#and I’m kinda just built like a fridge
0venatrix · 4 months
Heaving my self outta the pool looking like a fucking seal.
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vampzzi · 11 months
Hobie with Goth s/o babysitting Mayday and having her listen to music that kids her age don't usually listen to?!?!?
I just think the idea is super cute <3
author note; YESSS, when I saw this I know I needed to see this!! This is kinda bad cause I’m sleepy but once it was submitted. It needed to be written immediately!!
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— “ I’D LOVE TOO !! “ Hobie had asked if you wanted to help babysit Mayday since Pav was busy with his girlfriend and her modeling career. A lot of people would turn you down to babysit because of the way you dressed and the stereotype that had built off your genre. You had always gotten weird stares and random side conversations about you when you walked down the street on sunny mornings. But you had confidence in your style and you weren’t about to let some strangers ruin that for you.
Peter knew who you were, he’d talk to you numerous times and at first he was a little frightened but as he got to talk to you, he eased up with you and Mayday seemed to love you when you guys paid together. Sitting on the carpet playing patty cake or Mayday giggling while playing with your jewelry it was a sickly sweet sight Hobie couldn’t deny he enjoyed seeing you in. “'avin fun 'here love?” as he returned with baby food for Mayday.
“Having tons of fun” your black lips cracked in a smile as Mayday clapped her hands babbling something as you turned your head “what you tryna say?” you said curiously and Hobie just stood there with the baby food as you looked back at him “right, feeding her.”
Today was the usual, Peter had opened the door and welcomed you inside and he and his wife were off. Leaving you guys to tend to Mayday. She smiled and babbled when we walked into the room. “Hii Mayday” you picked her up out of the crib and held her close as she drooled and put her hand on her face. How about we play a game with your toys again? Just like last time?
Picking up her toy and shaking it as she got overly excited and Hobie was scrolling on his phone. “Come on Hobie, we’re gonna play.” Ushering him to join you and Mayday as you guys sat on her fluffy carpet as mayday picks up the doll as Hobie is sitting down on the carpet with both of you as you hand him a black haired doll. Hobie had noted previously she reminded him of her because of her clothing. “Looks jus' like you”
“Mhmm” you picked up a random doll and you guys played with the dollhouse that was also on the carpet. “Oh my god, the kitchen is on fire!!” You exclaimed as mayday giggled and Hobie chimed in “We should pu' i' ou'”. Agreeing with this claim as you guys pretended to put out the fire, Hobie managed to get a few pictures of you and mayday playing and then got a full video of all them playing for memories.
After a while it got boring and Mayday was getting bored and started whining so you guys switched to snacks and hair. Picking up Mayday and taking her to the kitchen as Hobie followed close behind, Hobie got her and helped her reach her Cheetos on the top of fridge and you settled on something to drink. When everything was gathered, you all headed back to the room.
You sat on the floor and Hobie put Mayday in your lap while he sat on the floor, relaxed a bit. “You should take her, wanna put your hair in ponytails” Hobie looked at you as you gave that look of adoration, he couldn’t say no to as he sat in front of you as you took some scrunches and toyed with his wicks before capturing them into a ponytail. Then the next one.
“Looking gorgeous babe” you let out a little chuckle and Hobie playfully punched your thigh “ha ha funny” as he switched spots again. You took Mayday into your lap and began to French braid her ginger hair as Hobie took the top of the container and handed her the baby Cheetos.
Hobie watched closely as you braided her hair“You’re so good a' 'ha'” he said while closely observing the way you worked with ease and quickness “My mom taught me when I was younger, It’s something I hold dearly to me cause I love braiding.” Hobie just nodded, the room was kinda silent and you disliked silence cause that was boring. “Hobie, you should play that song we love”
Hobie was unlocking his phone and clicking on his SoundCloud as he scrolled through the many playlist before finding the one you two share. “We share a lo' ov songs, we enjoy 'oge'her dove. Gonna 'ave 'o be mawe specific”. You clicked your tongue as you finished up Mayday’s French braid “Let’s go to bed by The Cure”
The song flicked on and the smoothing beat filed the room, as you nodded your head while Mayday looked up at you and babbled. “Not a lot of people your age get to listen to music like this, gotta let you get a variety of music” Hobie agreed “If 'ha' ain’' righ’”. You had gotten up and handed Hobie Mayday as you held your arms straight and began dancing to the beat, Mayday copying you and as she held her little arms out and began swaying them. You guys giggled as you began to dance to the music , the song drifted on for a while.
“We should let her listen to her to Strawberry Switchblade, I think she’d also like it” as the song turnt on you had sat down and laid on Hobie while the song played and was slowly dozing off as the music played in the background. It had only taken a couple minutes before she was slowly snoring. A long yawn was drawn out of you as you pulled her up and put her in her crib as Hobie turnt the music off while you tucked her in, kissing her head. “Sleep well Mayday”
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itslottiehere · 2 years
even the sun gets clouded sometimes (h.s) —  part three
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hello beautiful people! here we are, part three is all yours. this fic means so much to me, and this part is extremely autobiographic, and i just hope you don’t mind that lol. i just wanted to thank you again for the crazy support i received on this fic, it still doesn’t feel real. thank you, thank you, thank you. please, as always, read the trigger warnings. it’s a sensitive topic, and i don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. as always, please leave your feedback in my asks on in the tags, it’s really important! without further ado, happy reading! love you all <3
> part one | part two
masterlist | leave your feedback or requests here
tw: angst, fluff, swearing, talk of self harm.
word count: 8.4k (grab a snack)
their movie nights became a regular thing. every week, one of them would text the other “movie night?” and in a half hour at most they were sitting on her couch, a take out of some sorts on the coffee table, deciding who could choose the movie that night. it usually happened after a hard day, like when harry’s car got totalled (and he got to sleep on her couch again. “double win this time”, he thought) or when she had back to back clients who were way too rude, and she just wanted to relax. if someone had asked her a month before if she thought about spending time with harry as “relaxing”, she would’ve laughed at their faces for 10 minutes straight. but it turned out that harry’s a great listener, a really good one. maybe not so much at giving advice.
“just tell him to fuck off.”
“harry, i can’t do that, he’s my boss!”
“and what? bosses can’t fuck off?” 
this went on for a few weeks, and in that time she got to know a little bit more of harry: his interests, his hobbies, the movies he liked best.
he was a real fan of romcoms, and the dichotomy was extremely funny: a tall, well-built man, who had a resting face that seemed to be of someone bothered 24/7, who teared up whenever he saw a cliché love story.
harry would argue all the time that he was definitely not crying, and she’d let it slide. it was kinda cute. 
she also learned that harry was a lover of cats, and wished he could get one but feared that they were going to get lonely, with him being out most of the time.
“it’d be nice to have someone around, you know? the apartment gets lonely sometimes.”
she nodded solemnly, understanding perfectly what he was saying. sometimes it was just nice to have someone there with you. not in a romantic way, not even in a friendly way, but just in.. an existing together kind of way. 
she felt the same often, and that’s why niall was frequently over at her place. he loved being at her’s — mostly for the couch and the beer she kept just for him in the fridge — and she liked the company.
harry actually found out a bit more about her. she didn’t share much — and he didn’t dare ask any personal questions this time, still embarrassed about what happened almost two months and a half before. but he learned what she did for a living, which was interesting.
“yeah, i work for a publishing company. that’s why i have a thousand books all over, i can’t seem to find a place for every one of them. but it’s okay, i love being surrounded by them.”
“but the others say that you’re on the night shift whenever you are not out with us, made me think you were a nurse?”
“oh well, they say that when i stay late at the office. i usually stay there till after 11pm, hence why they call it “the night shift”.”
“why do you stay so late?” harry inquired, putting his chin into his hand, leaning a bit forward.
“sometimes it’s because i have a deadline, or because i’m reading a draft that’s just too captivating and i didn’t even realise that time passed. i really enjoy my job, and even if sometimes i have to deal with not-so-nice clients or a crabby boss, i love it all the same.” 
“i see, that’s pretty great, actually. not many people get to say that about their job, you know?” she just nodded. “so, any new novels i should be on the lookout for?”
on friday night, harry texted her “movie night?”, even though they already had one on monday, but he was so tired from the week and just wanted to relax. and seeing her was what made him the most relaxed.
more times than not, he wouldn’t be able to finish the movie, nodding off about halfway. then he was waken up by soft — albeit, slightly cold — hands of a certain someone, who put a quilt that smelled so much like her on him and was picking up his legs, urging him to lay down and get in a more comfortable position.
she never woke him up telling him to go home, just offered him a place to stay. he really couldn’t put into words how much he appreciated that.
so, he was hoping to see her and perhaps get to sleep on that soft couch, surrounded by everything that reminded him of her. he didn’t know if it was weird, how much comfort she brought him. 
all his hopes were crushed when she texted him back.
“i’m so sorry, i’m on the night shift. rain check?” 
he stopped in his tracks. he was already on his way to pick up dinner, because she never said no. 
not even when she was on her period and wanted to just be swaddled in a soft blanket, away from the world. she told him that he could come over, but she had one simple condition.
“please bring over the greasiest burger you can think of. there’s an extra key under the doormat, i can’t stand up.” 
when he arrived, he did find the keys and he opened the door. he saw her all curled on the couch, and he could’ve just smothered her cheeks with kisses.
the thought scared him at first, but when he really thought of it, it was the same feeling he got whenever he saw a cute little kitten or puppy. like, a cute aggression kind of feeling. 
he saw her face light up as soon as he came in her line of sight.
“well, that’s a nice change.” he thought. perhaps her smile was directed to the burger sitting in the bag on the coffee table, but harry thought it was directed to him as well.
so, to hear her say she couldn’t make it to movie night, made him frown. he really, really wanted to see her. he was even going to let her choose the movie! 
but a change of plans was needed.
it was nearing 8pm, her stomach was rumbling and her eyes were about to close. all she wanted that night was go home, have a nice bath and get into some cozy pjs, preparing herself for the christmas shopping she had to do during the weekend. 
the thought of asking harry to come over for a movie night crossed her mind, but she didn’t want to bother him, he probably had better plans for a friday night. she was more of a homebody, so staying at home sounded like a dream, but harry told her he liked going out in clubs and such.
that’s why she was surprised when he texted her, and she hated telling him no, but she had too many things on the following monday, so she thought she would get ahead as much as she could.
which meant that she had to turn down movie night, and she just knew he had that cute pout on his lips, that he’d get once she’d won the third round of “rock, paper, scissors” for who could choose the movie that night.
around 8:15, there was a soft knock on her office door.
“oh sorry guys, i’ll get out right now but you can also not clean this room, i’m going home late!” she got up from her chair and started picking up her papers so she could get out of the cleaning crew’s hair.
but when a familiar mop of curly hair came through the door, she stopped cleaning up.
“harry? what are you doing here? is everything okay?”
“yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. i brought dinner.” he came through the door and walked into her office.
“but... why? a-and how do you know where i work?” she looked at him quizzically.
“i texted sarah and asked her for the address. and why? can’t i just want to see you?”
she couldn’t stop her cheeks from getting warm, as warm as the feeling she was feeling in her belly. he wanted to see her. 
“no no, of course.” she coughed a little. “please sit. and thank you so much, i’m so hungry.”
“yeah, i know, i could hear your stomach growling from the end of the hall.” he chuckled.
“hey!” she acted offended, but was smiling as wide as him.
they ate their dinner — well, she inhaled her food — and they chatted a bit.
“so, tell me more about your job. about you, in general. it feels like i’ve done all the talking these last couple of months.” he cleaned his hands on the paper towel, getting his fingers clean from the sticky sauce.
“uhm, i don’t have much to tell, i’m not that interesting to be honest.”
“i think i have to disagree.” he looked up at her, and she could feel herself swoon. “why are you here tonight?”
“oh, i just have back to back staff meetings on monday morning, and then i have meetings with clients in the afternoon and i’m not going to be done with everything in time if i don’t stay late tonight. i need to have the weekend free of work.” she confessed, clearing up her desk from their containers. 
“need a weekend away from everything?” he wondered. 
“i do, yeah.” she smiled. “but that’s not happening this weekend, unfortunately. i have to shop for christmas presents, i’m already late and i have to get them all at once, and it’s really overwhelming.” she sighed.
“you’re tired.” he noted.
“not all that nice to hear that for a woman, you know? it means i look bad.” 
“no, it’s not what i meant. i just can see your eyes halfway closed. you can’t work right now, you’re falling asleep.”
“but i need to, harry, i have to fin-“
“no, you don’t.” he interrupted her, his gaze piercing. “i’m getting you home. and i won’t take no for an answer.” 
“but harry, i-“
“nope. we’re going home.”
“do i need to pick you up and carry you to the car? because i will do it if you keep fighting me on this.”
she looked at him, wondering how the hell they ended up there. 
harry just tilted his head to the side. “you ready?”
it felt like she had no other choice but to nod.
when she asked him to stay and watch a movie, harry couldn’t say no, finally getting what he wanted all along.
this time he knew he probably wasn’t going to be the one to fall asleep first, for once! as soon as she was asleep and in bed, he was going to go home. 
his plans slightly changed though, because a sleepyhead decided to rest her head on his lap, and he couldn’t move an inch. he wouldn’t.
and honestly? he really didn’t want to. 
it was like when a cat decides to rest its head on you. you are the chosen one, and you will not move till the cat moves first. 
now, instead of a cute ball of fur, there was a just as cute girl, curled up with her hand close to his knee, lightly fisting the fabric of his trousers. 
she didn’t fall asleep that way, but when harry saw the uncomfortable position in which she passed out, he had to do something to make her a little more comfortable. and that’s how they ended up here.
he saw her sleeping before — at adam’s cabin, especially — but never got to linger on her features.
he could see she had a slight furrow in her brows, and he just wanted to put the pad of his finger against her skin and smooth it out. was she having a bad dream? was she overthinking even when asleep? was she uncomfortable? 
then he focused on the curve of her nose, and lastly on her lips. they were slightly pouted, a bit open, and just looked so soft. so pretty, and pink, and soft.
harry couldn’t say this was the first time he thought something like that. he found himself often looking at her lips, especially since she told him she usually focuses on them when people talk.
“like, i don’t want to seem like a creep, but if i don’t watch a person’s mouth while they talk to me, it’s like 90% of the information doesn’t reach my ears.” 
and since then, he couldn’t stop himself from doing that. although, he often did that with her only. 
huh, weird.
and then he started watching her lips when she would eat, seeing how she kept them shut while she was chewing, because she couldn’t bear hearing people making noises with their mouths when they eat. harry got a pillow straight to his face one time, followed by the threat of her smashing his teeth in if he didn’t cut it out. a feisty one, she is.
and while he observed them in all of these occasions, he noticed how plump they were, how pink and just... pretty.
one night, when he was a bit tipsy, he was just about to tell her all of this, but thanks to his lucky starts sarah unknowingly came to his rescue, tearing her away from him and dragging her to the bathroom.
he thought that was for the best, she should never had to know the thoughts he had swirling through his mind. it mostly happened when he was unconscious, especially when he was staying over at her house.
“it’s just because you’re literally surrounded by her stuff. you are in her apartment, on her couch, with her quilt around you, her smell lingering. it’s fine.” he thought to himself, a pathetic way of shoving his dreams out of his mind.
when he first dreamt about kissing her, he was scared shitless. they had been friends for about a little over a month then, and he felt a bit weird dreaming about a friend that way. 
it wasn’t even something dirty, they were just having fun at the park, he was pushing her on the swings.
“higher, harry, higher!” 
“love, if i push you any higher you’re going to fall!” he said laughing.
“i don’t care, just do that, please!”
“no love, i can’t, you’re gonna get hurt.” 
she started slowing down once he stopped pushing her and when she was almost still, he came in front of her, stopping her for good when he placed his hands on her knees, crouching down a little to get to her face level.
when he caught the look she had on her face, he could’ve just melted. she was pouting, pouting, for pete’s sake.
“hey, what’s this all about?” he said, pointing at her lips.
“you didn’t push me higher.” she looked at him, trying her hardest to keep her pouting face, but he could see the smile that wanted to creep up on her face. 
“aw baby, want me to make it better?” he said sweetly, tilting his head to the side.
