#and also avoiding fast-fashion and consumerism in general
cassandra-allegra · 10 months
despite best intentions
ive made 3 black friday purchases, one of which is for a figure drawing class that supports an local artist, and the other is a pair of lesbian boots
so id like to think the universe will forgive me this time
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balkanradfem · 2 years
I've been reading 'The Climate Book' from Greta Thunberg, and I have to talk about it. I've never seen a book written so brilliantly and desperately, pleading for awareness, for action, for survival. I thought I was aware of the climate change, but there was a vast amount of information I did not know. I'll start from the ones I did.
I knew that the climate has already changed, and will continue to change until a lot of animal species will go extinct, and a big amount of human beings will suffer, end up impoverish, misplaced, in starvation, or dead. I knew the culprits were the companies that refused to stop taking down forests, burning fossil fuels, promoting lifestyles of consumerism, over-consumption, generated the amount of waste that the planet could not safely consume or store. I also knew that one of the biggest pollutants were big oil, animal and plant agriculture, fast fashion industry, travel industry, and the capitalistic system that enabled 1% of humanity to own and over-consume 90% of the resources available to us. Knowing this made me feel powerless, because even as I boycott all of it, I can't do much else, and I'm not enough to stop what is going on. I am merely a drop in the ocean - which is what Greta points out as well. But, Greta doesn't think we're powerless.
This book is incredible in the sense that it goes over and beyond to think practically. It doesn't despair, it doesn't panic, it doesn't think any other way but how to practically and effectively bring change, what are the options and possibilities, what is true and what is propaganda, how to avoid millions of deaths and extinctions that are sure to come, if we do nothing. Greta has analyzed all action that is 'being done', and found out most of it was fraud, cheating, lying. All of the governments and companies who were bragging about reduced emissions, or offsetting emissions, have simply found ways to outsource them and to emit them in another, poorer country. The amount of emissions has actually increased.
She has also interviewed the world leaders, and people responsible and suffering from climate change - and these are the results: Nobody feels responsible, nobody feels as if it's their turn to change, to reduce, to do anything to help it. Even interviewing people whose livelihood was taken away from them due to climate change, who have lost their living environments already, their trees and animals and fields and fertility and soil, when asked if they would be willing to work ecologically from now on, with reduced or low emissions, their answer was 'Why should we? It's not fair, they took from us and enjoyed, while we suffered. We won't stop until we have what they have. We deserve it.'
With this information, Greta has found a truth of how humans influence each other - we imitate. If we see someone else doing something, or having something we find desirable, we also want it. We look at ourselves in relation to other people that surround us, we take responsibility according to what others around do, and we hold ourselves accountable only as much as others do. And this is why we have a power that goes beyond individual action, beyond simply lowering our own emissions and boycotting companies that are responsible for pollution - we are able to influence others. We're able to influence the media, which forms public opinions, and using the media, force into action those who benefit from polluting the planet.
What I didn't know, and this book taught me, was that from the times humans started to hunt, they didn't only have a great effect on the environment, they were the absolute leading agent on it. Soon after hunting the megafauna into extinction, the environment started to change not just because we affected it, but because we directed it to. We caused the extinction of many species throughout the past, by hunting, taking wild spaces for our own use, polluting water sources, changing the climate, spreading predatory species,  like cats and rats, and we didn't stop there. We changed the landscapes of forests and fields, into human-used agricultural land that was effectively deadened for the purpose of wildlife. We domesticated, and then farmed animals, to such extreme degree, that right now what is left of the wildlife, is mere 12-15% of all animals out there. More than 80% of current animals by weight living on earth, are put there by animal agriculture, meant for human consumption. That is absolutely insane. We did the same with the wildlife environment as well – there is now only 3% of the forests on earth, that are still considered intact. We changed the landscape, not only slightly, but by erasing most of it, making it unusable to animals, insects or wild plants, appropriated only for agriculture, grazing, and human-only environments. And, we dug up and released so much carbon into the air, it is coming close to the amount that we had on the earth, at the time of dinosaur extinction, which wiped out a third of the planet's species. And we keep doing it, even knowing what will happen, knowing that every single time this happened in the past, it created mass extinction.
I wasn't aware how serious and extreme the changes we made were. Knowing what is going out, makes it very clear why we have a crisis, it would be crazy to expect not to have one. These changes were not reported, nobody was asked to approve of them, there were no regulations or limits, no environmental studies on consequences, and it keeps going. We keep increasing the demand for agriculture and animal products, increasing our consumption even though we are running out of the natural resources used to create the products. And it is not our fault. Most of the food and meat created by destroying this land, will go to waste, for the profit of the corporations. The world will keep living in starvation, despite so much of natural life getting destroyed for food, despite the climate crisis being caused, partly by our food production.
This doesn't mean we can't sustainably feed ourselves anymore, it just means we can't do it the way we're used to. It just tells us we need to use more resilient and less land and water consuming food. Plant based diets demand less soil and emit less carbon, gardening reduces the amount of agricultural space needed to feed us, supporting and protecting wildlife wherever it's still thriving, will save both soil, animal species, and biodiversity that is very quickly fading from the planet.
I've also learned that even as we're close to the tipping point, but haven't reached it yet. Whatever we do right now that stops us from reaching it, will mean the difference between life and death to the future generations of people, animals, and plants. If we manage to make changes now, to stop the ice from melting past the tipping point, we can save millions of lives, that would end in certain death otherwise. If we can create policies that are not volountary but binding, we have a chance to save livable land, animal and plant species, biodiversity, and human quality of life. It's not too late to act, in fact, this is the vital time to act, and we're the only ones who can do it.
