#and Gregory thinks they're cool as hell
chipistrate · 10 months
Cassie and Elizabeth are roller blade gals, Michael is a skateboard dude, CC is a scooter kid, and Gregory and Cassidy both ride those small motorcycles made for kids
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
(ask game) Vanessa and Gregory
Give me two (or more) characters and I'll tell you how their first meeting went and how they feel about each other now.
Okay so. I don't remember if Gregory says Vanny or Vanessa caught him and tried to kill him but uhhhh yeah that was probably their first meeting. If it was still Vanny in control, then the first time he'd really meet Vanessa would be when she catches him in the Prize Counter or the Loading Docks place (I think that's where those are I don't remember). Though I think he sorta wakes up in the lost and found security office so... that might not be entirely her either...?
Lets say it is. I'm gonna say it's then. It's a stressful situation. Vanessa probably doesn't know what else to do with him, and is keeping him in lost and found to try and keep the animatronics from catching him- and no, nevermind that makes no sense either. Okay. So. I guess they first truly meet after that Princess Quest ending??? I guess????? I dunno man this makes so much less sense the more I think about it. Maybe when they took Vanny's knife, they also removed whatever made her make sense? Who knows. Anyway.
If it's after Princess Quest, it's. Awkward to say the least. It probably starts with a "You saved me..." and then after a very long silence, she shits a brick when Freddy suddenly starts talking from a duffelbag. Amazingly, that actually breaks the tension and suddenly the pair of them are back and forth like "Freddy's in a bag???" "Well I wasn't gonna leave him!!" "THIS IS ANIMATRONIC THEFT!!!" "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!" "OKAY THIS. Okay. Okay hold on. We can do this." And now they're working out how to get him out undetected before the dayshift clock in. Vanessa meanwhile, is asking about his folks and where he's going now, and well okay, she's got a kid to take care of now, cool okay, one day her life will stop throwing curveballs at her it can't have that many left at this point. Yeah like fuck is she letting the kid that saved not just her life, but all the lives of every future child Vanny would have caught had she not been saved, sleep on the street. Fuck that. She's got a couch. She's got a car. Whatever happens, happens I guess.
Does Gregory trust her at this point? No. Not even remotely. Freddy says she's nice, but Freddy has been wrong about almost everything today so like. Not exactly a stellar review. He already knows he's not sleeping in the same building as her ever if he can help it. He'll just wait till she's away doing stuff and live on naps. That's just how you get by on the street so... yeah this first true meeting with her is so vastly different to every previous encounter with her so far. She seems just as confused, tired, nervous and frazzled at their current situation as he is though so that's helping ease tensions in a weird way. Also the fact she just. Immediately jumped on board with stealing Freddy's head? And then took him to McDonalds or some shit? And then tried to crack a joke about needing something stronger than cola after all of that? Yeah... he's already figured she's just thrown her hands up at this point and is just gonna make do with whatever comes her way. He's also decided her music taste is fucking awful. Seriously, he sees the CDs in her car and just. "Wow your music sucks.", "There's nothing playing???", "Who listens to this?", "HEY-" while Freddy is ignored the more he tries to get them to be nice, and accept that everyone's tastes are different. Look, they just stole an animatronic bear, and the car ride was just silence the whole time, he had to think of something. It's not his fault she's got no taste smh lmao I dunno the whole situation would feel like a blur till then I think
Anyway, after Ruin? After all that shit? They have carried a certain 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING??' 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING??' kind of air to things. At this point, they would help each other commit atrocities but fucking hell if they don't stop stealing each other's fries there's going to be an all out war. It's taken some time to get to that point of course. One of them tries to relieve the tension with something and if it works even remotely, the other one does it another time, and suddenly it's a regular occurence. Vanessa is keeping him safe, warm, fed and somewhat entertained, while Gregory tries to see if he can build a Jenga tower on Freddy's nose. They don't see each other as 'parent and child' or 'guardian and child' or whatever. They're just... them. Found family tropes but it takes a lot longer before they'll ever say it. By this point, they've started bonding over working out how far they could punt Freddy's head in a single kick every time he starts trying to lecture them.
Of course, they're both highly traumatised individuals. They've had to learn what to do for each other, and what to avoid. Neither of them are comfortable with knives for example, so they have to find ways of working around that. Vanessa learns she's scared of rabbits at the same time Gregory learns about it pretty much and the same is true for Gregory's fear of certain loud noises. With this in mind, they've eventually grown very understanding of each other and what they both need from each other when the bad days hit. Sometimes it's space, sometimes it's just to not be left alone, sometimes it's just a hug or something.
So yeah, their opinion of each other now, is pretty much 'I live with them and they're pretty cool actually'. Gregory thinks Vanessa has a few weird habits, terrible music taste and that she's a 'just deal with the hand your dealt' kind of person. Pretty cool of her to do all this without a second thought too. Vanessa has stopped wondering how she ended up caring for a kid at this point, but sometimes she still does, because just her luck, the kid she ended up with would be this one (affectionate). Kid just loves bringing bugs home to put in places bugs really shouldn't be, okay? And he keeps beating her in Mario Kart, whadda hell?? Seriously though, she's so damn grateful for this kid doing what he did, and is endlessly touched whenever she notices him doing something to make things easier on her sometimes. It's the little things that make her happy to have done this like when he spends some time to help find the thing she's lost, or when he decided she deserved a sticker because he said so. Yeah... she likes having him around a lot... Calling him a brother or a son doesn't feel right, but it's definitely a family thing here. Whatever, it doesn't need labelling. Family is family, right?
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deadlystarchart · 2 months
What are your ships if you have any in Black Butler?
