#and all the masks were like $25 bucks except the one that came with the hood. which qas like $12
misqnon · 2 years
cat snowglobe.....
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honeyhan-123 · 4 years
The Artist ~ II
Summary: When Steve meets the reader at an art class he immediately becomes enticed and maybe, just maybe, she can help heal his wounded heart.
Warnings: Lil’ bit of angst/previous heartbreak
Word Count: 3.2k
AN: Here it is! The next chapter of The Artist! Thank you so much to everyone for their feedback. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get the next chapter out by next Saturday as I have a uni exam on the Friday but I’ll try. 
As usual, a massive thank you to @imanuglywombat​ for the beautiful moodboard and @magdaleneruth​ for being an exceptional beta. 
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
Part One
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Despite the serum making him run hotter than most, harsh temperatures always managed to seep under his skin. The cold wind nipped at Steve, sending a chill down his spine, he’d spent enough time on ice for one lifetime.
Days like these reminded him of those nights, when he’d tuck in next to Bucky. Most of the time they hadn’t been able to afford heating—when things made a turn for the worse, Bucky would crawl in next to him, cocooning him in his arms, sharing his body warmth. 
Steve had struggled for a long time after the first of those nights. A mixture of emotions has swirled inside him and he had no idea what to do, let alone what to think or how to feel about it. He felt lost.
Bucky was his one constant—the one person he could come to, always. Who could he turn to when he, himself, was the catalyst?
Maybe it was wrong by old world sensibilities. He didn’t see it. He didn’t care, not really. Not when the even beating of Bucky’s heart thumped against his back as he drifted into a peaceful slumber.
It was only years later, during the war when Steve had met Peggy and found that same solace that he had realised what it meant. 
Steve shuddered against the wind, curling himself further into his jacket, trying to wrap it around him tighter as though it would help him purge those memories from his mind. 
He heard a sound before he felt the impact—catching  against his chest, it almost clapped against his coat. Digging his hands from his pockets, he grabbed the paper. He could barely make out the heading as the wind kept folding it over, this way and that, obscuring his sight of the blasted thing. 
When he finally managed it, his face broke out into a smile. 
Calling All Art and Wine Lovers. Do you love art? Do you also love wine? Come down to Roman’s Bar for a night of painting with accompanying wines. Entry fee $25. Drinks and easels are supplied but feel free to bring your own. 
He skimmed the rest of the flyer to find the first session was happening Monday night. it would only be painting a fruit bowl or something like that, but for some inexplicable reason Steve felt compelled to go. It almost felt like fate that he’d happened upon that flyer. Not that he put much stock into that.
Maybe he could convince Sam to go with him… maybe Bucky? He had always been interested in Steve’s art back in the day. It might even help him feel more like himself. Steve knew he hadn’t been adjusting very well since coming back from Wakanda, since that conversation. The world still felt so new and different and he hardly trusted himself due to his days as the Winter Soldier.
With his mind made up, Steve strolled through the city streets, a new found warmth blooming in his chest and a smile on his face. 
‘I’m not sure, Steve. I was never that good at art like you.’ 
It was Sunday evening that Steve had finally decided to broach the idea of drunken painting with Bucky.
‘You don’t have to be, Bucky! That’s why this is so perfect. I can guarantee you it will be a relaxed night of drinking some wine and painting a couple of pieces of fruit. It’ll be fun.’ Steve could see him mulling over his words, his brows pulled close into a frown. 
‘What if they recognise me, though? That’s a great way to ruin everyone’s night.’ 
‘Bucky.’ Steve clasped a hold of the brunet’s shoulder, forcing him to look into his eyes. ‘Everyone knows it wasn’t you in Vienna and everyone knows you weren’t in control for all those years before.’
It broke his heart to hear his best friend talk so dismissively about himself. He tried not to let it show on his face when Bucky shrugged his hand off of his shoulder. 
‘I think it will be really good for you, getting out, you know? Letting people see the real you. You’re an Avenger, Buck. You can’t hide away forever.’ 
‘I don’t even know who the real me even is anymore.’
‘Then this is a perfect starting point. You can find out if you like drinking wine and painting.’ 
Maybe he was stretching, but he was just so eager to show him the new world. Bucky had to face the fact that if he continued hiding in the shadows, then rumour mill would only continue to turn. 
He was desperate to get his best friend back. Things hadn’t been quite the same since that night. ‘Look, if you hate it, I promise I won’t bug you about going back.’ 
Steve could tell Bucky still wasn’t a hundred percent sold on the idea, but he nodded. ‘Fine I’ll come. Where the hell are you taking me, Rogers?’
Despite the near perfect mask Bucky’s face wore, Steve could tell he was nervous. ‘Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will be fine.’ 
He let out a sigh that turned to a muttered uh huh before stepping forward and pushing open the frosted glass door. 
Steve had no idea what he had been expecting but Roman’s Bar was definitely not it. He couldn’t help but be taken aback. The room was buzzing despite it being a Monday. It looked to be a popular after work hangout for those that lived in the Brooklyn area.
‘Hi there, are you looking for a table for two?’ A handsome man came up to the pair, his voice was deep and flowed like honey. Steve peered at the tag on his chest pocket and read that his name was Miguel. 
‘Uh… I’m sorry. I think there’s been a mistake.’ 
Realisation washed over the man’s face and he nodded in understanding. ‘You’re here for the wine and painting class correct?’ Steve nodded, relieved that he at least wasn’t making a complete fool of himself. ‘Don’t worry, it’s right through here. Most of the painting patrons come in through the side entrance over on J Avenue. I’m sorry for the mistake.’ He led the two men through the heaving crowd and Steve started to get second thoughts. 
He had expected a more elderly crowd, similar to the one at Maxine’s class last week, not young twenty-somethings. Yet when Miguel pushed through a velvet curtain at the back of the room, they were led down a small hallway—Steve could see another door leading out onto the street and assumed this was the entrance Miguel had been talking about. They were led through another frost glass door and he was relieved to see a room much more like the one he had been expecting. 
It was small, cozy, and slightly old fashioned—a complete contrast to the sleek, modern bar he had just left. They’d only just arrived but Steve already felt right at home. Some soothing Jazz was playing from a record player in one corner of the room, completely drowning out the vibing music that had been pumping out on the main floor of the bar.
‘This is Susanne. She’s the lead instructor for tonight. I hope you fine fellows have a pleasant evening.’ As he turned to start heading back to the main room, Steve could have sworn he saw Miguel wink at him and it sent a rush of excitement through him. 
‘Good evening gentlemen. You’re just in time, we were just about to start. The entry fee is $25 each. Will you be paying together or separately?’ Susanne’s voice was soothing and Steve hastily fished a fifty from his pocket. 
‘Together, thank you.’ 
She nodded and took the bill, heading over to a small bar in the back corner of the room. 
‘What can I get for you? Would you like a glass of the house white or red? Other options are available, but at an extra cost.’ 
He shared a look with Bucky before responding. ‘Two of your house reds, thank you.’ 
‘Of course, dearie.’ She pulled two glasses from underneath the counter and uncorked the bottle. The dark red swirled in the glass as she poured.
Steve thanked her again as he and Bucky took their drinks. 
‘If you need a refill at any point just let one of the servers or instructors know. Now it’s nearly eight, so why don’t you grab a seat and we’ll be starting very soon.’ Steve smiled and led Bucky off, searching for a pair of seats together. 
The easels were set up in a semi-circle around a stool with a bowl of fruit. There were only two rows and even though the first wasn’t filled yet, Steve headed for the back row, knowing it would make Bucky more comfortable. 
Once they were all settled in, Steve pulled his sketchbook from his bag and placed it on the easel. Even though the bar had supplied some utensils, he again opted for his own pencils—this time bringing some coloured ones along. 
He could see Bucky’s eyes darting around the room, assessing everything from neighbouring faces to points of entry. It had been so long since he’d been able to rest. Steve just wanted to put him at ease or at least offer him some respite to the memories that plagued him.
He sighed at the thought, having more than enough guilt for them both.
The door swung open, catching Steve’s attention. He felt his jaw go slack at the sight.
There you were. You wore the same button down shirt and jeans as last time and Steve figured they must be your painting clothes. You seemed slightly frantic searching through the crowd, more than relieved to find Susanne as she bustled over to you. 
‘I’m so sorry I’m late. Work was hectic, there’s this big case and–’
Susanne cut you off shaking her head with a smile on her face. ‘You don’t have to apologise, darling. You're hardly late, we haven’t even started yet. Just grab a seat and we’ll begin soon.’ You smiled, graciously handing over some cash before taking a seat in the front next to an elderly lady Steve had noticed earlier. 
‘Oh! Darling you’re here!’ The woman greeted you excitedly, leaning over to give you a slight hug. ‘I was worried something had happened, you’re normally so punctual.’
‘It was work.’
‘Is that boss of yours giving you a hard time again? I honestly don’t understand why you don’t tell him where he can stick it and just quit.’
A melodic laugh escaped your lips and your eyes crinkled slightly. You smiled further as one of the servers approached, carrying a glass of shimmering white wine. You thanked her by name as you took it. 
Clearly you were a regular here. 
‘If only, Gladys… but you of all people know how expensive Brooklyn’s gotten to live in.’ 
She hummed in agreement. ‘It’s nothing like it was in my day. But still, you shouldn’t be stuck behind a desk at a job you hate. You should be out there, showcasing your work. It’s truly remarkable.’
‘I don’t hate my job. Besides, I’ve already been down that road, remember? And failed hard.’ Even in his short time of knowing you, Steve could hear the lie on your voice and felt a pang of sadness for you. ‘That’s what led me to Mr. Barber’s company.’ 
Gladys nodded and before she could respond, Susanne stepped up by the stool. 
‘Hello all and welcome to tonight’s ‘Fine Art and Fine Wine’ class. If everyone has what they need, we should be ready to get started.’ She lifted the red cloth from the table, revealing the bowl beneath. It was a clear glass serving bowl that had blue swirls of ink running through it and inside was an arrangement of autumnal fruits—
Pomegranates. Blood oranges. A passion fruit and some figs, all ornately placed.
At first glance, Steve knew it was a perfect arrangement. It was simple enough that some of the beginners in the class would still be able to manage but had some difficult elements that would offer a challenge for the more seasoned artists. 
Despite the small fragments of chitchat, Steve quickly lost himself to the sketch—capturing the slight green tinge of the passion fruit or the darker hues of pink from the pomegranates. 
It was so soothing, just being able to sit and draw, occasionally taking sips of his wine. Even Bucky looked relaxed. Well, nearly… It’s as close to the word he could manage these days.
The hours had flown by all too soon. Still. Steve felt fairly proud of what he had achieved. It had been a while since he had worked with colour, but he felt he had done a decent job of it. 
‘So what do you think?’ He asked Bucky as he started packing up the pencils, sorting them neatly into their colours. 
‘It was actually okay. I… I had fun.’ Steve looked about ready to pull a muscle in his face with how hard Bucky’s words had him smiling. ‘Don’t start.
‘I didn’t say a word,’ he defended, hands raised in fealty. ‘You just need to be willing to try and put yourself out there. I know it’s hard, but you’ll always have me.’ 
Maybe it was still too soon. Too fresh after that conversation. 
He quickly averted his gaze back to his drawing. Steve felt a pang in his heart and continued to silently pack up, trying desperately not to think back to that night when Bucky had first returned to the tower.
Steve found himself shivering as he stood out on the landing pad, waiting for the quinjet to touch down. 
He knew rationally that Bucky still had a long road of recovery ahead of him. He knew this. It didn’t stop Steve from being so relieved to have him here. To have him home.
Maybe this time around, Steve would be the one to be Bucky’s protector. And maybe, once he was ready… If he was ever ready.
Steve hated himself for thinking so selfishly, but he couldn’t help but hold onto that hope. 
Hope that in these new modern times, he and Bucky might actually have a chance. 
He had greeted Bucky and quickly shown him inside, guiding him through the multiple hallways and staircases until they reached his new apartment. 
Steve had made sure it was the one next to his own, wanting him to be as close as possible. He had even gone so far as to temporarily move out of his apartment in Brooklyn for this.
He’d wanted to stick around, help him settle in but when Bucky told him  all he wanted to do was sleep, exhausted from the flight as he was, Steve relented.
Later, they said.
Another day, they said… 
Only that day never came. 
Over the coming weeks, Steve quickly noticed Bucky was avoiding him. 
While he was quiet most of the time with the others, he didn’t find some excuse to leave the room whenever they entered like he did with Steve. At first, he just thought Bucky needed time to adjust. 
He gave him time. 
He gave him space. 
But a couple months down the road, they were well into summer with no mention of the rift between them. 
He made sure to wait him out until he knew with certainty that Bucky was back from dinner with Sam.
When he heard his familiar rustling the next room over, he tried to push away the pain that things had fallen so off course. Steve hadn’t even been to dinner with him yet.
He glanced at the mirror, taking himself in. Despite the heavy bags that lined the underneath of his eyes, he felt that he had managed to look at least a bit presentable. A final nod before heading out for the night. A final breath before blowing his reality to bits.
He pads next door and knocks.
When the answer came swiftly, Bucky didn’t seem surprised. If anything, he looked as if he’d been expecting him.
‘Come on in.’
 ‘Your head’s gonna combust if you keep all that fire locked up in there. Say your piece and it just might bring you some.’
‘I thought… I thought things were better.’ 
‘Things are better. I’m better. But you—’
‘Then what is it? Tell me what’s going on,’ he begs over him. ‘I can feel you pulling away. You can barely stand to be in the same room as me. Please, Buck. Help me understand.’
He was quiet for a beat, just watching Steve come down from getting so worked up. It gave him time to collect himself, collect his thoughts… 
‘I know what you want from me. I take one look at you and I know… but I’m not him.’ Steve looked about ready to argue but Bucky raised his hand, begging to finish. ‘You wanted to understand. I’ll never be the same man I was back then and being around you, being with you? It’s painful, Steve. It’s a constant reminder of what was taken from me and how I’ll never be the same.’ 
‘You can’t say things like that. It’s not true.’
