#and Chrissy is dating heather and robin there we go
rigginsstreet · 2 years
When I write the grease harringrove au then you all will realize
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harringroveera · 2 months
Steve: Okay, let’s go over our backstory again. We need this to work to slip into the lab and get El
Nancy: Okay, you’ll be Jimmy Johnson, Steve. And Billy will be Nick Smith
Billy: Who is Steve’s secret lover on the down low
Steve: What?
Robin: But Steve is actually dating Nancy, or Lisa Walter, and Lisa doesn’t know about them!
Steve: Why are you adding into his story—
Chrissy: And Nick is in love with Jimmy!
Heather: And Jimmy’s a dumbass so he doesn’t have a clue
Nancy: And actually Lisa does know about Jimmy and Nick and she’s been wanting to break up with him for a long…long time now
Steve: Okay why does every backstory we made up include Billy’s character being in love with me? Do you guys know something I don’t?
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monstrous-femme · 9 months
So You Want to Write Poly Fic: A How-To from Your Favorite Poly Mutual
(i know for many of you I'm your only poly mutual so that works too)
This guide is going to rely heavily on Stranger Things pairings, because that's the fandom I'm currently writing in, but these concepts can apply to any fandom.
Expand your definition of Polyamory
Fandom loves the triad, and if this is what you want to write, there's no reason not to. However, three people all dating each other should not be the only thing you think of when you think of polyamory! Here are some other configurations for your consideration:
Jonathan is dating both Nancy and Argyle, but Nancy and Argyle are not dating each other
Chrissy is dating Robin, but sometimes makes out with Heather at parties.
Eddie, Steve, and Nancy are all dating each other, and Nancy has a separate relationship with Barb.
Steve and Robin have a queerplatonic relationship that they consider their primary partnership, but both date other people in a casual setting.
Chrissy is not ready to be in a relationship after breaking up with Jason, but has casual hookups with multiple people who are aware of and comfortable with the situation.
2. Pay attention to your dyads.
One of the most common mistakes I see in poly fics is trying to superimpose the same way you'd write monogamous pairings onto more people. The problem with this is that in a couple with only two people, you are only writing one relationship. In a poly ship, you're writing more, and probably a higher number than you think of. This is where the dyad comes in.
A dyad simply the relationship between two people. Say you're writing Nancy/Chrissy/Robin (as you should). You're not just writing the one relationship between the three of them. There are also three separate relationships to consider:
Chrissy/Nancy Robin/Chrissy Nancy/Robin
Each of these relationships will have its own dynamic, and just because they're all dating doesn't mean it will all be the same. This is why I often caution newer writers away from writing relationships with tons of characters off the bat. The jump from a triad to a quad moves you from 3 dyads to 6. Now, depending on your POV character, you may not have to focus much on every single dyad, but you do need to be aware of their existence.
3. Metamour Dynamics
A metamour is a person who your partner is dating and you are not dating. Metamour dynamics can be very complicated (but also very fun to play with when writing) because of the feelings that can come up seeing your partner with someone else.
Let's say both Steve and Robin are dating Nancy, but not each other. Are they thrilled to never have to be apart? Do they find it hilarious how much they share one brain? Or do they get sick of never having space away from each other? Does Robin resent that Steve's relationship with Nancy is more recognized by society because of heteronormativity? Does Steve resent that Robin's never had her heart broken by Nancy?
Metamours also may be awkward or choose not to interact. Let's say Nancy's dating both Barb and Eddie now. Do Barb and Eddie form an unlikely friendship? Are they consistently awkward and tense to a point where Nancy doesn't keep them near each other?
There are as many different metamour dynamics as there are people, and giving some life to these relationships will give a lot of texture and realism to your poly fic.
4. Let it be Messy
When we write monogamous pairings, most writers in a longer fic will include things not working out, miscommunication, hurt feelings, jealousy, anger, and angst. But there seems to be an anxiety around allowing any of these things to exist in polyamory, as if by admitting it's not always perfect, we're giving ammunition to polyphobia. (This same pressure is put on poly people in real life to be the Perfect Poly Partner and never experience difficult feelings around polyamory.)
The truth is, relationships are complicated. And while I love seeing poly pairings in fluff and smut, there seems at time to be real resistance to putting poly pairings into genres that are messier.
Mess is a part of life. Mess is especially a part of intimate, vulnerable relationships, and, on a personal note, I need the mess to exist in fiction because stories are how I understand myself. When poly people are allowed to be human, it helps me (and probably other poly people) give myself permission to be human too. You are not hurting the poly community if your characters mess up, especially if it's in real and human ways.
I hope this helps you feel more comfortable and confident writing poly characters! Feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any follow-up questions.
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lonesome-witching · 11 months
Seven Minutes
It has taken me a while to get back into my prompts because I have been sick and had quite some school work. But I am back and I do hope to finish a few more prompts over the following days. No promises though. For today I have Robin and Nancy playing party games, specifically seven minutes in heaven, for you. It isn't smut but it gets a little tiny bit heated at the end. Thanks to the anonymous prompter for sending this in.
You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
She could have been laying on her couch watching The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. She could have been laying on her bed reading Dante’s Inferno. She could have been sitting at her kitchen counter, working her way through a large pizza. But no. Instead, she was sitting in a circle of the most annoying of her peers.
It wasn’t her idea of a fun Friday night. But it was Steve’s and somehow, he had convinced her this was a good idea. It probably had something to do with the girl sitting across from her with a similarly irritated expression that Robin sported herself.
Nancy Wheeler.
It was stupid that Robin was so hung up on the girl. Especially because she was Steve’s ex. And straight. And so out of Robin’s league.
But the reality of the matter was that Robin could barely think of anything but the girl in front of her. So, when Steve subtly mentioned that Nancy would be here tonight, Robin jumped on the opportunity. Not that she didn’t regret it the second she stepped into this place.
“Okay, the rules are simple. You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on joins you in that closet for seven glorious minutes in heaven.” Robin was already sick of Tommy Hagan’s face. “I’ll start,” he added.
He ended up in the closet with Carol Perkins and Robin wondered if he had somehow rigged the game. She wasn’t sure how he would have done it, or if he was smart enough to think of rigging the game in the first place, but it was a funny coincidence.
Next up were Chrissy Cunningham and Jason Carver, followed with Billy Hargrove and Heather Holloway. And then it was up to Nancy.
Her long, slender fingers grabbed the bottle hesitantly. Robin watched as Nancy’s eyes scanned the circle. Maybe looking for who she wanted it to land on. Or looking for who she didn’t want it to land on. Their gazes crossed for a moment and then Nancy twisted the bottle.
It turned and turned and turned. Kept spinning around the circle. For a second Robin thought it was going to land on Steve, but then it kept turning a little bit more and landed on…
“Robin!” Steve exclaimed.
“No, that won’t work. That’s two girls.” Tommy looked disgusted. “Nancy, spin again.”
