#and I limited myself to one character per fandom
atimble · 9 months
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tlonista · 10 months
A whole mess of Astarion hurt/comfort fanfic recs
OK fine I've read so much Astarion hurt/comfort-adjacent fic that I should really put together an incomplete rec list. Be warned that with Astarion's canon backstory there's a lot of abuse and assault references of varying explicitness, so check the AO3 tags. I'm also limiting myself to one fic per author because otherwise I'd end up with several pages of Asidian and FlowerCitti. In case you're wondering, my personal contribution to the field is Seducere.
Ongoing Fics:
innocence died screaming by FlowerCitti
Comprehensive pre- and in-canon Astarion character study. Contains possibly the most heartwrenching post-Astarion-locked-tomb-era turn I've ever read. Very good.
Another Path by Asidian
A sweet Wyllstarion monster hunter x monster no-tadpole AU in which Astarion gets captured/rescued by Wyll straight out of a year in a coffin and navigates basic human kindness for the first time in a couple centuries.
Seen by ayvaines
Modern Bloodweave AU where Cazador is Astarion's cruel, controlling boyfriend and Gale is the kind D&D GM who's hosting them both in a game. As makes sense for a modern AU, it's a more-understated-than-canon take on Astarion coming to terms with the fact that he's in an abusive relationship, working out his feelings about Cazador through tabletop roleplaying, including some clever scenes dealing with the bleed of intense RPG sessions.
Heartbeats by LadyRagnelle
Canon-divergent Durgestarion fic where Astarion was recaptured by his siblings, memory-wiped, and then rescued by a team of companions he no longer remembers. A lot of well-executed (and sometimes surprisingly funny) angst around Astarion, charlatan that he is, trying to pretend he hasn't forgotten absolutely everything including how to be a non-level-1 rogue and have friends.
The stars began to burn by peregrinefeathers
Gale is trapped in fantasy nullspace and gets Astarion free of Cazador's clutches, after which they navigate an odd-couple relationship while trying to kill Cazador and pull Gale back into the physical world. Another classic "Astarion learns what human decency is" no-tadpole AU.
Memoir by IzzyIzGay
An Interview with the Vampire-style fic in which Astarion tells Gale about his time under Cazador, playing with that series' trademark unreliable narration and an unusually literal version of Cazador's creepy family dynamic.
Starved by neo7v
A modern non-magical Bloodweave AU featuring Astarion and the lonely degradation of a precarious service industry job! Only a few chapters so far, but seriously, it takes the "vampiric starvation" theme in a direction that's very mundane and miserable and compelling and it's one of my favorite recently started fics.
Unexpected Guests by Erandir
Another "get loved and cared for, sucker" no-tadpole AU featuring a non-Tav druid OC taking care of a lost Astarion who's escaped Baldur's Gate. Astarion and druids, the perfect foil.
Through The Night Dark And Drear by JJJSchmidt
Astarion is accidentally bargained off to an archfey by Cazador and taken to the palace of infuriatingly confusing fair folk magic! There's still a lot of story left to be uncovered, but I love the worldbuilding and fairy-tale premise.
snare by parsnipit
A Halstarion fic where Astarion never got tadpoled and the gang ends up rescuing him from Cazador, post-game, with his compulsions very much intact. Which leads naturally to hissing wet cat Astarion reluctantly learning to trust Halsin while they plot to take down Cazador.
Quick Step by starkraving
starkraving's another person who could have made up a big chunk of this list, and this character study plays really well on the classic "how the hell does Astarion know how to be a rogue anyway" fandom conversation. My favorite entry in a good and growing series of Astarion-centered fics.
Gifts by Feena_c
Astarion gets caught by Cazador before the confrontation at the palace. Impeccable "Cazador doesn't realize Astarion didn't just come back to Baldur's Gate, he came back loved" vibe, as Cazador tries to break Astarion by taking away the gifts the tadpole gang gave him along the way.
What is Affection but the Absence of Cruelty by Aztec24
One of my favorite tropes is "Astarion tortures himself by obsessively imagining how awful these perfectly nice people will be to him," and this very much delivers. Featuring a rare two-Tavs-plus-Astarion throuple!
The Mimic by ForsakenFlyingCircus
This is really hurt-no-comfort, but I'm including it because it's a good super sad take on dehumanization with an awful Tav confirming all the worst things Astarion thinks about himself and the world, touching on the whole problem of sentient monsters in D&D.
Peel the scars from off my back by WitchyBee
A Spawn Family fic in the aftermath of Astarion getting Cazador's contract on his back - lots of antagonistic but grudgingly caring sibling interaction and Astarion being satisfyingly ambivalent about it all.
Complete Multi-Chapter Fic:
Just A Taste by NightmareGiraffe
The tadpole gang gets imprisoned at Moonrise Towers and Astarion accepts an offer from Araj Oblodra in exchange for their freedom. A very dark yet totally in-character elaboration on the canon blood merchant encounter, plus a cool dragonborn Tav.
The Accountant’s Guide to Taking Down an Evil Vampire Lord (and maybe bagging Astarion while you are at it) by Cinnamontails
A charming f!OC-who-isn't-Tav/Astarion longfic that combines hurt/comfort with het romance novel conventions, which I feel like is rarely pulled off.
