#and a LOT of willingness to make this dude look like an idiot
onlytibki · 1 year
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Kaidou, The Strongest Creature in the World until today One Piece, ep. 1071
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fernsnailz · 1 year
thoughts on shadow's characterisation in prime?
i think it's great! like obviously the bar is on the floor in terms of what i consider to be "good" shadow characterization (since so much recent shadow writing has been.... Not That), but i think prime does a really good job of conveying three of shadow's most important traits:
tunnel vision for the big picture (idk how else to describe this trait). shadow is all about finding solutions to problems HIS way, which means that his solutions are very efficient and often morally dubious. this is something we see a lot with shadow’s choices - his plan to kill cosmo to stop the metarex, him going after mr. tinker to finally get rid of eggman, his desire to elminate emerl in battle, even his willingness to fall to earth at the end of SA2. he finds the root of the problem and goes for it, because usually that’s the most efficient solution. so when shadow starts taking all of sonic's tech simply because of his lack in trust i was like… yeah, i get it! kick that guy's ass!! because ultimately, shadow isn't wrong - the breaking of the universe can be linked back to sonic, and although it's kinda fucked to just rob him and leave him in the void, shadow is willing to do morally dubious things if it's for the greater good. plus he knows sonic will be fine, that dude has been to space like ten times at this point and shadow even goes “lol see you back home idiot”
a desire to be understood. this is something i think a lot of modern shadow writing misses out on when it leans really heavily into the “loner shadow” style of characterization. when it comes to these large moral decisions shadow has to make, he often takes the time to explain his stance on the situation. sometimes it’s to solve the problem faster, but often it’s because he wants to be understood. he isn’t necessarily looking for people to agree with him - i think it’s really telling (and kinda hilarious) that he only attacks sonic after explaining his stance when sonic replies “ok i can see why you would say that,” because at that point shadow has said his piece and has gotten 1. confirmation that sonic understands his view, and 2. confirmation that sonic’s opinion hasn’t been changed. and that's all he needs! literally like half of the episode is dedicated to shadow just explaining his side of things, which serves as a device to exposit to the audience AND show that shadow wants his side of the story to be heard and understood. however i do think it's telling and also hilarious that he has to beat the shit out of sonic for a little while before actually telling him anything lol
he's kind of a bitch
prime shadow has so much personality and it's really refreshing to see again! i like that he's allowed to be an asshole in a really funny way, it's charismatic rather than frustrating this time around. i think the voice acting and animation/choreography is JUST as important to prime shadow as the writing is, ian hanlin absolutely kills every line and is my favorite voice for shadow in... maybe ever? and you can tell the animators had fun with this hog, there's some nice little character acting moments whenever he's frustrated that i think are really charming.
also this one shot of him flopping around fucking kills me every time it's so fucking funny
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so uhhhm yeah. i like it
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scaip · 3 years
Long post of me complaining about The Witcher season 2: (spoilers ahead)
- My issue with The Witcher is the way they wanted to adapt Yennefer's role (a seconsary character for the saga), give her depth and protagonism... By villifying her.
That whole shit of her losing her powers? It's established sorceresses do stuff to their bodies. It never happens in the books. One thing is the warning she gives to Ciri about using fire magic (Ciri is new! She has no idea, she is a novate), another is to use Yennefer's plotline to foreshadow Ciri's.... It doesn't make sense. Many wizards in the books use fire magic. Sure, there is a lot of inconsistency in the universe rules, but one thing is what trained adults do and another thing entirely is what Yennefer teaches Ciri.
That Baba Yaga thing never appeared in the books. Yennefer would never trade a child for powers... They made a disaster. Sure, her relationship with Geralt was toxic, but that's a world without therapists and it's strongly hinted Yennefer suffers from a mental disorder, she is not a power-hugry villanous bitch that lacks empathy.
- That Nightmare of the Wolf movie fucked all up. Netflix felt like creating an expanded universe, messed up the books' timeline and added lore from their spin-off to the series
Wwhen Kaer Morhen fell, Geralt was out in the world, doing his witcher work. Not everything happened just at the same time he was there. It was an event unrelated to his work, just because he is the protagonist doesn't mean EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO HIM. One of the things that made the fall of Kaer Morhen so real was the fact that the world kept moving and independent events happened. In the books we never learned much about it, outside of the fact The School of the Wolf was dying.
- What happened to the other witcher schools???! Netflix, you want your money. There's potential to exploit, the school of the wolf wasn't the only one in the continent. Did they want witcher drama? Then adapt the other schools, too!
- They completely ruined Francesca's character. If she ever had children in the books, then it wasn't a thing that received focus. Francesca is this royal Karen plotter that already had the information she wanted about the Elder Blood and knew very well about the eugenesical shit the wizards put the line of Cintra too. Bro, she was there!! Francesca in the books is a sorceress with a loose grasp in morality that behaved like Aslan when he told the Witch He Was present when the Magic Was Written.
What is that artificial friendship they tried to force with Fringilla? It's an awful example of white feminism. Man, Francesca is not an idiot. And the baby murder spree? So. Much. Narm.
- The series is going out of their way to cover the fact Filgevortz is one of the main villains, already working for Nilfgaard, yet they don't mind revealing the spoiler that the emperor is Ciri's Dad, villifying Yennefer, turning Francesca into a emotional disaster to "humanize" her, and screwing Cahir and Fringilla's characters.
- Cahir!!!! What did they do to him?????
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He was one of my favourite characters. He was supposed to be close to Ciri in age, not that creepy-looking adult (this is not an insult to the actor, dude be there doing his job, which is performing what he is told to).
I... Just can't. He was so human, so anthropologically interesting from my point of view. The Otherness. His support of Milva. His willingness to change after meeting this true companions.
- Fringilla??? She only appeared in the later books, and while she fought in the war, that was because the Nilfgaardian state doesn't look at wizards with kind eyes and she thought it was some civilization-bringing thing. She was your upper class John Smith or Karen, priviledged and nosy, not a full-blown mad religious fanatic. That Diabolous Ex Machina backstory for her? Just inecessary drama.
This is giving me Code Geass and Got Flashbacks
-Stregobor???? He was only a minor character in a short story?? Why do they give him so much protagonism????? Why does he keep appearing????? It sucks
They can't show us the fact Ciri and Geralt already knew each other in the books (and that's how they recognized each other!!! TALK ABOUT PLOT HOLES), yet find times to add some Baba-Yaga Expy, add witcher drama, Vesemir trying to desperately convert Ciri?? Why does Istredd keep showing up??? (He was another secondary character, like Stregobor). What is what elven drama??? They never showed the Squirrells??? The fucking resistance???
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Interdimensional Moms: part 1
Intro <-
Yang:So how we doin this? Drawing straws or... well we actually don’t have straws here so-
Weiss:It’s obvious that you wanna go first.
Blake:Extremely obvious.
Ruby:All over your face.
Yang:Hey now, don’t call me out like that! We all have so much to sort out here. I don’t even know where to begin. Differences could start and stop anywhere for all we really know.
Blake:From what it seems, Beacon itself would have one or two minor changes, but the real changes start after the fall. At least, for you three that is.
Weiss:You saying you’re different?
Blake:Unless you three started going on dates with Jaune at Beacon, then yes, I’m different.
RWY:(They’ve been together that long!?)
Yang:Okay, starting from Beacon...nothing really stands out too much. Jaune and I were just friends. *cringes* Back then, a certain faunus caught my eye.
Blake:Ah...right. I guess that tracks in practically every universe.
RW:Oh yeah it does. You two are joined at the hip.
Yang:Haha, really? Glad to hear it. My Blake and I are best buds! Remnant has never seen such a dynamic duo! Can’t say it didn’t take a lot of time effort after a rough patch. We actually dated in my world.
Yang:What!? How long?
Blake:I don’t know, it was pretty on again off again.
Yang:Well for me it was after Haven. Both of us had gotten pretty serious. All the growing we’ve done together and apart had brought us closer. However, Adam unintentionally put a wedge between us. His attempt to change and the problems that came with it were-
Yang stopped midway and saw the confused faces of her otherworldly teammates. They were shocked, confused even. Especially Blake, who looked the most shocked of all.
Yang:Umm did I say something odd?
Blake:Adam, he...isn’t dead?
Yang:Oh, well I guess that’s the start of the major changes then. Blake and I fought Adam at Argus. Stabbed him through the chest and watched him fall down rocks into a river.
Ruby:That lines you with my world. Dude died that day. Like any normal person should.
Yang:Well Adam is anything but fucking normal. Man has the craziest luck. A young women, the winter maiden in fact, she saved his life. She’s not exactly normal either. The maiden, Jacquelyn, ended up sticking by him to see if she could change his ways. This naturally meant we’d run into them again. And that’s how things fell apart.
Blake:What do you mean?
Yang:You were fully committed to seeing if Adam could actually change. I wasn’t, so we constantly butted heads in any situation involving him. Then we would fight about things that had nothing to do with at all. Eventually, we broke it off. We remained on decent terms but I was pretty heartbroken about the disconnect. Enter our lovable blonde idiot. Jaune did everything in his power to cheer me up.
Weiss:Sounds like him. Always such a bleeding heart. That boy just can’t help himself. Let me guess, his kindness and concern made you feel all warm and fuzzy?
Yang:Hehe, guilty. It was more of his willingness to laugh at my puns. Jaune’s always been interesting to talk to. He tries to act cool and calm even though he’s terrible at it, then comes clean right after. Before I knew it I was telling him things I hadn’t talked about with people before. I could tell he looked at me like most guys do, but also genuinely wanted to listen to me. Talk about playing unfair; he got defenseless. Suddenly I was smiling again. Anytime with him was time well spent. Then one day, I kissed him.
Ruby:Happily ever after?
Yang:Not even close! Hahaha!
Weiss:Why do you sound proud?
Yang:It’s funny looking back at it to a certain degree. Gods, I was such a brat. More than a few fights are on me. Between Blake, Raven, and other experiences, my insecurities flared up in ugly ways over nothing. It even got us to break up too. I was officially done with dating. My Ruby was out in an uncomfortable position.
Ruby:I bet! I’d never want you two fighting. Especially in my world. Picking between the person I love and my sister!? I don’t know what will happen.
Yang:I kinda do. *sets up* You’d start dating Jaune because you’ve looked at him since Beacon. The two of you would confide in each other and share a special kind of love, but it would be bittersweet. All because your sister still pines for him and never met to make him leave, and Jaune never says it, but he hates how things fell apart. He’s faithful to you and would never do you wrong, a guy to truly cherish. So... you let him go. Watch him walk back to your sister like you asked, because my happiness was worth that much to you.
Yang: In my world at least. Honestly it’s still the most amazing thing I’ve seen you do. We must’ve cried over that conversation for hours. I felt so guilty and you only smiled, hugging me tight. Jaune and I had a few more stumbles. Nothing serious though. Eventually we moved in together when the world was saved. You and Oscar got together officially which made me happy. Even made our weddings a competition of who’d make dad bawl his eyes out the most. You won by the way; Raven came back into our family and into dad’s arms. Last but not least I had a baby. Yujin Xiao Long, my fucking pride and joy from above.
Weiss:Wow, that’s a lot.
Blake:What am I doing? Did I marry Sun?
Yang:Yep. You and blondes Blake, I tell ya.
Weiss:Hold the phone! Who am I with!?
Yang:Pretty sure you’re technically single. Buuuut, Neo and your have gotten pretty friendly from what I managed to interrogate out of you.
Weiss:That’s, highly unexpected. For a number of reasons.
Yang:Better believe it. Besides Cinder, a few crazies, and Salem, a few people made something of themselves. Dying sucks after all.
Ruby:You have a dead Cinder?
WBY: You don’t?
Ruby:*crosses arms* Hmph, I’ll wait my turn. Yang, you said you’re the only mother from our team. If Blake and I have been married for quite some time then what, we don’t want kids?
The joyful sunshine from Yang slipped into grayer skies. Her smile faded and it increasingly got harder to look at this Ruby without thinking of her own.
Yang:Are you sure that’s something you wanna know? I’ll tell you, but I didn’t want to bring down the mood with the problems where I from.
Blake:Problems? How big of a problem.
Yang:The biggest we’ve faced. It’s...a lot.
Ruby:Well we’ve listened this far. *takes hand* Lay it on us.
Yang:Pfft, oh boy. So...umm...another secret war came up. One that caused us to leave our friends and family for over a decade.
Weiss:A decade!?
Blake:What gets worse after Salem!? Who tries anything after a grimm queen!?
Yang:So a majority of Remnant was still unaware of her, but a fight like that can only be kept under wraps so tightly. Plenty of people still learned fractions of the truth. A few of those people weren’t exactly nice guys. They idolized her efforts and became her followers that wanted to keep her will alive, starting with taking revenge on the people who defeated her. We were so unaware. So caught up in normalcy. They ambushed us, and I mean everyone. We...we didn’t come out unscathed. Ren was crippled badly. Weiss, you almost your brother. Jaune’s family got hit but thankfully lived. The real casualties were aimed to hurt Ruby.
Ruby:Oh, of course. S-So, either you’re about to say I had no time to start a family, or...
Yang:When I tell you the look you made when you learned what happened to Oscar, to Qrow... that’s the moment it felt like my little sister left forever. Till this day you don’t smile like you used to. Very recently, now that it’s finally over, you’ve started looking better, but those ten years were hell. We choose to go out and fight again, avoiding contact with family. I haven’t had a real opportunity to be in my daughters life.
Ruby:How old is she?
Yang:Sixteen soon. Left her when she was four so you know. *tearing up* I missed everything. Just about anyways. Ironically it was Raven and Adam that helped her through the years with Jaune and Dad. Eventually we came back and ooohh boy was Yujin not thrilled in the slightest. Hehehe. Her right hook is really strong. I only had about a week with her before things got complicated again. *wipes eyes* But it’s okay. We left on good term. Something I definitely don’t feel like I deserve.
Blake:I can’t believe a thing like that would be possible.
Yang:Cults are a huge problem in Remnant now. You’re definitely aware of that. You actually oversee a little group from the shadows to deal with them in secret. An idea you got from experience. Adam works for you and everything. Hate to admit, but he’s become the guy you wanted him to be. Even has a family. I’m grateful to him. He personally kept my girl safe.
Blake:To think I’d hear you say that. Now I know this isn’t my world.
Yang:Don’t get me wrong, I still will hit him if given the chance. My life hasn’t been charmed and sacrifices too great were happening way too many times but it finally has gotten to a point where everyone feels like we’re taking steps towards a better future.
Weiss:Moving forward?
Yang:Yes, I was trying to avoid the phrase but yes Weiss, we’re moving forward. Still... *looks at Ruby*....
Yang:It’s unreal seeing you like this. My Ruby has become so strong and endured but hasn’t really picked herself up completely. All her tragedy stemmed from the loss of Oscar and Qrow; her last talk with Oscar was fight about kids too. That’s the entire reason she went off alone in the first place. Looking at you I can’t help but question my own choices. If...I just let her stay with Jaune, then maybe-
Ruby:Look, if I know anything about your world, then it’s gonna be me and I can tell you without a doubt your Ruby doesn’t blame or would consider her own happiness without you. She loved you enough to take the chance to find love again. You really think there’s anything you could’ve done differently at that point. That girl is as stubborn as they come! *smiles* So buck up cowgirl. You deserve it.
