#and also I was doing this for like 6 fucking months before she got home
helleanorlance · 2 years
Finally put my foot down with my sister and told her that I can’t cover for her tonight or tomorrow night and somehow she is acting like I am the bitch in this situation. And I do think she genuinely feels that way but like… she gets to leave in three weeks! And not come back! And then it’s all my responsibility! And I have taken over for her every fucking time she has asked me to all summer, even though she never gives me advance notice. So I’m pretty sure that I am in the right here
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
how do i explain to my grandma that sometimes our brains are fucking idiots who come up with nonsense bullshit scenarios that could never happen in a million years and we shouldn't worry about those scenarios and you just gotta tell your fucking idiot brain to shut the fuck up and leave you alone
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f4riedimples · 8 months
one of the girls
Pairings:Sam carpenter x f!reader
summary:truthfully ,after months of hooking up you never knew if Sam would ever officially be yours.
Inspired song:one of the girls-Jennie,The Weeknd,lily-rose depp.
a/n:(reader is 19, Sam is 25)
warnings:friends with benefits?,small smut/suggestiveness, secrets, jealousy
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‘We don't gotta be in love, no I don't gotta be the one, no I just wanna be one of your girls tonight’
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Yes, you had feelings for Sam but you’d never thought it’d turn out like this.
I mean- why would she decide to do this herself anyways? It all felt so unreal. you’d known each other since before she left her home 5-6 years ago.
and ever since she was back you couldn’t help but have feelings for her. She was everything that you wanted.
“Right there- right there, fuck.” She had whispered to you as you continued to please her, switching to whatever you knew she truly wanted deep down.
she loved to be dominant but you knew she’d also love to be taken care of so you decided to do whatever you can to please her.
‘Give me tough love Leave me with nothin' when I come down My kinda love Force me and choke me 'til I pass out’
after you made her feel good you both just would simply put on your clothes. No aftercare, sometimes no words.
after you both came out of her room you helped yourself to a bottle of water in her fridge. You really needed it after all.
If you were gonna be honest as much as you loved doing whatever Sam asked of you, you wanted so bad sometimes for more. A real relationship. You hated how attached you were getting.
You at least would’ve loved some sex that felt soft, loving, and of course comforting. Not just sex that’s more…freaky. Not just the degrading words that would turn you on, the way she would spank you, the way she made you feel the way no one else could.
it felt good in the moment but you wanted more.
but you might never speak on that.
“hey y/n.” You turned around as she said your name, waiting for what she was gonna say next.
“can you hand me a bottle of water?” She panted as she wiped a bit of sweat off her brow. You handed her some water and she eagerly almost chugged it before chuckling.
“hey is it okay if I take a shower real quick before Tara and the others come back?” You asked almost shyly before she sent you a smile.
“of course.” You smiled and made your way to the shower trying not to think about everything running in your head.
after getting out of the shower you quickly threw on some clothes and excited the apartment, giving Sam a rushed good bye as you power walked out of the apartment.
Sam on the other hand…well. She didn’t know how to feel. Or what she felt.
the next day you had come over with the rest of the group to hang out before going out to the club that night. As soon as you arrived and Sam answered the door you saw Danny in the room.
you stared, almost glared at the muscular boy before Sam interrupted all the thoughts that were coming to your petty little head.
“y/n, come in!” She smiles seemingly not knowing what you were staring at. Once you had got in and set your bag down you hugged Mindy before sitting on the couch next to her.
You guys had quite a fun time for a while. All until when you weren’t paying attention Sam was taking Danny to her room.
your eyes widen as it felt like your worst fears were coming true right in front of your eyes.
no one noticed at first until you had this almost upset look on your face. Chad turned to you concerned thinking that you were about to cry or maybe even scream.
“Y/n? You okay? You seem pretty tense.” He asked concerned as you just shook your head and sighed with a chuckle.
“I’m fine. Thanks Chad.” You sent him a smile at his caring nature and also because to night was supposed to be fun.
and besides, Sam wasn’t yours anyways. Why would you be mad over someone who doesn’t belong to you?
once Sam and Danny had came out of the room after what felt like an eternity you had all went to the club.
while there you had some shots but decided to separate from the group.
In the corner of your eye you had saw Sam dancing pretty suggestively with someone else. There was so many people around you that you could only focus on Sam in the face she was making as she was touching the person.
“she’s not yours, she’s not yours, she’s not yours…she’s not…” you said in your mind as your eyes filled with tears. You didn’t know wether you wanted to tell that to the person or how much you were telling it literally to yourself.
she wasn’t yours. She wasn’t anybody’s.
you were just lucky your friends weren’t currently seeing you. You made your back to the bar and ordered another shot.
“thank you!-“ you almost squealed trying to be happy and cheer up. As you took the shot and felt the alcohol burn your throat you tried to get out of the sad mood and shake it off.
you felt a tap on your shoulder. You didn’t wether or not you hoped it was Sam before turning around to reveal…
some random guy.
he had a smirk like smile on his face and you already knew he wanted to dance.
you really wanted to roll your eyes.
“sorry. I’m not good at dancing.” You lied as you tried not to have an attitude. But of course he wouldn’t let up that easily.
“oh come on sexy. I saw you dancing a few minutes ago. I know you got moves.”
you sighed. “Sorry I just really don’t wanna dance right now.
the guy rolled his eyes with an attitude.” Cmon! I could really make it worth your while. Besides…maybe if you want we could go back to my place and you could experience some real fun.” His breath reeked of alcohol. You could tell by his clothes, scent, messed up tattoos and teeth that it wouldn’t be happening.
he was clearly fucked up in more ways than one. He yelled at the bartender to get you both shots of one of your least favorite alcohols.
You tried to be patient and talk out of this. “Listen man I’m just not interested. You’re not my type. Keep your shots for yourself. I can buy my own.” You argued with a slight attitude.
he couldn’t help but groan. “Damn. Why don’t chicks like a real man who’ll take care of you?” He then mumbled under his breath as he started to walk away. “Ugly bitch.”
you gripped the bar table in anger as you tried to keep a your emotions from the past weeks at bay.
you quickly turned around and ordered another shot from the bartender Toni who had a really sorry look on their face feeling bad for you.
as you took your next shot you heard Tara shout your name happily.
“y/n cmon! Why are you just sitting there by yourself?” It wasn’t anything to be rude or sarcastic but you still felt angry at it. But you knew that it wasn’t her fault for the predicament you were in.
you turned around and sighed before taking another shot and smiling. “Let’s party!”
now you were currently dancing with Mindy in not a too suggestive way. Everyone around you could tell it was just playful and friendly.
she was behind you as you two danced to the current song that was playing. It felt so good to let loose that you started to forget about the whole Sam situation.
that is until she took your hand and led you to another part of the club.
you were shocked and confused in your drunk mind. “Sam? What are you doing?”
“dancing. With you.” You could tell that she was probably not too happy but you ignored it and made sure not to make her mood worse. you guys were dancing like a couple who were ready to get it on. You felt her hands on your body and saw how she sent a slight glare at Mindy.
was she jealous? Couldn’t be. Her and Mindy probably just had an argument recently or for all you could know it probably wasn’t even aimed directly at Mindy.
you were almost getting turned on with the way Sam was dancing against you and grabbing you. It made you wanna kiss her so bad. And you almost did until you realized how angry could be.
‘Lock me up and throw away the key *She* knows how to get the best out of me I'm no fools for the world to see Trade my whole life just to be’
you were so ready and hoping Sam would take you back to her apartment right then and there when everyone got back and wouldn’t notice. But after a few minutes you saw her staring on another direction with a much different gaze.
you knew that this would probably be the end of your dancing now and you were right as Sam pulled away and walked off.
you were sad again. You weren’t gonna do anything crazy to get her jealous again. No. You were just gonna go back over to your friends and dance in a much more friendly and less provocative way.
you were once again trying to feel better but everyone around you could tell that was a mask to hide how you truly felt.
‘Top of the world but I'm still not free It's such a secret that I keep Until it's gone, I can never find peace Brace my whole life just to be’
when you all got back to Sam’s your drunkenness had already died down from all of your emotions on everything.
you so desperately wanted to talk to Sam before you all got back into the car.
but you’d just embarrass yourself or at least that’s what you felt.
you wanted so badly to move on. Get away. Stop it. But you knew that it would be such a bitch to leave. Not when you and Sam had already done so much.
you were just thankful that she didn’t try to bring back whoever she was dancing with at the club.
you hopped into the shower first and got rid of all the little bit of sweat from your time parting at that club. even as the drunken state your mind had was fading you couldn’t help but think about if Sam came in her right now.
seeing you like this. But not just for some hook up to end the night. No. Maybe to…finally be official?
You knew it was beyond stupid so you tried to get that hopeful thought out of your head.
as you came out of the shower you realized that as everyone was mostly asleep Sam had her door wide open.
she pulled you inside. “There you are princesca.” She whispered lustfully before kissing you passionately.
at least you were her girl for the night.
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starrdevereauxx · 2 months
I said last time would be the last time.
Brandon broke up with me 6 months ago. I’ve been a wreck for weeks on end. I promised myself to get over it, but it’s been such a hard thing to process. We would always fight, make up, make love and act like nothing ever happened. He was gone this time. This was the longest we ever been apart.
I try to find things to do to pass the time, but nothing ever seems to take my mind off him. I still smell him, breathe him, and feel him through my body. Our mutual friends always give messages about him, but I’ve been ignoring them lately. My heart can’t take listening to his name, let alone hearing of any accomplishments.
I need to run my errands today, but like everyday I become sad running them alone. We did everything together, after 6 years I can’t believe that we don’t do this anymore.
Heading to the grocery store I become sad with my list of groceries for one instead of two. I hop in my car and turn on “our” playlist. Hoping I can borrow a feeling from any song that plays. Another slow song begins to play and I’m seeing myself in the mirror. Envisioning him touching me, wishing my hands were his. Rubbing the side of my face, choking me ever so lightly. I literally just felt my pussy drip at this light.
“Get it together Dev” I say trying to convince myself that I’m over him. Knowing damn well I’m not. I can feel him inside my pussy when I think about him. The feeling intensifies with every breath I take.
I gather myself to go inside of the store, with my lonely list of single items. Looking at the list I just remember every single meal I ever made for him. Pouring my heart into each meal, now I can only make food for myself. I sob gathering myself for this lonely trip.
I walk through the store, gathering each item reluctantly. Wishing we were laughing together, talking about what we gonna pretend to watch on Netflix when we got back home. Saying pretend because it we wouldn’t make it pass the opening credits without his chocolate snicker veined dick engorged in my throat. He would be gagging me before we knew the name of the movie.
After looking at my cart, I figured I deserved a treat. I tried to maintain a healthy cart since I’m single, I need to stay in shape. The most physical activity I get is the gym these days, so I had to maintain some resemblance of care in my food intake. But with all the crying that I’ve been doing, today I deserve a treat. I decided to head back to the ice cream isle and help myself to something to lift my spirits.
As I walk to the back of the store with my headphones on, I’m letting Chris Brown sing me to a happy place. I almost begin to get a spring in my step as he’s talking about fucking someone back to sleep.
I make it to the ice cream section and I immediately look for Ben & Jerry’s tasty ass. I see it, straight ahead “Chunky Monkey”. I move my cart out of the way to reach for it. As I get ready to reach for the pint, I feel some thing grab me, startled I think I’m in trouble for climbing inside the refrigerator. Moving my headphones so I can hear, a deep, smoldering voice says
“that’s still your favorite ice cream I see, even though I also remember that your monkey was the only chunky I ever wanted”.
I’m fucking stuck. There’s only one voice I know that sounds like that, and my pussy dripping is letting me know exactly who it is.
“Brandon, oh wow. It’s crazy seeing you here. How are you?” I gulp nervously.
“You look good Dev, time has been good to you. But then again when has it not?” Brandon says as he looks at me like he’s about to take my throat from me right here in this store.
As I prepare to answer him, someone loudly over talks me.
“Babe, BABE.. do you want movie popcorn or kettle corn?” I turn to see a bubbly perky breasted young lady yelling to her significant other about popcorn. I turned back around to see if I see him, just for my heart to sink as I realize that there’s nobody here but me and Brandon here. She’s talking to him. Oh my God, he has a girlfriend.
“I’m so sorry ma’am, I was just trying to get a hold of my fiancé, I didn’t mean to bump you, my apologies” she smiles.
“Kettle Corn baby, thank you” he replies.
She skips off to honor his request. I stand there putting my broken heart back in my chest, not making it obvious that I’m literally breaking apart inside. FIANCÉ!?!? What in the fuck is this? After 6 years together, he never asked me to marry him. I’m even more convinced that it was never going to be me.
“Well congratulations to you and your fiancé, you deserve happiness. Be well Brandon.” I say tearfully as I run off, forgetting my ice cream. At this point I just want to disappear.
I get to the register, pay for my items and hurry to my car.
It was a long walk to my car. I always parked far from stores because I loved to get my steps in. Every step counts to me. So I had enough time to cry myself to the car and be over it by the time I started my car.
I open my trunk and back seat to place my purse down as I organize my groceries in the back, just incase if I needed room for a surprise bullseye store trip. I think after that encounter, I deserve some retail therapy now.
As I near the finish of my organization, I feel someone tap me from behind and say “I thought we discussed you parking way the hell back here. Nobody can see you back here.” Brandon says with what looks like chunky monkey ice cream in his hands.
“What the fuck are you doing back here? Where’s your fiancé? Why are you here? I-“ he stops me mid sentence, placing the ice cream in my hand.
“I’m sorry, I should have told you about Keisha. You didn’t deserve to find out like this” he says looking at me sincerely.
“You don’t owe me anything, we are over. It’s your life. We have both clearly moved on.” I say proudly, pretending that I don’t feel like bending over right now and letting him turn me into a Twinkie.
He stares at me in my eyes with a look I haven’t seen in so long, but I remember well. I break contact and go back to packing my car so I can leave this awkward encounter.
He grabs my arm forcefully, making me drop my car keys in the backseat. Turning me towards him, forcing me to look at him. I begin to tear away in anger because I’m loosing control to my body.
“Get the fuck off me Brandon, what in the hell is your problem. Let me the fuck go.”
I try to break free from his grip. I feel his dick literally growing with anticipation the more I fight.
He stops me and looks me in my eyes. He’s subdued me with his piercing glare. He presses up against me, placing his hands on my body. One softly but firmly on my neck and the other on my left breast, lightly massaging it and grazing the nipple ever so softly. My breathing becomes shallow and scattered. What is he doing? Why is he doing this? Isn’t his fiancé near by or in the car wondering where he is. I’m sure she’s looking for him. In this moment, I don’t think either one of us cares. My pussy is wet and gushing between my panties that I know is drenched at this point.
“I know you feel what I feel for you. I haven’t had a day go by that I haven’t thought about you Dev. We broke up, but never really let go. If you tell me to let you go right now, I’ll stop and walk away forever. You want me to stop?” He says while looking me in my dough eyes. I have no voice to even reply. My red lips are pursed and parted from the small breaths I continue to take. I shake my head no while staring him completely in his eyes.
He leans onto me, kissing me softly, hand still wrapped around my neck. He kisses my lips softly and becomes more aggressive every time he touches his lips to mine. He parts my lips to slide his tongue inside my mouth, I close my mouth to proceed to suck his tongue. Feeling now that his dick is rock hard.
“Show me that you still love me” he says as I’m already unbuckling his jeans. I drop to my knees and open my mouth. Giving him my entire throat to use as he pleases. Forcing my head on and off his dick, using my mouth as his personal pocket pussy. Grabbing both sides of my face, moaning loudly in this parking structure like we are outside alone. He literally has no fear of being caught in this moment. Brandon’s dick is so deep down my throat that he’s breathing for the both of us.
