#and Mask using gremlin powers for good
silvercaptain24 · 2 years
I am writing what is probably the most self-indulgent sickfic I will ever write.
I refuse to be sorry.
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chongoblog · 1 year
Red Kraken Poll Baby!!! For those who know my funny pirate OCs, which one is your favorite?
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66sharkteeth · 5 months
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more info about nine lives bc i'm stalling on work and wanna talk about him instead <3 most of this is about the version of him intended for the comic I want to do after City of Blank.
-his real name is Nico
-his mother was a succubus, meaning he is half incubus. because of this, his incubus powers are limited and only work over digital media. IRL, everyone sees him as a gross, weird little gremlin, but online or in streams, he can seduce (nearly) anyone.
-he goes by nine lives bc he is very sickly and always in and out of the hospital. when he was a kid, he was in so often the nurses started (lovingly) joking he had nine lives and it stuck. even his dad calls him that.
-he is deaf, but speaks english fluently. he lost his hearing around the age of 13 to bacterial meningitis. he's blind in his right eye because of this too, which is why he's often seen with his goggle mask. He wants to keep his left eye safe, because it's his last means of staying connected to the world.
-he does have a hearing aid but hates using it. he also never learned ASL and instead picked up quickly on lip reading. he doesn't let many people know he's deaf, so a lot of people think he's ignoring them. (he DOES learn ASL later, but that's kind of a big part of the story)
-he is incredibly apathetic and lazy. he is very much the kind to joke to cope, but he's ultimately accepted he will die young and has no aspirations because of it (one of the reasons he never bothered to learn ASL). all the cast in this story has an assigned "7 deadly sins" and despite being literally half incubus, he actually represents sloth.
-he can and does sleep anywhere. energy drinks and coffee pump through his blood but he's still forever sleepy.
-actually incredibly nice. he can be a bit of a troll and likes to tease and mess with people, but ultimately would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. keeps all his problems to himself because he doesn't want to make other people worry.
-the opposite of finze in every way.
-terminally online. furry. reddit user (derogatory)
there's a lot more but that seems like some good basic info get to know him. i know vast majority of you are here for CoB but pls allow me to be self-indulgent with other projects for a couple days after a really frustrating weekend regarding CoB haha. maybe i'll do finze next if anyone is curious about this kind of info on him in the next comic?
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
Okay but CONSIDER~☆ Petty, territorial, exhibitionist Kon!
(Also he has Strong Opinions and I tried to keep things In Character since I am working that. He's against feminizing Tim because he doesnt want to make his boyfriend disphoric. Slight realism to the porn? Attempted!)
Him and Tim? Dating. His memory? Flawless. He remembers EXACTLY all the emotionally scarring bullshit they put his boyfriend through. Tim may forgive, but HE doesn't. Fuck those guys.
What's WORSE? He can hear EVERYTHING. Your expressionless mask doesn't mean SHIT when he can hear your heart rate pick up. SEE your eyes dilate. When walls don't do SHIT to stop him hearing you beating your meat franticly, after excusing yourself to "make a call".
But Tim's HIS. Not theirs.
They break his heart and make him feel not good enough. KON makes him feel loved and powerful and happy. KON spent his whole life, fighting to have things that were JUST for him. His, not superman, not anyone else's. His. And Tim? Is HIS boyfriend. Is amazing.
And Kon LOVES making him feel good.
Really taking his time. Using his TTK to tease and pinch, stroke and hold, keeping Tim JUST where he needs him. Taking care of his needs in the ways Tim never seems too. Over and over, til he's all soft and boneless. Twitching. Gushing all the pleasure Kon pumped into him. Head finally quiet.
It's amazing.
So maybe that's why he doesn't stop. Even though he hears the arrogant stomping of Jon's bratty friend. Jon cleared out to the barn and some loud music over an hour ago. When he caught the LOOK Kon was giving Tim. Smart kid. But apparently not smart enough to drag his buddy along. Because now the little shit is looking for him.
Kon doesn't care.
He is face first between to long, powerful, legs and trying to make Tim's brain melt with his tounge alone. From the grip on his hair? Decent progress, so far. He adds fingers, making Tim's back bow. Earning those awesome little sounds.
The foot steps faltered then froze, outside his door. The brats heart rate has sky rocketed. Turned on by listening to Tim getting finger fucked. What a little perv.
But? Kon's discovered? He's kinda... in to it.
Showing them what they'll NEVER get to have. Showing them how it's DONE. That's right, little perv, listen to how GOOD I make him feel. You could never. This is what he, the REAL Robin, deserves.
Fucking Tim? While Damian stands frozen just outside his bedroom door? Is one of the best times they've had together. Kon nearly breaks his bed. Leaves Tim hoarse but glowing the next day. Granted, with a noticeable limp and unable to sit down, but Tim is hardly complaining.
Kon just grins, like a shark, every time Damian looks at him.
And of course, Kon has to do it again. It was AMAZING. Invite him oooover, babe. He miiiiisses yoooou. Sad face.
Tim laughes but does. Gotham is stressful after all. Even if, for some reason, the gremlin has been avoiding him. Weird, chirps Kon, who knows EXACTLY why. Wonder why that could be?
Arrives to find Dickhea- sorry, Tim's BELOVED brother DICK, who definitely didn't betray him, and TOTALLY didn't try to Put Him In ARKHAM, THAT Dick... hanging around. Trying to "make amends". (Kon's ass he is.) And doing team ups. Hanging like a leech all over KON'S boyfriend. Eating all of the food TIM should be coaxed into eating before there's a chance and lounging around Tim's home like he owns the place!
.....ha ha. Kon's not mad, babe. Promise. He could NEVER be mad at YOU. :) :) :)
(He might murder this clingy bitch, though.)
But, hey! This IS Rob's place. And you know what's Perfectly Reasonable, nay, even NATURAL, to do in one's own place? With their boyfriend? Come here, babe~ My power, clever, gorgeous, sexy, hasn't showered for three days, hot mess~ let's get you cleaned up and in bed.
Oh yeah, your brother will TOTALLY respect Boyfriend's Over time. I texted him for you and everything thing! (Kon didn't and honestly? Dick wouldn't.)
So Kon gets his boyfriend naked. Always a delight. Some sexy groping and forplay in the shower. Wet and sexy fun! A classic. Can Kon hear Dick planning to "head over to Tim's"? Half way across the city? Well maybe certain individuals are about to learn to text first. And that they will NEVER get what they want so bad, no matter how hard they go panting.
Meanwhile? Kon is working Tim up. Hitting all his good spots. Stubble rubbed against the neck, as he kisses his way down. Not too hard, since Kryptonian hair has no give. Just little prickly sparks. Right down to his pecs. Not tits, never tits, or Kon gets kicked out of the bed for WEEKS. Made THAT mistake exactly ONCE.
Manly, manly pecs with the hottest pink little nipples you've ever seen. Likes when Kon uses his TTK for the other one. Focuses on uses his hands to stretch him, tease his fantastic hole and little t-dick clit. Tim totally loses it. Starts trying to RIDE his hand and make him go faster. Always whines and begs when Kon has to hold him still.
Oh look, someone sneaking in the window uninvited. Wonder who that could be? Gee, sure hope he remembered to close that security feed of the bedroom. But, shucks. Technology is just SO confusing! Hope they don't ASSUME Tim is ALWAYS at his desk and go looking there first!
Does Kon sit up and leave Tim's nips to his TTK, just so the cameras can REALLY get a good visual? Of COURSE not. Tim just really, REALLY enjoys the feeling. So he's giving him double the action as he slides home. Even adds his clit to the teasing, just to see that open mouth, gasping for air, feral thrashing look, Tim gets.
Kon hear the searching, meandering footsteps of their intruder, reach Tim's desk and freeze. In that way only a highly trained Bat could. A heart rate spikes and breathe is sucked in sharply. A swallow.