And the way you can act is not just by reducing waste, reducing the amount of energy you consume, reducing animal-products in your food and refusing to waste and throw away usable goods, but by being public about it. By making it clear it's a positive improvement on your life, on your quality of life, that it's both moral and enjoyable, both inspiring and encouraging others to do the same. Some of us have bigger impact on others than we might know, and if we start doing it and visibly enjoying it, there are others who will follow.
This book has taught me immense amount of science behind the climate crisis, and gave me incentive to do more than just live and feel helpless, I need to do more. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more, and wanting to act more. I will be from now on, writing more about ecology and preserving the planet, and how to do it. If we're the directors of where this planet is going, we have to be so intentionally, with knowledge, wisdom and awareness of what we are doing. We can do good, and humans have been doing good, any time there's been wisdom, awareness and intention in how we're shaping the environment. And if anyone wants the book in the audio form, send me a message and I will give it to you.
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loggedbylily · 5 months
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written and edited by lily hayashi. made in relation to 'small girl, big thoughts' podcast, hosted by lily hayashi.
link to related podcast episode here
I feel like we’re in this era of normalisation of overconsumption; with the rapid rise in popularity of fast fashion, brand partnerships and influencers as a method of advertising, haul culture and microtrends. I think consumerism is a very complex, multi-part issue that can’t be ‘fixed’ with one simple solution. As humans, we consume and create waste. There is no way to avoid consuming; we consume media, physical objects, nutrients and knowledge on a daily basis. In my opinion, consumption is not necessarily a negative behaviour, rather an unavoidable human behaviour, however, overconsumption is a larger issue, and we can try to avoid it or minimise it. We just don’t want to. 
So much of the structure of society is built on consumerism. It’s how we make money, how we feed our bodies, how we clothe ourselves. Mindful consumption is possible, but in a world where trends are moving faster than they’ve ever moved before, and fashion is being designed and produced so quickly and at a mass rate (According to Business of Apps ‘SHEIN Revenue and Usage Statistics 2024’, on an average day, SHEIN adds a shocking 2,000 new items to its online store) it’s really hard to be mindful of what you’re consuming, whether it be media or physical objects. As individuals, we do have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and the waste we produce, but it’s also important to remember that these massive corporations are deliberately teaching us to feed into consumerism because it’s literally how they’re making money and what keeps them in business. A company’s primary intention is to make money, and most corporations will do anything to achieve these sales. Even if the clothing they sell ends up in landfill days later, they’re still making the money from the sale, and most of the time, what occurs to their product after that sale isn’t a worry of theirs.
I really wanted to discuss ‘haul culture’ as a big factor in the recent rise in consumerism. According to Statistia, the number of views on TikTok videos in April 2022 with the hashtag #sheinhaul was a total of 4,800,000,000 (Statista, 2022), followed by videos with the hashtag #amazonhaul, which reached a total of 968,000,000 views. Whilst these videos may vary in terms of just how many items are being purchased and shared, they all contribute to this growing culture of ‘hauls’ as opposed to just buying singular items. Cambridge Dictionary defines the verb ‘haul’ (in the context of purchasing) as “all the things someone buys on an occasion when they go shopping”. Whilst there isn’t an exact number of items that qualify for a purchase to be a haul, the word itself in noun form is defined as “to pull or drag something heavy slowly and with great difficulty”, and the verb in the context to stealing is defined as “a usually large amount of something that has been stolen or is illegal”. Although the context of the use of haul on social media is different to the two previous additional definitions, and that a haul nowadays usually links to a purchase rather than theft, it can be summarised that the word ‘haul’ refers to a large quantity of objects in most of its contexts. I’ve noticed that there’s this expectation on social media to showcase moreness; instead of showing just one Dior lip oil, why not showcase your whole collection of Dior makeup? Instead of purchasing just one serum, why not fill up your whole bathroom cabinet with assorted skincare items? Even if the multiple items aren’t necessarily the focal point of the video, you’ll often see them in the background. The influencer isn’t ‘accidentally’ showcasing their collection of expensive products; they’re doing it because owning lots of objects is a sign of wealth and now considered an aspiration. I’ve found that almost every product review video is a haul, and in general, there’s just a huge growth in usage of the word and showcasing of them on social media. The frustrating thing is, if we normalise purchasing large quantities of things we do not need, it means buying singular objects is viewed as boring.
Haul culture is also very rooted in privilege. To be able to afford a large quantity of products, you need to have some kind of financial stability. The normalisation of bulk purchasing means that those who may not have the money to make these kinds of purchases feel insecure or embarrassed, when in reality, these hauls are actually not a good thing at all. Companies like SHEIN offer very cheap-priced (and very low quality) clothing, which has made hauls more accessible to those without a large disposable income. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING! The whole issue with overconsumption is the more you consume, the more waste you produce. Normalising consuming such large quantities of products means subconsciously we’re normalising producing such large quantities of waste. And this haul culture has sparked the massive rise in fast fashion (According to Business of Apps ‘SHEIN Revenue and Usage Statistics 2024’, SHEIN generated $22.7 billion in 2022, a 44% increase on the $15.7 billion it made in 2021) which provides a sort of wear-once-throw-out culture to clothing that just keeps getting progressively worse.
