#and I think a big part of me has forgiven her but it feels silly to have done so
waytooinvested · 15 days
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 27
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
They sat in silence for a little while after that, the quiet broken only by a low, regular beeping from one of Kara’s monitors and the distant bustle of the DEO going about its day to day business. Out there agents would be dealing with (hopefully relatively minor) emergencies, hurrying about on important missions, gossiping, arguing, keeping the world turning; but in here behind the closed med bay doors everything was blessedly still. As Lena’s breathing synced to Kara’s, she finally began to feel her heart rate returning to something like its normal rhythm. She was alright. It was all going to be alright now.
‘Are you sure you’re really okay to stay here? Because you don’t have to, if- I mean, I don’t want you to go obviously. But I know you walked out on a big event for me, and if you have things you need to do, or if you just want some space to process and be mad at me, you can. I’ll be fine, and I promise not to do anything to get myself hurt again if you’re not here to keep an eye on me.’
The small part of Lena that was still inhabiting her other life pointed out that yes, she really should go. She should be checking on Jess and the demo team, reviewing footage, writing press releases and a thousand other things, but she ignored it.
It wasn’t that it didn’t matter.
It was just that the part of her brain where it mattered was so far away from where she was right now, she couldn’t bring herself to do anything about it but hold Kara tighter.
‘As long as you want me here, this is where I want to be. Anyway, the advantage of everyone thinking I just had my appendix out is that I’m now more or less obliged not to do any work for the next couple of days at least, and even after that I’ll need to take it easy while I “recover from my surgery”.’
Saying this reminded Lena of the other recovery plan she had yet to discuss with Kara, and all of a sudden her stomach was fluttering with a very different kind of anxiety to the one she’d felt earlier. The idea had seemed so reasonable when she’d suggested it to Alex, but now it felt bigger somehow, more significant and… intimate.
Don’t be silly. You’re not suggesting a lesbian u-haul, this is a purely practical, platonic, medically sensible arrangement. Just ask her.
‘Actually Kara… I was thinking maybe we could recover together. Since your apartment has so many stairs up to it and Alex doesn’t have a spare room, I wondered if you’d be up for coming to stay with me for a few weeks? Just until you’re well enough to manage by yourself. It could be fun: like a best friend sleepover every night, only with less Twister and more pain meds.’
‘We have never played Twister at a sleepover. We absolutely should though, I love that game, and Alex has refused to play it with me since high school.’
‘So… is that a yes?’
Lena was already smiling through the question, still nervous but finally allowing the feeling to mingle with a growing excitement at the idea of sharing a home with Kara (no matter how briefly and platonically it might be). But rather than the ‘of course!’ and happy smile she was expecting Kara’s worry crinkle appeared between her brows, and she bit her lip. Almost immediately she released it again with a pained hiss, but instead of answering the question she just muttered something under her breath about stupid hard sidewalks and their effect on the stupid soft human body if you fell just a tiny bit, and how was anyone ever supposed to stay in one piece anyway?
‘… Kara?’
The grumbling stopped.
‘Sorry, I’m just- I’m not sure it’s the best idea.’
Lena had considered a dozen potential pitfalls for her plan to take care of Kara through her injury, but for some reason the idea that she simply might not want to live together had never occurred to her. She had no right to feel disappointed by that, but she did. Just a little bit.
As if Kara could read her mind, she hurried to reassure her.
‘It’s not that I don’t want to! I’m sure being roommates would be so much fun, and I’m really, really grateful for the offer, it’s amazing of you. It’s just that… well, I’m going to need help with showering and getting to the bathroom and things, at least until my wrist is better. And I just wasn’t sure if you could… do that?’
‘Oh!’ Lena said again, and then chuckled. Was that all?
She might never be a match for her unfairly advantaged Kryptonian friend when it came to physical strength, but did Kara really think she didn’t have it in her to help someone to the bathroom without dropping them?
…Alright, so there had been that one time at the bunker when she had technically dropped Kara, but it had been mostly Alex’s fault, and anyway, Kara didn’t know about that. Besides, Lena had been keeping up her strength training ever since (despite the voice in her head that pointed out how many other things she had to do, and how unlikely she was to end up in a situation where she would need to carry an unconscious adult by herself (again)), and her muscles had never been in better shape than they were right now. She flexed them subtly, feeling the satisfying strain of her biceps against the unyieldingly tight fabric of her shirt sleeves.
‘Luckily for you it just so happens that I’ve been working on building up my strength the last few months. Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.’
This time.
‘No, that’s not- I mean, great! Um, wow, that’s- that’s so great, but. Um.’
Instead of sounding relieved Kara’s voice had gone weirdly high, her cheeks blooming suddenly and startlingly pink against the pallor of post-injury shock, and the steady beeping of her heart rate monitor had noticeably increased in a way that made no sense, unless-
Lena swallowed, throat drying as she considered the possible implications.
‘… Is it because I’d see you naked?’
Kara was now so red she looked almost sunburned, but she didn’t try to bluff or deny it.
‘Um. Kind of? But for you, not me. Things have been so good between us lately, I don’t want to push it too far and make you feel uncomfortable around me.’
‘Oh darling, of course I wouldn’t be. Why would you think I’d feel uncomfortable?’
‘Because of… you know… our fight. The whole…’
Kara hesitated, as if Lena might jump in and spare her from having to finish her sentence, but she didn’t. A dawning, horrified suspicion had begun to form in her mind at Kara’s mumbled words, and she needed her to finish.
After an agonising couple of seconds, she did, in a whisper.
‘The gay thing.’
The gay thing.
As in her gay thing?
Or… Kara’s gay thing?
Was Kara saying what she thought she was saying?
It was no good, she couldn’t keep guessing or trying to put the pieces together with an incomplete picture, no matter that she was supposed to know all of this already. She had to ask. Lena closed her eyes for a few moments, trying to picture snow. Frost. Blizzards and ice and the goddamn Arctic Circle to keep her cheeks from flaming, but she was pretty sure it wasn’t working.
‘I think-’
She broke off to clear her throat, and was relieved when her voice came out steadier on a second attempt.
‘I think maybe you and I have a different perspective on exactly what happened in our fight. Would you please tell me your side?’
Kara squirmed.
‘I don’t want to bring it all back up again. I don’t want to ruin this.’
She looked more frightened than Lena thought she had ever seen her before, and it took everything she had not to take the request back, to tell her they didn’t have to talk about it after all, not if she really didn’t want to (but they did have to. They’d put this off too long already. Lena had put it off too long. She needed to know).
‘Kara, I know it’s hard and just after you’ve had an accident isn’t the best time to have this conversation, but I still think we need to. I’m sorry I stopped you when you tried to raise this before, but I’m ready to listen properly now. I’m not going anywhere this time, and I’m not going to get angry with you again. I promise.’
Kara stared down at her knees, still looking like she’d rather take her chances jumping off another roof than talking about this, but not arguing any further.
‘So I should probably start at the beginning of the whole Hopeful Paragon thing. Given how our- um… conversation about that went, I don’t think I ever properly explained to you why I was doing it in the first place. And before I do I want to be clear that this isn’t an excuse for what happened with us at all, but I think it might help explain some things. A bit. Maybe.’
Lena nodded encouragingly, trying to look as if she had some idea of what Hopeful Paragon was, and desperately hoping that whatever Kara said next would explain what it had to do with the gay thing without her having to ask (“a different perspective” was one thing, but there was no way to explain why she didn’t know something that was clearly so fundamental to what had supposedly happened between them).
‘Go ahead.’
‘Right, okay… So at the time I was kind of in a rut. I know this sounds like a pretty lame excuse for not doing more with my life, but I stuck out like a sore thumb in Midvale, and after that blending in kind of became my life’s purpose. I kept my head down, tried to fit in, and pushed down all the parts of me that were too loud, or strange, or felt things that people would find inconvenient. Being Ms Grant’s assistant was the perfect job for that person, because the whole point of a PA is that if you’re doing it right, people barely notice you’re there at all. I tried to be happy with that, but the most I could hope to achieve in my day was keeping Cat in a good enough mood that she didn’t make anyone cry, and I hardly ever managed even that much. It all felt so small and pointless, but I didn’t know how to be anything else. Then I created the Hopeful Paragon blog, and I suddenly had this space where I could be something different without having to tear my whole life down. I could still be me the rest of the time, but I could also be a hero.’
Kara winced at herself as she said the word, attempting to wave it away with her bound arm as if forestalling a criticism that Lena had not been going to make. Whatever had happened between them, Kara was a hero. Powers or no powers. Part of Lena wanted to voice the thought, but she held her tongue in favour of hearing the rest of the story.
‘That sounds so stupid now when I’m so obviously not a hero, but that’s how it seemed at the time. The blog got kind of big, and it made me feel confident in a way I never was in my normal life. I got to be loud, and angry, and fight for real change without worrying about getting in trouble for professional conflict of interest, or… I don’t know, being hunted down by someone dangerous I’d done an exposé on. It was this wonderful, private outlet that only a handful of people knew about, and when you and I started talking through it it didn’t seem like a big deal not to say anything at first, because I didn’t really know you well as Kara yet anyway. Only then I did and I still kept putting off telling you. At first because it would have sounded so weird, and then because- because somehow you made it feel like just being myself as Kara was a good thing, like it was the better thing. You made me feel like I didn’t need all the bravado and glamour to be worthy, because I just was. I didn’t want you to stop seeing me that way, so I made more and more excuses not to tell you the truth yet. But the more I waited the worse it was that I hadn’t told you, and then…’
Kara hesitated again, eyes flicking nervously up to Lena’s face and then back down to her own knees, as if she hoped they might take over for her if she willed it hard enough. She clearly didn’t want to say whatever came next, but Lena didn’t prompt her. She sat still on the bed, giving Kara space to find the words she needed and breathing through her own experience of reliving their past. It hurt to hear it aloud, even filtered through de-kryptonised memories. It might always hurt a little bit. But what had once been a knife twisting in her heart was now the gentle ache of a healing scar, and for each painful memory that surfaced in her mind, half a dozen good ones rose up to soften it.
There was so much more to Kara Danvers (to them) than the lie that had torn them apart, and Lena was convinced now that Kara truly meant it when she said she would never hurt her like that again. They were growing past their mistakes, and they were stronger than their history. Stronger together.
The quiet stretched out for several long moments more, but eventually Kara took a deep, shaky breath and continued.
‘When Jack came to town I realised how jealous I was of what he meant to you, and I handled it… badly. After I crashed your date like a total weirdo I promised I wouldn’t ever let myself do something like that again, and I guess the online chats became the place where I was allowed to feel that way. Because Kara knew you were straight and into Jack, and then James, but Hopeful Paragon didn’t. Then when you found out it was a woman who had been flirting with you and you didn’t react how I’d hoped it felt like this huge, personal attack, and I got mad and insecure and I said a lot of things I didn’t mean. And Lena, I know how it sounded, but I truly, truly didn’t mean any of it. Almost as soon as the fight was over I realised what I’d done, but it was already too late by then. You didn’t want to talk to Hopeful Paragon anymore.’
A tear trickled down Kara’s grazed cheek but she didn’t stop speaking this time, forcing the words out even as she began to cry in earnest.
‘I lost you from that part of my life, but you were still best friends with Kara, and I couldn’t bear for you to hate her too. So I kept lying to you, about Hopeful Paragon and about my feelings for you, and… God, I can’t even imagine how awful it felt to find all that out the way you did. What I did to you was the biggest mistake of my entire life, and I don’t blame you for cutting me out for it. I am so, so grateful that you forgave me and came back anyway, but I know that the way I felt -the way I feel- must still make it hard to be my best friend. I just don’t want to push that too far. Because of course helping me shower wouldn’t be about... that, but also, it would be way too much to ask of you in the circumstances.’
Shitfuckfuckfuckshittingfucking FUCK.
That’s what Kara thought they had fought over instead of her making kryptonite?
All this time.
All this time, Kara had believed that Lena was homophobic, and had kept being her friend anyway. And Jack, and James… well, that was a lot to take in too. Was Kara rebuilding false emotions to go along with her false memories for what had happened in those cases, or had she really had feelings for Lena for that long?
Was she every bit as oblivious about Kara’s feelings as Kara had been about hers?
Maybe if she had confessed outright that she was in love with Kara when she had first realised it, her friend would have shared her secret in return, and none of this would have happened.
Lena wouldn’t have withdrawn after Lex had spilled the beans.
Lex would never have kidnapped Kara and stolen her memories.
Kara would never have lost her powers and wouldn’t now be lying injured in a hospital bed, with only sheer luck having prevented her from dying after falling off a roof.
Maybe instead they would be dating now. Working together to save the world and then going home at night to share the same bed.
She and Kara might have had it all.
She reached for Kara’s hand, the tremble in her own obvious as she wrapped her fingers around it and stroked her thumb tenderly across the knuckles.
‘I’m so sorry I made you think I didn’t like that part of who you are, but I promise that wasn’t true. Not for Hopeful Paragon, and never, ever for Kara Danvers. Everything that happened in that fight- you have to understand that what I did then wasn’t what I would have done if you and I were having that conversation. To me S- Hopeful Paragon wasn’t my best friend. She was an acquaintance that I liked and respected, but who crossed boundaries that weren’t hers to cross...’
Lena paused, but only for a moment. Her heart was pounding erratically and she couldn’t quite believe any of this was really happening, but after what Kara had just told her anything but the truth would just hurt both of them, now and later.
‘-They were yours, Kara. James, and even Jack… you never had anything to worry about. If I’d thought you were an option, it would always have been you.’
Kara’s expression flickered through a dozen different emotions ranging from shock, anguish, disbelief, incredulity, and finally, as she glanced between Lena’s face and the hand around hers, settled on a fragile, tentative hope.
‘ Really ?’
She swallowed thickly.
‘So... if I had just told you…’
‘Or if I’d told you, instead of trying to get you to notice me flirting with flowers and low cut shirts and, ah, media companies.’
‘You- oh. Oh. I’m such a dummy.’
Lena surprised herself with a chuckle, because, yeah she kind of was. Apparently they both were.
‘Maybe, but you’re a very cute dummy.’
She watched Kara’s still-wet cheeks going pink again at the compliment, felt her tentatively turn her hand in Lena’s so she could lace their fingers together, and was hit with a wave of such tender fondness that it was almost too much to bear.
‘So… will you come and stay with me? Let me help you until you’re well enough to live alone again?’
‘I- yeah. Yes. I would love that. Thank you Lena.’
She still couldn’t quite take in the fact that Kara had actually just confessed having feelings for her, and that she had confessed right back. She had always imagined that if they ever got to that moment, their declarations would be made into the diminishing space between their lips as they met for a kiss that could be held back no longer. She had fantasised about it a dozen different ways, from light and sweet to hungry and desperate. She had kissed Kara in every way and every place she could think of in her imagination and was certain that none of them would live up to the reality of even the softest brush against the unbroken skin of her top lip, but as it was, neither of them moved to make it a reality.
Kara let her head settle onto Lena’s shoulder, and Lena moved so that her cheek rested lightly against the familiar softness of Kara’s hair, their hands remaining clasped together in the small space between them on the bed. It wasn’t the right time for anything more than that, not for either of them. Lena’s silent promise not to have this conversation yet might be lying shattered at her feet, but she could at least make sure that things didn’t go any further until she could be sure that Kara knew what she was choosing, and that this wasn’t just an effect of her false memories.
