#also thinking on like Alice in Wonderland I think
yourladyem · 2 days
Beetlejuice Thoughts
If they have no intention of making Beetlejuice 3 why name the sequel Beetlejuice Beetlejuice?
They could have named something else. Burton is too smart to name a film Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and not expect people to say he needs to do Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
Burton says he won't do another one at the same rate it took for this sequel and acts like he won't do another one but he also wasn't sure he'd ever do a sequel to the original and yet here we are.
This film is doing too well for Burton to ignore and promoting the romance between Beetlejuice and Lydia so much on the press tours with an open ending doesn't make sense for it to be the final one. I think Burton is testing the waters to watch the fans' reactions and then go from there.
He listened to Keaton and Ryder about what they always wanted for their characters and it's the exact same conclusion. They are in love with each other and want to marry as their endgame. Why leave it so open and unfulfilled?
Burton seems to typically close out his films with definite endings once he's ready to move on to other projects.
Burton is also not against romance in his stories and some got the HEA.
Burton closed out Edward Scissorhands with a definite ending.
He closed out Nightmare Before Christmas with a definite ending. HEA.
He closed out The Corpse Bride with a definite ending. HEAish
He closed out Alice in Wonderland with a definite ending mostly because the last film wasn't that great IMO. But many moments of romantic hints between Hatter/Alice.
He closed out Dark Shadows with a definite ending. HEA.
He didn't close out Batman with a HEA but it's still a definite ending (but Batman always goes on and he was closed out several times in the comics including a HEA with Catwoman and their daughter Helena).
But Beetlejuice is left open for a second time and his main character's entire motivation changes from wanting to terrorize the Living to being hopelessly in love with the main girl he lost decades ago and wants to marry her for good solely because he loves her?
Burton is good about closing out films and character chapters. Too many plot holes and open interpretations for it to end with this film. Plus, it's just too dang popular. I doubt he also considered a Beetlejuice kids cartoon when the film came out, but we got it, and it was awesome. He was the executive producer of it too.
It just doesn't make sense even for a wacky Burton project like Beetlejuice to not have a final film to close everything out without leaving any room for ambiguous plot holes.
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l-in-the-light · 2 days
The most embarrassing series of posts about Lawlu you will ever read: edition Whole Cake Island (part 12)
Lawlu in Whole Cake Island? There is none! Actually... do we really need Law to be present to analyze it, come to think of it? Luffy is really all we need; to watch his behaviour, things he says, his determination, to guess how Law's influence would show and how partying ways with him (even if temporarily) would impact Luffy.
This is the Alice in Wonderland Arc of One Piece, which means Luffy's main struggle will be to face himself, his own weakness, fears, and maybe even his own self-hatred. Which is why this time it won't be the usual scrutinizing analysis of frame by frame, but instead I will take a deep-dive into Luffy's mind. Are you ready? :D
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Luffy starts Whole Cake Island arc in a rush. Because why wouldn't he feel in a rush? There's a wedding to stop! There's a chance they won't make it in time, after all. But... seeing how Zou ended, there's probably one more reason why Luffy is so irritated and wants to get things done as fast as possible... there will be someone waiting for him in Wano, alongside the rest of Luffy's own crew. Luffy could tolerate being seperated from his own crew for two years, but this two weeks trip to Whole Cake Island seems like a torture to him. What changed exactly between timeskip and now? Oh, right, Law got added into the picture ;)
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"See? She didn't have any problem with my yeeting!" and I wish he could add "Law also had no trouble after I yeeted us in Dressrosa, you should be more hardboiled like him!", because I swear, this feels like the thing he actually means. And he is right, Law hated being yeeted, but he dealed with it just fine in the end, keeping his clear mind and sense of direction intact.
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And then, out of nowhere, Luffy gains an interest in cooking. Luffy, of all people! The very same Luffy who thought a musician is more essential on the crew than a cook!
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He even compares Nami's nutritional knowledge to a doctor instead of a cook. For Luffy, a cook is just someone who makes your food look and taste extra great, but it's not neccessary for a kid who grew up in a jungle eating everything the way it comes or simply by roasting it over a fire. So why is he suddenly so interested in cooking?? Is he missing Sanji that much? Is he trying to make his crew miss Sanji so the reunion is more emotional? Good guesses, but they have one flaw: they don't take Luffy's personality enough into account.
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Back in East Blue, Luffy agreed to recruit a cook before a musician only because his crew wanted one and also because he's a freaking glutton.
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"You guys are really rude, I made this food for you!" now that doesn't fit with Luffy's personality of "I want to eat all the meat". Suddenly, it's for them, hm?
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Then he tries his own "kitchen sink curry", spits it out, shouts that's it's inedible and flips the table! Why so mad? Oh yeah, because as we learn soon after, he tried cooking multiple times and it's still something that can't be eaten. He tried so many times that he wasted a stock of food they had that was supposed to last them for a week, for all of them! And it's all gone in one day.
