#and I love thinking of shanks and mihawk as father figures
okay but listen. one piece au where everything happens the same way, as in luffy sees zoro for the first time and decides right there. that’s his person. that’s his soulmate.
and like their journey through east blue is totally the same but. luffy has, legally, been adopted by shanks before garp sent him to dadan’s. so like, shanks is his legal guardian just as much as dadan is, but no one really knows how to find the mountain bandits hideout, right? but shanks has a huge ship and a huge crew and technically luffy is still a minor so like. garp’s after him, he calls him every other day to tell shanks to keep luffy under control and shanks just. refuses to go against luffy’s dream.
AND THEN. mihawk is also somehow zoro’s guardian (the whole debacle where zoro and perona were sent to his castle happened when they were kids because I say so) but zoro still spent years with kuina and wants to uphold her dream and if that means he has to fight his almost-dad then so be it. so he becomes a pirate hunter to get stronger and mihawk just lets him, because he’s not about to betray his almost-son’s dream. baratie happens and he has no idea this newcomer strawhat has shanks’ hat and zoro on his crew but he won’t refuse a challenge from zoro and he still strikes him down and then lets him go because he sees the growth in him, and he wants zoro to get even better.
and maybe mihawk sees the way zoro and luffy exist in the same space, the way they don’t have to talk to understand each other, the way luffy lets zoro run towards his dream even if it could mean he has to see him die right before his eyes.
and it reminds him of himself and shanks, because they had a thing when they were younger - before shanks was captain and before mihawk became a warlord - and the way zoro and luffy gravitate towards each other is just so similar to what they had, except. Except luffy and zoro’s dreams can live together, are living together, so mihawk sees what could have been between him and shanks if they were the right person at the right time, like their almost-sons are.
AND that’s why mihawk brings luffy’s bounty to shanks. that’s why he stops for a drink. that’s why he spends the whole night hearing complaints about how the rest of luffy’s family wants him to look after him, but really, luffy would never forgive shanks if he got in the way of his dreams. and mihawk, too, talks about how it was to know that he was standing in the way of his own son’s dream. and then, because they understand each other now in a way they didn’t when they were younger and together, mihawk talks about what the relationship zoro and luffy seem to have. how it resembles what they had, but better, because they aren’t fighting each other - they are working together.
and that opens up a whole new way of seeing stuff, for shanks. because it wasn’t the right time, when they were younger and had different goals and expectations, but maybe that doesn’t mean him and mihawk are doomed for the start. maybe they can have something, too, maybe it was just a matter of the context they were in, maybe they were the right person for each other all along.
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manofbeskar · 4 months
Okay, I am interested in your Dracule Uta posts now. (She's just so cute and I just know he embroidered that flower on her onesie!!) I need to know more!!
I don't have too much details yet but this is what I have for now:
While Shanks finds her in a treasure chest after raiding another crew, Mihawk instead finds her after killing some marines and discovering her on their ship, eating a devil fruit. He figures the Marines probably don't have good intentions for her so he takes her with him.
For the first few days/weeks, he tries to find another home for her. He thinks his life as a marine hunter and lone pirate is too dangerous to care for an infant. A bit of a Buddy Daddies thing in that way, that he's too dangerous to be around and frankly doesn't want the responsibility.
When he finds out which devil fruit she ate (still the Sing-Sing fruit), he realises he can't risk her falling into the hands of someone more corrupt who can manipulate her powers. He decides to go all in and try his best to raise her properly.
He goes to Shanks for help. He himself never had good parents, but he knows Shanks had a good relationship with Roger and his crew also has older men who may have advice to offer. He gets closer to the RHP this way, learning from them how to best care for a baby.
Shanks grows close to Uta. He likes that her hair makes her look like his and Mihawk's baby. He also treats her like she is their kid, always accidentally calls himself her father. Uta also thinks of him like that. Similar to Buddy Daddies again, Mihawk and Shanks both acknowledge they have parental roles in her life but, at this point in time, don't view themselves as romantic co-parents.
(Of course, they have feelings for each other but Mihawk is oblivious to his feelings and Shanks is secretly crushing hard. He loves how good Mihawk is with the kid and how hard he's trying)
Shanks likes to bribe Uta with sweets to talk him up to Mihawk. Always backfires on him because she's way too frank about it (learned that from Mihawk). She'll just say shit like, "Mihawk, Shanks told me he wants to kiss you!" and it embarrasses Shanks every time.
Uta loves being carried by Mihawk. He carries and controls Yoru so easily. Even teen Uta is practically weightless in his arms. It reminds her of when he first found her and rocked her in his arms as they rode his boat back to his home.
Uta sees Mihawk and Shanks's feelings for each other grow over the years until on her 12th birthday she told them to get a grip and go out already. They went out and have been together ever since.
Mihawk and Shanks figured out a co-parenting arrangement a few years before Shanks docked at Windmill Village. Mihawk thinks it will be good for Uta to go sailing with Shanks every once in a while as his experiences sailing with him have always ended with fun stories and meeting new people.
Mihawk wants Uta to get out there and appreciate the world's vastness. He often takes her sailing (if she isn't sailing with Shanks) and shows her all his favourite spots. Sometimes Shanks comes along and tells her stories of "that time me and Mihawk came here ourselves and this really cool thing happened"
Mihawk let Shanks take Uta for longer than before when he docked at Windmill Village as he wanted Uta to make long-term friends that weren't twice her age like himself and the RHP, so she still meets Luffy. While he is a loner, he wants Uta to experience everything and meet people from all walks of life so she can figure out exactly who she wants to be.
Mihawk trained her to be a strong swordswoman since young. She's very skilled with the blade but told him she wanted to be a singer. Mihawk supports her preference and is happy to listen to all her new songs. As he strived to be the greatest swordsman when he was young, he now wants to help Uta become the greatest musician. He tunes in for every broadcast she does and makes sure the RHP catches them too. Uta still cares a lot about her swordsmanship and practices it often to stay sharp.
She carried a bamboo sword as a kid, then got Shanks's old one with the red hilt as a hand-me-down when she was 15. For her 18th birthday, Mihawk had a Yoru-inspired blade crafted for her. She named it "Musica". It looks similar to Yoru but the orbs are red and heart-shaped, the blade isn't black, and it's shorter.
She lives at Kuraigana with Mihawk but splits her time between there and wherever Shanks is. When Perona moved in, they became close friends. Perona loves hearing about her Mihawk stories. She also regularly duels with Zoro when he moves in, insists he doesn't stand a chance against Mihawk if he can't even beat his first student.
Uta's favourite colour is teal because it's the colour Yoru's blade shines.
Her eyes have rings as Mihawk also taught her powerful observation haki (I don't know if the rings are directly relevant to that but I like how the rings look on her)
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akagam1dracule · 2 months
As the dawn began to break, the first timid rays of sunlight seeped through the heavy curtains of Mihawk’s castle. He lay in silence, his golden eyes fixed on the sleeping figure of Shanks beside him. The redhead breathed softly, his peaceful expression contrasting with his usual fiery energy. There was a serenity in the scene that Mihawk rarely allowed himself to indulge in, but in that moment, he did.
Suddenly, a soft tapping on the window broke the tranquility. Ever alert, Mihawk rose with the speed and precision of a predator, careful not to wake Shanks. He drew back the dark, heavy curtains, revealing the morning sky, just beginning to lighten. Outside the glass, a messenger hawk waited. Without hesitation, Mihawk opened the window, and the hawk entered, gracefully landing on the chair near the table, leaving a small box before perching.
Despite his efforts to remain quiet, the movement woke Shanks, who stirred in the bed and asked in a sleep-roughened voice, "What’s going on, Mihawk?"
Mihawk simply gestured toward the box, and Shanks, now more awake, got up to see what it was. They approached together, and Mihawk opened the box with precision.
Inside, they found gifts from their children. The first item was a bottle of sake and another of wine. Mihawk smiled faintly. “Zoro,” he said, immediately recognizing the swordsman’s signature in the simple, practical gifts.
Next was a pink card, decorated with a small ghost holding a heart. Shanks smiled, knowing who it was from. “Perona, always with her unique style,” he commented fondly.
Then, they pulled out a drawing made by inexperienced hands, depicting a family. The figures, though simple, were accompanied by names that made it clear who was who. “Luffy,” they said together, both laughing at the innocence of the gift.
Finally, Mihawk removed two frames from the bottom of the box. The first one held dried flowers meticulously arranged, each with its name written beside it: sunflower, forget-me-not, chrysanthemum, and calla lily. Recognizing the flowers, Mihawk furrowed his brow slightly, searching his memory for their meanings.
“The chrysanthemum… longing and memories,” he murmured, his deep voice soft. “Forget-me-not means ‘I think of you.’ The sunflower is happiness, and the calla lily… symbolizes family, love, and protection.” He turned to Shanks, and his eyes revealed a rare hint of emotion. “Haruna,” he said simply, recognizing the depth behind their biological daughter's gift.
Shanks smiled, lightly touching the frame. “Our Haruna, always so attentive to detail… she knows us well.”
In the second frame, an old photo of Mihawk and Shanks, taken when they were younger, was carefully framed. Next to the photo was a small note with a simple message: “Happy Father’s Day,” signed with the initials of all their children. Shanks chuckled softly, happiness clear on his face.
“We’re really lucky,” he commented, his eyes shining with pride and love.
Mihawk, who normally kept his emotions guarded, couldn’t help but smile—a genuine smile that revealed how much those small gestures meant to him. “Yes, we are,” he replied, his voice laced with rare tenderness.
As the sun fully rose, bathing the room in a soft, golden light, they sat together, side by side, appreciating the gifts and the meaning behind each one. In that moment, in their secluded castle, Mihawk and Shanks felt more connected than ever, united not only by their love for each other but also by the unbreakable bond they shared with their children.
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Alright sluts, I need some opinions.
I am currently writing a CrocMom au that has gone to far wild and completely out of my control. I have most of the plot surrounding Luffy and Crocodile's backstory and connection figured out, that's not the problem. What IS the problem is that Crocodile is to much of a whore. Crocodile has up to at least five potential love interests that I could throw at him (not including Dragon cause that has to happen for, y'know, conception.)
