#and Kas with the sauna...
somedaytakethetime · 10 months
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Reunited with his one true love again 🥰
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ctl-yuejie · 8 months
not a good choice to take a peak at this...now i am missing my local izakaya and sento...
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absolutebl · 8 months
This Week in BL - The Sign is Slaying
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. Happy new year, BLabies!
Jan 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 8 of 12 - Tharn in Phaya’s too big clothing is the cutest thing in the world.
I gotta to say something about Babe's acting really quickly. I love the way he’s inhabiting the personality of his naga character with reptilian eye and body movements and (I don’t know how to put this) a certain reserved, elegant, slithering- ness. He's very good this new boy of ours. (He come from something physical like dance?)
I adored them doing the walk of shame and being teased.
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ALSO I enjoyed the way they handled Tharn’s gender in the past with his costume (the pha chung hang is gender neutral but that green top is a kinda combo m+f) and pronouns et al.
Language corner:
They are using ancient pronouns. I *think* I heard: daow (3rd), khun/jao/tan (2nd), kaa (Ist) - all pronouns in use are gender neutral - to the best of my understanding.
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 10 of 12 - Ooo. Day comes out to fam. Also his maa legit took his phone away and said
“I don’t mind you being gay but you can’t date a poor.”
Still, these 2 do kind of make the best secret boyfriends ever.
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Also I begin to love Night: “that’s my baby” indeed. You special ain’t ya?
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 -  I’m starting to find this pretty boring at this juncture. Bummer, because for a while I was enjoying it.
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 11 of 12 - The stuff with the spy on the team is super boring. I’m not wild about the side characters either. So most of this episode was a bust for me. I did like First’s ex. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 9 of 14 - Charlie & Babe = honeymoon phase. Jeff & Kim = forgotten. Pete & Way = riddles wrapped in alphas but actually enigmas. Everyone else = gang bang phase…. Apparently. Trash watch happening here.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 6 of 12 - Loved that this was a mutual kiss. (Also how comfortable are OffGunn kissing now? Babies!) I’ve moved from indifference to absolute loathing of the side couple tho.
Oddball LIES from the script = the gayest bridge in Bangkok isn’t lit up after 9pm.
Meanwhile, very important kicky kicky feet and Doc is a dork about flirting now that he’s all in. Looks like we get the official boyfriend ep next week.  
You and My Stars YT 2of 2(?) - Couldn’t find it. Not fussed. 
Time the series (Thai Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Okay so there’s a gang and someone named Chris is killed and his boyfriend, actor Foam, is jumped back in time to save him? NO SINGING. Between Chris’s death and that time-slip there’s some kind of accidental murder, a pink pocket watch, Chris being alive again but also a different person, and a make out scene. Are you also confused? Actually, the real question is: Do we continue watching? Remember we (the collective BLorg) do not trust MFlow. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 21 of 24 - The acting has been pretty terrible all along with this series, but this one is the worst. I just can’t. I may tune in for the last installment but this one is a DNF for me. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - It’s utterly adorable. Very manga, but so far not grating on my nerves. They so cute! You know I adore a hyung romance. Add a v gay sauna scene and an OUT gay boy and just... YES. All the married breeder regulars being overly invested in their pretty cook’s queer drama queening, it's so good.
AND THEN a confession in the first episode? Japan sure loves to mess with the pacing of plots drops.
Also, how much do I want to eat every single piece  of food in this darn show? 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 8 - Man I wish this were better I enjoyed this more. Sigh. I do LOVE the stepbrother sides. Of course I do. But how can this feature 2 of my favorite relationship types (age gap, stepbrothers) and not be my favorite BL airing? Japan, how do you ALWAYS do this to me? 
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - I don’t know. I just wish this were better. Also shorter.
I really miss KBL right now.
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It's done I Need to Catch up
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have a spare day.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Veitnam so I assume it's on YouTube. I never even noticed. Anyone?
After Sundown - aired on Netflix Thailand. No word on inter release.
It's Airing But...
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Night Dream (Sat YT) 6 eps - It’s a pain to track down and I really didn’t like the first episode so… DNF  
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
In Case You Missed it
All my year-end round ups:
TOP 10 BL Trends of 2023
Top 10 BL Secondary Pairs of 2023
2023 BLs Best Trope Execution Awards! TOP 10
BL 2023's Best:
Back Hugs Thailand & Elsewhere
Cute Bits of Domesticity
Boys Feeding Boys
Best Cuddles
Heads in Laps
Touching Head Touches
Thailand Put His Head on Your Shoulder
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (not Thailand)
BEST KISSES (not Thailand)
All the BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
Next Week Looks Like This
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More Coming Jan 2024
Beside You (Thai YouTube)
1/24 Love For Love's Sake (Korea Gaga)- based on the Manhwa ‘Love Supremacy Zone’ by Hwacha. A young man is dropped into a game based off a novel he loves. His mission is to make another player, YeoWoon happy. But then the game starts unfolding completely different from the novel.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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Why are the oversized flappy flappy sleeves so adorable? (The Sign)
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Pit Babe
Frankly 2024 is starting on a whimper... mostly from Babe.
(Last week)
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. Most of these shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna 2
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Another great batch of episodes this week, as Kasuga and Nomoto settled into dating life, all the gals got together for various food related events, and Nagumo began seeking treatment for her eating disorder. This show is just always so compassionate with its characters, and manages to find interesting conflicts without going for high drama. I am very much enjoying seeing Kasuga and Nomoto figure out how their relationship should look now that they're dating and also how to communicate and respect each other as they make decisions. Kasuga's tendency to let Nomoto steamroll her feels harmless when it's about picking fruit or vegetables, but it won't be when it comes to making decisions about where they live and how to set up their home, so it's great they're addressing it early. It's also awesome to see them expand their circle of friends and deepen their bonds with Yako and Nagumo--I was high key jealous of the curry and s'mores parties. And Nagumo just has my whole heart. When she expressed profound relief at learning there is a name for her illness and ways to treat it, my mind immediately jumped to Rachel Bloom. Looking forward to her healing. I can't believe there is only one more batch of episodes coming, love and gratitude to @furritsubs!