And if this was all they could have, even if it was all they ever had, it was enough for Lena.
Kara was enough.
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Hi! Can I request Daffodil for Ryoga? Thank you!
Ryoga Tosa:
Daffodil - a wrong doing forgiven.
Ryoga never really argued with you.
He’s talking in a general sense, like not agreeing on what to have for dinner or what to watch before bed. Prison life had conditioned him to follow a set schedule without getting a taste of freedom (although there was some rebellion there) but he had no real complaint about how you ran the household. He was more than happy to follow your lead as he noticed you always kept his tastes in mind too, making dinners that he knew you weren’t a big fan of or watching shows more catered to his interests that you thought he might like.
But this… It slipped out.
“…It’s not right.”
You reached over to grab the remote sitting between you, paused the show and fully turned your body to face him which instantly set him on edge. You hadn’t spoken up yet aside from your initial acknowledgement of him speaking, clearly waiting for him to continue his thought which only made him sweat more. He was bad as it was with articulating his thoughts in a way that got his point across but when under duress that was an extra level of difficulty added.
“She’s… not sayin’ it well, but I get it. Even if… she can’t help it, it’s not easy to control your emotions.”
“I get that part of it, but when you do something to hurt someone else, and then can’t even take accountability for what you did, you can’t just fall back on ‘oh, sorry, I’ll change.’ There has to be proof you’re putting in any effort or it doesn’t count!”
“…They’re not givin’ her a chance to show anything. If they keep bringin’ it up in front of everybody… And she’s only doin’ one thing wrong… Does that mean she’s never right?”
“When there’s a consistent pattern across years and years? Yes. At some point, why should everyone keep putting up with it?”
This is actually the most Ryoga’s ever talked with you about the silly reality TV shows you’ve thrown on, and while he only paid half-attention generally you appreciated that he was trying to pay attention to your interests. You wondered if there’s a part of him that’s comparing it to his own situation, that he’s thinking perhaps of you and him rather than the people on this show who you admittedly didn’t know in their real, daily lives too. Editing could really do a number on manipulating opinions, and perhaps you having scene all the previous seasons was coloring your view differently than Ryoga who only had your brief summaries to go by.
“Maybe we should just see how the rest of the scene plays out?”
Ryoga just nodded his head, arms crossed as he turned back to the TV and you pressed play.
There’s no more conversation until much later that night, when you were both settling into bed. This was probably Ryoga’s favorite part about finally being free again, aside from literally everything else, getting to lay in bed next to you every night brought him relief. There was a sense of safety being in a house rather than a cell, not to mention the comfort level of a soft bed and a warm body curled up next to him was a feeling he’d never take for granted again.
Which is why he had to address the thing gnawing at him, so that this place in his life remained stable.  
“Sorry for ruinin’ your show.”
“You didn’t ruin anything?” You tilted your head, leaning, leaning, leaning until you bonked against the muscles of his arm. You giggled a little at Ryoga’s perplexed expression, moving his arm so you fell a little further and hit his chest instead. “We can have different opinions on stuff. It’s not a big deal.”
“…yeah.” He seemed to be thinking again, and while you didn’t want to overtalk him, you felt you should probably apologize too.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t just say what you had to, though. I like when you give me your opinions even if we don’t agree—I didn’t even see it that way until you said something. Watching stuff on TV and then experiencing it for real isn’t the same.” You snuggled into his chest, feeling him squeeze you in response and not let go. “I would forgive you no matter what, anyway. Unless you killed a man, so like, lets keep those things in the past and we’ll be all good, right?”
“Mm.” Ryoga agreed, feeling the tenseness in his shoulders finally relax. “We should sleep.”
As you laid in his arms you tried not to giggle, wondering how your friends might take it when you told them your first disagreement with your boyfriend was over a reality TV show of all things.
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stellarunimoon · 5 months
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im so scared right now. this is the first time ive posted on here in a WHILE so my artstyle is :skull: completely different. i plan on revamping this whole uhh profile. ill still keep up the artwork though so my growth can be visible :- )
so this is a part of my blue diamond au i was doodling. i dont plan on making any comics or anything just some little silly pictures cause i like that kind of thing.
so i kind of felt like keeping all their previous personalities, i dont like when they take after the one that they were replacing, but thats just a personal preference. im just gonna infodump lmao
yellow - since shes more of an easily aggrivated one and has a superiority complex, i thought instead of controlling gems like white does, she could paralyze them, so the finale keeps its effect while still being in character. her pearl is still the same, likely a different outfit or form though, i havent decided yet.
pink - she's still childish and tempermental, but it's more forgiven due to her rank, and it's less because of her responsibilities. her old pearl, pink pearl, was still given to white, however white also already had a pearl. she just has two now. ( it is not our regular pearl, its a new one with a new design ill give. ), she's probably the one who needs them the most, and they will NOT be controlled, pink pearl will just be rejuvinated and given a new form <3 more on that later. our pearl does not exist in this au, or she does, i guess, but since our pearl is just the "default" settings, i feel like THIS pink would give her a form that actually matches her, and due to the different style of her being raised, she felt less remorse for damaging pink pearl. still remorse, just less so due to her desensitization and her having to shatter gems with her role.
white - this was mentioned in the artwork but my handwriting is sloppy so ill repeat it. she controls all the gems in her court, because she wants perfection. this includes the gems of different colors, for example.. our peridot, our peridot WILL be a different gem, and she'll probably be a light pink naturally, white when controlled. during future all of whites court will be freed. these gems are controlled from screens, like the ones in yellows room in SU:F. most of her gems remain idle until necessary, but her pearls would assist her in controlling them because. That's a lotta work. she likely has a lot of different gadgets to figure this out cause, yeah, the gempire is big but . . i made this up like an hour ago so cut me some slack.
blue - blue will still be emotional, and that's likely a causation of her rebellion. her pearl is the same as hers in the canon, she did not hit her like pink did. their relationship is still toxic, and like rose in canon, she was trying to change. she just failed. while pink affected the gems because she didn't realize the power she held, and never finished what she started ( spinel being abandoned... she's a little freak for that honestly. also commanding pearl to stay silent, (i don't think that was intentional, i think she just felt like it was a normal request, and didn't realize how much power she still held. that could be debated though cause "for my last order to you as a diamond"..) i think blue affected them emotionally. guilt tripping, self pity, and 2-D thinking. blue was probably more prone to shattering, but would also be very hypocritical. she could not see from the rebel gems perspective EVEN THOUGh she's trying to recruit them. to her, she just wants to win.
anyways that was what i was thinking lmao i kinda just made this up #Sorry
i only drew banded white agate because i did "random steven universe character generator" and it was like "holly blue agate" and i was like Yea Sure im down.
thanks for listening if you did. if not i dont really care i mighjt just add do this IDK WHAT IM DOING!!! this is probably just gonna be a doodle account for my different fixations. (except saw i dont like drawing real people. yet.)
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ambrossart · 6 months
soooo, genuinely speaking, does evelyn actually have a real little crush on vic as well or is it all a childhood thing? obviously she’s hopelessly inlove with henry and she’s got this weird thing with patrick, and while she gets jealous about vic and very possessive, i time to time wonder if it’s all a real crush or just something from her childhood that had carried into her teen years? and, this may sound stupid lol, but in your opinion, does your paper men patrick have any past serious relationships or serious longings for? obviously before evelyn, but i mean like a genuine liking for. not the mind games with evelyn. part of myself believes he used to be capable of having a genuine interest and passion for someone and part of me doesn’t. i hope that wasn’t a weird or confusing question, id just like ur thoughts and opinions!! have a great day/night!
There was definitely a time when Evelyn thought she was in love with Victor Criss—that he was “the one who got away” and everything—but I think now she realizes it was a silly childhood crush, nothing more. Unfortunately, Vic always kept Evelyn at such a distance. Even if he didn’t always mean to, he did. So her feelings never had a chance to develop into anything stronger.
Evelyn currently has no romantic feelings for Victor: 1) because of her feelings for Henry and 2) because Victor hurt her really badly, and she still hasn’t forgiven him. (Vic’s also never acknowledged what he did and apologized, so… yeah there’s a lot of unresolved issues there.)
Despite all that, Evelyn still cares about Vic as a friend; and yes, occasionally, some residual feelings flutter to the surface. It’s a nostalgia thing. No big deal. I think Evelyn misses the simplicity of liking Victor. The innocence of it and of that time in her life. And I think her jealousy toward Christie is less about Vic dating and more about the way he treats her. Vic always had a cruel way of shutting Evelyn out, so to see him being so open around Christie, it stings a little. It stings a lot.
What’s so special about Christie?
Lastly, regarding Patrick, this question (or at least a similar one) has been brought up before. Let me see if I can find the post.
One second.
One second.
Here it is!
Short answer? No, Patrick doesn’t enter into relationships because he doesn’t view people as “people.” They’re just playthings to him. Some toys he likes more than others, but he has no real emotional ties to any of them. He plays with them until he’s bored, or until they break, and then he throws them away and moves on to someone else.
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zlobonessa · 1 year
well since the coup thing here just kinda sorta ended i guess i think this is as good time as ever to tell yall about my silly little modern au because why the hell not. i had this au for a while as a source for jokes but it just kept growing and growing untill. well I'm actually writing fic about (parts of) this but again it's in russian so i just want to outline the ideas. this is totally went off the rails but i like it that way
the catalyst of all is regurein of course
i have several variations of why the hell are they dating but one of my favourites is the one where they engage in passionate fight about twilight saga on the internet
joke about twilight saga belongs to koa. thanks koa.
the second favourite is about coffeeshop au set in two rivaling coffeeshops with questionable work practices and with money laundering probably happening in the background (or something worse?) of one of them
but anyway
reinhard's friends are taking the news very well
which means they are not, in fact, taking the news very well
julius is heartbroken
he has that wlw experience where your infinitely pretty incredibly smart unimaginably cool friend (homoerotic undertone) starts dating a guy who can be characterized only as Human Garbage
out of Friendly Concerns he and the others start the secret operation of Breaking Your Best Friend Relationships
they are not very successful
observing disgustingly sweet and/or horrifying dates with binoculars from the bushes does not bring any results
ferris suggested poisoning several times already
somewhere along the line felt is involved
she is neither the participant nor regurein's matchmaker but a secret third thing
(not entertained by any of this bullshit but forced to observe it)
probably is blackmailing julius
lye is also here
he is tagging along with regulus for some reasons idk i never thought it through
he and felt form unexpected friendship based on common annoyance of being forced to third wheel all this mess
perhaps they start the punk rock band???
the music is terrible
joshua thinks soo too
yes he is also here
he desperatly pretends to be a big fan
that's his late teenage rebellion
felt and lye do not like him anyway but it's not like they have a lot of fans so they keep him to buy them alcohol or something
when julius finds out he almost has a heart attack
and also regulus had some malicious plan all along! oh no!
but oh well he is not the smartest guy yknow
certainly NOT GOOD with being subtle
also has very Weird relationships with feelings
and accidentally catches them for reinhard for real
his mental stability: destroyed
but it's fine and reinhard keeps him anyway because he is absolutely bonkers
again julius is very close to an emergency room
but also in the (failed) attempt to stop this shitshow he Finds His True Love
emijulisuba happens! yay
bonded by spying and perhaps discussion ls of common crush on reinhard
so it's fine. it's totally fine. it's so fine he swears.
the subplot happens. it involves wilhelm.
reinhard informs him that he has a boyfriend and plans to introduce him at the family dinner. in the desparate attempt to repair their broken relationships wilhelm decides that it's time to be An Ally
i'm giving him a lot of credit here but that's also a bit of copium for Me Personally so it's okay
so wilhelm googles "who are.gay people"
accidentally ends up on gay dating app
as an ally
matches with petelgeuse there
as an ally
has sex with him
as an ally
tries to think how exactly he is gonna tell reinhard that he has a new grandma now so he is forgiven
(that was a joke)
so reinhard comes to the manor/apartment/penthouse with regulus
and regulus and petelgeuse recognise each other because of course they do! they are colleagues! (or were something more? who know)
well now this is awkward
do you think somebody gets murdered here
credits roll
scene after credits: emilia finds out that her dead aunt and her somewhat-uncle who went out for milk years ago are actually both alive in complicated relationship and working in the coffeeshop-slash-money-laundering-scheme-slash-sect
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part 2 for meow love! 'so nada is dream’s first love' OH nice to learn abt her finally. 'dream we cant be together im sorry i was stupid pls let me go this is bad' cant really judge her. its probably scary to learn that smn youre connected with is... nothing normal and nothing you know about. and pity for dream... hope hell get some love. well this rock thing... is so desperate... feel so bad for her. and its kinds cute (bc oh <зhe doesnt care<з/sarc) but REALLY creepy of dream to still want her to be his queen when shed done THIS to get rid of him.. 'so they make love on top of the mountain' ok i have some questions for the author... well now you have all the right to only sympathise with him bc they said it doesnt matter hes been creepy. (dont take all my words seriously in the first meaning). 'THEN FUCKING BURNS NADA’S ENTIRE VILLAGE' 🤡🤡🤡 . idk whats going on. just remember that i dont know any of them and have no (0) feelings about the characters and the events. 'its cold hard reality the people have to suffer for their rulers’ mistakes' understand like nothing else... its kinda difficult to speak abt the other century bc i know what and why and morality was different but i want to say what i think now with me own experience but dont want to repeat that its only how i feel... they all are so fucked. 'CRYING FUCK then jumps of the cliff and dies' ghdjdd sorry but it sounds amusing to me. reasonable 100%. 'theyre dead youre dead just be with dream forgetting that guilt exists' yeah i thought about it too. like you can do nothing for them now? so what? so punish yourself for them? it has no meaning. BUT also dream? man chill down pls TT yeah she betrayed you, thats all, just hate her peacefully and have good fluffy dreams lol. 'of course i still love you BUT i stilll havent forgiven you' what sex on top of the mountain does to men.... as ever, i judge everyone. she couldve done better, he couldve done LOTS of different things. but ok. it is as it is. YEY FINALLY TALKING ABOUT JOSE RIZAL! this worldwife TT hdsddk actually reminded me of pushkin. good for them both. 'his work inspired the revolution and he did so with non violence so' sounds really cool. and hes so badass for his death. this cunning spain... wow its really good to learn about your history. and the KKK is pretty cool. i like this title. and this cute story about you being confused bc of the song TT such a pure feeling. wow its REALLY amazing to learn about his works. your retelling is delightful. thanks SO MUCH for your efforts, your time, your big brain vibes and everything you do to answer to me! youre SO educational! youre an amazing catmom! 'we love kdramas here in the ph and complain if there arent eng subs on their shows' fhdhsp cute. its soso intriguing to learn about the culture that in fact is a lot different from my own. so please continue! 'this is such a long love letter' i love it!! i cant answer to everything bc itd be even longer and im too gripped by all the information you give but i love long love letters! omg i.. i JUST UNDERSTOOD that i misplaced papak and flan FJSHFHJ. my inattentiveness will be the death of me im SORRY TT so ive already said you what is the thing similar to flan so what is similar to papak.. i meant the defenition, not the very word. theres a word 'кусочничать' (kusochnichat' ig) which is informal, actually, and literally means do smth with the pieces. in fact eating them... i already see how confused you were TT im sorry im silly. well majority of european languages derive from the proto-indo-european including english and spanish as well as slavic languages. and all the vagons come from proto-indo-european 'woghnos'. actually, our vagon came from the french. as far as i know, we didnt have much face to face contact with spain throughout the history. 'its normal to be anxious but you will overcome it' yeah i did! but i was so sleepy and dizzy and all bc of the things i was doing in the night... so ig part 3.... see you soon, love! have a nice.. time? yeah, enjoy your time. love you<з
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'so nada is dream’s first love' OH nice to learn abt her finally. 'dream we cant be together im sorry i was stupid pls let me go this is bad' cant really judge her. its probably scary to learn that smn youre connected with is... nothing normal and nothing you know about.
true T_T i dont blame nada at all she be a stupid mortal like the rest of us 😩 Icarus core flew too close to the sun
and pity for dream... hope hell get some love.