Buggy, Mihawk, Buggy & Mihawk, Dolflamingo, Shanks, Corozon ECT.
Now, I know some of those options might not make sense, but see, a writers mind is an unending fucking mine field of insanity, and I would be able to make those options work pretty well.
Buggy and Mihawk would most definitely make the most sense, as they are pretty canon in their interactions and I have been itching to write cross-guild anyways.
Shanks? Knowing that Crocodile created basically his kid and also could kill him at any time and is also hooking up with his two ex's? That man is already a skank and has probably dated at least half the one piece verse, this is not far fetched.
Dolflamingo? They are the ones with the most cannon interaction and could make for a very good psychological warfare/angsty fic, but also, Dolflomingo. So like, gross.
And the last and most crackship, rarepair shit I could ever think of. Cora and Crocodile. Now, in my fic, I start with Crocodile on Ohara to involve Olvia and Robin into his cannon universe (This is also trans!Crocodile, so he's a woman right now, but he transitions after Luffy's birth) and so I can give him an excuse to adopt Robin later when she's around like, 11.
So, you have a Crocodile that fits just snuggly enough into the timeline and does not have enough trauma yet (in my universe at the least) and who has already given birth to Luffy and is already slightly regretting leaving him and who has already adopted Robin. I think that there would be a really high possibility that Crocodile would meet Cora and be like "look at this sad, pathetic, wet-cat, clumsy single father. Would be a shame if someone was to just grab it.". Which would then inadvertently save Cora's life, especially if Crocodile helped get the heart fruit and then brought them back to Alabasta.
I also wanna clarify, I don't think Law would see Crocodile as a father figure. It took fuckin forever for him to trust Cora, and that was with sacrifices that spited both hell and high water. I think Crocodile would more be seen as a mentor, especially if Law would still want to get back at Dolflamingo. Cora might try to stop that. Cora would want what's best for his son.
Crocodile? Dramatic-time-to -murder-the second-strongest-pirate-of-all-time bitch? 100% would support.
Also, the possibility of Robin and Law shenanigans kind of gets my goat.
Plus, if you add in Luffy, Ace, and Sabo, it would be chaotic as fuck, and kind of amazing!
As you can tell, I am slightly leaning more to one of these options than the others (totally not just because I want to write a Cora lives au) and I think that Cora is one of the only One Piece men that Crocodile would genuinely consider sticking with because of the way he treats other people and his kids. The possibilities are fucking endless.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I would take anything into consideration and I have to decide before I write the Dragon/Revolutionary chapter.
The world problems of a one piece fic writer, man.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Ya know there is so much in the Fandom and yet I have noticed a distinct lack of Buggy and Sanji content.
Not in a shipping way either but like. Buggy, the Flashiest Pirate In The East, would ABSOLUTELY go to the Baratie if only for the renown it has for its food. Also I bet he knew - or knew OF Zeff at the very least - when he was still a pirate. Buggy visiting the Baratie occasionally, sometimes in Normal Flashy Fashion, sometimes more toned down because he just needs a bit of a break. Zeff would absolutely take one look at this traumatized little hobgoblin of a pirate and go "oh wow. Someone get this bitch a meal. Bitches love meals"
Sanji, a wee tyke learning the ways of the kitchen, sees this absolute bozo who he, at first, assumes to be a second rate pirate. Zeff is better. Zeff tells all these stories about the Old Ways, the Pirate's Code, and Sanji thinks "this clown doesn't know the meaning of a code"
Then smth happens to completely change his tune. Maybe Buggy says or does something. Maybe Sanji overhears or sees smth. Maybe someone else kicks a fuss, and Buggy responds in the Right Ways. Who knows?
But Sanji is now intrigued. And Sanji is a kid, with lots of trauma sure, but a kid nonetheless. And Buggy Notices.
He gets forcibly assimilated into Sanji's found family. He never agreed to this. He never had a choice.
Sanji grows up with Zeff and uncle Buggy. He happens to leave with the Strawhats at the perfect time to do so - and he keeps avoiding Buggy via near misses, to the point Bugs is SEETHING playfully. How dare. Truly. All of his nephews are EVIL.
It comes to a head when, years later, with Emperors crowned, there is a series of wacky shenanigans which lead to Cross Guild and the Strawhats meeting face to face.
Sanji is flabbergasted by the realization that he now has step-uncles, one of which is the mosshead's mentor/father-figure. The other is the brutal ex dictator of Alabasta who later passed the captain's vibe check and might just be said captain's other father, there is no confirmation.
Buggy meanwhile is having twelve different attacks of a variety of nature bc he's due for his yearly fight to the death with his one nephew, and the other is here and within throttling range and - IS THAT A HICKEY!?!?!
Cue veeeerry awkward Meet The Family where Buggy and Usopp actually get along well while Sanji is debating his chances of kicking these men's asses and if it would dishonor Zoro's dreams if he threatened mihawk....
Both conversations boil down to "he's been through a lot, so be good to him or you'll be hearing from me, okay? Okay. Good."
Usopp actually is chill with this both bc "I would never" and also "even if he came for me, I could kick a clown's ass probably. If nit me, then Luffy. And if Luffy doesn't, then I will deserve it."
Crocodile and Mihawk are mildly amused but also curious - the clown? Having trauma? As if. They think of it initially as smth of a comparison. Severity of trauma is the highest rank. They think of Buggy's past as "his captain died, he broke up with his best friend, the end". They do not know of the interim details. The reasons that Shank and he both refuse to allow anyone below 14 at the bare minimum onto their crews. The reason Buggy was frothing when Shanks told him about Uta - after the fact. The reason Buggy only drinks certain brands of rum because some make him physically sick. The reason he can't sleep in pitch black darkness. The reason he sometimes simply Can't Sleep At All.
There's more to it, to everything, to all of it, than any one person knows.
Just. Back on topic but Buggy and Sanji. I just think they'd have the neatest dynamic.
You just chose two of my favorite characters and did THIS and I love it 😭 The funny thing is that it does make sense that Buggy had gone to the Baratie and met Sanji at some point... I've always thought mostly on Usopp/Buggy parallelisms but Sanji kind of relating to Buggy too because of feeling inferior to his family,,,, Besides I think the dynamic would be hilarious because okay, they get along, but I can imagine them growing closer and caring about each other but arguing all the time Sanji/Zeff style? So at first, everybody thinks he has something against Buggy because when they meet they won't stop yelling at each other but when they ask them about it, Sanji is like "??? Nah, he's something like my uncle don't- Don't think too hard about it". And I am also SO sure Sanji would know stuff about Shanks that Luffy doesn't because Buggy explained Sanji their childhoods,,, Going insane about this one, actually.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
The time has once again come for me to talk about some plot bunnies!! These are some all of the plot bunnies I currently have that I haven’t really talked about much, at least on here - feel free to ask me any questions you might have about them!!
Arabella Larson, Percy Jackson OC, OC + OC ship. Daughter of Aphrodite. Super sweet, sees Grover as a little brother figure and is very protective over him, has amazing fashion sense and is amazing at doing makeup. Girlfriend to an Ares girl named Noelle.
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Noelle Perez, Percy Jackson OC, OC + OC ship. Daughter of Ares, Arabella’s girlfriend. More skilled with hand-to-hand combat than weapons. One of the oldest kids in Ares cabin, so she acts as an older sister to everyone. Gets a bit protective over Percy immediately and doesn’t approve of Clarisse bullying him at all.
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Lydia Chen, Percy Jackson OC, Percy ship. Daughter of Apollo. A total theatre kid who’s a great singer and actress and wants to be on Broadway one day. Pretty much the only one to try and help Percy in his first week aside from Luke. Has a bit of healing ability, but can only fix minor cuts and scrapes. A bit dramatic, but still a sweetheart.
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Eleleth, Supernatural OC, OC + OC ship. Girlfriend for my other Supernatural OC Via Winchester. Young dominion angel who comes to Earth with Castiel to teach Via about her own abilities and her role in the coming fight, and winds up falling in love with her. A bit uptight and doesn’t think much of humans, but she grows right along with Cas. Via considers her name “too fancy” and calls her Elle, with she hates right up until she doesn’t.
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Morvant Bellatrix, One Piece live-action OC, Mihawk ship. Former assassin, of the all-female Fatale pirate crew. Known as the Siren of the East Blue because she has a Devil Fruit power that lets her inflict pain on people by singing a specific song (think kind of a dark Rapunzel). Basically unofficially adopts Luffy and the other Straw Hats and goes out of her way to keep bounty hunters and other pirates away from them. Mihawk takes one look at her torturing someone and immediately falls in love. She is cold and calculating but she also can and will kill for the people she cares about.
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Yami Corvo, One Piece live-action OC, Shanks ship. One of the most deadly assassins in all four Blues. Has a Devil Fruit power that allows them to manipulate their own blood and make it into weapons (think Marie Moreau from Gen V). Tries and fails to kill Mihawk, but he takes a liking to them and offers to bring them along with him on his travels, which is how they meet Shanks, who takes one look at this feral assassin and instantly gets heart eyes. They are very much a golden retriever/black cat ship and it’s lovely.
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Phoebe Mosley, The Magnificent Seven OC, Vasquez ship. Bounty hunter with incredible shooting skills who’s an old friend of Sam’s, so he recruits her to help protect Rose Creek. Closed-off and not receptive to Vasquez and Faraday’s flirting at first, but warms up to everyone on the team eventually and becomes besties with Billy. Name is inspired by Annie Oakley’s real name, Phoebe Ann Mosey.
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Santiago “Tiago” Rojas, The Magnificent Seven OC, poly Goody + Billy ship. Outlaw wanted for the murder of a preacher he’d found to be abusing his children who helps Faraday out when he’s approached by the men he owes money to and receives the offer to help Rose Creek along with him. Eventually falls in love with Goody and Billy, but also becomes Spanish-speaking besties with Vasquez and good friends with Jack because they’re both religious. Very good with knives and an axe when he can get his hands on one.
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Sophia Ramos, M*A*S*H OC, Father Mulcahy ship. Former USO girl and aspiring Broadway chorus girl who volunteers as a nurse when the army asks for more. A total girly girl who always wears makeup and her nice dresses whenever she doesn’t have to be in uniform. Incredibly cheery and playful, and often entertains the 4077th by singing and dancing to keep morale up. Becomes unexpected besties with Margaret, and just so happens to fall for the company priest along the way.