‘Don’t you think it hurts me that I can’t be that for you?’ He gestured all around the room, never wavering. ‘That we could have all of this together and call it a day… Don’t you think I want that rest?’
‘We can work through it. We’ve been through so much together.’ Steve swallowed the lump in his throat, so ready to contest that he doesn’t have to feel the same. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered—he still loved him. ‘We can get through this, too.’
‘Steve…’ Bucky could tell just how painful this was for him but he knew it needed to be said, it needed to be done. ‘There was a time I loved you so much I’d have fought a whole war for you. Love and war… that’s not something you get out of. I’m still fighting.’ 
Face buried in his hands, Steve swiped at the tears that stained his hot and itching cheeks.
‘Please, Buck… don’t say it. I love you. Here and now. I don’t care about the rest of it,’ he murmured desperately into his palms. ‘I love you.’
‘I know.’
Both men sat in their defeat as the confession faded into silence.
‘He’s gone. I can’t be him and we can’t be together. I know it’s hard but please, please, don’t hate me. You mean so much to me.’
‘I shouldn’t have thought just because you were here with me now—it doesn’t mean anything. I could never hate you. And I would never want to see you in pain… But I can’t just leave you, knowing you’re out there alone as me.’ He drags a hand through his hair, looking anywhere else. ‘We were friends, best friends. We could go back to that, couldn’t we?’
‘Of course, punk.’ He clapped his back and hoped it wasn’t too much, too soon. ‘Best friends.’ 
Even as his heart was breaking, Steve managed a small smile. It was a far cry from ideal, but if it kept Bucky in his life, he was prepared to bite the bullet if that’s what it took. 
Despite the smiles and promises, things would never be the same after that. Not really… 
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Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
116 notes · View notes
All My Fault 33
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11/T- (for violence)
Notes: (Masterlist) This one jumps around a bit. Hopefully it’s not too difficult to follow.
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @welovegroot @probsjosh  @spooder-moon @lostredrobin @haylo4ever @na-n-na @rachelmorganroth  @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ 
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27, Ch 28, Ch 29, Ch 30, Ch 31, Ch 32
“So, what do we do, Damian?” I asked quietly as Damian and I sat in my room on the floor across from each other. Jon had left to go home to Metropolis so we were alone to have our private discussion.
Damian reached across the distance between us and took one of my hands in both of his. “I want to be with you more than I’ve ever wanted to be with anyone else. However I don’t believe we should go public with any sort of romantic relationship immediately. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you’ve been back nearly two weeks less than you have actually been in this future, which would make it seem as though you haven’t been back long enough to be in a romantic relationship—perhaps.”
“What about Bruce?”
Damian’s eyes dropped to our hands. “He returns from Metropolis tomorrow,” Damian said. “As I said earlier, he could look between the two of us and make an accurate estimate of what we’ve done while he was gone if he believed we had something to hide. I can tell him that we’ve fallen in love and intend to pursue a relationship—”
“No,” I interrupted. “Let… let me tell him.”
“Nora?” Damian asked, using my name instead of why?
I sighed. “If I tell him he might… freak out less. You know what I mean? Like, if I say I don’t want to go back to the past and explain why… I doubt he’d drop his coffee.”
I set my other hand on top of Damian’s hand holding my other one. I looked up and met his eyes.
“I love you, Damian Wayne. Strange as our situation is, it’s true.”
He gave me the widest and most genuine smile I’d ever seen from him—or either blood Wayne for that matter. “I love you as well, Nora McCloud.” He leaned forward. I closed the distance and pressed our lips together.
It was a far less heated kiss than the night before. Instead it was simple and tender, full of softer emotions than passion.
Damian pulled away first. “I believe you’re correct. You informing Father would be far safer.” He squeezed my hand. “And in a few weeks—perhaps even a month—we will announce that Nora McCloud and Damian Wayne are officially together.”
I snorted. “Press can finally have their field day about us,” I said.
Damian bounced an eyebrow. “S’pose so,” he agreed.
I smirked. “Let them,” I said.
Damian tutted. “Tt. Alright then.”
“But in private, are we officially together now?”
“Only if you agree to be.”
“I do. Heartily.”
We both snickered.
WHAM! My foot connected to the mugger’s chest—and I was fairly certain I heard a rib separate from his sternum. Yowch.
“Batman’s smitten,” Jason said in the open channel. Tonight it was all of us out on patrol except Tim, who volunteered to be on monitor duty. Dick and Jason had told Cass and Tim that Damian and I were in love and semi-officially a couple while we were in private.
I glanced around to see Damian standing on top of a building that made up one of the walls of the alley I was in, looking down at me. Even from my distance below I could see him grinning. I smiled back at him, whacked the mugger again and effectively knocked him out, and nodded to the man he’d been trying to steal from. “Are you alright, sir?” I asked.
He nodded.
“GCPD is on its way,” Damian supplied to me.
“The cops will be here soon,” I said to the man. “They’ll take your statement.” As I spoke I tied up the mugger. “He’ll be out for at least an hour.”
“Are you leaving?” the man asked me, looking a bit spooked by the mugger.
I gave him a smile. “Not if you don’t want me to,” I said, rocking back and forth on my heels. I realized how that could sound if taken the wrong way and quickly amended, “Not if you feel unsafe alone here with this man.” I didn’t need this guy hitting on me or trying any funny business when Damian was literally only a few stories above me. That being said, most of the creeps and misogynists in this city knew that trying anything rude with a girl in a mask and body armor—Batgirl, the Spoiler, Orphan, Batwoman, Cloudburst, and any visiting female heroes—was a recipe for getting several bones broken and sometimes a verbal smack-down.
Didn’t always discourage them from trying, but I’d dislocated eight shoulders and paralyzed three sets vocal chords in the first two years of being Cloudburst and had since lost track of injuries I’d dealt to creeps who grabbed my backside or hands or other places or made disgusting comments.
As it was, this guy didn’t say anything rude or try to touch me.
I touched my comm-link. “By the way, Hood?” I said.
“Yes Cloudy?” Jason asked.
“Shut up,” I said.
I heard lots of snickering from the rest of the Bat-family.
After a few minutes of waiting, the cops came. Once they turned up, the mugging victim thanked me. I nodded and shot a grappling hook to the roof, whizzing out of sight. Once I swung onto the same rooftop as Damian, I felt his arm ensnare my waist and pull me closer to him. He tapped his comms to mute his microphone and smirked at me. “That was attractive,” he whispered.
I snickered and muted my mic too.
He leaned closer.
I put my hand between our lips before he could kiss me. “Batman and Cloudburst can’t be together, Damian,” I said quietly.
He closed his eyes and sighed with complaint. “Why not?”
“Because as far as civilians are concerned, Cloudburst is still between five and ten years older than Batman. That would be weird. And the coincidence of Nora McCloud returning only a week-and-a-half after Cloudburst can be ignored and forgotten. But Cloudburst and Batman getting caught kissing on a rooftop a month before Damian Wayne and Nora McCloud announce that they’re together is downright suspicious,” I said. “Especially coupled with Cloudburst and Nora’s reappearances.”
Damian pursed his lips and stared at me, his green eyes glinting through the eye holes of his cowl. “Alright,” he relented. “Batman and Cloudburst have a professional relationship.”
“You can kiss me in uniform when we get back to the Batcave,” I said quietly.
“Their mics are muted,” Jason remarked to Dick, Tim, and Cass on a private channel. “I can see them talking through my scope but I can’t hear them.”
“What do you mean, ‘scope’?” Dick asked. “Hood, you don’t have a sniper rifle, do you?”
Jason hesitated. “… No?”
“Hood!” Dick protested.
“Hey, wingding! Now is not the time! They’re being lovey-dovey and you’re complaining about me?!” Jason snapped.
“Okay. So their mics are muted so we can’t hear them. What do you mean, lovey-dovey?” Tim asked, interrupting the argument.
“Well Damian’s got his arm around her waist and she just stopped him from kissing her. She’s got this goofy type of lovestruck grin on her face and Damian is grinning. Grinning,” Jason told the others.
Tim and Dick both “Wow”ed Jason’s description.
“Who wants to bet twenty bucks on how long they date before Damian proposes?” Jason asked.
“Me!” Dick and Tim said at the same time.
“I will too,” Cass added.
“I bet six months and under,” Dick said.
“Whoa. Cutting that one fine, eh?” Tim wondered.
“Well it’s not entirely unheard of—especially if both parties know each other well before becoming a couple,” Dick said, a shrug in his voice.
“Which they don’t,” Jason deadpanned.
“Shut up,” Dick retorted. “Sure they do. Cloudy probably knows Damian better than anyone except B, Alfred, and maybe me. Heaven knows she put forth the effort to do so.”
“Mm,” Jason grunted, unconvinced.
“I will bet six months to a year,” Cass said.
“Hmm. A year to two years,” Tim put in.
“Then I guess I bet two years or any amount longer,” Jason said.
Dick scoffed. “Oh please. I know them. Marriage is an important concept to Cloudy and Damian was raised with the League of Assassins where I'm relatively positive arranged marriages for political reasons aren’t uncommon. I doubt they’ll date that long before getting married.”
“Well twenty bucks says we’ll see, then, hmm?” Jason challenged.
“Guess so,” Dick agreed.
“Yup,” Tim said.
“Yes,” Cass added.
“By the way, we should probably sleep in separate rooms when we get back tonight,” I said. “Because Bruce will be back in the morning and I don’t want to have to edit more security camera footage.” I’d already told Damian that Jason and Dick had taken care of the night before’s recordings. “Plus I don’t know when he’ll be back and I don’t want him to come check on you and find us, y’know, in bed together.”
Damian thought for a moment, still holding me close. “You are… correct. We should probably stay in our own rooms anyway, for as much as we can help it. As though we’re a couple who does not live together yet,” he said.
I nodded. “I agree,” I said.
Damian let me go with a little smirk and jerked his head toward the highest buildings in Gotham. “Let’s go finish this patrol,” he said.
I smiled. “Sounds good,” I agreed. He squeezed my hand before letting go. We took off running over the rooftop and leapt off the side at the same time, unmuting our comms as we went. My hair streamed behind me in the wind as we swung off toward the deeper parts of Gotham. I whooped. I’d never get tired of this.
Damian and I climbed out the Batmobile, beating everyone else back to the Batcave. Except Tim. Who was no longer sitting at the bat-computer and probably up in the shower. Damian and I met at the front hood of the car. Damian rested his hands on my waist, tugging me gently closer. My hands found his shoulders. “May I give you a kiss goodnight, my darling?” Damian asked.
I smiled. “You absolutely may,” I replied.
Damian bent down and pressed his lips to mine. I felt a small grin in his lips. “Everything will be alright,” he breathed when our lips parted but our foreheads rested together. “No matter how Father reacts. Everything will be alright.”
“I know,” I said. “I trust this. I trust you.” My hands slid up from his shoulders and around the back of his neck, my fingers sliding over the short hair on the back of his head.
“I would wait forever to be with you.”
“I would too. But let’s hope that doesn’t happen.” I tilted my head forward and kissed his cheek.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What Are NFTs and Why Are Comics Companies Selling Them?
With an announcement from collectible maker VeVe, the world was introduced to the first officially licensed DC NFTs. “What is VeVe?” you might ask. Or possibly “What is an NFT?” 
Excellent questions, friends! We will do our absolute best to explain them in clear, concise terms to you right now. 
Here are simple answers to complicated questions: NFTs are ecologically devastating vaporware created to part very dumb, very wealthy collectors from their money, made by stoned libertarian math nerds trying to prove a point they think is profound but is actually just very banal. Veve is no different than any other secondary huckster that springs up around a particularly successful snake oil economy.
As for why DC is getting in bed with them, it’s hard to know if the company is trying to just be cutting edge or if it’s because AT&T took on a shitload of debt buying Warner, and like anybody with creditors breathing down their neck, they need to make several quick bucks or else. 
Two full decades after Metallica teamed up with record labels to make sure we didn’t own anything we purchased digitally, a group of rejected Captain Planet villains came up with a workaround: NFTs.
NFTs use blockchain, a distributed AI accountant that requires ENORMOUS amounts of processing power to work properly, to assign certificates of ownership and record transactions. Accepting the pitch behind blockchain technology requires one to step back to an absurdly abstract level, then a zoom back into the extremely micro. 
Every transaction between two people is built around trust: I trust that you are giving me the thing I’m paying for, while we both trust that the currency I’m handing you has a (relatively) absolute value which will allow it to be traded for other things. Blockchain purports to eliminate that trust: it uses a distributed ledger that anyone can see and confirm to record our transaction; it uses an algorithm to make sure every copy of the ledger is the same; and it assigns tokens to each transaction that can be given a value. 
NFTs add in an absurd additional abstraction: ownership of digital media. I have always had the ability to, for example, produce an animated reaction gif from a television show and sell that animated reaction gif to you for a fixed sum of money. You would be an idiot for purchasing that reaction gif for several reasons: anyone else could make the exact same gif and you could find it in iMessage’s search engine, for one. But nothing in the past has ever prevented this transaction from occurring. 
The “innovation” around NFTs is that it uses blockchain technology to “prove” “ownership” and “authenticity,” a sentence that is so heavily caveated that to express it correctly in writing makes the writer look like a conspiracy theorist. The NFT assigns a ledger value to the piece of digital artwork, and then that ledger value is what is sold between parties. It is a non-fungible token – unlike Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, the idea is these art pieces’ tokens’ inherent value doesn’t change (hence the non-fungible), while cryptocurrency is a token whose value is relative to other less imaginary currency. 
This has led to some frankly embarrassing sales online. Jack Dorsey, the vacuous and bizarre founder of Twitter, is auctioning off his first tweet, something that already happened, that you can find with one simple Google search, for millions of dollars. Beeple, an artist the internet assures me is real, auctioned off a digital JPEG collage of all their previous works for $69 million. Jose Delgo, a comics artist from the ‘70s that very few people remembered until this happened, has made almost $2 million selling NFTs of his own artwork, spurring DC to email freelancers to remind them that they should not be using DC characters to try and skate atop this obvious bubble. Not because of the catastrophic environmental impacts caused by the blockchain algorithm, mind you. No, it was because AT&T needed to get some of that sweet, sweet tulip money.
