velvetvexations · 2 days
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Even putting aside what a ridiculous comparison that is, I need it understood that the primary way transradfems engage with "material reality" is through movies from the previous century.
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It's hypervisibility vs. invisibility. Trans women were openly mocked and trans men were ignored or just subsumed into a range of experiences for cis women. That's changing now that trans men are getting more spotlight than they had before, although it's still tilted in those directions.
But there was genuinely nothing transphobic about Chihiro's story and to say there was you have to prove his model was trans women and transitioning children when there is an extremely well-established category of AMAB people who present as girls in Japanese culture that is infinitely more talked about in pop culture over there. You have to insist upon the fact that he was ever connected to people who sincerely identify as girls in the first place. If this was America, it'd make more sense, but it is actually just genuinely racist to be told all that and still be like "well, but it makes me think of trans women."
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This is why transradfems hate me, too. A trans woman disagreeing with them breaks their rules.
Especially the person who cannot stop fucking bypassing my block to screenshot my blog and then justifying it by claiming I do it, even though I fucking deleted those posts after she complained and have not mentioned her a single time since unless she did first.
Here's the thing: I DON'T THINK NOT WANTING TO ASSOCIATE WITH AGAB LANGUAGE IS UNREASONABLE AT ALL! But it's fucking projecting as fuck to say that people who don't like TMA/TME language must simply want to cling to AGAB. I mean, holy fuck, right? That's not what's being argued dumbass - but she can't think of any other way to divide trans people based on AGAB without referencing it in some way, so her ideal replacement is TMA/TME, that's the two kinds of trans people that exist, you're not AMAB or AFAB you're TMA or TME, this is so fucking masks off it's wild that other transradfems aren't mortified by her saying the quiet part out loud. This should just completely obliterate every trace of protest when someone points out TME is in practice exclusively used to refer to AFAB trans people and no one else ever, unless what she's actually saying is that AFAB trans people are so close to cis women that they might as well just by default be called the same thing and have no other way of identifying themselves when you talk about categories of trans people and their experiences.
But it's so intensely psychologically revealing. I don't think she's ever been misgendered a single time in her life. I don't think she's ever had even the slightest actual barrier to hop in her quest to live as a woman, because this oversensitivity where someone acknowledging transphobes see us as our assigned sex counts as them misgendering you? That's just not the behavior of someone who actually deals with these things in the real world. Or even online. Again, I get pedojacketed and threatened with actual cancelation from my actual career because I engage with actual TERFs. These people never do anything but moan about tee-em-ees misgendering them by discussing how the enemy perceives us. And she in particular is the most desperate to shut that out, because that is the only reminder there could ever possibly be a hypothetical obstacle to her claiming her girl card. I have zero doubt she lives in the queerest city on the planet and if she didn't have internet she would literally be unable to even conceive of transphobia as a concept. And she fucking hates me for not just being a trans woman who agrees with the transandrobros, but also personally identifies with my AGAB. The implication that it's possible for a trans woman to be okay with the term "male" shatters her self-esteem. That is the extent of "misgendering" she has ever faced and ever will face. Me identifying the way I do terrifies her, I have to be objectively wrong about claiming identification with my AGAB because she copes with insecurity by imagining a world where TERFs are right but instead of biology everyone's soul is either Male and Female and you can only be one or the other. Gender can't just be people figuring out who they are and the ways they want to express themselves and live their lives, that's not real enough for her, she has to be Trve Fymyle the way TERFs go on about, except instead of centering around wombs it's this weird vaguely spiritual concept that she forces everyone else to fit into because if they don't it implies her framework isn't the tangible reality she so desperately needs to feel valid.
And that's why she "needs" TMA/TME, because she reasonably wants to talk about the experiences of people who share her category but doesn't want to identify as anything that references what those experiences fucking are (e.g. having been assigned male at birth). And again, that's FINE. I GET THAT. THAT'S UNDERSTANDABLE. I CAN SEE HOW THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. But that doesn't mean TMA/TME doesn't also have issues and I'm sorry if she's having a hard time coming up with something else because it's difficult to navigate the inherent paradox of wanting to associate with something that unfortunately makes her feel bad to associate with it, but she needs to pick something else, and not say "weh the TMEs are making us change our language" as though (a) transradfems aren't telling trans men what language they can use for themselves and (b) it's impossible to come up with terms that don't explicitly make claims about the experiences of others and 100% defines them by suffering less.
And isn't it strange how other transradfems are insisting they have to call themselves CAMAB and CAFAB, but THEY aren't clinging to AGAB language? Weird, right? I mean there is a group of people insistently arguing that it is simply paramount that we use AGAB language, but they're perisex trans women stealing it from intersex people so I guess it's fine?
But I don't CARE. I don't like her and I don't want to look at her stupid blog and I sure as fuck don't want to report on it. I just wish she'd stop talking about me. I literally just want her to stop block evading me and telling people my identity revolves around wanting to suck up to TERFs*. I do not talk about her except when she talks about me. AND I'M STILL NOT EVEN NAMING HER.
When she complained about me screenshotting her posts, I deleted them. They got zero notes. Her screenshots of me have hundreds and she keeps taking them because she's fucking obsessed because she can't feel like a girl if someone else identifies a little differently than she does. I don't even screenshot other people if they have me blocked but I see other people debating their takes, I make a post that references no one with unspecified prompting. And I've never done even done that with her, not only because she keeps baselessly accusing me of harassment, but because she infuriates me on a level where I just sincerely do not like seeing her fucking content in any way for any reason.
God I fucking hate radfems.
*which she happily admits to knowing is a lie but is like "yeah well I say she's mean so I'm going to keep deliberately fabricating falsehoods about her"
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Thank you. <3
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I have enlightened another soul!
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If you asked these people, ten times out of ten they would say detransition and rape are the worst things that can possibly happen to someone and murder is no comparison, but they'll see trans men talking about their sexual abuse to be like "wow so lucky you guys just have to LARP The Handmaid's Tale, but we get KILLED."
And it's like. Okay. But fuck off, though? It's fine to personally see murder as worse and to grieve more over that, ig, it's like, whatever, but to openly state that it's a PRIVILEGE to be raped and detransitioned makes my brain melt. It's like they are physically incapable of not putting down other trans people. It is the one single area of activism they engage in. That is the war they are waging. They don't give a fuck about trans rights because they live in privileged areas with supportive families. Their battle is with the TME trans people on social media.
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"I hate how misogynistic Velvet is, she's everyone's cumrag"
^actual thing actually said and believed by the TMA/TME tankies
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Before anyone accuses this anon of saying transradfems are engaging in male behavior or whatever, I'll note as I always have that they're just as sexually predatory and entitled to the bodies of others as TERFs are. That is the actual comparison being made. The worst trans women are identical to the worst cis women. Diversity win.
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milfhandholder · 2 years
We need to explore the possibility of butler Grell being crazy hot
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mtchacrvle · 28 days
- 🌹Yandere! Clingy prince Alphabet.
🪻note🪻yandere behaviour. And a little bit of NSFW if you squint hard enough. ( not proofread )
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
-🌹 yandere prince or his real name Raizel, love to show his affection with physical touch. Such as, kissing, hugging, cuddling, etc. Any sort of physical touch as long as it's from you, he'll love it.
It could get pretty intense honestly, well, his name ain't clingy prince for nothing lol. Anyways, if he wakes up from his sleep/nap, and you're not there besides him, he'll turn the whole castle upside down. And when he finally finds you, baby girl, there's no way you're getting out of his grasp. You have other plans ? Cancel it. Cause
His clingy percentage is at 99%. Going to the bathroom? He'll be there. Going out to have a tea party with the other noblewoman? He'll be joining you in disguise, wearing a soft pink dress with a big ass hat to protect his face and you know damn well he'll demand the maids to put make up on his face and make him look like a woman. This mf would even learn to walk in heels just for you. And trust me when I tell you he has done this before, I mean it. Going on a walk at the garden? He'll excuse all the maid and he'll gladly hold the umbrella for you, with his right hand holding the umbrella and his left hand on your waist.
Overall, his very freaking clingy man. Since the minute he realises his feelings for you. that's your queue to say bye-bye to your freedom and your personal space. But mostly your personal space lol.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
-🌹 Very messy. If someone hurts your feelings, even for a little bit. Their head will be off. He can't wait to be the emperor so that he can publicly show who you belong to and how much you guys are in love with each other.
He can have blood head to toe and still loves you dearly. He never sees this as a burden. No no. They disrespect you. They deserve this. You are an angel, his angel. Nothing can get between the two of you. He'll be torturing the prisoner while laughing and smiling and while thinking of you.
To sum it up, he is cray cray for you and would do anything. (⁠⑉⁠⊙⁠ȏ⁠⊙⁠)
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
-🌹 Never. It won't take long until he snaps, but after he kidnapped you, he won't mock nor made fun of you. But it's more into the opposite.
He'll be very gentle and soft with you. He'll even go as far as change the whole castle to your liking. Just say the word. You don't like dark colour? You want to change it to pink and purple? Sure! He'll fill out his room and office with all the books you like. You like sweets? Just nod and you'll have more than 60 different kinds of deserts and sweets in front of you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
- 🌹 uh yes? If you are not into physical touch, that's something he'll force on you. He'll kiss, hug, cuddle you even tho you clearly stated that you don't like it. He just doesn't care.
He lives for your touch. He needs to touch you even a little bit so that he won't lose his sanity. You're the only one that has been keeping him sane. He even goes as far as tying you up if you won't stop squirming and hitting him when he tries to give you affection. If you still won't stop squirming, he'll cry so damn hard. Snort even started to fall out of his nose, his eyes were red. And he'll keep on asking " why can't you just let him love you ", " I don't care if you hate it! You don't have to return the affection just let me love you! ".
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
- 🌹 It won't take long for him to open up for you. To him, when 2 people are in love with each other, there would be no secrets between them. So he would rant out to you about his whole childhood to you. He is very good and communicates too, he'll reassure you if you ever felt insecure or if you feel like he doesn't love you anymore.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
- 🌹He would be very hurt by it but would won't show it to you because he don't want you to view him as "weak". Again he'll gladly tie you up if you won't stop fighting back. But don't worry, he won't hurt you. He'll only suffocate you with his hugs and love. So it's not THAT bad.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
- 🌹 Nope. These whole things aren't a game to him. Even tho sometimes you would question his actions either he really loves you or he just plays with you. And every time you ask him this, his face will drop immediately because how can you say that? He would be so confused as why would you even think that. " What makes you say that my love?! ", " am I not giving you enough love? Is that it? ", " don't EVER say that, my love for you is not a stupid game. I wish you would be able to see just how big my love for you ".
Enjoy if his darling escape? Babe the second he didn't see or have you by him he would go berserk. Sweet puppy like and clingy Raizel that you know? Gone. It's like you don't even know him. And speaking of escape. Yea, the chances of you escaping are very..very..low. with how clingy and touchy he is, yea you won't be able to escape. The top 3 reasons why you WON'T escape :
1. He's very fucking clingy (duh)
2. The security is tight af. If he can't or won't be able to cling to your side, he'll send not 1, not 2, nor 3 knights, but 5. Yea.. you bet all 6 of them are bulky ASF lol. Why 5 you ask? Well... 1 for you left, 1 for your right, 2 from your back and 2 sitting in front of you. (As if you can't protect yourself)
3. The maids, servants, butlers, knights, gardeners, cookers, everyone there would tattle if you even set food outside the bedroom. Yea all of them are snitches. Can't trust none of them.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
- 🌹 Other than his clingy and touchy tendencies, he also very jealous, possessive and obsessive. When the emperor throws a welcoming party for Raizel younger brother, a duke from different nations has been hitting on you right in front of him. (Yea not a very smart move) he tries to be nice at first but when the duke won't budge, that's when he punches the duke nose and stab his eyes with a sword in front of the other guests.
