#and I'm still a bit shaky
dont-offend-the-bees · 5 months
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thisismyobsessionnow · 10 months
Full Jan (+ Nace) ASTP @ Munich, 4/12 2023
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torchickentacos · 1 month
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sevicia · 5 months
It is dangerous for me to share this video due to the disarming effect my deep masculine voice has been known to have on people, but she's just SOOO cute look at her ...... !!! I kept meowing back & forth w/ her for a bit after this LOL, she didn't let me pet her much tho :'3
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that-starry-freak · 22 days
Okay, wow. Uhm.. I'm honestly kind of tired of all the fandom discourse. So i- I want to talk about it.
 This is honestly about to be really personal. So CW for mentions of hypersexuality and grooming(that ones at the very end), as well as mentions of harassment and aphobia. I also vaguing a bit, but its not too explicit (I do name 2 people at some point but im defending them and talking about how they dont deserve to be harassed, so-) and I'm not talking negatively about anyone!
Also please ignore my terrible grammar/spelling. This is kind of just me ranting and in no way is meant to be an actual well written essay or anything
Okay- so- god I was writing this all in my head but now I'm trying to type this out im coming up short
Okay, lets try this- there's no way to really neatly and perfectly segway into what I want to talk about, but I'll try my best
I just really want to talk about the harassment that's been going on in the fandom. Because its really just.. frustrating.
First is the allegations of aphobia.
Yes, aroace people can be aphobic! But can we please learn the difference between projecting and aphobia. 
There are aroace people in this fandom seeing Moon and Nexus and deciding to make them not sex repulsed because they arnt. Ive seen people get called aphobic for making them demiaroace, or aceflux, or just non-repulsed aroace. And I've seen people make fics of awful acts, "correcting" their asexuality, and being purposely tagged wrong.
Which one of these is actual aphobia, hm?
Should have started with this but, yknow, it's too late for that now- ehem, 
Hi! I'm Astro, a aceflux lesbian who struggles with hypersexuality. I, personally, am actually really uncomfortable with people making Moon not aroace and shipping him, even in aus. Im uncomfortable with them even making him not repulsed most of the time. What do I do though? I dont harass people. I just don't interact with the content!
And I have no problem with people making Nexus not repulsed/aroace. Why?? Because canonical hes confused and unsure about if he's aroace or not! And I know a lot of people on the ace and aro spectrum(s), including me, can relate to that feeling. The unsureness of if you are, and even if you know you are, not knowing where you are in the spectrum. I personally love making Nexus somewhere along the lines of demi or gray, because that would add more representation! Especially with Old Moon back now, we have our repulsed rep. That doesn't mean they can't both be repulsed! I'm just saying that having another character be another side of the spectrum (whether its non-repulsed aroace, demiaroace, demiaro and alloace, etc.) Would be nice. 
Personally, I've been tempted to make an au where Nexus started experimenting with sex and it starts clogging his mind. Because I enjoy his character, and I want to project my own experiences onto his character. There's nothing wrong with it?? Self inserting into canon characters is a tale as old as time, just as old as ocs.
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to have more representation or have a character that represents you. That isn't ace or aro phobic- i don't get how people don't understand that. I know multiple aroace people who like dating, or who are dating. I also know aroace people who just like qprs and can't stand dating. I know aroace people who have been confused and have fluctuated with their sexuality as I've known them, trying to figure themselves out. There are different types, and people want to see themselves in a character that is similar to them. Whats wrong with that?
Now, I am not defending the people who constantly are like "well aroace people can date too", completely ignoring the fact that some are repulsed. I'm not defending the people that say that whenever you mention that a character doesn't like to date because they're repulsed. I've seen it happened to people who literally have aus and are talking about their versions if the character and how they never want to date, and people say that. It's fucking annoying. And ya, pretty aphobic.
But non-repulsed aroace people saying that about their own au versions of characters isn't the same thing. Defending their headcanons of a character because it helps them better connect to it isn't the same thing- im like, so confused about how we don't understand this already??
Another this is- and I can't believe I have to say this -can we NOT fucking harass people??? Like holy shit why do I have to say this?
Yes, this includes people who support terrible things. This includes people who just don't like the same things as you. Yes, this includes people that don't like you.
Because, fun fact, that just makes the situation worse. Someone saying something bad about somebody, and then a bunch of people swarming them and telling them their wrong, isn't going to change their mind. It'll actually just make them have an even more negative view of the person.
Now, spreading awareness about a person who is actively harassing people is different. But that also doesn't mean you should see that awareness and go harass that person. Again, its going to make it worse.
Instead, report. Block. Do whatever you can to keep yourself and others safe. Please don't harass people though. Please.
And yes holy shit this includes if they ship things you don't like! Holy fuck why do I even have to say this- if you disagree with someone, block them. Don't fucking spread rumors. You fucking people keep complaining about all the discourse and then attack shippers. What the fuck?? Stop it. The ones you are attacking don't even do shit, they're just chilling. Some people Eccpecially!! I feel bad about mentioning directly, but people like @/kuuchaos and @/zthesheep (not tagging because I don want to bother them and also im a coward. Wishing them all the support in the world tho) haven't even done anything! They're just getting harassed because they're associated with people these harassers don't like.