Luffy's frustration is understandable then, because this is what he considers to be "his best attempt". As we learn from SBS, Luffy's best dish is just a bowl of meat (in other words: pieces of meat put in a bowl lol), which means he would not prepare "curry" or any sort of exquisite dish for himself. He indeed did this dish with others in mind. He would be more likely to just roast whatever he caught and shove it towards them, asking "you want some?", if it was only about him.
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Despite his constant failures, he's still not getting discouraged and wants to learn how to cook edible things for people to enjoy. Nami though stops him and tells him "to never go into the kitchen again", ouch. They have been starving for days as the result of Luffy's "cooking attempts" and Luffy almost lost his life as the result (eating poisonous skin of a fish they finally caught), so her reaction is understandable. But this should make us realize that Luffy, thanks to this whole (mis)adventure, understands Sanji better without even realizing it. After all, Sanji was also told to "never cook again" by his father.
But I think this adventure has one more meaning. Whole Cake Island is basically a tale about the good and bad sides of food industry, but also how food creates connections between people. And I think XxXholic covered the latter part better than I could ever put in words, so forgive me for the unexpected crossover here. You don't need to know XxXholic, its plot or characters to be able to follow the quotes, they also don't spoil anything from the plot, so don't worry. We're just following one of the many, many side characters there.
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First of all, if you want to repay a debt or show your gratitude, the best way is to offer food and good drink. And the best way to do it, is to offer stuff you cooked yourself, because they require your own time and effort, and include your feelings (of gratitude and love) for the person you cooked it for. If someone does you a favour, it's a good idea to say "thanks" by preparing a dish they like, for example.
"I would like to cook with you and then eat it together. And then I would really like to know more about you. And for you to learn about me, as well" says the protagonist to one of his clients. Cooking together is a big thing because it creates an equal, mutual bond: you get to know me, I get to know you, and we can both try to become better at cooking together, but also better people for each other as well. Because by cooking we learn more about what the other person likes and dislikes, but also about their personality: their usual way of problem solving, about their patience, flexibility, stubborness, ability to learn etc. Your prefered way of cooking can also reflect your personality this way and you try to offer your best through a dish you put a lot of effort to make, for someone to enjoy.
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You can learn a lot about yourself as well through cooking. If you compare your own cooking to someone else's, you can realize your own personality traits you wished you would have never noticed (for example impatience, like Luffy flipping the table in anger: even Nami called him out on it, Sanji would not approve of that action!). You might also realize that someone preparing food for you did it with lots of feelings, of kindness and love, and that's why that food tastes good. And if in comparison your own food is terrible, bland, without flavour or personality, it just shows you don't really share your own love with the world through the act of cooking. In Luffy's case up there, his food was so terrible (though definitely full of his personality lol) despite him putting in his best effort and feelings. How did it make him feel about himself? Perhaps like he has nothing good to offer to people he loves? But his final reaction is always this: try to be better and do better!
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Luffy offering his failed attempts to his crew serves the same purpose: he's offering them what he has, even if the result is disgusting. But this is the kind of person Luffy is at the moment and he has nothing better to offer!
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The sidestory in XxXholic has a happy ending, the struggle continues on and the woman's significant other supports her efforts and says they will wait for as long as it takes. Now, what does that have to do with One Piece? The reason this woman couldn't cook something that would taste good wasn't because she's clumsy, or didn't put any effort in or lacked knowledge (she actually studied cooking like it's an university subject, it clearly mattered a lot to her!).
What she lacked in the end was love, not for others, but for herself. She hated herself so much that she believed anything she would do would turn out bad (which is exactly what happened over and over), almost like she was subconsciously self-sabotaging her own efforts. And since she didn't have love for herself she had nothing to give to others either, despite caring for them and being so grateful to people who loved her the way she is, imperfect, disbelieving in her own worth, broken. She just didn't feel like she has anything to offer to all the great people around her.
Sounds familiar?
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"What can you do?" Arlong asks Luffy. "You can't do anything, you're a disgrace as a captain". And Luffy proceeds to say he has great people who support him (which means he does not think of himself as great, he knows he lacks in so many ways), but there is one, just one thing he can do for them back: it's to beat up people like Arlong.
And yet despite that, in Whole Cake Island, Luffy attempts to do what he literally can't do: to cook. He knows he can't do it, but he tries it anyway, knowing very well what the end result will be. It's not that he lost his mind. We mustn't forget why he's doing a stealthy mission on WCI. It's exactly because he can't do what he usually does: beat up Big Mom. He promised he won't do it. But what *can* he do then? It's his struggle to become better and get out of his comfort zone, and he starts that from attempting cooking. It won't be the first or last time that he will fight against himself in this arc, even denying things he had the most confidence in. This is the arc in which Luffy loses the sight of what he can and can't do, and needs to come up with a new answer or rediscover the one he already had all along. This is Luffy in a crisis.