The emperor saw this and he is proud. Yup you read that right. He is PROUD. Well the emperor ain't that sane and innocent either. He kidnapped Raizel's mother and baby trapped her. So you could say that he's proud because Raizel has his yandere and cray cray tendencies. Like father like son. And did the guest say or did anything? Nope. They just pretend nothing happens and just continue with what they're doing.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
-🌹 Babies. Lots of em. Sure he's clingy, but he still needs an heir. And plus, he can imagine what it's like when you guys have children. Whose eyes would they have? It would be so adorable if the kid has your features and his personality, so that they can protect and keep an eye on you when he's not around.
The second he gets the news that you're pregnant, the whole castle would be baby proof. Every stairs would have at least 5 guards. 2 maids, 2 butlers, 4 knights would entertain your kid.
When you're pregnant, he's clingy tendencies would only increase. Whenever he goes, he would pick you up and bring you with him. He did most of the work for you, feeding you, dressing you, bathing you, picking your clothes. Everything. Oh your tummy hurts because the baby won't stop kicking? He'll rub and scold his child for hurting you. Your back and feet hurt? Come here, he'll rub and massage you until you feel better. He'll even go as far as rubbing and sucking for breast if that hurts too. Overall, he's not a bad husband or a bad father. As long as you just accept your fate and just become his, he'll give you everything you could've asked for. Nothing is too expansive or too impossible when it comes to you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
_🌹 He'll lash out his jealousy, but don't worry he won't harm or lash it out on you. He would find something or someone to take his anger out. Preferably someone who makes his jealousy kick in.
Let's just say if one day his jealousy gets out of hand and you're sure he will be throwing hands, you can "calm" his jealousy by holding him back while giving him a kiss on the cheeks or holding any part of his body. Touch his bicep or hand and ask him to calm down, he'll FLOP. He will forget why he is mad in the first place and will demand ask you to not stop touching him. If you did stop, he'll pout and sulk so bad that you started to feel bad. In the end, you always gave in, so he pout and sulk did its job lol.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
-🌹On my first post about Raizel, he is a brat that always try to get y/n on trouble, he is the pain in the ass and yet, y/n still being patient with him. But what if you are not his knight? Perhaps a princess from a different kingdom?
If you are a princess, he'll approach you rather normally. Well normal in his eyes. Raizel doesn't believe in love at first sight and it would take a lot for him to like you. Let's just say that he has been keeping an eye on you for a couple of months. He'll probably ask you to dance with him and he'll make sure that your first dance is with him. After the dance is over, he won't let you go. He'll ask you if you would like to take a walk with him and he would try to get you to know better. He'll slowly try to seduce you before kidnapping you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
-🌹 He's sweet and soft ONLY to you. His darling. In his eyes, you are fragile and soft. He couldn't even have the heart to get mad at you. You never do wrong in his eyes. And yes, he's very different from everyone else. Even with the emperor and the empress. So it would shock both the emperor and empress when they see how affectionate he is when he's with you. But once you are not with him? Forget different, he's a whole new person. Everything irritates him. Someone sneeze or cough? He'll be yelling and throwing hands. All the servants walk in an egg shell when you're not around him. That's why, whenever you suddenly show up to his office,the prince would smile and run towards you. While the servant relaxed. He'll always send the servants out because he wants you to pour affection for him and he doesn't want anyone to see it.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
-🌹 He's the type to "punish" you with his presence lol. He'll tie you on the bed, and would cuddle, kiss you however he likes. And in the morning, if he has work to finish, he'll drag you with him. One time, he dragged you to one of his meetings with other kingdoms, you want to go to the bathroom. He insisted on coming with you. And he did. The emperor just smiles and shakes his head. In the emperor's eyes, the prince reminds him of his younger self when he first laid eyes on the empress (Raizel mother). Oh good ol days.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
-🌹 Eh..tricky question. Depends on how you actually act. If you just accept your fate and go along with his clingy nature, you would have some freedom (but not much personal space). He won't lock you in the bedroom all day. But, if you want to take a walk or something, he has to come with you. So that he can protect you :).
If you refuse to accept him, then say bye bye to your freedom AND personal space. So my advice is just to let it all happen and you'll be happy.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
-🌹 On a scale 1-100, he's in between 60-70. He is patient, but not THAT patient. It won't take long before snap. And once he does, you have 0 chances on escaping and stuff. So better accept him from the start when he is still patient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
-🌹 You? Escape? HAH, you won't. But if you did, IF you did, he'll burn the village down and would target every kingdom. His sanity is gone. And when he finds you, he's not the same.
The second he found out you are dead, he didn't waste any more seconds and would kill himself. And before he kills himself, he will hug and kiss you after that, he'll lay you in his chest and off himself while saying he'll love you and he'll see you soon. (that's quite depressing than I thought.)
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
-🌹He would feel a bit sad and guilty. But only a little bit. To him, you being with him and him taking you with him are better and safer. He views the world to be very vicious and you are too fragile to be in this kind of world.
He would never let you go. letting you go never were the options. He would rather die than let you go. You are his life, without you, he won't be able to last even a day.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
-🌹 him being the oldest, meaning he didn't have much happy childhoods. Never really had any friends to play with or even someone to be affectionate with. The emperor loves Raizel, but he just doesn't know how to show it. And the least he could do is love how he was taught by his father (Raizel grandfather). The emperor would sign him the best teacher in the kingdom and would pack his schedules with learning, swordships, dancing class, basic etiquette and more. That's what makes Raizel don't have much friend and free time when he's younger. He doesn't know how to love or how to express his emotions.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
-🌹 No, the only different about him are his personality toward his darling. He still killed, torture, and kidnapped his darling like a classic yandere. He may not hurt you physically but he will mentally, by keeping you in his bedroom and would take all of your personal space.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
-🌹 the fastest way for you to escape, if to let it all happen. Let him love you, worship you, touch you, cling to you. And you'll be escaping in no time. The moment you start to give in to his affections, he believes that you finally love him as much as he did to you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
-🌹 you are the love of his life, why would he hurt you? He will and can hurt you by not giving any personal space but that's it. He'll never hurt you physically. He would rather die than hurt you. You pouting broke his heart into a million pieces, there's no way he can hurt you.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
-🌹 The amount of love he has for you are unexplainable. He would kiss , lick breath on the ground you walk on. Everything your body touch is something pure. In his eyes , you’re a goddess , his goddess that did no wrong in his eyes.
- he would do anything to win you over , you like cats ? He will fed all the cats in town. You like fancy things ? Everyday when you wake up , there would be new jewellery on your vanity table. You name it , anything that you fancy , he would buy it for you. He has no problem spoiling you if it means you would be his happy.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
-🌹as you all aware , he’s clingy. Like , very clingy. So he doesn’t have that much of a patience when it comes to waiting. If you still doubt him in any way , but still let him touch you ( affectionately ) he would still be sane. But , if still doubt him and won’t let him touch you , that would set the ticking bomb. He could hold on for about 1 month max. ( it is what it is babe )
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
-🌹 If it means you would be only with him then yes. For fun , nope. One of the things he scared of the most is when you giving him silent treatment or not speaking in general. Maybe because you’re just tired and don’t feel like talking but still , he hates it. He couldn’t bare the feeling not hearing your voice.
🪻 A/N 🪻I'm sorry if this look rushed. I also would like to apologise for not uploading more. I'm not in my best self this past month and I'm still recovering. But don't worry, I'm fine compared to before. Millions of thank Yous to whoever that liked my previous work, it means a lot to me. My grammar is not the best, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but English is not my first language and I'm still learning. I'll try to upload more in the future, and I would love it if you guys leave some suggestions or requests for my next post. And thank you to those you follow my blog, all love for you guys (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡.
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
The middle of war. (P2)
Aemond Targaryen x reader
Summary: The reader is in recovery, and the two must manage life after the incident.
A/n: the High Valyrian is bad. Just... don't look at it
Part 1!
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Her recovery was long and painful, but she managed all the same. 
A few days in, Aemond had swore to take her to see Vhagar. 
The poor girl looked like a mess.
Due to her injury, she was unable to wear the tight corsets she was expected to, not that Aemond cared what she wore.
Hence why she was in a rather flowy dress that practically hung from her. 
He kept a hand on her at all times as they walked through the castle, not only to keep her balanced, but worried she could be taken again if he looked away. 
His anxiety didn't relax until they were with Vhagar. 
Y/n pulled herself away from Aemond and straight to Vhagar, so comfortable with the large beast that she held no fear for her. 
Vhagar's eyes focused on her, resting her head in the dirt to let the woman come near. 
She reached forward, hearing the dragon immediately purr with her touch. 
Aemond couldn't help the slightly amused smirk that came to his lips. Gods, she was a wonder. 
She gently cooed to the dragon as if it was a small puppy, "Pretty girl. I haven't seen you in days. It seems a lifetime."
"You spoil her," Aemond spoke up. 
She turned to him, "She deserves it."
He sighed and neared Vhagar, running his hands over one of her scales as well, "She is not mistreated, I assure you."
"You do owe her an apology," she pointed out. 
A low rumble comes from the dragon. 
Aemond grumbled and shook his head, "Shijetra issa (Forgive me)."
"That's not good enough," she said as she moved her entire body to lean on the dragon's cheek. "You have to mean it. You were so rude."
"I was saving your life!" He reasoned. 
"I do not care-"
"Do not say that." He growled suddenly.
She sighed, "I did not mean it that way. Ziry daoriot gūrogon naejot sagon yelled rȳ (She doesn't deserve to be yelled at)."
Aemond looked up at the saddle. A shudder goes through him when he sees her blood still stain the fabric. "She understands I am not angry with her."
"Does she?"
He huffed, forcing himself to take a deep breath, "Shijetra issa syt issa udra (Forgive me for my words)."
Y/n began to get distracted, her hands running down the large dragon as she began to move. 
He watched her cautiously as if ready to catch her at any moment. 
"You're lucky, you know," she finally said. 
His eye softened, "I know."
She turned to him, "I mean it. I… I would have done anything for a dragon. Especially a gentle giant like her."
Aemond felt his chest tighten. 
Her egg had never hatched. 
"Gevie tala (beautiful girl)," she muttered to Vhagar. Her hands reached out occasionally to fix a scale.
Vhagar purred under all the attention. 
"Kiz. Gevie (Yes, beautiful)." Aemond said as he looked at her.
"Brother?" Aemond asked as he stood from his chair in the library. 
Y/n turned to see Aegon standing in the doorway. 
He grinned, "Hello, brother." He quickly rounded everything and bee-lined to the girl, "How are you?"
Her brows furrowed, "'m… fine."
Aegon had never been cruel to her, no. Not the extent he had to Aemond, but he hadn't gone out of his way for her. 
Aegon nodded, "Excellent! That's wonderful news." He sat next to her on the sofa. "I must ask something of you. I need an opinion."
Aemond forced himself to sit back down slowly as he watched the interaction closely.
