#and I don't have the energy anymore to keep everything running and neat
localcryptideli · 6 months
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 10 months
Lmk ss edits + Headcanons, Part 3 (Chang'e, Nezha, Pif, DBK)
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- She/Her
- Bisexual w/ male pref (eternally devoted to her husband, Hou Yi, in Chinese mythology though, so I don't ship her with anyone)
- Constellation shaped freckles
- Even though her robot bunnies don't need to eat she still sets out extra plates otherwise she feels bad
- Ambivert
- Used to have a short hair phase
- Aside from cooking she's also good at coloring/painting and makes jewelry for fun
- Can talk for hours on end
- Would absolutely loose her mind if she found out about rollerblading, change my mind
- BIG sweet tooth
- Exchanged a few recipes with Pigsy before they left
- Uses Kaomojis
- Stress eats
- Chang'e and Macaque are besties (I saw other people talking about this and thought it was cute)
- Chang’e is one of the very few people Macaque allows hugs from because she gives the best comforting hugs ever
- She tried to teach MK how to cook once and he failed miserably, she has banned him from the kitchen permanently
- Everytime Macaque complains about something to her it ALWAYS has something to do with Wukong and Chang’e is honestly done with them at this point
- She is always energetic, like seriously, she can run around and cook and exercise for hours and never break a sweat
- She can play the flute
- She does Nezha's hair sometimes when he visits
- Her, Nezha and Macaque will all get together sometimes and just gossip for hours
- Hates it when her kitchen is messy, even when she's in a rush to make something or there's a lot going on she'll be sure to put everything in a neat order
- Smells like cakes, pies and other pastries
- Love language is quality time
- Her skin is always really cold (because of , y'know.. living on the moon) but she's lived there for so long now that she hardly notices anymore
- Doesn't really have a skin care routine and doesn't use a lot of products but her skin is always so soft and clear anyways
- Makes up her own constellations when she stargazes
- She has a small shrine in her house in respect to Hou Yi
- Has two group chats, one with Macaque and Nezha for gossiping, and the other with Pigsy and DBK for cooking
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- He/Him
- AroAce
- Put his hair up in a messy bun the ONE time Wukong decided to drop in unannounced, still gets bullied for it to this day
- Would probably die if you ever gave him any kind of soda
- Has a scar on his neck and can even pop his head off like the headless horseman because of... iykyk.. sometimes pulls it off to scare people
- Like Pigsy, he's a huge environmentalist; got super pissed when he heard about climate change and pollution, like he was DEVESTATED
- Really likes chocolate milk, but only drinks it when he's alone because Wukong caught him once and still teases him about it
- Use to babysit Redson when he was little, especially when Princess Iron Fan was too distressed to look after him herself for long periods at a time after her husband was sealed away
- Taught Redson how to harness his powers while he babysat
- Perfect handwriting, it should be a font
- Has difficulty breathing, especially when he gets overwhelmed, due to... yk.. committing..
- Always has a least a small taste of metal in his mouth
- Redson would somehow manage to disappear if Nezha looked away for even a second so he wound up having to get a ring sling to carry him in, no one took him seriously with it on
- Sees PIF as an older sister
- Favourite food is strawberry cake
- Not necessarily a vegetarian but doesn't eat meat often
- Meditates to save and absorb energy instead of sleeping, that way if something happens or someone attacks, he's always awake and ready to handle the situation
- When meditating, stray lotus petals will float around and surround him that act as a shield while also emitting a peaceful aura that keeps both himself and the people around him in a calm state of mind
- Him and Wukong have a sibling rivalry
- Felt incredibly guilty when Redson got trapped in a scroll because he was the one Redson came to when his parents were gone and thought he failed to protect him
- DBK and him have an awkward relationship given the whole "Attack on heaven" thing, but have been trying to find something to bond over for PIF
- Erlang and PIF are basically his older siblings, like they'd be the kind of siblings who'll pretend to give him an important task so he'll leave them alone and then immediately shut and lock the door as soon as he leaves the room, y'know?? He still hasn't forgiven them for that
- Smells like Lotus flowers and strawberries
- Love language is acts of service and words of affirmation
- Likes the idea of hiking and stargazing but never has the time to do it since he's always working
- Isn't afraid to call out someone's bs (*cough* Monkey King *cough*) but can't handle someone calling him out for the literal life of him
- He loves flowers and their symbolism, use to study it before he was tasked with guarding the map to the samadhi rings
- He's actually a really good swimmer but people don't believe him because of his relation to fire
- Has absolutley licked himself to see what he tastes like
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- She/Her
- Bisexual
- Has a beautiful singing voice and use to sing lullabies to Redson all the time when he was a kid. Although it's a rare occurrence, she'll sing lullabies to him even now if he gets particularly stressed out or anxious
- Feels guilty about being too mentally unwell to take care of Redson properly after DBK was sealed away when he was little but never knew how to make up for it so she just closed herself off instead which is why she's so cold with him
- Would sleep in a guest bedroom or on the couch for the first few years of DBK being sealed away because she couldn't handle being alone in such a big bed without him
- Follow up on the last HC, after she started sleeping in her and DBK's bed again Redson would sometimes come in in the middle of the night and sleep in bed with her so she felt less lonely but stopped after he turned 11-12 (or at least the Demon equivalent to that age cause he's like 500+)
- Does Redson's hair for him in the morning since he's always too tired to do it himself
- Use to style his hair like hers, with the little horns made of hair, at least until his real horns started growing in
- Her and Macaque are sworn siblings (I have no idea where this HC came from but I saw other people talking about it and thought it was cute)
- Sees Nezha as a younger brother