And I know there's a ton I missed here -- god this fandom is big.
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sotwk · 3 months
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Everyone is invited! You do not have to be a Follower or Mutual. However, Anon Asks will not be accepted for this event. 
How to Participate:
Pick one of the described games below that strikes your fancy.
Drop an Ask in my Ask Box with your request.
I will respond and we’ll have fun!
One Game/Request per Ask/Message, please. You may submit multiple Asks, but if I'm short on time, I will prioritize the first one you sent.
I will only accept Asks received during the event period of July 11-15. I will give myself until July 31st to respond to everything; past that date, I absolve myself of the obligation. (Use your own timezone to determine the start/end dates.)
Read on for the fun!!!
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Pick one of the Special Guest Blorbos below and I will write a 300-word “drabble” for them with a summertime-themed prompt. 
This is the only time I will write or accept requests for these Blorbos, so this is truly “limited edition”!
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Need advice or a chance to vent over a problem? Send a quick letter to King Thranduil and/or Queen Maereth, and one of them will respond with some loving parental wisdom!
Updated (7/12): ANONS ARE ACCEPTED for this game ONLY.
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Share with me 5-10 bullet points about your Original Character (any fandom), and I will match them up with one of my own OCs, or a Tolkien canon character. Please include a face claim if you have one. 
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Fill in the blanks: “What would <name of Thranduilion Prince> do if <describe hypothetical situation>?” Send me the question and I will answer with some headcanons.
For example: “What would Legolas do if he got asked to dance by someone who is a terrible dancer?”
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Quote a line from the lyrics of a song you love, and I will say which Tolkien character I think is most likely to say it. (Please name the song and artist.)
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Pick a character you would like to receive a love note from:
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Please turn on your Anon Asks for this game to avoid delivery issues.
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Send me the link to a short fic (one-shot, 3,000 words or less only) that you wrote or you recommend. I will read it and “comment” by making a moodboard or doodle for that fic.
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Please invite your friends, a.k.a. reblog to boost this post! :) Hope to see you there!
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neetily · 1 month
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—follower thank you event !!
in an effort to thank you all and appreciate all of the love, support, and kindness you have all shown me over the many months i've known you, especially when following me on this new blog too, i've decided to open up a matchup event!
— what is a matchup? basically, you send me some information (you can see which i need further down) and depending on what you send me, i will match you up like your very own personal cupid to a character i think fits you most from the designated fandoms! i've also included some extra information and goodies to make it a little more fun hehe...
— below, you will find all the information you may require to take part in this event! please read through it carefully and thoroughly, as anyone who does not abide by these rules will have their entry deleted immediately.
— the event will run for three days, or until all of the slots are taken.
20/20 slots taken
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matchups are being done for Stardew Valley, Degrees of Lewdity, and Fields of Mistria only.
you must include your age in bio.
you must send me a message off anon so that i can keep track of who sends what, you will, however, still remain anonymous! i will post your matchup anonymously in a separate post, and then answer your ask privately with a link to it to let you know that i finished it up!
you must be following me, as this is an event made for my followers! new followers are welcome, of course.
you can send in a max of 1 messages and in that one message you can ask for a max of 2 fandoms to count for 2 entries during the event duration, any extra entries will be subsequently deleted. i will then provide up to 2 drabbles per fandom requested for!
my limits still very much apply to this event, jsyk!
are you a mutual? then this rule is for you! you guys do not count when it comes to taking up slots, but you can still only send a max of 2 fandoms! just don't worry if all the slots are taken up and you didn't get a chance to take part, you guys can always take part <3
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here is all the information you should/could add to your entry! you can, of course, add more or less. but the more you add then the better/more accurate your matchup will be!
a brief personality description
a brief description of your appearance (such as if you wear glasses, prefer skirts, always have your hair tied up. please do not be too specific and/or extensive)
zodiac sign/MBTI
your ideal type
your favourite trope (one)
your favourite kink (one)
your favourite season
preferred terms of endearment
preferred genitalia (otherwise, i will default to none and try to be as nondescript as possible)
any likes/dislikes
your love language
who you want to top/bottom
anything else you wish to mention!
in addition to the above, information i absolutely require is as follows;
do you prefer sweet (fluff) or spicy (smut) tastes?
what is your favourite date spot/event?
which fandom would you like to be matched up in?
which character gender would you like to be matched up with?
when you are alone, do you prefer to... listen to music, text your friends, or do something creative?
— given the information you provide me, i will find someone suitable for you that fits your parameters and write about why i think so, as well as attaching a little babble/drabble to the end exploring your relationship a bit further!
— example entry 1: hi! im an outspoken extrovert type, and my star sign is leo! i really love classical romance stories, and tend to find it difficult to stop yapping. my friends say that i am funny, kind, and a perfectionist! i like being called "love", and i'd prefer if you'd use "cunt" when referencing genitalia. i love sweet treats and the colour blue, and my favourite hobby is ice skating. my ideal date would be at an amusement park, and i love texting my friends! please could you match me up with a male from DOL? thank you!