[Just as a preface, I don't ship characters in any kind of s*xual way!! They're all just fun and wholesome relations!]
I don't ship a lot of characters, but since I dislike Lizzy a lot I rather ship Doll and Smile. Doll is super kind, she's the pinnacle of someone who has suffered again and again and is still soft and caring, exactly what Ciel has needed in his life after the last few years, she's also a commoner, she's not nobility which is a pretty cool dynamic to have admittedly, she's also tougher than Ciel!! He's literally a coughing baby for 80% of the Circus arc, so she can take care of him!
Spoilers for the huuuuh, Blue Cult arc??? Chapter 129 and past that. (It's been 7 years, come on.) BUT I THINK IT'S A GREAT THING THAT O!CIEL HAS LOST HIS STATUS AS A NOBLE, he's no better than Doll now, he's a criminal and a fraud hahahah!!!
Note: (I find it funny when one/both parts of the ship wants to kill the other, either that or there's some drama in there but it works out at the end?)
I find any ship with Maurice in it funny as hell because HE'S SO ANNOYING.
Huuuuh, Joanne x Edward seems super fun, little dog + big guard dog kinda vibes.
Violet x Greenhill??? I love the scene of Gregory trolling Herman with the drawing, I'd imagine he'd at some point finally feel inspired by Greenhill to draw him properly.
Maybe something like Ronald x William would be fun? But we know Will cares little for interpersonal relationship, he's a man on a mission, exactly why Ronald's fun and excited demeanor would be nice to pair with.
Past that? I don't really mind any (legal) ships others might come up with. I've seen some really cute Agni x Sebas stuff for example, yet it's not my cup of tea.
(In terms of the Kuro 2 timeline I'd obviously ship Alois and Ciel, annoying gremlin and emo kid is a fun pair.)
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 3 months
loved the rik and ade fest you arranged with @/xgardensinspace recently! it made me curious, if you would rank your favorite rik and ade projects how would you rank them? :)
Aw thank you! I'm glad you liked it. The fest is always fun to run. ❤️
Now that's a tricky question! I'm very bad at ranking my favourite funny shows at the best of times. 😂 A lot of it just depends on my mood in the moment. Here's an attempt:
Joint first - The Young Ones and Bottom - sorry! Far too difficult to decide which of these beats the other for me. They're both brilliant and changed my world. While containing obvious similarities, they both also offer differences. So, yeah, really depends on my mood. The world of TYO is certainly more raw and surreal, which I think makes sense as it was the gang's first proper foray into television and sitcom, but that's part of what I love about it. And, perhaps because of that factor, it captures something true about youth, which is why multiple generations of young people have found it resonating with them. It's very exciting and angry and just, bloody hell, so entirely accurate. Richie and Eddie, on the other hand, have more depth and emotional realism as characters (feels insane to say that about Bottom, but still 😂). You can feel Samuel Beckett oozing out of the mouldy walls of their flat. The situation in Bottom should be extraordinarily depressing - a warning, even, about what happens if you just let life happen to you - but instead it's brilliant and hilarious and full of pervy, disgusting joy. That's the magic of sitcoms.
Third - The Comic Strip Presents... - I really like anthologies. It's a shame they're so rare these days, given recent examples like Inside Number 9 and Black Mirror have been so successful, though I get that they're generally more expensive and more of a gamble as far as viewing figures are concerned. I love the world of the Comic Strip. The series just felt really creatively inspirational to me when I first watched it. I love the idea of a gang of mates all writing and producing stories. How insanely cool? That said, it's not got the top spot for me because not every Comic Strip is gold standard. There are definitely a few I've only seen once. There are some with flaws that I still love, but there are also a fair few (of the later series, perhaps when the magic was wearing off) that just don't cut the mustard for me. But there are some truly great offerings: both Bad News episodes, Mr Jolly Lives Next Door, the Famous Five parodies, Consuela (my fave ❤️), Dirty Movie, A Fistful of Travellers' Cheques, The Strike, Red Nose of Courage, Demonella, Gregory: Diary of a Nutcase, the list goes on. For the most part, the imperfections and rough and ready style are part of the various Comic Strips' charm.
Fourth - The Dangerous Brothers - I absolutely love this double act. This is where it all started for Rik and Ade, after all! Richard being the dominant one is also an interesting twist on their usual dynamic - they're basically Laurel and Hardy but more violent and a lot ruder. 😂 But seriously, you can tell Ade takes a lot of inspiration from Stan Laurel. There's this specific face he does. The only reason they're fourth here is because, as sketch characters, I suppose there was only so far they could go with them. That's not to shit on sketch characters! A good sketch character is gold dust, just check out Harry Enfield's repertoire. And it's not as if sketch characters can't grow into something more versatile Alan Partridge Alan Partridge Alan Partridge since that's arguably what Richie and Eddie of Bottom were (the pinnacle of an ever deepening progression of Rik and Ade's dynamic). The Dangerous Brothers are mad fun, but with so many other Rik and Ades on offer, I've had to be harsh. Sorry lads. 😂
Fifth - Kevin Turvey - Ade appears in The Man Behind the Green Door, so it counts! I have a lot of love for Kevin Turvey; compared to most of Rik's characters, he's a sweetheart. I also really like it when comedians have a character inspired by the place they grew up in. The world of Kevin Turvey still has the anger and surrealism we'd expect from Rik Mayall projects, but it's much more toned down. This was very early Rik, so Kevin is just very interesting, in that respect. I'm sure he'd appreciate that. The fact Rik let him write a chapter of his autobiography says a lot about his relationship with him, even if he was ultimately superceded by a bunch of other bastards called Richard. 😂 The main reason he's so low down on this particular list is just because Ade doesn't feature much, so it's not super reflective of their double act.