- Was outcast from her family after DBK started courting her, she was upset for a while but it was worth it
- Super long hair, like it reaches her thighs when it's fully down
- Master calligrapher, seriously her writing is so beautiful and neat
- When DBK was first freed, the first two or so weeks she would stay up as long as possibly and hold onto him so tight whenever she finally did fall asleep because she was scared she'd wake up and he'd be gone again
- Felt like she failed as a mother when she realized she missed Redson's first words, first steps, everything, because Nezha had to look after him while she mourned her husband
- Favourite flowers are Dhalia's
- Because her hair is long it's also very heavy, sometimes if her scalp is particularly sore from keeping it styled up in horns all day DBK will sit with her and brush her hair while she relaxes and watches TV or reads
- Cooks sometimes but isn't as good as DBK
- Has a terrible habit of hiding her emotions from her family (actually the entire Demon Bull Family struggles with this habit)
- Hates the feeling of ink on her skin, someone knocked over a bottle of writing ink in her hand once and she washed it for almost an hour straight to get rid of the feeling of it on her skin
- Smells like Stargazer Lilies
- Love language is quality time and words of affirmation
- Surprisingly big fan of horror movies (conjuring, exorcist, Shining, etc)
- Listens to true crime shows/podcasts while working
- Had servants home-school Redson and then took over home-schooling him herself when he was older
- All her clothes are custom made, and had to get them re-made with fire resistant materials after Redson was born, as well as everything else in the Demon Bull Palace (Clothes, rugs, sheets, blankets, curtains etc)
- Has separate makeup and jewelry boxes, one for everyday wear, and one for special events (anniversaries,  royal gatherings, etc)
- Ambivert
- If she runs out of patience for you, you will literally die
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Hardly recognized Redson when he was freed from the mountain, which is why he didn't address him as quickly as he did Iron Fan
- Has a hard time trying to Remember Redson isn't little anymore, was devestated that he didn't get to watch him grow up
- Tries to connect with Redson and learn about his interests but it just comes off as really awkward for both of them
- Throws all of MK's (and other suitors) Courting gifts to Redson away if he sees them before Redson does (I am a firm believer of overprotective dad DBK)
- Learned how to cook for Iron Fan after they started courting eachother to impress her and it grew into an actual hobby of his, now he likes to cook and bake when he's stressed instead of yelling and breaking things (especially after the Lady Bone Demon incident)
- All his old cook books are pretty much dust after not being used and taken care of for several centuries and although he was upset, he still remembers a few of the recipes, majority of the food he makes now is what he learned from watching Chang'e's cooking show
- Exchanges recipes with Pigsy after getting to know eachother a bit at the beach, but they don't talk much outside of food related topics
- Once walked in on Redson and MK making out in Redsons room and promptly threw MK out the window (he was fine)
- Use to allow Wukong to take naps on his chest while they were still in the Brotherhood, mostly because Wukong would never stop and DBK eventually gave up on trying to get him to stop
- Got really emotional when he found out Redson got a nose ring to match with him (pretended not to care but started crying when he was alone)
- Keeps a photo of PiF and Redson with him at all times, it's not in great condition anymore because he was buried under the mountain with it, but it's too sentimental for him to replace it
- Knows Redsons date of birth down to the exact hour by heart (Canon in JTTW)
- Touch starved, being locked away for 500 years definitely took a toll on him
- Still hasn't entirely forgiven Wukong for calling Redson a "half-baked son"
- Much like how PIF will sing to Redson when he's particularly stressed or anxious, DBK will cook Redson his favorite childhood meal; he was worried the first time it happened because he wasn't sure how to handle Redsons emotional state and also wasn't sure if he still liked the dish he loved as a child, but Redson was visibly happier (or at least calmer) afterwards so he'll keep making it for him
- Has a sepertate pen and writing ink that he uses exclusively for writing to PIF
- He's a sucker for romance movies
- Will pick Redson up by the back of his shirt like a cat and drag him to bed if he's overworking himself
- Invited the Brotherhood to see Redson when he was first born; was disappointed when Azure, Peng and Yellowtusk never showed up
- Goes all out on him and PiF's anniversary to make up for the 500 anniversaries he missed (same with PIF and Redson's birthdays)
- Smells like dirt and regretful life choices (fr though he's been under a mountain for 500 years, that smell doesn't wash away easy after that long, Iron Fan surprisingly doesn't mind, but maybe she's just too happy that he's back to care enough about it)
- Love language is physical touch and quality time
- Cried watching the Titanic, don't even try to tell me otherwise
- Hopeless romantic
- Loves spicy food but doesn't have as high a tolerance as Redson (still very high though, but I mean c'mon, Redson is literally a fire demon)
- Cannot understand or use technology for the life of him, he's calling in Redson left and right asking how to download something or how to get onto another website
- Still feels guilty whenever he sees Redson flinch at him (because of the whole almost killing Redson when he was possessed by the Lady Bone Demon)
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Spamvil - 5, 12, 15
5. Who does what chores?
Bold of you to assume either does chores. But if I had to say Spamton would be do a lot of the cleaning; vacuuming, mopping, laundry and just a lot of the stuff revolving around keeping the house clean. I feel like Spamton likes having absolute control of the environment he'd be in due to the lack of control he had in his life previously. Organizing and having things his way and by his standard would be relieving, more so that it is directly by his hands and actions. Also, after living in the trash for years I feel like he'd be a bit of a neat freak after knowing he isn't forced to accept the filth he lives around. By extension he does a lot of the decorating in his and Jevil's shared space because he likes to make himself feel established in a place. Jevil can recommend stuff and add things but he finds Spam's unique decorating style amusing.