"Oh," she hummed. "I'm not sure I am of much assistance-"
"-Nonsense." He leans back, getting comfortable on the sofa. "You see, I'm getting Jaehaerys a dagger for his next nameday."
"That is hardly a question for me. Aemond could-"
"-Let me finish!" He said annoyed, "I am getting the handle wrapped. I cannot decide a color."
"That is where I help?" She asked. 
"Yes." He looked up in mock thought, "I'm stuck between green or…" his head lulled to look at her, "…black."
Aemond leaned forward annoyed, "Brother-"
Aegon held a finger up, "Ah. I did not ask you."
She bit the inside of her cheek. "I suppose you wish me to say green."
"I don't wish you to say anything but the color you believe best." He grinned. 
"Aegon," Aemond tried again. 
"I am your king!" Aegon yelled, "Do speak to me like one."
Silence filled the room.
"Green," she finally said. "Green would look just fine. Jaehaerys is a fortunate boy."
"He is," Aegon said as he studied her. "He'll be quite handsome, won't he?"
She tilted her head, "I suppose he will. Time will tell."
"And you're a pretty girl, aren't you?"
She could practically feel Aemond's shoulders move back, "I'm… I'm sorry?"
"Your king says you're pretty."
"Oh. T…Thank you, my king."
Aegon looks over to Aemond, seeing him practically seething. He grins before standing, "Green it shall be then!"
He begins to leave before pausing in the doorway, "Oh. And pretty girl?"
Y/n looks over to him, "Yes, my king?"
"You said green is a fine color. Wear it when we all sup tonight."
Aemond felt like tearing the king's throat out.
When the door shut behind Aegon, she asked her husband, "What did I do?"
"He's been acting strange since you left." He sneered. 
The door opened. "Prince. Princess. A letter."
Her eyes widened.
Aemond shot up before she could move, adamant about keeping her movement down to a minimum. "I shall take it."
The servant left quickly and Aemond unraveled the note as fast as he could, his eye roaming over the scribbled handwriting.
"Well?" She asked in hope. 
Aemond hummed and his head tilted as he read it again. 
She huffed and got up. 
Only then did his eye look over to her, "Hey."
A hand shot to her forehead and she stumbled.
He quickly moved to her, "No, no, no." His hand moved around her waist, "Sit back down. Sit down."
She sat down with a huff and Aemond sat next to her, "It's from your mother."
"Read it to me."
Aemond looked back down at it.
"The Prince and Princess, I am most overjoyed at the recovery of the princess. As precious as she has become on both sides, I did not imagine her being caught in the crossfire.   May the gods watch her no matter how the war may end. I do not bluff when I say your letter was most surprising. And as much as I despise doing so, I must thank you, Prince Aemond, for it being sent. I had lost much sleep in the days before in worry.  Please tell her I love her."
Aemond looked back up at his wife, "Please do not expect more letters like this."
She nodded with teary eyes, "I understand."
He reached up and brushed hair from her face, "You're too good."
He smiled lightly, "Too good. Too… optimistic. It's sickening at times."
She let out a light chuckle as she wiped her cheek, "I do not believe you."
"You're right." He leaned in and kissed her gently, "You could not sicken me even if you tried." He pulled away with a smirk, "Are you truly going to wear green tonight?"
She faked a grimace, "Now perhaps I'll be sick."
He let out an amused chuckle, "Such is life, my sweet." He sighed and leaned back on the sofa, "But don't worry. I'll rip it off you just the same."
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euniexenoblade · 20 days
If you're here about people calling me intersexist or what ever:
The tl;dr it's bullshit, spun by a bunch of transmisogynists who tried to kick up a harassment campaign against me, but most people saw through it as the bullshit it is.
But, anyways.
It started off with this post, where while high I made a dumb post about how a group of tme trans people who still align in some way with womanhood had been calling themselves "afab trans women," which is incredibly transmisogynistic because 1) afab people saying they identify as trans women implies that trans women are not women and 2) "afab trans women" is a concept terfs made up in the 2010s to mock trans women. The point was never about intersex people specifically, it was about people not understanding that "trans woman" is a specific term with specific meanings, and by them trying to use it it implies they see trans women as transmisogynistic concepts and not as a type of woman.
Whether you agree with me, whatever, I don't fucking care. Just block me and go away. But, the blogger status-quo-hater found my post and went on a rant. When I first saw it I had intended to ignore it, but I checked out its blog and found it interacting with someone who has previously intentionally misgendered me and I just decided I didn't need that shit - so I blocked it. Naturally it noticed cuz it was refreshing my blog every second waiting for a reply, and when it found I blocked it, it once again went on a weird rant about me hating intersex people and deleting comments (at the time, the only comment I deleted implied I was a man) from intersex people trying to "calmly" explain things to me (nope, i hadn't even had that many comments yet).
This launched into a bunch of people suddenly reblogging it's addition and saying some weird fucking shit. Insults, misgendering comments, I even got a couple of weird Christian comments ("may god have mercy on their soul" die). So I started using the ability to hide reblogs on my OP of these people and blocking them, and as it kept going it just go too hard to keep track of and decided that, fuck it! If these are the people status-quo-hater attracts, I'll block everyone that reblogs it's additions. And, I tried to do that but again, it got way too difficult, so getting tired of being misgendered and insulted, I turned the reblogs off.
Since then my inbox exploded with suicide bait, hatemail, dumb shit trying to bait me into saying dumb shit (examples), and my posts started getting spammed with comments that 1) were harassing me. no they were not "calm explanations," they were aggressive harassment that at times misgendered me (not all but enough) or 2) a series of people were spamming my posts, one person posting the same comment ten times, which was fucking annoying. So I was deleting comments by this point, and as I went I just started deleting any comment saying negative shit cuz, again, these people run in the same groups and the most "calm dialogue" doesn't look like such when you're being harassed by a bunch of dumbasses.
Tumblr user dabwax left some fucked up comment on my post. I deleted it and blocked her. So she made a post where she intentionally misgendered me. After someone informed her she was misgendering me, she acknowledged it but blamed it on me (for blocking her, she had been on my blog to screencap me) and refused to edit the post to reflect my correct pronouns. Genderstarbucks added onto her post and subsequently took part in misgendering me - a person I never blocked and never had an excuse to misgender me. The difference between genderstackbucks and dabwax though, is that genderstarbucks at least changed the incorrect pronouns after being told (even though the post still took part in me getting harassed). Then, status-quo-hate, a person who's bio literally says
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Proceeds to reblog posts calling me "they" instead of my stated pronouns of "it."
I'm not going to keep this up, it's fucking tiring. Instead, I'm going to say that these people are transmisogynistic. This is clearly a disagreement over terminology and at most should have just been us blocking each other, instead both status-quo-hater and dabwax intentionally lied about me, misgendered me, and did everything they could to motivate people to harass me (especially dabwax).
At the end of the day, this is a mostly failed transmisogynistic hate campaign. And, really the only reason it failed is cuz other trans women stepped in to help take the heat off of me (and cuz I started to ignore them).
To close this out, here's a collection of hatemail I received:
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So yeah. Fuck off.
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socialistexan · 1 year
I think people need to stop asking trans people "what gender feels like," because that framing was devised by cisgender psychiatrists and doctors who to try to explain (and maybe even pathologize, invalidate, or trivialize) being transgender. It's not our phrasing.
Because I never "felt" like any specific gender. For me, there is not feeling that is "woman." Or "man" or none of the above either. We have our internal sense of self, but you can't boil it down to a general "woman" feeling.
I have a better way:
Imagine you are one day transported into a someone you don't know's body. They don't even have to be a different gender than you, just anyone you don't know.
Imagine how it feels to open your mouth and someone else's voice comes out. Imagine how it feels to look in the mirror and see a stranger staring back at you. Imagine feeling like the body you're in doesn't match how you know internally it should be, and I don't just mean sexual anatomy. I mean height and limb proportions among other things, too. Imagine feeling like the very blood in your veins feels wrong. Would you want to find a way to correct this mistake in any way you could? What if you were stuck and the only options given to you are expensive medicine and surgery and require years of psychiatric care just to be able to start to access it?
Now, imagine being told you're wrong or crazy for trying to tell the world what's going on with you. Imagine being pathologized and given therapy to convince you that you aren't actually you but this stranger. Imagine that state governments across the country and globe are specifically legislating your rights away because your existence disgusts them. Imagine living in fear of even walking down the street, even in your own neighborhood, because people have been trained to want to hurt you for living as you know you are. Imagine entire social movements and Internet shows dedicated to mocking and harassing you and people like you.
Now, think about how you would feel. Would you feel good? Would you be brave enough to face the world every day while doing this? I doubt it.
But, y'know, that's just my experience. The beauty of being trans, and human experience in general, is that it's all different. That's why I scoff at the term "trans ideology" because none of us can even agree on what being trans is! Ask ten trans people on what being trans is like and you'll get 10 different answers. You think we're that cohesive and organized? A bit of "tell me you've never met a trans person without telling me you've never met a trans person," y'know? What binds us, really, is the people that hate us more than anything else.
Anyway, I think it's time trans people reclaim our own narrative. It's way past time.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Better Man
Summary:Jason fucks up one to many times, luckily there is Eddie who is happy to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Older Eddie x Reader. (reader is in her 20's, Eddie is thirty eight) age gap, 18 + Minors shoo! Kinda mean Eddie, then Soft Eddie. Modern fic.
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Don't copy, reuse or repost my work.
Jason was such a loser. He had been caught flirting with a few girls at the Halloween party they had attended together and you had left him.
It had been weeks of making up, breaking up and just a plain, toxic vibe. You deserved better and wanted out.
You went to the one person who you knew would understand. Who could make it better. Who pleasured you, fulfilled you in ways that Jason could never ever do
He opens the door to his trailer and your stomach flips, filling with butterflies at the sight of him.
Fuck, he was so sexy.
His hair is in a messy bun, he's shirtless, wearing slacks and there's a smirk on his face.
"Hey pretty girl" his brown eyes rake over your body and you shiver in excitement.
"Hi" you're breathless with anticipation, knowing what the night entails. Knowing its Eddie you really want and not Jason dickhead Carver.
"The dickhead mess up again?" you nod and feel shy under his scrutinizing gaze. He takes a long drag of his cigarette and cocks his eyebrow.
"We're done"
"The boy can't satisfy you so you coming running to me again princess?" he tsks and you pause, unsure if he wants you here.
Maybe he has another woman over? You weren't exclusive or anything. Even though you had fallen quickly for Eddie, the two of you only started as a casual hook up.
Eddie's uncle was friends with your family, that's how you got to know Eddie. His reputation proceeded him, he was hot as fuck, had women wrapped around his finger and he knew it.
One look in his big doe brown eyes and you found it hard not to melt, you resisted. Just barely.
The thought of someone with him made your stomach ache, your heart clench.
"Do you want me to go? If you have someone with you, I don't want to interrupt" his features soften and he chuckles.
"I see that look in your eyes sweetheart, you jealous of all that shit?" you look away, shrugging and he tugs the waistband of your jeans so your close to him.
"I like when you're jealous sweet girl, gets me all fucking hot" he kisses you before you can respond and leads you to his bedroom.
Eddie has your arms pinned above your head, there's a mean, mocking smile on his face.
"So Carver couldn't satisfy you princess and you come to me" he teases as he thrusts inside you hard.
"Eddie, please, need you" You moan and he begins to move, slowly.