“yes, please. thank you.” she smiled a little, looking at him. 
and that’s when he leaned in, leaving a sweet kiss, taking her plush bottom lip between his. he could feel her crumble underneath his touch, even if he was seeing this from a third person point of view. he could feel the soft skin of her lips, tasting her cinnamon chapstick, and what he imagined — and was almost positive — she just tasted like: the sweetest nectarines of the best summer of your life.
when he pulled away, he saw her eyes were still closed, as if she was wanted to bask in the moment for just a second longer.
“made it better?” he told her, smirking at her still flushed face.
“mmh mmh, i think so.” she finally opened her eyes, and smiled back at him. “now, your turn!”
“love, how do you think you’re going to be able to push me!” 
“shut up, i’m strong.” he gave her a cut the bullshit look, and she was absolutely offended. “i’ll show you, c’mon! get on then!” 
he woke up gasping, looking around the room to understand where he was. when he realised he was at her apartment, he groaned a bit. of course he was. 
as said, he was scared. not just by the kiss itself, but by the sheer intimacy of it, because it clearly wasn’t the first they shared, anyone could’ve seen that. he also noticed how happy she was, how loud her laugh was, how comfortable she had to feel with him to show him her more childish side.
what scared him most, you ask?
the fact that he envied the dream version of him. 
ever since then, those kind of dreams came to his mind often, but he always pushed them aside, as games his mind was playing on him. he didn’t think about kissing her when he was awake, did he?
“no, i don’t”, he kept telling himself.
but seeing her all curled up against him, her lips looking so soft and plump made him think twice about his words. 
instead of just laying one on her — when she was unconscious, may he add — he decided to tuck the hair that fanned over her face behind her ear, with a touch so light he thought that he wasn’t even touching her. but he wanted this contact to last a little bit longer.
so, he lightly grazed his finger over her cheek. even her skin was soft as a pillow, what was wrong with her?
he run his thumb along her jaw, and when he felt her shift, he panicked.
“shit, shit, shit, don’t wake up, don’t wake up, please.” he murmured so quietly it was barely a whisper, putting his hands up as if she was going to go off like a bomb.
she didn’t wake up, but she did turn her head, from facing the tv to facing harry. she brought her hand again at — now — the top of his thighs, but instead of holding onto his trousers, she gripped his sweater, that was a bit baggy.
“thank fuck” he thought, because she would’ve grabbed his crotch if she didn’t find that sweater. 
after the movie was over — harry didn’t pay too much attention to it, after she fell asleep — he thought it was time to make her go to bed and rest properly. but he really didn’t want to wake her up.
so he tried to pry his sweater away from her fist, just so he could lay down her head on the couch and get up. he did just that, and once he was on his feet, he crouched down again, putting one arm under her knees and one under her back, picking her up. 
when she was finally in his arms, she curled up against him, tucking her head in his chest, a hand spread at the center of it. harry looked up to the ceiling, asking any god or ethereal being what the hell did he do to deserve this.
once they reached her bedroom door, he opened it with his foot and carried her to her bed. he tucked her in, and as he was about to leave when he felt someone gently take his wrist, and heard a soft voice, barely a whisper.
“stay over? don’t wanna wake up alone.”
and could he really say no to that? 
could he really say no to her? 
she was asleep before he could answer, so he just took her hand, squeezed it and told her under his breath. “of course, love.”
the following morning harry woke up before her, which was kind of unusual. she was usually the one who stirred him awake to have breakfast — she got better at cooking eggs and pancakes, so he didn’t have to lie anymore about just drinking coffee in the mornings. 
but last night she must’ve been spent, she probably wanted to sleep in a little more.
that gave him time to look around her living room, seeing how she decorated for christmas. there was a huge tree, probably almost three meters, with warm yellow fairy lights and red and gold adornments, a shiny star on the top.
then there were all kinds of trinkets all around, even little statues of mary, jesus and joseph, the whole nativity scene. he didn’t know she was a religious person. 
he thought it must’ve taken her so long to decorate all by herself, especially the tree. she probably climbed over something to put the star on top, risking to fall down and get hurt. couldn’t she have asked him to help her?
he decided to stop lurking and go into her kitchen to fetch some ingredients to make her breakfast, for a change. when breakfast was almost ready, he decided to go wake her up.
he walked into her bedroom as quietly as possible, not wanting to startle her awake. when harry reached her sleeping figure, he put his hand on her shoulder, shaking a little.
“good morning, sleepyhead. it’s time to wake up.”
she grunted in response.
“c’mon now, breakfast is almost ready.”
she grunted again, making him chuckle.
“not a morning person, are you?”
“just five more minutes, please.” she croaked. he muttered a low “alright”, and went to go back to the kitchen, but her fingers grabbed his wrist.
“stay here, i’m cold. heater must not be working properly.”
he couldn’t say if he was more happy or shocked by her request. smirking, he sat back down on the bed, close to her legs. but that wouldn’t cut it, clearly. 
“what are you doing all over there? get in here.” she moved the comforter and patted the bed underneath. when she noticed he wasn’t moving from his spot, she spoke up again. “hey, get in here quick, the heat is going to leave.”
he chuckled, and finally stood up and got into bed beside her. he wasn’t even in there for two seconds, that she was already wrapped around him, as if he was going to disappear.
“just five minutes, right?” he softly asked her, his arm going around her shoulders, hand on her bicep.
“yeah, five minutes.” her face was tucked in his neck, and he could feel her lips grazing the skin of his throat when she spoke.
she really was cold, and she had been the whole night. when he carried her to bed last night, she was half awake, and when she asked him to stay over, she imagined he was going to sleep with her in her bed. but then, he went back to the living room, and she was just too tired to call him back.
so, when harry came to wake her up, she tried putting it a little more plainly, and even then the man couldn’t take the hint. 
5 minutes soon turned into an half hour, and she can’t lie: she never felt so comfortable. who knew harry was so great at cuddling?
the both of them were in that sleepy state when you’re not really asleep but you’re not totally awake either, and if she didn’t have to run to the shops to buy christmas presents, then she would’ve stayed there for the whole day. 
harry could describe the feeling as heaven, nothing ever felt so right. how come they didn’t cuddle before? 
but other questions came to mind: what’s happening? why did he wish he could stay in this bed forever? why does her tracing patters on his chest make him feel like he’s on a rollercoaster? 
when they finally dragged themselves out of her bed — that was even more comfy than her couch, if possible — breakfast was indeed ruined and they decided to eat while they went out.
“wait, you want to go christmas shopping with me?”
“you’re the nut job who’s going shopping for presents five days before christmas. you need all the help you can get.”
and so, off to the shops they were.
but here’s the thing: how can you purchase a present for someone who’s right there with you? and what the hell would he like for a present? she had absolutely no clue what to get him.
maybe he wasn’t getting her a present, but she wouldn’t care, after all they started being friends only for a few months before, she wasn’t expecting anything from him. but hell was going to freeze over before she didn’t get him a present, that was for sure.
she got all the others presents, and harry went back to her apartment, looking like a porter with all the bags he had in hand.
“you sure you got everything? don’t you have a third grade cousin that needs something? or a remote uncle that you haven’t seen in 17 years?”
“my god, you should be a comedian.” she looked at him with a fake smile.
“i don’t even know how they are going to receive these if you bought them today.” he scoffed. “mind opening the door for me, darling?”
“i’m trying! you’re a pain in the ass, styles.” she grumbled. “and i’m going to spend tonight packing them, and then i’ll overnight them. i don’t know if they’ll get the presents in time for christmas, but it’s the thought that counts.”
she finally managed to open her apartment door, and let harry go in first: the man couldn’t wait to drop all the boxes and bags.
“and i wouldn’t have this problem if i went back home for the holidays, but i’m not, so here we are.” she said while closing the door.
“why aren’t you going home?” and why did she sound so upset about it?
“you know, work, life, stuff. i hope to see them a little later next year, but going back now was impossible for me.” she shrugged.
“i see. at least we’re going to spend it all together, though?”
“yeah, it’s going to be great, i bet.” she gave him a tight lipped smile, which didn’t sit right with him.
“what’s up?” he asked.
“nothing, what?”
“you’re not the only one who can read people. tell me what’s going on in your mind.” he looked at her pacing around the room, leaving the presents on the kitchen table.
“it’s nothing important, it’s probably going to sound so silly, you wouldn’t-“
“i wouldn’t have asked if i didn’t care. please, tell me.”
she took a deep breath and sat on the couch. “it’s just that christmas is my favourite holiday. i love the atmosphere and back home we really celebrate christmas: a table of no least than 20 people, all the aunts and uncles and cousins, people who i probably see once a year, at that very dinner.
and then we have all these traditions, little things that make me miss home. like, my mum used to wake up me and my sister with christmas music on christmas day, every single year, and she still does it every time we get back home for the holidays.
or like, on christmas eve, me, mum and my sister go to the church i used to go to when i was younger for the vigil, and we have this mass that it’s like two hours long but it’s just so beautiful. i wouldn’t consider myself a religious person, but being in that room just brings me so much comfort that i can’t even put into words.” she looked up at him, eyes a bit teary.
“then we used to come home, around 11am and we would watch “the grinch” while we waited for midnight to open our presents.” she sighed. “it’s such a special holiday for me, and when i think about the fact that there was a time when it didn’t feel like that, when i was away from them... i don’t know, it makes me sad.” she gave him a small smile, looking down at her shoes.
“hey.” he put his hand on her knee. “we don’t have to talk about this, any of this. i’m sorry i pushed you, i didn’t want to make you sad.”
“no, it’s okay.” she swallowed thickly. “i- uh.” he saw she was struggling to find the words.
“i think i’d like to speak about that, if you wanted to hear about it. i don’t want to force you to stay there and just... i don’t know, throw all my trauma at you.” 
“you wouldn’t. i would gladly listen, if you feel comfortable enough, though. niall is going to rip my head off if you aren’t.” the last part he murmured under his breath.
“what was that?” she inquired.
“nothing important, love. whenever you are ready.”
she took another deep breath, sitting crisscrossed on the couch, facing him but with her head looking towards her fingers, which she was basically tearing apart. 
“since i was a child, i used to feel things, emotions, very strongly. i would always say that they would feel amplified, and i absolutely loved that. i loved feeling everything so deeply, because it reminded me that i was alive and i was here and i could do anything i wanted to. but once i moved away, i don’t know what happened, but i just started feeling a little less, and a little less. till i was numb. 
i was desperate, i couldn’t recognise the person looking back at me in the mirror. i didn’t cry, i didn’t laugh, i was just... being, existing. i was younger, i was stupid and i did something even more stupid, just wishing that i would feel something, even if that something was pain.” her voice started wavering, she pulled her lips in her mouth in an attempt to stop her tears from falling.
harry was watching her, but didn’t dare utter a word. she was finally opening up — he doesn’t know if for the first time ever or not, but he didn’t dream of interrupting her, if she wanted to go on.
after a little while, when it seemed like she calmed down a bit, she resumed talking. 
“it went on for a while. it wasn’t just the physical aspect of it that was causing me problems, but also the mental state i was in. i cut everyone out of my life, didn’t go home for two years straight: i skipped christmas, birthday dinners, anniversaries. i felt like the worst person ever walking on earth, but i still couldn’t really feel anything. and that just made me spiral, because i was mourning the person i was before. i missed her. fuck, i missed her so much.” she sniffled. 
“but then, one day i just knew that it all was getting too much, that i couldn’t keep going like this or else the ending i was heading towards was going to be catastrophic. so i reached out and asked for help: i went to therapy, and i still go to this day. not exactly for the same reasons, but mostly to have a place where i can just let go, i guess.” she stopped and looked at harry, who was staring at her, his brows lightly furrowed, meaning he was listening to every word.
“and therapy really helped getting me out of that mental space. it was difficult, uncomfortable, i had my fair share of setbacks, but during one session my therapist told me something that i hold close to my heart to this day, ever since then.” she smiled to herself, eyes focused on the cushion she was sat on.
“she told me: ‘you know, even the sun gets clouded sometimes.’ even the happiest people — or what seem to be the happiest of people — have their dark days. and that’s fine. you just need to get through them.”
harry thought that no metaphor could ever be as perfect to describe her as this one was.
he was still silent, waiting to see if she had anything else to add. but she misinterpreted his silence for something bad. 
“oh god, i’m sorry if this was too much for you, you could’ve told me to stop but since you didn’t i went on and i didn’t even check-”
he couldn’t stop himself from grabbing her waist and make her straddle his lap, arms tightening in a hug that could’ve crushed her bones, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to have her close. his face tucked in her neck, inhaling her perfume, and he hoped she could understand from this hug everything he wanted to say, but couldn’t find the right words to say out loud.  
he didn’t need to say anything, all she had to know was expressed by the way he was hugging her. his face rested in her neck, her hand went straight to his hair, playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. 
she doesn’t know for how long they stayed like that, but didn’t even care.
christmas was around the corner. on monday, she went to the post office, dropped off every present, went to work and had the full day she knew she was going to have, but she had just two more days of work before christmas eve, then she’d spend that beautiful following day with her friends. it wasn’t going to be like at home, but it was with another family she loved just as much. 
during these two days, she worked hard on harry’s present. she didn’t know if it was going to be as good as she wanted it to be, but she’d try her very best to make sure it was.
on christmas eve, she stayed home putting the finishing touches on the presents that she had to bring the following day at sarah’s, and checked on the food she had to prepare for their dinner. 
around 9pm, she sat down on the couch, looking at her decorated apartment.
the christmas tree she got was almost a carbon copy of the one her mum had at home: three meters tall, way too big for her living room; even the decorations were very similar. 
she was sad about not being able to go home that year, but she had to be back to work on the 27th and it wasn’t smart to make such a long trip for just one day, even if it was a special one. 
but there was something more that was making her sad, or well, worried: she hadn’t skipped christmas since those years. she wasn’t in that mental place anymore, she had been clean for years now, but you can never know what could trigger you and make you fall back in old habits. 
so she tried not to think about that, but of course she just couldn’t stop. she started feeling guilty for behaving the way she did, cutting everyone out of her life, lying to them and pretending she was alright. in her mind, she knows she wasn’t in a good mental state, but that didn’t take away any of the guilt she was feeling. 
her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on the door. she thought that maybe it was the landlady coming by to wish a happy christmas — she was a lovely older lady who always gave her candy whenever she ran into her. 
but when she opened the door, she found someone a little bit younger than her 70-year-old landlady.
harry stood there with a bottle of red wine and a present in hand. 
“happy christmas eve. let me in?”
“and here i thought you were a caroller. you sure you don’t want to sing anything?”
“shut up and let me in, it’s freezing.” 
this was probably the first time harry came over unannounced. he always texted her first, or waited for her to text him for their movie nights, but since she told him about the traditions she had with her family back home, he knew he had to do something. 
it wasn’t hard to understand that this holiday season was hard for her, not only because she was far from her family, but because of what happened in the past when she was away from them.
harry could imagine the kind of thoughts that had been swimming in her head these last few days, and he couldn’t stand it. no one should have these kind of thoughts ever, especially not during the holidays. 
especially not her.
so, he decided to participate in one of the little traditions she told him about, and thought that maybe they could watch “the grinch” together and open their presents at midnight.
when he told her this, she had the prettiest smile on her face. she never smiled at him like this, and this time he was sure that it was for him. that made him smile just as wide.
they watched “the grinch” together and they both teared up at the part where he was picked on at school. 
harry was shocked when she told him that cindy lou was played by the same actress that played jenny humphrey in gossip girl.
“no fucking way that’s her! she looks so sweet here!” 
“people grow up, harry.” she laughed. “and hold on- you watched gossip girl? how have you never shared this with me?”
“didn’t think it was an interesting fact to share.”
“are you kidding me? it’s a very important piece of information! you can’t trust anyone these days.” she muttered ironically, but that didn’t stop harry from throwing a pillow at her. 
once the grinch was over, it was around 11:30, so they decided to make some hot chocolate and wait for midnight.
“alright, 11:59, one minute to go!”
“you know it’s christmas and not new year’s, do you?”
“yes, you ass, i do know. but i wanted to wish you merry christmas at exactly midnight.”
harry smiled at her, shaking his head lightly.
they looked at each other, until her screen showed 12:00am, making it officially christmas day.
“merry christmas, harry.” she said sweetly.
“merry christmas, love.” he answered back, looking at her fondly. 
“now, for the good part... presents! wait here, i have to get yours in my bedroom.”
“ooh, i like where this is going.” he said smirking, earning an eye roll from her.
