#and I keep drawing and they keep give me the positive vibes and I return their kinde
Horishito I just done drawing some most beautiful art pieces that I had ever done in a while I'm so proud of myself.
I was right to take time and practice I AM getting better✨
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awful-little-goose · 10 months
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Some more doodles with Buzz!
Buzz (or Buzzbuzz) kinda plays the role of the “teacher” character, sorta like Dora y’know? Of course, it comes from a play on “spelling bee”. They don’t- control it, and sorta just blurt out facts, lessons, or questions to the camera- which greatly confuses both the other humans and Buzz themselves.
Now for how they feel about other characters!
They like Kinger well enough! He’s the only one who doesn’t complain about the bees that spontaneously spawn near Buzz, so they like to give him some bees every now and then since he likes insects. He sometimes calls them “Their Majesty Bee”, as a variant for “queen bee”, no one knows if he’s purposely making a joke or just- being odd. Overall they view him as a sort of slightly crazy but still nice uncle
They really do not like Jax. Since Buzz is HEAVILY influenced by cartoon logic, any accident they may suffer may result in an extremely amusing (yet still unpleasant) visual…so that means it’s twice as more funny to cause them harm for Jax
Buzz has a lot of sympathy for Gangle. As a pretty laid back and somewhat optimistic person, they always try to cheer up Gangle when they’re stuck with their tragedy mask, by trying to shine another light on the situation at hand or performing tricks
They’re not too fond of Zooble (who- is personally my favorite character LSKSKSK I love them so much). Again, as someone who’s rather laid back and onboard with doing lots of activities, they don’t really vibe with a person’s whose whole stitch is “fuck off, leave me alone”. Still, they know that Zooble is far from being an ass like Jax is, and the two of them get along from time to time
Buzz gets along with Raggs pretty well. Since Buzz’s room is basically a garden, they like to take her there to garden together- they’re fully aware of how stressed out she really is, so they try to help out in their own way. It’s their way of thanking her for being such a positive force around
They’re…conflicted when it comes to Caine. On one hand, they don’t hate being there at the Digital Circus, and they appreciate how invested he seems to be in keeping them active and stimulated. Yet, they can’t help but feel uneasy around him…their wings will start buzzing and their ears/antennas will get all twisted
They…don’t dislike Pomni, but her concerning attitude and obsession with that so called “exit” make them wary around her. They’d also just like her to relax- sure, the transition from one world to another is tough, but how can she be sure she actually had a life before all that? She can’t even remember her name, can she? So, that means there probably isn’t anything to return to, so she should just accept it and chill ouuut…or else she’s gonna abstract REAL SOON, and they are NOT sticking around for that
They REALLY don’t like Bubble, just because it’s so- unpredictable. Fortunately, their bees (who they have no direct control over whatsoever) seem to feel that, and are always around to pop that nuisance away
And as a bonus…Kofmo! Who I didn’t draw! All I can say is that they were really fond of his puns, they like plays on words the best, but they did not care for how upset he’d get over people no reacting properly or sincerely enough to his jokes
Concerning their severe case of “cartoon logic”, that’s something they’re also somewhat a bit mad at Caine about: their cartoon experiences tend to be really unpleasant, but they also have to put themselves back to normal on their own! They’d just like him to at LEAST ensure that they get back to normal automatically, that’d be the bare minimum
Also bonus Zooble because they ALWAYS get forgotten in arts, and I get it they’re super complex and hard to draw, but I LOVE them, I LOVE their design, and I LOVE their personality- please love my geometric baby
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dennydraws · 9 months
Here is to 2024!
Hello, hello ~ I didn't get to do a proper new year journal entry about 2023, about plans for 2024... so here it is! \o/
I think 2023 was a year of growth for me. I finally invested into getting an ipad and procreate and while it was the cheapest possible I could grab, it tremendously improved my art in both speed and quality. I realized my biggest issue with digital art was how tired I was after work. I just couldn't bring myself to hunch over my desk and even if I was dying to draw I just couldn't. But the ipad made it possible to draw everywhere and after work, drawing from the couch was like a blessing! I don't look into investing further into bigger ipad, the gen 9 one is absolutely perfect for my needs so far. :>
2023 was no buy new art supplies year! I attempted to do big art challenge where I use my current art supplies with reckless abandon ...but for one reason or another (ok lets be real, I just juggle too much at once xD;; ) I couldn't keep up. However, I did resist buying new art supplies and gave away most if not all that weren't working for me! Which felt great! It's just so sad seeing art supplies that aren't used and seeing someone excited to receive them just gave me ultimate warm fuzzies :D Going into 2024 I think to continue with the no buy art supplies until my current stash is reduced some. Not that I have abundance of brands and things but I tend to be on the minimalist side and I don't enjoy having clutter of supplies if I can help it.
Onto 2024 with... hopefully a Youtube Channel! That's right! That's a new thing :D;; I want to start doing art youtube videos! But also, again let's be real. I don't know if I will be able to keep up with it. So I don't want to overly invest into it money wise but also, it's something I've wanted to do for years now but something kept getting on the way. So I think I want to try it now! I have this giggly excitement over the idea of planning what pictures to draw and editing and showing the process and talking about it... or talk about art and life in general, I hope it will be fun! And I hope it will be fun to watch for whoever might be interested to give it a look :D Return of the sketchbook flip through videos? :D;; Of course every beginning is hard and awkward and it will be sloppy but also, that's also part of the fun! I want to keep it casual and fun - no stress, only good vibes!
Sneric Comic, Sneric Comic! Oh, boy I need to get back into the gist of things again! XD I have outlined chapter 10 but the story bits after are a bit on the vague side. I'm still looking forward to putting the story together and printing it one day to have it on my shelf and be like - another one done! \o/ I'll get there, slow and steady!
So... onto 2024 where I hope I will do more with my art than scatter images through social media. And of course new adventures in FF14! And at last Eiyuden comes out (I backed it way back during kickstarter :D!) and maybe we'll finally see the Suikoden remaster come out too!
Okay that got too long! Thank you for stopping by, dear reader! I hope 2024 is amazing for you and full of positive growth!
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candlebel · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I'm very introverted. Little social interaction works for me. Mantaining contact online is hard for me, even with my loved ones. I have object permanence problems. I'm very absent minded and can stop responding all of a sudden. I sometimes get overwhealmed while interacting. It can take me forever to want to interact again. I'm very fickle. Do not pressure me. You can keep texting me tho, even if I don't respond. I'll appreciate that.
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You can like without reblogging, it's completely ok! 👍 You don't owe me reblogs and I won't be sad if I don't get them. No, you're not a "post murderer" or whatever the hell. lol
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Thank you all for the funny comments and likes and good vibes on any of my art!!! 😊💕💖 I'm at peace with getting very little to nothing since I draw for pleasure and then share for whoever likes it, but I'm happy to know it if it made you feel joy and put a smile on your face! Thank you for letting me know!
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I just want to say that if I ever drew something for you, gave you a compliment or expressed my positive feelings of you, it was unconditional, I liked you, I wanted to, you don't have to give me anything back or pretend you liked it, I won't be angry or disappointed or resent you if you don't. You can just politely ignore me, I'll be completely fine.
Just be unconditional towards me, too. Please.
If I don't draw for you it doesn't mean I don't care about you. I can be so fond of you and still not draw for you ever. Hell, I struggle to make art for myself, specially in recent years. Gift giving is not my forte and I'm terrible at it, I'm anxious about it. See #gifts
Do not ever draw for me expecting me to draw something for you in return.
#candlebell art
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sugarpuptard · 22 days
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ppl saying yes to share about my D&D oc so her i go yippieeeeeeee! she's pretty much done but im still like trying to build lil personality traits and quirks that suit her and figure out more ways i can project onto her besides the one main thing she got going for her, if anyone wanna share ideas hand them over pls if the vibe fits i need it!! i feel like she could lowkey be jirai but idk if that's just me projecting my current interests onto her
also if you're the two other ppl in my bf's campaign that starts in september DONT READ THIS i have put a cognitohazard into this post that only affects them two and it WILL make you piss your pants and have the song yummy by justin beiber stuck in your head for a month YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
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ok if u didn't piss ur pants instantly you're not them and ur safe, so onto my scheduled ramblings
my character's name is Em (short for emulate) and she's a changeling infernal (mom=changeling & dad=demon, we're using a lil bit different way to build characters but i can't remember the damn name of the book my bf used for it) she's also an inquisitive rogue fiend warlock with an aberrant dragonmark (Eberron campaign yay) that i hate to draw because i made it look complicated asf, but she has to hide it anyways so she's not thrown into jail and blamed for the murderers of 1000s of people due to a bombing or whatever the fuck happened that blew up where she grew up, but im getting ahead of myself xD i'll do bullet points so maybe this wont be too long
- ABANDONED as baby .o. (Achievement Unlocked: tragic rogue backstory start)
- put into an orphanage in Cyre and a based asf worker there teaches her how to hide her mark and helps her hide it
- in and outta plenty of homes since she can change to suit anyone's tastes, but they all never keep her too long for one reason or another and she ends up back at the orphanage eventually. living was modest neither scraping by nor finding excess comfort, she manages to keep a positive outlook and just enjoyed the company where she can find it(the trauma from all of that tho still lingers a kid will be fucked up needing to pretend who they are all the time)
- girlie turns 18 and has to hit the streets cuz she's too old for the orphanage now. what do u do if you can look like anything and need food water and shelter? become a prostitute :) now she's not hitting the streets she's working them
- eventually doing all that led her to meeting a woman named Cala, and instead of taking advantage she offered Em a job as a spy working for a branch of the army of Cyre, which sounded pretty dope compared to giving huk tuah and shit to a bunch of weird guys so she said hell yeah. Cala quickly becomes her friend and they fall into lesbianisms but they had to hide it at work so no bs happens
- age 19: during the end stages of the last war Em served by assisting with a few espionage missions getting behind enemy lines using her talents to make entry points for other troops to move in
- age 20: The Day of Mourning... during that day she was on her way back from a mission from Thrane investigating rumors of fanatical religious extremism, deciding to bail and rally reinforcements upon seeing it related to aberrant dragon marks. as she made her way back on horseback, the Mourning occurred and she could see the explosion within the distant city of Cyre painting the skys with smog. she tried to return, but the guards who managed to survive were creating a safe perimeter of demarcation and denied her entry, informing her everyone within the city had died and that she would fare no better.
- age 21: Em moves to Sharn and found out Cala survived and had the same idea, they moved in together and bonded and was more lesbianism
- age 22: a protest about the treatment of Cyran refugees that Em and Cala were participating in got violent and both of them got injured. Em's were minor, however Cala suffered debilitating injuries not curable without the help of divine magic
- age 23: Em tries to get Cala treated but unknowingly brought her to a division of Thrane extremists known by them as "the chosen" based off what they said, the group captures them and tries to make them "hosts" for whatever entity they work with. they succeeded with Cala since she couldn't fight back but Em managed to get away when they got confused over her aberrant mark. she doesn't know what happened to Cala exactly, and part of the conversation ritual affected her mind in a strange way and gave her a magical affliction from whatever force the chosen serve. it feels at odds with her infernal heritage but oddly feels good to use it, like it was rewarding her for using it
- age 24: Cala is gone so the city took her house away rip. Em is back on the streets because of all that
- age 25: doing ykw she meets a guy who also has an aberrant dragonmark, bro freaked out until Em showed hers. they shit talked the government and talked about their heritage for a bit, and since things are getting too risky for people like them they plan to run to escape persecution. shit happened and there were guards blocking the way to escape the city and they got caught. the guy tries to fight back and gets killed for that, so Em just let herself get arrested and is now in jail
so uhhhhhhh thats it, the campaign starts with all of us in jail lol xD i seem to be unable to write her backstory in a short way oops, oh well
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phantaemon · 2 months
artfight this year was, in terms of VIBES, utter dogshit
But at the same time it was the best artfight I've ever had. I've never gotten as many attacks before, just like I've never attacked as many people. I got so much more confident in my art and I genuinely had fun, and since I had improved even before it started I was able to get so many ocs on the platform, ocs that lacked art and that I wasn't confident enough to post on the platform before otherwise. They didn't all get art (most of it went to my sona lmao) but it's nice. Even got in a pretty high effort mass attack last minute- which was relieving considering everyone went paranoid about those in the beginning (for fair reasons sometimes)
I think just randomly selecting OCs from the recent page, and attacking mutuals was the best choice here.
Oh my god. Way to discourage beginners from an event that's supposed to be FUN. I wasn't affected by this due to having enough motivation to draw on a daily basis for a while now, but artfight is NOT supposed to be stressful like that. YOU ARE MAKING IT STRESSFUL. Sit back. Upload one fullbody of your character, heck even a halfbody works in some cases, my friend has a character like that and she still got attacks. If you have a big, detailled ref, good for you!
You don't even need a profile besides your boundaries because unless you 1) subscribed to someone 2) attacked someone and they want to revenge you or 3) go out of your way to link your profile everywhere, people will NOT see it, they'll just see your character through tag search or recent and EVEN IF PEOPLE SEE YOUR PROFILE you only need simple boundaries which can be put in your character warnings ANYWAYS!
Same thing for OC profiles you can have literally the least amount of lore for your OC people will still draw them, you can even just link an external profile (with proper warnings) if you don't wanna copy and paste the bio and layout or something
Don't get me started about the ratio, caring too much about them is overly punitive and utter bullshit, you cannot keep up a 50+ ratio without burning out in most cases since you cannot control when people revenge you unless you're doing a chain or attacking 100% revenge profiles. Holding people to higher standards or refusing to attack people because of their ratio defends the entire purpose of artfight, and is, quite frankly, an asshole move.
To enjoy AF you literally just need to upload some random ocs and draw some random ocs. Now I know that not getting attacks feels like shit. But artfight is about giving first and foremost. It's the first thing you see in the beginner's guide. You give free art to people who MAY give you free art in return. It is free art. You are not entitled to it, though I wish everyone could receive something at the end of the day no matter what.
Do not look at social media. Don't join the discord unless you need server uptime/downtime info. And it will seem way more calm.
Artfight has not gone to shit this year. It's a loud part of the community that has. I may not be posting this with any # as to not start discource but anyone seeing this I urge you to take the positives and take a step back from everything else. First week was stressful as hell for me, until I decided to just draw as if no one was telling me to make my account and ratio perfect. As we may say "Artfight is fun when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you to fix your ratio".
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timelessxmemories · 1 year
OCs dedicated to Very Close Friends I consider family & My Beloved Partners <3
【 Please excuse my terrible OC skills. I tried to be as original & creative as I possibly could. 】
Significant Character Mentioned: The Entity
Side Note: Started this at 10:00pm, ended at 5:57am. Managed to keep motivation throughout.