Jevil on the other hand would be like in charge of cooking and lawn stuff. If they had a pet of some kind, maybe walking and training it. Jevil was locked away for years, isolated without many outlets other than occasional bouts of violence for overzealous visitors. He does not need to be around chemicals to mix them into mustard gas but I feel like cooking would be fun for him. He can be experimental and wild with it as there's really no rules in cooking besides having fun and enjoying what you make (and not starting a fire). Spamton wouldn't care at all cause eating whatever Jevil makes would be infinitely better than the garbage he's been eating for years. Same rules apply for lawn stuff as I feel as if Jevil would fuck up a hedge and a pet gives him a reason to play and work off all his energy.
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
Ok as much as I like sleepy Jevil headcanons I like the idea the guy has to be tired out and then he sleeps like a log, like I feel like he rarely slept during their years in captivity due to understimulation. Too much pent up energy and just running around the cell in hopes to quell it. As such, he has objectively the worst sleep schedule as I feel like they won't sleep for days and then crash and sleep for a week. Sometimes they nap, but in like really light sleeper way where it's likely they are just waiting for you to get close so they can bite you.
Spamton is the sleepiest but more in the sense of constantly being tired due to everything he's been through and it weighing on his mind and body. He wakes up early and tries to set good habits but he's kinda over it but still wants to feel normal. I feel like he takes a lot of naps and Jevil just hovers around him in this state, they don't want to sleep but they like how the tension seems to melt off of Spamton when the puppet allows himself these moments of rest. I also like to think Spam likes to wake up early due to businessman standards.
15. Do they go on vacations together? Where is their favorite place to visit?
Spamton likes to travel, Jevil does not. I feel like Jevil doesn't care fro the idea of having to learn the rules and manners of a new place, preferring to cause havoc in what he considers his own domain. You'd think after being locked up Jevil would like to see a lot more but I feel it's the opposite. Jevil wants to regain a familiarity because all in all, Jevil's mindset is heavily surrounded by convention despite actively trying to defy it. Spamton on the other hand loves the idea of traveling. The guy has a weird dependence of proving purpose and life outside himself and moving around and seeing how he exists and is real in new environments would provide an odd comfort. Plus, it reminds him of how he got to travel as a big shot.
Seeing this conflict, and how they probably can't visit each of their home dark worlds anymore (answering this as if its after the fungang) they are limited to castle kingdom or maybe if they could get to the light world, hometown. So everything is probably just a staycation. I feel like if they could Spamton would just like sight seeing, looking around and just taking in how things are existing. I feel like he'd like parks or busy streets where he can both be a spec and in his own world. Jevil also likes this because these places are effectively blank canvases to him to goof off in. Another good contender is
I feel as every date staycation activities goes as Spamton trying to be normal about things and failing but in a way that won't get them kicked out, like listing horribly inaccurate facts about fish as an aquairim, while Jevil decides to get him a gift from the shop but the shop he went to was just the great white's tank.
My goal is to slightly subvert every ship cause I feel like we have not seen ever angle these fuckers are making out hard at.
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House, M.D. Fanfic (7/?)
Thank you to everyone who has taken time to leave a note on my story. I hope you continue to enjoy my kind of rewrite and/or additions to certain episodes! As always, I don't own House. If I did, Lisa Edelstein would have gotten the respect she deserved contact wise for a season 8.
As stated in previous chapters, the story follows the big picture laid out on the show, but with my own take on things. This chapter picks back up with the show storyline in the beginning of season 3. I did use a bit of dialogue from the episode, but I definitely added and rewrote some stuff too. I also left out all the medical dialogue House spouted off at Cuddy's bedroom window because I'm not a medical professional and had no idea how to spell it or write it, lol.
Thanks to @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie on Tumblr for reading my ideas and providing positive feedback! Anything in the way of feedback is always appreciated! Enjoy!
"Did you really ask out Dr. Cameron?" Cuddy asked when he stepped into her office.
"Would you have a problem if I did?"
She just looked at him incredulously. Was he serious? "Why would you think I would be okay with that?!"
"Why wouldn't you be?" he shrugged.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you're already sleeping with me!" she hissed, careful to keep her voice down. The last thing she wanted was for anyone at the hospital to hear that they actually were sleeping together. She knew they were always fodder for the rumor mill, but she wasn't about to confirm it for them.
"Threesomes are sexy. And a lot of fun. You'd like it," he smirked, heading for the door since he figured that was all this conversation was about.
"Relax. I asked her out to make a point. I'm not interested in sleeping with anyone else," he said opening the door.
"What if she'd said yes?"
He shrugged. "I wouldn't have gone. You are a slave driver in the bedroom. You think I have time or energy for another one?" He grinned smugly before leaving.
"I can help him."
"That's it? That's your argument?"
"Seems like a good one." Why was helping someone suddenly not a good enough reason for Cuddy? Or Wilson? Or anyone else?
"If I thought for a second that you wanted to help him, you'd have carte blanche. You're doing this because it's...fun."
"Does nobody in this hospital have anything better to talk about than my motives? My motives have nothing to do with the case."
"Your motives have everything to do with your judgement."
"For the first time in years, I've got no opiods in my body, now you question my judgement? Is this still about asking Cameron out? Because I told you, that was to prove a point. Right now, jealousy has everything to do with your judgement."
"I'm not jealous of Cameron! House, 24 times a year you come storming into my office spouting that you can help someone, only you never say those words. You say something like, 'His pancreas is going to explode because his brain is on fire.' You come here with medicine, not with platitudes."