Ah, did Kon for get to turn off the audio? Whoops. Thank goodness it was on low, huh? But I bet that close to the desk, you can hear it. Room's REAL quiet.
Shift of fabric, the camera's audio is turned up.
Perverts, all of um. "Brotherly feelings" his ASS. Kon fucks Tim through his first orgasm, pounding short and rough RIGHT against that spot he likes, just as Tim likes him too. Listens to Tim's perv brother jerk himself desperately. Fantasize about how HE would be SO much nicer and sweeter to Tim's hole. Timmy this and that, like Rob's a little kid.
Like Rob would even be INTO any of that.
Calls Robs pecs TITS. Calls him PRETTY. Has no idea what Tim NEEDS and never did. Can't GIVE IT to Tim like Kon can. Pump into his hole until Tim feels like he's gonna break, then grind nice and deep until he DOES. Tease him for hours when he's all stressed and lost in his head, so he unravels into mush. Lift him up and don't let him down until he's been STUFFED with you. Til his legs are shaking and he can barely see straight. Till all he want is to pass out and cuddle.
Rob needs someone who will lovingly fuck him UNCONSCIOUS and will still be there, holding him, FUCKING HIM, when he wakes up. Needs to be so WANTED it drives someone a little insane. Needs good and pleasure and thoughtless, bone melting bliss. Not babying and tender little nothings.
And frankly? Kon is a petty, mean, Tim-fucker. He's woken up and chosen violence.
Deliberately avoids Tim's g-spot, like that isn't an execution worthy offense. Tell him, babe~ He wants to HEAR. What do want him to do to you? And Tim? Who is being fucking edged and FURIOUS about it? Says BET, opens his mouth, and makes all of Kon's dreams come true.
Holy Shit, Babe~ :D Yes Sir o7
Kon gets to destroy some perv fantasies, hear FANTASTIC Tim dirty talk, AND use TTK to fuck every orifice Tim HAS. It's a fantastic afternoon. He even gets Tim to take a nap instead of going back to work.
And would you look at that~ No clingy leech! You want pizza? Bart recommend this great place. Let's get pizza!
But then Mr. Broody Psychological Trauma is demanding Tim come play hostess to his Gala. Isn't he dating or something? A socialite no less? Make HER do it! But no. Tim has to go entertain old rich bastards and smile.
Fuck it. He's coming too.
Tim just laughs at his blatant gate-crashing plans and hands him an invite. Asks if he wants to go suit shopping. Mmmmmm sexy suit sex. Roleplay options. Yes please. They go shopping. It's awesome.
Less awesome? The party. Very boring in fact. And EVERYBODY wants to fuck his boyfriend. This may be his villian origin story. Also he fuckin KNEW it. "Bruce isn't like that" Kon's ass! He ALSO called that he totally wants to bone Clark. Without his piercings in? And in a suit? Kon looks VERY Clark-ish. Tim's old man keeps checking him out.
Frankly, however, Kon doesnt care.
He's on his last god damned nerve with these "oops! Ha ha, my bad." Handsy mother fuckers, touching his boyfriend. He dives into the crowd. Something, something, he's drunk, Tim. Come get air with me.
Tim knows damn well he can't GET drunk.
So obviously he better go take care of his Poor Drunk Boyfriend (ooooh nooooo).
Tim drags him to some side room the family uses. Before Kon can even get his hands under all those layers, he's sliding to his knees and swallowing Kon to the root. Fuck. It's EXACTLY what Kon needs. Hot and wet, cherishing and so damn eager. Absolutely milking him.
He cups that beautiful head and let's TTK slid down his body. Like hands stroking under clothes. Pinching and massaging his pecs. Rubbing his skin. Teasing his clit. Spreading him open for fingers to stretch and fuck. Kon can just lean back and enjoy the moaning. The eager rocking of Tim's mouth onto his cock.
Especially as the feeling turns from rubbing to fingers fucking into him. From fingers into toys. From toys into cock. Until Kon is spit roasting his Boyfriend all on his own. Making him whimper and twitch as he's rocked between two cocks, just how he likes it. Clinging to Kon and treated like something precious, head utterly empty, nothing but his next orgasm to worry about.
He whines when Kon pulls out of his mouth. But Kon promises he's just switching ends.
The best part? About using TTK during sex? Is they never need sex furniture. Kon can just bend Tim over thin air. Hold him there. So long as SOME part of him is touching Tim. Which, really, is an easy ask. And dragging down the probably ruined suit pants, Kon distantly notes soft steps approaching the door.
He slides home regardless. Grips those amazing hips and starts to pound. Tim desperately teasing his chest. Mouth open to be fucked by TTK cock, pouring out moans and fucked out cries. The wet squelch of their bodies meeting.
The footsteps have frozen. A reaction, muted. Almost... trained. Someone used to controlling their body. Oh my, oh my. It's the big perv.
The door's a crack. Not closing it, huh? So who are you staring at, Bat? Tim, your SON, as he gets fucked. Gasping and drooling, moaning for more, harder, deeper. Or Kon? The CLONE of your "best friend", a married man. As he fucks your son. Hips rolling, muscles lit with sweat, groaning in the pleasure takes from the body beneath him.
Which is the one you're getting off too, Batman? Tim? Him? Both of them? That's right, close the door and run. Kon can still hear you jerking it in the family wing.
Maybe Galas ARE fun.
As for Hood? Kon gets confronted. Because Jason can see the pattern developing and is self aware enough to Admit Some Stuff to Himself(tm). He WILL shoot you. And worse, he'll tell Tim. M.A.D. mother fucker.
Well, then. As long as he's aware Kon wants his spine as a mantle decoration. And he never, EVER makes a move on his Boyfriend. Yeah. Kon is willing not to torment him with glorious Tim Sex.
Great. Here's some coupons and gift cards to fancy ass date spots. Leave Jason to suffer his many mistakes in peace. The SECOND you are dead...
Ha! Tim will clone me. But THIS time, with my permission and adding his DNA so we have a Clone-Baby. Bart is husband number 2. None of you fuckers have a chance.
Like Kon said, he is a petty, Tim-loving, exhibitionist, bastard. He also now has date night plans! Sweet. Oooh. Fancy! This one's that new place with the waiting list. Nice.
kon being a borderline exhibitionist and making sure to fuck tim in front of his family so they know exactly who he belongs to- and then them having planned out that if he dies bart will be tim's second husband so no one in his family can have him 😭😭😭
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cybertron-after-dark · 7 months
TFP- Pet Names
Bots and cons, both what they'd call you and what they'd love it if you called them
Gender neutral reader, reader is human but I can do one of these for cybertronian reader too down the line.
If I missed someone you really wanted to see, feel free to ask for them!
Calls you: My beloved, my love, my other half. A lot of old fashioned, sweet, sappy nicknames bc he's a sappy old man.
Call him: Sugar, sweetie, honey, baby. Overly saccharine titles just make him blush like nothing else. Even if they're a little silly, they just make him feel so loved.
Calls you: Dear, love, my better half, though more often than not he calls you by your name. He likes how it sounds.
Call him: one would think he despises nicknames from his reaction to wheeljack calling him doc and sunshine, but it's quite the opposite; nicknames are a very special thing to him, but you have to earn the right to call him by them, or it feels overly familiar and that infuriates him. Once you've been together for awhile, if you call him "my love," his spark will soar.
Calls you: Baby, cutie, honey, lovebug, lovebunny, sweetspark. You're the cutest thing in the world to him and he wants you to know that.
Call him: stud, handsome, or big guy are all great ones if you're looking to fluster him. That said, if you call him muffin or sweet thing, he might actually cry a little because it makes him way too happy.
Calls you: Babe, hot stuff, cutie pie, babydoll, beautiful, gorgeous, boo. He needs you to know you're too dang pretty!