Chaser Game W
I’ll keep this brief. This show was a mess, and not even in a fun way because unfortunately it was also extremely misogynistic. @twig-tea covered the major issues well in her post. Wild that this show aired simultaneously with TsukuTabe, what a dichotomy.
My Strawberry Film
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This one is really not grabbing me. It feels kind of slow and muted and uncertain about what it's doing. I am not finding the mystery or the love rhombus compelling, and this week's focus on Hikaru's infatuation with Minami had me yawning and picking up my phone a lot. But it's early, I am hopeful it will pick up some steam.
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
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This was a cute episode about Sakae and Soga getting past their initial awkwardness, learning how to communicate with each other, and moving into a more intimate phase of their relationship, and I think I would have loved it if we'd gotten it two weeks ago. This should have been the episode that followed their initial confessions, but instead the show did a two week diversion into love triangle nonsense, and unfortunately, I think it really threw off the pacing and the connection to these characters for me. It just feels too late in the show for this relationship to still feel so new. We haven't had time to settle in with them as a couple, or for them to develop a strong foundation to make us root for them to overcome the coming obstacles in the final arc. Still, this episode had some delightful scenes--Soga finally paying a visit to the sauna was my personal fav, and I also enjoyed the metaphor of Sakae literally catching Soga's love (and knowing @bengiyo would lose it over another important SPORTS moment in bl). This is a show I really want to love, but something just isn't connecting.
Perfect Propose
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I love this final episode and I love this show. Hiro quit his job, Kai resolved things with the shop owner and his son, and they finally got on the same page about their relationship and made out about it. 10/10 no notes for this finale. It was lovely to see Hiro finish his project and make a decision to quit the daily grind--I loved, too, that he is still in touch with his former colleagues--and we saw the change in him so quickly. He looked happier, lighter, brighter. His skin was cleared and his crops were watered! And Kai got to have his moment of catharsis too, sharing his fear that he is a burden on others and having Hiro affirm for him that he wants him in his life and he's a help, not a burden. And I loved that we got all that plus a great kiss, a bed scene (with a very cute leg cramp diversion) and a small peek at their new domestic life together. This show makes me happy and it will definitely be one I return to for rewatches.
Ossan's Love Returns
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I'm of two minds on this finale. On the one hand, I really loved it as a single episode of the show, was happy with where all the resolutions landed, and was left with a very warm feeling toward the show overall. The cherry blossom scene especially really got me right in the feels; I've loved the progression of Maki and Haruta's relationship this season and I love the way they talk to each other. They have earned themselves a spot on my list of favorite drama couples who I actually believe are going to stay together. I also loved everything about the big chaotic group scene and all these characters coming together to pour love on Haruta; it felt earned after a season of him knocking himself out for all his loved ones. The end joke with Chief moving in next door, and getting a final Maki/Kurosawa battle, was *chef's kiss*. And Takegawa's perfect life partner being a cat? 10/10 no notes. I will be clutching my aroace Takegawa read tightly to my bosom.
On the other hand, the episode reinforced for me that the way we got to a lot of these resolutions didn't feel quite right. In particular, I don't think the way Kurosawa's health scare played out across the back half of the season worked, and I'm not too pleased about spending three episodes in a downbeat, tragic mode for the sake of a simple pun joke. I think the whole plot would have landed a lot better for me if the audience was let in on Kurosawa's mistake at the start and the tone of his overwrought goodbyes was farcical all the way through. Not only would that have maintained the comedic tone of the show, but we could have used that story time to better seed some of the themes of this episode with Haruta's crisis of confidence and yearning for family. I'm pretty much agnostic on Kiku and Izumi; they never sold me on that pairing but I wasn't mad about their ending.
Overall, I am very glad I jumped into this show and enjoyed the watch experience a lot, despite my quibbles with some of the overarching writing choices. The cast is amazing and all the characters make me smile. If they make another season, I'll be watching!
Bonus: Josi teki Saikatsu
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I finally watched this drama this week--I held out for awhile hoping to find it in better quality, but no dice, it's 480p in the grey--and despite the potato lens I loved it so much. This is the story of Miki, a transfemme lesbian, just trying to live her life in the way she wants, and all the barriers she comes up against in that pursuit. Our story begins when her childhood friend, Goto, comes looking for his old pal in a moment of desperation and is stunned to see how she's changed. The show is only four short episodes, but they manage to paint a full picture of Miki's life at home, at work, with friends and lovers, and with her estranged family, and show us how she became who she is. Miki is whip smart and perceptive and generous, but also wary of trusting anyone after she's been let down by so many loved ones. I love her so much, and you will too. This story was written by a trans woman and it shows! Brave the 480p and check it out.
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bengiyo · 6 months
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yara ka Ep 10 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, the guys tried to figure out what a long-distance relationship might look like for them and it wasn’t great. Soga decided he’d rather leave his job than give up on this relationship, and Sakae felt guilty about Soga giving up on a big goal and an important promise. We left at Sakae ruining the sanctity of the sauna by initiating a breakup with Soga.
No! Don’t mention the sauna in the breakup speech! I’ll cry!
I actually liked the reasons given for this breakup and the execution of the scene. Because they’re in the sauna, they are essentially bare before each other. It’s a cool choice to highlight the emotional honesty.
I chatted with @lurkingshan and @ginnymoonbeam earlier and have to agree that it’s nice to see a show delving into the immediate aftermath of a breakup. Seeing Sakae struggle with work tasks because he’s distracted works well, as does Soga still remembering key details he had plans for Sakae.