This wear-once culture seen in ultra-fast fashion creates an endless cycle of overconsumption and microtrends. Good On You’s explanation of a ‘microtrend’ is “Micro trends take what you know about trends and accelerate the process: these trends rise to popularity quicker and then leave the trend cycle faster.” (Zhou, 2022). Due to just how quickly trends are moving these days (hence the title microtrends), fast fashion allows individuals to participate in this trend without spending a large amount of money, and due to the lack of quality of these products, it reduces the permanence of this trend, which then makes these microtrends move even faster. It’s a toxic cycle that feeds on overconsumption and haul culture, which in turn, feeds the cycle. 
Overconsumption has also created a culture of consumer self-validation. As humans, we don’t want to do anything wrong, or to be perceived as doing something wrong. We try to validate our actions, both for ourselves and for others. Due to this inbuilt victim complex we all suffer from, we try to validate our purchasing habits in a world that promotes and villainizes consumerism. I’ve heard the sentence “I’ve been wanting this for so long!” or “I’ve been obsessed with this for ages!” used to validate hauls and large, unnecessary purchases so many times in these haul videos. Often, it’s a lie. Did you really want that pair of earrings, or was it just because two weeks ago they became a massive trend? I think it’s actually so much better to be honest about your purchasing habits. We’ve all purchased something because of a trend; it’s okay to participate in trends, that’s literally what they’re fed off. I think it’s just important to do so mindfully. Often, it takes me a little longer to ‘like’ a fashion trend enough to participate in it, and sometimes by the time I do join in, the trend has passed. But I find this little pocket of time gives me a moment to think about whether I actually like this trend; would I wear this again? Is it going to go out of style immediately? Is the product good quality and representative of my personal style? I feel like if people admitted, even just to themselves, that they purchased something because it was popular or trendy, we would become more mindful of our purchasing habits. By validating every purchase, we begin to lose track of what we actually like, and the impacts our actions have.
How can we teach ourselves how to consume mindfully without reinforcing haul culture, microtrends, fast fashion, and feeling guilty?
Take your time. In a world where it’s normalised to want something immediately (and I’m definitely a victim of this), wait a little and properly think over your decision. I struggle with being impatient, but recently, I’ve realised how much more I truly love my purchases when I’ve been thinking about them and building up excitement for them for a longer period of time. Also, it allows you to be mindful; you can consider whether you actually need this or just want it (and also, wanting something is not a bad thing. It’s just good to be mindful of how many of your wants you act upon) and whether it’s reflective of you as a person. 
Trust the thrift gods. Kind of in relation to above, I’ve been trying to build the habit of waiting and letting myself think before making a purchase, and I’ve definitely been rewarded by the thrift gods for my patience these past few times! I purchased the perfect pair of square-toe Mary Janes from a local op-shop the other day for $12; I’d been looking at similar pairs online for months, and I knew they would work with my wardrobe and become a very cute, classic staple.
Remind yourself that consumerism is fuelled by haul culture. Why would a brand only try to sell you one item when it could sell you ten? Remember that those buy-two-get-one 20% off, $20 for two, spend $70 for free shipping deals are just a sneaky attempt to get you to spend more money, and in turn, consume you more. They trick you into thinking you’re missing out on a great deal if you don’t act quickly; you’re not. I’ve been a victim of these kinds of deals before and trust me, when I buy a clothing item for its price rather than its style, I end up wearing it so much less, just because I only really bought it because it was cheap! Same goes for sales; if something you’ve been wanting for a while goes on sale, amazing! But whenever you think of buying something on sale, consider whether you’d buy it full price. Are you getting that top because it’s cute or because it’s $10?
You are not a criminal for consuming. It’s human nature. But try to do so mindfully; you’ll actually feel better as a result of it, and if more people take baby steps to try to avoid overconsumption, that gross, speedy cycle will calm down. In the end, there’s never any harm in slowing down.
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ckenvs3000 · 4 years
Fast Fashion and Climate Change
I have recently noticed posts circulating on social media about fast fashion and its consequences, so I wanted to explore this further. Years of research have made it evident that the chemical composition of the atmosphere is changing, global temperatures are rising, and precipitation patterns are being altered. These conditions define climate change. There has been a clear correlation between climate change and anthropogenic activities. This indicates that as industrialization progresses, the impact these actions have on the environment will escalate. 
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Photo retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/10-solutions-for-climate-change/
As a capitalist society, we are conditioned into living consumerist lifestyles. Majority of the models behind modern markets are based on maximizing profit. In order to maximize profit, many companies rely on cheap labour and the exploitation of resources (Wainwright, 2010). In recent years, consumerism has rapidly grown in the fashion industry, and fast fashion has become more popular (The price of fast fashion, 2018). Clothing is produced faster, the online shopping craze makes it extremely accessible, and new designs are popping up every day to satisfy the desire to be wearing the latest trends. Studies have estimated that we are buying 60% more than we did in 2000. Yet, each piece of clothing is worn less prior to being discarded. This shorter lifespan is associated with a higher level of manufacturing emissions (Drew & Yehounme, 2017). This high-consumption lifestyle is encouraged in many western countries by heavily advertising the low price of these cheap garments. What they do not advertise is the burden that the production and distribution of their products has on the environment.
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Photo retrieved from https://www.euronews.com/living/2020/08/20/welcome-to-the-dark-side-shein-is-the-biggest-rip-off-since-fast-fashion-was-born
The industry of textile production is one of the most significant in pollution contribution. It generates 1.2 billion tonnes of CO2 per year (The price of fast fashion, 2018). To put this into perspective, this produces more emissions than international flights and maritime shipping. Furthermore, a substantial amount of clothing manufacturing occurs overseas in China and India. These countries depend on coal-fuelled power plants, which further increases the amount of pollution emitted to produce each garment (The price of fast fashion, 2018). There has also been a shift in the materials used to produce clothing, and emissions from manufacturing are based on the type of material. Polyester has become one of the most commonly used fabrics in clothing production. The production of polyester and other synthetic materials has a much larger footprint because they are produced from fossil fuels like crude oil (Kirchain et al., 2014). 