Call him: honey, honeybee, sweetheart, sweetspark. He's a total sucker for the cheesy stuff.
Calls you: babe, dork, partner. That last one means a LOT to her. If she calls you her partner it means she's totally opened up to you, and you're too important to her to lose.
Call her: babe, but only call her partner if she calls you that first. It's not a title to be taken lightly in her eyes.
Calls you: hottie, hot stuff, sexy, dollface, sunshine, babe, wild thing, he's got a whole arsenal of nicknames, some more annoying than others.
Call him: studmuffin, sexy, big boy, crazy, daddy. Real talk, he loves hearing whatever cursed, over the top bullshit you come up with. The dumber the better, he loves when you can make him laugh.
Calls you: human, more often than not. Pet is the best you're getting.
Call him: you're going to call him Lord Megatron, or Master. Anything else is unacceptable, even for his partner.
Calls you: Fleshy, pet, wretched organic, gremlin, creature... And, when he's sure nobody's listening, very rarely, he'll call you beloved or my spark.
Call him: master, sir, lord starscream, my heart, my spark. He likes to feel important to you, and he REALLY likes to feel respected and powerful.
Calls you: ... Well he doesn't usually call you much of anything given he doesn't talk, but sometimes he'll use soundbytes of cutesy pet names from old human romance movies that he totally does not watch, shut up.
Call him: he'll honestly appreciate any nickname you give him (though you won't catch him showing it), but things like beautiful, gorgeous, or pretty boy will get him to blush under that screen. Especially if you've seen him with the mask off and still insist he looks good.
Calls you: your name. He feels no need to make up overly saccharine terms of endearment. You are his and he is yours, you both know you love each other, so why bother with such performative trivialities? If you tell him you just like hearing the affirmation every now and then, he won't fully get it, but he will settle on calling you trinket, because you are very small and you fascinate him.
Call him: You're not gonna get a reaction out of him no matter what you call him, but he considers the terms love, dear, or my heart to be acceptable.
Calls you: darling, doll, dollface, honey, baby, lover, cutie, sweetspark, lapin, little thing, ma chèrie, mon amour, itty bit, and those are just the usual names.
Call him: gorgeous, pretty boy, hottie, honey, baby, all of it gets him a little flustered, but he REALLY loves whenever you call him speedy. He loves looking pretty and driving fast, and only one of those gets acknowledged all that often.
Calls you: Baby, tiny, lovebug, snugglebunny, sweet thing, honey, gorgeous, pretty little thing, sweetspark, cuddlebear. He can get pretty cutesy with it, he's not ashamed to admit how much he loves you.
Call him: big guy, sexy, big boy, good boy, darling, sweetspark. He likes when you remind him how big and strong he is, but he also likes hearing you get sweet on him.
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
yknow, no, i'm not done thinking/posting/being deeply angry about the whole "bbuuuhhh Astarion is gay and was made playersexual as a game mechanic bbbuuuhhhhhhh" garbage some people still spout.
like this type of sentiment is always annoying and wrong, but it's specifically this character for whom it's especially annoying to me, just because on top of all the regular host of issues, it also deeply contradicts what I believe is the central theme of his whole goddamn story.
(excuse the rant please.)
Like, my skin already crawls at that term, "playersexual". I hate it, and find its use either vaguely ignorant at best, or blatantly pan/biphobic at worst. but even just besides that....
This character is a man whose narrative intentionally shows his presentation of himself, and of his masculinity, as being contradictory with convention. This character is one whose entire arc is about discovering who he is beyond the boxes he was assigned: a spawn, a monster, a seducer, a tool, a predator, a plaything, a victim, a sexual object... these are all identities that were forced onto him. And if he's given space to discover them, turns out, none of them are things that he actually wants to be. if you give him space, and affection (romantic or otherwise), and acceptance, and help him attain closure and catharsis, he expresses desire to be... an adventurer, a lover, a friend, a protector, so many things, but all of them in his own way. That's the point of his story, control vs. autonomy.
How.... myopic does one have to be to see that story, to play that story, to play an active, participatory role in that subversion, that search for the self beneath the masks, and declare that actually, they made him this other box for him to fit into, so... it's fine, i guess, to ignore what he says?????? it's fine if they pick and choose among his expressed traits which ones to use and which to disregard, because they decided (based on frankly homophobic and rather misogynistic stereotypes) that he cannot be different from their perception, despite him literally saying otherwise????????
Astarion's entire figure is a succession of trope-subversions. I could write essays about all the ways in which, in the romanced spawn game, the narrative sets up tropes (primarily in act 1), only to then purposefully knock them down and contradict them as the game progresses.
Like..... He was to take revenge by taking power for himself (like he thought he wanted, like Cazador did to Vellioth): ended up taking his revenge and rejecting the power that could have come with it, and despite that having a price, being content and grateful for it (and realizing that the alternative would have had an even greater price he would have paid unknowingly). He starts out using sex and sexuality as a weapon, and a tool of manipulation, like he did for many decades: ends up expressing discomfort with being seen as a sex object, resuming his sex life by saying "I love you" before his partner would have, and proposing sex with them as a beautiful metaphor for his own rebirth.
His whole story starts out with him thinking he requires protection from the player and that the only way to get that is through using his body and looks as a bargaining chip: later he discovers in himself a desire to be the protector himself, which he talks about more than once, and expresses varying degrees of discomfort at the thoughts of both using his body to gain something, and needing a protector.
There's the "this is what I'm good for" type of attitude towards sex morphing into "I am so much more than a thing to be used". There's the whole thing about how important his looks were to both him and his "usefulness" back then, despite him not being able to even fucking see them, (which also kind of includes that silly lovely gremlin-face he sometimes makes), but those are just the ones off the top of my head.
The story, and the romance plot, is about... it's about him regaining ownership of himself, it's about autonomy, his whole recurring "what do you want" line is about respecting his choices and letting him find his way to them, it's about letting him show you who he is, believing him, and loving the man behind the facade.
how absolutely fucking short-sighted does one have to be to then take that incredibly reductive stereotype of "femme-leaning man with theatrical mannerisms who cares about his looks; must be exclusively homosexual and any attraction he shows to women is just a mechanic/fanservice/flattery" (which, that's so fucking insulting to gay men, and bi/pan men, an any man who might express masculinity in a less than conventional way, and to the women who may love them [eta: and of course nonbinary people, and the people to whom masculinity means something wholly different]), and assign it to this character on their own accord, despite him literally telling the player otherwise? despite him verbally expressing attraction to multiple women, and contradicting that stereotypical interpretation wholly and out of pocket??????
like, hello??????? did we play the same game????????? did we play the same fucking game??????????
like don't think for one second that it isn't the pan/biphobia that annoys me more, it absolutely is, but this character is such a particularly egregious example, it's almost fucking poetic.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
It’s really simple reader has really long hair and likes to do really complex hairstyles, gods and humans falling in love with them, I imagine reader does the ones with longhair hairstyles
-You were known for your extremely long hair, reaching your calves, but being so healthy at the same time, something Aphrodite, a close friend of yours, insisted on helping you with, providing you with all types of treatments and hair masks to keep your hair healthy.
-However, outside of your home, your hair was never down and just laying flat, if you went out you had your hair pulled up in very intricate hairstyles, long braids adored with jewelry, pulled into so many different sizes and shapes of braids, even going as far as weaving your hair into make almost like a sweater for your shoulders and arms.
-Taking care of your hair was hard work, you had to wash it in sections and brushing it alone took over a half hour, at the bare minimum, meaning you had some pretty strong arms.
-People all over Valhalla adored your hairstyles, even Aphrodite who was always enraptured on the beautiful and intricate designs.
-Your hard work and dedication to your art, your hair, has also gained attention of men, warriors, who are impressed and after getting to know you, they were quick to fall for you.