"You just love when my cock is buried in you huh? Such a greedy, greedy girl" he mocks as he drags his thrusts out until your a mewling mess underneath him.
He wants you to beg, you refuse to give in but the ache you feel is growing stronger.
"Eddie" you whine and he moves a little faster this time.
"Uh, uh princess. You're being so rude. I didn't hear please" he coos and you huff, desperate for release and begin to grind yourself against him, gritting out "please" as you do so.
His eyes fill with lust and he moves faster, hips snapping against yours as you both move together.
"You feel so fucking good sweetheart, tight. Mine"
The sensations going through your body is delicious and by the time you reach your climax, you're screaming into Eddie's shoulder, legs shaking from how intense the orgasm was.
Eddie soon follows, spilling into you. His hand gripping yours and an awed look on his face, he slowly pulls out and lays beside you.
You lay together for a moment before he speaks, his fingers caressing your hair.
"There's no one else princess, not for a while. Only you" it answers your question and at the same time your heart is racing as you think of the implications on what he said.
He presses a kiss to your lips and takes his sweet ass time, kissing every inch of your body as he makes his way down to the apex of your thighs.
Before you can ask about what he said your phone lights up with a call. Ugh. Jason.
Eddie's eyes darken and he glares at the phone.
"Answer it" he tells you and continues teasing near your clit. You pout.
"Do I have to? I think I gave the asshole the message earlier. I wish he'd leave me alone"
Wasn't dumping your drink on him and giving his cocky, condescending face a slap enough of a message? It certainly was a cathartic moment for you.
You answer the phone and immediately Jason is yelling and belittling you, Eddie stills when he hears Jason yelling at you.
"Will you fuck off Jason. I told you we're done for good" You snap at him losing patience.
"Tell him to talk nicer to you or I'll knock his teeth down his throat" Eddie growls and the protectiveness in his tone makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.
"Who's that? You bitch!" Jason yells and Eddie gestures for the phone, which you give to him curious at what he will say.
"Listen here dickhead. She's not interested, Infact, I'm currently between her thighs and making her scream, which is more than a limp dick fuck like you ever could"
Jason goes silent. You can almost picture that agog expression on his face.
"Eddie Munson. She's fucking you?" he squeals and Eddie smiles.
"Let's get this straight here Carver, she is my girl. I don't like to share, fuck off and stop bothering her or I will be very pissed off and have to tell you in person. Wouldn't want you to shit your pants or anything. We clear?"
Jason gulps. "Crystal" Jason hangs up and you dissolve into giggles and sit up, leaning over to kiss Eddie.
"That was kinda hot. Also I'm your girl?" you say teasing him but full of hope and he kisses you, leaving you a little breathless.
"I want to be with you sweetheart. You've gone and stolen my heart. I adore you and I'll treat you better than that Carver idiot ever could"
Thrilled you kiss him, nodding happily and his arms wrap around yours as you cuddle into him and he kisses your forehead.
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kmt123whatsthetea · 9 months
Beauty in Innocence
Fred Weasley x reader
Requested by: @amathilofgondor
Request gist: Fred Weasley dating an adorable and innocent reader but he craves to destroy her in bed. He doesn't know how to present the idea of rough sex since they have only just started getting sexual.
A/N: Thanks for the request! For this fic, I didn't know whether you wanted the reader to be a virgin or not so I went for she’s not a virgin but still pretty innocent to things like different kinks and any sex that isn't vanilla. I also went down the route of the reader wanting Fred to teach her what he likes, that sort of thing. Also, in this fic the wizarding community have televisions and electronic devices. I've mentioned a pornographic video which will be in apostrophes.
T/W: Fred is a bit of a sex pest, brief mention of a Daddy kink, Fred maybe being a bit dark and dirty, attempted groping?, intense pornographic videos? (mentions of BDSM, pinching and spanking), Fred kinda uses her innocence to talk dirty (not like an insult but a bit mocking), nicknames, rough sex, mentions of corruption, unprotected sex, no aftercare (not a ‘Fred being mean’ thing)
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Fred's girlfriend. The girl who surprised all of Fred’s friends when they first met her.
Fred was a dirty devil. He always had a crude joke or quip. At bars and clubs, he was always the first one to chat up any girl he saw. Poor George suffered the most (even giving him a silencing charm after having to hear a girl call him ‘Daddy’ through the walls of their shared flat).
And then there was you. Fred’s dirty quips had your cheeks red with blush. His dirty jokes had you squirming as if you'd never heard such a lewd joke before. Like an angel whose ears had never heard the likes of Fred Weasley.
Don't get me wrong, Fred’s friends and family adored the sweet girl on Fred’s arm just as much as he did. But Fred more than adored you.
He desired you.
The way you were so innocent drove him mad. The way you'd bat your eyelashes when he made a dirty remark, like a confused baby deer. He even loved how innocent you were during movie nights. He was driving himself mad.
A part of him felt guilty for wanting more. He didn't want you to think it was because you weren't enough. The truth was, Fred is insatiable. Even the tiniest moan from your lips had him as hard as stone. He kept thinking about your first time together. It was the opposite of what Fred was used to. It was…sweet. Filled with soft kisses and a loving embrace while he slowly pushed into you. As much as he loved those tender moments, he craved to hold you down and fuck that pussy that got so wet for him. He needed to hear those needy sounds you'd make.
He’d run out of patience. Everytime he tried to approach the conversations, he’d freeze up. One idea he had was when you were both cuddling on the sofa. His hands slowly moved from your waist. His lips brushed along the skin of your neck, his hand stroking your inner thigh. Your soft whines and squirms made him think that you weren't ready for what he wanted to do to you, causing his hands to slowly retreat.
Little did he know that you were curious about his blatantly obvious attempt at a conversation and wandering hands. You'd heard things from his friends about how sexually active he seemed to be prior to you and it made you curious about the sort of things that he was into. You wanted him to be the one to teach you, to show you this world of sexual depravity that he knew so well. Maybe it was a primal nagging in your head or just the desire for him to be happy in every aspect of your relationship.
Fred’s last ditch attempt to express his desires included the one thing he knew best: pornography. With his laptop in hand, he approached you in the bedroom.
“Hey love, I want to show you something, see what you think”
He put the laptop in front of you, showing a black screen. But when he pressed play, it was far beyond anything you ever expected him to show you.
‘The woman in the video was tied down to a bed, her arms to the headboard and her legs spread. With the woman blindfolded and naked, another pair of hands appeared from off screen. The hands pinched and slapped the woman's inner thigh, getting closer and closer to her twitching pussy’.
Fred kept his eyes on your reaction, watching how your cheeks got darker and your breathing got heavier, only things that he would notice within seconds. He figured that if he couldn't tell you what he wanted, he’d show you.
‘The hand’s trailed higher, spanking the woman's clit, making her jolt and yelp’.
Fred heard the breath you sucked in, his hopes rising that you'll enjoy it.
‘A man came into frame, getting between the womens open thighs. Teasing his tip through her folds, he thrusted his cock into the hilt. His hips were like pistons, not stopping for a second. No matter how much the woman moaned and squirmed, he kept fucking her now dripping hole’.
You looked up at Fred. At first, he was worried you’d ask him to turn it off or tell him that it looked too rough and harmful. But he swore he heard angels sing when that normally innocent, sweet voice asked the most heavenly words he’d ever heard.
“Can we try something like that?”
Fred’s grin practically doubled in size, his arms snaked around your waist. He kissed the shell of your ear before whispering softly.
“My sweet girl wants me to do something so dirty to her?”
The needy “Yes” you replied with made his heart beat faster. This was confirmation to take you like he needed, to ravage you, to break you down and rebuild you with little pieces of himself woven in. He closed the laptop and moved it to the nightstand before laying you down. He crawled up your body, stalking like a predator. His hands trailed up your outer thighs, pushing your nightie up to your abdomen.
His thumb found the seat of your underwear, smearing the wet patch that had formed.
“And here I thought my girl was innocent. You liked watching that dirty video, baby? Your wet little cunt seemed to enjoy it.”
Every slight buck of your hips, every whimper, every moan. He absorbed it all, watching with beady eyes as if he'd never see something so beautiful again.
Your pouty voice caught him off guard.
“Please Freddie, more”
And who was he to deny?
Ripping your underwear down your legs, he pushed your thighs open. All that restraint, all that time of treating you like a porcelain doll, was gone for a minute, leaving pure need and lust. He stared at your open pussy like an animal who had finally found the source of a delectable scent. He had to stop himself from salivating at such a perfect sight.
His hands moved to pull his cock out, leaving you with a mental message to keep your thighs open for him. He lined his cock up and stopped for a moment, looking up at you. It was like his demeanour shifted for a split second.
“If you need me to stop pretty girl, just tell me”
You gave him a usual sweet smile and a nod, finding it heartwarming that he was still a sweetheart even in such an intimate moment.
He slowly pushed in, bottoming out and taking a minute to bask in your warmth surrounding him. When his hips started moving, he set a pace that you weren't used to. It was faster, his hips slapping against yours. The band in your stomach felt like it was tightening faster than usual.
“How can such a sweet girl be so dirty? Maybe i've corrupted you, angel”
His dirty words were new to your ears, but they caused you to clench around him. They only drove you closer and closer to a feeling you didn't know you craved so much. His hand came down to rub your clit in messy circles, and that's all it took.
Your moans filled the room and your walls pulsated around him, cumming harder than you had before. He kept fucking you through your orgasm, staving off his own orgasm. Your body trembled beneath him, arms reaching for his comfort, which he gave without a second thought.
Fred wasn't going to last much longer, so he pulled out and used his hand, stroking himself at the same pace he had fucked you. Spurts of his cum painted your stomach until he was spent. He laid himself down next to you after wiping your stomach clean, the both of you trying to catch your breath. He stroked your arm, keeping his eyes on your face for any signs of discomfort. You turned to lay on your side, snuggling into him.
“Can we do that again soon, Freddie?”
His corrupted angel was full of surprises.
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imnotasuperhero · 2 months
To follow the compass (that beats in our chests)
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader.
A/N: Hello buddies. I honestly don't know how to define this, so let's say it's just an idea I developed in different chunks of free time I had and I decided to just put it out in the open and see if it was good enough considering the astronomical hiatus I've took. This was not proofread.
Let me know your thoughts!
Sipping on the hot, bitter coffee, you relaxed on the park bench enjoying the calmness of the Saturday morning, forcing your mind to stop thinking about the stressful streak you’ve been having for the last few weeks.
And the smile on your lips grew at the realization the cutest puppy came barking and wagging its tail, sitting at your feet as if it was your own.
“Hi, buddy!” You giggled as you scratched on its fur. “Yeah, you’re a good puppy, aren’t you?” 
“Sparky!” A nervous voice called and you couldn’t help the chilling wave running down your spine.
Looking up, you saw the most beautiful woman ever, walking rapidly to you, “Come here, boy,” she kept calling unsuccessfully.
“It’s okay,” you kept on your smile when she was in hearing range while you kept on petting her dog, as if trying to calm her.
“I’m so sorry, he never sprints at strangers. I don’t know what-”
“Hey,” you stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, really.” You guided her to sit on the bench, worried about her state.
Inhaling deeply, her green eyes stared at you with some spark you couldn’t decipher. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to be,” you smiled kindly, sitting by her side. “I’m Y/N,”
“Wanda,” she nodded curtly, her attention on the dog sitting between you two, looking back with curiosity. But before you could comment on some random thing to say, her grunt called your attention.