1.) @cupid-beatricereden — Sylvia
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Likes: Music (Classical & Jazz) , Reading graphic novels (Anything based around love) , Mystery & Thriller series (Books or TV shows) , The colour pink , Anything with hearts , Cheesy romance movies, DnD
Dislikes: Overly bright colours , Flashing lights (Epileptic) , Heavy Metal Music (Sorry heavy metal fans) , Dark Chocolate
Personality: Sylvia is incredibly sweet and gentle, she'd do anything to help anyone in need, she does get a little protective at times but she always means well. She's a little insecure, and needs a lot of validation, but would rather give the validation instead of receiving it. She's touch starved, someone please hug this poor girl.
Career: Violinist / Composer
Side Job(s): Volunteers at a homeless shelter on holidays such as Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, ETC. + Volunteers at a Children's Hospital for 3 hours every day. (EX; plays board games, teaching them how to play instruments, colouring with them, drawing little pictures, playing DnD with the older kids & some younger ones who want to learn how to play, playing the kids songs with her violin, ETC.)
Nationality: Dutch
Place of Living: The Netherlands
Aesthetic Attached To: Lovecore
Songs Associated With:
Can't Help Falling in Love ★ Elvis Presley
Fly Me To The Moon ★ Frank Sinatra
Sylvia was born to two young women, one of which was a rather popular artist while the other was a popular jazz singer. For the majority of her life she grew up in a loving home until the day she tirned 6 and went to the park and never saw her parents ever again. A man led her away and ultimately ended up abducting her. This led to being touch starved and always helping others out. She doesn't want the same thing to happen to anyone else as it did with her. Oh, yes, she did eventually end up being found when she was 17 (about a year ago) and was safely returned to her moms who were overjoyed that their little girl was finally home after 11 years of being missing.
@gmilfwhore — Dizzy
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Likes: Upbeat music (Hyperpop & such) , Neon Colours , Clubbing , Horror Movies , Graphic Novels , Gaming , Sanrio , Jazz Music
Dislikes: Dull Colours , Classical music , White Chocolate , Overly strong perfumes & Colognes
Personality: Dizzy is very upbeat and insanely happy (They give heavy golden retriever vibes), Dizzy also tends to be rather optimistic and super positive despite their usual panic attacks. They wouldn't leave a person in need, they tend to have a bad habit of caring more for others rather than themself.
Career: A Cafe Barista
Side Job(s): Does being a college student count?
Nationality: Scottish
Place Of Living: Dublin, Ireland
Aesthetic Attached To: Hyperpop
Songs Associated With:
Roll With Me ★ Charli XCX
iLike ★ hidingthehurt
Dizzy was born to a young woman who unfortunately died during labour, resulting in Dizzy being raised by their father who was now a single father. Their father never remarried. Their father was incredibly supportive of Dozzy and their decisions. When Dizzy cane out to their dad, their dad did everything he could to learn more. To this day their father is still very supportive.
@dontopentheinside — Gabriel
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Likes: Dark Colours , Horror novels , Gardening , Baking , Drowning in his own self pity/J , Heavy Metal Music , Hunting
Dislikes: His job (He's only doing it for the money) , Overly strong scents , chocolate , overly sweet things
Personality: Gabriel is a very manipulative and cold young man who takes his job VERY seriously. He won't hesitate to get into fights in order to protect a colleague or a friend, he also has incredibly low self-esteem and tends to have major panic attacks due to all the blood that's on his hands. Poor guy just needs a kiss on the forehead and a long hug :").
Career: Hitman
Side Job(s): N/A
Nationality: British
Place Of Living: London, England
Aesthetic Attached To: Grunge
Songs Associated With:
GOSSIP ★ Måneskin
The Other Side Of Paradise ★ Glass Animals
Gabriel was in foster care throughout his whole life, constantly being placed back and forth one after another. He never truly had a home, which ended up in him running away at 17 years of age. He met a group of people who ended up offering him a jib as a hitman, when Gabriel tried to refuse they threatened his life, resulting in Gabriel accepting the job.
@ghostlyplacetobe — Naomi
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Note: She is Bisexual Aromantic. Meaning she can feel attraction to people, yes, but it's incredibly rare for her, it's only happened a few times.
Likes: Soft colours , Insects of all kinds , Reading , History , Jazz Music , Romance Novels + Movies , Building Lego , Collecting Ribbons , Tea , Cats
Dislikes: Yelling + Loud Noises , Horror Movies + Novels , Coffee , Anything to do with flames (Extreme pyrophobia)
Personality: Naomi is very timid and incredibly kind, she's also super oblivious when it comes to seeing the obvious right in front of them. He's strong willed and loves debating with people over particular topics as long as it isn't politics.
Career: Librarian
Side Job(s): Volunteers at the local animal shelter.
Nationality: French Canadian
Place Of Living: Quebec, Canada
Aesthetic Attached To: Dark Academia
Songs Associated With:
I'm Still Standing ★ Elton John
Yellow Brick Road ★ Elton John
Naomi was born in Quebec, Canada to a set of parents who were pretty young at the time so she was raised mostly by their grandmother who cared deeply for her. Around the age of 6 there was a huge fire which resulted in his home burning down with her grandmother still inside. His grandmother died that day. This resulted in Naomi gaining an extreme fear of fire.
@unidentifiable-body — Zeus
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Likes: Making fancy drinks , Listening to music , 80s Music , Any kinds of chocolate , Gardening , Drawing , Rock Music , Heavy Metal Music
Dislikes: Soft Music (puts him to sleep) , Spiders (genuinely terrified of them) , Hunting , Romance Novels + Movies , Gaming (He doesn't understand them lmfao)
Personality: Zeus is very cold and distant due to his past trauma, he tends to have major trust issues and is suspicious of literally everyone he meets. However, if you do ever manage to Crack that shell of his, you'll find out that Zeus is actually a really sweet and soft guy!
Career: Bartender
Side Job(s): Secretly volunteers at a nearby Orphanage, but you didn't hear that from me.
Nationality: Greek
Place Of Living: California
Aesthetic Attached To: Punk-Rock
Songs Associated With:
Dead But Pretty ★ IC3PEAK
We Don't Have To Dance ★ Andy Black
Zeus was born into a very wealthy family, however, his parents were never around much, neglecting him and what not, he was never properly taught to socialize as most of his life he was isolated. At some point his parents were killed in a robbery, leading into Zeus being sent into foster care, from there he gained severe trust issues.
@otherworldlyoddities — Galaeth
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Likes: Rock Music , Violin , Walking amongst the stars , Rebelling , Baking , Studying Humans , Studying Body Language
Dislikes: Soft Music , Large animals (They think they're scary) , Chocolate (Doesn't understand it) , Fans. Why. , Cieling Lights. Again. Why.
Personality: Galaeth is very easily confused by anything human as well as very unsure of anything human. It's new to her, give her a break, she's trying. She's also extremely cautious around humans and doesn't tend to trust them easlly. She also tends to rebel against her orders due to her not wanting to become a Guardian.
Career: Guardian in Training (Guardians are a type of star which is assigned a particular human and ordered to protect them.)
Side Job(s): N/A
Nationality: Xeo (A type of a higher being in the star universe)
Place Of Living: Star of The Sea
Aesthetic Attached To: Cosmic core
Songs Associated With:
Sorry About Your Parents ★ Icon For Hire
Circles ★ KIRA, GUMI
Galaeth wasn't exactly born, they were more or less made from moondust by The Entity (yes, he's making a come-back, you're welcome), The Entity being the creator of sorts cared for them just like how a father was supposed to. However, due to Galaeth being a Xeo, they are destined to become a Guardian rather than staying as a regular Moonlit (A regular being made from Stardust). Galaeth however wishes not to become a Guardian, so they gained a habi of constantly Rebelling and doing the complete opposite of what The Entity told them to do. This doesn't frustrate The Entity, he actually gets a chuckle out of it as it reminds him of when he was a young Xeo.
@the-arcade-doctor — Juniper
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Likes: Ruling over her subjects , Practicing with her dark magic , Being alone , Using her skills of manipulation to her advantage
Dislikes: Anyone who disobeys her , The Lord of the Over Realm , Xeos + The Entity , Macha Tea , Avacados , Talks of Destiny , Her past being mentioned.
Personality: Juniper is very cynical and irritable. She really only cares for herself and only thinks about her own needs instead of her subjects. (Huh, reminds of something.) She tends to get angry quick and fast, and when she does it usually ends up in a burning of whomever drove her over the edge. She doesn't have a soft spot in her bones whatsoever.
Career: Lord of The Under Realm.
Side Job(s): N/A
Nationality: Demona (A type of demon in the Under Realm.)
Place Of Living: Under Realm
Aesthetic Attached To: Cryptidcore
Songs Associated With:
Rät ★ Penelope Scott
iNSaNiTY ★ CircusP
Juniper was created by The Entity in the Star Realm, however, after realizing that The Entity created a different being of a different kind, he became fascinated and favored Juniper, until Jbniper turned her back on him one day and went on her own dark path. She ended up coming across The Under Realm who was being controlled by a different ruler at the time, Juniper gained everyone's trust eventually and once the ruler passed, she became the ruler.
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
Update Again...
I'm getting my mind where it needs to be. Controlling my emotions of anger and sadness. Anger from my mistakes I made that I didn't realize were mistakes until years later. Sadness from realizing close friends were never my friends because they abandoned me when I needed them, but wanted me to be there for them. Anger from allowing myself to be manipulated into making decisions that ended up isolating myself which resulted in being abandoned by so-called friends of my past & so-called friends of my present. Dealing with the sadness of being alone with nobody who understands what I went through mentally nor emotionally. I've told some family and they can't really comprehend it. So I just navigate life mainly on my own to generate my own happiness. And I can do so at will. Just sometimes it takes more effort and time to give myself a natural high. Even with how I walk now, ppl tell me I walk like I own wherever I'm at. Its just confidence I can't contain. Not overconfidence. That opens you up for failure, and makes you too delusional to realize or admit it. It's worse than lacking confidence at times. Balanced confidence is the key. It keeps your mind & spirit at peace too.
But currently, I've gotten myself to a better place more often. So now I can focus more on my art. Drawing a few things for family and I plan to draw a family portrait of my dad & his siblings & their mother & her parents. I want to give them something to always remember.
After 2 projects for family are done, I will return to K18 art. Then I will start selling my merch in real life and set up that elusive Patreon for my DB fanart I keep talking about lol. I have a more focused mind after finding out I'm pretty much along and realizng that's not necessarily a bad thing. So with this mind that has more focus than before, I can build towards the potential I have. Potential to become an artist that is known in my area. And the many DB ideas I have that can impact the fandom in a positive way for use Krillin fans, K18 fans, & Earthling fans. I have real drive now. I just have to keep focused and keep fighting off these negative vibes that sneak up on me. I create my own barrier of positivity to counteract the negative energy of others. And with my positive energy as high as I have it, negative energy cannot bring me down like it used to & my energy can actually elevate others.
I also been working on fics, have recieved submissions that would like to remain anonymous, & so on. Those of you who are on the discord... sorry for my lack of interaction as I said to y'all there. But also thank you for continuing in my absence. You all have helped each other grow in positve ways from what I noticed. And like I said long ago, I just need to be a spark while others become flames. But I think its time I catch up to y'all and become a flame myself so we can refine an intelligent section of this fandom with our fire.
Thank y'all for putting up with me. Sorry for neglecting to respond. I've done that for a while these past 2 or 3 years because I've been going through stuff and going through changes. I've had to get myself more balanced so I can move forward at a steady pace. I'm not quite where I need to be, but I'm getting close.
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rubywithin · 1 year
Zen Flow Identity 1
(Announcer) “Oh no it looks like Hikari Rose is up against the wall....I don’t know if she can make a comeback!”. (Audience) “BOOOOO” (Girls) “DON’T GIVE UP LADY ROSE” I guess its time to show them my specialty! (Hikari) “I activate the Revive Melody, hear the beautiful tune and return Sorcerer Red, Blue and Green.” The audience began clapping, “I will Unity Summon the three into Triple Vibe Sorceress”. The screams became louder and louder as my ace appeared on the stage, “I now activate her ability which allows her too attack you for each effect card I have down which is 3″. (Villain) “I counter with Inferno Field Destruction” (Audience) “BOOOOO” (Man) “What a dastardly tactic” (Hikari) “I don’t think so a Unity monster can negate its destruction once per turn. It can do this for as many turns as monsters used too summon them!”. (Villain) “Grrr I have underestimated your strong will Hikari Rose!”.
(Audience) “HIKARI HIKARI HIKARI” the curtains then closed....-sigh- despite the cheers I did not feel motivated. (Director) “That was another great show out there Niko!” Hikari Rose was my stage name. I was a well known Zen Flow player yet all the pro’s held a grudge against me! I guess its due too all of my battles being scripted so I just end up winning with the same combo, not to mention my cards not belonging too an actual type. (Employee) “I will take that” I handed over the deck, I wasn’t even allowed to keep the cards -sigh-. I made my way home, (Mother) “Welcome home dear that was another great performance today”. I tried smiling but my heart was not in it for some reason....I went up to my room and took out some other cards. This was my own personal deck, I used another Sorceress deck but it belonged to the water type!
I went to sleep I felt exhausted after today....I have a day off tomorrow so I want to try and enjoy it. (???) “Do you enjoy Zen Flow?” (Niko) “Huh?” I was in the middle of a field for some reason “Where are we?”. (???) “In your dream silly” no way....I tried to open my eyes.....nothing happened. (Niko) “Of course have you not heard of the legendary Hikari Rose?”, (???) “I see then since you love Zen Flow be my opponent”. Is this guy for real? I put my hand in my pocket and I found my cards.....I guess this deck will do for now. (Niko) “Since this is my dream I will go first, I summon Frozen Mage in defence position and place 2 effect cards!”. (???) “I draw, I then summon Shadow Stead and activate Hand Discard and my Stead will attack your Mage!” (Niko) “I activate Field Call and set the Frozen Shack Field” this doubles the stat of a monsters initial position on my side of the field!
(???) “I conclude my turn!” (Niko) “Then I draw and summon Snow Sorceress and swap my Mage to the offense line, both my monsters attack you!”. So far so good I just need a third monster and I can win, (???) “I activate Revive Melody and bring back 2 more Shadow Steads!” no way that’s the type of move I make, “I then Unity Summon Phantom Unicorn who let’s me activate a card discarded this turn. I choose Revive Melody and bring back 2 Shadow Steads again and all 3 monsters attack you directly”. (Niko) “That doesn’t matter cause I can win on my turn....” (???) “I activate Unicorn’s ability which allows me too discard any number of monsters I want and get extra attacks for each one”. There is no way.....I am about to lose on his second turn! (???) “Finish this battle Unicorn” I woke up as the last attack hit! Why did I lose so easily....tomorrow I want to try and face someone in a proper battle....no scripts and not in a dream.
