#and I forget stuff okay
theseprecioushearts · 2 years
I forgot how many bops there are on Speak Now. Hurry up sis and release Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) so I can add it back into rotation.
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ryssbelle · 4 months
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The lore from this post, rip in pieces clay you will be missed.
Also featuring Jade an oc by @spjs shes the one next to John in the second to last page :D she was in one of their fics and I fell in love with her.
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egophiliac · 1 year
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still absolutely losing my mind over Lilia
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sleepis4theweak · 3 months
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This comic is based off my little brother- who I adore to bits- but who also struggles saying "I love you", "I miss you" or "I'm worried about you". Instead of saying those things he tends to do random acts to get my attention and/or cheer me up. When I left for college he brought up a ton of stuff that he had stolen from me over the years and it was honestly very cute. <3
(This is actually months and months old- but I found it the other day and I don't think I ever posted it (maybe???), which is a shame 'cause I remember being really proud of it. If I did post it and I forgot... uhhhh happy repost? Idk)
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cubedmango · 9 days
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kelocitta · 8 months
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The Blend No need to run if you never got found
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buggstr · 1 month
its not safe to go alone, take this
felt whimsical for a moment (id like to throw her by a cliff and watch her be taken by the breeze because shes as tiny and light as a plume, until she gets blown away to the ocean and drowns)
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the-fo0l · 10 months
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Spencer Reid x gn!reader hcs
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Notes: lotta spencer content has him as an asshole, pregnancy, angst, smut, insecure reader...so here's some classic fluff
Warnings: fluff!, earlier seasons reid +he's kind of a simp (and a bit subby ;))
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the way his eyes just absolutely light up whenever he sees you <3
the man's a total genius, but only in the book-smart way, socially, he's a little...stunted
he's very much not used to any proper form of love, so you're gonna have to be a bit patient with him while he gets used to it
but believe me he is trying his very best cause he does not want to dissapoint you
at first he thought your love of his rambles was just a way to make fun of him
but since you seem to actually like listening to him talk, he'll take the opportunity to ramble to you about anything and everything on his mind
which the team appreciates, he has an outlet to rant to, someone to attend his geeky events with, and most importantly, someone reliable to support him
(they are still annoyed when he's constantly on the phone with you, meanwhile there's an active crime scene a few meters away)
before you two started dating he probably already considered you his best friend who he totally neverrrr had a crush on (sarcasm)
he was blushing, stuttering, jittery mess when he asked if he may be your boyfriend
and yes, that's how politely he asked
or at least he tried to, you had to cut off his blabbering with a "yes"
how could you ever say no to such a charming, lovable, polite young man
plus yk...he's cute as hell
the type to go out of his way to wake up early to make your coffee and breakfast just the way you like
wearing matching rings, either with each other's initials or some nerdy inside joke
he absorbedly teases the ring on his finger when he misses you
whenever someone mentions you he gets visibly more engaded in the conversation, and the team teases him like crazy for it
like, sometimes the crew'll pretend to be talking about you and watch how reid immediatly perks up from whatever file he was buried in and turns to look where the he heard your name be spoken. and he falls for it every. fucking. time
gushes to you about any new interesting books, reseach, interesting statistics, facts, events etc
in a similar vein, he'll get caught in gushing to the gang about how cool and smart and funny his partner is
rizzes you up w magic tricks
but can't handle you flirting with him, he's smiling like an idiot and bashfully looking away, with his face all red
a lot of people say he wouldn't like pda, and i get it, but i think if you've been together long enough and he feels comfortable around you he's not shy about expressing it, verbally or physically
i mean yeah, it's not "all up in your face" pda, it's with smaller affectionate gestures
vents all his thoughts, concerns and emotions out to you, and listens attentively and patiently when you have to vent
falls in love with you all over again listening to you get caught up talking about your interests/opinions
man's capable of easily retaining encyclopedias worth of info, so anything and everything you tell him gets commited to his database of a mind
be it the most insignificant gossip or tiniest detail about your childhood, you best belive he's never forgetting that shit