Now is that related to Luffy being seperated from Law and dealing badly with it? Or Luffy realizing how much he knows Law has faith in him and he wants to live up to it? Because like we established before, Luffy is doing this stealthy attempt only for the sake of his alliance with Law, he would not bother usually and would just destroy Big Mom because she's in his way. I can only imagine Luffy's inner struggle when he tries to come up with a new solution here but can't get any, nothing works out if he just can't beat up the bad guy and move on. Luffy's later refusal to eat anything that isn't Sanji's cooking, not even the syrup rain, must reflect how Luffy feels about himself in this moment: he feels pathetic and useless and he must hate himself for it.
There's one more angle to it. Luffy suspiciously wants to cook as fast as they're seperated from Law. He thinks nutritional knowledge is something a doctor does and he's impressed with it. Law is a doctor. It's not a stretch to think that Luffy wants to learn something new to impress his favourite person upon return. It's highly likely he wants to cook for Law as well (and he's using his crew for taste-testing for now), because he has feelings of love and gratitude he wants to convey to him, but he doesn't know how to do it. But Luffy always had Sanji who used his cooking exactly for that: to show his feelings of love for people (and was very vocal about it!). Luffy is just trying to do the same, but he realized he can't do it no matter what. By the end of the arc he comes back to terms with himself and finds the old truth again: he will leave the cooking to Sanji and rely on his crew. He can try to be a better person in other ways, but he will keep on searching for a way to show love and gratitude to them.
And we will not talk about Luffy suddenly remembering people smooch each other and talking about it in context of Sanji's wedding, uhum. If that's on his mind all of a sudden when it wasn't even once for last 80 volumes, then you can guess why it suddenly would be. People who love and care for each other smooch, so maybe he was considering... things...
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Another odd thing Luffy does, which is to check on the map and comments, frowning "it's weird". He has a point, because we learn later it was a deliberate trap. But he's paying attention here because he tries to be useful and does things he usually wouldn't be doing. Just like with cooking.
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Same here. It's probably the first moment in which Luffy realizes that having a longterm plan would be actually a good thing. Yeah, Luffy of all people. That's because he must be thinking "if it was Law, he would definitely have one". I feel like other people were pointing it out to Luffy before, but it's the first time he actually shows that he kinda cares and isn't answering with "I'm just here for the adventure. And become a king of the pirates, no plans included!".
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Look here. This is Luffy in a crisis. "I have to get back and I'll destroy everything in my way if I have to!" Not only he's not supposed to destroy everything or beat up Big Mom, which he points out a moment later, but Luffy is clear here, he made his decision: if he can't go back, he will simply get rid of everything on his way. Getting back is the most important thing, everything else be damned.
Except... are we really talking about Sanji here? Get back where, Luffy? To Wano perhaps, where your crew and Law will be waiting?
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"I'm not going to die in a place like this!!", "I made him a promise, but it's not here!!". I'm just saying, this applies both to Sanji and the promise Luffy made "to meet up in Wano". And if he wants to get back no matter what, it's because he knows he can't die here, he can't force a certain someone to go through a big loss again. He would rather tear off his arms than not return at all and break his promise.
And we get Sanji with his "I didn't tell you to wait..." and Luffy just laughs in reply. This particular laugh he used only once before, btw, and I don't recall anywhere else:
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When he was telling Zoro how much he's worrying about Sanji. Because why wouldn't Luffy know that Zoro and Sanji are the most important people for each other? Zoro is his best friend and his first crewmate, Luffy just knows what's in his heart, the same way that Zoro probably knows who is so important for Luffy as well.
Do you still think Luffy-Sanji scene was *only* about Luffy and Sanji? That the whole promise talk was only about Sanji? And not two particular people waiting for both of them in Wano? It was always about both reasons.
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Luffy says he can't be the king of the pirates without Sanji. And demands that Sanji says how he really feels (which is "to go back on Sunny" ❤). Imagine if Luffy said both of those lines to Usopp in Water 7. Maybe a lot of the conflict could have been avoided. Especially if Luffy would also follow his very own advice, because he was not saying his true feelings in the quarrel with Usopp. What changed since Water 7 in Luffy? A lot, actually. Ace, timeskip, Dressrosa, Law... All those things are huge milestones in Luffy's development. But there's also the promise he made. He promised Zoro his crew to bring Sanji back. And that promise also changed everything.
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WCI is also the first arc in which Luffy says he is ready to drop everything, even his own dream, and go save whoever needs to be saved for his crew's sake. It's very ironic how in this scene he also needs to struggle against himself, this time with his enormous hunger, that seems to sabotage his ironclad determination. For once Luffy doesn't do things for food and that despite the whole arc being exactly about food. That's how serious he is.