I feel his precum slip pass my lips. He stops. He pulls me off my knees and stands me up, just to pull down my leggings, revealing my cummed in panties. He begins to take his dick to rub my clit while I stand there defenseless.
Brandon forcefully turns me around, placing me in position. I automatically arch the posture of my back, taking my hands to spread my giant ass to show my wet dripping pussy that’s salivating for his erection to be inside me.
“Such a good girl, still obedient like I remember. Tell me what you want” he orders me.
“Fuck me hard please. Take my pussy from me” I say patiently waiting for him to beat my pussy like an Undertaker versus Mankind cage match.
He forces his dick inside my tight wet pussy, moaning hard as he enters. I grip him hard with my pussy as he’s thrusting aggressively in and out of me.
He’s pulsating inside of me as he’s moving. I’m feeling every inch of him as he’s continuing to grow inside of me. Just moving back and forth, harder and harder. I’m moaning so loud and hard, tears in my eyes from how good it feels to have his dick inside me. Holding my breasts as he’s making me take his dick roughly outside where everyone can see.
“Oh my God Dev, you’re gonna make me cum. I’m about to cum. Do you want it in your favorite place?” He says as I scream out “Yes” in reply.
I fall to my knees like a sinner who needs prayer, open my mouth to the heavens and wait for him to bless me. He releases an outpouring of his creaminess all over my face and mouth, as I devour every drop that hits my throat.
He moans as he shakes out every drop til he’s empty. I swallow the rest of him and what’s left of my pride as he kisses me in completion. My pants still around my ankles, he grips my ass holding me in place as he continues to kiss me softly.
I buckle his pants as he helps me with mine. I brush my hand across his face and we embrace each other knowing that he has to go.
“Goodbye Brandon.” I kiss him on the cheek. He walks away silently. Staring back a few times before he’s out of my view.
I said last time would be the last time.
Happy Monday 💋
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ilovewanda · 18 days
Heyyy can you do Wanda x Fem!reader where we are at Tony party and Wanda gets like super protective and jealous?
you got it ;)
take me home
if you guys want me to make a part 2 with smut just let me know
wanda maximoff x reader
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wanda hears a bang and a loud groan as she walks by her and y/n’s shared bedroom. she opens the door cautiously and sees her girlfriend laying on the ground. “angel, what happened?” wanda asks as the rushes to help her girlfriend off of the ground. “this outfit is so hard to walk in, but i wanted to look sexy for you at the party tonight” y/n says with a smirk in her tone. y/n is wearing a short sparkly pink dress that ends at her upper thigh. to finish the outfit she has beautifully done makeup, and 4 inch heels that wanda gifted her for valentine’s day last year.
y/n is estatic to finally be able to go to one of the parties that tony stark is known for throwing. wanda is not so excited, because she has been to so many before and she knows that it is just a bunch of filthy rich drunk men hitting on all of the women all night.“come on, baby let’s go our uber is here!” y/n says. wanda sighs and follows her girlfriend out the door.
once they arrive at the party, y/n takes a moment to take in the huge party and spends a little while imagining how much this party costs. once y/n is done pondering she quickly makes her way to the bar. wanda sighs and sits down at a table and looks around to see if she knows anyone here. most of the other avengers are on a mission right now, so wanda is not familiar with the crowd at this party. y/n makes it back to the table with 6 shots and a margarita. “2 for you, and 4 for me. i also figured we could share a margarita? it’s mango, it’s your favorite!” y/n says excitedly. “i’m not really in the mood to drink right now, thank you though baby. you stay here, i’m going to go talk to tony for a little while, okay?” wanda says as she looks at the alcohol her girlfriend is holding. y/n nods and wanda leaves the table.
y/n drinks all 6 shots and the entire margarita by herself as she waits for wanda to return. she hates to waste alcohol, and she hasn’t been drunk in months so why not? wanda does not notice her girlfriend downing the drinks across the room because she is so caught up in her conversation with tony. when wanda turns and looks over to the table her girlfriend is at, she immediately feels her fists clench and her teeth grit.
fucking todd has taken wanda’s seat at the table and he is laughing along with HER (clearly) drunk girlfriend. wanda hates todd with every fiber of her being due to the way he clearly flirts with y/n every chance he gets. wanda leaves tony with no explanation as she swiftly walks over to the table. she slams her hand on the desk and she turns to face todd. “you will stand up and leave this party right now, and you will never dare to even look at my girlfriend again, do you understand me?” wanda says through gritted teeth.
todd laughs and says “or what?”. wanda’s eyes glow red as she enters todd’s mind and shows him exactly what she will do to him. todd’s smile quickly fades as he realizes who he was messing with. before wanda is able to say another word, todd has ran out of the building.
wanda turns to y/n with a snarl and says “what the hell were you thinking!! you drank way too much and you were letting todd flirt with you!”. y/n looks up at wanda with hazy eyes and says “well it’s not like you were giving me attention anyways, you were talking to tony for like forever!” . most of that sentance was slurred but wanda could understand what y/n was saying to a certain extent.
wanda bends down to whisper in y/n’s ear “you want attention so bad? oh ill certainly give you attention when we get home and you’ve sobered up. you’re in for a huge punishment, don’t you think princess?”. y/n smiles and says “take me home, now.”
pt. 2
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AITA for ignoring my ex's threats of suicide?
this is a very old story, but it keeps eating at the back of my brain because i feel like the asshole in the situation, even though people close to me say im not.
i (19nb) broke up with my girlfriend (16f) and told her that we may get back together in the future. we broke up because she was incredibly emotionally draining, it was a long distance relationship, and also, i felt uncomfortable being nearly 20 dating someone in high school (i was also uncomfortable with our age difference for the year prior, but thats a whole other can of worms).
after breaking up, i stayed in contact, because she was my friend and i still liked her as a friend, just not a partner. she had some pretty severe home life issues, and had made extreme comments before ("nobody loves me, everyone hates me, no one would care if i disappeared" those sorts of things). now, i personally chalked it up to be a mix of teenage angst and homelife issues, but she had never made outright threats on her life before. it was always vague, or just an outright meltdown that i would care for her during.
i told her i was taking time for myself, and would probably not date anyone. a few months pass and i meet my then partner (now spouse). i know i fucked up in not telling her that i was seeing someone new, but i didnt really want the backlash of her screaming and yelling and crying over this, so i didnt tell her we were dating, just that i was spending a few months in his country (he had a place of his own, was older and more financially stable, it made sense at the time) and we had grown close.
it came out during a call, about 2 months into me dating and living with my partner, and probably about 5/6 months after i had broken up with them. she had asked if/when i was moving back home, and i told them i didnt know, because i was planning on living in his country. she asked if i was dating him, and i didnt want to lie, so i said we were. she got incredibly hostile, telling me that i shouldnt have lied to her and that i had said i wasnt going to date anyone. she completely melted down, getting incredibly angry to the point of tears, before telling me she was going to end it.
i panicked at that point and started trying to help her through tears, telling her i would do anything, before my partner took my phone from me and blocked her on that social media, calmly telling me to message her friends the situation, and that it wasnt my issue to deal with. i finished blocking her on our other socials (with her messaging me that she was so sorry), did what he said, and waited.
her friends confirmed she was okay later, but they were upset with me for not sticking around and helping her through her suicide attempt.
i still feel like an asshole, even though its been nearly 4 years since its happened. i feel like i should have done literally anything except what i did. ik my partner did the right thing, but also. i dunno. i feel bad i guess.
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tinybitsubby · 10 months
****Disclaimer: this is not my list. (meaning I don’t like/prefer/agree with everything on it)
Several months ago I was down some rabbit hole and found a message board where someone had asked a question about having a D/s oriented vacation and people responded. I went to visit it recently and it doesn’t exist anymore. I had copied it to notes to send to the Hubz at one point and thought I’d share it here and see what you all think of it. Thoughts? Ideas? Copy and pasted below.
Someone asked a d/s chat room ideas to turn a romantic tropical vacation into a major D/s getaway for those exploring D/s.
1. Start off on the right foot. Spank her ass right before the flight or drive so it’s uncomfortable to sit during travel. Maybe tell her to sit still when she keeps shifting in her seat.
2. Tell her that unless thr public can hear, just for this trip she must always address you as sir. Punish forgetfulness.
3. Make her kneel every morning.
4. Objectify her by shoving a few fingers deep into her mouth a few times a day. Call her good girl and watch her gag for a minute then wipe her runny eyes and move on like nothing happened. My wife/sub says this type of brief degradation flips her mindset so fast. She hates it but loves the complicated emotional part.
5. Since the owiest part of anal is the initial insertion, tell her that she will be announcing every single time she’s about to get in the shower so he can come to the bathroom in a minute. When he comes in she must lube up her clean asshole and degrade herself by holding her own ass open for him. He will sink his dick all the way in and hold it there while she tells him a reason why she deserves to take his cock up her ass. If she can’t think of a good reason, the dick stays in until she does. Not fucking her, just staying in there stretching her open. Then he rinses off and leaves so she can shower. An uncomfortable size of dildo (not plug) can be used instead if he doesn’t like to get erections and then let them fade. I’m not into anal except for the very subby headspace it creates. It makes me feel so vulnerable and it’s kind of painful. We did this on a trip and it became a true exercise in submission as I got more and more sore. When he sat me down to tell me this would happen, it really set the tone for the trip. Don’t discount this idea. Also Halfway through the trip we had anal sex which is rare for us and it made every shower insertion after that more uncomfortable and really upped our D/s. Seriously, try it, especially if anal is really not her thing. She’ll feel like such a good sub. You want her to feel like a good sub for submitting in ways that are uncomfortable. Please try this! PS If she loves anal, don’t do this, hahaha. PPS. Since we got home he sometimes says tell me when you get in the shower next and I know this will happen and it reminds me of our trip when we solidified our DS.
6. Bring an implement she doesn’t like and tell her she must ask for 10 hard strokes every day by a certain time. Obviously No anger or lectures just checking it off the to-do list. If she forgets and the time passes, she gets 25 or more instead. You should know Tears are ok in the D/s dynamic. If you’re flying and don’t want to take implements then you always have a belt or a brush.
7. Spit in her mouth every time no one is looking
8. Let her know before you leave that even if she’s a very good girl, there will be tears twice on this trip to remind her of her submission. Make her ask for one of the times and surprise her with the other. You get to choose what makes her cry. Don’t overlook the power of this emotional release for a sub. This secretly also teaches her to ask for an emotional release when she feels it could be beneficial to her mental state or the relationship.
9. Tell her she cannot cum until the third day of the trip. Then have lots of sex the first two days.
10. If you are leaving town, make her dress like a total slut
11. Bruises man. Give her some really good butt bruises and then spend time every day, poking pinching and spanking them. It keeps her hyper aware of her place. A 1.5” dowel from hardware can give bruises in just a handful of strikes without chaffing the skin too much like stingy implements do because they take too many strikes to get a bruise.
12. Tell her that on this trip, if she has an alcoholic drink in her hand, there will also be a plug in her ass. No exceptions. Going to order a drink with lunch? Go plug that ass before we leave. For added fun, you pick the size each time. Alternatively, if that’s not possible, you could just tell her that whenever your dick is going in her pussy on this trip, there will also be a plug in her ass at the same time. Or alternate days.
13. She’s doesn’t get to orgasm on this trip.
14. Tell her she will kneel and suck your balls every time you change clothes. “Sorry, you have to come back to the room with me because I’m changing into my bathing suit.”
15. Make her stay naked every minute you’re alone.
16. Call her trashy names.
17. Whatever you want to do to Dom her, whatever your desire or fantasy is, do that. BUT, tell her in detail hours in advance. A sub’s brain goes haywire when told something like this. “Look at me. Tomorrow I’m going to spank you very hard and you’re going to hold very still. I’m going to cum when I’m done but how I cum is going to depend on how well you take your spanking. If you can stay still I’ll just sink into your cunt and that will be that. But if I have to keep telling you to get back into position or keep your feet down I’ll cum down your throat and if I have to wrestle you at all during your spanking, I’m fucking your ass and continuing to spank it.” Or just tell casually with a smile you know after dinner I’m going to fuck your face and slap it hard every time you need to pause to breathe. Etc.
18. I’m jealous. I want a D/s vacation! Just stuff holes all the time. Anytime you think of it, put your fingers, dick or toy into one of her holes for minute. Let her know her body will be invaded over and over on the trip multiple times a day and occasionally during the night. Make sure you tell her to expect it because then her mind will be on it all the time.
19. Flirt with other women and make her sit quietly and smile. Maybe kiss one.
20. Fig her. Especially if you can’t spank because of noise. At least 20 minutes, the heat doesn’t peak until 15. If you’re flying and can’t take ginger, China Gel on your thumb is almost as good.
21. Bind her and make her wait patiently while totally bored. If rope is a travel issue, take some medical tape.
22. Get her pregnant
23. Clothespins. Use them a lot. Is she sucking your dick, put them on her labia. Are you fucking her, put them on her nipples. Are you spanking her, put a row of several down the skin of her tummy or back on her labia. They keep her on edge and feeling subby. I’m not kidding try them because the ache when they are removed is like nothing else. If she’s sunning by the pool, maybe there’s one hidden somewhere for a while.
24. Just fucking Dom her, use the time to make your own D/s dreams come true. She wants you to take control.
25. Fuck man this list is great but maybe only pick a few.
26. Give her a daily writing assignment if you have relaxing time. Give her a question that is hard to talk about and demand honesty. Better yet, both of you share.
27. Tell her she can’t say no on this trip. Goes without saying, but respect hard limits.
28. Make her wear dresses with no panties. Pull it up every time no one is looking. Smack her pussy, or finger fuck her or sit back and admire. Just mix it up. Fuck her before you go somewhere so she has to feel jizz running down her legs.
29. Make her skip a meal now and then to watch you eat
30. Randomly tell her to head back to the room and masterbate to orgasm. Or to only get really close to it. Give her a time limit.
31. Choke her out. Maybe she wakes up in a compromising position.
32. If she’ll be wearing bathing suits, only spank or strap her on one side. She’ll be miserable with all the counts on only one side and if anything should show, it will just look like she took a tumble or something with a bruise or welt on just one side. It’s the symmetry that lets people know what’s up.
33. If there’s a need for a punishment spanking on the trip, do it in diaper position. It’s intense because you can see her face. Make sure you’re ready to handle seeing her face during a punishment as some Doms just can’t handle it.
34. Tell her you won’t be touching her vag once on the trip. Her other holes will be used as you see fit daily. You can put a binder clip on her labia to hold it closed to prove your point.
35. Carve a souvenir scar into her.
36. Tell anytime she wants to cum she’ll have to pick between two things she doesn’t like first. Get her close to orgasm so she’s really needy and then say I want you to come but first A or B. If she doesn’t pick in 10 seconds, she gets both then back to the orgasm.
37. Pick a window of time each day that she cannot speak
38. Tell her she must wake you up with her mouth every day.
39. Take medical gloves and do cold inspections of her. Make her feel like an object.
40. No eye contact for the trip.
41. Dude just tell her this trip will be rough. Rough sex, rough spanking, rough manhandling. Just make things challenging for her and then get through them together. That’s all we subs want. We want to endure a hard challenge for you and then be called a good girl for enduring it. You get to be the guy setting up whatever challenge turns you on AND be the support system when it’s emotional for her. That’s all of D/s!!!
42. Edge her. You can do it or she can, but lots of random edging to keep her needy all day.
43. Golden showers.
44. Make all decisions for her. Tell her when to get up, when to sleep, when to use the bathroom, what to wear, order her foodand drinks without consulting her. Tell her when sex is happening and what type. If it’s too much, just pick one day where she can’t make a decision.
45. If you’ve never slapped her face, start on this trip. Maybe just a couple times at first and then build up to several times in a row during some form of sex. Require eye contact. Let her tear up and let her go through the range of emotions. While looking at you and enduring it, let her feel your support, but then slap her again. As a submissive this is for real an emotional growth as a couple and can be meaningful. Talk to her about it the next day. Tell her she’s so good for taking it in and you’re going to slap her again soon.