Sixth - Filthy, Rich & Catflap - Look, I'm not here to contribute to the FR&C hate in the world. 😂 I don't think it's as bad as people at the time made out, but I'd also be lying if I said it's their best work. Richie and Eddie are important as a crossroads point between Rick & Vyvyan and Richie & Eddie of Bottom, and Nigel is amazing as Filthy, but they're never gonna be as beloved as those who came before and after them. Also, Richie Rich's hair is worse than Richard Dangerous' to me. 😂 I think it was a mistake, though I understand why it was done, to advertise FR&C as the successor to TYO. Of course, in comparison, it was going to fall flat. Although it's satirising the old British showbiz world, why on earth would the young audience they picked up from TYO - who didn't necessarily feel enamoured by that - want to watch their favourite characters morph into people from that world? It's similar in tone to TYO, but the world it inhabits just doesn't come alive in the same way. FR&C is also very wordy - which, kudos to Rik and Ade primarily for remembering all those lines, and to Ben for writing them - but, in the first episode especially, this definitely slows the pacing down. Rip.
I've only included stuff with Rik AND Ade, hence the absence of The New Statesman etc. Apologies if I've missed anything!
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
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bluerasbunny · 1 year
(sorry if this ask is a little long, I'm having a total 'tism moment rn) Your issue with the all book tie-ins is fair, tbh. I only know about the Mimic via the wikipedia and word of mouth; due to the whole Scott Cawthon Donating Fiasco, I didn't feel comfortable directly accessing/purchasing FNaF stuff (if that makes sense), so as a result I resorted to watching playthroughs and reading up on on the wikipedia.
As a result, I can understand some people being confused about this stuff. Is the mimic a really cool idea? Sure, yeah, but everyone should be able to know about it.
I was thinking a little bit more about the Elevator Ending, and I think... if that is the actual canon ending, there's a very low chance Cassie died. It just doesn't make sense narrative wise- she's such a good character (seriously, I love her, her genuine concern (most of) the animatronics and Gregory, mixed with her funny quips and good VA, makes her a great sort of parallel to Gregory), to kill her off so quickly just feels... wrong.
I'm also... very intrigued about Gregory... And the fact he and, presumably Freddy and Vanessa, do not want to be found/are on the run. While at first, it was a little jarring for him to just. throw Cassie under the bus... I hate to say this, but imo, it feels... kinda in character. He wrecked the rest of the Glamrock Animatronics, and, iirc, in one ending of SB, he indirectly kills Vanny. So... was it a jerk move to do that to Cassie? Of course. Was it in-character?... Kind of? I guess? It can be debatable.
Anyways, I can't wait to see what else is dug up in the DLC. And I do hope we get more answers.
dw abt the long ask, i love hearing people talk abt things they're passionate abt and hearing other opinions!! /gen
but i agree w/ almost every point you've made here- i dont feel comfortable putting my money into FNAF stuff considering. as a bi trans guy, kkindof just feels. wrong to fund donations toward things going toward horrible causes (and while im not american, i dont want to fund that either way), but regardless of that, casual viewers really shouldn't. have to research a fuck ton just to understand RUIN
my problem with the mimic is. he just doesn't make sense. and it takes ALOT away from vanny, who i thought would be the main antagonist from here onwards (and i can't imagine how dissapointed vannessa fans are right now). i just can't wrap my head around the mimic or any of the science fiction stuff- and i admit i'm with the crowd missing when FNAF was a simple horror game with ghosts and murders, even moreso now that RUIN's decided to go the route of being a jumble of sci-fi that explains nothing about the story at all
i do agree with the elevator ending and gregory points though! cassie is a brilliant character and i doubt she's dead, and the elevator ending was actually pretty damn cool! the visuals were great and gregory's sudden heel-turn betrayal was super interesting and shocking!
my only wish with RUIN from this point onwards is that it. explains everything in detail and that it utilizes eclipse because goddamnit they did not just introduce him only to never use him he's such a good character im still SO mad that he only got 5 minutes. again.
i'm super excited to see what else is dug up too and i'm hopeful that we'll get answers!!
(also just watched the scooper ending and it doesn't make sense either this DLC needs to explain things stg. what the hell was that what was any of that i do NOT understand a second of this)
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coolthudethecoolest · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
My new awesome ghs oc Outer Home!!!!! Thought it would be cool to have a guest who was an alien. Second image contains some dialogue I wrote for xem since I thought writing dialogue for xem would be really fun.
If you cant read the main bio in the first image here it is in text form (I’m pretty sure there’s a good amount of spelling errors in there btw 😭):
Outer Home is a guest who is constantly trying to leave the Gregory House, but always fail to do so. Xey try to do this through flying a rocket into a strange, sparkling puncture in the sky called "The Puncture to Reality". As the name suggests, it's a gateway to reality. Another distinct thing about Outer Home is that they're a "human guest" (a guest who thinks they’re still human). Unlike other human guests (Bonehead, Hell's Taxi, Public Phone), xey do recognize and acknowledge xeir inhuman traits but still cannot process that xey are no longer human. Xey’re pretty intelligent since xey were an astronaut back when xey was alive. Determined yet indecisive and uncertain of xeir true goals, Outer Home's intelligence becomes useless in the presence of xeir paranoia and large phobia of the other guests. Outer Home constantly had to move around and was emotionally neglected as a kid, resulting in xeir warped perception of relationships. Despite fearing aliens, Outer Home coped through daydreaming about being on another planet. While on a space mission, xey was suddenly hit with feelings of regret towards xeir life choices, and xey crashed onto into the Gregory House.