“get your mind out of the gutter, styles. you little freak.” 
he shook his head, but he was getting a bit antsy. what if she didn’t like his present? what if he didn’t like her present and his poker face wasn’t good enough and he made her feel bad? he was sure she could’ve gifted him something straight out of the trash and he would’ve loved it, but you never know.
she came back into the living room, and he could see she was feeling the same way as him. she sat back down on the floor with him, near the tree, and had her presents in hand. 
wait, presents, plural. 
he was fucked, wasn’t he?
“they aren’t the greatest presents and i usually am great at gift giving, like insanely good. but i really did try my best and i hope i didn’t disappoint too much. go easy on me, please.” she said the last bit laughing, but he could feel the insecurity in her voice.
he wanted to let her know that she would never disappoint him, but no words were coming out of his mouth.
huh, so your smart mouth can talk shit all day but can’t pay her a compliment?
but it felt like she already knew.
“so, this one first.” it was in a tube, and he didn’t know what to think. so he was quick to open it, and he smiled widely when he saw what it was. 
“it’s a movie poster where you can scratch the movies you have seen. i bought the same one, i want to put it up the wall, so we can see those movies together and scratch them.” she said, looking down at her hands.
“i love this. this is so beautiful, thank you so much.” he said truthfully. it was such a sweet gesture, and of course she would think of such a thing.
“alright, then for the second present. i thought the first one wasn’t going to be enough-” he went to interrupt her but she wouldn’t let him. “no, you shush. i thought it didn’t convey how much i care about you, so i wanted to give you this.” 
she gave him the next gift, that resembled a book a lot. when he opened it, he smiled to himself: “the unbearable lightness of being”.
she told him a thousand times that this was her favourite book and that he just had to read it, because it changed her life. but when he opened the book and flipped through the pages, his breath hitched.
this was her own copy.
“i, uh. i annotated it for you. i know it’s a used copy, — and i’ve read it like 20 times i think, so it’s pretty used — but i felt like it was just right to use my own. it’s kind of like i’m giving a piece of me to you, and i wouldn’t want to give it to anyone else, to be honest.”
he heard what he said, but couldn't tear his eyes from the book in his hands.
inside the first page, there was a small inscription.
“thank you for being here even when it’s cloudy. merry christmas, H.”
he was staring at the words scribbled on the page, wondering how lucky he had to be to be there, with her.
“it’s okay, if you don’t like it, i can just-”
“please, stop with that. i love it, i’m just speechless, i don’t think a thank you is gonna cut it.” 
“a thank you is more than enough, harry. it’s nothing too special.” she shrugged. 
“it is to me. and i’ll hold onto this forever, i promise you.” he said looking deep into her eyes, making her soft.
“i’m glad you like it, then.” she smiled. “and you speechless? that can be my present, holy shit!” she tried to lighten the air a bit, given the seriousness of that moment.
“heyy! rude.” he scowled. “now, for your present.” 
he gave her a box, wrapped with a pretty bow and a note attached to it; she decided to read what he wrote before opening the present. 
she was so giddy, anxious and happy. she couldn’t believe she was actually here with harry, reliving a tradition she only had at home. and she couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that this was all harry’s idea, that he wanted to make her feel as if she was home. 
she was just so grateful for that mishap in the woods back in october, because it brought them here, and she wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
she opened the little envelope, and took out the note.
“with the hope you’ll find your eugene fitzherbert soon enough.”
she looked up at him quizzically, but he just tilted his chin forward, silently telling her to open the box and check for herself what his note was referring to.
when she finally opened it, she felt her jaw hitting the floor.
“it’s a first edition. you probably already know this, but rapunzel is a story by the grimm brothers. and i know there’s no eugene fitzherbert in this one, and i know you love him, but i couldn’t not buy this when-”
he couldn’t finish his sentence because she threw herself in his arms, tackling him to the ground with her on top.
“this is the best thing anyone has ever gotten me. you’re just the sweetest harry, i can’t believe you did this for me. i don’t deserve this, oh my god.” she whispered in his neck, her lips grazing the soft skin. he felt the small kiss she left right on his throat, and he hugged her tightly against him, as if he wanted for them to stick together. 
“you deserve this and more, love.”
they stayed on the ground for a little while, and when she was trying to pull away he just hugged her closer.
“just, uh. just one more minute, okay?” he said lowly.
“of course. whenever you want to let go.” 
he thought he never wanted to.
but when she tried to pull away again, he couldn’t stop her.
“now my presents look like shit, in comparison to yours.” she pouted, but it was soon replaced with a smile. “i can’t even think about how much you spent over it, my goodness. you’re nuts.”
harry just chuckled, and she started talking again, looking at him in a new way. 
“uh, can i do something? but you have to tell me if you’re not comfortable and if you want to stop right away, because i don’t want you to feel forced into anything and-”
harry quickly picked up where this was going, so he placed his hand on the back of her neck, sat up, went and shut her up for good. 
her lips felt as soft as they looked, as soft as they did when he’d dream about them. this was what heaven felt like, he was sure of it.
he lightly bit her lower lip, taking it between his front teeth, earning a small whimper from her. he was going to die, he was sure of it. but if this is the last thing he got to do, he’d pass away peacefully.
she had been waiting for this moment for so long, and now that it was happening it felt like she was walking on air. his lips felt like soft pillows against her own, and she could taste the hot chocolate on them and his tongue. she couldn’t get enough.
when he pulled her bottom lip with his front teeth — those bunny teeth she was lucky enough to see whenever he gifted her a toothy grin — she couldn’t help but whimper against him, melting even more when he sucked on it lightly, as if to make it better.
they kept kissing until they were out of breath, but it seemed like neither of them wanted to leave the other’s lips for even just a second, afraid that this perfect moment was going to disappear. 
but harry pulled away first, afraid of actually passing out if he kept going.
and god, he couldn’t believe the sight he had in front of him: her eyes still closed, as if she was wanted to bask in the moment for just a second longer.
exactly like he dreamt about.
when she fluttered her eyes open, he knew he was done for. that was it, the peak of his existence. how had she gotten him so wrapped around her little finger? he was absolutely whipped for her.
she looked into his eyes, those pools of green that had always drawn her in. eight months ago, they looked at her with something very close to disdain, but now? disdain was the furthest thing she could find in them.
and fuck, was she glad about it.
after they stared at each other for a while, she spoke up again. “i still feel like i need to pay you back somehow, that present was too much.”
“mmh, i think i have an idea.” he smirked, leaning in.
“oh really?” she said teasingly, leaning in as well.
“mmh mmh.”
and they kissed again. and again. and again. and a little more after that.
on christmas morning, she woke up snuggled in her comforter, with two arms wrapped around her midsection, keeping her close. she sighed with content.
could things get any better?
“‘morning, love.”
apparently they could. he felt his lips kiss her head, but she wanted more. she turned around to face him, and didn’t wait a second to smash her lips against his, hearing him hum against her lips.
“good morning, bub.” she smiled against his lips, leaving another quick kiss. “sorry, i didn’t even brush my teeth.” 
he shook his head, grinning at her. “don’t care, not even in the slightest. i’ve waited for way too long to do this, so please do whenever you want to.” to mark his words, he kissed her again.
“you did?” she looked up at him and he nodded. 
“waited a long while for you, darling. i don't mind having waited now, though.” 
“ah, you’re such a sap. no surprise you love romcoms.” she smacked his chest lightly, leaving her hand right above his heart.
“hey! don’t be rude now.” he scolded her with a smile on his lips.
“alright alright, you walmart version of ryan gosling.”
“oh, you’re going to regret this.”
harry had to go back to his place to get ready and pick up the gifts to bring to sarah’s. 
“can’t you come with me?” he pouted.
“i’m sorry, i have to shower, get dressed and stuff. i’ll see you in a little while, i promise.”
“you could just wear my stuff.”
that made her feel all gooey on the inside, but also made her chuckle. “don’t worry, i’ll steal all your hoodies in no time. i've already started, if you remember.” she smiled, leaving a small peck on his nose.
“good. they look better on you anyway.” he pecked her lips three times before kissing her for a little longer. 
“okay, now you have go or else we’re going to be late.” she said between kisses.
“mmh mmh, you’re right, should definitely go.” he said, but just went ahead and kissed her, before she pushed her hand against his chest.
“stop it, we really are going to be late. i’ll see you soon, i promise.” she smiled softly at him, lightly shoving him outside her door.
who thought harry could be such a softie? again, herself from 8 months ago would be laughing like a crazy person if she knew that harry was at her doorstep, pouting because he had to go home and couldn’t keep kissing her. 
a couple of hours later, she was dressed up and ready to go. she heard her phone ring, meaning she received a message. glancing at her phone, she couldn’t help the smile on her face.
“i’m on my way. you ready?”
“yes, i am, E.”
“don’t know if you thought this was another person you spent all day kissing, but my name starts with an H, love.” 
she didn’t bother telling him why she called him E, maybe he’d get it someday. 
here it is! it’s time to say goodbye to these two softies. this fic is probably the best thing i’ve ever written, and i’m incredibly proud of it. i hope you enjoyed it as well! thank you so much for your support, it’s been crazy. thank you!
tag list (for those tagged, do you want to be on the permanent tag list? let me know!):
@his-only-angel-1989 @sunshinemoonsposts @cherrysulewski @idgasb @feestyles @msolbesg @call1800coochie @a-strange-familiar @the-art-of-living-honestly @onlyangel-k @sushiirestaurant @annesauriol @longingtobewithu @jjharry @hes-club @fairyinpurple @harrysbigspoon
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sk8termikey · 27 days
Chapter 9 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Lily loml🌻
The triplets 1st podcast is today
I’m so excited
It seemed awesome already from the trailer last week
I knooow
Kinda mad if it's every monday bc it’s my closing day
Sucks to be you
I love my day off even more now💃🏻💃🏻
Jk i’ll wait for you to watch it tonight like you do for the other vids
Thanks bestie😞
Also the fact they’re gonna have guests is really cool
I really can’t wait to watch the first one
I know they probs have a few episodes recorded
But i hope it won’t be too much work for them now
3 vids a week
Esp nick who has to edit
Nick our king >>
Btw i might be home a bit earlier bc the café is kinda dead rn
Just the old couple that comes weekly and they’re almost done
So you won't wait much for me to watch the podcast
The one together for 50 years?
I love those old ladies, they’re so cute
Fr and they always leave a huge tip
We don’t deserve them😞
Anyways see you in an hour or so ig
See you soon🫶🏻
When Alex put her phone back in her pocket, the “old ladies” as described by Lily were getting ready to leave. When they reached the counter, they both gave the blonde a sweet smile as one of them pulled out a bill from her wallet.
“The chocolate cake was delicious as always, but did you guys change anything?” One of the ladies asked.
“Yeah Lily did!” Alex knew that her friend would be excited to know that someone had noticed. “She tried adding some chocolate shavings before putting the cake in the oven.”
“Now I’m going to have a hard time deciding which one I like most, but it was as good as the usual recipe. You'll tell her that it reminds me of how my mum would make it”.
Alex couldn’t help the smile growing on her face. The couple had never once been rude to her and her other coworkers when they would come. Lily was always glad when they would compliment her food and it helped improve her self-confidence as chocolate desserts were basically the only thing Lily had mastered. Alex was really happy that she would be able to pass on the message to her friend.
Alex was finally able to close the café after the happy couple left and because the day had been a slow one, she had had time to clean little by little so that she didn’t have much left to do now.
When Alex arrived home, Lily was waiting for her on the couch. The TV was already set up on the Cut the Camera YouTube channel and some snacks were waiting for the two girls on the table. Alex told Lily to start the podcast as she would just be grabbing a can of Dr. Pepper in the fridge. As Lily did so and clicked on the video, the first out of many “Good morning Campers” from Nick Sturniolo could be heard in the house.
The podcast first started with Nick, Matt and Chris talking about looking alike, which is something that never bothered them much as they know that their viewers are easily able to differentiate them – even Lily could do it without problem by now.
As they then mentioned the fact that some pairs of best friends sometimes looked more alike than them, Lily and Alex exchanged a quick glance before laughing. Even though they had been friends since middle school, they had barely anything in common regarding their physical appearance.
The podcast kept dwelling on growing up as triplets, regarding the impact it could have on their friends but also the annoying comments they would always get from people. However, as they were mostly talking about the negative outcomes, they decided to start listing the positive aspects of growing up with two other people. Nick, Matt and Chris all agreed that being a triplet was the same as having built-in friends who were here for you at all times.
A couple of minutes later, Chris highlighted the support he always felt from his brothers and that the three of them being on the same page is something they all feel lucky about.
Then, as the topic of constant comparison was being tackled, Lily and Alex were quietly listening. The two girls felt very close to the triplets in the way that they were learning about their struggles. Them being so open about it was an opportunity to understand how the Life as Triplets was. What hit the hardest was the moment when Matt summarised the small conversation by explaining that no matter if it's about similarities or differences, people still find a way to compare them.
The podcast eventually finished on a more light-hearted tone as Nick, Matt and Chris were laughing about their high school experience when someone would meet one of them without knowing that they were a triplet. This would lead to them pretending to be one another just for a two seconds conversation in the hallways – and then at the end of the day, debriefing who came up to talk to each of them.
“I just loved it so much, oh my god!” Alex exclaimed as the video ended.
“Me too, like– I absolutely adore the Wednesday and Friday videos but this type of content is so refreshing I don't know”, Lily agreed with her friend. “I feel closer to them, make it make sense I guess”.
“I get you don’t worry, I know we’re gonna have another perspective of their lives and they’re gonna enjoy giving it to us as much as we’re gonna enjoy learning about it.”
“Exactly like…” Lily thought for a few seconds, “an inside point of view of not only the Sturniolo Triplets but simply Nick, Matt and Chris as people, just individuals. This is what they're trying to make people realise, they're not only triplets – even though that's a bit of their brand I guess – but they are also their own person.”
The two girls were just really excited to see more of this new project from the triplets, although Alex had to share some semi bad news:
“However, I have no idea if I’ll have the motivation to watch an hour of podcast every Monday when I come home from work”.
“Oh yeah, I understand”. Lily put a comforting hand on Alex’s shoulder while trying to find a solution. “Just pick a day and we’ll catch up at that time!”
“I mean, I might not even watch it weekly if I’m honest so– I won’t mind and it might actually be best that you watch them whenever you want like when they come out if that’s what you prefer and I’ll postpone my ‘watch podcast sessions’ until I have enough attention span to listen to them for a whole hour”, Alex explained.
“If that’s okay with you yeah I’m fine with that”, Lily let out a smile. “We’ll still have to discuss it obviously”.
“Of course”, Alex immediately agreed. “Lots of new info we’ll have to talk about!”