46. Spank her very hard right before the trip so the little spankings here and there actually hurt quickly. Wipe tears and give hugs. This hard and soft feedback at the same time feeds a sub like you wouldn’t believe.
47. Don’t let her sleep in pajamas. Always nude. She’ll get used to it.
48. Force too much Alcohol/weed into her and then discuss both of your darkest fantasies.
49. Slap that pussy every chance you get. Keep it just a little sore.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
A summary from someone who was at the premiere:
Hi! I'm the person who was at the premiere and noted how Viv ignored her fans (yes the theater was small looking back on it, this was my first time going to an event like this)
Here are the summaries of the first 3 episodes
Episode 1 The episode starts with an origin story about how the angels created the world and Lucifer was one of them and was very creative and shit. So when the angels made Adam and Lilith (and before you ask yes Hazbin's Adam is the first man, they confirmed it in the episode) and Lilith rebelled she and Lucifer became chums and ended up convicing Eve to eat the fruit, which brought sin into the world and made the angels banish Lucifer and Lilith to hell which made Lucifer sad and lose his spark because he's now surrounded by shitty humans. Lilith meanwhile continued to inspire demons with her singing and because heaven didn't like that they sent the exterminators to make sure demons do not rise up against them. But now it is up to Lucifer's and Lilith's daughter to help sinners.
Then it turns out that this was a book Charlie was reading and Vaggie comes in and comforts her telling her she believes in her. Also it turns out that Charlie has not seen Lilith in 7 years. Vaggie then tells Charlie that Alastor has a surprise and we get to see the ad Alastor made. Turns out that they forced Alastor to make an ad with video (and yes he was upset about it). Big woop the ad sucks cause Alastor insulted people in it. Angel Dust suggests to remake the ad into a fucking porno because of course he does.
Then Charlie gets a call from Lucifer who tells her that Adam wants to meet with her and she sings Happy Day in Hell during her walk to Heaven's HQ thing. Meanwhile Vaggie decides to redo the ad which involves Husk reading off the script and Angel sexually harassing him. Vaggie gets upset and Alastor sees this and promises to make a deal wirh her, he helps her make the ad with a video camera and in return they never make him do shit with video again.
Charlie reaches the Heaven's HQ where she meets Adam who literally talks like Chaz. He swears all the time, talks about sex, and even called himself "the original dick" or something , I dunno I had a stroke. He just spends like an hour or so talking to Charlie about how cool he is, how he had sex with this one chick, ect ect. He's really no different from the average demon. Also he's a hologram and he eats ribs during this. Charlie than finally gets to explain her plan to Adam but he and Lute go "no" because sinners had their chance as humans and Adam likes killing them. He then sings a song which I forgot the lyrics for, and yes the "this shot is EVERYTHING" clip came from that song, and he kicks out Charlie. Oh and the next extermination will be 6 months later because Adam felt like being a dick.
Charlie comes back home all sad and shit and Vaggie tries to cheer her up by showing her the new ad. Until it interrupts and Katie Killjoy announces the news that the next extermination will be in 6 months instead of 12. And yes her voice is literally just Bryce Tankthrust's. The episode ends with Lute showing Adam an image of a decapitated exterminator, and now they want to kill all demons because of the murder of an exterminator.
And that's episode 1
Episode 2 Episode 2 starts out with Charlie realising sinners are freaking the fuck out, and that this 6 month deadline may mean sinners may get desperate to redeem themselves. Also Valentino is constantly DMing Angel because Angel moved out. Then Sir Pentious shows up to fight Alastor again but Alastor kicks his ass.
We then meet the 3 VVVs, and Valentino disemboweled Velvette's model because he's angy Angel moved out, so she calls Vox to calm him down. Vox shows up and calms down Valentino. And bruh, Valentino somehow acts no different from Stella. He's so unthreatening and goofy with how much he acts like a spoiled child who got mad his lolipop got taken away it fucking hurts! During their chat, Valentino mentions to Vox that Angel is not the only patron at the Hazbin Hotel, but Alastor is as well which angers Vox because he thought Alastor was gone when he vanished 7 years ago.... wait-
Alastor defeats Sir Pent by punting him after he rips off a strip from Alastor's jacket. Alastor leaves to get his suit fixed up but not before summoning some monsters to guard the hotel, with whom Angel flirts with because of fucking course he does. Then we get a duet between Alastor and Vox where Alastor basically announces he's back baybee. The three VVVs then try to inflitrate the hotel so Vox they have to hire someone Charlie would not expect as a spy.
Charlie returns with no new patrons until Sir Pent knocks on the door. Vaggie is about to murk him when Charlie decides to give him a chance and welcomes him into the hotel. There she tries to teach Sir Pent how to be good by making him learn about apologizing, so he apologizes to Alastor for ripping his jacket and gives him back the strip he tore off. Alastor responds by burning the strip.
Charlie then does an excersize with the crew where they all introduce themselves, and only Charlie and Sir Pent do it. At some point we get the Roleplaying scene where Sir Pent pretends he is an innocent kid, and Charlie tells him he'll be on his way to redemption in no time, which makes Angel sad for some reason. Angel goes to his room where he scrolls through voice mails Valentino sent him which flip flop between "Angel baybee I'm so sorry" to "Pick up you fucking whore". And the last one is him telling Angel that "there is no hope for you" while red smoke wraps around sad Angel.
Later that night Angel gets up to get a drink of booze when he walks in on Sir Pent putting up a camera from Vox. He confronts Sir Pent and they start fighting. Charlie and Vaggie walk in and Angel reveals what Sir Pent did. At that moment Vox calls Sir Pent and tells him he's a failure who should die because he failed. Sir Pent then bows down to Angel and Vaggie saying he's sorry and they can kill him. They're about to do so when Charlie breaks out into a song how redemption starts with a sorry. They all then go back to bed when Alastor t poses into the room and bullies Vox for a bit before breaking the watch Sir Pent used to have to talk to Vox.
||Also Niffty simped for Sir Pent for a bit because he's a "bad boy", but after he and Charlie sang that song she got upset that he wasn't a bad boy anymore||
And that's ep 2
Episode 3 So episode 3 starts out with it being one week since Sir Pent joined and Vaggie is chewing him out for building weapons and havine egg minions. So she has Alastor take the egg men away. (We also get a scene of Alastor eating a deer carcass for breakfast) Sir Pent also keeps trying to shoot ppl because he doesn't trust anyone.
In response to this Charlie tries to do some trust exercises for the rest of the crew, such as having them say the most intimate things about themselves while also falling down and letting the crew catch them. She tells them how much she loves them and Vaggie catches her. Angel sexually harasses Husk by saying he loves sucking popsicles and then falling in his arms and saying he loves sucking dick too. Sir Pent says he loved his minions and tells ppl not to catch them but they all do anyways. Niffty confesses that she loves killing mama bug infront of their babies so they learn fear. No one catches her but she keeps jumping off the stage over and over. Then Angel suggests another exercise.
Cut back to Alastor and the egg fellows who meet up with Zestial (who also has one of the hottest voices in the show like holy fuck, then again he's voiced by Ozzie's VA). Also people seem to be so scared of Zestial they either run away or the hurt themselves. Alastor and Zestial talk about how Alastor went missing for 7 years and is now working with the princess of hell or sumthin. They end up in a meeting for overlords where Rosie shows up but she says nothing. Also despite Alastor telling the egg sapiens to stay outside one of them ends up following him. Here we meet Carmilla who gathered the overlords to talk about protecting sinners from the extermiation or something. Then Velvette shows up because Vox and Val didn't wanna show up, and she reveals to the overlords a dismembered exorsist head. Then we get a song where Velvette and Carmilla duet and the song kinda slapped? I forgot most of the conversation tho. Then after the song Carmilla tells the Overlords to leave, and Alastor makes the egg man that followed him spy on Carmilla, and it turns out that she's the one that killed the exorsist but I forgot why she keeps it a secret. Also Carmilla and Zestial seem to be a thing. Then she gets a song that's also a duet with Vaggie which I also forgot what it's about.
Speaking of, Angel takes the crew to a BDSM club because of fucking course its a sex joke. Vaggie says no and then takes the crew to a turf war and makes them all fight against other sinners to make them learn how to trust one another??? It some how ends up working btw. Later on after the afromentioned duet Vaggie apologizes to Charlie but she says it's ok since Angel, Sir Pent, Husk, and Niffty seem to be chummy now now that they helped one another in that turf fight. Alastor returns with the eggs and Vaggie allows Sir Pent to have them back. The episode ends with Sir Pent and his eggs going to bed.
And that is the end of my Hazbin screening.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
This started out as a funny snipper. How tf did it turn into a fanfic?? Also this took me so long anyways, pt3 of the accidental overlord vaggie fic
Alastor: shoves Vaggie between him and Rosie and drops Frank onto her lap
Vaggie: trying to process how tf a giant dragon got through an elevator among many other things
Carmilla: thank you for coming today. I've gathered you all here to talk about the millions of souls-
Vaggie squeaks so quiet no one hears her: I'm sorry fucking how many??....How- How do you check that?? Gets ignored
She's just squeezing poor frank like a stress toy
Carmilla ignores her: You own. And how their at risk with the new extermination schedule. And how we minimize the damage going to be caused by it.
Finally looking aorund the room
Carmilla: Zestial, so god to see you- ....Alastor?? And- eyes narrow the protective overlord
Alastor, leaning over to block vaggie form view because he's petty as fuck: hello! Yes yes, I know, I've been absent for a longgg time and I'm sure youre all DYING to knwo where I've been~
Carmilla:...no. not really, shrugs but welcome back anyways I suppose....I am interested about who you've brought though....
Vaggie: just staring out into space, regretting her life choices and trying to count how many people owe her 'favors'
Carmilla slgihtly concerned/unnerved: In any case, this year's extermination was brutadal. A good 16% of the population was killed off. With them coming back in only 6 months I think it prudent that we-
Velvette: just fucking kicks the door open Yeah, I've got it handled Vox? Are you doubting me? ME might I remind you? Yeah, no. That's what I thought. Yes, yes, I know, thank you V, see you later Okay, bye, kisses darling!
Carmilla: nice of you to finally join us, Velvette. Will you.....colleges? be joining us?
Velvette: What? No way. They have better shit to do than to listen to some old windbag who think she's tough shit! Haha, no. Immm here to represent!
Carmilla:...charming. now, back to what I was saying, we need to-
Velvette: waves her arm frantically
Camilla feeling like a preschool teacher: yes??
Velvette: well, on the topic of discussssss throws exorcists head down let's discuss
Alastor: oooo tasty!!
Vaggie: ohhhhh my god....whispering to herself is that Tuff?? Wtf- how??
Carmilla:......where...did you get this?
Velvette: doesn't matter. We found it, though. And if these angle fuckers can be killed, then the game of cat and mouse has changed, the boys and I have-
Vaggies distressed squeaking as Velvette continues, Zestial jsut slumps his tea
Velvette:....the fuck is wrong with you two?? Looks at vaggie leans downs to get closer....also you're new
Vaggie: uhhhhh......thank?? You??
Velvette: narrows eyes before her head snaps ti zestial
Zestial: we shouldn't go to war with such meger proof.
Velvette:...meger- MEGER PROOF!? ITS a dead fucking Exorcist!!! What more do you WANT!? A video of it being killed?? No- this is definitive proof- if you can't see that, maybe you're going blind old man.
Zestial: it may be dead but how? It could be by a demon, but mayhaps it died due to unrelated reasons
Vaggie: Well, angles have hurt their own kind. Wouldn't be suprised if killing was another option for them
Everyone's heads snap to her
Vaggie:.....did....I say that out loud?
Carmillas narrows her eyes: how do you know that.
Vaggie: I um...I....I saw it happening?
Velvette:....wait aren't you the princesses whore? What are you doing out if your bird cage hm?
Vaggie: I....what??
Carmilla shaking her head: we're getting off topic.
Zestial: Carmilla is right. If we rush to war the angles would purge all of the sinners for daring to even TRY an uprising
Overlords: muttering
Alastor: why don't we put it to a vote?
Vaggie: depends is one of the options 'can we all just go home pelase?'
Alastor: hmmm no!
Vaggie grumbling: I hate you.
Velvette narrows eyes: ohhh okay I see. Grandpa's to scared to make a move! So then there's no point in it huh?
*the respect less song which I am not writing*
Zeezi: pft, what the hell? we literally JUST got here!
Carmille:....meeting dismissed.
Vaggie: uh, does this mean we can go home?- gets glared at .....okay sits back down like a scolded kid as she thinks about wtf jsut happened
Vaggie to herself in a defeated tone:.....she never told me how to see how many souls I own.....how many people owe me favors?
Proceeds to try and calculate and count on her fingers and Alastor watches in amusement, after sending off frank, and Rosie watches slightly concerned as to wtf her friend did to this teenage child....and maybe also finding it a bit funny
Part 2 | Part 3(here!) | Part 4
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
Hi im back☺️☺️ can i request prompt 2 with (who would have guessed) chuuya? I just couldnt resist after that last smut like HOLY shit i reread it every morning😭 Take your time and remember to stay hydrated💛
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ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ; 02 : Brat taming
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ; Chuuya has been pretty busy lately, and his needy girlfriend is being bratty abt it. This leads up to him taking you against the table. <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs; mean!dom!Chuuya, sub!bratty!fem!reader, fucking on a table with Chuuya, degrading kink (f!recieving), ooc!Chuuya (ig), slight spanking, kinda fingering, petnames (such as slut, baby, whore, etc.), porn without *any* plot, basically me in heat /j, etc.
ɴᴏᴛᴇs; This is a draft bcs i can. So take this while i have to take a break, i just suffer from major daddy issues right now lol. Also, this was from my new year event, enjoy! ( 5-6 months later; felt horny for Chuuya so take this while i prepare myself for a exam!!)
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“Such a fuckin' brat for attention, huh?”, Chuuya tsked at you.
He had such a stressful day, just to come home to you whining and annoying him further.
Chuuya just needed to somehow ‘relief’ all that stress!
“I’m s-sorry, Chuuya!”, you said just for him to spank you.
“I don’t wanna hear it.”, he hissed.
You were being spanked on the table, bent over of course, while still having your panties on.
All his spanks just kept you wet for him.
Even though you still had some undergarments on, you could tell there was gonna be a slight hand print.
“Now, bend over for me, just where i can see you perfectly, understood?”, Chuuya commanded you, with a slightly strict tone.
Not wanting to piss him off more, you just bent over as far as you could, just how he wanted.
Waiting for his next move, you felt him rip off your panties.
But those were your favorite!
“C-Chuuya! Those were my favorites?!”, you felt his hand wrap around your neck from behind, it wasn’t too harsh, but it wasn’t very soft too.
“I can always buy you more. Now, do you want me to fuck you or do you want me to just leave you like that?”, he whispered into your ear, sneakily having his gloveless fingers tease your wet pussy.
This made you even more desperate for him, even wetting his fingers with more of your slick.
“You don’t want me to leave you so wet for me, do you? It would be such a shame, y’know?”, now he was just teasing you. For what even? To beg? As if!
“N-no..p-please, fuck me, Chuuya.. I-i need you!”, he felt a small smirk creep up his lips.
“What was that? Was it my slut begging for me to fuck her brains out?”, Chuuya never disappointed with his dirty talk, did he?
He knows what he’s doing, he just wants to frustrate you!
But it’s fair, afterall all your whining got you here..
“J-just do it already..”, you weakly said, starting to grow impatient.
“I know you can beg more nicely than that, baby.”, Chuuya denied you even further.
“C-come on, p-please, Chuuya..stop t-teasing me, I’m r-really sorry!”, you could feel yourself on the edge of desperate tears.