A sense of warmth came over Yang as she heard those words. This other Ruby smiled at her with the same love as her own; completely caring about Yang’s feeling before her own. Yang felt so...unburdened. She couldn’t help but cry a little, laughing softly as she did. Who would’ve thought love could transcend worlds? It was so vindicating, therapeutic even.
Yang:Ruby, you’re something else entirely, you know that?
Ruby:It’s my curse. All I ever wanted was normal knees but the world said “no, special eyes!”
Yang:Well I guess I should thank the world then?
Weiss:You said your Ruby is getting better? That’s good. Still, it must be pretty weird looking at Jaune. Can’t imagine how lonely it must feel losing a love twice.
Blake:It never numbs.
Yang:Geez you two, lighten up. We can’t all be depressed. Ruby also didn’t lose Jaune. Actually....there may or may not have been an interesting...arrangement for a brief period of time.
Ruby:Ehhh what?
Yang:Hehehe well, hahaha, ummmm a decade is a very long time without feeling any kind of pleasure in a bleak situation. And you know me, I have to share things with you all my life.
Ruby:OH MY GOD!!!
Blake:*grinning* Yooooo! You loaned out Jaune!?
Weiss:That’s....accurate; in a lot of ways.
Ruby:That’s so scandalous! How could you!?
Yang:I didn’t force it! I gave the option, you said no, then you changed your mind because things got real stressful. Like come on, a decade of death and loneliness.
Ruby:Sigh...yeah. I can see it. Still, it’s so filthy. He’s a married man. What, so I’d just look at you and say “Yang I’m gonna sleep with Jaune, don’t come in the room.”
Ruby:Bullshit! What is it!?
Yang:*scratches head* Well, I was lonely too, and a week is only so long-
Weiss:Oh so it was a group thing!!?
Yang:Only sometimes!
Ruby:Why are you laughing!?
Blake:Because that’s just so extreme, and not, all at the same time. I could totally see that happening.
Weiss:Same. Dang, Jaune slept with sisters. That’s dangerously close to being like your dad.
Ruby:That’s different!
Blake:Is it though?
Yang:Eh, I don’t see the problem. We’re all grown and make choices. Plus I’m the one who guided you through awkward teenage changes. It not like we didn’t share a room for years.
Ruby:That doesn’t make it okay.
Yang:Eh debatable.
Ruby:*red* It isn’t though! How could I do something so bold!? So taboo!?
Weiss:It isn’t like you’re the one who did it. Just a version of you.
Ruby:Not better!
Yang:Awwww it’s okay Ruby. Let’s hug it out. Hehehe *opens arms*
Ruby:Don’t touch me!
Weiss and Blake laugh until their sides hurt as Ruby tries escaping the bear hug that terrorized her. Yang’s world found interesting for sure. Weiss finally decides to help Ruby out.
Weiss:Got a picture of Yujin?
Yang’s eyes lit up and pulled out her scroll. Her team huddled around her and collectively cooed like that parents they are at the sight of a blonde young girl with gorgeous blue eyes with a black combat school graduation cap and gown and a certificate proudly raised up high. If it wasn’t for those eyes and shoulders length hair, they might’ve mistaken her for Yang.
Yang:She’s going to Beacon early because she’s fucking awesome like her mom.
Ruby:I think you mean her aunt?
Yang:I know what I said.
Weiss:I bet she’s just as hardheaded.
Blake:What do you think your kid is up to right now?
Yang: Well...*smiles*
The girl in question sat at a work bench with oil on her face and her hands busy tinkering with gauntlets. She looked over at blueprints in a journal. If they were right, then she was definitely doing something wrong. How her mother made something so complex was crazy!
Yujin:Come on Yujin. You can fix a car, making gauntlets into a sword that don’t break should be easy!
Footsteps came up from behind her and a plate stacked with sandwiches. She looked up and smiled at her dad that gave her a wink, then kissed her forehead.
Jaune:Haveing fun, you grease monkey.
Yujin:Jokes on you, I like monkeys. Just a few more attempts and I’ll have the coolest weapon in Remnant. That entrance exam is as good as aced.
Jaune:Not if you don’t have a landing strategy. Tomorrow we’re going on a trip.
Yujin:Does it happen to be near a cliff?
Jaune:Who can say? Rule one of being a huntsman, be prepared for everything.
He ruffled her hair and left, laughing evilly. Yujin could tell he’s been waiting for this day. She pulled out her scroll and searched through a collection of videos labeled “mom” and found a super early one. She hit play and watched her mother give a peace sign to the camera as trees increasingly got closer from below.
Yang:Beacon rules!!!! Wooohooo!
The camera flipped and focused on a familiar blonde flailing through the air like a doll in the distance.
Yang:Oof, hate to be that guy! Wait, that’s vomit boy! Hahah, hope he survives. He owes me shoes. Poor dude. I guess he needs more training in flirting and landing. Wait, eugh I think he barfed again! Hahaha!
Jaune:Stop watching that one!!!!
Yujin:Hahaha but it’s the best one. The ending is priceless.
Jaune: *walks back down*
Yang:Well if he survives this I guess I can off him at least I can offer him mints and company. Fake it to ya make Jaune. Between me and Ruby, at least you’ll look like a player. Heh, nah, I don’t think I can support a bunny onesie.
Yujin and Jaune:*grinning* And then she did! *high-fives* Arc charm, baby!
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tasteofyizhan · 4 years
Alright people, you know the drill. Fansite jiejies were hard at work delivering content to us again on 6 November (China timezone) and we got 15 clips (excluding the duplicates drops - someone correct me if I’m wrong and there’s more). Our favourite fools are out there giving us life lessons on how to flirt, which included such key highlights as:
DD tattling to LHK like the lil’ gremlin that is and saying when he was playing with WWX, he got hit on the back of his hand. Da ge LHK not really buying it: “is this real or fake?” and “He dared to hit you?” and DD immediately going “it was play fighting.” LHK that devil man is unwrapping a sausage, so I’m going to guess that this is the prelude to that LHK sausage video that put a shop back in business. 
GG, erm, stroking the tassel of LHK’s flute in a very suggestive way and then the gremlins breaking out into laughter. Fansite challenged us to a listening test again, which I failed because I heard nothing. Cue memes on Weibo that essentially went:
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fuck so much weird flirting in the rain idk how to even describe this there’s like 2 clips of these fools. one: in the midst of talking about how pitiful WWX is GG suddenly breaks out into Korean and acts apologetic and shy in one second, and then FULL ON GREMLIN in the next with this SMIRK and then laughs and say how handsome DD looks as rain drips down his nose. WTF I HATE YOU TWO GET A ROOM!! two: GG mispronounces ‘sunbae’ and DD lets him go on for a bit (I suspect because he loves it when GG speaks Korean) and then accidentally flings mud onto GG’s face and almost touches GG’s face to wipe it off but withdraws his hand at the last moment (DUDE FLIMSY EXCUSE TO ALMOST TOUCH YOUR CRUSH but also WHY NO FOLLOW THROUGH)
Audio of DD, erm, describing a position to GG (this could either be dancing or the karma sutra, your choice)
MOAR XUANWU CAVE BONDAGE! They banter about mineral water, and as they walk off, GG grabs a hold of DD’s arm and says “I can’t move [because it’s tight]”. Cue DD’s gremlin laugh (that low ‘hehehehehehe’) as he says again “BONDAGE.” GG’s reaction to that is blocked because the camera is too close, but DD claims that GG allegedly kicked him and immediately turns to the camera, “did you film that did you film that” while GG giggles like a gremlin and walks off. I HATE BOTH OF YOU AND APPARENTLY THERE’S MORE. The fansite says that this is the middle part of a 7 minute clip, so PREPARE YOURSELVES
THE FUCKING MATING DANCE WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE FANS - in my head David Attenborough was narrating about the rare sighting of two idiots and their portable fans and how this signals their willingness to court and I died laughing but also hating those two RIP ME
How to make your crush jealous in less than a minute: DD used “talk about how handsome Xue Yang is!” It’s not very effective! GG used “talk about how perfect LZ is!” IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE! DD KO’D!
In essence, flirt with your crush by play fighting with them all the time, get hurt and tattle on them to da ge but also immediately defend them when da ge asks if they hit you, talk about bondage a lot until everything they do comes across as innuendo, find excuses to almost touch them by flinging mud onto their face, listen to them mispronounce Korean words and never correct them because you find it adorable, engage in a weird courtship ritual with your respective fans that would not be out of place in a nature documentary, and then attempt to make them jealous by talking about how handsome another boy is and watch it backfire SPECTACULARLY ON YOU.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Owl House: Enchanting Grom Fright: Happy Valentine’s Gays
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Happy Valentine’s Day owl ladies, gentleman and non-binary folks! It’s time to finish off this holiday in proper style with a LONG overdue review of enchanting Grom Fright and even longer overdue coverage of the Owl House.  The Owl House was one of the best debuts of last year if not THE best, only in contention because Close Enough also started last year and looks to surpass regular show in terms of quality. But with stunning animation, tons of representation, and colossal worldbuilding. And given how i’m on record for thinking Star Vs went so far down the tubes they bumped into where Cthulu is sleeping, it’s nice to have another magic based show that seems to be on the right track: carefully building i’ts world, supporting cast and for today’s topic main romance. It also rather than just obliquely hint one character was bi and the other pan, actually goes out of it’s way to have a bisexual protaginst with a gay love intrest. As my good friend @jess-the-vampire has brought up quite a bit, star had plnety of options. .but no willingness to actually campaign for any queer rep, the way Gravity Falls head Alex Hirsch tried to, he still gets credit for trying, and Owl House creator Dana Terrace gets full credit for. 
Terrace got her start working on Gravity Falls in line production before working her way up to directing for ducktales, being instrumental in how Webby was animated and how she moves and acts, and being the director for several classic season one episodes including “Woo-Hoo!”, “The Spear of Selene” , “Day of the Only Child!” which was one of my faviorites from season 1 and “The Beagle Birthday Massacre!”. And while I can’t 100% confirm she’s the only part responsible for starting Weblena, given she was director on an episode where a lot of the romantic subtext was in the visuals, she certainly helped so thank you Dana. Thank you a lot. Their adorable. Point is she’s a talented lady and wasn’t satisfied with directing, so she pitched her own show, combining tons of ides and stuff including of all things, Pokemon Red. I checked the article wikipedia had sourced, it was one of her happy childhood memories as it was one of the last things her dad gave her. Awwwwwww. That’s as sweet as it is painful. She’s also currently dating Alex Hirsch, something I was entirely unaware of but find also adorable. Point is i’m glad I looked into her as she’s a very nice person, and very much my kind of weirdo and i’m happy for her sucess and her singuarly weird show that sprung from that sucess. 
Now that part of it’s out of the way the episode itself was an uphill battle as you’d expect. As anyone familiar with this blog is aware, but just in case your new, you tend to hear me bitching about Disney’s handling of queer represntation a LOT
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For the most part Disney’s pretty bad at it: There was the string of “FIRST GAY CHARACTER IN AN X” they had going for a while.. that consisted of a character I dind’t realize was gay, a kiss I didn’t see, and a talk with a character who I honestly wouldn’t of been looking for had disney not patted themselves on the back with some giant sized hands because htey saved some pym particles for that occasion. Ducktales was unable to have Penumbra come out as gay more clearly because I don’t know Ducks can’t be day.. but they can be IMPLIED to be gay or pansexual as hard as the crew possibly can so they win anyway. Pixar was able to have a gay lead character for one of it’s sparks shorts out and even focused on him coming out of the closet and it’s very good and something I WILL give Pixar credit for... but not Disney Plus who go out of their way to not mention the lead being gay.. despite the fact the short opens with a gay space cat riding a gay space dog out of a rainbow and then it being revaled our lead is in a relationship not long into the short. My point is the idiots who won’t watch this for having gay characters are just going to turn it off, who cares what they think, why are you like this Disney. They need to do better, and be better and i’m getting tired of this shit.
That being said... this episode is a step in the right directoin as despite having to get past one obstructive asshole, not her words but damn if it isn’t the truth, as the rest of hte execs were fine with having a gay character, Terrace fought hard for it and WON, having a clearly gay character, and a clear road to a gay romace as the lead one, all because she wanted some representation in her works. So to honor this, I present this review in honor of love, effort and saying screw you to not having represntation because money. Join me under the cut and allt hat. 
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We open in the owl house, in the owl house, duck dodge push and shove, it’s how we show our love in the.. you get the point. Luz is learning yet another Rune, this time plant runes.. and already something I love about the series pops up: the fact Luz’s rise in skill is gradual but noticable. Each spell noticably improves in potency with time,  going from simple lights to shaping them into simple constructs, and learning to control or time her spells and glpyhs so they launch she she says so, with each one getting more powerful the more she learns. And on top of that osmething I just noticed on rewatch of this episode is her tecnique in finding them evolved, something I dind’t notice the first time because I hadn’t fully caught up and checked this one out to see if Disney would actually let them go through with it.. and they did. Point is her first spell is found by accident, her second by realizing how her magic works fundemntally, both require skilled deduction and on the fly thinking and casting, so she’s already pretty skilled.. but now sh’es ACTIVELY seeking out a new spell here for the first time. She knows how she gets them, she knows each school is tied to a form, and she likely got the plant from williow since that’s her thing and she’s a saint. A demon but also a saint. They can have those too. It’s what I assume relicor is. 
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I miss that goblin demon bat man. Point is it shows an evolution in Luz’s thinking: while it’s a subtle thing she took a more proactive approach this time even if it took a lot of practice.. and it pay soff as by the time of her next rune, while it’s once again sorta handed to her she has less time to learn it, almost none, and finds it singed onto a ball.. and learns it effortlessly to the point where by the next episode it’s a crucial plot point. IT’s subtle but clever character progression, and stuff I really enjoy, showing our hero going from a bit inept but not helpless or incomptient.. to a force to be reckconed with and far more clever and strategic than yo’ud expect given her sometimes reckless and almost always happy go lucky attitude. 
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Luz worries teaching King about the internet was a bad idea because he gets excited about a literal cat fight which .. yeah... it was a bad idea but not because of that.. but because next he finds someone saying the earth is flat and she wisely yanks it away. It’s.. very sad that the absolutley maddening and easily debunked flat earth theory is still RELATIVLEY more sane than the stuff we’ve had pop up during the trump era and the cornoavirus pandemic. 
But one of the main conlficts of the episode pops up as Luz’s mom messages her and Luz can’t bring herself to tell her anything and just sends a thumbs up.  I do think this episode helps even things from the pilot a bit as it was a bit lopsided: While I got that Camillia was genuinely struggling with how to deal with Luz, and was offered an out and had to take it... the fact she sees NO problem with the normalcy camp, which comes off intentioanlly or not a sa parallel to conversion camps or camps to make autistic kids “Normal”. And as someone whose both bisexual and autistic, I naturally relate to luz way more as someone whose intrests sometimes just don’t quite fit with everyone else, and who dosen’t get how bad some of their actions were.  THat’s why this episode feels like a necessary course correction: Luz is shown to genuinely love her mama and feel guilty.. but we see camilia genuinlely loves and supports her daughter a bit more. While it was clear from the pilot this shows it more, with her genuinely just wanting to know her daughter’s okay and checking up on her, and giving me the feeling that possible consequences or no if something bad WAS happening or she didn’t hear from her for a long time, she would’ve drove up there to get her. It feels like the writers realized the implications they accidently created and wanted to fix it, though I can’t say for certain. But if so good on you for course correcting, not every show does that. 