I feel like sending a gift to your ex is a well-intentioned bad idea.
I love everything about this video message and gift. I love how awkward and nerdy Soga is. I love everyone heckling him. I love Kanda taking the glass back and declaring it innocent. I loved Sakae’s smitten smirk by the whole video.
Suddenly Mizuki. I still don’t trust this demon twink.
Hold on, Mizuki is giving good advice. Nevermind, I’m back on his side again.
Not the senpai café callback!! I’m okay with this development. I wish Mizuki and Ryuji the best.
I have really enjoyed the friendship between Sakae and Kaname the whole show.
Good job, Kanda. You have been a real one the entire show.
This joke about them both missing each other and going to the other’s city only works because of a robust transportation network. If you want your populace to fall in love, you need a fast and frequent intercity rail network supported by robust local networks.
The neutral ground conversation is kinda weird, but I’ll let it pass as a way to show them trying to find a compromise because they miss each other.
Soga is such an incredible character. “We’re definitely gonna fuck tonight, so let’s clear things up first.”
There it is: the blinding flash of love.
Final Verdict: 7.5, I Like the Characters. I want to like this show a lot more than I do. I think part of it may be that I’m missing some of the cultural competency around the differences between Tokyo and Osaka. I liked that both Sakae and Soga were coming out of important romantic relationships that didn’t work, and how that also complicated some of the cultural baggage they were bringing to their romance. I hoped we would spend more time with them working through that, and also that we’d involve food more consistently. Overall, I’m not sure I followed the romance of this easily despite really liking the entire cast and some of its ideas. Much of this is probably on me, because I was perhaps looking for something else in the show, which wanted to be about how change was still possible for adults.
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leopardom · 5 months
because it’s gonna be 12 months from the start of this fandom (kinda mostly here anyway), would you like to give me a fav moment from every month so far (can be fandom related, can be only jo related)? if that’s something you’re in the mood rn 🩷
absolutely 🤩
welcome to the ✨Joker Out Chronicles (May 2023 - March 2024)✨ as viewed by user leopardom
this is gonna be a list of fav moments from every month so far and since i couldn't choose, it's gonna be both band related and fandom related
this is gonna be long so more under the cut
May 2023
band: the whole eurovision journey from befriending all the contestants to Bojan's date and eventual engagement with Käärijä to the band giving condoms to everyone and their mom to the rehearsals to the iconic turqoise carpet to the Käärijä sauna to the voting promo to the qualification to the finals to Bojan licking the camera and to Joker Out becoming pretty much esc legends despite finishing 21st in the final. the beginning of everything, absolutely chaotic but i wouldn't imagine it any other way
fandom: the formation this sounds cliche yes but i was here since April 2023 and it was... very silent. the non-esc related jo stuff were limited and people were still discovering them so yeah i was sitting here hoping that after esc people would stick around so we can scream together about the band as a band and not only as esc contestants. and thankfully people did that and here we are now 🥹
June 2023
band: first international gigs the gigs in Dublin are one thing but then came the announcements of the Nordic tour, the Warsaw gigs, the headline gigs in Novi Sad and Zagreb... honourable mention to Stožice going sold out
fandom: Tavastia 1.0 there's absolutely no way i will even forget how the jo, ka and esc fandoms had a collective meltdown when Bojan casually showed up in Helsinki and then joined Käärijä on stage on both his Tavastia gigs (mind you both as a singer and as a dancer lmao). no wonder why this moment still has a chokehold on all of us. 9th of June 2023, you will always be famous
July 2023
band: the appearance of Demoni scream i know that festivals and the first UK run were important and gave us some iconic moments too (like some slay outfits and Jan's sparklative confusion), but the damn Demoni scream is so dear to me it kinda tops it all. it's so good to see how Bojan embraced it after that first time (2/7/23 in Škofja Loka) and now there can't be Demoni without the scream/growl/whatever you wanna call it
fandom: the Jance wedding on stage iirc the Jance brainrot had started spawning before 29/7 but that Saturday night was the cherry on top. so glad we got to experience this live as well since there was a livestream going on that night and we saw Jan putting the veil on Nace himself <3
August 2023
band: the Koper gig i wasn't even there okay but judging from the content and people's comments on it, it was probably one of the most iconic jo gigs. also my favourite jo video in existence is coming from that night (here) side note: i've been to Slovenia once in my life, 11 years ago, and funnily enough we were staying in Koper and i recognised the place they had the concert. anyway, visit Slovenia and Koper, it's a very nice small seaside town and it's worth the visit <3
fandom: the collective screaming about things to be completely honest i don't remember much from that month in terms of fandom, but i kinda remember how most of us had started diving into the band's past more and more and “new” old content was posted almost every day. videos, photos, gifs, interviews, the amazing @jokeroutsubs translating more old content...