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Anastasia “Ana” Upland, The Hunger Games OC, poly Katniss and Peeta ship. District 3, Career victor of the 72nd Hunger Games. Eagerly volunteered for her Games, but became disillusioned with the Capital after having to kill just to survive and win and sought out the rebellion after Katniss and Peeta’s victory. Gets to know Katniss and Peeta during the Quarter Quell Games and slowly falls in love with both of them as the rebellion progresses. Very closed-off and cold because she’s haunted by the things she’s seen and done, but fiercely loyal and would do anything for the people she cares about. Skilled with a variety of weapons, but best at close hand-to-hand combat.
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Delilah “Lila” Wills, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen OC, poly Tom Sawyer + OC ship. Added to the relationship between Tom and my other OC Enola Holmes. Works as a secretary and assistant for Enola’s small detective business in London before she gets recruited by the League, and when the League comes back for another mission in London Enola convinces the other members to make her a part of the group. She and Enola were definitely something more than friends before, but when she sees Enola is with Tom she thinks she has no more chance until all three of them realize they’re all falling in love with each other. She also becomes besties with Skinner because they’re both crafty buggers with Cockney accents and a loose relationship with the law.
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Tagging everyone who might be interested in some of these babies: @auxiliarydetective, @luucypevensie, @xoteajays, @themaradwrites, @endless-oc-creations, @starcrossedjedis, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @oneirataxia-girl.
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fablecore · 1 year
out of curiosity, what are your favorite One Piece theories?? doesnt have to mean youll add them to Sophie's story or that you even believe theyll happen/accept them as hc, it cant be but you dont have to take it like that; i was just curious! spoilers are fine as far as im concerned, but feel free to do the Spoiler Warning thing for other people if you feel so inclined ✌️
blackbeard has three souls! that's why he doesn't need to sleep and can eat two devil fruits, and he's going to eat a third one at some point. probably a zoan since he already has a logia and paramecia. luffy isn't safe :-) ok listen i would root for luffy in this fight but a villain pushing the narrative trajectory forward through sheer force of will is so appealing 💖 also the more people call him ugly the fonder i become. he's ugly and so what?? people will blog about their ugly slimy sexymen every day, but god forbid someone is fat with missing teeth. let's be honest with ourselves. if blackbeard looked like law, a significant portion of the fandom would be super into reforming/redeeming him. i, on the other hand, don't need him to look like law to— (i'm kidding. or am i)
i enjoy the tashigi is kuina theory. or at least the tashigi has some connection to wano theory. i enjoy it so much i wrote a oneshot about it. i also wrote a different oneshot where tashigi killed mihawk and became the real final boss in zoro's story. she's MY neurodivergent low-vision failgirl and i WILL make her thematically relevant
the red line will be destroyed and the oceans will merge, creating all blue. i wonder if this could mean the red line was artificially constructed, and a long time ago all blue was just the world ocean
we're going to meet someone who the previous user of law's fruit turned immortal
the davy back fight did something significant in the past and it'll come back in the future
shakky being a former kuja empress is a confirmed theory that i really liked. except oda revealed it in the most boring way possible and we didn't even get to see her fight to protect her homeland. this is a crime that cannot be forgiven
shanks makino baby. but i'm so over the trope of absent fathers sailing off to adventure while their wives/maternal figures raise their kid for them. just bring them with you! there is nowhere safer in the world than on an emperor's ship. however... i Am into the characterization of shanks where he isn't a good father and isn't 100% faithful to makino. a shanks who tells her "i can't bring you along for your own safety" and goes off partying while makino is breastfeeding and changing diapers at home. he's a slutty emperor who's a horrible boyfriend who's luffy's hero figure who's guilt-ridden every time he thinks about makino who he loves but he also loves the ocean and freedom and his own power. the implications compel me
hmm that's all the theories i like! i think these are pretty common and most people have heard of them. let me know if i missed any good ones 🙆‍♀️
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lover-cook · 8 months
Valentine's Week : Familial
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Ohhhh familial f/os oh my familial f/os. These guys do genuinely mean so much to me you don't even know man. I'm gonna ramble about my fictional dads and siblings to my hearts content!
I'm gonna start with the Powerful Dad Quartet!
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Buggy, Mihawk, and Shanks in particular really REALLY resonate with me like. THOSE ARE MY DADS! Shanks was probably the first that I connected with like family when I watched OPLA for the first time. Then I watched Film: Red and I was sold wahah. In my head he's who hypes me up and has my back the most and that's means.. alot. Next was Buggy who happened after I started my watch of the anime and got to know him better. He reminds me a lot of the irl father figures I've had in my life, which is a trend you'll see as we go on. He's explosive and impulsive and loud and kind of an ass but that's part of the fun I think. I have problems speaking up for myself and setting boundaries especially around men so the idea of him understanding and respecting me but still being his goofy and obnoxious self is.. kind of like practicing in my head, you know? MIHAWK MY DAD MIHAWK! Okay going to be honest my connection to him mostly builds off Goth Family headcanons and inserting myself into them wahah. That doesn't mean I don't have my reason's though. Mihawk is like the soft-spoken but earnest autistic dad I didn't know I needed. The kind to listen to my rambles and interests and be supportive even if he doesn't get it at all, you know? Don't tell anyone but he's my favorite lkndalkadflnk And the most recent is Crocodile! Which I don't have enough to give proper thoughts outside of I enjoy him a lot and him being in Cross Guild was the final push to just go ahead and add him. He gives me scary-dad "my daddy's got a gun" privilege's./hj NOW I CAN TALK ABOUT MY PIRATE SIBLINGS. :D
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When I tell you from the BEGINNING I got some little brother energy from Luffy wahah. I can't tell you the kinship I feel with Luffy and it's not just because he also gives me gender envy. I think getting a full body arm wrap hug from him would fix me and make me the happiest person on earth. AND UTA!! I need just one movie and snacks night with her and I think we'd connect instantly. Their isn't much outside of sibling energy with these two and the connections to Shanks with both of them. I realized if Shanks is my dad these two are my brother and sister and when I tell you I WAS SO HAPPY. Absolute goobers <3 Now onto the non One Piece people!!
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Silver my amazing cyborg dad Silver <3 This was probably my first emotionally charged familial f/o. I learned about Treasure Planet during the emotional rollarcoaster that was 2020 and I got attached QUICKLY! He's another one of my many fatherly f/os that really really reminds me of the father figures I've had in my real life and that effects how I interact with him. Silver was one of the few characters at the time that really said what I needed to hear, you know? I saw myself a lot emotionally in Jim and watching the pep talks he was given by Silver felt like I was getting those too. Once again I think a full body beer belly hug would fix me waha.
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GLAMROCK FREDDY!!! MY SUPERSTAR!! I am not immune to big robot dad influences. For all it's faults Security Breach didn't hold any punches with the characterization of their animatronics and their is no better an example than Glamrock Freddy! I was just as affected by the "way to go Superstar!" and got attached QUICKLY! He's just such a sweetie and is such a good dad he would make sure I was so so loved and supported.
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AND I NEED TO MENTION THE WACHOSKI'S !!! This group genuinely gives me such soft and sunshiney feelings for a family that only exists in two movies (not to say I don't connect with Tails and Knuckles outside of the movies but them in this family format Hits Different) They are THE definition of a comfort family for me and I can't help at look and Maddie and Tom and see parents, you know? They bring me such a sense of childlike joy and carefreeness that's unparalleled. And Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic are so like. Sweet and realistic in the sense of being siblings, you know? I would gladly sign up to be the nerdy but cool older siblings in their group. I wear the badge of being the one to get us out of trouble like a BADGE!
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And some honorable mentions to Astrid, Giovanni, and Wukong as well even though I don't have the time to talk about them too much! A lot of my familial f/os come from a place of projection and healing from my unhealthy home life growing up and these three mean a lot to me in that way. Giovanni and Astrid really really remind me of my own mother and the father figures in my life and through them I come to understand that more and help myself feel better about that situation I was put in. And Wukong reminds me a lot of an unperfect dad who's at least trying and learning and growing as a person as well as being a male role model I didn't get to have.
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seaoftales · 5 months
*cracks knuckles* Including the muses we used to write, and probably will again, I hope you're ready for TheList™:
Dracule Mihawk
Nami - MiMi supremacy going strong forever and always, but also what if Mihawk found Nami stealing from him and she spills the beans on what Arlong's done to her and her village? 👀
Athelar - I need all the brother threads all day every day, the angst and comfort and them bonding over the years they lost
Shanks - MiShanks? 👀 But also a scenario where Mihawk agrees to join the Red Haired Pirates, not to mention a thread where they absolutely can't stand one another and keep battling it out every time they meet each other.
Nami - preeeetty self explanatory but there's so many more things that live rent free in my head for these two, like them settling down somewhere nice, Shanks passing down the title of Yonko/retiring completely and acting like a mentor to those who want to be mentored. But also Shanks becoming King of Pirates, with things either hitting the fan and him being executed with Nami having to watch, or they both work towards making sure the world's well rid of the Marines and World Government, plus another like 28364 ideas I have for these two!
Athelar - I'd love to see how these two would vibe together when alone, but also a thread where Athelar does meddle in destiny when something unexpected in the grand scheme of things happens that threatens all the balance he saw the future holds
Benn Beckman
Nami - besides the plots we currently have in the works, I was thinking that maybe instead of Bellemere, Shanks and co. get to Nami's island that was being raided when she was a baby, and just like Shanks took Uta in, Benn does the same with Nami and the two dads raise their two daughters together on board the Red Force
Shanks - I live for Beck tormenting Shanks about everything and anything and I need more of it! Grilling him about his love life? All the 'I told you so's when he gets too drunk (nvm that Beck gets equally drunk), but also young Shanks and young Beck meeting for the first time and Shanks trying to convince Beck to join his crew
Nami - I need them to be besties, them bonding over their once mutual hate for pirates before meeting the right ones that made them change their minds
Shanks - Gimme all father/daughter threads ever because yes! Shanks helping Uta through her espresso-depresso era, finding somebody for her to help her get a hang of her Devil Fruit powers because gods know she doesn't have any control over it, and just generally wholesome and domestic things
Nami - I need more of the 'well, I guess my step-mom's younger than I am' awkward moments, but also them becoming friends whenever the Straw Hats visit the RHP, and there could also be potential for some shippy things!
