#and a guy who can sing SIX NOTES at the same time
amarriageoftrueminds · 8 months
I know it's not Mermay but I just stumbled across this incredible polyphonic singer for the first time and I had to mention her in case anyone happened to be writing a mermaid fic right now and was looking for inspiration for what an actual siren (or demon??) would sound like... 😲
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
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Summary: You are the younger sister of Natasha Trace. You've just moved to San Diego to teach 4th Grade. You never expected to fall for an older man in a Hawaiian shirt who happens to be her best friend.
Warnings: Language, Drinking. Smut, Age Gap, Daddy Kink. Minors DNI 18+
Next Part
You'd noticed him the moment you and your friends had walked into the club. He was with a group of guys leaning up near the bar. He looked entirely out of place with his Hawiian shirt and aviators. He had a thick mustache that accentuated his almost familiar face.
He was still there when you walked up later to get a drink.
"Can I get a Titos and cran with Sprite?" You asked the bar tender. "Titos?" He commented. "Classy." He smirked before taking another sip of his beer.
You laughed before turning to him. "I'm trying not to hate myself in the morning. I spent enough time in college drinking bottom shelf shit out of a trash can in a frat house. I've done my share of hangovers. Thank you very much." You tell him.
He turns his body to face you fully. You catch the quick slip of his eyes as he scans your body.
"College? When was that? Last year?" You can't tell if he's joking or not.
"I graduated six years ago. I'm twenty-eight, not a child." You tell him. "What about you. When did you graduate Old Man? 1950?" You laugh.
"Old Man? Really? What makes you say that?" He asks you. "The 'stache and the Hawaiian shirt." You say nonchalantly.
He laughs. "Well, it's been about thirteen years since I graduated college. Didn't realize thirty-five was old." He shakes his head before finishing his drink at the same time the bartender comes back with yours. You go to hand him your card, but your new friend stops you.
"This one's on the Old Man." He winks at you.
"Thank you. You smile at him. "I'm Bradley, by the way, but everyone calls me Rooster." He puts his hand out for you to shake. You tell him your name, and then it clicks. He's one of your sisters coworkers.
She would kill you if she knew you were flirting with him, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
"What do you do for work, Rooster?" You asked him. You knew the answer. "I'm a Naval aviator, I fly jets and stuff." He says it so casually. "Oh, that's cool. I've got a few family members in the Navy." You tell him. That's not a lie. Your sister and your soon to be brother in law were both in the Navy. You didn't want to tell him who they were, though.
"Cool. What about you? What do you do for work?" He asks you.
"I teach. Actually, I just got hired to teach fourth grade at the elementary school near the Navy base here in San Diego." You tell him.
"No shit? I know if my teachers had been as pretty as you are, I might have paid better attention. But on a side note, I've got a couple of friends I work with whose kids are going to be in fourth grade there." He tells you.
Little does he know that those kids are your niece and nephew.
"Well, maybe I'll get to see you around then." You finish off your drink and set it on the bar, just as one of your favorite songs comes on. 'Unholy,' you thought—how fitting.
You grab him by the hand. Come dance with me, Bradley.
He happily follows you to the dance floor and pulls you flush against him as your body moves against him.
His hands have a tight grip on your hips. You turn to face him and start singing along with the music. You don't miss how his fingers did into your flesh a little harder each time the word 'Daddy' leaves your mouth.
As the song finishes, you decide to push your luck. You lean up on your tip toes and whisper in his ear. "How about be get out of here, Daddy?"
You smirk as he grabs your hand to lead you to the exit.
"Did you drive?" He asks the moment you're out of the club.
"Ubered." You tell him. "I drove, fuck, follow me." He says.
Moments later, the two of you are standing by a classic blue Bronco. You don't even have time to admire it before he pushes you up against it and kisses you roughly.
It takes all of the willpower he has not to fuck you in the parking lot.
It takes him ten minutes to get back to his bungalow. He's undressing you the minute you get through the door.
Your clothes are strung haphazardly throughout his home. It's a miracle the two of you make it to the bed. But you do. Soon, he's got you laid out before him, and his face is buried between your legs.
He eats your pussy like it's his day job, all the while his hips rut into the mattress. He makes you cum twice on his tongue and fingers.
"Condom?" He asks as he prepares to fuck you.
"Clean. On the pill." You tell him.
"I'm clean too, fuck, you want me to hit it raw?" He growls.
"Yes, please, Daddy." You tell him with hooded eyes.
As he slides into you, you know exactly why they call him Rooster. He's huge in length and girth. He's splitting you open in the most delicious way.
He fucks into you hard, fast, and deep. He takes one of his large hands and presses it on your stomach. You can feel him in there.
"Fuck, you feel how deep I am?" He ask you. You nod your head. "You like feeling Daddy so deep in this tight, perfect little pussy?" He groans.
You whine out a response as he toys with your clit.
"You gonna cum again for me baby?" He asks you. "Yes, Daddy, close!" You moan out.
"Fuck, I can tell. Can feel you clenching so hard on me. That's it darlin, be a good girl and take Daddy's cock." He tells you. Soon, you're falling over the edge, screaming for him.
"Good girl, such a good girl." He praises you.
"Baby, I'm close, where do you want me to—" He asks but you cut him off before he can finish
"Cum in me! Fill me up, Daddy!" You moan out. You don't have to tell him twice. Rooster cums and fills you up with his spend.
He collapses on the bed next to you. After a few minutes, he gets a cloth to help you clean up. You try to get up to find your clothes, but he pulls you closer to him.
"Stay, I'll make pancakes in the morning." He tells you.
You know you shouldn't, but you stay anyway.
The next morning, he does make you pancakes. The two of you get to know each other all morning, and he asks to take you out on a proper date that night.
"I can't tonight. I have to babysit my niece and nephew, but I'm free tomorrow." You tell him.
He agrees. A few hours and several orgasms later, he's dropping you off at your apartment. You have just enough time to make it look like you haven't spent the day getting fuckeswithin an inch of your life before your sister shows up with her fiancée and kids.
The doorbell rings, and Catia and Cristiano run in to greet you. "Aunty Thena!" The cry as they both hug you. You laugh at the nickname. Your sister and her fiancée and almost all of their friends were aviators with callsigns. You didn't have one but were given the honorary callsign "Thena" after the goddess Athena by your future brother in law. He claimed it was because you were both wise and scary. Even though you were barely nineteen when her sneaky link turned into her baby daddy, you were still a force to be reckoned with and wise beyond your years.
But Coyote stepped up when Nat found out she was pregnant. Their casual hook ups turned into something serious. Your parents had wanted them to get married before the twins were born, but they didn't want to get married just because Natasha was pregnant.
You supported her through her pregnancy and their relationship. You had even helped him pick out the ring.
The both of you still laugh when he tells she story about why he and the kids call you Thena.
"Cat, Cris, please don't kill your aunt before she has a chance to watch you!" Coyote scolds them as he walks into your home.
"Javy, they are just excited to see her. It's been months since she last visited. Natasha tells him as she comes in.
"Hey, little sis!" She smiles as she comes to hug you. "I'm so glad you moved out here!"
"You just like that you have a free baby sitter now." You joke with her.
Coyote laughs and shrugs his shoulders.
"Now listen up terror twins." He addresses his children. You laugh at the nickname for them. It's funny because it's true. You and the twins have gotten into a few messes together. Catia, the oldest, was definitely the mastermind, while Cristiano was, more often than not, the unwilling accomplice.
"Your mom and I will be back in a few hours to pick you up. We have to finish a few wedding things. Be good for your Aunt Thena and listen to her. It will be good practice for when you start back to school and she is your teacher." Javy tells the kids.
Both of them promised to be on their best behavior. You wave goodbye to Nat and Javy. As soon as they are gone, you and the kids are ordering pizza and finding a movie to watch.
You're careful to make sure they don't see your phone and who you are texting.
You hadn't meant for it to go this far. After your first date with Rooster, you swore you were going to tell him who you were, but you liked the idea of keeping your relationship to yourself. You didn't want to hear what Nat had to say, but honestly, it wasn't any of her business. You were an adult.
The sex with Rooster was amazing, but he was a great boyfriend, too. These had been the best six weeks of your life.
You were currently lying in bed with him after a bit of afternoon delight.
"You really are the best partner that I've had Bradley. Most guys my age last like five minutes and don't even care if I cum. But not you. To be an old man, you sure can keep up." You tease him as you prop yourself up on his chest.
"I'm a Top Gun graduate, babe. The top 1% of Naval aviators in the entire fucking nation. Longevity and stamina are hard wired into me. Don't you know the reason why everyone wants a classic car now?" He asks you. You shake your head.
"Because they can keep their motor running for much longer." He smirks before rolling you onto your back for another round.
You were still in a post sex haze when you're phone went off.
"Shit!" You shouted and jumped up. "What?" Rooster asked you.
"I'm late! I'm supposed to meet my sister for some wedding stuff. I've got to go! I'll text you later!" You shout over your shoulder as you head out the door.
You and Natasha spent the evening working on some last-minute wedding plans. Once you were done, she suggested that you, her, and Coyote go out for drinks. His parents were keeping the twins for the weekend, so they wanted to take the chance to hang out without worrying about Cat and Cris.
You thought everything would be fine. You were wrong.
Everything was fine until you pulled into the Hard Deck and noticed a familiar blue Bronco. Shit. This wasn't good.
You tried your best to stay cool. You were attempting to fire off a text to Rooster, but Nat was pulling you towards the door.
She looped her arm in yours as she walked over to the group of pilots. You spotted Rooster and his Hawiian print shirt with them. His back was to you.
"Guys! This is my sister that I told you about!" Natasha announced proudly as she introduced you to the group. Everyone smiled and greeted you.
"Bradshaw! Say hi to my little sister!" Nat said, punching him in the shoulder. You didn't miss the color draining from his face when his eyes met yours.
You smirked at him as you introduced yourself.
The evening was awkward, to say the least. You didn't miss the glances Rooster kept sending you. You did your best to avoid him, but ultimately, both of you were sent on a drink run.
You walked up to the bar to order them, with him hot on your heels.
As soon as you'd ordered them, he grabbed your arm and spun you around.
"You're Nat's sister! How could you not tell me you were her sister?" Rooster whisper shouted at you, as the two of you waited for the drinks.
"It never came up and you never asked." You replied nonchalantly.
"She's going to kill me." He groaned.
"Don't worry, Daddy, I'll make sure she doesn't." You smirked at him.
"You can't call me that!" Rooster shushed you as he looked around to make sure no one was watching the two of you.
"Why not? You weren't complaining about it earlier today when I was face down and ass up and you were pulling my hair while fucking me into you mattress." You teased him. "In fact, I'm pretty sure you said 'oh baby, your tight pussy feels so good wrapped around Daddy's cock. Come on darlin cum for Daddy. Make a mess all over him.'"
Rooster turned as red as a beet. "Why didn't you tell me? We've been dating for six weeks!" Rooster stated.
"I was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore. I liked keeping you to myself. Once people know, they give their opinions, and they put their nose where it doesn't belong. Also, do you think Nat is going to be cool with this?" You tell him.
"She's going to kill me. She's going to cut my fuel lines, or she's going to use real guns during training. I'm so dead." Rooster shook his head.
Just then, Penny appeared with the tray of drinks for everyone. Rooster picked it up and turned towards you and sighed.
"Don't worry, baby, I promise we will figure this out. Just smile and nod until it's time to go home." You tell him. "Okay." He sighs.
"Now, let's go get these drinks to them before someone comes looking for us. Don't freak out, I promise I'll take extra good care of you tonight, Daddy, when I come over." You smirk at him.
Rooster shakes his head and follows you back to the group.
You were both too caught up in your conversation to notice a certain Weapons Systems Officer who had come to get more peanuts, and who had unfortunately overheard the end of your conversation.
"Well, well, well." Bob sighed. "This isn't going to be good."
Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter!
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @withahappyrefrain @sebsxphia @afterglowsb-tch13 @emorychase @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Dating Dean Winchester Headcanons:
Paring: Dean winchester x Singer!Reader
Summary: just some headcanons about Dean dating Bobby Singer's niece. -NSFW content warring.
A/n: the winner of the latest poll, there will be a new one up next week. I was so excited and suprised on how many people did the poll, my first one only had six and the latest one had over 100.
❤️Mood board ❤️MasterList
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Being Dean's girlfriend isn't always easy, but you get through it. So let's talk about it.
There was always something between you guys, but with your choice of life there was always something in the way.
You two practically grew up together, with Bobby being your uncle and John being his father you two were always around each other.
I think Dean also had a slight fear of Bobby, you were his niece and your practly his daughter.
Bobby wasn't clueless, he saw the way you two looked at each other. He wanted to kick Dean's teeth out, he's extremely over protective. Bobby also knew if anyone would keep you safe it wold be Dean.
“I know you'll take care of her”
On a side note, Bobby refuse to call you 'idjit'
The last thing he's said before he died was, “take care of my girl.. You idjits”
Anyway, Even if you two kept denying it or if your just clueless, everyone would know.
Other than Sam and Cas, your the only one he 100% trusts you. He'd trusts you with his life and your his partner in crime.
What makes your relationship stronger is that you started off as best friends and allies.
You always thought you were losing him, he would always have one night stands and there was Lisa. Of course they ment nothing to him, he just thought he'd never be good enough for you.
He thought you deserved better. “I'm not what you need...you deserve better”
That was the first time you opened your heart out to him, but he put his walls up. The he pretended like nothing happened... Until you went on one particularly hard hunt.
Everything was happing so fast thst neither one of you remember that night. There was blood everywhere and Dean did everything he could to save you, Castile healed you and Dean confessed something he's been wanting to since he was 18.
“I love you... Please don't leave me, I can't lose you”
Since everything moves fast in your lives you both decided to take things slow. Dispite his rugged appearance he's nothing but a gentleman to you.
He's extremely over protective of you, to the point hunts with him got annoying.
“I'm not some damsley in distress, Dean!”
He knows what a badass you are and he knows you can hold your own, but he can't help but be your shield.
That's really the only times you fight, your both very reckless and laugh in the face of danger. You guys stress each other out on hunts.
But, lets get to the good stuff now.
Your the only other person who can drive the impala, you'd rather just have him driving with you setting with him.
You guys love the same music, so your always singing on the top of your longs to old rock songs. Your guys song is Angel Eyes by The Jeff Healey Band.
You always have to be sleeping next to each other to get a goods night rest, even when you weren't together you two shared a bed in the old motels.
Dean refuses to sleep unless you have fallen asleep first, he just needs to know your okay before he can have a good night sleep.
You bake the best pies in his opinion and Sam loves your homemade salsa.
When you guys moved into the bunker you guys made great use of the kitchen, Sam loves your guys cooking.
Speaking of Sam, he's one of your best friends. Cas is your first, but you and Sam have a long history together. You were even the first one to hear he got accepted into college.
We know Cas is like the Winchesters gardian angel, well Gabriel is yours.
About three years into yours and Dean's relationship you broke up, it was around the time Sam went to hell and you guys just pushed each other away.
Gabe knew you guys loved each other, so he worked really hard to get you back together. He did succeed.
You guys might argue about the little things, but he always know how to make them better.
You guys just like staying in and watching movies or Scooby-Doo. You guys love cuddling up in the Dean cave and just ignore the world for a few hours.
He loves cuddles, if your in bed or on the couch he needs to be holding you. He loves it when he's laying in bed and your lying on top of his chest.
He also loves it when you hold him, maybe after a rough hunt he'll love just rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair.
You love just being in his arms, there's no feeling better than that. He loves snaking his arms around you and resting his chin on your head because he just really needs to being close to you.
He's really just a big ol' teddy bear.
He's a rough kisser, he's way taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
He also loves it when you kiss his forehead. It just a small, loving gesture he absolutely loves.
If your cold you'll steal his flannels or his jackets, he had this black and red flannel that he now only sees if your wearing it.
when ever your busy doing research Dean always deliver a tiny kiss on your forehead. He'd just be walking by and he'll give you a quick kiss just to make you blush.
He's good a making you blush, he thinks it's adorable.
Trust is a big part of your relationship, you both had opened up about the abuse your fathers and dumped on you. That was the reason Bobby took you in, he could bare you being in the type of environment he grew up in.
With that Dean made a promise to never hurt or scare you. He refuses to lay a hurtful hand on you. It'll break his heart if you flinch away from him during an argument.
As much as you love Dean, demon Dean scares the hell out of you. The demon knew this and used it to his advantage. He Dean went back to normal he could barely look into your eyes. He blamed himself for the bruises around your neck the demon caused.
“I promised you I'd never hurt you... I'm so sorry” he said. “it's not your fault”
On a more positive side... You guys have lots of nicknames. You call him Deano or bub and he calls you just about anything but your actual name, Sweetheart is your favorite.
And with FBI names, you take a different approach. While he uses rock aliases you use actor or fictional names.
“agent Sweets, really?” he said playfully. “What? I like the show Bones”
Your like a mother to Claire, she loves you so much and your the only person she trusts other than Jody and the boys.
Speaking of Jody, she took you under her wing immediately. You never had a mother growing up so it was a relief to have her in your life.
You become a mother to Jack too, and your relationship hit a really bumpy road during that time. You hated how Dean treated Jack and it always turned into a fight.
“if you touch him, I swear to God, Dean!”
Den didn't want to be like his father and after awhile Dean's shell broke and he started to grow a soft spot for him, after your lives calmed down you both did end up adopting Jack.
But to legally do that you had to get married. You both wanted to get married so bad, but with your lives you never got the chance.
You weren't gonna get a white wedding, you knew that and Dean thought the Cort house wasn't good enough. So you got married in the church of Elvis in Las Vegas.
NSFW headcanons:
Dean prefers being on top and being the one in control.
He'll mark your thighs with his teeth and biting hard enough to leave a light bruise.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his hair or he'll tangel his fingers in yours and tug on it when he's getting head or about ready to cum.
Bondeg kink, ropes, his ties, belts, he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it.
definitely a fan of overstimulation, he loves the way that your body twitches and you whimper from his touch.
car sex! All the way. loves to take you in the back of the impala, loving the way the windows fog up and the small area gets loud with the noises you make.
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
He would really get off on marking you up. He didn’t think he would, as it wasn’t something he thought too much about but when he did it there was no turning back.
He definitely has a Praise kink too, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
“you feel so amazing Sweetheart”
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “don't hold back, let me hear your voice”
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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wqnwoos · 11 months
seventeen — vocal unit as your boyfriend
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okay so technically i already did this in dating hyung line / maknae line but — part 2 i guess? requested by @glowunderthemoon 💗
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evil!!!!! likes to play around with you so much
especially if you guys are playing games or something he just makes up rules that get wilder and wilder until you draw the line
apologises to you afterwards w backhugs and kisses on your neck but he’s still giggling so how sorry is he really?
sends you all his boyfriend photos and then when he finds out one of them is your lockcreen he’s sooooo cocky about it (“i didn’t know you liked me that much” “jeonghan we have been dating for two years”)
takes you shopping but then gets antsy if you guys stay too long in one shop 😭 he won’t hurry you but he’ll just be shifting around awkwardly until ur done
has unflattering pictures of you as his lock screen. think fast asleep mouth open drooling a little. that’s his lockscreen and he won’t change it no matter how much u ask (he actually thinks it’s adorable)
gives you bites of his food without you even asking
takes loads of random selfies on your phone,,, like you open the photos app and ur like ?????? because suddenly there are 78 new photos of his face that you definitely did not take
gets sulky if you leave him to go out with friends or something 😭 ofc he’s just kidding but he dramatically throws an arm over his face and pouts (“i thought you loved me!!!!” “joshua you don’t even like this restaurant” “what if i changed my mind????” “we tried it last week!!!!”)
i feel like he’s the worst to have by ur side in an awkward situation bc you guys look at each other and you’re suddenly trying to hold back your laughter SOOOO bad and there’s not even anything funny😭
or if you’re talking to someone annoying he just stands behind them and makes faces to try and get you to crack tf up
tries to learn your favourite song on the guitar and then when you’re like “show me :))” he just starts playing sunday morning
omfg. the SWEETEST.
i think i said this in the other one but lets you play with his equipment and teaches you how to make basic beats and stuff (if u don’t know already) — tells u things like “good job!!” when you finish one
he’ll let you do whatever you want for dates and go along with it because you want to do it even if he’s reluctant <3333
if you don’t watch anime congratulations now you do!!!!! catch him at the right moment he’s gonna give you the rundown on all his favourites and the plots and the characters and everything (like his six hour live omfg)
genuinely believe he really is not cold as a boyfriend i think that is a Misconception — i saw this post the other day and HARD AGREE like this is mr i love my team i love my crew we are talking about ??? the same man who wrote darling which is arguably one of their sweetest songs????????
i’m convinced this man is an angel ? he acts like your guardian angel anyway he takes care of you so hard it’s crazy
he makes sure u eat well and u rest well and everything omg :(
also feel like he randomly bursts into a skit in the kitchen and you hAVE to play along you have to get invested!!!!!
also just a sidenote can u imagine just being in the same house as him and you can just hear him singing from the other room :( i am so sad :(
i feel like he takes note of what you really like and remembers (or notes it down). like if you have flowers in a vase the first time h comes over you best believe he’s going to keep that vase STOCKED for however long
even if he’s away or on tour or something you’d still get weekly deliveries with a card or something AHHHHHH
compliment battles 😭 even if you just say something small (“i like your hair today”) he immediately returns the compliment x10 until eventually you guys are just arguing about who’s sweeter or something weird which just ends in giggles once you realise how loud he’s saying “oh yeah? well your eyes are even prettier!!!”
MY LOVELY SEUNGKWAN 😭💗😭💗 convinced he’s sooo boyfriend material
like the most caring kindest sweetest boyfriend he texts you reminders every day (“don’t forget to eat~” “drink some water please~”) HES SO CUTE 😭
randomly squishes your cheeks and goes “pretty” and then moves on like nothing happened but gets so flustered if you do it back 😭 acts annoyed but he kinda loves it <3
if you’re cooking with music on you’re not getting him out that kitchen he is dancing like there’s no tomorrow !!!!! makes you join him and teaches you the steps if you don’t know them already until both of you are just giggling messes and oh fuck the food’s going to burn
wants your approval for every outfit and hairstyle 😭 the stylist is about to dye his hair and he holds up a hand like. “WAIT.” and facetimes you quickly like “hi baby what do you think about dark blue hair???”
and if you tell him something like “seungkwan you’re always handsome” he just clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes 😭😭 “just tell me yes or no!!!”
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rizsu · 1 year
project: i'm going insane suna rintarō.
sum. when a project brings together two students & possible crushes. ( no part two sry !! )
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a quiet room with only the sweet melody of birds singing tales as the sun kisses your skin. ah, how sweet. it's such a blessing—being lost in paradise as you gaze upon the dancing flowers. truly a magicial scenery! oh, how divine. how divine it is indeed—
“students are to pair up with their deskmate for the project.”
right, you're still in class. reality is truly a pain. you really could've been listening to the sweet melody of birds but instead you got the sweet melody of hell (school).
you haven't turned to face your partner yet. you're not gonna face suna rintaro right now—especially not after he witnessed you graciously trip on nothing this morning.
“so are you gonna talk or are you gonna continue looking at me every five seconds from the side of your eye?” suna asked, tilting his head into his palm while he knocks his pen against the desk.