“Awe, my poor princess is about to cry, isn’t she? Well, if you want it, who am i to deny you?”, finally, he was gonna take you!
“But since you’ve been such a brat, i won’t go easy on you..”, i don’t care, just fuck me like the whore i am!
You heard Chuuya take off his belt, feeling relief washing over you.
When he removed his boxers, you felt him entering. Since he’s not that cruel, he’s gonna wait a few seconds before pushing in completely.
It was finally time, he started to thrust into you, just like he said before, not particularly soft..
His pace was fast and rough, which was amazing, but kinda overwhelming, but you asked for this.
“Consider me nice enough to even fuck you like this..”, Chuuya said while ruthlessly fucking you into oblivion.
“F-fuck! F-feels so good..”, you chanted, obviously already cock drunk.
“You’re already so drunk of my cock, aren’t you? Fucking slut.”, yes, it was mean, but it was just the truth!
Honestly, nobody should blame you.
You slowly felt your high approach, feeling your knot build up.
You felt Chuuya’s hitched breathing and whimpers against your ears, while he was holding your tits.
“Fuck, ‘m so fuckin’ close..”, you were getting pretty close too.
“Tell me, who’s fuckin’ slut are you?”, you better still have the ability to answer this question.
“Y-yours! I’m your slut, only you fuck me like this..”, you answered, slurring these words.
“Damn right, nobody can slut you out like i can, understood?”
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Something just snapped guys.
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lokisprettygirl · 3 months
Utopia (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x female reader) (Non Canon AU) (18+)
Read chapter 6 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
Summary: Daemon eases your fears and worries.
Warning: 18+ sex ,period sex (if it bothers you skip the scene) death and destruction that comes from a ship wreckage, smut, sex, menstrual sex, unprotected sex. Some inconsistency with ship sinking, i researched as much as I could
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“Are you alright?” Emma's voice was filled with concern as she asked you if you were okay, noticing the distress that was evident on your face. The two of you had just left Lily's house, and Emma could sense the negative effect it had on you.
“I'm fine..just want to go home” Emma sighed as you said that. She could tell that you were not alright, but she didn't know how to help without you opening up to her.
“Y/n I know you have always liked him but him and Lily have always been this way..they fight, fuck other people and then get back to each other.. don't you remember how he treated you on the ship after he slept with you?” you turned your head to look at her as she said that. Emma's words had struck a chord in your heart, reminding you of the awful morning when Daemon had completely dismissed you post the one night stand .
“Yeah? Always huh? How many times have they survived a ship sinking incident before? How many times before Daemon was left stranded on an island with someone else? This is not the same thing..why it's so hard for you guys to understand” you got visibly agitated as you finished your sentence, your voice raised as you tried to express that you and Daemon weren't just a fling.
“I'm just trying to protect you..” she mumbled softly so you sighed.
“I know but I also know what I'm doing..do you have any idea what I have been through with Daemon on that Island? You can't just get over that stuff and move on with your life as if nothing happened. He …he knows me..I know him..six months ..we were .. everything to each other” your eyes teared up and you hated how weak you felt in the moment. You always felt this way whenever Daemon was in the picture.
“But he's not on that Island anymore and neither are you..he's back here in the actual world where Lily is”
You didn't say anything as she said that. After what Lily had said about him fucking her last night and seeing things from Emma's perspective you felt hurt and worried. You asked him clearly if he had fucked her and he said no, did he lie to you? Why would he lie to you and hurt you like that?
“Do you want me to find a job for you? Dalton was asking about you” she said as she pulled the car in your driveway so you took your seat belt off, you just wanted to go home and cry.
“Not right now, last time you hooked me up with a job ..things didn't work out so well”
You heard the literal gasp she let out as you jabbed at her. That was mean and uncalled for but anger was bubbling inside you at the moment and Daemon wasn't there to take it.
You entered your bedroom, exhausted from the emotional upheaval. As you collapsed onto your bed, you noticed a missed call and a few text messages from Daemon on your phone. Taking a deep breath, you picked up your phone and opened the message.
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You didn't want to ignore him and you certainly didn't want to hurt him by making assumptions about him, he told you something and you wanted to believe him but insecurities from the past ran deep and this wouldn't be the first time a man would cheat your trust like this. Instead of wrestling with your thoughts you dialed his number instead,
“Am I being ignored?” He asked as soon as he picked up so you sighed.
“Why would you say that?”
“What did she say to you..love?” his tone of voice made it clear that he was genuinely concerned.
“Where are you?” you asked him nonchalantly, your voice didn't really hold any emotion at the moment.
“I'm with my lawyer, had to discuss uhhh.. some fortune related complexities..are you back at your place?” He enquired so you barely hummed in response “Can I come see you?”
“You don't have to ask me” he chuckled as you said that,
“I'm trying to be more civilized and less of a caveman”
“Don't you want to go see Lily?” you asked him with sarcasm and envy dripping from your tone.
“Not right now, I want her to move on.. darling.. whatever she said to you that's making you all squeaky and snappy at me .. I will fix it yeah? And then you're going to fix me” you couldn't help but bite on your lip as his words made you feel slightly bashful.
“Okay” you could hear him smiling on the other end of the line as you mumbled a short response again.
Half an hour later as you opened the door and saw Daemon standing there, with his arms behind his back and a mischievous smirk on his face, you felt your heart skip a beat. The peach ribbed shirt he was wearing just added to his charm, it made you want to snuggle against him. Despite your feelings for him, the idea of him breaking your trust and lying to you was breaking your heart in ways you couldn't even begin to imagine.
The only reason why you weren't crying yourself to sleep for the past two days was because of him, the past month when you both were avoiding each other was difficult to say the least. The nightmares about drowning in the ocean had become a frequent occurrence, leaving you feeling frightened and restless. The fact that he was the only thing preventing you from giving in to the emotional distress that had been haunting you was both a comfort and a burden. But he was the only one who truly understood you because he was there suffering with you.
“Flowers for the beautiful lady” he held one of his hands forward to present you with a bouquet of beautiful flowers so you grabbed it and took in their scent “Chocolates” he then brought his other hand forward so you grabbed the box and went into your room, acting like a petulant child, it didn't do anything to deter him, he actually found you adorable like this.
He was expecting a kiss and a hug but this morning when you had told him that you were tagging along with Emma to visit Lily, he was terrified, not because he had anything to hide from you but because he knew as a matter of fact that she'd try to fill your head against him to drive wedge between you both. He was well aware of her vindictive ways when she was scorned like this.
“We need to stop meeting like that at your door” he mumbled as he entered the bedroom door and you were already on the bed with your face down into the pillow.
You felt his lips trail up from your calves to your hamstrings and he spent a good minute on your ass cheeks before he kissed up from the small of your back very slowly. Shivers ran down your spine as he moved up and pulled your hair aside to kiss your nape. You turned around to look at him and your teary eyes rendered his heart, your delicate features always softened him.
“If it wasn't for us being stranded on that Island you'd never date me would you?” You asked him as you caressed his cheeks with your fingers, you always feared that your connection with him was rooted in the shared trauma of the island and would fizzle soon.
“Yeah that might be true but not because there's something wrong with you or that you're not insanely attractive but because I wouldn't really get to know you like this..so intimately in every possible way”
You felt his fingers brush lightly against your chest, resting right above your heart, and you couldn't help but feel the burst of emotions.
His hand then drifted under your skirt as he leaned down to kiss you lovingly, palms wrapped around your hips as he pulled you into him so you sighed and closed your eyes to feel him close.
“You used to visit Paradise with Emma ” your eyes snapped open as he mentioned that.
Paradise was the name of the club The Dragonriders played at frequently and you used to go there on weekends before you even took the job on Utopia. “I'd often watch you dance from afar..you never even looked at me back then you know.. didn't even notice me” he mumbled softly in your ears so you cupped his cheeks again.
“I didn't know you..you were just a stranger”
“Exactly darling.. sometimes you have to learn the person inside out to truly appreciate them. I know i was unfair and cruel to you after that night we had spent together but it was my immaturity speaking..now i know better” you sighed as he said that, your hands sneaked inside his shirt as he leaned into you for a kiss again. He was irresistible at all times but especially when he was on top of you like this.
“You look cute in your pretty little skirt baby, my brave girl ..now are you going to sulk some more or you'd tell me what it is she said to you that is messing with your head?” he asked you, his voice was still gentle but firmer this time. You didn't want to beat around the bush either.
“She told me that you made love to her last night after you dropped her off and then later on she went into detail about how magical it was for both of you”
He looked at you intensely for a moment before he chuckled slightly as if he had it coming..
Somehow that reaction eased your fear, it was Lily's words against the man you had faced the worst of life with. If he was going to tell you that he hadn't fucked her then you'd have to believe him.
You'd have to put your faith in him because he deserved that much from you..
“Do you know why I came so hard inside you last night?” he asked you softly as his thumb brushed over your lips before he kissed you again.
“Because it has been a full day since I had done that.. since I had felt you around me so intimately. I might be an uncivilized animal at times but I'd never hurt you like that. Especially not you ..not after everything we have been through together”
You cupped his cheeks and your fingers ran through his scalp as he said that, his words felt sincere and a part of you believed him wholly, something made you believe that Daemon would never hurt you like that no matter what.
“You're not an uncivilized animal…just my big burly Cavemon” a smile graced his features as you cooed at him.
“Believe me yeah?”
“Okay.. sorry”
“Shhh it's not your fault..”
“No I'm sorry she said that about you and i believed her because I'm afraid and insecure”
“We all are at times..i fixed the problem..now you fix me” you giggled as he tickled your stomach with his fingers.
“Stahp ..it's almost my second day now..there will be clumps and stuff coming out of my goodies” he looked at you intently as you said that, his eyes darkened with consumable lust.
“If you intended for that to disgust me..it's not working”
“Your kinks are kinky..have you always had this one?” you questioned as you lifted your head up to kiss his neck.
“Not until you..”
“But you fucked your ex on her cycle”
“Not for the kink”
“It's just strange for me…my ex was disgusted just by me mentioning my period clumps”
“What an imbecile huh?
You giggled as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he made you sit up along with him.
“We are doing this my way today” you mumbled as you took your crop top and skirt off, Daemon got off the bed and he quickly undressed himself with the speed of lighting, when he climbed back on the bed you removed your underwear and threw it on the floor,
“You won't mind if I bleed on you right?”
“Fuck darling …noo” he almost moaned at the picture you had painted for him, you climbed on his lap and sat yourself down on his cock slowly, inch by inch, he wasn't really an average man in length or girth so you needed to go slow for your own sake, his legs splayed out on the bed as you submerged him completely and he placed his hands around your hips as you moved in circles slowly. His head swayed backwards and moans spilled from his throat as you worked your hips back and forth.
“I noticed you..” you mumbled against his mouth as you kissed him so he opened his eyes and looked at you all perplexed. He looked cute like this, all fucked out and pleasured the way he deserved to be pleasured.
“In the club..i noticed you..but you always had your eyes on her”
“Darling, do you believe in fate?” his voice came out in whispers as the sensation grew in the pit of his stomach,
“Not really”
“I do”
“I just do..I think it was fate that brought us together. Why do you think we were accommodated right next to each other when all the people we knew were a deck below from us?”
“Duuh management”
“Was it management that left us stranded together on that Island?” his fingers dug into your hips as he helped you hop on top of him.
“No it was my stupidity”
“Mmm really? You want to tell me that those strong waves somehow managed to bring us together on that very same island where we collapsed not even six feet apart from each other because of you? And both of us miraculously lived through it while none of those other people survived?”
“I don't know what to say..you're romanticizing the tragedy” his fingers curled into your hair and he pulled you closer to kiss you before he spoke,
“I have earned the right to do so ..now be a good girl and fucking cum with me”
You kissed him hungrily and the rest of the rebuttals you had didn't really come out as you fell apart in his arms as soon as you felt his warm cum filling you up to the brim. He placed his head on your chest as you both recovered from the euphoria but it lasted a good while.
Your head felt fuzzy as you had never been fucked this good, sex had never been so satisfying before. It was as if your body connected to him on a much deeper level than just physical, sex with him transcended you and filled you with intense emotional and mental release.
“If you pull out right now I'd ruin my bed so take me to the shower alright?” He chuckled briefly before he dragged his shapely arse off the bed and took you to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and as soon as he pulled out, his cum mixed with your blood spilled out of your freshly fucked cunt. His cock was absolutely bloody as well and you heard him gasp as he glanced at it. His fingers immediately caressed your lips as he cleaned the mess between your legs so you fisted his cock and returned the favor.
“I missed one therapy session and I was a major bitch to Emma this morning” you mumbled as you came back to reality from the mind numbing orgasm you had experienced just now..
“What did you do?”
“You know how they keep telling us in therapy to not blame other people for what happened as it was nobody's fault?” He nodded as you said that while he rubbed the body wash between his palm and turned you around to scrub your back.
“I think I did just that and I feel awful”
“Mmmm then apologize sweetheart and talk it out…these things happen amongst friends. I called Cole this morning to wish him for the birthday and we had a chat, he understands me better now”
“It's his birthday today?”
“Yup and we are invited, I'm sure he'd text you about it”
You hummed as he said that, as you placed your head down on his chest he wrapped his arms around you while you two enjoyed the hot shower in the comfort of your bathroom. Sometimes when you closed your eyes you imagined yourself being back at the island with him but you were only thinking about the times that weren't so awful, like bathing with him in the sea and walking around the woods in search for fruits, and most of all sleeping all huddled together on the bed of leaves every night.
You missed that, you really did miss it at times.
“What would you like for your birthday?” you asked him as you realized it would come soon as well, you were on the island when you turned 27, he had gone out of his way to collect fresh coconut water and had made a fruit platter for you which was more than enough on that forsaken place.
“I want your trust and faith in me” you turned around as he said that and kissed him softly.
Besides he was planning something to surprise you with instead, he had a meeting with his lawyer for the same reason and his lawyer certainly didn't think it was a great idea to go forward with this but he knew he wanted to do this, for both of you.
“And i want to take you somewhere with me” he said to you
“Mmmm where?” You giggled as your heart skipped a beat. You just hoped he wasn't going to take you to meet his family just yet. It felt too soon for that.
“It's going to be a surprise, hence the trust and faith demand“
“I trust you baby” his lips curved into a sweet smile as you said that.
The plan moving forward was to take a nap with him and it was very cozy until he began shivering in his sleep, telltale sign of a nightmare and you knew what it was about, it was about that night in the woods that he had spent all alone without you, he deeply struggled with the memory of the night and it was very hard on him so you know he was reliving the same trauma in his sleep. Or that's what you thought.
You didn't know that he was having a nightmare but not about being stranded in the woods but about you being bitten by that spider, he always had a nightmare about that night where instead of you being alright the next morning he saw your dead lifeless body and he was left all alone without his brave girl by his side.
When he woke up he pretended as if he wasn't affected by the nightmare in the slightest and asked you to get ready as you were both invited to the Paradise for Cole's birthday. Luckily Lily wasn't there because of her injury but the group had decided to visit her post drinking.
When you reached hand in hand with him, it felt a little awkward, people who recognised you kept staring and you felt like an animal in the zoo. The attention was uncomfortable, as you just wanted to blend in with the other people and enjoy the evening without the scrutiny.
Life had changed in more ways than one, at times you were not even Daemon or y/n, you were just that couple that was stranded on an island for six months. Whenever you were out in public, people would inevitably make reference to your story, and you found yourself being treated like a celebrity. You felt objectified though as if there was nothing more to you anymore than what you had suffered.
After greeting Cole as you spotted Emma you walked towards her.
“How's D?” She asked you so you looked at her confused for a moment.
“Daemon? He's doing okay umm-”
“No the Dick..how's his dick..is it as good as rumored?” she asked you as she crossed her arms so you pulled her into a hug.