Shanks - Javi being a little menace to Shanks, especially when he's younger, is living rent free in my head. Then there's all the parental figure threads we could go for, Shanks teaching him how to fight with swords, but also comforting him that he doesn't have to be like his dad just because some people expect him to be as good as Mihawk
Athelar - UNCLE THREADS! Athelar being that cool uncle with a super awesome ship who shows up at random and has all the coolest gadgets and Javi wanting to spend as much time with him as possible.
Other muses and plot blurbs are under the cut because it's Long™
Thomas Magnum
Juliet - MIGGY! All things Miggy, all the Miggy fluff, angst, hurt, EVERYTHING. But especially them having their little family of at least 2 kiddos running around, there's no threats anymore, maybe they even closed down the PI business and are focusing on working at the Nest and taking care of their kids (plus you know Robin would pretty much pay for anything they want, even when they tell him no)
Steve - I've been recently toying with the idea of what if Steve and Thomas were on the same team together when serving in the Navy, so there's potential for threads that take place in the sandbox, but also when Steve comes home in season 1, Thomas follows and Steve asks him to be on the team since day 1
TC - bonding in the sandbox, maybe some POW camp threads, TC flying TM out but the chopper has a malfunction and they have a crash landing on a potentially deserted island and need to survive
Lia - All the Thia threads, especially in a what if scenario where Miggy doesn't happen. I can see them eventually moving in together after working things out after the break up, maybe start a family down the line, but also angsty threads where they are exes having to work on a case together because AWKWARDNESS AND TENSION (and pent up sexual frustration)
Robin - Robin and TM meeting for the first time when Robin was still a journalist, all the shenanigans they went through, TM accompanying Robin to a book event where shit hits the fan and Robin's taken hostage
Chris - TM being like that annoying little brother to him, maybe they're purposefully thrown together on the same case to 'work out their differences', TM inviting him to their ohana gatherings every opportunity possible
Luciana - FAMILY BONDING TIME, especially after Katherine dies and Thomas really needs a shoulder to cry on, him showing off his super cool ex-sister-in-law to his friends when she comes to visit in Hawaii
Ethan Shah
Juliet - ALL THE SHIPPY THREADS! A thread where rather than flipping out when Juliet tells him about her past, Ethan sits down with her and hears her out, tries to understand and actually communicates his feelings for her.
Steve - I like the idea of Ethan kind of being the doctor they call for whenever anybody (read: Steve) from Five-0 gets injured on a case because he knows how to wrangle Steve into at least somewhat listening to him.
Chris - hear me out: Before Ethan moved to Hawaii, him and Chris worked in the same city and had frequent run-ins. I'd love to see them sit down, catch up, maybe even deepen their professional relationship and friendship.
Tani Rey
Juliet - the way both shows robbed us of both our fem muses having proper fem friends is horrible. Tani will drag Juliet out of the house whenever possible, not even going to put up with Juliet's protests. I need them to be besties we deserve to have!
Steve - McRey? McRey! All the shippy things! Steve finding his happy ending in Tani, retiring and settling down, her helping him stay with both feet on the ground and helping him through potential therapy, just being his rock and loving on him 24/7.
Leo - awkward dates when they're both off the schedule, bonding over things they both like, just being cute and sweet together, them also being a little competitive on which of them is the better surfer.
Noelani - gimme more besties threads! I want them both to go on a vacation together without having to worry about what the team is up to.
Lia - Tani and Lia working on a joint H50/HPD case together and things get really bad. I'm thinking they maybe get captured or they get cornered and one of them gets badly injured.
Chris - further down the line when Tani is promoted to leader of the team (and where Chris never dies because f that plotline alltogether) they constantly butt heads on whether Five-0's methods are good or not, and it eventually turns into sort of enemies to lovers trope.
Danny Williams
Steve - McDanno! A thread where they actually retire and open up the restaurant which is an instant hit rather than a miss
Chris - before Danny fully retires, he opts to bring in somebody experienced enough so the team still functions as it should, so he goes and talks to Chris if he would want to be on the team. Both are for doing things by the book and Danny believes Chris would be reinforcing that rule whenever possible.
Juliet - instead of fake-marrying Thomas, Juliet asks Danny if he would be willing to play the hubby, that way there would be no conflict between Juliet and Thomas and no bad blood.
Lia - what if Lia was the one (beside Steve) to show Danny just how nice Hawaii is? I can see them working a case together and they just click, so they start seeing each other and eventually end up dating.
Loki Laufeyson Friggason
Thor - post Infinity War, after Loki successfully faked his death once more and all the Asgardians, including Thor, have settled on Earth, Loki shows up, explaining to Thor that he needed that push after Asgard was destroyed to fuel his anger, and his "death" was something he knew would affect him greatly
Tony - post Thor 1, after Loki lets himself fall into the void, instead of being picked up by Thanos, Loki directly lands on Earth, takes up the mantle of a successful entrepreneur and connects with lots of people, Tony included.
Sigyn - the ways Sigyn would ground Loki if she was ever in the movies, and she would be his whole world along with their kidlets.
Tony - I shall inflict pain on you with this one and you'll hate me for it. Endgame, Tony snapped his fingers, the world's restored to as it should be and he's dying. Carol's there, she remembers how Yon saved her all those years ago and she goes to him, brings him to Earth and he does the same with Tony
Carol - YonVers, and I shall accept nothing less! Yon being stripped off his title after losing to Carol and some years later she finds out he's been stuck in a slave camp of sorts, so she bails him out/buys him to be hers but she gives him freedom instead. OR! Carol managing to talk sense into Yon at the end of the first movie and in the second one it's revealed that they got married and chill on her ship.
Killian Jones
Emma - Captain Swan, all day every day. Them leaving Storybrooke together to live a happy life before shit once more hits the fan, but also the early stages where Killian endlessly teases and pursues Emma but she's having none of it!
Liam - gimme all the brotherly bonds, especially Liam never dying but they both rebel against their king, run the crew together, maybe even take a whole new path in life and don't stay pirates
Andrea Talverton
Emma - sister-in-law bonding time, Andrea potentially showing Emma what being a princess is like and them just having a wholesome bond together
Liam - Lirea, one of my alltime favourite ships to this day. I'd love to write all the happy things with them, them settling down, having a family, Andrea helping Liam get used to living in Storybrooke. But also, while in the Enchanted Forest, either Rea running way with Liam so they can be together or him asking her dad for her hand in marriage.
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer - disregarding Geralt's last wish for him and Yennefer to be together forever, what if they instead opt to have a friends with benefits relationship that slowly and steadily develops into something more?
Jaskier - GERASKIER, all day, every day. I want to see Geralt suffer after he tells Jaskier off, them meeting sometime later and Jaskier straight up refusing to acknowledge Geralt ever existing, so the witcher really has to work for Jaskier's friendship and love.
Triss - I'm still of the opinion that Triss is a better match for Geralt, but I want it to be with a twist. Instead of Triss doing what she did, Geralt falls for her over time while they're both working for King Foltest and have a steady relationship that way.
Mithra Kalila - Following their marriage, I was thinking that her advisers keep telling her how Geralt is a bad idea to have as a husband, especially since he's sterile and won't be able to provide her with an heir, meanwhile Geralt proves them all wrong and is a loving and doting hubby
Anna Henrietta
Jaskier - I need all the threads with them where they are lovers while Annarietta's hubby is out of the Duchy on whatever business. Imagine Anna's all loving towards him one day, the other she throws him in the dungeons, the third day she gets him out and is all sorry.
Magnus Bane
Alec - gimme all the Malec and pre-Malec threads! Magnus doing his hardest to sway Alec, Alec giving him the cold shoulder, and then there's the stone touches and hidden kisses while they sneak around others so they don't know. But also married Malec, them adopting a baby or two or five!
Evan Buckley
Eddie - BUDDIE! Always and forever Buddie! Buddie on vacation (can go as friends before things finally spark up between them), also them taking care of Christopher together!
Blake Richards
Liam - maybe they exorcise the demon out of Liam and after their two new team members try to get him killed, he leaves the organization, Blake follows him and they open a whole new paranormal investigator organization.
Avery Murray
Steve - eyeing all of those shippy threads we had with them in the past and I'd love to revive those. They have so much potential and Avery being able to ground Steve is just so !!!!!!!!!!!
Juliet - I've said it before and I'll say it again, we don't have nearly as many girl friendship representation in both shows as we deserve! Also, Avery maybe hiring Juliet for a case, like a client of hers seems really dodgy and she wants to be sure that he's a good guy before she accepts the job offer, that sort of thing!
Simon Basset
Anthony - Simon and Anthony butting heads about whether or not Simon is good for Daphne, also "how dare you even think about dating my sister when you're my best friend". I need that so much.
Daphne - more fake dating scenarios to make sure the ton thinks they're really together, Simon fighting for Daphne's honor with Berbrooke, them raising little Augie and being wholesome parents.
Kate Sharma
Anthony - Anthony and Kate living their best life, maybe they're still in their honeymoon phase and are all lovey-dovey, also Kanthony babies all the way!
Daphne - Sisters-in-law bonding time, maybe Daphne comes to visit with Augie and Kate meets her nephew!
Edwina Sharma
Anthony - them going through with the marriage instead of Anthony ending up with Kate. I want to see how these two will develop because Edwina is absolutely starstruck and in love with him.
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zorosq · 3 years
mother's day ; various
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↻ fluff, mentioned of kids, mention of pregnancy (only a brief of it), grammatical error
↻ pairing ↬ zoro, rayleigh, sanji, shanks, mihawk x fem!reader! (seperately)
a/n i wanted to write something for mother's day with these characters. short drabbles with these characters <3 and also a very happy birthday to shanks, mihawk and franky :)
c/n = child's name
you could feel zoro's hand going through your hair, brushing it every now and then. "happy mother's day," he said, kissing at the crown of your head.
you hummed, nuzzling closer into him. "when do you think we should visit c/n?" you asked. the moment you had gave birth to your kid, you had left her with your mother.
you couldn't have taken her with you because of how dangerous it is to be with the straw hats. especially with how your captain seems to manage to bring trouble everywhere he goes.