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blacksunscorpio · 3 years
Astro Musings No. 11
Venus/Jupiter aspects in the natal chart...
Will make someone generally likable, charming, generous, and agreeable- especially if it's a conjunction, trine, or sextile you're working with. They'll be the person who might be incredibly popular or someone whose creativity [Venus] is magnified [Jupiter]. They might be very beautiful or well known for their good looks. However, throw a square to Chiron in the mix and this individual might have a hard time believing it. Since Chiron is the place in our chart where we wear our inner wound and a square indicates conflict, the pain to either of these planets has to do with beliefs, how we're educated, and the overall philosophy of life. One could perhaps have a lot of doubt as to whether they are truly attractive.  They could be bullied or hated for their attractiveness or popularity. On the other hand, Jupiter Squaring Chiron can make someone have severe wounds concerning their spiritual beliefs. It's common to see this aspect in charts of people who were forced into a particular belief system or religion. In addition, it's also an indicator of those who were abused by organized religion. Often the case/in charts of those in the LGBTQ community who were perhaps shunned by conventional western religious constructs.
12th House Synastry is a bit like Russian Roulette...
Not to scare any of you with significant placements within this house synastrically or in composite, but remember what I said in Astro Musings 1 about Neptune? Wherever he is, there's going to be a feeling that something is hidden. Deception will be a big factor or just naivete or idealism. More so if the aspects in this house are squares/oppositions. With the Trines and Conjunctions, the energy here can feel incredibly spiritual and binding. [Don't bust out the champagne yet, I said FEEL binding- it doesn't mean it necessarily will be]. Sorry. North Node/Neptune might make you two dream of each other or have this strange 6th sense concerning them and their energy. Moon and Neptune will make two people have an uncanny knack for knowing what the other is thinking. It will feel downright Soul-Mate-esque. The same if Mercury and Neptune are joined.
Now, if the aforementioned aspect is afflicted, two people will Pinocchio the fuck out of each other.
The lies will be endless. Now this might not even be malicious, it's more so two people don't want to disappoint each other, so they put on an act they think the other will appreciate/wants to see. There's a lot of pressure to live up to the other person's expectations. Most of the time, the mask will inevitably fall off and bitter feelings may ensue. Choose honesty first.
Aspects to the ruler of the first house will have a similar vibe to aspects on the ascendant.
That’s because your chart ruler and it’s planet are leading your entire chart in energetic expression. By proxy, whatever happens to it [ruler of the 1st], wherever it is in your chart, will be magnified and displayed. For example, if you’re a Scorpio rising but Pluto is in your 3rd house, it might be very apparent to others that you speak and think deeply. Your communication can feel very “psychiatric" and probing. It might be the first thing people notice about you. If you’re a Sag rising and your Jupiter is in your 10th House, you could make a career out of travel or be famous. Everyone will notice your larger than life persona.
Aquarius Moon in the 5th just like these other aspects, can be an indicator of one who might have a fear of motherhood or pregnancy in general. In addition, One with a Cancer Lilith in the 6th might choose career over motherhood. In a woman’s chart, it can also be an indicator of someone who has reproductive [4th house/moon] issues [especially if there are afflictions].
Lilith in the 6th house may feel that they give more than they get. They might also reject the idea of daily work and routine or general discipline. There can be scandal’s at work as well. Wherever Lilith is, you can guarantee that there’s going to be some ‘taboo’ energy involved. Since 6th house is one of the money/career houses, it can indicate that this taboo will be related to whatever you do for a living.
Placements for those who love animals
Will be Neptunian placements ftw. Neptunians/Piscean placements tend to have a monopoly on the “beast whisperer” thing. That’s because Animals sit between the physical and the spiritual world. They see shit we can’t. So they’ll often take to those with strong “veil” energy. 
Cancerian’s come in at a cool 2nd. This is because their heightened sensitivity make animals feel them quite strongly. They also have strong nurturing energy which will draw pets to them.
Leos at No. 3- Leonine placements have an uncanny love for animals due to their playful and warm energy. Being ruled by the sun, they’ll be literally “beacons of light” for furry friends.
Virgo is ruler of the 6th house of work and routine. Because of their natural capability towards order and discipline, I often see this sign as pet owners. Often these natives have more than one. They’ll be the sign that has Fido trained and operating like clockwork. 
Speaking of animals, the signs I’ve seen to take to cats more than canines are Scorpio and Capricorn. Because of these two sign’s affinity towards introversion, it’s no surprise that one of the most introverted breed of animal feels right at home among them. On the flipside, I’ve seen on numerous occasions where dogs become quite obsessed [Pluto] with Scorpios, on the occasion where they’re not scared of them. 
In a female’s chart, Having asteroid Aphrodite squaring her Lilith
will mean her beauty will have a forbidden fruit vibe to it. Her charm will be directly tied to her wild femininity. However, there may be struggles in how she expresses it. Typical placement for someone whose kindness or mild flirtation will be received as overtly sexual. Her charm and grace might have a playboy or pornstar vibe or she may get her value from expressing herself sexually. It can also indicate one who is just oversexed in general. Be sure to keep those Trojans on hand and get those yearly check ups. Nothing wrong with expressing yourself in such a way but Lilith can also indicate diseases of the venereal nature, especially if in the sign of Scorpio or afflicted in the 8th House
Talent in Fashion Design in the Natal Chart will be
Sun in Libra [Andre Leon Talley]
Venus in the 10th
Taurus 10th House
Libra 10th House
Venus in Virgo
Venus in the 6th
Moon conjunct Venus
Venus in the 2nd House
Mercury in harmonious aspect to Venus
Neptune in Libra
Venus in Sagittarius [Expansive/creative mindset/abundance]
Neptune in harmonious aspect to Venus [Anna Wintour]
Talent in Libra
Scorpio Stelliums [Pluto rules the underworld where jewels and finery reside- Gianni Versace and Anna Wintour have this in their charts- So does Grace Kelly]
Having Nessus in Capricorn can indicate that the father figure in your life might have been a bit abusive or a source of pain.
Having Asteroid Talent in the sign of Gemini might make one very well adept at wordplay. They could have a talent for writing or have hardcore skill at wit. In the 12th house might make them very skilled at writing fantasy or even writing for film/fiction.
Uranus in the 1st can make someone unusual looking, they may look androgynous or dress in a ‘rebellious’ or ‘avant-garde’ way. I’ve also seen 1st house Uranians have flat affects. They can have a demeanor that comes off as detached or in general RBF.
Speaking of Uranus, if you had an absentee father figure...
check to see if your 4th house has Aquarian or Uranian influence. In addition, see if your Sun is inconjunct to your Uranus or squaring it. 9 times out of 10 when I’m analyzing a birth chart, I have a native tell me their father skipped out or split from life very early. There’s always a story there.
Asteroid Psyche touching your 10th house/MC might make you a very skilled Psychologist. Asteroid Psyche [16] is about the mind/soul. If it’s in the house of work/reputation/prestige, you might apply this asteroid's energy to your career
Multi-planet oppositions in the natal chart
Will indicate a push-pull in your natal energy. You’ll be the person who struggles between two mindsets constantly.
If it’s between Gemini and Sagittarius you’ll struggle with the logical and philosophical. You may have constant existential crises. On a positive note, if you’re able to balance it, you’ll be able to see multiple sides of an argument. This is an ideal aspect for someone who debates, is in law, or journalism. If it’s between
Cancer or Capricorn you will deal with wanting to be self-sufficient but also have a deep need to nurture or be nurtured.
The Sign your Sun/Rising is in in your Solar Return Chart
Will usually indicate the energy you’ll take on for the year. In Aquarius your might be tech minded and quite detached. In Virgo, you may be especially detail oriented and cerebral. In Scorpio you may find yourself more emotionally sensitive, probing, or ruthless that year. In Leo, you may be more outgoing- self-centered, or unusually popular.
A Taurus Venus will like to feed you to show you they love you. Being Wined and Dined is how this Venus placement likes to demonstrate they care. They may also like to give you gifts to show you their admiration.
Sorry to break it to you, mutable gang...
But Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces are among the top signs found in Serial Killers. I.E
Ted Bundy- Sagittarius
Jeffrey Dahmer- Gemini
John Wayne Gacy- Pisces
Mary Bell- Gemini
George Chapman- Sagittarius
Charles Cullen- Pisces
Danny Rolling- Gemini
Marybeth Tinning- Virgo
Alton Coleman- Sagittarius
Kenneth Bianchi- Gemini
Andras Pandy- Gemini
Dean Carter- Virgo
Andrew Cunanan- Virgo
Richard Ramirez- Pisces
Randy Steven Kraft- Pisces
Terry Blair- Virgo
Timothy Krajcir- Sagittarius
Taurus Suns, 11th House Virgos, Cancer/Capricorn 5th Houses, and Libra 7th Housers are typically the “Parent/Mom/Dad” of their friend groups.
Believe it or not, when it comes to “jealousy” over material things, it’s not Scorpio. Taurean/Leo placements [typically risings and Suns and moons] and especially underdeveloped will be the types to hate on you for having something [Usually clothing, car, house, etc] they want. Scorpios, though famous infamous for the jealousy stereotype, will usually show this trait only in romantic entanglements. This is because Scorpio is a water sign. Their primary mode of operation has to do with the emotional realm.
Mars in the 10th House is usually seen in those who make athletics part of their career. 
Mars in Gemini have the most savage comebacks. They will make you feel so stupid if you argue with them. Mars is war and Gemini is wit. You’ll be hard pressed to win a battle of words with them.
I find those with Mars in Aquarius or aspecting Uranus will swing both ways sexually, regardless of how they identify.
Venus in Aquarius don’t really like to be touched/hugged. Picture Voldemort hugging Draco. Ironically, they will usually be the type of people to take up professions where they have to touch others. I've seen copious nurses with their Venuses touching Aquarius. Massage therapists as well. Might have something to do with the love [Venus] of helping others [Aquarius].
Those with multiple planets in the 12th House can make excellent actors. This is because their personality is in a mutable house. They can morph and chameleonize themselves very easily. Superb for taking on multiple personalities for their craft.
Men with Mercury in Leo, Capricorn, or harmonious aspect to Pluto tend to have very deep voices. There’s also a soothing vibe to them as well. James Earl Jones, Liam Neeson, and Anthony Hopkins all have these placements. 
Contrary to popular opinion, Gemini isn’t the only sign that can be a “jack of all trades”. In fact, Libra Suns often fit in in various roles/professions. This has a lot to do with their diplomatic nature. Because they are often the peacemaker and a bit passive than their cousins, they are often welcomed in many different circles. This allows them to excel with networking/social climbing.
Jupiter conjunct/Square Saturn and Capricorn 9th Housers
are the placement[s] I see the most in those who have a deep skepticism of Astrology. Their belief system can be rather rigid [Saturn] which makes it harder/ for them to be open minded [Jupiter] to other schools of thought.
Each Planet/Sign rules a day of the week. Whichever day you were born can inadvertently make you take on some of the traits of that sign, regardless of what your “big 3″ are. 
For example: If you were born on a Wednesday, ruled by Mercury, you can be especially cerebral or witty. Tuesday, ruled by Mars can make you fiesty, athletic and perhaps a bit impatient like Arians. Friday, ruled by Venus can make you extremely charming and friendly. Saturday, ruled by Saturn can make you extremely entrepreneurial-minded whereas being Born on a Monday [Moon] can make you security and family oriented.
Venus in Sagittarius, Sagittarius 5th House, 2nd House in Sag or Venus Aspecting Neptune in the sign of Sag might make one have an affinity for entertainment from foreign countries. I see these placements in the charts of those who enjoy anime, foreign film, or those who have a knack for languages [lot of trines to Jupiter is also an indicator of the latter.]
Asteroid Priapus... will make you want to uncontrollably merge with someone.
 [I’m not even kidding. I had this aspect with someone and my Priapus touched their Jupiter and I wanted to tear the kid’s clothes off. All my friends had no idea what I saw in him. To them, he was not my “type”- whatever that means.] The sign Priapus is in will give you a hint as to what turns you on. In Virgo, someone clean cut, organized or well-groomed might tickle your fancy. In Libra, someone fashionable and sweet-natured. In Aries, someone outgoing or athletic, Capricorn, there can be an affinity for someone older, someone accomplished, or a general “daddy” fetish. 
Sun conjunct Pluto or Sun Square Pluto...
will have gnarly authority issues. Same with Mars in the 1st or Mars in any of the career houses. They do not like being told what to do whatsoever. If you try to boss them around, they will do the opposite just to spite you.
In synastry, a Double Whammy of Sun/Pluto
energy will make two people addicted to each other. All their forbidden fantasies [Pluto] will be exemplified by the other person’s presence [Sun]. The sex will be on the rougher side and can make two people obsessed. However, if a break up were to occur, this placement will make it damn near impossible for two people to be friends again. There’s just too much passion involved.
Astro Musings No. 1  Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3  Astro Musings No. 4 Astro Musings No. 5  Astro Musings No. 6 Astro Musings No. 7 Astro Musings No. 8 Astro Musings No. 9 Astro Musings No. 10
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What are your “off the clock” submad headcannons?
Not sure if they’re off the clock… buuuuuut!
Aro/ace Submas give me life. They might end up dating some, but they are just friendship biased. (Not projecting at all nope.)
Elesa flirts with them both but it only bothers Emmet. Ingo knows she’s playing and flirts back.
I think it’s canon, but yes the adopted Elesa as their sister.
Ingo brought home the Ledgends of Arceous protag, and is now Otōji while Emmet is Oji. Emmet is full steam ahead with this idea.
Ingo knows both ancient Hisuian and Sinnohen (whatever they speak in Hisui and Sinnoh. It’s different versions of Japanese probably) and he uses it whenever Emmet is bothering him. So yes he’s responding, but it’s still the silent treatment. >:3 also he uses it with Legends Arceous protag when they are plotting pranks together, or just want to have a private conversation. Emmet tried to learn but he’s too confused by English alone to even try another language.
Ingo gives good hugs, but you have to tell him it’s ok to. Emmet forgets hugs exist, or he tackles you. No in between.
They are both cuddle bunnies but in different ways. Ingo likes to just sit there with the loved one beside him, and just vibes like that. Emmet pretends he’s too busy, but if you pin him down he melts into it and will pass out on you, or under you, or whatever position you were in.