What they didn’t know yet is that watching the next podcasts on their own would finally enable Lily to choose her favourite triplet as she would realise that one of them might be a bit too relatable for her taste, and maybe a tiny bit too attractive on camera.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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gendericklamar · 21 days
erin likes to put up a facade that she doesn’t care about anyone’s opinions ever but she internalizes a lot of what people say to her especially if it’s towards her appearance. she acts like she’s a full on #bodypostivefeminist in most spaces but internally she still looks down on women who are bigger than here because “at least i don’t look like that” and also thinks that she must be worthless bc most men don’t want her. she goes through periods where she’s so joyous and wearing whatever she wants isn’t shaving her legs has no care in the world but if emil is like “oh um not to be rude but that dress is hugging some of the wrong spots” erin will externally be like “mind your beeswax” but internally like “SIGH i knew i was just a ugly little thing…my mom would be so ashamed to see how my body looks right now…”. like it’s never to an ed level like emil but erin will shut herself off from everyone when she feels insecure.
but her main way of fighting insecurity is pointing out the insecurities of other people. she was a pageant girl and a bully when she was younger so it’s like second nature for her. but man she can be a REAL bitch about it sometimes…like sometimes she’ll tell jubilee that her boobs are “awkwardly droopy/grandma tits” or she’ll call buggie a “linebacker” for having sorta broad shoulders. she never insults her male friends like this just women but it also just so happens that jubilee and buggie are her closest friends so it comes off as even more mean.
one day when soo-min is getting picked at tipsy tom’s by yumi erin makes a snide remark behind her back with buggie that’s basically like
erin: “wow i didn’t know they made women in giant form”
buggie: “…huh?”
erin: “you know massive, wide, giant. fee fi fo fum type body. wow no tits and no ass either. she’s built like a fridge.”
buggie: “okay…and what makes you different?”
erin: “what?”
buggie: “well excuse my french erin but you’re kinda lacking in the butt and boob areas too. um, okay well i guess you’re not flat but you’re not particularly the curviest girl i know either. to me you’re just…big… *shrugs*…anyways-“
erin: “but i look better than her right? like im not THAT big…right buggie? right???”
buggie: (trying not to be brutally honest because emil told her not everyone likes her honesty recently) “um…well…um…you are both nice looking people who i’m sure other human beings may find attractive in some sense. but i think yumi is slightly SLIGHTLYYYY better because i like her triangle mouth a little more than your oval one.”
erin: “b-but how could you- i’m obviously more- wait what do you mean by my oval mouth.”
buggie: “our mouths are like • but hers is like >. i don’t see many people with her mouth- err lip shape and i think it’s cool looking 👍🏽.”
anyways yumi’s triangle mouth aside this made erin realize that at the end of the day as long as she’s fat skinny people aren’t going to differentiate her from other fat people just because she technically weighs less or whatever like no matter what she is just a Fat Girl no beating around the bush no this or that she’s Fat. and is it so bad to be like yumi? this girl who she doesn’t know outside of seeing her randomly here and there? or to be like any other fat girls for that matter? hrm much for a little erin to ponder about
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pillowsickfics · 1 year
Ok hiiiiiiii!! I saw your new OCs and I have a request? Only if you want to ofc
Maybe a fic with Laurie having just an upset stomach for no apparent reason and being really off/out of it but thinking he has to power through (maybe bc of him always being in the caretaker role) and then one of the guys (idk who) on the Hockey team taking over a caretaker role? Like platonic cuddles and warm feels AHHHHH!
Ok ofc only do this if you want, just a thought bc I adore your writing!!!
anon! hi!! thank you so much! this means so much to me and this prompt was so lovely, i sorta gave him a reason for being sick so i hope you don’t mind too much! i haven’t written for laurie yet and i love it!
i also combined this prompt with a suggestion in @bellysoupset’s tags in which Laurie catches Maverick’s bug from this fic. hope you both enjoy!
In hindsight, it should have been obvious that Laurie would end up in this situation. But when it came to caring for others, critical thinking was not his strong suit.
“I’m home Mav! I brought some stuff for you!” He called out from where he was fumbling with several plastic bags at the front door of his and Mavericks shared apartment.
He wrestled his way in and shut the door with his hip, setting everything on the kitchen counter. He let out a long sigh and rubbed at his face.
Laurie had spent the better part of the weekend taking care of his best friend when he came down with an awful stomach bug, and the sleepless nights were clearly starting to get to him, because he found a persistent ache all throughout his body that definitely wasn’t there before. On top of that, he felt weirdly dizzy from the simple effort of carrying groceries in. His world felt a little unsteady, and he’d even venture to call it slight nausea. He simply chalked it up to having seen more vomit than he would have liked to the past few days.
There was a creak of the door and Maverick emerged from his bedroom, clad in only blue boxers and old t-shirt that would have been oversized on anyone who was 6’3 and built. He yawned and lazily scratched at his belly as he walked into the kitchen. To Laurie’s delight, the pallor from the constant vomiting seemed to have subsided, as well as the unnatural flush from the fever.
“Hey dude. You feeling any better? I brought you some soup from Whole Foods and a grilled cheese, if you can stomach it,” Laurie said, taking care to unload the groceries from their plastic bags.
Maverick gave a nod to Laurie’s question and had a seat at the table. “Thanks Laurie.. dude, you’re awesome, you know that?” Maverick smiled at Laurie and rested his head on his hand.
Laurie rolled his eyes lightheartedly at the display of affection and tossed the grilled cheese towards Maverick, who caught it with ease.
“I think I’ll take it easy for the rest of today, but get back to classes tomorrow.. I can finally keep stuff down,” Maverick continued. He tentatively unwrapped the grilled cheese, and when the smell wafted to his nose, he found that he was actually starving. He began digging into the sandwich with a vigor that had been missing the whole weekend.
Laurie felt like he could breathe again. It was awful to see someone you care about so miserable, but now that Maverick was on the mend, he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
“Alright, while you do that, I can do your laundry for you.. It’ll be nice to have fresh clothes for tomorrow, yeah?” Laurie said, putting the rest of the groceries in the fridge.
“Really?? Aww man.. you don’t have to do that..” Maverick said around a mouthful of food. He paused to swallow. “If you’re already doing laundry, do you think you could also throw my sheets in there? I must have sweat the fever out last night and uh.. yeah. Kinda gross.”
Laurie laughed and grimaced, but it was far from the grossest thing he’d experienced while living with all his siblings. In a way, caring for Maverick put him right back in his childhood home, in that sense.
“Yeah, I got it,” He replied before heading into Maverick’s bedroom.
The room still smelled vaguely like vomit since that was all Maverick had been doing in it lately. The smell of it made Laurie suddenly queasy again, which was unusual since he was pretty much desensitized to all that stuff.
He breathed through his mouth as he collected Mavericks strewn-about clothes and tossed them into the hamper. Then, he made his way to Maverick’s bed to deal with the sheets. True to word, they were slightly damp and smelled.. lived in.
He pulled them off the mattress and tossed them in the hamper as well. He grabbed the hamper and brought it to the tiny laundry room in the hallway, really more of a closet than anything.
From the doorway, he could see that Maverick had apparently finished his meal and was now sprawled on the couch, absentmindedly browsing various streaming services. He seemed to be content, finally. Again, Laurie felt a surge of warmth seeing his friend back to normal.
He began loading the washer with the laundry, but found that bending over irritated his stomach because it suddenly jumped to his throat. He felt an odd cramp surge through him. He stood up and paused, lightly cradling his belly.
That was weird. Why did he feel so weird? He paused for a few more seconds before finishing loading the washer and adding in the detergent.
His stomach still felt all stirred up, and he groaned miserably. Food. He hadn’t eaten yet. That had to be it. He was just nauseous from hunger.
He left the washer to run, and padded into the kitchen, rummaging through cupboards to see what he could eat. He absolutely refused to eat Maverick’s soup, since he bought that specifically for him. Maverick was on the mend, but that didn’t mean 100% better.
Instead, Laurie microwaved some mac ‘n cheese, and sat on the couch with Maverick, who had fallen asleep watching The Empire Strikes Back.
The food in front of him didn’t look particularly appetizing, despite his insistence on the fact that he was just hungry.
He took small, hesitant bites while watching Luke Skywalker getting trained by Yoda, but each bite sat heavy in his belly. He tried to focus on the movie a little more, but the movement on screen just made his head spin. Perhaps the food had been a mistake. Instead of feeling better like he was sure he would, he felt worse and worse.
Not wanting to waste the food anyways, he forced himself to finish before shoving the bowl on the coffee table and wrapping a protective arm around his middle. The nausea had increased ten-fold and at this point, his belly was audibly gurgling.
It finally occurred to him that maybe he caught whatever bug Maverick had brought home, and the thought deeply unsettled him. He didn’t want Maverick to feel like he had to care for him, he could care for himself. He didn’t want to bother Maverick with this when he was finally getting some rest, especially if Maverick was planning on returning to classes. No, Laurie would have to handle this himself.
His stomach lurched threateningly, and a burp fought it’s way up. He muffled it with the back of his hand and softly whimpered. He felt horrible. His world was spinning on its axis and the food he had eaten was violently churning.
His mouth filled with thick saliva and his jaw felt imperceptibly heavy, He realized that this was a warning. Unfortunately, the warning came a little bit too late because as he was trying to get up to get himself to the bathroom, his shoulders hitched forward and he retched up a thin stream of watery vomit.
He didn’t even have a chance to take a breath before he heaved, bringing up his barely digested lunch all over the front of his shirt and the floor. Before he could muffle it, a guttural burp forced its way out, but it morphed into another retch that brought up more thick vomit. He felt his body start to sway as a stray tear dropped down his cheek.
“Laurie…?” Maverick sleepily mumbled from his spot on the couch. He sat up and once he processed what the fuck was going on, he shot up. “Shit, Laurie!”
Laurie wanted to respond. He wanted to say “I’m fine, just go back to sleep.” But he couldn’t. He felt humiliated. He wanted to be stronger than this, he didn’t want the only other sick person in the house to have to be the one to deal with this.
Laurie pitched forward with another violent retch that brought up a torrent of sick, this time splattering on his jeans. His entire body was shaking. His vision was swirling. Everything hurt. God, why did he have to catch this bug now. He felt himself start to fall forward, his body apparently having given out from pure exertion.
A strong hand caught his shoulder.
“Easy.. easy buddy.. oh Laurie.. it’s alright, just breathe..” Maverick said softly, helping Laurie sit up a bit more. He began to rub gentle circles into his back and frowned when he felt the sickly heat radiating off of him.
“You’re burning up.. oh man.. did I give this to you? I’m sorry Laurie..”
Laurie shook his head. “Not your fault,” he choked out, burping into his fist. The nausea was persistent, and his belly ached terribly but he felt done for the time being. He wasn’t even sure he had anything left to throw up. Now, he had to do damage control. Maverick shouldn’t be dealing with this. “I’m—” Hic. “I’m fine.. don’t worry about it..”
“Respectfully, this is not fine. You’re sick, you’re miserable. Let someone lighten the load. Isn’t that what you told me?” Maverick said, maneuvering himself so he could meet Laurie’s eye. He cupped a gentle hand over the redhead’s cheek, both as a comforting gesture, but also to gage the fever. “Cmon.. Let me help you.. you spent so much time taking care of me this weekend, I want to do this. You’re my best friend Laurie.”
Laurie was as surprised as Maverick was when he felt hot tears begin to fill his eyes and spill over on his warm cheeks. He’d never felt care like this before. He was never the one to receive it, at least. He suddenly felt all warm inside, and it had nothing to do with his raging fever. Laurie simply nodded, not letting himself speak for fear that he would get choked up. Pesky fever, making him all emotional. He finally understood what Maverick had meant at the hockey rink that day. It had to be the fever.
“Alright then. Nurse Miller mode. I’m gonna run you a hot bath, and when you’re in there I’ll clean all this up. I don’t want you to worry about it. Just focus on getting out of those clothes, okay?”
Laurie nodded, for once not having it in him to put up much of a fight. As Maverick left, he got to work on himself. A bath did sound nice. Besides the obvious mess that was all down his front, he felt pretty grimy in general. His fiery hair was moussed and damp with sweat. The smell of sick clung to his nostrils and it made him even more nauseous, despite having nothing left to throw up. Yeah, a warm bath sounded heavenly.
He carefully peeled off his t-shirt, taking care not to get any of the vomit back on him. He repeated the action with his jeans until he was clad in only his boxers. He felt suddenly very chilled, and began shivering where he was standing stiffly in the living room. He could also see now exactly how bloated he really was. His upset belly stretched slightly against his boxers, and gurgled ominously. He wrapped his arms around it as he waited for Maverick to come back out.
“Alright, the baths ready whenever you are. I’ll set out some clean clothes too.. I’m sorry you’re so sick dude.. It’s uh.. not gonna be fun..”
Laurie snorted. “I figured that much..” He lifted his eyes to meet the taller man’s. “And uh.. Mav? Thanks… really. This all uh.. it all means a lot..”
Maverick rolled his eyes playfully and lightly shoved Laurie in the direction of the bathroom. “I’m supposed to be the sentimental one! Go take your bath!”
Laurie laughed again, and shut the bathroom door behind him.
He made quick work of washing himself, then scrubbing at the sweat and grease in his hair and applying his usual products. He spent a few extra moments basking in the warm water, letting it sooth his cramps, before draining the tub and wrapping a towel around his hips.
He shuffled into his room and saw that, neatly folded on his bed, was his favorite pair of pajama bottoms and a loose t-shirt. After putting on his favorite printed socks and another pair of boxers, he shrugged both items on and let out a sigh of relief. The pajamas were much less stiff and tight on his bloated belly, and the material was like heaven on his fevered skin. He felt more alive than he had in the past two hours.
After roughly towel-drying his hair, he made his way to the living room once again, where he saw Maverick wiping up the last of the mess on the floor.
“Sorry about that by the way..” Laurie sheepishly murmured, taking a seat on the couch.
“Nah, it’s fine. It was gross, but I’ve dealt with worse.” Maverick said, tossing the paper towels and washing his hands. He also took a seat on the couch, scooting closer to Laurie, offering him a water bottle and two pills. “Think you can stomach it? You’re probably dehydrated as hell. Plus, you’ll feel better after taking some fever reducers..”
Laurie’s stomach roiled as if in reply, and he grimaced. As much as he didn’t want to, he knew it would help, so he popped the pills in his mouth and knocked them back with as little water as possibly. He sat as still as possibly, letting the following waves of nausea wash over him before his stomach finally settled a bit.
Maverick sighed contendedly, and placed the bottle on the coffee table. “Alright.. let’s get some rest dude..”
Laurie hummed in response, and sank further in the cushions. He was finally warm and comfortable and he relished in it. He watched absentmindedly as Maverick resumed The Empire Strikes Back. Some time between Han Solo being help captive in Cloud City and Luke Skywalker’s duel with Darth Vader, Laurie stopped listening because he suddenly found it impossible to keep his heavy eyelids open. He let his head rest on the large, warm shoulder of his best friend. For a moment, despite the persistent ache in his belly and fever headache was suffering from, all was right in the world. All because he had a friend who truly cared about him.
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rubykgrant · 6 months
(it wouldn't be an interview with a Q and A! Enjoy Sarge being Sarge~)
Q- What did you know about Blood Gulch before you arrived there?
A- I knew it had BLOOD in the name, which was a fitting title for my red-blooded Red Team. I knew there was an opposing Blue Team waiting for us. I knew we had to guard our flag, and kill anything that wasn’t Red, or the approved affiliated colors. I knew… this was supposed to be a special assignment, pretty top-secret, and I wasn’t supposed to discuss that fact with anybody not in-the-know. I guess that was one of the ways the UNSC tricked us all into keeping quiet about what was going on, so nobody would realize it was all just- just a big simulation. Oh, well. Hindsight, 50-50.
I knew I was supposed to have two soldiers with me from the get-go, but there was some kinda mix-up. Figures Grif would be late, but you’d think Simmons would try to be on time! Which for him, is 20 minutes early! So, I had some time to m’self at the base for a while. No big deal, I kept busy! Found some spare parts and a robot kit at the base, and with a little imagination, duct-tape, and Chemical X, Lopez was born!
Q- Did you have a particular purpose or goal in mind when you first created Lopez?
A- Eh, just wanted to make a decent soldier in case the human ones I got stuck with were lack-luster… I might have had a real premonition about that. Though, I did remove a lot of the restrictions on Lopez’s programming. Laws of robotics be damned, my boy was gonna be able to advance his own internal processing capabilities without limits!
Huh. Come t’think of it… I’m not sure if he was ONLY loyal out of obligation to follow orders… the robot kit didn’t have the usual virtual locks built in, I guess because it was meant to be a spare for the computer ghost who forgot he was a computer ghost. The robot would have needed to accommodate for the decision-making of an AI like that. And if I turned off all the protocols that contained the advancements of internal capabilities…
I, uh. Might have accidentally made a robot with free will, but I never TOLD him he had free will. So he didn’t know he had free will.
Q- That’s certainly an unusual situation… did you decide to name your robot before or after he was completed?
A- During. Half way through, I just thought- this thing needs a name. Lopez was the first one that popped into my head… I helped out at a livestock show as a kid. NO, I wasn’t a judge, I made that part up, sue me. I just made sure the animals had plenty of food and water. The man who was the ACTUAL judge, he was named Lopez. Used to let me grab a free Yoo-Hoo from the fridge in the office. If I hadn’t gone into the army, I would’ve liked to maybe do what he did. Anyway, I was feeling sentimental that day, named my robot after a good guy. Sue me!
Q- Then, it had nothing to do with the communication settings for the robot?
A- No… that was an accident. Hey, wait! Even if there was a problem with the voice chip, the fact that I took off all the limitations and program locks- Lopez should have been able to change the settings on his audio functions at any point! He knows how to repair that kinda thing too, he’s done it for our radios and communicators! Has he been speaking Spanish this whole time BY CHOICE!?