"lets go see her this summer," he muttered before the two of you drifting off to sleep.
"happy mother's day, darling," the dark king said, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"what are you talking about, rayleigh? i don't even have a kid yet," you laughed as he followed suit. "what about the kids that always come here to play with you? you do know that they see you as a mother figure right?"
you smiled. "i guess they are..."
"happy mother's day, love," the blond said as he peck your lips. "thank you," you groaned out.
a kiss from sanji the first thing in the morning was always a dream. not to mention the breakfast in bed, making your morning extra special.
he got into the bed beside you, one arm hugging your shoulder while the other gently resting on top of your overgrown belly.
"thank you for being an amazing mother. thank you for carrying my child for 9 months. thank you for enduring with all the pain that you had to go through, and thank you for giving me a second child," he said as he kissed your cheek with passion.
you smiled as you watch shanks and your son spending time together. he is such a great parent. in the indulging way that is.
"happy mother's day to my wonderful wife, y/n!" he shouted, making some of the crew members to either groan or smile. you let out a chuckle.
he had always been the type to boast at how lucky and amazing he is to have you. and to be the father of your son.
"happy mother's day, mama. i love you," c/n said as he peck both of your cheeks.
"yes, happy mother's day, mama," shanks grinned before pulling out a single rose. "for you, my love. thank you for being an amazing mother,"
"happy birthday to you..." you sang quietly, already waking him up just by the sound of your voice.
when he was fully awoke, his lips quirked upward slightly. "happy mother's day to you," he said. "and good morning,"
you peck his lips playfully before laying your head back on his chest. "you think we deserve a break today?"
he hummed. and with that, the two of you decided to stay in bed for the whole morning. that is, until your two kids barged into the room while complaining how hungry they are.
a/n happy mother's day to every mother out there! thank you for giving birth to us! thank you for putting up with us till this day! you guys are literally our hero <3
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sir-crocodile-smile · 4 years
Strawhats (Monster Trio) + Law reaction to finding out their S/O or crush is Shanks’ daughter?
Hello hello!! I’m so grateful for your patience with this one, my dear anon. I hope you like it!
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Luffy is HYPED. His favorite person is the literal daughter of his other favorite person?? SUGOI
If you’re not already part of the Strawhats, you will be. Very soon. He won’t let it go. “Your dad gave me his hat, see? You have to join my crew! It’s destiny... or something!!”
He admires even more than he did before, which he didn’t think was possible. You just seem to sparkle in his eyes everytime he looks at you now
Wants to hear lots of stories of how Shanks was as a dad. He sits cross-legged on the deck and just stares at you with a grin as you tell him about your dad’s struggles to braid your hair when you were small. 
Honestly, deep down, he’s jealous. He never knew his father, and Shanks is kind of a father figure in his eyes. You got to be raised by the man he wishes was his own father. He hates this feeling, this hurt and anger, but it lives in his chest for a little while.
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Shanks who? No seriously, he doesn’t know who that is. It takes someone reminding him that Red-Haired Shanks is an Emperor, he’s like 0.0” 
For the most part, it doesn’t change the way he acts towards you. He still cares for you the same. He might tease you a little while you’re training or sparring, like “Oi, can’t you lift more than that? I thought your dad was an Emperor or something”
After he learns that Shanks is frenemies with Mihawk, he gets a little excited. He wants to know if you ever met Mihawk through your dad, and you swap stories about Mihawk and Shanks
Low key... wants to fight your dad. Not because he’s mad or anything! But Zoro would love to test his strength against someone who used to go toe to toe with Mihawk. And he thinks it might impress you
Sanji and Law under the cut!
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Sanji certainly understands why you kept your lineage secret up until now. It makes him a little nervous, as he thinks about his own family secrets and worries what trouble might come to you if his father knew that the object of his affection is an Emperor’s daughter.  
For the most part, he treats you the same, with hearts in his eyes as always. You’re still his precious [y/n]-swan, no matter who your father is, and he will always adore you! 
Though for a little while, his declarations of affection for you are a little quieter. He doesn’t want to risk angering you with his flirting and bringing the wrath of Red-Haired on himself. 
He becomes a little more protective of you in public spaces, especially when unsavory characters are around. He’s glued to your side, eyes watchful for any sign of danger. Shanks has many enemies, and he’s certain they would love to use you to bring the Emperor down. Sanji refuses to let that happen.
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The Surgeon of Death is in awe. Did you say Shanks? As in Red-Haired?? He remembers how Shanks arrived to stop the War, and even on a submarine far away from Shanks, he could feel the man’s powerful aura 
If you’re already a couple, he acts funny around you for a few days. He seems a bit nervous, like he needs to prove to you and himself that he deserves you. This fades eventually, especially if you catch on and reassure him. 
If you aren’t a couple yet, Law becomes more active in trying to win your heart rather than just slyly flirting and waiting for you to confess to him. The Captain of the Heart Pirates does not “chase” women, ever, but for the daughter of an Emperor? Law just might power-walk. 
Secretly is worried that you might leave. Wouldn’t the daughter of Shanks want to be her own captain one day? You’ve got to have powerful ambitions, so why would you follow his orders? Again, he needs your reassurance and support here.
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holykillercake · 4 years
One Year
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pairing: Zoro x Reader
word count: 2k
summary: No summary this time. I´ll just say this ¨Bartholomew Kuma and Sabaody¨. Read at your own risk. Seriously, ¨KUMA AND SABAODY¨, do you understand?
highlight: ¨Everyone did their best, but no one could have done better.¨
warnings: angst with happy ending; Sabaody Archipelago spoilers (?)
notes: Hey guys! This was a request from @roronoatrash​ in which ¨Zoro who has 0 sense of direction seemed to always find his way back to is s/o, and his s/o only.¨. I really hope you like it!💚 This is also the first time I write a Devil Fruit user, so I'm considering a sequel to develop the character and add more humor.
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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It was a cloudy and melancholic day in the New World. The men on board were leisurely enjoying their afternoon; some drinking, some napping, some eating. The air was humid and cold, and the tides were strangely calm. No one seemed to care. After all, that was the New World. 
¨Boss!¨ the lookout shouted from the crow's nest ¨Something is falling from the sky! It´s going to land on deck!¨
All men tilted their heads to look at the sky, watching a tiny black spot become bigger and more recognizable.
¨Is that what I think it is?¨ the captain asked himself, not believing his eyes.
¨Boss, is that a girl?¨
¨Yep, I think so.¨
They stood still watching what they suspected was a girl fall from the skies. The red-haired took a quick glimpse at his first-mate and officers, and since no one moved, he felt safe to assume that that was not a threat. Mainly because whatever was falling towards the ship looked dead already. 
The body fell through the main deck and went straight to the lower level of the ship. The captain and his officers stood around the hole on the wooden floor, observing the unconscious and injured body of a girl. 
¨I´ve seen some crazy things rain around here... but this is new.¨ he spoke.
They were ready to have someone dispose of the dead body when the girl opened her eyes, putting herself on her shaky legs. Blood dripped from her eyebrows and nose, and she had bruises all over. Her eyes wandered around as if she was looking for something.
¨Z-Zoro...¨ she spoke when her teary eyes met the captain´s ¨I-I need to find Zoro.¨ 
That was all she said before falling on her knees and collapsing. 
Almost a year has passed since the tragedy in Sabaody Archipelago. A year passed since you were defeated in the fight against the marine force. Your gashes closed, and your bruises healed, but there was a wound that would not go away, even after one year. 
So much had happened since that day. Luffy had broken into Impel Down, fought in the Paramount War, and lost his brother, Ace. A few days later you received the hidden message he had left you, saying that you were no longer going to meet in Sabaody in three days but in two years.
It took you a while to understand the situation you and the rest of the Strawhats were in, and it took you even more to let go of your selfishness and trust them. The guilt for not being strong enough to protect yourself and your comrades ate you alive during the first weeks, but then you considered how they must be feeling too. No one could have done better. 
Everyone did their best, but no one could have done better. 
For one year, whenever a News Coo flew by to deliver a newspaper, you would run and grab it before anyone did, hoping to see another message from your friends. But the status of your captain was the only one you knew so far. You knew he was training with Rayleigh-san, and this whole two years thing should have been his idea. 
When Bartholomeu Kuma used his Devil Fruit powers on you, you ended up landing on the ship of the Red Hair Pirates. They would always tell you how you rained on their Red Force and broke the deck floor. They said you were looking for someone, and during your stay in the infirmary, you would always call for the same person. 
For months nightmares had you waking up in the middle of the night panting and crying. The same one, torturing you in an infinite and merciless loop. 
Every detail, color, and noise. Everything was so precise and clear in your head. 
When he fought still injured from the last encounter with the Shichibukai; when he stood up and faced the Warlord fearlessly. Even with the damages caused by Kizaru and the Pacifistas, he stood up. 
And maybe your eyes fooled you, maybe your exhausted body played a sick trick on you because he was there until he wasn´t.
 Right in front of your eyes.
 His cropped green hair and tanned skin, the vibrant red and white striped shirt, the scar across his chest, the haramaki, and the swords. Gone, simple as that. 
But after all the training that you had with the Red Hair Pirates, you seemed more in peace with yourself. After one year, the nightmares would bother you only every once in a while. You were not prepared for the New World before, maybe still aren´t, but you will get there. 
And they made everything easier. It was no mystery why Luffy liked them so much. Whenever you were not engaged in a fight or some other Emperor crap, those guys were incredibly light-spirited. And the moment they realized you were part of Luffy´s crew they treated your wounds and welcomed you onboard. 
Shanks agreed to have his men training you, but he made very clear that no one would babysit you, so it was ¨keep up or keep out.¨. You spent most of your time with Yassop, Benn, or Roux, for they were the best in the abilities you exercised. 
Inside the Strawhats you were a stealth agent, mostly because of your Devil Fruit, the Nagi Nagi no Mi, once possessed by a Marine Commander. Another Supernova, the Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law had told you that before shit broke in Sabaody. 