-With dating you however, because they also have long hair, came the power to play with their hair as well, which was so much fun! You loved doing other people’s hair!
-Thor- Could just sit for hours being pampered by you, the way you brush his hair, running your nails along his scalp, he will be putty in your hands almost instantly. He will let you play with his hair, pulling it into intricate braids and will smile after you take photos and show them, he normally isn’t looking at the photos, he’s looking at you, at the smile on your face and the sparkle in your eyes. You were more stunning than you could ever imagine.
-Odin- Doing his hair took little to no convincing, as he loved being pampered by you. He would never admit it out loud to anyone but you, but he took your advice on what hair treatment products to get and has been using them, making his hair healthy and shiny. He loves the time you put into his hair, being spoiled by you and if the designs aren’t too wild, he will wear them out and about. His beard on the other hand, other than brushing it, nothing happens to that, which you thought was rather cute.
-Buddha- Getting attention and getting beautified at the same time, Buddha is immediately down. He will lay his head in your lap, face down, letting you brush and braid his hair to your heart’s content. He doesn’t care if you put flowers or beads or ribbons in his hair, he will walk around with no self-consciousness present; quite the opposite, he’s like a peacock, “Yeah- see this? Y/N did it for me- just for me!” he’s such a gremlin but you can’t help but giggle. He relaxes by brushing your hair, as it finds it soothing.
-Kojiro- Constantly praises your work, circling you to check it out at every single angle he can, all smiles. When you asked to do his hair he immediately had his hair-tie out and a huge grin on his face, as he sees it as a form of quiet bonding. Ribbons, bows, hair clips, intricate braids, he will let you do anything you want, while going out with those is more of a no on his part, he will appreciate every moment you spend with him. The only time he will go out after you do his hair is if it’s something simple like a braid.
-Lu Bu- He took a bit more convincing than necessary, he was so confused, why on earth would you want to play with his hair? He enjoys seeing what you come up with for your own hair, sometimes it’s simple and other times he’s in sight awe, knowing that it has taken a long while. You didn’t push your luck when he finally agreed, just brushing out his hair for him, which he did have to admit felt pretty good and will at least allow you to braid his hair only. Sometimes he will wear it out, as it does stay out of the way, while other times he just has you fix his hair in his normal style, but he appreciates your help with it.
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illyth · 6 months
Me, after getting completely burnt out by a job and not writing creatively for like four years: man I really should think about writing something again. I just need to find something I am passionate about to use as a jumping off point *immediately starts writing LU fanfic*
I'm gonna post the full thing on AO3 either tomorrow or Sunday but for the time being I just wanted to share this somewhere. This is a 400 word excerpt of a single chapter that is maybe half written and already 2000 words and I am planning on there being 3 chapters total so hand to god trust me there will be context at some point (if you know me irl no you don't jk y'all know im a complete gremlin for fanfic) Idk how good it is exactly but its the first thing I have written in so long that I actually want other people to see and I crave feedback, so do with that what you will lmao
cw: violence, blood, injury, the slightest body horror
Time and the Deity both snarled, lunging the god’s blade forward. Majora flung itself forward as well, its inhuman screams reaching a frenzied pitch as it whipped its clawlike hands towards the Deity’s face. Behind it, he could see the length of the helix greatsword erupting from the monstrosity’s back, spraying black blood outwards into the moonlight. But Majora pushed forward still, and Time could feel the Deity’s revulsion as its fingers grasped the sides of their face. Time braced himself for it to rake its claws against his face in dying spite, but something changed. Gently, oh so gently, Majora sank its claws into the flesh below his ears. The Deity screamed in rage and pain, but Time felt no pain. Instead, Time felt callused fingers slip into the seams between the Deity’s consciousness and his own and felt roughly textured knuckles run across his face while the Fierce Deity’s power was pulled from him. In a brief flash of light, Time felt the Fierce Deity fully recede back to his mask.
Time came back to himself holding the Fierce Deity’s blade as it began slowly dissolving into light, the crimson blood dripping from its edges and darkening the dirt beneath them. His mind was hazy and unfocused, as if stunned by a thunderclap. His faculties began returning, but there was a lethargy to them he just couldn’t shake. A distant corner of his brain recognized his brothers in the background, but whatever they were saying couldn’t pierce the numbing in his ears. Inches away from him, Time saw the host of Majora begin trembling. The Fierce Deity’s mask slipped through scarred fingers and dropped to the ground. The host reached towards Majora’s mask with a black arm that was covered in elaborate etchings and ornamentation. After a moment, the cursed mask came loose before also dropping to the ground, clattering off the Deity’s mask. All sound was muffled save for the plip of blood drops staining the masks below as Time’s mind struggled to process the sight in front of him “…Wild?” he managed to wheeze out after a moment’s pause. This didn’t make any sense. Where did Majora go? And why was Wild standing right where-
Time’s thoughts ground to a halt as he looked lower. The helix blade wielded by the Deity, shaking slighting in his weakening grip, was rammed through Wild’s chest to the hilt.
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iknowshocker · 1 month
Do you believe kai is redeemable?
hi anon!
the short answer, in case it's all you'd like is: yes, 100%.
i either agree with or understand all of his choices, even the ones that suck. so in a lot of ways, to me, he never needed redemption.
the long answer, if you'd like to know why:
first i think i have to explain my general thoughts on kai as a whole, because some of my personal headcannons differ from others in the fandom.
i've never, not from the moment he showed up a feral little gremlin munching pork rinds in the prison world, considered him to be evil.
Kai lies/disregards things and masks 90% of the time, and yet he's always super open about what was done to him growing up. "they called me ____", "i remember them doing ____", etc. it would be super easy to paint his childhood any way he liked, and yet he doesn't. he knows what happened to him was wrong, and he's going to remind you every chance he gets.
i think he developed sociopathy as a coping mechanism after years of abuse and isolation. i headcannon that they were a homeschool family, which just furthers his lack of social interaction. if he was allowed/forced to help at all, it was doing the manual labor chores while Jo was the one handling anything that involved physical touch.
as an older sibling myself, him being the oldest boy specifically and the complexities around his feelings of wanting to protect them/being jealous/getting robbed of his birthright haunt me.
if you want to get into my true roman empire (those freaking christmas sweater photos) then i don't think he outright hated any of them growing up. sure, they were annoying and loud and sometimes sticky, but they were still his siblings. those feelings of resentment obviously grew stronger the sicker he became, but like, he never hurt anyone until he realized he was being lied to.
so i view the initial murders as a mental break, and i doubt he was in full control of himself at the time. if it was planned out, why didn't he drain someone's magic? killing them the human way is yes, a lot more personal, but it just doesn't make sense to me given his drive for magic based power. you'd think he'd want to go into the merge charged up, you know?
speaking of the og merge: did they expect him to just ... not ask about it and be cool with getting told no? like the fact that no one foresaw him lashing out so violently only proves to me that he wasn't *that* scary growing up. joshua probably had the ascendent prepped and ready to go, and he was just waiting for an outburst bad enough to use it. shame it took that, my guy. i feel we could have handled this whole thing a bit better.
i think kai was probably obsessively dedicated to his magical training leading up to 1994. i take "been practicing my whole life" very seriously, lol. he wanted to prove that he could do it, and prove the coven wrong for doubting him. i imagine him hoarding objects to drain and being super freaking annoyed that even Jo stops letting him borrow what he needs to just do basic work. we find out later that Valerie wore a necklace she could siphon from when she needed magic, and you're telling me no one thought of that in modern day?? enchant the beeper, for gods sake.
despite all that, he ended up being the strongest witch in TVD next to bonnie, and that was with him being mostly self taught. he's stupid good at voiceless magic, which i've always taken to mean he's a very instinctual wielder. he doesn't need the verbal spells, he's strong enough to just will the magic into listening.
