#and I needed that
pookiebearmick · 2 months
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Ian trying (and failing) to contain his angry husband
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katsco · 8 months
Watching Dan and Phil’s stream and realising that I’m no longer the same 11 year old kid who found them and for the first time actually felt safe but an adult who no longer needs the safe feeling because everything has changed for the better but they still bring you the same comfort they did all those years ago.
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desertfangs · 1 year
Barbie and Ken definitely give Armand/Daniel, Louis/Lestat, Armand/Lestat energy which got me thinking about there not being enough jail!fic out there which then got me thinking how unlikely it'd be for Armand to get arrested like... he's too smart to not get away with every single atrocity he commits (everyone else though? several arrests, DUI's, etc.), and then I was like "he'd probably be the one who'd bail everyone out" and theeen it dawned on me, him bailing out Daniel out of jail is literally canon because apparently, literally anything you can think about that could be used as a fic prompt is already canon and can be found in chapter four of QotD :''')
The idea that Armand is too cunning to be caught or thrown in jail is cracking me up but it's absolutely true! He definitely would never allow himself to be arrested, which is good, because the Coven needs someone who can bail everyone out and get the charges dropped. Perhaps dressed as a young lawyer...
Which yes, leads me to the fact that it absolutely happened in Devil's Minion, and we don't get a lot of details, but it's there. Despite the fact that we get so little of Armand and Daniel comparatively on the page, what we do get is really chock full of tiny details and stories that absolutely deserve to be explored in more depth!
Also, we only hear about it happening one time, but like everything in that decade+ they spent together before Lestat's concert (and after, which we hear almost nothing about and then nothing really again until PL and then we get--checks notes--a whole sentence! And another sentence later!, which will always bum me out!) we're only getting snapshots of their lives.
I'm sure Armand bailed Daniel out of jail more than once. Particularly when Daniel was leaving Night Island and then unable to cope with the mortal world. I'm sure there was at least one time he had to go and get him then. Would love to hear Daniel making that phone call from the police station. "Yeah, yeah, I know you're in Florida but can you come quick?... Come on, Denver is not that far. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to... I know what I said but you know damn well I didn't mean it... Look, I'm sorry, just come, okay?"
And I want to believe Lestat and Daniel would not allow themselves to be arrested by mortal cops but maybe there was some situation they got caught up in--like maybe they were trying to hunt evil doers and accidentally ended up in the middle of an FBI raid--and Armand had to come to their rescue again. I sure hope so. Armand would never let them live it down.
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twicethetrouble · 1 year
Writing Family Web Daily: Day 13
Content Warning for vague description of surgery and injury (idk if it's necessary but i'm adding it b/c yeah, it's there.)
Donnie paused his efforts as Leo quickly stepped over April to stand next to the bed.
“There. I’m here. Now lay back down before you hurt yourself,” Leo pointed at the bed with a frown.
Donnie watched him for a long moment before snatching the pointing hand in his and laying back down, making sure his brother couldn’t leave. His sides stung now, telling him he really shouldn’t have pulled that stunt, but it had gotten Leo to stop sulking so he really didn’t care at the moment.
“Seriously?” Leo asked with a sigh, looking down at his captured hand.
“Can’t leave now,” Donnie said smugly.
“Just go back to sleep. You need rest,” Leo said, going to sit on the spare mattress like he normally would. But this wasn’t normal. And Donnie didn’t want him to start sulking again just in a different spot. He was exhausted too and Donnie knew he wouldn’t so much as lay down right now unless he made him.
Donnie pulled at his arm, ignoring his half formed protests until Leo was finally laying next to him. He made a face as he settled on his side, seemingly trying to take up as little room as possible so he couldn’t accidentally hurt Donnie.
“What happened with the surgery?” Donnie asked once they were settled. Donnie needed the facts before he could even attempt to fix Leo’s stupidity.
“Nothing. It went fine,” Leo said after a pause.
“Considering I was unconscious for it, I don't know what that means,” Donnie shot back.
“I fixed it. There were no further complications.”
“Then do me the favor of walking me through the process.”
Leo groaned, glaring at the pillow as he tugged at one of the loose strings.
“We sedated you with your tranquilizer,” he began quietly. “Once you were unconscious, I marked where the cuts would need to be made and…did…it. With your impossibly sharp scalpels. I don’t even know where you got those things. WHat are they even made of? Because that’s not normal to steal.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Donnie brushed aside. Leo chuckled lightly at it. “What else?”
