing to your full height in an attempt to mask your pain.
“you’re gonna fucking pass out. go upstairs.” he says, pushing you gently in the direction of the gym doors.
“fine fine i’m going.” you laugh weakly, stumbling outside.
“and drink some fucking water!” he yells.
“i’m gonna kick your ass.” katsuki snarls.
kirishima just knocked him down and katsuki is not happy.
“bro, you’re getting weaker.” kirishima teases, way to poke the beast.
katsuki launches into another attack, pummeling kirishima.
after your quick shower, you stumbled into bed and pulled out your phone.
*calling: katsuki <3*
straight to voicemail.
you sigh, trying to relax, but the stress of your combat test as well as your sore muscles are forcing you to stay awake.
*calling: serooo*
“yo, yn! this fight is crazy, kirishima and bakugou are killing it!”
“nice!” you attempt to sound excited, but you feel like shit.
“…so, katsuki’s still training then?” you say sadly.
“uh yeah he is, do you want me to get him though?” he offers.
“no, it’s okay. just tell him to call me when he’s free, okay?”
“yeah, course. bye, feel better!” he cheers.
“bye sero.” you mumble, arm flopping back on the bed.
you’re so frustrated. you just want to relax and sleep but you can’t manage to.
“hey bakugou.” sero says, running up to him after katsuki finishes sparring.
“hm?” he hums while chugging his water.
“yn told me to tell you to call her.” katsuki’s eyes furrow.
“where is she?” he asks.
“she’s in her dorm. she overworked herself during training, looked like shit.” he replies.
katsuki frowns deeply, pushing past sero and through the gym doors.
“fuckin told her… don’t overwork yourself… just can’t listen.” he grumbles, trudging in the direction of your dorm.
he creaks your door open slowly to not wake you.
“suki?” you murmur, head lifting to peer at your door.
“what are you doing up?” he sighs.
“can’t sleep.” you whine.
“yn i told you not to fuckin overwork yourself.” he grumbles, shutting the door behind him.
“i’m just really stressed out right now, kats. ‘m sorry.”
he sighs, walking over to thread his fingers through your hair.
“i know angel. we can train more tomorrow, you just need to rest properly in between spars, okay?” he says, kissing your forehead softly.
you nod and grab his hand.
“come here.” you whisper, eyes flicking up to his.
“i’m so sweaty. gonna have a quick shower.” he explains and you frown lightly.
“5 minutes. just rest, alright?” he kisses your head before walking into your bathroom.
you try to breathe and relax to the white noise of the shower but your headache overpowers your exhaustion.
“why aren’t you asleep?” he frowns, grabbing boxers from a drawer he occupies.
“i can’t, im too nervous for the test.” you frown, getting frustrated.
“you’re going to pass, i promise.” he says, dragging the towel over his hair while walking over to you.
your frustration builds tears in your eyes causing you to turn away from him.
katsuki sighs, climbing into bed and cradling you gently.
quiet sobs fill the room and you bring your hand up to harshly wipe at your eyes.
“let me kiss you.” he mumbles into your shoulder.
you turn in his grip and bury your face into his chest.
you remain there until your tears stop and you lift your head to look into his eyes, pecking his lips.
he stops you from pulling away by resting his hand on the back of your head, thumb rubbing up and down to massage your scalp.
you sigh into the kiss and feel your eyelids grow heavy.
“sleep now.” he murmurs against your hairline.
you nose at his jaw softly, tucking your face into his neck.
he cradles you in his arms.
“night.” he says, smiling against your scalp.
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azaarchiive · 2 months
fanfic bakugou vs real size
sypnosis; katsuki finds you reading a fanfic about him
notes; suggestive, gn reader, fluff with katsukiii, long term established relationship, bakugo is a little ooc. 733 words
inspired by: @officialabortive (i tried to find the drabble but i couldn’t find it! anyways go show them some loveee)
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‘katsuki’s muscular arms trapped you in between him and the kitchen island, his hot breath caressing your neck before you felt him speak.
“do you know why i call myself dynamite?” he whispered seductively.
“why?” you meekly responded, slowly turning to face him.
he leans closer to your ears before whispering,
“because i blow my load in bitches like you.” ’
soon, a loud laugh could be heard behind you, ripping you from your very steamy fantasy. only for you to realise the man himself was behind you, laughing his ass off.
“suki, w-what the fuck?! you scared me!” you stumbled over your words, shame spreading across your whole body.
“i can’t fucking believe i walked in on my partner reading this shit! oh fuck, i’m getting abs!” katsuki continued to cackle while you covered your face in embarrassment. this was the worst way to get caught.
“i was just interested! i was online and i saw that this was apparently the dynamite fanfic that everyone was raging over!” you attempted to defend yourself, but your excuses fell onto deaf ears and the sound of his obnoxious laughter getting louder to drown you out.
“i just can’t believe this, baby, you have the real thing right here!” katsuki climbed onto the couch with you, leaning his arm on the top of the couch while resting his chin on his fist.
“i know that, like i said, i was just interested!” you huffed.
“that line was insane though, maybe ill steal it next time. would you be into that? me ‘blowing my load’ into you?” katsuki smiled, trying to hide your laughter.
but your shy smile as you looked away just broke any restraint he had, and thus, he was bursting out laughing again.
“oh my god, you liked it, didn’t you?” katsuki accused.
“no i didn’t!” you whined, playfully pushing katsuki who barely even moved an inch.
“yes you did, look at how flustered your getting!” katsuki pointed at your face.
“oh come off it!” you slapped his finger away, picking up your phone again and turning away to have him face your back.
“going off to read more?” katsuki teased.
you stayed silent, sighing playfully as katsuki (unbeknownst to you) widened his mouth in shock.
“listen… the writing is really good!” you defended yourself whilst laughing.
“it was probably written by a 14 year old girl!” he exclaimed back to you.
“no actually, the writer here just turned 20.” you huffed.
“im still in shock, you have the katsuki bakugou in front of you, wiling to do whatever you want, yet you chose him. the guy with cheesy lines!” katsuki complained.
“don’t be jealous katsuki, it’s just that the storylines are so captivating. like, in one of them, you were a barista and i was a ceo- can i please explain the storyline properly without you laughing?” you paused while smiling as katsuki wheezed in front of you.
after a few second, he nodded, covering his mouth to contain whatever laughter he had left in him so you could continue.
“thank you, anyways, i was a ceo and you were the coffee barista and we fell in love over time since i kept coming back because the coffee you made was always really good. but then, your jealous ex, which was me actually, came and told me that you both were still dating and that you were just using me for my money. so then, i fell out of love for you, but then, 2 years later, you had graduated from UA and became a pro hero and saved me, so then we fell in love again and got married.” you explained.
“wait, they include you in these little stories?” katsuki asked.
“yep, im usually the jealous ex or the supportive best friend.” you replied.
“these people are so pathetic, you’re mine and always will be.” katsuki said, lunging at you, trapping you in a bear hug.
you screamed in laughter as he trapped you in his lethal hugs, the scent of his cologne wafting in your nose.
“you’re right, i’m your forever!” you giggled in his arms.
“exactly, don’t need no fanfic to tell you otherwise.” his voice was muffled as his face was in his neck.
god, you loved this man and no other fanfic version of him could ever capture how he was with you.
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gglitch1dd · 11 months
The Contract - Epilogue
Context: When you broke up with Katsuki, you thought it was the end for you. No marriage. No family. No white picket fence. You had spent so much time on Katsuki and now it all just fell to the wind. But what if a certain green haired hero offered you a contract, offered you the dream life of security and happiness all for the small price of being his wife? Love wasn’t in the plan but maybe it was in the fine print.
Basically: Reader dumps Katsuki and goes for Izuku.
Main Pairing: Midoriya Izuku x Reader
<Masterlist> <PART 5>
Warning: Pregnant reader, cravings, katsuki clearly has a kink for reading looking pregnant but he needs to keep that to himself, Mitsuki's sense of humour
“I still don’t understand why we’re doing this. Why couldn’t we just stay at home.”
You gave him a pointed look as the two of you drove in the suburban area. Midoriya had his hands on the wheel as he talked to you in a grumpy ton. “Izuku, your mother arranged for this lovely lunch with her friends.” You reminded him, already knowing where you were heading and all the familiar looking houses on the way there.
Your husband glanced over at you with furrowed eyebrows and a frown. “Her friends. The Bakugous and the Kirishimas!” He reminded you. “May I remind you, Y/N, that both Kacchan and Eijiro are going to be there too.”
“I’m still upset Harding couldn’t make it.” You spoke with a small pout at the mention of Inko’s new boyfriend that had come into her life and quite literally nearly gave Midoriya a stroke at his very existence.
Midoriya grumbled as he held the steering wheel. “Good, at least I won’t need to keep an eye on him.” He said as he stopped at the red light.
You shook your head as you rest your hands on your lap. “You like him, Izuku. Stop grumbling.” You chastised him. “Everything is going to be fine. We’re gonna have a nice afternoon.” You told him with an optimistic outlook on things. “All that drama was two years ago. I’m sure we can act like civil adults and move on.”
Midoriya glanced at you not convinced as the light turned green and the car went into motion again. You both knew that that was unlikely. As much as the married couple that was Kirishima and Bakugou had effectively stopped reminding you about what had happened (well more like Kirishima had and Bakugou was forced to comply), and even after the close to year that Midoriya had basically gone non-contact with Bakugou (other than work of course), there was still tension between the three men. You had mostly gotten over it, happy with your life with Midoriya, however you still noticed the tension and felt the bitterness from time to time.
Your green haired husband sighed as he tried to take on your optimism. “I really think you don’t need the stress right now.” He reminded you.
You scoffed amusedly. “Me or you?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. Your husband made a disapproving grumbling making you chuckle.
Finally, Midoriya slowed down in front of the three story house. The Bakugou residence, effectively where the lunch was happening. The sight of a large Ford Truck that was suspiciously a whole lot like Kirishima’s was parked outside as well as Bakugou’s infamous black Audi. Midoriya parked the car. The both of you sat in silence for a minute, looking at the house.