— example entry 2: hello there! i'd describe myself as shy, unsure, but kind! my love language is physical touch, and i love painting! when it comes to tropes, my favourite is "childhood best friends". and as for kinks, choking is my favourite! i enjoy being called degrading names, and summer is my favourite season, so i'd love if you included that! please could you also include the reader wearing glasses for me? as for your required information, i prefer spicy, a beach setting is perfect for a date, i'd like to request from any two fandom you choose, and either gender is fine! also, i prefer listening to music when i'm alone, thank you!
or something like that, yknow? just be sure to include brief descriptions and the required info and we're good!
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disclaimer: if you disagree or otherwise dislike who i have picked for your matchup, please don't get mad at me lmao... this is all just silly fun, it doesn't mean anything <3 and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
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ladysarai · 2 months
Inception Olympics AU Fanwork Fest!
The other day I posted a little interest check, and it looks like there is some interest! So here we go!
Day 26 of @inception30daychallenge this year was "Which summer Olympic sport would each character compete in?" and the fandom answered with countless AMAZING ideas! Between that and the actual Summer Olympics happening in Paris, I went searching for Olympics AUs for Inception. I found some, but not nearly enough!
I am putting out the call to Inception fandom: Bring us Olympics AUs!
I've created a collection over at AO3: Inception Olympics AU Fanwork Fest | Archive of Our Own
The collection is unmoderated and open for posting! For fanworks that can't be posted to AO3 (or for those who don't have AO3 accounts), please post here on Tumblr and use the hashtag #inceptionolympicsAUfest.
As inspiration and a gift, I have found and bookmarked all of the existing Olympics AUs I could find on AO3, here! There are 14, 5 of which are part of a series! And, as per usual with this fandom, they are all of them EXCELLENT. Do yourself a favor and go enjoy them, then create some of your own!! (If I have missed a fic, please let me know!)
I figure this can run for the month of August. If you're inspired or have started something and haven't finished it by then, that's okay! The real goal of this fest is to create more fun AUs and amazing fanworks. So let's have some fun!
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FAQ and more info under the cut.
What can I work on for this fest?
This is meant to be a collection of fanworks, including:
fanfics (no word limits (min or max), no deadline or start date)
fan mixes
gif sets
a collection of prompts up for adoption
Rec lists
literally anything accepted...
Gen or ANY pairings
Anything goes!
Are there any prompts?
Not officially! But here are some ideas:
Men's gymnastics AU (I mean, look at this shit!)
Fencing AU!
Equestrian events! Any/all of them!
Wrestling/Boxing/Judo AU!
Swimming AU!
Diving AU!
Bicycling AU!
Shooting AUs--guns or archery!
Tennis AU! (Look. Dom and Arthur as a duo. Maybe up against Eames and Yusuf? GUARANTEED CHAOS.)
Rowing AU!
A full list of all Olympic sports to choose from!!
Competing coaches! Good coaches, bad coaches!
Are your faves on a team together?
Or do they compete against each other in the SAME SPORT?
Do they compete in DIFFERENT sports and support each other??
Are there career ending/threatening injuries leading to hurt/comfort??
Does everyone win a gold medal?
Does NO ONE win but get to go home with something better than a medal??
JUST THINK of all the shenanigans that can be got into in the Olympic Village!
PARALYMPICS!!! Why are they competing the paralympics?! Is it one character or several?!
What are the Rules?
Create a thing, post it to this collection! If you're on Tumblr, tag a post with #inceptionolympicsAUfest
Make sure the thing you make is for the Inception fandom.
Make sure the Olympics or Paralympics are somehow part of the story. (Even if the story is that they don't qualify for the Olympics!)
Be kind to each other.
Let your imagination run wild!
Have fun!
That's it.
Is there a deadline?
Currently I'm thinking this could work as a month of August 2024 thing, but obviously anything submitted at any time will be welcomed! And I can guarantee I'll want this again come the Winter Games. I know myself.
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panthera-dei · 9 months
Technomancy 101
Hi, friends! I'm back with another witchy FAQ from the past couple weeks. This time from the world of tech magic!
Here are some quick TL;DR technomancy tips for those who may not want to read the long FAQs post beneath the cut:
1. Chest spells (like a jar spell but with a chest filled with in game items that match the intent)
2. Poppet spells using the game characters by giving them items or altering their names/appearances
3. Similar to a chest spell but not necessarily magic per se - using chests or sheds with in-game items as altars and/or offerings
4. Build a shrine / altar / temple with offerings, or leave an item such as a torch in the game world as an offering
5. Burn/bury/destroy ingredients to activate a spell with the desired effect
6. Write an affirmation or a spell on a sign or other in-game item and destroy it to activate as a sigil
7. Build a golem or animal pen or something as a servitor for protection
8. Use some form of sympathetic magic connecting in-game items to IRL items
9. Light sticks, flashlights, plastic lightsabers, and toy sonic screwdrivers make *awesome* wands, especially if they light up and make noise.
10. The possibilities are limited to your imagination!!
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(I am choosing Wittgenstein from The Brave Little Toaster movies as my mascot for tech magic, simply because I like him and because I can. Image credit - Fandom Wiki.)
What is technomancy?: Technomancy, techno magic, and tech magic are all terms for a form of magic that utilizes common modern technology, such as smartphones and video games. Technically, “technomancy” could refer specifically to divination with technology; however, in my experience, the term usually has a broader meaning in common usage. I personally tend to use these terms interchangeably, with perhaps a slight preference for technomancy, since I learned that name first.
