#and also I’m painting a little sculpture
I have so many wips I should work on but I Just Keep Starting MORE PROJECTS
blease, brain… let me finish at least one 😭
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it’s be cool if I felt like I enjoyed drawing and doing art for myself instead not liking it and feeling like it’s wrong
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marypsue · 2 years
There’ve been a few responses to/reblogs with tags on my post about DIY clothing embellishments that basically boil down to ‘I’d love to do this but I’m scared it’ll turn out bad/I’m not a good enough artist’. And I get it, I really do! I also want my art things to turn out nicely. But also...making it badly is sort of the point of punk DIY. 
Listen. We live in a world that would dearly love to charge you a subscription fee for breathing. The bastards are doing everything they possibly can to figure out how to turn art - stories, visual art, music, textile/fibre art, sculpture, crafts and creations of every kind - into a neat, discrete, packageable commodity, a product they can chop up into little pieces and stick behind a paywall so they can charge you for every drop of it you want to have in your life. 
The whole sneering idea that ‘everybody wants to be some kind of creator now’ and anything less than absolute mastery right out the gate is somehow shameful and embarrassing is a tool those bastards are using. It’s a way to reinforce the idea that only a set group of people can create and control art, and everybody else has to buy it. 
But art isn’t a product. Art is a fundamental human impulse. Nobody is entitled to a specific piece of art (which is where this message gets skewed into pitting people who love art against the artists who make it, while the bastards screw us all and run away with the money). But making art belongs to everybody. We make up songs and dances and stories, and paint things, and make clothes, and embellish them, and carve flowers into our furniture and our lintels and our doorframes, and make windows out of tiny pieces of coloured glass, and decorate our homes and our bodies and our lives with things we make and make up, simply for the love of beauty and of the act of creation. Grave goods from tens of thousands of years ago show that ancient hominids gave their dead wreaths of ceramic flowers, tattooed their bodies, beaded their shoes. Making things for the sake of beauty and enjoyment is one of the most ancient and human things we can do. 
The idea that we can’t, that we have to buy shit instead, because art is a product and you have to have the bestest prettiest most perfect product, is the enemy of joy. It’s the death of culture. And it means that, instead of whatever it is that you cherish and enjoy and value, you get whatever inoffensive (and to whom is it inoffensive?) bland meaningless samey-samey crap that the bastards want you to be allowed to have. What are you missing and what are you missing out on, if you don’t make or modify or decorate anything for yourself, if you don’t think you can because the product at the end won’t be polished or perfect or marketable enough? What do you lose? What do we lose? 
It is a desperately vital and necessary thing for you to make shit. For you to know that you can make shit, that you don’t have to just lie back and take whatever pablum the bastards want to force-feed you (and charge you through the nose for). That the bastards need you more than you need them. 
Become ungovernable. Be your own weirdly-endearing punk little freak. Paint on a t-shirt. Sing off-key in the shower or at karaoke night or at open mic night. Make up a story where you get to meet your favourite fictional character and you guys hug or fuck or punch each other in the face. Make art. Do it badly. Do it frequently. Do it enthusiastically. Do it for love and joy and creativity and fun and the spiteful joy of thumbing your nose at some smug motherfucker with a Swiss bank account who wants to track your heartbeat and location for the rest of your life in order to automatically pump AI-generated beats matched to your mood into your earbuds for a small monthly subscription fee of $24.99/month. It is literally the only way we are ever going to have even a chance to save art and our own lives from the bastards. 
So. Paint that t-shirt. 
(Also support artists where you can, and buy your music from Bandcamp.)
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blackswan7x · 11 months
— jjba: reacting to chubby insecure reader
characters: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo (part 3), Josuke Higashikata, Female Reader
rating: sfw, mild suggestive talk (Joseph)
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Jonathan Joestar
Honestly, Jonathan only sees you as a vision of pure beauty
“How can you ever speak so poorly of yourself when you look like a goddess of antiquity?”
Brings books of art from the library just to show you the paintings and sculptures of women through the ages
“You see, my love, artists for centuries have known your figure is truly the most divine work of all creation.”
Will silence you with a finger to your lips if you protest
Then he will take your hand into his, gazing lovingly at you.
“Our youth is fleeting. All I care for is that your body is willing to grow old with mine. For one day, my physique will fade with age and I will no longer be as strong as I am now. And will you love me then?”
Of course. You will love him no matter what.
“Then why do you refuse to see that I feel the same for you?”
He kisses you.
“Now, let us retire to our bedroom.”
And he sweeps you off your feet and carries you bridal style across the threshold to his bedroom
And as he is a gentlemen it is best not to say what you two did next
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Joseph Joestar
Our bodies are so different…Just look at how I am compared to you.
Joseph is confused to say the least.
“Huh? What’s wrong with your body and what does that have to do with mine?”
Wouldn’t he prefer someone fit like him?
Isn’t he embarrassed to be seen with you in public?
Joseph laughs
“Awww, babe. Are you feeling insecure?”
Not helping
“Because you don’t have to be.”
Go on…
“I think you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on”
Okay, now you are blushing
“And you know how much I love having your thick thighs wrapped around me when we’re making sweet love~”
“What? You never complain when I’m doing it. And you’re so much fun to cuddle afterwards.”
Immediately pulls you into his arms and snuggles against your chest
“I also wanted you because you were the only person who almost had tits as big as mine.”
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Jotaro Kujo
You never kiss me in public and rarely hold my hand…
Are you…
Are you embarrassed of me?
“Good grief”
“Do you think I’m that shallow that I’d care what other people think of you? Of us?”
His voice is harsh.
You look away, feeling foolish.
He notices immediately and his gaze softens, the small spark of irritation fading.
He reaches out for you and pulls you close to him and kisses the top of your head.
Keeping you there he whispers
“Look, I’m sorry…I’m not embarrassed of you. I adore you and your body. You’re gorgeous to me.”
“I’m just a private person. Our relationship is something special and intimate to me. I dont need to display my affection for you to the world.”
You nod, still frowning.
“But it seems I’ve neglected you by only focusing on my own comfort. I’m sorry. This should be a partnership.”
He takes your hand
“I’ll hold your hand in public and won’t mind a quick kiss. It might take me some time to not….blush. But I’ll be fine.”
You squeeze his hand reassuringly
Thank you, Jotaro. Thank you for understanding and listening to me.
“I love you, Y/N. I hope you never forget that.”
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Josuke Higashikata
You’re so much more attractive then me. Don’t you want someone fit and pretty?
“Come again?????”
“Are you feeling okay, babe?”
“Do you not see the way I worship every single curve of your body?”
“I’m practically salivating every time your jeans are too tight!”
“And that cute little tummy of yours!!!”
“I can’t keep my hands off you!”
“Do I need to do more PDA?! Cause I will!!”
“OR I’ll climb on the roof at school and shout that I’m dating the hottest person in all of Morioh!!”
Josuke! Stop you’re making me blush!!!
He attacks you with kisses and tickles.
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bts-hyperfixation · 5 months
Can you please write dumb/cute/random things BTS members will do while they are crushing on reader?
This was cute to write! This is what I think they'd each be like with crushes. Just so you know, all of them are dorks.
Please send me asks to keep me motivated while I’m off work! Thirsty thoughts, Most likely to, reactions, life updates, and general gibberish welcomed!!
If Namjoon has a crush on you he gets extra clumsy. In his head, he is trying to be the most sophisticated person on earth, think W sexy numkim Namjoon. however in reality he is actually fumbling at every step, stuttering and tripping his way through conversations, beating himself up a little inside every time he rambles on a bit too long about something. Eventually, he just gives up on trying to impress you because he is too in his head and thinks he doesn't have a chance. Ironically that is when he manages to be more comfortable around you and stops breaking things. He still info dumps, but because he is a little less self-conscious about it, he allows it to flow more naturally and you can have a proper conversation without him disappearing to berate himself for talking too much. If the crush progresses to you hanging out he will always bring a little gift, sometimes snacks, sometimes a trinket that makes him think of you. He will send you pictures of things in nature that remind him of you, and take you to museums where certain sculptures or paintings reflect his feelings or your likeness. 
None stop trying to make you laugh. Probably refers to himself as worldwide handsome a lot to garner your attention like: "Hey Y/N, did you know they call me WWH?", or "Did you miss my WWH face?". It's a good job that he is in fact very pretty or it would get annoying. Although you tell him every time that it annoys you while using the opportunity to slap/feel up his bicep. He stops by your workplace every day to try and see you, but he is trying to be subtle as he does it, making up genuine excuses as to why he is there. Gets exceedingly disappointed when your coworkers tell him you are on a break because it would be too suspicious if he came back later on. 
He starts by offering you some of his food, claiming he has too much and he thought you might not have eaten yet (It's 10:30 am, of course, you haven't eaten yet). Then he is bringing in bigger meals claiming to be trying new recipes and then always making too much (He is trying new recipes, they happen to be some of your favourites. He is also sizing up the recipe to have enough for you both and more). He will invite you to listen in on some tracks he is working on, saying they are nowhere near finished but he wants an outside opinion (They are mostly finished, and mostly about you).
Strikes me as a straight forward man. You are absolutely going to know if he has a crush on you. There is no messing about he just asks you out... and then hyperventilates about it as soon as he is behind a closed door. It doesn't matter if you answered yes or no that was the most fear-inducing thing he has ever done, debut stage included. He keeps the brave front when around you at all times though. He is very good at pretending to be confident and charming even when his heart is trying to beat out of his ribcage. He makes a point of kissing your hand when he sees you, like the way you giggle and blush.
Similar to Namjoon, goes from being the most coordinated guy in the world to tripping over his own shoes. He blushes furiously every time you walk in the room and struggles to form full sentences. The others rip the shit out of him for being so nervous when you leave. He spends most of his time with his head in his hands hiding the red in his cheeks rather than making eye contact. Eventually, the butterflies die down and he decides he needs to man up and make a move. He refuses to let Jeon - couldn't make eye contact with a woman until he turned twenty-two - Jungkook make fun of him for being anxious, so he swallows the fear and makes a move. Then his flirting becomes relentless: He leans against walls and cages you in a little, he uses pickup lines and keeps calling you beautiful, and he refers to you with pet names. He tries everything he can to make you as flustered as you made him before he asks you out, god-forbid you fight flirty fire with fire.
He follows you around like a lost puppy when he can. If he is around you will never have to carry anything or open a door. He gives you expensive gifts that you aren't allowed to refuse, if you do they just end up at your house later on in the day. He claims most of them are leftovers from brand deals, but some of them are coming from brands you swear they've never worked with. He frequently brings you smoothies and snacks too. Even if he isn't around he will have them delivered to your work, sometimes for your whole office, not just you. If you try to tell him to stop he just makes the tata mic face until you come to a compromise that he will stop sending you drinks if you let him take you out for one. 
If he figures out he has a crush on you, you will not see him for 8-16 days. The first day he realises he will look at you with the widest eyes and blinks a little too slowly, he then excuses himself as soon as possible. He then spends days in his house typing and erasing a text to send to you. It gives him a heart attack when typing bubbles appear because that means you've seen him lurking. He eventually figures out what he wants to do with his crush and then you struggle to get rid of him, not that you necessarily want to, although he did almost follow you into a bathroom once because he was too busy talking and not paying attention to where you were going. When he gets drunk on his own at home he always texts you, nothing serious or even damning, he just is genuinely missing you. It probably comes across wrong because its always 2am, but he is innocently just wondering how you are. Once you fall in to a conversation it is obvious that it wasn't meant as a booty call, as much as you sometimes might wish it was.
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womenaremypriority · 3 months
Headless Women Art in the Sims 4
This has little to do with the actual game, so this should be understandable to anyone!  I wanted to share this.  
If you don’t know what ‘headless women art’ is, it refers to a trend in which women are depicted without heads in art and decorations.  This disproportionately affects women and the excuse is generally that it is body-positive, but the feminist argument is that is dehumanizing and normalizes women as unthinking objects.  Here are some examples via @thatsonemorbidcorvid :
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Now she has many examples in drawings and paintings, but in my collection, I sticked to objects- which I find more creepy, less defensible, with less male counterparts.  