… I’m so proud… without anything stopping him, Lopez is just naturally ornery and obstinate… but he’s still loyal even when he’s not forced to follow orders… now, that’s a REAL RED!
Q- Since you value unconventional qualities in members of Red Team, do you still consider Grif, Simmons, and Donut “lack-luster”?
A- That’s not a fair question. What am I, on trial here?
Q- We can skip that if you want… would you rather talk about-
A- Fine, fine, ‘ya twisted my arm! Simmons is… good at agreeing with me. Except for when he doesn’t. Which is… perhaps occasionally a positive trait. To question authority. Except for when it isn’t. Like when it’s MY authority. Except… when I am, perhaps occasionally, WRONG. That boy really stuck to his guns during the whole “Blue Team Tank” incident. Could’ve just nodded his head and dropped the subject when I wouldn’t listen, but he didn’t. Simmons went and proved the Blue Menace was still a threat by finding the tank and defecting to join Blue Team, fought us as a one-man army, and then when he came back, he tried to take over and bury me alive. Like a good and proper Red!
Donut is good at being reliably unpredictable. He’s like a secret weapon. He’s stronger than people think, he’s smarter than people think, and he’s a lot more vicious than people think… and I’m not just talking about his talent for insulting poor interior design. He’s also infinitely more annoying than you’d think it was possible for one person to be, but Donut found a way. That boy is a very… unique brand of chatter-box. Nobody else knows what to do with somebody like that, which is why he’s perfect for Red Team!
Grif is.
Grif… is good at...
He’s very...
Grif is very Grif.
Q- Grif is very Grif?
A- Yes.
Q- Is that… a compliment, or an insult?
A- Yes.
… alright, listen. Grif is… good at… NOT dying. Even against all odds, and my best efforts to use him as a human-shield, or moving target, nothing has managed to actually kill him. Which has turned out to be a GOOD thing. In general, because this means we’re better than the Blues. But it is also… fortunate… that Grif in particular is still around. Because of. Reasons.
Ugh, I might have to take a break, go wash my mouth out with soap.
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Changbin x reader
Word count: 2.2k
Trigger warning: Size kink, unprotected sex, eating you, cumming on body parts and other provocative thing my brain made up. If you hare not 18+ please scroll along little one.
Sum: you are invited to a party where thing get a little hot and heavy with the birthday boy...... Will everything work out or will this birthday end in disaster.
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“Y/n you made it”, Minho said, coming towards you in the crowd.”come with me. I want you to meet someone” he pulled you through the crowd over to a group of men sitting and laughing.
“Y/n, this is Felix, chan, Seungmin, Jeongin, Hyunjin, jisung and the birthday boy changbin.”
“Nice to meet you all…happy birthday, thanks for the invite”, you smile.
“You are very welcome…come sit down…Minho gets y/n a chair,” changbin says, moving to the side. You can not help but blush changbin is a work of art. He’s built like a sculpture. You have never wanted anyone so bad in your life. Minho comes back with a chair “here, babe, sit” he smiles as he puts the chair between himself and changbin.
“Babe?” Chan questions.
“Yeah, babe… what’s the big deal…you never had a girl that’s a friend before?” Minho snaps back.
Chan scoffs at Minho as you take a set between Minho and changbin “don’t mind, old Chris, it’s been a while” changbin had this cheeky smirk on his face. His smile was quite mesmerising. You look down, trying to avoid eye contact so he doesn’t see you blushing at him. He was just so breathtaking you coursed Minho for making you come to this party.
“Did you want a drink?” Changbin said softly. You could see him starting to touch his knee nervously.
“Sure….that would be nice”, you smile
“What would you like” you could slowly see the nerves wash away, and his face softened.
“I might come for a walk if that’s okay” you glance over at Minho, who smirks and raises his eyebrows. You know now why he invited you changbin his best mate. He wouldn’t shut up about him for weeks before the party. How crazy attractive I would find him, how I would get along with him so well. Now I understand he was trying to set me up with him.
“Yeah, of course” changbin smiles so warmly that you both stand and walk through the crowded house to get to the kitchen.
“Take a seat” changbin pats the island bench.
You hop on the bench as Changbin opens the fridge to grab two vodka sodas. You laugh because vodka sodas are your favourite, and Minho must have been giving changbin tips.
“Is Minho giving you tips on how to Sadducee me?” You laugh as you take a sip.
“Is it working?” Changbin flirts back.
“Maybe” changbin places his hand on your thigh and squeezes. He goes to lean in however you want him to Chase you a little harder than that.
“We should get back to the group” changbin snaps out of it and nods his head.
“Okay”, he says breathlessly.
You both walked to the group, and it didn’t take long for Minho to fill your seat. “Oh”, you look around for another seat; however, changbin had other ideas. He pulls you down to sit on his lap.
“I’m not too heavy, am I?” Your question, you are a bigger girl. Even though you were very happy with your body, you could still be self-conscious about things like intimacy or someone finding you attractive.
“Not at all”, changbin said, tracing his hand down your leg.
Later that night
Minho had left with a girl he met at the party, leaving you with the guys he just met. You had moved inside earlier that night because it was too cold out.
“You okay beautiful?” Changbin said, tucking your hair behind your ear. You had never been called beautiful before.
“Mmmm”, you nod. All of a sudden, you feel so shy. It’s like all your confidence was just lost.
“Hey…what’s wrong?…. you're not feeling me, are you?….. God, I’m so stupid….how could someone so beautiful ever like me” that’s when it hit you, changbin the insecure one.
“Huh, you think I’m beautiful?….?” You lift his head.
“Fuck yes…when Minho was asking me what kinda woman I liked…I told him, and he showed me a picture of you…I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since” he grabs onto your waist.
“What did you tell him you liked?” You begin to flirt.
“Well…I said I like a full-figured woman…who’s confident with herself…loves to have fun….and so ridiculously beautiful it makes my heart skip” he kept eye contact the entire time he talked to you. Minho had done well.
“You sure I fit all of that?” You smile
“100%”, he leant in without hesitation and kissed you, pulling you closer to his body.
“Should we maybe take this upstairs?” You say, pulling away from the hot and heavy kiss.
“I thought you’d never ask” he grinned on the way up the stairs. He passed Chris and Han, who started to wiggle their eyebrows playfully.
You giggle as you walk up the stairs and to the right into changbins bedroom. “Sorry about the mess. I umm….. wasn’t expecting you to like me back”, he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
The room was cleaner than you thought. Just a few clothes over the bed were all “looks clean to me…so tell me again why I’m so beautiful”, you said in a cheeky tone.
“My pleasure…how about I show you” he kisses you as he leads you back towards the bed. He pushes you down, and you flop onto the bed. You lay there with your legs hanging over the side.
“May I?” He says as his hands hover over your jean buttons.
You nod, and he slowly unbuttons your jeans and pulls them down. You lift your bum off the bed so he can pull them off.
“First….your thighs” he spreads your legs and kneels in between your legs. You are placing soft, sloppy kisses on your inner thighs.
“Then your hips” he kisses each hip bone, and you bite your bottom lip. It had been a long time since someone had complimented your body.
“Third….the Hicky’s I want to place on your collarbone and neck” he starts to suck your neck you begin to squirm under his body due to the pleasure.
“You okay?….if your not comfortable-“ you shut him up by kissing him. You run your fingers through his hair, encouraging him to deepen the kiss. You can feel his tongue poking your lips, so you part them slightly, allowing him access. He slides his hand down your stomach and down towards your underwear.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He pauses for a moment to wait for your answer. He was so kind a thoughtful. It had been least than 5 minutes, and he had checked in on you at least four times already.
“I’m sure changbin…I’ll let you know if I feel uncomfortable” you pull him back for another kiss.
“Okay good… because the last thing I want to do is fuck this up” he relaxes into your body and continues to suck on your neck while you trace your fingers up and down his back.
“Tell me what you like?” He breaths into your neck.
“Anything”, you moan. You know his hand is still sitting at the top of your underwear. You feel his hand trace along your pelvic bone.
“Mmm”, you bite your lower lip.
He slides into your underwear and instantly feels how wet you are. “I’ve never made a girl this wet before” changbin found it so sexy he made you feel so good already. However, this is where your insecurities start to come out. Guys in the past have committed to your vagina telling you it’s fat or unattractive. They had made fun of how wet you got when they touched you. Changbin could feel his body become tense and removed his hand immediately.
“I’m sorry…I’m going too fast,” he said, immediately hoping off you. It made you feel appreciated as a person for how respectful this man was.
“No… you're not going too fast at all…. I have some insecurities with, you know, down there.”
“What?…why?” Changbin was confused.
“I don’t know it’s fat and unattractive” you look down in shame covering your face.
“Who told you that?” He knelt and grabbed your wrists.
“My ex”
“Well, he’s stupid….I hope you allow me to prove him wrong” he smiles changbin wanted so much more than just sex with you.
“Well…it is your birthday after all…and it would be rude of me if I upset the birthday boy” you wanted to tease him a little before you grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him again.
Pulling changbin back on top of you, he slid his hand down and into your underwear, spreading your wet lips apart.
Without saying anything, changbin hopes off and kneels on the ground. As a bigger girl, most guys preferred not to eat you out. But changbin, he was salivating at the opportunity.
He rolled your panties off. “I’m gonna keep these, okay” a wired comment, but hey, he can keep whatever.
You nod your head in agreement as he lifts your legs and pulls you to the very edge of the bed, a shock to you. He must be so strong.
He runs his fingers up and down your folds before inserting two fingers “g-god,” you moan.
“Don’t be shy, baby. No one can hear you” he smiled as he used his tongue to flick your clit. He continued to flick your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you, you begin to feel the pressure rise in your stomach, and as it releases, sending a warm sensation up your body, you have to stop yourself from popping changbins head like a balloon with your thighs.
You could swear to god this man had the biggest grin on his face when he made you come “you taste so good”, he said, squeezing your thighs.
“I was trying not to crush you” you smile as you run your fingers through his hair.
“Next time….crush me” he leapt on top of you, planting kisses down your jawline. You giggle because you are extremely ticklish on the neck.
“Strip”, you said as he started to kiss your shoulders.
“Yes ma’am”, he said, hoping off and stripping down to nothing. Changbin was a giant muscular sculpture. You couldn’t believe he liked you this much. You take your shirt off and start to unclip your bra.
“Holy Fuck…I’ve never been so horny,” he said. You could see his cock twitch.
“Come here”, you say as he walks towards you. You decide to lick up his abs while using your nails to trace down his back simultaneously.
“F-fuck….” He moaned while he titled his head back.
“Does that feel good, baby?” you say pausing
“You can do anything you want to me….I’m all yours” you liked a submissive guy who made sex more interesting for you.
“Good…now get on the bed” he crawls up and lays down, putting his hands behind his head. You turn around and crawl up his body softly, sitting on his stomach.
You lean down, so your breasts are just hovering over his face. You can see his face light up as he latched onto your breast flicking his tongue around your nipple. You push his head into your breasts. He starts to moat boat them making you giggle as you pull away.
“Aww please”, he pouts.
“Please, what?” You say, looking down at him.
“Please, I want you to suffocate me with your tits”, he grins. You do as he wishes and one more shove his face into your breasts. You pull him back up as you slowly sit down on his cock.
Changbin moans into your chest “p-please…you feel so good,” he says as you slowly start to grind on him.
He stops sucking your breast and finds your lips as he now grinds with you. “You are everything I want in a girl”, he says, breaking the kiss and sucking on your neck.
“What’s that” you have heard him say it before, but you're not going to stop him from complimenting you. It was such a turn-on.
“Sexy, curvy and my cock fits you so well….” You run your fingers along his shoulders.
“I want you to cum all over me”, you whisper in his ear. He stops pumping into you and gulps.
You push him back a little to check if he’s okay. “That right there…almost made me cum”, and with that, he grabbed your hips and flipped you over.
He pounded back into you “right there….that’s how I like it,” you moaned as his pelvis hit your clit.
“Come on, baby, you cum first”, he grunts as he pumps faster and more profound.
”I’m oh g-god…I’m cumming” you scream. You can feel him pull out, and a warm liquid hits your stomach. He helps you ride out your high with one hand as he continues to use the other to stroke his twitching cock.
He lay down next to you, out of breath “sooo… I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me sometime.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you rolled over to kiss him. “I would love that” with that, he grabbed your cheek and kissed you.
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cyncerity · 2 years
:0 part two to the karlnapity sizeshifter reveal fic? it was so good i'd love to see fluff or noms with them if you wanted too :D
This was literally like 5th thing in my inbox, and was asked the same day i posted the first part to this au, which means it’s been in there for well over a year.
Anyway i haven’t stopped thinking about it. It’s always just kinda been in the back of my mind, so i hope this anon is still around to see it actually get answered shsklssjshw
So, without further ado, here are some karlnapity soft noms 💖
tw: vore
“Sapnap, i’m fuckin tired. And hungry. Get me food.” Quackity said, burying his face further into Sapnap’s chest where he was laying and weakly slapping the “ground” below him to make a point. Karl weakly nodded in agreement from his place laying beside him. Sapnap sighed. “I would love to if you two would get up for 2 seconds and let me grab something from the fridge.” He responded, barely looking up from a comic book he’d taken earlier that day.
Ever since Sapnap had told his fiancés he was a shifter, it had opened up a whole new world for them, and the three of them loved it. Quackity and Karl could boss Sapnap around a bit and make him gather things cause it’s be “easier for him” and he has an “advantage cause he could blend in with the humans.” Which, to be fair, was true, but Sapnap had a feeling that his boyfriends were just lazy. Not that he minded, he preferred the teasing over them being scared of him (like he had expected) by a long shot. It made him happy to know that even if he didn’t feel 100% ok at his human size yet, they trusted him fully, even if he looked like something they were all taught to fear. They’d also taken to hanging out in the employee break room after the store closed. Even if they loved the traditional hole in the wall home they’d built together, the break room had a microwave, fridge, beanbag chairs, and other cool human things that it had taken the trio way too long to figure out how to use (especially the microwave).
Which led to where they were now; Sapnap at human size reclined on a beanbag with his two tiny fiancés laying half asleep on his chest at what had to be around 2 in the morning. And as much as he loved them and was internally awwing and screaming at how cute they looked and how much they trusted him (they were his boyfriends, all right? he was allowed to fawn and simp over them as much as he wanted), he was actually pretty hungry and also tired and was getting sick of their refusal to move and let him get them food so they could fucking sleep. He loved them but god could they be impossible.
“Just shift a bit more and reach the fridge, it can’t be that hard.” Quackity said, face still shoved down in the fabric of Sapnap’s hoodie. Karl once again just nodded in agreement, though Sapnap didn’t think Karl was actually processing anything. Sapnap groaned. “I fucking hate shifting that big. I don’t wanna.” “Oh so you’re gonna let your fiancés starve huh? Rude.” “Fine, ok, i’m not playing this game, but you owe me, alright?” “Yup, whatever you want.”
Sapnap smirked at that last bit. Since Sapnap had found out about some…other abilities, he and his fiancés had been testing those a bit more often. One in particular they’d only tested out a few times, but for Sapnap, the few times he’d done it had been absolute bliss, and now he had an excuse to do it again.
But he had to get to the fucking fridge first. Sapnap groaned obnoxiously just to show Quackity how annoyed he was (he assumed Karl had fallen asleep at this point, given that he had gone practically still and his breathing had evened after the last time he nodded) and began to turn around on the beanbag. He had been facing the fridge, so he had to shift so he could reach the other end of the room, and he had a grow a good bit in order for his arm to be able to grab the door. Without any more hesitation, he began to shift bigger.
He held back a grunt of pain. He didn’t shift bigger than human size often cause it took more energy than was worth it most of the time, and now that he was tired it was especially achy. He didn’t want Quackity to feel bad for suggesting it, though, and the thought of what Sapnap would get to do after kept him going. He moved agonizingly slowly and carefully to not disturb the two on his chest (and especially to not wake Karl), but eventually he managed to reach over to open the fridge and grabbed the first thing his hand touched, quickly closing it and shifting back, pulling the thing he grabbed back with him.
He laid a hand over his fiancés to steady them as he looked over the food in his hand. Huh. One of those meat and cheese snack packs. Could definitely be worse.