But King encourages her, telling her she’s doing the right thing by lying and to “trust the demon on your shoulder”. Keep this in mind for later, but that joke is great on it’s own. But soon i’ts time for school and Hooty.. barfs out Luz’s books for her. 
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I haven’t been this disturbed since.. (Looks at the clock) About 2 maybe three hours ago when I watched a man have, if apparently shorter than the oriiginal cut as I wanted to see everyone else’s reactions dammit, sex with hiis car which was possesed by the mad ghost of his dead wife. Because that’s the kind of stuff i’m into when i’m not reviewing stuff. And before that Tinky.. just everything about tinky. 
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I do not have enough time to get into TInky here or why he exestially horrifies me. Or why Jeff blim is a living god. I will save that for a proper review if I have the time tomorrow. Point is I saw a lot today and that still tops it. Willow and Gus are likewise grossed out and want to leave. 
Cut to school where Luz wonders what’s with all the decorations.. that remind me of this honestly
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And frankly given the whole state of the boiling isles it REALLY wouldn’t surprise me if the decorations were indeed well cooked faces. But i’ts Grom time, which means elaborate gromposals (Some Dude asks Skara out with a beating heart and an elaborate medical proposal.. which.. points for effort. And for using an actual heart. Couldn’t get one for mine. ), dancing and someone being chosen for Grom Queen. WHich Willow hints isn’t as nice as that sounds. Before we can get into that though Amity bumps into them and gets into a tizzy before meekly greeting “Luz.. and Co”. which.. not going to lie.. is my faviorite gag of the season. Just htw way she adds them and just the way Willow and Guz both smile widely at it as if to say “That’s us!”. Amity drops a note and snatches it back. This will be important later, you all know why, point is Amity becomes Grom Queen.. and is heavily depressed with Luz following her to find out why.  At the gym.. she does indeed ifnd out why: Turns out Grom is not some mutation of an earthname but is based around a horrifying entity lurking beneath the isles, Gromethious the Fear Bringer, who emerges from his slumber once a year and must be fought back and brings out his target’s greatest fears. Just like groundhog day only with less time loops and rodent abuse. Amity is scared of hers, and i’ll obviously get into this more later, and Luz simply suggests asking bump to opt out and Amity appricates the support. Awwww. 
Luz heads home and we find out Eda is chaperoning and King is mcing. Eda is also rocking a suit. Just damn girl, damn. But Luz considers taking her place.. and gets laughed at, with Eda assuming she’ll have to save her and King just being kind of a dick. I mean he’s a loveable thoroughly cuddly dick but he’s still a dick... just more like a stuffed plushie of one.  So basically exactly like Tinky. Look I mention him more than once in this review he dosen’t put me in the bastard box. It’s a great system.  Naturally this makes Luz more determined than ever to prove herself and she finds Amity in the night, with Amity having been unable to get out of it.. and Bumps a resonable guy, he just wants a substitute and no one wants the job.. except Luz who galdly volunteers and insists ntohing scares her before the giant spider on the back of her head proves otherwise. Because of course it does, spiders are fucking terrifying. Kill then all.. except the pokemon ones. Galvaltula are sweethearts. As are Ariadoses. Sweethearts who can elctorcute or poison you but still. 
So the next way Luz begins preparing.. and by that I mean it’s time for training. Sadly we don’t get an episode of Luz and Amity getting trapped in an 80′s fashion montage... I mean yes Rise of the TMNT also did that plot the same year, but we had two diffrent plots about someone getting trapped in an eldtrich sitcom and a THIRD this year, all entertaingly unique. Though we do get Luz pulling out an otter suit that’s adorable and she sadly still hasn’t worn yet. “This one says i’m an otter, with a dark side”. She also got thrown out of a school dance for.. wearing an otter suit. Okay the other things we saw in the pilot were understandable but htis is just.. baffling. Who cares what you wear to a dance as long as it isn’t horribly racist of nothing at all. 
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Damn you flanders and your glorious ass. Point is Amity shows up and threatens hooty’s life because.. he’s hooty. The fact he isn’t dead already is a testiment to how badass he is and how much money he’d cost Eda to replace. Owl Tubes don’t come out of a stygian hole in the unvierse every day you know. That’s only every three years. It’s basic styigan owl tube science. 
But Amity wants her to be ready and that she’ll have to face her greatest fear.. and cue hooty popping up, poking amity in the face and asking if she wants to know her greatest fear. Really he can clearly hear everything in the house given he heard that, so he heard the death threat he just chose to ignore it. That.. was a mistake. And by mistake I mean we get a hilarious cut to the outside of the house as Luz tries to stop her love intrest from murdering her second mom’s tube monster. The result is some bandages and an eyepatch. To be fair that last one was just flaring up from a  previous beating. 
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For this solem task of training, Amity has brought in her local disaster bisexuals.. aka her twin siblgins Eldric and Elmyra, whose greatest fears are dying alone and being stuck with Eldric. Both understandable. They conjur luz’s greatest fears which are.. some of the funniest shit I heard all year.. and also very relatable. Human souls in cat bodies, which is genuinely terrifying good job Luz, Jerks on the internet who mansplain things, relatable, and soy milk. 
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But Amity knows this is just the openign act. it needs to be something deeper.. so while Luz dosen’t realize it’s probably her mom issues she brings up her issues with her other mom: that Eda dosen’t think she can do this. Hence we get a giant eda putting Luz in a babychair. Before we can unpack how wrong that sentence sounded, Eda comes out, and marvels at how hot giant her is. But she’s quickly distracted from sex with a giant version of herself, which is not an easy feat, by the relization “Wait Luz is going to fight grom isn’t she.. fuck i’m going to have to save her”, though Luz holds firm on doing it to prove she’s fine and dosen’t need to be saved constantly. it’s a good conflict. Eda IS right that Luz is not ready for this alone, that she’s overcompensating and that Eda would, in normal circumstances be the one to rescue her. As we’ll see it’s not her who does it but still, were this any other foe she probably would be. But Luz’s motivations are equally understandable: She wants to help her friend not have to do this and she wants to prove she can do it. She just wants her mentor, the only person in her life up to meeting her that GNEUINELY supported her in magic to respect her. To have faith in her and actually see how far she’s come. And given how her own mother writes off her dreams, if not unrealistically, and before this she had no friends or support system to speak of outside her mom, it’s easy to see why this is so improtant to Luz: she just wants to make the one person in her life whose ever support her actually think it was worth it when in truth Eda already thinks it does and just dosen’t want her to die. 
She’s just not good with talking to her or not condescending to her as her own ego is stacked sky high, probably because the whole curse thing meant Eda was an outcast by default and the system wants to either chain her to one form of magic and one only or shackle her to them as a hired goon. Her ego, while justified, is also a defense mechanism: a way to shield herself from the fact almost no one cares about her and one of the few people who DOES, dosen’t care what she wants or needs. Once the curse happened she lost just about everything and had to rebuild and thus build up walls around herself and kept everyone else at arms length till Luz changed her for the better. It’s just a tragic clash of two wills both with similar problems but both unwilling to talk about them. 
But with time up, our heroes need to get to the diggity dance. So they indeed do and we get some fun sight gags, Willow makes corsages,  that one girl with the cresent head somehow ended up with Mathomule and is not happy, as anyone who ends up with him should. And it’s time for Luz to face her destiny.. in a tux with a tutu because of course, and Amity likes it because also of course. 
IT’s time to rumble, with King getting nervous due to eda’s prodding about mcing since his co-mc gus is really good at it, and introducing our champion.
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No wait sorry he’s still trapped in Mojoworld. no it’s still Luz who shows off a seasons worth of skill by easily dispatching the first few fears and saying to grom let’s finish it.. before grom puts a tentacle on her head. 
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It’s to downlaod her fear.. which is Camillia. Granted we could all see it coming but still Luz obviously can’t fight her own mother or her own overwhelming guilt.. her mom did hurt her.. but she gets why and just loves her and wants her to be proud but dosen’t know what to do: tell her the trutha nd possibly loose a happy and fufilling life or wait until it all blows up. It’s a painful choice. So luz and king end up running. King runs first because he can’t handle it and Gus talks him back into the groove while Luz runs away because she can’t fight her own mom, understandable, and Gus encourages king to lead the crowd which he does. Amity and Eda follow Luz. 
So Luz is backed down, facing down a monster tha’ts going to go on to everyone else next if she fails... and Eda prepares to interfere.. but it’s AMITY who faces her fear and dives in. And we find out just what her fear was as grom turns into a humanoid shape and rips the letter in half.. it was a grom invitation. Though conviently the who it’s adressed to was ripped out. 
And yeah not going to save this one: It’s Luz. You know it I know it I didn’t even hide it in the intro. Even before the reveal in a bit it was obvious. But it also makes perfect sense. I’ve avoided talking about her character arc up to this point because I was waiting for now. Amity’s growth is the third major arc of the season behind Luz’s slow learning of magic and eventually induction into hexside and eda’s curse, which I lump in with Lilith chasing her since both were mildly entertwined and then entirely are once the reveal hits in the finale. When we meet her she’s an outright bully.. but we slowly see there’s more there. That she’s not really HAPPY or content, is contstantly under pressure by her family name, is outright bullied by her own siblings who don’t understand her. So Luz coming in, seemingly only being intrested in magic because i’ts neat.. understandably bothers her. She’s not a great person, bullying her old best friend because tha’ts what’s expected and being close with outright bullies because of that.. but it��s through Luz she starts to grow, realizing Luz is genuinely nice and genuinely sorry for any trouble she caused Amity, and evne then both cases were causaed by Amity’s own dickishness and outside forces, so it’s easy to see why she defrosts faster. Her siblings realize they’ve genuinely hurt her, and actually try to be good siblings from then on and help her, and slowly Amity learns to truth luz, trust in her, and accept her... and thus accept her feelings for her. There are gradual hints she’s growing attracted to her.. but her walls had to come down first, and it wouldn’t of worked from the outset. The show cleverly has the two build a genuine friendship, two opposities who work well together, so when feelings do happen it feels natural. It’s not “I’m in love with this person because I have to because you can’t be friends with someone your attracted to” bullshit or anything like that, cough star vs cough, it’s just well built catching feelings. I’ts how this kind of thing SHOULD go: niether went in intending for this to happen.. it’s just happening. 
And Amity’s reluctance is painfully understandable, as Luz is the ONLY friend and support she has. Sure she and willow are patching things up, but WIllow would understandably choose luz over her and she’s terrified of loosing the one good thing in her life. Of course Luz would either say yes, and probably will some day, or let her down gently, she’s nice.. but it’s also understandable to be afraid that someone won’t take the reveal well. I’ve been there trust me, it’s easier when you let it out even if you get rejected, but I get it being hard to let out because you don’t want to loose a friend. I did not, and niether would she, but I can see why she wouldn’t want ot take the plunge. At least not yet. We’ll see this summer hopefully. 
But we do get a shiptastic, gorgeously aniamted scene of the two dancing an fightin gin perfect synch, combinging luz’s new use of plant magic with amity’s mastery of abominations resulting in the two utterly decimating grom, likely in part because with two fast moving targets he can’t get a lock on and likely nees more fear and mass to attack multiple targets at once. Or just more tendrils. it’s a quick, beautful sequence that’s utterly glorious, being framed as romantic as any hetero scene of the type and rightfully so. A triumph and well deserving of this praise. 
Our heros have won, get crowns, and King gets praise. All is well.. except Luz drops the crown once she gets home because she feels like she failed and feels lost about her mom.. though at least king gets it “I’m king and queen, best of both things!”. You tell em sister. 
So we end with Luz genuinely responding to her mom, with some montage stuff as we see Gus and Willow poke a fear blob, willow fears bugs, understandable and Gus fears clowns... 
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Also understandable. Though I didn’t put up a bug picture because
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And Amity looks out folornly into the night. Camilla responds to Luz.. and mentions letters.. which while Luz brushes those off.. we see someone sent them. And by someone I probably mean king since we now know only eda and him had acess to the portal, and given he was actively encouraging her to lie.. yeah i’m supscious. But we’ll see next season. For now this episode is fan fucking tastic, showing off tons of character development, being representative and sweet as all hell.. and being really funny. Tons of great gags in this one including the turtle guy from an earlier episode being forced to be adisco ball.  This is easily the series best so far and if you haven’t checked it out, please do it’s fantastic as is this show. Check both out. Until the next rainbow i’ts been a pleasure. Tommorow more disney shenanigans this time with pete. And also more of this possibly we’ll see what I get done. 
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Goodnight everybody!
37 notes · View notes
boop-le-snoot · 4 years
first time readers click here 💖
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TWs/Summary: In this house, we ship Reader/Tony's Rolls-Royce. Reader and Tony being dorks on a date. That's it that's the chapter. Lots of sass and Tony being Tony.
A question for my readers: Are you still invested? How's the slow burn? Is everything realistic? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
As usual, my beta is @miscmarvelwritings . I love her.
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"Nice digs, Cupcake."
"Nice ride, Tin Man."
The sass fell from my lips, warm and familiar, paving the way for our upcoming debut like the old, soft living room rug. Any awkwardness I had expected there to be left the moment I saw Tony pull up to my front gate in his Royce: the man was just that extra. The size of my estate, the five-figure outfit of mine - it paled in comparison to his own clout. 
In a world where my choices were usually distributed between stuck-up rich boys or insecure middle-class men, Tony was a fresh drink of water with his absolute indifference towards my and his own net worth.
I wasn't afraid to admire said ride, either. Being a huge petrolhead was what got me interested in engineering, physics and computer sciences in the first place. The desire for speed grew into thirst for knowledge: how to get more horsepower, how to tune, how to mod. No mechanic took an eighteen year old rich-girl seriously even when I had all the lingo right, I had to be a step ahead, at all times, if I wanted my ride to be the best. And I never settled for less than that.
"No driver?" I inquired for the reason behind the unusual behaviour. After all, a Rolls' wasn't the kind of car you drive personally. All the amenities it had, it had in the back.
"Gave Happy a day off," Tony remarked absently. I noticed the small quirk of his eyebrow, however. He was intrigued.
I decided to give it a shot. "So what, this thing packs, what, about five-fifty horses?" I mused, watching Tony nearly swerve into the opposite lane. "At two and a half tons, it's still gotta be pretty quick with that V12-turbo. How fast it go?" The satisfaction was immeasurable, as pleasant to my soul as sitting in a heated leather chair with the smell of a new car, engine quietly rumbling in front of me. And by quietly I mean, it was focus-or-you'll-miss-it kind of quiet.
"Well aren't you full of surprises, baby girl," Tony grinned; a happy, excited grin even. It made his face lose ten years of age just like that. "Zero to sixty in five and a half seconds," He said after a moment. 
"Not bad," I said, sounding impressed. I already knew that but I wasn't planning on robbing Tony out of well deserved praise for his choice in vehicles. 