In the Sims 4, you can build houses.  You can create and download custom objects for your game, and you can download houses which have these custom objects.  I’m not sure about the actual, official game, but when you download custom, fan-made content- this stuff is EVERYWHERE. Recently, I’ve been obsessing over looking at different buildings people have made for the game, but I got so tired of seeing this type of art that I started to collect it.  I have counted examples of men vs women.  Using the same standard of what counts as headless art, I found 22 men and 117 women- still a considerable amount of men, but as a trend heavily geared towards women.  There were a few that are debatable, usually because it was unclear whether male or female.  There were some that I debated counting because while technically having a face, they still felt as if they could count- but to keep it simple, I didn’t. When it comes to headless people in art such a paintings and drawings, I found it to be pretty equal, and didn’t count any towards the count.  I noticed that women are usually more sexualized in general art such as this, however.  For fairness, I will add that busts and sculptures that were just heads, it appeared to be mostly men, which could be argued is also dehumanizing/ornamentive.  However, for the most part, these men were given expressions and a face.  And when it came to full-body sculptures, it appeared equal as well.   Anyways, behold… headless women art.
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There are a bunch of duplicates in my count, the same objects used multiple times.  I found about ~18 unique headless women and about ~7 unique men- it’s a bit hard to tell the exact number though.  For the men, 3 of the 7 showed up only once, 3 showed up two times, and the other object made up all the other appearances of headless men.  
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Notice how similar the in-game objects look like the actual ones- I think some of them might be modeled after real-life art too.
Now, here are some the men.
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9/22 times a man appears, a woman does, as well.  Either because they are placed together, or because they are part of the same object, like in the second photo above.
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Out of the 7 headless male pieces, at least 3 looked less like they were intended to be placed in a house as-is and more like very old objects, such as the one below. But to be fair, these only showed up a couple times. I considered not adding to the main count ones were museum objects or in art workshops, things that may not be finished or “complete” but did so anyway. There were a couple of those for male and female. Here is one such.
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Here is one that I wasn’t sure about including or not.
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This photo is a bit blurry, and I couldn’t in good conscience count it- maybe most people would, as it’s a humanoid shape more female in appearance than male, but the quality isn’t good and there’s enough room for doubt. I wanted to be sure I was fair. There’s a bunch of tinier things next to it that could also be headless art but are even harder to make out.
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These figures appear to be breasts, but again, room for doubt. I’m honestly not sure the intention, but if you want to add them to the count, it appeared 6 times.
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These weird legs showed up twice. Honestly, they’re very close to being counted.
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Now, this does show a bit of face, but since it’s still somewhat covered and degrading in nature, I considered adding it. It showed up thrice The problem is that I don’t think I saved photos whenever I saw similar things for men, and so can’t accurately count. To be clear, I don’t think I saw anything for men that was the same as this or similar, but there were some that had only half a face. Here is one example that was next to a headless women.
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There is the male-looking face with plants coming out of it, which I saw quite a few times. There were a couple like that for women, but the question is, if I count the lamp women, do I count this? The main difference is he has eyes, and most of his head is there, giving him individuality, so can’t really be classified as headless. I can’t count these, but I can say there wasn’t really an equivalent for men other than the weird object I showed before with a man and a woman, that could be interpreted as a lamp I suppose.
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There’s also whatever this is supposed to be, which I saw twice. A less obsessive person would probably count it, I didn’t. At first I thought it had breasts, but it might be eyes. I will also note that I saw plenty of headless mannequins and silhouettes, virtually all coded female, but didn’t count those. Here’s some other… interesting things.
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Does she have a head? Yes. But is this objectifying? Also yes. And again, there were plenty of male fall-body statues, as well as female, but those were dignifying and artistic in nature. But among these types of high-art, modern objects like this, where you have to wonder the point, all I remember are female. They all appear in an unnatural manner. There are a few male-looking heads as well, however-
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Here’s what I would consider the closest alternative for men. You can even see the second photo has much of their face missing, as much as the women with the lamp head! Is this as dehumanizing? You decide. There were a few statues of women that were just heads, but none as big and not as many that had missing pieces like this.
None of this is in the final count, but it’s something I found interesting to think about. The last 3 pictures were all made by the same person, but I’ve seen stuff like this used in buildings from other people. I didn’t save everything like this, so I can’t compare or count how many appeared, this was just a couple I remember. Anyways, that’s it! I thought it was super crazy. When I decided to start counting, I thought it would take a while to find any headless women art but it didn’t, at all. Most of what I have screenshots of is the more realistic style of building, because that’s what I prefer, but near the end I started looking more into styles that match the original games graphics. There was probably a higher ratio of men to women when compared to the other style, but still more women in general. This is a plague for real.
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 11 months
Hi! hope you are having a nice day :D
Can you please do Jhin x gn! reader headcanons! SFW and NSFW if you want. Please i´m lacking Jhin content :,)
Thank you! Take care <3
✦–Random Jhin headcanons.✦ SFW & NSFW
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✦I will definitely not let the League fandom suffer from the lack of Jhin content!
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✧ prompt: ✧ totally random headcanons that just appeared to be in my head, because I tend to think about League of Legends hot champions TOO MUCH.
✧ champions: ✧ Jhin, the Virtuoso.
✧ reader: ✧ gender neutral.
✧ author’s note: ✧ As I stated, I will definitely NOT let the League fandom suffer from the lack of Jhin content, even if this means I have to actually WRITE something AND share this. I’m a 300k+ Maestry Jhin main by the way, from the times I actually used to main adc. A very painful backstory, as you see. (As always, please ignore any mistakes. Let’s say I’m tired.)
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First of all, you are Jhin’s muse. You are his everything. His inspiration, his devotion, his deepest desire.
That’s the first reason why must you be protected at all costs, kept safely in his mansion. The word ’jealous’ is not worthy of his exquisite person, therefore he prefers being claimed as protective - he is obsessed with you.
It is somewhat between the thrill of keeping his precious muse close to himself (always skulking, always taking care of them) and the repugnant fear of losing them.
You are aware of his perfectionism, but it does not mean that you always have to be on the alert, be the best of yourself, always present your virtues - for Jhin, you are the definition of perfection, you embody the word of ideal creation. He claims you as the noblest person in the world, despite your free opinion on yourself that can sometimes let you down.
Jhin would never let you think of yourself as unworthy of his love, unworthy of life, unworthy of your body (if you ever even caught a glimpse of that feelings).
He cherishes it, your body, and wants you to see yourself in the same light as he does.
Because Jhin is well aware of the fact, that he is the only one who can gaze at you admiringly and see the whole concept of your person, most true and undisputed. He would never be mistaken if it comest to you, to your goregous person, the one he worships and adores.
So Jhin is a romantic lover. He sees no world beside you, no colors and no inspiration. It wasn’t a long time after he realized that his surrounding becomes dull and monochromatic whenever he finds himself missing you.
Body worshipping is not like a thing he enjoys, as an artist, a virtuoso, a connoisseur - he thinks it is crutial, obvious. He treats your bodies like an artwork, a composition of two perfectly fitting sculptures.
I would call him a soft dom, though sex itself is a way to express himself for Jhin. In the end, trivial human desires are nothing in the face of performance.
The moment with him is always intimate; I think he would be against any kind of public sex, taking the risk of being caught as aggravating.
But he enjoys gun play. Whisper is a fundamental part of his life, though it is only a weapon- no, not even a weapon. A tool destined to paint his canvas. It has to touch you and you must shiver from the cold feeling of metal against your skin.
I don’t think Jhin is a rough type either. Eventually, he is a sensual lover, placing a great impact in foreplay and the scene around you, so it can be perfect and remain undisturbed.
He appreciates you being needy, though. Jhin finds it amusing to see you squirming for him, maybe even begging. You can always take advantage of his soft spot for you and those little sounds you make.
He is very talkative during sex. Moreover, it is not only teasing, but also reassuring words and sweet promises.
And he is a man of word. You can await him fulffiling every of these dark whispers, sooner or later.
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frogchiro · 2 years
Pierro x Khaen'rhian Princess is such a delicious concept sheesh! 😮‍💨 Really makes my corruption kink go brrrrr if I’m being honest here.
Pierro having you sit upon his lap and in front of a mirror as he teaches you how to pleasure yourself. His deft fingers are quick to work you up and over the edge. Showers your exposed skin with kisses and praise as you come down from your high, body still trembling from your release. He’s bound and determined to get you addicted to his touches and cock. All you need is him so behave and let him breed you.
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nonnie...nonnie this is what i needed in my life, THIS is my basic needs pyramid
also the potential this has?? the corruption, the power imbalance, pierro's sheer dominance...and his need to serve you, his princess, wait on hand and foot while the fire of the need to have you submit yourself to give burns bright in his chest,,
f!reader, smut, age difference, power imbalance, obsessive behavior, pierro calls reader nicknames like princess, pet; a bit of breeding kink, a/b/o-esque, virgin!reader, khaen'rhian princess!reader au, hints at pierro being yandere, reader and pierro are a feral happy mess
it all started one winter evening, while you just came back from your usual walk around the palace gardens. pierro never understood what exactly you saw in them, after all it's winter almost all year long here in snezhnaya, so it's not like the gardens are bustling with much plant life anyway and all what's left there are snow covered dead trees and whimsical ice sculptures, but he guesses that after hundreds of years of non-stop running with no place to call a real home he can somehow understand this little pleasure of yours.
he observed you from his place on the comfy couch he lounged on, a glass of golden whiskey lazily held in his hand as he watched you with hooded eyes while you chattered about the new ice sculptures that apparently somehow appeared in the gardens and the cute tiny birds you fed while you were there.
after quickly shedding the snow-soaked cloak and clothes and completing your nightly routine, you walked out of the bathroom clothed only in your silky nightgown and a fur-lined see through robe and shamefully pierro had to admit to himself that his cock jumped in his soft trousers as he watched your figure walk closer to him, a bright smile and the ever present twinkle in your eyes, the picture of innocence you painted made the blood in his veins burn.
the man let out a appreciative rumble when you sat in his lap and made yourself comfortable, nuzzling against his neck and beard, your own chirp being answered quickly with a lazy growl as his free hand wrapped itself around your waist, possessively squeezing the soft chubby flesh there, his other hand placing the empty glass back onto the low table so it could grab the skin of your thigh.
the hand squeezing your waist moved higher to the low, lacy neckline of your gown before pushing the strap from your shoulder. pierro hungrily observed the elegant lines of your chest being reveled, the delicious little 'sir pierro' you moaned out when his clawed fingers traced the lines of your cleavage down to your naked breast, tracing your nipple and lightly nipping your neck and collarbone.
as he kept ravaging your with the softest touches, your primal noises of growls, chirrups and purrs intertwining and making the most exquisite symphony pierro ever heard, the white haired man suddenly thought of something.
it never really occurred to him that since the beginning of your relationship-your journey hundreds of years ago, fleeing from the burning cursed debris that was your former country, your kingdom, you two never really got to officially get intimate with each other.
sure, since pierro finally gathered the courage to court you ever since you settled down in snezhnaya and he became a harbinger you had your fair share of warm, intimate encounters with each other like right now, but you never went all the way.
don't get him wrong, pierro loves you with all his heart, he loved you since the first day he saw you back in khaen'rhia when the king, your father, oh so graciously introduced you to him, a day he will never forget and cherish right up till death comes knocking at your door.
the way you smiled like an angel, the soft curve of your full lips like a dream, the way your lashes fluttered and a bright blush appeared on your cheeks was all pierro needed to swear to himself to never ever let anything ruin your innocence; and he did a good fucking job, even after so many years you still remained a perfect pure little virgin, the sharp watchful eyes of 'sir pierro' as you called him followed you everywhere, but could you really blame him?