“You know, we can always go back home.”
“Izuku!” You gave him a pointed look. You then took his hands and moved them into yours. You squeezed his large scarred hands and looked at him with a serious look. “I understand putting our heads back above water is scary, I know staying under feels safer but we can do this.”
His expression softened at your analogy. He nodded his head as he tightened his hold on your hands. “I know. I’m sorry.” He apologised. He let out a deep breath. “We can do this.” He repeated after you. “Me and you…” He put a hand to the side of your face making you lean against his warm palm with a smile. He then shifted his eyes down. His pupils widened slightly. “And you...”  He moved his hand down to your round stomach. “Little sprout.”
You felt a slight shift and a gentle kick to Midoriya’s hand. The action made Midoriya nearly melt in his seat. You giggled. “I still don’t understand why you call him ‘Sprout’.” You tilted your head to the side.
Your husband motioned to himself. “I am tree.” He then motioned to you. “You are soil.” Finally Midoriya motioned down to the growing little baby inside you. “That is Sprout. Simple.”
You paused as you frowned. “Are you calling me dirt?” You asked him as the pregnancy hormones started to kick in. You felt your lip start to wobbly with a pout as your eyes started to burn. You had never cried so much as you did since you found out you were pregnant. Your guess? It was the Midoriya genes.
Immediately Midoriya noticed your state. “No honey.” He shook his head genuinely as he took your hands in his. “I mean that you are literally the reason my life has meaning. You are growing our little Sprout and you are the most sexiest and prettiest woman I know.”
You sniffed as you tried to fight back the tears, not wanting to ruin your makeup. “So I’m very important sexy dirt?”
“Very important and very sexy dirt.”
You nodded your head agreeing with him. “Okay.” You took a moment to calm yourself down. “We can go now.” You assured him as you moved to get out of the car.
Once you were out Midoriya let out a sigh of relief as he slumped back in his seat for a second. Crisis three of the day, averted. The first one had happened when you had effectively tried on a dress and he said you looked like a majestic whale (you cried thinking he was calling you fat), the second one had happened when you saw the little newborn boots in the baby’s room (that one he didn’t know why you were crying there).
With that out of the way, Midoriya got out and gave you his arm as the two of you walked side by side to the front door of the Bakugou residence. Midoriya knocked on the door.
After a moment, the door opened to reveal Bakugou Mitsuki. Her face split into a huge smile. “Y/N! Izuku! Come in, come in! We were wondering where you two were.” She started as she allowed the two of you through.
Midoriya put on his winning smile. “Thanks for having us, Aunt Mitsuki.”
“Its no problem.” She waved him off before noticing your stomach. Her crimson eyes widened before letting out a loud laugh. She put her hands on her hips as she tilted her head, “Well fuck me. Inko wasn’t telling shit.” She let out humorously. “You two work fast.”
You looked up at Midoriya with a pointed glare, although it held no form of malice. He put his hands up in defence with an awkard chuckle. “That was all me.” He confessed.
It only made Mitsuki chuckle as she motioned for the two of you to follow her. “I figured.” It felt almost nostalgic following her through her home. It reminded you of all the times you would be here with Bakugou. Almost bitter sweet. You both followed her towards the back of the house. “Everyone else is outside. Takea and Masaru were just about to take the barbeque off the fire.” She let out a sigh with a roll of her eyes. She glanced back at you. “Kirishimas and their love for meat.” She let out almost annoyed making you giggle. The back sliding door was open allowing you to see the deck where everyone was.
You walked out into the sunlight, watching as Kirishima stood at the grill with another large woman that looked almost identical to him along with Masaru who wore a frilly pink apron. Bakugou stood plating the table along with a redhaired older woman and Inko standing with them holding a can of soda. One of Bakugou’s speakers was playing music at a low volume setting up a rather light mood. You tightened your grip on Midoriya and he reciprocated without hesitation.
“Oi guys! Look who finally made it.” Mitsuki let out with a smile as she motioned to the two of you.
Eyes turned to the two of you. Inko let out a happy shout as she put down her soda can and quickly went over to you. You chuckled as you accepted her into a hug. “Y/N! Look at you!” She let out loudly with giggles. She looked you over with a fond smile. “You look so beautiful. How is he treating you?” She asked putting a hand to your stomach as she stirred you away from Midoriya, not even looking at her son.
Midoriya shrugged as he threw his hands up. “Nice to see you too, Okaasan.” He said sarcastically.
She looked at him with a frown and a shush before turning back to you. You chuckled as you kept a hand over hers. “Very active but so far so good. No complaints but I am crying a lot more than I thought I would.”
“Well, that’s not surprising.” You let out a breath, already knowing the voice. You flicked your gaze to his. Rich bloody crimson looked at you as he stood up straight, folding his large arms over his chest. Surprisingly he looked a bit older than you last saw him but predominantly the same, other than the silver ring on his ring finger. He looked you up and down, not a particular emotion on his face. “Y/N.”
You put on a smile on your face. “Katsuki.”
“Don’t worry,” You turned your attention to the redheaded woman who walked over to you. She had warm golden motherly eyes that instantly made you feel safer around her. “The tears won’t stop.” She told you humorously.
You chuckled. “I don’t doubt that, Yua. It’s great to see you again.” You stated as you gave her a hug. Yua was one of Kirishima’s mothers and a very soft and caring person, although managing to be a very firm person. You admired her a lot and she was such a sweetheart.
“It’s good to see you too. It’s been too-”
“Up we go!” You let out a surprised shout as you were picked up from where you stood. The large black haired woman shook her head with a tsk. “You should be sitting, you shouldn’t be standing, pumpkin.” Takea stated as she strode over to place you down on one of the cushioned seats on the patio.
You chuckled once you were finally down and off the giant woman. You looked up at her with a smile. “Thank you, Takea.”
Kirishima Takea, another one of Kirishima’s mothers and an absolute himbo at heart. She looked like the splitting image of Eijiro other than the fact that she was a woman and her hair wasn’t dyed. She was a bit of a hardass, worked in politics and apparently owned a mining company but you always knew her as Kirishima’s fun mother who was the reason for his manliness code. She folded her arms over her chest as she gave you a sharp smile, ruby eyes glinting. “Wow, pumpkin. You look like…” She tilted her head. “Well a pumpkin. Well actually more like a dumpling. Mh… I want dumplings.” She let out with a hum looking off hungry to the side, making you chuckle. “You need anything, beautiful? I’ll make Eijiro fetch it for you.” She said nonchalantly.
Kirishima turned to Takea with furrowed eyebrows. “Hey! Why me?” He asked putting his arms out in confusion.
Before he could even open his mouth again, a hard swat went to the back of his head, forcing his head down before. Takea had a hard grip on him, as he struggled. Quickly she pulled him into a headlock and used her quirk, her whole arm crystalising into a dark like obsidian, effectively locking her son in her grip. She gave you a gentle smile, ignoring the struggles over her son. “Anything at all.”
You didn’t mind watching the scene in front of you but you put a finger to your chin. “Can I have mint ice-cream, cheese and broccoli?” You asked.
Without asking questions Takea nodded. She let go of her son just in time to allow him to stumble back and onto his ass. “Coming right up.” She assured, before turning to grab Kirishima by the ear, forcing him to stand up again. It was clear that Takea knew what had transpired between you, her son and Bakugou and part of you was now glad for it. She looked at Inko, “You put the ice-cream in the fridge, right?” She asked.
Inko nodded, having already been told by her son what your latest cravings were. “Yes. The broccoli should also be cooling on the table.”
“Great.” She placed a kiss on Inko’s forehead. “You’re great, marshmallow.” Immediately Inko turned as red as a tomato, looking at Takea with large green eyes as Takea dragged her son inside. Midoriya looked at Takea with whiplash, watching her enter the house again, clearly offended on his mother’s behalf.
Masaru walked over and put a hand on Inko’s shoulder to console her, smiling down at her sweetly. “Don’t worry, you know how Takea is. Very…” Masaru hesitated.
“Say it how it is.” Yua let out with a sigh as she folded her arms. “Knows no boundaries,”
“Or shame.” Bakugou let out casually as he pulled out a chair and sat down. Bakugou leaned back in his chair, his crimson gaze moving to Midoriya who stood there nonchalantly, looking and talking to anyone who wasn’t Bakugou Katsuki. The blond male furrowed his eyebrows slightly before letting out a light scoff. “Not greeting me, Izuku?”
Midoriya flicked his emerald eyes to Bakugou. At first he didn’t move and you didn’t know whether Midoriya would commit homicide or not. The green haired man let out a breath. “Leaving the best for last… Katsuki.” He let out. His eyes looked Bakugou up and down. “You look tired.”
“I’m married and it’s a lot of work.” Bakugou answered back automatically. “You look fat.”
“I’m married and I’m happy.” Midoriya shot right back.
You looked between the two men, flicking your gaze between them. You thought maybe it would be best to diffuse some tension. You felt a small kick to your hand making you look down at your stomach. You smiled again. “Masaru,” you spoke up. “The barbeque is smelling great, little sprout seems to agree.”
“Sprout?” Mitsuki and her son both asked with scrunched up expressions, not getting it.
Bakugou looked up at Midoriya with an unimpressed look. “You are naming your first kid… Sprout?” Takea and Kirishima had come back with him holding separate bowls of cheese, ice-cream and broccoli.
Midoriya rolled his eyes. “No, that’s his nickname. We haven’t decided a name yet.” Midoriya walked over to you slowly, deciding to stand next to you, putting a hand to your shoulder. “Since Y/N calls me a ‘tree’, that,” He pointed down to your stomach. “Is a sprout.”
Mitsuki let out a chuckle making Bakugou look over at her concerned at what she was chuckling about. He hummed with a frown. “What are you giggling about, old hag?” he asked.
Mitsuki motioned to you and then to Midoriya. She pat Takea before motioning to the two of you again. “She climbed him like a tree.” Immediately the two women started laughing. You couldn’t but giggle yourself as your husband turned slightly pink in the face.