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sholangagaga · 3 years
Roxanne: Sorry for having great tits and correct opinions on everything. as if its my fault
Glitchtrap: ruin the lives of everyone around you and then die
Vanny: words of wisdom
Freddy: How are you?
Bonnie: I literally wanna disappear without an explanation but thanks for asking
Monty: Can't remember what my personality is supposed to be like. I wish I had written it down
Sundrop: everyone knows that the real way to show someone you love them is to find them a really cool rock. Not diamonds or anything, just a neat rock you'd think they'd really enjoy
Moondrop: Might ghost everyone and call it a year
Monty, to Bonnie: I have feelings for you. not telling you which ones though
Chica: whats your biggest fear?
Roxy: Being forgotten
Chica: wow thats deep
Chica: Mine's the kool aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now
Gregory: Fact; I can jump higher than any tree
Vanny: Oh? And how is that possible?
Gregory: trees cant jump
Vanny: I will destroy you
Vanny: How do I know ZERO celebrities? You guys always talk about famous people and I have no idea who the hell they are but then it turns out they're the most well known and liked person on earth right now!
Vanessa: because all you do is talk to demons in computer programs
Vanny: He told me to murder a child the other day
Vanessa: You seem like the type of person who thinks robots are just made to make people's lives easier
Vanny: Well aren't they?
Vanessa, pointing at Glitchtrap: He hasn't made anyone's life easier and you know it
Monty: bro but in a flirty way
Gregory: What happens if you press the brake and the accelerator at the same time?
Freddy: it takes a screenshot
Roxy: Get out of my raceway
Monty: How dumb do they think we are??
Chica: Sometimes Roxy leaves me pictures of food instead of a shopping list
DJ Music Man: what if "It's Raining Men" and "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" are both about the same event but from different perspectives?
Freddy: I am literally begging you to stop
Chica: I think you're spiritually a new yorker
Roxy: this is the nicest way to call someone an asshole I think
Monty: *wii channel music playing as he lay dead on the ground*
Freddy: I just want to draw tiny hearts everywhere because Im full of love and the world is cruel
Foxy: It's been a long week
Bonnie: It's only 4pm on a Monday
Monty: y'all'd've'f'ld've
Chica: you all would have if I would have???
Freddy: did you just make a complete sentence using contractions
Roxy: the south is out of control
Freddy: Not to get political or anything but what the fuck is oatmeal
Bonnie: I'm going for a facial expression that's a mixture of "How the hell did I get myself into this mess" and "I'm surrounded by idiots"
Foxy: Honestly I think you nailed it
Gregory: i'm going to defeat you with the power of found family and this gun I found
Roxy, to the tune of The Final Countdown: It's a mental breakdown
Freddy, showing the slightest sign of affection:
Gregory: I'd kill for you
Chica: I'm not lying on the floor physically but I am lying on the floor spiritually
Bonnie: You're stupid, I like that in a man
Chica: got some chicken noodle soup and a nice warm shower. Craziest part is Im gonna eat my soup in the shower
Monty: Take a super hot shower and just use that water to make your noodles. Chess not Checkers
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mymp3 · 3 years
ive been a big fnaf fan since like. probably when 2 was out. i got out of it by the time help wanted came out so i still have no clue what the fucks up with it but pizza sim was really good. i thought the night sections werent quite as good as the other games before it but the amazing day sections and lore made up for it. im getting back into it because of security breach and i dont think id describe it as a let down personally but i can definitely understand why people would. its super buggy and the jumpscares are mostly lame as all hell. but i think the environment is super cool and some of the character designs are the best we've seen in a long time, and i love all the personality they gave the characters because they usually barely have fucking any. though maybe it wasnt a let down for me just because i wasnt expecting anything lol. anyways fave fnaf characters of all time
this is really fair!!
i think i was being a little mean in my other post, because its grown on me a lot. But to be fair, i really enjoy critiquing things i enjoy lol. gregory and glamrock are top tier characters for real, they're the best.
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
nous aimons tous les deux jours
pairing: dabi x reader
playlist: things we never say - bad bad habits*, sincerity is scary - the 1975, love love love - of monsters and men, if i go, im going - gregory alan isakov, i dont know me like you do - low hum, if i get high - nothing but thieves ( alice kristiansen cover ), i dare you - the regrettes, problems - deathbyromy, fool of you - meltt, hell and you - amigo the devil, creature - it looks sad, tongues and teeth - the crane wives, hooked ( addicted you might say ) - eleisha eagle, nothings gonna hurt you baby - cigarettes after sex, a dream of you - far caspian, so alright, cool, whatever - the happy fits, a lovely night - ryan gosling
warnings: mentions of violence, brief mentions of drugs for expression, and suggestive themes
summary: we love every other day
this is my first try at a enemies/lover thingy! Originally it was going to be an enemy to lovers but i liked the idea that they're just on opposing sides a little more haha. Lemme know if you'd like to see the other one though!
i know there are a lot of hero x villain fics like this out there 😌 this is my take on it, so please bare with me!
feedback is welcome and appreciated! requests are open!
"We really have to stop meeting like this."
An addiction. That's what it is. Either that or it's some kind of reverse psychology like you want what you can't have—because nothing else makes sense. If you knew him as a regular person, honestly you probably wouldn't have given him a second thought. If he was a hero you worked beside—or god forbid a villain—then you probably wouldn't have cared for a hookup or two, but then you'd get over it. It's not infatuation. It's an addiction. It's toxic and unhealthy and it just feels good even if it shouldn't. But the high; the high is unbeatable.