“Are you okay?” Your attention focused on the woman beside you.
“I'm fine… it's just a small kick,” she rubbed her protruding belly.
“Oh,” you realized just now she was pregnant. “How far are you?” 
“It's pretty early. About to enter the sixth month,” she smiled softly and you could feel her beautiful smile being tattooed on your soul.
“Do you have a name, yet?” You asked curiously.
“I just found out it's a boy on Wednesday, so I still have to decide on a few,”
“There you two are!” a familiar voice made your words die on your lips.
“Pietro?” You stood up with your smile growing its size.
“Hey, Y/N!” The blonde man smiled equally excited as he hugged you tightly.
“Now I know why he seemed so familiar,” you looked at the dog at Pietro’s feet requesting to be petted.
“Now I know why he ran to you out of nowhere,” Wanda chimed in, taking one of the two cups Pietro had. “Thank you,”
Winking at the brunette, Pietro turned his attention to you. “Glad to see you’re feeling better,” his smile never left his face. “I miss you at work,”
“Oh, I bet it’s torture,” you giggled, rolling your eyes.
“It’s true! George is just… too much.”
“Poor Pietro, he can’t manage a teenager,” you mocked him. “I’ll be back on Monday.” You assured.
“But what he can manage is finding a new place for his sister to move into.” The blonde stated with a cheeky smile.
“Wait, what?” Wanda frowned at her brother as if had grown two heads.
“Well, it’s simple math! You’re still looking for a roommate, right?” Pietro looked at you expectantly, waiting for your confirmation. “And you can’t handle living with me anymore. Ouch, by the way,” he turned to his sister. “That means you can move in with-”
“Does she even want me to move in?” Wanda interrupted her brother’s rant, and you felt the pressure as two pairs of eyes set on you.
“As long as you don’t smoke and keep at least the common areas tidy-”
“YES! She accepts the deal.” Pietro grabbed your hand and shook it as if it was a deal.
“There’s a problem, though.” Wanda looked down to where her hand was placed on her belly bump.
“I’m not new to babies. It’s okay by me,” you shrugged and couldn’t help the heat on your face as those green eyes shone with something warm.
That’s how the very next night, you’ve found yourself sliding in bed after a well deserved hot shower, for all the hard work you’ve done helping Wanda move into the empty spare room in your apartment.
But just as you were about to drift into sleep, a chocked scream washed away every bit of sleep you’ve collected through the day.
“Wands?” You entered her dark room, setting your eyes on the sitting form on the bed. Her soft features illuminated by the moonlight.
“I’m sorry I woke you,” she sighed.
“No need to,” you sat beside her on the bed. “Can I help you with something?”
At the tension levitating in the air, you insisted.
“I know I’m a grown up mother-to-be. But can you stay?” 
Getting under the covers, you opened your arms waiting.
“What happens in this room stays in this room,” the brunette joked as she settled half on top of you, and you couldn’t help the soft smile as you felt the extra weight on your side.
“Deal,” you refrained from kissing her head, wrapping your arm around her shoulders instead, allowing sleep to take over you once and for all.
Days and weeks passed, you’ve found yourself enjoying Wanda’s presence around you when neither of you were at work. Even more so when she took over dinner claiming she needed to destress from whatever case she had that day.
But for the last 4 days, Wanda had been assigned the night shift as she had to cover for a colleague and you sank deeper on the couch at the realization that hit you like a train.
So after a few minutes of wallowing in the newfound feeling, you stood up and walked to the kitchen, checking  on the food cooking on the stove.
Inhaling the warm smell you felt your chest inflate with joy. “Yummy,” you smiled as you grabbed the wooden spoon and stirred before tasting the stew. “Double yum.”
Moving to the cupboard you took a plate and stared at it for a second too long, deciding to grab two small containers instead.
As the floor-to-ceiling doors closed behind you, you granted yourself a few seconds to calm down, unbelieving the impulse that brought you here.
“Hi,” you greeted the first nurse you’ve found after the receptionist indicated where the pediatric floor was.
“Hello darling,” the nice old lady smiled at you. “How may I help you?”
“I’m looking for Dr. Maximoff, please.”
After checking on the screen, the big brown eyes looked back at you with a compassionate look. “She’s in surgery right now, but should be done in any minute.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll wait for her,” you faked your best smile, not being a fan of hospitals.
But before you could end up walking away from the stress the place provided you, a tap on your shoulder called your attention.
“Hi,” you smiled brightly as you took off your earphones.
“Hello yourself,” the brunette matched your smile. “What are you doing here?”
“I brought us dinner.”
“Oh, my. You’re the best,” Wanda’s arms wrapped around you and you felt the familiar warmth you’ve got used to. “I definitely need something after that O.R.”
“Was it an emergency?” You asked, following her to what you assumed was the common room.
“Sadly, yes.” Wanda took two water bottles before sitting down at the table. “Remember the girl I told you about yesterday?”
“The one with heart failure?” You took the containers and opened them, filling the room with the warm tasty smell.
“Oh, lord. Looks so good,” Wanda took a bite and smiled. “It is good,” she nodded to herself and you couldn’t help the giggles. “But yes, that one. Turns out she had a clog on her aorta so we had to operate.”
“Poor thing,” you pouted, it was sad to hear some of Wanda’s patients’ medical records. “So now her heart surgery has to wait.”
“At least another day, yes.” She took a mouthful. “What brought you here? And with food?”
“The apartment felt empty and I was bored,” you shrugged nonchalantly.
“You sure it's not the fact you miss me?” Wanda raised her eyebrow.
“Ehh, that’s just details.” You waved it off.
“And here I thought I was special,” the brunette pouted, making you purse your lips to avoid you from smiling.
The next few minutes were spent in a comfortable silence, which wasn’t strange to you both since you easily found quite the comfort in the other’s company. But that bubble popped when Wanda’s pager rang with a nine-eleven call.
“I’m so sorry, Detka.”
“No, don’t worry, duty calls.” You eased her as you took her hands from the picked up forks. “I’ve got it. You go save lives and I’ll see you at home,”
“I’ll make it up to you,” she pecked your lips and stormed off the room, leaving you frozen.
Caressing your lips, you tried to process the day’s unfolding. Where did that come from? Was it just a reflex or was it something she’s wanted to do willingly?
All these questions ran through your mind, slowly indulging the feeling that was hidden in a box, burning madly like a flame that could consume the restraints in any minute. And to be honest, it didn’t scare you, because if anything, all the pent up tension meant there was more in store for you and Wanda than just be friends.
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oneforthemunny · 5 months
I’m loving these blurbs girl!! Can I request something for my favorite cowboy where sweet girl tries to convince Eddie that she doesn’t need his help with everything around the house because she’s a strong independent woman! (even though he spoils her rotten and makes sure she doesn’t have to lift a finger 😂) love you!! 🩵
this is so sweet girl of her omfg. a little bratty and moody and she takes it out on him like that, then he turns around and just watches until she has to ask lmaooo. spoiler- that's how this blurb is gonna go haha. slight dom/sub undertones but no actual smut.
"Don't lift that." Eddie's gruff tone calls from behind you. The sound made your skin crawl, shoulders tensing with annoyance. "I'll get that. Just leave it."
"Oh, no," You snapped back sarcastically, teeth grit in agitation. "I'll get it."
It was silly, childish even, you knew that. The argument was just that, silly. You'd gone out to see Eddie, trying to coax him inside to eat lunch with you, stop working and give you a little attention.
"I gotta finish this, honey."
"You could finish it later. Please? Come eat inside with me."
"You know I gotta get this done."
"But you can't do it later?"
"No, I got other things to do."
"You always have something to do."
"Yeah? I sure do. Maybe if you helped me instead of poutin' all the time, it'd get done quicker."
You knew he was teasing, from his snarky, sing-song tone and curling of his lips. But it infuriated you, rubbed you all the wrong ways.
So, determined and furious, you slipped your little rubber work boots on and some extra gloves that were a bit too big for you, opting to help Eddie with his chores.
"Quit that." Eddie clicked, tossing the hay bale in the corner with a soft grunt. "You're gonna get yourself hurt, now, just let me do that."
"No," You snapped, blocking his hands that tried to take the small hay bale away from you. "You say I never help you, so I'll do it. I got it."
"That's too heavy for you. You're gonna hurt yourself-"
"-No," You sneered, teeth grit, gloved hands slipping under the rope that held the hay in place. "I won't. I got it. I don't need your help."
Eddie paused. For a moment, he contemplated catching you by your chin, making you apologize, but he knew you'd probably like that- that it was what you wanted. Instead, he crossed his arms, standing back to watch you.
"Alright," He nodded coolly. "Go on."
You shimmied your hands under the straps just like you'd seen Eddie do before, bending your knees, before you tried to pull up, only to drop it right back on the barn floor with winded grunt. Why the fuck did hay weigh that much? It's fucking straw?
Eddie smirked in the corner, watching you try over and over and over, shuffling a few steps before dropping it right back down, winding yourself.
You looked over your shoulder sheepishly, eyes cutting to see him there, a silent pleading in your eyes. Eddie shrugged. "You said you could do it. Go on then. Move it for me."
Mean, oh, he was being so mean today. You pouted, huffing with a petulant fury. You tried again, and again, and one more time until your back felt like it might snap.
"Ok," You grumbled, dropping the bale with a final grunt of failure. "I can't do that one, but I can do something else."
"No, you told me you could move that one." Eddie shook his head. "What? 'S just supposed to stay there?"
"No," You hissed, eyes narrowing in annoyance, embarrassment. "You can just move it over there, and I'll do something else-"
"-Me?" Eddie jabbed a gloved finger to his chest, voice lifting with that arrogant teasing tone he loved to mock you with. "Now how's that fair? You told me you can move it, and now you're just gonna demand I move it? Thought you were helpin' me."
"I am." It came out more like a bratty whine than a statement. "I just can't move that one."
"So you want me to move it then, hm?" Eddie lifted a brow, lips twitching to hide his grin when you huffed and gave a curt nod. "Fine, but you better ask me. Better ask me reallll nice and I just might."
"Seriously?" You snapped, tongue clicking in annoyance.
"Yes. C'mon now, baby, you told me you were gonna move this, and now you can't? That's really settin' me back." Eddie shrugged. "Least you could do it gimme a pretty please?"
Your cheeks burned. For a second, you contemplated telling him to fuck off, stomping back to the house- but you knew the stubborn bastard would stay out there all fucking night if he had to, stand out there and leave it until you came out and asked. Might as well do it now, get it over with so maybe he'd get a little soft with you, give in and come inside and eat with you.
"Fine." You gritted with a nasally huff. "Eddie will you please-"
"-eh," Eddie lifted a finger. "What're you 'sposed to say?"
Your eyes narrowed at him, jaw setting in irritation. He was just trying to embarrass you now, get you riled up and whiny. "Will you pretty please move the hay for me?"
Eddie smirked, pushing off the wooden wall, hands sliding under the hay bales and lifting it with a soft grunt, walking it towards the stables with the others. "Now was that so hard?" He quipped, hands dusting the other off.
You rolled your eyes, turning with a huff. "Why don't you try askin' me nice like that to come inside with you, hm?" Eddie hummed.
You turned just enough to give him a pout, one you knew had him buzzing with excitement, eyes widening and grin widening, a sure sign that you were close to getting what you wanted, you always did.