September 2023
band: Nordic tour i won't even start talking about this because you'll never hear the end of it. we all know what the Nordic tour was. even the release of SSOL, the first single after esc, can't top this whole thing, sorry
fandom: google drive content and *shocked gasp* Nordic tour another collective meltdown for the fandom. first being bombarder with backstage videos on a damn google drive folder (that ended up being a frequent occurence in the following months) to the whole run of the Nordic tour. do i need to say more? i feel like i can't. only this: Nordic tour, you will always be famous
October 2023
band: Stožice not much to say here either. they sold out a whole arena months prior to the actual concert date. it was their moment. a milestone (probably their biggest to date). and it was amazing to witness this in any possible way, whether it was by attending the concert or watching an ig livestream or keeping track of the photos and videos of that night
fandom: Stožice and Halloween outfits the chokehold both the Stožice and the Halloween (aka pilots and flight attendands) outfits had on the whole fandom... also love how we collectively agreed that Kris' Stožice outfit was his version of Princess Diana's revenge dress and how the Halloween outfits sent the fandom into a spiral in means of creations (fanart, fanfics etc)
November 2023
band: the whole touring well they did have a number of gigs during November and they seemed to be having so much fun 🥰 so much that at the end of November they announced their first proper european tour
fandom: collective screaming about things once again i mean all the gigs were feeding us well. the outfits alternating or not, Jance/Bokris moments, Bonace getting more spotlight (Bojan was and still is going through something during Demoni and Ona like wtf was he doing to Nace was it the serbian lyrics waking up something wild in him 😭😭😭). there was a lot going on back in November… honourable mentions: this Bokris moment, cvjetits (x x) and Kris riding Jure
December 2023
band: the whole Munich experience there's a good chance jo don't remember their whole stay in Munich for the first time as one of the best ones ever, especially if they think about the 1,5k euro taxi they paid as part of making it to The Hague in time for the next gig. but if anything, i feel like this captures their whole vibe as a band; ✨purely chaotic✨
fandom: european tour vlog and Bojan with the bi flag we waited for a long time for a Nordic tour vlog. maybe we didn't get it as an individual video but even as part of the whole tour vlog it was great and definitely worth the wait. also it was a great xmas gift let's be real 😌 now Bojan with the bi flag was probably not a very huge fandom moment and my bi ass may be biased here (this rhymed lol), but seeing him wrap himself with the bi flag followed by that speech before Barve Oceana in Barcelona will always be such a precious moment to me and i'll cherish it forever 💖 note: when i saw them last month in Munich i immediately started crying when i heard the first notes of Barve Oceana live; not only because i love the song and i finally heard it live, but also because i instantly thought of that moment of Bojan with the bi flag and the speech)
January 2024
band: Joker Out cooking livestreams London era my beloved (i never thought i'd say this about a city in the UK out of all places). their whole stay in London was an Experience both for the band and the fandom but well they got their chance to show the world they can cook besides playing music and they did. now let's not get into the kind of cooking they did, but the livestreams were very entertaining and bless them for doing them 😅
fandom: death by Damon Baker's photos yeah no i don't think i need to say more here, i'm still not over those photoshoots and i still can't quite believe they actually happened. like?????????? jo???? photographed individually or not by Damon fucking Baker???? ugh 😫 on that note i want to add that i loved and still love how those photos sparked the creativity in this fandom. from analyses of each photo to fanfics to fanart to creating anything in general. one of my favourite moments of the fandom <3
February 2024
band: release of Everybody's Waiting the whole road to the release of this single was Something with the band continuing the usual shenanigans and with Damon still releasing unseen photos of them. the release of it may have gotten us divided because of its language or the path they chose to take music-wise (it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's more than fine), but personally i like this for them. it's different, it showed a different side of them which they wanted to explored; they got a chances to do it and they did it. and you know what? it's so good live
fandom: death by Damon Baker's photos, Jure edition this could be merged with my fave fandom moment of January 2024 but this one is special because we just saw another Jure like WTF WAS THAT 😭 anyway i loved how we all kind of lost it when his photos dropped note: the moment Damon posted Jure's photos i was on my way to meet my friends in Dresden of all places and i was so shocked by what i saw i almost ran into a lighting column on the street 💀💀💀
March 2024
band: Jan and Bojan playing the piano at every gig of the tour i could've said the whole tour is my favourite thing from this March and it's not like it's not, this is a big moment for the band. it's just that once again i'm a bit biased here. many people, my pianist ass included, wished there would be a piano or some keyboard on stage during the tour because come on if Jan plays the keys for Everybody's Waiting studio version then why not do it live too? and you know what's better? not only there was a piano on stage for the whole tour, but not only Jan but also Bojan played it. however, Bojan playing it for Everybody's Waiting and Jan playing it for Padam, Metulji and the cases where they had special guests (like in Estonia with Alika, Lithuania with Monika and Belgium with Gustaph)... those were not on my bingo card and they were the most pleasant surprise ever 😌
fandom: meeting each other at the gigs when the tour started and even though i knew i would go to at least two gigs, i was extremely nervous because this meant i'd probably come across other fans from here and social media in general. as a person with anxiety, one of my worries was how i'd be perceived and how i'd manage to not come across as a snob person because i'm shy and scared to talk to people i don't know. as the tour went on and i saw people meeting each other irl after only knowing each other via tumblr/twitter/instagram, i got more nervous but also had a warm feeling in my chest because seeing people meet, bond over things they like and have fun at gigs together is actually very wholesome 🫶 i hoped i would get to experience this too at the italian gigs but i was still nervous. and then, around the middle of March, i made the spontaneous decision to do the Munich gig too, but instead of getting even more nervous i just got myself on autopilot. and i'm glad i did because if i hadn't i wouldn't have met some of you neither in Munich nor in Milan or Padua. i wouldn't get to trade stuff and joke about things and talk about fandom stuff or even about fanfics lmao 😂 anyway, point is that i most probably was worried about nothing. i got to meet so many people at the gigs and i had so much fun despite the inconveniences that may had showed up in the way (i don't wanna talk about it tbh) and everyone was so welcome and lovely i'll never shut up about it 😭 also i’m taking this opportunity to say that if we attended the same gigs but didn't get to meet, i'm so sorry about it really but we will do it at some point i'm telling you! and i also wish i get to meet more of you from in here so we can yap about things outside of tumblr too. btw i still have stickers to give away and i will make more whenever the time comes again <3
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naturallyadventured · 10 months
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Et „SAVVUSANNA SÕSARATE“ sauna- ja filmimaagia jõuaks ka kuulmislangusega publikuni, on filmi ingliskeelsete subtiitritega versioonile nüüd lisatud ka eestikeelsed subtiitrid. Kinodes üle Eesti.