“I thought the rules were simple. I spin the bottle and whoever it lands on joins me in the closet for seven glorious minutes. It landed on Robin,” Nancy said.
Robin could feel her heartbeat speed up. Her hands were getting sweaty. Did Nancy want to be locked up with Robin? She needed a drink.
“Rules are rules!” Steve interrupted.
Tommy looked around the circle, but most of the teens were too wasted or high to understand what was going on. Nancy got up from her spot, walking towards the closet.
“C’mon, Rob,” Steve whispered.
Robin nearly crawled out of the circle, stumbling to her feet and rushing into the closet. The door fell shut behind her.
“Hi,” Robin greeted, waving her hand in the small place between them.
“Hi,” Nancy responded.
“So, do you want to talk or anything. I mean seven minutes is a while to do nothing. But we can do nothing if you prefer. I mean, I’m not even sure why you wanted to get in here with me anyway. I totally would have understood if you spun again. Most of the guys in there have a crush on you anyway.”
Nancy ducked her head down, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “I thought it would be easier. I don’t want to have a guy push his tongue down my throat and then expect we’re dating. I am not drunk enough for that yet.”
“Oh, yeah.” Robin cleared her throat. “That makes sense.”
“Was there another reason for us to go in here together?” It was too dark to be sure, but Robin thought Nancy was looking up at her. She wondered if Nancy could see the blush on her cheeks.
“Okay.” Nancy took a step closer.
“Okay.” Robin stretched out the word as if it would fill the space around them and push out the tension.
“I am glad it was you, though,” Nancy spoke up again.
“Yeah, if I have to be stuck with someone, I’m glad it’s you.”
“Why? I’m nothing special really. I just— I ramble a lot and I’m a bit of a dork. You can ask Steve. I mean, my favorite pastime is watching old movies and reading old books and learning languages—”
“What languages?”
“Oh um, French, Spanish and Italian for the moment. I’d like to learn more, but first I want to perfect these ones. I’m trying to read Dante in Italian for the moment. The English translation was good but— I don’t know, it felt like something was missing.”
“You are reading Dante in Italian?”
Robin nodded, pressing her lips together to keep herself from starting another ramble.
“That is… kinda hot.”
“I— um, it’s— hot? What?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I am a little drunk. But yeah, I think it’s attractive. Say something in Italian?” Nancy reached out to slide her pinky finger over Robin’s hand. Maybe Robin had stayed home, maybe she had fallen asleep and was having a wonderful dream.
“Is there— what— is there something you want me to say?”
“How about,” Nancy started, tapping her finger on her chin, “I wish you would kiss me before time runs out.”
“Vorrei che mi baciassi prima che il tempo finisca.”
“Okay,” Nancy said. She leaned in closer and closer, waiting an inch from Robin’s lips to give the girl an out. But Robin didn’t want an out. She closed the distance, locking her lips with Nancy’s.
She kept her hands at her sides, unsure of what to do. Nancy didn’t seem to have that problem. She pushed one of her hands in Robin’s hair while the other grabbed Robin’s shirt at her waist.
“Maybe,” Nancy said in between kisses. “Maybe I had ulterior motives.”
“Thank God,” Robin replied, pulling Nancy back in.
“Robin, Robin, touch me.”
Robin wasn’t sure where she was meant to put her hands. She wanted to touch Nancy all over. She wanted to put her hands on Nancy’s waist, on her shoulders, in her hair. She also wanted to slide her hands under Nancy’s shirt, wanted to feel Nancy’s skin under her fingertips, wanted to—
Nancy grabbed Robin’s hands, placing them on her waist. “Touch me, Robin.”
“How? Where?”
“Wherever you want.”
Robin pulled away. “I don’t think you would want that.” She could see the shape of her hands on Nancy’s waist. She could almost feel the heath radiating through Nancy’s shirt.
“Where do you want to touch me?”
Robin shook her head. Her fingers were twitching.
“Where do you want to touch me, Robin?”
Nancy grabbed Robin’s left hand and slid it under her shirt. “Here?”
Robin swallowed.
Nancy kept sliding the hand up until Robin’s fingers reached her breast. “Or here?”
Robin nodded her head. She couldn’t help it.
Nancy grabbed Robin’s other hand, slowly sliding it under the waistband of her skirt. “Or here?”
“Yes,” Robin replied, her fingers touched the cotton of Nancy’s underwear.
A loud bang disturbed them. “Time’s up, ladies!” Tommy shouted.
Robin pulled her hands back quickly. Nancy stepped back. “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” Nancy said, pulling at her shirt.
“Nothing to apologize for. I liked it.” She probably shouldn’t have said that. But Nancy smiled as she opened the door, the fluorescent lighting surrounding her. “Me too,” Nancy replied before walking away
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ronance-romance · 22 days
Based on: Secret by Peach PRC
Same time, same place.
Nancy had Robin pinned, the graffiti most likely rubbing off onto Robin’s shirt from behind. Did she ever stop to breathe? To think?
“Nance…mmm…the bell,” Robin gasped. “You’ll…be late…” That usually seemed to snap her out of the spell.
“One more,” Nancy pleaded before giving her another desperate kiss. Robin’s head was spinning.
“‘Kay bye!”
And then she was gone. Robin was left to catch her breath and sneak back out of the school the way she had come in. By the time she was in uniform at the Family Video, she was presentable again.
Steve was blabbing about his latest date, Heather or Amy or someone. Robin was supposed to be listening. Supposed to be. But all she could think about was the question she wanted to ask Nancy: When are we going to stop hiding?
Steve supported her already, he’d be happy for them. What was Nancy so afraid of? Her family? Fuck them, honestly. At least her parents. Mike and Holly seemed alright, though she didn’t know them well. Surely they curated their friends well enough that acceptance wasn’t an issue. Robin herself was considering being more open to everyone. Especially Dustin, who seemed to think she and Steve were an item. Silly kid.
“Helloooo? Robin?” Steve waved his hand in front of her face. Robin blinked.
“I never see you this quiet,” he said suspiciously. “What’s going on?”
“Other than you giving me a massive headache?” Robin quipped. “Nothing of interest to you, dingus.”
Steve rolled his eyes and the conversation resumed, two way this time. He didn’t suspect a thing. And that was part of the problem, maybe.
Robin locked up the store, saying her usual goodbyes to Steve. And like a mirage, Nancy was suddenly there. Perfect. She had to talk to her. She couldn’t let her gorgeous lips distract her. She—
They were in Nancy’s car this time. Robin’s hands were in Nancy’s hair and they were dangerously close to the next stage. But Nancy never let it get that far. She felt hot all over, but she didn’t mind. She wanted more. She felt like she was medically dependent on her touch now, and she couldn’t think about anything else while she was with her like this. But this time, she forced herself to think more coherently and pulled away for air.
“Robin…” Nancy mumbled, her voice coming halfway out like a whine. Perhaps she was addicted too.
“Robin, what’s wrong?” Nancy said when she didn’t get a response, sitting up.