Hell, i- who has barely done anything but support people -am terrified of getting harassed. Because I'm associated with these "big blogs", I'm at risk of being harassed. Its ruining my mental health, which was just finally getting better- its frustrating. I literally had to take a break from tumblr because I was so anxious, and I felt sick to my stomach and was shaking a bit. I just want to make friends and have fun and post art, but I'm scared of being yelled at literally becuas elf people who I associate myself with.
I know im at risk just because I'm mutuals with two of these blogs. Just because I post and reblog ship things, and reblog things from these "big blogs". Im- augh. I luckily haven't been harassed, and have blocked the harasser in question, but that doesn't stop the crippling anxiety of the fact that i may be in the future. That's not okay. Its awful that this fandom is so fucked up that people who havnt even done shit are afraid of being harassed- or are actually being harassed!
Can I remind everybody that the VAs literally asked everyone not to harass each other and to just chill out? Sure, I'm all for death of the author, but thats not what that is. You can't just take canon and use it to harass people, but completely ignore the people who made that canon. That's fucked up. Either ignore canon all together, or listen to the VAs. Either you, you have no reason to harass people.
Anyway, I hope soon we can all be a lot nicer to each other. Seriously, I dont care about disagreeing with ships. I dont even think we should all be friends, im not a fucking elementary school teacher. But I think we should all at least be respectful to each other and not literally harass and send fucking gore to people. Eccpecially fuckimg CHILDREN like im sorry whos idea was that?? Those gore anons need to be put in prison because that is one of the most disgusting things I've heard in a fandom- and I've been in some pretty horrific fandoms (*cough*dsmp*cough*)
So uhm- yeah
Please dont harass me for speaking out against harassment, like seriously. I'm not promoting harassment or aphobia, or incest or anything. Especially grooming, considering i may have been groomed by one of my friends in 3rd grade??? Idk, the more you know-
Im also not inviting an argument. Please dont argue with me, please. Or even disagree with me in reblogs or comments or tag me or anything. It may seem childish, but I instinctively want to argue back and I just want to avoid that. Please.
But yeah, let's just be decent to each other pls. Use that nifty block button more, please and thank you <3
(THIS WAS NOT REREAD OR EDITED! plus I was having extreme pain at the end cause of cramps- and I was emotional and frustrated at the beginning. So this all may be a bit incoherent/rude, but im trying
Again, please don't harass me- especially over me talking about my hypersexuality and things- its hard for me and personally <3)
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pastafossa · 2 years
Hey pasta, just wanted to double check since you mentioned it in the past: are we able to self print TRT? If so, what chapters would be considered their own books?
I'm absolutely fine with you self-printing for your own shelf! I'd LOVE if I could have copies printed to sell at cost to everyone buuuut since that could get me in trouble with the Mouse, all I can do is give you the green light to do it yourself.
I realize these are a bit uneven BUT if I broke them up:
Chapters 1-43: Book One. This is the most solid, and this was always where I meant to 'end' Book One/TRT's first 'fic' and then begin the next book, but I decided to just keep it all in one fic for ease. After this, things get a little hazy about how I'd break it up, so you're free to choose. But I have them segmented like this: Chapters 44-73: Book Two. Maybe the shortest but I feel like there's a natural rise and fall with arcs to this particular section Chapters 74-105: Book Three. This one feels a bit neater, with a more natural endpoint/resolution than Book 2. Chapters 106-Now: <- we are here in this general area, cause I haven't quite figured out WHERE I want to put the cutoff for Book 4 quite yet.
I hope that helps!
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sysig · 1 month
Look at my handsome boy 💕
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fitzselfships · 2 months
Vent under the cut
My sister and my mom are having a loud argument and I'm not liking it I wish Zooble were here with me :[
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naomiknight-17 · 2 months
I am a smidge late getting the cats' dinner ready but I am still well within the usual window for it
But see I pushed myself maybe a little harder than I should have with the physio routine and I need a few minutes to sit and rest before I do the next task (dishes and feeding cats)
So I tried to sit on the couch to recover for a bit and Tim and Jill were not having it. Climbing me. Screaming. Knocking my phone out of my hand. Climbing everything around me
I had to put all three cats in the hallway (Leon was already out there for similar crimes) so I can have 10 minutes of relative peace holy hell
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kaialone · 4 months
"my cat is sad" poem but with Zato growing up under Slayer's care
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nothing new today, sorry everyone. i had a very mentally exhausting day and only want to snuggle with Foul Legacy right now, so send brainrot please
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abutterflyobsession · 11 months
recovering from a nap takes longer than the nap itself
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doodlebless · 1 year
I met some of my childhood heroes yesterday
Yes, I did cry
Yes, I keep getting flashes of embarrassment about being so openly weepy about how happy I was to finally meet them
Yes, I am also extremely proud I could tell them what their work meant to me both then and now
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placesyoucallhome · 1 year
So when I said 'might be quiet for a while' that was not, actually, me tempting fate
and yet, here I am. With food poisoning.
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purble-gaymer · 1 year
haven't played since february but i've still got it :3 start to finish in one run babyy
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strawberrisoulmate · 1 year
sorry to all my other f/os, but ichigo really is the only guy ever. he means the world to me and has helped me cope through so much terrible, awful shit and i don't know what i'd do without him in my life. he makes me feel so safe and loved and taken care of and like i'll never be hurt by anyone ever again. i only wish he were real so i could tell him just how much he means to me and how much i appreciate him being here whenever i need him and how unbelievably happy he makes me.
ichigo, if you're out there, i hope you know that i love you. so so much.
i love you. i love you. i love you.
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