“i'd rather not honestly.”
“i don't care about your excellent fall this morning, y/n.”
that got it. that sentence awards itself as the sentence that made you whip your head to suna.
“don't spread lies. anyways, what're we gonna do for that project?”
raising his eyebrow, suna thinks. what are you guys going to do actually? he's sure that he'd forget about the whole project after three days.
“i dunno,” he shrugs, typing in random numbers into his calculator before continuing, “here, save my number we can talk more about it later.”
leaning into his side of the desk, you secretly pull your phone out from your bag, trying to save his contact as fast as you can before your homeroom teacher turns back facing the class.
“why the fuck did you save me as ‘some hoe’?!”
“mind your business.”
it's 7 pm. you're just coming out of the shower, patting your face with a towel before reaching for your phone.
i should text suna, you think. double tapping your screen, you eyes widen slightly in surprise. it seems as though the other party had the same plans as you did.
snickering at the spammed messages, you opened his chat.
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“what a fucking loser.” giggling at his text, you place your phone down going back to finishing your nightly routine.
if there's one word to describe your mood right now it'll be annoyed. it's far too early for anything nor do you have the time and patience to talk with anyone at 06:45 am. releasing your earbuds from its jail, you put both on at max volume and try to continue your previous slumber.
“no way you're sleeping right now.” a soft voice speaks, the owner of the voice wraps his palm around your neck squeezing it a little.
you don't respond. you know what they say, don't respond to the devil!
oh but that doesn't stop suna. not at all! who is he if not your number one bully? suna knows your aware that he's next to you so how dare you ignore him! clicking his tongue, the boy pulls out one of your buds and places it in his ear before sitting down copying the exact way you're sitting.
suna looks at you. his eyes scanning through your features with a small smile. you're pretty, really. he notes every little feature on you mentally—noting how you always have two fringes/braids framing your face, noting how you actually fell asleep, noting how good your music taste is.
lemme save these songs too, suna thinks. he reaches over for your phone before dropping his hoodie on you. it's quite cold this morning and he'd rather not hear your ten-thousand complaints when you wake up from the nap.
“can't help that i'm an athlete.”
it's 5:42 pm, the beams of the evening sky color the area in its glory. it'd be a beautiful scenery if two teenagers weren't bickering down the street.
a young boy, around six feet tall, walks with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a yogurt. behind him stands a young girl, around (your height), walks with anger as she playfully throws her school bag at the boy.
“keep hitting me and see if i won't throw you down the street.” the boy says, wiggling his finger at the girl as he warns her.
“are you trying to tussle and bussle?” the girl answers back, rolling her eyes at him.
“bussle... what is your vocabulary?” the boy questions, fighting back a smile. he finds her sentence amusing.
“don't question it. anyways, can we go to a café?”
“yeah, i'll grab some snacks for my sister too.”
and so, they set off (still bickering).
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giggling at your convo, you smile hard before coming to realization.
“did i just fucking giggle at suna?!” questioning yourself out loud, you raise one eyebrow before switching off your phone. i'm going insane, you think.
laying down in a starfish position, you look up at the ceiling wondering about your feelings towards the one and only suna rintarō.
do you like him? yes.
is he annoying? yes.
do you like his company? yes.
do you wish to bash his head in with a rock sometimes? yes.
your romantic emotions clash with your platonic emotions which then clashes with your confusion and creates a whole new headache!
i don't have time for this.
meanwhile at suna's
“ayah, do you think i'm crazy?” suna asks. he's sitting at the end of his bed staring at a wall.
“yes!” the little girl answered, playing with her toys as she ignores her older brother's reaction.
at the school's gym holds two teenagers that sit side by side, judging other students. one student named suna rintarō aggressively chews on his gum agreeing with the words being said as the other named y/n l/n continues to judge.
“y'know the girl in the right's cheating on her boyfriend?” you say, raising your eyebrows at you look at suna.
gasping, suna looks at you, “you're lying oh my god.”
“no i swear. like, if i was her boyfriend i'd just go home right now.” you replied, shrugging your shoulders as you reach for one of suna's gums.
“that's crazy but who are we to judge honestly.” suna says, popping his gum before standing up.
“i have practice until six today—” he stops before leaning down to your ground level, “don't miss me.” he continues, slightly smirking before pinching your cheek.
“hands OFF. and no, i won't miss you.” shoving his hand away, you stand up to walk out the gym with him (even though there's no reason to).
— at suna's.
suna walks into his home, greeting his family before dragging himself up to his room. he's whipped and absolutely battered. sometimes, he thinks he's not cut out for volleyball—well at least not with mr. perfect kita who does indeed follow a properly written routine.
i'm fucking beat, suna thinks. he plops onto his bed face down but immediately turns around. he thinks about the little interaction from earlier today; you guys were close. he's not really a teasing person but he doesn't know what possessed him to get that close—close to the point he could've moved five centimetres and your lips would meet.
you know that little cartoon effect where a red blush rushes from the character's neck to the head? yeah, that's suna right now. he's done and DUSTED.
“this cannot be real.” suna whispers, he thinks he's going insane. no way he can't stop thinking about you. no way. reaching over for his phone, suna looks at the screen before thinking, should i text her or nah.
he goes with the “nah” option and decides to take a nap. maybe he'll sort his feelings out after his nap.
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lanitalay · 2 months
Azriel Supernatural AU x reader
Summary: In which you encounter a couple of hunters during a case. 
A/N: I've been rewatching supernatural and i just love it. This is based on the early seasons. Hopefully the ACOTAR and Supernatural fandoms overlap.
Warnings: mentions of blood and death, nothing descriptive.
wordcount: 1.7k
“It’s totally vampires, Az. Remember that nest we took out in Idaho? They did the same thing with their victims.” Azriel bites his lip recalling that hunt, it was in the top ten worst moments of his life. “I know you’re right but those things give me the creeps. The way their fangs just-” he gags thinking about the extra set of teeth. 
“You big baby, it's just teeth. What gets me is the decapitation. Ghosts are easy. Salt. Fire. But these suckers are a nasty job.” You look over your notes before asking “do you think Cass and Rhys could give us a hand? I think we’ll be outnumbered.” 
He shakes his head “we could call but last time we talked they were up to their necks on a vengeful spirit case. Get this, the bones are scattered in different places because the deceased couldn’t decide where to be buried.” You chuckle. “Those two always get caught up in something like that. What about Mor? Or Amren? I’ll call them just in case.” 
Two phone calls later and no back up to show for it. “That was a bust.” Azriel nudges your arm. “Hey, we can do this. We can figure out a way to take them out one at a time.” You sigh and lean your head against the window. Watching as endless fields blur into one another. “You’re right, wake me up when we get there will you?” Before he can say yes you’ve dozed off. 
The road to Texas was long and lonely for Azriel. You slept the whole way and he was forced to keep himself company with mindless humming and singing lyrics from songs he probably misremembers. You’re usually the dj, but he knows if he messes with your tapes he’s in deep shit. You arrive at the usual dingy motel at around midnight. 
“Hey, sleepy head, we’re here.” Az is careful not to startle you, slightly shaking your arm with a scarred hand to rouse you from sleep without setting off your hunter instincts. “I’m awake.” You mumble but don’t move to get out of the truck. “I’ll go get us a room, while you wake up.” A hum is the only response he gets. 
When he returns he sees you unloading the truck with a pep in your step. “We’re in 9.” Once you’ve settled in, it dawns on you that you took a six hour nap on the ride here. There’s no way you’ll be able to fall asleep now. “Az, you want something to eat?” He yawns “no thanks, I’m going to turn in for the night.” 
“Well I’m not tired. I’ll grab a bite at that bar across the street and come back.” You put on your jacket and make the short walk to the hole in the wall establishment that always seems to accompany the motels you frequent. “One beer and a burger, please.” It 's quiet. You assume that it’s because it’s Tuesday. Until you overhear the conversation from two guys at the bar. “Six people went missing and all of them were last seen here, Sammy, something’s up.” 
“I know, Dean, but we’ve been here a week and no one can point us in the right direction. Maybe they left.” Hunters, and by the sounds of it, they are on the same case.  The bartender sets a pint in front of you, when it’s in your hand you walk over. “Are you two looking for a vampire nest?” They seem to have a language of their own, exchanging a few glances before the one with blondish hair says “depends, who’s asking?”
“Y/n, my partner and I just got into town after hearing about six disappearances. Looks like you two got a head start.” You sit with them in a shadowy corner of the bar as they tell you about the roadblocks they’ve encountered. “Most of them came here without telling anybody they knew, they weren’t regulars.” The taller one with brown hair finishes. 
“So they were lured.” They nod. “It’s been quiet since we got here.” You finish the burger and wipe your fingers with the thinnest napkin you’ve ever seen. “They got six people in two weeks, that’s enough blood to keep a nest alive for a month.” But something’s off and you can tell they feel it too. “What were your names again?” 
“I’m Sam.” “I’m Dean.” No way.
 “Winchester?” They nod. 
“That’s crazy! I knew your father! It’s sort of how I got started in all of this actually-” you stop yourself, John is dead now and these were his sons “I’m sorry for your loss, he helped a lot of people.” Az is going to freak when you tell him. Dean swigs his beer and says “yeah well, that’s what happens when you make deals with devils.” 
It’s tense for a bit while you finish your beer “well, if you don’t mind it, my partner and I could help on the case. Four machetes are better than two. We’re staying right across the street. Room 9. See ya, boys.” 
The next morning you tell Azriel about your encounter. “I’m telling you Az, they seem nice enough. If we team up it will be safer.” He’s unsure, always wary of strangers. “I don’t know, y/n-” just then, a knock at the door. You check the peephole before opening it. “Hi guys, this is my partner Azriel. Az, this is Sam and that's Dean.” The brothers brought coffee, by the looks of it it’s from the prehistoric machine in the lobby. “We talked about it and we agreed, working together will speed things along.” 
“Az?” He sighs. “Fine.” 
“He’s chipper,” Dean quips. “He’s not a morning person,” you quickly defend. You were the only one allowed to comment on his crankiness. 
After a day of following dead ends, you sit with Dean at the same bar. Sam and Az are still trying to find something in the archives. “So what’s the deal with you and your partner?” 
“Why? Are you interested?” He chuckles. “Just curious, your room had two beds. Are you two not involved?” Maybe it was the whisky, but you said “not romantically.” 
“So he won’t be upset if I buy you another drink with the intention of getting in your pants?” You roll your eyes. “Your reputation precedes you, Winchester.” 
“My reputation as a hunter or a ladies’ man?”
“Your reputation as a shameless flirt.” He leans closer to you “is it working?” You laugh and push him off. “No.” 
“So there is something between you and Azriel. I bet he’s clueless. I’ve seen it time and again.” You keep nursing your glass. “I wouldn’t say he’s clueless. But you know how this job is. One second you’re here and the next… I think we both agree that it’s better if we don’t cross that line with each other.” 
“But you could cross that line with me.” He winks. “No, Dean. I don’t think I could.”
 He straightens away from you and sips his beer. “You said you met my dad?” 
“Oh, yes. It was years ago, I was a freshman in college and a vengeful spirit was wreaking havoc on the campus. John showed up right before the son of a bitch gutted me. After that it was hard to go back to classes, you know?” 
“And how did you meet Azriel?” 
“Az and I met in a bar like this one, he had been hunting with his friends for a while and I hustled them for gas money.” 
“You play pool?” You shake your head and try to keep a straight face as you say “I play fools, Dean.” 
When Azriel and Sam returned, he did not like what he saw. In truth, he was glad to see you were having fun but he hated seeing you having fun with someone else. It's not like he could complain. You both refused to cross that line. Sleeping next to each other every night, on different beds was not the whirlwind romance he wanted to give you. It wasn’t the life you deserved. But he stuck by your side because everytime he wanted to slow down, to stop, maybe go back to school, you refused. “There are monsters, Az and we save people. I can’t go back to sitting in a classroom only to end up working in an office.” He wanted domesticity. He wanted a routine. He wanted a lawn to mow and to barbecue on weekends. But more than that he wanted you. 
“She’s a keeper, Az.” Dean joked as you sunk the last ball in the socket. Azriel clenched his jaw, not liking the familiarity with which Dean nudged your shoulder. It had only been a day since you met and you were acting like you’d known each other for years. 
“You don’t have to sleep here if you don’t want to.” Your face scrunches in confusion at his tone. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“I’m sure you'd rather be with Dean right now.” 
“Azriel, don't be like that.” He shrugs “just saying, you two were making eyes at each other all day.” 
“We were not.” He doesn’t say anything else but there’s a tension that lingers. “I hate when you do this.” 
“I’m not doing anything.” 
“You’re picking a fight. You know I would never be with anyone else.” 
“You could.” 
“I don’t want to.” 
“I know Az, “the life’s too dangerous,” “we’d be more vulnerable,” “it just gives the bad guys ammunition.” I know the whole song and dance of why we can’t… I get it. But it makes me feel stupid when I could be out with someone who actually shows interest in me but I stay with you.” 
“I’m not holding you hostage, you can go if you want.” 
“You’re an idiot.” With a huff you storm out of the room. Not entirely sure where you’re going, you wander around the motel grounds for a while. Knocking on Dean’s door was an option, but you wanted to be alone. He was infuriating. Azriel knows which buttons to push and when. He does this every so often, picks a fight to create iciness between you. It makes temptation easier if you’re too mad at each other to give in, you suppose. 
It's past midnight, and the lights in room 9 are off. In your haste you forgot a key. You go to the lobby and are surprised to see an attendant. “Hi, I locked myself out of my room and my partner is asleep. Do you have a spare key by any chance?” 
“Of course, name and room number?” 
A click sounds from behind and you turn to see a man, turning the Open sign to Closed.  His neck is covered in scruff and bite marks. You look back at the attendant. The ledger, that weighs at least ten pounds, slams across your face. 
You wake up tied up and breathless in a windowless room. Six bloodied bodies surrounding you.
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starphasedd · 2 years
(Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader)
Rating: 18 + for violence and explicit smut.
Synopsis: A small confession leads to something completely unexpected.
Notes: As promised!! I'm super proud of this guys! I think I captured Simon quite nicely. I am new to the fandom, and still reading lore. Feel free to correct me on anything you see wrong. Egon is actually the codename for my OC Ema 'Egon' Swann. This fic started with her, but as to not be selfish, I made it more inclusive by changing it to the reader perspective! I hope you enjoy!!
Word count: 8k+
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German, by nature. Meaning "strong with the wind" 
That was the nickname the men of task force 141 gave you. 
They had many reasons for this name. You were fast–agile on your feet. Small and clean. It was hard for any enemy to catch you, or even see you coming. You were strong too, for a woman of your size. You could easily take down a man twice your size with the techniques you studied and used over the years. But their main reason for giving you this nickname was for your sharpshooter skills. No matter the conditions, you always made your shot. Rain, thunder, wind. You never missed. No outlying factor kept you from doing your job. 
That's what gained you the respect of task force 141. 
You've known these men for a while, having been asked to join the team just over two years ago. In that time, you got to learn the boys well. All of them respected you and treated you as their equal–something you worked so hard for. Being a woman in this field of work is challenging, even for some of the strongest ladies you know. That didn't stop you from doing your job–which impressed Price when he worked with you on a mission before he asked you to join the team. 
It was a mission in New York City, where you were a part of the NYPD task force. The lead was mafia related and Price's team was called in to assist. Your captain at the time knew it was a risky job, and he needed devoted and dangerous men to help him take their leader down. You along with a couple of your own comrades fought side-by-side task force 141 and pushed through a successful mission. 
Everything after that is history. You left with Price and his team, never looking back. 
These men are your family now, and you love every single one of them in your own way. Price and Gaz keep to themselves most of the time– Soap is the one you'd definitely call 'brother'. You and him have the best dynamic. He's goofy and chill, and you adore that about him. Inherently with him comes his Lieutenant, Ghost. A man you haven't really been able to get a read on since you met him those couple years ago. Yes, of course, it's mainly to do with the fact that he wears that damn mask twenty-four-seven. But he also isn't the most personable guy. He speaks when he needs to, and fights when he has to--but he hasn't really gone out of his way to get to know you–even though you and Soap are practically attached at the hip. 
Being close to Soap means he typically picks you to go along with him and Ghost on missions. Which you don't mind. When the three of you get split up, the commlink keeps you all close, figuratively. 
One of the things you and Soap bonded over was your mutual adoration of music. You didn't have the best childhood, and music was your escape. It appeared Soap used music to his comfort as well. So, when you're on missions but split apart, Soap keeps in your ear either spatting off random lyrics of songs, or requesting you sing to him. Much to Ghost's dismay–who has to listen to you two banter about why you don't like country music, or why Soap can remember so many random lyrics. Ghost keeps quiet, and you wonder if you get on his nerves. He's the type of guy to speak his mind and the fact that he hasn't said anything yet suggests he may…be okay with it? Who knows with that man.
Ghost keeps close, but far away at the same time. He treated you like an equal, and always made sure he had your six. The same thing goes for you. Granted, the giant, pure muscle of a man never really needed your help. You were always there for him. Over time, he seemed to soften on you. He would use your real name on occasion. He got worried sometimes when you didn't answer his comms right away and would scold you once you were all back together.
'Fuck woman, answer the bloody comms when your superior asks for your status.' He would gruff in that deep British baritone. 
You would never admit it, but something about that man set your body on fire. His size, his voice, his attitude. Fuck, his attitude alone. He exudes confidence and experience without being cocky. There's nothing quite like a confident man–a man who knows what he wants and can take it whenever he wants….but doesn’t. He was always looming over your shoulder, watching you intently through the holes in his mask. Soap would comment on it every now and then, making fun of the Lieutenant for not being able to keep his eyes off you for a moment. You didn't think it was that serious–you convinced yourself he was just watching you for your own safety. As any good teammate would. 
But then the subtle touches started. You would feel his large hand splaying over your lower back as he walked beside you up the copter ramp, almost as if he was guiding you. Of course it never happened if someone was around to see it—he made sure of it. But it would happen more frequently. They were genuine, and gentle touches. And completely innocent. Being a woman, you had an intuition for men's intentions–since you dealt with them your entire life. Ghost never set any alarms off. You always felt safe with him.
You trusted him with your life, and you hoped he felt the same about you. 
He was cold and calculating—mysterious and quiet. Though he showed those small, intimate minstations to you and you alone, you tried not to think too much into it. Ridding yourself of the disappointment before it reared its ugly head. You often thought about what he looked like under that mask. You've seen his eyes countless times. They were brown like freshly ground coffee. He had blonde eyelashes that stuck out amongst the black paint he smeared right there. He had a strong, chiseled jawline. Sometimes you can see a few prominent veins through his mask when he tightens it. His neck is strong and thick, no doubt riddled with scars from his many years slaughtering men. 
You imagined what his body looked like too. He's a big man, standing almost an entire foot taller than you. He had thick, broad shoulders and a puffy, muscular chest. Even when he wore one hundred pounds of gear, you could still see how fit he was. His waist was thin and strong, he had a certain swagger when he walked that always caught your eye. His forearms almost looked fat, they were so fucking thick with muscle. He was covered in huge protruding veins on both arms–they were even visible on the arm that was covered in tattoos. And his hands always made you blush. They were twice the size of yours, and you spent many occasions watching his big fingers work the trigger on his guns like a thread. He was nimble, and agile there. 
You wondered what they would feel like–if they would grip your throat with delicacy or fierceness. If they would roam down your neck and swallow your breasts in a warm squeeze. If they would trail your curves all the way down to your ass and nead the soft, pillowy flesh there. If they would tease you–circling around that sensitive bundle of nerves until you were weeping for him. If they would pump you, fill and stretch you out until you were ready for his cock. Or would he even give you that decency and instead, take you unprepared in a hot, lustful frenzy? 
It's all human nature, you suppose. It's natural for a woman to be sexually attracted to a protector like Ghost. It goes back thousands of years–it's all instinct. That's what you tell yourself after you cum on your hand thinking about your Lieutenant. When that wave of unfiltered shame and guilt rushes over you following your high. 
"Egon, how copy?" Comes that familiar gruffy voice. 
You jump slightly, shuddering out of your thoughts as you neel against the abandoned brick building. Your rifle in your left hand, fingers tight on the trigger. 
"Jesus, Lieutenant–awaiting target. No eyes yet." You grunt out, face heating up in embarrassment. He always knew when to catch you off guard.
"Eyes on the prize, sergeant. Stay focused." 
You scoff, eyes rolling as you adjust your stance slightly. It's dark, the only light you have to use coming from old, orange colored lamps hanging from the buildings. To top that off, it's been raining all day so it's doubly hard to see far in the distance. Even with a scope. 
"Easy for you to say, Lieutenant. I'm out here freezing my ass off and you're inside a nice warm building." You mumble into the mic. 
"Punishment for not listening to your superior." 
"Bite me." You retort. 
No response. You grin. Any opportunity you get to fight back at the Lieutenant scolding you, you'll take. 
A few minutes in silence go by as you wait patiently for your target to come into view. You have a black mask covering the bottom half of your face, leaving only your eyes and forehead exposed. A heavy leather hood covers your hair. Soft pelts of rain dropping keep you focused in the moment. Your tactical boots are worn and wet, holes from misuse letting water in to soak your socks. The harness tied around your waist and thighs is digging into your pants, which are rubbing and chafing your skin. Your back hurts from being on your feet all day, and your head is pounding. You usually get headaches when it rains. You are so fucking ready for this day to be over. 
You stay steadfast nonetheless. Eyes focused on the door the target will be coming out of. 
A few more minutes go by in silence when you hear the comm start to buzz, indicating someone was about to speak. 
"Why can't orphans play baseball?" 
You can't help the cheeky grin that creeps its way upon your face. 
"Why?" You ask.
"They don't know where home is."
"Ghost," You say with a huff, attempting to hide the laugh trying to claw its way out of your throat. "Shut the fuck up." 
"It's inappropriate to speak to your superior that way."
"Sorry, let me rephrase. Shut the fuck up, sir." 
You grin, holding the butt of your rifle up to your cheek in anticipation. Your finger reaches up and you adjust the scope. You close your left eye and squint your right as you look through the glass. You hadn't realized you never turned off your mic when Ghost crimes in again. 
"Control your breathing, Sergeant. It'll help you focus better." 
Your breath catches in your throat the moment is deep voice comes through the ear piece. Was the bastard really listening to you breath this whole time? Your tongue slides over your bottom lip, moistening the smooth skin there. You let a long breath come out before slowly breathing back in, reducing your heart rate. With your breath now cool and even, you sink back into the task at hand. 
"Atta girl." Ghost whispers in that english accent, his voice sending a wave of chills down your spine. 
Your chest pulls tight at his encouraging words, and if you hadn't been so focused on the door in front of you, you may have retorted something flirty back. But just as you were about the touch the communicator, the door in your sights swings open. You pause and hunch down impossibly lower as a tall man, accompanied by three other men stumble out of the building. You're so low now your chest could practically touch your boots. Your back is arched and steady, fingers itching to pull the trigger as you search for the man you have a description of. 
The rain is starting to pick up now, thunder rocketing through the air as lightning snaps to the ground in the distance. Your breathing is steady and firm, flowing visible streams in front of your face as the chill in the air makes you shiver. 