“Not much. Removing the affected bits relieved the pressure on your new arms effectively reliving much of the pain it was causing,” Leo explained. He paused for a moment before continuing tentatively. “They, uh, don’t have skin at the moment. The bleeding stopped pretty quick but we’ll still have to be careful until it has a chance to grow in. Change the bandages whenever they get slightly dirty or wet, make sure they don’t stick to the limbs…”
Leo must have caught sight of the disgusted look on Donnie’s face because he stopped.
“You asked,” Leo said with a shrug.
“No, skin?” Donnie asked. Leo nodded. “That is both disgusting yet scientifically intriguing.” 
“Yeah, we can figure out why all that is later,” Leo said dismissively.
“How big are they?”
“Hard to say? They were still kinda condensed from the pressure they were under when I wrapped them,” Leo stated. “But, maybe an inch or two? They aren’t much bigger than a finger at the moment.”
“Fascinating,” Donnie said, eyeing the gauze wrapped around his torso for the first time. There was, in fact, for little bits wrapped so thoroughly in gauze that Donnie had no way of telling where the limbs actually began. Each had been immobilized by several bits of medical tape as if they were going to just up and leave if they hadn’t been taped down.
Donnie wondered briefly if he’d be able to move them already if not for Leo’s bandages. Further testing would be required.
“We thought taping them down would be safer over all,” Leo explained, “Just so you don’t accidentally catch them with your elbow or something. They’re probably going to be pretty fragile until they finish growing in, so you’re going to have to be careful.”
“But of course. I am the definition of careful,” Donnie stated. Leo snorted.
“Yeah, and I'm the definition of subtle.”
Donnie elbowed him in the arm, getting another chuckle in response.
“Regardless,” Donnie continued, shooting Leo a glare, “There is much I'll have to study and record. Growth rate, range of mobility, the rate in which i become accustomed to moving them-”
“All things you can work on later,” Leo interrupted, “after you’ve slept and not immediately upon waking up from surgery. Theoretically, you should wait until you’ve healed from said surgery but I doubt you will so I'm just not going to bother.”
Leo was making that face again, the guilty face that told Donnie he was thinking dumdum things again.
Right, that’s why Donnie wanted him over here. Curse science for being such a lovely distraction!
“Thank you,” Donnie said, trying his best to make it sound like he meant it. Because he did and he needed Leo to know that. So he stopped being dumb.
Leo started briefly, blinking wide eyed at Donnie.
“I am aware that doing this was…uncomfortable and upsetting for you,” Donnie continued slowly, picking his words carefully. He didn’t want there to be any miscommunications between then right now. Not about this. “I shouldn’t have asked you to do that. If i had been thinking more clearly I wouldn’t have.”
“I was fine-” leo tried to argue. But Donnie didn’t give him much of a chance to do so.
“No, you weren’t. I don’t need to be Dr. Feelings to know that,” Donnie said. “You hate percieving yourself as the cause of your pain, even if that is to help us. You can’t deny it. I still remember when we were six and you put antiseptic on a cut for the first time. You cried more than Mikey did, and Mikey was the one with the scrape.”
“I…” Leo hesitated, taking a breath before continuing. “I managed.”
“You shouldn’t have had to,” Donnie pointed out.
“We didn’t have much of a choice,” Leo whispered. “You were in so much pain…we didn’t have the time.”
“I know,” Donnie stated. “You shouldn’t have had to do it. But I’m…I’m glad you did. So, once again, thank you.”
“Stop thanking me for hurting you,” Leo muttered, eyes locked on his pillow again.
“I’m not thanking you for hurting me,” Donnie said with a sigh. “I’m thanking you for helping me. I’d still be in an immense amount of pain if you hadn’t. Instead i am not. So stop being dumb and accept my verbal gratitude. You may never hear it again.”
When Leo didn’t answer, Donnie spoke again. Time to bring out the big guns, apparently.
“Stop or i’m going to tell Mikey you’re blaming yourself for being a good medic again, and you’ll have to have a session with Dr. Feelings. And probably a referral to Dr. Delicate Touch.”
“April’s right, you’re definitely the evil twin,” Leo stated, glaring at Don, though the expression itself held no heat.
“If i’m evil now, imagine what will happen once i finally get my hands on uranium,” Donnie stated with a smirk. Leo smiled, his expression tired.
“Yeah, remind me never to let you put uranium on the birthday present list,” Leo stated.
“You never let me shine,” Donnie said dramatically, getting a playful shove for his efforts. Good. He was glad Leo was going to stop treating Donnie like a glass statue he could break apart by sneezing.