“How long is it gonna be like this?”
“What do you mean?”
“You and me, hiding in your car and bathroom stalls. I wanna tell people, Nance.”
“Ro, I…” Nancy looked uncomfortable. “I don’t know if I’m ready. Please just give me more time. Okay?”
“Tell me what I can do to help you feel ready,” Robin whispered. “It’s been two months and I can’t take this anymore.”
“Are you dumping me?”
“I…don’t know.”
“Okay, okay.” Nancy mumbled, wringing her hands. “Friday?”
“Friday,” Robin confirmed. “We invite everyone to dinner. Okay? It’s gonna be okay. I promise. Your parents…they don’t have to know. But our friends. Please, Nancy. That’s all I ask.”
“Okay,” Nancy sighed. And she seemed relieved, but still nervous.
“The makeout sesh can still be our secret though. I know you can’t get enough of this.”
Nancy burst into laughter.
“Shut up!”
Friday, 6:30. Everyone got invited: Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Eleven, Jonathan, Eddie, Steve, and Chrissy. It was a big crowd, they needed three tables. Robin plopped herself down next to Nancy, who had picked the head of the table. She was proud of her, really. This wasn’t easy. She knew that. It’s why Robin promised to do the talking, if Nancy couldn’t. After all, it was her special talent.
“So what’s this all about?” Mike asked after everyone had ordered their drinks.
“Well…erm…” Nancy was fumbling already. Robin felt the urge to swoop in and rescue her, but she decided to see how she did on her own for a moment.
“Is something wrong?” Will asked.
“No, but-”
“Are you pregnant?” Dustin blurted.
“What? NO.”
Holy shit it was up to Robin, wasn’t it?
“Guys! Calm down and let us talk!” Robin cut in. Oh whoops.
“Us??” Steve said in confusion.
“Nancy and I are dating and have been for nine weeks two days and six hours!” Robin continued.
“You counted?” Nancy’s cheeks flushed a brilliant red.
“Well I…”
Nancy kissed her, in front of everyone. The world didn’t end, everyone celebrated. There was an immediate chaos amongst the kids. Apparently there had been a running bet behind their backs.
Steve won, of course.
But all Robin cared about was they weren’t a secret anymore.
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chickensoupleg · 9 months
Alas, the poll (and my status) tempted me so. Why not, it came out 1987. Within an appropriate time period.
Eddie was sitting on Steve’s couch when he had gotten the idea. He had invited a few friends over to hang out since everyone’s schedules lined up perfectly. A movie night, plain and simple.
Robin was in charge of choosing the movie, and she had snuck in some cheesy comedy romance. Eddie had stopped really watching a couple of minutes in, but Steve was at the very least invested, talking over the movie to Robin. She went between shushing him and talking right back. Billy had conked out sometime during the movie, a blanket draped over his lap. Heather and Chrissy were sitting together, Chrissy on top of Heather’s lap. They were just as invested in the movie, although unlike Steve and Robin they were silent save for a few hushed giggles. Jonathan and Nancy were present as well, Jonathan paying attention as much as Eddie was.
“No, but it’s romantic! It’s a duet about how much they adore each other!” Robin loudly whispers.
“But she totally sounds like she wants to get out of there. Like, yesterday.”
Robin scoffs. “Not the point, it’s like… society standards or whatever. She’s just making fake excuses! She wants to stay with him.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Okay, but she definitely makes it seem like she wants to go. I mean, it’s pretty clear?”
Robin sighs, turning back to the screen. “You never sang to seduce a lady before about how much you want to keep her?”
Steve shrugs, knocking his shoulder into Eddie’s from the movement. “Eh, once or twice. But they didn’t stick around long. You know, horrendously single still right here.” He gestures at himself. “But it is what it is, you know? Never been sang at either, but whatever.”
Robin chuckles, lightly tapping her fist on Steve’s knee before the only noise left was the movie again.
Eddie glances at Steve silently, watching him sink into his couch, eyes dropping to Nancy for a second before returning to his lap. Steve catches his eyes, shooting him a small smile. Like nothing was wrong.
And, well, that just won’t do.
When everyone had dispersed after the movie he shook Billy awake. Billy grunts, cracking open an eye.
“I have an idea.”
“Oh, joy,” Billy mutters, rolling over.
“Come off it Billy, don’t be so dramatic.”
Billy yawns, readjusting himself. Waves a hand to let Eddie know he could continue talking.
“Okay.” Eddie clears his throat, scooting right up to him. Steve was upstairs with Robin since she had wrestled Steve’s clothes right off of him and shown up to the movie night in it. Billy rolls back over to face him, blue eyes peering up at him through his lashes. He raises an eyebrow as he waits for Eddie to speak. “You like Steve, right?”
“Mmm, yeah. Pretty boy.”
“Right. So do I.” Eddie gestures at himself.
“Mmhmm.” Billy knew this pretty well, they’ve spoken about this at length. It was one of many topics they would ramble to each other about, if not about music or the funny stories Eddie would bring from his job at a mechanic shop.
“Steve was talking about how he’s never been seduced by song.”
“So what if we did it.”
Billy is silent, frowning. Eddie is silent, smiling.
Billy sits up, stretching and groaning as his back pops. “You want us to… sing for Steve. Us. For Steve.”
“Could give it a try. You’ve seen his love streak.”
Billy scoffs. “You mean his on and off again first dates that end in no return calls? The many times someone had to come console him before he went ass first into another attempted date? That love streak?”
“Very same.” It was almost pitiful how he tries, but Steve was a creature of love. Seeked it out as much as he seeks nice sweaters and bananas.
“... Okay. What song?”
Eddie blinks. “Well it has to be a song he’ll enjoy.”
“So nothing we listen to,” Billy says.
“He comes to my gigs! Willingly!” Eddie exclaims.
Billy tilts his head, smugging him. “You know he brings headphones just so he can stand in the same room, right. Migraines? Don’t think blasting his eardrums out means he’ll enjoy it very much.”
Eddie pouts, bouncing back a few seconds later. “Then I guess we’ll have to go the alternate route.”
“... Which is?”
“Adhering to Steve Harrington’s very boring, predictable taste in music. And I know just the song. It’ll be perfect for him!”
Billy blinks when Eddie says nothing else. “Are you gonna. Tell me.”
Eddie just smiles secretively, Billy huffing.
“Alright, fine. I’ll bite. Do not make me regret it.”
“Great! By the way, can you dance?”
Steve had accepted the invite easily enough. After all, there was no way that Steve could have possibly connect the dots between the movie and Eddie asking him if he wanted to go hang out at some bar that came with free entertainment. Eddie had to wait a few weeks before schedules aligned again. It wasn’t hard to convince Robin, she was down for anything concerning her best friend in the whole entire world. The bar was out of town, in Chicago. Eddie knew the place well, knew it wasn’t judgemental about the type of people they were. Singing here wouldn’t get them kicked out, or worse.