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hopelessromanticme · 6 months
Foreigners really do be spendin money into Saunas and shit... While my "देसी संडास with metal ka alvester" does the same work without having my any extra cost attached to it... #summerstruggles
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sleepychinitaprincess · 8 months
20240123 life updates 🥰
ang ma ampo na lang jud nako kay unta gimingaw siyas akoa kay ako grabe na kaguot akong dughan. scared to be hurt so much again. siguro sa iyaa wala lang tanan. taas ghapon siyag pride. di niya kaya magwait. so stop na ta. maynalang kay sayo pa. naanad naman sad ko through time nga kaya ra diay nako. kaya kaya ra ni nako karon.
daghan pa naman kay kog gusto iingon. but siguro its better nga ikeep na lang nako ni sa akong self.
"the more I love him, the more I suffer"
di na ta magdahom niya. you already know him and what he's capable of doing. mawala ra ni. maokay ra ni tanan.
okay hear me out:
i know nga siya ang last chat pero baii, sakit man diay gihapon sa part nako... kahit di ako last chat, I don't feel secured pa rin. Gaguot gihapon akong heart. ahak kadrama ba nako oyy. Pramis lami kay ni ichat saiya:
: Mels
: I miss calling you mels
: gimingaw ko nimo
: isang sorry mo lang saimong nabuhat before, I know I'd immediately forgive you and balik nakos akong pagkagara like kato sauna
: if kaila jud kas akong personality sauna, you can feel nga naay something wrong with how I responded to your every message karon. toned down nako. gakahadlok ko mag express ug too much sa imo because of all the pain you caused me. if you only know...
gusto ko maging sweet saiya pero I know bawal and di talaga pwede. permi na lang ako gasuffer natong duha. nya ikaw ayha ra mutagad ug gusto. ayna ta
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Accha Lagta Hai
part 1
(a short series of Ram and Y/n's domestic life, part 2)
"Namaste Ram bhaiya" a chime of eight girls rang through the verandah, with the sound of tipper tapper of rain in background. Y/n appeared from the kitchen at the chorus. "You're home early" you took his belongings and placed them in your room and came back with a towel, handing it to Ram. "Was supposed to do a duty for a strike but the rain cancelled it. Got sent home" Ram wiped his hair and wrapped the towel around him. "Take a bath and I will serve some chai pakore" you smiled and started to walk back to kitchen when Ram pulled you back by your hand, causing you to bump back in his hard chest. A young girl, about 7, hooted and the seven other girls laughed. You pushed him away running to the kitchen.
When Ram appeared back from the bath, all the girls were eating the pakore y/n didi made. The rain had no intention to stop. Seems like Ram will have some company. He sat down on the wooden chair nearby the girls, gazing at the young childhood. He shook the thoughts away when you appeared from kitchen with his snacks and sat down by the chair next to him, sipping your tea. "So what did y/n didi teach you today?" Ram asked the girls and their hushed talks died, attention averted to their dear Ram Bhaiya. "She made us practice tatkaar and taught us a new kavitt. She also made us ghungru" one of the girls announced and munched on the crisp besan. "Do you know how many ghungrus y/n didi wear?" Ram asked and you looked at him, wondering if he knew that. The rain started to fade. The girls nodded in no. "5000" Ram exaggerated and you rolled your eyes sipping your tea. Some of the girls gasped, while some scoffed.
It was 7pm, the girls should leave early or you'd have to drop them yourself in dark. You went out, your hand extended to see that rain has reduced to nothing but drops of ruffled wet hair. "Chalo, the rain has stopped. You can go home now. What time will you come tomorrow?" You asked the girls rushing to stand up. "4:30" the girls screamed and you giggled when they left, bidding a bye to Ram and you. You sat back down, when Ram pulled your chair next to him. Closer. "Let's make a little girl too" he muttered and you looked at him, not expecting that. You smirked, leaning back. "Sure. We will hold hands in a sauna and tada. A girl" you said and chuckled. Ram rolled his eyes. "I'm serious, y/n" he said and you peered in his eyes. "You sure?" you asked, and Ram nodded. You bit your lip. "Guess we should try" you said and the mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes, an evident smile on his face.
tagging- @budugu @rambheemisgoated @thewinchestergirl1208 @shreyalokesh @bromance-minus-the-b @juhiiiiii @dumdaradumdaradum @chaanv @chaotic-moonlight @waywardmorgan @mish-ka @kashti15 @saanjh-sakhi @ronaldofandom @bishh-kanya @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @iamhereforthefanfics @maraudersbitchesassemble @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @infusedchaos @army24--7 @iams99 @booksmartheart @rambheemlove @stuckyandlarrystuff @bitchy-bi-trash @moonyrox @sabi5 @nerdreader @yehsahihai
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hugoterongmakata · 1 year
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So the BAT incident happened last sunday, and this week, hindi ako pinapasok. So I spent most of my time with the people I love to release stress.
Eunice - I spent a day just to teach her how to swim with the help of kick board and paddles. Per hour na ang reservation sa lap pool so after lap pool we went to lagoon and ayun, tamang kwentuhan lang kami don.
Lola - I get to spent days with lola without thinking that may work pa ako bukas or something. Lola appreciates my lambing and kwento about anything under the sun. Lagi nya tuloy sinasabi na gustong gusto nya sa tabi ko kasi ramdam nya na mahal na mahal ko sya. Baka di na to umuwi sa probinsya. Hehe.
Papa - actually 50th nya, so ayun, nitreat ko talaga sila mama, papa, lola and eunice sa spa, 1st time ko pumasok ng Sauna at ng bath house. Grabe yung experience don. Nakaka culture shock kapag di ka sanay. First 5 mins namin sa loob, grabe yung pawis ko and naramdaman kong nag open yung pores ko. + the massage is sooo good. Approve sa kanya kaya alam kong nag enjoy din talaga sya. Plus, after the massage nagkakwentuhan kami and narealize ko na magaling din pala sya sa history. Ayun, madami akong natututunan sa kanila palagi kapag nag kwekwentuhan kami.