“I'm sorry em.. I'm so sorry for being such a bitch when you were just looking out for me”
Your eyes teared up as you spoke to her so she hugged you as tightly as you were hugging her.
“It's okay..I get that..they tell me not to take it personally..you both have been through something none of us can imagine living through” you looked down as she said that.
“That's not an excuse to lash out but I'll be careful i promise..now let's get drunk..it's been a while and you're going to reveal every tea about Aemond” she blushed bright red as you whispered the last part in her ear. You were happy for her, she deserved someone making her happy and gleeful like this.
A band was performing in the club and you noticed how Daemon kept looking at them while they played as if wondering about his own time on the stage, you knew he missed singing and being up there.
Afterwards when the group decided to go see Lily you chose to opt out but Daemon insisted and pleaded until you gave in, perhaps seeing him with you would finally make her back off a little bit and she'd realize that Daemon has moved on from their toxic relationship.
However as you all turned up at her place you saw a man leaving her house, you recognised him even though nobody else did, it was one of the major crew members at Queen Utopia, Danny something, you didn't remember his full name but he was the man Lily was with that night. He handled the maintenance of the cargo area.
As he walked past you he looked you right in the eye, you saw something in those eyes but you couldn't put your finger on it.
They always told you to not put blame on anyone as the tragedy was nobody's fault but what if it was somebody's fault? And what if it was Danny who had something to do with it?
@mcufan72 @123forgottherest @shuichiakainx @stupidthoughtsinwriting @tmlbdv
@ammo23 @anukulee
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leclerc-s · 8 months
track 002. la del insta
─── ❝ todo comienza y se termina ❞ ───
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1, isabellaperez and others
redbullracing i have been told that my previous caption was not appropriate, so here's a boring pr one scripted by salty spice himself, daniel ricciardo returns to red bull as our reserve driver. it's wonderful to have you back daniel.
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📍isabellaperez alternate caption was the honey badger is back mother fuckers!! read it and weep!!
user43 i love red bull's admin and their chaos. wonder where christian horner found them.
↳ redbullracing he found me on the streets of monaco and picked me up by the scruff of my neck and told me he had a job for me. who was i to deny salty spice?
↳ danielricciardo you would love her less if you had to see her everday.
↳ maxverstappen1 at least you got a break for a while, i've been suffering for four years
↳ estebanocon you two have it easy, i've been suffering since 2016.
↳ schecoperez i've been told to say that i've been suffering for 19 years.
↳ isabellaperez fuck you guys (except tio checo. i love you)
↳ alexalbon don't worry isa, you're my favorite red bull admin
↳ isabellaperez thank you lily's boyfriend! you're my favorite williams driver!
user07 red bull admin is checo's niece?? plot twist. honestly though, i love her.
christianhorner this is not the caption we talked about isabella.
↳ redbullracing i would say sorry but we both know it's going to happen again. it's been happening for over 4 years.
user92 she's been apart of the team longer than checo? it's kind of iconic. but why red bull and not aston martin when checo was racing with them at the time?
↳ isabellaperez aston martin didn't have a position open and red bull did. it also allowed me to travel with my uncle which i've been doing since 2011, i was only going to stop because the fia demanded it due to covid.
user59 so do you live in monaco or mexico with checo?
↳ isabellaperez used to live in LA but the influencer life was not for me (check out my youtube channel) then i was convinced by my sister and arthur to move to monaco. i travel to mexico all the time, i have to see my mami of course!
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the youngest mclaren driver stood off to the side, nervous for his first ever formula one grand prix. his teammate seemed less nervous, but still nervous to a certain degree. oscar truly didn't want to fuck this up, not after everything that happened in the last 6 months for him. he noticed a brunette girl staring at him from across the pitlane, she gave him a small wave before turning to go back inside the redbull garage.
the younger brunette turned to look at the slightly older one, "who was that?"
the older one turned to look at him, “you don’t stand a chance. she's checo's niece, very overprotective that man is. not excluding you know, max and daniel. take it from me, i've tried.” 
“i asked who she was not if you tried to get her number.” 
“oh, i have her number, but i have a girlfriend, you pastry. matter of fact," lando said, "you have her number too."
“it’s piastri! you know this!” oscar shouted as lando skipped, literally skipped, away from him. oscar rolled his eyes at the older drivers actions before turning to go back inside the mclaren garage.
the brunette girl stood outside the redbull garage again, with daniel ricciardo at her side. she turned to look at the empty spot oscar had once been in, then back at daniel, “can't believe i still think he's cute. he's the enemy.” 
daniel laughed, "he's not the enemy isa. you're allowed to have a crush on someone." 
isabella rolled her eyes, running a hand through her hair, “i hope him the best at shit-claren.” 
the girl laughed, “it’s true!” 
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redbullracing posted a new story
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alexa, play the boys are back from hsm2!!! welcome home honey badger!! we've missed you!! (salty spice told me no more cursing on official red bull posts)
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liked by austinriley, maejones, redbullracing and others
isabellaperez we're back people!! bahrain 2023, praying for a better result than last year. please f1 gods, don’t give us a double dnf. (but at least ferrari had a 1-2!)
tagged: redbullracing
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danieljricciardo i know you aren’t liking your posts from the official redbull racing account
↳ isabellaperez what good is it running the red bull account if i can’t like my own posts?
user82 paddock princess is back people!!
↳ isabellaperez am i royalty like charles? people’s prince and poddack princess?
↳ charles_leclerc you wish you were as cool as me
↳ isabellaperez at least i don’t wear questionable pants.
↳ georgerussell63 she got you there buddy
user75 isabella running the red bull racing account but still being a tifosi will always be hilarious to me
↳ isabellaperez corporate espionage at it's finest (i'm kidding christian, please don't fire me)
logansargeant is it considered treason if i follow you?
↳ isabellaperez idk let’s ask alex_albon, is it treason?
↳ alex_albon he’s in the groupchat? how is this treason?
↳ logansargeant good to know
logansargeant and oscarpiastri started following you
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redbullracing posted a new story!
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1-2 in bahrain! what a way to begin the season! congrats maxverstappen1 and schecoperez (i’ve been told by helmut that i need to be more ‘professional’ whatever that means)
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duckling to get over my crush on oscar i’ve decided to ask arthur for ollie’s number.
super max oh for fucks sake, don’t do that
duckling maybe i should text austin then.
honey badger DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!
honey badger i will fucking confiscate your phone isabella estrella perez
duckling i don’t have a middle name. my sister does, it’s maria. honey badger i could not give less of a fuck. don’t you dare do such a thing.
duckling don't threaten me with sebastian, max! that will do nothing!
super max added one person
honey badger had changed the group name to 'redbull's four musketeers'
paddock dad do i want to know?
super max ISABELLA WANTS TO TALK TO AUSTIN! TELL HER IT'S A BAD IDEA! duckling fuck you, you stupid maxi-pad
paddock dad isa, why would you do that?
honey badger SHE HAS A CRUSH ON OSCAR AND IS AFRAID OF LOVE! duckling i am not afraid of love. i’m afraid of falling in love, two very different things daniel super max yet another thing austin ruined for you. love along with getting a pet. paddock dad how the hell did he ruin getting a pet for her? honey badger honestly don’t remember but i think it was something along the lines of how his cousin had one and it got killed by a car. duckling i still want a dog he didn’t completely ruin that. paddock dad never let a man ruin anything for you or so my wife says
super max you might want to mute this chat seb, it was created to help isabella over any and all problems, small or big.
duckling okay fuck you verstappen
super max no thanks. i have a girlfriend. honey badger we're aware. we've heard nonsense super max do you really want to go there ricciardo? your wife wrote a song about only buying a dress so you could take it off honey badger DO YOU LIKE MAKING HER EYES ROLL VERSTAPPEN? DO YOU?
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isabella had been so focused on her phone and texting back the others that she didn’t notice the person coming at her. she crashed into the person and her phone fell to the floor, landing with a loud crack. at least the crack sounded loud to her, but not louder than the ‘mierda’ she let out. she bent down to pick up her phone and so did the person she had bumped into, both reached for her phone, bumping heads.
“fuck,” isabella softly whispered, “you have a hard head,” she told the other person as she rubbed her head.
the person laughed, “guess that’s a good thing for an f1 driver.”
isabella’s eyes slightly widened when she realized who she had bumped into. she would recognize an australian accent anywhere, she had grown up near daniel ricciardo. oscar piastri was too busy inspecting her phone for any cracks to notice the expression she had made. he handed her the phone as both stood to their full heights, he was noticeably taller than her.
"no cracks," oscar told her as he handed back her phone. she smiled politely at him, "thanks."
"and your friends are blowing up your phone. i think you had like 10 messages come in while i was checking to see if it had any cracks. not that i read them-"
isabella waved him off, "it's just max and danny, they were arguing about who had the horniest songs written about them."
oscar laughed, "i'm oscar piastri."
"i know, i'm isabella perez" she replied, "i saw your alpine tweet, plus arthur talks about you a lot."
"i know," oscar replied, "arthur leclerc? you two know each other?" he questioned as they began walking together. isabella didn't know where he had originally been heading but now the two were walking back to their hotels.
"he's dating my sister, dulce? you might know her."
"oh, you're isa. i always wondered why they called you isa and not bella."
"because i will stab anyone who calls me bella," isabella emptily threatened. too enthralled on her phone she failed to notice the small smile on oscar's face.
"okay, bella."
isabella quickly looked up, glaring at him, "i'm glad you dnf'd."
"ouch," oscar dramatically muttered, "you wound me bella."
the two were interrupted by a voice shouting for oscar. they turned around and were met with the sight of alex albon and logan sargeant, both williams drivers also walking back to their hotel.
"alabono!" isabella shouted, rushing to hug the bleached-blonde. the taller driver opened his arms and accepted the hug, "hi, isa. did you have a good day?"
"no, charles dnf'd, so the ferrari in me is crying. however, the redbull in me is screaming for joy."
before alex could reply a ding interrupted him and caused isabella to look down at her phone. her eyes widened, and she handed her phone over to alex, "can you give this to max or danny later? i'm catching a flight on air-max later tomorrow."
alex nodded, "see you in glendale. or sooner."
"bye alex, bye logan, bye piastri!" isabella shouted as she ran off. logan looked confused between isabella's phone and alex, "why'd she give you her phone?"
the phone dinged again and alex sighed as he switched the phone to silent, "it's quite the story, one that either isa or dulce should tell you, not me."
"okay," logan said, he turned to oscar, "why'd she call you piastri?"
"oh, i called her bella," oscar replied, as if it was the easiest thing in the world. alex's eyes widned and logan knew their was a story there but he didn't pry. he wasn't close to any of the other drivers besides oscar, so he wasn't going to ask. he could be nosy sometimes but even he knew his limits. alex didn't want to talk about isabella's phone so maybe the phone had something to do with calling her bella.
"surprised you're still standing," alex said, "last time someone called her bella she kicked him in the nuts, and they had just met. he stopped calling her bella after that."
the two rookies exchanged looks as alex pocketed isabella's phone and pulled out his own phone and began to type furiously on it. logan's phone dinged moment's later but he ignored it, not wanting to make oscar suspicious. however, when his phone kept dinging oscar turned to him curiously and logan waved him off, silencing his phone.
"just friends from home, they were planing a party," logan quickly lied. oscar shrugged him off and logan was quick to divert the conversation to a random topic.
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daniel riccardo THIS IS BIG NEWS PEOPLE!
lewis hamilton will you people shut up? some of us have an early flight to catch tomorrow.
fernando alonso mute them, i usually do that until the next morning. lewis hamilton i should start doing that
daniel ricciardo CARLOS DROP EVERYTHING NOW!!!
carlos sainz what happened? what did i miss?
arthur leclerc that's not fair, i've known her for years and i still get punched on the arm when i call her bella
dulce perez that’s because it’s usually “this is the skin of a killer bella” lando norris to be fair it’s a great line, and robert pattinson is great. team edward all the way daphne jones for legal reasons, team jacob natalia ruiz shall i tell suki lando’s in love with her boyfriend? lando norris CAN I MEET HIM? TELL ME I CAN!!
logan sargeant what’s the big deal with him calling her bella? it’s her name, no?
carlos sainz QUE? HE CALLED HER WHAT? dulce perez the only people allowed to call her bella was our dad, tio checo too, but ever since dad passed she hasn’t let anyone call her that. she says it was his name and only his. arthur leclerc her ex tried calling her bella and she kicked him in the nuts when they first met. he still did it every time he was angry at her. charles leclerc which was everyday and she always cried because only her dad was allowed to call her that. logan sargeant so the ex was an asshole? max verstappen biggest understatement of the year.
logan sargeant and that’s why she gave her phone to alex earlier.
daniel ricciardo i’m going to punch that guy. take a hint dude.
logan sargeant why don’t you guys just block him?
dulce perez oh why didn’t we try that? WE DID THAT YOU AMERICAN!
natalia ruiz seb said we needed to teach her to not reach out to him on her own. we're starting with confiscating her phone anytime he texts her and we give it to her the next day. it was hard to get where we are now, trust me. she used to fight us on it but now she just hands her phone over.
mae jones we're not quite sure what the next step is but we're making progress. maybe we can get her to block him on her own.
george russell so what exactly is the next step in operation osbella? obella? iscar? what's the official name?
fernando alonso how about 'all of you need to stop being invested in isabella's love life and go the hell to sleep?"
lando norris yes papa nando. fernando alonso that's going to stick isn't it? max verstappen absolutely lando norris 100 percent daniel ricciardo already making t-shirts lance stroll papa nando, papa seb, and uncle lewis mae jones good luck explaining that one to isa and oscar in the other groupchat.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! it's austin gp weekend! (i live in california) anyways hope you enjoyed this one before quali today or after. expect more posts this weeked, maybe? i'm not sure yet.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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soggyriceee · 11 months
Gosh that would be so good what you think?
red handed pt 2 | Yandere!Konig
summary: what the request says above :P
warnings: murder, mentions of blood, Yandere!konig and f!reader, unprotected p in v, oral, fingering(f receiving)
about 6 months had passed since Konig's killing. you both moved out of state, yet to hear of anything regarding a dead body. it was still nerve wracking of course, but you and Konig were so fucking obsessed with each other you hadn't had time to realize it. Konig was still as crazy as he was before. he hadn't gone as far as to kill someone just yet, but you'd happily watch him beat the shit out of the drunk guys who tried to take you home. sometimes, you'd end up flirting with a guy on purpose just to watch Konig fuck him up.
"why do you d-do this to me mommy" he would whine into your neck as he fucked into you faster, pressing you further against the wall of the club you were both in. the guy he just beat up twitching beneath you both, watching him fuck into you. he'd always done that. drag the guy out into the alley way right beside the club, fuck him up and then make him watch you get absolutely fucked by him.
when you both moved you had a serious conversation with Konig about freedom. and he agreed, wanting you to ultimately be happy. but under the condition he'd be everywhere you are, no matter what. you needed to use the bathroom in public? he'd make sure it was a one person bathroom. you wanted to try a dress on? he was in there with you. he would be glued to your hip, never letting you go so far as a foot in front of him.
so if confused and hurt you when you saw him from the living room, talking to another girl outside your home. in her hand was a big basket of cookies. you couldn't hear the conversation all that much, but you knew it must have been something amusing considering the large smile on her face. and for the first time ever, in the years you both have been together, you felt genuine anger ; jealousy even. and that feeling only grew when she handed him two cookies in a stupid little ziplock bag.
when he walked into the house, your eyes remained glued to the girl as she made her way back down the street. " mommy some girl gave me cookies. would you like to try one?" he asked, hopping over to sit next to you on the couch. but you simply got up, tears of anger burning your eyes. you walked quickly into your shared room, slamming the door and locking it. Konig was not too far behind, asking you what was wrong, what did he do?
you didnt like feeling this way. it was an emotion you've never had to experience before in your life. you weren't ignorant to the fact your boyfriend was attractive. I mean, what woman doesn't love a 6'10 man, who looks like he can kill someone with one punch? it scared you a bit, the weight on your chest growing as you tried to figure out how you felt. why jealousy and anger felt so bad, mentally and physically.