Billy met up with them at the bar, already a drink in. It was the only way he agreed to what they were about to do, being a little tossed before getting on that stage. Chrissy and Heather were there as well, Chrissy happily waving at Eddie.
Chrissy had helped them over the week after Eddie had told her his Super Radical Plan to Seduce Steve. She had agreed with it wholeheartedly, even learned the dance with them just to make sure they were doing it proper. It was so much easier with her around, Eddie was sure he or Billy would end up just throwing the dance out completely.
But, no. Somehow they made it through, and the fruits of their actions was to be revealed right here.
The bar doubled as a karaoke spot where people could go up on the stage whenever to sing their hearts out. Usually it’d be the drunks belching out whatever, or a few who did it for special occasions.
Eddie supposes he and Billy were fulfilling both criterias at the moment.
They didn’t go immediately, Eddie needing a little taste of liquid courage before he could even think about it. He’s used to performing for a crowd, sure, but this was for one guy.
A guy that he likes. A lot.
He looks at Billy knocking back some fruity drink that Heather had used her straw to pour into a shot glass for him. Watches as they do it again.
Well, at least he had the other guy he likes a lot suffering with him. He’s sure that if it wasn’t him, Billy would have done literally anything else. If it wasn't Steve they were doing this for, he would have done anything else.
Eddie knocks his elbow against Billy’s side, jerking his head towards the stage. Billy sighs, sliding off of the stool and following after Eddie. Chrissy gives an early cheer for them as they hop on stage. Eddie taps the microphone.
“Testing! This working? Good. Helllllloooooo everyone! I’m Eddie Munson, and this is my good pal who if I name him onstage he will tear my throat out and render me unable to sing. Now, this particular song and dance goes out to a good pal of ours sitting riiiiight there!” He points in the general direction of Steve, who looks at them with an amused interest. Billy was speaking offstage to the one in charge of the music, Eddie continuing onwards. “This song is for you, Stevie~ Enjoy!”
The beginning starts filtering through the speakers, like dropping a bean down a tube, the TV coming to life with the lyrics. Neither of them needed it though, they practised long and hard for this very moment.
Billy hops on stage, taking the other microphone as they sync up into the dance.
“We’re no stranger to love~ You knows the rules, and so do I!” Eddie belts out, and he hears Chrissy cheering even louder for him. He keeps his eyes on Steve, who was staring right at them with eyes like saucers. Just what they needed. “A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of~”
Billy joins in for the next line. Heather’s laugh is clear even from here, despite her trying to hold it in. Not that she’s trying all that hard. “You wouldn’t get this from any other guy. I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling, gotta make you understand-”
They start singing together, Eddie yanking the microphone out of the stand as Billy continues shaking back and forth. “NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN-”
Their friend group erupts in cheers, Steve still stunned in his barstool. Billy and Eddie spin in synchronisation. “Never gonna run around and desert you! Never gonna saaay goodbye! Never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you!” They repeat it again, still dancing together. Someone wolf whistles in the crowd.
Billy sings on his own for the next verse, Eddie jamming out on his own. He grabs the mic, leaning forward and staring into the general crowd. Eddie’s pretty sure a few girls swoon at that, but he gets it. Billy showed up in his nicest clothes, sunglasses perched in his hair despite it being dark outside. “We’ve known each other for so long… Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it. Inside we both know what’s been going on~” He smirks, pointing between him and Steve. Eddie can see him rose red even from here, clutching his cup like any looser he would drop it on his lap. “We both know the game and we’re gonna play it!”
Eddie joins in again. “Aaand if you ask me how I’m feeling, don’t tell me you’re too blind to see!” They start the chorus again, and the crowd was going wild. Eddie wishes this was the kind of crowd he gets back home, but hey. Win some, lose some.
The song eventually, mercifully, ends. Eddie grins and bows to the applause they receive, Billy hopping right off stage and back to base before there was any more attention on him. Eddie follows after him, Billy collapsing into the bar stool and knocking back another shot as soon as Heather hands it to him. Steve’s eyes move from Billy to Eddie, clearly in shock.
Eddie’s grin falters for a second, but he keeps it up. “So, how was it, Stevie? Like the performance?”
“Was- Did you-” Steve stammers. He shuts his mouth, collects himself, then starts speaking again. “Did you mean that? The song?”
Eddie grins. “Course we did! Didn’t we, Bunny Blue?”
Billy mutters something incoherent, but the nod was all they needed.
“We even learnt the dance. Well, as much of the dance as we could find. Made up most of it with the help of Chrissy.”
Steve’s face was red, whether it was from the alcohol or the obvious serenade. He eventually snorts, then breaks into laughter.
Eddie blinks in confusion, Billy lifting his head to stare at Steve.
“Wha’s so funny, princess?” Billy asks.
Steve was bent over on the stool, Robin patting his lower back. They wait to collect himself, Steve sucking in a deep breath and facing them again.
“Never been seduced before, or by two guys even. But that was- Great. Really great.” Steve taps his chest. “Really gets me right- Right here-” He’s breaking into tears now.
“Oh, Stevie-” Eddie pulls him into a hug, Billy patting him on the head gently.
“It’s so sweeeet of yooooou…..” Steve blubbers. “Sorry, I’m druuuunk….”
“There there, pretty boy. So am I,” Billy mutters, petting through Steve’s hair. “But yeah…. Never- Never gonna… give you up.”
Steve nuzzles into Eddie’s jacket, nodding. “Promise?”
“Never gonna let you down, Stevie. Weren’t you listening?” Eddie grins, Steve wetly giggling.
“Great, now you know how it feels to seduce someone by song!” Robin says. Steve is quick to turn around, jabbing a finger on her chest.
“Yeah, but my argument still stands, they were singing that they wanted to stay! She was singing ‘bout how she wanted to go!”
“Oh don’t you bring this argument back up with me Steven-”
“Ah, you got them riled up again,” Heather says, sipping her drink. “Oh wells, you got your man at least. Nice work.”
“Thanks Heather. Maybe you should sing to Chrissy too. Let her hear your fruitful tunes.” Billy raises his hand for another drink.
Chrissy squeaks, Heather turning her head slow with a devastatingly mischievous look. “You wanna have a go, Chris?”
“Oh, I’m good! Thanks though!” She chirps, already flushed despite not having drunk a sip of alcohol.
“Worth a shot.”
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pacinglikeghosts · 2 years
Tumblr media
baby it's halloween (and we can be anything)
ronance | ronancetober challenge | day 7
day seven: sapphic senate (or: enjoy some headcanons because i had too many ideas and none of them concrete)
They have sleepovers every other Saturday. They’re always at Nancy or Vickie’s house, and never at Robin or Chrissy’s.
Chrissy stress bakes (it’s a common ED thing just trust me) and Vickie stress knits so sometimes Robin and Nancy come home to the most random things or get the strangest presents. They love them though
Chrissy and Nancy have a running joke with Eddie about them both dating him and Eddie being a massive playboy but it actually keeps them all from being outed and shit. Robin, vickie, and Steve tried to do the same thing with little luck (also vickie is like “Robin aren’t you mad Nancy is cheating on you” and Robin LAUGHS)
Genuinely may write this
Chrissy and Vickie were never told about ronance. They just kind of figured it out.