"Eddie, will you pretty, pretty please come inside and have lunch with me?" It was a little more sarcastic than what he would have liked, but he relented, tossing his gloves to the side, following you into the house, opening the screen door for you, smacking your ass playfully just to hear you squeal when you slipped inside.
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youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
if you don't mind do you think you can do some Elvis angst I really enjoy them but I haven't found any and they don't have to be about anything in specific just as long as it has some angst a little fluff and smut you don't have to if you don't want to but I'll appreciate it!!! 🙏 If you want something to base it off it can be about Elvis affairs or y/n affairs and they get into fights or something and then make up but not until one of them makes it clear that they will leave one another if they don't stop (sorry if it doesn't make sense or sounds stupid😭)
I hope this covers all bases!! <3
“Come home, baby, please.” — elvis presley x reader
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Summary: You and elvis are fighting about him never being around because he’s ‘too busy’ but being seen with all these girls in the newspapers constantly, when you decide you’ve had it and leave for your parents house. After days and days go by and his guilt growing, he comes and gets you and you have make up sex in the car
Pairing: Elvis Presley or Austin!elvis x fem!reader
Word count: 1,800
Warnings: angsty, argument, yelling, SMUT, 18+, car sex, make up sex, unprotected sex, probably typos
“You’re never here, Elvis, never,” You yelled, throwing the newspapers at his feet, “and how is this supposed to make me feel any better?”
The headlines, yet again, in big, bold text, wrote about another woman spotted with him, mocking you with every word.
Elvis looked up, his expression a mix of surprise and irritation. “I am busy, Y/N, you know that, providing for you and every other god damn person I know. I have responsibilities.”
“Responsibilities? Is that what you’re calling it?” Your voice dripped with sarcasm. “Flirting with every girl who bats her eyelashes at you? Is that your responsibility too?”
He stood up abruptly, towering over you, “You know it ain’t like that, baby. Those girls mean nothing to me.”
“Then why do see these headlines every day, Elvis? Every. Damn. Day.” you retorted, your arms crossing over your chest in defiance. He leant down, picking up the newspapers you were standing on. He tore them to shreds, the sound of ripping paper filling the room.
“I don’t write these goddamn headlines, Y/N. What the hell do you want me to do about it?” His voice rose, surprising even himself with the aggression in his tone. “They ain’t mean nothin’ to me.”
“I want to believe you, Elvis, I really do,” you said, your voice trembling with a mixture of hurt and anger. “But I can’t keep living like this. I won’t be second best in your life.”
He reached out to touch your arm, but you flinched away.
“I mean it, Elvis. If this doesn’t stop, we’re over. Call me when you’re ready to start acting like a man,” you declared, your voice firm with resolve. With that, you grabbed your car keys from the bench and stormed out.
“Don’t you dare spe—“ Elvis shouted, but the door slamming shut behind you interrupted him before he could finish.
Elvis stood there, watching you go, his chest tight with a mixture of anger and regret. Huffing in frustration, he stared down at the shredded remnants of the newspapers scattered across the floor, the headlines mocking him with their accusations.
He expected you to come back that night, like you always did after a fight, but as the hours passed, and you didn’t return, he began to worry. Days went by, each one dragging on in agonising slowness as he waited for you to walk back through the door. He missed the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your eyes, the way you always knew how to soothe his mind.
One night he went out, and as per usual, he was met with the eager attention of adoring fans and all the girls who would swarm him, but it felt different this time. While he always swore it meant nothing, and it did, this time he felt sick with guilt, so much so he was headed home by midnight.
He sat alone on his side of the bed, the weight of his actions finally hit him. He realised that he couldn’t live without you, that he needed you in his life more than anything. Hesitating, he finally picked up his telephone. Unsure of where exactly you were, his best guess was your parent’s house.
His heart pounded in his chest as he waited hoped for you to pick up. Thinking he wasn’t going to get an answer, he was momentarily stunned when he heard your voice say ‘hello?’
You asked again, ‘hello?’
“Come home, baby, please,” he pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. There was silence as you replayed the sound of his voice in your mind.
“Alright, darlin’, you win,” he continued, “You’re my number one. It’s killing me going to bed without you,” he confessed.
“Come pick me up then,” you demanded, your voice softening slightly.
Without hesitation, Elvis agreed, relief flooding through him at the prospect of seeing you again. “I’m leaving right now,” he promised, the urgency in his voice evident. He really wasn’t kidding, you heard his keys jangling in his hands through the line.
You hung up, feeling a mix of emotions. You sat by the window in the living room, only a lamp on as your parents had gone to bed already, waiting for him to arrive. You didn’t know how to feel, only that you still loved him, despite everything.
It was a long drive to your parents, about 40 minutes, but he was there as soon as he could’ve been. Finally, he arrived, the headlights of his car casting long shadows across the familiar driveway. With a sigh of relief, he killed the engine and stepped out into the cool night air.
As he approached the front door, he hesitated for a moment, his hand poised to knock. But before he could make a sound and wake your family, the door swung open, and there you stood, bathed in the soft glow of the porch light. For a fleeting moment, Elvis was struck by the sight of you, how pretty you looked in the pale light.
You wanted to be angry with him, you wanted to give him the silent treatment and make him work for forgiveness but the second you saw his beautiful face, you couldn’t help but smile. Without a word, you stepped out onto the porch, closing the door softly behind you. Elvis met your gaze, his expression filled with remorse.
He opened your door for you, making his way around to the driver’s side once you were in. You looked over at him as he sat, his eyes already on you.
“I'm sorry, baby,” he says, his voice low and sincere, “don’t ever run away on me like that to me again.”
You turn to face him, your expression softening. “Don't ever make me feel like I have to,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I won't,” he promises, reaching out to take your hand, his lips grazing over your knuckles. “I swear.”
You can see the sincerity in his eyes, and you can't help but believe him, even if it might be against your better judgment. You lean over and press your lips to his, feeling the tension between you start to dissipate. You glance down, noticing the way his muscles tense under his shirt. You missed him. You really did. You’d never tell him that, though.
Without a word, you climbed onto his lap, straddling him as you deepened the kiss. His sucks in a surprised breath at your unexpected movement. You can feel his erection grow as you kiss him, the size of him putting pressure on your clit. You waste no time in releasing his cock from his pants, a silent invitation that he eagerly accepted as he deftly maneuvered your panties aside, his fingers tracing patterns of anticipation along the delicate curve of your thigh. You push his hand out the way, gently lowering yourself down onto him, your jaw hung open at the feeling.
A guttural groan escaped his lips as you bottomed out, the raw intensity of the moment leaving you both reeling. You began to move, a steady rhythm building between you as the car filled with the heady scent of arousal, the windows fogging over with the heat of you both. Elvis' hands roam over your body, touching you wherever he could as he whispered apologies and words of love.
He attempted to guide you to move up and down instead of back and forth, you took the hint, earning a series of raspy grunts from him. You could feel the tension building between you, the pleasure mounting higher and higher. As you rode him, you felt yourself getting closer to the edge. Elvis sensed it too, because his fingers found your clit, rubbing quick circles that sent you spiraling over the edge.
You cried out as you came, your orgasm rippling through you like a shockwave. You wrapped your arms around his neck, needing something to hold onto as you lost control of your body. Your orgasm coated his cock with more wetness, “I’ve got you,” he murmured, still thrusting himself up into you. Elvis followed you over the edge, groaning as he filled you with his release.
As you come down from your high, Elvis chuckles, looking towards the window.
“Makeup sex right outside your parents' window, who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?” He teased, lightly squeezing your ass.
You playfully punched him in the chest, shushing him as you tried to catch your breath. “Be quiet,” you whispered, blush colouring your cheeks.
Elvis grinned, pulling you close for a kiss. “I love you,” he says, his voice soft. He reaches his fingertip to the condensation on the window, drawing half a heart.
You smiled, reaching your hand over to finish the other half. “I love you too,” you say, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips.
You reluctantly pulled yourself off of Elvis' lap. He quickly adjusted his pants, tucking himself away before pulling off his jacket, wrapping it around you to keep you warm for the drive home.
“Let's get you home,” he said, his voice soft. He started the car, pulling away from the curb as you settled into the passenger seat. He rested his left hand on the steering wheel as he drove, his right arm wrapped around you holding you close to him. You leant into his body, feeling his warmth against you. You giggled, still feeling the aftershocks of earlier orgasm. He must’ve somehow known, because he leant down to press a kiss to your head.
“My girl,” he whispered. As you continued along the quiet road, the weight of the day and the events of the week began to catch up with you, exhaustion settling heavy upon your shoulders.
Elvis sensed your weariness, his arm tightening around you as he pulled you closer, cocooning you in the safety of his embrace. “You can sleep,” he whispered, “I’ve got you.”
You smiled, feeling the warmth of his words spread through you. You let yourself drift off, feeling safe and loved in his arms.
When you finally arrived back at his house, Elvis woke you gently, his touch a gentle caress against your skin as he guided you inside, still wrapped in his jacket. With his help, you changed into one of your nighties.
You brushed your teeth together, your eyes meeting, making you laugh in the mirror as you both rinsed.
As you climbed into bed, Elvis pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you. “I'm never letting you go again,” he whispered, his breath warm against your ear.
“I’ll hold you to that,” you say, snuggling closer to him, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a comforting lullaby as you drifted off to sleep, finally back in his.
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Man, this pisses me off so bad. If you're a woman who relates more to males than other women, it's because you've decided to focus more on how you're different from other women rather than how you're like them. You will literally never have more in common with males, and males do not feel the same way about you. These cute little posts that you write about how you love males more than your fellow women? They do not write the same thing about you. They hate and mock you constantly. Anyone remember "Cis women need to shut up"
"As a cis woman, I agree"
"You need to shut up, specifically"
Yea, that's how they feel about you and your solidarity.
The difference between lesbians and trans women in female spaces is the fact that lesbians do not have high rates of violence. There is no group of women that outclass men in terms of violent tendencies. Trans women retain the rates of male violence that regular men do. I'm not saying you have to treat trans women like they're all violent beasts, but if you can't see why female people would be uncomfortable with male people in their spaces, you're either naive or genuinely unsympathetic towards the very real fear that women have of being subjected to male violence. You can't say trans women and lesbians are similar because, unlike males, there is no statistical evidence that lesbians are highly likely to take advantage of a woman. If it turned out that 98% of rapes were committed by lesbians, I would 1000% understand why straight women don't fucking want to be around me. Have some fucking empathy, holy fucking shit. Even if you are completely on board with trans women being in female spaces, at LEAST acknowledge that it makes sense for women to be concerned about who is allowed in their spaces. It's crazy how I could tell someone I have a fear of dogs because one bit me when I was a kid, and they'd put their sweet pooch up, but God forbid a woman be cautious around a demographic who commit 90% of all violent crime. Oh no. That woman is suddenly a terf bitch.
I have nothing in common with trans women. I don't care how much pain they have experienced. We are not the same. When I was twelve, I cried and I cried as I put my palms together to pray to a God I hoped would be able to take away my homosexuality. I didn't even grow up in a particularly homophobic family. Both of my parents were accepting of me, but I still sat in the dark of my room, tears streaming down my face, as I prayed to have my sexuality changed.