Joanie Lemercier, a French artist and climate activist, has sold six NFT pieces so far. The act of accounting for those sales – assigning a token, then transferring ownership of that token from Lemercier to the purchaser – was 8.7 megawatt hours of energy. That’s roughly equivalent to the entire energy consumption of his studio for two entire years. 
The algorithm used for NFTs, like the one used for Bitcoin, other cryptocurrency, and all blockchain transactions, requires computers perform a certain volume of complex activity to access the ledger. That’s how it prevents fraudulent transactions – by making the barrier to writable access so high that it’s functionally impossible. 
Of course, as demand for these transactions increases, so too does the computing power needed to record them. Hence the massive power consumption from Lemercier’s sale. Bitcoin transactions, especially since Elon Musk invested heavily in them to drive up their price (presumably the “pump” part of “pump and dump”), now use more energy annually than the entire country of Argentina. 
Here’s the catch: in a perfectly green, zero emission energy environment, this wouldn’t be a huge problem. Unfortunately, as anyone who has gone outside in the past 18 months has noticed, we’re not quite there yet. And while adding another Argentina to global power load isn’t the same as adding another China, it is still a significant drain on existing grids, and if it’s not timed and sited right, it’s using very dirty power (it’s fairly complicated, but the short version is electricity generation generally gets dirtier as demand increases).
So when Grimes auctions off a certificate of creation for her digital artwork, she’s triggering a set of computer actions that put a massive stress on the power grid that churns out oodles of negative environmental consequences, which according to study after study fall disproportionately on poor people and people of color. 
Or! Instead of auctioning off something that clearly doesn’t exist, maybe she’s just using fracked natural gas as laundry detergent for mafia cash.
Let’s say I was a certain very sadistic, very fictional, black mask wearing crime lord of an American city and I have $1 million in cash lying around that I made from my operation’s drug business. If I suddenly bought a house with that million dollars, the authorities would notice that large transaction (probably through transaction reporting from the bank handling the sale, or the property exchange paperwork that runs through City Hall) and start sniffing around to find out where that money came from. 
The same goes if I were to purchase IRL fine art through an auction house. The auction house would ask questions about where that money came from, and if it didn’t like what it found, it would report it to the authorities. Same for buying cars, or businesses, or lots of other real life transactions. 
Now replace bank, city hall, and auction house with “a bunch of computers playing tic tac toe against each other on a 1025 square board” and try and guess where the reporting comes in. We don’t have to wait for an answer, that reporting doesn’t exist. 
NFT transactions are the perfect confluence of the shadiness of art dealing with the shadiness of off-book dark web money-moving. They’re not all money laundering, but they are easy enough to use as money laundering that the authorities are getting concerned. 
So why are comics people doing this? To start with, we mean actual people, and not people in the legal sense of the word (corporations).
It’s not hard to see the eye popping amounts of money changing hands and understand why at least some of them are getting involved. But it’s equally easy to look at the economics of the pandemic era of comics creation and at least sympathize with the pull. Comic page rates have been largely stagnant since the 1980s – penciler page rates in recent years are actually lower than the modest demands made by creators during the abortive effort to unionize in the 1970s.
With that money being so limited, most artists relied on the sale of original art, sketches, and sales at conventions to help make ends meet. So the last year has been exceptionally tough on them. Add to that the trend towards digital art, where there’s no actual physical page produced for the comic, and it’s not hard to imagine a hard up artist, one year into not seeing another living soul except for when the grocery clerk brings a bag of food out to their car, seeing someone coming along waving a conservative five figures at them and not explaining the extremely convoluted yet catastrophic environmental impact of the proces, saying yes to the quick cash.
To their credit, many comics creators are repulsed by the idea. Several have expressed serious concerns with NFTs on Twitter, with Doomsday Clock artist Gary Frank expressing “bewilderment” at the idea of his art being used to sell one of these things, and Marsha Cooke, widow of New Frontier great Darwyn Cooke and manager of his estate, going so far as to ask DC to stop using his art in them. 
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Hopefully the companies involved (or thinking of getting involved) with NFTs listen to their creatives. Nothing more honors the spirit of Batman than using his image to help give a pallet of Bratva money a quick scrub. 
The post What Are NFTs and Why Are Comics Companies Selling Them? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2P393DK
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huntressride · 7 years
Open Mind, Metal Heart: Chapter 25
Well its finally here! If you need to get caught up the previous chapters can be found here. Enjoy.
Chapter 25: The End and The Beginning
Wanda was pulled to consciousness very gently so that she realized she was awake before ever opening her eyes. Her mind was still intertwined with Vision’s and she felt his consciousness note her awakening. Despite this, she kept her eyes closed, every worry she’d had for the past year felt small and far away with her eyes closed and Visions warmth against her cheek.
Vision found her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, sensing her thoughts. I must go. I have already been away too long.
Wanda let out a small groan in protest but obediently opened her eyes, the dawn light still barely enough to see by. Vision appeared cool and collected, but she could feel the inner turmoil beginning to build inside him. He stood effortlessly, holding out a hand to help her to her feet. Wanda felt the sleepiness drop from her quickly as reality began to take hold.
“I will convince the others and come as quickly as I can.” He spoke firmly but Wanda could sense the small pit of doubt behind his words. She didn’t answer, instead she reach out and took his hand, taking a step closer so that their bodies were almost touching, eyes locked.
“I love you, Vision.” She whispered softly, never removing her eyes from his. The thought crossed her mind that this could be the last time she ever saw him and she found herself unable to say anything else. Vision heard her doubt and he leaned forward, placing the softest of kisses against her upturned lips.
“I will see you again, Wanda Maximoff.”
Then, without another word, his hand slipped from hers. A momentary flutter of air stirred her hair and he was gone; only a dot in the sky. Wanda let her hand drop, feeling her connection to his mind become a blur then blink out entirely as the distance grew between them. For several long minutes she stood silently, watching as the stars twinkled out, one by one, in the growing light. A sudden shiver trembled through her, breaking her train of thought. She sighed and finally turned toward the quinjet, a strong sense of calm beginning to take hold of her now that the time had come.
Several of the boys were already awake as she stepped inside the belly of the quinjet. Sam glanced over at her entrance and raised an eyebrow, a smug smirk building on his face. Wanda ignored him, weaving through the seats toward the bunks in the back. As she passed the cockpit, she saw Clint preparing the jet for its journey. He glanced up at the sound of her footsteps and gave her a long, hard look. Wanda opened her mouth to speak but Clint cut her off.
“Don’t bother, kid.” He said as he swiveled his chair back around to face the dash. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
“I hope so too.” She responded softly, before continuing on toward the bunks. She pulled open the metal cabinet that stored a few of their suits. The only ones still hung were Steve’s and her own. She pulled hers delicately from the rack, running her thumb across the soft, leathery material.
The suit felt snug against her skin as she pulled it on. There was always some tension before a battle, it was natural. But there was something about finally facing Velkis that transcended the normal boundaries of her nerves.
“I know I can’t ask you to hang back on this one.” The sound of Steve’s voiced behind her pulled her from her own morbid thoughts. “But I need you to be extra careful. When a fight gets personal, mistakes can happen.”
She didn’t even need to peek into his mind to know he was reliving his hasty choices in DC and the results that had come about because of them.
“I only ask the same of you.” Wanda answered softly, unable to express how much Steve, Sam, Clint and the others had become the closest thing she had to family. And how much that scared her. Without another word, she slipped past Steve into the next room.
“This isn’t much of a secret villain headquarters.” Scott mumbled as the quinjet settled to the ground outside a largely deserted building within the heart of Berlin. A crumbling concrete wall surrounded the building, creating a courtyard just large enough for them to land in. Beyond the wall, the sounds of cars and people were muffled but distinguishable.
“We have to be careful.” Steve said, surveying the building quickly, his hand acting as a visor against the noonday sun. “It may look deserted, but they probably already know we’re here.” He cast a worried glance toward the wall. “We have to make sure no one gets beyond the perimeter or we’ll be putting innocent lives at risk.”
“Exactly why they picked this location, I’m sure.” Clint said from beside him, fingers already flexing in preparation to reach for an arrow.
“Buck, you got anything?” Steve turned to Bucky, but received only a shake of the head in return.
“I’ve never seen this base.” He answered not removing his eyes from the building, as though it would suddenly turn savage and attack.
“I think I’ve got something that might help.” Sam spoke up from the back. Everyone except Bucky turned to him as the sound of a small motor started up. Wanda couldn’t help but be impressed as the little red drone zipped past her at Sam’s command. Sam caught her look and winked. “I call him Redwing. He was the newest mod to my suit before we split headquarters.”
Redwing hovered besides the building, scanning each floor with quick accuracy. Wanda watched the drone zip back and forth, until it froze, just outside a first floor window.
“There’s not a single lifeform in the building.” Sam said, stepping forward and moving toward where his drone hovered a few feet off the ground. “But it looks like Redwing is picking up an energy signature from the elevator shaft on the first floor.” As he approached it, Redwing spun around him, clipping into the back of his pack with smooth ease.
“Must be an underground facility.” Clint said, lowing his bow only slightly and glancing over at Steve for instructions. Steve was silent for a long moment as he stared at the building. Finally he turned to address them all, his face set in determination.
“An underground facility leaves us few options for retreat. It’s as likely as anything, that this is a trap.” He was careful to meet each of their eyes, assessing their resolve. “If you want to back out now, then here’s your chance. Odds are we’re outnumbered and outmanned. But Velkis is in there, and I can’t leave in good conscious. Not knowing what we know.”
“I’m with you Cap.” Sam spoke up first, taking a step forward. “I think we all are.”
Wanda nodded with the rest, already mentally flexing her powers. She might not be able to affect those bonded with the stones, but she wasn’t entirely useless. She’d been running though ideas with Clint on the way to Germany and Velkis and his soldiers were in for a surprise.
Steve looked around at them once more, noting each determined face before giving a small nod of his head.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
The building was dark and dusty. Sam, busied himself for a moment with the control panel on his arm and Redwing detached itself, moving to hover about them, a beam of light emitting for its front, eliminating the way.
The elevator was at the end of a dark hall. Its doors stood open, the button indicating down was glowing an ominous green.
“Definitely trappy.” Scott mumbled under his breath as they filed into the elevator.
The doors closed automatically after the last person stepped in. There was a slight rumble and the elevator began to slide slowly downwards.
“Wanda, set up a shield. Just in case.” Steve said quietly. Wanda nodded silently, bringing her fingers up and twisting them so that a glowing red shield lined the inside walls of the elevator. She tried to focus on maintaining the energy field, not on what might await them at the bottom floor.
The ride was silent, each man bracing themselves for the fight ahead. Wanda caught glances in each of their minds, occasional thoughts not her own flashing across her consciousness. Finally, the door slid open and each of them held their breath.
All was silent.
The doors opened on to a long hallway. Dim florescent lights formed a straight line down the middle of the ceiling, illuminating the path ahead. Steve stepped out first, alert for any sign of movement or sound. He made a quiet gesture that they should follow him, before preceding down the hall, shield up and at the ready.
Wanda sent out a mental probe, scanning the area for any signs of life. As far as she could reach, the way ahead seemed empty except for her team. But that meant nothing anymore. Velkis’ men could be just around the corner and she would never know. The thought made her uneasy and her fingers glowed red and ready.
The hallway came to a sudden stop at a thick steel door. With one last glance behind him, Steve pulled up the bar and pushed the door open.
They stood on a raised balcony that lined the wall. To their left and right the walk turned downward into stairs that lead to the floor beneath them. They all stepped up to the balcony’s edge, unsure what to make of the sight below.
Rows of large green glowing chambers filled the space below them. Even from this distance, Wanda could see that each chamber with filled with men, all standing upright, a black mask covering their mouths and noses. It was almost as though they were sleeping, each had his eyes closed, the green light giving a creepy cast to their features.
“I was not expecting guests! You have taken me quite by surprise.”
The voice seemed to come from the walls themselves, both everywhere and nowhere. Instantly they all stood at attention, eyes scanning every corner for the source of the voice.
“And how nice to see you again, Wanda. It has been far too long.”
This time the voice was quieter, it had a source, and Wanda felt a shiver of fear run down her spine. Wanda followed the source and watched as Velkis stepped out from behind one of the chambers. He spread his arms wide in a welcoming gesture, a sly grin spreading across his face.
Wanda’s eyes were drawn to the glowing yellow stone set in a gold ring on his right hand. He certainly looked older, more like the image she had seen of him during their meeting with Coulson. But something was different. There was angled cast to his features now, as though his skin had turned to wax, unchangeable and no longer human.
At her side, Clint had an arrow aimed directly at Velkis’ chest.
“Dr. Aren Velkis I assume.” Steve said, taking charge. Velkis pulled his eyes from Wanda and turned to analyze Steve.
“Ah, yes. Captain Rogers. I have heard much of you.” A slight accent curled his words. His eyes scanned the rest of the team, pausing momentarily on Bucky before moving on. “I am afraid you have caught me at a disadvantage.”
“Won’t have to worry about that long, Velkis. We’re here to take you in.”
Velkis let out a short bark of a laugh and he grinned, showing all his teeth.
“Are you not a wanted man yourself, Mr. America?” He grinned wider at the look on Steve’s face, turning his back to them and beginning to stroll up the aisle between the chambers of sleeping men. “We are not so different, you and I. We both seek to save this world… To protect it.”
He stopped beside one of the chambers, putting his hand loving on its metal side.  
“I think you and I have very different ideas about what it means to save the world.”
“I would agree, Captian.” Velkis answered cheerfully, spinning lightly so that he was once again facing them. “You are weak.”
Beside Wanda, Clint mumbled something under his breath, pulling tighter on his bowstring. Bucky made a growling noise in his throat, the metal bar of the balcony bending under the pressure of his metal hand.
“While you fight amongst yourselves, I am the one who is building an army. One that will protect us when he comes.”  
As he spoke, the glass doors of the chambers slide open with a small hiss. Each man inside opened their eyes, staring unblinkingly at the nothing before them.