Elesa gave Emmet a newish design while Ingo was gone. Cause the old one bothered him (I’m currently drawing it ;3). It’s just a few color scheme swaps. When Ingo returned he kept the old design, so he’s more “retro”. Which Elesa has to keep telling him, doesn’t mean old.
That’s all I can think of right at the moment. Hehehhehehehhe.
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fangirlishing · 3 years
just for a laugh
fred weasley x fem!reader/oc extract from my fic just for a laugh
word count: 4k
content warning: 18+ ONLY; nsfw smut; unprotected sex; kissing; dom/sub vibe but they’re also switches; praise kink; begging;  teasing/a little derogatory fun; nipple play; penetration; its their first time <3; fingering; blowjob; this is just pure filth.
I pulled Fred down into me, showing him that I was here for him. With this action cementing my permission, he wasted no time in easily picking me up by my waist. I jumped on instinct, coiling my legs around his toned torso. Our lips remained tangled in a mess of emotions as Fred slowly walked us over to Percy’s bed.
He practically threw me down into the plush mattress and I released a nervous giggle as I bounced lightly upon my landing. Fred, however, wasted no time joking around as he crawled on top of me and brought our lips together again.
In this new position, his thigh pressed greedily into my core, shocking me back into a state of delirious pleasure. Laughter wiped from my face to be replaced with thundering desire.
I tried to control the urges that were building up inside of me but, as his hands snaked under my shirt, I knew it was a futile goal. I moaned pleasurably, the sound muffled by his mouth which openly kissed mine.
A filthy smirk coated his lips as he trailed his fingers further up my chest. My breath hitched slightly as his calloused touch inched close to my breasts and my body reacted on instinct, rolling upwards into his strong hands with pleasure. My body and mind working together in tandem as both craved more from him.
His lips detached smoothly from mine as he whispered close to my ear, “you wanna take this off for me?” His hot breath set my neck ablaze and I almost let a moan spring free at such intimacy.
My eyes were wide but maintained my feverish desire to please him as they became darkened with a lust deep enough to match his. Without thinking, I pulled the pyjama shirt over my head and chucked it across the room.
For the first time, Fred looked upon my naked torso. I writhed a little at his analytical gaze, even his eyes on me was enough to send me toppling under waves of pleasure. On some level, he knew I'd left myself naked for him. I'd hardly admit it to his face, but, his joking seduction at dinner had coerced me into leaving myself completely naked underneath my pyjamas as I hoped, a little romantically, that he might finally act upon the tension building between us for weeks.
“Good girl,” he hummed filthily, drawing me up by my neck to reconnect our lips as a frenzied reward.
As our lips entangled, his hands returned to my bare skin which glistened for him under the moonlight peeking through the dark we were engrossed within. I began to whine upon his lips as his fingers purposefully avoided the places he knew I needed him most, thrusting my chest into his touch to show my impatience.
With such a display, he bit my lip painfully, dragging it out teasingly as his sultry eyes met mine before letting my lip snap back into place.
“Do you need something, darling?” He asked innocently, but his eyes challenged me as they smirked whilst looking upon the lustful cracks his taunting fingers caused to spread across my skin.
I whined softly, hoping no one could hear me as pleading begs fell from my lips almost as if magically coaxed out by Fred. I wouldn't put it past him but I knew I was under my own spell, enchanted by the red-headed treat towering over me.
He cast a wordless charm around the room before he spoke again, “you want me that badly?” He snickered, eyes still focused on assessing my body as if it was a half unwrapped gift ready for his final, jarring tears to whisk away the wrapping that contained me.
All I could muster was a nod as his fingers tantalisingly stroked down my sides, “dirty girl,” he chuckled teasingly in my ear before placing his open lips on the hidden hickeys that dotted my neck and chest, courteously of our moments of previous frenzied pleasure at Hogwarts.
He bit a few of them, laughing more as he watched me jolt with pleasure. It felt wrong to hear Fred talk to me in such a way - like this was all just some fantasy I’d cooked up in my dreams but, as I felt his tongue drag across my skin, I knew how real this was and I could no longer deny the pleasure that shuddered up my spine.
My hand slid into his hair instinctively, gripping it softly as he travelled his way down my body. I relished at how close we were, I could almost feel his heartbeat racing alongside mine as his strong beater figure pressed against my perky, bare chest.
“How much have you imagined this, darling?” He quipped, drawing himself back up to drown me in another of his captivating kisses as I whined in his mouth.
“Too much,” I gasped, opening my eyes to watch him smirk down at me, “probably every night.”
He moved close to my mouth again, hovering over it as he whispered, “what do we do in your head?” His voice screamed control but it wavered as he, too, struggled with his pleasures.
I felt it grow below, undulating into my still clothed skin to remind me that I was not alone in this longing. We had indulged ourselves too quickly for Fred's liking and, so, he drew us out longer with such questions. Perhaps he wanted to avoid the conversation we were due for as long as possible but, with his hardness pulsing into my thigh, rubbing slightly, I didn't care.
I flushed excessively in the dark room, distracted by my racing thoughts. He chuckled throatily in my ear before kissing my neck once more. “Is it that dirty, love? So bad you can’t even tell me? I promise it’ll stay between us,” he pressed a soft kiss upon my lips, staring me down as he regained control, knowing that I was fully encased under him.
“Its…” my thoughts were interrupted as he tweaked one of my nipples teasingly, I glared down his innocent disguise as I continued, “it’s embarrassing.”
He laughed again, kissing the centre of my chest, right between my breasts which heaved with desire, “that’s cute, love. How ‘bout you tell me one thing we’ve done in your head and I’ll tell you something I’ve thought about in return?”
“You-you’ve-?” I stammered, causing him to smile more.
“Of course, but I won’t say anything until you speak up.”
A lump formed in my throat as I sifted through all the fantasies my brain had conjured throughout my infatuation with Fred. Some were innocent - like going on picnics or wading through a pond and splashing each other with water whilst we laughed - but some were disgustingly perverse. Some I could hardly voice to him because I knew they would grant him much too power over my body and mind.
“One time I-“ I began, clearing my throat before I darted my eyes away from him as embarrassment roared through my veins, “I imagined you rewarding me for doing well on an essay,” I mumbled, turning my face fully away from him and shutting my eyes so I didn’t have to watch his provocative gaze as I lay my mind bare alongside my body for him.
His mouth came to hover next to my ear, “and how exactly did I reward you?” A sly kiss was placed just behind my ear which curled my toes and fluttered my breath.
I whimpered, unable to utter the words to him.
“Alright, darling,” I could hear him smile softly, leaving behind our game for a moment, he continued, “no pressure, I promise,” his hands rest comfortably along my sides, “how can I make you feel better, you look like you’re about to combust.”
He altered his position slightly, no longer hovering over me and trapping me under his presence. His muscled thigh remained in place, pressing on my anguished core, but he allowed himself to sit up, releasing me from the invisible chains his dominance wracked over me.
“Tell me about what you’ve imagined,” I whispered, drawing my hands up his chest to grip softly at the loose fabric of his shirt, slowly pulling him back down over me to reinforce my comfort with his controlling presence. To show him I needed him there just as much as he needed me.
“Hard to pick just one, love,” he uttered causing me to let out a chuckle that sent a wave of relaxation hurtling through me.
“I suppose there is one fantasy I keep revisiting,” he trailed off and I looked upon him with anticipation and he was more than willing to satisfy my cravings, “you’re studying hard in the library and I whisk you away to the restricted section and give you a much-needed break.”
My breath hitched slightly, “what do we do on this break?” I asked innocently as Fred’s fingers trailed down my stomach absentmindedly.
“Do you want to have a guess, darling? Or should I just tell you?”
His hands rest at the waistband to my pyjama bottoms as I gasped, allowing two words, “tell me,” to fall from my lips in a breathy respite.
Dragging his fingers across the band he hummed, “I lie you down on one of the tables,” he lifted my waistband, “and I tell you that I want you to do one thing,” I felt his fingers hover over my dripping slit, teasing me both subconsciously and physically as I squirmed slightly. I tried to ignore the surprised look of pleasure that fleetingly appeared on his face when he discovered no trace of underwear on me.
“Wh-what did you tell me?” I asked, anticipation getting the better of me as his fingers worked fire into my veins.
“I wanted you to beg to cum for me,” he stated simply, plunging a finger inside of me to coax out a desperate moan from my throat.
He was drunk on the power he wielded over me, looking down at my lustful expression and relishing in knowing that he was the one causing it. His cocky attitude taunted me, smirking upon me while I uttered profanities as I delved deeper into my pleasure, my brain conjuring up images of being bent over that library table and how Fred, I knew, would feast upon my body.
He coiled his thrusting finger inside of me, pushing against my pleasure point and dragging me further into a state of ecstasy. Delirious from the pleasure, I began to grind along with him as I craved more of his touch. More of him, whatever he decided to give me I would lap up like a dog. With this movement from me, he slid his finger out, denying me the pleasure I had become captivated under.
He began to stroke a set of his fingers up and down my slick entrance, breathing a laugh when I jolted as his fingers struck my bundle of nerves.
You’re so desperate for this, aren’t you?” He whispered into my ear and I pathetically whimpered a reply before crying out in shock as he suddenly slammed three fingers inside of me, chuckling in my ear at my loud response which he knew he'd get once he left me distracted with his slippery, seductive words. “You’re doing so well, darling,” he bit my ear playfully as he thrust faster, drawing more sounds of desperation from me.
His wicked eyes met mine and I knew exactly what I wanted him to know, it was something I’d whispered to myself late at night when giving myself a release and, admittedly, something I wanted to say to him.
“I wanna cum for you, Freddie,” I whined, gasping as his fingers plunged far deeper inside of me, engulfing me in pleasure as a response to the filth my lips divulged.
He hummed musically, “you’re perfect,” his lips softly slid over mine, passionately reaching into my senses as his fingers continued to drive me closer to my edge.
“Freddie,” I gasped through the kiss, heavily breathing before his lips returned to mine, “I need you now… Will you- I mean, would you want to-?” I cut myself off, feeling awkwardly vulnerable.
He detached from me only to gaze upon me with a genuine smile, “of course, only if you’re sure,” he pecked my lips again, reassuring me before we went too far.
I nodded, eyes glistening with uncontrolled affection. At this moment, I didn’t care how far we went and what that meant for us - I felt an animalistic urge surge deep within me that craved him in his entirety, no matter the consequences.
His fingers left me with a swift moment and I felt an emptiness I knew would soon be satisfied as Fred threw his sweater across the room. My hands ran over his muscled back, pulling him down for another kiss as a hungry, lustful ball settled uncomfortably in my stomach at the sight of him, it begged for its obscene desires to be quenched. He detached again to focus on slipping his pyjama pants off and I followed suit, leaving us both vulnerably naked for the first time.
I looked upon his hard member that had teased me thus far, my breath catching as reality settled upon my shoulders. Of course, I was a little fearful for my first time with Fred, but, as I met his kind eyes, I knew it was all going to be okay. That it wasn't going to be like the sex I once knew.
“You ready?” He asked, his soft tone relaxing my breathing.
“Merlin, yes,” I breathed and he chuckled over my lips, passionately kissing me once again. His open mouth moved leisurely over mine, short gasps interrupting our entanglement once he began touching himself for the first time since we’d begun. He'd held out so long to focus on my pleasure and, as I watched him succumb, it only enhanced my drive.
“Godric, I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard,” he groaned, wincing with satisfaction as he stroked himself languidly.
“Let me,” I whispered, spitting into my hand and bringing it to stroke alongside him.
I watched as his hand fell lack, his eyes rolling back into his head as I continued my slackened strokes. He gave himself over to the pleasure, staggered breath holding back his desire to loudly groan as he fell under my seductive spell.
“Freddie?” I whispered, earning a dazed, mumbled acknowledgement as if he was both here and not, “get on your back for me.”
He obeyed immediately and without question, running a hand over his face as his mouth hung open in silent exertion.
Smirking, I brought my face closer to his length. My lips kissed his tip softly, evoking a drawn-out sizzled moan to fall loosely from his mouth. I slowly tested the waters, letting the salty taste of him coat my tongue before I plunged his hardness to the back of my throat. His gasping groan finally freed itself from his restrained voice as his fingers clutched my hair, guiding me up and down.
I pushed myself as far as I could go for his pleasure, the feeling of him hitting the back of my throat only stirring me on to be the best he’d ever had.
His breathing became more ragged as he submerged himself under my control, his grip relinquishing as he relished in the feeling of my tongue swirling around him, wanking him off with my lips.
“Love,” he strained through his teeth and I detached my lips, leaving a trail of spit attaching me to his member, “as much as I want my cum to drip from your lips, I’d like to be inside you much more.”
A smile spread across my face, “where would you like me then, Weasley?” A brave power had fallen upon me when I had him under my control but, now, I felt it would slip away from me once Fred's skilled mouth centred on me.
Taking control he wrapped his arms around my waist, flipping us over fluidly before he ran a hand through his hair to push it out of his face quickly. He dragged his thumb over my lips, a lingering touch to show how much he missed them upon him, before dipping his lips toward me. I readied myself to receive another of his long, emotive kisses but found his lips resting next to my ear to whisper a vulgar command, “you better get ready to beg.”
Without warning, he plunged himself into me. Our shared groans filled the air as we finally satisfied our deepest cravings. He rested one hand on my waist and the other reached over me to grip the headboard tightly.
Fred restrained from moving for a few moments to give us time to get used to the new feeling of each other, pulsing in unison from the sheer shock. I yelped once he began to move, causing him to pause a moment before I beckoned him to continue as I assured him it wasn't pain but pleasure that was rocking through my body.
He began to sloppily thrust inside of me, our inexperience shining bright but neither of us cared as we became wrapped in a euphoric cocoon. With every jolt of himself inside of me, he moaned at the sensation and I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming as I relished in the feeling of finally being full by someone I cared deeply for.
“Let me hear you,” Fred panted in my ear, moving both his hands to now rest on my waist to draw me further down onto him, sliding me up and down over and over.
I uncovered my mouth, “fucking he-ll, Fred,” I quipped, stammering as he quickened his pace. I allowed my body to fall under his control, my breasts bouncing as the mattress squeaked underneath us.
He felt so right inside of me and my body became consumed under his pleasurable grasp. His hands squeezed tighter and tighter around my waist, guiding my movements as he slid into me. For every impulsive, too-tight squeeze he littered across my body came the soft brushes of his fingers to ease the small spikes of pain he’d unintentionally brought upon me.
Soon, this pain turned to pleasure as he wrecked my warm core. His length charged hard and fast inside of me, so much so that I could barely keep up. I lost myself in his strokes, whimpering soft moans as my slack body allowed him to have his way with me. The soft slaps of our skin violently intersecting spread throughout the room and it started to drive me insane with animalistic pleasure.