"I didn't want to bore you with the details."
"There are no details. You have a hunch. House, you don't use hunches. You always have reasons. This hospital doesn't exist for your whims. I'm sorry. As of 7AM tomorrow morning, I'm sending your patient home."
"I can help him!" he insisted.
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I don't think you can. Because I don't think anything new is wrong with him. This is just you trying to make a puzzle out of something that isn't there."
He felt like he'd just been sucker punched in the gut. She didn't trust him on the medicine. She had never doubted him before. Sure, she'd said no plenty of times to procedures that were... questionable... she had argued with him when she didn't always agree with him. She'd never outright doubted him. That stung. And he couldn't help but wonder if the lack of pain in his leg, the lack of Vicodin in his system had caused him to see something that wasn't there.
"So yeah, his brain is on fire." He stood outside her bedroom window like a teenage boy hoping to sneak in.
She shook her head as she got him a towel, handing out to him once he climbed inside. "Next time use the front door."
"The guy will have sex with his wife again. He'll hug his kid again." He took the towel and began to wipe his face and neck.
"House, you have no proof. No scar tissue on the scans. This is some wild theory that came to you while sweating and running into the university pool."
"Fountain. And it all fits. Just inject him with cortisol. There is no risk if I'm wrong." He studied her reaction and knew she wasn't biting. "You're smiling. That's a bad sign."
She nodded. "You're high."
"I told you, I haven't had anything in three months. You've been with me most of that time. You know I haven't taken anything."
"This is as high as you get. A theory that ties your case up in a neat little bow, but you don't have a lick of substantiating proof."
"Your decision doesn't make any sense," he said, clearly frustrated. "There is no risk to a cortisol injection. If I'm wrong, big deal. He goes home a vegetable, like he already is. But if I'm right..."
"This is not about downsides or risk management. It is a big deal for you to understand the word no." She sighed softly. "I'm sorry, House."
He breathed deeply and released it slowly, moving to sit on her bed and toss his towel beside him. She frustrated him to no end, but she was right. He wouldn't admit it to her right then, but as his boss, she was right to tell him no. He really had nothing to go on. No medical reason other than it fit. He couldn't do this, couldn't be the great doctor he had been without the leg pain.
She moved to sit next to him, placing a hand lightly on his back. "Do you want to talk?" she offered.
"Do you want to stay?"
He thought about it for a moment. He didn't have his bike, and he didn't really feel like running home. "Yeah, it's late."
"You don't say," she offered a small smile, picking up the towel and dropping it into his lap. "Go shower and dry off. You're getting my bed wet. And you smell like a locker room." She gave him a gentle shove to his feet then.
He took his time on the shower, both cooling off and working through everything on his head. Did he really need the pain to be great at his job? Was he really so far off base that she didn't trust his ability anymore?
She was half asleep when he came out of her bathroom with a towel around his waist. "You've got some clothes in the top drawer," she murmured. "I washed the ones you left here, " she added, seemingly answering his question before he could even ask it.
He simply nodded and pulled them on, leaving his wet towel on the floor.
"If you want to get in this bed, the towel goes back in the bathroom." She didn't even have to open her eyes to see the towel on the floor.
He just looked at her for a moment before picking it up and tossing it toward the bathroom.
"In the hamper, House," she murmured.
Once again he just stared at her a moment. How the hell did she know without even opening her eyes? "The force is strong with you," he murmured, going to put the towel in the hamper so she would let him in bed.
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I have done Junkrat, Roadhog and McCree before here so if you wanna read those three, you can do that in that other post.
I'm going to leave out Torbjörn because he's married, Winston and Hammond because I'm not going to do the animals and Bastion because he's simply not expressive enough to be described in this.
I don't like writing angst in HC's so here are short scenarios.
You were fighting right behind his shield, shooting the most dangerous enemies to protect your loved one. "Barrier is giving out!" He screamed, looking down at you. You nodded and acknowledged it. Your instincts told you to protect him at all costs. A big flood of enemies was coming to you and at the exact moment where Reinhardt announced "BARRIER DOWN" You jumped forward and threw a grenade into the mass of enemies. "Take cover!" You shouted.
"Y/N!" you heard his voice echo in your head, as you felt the wave of the explosion and how your body was pushed through the air like a ragdoll. You felt how you crashed to the ground, your whole body twitching in pain. Groaning, you tried to move but you simply couldn't. A shadow was visible in your blurry sight. "Nh..." "Y/N! Liebling! Stay with me!" Your body was lifted off the ground, the edges of your sight registering a familiar face.
You smiled, taking a deep, rattling breath. "My strong soldier in sh-" a coughing fit got to you before you could finish. "- in shining armor." Your shaking hand found his cheek. "Y/N... You will be fine, my darling. Angela will patch you up. Stay awake, my dear!" You felt him running. "I love you." You said and reached for him when he left you in the hovership with Mercy.
Akadne had actually told you to stay with the other women. In the back lines. Not because you were weak, but because he could be ruthless and didn't want you hurt.
And in this smaller fight, it was tactically smarter for you to fight closer to Widowmaker since you were fond of sniper rifles. Not as good as Amelie but good enough to fight for Talon. A scream passed your lips when a bullet pierced your shoulder. You came out from your cover and tried to get to Moira, but another shot robbed you of the ability to walk since your leg was hit by another shot. Right in your knee.
All you could think of, was to scream "AKADNE!" and lay as low to the ground as you could, protecting yourself with the gun and the twelve shots you had in the magazine.