"Got a ride of your own?" He asked with a smile, like he didn't know it already. No background check would have skipped my three speeding tickets, but I concur. This game was fun.
"I do, actually. It's a 2008 Range Rover. Supercharged," I added in the end, just to emphasise.
"A big car for such a little girl," Tony whistled playfully.
"I'm compensating," I deadpanned. "I'm a little slow on the uptake, y'know, so my Rangie with five hundred horses makes up for it. Gotta keep it balanced."
Tony chewed on his lip. "Five hundred? Haven't heard about that, it comes with three-ninety-five in stock," His eyebrow wiggled. "Tuned it?" He cast me a contemplative glance.
"Yup," I exclaimed happily. As far as the date, I would have been utterly ecstatic to talk about cars all evening. Screw the boring "where do you see yourself in five years" questions, talk to me about your favourite engine swaps. Concept cars, give me those. Monster trucks? Yes, please. Vintage low-riders? Couldn't wait to get my grubby little hands on one. Gimmee!
Tony kept his silence and kept his press smile starting the moment we set foot on getting out of the car. The place he'd taken me to was ridiculously upscale and fancy; the valet hesitated only for a second before catching the keys Tony so carelessly tossed in his direction. There was almost no fear in his body language when the boy approached the massive, expensive vehicle.
The hostess smiled big at Tony and gave me the world's biggest stink-eye when he looked the other way but what else is new? As soon as she left us in the privacy of our booth, I didn't hesitate to stick my tongue at her retreating back. A brief lapse in maturity, if you will.
Tony cackled, growing suddenly serious. "Did she bother you? I can get her fired. I should get her fired."
"Nah," I shrugged. "Don't really care, just wanted to showcase my amazing sense of humour." Snorting, I gave Tony a wink and a secretive grin.
"You really don't give a fuck, do you," His eyebrows twitched again, a sign of mild interest that I noted during our routine sciencing time together. Tony was incredibly expressive if one took the time to observe.
"I could suck your dick under the table right now," I answered honestly. "It's just that when God gave out things like dignity and shame, I wasn't home. Too many fun things to do, y'know," I spoke as casually as I could even though I was dying of laughter inside.
Eyes bulging, jaw hanging mid-way to the floor. Tony was serving Looks™ and I didn't mean just the white tee and purple blazer combo. "Princess, you're going to be the fucking death of me!" He took a sip from his water glass, smirking.
Finally releasing my mirth, I gathered my hands in a lock in front of me. His own, warm and calloused, reached over - I allowed the brief intimacy, clasping them, fiddling with the leather band of his watch. For a moment, it was just us, sitting in the dim light, discovering each other anew to Robert Johnson singing the blues and NYC bustling with life just behind the wall. 
The waiter took our orders - and if I totally butchered the Italian, Tony was gentleman enough not to make any remarks. 
"Somehow, every time I am with you, you both manage to meet my expectations to a T and surprise me at the same time," I wasn't able to completely ignore my nerves. My hand was still loosely in his and he didn't mind at all, me messing with his watch.
"How so?"
"I'm going to loosely quote someone, bear with me." Mr Davies's words popped into my mind just as I was wondering how to best articulate my feelings. "You're eccentric and interesting because it's, well, it's you, because it would be much weirder if we'd be sitting here and making boring small-talk and asking each other the genetic get-to-know-you questions," I briefly paused to sip my Dom Peringon and stare at our hands. Gathering my wits. "That would be why I don't do dates. It sounds so tedious on paper, just sorting through people until a person that's not absolutely mind-numbing comes around."
Tony was silent for a moment, the sheen of his eyes, the faraway look; he was lost in memories. Probably remembering all the girls he had charmed before. I didn't doubt it was easy for him: his smile was distracting and people usually were attracted to shiny things. He shone plenty. Also, most people were stupid, they never cared to look past the golden wrapper. I was convinced there was a diamond under it. But then again, I was biased.
"I've never thought about it that way, but I guess you're right," He finally said, serious. "With Pepper, at least, it was. Come to think of it, we never had that much in common, besides Stark Industries and her willingness to put up with my shit." It was painful for him to talk about her, that much was obvious. His laugh was forced and sardonic.
I, on the other hand, never understood why they got together in the first place. Or maybe I did - but the cold, composed Pepper and the chaotic, energetic Tony reminded me too much of my own parents. All four people in this fucked up equation could have been much happier if they choose... What? Being alone? That was terrifying, too.
I kept quiet, giving his hands a gentle squeeze.
"You know, this is so bizarre. Even an eighteen year old kid has got it figured out," He suddenly said, his tone bitter like the coffee that he loved.
"Woah, slow down," I put up a hand. "I never said I know what to do. I just said I know what NOT to do." The 'kid' remark would have made me eye-roll so hard my skull would crack any day. In this context, however, it was pretty spot on.
Tony snorted. "And how did you come by that information, pray tell, Baby?"
I huffed. "Have you met my parents?" We simultaneously cringed and I hurried to erase that mental image. "I make fun of myself for being into old dudes all the time," I made air quotes around the phrase that made Tony scoff, "But, honestly speaking, I've never even been on a date. Like a real one. Usually it's twenty minutes and I'm falling asleep mid-conversation. People can't seem to keep up with me or something," I felt genuinely dejected. "So many meaningless questions, so many downright idiotic comments. From men," I pointed out the obvious. "My mother used to tell me she thought I was gay because I didn't act like a girl... Whatever that means."
"That sounds pretty shitty," Tony was studying me like one would have been looking at an exotic animal in a zoo. "That said, I agree."
"That I don't act like a girl?" I teased him, the left corner of my mouth tilting upward. "Fuck that noise. I want to drive fast cars, drink straight liquor and have orgasms. If that makes me a dude... I look pretty good for a dude in a dress."
We laughed in unison, tension evaporating under the shared, mutual understanding. With Tony, it was easy. The waiter brought our selected dishes. Blink-and-he's-gone. Top notch service.
"A dude in a dress, can't say I'm surprised 'bout your lack of dates," He remarked conversationally, happily digging into his food. The noises he made were intriguing, to say the least, and I followed suit on my own food, finding it absolutely delicious. A delicious meal with a delicious man at my side. I refused to feel guilty about my thoughts.
"I guess I have exactly one (1) date on my ledger now," I raised my argument.
The fork clattered as Tony once again, came to a sudden realization. "Holy shit, you weren't kidding."
"No shit," I gave into the urge to roll my eyes. "But on the upside, my first date was with the most gorgeous, intelligent and witty bachelor of the city. I'd say I don't have it all that bad," I quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Aw, you're making me blush," Tony recovered quickly, grinning. "And don't be shy. The most desired bachelor of the country, if not the world."
I shook my head. "No, the world's most delectable bachelor is one of the Saudi princes. What's-his-name, the one who posts goat and horse pics on Insta," I snapped my fingers a couple of times, trying to remember the name as Tony looked at me all offended. "Anyways, you get my point. I could have a go at him, don't you think?" Cocking my shoulder, coyly twirling the strap of my dress, I gave Tony my best come-hither look and was rewarded with an appreciative once-over. His eyes were growing hungry again. 
"You're a million dollar baby," He finally said, voice low. "And the extent of people I would be willing to share you with is very small."
That got me interested, sudden heat prickling underneath my skin. The conversation took a turn I didn't expect it to; and there lied the delight of being around Tony. He was always ready to surprise, in the best way. "Tell me," I requested politely.
"That's a conversation for another time," He was enjoying the chit-chat, desire beginning to creep into his features.
"Mmm, you think?" I allowed the strap of my dress to slip down my shoulder, exposing a collarbone, showing him just how far I was willing to go to satisfy my curiosity.
He swallowed audibly. "I think... You're smart enough to figure it out," He finally gritted his teeth, finishing off his dinner and immediately calling for the check. 
I wasn't done yet, however. The possibility of riling him up, taunting him into a lustful frenzy - I was in heaven. Karma had favoured me that evening, it had given me a chance to get Tony back for all the times he unknowingly made my mouth water and my brain go blip. "Must be Steve then," I bit my lip in thought. 
Honestly? I was as clueless as the couple next table over. Steve it wasn't, that much I knew for sure, he and Tony had their little love/hate dramatic connection that always ended in a massive ego standoff. Tony would be on the frontline fighting against Steve if the blonde dared to show anything even remotely resembling romantic interest towards someone Tony himself had his eyes on.
"Princess," Tony growled, sarcastically raising an eyebrow.
"Not Steve," I replied, cracking a smile. Success! "You know, I'm really bad at guessing who's into me. Unless someone is balls deep in me," My face was mere inches away as we quickly shrugged on our coats. "And even then, I can't be sure."
My giggling was accompanied by Tony shaking his head in exasperated fashion; he took my hand nonetheless and I happily swayed it between us, poster child for "not a care in the world". He allowed it, maintaining the same exasperated air about him, and I let him. Fondness and happiness seeped through that anyways.
"Brat," His voice was kind. And his kiss tingled where he left it on the corner of my mouth, sweet and short. "Here, have a go," Before I could react, the keys to his Rolls Royce were placed in my palm and he was making his way around the car to the passenger's side.
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e-louise-bates · 4 years
It’s Jane Austen’s birthday! I hate ranking lists that claim objectivity (Austen Heroes, Worst To Best, Absolutely And Completely The One Correct Way To View This, No This Isn’t Clickbait Why Do You Ask?), so here, instead have my own personal opinions of least-favorite to favorite Austen Heroes and Heroines.
First, the dudes, because, well, why not:
7. Edmund Bertram. Look, Edmund is unfailingly kind, but good grief. So judgmental toward others! So blind to his own weak spots! So unforgivably dense about the Crawfords! I could forgive the blindness and denseness if he didn’t set himself up as the wise and unfailingly correct judge and mentor. Edward Ferrars is also an idiot (see below), but at least he doesn’t go around considering himself better than everyone else.
6. Edward Ferrars. A bit of an idiot, but trying his best, poor thing. Kind of remarkable he turned out as well as he did when you consider his family and his tutor.
5. Colonel Brandon. A bit boring (unless portrayed by Alan Rickman), but a true gentleman and a man of sterling worth. Not much else to say about him.
4. Captain Wentworth. I disliked Captain Wentworth for a long time because of his unyielding bitterness against Anne. But you know, the older I get, the more I like the fact that he’s not perfect, and his flaws are actually kind of major ones, and he really does have a lot of growing to do throughout the story--and he does so. And yes, the letter. Swoon.
3. Mr. Darcy. The man who recognizes his flaws and then acts to correct them, both out of love for the woman who shoved them in his face and because it was the right thing to do. I have little patience for those who claim Mr. Darcy’s “real” problem was social awkwardness--Austen makes it thoroughly clear that yes, he is socially awkward, and that’s no excuse: he doesn’t think highly enough of other people to work to overcome his discomfort.
2. Mr. Knightley. I’ve already written an entire post on why Mr. Knightley is one of the best Austen heroes, so here I will simply say: I love his kindness, and empathize with his dislike of social gatherings, and admire his willingness to participate in said gatherings despite his dislike (unlike a certain other Austen leading man ...)
1. Henry Tilney, of course. He has a sense of humor! He cares about people! He’s kind! He makes mistakes, and then acts to rectify them! He’s mischievous! He’s human and adorable, and I love him.
The ladies!
7. Marianne Dashwood. Oh, Marianne. When I was sixteen, I too believed I knew exactly how the world ought to be, and was convinced my views were utterly correct and would never change. I suspect I was just as irritating to the people around me as you are. Marianne is a difficult character to really like. Yes, she does grow and improve by the end of the story, but I suspect she will always remain an exhausting individual.
6. Catherine Morland. Poor naive Cathy, she is so easily mistaken for a nitwit--that’s how I read her for years, until I had enough maturity myself to recognize that no, she’s simply an innocent girl who is too prone both to letting her imagination run away with her AND to expecting everyone else to be as straightforward as she is. Her character development isn’t as finely drawn as it would have been had Austen written her book later in life, but it is there.
5. Fanny Price. I love Fanny--she is not a drip!--but even I can admit that she is a difficult protagonist to admire. Her quiet steadfastness and strong moral compass are incredibly admirable, but her timidity and lack of self-esteem make for difficult reading, especially for modern readers who more easily resonate with a “headstrong, impertinent girl,” then with someone who cowers in the corner and passively accepts the terrible treatment she is given. That said, I do love her for the fact that despite the terrible treatment, despite her natural inclination to avoid conflict, despite her lack of faith in her own judgment, she still stands firm on what she believes is right and wrong, and won’t bend from that.
4. Emma Woodhouse. Emma is such a complex character. She’s not very likeable, but her journey from self-absorption to genuinely thinking of others (not just of how wonderful she is for appearing to think of others) is compelling. I especially appreciate Romola Garai’s portrayal of her as a too-intelligent woman desperate for mental stimulation and broader horizons, yet compelled to remain closed in a tiny box out of love and duty, and the indication that much of her errors came about as a result of that situation.
3. Elinor Dashwood. Elinor is nineteen at the start of S&S, and man, the poor girl. The only person with any sense (hah) in her family, she is forced to crush down all her emotions because otherwise her mother and sisters would be destitute and most likely disgraced. She’s not a very joyful character, but she is lovable, and especially when played by Emma Thompson, you rejoice all the more with her at that glorious ending.
2. Elizabeth Bennet. She is witty and intelligent, she makes mistakes and then strives to do better, she sparkles, and she is utterly lovable. There you go.
1. Anne Elliot. Anne is The Best, and that’s that. (Oops, I said I was going to stay away from objective statements, didn’t I? Let me rephrase) So far as I am concerned, Anne is The Best, and that’s that.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 27: Joey Punches Valon to Death and Seto Kaiba buys a Car.
My favorite character is back!
Like clockwork, the best storyboarder of all of Yugioh saw in the episode notes “This is the one where we shall Destroy Joey Wheeler” and he was like “Yes! this is extremely my thing!” and he’s back at it again, destroying Joey Wheeler with such finesse.
Like it’s so hard to explain in caps because you can’t see stuff move, but this animator is so good at the Yugioh vibe--he makes these character designs WORK for him (or her? No idea the identity of the mysterious storyboarder (or team of storyboarders--maybe this was one little group they freelance out to that worked really well together? I dunno) ) they really capture what Yugioh IS in a really unique way and still remain fairly economical in the animation sense. They do not hold back on any pose, and go completely ham into this ridiculous concept of a card game where you put on a special suit and punch eachother in the face.
Mind you, it’s still a card game and I skipped all that, but man...this is such a good storyboarder and I know that next episode they’ll be gone but for now I’m just gonna bask in it.
First off, Rebecca manages to figure out Seto’s 6-letter password in order to access billions of people’s personal data off of a satellite (we don’t get to find out what the password was) and although the storyboarder is great--they did make one fatal mistake.
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The bane of every Californian who leaves California. LA is like a completely different country to San Fransisco but everyone only knows of two Californian cities and assumes we’re right next door to each other.
And it’s like...no, man. I don’t have Disneyland. Do I sound like a cheerful person that lives next to Disneyland? Do I say “bruh” and smile with the force of 1000 suns as we surf the coast on the backs of Lisa Frank dolphins? No dude, I have a strong Bay Area accent that makes me sound like a dry sarcastic asshole and I wear sweatshirts to the freakin beach because it’s very cold and filled with great white sharks.