You used that combined with your fighting skills to breach the enemy´s first line of defense before they saw you coming. Usually, Usopp would assist you with the sniper training, trade he ¨learned from a friend¨, Sogeking. 
His father was an extraordinary sniper, and he used the same kind of firearms as you, differently than Usopp´s slingshot. Benn´s combat skills were remarkable, and Roux was exceptionally fast for a man his size. You haven´t had a lot of opportunities to fight the Red Hair himself, though you had a strong will, his Haki was something you have never seen before. 
¨We´re going to a bar, kid. You´re coming?¨ Benn asked you with his cigarette on his lips. 
You pondered a little over his invitation but decided to decline it. ¨Thanks, Benn, but I´m keeping a low profile tonight.¨ He nodded and smiled, turning to follow his crewmates ¨Don´t drink too much, we have training tomorrow!¨ 
The first mate laughed shortly and spoke without looking at you ¨Roger that, kid.¨ 
You walked the opposite way, wandering between the vegetables and gimmicks tents, feeling the kind sunset kiss your skin. There was some music playing, kids running around with ice cream in their hands, laughing loudly and happily. Marketers were announcing their prices, housewives were thinking about delicious recipes to prepare for their families, and couples would sit together around the font, swearing love to each other.
Every day was like that. The citizens would wish their neighbors ¨good morning¨ from their windows; bakers would open the doors early, letting the delightful smell of fresh bread wake up those who slept in.  
How could you, in the middle of all that happiness, feel so sad and lost?
You sighed and made a route change. Maybe you needed a little bit of booze. 
The island where Shanks had decided to dock was in the Grand Line, a place where they were known and welcomed. So you knew where they were, and it would be a short walk to get there.
You turned automatically, thinking that a crew member had gotten lost and was looking for his captain - or boss, how he likes to be called.
 But when you saw the man standing in front of you, everything stopped. The music, the kids, and the love promises. 
At some point, you started to cry and hyperventilate, believing you were in another nightmare, and you would have to go through that day all over again. Your lover carried pain in his eyes as well, like his fears were the same as yours. 
Those minutes you stared at each other felt like hours while you kept every detail of him in your memory. His hair was slightly longer, and his complexion was paler, even with the sunset painting his skin. 
¨Z-Zoro...¨ you whispered shakily.
He gave a step forward ¨Y/N... it´s you...¨ 
You ran in his direction as soon as your name fell out of his mouth. Your arms embraced his neck, and your legs gave up when he held you tight against his body, whispering comforting words as you broke into tears. 
¨I...¨ nothing but sobs came out.
¨I know... me too.¨ he fondled your hair and hid his face in the curve of your neck. And there stood the both of you, not wanting to let the other go. 
¨How did you know I was here?¨ you asked and he blushed a little.
¨I didn´t... I had to buy stuff for the castle, and I got lost.¨ a loud laugh came out of your mouth. It was so obvious, how didn´t you guess that?
¨They didn´t give you a log pose?¨
¨They did, but I took a nap and when I woke up, I was here.¨
You spent the rest of the day cuddling on the beach sand. Zoro was laying on his back, and you were resting on his chest. You had one year worth of conversation to catch up on, and neither of you rushed to do so. He told you about Mihawk, the creepy island in which the only native habitants were copycat human drills, the boat he destroyed, and even how he begged the Warlord to train him.
The sun had started to hide behind the sea, and the warm sand was cooling down. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore together with the salty breeze made you question if you had died at some point, and that was heaven.
¨You´re paler.¨ he chuckled.
¨It´s not very sunny where I´m living.¨ 
¨Hm...¨ you hummed ¨And how long did you take to figure out Luffy´s message?¨ 
¨Oh...¨ he thought for a second ¨ I knew right away.¨ you giggled and doodled on his chest with your finger. 
You felt his chest go up and down as he let out a sigh. 
¨I missed you, Y/N.¨ he hugged you tighter. 
¨I missed you too.¨ you stayed in silence for a few minutes ¨Anyway, when are you setting sail again?¨ You asked him softly, and he tensed up. ¨I know... ¨ your lips began to tremble ¨ I don´t want to go either, but what happened in Sabaody... I don´t want that to happen ever again.¨ you bit your lip as tears started to roll on your cheeks. 
He wiped the tears with his fingers and pulled you closer. None of you wanted to part ways again, but not only those were your captain´s order that was your future. If something like that happens again in the New World, a two-year separation would be the best scenario possible. 
¨It won´t. I promise.¨
When the night came, you decided to stay on the beach and talked until you fell asleep under the stars. The best sleep you´ve had in a long time. No nightmares, no agony, and no pain. Just the warmth and peace you missed so much.
On the following morning, you helped him get the provisions for Mihawk´s castle. You toured around the city holding hands and joking, kinda like the couples sitting by the font, enjoying every second you had before he left. 
If he didn´t get lost trying to go back to Kuraigana Island, it would be a quick trip. You assisted him with the bags and walked him to his boat. Your heart ached to say goodbye to him, but you had to. The circumstances were bigger than the two of you.
¨I love you, Zoro.¨ you hugged him and tried not to cry again.
¨I love you more, Y/N.¨
¨Careful with the naps, ok?¨ he chuckled and nodded ¨One year. We´ll meet again in one year.¨ 
¨Wait for me. I´ll go get you, and we´ll return to Sabaody together.¨ 
¨But how will you know where I will be?¨
¨It doesn´t matter where you´ll be. I´ll always find you.¨
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hi how are you? Just saw your Zoro x Reader x Law, that I loved so much (poor Marimo...). And I wanted to request a fic I once requested for another blog... Could you please write a headcanon about Ace and Sanji (polyrelationship), both dating Shanks and Mihawk's daughter in secret, and her parents discovering the relationship by accident when seeing them on a date/kissing/fluff scenario? It can be 2 o 3 person pov, what you feel better. Thanks for the attention and sorry for the bother.
Hiya! I am sorry it took so long! I loved your request, but there was so much to unpack and establish that I had to take my time and make sure everything was in there! For that reason, it has become quite long for HC, so I hope that compensates a little for the time you had to wait!  Also, never apologise for requesting, you’re not bothering at all!! <3 Hope you enjoy!! <3
Getting caught - Sanji / reader / Ace 
2nd person. female reader. Polyamory. Part 2 here! 
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Having Mihawk and Shanks as fathers isn’t easy. They’re super protective of their ‘little girl’ no matter how many times you try to make clear to them that you are a grown-ass adult, who can perfectly make decisions for herself. 
Especially Mihawk is difficult to persuade to give you freedom. He prefers you stay on Kuraigana, which is hard to convince you of. There is nothing to do there and Shanks is out all the time, it’s only logical that adventure calls one day. 
Shanks is the ‘cool dad’, who thinks it is important you have your freedom and such. But on the inside, he does worry. Keeping an eye on the newspapers to see if there’s anything about you. 
Whenever the two of them got together, they always hoped you’d spend some quality time with you, but once you found yourself a crew, that became a little harder. 
When they find out that crew is the strawhats…there’s some mixed reactions. Shanks thinks it’s hilarious, and although Mihawk insists they are not the best crew to hang around or be part of, he is secretly kind of relieved, knowing none of them would ever let someone harm you. And if they did they’d be into big trouble. And the crew are super close friends, which is nice, to have such an intense bond.
What they don’t know, and maybe for the best, is that it didn’t take long for you to form an even more intense bond with the ship’s cook, who you had fallen for, thanks to his neverending charm, love and just anything and everything he ever did. 
The two of you had been dating for a while, but you hadn’t mentioned it in any of the letters you sent to either of your dads. Just to keep them from setting course to wherever you are to give your boyfriend a stern talking-to. 
On top of that, the relationship had become even a little more complicated and hard to explain to your fathers after the crew had met Luffy’s older brother Ace at Alabasta. 
Let’s just say Alabasta nights get cold and Ace was just what Sanji and you needed to warm up a little. 
Ace, of course, couldn’t always be with the two of you, Whitebeard Pirate responsibilities as a commander and of course his search for Blackbeard still being his main focus, but he did try and visit you two as much as possible, making detours with the striker just to show up at the island you guys were at every now and then. 
Usually unannounced, he lives for the surprised look on your faces, how you squeal and nearly tackle him in a hug, and Sanji’s content smile as he puts out his cigarette and discards it to join him and you in the happy reunion. 
You guys see opportunity when your dads can finally convince each other and your crew to all get together to celebrate Luffy’s birthday. One big family party, the castle is big enough for everyone to sleep over comfortably, and it would be a well-deserved break from your adventure. It’s fun, but going island to island with Luffy’s chaotic good energy is exhausting sometimes. 
But besides your break: there is also another thing: opportunity. Although it’d be hard to sneak around, you guys figure out that if all three leave for your room at separate times while the other people are still partying, and you wake up before everyone else does, you should be fine. 
Plans made: Ace would just fall asleep, no need to even fake, and Sanji would help him go to his room, excusing himself as well because he’d propose to make a nice festive breakfast for everyone before the party was over and everyone would have to return to their own business. 
You’d follow a little later, excusing yourself because you weren’t feeling too well and a good night’s sleep would be the best cure so you could be present at the breakfast. 
The party came and so far so good: Ace had fallen asleep a little too early and not subtle at all, dropping his drink and making everyone stare before bursting into laughter, and nobody had questioned Sanji when he started dragging ace out of the big living room or had whined when he said that he’d be going to bed as well.
Okay, Luffy had whined a little, but well, he was distracted five seconds later when Ussop did something funny. 
For you, escaping was a little harder. Your dads insistent on catching up with you, had been cornering you throughout most of the party, just to talk. You were getting nervous that they might have been suspecting something, but luckily for you, you managed to play it off for not feeling too well, and excused yourself too. 
The party noises had become increasingly silent before dying out completely, but the three of you had barely noticed, making the best of the time you had for this rare moment of quality time in a soft big bed. 
Ace had fallen asleep again, and Sanji and you were lazily tracing the freckles on his back, fighting against sleep to just enjoy this moment a little longer, knowing you’d have to act again once the sun came up, just to keep your overprotective fathers from murdering these two men you loved more than anything else in the world. 