Consumed by thoughts of him and a yearning for his length that slammed so hastily inside of me, my thoughts became hazy as they obsessed over Fred.
His name became a chant, dripping from my lips easier than breathing. I wanted him to hear my complete desire for him more than anything else. What had begun as a whisper, almost like a silent prayer, became a lewd, rhythmic reminder of who was giving me the pleasure I’d craved for so long. Longer than he knew.
Every time his name fell from my lips, his breathing staggered almost with disbelief that this was real - that he was hearing such vulgarity fall from the mouth of someone who, for many years, had been so reserved and shy.
It urged him on, too, the knowledge that my entire being had become fully dominated by him in body and soul, and caused him to show his appreciation for my devotion by slamming hard into me.
“Fu-uck,” he stammered, more profanities falling from his lips as our joint pleasure built more and more.
Lost under his control and the steady, rhythmic pumps of his cock inside of me left me little room to think of anything else. My entire being ached for him - craved his pleasure, wanted to show him how desperate I was. How desperate he made me.
My wet mouth came to absentmindedly swirl around my fingers, my lips hungrily coated in saliva. Moaning Fred’s name again, my fingers left my lips and quickly trailed down to my clit, beginning to steadily play with it to overwhelm myself with greater pleasure.
I perked for a moment at the new sensation but I quickly submitted as I felt intense waves of sensuality jolt through me. My stomach fluttered as, with Fred working in unison with my own fingers, I became overwhelmed with carnality and it transformed the ball in my lower stomach into a burning hot pit which grew with each flick I gratified myself with.
Fred’s breathing, matching mine, became staggered now as he filthily pumped himself into me, “I-Merlin, I’m close, love,” he groaned, straining as he held himself back from the edge we both climbed towards.
“I-I wanna feel you, Freddie,” I begged, “deep inside, I wanna feel you there.”
He smirked, his spare hand stroking down my neck to my chest and, for an agonising minute, all I wanted him to do was wrap his fingers around my throat and squeeze.
“Keep going,” he begged, pinching my erect nipple, grimacing as he held himself back from spilling too quickly over the edge.
I hissed as he pinched me hard before I whispered airy begs for his cum to fill the empty, burning chasm inside of me.
I almost choked on my breath as he slammed hard and slow into me, dragging it out further as he chuckled to himself; but it was obvious the thread he hung onto was loose and weakened under our intense passion.
He gritted his teeth with every elongated stroke as he held himself back, I hardly knew how he was handling this, “you’re so worked up all over me, such a little whore,” the venomous words dripped from his tongue easily as if he'd said them about me before in his fantasies.
Slamming into me again, he chuckled at my whimpers, “such an innocent little girl coming awfully undone - would you like to show me how you cum for me? I can tell you’ve done it for me before... I even heard you a couple of those times.”
I unlatched my eyes from his gaze, embarrassed at admitting what he already knew. Shying away from the desperation I craved, needed, in this moment.
His lips dropped, whispering seductively to me, “beg for it, darling. Beg for me.”
My wild, innocent eyes met his hedonistic, darkened ones and I knew then that I was dangerously enraptured under his spell.
It all came to a head, the feeling of being so full driving me so wild that it caused the heat spewing inside of me to bubble over. I didn't care if it made me weak, I wanted him to know that this weakness was all because of him.
I shamelessly began to beg, words falling from my lips quicker than I could control them, “I-I want you to show me what I do to you, wanna feel full of you. Please, Freddie,” I strained harder now, “please I need you. I-I-I,” I could barely hold myself back as his length slid so fluidly inside of me.
He angrily slammed himself as quick as he could inside of me and my eyes rolled back into my head as he pounded quickly.
“Such a good girl, fuck! Scream my name, love… scream it as you cum,” he stammered, finally releasing himself inside of me as pleasure undulated between us.
Overwhelmed with how this new sensation felt, I followed suit as I shrieked his name, my walls pulsating around his length which remained buried inside me as we both came down from our highs.
He remained inside of me as we both attempted to regulate our breathing. It was silent between us, only our ragged breaths and the sweet cream leaking from me remained as a memory of what had just happened.
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hyogonokitsune · 4 years
faint -- suna rintarou x reader
here’s a continuation of this, and part 3 is here
back at it again with the suna smut, this time with some slight choking 🥴
the song suna plays in this fic is snow in gothenburg by kasbo, idk I just imagine that’s the type of music he listens to dsdskjfs I actually have a playlist full of suna-vibe songs that I listen to when I write this shit
2000 words
“I can’t believe I actually put in the effort to pirate this.”
“Shush, we’re not even halfway through, give it a chance,” you said, prodding Suna in the side with your elbow.
“Alright, fine, you little optimist,” he replied. He was trying to sound annoyed, but you could hear the faint smile in his voice.
To be fair, the movie was pretty terrible so far. You had been interested in seeing it for a while, so when Suna had told you at practice earlier that day that he had downloaded it you were excited to watch it with him. Disappointment had already set in, but you weren’t one to quit something once you had started. You were determined to suffer through it until the end, even if that meant making Suna suffer alongside you.
Besides, focusing your attention on trying to find a redeeming quality in the movie was distracting you from the fact that this was the first time you had been alone with Suna since you lost your virginity to him. You tried to keep your eyes on the laptop screen in front of you, ignoring how close he was. Understandably, you were a little nervous around him after seeing him, and being seen by him, in such an intimate way. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a little frustrating that he seemed completely unfazed by it. He was treating you the same as he always had in class, at practice, and now with just the two of you in his room together, sitting side by side on the floor in the dark. He was the same cool, collected Suna.
He reached up then to scratch at his cheek, the back of his hand brushing up against your arm as he lifted it. The brief contact reminded you of how he had touched you last week, and you could feel your face heating up at the memory; you were grateful that the lights were off in his room.
“I don’t think I’m ever gonna let you pick a movie for us again,” he said when the credits finally rolled, snapping his laptop shut and standing up to return it to his desk.  
“That’s fair,” you sighed, stretching your arms out in front of you. “That was two hours I’m never getting back.”
“Every hour of your life is an hour you’re not getting back.”
“Oh, Suna, your wit continues to astound me,” you said, eyes rolling as he sniggered. “It’s getting late, I should probably go.”
You had been about to stand up, but you paused when he spoke, looking up at him in surprise at his almost forceful tone of voice.
“I heard this song the other day, I thought you might like it,” he explained, scrolling through his phone to find it. It started playing through the speaker on his desk.
“Oh, I do like this.” You shifted to lie flat on your back, looking up at the dark ceiling. Suna said nothing, only smiling at you before moving to mirror your position, his feet pointing in the opposite direction, head coming to rest next to your own.
Your eyes were closed, body relaxed. The only things you were aware of in that moment were the music and the sound of Suna’s soft breathing. It felt nice to just lie there, completely at ease, all of your other senses shut off.
When the song ended you opened your eyes and turned your head to face him, only to find that he was already looking at you. Has he been watching me this whole time? It didn’t even matter if he had been, because the way he was looking at you now made your breath catch in your throat. His gaze held such tenderness that you found yourself leaning towards him before you were aware of what you were doing. You kissed him, and without hesitation he returned it, pressing his mouth against yours earnestly.
“Rintarou,” you breathed, and in an instant you were both sitting up, lips seeking each other out hungrily, hands tearing off clothing with urgency.
It was chilly in the room, but Suna’s hands were hot as they roamed over your body. You wanted to feel him, have him touch you everywhere. It was never enough.
His lips traced a line from your mouth to your ear, teeth nibbling at it lightly and sending a shiver through your body. He shifted, intending to lay you back down on the floor, but you placed your hands on his shoulders to stop him.
“Rin,” you said in a husky voice, “can I try being on top?”
Suna grinned, both at your request and the blush rising up your face. He kissed you once before laying down, his fingers running lazy circles over the top of your thigh. Exhaling shakily, you crawled on top of him, hands on his stomach to steady yourself. You reached down to guide his cock towards your entrance, but your hand was trembling slightly out of nervousness.
“It’s okay, baby, I’ve got you,” he said softly, the smile on his face almost painfully gentle as one of his hands wrapped around your own to help you. He dragged the head of his cock between the folds of your pussy, gathering up the wetness there before pressing it into you. With a sigh, you sank down onto him, taking all of him inside you in one go.
“God,” he groaned, eyes closing and head tipping back. “God, you feel so good…”
It was different with you on top; it felt like his cock was deeper in you than before, reaching a place that was already bringing you close to the edge. You moved your hips back, almost gasping at the sensation against your clit. Your movements were making Suna’s chest rise and fall heavily; the sight of him coming undone emboldened you. You grinded your hips against him, gradually increasing the speed, each moan that you were able to draw out of him tightening the knot in your stomach.
“Rin,” you panted, grasping desperately at his chest.
His hands grabbed your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh. “What is it, baby?” He bucked his hips up into you, making you gasp. “You gonna cum for me already?”
“Sh-shut up,” you told him. It was embarrassing how close you were after such a short time. Suna was snapping his hips into you harder now, fingertips digging into you insistently; you could feel the bruises starting to form.
“You’re such a needy little girl,” he smirked, “I barely even have to touch you to have you creaming all over my cock.”
Your face was flushed from his words, and you were more than a little frustrated at how right he was. You had been thinking about him all week, and all it took was one kiss for your pussy to be dripping between your legs. “Shut up,” you repeated, breathing hard as you continued to grind against him, trying to focus on the sensation on your clit.
“I can feel how close you are, baby.” That smirk was still on his face. “Is it that easy for me to make you—”
“I said, shut up, Rin.” Without thinking, your hand reached out and wrapped around his neck. His eyes widened in surprise for a brief moment, but then he tilted his head back, exposing his throat for you, silently asking you to apply more pressure. Your fingers pressed into the sides of his neck, where his pulse was beating fast, limiting the blood flow to his head. He groaned, a deep, guttural sound that made your hips work against him even faster.
You were hurtling towards an orgasm quicker than you thought was possible. The friction against your clit, the way his thick cock stretched you out, the sight of him beneath you panting and moaning from what you were doing to him; it was all becoming too much.
“Rin, I’m s-so close,” you breathed, barely above a whisper.
“Me too.” His voice was as low as yours, his face flushed from your hand around his throat and the feeling of you riding him. “Please don’t stop.”
“I want you to cum with me, baby,” you told him. Suna moaned at your words, and the sound of it sent you over the edge.
Your pussy clenched hard around his cock as you kept grinding against him, panting hard and legs trembling. You wanted to shut your eyes against the pleasure, but you kept your gaze trained on Suna’s face.
“Oh god, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming… fuck,” he groaned. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, feel his warm cum filling your pussy. You released your hold on his neck, but your hips continued to grind into his.
The look on his face was so beautiful. His eyes were shut tight, brows drawn together under a sheen of sweat, his mouth hanging open as a string of curses and moans flew past his lips. His hands were gripping you almost painfully hard, the muscles in his arms and torso tensing as ecstasy washed over him.
“God, baby, stop stop stop, please stop!” he begged as the overstimulation became too much for him. You stilled immediately, leaning down instead to press soft kisses into his neck.
“Was I any good?” you purred into his ear.
“Yes,” he managed weakly, struggling to catch his breath. “You were amazing.”
You pulled away to look at him; his cheeks were glowing, strands of dark hair sticking to his damp forehead. You gently brushed them away, and the soft smile that he gave you made your heart melt. Suna sat up, pressing into your chest as he kissed you. One of his arms wrapped around your waist, and he used the other to push himself off the floor, his cock still inside you as he lifted you up.
“Rintarou!” you cried out, more than a little shocked at how easily he was able to carry you.
“Shh,” he hushed, setting you down on his bed. He laid down beside you and pulled the covers over your bodies. “Just lay with me for a bit.”
You stretched an arm out over him, wiggling closer to rest your cheek on his chest. His heart was pounding against your ear, still pumping hard from his high.
“Kind of embarrassing how fast we both finished, huh?” he asked with a self-deprecating laugh.
“A little bit,” you giggled in turn, tracing tiny patterns into his skin with your fingertip.
The two of you lay in silence in his dark room, the only sound coming from the heater that had finally turned on beneath the window. It was late, and although you didn’t have class the next day, you really should have been home a while ago.
“Rin, I should go,” you said, but you made no move to sit up.
“It’s already so late, you should just stay the night,” he mumbled, careful to keep his tone casual, but the way his arm wrapped around you to hug you closer to his body betrayed him.
You didn’t want to leave, either. It was warm under the covers, Suna’s body heat seeping into you, his scent surrounding you; the darkness of the room and the aftereffects of sex were making you sleepy. Laying on his firm chest with his arm around your body, you realized that there wasn’t any place else you’d rather be in that moment. It would be worth finding an excuse to explain why you were out all night the next day, and dealing with any ramifications then, if it meant you didn’t have to leave him now.
You snuggled closer to him, arm tightening around his side. “You’re lucky I’m tired,” you murmured into his skin.
“Mm hmm,” he hummed. His hand moved up to bury itself in your hair, long fingers winding their way through your locks. If you had lifted your face to look at him then, you would have seen the faint smile on his lips.
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jisungscaramel · 4 years
dare | han 
Tumblr media
❀ genre; smut, a little fluff, best friends au ❀ pairing; han jisung x reader (fem) ❀ word count; 2k
[warnings] explicit sexual content, oral, unprotected sex (be safe y’all), (mild) edging, cockwarming, saucy truth or dare
The intangible friction between you and your best friend was undeniable, yet with conviction, you held this idea that it was all in your head, and instead of fleshing out the inkling of frustration you felt every time you’d hang out, you chose to ignore it.
You chose to ignore the way he’d press his palms into the small of your back when he’d pull you close, the way he’d keep your body tight on his when he’d hug you, the way you’d catch his curious stares, the way his eyes seemed to send endless subliminal messages. 
You chose to ignore the way the butterflies would flutter in your chest whenever that physical contact was made, the desire that would pool in the pit of your stomach whenever your wordless gazes collided. 
You chose to ignore it. 
Until today. 
Honestly, you couldn’t say if he was on the same wavelength as you but as soon as he said these words on what you perceived to be a usual Netflix date (hold the chill), you were definitely suspicious: “Let’s play truth or dare.”
You knocked him on the head. “Han Jisung, you know there’s only two of us here… right?” 
He blinked at you innocently and rather cutely, as if he couldn’t see the correlation between your questions. “Yes… you’re point?” 
You clicked your tongue, sinking back into the worn in leather couch with your arms crossed. “Have you ever played truth or dare with just one other person? I sure as fuck haven’t.” 
He rolled his eyes in an exaggeratedly exasperated manner. “No, but I don’t recall there ever being a rule saying you can’t.” 