"i had a soft spot for one of my sisters" and the repeated use of "sissy" for jo, make me wish we knew more about them as kids and how she let herself be turned against him. they have so much in common and such an obvious twin connection that lasts until the very last moment when he stabs himself and chooses to bleed out right beside her on the floor of the ruined church. Jo (and Bonnie) are the only people that seems to be able to get through to pre-merge kai. then post-merge kai is laser focused on making things up to them. i wish we saw more of him realizing he suddenly had a full range of emotion and what that did to him.
that sweet spot of post merge/pre 1903 prison world is the closest we come to kai's actual personality (imo). he's so shockingly, desperately earnest, while still being darkly funny and a little too aggressive. it's my favorite version of him.
those scenes show us the side of him that so obviously wants to be needed, even if it means hurting himself to be helpful. yes, luke is the reason why the emotions manifest, but luke is also not down for self sacrificing (ironic as hell, given his choice to merge). luke routinely tells the mfg to get fucked, so to say that he's the one making kai risk his life/the coven to help bonnie is just untrue. i think kai is trying to earn a spot in the group, and if they'd given him one, he would have been insanely useful.
like i said i think he masks 90% of the time, and the confidence that he shows is often hiding a huge insecurity over feeling like he's not good/strong/smart enough. there is always going to be a part of him that is still that scared little broken witch locked alone in his room, begging to be let out. i don't know how to view him as "hot bad boy who f*cks" because that's just not how i've ever seen him. don't get me wrong, i love those fics as much as anyone, but it's just not true Kai to me.
look i know some of you are like, hey op go back to when you said you agree with his choices, so here we go:
we know that the parker kids grew up being taught "coven over family", but what does that even look like inside the house? do they love each other but feel conflicted about it? is there constant fighting over who is closest to their parents? is it just anarchy? no matter what you think, it's clear they're all deeply traumatized.
kai has every right to be angry over the og merge, and lashing out makes complete sense. say it with me: murder is not okay BUT what better way to show joshua he's not messing around? if he's used to acting out for attention, what happens if he breaks something that can't be put back together this time? if they've been raised to think that family doesn't matter, why would any of them even care?
it's horrible, flawed logic, but it's there.
look me in the eyes and explain to me why it's okay when Daddy tries to kill you, but when it's your brother suddenly it's this big unforgivable crime, Jo. i'll wait.
Liv makes some of the most realistic decisions in the show to me, including the fact that she sides with Kai. unlike luke, she points out how they have every right to be mad at Jo. after sending Kai away, she abandoned them to an abusive father, (not to mention moved across the country with a new name to make it harder to ever find her!!) leaving them stuck fulfilling a merge that wasn't theirs to begin with. good for you for trying to get your brother on the throne livvie-poo 👏🏼 let him make the hard choices so you can run off with tyler and live in the woods 👏🏼
the parker's also make a lot of comments about how if kai is let out, he'll go full homicidal maniac and kill everyone just for fun. and yet, every murder we see him commit is a means to an end. again, in case you missed it the first time: murder is not okay BUT they act like he's some random spree killer when he's just ?? not ??
every murder/crime he commits has a clear reason, even if a lot of them are small/petty.
the taxi driver: he couldn't pay the fee
the random college kids: he needed to get into the hospital to see Jo
the grill manager: he was hungry, the guy was in his way, and elena was unconscious over his shoulder, lol
the coven murders/stabbing Jo: he needs to hold onto power, and they've given up on him yet again. at this point, let's just burn the whole thing and start over !!
there are so many characters in TVD that actually kill without reason, feeling, or second thought. (including enzo, bon-bon, so jot that down). while i'm not diminishing how violent kai can be, i certainly don't lump him in with characters like klaus or damon.
this is a slightly unpopular opinion especially amongst people that don't ship Bonkai, but i view everything done in the prison world as mutual retaliation. bonnie and kai are fighting. i'm not excusing his behavior anymore than i'm excusing hers, but she quite literally killed him not once but twice.
once they're both out she feels endless hatred towards him as a coping mechanism to give herself something to focus on so she doesn't break, and i wish !! so badly that it was used as a way to bond them. like who better to help her navigate violent magical outbursts then mr "killed half my family in a fit of jealous rage" himself?
we could have seen them grow together, navigating standing up for themselves in healthy ways and encouraging each others strengths, but no.
ill die on the hill that if bonnie knew what kai did on her birthday we wouldn't even be having this conversation, anon. I don't think he expected anyone to actually 100% forgive him, because at the end of the day he also knows he's made some huge mistakes/poor choices. but if specifically Jo or Bonnie had said something like "i see that you are trying" i think it would have been enough for him to stay on that path.
i don't think kai likes being the bad guy, its just another means to an end. if he can't get what he wants (or what he feels he deserves) by asking, he'll take it. and yes, showing off and being scary does give him some sort of thrill - but it's also the only way he can get them to look at him.
listen you don't even understand the things i would give to see him realize the heretics were once siphons. to realize they were geminis and that it's basically a coven gene !! to finally know he's not the only witch to be born like this !!
imagine getting to hear lily tell him there's nothing wrong with him ?? that she's sorry his parents kept the truth from him ?? that he didn't deserve the childhood he had but she's happy to help him now ?? i truly don't know if i could handle it.
kai is so completely desperate to be part of a group that it ends up blinding him and making him vulnerable to attack. i guess i just don't know how to see a character like that and not believe in them.
alright, as you can see, anon, im not great at short answers and i clearly think about him too much. it doesn't help that im currently working on a book series with an MC inspired by him 🙈 the brain rot is real and i fear it may never end. hope you enjoyed this ted talk tho!! thanks for being my first ask ✨
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thought-42 · 1 year
It strikes her at the oddest moments. There's a fairy in her bed. There’s a fairy in her bed and he has to set an alarm or he'll over sleep, wake up petulant and confused and rubbing grime out of his eyes. He takes so long to wash his hair. He takes sugar in his coffee and sometimes when she's stirring it in she remembers old stories about tiny creatures on the edge of flowers,  sipping nectar, or grandmothers who left out milk and honey for their "good neighbours". He has an apartment downtown with a landlord who refuses to fix the icebox and he doesn't know a single cooling spell. He has terrible taste in genre fiction and there's a selfish gremlin part of her that wants to pull him out of the story into reality and hold him down, hold him in one shape until it sticks. His autograph is illegible and it takes her a long time to realize why. Names have power and he wasn’t raised stupid. ...There's a distinct possibility he doesn't know the name he gave himself is misspelled and she's certainly not going to tell him. He gives her his true name one night, late, when they're sitting at the top of the waterfall tipsy on someone else's expensive wine and witnessed only by the stars and the moons --he has opinions about that second moon, too, don't get him started-- and he turns to her and says it as simple as anything. "That's me. That's my name. You're the only other person who knows it, at this point." It feels like a gift. It feels like a responsibility she can never set down, and at the time she can't imagine ever wanting to. (years later she'll tell herself she resents it, but she's never been good at lying) He gives her another name, too, on paper this time. One to use, one to keep. He trips over a loose stone in the street because he's too busy talking to a gaggle of fans, charm and sparkle and it's stupid, it's disgusting, but she's here, isn't she? She catches him before he can fall and doesn't let go. His bones aren't hollow but sometimes it feels like they should be. There is something at her very core, something rough and hardened and unpolished that says "I will always keep you safe". He forgets, sometimes --or maybe he doesn't-- to slip that thin mask of mortality back into place. In a lot of ways he's closer than she is except for the ways he isn't, will never be, will always remain other. In those moments she feels closer to him and further from him than she ever does. Changelings in the stories were children stolen away and replaced by a child too strange, too quiet, too focused, too sensative, too everything or not enough, maybe. Laerryn reads the stories and sees mirrors and mirrors reflecting back at her through history. Always too much or not enough. Changelings, both of them. Easier, she supposes, to blame the Fae. She certainly does every time they're out of milk.