Mama - wala kaming picture ni mama, pano mas nag eenjoy kaming magkasama kesa sa mag selfie selfie. Nag enjoy din si mama sa spa + sobrang natutuwa sya kasi hindi lagi tong ganito sa kanila.
Narealize ko, ang saya pasayahin ng mga importanteng tao sa buhay natin. Ang dali nila pangitiin at sarap sa pakiramdam na nakikita ko silang ngumingiti.
Kaya habang may oras pa para pasayahin sila, grab the opportunity na agad. Wag na sayangin pa. Yakapin mo sila. And tell them you love them. Ganon.
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delnaser · 2 years
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Time likes these makes you realize that nothing in this life prepares us for losing someone we love.
Nagsimula lahat ng aming pagkakaibigan nung kami ay 1st year high school pa lamang. And you bet, 12 years na pagsasamahan na yun. Damn! Half of my existence (since writing this) kay kauban nako siya sa tanang ka shittan na among nabuhat and ideas na kine-keep lang namin sa apat na poste ng bahay nila. Marami kami sa OSD at marami kayong maririnig na iba’t ibang kwento na kasama siya, pero this time imma take shit na naman.
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Posing pose circa 2013 kay bago ang tablet ni Dereck, pasikat tanan pwede na moves. Hahahahahahahahaha
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Birthday nimo ni gaw. June 12, 2013 matandaan nako na 2013 ni kay bago akong sanina ani hahahahahahahahaha sa SM pinalit. naghanda ka ani spaghetti ug legendary digicam nmo (inggit si tatot). untidy me kay gikan pa mig basketball tas naulanan pa. Basta marember nako ani nakabuak ug picture frame si tatot sa sala ninyo kay kiat man kaayo pasikat sa iyang LeBron na sapatos. 
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Field Trip 2013!!!! nawong ni Tatot paghuman suka sa kanal na barado. TESDA XI Training Center.
Unpopular kaayo ni na mga tao sa picture oh kay nagtagpo si Joven, Hakim palautog, John Mark and si Kurt sa photo hahahahahahahahaha mao pa ni time na uso ang chicser na buhok maong nag-ana ka na gupit gaw para mapansin ka ni Ebay. Hahahahahaha ayaw na ideny kay tinuod na. Hahahahahaha
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After Intrams 2013, posing sa bago makakaon ug minute burger na isa ka karton. Tag 26 pa ani na time ang buy1take1 karon 39 na bolshet.
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Paaman na group photo kay nagpa 2x2 ta tanan para sa SASE Application. Ikaw pa sa atubangan oh ginagaya nmo si Daniel Padilla na smile kay kasagsagan ni sa Nasayo na ang lahat. Si Tatot scammer pa ani na time. Si Kurt payat japon. Si Subong ari ka man di, kami 3 na kauban nmo sa Quadro, nagpaubos jud ka. Hmmmmmm, ano kaya meaning noh. Si LJC ug Joven mga gangsta shit ang trippings leader nila si Doydoy hahahahahahaha. Fresh pa ni sa akong memory tanan miskin na disgrasya and nabagok akong ulo sauna wahahahahahahaha.
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Third year days, Cover photo nako sa Facebook. 2012. Si Dereck di pa kabalo mag-jakol ug mag binastos pero ikaw kay gi-pirata na ka sa Section 2 sa amoa. #foreveralone squad na mo ni Andre.
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Pagkahapon na pic. Same Day lang ni sila. Suwanga ni Dante ui. Hahahahahahaha.
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Hahahahahahahaha idontknow lang ha, base sakng memory mao ni tng nagkanta2 ta ug Gangnam Style na paborito ni Hakim. Oten oten style ang pangalan. Recorded to tanan ang audio sa memory card and USB ni Jasper pero gi-wala ni Dereck. Waa jud ato deck ui ang memories nakabutang didto tanan ba sayangaaaa ui. Pero anyways, naa kay Aleai ang tibuok album ani na mga photos. Mura jud kag si Papa nmo gaw ba, liwat kaayo mo duha.
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Hahahahaahahahahahahaha mga nagkasakit ang tatlo oh wahahahahahahahaahahahaha. Naulian na ba tanan? Sukad sauna gaw mas luspadun jud ka sa akoa mski mas daghan kag kwarta sa akoa gaw. Mas pilion jud nmo mag computer (developing software) kesa sa magkaon. Graduating times na nato ni gaw. Andre oh Dota boy kaayong body physique.
Life during the pandemic was very rough, but our friendship kay murag Ford. Built for Tough. 
Pandemic started 2020. The global pandemic and border restriction was implemented days before your examination, Licensure Board. Abi namo all this time naa ka sa ubec together with your squad and college friends pero naa lang diai ka sa inyong balay kauban si Ama nimo. Maayo kay nakabalo me sa balita, and guess what? Fuck restriction, bounce ta ila Abdul ui, di man to masuko iyang papa mutambay ta ddto mski taparan pa nato matulog hahahahahahaha. And guess what, comeback sa Malesido, means comeback sa mga late night uwian and unplanned attack sa mga laag laag. Bahala na naka Nmax si Tatot musaka ug bukid or bahala na mag alotanay sa mga silop na nakarouser pag curfew hour basta madayun lang ta. Ikaw ang wala’y motor or service sa amoa pero ikaw ang VIP. Usahay feel na feel nimo pero ni minsan wala me naglagot kay puhon ikaw mag drive sa amoa kung magkasakyanan ka. #iKotMindanao plan nato, remember? shettt sayang di matuloy pero sa plano pa lang, exciting na how much more if nadayun to na kumpleto and jampacked di ba? Bahala na nagkapamilya si Doydoy, dapat uban sia, ang manluod kay ibilin sa Baluyan niya di na balikan. Hahahahahahahaaha. Here are some photos and moments during the pandemic.