Two years later, one of my friends made a joke about me dressing to impress my crush. She said my crushes name---a feminine name. A girl sitting in earshot heard her, turned to me, and asked me with disgust if I was gay. I said no without even thinking about it. It absolutely did not help that we were in a locker room with other girls. I was aware of my sexuality by that point, but I was 14 and unable to hold my own against a girl looking at me like THAT. For a few weeks after that, that girl made comments about how she was "watching me".
I know pain, I know discomfort, I know what it's like to feel predatory. Seeing feminine women, especially if they're white, makes me feel like an alien. I look at them and think "how are we so different? I see none of myself in you."
Sometimes I'm right. Sometimes we're not similar at all. But guess what? That doesn't mean I'm similar to a straight male. Fucking hell, sometimes I'm not similar to other lesbians. That's completely normal. I think OP needs to read better work by cishet women. If you think that there is not a single piece of cishet female writing that can move you more than something written by a male, you're not looking in the right places at all. I don't understand why some LB women seem to think that the very act of someone being a straight woman makes them incapable of relatability. Of course it makes sense for you to be cautious. Lesbians deal with a lot of alienation and predatory feelings, but if the very ACT of a woman being cis and straight makes you feel like she has absolutely nothing in common with you...? The issue lies with you. YOU are the one othering THEM. Not the other way around. You're the one who has decided that a few cis straight women othering you means that they ALL will so you'd better beat them to the punch. You're the one who has decided that your relationship to womanhood is so astronomically different from straight women that nothing they say speaks to you. That's INSANE. Do you realize how much you have to alienate yourself from womanhood to feel more relatability with a male person than a female one? Idk how to tell you this, but it is highly probable that the most cis, most het woman you have ever met has had a period. It's highly likely she's been harassed by a man. It's highly likely she's been made to feel inferior by way of being born female. No, they can't relate to the experience of being a lesbian who is made to feel predatory for no reason, but to say that nothing a cis het woman says/experiences can move you at all? Nothing they say can make you feel like your experience with womanhood and hers are similar? Do you realize how you sound? "Trans women have been harassed by men and made to feel inferior, too!!" Okay! So you should be able to relate to cis women in the way you do trans women, right?
I told my discord server that I was nervous about my future roommates. I showed them photos and someone said "all this tells me is that they're feminine and white" and I literally think about that all of the time. I was projecting. I was so scared that these white, feminine, probably straight women were going to judge me for being a black lesbian that I didn't even realize that I was the one violently judging them based off of nothing but their skin color and their femininity. I knew nothing about them. I STILL know nothing about them. I've barely spoken to them. But already I had labeled them as unrelatable judgemental women because of how they looked. Hold on. Wasn't I the one afraid of them judging ME? How could I be so afraid of them judging me for being a black lesbian when I was the one judging them already? What sense does that make?
You guys are so busy writing off cis straight women as unrelatable bigots that you've failed to see that you're the one who is extremely prejudiced against them. And I absolutely fucking know someone is gonna read this and say "well, you can't say that all trans women have male violence patterns and dahdahdahdah" and it's like. But YOU can say that cis straight women are so unbelievably different from lesbian women that you'd rather say you're more similar to a straight up fucking male???
I'm not saying it's not a little jarring to see women who are so different from me. I'm not saying I haven't been burned before and there's no reason for me (or other lesbians) to be cautious. But I will literally ALWAYS have more in common with cishet women than I ever will a man pretending to be a woman.
One time I had a professor. She was on the older side (I'd say 40's) and white. Not the type of person I'd think I'd click well with. She was straight and married with children. One day we talked after class, and the only thing that ended our conversation was the fact she had an event she had to go to. We would've talked longer if not for that. She emailed me a little while later to tell me that she enjoyed our chat. After that, she actually hugged me on two occasions. You wouldn't think we'd have common ground. An older, straight, married white mother and a young black lesbian. Both of us are "cis" but I can tell you I relate to her much better than I ever could someone born male.
I once had a personal trainer who was a feminine woman. She had acrylic nails and everything. One time she said that she couldn't hug her male friends anymore because she had a boyfriend (he wasn't the one enforcing that rule. That was something she personally felt). Also not someone I thought I'd click well with. But we did. One time we had a really productive discussion that was actually derived from the conversation with my professor. I felt very close to her in that moment. Our conversation came to a close because she had another client, but I still think about that convo.
There have been so many fucking times where I thought "this woman is not like me. Look at her." But what I realized was that I was the judgmental one. I was the one deciding we were different, not her. I was the one writing her off. I was the one convinced we had nothing in common.
I am BEGGING you not to alienate your fellow women. There are no inherent traits that make you unable to relate to other women. No amount of whiteness or cisness or straightness can make a woman completely unreachable. I am NOT talking about political parties or views so don't fucking try me with that shit. Obviously that puts a wedge between people, but someone simply being born cis and het does not make them alien from you. For God's sake, look at the fucking MeToo movement. Women from all fucking backgrounds who share an experience that an unfortunate amount of women go through. Women from all different races, sexualities, etc. who came together to talk about how they've been subjected to sexual violence. Ellen degeneres was one of them. How does that fit into your "lesbians and cishet women cannot relate to each other" spiel?
OP's post has 130k notes and it makes me fucking sick. Holy crap y'all, we need more solidarity than this. Other women are not your enemy. I'm begging you to reconsider your approach to women who are different than you. You are missing out on people who can love and support you in a way that literally no male can. You are depriving yourself. Just because a few cishet women in the past alienated you, does not mean that you have to continue their legacy. Let it go. Everyone on earth can see you embracing your hatred of women, and you wonder why your fellow women never hug you? They fucking can't! Put your hatred down and make space for the love that comes with realizing that you absolutely are like other girls!
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microtyalm13 · 6 months
How would your ocs react to a partner whos very vocal and loud in bed, like every moment they can't go without spouting some type of praise. . . ask, totally not based on a chat im having - 🐠🎩
mmmhehehhe... < З I LIKE THIS QUESTION DEAR FISH ANON. okaaaayyy lessgooo.... also feel free to send me more questions like this one, it was fun to write for everyone <3 deity, naga, monster under the bed, kikimora, fallen god, mothman x reader. derzena x fem!reader, the rest is gender-neutral. there could be mistakes and im npt s orrty
gavriil. — the louder you are the better, honestly. gavriil here is a provider, he cares about your pleasure more than his own, so there's nothing more rewarding than to hear your voice break so deliciously. sex with him is a praising galore... loves receiving it too! he's very talkative and mostly breathes heavily or hums in amusement/delight. if you don't want to make noise on principle, that's a whole different story. will take it as a challenge. will fuck the noises out of you. breaking your indifferent facade until you're nothing but a drooling, whining mess always makes him so smug and proud.
xiaolong. — prefers it if you're at least somewhat vocal because he want to hear how good he makes you feel, so you being so unashamed is perfect for him. loves cutting off your never-ending stream of sweet words and whimpers by kissing you. will remind you to keep it down sometimes though, because "you don't want the whole inn to hear your pretty moans now, do you? they're reserved for my ears only, isn't that right, dear? mmhm, that's it". can't get enough of how lovely your voice sounds when you call out his name. will probably tease you about that later...
taisya\tasechka. — when he's balls deep inside of you, he would absolutely not care. he won't even hear you probably, driven blindly by his instincts and desires. that's why when you want him to stop or give you a second for whatever reason, you need to show it with your body language. give him a pat, a punch (he won't mind), a squeeze. he pays much more attention to how your body moves and shudders underneath him, how your breathing patterns change. values your physical participation more than anything else. this guy is also pretty loud himself, though his noises are not very... pleasant on the ears and sometimes his voice morphs in funny ways, giving that uncanny edge to his low whines and growls.
derzena. — she will be... a bit surprised. she didn't have many lovers, and most of them were pretty quiet and/or shy in her presence (no wonder, bc she has a very... intimidating stare). at first she will think she did something wrong, or, heavens forbid, hurt you. derzena is a very careful woman, mainly because she's very aware of her sizes and strength. but once you reassure her and tell her that you're just very vocal in bed, she'll except it and will move on. she'll learn to love it very quickly, silently relishing in your gasps and loud pleas. she might lose herself for a good while between your legs, eating you out for hours and pushing her thick, smooth tongue deeper into your pussy to see if she can make you even louder.
veniamin. — oh he is so mean. likes it when you're loud just because he gets to shut you up. a hand clasped tightly over your mouth or pushing your face into the pillow, he doesn't care as long as you're keeping up the volume and writhing under him. when he's feeling gracious enough he'll let you ride him and babble all you want. until then, he'll keep calling you a desperate little thing, mocking the noises you make <З despite that, he also loves it when you talk back or insult him in return. it's the "missionary, so we can keep arguing" for him. smug fucker wants nothing more than to rile you up and then make you whine in disappointment by ruining your orgasm... for the fourth time in a row.
livy. — he hasn't had much experience with humans before, so he thinks it's perfectly normal for you to express yourself the way that you do. livy thinks it's very pretty actually, and won't stop you, because no one will hear you in the middle of the forest, where his cave resides. except for him, of course <з lets out happy chirps and clicks in return, or hisses sweetly when your little hole squeezes him so tightly. will ask how you feel very frequently, seeking your approval. might get too excited and get a bit rough, fucking you into the ground, trying to stuff you full of his cock despite you being so much smaller in comparison to him.
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trashiewrites · 2 years
hi I was wondering if you can make ghost x reader
When he returns from an assignment and is at the door of his house and wearing a mask and a headscarf, then his new neighbor greets him and she is nice girl , but she gets surprised when she see his his mask . I love your account btw. ♥️♥️
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Hello Neighbor! (Ghost x Reader)
Word count: 801
Rating: E for everyone
7 months... That's how long it has been since Simon has seen his own front door. To be honest, He was sort of relieved to be back home, in his own personal space. Parking his car in his driveway, he looked over at his phone. -1 Celsius outside, "No wonder I was freezing my balls off earlier. Being in Mexico really fucked up my cold tolerance..." he sighed pulling up the bottom of his head scarf. 
Silently he opened the car and headed to the door, fiddling in his pocket for the keys. "Fuck, where are they." he cursed under his breath. As he was busy scrambling for his keys, some curious quiet footsteps came ever so closer. 
"Hi, pardon my intrusion but you live here?" A female voice spoke behind him, "I don't mean to be rude or anything." he sighed, he was still wearing his mask. Hoping to have her easily leave afterward he answers, quietly. 
"I do, I was off on business..." 
"Ahh! Okay, no wonder I have never seen anyone here!" Simon sighed; his pockets were empty. Perhaps they are in his car... "Well, you see, I guess I could say I'm your new neighbor. I moved in about 3 months ago! Oh, my name is (y/n) by the way!" 
"Simon..." Simon turned around to face the young woman, she yelped and jumped back. "Pardon my uh... appearance. I don't really take this off, just so you know..." He pointed at his mask. Her face, which was once shocked, turned quickly into curiosity, and she cleared her throat. 
"Y-yeah, sorry I yelped," She chuckled, "It does catch people by surprise. But no worries, I'd still like to get to know you!" She fiddled with her hair, and Simon stood still for a moment. Usually, anyone that has seen him often meets him once and then never again. So, this reaction was nothing short of shocking to him.  To be honest, He hoped she was being literal. 
"That's very kind of you, But honestly not necessary." He walked past her and back to his car, looking through the window for his keys. Thereupon the seat, there sat his keys, how conveniently placed. He pulled the handle, but the car door didn't budge. "You ought to be joking..." He groaned; he laid his head on the top of his car.