"mommy p-please talk to me." you heard Konig cry from outside. but you couldnt bring yourself to talk to him right now. why did he take the cookie? why was he even talking to her? was she pretty to him? so many thoughts were running through your head, it made your chest feel even more heavy, but your head light. you laid onto the bed, letting the sobs come out into the pillow. and Konig was quick to hear them.
"why are you crying? what happened? did I do something, was it me?" he asked, banging on the door. and for some reason that angered you more. how could he not know what he did wrong? was it only okay for him to talk to girls, while you couldnt even look at a guy before hes put to the ground in a bloody puddle?
you were so in your head, you hadn't realized how heavy Konig's attack on the door had become. you jumped up when the door snapped in half in an uneven horizontal line. I mean, what wooden door had even the slightest chance against Konig? you wipd you eyes as you watched him kick open the door more, allowing himself in. " k-konig our fucking security deposit is-" "I dont care about that. your locking yourself in a room crying, thinking I won't fucking break in?" he cut you off, striding over to you. his own eyes were red, wet with tears. "why are you shutting me out.. what is going on?" he asked as he sat next to you.
you sniffled and wiped your eyes, looking into his chest. " the girl.. why do you have to talk to her?" you mumbled, feeling the anger crawl right back up into you, thinking about her smiling up at him. with those big brown eyes. she had her makeup done and everything, something Konig had asked for you to do only on special occasions. " oh mommy.." he whispered, scooting closer to you. he pulled you into his lap, your thighs on either side of his. he smiled up at you, wiping the last few tears that dropped from your eyes. " she was asking me around the neighborhood. thats all I swear." "then why was she smiling so hard." you counter attacked, looking into his eyes now. " because I told her the streets can be a bit confusing. which they are, aren't they? we get lost all the time coming back from our dates." he replied calmly, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to each knuckle.
you watched as he continued to press kisses onto your hand, flipping it over and placing one on your palm. you sighed and smiled at him, the anger you felt completely gone. "Ill throw the cookies away. they dont even look that good anyways mommy." he finally said after a few moments of silence. you smiled down at him and nodded, giving him a quiet 'thank you'.
the week got no better though. in fact, it got even worse.
" hi Konig~" you'd hear her say from the front door. you were in the kitchen, making you and Konig dinner. but when he answered the door, your eyes immediately shot up. and your grip on the knife grew stronger when you heard her stupid voice.
" I just wanted to invite you to my party. my 21st.." she said. from the kitchen you were able to see her hand him an envelope. "oh th-thank you but uhm.. I dont really do parties." he said, looking at the envelope in her hand. but she was persistent. she took his wrist, placing the card in his hands. she kept her hand on his wrist for a while, too long for comfort. " well it will be fun. and plus.." she was now in the doorway, pressed against his chest. of course, Konig had backed away slowly, but that didnt stop her from entering in more.
it was amazing how the knife in your hand wasn't already lodged into her throat. " you never know what type of fun you could have." she said, letting his wrist go. Konig's eyes moved up to your quickly, watching how you stared her down. and she didn't follow his gaze too long after. " oh, hi! are you his.. sister?" she asked, giving you a small wave. but you didnt say a word. you were too focused on not cutting her throat open. she looked awkwardly away, mumbling an 'okay' before turning back to Konig. " well I hope to see you there." she said, grazing his hand as she walked out the house.
you watched the door absentmindedly, the skin on your knuckles feeling like it could rip open. " mommy im not go-" you turned away from him talking, clenching your jaw to try and stop the tears from falling out. he quickly made his way over to you, the card being tossed right into the trash. he turned you around, grabbing your face to look up at him. " im not going. im sorry she said that to you I should've said something. please dont shut me out again." he said, his eyes darting across your face.
but your chest felt heavy all over, the hot tears stinging your eyes. you pulled out of his grasp, walking away from him. he followed after you, telling you to stop and listen to him. but you couldnt shake the sight of her being so close to him, calling you his sister. it formed a whole new feeling of rage, worse that last time.
just as you got to the bathroom he gripped your arm, pulling you into his chest. " I dont wanna talk to you get away from me." you said, shoving him back. well, trying to. but he stayed put, looking down at you try and push him away. "just stop for a minuet." he finally said, pushing you against the sink counter. you yelped in pain, your back instantly hurting from the force. he barricaded you between him, his arms on either side of you. " why are you acting like this to me mommy? I-i told you I dont like her.. I won't go to the party." he said, his tone softer than it was a few seconds ago.
but you couldnt give him a response. cause you didnt even know why yourself. it confused you, made you feel like you were crazy. or maybe you were crazy, just as crazy as Konig. he lifted your chin, looking down at you with teary eyes. " cant you see this is hurting me? when you shut me out like this?" he said softly. "please mommy just.." his eyes again went to darting around your face before her backed up, grabbing your hand. he led you to the room, shoving you onto the bed. he laid beside you, pulling you into his chest. "im never ever going to leave you. ever. I promise. so please, stop shutting me out when this happens.. please mommy." he said softly, wrapping you in his arms stronger.
you felt bad, crying over some girl you knew he'd never leave you for. he killed a man for you for crying out loud. what says I love you more than that? you nodded your head, giving him a meek 'okay'. but that didnt stop the urge to want to hurt her. hurt her for touching him, coming in your house. but you kept that to yourself.
~~ Konig had fallen asleep with you in his arms, snoring softly in your ear. and as much as you wanted to stay here with him, you couldnt shake the image of her in your house. it had been hours since it happened, you laying in his chest. and he had thought you'd fallen asleep. but you've been waiting for him to fall asleep instead, mentally preparing for what you were about to do. you knew it was wrong. and you scared yourself just thinking about it. but there was something in the back of your head that told you this was the right thing to do.
prying his arms off of you, you scooted off the bed. the clock read 11:42 PM in bright red letters. people were asleep by this time, right? you made your way to the kitchen, reaching into the trash where Konig threw the invitation. you took the mental note of the mini herts around her name, Jasmine. opening it, you scanned the card for her address.
" got it." you mumbled to yourself. throwing the card back into the trash, you made your way deeper into your kitchen. at first you just wanted to give more of a warning to just ease off of him. but in case that didnt work, you had a second plan. you weren't even worried about breaking into this woman's house, murdering her in her bed. and that is what kinda scared you the most. the lack of care or worry you had. you simply just wanted to get any potential threat to your relationship gone. plus, Konig did this for you. maybe he'd find it just as hot as you did.
you scanned the kitchen, searching for anything that would do enough damage, but was small enough to hide. you also began to think about how you'd go about this. you couldnt hide her body in her own home, that would be you asking to get caught. cant hide her in your own house. you then remembered the lake that was about a 15 minuet drive from your house. you smiled to yourself as you decided thats where you'd hide her body.
in that same moment, you found a pair of metal scissors, large round circles at the top to act as handles. perfect. sharp and long enough to stab her deep. shoving them into your pockets, you made your way to the front door, putting on your shoes. you needed to be quick, you knew. but the bigger issue was getting the car over to her house without waking up Konig.
you grabbed his keys from the mail desk and quietly made you way out the door, sure to keep Konig from waking up. when you were outside you quickly made it into his car and drove off, heading right for this Jasmine girls house.
~~ the windows were surprisingly open, a bit of an idiot move on her end. but you were assuming it was because of the heat outside. you made your way to the side of the house, finding a window open enough for you to slide in. you peeked inside, looking around to see if she was around. when you determined she wasn't, you squeezed your way through the window, landing flat on her rug.
almost like it was scripted, she walked out into the living room, jumping and screaming when she saw you. but you shook your hands, trying your best to shush her. " oh my GOD what are you doing in here?" she yelled, picking up a tiny vase that was on her table. "its your neighbor. I just needed-" she cut you off with a "yea I know who you are.", looking up and down at you. you bit the inside of your cheek. " if you needed something the door was right there for you to knock on you creep." she said, gripping the vase move.
the word 'creep' made you almost giggle. how were you a creep? you were simply protecting what was yours. " I just came to tell you to back off of Konig. he doesn't like you, and we've been together for a few years now. woman to woman, you need to respect that." you said, eyeing her down with the most serious gaze you can make. " oh please, im visibly younger than you, hotter too. Konig would be blessed to have me in his bed at night than you." she smirked, pushing her hair behind her ear.
she was right, about her being younger. but more attractive was what stuck with you. Konig always called you beautiful, sexy, pretty. every adjective to describe a good looking person. so it wasn't that you took offense to what she said. it was more so her stupidity and ignorance that got to you. " konig wouldn't spend 10 minuets with you alone Jasmine. so im asking you kindly to back off." you said, trying your hardest to keep your composure. cause its not like you want to kill her, but if your message went unreceived then..
"listen here lady, I dont have time to deal with your insecurities. if I want him ill 100% get him. now get out my house before I call the police." she said, her tone changing into a more angry one. for a moment you almost charged at her, but you had a different idea in mind.
"fine." you said, walking towards her front door. she eyes you down the whole time, watching to see if you made any sudden movements. and when you got to be right in front of her, you stopped. " im giving you one last chance.. keep away from him." she smirked, tilting her head to the side. " or.. what?" she asked.
your hands practically moved themselves now, smashing the vase in her hands to the ground, pushing her onto the floor. you placed one hand over her mouth, trying hard to not have her screams wake the whole neighborhood, the other digging in your pocket for the scissors. you sat your body on her legs to stop her kicking, her arms reaching up trying to push you off.
"just stay fucking still" you mumbled, your hand coming from your pocket to land a punch onto her face. she stopped, holding her now bruised cheek. " your f-fucking crazy" she cried, looking up at you. you ignored her comment, grabbing the scissors from your pocket. her face went pale, watching you smile at the shiny, silver weapon in your hand.
" I wouldn't say im crazy.. just possessive over whats mine." you said, trailing the scissors down her body, starting at her chin. her lip trembled, tears threatening to fall. " o-okay ill back off." she shuddered, her body tensed up. a small smile spread to your lips, your eyes meeting her scared ones. " oh but I gave you that chance a while ago.. " you said, eying her body trying to determine where to lodge the scissors into first. "I-i know but im serious I will just please.. please" she cried, her arms trying to cover her body.
you looked at her and for a moment, you felt sympathy. but the memory of her walking into your home, touching Konig, calling you his sister. it all made the anger come right back into you and you couldnt stop the scissors from lodging into her throat. blood shot out immediately, your hand grasping firmly around the scissors. her mouth fell open, a silent scream escaping her. and you just watched her, watched as the dark red blood poured out from her neck, her mouth too. it was satisfying to see a potential threat to your relationship gone.
you pulled the scissors out again, her blood flooding out faster now, squirting onto your face and neck. her hand reached over to cover it as best she could, her gaze still on yours. you watched as she struggled, choking on her own blood. so much so, you hadn't heard Konig's voice outside her window.
your body jerked up from the slowly dying body below you, looking out the same window you came from. outside, Konig stood, his eyes wide. and a part of you didnt feel scared. or worried. you felt proud sticking up for what was yours. you crawled off her body, placing the scissors down as you walked to the window. "mommy.. what did you do?" he asked, looking at you.
"I uhm.. I" you didnt have much to say, despite the lack of care you felt for the girl. but he didnt look angry, or scared. he just looked shocked. " can you let me inside?" he asked, nodding to the front door. as you walked past Jasmine, you realize she had completely stopped moving now, her hand laid flat on her side. blood still gushed out the side of her neck, the living room filling with the smell of blood.
opening the door, you looked into Konig's eyes. " I-im sorry.. I got jealous and- no. im not sorry" you were just talking at this point, rambling on about how you felt like what you did was right, and she deserved it. and Konig simply listened, leaning against the door frame, looking down at you with the softest smile you've seen from him yet. " a..are you not mad?" you whispered, looking to his chest.
and for a moment it was quiet. until his hands griped your waist, lifting you into his arms. before you could say much else, his lips pressed onto yours, his teeth clashing against your own. his tongue slid right into your mouth, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hips. Your arms flung around his neck, scissors still in hand.
kicking the door closed, he made his way to the living room, placing you on the couch. " did that for me mommy?" he mumbled, moving from your lips to your jaw. you nodded quickly, watching him move down your body. " so cute mommy.. just like me huh?" he keened, his fingers slipping under the waistband of your pants. his fingers wrapped right around your underwear, pulling them from your sticky, wet cunt. he flicked it back, sighing at the sound of your slick combining with your wet panties. " so wet mommy.. my goodness." he whispered.
he slid his hand from your pants, pulling them down right after. he moaned at the sight of your soaked panties, his fingers tracing over the spot. bucking your hips up, you let out a whimper, needing more than just his light touch. and he knew it, thats the whole reason he was doing this. " mommy you just killed someone.. think you deserve a reward now?" he cooed, looking up at you from between your legs. you nodded your head, the scissors in your hands dropping. "please.. please" you whimpered, pleading with him. he chuckled, licking his lips.
" want your baby boy to fuck you next to her huh? wanna get fucked next to the girl you just killed for me?" he asked, spreading your legs in butterfly position. he blew gently on your wet panties, earning a soft hum from above. " y-yes please.. " you ask breathlessly, looking down at him. he giggled and pressed a soft kiss on your inner thigh, licking a long stripe up to your clothed cunt. bucking your hips up to meet his lips. he shook his head, pressing another kiss to your thigh. " patience mommy.." he muttered, looking up at you.
you cursed under your breath, closing your eyes. you waited for him to touch you, do anything. and finally his fingers slipped under your panties to your throbbing cunt, the sound of your slick filling the once silent room. he gasped, loving how soaked his fingers already were. " so wet for me mommy.. you like killing for your baby boy huh?" he whispered, moving his middle and ring finger up and down your cunt, collecting every drop of slick that comes from you. " y-yes i.. want to prot-tect whats mine" you groaned, waiting for him to go for your clit.
a small whimper came from below you, his fingers slipping over your hole. you clenched around air, your leg shaking in impatience. " Konig please s-stop teasing just.. fuck me." you begged, pushing your hips down to look for his fingers. he smiled below you, sucking his fingers into his mouth. he hummed before sliding them into your cunt, both of you gasping at the feeling. " so slippery mommy.." he cooed, sliding his fingers all the way out before pushing them back in. your head pressed onto the couch, mouth formed in an 'O' shape. "
he curled his fingers up, finding your spongey G spot soon after. " is that the spot mommy? that the spot you need me at?" he whispered, watching how his fingers slide out your cunt, covered in your slick. "y-yes Konig k..keep going" you whined, your hips bucking up.
he was knuckle deep now, slowly finessing in a third finger that made your back arch up. you felt how your cunt expanded around his fingers, prepping you for his dick. your cunt made squelching noises, your slick bubbling out of you. it was embarrassing how wet you were, especially when you just took someones life. but maybe thats why you were so wet. because you were getting fucked for protecting what was yours. " wanna fuck you mommy.. need my dick in you." he whimpered, blowing onto your clit, his fingers picking up pace.
the knot in the pit of your stomach came quick, his fingers thrusting against your g spot, desperately trying to get you to cum. " come on mommy cum on me, I need it.. need it so bad." he begged, watching how his fingers slowly painted white. his begging added to that knot's desperation of letting go, and it only got stronger when you felt his tongue on your clit. you gasped, your hands finding his hair and gripping onto it desperately. " f-fuck Konig~ s'good" you cried, thighs pressing to the side of his head.
he growled at that, gripping the sides of your thighs and pushing them harder against his head. " come on mommy cum for me, please fucking cum for me" he begged, sucking your clit into his mouth. and that was all it took before your hips began to buck against his face, your face twitching in pleasure as his tongue lapped up your cum, his fingers still moving in and out your cunt. your hands gripped onto his shoulders firmly, your thighs still squeezing his head. " thats it mommy.. just like that" he whispered, slowly licking up your cunt, collecting the rest of whatever came from your cunt as it spasmed around his fingers.
he sat up, licking his lips as he looked over to the lifeless body. " come here mommy.. want you to show me just how much I am yours" he asked, sitting back on the couch. he watched you slowly sit up, your body still shaking from the orgasm that just took over your body. as he watched you, he pulled his dick out, watching it hit his lower abdomen.