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Now we have to talk about the alliance with Bege. Here is Luffy's initial reaction: "what an awful person", "Bege is gonna get it!". He does not like Bege at all, he also wants to punch him for what Bege did to Pekoms. In other words, Luffy doesn't think Bege is a good person, at all.
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But just a moment later, when Jimbei tells him "you should work together with Bege", Luffy changes his mind immediately. He's all up for this alliance. His crew, that has been with Luffy the longest (Nami and Sanji) can't believe their ears. What an interesting change, isn't it? Like I argued at the beginning of this post, Luffy has to do things differently this time instead of doing what he usually does. The problem is, he's not good at anything else than "beating the main bad guy". That's why in this case he's determined to do something he would usually never do. And forgive me for the callback again to XxXholic, because I can't resist:
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Luffy has the same idea as the protagonist here. "This is all I can do", and "if this person was with me, they would be able to find a better way". In other words, Luffy agreed to this alliance because he thinks this is something Law would do as well. Luffy is constantly wondering in Whole Cake Island how Law would handle the situation and he knows he can't come even close to his level, but at least he will try to follow in his footsteps.
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Of course Luffy wants at first to punch Bege for Pekoms. He's still trying to make this alliance a friendship, and if he hits Bege then they will be even, so they can try becoming friends. That's basically the idea.
But he doesn't get to do that and in the end, Luffy agrees to alliance based on "common goal" or "allignment of interest". He did not become friends with Bege in the process and didn't make things even between them. This proves Luffy knows what an alliance is and it's not friendship. I wouldn't say this means Luffy finally learned what an actual alliance is (though it's tempting, ngl). I would rather say he always knew that, but he chose to make it a point that whatever he has with Law, is friendship firstmost, alliance second.
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And here is Luffy listening to Bege's plan. He's trying, okay. Not his fault he's constantly getting distracted, sidetracked and overfocused on making a silly entrance party trick (jumping out of the wedding cake). Bege is just not Law, and Luffy's tiktok's level span of attention is struggling here, heh. Also please notice Luffy's unusual focus on the smooching lol.
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Oh, so that's Luffy's idea for the wedding surprise. He just wanted to do ninja's shadow clonining trick, definitely inspired by Raizou's show in Zou.
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Coincidentally, that's the technique that was Law's request and made Law so damn impressed. Yeah, this is for sure a coincidence, that Luffy chose to do it like that, even though he didn't really have to have multiple copies of himself here to make it work. I bet he just thought "if Law would be here, that would impress him, I'm sure!" and I bet he's looking forward to telling him all about this adventure later on and seeing his face.
But it was essenstial for his plan to create chaos! He didn't do it just for fun! Are you sure? Because it was Brook who hid himself in the midst and did the deed with Mother Carmel's photo frame, and Luffy did not tell him to do this. Luffy simply wanted to be cool, okay, he didn't think that far ahead. He was supposed to cause chaos, he delivered.
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And in his fight with Katakuri, Luffy is the one who has to have faith. Law had his faith moment in Dressrosa, now it's Luffy's turn.
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Luffy found his answer about what he can do and how to become a better person for someone. It's to master his observation haki. Which, coincidentally, is Law's forte.
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Luffy's curious, very strict words to Jimbei. "Don't let even death stop you, we'll be waiting in Wano!" It's basically Luffy's own promise he made before leaving Zou, just said in more deadly serious manner. That's because his experience in Whole Cake Island made him realize it himself: he will go back to Wano and not even death can stop him from achieving that. Because he promised that to Law people.
I'm sure for Law this would be indeed the most important thing, not to lose anyone ever again, especially Luffy who he (miraculously) managed to save all the way back in Marineford. I don't know how Luffy knows this or if he knows at all about Law's deepest fear, but he's determined not to die on him, that's for sure.
This is also the first big seperation for Luffy and Law. Luffy deals with it, treating everything like an adventure to tell Law later so it feels like Law is there with him even though he's not. But also treats it like a challenge, to become a better and stronger person so he won't disappoint him.
Still convinced there was no Lawlu in WCI? Oh well, if that's the case then all I can say is: I tried my best :D
If anyone wants to read all the parts of this series without going to my masterpost, then just click "love is a hurricane" tag :3
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creature-wizard · 5 hours
So, I just read It's Not Impossible: Healing from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control by Svali.