“But,” you turned to him to put on your best puppy dog face… which was mediocre at best but a valiant attempt, “don’t you wanna watch Avatar? We’re almost done with Book 2.” 
“We watched it already… 4 times actually… in the past month.” 
“Yes… your point?” you wrinkled your nose, repeating his previous words. 
“Let’s do something different for a change.”
You turn the television off. “Ok fine,” drawing out the latter word as if it were stuck on your tongue. 
Next thing you knew, he was constricting your body with his limbs, happily rubbing his cheek on yours like a child. “Yee!” and then all of sudden, he was sitting back, deadpan, folding his arms with determination. “Truth or dare?” 
“Hmmm truth.” 
And then that small child was back. “What? Why? That’s no fun!” 
You shrugged. “You wanted to play truth or dare, remember? Emphasis on truth.” 
“Fine, is it true that you hooked up with someone in the library?”
“Ji, I already told you that story.” 
“I know, but it was so wild that I didn’t really believe you. Now you have to tell me the truth.”
“What makes you think I’d be any less truthful otherwise? And also, what makes you think that I’d absolutely tell you the truth now if I was possibly lying before?” 
He widened his eyes and flared his nostrils in a rather comical manner. “If you can lie during truth or dare, you must be satan.” 
You stared at him rather blankly, speaking quite frankly, “that… made no sense.” 
His lips pressed into a firm line. “It does; you just won’t admit it.” 
You snickered, rolling your eyes. “Whatever… truth or dare”
“Dare, I ain’t no bitch.” 
You smacked his shoulder - playfully. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
And he pouted, rubbing his shoulder. “Nothing… nothing at all.” 
“I dare you to leave Felix a voice note confessing your love to him.” 
He offered you a begrudging glare but he wordlessly unlocked his phone with no hesitation, opening his messages with his roommate. He lifted the end to his lips: “Oi Felix! I just wanted to let you know that I love you bro.” He smiled in satisfaction as he sent the note. 
“That’s not what I meant!” you protested. 
To which, he shrugged. “You didn’t specify what kind of love.” 
Your hand made contact with your face in embarrassment. “Why are you like this?”
“Because you,” he placed his palms on his cheeks to squish them, “love me.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Ok, truth or dare?” 
“...Just to make you happy: dare.” 
“Hmmm,” he bit his lip in contemplation, “what should I get you to do?” he gripped his chin. 
“Please don’t make me eat wasabi. I almost burned my nose off that one ti-” 
“I dare you to kiss me… on the lips.” 
When you met his eyes, you expected the usual teasing glint, but you saw none. He was dead serious, and you felt the saliva thicken in your throat, forcing you to swallow a little harder than normal. 
As if your body was moving on its own, you leaned forward toward Jisung, resting your hands on his shoulders, distance lessening an inch by every passing moment. You were only planning on giving him a peck, but it just felt more natural to slightly part and purse your lips into a proper kiss. As your eyes fell shut, your heart began trembling in its confines, rattling your spine - you just hoped it wasn’t as obvious to him as it was to you. 
His plush peach lips were as soft as you imagined - though you’d never admit you’d been imagining it in the first place. And for a moment, maybe two, you passed through the mix of emotional signals, focusing instead on the physical, the subliminal body language: how his hands found themselves on your hips, how his lips occasionally broke the rhythm to tug on your lower lip, how he’d let out the softest groans every time there was a change in pressure. 
But then you removed yourself from your physical position, remembering the mental position you were in, biting your lips and looking away, biting your lips as if you wanted to say something, but your words clung to your throat - so you cleared it. “...truth or dare?” 
“Why did you want me to kiss you?” 
His expression was serious - something you weren’t used to. He leaned back, folding his arms, lips parted, tongue smoothing over his teeth to graze the edge of his top lip. “Same reason why you couldn’t get your hands off me.” 
You didn’t even have a moment to be dissatisfied with his answer. “Truth or dare?” there was a sultry tone to his voice, and although it was out of character for him, it was perfectly in line with the vibe he was giving in that moment. 
“Dare.” The first time you’d chosen that, it was for no reason other than to spare yourself of Jisung’s complaints, but this time? Curiosity laced your tongue, wondering where he would take it next, if he would take it anywhere at all. 
“Go down on me.” 
You tugged on your lower lip with your teeth as a subtle smirk grew on your face. Of course, he would. You got down on the floor, kneeling in front of him. 
You placed your palm over his crotch, feeling a stirring beneath the fabric of his jeans. “Are you gonna help me with this?” You prodded the top button with your index finger.
He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “You’re a big girl.” 
Challenge accepted. 
The finger on his button flicked it undone, but you took your time pulling the zipper down. You were in no rush. 
But he was. 
You could tell from the slightest gestures: the way his back kept sinking back in the couch, the way his fingers kept combing through his hair, the way he hissed under his breath, the way his hips rolled up - if you weren’t so close to him, you wouldn’t have noticed any of it. 
When you finally took it upon yourself to free his personified frustration, you were taken aback, not because of his girth or the throbbing redness - although that was in the back of your mind. You were teetering on a metaphorical edge of your friendship. The kiss was one thing but now you were approaching the gate of no return. But you’d have plenty of time to worry about that later... and after the fact. 
You let the lust shroud your head with its black clouds as you leaned in closer. You delicately ran the flat of your ring finger up his length while dragging your tongue down, eliciting an explicit gasp from him.
And he couldn’t help but squirm under you when you circled your tongue under the head, where he was the most sensitive. 
Your lips secured around the tip, and you sunk them down as far as they could go, until they pressed firmly on his pelvis. The vulgar gurgling sound you inadvertently made while fighting your gag reflex only did more to stir his arousal. 
“Fuck, since when were you this hot?” 
You started bobbing your head up and down, cheeks hollowing as a result of the increased suction. Every now and then, you’d slow down to trace his prominent veins with your tongue, and when you’d pick up your pace again, grunts and groans continuously trickled down his lips. 
You wanted to smirk. Your nostrils flared as the corners of your lips lifted up as much as they could in their limiting position. You had to take your hands away from his hip and the base of his dick to place them behind your back just to show off.
When Jisung’s sounds became gruffer and more primal, you had an inlinking of what was to come. So, you stopped, smacking your lips with a loud pop. 
“Truth or dare?” Desire poured from your half-lidded eyes, lacing your voice in a tone that sent electricity through Jisung’s nerves. 
“...Dare,” he whispered, still heavily breathing. 
You stood up. “Take your pants off and don’t move for the next five minutes… no matter what.” 
He peered up at you with suspicious eyes, but did as you asked. His suspicion turned into surprise as you pulled your leggings and panty off in one motion, setting the garments on the ground. 
“What are you doing?” he asked in a strained voice as you straddled him, gripping the back of the couch for support, aligning your now-dripping heat over his erection. 
“Making,” you started lowering yourself, taking him in, “things more,” all in, “interesting.” 
He threw his head back, “Fuck.” 
“Remember,” you tapped your phone on the other side of the couch to see the time, “no moving for five minutes.”
“You’re so evil.” He glared at you. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I thought you knew this already.” 
“I didn’t-” his attempt to amend his statement was cut short when you attached your lips to his jaw, trailing kisses up its line, slowly, taking your time. 
He held his breath when yours blew into his ear, heat searing his skin, and you could feel him twitch inside you.
“I’m gonna destroy you when my turn is up.”
You tapped his chin with your finger. “If you can manage to behave until then.”
“You think I can’t?” 
“It’s not that I think you can’t… I just don’t think you can.” You waved your hips to increase the pressure between your connected skin, and you could tell he had to bite his tongue just to suppress a moan. 
When your lips latched onto his neck, he gulped, staring at the clock at the other end of the room. He tried to fixate on the constant movement of the second hand, but his body had a different agenda, preferring to focus on how good your lips felt on his sensitive skin, how you alternated between sweet pecks and French kisses, hard sucking and soft nibbling.
He felt the heat radiating from his skin, sweat dripping down the back of his neck as a result of his attempt to hold himself back. He grit his teeth, frustration crippling his body; he was this close to caving, this close. 
He bucked his hips up, gripping yours tightly. “Such a fucking tease.” But he still held back, keeping his pumping slow and steady. “Truth or dare?” 
You crashed your body to match his tempo. “Truth.” 
“Do you want it harder?” 
A/N This one is also a reimagined version of a scenario I wrote for a different idol years ago
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glowingbadger · 3 years
A student! reader (over 18 obviously) who has an awkward crush on Seteth who may reciprocate? This ask is like on the verge of the DONT section in your rules so feel free to ignore if it is too uncomfy xD
I actually got a couple asks in the wake of that post I made about teasing Seteth in the Academy uniform, so I'm glad you guys are vibing with me on that lol~
That said, I will say that a literal teacher/student thing is ehhhhh for me, BUT I think I have a way to make this work for all of us :3
Jeez, the number of times I've written Seteth fucking someone on his desk-
CW: former student, degradation, spanking, me being a Seteth simp
Seteth (FE3H) x FEM Reader - Garreg Mach Uniform
NSFW 18+
Sometimes it seems that your austere lover is even more busy in the post-war scramble for stabilization than he had been during wartime. Seteth had already been known for an almost worryingly dedicated work-ethic when you'd met him during your time as a student at the Officers Academy. Now, many years and sociopolitical shifts and one nervous love-confession later, it only seemed that more rested on on his shoulders than ever. Perhaps that's why, when you discover your old uniform while cleaning up your quarters one day, an irresistible idea forms in your mind.
Seteth's eyes drift, then refocus. He blinks away the exhaustion threatening to break him from his duties, then sighs as he runs a hand through emerald hair. The Chapel bells had signified the end of administrative hours some time ago, but he can't allow himself to become lax. There's still much to be done. It's days like this that make him think with a wry smile that his brothers would scoff at the way he's chosen to live his life, having traded fangs for bureaucracy.
His office door is propped open as usual, but he hears a knock that shakes him from his thoughts.
"Come in-" he glances up at you, and his brows furrow deeply. You can't help a playful smile at the sight of Seteth's face already tinted pink. With as much innocence as you can affect, you step into his office to show off your attire. Your old uniform still fits- more or less -but you've made some careful adjustments. The jacket and white blouse underneath are only buttoned as high as would be strictly necessary to be seen in public, exposing a daring view of your chest. Thigh-high stockings hug your legs, then lead up to perhaps the most scandalous aspect of this ensemble. You've rolled up the hem of your skirt until it flutters about your hips so short that when you're not careful, a glimpse of your backside is clearly visible. This latter point, Seteth clearly notices as you twirl for him, saying,
"Look what I found, love," He's already on his feet approaching you, and you smile up at him as sweetly as you can, "sure brings back memories, doesn't it?"
Without a word, Seteth tugs you away from the office door and shuts it firmly behind you.
"Did you parade yourself all the way here from your quarters looking like this?!" he demands, and you hear the click of the door locking behind you.
"Well I don't see how else I could have gotten here, so..." you reply flippantly.
"Goddess above," he says with an exasperated sigh. His thumb and forefinger worry at the bridge of his nose as he turns back towards his desk, "To think that anyone could have seen you-!"
You roll your eyes with a grin and follow him. You take his hands in yours, drawing them away from him and opening up his closed posture.
"Come on, I just thought you might like it," you say as you draw closer to him. Seteth sighs again and looks you up and down.
"Whether or not I like it is immaterial, my love."
"But you do like it," you prod him further, your grin widening.
He opens his mouth, then closes it again. His lips tighten for a moment, then he manages to say,
"It is... flattering."
Releasing his hands, your own travel up the front of his torso, enjoying the dips and swells of his muscled body beneath those conservative robes. You feel his chest rise as he inhales sharply, and you say,
"Have I ever told you that I had a hell of a crush on you even back in my student days?"
Seteth speaks your name with a hint of a warning his his voice. You press your body to his as your touch travels up the strong contour of his neck to tease along the line of his beard.
"It's true. I've always wanted you, Seteth," you go on, "Every single time you scolded or lectured me, part of me was... incredibly turned on. Sometimes, it was simply too much to bear," you curl a lock of his hair around your fingertips. You can see his ironclad will beginning to fracture. "Sometimes, I'd return to my room and pleasure myself, all while dreaming of you disciplining me."
Then, his lips are on yours, his kiss so hard and impassioned that for a moment, you're breathless. Your smug posturing falters immediately. He drags your bottom lip between his teeth as one hand wraps around you while the other grabs onto the plump swell of your ass beneath the flimsy coverage of your skirt. Seteth pulls you firmly against his strong body, and you can feel his cock throbbing against you. Then, as suddenly as he'd initiated it, he breaks your kiss- but before you can speak, his hand holds at your chin and forces you to meet his fierce gaze.
"So, you came here in this shameful attire with the express purpose of provoking me," his voice is a husky whisper, the mere sound of it nearly enough to make your knees buckle, "Very well then- you will have your scolding."
He manhandles you into position, rougher and more forceful with you than he's ever been. Before long, you're bent over his desk beneath him, and he stares down at you with a heat that paradoxically makes you shiver. Then, he raises a hand, and brings down his palm across your ass. You whimper and arch up from the hardwood, but he only says coldly,
"Straighten your legs."
You do your best to obey, holding your backside upright for him as though presenting him with your body. Despite your efforts, his hand descends once more, the wonderful sting of his strike warming your skin.
"Spread them wider." he commands, and once again you obey without question. You hear the familiar rustle of his belt and outer robes coming undone, and you glance back over your shoulder.
"Eyes forward, Miss Y/N." he says, his tone now balancing on a dangerous edge. You whine in protest, but follow his instructions and merely await your punishment. He gives a low hum and says, "I see you are capable of some measure of discipline, at least."
You feel the stiff head of his cock pushing between your folds, but before you can prepare yourself in the slightest, Seteth drives into your waiting cunt. Immediately, your eyes roll back and you gasp out his name. He holds you by your hips, pulling you back against him until your ass presses flush against his pelvis. He's nestled deep inside of you, his powerful manhood stretching you to your limit- and for the moment, he simply remains as such. The tip of his cock is nudging hard against your womb, sending blended pain and pleasure radiating through your nerves. It's all you can do to keep yourself positioned properly for him.
"To think that you would flaunt your body about the Monastery in such attire," Seteth snarls behind you, his cock throbbing against your inner walls, "You're every bit as hopeless as you were as a student." Once again, he spanks you, and you have to imagine by now that his abuse has begun to mark your tender skin.
You're already panting aloud for him when finally, his hips begin to move. His pace is immediately firm and punishing, his cock pistoning in and out of you, stimulating your every aching sweet spot and sending a painful jolt up your spine with each thrust. Your lips hang parted as you gasp for breath, your eyes dazed and unfocused in your bliss. A sudden rush seizes your body, and you feel your pussy clench around the massive intrusion of Seteth's cock.