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Photo retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/03/books/review/how-fast-fashion-is-destroying-the-planet.html
A study conducted by Bauck (2017) stated that approximately 5% of total global emissions arise from the fashion industry. This study was conducted in 2017, and since then the fast fashion industry has blown up. Think about companies like fashion nova, prettylittlething, zaful, romwe, and shein. It is almost hard to escape their advertising. Everywhere you look online there is a pop up ad, a try on haul or an influencer on social media promoting these companies. Studies have demonstrated a correlation between materialistic values and carelessness about climate change (Klein, 2014). Thus, we must become aware of the consequences that our actions have in order to prioritize the reduction of emissions and mitigate climate change. 
My question to you is: 
What are some ways to support sustainable fashion? I understand that sustainable fashion can be expensive but there are ways to avoid the high cost. Personally, I do this by thrift shopping, and using reseller apps like depop. 
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Photo retrieved from https://medium.com/@morganacarleton/the-downfall-of-fast-fashion-be47272a3b3b References 
Bauck, W. (2017). The fashion industry emits as much greenhouse gas as all of Russia. Fashionista. 
Drew, D. & Yehounme, G. (2017). The apparel industry’s environmental impact in 6 graphics. World Resources Institute.
Kirchain, R., Olivetti, E., Reed Miller, T. & Greene, S. Sustainable Apparel Materials (Materials Systems Laboratory, 2015).
Klein, N. (2014). This changes everything: capitalism vs. the climate. Simon & Schister
The price of fast fashion. (2018). Nature Climate Change, 8(1), 1–1. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-017-0058-9
Wainwright, J. (2010). Climate change, capitalism and the challenge of transdisciplinarity. Ann. A,. Assoc. Geogr., 100(4), 983-991.
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evilelitest2 · 5 years
Do you know of any good resources on how and why Reagan won? He seemed to have a lot of resistance from the Republican old guard and all four of my grandparents absolutely despised him. But he somehow won with what sounded like was a very unpopular platform, and I don't understand exactly what happened.
I mean most electoral histories will have you covered, are you looking from a cultural perspective or an electoral perspective, or just a general overview of the 1980 election?  Personally I recommend the book “Backlash” on the larger reactionary movement of the 80s which is in no way relevant today...
But in short there are many reasons why Reagan won, many of them depressing familiar today
1) Ronald Reagan was an actor and was a really charismatic speaker, specifically he was very good at seeming friendly, approachable and non condescending.  It was extremely easy to understand Reagan’s message if you weren’t paying attention and he didn’t seem like some sort of elite who understood policies or knew where Cambodia was on a map, because he didn’t either.  With the possible exceptions of JFK, and OBama, Reagan is likely the most charismatic president in the last century and that makes a big difference in the election
2) Jimmy Carter was a bit of a mess.  I love Carter and I think he is one of the most moral people to ever be president (judging on a scale) but...his administration was extremely chaotic, inept, and really bad at messaging.  
3) Reagan cheated.  At his most famous debate with Carter, it turns out Reagan’s team had actaully managed to get Carter’s debate plans before hand, so Reagan knew exactly what Carter was going to say which is why Reagan seemed so invincible in the debate
4) The Economy.  Due to a wide variety of reasons including but not limited too the fallout of the Vietnam War, the OPEC oil crisis, the natural eb and flow of the market, and the failure of Kenysian economics meant that when the 1980 election was happening, America was in a pretty bad economic place.  Unemployment was high, inflation was spiraling and for many white people it was the first time they had ever experienced an economic downturn
This wasn’t really Carter’s fault, just like the economic boom in the 80s wasn’t really Reagan’s fault (though the initial crash certainly was) but that is how it was perceived.
5) The Failure of Kenysian Economics.  Now when I say “failure” i don’t actually mean “this is a bad system” Kenysan economics got us out of the Great Depression after all and lead to the largest economic boom in US history.  However they aren’t the end all, especially when politicians running things don’t really understand what they are doing.  So while they aren’t nearly as awful as the Free market economics that would follow, people were becoming disillusioned with the prior economic model
6) Vietnam.  Oh dear god Vietnam.  Reagan would be the first president who didn’t preside over Vietnam in any way, which meant he wasn’t tainted by the total fuck up that was that war.  America was still reeling from losing our first major war to a small nation that nobody had heard off before they started to kick our ass, and the battle over Vietnam has basically torn the country apart.  A huge amount of people felt pissed and humiliated over the defeat, and rather than question why we went to war or the morality of our tactics, blamed protesters and leftists for not supporting the war enough, a stabbed in the back myth if you will.  Also Vietnam was a Democrat fuck up, Republicans weren’t in power when it started under JFK and LBG, who collectively created the horrific circumstances of the war.  The republicans who oversaw it were the comparatively (to Reagan) more ‘moderates” of Nixon and Ford.  So American both felt humiliated and weak from looking a major war to a people we saw as inferior and was blaming everything associated with the left for it.  Reagan’s “Make America Great Again” message was extremely attractive to a lot of people, and since he didn’t have anything to do with the war, you couldn’t blame him for its failure.  