You're so focused on identifying the target in front of you that you don't hear the footsteps approach you from behind. They're quiet, trained and quick. You lock eyes on the target. A tall, skinny man. He has long, curly blonde hair that flows just past his shoulders. The identifying marker is a scar on the left side of his face. It's long–stretching from the bottom of his jaw all the way up and over his eye. It stops just above his eyebrow. 
Rain is starting to smear over the scope lense, making it increasingly difficult to see the taget. After a moment, you lick your lips away, your pointer finger hones down on the trigger and starts to stretch it down. The man across the way reaches down for the door handle on the SVU next to him. You take one final breath in and hold, steady and true. Your finger pulls down, emitting a loud pop in your ear. It's quick, and the target immediately falls to the ground. Not a word, not a sound. Silence as his body hits the cold, wet concrete. The men around him start to panic and pull their guns out, rapidly stomping around in circles to try and spot where the bullet came from. 
One turns in your direction. He doesn't see you, but starts running in your direction. You cock back and lift on your feet. You stand to almost your full height, knees slightly bent. You pull the trigger again. The second victim drops to the ground with a loud and painful grunt. At this point, you've given yourself away. Blood rushes through your ears as the two other men start sprinting in your direction. You slowly start to back up, cocking back yet again to let another bullet fly. Bullseye–a direct hit to another man's head. Your focus now remains on the last man standing who has gone into a hiding stance. You stand up fully and start to turn. When you do, you hear the sound of another rifle going off. Blood splatters across your face as a man–whom you had no idea was directly behind you–falls against the brick wall and his lifeless body slides down. 
You gasp softly at the sight–having had absolutely no clue the man was behind you getting ready to attack. You look around quickly, trying to locate where the shot came from when Ghost's voice comes through the headset. 
"Thought you knew better, sergeant."
Your breathing is heavy as you look up at the building across the street. On the fourth floor, Ghost moves forward to reveal himself through the window. The bone part of his mask almost lights up as he positions his rifle and shoots the last of the men on the street. He looks down at you as he lowers his rifle. His massive body towering in the window. His eyes lock with yours as your chest heaves up and down. The hood on your jacket has fallen now, and rain is starting to soak your hair. It sticks to your cheeks and neck. The water soaks your face. 
"Were you watching me?" You ask, slight irritation in your tone. 
"Had I not been, you'd be dead."
You scoff, clenching your jaw and rolling your tongue in your mouth as you keep eye contact with him. 
"Get down here. Let's go." 
Embarrassment was evident in your tone, but you couldn't hide that from Ghost. You couldn't hide anything from a man with his experience. So you gave in and let it out. 
Ghost was down in your area within a minute or so, and he approached you slowly. 
It was still raining as you and Ghost started walking towards the safe house. It was a small cottage on the outskirts of this shitty little town. Price said there was a shower, and that's all you could ask for. You walk silently next to your superior, who hasn't looked at or spoken to you since he came down from the building. You keep your eyes forward and alert as your heavy boots slush through the wet streets. 
"Have you heard from Soap?" You ask softly. 
"Affirmative. He's on the other side of the city with Price and Gaz. They're at the other safehouse." He responded in that deep tone.
He's safe. A gentle sigh of relief left your lips as you continued your walk to the safehouse. 
The walk there stays silent. With Ghost keeping close to your rear, he almost hovers over you but he's slow. Which is unusual for him. On occasion, you could have sworn you could hear his breathing. It was loud and sounded labored. You raised your voice a little at one point to ask if he was alright and grunted back at you. Something seemed off. 
After a couple hours carefully trekking through the nearly flooded city, you made it to the safe house. It was pitch black, away from any city lights to give you away. It was a small, one room cottage. When you opened the door, you cleared the room with your rifle. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough to house the two of you until the morning. There was a small, two person bed, a run-down kitchen and a small, detached bathroom with holes in the door. It was filthy, but you were thankful to be out of the rain. You noticed a small fireplace that seemed clean enough to use. 
You turn to Ghost, who is towering behind you. "I'll start a fire. You should try and get a hold of Price and let him know we're okay." 
The large man grunted, and turned slowly in the direction on the bed. You watched his feet almost drag the floor. And when he sat down on the edge of the bed, you noticed him trying to conceal the hand that was holding his side. 
You watch him for a few moments before turning your attention to the fire. It was starting to get cold. Worry about Ghost later so the both of you don't freeze to death here. Gathering what little kindling and firewood you could find, you begin to light the fire. First you pile in some pieces of wood you found here and there, and then you line the tower with what kindling you could find. Reaching into your soaked chest pocket, you pulled out the lighter you hoped wasn't flooded. And by some miracle, it wasn't. You easily ignited a small fire in the run-down fireplace. 
Turning around, you glance over to see Ghost still sitting with his hand on his side. His hulking figure dips the mattress by a good bit. 
"Fucking awful communicators." He grunts out before he rips the mic off his head. 
"Not able to get a hold of Price, huh?" You say with a soft smile. 
He shakes his head slowly. A grunt being his only response, again. 
You stand from where you sit, starting to pull your weapons and gear off. Your weapons come first. You gently set the rifle up against the wall, and place your handguns beside them. Knives get stuck in a pile next to the handguns. You reach around to unstrap your vest, pulling it off your shoulders. It drops to the floor with a thud, which grabs Ghost's attention. Once your vest is off, you move to take your harness off. Ghost watches you through half lidded eyes. You prop one leg up on a grate for better access to the straps that trail from your waist, all the way down to your feet. Starting with the foot strap, you unclip the buckle. Your hands slide up your calves to your thighs, where the second set of straps dig into the skin there. 
You quickly make way with those buckles and pull them down your legs. The last strap around your waist is easy. You stand and unclip the last buckle and let that strap fall to your feet. A relieved sigh leaves your lips as you turn to walk towards Ghost. He was still watching you, his hand holding his side. He hasn't moved–still sitting there uncomfortably, no doubt, in his full gear. You approach him slowly, hands hugging your hips as you test these waters. 
"Let me see." You say gently as you stop directly in front of him. He's so big that he's still eye height with you, even sitting down. 
"I'm fine." He grunts. 
"I said I'm fine. Tend to your own." He says. 
"I just want to help, sir. " 
He glances up at you through his mask. You're standing close–so close he can feel the heat radiating off your body. His eyes meet your face, his hand still hovering over the wound on his side.
"Do you trust me?" You ask gently.  
He seems hesitant, no doubt unsure what he wants to do. But after a few moments of watching you, he lets the hand on his side slowly drop to his thigh. He breathes out slowly. 
You take this moment to be bold for the first time with him. You suck a breath in and hold, slowly reaching forward and gliding your hands over his shoulders. They fall down his back to unstrap the back of his weapons vest. Your eyes bounce back and forth between his as your chest presses softly to the pack on the front of his body. You pull the straps up over his shoulders and let the best slide down his front, pulling it off and gently setting it down on the floor by his feet. Next, your nimble fingers work at the zipper on his jacket–pulling down until it unclips at the bottom. You run your hands over his shoulders again to pull the rain jacket off–setting it on the mattress next to him. 
He looks bigger this way, which should be impossible. You just took eighty pounds of gear off his body but even now, in just his black pull-over hoodie and rain jacket, he looks bigger. His muscles are more defined. You can see the bulge of his strong pecs, the roundness of his arms. 
You stand up to look at him once again. 
"May I?" You ask softly. 
He doesn't speak, but nods slowly. 
You mind his permission and slowly grab the bottom of his hoodie, pulling it up and over his chest. What reveals is a nasty stab wound–about three inches long. Blood trails all the way down to his jeans. Most of it is dry, but some warm blood indicates it's still bleeding. 
"Jesus wept. You were going to leave this unattended?" You ask, glancing up to meet his gaze. 
He brings his hand up to hold his hoodie for you. You remove your hand and reach into the first aid kit attached to his utility belt. Pulling it open and starting to look through the supplies. 
"I've had worse." He retorts with a snort. 
You can't help but smile gently, looking at him through the corner of your eye as you rummage through his bandage pack. 
"You're an idiot." 
"I'll be sure to remember that when I'm doing your performance review." 
"In that case, be sure to remember this. I want a raise." You say with a small laugh as you set some bandages down on his thigh. 
"A raise? You can barely do what you're told now. Only good employees get raises." He retorts, you swear you can hear the grin on his mouth. 
"I've never been one to respect authority." You say, a cheeky grin meeting his gaze as your hand brings a sanitary wipe to his wound. 
"Fuckin' Americans." 
You laugh out loud this time, hand gently gliding over his wound–cleaning it with the sanitary wipe. You take notice of his build. He's strong, thick and muscular. He has some chest hair, and some hairs that trail under his jeans. He's incredibly built as well–of course he is. You knew that. He was a huge man, and incredibly strong. There was no doubt in your mind he was sculpted to the heavens. His skin is littered with scars. Some range from as small as your fingernails, to the size of your fist. You wish you could touch them all, to ask their stories. How did he get this one? That one? 
The little shack is quiet for a few more minutes as you finish cleaning and treating his wound. You take it slow so as to not cause him any discomfort. Something tells you he really doesn't care, but you do. His eyes watch you through the hole in the skull of his mask. The black eye paint makes his blue hues glow in the moonlight. Rain patters softly against the metal roof. Your hand glides smoothly over the patch you're placing over the stab wound. You flatten your palm to smooth it out as much as possible. His breathing is steady as it fans against your cheek. Your proximity to him right now may have been alarming if you didn't know him well. 
He stays still, watching you as he holds the hoodie up over his chest. His gaze brings goosebumps to the back of your neck, making your hairs stand up. You feel the need to break this awkward silence. 
"This scar looks like it was painful." You say ever so softly, your free hand coming down to the four inch scar on his abdomen. Your palm flattens and your thumb grazes it gently. 
"They were all painful." He says, a hint of tease in his tone. His voice has softened considerably. 
"Yeah? I wouldn't have guessed, sir." You say, eyes flashing up to meet his as your mouth pulls into a sweet smile again. 
"Simon. No need to be formal when we're alone." He says, followed by your name. It rolled off his tongue with ease–like it was the most natural thing for him to say. 
"Right. Simon–" you say softly. You're not pulling apart the last part of the bandage to stick it on top. "--how did you get this one?" You ask, pointing to another scar on one of his pecs. 
"In the Military. My first deployment. This was one of the first." He says. 
"I remember those days. I was eighteen when I joined the Marine Corp. Got a few scars myself. Though, they're more mental than anything." You say, bringing a hand up to tap the side of your head and smile. "Yours have more meaning behind them, I think." 
"Rightfully ugly things." He says, his eyes now following your hands as they work to cover the rest of his wound. 
"Not at all–" you say as you stop your movements. Your eyes meet his when he takes notice and lifts his head to see you. "--I find them endearing." 
His eyes narrow slightly as he watches you–indicating he's unsure of the meaning behind your statement. 
"I mean, they show your growth…as a man. You had to overcome each one of these–" you say as you move to continue wrapping his wound. "--they're all testaments to how strong you are. Mentally and physically. I don't find them ugly in the slightest." 
Your hand stops moving as you've finally finished patching his wound. Standing up straight, you bring your eyes back to his. He slowly releases his hoodie to let it drop back down, but his eyes never once leave yours. He almost seems dumbfounded–at a loss for words. He just stares at you for a few moments before speaking. 
"I don't understand." He says, almost a whisper. 
"What's not to understand?" You ask. 
His hands are laying on his thighs, but his fists are clenching and unclenching. He doesn't speak, so you take this chance to elaborate. 
"Simon, I don't know much of your past. Well, anything about your past, really–" you say gently, your hands slowly glide up and test the waters, laying on top of his strong shoulders. "--I don't need to. I know the man you are now. Neither of us are perfect. But I do know that you're a good man, who will always have my back. That's all that matters." 
His eyes never leave yours as your hands slowly glide over from his shoulders, and up his neck to rest holding his strong jaw. 
"And I will always have yours. That's what being a team is all about."
You're holding his jaw gently; you can feel it clenching as he watches you through the skull mask. You're close to him now, closer than you have been. Your hips are slotted between his legs. His fingers reach out and softly graze the outside hem on your jeans–silently asking for permission. You glance down to his hands, before back up to his face and slowly nod. 
His large hands come out to flatten against the outside of your thighs, softly squeezing the flesh there as they glide up and over your hips. They rest there, just above your ass. His warmth sends chills down your spine as he pulls you closer, your chest almost touching his. His palms spread against your curves and his thumbs dig into your belly. 
"What's on your mind, sergeant?" Ghost asks, his voice barely above a whisper as your face inches closer to his. 
You continue holding his jaw, keeping him attentive to you and you alone. Your breath fans over his covered lips. Your thumbs start to rub small circles over the sharp bones under them. 
"I often think…" you trail off as your right thumb moves towards the center of his face--finding his bottom lip under the mask and pressing down. "...think about what your smile looks like. I reckon you're quite handsome." 
"Is that right?" His voice is low, now laced with something akin to longing. 
His hands give your hips a good squeeze, shuffling your lower half closer to his. His thighs trap you in their strength. 
"Mhm." You hum softly. 
You find yourself being bold again, thumbs leaving his lips to trail down his neck again. You locate the bottom of his mask and slip both thumbs under the hem. You stop momentarily, giving him ample time to stop you. Only, he doesn't. You can feel the moment his muscles tense and you hear his breath hitch. But his eyes never leave you, and neither do his hands. They squeeze you and pull you harder. 
As to not betray his trust, your eyes slowly flutter closed. Your thumbs slip under his mask completely and gingerly begin pulling up. You pull it up and over his lips. Along the way, you can feel the defined muscles of his neck–the large veins. His chin and jaw are prickly, most likely from a recent shave. You pull it up to sit just in the tip of his nose. Eager fingers return to his chin, thumb coming back to slide over his lower lip. It's full, and warm. Feels slightly damp, like he had just licked it. His breath is warm on your hand as you continue to feel him here. 
Your other fingers stretch to try and feel the back of his head, wanting to know if he has thick or coarse hair. Is it curly or straight? Blonde like his eyelashes or brown? 
His hands become impatient and begin sliding up your sides. In the process, he pulls the skin-tight undershirt out from under your pants. Cold air rushes through and touches the little part of your belly exposed. As his digits continue sliding up, they eventually curve out and up both of your arms until they meet at the base of your neck. His fingers dig into the skin there and start to gently pull you forward. 
In the shuffle, your hands slide down his chest and come to a rest on top of his biceps. The muscles flex under his hoodie as he pulls you forward. Your eyes stay closed as you feel his breath getting closer and closer to your face. 
"Tell me to stop." He whispers. It was hoarse, and deep. Laced with lust. 
You breathe out slowly, shaky and anxious. 
And when you don't, he kisses you. 
To say he just kisses you is a gross understatement to what the both of you start to share. Your entire body lights up, chills shooting down your spine like fireworks as he twists his head to the side and slowly licks your bottom lip. His lips are soft and giving. They flatten when they meet yours to cover as much ground as they can. You open your mouth, giving him full access to that wet cavern. Your mouth meets his again, more heated this time. His tongue slides inside your mouth with ease, shooting to fight and tackle yours in a fight for dominance. 
Your fingers start to dig into his biceps, and that elicits a grunt moan from the man kissing you. He continues kissing you, tongue exploring your mouth as his large hands start to slide down your body again. His right hand slides behind you to trace your back, and his left opts to take the front. He stops at your breast–giving it a firm squeeze when he gets it in his grasp. Your nipple hardens under his firm touch, a small whimper getting lost in his mouth as he explores your body. The hand on your back pulls you impossibly closer, pressing your much smaller body tight to his. 
He continues his assault on your breast for another minute or so, all while continuing to kiss you with a certain ferocity. His tongue leaves your mouth to lap up the saliva surrounding your lips and you erupt in shivers when the hand squeezing your breast starts to trail lower. He traces your curves until he reaches the metal of your belt buckle. His digits slowly begin to work at the buckle, setting the button on your jeans free once he's worked it open. He kisses you as he pulls the button open, his fingers grabbing hold of the zipper and slowly pulling it down. It feels like it takes him an eternity to work your jeans open, but your body buzzes with excitement when you hear the zipper coming down. 
He stops for a moment, continuing to kiss you as his hand rests there on the buckle of your jeans. You slide your hand back up to his shoulders and softly rub the muscles there, pulling a quiet whimper from his lips. Yes, a whimper. From Ghost. 
Fuck. If that doesn't get you wet, nothing will. But it does. In that moment, you feel the arousal start to ooze out of your cunt. You may have thought you started your period if you weren't sure it was because of him. You can't help but rub your thighs together when the pressure starts to become uncomfortable. Ghost takes notice of this and pulls away from you. His fingers begin to dance with the hem of your underwear. 
"Tell me to stop." He repeats against your lips, still barely above a whisper. You can feel his eyes burning into you, but yours are still closed.
The cool leather of his glove meets with your sensitive skin when you don't answer him. Slowly, achingly slowly, his fingers sink under your underwear to find what he wants so desperately right now. 
You whine when the leather touches your sensitive skin there, his fingers sink down through your folds to truly feel where you're warmest. His fingers glide easily through your arousal; the texture of his clove adds a bit more feeling to it.  
"Fuck." he curses against your lips as he continues to rub around your needy hole. 
He uses his fingers to collect your wetness and drags it up to that swollen bundle of nerves. He uses your own arousal to prepare you. His thumb begins to rub firm circles over your clit, causing you shudder and whimper in his arms. Your eyes squeeze shut harder, face heating up and turning red. Something you never thought he'd see—the freckles on your cheeks being revealed by the change in color on your face. Your fingers dig hard into his shoulders, holding on for what feels like dear life. 
It's been a decade since you've been with a man. It's not something you were particularly proud of, because nothing could quite scratch that itch like the touch of a man. But your job kept you busy, and you felt just fine pleasuring yourself. You were always an independent woman. But fuck. Fuck. His touch felt like fire. Like pure bliss. The way he continued to draw tight circles over your clit while his palm flattened on your cunt and two large fingers sunk into your wet heat. They were so big, so strong while they pumped you full. It wasn't long before he found that spot too–the spongy piece of heaven deep inside your core. 
Your head tumbles back on your shoulders, mouth falling open silently as his fingers work magic inside you. He leans forward, bringing his lips to your chest where it's open from the u-neck undershirt– peppering kisses on the warm skin there. Your hand involuntarily comes up to caress the back of his head. Such a sweet sentiment he does, while absolutely ruining your brief innocence with his fingers. You whimper and cry for him as he pumps and pumps and pumps. 
You let out one harsh breath, followed by a quiet but sweet whimper– and out tumbles his name. 
That's all it takes to break him. He huffs a hard breath against your chest and kisses the skin one more time before pulling back, taking the hand out of your pants with him. 
You gasp at the lack of contact. You almost open your eyes in the shuffle but as if he knew what was going to happen, his hand comes up to cover your eyes. 
"Lay down. Now." He orders. 
He guides you back a few steps, hand still over your eyes. You feel him stand, and he brings a hand to your shoulder to guide you back towards the mattress. Your legs hit the edge and cause you to fall to your back. His hand leaves your face, but you obediently keep them closed for him. He shuffles a bit before his hands are on you again, slipping your combat boots off one at a time. Then his hands are on your waist, pulling your jeans and underwear down in one swoop. Involuntarily, your hands shoot down to cover your core and you hear him grunt. 
"Don't hide from me, sergeant." He says in the deep english tone. 
His hands meet yours and wrap around them, slowly pulling them off your weeping cunt. A breath leaves his mouth harshly when you're revealed to him. He kneels instantly, large hands flattening against the inside of your thighs, at the apex of your legs and waist. On each side of where he just had his fingers deep. His hot breath fans against your sex. 
"Fucking perfect." He says as he fits himself between your legs. His hands slide from the top, all the way to your calves to pull them up and over his shoulders. 
You shudder in anticipation, back arching slightly in presentation. Ghost takes notice. 
"Dirty girl." He praises 
That's the last thing he says before he dives in. His mouth closes over your swollen clit, tongue circling you in a delicious dance. Your back immediately arches even more, muscles tensing down below. His tongue is smooth as it glides so elegantly over that center of pleasure. He moans into you, drinking the taste of you in. The top half of his face is still covered, only letting the bottom half of his face free so he can eat you out like this. 
Your hands desperately search for purchase. They start by clenching the bedsheets, before twitching hard and moving to lay on your tummy. His hands find yours quickly and he presses down, anchoring your much smaller hands under his to your tummy. His fingers thread through yours and give a reassuring squeeze. It's odd. You'd never think of him as the gentle type. But he always seemed to surprise you. 
Your hands start to close on his head, holding him still right where you want him. Anxious fingers gripping the mask and holding him down. He moans again, the vile wet sounds of his dirty act echoing through the room as he pulls you closer to an orgasm. His hands hold you steady as he pushes his face in deeper, completely enveloping his face in you. His cock grows achingly hard in his jeans, throbbing to be set free. One of his hands leaves yours to come down and insert two large fingers in yet again. 
Something white and hot starts to stir in your lower belly. Like a thread being pulled tight on each end, ready to snap at any given moment. Your cunt starts to clench impossibly tight around Ghost's fingers and he moans into you yet again.
"Atta girl. I can feel it. Give me a good one." He encourages through licks. 
Fuck, his voice. The tone and the accent–they do something to you. His voice repeats in the back of your mind as your muscles tense all at once. A hoarse whimper leaves your lips as he nibbles down on your little clit, cunt pulling tight and hot as the thread finally snaps and he gets what he asked for. You cum all over his face, body convulsing from the over stimulation as he continues to suck on you through the pulses. Your fingers lock dead in his mask–you think you can feel his hair. It's thick. 
He groans into you, his voice vibrating your lower body as he slows his pace and inevitably decides to take pity on you and stop. 
You feel his mouth leave your cunt as you struggle to catch your breath. His hands leave you too. Slightly concerned, you start to sit up. Your eyes are still closed. His hands stop you from standing up. 
"Bloody delicious you are, sweet girl." 
His hand caresses your jaw, and you hear him fumbling with his belt buckle, followed by the sound of his zipper coming down. 
Your eyes flutter open and you glance up at him standing tall over you. His mask is pulled back down to conceal his mouth. You lock eyes with him and stare him down as he begins to pull his cock out of his jeans. You keep your eyes on him until he breaks contact for a moment. He glances down towards his cock and then back at you. You take the hint and slowly lower your gaze until you meet his cock in all its glory. He's big–covered in veins. His tip is red and smeared with pre-cum. Gods, you got him this wound up? 
"You want this?" He asks. 
You don't have to answer him. The lustful look in your eyes as you glance back up at him is enough to make his cock jump. He growls low in his throat. 
"Turn around. Bend over." 
Not having to be told twice, you do as you're told. You stand and turn so your back is facing him. You bend down, revealing your cunt from behind as you find your place bent over the bed for him. His massive form stalks behind you–like you're his prey. Just waiting to be captured. His macho, mean, attitude has always sent chills down your spine. This situation was no different. 
His hand finds your waist, gripping on your side as his other holds his heavy cock up to position it at your entrance. While he rubs the head of his cock through your slick to prepare it, the hand holding your waist moves to the center of your lower back and his palm flattens. He pushes down, forcing you to arch in presentation for him. He curses under his breath. Fucking perfect. Beautiful little cunt. 