It continues on forever and more. From the moment his gaze pierces yours it's like snorting a rail of coke or taking a tab and the trip never ends. It's not even the fact you could get caught. You two are so damn obvious; anyone who stumbles into an alleyway at three in the morning would see the two of you doing more than what a fight warrants. It's just him. It's simply Dabi.
Romeo and Juliette's syndrome is probably a better term for it. But hell, it's not like he'd die for you. Right? It's not like you've known each other way longer than some days and nights and you certainly aren't teenagers and he's definitely not somebody who moves onto a girl and decides he's in love at first sight just because his 'rosaline' left him face down ass up. So maybe Romeo and Juliette is just lack of a better term.
But it's so unfair. How the hell are you supposed to escape him when it's like he's around every corner. With every breath you take, it's like he's an inch closer to crushing your chest with his. And maybe you want him to? This isn't very hero-like.
"You're the one always tracking me down, doll."
The pet name sends shivers down your spine and it makes you want him all the more.
Who am I? What has gotten into me?
You blame the pink tint to your cheeks on the brisk wind of the night, but the heat to them is a large contrast. You cross your arms over your chest and scoff, trying to look taller, stronger, and broader. Not in a threatening way, but more a warning.
This time you'll really take him out.
"In case you forgot, it's my job."
You tell yourself that every time.
And every time he gets away.
"I'm not doing anything but taking a walk."
He steps closer, the already short distance between you two getting shorter. The streetlamp that cuts the scene in half flickers, a moth flying away from the light and towards the moon. You count three squares in distance and you resist the urge to step back.
"You're a wanted criminal, Dabi."
He doesn't deny it but scoffs anyway, shoving his hands into his pockets leisurely. It's like he's never bothered. You're just a nat he's waiting to squash. You have to remind yourself of that: You're just prey.
"I think you just miss me." His tone is serious, but he's only teasing—no matter how true it is. You're starting to think that he can read minds—it's actually quite concerning.
You force a laugh past your lips, trying to show you aren't bothered by what he says. It's just a game of cat and mouse, and it's time the roles switch.
"Please. I could throw you in jail right now."
"But you wouldn't do that. Isn't that right, bunny?"
Your guard faulters and it gives him the opening he needs to corner you completely—and quite literally. It's a blink of an eye and he has you against the brick wall. It'd look rather suspicious to anyone passing, or maybe it looks endearing. But it doesn't matter, to begin with when it's a barren street. Even the crickets seem to have fled.
It's like wherever Dabi walks, everything else scatters. If it were the sea, you're sure it'd part red.
Dabi smirks, trapping you between his body and the cool, damp bricks. The mist from earlier rain seeps slowly into your hero suit, sending a violent chill down your spine. His other hand touches your hip, fingers grazing the fabric so faintly that it'd feel non-existent if it weren't for the heat radiating off them. You hitch your breath when his nose nudges your neck, his hot breath causes shivers and his eyes bore into your own with something mischievous.
His lips ghost the skin of your neck and you subconsciously pull it taut, tilting your head to the side. You're beginning to hate how your body arches into his and how it reacts to the simplest of touches.
Like a brick to a window, your dissolve shattered easily.
Dabi quirks a brow, challenging you to continue as you sputter about. It's embarrassing. You can hear him say it now, just like so many times before: "Oh? A big hero like you getting flustered by a big bad villain like me? How cute."
Your walkie talkie comes alive with static and a voice cuts in asking for help to take down a gang of criminals a few cities over.
My saving grace.
"I-I have to go." You push him away by the shoulders with sudden confidence, but he doesn't seem to put up much resistance.
God, you want to wipe the smug smirk off his face.
He backs off and turns with an unbothered wave, proving his point that you wouldn't- couldn't touch him, much less win against him in any sort of battle. The untouchable.
"Until next time, right?"
It's like a new tide from the moon—how fast your feelings towards him change. He's awful. A criminal, a villain, a murderer. He's the literal icon of everything your against.. or of what you're supposed to be against.
But you understand him. You get his whys and you feel his emotion like you're apart of them. You empathize with him and it makes you so fucking angry at yourself because you know—as a hero—you should never side with a villain like him, no matter how much sense he starts to make.
Blame it on his tone and the smoothness of his words. He's just a swindler.
The next time isn't even a full week later. He technically protects you from some randoms in an alleyway and you catch him in the act of it all, turning to catch whoever was following you, only to be met with cold blue eyes and a pile of ashes in front of you.
Of course, it ultimately ends in the same place it always does; his bed.
His scent and touch linger a little too long after these meetings and you decide once again that this is the last time.
It's a real shame you have to blame it on his body heat and not the undeniable attraction you feel towards him. But you suppose that could count towards it.
His hands are anywhere—everywhere—and they leave a fire in their wake. It's too much and still not enough. All you want is to be closer. Fingers in his hair, pulling him into you until you can't, and then pulling him in more. It's like air, the way you breathe him in. When you finally give into dabi it no longer becomes a crime, but a necessity.
It's overbearing and messy and awful, but you can't help but slip into his embrace and into his warmth.
It's freezing and he's the sun.
Tangled in between cotton sheets, you feel him rub circles into your shoulder and you hear his heartbeat. It's reassuring to know someone like him even has one. Then again, he probably wouldn't have protected you if he didn't have one. How many times has he saved you from harm's way? Honestly, one time is too many.
It almost makes this fling of yours respectable. It almost makes you want to admit you're falling for that smug face and bad attitude.
"We talked about what we'd do if we ran into your league again, you know?"