What are some forms of technomancy?: Common forms of technomancy include digital sigils, emoji spells, shufflemancy, video game spells, and video game altars.
How do I create a digital sigil?: The ways are about as unlimited as creating a physical sigil on paper. You can use a drawing app on a smartphone or tablet, find a digital sigil generator online, use a photo editor on a picture, or even add a string of charged letters to an email signature (just make sure they blend in!).
OK, and what's the deal with emoji spells?: Yes, this is an actual thing (though not a thing that I'm particularly experienced with). They're pretty straightforward. They can be done like a sigil - string emojis together and charge them. Or like an actual spell - put them together and send to cast, or like to charge and send/reblog to cast.
What kind of games can you use for technomancy?: Any of them. Minecraft is a very popular one. So is Stardew Valley. Skyrim and other RPGs are other common choices. As with other forms of magic, the only real limit is your imagination.
What kind of spells can you cast in a game?:
Chest spells - like digital jar spells - are very common.
Poppet spells are another common choice. In games that allow you to create a character, or in games where you can give items to an NPC, you can turn the character into a poppet of someone and give them an item to cast the spell. For example, if I wanted emotional strength, I could create a Skyrim character as a poppet for myself, and have the character drink a strength potion to cast a spell of strength for myself in the real world.
Burying or burning items in games like Minecraft can be done to cast spells that are similar to physical spells that require burning a paper, bay leaf, or other ingredient.
Enchanting! Use the enchanting function in a video game like Skyrim or Minecraft to enchant a physical object. For example, you might choose to connect a physical scarf to a shield in Skyrim, and when you enchant the in-game shield with a damage resistance effect, voila! You now have a fancy enchanted scarf to protect yourself from spiritual attacks.
Customize your avatar to your advantage! In games such as Sky: Children Of The Light, where you can accessorize your character, you can equip different items to cast a different spell on yourself. For example, you might use the Saluting Captain's staff as a cosmetic to cast a spell of protection on yourself, or you could use a particular cape as a spiritual veil.
For deity work & spirit work, consider creating a space in your game (e.g. a chest, shed, home, biome, character, etc.) dedicated to the entities you work with. For example, temples and altars in Minecraft are common. Devotional sheds and chests are popular in Stardew Valley. I’ve named some appropriate Pokemon after an entity or dedicated the critter to them. You can even place a torch or candle in the game world as an offering.
There are lots more out there, too! This list is a starting point, not a limitation. Use your imagination and swap ideas with others, too!
How exactly does all of this work?? How is it possible?!: OK, so the principle behind tech magic is that you're harnessing the energy of multiple sources.
First, the device itself (and if you're using something like a Switch, the cartridge or other physical media). Each of these items has its own materials - electricity, glass and metal, etc. And each of those materials has a magical property that you can use... Glass and metal come from the Earth and have their own correspondences, while electricity is pure energy in itself.
Second, you have the energy of symbolism, or as I like to think of it with a butchered sociology term, symbolic interactionism - i.e., the idea that we create our own reality (or our *perception* of reality) via symbols. In other words, the power of correspondences! A candle is still a candle whether it's physical or digital. Lapis lazuli has the same qualities in this world that it does in a pixelated version. And so forth. So when you use the correspondences in digital spell work, provided that you raise the energy, it can and does have real world consequences. Similar to doing magic in the astral as opposed to the physical world... you are making a conscious decision to connect a digital item to an effect either in the astral and/or physical worlds.
Finally, you're also harnessing the power of belief and the energy of attention, which is where the chaos magic concepts start to come in. The digital worlds are real because you believe they are and you pour parts of your energy and personality into them - and so do *millions* of other people, in many cases. All of that energy is sort of like a reservoir in these games and it's just waiting to be harvested for spell work!
So… This is another subset of chaos magic, then.: Pretty much, yes. I haven't seen it categorized as anything else yet, except for in those cases where technomancy is given its own category.
And what did you mean by “energy of symbolism” again?: Correspondences. Both traditional ones and your own. For example, obsidian corresponds with protection IRL. So if you were making a chest spell in Minecraft for protection, you'd want to consider adding an obsidian block to your spell. Some of this is also stuff that you can brainstorm on your own and explore! Like for example, in the Elder Scrolls series, there are several plants and items that don't exist IRL, such as the corkbulb root - but in the game, that item can be used to make a potion of healing, so for me, it has a healing correspondence. Also, if the game you’re playing has spells already, you can consider how to adapt those spells to affect the real world in a logical, realistic way! Many pop culture magicians have done a great job of turning Pokemon moves into real spells, for example. So feel free to play around (pun intended) and see what works best for you!
How come you only mentioned shufflemancy once in this whole entire post??: That, my friend, needs to be a post for a later date. I assure you, I absolutely can (and probably already have, and probably eventually will) write an entire post about shufflemancy.