Konig liked this new side of you. a lot. it made him feel like he wasn't alone in being crazy. he liked to feel like he was wanted as much as he wanted you. it made him fall for you all over again, if that was even possible.
crawling onto his lap, you looked down at him, hazy eyes and wet lips. your cheeks were flushed red, just the way he loved to see you. he smiled, cupping your cheek with his hand. pulling you down for a kiss, he took his other hand, grabbing the base of his dick. " come on mommy.. show me who's dick this is" he whispered against your lips, tugging your bottom lip gently.
pulling away from him, you looked down to his lap. you watched as his tip disappeared into your cunt, only to watch more disappear right in front of you. "f-fuck" you whimpered, feeling him stretch you out whole. " come on just.. a bit.. more" he groaned, pushing you fully down after the 'more'. you let out a silent gasp, looking into his eyes. his eyes were hooded, head slowly falling forward with his bottom lip sucked between his teeth. " s-so warm" he whined, hugging your waist.
you caught your breath, slowly beginning to bounce onto his dick. your hands found his shoulders, gripping them for supports while your chest pressed against his. " come on you can do better than that mommy" he whispered, his arms falling to allow his hands to grip your hips, moving him up and down faster. he leaned back against the couch, watching you from above. " come on mommy.. tell me im yours. f-fuck me like.. like im yours" he moaned, watching himself disappear into your cunt and reappear all over.
you leaned down to his ear, gripping the side of his neck. " y-your all mine Konig.. nobody c-can ride you like this huh? nobody can make you c..cum like I can" you moaned, picking up the pace and finding your own rhythm. your other hand remained on his shoulder, your head lodged into his neck. " no m-mommy... only - fuck - only you" he whined, his hips bucking up just slightly.
leaning back, you gripped his face, forcing him to look at you. your hips stopped as well, his full length inside your sloppy cunt. " d-did I say you can move your hips? take what I give you." you told him, gripping his face harder with the last few words. he whimpered a 'sorry mommy' looking in your eyes with his shiny, big ones. you smiled, resuming your rhythm and slow pace.
it was agonizing for him. having to feel every inch of his dick slowly get the attention he desperately needs. his eyes still looked up at you, pleading with your own to pick up the pace. but you were, in a way, teaching him a lesson. he'd always been rough with you in bed, despite the title he gives you. now it was your turn to act upon that title accordingly. and you wanted nothing less than a whimpering, blubbery mess below you.
" gonna teach you to not talk to another g-girl every again" you mumbled, slowly sliding up and off of him before slamming down on his length, clenching around him. his head fell back against the couch, his mouth ajar. " m-mommy please g..go faster. I need it I c-cant stand this pace" he whined, his arms letting go of you and instead, his hands gripping your waist. he was lucky you were letting him touch you, you wanted to make sure he didnt forget it was a privilege right now.
taking his hands from your waist, you pinned them on either side of his head. he opened his eyes, looking back at you with pleading ones. " no pl-please mommy let me touch you. I fucking need to touch you" he begged, shaking his head. but you only watched him, a smile across your lips as your hips rose and slammed back down onto his lap.
his skin was shiny, a win bulging out the side of his neck. try as he might, he couldnt stop his hips from bucking up. " c-cant take it mommy.. need more" he whined, his hips picking up the pace.
you knew you were weak compared to Konig, but you weren't expecting him to completely over power you. his hands broke free of your grasp, clutching onto your hips and slamming up into you. your head fell back, hands going to grip his shoulders. " thats it mommy take it.. oh fuck take it" he groaned, his head falling into your neck. his lips sucked hickies right onto the most noticeable parts of your skin, pulling and biting at the skin.
" s-so good Konig.. all mine~" you cooed, bouncing your hips to meet his pace. his tip hit the deepest part of your cunt, making you feel so full around his cock. " s'good mommy.. you feel so fucking good" he choked out, gripping onto your hips stronger. " wanted to fucking tease me didn't you? make me beg for your pussy.." he whispered, one of his hands slipping between your thighs to rub your clit. " knowing I can take t-this pussy however I want" he groaned, moving your hips faster.
he looked up into your eyes, blood from your neck coating his lips. " look so good beneath me.." you whispered, clenching around his dick. he whimpered, the image of blood and pleasure covering your face making his dick pulse inside you. his thumbs pressed into your hips, his breathing growing fast and strong. " mommy im so close.. fuck im g-gonna cum" he whined, his head falling back. his Adams apple bounced up and down, his lips parted.
your hand found the back of his head, yanking his head to look at you. " look at me when you cum" you told him, looking into his doe eyes. his mouth was still open, drool coming from his plump lips. " m'sorry m-mommy" he whimpered, looking into your eyes. your clenched around him, loving how submissive he was for you. " its okay baby.. come on cum inside me. fill me up" you cooed to him, giving him a small smile.
his whimpers picked up in consistency, his breathing growing rapid as well. " g-gonna - fuck , o-oh fuck " he cried, bucking his hips up into you. his arms clung to your waist, soft cries coming from him. " f..fuck" he breathed out, slightly loosening his grip on you. but of course you weren't done.
your hips continued to bounce up and down on him, his teeth sinking into your collar bone. " m-mommy wait i.. I cant- cant take it" he cried out, his grip returning on your waist. but you weren't listening to him. your hips instead picked up in pace, chasing after your own high. his cum ran down his dick, adding to his stimulation. " w-well take it" you muttered, hand still holding the back of his head. you pulled his hair so he was looking at you. his eyes were watery, shiny. drool slid down his chin, the blood from your body coating his lower face as well.
with each slam of your hips, Konig gave you a pathetic whimper, his eyes begging you to slow down and give him a break. but you couldnt do it. you felt too good to stop now. his hand that was once on your clit was replaced by your own, adding to the pleasure. " oh g-god" you moaned, head falling back. your boobs bounced in his face, adding to the orgasm that was forming all over for him. " mommy p-please" he cried, trying to hold you down. but you kept going, watching as the tears fell from his eyes.
and for some reason that only added to your stimulation. " awe baby dont.. dont cry" you cooed, letting go of the back of his head. his legs were shaking beneath you, his dick twitching inside you. and you felt close yourself, the way his dick hit your cervix so painfully well, grazing over your spongey g spot. it was perfect.
" mommy I-its too much.. please" he begged, feeling his dick yet again twitch inside you. your fingers rubbed faster onto your clit, watching his body spasm beneath you. " I-im gonna cum again mommy i.. I can't" he cried, another load of his cum shooting inside you. he clung onto you, crying into your chest. his whole body spasmed, still cumming inside you. " good boy s-such a - oh my god~" your body stiffened on top of him, head falling back and mouth ajar. your cum coated his sticky, wet dick, adding to the squelching noises coming from your pussy.
sweat and blood poured down your body, staining your clothes and his. small whimpers left his lips, his hips bucking up into you every now and then. " I l..love it when you use me like that mommy." he breathed out, pressing a kiss to your chest. your smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. " wanna help me dunk her in the lake?" you asked, slipping off him. he whimpered at the loss of touch, your cum and his completely glazed over him, dripping down to his balls. it was such a hot scene in front of you.
so much so, you couldnt help yourself from getting on your knees, taking his cock in your mouth. gasping, he tried to pull away, shaking his head quickly. " p-please I cant take it. I c-cant I cant" he cried, his nails digging into the couch. but you for some reason felt like you had to continue showing, or proving to yourself and him, that he was just yours. and will forever be yours. even if it means milking his cock till hes a sobbing mess.
his hips bucked backwards, trying to leave your warm your mouth. but your hollowed your cheeks, swllowing him back inside every time he slid out your mouth. " m-mommy please" he cried, trying to shove your head back. popping his dick out your mouth, you looked up to him, jerking him off to replace your lips. " tell me your mine. only mine" you said, looking up into his watery eyes, tears flowing down his face. " im yours. im all yours I s-swear, I swear" he cried, the sound of saliva and cum against his dick and your hand adding to the pleasure he felt.
smiling, you popped him back in your mouth, taking as much of you could of him down your throat. his head fell back, his chest rising and falling rapidly. it was sobs, sobs and pretty whimpers leaving his lips. his dick pulsed in your mouth, his third orgasm coming up quick. " m-mommy please I cant.. fuck it hurts" he cried, shaking his head, wiping his eyes. but he couldnt stop the cum from shooting into your mouth, his legs raising into the air slightly as he came, his body leaning forward. silent moans left his lips, his mouth still ajar.
humming, you swallowed around him again, earning another cry from him. pulling back, his cum and your saliva ran down your chin, a slutty scene to look at. " p..please mommy I cant anymore" he cried, his body leaning side to side, his eyes hazy and wet with tears. but you smiled up at him, kissing his knee. " I just had to make sure you knew you are mine. just as much as I am yours." you whispered, standing up.
you knew he'd have a hard time carrying the body right now, so you both stayed on the couch, cuddling with each other. " I love you mommy.. more than words can even describe." he said, laying in your chest. you smiled, running your hands over his face, wiping the tears that still brimmed his eyes. his dick was still pulsing, the shock of his orgasms still making their presence known. " I love you more Konig." you whispered, watching as his eyes opened and closed slowly.
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daddynattt · 11 months
Natasha romanoff x reader nat cheats on reader and reader just gives up.
Gone for good
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: angst, crying, Nat is a bad gf, Nat cheats
Word count: 865
send drabble requests
You frown to yourself as you check your phone, no texts or calls from Natasha. Today is your 2 year anniversary and just a few days ago she stated she had a very important classified mission to go on but she was going to take the two of you to your guys’ favorite restaurant. You didn’t mind situations like these because you knew what Natasha’s job meant to her and you would never be the type of partner to take that away from her, so long she also prioritized you and the relationship. You sigh to yourself as you check the time once more. 6:45 and the reservation is for 7. You wouldn’t be surprised if she forgot. Over the past couple of months, your relationship with Natasha has been rocky. As much as you will never admit it to anyone, she hasn’t been a good girlfriend. At least, not the same one she used to be at the beginning. Lately she cancels plans, misses dates you set up and now forgetting your anniversary, you wonder if something more is going on.
You let your tears fall, falling into the couch as you cry. You got yourself ready, looking sexier than ever, just for her to not pick you up. You let a few hours pass as you cried to yourself in your living room, wondering what you did for Natasha to treat you this way. Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, you grab your keys and make your way to the compound, hoping to find Wanda or Kate.
“Y/n, this is like, the millionth time she has done this. Haven’t you had enough?” you frown as you look down at your hands, playing with your fingers nervously. “I know Wanda but I love her… I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Everything was so good until it wasn’t. Maybe she doesn’t love me anymore” Before Wanda could open her mouth to speak, a drunk Natasha and an equally drunk woman came stumbling in, their hands all over each other. You watch as the mystery woman trails her lips all over Natasha’s neck, Natasha pushing her against the wall as they make out, your heart dropping at the sight of Natasha cheating on you. There she is, your girlfriend of 2 years, who forgot your anniversary, all because she has been cheating on you.
“What the fuck Natasha! Are you serious right now?” Natasha’s head shoots up at the sound of Wanda’s voice, her eyes widening as she sees you. “Y/n… baby it’s not what it looks like” You scoff, getting up off the couch as your blood starts to boil. “You forgot our anniversary to get drunk and pick up some random chick to come home with? How long has this been going on?” She grimaces at your words, and moves closer towards you with her hands out. You move back, telling her to not come any closer. “Baby this was the only time and… and I promise it doesn't mean anything! She doesn’t mean anything. I’m sorry sweetheart can you please just forgive me and we can move on from this?” You get a good look at her, and when you look at her, you see a complete stranger, not the woman you fell in love with, and the reality of it causes your heart to break more than it already has. You love Natasha more than anything but, you know now that this was the last straw, and nothing she says or does can fix it.
“No Natasha” her eyebrows furrow, a frown prominent on her face. “Baby c’mon we can fix this, don't throw it away” you smile at her sadly, shrugging your shoulders. “You already did. We’re over Natasha. Me and you are done, do you understand? I honestly can’t even look at you right now. Please, just leave” “W-what? You don’t mean that” She stands there looking at you, the random woman already long gone, her mind sobering up as she realizes what she has done. She looks at you once more before walking away. Your body feels numb, and the anger and betrayal you feel inside you is so strong, you can’t help but to slide down against the wall you are against and cry. You feel arms circling around you as Wanda holds you close, pulling you to her chest as she lets you cry in her arms for however long you need.
Natasha enters the kitchen the next morning to find Wanda making breakfast. “Wanda? Where’s Y/n? I need to speak to them” “They’re gone, Natasha” Natasha frowns as she looks at her. “What do you mean they’re gone?” Wanda smiles sadly as she looks at her. “They’re gone Nat, they left” Natashas heart races in her chest at her words. “What are you talking about? Where did they go?” Wanda shakes her head and leaves the kitchen, leaving Natasha there alone with her thoughts. She stares at Wanda as she walks away, tears falling down her face. You left, and you’re never coming back. She stands there crying to herself as she realizes that she has truly lost you for good.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 13
*cackles in evil author*
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 
When Eddie and Steve showed up for school the next day, Steve was called down to the office to speak with Mrs Hall again.
“Mr Harrington,” she greeted coldly. “It has been brought to my attention that your parents aren’t home, is that correct?”
Shit, Steve thought. He was technically a minor and CPS could be called.
“My father had a business deal in Japan this week, my mother went with him,” he said slowly. He deliberately left out the part where from Japan they were going to South Korea and then India before coming back to the States in a month.
She nodded grimly. “Only parents and legal guardian can excuse any absences. Last time I checked Wayne Munson was not your legal guardian.”
Steve nodded. “I didn’t ask him to. I was feeling really sick, like unable to move sick. So I called Eddie to get my school work for me only to find that Eddie was sick, too. I didn’t even know he had called in until you told me,” he lied smoothly.
Mrs Hall sighed. “It’s clear that you will not head my warning to stay away from that boy. And as your parents are currently not reachable the principal has asked Mr Munson to stand in loco parentis any time your parents are away.”
Steve blinked. He knew that Principal Higgins hated Eddie for being out, loud, and proud about well...everything really. So for him to ask Eddie’s uncle to watch over Steve, either it was a front or Eddie got his silver tongue from Wayne.
Which all things considered, Steve would bet one hundred percent on the latter.
“That’s nice of Principal Higgins and Mr Munson, ma’am,” was all he said on the matter.
“You will just have to sign here, saying you agree,” Mrs Hall said, handing him a paper on a clipboard.
Steve carefully read it several times before signing it. He hadn’t it back to her and she looked at the signature.
“Mr Munson will also be put down as alternative emergency contact,” she said.
Steve nodded and briefly thought about how much it would take to bribe the school secretary to call Wayne first, before he discarded the thought. She would let it slip somehow and make things worse for everyone.
“Thank you, Mrs Hall,” he said demurely, looking up at her through his eyelashes.
Mrs Hall sighed. “I know you mean well, Mr Harrington and it must be hard when your parents are away all the time, but all this is stressing the school’s very limited resources, so please try not to make any more waves, yes?”
Steve nodded.
She dismissed him back to class and he went willingly. He walked back to Mr Vinke’s class feeling relieved for the first time in a long time.
Eddie looked up at him in askance and Steve gave him the thumbs up. Eddie relaxed and went back to doing his school work.