"You need help there, neighbor?" She leaned on the hood of his car, "left your keys inside, and the car auto-locks, honestly, that's bad luck." Simon rubs his temples, looking over to the woman who had such an innocent face despite her light mocking. Simon cackles, the two shared a sense of humor. 
"Well, besides having to bust my car door open. How could you help me, neighbor." (y/n) smiled seeing him play along with her, "To be honest, not really looking forward to doing the first option."
"Well, I'm glad you asked! No door-busting will be needed today because I know it might not look like it, but I know how to pick locks!" She smiled, skipping around him to the other side. "You know you're not the only one they avoid." She lightly nudged Simon to the side so she was in front of the car lock. She bent down, taking a small pack out of her purse. Simon couldn't help but be curious about her comment. People ignored her too, but she looks perfectly normal. 
"What do you mean, they all avoid you too?" She hummed in response, nodding her head. 
"They get off that I'm single and own my own house. and secondly, they all get suspicious cause I'm a mechanic. I run a pretty popular shop with lots of clients so, of course, I get off pretty well!" She looks up at Simon with a shy smile, "Most people in this place are families or older folk who do whatever say anything they please. Mainly, traditional folk, so I don't really mix you see..." One last small click and the door lock pops, "Viola! Easy as pie!" She opens the door and steps aside.  
"Y-yeah, thanks..." Simon steps forward and grabs his keys, "That's quite the scary skill you have there." she closes his car door, raising her eyebrows in amusement. 
"Who knows I might invite myself in to see you," She laughed and turned away, "I really won't so don't worry okay? but Imma head back now, I'll leave you to settle in! I bet it's been a while since you've been home." She went to the front of his driveway, "I'll stop by sooner or later, maybe we can hang out for a bit neighbor!" She smiled as she waved, "Rest well Simon!"
Simon clutched his keys, waving back shortly then heading to his door. Unlocking the door, he chuckled "Yeah... See you then, Neighbor."
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itsprashimusic · 7 months
Hot Sauce and Rice (ln4 and cl16)
A/n - based off of 5 seconds of two different tiktoks i saw on insta reels. ik there are some reel haters out there but don't judge me, tiktok has been banned in my country since 2020.
Warnings - just some fluff with these two 'kitchen nuisances'. not very long, i just had to get this out of my system. like two bad words, two suggestive comments, not proofread.
Happy reading🩵
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Hot Sauce
Before she met Lando, he was the type of guy who lived with one of every utensil in the house. Though now after having been with his girlfriend for a while, things have changed. Laundry is done properly, he learned how to handwash his white clothes and always cleans the lint filter from the dryer.
She had been scrolling through reels for hours, bored out of her mind, but had nothing better to do to pass the time. That's when she came across a new trend, seeing if your partner knew how to clean hot sauce off of the kitchen counter.
Knowing her boyfriend, she pulled herself out of bed and made her way to her boyfriend, the subject of yet another tiktok trend. "Landoo" she yelled while trying to find him, "I need you for something."
Lando, who was sitting in the living room just sighed. He knew what that yell meant. His girlfriend entered the room and stood in front of him. He said her name, "I'm not doing this" "Oh, come on, baby" she whined.
"Nuh-uh. Last time I did a tiktok trend with you my face was stained red for a week. Everyone called me tomato." She let out a small giggle at the reminder of what happened last time.
"This one isn't that bad." He gave her a look. "Please," she said with a face that he couldn't resist. His walls fell and he grumbled under his breath, "fine." She celebrated by grabbing his arm and dragging him into the kitchen. He whined out her name the entire way there.
She opened her camera, pressed the record button, and propped her phone up against a bottle. Lando stood there looking tired, rubbing one eye with his hand, the other in his hoodie pocket. He was really clueless on what she was planning on doing.
She took out the hot sauce, honey and the container with flour. She then proceeded to pour small globs of the hot sauce and honey on the counter and scattered a bit of the flour as well. She then stepped back and looked at him. He looked at her, "What?"
"Can you clean those up for me?"
He kept looking at her. "I guess you don't know how to clean up messes-" This was a trap, she knew he would fall for it. "Hey!" he said in mock offense, "I can clean up messes." She just shrugged and took a step back. The McLaren driver picked up the kitchen cloth and tried cleaning the hot sauce first, which went as smoothly as she knew it would (not smooth at all).
The mess just spread. "What the-" the tired look on Lando's face was swapped with confusion. He finally seemed wide awake. He tried cleaning it again with the same dirty cloth which only made it worse. "Whatever," he said under his breath and moved on to the honey hoping it would be easier. It was not.
His girlfriend stood behind him, covering her mouth with her hands trying to contain her laughter. Both of their faces were visible on the camera, meaning she could see his reaction to when the paper towel he took got stuck to the honey.
He tried picking the tissue up but was surprised when it came up with a hole in it and some of the paper stuck to the counter due to the honey. The woman was finding it harder and harder to keep her laughs quiet.
But it really became a challenge when instead of cleaning up the scattered flour with a dry towel, he added water thinking it would help. It very obviously did not. The flour turned into a sticky paste which was just as bad as the honey.
"Fuck it, I give up. How do people clean up these fucking messes." he threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. His girlfriend was nearly howling with laughter. "Baby how sleep deprived are you?" she asked him while hugging him from behind. "But how did- why did the flour turn into a paste?" he turned in her arms and looked at her.
"Maybe because you added water to a powder." She said with a teasing smile. "but ho- oh that makes sense." His face of realisation sent her into another fit of laughter, though this time the racer joined his girlfriend.
"Huh, this tiktok was not that bad."
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She had a busy day ahead of her. A few online meetings and multiple errands to run. Her partner was home for the week, and she wanted to get as many errands out of the way as she could.
"Ange,"(angel) Charles peeked his head into their shared room where she was finishing up with her hair for the day. "Yea babe?" she replied while unplugging the straighter from the socket. "What are you cooking for dinner?" "Chicken, beans and rice."
He nodded, "What were you thinking for dessert?" She locked eyes with him in the mirror, her eyes sparkling with mischief, she said with a cheeky smile, "You know what I always want for dessert."
His eyes widened for a moment, "Aye, not that. You want cake or ice cream?" he tried to hide his smile, but his red cheeks betrayed how he really felt about what she said. "Ice cream. It's too hot for just cake." He nodded again. She got up to leave, and grabbed her bag, "I should be out for a few hours, but I'll try to get back before it gets too late." The couple shared a short kiss before she left.
A few hours had passed, and she was running late. She picked up her phone and sent Charles a text.
-I'm gonna be late, can you wash and set up the rice on the stove?
She got a reply within seconds.
40 minutes later she entered the house, thinking that the rice would have been close to being done by then. The scene with which she was about to be greeted with when she entered the kitchen was not what she would have expected.
Charles was still washing the rice, with a toothbrush in one hand and a singular grain in the other. There was a very small pile of wet rice grains in the cooker and a dry pile in a bowl next to the sink. Her fiancé was hunched over the sink very focused on his task of washing the rice.
"Baby," she said with an amused smile. "Ange, you are home already?" his attention remained on the grain of rice as he ran it under the water, put it in the pile in the cooker, and picked up another grain from the bowl.
"Yes I am, baby what are you doing?" this caused him to look at her, still hunched over.
"Washing the rice like you said." He said it so innocently, it made her want to wrap him up in bubble wrap and keep him tucked away safely in her pocket.
"Cha, that's not how you wash rice." "It's not?" he looked at the grain he was cleaning. She could no longer take it and pulled him into a hug, a big smile plastered on his face. One hand was around his back while the other was threaded in his hair.
"Then how do you wash rice?" his voice was slightly muffled.
She kissed him with a smile on her face. After pulling apart she showed him how to wash rice and got it set up on the stove. Dinner was ready within an hour and was delicious, though dessert was even better.
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famous!readers back you guys and its angstier than ever.
Okay so I skipped dinner.
I physically couldn’t handle the expected awkwardness 
I lied and told him my manager needed to to talk me and it was urgent
He's a profiler you dumb bitch
Part of me feels bad, but it’s not like I don’t want to make amends with him and his team; it’s just that ever since I was a little girl, I’ve struggled with confrontation, and it’s followed me into adulthood. I know avoiding the issue won’t make it go away, and I’m fully aware that he probably sees right through my excuse. Still, the thought of facing him and his team, of having to explain myself and potentially deal with their disappointment, feels like too much to handle right now. It’s frustrating to be so paralyzed by something as simple as a conversation, but I’m hoping that with time and a bit of courage, I can find a way to address it.
Adding to my anxiety about confronting them is the lingering sting of how they treated me behind my back. I’d overheard them making fun of my singing and mocking my songs, which felt like a punch to the gut. It wasn’t just the hurtful comments but the sense of betrayal from a group I had hoped would be supportive. The thought of facing them now feels like stepping into a hostile environment, where every word and gesture might be laced with judgment or ridicule. This makes my reluctance to confront the situation even more overwhelming, as the fear of being dismissed or belittled looms large.
On top of everything, I already feel incredibly insecure about being around Spencer’s team. Here I am, a singer trying to make a name for myself, while they’re FBI profilers, experts in their field, and it’s hard not to feel like my career is a joke in comparison. The stark contrast between our worlds—my creative, emotionally driven profession versus their analytical, high-stakes work—makes me question if I even belong in their presence. Every interaction feels like an unspoken judgment of my career choice, amplifying my insecurities and making me doubt whether my passion for music is taken seriously or just seen as a frivolous hobby in their eyes.
I then decide to go out to a party to self soothe God knows i need it, seeing all my friends 
Bella, gigi and ariana all my friends making it their duty to make me feel better about my current situationship
I then see a blonde, gorgeous woman walk into the club 
Its lila archer
Lila always secretly resented me, for what reason i'm not sure, but one thing i do know is that i'm not the problem lilas notorious for being a huge bitch to almost everyone she comes in contact with. Her fame getting to head 24/7 I truly want someone to shoot me if i ever turn out to be like her, so rude so dismissive so-
Wait whys she walking over here? Was i talking out loud???? 
“y/nnnnnnn???’’ she dreadfully drags out. ‘’ what are you doing here, everyone else told me youve been at home moping over a guy” voice FILLED with mockery terribly trying to be hidden with concern 
I finally get the courage to say something.
“ wow words get around fast i guess”
“ im here for you you know, if you ever need advice, like beauty advice, or just friend advice”
I already feel immensely insecure around her. her gorgeous eyes, body face, dating history
Before i can say anything back she chirps up and says
‘’ what is his name anyways? Wont spill the beans, promise.”
‘’ wow so I don't get a last name” she says and laughs, " that poisonous laugh will kill me one day.
I can see the knowing smirk forming on her face and i'm confused on whats humorous about his name
‘’ oh my god, you mean FBI spencer reid, that dirty dog just can’t get enough of the public eye girls can he, he sure does have a mouth on him though.’’
Fuck. my. Life. 
He said i was his  first girlfriend,
Im hyperventilating internally 
‘’ maybe you're thinking of someone else lila, spencer said i'm his first girlfriend”
‘’ Oh you probably are, we still had fun though, he saved my life. Of course I'd reward him for it.”
I swear the music in the club stopped when she said that
‘’ excuse me.’’
I say as i quickly power walk out the nightclub and into my car to go home
You might be asking why i'm freaking out so bad
Spencer told me we were each others first time.
I gave him my virginity thinking it was his first time too.
He lied.
He lied.
He lied.
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