(Sorry I just had to delete like 10 k words where I compared the entire cast to US cities by saying cryptic stuff like Joey Wheeler : Seto Kaiba is like LA : San Fransisco and like it was the biggest random tangent that only makes sense to me. Quarantine brain, y’all, I got SERIOUS quarantine brain. Anyone else? Anyone else just find themselves wasting like 2 hours thinking of which cities match the personalities of different characters on a show that came out so long ago? Man I need distractions right now.)
But back to what’s happening on the show, Yami is coming to terms with Joey’s struggle about as well as Yami does.
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Which is mostly Yami saying “I’m pretty sure I killed Joey in that card game with Bakura in S1 and Tea had to bring him back from the graveyard so like wtv.”
(read more under the cut)
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This was like 2003??? I think I keep forgetting when this season came out but we had printers at this point. We had google maps and a printer.
I don’t think I’ve touched a map like that since the 5th grade, where we had this competition to make a hypothetical road trip across America. It was Awful, and if you won the competition to get from SF to New York with the shortest distance, you would win something like pizza and a cool engraved name plate. We did not win pizza, because I could not even unfold this asshole map.
And now we have Google so like thanks, Mrs. Lambert, it was cool, but I’ll never use that information again. I hope. It was such a vivid frustrating memory that these maps still fill me with anxiety to this day, hearkening back to my 5th grade self just desperately trying to use string to measure how many miles the freeways across the midwest contain. (spoiler: a lot)
How OLD is this kid? Rebecca’s like secretly a 68 year old. She’s secretly Mrs. Lambert.
At this point we had a swell in the music as each friend of Joey joined in to announce their willingness to risk danger and save him.
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Were they...not going to join him the whole time? It just seemed like a weird thing to bring up sooo after the fact.
Yami then turned to Duke and was like “but not you. You stay here” and he was like “Oh, thank gods.”
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Rebecca stayed behind because the animators don’t want to draw her. Honestly, she’s incredibly helpful and they were mad stupid to leave the only smart one in the car. But youknow...this team loves being mad stupid. It makes the show more entertaining.
As they left we had a weird aside where Arthur Hawkins reflected “Rebecca is having just a REAL hard time trusting Yami” and it’s like--Arthur Hawkins! You’ve been dumping on Yami for like an entire season, that’s why. Like don’t pretend you’re all on team Pharaoh now. Why ever stop dunking?
But youknow, character development, Rebecca is going to learn the trust the ghost that possessed her crush/best friend that she’s had for 2+ years on a kid who’s been living in Japan this whole time who literally forgot who she was 2 weeks ago. You trust that ghost, Rebecca.
Or not. I mean you really don’t have to. You don’t owe Yami anything, dude. You don’t need to blindly trust idiot men, Rebecca. You just do you. Trust that instinct of “is this guy not trustworthy?” because yep. Chances are if you’re having that thought, that he’s totally not.
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Storyboarder what ARE you???
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after this followed a scene that I’ve seen gif-ed just so, so often that I assumed it was in a Yugioh Spin-off. I don’t know why I thought it wasn’t in this OG series, but I didn’t expect it to be here, in the Dartz season. But, it does make sense that this scene was under the best Storyboarder‘s direction because *chef’s kisses * it’s perfect. Every frame is a joy. The amount of sinister expressions on Mokuba, the level of sass coming off of Kaiba. It’s such a freakin shame that this man’s best work so far only lasts like a few seconds.
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PS my bro looked it up and this car salesman has a wikipedia page.
He also looked up if anyone has shipped this car salesman and it’s our lucky day because this ship does not exist with any human ever in the world. Thank you, humanity. But, they DID make a wikipedia page so maybe we’re just putting off the inevitable?
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I’m not even gonna cap it because I KNOW this is a gif you can easily download from everywhere but mm--this is a SOLID piece of animation. This animator is just flexing so hard, man. Yugioh did not deserve this much care and attention to detail.
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Shippers rejoice, Seto Kaiba did briefly consider helping out Joey (before he absolutely drove away in the opposite direction)
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(They’re clearly in the financial district already, PS. They are driving 5 ft to Dartz’ house.)
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At some point Joey nabbed Valon’s card and so now he also gets to wear a bunch of stupid armor outfits.
This one is weird! It’s very Kamen rider-ish...but it’s a color scheme that feels very valentines day. It looks hard to wear. Good thing it’s animated.
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I may need to capture this walk sequence though...if I still have the energy...the picture does not display his very energetic arms-in-the-air walk cycle I haven’t seen since that one Season zero episode. I dunno if it’s a reference to that, but I can’t think of any other reason why Tristan is walking like that.
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This is when Mai finally shows up.
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Valon lost his helmet during this fight, which lead to this:
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What a good note to end on.
Anyways, I have no idea what my update schedule will look like or be, so if you’re new here and you want to start reading these from the beginning, I have a link for that:
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Ok so TFA Optimus, Elita, and Sentinel all suffer from “gifted child syndrome” no I will not be taking questions because the essay is below the cut
Ok, so Optimus is our go-to protagonist boy, he’s pretty easy. He’s smart, very clever, maybe feels like he has to work harder to keep up with Elita and Sentinel who have the flashier in-built/Outlier powers. He screws up once, and his life sort of implodes. It’s not even necessarily his fault! He’s spent his whole life trying to be a good kid and being praised for it/following rules, and then got chucked out the minute something went wrong. Sentinel and Elita both should have listened to him or been smarter about exploring on a forbidden planet, but because Optimus was technically in charge of them he took the fall.
Except now he feels like it is his fault, and he internalizes the blame pretty badly. He’s now a washout, his plans for the future are gone, and he has no idea of what he’s supposed to do now. He doesn’t want to step out of line because he thinks he can’t without fucking up again. Which is also a problem, because if you watch, Optimus’ greatest strength tends to be that he thinks unconventionally and is willing to act outside of accepted doctrine to complete the overall mission. Dude’s actually very good at taking limited resources and using them to find viable solutions when he’s not tripping over himself or the idea of what a proper Autobot should be.
Him being in charge of team is both really good and really bad for him alternately, because being responsible for people again keeps him from focusing too far inward, but it also puts pressure on him again in very sensitive spots. Especially because his team is in no way shape or form “proper” Autobots, and sometimes that leads to them getting in trouble with Authority, which Optimus is terrified of doing again. Ratchet is honestly the best bot he could have been paired with, because Ratchet is old enough to have been through some shit and has learned enough emotional distance to teach Optimus how to say “fuck you and your emotionally manipulative bullshit”. Optimus goes from seeing his team of washouts as being a pity “thanks for trying” gift to his responsibility (in a good way!) and his friends.
I wanted a TFA season 4 for a lot of reasons, but one of those is that it would mean Optimus is no longer just on Earth where he’s got a fairly nice, stable routine and his supportive team around him. It’s the first time he’s back into a position of possible authority while being under constant scrutiny, and everyone’s watching him and his ““potential”“. That’s often a bad word to previously gifted children, aight. It is a bad bad trigger word that inspires some deep set panic of failing to live up to expectations. He’s expected to have plans and future desires. As someone who went through something vaguely similar and some ensuing depression, that’s uh. The future turns into a big worrisome question mark. I can plan for next week! Next year? Uh. Never. Never really thought I’d get that far...
Elita/Black Arachnea is very much “driven gifted child”. Her power is insane, she’s very smart, and physically talented enough that the Elite Guard is within her realm of possibility. Then something goes wrong and she’s all fucked up. No one wants her anymore, and she’s stuck between blaming herself and blaming others. Usually, she blames others (namely Optimus and Sentinel) because anger is a lot easier to deal with than guilt and self-recrimination.
So she gets stuck on the idea of “fixing” herself to be good, rather than really learning how to work with her new reality. And that’s frustrating to her, because here’s something without an easy fix. It’s not something she can work to overcome. It is very much a dead-end to her, and she’s not used to that.
Although she does make her entrance having thrown in with the Decepticons, I don’t count her as one. She’s strikes me as more of a neutral party willing to use either side in her current state. The Autobots do not like organics, and there’s too many people who would know her back on Cybertron, so it’s safer for her to throw in with the Decepticons until she gets herself sorted out, even if they don’t like organics either. That’s fine, because she can work hard and show off her potential and finagle her way up to a spot where she can travel with Megatron himself. Which like, damn?? Even if no one likes or trusts her she is good enough at what she does that they will bring her along on the crazy top-secret mission. So she’s gotten some internal validation that she’s still a good gifted child, she’s worth something, and she’ll be worth more once she fixes herself. (Honey it ain’t just your physical being that will need fixing after all this.)
Then she gets to Earth and meets Optimus again. And oops that opens up a kettle of worms she’s been steadfastly ignoring for a long time except to blame him whenever she starts feeling too upset about her condition. And he doesn’t want to treat her any differently. He still wants to call her Elita. He’s still fond of her. He has some very obvious spider-related PTSD. And on the one hand, she wants that. Wants to be loved by someone who knows her, wants that friendship back. On the other hand, it’s like. He’s refusing to acknowledge her, as she is now. He’s not looking at the whole of her, and that’s infuriating. AND THEN she has to deal with Black and Sentinel and it is driven home very hard that she won’t ever be “normal”. She’s going to be “broken” forever. It doesn’t matter what else she does, she’s always going to be a techno-organic freak. And that sends her off the deep-end a bit and leads to her shenanigans with Wasp and. Hm. Therapy is needed, really. For everyone in this verse but I’ll settle for her first.
Sentinel is our favorite asshole. Personally, I read him as “imposter syndrome gifted child”. He feels like he can’t keep up with Elita and Optimus because they’re both so much smarter than him. He’s just not as special as them. So he blusters a lot to cover that up, tries to force the world to make space for him and acknowledge him. If he’d slow down and find some inner-peace, he’d probably find that actually he is very talented and clever, and that by partnering with others he can cover for the areas he’s deficient in, but eh. That takes self-reflection, and folks with imposter syndrome have some trouble with doing that truthfully.
So when Aranea-7 goes down, he’s left with the feeling that he fucked up big time. Optimus though, he’s not saying anything. Optimus is willing to take the fall. Optimus is special and Sentinel doesn’t even have to say anything really and oh look, Optimus is still a Prime, and he gets his own ship and crew. Sentinel knows if he had spoken up, he wouldn’t have gotten that. Then the lucky idiot goes and finds the fucking All-Spark, like what the fuck that thing has been missing for goddamn centuries.
And then Sentinel gets to spend 50 years thinking that his two former best-friends and teammates are dead.
Now, honestly, 50 years is not that long to a Cybertronian, true. But! Even if we compress it down to a more human compatible time of say, 5 years, that is a long time to think someone is dead, and to maybe sort of blame yourself for it. And Sentinel got to see that these lucky, gifted kids who were so special weren’t safe. And he knows that he isn’t safe either, because it’s not like he’s that special. So he knows he needs to be a good Autobot and a good yes-man and stick by the rules and keep fighting for his spot at the top because otherwise, what will happen to him? And so he’s kind of a prickly asshole, but he’s good. He has to be good.
And then he gets to find out in short order that oops! Both his friends are alive, doing significantly better than expected, Optimus can still kick him to the floor after being out of the service for so long, and no one on the disgusting organic planet respects him. And now Ultra Magnus is out of commission, somehow he’s supposed to be in charge even though it feels like all he’s done is just stand there behind Magnus and be his secretary (pro-tip kids: paperwork and secretarial know-how is actually what makes roughly half the world run. If you hold the files, you hold the keys to the kingdom). But he’s in charge, he’s in the spotlight, and all he can think is “I can’t screw this up I can’t let them find out I’m a horrible little nobody what would somebody actually important do in these circumstances”.
Could Sentinel have a redemption arc? Probably! I’m not the one to write it though, and it would most likely involve a lot of him being stuck in places where his identity both does not matter and conversely does: his rank and abilities don’t matter. His willingness to help and interactions with others? Do. He needs a chance to interact honestly with people again to fix some of his underlying problems with trust before he can start on other shit..
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
2x03 - The Dark Night
I'm actually surprised this recap came out faster than I thought it would, that's rare but I'm glad, also this episode is a fun one, or rather that's how I remember it.
Anyway, as usual recap under the cut:
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode:
I know AC is a thing but it's kind of weird to have GG voice over be like: the last days of summer and the heat... and then there's this shot of Chuck drinking scotch in pajamas that look more suited for fall/winter
So I guess we're still on the Dan and Serena can't keep their hands of each other train.
Poor Blair, the Lord ain't into that, gotta love her for mentioning that Atonement scene in the library... she could totally rock that green dress.
Blair a delicate little flower, please. I do like how it's a constant the various fact that all her boyfriends never really got her, and have this fake image of her.
Jenny starring in her own version of the Devil wears prada, slaving it all around NYC
The Nate and the Duchess scene are giving me the creeps.
Compared to her season 1 looks, I'm kind of liking Vanessa's outfits so far.
No one likes to hear the hard truths of life, but Blair's words to Serena about her relationship with Dan were really spot on.
Fun fact about myself: purple is my favorite color. I guess that's why like Chuck's robe even if it makes him look like this weird junior version of Hugh Hefner.
This is the first time we see the minis!!! I loved everytime they popped up like mini cosplayers.
That outfit of Blair is one of my all time faves. Particularly the colors of the skirt
Oh Nate, even if he knows Blair's motives are never pure, he stills accepts her invitation. Go figures.
This has got to be Chuck and Serena's most funny conversation ever. Both of their expressions during the whole thing are hilarious.  
"I don't have a romantic body in my body. Least of all that one" Honestly who came up with these lines 😂😂
Looking back there were many sings of how obsessed Dan was with public opinion and his weird behaviors' for example take this throwaway line from Rufus: he still reading those Dan and Serena should they or not threads. Like what?
Dan: turns out I'm an ass but a passionate minority thinks I'm just and idiot. Yep pretty much the public opinion nowadays too.
This is so one of my fave chair lines! "The thing that always fascinated me about you: the cool exterior, the fire below" 😉
The whole scene honestly, from the way her eyes roll back to his smug smile at the end 🔥🔥🔥
Considering what happens in the second half of this season is kind of interesting to note that so far every single interaction between Blair are Nate is really passive aggressive.
Gotta give it to Vanessa even though she's freaked out after finding out Nate is sleeping with Catherine, she stills gives him a chance to explain
That scene between Catherine and Blair was actually good, because they both are right, Catherine can't stop Nate from doing what he wants, and there are things that Blair can't give up on, even if she thinks so.
Is there an emergency box for Serena Van der Woodsen? Well she lives there douche. But even if there was, what's the problem with that?
The whole Jenny & Eleanor storyline makes me feel lowkey sad for Blair, like this epiaode shouldn't Eleanor be at that party? It was parents/students thing, but Eleanor is at her atelier accepting from Jenny the kind of honest commentary she would never take from Blair
It's almost depressing to see Blair throwing herself at that Marcus guy
Chuck's "fake" accent, except it wasn't 🤭
And finally!!! All that pent up sexual frustration had to went somewhere
I'm living of Serena having moments like this one: "Fine, you know what? Life is not fair because it doesn't fit with the way you, Dan Humphrey, think it should be. But why are you always right?" Because this is it, the real crux of it, and why they keep having the same fight
Im so done with the Marcus storyline, because yes she wants his tittle, but she ain't also wrong because he kept treating her in a way that was so meh. Poor Chuck, though, but then again he kind of puts himself into this situations by ignoring his feelings at first and then they explode in his face anyway
I felt for Vanessa the whole episode, not used to that.