For those who don't know, Svali is a conspiracy theorist who popped up in the early 2000s claiming to be a former Illuminati/New World Order programmer. Her claims are based on the stuff put out by the likes of Mark Phillips/Cathy O'Brien and Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler, which in turn derives from stuff like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, blood libel, witch panic, Michelle Remembers, and Alexander Hislop's anti-Catholic conspiracy theories. It's full of your typical Project Monarch psychological pseudoscience that can effectively be used to blame literally any symptom or behavior on programmed DID, whether or not someone actually has DID at all. It's got all the usual stuff about an alleged global cult that practices the most absurdly complicated, messy, and risky forms of mind control instead of just using the regular ol' indoctrination and manipulation tactics that work just fine for your more typical authoritarian assholes.
She is regarded as a ritual abuse/alter programming expert by people such as Ellen Lacter and Alison Miller, and if you search through the citations on many ritual abuse/RAMCOA websites, you'll often find her name. If you didn't have any familiarity with Svali's outlandish claims before, I think after reading this you'll agree that no sensible person should ever be citing her as an authority on anything. Here are some of the weird and ridiculous claims she makes in this book:
Fetuses are tortured and programmed in the womb. They are capable of making choices presented to them in-utero. (Yes, according to Svali, fetuses can fully understand language and process questions.)
Children can be forced to forget things by threatening them with death if they don't. (Literally not how memory works. If anything, death threats would make it harder to forget.)
Toddlers are trained as assassins and sent to kill wealthy targets, because wealthy people tend to have, shall we say, a predilection for children. (Yes, some wealthy people are child molesters. But claiming they're all into this as a group is absurd. It's also two antisemitic conspiracy theory tropes with the serial numbers filed off.)
Alice In Wonderland programming includes games of croquet where the balls are the decapitated heads of children. (Always with the absurdly over-the-top programming methods.)
The conspiracy programs people from birth to have a visceral fear and hatred of Christianity. (The function of this claim is to deny the traumatic impact of Christian religious abuse.)
"Many occultic groups" hate Israel and aim to destroy its national security through infiltration. (Of course we're going to get Christian Zionism in this conspiracy theory.)
"Higher occultic groups" round up Christians "from prisons and camps in third world countries under oppressive regimes" to torture and crucify them. (Typical oppression fantasy of white American Christian conservatives.)
Genetically enhanced individuals were first produced in the 1940s. (Quite unlikely, given that DNA's role in inheritance wasn't even determined until 1943.)
Claims that "The Light of The World" is an occultic painting that depicts the Antichrist. (Actually, it just depicts Christ.)
Theta systems are trained to psychically kill from the time they're in the womb. Theta assassins have sex with the target, then use the resulting soul tie to demonically kill them. (You know you're into some deep far right shit when they're talking about "soul ties" like this.)
Chi is a demonic power. (Always with the racism.)
Kabbalah is used to open portals to install demons. (And of course, the antisemitism.)
Druids can shapeshift into animals and trees. (This is how druids work in modern RPGs.)
Mages can shapeshift into various animals. (So many occultists WISH this was true!)
Cult children are genetically enhanced for intelligence. (Meanwhile in the real world, not a single alleged survivor has ever demonstrated said intelligence.)
Saturn, Prometheus, and Vulcan are demonic deities. (Pure religious bigotry here.)
Mothers of genetically enhanced fetuses are brutally tortured and gradually dismembered throughout the entire pregnancy. Supposedly, miscarriage is prevented with the cult's "state-of-the-art technology" that's "at least 50-75 years ahead of what's publicly known."
Supposedly, "all videos, CDs, computer games and other digital media now have subliminals embedded, that are fed at 0.03 microseconds." She claims that you can't pause the video to see the message because the images will be blurry, as they're only visible when the media moves. How very convenient, Svali. (By the way, conspiracy theorists have been claiming media is full of dangerous subliminal messages for years, programming children to turn into mass murderers and whatnot. So far there is zero evidence that rock music turns you into a killer.)
Direct quote, "It is amazing how desensitized our population has become to sex, violence and the occult due to this mind control technology that sits in everyone's living room." (Literally your old-time Satanic Panic rhetoric.)
Direct quote, "I personally believe that we are very close to the “end times” of Revelations, and that the Occultic messiah (or antichrist) is alive." (Always with the End Times mythology with these people.)
Yeah, so this is one of the people that therapists pushing this idea that alter programming is a real thing regard as an authority. They're citing a far right conspiracy theorist who claims toddler assassins are sent to kill wealthy targets and that druids can actually turn themselves into trees.
I'd like to reiterate here that the type of alter programming people like Svali claim exist is not something there was ever any real evidence for, and the whole idea originated among conspiracy theorists. This was not a case of something that actually existed just being co-opted by bad faith actors. It is very literally a witch hunt, and one way we know this is that the early modern mythology of satanic witches and today's mythology of alter programming use many of the exact same tropes. And we also know that people can be coached into confabulating memories of events that never took place (you can see very obvious examples of this yourself here and here).