Bakugou scowled as he let out a groan, covering his face as he wanted to die in embarrassment. Kirishima sent Takea a pointed look that reminded you of Yua. He shook his head before handing you the three separate bowls with a small smile. “Here you go, Y/N.” He spoke softly.
You smiled up at him appreciatively. “Thank you, Eijiro.” You took the broccoli and cheese and put it in the ice-cream bowl immediately making Kirishima’s eyes widen at your actions. He opened his mouth to speak but Yua put a hand on his arm and signalled to him not to question it.
Bakugou looked over to his father. He motioned over to Mitsuki who was still laughing with Takea. “Control your wife!” He voiced loudly.
Masaru sighed as he turned around away from the shenanigans. “She’s your mother.”
“You married her first!”
“I’m not bloodily related to her.”
You sat at the tree swing that was in Bakugou’s backyard. You held onto the ropes, not swinging but just enjoying everything around you. The sun was setting and you and Midoriya would be leaving soon. You looked around the garden for a second, trying to enjoy the scenery and enjoy the moment.
However, it was shortly lived as walking over to you was Bakugou Katsuki. He had his hands in his pockets as he walked over to you. He didn’t say anything at first and instead, leaned against the tree next to you. It reminded you of the times the two of you were dating and you would come out here together whenever you visited his parents. It seemed like something so far away.
You looked up at Bakugou. “You and Eijiro…” Bakugou perked up before looking down at you. His crimson eyes didn’t hold much for you to see but their attention was on you. Whenever you were with him, they were always on you. “Does he make you happy?” You asked him innocently.
Bakugou was silent for a moment, almost thinking of a way to answer that. He let out a breath. He didn’t look at you as he looked up at the leaves of the tree. “He’s always made me happy. The stupid shitty haired idiot honestly is more like a golden retriever than a partner.” He commented making you smile softly. “But…” He sighed as he closed his eyes. He nodded his head. “We’re happy enough.” He spoke quieter.
You smiled gently. “I’m glad.” He looked down at you slightly surprised. “Your mother told me that the two of you are thinking of getting a surrogate.”
Bakugou nodded. “Yah. You and that damn nerd, along with that icy hot bastard and princess have given him baby fever.” He replied simply. Knowing him for so long you knew all the nicknames, knowing that the nerd was your husband, the icy hot bastard was Todoroki and princess would be Momo. You heard him scoff. “I don’t understand why. He knows I’m not the best with kids.”
You rolled your eyes. “Not true, Katsuki. You totally want kids. It was always about your great Dynamight Domination plan.” You said dramatically making him scoff.
“I wanted kids because I knew they would have you.” He answered simply making you pause. You looked up at him as he stared at the house for a second before looking back down at you. “You look good like that, you know.” He let out with a soft smirk on his lips. “I always wondered how you would look… like that.”
“Like a whale?” That made him let out a chuckle as he dropped his head with a laugh. You were happy the two of you were actually talking like people. You flicked your gaze over to your husband that was talking to his mother on the patio about something, her giving him a bundle of you only wished was her katsudon because nothing would taste better than that for you right now. “I saw you talk with Izuku earlier…” You started. “Please…” You flicked your eyes back up to him. “Be civil, Katsuki.” You heard him take in a deep breath and look away from you. “I know its hard, and I know you get really mean when you get upset, but please. As much as I am no longer in your life the way I was, it doesn’t mean we can not at least be friends still.”
Bakugou was silent, not wanting to look at you. “I’ll… I’ll try.” He spoke gently. “But Deku isn’t innocent either.”
“Hm, I bet.” You saw Midoriya look towards you. He motioned to you and you knew it was time to go. You carefully put a hand to your stomach and got back on your own two feet before Bakugou could react to help you. You put a hand up to him, giving him a look. “We both know I ain’t made of glass.” You threw at him making him scoff amusedly. He put his hands up in the air allowing you to waddle back over to Midoriya by yourself.
The two of you said your goodbyes as you headed to the car. Midoriya had opened the door for you allowing you to slide in. You settled into your seat and Midoriya went into the driver’s seat. It was quiet as he started the car and carefully started driving.
You glanced over at him. You shook your head with a chuckle. “You can ask me what we talked about Izuku, you don’t have to be conjuring up fifty thousand different scenarios of how to get it out of me.” You spoke amusedly.
Your husband scoffed, glancing at you. “That is not what I was thinking about.”
You glanced at him with a smirk on your face. “Okay.”
You sat in your seat counting the seconds. He didn’t even last through the first traffic light.
“So hypothetically speaking-” You let out a loud laugh at his words, knowing he would crack. At the sound of your laughter he smiled, glancing at you before shaking his head. “I don’t know how on earth you can always tell what’s on my mind.”
“We’re married, my love.” You reminded him.
He glanced back over to you. He took your one hand and gave it a squeeze, before putting a kiss to your hand. “Always are and always will be.”
THE END. This is the LAST chapter of this series. Thank you for all the love and support it got. I am going back on my haitus but all the love meant the world.
oh... and happy birthday Izuku.
Taglist: @cillshot@stxrrielle@doomedengineer@chims-kookies@fabii275@tiniewife@katbug37@kitaakaat@piceous21@vduxx@incredible-walker @moowrites @itzmeme @kodzukenie333 @lovra974 @stevenknightmarc
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nohoney · 2 months
imagine: you just had a nasty breakup and you decide to take a break from serious dating and have a hot girl summer for yourself. just sex zero commitments fuck as many people as you want. the problem arises when the first guy you end up fucking, bakugou, is so good so you decide to keep him on as a fuck buddy while you continue looking for future conquests.
little do you know that bakugou fell head over heels for you after that first night together and now he’s doing everything within his power to get you to fall in love with him, that is everything short of actually telling you his feelings because he’s so emotionally constipated and damn near bites your head off when you playfully joke that he might have a crush on you.
oh my god oh my god (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
bakugou tries to keep his cool so bad, doesn’t ask questions or doesn’t want to think about how you’re still out there seeing other people aside from him. he feels a little ridiculous that it seems to be a one sided thing—he’s got your contact pinned to the top of his text inbox, he keeps toiletries of your preference in his home, and hell he gave you his passwords for two of the streaming services he pays for!
it’s all shit that he thinks screams i fucking like you!
and yet he can’t muster up the actual words to say it out loud. because you don’t want to be tied down, you want to experience being single after your shit break up, and you don’t trust any person right now to handle your heart after what you’ve been through.
bakugou respects all that, but he really really wants you and you’re the only one he wants to be seeing. he’s so damn stupid though because you joked one time about him having some feels for you and he was too quick to snap at you.
“this is only for fun, that’s it.” he reacts instinctively even though he knew he should have said otherwise in that moment. and there was no awkward silence or weird look with how fast he reacted to your joke. only a laugh and an agreeing nod as you dipped a strawberry into a little bowl of nutella he had ready for you as a post sex snack.
“yeah, i’m sooo grateful that you’re my number one right now. can’t believe how lucky i was to get you on the first try!”
number one on your roster, it’s a title that bakugou is happy to have and also hates it at the same time. there’s others after him, numbers two to four or maybe you’ve got eight people on your list—fuck!!!
it drives him crazy!
he doesn’t want to drive you off with these stupid feelings, and he’s especially smug when you text him about some date that had pissed you off beforehand and that you’re heading over to his place. he hopes that the sex he gives you is so good that it’s enough for you to reconsider just making him your only fuck buddy. he quite literally prays on the downfall of your dating life so that he’s the only one around.
so for now he settles with letting you sleep in his bed when he fucks you too hard, hoping that the breakfast he makes you in the morning screams the message i can be your boyfriend.
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polly-pocket13 · 2 months
You are the best.
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Hey Y/N, can we talk?
You received this message from Bakugou a few minutes ago, and you were still staring at your mobile phone. You start to get anxious.
Did he find out about your crush on him?
No, you didn't make it obvious.
Sure, come to my Room. 
You finally responded to his text. 
A couple of Minutes later, he was already knocking on your door.
“Please come in,” you instructed him. 
He greeted you with a, “Hey, Dwarf.”
This piece of shit always called you Dwarf just to make you angry.
You rolled your eyes and said, “I told you not to call me Dwarf.”
“But it is kind of cute when you are annoyed about it, Dwarf.” he said with a big smirk across his face.
You immediately began to blush after he called you cute.
“You are the biggest asshole, I have ever met, Bakugou. What do you want?,” you asked him.
He told you, “Calm down, aggressive gnome,” and sat down on your bed.
“I need your help.”, he said you, kind of nervous.
“My Help? Why do you need my help?” you asked him confused. 
Bakugou asking for help?
He has never asked someone for help. 
Like never.
“It's about a girl, and you're a girl,” he started to explain. 
About a girl? 
So he likes a girl?
Is this girl you? 
It must be you, he is hanging out a lot with you. 
And there is this thing.
This special connection between you two. 
“You can help me with that. Right?” he asked you and interrupted your thoughts. 
“Excuse me, what did you say?" you asked confused because you were stuck in your thoughts before.
“Y/N, it is essential to me. So, can you please listen to me? I want to tell the girl that I like her. Like, really like her.” he told you now once again.
Again, a million thoughts flooded your mind.
He is in love with a girl. 
Is it possible that you are this person?
You need text Y/BF (Your Best Friend)
You cleared your throat and started talking to him, “Just tell her you like her. It is not that damn hard.” 
Now he is the one who rolls his eyes. “I want to make it special,” he responded to you with annoyance.
Make it Special?
You never thought that Bakugou is romantic.
“You want to make something special.” you repeated and started thinking.
Several moments later, you said, “Maybe you could go for a walk with her and buy her some flowers. Actually, I never thought about these kinds of things” 
“Don't you think this is kind of basic?” he asked you.
“I don't know. I would enjoy it.” you told him and shrugged your shoulders.
��Well, thank you for your help. I must get these fucking flowers before the store closes. I definitely need to tell her today that I like her” he said and had already left your room.