T_T yes and therapy
well this rock thing... is so desperate... feel so bad for her. and its kinds cute (bc oh <зhe doesnt care<з/sarc) but REALLY creepy of dream to still want her to be his queen when shed done THIS to get rid of him..
i mean HAHAHAH he's not human so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what is morals to someone like him? what is injury or death to a flesh form to him ya feel. i get what you mean its kinda cut eHLSAHAHSF but he problematic af still HAHAHAH
'so they make love on top of the mountain' ok i have some questions for the author...
well now you have all the right to only sympathise with him bc they said it doesnt matter hes been creepy. (dont take all my words seriously in the first meaning).
'THEN FUCKING BURNS NADA’S ENTIRE VILLAGE' 🤡🤡🤡 . idk whats going on. just remember that i dont know any of them and have no (0) feelings about the characters and the events.
'its cold hard reality the people have to suffer for their rulers’ mistakes' understand like nothing else... its kinda difficult to speak abt the other century bc i know what and why and morality was different but i want to say what i think now with me own experience but dont want to repeat that its only how i feel... they all are so fucked.
eat the rich and powerful
'CRYING FUCK then jumps of the cliff and dies' ghdjdd sorry but it sounds amusing to me. reasonable 100%.
'theyre dead youre dead just be with dream forgetting that guilt exists' yeah i thought about it too. like you can do nothing for them now? so what? so punish yourself for them? it has no meaning.
see we be the same
BUT also dream? man chill down pls TT yeah she betrayed you, thats all, just hate her peacefully and have good fluffy dreams lol.
FACT but he be petty 😩
'of course i still love you BUT i stilll havent forgiven you' what sex on top of the mountain does to men.... as ever, i judge everyone. she couldve done better, he couldve done LOTS of different things. but ok. it is as it is.
YEY FINALLY TALKING ABOUT JOSE RIZAL! this worldwife TT hdsddk actually reminded me of pushkin. good for them both.
'his work inspired the revolution and he did so with non violence so' sounds really cool. and hes so badass for his death.
yeah bang bang 😞😩✊
this cunning spain... wow its really good to learn about your history.
<3 im glad you think so i find it so funny that you keep saying cunning spain HAHHAH IDK ITS KINDA CUTE HAHAHHAAH
and the KKK is pretty cool. i like this title.
and this cute story about you being confused bc of the song TT such a pure feeling.
T_T i was so confused for real
wow its REALLY amazing to learn about his works. your retelling is delightful. thanks SO MUCH for your efforts, your time, your big brain vibes and everything you do to answer to me! youre SO educational! youre an amazing catmom!
💗💗 I LOVE THAT FOR ME thank you my kitty kat muning <3
'we love kdramas here in the ph and complain if there arent eng subs on their shows' fhdhsp cute. its soso intriguing to learn about the culture that in fact is a lot different from my own. so please continue!
i love kdramas 😩 and yeah were pretty culturally different huh, besides the kwoa thing HAHAH
'this is such a long love letter' i love it!! i cant answer to everything bc itd be even longer and im too gripped by all the information you give but i love long love letters!
<3 <3 im glad you think so <3 <3 <3 im worried i might be telling you things you dont care about so this is reassuring <3
omg i.. i JUST UNDERSTOOD that i misplaced papak and flan FJSHFHJ. my inattentiveness will be the death of me im SORRY TT so ive already said you what is the thing similar to flan so what is similar to papak.. i meant the defenition, not the very word. theres a word 'кусочничать' (kusochnichat' ig) which is informal, actually, and literally means do smth with the pieces. in fact eating them... i already see how confused you were TT im sorry im silly.
no i know you meant the definition! its ok mistakes happen stop apologizing /: its fine. its cool to know you have a similar word <3
well majority of european languages derive from the proto-indo-european including english and spanish as well as slavic languages. and all the vagons come from proto-indo-european 'woghnos'. actually, our vagon came from the french. as far as i know, we didnt have much face to face contact with spain throughout the history.
wow my blown mind mind blown wow oh my HAHAHAHHA DAMN i got schooled love that for me purr 💅 as you should queen
'its normal to be anxious but you will overcome it' yeah i did! but i was so sleepy and dizzy and all bc of the things i was doing in the night...
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so ig part 3.... see you soon, love! have a nice.. time? yeah, enjoy your time. love you<з
omg p3 wow slaYYY
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allovertheworldblog · 7 months
Tokyo Story
Before I got to Tokyo I stopped off in Nagoya for a couple of days.
I’d been in Japan for a couple of weeks at this stage and felt a bit like I’d been rushing towards Tokyo.
I expected a lot from Tokyo, yet I wanted to put it off a little bit longer so I’d appreciate it all the more.
Nagoya is the Motor City of Japan.
Home of Toyota, Nagoya is one of the industrial powerhouses of Japan.
Because of it’s industrial and military output the city was flattened in World War II.
After the war the city was rebuilt.
As a consequence it looks different to many other cities in Japan.
It has an unbelievable number of luxury brand stores, Tiffaney etc, just like other big cities in Japan.
But it has broad boulevards that you don’t find in Osaka or Kobe. 
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It gives the place a Parisian feel. The city also has a TV tower that you could be forgiven for thinking looks a tiny bit like the Eiffel Tower. 
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In Nagoya I did a tour of the Toyota Factory museum.
It gives a fascinating look back at the story of the biggest car maker in the world, how they started out making looms and how they developed. 
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Another day in Nagoya I travelled to Meji Mura park where the built heritage from around the country that was in danger of being knocked down in the rush to build sky scrapers has been collected together.
So, all together in a park in the middle of the countryside you have, the entrance and lobby from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel which stood in Tokyo and survived a major earthquake and the War
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a police box from Tokyo;
an entire post office
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a section of the Kawasaki Bank; a church;
the Japanese Cabinet Library
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a couple of bridges; a train and a train line; even a lighthouse.
In Meji Mura I learned a couple of things about that I never knew about before, about the Japanese that emigrated to Hawaii and in big numbers to Brazil in the 19th century; that skiing was only introduced to Japan in the 20th century. 
The hostel crowd on my first night was pretty limited. There was only one other foreigner there apart from me.
A young guy from Canada. He was on a break from some other part of Japan for the night.
Yet he stayed in the hostel all the time and played on his computer. Maybe it was just the change of location that appealed to him.
A young Japanese guy was another guest in the hostel. For some unknown reason on his computer he played and sang along to the Australian national anthem repeatedly during the course of the evening. Apart from that he was a nice guy.
The next night I went back to the hostel to collect my things after being gone all day. There was a new crowd, totally different.
There was a Japanese guy who’d lived abroad, who’d been to Brazil and Colombia, and is bringing his motorcycle down to Okinawa ;
a 19-year old American guy who was travelling in Japan on his own who had learnt some Japanese himself;
an Irish guy studying in London, who’d somehow developed an English accent;
an American Japanophile lady and her Japanese friend;
an English guy with a silly beard and his odd Aussie in-laws. 
In the hour while I was hanging around the hostel, trying desperately to book a bus ticket and putting together my things we all had a great time.
I was sorry to be leaving. 
In order to get from Nagoya to Tokyo I needed a ticket, this was the hard part.
Not that there weren’t busses and trains going to Tokyo every hour. But where to find the bus station. 
Earlier in the day I’d tried desperately to find the bus station. I knew it was somewhere around the colossal main train station.
Busses really do play second fiddle to trains in Japan.
Trains run to exacting schedules, so do the busses in Japan, just at lesser intervals.
Trains in Japan, in particular the Shinkansen or Bullet Train are part of the national psyche.
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Trains are favoured and promoted over busses.
When you tell someone you’re taking a bus or even thinking about it they look at you like there’s something wrong with you. 
They tell you how much time you’ll save by taking the train. 
I was determined to take the bus to Tokyo, it would be cheaper than the train and if I took a night bus I’d be able to sleep on it, saving on the cost of accommodation for the night.
It would get me to Tokyo early the next day.
I eventually found the bus office of the JR BUS company, a bus company owned by Japan Rail.
Inexplicably they would only accept ‘made in Japan’ credit cards as the sales assistant described them. I’d have to pay cash.
I don’t think I found one long distance or inter city bus company that accepted credit cards.
I think they even found it odd that a person would want to pay by credit card.
They thought it perfectly normal to accept only cash.
Finally I had my ticket and was ready to go.
I had a seat on the 'Youth Dream 2’, bus services are sometimes given a name in Japan.
Mine was a nighttime service, hence the 'dream’ bit.
And the 'youth’ part was meant to mean that the seats mightn’t be as comfortable as on premium services. 
The curtains are drawn tight on the 'Youth Dream 2’. The driver comes on the microphone when we’re all settled in.
He’s ever so gentle, he’s almost whispering into the microphone. 
The 'dream’ service isn’t necessarily a nightmare but we get to Tokyo Station the next morning so early that I wish I’d taken a sleeping pill. It’s 05.30 and the sun is up.
Tokyo is fully lit.
Pulling into Tokyo Station I see a Tokyo that is definitely a city of gleaming towers more than one of dreaming spires.
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with plenty more gleaming towers on the way
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There’s nothing open in the station apart from a ticket sales booth. Still, I hang around for a couple of hours.
I take a couple of subways to my hostel in the Asakusa district.
One of the first people I pass by on the street in Asakusa after getting off the metro is a Sumo wrestler.
He’s out for a walk.
This is Tokyo!
0 notes
smallrainclouds · 3 years
And part b to part six.
Warning:.some spicness, like kissing and stuff.
*Reader's pov*
You were bone tired but pleased with your process. You pushed your hair out your face. Lately you had taken to wearing it down, it was nice not to have to fuss with fixing a bun or the headache that came with it sometimes
You hummed a song as you began collecting the next round of scrolls. You
You heard the door open and your eyes widened, "Hypnos! Here for a second time?"
You waved him in with a smile. He gives a smile in return, "Yeah, I got done early so I decided to stop by to check in."
You noticed there was a tension in his body that you haven't seen before but you decided to hold your tongue for now.
"It's going well. Come on, I got the backroom nearly done. I'll give you a tour."
You motioned to Hypnos to follow you, eager to show off your work. You didn't notice how his eyes stayed on you the whole time.
"So I got the history area set up, and I got it broken down by the time period followed by the area…" you chatted as Hypnos floated behind you. He was mostly quiet except for a quick question here or there.
"And that is it for now." You said, fingers brushing across the wooden shelves.
You looked at Hypnos, candle light was always good to Hypnos. It has taken some time to admit to yourself that You did like the strange handsome look of your husband. Now it was something you couldn't stop thinking about.
"Impressive. Do you enjoy doing this?" He asked.
You tilted your head, not expecting that question. "I do. I like the stories and even the non fiction can help give context to what a story is about."
Hypnos smiled, and damn it, you could feel a blush forming.
"Is this what you would do if you had a choice?"
"I…" You bit your lips, not quite sure what to say. "Maybe. I think I would, but I could be happy doing something else."
"Are you unhappy with your work?" You tried to keep your tone casual. It was already unusual for Hypnos to visit twice in one day and ask questions like these. It was silly but you didn't want to scare him off. Even if he was your husband, he was more like an acquaintance right now.
"That would be putting it mildly." Hypnos shrugged. "Not exactly the type of guy you would want doing paperwork, but that's all I do."
"Why do it then?" You frowned, "I mean being the god of sleep would have to be a full time job on its own."
Hypnos didn't say anything for a few moments, and you feared you may have pushed too much.
"What exactly did your family tell you? About the war, I mean?" Hypnos asked, his voice soft.
You crossed your arms and shifted on your feet. This wasn't what you expected. You still didn't like to think about it. That war had cost so much more problems than it fixed.
"My mother told me some things but not what you did. She did say you were the only reason she didn't lose a war. Which is huge if you know what my mother is like." You locked eyes with Hypnos. You could see the guilt on his face, another thing that surprised you tonight.
"Well, Aphrodite helped some. Even if she didn't realize it." Hypnos matched your gaze.
He grinned a little, and held up two fingers."I…put Zeus to sleep. Twice. I don't think he found out the second time, I was much more careful the second time around."
You gasped at him, "How in the world did you even get close enough to do that?"
This time Hypnos laughed and you tried to ignore the warmth in your body.
"I was a determined and a very stupid child back then. I thought I needed to prove I was worthy of being called a god." Hypnos looked amused at the thought of his younger self. "I saw Zeus had a hard time saying no to a pretty face and gave your mother the idea to trick Zeus by using his own ego against him."
You shook your head with a laugh, "No wonder my mother didn't say much, she probably was mad she didn't think of it first."
"After that, my mother wasn't exactly pleased that I was getting involved with the Olympians so much. She talked Hades into keeping me here until I grew up some. So now I'm here, listing off the dead. I think Mom was trying to show me the cost of that war."
"Oh, it's been so long since that war though. Surely she must have forgiven you by now." You had been a child yourself, just on the cusp of becoming a woman. Those hazy days of youth seem so long ago.
"I suspect if it wasn't for the current war right now, I would probably be out of the house."
A moment of silence then Hypnos floated closer, "Actually, could I confess something? You're probably not going to like me much afterwards though. But I need to tell you."
"Hypnos, I doubt that very much." You watched him stop his floating and stand. You noticed that he could block you from the door, but you felt comfortable enough with Hypnos. And you were sure he wouldn't do anything. Honestly, you weren't sure if you would say no if he did try something.
His face turned serious, "I really hope so."
You frowned at him, "Hypnos, just tell me. I don't like these kinds of games." You couldn't help the nervousness in your voice. If this was some joke…
"I helped your mother for a reason. I… I did it for you." Hypnos said quietly.
You stared, not quite understanding. "But we never even met…"
"No, we have once,Y/N. I don't think you noticed me the other times." Hypnos respond desperately.
You shook your head and took a step backwards, the shelves pressed against your back.
Hypnos grabbed your shoulders, firm but not bruising. He got close enough that you could feel his body heat and you looked away from him. You hated how your heart flip flopped between wanting to push him away and pulling him closer.
"This isn't funny, Hypnos." You snapped at him.
"No, it's not." Hypnos grabbed your chin. "Hey, Y/N look at me. Hey."
You gave in the gentle pressure and allowed Hypnos to pull your face up. You realized you were trembling as you met his light golden eyes.
"You really don't remember me, do you?" He whispered. You shook your head, unable to speak.
"I remember. Each time I saw you. The first time, you didn't see me I think. It was a party, you were dancing with one of your sisters. I was there because I wanted to see what the big deal was about the Olympians."
His thumb brushed your face, a small smile on his. "The second time was when I first tricked Zeus, you were in the hallways and I had to hide so no one would see me. I almost got caught anyway since I couldn't take my eyes away from you."