"Cumming already?" he says with clear derision in his voice, though he never eases his pace as his bucks into you, "Perhaps you were even aroused by showing yourself in public in this shameful state."
"Nuh- no...!" you whimper softly, "It was... it's only for you-!"
Smack! His palm strikes your bouncing flesh once more. You're still riding the wave of your climax- or perhaps you're cumming a second time already. It's impossible to tell.
"Yet you were already soaked by the time I bent you over," Seteth goes on as he pounds into you, "One can't help but think that perhaps my troublesome student quite enjoys behaving like a wanton whore."
You can't manage to reply anymore. Your head is spinning and your body aches. Seteth's full length drives into you to its base again and again, and you can't even begin to say how many times you've cum before he begins to falter. His hips snap towards you haltingly, his body shudders, and his balls feel large and heavy as they slap against you with each thrust. It seems even his immense self-control can't stand up to this lewd punishment session for much longer. As your hands uselessly try to find purchase on the surface of his desk, Seteth leans over you, his hands now on your waist, pinning you down beneath him. His member throbs from base to tip, and with an animalistic groan, he says,
"I expect you... to take full responsibility-!"
With this, you feel the heat of his release pouring out at your core. His length twitches with every shot of cum that he spills into you, and his hands grip you so tight you can feel his nails digging along your skin. Seteth moans out your name, and you're distantly grateful that no one else stays in the offices as late as he does- you've both certainly made enough noise to have caused a scene by now.
At long, long last, his member pulses with the final throes of his orgasm. Seteth's grip on you loosens, and his office is quiet save for soft panting as you both struggle to collect yourselves. He pulls his length from you in one motion, and already, you can feel his thick seed dripping along your lower lips.
"You will head to my chambers," Seteth says, then clears his throat as he struggles to regain his usual composed dignity, "And if you don't want anyone to see this dripping out of you, you'll go quickly."
"Whose fault is that, I wonder," you manage to mumble, slowly pushing yourself up from the desk. Seteth actually laughs at this. Even now, his laugh is a rare treat that makes your heart skip like nothing else.
"I am tempted to say yours, given your intentional provocation," he says, bending over to place a soft kiss to your lips, "but I acknowledge that my own weakened restraint is partially to blame. To that end," he adds, his smile once more gentle and fond, "I am feeling rather rejuvenated. I'll be done with my work before long, and I do hope to see you in my quarters then."
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oneofthosesimps · 3 years
Freak like Me
Tumblr media
pairing: levi x fem!reader I nsfw
word count: 6230
summary: as soon as the reader enters levi's life, something changes in him. reader's madness spills over and he slowly changes
warnings: mention of blood (not yours), rough sex, dirtytalk, daddy kink, swearing, dom x dom, fight scene
authors note: although i wanted to write shorter stories again, this one somehow got longer again. i tried my hand at an action scene, but i still have to practice a lot. somehow i had strong harley x joker vibes and they had to come out, sorry.
all credits to the artist of this pic:
Lensar on DeviantArt
Your gaze falls into the depths of the forest before you close your eyes. Bright rays of sunlight fall through the branches above you and warm your face. You hear birds chirping around you, the crackling of the wood beneath you, the rustling of leaves swirling in a gust of wind. You breathe deeply as your open hair blows back. You hear your heart beating quietly in your chest as the silence embraces you like an old friend. What does freedom mean? What does life mean? You are sure that this is pretty close to the source. The people behind the wall, who go about their lives every day hoping to see the next day, would never get to see this world. Especially not the people you left behind in the underground.
A grin plays around your lips as you hear the hissing far off in the distance. The trees groan behind you under the force with which the hooks bore into their bark. That took a long time, you think to yourself, as ropes speed past you. You hear the chatter and shouts of your comrades in fragments, shattering the silence around you. Blurred faces shoot past you one after the other.
You spread your arms and stretch them away from you. One last deep breath fills your lungs before you hold your breath. Slowly your body falls backwards before you lose your footing beneath you and plunge headlong into the depths. The air hisses loudly past your ears, your body spins around itself. You are weightless, the green blurs around you before your whole body is pressed full force into your harness and you are yanked back up. You hear the gas sweep around you as you fly through the air, trailing the others. Your hooks bore further away into the trunk of a thick, old tree. You take momentum, flying high into the treetops, letting the ropes come back to you. Unsecured, you fall through space. Your body does a backward roll, allowing you to observe the forest floor for a brief moment. The moss nestles around the roots of the trees, single brown leaves cover the forest path, bodies move forward beneath you, you can still see a squirrel quickly making its way to safety before your body returns to its normal position and you dig your hooks into a tree again. You zip between the trees, your cape flying behind you, your face brushing some branches that bore into your tender skin. You hear the pop of a cannon being fired and see red smoke in the sky northwest of you.
Immediately you change direction, sprinting forward, leaving behind other cadets who still haven't processed what is happening. Arriving in a clearing, you find your place on a thick branch high above. Further in the distance, you see the shaking of trees, the earth shaking slightly, making the grass dance on the ground. You hear heavy footsteps, still moving slowly.
The branch below you moves and you look to your right. Silver eyes stare at you from beneath tousled black hair, eyeing your small body.
"You really do have to keep pushing forward." You hear more bodies land on the trees behind you and the wood weighs down slightly. The rest of your squad waits for instruction from your captain.
"I guess this is why I'll never get my own Squad, sir."
You turn your gaze back to the direction the titan is coming at you from and grin.
"What do you think, fifteen seconds?"
"Mmm, more like ten," Levi guesses, and the tremor intensifies. A huge hand grips around a tree trunk, pulling out from between the trees, and big eyes stare at you. Nearly ten-metres high, abnormal.
"Let's see what you can do then, humanity's strongest soldier." He snorts and rolls his eyes before his whole body moves forward with a jerk. He pulls his swords from their holsters and places them close to his body. With an ease and without the titan even noticing him, he cuts a chunk out of his neck. Before Levi even gets back beside you, the giant falls to the ground and starts to steam.
That wasn't even seven. He crosses his arms in front of his chest, the blood on his face slowly disappears and he looks at you. A small smirk curls his lips, "Brat."
You snort and slam your fist against his shoulder.
That's the word everyone would use to describe your relationship.
The first time Levi laid his eyes on you, when he saw you among all the new, shitty cadets, his foot hit your stomach area shortly after. You lacked respect and you lacked punctuality and discipline too. Another pile of shit he had to deal with - or work on until it headed home in tears.
The day after that, he hit your face with his fist. Kneeling on the floor in front of him, panting, you looked up at him. Wiping blood from your lips, you grinned at him and looked at him with wide eyes, your pupils exploding. "That's all you got, sir." Just as he was about to grit his teeth and lunge with his foot to beat the living daylights out of you, Hange stopped him. He tore himself away from her and knelt down to you, looking at you with dead eyes, "I'm going to make your fucking life a living hell." Your tongue licked over your lower lip, wiping away the remaining blood and your grin widened, "Try me."
He kept his word, always picking you out, giving you more tasks, making you run round after round, cleaning the whole headquarters, beating up your little body several times, but to his displeasure you did it all flawlessly. Yes, you lacked respect and also punctuality and discipline, but your performance was amazing, almost close to his. And when he finally saw the potential in you that Erwin had been talking about all along, it suddenly stopped - he left you alone, saw you with different eyes. Something changed in him, as if a plug had been pulled. You watched each other across the field during training, in mess hall at dinner, every spare minute your eyes spent on each other and gradually butterflies crept into the pit of your stomach. And you had the feeling that behind the cold silver there was something deep and dark that you wanted to bring to the surface. Your exchanges were still kept to a minimum, however, until there was another bang.
"That's the stupidest plan I've heard in a long time," you snort, raising an eyebrow.
"Excuse me, brat?" You roll your eyes and stare at him just as coldly as it hits you. The temperature in the room drops noticeably and the others at the table hold their breath. No one dares to say anything. No one would dare say anything. The moonlight from outside shines in, the candles in the room flicker slightly and trace sharp edges on your faces.
"That's the stupidest plan I've heard in a long time," you repeat louder, "Better, sir?"
Levi's eyes blaze and he stares at you. His eyebrows draw together, the corners of his mouth drop. You see Armin open his mouth speechlessly to your right.
Your hairs stand up, the electricity rises and you bite your lower lip, grinning.
"You doubt my plan?" says Levi low and monotone. Jean's hand lands on your shoulder and he grips it, pressing you into your seat to save you from your own stupidity, but it wasn't you who was stupid, it was the whole plan Levi had just explained to you.
"Not only do I doubt it, but I also have a better one," your grin widens as Levi's liquid silver darkens. "Let me fight on the front lines. Mikasa is good, but I'm better".
"For that, you're an incorrigible little bitch who won't listen to my orders".
"Yes, because my plans usually make more sense".
"You're not ready for that. Your cluelessness only makes you run from one titan to another. That statement alone shows me how small your brain is if you're not even aware of it and now shut your mouth."
Jean's grip tightens, but you just push his hand away from you. After your next blink, your heart jumps a tiny bit as you see Levi's annoyed face. He is always good at holding back his anger and it never shows. In fact, he almost never shows any emotion, but you see right through him. He has it bubbling up inside him. Never contradicts him and if he does, the person suffers a thousand deaths afterwards. But between you it is somehow different, tingling. It gives you the greatest pleasure to see him like this and you know, deep inside him, a voice is telling him that he enjoys it too. Others would describe you as crazy and full of the courage to live, but that's what makes it all so appealing.
"Maybe we can find a compromise?" suggests Armin and you see the sweat on his brow as he almost shits himself at the words. You roll your eyes and look back at Levi.
"I thought you wanted to make my life hell. So that's a good start," you remind him of the first words he ever said to you.
"Your plans are bullshit. If I let you keep fighting up front, you'll probably get yourself killed by your insanity, " he growls, almost at his limit. But only almost.
You lean over slightly, look at him, smile slightly, grin, bite your lip again, breathe, "I have a feeling you like this madness, Levi."
He tenses slightly, draws his eyebrows together again as his name passes your lips. Connie coughs and tries to draw attention to himself, but everyone ignores him. It seems like everyone is in a state of shock because you simply addressed him by his first name. Everyone watches spellbound as you literally eye-fuck each other. Do they like the show? Almost at his limit.
"Tch, what did you just call me, brat?" his voice gets louder and his hands form into fists. You lean back in your chair again and look at him, bored.
"Oh, I didn't know you had such bad hearing. Don't you like Levi? That's your name, isn't it? Do you prefer Sir? Or Captain? Or maybe," your eyes looked up at him, burning into him, "Daddy?" At his limit. Pathetic.
A deep dark sound comes from his throat and the others hold their breath again. His whole posture grows stronger and wider. You see the muscles working under his clothes, see veins popping on his hand and you feel butterflies in your stomach. His eyes are black. You all sit like that for a few seconds. You watch his gestures and his face change emotions. Without warning, his right hand hits the table flat, "Fuck off."
The sound cuts through the silence and the weaklings among you flinch. Confused, no one moves, while your eyes do not leave each other's. Armin is about to open his mouth and Jean is about to put his hand on your shoulder again when Levi stands up with a jerk, his chair tipping backwards and hitting the wooden floor with a thud.
"I said fuck off," he roars, looking around with a death glare.
Chairs squeak, footsteps run across the wooden floor, making it creak.
"What have you done now?" whispers Jean in your ear and you give him a look before he walks behind the others and the door closes.
The scene stops again and you stare at Levi. Both hands flat on the table in front of him, leaning on his arms and looking down, he stands there. You can no longer see his eyes as his long black strands fall into his face, but you notice his tense jaw. Your heart leaps again. He was so handsome. Especially when he was angry. Finally, you break the silence.
"Great, now you've scared everyone," you sigh and roll your eyes.
"What are you doing?", Levi hisses back at you, spitting venom and bile, finally raising his head. His eyes blaze again and your core drips.
"I don't know what you mean."
"You know your place, so start acting like it, you piece of shit."
"I wish my place was naked in front of you." Before Levi has taken in what you've said, you stand up, pushing the chair back a little as you do so, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go to sleep too. The day was exhausting and I need to rest to be fit for the expedition. So, I can sit my ass off nicely in midfield."
You turn away from him and your heart slips slightly into your pants. Never turn your back on the enemy. "But of course, it makes much more sense for Mikasa to fight in front and me in the back. Makes sense."
You can take two steps as his hand wraps firmly around your wrist. He squeezes too tightly, hurting you, and you grin again.
"Repeat what you said." His voice is so low it sends a shiver down your spine. Your expression changes and, playfully annoyed, you turn to face him.
"Do you mean the part where I explained that I was going to sit my ass off." He growls and you almost groan. The tension was heavy and hot.
"Stop playing games. My patience is running out."
You lick your lower lip again, wetting it before biting down on it. "I know this isn't about the fucking mission," Levi looks at your mouth. You take a step closer to him, looking up at him from below. "I wish my place was naked in front of you, Daddy," you breathe.
In that split second, his lips land on yours. Two forces of nature collide and you almost topple backwards. His arm wraps tightly around your waist, pulling you against him, and you finally moan. He bites your lower lip hard and you open your mouth in pain. He takes the opportunity to dig his tongue deep between your lips. He presses himself against your body and you slam into the wall behind you. A pain runs through your head as your tongues circle each other, fighting to see who has the upper hand. Your hands go into his hair, reaching deep into his mane, and you pull his head closer to you. Big hands grip your waist and he lifts you up with ease so you can wrap your legs around him. His hands travel under your thighs, squeezing the flesh before he drills them into the fat of your ass. Your teeth collide as you drill your tongue deeper into his mouth, exploring his mouth cavity. He releases the kiss and a thread of spit connects you. You lay your head back and lick over your swollen, sore lips as he places his mouth on your vein, kissing your pulse before licking along it.
"Took you long enough to finally decide to fuck me."
"Shut your mouth, brat," he breathes against your neck before biting into it and sucking on it.
"I swear, if you leave hickeys ..." you groan.
"What then? Are you going to hit me with your little fists?"
"You mean like you did to me all those times? Nah, I'm not an asshole like you. But you probably secretly get off on it."
He bites your neck, just above your pulse, and your head slams back against the wall behind you, making you see stars. He smirks as his nails dig into you and you claw into his shirt. Your panties are completely wet and your juice leaks out of you incessantly. You moan loudly as his teeth dig deeper into your flesh. This was far too good to be true. Your left hand goes into his hair again, you pull at the strands and tear him away from you. He makes a face and you press your lips to his again, biting his lower lip until you taste blood. He gasps and pushes your head away from him, "You're crazy."