Why on earth would you bring that up of all things, y/n?
He doesn't need to know anything about your career, much less your plans to take his team down.
"Hmm.. is that so?" Dabi's fingers move up to draw languid circles into your collarbone before shifting slightly to loom over you. His other hand comes to rest on your hip, sending a searing, but welcomed heat to the flesh. You hiss quietly at the sensation, already knowing there's a bruise forming from the activities not too long ago. His lips replace his hand on your neck and he removes his arm from under your head to hold himself up.
Your hand finds his messy hair, fingers delving into the raven locks and tugging gently as he makes his way to the column of your throat and to your ear. He nips at it, nose brushing against your jaw; his hot breath creating goosebumps that rise to your flesh.
"I like knowing you think of me when I'm not around, Angel."
The tone and raspiness of his voice makes you groan, feeling him kiss beneath your jaw. You just know he's smirking at the reactions he elicits from you because you can feel it. He enjoys watching your internal struggle. You can't act like you didn't choose to form whatever this is with him.
You tug his hair to look at him, bringing his face up and he almost looks annoyed that you disrupted his path heading down towards your chest. Your lips ghost over each other's and you lean in for a kiss, only for him to pull away and leave you chasing.
"I also like when you call my name."
Your hand falls from his hair to cup his jaw, practically pulling him forward into a kiss. It's rough to cover up the intimacy and need behind it. His fingers dig into the plush of your hip, thumb pressed into your stomach before his hand goes upward with an ulterior motive.
Pulling away from him before he can initiate anything more, you run your thumb across his lips and the silver bands that adore the lower half of his face. Surprisingly enough, it didn't take long to adjust to the different textures
"And I like how you kiss me."
This almost feels too domestic—not that you mind, but you're positive he knows you're wrapped around his finger, in the palm of his hand. It's impossible to hide it now. Your actions speak louder than the three words on the tip of your tongue, poisoning your mind.
It makes you cringe when you think about it all. How easily he can get into your head and twist your arm. Some nights you catch yourself thinking that maybe you'll be able to convince him to open his eyes a little wider to see your point of view, especially when you've begun to see his. They're horrible—the villains you go against, but he makes them seem so different. You hate how he makes you double think everything.
He playfully nips at your thumb when you push it gently between his lips, teasingly. His hands trail up your arms, pulling them off of him and above your head. You're the one who makes the move to intertwine fingers as he pushes them down harshly on the pillow underneath you. Insatiable. That's what he is. Is it so wrong to keep wanting more?
The sun beginning to rise over the horizon and spilling in through the window doesn't seem to stir him as he makes his descent from your lips.
You already know that by the next morning you'll hate him and that surrounds him. You'll hate yourself for listening to your heart instead of your head simply because it just 'feels so right.' It's a constant cycle between the two of you, and you're sure he feels the same. He doesn't agree with anything you stand by like a hero, but there's something that keeps him close enough.
There's only so much you can expect, even when you deny it over and over.
But god, you have to stop meeting like this.
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alesreadings · 3 years
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It took me a while, friends, it took me really a while. On my goodreads updates, you can see that I first started King of Scars on March 31st, 2021. A year ago. However, I had a hard time trying to connect with Nina again.
Warning, my review has spoilers!
I've always loved Leigh's writing and her way to tell a story. I'm a goddamn sucker for Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom and I must admit that Shadow and Bone wasn't her best job, but Nikolai saved the trilogy tbh. I was really excited to start King of Scars because Nikolai is my favorite boy ever.
Yes, this might be a review of me drooling over Nikolai Lantsov, and I'll fight anyone for him.
This book follows Nikolai, Zoya and Nina after Ruin and Rising and Crooked Kingdom, 3 years after the War in Ravka. I honestly thought this book was gonna be more focussed on Nikolai, well... I'm your local clown. Don't get me wrong, I still love it, but the more I think of this book, the more I find flaws on it.
The main reason why it took me a while it's because of Nina. She's one of my favorite female characters but what Leigh did to her here... I just can't. What the fuck was this? I mean, I was excited to see her grief process and everything and I cried so so so fucking much when she let go Matthias because it hurt me so bad in Crooked Kingdom. Leigh, I will never forgive you for this. But the moment Hanne stepped in, everything went to trash. I like Hanne, but since the first moment I knew who she was and who're gonna be endgame. It pissed me off because I felt that Nina's grief was gone in 0.1 seconds. Idk if she stills thinking and grieving Matthias, I skipped her chapters and I'm not ashamed of it. If it hadn't been for that, I would have put this book again in my "on hold" shelf or dnf'd.
Nikolai is the king of my heart (iykyk) and my everything. He's the main reason why I stopped liking the same dark haired and badboy dudes. I mean, they're okay, but a blond king, a charming and funny boy who's arrogant but sweet and romantic and a fucking gentleman who fight with his own demons? That's hot af and what drew me to him.
I was really really really in love with the Darkling when I first read Shadow and Bone (and Ben Barnes feeded my obsession, lol) and then I ended up ditching him when I met the handsome Nikolai Lantsov. Holy fuck, I fell for Nikolai really hard and at this day, my standards are really high just because of him.
Zoya's development was great. I was expecting to see and know more about her for a while, and knowing more of her background and past helped me out to understand her more and to reassure her 1st position of my favorite female characters, along with Jude Duarte. Her friendship with Juris was okay, but a bit short and rushed if you ask me.
Now, talking about Juris... What the fuck, Leigh? That's what I was asking myself constantly while reading this book. I get that you need a plot and everything, but bring back the saints? What was the purpose? Bring back the Darkling? As I said, I was in love with the Darkling a while ago and I also felt betrayed, lol, but please, let him rest, the dude was okay burning on that pire with that whole dramatic thing of Alina saying his name.