You couldn't look away, you almost felt like you were in a trance, only able to listen to Hypnos' voice. "The third time… I was in your mother's living room, and I could see you in the garden. I sneaked off so I could get a closer look, and that when I found you trying to listen in. You looked like a painting to me, this beautiful little goddess hidden among flowers. I had to send you off before I could even talk to you."
Your eyes widen, an old memory rushing back.
"The red poppies." You murmured and Hypnos' face lit up.
"She tried to offer me anything. Wealth, boons or strength, anything a young god could want. But… I wanted you. My mother tried to stop it, to save you from my foolishness, but Hera had already swore to the river Styx."
"Hypnos- I - this is too much." You shook your head. You placed your hands on his chest, but you were trembling too much to push him away. Your hand just curled into his tunic, shaking in a mix of anger and stock. And hurt, you thought maybe you could trust him.
"How- I can't even talk to you. My sisters-" you pulled your face away from him. Your voice cracked, "my sisters. My home."
Hypnos used both hands to hold your face as he bent down to look at you. "I know. I shouldn't have kept it from you. I would have thought your family would have told you."
You took a deep breath, "I-i thought you were a friend. I thought you were in the same boat as me. I thought maybe you were helpful in a battle or something and my mother saw a chance for some dumb political move and that Nyx was in on it."
You glared up at him, "I didn't know you traded for me, like -like I was some dumb cattle!" You stepped away from the side, back facing Hypnos; trying to get air into your lungs. You hated the fact the only reason you were able to get away was because Hypnos allowed you.
"First of all, you will not talk about yourself like that." Hypnos' voice went hard but you just scoffed at him, too upset at him.
He got close to you again, tone a little softer "And second, it wasn't like that. I honestly didn't think she would offer her own daughter up. I-"
You whirled around to face him, finger in his face. "You didn't have to take her up on it though!"
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. His face is a mixture of anger and desperation. He wrapped his arm around your waist and held you flushed against him. You raised your hand to his chest to push off but the fire in his eyes stopped you.
"I knew I would never get another chance to have you, Y/N. By blood and darkness,it was my only chance and I took it! I know what the almighty Olympians really think of us. I know I would never get to see you again if I didn't take up on her offer."
Hypnos lean down, almost close enough to kiss. "I would have done anything for you. I still would."
You tighten your hand on his chest, unable to move away, not wanting to move away. "You barely know me, Hypnos. Why? Why me?"
"Because I do know you, in the way that matters. I see how hard you try to please your family, how you get lost in the words of a story."
You shook your head, unable to deal with emotions that were building up in you. But Hypnos just kept talking.
"I know you have a soft spot for everybody, even the outcasts, how smart you are and how you always try to make sure to help anyone who needs it."
"I- Hypnos." You whispered.
He let go of your wrist to wrap his other arm around you. "Y/N, I don't know everything, not yet. But I would like to. Will you let me?" He asked softly, desperately.
You couldn't speak if you wanted to. You cupped his face and pulled his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
Hypnos tighten his hold on you. Gently, he pressed a little more into the kiss. You gasped against his lips and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and just tried to hold on.
You didn't know how long or short the kiss went on when both you and Hypnos both took a breath. He pressed his forehead against yours, his golden eyes on your eyes.
"I'm still mad at you." You murmured, fingers caressing his cheek. He smiled, "If this is how good you are when mad, I can't wait to kiss you when you're happy."
"Oh, for goodness sake." You rolled your eyes, not able to hide your smile. Hypnos pressed a kiss against your cheek and then another one, slowly working his way to your neck.
You tugged him back up to face you before he could continue because if you didn't, you were to make some very foolish decisions.
"Can I kiss you again?" Hypnos asked, his hand cupped the back of your head and you nodded as you pulled him down for another one.
Suddenly the doors bang open, "Hey Y/N! I got past- oh." Zagreus' voice halted. You hid your face in Hypnos' chest, wishing for a pit to open up and swallow you whole.
"Zagreus, buddy. Ever heard of knocking?" Hypnos snarled, "Let me help, it when you use your head and-"
"You know what, I will come back later. Much later." Zagreus slammed the door shut.
Then opened it again.
"Congratulations you two!"
And slammed close again.
"I'm going to kill him." Hypnos murmured into your hair.
"Be nice, he is your best friend." You murmured into his chest.
"But he gotten used to dying." Hypnos brushed a kiss against your head. You sighed and looked up at him, "I said no, Hypnos. You said anything for me."
"I did." Hydnos agreed easily. He dipped his head down to met you in another kiss.
"Anything for you, Y/N."
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volfoss · 2 years
ummm okay. gay kevin. idk shit abt persona so ur fave and least fave (maybe a side from creep weirdo adults actually I know Enough abt persona. least favorite Normalish character) feel free to elaborate on any of these and umm ummm cheryl also mwah mwah <33
HI. I'm putting this under a cut bc um. <- guy who will ramble rly rly long. Or smth
Every single day I shake my head thinking about the potential Kevin could have if yk. RAC didn't go cop mode and his god. His shit w Percival and also every other relationship it's rly :////. I don't know how unpopular my opinions r bc outside of my like 5 Riverdale mutuals I do NOT touch the main tags. I do NOT need the horrible barchie and varchie takes so. But it is very frustrating to me how he's treated and I rly think if I rewatched I could get more insane about him and use my epic ok let's give him more character abilities BUT I am holsing back from a rewatch so.
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^ the dislike is well. For the current season shit and the stuff he did 2 Toni and fangs.... Bc like :/
Getting the Riverdale ones done before um I hit u w the persona essay. But Cheryl my literal best friend forever???
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^ she needs to be on screen like. All the time forever and ever. If Cheryl is not on screen I think we all should die. She's literally the best part ever and my beloved friend Nico is so right about her and will hit me w the hi. Did u see Cheryl this episode and I will clap and cheer. She's literally the best and so funny and epic and has literally been since s1ep1. Any crimes that are adjacent to murder or well. Anything else. It's forgiven bc she's epic and funny and swag so. Like I'm not umm?? Super picky on any Cheryl ship BUT I think Cheryl and Veronica could be so fucking funny. Like the dynamic could go so hard etc. I love her a lot like in my top 5 rvd characters
Umm persona time and also like I'm gonna spoil a BIG twist about 4 for you so like. Heads up for that. It's not worth playing tho (I say so affectionately but it's also a hard twist to avoid bc everyone knows it and it's like a 10+ year old game)
My least fave (affectionate. Kind of. I also want him dead) character is adachi from 4. I want him dead like for REALSIES but also he's done nothing wrong but he's ALSO literally killed 3 people.
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^ every fan sucks about him and I want literally every adachi fan minus my friend to die bc they suck but like he's ultimately just a silly little guy (again. Excusing the murders and also the well. General cringefail of him). Unfortunately I understand him and I think that like he has issues (in a good and bad way.) But he's also like rly???? Idk man he's kinda got issues and problems but he's also rly sillay and goofy and I think he's allowed to kill because he's sillay. He also sucks so bad and I need to kill him. Like a lot of the fans suck so so so bad and I think that he's a very interesting character if you actually understand him. I think he's a little loser ultimately and ummm I don't rly have coherent thoughts but I am microwaving him
Ok as for faves ummm I have a lot HOWEVER I'm gonna go a bit crazy insane about a little dude from persona 2. So like his name is Michel (or like that's his nickname ig?) And so like here's rapidfire facts about him before I hit u w the bingo. So like his weapon when fighting is a guitar case turned into a machine gun. I'm not joking it's very epic. He's also like?? His introduction in the game is LITERALLY basically a hey quit your job join my emo band. He says carpe diem like "crap a dime". He's a singer and like he comes up w insanely stupid song lyrics. He's also like full of issues and problems on many levels. And he literally has blue hair and pronouns
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^ him btw. I just need u to understand the character a bit before I go insane in the bingo board
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^ he doesn't get enough screen time bc he's not on my screen constantly but like I do not interact w any p2 fans minus my friend Chris and my lovely mutual toni who are both epic and understand it. However I do think some people probably suck about him and he's my bestie so I understand him on a fundamental level. He's rly epic and niceys and minus well a couple issues he does nothing wrong ever and ever. He's my best friend bc like. In persona 2 when u meet demons u can communicate w them and one of his options is to like talk to them and be like HEY you suck your life sucks etc. It's very epic and funny and he will also sing to them sometimes. Also just this gif.
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peachsayshi · 3 years
Chapter 11 - Friends
Tags: Friends with Benefits, Angst, Fluff
Summary: You convince Gojo to make up with your best friend and memories from the past come up. 
A/N: A wild ex-boyfriend appears! I am finally introducing the character and getting into some backstory. I got some smutty chapters coming up, which I am excited to share because I do love writing sexy Gojo X comments are always appreciated! 
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( Three Years Ago)
You cleared the plates in front of you as you made your way back to your kitchen. You packed the meal that you had taken the time to meticulously prepare, including the expensive steaks you bought this morning and the vegetables that you hand picked at the farmer’s market. As you opened the fridge to put away the items, you saw the row of vanilla cupcakes placed neatly on a pan, your shaky handwriting spread across each one that read “ Five Years ” with red hearts decorated on the extras. Suddenly, it all seemed silly how you took the time to prepare a surprise anniversary dinner for your boyfriend. You’ve both been together for so long but you still insisted on making every occasion special.
After you tidied up your dining table, you picked up the wine glass you have been nursing for the last hour and made your way over to your bedroom, where you sat on the chair next to your vanity. You removed the earrings that your boyfriend had bought you for your birthday, your favorite pair because they matched beautifully against your skin, and safely tucked them away in your jewelry box. You were disappointed that you made such a big deal out of tonight, feeling like a sentimental fool as you took a sip of your drink. Haru has been so preoccupied with work lately and the pressure of being in a highly competitive field was getting to him. Of course with the way things have been he wouldn’t remember that tonight was your anniversary dinner. You were trying to be mature about it but you couldn’t ignore that you were hurt. You glanced at your phone, reading 10:45 on the clock before finally giving up on the hope that he would show up.
You removed the dress you were wearing, a bold shade of orange that accentuated your body in all the right places - a dress that he bought you while you both went on a summer trip to Okinawa a few years ago. You changed into something a little more comfortable, throwing on a tank top and some loose lounge pants instead.
You heard your phone ping, a message popping up on the screen from Gojo.
Gojo : How did the dinner go?
You sighed to yourself, before plopping down onto your mattress. You tapped away at the keyboard, erasing each message a few times as you were unsure whether you wanted to vent or give him a brief explanation.
You : It didn’t…I think he’s still at work :(
Gojo : That sucks :\ Well, if you have any leftover cupcakes, I will gladly take them off your hands.
You: Nice try, idiot.
Gojo: I didn’t hear you say I couldn’t have any :)
When you didn’t respond to his message, Gojo followed up with another text that read:
Gojo: You okay?
You: I’m fine, I was just looking forward to tonight. I’ll get over myself. Tell me about your night, you can keep me preoccupied from my disappointment lol
Gojo merely responded with some eye emojis, a cheeky indication as to what he has been up to this evening.
You: At least one of us got some action...what’s her name?
Gojo: No idea, I was too distracted by her legs to care.  
You merely rolled your eyes at his comment.
You: It doesn’t take much to get you going, does it?
Gojo: I’m a simple guy, really…
You: …
Gojo: …
You: In WHAT universe?!
Gojo : Pshh, so mean to me all the time :(
You: With reason :)
You smiled when you sent that last text, grateful that Gojo came in at the right time with a distraction. You tried your best not to dwell on the dismal way your evening ended and instead continued to list off the many reasons why the word “simple” and “Gojo Satoru” did not go hand and hand with each other. Your conversation made time fly but that was usually the case whenever you spoke with your friend.
You were so lost in the playfully heated debate you were having, you barely heard the knock coming from your front door.
You abandoned your conversation to see who it was, surprised to find a massive bouquet of flowers greeting you on the other side.
Haru peaked from behind the flowers, his sweet smile spreading as he looked at you with sad eyes.
“Happy anniversary!” he chirped, but you could hear the anxiousness in his tone. “ I know I’m late, I know I missed dinner…”
A deep sigh escaped him, as he slightly slumped his shoulders, extending both his hands out to you to pass the bouquet.
“I know this is a meaningless gift in comparison to whatever amazing thing you prepared, I know my efforts don’t even come close to yours, you always put so much care into everything you do. By the time I knew I was late, I was running around the city like a mad man hoping that someone, anyone, would be kind enough to open their shop for me so I would at least not come back empty handed…”
“Haru, take a breath…” you replied, hearing how quickly he was blurting out his words, something he usually did when he was nervous.
You took the bouquet from his hands, admiring the selected assortment of your favorite florals, all picked out by your boyfriend. You traced your fingers along each petal, some a little bruised and you could tell that these flowers were from  the leftovers of the day.
Haru approached you, cupping your face in his hands as he leaned down and planted a kiss on your lips.
“I’m so sorry . None of my excuses justify missing dinner tonight. I swear I am going to make it up to you…”
You tried to calm him down, running your fingers through his light brown hair and taking in every word he said as you remained focused on his hazel eyes. Your heart flutters thinking of him galavanting around the city in his disheveled work suit trying to knock on every florists’ door, a funny anecdote you will surely use against him in the future.  
“How do you plan on making it up to me?” You teased, noticing the way his brow raised at your question.
He pulled you closer into him, planting kisses along your neck before he brushed his lips against your ear to say, “I’m taking the weekend off, how does a nice trip to Hakone sound?”
“ Mmm, ideal… ” you replied, clutching the bouquet of flowers as he hugged you, “but if you keep holding me close, you’re going to ruin this lovely gift you bought me…”
“Then I’ll buy you another, and another, and another ...until I’ve given you enough flowers so that you can plant an entire garden,” he kissed you again, his fingers stroking the back of your neck as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“I’m so sorry, baby…” he repeated, his voice wavering slightly from his second apology.
“It’s okay, work comes first. I know you have been busy and probably should have planned our evening with you instead of surprising you. But you’re here now and that's what matters.”
He nodded his head, finally untangling himself from your arms, relieved that you seemed to have forgiven him.
“ I love you so much.”
“ I love you too, Haru .”
You gave him a small smile, tilting your head towards the direction of your kitchen, “It might be too late for dinner but I baked you some cupcakes if you’re up for a little snack…”
Haru removed his blazer, carefully hanging it over his elbow before undoing the first few buttons of his shirt. He held your hand, following your footsteps as you led him into the direction of your kitchen.
“ I can’t wait to try them. ”
( Present)
“ You brought me here under false pretences …” Gojo grumbled, holding himself back as you tugged on his jacket.
It’s been four months since the two of you started hooking up and weeks since he and Rina have even spoken to one another.
After Gojo confessed that she knew about your relationship, you managed to find the time to sit down with your best friend for a heart to heart. The two of you had a ritual which included locking yourselves up in a room with snacks  and drinks until you came to resolve whatever conflict you were dealing with.
“I just don’t understand why you kept this from me,” Rina explained, before taking a sip of the mixed cocktail you both made.