Out of nowhere, the tall man stood next to you. "I should have been more careful." You said and tried to get up. He picked you up and kissed your forehead. "We are a team, Y/N. Everybody else should have looked after you better. Including me." You kissed him back, your blood smearing on his bare chest. "I'm sorry." You murmured, your chest heaving in pain. "I was careless." He didn't answer. Simply bringing you to Moira. "Fix this. Now" he barked and jumped off.
You waited for him in front of Shimada castle, giving him cover, keeping a way open... Sadly though, there were more Shimada guards than both of you had calculated. You saw your ninja slicing though them, while you tried your best with your pistols.
One of these bastards sliced the back of your kneecap, causing you to fall to the ground with a blood curdling scream. After that, a neat slice in your hip followed. "Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck!" You whimpered and cried. You heard Genji screaming your name. He summoned his dragon to kill every single person around you while you laid on the ground, bleeding and crying.
"Y/n... Don't leave me." He begged and softly held you. "I won't... You- you know that." You murmured and wrapped your arms around him. "You've been through worse." You couldn't hold the sobs of pain back. You saw your blood shimmering on his armor, painting him red. Redder than he had been before. Genji put his forehead to yours. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." You replied, your eyes closing, letting you glide into unconsciousness.
He knew that it would happen. Some assassins had broke into his place, forcing you two awake immediately and into a fight. They were swift to paralyze you with a tazer. Hanzo was still fighting them, when he suddenly heard a loud crack and a scream of yours that was heart breaking. Some of your ribs had been broken with an aimed kick to them.
You could barely breathe, only pathetic gasps helped you get air while you tried to drag yourself across the room towards Hanzo. As soon as he had heard that, he didn't hesitate anymore to shoot an arrow in every single assassins head. There were seven in total. He scrambled over to you, cupping your face in his hands.
"H-han..." You coughed up blood, "I... It hurts." He carefully dragged you into his lap. "I know, beautiful. You're strong. Don't leave me now." He didn't want to do that, but he couldn't lose you. He sent a message to Overwatch. That he needs help. That a life was at stake.
"They will pick you up, beautiful. They will help you." He would have to be with this damned organization for a mission or two, but your life was worth everything.
You laid on the ground, your body twitching and writhing involuntarily. You had taken electrocution for Gabriel. One of his weaknesses. It had been a trap by Overwatch. Probably that damned Monkey. But you couldn't let him die. You simply couldn't risk it.
"G-g-gabriel" you said, shivering and crying. "S-sorry" your entire body hurt, loud sobs audible through the shots and the screams of the enemies. As soon as you felt hands on you, you screamed in pain. It was overwhelming, your entire skin was burnt. Your face was bleeding, the plastic from the clothes and the vest had burnt and molten into your body. He had to carry you to the hovership. To Moira. So she could help you.
It helped a little, When you felt Moira's hands hover over your skin. The Reaper leaned down, his mask off. His cold lips touched your burnt ones. You were twitching and whining. "I will kill him." Gabriel announced. "I promise, Y/N." Then his hand softly caressed your head. You kept twitching and crying. "Out now, Gabriel. You won't want to see this."
He turned to leave and all he heard was you screaming your heart out. He couldn't bare it. He couldn't listen to this torture... But he had to.
Soldier 76
Jack was running. With you in his arms. Towards Angela. He had to get to Angela! You couldn't die! No! You couldn't leave him! Your hand touched his cheek, a painful expression on your lips. "It hurts." You whispered, as your other hand laid on your ribs, pressing down on the wound like Jack had instructed.
"I know, baby. I know. Don't worry. We're almost there." He ran faster, you heard him huffing. Suddenly, there was a shot. Somebody had shot his ankle. He stumbled and fell, you tumbling from his arms, hissing in pain, a stone pressing down on the wound. Jack got back up, slumped to you, picked you back up and carried you to Angela.
"Dr. Ziegler. Help. Now." Angela jumped up, got you onto a cot and Jack to herself. "Not me, Angela. Y/N!" She shook her head. "You have to get back out there, Jack." She quickly healed his shot. "You can regenerate faster. Y/N can't." Then she got over to you. "I will have to perform surgery. OUT!" She shouted at Jack.
"Don't leave..." You begged, but Angela shushed him out. "Please... Jack..." Tears running down your face, that's the last thing Jack saw, before Angela pushed him out of the medic tent.
"Oh no no no no no!" Lucio said when he saw you falling to the ground. He skated over as fast as he possibly could, dragging you out of plain sight. He put you down and fumbled around in his pockets. You let out a weak laugh.
"That was bound to happen, right?" You said and clutched your chest. Your lover had put on a healing song, amping it up as much as possible. "Stay, Y/N. Stay. Please." He begged as he wrapped a bandage around your wound.
"I.. I'm tired, Lu.. really tired." You told him, your eyes growing weaker. "Oh no." Lucio hissed, trying to stop the blood flow. "It's a beautiful day, Y/N." He said, his voice shivering. "The sun is out and it's... It's so nice and warm!" He tried to convince you that this ugly fight around the corner wasn't happening.
You smiled at him. "Yea... It's really nice weather." You said and looked up at the sun. "I wanna rest." You said and nuzzled your head to his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, the song still playing.
"Promise me, that you'll come back." He insisted. "Promise." You kissed his neck and murmured "Promise" as your mind was taken over by darkness.
A fight in his home. Zenyatta had to count on Overwatch. And on you. But not right now. You laid on the outer platform of the Sanctum, looking up at his face while you felt healing energy was flowing through you.