“Enough.” Bucky said gruffly, using his metal hand to flip himself over the rail, dropping down to the floor below with a loud crack of breaking concrete. Velkis grinned as Bucky approached, holding is ground. When Bucky was only a few feet away, Velkis raised the hand with the yellow ring, twisting his fingers forward faintly.
Bucky frozen in his tracks. Velkis’ grin turned to a snarl and he flicked his wrist forward, sending Bucky speeding backward to slam into the wall; Bucky slide down it, crumpling into an unconscious mass on the floor. At the same moment, all the soldiers stepped forward from their chambers, masks falling to the floor. Now that they were out in the open, Wanda could see that the green light of the chambers had been coming from the glowing stones imbedded in their chests.
Steve didn’t hesitate, without a word he followed Bucky over the edge. The fight had begun.
Clint unleashed three arrows in quick succession, each making their mark in the eyes of the closest soldiers. But they paused for only a moment, ripping the arrows from their eyes with mechanical movements, blood dripping down their cheeks. Swearing loudly, Clint began to rain down a second storm of arrows.
Sam had taken off after Steve and Bucky, a tiny Scott disappearing into the crowd at the same moment. Wanda quickly scanned the throng, sending out a blast that pushed a couple of soldiers backwards, but otherwise did not faze them. Steve was fighting his way through the crowd toward Velkis, who was standing farther back now, almost on the opposite side of the room. He surveyed the scene before him, a nasty little smile curling his lip. As she watched, Wanda could see how greatly Velkis’ men outnumbered them.  For each one of them, there was more than triple that amount in soldiers. Perhaps if they died like normal men, they would stand a chance. But as she watched, Steve landed a blow that would have killed the man. Instead, the soldier stumbled backward the indent in his chest apparent, before he resumed his attack.
Wanda curled her fingers, thrusting forward with her palms. Several necks snapped and the men crumpled to the floor, momentarily stunned. Without wasting a moment, Wanda launched herself into the air and over the side of the balcony, landing in a blast of red mist that pushed back all the soldiers near her.
You’ve grown stronger.
The sound of that icy voice in her head caused her to freeze.  A hand grabbed her arm in her distraction and she managed to use the powers of her free hand to snap the man’s wrist backward, breaking his grip. Her head whipped around, looking for Velkis.
How had he gotten into her mind? She could not feel him there now, but the thought scared her. The only people she’d ever met who were able to communicate with her in such a way were Pietro and Vision.
Finally she spotted him. He still stood on the opposite side of the room, but he was no longer alone. The man from Greenland, Rumlow, was now standing beside him.
“We can’t hold them back, Cap!” Clint shouted over the rail from his position on the balcony. But Steve had just spotted Rumlow beside Velkis and he was making his way quickly through the mass of soldiers toward them.
Bucky rose and began to brutally smash his way toward Steve. Sam and Scott were holding off two different packs, but the soldiers were slowly gaining ground, the green stones burning brightly in their chests. She heard Clint swear from somewhere above as a few of the soldiers began climbing the stairs after him.
You cannot win, Wanda.
Wanda let out at roar, pushing Velkis’ presence from her mind with a violent force, releasing a flash of red mist that broke the bones of every soldier in a five foot radius. They rose despite their injuries, approaching her with new anger in their eyes.
“It really is foolish to continue fighting.” Velkis’ voice was once more projected unnaturally loud throughout the room. “You only waste your strength.  A greater threat approaches and you prefer to squabble like children.”
The steel door they had arrived through burst open and a red and gold blur zipped into the room, stopping to hover directly above Velkis and Rumlow.
“I never did see the point in growing up.”
Wanda was surprised to find that she was actually glad to hear Tony Starks voice.
Natasha, Rhodey and a skinny youth in a tight red suit raced in after Tony. Wanda watched at the youth swung into the battle like a spider on a web.  Last of all, Vision flew through the blasted door, his face hard and emotionless.
On the other side of the room, Tony sent a blast from his palm directly at Velkis and Rumlow. With smooth ease, Velkis raised his right hand and a glowing golden dome incased them. The blast bounced off and Tony had to swerve to avoid it.
Wanda stretched out and connected to Vision’s mind.
Velkis is powerful. She flashed through the encounter, sending him her proof. The stone on his finger, I think it is the copy of the Mind Stone he was trying to create.
Vision’s eyes found Velkis on the other side of the room. Without a word he flew off in his direction, ignoring Wanda’s mental protest.  As he approached, a crafty smile crept onto Velkis’ face and Wanda felt her heart sink. With one quick move Velkis stepped through a door behind him, closing it softly after him.
Wanda watched as Vision floated through the steel after him, the connection between their minds ending abruptly as he disappeared.
“VISION!” She called, blasting two of the men nearest her back by a foot. They continued to pursue her and she twisted her fingers forward, breaking their legs. Another hand grabbed her, releasing her quickly when an arrow split it at the wrist. She glanced backward in time to see Clint give her a solemn nod before jumping into the fight, his last arrow spent.
Launching herself into the air, she grew deaf to the sounds around her, struggling with all her might to pierce through the strange barrier the door presented to her mind. She landed before it, the metal smooth and slightly warm against her palm. It sent the tinest vibrations through her arm, rising goosebumps on her skin. Without pausing to think, she pushed it open and stepped through.
Immediately she felt as though she had plunged into icy water. There was only a single moment for her to scan the scene and what she saw lit a spark of blind fury within her. Vision was kneeling before Velkis, who towered above him, his hands bound behind his back. They both turned to look her as she stepped through the door. She saw Visions expression change from one of defiance to one of desperation and he tried to call out to her.
But something was wrong. The sound of his shout was muffled as though it was coming through a broken speaker. She raised her hand, intending to push her power through to her fingertips but it felt as though everything were happening in slow motion. She saw her hand rising, but it wasn’t rising fast enough.
She could only watch helplessly as Rumlow stepped forward and gripped her wrist, twisting her arm behind her back.
“Bind her hands. It is how she controls her powers.” She heard Velkis say, sounds already returning to normal. She felt Rumlow tug on her hands, binding her fingers so she couldn’t bend them at the joints.
The world slammed back into full speed, but it was too late, she couldn’t move hands, her arms bent awkwardly behind her. Rumlow pushed her crudely across the room, his breath hot on the back of her neck.
“Maybe I will get to kill you after all, huh?” He whispered into her ear before pushing her roughly to her knees beside Vision.
“So nice of you to join us, Wanda.” Velkis said, stepping towards her. Vision shifted at his movement and the sound of chains rattling echoed throughout the room. Wanda saw that both his arms were bound behind his back by loops of metal chain. Velkis saw her eyeing them and answered her unspoken question.
“The same metal that once bound the Mind Stone in the scepter.” Wanda’s head snapped back to look at Velkis, trying to hide the panic that was rising in her at his words. “It is convenient for storage of something so precious, no?”
She tried to stretch her mind out to Vision, but his thoughts were impenetrable to her as long as he was bound by the chains. Velkis smiled as though he knew exactly what she’d just tried to do.
“You know,” He took another step towards her and Visions chains rattled again. “It is a shame to hear of your brother…. But you were always the special one.” He was close enough to reach out with one spidery finger and trace her jaw. His ring glowed ominously as his finger made contact with her skin. Wanda snapped her head away from his touch, glaring daggers.  
“I intended my army to be just like you.” His finger retracted and curled into a fist. “But without  access to the Stone, all I was able achieve was this cheap imitation.” He turned to Vision, stepping away from Wanda, the Mind Stone glowing in his irises. “No matter. You have brought me exactly what I wanted.”
The sound of muffled shouting could be heard on the other side of the door now, and a loud thump drew all their eyes as something large collided with it. Rumlow made to move in that direction but Velkis stopped him.
“Leave it. We have what we need.” His eyes lingered on the stone embedded in Visions forehead and Wanda pulled at her restraints. Her movement caught his attention and he pulled his eyes from Vision.
“Restraint is not necessary.” He spoke in Sokovian now, he tone softer. “I could free you.  You need only agree to join me.”
“I would die first.” Wanda spit back, the words of her native tongue rolling quickly off her lips. Velkis sighed as though he’d expected this.
“You have changed. I remember a time when you would have jumped at the chance to destroy all those that call themselves Avengers.” He motioned to Rumlow who stepped up to Vision and pulled him to his feet. He began to lead him toward the other end of the room, where another door stood waiting. Wanda struggled harder against her bonds, eyes bouncing rapidly between Vision and Rumlow.
“Stop! Wait!” She struggled harder, willing just one finger to move but they were bound tight. “You can take me instead, use me!”
Velkis paused, he turned slowly, looking between her and Vision.
“Wanda.” Vision said quietly, a warning.
A grin began to build on Velkis’ face and he took a stepped toward her once more.
“What is this?” He took in her desperate expression, the hard emotionlessness of Visions gaze and laughed, suddenly understanding. “I will admit I did not expect this. But do not fear. It will be quick, take solace in that.”
“You do not need to do this!” Wanda shouted at his retreating back, struggling forward awkwardly on her knees. “You have power! You have your army!”
“It is not enough!” Velkis whipped around, his eyes suddenly hard as he contemplated her. “It is not enough for what is coming.”
“What is coming?” She questioned, hoping to stall him even for just a moment longer. The shouts were getting louder on the other side of the door and she knew if she could just delay him another minute…
“THANOS!” He bellowed the name at her, and for a moment she was frozen in shock. The word meant nothing to her, but Velkis’ eyes had taken on a crazy edge and they bulged from their sockets.
“I have seen it.” Now his voice was icy cold, barely above a whisper. “He will come. And he will bring destruction and death to everyone of Earth.” He pointed a shaking finger at Vision. “He will come for it, but I will stop him.”
He seemed to come to himself, blinking at her for a silent moment. Before he could fully recover, the door slammed open.
Steve only took a moment to assess the situation before charging forward, the magic of the door ineffective on him.  
“ENOUGH.” The frustrated roar came from Velkis and he raised the hand with the ring, facing palm up and outward. Steve froze, only feet away. Only his eyes could move, flickering between them. “Take care of it.”
Rumlow grunted, for the first time something like a smile appeared on his face.
“Finally.” He mumbled, unsheathing a large knife as he moved toward Steve.
Wanda watched with wide eyes, the others were jammed up in the door, fighting off what remained of the soldiers. They could not make it in time. She heard Visions chains rattle as he desperately attempted to free himself behind her. But the metal worked its magic against him. Wanda felt herself struggle against her own bonds, but it was as though her body belonged to a different person. Her mind had separated itself from her physical form, almost hypnotized by the scene before her.
It was almost so dreamlike how Rumlow stepped up to Steve, the knife braced in one fist, that for a moment she wondered if what she was seeing was real. She watched as the knife slid between Steve’s upper ribs, plunging directly into his heart. His eyes widened with surprise. The energy holding him broke and Steve fell forward on his knees, the life behind his eyes dulling slowly.
Wanda heard herself screaming, somewhere near her Bucky bellowed in rage. Rumlow turned easily from Steve’s fallen body, ready to engage Bucky, who’d broken his way into the room. The others were close behind, the fight breaking into the room.
Her eyes found Visions and their steady gaze gave her focus. She imagined the configuration of gears within running their course and a strange calmness enveloped her.
Velkis had joined the fight now, he moved his arms in familiar patterns, blasting Sam backwards with a burst of gold energy. He crushed the systems of Rhodeys suit, and it began failing. Wanda saw Natasha, blood running down her head, a large rip in the arm of her suit. Clint and Scot were nowhere in sight and Wanda had only a moment to feel uneasy before Rumlow was flung across her field of vision.
He was covered in so much blood, it was amazing he was still standing. Bucky charged after him once more and Rumlow grinned, gaping holes where several of his teeth had been.
The kid in the red suit had bound up several men, but the webbing seemed to be melting off them too quickly.
Velkis turned his attention to Tony, tendrils of golden light wrapped themselves around the arms and legs of the suit, crunching them slowly.
They were losing.
Four men broke off from the fighting and hurried toward Vision as though on some unheard order. They began to drag him towards the door opposite. Visions eyes caught hers one last time and she saw the regret and sadness in them. He was saying goodbye.
For the first time since her transformation, Wanda felt helpless. She continued to struggle against her bonds, eyes rolling from Vision to Velkis who had reduced Tony to a heap of metal, sparks flashing from broken wires. Sam was approaching him now, determination on his face despite the broken wing of his suit and the black eye just beginning to form. Velkis turned to him, and Wanda knew he would die too.
Wanda closed her eyes, taking a deep breath she stopped struggling allowing her body to become completely still. She focused on blocking out all sounds around her, just as she’d done with Sam so long ago.
She embraced the darkness within herself, cutting off all connection to her own powers. She focused on the nothingness, giving herself over to it. A fissure appeared in the darkness, letting a flood of emotion consume her consciousness.
The fighting around her came to a sudden halt as a deep red glow engolfed the room, casting eerily shadows of the occupants along the walls.
Velkis froze in his attack and turned. Wanda was encased in red. Her body glowed a translucent scarlet and began to rise limply into the air, her knees unfolding so that her feet hovered an inch from the ground, two inches, then three.  She rose steadily higher; the glow darkening into a deep, blood red.
The bonds holding back her hands broke and disintegrated into dust, freeing her. Eyes still closed she brought her hands up to her sides, fingers curling inward invisible under the bright red light that emanated from them.
Her eyes snapped open, finding Velkis. His eyes widened in shock, but narrowed quickly, a snarl building on his face. He raised his right hand, meaning to attack her.
Wanda lifted her own hand, snapping her wrist to the side, freezing Velkis’ arm in mid motion. He turned to it in amazement, struggling against her hold on him. But his struggles felt like nothing more than caressing feathers against her mind. Without taking her eyes from Velkis, she directed her other hand at Vision. Red coils twisted their way up the chains binding him, glowing brighter the farther they climbed, melting the metal so that Vision could pull his arms free.
The world suddenly regained movement, Velkis’ soldiers relaunching their attack on what remained of the stunned team. Vision jumped into the air before the men around him had the time to resume their attack. The red glow encompassed them all, giving a strange sense of unreality to those fighting below.
The power raged through her, stronger than any she’d ever managed to channel before. But it was fading quickly, she only had one chance.
Vision. She called out to him with her mind and he came.