even after all the trauma, all the bloodshed and losses you still were the same young woman he met all those years ago, always trying to see the best in everyone and every situation, your naiveness and kindness was cute to him but also dangerous in a flawed and full of sinners world like this so he swore to himself that he'll be your provider, your teacher, your protector. he'll protect you like he couldn't protect your kingdom. he loves you so so much it sometimes physically hurts him.
and now you're here, naked but warm as the big fireplace roared and shone brightly, beautiful golden and amber light dancing across your soft skin as one of your hands remained hooked back on pierro's neck, the other tightly grasping his hand which was busy gripping your waist and belly as he held you closely against his clothed chest, warm and soft against your naked back.
the man's other hand was busy between your legs, gently running his fingers along your slit, circling your clit, teasingly dipping his fingers inside your hole just to feel you clench before taking them out and repeating the process.
you never felt pleasure like this, this is after all the first time you and pierro went this far; maybe not all the way like you oh so desperately wanted, no, needed, but on the other hand you were secretly relieved. you were still a virgin after all and judging by the sheer size difference between you and your protector, the size of his...parts wasn't anything close to small either.
as he said it, he was 'only teaching you about your body and how to please yourself' but your thoughts were muddled by pierro's constant attentive touches. that, paired with his quiet rumbles of 'you're doing so good my princess' or 'keep your eyes open lovely little pet, just look at how wet you got when i stroked this spot, feels good doesn't it?' only managed to sent you right up to the heights of pleasure, brain pleasantly clouded with a mist of love, affection and the need to please your man, the same one who spend years protecting you and caring for you, loving you.
while you were getting lost in the pleasure, pierro's own selfish thoughts and instincts were roaring inside him. the need to corrupt you and your innocence, the need to own you, to make you his and his alone made him let out a feral growl and he sunk his sharp teeth in your shoulder, the surprised squeal mixed with a chirp you let out music to his ears and he didn't even care if he left a mark, in fact he hoped he did.
'will show them that this one belongs to me. she's already spoken for, little one needs no man beside me'
if he was a lesser man, he'd have mounted and fucked you the second your presented yourself so deliciously in your tiny see-through night gown, bred you so well that by the end of the night you'd be left a panting spend mess, cuddling him and surely pregnant with his pup, but alas, pierro is not a lesser man.
after all he's pierro, the jester, the man who commands the fatui with an iron fist and wears the mocking mask as a way to laugh in the face of gods, and that pierro has endless plains of patience and he refuses to rush things with you and possibly hurt you in the process, he thinks he'd tear his own heart out if he hurt you in any way, especially this way, when you should associate pleasure and warm intimacy with him in the best ways possible.
well, at least almost endless, since he can't wait for the day you'll be officially wed to him, the ultimate mark of ownership over you, you will be finally his and his alone until the end of days.
but these thoughts can wait, now he has to focus on you and your pleasure in the moment. he feels you clench around his fingers, wrapped around them like a vice as he keeps delicately rubbing over and over your sweetest spot, the little bundle of nerves send sparks of seemingly infinite pleasure through your body.
suddenly he feels you tense, a full body shiver running over you. a gasp of his name leaving your red-bitten lips as your orgasm washes over you, white clouding your vision as you feel almost as if you're floating.
pierro smiles lightly, another rumble leaving his lips, his instincts sated for the moment, pleased with knowing he satisfied his little mate. he slowly thrusted his fingers in and out of your pussy, not wanting to painfully overstimulate you and to slowly bring you down from you orgasm.
when your body finally relaxes enough for him to pull his fingers out and not hurt you, you slump against his strong chest and a multitude of deep, sated purrs makes its way from your chest as you close your eyes and nuzzle your partner, trying to get as close to him as possible, your feral instincts telling you that a strong male is present and will be able to protect you.
pierro picked you up as gently as he could and carried you over to your shared nest, the bed filled with all sorts of warm furs, pillows and fuzzy blankets you both carefully arranged to make your small safe space.
he laid you down before quickly climbing inside, ridding himself of his clothes in the process to allow himself to be as close to you as possible before snuggling against you as he felt your body slowly going lax, a small smile on your lips as you let sleep take you.
he watched you until he knew you were asleep before placing a soft kiss on your cheek and lips, your purrs mingling with each other indicating a happy couple.
yeah, he couldn't wait to finally tie the knot and make his princess officially his
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saintharrington · 2 years
indecent proposals | eddie munson
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warnings: a joking mention of death, fingering (f receiving), unprotected penetrative sex (p in v), oral sex (m receiving), swearing, dirty talk, housewife kink??? i guess. a little. if you squint your eyes. this is content for adults aged 18+, if you are a minor please do not read this.
word count: 4k.
summary: eddie’s hands are too sweaty for his rings, maybe yours will do instead.
notes: i saw this idea on tiktok and it gave me many many thoughts. also count how many synonyms i found for hor i bet there is MANY. also uncut eddie please dont argue with me on this.
im a new blog, writing for ST for the first time so - if you enjoy the fic and want to see more, a follow would be v appreciated !
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Summer in Hawkins was an excruciating, unbearable occasion. The sun cast a blazing, humid hell upon the town, rendering it possible to do anything. Things that require no effort felt exhausting; like laying, almost naked on the floor of your boyfriends bedroom.
The heat was exaggerated trapped between these four walls, all efforts of ventilation made in vain, only letting in suffocating streams of firey warmth mix inside the makeshift pressure cooker that was formerly known as Eddie’s trailer.
Your genius idea of lying on the floor slowly made less and less sense, the skin on the back of your bare legs damp and sticking to the ground beneath you, unsticking when you peeled yourself off of it and slumping back besides Eddie.
“I’m melting.” Eddie groused, his voice low and mellow like talking louder would’ve required more energy, “I’m dying and melting into a puddle.“
“Please don’t make me laugh, it’ll make me sweat even more. It’s gross.” You giggled, fanning yourself off with your hands and basking in the short-lived coolness.
His eyes were closed when you shifted to face him, arms and hair splayed above his head as he tilted it towards you, huffing a sigh from his parted lips. Eddie was so effortlessly handsome. Pretty, even, like a masterfully carved sculpture with the way his limbs lay stretched out as if he was posed that way intentionally. Rogue curls slicked to his forehead from the thin layer of sweat, the finishing touches to a masterpiece. His face painted a vacant picture, a pale red glow settled high on his cheeks and dragged over his nose gifted from the sun with his lips lazily growing into a smile when he noticed you staring.
“You’re wearing too many layers.”
“I’m wearing a T-shirt and panties. Stop trying to get me naked, Munson.” You grinned, poking a finger into his bare chest as he chuckled, teeth fully on display under a mischievous smile.
“It’s only fair.” You snorted at his response, knowing full well his intentions, even if he was right - suddenly becoming overly aware of the cotton uncomfortably clinging to your back and sides.
Eddie was trying to get you on his level. A pair of tight fitting plaid boxers resting low on his hips, just above the patch of black hair that trailed up over his abdomen. A few black tattoos littered the area, sketches on his skin that you could probably recreate if you tried from the amount of time you spent admiring them, tracing them with your fingers.
Even his hands were unusually bare. The three chunky rings that he was never seen without were scattered on his dresser, only the thinner band on his opposite hand remained on his ring finger.
“Whatever you say, pretty boy.” You mumble, sitting up so you can lift the T-shirt over your head, which probably belonged to Eddie anyway.
Slowly, you grasped the hem of the shirt, inching it higher up your torso and over your breasts, letting your fingers wander over the newly exposed skin before discarding it on the floor next to the building pile of previously discarded clothes.
“Better?” Eddie wasn’t seeking an answer, just laughing to himself as he flitted his eyes up your body, letting them linger on your tits and then to your eyes.
You just smiled sweetly in response, sticking your two middle fingers up at him - a habit stolen from Eddie - before laying back beside him.
“So vulgar for such a pretty girl.” He scolded you, an air of mockery passing through his words, and with his gaze, your skin was burning somehow even hotter than it already was.
It wasn’t a new occurrence that he was calling you pretty girl, and it certainly wasn’t a new occurrence that you lay bare together, but everything combined set your senses alight. It was enough to have you sure the growing wetness at the apex of your thighs wasn’t sweat anymore.
You rolled over to face him, the arm underneath you mirror him, stretched above your head, the other resting on your side, hand covering yourself slightly; just enough so that your nipple was visible through your separated fingers. “You’re the one who taught me such vulgar things, pretty boy.”
Eddie tensed, chuckling to himself. “Yeah?”
The boy looked like his head was gonna explode, pupils dilating at the things running through his mind. All the vulgar things that he had taught you, all the vulgar things that he’s done to you. That you’ve done to him. Fuck, he really had corrupted you, and he loved every god-damn moment of it. He could spend the rest if his life watching you become more like him, turning you into his perfect little slut.
He lifted himself up, running his fingers through the hairs that fanned over his forehead before he hovered over top of you, his weight on his hands that he placed just under your arms. His scent encapsulated you - a mixture of weed, sweat and citrus from your shampoo that he stole. Something so distinctly Eddie Munson that it would only ever occur to you as Eddie, you wished you could bottle it and drown yourself in it.
One of his knees pushed between your legs, pushing it against your clothed pussy - enough that he could feel it pulse against his skin, wetness soaking through the white cotton barrier between the two of you.
You swallowed the excitement coursing through you. It felt like the blood running through your veins had been replaced by the beaming rays of sunlight shining down from above, being pumped through your system at a million miles a minute by your poor heart. She’d probably give in if Eddie looked at you like that any longer.
“Guess that makes you my dirty girl now then, sweetheart.” He mused, tongue dragging over his plump pink lips to wet them. “My pretty, dirty girl.”
“Your girl.” You nodded, eyes pleading with him, hoping he could see how desperate you were getting, hoping he’d give you just the tiniest fraction more of pressure.
Of course Eddie could see it - your desperation. He always could, it was his favourite sight. Which is why he wanted to savour it a little bit longer.
“No, baby. Want you to say it properly.” He spoke softly, one of his hands gravitating towards your throat, tenderly rubbing his thumb along the length of your jaw. He could feel the thrumming of your pulse the further his thumb pushed back.
Eddie sensed the words caught on the tip of your tongue. As if to encourage you, his thumb trailed back up towards your chin - tilting your head up, reaching up to pull your bottom lip out.
Eddie thought you looked so helpless. So pliant, letting him take control like this. “Don’t be shy now. Use your words, wanna hear you say it.”
“Your dirty girl.”
“Uh uh, not good enough.”
Eddie wouldn’t rest until he got the full sentence out of you. He could see you were a little embarrassed, and getting impatient - so his knee jerked forward, light enough so it put just the right amount of pressure on you. Your head fell back, pussy clenching around nothing and your clit positively pulsing as you whined and tried to thrust your hips up for more.
“Pretty, dirty girl.” You choked out, breathless. Voice barely audible as you repeated yourself. “Your pretty, dirty girl.”
“There we go.” Eddie cooed, dropping himself down onto his elbows to connect his lips with yours.
Your fingers thread through his unruly hair, noticing it’s damp at the roots before pulling him somehow even closer into you. The kiss is sloppy in all the best ways, the sticky, sweet remnants of the fruity popsicles that Eddie had been sucking on all day coating your taste buds. You feel his cock press into your thigh, and you have to pull away from the kiss, needing more, more, more.
Eddie’s lips are red and slightly swollen and shiny with a mix of your saliva. He doesn’t need you to tell him what you want. He just presses a prolonged peck to your lips, reluctantly pulling away again before attaching his lips to your neck, peppering a trail of kisses to the base of your throat.
“As much as I love kissing you, sweetheart, I’m gonna skip straight to the good part.” Eddie tells you, his hands slip under the band of your panties, cursing to himself when he feels how wet you are. “Is that okay with you?”
You shake your head frantically, words not forming in your brain through all the fog. If you could think straight, you’re sure you’d be thinking yes, fuck yes.