You grin broadly at him. "We've been over this," you lick his lower lip apologetically, "and I can see you like it." His gaze is on your face as you wrap your arms around him. "You like crazy, you will stick your dick in crazy." A dark sound escapes him and your nails run over his neck. "You can't even argue with me, you want to fuck this crazy bitch so badly."
His lips land on yours again and you grin against him before moaning into his mouth as he presses you tighter against the wall. His hands leave your ass, skimming up the sides of your waist before moving forward to your chest. Two of his fingers find their way along between the buttons, stroking the sensitive skin. Your belly grows warm with the butterflies inside him. You wrap your legs tighter around his waist and run your hand under the fabric of his shirt at the nape of his neck, running it over the muscles of his shoulders and it shakes you with pleasure.
His strong hands grip the fabric of your blouse and without warning, he rips the front apart, sending the buttons flying across the room. You bite your lip as his arms fall around your waist to hold you in place. "You shouldn't have taken your anger out on my blouse," you moan as he kisses the bulge above your right collarbone and licks along it.
"Would you rather I took it out on you?" he murmurs as he bites into that thin skin too, sucking on it and sure to leave a hickey.
"Yes, I don't know you any different."
He continues to lick forward, kissing the ridge at the end of your neck, licking over a mole at the beginning of the mound of your breast. His right hand comes away from your waist, grips your left breast and kneads it. You claw into his shoulders, leaving marks as he pushes the cup off it and you feel his hand skin on skin. Almost painfully, he rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger and you push your back through, coming to meet him.
"Mmm, you like that?" he murmurs and you can hear his grin.
"I never thought you'd be this good at it," you mock, before you make a grimace and groan. Pain runs through you as he bites down on your nipple and then his lips wrap around it and he sucks on it. The sensation extends to your fingertips and your toes, coursing through your whole body. You close your eyes, savouring and moaning his name as he bites into it again. He sucks harder on it, lifting his head slightly and releasing it with a plop. He circles your nipple with his tongue and licks it slowly and pleasurably. The knot in your stomach tightens and your head is fogged.
"More," you moan into the room. You tug at the piece of fabric covering him and press your core tighter against him.
"Don't be so impatient, idiot."
"I'm not impatient, you're just slow."
He pulls your whole body down a bit, pressing his bulge into your centre. You curse because the fabric between you is annoying and rub against him greedily.
"Slowly then?" he purrs against your ear and comes towards you, rubbing against you too, "I'll keep that in mind." He grips you again and lifts you away from the wall. You let yourself fall against him and moan against his neck, licking it as you continue to try and build pressure.
Shortly after, your bottom touches the table and he releases your weight. You seize the opportunity and do the same to him, yanking him out of his shirt.
"Tch, but I'm venting my anger," he leans over you, capturing your lips again. Immediately your tongues meet. Greedily your fingers touch his body, stroking his soft skin beneath your fingers, feeling individual scars over, which you let your thumb wander. You caress each and every muscle and gape at his well-built body. He surpasses every single one of your fantasies that you imagined while he was training or just cleaning. You follow his muscles down to the V of his pelvis and a deep moan comes over him as you undo the buckle of his belt. His hands also find their way to your trousers, undoing them, and he releases the kiss. He goes to the floor, kneels in front of the table where you are still sitting and looks up at you. Slowly he takes off your boots without taking his eyes off you. You watch him spellbound, a grin falling on your lips again. He pulls at your trouser legs and you lift your bottom, helping a little so that he can brush the fabric off your legs.
His hands run over your feet and you shake yourself slightly before he kisses them.
"Mmm," you moan, "I could see you like this more often, Captain." You bite your lower lip as his hands slide along your legs. Again, and again his lip or tongue hits your skin, caressing it and you are sure you would leave a stain on the neatly cleaned table. At the latest, when his lips lick the insides of your thighs, your hands clasp the edge of the table. You groan and your right hand goes into his hair, claws into it. His hands settle on your legs, pushing them apart, and his warm breath touches your core. He looks at the dark fabric separating his face from your lower lips and licks his lips. How will you taste? There is a distinct stain, your juice colours the fabric a shade blacker and his hard cock presses against his still closed trousers. He draws in the air around him and he groans. You smell so incredibly good, how much he'd like to taste you. How much he would like to fuck you.
When you notice his fingers gently stroking your pussy and he grips the fabric to pull it aside, you moan again and pull on his head.
Painfully he is pulled back and you close your legs.
"What are you doing, idiot?" he gasps in annoyance, his face contorting at the sting.
"I don't feel like playing this time," you murmur, grinning. "My patience is wearing thin," you repeat his words from earlier, "I don't feel like waiting anymore."
You press your toes against his chest and push him backwards. He is slightly off balance, staggers and falls into the chair behind him.
"Unzip your pants already", you stand up and your hands each rest on the back of the chair next to his head, your breasts dangling in his face, "Go ahead".
Completely caught off guard, he undoes the button and then the zip. You grin again and lean forward towards him. Your lips meet his jaw, kissing along it to his ear and you put your mouth to the shell of his ear, "And now you take out your big cock."
He growls slightly and does as you command. Your gaze falls briefly on his hard erection and a shiver comes over you, your butterflies dancing inside you.
"That's much better, isn't it, Daddy?" you see his Adam's apple dangle as he swallows hard and you look into his eyes. You place one leg on each side of his body. Your hands slide from the back of the chair to his shoulders and you claw into them. Still covered with a piece of cloth, you rub your cunt over his hard cock, which presses against it. You moan and he does the same, putting his hands on your waist and squeezing. His eyes close and he puts his head back in his neck, "Do it already."
"Anything my daddy wants," your hand grips the thin fabric and pulls it aside. Drops of your juice hit him, mixing with his precum and you rub it along your slit before gripping his shaft and sliding his thick tip inside you.
Never would you have expected him to be so big. Your walls press tightly against him as he slides inch by inch into you. Your eyebrows draw together because it feels so good. Levi gasps slightly beneath you as you swallow him slowly.
"You're huge," you sigh contentedly as he's fully inside you, and you twitch your walls, his fingers buried deep in the flesh of your waist. His jaw seems tense, but his eyes look at you half-closed. His irises are no longer visible. "God, so fucking huge. We should have done this so much sooner. I think it's tearing me apart," you grin wide and happy as you feel a slight burn.
"If I had known how good you looked doing that, I would have fucked you sooner."
"Yeah, would you have?" you look deep into his eyes as you move upwards, his cock sliding completely out of you and you lower yourself back down onto him, "Do you like the way I ride your cock?" Your movements slowly quicken and you hear the smacking of your cunt as it swallows his cock again and again.
"Do you like the way your thick cock keeps digging deep into me?" He growls out and starts to come towards you. His hips thrust upwards, hitting you hard. As he does, you don't part your gaze for a second and it feels like you can glimpse his soul.
"Do you like the way my cunt milks you?" Levi digs one hand into the fat of your ass, pulling on it and baring his teeth. You dig your nails into his back as he changes the angle and bumps against your G-spot. The sounds of his balls hitting your ass and the mixing of your fluids grow louder. You become incredibly hot and start to sweat.
"Do you like the way I moan your name?" you add a long Levi at the last word and he stares at you like you're a goddess. His goddess.
"Fuck, you're so hot," he murmurs in a dry, heavy voice.
"That you ever thought otherwise hurts my heart." You ram your fingernails deeper into his back and pull at the skin, leaving deep marks.
"I'll never think anything else again," he groans up at you. By now you are no longer riding him. Instead, he holds you in place above him, your feet no longer even touching the ground, and he thrusts into you with a brutality that leaves you breathless. The knot in your stomach gets tighter and tighter and you bite his shoulder to stifle a scream. He fucks you like a madman, pressing his body hard against yours and enjoying the feel of your hard nipples against his chest. He tries to get even deeper, to push against your cervix, but the position is too shitty for that.
"That won't do," he groans, suddenly lifting you up. With his pants at his ankles and you in his arms, he walks back to the table, lays you down on it ungently and buries himself in you again. He grips your legs with his hands, rests them on his shoulders and increases his speed further. He fucks you into the hard wood of the table and puts his head back, moaning your name loudly. He comes so far inside you, you feel pain deep inside you. Such good pain.
"God, your cunt is so tight. I never want to feel anything else ever again." You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Your breath has long left your lungs and your brain can't make anything up. Your little body is concentrating solely on how his fat cock is being pushed into you, how he is tearing your little hole in two and how incredible this feeling is. Because of this, you just mumble something to yourself, which makes him grin, "Suddenly I guess your mouth isn't so big anymore." Again, you try to say something, but it is in vain. Your head is full of fog and all you can think about is how he should thrust harder, even deeper, which is no longer possible, and how he should take you. You want him to ruin you, for everything and everyone. Every night he should do this to you so that you can never stand or sit again. You just want to be his little plaything.
"Good to know I can shut you up like this." His cock hits your G-spot hard and makes you see stars. You moan loudly and reach for something to claw into, but there's nothing. "Alright, I guess silent isn't quite the right word".
He's fucking you so well and you glare at him as he stares at you and you bite your lip, your breathing becoming more uncontrolled and you nod slightly at him to signal how close you are. He grins and you push your back through as he thrusts into you one last time and you explode, screaming his name and losing your grip on the earth.
That was probably the beginning of your death - and probably that of every other - but who knows for sure. The two of you were quite a force on your own, but as a duo you were invincible. Soon, word got out about what had happened. You could have tried to deny it, but it wasn't difficult to guess, since you were ever the only person allowed to disobey Levi and get away alive. Moreover, your loud moans could be heard throughout the building. Everyone should know that you now belong to each other. Your madness spilled over onto him. You had nothing left to lose - except each other and you swore you would only leave this hell together.
"Listen up, shitheads," Levi turns his attention to the people behind you and you follow his gaze, "we're going to do another round and secure the perimeter before we set up camp here for the night."
"Yes, sir," everyone but you shouts in unison and salutes. You roll your eyes.
Your gaze, on the other hand, averts and you direct it to the trees around you. The birdsong has died down and the wind has receded. The branch beneath you sways slightly again as Armin lands on it and turns to talk to Levi. You ignore them both and continue to look around. No wind, but the leaves sway back and forth. You close your eyes and concentrate. Far in the distance you can hear a river making its way through the ground. There is a faint smell of wet moss and it is all so peaceful. Far away you hear the tapping of a woodpecker looking for its food before it suddenly stops. You tear your eyes open and clutch the handles of your equipment. A moment later you see the bird fluttering overhead with a loud bird song. Your eyes fall on Levi and over Armin's shoulder he looks at you. He raises an eyebrow before your typical grin falls to your lips and his expression slips.
You shoot your hooks, which bore into a tree and you fly away. Behind you, you hear the shouting of others and more gas being consumed as you make your way through the forest. You build up speed and zoom past the many trees. You race in the direction from which you just heard the woodpecker. You hear a stomping sound that gets louder and louder the closer you get to it, before you see two huge figures running past you on your left. You didn't expect two, but that only means one more point on your kill scale. Your hands grip the handles of your 3DMG tighter and adrenaline rushes through your bloodstream. You draw in a deep breath through your nose as you suddenly change direction and race towards them. In the distance, you catch sight of your squad and see Levi racing ahead of them after you. He is stronger than you, but you are faster. He has left the squad behind with ease and does not look happy. His rage-filled face makes you feel like you're on fire and a shiver runs down your spine.
"Sorry," you shout loudly to them as you fly through the air and your hook bores into a titan's shoulder. You hear Levi yell your name, but you ignore him. Unfortunately, this distracts the two titans and they notice you. They stop and look around before spotting Levi.
The smaller titan is just under eight metres tall, the other about two metres taller, both of course abnormal. You whirl around the larger one and draw your swords, placing them against your small body, ready for battle. You hiss at his neck, but while he has not yet set his sights on you, the smaller one turns his attention to you and looks at you with wide eyes. He reaches out his hand to you. You curse loudly and drill your hook into a tree above you to get away from him quickly. It is just enough that when he closes his hand, you are not caught in it. Instead, your sole touches his huge finger and you push off against him in addition to putting more land between him and you. On the other side of the field, you see Levi whirling through the air, attracting the little titan's attention. He puts up his swords ready to fight, but you are quicker, get in his way and cut the titan's neck with a smooth slice. The first titan goes down, begins to steam and you are left with the larger one. As you fly through the air, you drill your hooks into his arm and pull yourself towards him. Just before you get on top of him you change direction and fly towards his shoulder. The titan looks around and tries to spot you again, but you are too fast. The next time your hooks hit a tree in the distance. You fly towards his neck, your swords just setting when your ropes suddenly loosen. The titan has lashed out, ripping them out of the tree. You tear open your eyes, more adrenaline finding its way into your bloodstream, your heart pounding against your chest. For the moment, your course is not altered, so your cut glides through him perfectly and he falls slowly to the ground. But you fall with him. You try to drill your hooks back into a tree, but apparently, he has damaged your equipment, so nothing happens. Panic shoots into your head as you get closer and closer to the ground. You close your eyes and brace yourself for impact before you hit the ground. Your air is ripped from your lungs, your body aches under the contact and the wind flies around your ears. You cling to the body against you and rest your head against its neck. Black tea and lemon. As soon as your feet touch ground, he sets you down and pushes you off him. You stagger back and see the faces of the rest of your comrades, who look at you in horror.
"What was that about, you retard?!" snarls Levi at you, and you see his tense jaw and the deep creases on his forehead, his lips pressed hatefully into a line, as he presses his eyebrows together.
"I don't know what you're upset about. I had the situation under control." You pat the dirt off your clothes, hoping he doesn't see your slightly wobbly legs. You take a deep breath and look up at him. That was more action than you planned. To be honest, the situation got out of hand, but you would never admit that - especially not in front of Levi.
"Under control?! You call that under control! You disobeyed my order!" he yells at the whole forest and you see Krista wince.
"I killed them, what more do you want? If you hadn't come, I would have finished faster."
"He almost killed you!"
"Right, almost," you grin at him and undo the straps of your equipment, letting it fall to the floor. It is no longer of any use and simply means more burden that you would have to carry around with you. You kick it lightly and it rattles. Everyone seems shocked, and Levi clenches his hands into fists. You bite your lower lip, "You were there, weren't you?"
"Yeah, but I'm not always, maron!"
"Yeah, and I'm good at taking care of myself in those moments," you stride towards him and place your hands on his tense chest, "Daddy."
You wink at him and the others almost skin it at your words. Eren is probably already thinking about running away before Levi takes his anger out on him. You stroke his shirt and he stares at you. His anger is immeasurable, but you can see something else mingling in his gaze and he relaxes slightly.
"You'll pay for that later," he murmurs and you lick your lips.
"I expected nothing less."
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