None of this is to say that human trafficking, sex abuse, religious abuse, institutional abuse, and so on aren't real; they very much are. But the kind of stuff that people like Svali push is not, and it's so full of pseudoscience and far right bigotry that it will harm survivors of extreme abuse even more. The function of this mythology, and the quack psychiatry that goes along with it, is to push people into hyperconservative Christianity and scapegoat the religious trauma it causes.
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bluecr0w · 23 hours
Well here is part two of the books that the DBD characters would read:
First we have Jenny, I think she would read horror classics like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or Dracula, she would probably enjoy black and white movies. I also think she read Harry Potter or Maze Runner and likes to complain about the mistakes in the movies (and about JK, because we can't stand a transphobe in this house). Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici would be an interesting read for her too.
Now, the night nurse would probably get bored waiting for the kids between cases so she would start reading to learn about humans. I feel like she's going to find "those who leave Omelas" and she will be moved and angry by the suffering of the children, and how the book shows some aspects of today's society, she would start reading more books of this type and she would come across Almond. Niko would recommend Miss Peregrine's home and the Peculiar Children because it would would remind him of her, and Charlie would say yes just because no one can say no to Niko.
The cat king, Just like with music, I feel like he would read a lot of books about cats or with catslike Alice's adventures in Wonderland or the black cat by Poe, I mean, the chesire cat reminds me of him. She and her cat by Makoto and Naruki He would read it after what Edwin told him and he would identify with that feeling of loneliness. As for books not related to cats, I would say the Shadowhunters saga, I'm the only one who finds it similar to Magnus?.The Alchemist by Michael Scott, It is also a book that he would read, also Bastet the goddess of cats is a character in this book.
Finally, Monty, I obviously must have recommendations with stars or astros, First the star boy by Chris Pueyo A gay boy's journey of self-discovery as he finds love and faces the world's hatred and prejudices. Narnia (? simply because it has magic, talking animals and the white witch reminds me of Esther. Another book would be what the stars tell by Osied Kelsey It is a book that tells us about the different stars, constellations and other interesting facts. I think if he had had more time to enjoy his life/adolescence he would like reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and learn about what teenagers feel or experience.
Okay, here is the final part of book recommendations, once again I hate you Netflix and please renew DBD.
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doctorsiren · 7 months
can we see chief prosecutor phoenix wright? ( aka after the seven years? )
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here’s a rough concept idea perhaps nothing is final
Playing on the idea of card suit —> suit of armour + he’s really theatrical and dramatic also I gave him a mustache uhm because I could?
He acts all dramatic and regal, but he’s still super silly and just a grownup theatre kid ready for the renaissance fair
Also I accidentally unconsciously based it off of Mysterio in Far From Home 😭
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The West Passage
medieval fantasy set in a giant crumbling palace of traditions with forgotten origin, ruled by giant eldritch Ladies
when winter weather comes in the middle of summer, and a beast below the palace begins to rise, two teens from Grey who have suddenly gained a lot of responsibilities set out on separate journeys to the other towers to find a way to stop it, and meet all sorts of strange people and creatures along the way
world where pronouns/names are based on people’s roles
tons of cool medieval-style chapter illustrations by the author
#the west passage#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#ooooh this is really interesting!!!#it’s like. you take those weird medieval illustrations and add some eldritch horrors and some alice-in-wonderland weirdness#and turn it into a strange fable-like adventure#it took me a little to get into it - I wasn’t sure about the writing style or characters initially- but it grew on me!#There’s very little detail about the world in the beginning but once I got a bit more into it and was like oh there’s just#weird and quirky little guys scattered all over this.#I was having trouble envisioning things and looked up the author half way through to find his art for it!#(I listened to the audiobook so was unaware there are also illustrations in the book) - that definitely refined my understanding of the vib#I didn’t actually have a look at all the chapter illustrations in the book til after and oh my god - obsessed#There’s so many of them and they’re perfect. I also enjoy the chapter titles.#And I think it’s one of those books that (for me) could teeter on the edge of like or dislike depending on surface level elements#and it went in the right direction 👍#there’s a tiny bit of romance (or: a relationship that has a romantic element) but not very much. and it is queer#also the worldbuilding kinda reminded me of keys to the kingdom (vaguely)#but like if the House was less populated and ur just following a random denizen who knows nothing travelling around. i should reread kttk#I know it means Ladies like Saints. but also every time my mind reads it as *sleasey man voice* ladiesss#oh also moment of appreciation for kuri huang cover art too
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azaracyy · 8 months
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but the world as she knows no longer exists. digimon survive week 2024 day 1: a new world thoughts under cut. spoilers alert. if you haven't completed the game, proceed at your own risk. you have been warned.