tries his best to not profile you or try to explain your emotions to you, but really he dosen't need to be told twice when it comes to learing the intricacies of realationship ettiquette
he's never dated anyone before and he's about as nervous as he is excited
deeply fears disappointing you, hates the thought of being a burden to you, so hearing affirmations of your love verbally means a lot
more than anything he needs a solid positive presence to help him deal with his emotions
so if he's had a really bad day, or a rough case, he comes to your front door and just totally breaks down and falls into your arms, crying into your shoulder
if anything traumatic were to happen to him, you're the first person he needs to be there
and if he woke up in a hospital bed he'd immediately start asking for you, rather frantically too
and if the event is traumatic enough, he may become a bit codependent, at least for a week during the recovery process
used to get jittery around you from nerves, now it's from the uncontainable happiness he feels being around you
his kisses are so shy and inexpirenced but also so, so needy and desperate
he'd die if you ever custom made a puzzle or quiz with questions about your relationship, like he'd be so overjoyed, literally would never shut up about it
(he'd nail it ofc)
reid usually isn't one for physical affection, like, not at all
but it's completely the opposite with you, he can't seem to keep himself away
and the guy is starved for touch...or really affection of any kind, so whenever he can, he clings onto any part of you he can
sits on your lap facing you, it's like you guys' favorite relaxing position, it's so intimate
follows you around like a puppy, all giddy and stupid with love
always holds your hand or onto your forearm while walking beside you
cuddles very close, tightly intertwined with you
you'll have to squirm and push while he just pulls himself closer into the crook of your neck
or yk just tickle his sides when he least expects it
reads to you, odds are whatever book it is, he's already read it, dozens of times over if it's a classic or scientific. he very well could just recite it but if there wasn't a book to look at, he'd have to look at you which would make him get distracted and trail off
which you'd, of course, playfully tease him for
in conclusion, you're never allowed to break up with him, i don't make the rules, it's the law
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shuuen-no-cimory · 8 days
Also of course, it ain't me if I don't crossover my current hyperfixation with my ultimate current hyperfixation. So... Degrees of Lewdity x ProjectMoon! (This post is full of me yapping as I explain each drawing, so I guess, be ready?)
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First, I'll go hard with Whitney as R Corp. 4th Rabbit Team. The initial idea was that he reminds me so much of RHeath LMAO But eventually I love the idea because I think he'd go along with Myo well. Plus... Somehow imagining Whitney in Rabbit Team Hatchery shenanigans seems... Interesting.
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Next is Eden. If anyone notice, I originally designed him based of 2 Abnos: Der Freischutz and Big Bird. Der Frei was, of course, a nod to his title as a Hunter, and a marksman as well. For Big Bird... Yeah definitely there's the Big Bird in DoL, yet I think temperance-wise, Eden does felt similar to Big Bird. A creature living in a forest, thinking they protect others by doing the action that definitely doesn't seems to be out of protection. As for RRH, oh think about this: Being hunted down while getting marked. One by a hunter, and another by a wolf. Oh isn't it just reminds me of something...? Right
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Funny enough, before I designed the school LIs properly, I reimagined them as The City's feathers. "If they're living in the City and has to work with one Wing, which one they'll work on?" I've talked about R. Corp Whitney earlier so I'll talk about the others! Robin, L Corp. - I can imagine him with the pressing needs to survive under the weight of Bailey's rent ends up either being sent or signed himself up as an agent for L Corp. The Wing doesn't ask that much requirement as per Hokmah's story while the agent supposed to have a great pay (being a wing and all). Hence, I think he might work for L Corp. Sydney, K Corp. - The idea was that after graduating, Sydney might follow Sirris path in science. Being the obedient child she is (as we sees on the game before they get corrupted), she probably choose to do what Sirris might do hence her as K Corp. researcher. Oh anyway, truly this is just a fyi that doesn't seems to be related to anything, I reimagined Harper as Dongrang in this scenario, with the whole Teary-Thing problem exist. Oh, lucky enough for Sydney to help producing K Ampule that definitely just as seen in the canon Limbus story. Just saying. Kylar, W Corp. - This one actually a rather fun idea. This is set with the idea that Kylar work as the Clean Up Member, with parents that's definitely unaware with how their child work but nevertheless proud with him. They'd even use WARP Train solely to be sent off by Kylar each time, much to Kylar silent dismay. If only they know what Kylar has to clean up among the 6 seconds they went into the train... Read one of the reblog tag and yeah. It has to do with Love Town. And pretty much how Kylar had to regularly assemble his parents again and again each trip they made.