His heavy boots shuffle closer as the head of his cock begins to breach your tight hole. Your breath catches at the sudden intrusion. The hand on your lower back holds you steady as he starts pushing forward until he's fully sheathed inside you. You let a moan slip when the hand on your back starts to rub up and down you slowly, almost in a comforting manner. 
"Fuck." He groans out when he bottoms out. 
He starts with deep thrusts, getting your cervix used to the invasion. Your knees begin to buckle. No need to worry though. His hands both move to either side of your waist to hold you up as he begins to thrust a little faster–pulling out farther and re-sheathing himself. His back straightens and his head falls back in pleasure as soft groans come from under the mask. Your moans join him as the wet sounds of your combined arousal fills the room. 
You moan sweetly–which teases him. A strong, capable woman like yourself reduced to a whimpering mess under her Lieutenant. It spurs him on and makes him needy. 
He starts thrusting at a more harsh pace now. His hips collide with yours as the bed rattles on its old, dilapidated frame. The metal digging into the wooden floor. His hands squeeze your hips tight and he pulls you back onto him in time with his own thrusts. 
"Insatiable woman. Drive me mad with this body." He grunts as his hips slam into yours. 
"Simon–" you whimper out, cut off by a particularly sharp thrust. 
"You--you know what you do to me, woman?" He starts between harsh breaths as he pounds into you. "Can't keep my eyes off you. You're a goddamn distraction–" he continues to moan loudly, not caring if anyone may hear. "--walk around in those tight ass jeans….n'that low cut shirt. You do it on purpose, don't you?" 
"M's-sorry sir–" you manage to whimper as he continues to pound into you. 
"The fuck you are." He says before another hard thrust. His grunts, leaning forward to grab a fistful of your hair and pull your head back. 
The same sensation from earlier starts to boil over again. The thread is pulled tight once more, ready to snap at any given moment as he continues to hammer into the sensitive spot inside you. His breathing is heavy, grunting loudly in your ear as pounds down into you. You start to tighten around him once more and once again, he takes notice right away. 
"Already, sweet girl? Can you give me another good one?" 
You whimper his name. 
"Yes." You moan. 
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, Simon."
"Good fucking girl." 
He relases your hair and stands up straight, anchoring down on your hips and letting absolutely fucking loose. He starts pounding into you ruthlessly. His hips jackhammering into yours and rendering you speechless. His harsh thrusts steal the air from your lungs. All you can do is lay there, drool like a dog and take his cock the way he needs to give it to you. 
Your orgasm snaps through you and burns like wildfire. Your body rocks violently back against his and he groans when you start to clench around him.
This was unlike any experience you've ever had. It was hard for any of your past partners to get you off, period. Ghost just made you cum twice. And violently. 
"Fuck. Where do you want it?" He asks. 
It takes you a few hard thrusts to try and speak–trying to gain your composure and suck some air back in your lungs to speak. 
"In-inside–please–" you manage to moan. 
For the first time this evening, his movements falter. He seems unsure as he tries to regain his rhythm. 
"That's–no, no I can't….you'll…" he grunts as he continues to rut into you.
"Safe. I-I promise." You whimper out. "Wanna feel you."
"Fuuuuck." He groans out, his thrusts becoming erratic as he chases his release. His hands come up to grab your shoulders, anchoring down as he continues fucking your raw. 
"Don't move. Don't fucking move, sweet girl. Gonna--gonna fill you up, make you mine." 
"Simon--" you whimper out. 
That last whimper is what seems to take him over edge. He groans your name one last time before his hips bottom out again and come to a screeching hault. You feel his cock start to throb before the warmth of his cum begins filling you. He shoots what feel like endless streams of his while juices inside until it starts overflowing and running down your thighs. You lay there on your stomach trying to catch your breath. Not long after, you hear the heaving mess of a man who just rearranged you collapse to his knees behind you. You hear him turn to sit on hid ass, shifting to lean up against the bed. 
You lay there exhausted, listening to the sounds of his labored breathing. You're too worn out to move, so you opt to stay where you are. Not even caring what a mess you look like. 
After a few minutes you feel yourself beginning to drift off to sleep. The exhaustion is taking over. It gets quiet after a few more minutes and you feel completely relaxed. You're so out of it, you don't notice Ghost getting up from his spot on the floor. 
You don't feel him softly cleaning you with one of his extra shirts. 
You don't feel him start to re-dress you. 
And you don't feel him lay you down on the bed, when he climbs in behind you and wraps his arms around you. 
And in the morning, it suprises you when he asks you about your time in the United States Marine Corps. 
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meraki-yao · 10 months
Ok I saw a post before saying what if we put all of Nick’s characters in one room (I can’t find op anymore) and after the last reblog it got me thinking so here’s some weird multiverse imagination
Note that I’m only gonna use the characters I’ve seen/know about, so that’s Henry (RWRB, duh), Conor (Handsome Devil, watched the whole movie and really liked it), Timmy (The Craft: Legacy, only watched Nick’s part lol), Robert (Cinderella, the first time I actually saw Nick, I watched… enough, plus a bunch of video essays on it because I am a musical theatre person and a fairy tale person), Jeff (Bottoms, from what I can get from the trailers), and Luke (Purple Heart, which I love you Nick but I will not put myself through that, based on what I’ve heard about it and reading the synopsis on Wikipedia) if you can think of more please join in on this mess
Let’s say some weird random ass multiverse magic got all of them into a room. After the initial “Good God is that what I look like with a buzzcut?” and “Why the fuck are they British- is that kid Scottish?” and “HE’S A PRINCE? OH THAT GUY WHO’S SINGING IS A PRINCE TOO? HOW AM I A PRINCE???” then someone (honestly out of the six I listed probably Henry or … Luke?) telling everyone to settle down and introduce themselves so they can figure out their differences, what’s gonna happen?
Luke and Jeff will definitely get into a fight at some point. Maybe Robert gets unintentionally involved too
I dread to imagine the conversation/confrontation between Luke, the conservative marine and Henry, now a gay icon in a loving, committed relationship with the bisexual POC son of a democratic female president (I’ve heard some folks call Henry the rainbow prince and oh my God I love that) interacting, but Henry is still a prince and a lot stronger and willing to stand up for himself and his relationship at the end of the movie, I want him to win in that argument
Henry and Robert will definitely judge each other. Robert on Henry’s clothes and how proper he is (think about his fucking line “dancing at these things are so mannered! And formal! And we look like fools!” and oh God I hate that I can quote that line) and Henry on Robert’s eccentric, borderline-childish mannerism, and wonder how on earth is this guy a prince (I know royal protocols are strict and Henry does definitely find them stifling at times but a large part of that is just… manner and etiquette? Like look at the pained face he makes when Alex devours the cornetto and then speaks with his mouth full of ice cream, he was definitely exasperated by his choice of men at the moment)
Luke and Jeff will get annoyed at Robert spontaneously bursting into song and tell him to shut the fuck up, but Henry might find it amusing and somewhat charming (come on I absolutely don’t believe that Alex and Henry don’t sing to each other, especially when they have Taylor and Nick’s beautiful singing voice in the movie verse) and maybe Conor starts shyly strumming his guitar to Robert’s singing
Jeff trying to bully Conor and Timmy then realizing these boys are no less strong than he is and gets his ass kicked
(The next couple of points are the main reason I wrote this post lol)
Henry recognizing Conor and Timmy’s struggles, seeing bits of his younger self in these queer kids that look like him, remembering what Alex said about getting to be someone his father didn’t see growing up, thinking he can do something similar for these two boys and taking them under his wing, pulling the both of them to a corner to talk
Conor telling Henry that he doesn’t believe there’s a place in the world where he could just be himself, and Henry remembering feeling the same until a certain American boy with fucking eyelashes, black curls and dimples stormed his castle
Timmy explaining how he feels like his bisexuality isn’t being validated (Nick did amazing in that scene please go watch it) and Henry gently telling him that that’s absolutely not true and that his boyfriend is in fact, bisexual, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking both boys and girls
Henry and Timmy sharing their grief over their lost parents
Conor and Timmy suddenly having a man who looks like them, who's in a position of power and in a committed relationship with another man in a position of power to look up to
Henry telling them his story and how he found love and support, giving the boys hope, and realizing that this is what making history can mean
I don’t know how my brain came to this but Henry as an older brother to Conor and Timmy now lives rent-free in my head, might write more on that alone
Very intrigued about how this is gonna be expanded when Mary & George comes out and we add George Villiers to the mix, Henry will pass out
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❗️Avengers Mission Ideas for you to use to your hearts content❗️
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My all time favorite, an absolute classic in my opinion is the Deep Cover Mission! But my specific favorite is having to play house in deep cover! there’s so many different combinations, Sam being the Dad, Natasha being so short that Fury thinks she can pass as a child, it can just be so funny. Like in my DR, The Young Avengers have this mission (Kamala, Kate Bishop, Yelena, RiRi Williams, Wasp, America. Theres more but they’re added later) and, Kate and Kamala had been fighting for months over who’s team leader. So they’re naturally arguing over who’s gonna be the dad 😭 (it escalates to the point they’re trying to decide who looks better in a tie)
POWER SWAP!! Ok technically it’s not a mission but there are so many marvel comics villains it’s had to have happened ONCE. It could happen before or during a battle, some crazy guy swaps your powers around! Same thing with Body Swap which is basically the same thing. I just think it’d be funny if Tony swapped with Natasha (but Natasha had Thor’s body or something) And you’d all have to stop fumbling over yourselves and train to master your powers!!
also for your Marvel DR- GIVE YOURSELF YOUR OWN TEAM OF VILLAINS!! ITS ICONIC!! Spider-Man and the Sinister Six… uh… nobody else but like Spider-Man is iconic
on this note: you have your own Vigilante/Anti-Hero Ally! That is if you aren’t a vigilante already.
this one’s a lot more specific but there’s this Fourth Wall Breaking Villain (that I initially saw in X-Men 97) called Mojo! (Look him up his design is… something) and he’s obsessed with TV and ratings. Basically he sends you all through a bunch of different show and Movie Genres, trying to get you all to fight eachother or kill monsters! (And drama, that’s good for ratings, he’ll try to get under your skin) until you all, of course, eventually defeat him! If any of u are confused the X-men 90’s show episode he’s in is: Season 2 episode 11, MojoVision
another one stolen from the X-Men show: you and the avengers (also these apply to any team, I’ll add some space-y ones for the uhh Guardians shifters and more neighborhood ones too!) You all decide to go on a nice, normal vacation! Fun in the sun or a nice winter cabin! Even better, everyone is so friendly!… that would be it if they weren’t trying to kill you, a battle ensues, you reign victorious but uh- those swimsuits or skis sure did go to a waste :[
another semi deep cover but I listened to “Sway” by uh Micheal Buble I think and “Masquerade” by siouxxe sixxta. You’re like the key to the mission, playing as a preformor of some kind, you’re all at a party amongst criminals, and it’s all your cue. (Points if you keep singing or whatever while fighting like dance fight!!!)
A spacey one!!! You have to make a pitstop at a notoriously violent planet, known for its scary inhabitants. And… they’re literally the cutest guys ever. Like… those guys from Star Wars, The Ewoks!!! But they’re being hurt/hunted by a big scary alien thing so you defeat that and also earn a new ally!!
my personal favorite (I could write like 2 pages of headcanons off of this) as a team building exorcise/community support booster, you all have to babysit a class of kids for the day!! I hav SO MANY IDEAS FOR THIS. Like Peter Parker just getting trampled and bullied by a bunch of 6 year olds, Natasha would definitely get along with all the kids, if the Guardians were there… Drax would be so good with them like I’d Cry. Quill would get kicked in the balls (it’s inevitable) Gamora would be disgusted at the tiny things at first but warm up to a kid that reminds her of herself, Groot would be a playground and Rocket WILL be put into a dress. I feel like Thor would do something really dangerous for “fun” 😭 (IM A HUNDRED PERCENT WRITING A FIC ON THIS)
another idea!! A Carmen Sandiego type mission! Stealing from a museum and returning the artifacts back to their cultures! And just interfering heists and going against the government sometimes.
some Villains I think would be cool to fight: Modok, Big Wheel, MasterMind, Rat King and Beyonder (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur), Morlun, she’s not a villain but imagine getting your ass beat by the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl… even avengers have to be humbled sometimes.
A Halloween Special! With everyone dressed up, it’s hard to tell who’s the villain! But when a big crime goes down, it’s Trick or Beat (that wasn’t funny I’m sorry 😞)
Some Quickfire ideas: You all get turned into Animals! You get sent to the ✨future✨ (or the past) and make allies and have to find your way back. Having to be a bodyguard for a celebrity. Fighting a villain who can clone themselves. Getting over your fear in a mission (fighting clowns or something like that).
ok ok… Istg I’ll stop with the deep cover missions BUT two more: You and your Comfort Character getting set up together and having to pretend to be a couple for a mission. (Bet it was Maria Hill who set you two up I love her sm)
Going deep cover into a cult, a few of you. And the weakest link starts falling for the cult’s tactics 😭😭 (Plot taken straight from MLP season 5 but I kinda love it tbh) I feel like uhh Peter or Kate bishop would be like “I dunno guys, it’s so sweet and everyone is sooo sweet!” @oliver-shifts @shiftingwithhale @florashifting @achilleslefttoe @romanoffshifting
I have so many more like character specific ones!! One I forgot was a Scooby-Doo type mystery on a boat with Bucky and Sam, they both get super scared and paranoid abt the local legends of a ghost pirate or lighthouse ghost, something like that, but you’re all heroes and have to brave thru it.
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demon-blood-youths · 4 months
Horror Book Chapter 9: A Cute & Creepy Present || Closed Drabble
Hi everyone! This is a quick crossover drabble for my dear friend @the-silver-peahen-residence. I decide to add a bit of horror and I want to continue the horror series.
Note: Please follow Peahen-mun, she's the best roleplayer! Her writing is nuts!
--- Here are parts ----
Horror book one: Bloody game of Hide and seek
Horror book two: Darkness of one self
Horror book three: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1
Horror book three: How to be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank part 2
Horror book four: Hunting grounds
Horror book five: Hacker Kidnapping part1 part 2 part 3(final)
Horror book six: plucking a butterfly's wings
Horror book Chapter 7: Dead scars
Horror book chapter 8: hidden shadows
----- Summary ---
Jujutsu High is having a normal until Gojo-sensei brings a present for Taz. But before Taz gets to see it, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Kisho are curious about what it is. How are they able to handle this? And what was the present?
A creepy cat doll
It's a normal day at Jujutsu High, Yuji and the other three, Kisho, Megumi and Nobara came back from their mission and are now hanging out in the classroom. They heard from Principal Yaga that Taz is on a mission with Miko and Yuria to exorcise a grade 3 curse as part of training.
As they talked and laughed, Gojo-sensei walks in, "Hi there, my adorable students!" Then he looks around, "Wait...Taz, Miko and Yuria?" He asked.
"Out on a mission. A grade 3 curse." Megumi answered. Gojo hums, "That's okay! I brought a cute doll for Taz! I just found in a shop and it looks so cute!" Gojo laughs.
"Are you doing this because the principal gives her better gifts?" Megumi asked. Gojo lets out a gasp, "Of course! I'm not jealous! My Taz always brings me sweets whenever I ask. She's so thoughtful that I can't help in getting something for her!" Gojo smiles happily. "Anyway! I got to do something! A quick job! So I'm going to leave this bag! Can you four look after this for me?! Just don't bring it out of the bag! I want to see Taz's face when she sees it." He smiles.
"Sure can do, Gojo-sensei!" Yuji smiles, happy to hear Gojo got something for Taz. She deserves it after all.
"Okay! Later~!" Gojo said in a singing tone as he leaves out of the room with a wave. Now it's just the bag and the four students.
"So Gojo brought something for Taz, huh?" Nobara smiles.
"It's the least he can do!" Yuji said cheerfully.
"I just wish Taz would stop buying cakes for him..." Megumi sighs.
"Oh come, Fushigoro, Taz says he doesn't mind it." Kisho said. "She and Gojo have something in common, both love sweets! Taz always says that she is glad to have a teacher who loves sweets just like her. She always shares with him."
"Still...I feel like he's taking advantage of her." Megumi grumbled, shaking his head, "Every time he asks, she never says no."
"Hey now! Like Kisho said, Taz doesn't mind it." Yuji said. "Although, I do get worried if Gojo gets any cavities from that. And I always ask her about it and she says no." He said.
"You both are worried about nothing! Taz will be fine!" Nobara crossed her arms and then she smirked, " But you know~" She smiled mischievously, "I want to see what kind of toy that Gojo brought."
"Huh?! He said don't bring it out of the bag!" Yuji reminds her.
"Come on! Aren't you at least curious about what kind of toy it is? We can just put it back like nothing happened!"Nobara argued.
"I'm with Nobara on this one!" Kisho said. "I want to see it too!" He said as his spirit companion, Eito chirped with curiosity.
"It's just going to be another cute doll. Almost the same as Eito here." Megumi points out. Eito tweets in a disagreement to which Kisho says, "Yeah! But not all dolls are plushies!" He said, crossing his arms.
"I don't know guys..." Yuji said.
"Come on, Yuji! You can be the judge if the toy is right for her or not!" Kisho encourages him to join in. Yuji sighs and concedes. "Okay! But once we take a look at it, we're putting it in back before Gojo or Taz comes back."
"Whatever. Do what you want." Megumi said with a sigh, not minding this. He won't admit that he is also curious so all four are in agreement. However, in the next few moments, none of them is prepared for what is in the bag once Nobara pulls it out. The moment that Nobara pulls the doll from the bag. All four faces blinked and turned pale, seeing the object in Nobara's hand.
"Eh?" Nobara blinked stupidly.
"No way..." Megumi begins.
".Hold on.." Yuji trying to process what's he seeing and hoping his eyes aren't playing tricks on him.
"Is that uh..." Kisho begins.
In Nobara's hand, it's a purple cat doll with wide smile with beady eyes and has a long tail. A sudden memory came to mind when they recalled one of Miko's friends, Hana and her ghost stories. One of them involved a toy factory rumored to have kids turned into toys. Not only that, there was one toy that was recalled and it had a disturbing cartoon commercial.
A Catnap doll.
They remember the news talking about this.
Strange and violent nightmares.
Your kids. Are. Not. Safe with Catnap.
A moment passes and then, "AAAAH!"
The three Yuji, Kisho, and Nobara are now screaming making Megumi wince his eyes at the volume of sheer terror from their voices. Nobara throws the doll against the wall. They are now freaking out. Eito is squawking and flying around in a panic.
"What the hell?!" Megumi cursed.
"OH GODDD! I TOUCHED IT!! I TOUCHED IT! EWWWW!" Nobara cried, waving her hands in disgust.
"WHY DID SENSEI HAVE THAT?!" Yuji cried, putting his hands on the sides of his head as he can't believe this.
"NO! THE QUESTION WE SHOULD BE ASKING WHY DID HE BRING THAT HERE!?" Kisho yelled, pointing at Catnap with fearful eyes.
The sudden noise got Sukuna out of his slumber and wondered what is the commotion.
"What the fuck?! It's 2 in the afternoon! Shut up, I'm sleeping! What the hell are you all yelling about?" Sukuna asked annoyed.
"Gojo-sensei brought Catnap to the school!!" He answered with fright.
"Who?!" Sukuna had to open his eyes underneath Yuji's eyes to see what the hell he was looking at. Then he widened his eyes to see the cat doll on the floor, looking at him and the students with its wide grin and black beady eyes. Memories already flood his mind thanks to that cursed commerical.
"OH HELL NO! You gotta be shitting me! Six Eyes brought this thing here?! Has he lost his fucking mind?!"
"I don't think he knows!" Kisho replied. "What should we do?!"
"We can't let Taz see this! Or have Gojo give this to her!" Nobara said, shaking her head. "Nope, Nope. NO WAY!" She yelled.
"S-she's right! I won't let my little sister get this...this thing...it will give her nightmares!" Yuji replied.
But the question is, who's going to get rid of this.
"Nobara! You get rid of it." Kisho begins.
"HA?!" Nobara exclaimed at Kisho in disbelief, "No way!" She jabs a finger at Kisho's chest, "I already touched it! I'm not going to touch it againt! How about you go! Set it on fire!" Nobara pointed at it frantically.
"Do you forget that thing can spray?! I don't even know if it's flammable or not! What happens if I commit arson by accident?!" Kisho said. Megumi curses under his breath, shaking his head.
"Okay! Yuji, you go!" Nobara pointed.
"Huh?! Why me?!" Yuji gasped.
"Don't you care about Taz???" Nobara questions.
"I do! But...what if I squeeze it and the spray stuff comes out?! BESIDES! You're the one who started this! You go get rid of it!" Yuji yelled.
"WHY ME?!" Nobara cried.
"Oh my fucking- you damn brats! Can ONE of YOU get rid of this accursed thing!" Sukuna complained as he couldn't believe what he's hearing.
"You guys are unbelievable." Megumi rolls his eyes and stands up from his chair, "I will do it. Besides...the doll sprays from its mouth if you pull its tail." Megumi goes to get the doll off the floor. "We just need to trash it or something then we can explain to Gojo why Taz can't have this doll without her knowing." He said, leaving the class.
"Good plan." Yuji, Nobara, and Kisho said in unison, liking Megumi's simple plan.
The other three are following now him in the hallway. Megumi is going to trash this, tell Gojo when he comes back — probably show him the commercial so he can see where they're coming from and Taz won't know about the doll-
"Hey guys! We're back from our mission!" A happy voice is heard, making the four freezes in their feet.
Megumi quickly hides the doll behind his back and hisses lowly at the three to do something. Yuji goes to take the doll quickly and throws it across the hall and out the window. Thanks to Yuji's quick thinking and excellent reflexes, Taz Hellion and the girls, Yuria and Miko don't notice a thing.
"Hi lil sister, how's the mission?" Yuji quickly said, flashing her a smile.
"It was good! Me, Yuria, and Miko exorcised the curse! Miko did a great job!" Taz said.
"Did she now?" Kisho smiles now, putting on his best smile. "How did you do, Miko?"
"It's thanks to Anaconda. He beat it and it's all thanks to Yuria backing us up with her Spirit Gun and Taz distracting it." Miko said. Yuria smiles. "Yeah! It was great! I felt like a sorcerer already!"
"Good for you guys! We're so proud of you!" Nobara nods her head. Then Taz takes a sniff, making the four sweatdrops.
"Is that lavender?" She said, taking a sniff at the air. "What is that? It smells like-"
'Shit! Taz's nose!' Megumi thought.
'This is bad! Really bad!' Yuji thought, freaking out.
'How are we going to explain this?!' Kisho thought.
"Oh! I dragged the boys to a perfume store after the mission. There was this lavender scent and I like it!" Nobara said. "I was thinking of buying it but I love the rose perfume more!" She explained. This made the boys grateful for Nobara's quick answers.
"Thank you, Nobara Kugaski!' All three said in thought, forever grateful.
Taz smiles. "Oh okay! Lavender smells really nice! It helps me sleep!"
This got the four more tense.
"Hmmm...I was thinking we should get a scented candle now thinking about it." Said Miko with a smile.
"Good idea!" Taz said as Yuria nodded. "Anyway! We're going to get washed up. See you later!" Taz said as she and two other girls walked off. After the girls are out of sight, the four are now in clear.
They let out a loud relieved sigh.
"Oh god! That was close!" Yuji said.
"Way too close!" Nobara said.