She stretched out the hand not holding down Velkis, reaching for him. Vision took her hand with his own, giving the smallest of nods in approval of the plan he saw forming in her mind; then he closed his eyes.
They hovered together over the battle that raged below, hands clasped. Velkis was screaming insults, but Wanda ignored his hysteria, focusing on her task.
She searched Vision’s mind, gliding through the familiar terrain with ease. She found it; that vast, alien place in his mind where the Stones power resided. She gripped his hand tighter, thrusting herself into energy within.
The yellow stone on Vision’s forehead shifted to a bright red.
The power was so heavy that for a moment Wanda thought she might burst with it. Vision helped her guide it forward into some semblance of order, but she knew she could not hold it for long.
“You will destroy yourself, Wanda!” Velkis shouted below her, still struggling to pull his arm free of her grip. “The world will descend into chaos and it will be because of you!”
Wanda turned to him, raising her arm higher, bending her fingers outward.
“Then let chaos reign.” She said simple, unleashing the force within her.
A flash of red blinded everyone for just a moment, even Wanda.  In that second she connected to small stone on Velkis’ finger, linking her to his mind and the mind of all his soldiers. Finally she could see them. Then the image in Velkis’ mind changed, shifting to a scene she could not control.
A creature so alien that it could not be from Earth sat upon a floating throne. It seemed almost as though the image was real, that the creature could sense her gaze. It turned its head and she felt it look into her soul.
Thanos. The name entered her mind by no will of her own.
Thanos was coming.  She was suddenly certain that Velkis’ crazy ravings had been the truth. They were all in grave danger.
The image was gone as soon as it appeared. Red cracks appeared in the stone set on Velkis’ finger, the cracks widened stretching down the ring and appearing in his flesh. Velkis’ mouth opened in horror as the cracks carried up his arm and began encompassing his entire body. He turned to Wanda one last time, the expression on his face unreadable, before exploding suddenly into a cloud of red dust that sputtered then faded out completely.
Wanda felt the power fade from her, the red glow dying out and returning the room to normal. She felt herself drop from the air, but Vision was quick to catch her, hooking one arm under her legs while the other steadied her back. He touched down, still cradling her in his arms.
Around them, the enhanced soldiers began collapsing as the light of the green stones in their chest faded and died.
Vision lowered her gradually to her feet, keeping a hand on her just in case she should stumble. Wanda looked up at him, searching his face for any sign of weakness from her power drain. But it seemed as though the use of the Mind Stones power had actually rejuvenated him. He managed a small sad smile at her, and suddenly she remembered.
She turned to see Bucky and Sam already kneeling beside Steve’s fallen body, tears trailing down both their faces. Wanda felt hot tears tracing themselves down her own cheeks and Vision placed an arm around her shoulders, holding her close to him, their minds still blended together as one.
 The morning dawned cloudy and grey, a fine mist hung in the air clinging to every surface. It was as though even the weather mourned the loss.
Wanda pulled herself from bed without much vigor, her mind flitting from one thought to the next. The past week had flown by in a series of moments, the time in between each flowed through her like air and she was unable to recall much of it. Her first real memory after the battle was sitting on a quinjet, Vision beside her. After a moment of deep consideration, he had taken her hand within his own, offering what comfort he could. Someone official looking had been trying to speak to her, but Vision had politely dismissed them, allowing her to sink into her own thoughts once more.
The next thing she could remember clearly was Vision settling her into her bed at the Avengers headquarters. She’d asked him to stay and he hadn’t refused; settling against the wall so that she could rest her head on his lap. She could vaguely remember him tucking a blanket tighter around her as she began to drift to sleep.
She visited Pietro. He was exactly as she’d left him. Vision held back as she stepped up to the cradle where he lay, giving her space. Wanda remembered the coolness of the glass as her fingers brushed lightly across it. Tracing the familiar planes of Pietro’s face felt better than she could have imagined and she was surprised when she felt Vision brushed a tear from her cheek.
The debriefing a day later was one of the most vivid memories of that week. General Pike had been the most somber she had ever seen him, his face withholding any ounce of emotion as he told them of the repeal of the Sokovia Accords. An act that reach unanimous approval in light of the death of Steve Rogers, American hero.
The topic of Thanos was touched on only lightly in this meeting. To them he was only a shadow, something vague and unrecognizable that could not touch them. But Wanda had seen his face, felt his power, and she exchanged a long look with Vision as the subject was brushed upon. He had stared back in that solemn way of his, the only other person in the room who could even begin to understand what was coming.
That is, until the arrival of Thor, three days before Steve’s funeral. He had appeared as suddenly as ever, leaving a circular scorch of earth to announce his arrival. He did not need to be told of Steve’s death, all he asked for were the details. Wanda was one of the few to meet with him that night. The others included Vision, Sam, Clint and Natasha. Tony had been invited but he’d declined without explanation, an uncharacteristic move. Only Wanda knew what was in his heart; that he blamed himself for Steve’s death.
The mention of Thanos had set the most curious look on Thor’s face and Wanda had been quick to probe his mind for more information, even as he began to explain out loud. Thanos, the mad titan, a god obsessed with bringing death to the universe. A fairy tale told to the children of Asgard. But even fairy tales can hold a glimmer of truth.
Thor held Visions gaze as he explain the emergence of the Infinity Stones and their possible connection. He asked Vision to accompany him upon his return to Asgard and, after a moment of hesitation, Vision had agreed. They would leave after the funeral had taken place.
That night, once they were alone, Wanda had demanded to be taken along; insisting that she could be of the most use at his side.
“My powers come from the stone!” She spoke passionately, unable to comprehend even the thought of losing Vision so soon after Steve. “What use am I here?”
“The Earth needs you, Wanda.” Vision had explained calmly. He attempted to rest his hands on her shoulders, but she shook him off and turned her back to him. Undeterred he stepped up behind her, placing both his hands on her upper arms. After a moment she gave in, sinking backwards into him.
“He is coming, I feel it.” She spoke softly, barely above a whisper. Vision shifted so his arms were around her and she leaned further into him, loving the feel of him so close and hating that soon he would no longer be within reach.
“And we will be ready for him when he does.”
They had spent the rest of the night in each other’s company, worry the farthest thing from their minds.
As Wanda stared out into grey, misty dawn and relived each of those moments, she felt a strange sense of calm. She pulled on a basic black dress, leaving her hair to flow free around her shoulders. Vision had disappeared before the sun had risen, claiming unfinished business before his departure the next morning. He’d kissed her softly before leaving, promising he would see her at the funeral at noon. Her room already felt cold and empty without him.
Without thinking, she let her feet take her to the common room, where she found Sam standing alone beside one of the large glass windows. She poured herself a cup of coffee from the pot and went to stand beside him. She could feel his grief rolling off his mind and wished there was something she could do. Outside, the mist turned to rain. It bounced off the glass, congruently reflecting the day’s mood.
After a long silence, Sam spoke up.
“It’s not fair.” Wanda turned to look at him, but his eyes were following a drop of rains path down the glass of the widow. “It’s not fair that the world loses him. It’s not fair that we lose him.”
There was another long silence. Wanda could not find any words, but she could sense that Sam did not need any.
“After Riley died, I didn’t know how to keep going, how to keep serving.” He paused. “Everything seemed pointless without him. The fight had no purpose anymore. So I left, retired from the military and focused on helping others channel their grief.” Finally he turned to look at her, and she could see the resolution forming on his face. “Steve pulled me from that. He gave the fight a new purpose….Showed me what it’s all really about.” He turned his gaze back to the window, pausing once more. “I know you, Viz, and Thor think this Thanos guy is real; that he’s coming. And I want you to know that we’re with you. All of us. Barnes took some convincing but even he agreed in the end. If somethings coming, we’re fighting together. As a team.”
Wanda felt a weight lift from her heart and she wrapped Sam in a tight hug.
“Thank you, Sam.” She said, as she pulled away. “I know Steve would have said the same.”
That got a small smile out of Sam, who turned back to the window with the ghost of a grin still shining on his face.
“Oh he definitely would, that righteous, team spirited motherfucker.”
The crowd of black umbrellas seemed to stretch endlessly before her. Wanda tried to scan the crowd for Vision as she took her place with the other Avengers at the front of the procession, but his bright complexion was nowhere to be found in the sea of black.
She took a seat between Sam and Natasha, trying not to stare at the smooth black coffin, covered in an American flag, which lay directly before them. Just as the ceremony was due to start, she saw Clint pushing his way towards them through the rows. He settled roughly into the empty seat beside Natasha. His eyes caught Wanda’s briefly as he settling in and there was a strange glint in them that caught her attention.
Before she could peek in his mind to check, the sermon started, the microphoned voice of the speaker capturing all her focus. The speaker droned on, listing Steve’s life and accomplishments as though he were reading from a script, which, she reminded herself, he probably was. It was beautiful and nostalgic and sad, but it wasn’t real. This man hadn’t known Steve, not as his friends did.
After the ceremony, Wanda lingered behind with the other members of the Avengers. The only ones who had really known Steve. Vision had yet to make an appearance and Wanda was beginning to get worried.
They all stepped cautiously toward the casket, forming a rough semi-circle around it. Even Tony was present, though he hung back a considerable distance, dark sunglass obscuring his face despite the rain.
No one spoke. Instead they stood together in silence, remembering their absent friend. Scott was the first to leave, laying a hand gently on the coffin lid for just a moment, before stepping back and heading silently in the direction they had come.
Clint was next. He stepped up to the casket and mumbled a few unintelligible words before stepping back to stand beside Wanda. He laid a hand on her arm, and without a word they exchanged a look that told her it was time to go. Time to allow those who had known him more intimately a moment of privacy.
She stepped lightly up to the casket and laid her hand on the polished wood.
“Goodbye, Steve.” She whispered, the tips of her fingers glowing red against the aged oak as sorrow overwhelmed her. “Thank you.” Her fingers slipped down off the lid, the scarlet fading as they fell and she turned back to where Clint was standing. He tucked her arm into the crook of his and began to lead her back down the wooded path in silence.
The first thing Wanda saw as they rounded the corner was Vision walking toward them, handsome and tall in a new black suit. It took her a moment to register the smaller figure walking beside him, but when she did she stopped dead in the middle of the path.
Her eyes must be playing tricks on her, what she saw could not be real. Clint released her arm and took a step back, but she barely noticed. His hair was a little longer than she remembered, and a hint of shadow darkened his under eye, but otherwise he was exactly as she remembered.
A crooked smile formed on Pietro’s face as he watched her. Before Wanda could even blink, there was a rush of wind and she felt herself being lifted into his arms and spun around. He can to a standstill, shaggy hair falling into his eyes as he looked down at her cradled in his arms, the same way he’d always carried her when using his speed.
Wanda stared up at him in amazement, still unable to speak, unable to even think.
“Hello, little sister.” He spoke softly, voice slightly croaky from disuse. Slowly, as though he might disappear at any moment, Wanda reach up to touch his cheek. His skin was warm and soft and she stroked it gently, reaching up to touch his eyebrow, his nose, his lip. Tears began to trail down her own cheeks and she couldn’t stop a nervous giggle from escaping.
Pietro placed her softly on her own feet, freeing his hands so that he could use both to cradle her face. He brushed her tears away with his thumbs and Wanda closed her eyes. Finally the shock was beginning to settle and without opening her eyes she stretched out her mind to connect with his.
Their minds melded easily, as though he’d never been gone. It felt like home.
Are you real? She already knew the answer, but she couldn’t help asking. Pietro smiled at their connection and pressed his lips to her forehead.
Yes. Thanks to the robot. He pulled back to scan her face, rememorizing each curve. He tried to explain it but it made no sense to me. He smiled again, brushing her cheek with his thumb. But it does not matter. To be with you again is all that matters.
At these words Wanda turned to look at Vision, who was standing off to the side, a look of content evident on his face. When their eyes met he dipped his head briefly in acknowledgement.
Finally Wanda smiled, the grin spreading across her whole face. Thank you, she mouthed through her smile.
Behind Pietro, the slightest smile was also evident on Clint’s face.
“Good to see you up and running.” He said cheekily, taking a step up to where Pietro stood with Wanda. Pietro looked over at him and grinned.
“Good to see you’re still in action, old man.”
“Thanks to you.” Clint said, his tone suddenly serious.
“Ah, it was nothing.” Pietro said, still holding Wanda close to his chest. He absentmindedly began to stroke her hair with his left hand. “Takes more than that to keep me down.”
“Perhaps you should return to headquarters.” Vision suddenly chimed in taking a step forward. “You do not want to over exert yourself so soon after you reanimation.”
“Reanimation, huh.” Pietro said, turning so that he could put an arm around Wanda’s shoulders. “I guess that is one way to say it.”
Clint began to head down the path and Pietro made to follow but Wanda didn’t budge and he glance down at her questioningly.
Give me a moment. I’ll follow soon. Pietro seemed reluctant to let her go but he eventually retracted his arm, and followed Clint down the path.
Vision had not moved and Wanda held her place as well. They stared at each other across the distance, neither speaking. Finally Vision broke the silence.
“I’m sorry I could not attend the funeral service with you. The process was longer than I anticipa-”
Wanda closed the distance between them, throwing her arms around him and cutting him off mid word. Their minds linked and she felt the rush of emotions he was experiencing fill her head, mingling with her own.
You could have died. She managed to form the sentence in her head and pass it along, still holding him tight against her.
I calculated the risk to be minimal. Vision said, a hint of humor coating this thought. Wanda pulled back to scowl at him. I have never felt more in control of my powers.
That is not funny. I could have lost you. Vision smiled down at her, his hand coming up to touch her face.
I had to do this, Wanda. His thoughts formed slowly as he tried to explain. With the threat of Thanos’ arrival, I had to know I was capable of controlling the stone. Plus, I could not leave you alone while I was gone. It was only keeping my promise.
“It was foolish.” Wanda said, speaking out loud, but there was a smile on her face. “But thank you.” She stretched up on her toes to plant a quick kiss on his lips.
“I must pay my respects to Captain Rogers.” Vision said as Wanda released him. “I will find you upon my return.”