After he left your room, you took a deep breath.
Is he really preparing himself to confess his love to you, or is there someone else? 
Why he is in such a hurry to confess his feelings to someone.
You took your phone and texted Y/BF.
Do think Bakugou is interested in me?
She quickly replied.
Absolutely. I have the feeling you and him hanging out all the time.
After you read her/his message, you decided to take a little walk to clear your thoughts.
If you are the girl he is crushing on, he will probably text you later.You left the residence hall and started walking. 
“I never thought you could be this romantic, Bakugou. Thank you for this special gift for my birthday. I really like you too” you heard a girl's voice say and looked in the direction where it came from. 
You stopped walking straight away and just stared at Bakugou and the girl.
He confessed his feelings to another girl.
Your world fell apart.
You simply stood there for minutes, watching them walk away. 
Why would you ever think that Bakugo might like you?
Your Phone vibrated.
Y/N she likes me back. Thank you for your help. You are the best. 
A/N: Hopefully, you will enjoy it. 
Polly ^^
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veenxys · 9 months
「How BNHA Boys would react if you get rejected by them only to start dating their friend after they comfort you」
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⤷ Bakugou
bakugou never needed anyone, and he felt great like that; that's what he always said and that's what he said when you declared yourself to him. he didn't feel remorse or sadness until he saw you moving on; a mix of emotions took over him when he saw you being happy with someone else, being loved and valued. he felt selfish seeing you like this, but mostly he felt horrible for letting you go and realizing his feelings too late. he would try to talk to you, but not in a nice way because he doesn't know how to do that; his feelings are taking over him, his anger and selfishness taking over his thoughts and words, which made you move even further away from him. which made you hurt even more. but you wouldn't need to worry about that because you have someone who would take care of you and help you heal your scars, while he only had himself because he never needed anyone… he thinks.
⤷ Deku he was confused about his own feelings and didn't want to involve you in this confusion, so he just let you go. at first, he thought it was the right thing because he thought he didn't feel anything for you, he didn't see you the same way you saw him. but these thoughts came at the exact moment he saw you with someone else. he didn't feel anything for you, right? so why now does his chest feel like you took his heart away? why does he miss you? he just looks at you from afar while you laugh at the joke that your 'friend' told you - the same friend of his, that he told you everything. the same friend who caught you when he let you fell. he just takes a deep breath, swallowing hard as he tries to look away. but he can't, you trapped him and he knows it won't be easy to escape. he knows it won't be easy to let you go. not this time.
⤷ Kirishima
he thought his friend would just laugh at the situation, but no, his friend got angry. why did he hurt you? why didn't he value you? why was he finding all this funny? the two argue and kirishima tries to put it aside; it's over now, none of that matters anymore. but, when he saw you and your friend being happy, he felt the weight of the consequences of his actions. he was childish to have found the situation funny or to have bragged that he didn't want you - when, in fact, all he wanted most was you. he knows there's nothing to be done now, so he just sits with his feelings, trying not to drown in a sea of guilt, disappointment and regret.
⤷ Todoroki
he just didn't know how to show his feelings. he couldn't say or demonstrate anything, just look at you scared while you opened your heart to him. from his reaction, you imagined that he didn't feel the same way and that your feelings didn't mean anything to him, so you just asked him to forget everything and left, trying to connect the pieces of your broken heart. you haven't seen each other since then, and the moment he sees you again, he becomes unresponsive again. you moved on. you learned to love and accept being loved by someone who truly values you and loves you the way you are; someone who knows how to show their feelings. he stays still, unresponsive again, just letting his heart shatter in his chest into pieces so small that he feels like they will never mend again.
⤷ Denki
he wouldn't mind so much at first, actually. you declared yourself to him, he didn't feel the same way, you say sorry, he makes a joke about the situation and you don't talk to each other anymore; breaking that bond of friendship and trust that you had. he was fine for a few days, but then regret came like a wave; why did he do that? he was so blind, so lost… he shouldn't have let you go. but when he looks for you again, it's already too late. you are with someone else; someone comforted you when he left. someone who truly loved you. someone who isn't him. he feels terrible like never before, but there's nothing he can do. he tries to be happy for you, he swears he tries, but he knows he will never really succeed.
⤷ Tamaki
when you first declared yourself to him, he was paralyzed. he didn't know how to react, it was as if the world had stopped as he tried to find himself. his silence was like a nightmare to your ears, which made you imagine the worst and he did nothing to change it; he just distanced himself from you because he felt like he was drowning, like he couldn't breathe next to you. after that you walked away from him because you couldn't look at him after what happened, but he could look at you with his friend; he didn't know if you two were together or not, but he felt his heartache like never before in his chest. and he wondered why. why couldn't he say anything? why did he feel his heart break for you after losing you? why couldn't he be different?
⤷ Shinsou
he was so used to people's rejection and fear that he was confused and lost when you confessed to him; he didn't know what to say. he didn't know how to tell you this, but he wasn't ready. he didn't want to trust anyone else just to have his heart and soul broken again. then he pushes you away, leaving you and him broken because he loved you dearly, but not in the same way you loved him. he thought it would be the best for both of you, but it was the best for you that you found a better person and finally cured yourself of all the nightmares of your past. and he can only observe; with a broken heart in his hands as he realized he lost the love of his life, the only person he truly loved and trusted, and who loved him back, but he realized his feelings too late.
⤷ Hawks
he started making so many excuses and reasons why you shouldn't be together that he made you think the problem was you. and it broke you completely. he was truly sorry about that, but there was nothing he could do when you started to walk away and fix yourself with someone else's help; a person he trusted. he knows it's too late to apologize or take it back, and he doesn't want to take away that bright smile of yours off your face after all he's done for you. so he just watches from afar with a broken heart and empty eyes as you find your home in someone else's heart.
⤷ Dabi
he didn't want a relationship right now and he wasn't ready to share his life with someone, so he broke your heart in ways you didn't even know were possible. but seeing you moving away from him made him feel a huge emptiness in his heart; a void you've filled for so long. and when he saw you with someone else finally being happy and free, he realized he made the biggest mistake of his life. he didn't know how much he loved you and how much he wanted you until he finally realized that he lost you in someone else's arms. but he has to pretend he's okay with it because, after all, he's the one who broke your heart.
⤷ Shigaraki
he always felt something different for you, but he didn't want to destroy you like he did all the other people that came into his life. so the best option he had was to lie and say he didn't feel the same way about you. he knew it would hurt, but it was a pain he could heal and leave only a scar…right? he's sorry he hurt you that day and he'll never forget that, not after the day he saw you with a new person. and this person - who swore to be his friend - made you so, so happy. and he hated himself for knowing he could never give it to you, but he hates himself even more for not even trying.
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deleteddewewted · 6 months
How To Not Welcome The New Years (MHA)
(MHA Edition x Gn! Reader)
W: Everyone is Aged Up (18+), Cheating, Angst, Hurt/Injured, No One Is a Good Person Including the Reader, (C: Bakugou, Shinso, Monoma, Kirishima, Aizawa, and Hawks)
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He was always too busy for the smallest of things.
He was too busy to set up a date night.
He was always too busy.
He had no problem doing the interviews he hated but he had an issue if you asked him to go to bed with you if you wanted some affection.
Your relationship was wilting away right under him and he seemed to not care.
You checked out of it already. You were ready for him to end things soon since he didn't bother to get you a present for Christmas and he didn't even come home for the holiday either.
He didn't even bother to open them once he got home and instead went to his office to finish up some reports.
You thought that maybe he would try to put in an effort for New Year's.
His agency always hosts a party for the sidekicks and you, delusionally, thought he would take you.
He left you behind at home to greet the new year.
You called him.
He surprised you when he picked up. In the background, you could hear his friends talking.
Maybe once upon a time, it would hurt that he was prioritizing his friends but you were numb. It no longer mattered.
"What do you need Y/n?" He was annoyed. Maybe it was at you. Maybe it was because of how loud his friends were being. Kirishima could be heard in the background talking about some trip he had planned for after New Year's.
You dont remember the last time he ever took you on a vacation.
"I'm breaking up with you. I'll be out by tonight." You're to the point. There was no reason for you to prolong it.
He fell out of love and you were done with being in love with someone who didn't see you as worth spending his time on.
"W-what?! What are you talking about?"
"Bye Bakugou." You ended the call and began packing.
Your phone kept ringing as you packet. You turned it off after the 5th call.
You had an apartment already. You had it just in case you ended the relationship earlier.
You welcomed the new year alone and walking down the busy and joy-filled streets of Japan, bags in hand and phone turned off.
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He was so sweet when you both started dating.
He was attentive and patient with you. Never did he raise his voice even when you were in the wrong.
He coddled you and that was something you didn't mind too much as your relationship progressed.
It felt nice to be wanted and to be looked after but it began to change as you both got older and entered your respective careers.
He started snapping at you.
He was angry. He reminded you of Bakugou but he lacked the ego.
The once loving and comforting Shinso was now a brut who came home to get upset with you.
He yelled, he cried. He was frustrated beyond belief. He repeated as much to you.
"You wouldn't understand just how hard my job is." doesn't matter if you worked the same job or not, he always made you feel like you were not as hard-working or as overworked as him.
For the holidays he didn't bother to put on a happy face when you visited your family. He started arguing that you should have gone to his family for the holidays.
For New Years you had hoped he would've appreciated the reservation you made at his favorite restaurant.
You dressed up and made sure to make yourself look and feel good. You liked having an excuse to dress up, try something new, and see what might make him happy.
You both agreed to meet at the restaurant since he was out working.
And when you got there he was in his hero uniform instead of the suit he had said he was going to change into at the agency he worked at.
He was sweaty and dirty, and his hair had stuck to his forehead.
"Shinso, you said that-" You were cut off as he slammed his hand against the table, the drinks that had been set spilling onto the table and onto the floor.
"For fuck sake, Y/n. I just got off of work. Can I please relax?" He snapped at you.
You started the New Year crying. He kept muttering to himself about how upsetting it was that he couldn't eat in peace.