Quackity pushed one of Sapnap’s fingers away gently and looked up expectantly, tapping Karl to wake him. Karl hummed a bit but made no move to lift his head. Sapnap chuckled and removed the packaging from the snack and handed 2 little blocks of what he assumed were cheddar cheese and pepperoni to his boyfriends and watched Quackity eat both of his almost immediately and Karl take a few bites out of each before falling asleep again soon after. Quackity ate his fair share before looking up at Sapnap again, confusion clear on his face.
“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Sapnap just smirked. “Nah, I was hungry for something else tonight.” He grinned wider as he gently swiped a thumb across Quackity’s cheek, watching his boyfriends eyes widen face darken in color, freezing in place for a minute before he sighed, trying to hide a smile. “C’mon, Sap, really?” “Yeah, really, you owe me, remember?” “For fucks sake, do I have t- hey!!” Quackity was cut off by Sapnap reaching to his head and plucking the bandana he always wore off, taking joy in messing up his fiancés hair, and lightly tossing it into his mouth, swallowing shortly after. “You want that back, right?” Sapnap said slyly, a lighter blush forming across his cheeks.
“…fuck you.” Quackity responded, face deadpan but still the same shade of red, showing Sapnap that he wasn’t really as opposed to this as he’d like to seem. Quackity began to climb higher on Sapnap’s shirt before Sap just brought a hand under him and lifted him up to his face. “You ready?” “Again, fuck you.” “Q, be honest with me here, im not gonna do this without your permission.” Sapnap responded, a note of concern in his voice. Fuck, this was why Q fell for him. As much as Sanap was brash and kinda stupid, he was the most genuine and kind boyfriend a borrower could ever want. Even if he was a bit weird. So, he sighed and smiled, rolling his eyes before making eye contact with the giant in front of him. “Just get on with it already, you’re hungry, aren’t you? I’m good.”
Sapnap smiled at the fond look his fiancé gave him and began to lift him higher. He slowly brought his hand closer to his mouth and used his tongue to pull his tiny boyfriend in, gently shutting his teeth behind him with a soft click. After he felt Quackity get settled, he started to lick him, slicking him up for the journey down. He heard Quackity yell in disgust, but he simply stifled a laugh and kept going.
He tilted his head back gently, letting gravity pull Quackity farther back into the throat. He felt a few gentle pats on his tongue and took this as his que, starting to take small swallows to bring his fiancé down. He gently pressed a hand to his throat and felt the bulge that his lover made as he descended farther down past his collarbone and deep into his core, shifting and moving slightly the rest of the way down only because Sapnap had admitted to him once that it felt nice.
He soon felt a weight drop into his stomach, the organ giving a loud gurgle in response, making Quackity laugh from within. Sapnap flustered a bit and pressed down where he could feel his boyfriend for a few seconds to mess with him before releasing the pressure and starting to massage the area. “You alright in there, duckling?” “Santo mierda,” Quacktiy sighed as Sapnap felt him get more comfortable, “I forgot how tight it was on the way down. There is, like, no tension left in me at all, it’s like the worlds most constricting massage.” “So…you’re good?” Quackity chuckled a bit in response before patting on the stomach wall next to him. “Yeah, i’m good. And i got my bandana back, so, again, fuck you.”
Sapnap laughed as he continued to rub circles over where he felt his little fiancé, trying his best to ignore the consistent gurgles his stomach would make and the fact that Quackity seemed to find it hilarious, though he was trying to hide his laughter. Whatever, Sapnap knew he hadn’t eaten real food, he’d just ignore the noises for now. Unfortunately, someone else was having a harder time ignoring it.
“…Sapnap?” Karl said, rubbing bleary eyes as he sat up from his position on the shifter’s chest, causing Sapnap to panic almost immediately. “Oh my god, Karl, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you up.” “You didn’t, your stomach did.” Karl laughed, yawning and stretching his arms. “Did you forget to eat?” “Hmmm, not quite,” Sapnap smirked, laying a finger on Karl’s head and lightly messing with some of his hair, which the smaller man made no complaints against, “but isn’t someone missing?” At this, Karl looked up at Sapnap past his finger and then around the area where Quackity had been with him. He looked confused for only a moment before he registered what Sapnap had meant. “You two are weird.” Karl scoffed, pressing himself more into the finger in a headbutt-like form of affection.
“You wanna be weird with us?” Sapnap asked, licking his lips so Karl could know exactly what he meant. But while Karl’s face turned a light pink at this, he merely shrugged. “Not tonight, too tired for all that. I just wanna sleep.” Karl said, shifting himself to slide further down Sapnap’s torso. The shifter was confused for a moment until Karl reached the bottom of his shirt and tried valiantly to lift it higher, and Sapnap turned red, realizing what his boyfriend was trying to do. He reached down and pulled his shirt up higher since Karl was having trouble moving it by himself, and Karl wasted no time climbing back up until he was right above Quackity. Karl pressed against the top of the stomach from the outside and Sapnap saw his eyes light up as Quackity pressed back.
“Hi lovely!” Karl shouted, face practically pressed into Sapnap’s belly, which definitely didn’t fluster the shifter at all. “Karlos!!” He heard Quackity call back, shouting loud enough that Karl could barely hear him through the layers of muscle and skin between them. “Sorry we woke you up, mi amor.” “That’s alright, i’m gonna go back to bed, i just didn’t want you to fall asleep without knowing how much i loooove yooou.” Karl responded in a sleepy, drawn out syrupy voice, which made Quackity laugh loud enough for Sapnap to feel the vibrations. “I love you too, Karl, goodnight darling. Just one question, though: how flustered is Sapnap right now?” Karl looked up and, though Sapnap did his best to avoid eye contact, he couldn’t easily hide the bright red that shone through his cheeks. “I’m not, fuck off.” Sapnap retorted, looking back at Karl to see a cheeky grin on his face. He pressed his face back into Sapnap’s torso, the pride clear in his voice as he responded “Oh, very.”
“Ok, enough, this is bullying, this is harassment.” Sapnap said, picking up Karl with one hand and laying his free hand over his stomach, effectively blocking out Karl and Quackity’s communication. Nevertheless, now both boys were just trying to get Sapnap flustered, with Karl making kissy noises in his direction and Quackity rattling off some of the worst pick up lines Sapnap had ever heard.
He just laughed, blushing and sputtering excuses while the two he cared more about than anything in the world laughed with him. God, what did he do to deserve them? They were his world, his everything. He loved them. He loved them more than he could ever love anything.
Their laughter died down, fatigue finally catching up with them after what could only have been the past few minutes. Sapnap set Karl back down on his chest, where the smaller man immediately slid back down and rested himself above the hand Sapnap still had laid over Quackity. Karl was out like a light almost immediately after he was settled, and Quackity joined him shortly after. Sapnap stayed awake a bit longer, just looking down at them. He could feel Quackity’s calm, even breaths from within him, and Karl had a slight smile on his face, a light pink still brushing his cheeks. He felt like every time he looked at them, he fell in love all over again. How he got lucky enough to end up with the most caring, understanding partners in the world was beyond him, but it meant more to him when he saw them like this. Quackity trusting him enough to sleep literally within him, where he was fully at Sapnap’s will. And Karl not flinching away from him for a moment, even choosing to rest on his hand, trusting Sapnap not to grab him or hurt him. His heart swelled the more he thought about it. They trusted him. And, as he fell asleep, he promised himself that he’d make sure they always had a reason to.
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
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A Carmen Berzatto Universe
I have a request in my inbox I’m working on, but feel free to send over more :)
Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Page 12: Patrick Kane
“I’m so excited!” Vanessa bounced in her shoes as they made their way toward the doors of the United Center. She’d snagged her dad’s tickets for the night to watch the Blackhawks take on the San Jose Sharks.
It had been years since Carmen had been to a Blackhawks game – with the restaurant’s new format, they were officially closed on Sundays, which meant more time to do different things.
He was a little surprised to see Vanessa unearth a handful of jersey options, several players over several years of styles, from the back of her closet.
He’d catch her watching a game from time to time on TV or if it was playing at a bar they were at, but he didn’t realize she was that big of a fan. He’d borrowed a Hawks hat, but wore his own black crewneck.
“Baby, want a beer?” He offered, stepping up to the vendor.
“Carm, come on, we get beers in our seats,” she said, lacing her fingers back through his.
“Must be nice,” he muttered, stepping in front of her to help clear the way through the throngs of people. “Hawks suck this season, how are there so many people here?” He asked himself.
Vanessa pulled Carmen into the elevator for the club level and they scanned their phones again.
“I know I should have asked some other friends to come,” she explained, walking down the hall toward center ice, “but I kinda wanted you all to myself for the night, and I can grab these tickets again later in the season,” she explained.
Carmen nodded along, checking out the displays in the hallway before they stopped in front of a suite, an attendant holding the door for them.
“Welcome back, Miss Monaghan,” the man greeted.
“Hi Jerry!” She smiled happily, “it’s been forever, how was your off-season?” Carmen stuck his head in the suite. Upscale finishes, a stocked beef fridge and dinner menus laid out on the granite island. There were 12 wide leather seats and a framed jersey on the wall with MONAGHAN on the back, signed by what looked like the whole team.
“Vanessa what the fuck,” Carmen laughed, eyes wide. “Look at this place,” he gestured, “all this just for us?”
“Dad loves the Hawks,” she laughed, walking over the beer fridge, grabbing one for both her and Carm. “He actually put in a bid to become a limited partner last season, but the league has to approve it.”
“Limited partner?” Carmen asked, popping the cap of his beer with the opener built into the island.
“Minority owner,” Vanessa translated. “He’ll find out next season if he can buy in.”
Carmen’s eyebrows were raised as he took a long pull.
“I know, I know,” Vanessa crossed the island to press herself against him. “Can we not make it weird?” She asked.
“No weirdness at all, but you are officially not allowed to be around Richie unattended,” Carmen replied, “he’s not allowed around your dad, either.” Vanessa tugged him over to the seats, snagging a dinner menu on her way before settling him in a chair and subsequently settled herself in his lap. Carmen wrapped his arms around her before resting his chin on her shoulder as they went through their options together.
Vanessa put in their order and shuffled back to their seats just before the national anthem.
Carmen grinned, watching as Vanessa sang along loudly with the crowd, cheering her way through the lineups.
When the puck dropped, he watched his girlfriend turn into an entirely different person.
“SKATE! DON’T PASS, JUST SKATE IT!” She screamed at the ice, pointing down to the net. “Right to the FIVE HOLE? You had all day and the whole net and you shot FIVE HOLE?” She threw her hands up in the air. “Useless,” she shook her head, looking at Carmen.
“Baby you know they can’t hear you, right?” Carmen asked.
“I can’t help it,” Vanessa shrugged, “it just comes out.”
With two minutes left in the first period, Patrick Kane found the back of the Shark’s net and Vanessa launched out of her seat, dancing along to Chelsea Dagger. She pumped her arms, reaching over and doing the same with Carmen’s arms.
When dinner arrived at the close of the period, they ate around the kitchen island, cracking into another beer.
“S’not as good as yours,” Vanessa took a giant bite of her shredded beef sandwich, “but it’s okay.”
“It’s pretty good!” Carmen said with surprise. “Fries need some help, but this isn’t bad,” he agreed.
“Should we take a bet on final score?” Vanessa asked, taking another big bite.
“What’s the wager?” He asked, plucking up a fry and popping it into his mouth.
“Umm,” Vanessa pondered, swinging her legs from the high-top chairs. “It’s a good question,” wiping her hands off on her napkins, she crawled into his lap on his chair, utilizing the footrests of his seat. “It’s hard to think of something I want because you give me everything I need,” she said, kissing his cheek. Carmen blushed bright red, matching the red of her jersey.
They’d been together over a year and Vanessa had seriously never been happier.
“I love everything we do together – even when we’re putting the duvet cover on, or running the trash to the dumpster room,” she grinned.
“I fuckin’ hate that duvet cover,” Carmen laughed, kissing her gently.
“Or cleaning the dishwasher filter,” she listed of, “and folding laundry, I love folding up your little tighty whities,” she squealed as he nipped at her sides.
“If you’d stop stealing them…” he trailed off. The music amped up again and Vanessa launched herself off of his lap, running back to the seats. Carmen held his hands out, half-cocked in his jeans as she left him high and dry.
“KAAANER!” She waved her arms excitedly, “I won’t lie baby, I love that man,” she admitted, plopping herself down in his lap. With one hand entangled in his hair where it poked out from his hat, and the other holding his hand on her thigh, her mind began to whirl. “Now that I think about it,” she glanced back and forth from the jumbotron where Patrick Kane’s headshot was displayed.
“What?” Carmen asked, looking up himself.
“Curly hair, blue eyes…” Vanessa gasped. “I’m a fraud! I’ve fetishized you for looking like Patrick Kane!” Carmen rolled his eyes.
“I do not look like Patrick Kane,” he squeezed her thigh hard.
“I see it babe, we’ll have to get you in the same room to be sure,” she laughed, tucking her head to peck his lips. “But if we were all in the same room… could you just like chill on calling me babe and holding my hand? Don’t want him to think I’m tied down.” She rattled off, causing his eyebrows to rise.
“Oh you don’t think you’re tied down?” Carmen asked, pulling his head back to look her over, hands suddenly moving to all her soft spots and pinching softly. She contorted in his lap, giggling her head off as he continued his assault, “You don’t think you’re tied down?” He continued.
“Carm!” She squealed, drawing the attention of fans in the neighboring sweets.
“When we got home tonight, I’m gonna show you tied down,” he huffed in her ear.
“Yeah?” She gasped back, hands holding his jaw.
“Gonna make you cum on my face and wear it like goddamn cologne,” he murmured in her ear, sliding his hand up the back of her jean-clad thigh.
“Carmen Silvio!” She scolded, “that mouth!”
“You love my mouth,” he countered, slapping her ass and kissing her firmly. “Because after that, I’m gonna bend you over our bed and fuck you till you see stars, huh?” He taunted. He noticed the way she adjusted in his lap.
“Promise?” She asked, her doe eyes blinking up at him innocently.
“There a bathroom in here?” Carmen twisted his neck, looking back at the room behind them. “Damn, this much money and still not a place I can fuck you,” He mumbled.
“I’ll have Dad write an email,” Vanessa laughed, standing up and hopping up the few stairs. “Beer?” She offered, to which Carmen nodded. Vanessa popped the tops off of both, heading back to her seats when she was caught by the fan cam.
“Nessa!” Carmen pointed out with a laugh, showing her on the jumbotron. Vanessa gaped before jumping excitedly, raising her drinks before taking a knee and downing a beer as fast as she could, the arena cheering loudly. She considered drinking Carmen’s, too, but the camera cut away and she was saved.
Dropping back into her seat beside Carmen, she draped her legs over his lap and handed him his beer.
“That was so cool!” He laughed, immediately tucking his hand between her thighs and taking a pull of his own drink.
“I know but now I’m tipsy and horny,” Vanessa laughed. “Still gonna bend me over when we get home?” She asked innocently enough, to which Carmen laughed.
“Of course, baby,” he agreed.
“Will you wear a Patrick Kane jersey?”
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omegaprotocol · 4 months
Jason Falls for Hailey Again
In Jason’s apartment, Jason, Omega and Hailey are sitting down relaxing with each other. Jason and Omega are playing a game of chess, per Omega’s request. Jason is losing horribly and has his head in his hands. Omega looks very relaxed and is just happy to be spending time with her friends. Hailey is on her phone reading emails. She sees that she has been rejected for eight more jobs. Defeated, she switches on an online form for robotics. Many of the comments are about her losing the national defense contract with the government. She reads several of the comments ridiculing her for not being able to stack up to the government's standards before she puts her phone down and lets out a heavy sigh.
“Everything ok Dr. Hailey?” Omega chimes.
“Yeah everything is fine.” she gives a small pause before continuing. “Hey Jason, I think we should go to the store and pick up something to eat, your fridge is looking kinda empty.”
“Yeah yeah whatever I just need a second.” Jason is not paying any attention, his full focus is on the chess game and how to salvage the totally lost position.
“That is ok Jason, you can go with Dr. Hailey to the store.” Omega moves one piece forward delivering a checkmate. “There. Now the game is over!” Devastated, Jason stands up and gets his keys.
“Ok, let's go.”
At the grocery store, Jason and Hailey are standing in the frozen aisle. Hailey is not really paying attention to what is going on around her and Jason is looking at frozen pizzas.
“Hey, do you like pepperoni or do you want a supreme.”