Wanda nodded in understand and waited until he’d turned the corner and was out of site before hurrying down the path after Pietro and Clint.
“You need to stay here and rest. You heard what the doctor said. You don’t want to tire yourself out.” Wanda spoke in rapid Sokovian. She laid a hand on Pietro’s chest, pushing him back into his new bed.
“I’ve been resting for too long. It is time I get up and do something, after all, I am an Avenger now.” He grinned at her and tried to wiggle out from under her hand, but she was firm.
“And you will.” After you rest.
Pietro huffed out one final sigh before finally laying back, his body giving in despite his desires. Wanda could sense his exhaustion in the back of his mind, even if he couldn’t. His body was still adjusting to life again.
But he was here. She had him back. After everything that had happened.
She placed a quick kiss on his forehead, before turning to go.
“Say goodbye to the robot for me.” Pietro spoke up as she reach for the door handle. Wanda shot him a dirty look over her shoulder.
Don’t call him that. She pulled the door open and made to step out.
I’ll call him want I want if he’s sleeping with my sister.
“Goodbye, Pietro.” She called loudly over her shoulder, ignoring his comment but closing the door harder than she’d intended. She pulled herself from his minded as she made her way down the hallway, trying to ignore the thoughts he’d been sending her way.
He had not taken her relationship with Vision very well when she’d told him about it the night before. While he was grateful that Vision had been able to restore him to life, he harbored a certain jealousy at the closeness that had formed between them in his absence. And Pietro had never been one to hide his feelings.
Wanda sighed as she continued through the halls, making her way toward the prearranged meeting point. Her thoughts turned from Pietro to her time with Vision the night before.
It had been their last night of peace together before his departure this morning. Few words had been traded between them, but their minds had melded together as one. The perfect blend of chaos and order.
It was a cruel fate that would separate them so soon after they’d come to acknowledge their bond.
Wanda pushed open the double doors leading to the training grounds. Vision and Thor were where they’d said they would be. Tony and Sam stood beside them, solemn looks on both their faces.  They turned at her approach, but she had eyes only for Vision.
He stepped up to meet her, and the others returned to their conversation, allowing them one last moment of privacy.
Wanda stretched out her mind, connecting with his in the familiar, intimate way they had only just begun to establish.
“I will return as soon I may.” Vision said, looking down on her with a grave intensity that she once mistook for a lack of emotions. How wrong she had been.
“I will miss you.” Wanda spoke softly, reaching up to feel the softness of his cheek one more time.
“And I you.” Vision said just as softly. Thoughts passed between them so rapidly it was hard to identify specifics, but the emotions spoke for themselves. Wanda watched the gears turning in his soft grey eyes, the pattern as familiar to her as though she’d spent whole her life looking at it.
“Vision, Asgard awaits.” Thor spoke from behind them. Their eye contact broke as Vision turned to look over his shoulder at the speaker. He gave a quick nod of acknowledgement before turning back to Wanda.
Neither spoke. Instead, Wanda stretched up onto the tips of her toes, pressing a soft kiss against his lips, lingering for only a moment. The smallest of smiles curved his lips as she pulled away.
“I love you, Wanda Maximoff.” He said simply.
And I love you. Wanda answered, holding their connection as Vision took his place beside Thor. The others stepped back a couple feet, Sam coming to stand beside Wanda, offering her the comfort of his presence.
Visions gaze found her face and their eyes connected for one more brief moment before there was a flash of light and he was gone. His presence in her mind vanished as suddenly as though he’d never existed. A large black scorch mark on the asphalt the only sign they had even been there at all.
“Come on, Wanda.” Sam finally spoke up beside her. “There’s a lot to do before they get back.”
Wanda nodded, giving the black scorch mark one final look before turning her back to it. They were Avengers, and there was work to be done.
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top1course · 5 years
The 5 Big Lies Of Multilevel Marketing
Lies lies lies about multi-level marketing, what is multi-level marketing, have you been lied to you, maybe your upline is lying to you, today I’m going to teach you how to, single Ladies modern, how to sing, on your own how you look at some of these things, the one from the lies when it comes to multi-level Monk, what you doing tonight I actually did fairly well, at some network marketing businesses some affiliate marketing businesses in the multi-level marketing business, and, however the reality is I’m now 40 years old, and after 20 years of experiencing up and down, i must say though that there are five lights, come up with five lights, that you know, encompass, the multitude of companies that I’ve worked at, can you succeed at network marketing, yes absolutely, statistics actually prove that you can, what is a very small number, cancel that is one of the first, Lies I want to cover a cheat, okay so watch this video all the way to the end, if I tell you about this mess in my own story, so when I start at the age of 18 years old, the gentleman that approached me, you know you came to me said hey are you keeping options open you look like, sharp young guy, and he really, paint this picture in my head, that I could become an entrepreneur for very small investment, $200 and I could, where the Cape of being an entrepreneur, i think that’s the first lie there, is that entrepreneurship after all these years I realize it’s very different, then the picture that all these companies is network marketing companies they paint it make you feel like you can become an entrepreneur, get nothing for some get something for nothing, rights and I think you can become, It’s hot burner with the high-income skill without being a business on your own with a lot of money that’s okay because you are, trading, your time, trading hours for dollars, lafayette High dollars right that’s what I teach, that’s perfectly fine, but building a scalable business building that big a business, it cost f****** money, it just does people cost money, marketing cost money, everything that you do it cost to remodel resource, so I think having that unrealistic expectation when you’re not ready to start a business, and you thought you know what I have no money I’m broke, the world’s hottest out of business, is we got no money, listen to me the worst time, to start a business when you’re desperate, because it takes time, it takes time to build it might take you one year, 2 years 5 years 10 years, this is not a job, it’s not just the way to the end of month to get a paycheck, Business.
Requires, tremendous amount of effort, attention and skills right, if you want to make some money on the side don’t start a business, diva behind come skill took an offer to the marketplace in exchange of money now that is smart, that’s right because I feel that two major business that I feel that many businesses I feel it to Major one, half a million in one, half a million in the other $1000000, call can you know what and why we failed because we didn’t have cash but we didn’t have that income coming in, we took, other people’s money, and we blew it we knew how to blow money before we learn how to make money correct and the whole thing about the liars, from what I understand in Denton, express create, create job, network marketing companies are not creating job except for the, The people at the head office, you know you’re a distributor, your consumer you’re not an entrepreneur, they call you a small business but you’re not, right so it that I feel that the light, number one light, the most line up with you, lie number to the whole part time thing do this on the side it’s a you know, and yeah just put in a few hours they make it sound so easy, it is not, in order to get to the top level that I just scratched the lower levels in the upper level, days a week every day away from my family, leave the house at 6 p.m. go to work work a whole day come home exhausted jump into a suit and Heat, don’t like wearing suits you in trouble, ben Affleck go out drive somewhere, spend money on hold at that meeting go to the hotel meeting track family in French, Speleothem eating tattoo walk in the morning, unbelievable I remember, one of things I learned, that is to once I run out of people that I talked, two in the beginning, why you got a pasta I got to meet with people so I actually went to bookstore, yes, okay I know you thought this invoice f****** stupid, i want a bookstore hangout in the, personal development 5th C-section, and I would kind of like, slowly get Coastal, how to strike up a conversation right, oh by the way are you looking for an opportunity mixed-income, what the what the f*** right, and he was just bad, and the Woodworth is wow you are doing this why don’t you feel the same way, it just feels so draining, softer, i feel like I was her I talked about, Whatever the network marketing opportunity, disrespected, this is not a good way to make a living like a Cheesy salesman, i think it was worse than that like approve of that is, do simple you go out there, any any function, any Gathering to be wedding could be, business networking anyone, anybody, you tell them, what do you do, i’m a multi-level marketing, see how people react, true funny story we will add a conference big conference big conference and they give you these tag, and you can put these stickers below Alexander ribbons copywriter, the owner, and then over here because he doesn’t want to study and pay attention., what did you put on your xiphoid MLM MLM no one no one talked to me it’s beautiful, it’s absolutely beautiful, rite Aid, disease, i get close to you, do you actually like that, seriously, it is that how you want to be, Treated.
Like, no prior, right to status app, is versus a part-time forget that, it doesn’t work, if you’re just want to make a few dollars like a couple hundred bucks yeah you can do it part-time if you want to make thousands, get it, do you want to make serious money do you need to put in Liberty, you got a treated like, a, a career, why you got to take a dairy steer, so what is a third life, well the third one I would say is what I realized that date they always make you don’t never colder products are always more expense, then, cuz we don’t have the cost of, you know where Wholesale store, distributor and all that stuff, it sounds like, what you got f****** 8 level seven levels you got to pay, the commission hello, where does it say, Is the same s***, someone is getting paid right, nBC, the Whiting mock-up mock it up, profit margin, in order to pay all the distributor, on all these levels are all the bonuses, stop right, that’s right you know what date they make it sound as if the premium prices are for better quality product, scientifically proven you clinically proven, right I subscribe to you a couple of companies, i do like to party., but most of the time I won’t leave the company, home water filters you know I won’t leave but they are number company, who has a huge, mana products, i’m talking about like, a lot of the products that they claim to be, much better high quality, bullshit it’s all private label, they don’t even make that, someone else made it they put a didlo logo, distribute, and you stayed make that seven layers Commission, That’s how it works, you think logically you know that’s exactly, so if this, spending so much money paying everybody else, how much money could they, spend on improving the quality of the product, like a idiot, wright Distributors when when you become a distributor and you get brainwashed into going out there now, can I convince other people, and you have to handle the objection a wise and more one thing I cannot stand is a specialty that’s like, how’s the weather the product because, those modifuckers, i just got to say it, where those up line, dayton hotel room, big Mickey’s most outrageous, claims, no joke, most outrageous stories, about some vitamin, i’m talking about a cure cancer in my wife was quick couldn’t get pregnant now and she’s, i like you me a f****** brick, yeah right because of greed, and they make all these crazy promises that Justice is wrong, It just wrong, if you sell vitamin, that’s fine you know how old and he have more energy that’s okay, but wild and making like, these crazy claims, bossip, another video in which we talked about how f, eCU can shut it down, right it’s a risk to you maybe wasn’t even you that said it, another leader, then what happened, epitome, the fourth lie we want to go into, 2 is that anyone can, can do it, do you want to make it sound like, anyone can do, and then you know I’ve got a fairly sad in a fairly, extroverted, talkative socializing personality, okay so, maybe for someone like me, it’s natural that I like to network that’s what I call a network Market, what about someone was introvert I mean then when you were growing up your fairly introverted yes I, you have a big network of friends did you know, So.
When it comes to anyone can do it there’s something anyone can do, my phone network marketing, able to climb to Dad, top leadership position, what’s the test, i think it was an article on this, yes actually midget, knock three out of 100 C 100 1000, make it making it, doesn’t mean you’re rich it just means like, you’re not good, if I remember correctly, on average, never marketers, they make I think was like whatever 25 in the Box, it’s not about the anyone can make, it takes a lot of skills it takes a lot of, heimdall, when is there anyone can make it yet, 20 years, if you are a super introverted a shy person you don’t speak good English, are you communicating, it take time, so it is a lie to try to Detroit mask that live, because most of us we want to do this why cuz you want to earn that money quick, And you want to get out of your job or whatever you’re doing, quick you want spend time with your family quick you don’t spend time with your kids when they’re 20-30 years old you want to do it like, next year, and that’s the lie to make you feel that anyone can do it but reality is it takes, i am, the learning skills to get to the high level, and it wasn’t what is something that anyone can, do right how do you know, if that, that’s why I said, if you want a queen well, if you actually want to quit abundance, senior Life, you can never be, out of the equation, you always need to be part of the equation, so anything that is, dakota Shady, anything that’s promising you, hey it has nothing to do with you, Just push a button or or money with on your lab or just, just rebuild his father everything would be fine if, they take you out of the equation this is, yes., ., super duper investment, just put the money in at nothing to do with you you don’t need any effort you’ll make money, you being scared, if you know to quit well, you always always have you be part of the equation, what could you do to deliver real value to the mark, a place in exchange of money, dude that’s legit, that makes you a real entrepreneur entrepreneur, notice, f****** lotion potion potion right, so the best we save the best for last, the number, 5 Li, v Li, is about, amount of money, you make it sound like everyone, can make money as not, trip distance of proven, inc.com is proving it, You know there’s lots of studies outlier, how dare, dan Wolf, i shared with you I think it was 2500 box, do they make per year, but on average they spend over, $25, end time, and I can attest, so it includes like when a conferences, the sign up kit five markings, dressing up if you don’t have a suit go out there buying a suit if you don’t have one, the driving places the product the marketing the telephone bill, not to mention your time, away from your family, write the gas bill, the average, network marketing direct sales person, multi-level marketer, only Earth an average of, $2,500 a year, where is, it’s been 20, 5000, so he’s got think about Siri, spend 25k to make, holiday House., you are better off, just stay home and do nothing, i thought you would have made nothing that you would spend nothing, at least that’s you like, Breaking even.
Go to the real part-time jobs right now, you don’t show it bug me then that people go through these lights and that’s why also the attrition rate, so high and that’s why you, keep recruiting people, any baby should a whole bunch of people motivated not eager, right at home, sirius, they have logs, applications, it just trust, and in part of, why I want to make this but, tequila video, it just, i have a lot of haters, and that’s okay, f*** you., is your friends, what bothers me sometimes, accuse me, right, dan Lok, oh you know what they’re doing it’s a pyramid scheme, what I am the f****** biggest antimlm guy on, the f****** planet, there’s a reason, i want to look at, so many other, speakers, motivational speech, picnic, they speak, add mom pump, you’ve never, why do they speak in MLK, Because Mo companies, pay them a lot of money, you inspire and motivate, the people, right, where, i can tell you right now, you would never ever ever, steve Dan Lok on a f****** network marketing stage, ., syria, i don’t care if they pay me a hundred thousand I don’t give a f*** if they write me a check for $1000000, you will never see deadlock on a network marketing stage, ., because I am entire network marketing I don’t believe them although I don’t believe in what they do and I don’t, believe you actually give a s*** about people want to grow up, i’m so strong I can tell you, this I’m leaving so much money table, just with kisses white with wind blowing, then since the very first time, what I realized, different about you, was that you didn’t focus on, yeah sure, it’s a big argument with a whole network marketing even, I was very vanilla about it, but what you taught me was about, having that, cuz I want to build a business was, to have, the high-income skill, then still a business, then, right, is very big difference, so there you go., the five biggest lies, so if you still thinking about, you asking me a lot of questions, should be home with your Dad should I join Sinatra, don’t f****** join network marketing, what’s a peanut don’t f****** joint, what do you think of this MF don’t f****** John Eminem we are done.
from WordPress https://top1course.com/the-5-big-lies-of-multilevel-marketing/
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself For Christmas, Because You Know You've Had Your Eye On A Few Things
Just because people say it's better to give than to receive, doesn’t mean you have to play martyr and deny the fact that when you wake up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree, you’re pretty damn excited to rip off the wrapping and see how your loved ones chose to spoil you this year. You work hard, and probably don’t play as hard as you deserve, so it’s not a crime to scope out gifts to buy yourself for Christmas. Trust me, friends, you've earned it.