This Dan and Serena break up is so frustrating to watch because basically they're ending because Dan just won't meet her halfway. She's not asking him to give up all his ideals, only that he don't judge her for who she is.
I feel like Vanessa was more understanding to Nate's situation than Dan could have ever been with Serena.
For an episode that started quite sunny and happy it sure had a sad ending. Almost everyone ends up feeling pretty miserable.
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This episode was one I remember mostly for that Chuck and Blair scene at that party were he's trying to seduce her, also the whole blockade thing was hilarious, this time around however while I still love those Chuck and Blair bits, I did find myself getting more invested in Nate and Vanessa and even more surprisingly on the argument between Dan and Serena, their break up scene really frustrated me.
Let's go first with the Nate, Catherine and Vanessa storyline. This is such a messed up plot, then again most of Nate’s plot that involved his family had a tendency to be that way. I may not like the details sometimes but what I do like about is how these kind of plots really showed the amount of pressure Nate’s family put on him. At this point in the show Nate’s only seventeen and yet he has to find a way to keep his mom’s head above water, so he falls prey to this woman who is just awful. Is no wonder he wanted to be with Vanessa again because she’s literally a breeze of fresh air, so far removed from his messed up world which is exactly what he needs, and yet is inevitable that she gets caught up in all the scheming and nastiness in the end. She lies to him in order to help him which is sad because help him still leaves him as prey to this woman, but that’s what I really like about this plot, Vanessa’s willingness to be there for Nate and also how understanding she was of the situation.
Vanessa, same as Dan, tends to be judgmental of others and comes from a background that has a more black and white view of morality, she was also raised by a family who despises everything the UES side represents. So imagine what it must have been for her to find out that Nate is sleeping with an older woman for money, that goes against her morals and her beliefs, she’s disgusted by the situation, and yet when Nates begs her to let him explain, she does and she ends up while not exactly approving of the situation, he understands why he’s doing it, and she tells hims that this can only bad for him and that whe should stop it, becaause he’s better than this, and she says it mainly because she in fact is concerned about him and see the best in him. This is why I like her relationship with Nate, because I feel they gave each other some needed perspective, through him she learns that not everything is black and why and that’s there a reason of why people does certain things, and through Vanessa Nate’s gets in touch with a much saner world were he can be himself. 
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On the other hand, we have Dan and Serena, who for the last two episodes have been avoiding the fact that they have issues and they must be faced if they want to move forward, and it’s pretty easy to see why they were putting it off, because the moment they do it obvios that they can’t really solve them. The source of the conflict is the same as always, they keep having the same fight, except to me there’s a difference this time around, at Bart’s brunch and at the wedding Dan’s issues with Serena’s world were also framed with the fact that he discovered something about Serena he feels he can’t deal with, it annoy me both occasions at the Brunch because they had barely met and he was mad because she wasn’t the girl he thought almost as if she had deceive him, and it was like dude you guys met like yesterday, chill. At the wedding he had more of a right to be mad, because she had lied to him a lot, so one could understand his resentment with the UES in the sense that it had shaped Serena to be the kind of person that acts wildly and lies and whatever else he wanted to claimed. This time however he gets mad because the elevator situation serve as reminder of how she’s “more important” than him because she’s part of the 1%. They start arguing literally because they won’t help him as quickly as if she was her. Is it unfair? Yeah, but If we’re goint go be objective about it the mere existence of a 1% priviledge class is unfair to the the other 99%. But that’s life, and the majority of us have to deal with that, and that doesn’t mean we can be assholes to people that have been nice to us.
When he meets Serena he already knows she’s an UES princess, so if he really has a “eat the rich” mentality, why did he got involved with her? And is not like Serena was condecending or mean to him because he wasn’t rich as her, and yet he acts as if he had dated S2 Blair who was an elitist bitch to him every single time they interacted. He may also be not extremely rich as Serena, but he wasn’t poor at all. Correct me if I’m wrong but the kind of loft he lives in, at Dumbo ain’t cheap. So the way Dan acts if he had dated said a girl from a lower income background she had the right to be a total bitch to him, because he was more priviliged? Serena herself says it the best:  "Fine, you know what? Life is not fair because it doesn't fit with the way you, Dan Humphrey, think it should be. But why are you always right?” and this is prove that theirs is not a relationship problem, is exclusively a Dan problem. Serena says to him she can’t change who she is, and is not like she’s saying I won’t change the way I act, is not related to that, because their “problem” literally refers to who she is: her last name, the family she was born to. To that Dan says, I can’t change who I am either, and that's the thing Dan! hers is a matter of being, his is a matter of thinking, and she can’t change her family, but you can change the way you think, and it’s not even a drastic change, he doesn’t have to change his ideals, rather just be understanding and accept her for who she is.  If one thinks about i Vanessa did  a better job with Nate on that topic this episode than Dan ever did, so it can be done, it can be resolved, he just refuses to do it Serena doest thing through the series that definately add to their problems, their parents situation doesn’t help either, but this episode really shows that the root of their issues is Dan.
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Finally, there’s Chuck and Blair, who keep having the most amazing chemistry ever, and the sexual tension in their scenes is off the charts. This episode really relays on the fact of the amount of desire they feel for each other, which seems super fitting at this point in the series because while it’s clear they have deep feelings for each other, desire was what first brought them together, yet they both believe this episode that desire isn’t as exclusive as feelings, it’s easier to feel desire and so they think they can easily find it in other people, but what they discover this episode is that sadly that wasn’t the case. In Blair’s case it has to do in part with the fact that Marcus doesn’t really sees her that way, which makes me sad because here she is again dating a guy who refuses to be passionate about her, but even if he did, she’s forcing the passion, is not really there and can she honestly live like that? Like something is missing? Sadly, no. Oh she’s going to try, not only this season in fact, but is never going to fully substitute the one she has with Chuck.
Chuck faces the same issue, in quite a very literal way, which is hilarious. Chuck Bass playboy extraordinarie is suffering from a “blockage”, a very PG-13 way of saying that he can’t get it up, which is obviously a big tragedy for a guy like him, that amuses Serena to no end even if she can’t quite believe it. Anyway, this is the way that Chuck learns that feelings can win over desire, and that ther is more to sex than just a momentary physical pleasure, which is something he really need it to learn. As long as he can frame what he feels for Blair as mere desire, nothing beyond really good chemistry, is easier for him to see his pursuing of her as only a matter of seduction, easier to ingore that it hurts that she’s with someone else, and his regret over the fact that this whole situation was his own doing, at the end he finally admits to himself that is more than seduction, which is why I believe all his plots from here on are more based on getting her to go to him, not because she desires him, but because she needs him. But that’s for the next episode.
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Random bits I’ve noticed:
Because later on this show  got to the point of being like Chuck had no culture whatsover, and as such Blair couldn’t possibly have any intellectual talk with him, I would like to point out that he mentions madame butterfly as a reference to the Japanesse flight attendant, which means he knows the opera. And I can totally picture him, listening to opera from time to time just because, he’s dramatic and larger than life sometimes. It fits him.
He also mentions  Little Lord Fauntleroy which is a children book, and I like to believe he at least got one decent nanny while growing up and that she gave it to him. 
Finally a pic of the minis, because I love them
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asocialoverthinker · 4 years
I already see hating myself for writing this and @finefeatheredgamer I apologize in advance if it's too.. idk personal, but your vent post hit too close to home and I haven't really been able to stop thinking about it today, so I'm just going to leave this here since the comment section is too small for my too talkative self:
I don't want to give a lecture or pretend like I know what you're going through or why but given I saw too much of myself in that post and I clearly have boundary issues (🤦) I feel like I have to give some, call it advice or a look at my way of dealing with this sort of.. idk mood?
When it comes to the good ol' imposter syndrome, there are times when I feel like shit about everything I've done, no matter how much I've accomplished or been told I've done well; I keep thinking that it's just a matter of time before people "figure out" I'm not as good as they think and will just move on to others who are worthy of their time and attention. That's BS. And I know it is, but it doesn't stop my mind from reminding me of that fear every other day. What does help, however, is taking up any simple, mundane task you can think of that's preferably not people related: reorganising my desk, throwing out old clothes, deleting unnecessary screenshots off of my phone because I'm a meme hoarder and I'm working on it. 🤦😂 Basically, anything that gives you a sense of accomplishment, as small as it may be, without needing anyone's reaction or opinion. Do something for yourself that, as ridiculous as the task is, can make you feel good and make you feel like you've got control over your life and that you've done something *right*, without a doubt. Soon, that feeling will pop up when you do something that you're anxious about and make the IS a little more bearable. (And I know this doesn't do much when you've convinced yourself otherwise but dude, you really are awesome at your writing and art so no, you most definitely aren't bad at everything.)
As for the people around me and their perception of me, along with their willingness to interact with me and in what way.. *sigh* ... There's something that I keep trying to make myself remember and that's the fact that.. we're all different, we all have different upbringings, different personalities, needs, views, attachment styles, etc. All of that results in everyone having different expectations, triggers and way of interacting with others and showing their affection.
That means, IMO, just because someone doesn't have the same view on say friendships as I do, that doesn't mean they value our friendship less than I do if they idk call less often or don't pick up on everything I'd want them to. I talk a lot, I text even more, I often feel like I'm overwhelming and I've even had a moment with my now best friend (a chill, quiet introvert whose every word is worth as much as gold, given how little they talk, especially compared to me 😂) when I've asked them, years ago, why they were friends with me (an ENTJ btw) since I was so obnoxiously loud and talking their ears off. The answer? "I like listening to you, it's fun". In their mind, we were having great time together, while I drove myself mental thinking I was suffocating them.
(Fuck, where was I going with this... Right!) Point is, relationships of any kind are a two way street and affected by both parties and what I've realised is key for them to work is to figure out what you are and aren't comfortable with and communicate.
If you're angry or upset with someone, you can't wait for them to figure it out on their own. Anger (when it's healthy ofc) is a cry for change and channelled properly can result in a conflict with whomever it is that's upsetting you that's going to result in either your relationship growing and changing for the better.. or falling apart which, tbh, if it's causing you distress, it's bound to end anyway.
I've already written far too much so I'll try to cut it short.
People are as complicated as they are simple (fuck that sounds so stupid but I'll try to explain what I mean). You (I'm talking to the both of us, leaving this as a reminder for myself too) can't really affect the way people perceive you or what their natural behaviour is like. You need to figure out what works for you when it comes to human interaction and look for it, but also accept that we're all virtually bound to disappoint each other in terms of fulfilling all the expectations people have of us. As my friend likes to say "if we were all the same and behaved the same way and believed in all the same things, the world would be a very boring place". So don't let your mind overthink every interaction, every relationship, every conversation you've ever had or every mistake you've ever made or someone else has made.
Do people enjoy being around you? Do they want you around? If you're unsure, ask and please remember this: whatever the answer is, it's not just defined by you or caused by you.
Some people are idiots that will treat you like shit no matter how awesome you are. That's not your problem, it's theirs and you're better off without them.
Some people have their own issues and reasons why they behave certain ways and even upset you, yet those reasons have nothing to do with you, so again, they're not your fault.
Some people just don't click well with you, it sucks sometimes but hey, that's life.
Some people are clueless and unaware of the fact that they're making you upset and need to be told that because, no matter how much they care, they could still be causing harm without knowing it. Hell, I'm writing this with the best intentions and could be doing something that doesn't sit right with you and for that again, I'm sorry.
That all being said, I do believe that as different and complicated as we are, deep down we're also simple. (In general, most of us anyway) We want to feel good, we want what works for us and we don't stick around in situations or around people that we don't feel like they are meaningful to us in any way. All in all, you do your part, show the people you care about how much you do, communicate with them and be honest about the things that upset you and finally, let them be responsible for their choices and behaviour too: they wouldn't be with you, whether it's a friend, a partner, a stranger on the internet enjoying your work, if they didn't want to. As for the people who leave, hurt you or cause you anxiety? Fuck 'em, you're better off without them.
.... I said I'd keep it short, didn't I? Oops. *Sigh* I've probably definitely rambled too much but I hope my sentiment was clear. Sorry if this was too much and feel free to ignore it, but I wish it helps you remember that you are great and capable of working through the shit that comes your way. 💜
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kob131 · 4 years
So the OP of that post just deleted their blog.
Before they claim I tried to harass them- 
I’mma gonna post the response I made to them and link to the original reblog to showcase I did NOTHING to make them reblog.
Well good thing I’m not one of the ones who do that.
Too bad you openly say ‘I am speaking for the RWDE Tag which is composed as individuals’ so what you specifically do doesn’t matter.
When I’m expressing my negative feelings and opinions I don’t expect them to listen, I am simply reaching out to those who are just as unhappy, that’s what the RWDE tag is for. Despite what you see on the vile slums of social networks, there are plenty of people who express their thoughts and feelings just to reach out to others and work out there problems
Actually the RWDE tag is for criticisms according to several members of the RWDE tag.
Or is about venting and nothing else? Lot of people love to claim that as well.
You want to proclaim a group is X? Make sure said group doesn’t give conflicting info.
Well not my shit pal. And the ones who I am speaking for are not either.
Too bad they disagree with you. Wanna try saying that to Soku or Dudeblade?
If that’s what they’re gonna say, then say it. Just do it in a way that accepts the reality that they probably won’t listen, and instead use that criticism as well what you liked about the show and create something new.
Can’t, get called egotistical and demanded to be booted if you do.
Same tag did that shit.
Good, because I don’t. In fact you and your ilk love to accuse us of doing that because your definition of threatening and demanding is so broad, and don’t act like you don’t do that, you do that.
“Hey don’t say stuff I don’t do! We can’t be held accountable as a group!”
“Fuck you, your people did this and I’ll hold you accountable as a group!”
Nice double standards you have there.
Tell me, how does one DO expresses their subjective criticism that acknowledges that its subjective and not fact? Please, I would LOVE to hear how its done.
“In my opinion”.
Oh ok, so it’s only okay when your kin do it.
A. Actively attacked RWBY fans.
And B. I call the individuals idiots for the reasons given in my posts.
Your assuming that I have a beef with Jaune, or that other dissenters do have a beef with Jaune as this rabid mob does we are in league with each other. You tend to assume what you want to prove in order to prove something else.  
‘They’re acting in a way I disagree with, they’re not True Scotsmen!’
You never clarified your group and you don’t make any exceptions on who you do consider ‘your side’. Considering the general way you referred to everything- You implied a general side.
Listen to me carefully
And. Who. I. Speak. For. Do. Not. Do. That.
Not me, not Psyga315, not rwde-rwby, not ironpines, not eight-of-penticles, not Adel Aka on Youtube, not us.
And yet I know at least two of those guys (Psyga315 and Eight-Of-Penticles) openly supported that shit. And Adel Aka CAUSED some of this.