Your head laid in his lap, he softly stroked your hair. "The Iris embraces you too, Y/N." You smiled, a bit of blood running down your lips. "I know, Zen. As long as you're with me, the Iris is around me." He softly pulled you up, careful not to touch the bullet wounds in your back. He softly held you in his arms, humming a melody.
"Zen... I don't want to leave." You choked out, your chest heaving now. "I don't want to go." "You can stay. You need to stay." He emphasized on that, putting his chin on top of your head, holding you closer. "My entire body hurts." You said, shivering in his arms. "Don't let me pass into the Iris yet. I don't want to die." He kept holding you. That was all he could do, while you said it over and over again.
"I don't want to die."
OH. MY. GOD. I SAT ON THIS FOR LIKE 2 HOURS. MNH! Guys, please be more specific with your characters. It was a LOT. really.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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I'm tired. It's been a long day. I need to go dry my hair and get ready for bed soon. But today was really nice.
I had some trouble sleeping last night but once I was asleep I was very much asleep. I only got woken up once because of sweet pea. That was fine. My alarm went off at 7:30 and he and James both were like no. We gave ourselves 10 more minutes and then got up. I want to go get dressed and James got ready in the other room. I started making breakfast to bring with me and all of a sudden James asks if I had called out. Because Amy had just texted him that I was not coming in. No idea where that came from. But it turned out it was the other Jess and she was just a little confused. But for a few minutes we were very very worried because it was our first shift together with him being in charge. And I was really excited for it. Even though I felt not a hundred percent.
James put my other earring in my cartilage piercing last night and the whole side of my head kind of ate. My teeth and my eye. And I was just very uncomfortable. I thought maybe it was just cuz I was irritating it but it just got worse throughout the day. So my energy level was a little Zapped from that. And we bike downtown and got there very early. I took James bike and went to wait by consolation while he went over to 7-Eleven. He left his bike lock with his parents so he had to keep his back inside all day. But that was fine. It was a really beautiful day out and I did not mind being outside at all.
We had our breakfast and clocked in. And it was a really nice day getting to work together. A few things were goofy like he didn't turn the alarm off the ship but then told me to go up on the ship. He had to Run after me to turn the alarm off. But it was fine. It was my first day working with out the canvas tarp on top of consolation so we had a lot of sweeping to do. Because all the birds were dropping seeds and poop and berries all over the deck. But we work together to get everything ready. I went to go make my charge for the day and got changed. James hang out with me down at the desk until our first customers came in. And he went outside.
I was inside all morning. I worked on my lesson plans. I have one more I have to finish for Tuesday night. But it's really just images so that should be no big deal tomorrow. We had a lot of really nice people come in today. We were all a little surprised because it was so gorgeous and it's technically a holiday weekend. But everyone who came in was great. We did have to deal with a bird trapped in the conference room. Which was a little odd. But I tried to learn it out by keeping the porch door open. Hopefully it's not trapped in there anymore.
Maya came as our lunch relief. And I always liked working with her because she always calls me a Disney princess. And she really liked my new green hair. She's fun to talk to. She went down to the desk and I went outside to watch James firing. It was a very good talk and I enjoyed collecting people to have them come watch him. Including some kids who were very enthusiastic.
James took a lunch break and went to do our time sheets for us. He did not eat which upset me. But he said he was fine. I took the later lunch after doing food in the Navy with Maya. And it was a good lunch. I brought leftovers. I spent a little bit more time down at the desk finishing up some stuff and reading. And then finally at 3 I went back on Deck to do gun drill.
I had the best gun drill. I only forgot a little bit at the end but nobody knows. But everyone seemed to really enjoy it I even got some questions. And then I did the second firing. That was more nerve-wracking. I only had a small crowd so that wasn't so bad. But the primer fell out again and then I had a misfire. My very first one. I pulled the lanyard and it went pop but nothing happened. So then I'm like shaking. Because I had already had two rear am at once. And now it's a dangerous situation. Because it could just go off. But I have to wait 30 seconds and then I can put a new primer inside of it. I was very concerned because the inside of the gun was very wet. And I told my audience that if it did not work this time that that was our last shot. But I put it in there and I pulled it and it went off. Thank God because I was shaking I was so nervous. That was my very first misfire and I really hope it doesn't happen again. Or at least doesn't happen very often. It was no fun.
We finished up today. Me and James took the flag down. We cleaned up and got ready to go. My ear was really bothering me and I desperately wanted to take my piercing out. But it's a little tiny screw and not a good way to get a grip on it. James tried but it just made my ear more swollen. I just wanted it out so bad so when we got home that was the first thing we did. But it was kind of a disaster.
We tried tweezers and pliers. We tried cutting it off. Nothing was working. And then James head crimped the actual piercing too far down and it was just a mess. Finally I was able to break the screw off the top of the piercing and it came right off. But my ear hurts so much at this point. I was just so glad to have it off but my ear was very tender. James put my old piercing back in after we realized that the new piercing was actually a bigger gauge. Which is probably why I was having so much pain. You can't stretch hard cartilage. That sucker is not going to get bigger or smaller. So I'm glad to have the other piercing back in and I think at some point in the future I'll go to an actual piercer and get a new piece of jewelry for it.
But we still had plans tonight. We were going to go on a date. So I took James to Hampden and we went to have pasta at the pasta bar. I like the pasta he got better than the pasta I got. So I have my pasta in the fridge to be dressed up at a later date. Probably with a red sauce and more mozzarella. But it was really nice just sitting and talking to him. He just means so much to me and everything just feels so nice with him. We walked over to 34th Street to see the Christmas lights. Which he loves so much. I thought it was nice. I prefer the Shady Brook Drive through one but it was still really cute seeing how excited he got. We even got to go in somebody's house that had turned their front room into an art gallery. And that was pretty neat. We had gotten ice cream before hand at the charmery. And I really like my ice cream. But I mostly just like being outside with him on such a beautiful beautiful night. It was starting to a cooler though and so we walked back towards the Avenue and called a car and came home.