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weebsh-t · 20 days
Wh. Why does white Ichigo have lipstick. This is weirding me out.
Ok the epic music sting (those high pitched repeated beats) is cool but also getting a BIT old. I hope the usage of it becomes more sparing later on. It's a bit too simplistic to be being used SO much.
Why is Hollowchigo southern. Pardner? Also I see how this will improve Ichigo as a fighter but not how it will heal the impalement wound Jiraiya gave him?
I do really like this inner world, it's very pretty.
Someone DEFINITELY ships Ichigo with Zangetsu. But fr, why is Zangetsu so attractive. Wtf HAHA.
LOL Hollowchigo is actually super chill.
Ooh.... spoopy.
Zangetsu cured his heart being impaled. OP sword. God I do not like that gremlin pink child.
HOW HAS THE BLEEDING STOPPED. HOW DOES THIS WORK. Ok i LOVE this musi-COOOOOL!!! Ichigo slashing Jiraiya (i'll learn his name eventually I am so sorry) across the arm so quickly was a rad moment. Also, BLOOD!
Bro self-reflected with a version of himself in lipstick and is now twice as strong. Queer experience.
Ichigo is like 17 man. I don't think he's ready to LOOOVE DEATH.
Yay the fruity Egyptian dudes! Why the FUCK is the fruitier one afro-d up. But huh I figured they'd be utterly irrelevant after their last appearances. Jesus Jiraiya you're scaring me.
God I DO NOT LIKE this pink child.
Oooooh the look with the eyepatch off is cool, I do like the glowing of the soul powers.
Zangetsu why are you so SEXY 🤨
Ichigo pulling more soul power out of his ass. Or rather, Zangetsu's ass.
Hey that big soul projection was shaped like Ichigo's hollow mask thing. I saw that. Oh good grief they levelled the area.
Well shit rip Ichigo
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snappydragonsclaw · 6 months
One the skylanders imaginators cutscenes redone
Deep inside of kaos's lair kaos was walking back and forth seemingly aggravated at his failures. Another one of his doomlanders were defeated once again. He could not stand it. Those pesky skylanders kept winning no matter what he had thrown at them. "Brain!? What am I doing wrong!? Those fools just keep defeating my doomlanders!" kaos asked Brain. Brain looked at him and sighed facepalming. "kaos have you ever thought of taking them out from the inside?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm. "eh!? What do you mean?" kaos ask intrigued. "well those skylanders of yours are rather close. They seem to operate like a family." Brain added."well I've seen them group hug and celebrate holidays together. " kaos noted. "how about you...make it so they turn on that pesky purple dragon. He seems to be the one they all look up to. After all that old portal master Eon is spirit so he can't do anything to protect them." brain says."but it's not that simple! These stupid's are strong-willed! Every time in the past they seem to break out of mind control!" kaos responses. "kaos im basically a god. I'm one of the very beings who created Skylands. I'm sure these skylanders can't hold their own against the likes of my abilities. " Brain says pridefully. "well that is a point. They did never face anyone like you other than the darkness."kaos says. "so why don't we try this? How about for once you have them bowing down?" brain asks. Kaos thinks for a while and glances at glumshanks who shrugs clearly uneasy about the crisis as always. " alright. Let's try this." he says in a slightly worried tone. He knows if this goes wrong the skylanders will get suspicious of him further.brain floats over to the thinking cap on kaos's head and together they say"prestobraino". Meanwhile at the academy. The skylanders were plotting.
All the starterpack skylanders were gathered at the meeting table where they spoke to each other. Spyro sits down, trigger happy happily giggles away as usual, gill grunt is next to him nudging him to quiet down, cynder is sighing clearly annoyed by the gremlin's laughing, tree rec per his woodpecker, jet vac is nervously sweating, stealth elf is sharpening her blades, wash buckler and blast zone playfully swap just for fun, food fight is surprisingly just chilling, snap shot is having a conversation with golden queen, spitfire is making sure he isn't burning anyone and king pen is just entering the room." alright everyone. I think we have a problem. Kaos has mysteriously gotten stronger over the past few days and well that is obviously not good at all. He is creating monsters! I remember a time when the only created beings walking around here were Tree Rex and Food Fight....not to be rude to you two. Anyways these things that kaos are creating are unnatural! They don't have souls like we do!" spyro alerts. "I think kaos is messing with something no mere mortal should be messing with and I'm speaking as a technically immortal being!" stealth elf whispered."I miss the days were it was just us vs him! Now he has all this otherworldly help! I rather deal with the blooming mask of power than this mess!" Food Fight says crossing his arms. "agreed. Like sure it sucked that we had our powers taken away but at least we knew what we were dealing with!" Gill grunt says."kaos I hypothesis is messing with powers only for the ancients." king pen adds drawing everyone's attention. "these powers and abilities. They don't belong to him. Have you noticed his magic arua changed from purple to pink lately?" spyro looks at cynder worried. They haven't even thought about the idea that kaos is getting these powers from someone. "spyro you don't think that kaos had summoned the rouge ancient do you?" cynder asks to hope that spyro would say no.
"uh...well he did grab the thinking cap and that book so maybe?"spyro nervously chuckles."oh yeah we're done for." wash buckler says out loud."...that was supposed to not come out." outside the academy mysteriously goes silent. As if life itself just stopped. "uh...why did it go quiet outside all the sudden?" stealth elf asks the group. Her ears lower slightly. She had seen creepy stuff before but this was a whole new level of creepy. "oi! and i'm sure the academy is NEVER this quiet! Even at three am!" snap shot says getting up protectively drawing his bow and arrow. "alright this is officially creepy." spitfire says looking out the window and seeing no one. "this better not be one of kaos's tricks!" tree Rex say getting up. The skylanders all walk outside."...where is everyone?" blast zone asks. "yeah they were outside doing their own thing a minute ago?!" golden queen adds."Ahahhah! Creepy! Hahaha!" trigger happy laughs but he is laughing to cover up his fear. The skylanders begin to look around together however food fight begins acting strangely. The artichoke holds his head as if he has a headache. "ugh...guys I don't feel so good-" he stops suddenly. He heard whispering in his ears that were well his leaves.the voice was getting louder and louder. "what...!? What are these voices....!? They are so loud!?" he cries out In pain.
The others look at him In Concern. "food fight? Mate what's happening to ya?" snap shot asks walking over to him. Suddenly out of nowhere food fight does a blood-curdling scream. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!" he screams. The skylanders jump at the sudden scream.food fight fell to his knees covering his leaves in pain. His eyes were wide and small tears rolled down his cheeks." what are we all looking at him for!? Let's help him!" snap shot roars. However, before they can do anything food fight suddenly stops.food fight just simply doesn't make a sound. "food fight? You okay?" spyro asks. Food fight doesn't respond. He slowly gets back onto his feet.His head hung low as if puppeted.Trigger Happy was about to hop over to food fight Gill Grunt held him back."trigg stay back something is not right." he said. "remember how I said how nobody is outside was creepy? Yeah I take that back This takes the cake!" spitfire says floating behind tree rex hiding behind the giant. Spyro tilts his head. The purple dragon had seen many things in his lifetime but this...this was something much different from anything he had ever seen." hello? Skylands food fight?" spyro waved his claw in front of food fight with no reaction."spyro...what's going on with him?" cynder asks."I have no idea-"before spyro could finish his sentence food fight suddenly looks up. However his gaze. There was something off about it. His eyes were a hot pink hue and glowed. It was as if no one was home. "spyro...his eyes!" jet vac alerts. Spyro jumps back in surprise. Suddenly what was happening to food fight begins to happen to snap shot, stealth elf, Wash Buckler, spitfire, and Golden Queen. Spyro panics he shakes food fight but he gets pushed away.then everyone started to experience it except for spyro. Soon they all stop their scream and all glare at spyro. Spyro backs away. Suddenly a whisper is heard."destroy spyro." it says. suddenly they all attack spyro. Spyro flies away dodging various attacks. "AAAH!! What is going on! I thought we were friends! Family even!" he screamed in fear.