7) The Soviet Union.  The presence of the USSR hung over every US election since Woodrow Wilson, but after Vietnam a lot of Americans felt like the USSR was winning.  This was ironically utterly untrue as the Soviet Union would collapse only 11 years later, but the perception in America was that the US had been defeated by COMMUNISM and needed to get our groove back for round II.  And Reagan was by far the most aggressively confrontational anti Communist president we have had since FDR, so much so that he accidentally almost triggered a nuclear war and destroyed all of civilizations...whoops.  But that is what American wanted back then
8) The rise of the religious right.  For most of the 20th century, while religion was certainly a thing which effected politics, the US political landscape was largely secular, religion being evoked more than it made its own demands.  But due to rise of the Counter Culture movement, religious folks sort of went into panic mode and suddenly conservative fundamentalist Christianity was one the rise.  And Reagan embraced them 100%, leading to the fundementalist cancer that lives with us to this day
9) The death of the Counterculture.  At the exact same time as the Religious Right came into power, the group it was opposing had largely collapsed.  I mentioned this before when talking about the civil Rights movement, but once overt legal segregation had been outlawed, what was left were the far more serious, complicated and unclear problems, which lead to a lot of hippies burning out, falling into infighting, declaring victory and going home, or turning to more radical and largely ineffectual approaches.  And since so much of the counter culture was linked to to its fashion and aethetic, as the Hippie style/music/clothing/demeanor became lame and uncool, the causes behind them were seen as uncool as well.  Also the most dedicated leftists quickly turned to auto cannibalism and spent more time fighting each other rather than focusing on their enemy a dynamic which the left can always be counted on (cough what happened to Counterpoints cough) 
10) The larger cultural backlash.  America as a whole was feeling threaten by the left, and by extention the progressive made for women, racial minorities, and sexual minorities, and was pushing back against them.  The 60s and 70s was a moment of sudden shocking change which took the old guard by surprise and they didn’t know what to do, but once the left had burned themselves out a bit, the Right was able to reorganize, refocus their efforts, and remake their arguments to reassert the oppressive systems they so valued.  And for a lot of Americans who were passively bigoted, the incredibly fast pace of change got them scared and they sought comfort in the return of the familiar.  Again Reagan wasn’t just an actor, he was a cowboy actor from shitty kitch family films.  And as we’ve seen before in terms of Whitelash or Male Fragility, fear of losing privilege can get people to vote against their own interest (cough union workers cough)
11) America was facing a big choice.  After WWII, we were basically the only major nation with a good economy, which we were able to turn into a great economy, and had an over 20 year post war high.  But other nations started to compete with us (most notably Japan) and our status as the singular nation started to be threatened by the EU, India, China, Latin America, and our own changing history.  For the first time, Americans started to realize that maybe, not right away, but eventually, we would just be one nation among many again, rather than the only superpower.   Simultaneous, the threat of Climate change first started to be noticed, and Americans started to realize that maybe we should tone down the materialism, the consumerism, and the reliance on fossile fuels.  Carter infamously wore sweaters in the white house to save on gas and put solar panels on the roof, which was seen by many Americans (idiots) as weakness.  
Basically we had a choice, we could either 
A) Prepare our nation for the transformation period we were going for, and slowly start to move off oil as our economy changed and we had to make adjustments for it 
Americans were asked to choose between accepting an uncomfortable reality or embracing a comforting delusion.  
12) The Iran Hostage crisis.  This made Carter look weak internationally and everybody knows that America looking weak is worth destroying our own internal economy.  
13) The Democrats were in the middle of a civil war.  The Civil Rights movement and the Great Society had torn the democrats apart which means Carter was never really able to get his own party to obey him like the Republicans did.  WHats worse is that the aftereffect of the Vietnam War had basically crippled LBJ’s Great Society Program, meaning the Democrats were really chaotic
14) Finally, it is important to remember, the Democrats had held power from 1932 all the way to 1980s, the US was kind of a single party state for most of the century, and a lot of people were pretty sick of them.  Corruption, incompetence and hypocrisy are around in every party and the democratic congress in particular was widely hated, so the Republicans felt like this new exciting thing, something which could maybe bring a new era in America.  “Its morning in America”
And of course, Reagan was in many ways what white America wants, a giant self congratulatory message that lets us avoid dealing with real issues....
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hollybrookesbcu · 4 years
Critical Thinking Lecture 2
In this lecture we discussed what the future holds and how current social changes impact on the fashion and textiles industry.  The key causes of changes to the industry are: sustainability, politics and power, consumerism, innovation, division of wealth, social media.
Politics and Power: We discussed the most powerful people in the world. Myself and my peers decided that governments, the people who control the world news, and people in the top financial bracket are the most powerful. Watch Mojo said the following were the moser powerful people in the world: The Chinese and Russian presidents Angela Merkel, Pope Francis, Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Page, Indian prime minister and Mark Zuckerberg. The most powerful people in the world have made changes that impact the world  There is evident growth of a nationalistic nations. Freedom of choice being controlled could dominate fashion industries. Not to mention, misleading politics has a big impact on society. Fake news travels 6 times faster than real news. What politicians where and how they present themselves may be a distraction from what's really happening in the world. For example, Boris Johnson has been known to act unconventionally; could this be to distract away from the economic issues that the country faces due to the pandemic.