But the most important thing is... Are you fucking telling me that Alina stabbed him with a butter knife and they had this dramatic-ass last scene for nothing? That Nikolai had a fucking demon inside him just like a vessel for the Darkling? Ugh, no, this makes and doesn't make sense at the same time. Look, once more, don't get me wrong, I like Leigh's books, but I don't understand this (perhaps I will get it on Rule of Wolves, idk).
Juris and Gregory were okay. Juris was very cool and he was good with Zoya. Gregory and his little bear with wheels made me cry when he died, haha. But Elizaveta? I should have known that the Darkling was still very popular, even after his dead... Sigh.
Also, where the hell Isaak came from? It was really random and unexpected, and he fucking died. JAJAJKSJDHJDFH I was laughing so hard because it didn't make any sense.
I didn't care a lot about Genya, Tolya, Tamar and David... they were just there. Does it make sense? I don't actually know. But it says a lot about me feeling weird toward this book.
Unfortunately, I won't pick up Rule of Wolves anytime soon because I have tons of books that I'm currently reading haha, but I definitely will in a future.
See ya nextime, bookworms!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
Remember that random idea of "We Bought a Zoo" but "We Bought a Pizzaplex"?
Cassie's dad gets some inheritance or something and buys the failing Pizzaplex from Fazbear Ent. He's never worked there before. He was looking around with the estate agent or whatever, lost track of Cassie for five whole seconds and found her having a blast with Roxy in some ruined salon, and great cool now he's gotta buy it
If this is post dealing with Mimic and all that other shit that went on, but without him and Cassie being anywhere near the place, it's just a story about this guy and his kid walking into a building of heavily traumatised animatronics, learning that not only are they sentient, but that yeah people died here and they're not happy about some random fucking guy showing up to reopen this stupid place. The only time they've had any freedom has been when Fazbear ditched them to drop them on the market, they don't want to lose that!
And holy shit look at them all. The moment Cassie's dad realises they're sentient is also the moment he decides they probably all need a fucking therapist.
Genuinely considers if bulldozing the entire Plex and starting from scratch would genuinely be easier than dealing with whatever the fuck Fazbear left behind. He's amazed by how many of the animatronics agree, and how many assumed that was what he was going to do anyway.
Freddy returns with Gregory and Cassie's dad is just sat there, absolutely baffled by how these animatronics have more drama than a fucking soap opera. Like, they're supporting each other and doing their best, but oh my god sometimes he could cut the tension with a fucking knife.
Honestly, he starts to feel glad that some of them are messing with him as much as they are. If they're messing with him, then they aren't thinking about the hell they've been through and how angry they are at each other.
You could throw in the idea that Cassie was there doing the whole Mimic thing, but keep her dad completely new to the building and everyone in it. Like okay he knows there was a killer robot in there and a bunch of dead guys, maybe he's even gotten a glimpse of Roxy and her Minis when he came to get Cassie, but that's it. Mimic is gone, the bodies are gone and the second he gave in and brought Cassie back to visit everyone, was the second he realised he couldn't let someone else buy this place now that it's going on the market. He can't take this place away from her... this is the happiest he's seen her in an insanely long time and she's playing with the most fucked up metal creatures he's ever seen in his life.
No one else wants it, so he got it very cheap, and probably from the compensation he was paid for what happened to Cassie. He is Not Prepared for the can of worms he's about to open by stepping into the ruins as it's owner for the very first time.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Idk way but I can see animatronics cassie and Roxy/Roxanne wolf both rigging all arcade machine to turn off if Gregory try to use the arcade machine.
Like most modern arcade they got ride of coins and replaced coins with game card.
Are they?? I don't think I've been to an arcade that uses game cards ngl but then in this country, most arcades are on the seafront so... It's probably a lot harder to roll out a game card system in arcades that probably make most of their money on tourism. Don't even use tokens here so I dunno I'm hardly an expert on American arcades or even modern arcades since like. I dunno there was a boom a little while back in new arcade games and ways to play them, but they're all largely the same as they have been for decades I feel?? I dunno man. I should go to the seaside again soon though. Purely for the arcades. I miss the yearly (maybe several times a year) arcade trips :(
Just something about walking down the seafront, ya know? Like one of my childhood ones was mostly arcades and shops with some amusements, while another one is full of fair games with a few arcades here and there too... When I was like five or six, my dad won a giant unicorn in a darts game that I shit you not was bigger than I was at the time and I refused to let anyone else carry it so it's tail was dragging on the floor the whole time lmao
Anyway, sorry to get so off topic you just reminded me of all that stuff and now I wanna go back and see if anywhere has changed much. Maybe they've got those cool airplane simulator ones in them now cause god damn I love those but ANYWAY
If the Plex did run on game cards, Roxy and Cassie rigging it so that Gregory can't play any of them would be such a petty move. Honestly, I feel like that's probably not even hard to do either?? Like I bet they have a blacklisting system that basically just voids the game card or something so it's probably like. A five minute job at most?
Hell if a petty move. Would really piss him off too.
And hey, if it runs on game cards, Roxy with her added security would probably be able to do it remotely and really mess with him. So sometimes a game will be playing fine and will spontaneously just game over him out of nowhere. He tells staff about it and they investigate, only to find nothing wrong with it. Like yeah okay nice try kid... And then it just keeps happening.