“ You’ve been so overprotective ever since Haru and I broke up…it’s hard for me to talk to you because you start analyzing every little thing I do. Like when I told you I wanted to stop dating for a while, you kept insisting that I was making a mistake because I was running scared…”
“I also know you’re a hopeless romantic, and a few bad dates weren’t fitting this idealised version you have of love…” Rina pressed, “You got lucky with Haru, but diving back into the game takes time and work…”
“I know I was lucky. I know it’s not usual for the first guy you meet to be so… good ,” you replied, that word tasting bitter in your mouth, “But you keep pressuring me into something I am not ready for…”
“That’s not true!”
“Rina, you would take me out on “surprise” double dates when the two of us were just supposed to just be hanging out together. Whenever I talk about Haru, you shut down and change the subject immediately. I can’t even have a night out together without you herding every single eligible male and asking me my opinion…”
Rina sighed, “it sounds way worse when you say it out loud...”
“It’s like you can’t stand that I’m just… a little broken . I let Haru become a part of who I am for five years and losing him feels like I lost a part of me, and I am struggling trying to get that person back. You want me to be okay so badly it’s stopping me from opening up to you…”
Rina inched her way closer as the two of you sat side by side. A sigh escaped her before she spoke, “I’m not good at this…I’m sorry for making you feel that way. I just can’t stand seeing you so hurt. I know that he took a piece of your happiness and I am so angry that he did. I hate that he betrayed your trust, but more so that you haven’t been able to be yourself without him…”
She squeezed your shoulder before giving you a gentle reminder, “but he never defined you. You’re attaching yourself to the love you had for him. And you will find somebody else, somebody better …”
“Maybe but I can’t see myself falling in love again…at least not anytime soon…”
Rina rested her head on your elbow, “I don’t want you to ever think you can’t speak to me…we’ve lasted way longer than all the exes that have walked in and out of our lives…”
You were happy to mend this small fracture, one of the many that has tried to hinder your friendship.
You eventually explained your little arrangement with Gojo, watching Rina’s reaction closely and trying to pull the truth of what she  exactly  said to him.
“I may have thought you were dating, like seriously dating, and told him he wasn’t good enough for you. I am glad to know that you are not. We don’t need to trade one man whore for another…”
You laughed, “Gojo has always made it clear that he has no desire to commit to anyone. I’m not worried. Besides, we can stop our arrangement anytime we are over it.”
“Sooo, when might that be?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “right now, I’m having fun and I think he is too…”
Rina hummed, you could tell she was thinking about something but whatever ran through her mind in that moment she chose to keep to herself.
Even though you and Rina smoothed things over, you realised that neither she or Gojo tried to make an effort to speak to one another. He was avoiding her at all costs while she chose to ignore  the subject entirely. You still had no idea what was said that set those two off but you were over this cold game they were playing.
“Between your inability to handle any confrontation and her stubborn attitude, you two are going to drag this on for way longer than it needs to be…” you lectured.
You paused when you arrived at her store, staring up at Gojo with pleading eyes. “I don’t like being the reason why you two aren’t speaking… please just talk to her…”
Gojo whined, “throw it on my conscience instead, that way you have no reason to feel guilty…”
You furrowed your brows before letting go of him, but a thought passed your mind which gave you an idea, “Remember that thing you brought up the other night? Your little roleplaying idea…”
Gojo arched his brows from underneath his blindfold, surprised that you were even bringing this up. “ Yes… ”
You smirked, stepping closer to him without actually touching him at all. “If you do this for me then I'll happily return the favor…”
His eyes widened, his heart racing slightly as a wave of excitement rushed through him.
You could see he was contemplating your offer, finally scoffing in defeat. “You know saying no to you was a lot easier when you weren’t bribing me with sex…” he grumbled, as he begrudgingly walked passed you.
“You did tell me once that you were a man of simple taste…”
“And I vividly remember you disagreeing with me.”
“Thank you!” You called out watching him reach the handle of the entrance door.
“Just know I am expecting you to hold up your end of the deal,” he replied before making his way inside.
Gojo sat at the counter, the awkward silence hung heavy in the air as Rina waited for him to break the tension. When that didn’t happen, she sighed to herself before storming to the backroom of her shop.
Gojo waited for her return, his eyes widening when she finally reappeared with something in her hands.
“ I’m sorry for how I spoke to you,” she said, bowing in his direction and handing him some treats.
“Aww, Rina-chan, how did you know kikufuku was my favorite?” Gojo questioned, his tone softening his sweet words as he held the packet between his fingers.
“I heard it through the grapevine…”
Gojo couldn’t hide his pleasured grin.
You were always so considerate of everyone, going above and beyond to make them happy and paying close attention to the things they liked the most. You must have already spoken to Rina before he came here, playing the role of matchmaker between friends.
Rina definitely noticed his response.
“Thank you,” he replied as he opened up the packet, “I know your anger was coming from a protective place. I don’t fault you for it. Besides, you and I can happily agree on one thing…”
“What’s that?”
Gojo smirked, “she’s too good for me…”
Rina swallowed hard, mainly because of how sincere that statement actually sounded.
“I care about her…”
Gojo hummed to himself, taking a bite of the sweet snack. “And you think I don’t?”
“Can I be honest?”
“ Please. ”
“I am not questioning your care for her, I am questioning what your intentions are. I won’t apologize for not trusting you.  You promised me after she broke up with Haru that you wouldn’t make a move on her but here we are now…”
“I kept my promise.”
“You found a loophole…”
“It’s been three years…she’s allowed to move on.”
“Yes she is…”
“You know, I was surprised by how angry you got at her for keeping us a secret, especially since we both know that there are plenty of things you’re hiding from her right now. Then I started thinking that it wasn’t the secret that was bothering you, you just don’t want her moving on with me…”
Rina averted her gaze, completely surprised by how easily Gojo read her.
“Like I said, I don’t trust you…”
He leaned forward to rest his elbows on the counter, “What did Haru tell you exactly?”
“Why are you asking?”
“I just want to know if you’re still adamant on convincing yourself that I am the bad guy or if you would like to know what actually happened between us…”
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The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway (2/?)
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: You are a mutant with the powers of ice and cold and you have never been able to be touched or touch anyone without making them uncomfortable, or worse, hurting them. You’ve always desperately wished for physical affection, and it isn't until a new silver tongued Asgardian moves into the Avengers tower and takes an interest in you that anyone really dares to try to be physical with you.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: This is some drama to push them to the next level- no warnings yet, just some of Y/N getting hurt and Loki coming to the rescue! Warnings apply for the next chapter! Part 1 Ever since Loki showed you he was the only person in the universe that could truly touch you, life went on in blissful closeness with him. He started spending more time with you outside of the library, the two of you eating together and watching movies together, even hanging out with you while you were with Wanda and Nat. Wanda didn’t like it at first, (she was very untrustworthy of new people) but Nat just knew. She knew from the start and didn’t push at first because she knew things would develop over time. But even Wanda figured it out- it wasn’t hard, watching you become more and more at ease with touching him and him touching you. You had never let anyone do that, and the fact that he could meant a lot. So she stopped giving you a hard time about having him around, enjoying how his presence changed you for the better.
The rest of the team started to notice it too- and each time someone would start to give you a hard time, Nat shut it down very quickly. As weeks went by, you had both started falling asleep every night in the library, the living room, the hang out room- wherever had a big enough space for you both to fall asleep wrapped around each other. You were both too afraid to ask to go to sleep in one anothers room.
You were currently on the couch in the living room with Loki, practically in his lap with his arm wrapped around you while he read a book and you scrolled Tik Tok.
“Team, time to suit up. We have a situation in Georgia that needs our attention. We’ll debrief on the plane. All hands on deck for this one. Avengers- Assemble.” You heard Steve’s voice, and you groaned, grumpy that you had to not only leave the safety of your home, but mostly the safety of Loki’s embrace.
It was a gruesome mission- a high profile organization was trying to steal some very dangerous equipment from a location in Georgia, and a lot of people got hurt trying to stop them. Including you. The problem was that you had hit your head after getting shot, and you wouldn’t let anyone come too close, so you were attacking anyone and everyone who came to try to help you- Nat and Wanda included.
Nat was desperate. “Where’s Loki?” She screamed into her com- but Loki’s had fallen off in battle, and he was still in combat with some bad people. “Tony- get eyes on Loki and get him over here right now!” You were bleeding out, and no one could touch you to get you onto the plane.
“Friday, locate Reindeer Games- Elsa’s hurt and she needs true love to heal her-” Tony sing-songed, flying up and over the plant, and when he located Loki, he sent shots out to hit all the men circling the God, swooping in and picking him up by the back of the shirt.
“HEY!” Loki screamed, which Tony ignored, flying him to where Nat was with you. You were starting to lose consciousness, and Nat was trying to keep you awake without touching you. He dropped Loki unceremoniously on the ground beside you, the God’s anger rushing out of him at the treatment the moment he saw you. “Y/N? What happened?!” He yelled back at Nat, crawling over to you.
“They got her, she’s got wounds all over and she won’t let anyone touch her, and anyone who has gets one of these burns-” she showed him her arms, covered in icy patches. Loki basically threw magic her way to melt the ice off, putting all of his focus on you.
“Hey, popsicle, it’s me. I’m going to get you on the ship and we’re going to get you better, okay?” He went to pick you up, paused, and then looked around at the avengers surrounding him. “Please don’t look- please.” He asked, and Nat stared them all down until they turned around. He picked you up bridal style, and immediately felt a wave of ice shoot through him. His whole body changed as the onslaught came- so cold it affected him. The pain shot through his blue limbs, red eyes focused on getting you to the ship a few yards away. Nat was ahead of him, climbing in and turning the machine on. He could feel the eyes of the team on him, and he tried to ignore it. That was easy considering all he could focus on was the pain coursing through him, and getting you safe. Finally, he got you in, and Natasha was already flying the three of you away. He placed you down and cupped your face. “Darling, look at me, please keep your eyes open.” You looked up at him and groaned in pain.
“Please, Loki…” You cried, your voice strained in pain. “Please…”
He placed both of his hands on your wound, trying to ease the bleeding, the pain of ice slowing down as you started to lose consciousness. “I’m sorry, Loki…” was the last thing you said, and the last thing you saw was his beautiful blue face contorted in pain as you slipped away from him.
You woke up days later, confused and afraid, unsure of what happened or where you were. What you were sure of was a hand in yours... and when you opened your eyes you saw a messy head of black hair asleep by your hip, the hand holding yours under his head. You squeezed it, jostling him from his position enough to wake him.
“Y/N?” His sleepy voice croaked, blinking rapidly and rubbing his eyes with his free hand.
“Where am I?” you asked, trying to sit up.
“Hey, don’t move too much, you’re still healing.” He stopped you, hand on your chest to keep you down. “ You’re in the ICU at the Tower. You’ve been out for a week… we had to keep you out because you kept accidentally hurting the doctors. I had to do a lot of the physical touching because you couldn’t hurt me as easily…” His cheeks turned pink and he looked away from you, and you realized what that might have meant. Loki had seen you in a lot of unflattering, very intimate ways in the last few days, by your estimation.
“Did I… did-”
“No, popsicle. Everyone is fine. I was able to use my magic to heal their ice wounds- I would have healed you too, but your injury was a little too complex for me to trust myself.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t have forgiven yourself if… “Did I hurt you? Did the rest of the team see you- in my favorite form?” You asked, eyes worried for him. You knew how he felt about his Jotun form.
“I… asked them to look away. They all did, but once I wasn’t looking, they definitely looked. I’m pretty sure Natasha beat everyone up that did, since they all apologized after. Dr. Green didn’t, and I don’t think Spangles did either, because they’re the only ones that Natasha is currently speaking with.” He said, looking down in what you could only assume was shame.
“Loki, no one will judge you for it, it’s your base form, and you put yourself at risk of ridicule for my safety. They will all respect it.”
“I think you’re right, but it’s not my favorite thing to know that they’ve all… seen me like that. I liked that you were the only one. It was something special.”
You smiled at him, squeezing the hand still holding yours. “You’re still the only one able to touch me, Loki, I think that’s pretty special.”
His eyes found yours and the look in them lit something up inside of you, making you ache for him to be closer and touch you more than he had before. He took a deep breath, before breaking eye contact. “I’m going to go get the doctor so he can check you out, and maybe you can get out of here today and be back in your room tonight.”
After a thorough check up by the doctor, he deemed you healthy enough to sleep in your own bed that night. After giving you pain meds, Loki helped you there, and by the time you were in your bed, you were a little silly on the meds. “Loki?”
He had just put you to bed and was about to leave, but turned back around and sat down beside you. “Yes, popsicle?”
“Stay?” You reached forward and took his hand, tugging on him a little, trying to get him to lay down. Without saying anything, he did as asked, and climbed into bed beside you, pulling you to him. You fell asleep thinking about how perfectly you fit in the curve of his body as his little spoon.
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crownedrebel · 3 years
New Ever After High fanfic! check it out if y’all want
Title: Truth Behind the Crown
Chapter 1 - Reunited
Apple White is known as the princess with the marvelous fairytale of all Ever After. As the next Snow White, she was raised like how her Mother expected her to be when the time comes for her to take over the throne as Queen of the land. Kind, courageous, passionate, smart, Perfect.
As she grew older, Apple was taught that following her parents' footsteps will lead her to the right path, to her Happily ever after. marrying her pre-destined prince who will wake her up in her sleep when the Evil Queen poisoned her, run the kingdom together, build a family, and their family tradition shall continue. everything and anything her mother taught her were the things she carried on her shoulders, reassuring her that only in her fairytale, safety is promised. her safety will be guaranteed. as a girl who was almost killed at a younger age, Apple was terrified. by then she realized that going against the story would be terrible and dangerous.
The future Snow White carries a lot of expectations, but is she that determined to be the next Queen? the next ruler of all land? one bite from the poisoned apple and her fairytale will be perfect. perfect in everyone's eyes, perfect in her mother's eyes.
She knows in herself that she needs to be the fairest one of all, as her mother always says. picture-perfect princess adored by many, envied by the most on the female population, loved by the most male population. But is she really happy? is this the life she wanted? what would happen if her deep secret were revealed?
Will her friends stay? will her family disown her? is she still going to be the next Snow White? or a big disappointment and disgrace in all history of Ever After?
Moonlight shines through the halls of Ever After High, students are already suited in their dorm rooms after a long day of school. everything seems back to normal after the big battle against the Evil Queen. A week has passed after the dragon games incident where the whole school battled the Evil Queen who escaped from the mirror prison. the reimprisonment was successful with the help of no other than the daughters of the most rivaled individuals on the Snow White fairytale, Raven Queen and Apple White. peace has befallen on the land of Ever After once again.
inside the biggest dorm room among the whole school resides Raven and Apple who happens to be awake at the late hour of the night. the dark-haired princess is on her mirrorpad, tapping lightly on the screen to whatever activity she's doing because the sleep doesn't seem to visit her system yet. on the other side of the room, the blonde princess laying on her bed, eyes on the ceiling as she let out a sigh. it comes out as a frustrated sigh. she rolled on her side where she faces her roommate's side of the room.