Robin and Nancy weren’t exactly slick about it either, but they just hoped Chrissy and Vickie would think they were best friends until they literally kissed on the mouth in front of them and they went “well fuck”
They all came out to each other consecutively. Someone made a comment about how hot an actress was during a movie night, and then instead of freaking out they all went “you too?” or something.
In a roommate au, they have a bitchy calico cat named something soft like Lilly or Cloud that HATES Steve. Like the cat has to be locked in Chrissy’s room because he won’t go in there. It’s also incredibly stupid and ends up stuck in the weirdest places.
Alternatively, it was originally Chrissy’s cat that she stole–I mean adopted (think like Winston and Ferguson from New Girl) but then they all started caring for it and now they all love and care for the cat. When Robin and Nancy move into their own place, they get like three cats of their own.
Chrissy, Vickie, and Nancy LOVE to go shopping or get their nails/hair/“girly stuff” together. Robin tagged along a few times, but it was definitely not her thing and she just got overwhelmed and tired about an hour in and had to have Steve pick her up
Vickie is an artist in her free time and she draws comics for the paper sometimes. She mostly just likes to hang out in the newspaper office with Nancy and Robin because it’s quiet and Nancy keeps good snacks in there.
Chrissy and Nancy kissed once at a cool kid party during a game of spin the bottle and they only admitted that it impacted them in a gay way after they came out
Future careers: Nancy - journalist (duh), Robin - interpreter (or a film professor specializing in foreign films), Vickie - music teacher, Chrissy - dietician specializing in ED recovery with adolescents
Chrissy and vickie actually kind of hate Steve. They both accept that he’s robin's best friend and Nancy’s close friend too (and Eddie’s boyfriend) but they both have an early s3 Robin idea of him being king Steve the douchebag in their heads
Robin and Vickie went on like two dates towards the end of the school year before they both realized they’re really similar and they’re better off friends. They just laugh about it now.
Top modern Spotify artists: Nancy - Taylor Swift (top album is reputation, folklore, or evermore) or MARINA. Chrissy - Taylor Swift (top album is Lover or Speak Now). Robin - Julien Baker or Phoebe Bridgers (tbh I think she would love boygenius in general). Vickie - Hozier.
They go CRAZY for Halloween. Like, the best group costumes you can imagine. They had really intricate Wizard of Oz costumes one year, then they were characters from Grease (would have been the Pink Ladies but Robin wanted to wear a T-Birds jacket), Veronica and the Heathers once Heathers is released,the list is endless. They plan and prep for months. Chrissy and Robin are the biggest Halloween fanatics.
Nancy is the true horror slasher fan of the group. Robin likes them enough, and Chrissy and Vickie despise them. They usually watch comedies and "chick flicks" as a group, and then Robin and Nancy will watch all the horror movies as dates
Chrissy and Vickie pine after each other for SO LONG before Nancy and Robin separately sit them down and go "just TALK TO HER" and it STILL takes months.
anyway, that's all the headcanons i have rattling around in my head about these girls. day 8 is coming up around the same time, and goddamn do i love it.
follow me on twitter for more dumb headcanons and thoughts or just sneak peeks and other stuff!
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dum1s-writings · 2 years
~~~~Intro thingy I guess~~~~
Greetings from @thedum1 (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
I have once again decided to start a new sideblog. I just wanna try tossing my hat into the xMasc!Reader ring. I'll have main fandoms and on occasion fandoms, which will be allowed once in a while.
~Main fandoms are subject to change.~
The main fandoms will be marked with 💕
Favorite characters will be marked with 💋
Obey Me! Shall We Date? 💕
Leviathan 💋
Asmodeus 💋
Simeon 💋
Twisted Wonderland
All students and staff*
*Riddle, Epel, Idia, Neige and Rollo are my weaknesses
Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir 💕
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir 💋
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid 💋
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Gabriel Agreste/Hawkmoth
Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura 💋
Mystic Messenger
Yoosung Kim
Zen/Hyun Ryu
Jaehee Kang 💋
Jumin Han
707/Luciel/Saeyoung Choi 💋
Animal Crossing 💕
Apollo 💋
Julien 💋
Raymond 💋
Punchy 💋
Muffy 💋
Merengue 💋
Kicks 💋
Tom Nook
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda 💋
Teru Mikami
Misa Amane
Naomi Misora
Kiyomi Takada
Mihael Keehl/Mello 💋
Mail Jeevas/Matt 💋
Nate River/Near
Total Drama Island/Action/World Tour
Cody 💋
Noah 💋
Lindsay 💋
Leshawna 💋
Caitlin Cooke
Nikki Wong 💋
Jude Lizowski
Wyatt Williams 💋
Jen Masterson
Jonsey Garcia
Teen Titans (2003 cartoon version)
Robin 💋
Raven 💋
Beast Boy
Red-X 💋
Bumblebee 💋
The occasional slasher
Michael Myers
Cory Cunningham
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire 💋
Others to be added...maybe.
The general rules:
Fandoms will have their own rules in their own separate posts
He/Him and They/Them pronouns only
I have problems with menstruation so none of that allowed as I HATE thinking of my own
Polyamorous relationships are accepted and loved here but NO cheating 😤
No non-platonic/familial child/teen x adult
No incest of any kind
No angst without a happy ending
Piggybacking off the last rule I prefer a Top/Not Penetrated reader
No matchups 😐
No OCs as main character/reader
Piggybacking again I will allow OCs as side characters
You may see mentions of my OCs as I love them
Some characters will be OOC and I have no shame about that 🤷🏾
All fanfics will have swears except for Miraculous
I'm bad at coming up with bad guys/villains so fandoms with baddies will take place during down time/right after a fight
I am slow and easily distracted so things will come out when I remember
My target audience is me first so if I don't like how a thing is turning out it won't be published
Again....this a masculine pronoun only blog. And before I get shit on by children and the feminine pronoun users........Fuck. Off. I'm here for the gays and theys. I've been on the internet for years and there's PLENTY of shit for y'all.
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hullomoon · 6 months
hullomoon's femslash february round-up
it may almost be april but there's always time to celebrate wlw works!
[podfic] why do i have to pretend? | Schitt's Creek | Alexis Rose/Stevie Budd | 14:14
Alexis and Stevie are roommates and friends, nothing more. At least, that used to be true. Alexis isn’t sure when things changed, but lately she suspects that she might be feeling things for her roommate that go beyond friendship.
[podfic] Stars | The Adventure Zone | Amber Gris/Oksana Kodeira | 04:29
Amber tilts her head towards the sky and squints. “More stars than I remember.” “Different planet.” She shrugs. “Fair enough.”