“Jason, I think my life is starting to fall apart.”
“I’m picking pepperoni.”
“I’m being serious.”
“You're a prodigy and leader in your field. You have written multiple books, made a ton of money, and have a phd. You also created a fully sentient life form so I don’t know what more you want.”
“I just… I don’t know. Things are different now that I lost the defense grant from the government.”
“What do you mean? You're like this generation's Einstein.”
“They didn’t like what I made. They asked for defense systems from an unknown threat we don’t know how to fight, and when I built defense systems they hated it. After they sent me a letter of correction I fixed all the original issues and even made Omega, a robot designed to solve complex problems and save the world, and it still wasn’t good enough. They wanted me to make a weapon that could destroy whatever they pointed it at and I couldn’t build it. So they took the grant away and when my peers found out, they started criticizing me. They all think I can’t do it.” Hailey pulls her phone out and sees she got rejected from another job. “Maybe they’re right.”
“No, they aren’t. You are easily the smartest person I’ve ever met. And fuck the government for asking for a weapon. As if they need another giant gun that they can wave around and threaten people with.” Jason looks at Hailey and sees that she genuinely feels hurt.
“But that’s the issue, I couldn’t solve it. I tried for months trying to figure out how to stop this threat and I couldn’t do it. So instead I built Omega, thinking that she would be able to figure it out.”
“No one else would’ve been able to do that. Half the people that are criticizing you would’ve just built a weapon for the money, and they would’ve made the world a worse place. Tell me this, do you genuinely think that anything anyone could have built would stop this alien thing?” Hailey leaves a long pause to fiddle with the charm on the phone even though she already knows the answer.
“No… I don’t.”
“Right. And even if anyone else had the idea for Omega, no one would actually have the know-how to build her. What you made was a true AI. One with thoughts and feelings, one with dreams and wishes, and most importantly a desire to want to save the world from something. That has literally never been done before.”
“Yeah, it’s true.”
“See? The government has no idea what it’s doing, and you do. Your colleagues have no idea what you’ve made, and you do.” Jason picks up a frozen dinner from the shelf and stops to think. He hesitates for a moment before talking again. “And I also think it’s rude of you to make me go to the store in order to have this talk away from Omega, she would agree with me and tell you how awesome you are.”
“I just don't want Omega to learn anything that isn’t helpful to her. She is going to carry the literal  weight of the world on her shoulders and I want her to reach her full potential.”
“She will, after all she’s got you as a teacher.” Hailey puts her phone back in her pocket and smiles at the complement.
“Thanks for helping me Jason, I know you didn’t have to do that.”
“Of course I did. After seeing Omega’s ‘disguise’, I knew you didn’t have what it takes to hide a super robot from the government.” Hailey chuckles to herself. A second goes by with them just walking to another aisle.
“Could we get the supreme pizza instead?”
“Not a chance, I want pepperoni and I have a job.” They both laugh at the joke and leave the store.
Back at the apartment, Jason and Hailey walk in and see Omega sitting on the couch. Omega is almost surprised that they are home already.
“Oh! Welcome home! How was your trip to the store?” Jason goes to the kitchen to unload the food and Hailey sits down on the couch and turns on the tv.
“It was fine. Were you ok by yourself?”
“Yes, I was fine.” There is a tone of sadness in Omega’s voice, Jason hears this and yells from behind the kitchen counter.
“Hey! Let's watch a movie tonight, we can let Omega pick it out.” Omega’s face lights up and she quickly grabs the remote and begins surfing through movies. Omega picks a nature documentary, and all three of them sit on the couch and watch it together. Hailey falls asleep first and rests on Jason’s shoulder. Jason smiles at how peaceful she looks before falling asleep himself. Omega stays up and finishes the whole documentary interested in every word. After realizing that Hailey and Jason have both fallen asleep, Omega slowly gets up.
“Have sweet dreams of good things.” She whispers. She walks over to the window, opens it, and sits on the fire escape watching the world below her. She enjoys looking at the beautiful city that people have built, and wonders who would ever want to destroy it.
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“Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - Part One” review:
Short review
Really fun action movie that’s bogged down by a questionable plot. I give it a solid letter grade of B. But part of me is also thinking B-/C+.
Long review
Coming off of “Fallout”, while I did enjoy the seventh installment, the plot was a bit disappointing. Part of me wonders if it’s because this movie is a two-parter and we’re not meant to see the entire picture yet, but the other part of me is questioning why this was the story that Cruise and friends went with.
The plot is basically “find key to control big scary computer”. This might as well be an Indiana Jones movie since they treated this key like a long-lost artifact. While this makes for a fun adventure movie, the plot starts falling apart when the movie starts going into the lore behind the key:
1) So apparently, we built an all-powerful AI called “The Entity” which is solely controlled by one key. Yeah, sure.
2) The Entity is this sentient AI that just sorta exists. As the villain of the movie, it’s really hard to be scared by it when the movie isn’t even sure what the villain’s goals are.
3) The AI is written like it’s God or something. The way the main characters talk about the Entity makes it seem like it’s omnipotent. Or Satan himself. In fact, there’s even a goofy ass scene where a bunch of unnamed officials take turns describing the Entity, which made them sound like cultists describing their god. I can’t believe I’m writing this but the “Terminator” movies and “Age of Ultron” had more believable depictions of an all-powerful AI that’s gone rogue.
So, as a villain, the Entity is kinda lame. And I do get why the writers went with an AI villain due to how topical AI is nowadays. I just don’t think this was a good depiction. In fact, as supposed social commentary on the dangers of AI, 1) other movies did it better and 2) it misses the real world consequences of AI, such as loss of jobs and being unable to determine what’s real anymore.
Aside from a questionable villain, there are other aspects of the plot that bothered me:
1) Esai Morales’ villain, Gabriel, was incredibly underdeveloped. I just know that he did something in the past that really affected Ethan. Other than that, he’s just there to be evil.
2) Hayley Atwell is acting her heart out, but her character kinda…sucks? I’m not sure what the writers were going for with Grace. She spends the first half of the movie being a nuisance and then, all of a sudden, she’s forced into becoming an IMF agent. But the thing is, I don’t get why she was treated so important to the story. Yes, she steals the key at the start, but after she loses the key, she loses relevance in the story. It’s like the only reason why Grace stuck around the second half was because Ilsa Faust died and Ethan needed the help of the only other female main character around in order to do an undercover mission. So, while I hate pitting two female main characters against each other, it does feel like Grace is in this movie to be Ilsa’s replacement, because she doesn’t have much relevance to the story after she loses the key. Speaking of Ilsa…
3) Ilsa Faust was 100% fridged. I’m actually fine with characters dying for the plot, but the way Ilsa’s death was handled left a bad taste in your mouth. Unless she actually faked her death for the 100th time, Ilsa dying felt like a step back. And if she was killed off to make room for Grace, then that’s another point deduction to the movie.
Now, there was a lot that I did enjoy. I liked Pom Klementieff’s character (also, how goofy is it that her character is a French assassin named Paris) and I wish she had a bigger role. It was nice seeing Kittredge again since the last time we saw him was MI1. Tom Cruise is working his fucking ass off and is still putting on a great show. And, of course, Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg are always a ton of fun in these movies.
That being said, it’s hard to look past the questionable plot choices. So, even though the movie was a ton of fun, it’s a bit of a step back for me. “Fallout” and “Rogue Nation” definitely feel like that’s where the franchise peaked. But, despite all my criticism, I am looking forward to Part Two. Hopefully, Part Two is where I’ll be sold on the plot.
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writebackatya · 1 year
4, 9, 12, and 26 for the writer's ask
4. What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Nevertheless. It’s three words in one! The neapolitan of words!
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn't about writing I just wanna know?
Eh. Not so much these days, but I don't want to dismiss the existence of ghosts entirely. I do have this one memory as a kid that still haunts (ha-ha!) me to this day. I forget what age I was exactly when this happened, but it was definitely before I was 10
I remember waking up early on day that I didn't have school don't know if it was Summer or just the weekend, but I believe I was the only one up at the time. Anyway, I went downstairs to the kitchen and went over to the fridge. I don't think I ended up grabbing anything, I as just looking
Once I was done looking, I closed the fridge door and when I turned around I saw this girl standing a couple feet away from. She was pale and had long messy black hair, she was also wearing a pajama gown
She didn't say anything at all, she just looked at me and opened her mouth as a raspy moan came out. I screamed and ran back up to my bedroom and just stayed there until I heard a few other family members wake up
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don't make the rules
A million good genies.
Writing wishes, eh?
1. I wish I was multilingual.
It would be nice to let characters like Fenton speak Spanish every now and then and make it sound natural. Plus it would be cool to know a language that isn’t English. (Currently I’m learning Tagalog on some language app so I hope that goes somewhere)
2. I wish I wouldn’t rush myself when I get close to finishing a WIP
Has this every happened to you? Have you ever been struggling with a WIP for a long time, just days of writing, reading, re-reading, re-writing, going over every sentence, sharing early peeks and with your beta reader(s) to get feedback on some areas, and then one day you realize that you are so close to wrapping it up but then you suddenly realize that you are SO CLOSE TO WRAPPING IT UP that you gotta finish it RIGHT NOW OR ELSE?’!
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I hate it
I’m kinda the same way about reading sometimes. When I’m close to reading a story my mind reads faster at a rate where I’m not retaining the information I should be while reading. I hate it. I gotta remind myself to slow down at time
3. Built in thesaurus/dictionary in my brain
Just would be nice is all.
26. How do you get into your character's head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I like to rewatch clips/episodes that focus on said character or features them heavily. Besides that I will look at other roles the actor has been in as well as think about other characters that remind me of that character and look at how those characters are similar and different
And besides other fictional characters, I like to think about how I personally relate to the character. Thinking about how I feel in that situation and what my reaction would be vs. a character’s. One thing I’m always trying not to do is turn someone’s blorbo into me, because they came to see their blorbo, not me. So I love thinking about differences and stuff that I like that I think the character wouldn’t like
I admit I sometimes think about my writing too much, but eh I’m easily distracted. I just listen to music or play video game or just move on with my day
Nope. Then again I’m just getting into the heads of fun Disney characters. Not like…uh, Lisbeth Salander or someone with a messed up backstory
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renon4224 · 10 months
Angel Wings
Chapter Two: Friday, after school, Katsuki Bakugou
Damn, she wants to know, and she asked ME. Should I tell her? No, if she finds out, it’ll be from Aizawa or All Might, they’re the only ones who saw me. And she wouldn’t believe it coming from me anyways.
“You should tell her.” All Might said, he always thinks he knows what I’m thinking.
“Tell who what?” I cross my arms, I’m not heartless, but I can deal with being cold.
“Tell Akari that you saved her, tell Akari that the only reason we kept fighting after we had you was that you wouldn’t leave without her.” All Might smiled, which meant he was gonna tease me, “It’s very romantic.”
“She was being hurt and I was able to change that, I was doing my job, same as you.” I had been telling myself that was it, for the past three months.
“A job that you could’ve skipped and stayed out of the hospital from.”
I winced, he wasn’t wrong, taking Akari meant going straight for most of All for One’s insane traps. It landed me in the hospital, but I got her out. Getting in was the easy part, getting out with her was harder, and every exit was built so she could never escape easily, “True, but being a hero means risking your life, and she needed someone to take a chance on saving her.” 
“Uh-huh, tell her and you’ll stop beating up the rest of your classmates.” 
Whatever, she would just hate me, I already remind her of All for One, and knowing that the person who saved her is me would hurt her even more.
-Akari Aizawa-
I didn’t end up sleeping or resting at all, I kept having panic attacks and not remembering what happened afterward. But at least now someone should be coming to tell me that I can finally go and workout, distract myself and try to figure out who else was there when I was saved. Three months and nobody will tell me anything, but from the rumours I heard, most of Class 1-A was there and they don’t like me. Plus Bakugou acts like he kinda wished everyone was dead, from what I can tell he would never do anything to help someone unless it was morally unethical for him, I think. Aizawa walked in, with Bakugou? “Hey.” I sat up, to Bakugou’s discomfort.
“You should be laying down.” He is so serious all the time.
“Bakugou take her to her dorm.” Aizawa was glaring at him, but if he was angry with him, why is he making me deal with him?
“Why?” We asked simultaneously, Bakugou looked irked, but I’m the one who should be uncomfortable, right?
“I’m not in the mood for either of you, so it’s either Bakugou talks to you about y-”
“Fine, I’ll walk her.” He didn’t want Uncle to finish that sentence.
“Wait, what’s the other option?” I didn’t really want to be that close to him, he scared me.
Bakugou and Uncle shared a look, “The other option was something I can’t give to you, I thought I could but he changed his mind.”
“Ugh, whatever, fine, let’s go.” I got up quickly, only letting the inertia hit me when I got to the door, I stumbled, and Bakugou’s hand shot out to catch me. I slapped it away, I didn’t need help from someone so cruel to his classmates. I passed the fridge and decided that today was a good day to eat something, besides if I throw up, I don’t have to deal with the people.  “I’m getting something to eat.” I grabbed a couple of strawberries and a hard-boiled egg.
“If you’re gonna eat something, at least eat something that’ll fill you up.” Bakugou went to the stove and turned it on, grabbing ingredients and bowls, and looked like he was about to run a cooking show.
“I don’t need anything else, really.”
-Katsuki Bakugou-
Cooking will put me in a better mood, and ever since I found out how little she ate from the small fry, it started eating at me that I couldn’t even make sure she learned how to eat a healthy amount of food.
“Nonsense, you need to eat.” I guided her to the table and went back to cooking.
-45 minutes later-
“This was really good, thank you, Bakugou.” She looked better, but she still needed rest, good food is only part of a good recovery.
Kirishima and the other guys walked in, “Hey there Bakugou, where’ve you been?”
“Get out of the kitchen,” I called, they always make a huge mess when they try to cook.
“Fine, come talk to me later, I want to tell you something,” Kirishima said, passing us to go upstairs.
“You should go talk to him.” Akari looked down at her plate, “I should clean up, right? You made it, I can clean it all up.”
She went to clean the dishes, “No, that’s my job, go rest.” I followed her.
“But I want to do it.”
“I said no.”
“But I want to.”
“I don’t care, you need some rest, you had a very traumatic day and you should sleep it off.”
“It happens all the time, I have little blackouts every day, I’m fine, really.
At that my resolve strengthened, she suffered so much and because of it she can’t live a normal life and she still wants to do everything for everyone else, “NO, GO TO BED.”
“I can’t!” Tears were streaming down her face, the pain she suffered…she thinks it was her fault.
“It wasn’t your fault,” I whispered it, but she heard, and she looked at me like I was the only person there, but it lasted only for a second and then we were normal, nothing had changed and she was going to fight until she had another episode or she did the dishes, “Fine.” I made sure she heard it that time. 
“Okay….thank you, now go have fun with your friends.” She looked so…dejected.
-In Kirishima’s dorm-
I walked in to see Kirishima, and Kaminari sprawled on the floor, so I took a spot on the bed.
“How was your date with the new girl?” Kaminari asked, his eyes narrowed.
“It wasn’t a date-”
“You were totally on a date.” Kirishima interrupted.
` “I was supposed to make sure she was all right, that’s all.” I looked away, I was supposed to take her to her room, but she didn’t eat anything at all today…
“Uh-huh, so…thoughts?” Kaminari asked, his eyes distant.
“On?” Kirishima yawned.
“My chances with the new girl.”
Kirishima laughed, “None, you would get too tongue-tied and make a fool of yourself.”
“Ouch, that bites, Kirishima.” Kaminari laughed.
“What’s your opinion Bakugou?”
“Huh?” I cleared my throat, “Oh, I think that just by looking at her, she doesn’t have a bad figure, she has good posture and she has appealing facial features, she doesn’t know how to tell people no, and she has a very hard time interacting with people she views as scary.” When I finished, both of them seemed surprised.
“Jeez, you’ve known her for five days and you act like you know everything about her.” Kaminari chides.
It takes a lot for me to not retort that I’ve known her a lot longer than five days, but instead I just get up, “Well, it’s late, and I’m tired, so, I’ll see you guys later.”
“Night,” they chorused.