We said goodbye once we got back here. He grabbed his backpack and went home. And I went and took a long bath and listen to a scary story. And now I'm going to go dry my hair and get ready to go to sleep. Dad's coming over in the morning to fix my windows. To try to make them more winterized. I'm glad I get to see him for a little bit though I hate that he has to drive such a long distance don't may see me for a few hours before I go to work. But it'll still be nice to see him.
I hope you have a really good night tonight. Sleep well. Stay warm.
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The past couple days I've been stressed about a lot of things but tonight I've been really anxious about global warming and like I'm scared everything is hopeless because of it and the articles about how it isn't reversible at this point don't help and yeah
And an anon: i’m having a hard time finding peace of mind in wake of recent climate events and climate problems in general, to the point where reading about it sends me into anxiety. i’m not sure what to do? i think i ask for a prayer but even just some reassurance would help
Hey to both of you. I am in the same place as you are. All the news from the past few weeks combined with reading about how things are irreversible is definitely affecting my mental health for the worse – so I’m going to emphasize for you what I need to keep reminding myself: it’s okay to unplug from the news. It’s okay to put it aside and not read all the details, to pray in a more generalized way for the people suffering and helping. 
It also helps me to seek out the good news: that there are ways that can be implemented to help slow the change. That there are so many people reaching out and helping those in need. To pray in thanksgiving for those people.
Finally, I bring my worry and anxiety and grief to God. It’s so terrifying not to have the answers – to not know if things are going downhill for good, to not know which regions are going to get hit next, to not know how and when God is going to fix this all….So I take that to God. And I try to rest, to accept I can’t have the answers and that the best I can do with my grief and worry after accepting I have them is to pray that they be transformed into action and love. 
The sermon my pastor gave yesterday meant so much to me in regards to dealing with this anxiety. Her sermon was on Genesis 1, and you can listen to an audio recording of it here, or read it as a PDF here. I’ll paste some of it here:
‘… [Genesis 1] was written at a time of great upheaval though, which brings up the next part of the line, “the earth was a formless void.”
The Hebrew phrase for “formless void” isn’t actually as neat and clean as all that. I think of it more as an attempt to express a feeling than as a real set of words. The earth was all “Tohu Va-Vohu”, it says. Those words don’t really mean anything. It’s like trying to write down that things were all “gggllllaaaahhhhh,” but you don’t know how to write that, so you say there were“willy nilly” or “topsy turvy.” They were “Tohu Va-Vohu;” they were chaotic.
Most scholars think this story was written during the Babylonian exile when people’s lives were pretty Tohu Va-Vohu. All they knew was thrown into a state of chaos and they weren’t sure what to believe anymore. 
To give you a sense of their topsy turvy feeling, this story was probably written around the same time as Psalm 137, which says:
By the rivers of Babylon—there we sat down and there we weptwhen we remembered Zion. On the willows therewe hung up our harps. For there our captorsasked us for songs, and our tormentors asked for mirth,saying, [taunting] ‘Sing us one of the songs of Zion!’
I don’t think most of us have any idea what it is like to be ruled by an oppressive foreign government, ripped from our home, unable to return (though some of us do), but all of us can look around right now at-Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Katia;-the worst earthquake in Mexico in 100 years;-wildfires in California, Oregon, Washington State, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada, New  Mexico, and Colorado;-the worst monsoon season in generations in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan;-an Antarctic ice shelf the size of Delaware breaking free;
not to mention-threats of nuclear war from North Korea and the United States;-Rohingya Muslims fleeing from Myanmar;-hundreds of thousands of young people here who are now living in uncertainty after one stroke of our president’s pen [talking about the scheduled end to DACA, an immigration act]
And, with all that, I think we can get the feeling of “Tohu Va-Vohu” - of the chaos of the world - as this story was written. 
To the exiles, the text of Genesis 1 declared that God’s dreams cannot be defeated by the Babylonian gods or oppressive rulers of any sort. As they sat down to cry by the river they could look at that water and think about their God ordering the water and the land, the sky and the sun - not as a matter of science, but as a matter of faith. This whole story is a faith statement that God does not run from chaos. God continues to care for the creatures and the creation that God spoke into being, the one God loves and calls good every step along the way. This was written as a pastoral statement - a declaration of belief - about a connection with God that persists, even in the face of a real historical problem that seemed to deny such a bond could still be true.
And I invite you to hear it that way today as well. Our Bible opens with good news, with the best news, that God loves us and can be trusted, even in the face of storms and fires, of deportation orders and unjust systems. That means that in the midst of the tohu va-vohu of the world or of your own life you can open to the very first page of this book and have a world painted for you in which chaos doesn’t win. You can hear the symphony of these words - the meter and repetition that brings harmony to the “tohu va-vohu” of every new beginning. It’s goal is not to ignore what is going on as the storm rages or the fire burns, but to remind you that the chaos is not the end nor the fullness of the story. So weep by the river as you must, and then get up, because God has called you “mine,” and God has called you “good.” …’
God has called this entire world Good, and God’s not going to abandon us now or ever. We will keep on fighting for this planet and its Creation with all our energy, and we will keep on hoping that God will do what we are unable to do. God promises restoration for all things – for us and our relationships, for this world and all its living things and its soil. So we won’t give up. 