Division of wealth: The richest 1% of the world is twice as wealthy as the poorest 1%. It is thought that global inequality causes poverty and social injustice. This inequality may effect the fashion industry because people may not get an opportunity to study fashion. People will also not have the money to create fashion lines. If the top 1% controlled the fashion industry this could cause issues
Consumerism: The rise of fast fashion is a major issue. This issue was being dealt with and people were becoming slowly more aware of sustainability, however the pandemic has now made fast fashion an even bigger issue. Online clothing sales have increased by 90% since 2016. Boohoo’s profit increased by 50% during the pandemic, despite having a scandal. There is a poor distribution of wealth here because the Boohoo CEO’s can only have this much money by taking advantage of other workers.
Sustainable Fashion: Sustainable fashion is growing. The pandemic has grown the understanding for the need of sustainable fashion.
Innovation: If AI and robotic technology take over jobs, this could majorly impact the fashion industry. If robots can design and make garments, many people may lose jobs. Not to mention, the cost of producing and maintaining these machines might mean people who are already not being paid fairly, are paid even less.  Amazon looked at creating drones that deliver parcels. This would be a much cheaper and easier alternative to a human delivery. Not to mention, this would reduce human contact which would be biennial during the pandemic. However, we have to consider what the next step in robotics is. For example, threats to humanity; if robots can be used in war, they could design fashion.  Augmented reality has been used for fashion shows during the pandemic. Khaite sent a look book in a box which had a code that you could scan to see an AR 3D rendering of the products/ garments. This is effective because it means you can see and understand sizes and proportions better.
Social media: Online connection is very important and key when you have a brand. The Social Dilemma (which is a documentary on Netflix). This taught me that everything done online is watched, recorded and monitored. They suggest that social media, specifically Facebook, isn't a force for good like it once was. Social media can change the world. There is no control online. Social media can create mass chaos.  There are many dangers to social media. People, specifically impressionable teenagers and youths, are focussed on how they look, and search for validation through likes and comments. This could create a depressed generation. Not to mention, social media is a drug. Trying to get likes and comments can become addictive, and adds on social media are used to get more money and customers.  We are manipulated through social media. All our actions are monitored and there are whole databases solely to predict and dictate.  We then did a task in which we googled: “Climate change is...” in order to see how similar/ dissimilar the results were.  These were my results
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These were some other results:
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The outcome of this is an uncomfortable, lonely or afraid generation, who uses social media as a distraction. This is confirmed, because suicide and self harm rates are much higher for generation Z.  Some things that we could do to avoid this are creating privacy laws. Don't use technology after 9pm. Tax for data collection.  Daniel Lee deleted all social media in order to have a digital detox. This showed that he didn't need it for his brand because the brand still grew through influencers posting their products on social media; you don't need to pay for a team of people to monitor the social media when influencers can do it for them. 
This lecture has helped me to understand how society functions, and how the fashion industry and brands fit into society, which we can use to promote our brand, and ensure that it fits in. 
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Explanation of my social media performance art piece
I am beginning the delve into my first and perhaps only performance art piece. Social media is a constant in my life, and in the lives of virtually everyone in the younger generations here in 2017. If we look at millenials, social media has literally always been in their lives. So, what better way to get my message across than to use these apps as my platform for this project - besides; social media is the key ingredient in what this is all about.
To explain a little about myself in relation to this project: I am female, I am a model, and I suffer from extreme self-loathing (amongst other things). I want, if nothing else, to take the blinders off of even just one girl (though of course this can apply to boys as well). I want to help her avoid the self-hatred that capitalism is selling us every second of every day. I want her to learn to love herself like I cannot.
What do you do the first thing you wake up? Is it check your phone notifications, probably including instagram? BAM. You are already in the world of capitalism, consumerism, and an endless brainwashing that is selling you fake lives and impossible ideals. Capitalism has long preyed on women to make a profit off of creating insecurities - we have long been sold an idea of what our bodies, faces, hair, and god knows what else should look like. But with the addition of Instagram, I fear that this brainwashing has reached a new and terrifying level.
We are constantly viewing images of: a) what is trending now, what the fucking Hadids/Kardashians are wearing, what brands you should be buying, endless luxuries and clothes and products you will never be able to afford b) images of perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect bodies - bodies that are skinny in just the right way or bodies that have massive asses/tits or a whole array of bodies that no matter what they look like won't look like yours because they AREN’T your body…basically perfect everything, and without you even noticing your self-esteem is dropping and dropping as you scroll down and down c) RICH fantasy lives of wealth, glamour, luxury and mainly HAPPINESS - you see this and you wish your life were like the one you are viewing, that you were having as much fun as the people you are looking at, living in a never-ending vacation…may we all be buried in the sand of the endless beach pics
What you aren’t thinking about as you scroll is that these are all people selling an image of themselves (or literally companies selling their product with your mental health as casualty). This isn’t reality. This is a web of lies that is shown to you, carefully currated so that you only the image they want you to see. You don’t know if the person you are viewing is happy in their life or what they are doing in literally every moment of their life besides the one second captured in the image that is posted. You are drowning in a never-ending sea of faked perfection. (Granted, some people are selling a different sort of idea of themselves but we will get into that later. There is nothing on Instagram that isn't for sale). You open your phone and you are immediately lost in ideals that are driven by an algorithm of MONEY.