How come your formatting is crap?: Because I wrote all of this on a smartphone and pieced it into a post with the mobile app. Bear with me. XD
Where do I learn more and fact check you, smarty-pants?: Tumblr. The answer is usually Tumblr for this kind of thing. Or sometimes Discord. Like pop culture magic, techno magic is simply very new. Some tags to search include tech magic, techno magic, technomancy, video game magic, etc.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 days
tagged by @misspickman to do a poll of a bunch of favorite female characters!!! no one said i have to limit myself to one per fandom but im gonna try. um. yippeeeee now to try and remember what fandoms ive been into other than dc. let's see....
is it cheating to put both lúthien and éowyn on here? maybe so. but if im the one who made up the rule i get to break it. i think that's how that works.
tagging... @magicalcreeks @loisinherlane @meteortrails @nikrei @dio-icarticaae @kara-zor-els and @radioactive-earthshine !!!
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aurrieattorney · 3 days
Rules: Make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most! I was tagged by @robinyourcreator and @idlenight
i tried to do one characters per fandom max to stretch myself
tagging anyone who wants to do this and hasn't already??
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actuallysaiyan · 1 month
Smutty Prompt List #1
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Inspired by the wonderful @nanamiscocksleeve who's having their Thirsty Weekend coming up this weekend, I've decided to make a prompt list for my return to Tumblr! Please go show NCS so much love, they deserve it!!!!
Please choose one to two(MAX) prompts on the list
Be clear and concise about who you'd like the prompt to be spoken by
Please limit it to TWO characters per prompt. Ideally one is the best, but I will write threesomes!
Follow my rules that you can access via my pinned post
Minors do not interact please
Pick characters from the list of fandoms below!
My Hero Academia
Dragon Ball
Chainsaw Man
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen(please note that these may be lower on the priority list but I'll still write them!)
Stardew Valley
Devil May Cry
PROMPTS(Written by me and inspired by other prompt lists I've seen!)
“If you don’t slow down, you’re gonna make me cum.”
“Awhh does this little princess/prince like being choked? Of course you do.”
“If you don’t shut that pretty mouth of yours, I’m going to fill it and shut you up myself.”
“I’m going to fucking wreck you.”
“I’ve never felt anything quite like this…it’s so good.”
“What a filthy mouth you got on you…better make good use of it!”
“I’m going to rip off your clothes and fold you in half. How does that sound?”
“Stop whining! You begged for this!”
“Shhh! You don’t want to get caught do you?”
“Are you my cute little cocksleeve?”
“I’ve been dreaming about this for a very long time…”
“Mmm, you should use me like your life depends on it!”
“Look at you shaking! Am I too rough?”
“You’re so cute when you're cock/pussydrunk.”
“Hah! Where the hell do you think you’re going dressed like that?”
“So pretty taking me like this…”
“Fuck, I’m gonna paint your insides white!”
“On your knees! Now! I will not repeat myself.”
“I could never love someone the way I love you…”
“Won’t you show me how much you missed me?”
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ramblings-of-lola · 2 months
Lola's 300 Follower Event
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I decided to go with a nature theme for this one. Thank you to everyone who came across my blog and decided to stay! I have to pinch myself daily because it shocks me that this blog I started for fun has grown. I'm grateful for every single one of you. 💚
This is my intro post if you're new to my blog!
🦋 Butterfly - Send me a song and I'll describe what it looks like to me (I have chromesthesia)
🌻 Sunflower - Send me a book, movie, or show recommendation!
🌲 Pine Tree - I'll assign a ship or character from a fandom I'm in a song
🌿 Leaf - I'll give you a book recommendation (include books you like in the ask please)
🦌 Deer - Send me a number, word, name, etc. and I'll tell you want color it is to me (I also have grapheme-color synesthesia)
🐾 Tracks - I'll assign you a song that reminds me of you
🍄 Mushroom - Send me any question you have about me and I'll answer it within reason (you can use anon asks if you want)
☀️ Sunshine - Send me a scene, ship, and/or character from a fandom I'm in and I'll give my thoughts on it
🐝 Bumblebee - Send me a character and I'll share headcanons I have for them
This event will end August 13th! You can send in as many prompts as you want! Please spam my inbox with these! The only limit I have is that there is one prompt per ask.
This event is open to mutuals and followers only
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shurisneakers · 9 months
a writing challenge? in 2024? you bet
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Hi! Hello! Hey!
I've been going through A Time and have chosen to cope by going back to the specific vibes of 2016 to 2018. That happens to include an incredible resurgence in my love for MCU fanfic, the community around it and all the love that goes into them. I've felt a bit distant from here for a while, but I still see so many of my old friends writing, ones who want to get back into it, and a whole lot of new writers I am dying to meet.
I've floated this idea vaguely on my blog and people seem to be interested so I figured it was worth a shot!
So yeah, welcome to Ari's Old School, Nostalgia Jam, Why-The-Hell-Not MCU Fic Writing Challenge 2024!
Prompts, rules and whatnot under the cut:
If you could reblog this post to reach someone who might want to participate, I'd really appreciate it! No need to be following me, it's open for anyone.
Reader-inserts, OCs, solo character fics, character x character-- absolutely no limitations
Any and all MCU characters are allowed
Anything above 500 words should have a read-more/keep-reading tab. Series, multi-chapters, one-shots, drabbles, etc etc. The sky's the limit.
Please tag me in your fics (@shurisneakers) so I'm notified of them, and post them with the tag #arisoldschoolwritingchallenge . It may take me a while to get back to you due to the circumstances I find myself in currently, but I absolutely will. Please send me a DM if I haven't responded within 10 days.