Things are so scary, things have been scary for a long time. There have always been natural disasters. There has always been suffering and pain. And while I know I for one often struggle to make sense of that, to find God in that suffering, I know that I can trust God is there. God is here, and God will restore this Good world. 
Followers, what helps comfort you in this time? 
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shingekicornwrites · 7 years
I know this is alot so you don't have to do it if it seems too much, but every question for Magical boy Marco!!!
I’m gonna go ahead and remove the ones that I’ve already answered for Marco
What does their bedroom look like?
Marco’s bedroom is very tidy, with a few posters on the wall and a shelf filled with books. He has a few plants in the window and more than a few books on his shelf are about gardening. A soccer ball and cleats are always at the foot of the bed. It’s all soft colors and there are photos all over of him and his sister and friends as they’ve grown.
Do they have any daily rituals?
Every day Marco sets aside time to cook dinner for himself and his sister, as well as making their lunches for the next day. The rest of his day is usually dedicated to magical boy business, and in the fall, soccer practice. Also a few times a week he slips away to work on the small garden he has on the roof.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Marco jogs wherever he goes and regularly takes his soccer ball out for practice. Now that he’s got the bracelet he’s looking to set aside time to learn to fight.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
Wait patiently until he can have access to the kitchen.
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Marco is a very clean person who tidies things up once he’s done using them. Everything, really.
Eating habits and sample daily menu
Marco can cook simple dishes and his best work is pasta. During soccer season he relies more and more on energy bars and gatorade but his typical meals involve lots of sandwiches and soups.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Marco likes to garden. It’s very soothing, a nice calming activity to balance out the hectic stuff like his magical boy duties and schoolwork.
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Jean’s food. Good lord, Jean’s food. He at least deserves that much after running around every day fighting evil.
Not usually but Light Warrior Spinel apparently has winged eyeliner and wow, he looks good
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
Marco has a hero complex a mile wide and he knows it
Intellectual pursuits?
Marco’s a very smart young man but his pursuits in education always seem to have plants involved.
Favorite book genre?
Fairy tales and fantasy. He’s a sap for happy endings.
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Marco is a big fat gay and he just wants everyone to get along and love each other
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Nothing outstanding
Favorite beverage?
Fruit punch or chocolate milk
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
“I’m so tired everything hurts but oh man Jean’s gonna make food tomorrow it’s gonna be so delicious”
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
Nothing of note 
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
He’s 15 u heathen
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
A doodle of a flower, followed by a grocery list so he doesn’t forget later
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Marco is very organized. He keeps everything neat, in order, and in the proper way for efficiency. Though as a magical boy he’s still trying to get that way, he’s very...loose and clumsy, when he first starts out. 
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
Marco’s a good student all around and usually comes behind Armin when scores come in. Though Marco’s interests aren’t really inclined toward academics. 
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
He isn’t very sure. He’d like to have a bigger garden, and hopefully be in a decent college. He isn’t even sure if he wants to still have the bracelet by that point. 
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
He honestly hasn’t thought that far ahead. He prefers not to think about it. 
What is their biggest regret?
That he didn’t find out what was going on with his sister before she got hurt. 
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
His best friend? Easy, Jean. His worst enemy...
The Jewelmaker is already gone, so there isn’t a big enemy to fight anymore. He only fights villains who are born from corrupted trinkets. 
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Take care of his sister first, then see how his parents are doing. Cook the food and take care of the chores so no one else has to. 
Most prized possession?
The bracelet. It’s powerful and shouldn’t fall into the wrong hands, and his sister gave it to him out of trust. 
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
He’d probably be the type to say “it’s the memories that matter more” but let’s be real if you destroyed his things he’d be devastated 
Concept of home and family?
His home and his family, and the people he welcomes into his family, are the most important people of all. He’d do anything to protect them. 
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
Marco’s simultaneously a private and open person. He’ll be open about anything that isn’t, say, his own deeper emotions. 
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
Marco isn’t one to call the things he enjoys a waste. If he enjoys it, then it’s got to have some purpose, right? 
What makes them feel guilty?
Not helping when someone needs help. He can’t turn others away even if he wants to. 
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
Marco’s an analytical person, but overall he’s the type to choose with his heart instead of his mind. 
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
Type A
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Working in his garden and talking to his flowers. 
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
How misanthropic are they?
Not at all. Marco’s an all loving hero, unlike his sister. 
Marco likes to garden, and he plays soccer at school. He enjoys reading but prefers to do it at home, and since he makes his and his sisters lunches he enjoys home ec class. 
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
Marco is a sophomore and currently enrolled in school, and enjoys learning no matter how it comes about. He’s taught himself how to care for plants after all. 
Superstitions or views on the occult?
Marco was the kid that wanted to believe in fairy tales and otherworldly things but had to admit it was a pipe dream. He’s scared and overjoyed that it turns out that sort of thing is real. 
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
What words cannot say, actions can. He’s found his actions as Spinel help him express the kind of complicated feelings his regular self can’t approach. 
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
He fell for Jean, for reasons unknown to anyone else. Perhaps it was because of Jean’s blunt honesty. Or how Jean seems to always know what he wants. Or maybe even how despite not being the best, Jean still goes forward. 
But, alas, only Marco would know why. Everyone else can only guess. 
How do they express love?
Marco’s a person who tenderly cares. His love is shown through things like “Are you doing okay” and “What can I do to help?” His love is shown through staying by someone’s side and being a pillar of support. 
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Lots of kicks. Marco is still learning how to use his hands, his legs have all his strength and coordination.  
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
He’s scared like any person would be. Dying isn’t something he’d be okay with at all. 
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