[podfic] Card Catalogue | A League of Their Own (TV) | Carson Shaw/Greta Gill | 23:18
How to tell someone you love them, without using those words.
[podfic] this story that we found ourselves in | Stranger Things | Nancy Wheeler/Robin Buckley | 02:29:00
Three days later, they find a magazine on their doorstep. Steve flips it open to a picture of him kissing her cheek beneath tall, bold letters: FANTASY ROMANCE ALIVE AND WELL Stuck to the page is a crinkled post-it note and Jonathan’s handwriting: thanks for the tip—wishing you both the best. Robin sinks into the kitchen chair. It’s official. She’s in a relationship with Steve Harrington. or, the Robin-centric celebrity fake dating au
breathless and on your lips | Stranger Things | Nancy Wheeler/Robin Buckley | Mature | 775
Tonight, Robin has to prove herself. She gets more than what she expected
lookin’ in the mirror at me, my god | Stranger Things | Chrissy Cunningham/Heather Holloway | Explicit | 707
After practice, Chrissy wants to give Heather a little attention
from me to you | Stranger Things | Eleven/Max Mayfield | 705
Letters between Max and Eleven during a world-ending apocalypse
to have and to hold | Stranger Things | Barb Holland/Nancy Wheeler | Explicit | 777
Nancy dreams of Barb
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andvys · 11 months
ANDY!! how are you? I just caught up with the last 2 chapters and they were amazing!!
“Uh, it’s your birthday present.”
oh??? 🤨 is that a bomb
He scratches the back of his neck, “uh well, apparently Ray is a fan of pocket knives,” he laughs. 
omg i remember in school when we were like 14 boys used to bring pocket knives with them and that was scary cause wtf
You weren’t good enough for that – he did not want to change for you. 
“She is not you.”
steve... what the hell.
“She’s not the one that I want.”
“I know,” he whispers, frowning at the ground, “I know, I’m sorry. I-I made a mistake and I will regret it for the rest of my life.”
the rest of your- BOY
“We both made mistakes.”
girl... i don't think you did tbh
“I was a fucking asshole, y/n. I was an asshole to you, every day of our relationship, I kept fucking up, over and over again and you tolerated it, you never left me. You never got mad at me, you never said anything rude, you never did anything bad, you were – fuck, you were perfect, you are perfect,” he holds your hand tighter.
yeahhhh she's way too good for you
“I’m sorry that I acted like I wasn’t interested in the things you loved doing. I’m sorry that I didn’t show you how much I really loved you. I’m sorry that I didn’t hold you enough, that I didn’t kiss you the way you should have been kissed, that I didn’t take care of you.” 
took him long enough 😭
This year he can’t even hug you.
“I’ll throw it away later, huh?” She asks, mocking him. 
Her eyes have strayed away from him just a few weeks after he left you for her. The moment Jonathan stepped into her life, her heart was no longer his, she gave it to her supposed new friend. 
It makes your stomach flip – you don’t know why. 
girl... calm your horses 🤨
“Uh, the store!” Robin says, sheepishly as she gives you a crooked grin. 
“Oh my god, y/n!” Heather snorts, “stop joking about it or you’re actually getting them someday!” 
i would actually jump off a cliff if it happened to me 😭
Apparently you are pregnant with Eddie’s baby and living in his trailer. 
The pregnancy rumor made you physically sick – it made you stand in front of the mirror, checking for signs that you had gained weight. You did not, it still made you feel nauseous and you had to cancel your dinner ‘date’ with your friends. 
“You have no idea how much I wanna get rid of that title,” you laugh, “I’m ready to give that position up to Chrissy.” 
girl we don't have cheerleaders here, do you know what i would do to be a cheerleader?? 😭
Jonathan shrugs, refraining from rolling his eyes, “cause you’re the captain of the basketball team and she’s cheer captain.” 
Jonathan huffs with a soft chuckle, “yeah, you look good but uh, Steve? You’re supposed to look into the camera,” he says awkwardly. 
“That uh, that was our dream. I only wanted to go to college with you.”
bro really based his whole life on a high school girlfriend 😭 that's bravery
“I got a job at the ice cream parlor,” he clears his throat, “Scoops Ahoy.” 
“The one I’m pregnant? The one where he sacrificed a lamb to get my undying love and devotion? The one where I cheated on Steve? Which one of them all?” 
NOT THE POOR LITTLE LAMB 💀 was it served with hot sause
“Y-You look amazing is what I’m trying to say,” Nancy says nervously. 
enemies to lover arc with Nancy? 🫨
“You’re a little oblivious, aren’t you?” 
btw how did you like 1989 TV? 👀 honey anon
I’m doing okay!!! I’m excited for Christmas season! 🤭 how are you? 🩷
OMG NO!!! why would they bring pocket knives to school 😭 (i got one too but only because i’m afraid of men LMAO)
Nancy had a reason to be pissed but damn girl, you stole someone’s boyfriend 😩
Robin buying the store bought cake is so relatable. I love baking but the moment I gotta bake a cake for someone I always fail 💀
AND WE DONT HAVE CHEERLEADERS HERE AT SCHOOL EITHER!!! 😭💔 like you can join a cheer team as a hobby but there’s no cheer teams or sports team in general at the schools here. I would’ve definitely been a cheerleader too if we had that here 🥲
And the principal ships steve and reader 😌 he cried when they broke up 😪
You’re definitely getting Steve and Robin at scoops ahoy with they’re cute little sailor uniforms 🤭
Also enemies to lovers with Nancy? Imagine if that was the plan all along 🤭 Nancy’s song would be Mastermind then
I LOVE THE VAULT TRACKS!! I love all of them but especially Slut! and Say don’t go (but is it over now? too ugh) AND I KNOW PLACES THE GROWL IN THE SONG? I SCREAMED 😭😭 how did you like it? 🤭
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heavencasteel420 · 2 years
Speaking of an OC who's Nancy's lousy husband, I do have an AU idea (fairly low down the list of things I will actually write, although I have a paragraph or two written somewhere) where it's set during S1, but all the older teen characters are in their mid-to-late-twenties instead. This was inspired by a joke post pointing out how all the older teens look/act like they're well into their twenties by the time you get to S4, but I decided to make it drama:
Nancy is a recently divorced single mother; her ex-husband Bradley (whom she started dating in high school and went to IU with) was good on paper and not malicious, but he was ultimately unsupportive of her career ambitions and disinterested after the birth of their daughter despite being the one who wanted kids. (In this universe, Holly is Nancy's daughter with her ex and Mike is the late-in-the-game baby of Karen and Ted.) She works at the Hawkins Post for now and gets tons of shit for being a single mom.
Jonathan also works at the paper (a victory after years of menial jobs and night school) and is a single parent (of twelve-year-old Will, thanks to a series of harrowing events when he was in his teens). He and Nancy are work friends who become real friends who become...?
Steve works at his father's insurance company and is considered one of the biggest catches in Hawkins, but people are starting to talk because he hasn't settled down, and he's not really happy in his work. He didn't date Nancy in high school--they ran in different circles--but now he's smitten with her.