spyro got a response but not one that he expected."spyro prepare to face your DOOM!!!" they all said in incision as if in a hive mind. Wait a minute doom? Spyro heard that all too much not to know who was behind this."kaos!? What did you do to them!?" spyro yells demanding answers. Suddenly a voice comes out of food fight alone it sounds like a mix of his own voice and kaos's. "oh it's not just your friends fool! It's all of the Skylands! Ahahahha!"spyro suddenly freezes.all of Skylands? That"a how many people kaos is controlling. Suddenly the dread yacht fries at him. Spyro barely dodges. He sees Flynn, cali, mags,buzz, and hugo all under the control of kaos, and just when he thought that is everyone Tessa flies on Whiskers and tries to attack spyro. Spyri flies away trying to get them off his tail but he soon notices helicopter and jet noises and more flapping. "oh come on!"spyro comments annoyed. He hesitantly turns around to see the stealth stinger, jet stream, and cynder flying behind him. (also this is a playable cutscene by the way.)spyro pushes himself harder. However, he looks down and well it seemed like all the skylanders that weren't there a second ago are now."...AAAH!!! Oh for the love of!" spyro yells annoyed.spyro then sees a window open and flies inside and closes it and barricades the door.spyro didn't know what he was going to do but he was about to figure out what to do soon! Outside the room, he could the skylanders marching on their way to the very room he was in. "think spyro think!...wait I'm not affected! But how!? Is it because I'm a purple dragon?"spyro glances and notices an old map. He walks over and grabs it."dragon's peak of course! That was always the one place that was safe from most threats!"spyro then hears banging on the door. He looks down and sees a vent. He opens it and goes inside before they break down the door. Spyro turns around to see Gill and trigg. "I'm sorry guys..." he faintly whispers as he leaves.
Alright, that was my idea of a cutscene remake so let me go over some things. First the reason I Included all the starterpack skylanders is because it just makes a bit more sense. I always thought it was strange how some of them were never an NPC and I also made Spyro's personality a bit more accurate to his personality in the books and trailers so yeah no more cocky spyro and I changed the behavior of the mind-controlled skylanders as well. I was going for a more creepy hive-mind vibe speaking of that you may be asking what was with food fight and the voices in my head thing? So that was based off of the whole devil and angel dynamic a bit from the older cartoons and also I thought it would be cool and creepy if the brain could whisper to them to control them I mean the feeling of being whispered to do something is creepy a bit In itself especially if it to do something bad because I don't know about you but imaginators definitely feels like a Halloween game. or at least it was trying to be anyways. next the mask of power reference. Not much to say there. I just love the books. I wish those became games. Alright last but not least why did I switch the place spyro goes from Dragon Temple to dragon's Peak? well, hear me out. Dragon's temple is just another part of Dragon's Peak. The reason I sent spyro off there is because that place is the universe meeting point so yup when spyro mysteriously arrived in Skylands that's where he was. So it would make sense for that place to have some sort of magical protection.
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mimikyuno · 24 days
if you were a puella magi, what was your wish, and what are your costume, personality, powers, and weapons?
my wish would have depended a lot on the age i contracted at tbh!! if i had contracted as an early teen (14-15, same age as madoka etc. and mami) my dream would have been to be normal i think… i would have asked to be like “other girls” and be okay with my gender and be interested in boys. 14 is when i started high school (italy) and i started masking and it was Rough. BUT if i had contracted earlier (10-13, like nagisa) my wish would have probably been to be able to talk with animals or to never grow up (you know how scary puberty be like when ur trans lol). either way i would have witched out rly quickly i think alsgslagekdg
costume would have definitely been a more androgynous/tomboyish one as i have hated skirts and dresses from the ripe age of 3. my color would have been red bc red used to be my favorite color throughout my childhood and early teens. so im imagining a peter pan style costume? with medium length shorts and a cute old-style shirt with red and orange hues ❣️
powers depend highly on wishes but i think my powers would all revolve around shapeshifting? i feel if i had contracted when i started masking i would probably fight by shapeshifting into smth the enemy wouldnt register as threatening, and if i had wished to talk with animals then i might be able to use their help in a fight or shapeshift into one. but uhmm if i wished to never grow up maybe i’d have good healing powers since i keep reverting to the status i was in when i contracted?
personality: annoying, hyper-idealistic lil autistic gremlin with strong justice sensitivity >:)
as for weapon nooo idea probably smth very magical-related, like energy beams or some sort of spell book or smth alsgslsgks
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
Was just thinking (again) about how in season 1 and season 2 of The Owl House, there are clear parallels in the premiere, quarter-season, mid-season, three-quarter-season, and finale episodes, so I thought I'd break them down
Premieres: A Lying Witch And A Warden/Separate Tides:
The "do not underestimate me/now eat this, sucka" speech is said at the very beginning, followed by an immediate tone shift (ALWAAW has the scene from the Good Witch Azura that leads into it being Luz doing her book report, ST has Luz facing off against Garlog before it being revealed that he's just a tiny gremlin)
Luz and King go on a dangerous mission together (ALWAAW has them sneak in and steal the crown, ST has them chase after the Selkiedomous)
"Us weirdos have to stick together" is said (you guys know the context)
We meet and fight a member of the Emperor's Coven, who kinda deviate from our expectations (Warden Wrath turns out to have a thing for Eda and is later revealed to be kinda sad, The Golden Guard is shown to have a cocky side and is later revealed to be... well, Hunter)
Quarter-Seasons: Covention/Through The Looking Glass Ruins
Cool lore details are revealed about the academic side of the Isles (Covention shows the Hexside kids working to join covens, TTLGR shows how cutthroat Glandus students are)
The clear flaws in the coven system and how magic is viewed are addressed (Covention shows how high-status the EC is, how the covens seal away your magic, and how Amity's need to succeed is wearing down on her, TTLGR shows the stigma around illusionists and how physical magic is valued over others)
The "show don't tell" rule is applied with a character who's been called strong showing off just how powerful they are (Eda and Lilith show off an incredible amount of skill in Covention, Gus goes full horror movie in TTLGR)
Lumity milestone (Luz and Amity reach an understanding in Covention and see a different side of each other, TTLGR has the cheek kiss)
Mid-Season (Escape of the Palisman/Yesterday's Lie)
Luz has to reckon with a mistake that she made and faces the consequences (EOFP sees her recklessness cause Owlbert to get hurt and she has to jump through hurdles to make it up to him, YL sees her finally tell her mother the truth and see how her leaving really did have consequences)
Very sad lore about a seemingly scary demon is revealed (The Bat Queen is shown to protect the lost Palismen due to having forgotten and lost her last owner, Vee shows a different side of the basilisks and tells Luz how they were made and experimented on)
Three-Quarter-Season (Understanding Willow/Hollow Mind)
A mishap leads to Luz and another character venturing into another character's mind (UW has Luz and Amity go into Willow's so they can fix the fire damage, HM has Luz and Hunter go into Belos's mind by mistake after the CAT plan fails)
The person's Inner Self initially manifests as something else (Willow's Inner Self is a fire monster at first before being revealed to just be overtaken by anger, Belos's inner self pretends to be a lost child before... yeah)
HUGE character-specific lore is revealed that completely changes the game (Amity shows us just how bad her home life is and how her parents pressured her into ditching Willow, Hunter finds out that he's a Grimwalker and Luz finds out that Belos is Philip and he's working with The Collector)
Finales (Young Blood, Old Souls/King's Tide)
The "with this spell declared" motif comes back (Lilith splits the curse in YBOS, Eda uses it to tell her she'll be all right in KT)
Eda nearly dies and loses a part of herself (petrification and loss of magic in YBOS, draining spell and loss of arm in KT)
Luz and Belos fight and Luz not only gets a hit in but thinks her way out of a situation (YBOS has Luz hitting Belos in the eye and cracking his mask, as well as double-crossing him with the portal, KT has her insult his fashion sense and brand him with the seal)
The portal is destroyed (you know how that shakes down)
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celinamarniss · 1 year
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The chapter concludes...
last week
I'll be posting the first chapter on Ao3 shortly. I think I'll continue to serialize it in bits of this fic on tumblr first, but polished-up versions of each chapter will get posted on Ao3 as they get written.