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First up, Basag Falls! pagsaka sa Falls updated dayun mga posing. Oo Dul klaro na imoha nang underline. no need na idescribe. mas okay na na kaysa kay Tatot na bastos ug gupit.   
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Abi pa lang dile isog kay naghukas sa katugnaw sa Falls oh. Partida Motor na gsakyan nimo kay Karl. Okay na to kesa kay Rene/Andre and Tatot/Jasper ka kay maapil jud kag ka disgrasya nila upat. Wahahahahahahahaahahaha! Pero panalo kaayo ang posing dre gaw, Tasaday kaayog vibe ba. Ang bato sa taas alalayi hahahahahaaha. “Posing diha nak picturan taka pakita nako kay papa nimo” 
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Diha sa ka, mangihi sa mi. Bantayi sa among motor dong.
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So this photo was taken February 28, 2021. After our Kalilangan Gig, 11pm. Rekta sundo mi ni Tatot kay Jasper and sa imoha. gibilin nmo si Ina nmo kay mu bounce ka sa amoa hahahahahaha pero ana si Ina nimo na “okay lang basta kayo ang kasama”  attack ta sa ranso mga 1 AM. and this moment I’d say “The birth of Dayunday” Hahahahahahaha. 3AM Biglang attack si Kuya Alden and Kuya Rap sa Ranso kay walang matambayan. At yun na. Dayunday! Habang tulog tanan takoy, si kuya rap and jasper nagsearch sa youtube sa original dayunday, 30 minutes. Half-awake ko then si Abdul gahagok na, pag play na sa Dayunday, kalit nakamata si Abdul pinakalit tas “Lah? kabalo lage mo ana?!” Sabay katawa tanan mskin tulog hahahahahahahaha grabe lingawa ato na gabiuna ui. Pure Goodshit kaayo to ba. Fresh kaayo sakng memory. Tas pagkalunch, attack dayun sa Maharlika kay magpatugnaw. Pero na corneran sa naay Kanduli, okeh libre kain na naman bago mag beach. Nasa Maharlika na kami sa pic na to. and after hours na tambay, diretso papunta na sa Polomolok para mag Buko Juice. Wahahahahahahaa kapoya ui. mga 7pm na nahuman ang trippings, pag-agi sa Balbacua, ana ko na “Tara sabaw ta?” Wala pa 1 second, ang reply kay “Ayaw na gaw, uli na ta please” Hahahahahahaha. Long hair pa ka dre dul, nahalaan ka na chix sa mga takoy sa Maharlika. Certified pinaka kapoy na trip.
More storyline po next chapter, pahinga muna ako late night na.
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. All but one of these are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Chaser Game W
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Fuyu got a personality transplant this week and I have officially given up on this show being what I hoped it was. Enjoy the mess and the humiliation kink and don't look for consistent writing, logical plot, or deeper themes and you will find some things to enjoy. Like these two beautiful ladies making out a bunch!
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yara ka
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I love this show so much, y'all. This week we got the return of Sakae's selfish chaos ex, Mizuki, and because this is a show by and for adults, this resulted in our leads engaging in some proper communication, clarifying their feelings for each other, and sharing their first kiss by the end of the episode. I loved seeing more of Sakae and Mizuki's dynamic, and I just know if Soga wasn't in the picture Mizuki would already be in with Sakae again. Sakae is a soft touch and Mizuki clearly knows how to play him. But thankfully, Soga has already wormed his way into Sakae's loyal heart, so he was not tempted to waver. And for Soga, who is experiencing a queer awakening via his relationship with Sakae, Mizuki's presence was a much needed jolt to sort out his own feelings and decide he wants to try a relationship despite his concerns about not staying in Osaka long-term. I also loved the way their friends rallied around them to push Sakae and Soga to figure their shit out, and the sauna scenes will never get old.
Perfect Propose
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It's official, I have adopted Kai as my child and will be forming a protection squad. This show is striking a good tonal balance of being fairly downbeat and serious, between Kai's past and Hiro's current work/life balance issues, but also uplifting in how their relationship builds. I like that they talk to each other so honestly about what they're feeling for each other, and Kai's quiet confidence that Hiro returns his feelings and just needs to come to terms with it is both hilarious and correct. My favorite thing that happened in this episode was Kai confidently noting all the ways Hiro’s body was responding to him and asking him to “be conscious of it.” Kai wants Hiro to be conscious of Kai’s feelings but also of his own responses, and he’s asking him not to look away from it and pretend he doesn’t know there’s something between them. I love the confidence of that.
And I sympathize with Hiro, as well, because it's not just that he's never considered being with a man before--he also just doesn't feel he has anything to offer to a partner right now given his brutal work situation. His guilt and shame for missing the festival after inviting Kai to go together was real, and you can see that he just can’t fathom having anything to give with the situation he’s in at work right now. The trick will be trusting that Kai can accept those limitations until he’s able to find a better balance, and then actually taking steps to pay attention to what he needs and wants, both in this relationship and in his career. Hiro has not been taking care of himself and it's catching up to him.
Ossan's Love Returns
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A downbeat week for this show, and an episode that did not entirely work for me. I liked some of the themes they were exploring in this one, but it was all missing the humor that I've come to rely on and I don't feel that all the story threads pulled together as tightly as they normally do. In particular, my head is inquisitively tilted at the show's decision to make Maki and Haruta's wedding episode feel like such a misery slog, to focus primarily on the tension and strife leading up to the event rather than the joy it should inspire, and then to stay in the melancholy after a small moment of catharsis for our couple (and some season 1 flashbacks) by focusing on the sadness their marriage inspired in their various lonely suitors rather than their own wedded bliss. Seeing a wedding in jbl is a practically unheard of occurrence; a bit more queer joy was in order IMO and its absence was notable. I also thought the swing from Kurosawa beginning to accept a new role in Haruta’s life to suddenly going back to being lovelorn felt abrupt and poorly constructed. It's not that I think these ideas are unfounded given the show's focus on older male characters who feel past their prime for romance, but the execution was not quite right. And of course I am not too keen on the death flagging we got at the end for Kurosawa; I really hope the show will not take this story in a tragic direction for him.