-Akari Aizawa-
I finished the dishes pretty early, so I was in bed when Bakugou got back from hanging out with his friends. It makes me a little bit jealous, that even someone so mean could have more friends than me, but I’ve only been out of the hospital for a month. I rubbed my wrist, I could still feel the restraints, it was bad enough I was blindfolded, but I also had to be restrained or I would’ve ended up hurting someone. Apparently, when I blacked out, I was also attacking anyone who came close to me, which makes me wonder if maybe the person who saved me came to visit and I accidentally hurt them. Mr. Aizawa assured me that I didn’t hurt the person who saved me, but when he said that he always looked at the bed to my left. I kinda remember that someone was there, but I never saw their face. All I know is that they were badly injured, and they were let out a month before I was. I looked over at the clock, it read 8:oo, frick way past a reasonable time to sleep, oh well.
-Saturday, early morning-
I woke up around three in the morning, finally, a bit of regularity. I grabbed a towel and my clothes. I opened the door to find Bakugou also leaving his room, shirtless. I blushed, it was really early, wait, “What’re you doing up so early?”
This time a light shade of crimson flashed across his face, “I, uh,” He looked around, “I have a headache, I was gonna get something to help it, what about you?”
“Oh,” I lifted my towel, “I was gonna take a shower, um see you later, I guess?” 
I took a breath and as he turned to go get the medicine, I saw that his back had a scar that flashed across it, going from his left shoulder to his right hip, it looked almost as if someone drew wings and then smudged it. I bit the inside of my lip, it was just like what I had drawn in therapy, a girl being carried in someone’s arms, they had wings drawn, one was draped across the savior’s back and the other was on fire. I shook my head, noticing that Bakugou’s scar really did look like something from a dream. I reached out, forgetting that he was not only older but also kinda terrifying. I touched the edge of his scar, feeling the muscle underneath twitch. Entranced by the way the skin melded together, I traced the edges. “What do you think you’re doing?” His voice was so deep, not threatening, but with a warning tone.
-Katsuki Bakugou-
Her hand froze, her fingers cold. She whipped her hand away, but the trail she made lingered, a trail of ice. “I’m so so so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to, please forgive me.” I turned around, she was bowing down, hugging herself, it was something she did when she thought that All for One cared, or that she knew something was gonna happen.
“It just surprised me, don’t do it again.” She should never have to beg for forgiveness when she hasn’t done anything wrong.
“Oh…okay, sorry again.” She brushed past me, leaving the hallway feeling empty.
-Akari Aizawa-
I’m so stupid, of course, that was weird, normal people don’t do stuff like that, and just because he was nice this time, doesn’t mean he’ll be nice next time. I went to the bathroom, turned on the cold water, I wasn’t allowed to have hot showers, and even though the rules are different here, I don’t want to upset anyone, more than I already have.
-Right before school-
With a nice cold shower, some calming dawn meditation, and some breakfast behind me, I’m ready for my hero course class. A one-on-one class strengthening my body and mind, and then normal classes teaching everything I missed when I was with him. I took a deep breath and sat down in the chair closest to the door to go outside, I grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing. I think Bakugou went back to bed, but he’s probably up now. That scar was a mix of beautiful and scary, I wonder what caused it, or who. I looked up from my sketching and saw some other people coming into the main lobby, I gathered my bags and went to my training room.
-Katsuki Bakugou-
I couldn’t fall asleep, even after I took something to help. I was still trying to come to terms with the scar itself, and now she knows it’s there, but she doesn't know how or why, no one does, except for All Might and Aizawa. 
-After school, in the school lobby-
Half of our class was staring out the window, “What is she doing out there?” Deku asked Uraraka.
“I’m not sure, but she looks so…weird.”
“What are they talking about?” Kirishima sat down across from me, I shrugged.
“Jeez, what is that freak doing now?” Monoma asked sarcastically.
“Bakugou, it’s Miss Aizawa,” Kirishima said softly, he glanced back, a little worry in his eyes. I got up, I wasn’t planning on staying long anyways. It’s just helpful to have a reason to not be here. 
-The front courtyard-
“Shouldn’t you be in the lobby?” She got up, arms crossed, she was so formal, as if she was afraid of me.
“Eh, the lobby was getting crowded, and…well, I prefer fresh air to sweaty freshmen.” I meant it as a joke, but she took a step back nonetheless.
“Oh, okay?” She turned around and started walking away.
This time, I noticed a scar, it ran from the back of her right shoulder to her wrist, and it looked like stitches. Ragged, careless, and haphazard, I clenched my fists, they didn’t care, as long as she was alive….
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She had turned around, she was much closer, she was reaching for my fist, the knuckles were turning white, when she saw where my gaze was she stopped, her hand returned to her side.
-Akari Aizawa-
He was strong, he was terrifying, he was beautiful...he was hurt, and I was making it worse. He was in so much pain, and every time I do anything, it just makes it worse…
“Are you okay?” His hands slammed into his pockets
I swayed dangerously, I could feel another episode coming and I just wanted to collapse, just let everything fall away, “I-I need to get back to my room.” I shook it off, I couldn't break in front of him, so I turned to go back to the dorms.
-Katsuki Bakugou-
She was gonna have another episode, and wanted to be alone for it? “Wait.” She stopped for just a second, “Let me come with you.”
“To my room?” She laughed.
“That’s not what I meant-”
“Yeah, I know,” She looked at the ground, I could see her trying not to panic.
“Come on then,” I started towards the dorms, keeping my hands in my pockets.
@fakegingerrights @conquerius37 @sunrisemcash @wolves-write-in-moonlight @gummybugg @phosphophyy
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
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dee-voss · 10 months
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And when you ask 'em, "How much should we give?" They only answer, "More, more, more, more!"
Song/Skeleton: Fortunate Son Name: Dieter (Dee) Voss FC: Sam Claflin Age: 33 Birthday: January 18, 1940 Gender & Pronouns: Cis male, he Sexual & Romantic Orientation: Heteromantic and heterosexual (let's put a ? on all that, though - while I'm sure he thinks of himself that way, and that he is very genuinely and thoroughly in love with El, I'd say there's some biromantic/bisexual stuff he's keeping very contained. Like most things. The emotional intensity of firefighting and then combat could've created opportunities for him to develop connections and question feelings he otherwise would have left very neatly shelved.)
Occupation: Presently unemployed, former firefighter and laborer Neighbourhood: Willowdale. Dee grew up there, in his parents' house, which he's about to inherit since his mother's passed; a few years before he was drafted he and Elly were living together in an apartment in this neck of the woods. Which she's still living in. And where his things still are. Awkward.
+ : hardworking, determined, devoted, loving, generous - : stubborn, prideful, insecure, disconnecting, bitter
Wanted Connections:
FAMILIAL - Dee has younger siblings (I’m thinking two, 27-30, any gender!) who he kinda mostly raised.
PLATONIC (?) - Old friends from around town, other draftees from Stillwater, musical types to split some healing and hurt with, possibly someone to share a bad habit (or a few).
tw: parental suicide, alcoholism, wildfires, military, war, injury, drug use
Before the silver nitrate shakes, before the jungle, before Elly and Dee, even, there was that Voss boy. Dee didn’t just have a chip on his shoulder; he had a corpse. His father’s. It was one thing to see all the fire and modern-day brimstone of a thing like Pearl Harbour and come home a little cracked. Maybe that could’ve been forgiven, with sideways looks and the odd whisper. But Dee’s dad didn’t just crack. One hairline fracture at a time, the man crumbled away - from his wife, his children, his friends. And then he shattered. It was Dee who found him, in pieces, and it was Dee, ever after, who went around sweeping up what was left of his mother - a white-knuckled shell of herself from that day on - and his little siblings, hardly old enough to understand the hole that’d just been torn in their lives or the cruel, quick judgements that seeped in to fill it, from their neighbours, their schoolmates, and all the nosy strangers of Stillwater. All the while, the mortgage needed paying. The fridge needed milk, the shelf needed bread. Somebody had to do the practical thing. 
So he dropped out, years early, and got down to work. Whatever work he could find, really; the too-short time he’d spent in school hadn’t served him well. Reading was a hunt for sense in words and letters that slithered around in the grass of every page, and writing was just as embarrassingly effortful. Looking at his folks, most quietly - or loudly - assumed the whole family had taken a wrong turn around some bend or other. Maybe the kid had sung along at the veterans’ bar well enough, strummed his way into a few hearts on that guitar his dad had taught him to play, when the old man’s hands weren’t shaking. That wasn’t any kind of practical, though. So Dee sold that damn guitar, and his grandma’s spoons, and his grandfather’s clock. Then… then he tore things down, and built them back up, and patched whatever came apart, learning how he did best: with his hands. And he paid the mortgage. He put milk in the fridge, and bread on the shelf. He did the practical thing. 
Until Elly. Eloise Meadows crossed those tracks she’d grown up on the right side of, with her sweet smile and her high hopes, and… Dee hadn’t been known for either of those, himself, but he found them with her. How the hell could he hope to string together the right words for a girl with all those books, though? Maybe he could say something beautiful enough with a little music to help. It wasn’t practical, to save up and buy a used, battered Gibson. Just like it wasn’t practical, at all, to shyly start believing that El might, someday, be bad enough - in the eyes of her ever-watching parents - to chase her own damn dreams… and that he might be good enough for her to take his hand and walk towards some kind of future together, happily.
Was that so crazy, when Eloise kept smiling like that? Kept telling him about all the more she could imagine for herself, medical school and making a difference? Kept reading to him after a too-long day of roofing, curled up in sandy blankets at the beach for a never-long-enough night of them? Kept letting him learn her, with his heart and those callused hands and all the wonder that’d sneak out of his soul, when he let it? Kept singing along to songs she knew and didn’t, frowning and puzzling and laughing as he had her guess which of her favorite poems had turned into that tune, or this one, transformed in the electric space between her pages and his fingers? No - for once, hoping, the most damn impractical thing of all, felt like the only thing to do. 
But some ratfink let Dr. Meadows know Dieter Voss had been seen taking a bright-eyed look around at rings. Finally, Dee had thought; finally, he had enough saved up to help Elly along to school, enough of a life to offer, enough of that hope she’d taught him. It wasn’t, though. Enough. Not for her parents, who made that very clear. What the hell would be? Somebody who wasn’t him, seemed like. Wasn’t some day-laborer with a dead coward for a father and a nervous wreck for a mother and no high school diploma. What else could he be, though?
Then the wildfires blew in. And for some goddamn reason - the slap-sharp sting of what Elly’s family had said, maybe, or those textbook photographs of what’d happened in Hawai’i, burning oil on bright water, the horrors that haunted his father to the end - Dee couldn’t look away. It wasn’t the practical thing, to join up with those crews. It was a crazy, stupid, reckless thing, and… sooty and scorched, he wasn’t the boy of some poor bastard who’d drunk to drown his fear of fires. He fought them. Survived them. He’d proven that much to himself, at least. But not, again, to the Meadowses. Before, he’d been settling, unambitious. Now, he was foolhardy, unpredictable. Fine. So fucking be it, as long as Elly and him had a chance at making a story of their own someday. When she was ready. When he had more to give. Enough.
But the Army wanted everything, first. He reread that damn draft letter on his own, painstakingly. Slinking over the Canadian border wasn't any kind of option. Stillwater was Elly’s home, and who could say what that might do to her chances to get into school someday, if she had to drag her transcripts to a whole other country? For what - for him? No. And anyhow… goddamn, but he couldn't stand to sink back into the long, dark shadow of his dad's so-called cowardice. There was nothing for it but, again, the fucking practical thing. Report. Serve it out. When he came home, though, that'd be it; they'd waited so long, already. On her parents. On their savings. On life, to line up just right. They'd be enough, for one another. When he got back from Vietnam.
Meanwhile, Elly would write him. And he'd just find a way to read it all and write her back as quick and well as he could. It'd have to, yeah - be enough. His squadmates helped, soft smiles shining through those hard, tired faces. There were some things, the sweetest, that just had to stay between him and El, close as the salt on their skin after one of those evenings back home by the water. It took days to scrawl those down, between bursts of gunfire, booby traps, and torrential storms. Then there'd be a new envelope, sealed with a kiss. Elly was still waiting. 
And her letters stayed beautiful. His, they quieted. The war, when he actually got there - it was every bit as unspeakable as his father’d made it seem, with his fragile, false smiles. Unwriteable, too. He'd never lied to Eloise, before. Never wanted to. But what good could the truth do? Seemed kinder to say less, when honesty would be so goddamn ugly. What else, then? It was easy, at first, to talk about anything else. Eventually, though… he knew all her answers to those questions that went into a wedding, the home they'd make together, the schools she'd been eyeing for ages. And they'd revisited and re-revisited so many memories. El, she'd always had the words for everything; day by nerveshot, shellshocked day, Dee was only more lost for language. He sent his love. Felt like all he had, now. 
And maybe it wasn't enough. They were counting his time in double digits when Eloise stopped writing back. Just stopped. Like he'd done something, or hadn't. Or - his siblings would've told him if El wasn't alright. He asked, anyway; they said she seemed well, same as ever. Puzzled, when they broached the subject. It hadn't been so long since she sent her last letter, had it? Maybe not. To her. A couple weeks passed different, in Vietnam. He'd be back to those beaches soon, playing for her. Not soon enough, but soon. Just a little longer. El had waited. So would he, with those kissed-closed envelopes held tight. 
Until they burned up, with the rainforest and so many of the friends he'd made and Dee. He was told, by some officer he'd thought was as dead as the rest, that he'd gone back into the napalm; that there were men who owed him their life, their limbs. There'd be a medal in it. Dee just wanted to know if there was any mail. Nothing? Could somebody write for him? No, not in any run-ragged combat hospital. Course not. As if he could've strung together much to say through the ebb and flow of drugs and doctors.
Time, strange as it'd been at war, unraveled entirely between that riverbank and the burn ward. Dee tried not to ask those sad-eyed nurses for much, once he’d lurched back to something like lucidity; if they could just scrawl down a couple lines, when they had the time. Those pitying looks always stung. Like the violent shivers that chased after every soak in silver nitrate, or every slow, demoralizing day of physical rehabilitation. And yet - it was the goddamn mail run that hurt most. Still, still Elly hadn’t answered; those weeks of nothing had turned into months. Into half a year, before he was handed that discharge. Now he’s headed back to what was home, with no idea what’s waiting for him. That house he helped pay down, a little emptier since his mother passed during that long, long hospital stay? His siblings, whose now-parentless pieces might be too goddamn heavy for him to carry? That guitar he used to play? For the girl who’d been the love of a life he used to have? Whole lot of nothing, seems like…
For scene-setting reference, Dee was burned by napalm in a pattern that reflects what he was doing at the time - fireman carrying another soldier. There are noticeable scars from near his left eye across his cheek, his left forearm and hand, and down his left side, front and back, and leg. His left hand - his writing, fretting, and leading hand - was injured badly enough to limit the mobility of his ring and little finger; the scarring along his cheek, side and leg has also affected his movement. There's some lingering airway and respiratory damage that has affected his voice (and pre-existing smoker's cough) in a way that anyone who knew him before would pick up on. He suffered some "blast eye" and is somewhat sensitive to light and less a little peripheral vision on the left. It's coming up on six months since he was first hurt; he's very much still recovering.
The other soldier? Far as Dee knows, he's dead... but call that another wanted connection!
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limbushusbandry · 1 year
Why do I keep finding Limbi in my house.
I found an Impending Day Sinclair in my closet and a Telepole Faust just. walked into my house and I adopted them so now I have seven. Yes I have caught all seven of them trying to break into where I keep their treats. Sinclair also broke into the fridge and stole a steak I was planning to cook
There is a reason why I’m saying seven instead of six, because I think I have some sort of Yuri subspecies…??? It kinda looks like a Yuri but it doesn’t…
What I mean is her eye is kinda on fire??? It’s blue and also she’s shaggy with scars all over. She gets along really well with my Faust and Gregor but. what is she???
-Ardor Anon
there may be a chance your house is smelled like/built near some sort of food source the limbi all enjoy? i know limbi are frequently attracted to golden bough bushes, as nearly every single limbi can eat it as part of their diet, and its what helps some limbi metamorphosize as well, however they're extremely rare and hard to upkeep, unless you have a really golden bough bush....
as for this mystery limbi, it sounds like it has some common traits of Lobotomistcorpus lupuscanis, aka the "Big and might be bad wolf".. I'm not too affluent in their care, so i recommend asking @lobcorp-ruina-husbandry and seeing if they have any tips or advice.
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