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He was gentlemanly with you. Always opening the door for you, taking his jacket/hoodie/coat off so you could wear it even if it means that he'd be cold.
He was always attentive even if he was self-centered at times.
As he entered his career he was bombarded with work all at once. He never had a moment for you and when he got home he would say he was tired.
You thought that maybe for the Holidays he would get a break but that wasn’t the case. He was working late, barely answering his phone and sleeping at the agency just so he could finish paperwork.
He told you that he would take you to the agency’s New Year’s party.
You were enjoying the music and the drinks, speaking to his friends and your friends when you realized he wasn’t by your side anymore.
You looked for him and in a hallway you found him kissing with someone who you knew to be a sidekick.
“Monoma” You didn’t know what to say or do. He jumped and pushed the sidekick away before trying to get close to you.
“Y/n! W-Wait! Let me explain. This is all a big misunderstanding!” He tried explaining but you were already walking away. He went back to the party and couldn’t find you anywhere.
No one knew where you were and he couldn’t get a hold of you. He started panicking thinking that you might have gotten hurt or worse.
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Kirishima didn’t know when to quit and that was the reason why you loved him so much.
He was always trying to push himself to do things that he might fear for the sake of someone else.
He was scared to ask you out and when he managed to get the word with he couldn’t help let out a cheer when you accepted to date him.
Once he started his pro-hero career it took a lot out of him. Physically and mentally.
He was constantly getting injured and every time you had come to the hospital not knowing how or why he got hurt.
There were times when he nearly died and it left you distraught. You never knew when it would be the last time you’d see him.
And he refused to tell you what he was doing or how hurt he was.
New Year's was no different.
He was hurt and bleeding out after fighting a villain. He was rushed to the hospital and when you arrived to check up on him he snapped at you when you began asking him what happened.
You had spent so long telling him that you wanted him to stop taking so many risks. His health and life were on the line and he truly didn’t need to be making brash decisions.
"Y/n, if I don't do this who will?" He was frustrated and you understood that but you also dreaded someday not having the chance to see him again.
"Eijiro, please-"
"Y/n, stop. Just please stop." He doesn't want to hear you complain and he asks you to leave.
He hears the fireworks outside his hospital room.
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He's always stressed out and that's how you met him.
He was feeding strays on his patrol and he saw you doing the same.
You started dating and it didn't bother you at all that he was absent often since he worked at UA and as an underground hero.
He made an effort to be there for the holidays but even if he couldn't be there he would make sure to tell you in advance.
The only issue with this was that he prioritized work and solitude more than being around people.
You could understand that he wanted to have his breaks in peace but it also meant that he would push you away.
It started bothering you after a while. You told him that you'd like to spend more time with him and he agreed that he could try but nothing changed.
UA decided to host a New Year's party for the teachers and students.
Aizawa went, not bothering to tell you, and when you tried getting a hold of him he didn't answer his phone.
You got into an argument when he came back.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to the party? I could have joined you." You felt hurt.
"I only went to keep the peace. Hizashi made me go."
"And you could have brought me so I could meet your coworkers."
"Stop it. Im tired and want to sleep, Y/n." He cut you off.
He went to bed leaving you to sleep on the couch as you watched the news broadcasters celebrate the new year.
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He played the role of an attentive boyfriend well.
He felt something for you, he knew it was something positive but he didn't know if he could define it as love.
He was always good at pretending so it didn't hurt to try and be your boyfriend.
It was a new relationship and he liked the affection he got from you. it was nice.
He felt appreciated in a way he hadn't been before.
Your touch, your kisses, your hugs. It was warm and inviting.
It all came crashing during the New Year party the hero commissioned hosted for all ranked heroes.
He was getting pictures with fans, talking with possible investors for his agency, talking with heroes, and all while ignoring you.
You understood he had his priorities on his agency but ever since you two started dating, it felt like he wasn't really invested in the relationship. Like something was missing from it.
When the countdown began, you tried getting him to join you out on the balcony. You wanted to greet the new year with him but he wouldn't budge.
"Give me a second." He said before making his way over to Endeavor and Jeanist.
The clock hit midnight and everyone cheered as they congratulated each other.
Hawks didn't go back to you at all. You left the party without telling him anything and just went back to your apartment.
He didn't notice you were gone until they started clearing the space and the cleaning crew started cleaning up.
He looked for you and when he couldn't find you he tried calling.
You never answer him and so he left to search for you before leaving you a last text and heading home.
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deltaharrington · 2 months
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PAIRING: Pro Hero!Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Katsuki isn’t all big and bad when you two are alone…
WARNINGS: Pure filth, 18+, sub!bakugo, dom!reader
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“Hm? What was that?” You question as you look up at your husband, completely and utterly fucked out.
Currently, you were straddling his lap, your pretty hands wrapped around his cock as you got him off. He was completely putty in your hands and you *loved* it.
“Please! Y/n…please!” He begged as he threw his head back, huffs and moans leaving him.
Poor thing. You’d told him not to touch you the second he walked into the house. He’d had a rough day at work, and was practically begging for you to do *something* to him.
You leaned down and roughly connected your lips with his, soft moans erupting from the man below you.
“Please what? Use your words, Suki…” You trailed off and he nearly came at the sound of his name falling from your lips.
His hands gripped the bedsheets as he tried to find his words, your pace quickening and then slowing down. You were being unpredictable, and he nearly couldn’t take it.
“Being such a good boy f’me” You praised “Not touching me…I bet you want to, huh?” You teased and he nodded his head. He looked different like this, and he’d only ever show this side of himself to you. He was vulnerable, he was more genuine.
The facade he put up around others was for his own protection, but with you, he didn’t need that, he could let go.
“Need to cum, please!” He begged again and gasped as your thumb brushed over the tip of his cock, which was pink with arousal.
“Well since you asked so nicely…” You trailed off and picked your pace up, going steady as mourners of your name fell from him. “Go on, Suki…cum for me” You said and he exploded.
His cum came barreling out as his hips thrusted upwards to add more friction to your unwavering pace. Even after he came down from his high, you kept at it, only earning pitiful whimpers from Katsuki.
“That’s it, there you go…” You praised as your movements came to a slow stop.
Katsuki’s face was properly flushed and he looked more than tired. “Let’s get this cleaned up, hm?” You spoke and he nodded his head, watching as you got out of bed to go get a warm washcloth for him.
You knew he didn’t have the energy to shower, not right now, so you opted for this and some sweet aftercare.
After cleaning him up, you helped him up under the covers, slipping into bed with him. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and pressed himself into your chest.
“Thank you” He muttered and you hummed, running your fingers through his soft hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
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As 3AM rolled around, you were already fast asleep, and Katsuki should have been too, but he couldn’t stop thinking about you. You were on his mind 24/7, and part of him hated it. He hated how he’d open up to you and let you please him however you liked.
He loved it. Don’t get him wrong, but was he doing enough for you? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d made you cum.
With all the stirring in the bed, you’d woken up, your eyes fluttering open to see the husband. “What are you doing awake?” You asked softly and gently reached out to touch his cheek.
“Just thinkin’” He mumbled and your brows furrowed.
“I haven’t been pleasing you” Katsuki said before you got a chance to speak.
“Baby…you do please me…I love watching you fall apart just from my touch” You said “Not to mention, you make sure I have lunch packed in the morning, breakfast made, and that I’m safe throughout the day…what more could I need?” You explained and he huffed.
“M’talking about when we have sex…I can’t remember the last time I made you cum…” He said and you shook your head.
“I don’t care-“
“But I do!” He raised his voice “I want to please you in more ways than making lunch or checking in on you” He said softly “I want you to feel good too…” He added.
You didn’t know what to say to that..you loved him and he knew it. He didn’t want you to feel left out.
You sighed and looked up at him “I love you regardless..I don’t need-“
“I need this” He said in a serious tone “Sit on my face” He said and you gasped.
“Sit on my face” He repeated and moved to lie back. Oh, so he was serious.
“I-okay…” You trailed off and got your panties off, leaving you in one of his shirts. You moved your legs on each side of his face and he pulled you down immediately with no warning, his mouth latching to your clit instantly.
“Katsuki!” You gasped out as he ate you like you were his last meal, his tongue exploring every part of your cunt.
“S-Such a good boy…” You praised and he seemed to like it. That, and the fact that you were tugging on his hair.
You rode his face until you were close, rolling your hips against his tongue. “I’m gonna cum” You warned and he hummed, not stopping.
You unraveled soon after, your juices coating his tongue with a sweet goodness. What he’d been searching for.
When you came down, he helped you off and you smiled at him in a daze. “That- that was so good, Suki” You muttered, it sounded stupid but he knew what you meant.
“Can we go to sleep now?” You asked and he nodded his head, letting you wrap his arms around you again.
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frickingnerd · 9 months
bakugou crushing on a mindreader
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
tags: fluff, katsuki is in denial, mean katsuki, katsuki calling you names
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katsuki seemed like the type of guy who would just say out loud what he thinks, but only you knew that this wasn't the case
he would often deny he had feelings for you, even call you names to let people think he hated you
but you could read his mind – something he wasn't aware of when he first fell in love with you – and you knew the truth
you knew that everytime katsuki pinched your cheeks and called you an ugly hamster, he was only thinking about how cute you looked up close
he was melting just by touching your soft cheek and being this close to you
you didn't tell him about your quirk for the longest time, always waiting for the right moment to reveal to him that you had been able to read his mind all along
and when mina invited you one day to hang out with her, katsuki and the other boys, it seemed like the day of the reveal had come
mina was the one who let it slip what your quirk was, when denki asked her about it
and katsuki of course overheard it, given he stood right next to the two of them
immediately, he started to panic! 
all those times he thought about how cute you looked, how nervous he was about being close to you, how in love he was with you – you knew about them!
when his head whiped to the side, staring at you in shock, he found you already looking at him, with a sly smirk on your lips
you knew! you were reading his thoughts in this very moment and he was trying so hard to think of anything except you! 
it didn't take long for the boys to notice the panicking katsuki, his face red as his bit down on his bottom lip frustrated
sero was the one who put the pieces together first, turning to you and grinning amused
"was bakugou thinking of anything embarrassing right now, y/n~?" he asked
you just locked eyes with katsuki, grinning at the boy before turning back to sero
"something like that, yeah"
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
— release
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Don’t mind me, just feeling self-indulgent today💕
Being Dynamight’s PR manager you were used to getting him out of trouble, it’s only fair he show you some appreciation.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, piss.