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna 2
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I have still only seen the first four episodes of this; sadly, the next batch is not yet available to me. But soon! In the meantime, let's revisit Nomoto sobbing over a lesbian film. She's just like me fr.
Next week we'll be continuing all of these plus adding My Strawberry Film, the final Drama Shower (go here for an explanation on what that is from @bengiyo) show for the season! I continue to be delighted by this embarrassment of jql riches.
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snowmaniaph · 2 years
All Treasure!: Iwamoto Hikaru
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I‘m grateful that more people have started talking to me at the sauna recently. Apparently, they know me through my physique rather than my face (laughs). That’s why I go to the stone sauna when I want to be by myself to concentrate. I have personal clothes (for the stone sauna) so I can hide my body (laughs). If we’re talking about sweat from my youth then it is “SASUKE”. Laughing and crying, being devoted to one thing regardless of age - isn’t that youth?!
We appeared in (Akashiya) Sanma-san’s show “Anta no Yume wo Kanaetaro ka” at the start of this year, and I helped a young boy fulfill his dream of dancing with us. I’m already pretty happy that my activities have become someone’s dream and guide, but it’s the first time someone directly said to me “Thank you for making my dream come true”! Just remembering it makes my eyes well up~!
[Heart Pounding]
There was a child actor who acted as MoeKare’s heroine, Moe’s, little brother. He was nervous at first but we gradually grew closer, and then he followed me around saying “Hi-kun, Hi-kun”. And because he said he did his best to memorize Brother Beat’s choreography, I taught him things like how to move his head. And then he gave me a letter and a sketch of my face on the last day of filming. My chest tightened with his kindness! Next time I want him to memorize the choreography for Orange Kiss (laughs).
My friend from middle school always came to watch my stage plays and live performances! “Your expression in this scene was cool!”, they tell me about their reactions to my projects. When you’ve known each other for a long time, occasions that make you go “You get it even if I don’t say it, right?” increases, but I’m honestly happy and grateful that they always voice out what they want to say!  
[Club Activities]
When I was in middle school, I was in the track and field club for only a month. I thought of doing long-distance running because I was always number 1 in marathons in elementary school! I stopped when I entered Johnny’s. In high school, I was in the dance club with Fukka! It was actually the gymnastics club but we almost made it into the dance club (laughs). If I were to join a club now, then I would probably be in the art club. It would be nice to broaden my creativity and hone my artistry. If I were to actually create something, then I’m more interested in making sculpted objects than painting.
Source: Duet 09/2022
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bengiyo · 8 months
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yara ka Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Sakae rejected Kazuyo properly, and she coped with her disappointment by joining team Sakae and Soga. She helped Sakae prepare a series of surprises for Soga's birthday. Unfortunately, her boss derailed those plans, and Kazuyo got mad at Soga for not recognizing Sakae's feelings. Thanks to the added support from Kazuyo, Sakae took a step forward and told Soga about his feelings. Soga was a bit surprised, so Sakae told him to think about it. We left on Soga's ex-wife calling him and Sakae's ex showing up at his house.
Mizuki is pretty. I hope he isn't revealed to be a demon twink.
Episode 5: He's returned. What now?
Oh, I don't like Mizuki. You can't put relationships on a shelf like a toy you're bored with and just come back to it.
I love Kazuyo so much. She got Soga to admit he has more than feelings of friendship for Sakae, and then immediately called Kaname when something suspicious was going on.
Mizuki listening in at the sauna is a great gay joke. This sauna is a place only for men, so straight men could talk about their psrtners here without worry. But because Sakae and Mizuki are men, he can chase them out of the space.
I really love the squad reacting quickly to this development. Sakae may intend to be done with Mizuki and can say that without lying, but whatever emotion brought Mizuki back must be faced to get him to move on.
Ah, he got kicked out for cheating and is now hoping to land softly with Sakae, who he knows is a pushover and a sap.
I don't like Mizuki. He bailed on Sakae and is now just gonna be back and chatting with customers. Everyone knows!
Even if it's just Soga's worries, I like that this show is willing to show Sakae being intimate with another man.
Come through, Kazuyo! She is a great character for accelerating the romantic pace of this show. She reminded Soga that he could lose to a determined ex, and also chided Soga for not telling Sakae he plans to move back to Tokyo. The devil works hard, but Kanda-san works harder.
Spies and thieves! I knew he was a liar who lies with his face!
"Is he better than me?" "Yes." NOW GET OUT!
Soga, can you not walk in at the most dramatic moment???
Okay, he got jealous, Sakae pushed that he isn't a fickle person, and we learned that Soga and his ex-wife are working on having a productive relationship even if it's no longer romantic. We also got a multi-angle stationary kiss.
Another problem character next week!
This show continues to be excellent. Japanese teams heard that I wanted more adult romance and they are here to deliver. We have issues with exes, because adults have histories. We have an active support network that challenges our leads to face each other properly. Our leads can speak with each other. This is what I have wanted for so long.
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iamkittybarbie101 · 13 days
Before 😊---sauna dakoa og bukton uie murag buksidor plus gauna ang buy on plus short hair😂😂😂 65kls
After😊---wow mogamay ra jud diay ka basta hagoan jud kana daw OMAD ra ka mo eat madahan nya makacheat man gne di pd pasulabi gamay na pero kulang pah hehehe😂😂😂 53kls
#thankfulandblessed2024🙏👏John Gabriel Claro
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