Barb is Nancy's BFF, as in canon. She's a nurse now and she lives in the same duplex as Nancy. She's also a lesbian and quietly dating another aged-up older-teen girl, but I'm not sure who yet. I'm leaning towards Robin (quirky music teacher whom everyone thinks is dating Steve, for a more light-hearted romance), Heather (prickly, troubled daughter of the Editor-in-Chief, for the moderate drama), or Chrissy (unhappily married to Jason, for the angst and high drama).
Tommy and Carol are married, quite happily, and refrain from bullying because they're adults. However, they do have a Company thing going with Steve ("Stevie...you know...no one wants you happy more than we do...no one...but isn't she a little bit, well...you know...?").
Generally everybody behaves a little better, because they're not literal teenagers.
I'm not sure where I'd go with it: no Upside Down, or there's just a 1980s-Polly-Platt-ghost-directed romantic dramedy that turns into a horror movie? That's one of the difficulties. Another is that it would change the Byers family dynamic considerably.
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whosbby · 2 years
Bisexual Chrissy HC
Just because I love her plus I’ll take any chance to push the Chrissy agenda plus there isn’t a lot of bisexual/sapphic Chrissy hc and lord knows we need some
Warning: I hc Chrissy as bisexual just bc I like the idea, you can hc whatever you want but keep in mind that her sexuality isn’t fully stated. I’m not claiming this is canon.
Also some of this things are based on a personal experience so TW for some religious trauma.
Chrissy always knew she liked men. It was what her family taught her it was “correct”. They always talked about how Chrissy would grow up into a beautiful woman and go on to marry the perfect man.
Her doubts started when she was around twelve and saw Marcie Stanler from Friday the 13th.
She didn’t knew why but she really really really wanted to be friends with her. Also she noticed how pretty she was, at first she mistakes it as jealousy.
“Stop, Chrissy. Jealousy is a sin, you shouldn’t feel that. What would God say?”
After realizing it was not jealousy she was so confused.
“You can appreciate another woman’s beauty, there isn’t anything wrong with that”
But when she found herself fantasizing about how cool it would be to be a boy just so she could kiss a girl: Chrissy knew that she wasn’t only appreciative of female beauty.
“Yeah, I think they are pretty, no biggie. Doesn’t mean anything”
“Maybe I would hold a girl’s hand, but just that!”
“I’ll kiss a girl if someone dares me too, but that’s it, that’s where I draw the line!”
“Okay yeah, maybe I would kiss a girl but I would never date one!”
“It would be cool if I could a boy for a few days to see how it is to date a girl”
She cried herself all night and even prayed to god to punish her for her inappropriate thoughts, even going as far to pray to god to kill her if she couldn’t stop that “horrible fantasies”.
The next day she was still alive, so she thought she was “cured”
Her first kiss was when she was thirteen, with Heather (because I love @quirly saying Chrissy and Heather would be a cute couple)
“Chrissy don’t worry, we are not going to hell. This doesn’t count, it’s just practice for when the real stuff comes, don’t be such a baby ‘kay?”
That was the first time Chrissy Cunningham felt “butterflies in her stomach”
She met Robin when they were both freshman but didn’t really talk until senior year.
They started bonding when they were assigned to work together on an essay about World War II.
When they saw Chrissy saying hi to Robin on the hallways and them hanging out after school, Jason and some of her friends weren’t too happy about that.
“I mean, you know what they say about her, right babe? She’s a dyke” “What’s a dyke?” “You know, girls who like other girls”
Chrissy was shocked, was that allowed to happen?
She decided to ask Robin one time after band and cheer practice.
“Robin… are you a dyke?” “Excuse me?” “You know, someone who likes girls. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked! You are my friend and I- I’m sorry!”
She later explained to her that “dyke” was more of a term used as an insult. Chrissy asked if she ever thought about going to hell, trying to be as nice as possible because she didn’t mean it on a bad way, she was genuinely curious.
“You are who you are and you like who you like, there’s nothing wrong with that, plus I think he has better things to do than spy on a lesbian teen on Indiana”
After that talk the word lesbian circled her mind for days. Was Robin right and god didn’t cared about who you loved? Was she a lesbian?
“No, I can’t be a lesbian. I’ve liked boys. Maybe I’m just going trough a phase and this is going to be over soon”
Then, Eddie Munson came into the scene. They bonded quickly and suddenly she found herself spending more time with him than with her boyfriend.
One night she sneaked out from her house and went to an out of town bar with Eddie with the fake IDs he made. He was “Christopher Cunningham” and she “Edwina Munson” just because Eddie found it hilarious.
On the bar she noticed how a guy kept staring at them. When she told Eddie his face turned completely red.
“Do you… know him?” “Uh- something like that. He- I- we used to date”
Chrissy was shocked but didn’t asked further questions until they were heading back to her house.
“So… you are gay?” “Uh, something like that” “I’m completely cool with it! I have gay friends, well, a gay friend. I know I don’t have to use the word dyke!” “Uhm… okay”
He later explained to her that he was bisexual, a term she’d never heard before.
“Basically I like both guys and girls” “SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE!?”
From that day on, Chrissy knew exactly who she was.
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fbfh · 2 years
Okay okay idk if anyone else is really talking about this but have we considered Robin x Chrissy?????? Chrissy and Eddie have the same arc as Robin and Steve where Chrissy eventually opens up to him and is like "yeah I used to have a crush on someone in our friend group and I'm just kind of nervous" and Eddie, thinking he knows where this is going is like "oh yeah, maybe he likes you back?" Chrissy's just like "idk probably not she's dating Jonathan and she's so busy with the school paper and everything you know" and Eddie is just like ".... yeah totally that does suck"
BONUS POINTS IF WE THROW IN CHEERLEADER!READER!!!!! She's mean and intimidating and scary and everything Eddie was worried Chrissy would be, and she’s best friends with Billy!!! They both party out their anger issues and repressed trauma and are trying to be better people!!!! She's gotten rancid vibes from Jason from the start and she's so protective over Chrissy especially after all this yk
So reader and Billy are keeping watch or something, waiting for backup, and he starts flirting through 20 questions, he asks who your first crush was and you just kind of sigh "yeah, okay. You know Heather Holloway?" It takes a minute for it to click and he’s like OH he probably makes some joke about how that’s why you don't like him cause he's otherwise irresistible and you're like literally shut up /affectionate
And then you and Robin and Chrissy have to go on a side quest together and none of you can drive and Steve can't stand the pining anymore and demands someone do something about it for gods sake the three of you deserve each other!!!!!! You all start dating and Robin can't handle having not one but two gorgeous girls actually be into her and they're cheerleaders??? Dream come true. Chrissy can't believe someone as smart and cool as Robin and someone as kind and intimidating as you like her like that!!! And you're still wrapping your head around getting to date not only Chrissy who is such a sweetheart you can't even swear around her but also Robin the absolute hottie from band who is hilarious and endearing?????????