Still ain’t buying it,
Well in my experience, RWDE hasn’t done that, and from my experience, there are just as many Stans of RWBY who have acted just as venomous as rabid shippers and those who side with RT seem silent about it. So it looks like we got dirt on both of us don’t we?
Considering I openly act as an individual and actively attack RWBY fans-
Nope, not really.
Also considering your personal experience means nothing outside an individual context-
You willing gave it up.
You could accept the fact that RWDE isn’t a hive mind and I won’t assume all RWBY fans are a hive-mind either.
But of course you sort seem to broaden the definition of “Threatening and Attacking the creators” to any form of dissent.
Too bad you don’t.
But you seem to have a VERY hard time to consider anyone’s experiences outside your own, don’t you?
I have actively disregarded my own experiences for objective fact- That means nothing to me.
If there is an alternate tag besides RWDE I can use so I don’t get lumped in with this mob could you tell me? Because I will happily do it.
claiming you’re speaking as an individual and then using plural pronouns and terms
Not what I said and you know it. Don’t use plural terms and pronouns and saying you speak for a group you do not define.
In fact, if labeling yourself automatically makes you something, could I label myself as a professional fantasy novelist? Because I would love to magically become one by just labeling myself as one.
Too bad that’s not how that label works.
Dude, I’ve seen you been actively hoping against a gay ship in RWBY in the past, and when RWBY shifted gears from Black Sun to Bumbleby, you threw monkey boy right under the buss and sided with the Bumblebee Fans because you need to defend RT so badly.
What was that about assumptions again?
P.S. One of my followers hated me because they were a Bumbleby fan and I am THAT hated in their circles.
If that’s not sycophancy, I don’t know what it
You misspelled ‘consistency’.
In what way am I? Please quote me and dissect it, because just say-so isn’t gonna cut it.
Dude, I’ve seen you been actively hoping against a gay ship in RWBY in the past, and when RWBY shifted gears from Black Sun to Bumbleby, you threw monkey boy right under the buss and sided with the Bumblebee Fans because you need to defend RT so badly.
Make broad generalizations, never bring up evidence, never be specific as to make research hard, bring up a past event to sell to your audience-
How many SJWs have done this again?
Edit: Also deleting their blog and likely running away.
Because you decided RWDE was in league with the mob instead of discern them, you put all those in RWDE as bad, and those not in that tag as good and demand others to play by your rules.
That’s called and In-Group-Out-Group bias, or Us vs Them
You know, it shouldn’t be hard to make RWBY look worse than FMA. But like every example before hand, a RWBY critic manages to fuck up so badly they make RWBY look better afterwards. Which is I recommend they stop making comparisons- RWBY fans don’t need more bullshit to spread around with the critics shitting themselves and giving them ideas.
Yeah you make a real good example of that.
Also, you make this distinction between ‘RWDE’ and ‘the mob’ ... when the shit I have been listing have been said IN THE RWDE TAG. By popular members too.
Mary Mother of Jesus Christ, how many times I gotta tell you, the internet is a shitty place, we can call this shit out until the cows come home, they aren’t gonna stop.
The world is also a shitty place- That doesn’t mean we give up when people are being shitty. No excuse.
And you people are no different, Allow me to quote a YouTube commenter on Adel Aka’s video Monty’s Vision is irrelevant
“These people are trying to dismiss criticism my claiming they have the moral high ground. Most people won’t insult the work of a dead man and those that do will get shat on by the others who hold Monty as infallibly sacred. Its called a “Threat Narrative”. It works by reducing the: agency, willingness to harm and invulnerability of your side and do the reverse for the opposition. Watch as everyone rushes in to attack your opponent as if they are stomping on a puppy.”
Except that I don’t chew you people out through the moral high ground-
Almost always through factual fuck ups and hypocrisy.
Because they are using the SAME mythology of alienation, groupthink, and authoritarian bullying as they do, even though they hate to hear that. At best, they have command over composure and language, but it’s often used in a smarmy or condescending matter.
Sounds a lot like the RWDE tag (alienating the creators from positive feedback, attack anything that isn’t negative against RWBY and make it so the creators cannot do anything they don’t approve of).
I am speaking for the RWDE tag which is composed as individuals, because I am certain I am not the only one who feels this way, but of course you use the RWDE tag to ghettoize and marginalize us in your con-jobs to discredit us.
Group. Noun. “ a number of people or things that are located close together or are considered or classed together. “ Your talk of the RWDE tag falls under group.
But it’s not just feeling you use but numerous other things like assumed methods.
I don’t need to do any of that- Almost every single post of mine is structured around factual faults beyond any assumption of innocence or straight up hypocrisy, You do it to yourselves, like saying you speak for a specific group of people then a general group like the RWDE tag,
The people I have mentioned before and identified themselves with this tag have CALLED OUT that behavior
And yet you say you speak for the RWDE tag, a far BIGGER group than those people.
But you decide to affiliate us with them anyway because you want to discourage others from listening to us.
You say as the point of my reblog was to call out your inconsistency, nothing about your credibility with you making it about that. Especially since my posts usually tackle you guys on an INDIVIDUAL LEVEL.
Your not our boss, your not our father, your not the police. Quit acting like you are.
First Amendment pal
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #436
Top Ten Henchmen and Secondary Villains from Disney Movies
So I’m returning to the Disney well once again. After looking at villains and sidekicks (and once, long ago, Disney Princesses), I’m turning my steely gaze in the direction of henchmen. Or henchwomen. Or henchbirds. You know what I mean.
Every good baddie needs a henchman; a stooge, a second, a patsy. Partly for reasons of exposition; like a John Watson or an Amy Pond, it’s good to have someone else on screen that the clever person can do the talking to, especially when soliloquising their evil plans, especially if it’s in song. Secondly they can bring a note of comedy to an otherwise straight-down-the-middle bad guy; if there’s an evil dude or dudette waxing lyrical about killing Our Hero and stealing their throne, or whatever, it’s good to have a jester beside them to crack jokes and generally stop the tots in the audience from getting traumatised by Jeremy Irons.
So with no further ado (because I’m late again this week) here are my favourite Disney henchpeople.
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Iago (Gilbert Gottfried, Aladdin, 1992): in many ways the perfect hench-bird; he’s funny, for a start, deeply, darkly sarcastic, and he’s, well, a talking bird. He’s also of one mind with Jafar, being cruel and conniving (until his face-turn in the sequels). Lightens Jafar’s melodramatic wickedness but gets stuck in with the meaty villainy, and, well, he’s Gilbert Gottfried.  
Sir Hiss (Terry-Thomas, Robin Hood, 1973): just as funny as Iago but without the misanthropic darkness, instead being a camp put-upon servant who does King John’s bidding whilst secretly despising his lot in life. A joyous performance from Thomas, who brings his on-screen foppishness to animated life.
LeFou (Jesse Corti, Beauty and the Beast, 1991): the sycophantic Richard Hammond to Gaston’s preening, pompous, chauvinistic Jeremy Clarkson, LeFou still falls more closely into the Hiss-a-like “bumbling sidekick” mould rather than feeling like a secondary villain or genuine threat. He does have, however, the greatest henchman song of all time, which counts for a lot.
Smee (Bill Thompson, Peter Pan, 1953): essentially a proto-LeFou, he’s just as bumbling, although one senses he’s in it more for the loot and the booze rather than being a fully-fledged follower of Hook’s fanaticism. The performance of Thompson, all jowly fluster, adds tons to the character, even if – whisper it – the definitive screen Smee remains Bob Hoskins.
Shenzi, Banzai, & Ed (Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, & Jim Cummings, The Lion King, 1994): much has been made of The Lion King being a loose adaptation of King Lear, but the three hyena demi-villains almost make for a trio of Macbethian witches; there’s no denying their bad guy credentials, diligently assisting Scar and also trying to eat our heroes more than once. But they’re also bumbling fools, comic relief idiots who giggle maniacally and cock up constantly. One of them is literally too dumb for words. And then at the end, about face, they turn genuinely threatening again and rip the real villain to pieces.  
Flotsam & Jetsam (Paddi Edwards, The Little Mermaid, 1989): it’s not uncommon for henchmen to come in pairs or groups – see above – and in one way Flotsam and Jetsam are akin to the nameless Goons from Sleeping Beauty or the “Friends on the Other Side” from the later Princess and the Frog. But they have more independent character, operating as a keen pair and revelling in their wickedness. With their mismatched shining eyes they’re seriously creepy, voiceless in a sea of talking fish, murderous eels up to no good.
Lucifer (June Foray, Cinderella, 1950): he doesn’t speak in blackly sarcastic soundbites, but Lucifer is a precursor to Iago: the animal companion of an unrepentant villain, who revels in his wickedness whilst also offering moments of humour. Lucifer is basically just a git; he tries to eat the mice, screws with Cinderella, and sucks up to Lady Tremaine. He’s called Lucifer, FFS.
Trigger and Nutsy (George Lindsey & Ken Curtis, Robin Hood, 1973): the film so good it’s got a main villain – with henchman – and then a secondary villain with his own henchmen. Whilst Sir Hiss is all upper-class obsequiousness, Trigger and Nutsy are working class stooges, village idiots given a badge and a licence to wreak havoc. Arguably a comment on the willingness of ordinary folk to turn fascist if given power, or the abuse of the apparatus of the state, or even police brutality, in reality they’re both just dumb goons whose comic schtick is appealing.
Jaspar & Horace (J. Pat O’Malley & Frederick Worlock, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, 1961): another pair of bumbling working-class twats, there’s not much going on here except for Disney doing their own take on the stock British comical crim. However, a bit like Mr Smee, you could argue the live-action versions (Hugh Laurie and Mark Williams) outstrip their animated predecessors.
Fidget (Candy Candido, Basil the Great Mouse Detective, 1986): full disclosure here, I’ve not seen Basil for a couple of decades, and whilst I utterly adored it as a nipper, a good many of its specificities are lost to me. But Fidget I remember because he was terrifying; a gangly demon, a master of disguise, and an absolute brutish horror.
Incidentally in researching this list (yes, I do do some research – often I don’t remember what a character is called, or I need to know the year a film came out, or whatever) I saw a lot of people praising the character of Helga from Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001). That is a film that I’ve seen precisely once and basically do not remember. Sounds like I need to give it another whirl. But anyway, Helga fans, if you’re wondering why she’s not on the list, that’s why.
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skyhighwritings · 5 years
That’s What Friends Are For.
Chapter Two: OH! How The Turn Tables!
Total Drama High School AU
Story Summery: What can you do when you’re crushing hard on someone, but you’re too dang Nervous to act on it? I Suppose, that’s what Friends are for.
Chapter Summery: After Dating Trent for the past Few Weeks, Cody Fancies Himself a Love Expert. And With his New Credentials, He is Determined To Help Noah, the way He Helped Him. Only Problem Is Noah Would Rather Die then Let His Crush Know..
Characters: Cody, Noah, Owen, and (Back in Chapter One) Trent
Ships:  Nowen, And (Mentions of) Trody
Chapter One <------
  Noah peeked out from where he hid, only to swiftly duck back behind the wall. He sighed, “This is Stupid. I’m Not Doing It.”
  “It’s Not Stupid, dude!” Cody encouraged, “C’mon! You can do it! I Believe in You!”
  “It’s not a question of Ability, it’s about willingness” Noah looked to his friend, “And I’m Not Doing It.”
  Cody locked eyes with Noah, and slowly raised his hands to his hips.
“Cody. Don’t.”
  The geek didn’t obey, instead he kept his eyes trained on his friend and uttered a simple, yet powerful,“Bwack.” 
“You’re Not Funny.”
  Cody seemed to disagree as he continued to not only Bwack but also flap his elbows.
  “Cody Stop It.” 
Cody froze mid flap, “Are you Gonna Do It.”
“BA-BWACK!!!” He screeched Flailing his arms like an angry chicken.
  Noah Lunged at his Dumb Friend to cover up his Dumb Mouth, “What Is Wrong With You???”  He hissed.
  “Mmmbbmm. Mrrmm’m mrrmm mmm MMM.’” 
Noah Glared, “I’ll take my hand away if you promise to quit being The Most Obnoxious Person I Know.”
  Cody thought about this deal, truly pondered, gave it a good ol’ think before smiling under Noah’s palm.
   Noah cocked a brow, before his face was twisted into shock and disgust as he ripped his now saliva covered hand away from The Most Obnoxious Person He Knows.
  He opened his mouth to berate his Dumb Friend That He Hates but all that came out was, “BAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAHH!!!!! GAAAAHHHHGGG!!” he yelled, “ mllLYAAK, nygah” was all he could say to illustrate how repulsed he was, but finally he was able to formulate the words “WhYY?!?”
“Your Hand Tastes Like Hand Sanitizer.”
  Noah Looked at Cody, in something akin to rage, disgust, and bafflement. “What would make you do that?? What Would Make You Think That Was Ok?? Tell Me, I Would Really Like To Know The Reason You Decided To Die Today??”
  Cody Opened his mouth to say something, whether it was an answer or not will remain unknown since a third party spoke first.
  “Lil’ Buddy??” Owen said, peaking around the Corner, “Did you just Scream, Pal? Are You Ok?” 
  Noah didn’t turn to face the new voice, instead he kept his eyes on Cody, said eye’s losing all traces of irritation and being replaced by pure anxiety. 
  Cody, on the other hand, glanced at the new voice, confirming it was Owen, before returning to look at Noah with the biggest, most obnoxious Smile. He then gave Two Giant Thumbs Up, before using both hands to point at Owen, who, luckily, was far too concerned with whether his little buddy was Ok or Not to notice. 
  Noah also didn’t notice, for even though he was  looking at Cody, he wasn’t seeing Cody. He was far too busy trying to come up with a way to get out of here to notice what Dumb Thing his Dumb Friend was doing now. So far his ways to leave the situation are as follows, A.) Disappearing into a Puff of smoke, never to be seen again; B.) Melting into an Unfeeling Puddle; or C.) Spontaneous Combustion. Though he isn’t sure if any of those are particularly…. Convenient? 
Though C does sound pretty good.
He is also partial to B.
  “Noah?” Owen’s voice yanked Noah out of thought, as the Larger boy placed a worried hand on his friends Shoulder.
  Noah jumped back from the touch, “Oh, Hey Big Guy,” he Started after turning to face him, and before backing subtly away, “I’m fine, I just Need to wash My Hand. Which Means I Can’t Stay Here. So I Can’t Talk.”  Noah shot quick nervous glances at both of his Friends before uttering an even quicker, “Bye.”, and turning to book it.
  If you were Owen McCarthy for the past 3 weeks, as Owen happened to be, you would have been used to this behavior, as sad and confused as it made you feel.
   If you were Cody Anderson, who coincidentally, Cody was, you would Know this treatment was thanks to a talk the two of you had where you helped him realize he had a Crush on his Best Friend.
  If you Were Noah Bhatt, which the current Noah Bhatt would be happy to let you take his place from here,  you would be well aware of the new terrible, bubbly feeling of crush filled anxiety that was before covered up by the facade of just liking your Best Friend since Daycare as a Best Friend. You would also blame all of this on your other friend, who had the audacity to point out your feelings three weeks ago while playing video games.
 The Jerk.