And don't you dare think, even for the tiniest of milliseconds, that splurging on yourself is in any way . Think of it this way, OK? Gift exchanges are wonderful, and I'm sure you're very appreciative of any present a friend or loved one goes out of the way to give you. But, unless you make a detailed wishlist or Pinterest board and send them out for reference every year, I'm willing to bet you don't receive everything you want.
If you a) have the funds and b) are constantly adding and deleting a specific item from your digital shopping cart, allow yourself the luxury this holiday season and treat yourself. Here are a few special gifts to buy yourself for Christmas this year, because you deserve a little TLC and spoiling, too.
1Eye Masks
Honest Hazel
Eye Gels - "TRY ME" - 3 pack, $12, Honest Hazel
I will not hesitate to admit that I am a sucker for cosmetic trends on Instagram. Lime Crime, Dose of Colors — you name it, I've tried it.
Lately, however, viral makeup products have been pushed aside, allowing real skincare goodies shine though. I'm all about self-care these days, so once I spotted Honest Hazel's eye gels all over the health and wellness social accounts I follow, I knew they'd be at the top of my wishlist.
2Artisan Teas
David's Tea
24 Days of Tea, $45, David's Tea
To say that I'm a tea addict would be the understatement of the year. I come from an Irish household where tea time was served the time, and on average, I'd probably sip down about three cups a day.
Over the years, I've expanded my palette well beyond traditional black brews, and I personally find joy in sampling new flavors, which is why this advent calendar of loose leaves from David's Tea has me working my way up on my husband's "Nice List." In each miniature compartment, you'll find a tiny tin of single-serving delicacies like cream of earl grey, silk dragon jasmine, and white cranberry bark. Now sounds like a delicious way to kick off the new year, no?
3A Cropped Hoodie
Women's Cropped Hoodie in Pale Turquoise, $38, Gymshark
I've been a fan of Gymshark's since the very beginning of my fitness journey. If you're a fan of Lululemon, I'd definitely go out on a limb to say this brand is the slightly more affordable version.
Gymshark leggings are bae, and their sports bras fit nice and snug, but I've been eyeing this turquoise hoodie from the second I got wind of its release. Obviously, cropped anything is associated with warmer weather, but when you're killing it at the gym, this is definitely a staple piece for any high-intensity wardrobe.
4The Perfect Makeup Kit
Limited-Edition Magic Star Collector's Set, $49, Tarte Cosmetics
Purchasing high-quality makeup adds up fast. For an all-encompassing set, you're generally spending over $50, but thankfully, Tarte's giving the gift of affordable cosmetics to its loyal customers this holiday season.
This limited-edition set is comprised of all the essentials you'll need to perfect a full face. With 25 exclusive matte and metallic eyeshadows, the brand's signature clay blushes, highlighter, bronzer, and every tool necessary to master a wicked cat eye and bold lip, this is the dream set every beauty buff deserves to treat herself to this year.
4" Live Assorted Succulents Set of 4, $49, Urban Outfitters
Not all of us were born with a green thumb, OK? I know myself, and even though I love the look of plants, I definitely am not one for maintaining them.
This succulent set from UO is perfect for anyone who adores the homey aesthetic plants add to their space, but is admittedly sort of forgetful when it comes to trimming thorns and daily watering. TLC requirements are minimal with these lovely blooms; just make sure they're strategically located where they can soak in the sunshine, and water once in awhile for nourishment.
6Earthy Apothecary
Hello Crisp
The Earthy One Gift Box, $48, Hello Crisp
I recently came across Hello Crisp and instantly fell in love with the brand's cozy, minimalist aesthetic. They offer a range of themed gift boxes catering to unique personalities, and this earthy blend stood out to me as the perfect wintertime treat.
Each product is hand-selected and made by artisans that are environmentally friendly and produce high-quality goods. The Earthy One is comprised of a black pepper birch wood cedar candle, a body lotion that harmonizes notes of vanilla and greenery, as well as a warm apple-scented soap bar enhanced with amber and wild lavender.
7A Graphic Sweatshirt
Wholesome Culture
I Know Guac Is Extra, But So Am I - Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt, $35, Wholesome Culture
Guac may be extra, but it's worth it — and so are you.
I love graphic tees and sweatshirts emblazoned with phrases that are not only catchy, but speak to my soul. Avocado speaks to my soul my stomach, so Wholesome Culture's crewneck truly says it all. Plus, their sizes seem to run a little roomy, which is optimal for post-holiday dinner lounging.
8The Gift Of A New Hobby
We Are Knitters
Avanto Beanie - Knitting Kit, $49, We Are Knitters
I realize that knitting is often associated with a vision of a grandmother in a rocking chair with balls of unraveling yarn at her feet, but We Are Knitters is making this craft cool again, and I personally want in on the fun.
The site is divided into levels of expertise, so if you're a beginner, there are tons of kits to get you started. The Avanto Beanie kit is technically a two-for-one special if you think about it. Not only will you be honing a new skill, you'll also have a chic piece of headgear to sport all winter long.
9Book Club Membership
3-Month Membership, $44.99, Book of the Month Club
If you prefer books over people, there's a club for that. Share your joy of enticing plots and genius character development by gifting yourself a three-month membership to Book of the Month Club.
The process is simple: Choose one or multiple of five titles showcased each month, and have them shipped to your door (sometimes the brand sneaks a surprise inside your bundle), and enjoy!
If you're looking for a book club that's a little more engaging, Emma Roberts and Karah Preiss launched their own exclusive association where readers can purchase Belletrist's monthly pick and discuss via social media.
10A Fancy Planner
Erin Condren
Erin Condren 2018 Hardbound LifePlanner, $30, Amazon
I wouldn't exactly call myself cheap, but I'm definitely not the type of girl to pay a visit to the mall on a weekly basis and waste money on material things I don't need (except books — you can never have too many books).
When it comes to planners, though, I've been known to splurge. Some people look at $30 for a planner and think it's outrageous. I, on the other hand, am drawn to pricey notebooks and will gladly drop a few bills on a hardbound planner clad with pages dedicated to setting goals and organizing schedules.
Erin Condren's life planner comes in three designs: watercolor splash quote, painted petals, and floating florals. It's also huge, with 164 pages to doodle, take notes, and plan your entire 2018. Is it worth the big bucks? For you, I definitely think so.
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10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things was originally posted by A 18 MOA Top News from around
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself For Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
Just because people say it’s better to give than to receive, doesn’t mean you have to play martyr and deny the fact that when you wake up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree, you’re pretty damn excited to rip off the wrapping and see how your loved ones chose to spoil you this year. You work hard, and probably don’t play as hard as you deserve, so it’s not a crime to scope out gifts to buy yourself for Christmas. Trust me, friends, you’ve earned it.
And don’t you dare think, even for the tiniest of milliseconds, that splurging on yourself is in any way . Think of it this way, OK? Gift exchanges are wonderful, and I’m sure you’re very appreciative of any present a friend or loved one goes out of the way to give you. But, unless you make a detailed wishlist or Pinterest board and send them out for reference every year, I’m willing to bet you don’t receive everything you want.
If you a) have the funds and b) are constantly adding and deleting a specific item from your digital shopping cart, allow yourself the luxury this holiday season and treat yourself. Here are a few special gifts to buy yourself for Christmas this year, because you deserve a little TLC and spoiling, too.
1Eye Masks
Honest Hazel
Eye Gels – “TRY ME” – 3 pack, $12, Honest Hazel
I will not hesitate to admit that I am a sucker for cosmetic trends on Instagram. Lime Crime, Dose of Colors — you name it, I’ve tried it.
Lately, however, viral makeup products have been pushed aside, allowing real skincare goodies shine though. I’m all about self-care these days, so once I spotted Honest Hazel’s eye gels all over the health and wellness social accounts I follow, I knew they’d be at the top of my wishlist.
2Artisan Teas
David’s Tea
24 Days of Tea, $45, David’s Tea
To say that I’m a tea addict would be the understatement of the year. I come from an Irish household where tea time was served the time, and on average, I’d probably sip down about three cups a day.
Over the years, I’ve expanded my palette well beyond traditional black brews, and I personally find joy in sampling new flavors, which is why this advent calendar of loose leaves from David’s Tea has me working my way up on my husband’s “Nice List.” In each miniature compartment, you’ll find a tiny tin of single-serving delicacies like cream of earl grey, silk dragon jasmine, and white cranberry bark. Now sounds like a delicious way to kick off the new year, no?
3A Cropped Hoodie
Women’s Cropped Hoodie in Pale Turquoise, $38, Gymshark
I’ve been a fan of Gymshark’s since the very beginning of my fitness journey. If you’re a fan of Lululemon, I’d definitely go out on a limb to say this brand is the slightly more affordable version.
Gymshark leggings are bae, and their sports bras fit nice and snug, but I’ve been eyeing this turquoise hoodie from the second I got wind of its release. Obviously, cropped anything is associated with warmer weather, but when you’re killing it at the gym, this is definitely a staple piece for any high-intensity wardrobe.
4The Perfect Makeup Kit
Limited-Edition Magic Star Collector’s Set, $49, Tarte Cosmetics
Purchasing high-quality makeup adds up fast. For an all-encompassing set, you’re generally spending over $50, but thankfully, Tarte’s giving the gift of affordable cosmetics to its loyal customers this holiday season.
This limited-edition set is comprised of all the essentials you’ll need to perfect a full face. With 25 exclusive matte and metallic eyeshadows, the brand’s signature clay blushes, highlighter, bronzer, and every tool necessary to master a wicked cat eye and bold lip, this is the dream set every beauty buff deserves to treat herself to this year.
4″ Live Assorted Succulents Set of 4, $49, Urban Outfitters
Not all of us were born with a green thumb, OK? I know myself, and even though I love the look of plants, I definitely am not one for maintaining them.
This succulent set from UO is perfect for anyone who adores the homey aesthetic plants add to their space, but is admittedly sort of forgetful when it comes to trimming thorns and daily watering. TLC requirements are minimal with these lovely blooms; just make sure they’re strategically located where they can soak in the sunshine, and water once in awhile for nourishment.
6Earthy Apothecary
Hello Crisp
The Earthy One Gift Box, $48, Hello Crisp
I recently came across Hello Crisp and instantly fell in love with the brand’s cozy, minimalist aesthetic. They offer a range of themed gift boxes catering to unique personalities, and this earthy blend stood out to me as the perfect wintertime treat.
Each product is hand-selected and made by artisans that are environmentally friendly and produce high-quality goods. The Earthy One is comprised of a black pepper birch wood cedar candle, a body lotion that harmonizes notes of vanilla and greenery, as well as a warm apple-scented soap bar enhanced with amber and wild lavender.
7A Graphic Sweatshirt
Wholesome Culture
I Know Guac Is Extra, But So Am I – Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt, $35, Wholesome Culture
Guac may be extra, but it’s worth it — and so are you.
I love graphic tees and sweatshirts emblazoned with phrases that are not only catchy, but speak to my soul. Avocado speaks to my soul my stomach, so Wholesome Culture’s crewneck truly says it all. Plus, their sizes seem to run a little roomy, which is optimal for post-holiday dinner lounging.
8The Gift Of A New Hobby
We Are Knitters
Avanto Beanie – Knitting Kit, $49, We Are Knitters
I realize that knitting is often associated with a vision of a grandmother in a rocking chair with balls of unraveling yarn at her feet, but We Are Knitters is making this craft cool again, and I personally want in on the fun.
The site is divided into levels of expertise, so if you’re a beginner, there are tons of kits to get you started. The Avanto Beanie kit is technically a two-for-one special if you think about it. Not only will you be honing a new skill, you’ll also have a chic piece of headgear to sport all winter long.
9Book Club Membership
3-Month Membership, $44.99, Book of the Month Club
If you prefer books over people, there’s a club for that. Share your joy of enticing plots and genius character development by gifting yourself a three-month membership to Book of the Month Club.
The process is simple: Choose one or multiple of five titles showcased each month, and have them shipped to your door (sometimes the brand sneaks a surprise inside your bundle), and enjoy!
If you’re looking for a book club that’s a little more engaging, Emma Roberts and Karah Preiss launched their own exclusive association where readers can purchase Belletrist’s monthly pick and discuss via social media.
10A Fancy Planner
Erin Condren
Erin Condren 2018 Hardbound LifePlanner, $30, Amazon
I wouldn’t exactly call myself cheap, but I’m definitely not the type of girl to pay a visit to the mall on a weekly basis and waste money on material things I don’t need (except books — you can never have too many books).
When it comes to planners, though, I’ve been known to splurge. Some people look at $30 for a planner and think it’s outrageous. I, on the other hand, am drawn to pricey notebooks and will gladly drop a few bills on a hardbound planner clad with pages dedicated to setting goals and organizing schedules.