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LCB! SYDNEY LET'S GOOOO!!!! This idea came as I made my LCB-esque ID Card for Sydney. The idea of LCB Sydney's background was that it's pretty much what happened in the game, but make it The City-esque and seen from Sydney's eyes. It's fun imagining her as a Dieci Fixer who was caught in a complicated issue which she rather dip out from as she hasn't fully grow the backbone to face it yet. Oh right, in this AU I reimagined Ivory as Abnormality and both Sydney and Kylar got their EGO. Sydney got their Longing Phase EGO (HE, Gloom) while Kylar got the Haunting Phase EGO (WAW, Wrath). I actually had a draft of how the EGO works and its gimmick but let's talk it later on lol
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When Yield My Flesh event is up on Limbus, my head doing the funny by thinking, "Damn... Jun Wren sounds cool..." then I remember Tingtang exist like jfgdjfgbjd HE FITS BETTER AS TINGTANG WHY DIDN'T I THINK ABOUT IT ON A SIDE NOTE, I also had the thought on how Bailey MIGHT kills it as either a Kurokumo or a Middle. After all, Middle never forget... Just like how Bailey never forget your rent LOL
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And last but not least: Sydney and Robin as L Corp. Agent! Robin will be a high Temperance agent which work for Safety Team, while Sydney is the high Fortitude, high Prudence Disciplinary Team Captain. Oh, if you do notice: I made Sydney's cross looks like Penitence EGO Weapon. It's actually based of this idea of how One Sin and WhiteNight's dynamic thematically fits Sydney the Faithful and Sydney the Fallen. The name of both Abnos' EGO Set-- "Penitence" and "Paradise Lost" respectively, both fits the image of each Sydneys. Hence, I draw them in both EGO Sets!
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deimosatellite · 1 month
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ahh sorry mentally ill hours heres my silly raskolnikov and alyosha karamazov fuckass manga idea creatures again
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juustozzi · 1 month
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soccer club shenanigans! also, don't mind the alt uniforms, these were drawn while I was writing and while they're not exactly fic art they share the vibe
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cha1cedony · 3 months
Are you a Tumblr user? (Yes)
Do you love Grant Wilson? (I should hope so)
Did you listen to this week’s Teen Talk and think, “Hey, that’s me! I’m the Grant angst enjoyer who was unnecessarily sad about him having to kill that chimera despite all the other wacky violence in this podcast!” ????
Well, boy, do I have the fic for you!
Um. You should read my fic Silver Linings 😁 which is now complete!
It’s over 110k words of 13-14 year old Grant angst (yay) set in a normal life AU! Mostly about his relationships (with his parents, his classmates, and his soccer coach Darnell), as well as his queerness and mental health struggles :) I’d say it’s coming-of-age adjacent.
Sound interesting? (Say yes /j) GOOD NEWS! 😎 You can.. go read it! (Wow) But if you’ve already read it, I’m planning two sequels and at least two Darryl-centric spinoff fics. I’m not sure which will start next, but it will either be White Lies or Good as Gold! (first time I’m announcing those titles ^_^ everyone clap. /j again) Thank you for the support and love on this fic!
Okay shameless self-promo over 😁 My AO3 is chalcedony if you’re interested in checking it out! Idk if anyone will see this rn but I’ll probably rb it after the S2 finale or something idk. Okay byeeeeee :3c
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doctorsiren · 4 months
can we see chief prosecutor phoenix wright? ( aka after the seven years? )
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here’s a rough concept idea perhaps nothing is final
Playing on the idea of card suit —> suit of armour + he’s really theatrical and dramatic also I gave him a mustache uhm because I could?
He acts all dramatic and regal, but he’s still super silly and just a grownup theatre kid ready for the renaissance fair
Also I accidentally unconsciously based it off of Mysterio in Far From Home 😭
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giselles-dumping-hat · 3 months
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A few yttd doodles from a couple months ago + a more recent one
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deoidesign · 6 days
Just a reminder, I have a patreon!!!
I've been working on actually making stuff to post more often for the lower tiers, and have been consistently doing so!
I post at least a few sketches and drawings every month for the $1 and up patrons
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and I've been working on episodes and sharing some updates with my $5 and up patrons
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And I have a merch club for $15 a month, but there's still some $10 slots left! I design and send usually a postcard and some stickers to my patrons every month, but sometimes I'll do some experimental stuff; last month I did foil prints, for instance, and a few months before I made magnets!
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It also gets you access to private channels in my discord server, where I ask for patron input on things like the merch or drawings, and where I sometimes stream while working :)
Buuuut also, even if you don't want any of this stuff, it's a great way to support me directly if you like my work! I'm still on hiatus so I'm not making any money from work at the moment, but I'm working hard and my patreon enables me at least to buy my groceries!
Here's the link one more time, no pressure of course but I need to promote my patreon more so people actually know it exists haha
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futuristichedge · 4 months
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