“We should probably sleep as well princess,” Sanji murmured as he laid down properly, “or they’ll know we definitely haven’t slept properly even though we left so early”. 
Him saying that out loud was all you needed to give in to the sleep, knowing he was right, but not before giving the both of them a soft kiss goodnight. 
The three of you didn't have much rest though, it felt like you had barely blinked when you were awoken by an “ahem” and extremely loud laughter. 
Turns out, your dads had wanted to check up on you, and well, they had not found their darling y/n sleeping away some nausea as they had been expecting.
Shanks thought the whole thing was hilarious, hence the loud laughter, even more so when the three of you woke up and were immediately panicked. 
Mihawk on the other hand was glaring daggers, mostly at the two males in your bed, but he spared some of those glares for you as well. 
You couldn’t deny anything, and it took you a good few rounds of explaining. 
Shanks was super interested in what you had to say but was muffling laughter throughout the whole thing, even after Mihawk had repeatedly sent him a glare as well. 
In the end, they were more upset you had tried to keep it from them. 
But that didn’t keep them from threatening Ace and Sanji that if they’d ever even dare to hurt you in any way they’d both be after them. 
Ace and Sanji had never looked so pale. You had never ever been so embarrassed, but you were too flustered about being caught that you’d barely spoken ever since the two of them had woken you up. 
Breakfast sure was going to be interesting.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Now do One Piece please! These are fun to read!
Ooh, so many choices 🤩
Date (realistically)
I think if I didn't "get in the way" of his duties to Big Mom, I'd like to be with Katakuri. I'd prove to him that he's handsome and fine just the way he is, and that he deserves love and support too! I feel like I could help him relax more too, since I'm so easygoing and chill.
Nico Robin! Of all the Straw Hats, I relate to her the most. We both struggle with realizing we aren't alone anymore, are quiet/soft-spoken, interested in academics, and considered the most "mature" of the group. Also she's one of the more morally grey Straw Hats (she snapped people's necks, she absolutely fucking murdered them on-screen I don't care WHAT Oda says), and even if I have a moral code it isn't always as kind as say, Chopper's. For similar reasons, I could see myself dating Nami too; I think we'd balance each other out, and together we'd be the moms of the crew.
Law (assuming he'd be willing/able to be in one with all the shit he has going on). I'll get into him more in the "friend section" since I think it'd be the same as dating him, just without the bf/gf shit attached.
(If he tried to curb his Ero-Cook shit and drank a daily dose of "respect ALL women juice") Sanji. I like cooking, especially for others when I know it'll help them even a little bit. And even with what I said earlier about being okay with dark shit amidst certain circumstances and people, I've repeatedly been told that one of my greatest qualities is my sympathy for others. And for his faults, I think Sanji's greatest traits is how sympathetic he can be...even towards people who don't deserve it. Plus we both have fairly shitty relationships with our dads, so YAY, we have daddy issues in common 😚
I'd say Ace, but I'd worry about his severe self-loathing causing him to not be able to function in a relationship. Like just hearing me say "I love you" could cause a whole host of shitty thoughts about how he doesn't deserve love and that being w/ him will only ruin his s/o. Also because, you know, he dies and I wouldnt be able to function. Hell, I'm still barely functioning after his death 🙃
There are more characters I'd wanna date but I don't want this to get TOO long, so here are just some more names: Franky, Reiju, Usopp, Zoro, Bonney, Brook, and Shanks
Everyone in the Straw Hats, for sure! Reading/watching their adventures already gives me the feeling that I'm already friends/family with them, which I think is Oda's goal when it comes to how he writes.
Ace and Marco. I think having Ace as a friend would be easier for him to handle than an s/o. I mean he still has severe self-loathing regardless, and in-canon he was still so stunned that his own nakama and brother would try so hard to save him. But I think familial and platonic love is something he's more used to receiving, so he wouldn't be AS affected by having another friend...if that makes sense.
Law and I are also fairly similar, at least to how I used to be. I was a lot more closed-off emotionally and when I struggled, I did it alone. I also tended to be VERY suspicious and wary of people trying to manipulate me, and I think Law is so adamant on only maintaining "alliances"/NOT friendships for similar reasons. I think that building a trusting relationship with me would be good for the both of us, and together we'd be able to strategize like no other crew on the planet (I'd even make alternate strategies for when Luffy and co. inevitably deviate from the plan, and would remind Law that he may have to just say "fuck it" and improvise). Any kind of new relationship with Law would probably be a slow-burn, since he's not trusting of most people to begin with. But I'm a very patient and understanding person, so I'd keep that in mind and try not to take it personally.
I don't think it'd last long given who I'm talking about, but I SO want to be friends with Big Mom. She's just so fascinating and I think that she needs an actual friend. Not a bunch of homies, not allies like Kaido, not a MANIPULATIVE ASSHOLE FATHER FIGURE AND LOVER like Streusen. A friend. The closest thing she's had to that were the fellow orphans she ate, and I think that having someone like Mother Carmel (with genuine intentions this time) befriend her might help...like, the whole tangled mess that is her personality/psyche/mindset. I'd travel back in time and kill Mother Carmel, take over the orphanage, and raise those kids myself goddammit.
Buggy. Realistically, I think I couldn't handle dating Buggy; I'd laugh too much whenever he does some ridiculous shit and he'd get upset that I don't take him seriously. But I'd be friends with the dude in a heartbeat!
Mihawk. I think I'd be a bit too coarse for Mihawk's taste, and we'd have a similar relationship that he has with Shanks. Like he'll go "Oh God, this guy again, I don't need this right now" but he'd end up hanging out anyway and enjoying a good time. We're the duo that makes people go "How the hell are they friends?"
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE SERIES: My Favorite One Piece Arc with Steve Yurko
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  I love One Piece and I love talking to people who love One Piece. And with the series going on 23 years now, there is a whole lot to talk about. As the series is about to publish its 1000th chapter, a true feat in and of itself, we thought we should reflect upon the high-seas adventure and sit down with some notable names in the One Piece fan community and chat about the arcs they found to be especially important, or just ones they really, really liked.
  Welcome to the next article in the series "My Favorite One Piece Arc!"
  My next guest in this series is Steve Yurko, co-host of The One Piece Podcast, a podcast with a subject you can probably guess. He's also a former storyboard artist for Rick & Morty and is currently working for Netflix Animation. As a ride-or-die Sanji fan, Steve chose the Baratie Arc, where Luffy and the gang run into an East Blue restaurant with a cool chef that loves to cook and kick.
  A note on spoilers: If you haven't seen the Baratie arc yet, this interview does contain major plot points. Watch the Arlong Park arc starting RIGHT HERE if you'd like to catch up or rewatch!
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    Dan Dockery: So a friend tells you, "I'm done with the Syrup Village arc and I'm not sure if I want to watch this next one. I think I might be tapped out on this whole One Piece thing. In one sentence, how do you get them to stay and watch the Baratie arc?
  Steve Yurko: The Baratie arc laid down the foundation and created the formula of the One Piece arc as we know it.
  That's pretty good!
  Yeah, I’d say that, when I first started it, One Piece was my third favorite. I was more of a fan of series like Shaman King and Naruto, but after Baratie, things shifted. It was a turning point for me. I would hope that it would do the same for anyone who’s, say, previously apathetic towards the series.
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    How old were you when you first read it? Or watched it?
  It feels weird to say this, but my introduction to One Piece was Chapter 1. Like Dragon Ball Z, the first episode I can remember watching was, like, Yamcha training on King Kai’s planet, and I’d get Goku and Yamcha confused and stuff, because I had just dived in. So for me to start a story like One Piece from the beginning is kind of rare. I was 15, I think.
  So, we're jumping into Baratie, and we first see the guy with the brass knuckles, Fullbody. He's trying to act cool on a date and he's being mean to everyone else. And then we have Sanji being typical Cool Sanji and Fullbody acts up and Sanji just tears through him. How did you react? Did you know immediately that you'd like this waiter?
  Well, I don't want to alarm you here, but my first thought was “Sanji’s cool!” I’d seen images of him before, and I saw his black suit and blond hair and I figured, “Oh, another crew member, probably. Looks distinct enough.” So I often have to look back and wonder “Did I like him because of his edgy coolness?” but I think now it’s because there were more layers to him. Like, he definitely stands out from the other Straw Hats, but he also has this distinct fighting style with cool reasoning. He’s a cook and he doesn’t want to bust up his hands trying to punch people in the face, so he uses his feet. So, he does like these cool capoeira kicks, which only gets better as they go along because I feel like so many anime characters, the stronger they get, the more they start to fight the same with fast volleys of punches and laser blasts. So Sanji’s kicks are a great way to differentiate himself from the main cast and other anime heroes. 
  So, then we have Luffy, he shows up by damaging the Baratie. Enter: Zeff. Full disclosure: In my infinite naivete when I first watched One Piece, I thought Zeff was going to be the new crew member. And then I thought Gin was going to join the Straw Hat crew. And then when Sanji finally joined, I was like, "This guy? Really? Dark horse candidate over here."
  You didn’t know yet?
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    I guess I hadn't watched the first ED yet — when the crew slowly shows up and stands beside one another.
  You saw Usopp’s silhouette appear and thought, “Eh, I’ve seen enough.”
  "That must be all of them."
  It happens.
  So, you meet Zeff, and you learn about Sanji and Zeff's relationship, and we get a big One Piece flashback. What do you think of that? Because it would become a staple of the series to kinda pause, see what happened to an important guy, and then come back.
  Such an incredible story and so gruesome and terrifying. Sanji’s original flashback is so underrated because it could happen to anyone! Like, you’d have to go out of your way to get stranded on an island, but going days and weeks without food or any real comfort? I think people underestimate how traumatizing that would be. And then Zeff losing his leg because he hacked it off for food, it’s brutal. Just thinkin’ about that, I feel it in my shins. Because that almost happened to me with a minor injury. I let a minor injury get infected, and I could’ve been close to losing a leg.
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    Wait, what? Gahd.
  I was doing box jumps at a gym, and my shin hit the corner of this wooden crate.
  Yeah, those things have no give in them.