“Go to sleep, Dee.”
“Only if you do,” Donnie countered. “You need rest as much as i do at this moment.”
“Fine, but only because this is the first time i’ve gotten the chance to sleep on my own bed in like five days,” Leo said, shifting enough so he was laying more on his plastron than his side. “Even if i do have to share it with your sprawling but.”
“Excuse you. I am not the one that had to have guard rails on their bed until they were nine because they kept rolling out of bed during the night,” Donnie answered back.
“You did too.”
“I was on the top bunk, Leo. Father wouldn’t let me sleep on the top bunk unless there were railings,” Donnie stated. “You were on the bottom bunk and, thus, have no excuse.”
“My point still stands.”
“Look, I'm glad you’re both better,” April’s voice sounded from the spare mattress below them. “But i sware on pizza supreme that if you two don’t stop bickering, I will use the tranquilizer gun on the both of you.”
“Sorry April!” The twins chorused. April grumbled in the silence that followed.
It was quiet for a few minutes, Donnie starting to doze off when Leo spoke again.
“Thanks, Dee Dee,” Leo whispered. Donnie smiled, not bothering to open his eyes back up.
“Don’t worry bout it, Lilo,” Donnie mumbled back.
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marsneedstherapy · 1 year
never realized how much I missed the audiobook narrator for flf until now
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persephones-journey · 11 months
I tried to do this anonymously but now I guess I gotta expose myself and my awkward ways.
You give off impeccably good and warm cosy vibes and it is always a joy seeing you on my dash and in the notifs, I hope your day is lovely and treating you with kindness xo
Aww thank you so much.
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sleavesofgrass · 1 year
A mother’s intuition is crazy, I’m struggling today and my mom just sent me a love you text after not talking to her for almost two weeks
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raan-miir-tah · 2 months
Amal has spoken to me, asking me to help boost her campaign to save her family from genocide. Please donate whatever you can reasonably spare!
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catlaila · 3 months
justice for kabru. they put my man in the wrong genre. bro was meant to be playing psychological games with light yagami and instead he’s playing yaoi mind tennis with a blonde himbo
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shithowdy · 1 year
i thought my laptop was on its last leg because it was running at six billion degrees and using 100% disk space* at all times and then i turned off shadows and some other windows effects and it was immediately cured. i just did the same to my roommate's computer and its performance issues were also immediately cured. okay. i guess.
so i guess if you have creaky freezy windows 10/11 try searching "advanced system settings", go to performance settings, and uncheck "show shadows under windows" and anything else you don't want. hope that helps someone else.
*yes sorry i mean usage i posted this before bed :( i do not mean the hard drive is full aaaaghhhh
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sheepydraws · 6 months
The secret Dungeon Meshi sauce that's getting people to eat better is that it's so non-judgmental. Senshi and the rest of the gang never talk about what not to eat besides things that taste bad and literal poison. They don't even talk about "health" that much besides the importance of a balanced diet. It's so much easier to eat well when you think of food simply as something your body needs, and that it's often worth the extra effort to make it taste good, especially when you understand how to connect "things your body needs" with "things that taste good"
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wankadoodles · 29 days
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Métis Miku (Creeku)
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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liquidstar · 6 months
i always think abt my cousin in greece who's like obsessed with american culture, bc ill say that im going to a barbecue and she'll be like "wow.... a real life american barbecue... will there be red cups?" you bet your ass there'll be red cups. take my hand. have a hot dog. all your dreams can come true here at the real life american barbecue
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stimmingandstruggling · 5 months
more good news from tiktok: they’ve started blocking celebrities.
they’re calling it block party 2024. just blocking and ignoring countless celebrities who havent said shit about palestine. influencers, actors, anyone who went to the met gala, whatever, they’re getting blocked. and people keep talking about how cathartic it is, how good it feels, how they never realized they could DO that. there was some kind of subconscious law against blocking famous people, but it’s broken, and people are LOVING it. and it’s WORKING. a social media/digital advertising coordinator was talking about how ad companies are PANICKING, because they can’t accurately target anymore. so many big influencers, including fucking LIZZO started talking about palestine the MOMENT their follower counts started going down. and the best part? no one is forgiving them. lizzo posted a tiktok asking people to donate to palestinian families, and all the comments just said you’re a multimillionaire. put your money where your mouth is. blocked.
i feel like i’m witnessing the downfall of celebrity culture, right here right now. people are waking up.
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kaereth · 3 months
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Dragon harpy chimera birdy FALIN!! I love her
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