"Tell me about it!" Kisho said.
"We need to find that doll and put it in the trash. Itadori, where did you throw it?" Megumi asked.
"Uhhh...." Yuji blinked. "Out the window? I think?"
"You think?" Kisho questions. Yuji frowns, "Hey! I am not going to let Taz see that doll! What would you do if Miko saw it?"|
"Hold on! Me and Miko aren't like that, okay!" Kisho retorted but slumped his shoulder when the three raised a brow at him, "But I see your point.." He sighed. Megumi shakes his head and goes to go to the window that Yuji threw Catnap into. It was outside so the four looked for the doll. But it is not found.
"Jeez, how hard did you throw it?" Nobara said.
"Enough for sis not to see it," Yuji said. Several minutes later, no sign of the catnap doll. Megumi sighs, "We can find it later, sooner or later. We need to tell Gojo about this."
Yuji wonders and asks the King of Curses, 'Hey Sukuna, do you think Catnap has any cursed energy.'
'Yes but I don't know how much it is since all of you were freaking out. It's like it has some leftover residue but that's all I can tell. Kinie could of picked up the scent but the smell of lavender might of been a cover." Sukuna theorized. "Also I don't think it's a threat.."
Good to know. Yuji said.
"Just to make sure, how about we get your shikigami to sniff it out." Kisho suggested. Megumi makes a face. Kisho had his hands up, "Just want to make sure, okay? It would be easier besides...that thing has lavender smell on it. Even Taz says so herself. Eito can smell it too."
Eito chirps in agreement.
Sighing, Megumi made a shadow puppet with his hands and summoned his Divine Dog Totality to track down the doll. But then...the dog goes to track right back into the building. The four became confused until they reached the classroom. They open the sliding door and what's there is Catnap is sitting upright on the teacher's desk. The four sorcerers became unnerved by this.
"Uh...Yuji...you did throw out the window, right?" Kisho asked, making sure. Yuji slowly nods, "I did."
"SO WHY IS IT THERE???" Nobara and Kisho shouted, freaking out.
"I DON'T KNOW OkAY?!" Yuji cried as he is also freaking out. Then the doll drops to the side, taking another scream out of the three. All of them hide behind Megumi shaking and scared. The black-haired teen growls and shakes his head,, "Must be Gojo messing with us again!" He said, snatching the doll off the desk. They're seriously taking this thing to the trash. There's no way Gojo would think this is cute. This is a dumb prank of his.
Megumi goes to the nearest biggest recyclable bin and throws the doll into it before closing the lid.
"There? Are we all happy?" He asked the three. The three nodded. "Good. Once Gojo gets here, we will be fine." Megumi said.
But it wasn't fine. Tonight is where things get really disturbing. Night falls as everyone is in their rooms, resting.
Yuji is watching a movie with Jennifer Lawerence in it and then...he hears scratching noises.
Weird scratching sounds.
At first, Yuji thought it was some raccoons. But he had to remind himself. Since when Jujutsu High had raccoons? He checks around his room and there is nothing. The scratching has stopped. Yuji sighs. Must be Eito and Kisho again. Or something.
There's no way that Catnap is making trouble, right? He has been thrown in the garbage. Sukuna said it's not a threat.
Yuji shakes his head. Just a stupid ghost story. It's way too convenient to be real. Megumi said that it must be Gojo playing tricks on them. But then...Gojo-sensei hasn't come back to collect the bag and he called Megumi that he won't be back till tomorrow morning. Megumi didn't get a word in because Gojo hung up. It's gotta be a prank. It's gotta be.
He goes to play the video again and then a few seconds, the scratching continues. Yuji tries to ignore it but it is getting incessant right now.
Yuji is annoyed and looks out at the window, "Okay..knock it off-"
But words are caught in his throat as he sees pure white eyes within the dark sockets of a purple feline with a Cheshire grin looking at him in the bushes outside the window.
"AAAH!" Yuji falls off from his bed and looks outside. It is gone.
"Oh my god...Sukuna, did you see that?" Yuji said.
"I did. What the fuck?" Sukuna cursed.
"Can you switch with me so you can check it out?"
"Sur-wait a second! Why am I checking it out? How about you check it out???" Sukuna yelled.
"Because you're the curse!" Yuji whispered.
"And you're the sorcerer!" Sukuna bites back. Yuji grumbles, "Yeah..but..I don't want to go out there alone..."
"Brat...we share the same body, mind you...I'm the King of Curses and you're scared of some creepy little doll?"
"It's not a just doll. It's Catnap!" Yuji hissed. Sukuna groans. Over a freaking doll. I swear to Buddha...'
"Just get Megumi and Kisho." Sukuna tells him. Yuji goes to do that, he leaves his room and is now onto the hallway. Yuji takes a breath and goes to knock on Megumi's door. "Fushigoro? Are you there?" The door creaks open making Yuji tremble a bit. He peeks in. Megumi isn't there, the room is dark. Where is Megumi?
Then a hand lays on his shoulder making Yuji scream in fright, backing up.
"Woah! Yuji! It's me!" Kisho said as Eito chirped on his shoulder. Yuji is gasping and taking breaths, looking at Kisho wide-eyed. "Don't scare me like that, Kisho!"
"Sorry!"Kisho apologizes, backing up with his hands up. "D-did you heard it too?"
"The scratching. The weird noises." Kisho asked, looking scared.
Yuji nods, "Yeah I did." To which Kisho lets out a 'whew' and is glad that he isn't going crazy. "The one causing it is that cat," Yuji added.
"You don't mean...."
"What are you guys doing up?" A voice is heard and two boys scream and hug each other in terror. But the two blinked to see Megumi who is twitching an eye. "Do you have any idea what time is it? What in the world are you two doing?"
"Fushigoro!" Kisho and Yuji were smiling with relief. Yuji goes on to explain, "It's Catnap! He was outside my window, looking and staring at him!"
"What?" Megumi said.
"It's true! We have been hearing weird sounds. Scratching and other weird sounds! Eito says that there's something in the bushes outside our rooms" Kisho said.
"And outside! I saw Catnap!" Yuji said. "He had white glowing eyes and I saw him in the bushes!"
Megumi groans, "You two! You guys are allowing this to get to you!" He said.
"No! Sukuna says so! Sukuna saw it too and said it has cursed energy!" Yuji said.
"Then it's a cursed object." Megumi said. "Why didn't you said anything?" He questioned.
"Well..because..Sukuna says it's not a threat and it has leftover residue." Yuji answered. Megumi shakes his head, "Look...the doll is still there in the trash can. Let's get it and-"
"Get it?! All we know is that it's still out there and not in the trash." Kisho cuts him off. "We need to find it and exorcise it! Even Wilson is getting antsy!" He said as a goat lets a bleat.
Megumi frowns, "Then how are we supposed then..." A phone rings, and someone is calling him. Megumi takes his phone out and sees Nobara is calling. He answers and puts it in the speaker, "What's up?"
"Fushigoro! Something is outside my room! It had white eyes!"
"Oh god..." Kisho utters while Yuji widens his eyes.
"And it's purple! I think it's...there. Shit! We should have exorcised it. You and the other two guys gotta come over! NOW!" Nobara said urgently.
"Kugasaki, calm down! We-"
"It was outside Taz's room when she wasn't looking! She was talking to me and I saw it outside her window! I thought I was going crazy but...god...I saw it again!"
That was enough to get the boys over. The boys ran over to the girls' dormitory with Nobara waiting.
"Where's the doll?" Megumi asked.
"Is little sis okay?" Yuji asked, looking worried.
"And the girls?" Kisho added that he is also worried as well.
"Taz is sleeping like a log. Yuria and Miko are hanging out, talking with Hana on a video call. Both don't know what's going on. And I don't know where it is." Nobara said. "I'm freaking out while trying to stay calm and I don't want to freak the other three out." She said.
Megumi nods, "Okay." He goes to summon his divine dog and tells his shikigami to find it. The dog went outside but nothing. The dog whimpers. Eito chirps.
"Eito says something was here but it isn't here anymore. Totality can't find it." Kisho said.
"Where did it go?" Yuji asked.
"What are you guys doing?" The four became startled and looked to see Yuria in her pajamas. "Oh hey! Yuria! What's up?" Kisho laughed.
"Okay? But what are you three doing here?" She asked, raising a brow at them. Who is going to tell her that Catnap is here on campus?
"Oh! Nobara asked us because...there's a roach."
Nobody. The four would rather keep this under wraps before creating a widespread panic that Gojo-sensei brought a creepy doll that is the infamous Catnap that is now on the loose.
"A roach?" Yuria asked, almost looking disgusted. "Yeah! She called us in because she saw it and she called us so you three don't have to worry about it!" Kisho explained. Megumi and Yuji nodded in agreement, going with this story.
"Yeah, it's true! It was so nasty! It had wings!" Nobara said.
"Ugh! Gross! Did you two catch it?!" Yuria asked.
"Eito did!" Kisho grins as Eito chirps in confirmation. Yuria sighs, "Oh that's good then. I don't think I want to see a roach." She said. "Never mind a cursed one." She gagged. "Anyway! I'm glad you three are here!" She smiles.
"Hahahaha! Yeah! No problem! We guys always want to help the ladies!" Kisho smiles. Yuria laughs but then thinks, "Well..I hope you get rid of the rats too. We were hearing sounds." Yuria sighed.
"Yeah scratching sounds but Miko's shikigami scared them off." Yuria shrugs. "Not a big deal. I can handle rats than roaches."
That's concerning but Kisho doesn't want to show. "That's great! Let us know if it continues!" He smiles. Yuria nods and heads back, "Night!" She said, closing the door behind her.
"Oh god...this thing is now stalking us.."Kisho's voice is now trembling. "We gotta do something! We need to do something! I think it wants vengeance!"
"Vengeance?!" The three repeated.
"Think about it, we throw it not once but twice then we throw it in the trash, and call it all sorts of names! I mean...what if it's a kid turned into a toy like Hana says and we all treat it like crap. Now it wants payback and this is just beginning- and, and-oh god...it's going to come for us ALL-" A smack is heard.
Kisho was slapped across the face by Megumi who then grabbed his collar, "Pull yourself together, Kisho!" He shakes his him, "We're going to find the doll and get rid of it properly! We're not going to die, okay?!"
"M-megumi is right!" Nobara nodded. "We all need to calm down. It's just the doll wants us to freak out and we can't give it what it wants!" She said.
"Yeah! It's just one doll! We're jujutsu sorcerers!" Yuji exclaimed. Kisho blinks and nods, "Right. We're jujutsu sorcerers! We won't let this doll get to us!"
"That's the spirit!" Nobara grins.
"Yeah! We're going to make sure that Catnap doesn't get to Taz." Yuji said. Kisho nods, "And Miko and Yuria!" He said. Okay, time to find Catnap now. They will search from top to bottom to find it. So far, Totality barks, and Eito chirps.
Both Shikigami found it and are tracking it down to the classroom. The classroom where they left the bag.
"Is it here?" Megumi asked. Eito chirps, conversing with Totality to which he lets out a small grunt. "Eito says It is here..." Said Kisho. They looked around but the room was dark so Nobara went to turn on the light since it was too dark.
The light is on and they look for everywhere. But Catnap isn't there. The only thing they can see is the board. It was written in chalk with a scribbling message.
"I was Here."
Eito squawks.
"I know, I know. No need to freak out." Kisho said. "What is Eito saying?" Megumi asked. Kisho translates, "Eito says he has been here!" He said.
Yuji glares, "This thing is messing with us!" He said. Nobara sighs.
"Tell me about it!" Kisho said with his back turned, looking at the board. The three widen their eyes and Eito widen his eyes at this. "I mean....he must been here to send us a message and have us-"
"Kisho..." Nobara's tone became weird as if she was scared.
"What?" Kisho blinked.
"Your back." Yuji begins.
"My back?"
"It's on your back!" Nobara screamed. On Kisho's back, there is a purple thing on his back and stuck on them. Catnap slowly turns its head and looks at the three with its' grin and black beady eyes.
"What's on my back?! Guys?!" Kisho yelled, asking.
"Stay still, Kisho." Megumi said lowly. "Do. Not. Move." He said. Kisho wondered what it was on his back then he felt something crawl on his back. Kisho felt something on his shoulder and he looks from the corner of his eye. He sees Catnap who cackled.
"Kisho! Stay still!" Megumi yelled. "STOP MOVING!"
"GET IT OFF! OH GOD GET IT OFF! IT'S CRAWLING UNDER MY SHIRT!" Kisho is crying as Catnap is now under his shirt, moving everywhere. Nobara goes to hit where Catnap is but ends up hitting Kisho instead.
"Hold still then!!" Nobara gritted her teeth, holding her toy hammer. Then Yuji kicks him in the back and sends him to the floor, thinking he got Catnap.
"OW! YUJI!" Kisho cries.
"I'm SORRY!" Yuji cried.
"God damnit!" Megumi goes to pull Kisho's shrit up and Catnap isn't there. The light flickers.
Totality let out a bark and all four sees Totality brought down and snores with Catnap on top.
"What the fu-" Megumi is cut off as Catnap leaps. Leaps on top of Yuji's head. The pink-haired teen screams, "AAAAHH!"
"Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Kisho yelled as they saw Catnap on top of Yuji's head and bonking on him. "SOMEONE GET IT OFF!" Yuji screams while the Catnap lets out a gaggling sound as if it's having fun at their expense. It's hard to get Catnap off Yuji. Even Sukuna is yelling, "YOU DAMN PEST! HOW DARE YOU LAUGH?!"
"Shit shit! Hold still! HOLD STILL!" Nobara said having nails in her hand.
Eito is squawking at it and starts to peck but the cat wraps its long tail and flungs him across the room, hitting Megumi in the face.
"EITO!" Kisho collects Eito from the floor and Megumi has enough.
Fuck this.
He tightens his fists into balls and lifts them both as if he was driving. What the? Kisho blinked. That's a hand gesture he never saw. What is this? Then Megumi shouts,
"With this treasure, I summon!- "
Then Catnap leaps from Yuji's head and onto Megumi's face. Kisho and Nobara were in shock as Megumi screamed, "DAMNIT! GET THIS LITTLE SHIT OFF ME!" He bumps into a couple of desks and chairs while Catnap is on his face.
"MEGUMI! STOP MOVING!" Kisho said as he saw Catnap trying to wrap his long tail around his neck but then Itadori stepped in after recovering from the bonks, "I got this!"
And makes the biggest mistake of his life, Itadori grabs the tail and pulls it.
"Pchit" A spray is heard silencing everyone.
The spray hits directly on Megumi's face. Everyone sweatdropped.
"ITADORI!" Megumi shouted.
"I'M SORRY!" Yuji cried, now crying and Megumi grabbed the back of Catnap and threw it across the room. The toy crashes through some books. Kisho and Yuji go to Megumi, "Are you okay! I'm so sorry!" Yuji apologized.
"I'm fine!"Then Megumi winces, "Damn it...that thing sprays me with something, and now...I felt...fuck.."
"You're saying that spray really puts people to sleep?!" Kisho said in disbelief as Yuji got Megumi, apologizing over and over. A gaggle is heard and Catnap emerges from the pile of books now, he then crawls over to them on fours. As if its scary sounds weren't enough, white eyes are looking at them. The eyes almost look human.
"GET TO THE CHOPPA!" Kisho shouted.
"WE DON'T HAVE A CHOPPER!" Yuji yelled.
"GET ON THE DESK!" Nobara cried.
All four are getting on the teacher's desk as the Catnap quickly crawls on fours towards them like a quick cockroach while making gaggling and laughing sounds. Megumi is coughing due to the spray while the three are freaking out, holding each other.
"Why did anyone make this thing?!" Nobara cries. "What is wrong with America?!"
"This thing is a curse! A CURSE!" Yuji yelled.
"What are we going to do?!" Kisho said, now crying.
"Can you calm down?! We need to figure out a plan! This thing is no lower than a grade 2!" Megumi said before coughing. "Fuck! Damn thing spray into my mouth!"
"I'm so sorry!" Yuji cried. Sukuna groans, "A plan?! You just need to squash this little infernal thing! And now it's laughing at us with that shit-eating grin!" He yelled as the Catnap lay there like a cat, not moving an inch only his eyes. Which is creeping them out.
"AND IT IS STARING AT US!" Kisho said while Eito was comforting them.
"What the fuck is wrong with you all? You're sorcerers and you're scared of this thing?!"
"Did you not watch the video?!" Nobara cried. "It brought down Megumi and his shikigami!"
Catnap lets out some red gas from his mouth in response, startling them.
"I'm still conscious. you know!" Megumi frowned. "And Sukuna is right! We are not going to get beaten by this thing! Now you pull yourselves together and -"
Footsteps are heard and a sliding door to the classroom slides open. "Guys? Is everything okay? I heard yelling!" Said the familiar petite with the orange marks on her right cheek.
At the doorway, it's Taz. Everyone froze. Not only Taz, but Miko and Yuria.
"What's going on? Y-you were all yelling." Said Miko.
"Yeah! What the heck-what is that?!" Yuria begins as he points at Catnap who turns its head at the girls. Taz Miko and Yuria blinked and pales, both took a huge step back.
Oh no! This is the worst! Nobara said.
"Get out of here!" Megumi shouted at the girls.
Catnap goes to crawl over to where Taz is. Taz looks at the Catnap and blinks her eyes at it. Catnap stays and looks up at her in silence. Taz stares at it.
"Sis!" Yuji said, now scared for her. The girl clasped her eyes and smiled with imaginary hearts coming off. "Awwww so cute!" Taz smiles. She walks then goes to pick up Catnap and pets it. Catnap purrs while Taz giggles.
Everyone suddenly faces fault, falling to the ground and twitching.
"LIL SIS! NOOOOO!" Yuji cried so dramatically.
"That's cute?!" Megumi questioning Taz right now.
Kisho cries. "She has been brainwashed!"
Even Yuria and Miko were befuddled by this. Everyone can't believe what they're hearing! Taz giggles while Catnap mews.
"Yo! I came back!" Gojo-sensei arrives back, "I brought snacks!" Then he looks around, "Wow! What happened here?" He said, perplexed by this.
"Gojo-sensei! Look!" Taz said, holding up Catnap. Gojo smiles. "Oh! You found the present! I was meant to give it to you but my mission went on! Did you like it?"
"Uh-huh!" Taz smiles.
"Taz! Do you have any idea who that is?!" Nobara asked, questioning Taz's mental state.
"Well...yeah...but he looks so cute for some reason! He looks like a cat, he smells like lavender and flowers and he is so fluffy!" She said. "As long as you don't pull the tail, it's fine!" She goes to stroke Catnap's chin to which the doll purrs under her touch. To the others, Catnap looks like a creepy doll but to Taz, he looks so adorable in chibi kawaai form.
Even Kinie is questioning this.
"I'm going to take him to my plushie collection!" She said, now skipping away while holding Catnap to her chest with a giggle. The four see Taz holding Catnap where they can see his face.
They see his eyes narrow at the four with a mischievous glint of his white eyes, letting them know silently this is far from over.
Gojo laughs, "Wow! Can't believe she likes it! I thought the doll was a little creepy. But looks like she really likes it, I'm glad."
Upon hearing this, the five looked at their teacher with a look. Gojo blinked, "What is it?"
They exploded.
"THAT THING IS A NIGHTMARE!" Kisho shouted while holding a crying Miko.
"HOW COULD YOU!" Yuria said.
"THAT THING SPRAY ME!" Megumi shouted. "Oh come on! She likes it! What's the problem?!" Gojo said, having his hands up.
"The problem is that you gave her a cursed doll!" Megumi said. Gojo stood there. "I mean...how is that different from when the principal gives her one?"
"UGGH!" The students groaned meanwhile Taz added her newest addition to the collection. "Good night, Catnap~! X3" She tells him.
Catnap purrs happily and goes to sleep soundly.
One heck of a night.
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mickimagnum · 6 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Six
*the episode opens with a shot of Echo Valley Ranch at night. Crickets can be heard singing and there's an owl hooting off in the distance somewhere.*
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*the contestants are sitting around the living room, engaged in various activities, oblivious to what's about to happen*
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*suddenly, the door to Devin's room swings open and she exits. she makes her way to the living room.*
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*she stops in front of the fire place. confused, everyone stops what they're doing and turn their attention to her. she can tell they're nervous, so she smiles at them reassuringly*
Devin: "Good evening, fellas. I have an announcement to make. Earlier I received a note instructing me to pick two of you for a date. Tonight."
*the guys shift in their seats and lean closer*
Devin (continues): "And I've decided to pick two people I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with. So, with that being said. If you would be so kind, I would like for...
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Devin (continues): "Stan and..."
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*Stan smiles up at Devin and nods*
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Devin (continues): "Milo to join me tonight."
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*Milo beams at her from across the room, barely able to contain his excitement*
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Devin: "Alright, you two. Go put on something warm and meet me outside in the back pasture in twenty minutes."
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*after a time lapse, the next scene shows a sped-up shot of Stan and Milo approaching Devin outside. She's standing in front of a makeshift movie screen*
Devin (cheerfully): "Hi guys! I thought we'd watch a movie tonight. Have some popcorn, chat. That kind of thing. What do you think?"
*Milo steps forward and nearly trips over his feet*
Milo: "That sounds amazing!"
Devin: "Easy there, cowboy."
*Stan smiles apologetically at Devin, unassumingly on Milo's behalf before speaking up:*
Stan: "Count me in."
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*the three take their seats on the crates opposite the screen*
Stan: "Thanks so much for picking us to come out with you tonight. I'm just happy to get more time with you, and the fewer guys that are around the better."
*Devin chuckles*
Devin: "I can image. I'm sure this is hard for you all. Especially as things progress."
Stan: "It hasn't gotten any easier. But, you're worth puttin' up with all the others for, Devin. 'Least till I run 'em off."
*Milo scoffs*
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Devin: "That's very sweet of you to say, Stan. Unless you're Milo..."
*Milo grunts in agreement but doesn't interrupt*
Devin (continues): "So, tell me. What are you looking for in your next relationship?"
Stan: "We're just divin' right in?"
*Devin smiles*
Devin: "That's what the show's about, they tell me."
*Stan shrugs*
Stan: "Fair enough. I want an equal partner. Someone I can rely on when the chips are down just as much as she can rely on me. A lover. A friend. Someone to raise a family with. And grow old with. That unconditional love type of bond that will survive a hundred lifetimes and countless battle scars. You know, I've been married twice now. Lost my first wife to leukemia. And my second one, well, turns out she didn't care for me much. So, I'm hoping what they say is true; 'third time's a charm.' and all."
*Devin sits back, visibly moved by his answer*
Devin: "Thank you for being so genuine, Stan. That means a lot. I'm sorry to hear about your first wife. And, well, all of it. You deserve better than that and I hope you find what you're looking for."
*Stan smiles at her*
Stan: "Thank you, Devin. I appreciate it."
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*Devin then turns to Milo*
Devin: "What about you, Milo? What are you looking for in your next relationship?"
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Milo: "Well, full disclosure, I haven't been in a 'relationship' since high school. And she shattered my heart into a million pieces, so it didn't end well. But, what I learned from that experience is that I want to be with someone who wants the same things out of life. If they're not going to support my dreams it's not going to work and vice versa, you know? And everything else Stan said sounds about right too."
Devin: "Okay. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your candidness."