So what does this all mean for our youth and our planet? Well, we can start with “fast fashion”. Sure, some high fashion designers may be using eco-friendly methods of production, but the companies that are copying their next trends aren’t. We live in a world where the greatest polluter is clothes. We consume and consume, because the next trend is always there ready to grab at our insecurities. How much money do you think women spend monthly on beauty and fashion? Let’s think about how many make up tutorials there are out there. A fuck ton no? Let’s think about the expectiations to have perfect hair in some places and be perfectly hairless in other places (again, will get into the alternative sales of trends like armpit hair later). While we are drowning in a sea of insecurities and material desires that are being force-fed to us, our planet is drowning in the sea of clothing waste from our “single use” outfits. After I am done with this phase of the project, I will go through a period showing how I shop only vintage and thrift thus keeping clothes out of landfills as well as stopping consuming. Besides fashion, the other (probably even pricier) bill is make up and beauty products. $50 on a face cream isn’t even a splurge in our beauty obsessed world. Women aren’t allowed to age, only men right? So better we pay the price in our eternal search for the fountain of youth. However again, besides the toll on our mental health there is a toll on the planet - wonderful chemicals and plastic casings and animal testing and more!
And yet, we spend so so much on all these things to fit society’s standards, and somehow we are still left feeling imperfect. There is always something that could be improved upon, and always a product there for any new insecurity we develop. While the wage gap between women and men still is as shocking as ever for it being 2017, we are the ones paying a fortune just to stay “acceptable”.
To summarize: I will be creating a fake reality on Instagram where I will be selling the image of myself as a beautiful HAPPY girl with lots of money and all the latest designer/trending clothes, living the dream life of glamour and luxury. Girls (and boys) may end up feeling worse about themselves, or jealous, or unworthy, or an array of negative emotions upon viewing this fake life I will be displaying. While I hate to make anyone feel badly about themselves, in the end this is my whole point. Everything I will be “selling” will be a blatant LIE. And I will be documenting the entire thing real time, with longer explanations here on Tumblr, short uptates on Twitter, and brief explanations/reminders THAT IT IS A PERFORMANCE PIECE in my Instagram story. My goal isn’t to trick people; it is to have them read my bio and find all that I have to say behind each VERY FALSE post.
NOTES: -my next long post will be about the beauty pressures on women of color and models of color -I realize you may have questions so will open the ask me section (one of which may be “isn’t it hypocritical to be an anti-capitalist model?” which I will also be making a post on)
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A calendar year of life-changing habits
I like to begin the year with some New Year’s Resolutions and whilst I very often veer off track quite quickly and crumple into a pile of guilt, I’ve learnt over the years that it’s not the quantity of my resolutions, but the quality, that counts. I need to make resolutions that resonate with me, become part of my day, my community. This year I’ve decided to incorporate one new habit at a time into my life. Despite being one rather fallible individual, I am extremely passionate about small change leading to big impact and here I’m setting out twelve life-changing habits that I believe are possible to make throughout the course of one calendar year. The order is not extremely important as each habit holds power on its own. The important thing is to adopt each habit fully and unconditionally before moving onto the next. You need to love each habit, make it work for you and only then will you start to see just how tangible and powerful these small changes can be.
January – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (and compost?!)
An easy (but addictive) habit to start off with – recycling. Start now if you don’t already. Make reduce, reuse, recycle your life motto. Get a recycling container that’s bigger than your waste bin. Check the packaging of the things you buy. Check your local recycling.  Locate recycling points in your area and loop them in to shopping trips to save time and energy. You’ll quickly become that colleague in the office that polices the rubbish bins for plastic bottles. Many councils also offer a food waste stream, which is used to generate green energy or you can compost the waste at home.
February – Reduce Meat and Dairy Intake
We don’t really need as much meat and dairy as the world (or our stomachs) tell us. If going vegan is one step too far (my husband is nodding), try meat-free-Mondays or skip dairy for a few weeks each year. It’s good for you and for the planet. With more and more veggie options available out there, you won’t be lacking choice, flavour and nutrients.
March – Shop Cruelty-Free
Whilst we’re on the topic of animals, my next step was to go cruelty-free and leather-free. It’s easy to reduce our meat and dairy intake to prevent animal suffering without considering the bigger picture. Leather is not a by-product of the meat industry. And just because bunnies don’t wash up or brush their teeth doesn’t mean our kitchen and bathroom cupboards are necessarily cruelty-free.  Although I was extremely shocked by the number of products in my house that did not sport the leaping bunny logo or claim to be free from animal testing, it only took a couple of swaps and a bit of googling to restock my cosmetics and cleaning equipment. And shopping cruelty-free doesn’t necessarily mean breaking the bank with outrageously priced hipster products hand-crafted in someone’s yurt. Since animal testing is actually illegal in the UK, many supermarkets’ own brands will be cruelty-free (hello Tesco) and there are some great low-cost cosmetics out there like Superdrug’s own range, BWC and Sainsbury’s Purify. Some personal favourites include Ecover, Lush, The Body Shop, Faith in Nature and Original Source.
April – Grow Your Own Veggies
Spring is the time to start planting, or so I’ve heard. Unfortunately, I’ve never had much luck with growing anything (indoors or outdoors) but I’m keen to make 2018 the year I successfully nurture something edible. A good friend of mine recently purchased an allotment and now has tomatoes and courgettes for all eternity. Other possible options include local farmer’s markets or organic alternatives.
May – Buy Fair-Trade (Food)
There are some foods, however, that we cannot grow in our backyard or indoor greenhouse. One thing that strikes me again and again in this ever-more-globalised world is that I (really) have no idea where my food comes from. Although I reluctantly have to put a proportionate amount of trust in my supermarkets, there are a few choices that I know will definitely benefit those who grow and pack the food I buy. After being introduced to STOP THE TRAFFIK many years ago, I’ve learnt a well-kept secret of the industry that the foods most susceptible to child slavery are chocolate, bananas, tea and coffee. If you only make one swap to Fairtrade this month, make it count. Sure it may cost a few pennies more, but it’s more than worth it when you know that your cupboard basics are not fuelling the international slave trade.