Eddie keeps his eyes on you as his fingers slip lower, gathering your arousal on the tips of his fingers before circling them around your clit in firm, controlled movements - picking the pace up once you found your voice, the sound of your relieved whimpers filling the room as he picked up the speed.
Two fingers touched around your entrance, pressing against it teasingly as they sunk in deeper. You welcome the familiar stretch, lifting your knees higher to give him more access as he started pumping them into you, hand meeting the roll of your hips. It was heavenly - you have to bite down on the skin on the back of your hand to muffle the moans escaping your throat when you squeeze around his fingers.
But then he stops, all progress made chasing your orgasm lost instantly and pulls his hands out of your panties. You shot up, an exaggerated frown weighing down your features making Eddie tut at you.
“I know, I know. I’ll take care of you in a minute.” He shushed you, an amused look poorly concealed on his face. “M’ fingers are too sweaty, and my rings coming off when i’m touching you because you’re so fuckin’ wet.”
Eddie took your jaw in his hand, tugging it down to leave your mouth hanging open, so he can rest the fingers coated in your arousal against your tongue, pushing them back until the taste of you subsidies, and he’s choking you with his fingers, and you splutter around them, making you reach up to grasp onto his wrist.
He grins as he removes them, loves seeing you look so messy for him. There’s a long string of saliva dripping down your chin, eyes red and glazed over from the gagging. None of the old porn videos stashed under his bed could’ve ever prepared him for you, any and all ideas he’d conjured up in his horny little mind completely surpassed by what you were willing to do for him.
“Take my ring off, baby.” He asks you, shaking his head when your fingers start to fumble with his. “With your mouth.”
It was like a constant assault on your senses with what he kept throwing your way. Your brain was in overdrive, sending out a million different signals to a million different places. Butterflies emerged in your tummy and trying to fight their way up out of your mouth, and journeying down to your cunt which was dripping now, a wet spot soaked through your panties and onto Eddie’s bed. Your heart was gonna beat out of your rib cage from pure and unadulterated anticipation, your clit finding the same rhythm.
He’s looking down at you, hair dangling in front of face. You could see the outline of Eddie’s erection, hard-pressed against the very top of his thigh with their own wet patch forming on the material. Just loose enough to obscure any details, making your mouth water more as you pictured all the intricacies of his cock.
You hear him hiss when you guide his ring finger into your mouth this time, wrapping your lips around it. Your tongue swirls around the tip of his finger, letting it dart down to his knuckle before you suck on it gently, giving your best innocent eyes as you look up at him through your tear logged lashes.
Eddie’s breath stuttered as he watched you, cheeks hollowed out and putting on a show for him. Your tongue traced around the ring, putting more pressure on the gem in the middle of it to twist it up and loosen it before using your teeth to pull it off. You let it sit in your cheek when you pulled his finger out, licking a stripe from the base to the tip as if it was his cock. He had to stifle a moan as he watched it, shaking his head in disbelief.
You put the ring back in his hand, so he could set it aside, but he shook his head again. Instead, he slid it onto your ring finger this time. “Keep it safe for me, love. Think you can do that?”
The ring was too big for your finger, loosely wrapped around your finger - if it was loose on Eddie’s big hands, there was never any chance of it fitting around yours but you nodded like a puppy anyway. The gesture went straight to your cunt, a wave of overwhelming emptiness hitting you like a ton of bricks.
Your eyes flickered from the ring, to Eddie, then back again before you couldn’t take it anymore and lunged yourself at him, smashing your lips together and mumbling a quick “need you so bad” against them. Eddie flew back, his arms coming around your waist to steady you when your chests collided.
Eddie obliged your request - like always, and flipped you around, kneeling behind you. His lips stayed on the back of your neck, cock rubbing against your ass as he angled you, hands on top of yours when he placed them against his headboard.
“Stealing my bad habits, wearing my rings. Really just showing everybody you’re mine, aren’t you?” Eddie asked, and you nodded again.
“All yours Eddie. Always yours.”
It was true. You were always gonna be his, you could feel it in your soul that your heart would always be property of Eddie Munson, no matter the circumstances. Your eyes focused on the ring again, sitting pretty on your ring finger as if it was an actual engagement ring.
You could feel his smile against your skin just as his knee slid between your legs to spread them, his cock pressing even further into your back. The close contact made you shiver, a cool chill - the first cool thing you’d felt all day - skipping down your spine. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your underwear, yanking them down til they pooled around your knees.
“Gonna be a good girl for me, darling? Take my cock so good like you always do?” Eddie leaned in close, voice barely higher than a whisper.
“Yes, yes,” You whimpered, pushing your ass further back hoping to find him behind you. It was embarrassing how much you needed it, pussy so wet that it was dripping down your thighs. “Please, Eddie. I’ll be so good, just need- need you to fuck me, please.”
His hand reached between your legs, a flat palm delivering a soft tap to your heat that made you jump before swiping it back, smearing your slick all over his hand. When you looked over your shoulder, he was pumping his cock in the same hand. His shaft was thick, just above average size - a pretty pink pale colour, with his head an angry, contrasting red peaking out from under his foreskin. His pre-cum mixed with yours, a slick sound with every pump.“Hold on to the headboard, baby.”
You brace yourself when his cock slips between your legs, bumping your clit a few times before pushing into you - the stretch so much better than his fingers, that started to dull in comparison.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Fuck, baby.” Eddie hissed, forehead dipping against your back when he bottomed out. He stayed like that for a minute, hands roaming your sides and squeezing your waist to compose himself before he finished right then and there.
Not that it made any difference, you were greedy, thirsting for his cock inside of you ever since you walked in to him shirtless with his hair all pushed back. It was involuntary the way your walls fluttered around him, pulling him somehow deeper as you squeezed him inside of you. You swore you felt so full you could feel his veins twitch inside of you.
“Feel’s so good, Eddie.” You moaned when he pulled back and slammed back into you. This angle had him pressing against new places, like every time he fucked you he found somewhere else to drive you crazy from.
Eddie couldn’t keep his composure for long, only a matter of moments before he was fucking you like a madman, like it were his last conquest. His whines sounding from high in his throat, weak and breathy and delicious.
His eyes caught onto his ring, your hands pressed against the wall, and he picked his pace up again the sounds coming from him changed. Groans deep and guttural at the sight of his jewellery. His claim on you, the grungy fashion of it rather than a dainty, diamond band like he thought about at night, picturing you in a virginal white wedding dress. All poofy and innocent, a princess. His princess.
“You like my ring?” He asked, one of his hands grasping your hair and pulling you back to face him. “Should get you a real one, make you my wife. How about that? Make sure everyone knows you’re mine. My pretty little wife, with her perfect little pussy, oh- shit.” Eddie was breathless, letting his fantasies getting the best of him as they rolled of his tongue.
“Fuck, Eddie. Please. Forever, wanna be yours forever. Want you to fuck me like this forever.” You cried out, chin touching your chest as your head fell.
While his words were sweet, and full of love, his thrusts were unforgiving. The tip of his cock dragging over that sweet spot inside of you that had your thighs quivering, wetness spilling out of you and over Eddie, covering his balls and thighs and it made the sound of impact ricochet off of his walls. His poor neighbours, you thought, probably getting an earful. Listening to Eddie claim you, the idea of them hearing almost made you cum around him instantly.
There was a tightness in your abdomen, familiar and welcomed as it spiralled. Eddie was close too, you could tell by the way his hands groped at your tits, pulling you back into his chest - he had to be as close as possible to you when he came, craved the intimacy of it all. You felt it too, like you could never be close enough to him, always craving something more. Your hands reached behind you and grabbed onto his ass, pulling him into you in time with each thrust.
“Gonna make you my real wife one day, take real good care of you, angel.” He growled, teeth nipping the damp skin of your shoulder. His fingers switched between pinching your nipples and rubbing them with the pads of his fingers, one of them working their way down to toy with your clit.
“You always take care of me,” you shook when you spoke, jerking against him with all the stimulation. “Always make me feel so good, god, make me cum so hard.”
The last part was more of a warning, that ball of tightness in your stomach just teetering on the edge of an ache. Eddie was right there with you, thrusts sloppy and head bowed on your shoulder. You could feel his chest heaving against your back, sweat slicked bodies stuck to each other.
“You can let go darling, wanna feel you cum for me. Please, I fuckin’ need it.”
His voice was so broken, his begging sending you over the edge from hearing how fucked he was. Your eyes pinched shut as you stiffened, a scream filling the air as you came around his cock. His fingers continued their assault on your clit as he rubbed you through your orgasm, pussy clinging onto him as if your life depended on it.
“Atta girl, come on. Give me all of it.” He murmured, slowing his pace as you went limp against his body, gently bringing his thrusts to a stop.
“Want to cum in your mouth, sweet girl. Can’t stop picturing you with my fingers earlier.” He pleaded, eyes rolling back as he watched you kneel on the mattress before him, pressing a loving kiss just above the black tufts of hair decorating his pubic bone.
His cock was covered in your slick, and leaking pearls of silky white precum beading at his slit. He looked so handsome from where you knelt, body shiny with sweat, his mop of hair messy and out of place. “Love this cock,” you moan, gathering the fluid on the tip of your tongue. “Love how it feels in my mouth, how you taste.”
“Stop talking before I cum, you haven’t even put me in ye- oh, jesus fucking christ.”
You had to fight the urge to giggle around him, taking jesus’ name in vain at such an unholy moment, cutting him off mid sentence. All you could taste was yourself as your tongue swirled around his length, taking him fully into your mouth. You’d learn to hum when he hit the back of your throat, it stopped you from gagging, and the vibrations made his thighs tremble and thrusting farther into your mouth.
“Think you were made just for me. Your mouth, your pussy, everything. Fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum.” He strained, jaw straining as he gritted his teeth, grabbing your head to hold it still.
You thought that too. Thought you were put onto this earth to love that boy, to take care of him. Built to please him.
The warning came just in time, his cum spurting down the back of your throat as you swallowed around him, taking every last drop he could give before sitting back on your knees.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Eddie said, catching his breath before pulling you into a sweet embrace. Kissing your forehead, your cheek, the tip of your nose before pressing a kiss against your swollen lips. “So amazing.”
“Yeah, you tell me all the time.” You giggle, returning the kiss before laying down to recover. Eddie just grinned at you, leaning down to kiss your stomach before wandering off to the bathroom to find a towel, muttering something about him being so lucky on the way.
He cleaned you up when he returned, crawling on top of you and resting against your chest - head nestled between your tits, his breath tickling your skin. You basked in the comfort, so content with the boy laying there with you. Your fingers threaded into his curly hair, fiddling with the strands as you enjoyed the silence between you. It was comfortable, no awkwardness, just a sweet moment between two lovers completely and utterly smitten with each other.
You only just noticed his ring again as you made small pleats in his hair, all of those things Eddie said about making you his wife coming back to your mind. You smiled, wider than you probably ever had before, glad to know that was something he thought about, that he wanted to commit to you like that.
“So, Munson. When are you gonna propose?” You laughed, feeling him chuckle into your skin too.
“Was that not good enough for you, sweetheart?”
“Hmm, didn’t think you were serious. Too horny to think straight.” You joke, only half meaning it.
“I’ll do it so much better than that, don’t you worry. But you can keep my ring for now.” He said, lifting his head to look at you. “Think of it as my promise to you.”
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oneshlut · 7 months
Your writing is so good!!! I’m so happy to finally have found someone who writes for Flug! (And I feel like you capture his personality so well :,) ) Could I request some headcanons for Flug with a partner who gives him a lot of handmade gifts. From paintings or little sculptures, to poems/letters and songs. Basically a really artsy reader who just likes giving personal gifts to Flug! ^^ (and maybe even some to 505 as well, like handmade plushies) Thank you sm!