  Absolutely. And at the time, I thought it was just this dark spot on my shin. And I figured it was, ya know a bruise. So I let it be. And then I picked at the scab and I realized “Wow, that’s a little deeper than I thought. I guess I’ll go to the doctor if it gets worse.” And I kept going to the gym, wearing pants over like this open wound. And my left leg is so swollen. So I went to two different doctors, as the first one did tests and then sent me to another one. And when this doctor saw me, the look on her face said “Oh, this is bad.” So I laughed out loud about how dumb I was and the doctor turned to me and said “This isn’t funny. This IS SERIOUS.” It had gotten infected with bacteria and it was spreading, and she just took a sharpie and drew around the infected area, and gave me antibiotics and was like “You have to keep this elevated, and if the redness goes outside of this line, go to the hospital.” But luckily, I recovered, even though the doctors were like “Honestly, we thought you’d go to the hospital.” So when Zeff severs his foot with a rock, how does anyone not feel that? 
  Do you think that's one of the reasons Luffy is fascinated by Sanji at first? His mentor, Shanks, lost his arm and was cool about it. Zeff lost his leg and was cool about it. Basically twins.
  That’d be an interesting conversation that we never got to see. Just two dudes talking about how weird it is that both their father figures did that, with only Luffy thinking it’s cool. 
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    Don Krieg's ship gets blown in half by an incomprehensibly cool character, Mihawk, the first Warlord to appear in the show. You see Mihawk arrive — what is your reaction to him? Because it's not a case of "The villain of the villain is my friend," but rather "Oh, he did that to the villain? I hope he does not do that to us, as that would suck."
  It’s almost like the good guys meeting the bad guys, and then a tornado comes in. But here’s the thing: I missed the issue of Jump where Zoro fought Mihawk. So I assumed that Zoro had just won. The greatest swordsman in the world shows up and Zoro beats him. Boom. The climax of his character arc has been achieved. Nothing left for Zoro. 
  He just did it.
  I didn’t find out until so much later that Zoro lost. I wasn’t quite aware of what made for a captivating story yet. At that time, an obstacle appears, an obstacle gets taken out, ya move on. I almost want to apologize to Mihawk. 
  I love how One Piece does this though. They do it with Smoker and Aokiji and the like. It reminds me of The Witcher III when you go off the path a little bit, and you're at a Level 4 and then a Level 39 Gryphon swoops down and decapitates you. It keeps the "power levels" interesting.
  Luffy starts up Breath of the Wild and goes right for Calamity Ganon. But Mihawk is like the analogy for the Grand Line. He represents it, without revealing too much. Mihawk is like a Pizza Hut demo disc of danger.
  I really like that. And no one knows, to this day, exactly how powerful he is. Over 20 years later, and we're still wondering how he matches up against Shanks or Blackbeard or whatever. One Piece has so many characters where Oda hasn't shown his full hand in regards to them, yet we're totally emotionally invested in them. That's good storytelling.
  He’s doing something right. And I love that Mihawk has a little character arc here, too, where he shows up nonchalantly slicing up Krieg’s ships, probably doesn’t expect much, and then he’s taken aback by Zoro’s gusto, because he hasn’t seen anyone like that in a while. And he slices Zoro down. But he respects him, when in the beginning, he clearly didn’t respect anyone around. Mihawk wants to see him be better and try to take him down one day. For him to willingly build someone up like that is rare. Like Frieza wouldn’t do that.
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    So, Don Krieg — what were your opinions of him at the time? Because he's a really bad guy surrounded by more morally grey guys like Mihawk and Gin.
  What I like about the East Blue saga is that every main villain is an antithesis of Luffy and what makes Luffy a truly great captain. Buggy is all about treasure. Kuro is about ambition and the fortitude to be a pirate. Krieg is about might and strength, and Krieg thinks he has both of those because of his weapons and armor. But Luffy has willpower and ambition and doesn’t let the world change his views. Luffy is incorruptible whereas Krieg is willing to poison his own crew when stuff starts going south. Krieg isn’t fondly remembered, but he really serves his purpose in the story.
  So, after Krieg is defeated, Sanji turns down Luffy's offer to join the Straw Hat crew. Now, he knows this is a bad idea. He's not gonna find the All Blue floating around on the Baratie. Why doesn't he go immediately?
  Well, he knows it’s a bad idea but he’s completely misinterpreting Zeff’s sacrifice. He feels that since Zeff sacrificed his leg, he has to repay him by working for him indefinitely. But the reason that Zeff did that was because he wants Sanji to live on and chase his dream. That’s why Zeff took pity on him in the first place. He’s an older, worn-down man now, and he stopped chasing his dream. And now he wants to see Sanji or someone get a win. It lifts his spirit to see Sanji and live kinda vicariously through him. 
  So, the second time I ever cried over One Piece was during Sanji's goodbye and Zeff's "Don't catch a cold." The first time was when that little dog was trying to protect his dead owner's shop in Orange Town, but that's a different story. But this shot of Sanji on his knees thanking Zeff with all the cooks surrounding them is so iconic, and Sanji's acting like it's a gift that Zeff gave him that Sanji could never repay, while as you said, Zeff just wants Sanji to be happy. What did you get out of that? I assume that you're a human with human emotions.
  I cry every time I watch that. When I first saw it, I was like “How? How is a series this good?” And there’s so much to that ending sequence. Because the Baratie is built on this rough, angry masculinity. Just these dudes being mean and fighting each other and customers all the time. There’s never a time or a place for lending a shoulder to someone else. No emotional embraces of any kind. Just everyone berating everyone. No one can open up — just stupid man babies. And then you get to this moment where Sanji is leaving and they’re all trying to be cool while playing it off. Especially Zeff, who can’t give a legitimate goodbye, but rather a “Don’t catch a cold.” But there’s so much to that statement and the facade crumbles. All these grown men start bawling. 
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    I've never thought about it that way. There's all these little hints of kindness, like feeding the bad guys, and it's a masculinity powder keg. And then Sanji, in an ultimate display of putting his heart out there, bows to the man who saved him and the keg explodes. That's really cool.
  Favorite One Piece character?
  Favorite One Piece villain?
  Favorite One Piece moment?
  March to Arlong Park
  Favorite Straw Hat Crew pairing?
  Luffy and Zoro
  Favorite moment of the new Wano anime arc?
  Soba Mask’s debut
  If you could eat one Devil Fruit, what would it be?
  Whatever Kanjuro’s fruit is
  Moment that made you cry the hardest?
  Sanji leaving the Baratie
  Moment that made you cheer the loudest?
  Straw Hats at the Tower of Justice standing across from Robin
  One Piece location that you'd like to live in?
  Whole Cake Island. Ya eat well, ya know, you can survive Big Mom
  Favorite fight scene?
  Sanji vs Mr. 2, of course
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      Stay tuned for the next installment of "My Favorite One Piece Arc" as we speak with Botchamania creator Maffew about his favorite One Piece arc: Alabasta!!
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        Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
By: Daniel Dockery
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i-dnt-know-either · 7 years
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I love Pokemon and One Piece, so I stuck them together! Also I’m going to put an explanation for why I made the teams the way I did under the cut, because it’s going to be a long one!
Luffy: Vigoroth and Machoke are both fighting Pokemon, with Vigoroth specifically having a reputation for being extremely energetic. With Breloom, if you read one of the Pokedex entries it says it “throws punches with its stretchy arms” so, ya know. Also I imagine that the Buizel was given to him by Shanks (whose team I’m going to post in the next batch) to try and keep him safe after he ate his Devil Fruit.
Zoro: Doublade and Gallade are sword-based Pokemon, and Mihawk has a Aegislash with him (again, I’ll post his team next). With Chesnaught, I figured Zoro would need a Pokemon to tank some damage from all the trouble he likes to get in while still doing a lot of damage. With Skarmory and Jangmo-o, if you read their Pokedex entries (or Kommo-o’s in this case) they say that their feathers/scales can be used as swords/weapons once shed.
Nami: Purrloin is a thief that tricks people by acting cute, Sableye is made of/good at finding gems, Klefki likes to steal keys and hold on to them (very useful for a thief), and Castform is tied to the weather.
Usopp: Sentret is a cautious, nervous Pokemon that acts as a lookout for danger and then cries out loudly when it sees anything. Klang is a pair of gears and probably helps Usopp make all his weapons/inventions. Heracross and Carnivine he probably picked up during the two year separation.
Sanji: Hitmontop is known for kicking while spinning on its head. Tropius is known to give its fruit to people, and Sanji probably picked it up after he joined with Zeff (after they got off the rock), so he’d always have a way to feed himself/others if at least for a little while. Rapidash, with how fast it runs, surely kicks just as hard. Gardevoir and Silvally I think he’s had since a kid (as a Ralts and Type: Null). With Type: Null, I imagine it might have been something his father had a hand in creating, and when it was considered a dud, he stuck it with his “dud” son (also, the whole masks thing).
Chopper: Chopper is a bit of a different case. Since he is a reindeer who ate a Devil Fruit to become human, in a Pokemon AU I think he would be a Deerling who ate it. Also, he didn’t “catch” Audino, and instead they work as a team to heal people (also it might be Hiriluk’s maybe?).
Robin: Ambipom is a Pokemon that uses it extra hands on its tails to go about its life. Cradily and Bronzong are both artifacts of the past (one a fossil, the other a bell). Alakazam is incredibly intelligent and has a near perfect memory, which would make him a perfect partner. Unown is a mysterious alphabet-based Pokemon, and in a Pokemon/One Piece mash up would undoubtedly be tied to the poneglyphs.
Franky: Conkeldurr and Excadrill are very strong Pokemon tied to construction. Alolan Golem can fire weapons out of their body with devastating effect, and Steelix has a harder-than-diamond body that has been tempered by heat and pressure. 
Brook: Kricketune is a Pokemon that can create music with its body (which greatly resembles a violin) and its arms resemble thin blades. Jellicent is a ghost/water type known for sinking ships and eating life energy, while Yamask was formed from part of Brook’s own spirit before it was properly reunited with his body. Wailmer, obviously, represents Laboon.
And that’s it for now! The next batch will be Ace, Marco, Whitebeard, Shanks, Mihawk, and Law (and any others I make between now and posting them). If you have someone you want me to make a team for, let me know!
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