Send me an ask with the prompt you would like. Feel free to pick up to 2 prompts
The only thing I request of you: no RPF and no dark fics. Smut is welcome, but non-con/dub-con/incest or anything along those veins is something I'd ask you not to submit for this challenge. Thank you for your understanding!
I know I've called it an MCU fic challenge as it's the community I've grown with, but if you feel like any of these prompts resonates with a character from another fandom, please go ahead and write it. This challenge really is just about the fun of writing fanfic and love for Your Little Guys
No submission cut-off date. Take all the time you need.
I've tried to have a mix of classics and uncommon tropes/dynamics, so I hope everyone finds something they connect with!
Relationship Prompts
1. Enemies (taken by @theysaywhatasadsight)
2. Best friends/childhood friends
3. Coworkers (taken by @jaaneymann)
4. Internet friends
5. Neighbours/roommates (taken by @angrythingstarlight)
6. Fake dating (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
7. Commuters
Alternate Universe Prompts
1. Florist AU (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
2. Showmance AU (taken by @bombsonboard)
3. Social media/streaming/gaming AU (taken by @splintered-emotions)
4. Thieves/Heist Group AU
5. Time travel AU
6. Pirates AU
7. College AU (taken by @lovelybarnes)
8. Apocalypses/dystopia AU (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
9. Chef AU
10. Roadtrips AU
Some rarer miscellaneous ones for those who are so inclined!
1. Shipwrecked together on an island
2. Meet Ugly (opposite of Meet Cutes) (taken by @barnesandco
3. Both of you are ghosts but don't know the other is
4. Treasure hunters AU
5. Faking death
6. Professional cuddlers AU
7. Time loops/Groundhog Day (taken by @sxrensxngwrites)
8. Orpheus and Eurydice
9. Villain x hero
10. Hitchhiking
11. Carnival of Horrors
12. Robin Hood
13. Matchmakers AU
14. Insomniac x narcoleptic
15. Intergalactic Coffee Shop AU
16. Doomed By The Narrative
17. Enemies to Lovers to Enemies
18. Subversion of Classic Hallmark Movie Tropes
Dialogue prompts
You can tweak them as per requirements, but be sure to keep the underlying message!
1. "I should have trusted myself. I should have stayed far away from you." (taken by @waywardcrow)
2. "Has it occurred to you that how I feel matters too?" (taken by @jaaneymann)
3. "We failed. I would do it again."
4. "You do not deserve my forgiveness."
5. "You make me feel so alone." (taken by @reidishh)
6. "I'm not giving up on us." "I did. You should too." (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
1. "Ohhh, you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid." (taken by @pinkthick)
2. "I think you and I make the worst choices together." "Yeah, but it's always entertaining."
3. "I trusted you." "Terrible decision, really."
4. "I know I'm smiling but I want to push you off a very big cliff." (taken by @pepperonijem)
5. "I'm hilarious." "You're traumatised."
1. "This is the only thing I look forward to everyday." (Taken by @bombsonboard)
2. "I think we should do that again. For the sake of the world and my sanity."
3. "You're all I think about." (taken by @waywardcrow)
4. "Don't go anywhere I can't follow." (taken by @iguess-theyre-mymess)
5. "Don't smile at me like that." "Like what?" "Like that." (Taken by @lovelybarnes)
Word Prompts:
Bruised (taken by @juvenilearson)
Sunflower (taken by @barnesandco)
Mischief (taken by @supraveng)
I hope you'll join in! Please do tag anyone you think would be interested, I'd love for this to have as wide an audience as possible.
Lots of love <3
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piraterefrigerator · 10 months
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I couldn't decide between my babies Grover and Percy so they're together also I had to limit myself to one character per fandom (ignore that I broke that rule) because otherwise it would be almost entirely ouat characters
Ty @caliburn-the-sword for the inspo and linking the template
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taniushka12 · 3 months
✨ Challenge: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same, and see which character is everyone's favorite! ✨
tagged by @kissporsche, thank youu ♥♥ I tried to limit myself to one fave per fandom but eiffel and minkowski are both SO important to me 😭😭
tagging: @wolf-three-fifty-nine, @sluiba, @florallychaotic, @dancehallcrasher, @oatplant
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angellayercake · 1 year
Ghost Fandom Fic Recs
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This is such a great idea @ghuleh-recs thank you so much tagging me in yours and saying such lovely things about Banchetto!
I must say this is by no means an exhaustive list of the writers I admire but on digging through my tags and my AO3 bookmarks these are the ones that had my giggling and kicking my feet all over again
And this is getting really long so I'm am going to try to limit myself to one fic per amazing person 💜 haha I failed so hard at that you are all too talented.
@ghostchems I actually gobble up everything chems writes like a greedy little gremlin and I love her OCs as much as I love the Papas. But as I recently admitted I have been fangirling about her since before I was lucky enough to be her friend so Black Light Guides You is my go to for many reasons. It's got the signature horny/horror Chems blend as well as our boy getting resurrected and taking back his rightful position. I love how Terzo and Marion's relationship develops and I am so excited about where they are headed in the ongoing sequel A Perpetual Rise. And then Burn with me!!!! I came for Dracopia and stayed for Mia.