Apple and Raven's friendship was tainted during the week of dragon games. the blonde made terrible mistakes which caused chaos in all Ever After. she was the one who brought everyone in danger- the future Snow White no less. the blonde made a sincere public apology to the entire school, admitting her mistakes caused by her selfish desires. selfish enough to drove her dear friend Raven away by pushing her to follow their fairytale religiously which caused a big scar on their friendship. Apple knew from Legacy Day that Raven will be her biggest challenge. the said dark-haired girl who is supposed to be the next Evil Queen rebels against her destiny. their destiny. Apple tried to persuade her into evil, for the sake of her own happily ever after. if she's going to think this through, she was indeed selfish. she proved that she'll do whatever it takes even against her dear friend's will just to fulfill her destiny. and that was horrible. she was horrible. a rotten apple.
it's been a week but the guilt won't just leave Apple's system. her bond with her roommate changed after a week for obvious reasons. she did apologize to her for the way she acted before and how selfish she was, Raven accepted the apology, but it seems like the witch grew more distant away from her. though she should be glad since this is what she's been aiming for. she wanted Raven to hate her, curse her, fight her, poison her. but now? it doesn't feel right. the thought of Raven hating her and avoiding any contact with her pains her like a hundred knives stabbed in her chest. it feels heavy and foreign. she hates it and it makes her cry in her sleep every night.
She let out another shaky sigh, gripping on her pillow lightly, still facing Raven's side of the room. the dark-haired girl's spot is dark, only the light from the girl's mirrorpad is the only light that flickers. she can't read Raven's face right now, her blurry vision isn't helping either.
she wanted to stand up and walk towards her roommate's spot, talk to her, hug her, like the way they used to, but she's afraid Raven would distant herself more.
"It's my fault anyway", she mumbled. closing her lids to prevent her tears to fall. she wanted to talk to Raven so bad that it hurts her chest even more. even though she sees Raven every day, she misses her. she misses her laugh, her silly jokes, her smile, everything. she wished she could turn back time to right her wrongs but no. deep inside her, she knows that everything happens for a reason. and whatever the reason is, it sucks big time. if the outcome of it is her and Raven's relationship will go on like this forever, she's already suffering.
Apple took a deep breath, shaking her head lightly as she makes up her mind, "I don't want this to go on forever". she knew what she needed to do- talk to Raven. She doesn't have any idea right now if Raven will talk to her or completely ignore her, but nothing will happen if she's not going to try.
"Alright, it's now or never", she muttered under her breath. she stood up from her bed, slowly she approached Raven's side of the room, gulping as she reached near the dark-haired girl's bed. the witch seems to notice her presence, slightly startled Raven slowly put her mirrorpad away from her as she eyed the blonde. Apple cleared her throat, putting a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
"Oh, Uhm, Hey Apple" Raven started awkwardly with a light chuckle.
"Hey" the blonde princess responds, her words seem to melt away, her chest is hammering violently. 'I'm an idiot' she mentally facepalmed herself.
"Uhh, What's up? do you need anything?" the dark-haired princess asked in a light tone. she noticed that Apple is fidgeting, her lips are parting but no words are coming out. she wonders why Apple is approaching her right now in the middle of the night because she knows that it's unlikely for the blonde to stay up late.
"Can I sit with you? and maybe talk to you for a while?" finally Apple managed to say as she eyed the raven-haired girl for any signs of disapproval, but Raven smiled and nodded her head. Apple's insides feel oddly giddy for a moment but it quickly changed to anxiousness. she settled herself on Raven's side of the bed, her posture is still stiff as she fidgets her fingers.
"What's wrong? what do you want to talk about?" Raven started slowly, not wanting to rush the blonde.
The raven-haired princess is slightly concerned because of the way Apple is acting right now. 'is she sick? did something happened again?' she thought silently until the blonde took a deep breath and their eyes met. Raven didn't know how much she misses those pair of baby blue orbs and somehow, the twinkle in the blonde's eyes is dull.
"Raven? I...I know that you have already forgiven me for what I've done" Apple paused, there's a building lump in her throat as she gulped and speak again.
"But I know that something has changed between us. I know how terrible I was. For how I treated you ever since you refused to sign the Storybook of Legends, I pushed you to do something evil for the sake of my own happily ever after. I never listened to you. I was a horrible friend"
Her voice broke, her tears are forming on the corners of her eyes. Raven remained silent, she can't read the expression she's wearing right now. 'Hah, I knew it. she's still mad' she thought.
"Again, I'm so sorry, and-," Apple shook her head, squeezing her lids shut, avoiding her tears to fall. "-I really don't like how we are right now. everything has changed. I know I deserved it, But Raven-"
Apple can't hold it back any longer as she put both hands in her face. her voice is shaking as she spoke, tears are streaming down her pale cheeks. this hurts more than she can ever imagine. she tried to calm herself down as she wiped her tears away. she looked at Raven, locking her gaze in those deep lavender eyes that she adored the most.
"I miss you"
"I see you every day, we had some little talks, but you feel so far away. this newfound distance between us is killing me, Raven. I miss everything about us. I want this wedge between us to disappear. I miss you so much and it hurts"
Apple wiped her tears again, her voice is becoming hoarse as she swallowed the thick lump on her throat. she didn't know what to say anymore but her heart is still hammering violently in her chest. she looks pathetic, not so princess-y with all this ugly crying, but she doesn't care. she wants Raven back. she is also aware that Raven might not trust her again for what she did and that hurts like a brick, but she is more willing to win her dear friend back.
"I just can't hold this any longer, it feels heavy and it sucks. I know that you won't forgive me wholely, and I know you won't trust me anymore, but I want you to know that I'll do anything to win you back, Raven. You're-special to me. you're my friend and I...I can't lose you" Apple feels so small at this point, but she means everything she said.
the blonde princess was about to say something again when she feels something shifted in the bed, before she can even speak, she was already enveloped in a tight hug.
Raven is hugging her. and it seems like the raven-haired girl didn't want to let her go for any moment now.
Raven has scooted closer to wrap Apple in a tight hug, hot tears are swelling on the corners of her eyes as she let out a sigh. she may be ignoring the blonde most of the time but she can't deny forever that she misses her too. seeing her roommate like this broke her heart, she had never seen Apple this vulnerable and small before.
"Apple, I'm sorry"
"Why are you apologizing? Raven, you did nothing wrong" Apple loosens herself from the hug to look straight at Raven's eyes, the gap between them is just inches away. she raised her right hand and placed it lightly on the witch's pale cheek. Raven stared back, blinking her tears away. she took a deep breath as she touched the blonde's hand.
"I'm sorry if I set this distance between us. I was hurt, Apple. I needed time to heal. But you know what? I can't just drive you away from me forever because...you're my friend. I know we had a rough relationship before, but that's all in the past now. Yes, I already forgave you, but I thought I still need a little time for me to refresh that's why I avoided you… most of the time"
Apple feels like crying again. her lips are quivering as she opens her mouth to say something, but no words coming out. she just wanted to cry right now. She can't believe that Raven is apologizing to her for the fact that she did nothing wrong. 'Raven is too good to be like her mother'. she thought silently.
She once stated before when they were trapped in Wonderland for the first time, where Raven fully inherited her mother's dark powers, she saw how powerful Raven can be if she'll follow her mother's evil path. and there she realized that the young witch's heart is too good to be evil.
"You don't deserve to be treated like this, Apple. I know you made mistakes, even though you were so selfish before, I was still hoping that one day you'll change and you'll finally understand me. and I saw that you already did. I'm happy about that"
the witch didn't break their eye contact, her lips curled into a small smile as she put a loose strand of blonde hair behind Apple's ear.
"I miss you too, Apple"
Raven pulled the blonde princess again for another hug, stroking the soft blonde tresses as she inhaled Apple's sweet cinnamon scent. Apple starts to sob in their hug, the witch rubbed her back soothingly, cooing sweet words to the sobbing blonde.
"Thank you, Raven. this means so much to me" Apple said between her sobs as she buried her face to the dark-haired girl's chest. Raven placed her chin on top of the blonde's head, smiling. they both missed each other's company. the warmth of each other's body, the affection they shared in their friendship. somehow Raven wondered before if there will be a day where she can wrap her arms around her favorite blonde again, and here they are now, finally in each other's arms.
"Do you still want me to be your friend, Raven?"
"Of course, silly. we will always be friends forever after"
the future Snow White faced the young witch again, now beaming a wide smile, happy tears are still present on her pale cheeks. She wants to stay like this forever, enveloped in her favorite witch's warm hugs and never let go.
"Thank you, Raven. I promised to change for the better and I won't let you down again"
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Never Have I Ever
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Daryl Dixon x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1662 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Daryl gets a bit too rough after having a drink with Beth and the reader has to remind him who he really is
You knew that playing that game with Daryl and Beth was a bad idea.
He had his daddy's temper when he drank, which was why he didn’t do it in the first place, and he was impossible to reason with. The only fights you two had were when he drank.
That was why he didn’t.
The last time he’d had a sip, you told him you’d never speak to him again if he ever treated you that way. So, he didn’t do it, from that moment on, he decided that staying sober and keeping you safe was more important.
In this world, he didn’t have the luxury of being what he was before. He didn’t get to drink and spend all his nights in the woods alone. You counted on him, and now Beth did too.
Being that way was dangerous, and he didn’t want to lose you because of something like that. Alcohol could never fill the space in his life that you filled when he met you.
You were his everything.
...But sometimes life caught up to you too fast and you did things that you weren’t really planning on.
That was how he ended up taking that jar from Beth, and drinking the whole thing, before finishing another and another after that. It was a slippery slope like that, and it always had been for him.
Not that that was an excuse for how he was acting.
You had chosen not to drink any of it, knowing for a fact that you hated moonshine. The only time you’d ever drank it, you’d been so sick you were spewing chunks for days.
It was horrible.
The last thing you wanted was to have to go through that again. So, you sat back, between the young blonde and Daryl, watching her twirl the liquid around the bottom of the glass.
It smelled like rubbing alcohol, smacking you in the face with every twist of that mason jar, but that wasn’t nearly as bad as the musty smell of the old house.
It was just like the house Daryl had grown up in, and nearly gave you flashbacks to when you used to spend time with him there. Some of them were happy memories, but most of them were just loud and chaotic.
Just like most of his childhood had been.
It started out slow, with Daryl slowly grasping the point of the game, his eyes focused on the young girl's face as he spoke. “I've never been out of Georgia”
Beth seemed almost shocked at that, confusing you but you chose not to acknowledge it. You knew that Daryl had seen it too, you could tell based on the tightness in his jaw.
There was something wrong, but you didn’t have to guess what it was. The booze had just started to hit him, which had to be why he was being so bitey.
It wasn’t until she continued with her bubbly teasing that things really started to escalate.
“I've never... been in jail. I mean, as a prisoner”
That did it.
Beth didn’t mean any harm by it, you knew that but it didn’t matter. Daryl had enough to drink that any semblance of calm left him immediately but more than anything, he was hurt.
It was hard enough for him to be in this place, but now she was questioning his character as a person, as if he was dangerous or something. He couldn’t believe it.
You started to speak, to try and calm him down before he could get himself too worked up but the wheels in his head had already started turning and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
“Is that what you think of me?” there was a pain in his voice, a pain that was quickly replaced with anger. It hurt him, but it filled him with rage more.
He had been working his ass off to keep her alive, and to help as many people as he could, but clearly that didn’t matter. She didn’t think anything of who he was.
All she saw when she looked at him was some criminal, and nothing was ever going to change that. That was how everyone saw him, and they always would.
He was just some redneck from the mountains of Georgia and they all knew. He wasn’t going to be anything more than that if they didn’t let him. If she didn’t let him.
It escalated from there.
Daryl ignored your every attempt to calm him and fully spiraled into his anger and upset, until finally you were forced to stop him, knocking him on his ass.
The action alone caught him off guard, but you didn’t care.
He was acting like a total jackass and you weren’t going to let him act that way just because she’s made one comment.
“What the hell are you doing?” Daryl barked, looking up at you with shock dressing his handsome, dirt covered face. There was a brief flash of recollection on his face, telling you he knew he was overreacting.
However, it was too late for that.
There was an anger in your face now too, letting him know just how much he’d messed up.
“You stay there until you get your head out of your ass and stop acting like a child!” you huffed, reaching out casually to take Beth’s arm in your right hand, pulling her away from where Daryl had just had her.
He didn’t do it to hurt her and never would in his right mind but he wasn’t in his right mind right now. As of a few seconds ago, he had been swinging her around like a rag doll, playing with a corpse like a party game.
It was ridiculous and Daryl was better than that.
You knew that Daryl was better than that and you weren’t about to let him act like his daddy and his drunkard of a brother just because he got his feelings hurt.
All over some children's party game.
You could hardly believe it.
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart, I love him but he can be a real asshole when he drinks” you sighed, reaching out to brush one of Beth’s stray blond hairs out of her face.
She wasn’t afraid of Daryl and seemed to understand that the alcohol had a huge impact on the way he was acting, but that didn’t stop her from laughing.
To her, this whole thing was pretty amusing.
You had practically put Daryl in a timeout just now and it was hard not to think that was hilarious. Before now, she thought he was untouchable but that clearly wasn’t the case.
Where you were concerned, Daryl couldn’t bring himself to argue, especially not knowing that he was wrong.
He could have seriously hurt someone or gotten one of you killed and that wasn’t okay. Not to mention the way he’d acted, toward you and toward the girl.
You had every right to do what you did and more but realizing that wasn’t the hard part. The hard part was dealing with what happened afterwards, when he had to apologize for acting that way.
When you first met, he told you that he didn’t believe in apologizing because Merle said only bitches did that but he didn’t believe that.
He never really did believe that. Still, he had always hated apologizing, even though it was absolutely necessary.
“You finally got up outta the dirt?” you started, calling out to him as soon as he rounded the porch, to find both you and Beth sitting there, drinking water and watching the sun go down.
Personally, you had been waiting for him to come but you knew how stubborn he could be, especially if he knew he was wrong. It didn’t surprise you that he was upset.
...But you were just glad he’d showed up before dark.
“‘Sorry ‘bout all that”
The words were for Beth, as they should have been after how he treated her. You were upset with him for how he acted but he hadn’t wronged you, not in the way he had hurt her.
Every word of his apology had better be just for her, but once he’d gotten all settled with her and she had forgiven him, Daryl had a much more foreboding task ahead.
He had to talk to you.
After the last time, he promised you that he wasn’t going to drink again. It was bad for him and bad for everyone around him and that wasn’t even taking this world into account.
He could have gotten himself killed and you weren’t just going to move on from that.
It was more of a grumble, coming from his throat as he sat down beside you on the wooden porch. He didn’t know where to start, he didn’t even have a clue but it didn’t matter.
The best part about the two of you was that you always knew what he was going to say, even if he didn’t know how to.
“I know you’re sorry, you big lug. Drink up” you suggested, though it was much more of an order as it left your lips. You weren’t in the mood to deal with his stammering apology, you just wanted him.
You wanted your Daryl, not that drunk clone of his big brother who you’d had to deal with for so many years already.
Daryl took the water you offered him gingerly, letting his free arm come to rest across your shoulders, so that you could rest on his chest.
It had been such a long few days, the last thing you needed was to be at each other's throats. “We are never playing that silly game ever again” you muttered, taking in the scent of him.
Daryl smelled like a mix of musk and dirt but to you, he smelled like home and you didn’t need any poorly-made moonshine tainting that.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 3 years
4th of July, 1932
It was Steve's 14th birthday, not that anyone would remember, not when he shared a birthday with America's number one day to blow up things. Sarah even had to work today, regretfully telling him they would have a little birthday dinner tomorrow. She gives him a plate of deviled eggs to bring down. He doesn't give her trouble, he knows his ma has to work any shift she could get to support them. He'd bring in a little doing free lance drawing in the park, but not nearly enough.