A/N: you are TOO sweet! i love hearing about how much you all love my writing, and flug is one of my favorites to write for!! i'll try my best to convey the reader's personality and all, thanksies for requesting! <33
Homemade Affection (Dr. Flug x Artistic!Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: Headcanons of Dr. Flug with an artistic S/O, who creates trinkets, paintings, letters, etc. as gifts. Extra meeting and confessing headcanons
Dr. Flug is hardly someone you'd describe as creative. His inventions were great! But the designs were.. well, practical, I suppose. They were made exactly how they were supposed to be, just to the extent for the machinery to work. So he had never put too much effort into designs when it came to his work.
His inventions also usually never had anything special added to them. Flug makes things exactly how they're asked to be made, and nothing else. He's a man of order and schedule, and honestly can't live without it. Which is why he forgets to add an off button to most of his inventions.
You, on the other hand, loved free-will. Especially when it came to your own creations, art, paintings, writings--everything! If you did care for order and all, you make sure to add your own personal color to your schedule. Doodles can be found all over any paper you're given, and in your spare time/all the time, you'd create plushies, sculptures, collages.. truly, anything artistic. Anything you were given, you incorporated some sort of pigment into it.
You had first met him when you joined Blackhat Org., for villainy and such. Surprisingly, you were a great addition to the company! Surprising to Dr. Flug, at least. Now, he's usually not one to judge, but you were practically radiating with color, so he kinda thought you were just a Demencia duplicate. Upon meeting you, he found himself pleasantly shocked.
Flug was intriguing to you. So incredibly different than you, yet somehow, you two clicked. He was a nervous wreck, yet somehow put together. Kinda like you! (jk)
The more time you spent with him, the more Dr. Flug got comfortable with your presence. When he was having a busy day, he'd sometimes ask you to do small things for him. You, most of the time, obliged. Unless you were busy as well--most likely busy painting something that doesn't need to be painted.
Confessions? Oh--yes! Right, right.. well, Flug kinda had this whole plan written out of how he'd admit his feelings for you. He would pace around his room for hours, mumbling incoherent, scrambled thoughts of what would be the uttermost perfect way to confess. He doesn't know what the term "Don't overthink it" means. His rambles, walking to nowhere, and planning usually came to a pause when you stopped by.
How ignorant he was, because as he was writing out a plan that reached to the floor, you were cooking up your own idea to confess aswell. Except, you weren't focused on making it perfect. You wanted it to seem like it came from you. Yup, you were writing a confession letter to Flug. And yes, it did have doodles all over it.
When Dr. Flug left his laboratory for a moment, you stood to leave. Not after leaving your letter there, though. When he returned, he was worried about where you went, before the letter caught his eye.
He chuckled staring at the small doodles that covered the page. Then he read what you wrote..
Oh. His bag immediately flushed a deep red.
When the two of you got together, you immediately started on little crafts to give him. Either for dates, valentines day, christmas, or any holiday! Maybe one day for your anniversary..
Oh, Dr. Flug adores them. Every little thing you give him goes on a shelf right next to his jet collection. He treasures them as if they were of his own creation--because they were of yours. Nothing will be able to beat the feeling of receiving a gift from you. His eyes never fail to light up at the sight of your artwork. Yeah, he's head over heels. Not saying he worships you like a god, but he definitely looks up to you.
That confession letter definitely wasn't your last letter. Occasionally, you'd write him notes or letters for him when you couldn't make it to his lab. Sometimes love poems! Flug definitely tripped over his shoes reading your first love poem to him. He still can't believe such romantic subjects that he usually saw in movies were being shown.. towards him, of all people.
If you wrote a song for him? Dr. Flug would cry. Sorry, no way around it, his heart would throb and suddenly all his love for you was just flowing out in the form of tears. Afterwards, if you gave him a recorded tape of the song, he'd listen to it daily. Sometimes on loop in the background when he's doing work. He'd get distracted often, though...
The plushies definitely tugged at his heartstrings, though. You once gave him a plush heart, and he kept it on his desk everyday. Until 5.0.5. got to it. Dr. Flug once checked up on him to see how he was doing, before seeing him sleeping soundly, cuddling the knit creation you gifted him. After Flug sent a photo of it to you, because he was practically close to breaking down due to how wholesome the scene was, you knew exactly what you had to do.
The next day, you came in to the lab with two small hand-knit stuffies for 5.0.5. One sunflower, and one little mini-5.0.5. You were proud with how they turned out! Part of you wanted to keep them because of how cute they were, but you knew they were a gift for 5.0.5.
As soon as Dr. Flug set his sight on the stuffed plushies, his heart immediately warmed up. It honestly baffled him that someone would do that for 5.0.5., but I guess you were a naturally kind person. He was so lucky to have you, he realizes. After wiping the slightest bit of tears from his goggles, he took them and put them carefully with the rest of 5.0.5.'s stuffed animals.
Dr. Flug will now occasionally ask you to help him with his inventions designs, spotting your eye for color and overall talent when it came to.. well, art.
The two of you work together well, as both work-partners and.. partners. Flug adores your colorful nature, and you adore his technical nature. You snap together like yin and yang, and Dr. Flug couldn't ask for anything more than who you are.
If things keep going the way they are, you may wind up soulmates.
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redfurrycat · 1 year
White Collar and Top Gun Fusion
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Special Agent for the FBI in the white-collar crimes division Bradley Bradshaw once arrested white-collar criminal Jake Seresin, alias the Hangman.
The Hangman is a charming and sophisticated con artist known as such because he cockily leaves a hangman game on each crime scene (leading to his next theft). However, Agent Bradshaw cracks his hangman code which has allowed him to finally capture the elusive criminal.
(Un)fortunately, his criminal talents in counterfeiting are coveted by the white-collar crimes division. The FBI IceBoss Tom Kazansky strikes a deal with him: serving his remaining four-year sentence as an anklet-wearing consultant to the FBI. Seresin accepts the deal as long as he gets Agent Bradshaw as his handler. (What? The guy has brains and is sweet on the eye –his moustache notwithstanding–, and he likes ‘hem smart and pretty.)
Agent Bradshaw has no choice but to obey his bossdad. He’s thus now working with the infuriating, cunning, and not at all appealing criminal alongside his newly formed white-collar team –Agents Natasha Trace and Bob Floyd. The team has a particularly high solved-cases rate, mainly due to the duo très spécial working together.
FBI consultant Jake Seresin has the time of his life: he lives in a beautiful and richly decorated house with Penny Benjamin, the charming landlady; he wears her late husband’s styled suits and hats; he finds his criminal and genius best friend Javy Machado again and often asks him for help in various FBI cases…
About that…He is surprised how much he likes using his devilishly almost-too-good-to-be-true talents (‘ugh’, says Bradley, every single time) for the other side of the law. His colleagues Trace and Floyd are really nice too: he banters with Phoenix like he would his own sister, and fondly annoys Bob like he would a little brother.
He expects even less to fall for Agent Bradshaw. Bradley. The Hawaiian-shirt-wearing and by-the-book special agent appears to be a little grumpy on the outside, especially with him, but Jake is trying to shatter Bradley’s walls, and he will succeed eventually. They have numerous evening talks during which they share personal details, and pretty much bicker about every possible subject.
Jake also meets the IceBoss’ trophy wife and Bradley’s godfather, Pete (‘Call me Maverick’) Mitchell. Maverick is a mechanic and an engineer, and he does some consultant work when the FBI needs his expertise. These two become thick as thieves, as they have similar minds, and Maverick often invites Jake for dinner (Bradley whines ‘Mav, whyyyyyyyyy?!’ meanwhile Ice is questioning his husband’s –matchmaking–motives…‘Trust me IceBaby, I know what I’m doing.’)
It is Mav who convinces Jake to go for it, because his oblivious godson would never act on his feelings, he’s too cautious (‘Ah. The snug-on-his-perch type’…..‘Well, yeah, but he has his reasons.’). However, Mav is sure he likes Jake because Ice has told him Bradley often comes in his office to rant about Hangman (‘Ice, he’s yet again charming such and such, he’s unprofessional!’… Also Ice has the patience of a saint).
Thus Jake begins wooing Bradley à la Hangman: he leaves him complimentary notes disguised as hangman games on his desk, he delivers perfect art forgeries in Bradley’s effigy (paintings, sculptures, drawings,…) at his home –Bradley’s both scandalised and reluctantly charmed– and, on one memorable occasion, Bradley’s gifted a Carrara-marbled, life-sized and very much naked statue of Jake. He stays speechless for an abnormal amount of time and can’t look Jake in the eye (héhé) for some time. He’ll deny it, but Bradley keeps the statue. Of course, he keeps the statue! Finally, Jake’s last and most romantic move is to offer Bradley a piano he's personally restored! It’s the final straw for Bradley: he jumps him so hard his neighbours call the police to report *suspicious* noise.
[After their “strenuous” activities, Jake asks Bradley if he has succeeded in accomplishing his most spectacular heist.
Bradley: And what would that be?
Jake: Have I finally succeeded in stealing your heart?
Bradley: For a seductive bastard, you are ridiculously corny sometimes…but if you must know. Yeah, you did.]
Once they get their act together, Bradley feels comfortable enough to do some wooing of his own: he serenades Jake with skillful renditions of 'Smooth Criminal' on the piano as well as old romantic ballads.
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master-of-the-game · 5 months
seeing you make oil paintings of elim garak has changed something about the way i perceive art, both in what others make but also in what i am capable of making.
it’s probably due to learning mostly euro-centric art history, but i’ve always thought of oil paintings as like the peak of painting ability? like, it’s fancy and it takes a while so i thought that it must be the best (ignoring the fact that my artistic field is mostly in acrylic paints and 3D sculpting and yet i still consider it very good). and i’m still working on disproving this sort of mentality that there are mediums inherently better than others, because it’s incredibly limiting to my creativity to impose a higharchy, and also it feels kind of xenophobic.
i digress a bit. point is, i’ve viewed oil paintings as a medium only deserving of gallery-type realistic portrait stuff, which is very much not what i do. i don’t make the sorts of fancy art rich people would pay for- the type of art i thought oils were for. i make paintings of comic book characters and sculptures of my personal heroes, i make jewelry and clothes and stuffed animals. stuff that i enjoy. which is good!
but still somewhere lurking in my brain was this voice telling me that on some level my works weren’t as meaningful or creative because they were fan works or made from materials i’m not an expert in or because the only people i draw and paint and sculpt are queer and trans, like me. that because my art was self-indulgent, on some level i suppose i thought it lesser.
but then i see your art. and holy shit! you’re work is INCREDIBLE! at first i was excited because, hey, i’m a big star trek fan, and garak is one of my favorite characters. i love coming across fan art of him, and it always manages to strike a chord with me. but then. as i looked at it closer, i realized it was on canvas. as i scrolled down i realize it was oil on canvas.
before, i’d pretty much only seen fanart as sketches on paper or digital drawings. one that is really only meant art-wise for quick sketches or planning of what will become “real” works, and one that doesn’t actually take up any physical space in our world, and is stored away in a little digital file.
but oil on canvas? that’s not meant to be thrown away, it’s meant to be held in gloved hands, as it is precious, and it’s not meant to be hidden away in the “files” on a laptop. no, those hang on the walls of museums or houses, meant to be displayed with pride for all to see.
and with those too colliding thoughts, that of fan works as some lesser form of art but oil paintings being the art of the rich and talented… well i realized that both were wrong. fan works are not in any way shape or form lesser than original works. what makes my layered ink painting of dream of the endless any less important than my painting of the ocean during a storm? nothing! they’re both good works. and on the other side, there is nothing that makes my oil paintings more important than my acrylic paintings or my sculpture or my knitting. it’s all art, lovely art, in the end. and the only thing that really matters is that i enjoy it.
seeing your art has helped me break some (minor) yet harmful thoughts i didn’t really even realize i had. so thank you for that. also your garak art is fucking good, and it really makes me think about what sort of life he would have after ds9. anyways, thank you. that’s what i’ve been meaning to say (that’s what this whole thing is). thanks for changing my vision for the better.