@ramblingoak The Queen of AUs if you want a Papa in any kind of situation Oak is the person you need. If I start talking about The Cardinal's Bride I will actually never shut up and Oak suffers enough word vomit about it from me so I will stop there. But I will say Oak is an incredible all rounder. Every thing she writes it is great and there is something fantastic for everyone. Sexy Cardinals, Mary Goore, Vibrating Pants, Ghaseball, Rat Birthday Parties or Zombies have at it!!
@the-hole-in-terzos-shoe No matter what the scenario Shoe writes the most romantic, charming Terzo you will ever read. I was going to rec the incredible My Dirty Little Secret and Let's get these heels off... which was inspired by our mutual love of Vita deVoid's Terzo but then she dropped Intro to Romantic Literature yesterday and I haven't been able to stop thinking about Professor Terzo so just go read both.
@sucharide If you want to read about some of the darkest depravity written in the most beautiful poetic way you could ever imagine then Roach is the writer for you and A Problem of Mind and Body is the perfect example. But my personal favourite and the first I read I think is Ritual and Ruination a silly and sexy look at the consequences of rituals gone wrong. And who am I kidding I can't not put Poor Beast in the Catacombs on here.
@zombiequeenblog I tell everyone who will listen to me about Cardinal Copia: A Sadistic and Glorious Bastard. It was my first Dark Copia fic and still to this day my favourite Copia characterisation. He is such a well rounded full character in this and I can't get enough. It's hot, it's emotional, it's scary at times but I can count on my hand how many couples I am as invested in and these two are at the top of my list. The world building is incredible, this version of The Abbey is so vibrant and all the side characters are so fleshed out. I have an especially large soft spot for Terzo in this fic he is the perfect dramatic flirt and I would give anything to be one of his girls.
@honeyynymphh Reading anything by Missy is like reading a gothic horror classic. The way she builds atmosphere is second to none a little nightmarish, a little maudlin (good golly go get this kid some laudanum!) is such a great example. And another one of my favourite Copia characterizations especially in The Mark of the Beast, Freshly Squeezed and my personal favourite there’s total depravity (standing right in front of me) he is so mean and I love it so much.
@kissingghouls SUCK CLUB!! I can't possibly decide which one of these is my favourite. I love this whole universe. There is so much going on and I can't wait to get to the bottom of the ongoing vampire mystery. I love how they all interact and I love that the all read The Cardinal's Bride! The Count, The King, and The Prince and I just love them all!
@xfilesinamajor With Wandering Steps and Slow This Terzo!!! This one right here is my favourite, god this fic breaks my heart but it is so so so perfect. His self esteem, his natural charm as a defense mechanism god I am obsessed with it. Also The Peach is one of the hottest ghost fics I have ever read. The ghoullettes really need to get more action, especially if it's like this
@writingjourney Everything Ibi writes is just so perfect. The slow burn of Honey and Venom and Unprecedented have me on the edge of my seat. But I have to especially urge everyone to read Friday Nights at the Cinema Club because if you aren't a Primo fan you are wrong and this will show you exactly why. Like I said, perfect!
@sweatandwoe I am always impressed with the ideas that sweaty comes up with. Really fun and original and hot. These assorted drabbles and headcanons are an excellent place to start. Study Break is so incredibly hot and The Sacrifice was a real highlight from petrifying papas. I also can't rec sweaty without mentioning the Saren fics because WOW. If you have any interest in Mass Effect and Turians then you have to read Overflow and Melting Point
@inkstainedrat Lacrimis et Memorias This fic broke my heart and put it back together again. It is the definition of bittersweet and yeah. I have a lot of feelings about Terzo and this story pokes every single one of them and is another one that stays with me.
@violet-lazer Another one of my favourite Terzo writers, in Pride, Incumbent and Astronomy he is so charming and lovely. Also Terms of Engagement Copia is such a cutie
@whatawonderfulexistence--blog Distractions is a lovely first date with Terzo and then Strawberries because i do love when he is being all seductive. Also I'm not fully caught up with Powerwolf yet but Atone was so HOT
@hallowed-be-thy-username Kissing the Obscene was the Terzo fic I ever read and Please Papa was the second and I just keep going back to them. I had started to fall in love with Terzo already but reading these and all the others really sealed the deal. And also coincidentally one of my favourite papa cosplayers!!
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gryficowa · 28 days
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Watching people prefer to spend their energy on creativity because something doesn't feel right to them (Miracolous/HH/HB) is interesting when your biggest concern is that many fundraisers don't get done and people have to wait for it to get done , not sure whether they will die today… I know, dark thoughts…
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Or seeing drama because the creator led the character than they wanted (Tia… I was with Chloe myself, although it wouldn't be so bad if Thomas didn't act like a child… THE CHARACTER HE HATES IS A CHILD, although we should be critical here, because it's an animation for children and has a fucked up message, but it's weird when it comes to adult productions like HH/HB, you don't have to be a fan of Vivzipop to facepalm over this… PEOPLE, IT TAKES PLACE IN HELL, WE KNOW PEOPLE SUCK THERE)
I think the strangest drama was about Alastor being asexual and it was so dramatic that it made you shake your head.