Anyhow, the neighborhood was having a block party for the holiday, so he decided to go down and enjoy, knowing Bucky would be there. In fact, when he opened his door to head out, Bucky was already on his steps waiting for him.
"Happy Birthday, Stevie!" Bucky smiles at him before pulling him into a big hug, carefully maneuvering as to not drop the eggs. Usually this would be fine, he and Bucky hugged all the time. But Bucky turned fifteen a few months back and had had that growth spurt, putting him almost 8 inches taller than his friend. That's when Steve started to realize that he may like Bucky more than a friend, spending countless nights praying to God to fix him, to make that feeling go away.
But when Bucky hugged him, all those feelings flooded back in as usual, prayer not working. He wanted to pull away, remind Bucky that guys their age aren't supposed to be that affectionate with each other(at least that's what Mr. Barnes had said), but he didn't. He just leaned into it for as long as Bucky wanted.
When the hug finally did break, Bucky was beaming at his friend. "So ready to get down there? Mrs. Horvat made hot dogs, and I don't trust there to be too many for long."
The golden haired boy couldn't help but smile back drawn in by warmth radiating from his best friend. "Sure thing, Buck. I'm ready." Bucky throws his arm around his shoulder as they walk down together.
When they get to the festivities, Steve drops his plate off at a big table(actually crates with some old boards laid across them) on the side walk. They walk around, enjoying the day, gorging themselves on food. Steve notices that Bucky's arm barely leaves his shoulder the entire day. The increased height difference though, made him more conscious of it. It felt like Bucky was pulling him, closer than usual. But he couldn't find it in him to complain.
Unfortunately, Steve isn't the only one who noticed how close the boys are. Walking past a group of women, some being mom's of a lot of the guys they had gone to school with(both having dropped out to help their parents back home, who needed more than an 8th grade education anyways?) Steve heard one whisper to another "Do you think their mothers know?" The other replies "Seriously, boys that age shouldn't be so cozy..."
Steve could feel his cheeks going pink, self conscious as they keep walking. He pulls away from Bucky. Bucky for his part looks...sad, like Steve had hurt him by suddenly pulling away. He has been wrapped up in telling Steve about some pulp novel he had swiped the other day and was reading, he hadn't heard the comments.
"What is it, Stevie? Are you okay?" Worry coats Bucky's features.
"Uh...yeah Buck, just um...guys out age can't act like that, don't, um want anyone to think we are pansy's." Steve tries not to look hurt by his own words but is impossible when Bucky looks like he just got kicked in the stomach.
But he recovers, flashing a fake smile to his friend. "Yea...I guess you're right, Steve."
Steve decides to leave it at that even though he's known Bucky long enough to know his friend's feelings are hurt. They continue to walk the streets, conscious not to touch each other. Unfortunately this isn't enough for some of their ex-classmates.
A group of them sat on some front porch steps of a brownstone. There were a couple of guys and few dames, all who had been in school with the two boys. As they walked by, a boy, Danny Vesely, whispered something into a pretty little redhead's, Mary Anne Smith, ear, pointing at Steve and then to Bucky. Steve knows he should keep his mouth shut, but when he pointed at Bucky, it became personal. But before he can say something, Bucky is already in action. He had seen them point at Steve.
"What's so funny, Danny?" He snaps at the boy making the comment.
"Nothing Barnes, just commenting how cute you and your best girl look."
Steve turns red, looking at the ground. Steve knew he didn't look as strong or manly as other boys his age, his ma assuring him he was just a late bloomer. That didn't make it feel any better when he would be called a girl.
He can feel heat radiating of his friend, anger surging through him. Steve may be embarrassed but he looks up again, ready to back his friend up if their is a fight, putting on a tough face.
Bucky shoots back "You better shut your ugly mug!" Bucky looks ready to kill, hating that Danny is trying to humiliate him.... humiliate Steve.
"Calm down, Barnes. It's nice that you are defending you girlfriend's honor and all but you are being a little dramatic." Danny smirks. "I guess my big brother was right, all you guys who are light in the loafers are so dramatic."
Mary Anne and few of the other kids sitting there chime in in a sing-songy voice. "Bucky and Steve sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Now Bucky is red as the girls start to giggle. Bucky knows he can't hit girls, but Danny and the three other boys laughing are fair game. He steps closer and before Danny can react, his fist makes contact with Danny's nose, causing it to bleed. One of his friends steps up to retaliate, but Steve steps between him and Bucky and by some grace of god actually lands a pretty hard punch in the face. But Bucky sees this and knows that the two other guys will soon be coming to back up their friends. He understands they will be out numbered and refuses to let Steve get hurt.
Without out thinking, he grabs Steve's hand, pulling him away from the group. They run until the others stop chasing them, hiding in an alley, and then...Steve laughs. The adrenaline of the fight and running away from guys together, felt good. Honestly doing anything with Bucky felt good. He feels silly for pulling away from Bucky earlier. Bucky smiles, because of course he does. Those mean words didn't mean anything, really, as long as his Steve was happy and smiling.
Darkness is starting to fall, and the fireworks show over the water was supposed to start soon. As they stood in the alley, still holding hands, Bucky spots a fire escape ladder. "Hey Stevie?"
"Do you trust me?" Bucky asks plainly.
"Don't be stupid, Buck. Of course I trust you, punk." Steve replies like it is the most obvious thing in the world. Steve can't think of a single person he has ever trusted more than his best friend from preactically the day he was born. Their mother's had been friends and Bucky, who was a who was a whole 16 months older, wanted to hold "the baby" all the time. It was "his baby," Of course not realizing he was a baby himself, but as he got older, he never stopped wanting to hold "his baby," even if Steve was too dense to realize that.
Bucky drags him to the fire escape. "Follow me,Jerk." He smiles and of course Steve does follow him, They make it the top, until they are on tha roof. "What are we doing up here?" Steve questions.
"Watching the fireworks." Bucky replies simply with a smile that Steve can't help but mirror back. Bucky hesitantly takes Steve's hand again, and when Steve doesn't pull away, he laces his fingers with his friends, taking him to a spot on the roof that seemed clean enough to sit.
They wait for the fireworks, and when they finally start, Steve can only focus on Bucky and the way his face lights ups as the colors explode in the sky. He isn't sure what compels him to do this, but he rests his head on Bucky's shoulder. He feels the brunette tense for a moment, before he wraps his arm around Steve's shoulder.
He whispers softly "Hey Stevie?"
"Yea?" Steve's voice equally as quiet.
"Did you know that these fireworks aren't for the Fourth of July? Who cares about a dusty old country anyways? They are for you to celebrate the birthday of the best fella in the world." Bucky says in a matter-of-fact manner, you would be forgiven for thinking he actually believes this.
But he has been saying this to Steve every year since he learned to talk, so Steve was expecting this. It still didn't change the way Steve ended up blushing, this year feeling like there was more weight behind his words. "Thanks, Buck..."
"Don't thank me, it's true." Bucky insists before continuing. "One more question, Stevie."
"Shoot." Steve responds, head still firmly planted on Bucky's shoulder.
"What do you want for your birthday?" Bucky asks plainly, but Steve could feel Bucky's hand lazily stroking his shoulder.
Steve takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He know what he wants...and he figured after the events of today, he could ask. If Bucky is repulsed, he can play it off like a joke. In a voice almost too small to be audible, Steve answers "A kiss..."
Bucky's hand stills on Steve's shoulder before pulling away. Steve begins to panic, lifting his head off of Bucky's shoulder. He starts to make up a lie in his head, to brush this off, and never talk about it again. But when he looks up at Bucky, he had adjusted so he was sitting in front of Steve now, smiling. He softly replies "Okay." And Steve feels like his heart will beat right out of his chest and fly away. He wonders if Bucky would catch it for him.
His hands go clammy as he is watching Bucky lean in, slowly, almost too slowly. Steve closes his eyes, nervously leaning to meet Bucky, and their lips connect and it's better than the fireworks going off around them. It's chaste, and awkward, the awkwardness of a first kiss for both of them but unbelievably sweet.
When they pull away, both are smiling contently. Bucky takes his place back next to Steve, wrapping both arms around him now, threatening to never let him go. As they watch the rest of the show, he says "Happy Birthday, Stevie."
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cruelfeline · 4 years
The Hordak Bleatings Masterpost
The new and improved Masterpost! All of my ridiculous bleating in one place! Now with categories to allow you, dear friends and neighbors, to better marvel at the utter nonsense I get up to in my spare time. It shall be updated every so often/when I remember. 
some of these categories may overlap or perhaps not be perfect; I tried; there was... a lot
Biological/Medical Musings
A Fairly Comprehensive List of Hordak’s Clinical Signs
I Wrote Too Much About Hordak’s Arms
And Then Someone Asked About His Elbows So Voila
Someone Else Asked About His Eyes
Yes; I Did Measure Hordak’s Ears via Fuzzy Math; You’re Welcome
A Brief Word About Dentition
Some Sad Thoughts About Clone Lifespan
I Like to Headcanon that Clones Have Naturally Different Eye Colors
Counting Hordak’s Ports
Thinking About Terrible Ways Prime Could Institute Biological Control
Doing Very Fuzzy Math And Wondering Just How Young Hordak Could Be
Spending Way Too Much Time Figuring Out Whether Hordak is Left or Right Handed
Why Tiny Food is Probably Ideal for Hordak (a joke ask I essentially took Seriously)
Discussing Hordak’s Temper
Considering Whether Hordak Needs Oxygen
Discussing Whether Prime and his Clones are Genetically Identical
Hordak in Relation to Other Characters
Hordak Can Get Close to Entrapta Because He Needn’t Fear Her
Discussing Entrapdak Age Discourse
Bit More Regarding Hordak’s Maturity vs. Entrapta’s
Hordak Didn’t Manipulate Entrapta… But Catra Did
Assessing that Unfortunate Moment When Hordak Snapped at Entrapta
Further Assessing Hordak Snapping at Entrapta by Noting When He Doesn’t
On Hordak’s Wardrobe Change
Entrapta Shushing Hordak is One of My Favorite Interactions
The Entrapdak Scene Was Also One of Self-Love
I Really Like How Entrapta Talks to Hordak About Failure
Hordak Tells an Actual Lie and Succeeds
Entrapta’s and Hordak’s Social Differences Help Them Connect to One Another
I Would Have Appreciated A Scene Where Entrapta Learns About What Happened To Hordak
Hordak Takes Strength From Realizing That Entrapta Came For Him
Hordak and Entrapta Just Like One Another, and I Enjoy That
There is a Huge Difference in How The Alliance and Hordak React to Entrapta Being on Beast Island, and it’s Jarring
This is Mostly About Catradora But Kind of in the Sense of Why Entrapdak is Better, so Here it Goes
Entrapta Didn’t Teach Hordak How to Love; She Taught Him How to Be Loved
The Soup Scene is a Condensed View of Why Entrapdak Works in Light of the Rest of Hordak’s Arc
Hordak and Entrapta Search for One Another Alone, and it Makes Me Sad
I Love How Hordak Scooches Over for Entrapta to Join Him on his Throne
The How-Catra-Manipulated-Hordak Masterpost
Watching Catra and Hordak Switch Roles in Season Three is Fascinating
Hordak and Catra’s Low Points Indicate Their Core Problems
Did Hordak Abuse Catra? Did She Abuse Him? The World May Never Know
Comparing Hordak and Catra in Terms of Consequences and Agency
Hordak and Catra’s Apparent Ages Likely Affect How People Judge Them
Why Doesn’t Hordak Subdue Catra?
Losing and Regaining the Will to Fight is Another Hordak/Catra Parallel
Sometimes I Wish The Show Would Focus Less on Catra and More on Hordak
Why Catra Besting Hordak Isn’t As Satisfying As Catra Besting Shadow Weaver
Hordak Exhibits Some Level of Trust in Catra Even in Season 2... and She Betrays It
The Difference in How Hordak and Catra Handle Relationships followed by Why They Are Like This 
Some Brief Words on the Differences Between How Hordak and Catra End Up Driven to Destruction in Season Four
Musing About What I Actually Would Accept as “Hordak Abusing Catra”
I Think It’s Kind of Funny that Some Expect Catra to be Suspicious of Hordak Post-Canon
Two Scenes That Look Distressing Side-by-Side
Discussing How Catra and Hordak Start Off as Parallels but Later Deviate Due to Character Differences
How Adora and Hordak End Season Four Differently
Hordak and Adora Parallels
I Wonder if Adora Recognizes Some of Herself in Hordak
This is Actually About Shadow Weaver, but Compared to Hordak, So…
Hordak Doesn’t Seem to have a “Rule the World!” Moment (compared to Shadow Weaver)
On Hordak’s Weird Interactions with DT
Watching DT Circle Hordak is Interesting
Let’s Compare the Circling Scenes, Shall We?
What Wrong Hordak’s Arc Teaches Us About Clones and Hordak
Wondering if Hordak Actually has Control Over the Etherian Horde (could he have stopped the war?)
There Is A Huge Difference In The Standards Prime And Hordak Hold Others Two Versus Themselves
Hordak and Horde Prime Handle Their Own Vulnerabilities Quite Differently
The Difference Between How Prime and Hordak Use Anger
The Moment Prime Touched Hordak’s Face is the Moment I Truly Knew That Something About Hordak’s Backstory was Very Wrong
Clone/Origin/Prime-Related Sadness
The Clone Thing
More Distressed Bleating about The Clone Thing
Hordak’s DMV Photo Disturbs Me
Hordak Isn’t Actually an Idiot About Disease Transmission
On Hordak’s Bodily Autonomy, or Lack Thereof
How Much of Hordak is “Hordak?”
I’m 99% Certain That Hordak Sucks at Lying Because he Literally Couldn’t
You’d Think Hordak would Think Things Through, But…
Hordak isn’t Really Proud of “Hordak” (with a bonus Adora mention)
Hordak Provides Excellent Fridge Horror
Hordak’s Behavioral Pathology Isn’t Actually Pathology
So! That Purification Ritual was Really Something
Despite Erasure, Hordak Remains Himself
The Clones Are Essentially Trapped By Prime And It Upsets Me
I Get Annoyed That The Clones Aren’t Discussed More By Our Heroes
Again, I Wish The Show Acknowledged The Clones A Bit More, Wrongie Edition
Wouldn’t It Be Swell If Prime Really Did Manage The Clones Like Livestock? 
It’s More Emotionally Poignant That The Clones Are Individuals Rather Than Drones
Prime’s Doctrine Ensures Hordak Blames Himself, and it’s an Awful Control Measure
Hordak Probably Isn’t Dumb for Using Uninsulated Cables; Rather, Clone Sadness is in Play
Why I Can’t See Hordak and the Other Clones As Colonizers (unlike Prime) (also a whole convo thread)
Thinking About Clones and Self-Care
Each Clone Will Have to Realize That They Were Victimized
Wondering if Horde Clones Might Feel Anxious Sleeping Alone
Why Prime Might Encourage Some Autonomy in His Clones (spoilers: for cruelty)
Completely Arbitrary Classification of Clones Post-Prime!
Prime is an Actual God to the Clones and it is Terrifying
Canon Plausibility of Blanket Burritoing Horde Clones!
I Appreciate That, Despite Their Devotion, the Clones are Portrayed as Legitimately Suffering due to Prime
Catra and Adora have Happy Memories; do the Clones?; does Hordak?