i feel so much for miyuki. the girl who got lost and forgotten. even the best possible ending offered in the game leaves many questions as open possibilities. how is she going to live her life now? how will she deal with living in a new world where it's nothing like the one she used to live in? pretty sure nearly all of the people she knew are no longer alive. her younger brother is now an elderly. this is why digimon survive deserves a sequel. i need to know all that lol. here is my personal headcanon / wish, though: exploring how miyuki, at the core, struggles with everything, including accepting the current reality she is in. despite starting to get used to living in the modern world, she can never, for one, imagine her younger brother dying before her. haru, her only family whom she likely can't even communicate properly with in public without people turning heads and wondering why the old man calls the young girl "big sis". that's probably when something can happen involving takuma co. as they themselves try/struggle to integrate their kemonogami partners into daily life, where it could ultimately end with miyuki getting to "catch up" or get turned into the age and appearance she is supposed to be (i'm delusional) if someone already explored and/or wrote a fic about it, please link it to me... if you who are reading this plans to write about it, please tag me when you finish it... i'm more desperate than i look haha 😭
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velvetjune · 6 months
the chapter songs in Alan Wake 2,, flawless
#they deserve more love and discussion#saying this while also not knowing what to say other than they’re so fucking good#alan wake 2#i think it’s partially because poets of the fall’s tracks are iconic so of course they’re in the spotlight (as deserved)#but also the CHAPTER SONGS. them being made for a given chatacter(s) with the help of Sam lakes poetry#the changes with ‘this road’ by Poe with every Alan chapter. becoming more distorted and revealing lyrics and the spiral#the scratch song being 1) hilarious and 2) similar to Zane’s poetry in the aw1 arg#the emotion in superhero when saga feels lost at the story making it so Logan was gone#the lines of her feeling like a ghost in this story forming around her.. how she feels guilty and absent for both what the story’s doing#and being away from Logan because of her job. ashdhhhhjhh my heart#AND. follow you into the dark HAS to be alice. which kills me because at for at I thought of Alan#but no. Alice jumped in the dark place after him. it’s so !!!!!!!!!!!#the rabbit hole line. Alice spiraling deeper and deeper into a dream—into wonderland#the Lost at Sea one is also good. intrigues me. the Bowie and Lynch references are blatantly aw2 Zane#but it’s so similar to diver Zane and the ‘originals’ death. being lost in the dark place with illusions of escape#and losing any sense of identity. whether he’s real at all or the monster of this sea or just a lost soul.#the soft and calm vocals / instrumental really makes the whole thing#NEED to stop typing more tags because this is a Lot. however.#‘no one left to love’ is also a phenomenal song and one of my favorites from the album. GORGEOUS vocals and how it all flows together.#such a powerful and beautiful way to end a chapter#anyway that’s all I had to say :)#god. I’ve started to watch a few playthroughs of the game and 90% of people have skipped the chapter songs and every time im#that’s fair but my brain and soul might implode if I don’t see anyone else talking about how good these songs are
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floorpancakes · 1 year
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luckylunatix · 2 months
GHS spinoff/AU idea: Gregory's Twisted Tales
It's Gregory telling James various fairy tales as bedtime stories but of course since it's GHS they're all kinda fucked up. But like in a silly way. And the other characters in the hotel play the characters in the stories.
So far I only really have two ideas for specific stories: the Cactus Siblings as Hansel and Gretel (with Hell's Chef as the witch that wants to eat them) and Alice in Wonderland but with Alice in the Box (which is a no-brainer). But I still think it would be an interesting idea.
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colors-of-my-heart · 2 years
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it’s not a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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pixelwishess · 1 year
I’m trying to have a coherent thought here about Ruby and Neo parallels. I’m getting on my tinfoil hat here bare with me.
In Roman Holiday Neo doesn’t really have motives aside from wanting someone to understand her. She finds that in Roman who is the first person to acknowledge her abilities and treat her like an actual genuine friend. Her only goal in the Fall of Beacon was to stay with Roman. So much of her identity was tied to him because she was able to comfortably be herself around him.
We already know that Ruby’s identity is also tied to someone important to her, her mom. That doesn’t need much explaining. I think in order for either of them to move forward they would need to let go of the metaphorical ghosts they’re chasing which is easier said than done and I’m not entirely sure that Neo would be able to as spiteful as she is.
Basically what I’m saying is Ruby VS Neo but add in some Ego Death.
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I had a dream that I pulled a beta fish from a tank. I tried to see if I could save her. She had pale yellow eyes, I watched them go so glassy. I watched the reddish purple scales face to white. I held it in my hand and dread engulfed me. I almost didn't remember the dream when I woke up but, upstairs the white kitchen reminded me of the medical room I was in, in the dream. I was wearing a lab coat. How could I see so well without my glasses?
When I woke up I was scared and I rolled over onto my back. My cat came onto me, and purred on my lower abdomen. I know my body feels like it's deteriorating more than usual- I think something might be wrong. I can't afford to have my body sick right now, I have to keep up. I rested all of today and it cost everyone.