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The second stupidest drama is about the art style being too detailed (Oh yes, because we have erased the medium of animation as an art… Great)
But yes, this drama is absurd, both in fandom and anti-fandom, both piss me off the same
Now that I have your attention:
By the way, greetings to the TOH fan who wanted the redemption of Belos, i.e. the genocider, after everything in the world, do you think he is worth redeeming?
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Seriously, there are limits to what you can do when you have a tragic past, and that limit is killing someone (Serial Killer Stories, man, Adolf Hitler himself had a tragic past… His mother died and his dream of being an artist fell apart, and his father was a toxic person, does that mean that the entire holocaust can be fucking explained by his trauma? No, man, these are unforgivable crimes)
I just don't like the mainstream media justifying genocides and murders, somehow…
Damn, in Miracolous they justified the abusive father who terrorized the city (And was complicit in the genocide during akumanization), so in the new productions this shit still exists
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Can we stop normalizing murder and genocide, I beg you, creators?
Even if a few characters forgive this monster, it's strange that it takes a short time for the rest… I would just prefer not to forgive the side characters for a long time, it would be natural, because it looks like the greatest crime is to offend someone or steal something from someone from the market, not murder or genocide…
Even if this character saves another, it's strange that this character forgives, WTF, this character with a history could have been faking it, saving doesn't fix all the shit (Even if he dies), yes, I wrote it down because it's an internal frustration with pop culture and the fact that crimes of this type are normalized…
I don't know when I can understand characters forgiving it when that character was a victim of possession or did that crime unintentionally, but that's the only thing I can understand being forgiven so quickly, the problem is that many characters who are immediately forgiven , they did everything with premeditation and it is even more terrifying, good deeds won't erase crimes, so creators, don't do this, I'm begging you…
I just have the impression that these types of crimes are quickly forgiven, I know, fictional characters, but seriously, it looks like they forgive robbery or injury, not murder and genocide… Because if a child's character I can forgive that he forgives crimes (Because is too young to understand the seriousness) it's like adult characters seeing a murderer/genocide, they forgive immediately, it's sus
I'm not in favor of killing the evil characters who commit these crimes (It's taking the easy way out), I just would prefer that these types of characters weren't forgiven too quickly…
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Okay, remember about the fundraisers I linked to above
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Also remember about the boycott
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
It’s me again, i said i was doing one every month and i meant it. (Hopefully this will spark some of you to make a post like this too). Same as before this will have what i read from them but many of them do make other amazingly good content so be sure to check that out. Also some writers may also be on the other posts (Theres four of them) (probably everyone from that post will be here again)
Hi! It’s me again, i’ve done this for about four months now i think (can’t really remember) Basically i’m here to remind you how much you writing means to all of us. Writing is fun to do and it should always be something you do because you love it, and we love it too!! I read very often it’s probably what i do all day most days. I truly truly do appreciate all you guys do for us readers! You don’t have to write but you do and it means a lot. Fanfic is an escape for most people including me and it’s nice to consistently have fanfic to read. You guys are so extremely talented and i love all you do. You’re so good at writing i’ve cried more than once because of the emotion you all put into your writing. Thank you so so so much for all you guys do!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Most of us write for fun because it’s honestly amazing to put out fanfics for us and you all and it means so much when you show your support by commenting or re-blogging or doing both just so we all know you like our work!!!
I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH KEEP DOING YOU!!! THANK YOU FOR FEEDING US OUR FANFICS!!! (Did i sneak myself in this post… yes, yes i did because i write for almost all of these characters if not all of them soon) (I do try to expand every characters writers with each post but sometimes i just don’t find anymore 😕)
PSA - If you would like me not to include you in these anymore please let me know cause i would understand if you don’t like being tagged in a post every month
Steve harrington x reader - @luveline @justmeinadaze @forever-rogue @upsidedownwithsteve @erin-bo-berin @forevermoreharrington @hendersister
Steddie x reader - @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @justmeinadaze
Robin Buckley x reader - @biggestsimponhere @ashwhowrites @robinsno1lesbian
Nancy wheeler x reader - @biggestsimponhere @robinsno1lesbian @ronancelver
Jonathan Byers x reader - @biggestsimponhere
Eddie Munson x reader - @collectivecloseness
Steve murphy x reader - @holbrook-boyd @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook @wardenparker
Javier peña x reader - @ithebookhoarder @wardenparker @lokischocolatefountain
Joel miller x reader - @bubbles-for-all-of-us @avenging-fandoms @finnsbubblegum @knivesareout @thyme-in-a-bubble @soulofapatrick @biggestsimponhere
Tommy miller x reader - @soulofapatrick
Din djarin x reader - @beskarandblasters @jb2856 @sunflowersteves @pagesfromthevoid @saradika @make-me-imagine
Cassian andor x reader - @ghostofskywalker @dameronscopilot @hoeforevery1 @djarindroid
Poe dameron x reader - @dailyreverie @eyelessfaces @chloe-skywalker
Obi-wan Kenobi x reader - @hoeforevery1 @make-me-imagine @buckyarchives @where-fantasy-meets-reality
Anakin Skywalker x reader - @anakinskywalkerog @starlazergazer
Apparently 50 mentions per post is the limit… this is not looking good for me i’m gonna have to start making two posts. Also sorry it’s so late in the month 😭
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