Mr Vinke smiled at Steve. “It’s good to see you looking a little less like death in my classroom, Mr Harrington. I hope this has taught you a lesson about staying home when you are sick, instead of trying to push through it.”
Steve nodded.
“Good,” he said and turned back to grading his papers.
At lunch, Steve told Corroded Coffin what Mrs Hall had told him.
“My uncle did what?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah,” Steve said. “Came as a shock to me, too. But this is good.”
Everyone nodded.
“So whacha doing after school tonight?” Gareth asked.
Steve blinked. “Homework, I guess. Why you guys got something going on?”
Eddie grinned. “Well, you see, big boy, the Corroded Coffin boys just got their first real gig at little dive bar called ‘The Hideout’.”
Steve’s eye went wide. “Holy shit, guys! That so fucking awesome. Of course I’ll be there.”
“It’s at eight and will run about an hour,” Jeff said.
“They’ll card you at the door,” Brian said. “But they’ll let you in if you’re underage. They’ll just put black marker on your hand so the bartenders and waitresses know not to serve you alcohol.”
Steve nodded excitedly. “I read you loud and clear. I’ll try to get there a little earlier so I don’t miss it.”
Eddie chewed on his lip. “You sure you’re not going to be missing play practice?”
He shook his head. “Today they’re running through the song ‘The Lees of Old Virginia’, so I’m not needed.”
All the boys relaxed.
“We wouldn’t want to get you in trouble with Miss Lucy,” Gareth said. “We know how important the play is to you.”
Steve grinned. “That’s sweet of you, but I wasn’t going lying when I said I didn’t have anything. If I had practice, I would have told you I had practice.”
“What about swim practice?” Eddie pressed.
“Not until tomorrow,” Steve said with a half shrug. “I talked it over with Coach Hall. I’m still swim captain and will still compete just not to the extent it was last year. So I’m co-captain with Ezra Wincott. They’ve all been really cool about the play and the concussion and everything.”
Eddie visibly sagged in relief. “Sorry about the third degree, man. But you did have a life before Hargrove smashed your face in, and all of it can’t have gone to the shitter.”
Steve smiled. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t lie to you. If I had practice, I just would have cut out early.” He winked at him.
Eddie blushed.
Steve was looking at his closet woefully. He really didn’t have anything that wouldn’t make him stand out in the crowd the Corroded Coffin boys would draw. He pulled out the black t-shirt he bought for Halloween and the dark grey jeans. He’d still stand out, but not as badly.
He wandered into his parents’ room and went picking through the necklaces. Steve finally found a small chain that didn’t have any pendent on it and put it on. He also looked at her rings, but he knew none of them would really fit. He sighed.
This was just going to have to do.
He grabbed his coat, wallet and keys and went out to his car. As he was driving he thought he saw his parents’ car drive past him, but that couldn’t be right. They weren’t due back for at least another week.
Steve let out a slow deep breath and decided, fuck it. If that was his parents then that was on them. He wasn’t going to wait for them to come home every night like some heroine from some trashy romance novel.
He was going to go out and have a good time with his friends.
Steve arrived at The Hideout about twenty minutes before they were supposed to go on. He had a fake ID he could have got in on, but he knew he was driving home and really shouldn’t drink. So he used his own and when he saw that Marty, Janice and Gethin were there all with little black crosses on their left hand, he knew he had made the right choice.
“Hey, guys!” Steve greeted as he bounded up to them.
Janice eyed him up and down. “Looking good, Steve-o. But here, this will prefect the look.” She took off her flannel shirt and wrapped it around his waist, tying it.
She stepped back and admired her handiwork. Gethin and Marty nodded their approval.
“I think the only thing that would make it even better,” Marty said, “was if you had one of your ears pierced.”
Steve shook his head. “I know they have to stay in for two weeks before you can remove them and if my parents came home during that time...”
“You’d be grounded for life?” Gethin suggested with a grimace.
Steve sneered. “Something like that.”
He got himself a coke and settled down to wait for the band to start.
Then the house lights went down and the stage lights went up to reveal the band. Steve wolf whistled and cheered.
Eddie’s head snapped up, immediately clocking the other boy in the crowd. He could see his other friends were there, too. But holy hell. Steve put some effort into blending in tonight and the things it did to the insides of Eddie’s rib cage...shit.
He closed his eyes. He wished Uncle Wayne could have seen him but the older man worked.
But Steve was here. And that made up for it. It wasn’t the same, but a different kind of good.
Eddie stepped up to the mic and said. “Hello, Hideout! I’m Eddie and we are Corroded Coffin!”
He stepped back and began to play. The crowd almost instantly began to bob their heads to the music. And then Eddie began to sing.
And Steve started screaming. Eddie was amazing.
The show ended and the four of them went out back to meet them.
Steve rushed up to Eddie. “Holy hell, man. You guys were awesome!”
Eddie grinned. “Looking good, Stevie!”
Steve did a little twirl. “You like what you see, Munson?”
Eddie groaned. “I think we’ve established that I like you in those jeans.”
Steve laughed as their friends watched this great interest.
Eddie yanked on the flannel shirt around Steve’s waist, pulling him almost flush against each other. Eddie removed the flannel and tossed it vaguely Janice’s direction. “I’ll drop off some of mine, if want to keep coming to these concerts, pretty boy.”
Steve chuckled. “Feeling a bit possessive there, sunshine?”
Eddie growled and moved to step back. He didn’t mean for it to come out like that. But before he could get too far, Steve was pulling him back.
“Joke’s on you,” Steve murmured. “I like it.”
The only thing that kept Eddie from kissing those deliciously pink lips was the fact that everyone was watching. “Later,” he promised.
Steve nodded.
Soon they were being swarmed by their impatient friends wanting to congratulate Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin. They celebrated with sodas and cheese fries.
Eddie followed Steve back to his house, because they really needed to talk about this fragile thing blossoming between them.
Only when they got back to the house, that shiny silver beemer was out front again and Steve’s stomach dropped to his feet.
Eddie was out of the van in a heartbeat and by Steve’s side. “What do you want me to do?”
Steve’s breaths were coming out fast and shallow so he just shook his head.
“Do you want me to stay?” Eddie asked, gripping his arms and looking up into his eyes.
Steve nodded.
“Tell you what,” Eddie said gently. “If everything is all right and you don’t need me, turn your light on in your bedroom. If I don’t see it come on in ten...” Steve shook his head. “In fifteen minutes, I’ll come running, okay?” Steve nodded again.
Eddie gave him a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be here.”
Steve took a deep shuddering breath and walked toward the door. He turned back and looked at Eddie, who nodded.
Steve opened the door and walked inside.
Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread estrellami-1
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winchesterdreamgirl88 · 7 months
The Other Brother
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader also Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, angst, fluff, BAD WRITING
Summary: You and Dean used to have a small thing together, but you guys drifted apart and Dean left for a little while. After he left you and Sam became very close and eventually it turned into more. You were finally happy and content in life. But what happens when Dean shows up again after a year?
Word Count:2235
A/n: I want to do multiple different versions of this story eventually so keep an eye out for those:) Also I've had serious writers block so I'm sorry if this isn't the greatest. I'm going to try and get better at updating more consistently.
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1 Year ago
"Fuck, I can't do this anymore Dean. Sometimes you act like I'm the best thing that's happened to you but recently you've been treating me like some random girl you picked up in a bar."
Things have been rocky with you and Dean for a while now. You got badly injured on a hunt fighting vampires and because Dean was so focused on trying to make sure you were okay 3 of the vampires got away, ever since then you guys have been non stop arguing.
"Oh please, Y/n, obviously you're important to me, why are you acting so crazy?" You and Dean had been together for about 6 months and things were going so well in the beginning. He was so protective, would defend you against anyone who even looked at you the wrong way, but recently you guys have been fighting a lot and it seems like he's done with you.
"Me?? I'm not acting crazy. You used to love me and protect me but now you never come home, we fight all time, hell you barely even kiss me anymore." You said tears started to form in your eyes because he couldn't tell how much he was hurting you.
"You know what I don't need this." Suddenly he turned around and started to walk towards the door. He walked out the door, walked out of your life, and never came back.
It had been a year since Dean had walked out on you, and Sam. You and Sam had gotten really close over the past year. Sam and you began hunting together, you would take over on the research most of the time and Sam was more on the killing side. You two were close before Dean had left but once he was gone something shifted. One night about three months after Dean left you and Sam were doing research together in a library in Nebraska trying to hunt a Wendigo.
Sam had always had feelings for you but stepped aside once he realized you and Dean had. But on that night seeing you in the library with your face buried in a book with your glasses on and hair falling into your face he couldn't help himself. He leaned in closer and tucked your hair behind your ear causing you to look up at him and smile.
"Y/n there's something I've wanted to say to you for awhile now. I've liked you since the day me and Dean met you. You have the kindest heart, the most beautiful smile, your eyes can make me melt by just looking at them. I love you Y/n." Sam said with a sigh of relief that he finally said it.
"I love you too Sam." You said and leaned up to kiss him.
Time Skip 9 Months
You and Sam had been together for 6 months now and you've never felt happier. He was the best boyfriend you could ask for. He was loving, caring, attentive and the two of you rarely ever fought. One night you guys were cuddling on the couch watching tv in the bunker when suddenly someone bursts through the door. Sam and you both got nervous because neither of you was expecting anybody and nobody else you knew had a key. Well except for one person, but it couldn't be him right?
"Stay here, don't move, I'll be back." Sam said as he got up to investigate what was happening. After silence for a while you suddenly heard yelling between Sam and a voice you hadn't heard in a year.
"WHAT THE HELL DEAN! You can't just show up here after a year and expect things to be the same. You really hurt her, she was devastated when you left. You don't just get to come back and think everything's going to be okay. She's mine now! We've both moved on from you. I think you need to leave." Sam finally finished yelling at Dean, neither brother had noticed you standing there.
"Oh please Sam. I had to leave, I had to do what's best for everybody."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You know where I've been the last damn year Sam? I've been hunting those assholes that hurt Y/n. I've been tracking them down and I finally found them in Ohio and killed every last one of them. They hurt her and I wasn't going to let them get away with it. I also had to leave because I needed time away from you." You were so confused by what you just heard you didn't know what to do. What did he just say? He left because he wanted to keep me safe? A million thoughts started running through your head.
"Me? What the hell did I do Dean?"
"YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH HER! You think I didn't notice, the whole time we were together I could see you always watching her. Always longing for her, always wishing that she was yours. I'm not an idiot. But you are my brother and she is the woman I love, I wasn't going to stand in way of you two being happy. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you."
"It looks like I was right, you two are together now and happy and made a better life for yourselves. I'll leave the both of you alone and figure out something else."
When the yelling finally stopped and both brothers finally calmed down they finally noticed your presence in the room. You looked like you had seen a ghost. You ran upstairs past yours and Sam's now shared bedroom and ran into the bathroom and started crying. You were so confused and overwhelmed. When you finally felt strong enough you walked downstairs to see both men just sitting in the living room staring at each other. When they noticed you Sam stood up and ran over to you and gave you a hug.
You accepted his hug but something felt wrong now that Dean was here, you couldn't help but look over at him and see sadness and regret in his eyes. "Sam, could you maybe leave us alone for a minute?" You asked hoping that you could just have some one on one time with Dean to figure things out.
"Yeah of course." Sam said with a sigh, pressed a kiss to your temple and went upstairs to his room. Even though you were nervous and hurt you went and sat down next to Dean on the couch and coughed nervously. He grabbed your hand surprised that you didn't pull away and took a deep breath before beginning to talk.
"I'm sorry Y/n, I just got so angry at the fact that I let those vampires hurt you I couldn't stand the thought of them being alive. I had to leave to make sure that they paid. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I just wanted you safe, then once I realized that Sam had feelings for you it made me go crazy and scared. I know he's a better man than me. He can treat you better than I can. he's better for you. When I realized this I decided to leave so the both of you could be happy and finally start a normal life together. I'm so sorry I hurt you Y/n but I guess it's what I'm best at. You and Sam deserve to be happy. I'll be gone in the morning." And with that he dropped your hand, got up and went to the garage.
You sat there stunned and shocked. Everything you thought was wrong. The fact that Dean spent this past year trying to find the vampires that hurt you and kill them, the fact that he wanted you and Sam to be happy even if he wasn't, you weren't sure what to do. Sam suddenly comes down the stairs after hearing Dean leave.
He comes and sits next to you before taking your hand in his. "Look Y/n, Dean coming back here doesn't change anything. I still love you and I still want to be with you. All he's gonna do is cause you pain and suffering and I don't want to see that happen. But I can't tell you what to do, so it's your decision. If you decide to go back to Dean I'll understand. I won't make it awkward, or be mad. We can go back to how it was before no guilt, I promise." With that Sam left you alone with your thoughts.
As if a miracle happened suddenly you knew exactly what you wanted to do and who you wanted to be with. You got up off the couch and started walking.
If you choose Sam
You went into the garage to find Dean working on baby. He hears you come in and stops whatever he's doing to look at you.
"Look, I forgive you. I understand what you did and I will always be grateful for it. But things are different now Dean, I'm in love with Sam. He's the one that makes me happy. But I want you to stay, stay and hunt with us and it'll be like before." You said avoiding eye contact.
"Okay." He said with no hesitation. "I'll stay and we'll try to make this work. You guys deserve each other and I can see how happy you guys are. I'm glad you two found each other. Now go tell Sam before he decides to freak out on both of us." He says now talking with a small hint of a smile. You give him a really quick hug and then run upstairs to go find Sam. You start walking towards your guy's shared room and take a deep breath before walking in. Sam is just lying on the bed but immediately sits up when you walk in.
Suddenly you run over to him and give him a big hug and you feel him relax under your touch. "It's you Sam, you're the one that I want." You said with a big smile on your face. He returns your smile and leans down and gives you a quick kiss.
"I love you so much Y/n, it's always been you."
After a crazy day you both lay down in bed and fall fast asleep. You felt good knowing everything would be okay. You had both boys back in your life and you couldn't be happier.
If you choose Dean
You went upstairs to find Sam, even though you guys shared a bedroom suddenly you felt like you couldn't just walk in so you knocked on the door. "Come in" said a voice that sounded tired and exhausted.
"Hey, can we talk." You said entering the room and then shutting the door. "Yeah of course, come sit down." Sam said making room on the bed for you. This was going to be so hard, you didn't want to hurt Sam. He was one of most kind hearted people you knew, but your heart knew what it wanted. You took a deep breath before talking.
"Sam, these past few months have been great. You've been the best thing in my life, you've made me smile and laugh so much I can't even begin to describe it. But my heart belongs to Dean. I know it's risky and he might hurt me but it's what I want. I don't want you to be angry. Honestly I just wish everything could go back to the way it was before."
"Then it will." He said which made you slightly confused. "All I've wanted is for you to be happy Y/n. So if Dean makes you happy then you need to be with him. Don't worry about me, the three of us will go back to how it was before. Now go find Dean before he leaves." He said and gave you a hug. You got up and started walking towards the door. "Just know if he hurts you again I'm going to kick his ass." Sam said with a smile on his face. "Good to know." You said returning the smile and then running down the stairs into the garage to find Dean.
He had headphones in so he didn't hear you come in. You walked up behind him and placed your hand on his shoulder causing him to jump. He took his headphones out and turned to face you.
"Look, I understand why you did what you did, and I'm so grateful for it. I still want to be with you, my heart still belongs to you, I still love you. But from now on you have to communicate better. If something is bothering you tell me and we'll figure it out together. No more secrets okay."
After a little bit of silence you see Deans face form a big smile and then suddenly he picks you up and spins you around. This causes a big smile to appear on your face, a smile you haven't had in over a year. He decided to take you on a short drive to look up at the stars and talk about everything that happened since he had been away. You looked up at the stars knowing your heart was happy.
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