  Noah made two fairly good strides to get out before being Grabbed by Cody, “Duuuuuude!!!! Stop!!! It’s Not a Big Deal!!! Just Do It!”
Big Words From A Boy, That In Fact, Did Not Do It.
   Noah tried to  wiggle his arm free, Not looking at Cody, and especially not looking at Owen, "I’d Love To Stay, But I Have To Go."
  Cody Glared at this response, before releasing his struggling friend, causing the boy to stumble a little. "Fine. I guess I can Talk with Owen before class instead." 
  Noah continued to walk briskly away,  "Fine, Talk With Ow-" 
Noah Stopped Suddenly in his Tracks.
'Oh No.'
  "Hey, Owen! Guess Who Thinks Your Cuuu- OOMMFF!" 
Cody was cut off by Noah once again lunging at him, hissing for Cody to "Shut Up!!!"
  This was not as Effective as Noah would have liked, with Cody successfully keeping the other at Arm's length,  though it wasn't an easy task. Which was a little surprising; Cody had Never seen Noah put So Much Effort into Something. 
  He Really Didn’t Want Owen To Know.
Too Bad Cody Has Already Decided It Needs To Happen.
  "If You Won't Do It I Will!!!" Cody Declared, pushing against Noah's Hands to keep him back, “It’s For Your Own Good, Dude! Just Do It!!”
  Since getting with Trent, Cody has fancied himself a bit of a Love Expert, much to Noah’s exasperation. That’s really how this all started, Cody Claiming he Knew Everything about Love, then telling Noah that he Obviously had a Crush on Owen. 
  At first Noah disagreed with this diagnostic, afterall, What Did Cody Know?
A Lot More Than Noah Give’s Him Credit For, Apparently.
  The Struggling Paused as the two friends stared at each other. 
It Felt like an eternity before Noah Opened his Mouth, only to close it again.
  He Has Made His Choice.
Cody closed his eyes and nodded, before turning his head to face Owen,  "NOAH LI- GAAH!!!" Cody released his grip on Noah's hands, transferring them to his now Sore Shin.
Noah looked his friend in the eye, blank faced, "no."
  Cody shot daggers at his friend as he held his probably bruising leg. He then went to speak, maintaining eye Contact with his assailant,  "Noah Thinks You're Cute. You Two Should Date."
"Cody!!! " Noah hissed, once again lunging forward, but he did not move fast enough to Murder Cody Right Then And There as he so desired, because Cody had already started to Run down The Hall. 
  Noah took a few strides after Cody, before deciding it wasn't worth the work opting instead to shout, "YOU'RE A DEAD MAN, ANDERSON!!!" 
  Cody simply spun around, though he continued with a Trot, and shot two big thumbs up accompanied by an even bigger grin. 
  Cody Anderson: Noah’s Most Hated Friend.
  Cody responded to this threat to his life by blowing a kiss to Noah, before yelling "SEE YOU IN PHYSICS!!!" And turning to sprint to whichever class he had next.
  Noah Glared down the thinning hall, though Cody was no longer there.
He  would have continued this Unreceived Glare if it wasn’t for the faint and awkward chuckle behind him.
  Noah shifted to look at his Best Friend, though he did a remarkable job at avoiding his Face, “Listen, pal, I can expla-”
  “Don’t worry about it, Bud!” Owen smiled, “It’s a pretty mean joke, but it didn’t bother me!!”
  Noah was taken aback by this. Owen thought it was a Joke??? Is He Free??? Did He Get Out Of Admitting He Had Emotions?? Did He Win??
  He gave a half hearted laugh, “Yeah, you know Cody, Always telling Bad Jokes.” Noah then looked up at his friends face and regretted what he said immediately. 
Owen was clearly bothered.
Noah should have been able to tell.
He’s an Idiot.
  “It’s kinda funny,” Owen continued to smile at Noah, a smile Noah hated. A smile Owen only had when he wasn’t actually happy. A smile Noah’s been able to spot since the 5th grade. A smile No One else Seems to notice on the Big Ball of Optimism that’s Owen, and that fact somehow made Noah hate it even more.
  “I mean, could you imagine, you  being into me ? That’s ridiculous!” Owen chuckled, but not the one he has when he’s amused by a situation or the one that trickles out because he’s just So Happy he can’t Help It, but rather the one that Forced Out when he’s uncomfortable and trying to hide it. 
  Noah can’t let this continue, he may be bad at his own emotions, but he’s an expert on Owen’s, and as that expert it’s his responsibility to cheer his Best Buddy Up.
  “Hey, Big Guy, I’m sure Cody didn’t mean it like that.” Noah closed the gap between him and Owen, placing his hand as close to the larger boy’s shoulder as he could. Owen looked down at Noah, realizing his little buddy once again saw past his attempts to act as if he were happy with something. 
  He looked at Noah, interested in what he had to say, which was honestly nothing new. 
  “The joke was probably me not having a chance with you.” Noah continued, discreetly wiping his soiled hand on Owen’s shirt, “I mean, Cody wouldn’t insult you on purpose.” 
  Owen Grabbed Noah by both shoulders, shocking him, “WHAAAT??! That’s Crazy Talk!!!!”
Noah smiled, “Thank’s bud-”
  “Your, like, THE BEST!” Owen continued, unphased by the interruption, “You’re Cool, and Funny, and Smart, and, and, And AWESOME!!!” Owen let go of Noah’s Shoulders as he threw his hands in the air, “Who Wouldn’t Want To Date You!!!!”
  Noah stared up at Owen, shocked. 
What does that mean?
What Does That Mean??
  Noah cleared his throat, “Uh, gee, Thanks.. Owen….” He looked up and smiled, “I really appreciate that.”
  Owen returned the smile. 
Noah fidgeted a little, before continuing, “You’re…. Pretty great, Too.” he rubbed his arm nervously, 
‘Just walk away Noah. He thinks it was a joke, and he’s not sad anymore, cut your losses and Get Out’.
  “I mean, I think you’re pretty Funny…” 
‘That’s not Getting Out.’
          Noah ignored his thoughts, and continued, “You’re a lot of Fun to be around. I mean, I Really Love hanging out with you…” 
‘Stop. Leave. Don’t Do This. Get OUT.’
  “You’re So Nice, and Enthusiastic about Everything, it’s kinda annoying.” 
‘Good, Insult Him, and Leave. 
  “But, it’s also kinda Charming?”
  Owen grinned sheepishly, “Really?”
‘NO! SAY NO!’ 
  “Yeah..” Noah looked away to try and hide the fact that he was Blushing, “I Really…..”
‘Don’t Do It. Don’t Say It. Please Someone Stop Me. Oh My God What Am I Doing.’
  Noah looked up at Owen, “ Like you, dude.”
  Owen looked at his friend, wide eyed, seemingly in shock. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head.
  Noah looked around anxiously, but before he could take it all back Owen Cheered.
  “FOR REAL DUDE???!!!??!” He Beamed, “THAT’S AWESOME!!!!” Owen Squeezed Noah in a Far-Too-Tight hug and spun around gleefully.
  “Owen…..” Noah wheezed, “Owen… I Can’t Breath….”
“Ooops,” Owen chuckled, letting him go, “Sorry, man! I’m Just So Excited!!!” He Explained.
  “No way, really? I couldn’t Tell.” Noah tried to keep up his trademark Sarcasm to distract from the fact that he was currently dying from the levels of excitement he himself was experiencing.
  “TOTALLY!!” Owen continued, “I Mean!!! I Like You Too, Noah!!”
  Even though Noah gathered as much from Owens reaction, hearing the actual word put him through a spin his mortal body was not prepared for.  Noah began blushing more than he had ever done before in his life , not to mention that he was now brandishing a smile that could barely fit on his face.
It was Embarrassing.
  Though not as embarrassing as his dumb follow up question, “You mean, Like Like? Or Like???” Noah paused, mostly because he didn’t really know what words meant at the moment, “Ok, So Like, did You Mean, uuuuhh, liiike???” Noah was struggling, and also probably dying. 
  Owen chuckled, “I Mean I Like You, Dude! Like in a ‘Let’s Date!’ Kinda Way!!”
“Ok.” Noah squeaked out, “Let’s…” He tried to calm down, though it wasn’t easy, “Let’s... Dooo…. That.”
  “Do what?” 
Noah took a deep breath in, finding the few nerves that hadn’t been obliterated by this conversation, “Date?”
   Owen beamed, “Yeah, Man! Let’s Date!!! WOO!” He then wrapped his little buddy in another bone-crushing Hug, but this one was considerably more breathable, “This is A-A-AWESOME!”
  Noah tried to conceal a chuckle, but even he couldn’t deny the pure joy he was experiencing. 
  He patted Owen on the shoulder, fondly, “Alright, Lunch Box. Put me Down before we’re late to-”
  “Aw Man, Sorry, Little Buddy…” Owen Looked down at his friend, wait no, BOYFRIEND, he had a boyfriend now, and it was Noah and this is The Best.
  Owen Looked Down at His Boyfriend, who he was still holding in his arms, “Hey, want me to carry you to class?”
  Noah looked up at his Best Friend for the past 13 years, and current Boyfriend, “That’s The Dumbest Question You’ve Ever Asked Me.”  Noah deadpanned, “Of Course I Want To Be Carried.”
Later that Day….
Cody sat in class, bored out of his mind when he felt a vibration in his pocket. Checking to make sure the teacher wasn’t looking, he pulled his phone out to check the notification.
It Was From Noah!!!
Five-Head: Wanted to let you know that you’re death won’t be swift, or merciful.
 Me: o dude did it not go well 
Me: srry 
Five-Head: With me and Owen? That went great. We’re dating now.
Five-Head: But you licking my hand can’t go unpunished.
Five-Head: So, I’m Killing You.
Five-Head: You won’t Be Missed.
Me: <3 
Five-Head </3
Me: :O
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raguna-blade · 5 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena 1-3
So after uh...Many years, I’ve finally started watching revolutionary girl utena. Just a bit a week with a friend, so as it goes.
And so far so good! It’s fun times, and while I know a decent chunk of spoilers, I don’t really have the context for any of them so whatever there. Mostly, I just know enough that I should probably over read into them for maximum amusement. so just a few things I noticed, Sans Pictures, because I lack the technology (or at least the willingness to do so. I mean I guess there’s Youtube.)
Episode 1: -They just go into it establishing that thesis don’t they? -Saionji is a Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. -My Girl really going to cut off a rose with a blunt Shinai somehow. Ok.
-“Just classmates” Wow. Saionji is a dick, this is established, but to watch the light die in his eyes like that hurt. This is episode 1 Man, you can’t go killing someone’s spirit like that in episode 1
Episode 2
-Saionji Want’s his Salt Back. I Predict he will not get his salt back.
--Spoilers, he Does Not Get his Salt back, he gets absolutely brinned the dumb green idiot.
-Hey. Utena. Utena are we just going to ignore how you closed that door for like 5 minutes (or hell however long you want really) and opened it and suddenly the room doesn’t look like a bomb went off and now it’s clean and Anthy Just...Showed up and Asserted herself? Are we ignoring that? Ok. -Saionji, the Kendo Captain, also 14ish years old, just gonna bust out that good old fashioned REAL JAPANESE STEEL FOLDED 80 TIMES SHARP ENOUGH TO BISECT THE SOUL.
-Also, I left this til now, But Hey We’re Married Now? Fiance Cool, Cool. Uh...Hey, why the fuck is Utena in a Pink Rose Bride Outfit. Suspect.
-Hey Related, WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE WHITE ROSE CENSORSHIP!? Like Uh... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
-So hey, Roses Are Color Associated, Let’s Keep an Eye on that. Hair Colors seem to be the jim jam that does it. So Green with Saionji, Pink with Utena. White with uh...Dios? Fucked up Inverted Castle Boi. I guess Anthy would be in Purple if she ever duels, so we’ll write that down for later. Though Engaging yourself seems in universe tricky so you know. Probably not. Although counter Point, Knight Anthy in that sweet intro. Hey, wait, what do those armors look like again? Later I guess.
--Sorry, the Optical Illusion (that...Are we also not gonna acknowledge the big ass tower you walked up and can’t see from inside? i get that you already had a weird thing going on but just gonna ignore that? That’s life now? Ok. Fair enough, you got engaged by deflowering a dude with a....Uh...No. No I do not like where that particular statement was going nevermind.)
Episode 3
-Ah. Anthy is ‘popular’ with the freshman boys. Ok. Wait, how old is she? I thought they said middleschool, so this is highschool? Ish?
-A Dance. A Bunch of people. Is this gonna go Carrie? Ok.
-...Are....Are those condoms along with that dress.
-Nanami: Fuck that Girl in Particular Who has Stolen My Brothers Heart.
--So Hold, fine, but has she ever interacted with Touga? (Red Hair, Red Rose? Big Challenge Boss Dude?) Enough that Nanami would think she’s stolen his heart somehow?
---Related, The Dress is Green, more the green of Saionji’s rose so...Uh...Is that a thing to watch out for? There was that Kendo Hall Scene but they for the moment are just kinda...Not...well, Looking at each other like that. Or at least i’m not getting the vibe yet. Considering they’re both aggressively going after Anthy and Utena respectively I guess whatever there. It’s a long series, and What I know suggests things will be getting a lot more gay so we’ll see.
-----Last Thing, I find it funny that so far they combine to make the “proper” rose color which is amusing. Wonder if there’s anything to the other pairings there should it come down to it.
-Utena, how the actual FUCK did you switch from a shoulder exposing dress to the school outfit. No, fuck the tablecloth into dress thing, Where did she have that. She hot Hucked that dress off, was she just wearing it under the skirt? Was she waiting for this moment? Were you just wearing your shirt around your waste waiting for a moment to dramatically unclothe and reclothe yourself?
-So touched on the dress before, but listen. Listen for a moment please. It dissolves when it got sprayed with....Alcohol? Water? Seltzer? How Old Are they supposed to be? Whatever, A Frothy White liquid hit it and it dissolved, which, fine I guess, except where did Nanami get cotton candy clothes (apparently?) and also, I am not letting this go why did the dress dissolve when a frothy white liquid hit it and what were you expecting to happen with those Condoms Nanami. Like shit this is a layered metaphor gag thing going on here because she get’s declothed in...Wait wasn’t that around the same spot where the flowers were? Nope. We’re done here.
--No, we’re not done here, HOW old are they supposed to be again? I heard Middle School mentioned. We’re three eps in here folks, And while I expect some shit to go down, My Oh Lawd, Oh Fuck, Oh Shit o meter is dinging like mad And I am full of C O N C E R N.
-Now I should have mentioned this earlier but I’m assuming the Intro’s Outtros are actually kinda relevant to the show unlike a good chunk of shows, and uh...There’s questions to be raised there. Like the weird doubling thing in the outro, or the fact anthy hot vanishes, or how anthy kinda looks like she’s gonna fight Utena, and I’m not sure how much any of that is actually relevant, Well no that’s a lie I kinda know but I don’t know HOW much of How Much it is, But mostly, I bring this up because Those seem relevant lyrically and image wise, which is kinda making me wonder about the stuff during the duels since those seem pretty nonsense word salad. But also, Egg Shell Dying without Born so should I be looking at it poetry....Do they have unique songs for most/all the duels? Oh dear.
Well that’s it for now.
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