Oh wow! You know, it is very important and gratifying to know that results of your work make person rearrange their thoughts and views on something. Thank you for your sincerity! Now back to subject. I personally believe that fan work can be something fine and vice versa something fine can be a fan work. One thing that is very important to remember and remind yourself is that most of fine art that you've mentioned - gallery and most famous works (at least in european tradition) - are, well, derivative. Of Bible, of ancient myths. Yes. All this stuff can be considered maybe not fanart - but it is a subject for discussion - but illustration at least. And it is still fine art. Book illustrations - oh well. Sometimes I want to hang them on the wall, especially old ones. So - why not? Fan work always has a connotation of something derivative, and it certainly is... But just as well as most of the most prominent works. Dixi :D So that's the matter. Medium of course matters but medium does not always define the subject of art (except for common sense), as you've said. It's just maybe the cost of medium (some watercolor brushes for some reason cost... ehm. Too much :D) that defines its price, but not necessarily. I like thinking about this issue and discussing it... Plenty room for ideas. Thank you!
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eumppattv · 10 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 | park sunghoon
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꒰ you knew your boyfriend had a love for art, and a love for you. but when he takes you for a surprise visit to the museum, you realize just how deep his love is for both.
꒰ genre fluff, non idol
꒰ wc 432
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His hands were soft on my skin as he guided me through the exhibit. I couldn’t see, as he had blindfolded me halfway through our museum date, leaving me no choice but to trust him with the task of making sure I didn’t miss a step. “Almost there” I could practically here the smile forming on his face, his voice a cheerful whisper.
“Hoon, I’m a little spooked” I said, cringing at his light pushing. I hoped I didn’t look like an idiot. He chuckled, pushing me a couple more feet before coming to a halt. He held my shoulders, a nervous sigh escaping his lips. “Ok, we’re here” he said. I had the feeling he was announcing it more for him than me. I felt his hands shake as he untied the blindfold, before I rubbed my eyes that were struggling to adjust to the light.
In front of me was a wall, painted in my favorite color. There were multiple sketches, and some pictures, but my eyes were drawn to the sculpture that lay still in the middle of the exhibit. It took me a while to understand the situation, but taking a step closer I realized all these pictures and drawings were of me. I looked back at Sunghoon in shock, before stepping closer to examine the art in front of me.
There were pictures of me at our picnics, or at our countless dates. Some I was aware of, and others I had no clue existed. The sketches were of me as well, also ones I was unaware of. I knew Sunghoon was an artist, as that was his major in college. But I had no clue he had been using me as his inspiration for so long.
As I looked through the sketches and photos, my eyes wandered to the sculpture. Once I actually paid attention to the details, I realized the sculpture was of me, crouched down looking at a sunflower. I looked beautiful, full of life. I wondered if that was how Sunghoon saw me- I hoped that was how he saw me. I turned to look at him, tears forming as I took him in.
“What is all this” I asked. He simply stared back with loving eyes. “It’s for you” he said as if it was obvious. I couldn’t understand how or why he carried so much love. How or why he chose to dedicate this exhibit to me. “Why?” I asked, nervous for the answer. He chuckled, taking a step forward before cupping my face with his hands.
“Because, you’re my everything”
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want more? shuffle playlist ᘒㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ enha permanent taglist here
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@avocarua @kpoprhia @haechansbbg @yeehawnana
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certified-ni-ki-lover · 11 months
“Aren’t you the model from my figure drawing class?”
SEVENTEEN The8 Oneshot
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You finally got hands-on tickets to one of the most famous art museums. Not only were you able to finally see all the spectacular paintings & sculptures but you also saw an unexpected piece, which was undoubtedly the most gorgeous artwork in theworld.
Word Count: 743
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You loved art. You loved how there were so many forms of art you could express yourself with. Sculptures. Paintings. Sketches. Photography. You loved them all. You could express yourself in different kinds of art. You loved how some artworks could have such deep & beautiful meanings behind them & how some were just simple &aesthetically pleasing.
You loved sketching & painting. You were in a painting club & sketching class. You enjoyed seeing how different everyone around would paint. Some would paint sadness, some happiness some anger, others just did it for fun & to please their minds.
Your sketch class was rather interesting. You signed up so you could develop your skills more. They brought in models for everyone to sketch. Each time the same model came in you would barely recognize them. Their outfits & hairstyles would get more complicated & detailed. But you liked that.
Today you were so excited. Your aunt surprised you last minute by giving you tickets to one of the most popular art museums. You’ve been trying for months trying to get your hands on these tickets. Now you finally had them. You couldn’t wait to see all the beautiful artwork & get inspired by all the amazing artists. You hurriedly got dressed, grabbed a quick bite to eat & then headed to the museum.
When you got in you were special at how elegant & unreal everything looked. Not only was the artwork in there beautiful, but the building itself was also gorgeous. The architecture was spectacular, from the floor tiles, pillars everything.
You roamed around observing all the artwork, taking pictures & writing down notes. That when you saw him. Staring at a painting was a model that came frequently to your class. Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. All your sketches of him were stunning. You paid very close attention to him & to every little detail. You sort of developed a crush on him. It was hard not to. The way he talked about art was like music to your ears. You could hear him talk about his favorite paintings, why they were his favorite & the meanings behind every one of them 24/7. His eyes sparkled whenever he talked about them, which made him look even more breathtaking.
You decided today was the day you were going to ask him out. You took a deep breath & walked towards him. “Aren’t you the model from my figure drawing class?” he jumped at the sudden voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” you said embarrassed. “It’s ok,” he said laughing a little “& yea I’ve seen you around there. Your sketches always turn out amazing” he said smiling. You could feel you cheeks heat up at the compliment “Thank you,” you replied shyly. “So, which is your favorite piece here so far” you asked trying to start a conversation with him. You could see his eyes light up & he began explaining his favorite pieces here & their meanings behind them. “Woah you know a lot about this museum” you said. “Yea, my parents own it so I’m here often” he replied. Your eyes grew wide “Your parents OWN this museum??!” you asked shocked “woah that’s so cool & lucky” you said, he just chuckled. “By the way, I never got your name,” he said smiling down at you. “It’s Y/N,” you replied smiling, “what about yours?” you asked back. “Xu Minghao” “but you can just call me hao” he said smiling.
“Well Y/N since it’s your first time here why don’t I give you a private tour of everything?” he asked “I would love that” you replied. Both of you walked around the museum & he showed you everything. Both of you talked about what you think each painting represents & what the artists was thinking while he made them. He even introduced you to his parents. They were super nice & were impressed by your art skills.
Around closing time you both went out, “um Y/N, I was wondering if you could give me your number?” he asked shyly. “It could be cool to hangout sometime. I know the perfect place we could go to paint the sunset” he said. “Sure, I would love that” you replied smiling, he smiled back. You gave him phone & he put in his number. That night both you texted each other till 1 AM making plans for your date the next day.
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Let me know if anyone wants a part 2 to this!!💚💚
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
hi! Hello! I think this is my first time requesting something from a favorite writer of mine- either way, and if it’s not too much to ask, could I get some Vincent Sinclair first meeting with an afab reader? But like, the reader is a fighter and is really aggressive when fighting off Bo or is in danger from a friend in a group she traveled with or something. You can decide the situation, but Vincent just gets so wowed and amazed by her spirit and just gets obsessed-
it can be smut (preferably-) or fluff, I really don’t mind! Also also, I just wanna say I LOVE your writing! Your ideas and the way you write the fiction is so interesting and it gives me so much inspiration to write on my own!
For the Hatred of Friends: Vincent x afab!reader
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Warnings: attempt at SA by friends, morally grey reader, shitty friends, You know the drill (death), eating pussy out, PinV,
A/N: lol don’t know why this took me so long, my fucking bad 😤😤
But I’m so happy you like my writing it means a lot! ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰
When you and your friends entered the museum it was cold. The air blew directly onto you and sent a chill down your spine.
The museum was interesting to say the least, not only did it hold wax figures but little sculptures of ballerinas and mythical creatures lined the shelves. There were also paintings too, all done by a man named Vincent, or the woman who had come up with the wax museum herself, Trudy Sinclair. All of it interested you, but to your friends it seemed like some joke. It’s what you hated about them, they all still acted like they were in high school. Immature and loud and not in a fun way.
“Let’s go upstairs.” Liam elbows you lightly and points at the stairs. You sigh and roll your eyes so hard you’re sure they’ll roll out of your head. “Come on, don’t be like that.”
“I don’t wanna go upstairs, you’re probably just going to fuck something up up there then I gotta sit here and explain what happened to Bo. So he can explain to the fucking owner why all of the sculptures are fucked up in some way.” Your voice gets slightly louder, Liam rolls his eyes this time.
“Whatever, Livy, You wanna check out the upstairs with me?” She peaks her head out from the kitchen and smiles.
“Sure as hell do!”
Your fists clench and unclench as you watch the two go up the stairs and in some other room.
Will comes out from behind a counter. You barely knew him, he was Livy’s friend from high school. He was nice and lacked less maturity than the other two. “You see the kitchen yet? I know Livy was in there already.” Will asks, you shake your head. “Let’s go see it, I bet it’s as cool as this living room.”
Will takes your hand, it feels weird but try and shrug it off so you could enjoy yourself.
He lets go of your hand and looks around, you stand at the entry way awkwardly , not really basking in the details. You notice that the maid had her face half melted off, probably do to her being in the sunlight in Louisiana. The black fabric of her dress was also faded due to sun damage.
“Come look at this.” Will says, he’s pointing at the details you can’t quite make out on the cabinets. Will steps back and you unfold your arms, walking over. The wax cabinets have a leafy flower pattern carved in it. It was beautiful.
“Isn’t it amazing.”
He leans over your body, you scowl and try to move away from him.
“Dude, move.”
“Sorry, why don’t we head upstairs with the other two?”
“I already told Liam I didn’t want to go upstairs. My mind isn’t gonna change just because you asked me.”
Will’s face falters slightly before he sighs. He grabs your arm and pulls you a bit. “Come onnn.”
You pull your arm off. “No, I’m about to just go back to the gas station. All three of you are driving me crazy!” Your voice gets louder and louder. You storm into the main room, you’re a few feet from the door when Will grabs you roughly. You let out a yelp and twist your arm to get out of his grip. He instead grabs your waist.
“I GOT HER!” Will shouts, you look at Will shocked and then up at the landing to see Livy and Liam making their way down.
Your foot stomps Will’s causing him to let go for a split second you run but Livy grabs you and throws you to the ground. You try and get up on your own, instead Will and Liam grab your upper arms holding you up. You wiggle and struggle in their grip.
“Poor baby.” Livy coos. You growl at her. She touches your face and you bite at her hand.
“The fuck is wrong with you guys?”
Livy touches your waist, you kick outwards causing Liam to groan and grip you tighter.
“Don’t you get it? We were waiting for something like this. No people around, nowhere to run, we can do whatever we want to you and just leave you here for dead and no one would know what happened.”
You swing your arms, a loud “Fuck you! The hell is wrong with you guys!” Comes from your mouth, you then kick around in attempt to get loose, one kick lands in Livy’s stomach and she cries out. “You’re a bitch is what’s wrong with you! We were waiting to use you and get rid of you!” Livy gets up and punches you in the nose, tears well in your eyes, your nose stings. You attempt to back hand Liam, the two men throw you on the ground and kick you.
You grab one of their ankles and pull, causing Liam to topple over.
Stomping is heard and it’s nothing like Livy or even Will’s feet. There’s a loud scream heard and all of a sudden blood is on your face. You’re quick to sit up, you look up seeing a tall man with jet black hair looking down at you. Your vision feels blurry and your brain doesn’t process his face. All you know is something is off about it.
Liam is heard crying and running up the stairs, the man goes after him. You look around and Will is nowhere to be seen either, next to you is a bleeding body, you assume is Livy’s.
Your head feels light so you lay down. Just for a second.
Your body slowly wakes up after hours of sleeping. You feel yourself on a bed and your eyes shoot open you look around frantically, not at all recognizing where you are.