In the dream before, I was Alice. In court, growing taller above the rest but, never hitting my head. Everyone else was in Singular school desks (with the chair attached). Except the queen who was nowhere to be found. I looked around and started asking how they could be so cruel and corrupt. My words caused black and white scratch marks to animate around the edges of the room. I did not shrink back down as the words left my mouth. I didn't go overboard I said exactly as it was, I stayed tall and watched them all try to run from their desks in a panic, though I stood still and watched.
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unwritten-fanfiction · 4 months
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I did a fanart
There's no path of trampled flowers around so I guess they all flew down while in whimsical laying position idk, just don't think about it lol
#cheshire crossing#fanart#Cheshire Crossing fanart#Does Wendy look dramatic?#I tried to make her look sad/not thinking happy thoughts but also in a whimsical victorian girl fairytale aestedic kinda way#and in the Wizard of Oz movie Dorthey lays in a similar position to the one she's in here in a field of flowers#And Alice is supposed to have her Disney-falling-down-the-rabbit-hole silloette#Wendy didn't really lay down in her story I don't think#at least not that i can remember#but then i noticed she does lay down in Cheshire Crossing#on her bed#its like the first thing she does when getting settled in#but by the time i realized this i'd already drawn all those flowers#so... many... flowers...#Wendy and Dorthy are accepting how sucky their lives have been being gaslit and borderline torchered in Victorian asylums for years#(they seemed a little in dinial in CC)#while Alice is just happy she finally has friends who believe her and aren't torturing her in a Victorian asylum#get it?#its like the opposites of their worst habits or something#they're free to feel their feelings at Cheshire Crossing#that's what the daisies symbolize#btw why did Sarah Scribbles draw Cheshire Crossing (the building and its grounds) the exact same as Alice's childhood house/mansion?#it even has the same green plants on both#No one ever mentions it!#And it's not like that in the og artwork#why did Alice never mention this is her old house?#or did she just materialize near the future Cheshire Crossing when coming back from Wonderland?#But then why was her dad walking through some random field that wasn't his?#I should probably make this its own post#but I'm leaving this rant in here cause I think it's funny
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spikrock · 8 months
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i am the walrus
walrusss i looove youuu well, first time i watched the show i was a bit iffy on walrus- i thought he was fine and i liked him, but i thought he was being added as a permanent main character and it felt weird to me that they'd add someone so late into the show. i thought it'd throw things off. so i didnt fully appreciate walrus (and pinniped!!!) until my rewatch.
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bunnyb34r · 5 days
I'm really glad that when you get those money packs in mini brands capsules it comes in with another item, so you're not getting like 4 fun items and then 1 tiny pack of money. Bc I can see them being a real dick and just doing that. Instead we get SIX items :D
But can you imagine opening a capsule and every single item is a tiny money pack? Bc I can see them pulling that fucking shit. I really can
#marquilla#the first time i got one i thought it was a mistake like oh i got two items in one??? but no!! thats the plan!#and apparently if you get the fedex boxes or ones like that THERES A BONUS ITEM IN THERE LIKE YOU ARE GETTING A PACKAGE!!!!!!!!#i want to find one irl so bad like by suprise#and in the Home series you get the item in the box!!! like a kitchenaid in the kitchenaid box 😭😭😭😭 i want those so bad too but#theres so many fucking ugly things in that series that i cant justify buying it sgdggdgdgd they're just... i dont want that ugly tik tok#wavy mirror i hate those so much irl they make me ill and i REALLY dont want the stupid hand chair#but the kitchenaid mixer 🥺💕 and the little convection oven and the blender 😭😭😭🥺🥺😭#I hate that theres so many series now though like flooding the market (i get WHY bc then more money but... bitch lower the base price then#and ill buy more!) and same with miniverse like god they have so many series out rn it's stupid#theres: halloween 2024/beetlejuice. Christmas 2024. Birthday Walmart exclusive. Plants/lifestyle. food series. diner series#i think theres one more idr but then theres also the big packs where it's not a suprise but the cost is $30-60 and those rn that i know of#are: Hershey's (which looks so cute). the alice in wonderland themed birthday/party set. plants/garden set. theres a spa set coming (forgot#the spa series is also one of the capsules) and that one looks so so cute. and i think that's it#oh! and of the capsule lines theres also Happy Hour (21+ age restriction/not SUPPOSED to be in the kids dept. target/amazon exclusive ).#spa like i said. lifestyle MOLDS like theres tea pots and teacups and vases 🥺#like stop flooding the goddamn market you pretty much already corner ffs#oh and books! and the stupid mini baby ones! !#theres the zuru brand ones too but they look... worse imo agdgdg like idk why but they dont seem as cool looking#edit: i forgot the lotr ones and the upcoming hello kitty ones and the harty porty ones that are out now (: too many miniverse too many fuck
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