Word Count: 1.2k.
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“Spread your legs.”
“What?” A fierce heat flooded to your cheeks as you tried to ignore the throb between your thighs at such a blaze request.
Your fingers stilled against your keyboard as you looked up at your boss from across the room. City lights illuminated the empty office as you were the only two left on the floor, the last minute mission reports were almost complete and your body ached from hunching over your computer for so long.
Each time Dynamight faced a destruction of public property charge it always meant staying late, his PR team working overtime to try and arrange reparations. And as his PR manager it meant staying later than the rest of your employees, who were long gone. You’d expected the phone to stop ringing during office hours, but after just getting off the phone with another disgruntled civilian at past ten, you were proved wrong.
“You heard,” He stepped towards you as he carded a hand through his messy hair.
“I should be giving you orders right now, Dynamight,” You hissed, “Do you realise how many complaints I’ve had to address today because of you?”
“People always got shit to complain about,” He scoffed, “I got the guy, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but maybe you could do it without totalling a building next time?” You sneered.
“I thought you liked staying late in the office with me,” He grinned, walking around the edge of your desk, “You were pretty happy when I had you pressed against my window last month.”
Your heart raced at the memory, your breasts pressed against the cool glass as he pounded into you from behind. His agency was one of the tallest buildings in the city, but there was still a chance that someone could’ve seen you.
“I think you like when I do this shit.” He pressed.
“Oh yeah, I really love spending overtime being berated on the phone.” You rolled your eyes.
“Just hang up on those fuckers,” He shook his head, “They’re always the first to complain when shitty Deku’s not there in time.”
“Unless you’d missed it, my job is to get you out of shit,” You smiled, “Not to make it worse.”
“I thought your job was to do whatever I say.” Large palms pushed your computer chair back from the desk, spinning you to face him.
“My job is to keep you out of trouble,” You crossed your arms over your chest, “Which is why you seem to enjoy making it hard.”
“I think you’re the one that likes making me hard, sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes at his crass humour as his lips curled into a smug grin, “So spread your legs.”
Bakugou’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he watched the way your cute skirt rose further up your thighs as you obeyed, revealing your plain cotton panties to his debauched gaze.
“Good girl.” He growled. You were always so obedient, so easy. The way you were ready and willing to do anything for him at the blink of an eye.
But you needed this too, especially after the day you’d had. You deserved it, and Bakugou was more than willing to give it to you.
“Been thinkin’ about this all damn day,” He groaned, “I shoulda called you into my office earlier.”
“I really need to use the bathroom first, Katsuki.” You mumbled.
A request which fell upon deaf ears as Bakugou settled himself between your plush thighs, broad arms shouldering them further apart as he nuzzled your clothed crotch. Breathing in the scent of you as you involuntarily bucked your hips into his touch, your core throbbing with desire and need.
“So pretty,” He hums, ignoring your request as he places a chaste kiss on your sensitive clit through the fabric, grinning when your body jolts in response, “You been waiting for me all day?”
“Shit,” You whined, hands blindly reaching out for his messy mop of hair as he began to lap at your folds through the thin material. Watching it darken from a mixture of your slick and his spit as your pelvis began to tighten. Trying to chase the pleasure he was giving you and ignore the dull throb that pulsed inside you, desperate for relief, “Katsuki, I really have to pee first.”
You could coax him to the bathrooms, let him pound you over the sinks as he’d done so many times before after you’d given yourself the relief you were craving. Being sat autonomously at your desk for so many hours as you tried to repair the mess that Dynamight had created, you’d lost track of time and basic human needs. His warm hands smoothing along your inner thighs reminded you of just how desperately you needed to go.
If Bakugou heard your pleas, he chose to ignore them. Palming himself through his slacks as he lapped at your sensitive clit through your panties.
You were certain you wouldn’t be able to hang on for much longer, trying to close your thighs around his head in a feeble attempt to hold yourself back for a little longer— to stop yourself from humiliating yourself in front of your boss.
Bakugou’s fingers curled beneath the fabric as he pulled them down your thighs, leaving them settled around one of your ankles as he spread you apart with his thumbs.
“Kats,” You groaned, your cunt clenched from the throb in your pelvis, “Please.”
“Ain’t no one stopping you, sweetheart.” He rasped, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against your puffy clit.
The contact with your bare cunt had your hips jerking, throwing your head back against the headrest as you felt your pelvis throb. All conscious thoughts swirling from your mind as you finally allowed yourself to relax and succumb to the desire. The euphoria almost mind-numbing as a warm stream began to trickle from between your thighs.
“Oh fuck, baby. That’s it—” Bakugou groaned as he watched through half-lidded eyes. His cock throbbing beneath his slacks as he watched you relieve yourself in front of him, “So pretty.”
Bakugou smoothed his thumb along your slit, following the warm stream as your hole clenched around nothing from the contact. Embarrassment had your heart pounding in your chest as your eyes clenched shut, your hands gripping onto the arms of your chair as you tried to close your thighs.
“Don’t,” Bakugou snarled, slapping your cunt as the wet sound echoed around the empty Office. You gasped at the contact as your eyes snapped open, “Look at me.”
The painful throb was now replaced with white hot bliss that coursed through your veins as your eyes rolled back, your lips parted in a desperate whine as he pulled back to watch you with his intense crimson gaze.
“Oh fuck,” You bit down on your lower lip hard as you emptied your bladder, finally beginning to feel your body relax as the intense throb from your clit took over. Desperate for any kind of contact as you rolled your hips into Bakugou’s touch.
“You’re so perfect, you know that?” He hummed, his fingers brushing along your wet slit before pushing inside your tight core, stealing all the air from your lungs, “My dirty girl.”
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Hi again!!! Could you do a M!reader x bakugou Where does Bakugou find out he's gay? he never worried about sexualities, and after meeting the reader he discovered that he liked guys and started ignoring him for fear of being rejected 😭 but then at the end the reader admits that he is pansexual and is in love with Bakugou and has a fluff ending!!!
les gooooo im so happy im getting so many requests tbh--
characters: Bakugo
reader: Male
summary: every since Y/n walked into that class bakugo immediately knew he hated(fell in love with) him.
warnings: coming out, swearing, hinted shinkami
other details: bakugo being in denial about being in the closet, Pan!reader, fluff, confession.
les gooo
(hope you dont mind the headcannon format! trying to get through my requests and headcannons make it easier :') )
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-this man fell head over heels for you the second you stepped in the door. you could feel his face heating up just at the sight.
-of course, like any other person bakugos first thought was, "Oh I probably fucking hate this guy if I'm reacting like this right?"
-you both got to know each other better due to being paired up in training a lot.
-bakugo was honestly annoyed with himself to learn he didn't hate you, he wanted to be "friends"
-he swears just friends.
-you two hung out a lot, mostly with the others.
-others being; Kirishima, denki, sero, and Mina, yknow the group.
-the topic of Bakugo possibly having a crush didn't pop up until a bit after school one day. Bakugo was forcibly dragged along with the rest of the group to go to a restaurant together.
-kaminari was ranting about some purple-haired mind controller he was crushing on.
-bakugo didn't think much of it until Mina pointed out one thing.
-"You know, the way you talk about shinsou and what you guys do together sounds awfully a lot like Bakugo and Y/N..."
-"Wait! You're totally right! bakugo do you like him?!"
-"he totally likes him!"
-they were both met with a small explosion of anger and almost real explosions to the face.
-"im not gay!"
-everyone just kinda stared at him in disbelief for a second.
-finally, sero actually spoke up to break the silence.
-"Wait... youre not...?"
-ultiple explosions were fired causing the group to get kicked from the store.
-once they got back to the dorms bakugo immediately shut himself into his room.
-he was intending to actually sleep but his mind was clouded purely with thoughts of You..
-he actually began questioning himself.
-the next day bakugo couldn't keep his brain from focusing on you.
-he noticed every time you spoke, sighed, yawned, walked, breathed, he was way too focused.
-he tried to keep his mind off of you.
-it was all fine until kirishima was trying to talk to him.
-'bakugo you're listening right?"
-"hey man--- you good-?"
-it took a few moments before kirishima looked to see what bakugo was so focused on.
-he was staring you down.
-"ohhhhh, yknow, I'm starting to think Mina and kaminari were right-"
-somehow that out of everything snapped bakugo out of his thoughts.
-"I don't like him!"
-kirishima stiffled a laugh
-"Uh-huh, sureeeee you don't."
-bakugo had a weird look on his face as he turned back to look at you.
-his ears turned a bright red when you noticed him staring and smiled slightly in his direction.
-kirishima looked between you two for a moment.
-"okay kaminari and mina were definitely right."
-"For the last time shitty hair- Im not gay!'
-class a was lucky with how high quality these desks were, otherwise, bakugos would have been burnt to a crisp with that explosion that came out of his hands.
-bakugos small fit of yelling caught a lot of students' attention, usually they ignored bakugos rants but this one seemed to interest a few.
-"I- why are you looking at me like that! go die."
-he shoved past kirishima leaving the room.
-you assumed he had left for the dorms.
-you learned just how wrong you were when you left the classroom and immediately someone grabbed your hand dragging you to a slightly secluded area behind the school.
-he didn't reply and shoved you against the wall. you could feel your face heat up at the position but then you realised Bakugo's expression.
-he was pissed
-like, if you don't run then just pray for your survival pissed.
-"The hell is with your quirk!? it's making me feel all weird these past few months!"
-"Bakugo the hell are you talking about--"
-"Your quirk dumbass! it-- it's making me feel all these weird emotions whenever I look at you- i- it makes me feel warm in shit! like- like I actually like you! So tell me! What the hell is your quirk!?"