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quatari · 2 years
Steve Harrington is a Knight of Heart and in this essay I will tell you why I am the smartest person on earth and have the right to classpect the shit out of my blorbos from the media that is not homestuck.
Let's start with a character overview to better cover our base, and even better - from the first season. Over the course of four seasons, Steve goes through an incredible character arc, growing from an unlikeable asshole and a borderline bully to the main defender of the whole party. However, I want to note that Steve has never been a real bully, even in the first season. Such a completely false impression is created due to the fact that at that time his two best friends are bullies, and he himself is a popular jock boy from a wealthy family. But this is one of his not quite conscious masks, which can be seen already in the very first season and is especially well revealed through his relationship with Nancy. As we know, Nancy is by no means a popular prom queen, on the contrary, she is an all-A’s overachiever, and her best friend Barb embodies the loser and outcast archetype (omg just like heathers). If Steve was a real jock, he would start dating someone like Chrissy, who is a popular beautiful cheerleader doll who could pose more as a trophy than a romantic partner. But Steve is genuinely interested in Nancy, he really likes her as a person, and he seeks to help and protect her. This applies not only to studying, but also to people around: when Jonathan demonstrates frankly stalker behavior and secretly takes pictures of Nancy changing clothes, Steve acts thoughtlessly on emotions and in an attempt to protect the honor of his girlfriend. And please note that he always sees when his actions upset Nancy, and he always apologizes and tries to make amends. I’m talking about such moments as when he tries to climb into her window because he is worried (to find her there with Jonathan), and when he washes off offensive words from the theater. He cares deeply about her feelings, and he does everything in his power so that she does not get hurt, even though he makes mistakes. Well, who the hell doesn't, especially at that age? This dynamic is further developed when Steve makes other friends. He is always careful and attentive to the feelings of others: he is caring towards children, he does not hesitate to accept Robin as a lesbian (which is a mindblowingly  amazing move for a "popular guy" from the 80s), he lets Nancy go despite the fact that it pains him to do so, and does not make a huge drama or even cause a small scene out of this - mind you, for an 18-year-old, this is insanely mature! And the background for all of this is him losing himself even more than in the first season - yes, yes, I didn’t mention, but under the mask of a popular guy, there was absolute confusion about who he really was. He does not have a clear understanding of himself, he does not know what he wants from life, he is lonely and cold. We can guess from everything we've been shown that this, much to out surprise (/sarc), comes from the family - Steve's parents are almost never there, most likely they not only paid little attention to his son, but also for sure made him feel like a disappointment. And so it leaves him confused, having a great personality (evident to us viewers), yet not able to realize it.
What does all this tell us?
Being led by his emotions, a conflict of self, evolution from the most self-centered character to the most selfless, caring for other characters' *feelings* and romantic relationships all point to the Heart aspect from beginning to end. Textbook stuff, really. At the same time, the lack of an aspect at the beginning of the arc and mastering it in the course of his development, ignoring his own problems and hiding behind masks, whether conscious or not, indicate a class. The Knight class, obviously. However, this is only a psychotype and an arch, but I must say that I saved the most obvious evidence for the end - this is Steve's behavior as a typical Knight. Classes are often compared to roles in games. Like mages, bards, rogues, all that stuff. Knights in this classification are ALWAYS tanks. They are the first to rush into battle so that their team can deal damage from afar, from a safe distance. Tanks (Knights) carry the team, holding its full weight on their shoulders, even not always being the strongest players. They are able to take on all the damage from the enemy, to allow their team to win. What can I say :) Steve :)))) A person who is ALWAYS on the frontline, protecting the rest of the party. Who always goes first to check how dangerous the path ahead is. Who charges at the enemy, acting as bait, even if he knows he cannot win. Classic Knight, really.
And so we came to the conclusion that Steve Harrington is a typical Knight of Heart. We wish him good luck and someone who will help him take a break from a heavy burden such as carrying a whole party. Please give Steve a day off and a shoulder to cry on (Robin im looking at you 👀)
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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chickensoupleg · 6 months
oooh ok if you’re wanting prompts- robin chrissy and heather’s days off finally align, but they all have different things they want to do together. do they bicker? make a plan? compromise?? 👀
So I'm imagining they all have entirely separate jobs because of course they do. Robin's got her job doing whatever, let's say she's managed to snag a job (With Steve of course that's her work best friend never leave home without him) at the local Waffle House so her work hours are weird and sometimes she's going to bed the moment her wives wake up, Chrissy is working as a gymnastic coach, and Heather has somehow gotten herself into being a volunteer firefighter. Chrissy has the most flexible schedule (Get it) out of all of them.
They do love their jobs, but man is it brutal on their date nights.
Eventually they do manage to get a weekend together, and of course they don't want to waste it!
Problem is the how. Heather just wants to have a normal date night so she wants to go out and eat after a nice walk around town. Robin doesn't want to be near a restaurant because she is positive the waitress mentality will embarrass her in front of everyone ('Babe you work at a Waffle House it's not that fancy.') ('Heather baby my sweet sweet flaming ball of my miserable yet enchanting life I will accidentally walk into the kitchen if I'm not careful.') ('... Robbie why would you be in the kitchen?') ('Tickets.') ('Ah.')
Chrissy wants to spend the entire time in the house, cuddled up with each other and being lesbian wives doing lesbian wife things like holding hands and see how close they are to succumbing to building furniture for fun. As sweet and relaxing as that sounds somehow it feels like a waste just being home and doing absolutely nothing. They're not gonna have this much time again for a long while they might as well use it! (They do sleep in bed a little longer together regardless. Chrissy is a lump in the blankets, Robin has sprawled over everything, and Heather is octopused around the closest things which are usually either her girls or a pillow)
Robin wants to commit crimes of the loving but frankly a little concerning kind.
We can't let Robin commit crimes.
No matter how much Chrissy and Heather also want to commit crimes.
So they do bicker for a while over the span of a week before the actual days off in the form of many, many sticky notes stuck to bathroom mirrors, passing conversations, muttered sleepy time musings, messengers in the form of sending whoever they could convince to go between work places, phone calls, and even one (1) point in time where they were just in the same bathroom together.
In the end they ask Steve, date-life extraordinaire, for advice, who just tells them (in a fit of this man was rudely awoken) something about how girls like spas and stargazing. He's totally making something up.
It gives Robin an idea immediately, even if it makes no sense and takes a little convincing. A nice and relaxing spa day followed by shuffling off into the wilderness and laying underneath the stars! Perfect! No sitting around at home but also plenty of relaxation and being all date-y!
(It ends up being the greatest date night ever.)
(Even though Steve is a little worried when Robin came back with a photo of them in a tree while a bear was sniffing around at the bottom.)
(And when Heather came in to regale the tale of how Robin does not believe she could wrestle a bear.)
(... And how Chrissy accidentally kicked a bear in the face and apologised as told by Chrissy herself.)
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