*Milo grins at Devin*
Milo: "You're most welcome."
*Stan can be heard grumbling under his breath just off camera. something about "stealing his answer."*
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*Devin returns her attention back to Stan*
Devin: "Okay, here's a fun question. Since we're getting ready to watch a movie, what's your favorite genre?"
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Stan: "Easy. Western. But especially westerns mixed with sci-fi. I love both, honestly."
Devin: "That is the most you answer I've ever heard."
*Stan chuckles*
Stan: "What about you, missy?"
Devin: "Oh, I'm a horror fan. 100%"
Stan: "What, you like all the blood, guts, and stuff?"
Devin: "No. I'm more into the creepy, supernatural stuff. The kind that makes you question whether or not it's really happening."
Stan: "Oh, yeah. I like those. I can't stand the gore-fests, though."
Devin: "I'm not a big fan of them either. It feels cheap."
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*Devin turns to Milo again*
Devin: "What about you?"
Milo: "You're going to laugh."
*Devin and Stan speak up at the same time:*
Stan: "Probably."
Devin: "We won't."
*Milo sighs and stares at the ground before muttering:*
Milo: "Musicals."
Stan: "Did the boy just say musicals?"
Devin: "He did."
Milo: "Look, I'm a musician okay? I enjoy the music. The singing. The dancing. They almost always have a happy ending. What's not to love?"
Stan: "The fact that they're terrible."
*Devin pinches her nose to try to stop the snort laugh that escapes anyway*
*after choking it back she says:*
Devin: "There's nothing wrong with that, Milo. Let's, uh, watch our movie."
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*the film begins to roll*
Stan: "What movie is it?"
Devin: "Hamilton."
*Stan lets out a whimper and Milo gasps in excitement*
*Devin giggles*
Devin: "I'm totally messing with you, dude."
*Stan sighs with relief and Milo looks deflated*
Devin: "It's Saw X."
*They both look at her in horror*
*She cackles this time*
Devin: "Calm down. It's College Cram."
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*the group enjoy cheddar popcorn as they watch the movie*
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*when the movie is over, Devin turns to Milo*
Devin: "Milo, I had fun with you tonight. Thanks for hanging out with me."
Milo: "Anytime. And I mean that."
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*Devin then turns to Stan*
Devin: "Stan, you are always entertaining to be around, but I really appreciate you opening up to me tonight."
*Stan looks both surprised and pleased*
Stan: "It was my pleasure. I look forward to our next time together."
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Devin: "Alright, fellas. It's time to head back in. I'm cold and I don't know about you, but my bed is calling my name."
*at that, the three get to their feet and prepare to say their good nights*
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*Stan pulls Devin into a hug and after a few beats they separate and he heads back toward the house*
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Stan, in diary room: "Tonight felt good. It felt good to get more time with Devin, especially with less competition around. And it felt good to get my history off my chest. She's a good gal. Women like her are rare. I knew already liked her, but tonight makes me want to fight for her even harder now."
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*Milo hugs Devin, but as she pulls away, he reaches up, cradles her face, and plants a kiss on her mouth. she is clearly caught by surprise and doesn't really move to kiss him back. after a moment he pulls away, smiles down at her and then turns and walks back toward the house. she's left standing there, confused.*
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Milo, in diary room: "Yeah, tonight was awesome. I knew I had to get out of my head and be bold if I was going to make an impression on Devin. So, I kissed her," *laughs nervously in recollection* "I've never done anything like that," *stands there a moment, thinking back and then his face falls* "Oh, Watcher. What have I done?"
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Devin, in diary room: "Tonight was...interesting. I mean, I really enjoyed hanging out with Stan and Milo. And I felt Stan opening up to me, but I'm still don't really feel a romantic connection. There hasn't been that jolt like I've felt with some of the other guys. Which I hate because I really like him as a person.
And then there's, Milo. What was going on with him tonight? There was this level of immaturity happening that I didn't see before and it kind of turned me off to be honest. And the way he kissed me....it was just odd. I'm honestly just really confused about the whole thing."
Milo submitted by @belsasim James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims
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twoset-updates · 1 year
[100623 hong kong vip meet and greet audio recording + transcription]
link to recording: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19h4y1G7zp/
transcription of Q&A section below:
transcription/translation has been done to the best of ability; some parts were unclear due to noise, slurred speech, etc. 
note that as there is no video, there may be missing context from facial expressions or gestures.
any participants’ names mentioned are not written here as we do not know how their names are spelt.
those asking questions are referred to as Q[number].
approximate time stamps have been provided at intervals.
minimally edited for clarity. (they say “um” way too often.)
Staff: So we’ll first start off with a Q&A session, and afterwards it’ll be a signing, of course, there’s... so I’ll give the floor to Brett and Eddy. Thanks.
Brett: Thank you, thank you. [away from the mic] Can you guys hear me? [into the mic] Do I need this? This is better?
Eddy: Hi. Oooh.
B: Okay, we can use the mic.
E: I wanna see if there’s autotune. [sings offkey]
B: That’s a A?
E: [sings note] That’s an A. [sings again] Anyone with perfect pitch? No? No? Okay. Oh, in the front, nice. [sings again] That’s an A, right?
B: That’s an A?
E: Just checking, nice, nice.
B: [sings note]
E: Sounded a little bit sharp.
B: [sings the same note in a lower octave]
E: That’s sharp.
B: That’s not an A. [sings again in a higher octave]
E: That’s an A, but it’s sharp.
B: A-sharp.
E: No, it’s not A-sharp.
B: Okay, I’ll stop embarrassing ourselves.
B: Well, everyone, thanks so much for coming. This, we’ve actually been in Hong Kong for a few days now, right?
E: Yeah.
B: Um, it’s been like, five days? Six days? Can’t remember. It’s been a– This whole week has been a blur, because we’ve been preparing for our very first concert—tomorrow—of the tour. And it’s actually a special one ‘cause it’s with the HKFO orchestra, right? And so there’s a lot of moving parts, and this week, I don’t know, Eddy, what has been your favourite part of food in Hong Kong, so far?
E: I don’t know, I think Hong Kong just has some of the best, you guys have some of the best food in the world.
B: I have to agree, like—
E: And it’s not just like, Hong Kong food, it’s like, all different cuisines. Like yesterday we had a buffet, and it was just like...
B: Everything was there.
E: All the different styles, I’m like...
B: We even had pizza. And it was pretty good.
E: Yeah, and we even had like chicken rice, and like, [quietly] to be honest, I think it was better than Singapore, but... [normal volume] Can I say that? [laughs] Yeah, so I think the food here’s been great. The weather’s nice, actually. I know people think it’s really hot, but, y’know, Australia and Singapore also get pretty hot, as well, so... We’re used to it, I think. Yeah. 
E: Um, so yeah, it’s been really crazy, and we’re really– we really want to– I can’t wait to show you guys the show, but we– we think we should keep most of it a secret. I am just curious though: okay, raise of hands, who here plays an instrument? [pause] Nice. Okay. Can I– I’m curious, who– Keep your hands up if you have done, like, a music exam before, like ABRSM. [pause] Nice.
Brett: [laughs]
E: I think you guys will enjoy tomorrow’s show, then, ‘cause it’s– we wanted to– it was inspired off, like, we want to make it kind of relatable to what it’s like being a music student growing up, but... Yeah, I don’t know if there’s anything you want to say before we go to Q&A.
B: [mic malfunctioning] Does anyone– [inaudible] Hello? Hello? [mic works again] Hello? I think I can– [quietly] I think I accidentally turned it off. [normal volume] Anyway.
B: Did anyone go to our last show?
Fans: No.
E: Oh, wow.
B: Well, no one– no one came back. [fans laugh] Well, this might be your first and last one, too! [laughs]
E: Oh, no.
B: No... Okay, no, it’ll be fun. We can’t say too much, but Eddy kind of hinted at what it might be like, so I think I’m super excited. It’s also like, when it’s the first show, it’s– we never really know what’s gonna happen, too. So it’s kinda just, we’re gonna get thrown into the stage, just see just (a) pit of people, and we’re gonna just go from there, see what happens.
E: Yeah. Um, I mean... Yeah, ‘cause it’s like, we try to come up with a script, and a storyline, right? And we put in, like, jokes that we think, or we hope, are gonna be funny. But again, like you guys will be the first ones to hear this. So I’m really hoping there’s not gonna be like, dead silence, just like, no one laughs at your joke—ugh, just die on the inside, right? Nah, I think it’ll be fine.
E: Should we open up for some Q&A?
B: Yeah.
E: I’d love to chat with anyone that has some questions. Okay, lady there in white first?
Q1: Actually I have two questions. Number one is, your YouTube channel has been established since 2014, and that time you came in that your dream is to bring classical music to more people, and continue to inspire the next generation. Now, I think your dream is come true, right? So, then, what’s your next career path? What will you do, say, after twenty years? Still the YouTuber? Or do a few, some music school to educate the young– [inaudible, fans cheering] Ling Ling School.
B: I don’t know, I think Eddy wants to become a TikToker next. [laughs] Just kidding.
E: I’m too old for that, man. [laughs]
B: That’s a really good question. I don’t know how to answer that. I think...
E: I think if anything, you should show them your, uh, Arigatou dance, that you’ve been practicing.
[fans cheer]
B: [laughs] Let’s not preempt anything for tomorrow.
E: [laughs]
Fan: We can sing it for you!
B: [laughing] Oh, no no no.
Q1: [inaudible] Professor in Hong Kong.
B: Oh, professor in Hong Kong. Okay, look, I think for– [sighs] it’s tricky, because if you asked us ten years ago, what we would do, and say, ‘Look, we’re gonna make YouTube videos, or do these skits online, or tour over the world,’ we wouldn’t have believed anyone, right? We wouldn’t know. And one thing is for sure, is we never really know what would happen in ten years. We can only kind of guess where we’re going, kind of like, which direction we’re going. 
And we’re r– Actually we’ve– First of all, we’re really fortunate to have people watch our content, and then doubly fortunate to have people also inspired to pick up an instrument. Like we’ve seen that countless of times, wherever we go. I don’t know how it happened; I think, maybe we’re just someone there that... I mean, when we were growing up, we were basically watching violinists like Oistrakh online—like, black and white. That’s all we had on YouTube. And I remember my lap—like my violin’d be on my lap, I was watching, (and I’d) like play (the violin), trying to copy the violinist. But there wasn’t actually any YouTubers, like, in those times.
But in the future, I think educators is also definitely something we wanna do. Definitely always trying to—what’d that say?—make the pie bigger, or something. Like, so more and more people can come into classical music. And I think, I feel like, it’s not just us, it involves a lot of– more people as well. So, more– I mean, the last three years, there’s been a lot more classical music content creators. Which is a good thing. We’re bringing into more awareness that classical music is something that is just generally good for us, yeah—all the practice we do. And it has– I think it has good value, since practicing, you know, hard work, discipline—these are the things that we learn being a classical musician. Um, yeah, hope that answered your question. Um, [laughs] I just–
Q1: And the second question is, so, will you have the pressure from like, negative comment? Especially when you have, sometimes, [unclear]. How do you handle the haters and release your tension?
B: Wait, I just heard, what did I– is it back pain? Or–
Fans: [laugh]
B: Oh, Blackpink! I heard back pain!
E: Yeah, my back’s a bit sore, like– [inaudible, fans laughing]
B: I legit heard back pain.
E: [laughs]
Q1: So, how do you handle the haters, and like, let it out?
E: [groans] I mean, do you wanna answer that one?
B: I mean, I get back pain.
Fans: [laugh]
E: Like I think... Let me quickly ask Paganini. Because it wasn’t us, so it’s Paganini that had all the haters. So now, I’ll quickly call Paganini. 
Yo man, Paganini, how’d you handle the haters? [pretending to be Paganini] I just flex on them with my Paganini 24 Caprices! [inaudible, fans cheering]
Um, I don’t know, I think... I remember very clearly that day that we posted the video. And the first one or two hours were just, like y’know, Twoset subscribers, fans, watching it. They were like, “Oh, this is so clever, this is funny,” right? And then I remember at the time, we posted around our, like, midnight. So I was like, “This is kinda too calm. It’s like the calm before the storm.” I was like, “I’ll try to go to sleep,” but I couldn’t sleep that night, I was just like, “I feel like something’s gonna go off.” But eventually, y’know, after lying in bed for one or two hours, I fell asleep. Then I remember [laughing] when we woke up—
B: [laughs]
E:—it’s like, all my phone notifications (going), “DING DING DING DING DING DING DING!” I was like, “Oh my god.” And then so I remember reading through (the notifications/comments). And, to be honest, it’s like we kind of– I mean, we know how the internet works, and we expected the possibility that this would happen. So when it did happen it was like, “Okay, fair enough.”
I think, the– I did think one thing that caught me off guard at the time was, I was shocked at how much they went not just at us. ‘Cause I knew they were gonna come for us and say things about [inaudible]. But I was shocked that they came for everyone we knew. So I remember at the time, we met, like, James Ehnes—that soloist—the week before. And they were like, threatening him. They were sending– and he– I remember he, like, messaged us, and he’s like, “Who’s Blackpink?” ‘Cause he had no idea, and we were like, “[groans] Okay.” So we had to explain all that. And I remember the time they were trying to cancel our Mendelssohn with the Singapore Symphony, and so that was a little bit, like, shocking.
Um, but I think, I don’t know ‘bout you, but for me, it’s like... it was like– Okay, so first of all, when all the hate started coming in, I remember thinking, first of all, a lot of it was, like, kind of not very... intelligent comments, right? It was just like, vomit emojis, and poo emojis. I’m like, “Okay, I haven’t really read anything that’s legitimate,” you know, so I’m like, “Okay, that’s okay.” But then, I remember, like, it was really interesting to see, during that time, my– our close friends really stood up for us. So I think that was really... thankful. I mean, ‘cause you still feel it, right? You know it’s gonna happen, you know it doesn’t make sense, but you still kinda feel like, “Whoa, what is–” There are these people telling us to, like, literally do all these bad things and stuff, right? So I think it was cool, just how, like, our friends supported us, and be like, “Oh, just don’t listen to them.”
And then, obviously, I remember there was, like, after six hours, then a bunch of positive– you know, a lot of Twosetters came to support and defend us again. And that really helped, seeing people, like, stand up for us. I think it was really funny too, like then– it became like a fan war, as well. Like, BTS ARMY people were standing up for us, and I was like– I don’t know, it became like a battle between them, and I was like, “I have no idea what’s going on, this, like, K-Pop thing,” but um, yeah.
I think, going back to your question, how do we handle the hate? I guess... yeah, like, it just helped having friends and knowing that– and having, like, fans support us. I think that was the most important thing. I think if everyone was telling us what we did was bad, then I’d probably actually have a existential crisis. But you know, we had friends that was like, “No, I think what you did was fine, don’t worry about fans”—like you guys, you know—“it’s okay.” And then, also just knowing– ‘Cause I think also knowing, deep down, I think what we did was, like, it wasn’t... wrong. Like, I think– I mean, come on, standing up with– The whole theme of the song is like, you have to, at a certain point, stand up for your own values, right? And so, deep down, I– we believed in what we were saying. And when we looked at the comments, no one made us change our mind, because every comment was just like, poo emoji, so I’m like, “Okay, I think we’re still in the right,” y’know, so... yeah. That’s my perspective, I don’t know about you.
B: Uh, I think I forgot everything, it’s just [inaudible, fans laughing]. No, okay. It’s the same, I– Look, “haters always gonna hate”, we all know that line. And that was definitely, like, the most we’ve ever gotten. And Eddy was right. I remember watching the video, also kind of lying in bed. I was thinking, “I should probably go to sleep, this video... took a while to work it out.” And nothing happened, I was like, “Oh wow! Eddy, I don’t think we went hard enough.” No, I’m just joking. I’m like– And we did have a lot of iterations of the...
E: The lyrics.
B: The lyrics. So the one that we put out was actually quite mellow, [laughs] [unclear] what we had. But we did think that our original one was too far, so we’re like, “Okay, no, let’s just turn it back.” But like, it’s just another... you know.
E: It wasn’t us, it was Paganini, by the way.
B: Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, it’s, uh, Paganini, yeah, yeah. And then Mozart kinda just pranked Paganini the whole time, too, so.
[staff speaking inaudibly]
Yes. Oh, okay, okay, okay, sorry. We gotta get on to the next question. So sorry, let’s get on to the next question. [Brett and Eddy talking at the same time, Brett laughs.]
E: Do you want to choose? [Brett speaks inaudibly] Um... I don’t know, you choose. I picked the one before.
B: White mask.
E: White mask? 
[some people speaking, trying to identify which person]
E: Okay, yeah.
Q2: Hello, Brett and Eddy.
B: Hello.
Q2: I’m [name], and I have been a fan since the Ben Lee video, in 2019, and–
E: Since which–?
Q2: The Ben Lee video.
B: Oh, Ben Lee video– [inaudible, fans laughing]
E: Sacrilegious.
Q2: And it’s really a dream come true, to get to meet you in person. And so I would like to ask, out of the many videos that you have made, except for those million (subscriber) drops, do you have any particular videos that you like the most, or you feel (are) very memorable?
E: Mm. Um, sorry, can I just check, uh–
[commotion, sounds like some kind of accident happened]
Someone: You okay?
Q2: Yeah, I’m okay.
E: Okay. Um, “out of all the videos which ones we feel are memorable”, is that the question, right? [pause] Okay, this is recent, like, just ‘cause it’s fresh off my mind, but actually the video we posted yesterday. I don’t know if you guys saw, it was really fun. But we got invited to a univer– our old university, to be adjudicators. That was really... it felt really special to us, because it was where we studied, and we both did the competition before. And, uh, I didn’t win it, so.
Fans: [laugh]
E: But now I’m the adjudicator, so I was like, y’know. But I think that was really fun. There’s so many that I really like. Have you guys seen the video with, um, where we spoke Chinese, and the two spoke Korean, Hyung and Angie? That was really funny. And like, “ddongssa”, and we thought that was rosin? I really like that one. I don’t know, Brett, do you have any that stick out for you?
B: Uh, for me– Okay, that adjudication video we did, posted a couple of days ago, was special. One that stuck out straight away was the Among Us video we did for the Mendelssohn octet. I don’t know if you guys seen that one. That was really fun, especially playing with other people, and trying to figure it out, all that stuff. So that was definitely special. And... what else is there...
E: We did a video with HKFO actually, this week. And that was a really fun one, so–
B: Oh, that was it, that was good.
E: I’m pretty excited for that as well. Yeah, so many (videos), I don’t know. It’s like, it’s been ten years of making videos, almost. I think this is our tenth year, right?
B: Yep, [inaudible]
E: Yeah, so um... yeah.
B: The back pain is real now.
E: Yeah, the back pain [inaudible]. Yeah. Any other questions? Uh, yes?
Q3: Actually, it’s you guys who inspired (me) to study music next year. And I have grant to study abroad, to UK, [inaudible]
E: Oh, nice. Exciting.
B: Oh, congratulations.
Q3: Thank you.
[fans clapping]
Q3: And I want to ask, what’s suggestion would you guys give to someone who’s going to study music?
E: Uh, can I ask what instrument you play?
Q3: Trombone and piano.
E: Trombone and piano... I don’t have– I don’t know trombone advice.
B: I’ve never heard of that combo before, trombone and piano. Do you– Do you have a– Do you have one that you like more?
Q3: I think trombone.
B: Ohhh......
Q3: ‘Cause, like, the ratio of female and male trombonist is, like, one to nine. So I–
E: One to nine?! Wow.
Q3: I’ve only met around, like, five female trombonist in Hong Kong. But, yeah, but imagine it’s like, 100 people who play that.
E: That’s true, I’m trying to think about all the orchestras we played in. How many female trombonists have we seen?
B: None.
[fans laugh]
E: Queensland Symphony was all guys. Sydney Symphony?
B: None. They’re all–
[fans laugh harder]
E: Wow.
B: They’re all, they’re all usually on french horn.
E: Yes, usually.
B: Female players usually play on french horn.
E: Or trumpet, [inaudible]
B: Or trumpet, yeah, trumpet and french horn. Trombone, wow, you’re a first, I guess.
E: Actually, can I ask? How do trombone players view tuba players?
Q3: Can you repeat that?
E: How do trombone players view tuba players? Is it kinda like violin and viola?
Q3: Yeah, it’s like violin but it’s– there will be a few notes in one position, and you need to memorise them.
E: Okay.
Q3: Yeah.
E: Interesting. Yeah, I don’t know. What advice would you give, going to study in the UK?
B: You gotta book out all the practice rooms in advance. I know a lot about students’ struggle with that overseas, like UK, or the US.
E: Oh, what school? Have you– do you know that?
Q3: Um, that is [name] School. It’s a girls’ college–
E: Oh wow.
Q3: –and I got the scholarship
E: Oh wow. ‘Gratulations.
B: Lowkey flexing. [laughs]
E: Um, I think... hmm... I don’t know, I don’t know how to give, like, advice very well, ‘cause I feel like advice is always best when it’s like specific to your situation, that’s why–
Q3: So like, what would you suggest to adapt to this new environment?
E: Oh, okay. Adapting to new– you mean, in a different country, or in like a music school?
Q3: Music school, yeah. And I think it works in different countries, as well.
E: Mm... I think, um... My mind’s blanking, [unclear]
B: There’s like, numbers coming out of his head. [high pitched calculation noise] [laughs]
Okay, I’ll say something. I think when you go– are you going by yourself?
Q3: Yes.
B: Okay, I think, first, definitely meet– you’ll meet a lot of people, right? And always try to get with the community there, the people around you. Because I think when we’re studying, the one thing that’s important is about the people you spent the time with, right? So all the musicians are there, they’ll make you practice, they’ll keep you kind of in check. It’s definitely important to kind of mingle with them, and– I assume you’re, might have to try and get used to the lifestyle there? I mean, I don’t know what the lifestyle is like, but I know that brass players also drink a lot. [laughs]
Q3: Stereotype!
B: [laughs] Sorry. And you’re doing two instruments as well, so definitely... This is like a Sophie question, ‘cause she plays violin and piano, quite well.
E: Yeah.
Q3: I played violin before but the teacher was–
B: Whoa.
Q3: –so weird, that playing the [unclear], like, throw the [unclear] or something, if I play wrong notes, yes.
B: Was your teacher a Blackpink fan? [fans laugh] Just kidding, just kidding.
Okay, like, look, yeah, I– look, you have to just go with the flow. I know definitely it’s going to be chaotic at the beginning, but just know, after a few months’ time you’ll start settling in. I know when I first moved to Sydney—this wasn’t studying, but when I went to play with the Sydney Symphony—it was very chaotic. Just– I checked my schedule, like, everyday, just trying to make sure I’m on time. But after a while you get used to the flow, and then I think your normal practice routine will be back. So just– if you– it might be stressful at the beginning, so it should be alright, eventually.
E: Yeah, I think it’s just really exciting.
Q3: Yeah.
E: Sounds like a really big step in your life, and just, I think, make the most out of it. I don’t– You seem like you know what you want. You seem... I actually don’t think there’s much advice, other than just to enjoy it as much as you can. You will look back when you’re our age, thirty, like us, going back to uni and be like, “Those were good days.” So yeah, have fun!
Q3: Thank you.
[inaudible speaking]
E: We’ll go for a few more questions? I think we’ll go for a few more questions, yeah. Thanks. Uhh, Brett, choose.