Other times, she could let him get to the end and game over normally, but then it just skip the highscore screen entirely so he can't save his score or anything and his game card didn't get anything added either. Like he could spend a few hours getting points for a prize he really wants and when he gets there, it turns out his card has been nulled. That one's exceptionally mean and petty, which is why it's absolutely a Roxy thing to do lmao
There's probably a lot more you can do with game cards in the Plex but I don't really know the ins and outs for the before mentioned reasons. Would love to know what else can be done with them for this though!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 19 days
Animatronics cassie au.
I say all the other animations are extremely jealous of Roxy getting her own little sister to help her around the roxy raceway or umm pull practical jokes with.
Chica. be exstied and be like that cool anut
Monty. would take his anger out in his room or staff bots because Roxy has got a lot more cooler then he is.
Freddy. try to convince cassie to forgive Gregory.
Sun. moon. And eclipse. Eclipse would be the one to feel awful about cassie sinch well he was the last to seeher before they went to the mimic cage. Sun he the one One be very apologetic for moon. And I think moon would say he dasent care but deep down he probably worried sick and feels awful.
I think glamrocks bonnie. wouldn't care to much but hi mind throwing this expired milk shake at Monty.
Glamrock foxy. He be like oh cool are ye a pairt or are ye a cowboy or umm cowgirl.
I believe dj. NWould he like cool new animatronic nice to know you just watch out for the mini dj of this pizzaplex.
Oh yeah they can be a little jealous! But you gotta remember that they've gained a new lil buddy too so it's probably not too bad!
Chica gets to be sister number 2 or maybe a best friend. Can't see Monty being angry about it because like... I dunno hanging out with younger siblings isn't usually seen as cool? Not in my experience anyway. Nah I think he'd love being just as bad of an influence on Cassie as Roxy is lmao
Just a little bit jealous Roxy got a little buddy before he did :(
Anyway uhhh yeah Freddy's wasting his breath. At some point, he's just gonna start getting yeeted across the Plex by Roxy if he keeps doing that so he'll have to stop eventually. I don't think he'd be jealous. More the type to be overly sympathetic about it at the wrong times so it comes across a lot more insincere than he might intend.
Eclipse probably wasn't the last to see her given Eclipse is right at the beginning of Ruin, but yeah I can imagine he'd... honestly all three of the attendants probably take a long ass while to come to terms with the fact they left a child unattended when Mimic exists. They presumably didn't know about Mimic beforehand and they're pretty horrified now. Maybe they accidentally smother her or Sunny and Eclipse keep bothering Roxy about how they're both doing and stuff. I can see Moon being just as horrified, but a lot more chill about it given that Sunny can fuss and fret enough for the both of them.
Bonnie thinks she's cool. But also who the fuck is this kid. And also why the fuck is this the way it is now. And what do you mean Glitchtrap. What. Huh. Anyway, he's hanging out with Cassie cause she's cool and apparently found his body that possibly wasn't technically lost until Roxy had her eyes ripped out. Speaking of Roxy, why does she get all the cool shit while he looks like a radioactive blob of blue-tack. He wants a little buddy too damnit! He's going to complain about this for the rest of his days!
Foxy adores her. The version of Foxy I have in my head, particularly the cowboy pirate Foxy, is that he's the biggest sweetheart you've ever met in your life. Fucking adores Cassie almost as much as he adores Roxy. He wants to be their brother so bad and he feels awful for the occasional jealousy he feels towards them and what they have, but it just inspires him to try even harder! Foxy is not a giver-upper! He's gonna be there for them no matter what! Come hell or high water! You mark his words!
DJ also loves her because of course he does. Likes calling her itty bitty Roxy and Rox Junior. Is also teaching her sign language as that's something all the other animatronics have pre-programmed but she doesn't. And an instrument! Roxy helps with this, but DJ is the one that keeps giving her random ass instruments he found from fuck knows where and tells her to have fun with them. And they do! Every time! DJ isn't jealous of shit! He got a lil buddy to teach and play with! That also occasionally bites him! It's the canine animatronic in her now she can't help it sometimes he's just so chompable :(
Roxy brought Cassie to the Minis and said "can we keep her? Pleeeeaaassseeee???" and they all gave their best attempt at saying "no absolutely not" but in reality, they were already getting the adoption papers ready the moment they walked in the room. She's part of the Spider Army now. Look out.
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blueyellow8green · 3 years
Is anyone else kind of disappointed that FNAF SB is still following the Afton arc? I know that like there are still questions that need answering regarding the Afton family but can't some parts just remain a mystery? I felt like Security Breach was Fnaf's best chance at a new beginning for the franchise, new characters, new mechanics, new game style and even new developers. It seems kinda idk off to then have it be that Vanessa may be Elizabeth and Glamrock Freddy could be Micheal. Along with that freakshow of William and the Moltens in the basement. Some Easter eggs alluding to the old games could of been cool along with some vague answers for plotholes but did we really need the whole "they're all still alive :D" moment.
Idk it just doesn't seem right to me for the story it lessens the impact of every previous moment in the Franchise like them all burning to death in FNAF 6 means nothing now. The bite of 83' is redundant is Gregory is actually Crying Child. Micheal getting scooped means less if he's a part of Glamrock Freddy. Even them all going to LITERAL HELL were the children get revenge on William means nothing because they are all still trapped in "the blob".
Anyway I'm just ranting I still really like the game (for all it's bugs) I think it's my favourite in the franchise and it is definitely more ambitious. I think lore aside the games story is actually really good and does something new by having us not play Micheal for once. Gregory is a much cooler and interesting protagonist and the animatronics have actual personality. So there's a lot of positives to the game too! I just wished the lore hadn't been an attempt to cut of the fat of the other games and slap it on a plate here.
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