You try and sit up, with your muscles feeling sore it was hard. A groan escapes your lips. As you look around the room , reality hits you bit by bit. Livy was dead, you’d have to guess Will and Liam were too the way you heard at least Liam screaming before you passed out. You sigh, they were trying to kill you this whole trip and they didn’t have an opportunity until today.
Now you were in some strangers house not knowing where you were or what to do.
You get up from the bed and walk down the hall to where you assume the stairs are. The house smells old, almost mildewy. The steps creak as you move down them.
“Hell-“ Your voice rasps and you cough up form the dust in the air. You need some water too.
Foot steps are heard behind you, from another hallway.
What a weird house.
The tall man with long hair walks into your view. You squint trying to see him better, luckily he walks into the light. You notice he wears a mask, it’s face is similar to Bo. You raise a brow.
“Where am I?”
“My house.”
You just stare at the man, questions run rampant in your brain.
“You’re the man from the Wax Museum?”
He nods.
“Are you Vincent?”
Another nod.
“Are they all dead?”
One last nod. You look down slowly, a shaky breath leaves your mouth then back up at him. “Why am I not dead?”
Vincent guides you to the couch. He sits down a comfortable distance away. You can tell he’s thinking about what to say.
“You didn’t touch my art. I heard you arguin’ from the basement with them. Came to take care of them when I heard you screamin’ you were fightin’ back and I was.. amazed by it. I realized I had to step in, I’m sure you could’ve taken them but it was faster than watching you get hurt more.”
Vincent’s voice rasps and cracks as he talks. You can tell he hardly uses it. His vocal cords were probably crying out for help.
“Thank you.”
It had been months since Vincent saved you and to say he was attached was an understatement.
He let you go wherever you wanted but sometimes you’d catch him watching you if you wanted to be alone.
You didn’t mind it and even teased Vincent about it. Told him to sit down so you two could talk.
You had admitted at one point you didn’t want to go home, couldn’t even go if you wanted to. You cared that Vincent and Bo (who you realized were twins) killed people but you knew there was nothing to do about it. You just stayed away from it and ignored the pleads and groans you’d sometimes hear late at night.
You began to form an attachment to Vincent, wanting to hang out with him more. Sometimes you’d go into his workshop and talk until you got to sweaty or tired. You would give light touches to him and wouldn’t even notice until you thought about before going to bed. You liked how he wanted to talk for you, you never forced him, wanting to accommodate both of you, you had found an old ASL book on one of the many Sinclair bookshelves in the house and decided to learn how to sign basic things.
Vincent was good at hiding things, you couldn’t tell at all but he fell so hard for you when he saw you that first day and his feelings grew stronger as the months passed. Vincent wanted you around him all of the time but was happy when yo I weren’t around him, it meant that he puked draw you. One day he planned on giving you all of the artwork he had made of you. Whenever he could figure out how to even confess to liking you.
He even tried to have a talk to Bo about it. Bo made it seem too easy.
“I mean ya just take her somewhere nice and say it. I know we don’t get out there much, just take her to that field down the road. Have a nice picnic and confess.” Bo had explained to Vincent.
That was a week ago. Vincent planned on asking her tonight, where he got the balls to do it he didn’t know.
Vincent walks through the hall trying to be silent to hear where you were.
You sat in the room with the pool table, humming and practicing your signing. He walks in slowly and goes to sit down in the chair that’s next to yours. You look up and smile at him.
“Hey!” You smile and carefully shut the book, setting it on the end table between the two chairs.
“Hi, I want ask you something.” Vincent signs, your full attention is on him. Neither of you realize it but both of your stomachs are going flips.
“What is it?”
“You, Me, picnic go tomorrow?”
You almost don’t catch everything. Your chest almost bursts into butterflies.
“Yes! Let’s do it!”
Vincent and you packed food in an old picnic basket his family had since him and his brothers were little. Then it was put in the fridge and you had said goodnight to Vincent, hugging him tightly.
He tried to sleep that night but his body opted for pacing around his workshop instead.
Vincent had carefully taken out every drawing and water color painting he had done of you and placed them in a folder. He went upstairs and Bo was rummaging through the kitchen. Vincent took out the basket and placed the folder at the bottom of the basket and placed it back in the fridge.
Bo was smirking at Vincent when he had closed the fridge.
“Look at you… All grown up. Little brother is going out in a date.” Bo wipes a fake tear.
“Same age shithead.” Vincent signs, squinting at his brother. Bo laughs.
“Hey I am happy for you though.” Bo smiles and pats Vincent on the shoulder before leaving the kitchen.
The sun feels great on your skin as you run up ahead of Vincent and through the field to find a spot. The plaid blanket in your hands spreads out as you throw it in the air. Vincent isn’t far behind, taking his time to look at you and bask in your beauty.
Vincent sets the basket down and unpacks all of the food.
He freezes.
You look over at him. “What’s up?”
“Mask I don’t want take off.” Vincent huffs. You tilt your head.
“You don’t have to. But if you’re insecure about something underneath it that’s okay. I get insecure about stuff too. I’m sure you’re handsome underneath it.” You smile and look down grabbing at the container of strawberries to open. You let out a small flustered laugh. “Sorry I hope that wasn’t too much pressure.”
Vincent shakes his head.
“Oh! Why don’t I turn around, then you can take your mask off and we’ll eat. If you want me to turn around at any moment I will.”
You turn around and Vincent unpacks the rest of the snacks. You don’t hear or see anything but Vincent takes off his mask and sets it in the grass.
You hear him taking deep breaths.
Then he touches your shoulder, “You can turn around.”
When you see Vincent’s face your heart almost explodes. He’s so handsome, his face is pale but cheeks are red from the heat of the sun, his hair frames his face beautifully. Your date tries to look away.
You lean in and kiss his cheek.
“Hi Vincent.”
You brush his soft hair from his face to get a better look at him. “You’re so handsome.” You smile and lean in again to kiss his cheek.
Vincent chuckles nervously and pulls out a strawberry. “You’re beautiful.” He says, bringing the strawberry to your lips. You take a bite out of it and he sets the leafy parts to give to Jonsey later.
You two talk and eat for who knows how long, you start to pack up your things so you two can lay on the blanket when some papers catch your eye. You furrow your brows and take them out.
“What’re these?” You ask holding up artwork of you. Vincent blushes and fumbles with his hands.
“Somethin’- I uh.” He coughs. “Wanted to give to you. You’re a very good er- reference?”
You look down and take in every drawing and painting. Some are of you smiling, others you’re focused. You look at all the bright colors he uses around you, the highlights of your face. Your eyes meet Vincent’s. “I love it. Thank you so much.” You say, you put the containers back in the basket and set the drawing in there too.
It’s late in the day, probably 3 or 4 and you let out a content sigh before moving closer to Vincent. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, you bury your face in his neck. “I appreciate everything Vincent. You mean so much to me.”
Your hand should his face, you kiss his cheek again, then he takes it a step further. Vincent leans down and kisses your lips deeply. He wraps his arms around your body and lays you down onto the soft blanket. When you two let go you see a smile on his face and smile back.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Vince.”
He kisses your jawline and trails down your neck, moving both sleeves of your dress downwards and off your arms. You unbutton his button down shirt tracing little marks on his body.
Vincent kisses your breasts then takes a nipple in his mouth sucking on it, you arch your back and he slides down the dress so it it’s around your waist. His thumb flicks over your other nipple. Tingles shoot through your body. That same hand moves to your panties he tugs them down without issue.
Vincent caresses your mound and kisses it before licking a stripe up your folds. You let out a small whimper, he smirks up at you. Your hands run through his hair.
“Don’t be a tease cone on now.” You whine. He lets an airy chuckle out and buries his face in your pussy. Vincent holds your shaky legs, sucking and licking your clit.
You let out loud moans, not caring if anyone comes up to find you and Vincent. You try and get more friction by grinding yourself against his face, and the artist takes it as a sign to not stop.
Loud vulgar noises are heard from both of you. Your eyes roll back and you cry into the spring air, orgasm taking over you.
You lightly push him off and he sits up before leaning over you and kissing you gently. You hum softly, licking and tasting yourself on him.
Vincent undoes his belt, and pants and slides them down, you let go and look at his cock blushing at how long and thick it is.
“Are you okay?” He asks, index finger tilting your face up. His face is red. Vincent is absolutely freaking out. You scrunch your nose as you smile and nod.
“Yeah, just nervous.”
Vincent nods. “Me too.”
Vincent moves your hips so they’re on his knees and positions his cock towards your entrance.
He pushes in slowly, the stretch almost too much for you. You grab for his hand and watch his face contort.
“You’re so big..” you moan, he groans and buries his face into your neck. His hands come to rest on your hips, pushing in more and more. Soft groans come from his chest. Vincent stops and kisses up and down your chest and neck. Licking and biting your shoulder.
“Tell me when you’re ready.”
“M’ ready.”
Your date pulls back then snaps his hips in you, fucking in and out of you roughly. Your eyes roll back, pornographic moans come from your mouth. Vincent’s chest rumbles and he pants letting out little moans himself.
Your cunt pulses at his noises, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull his long black hair.
“God Vincent. You’re so perfect-Fuck. How’d I- ugh! End up with someone like you.” You moan as he thrusts into you. You feel his cock twitch and roll your hips into him.
His hand reaches between you two, starting to circle your clit. Your eyes get wide and hips buck up. Drool comes from your mouth, he licks it up and rubs your clit faster.
“Shit Vince! M’ gonna cum. Fuck!” The knot in your stomach tighten as he pulls you closer to the edge. Your body grind into his, mouth wide open, letting out moans.
Your cunt pulses around him, the knot breaking, white flashes in your vision and you squeal, riding out your orgasm in his cock.
Vincent pulls out and wraps his hand around his cock jerking himself off. You watch with tired eyes as he comes undone. Spurting all over your stomach and breasts. Vincent pants, you take your finger, wiping up some of the cum and licking it. Vincent blushes, he grabs some paper towels from the basket and cleans you off before pulling your dress back up and straightening himself out.
The man falls onto the blanket and grabs you wrapping his arms around you.
“I enjoyed this. I think we should do it more.” You say, yawning.
Vincent nods on agreement and kisses your head.
“So you want to be with me?” He asks, after a beat of silence. You smile, feeling flustered all over again.
“I do.”
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trashyswitch · 4 months
"Did you just tickle me?!"
Will and Hannibal are in a therapy session. Will is trying to keep things serious...but Hannibal wants him to laugh and smile a little bit. He doesn't need to be serious all the time, right? He makes it his mission to make him laugh.
So I open up Tumblr one day...and Hannibal is trending?! Hannigram is trending?! And...I happened to have a fanfic that I kept locked up in a safe because I thought Hannibal was super off in terms of my brand. But wouldn't you know...So, I hope you enjoy.
Will Graham was looking around the room, admiring the many bookshelves of items against his psychiatrist’s walls. “The world is so complex…” Will told him. 
“It is meant to be complex.” Hannibal told him. 
“I know that...Otherwise the world wouldn’t be as serious as it is.” Will told him. 
“The world has its serious points.” Hannibal told him, pulling out a larger book from his bookshelf, and flipped a few pages. “When you think of the renaissance era…what do you think of?” Hannibal asked. 
Will thought for a moment. “Paintings by Leonardo De Vinci…sculptures by Michaelangelo.” He said. 
“Yes. And how did their paintings make you feel?” Hannibal asked, handing Will the book with De Vinci’s painting of The Last Supper. 
Will took the book, and looked at the painting. “Uhhh…” Will thought for a moment as he stared at the painting. “Confusion…Fear.” Will explained, before looking towards Hannibal. “What’s this got to do with anything?” Will asked. 
Hannibal smiled and took the book. “The world can have its serious moments…with complex historical stories to try and take apart to better understand. We both know that.” Hannibal explained as he flipped the pages. “However…” Hannibal stared at a specific page for a moment. “The world can have its humorous moments as well.” Hannibal told him. “Have you heard of the painting ‘The Old Woman’ by Quentin Matsys?” He asked. 