B: I don’t– uhh, one in blonde.
Q4: I’m so nervous, I typed the question down on my phone, so I will [inaudible]. Since you guys started running your YouTube channel as a hobby, and it turned into a second profession other than being a violinist, I want to know how do you keep the passion alive to work in this situation? Because I’m also turning my hobby as a kid, drawing, to my future career. I’m going to attend art school this year, and I got into my dream school this year! Hooray! Uh, and, so I just wanna know– uh, so I’m already starting to see drawing as a work that has to be done, and I lost the motivation to draw as passionately as before. So, how do you balance– how do you balance it? And how do you [inaudible]. Thank you!
E: That’s a great question. Brett? [fans laugh] You guys are asking some really difficult questions, actually. That’s a very deep, philosophical... I think we need Wise Yang Sensei, with the life advice.
“How do you keep motivated when your hobby becomes your work,” is your question, right? Um... I think, for... Okay, I think for us, it’s about remembering why, and not losing sight of that. So it’s like, why do you love doing what you do?
And because it’s... it’s tricky, right? Because we always have to balance things with, kind of, reality, you know? I can’t– Sometimes, once it becomes your work, you have to meet deadlines, you have to work with clients, and sometimes clients might want this or that. And, you know, it’s part of what it’s like to make it your work. But I think if it feels like you’re losing motivation, maybe it’s time to kind of– rather than facing outwards, kind of go back inwards, and reconnect with the reasons why you love doing this—like a “why do you think it’s a good thing”.
That’s been it for me. I think, like, for example—I said this all the time—like, with YouTube as well, it’s like, it’s easy to fall into that frame of, like, “Oh, as a content creator we’re just chasing views, and then making content.” And there’s definitely been times where we felt the pressure to just make a video to keep making videos, or to make sure we get views, ‘cause if we stop making videos then it’s the internet and people forget about us in two days, you know, things like that, right? 
But then, at the end of the day, it’s like... You know, we did take some time off, and that was scary at the beginning. And then we realised, “Oh, it’s okay, people are still here.” And over time, you kind of decide, “Well, okay, these are the type of videos that we do want to do, because we know we’ll genuinely have fun. And then some video ideas, we know, probably will get a lot of views, but it’s just not something we want to do.” And then so, we’re like, “Okay, y’know, might be a good video but we won’t do it.”
So, I guess it’s to strike that balance between the job, or what you have to do, and fulfilling what you want inside. And if you don’t feel good, always just to– it means the balance might be a bit too much that way, (so) just kind of (pull) back a little bit. I don’t know if that answers your question.
Q4: Yes, [inaudible].
E: Alright, thank you.
Q4: Thank you!
E: Do you have anything to add?
B: No, I think you answered the question.
[all laugh]
E: Sweet. Any more questions? Uhh, I saw you raise your hand? Yeah, in black.
Q5: Thank you, Brett and Eddy. What is the most significant critiques you received from your comments, and how do you take that and make improvements? Maybe each one of you?
E: Ooh.
Q5: Thanks.
B: Full of vomit emojis.
Q5: So Brett, you cannot say, “Eddy, you answer the question,” okay?
[all laugh]
E: That was a critique right there.
B: [laughs] Critique. Most significant critic– criticism.
E: I think the most significant critique on comments is, “Eddy, stop doing paper in scissors-paper-rock.” But I never learn from that—I keep doing it anyway. I don’t know, I feel like... I can’t actually think of any off the top of my head. Most comments I can think of have always been so positive. Um... Can you think of any?
B: I honestly can’t. I think– in terms (of) criticism, most significant criticism...
E: Gonna pull out the comments to our latest video.
B: Yeah... I–
E: [laughs]
B: I mean, when you say criticisms, without the “comment”, I start thinking about me being in my violin lessons—my teacher saying this and that. But in terms of online, it usually feels like... It’s actually just a lot of positive comments usually, honestly. I know a lot of people—you know, we have like, 100 positive comments, one bad comment—people are gonna zone in on that. But we’ve kinda gotten used to that? And we just been treating comments as a feedback, for us to see what people like, what they enjoy. And in fact, I’ve really enjoyed some of the comments people make. Like, they make really clever comments, or– things like that gives me a laugh. And that just keeps us going, doing our own thing. Um, and– I don’t know if there’s a specific one, but I also enjoy reading a lot of– ‘s not really criticism, but when people have a story to tell in their comments. Like what they went through, what they’re doing, how they got here, what things have been happening, you know—these things kind of help us– well, they inspire us to keep, kind of, doing what we do, so. I don’t know if I really answered that question, but yeah.
E: Yeah. Yeah, I can’t think of any negative comments of the top of my head as well, but I was just quickly scrolling through, just then. And there’s so many funny– you guys come up with the funniest comments. Someone was like, “If you can adjudicate slowly, you can adjudicate quickly,” ‘cause we took so long adjudicating that day. But yeah, I think that’s... yeah.
B: Are there any more questions? Uh, the pink.
Q6: Hello, Brett and Eddy, I specially flew here from Chengdu to see you, so I wanted to hear the both of you speak Chinese (Standard Mandarin)—
B: [groans]
Q6: I wanted to ask if you have any plans to tour Mainland China this year, and do you have anything you'd like to say to fans in Mainland China? Finally, I'd like to welcome you to Chengdu to look at pandas and eat hotpot.
E: Oooh, hotpot.
[B and E discuss inaudibly]
B: I only heard "eat hotpot".
Q6: Are there any cities you want to go to; any tour plans?
Someone: Any plans for tour in China?
Someone else: In Mainland China!
B: Oh, right!
E: Brett, I thought you were practicing your Chinese, why don't you understand?
Someone: And do you have any preference, for the cities?
B: Ohhh, okay okay. Do I have to answer in Chinese?
E: Yes, she said she wants to hear us speak Chinese.
B: Uhhh, I like to eat hotpot. I would like– I would also like to go to Ch– Chen...
Q6: Chengdu.
B: Chengdu.
E: Also, I want to—what was that city we went to last time—Guangzhou. We want to go to Guangzhou.
B: Oh, right. I forgot.
E: Yeah. We’re not sure, we were thinking we could do it next year, maybe, but the plans haven't been, like...
Someone(?): Confirmed.
E: Confirmed, yeah, we haven't confirmed them. We just have some ideas. Also, maybe Shanghai? I think Shanghai—
[fans cheer]
E: Oh wow, okay. Yeah. Because the both of us have been to Shanghai; Brett went with the Sydney Symphony.
B: No, it was to Beijing.
E: Oh, you didn't go to Shanghai?
B: We went to Beijing.
E: Oh, so it was Beijing.
B: Right. [fans laugh] Yeah.
E: Oh. Wait, so have you been to Shanghai?
B: Nope. [fans laugh] I want to go though.
E: I've been before, I joined a tour group with a friend. And I remember, was it Pudong, Puxi, or something? You know there's that river—
Fans: Huangpu River. [T/N: Pudong and Puxi are districts to the east and west of the Huangpu River respectively.]
E: Huangpu River. And so many people were taking wedding photos there! Everyone was—I remember there were weddings everyday. Yeah, there were like five people getting married, I'm like, holy moly. Yeah. So maybe Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou; we really want to go, yeah.
Q6: Is there anything you want to say to the fans (in Mainland China)?
E: Thank you for all your support, and we'll continue to practice 40 hours every day. Yeah, cool.
Like, it’s 5:10, maybe two, three more questions?
B: Okay.
E: Maybe it’ll go to 5:30 [inaudible]. Yeah, uh, few more questions, yeah.
B: Uh... okay.
Q7: Okay, I come from Guangdong, and I will [inaudible].
E: Oh, nice.
Q7: Yeah, and I will ask the third question from my friend, I’m a [inaudible]. She asked, is tomorrow allowed to take any pictures during the performance?
B: If you’re allowed to take pictures?
E: Taking photos during the performance...
B: I think so...?
Staff: Not during the performance.
B: Oh, okay. Yeah, not during the performance, but...
Staff: Afterwards.
B: But afterwards.
Q7: But afterwards. Okay, [inaudible], thank you.
B: Okay. Do you have another question? Uh... in the white [inaudible]. Yeah, third row, yeah, yeah.
Staff: Sorry, which one?
B: [unclear]
Q8: Uh, hi.
B: Hi.
Q8: I am [name].
E: Hello.
Q8: A casual question: so I am really into MBTI.
B: Oh!
Q8: So, I really want to–
E: Oh, I love MBTI too!
Q8: Yeah, yeah, I love– I really want to ask you guys, what is your latest MBTI test results?
E: Can you guess? What– Do you know what we are, in the past?
Q8: I? Uh, no, I think Eddy is E.
E: I’m E? Think I’m a E? Guess what we are!
B: Oh, if you know, don’t tell her! Just let her guess!
E: We’ve talked about it online before, so if you know, don’t tell her.
B: Don’t tell her, keep your mouth closed, keep quiet!
Q8: Yeah, but like, because MBTI changes, it always changes.
E: Oh, okay.
Q8: Yeah, so some– for some people it always changes, so I would really want to know that– did your MBTI change, of any sort?
B: Oh, I guarantee Eddy hasn’t changed. [fans laugh] It’s very potent. Okay, guess– do you want to guess Eddy’s first?
Q8: Uh, I?
B: Yep.
Q8: S?
E: Maybe? Just keep going– [unclear] it’s okay!
Q8: IS... F... Is it F? No, it’s T– No, I think it’s T. [laughs] Uh... IST... P?
E: ISTP? That’s not–
B: Pretty close!
E: That’s the yellow dude, right? ‘Cause I [unclear] their colours. Is it yellow, or is it blue?
Someone: Yeah, yellow.
E: Yellow, he’s yellow.
B: Yellow, okay.
E: ISTP... He’s the guy with the toolbox, I think... With the tools, the drill!
B: Yeah, the drill.
E: Yeah! Close, close—I’m actually a INTP.
Q8: Ahh, okay.
E: So I’m the purple scientist, who just like– yeah, just stays in my room and practice all day.
Q8: That’s good, that’s good.
E: Yeah. How about Brett? Can you guess Brett?
Q8: I... N...
B: [laughs] She’s on the spot.
Q8: Yeah, you put me on the spot!
B: IN...
Q8: FP?
B: Wow, you’re very close on both.
E: Close, close.
B: I’m actually ENFP.
Fans: Whoa......
B: Whoa, why is it like “whoa”?
E: You know what’s a really funny story about this, actually? Even Brett didn’t know he was extroverted, in the beginning. So when he first found out he was ENFP he’s like, “What?! I’m not extroverted!” And then our friend was like, “An introverted wouldn’t yell so loud.”
B: [laughs] I remember that.
E: Yeah, he was like, “What?! I’m not extroverted!”
B: Yeah, [unclear] “The introvert would not do that.”
E: Yeah.
B: And I think I was telling everyone I was...
E: You thought you were INFP, initially thought, too.
B: Yes, yeah. And I was telling everyone, I was like, “No, I’m introverted, I’m introverted!” And [unclear] was like, “...dude.”
E: [laughs]
B: “An introvert would not do that.”
E: Yeah. So you’re very close, actually, yeah.
Q8: That’s good, thank you–
B: What are– what are yours?
Q8: Oh, mine is–
E: Oh, I wanna guess!
Q8: Yeah, sure, guess!
B: [inaudible] gonna guess?
Q8: Yeah, I’m going to turn you back right on the spot!
E: Um... I think you are...
B: [quietly] How are you gonna guess?!
Q8: No.
E: Aw, damn.
B: My turn, my turn. So I have one-in-fifteen chance.
E: Yeah.
Q8: Sixteen.
B: Sixteen?
Q8: Oh, no, sorry, fifteen, yeah, sorry.
B: No, one-in-fifteen, right? [to Eddy] You said INFP, right? No no–
E: Actually–
B: –no no no no no no no no let me– shhhh.
E: What colour do you think she is?
B: Uhh... ESFP.
Q8: Right. You’re–
[everyone cheering in shock]
E: Damn.
B: You know what gave it away?
E: What?
B: I think the way she dressed, it’s very outgoing. “Look at me, woo!”
E: ESFP... ESFP is the yellow one with brown [inaudible]
Q8: Yeah, it’s the Entertainer.
B: Wow...
E: Makes sense, makes sense. Nice.
B: Wow.
E: There’s uh, charades telepathy.
B: Do I get bubble tea?
E: [laughs]
Q8: Sure, sure! [laughs]
B: [laughs]
E: Nice.
Q8: Thank you!
E: Cool, thank you. That was a fun question.
B: [inaudible] we do one more question? Do we have time?
Staff: Maybe two more?
B: Two more, okay, cool. You can pick.
E: Um, alright. In the back, there?
Q9: Just a normal question: What’s your favourite movie, and why do you recommend it? Or which one do you think is the best use of classical music or violin?
E: Ooh, a movie.
B: That use–
E: Best use of classical music or violin.
B: Dude, that’s not a normal question, that’s a hard question. Whoa, that’s... Favourite movie...
E: That’s tricky. I’ll be honest, I don’t watch that many movies, so already that’s a bit hard for me.
B: Does anime count?
E: Yeah, I was gonna say, I watch anime. 
[fans say it counts]
E: Anime... but then there’s not that much anime with classical music. Obviously there’s Your Lie In April, there’s Nodame... They’re not really movies, they’re like series, right? What movie would you recommend, Brett?
B: I’m still thinking, just– I’m not sure yet, I just– It’s– Okay. I have favourite movies. But the classical music part, it’s... I’m not sure I have one that sticks out.
E: Yeah.
B: But, uh... Grease– There’s always all time favourites, like the ones from... You guys know Inception? It’s been a while now, right?
E: Mhm. I like Inception.
B: The dream in a dream—that was pretty cool. In fact, actually, there was an anime that had that, called Paprika. Right, Paprika?
E: Mhm.
B: They had the same concept, with the dream in a dream. But in terms of classical music, I can’t really access that right away.
E: Yeah, nothing sticks out in mind, I just remember the bad ones, and like, not good ones. But, I mean—I actually haven’t watched this movie—I’ve heard The Pianist is really good. I’ve been meaning to watch it, but I haven’t gotten around to it. Apparently it’s really good, The Pianist.
B: Oh, The Pianist.
E: Yeah. But apparently, it, like, makes you cry. I hate watching movies that make me cry, ‘cause then I’m just like, a mess. The most recent movie that I watched that made me cry—have you guys seen Coco? (The) Disney movie? I know it’s not classical music, but it’s a very musical movie as well, and dude, that movie wrecked me. It was like, so sad, so.
B: I didn’t know that.
E: Right, ‘cause you think Disney’s like, just for little kids and stuff, but it was like, full deep. And it’s about music, and stuff, so. Yeah, that was a cool movie. I don’t know if that answers your question.
Q9: Did you guys watch the new Spider-Man movie?
B: Oh, I haven’t seen it yet.
E: Wait, which one is the new one? But is it the one with the three (Spider-Mans)?
Someone: Across the Spider-Verse, it’s the animation one.
E: Oh, no, I haven’t watched it. Is it good?
Q9: It’s really good.
E: Ooh, okay. Cool, we’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, thank you.
B: Oh, one more question. Uh... Okay, in the front.
Q10: Hi, I’m [name] and this my girlfriend, [name].
B: [laughs] You guys saw that? He just put his hands all like...
Q10: Well, we are both violinists, and we’ve been dating for, like, five months. And I just have one question, that, um... Do you guys, like, get competitive all the time?
B: Wait, wait a second. Is this– are you asking for a friend, or like...?
E:  Is this relationship counselling right now?
Q10: Friendship-wise, but like, do you get competitive all the time, and like, arguing who being the best– who being the better one? And if yes, how do you overcome it and deal with it?
B: So... does she ask?
Q10: I ask this question.
B: Ohhh.
E: Somehow I feel like the question’s not really about us.
E: I don’t think we really do go competitive. Even like... okay, even back in uni, where we had some competitions where we’re against each other, we were never, like, competitive, you know? In the sense that we would still play for each other—like before our competition, we’d be like, “Hey, can you listen to my Mozart?” Or I’ll play my thing for you and just, you know, listen to each other, gives each other some feedback. I know there were definitely some students that were a bit more, like, weird about it. I remember, um...
B: Actually, for me it was similar. For the competitions, it was always about just making it through. Like, “Oh, you’re next, ohhhh.” I always thought about “Oh, who’s going first, who’s going second,” you know? And you can start playing these mind games with yourself.
E: Yeah.
B: So we don’t really get competitive. And honestly, I feel like I’ve never had the capacity to be competitive when I walk on stage. I just get really nervous, and I’m just trying to make it through the whole piece.
E: Yeah, same. It was almost like we’re both sharing the pain of going to this competition together, it’s like...
B: Yeah, but it’s not about us, so...
E: Oh yeah, that’s right, this question’s not about us. That is interesting though, actually. I have heard, you know, about musician couples. I don’t know, though. I don’t know what to say, Brett. Wise sensei, Yang-sensei. [laughs]
B: Okay, look—do you guys get competitive?
Q10: Sometimes.
B: Sometimes! Ohhh!
Q10′s girlfriend: Because we’re very, like, close in, like, level, and we’re gonna go to, like, university soon, and we’re both gonna study music.
B: Wait, so– but are you guys competing in the same university?
Q10g: Probably.
B: Probably? Have you got in the university yet?
Q10g: We have got in, and we both have full scholarships.
B: You both have full scholarships...
Q10g: And the same teacher.
E: Okay–
B: Whoa... Okay, this is– okay–
E: This is– okay, I have two ways of thinking about this, actually. I have the practical answer, which is interacting in normal day life. And then I have, like, the bigger picture—what I think about relationships.
So, I think, in life, meeting people that are genuinely close, that you form, like, life-long relationships with, is something that is so rare, and so meaningful. And that, to me, is always gonna be more precious than winning some competition. Like someone that you can trust, that you know that you guys will support each other. 
And so for me, like for people– like, for Brett, for example—like, I think it’s always that you should want the best for the other person, and you should also know that they want the best for you. And so, you know, if you see someone else exceed—even if, let’s say, for example, he won the Bach Prize and I didn’t, for example—even if in the moment I feel a little bit, like, jealous or envious—I’m not saying I did, I don’t remember how I felt, but if I did—I think at the end of the day, you should still commit. And there’s something you can practice, actually. Just practice being like, “No, I’m going to congratulate them, I’m gonna feel happy for them, because I want the best for them.” I think that’s really important, if you want to have a long–term– not even just relationship, like, a friendship, like a close friend, you know.
B: Yeah, I think you made a good point, like– Envy consumes you, if you’re not careful. Because it’s all inside you, you know. And there’s nothing to gain from envy—there’s literally nothing there, it’s just– you harm yourself inside. And it’s like Eddy said—yeah, envy happens? That’s why it’s one of—what’s that, like—seven deadly sins, or something. Like it happens, but it’s part of us to try and practice a way out of it, you know.
So you might feel it. It’s okay to feel it, you don’t have to be like, “I feel envy. Oh my god, I’m a bad person. Oh my god.” Just kind of be like, “Okay, well, it’s there, but I’m not gonna act on it. And I shouldn’t respond to it. I just look at it.” It’s like, “Oh, hi, envy. How’re you going? I’m going back to practice.” Just ignore it. And then, what Eddy said—it’s like, you practice congratulating the other person.
E: Mm.
B: So– and that’s– You’ll find that’ll help you in the long run, because then both of you, or who you’re congratulating, will help each other. And they say, “If you wanna go fast, you go by yourself; if you wanna go far, you work as a team.” So that’s really important.
E: Yeah. Even in the– I mean, even... Actually, that’s a really good point, right, like, when you’re young, it might feel like it’s just about who plays the best, who practices the most, who wins competitions. But actually, later, when you’re actually touring—and y’know, we meet a lot of soloists as well—who you know does matter a lot. And even if you’re the best player, if you just piss everyone off ‘cause you’re so competitive, no one will want to work with you. So that’s really important. Um, and–
B: He’s just– [laughs]
E: [laughs] Okay, but– [laughs] on a more day-to-day, practical level, I think—‘cause like, I have heard stories about this—I think the main thing is if someone else is practicing, don’t give advice unless they ask for it.
B: Oh yeah, don’t do that.
E: Don’t just walk into the room, be like, “Yo yo, I think your B-flat’s a bit out of tune, I think you should uh, work–” Like, don’t do that, don’t do that!
B: [laughs] [unclear]
E: It’s funny, though, ‘cause I’ve– we know, like, musicians that are musician couple—it’s a really common thing—and the insecurity... I have heard from– especially from couples where maybe one of them is more ahead in their career than the other one, it can feel like–
B: Or they’re in a string quartet.
E: String quartet is a big one as well. So, it’s– yeah, it’s not–
B: Oh, you guys in a string quartet?
E: Like it sounds funny, but it’s actually a tough challenge, and I hope– I wish you guys the best. Yeah.
Q10: Thank you.
E: Cool.
B: Alright, I think that’s it, right? Thank you, everyone!
E: Thank you, everyone, thank you!
Q&A session ends here. remainder of the video contains audio from the photo session, and op’s conversations, which will not be included here.
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starlight-ascension · 7 months
collection of all stars christmas headcanons (these have all been featured on my blog before, from multiple different users, thought i'd compile them in one post)
if you have any ideas feel free to comment 'em
hinata starts hyping in september. everyone tells her not until november. yeah, november, because so many of them start going into christmas mode in early november that everyone's caved in before that month ends
the girls taking Ako, Aguri, and Emiru to the mall to see Santa
Team KiraKira spends three days straight in the kitchen, making enough Christmas cookies to feed an entire village. Seriously, we’ve got over six dozen girls and over three dozen fairies, and some of them eat half their weight in junk food on a regular basis. KiraKira’s gonna be up all night for days, taking shifts for who sleeps and who makes Christmas cookies. They do every recipe in the book and by the time they’re done, they’ve spent tons of money on ingredients which whats-his-name ghost guy fetches (thank goodness Aoi has money to spare, eh?) They also appoint Pikario and Bibury to guard the cookies, so that no one steals from the cooling racks. The fairies and Cures take that as a challenge, and come up with increasingly crazy ways to steal some cookies, which the cookie guards respond with increased security measures to protect the cookies from both other Cures and each other; gotta appoint 2 guards because just one will have no one to stop them from taking all the cookies! it gets to Looney Tunes Heist Movie levels
there's many Christmas movie nights and sometimes on weekends, the girls will watch two or three movies in one night and wind up all falling asleep on top of each other mid-movie. There’s always popcorn with pieces of gingerbread or candy cane in it
Decorating the different teams’ Christmas trees involves every team pitching in, tons of sparkly garlands, bows, glittery ornaments, bells, rainbow lights everywhere because lmao imagine only using one colour for your christmas tree, the tree decked in the team’s motif (i.e. butterflies for team yes!5, clovers for team fresh, flowers for team heartcatch, musical notes for team suite, card suits for team dokidoki, stars for team star twinkle, etc), and flying mascots putting the massive glittery golden star on top
everyone 13 and under puts on a Christmas play for the older ones. Starring Kirara, of course, and complete with musical numbers and precure magic used for special effects/cool costumes. Everyone goes wild at the end
there is a LOT of gay kissing under the mistletoe
Team Suite 100% goes caroling around the city. In costume.
on Christmas Eve, Reika uses her powers to make it snow. she does so while flying above them in Ultra form. people who spot her go "omg i saw a christmas angel" because, well. girl in the sky with white wings and a white feathery dress, a glowing golden halo, and a golden crown. bringing snow.
team heartcatch decorate coppe like a christmas tree
-Inori knows all the secret extra verses to every Christmas carol. The cures who only know the first verse of each song are impressed. 