Morality/Punishment/Redemption Related
Morality is (sadly) not a Universal Thing
Don’t Talk to me About the Reset as “Proper Punishment”
Why Hordak Doesn’t Just Become a Good Citizen
I Think About Hordak’s Choices a Lot
Hordak as an Abuse Mimic Rather Than Pure Evil
Looking at the Horde Child Soldier Thing From a Certain POV
Emotional Support is a Necessary Part of Healing
Hordak Was Forgiven Without Redemption, And I’m OK With That
Hordak’s Arc Speaks Directly to People who were “Raised Wrong”
I Wonder if Hordak Would See anti-Princess Propaganda as Propaganda
Semi-Intelligent Plot/Story Observations
Hordak’s Portrayal is a Function of Character Lens
Hordak Gets Very Legit Development in Season Four
She-Ra Isn’t a War Drama and Here’s Why
Hordak Suffers From a Distressing Lack of Agency
Hordak is a Weirdly Unenthusiastic Lord
The Season 4 Finale Reframes Hordak’s Vulnerability 
Untangling Hordak’s Backstory in Light of What We Now Know
Why Hordak Getting Possessed is Narratively Good
Hordak’s Rebellion and Subsequent Possession Essentially Summarize His Story
There Are Big Differences Between Hordak and Prime’s Etherian Wars
It Is Pretty Unlikely That Hordak Would Have Pulled The Portal Lever
It Occurred To Me That Hordak May Initially Ignore FO’s Tech Because It’s Just Really Old
An Assessment Of The Villain Intro Cards, Focusing On Hordak
I Think It’s Silly To Blame Hordak For Everything - Especially When Considering Prime
Literally Just a Thread Explaining Why Hordak is Sympathetic
Some Words On Exactly How Terrible DT’s Reveal Was For Hordak
The Escalation of Hordak’s Situation is Really Something
An Anon Asks a Normal Question and I go on a Tangent About Hordak Compensating for his Inability to Innovate via Entrapta and Catra
There are Monumental Differences Between the Galactic and Etherian Hordes in Terms of Brainwashing and Agency
Thinking About Why Chipped Etherians May Not be That Sympathetic To Clones After All
Random Bit of Logicking About Why Hordak Calls the Princesses a Rebellion
Figuring Out Why I Find Hordak So Much More Sympathetic Than The Princesses
Brief Musing on How Hordak Might Face Antagonism From Both Sides Post-Canon
Hordak’s Story Touches on the Concept of the Imperfection of Authority
Someone Asked Me if I Found Hordak’s S5 Arc Satisfying
Discussing Whether Or Not Hordak Planned on Leading Anything After Conquering Etheria
Taking Apart an Abysmal Twitter Take Because It’s Fun
Talking About Prime’s Clone Troops v. Robot Troops
Talking About Hordak’s Emotional Age
Hordak’s S3 Backtory Being Part-Delusion Helps Emphasize the Inequality in Attachment Between the Clones and Prime
A Few Not-So-Nice Acts Hordak Commits That I Find Justifiable
Random Headcanons of All Sorts
Stupidly Cute, Pointless Headcanon #3825 (ears covered)
Stupid Pointlessly Cute Headcanon #4853 (yawning, with appropriate artwork)
Stupid Pointlessly Cute Headcanon #2938 (snoring)
Stupid Pointlessly Cute Headcanon #1423 (REM sleep)
Stupidly Cute, Pointless Headcanon #7845 (blushing)
Random Hordak-Related Thought #2935 (forearms)
I Like to Think That Hordak Does Cute Things in his Sleep
I Like to Think That Hordak’s Eyes Dim While He Sleeps
Literally Me Just Having Emotions
Thinking About the Stress of Maintaining His Image in the Horde
Why Hordak’s Trauma is Particularly Disturbing To Me (compared to Catra/Adora)
Catra Overcomes her Fear of her Abuser; Hordak Does Not
All of my Emotions over the S4 Finale
Hordak’s Goddamned Smirk Lied to Me
I Have Feelings about Hordak’s Enforced Self-Care
I Need Hordak to Know that He is Loved
Hordak Goes Pew Pew and It’s Cute
Watching Hordak Lift Things Makes Me Smile
Hordak’s Unreasonable Expectations Make Me Sad
Please Just Let Hordak Rest
A Sassy Post About People Complaining the Hordak and Catra are Forgiven
All My Words About That Hordak/Adora Scene
Hordak Taps the Asphyxiation Lever With Two Fingers And It Makes Me Happy
I Wonder If Individuality Felt Blasphemous To Hordak
Please Don’t Stab Clones In Their Ports, Thank You
Hordak Clasps His Hands And It Makes Me Anxious
Hordak Shaming Catra Mimics the Purification Room And It’s Disturbing
Watching Hordak Give Up Is Heartbreaking
I Worry About Hordak Handling Anxiety
People Being Considerate of Hordak Makes My Heart Smile
I Wonder If Magic Was Frightening to Hordak at First
Thinking About Hordak Progressing in Terms of Self-Care
Prime Never Calls Hordak by Name, not Even Once
Just Being Sad While Realizing the Sort of Life Hordak had to Look Forward To
Strange Fic-Like Things No One Should Read
Please Consider: A Concept Masterpost
Hordak Practices Eyerolling
Imp Hacks Up The Worst Color of Hairball
457 notes · View notes
hippohead · 4 years
Happy New Year
Pairing: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Rating: General Audiences Words: 2071 Summery: This is a Halloween fic. I promise.
Read it on AO3
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The thing about being Rachel Berry’s best friend is, it’s a learned skill.  
And Kurt had put in the work. He had looked past the diva-esque antics and the obnoxious Broadway tunnel-vision and the steamrolling, and underneath he had found the Rachel that he loved. The Rachel who would bring him a cup of tea when she knew he was feeling down; the Rachel who pushed Kurt more than he wanted her to but knew he needed it; the Rachel who was kindness and cared – a lot. And it was worth it, for the most part, to have learnt the skill and to have let her into so many parts of himself.
Except for when it wasn’t.
“You’re being pushy,” he warns, and he knows his tone is sharp enough that it would stop most people. Rachel isn’t most people.
“Kurt,” she says just as sternly, swinging around the doorframe of the bathroom so that she can look at him while she continues her delusional lecture, “I just think it’s time that you admitted it.”
He adjusts his cat ears because they’re already giving him a headache. He knows he should have thought of a more original costume idea but time means nothing when he’s juggling NYADA and exams and showcases and auditions and the diner and friends and- god, he’s exhausted just thinking about it all. If all he could pull together for tonight was a pair of black jeans, a tight black long-sleeve, and a pair of cat ears – well, he thinks that’s quite reasonable considering. “There’s nothing to admit.”
Rachel steps out of the bathroom fully now, her makeup finished and her bob wig firmly in place. “How do I look?”
Kurt breathes a small sigh of relief at the change in topic, finally. “You look like the perfect Fanny Brice.” And she does, but the snarky part of him wants to note that she also could have been a bit more original with her outfit. Rachel dressing as Fanny for a costume party? Groundbreaking.
She walks past him, almost dancing, and sings, “That’s because I am the perfect Fanny Brice.”
Kurt sips at the cider that some of Rachel’s older friends from NYADA had left at the loft after their last party and waits for her to come back from her bedroom. By the time she does – a small purse looking like it’s stuffed with emergency night-out supplies slung over her shoulder – he's already feeling a light buzz twirling through his bones. “What time are the others getting here?”  
Rachel checks her phone, “Any minute now.” And then, because she’s the worst and unrelenting and incapable of letting anything go, she says, “I think you should tell Blaine that you have feelings for him tonight.”
“Oh my god, Rachel. I do not have feelings for Blaine.”
It’s the easiest lie when he’s saying it to Rachel, because it usually gets her off his back for a little while. There’s something complicated about the lie when he tries to convince himself. And it’s a lie he’d never say in front of Blaine, because saying it in front of Blaine means removing the maybe in their friendship. It would be Kurt clarifying boundaries he doesn’t want and making a possibility disappear that he always wants there.
And so he doesn’t know who he’s pissed off – karma or fate or the stars or whoever it is that controls the strings and the moments and time – because Blaine, Sam and Mercedes have pulled the door open to the loft just in time to catch his last sentence.
His back is to them but he heard the slide, and he glares at a very guilty, meek-looking Rachel. She bites her lips as if that’s an apology and then clears her throat, “Hey, guys!”
Kurt turns around at Mercedes’ voice, and her eyes are big and wild and trying to communicate things with him that he doesn’t have the ability to decipher right now. She’s dressed as Christina from the Candyman music video, and she’s pulling it off effortlessly. He wants to tell her that but the air feels too weird to speak into. Sam is dressed as some Star Wars character he doesn’t know the name of and Blaine-
“Are you... a pumpkin?”
There’s an odd look on Blaine’s face and Kurt can’t figure it out. He lifts his eyes once he realises that Kurt’s question is obviously directed at him - the only one dressed as a pumpkin - and nods, “Yeah. I am.”
Well, it’s good to know that Blaine can be dressed as a pumpkin and still look adorable. It’s desperately unfair, really. Almost as unfair as the fact that Blaine just heard him rather decisively utter the words, I do not have feelings for Blaine.
Sam clears his throat, breaking the uncomfortable silence that’s settled over everyone. “Should we get going? We’re already going to be late getting to Elliott’s.”
It’s enough to remind everyone that they’re close friends and long past the point of standing in awkward silences, so they bundle up in coats and make their way towards the subway station.  
Rachel finds a moment to whisper a quiet, “Sorry,” in his ear once they're on the train. He wants to question her about it – if he was telling her the truth, then there would be no need for an apology. Blaine hearing him say those words wouldn’t be an issue. He wishes she’d just believe him, for once, but then he glances over at Blaine laughing at an impression Sam is doing, a smile growing on his face despite himself, and he realises how transparent he is.
Why doesn’t Blaine?
- - - - -
Kurt is definitely avoiding him.  
He’s actually a little impressed. Elliott’s place is on the smaller side, so there’s not a lot of places for Kurt to be where Blaine isn’t. Yet he’s somehow managing to pick the perfect moment to slip to the bathroom, or to claim he needs a little air, or to gesture wildly at his empty cup as he starts to weave his way to the drinks.  
“What’s up with Hummel?”  
It’s Santana. She’s dressed as Xena Warrior Princess and he’d questioned her about it when they’d arrived – it didn’t seem like her kind of thing, or too stereotypical for her to buy into. She’d set him with an unimpressed stare and said, “It’s Lucy Lawless wandering around with her wife and beating up mediocre men. What about that isn’t my thing?” And, well, fair enough.
“I don’t know,” but he does know. “I think I’ll go see if he’s okay.”
Santana just shrugs, as if her initial question was as far as her concern was going to go, and Blaine starts to move through all of the capes and bright colours and masks. There’s a part of him that doesn’t really want to find him. That means saying things like It’s okay that you don’t have feelings for me and Just your friendship is enough and Let’s just forget about it. The reality is that he wants more than a friendship, but he doesn't know how to risk the friendship to get to somewhere else. And this, this is why he thought they had an unspoken agreement to never clarify what was happening. Because at least if they were living in a limbo that felt sort of hopeful and perfect, the door was closed but not locked.  
Tonight, Kurt had keys and he used them.  
He finds him in the kitchen by himself, nursing a gin and tonic. “Kurt?”
“Oh.” He looks a little scattered and – weary? “Blaine. Hi.”
It sort of hurts, the way he says that, like he wishes Blaine wasn’t there or looking for him or near him. Kurt’s never sounded like that before. “Can we- can we talk about before?”
He sees the panic move through Kurt’s eyes and almost backtracks, but he can’t do this; can’t exist in the world with things being awkward between them. And he can’t even really understand why they’re awkward. There’s so much unpacking to do about that, but for now he just wants to reassure Kurt.  
It’s a small reply but it’s enough for Blaine. “I don’t really know why things have been a little weird, but I just want to- I don’t know, I guess. Figure out if we’re okay.”  
“I lied.”
He’s suddenly very aware of his heart and that it’s in his chest, beating, faster than usual. “What do you mean?”
“I lied to Rachel.”  
There’s some sort of plea in his rushed words, like he wants Blaine to hurry up and understand and put him out of his misery. So Blaine tries to hurry up and understand and - "Oh.”  
“Yeah, oh.” Kurt deflates a little and looks down into his drink, “I’m sorry I’m being weird and all over the place. I’ve been trying so hard to be careful with our friendship, and now I’ve just ruined it.” And then, because Blaine still hasn’t said anything and the silence is stretching out in a suffocating way, Kurt says, “Gin makes me sad.”
“I’d be lying, too,” because he’s finally remembered how to speak.  
Kurt squints at him, “What do you-”
“If I said I didn’t have feelings for you.”
It takes a moment, but the smile spreads onto Kurt’s face and it’s delicious and adorable and they’re both just standing in the kitchen, looking goofy and happy and risking it all.  
“That’s a very stupid and roundabout way of saying- well, I really like you, Kurt.”
Kurt puts his glass down but doesn’t make a move towards Blaine just yet. “I really like you, too. Like, a lot.”  
Blaine hums and lets that soak past his ridiculous pumpkin costume – he’s still not entirely convinced that orange is his colour despite Sam’s constant reassurances that it is – and into his skin, bones, being. He decides to be the one to close the gap a bit, moving towards Kurt and enjoying how heavy the air is, how he almost has to wade through it.  
“Can I kiss you at midnight?” he asks.
Kurt giggles and it’s silly and Blaine wants to hear it again, and again, and again. “It’s Halloween, Blaine.”
“Mm,” he murmurs, not really sure why Kurt’s clarifying that. They’re both in costumes and there are fake cobwebs covering every surface – of course it’s Halloween. He starts to fiddle with Kurt’s cat ears, “It is.”
“Kissing at midnight is a New Year's Eve tradition.”
“Oh?” and he knows that somewhere in his brain, but he feels like he deserves to be forgiven for forgetting the specific details of which tradition belongs to which holiday because Kurt is very, very close to him and his eyes are sparkling and all he wants to do is kiss him. And so he does, or tries to-
Blaine pauses, confusion riddling his eyes because were they not on the same page? But Kurt doesn’t move away. Instead, he keeps them in their tight spot together and pulls his phone out of his back pocket. Blaine can’t really see it and he tries to ask what Kurt is doing, but he just gets nicely shushed.  
And then, triumphantly, Kurt holds his phone up to show Blaine what he was waiting for – the clock in the corner of the screen clicks over to 12:00 and Blaine gets it. Now he kisses him. It starts off sweet and he tastes like Halloween candy. He’s already addicted to the sugar and he starts to lick along his bottom lip. Kurt gasps a little, opening his mouth for Blaine, and that’s when their bodies shift, too. Kurt’s back is pushing into the bench and he’s trying to worry about whether or not he’s hurting him, but Kurt is somehow getting his hands under the pumpkin’s fabric and sliding at the skin on the small of his back. He’s struggling to find that compassion now when all that matters is kissing Kurt, Kurt's back be damned.
And then suddenly he’s not kissing Kurt.  
Because Kurt has pulled away to drag in a breath and there’s an impossible grin on his face and a depth in his eyes that wasn’t there before and it means more, more, more. “Happy New Year, Blaine.”
“Happy New Year, Kurt,” he repeats. And then he laughs because he thinks they’ve just made their own holiday tradition, “Happy Halloween.”
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