Will turned to look at him. “No, I haven’t.” 
“It’s also referred to as ‘The Ugly Duchess’.” Hannibal smiled as he handed Will the book to look at it. “Tell me what you think of-” 
Will couldn't help but crack up, interrupting Hannibal’s directions. “Sorry, sorry. Ihit’s just-” Will cleared his throat and turned the book to show Hannibal. “Wh-Why?” Will asked.
“It’s believed this piece is a humorous play on gender and female beauty. Many scholars refer to this painting as ‘satire’.” Hannibal took the book. “But on the other hand…the painting made the country, and later the world, rethink the idea of beauty and aging.” He explained. 
Will smiled slightly…before clearing his throat and trying to get back on track. 
Hannibal noticed this. “Might I ask why you feel the need to be serious?” Hannibal asked. 
“Because I’m in an hour-long therapy session, and I only have so long to talk about a heavy job that will heavily affect my mind if I’m not careful…” Will admitted. 
Hannibal nodded his head as he walked to his piano. “Very well.” He said slightly abruptly. 
While Will closed his eyes and tried to think of what to say next, Hannibal sat down at his piano and…
Started playing music. 
But not just any music: but that stupid song, Chopsticks. 
Will bit his lip and tried not to laugh. Though, this wouldn’t last long…as the song was played, and the irony of Hannibal playing the song filled his mind…titters and laughter quickly erupted from his mouth. “STAHAP THAT!” He ordered with a smile on his face. 
Hannibal couldn’t help a chuckle from leaving his own mouth. “Come on…” Hannibal stood up. “Even people like me need to get our creative juices flowing. Mine happen to currently be in the science of laughter.” Hannibal teased. “Also known as ‘Gelotology’.” He added. 
Will sighed and tried to come back to his senses. 
He soon managed to successfully get back to his senses. “I see- aAH!” Will shouted suddenly, holding his sides. He turned around, to see a rather humored Hannibal walking away from him. “Did you just tickle me?!” Will asked in surprise, still holding his own sides. 
“Peherhaps I did. Or perhaps I didn’t.” He replied, trying not to laugh. 
“Oho, that’s it. Get over here!” Will ran to Hannibal, which only led Hannibal to walking backwards. 
“Will: a little reminder of our professional relationship-”
“Professional, my ass!” Will reacted. “You started this!” 
“Wihill, I will warn you: I know how these games are played.” He warned, now ganging up on him. 
“Good, getting eager now.” Will thought he had the upper hand the moment he grabbed his side. 
“Nope.” Hannibal grabbed his hand, swung him so his back faced the doctor, and locked Will into his chest. With both his arms, he locked Will’s arms in place and tickled all over his chest and belly area.  
“OHOHohoho nohohohoho! HAhahahahahaha!” He laughed. 
“Ticklish, I presume?” Hannibal asked.
“Hahahaha- Yehehehehess!” Will tried to get out, but had no such luck. He was stuck in his surprisingly strong grip. Did Hannibal work out or something?! How was he so strong?! 
“A man like you needs to relax. Relaxing is the only way to calm your nightmares and your nerves.” He told him. 
“Hohohow cahahahan Ihi rehelahahahax whehehen yohohou’re tihihicklihing mehehehe?” He asked. 
“Tickling releases endorphins. It also releases dopamine because you’re laughing.” He explained. 
“Ihihi knohohow thahahahat.” Will told him. “Sohoho dohohohoes dohohogs!” 
Hannibal stopped tickling him. “That is true. Do you have a dog at home?” He asked. 
“Yeheah, a few.” He admitted. 
“That’s wonderful.” He reacted calmly with a small smile. 
“Ihis it?” He asked. 
“Dogs are great companions. Better than humans sometimes.” he told him. 
“I’ll say.” He replied. “Dogs don’t tickle you.” Will told him. 
Hannibal smirked. “Are you not enjoying this?” Hannibal asked. 
“I...I don’t know.” Will replied. 
“Because we may stop anytime you’d like to.” He told Will. 
“That sounds nice.” Will responded. 
Hannibal smiled and moved his arms under Will’s armpits. “Ready?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” Will replied, a slightly eager smile on his face. Will squealed almost immediately as he felt the tickles reach his belly and his belly button. “HAHAHAHANNIBAHAHAHAL! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE!” Will laughed as his belly button was tickled.
“Not your belly button?” Hannibal clarified. 
“YEHEHEHEHEHES!” He laughed. 
“Very well.” Hannibal stopped tickling there and moved onto his lower back instead. This left Will in a state of giggly madness. 
“HAhahahahahahehehehehehe! Hehehehehehehe- Tihihihicklihihihish.” He laughed.  “Your laugh is a pleasant sound, Will. You should laugh a little more often.” Hannibal told Will. 
Will giggled and rested his head on Hannibal’s shoulder. “Reheheheallyhyhy?” He asked. 
“Yes. Your laugh is a wonderful sound. In my eyes, your laughter even beats the piano and the violin.” He told him. 
Will blushed at that. He didn’t really know what to say. “Thahahahanks, Ihihihi guehehehess.” he replied. 
“You say that very awkwardly, Will. Is something the matter?” He asked. 
“Nohohoho. Ihihihi’m juhuhust an ahahawkward guhuhuhuy!” He told him, as he felt his knees slowly fail him.
Hannibal stopped his attack and carefully followed Will down to his knees. “I don’t see you as awkward.” Hannibal picked him up bridal-style. “I see you as a beautiful creation.” Hannibal told him next, carrying him to a comfortable chair. “A person can sculpt a drawing based on his imagination, but he can never fully predict how the drawing turns out.” He told him. “Some of his drawings are asymmetrical. Some of his drawings will have quirks. And some of his drawings will be a little less than perfect. But they are still beautiful in their own right.” He told him. 
He placed Will onto the chair, while he sat himself down on the armrest of the chair. Then, he started to tickle very gently up and down Will’s neck and shoulders. He would reach the shoulder blades, and would go back up near his upper neck again. It was a pattern he wanted to keep up. 
Will was a giggly, wiggly mess. He was scrunching up his shoulders and getting nowhere in covering his ticklish spot…but he also didn’t wanna stop him at the same time. He was starting to realize that he might like being tickled! 
“Does this feel different to you?” Hannibal asked. 
“Feheheheels...Yeheheheah, dihihifferent.” Will replied. 
“Do you want to move away?” Hannibal asked, tickling down to his shoulder blades and keeping his fingers there. 
“Nahahat reheheally.” He replied. 
Hannibal stopped tickling and turned to face him. “What you are experiencing is a dilemma known as touch starvation. When most people are tickled, they seem to hate it or tolerate the physical aspects. However:” Hannibal smiled and pointed to Will. “You don’t experience being tickled nearly enough to create a hatred for the feeling.” Hannibal further explained. 
Will nodded and listened to him.
“Your many dogs don’t tickle you often, I presume?” Hannibal asked. 
Will smiled and looked down. “They don’t think to.” 
“Hm...That’s too bad.” Hannibal replied. 
“How about you?” Will asked. “Do you like to be tickled? Are you ‘touch-starved’ as well?” Will asked further. 
Hannibal smiled and chuckled a little bit. “I haven’t been tickled in years myself. You could say I am touch-starved.” He replied. 
“Wouldn’t revenge be appropriate then?” Will asked. 
Hannibal looked at Will...and sloooowly stood up. “...No.” 
Will smiled and got up as well, taking a step forward. “You broke the ice. Now I can break it further.” 
Hannibal took another step back with narrowed, observant eyes and a crooked smile on his face. “Is now too late to make rules on touching the therapist?” He asked. 
“Technically touching the patient should’ve been off limits too. But…” Will smirked and crossed his arms. “You seem to want more than just a professional relationship.” 
Hannibal didn’t know what to say. Will was right, and Hannibal didn’t like that. 
“And while I’m on the subject:” Will put his index finger up in curiosity, before pointing at him. “If you hated being tickled, you would’ve said so. So if you like it…” Will got even closer to Hannibal. 
“I never said I liked it.” Hannibal mentioned. “I said I was touch-starved.” 
“You never said you hated it either.” Will mentioned. “And you said touch-starved people usually like it.” Will told him. 
Hannibal opened his mouth...then closed it. Dammit...He was right again. “You are...smarter than you look.” Hannibal admitted, a little cowardly. 
“Get over here.” Will ordered. 
“No.” Hannibal said with a smile. 
“I’ll chase you around this room if you don’t.” Will warned. He reached out for his side, causing Hannibal to jump back and laugh at Will’s failure. He had successfully dodged Will’s attack!
“Ohoho, you’re just messing with me now!” Will reacted.  Hannibal smiled and chuckled. “Maybe.” 
Will took off running towards Hannibal. This made Hannibal widen his eyes and just barely dodge him. But Will was smart. He grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him. “Gotcha.” 
Hannibal just about squeaked like a mouse at his unpredictable, yet, predictable move. “W-Will, let’s think about this please.” Hannibal tried to protest. He appeared to be slightly taken aback by their physical closeness, yet grateful for the playfulness they developed in so little time. 
“Getting antsy for me to get started?” Will asked. 
“N-No!” Hannibal reacted. 
Will skittered his fingers on his sides, eager to get started himself. 
Hannibal held his breath and tried to get away from him. But a quivering smile was growing onto his lips. 
“I see a smile. Iiiii see a smile~” Will teased, moving one of his hands up to point at Hannibal’s undeniably quivery smile. 
He quickly covered his mouth with his hand. “You see nothing of the sort.” He mumbled into his hand. 
Will took advantage of this moment and quickly tickled him on his vulnerable hips. 
Hannibal wheezed- actually WHEEZED, and doubled over. “NOhoho!” 
“Hey! There we go!” Will bent his knees down slightly and tickled his belly. “Not so protected now, huh?” 
Hannibal seemed to jump and jerked with every skitter. “HAhahahaha! WIHIHILL! STOHOHOP THIHIHIS!” Hannibal ordered. 
To say Will was shocked, was an understatement. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh like this!” Will reacted. 
“PLEHEHEASE!” He covered his mouth with his hand in an attempt to muffle his laughter. 
“No, no covering it up.” Will told him. “You, Mr. Lector, never laugh. It is MY job to get it out of you.” Will told him. 
Hannibal struggled to deflect his attacks, and tried to back himself out of his grip. But Will always managed to follow him. Hannibal’s back eventually hit the back wall. 
“Now to mess with you like I mess with my dogs:” Will knelt down really quickly and blew a big fat raspberry on his stomach. 
Hannibal wheezed again and doubled over, before snorting and bursting out in glorious laughter. It was somewhat out of character for Hannibal to be laughing like this. But at the same time, it suited him so well! 
“DAHAhahammihihihit yohohou!” Hannibal started poking at Will to try and find a tickle spot he had previously found: his belly button. “NOHOHO HAHAHAHAHA! HANNIBAL!” Will laughed. 
“Yohohou ahasked for this.” Hannibal reacted.
“Strahange how a button so small, can make a man like yourself, laugh so hysterically.” Hannibal told him. 
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!” Will cackled. Hannibal stopped poking and picked up Will, before dipping him backwards. “I suppose I should keep this a little secret from Jack...Hm?” Hannibal asked with a smile. 
Will looked at Hannibal with playful fear in his eyes. “...Please do.” He told him. 
Hannibal smiled and lifted him up. He looked at his watch and chuckled. “I suppose this concludes our...therapy session.” Hannibal told him. 
Will chuckled. “If you can call it that.” He mentioned before poking Hannibal’s belly a few times. “You know I’m never gonna let you live this down, right?” Will teased. 
Hannibal jumped and poked his belly button back, causing Will to lose his balance. Will fell onto his knees in a puddle of giggles. 
“I’m not letting you live down that ticklish button of yours either.” Hannibal teased. 
Will just laughed at that. “Hehehe...good.” 
From then on...short moments of teasing and tickling would become more and more common between the two. But they would only do such things in the comfort of each other. They didn’t need to speak in order to make that rule. 
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