-speaking of caroling, the girls totally gather around the tree to sing carols. Several fairies who don’t want to sing instead choose to send Mana on a scavenger hunt throughout a dimension of their choice. This is treated like a spy mission that will decide the fate of the world, in the same way sneaking cookies from the cooling rack is treated as a major heist. There’s secret codes involved. 
from just-someone-online, the king/queen/idk what term they prefer of precure headcanons:
Miyuki pulls out all the stops with the Christmas movies. Rudolph, Frosty, everything. Her love of Christmas classics rivals her love for storybooks.
-Setsuna and Yuko teleport the other cures around their respective towns so they can get their shopping done as quickly as possible.
-Mana and Madoka arrange a Secret Santa party for everyone. It turns out to be way more work than either of them expected since there are so figgin many of them.
-Erika, Nozomi, and Hime keep trying to sneak a peek at their gifts. Their respective teams are having a hell of a time keeping them hidden.
-The weather takes a turn for the worse a few days before Christmas so the ice and fire cures work together to keep the roads clear so people can get home safely.
-Yayoi, Mai, and Yui design invitations to the Christmas party. (I know Yui’s not a cure but I feel like they’d invite everyone who knew they were Precure)
-On the day of the party, everyone’s freaking out because they all got a cure that they aren’t overly familiar with (Hikaru got Hikari, Aguri got Nagisa, etc.). Some the gifts end up being right on the money. Others…not so much. Let’s just say Nao didn’t like the ladybug plush as much as Komachi thought she would.
-The MahoPre use their magic to make it snow indoors once they finish with the gift exchange.
-Hugtan and Ai are in little Santa outfits and toddle around giving candy canes to everyone. Everybody gushes about how cute they look.
-On Christmas day, some of the cures track down some of the villains who weren’t reformed and wish them a Merry Christmas. None of them will admit it, but it brightened their day.
from kennycantdecide
- Team Star Twinkle has to take off early to help deliver presents
- Most teams try to join them, but end up getting motion sickness from the ship
- After too many present mishaps, they decide to make it so you get someone from the same color group
- Leads to arguments on color schemes (where does Black and Sunny fit?)
- They all try to have a sleep over at Alice’s manor near Christmas
- Many cures end up sneaking out because they can’t stand watching Christmas movies anymore
- Couples who aren’t officially together yet are always tricked into getting under a mistletoe, and the reactions are varied
- Mai and Yayoi are asked to help design the party decorations
- Erika tries to design Christmas outfits for everyone, but fails because there are so many of them
- The fairies dress like elves, some love it, others despise it
from kiramaipink
-Yuko totally helps KiraKira with the holiday treats!!
-Hana gets so caught up in cheering everyone on with the decorating & baking that Saaya & Homare have to remind her to do her gift shopping
-Ruru & Emiru perform a lil christmas song they wrote together
-Aside from the secret Santa exchange, Mirai, Riko, and Ha-Chan each made little handmade gifts for Mofurun <3
-Hime & Kirara working on styling cute holiday outfits for everyone
-At some point Yukari & Akira sneak away to have a quiet little gift exchange <3
from sunnypokegrapher22
- the ice cures would make a ice palace theme amusment park for the other cures to play in. it aways has a team motif included in the designs. the team motif i decided in a ruffle 
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hypmic-translation · 10 months
CHORUS Get hooked; screw up; but don’t lose heart, action plz It’s alright if you weren’t born lucky, passion plz We’re always turning our regrets into energy 1, 2, 3, turn it up yo
DICE Action plz Heart pounding against my ribs Just in time, roll a big six This game of Craps just don’t stop
DOPPO I wish this was fiction plz I need a reset button to hit Everyone watch as I wreck havoc on the world for real
DICE: A cog in a machine on the verge of losing control DOPPO: A tightrope walker moments away from falling over DICE: Take it easy baby now DOPPO: Take it easy baby now BOTH: Whatever, forget all that and just let go!
CHORUS Get hooked; screw up; but don’t lose heart, action plz It’s alright if you weren’t born lucky, passion plz We’re always turning our regrets into energy, that’s our commitment We say pien, pien, pien, pien, go, go, go, go!
DOPPO Oh no… I’ll wolf down a quick lunch, paid using overtime work Eh? My phone just won’t stop ringing Hardcore rhymes scribbled on the back of time cards Working together to get everything done today quickly (1, 2, 3) Yes, imitate those around you (2, 2, 3) Everyone stand in a straight line I’ve worked as hard as I can, so Now I’ll put my heart and soul into singing Thank you for the meal!
DICE I can see the path leading to victory (1) Watch me, watch me, watch me go Exceeding expectations and becoming someone unique (2) Thrills are the only nutrients I need Leaving everything up to chance
DICE: Yeah, take it easy baby now DOPPO: Take it easy baby now BOTH: Whatever, forget all that and just let go!
CHORUS Get hooked; screw up; but don’t lose heart, action plz It’s alright if you weren’t born lucky, passion plz We’re the type of guys people dislike, who get knocked down then stand back up and fight We say pien, pien, pien, pien, go, go, go, go!
DICE: Right now this max bet will make-or-break me DOPPO: This corporate drone is rebelling, a cornered rat biting back BOTH: It’s no question— We all turn to ash eventually Aah, what a way to meet one’s fate, how pitiful is that… (3)
DICE: Dead or Alive in the house DOPPO: Crazy DOPPO in the house BOTH: Yes, yes, high, high, now just let go!
CHORUS Get hooked; screw up; but don’t lose heart, action plz It’s alright if you weren’t born lucky, passion plz We’re always turning our regrets into energy, that’s our commitment We say pien, pien, pien, pien, go, go, go, go!
Get hooked; screw up; but don’t lose heart, action plz It’s alright if you weren’t born lucky, passion plz Take all the fortune you can get, until the day comes where we can laugh together Rivals! Rivals!
Dice’s line here is “この眼で勝ち線”, read as “kono mede kachisen”, with “勝ち線” meaning something like “victory line”. This is a play on words, as the similar phrase “勝ち戦” is read as “kachiikura”, which means “victorious battle”, but the kanji “戦” on its own can be read as “sen” and means “game”, so “kachi(sen)” loosely translates to “victorious game”. He does a similar thing with the “眼” in “mede” — “眼” means “eye”, but isn’t usually read as “me”. “目” which also means “eye” is read as “me”, but can also mean the pips on a die/rolled number.
In a similar situation to the example above, the phrase “無理線” reads as “murisen” and means something like “impossible line” (線 is the same kanji for line as in the previous note). However, “無理せん” also reads as “murisen” and is often used in the commonly seen phrase “無理せんといてな” which means “take it easy/don’t push yourself”. So “無理せん超え” means something like “going beyond my own limits”.
The line here is explicitly written in the lyrics as “なんて運命(さだめ)だ”. “運命” is the word for “fate”, read as “unmei” — but what Dice and Doppo actually says is what’s written within the brackets, “さだめ” (“sadame”). This can also mean “fate”, but its primary meaning is “law/rule” or “arrangement/agreement”. The line as a whole seems to be the two of them mocking what others say about them, so another way to interpret it could be “that’s just what happens to people like you”.
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boysplanetrecaps · 5 months
Build Up Episode 0: Getting to Know the Boys Part 2: Team Soul
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Hey friends! Continuing my introductory posts about the guys on MNET's Build Up before I can dive into proper recaps, here's the low down on Team Soul -- their background, basic info, and my opinion on their teaser performance (and other performances). (I did Team Allround last time.) Let's go!
Same disclaimers apply -- 1) these are all excellent vocalists and I am just splitting hairs here 2) this is taking forever and screencaps with my video source are tricky, so please forgive my awkward screencaps and occasional typos. Thank you!!
Ma Jaekyung
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Jaekyung is 27 and from a group called Romeo, where he was the main vocalist and performed under the name of Kyle. He also appeared on Mixnine, that blighted show that produced a group that never debuted. It was such a fiasco, ugh, and so many trainees went through hell for nothing. Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T. , Jeong Inseong from KNK, and Donghun from A.C.E. all went on that as well, so they all might have gotten friendly then. 
Jaekyung (and the other members of Romeo) also went on Peaktime, a show for idol groups that had already debuted but weren’t super successful, including Vanner (who won!), M.O.N.T, and BDC, so he may have met Taehwan, Bitsaeon (again), and Hong Seongjun. When Romeo was on Peaktime, they performed the SHINee song Juliette, which is a cute choice since that’s the name of their fandom. And then MNET didn’t bother airing that performance. Thanks, MNET! Themnet. 
So, as for his group itself. Romeo was a 7 member group that debuted in May of 2015, when he would have been 18 years old. The group did slightly better in Japan than they did in Korea, but none of their Korean singles charted at all and most of their MVs have fewer than 200,000 views. Their biggest hit appears to be Lovesick. When the guys from Romeo went on Peaktime, they revealed that Romeo had disbanded at some point in the past. 
In Jaekyung’s k-profiles listing, it says he’s” a 4D” kind of guy, so I guess we should watch out for his personality, if MNET will show it. It’s hard to picture a guy in a tan blazer as wacky, but we’ll see!
His teaser song was V25, Passing by Kim Bum Soo. For me, he has a really nasal tone to his singing that isn’t my favorite, and I am not a huge fan of his kind of wobbly vibrato, but like everyone on this show, he’s essentially a very good vocalist, with what seems like a very good sense of pitch. Again, it’s a ballad and my ears sort of turn off, so I’ll keep an open mind. 
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Here is Kang Seokhwa, who is in WEi. He also went on YG Treasure Box, where he would have met CIX’s Seunghwan, and Produce X 101, where he ranked 35th and would have met two of the all rounders on this show, Choi Suhwan and BDC’s Hong Seongjun.
WEi, pronounced something like “we-eye”, is a six member group that debuted in 2020. WEi is almost entirely made up of contestants from Produce 101, Produce X 101, and Under 19, including some who won their seasons. Seokhwa is their main vocal. The WEi song Spray spent some time on my playlists recently, but I don’t know many of their other songs. WEi’s most popular member, Johan, is significantly more popular than the others; he came in first place in Produce X 101. Their videos get around 10-15 million views each, putting them slightly lower in the popularity ranking than CIX and AB6IX, but leagues ahead of IMFACT and Romeo. 
I checked out an MR removed video of Spray and Seokhwa was really stable, so I can see why he’d come on the show. He’s V37, and it’s a ballad and you know me by now so it’s hard for me to give this a chance but he has a sweet voice that sounds best when he’s singing more softly, which can’t be said of everyone on this show. We’ve got a lot of belters here! He strains a bit on the higher notes, and I feel like he closes his throat a bit when he belts, but doesn’t get too nasal, which is good. He’s young yet -- he’s only 23, one of the younger people on the show -- and I hope he keeps working on his voice, because he has a lot of potential. 
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Donghun will turning 31 at the end of February of this year (2024), and he’s already done his military service.
He is the main vocal of A.C.E., a five member group under Beat Interactive/Swing Entertainment that debuted in 2017 with the song Cactus. Their songs don’t chart in Korea, but they get into the top twenty on the US World Chart, because USA has taste, yo. 
If there’s one song of theirs that I think you’d know it would be Goblin (Favorite Boys). But there’s also Under Cover, which is also a banger. Whoever did the subtitles on their older videos puts the names of the singers in, so you can easily find Donghun in their videos. Some of their older songs have 15-20 million views, but their newest comeback, an English language mid-tempo ballad called Effortless, has less than a million views, maybe because it’s in English? Or because it’s a mid-tempo ballad? I don’t know, if you like Who Do You Love by Monsta X, songs like that, you might like Effortless. Really, their songs are good. I feel like it’s a weird situation where everyone likes A.C.E. but somehow they’re still kind of nugu. I know, that doesn’t make sense. 
Donghun went on Mixnine (he won 8th place and should have debuted), so he probably knows the other Mixnine contestants on this show: Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T., Ma Jaekhyung from Romeo, and Jeong Inseong from KNK. He may also know Park Jeup from when they both went on I Can See Your Voice 4.
He set himself up for a tough time by singing an EXO song for his teaser song (V20, Miracles in December). Literally no one can sing it like they can. Still, he does pretty well. He has an appealing warm vocal color and he really goes for that long held note, holding it with good breath support. I just worry because I can almost feel his throat straining on the higher notes. He hits them, but it’s got to hurt. He also relies on some pretty loud background vocals so it’s harder to tell how much of it is live. Despite that, he’s an excellent idol singer and I’ll always support A.C.E. and him.
Lee Minwook
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Minwook is 23 and is in a group called Newkidd. I guess he likes vests? What, oh what, what on earth is up with the styling for these guys? Most of them are dressed like they’re going to a college interview. I don’t get it!  
As far as I know, Minwook hasn’t been on any other survival type shows, making him one of the 15 members of the cast who haven’t (and 4 of those are musical actors). 
Newkidd is a 7 member group under J-FLO Entertainment, an agency that manages only them, and the debuted in 2019. Most of their MVs get a million views or fewer. From what I can tell, their most popular song is Tu Eres, featuring the Spanish refrain “tu eres, tu eres, tu eres bonita” (you are, you are, you are pretty). The comments on the video are mostly in Spanish and show a lot of excitement about hearing Spanish in a Kpop song, and I can’t blame them! Representation! So maybe Newkidd is more popular in Spanish speaking countries and is courting that market. That’s smart -- it’s a huge market! 
In his teaser, Minwook was V09, The Manuel by Eddy Kim, an example of a ballad I actually like -- it has some interesting chord progressions and isn’t sappy at all. I also like his performance. He seems to just be singing live while accompanied by just one guitar, which gives me faith in his vocals. I think his voice might be more “unique” than “soul” but these categories are pretty reductive anyway. He puts a lot of warmth into his lower notes and makes you almost feel like you understand what he’s singing. He doesn’t display his higher register or belt as much here, so I’ll be waiting to see more of what he can do. 
Lim Sanghyun
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Sanghyun is listed as a singer-songwriter, and he’s 27. He’s considered a ballad artist specifically, and is signed to MNH entertainment, where he releases mostly digital singles. I know the ballad market in Korea is really big, even if it’s not my favorite, so go for it, Sanghyun! 
His teaser was V14, one of those kinds of ballads I hate so much that it’s hard for me to be fair. He sings in that classic K-ballad style, that kind of gruff whisper-sing, which can go either way for me depending on the song.I don’t think he ever really lets go and belts in his teaser, so I’ll be curious to hear what that would sound like. 
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This is Bain, age 22, and I adore his voice. (His name is pronounced “bane”, if you’re wondering, based on the hangul.) 
Let me talk about him for a moment. 
No, wait. Instead of me talking, you should just listen to this. It’s just a straight forward, earnest cover of Oliva Rodrigo’s Driver’s License, with no winky “ha ha I’m a boy singing this,” no sarcasm. Just a pure performance. His vibrato is so sweet. He exhibits barely a trace of nasality, and when it’s present, it’s for the emotion of the song. The notes he hits in his full chest voice? I can’t believe it. And his mixed register is like, chef’s kiss. I can’t. I just can’t. I’d never heard of him before this show, but I heard this performance and I was good. Even my fella was like, “wow, this guy has technique.” So you’re going to have to accept that I’m a Bain fan and will be cheering for him. 
I had to look into Just B. They’re a 6 member group under Bluedot Entertainment, a subdivision of Kakao that manages only them. They debuted into 2021, and their members were contestants on Under 19, I-land, and a few other survival shows. (Side note: I watched a lot of I-land, but never saw any of Under 19. Starting to think I should add it to the list.) JustB has a few title tracks out at this point and they usually get about 10 millions views each. I listened to a few of them over the last few days (it’s taking me a while to write this recap) and I’ve come to like a few of their songs. Their most recent comeback is called Medusa, and though the lyrics make negative amounts of sense, it’s pretty catchy. I also liked Damage quite a bit. The group doesn’t seem to have set positions, but it seems that Bain and Geonu are more or less the main vocals. 
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Jay Chang, V02, age 22, famous for almost making it into Zerobase1, landing in 10th place. He’s American, with a white-Filipino-Chinese ethnic background, and on Boys Planet, he was extremely popular among the “Global” voters, but not very popular among the Korean voters. He also went on another show called Under 19 at some point, if you watched that -- I didn’t, but maybe I should. In case you didn’t watch Boys Planet, here is his initial audition to Rush Hour,and here is his performance of Exo’s Love Me Right (he was main vocal).
I know that most of my 3 or 4 readers are Jay fans, and that is cool by me. I’ve always thought he has a really really lovely, clean vocal color, he has good stage presence, and I think he’s basically a nice guy, though he sorta gives me fuckboi vibes sometimes. I also think -- and don’t get mad at me, ok? -- I also think that he needs to work on his pitchiness and nasality. That’s true in both the opening notes of his Rush Hour audition, and at points in his Baby Baby teaser song. He was one of the top 3 or 4 vocalists among the Boys Planet boys, but he’s in a different setting now and might just be outsung by the other vocalists here. I hope that you’re ok with that. I’m not saying that he’s a bad singer. Everyone on this show is a very good singer, and Jay is also a very good singer! I’m just looking for a voice that can compete with D.O.’s voice, and my standards are up in the sky. (Hanuel wilo fly fly!)
Jung Soomin
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Jung Soo-min loves slightly goofy, informal outfits that scream “Hi, I’m American!” Which he is -- born in Chicago. That's about all I know about his background.
Check out his performance, V30, a really sweet cover of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” in which he accompanies himself on the guitar. I think it speaks for itself, but I’ll say a few words anyway. I really like his voice -- sweet, light, a little textured. Great agility, and good performance of the emotion/feeling of the words. Just delightful. I’ll forgive your hat. 
Here he is on tiktok talking bout his experience on the show (in English). He says that his attitude toward competition is to just do the best he can, that the competition is really with himself. He seems like a nice guy.
Kim Seongjeong
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Seongjeong is a musical actor, and his performance in V16 shows that. It’s not a style of singing that I tend to respond to, but I respect its natural quality and hard-earned technique. Vocally, he wouldn’t at all be out of place on Broadway. Considering his rich timbre and excellent breath support, I’d be interested to hear him sing something more in the pop or r&b style to see what it would sound like. My sleuthing tells me that he’s 25 (born in 1999) and acted in Hadestown and West Side Story. And look at that smile! Totally transforms his face. 
Park Joohee
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Joohee is another one of the contestants I just can’t find much info on. His teaser song was V15, Stand by Me by SHINee, and it was perfectly nice. Not mind blowing, but easy to listen to. He has good agility and a nice vocal color, but seems to lack breath support -- either that, or he was just really nervous, which seems likely.  Also, the camera hardly ever shows him, so it was really hard to get a screencap of him.
Ok, that's team Soul! Feel free to go on to the next post, Team Power.
And thanks for your amazing response to my first post -- I was really worried you all would murder me for saying slightly negative things and thus far that hasn't happened, so thanks! You're all peaches. Have a beautiful day.
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yeonjunszn · 2 years
so sick ! — 36
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pairing: idol!lee heeseung x non-idol!f!reader
summary: when your boyfriend of almost eight years cheats on you your senior year of university, you decide that you’re done with anything and everything to do with love. that is, until you meet a guy who sings love songs for a living.
— hi hello, sorry if this is a little rushed? i wanted it to be kinda short. (more after the cut!)
‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵
thirty six: worth it (830)
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you sit in ryujin’s car, parked down the street from the enhypen residence to maintain a low profile. your fingers grip around the steering wheel just a bit tighter out of nervous habit. you would have to text heeseung that you’d arrived in a couple minutes so he could sneak you past the security system.
honestly speaking, this part was more difficult than the actual project itself. you felt like you were walking on eggshells. but you knew it was necessary in keeping heeseung out of the public eye.
you take a deep breath before pulling out your phone to message the green haired male, adjusting your bucket hat and mask while grabbing your backpack prior to exiting the vehicle. you lock it with the key rather than the alarm and begin the short walk to the dorm.
heeseung meets you halfway, smiling a little at the sight of you dressed so similarly to what he’d wear to a lecture. it was endearing.
his hand finds its way to the small of your back, leading you down the sidewalk. when you reach the dorm, he does a quick scan to make sure everything is in order before ushering you inside. the moment you step in the air conditioned home, you slip out of your shoes, heeseung doing the same.
“you can take off the hat and mask if you want.” he says, his hand still protectively placed on your lower back. when he realizes, his cheeks warm up and he quickly retracts.
you let out a giggle, removing said articles and fluffing your hair to rid of any indentions the hat might’ve left. you bow slightly. “thank you for having me in your home!”
his eyes widen a bit, his face feeling significantly hotter already. he glances away from you for a second to compose himself. “i-it’s no problem really! you’re welcome here!”
you stare at each other for an unmeasured amount of time, not sure who should move or speak first. thankfully, someone clears their throat beside you and your attention is shifted. you recognize the person as his group mate jay. “uh— the kitchen table is clear for you. and jake made ramyeon in case you’re hungry.”
you nod, afraid that your voice would fail you. heeseung pats his shoulder. “thanks. i’ll pay for dessert later.”
“cool okay. have fun,” jay turns to you. “nice meeting you, y/n.”
“y-you too!” you squeak out, mentally slapping yourself for letting your nerves get the best of you. the male’s sharp features seem to soften at your suddenly shy behavior.
when he’s finally out of sight, heeseung guides you into the kitchen. you set your things down and watch as he serves himself, glancing up at you in silent question. you nod with a smile, not having eaten yet today.
you pull out a notepad and your pouch of colorful pens, doodling around the edges of the page while you wait for heeseung. the cluster of stars, hearts, and swirls fill up the borders quickly, leaving just enough space to lay out your ideas for your project.
heeseung sets a bowl and a pair of chopsticks beside the notepad, sitting directly across from you with his own. he points at your doodles with the end of his eating utensils, his lips quirking upwards. “those are cute. do you do that a lot?”
your cheeks warm at the compliment, capping the pen in your hand to begin eating. “sometimes. usually when i’m taking notes during lectures. but it depends on the class and how important the notes are.”
he hums, slurping his noodles a little less than mannerly. you snort at the way his lips shape into an over exaggerated ‘o’, the noise almost echoing throughout the kitchen. he wipes his face with a paper towel and pouts. “why are you laughing at me?”
“you look silly,” you tease, your hesitance fading away. “and a little cute, but i didn’t wanna admit that to your face.”
he squeezes his eyes shut and clutches his heart. “just a little? wow, you wound me, y/n. my fans would be so upset to hear you, a self proclaimed fan, thinks so poorly of me.”
you playfully roll your eyes at his behavior, pulling out your phone to snap a picture of how funny his expression was. (you tell yourself it’s because you wanted to use it for friendly banter later on and not because you wanted to remember this moment.)
the sound of your camera clicking has him reopening his eyes, watching your expression affectionately as you look at the picture. you had no idea what you did to his heart. just the mere thought of you had it racing a million miles a minute. and even if you weren’t ready right now, he had no problem waiting days, months, or even years for you.
it was worth it just as long as he got to see that smile of yours.
‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵
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