Erin Condren’s life planner comes in three designs: watercolor splash quote, painted petals, and floating florals. It’s also huge, with 164 pages to doodle, take notes, and plan your entire 2018. Is it worth the big bucks? For you, I definitely think so.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2irYgzw
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2AoF1kT via Viral News HQ
0 notes
daleisgreat · 7 years
RoH Supercard of Honor XI
Welcome all to my yearly recap of Ring of Honor’s Supercard of Honor (SoH) event. It is the one RoH show I make sure to catch every year, so click here to check out past installments. 2017 marked the 11th edition of the show and like most previous SoH cards, it transpired within the same vicinity as where Wrestlemania occurred that same weekend. As a result, the announcers for this show (Kevin Kelly, Colt Cabana, Ian Riccaboni) stated SoH XI had one of the largest attendances in RoH history. RoH is about in the same place as it was a year ago, owned by TV conglomerate Sinclair. One new addition to RoH since the prior SoH was bringing back their own women’s division and branding it as ‘Women of Honor.’ They aired a handful of women-only shows since the summer of 2016 and women matches spotlighted on the RoH YouTube channel are among their videos that garner their highest traffic. RoH still has their weekly syndicated TV show that can be found on your local Sinclair affiliate or on a few day delay on the official RoH website. I am impressed to see they have maintained their step up in ring and arena lighting that I noticed last year as it brings their overall production values up to a more professional level. They even added a few video-trons to their entrance area and have near-WWE quality matchup and banner graphics throughout the event. Big ups to Sinclair these past two years for doing those little things that go a long way!
The four prelim matches are included as bonus material on disc two and are all Women of Honor bouts. On one hand this is great seeing four women matches on a show, but to see them all relegated to the preshow is disheartening. Tasha Steelz bested Brandi Lauren in the opener with a Butterfly Suplex in a basic opener while the arena was still filing in. Next, Mandy Leon & Jenny Rose beat Sumie Sakai & Faye Jackson in a bout that engaged the crowd with a few more dives and high-flying maneuvers and saw Mandy get the pin with her Unprettier finisher. The best of the four women’s matches featured talent on loan from Mexican promotion CMLL. Marcela and La Amapola are two sound veterans who had a main event caliber match with many impressive holds and moments, and eventually Marcela got the victory with a Michinoku Driver. The final women’s match saw the undefeated Kelly Klein defeat Deonna Purrazzo with a Northern Lights Suplex. The announcers kept hyping Klein as a big deal for being undefeated for 525 days going into the match, so I anticipate only big things for her ahead. The opener for the main SoH XI card was for the TV title and featured Marty Scrull defending the strap against Bullet Club member Adam Cole. Yes, the same Adam Cole who left for WWE a few months later and is now the head of the NXT faction, Undisputed Era with Bobby Fish and Kyle ‘o Reilly. This bout had a lot of good exchanges and counters and vicious-looking piledrivers. The exception however was Cole botching two attempts at a Tombstone, but the duo quickly found their footing not too long after. Eventually Scrull successfully defended the title with a rear naked choke submission. My man, Silas Young (AKA AWA Scott Hall) and Beer City Bruiser teamed up next against The Kindgom, and after some chicanery involving a cigar, Young hit his version of the TKO and got the pin while puffing away on the stogie in a fun match.
A nice highlight package recapping Bully Ray’s involvement in RoH and becoming a triple tag team champion along with the Briscoes helped set up their title defense versus Bullet Club’s Hangman Page & Gorillas of Destiny. If you recall my past RoH recaps, I am not a big fan of the lack of officiating in RoH tag bouts, but considering the participants involved here I will allow a little leeway in this match that had a ton of chaos and crowd pleasing madness. I am still a little surprised to see Bully Ray competing in an RoH ring, but he seems like a good fit with the Briscoes as they successfully defended their titles with a double Doomsday Device and Super 3D for the win. Another former WWE star made his SoH debut next with Bullet Club’s Cody Rhodes taking on Jay Lethal in a Texas Bullrope match. Oh yeah, I forgot he is just called ‘Cody’ here because WWE owns the ‘Rhodes’ trademark. Another video package and the announcers helped set the stage for their rivalry and why the Bullrope match is a big deal for the Rhodes family. There were some big moments here that saw Cody dawn the crimson mask and a sweet-looking spot from Cody where he popped up and toss Lethal through a table. Eventually Cody got his first RoH loss here after Jay pinned him with the Lethal Injection. The next match was a triple threat tag team match with the Motor City Machine Guns, the Rebellion and Will Ferrara & Cheeseburger. This contest was more of a cluster-mess with all kinds of hijinx in the opening half and the tag rules being practically non-existent. Once I got past the craziness, there were a few decent spots that culminated with the Motor City Machine Guns getting the win with their finish. The last match on disc one saw Punishment Martinez take on Frankie Kazarian. Martinez can fly for a big man, and he eventually got the victory with his South of Heaven Chokeslam after Hangman Page distracted Kaz.
The aforementioned Bobby Fish came out next and called out Jay Lethal, but instead Silas Young came out and the two had an impromptu match that featured a cringe-inducing ref bump. The match got thrown out after a few minutes when Silas attacked the replacement ref for the DQ. More CMLL talent was showcased in the next bout with Dragon Lee & Jay White taking on Volador Jr. & Will Ospreay. These guys can go, and their acrobatics puts a vast majority of the cruiserweight action on 205 Live to shame. Ospreay delivering a Shooting Star Press to the outside of the ring was the standout highlight, but it was his partner Volador Jr. who got the pin with a body scissors from the top rope. The first half of the double main event followed with Christopher Daniels defending his RoH World Title against Dalton Castle. It was a nice feel good story earlier this year with Daniels winning his first World Title gold after over 20 years in the business. Dalton dialed back his act enough so it is not as obnoxious as before, but despite his efforts in this match a well executed counter-exchange had Daniels getting the surprise roll-up win. After the match Cody attacked Daniels to set up their title match several weeks later.
The final match saw the Hardy Boyz defending their tag titles against the Bullet Club’s Young Bucks in a ladder match. Since my previous SoH recap, I have since ‘got’ the Young Bucks ‘too sweet/superkick party’ personas. It was a bit too over-the-top initially when first exposed to it last year, but I kind of get it now and am not as mortified by it as I once was. I still think they forever ruined the superkick as a finish, but to be fair so did the Usos in recent years to a lesser degree. The match did not disappoint, and while the Hardyz are 25-year vets, they nearly stayed on pace with the Young Bucks throughout. A couple OMG moments were the Bucks putting Jeff Hardy through a table with a 450 Splash and the Hardyz shoving one of the Bucks off a ladder in a specific way that he wound up inadvertently putting his own brother through a table. I am not kidding when I state that at least 10, maybe even 15 tables were broken throughout the match. Ultimately, the Young Bucks emerged as the new tag champs when they simultaneously superkicked both Hardyz off a ladder and grabbed the belts for the win. If you recall how this weekend went down earlier this year it was the final day for the Hardyz in their short RoH stint after a lengthy run in Impact/GFW/TNA. They would proceed to return to WWE the next night at Wrestlemania 33, but more on that in a future blog! SoH XI was a major improvement from the two night split SoH X lineup from last year. The overall show was better paced and they did not go excess on the comedy or highspots overkill like in some previous years. The continued bump in production quality and convenient storyline highlight packages that preceded most matches added a lot for a casual RoH fan like myself who only catches just a few shows a year. I would have liked to have seen at least one of the women’s matches on the main card, and I had a few other nitpicks noted above, but for the most part this was the best SoH show in quite a few years. My picks for matches of the night are the Bullrope match, the CMLL tag match and the tag titles ladder main event that delivered! Definitely go out of your way to add Supercard of Honor XI to your RoH collection! Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Sting: Into the Light Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder TNA Lockdown 2005-2014 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania 3: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself For Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
Just because people say it’s better to give than to receive, doesn’t mean you have to play martyr and deny the fact that when you wake up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree, you’re pretty damn excited to rip off the wrapping and see how your loved ones chose to spoil you this year. You work hard, and probably don’t play as hard as you deserve, so it’s not a crime to scope out gifts to buy yourself for Christmas. Trust me, friends, you’ve earned it.
And don’t you dare think, even for the tiniest of milliseconds, that splurging on yourself is in any way . Think of it this way, OK? Gift exchanges are wonderful, and I’m sure you’re very appreciative of any present a friend or loved one goes out of the way to give you. But, unless you make a detailed wishlist or Pinterest board and send them out for reference every year, I’m willing to bet you don’t receive everything you want.
If you a) have the funds and b) are constantly adding and deleting a specific item from your digital shopping cart, allow yourself the luxury this holiday season and treat yourself. Here are a few special gifts to buy yourself for Christmas this year, because you deserve a little TLC and spoiling, too.
1Eye Masks
Honest Hazel
Eye Gels – “TRY ME” – 3 pack, $12, Honest Hazel
I will not hesitate to admit that I am a sucker for cosmetic trends on Instagram. Lime Crime, Dose of Colors — you name it, I’ve tried it.
Lately, however, viral makeup products have been pushed aside, allowing real skincare goodies shine though. I’m all about self-care these days, so once I spotted Honest Hazel’s eye gels all over the health and wellness social accounts I follow, I knew they’d be at the top of my wishlist.
2Artisan Teas
David’s Tea
24 Days of Tea, $45, David’s Tea
To say that I’m a tea addict would be the understatement of the year. I come from an Irish household where tea time was served the time, and on average, I’d probably sip down about three cups a day.
Over the years, I’ve expanded my palette well beyond traditional black brews, and I personally find joy in sampling new flavors, which is why this advent calendar of loose leaves from David’s Tea has me working my way up on my husband’s “Nice List.” In each miniature compartment, you’ll find a tiny tin of single-serving delicacies like cream of earl grey, silk dragon jasmine, and white cranberry bark. Now sounds like a delicious way to kick off the new year, no?
3A Cropped Hoodie
Women’s Cropped Hoodie in Pale Turquoise, $38, Gymshark
I’ve been a fan of Gymshark’s since the very beginning of my fitness journey. If you’re a fan of Lululemon, I’d definitely go out on a limb to say this brand is the slightly more affordable version.
Gymshark leggings are bae, and their sports bras fit nice and snug, but I’ve been eyeing this turquoise hoodie from the second I got wind of its release. Obviously, cropped anything is associated with warmer weather, but when you’re killing it at the gym, this is definitely a staple piece for any high-intensity wardrobe.
4The Perfect Makeup Kit
Limited-Edition Magic Star Collector’s Set, $49, Tarte Cosmetics
Purchasing high-quality makeup adds up fast. For an all-encompassing set, you’re generally spending over $50, but thankfully, Tarte’s giving the gift of affordable cosmetics to its loyal customers this holiday season.
This limited-edition set is comprised of all the essentials you’ll need to perfect a full face. With 25 exclusive matte and metallic eyeshadows, the brand’s signature clay blushes, highlighter, bronzer, and every tool necessary to master a wicked cat eye and bold lip, this is the dream set every beauty buff deserves to treat herself to this year.
4″ Live Assorted Succulents Set of 4, $49, Urban Outfitters
Not all of us were born with a green thumb, OK? I know myself, and even though I love the look of plants, I definitely am not one for maintaining them.
This succulent set from UO is perfect for anyone who adores the homey aesthetic plants add to their space, but is admittedly sort of forgetful when it comes to trimming thorns and daily watering. TLC requirements are minimal with these lovely blooms; just make sure they’re strategically located where they can soak in the sunshine, and water once in awhile for nourishment.
6Earthy Apothecary
Hello Crisp
The Earthy One Gift Box, $48, Hello Crisp
I recently came across Hello Crisp and instantly fell in love with the brand’s cozy, minimalist aesthetic. They offer a range of themed gift boxes catering to unique personalities, and this earthy blend stood out to me as the perfect wintertime treat.
Each product is hand-selected and made by artisans that are environmentally friendly and produce high-quality goods. The Earthy One is comprised of a black pepper birch wood cedar candle, a body lotion that harmonizes notes of vanilla and greenery, as well as a warm apple-scented soap bar enhanced with amber and wild lavender.
7A Graphic Sweatshirt
Wholesome Culture
I Know Guac Is Extra, But So Am I – Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt, $35, Wholesome Culture
Guac may be extra, but it’s worth it — and so are you.
I love graphic tees and sweatshirts emblazoned with phrases that are not only catchy, but speak to my soul. Avocado speaks to my soul my stomach, so Wholesome Culture’s crewneck truly says it all. Plus, their sizes seem to run a little roomy, which is optimal for post-holiday dinner lounging.
8The Gift Of A New Hobby
We Are Knitters
Avanto Beanie – Knitting Kit, $49, We Are Knitters
I realize that knitting is often associated with a vision of a grandmother in a rocking chair with balls of unraveling yarn at her feet, but We Are Knitters is making this craft cool again, and I personally want in on the fun.
The site is divided into levels of expertise, so if you’re a beginner, there are tons of kits to get you started. The Avanto Beanie kit is technically a two-for-one special if you think about it. Not only will you be honing a new skill, you’ll also have a chic piece of headgear to sport all winter long.
9Book Club Membership
3-Month Membership, $44.99, Book of the Month Club
If you prefer books over people, there’s a club for that. Share your joy of enticing plots and genius character development by gifting yourself a three-month membership to Book of the Month Club.
The process is simple: Choose one or multiple of five titles showcased each month, and have them shipped to your door (sometimes the brand sneaks a surprise inside your bundle), and enjoy!
If you’re looking for a book club that’s a little more engaging, Emma Roberts and Karah Preiss launched their own exclusive association where readers can purchase Belletrist’s monthly pick and discuss via social media.
10A Fancy Planner
Erin Condren
Erin Condren 2018 Hardbound LifePlanner, $30, Amazon
I wouldn’t exactly call myself cheap, but I’m definitely not the type of girl to pay a visit to the mall on a weekly basis and waste money on material things I don’t need (except books — you can never have too many books).
When it comes to planners, though, I’ve been known to splurge. Some people look at $30 for a planner and think it’s outrageous. I, on the other hand, am drawn to pricey notebooks and will gladly drop a few bills on a hardbound planner clad with pages dedicated to setting goals and organizing schedules.
Erin Condren’s life planner comes in three designs: watercolor splash quote, painted petals, and floating florals. It’s also huge, with 164 pages to doodle, take notes, and plan your entire 2018. Is it worth the big bucks? For you, I definitely think so.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2irYgzw
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2AoF1kT via Viral News HQ
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