-you didn't know whether to laugh or confess at this point.
-"Bakugo- my quirk is (quirk), which is very much not related to what you're feeling--"
-you could see bakugos whole face flush red.
-yet for once he didnt look mad, he looked almost embarrassed.
-his mind was racing with thoughts realizing; "oh shit I'm actually gay."
-there was a very long awkward pause. you could see Bakugo's thoughts racing purely in his expression.
-after almost a minute he finally spoke up.
-"Then.. go out with me dumbass."
-What he said caught you by surprise, your face heating up at these words.
-"Wait what--
-"I said go out with me! Are you deaf or just not interested!?"
-"I mean I am interested... just- a little surprised that's all."
-he pulled away so you weren't shoved against the wall anymore.
-"It's late as hell- let's get back to the dorms."
-"Ah! right-"
-"Of course someone like you is gay."
-"I'm pan.. but- close enough I guess."
-"What the hell does that mean?!"
-not only did you learn about Bakugo's feelings towards you. you also learned he had no clue about the large list of sexualities outside of gay and straight.
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ngl struggles once again, mainly with the confession part
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
No Greater Pleasure
Bully Bakugou x FEM!Reader 
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Based off this ask: <BULLY BAKUGOU ASK> This post can be seen as second part to "All of His Attention" Another Bully Bakugou fic of mine just with a time jump after all.
Bakugou Katsuki loves nothing more than to torment you, pick on you and down right degrade you. What he didn't expect was you to hit him back. Unbeknownst to you, it doesnt have the effect you wish it did.
Note: bully bakusquad, bully Bakugou Third years. Perverts. All of them. Just being sleazy creeps. Hinted non-con Voyeurism. Small cannon violence. Bullying. Name calling and swearing. Underlying Midoriya x Reader. Reader discretion is advised.
Bakugou Katsuki was one of the most annoying people you’ve ever met.  
And he felt like he had every right to be.  
He was handsome, he was strong, gifted with a great quirk, smart and intelligent. His parents were successful, he was a modal, he could buy or get anything he wanted. Which was probably why he always acted like a spoilt brat at every moment or waking turn. He was annoying, that was sure. With a simple grin that made your skin crawl, he felt as though he was king of the world.  
Especially in third year. With the Hero Course students now famous for saving Japan multiple times, it was no wonder how they all got famous, especially at U.A. With first years and second years crawling all over them just to get a taste of their lives that had picked up thanks to the Hero Commission. Bakugou loved it. He lived for all the attention and glory. All the people screaming his name during practises and training that could be watched, all the gifts and confessions given to him by poor unsuspecting victims that think he actually care.  
None of them do. Or at least none of them in the bakusquad. All the self-entitlement and fame went to their heads and suddenly they became one group you never wanted to come across.  
Sero Hanta, resident smoker, druggie and Capital S, sleaze. With a stupid straight toothed grin and laid back expression he would make you fall into a false sense of understanding and security.  
Talking about false sense of security, Kirishima Eijiro. Bakugou’s best friend and number one person to never go after. With that kind smile and caring eyes all fell victim to him. He was the worst of them all. Made you feel as though he cared, as though you were special, only to crush your heart in the mot painful and innocent way. I mean, who would believe you? Kirishima would never do that? He’s the most manly and true person ever.  
All of them had turned out absolutely horrible in your eyes, but none as bad as Bakugou Katsuki.  
Having a new girlfriend, boyfriend, partner, whatever every other day. Other than a quicky or some new attention, Bakugou was never interested in a serious partner, and it showed in the trail of heartbreaks and ruined partners he left behind him. I mean with a smirk like that, crimson eyes that burned into your soul and a voice that he used to pull you in like a siren, it was no wonder that he could get away with so much.  
I mean, they’re the hero course.  
Bakugou loved all the mayhem he could get away with. If Aizawa wasn’t there, why not have a little fun. Especially if it was tormenting Midoriya’s little group of friends. He never found such pleasure like going back to pick on Midoriya. Although Midoriya had grown a backbone as well as big enough muscle to push back.  
But Bakugou knew there was one person. One person in the whole class he found absolutely delicious. One person that he found no greater pleasure in than to torment.  
And that was you.  
God, did he love to pick on you. Trip you, flip and look up your skirt, pock at, be an absolute disgusting pervert around you. You hated it. And that’s what he lusted over. The anger in your eyes, the hate and rage brewing underneath the surface. You never wanted to stoop to his level, but that’s what made it all so fun. How he could technically do anything he wanted to you and you wouldn’t do a damn thing.  
He got off to it. It made him chub in his pants just to see you squirm as he sneered down at you, throwing another degrading comment at you.  
Until one day... 
“You really fucked up that mission, Y/N.” Bakugou walked over to you, putting his hands on your desk as he looked down at you. His eyeliner making his vermillion eyes only hone onto you more and seem more predatory. “People could have gotten seriously hurt if Kirishima and I weren’t there in time.” He looked over to his redheaded best friend. The giant redhead leaned back against his chair as he watched wordlessly wanting to see how this would go.  
You swallowed down any harsh remark you were going to say. You closed your eyes briefly before looking back up at him. 
God did he love when you looked up at him, down below him.  
“It was my mistake, Bakugou. I just wasn’t paying attention to that street.” You told him truthfully.  
“Clearly.” He scoffed. He leaned down. “But people could die because of you. And that would be on you.” He poked your chest.  
You frowned as you brushed his hand away from you. “Don’t touch me, Bakugou.” 
His smirk grew, exposing a sharp canine. He licked over his teeth as he looked down at you. “What? Can’t handle the brutal honesty, princess?” He asked as poked you again. “Hm? Can’t handle me being honest with you? Does it bother you Y/N?” He got up close and personal to you, not stopping. You tightened your grip on your desk as you tried your best to ignore him. “Hm? Or maybe you get off to it? Maybe you’re a sick freak, huh?” 
Midoriya scowled as he got up to go stop the blond. His green eyes held distaste and murder as he glared at the blond. “Leave them alone, Kacchan.”  
Bakugou ignored the green haired nerd as he moved his mouth to your ear. “It’s okay. I like freaks.” He whispered against your ear. “Almost as much as I love the songs you sing in the shower when you think no ones left.”  
Immediately, without hesitation, you had a hand wrapped around his neck. Bakugou’s eyes shot wide open as you stood up, your eyes dark with a pressing rage that you had kept down for far too long. He glared as you took a step forward, forcing him back against the desk behind him.  
He only looked shocked for a second before he looked at you with half lidded eyes of temptation and lust. He bit his bottom lip as he pressed forward into your hand. “I knew you were kinky Y/N, but God damn. In front of everyone?” He asked making his group of friends chuckle. Kaminari already had his camera rolling on his phone, knowing how much Bakugou loved to rewatch your reactions to him. “I knew you were slut at hea-” 
The words were slapped right out of him as his face turned to the side. His cheek stinging at the impact. Immediately the class went silent. Midoriya froze mid stride to you, his green eyes went wide at what you had done. Kirishima stood up instantly, ready to step in if a brawl happened. As much as he wanted to watch, he prioritised his friend first.  
You looked at Bakugou with angry tears in your eyes with so much disgust that it was almost too much to contain in just your eyes. “You’re a fucking villain, Bakugou Katsuki.” You shot at him with a glare. He looked back at you, his pupil trained on you without a single reaction. “Initially I thought you could have been a great hero, that you could have been something to look up to, but now I know you’re just a bully and a villain.” You let go of him, wiping your hands on your shirt like you had touched something filthy. You sneered at him with an upturned nose. “You’re disgusting.” You turned and left, walking out of class just as Mr Aizawa walked in. 
Midoriya quickly realised that you were leaving and quickly followed you. “Y/N!” He looked to Mr Aizawa who let the green haired hero in training go after you. He raised an eyebrow before looking to Bakugou who stood with a hand to his cheek.  
Kirishima walked over to Bakugou, a hand on his shoulder. “Katsuki, you alright? He asked with a raised eyebrow as he turned the blond to talk to him privately. Bakugou was silent for a moment before looking out the classroom door to see Midoriya talking to you, his hands on you as he looked down at you concerned. Kirishima released a low growl as he looked out the classroom. “That fucking bitch. We can get her Katsuki, just-” 
Bakugou raised a hand, making Kirishima keep quiet. Bakugou tensed his jaw before looking up at Kirishima. He smirked before looking back out at you. He grinned, already having made up his mind. “Fuck, I want her.”  
And Bakugou was sure, that there would be no greater pleasure than to finally have you.  
<Katsuki Bakugou Masterlist>
@dragonwarrior97 @wolfunderthethree @iamvioletta @idiotic-anime-lover @karibakugo Because they've asked MONTHS ago for more Bully Bakugou.
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Katsuki Bakugou x Popular/MeanGirl!reader - oneshot about Katsuki loving his ruthless girlfriend!
Ok, the title is a little misleading, you're not that mean! you just do unto others what they do to you...and Katsuki loves it. As always, please let me know if you want more, and if you have any ideas for the future <3 calling this a songfic, because it's hugely based on Don't Touch! by Lil Mariko
warnings: lots of cursing, mentions of castration, and one chaotic good(?) reader
When you first arrived at UA, a late entry as you lived in the Americas prior, everyone loved you, and surprisingly that included Bakugou. Of course, it took him a long time to warm up all the way, but you started dating after a few months of getting to know each other. What could he say? You were pretty, smart, patient with him, and best of all, you didn't take crap. He learned that the first week of your arrival, when his attempt to bully you fell short. You actually took a liking to him, so he was spared most of the passive aggressive fate he saw you give some others. You were just nice to people who were nice to you, ergo most considered you sweet as candy while some considered you a total bitch.