“Have you always been a Jedi?” 
Mara shook her head. She didn’t speak for a long moment, her gaze going somewhere far away. 
“When a child has a talent like that,” she began slowly. “They can’t hide it forever. I didn’t know what I was until after I was given to a man who… used my abilities for his own ends.” 
“I think there have always been people who hunt Force-sensitives,” she continued. “Certain… talents are always for sale, and someone’s always willing to pay. In some ways, I was lucky. There are worse fates. You’re Fringe, too,” she said quietly, meeting his eyes. “You understand.” 
“I think—” She stopped and turned to Luke and the child. A moment later, the child’s ears quivered and he seemed to shake himself awake, blinking up at Din and Mara. Luke lifted his head, his eyes opening and slowly pulling into focus. 
“Everyone’s head on straight?” Mara asked. 
“Yeah…yeah.” The expression he shot her was slightly dazed. “He gave me a lot to think about.” 
“Good things?” 
When Luke looked up there was wonder in his face, his eyes shining with intense emotion. “He was a youngling in the temple, Mara. For decades before Order Sixty-six. He was only a child, and the memories are…blurry…but he was there.” 
“Did he—witness…” Mara trailed off, leaving whatever the child might have witnessed unspoken. 
Luke shook his head. “He was taken from the temple and hidden, but his memories—I didn’t want to push too deep,” Luke said. The weighted expression that passed between them seemed to speak volumes that Din couldn’t read. 
The silent standoff that followed continued to elude his understanding. After staring at her husband for a long moment, Mara raised her eyebrows. Luke tilted his head to the side. She shook her head. The corner of Luke’s mouth quirked and Mara blew out a breath and lifted her eyes to the ceiling. “Unbelievable,” she muttered. 
Luke laughed softly. “I promised Mara I wouldn’t adopt every orphan we came across,” he told the child. “But I think we can all agree that you’re a special case.” 
They were going to take him. Something heavy congealed in the pit of Din’s stomach. This was—this was good, wasn’t it? Someone was finally taking the little gremlin off of his hands, and he wouldn’t have to be responsible for protecting the child anymore. 
“You’ll take him?” He should feel relieved—lighter—not as if he were about to lose something he valued. This was the right thing to do. It would be good for the kid. 
“No,” Mara said. 
All three heads turned her way. “We can’t take him with us now,” Mara said. Her arms were still crossed across her chest but now it made her seem defensive and closed off. She glanced at Din and then back at her husband. 
“I have some things to settle and it might not be pretty. We can’t risk taking a child with us. It’s too dangerous. Not to mention the reason we came to [X] in the first place…” 
Luke sighed. “Mara’s right, we can’t take him with us now.” 
Din felt his frustration mounting, the pit in his stomach beginning to churn. “But he needs to be with his people—the Jedi. I can’t help him with his… powers, abilities, whatever you call them.” 
“And he should have the opportunity to learn to use the Force,” Luke agreed. “I would be honored to train your foundling, Mando. Just because Mara and I can’t take him with us now doesn’t mean we don’t want to. If you can watch over him for a little while longer, we’ll be back to get him as soon as we can.” 
Din looked down at the child, who was looking back and forth between them, his long ears bobbing up and down. 
“Alright.” He was glad they couldn’t see his face behind the mask. 
Luke leaned down to meet the child’s eyes. “I’m sorry, youngling. A Jedi knight can’t neglect his obligations. We’ll see each other again soon, I give you my word. Then, if you still want to come with us, we’ll take you with us.” 
The child’s ears drooped and he reached out a hand. Luke dropped his head so that the child could reach his face and lay his palm on the Jedi’s cheek. It was almost a keldabe kiss, but not quite. 
“I’d like my blaster back,” Mara said. She raised an eyebrow when Din looked her way. “And my knives.” 
Din handed over the couple’s weapons. He watched as Mara carefully and efficiently strapped the holdout back to her wrist, resheathed her knives, and reupholstered her sidearm. Luke simply smiled and clipped the cylinder back onto his belt. 
“Let’s go,” she said to Luke, moving past them to slap the release for the Razor’s ramp. It lowered with a hydraulic groan and Mara headed out of the ship. 
“Don’t give up on us,” Luke said, putting a hand on Din’s pauldron. “Our paths will cross again soon, you can depend on it.” Din nodded. 
Mara was already stepping lightly to the ground as Luke followed her down the ramp. The child hurried to the edge of the ramp to watch them go. 
Luke turned back and waved. “Goodbye, Grogu!” he called back to the ship. “May the Force be with you.” 
Grogu? Beside him, the child lifted a small clawed hand and waved at the retreating figures. 
“Grogu?” The child’s ear perked up and his head swiveled around in Din’s direction. “Your name is Grogu?” Din took the strange purring sound the child made as confirmation. 
“Grogu.” The name would take some getting used to. 
Grogu chirped happily, raising his small arms to be lifted. Din complied, picking the child up and tucking him close to his body. 
“I guess it’s just us again.”
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
You're so right. I feel like at this point everyone just shares the same kinks and brain cell. I just want to be manhandled sometimes, y'know? So what if they're not human?
Growing up, I always thought I was weird for being interested in that kind of stuff. There was a feeling of shame I associated with it. Look at these creatures that are varying degrees of humanoid and my unexplainable attraction to them. I was prepared to die (metaphorically) before letting anyone find out about it.
I definitely felt better about it when the Venom movie came out and suddenly there were all these people who are just like me. Cue to me discovering Predator and falling down that rabbit hole lol.
I totally get the primal play. Like the adrenaline? The blood pumping through your veins as you're running from someone or something? Knowing they could completely overpower you and possibly tear you apart. All that power hanging over you. And you know they could destroy you. Your entire fate lies with them. But instead, it's endless mindblowing pleasure and lots of tender affection. I also adore the concept of prey fighting back, just a little to keep things interesting, before ultimately being put in their place.
Don't even get me started on the mask kink😫
I'm tempted to join the Gremlin Discord but I am incredibly shy and crippled by social awkwardness. Maybe someone can bully me into it?
Have you considered making an 18+ channel (if it doesn't have one already) in the server for all the adults to share their smut ideas and writing? Although I understand if you don't want to risk it as it's not hard to fake your age when making accounts.
You just described every fucking crumb of thought i own with that primal play description I swear to fucking God. Like the thrill of knowing that they have the capability of destroying you and them teasing you that they just might (enemies to lovers) but then they're so fucking tender despite how nervous you are and they're careful and they hold you like you're a glass treasure. Or when things get intimate, not even sexually but like they just boost that tension and there's the thrill of not knowing what they'll do next, they could fucking destroy you and they love how nervous you are but ito3pwowowow
They would fucking never hurt you.
But the submission just gets them going ya know??
Ugh join the fucking discord. There's an 18+ channel. If a minor wants to fake their fucking age that's on them, they wanna be traumatised that's on them but if they do that then they can live knowing that I think they're an absolute piece of fucking shit should they break those boundaries on MY channel.
But the minors are pretty good here and understand that in order to make it safe for them to interact they need to work with us.
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