You were hot and you knew it, and believe it or not it caused a lot of people to spread rumors about you. He'll never forget the first time he saw you in action, it was as satisfying as it was attractive. While walking to lunch, a pair of 2nd years were standing to the side whispering and pointing to you. one of them yelled out, "slut," while the other laughed. You, being the bad bitch that you are, turned around, smiled pleasantly, and put on your best innocent demeanor. "aw, I'm really sorry for getting your dick hard, maybe next time try and keep your eyes a little higher, yeah?" It. Was. Magnificent. The two were flabbergasted to say the least, and Katsuki himself was glad to finally see someone who didn't act like a saint all the time.
Long story short, you were his other half, and he had gotten used to your mocking, sarcastic way of handling assholes...until the day of the Sports Festival. You and Katsuki were were perusing the food stands, you dragging him around from place to place, him trailing behind like the grump he was. One stand actually caught his eye, a sign claiming to have the spiciest sauce in the city to compliment their renowned Takoyaki. You were standing with him, looking around while holding his hand, when out of the corner of your eye you saw someone point towards you. You didn't turn your head, not wanting them to know you noticed, but kept an ear out to see what they were saying.
"yeah, he's the one I was telling you about."
"that guy? No way he's with a girl like her."
"I know, right? He has to be keeping her with him, probably scaring her into staying."
Oh hell no. You weren't going to let this slide, it was one thing to talk about you, but a whole other thing to talk about your relationship. You whipped around, yanking a very confused Katsuki with you. Katsuki had heard the two talking, but was far too enamored with the spicy sauce to actually listen. "Hey," You yelled, using a voice Katsuki hadn't heard out of you before as you raised the hand holding Katsuki's into the air for all to see. "See this?! This means he loves me, so next time you go and make assumptions, why don't you keep your damn mouth shut?!" You step closer to the pair of stunned teens, wearing a look that could kill. Your voice was low and menacing now, making sure they understood every syllable. "Next time I hear you talk shit about my boyfriend, I'll take the Louis Vuitton's He bought me, hunt you down, and castrate you."
The two whimpered, stuttering out a response but unable to finish before running off with their tails between their legs. You watched them dash, one hand on your hip and the other in Katsuki's, before turning to him with that same bubbly smile you always had. "Alright, let's go get ice cream, I'm still hungry!" He had this unreadable expression on his face, and when you tried to pull him to the ice cream he stood stock still. "...What...?" You were fearing the worst.
Were you too much for him? Did he realize he wanted someone nicer, like Ururaka or Momo? This time, he did dragging of his own, yanking you in the opposite direction. He pulled you along without another word, looking left to right, before stopping next to an empty vending stand. "Katsuki, what are you doing," You asked, he was worrying you.
He looked around again, making sure no one was watching, before yanking into the stand with him.
He never answered you with words, but the way he made out with you for the remainder of the Festival break kind of spoke for him. Right then, when you were threatening those extras, was the moment he realized he loved you. Actually, no. He already knew he loved you, despite the fact he never said it (yet). Right then was the moment he knew he'd marry you. You wouldn't know that story from his perspective until he told it at your wedding.
hope you enjoyed, I had this story on my mind all last night and was just itching to write it! let me know if you want more of this!
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estjbeaver · 2 years
𝑪𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒑
[Bakugou Katsuki]
Reblog | Comment | Enjoy, ig
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Warning! Rough sex. Raw sex. Multiple rounds sex. Missionary sex. Teasing sex. Short sex. Sex.
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He's been waiting long. Too long. He received a prize for winning No Nut November, but the relief he got from pounding into you topped it all.
You moaned, groaned, and called out his name. Nearly breaking your back in an arch. Nearly losing sight because of how tightly you kept your eyes shut.
Ruthlessly mixing your organs into jelly, rearranging your entire anatomy. You were his to claim after an agonizingly long month of being teased, tested, and taunted.
"F- Fuck," he came again. Tears dammed at the overstimulation. His thumb never left your clit, constantly rubbing it in a contrasting manner to his rough thrusts.
Wearing his shirts. Cooking for him with nothing but an apron on. He was determined to win, for the sake of his pride. He never missed a chance to help you out with your needs. Finger fucking you senselessly. He won, eventually, at the end of November.
It had been a very long month for his poor desires. Ever since he had you on the counter, floor, shower, bed, or wherever he thought it best to fuck you dry.
Your tits bounced at his rhythm. One leg draped over his shoulder while the other was still shaking from your most recent orgasm.
Whoever says missionary isn't hot just hasn't done it with the right person. Looking into each other's eye. Seeing everything you're doing to the whimpering man. How he thrusted his cock deep inside of you.
It edged you on to cum again. Round after round. Until the condoms were done and he fucked you raw. The bed shook and screeched under both your weight.
His breaths were rigid, and he struggled keeping pace. You shut your eyes tightly and gripped onto the sheets beside you. A few final pounds and he let out animalistic moans. Your voice was hoarse at the number of times you called out his name. "Katsuki. Katsuki. Katsuki!"
He pulled his dick out and grinned breathlessly at his seed dripping from your bullied cunt.
His lips dipped down and kissed you lovingly. Butterfly kisses planted themselves on all your hickies and bruises and love bites. He muttered inaudible assurances of how much you meant to him. How much he needed you. How much he loved you.
You held his face above yours and stared longingly into his pretty red eyes. It made you smile. Then, you started to laugh.
"How many rounds did we do?" You chuckled as he fell to the bed beside you. You cuddled closer to him.
"Nowhere near enough to make up for all the shit you've been giving me," he referred to all the teasing, testing, and taunting.
You pecked his cheek. "We've got our work cut out for us, huh?"
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© all content belongs to estjbeaver '22. do not modify or repost.
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kinq-sleazee · 1 year
I had a thought out request then work got busy and now all I remember is mean over protective step brother, or best friend if you don’t like pseudocest, Bakugou scaring off all your dates without you knowing and telling you how you deserve better and he would never
hello @mhathotfic my love , sorry i’m responding so late— but i’m here now with smut !
MDNI | TW! College AU, Stepcest, Degradation
Your relationship with Bakugo has always been a odd. From the day your mom moved in with his dad, he’d developed a sick little obsession with you.
Nothing got past him. He swatted away any and all suitors—with you none the wiser.
Date after date would be canceled. Messages changing from blue to green. Guys actively avoiding you on campus and you had no idea why.
It would always lead you back to his dorm room. Straddling his lap and crying on his shoulder while he rubbed your back and cursed those “extras who could never be good enough for you”.
And your suki is so sweet to you. Saying that you’re so special to him and he doesn’t understand how those idiots could treat you so bad. Claiming that anyone would be lucky to have you and whispering that sometimes he wishes that you weren’t his sister so that he could have you for himself.
And he words it like a joke, in case you get spooked, but he’s dead serious. Staring you right in the eye as you chew on your lip while playing with the strands at the nape of his neck.
You’re a little shocked but you get it. It makes sense, y’know ? Who could love you better than the boy that’s protected and cared for you since middle school? The man that makes you feel like the only girl in the world.
He blinks twice when he hears you little voice say, ���m’not really your sister”. Lips curling over his teeth in a wicked sneer.
“Hah?” He raises a brow, hands slowly falling to rest at your waist. “What’s that ? You’re not my imouto? My sweet girl ?”
Bakugo rolls his hips experimentally, pleased with the exasperation huff you give at the brief contact.
“m’just sayin’, we’re not really brother and sister” you whine, face heating at the implication of your words.
Were you really suggesting this ? Are you so desperate that you’d stoop so low ?
Bakugo feigned a gasp. A pout formed on his lips that juxtaposed the glimmering lust in his eyes.
“So after all we’ve been through…”, he began, hands traveling under your skirt to rest on your bare thighs. “After all we’ve been through. I’m not really your brother because you really want some dick ?”
The vulgarity startled you. You tried to deny but it fell on deaf ears as his fingers ventured closer to your moist heat.
“Are you really getting wet on my lap ?” His face is stern but there’s amusement in his tone. Your ears burn at the accusation, which you vehemently deny. This time your denial is met with a mean pinch to your plush thigh. “Now you’re lying to me ? What’s got into you What happened to my good girl ?”
A broken whimper leaves you. You’ve never felt this desperate for anything. You want to be a good girl but you just want him so bad.
“ I am your good girl, suki. I promise”.
“Tch” Bakugo shakes his head, admiring the way your lip trembles when he pinches you harder. “You’re not a good girl” he coos, moving closer to kiss the tear sliding down your cheek. “You’re a whore, imouto. A desperate slut for nii-chan’s cock”.
Your panties are pulled to the side and a single digit swipes through the mess of slick arousal. Bakugo whistles lowly, dragging your sticky wetness to press at your clit.
“Is this what you wanted, baby” He pouts up at you, mimicking your expression. You nod, nails digging into the skin of his broad shoulders.
“More, suki” you whine, grinding against the pad of his thumb. “wan’ sum more please”.
He shushes you and presses a soft kiss to your lips. Then another. And another until his tongue is pushing through the seam of your lips in time with his finger diving knuckle deep into your cunt. He grunts at your tightness, but continues kissing you while working you open.
The flat of his tongue collects the sweat beading on your neck, just as a second finger enters you. He curls them upwards, rubbing against your velveteen walls.
“Taking my fingers real good, baby. So proud of you right now” he whispers in your ear before nibbling on the lobe. You gush around him, pussy spasming from the ruined quality of his voice as he praises you. The fact that he looks absolutely wrecked, and you haven’t even touched him properly sends you hurtling towards your orgasm. A few more pumps and you’re met with the most euphoric orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
He works you through it. Pumping into you slowly as your body vibrates around him and your breathing settles. He pulls out and taps his fingers on your lips, humming when you drunkenly take them in your mouth.
He keeps you like this for a moment. Just rubbing against your tongue until saliva pools in your mouth and spills from the side.
Bakugo knows that you’re getting working up again by the cute little scrunch of your brow and the way you drag your cunt over his thigh. So desperate to get fucked. His dick feels unbreakable.
With his free hand he pulls out his cock and lowers your head to drool on it. You’re pushed off his lap and placed between his legs. Mean cock bobbing in your face.
“If you want nii-chan to fuck you , then you have to get on your knees and beg”.
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