June – Buy Fair-Trade (Clothing)
I’m sure we are all well aware (or “blissfully ignorant”) that sweat shops and child labour are still very much present in today’s clothing industry. And thanks to the increasing demand for fast fashion and cheap clothes, this trend isn’t declining any time soon. Although there are many brands that are fair-trade and sweatshop free, my main advice is to start in charity shops for the wardrobe basics and put pressure on big brands to change their production practices. Ethical consumer provides an excellent visual guide to shopping.
July – Cut Out Non-Recyclable Plastic
We’re already half-way through the year and I feel we’ve made some big changes to our buying habits. It also makes us more mindful of our connection to those around us and how each small choice can have a global impact. This month is the most challenging habit yet: cutting out non-recyclable plastics. My husband and I took on this “fast” from single-use plastics for Lent and it was the longest 46 days of my entire life. I was prepared for having to cut out crisps and biscuits and ready meals etc. But I was not ready for the extra time spent checking all of the packets of spinach in four different supermarkets until I found one that was recyclable (after two weeks of searching!). And with all good intentions of making our own bread and pasta, it’s incredible to think how much of the grub, gadgets and gifts we buy is coated with metres upon metres of non-recyclable plastic – plastic that will stay on this planet for the rest of eternity (or add to global warming during incineration). After the initial trauma of not being able to pick up a quick coffee and sandwich on the go and having to plan and prepare every single meal in advance, we settled into a rhythm of buying all of our fruit and veg loose (much to the cashiers dismay), stocking up on frozen goods in cardboard packaging and going without cheese for a couple of weeks. My top tips would be:
-          Bio-degradable cling-film made from plants
-          Bamboo tooth-brushes (some are better than others!)
-          OraCare toothpaste (cruelty-free and in partnership with TerraCycle)
-          Join a local zero-waste Facebook group for daily tips and encouragement
August – Reduce Single-Use Recyclable Packaging
Now we’ve cut our waste right down and we’re recycling the majority of packaging and composting food-waste, it’s time to reduce the amount of single-use products we buy. Time to purchase that pretty Ecoffee Cup (and get discounts on hot drinks out!), make use of re-fill facilities and buy in bulk where possible.
My husband and I recently visited U-Weigh in Hythe, a beautiful and typically English town on the Kent coast. Here you can bring you own containers and fill them up with pasta, rice, lentils, sultanas, popping corn, nuts, seeds, flour… you name it, they’ve got it – loose and in bulk. The owner laughed when I asked how long they’d been there. “Thirty years!” he said, although back then the shop served a very different purpose: mainly offering basic everyday products locally and at a reasonable price. Now they have a new kind of clientele: the zero-waste generation. Shops like this, as well as Ethos in Maidstone that offer refills of washing and cleaning liquids are the start (or rather the return) of a waste-not-want-not attitude to consumerism. And it’s up to us to support the movement.
September – Cut out Palm Oil
I wasn’t really aware that non-sustainable palm oil was still creeping into a large number of food products and cosmetics sold in the UK. A French friend of mine mentioned to me recently that she hasn’t eaten Nutella for years as her stand against palm oil – a French person abstaining from Nutella?! She must have good reason. It struck me that I always looked for the words in bold on packaging, checked for the little vegan symbol and then headed straight to the recycling possibilities; I completely glossed over this little ingredient. Nevertheless, after a quick bit of research I discovered that the palm oil industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses. Huge areas of rainforest are cleared to make way for palm oil production, land which could then remain infertile for years. There are, however many happy alternatives such as rapeseed oil and sustainable palm oil – just check for the RSPO label. After another round of packaging checking and research, I began to famliarise myself with products to avoid and the alternatives. Spoiler alert – you’re probably going to have to get a new favourite biscuit!
October – Speak up and get writing
By now I’m feeling a lot more aware about the ingredients of the products that I buy and the food that I eat. However, I can’t avoid the occasional snack on the go or an emergency purchase when we run out of toilet roll. It helps to remember that some changes are outside of my control. For bigger changes such as urging cafes to stop offering plastic straws and cutlery, asking councils to provide better recycling facilities or encouraging snack companies to re-think their packaging, we’re going to have to get writing, tweeting and petitioning. This year I’ve got a new found respect for Twitter and the ability to hold corporations to account publically and force them to respond regarding the ethos of their products, the recyclability of the packaging and the traceability of the ingredients. I’m sure my local MP is fed up of the emails I send but until we have Tetrapack recycling facilities in this borough I will not stop! This month I’m encouraging you to contact your MP or local council, sign a petition for an issue close to your heart and write to your favourite snack company and push for change.
November – Switch to Ecotricity
A nice easy one for the end of the year as we head back into the cold season. Switch to Ecotricity. The only UK supplier of 100% green electricity from renewable energy sources and 100% frack-free green gas. Although their customer service leaves a lot to be desired, the switch was quick and easy and they even gave us a free £25 Luch voucher – what’s not to love?
December – Start Volunteering
Finally, we’ve reached December. Christmas is coming, we’re feeling great about our life choices and the new habits we’ve incorporated into our lives. Now it’s time to give something back. Use those spare hours on a weekday evening to help at a local homeless shelter. Research active charities in your local area. Find something you’re passionate about and invest time and money into something worthwhile that gets you out of that work, gym, sleep repeat cycle. Helping others has been proven to fight depression, improve confidence and self-esteem and build community. Doing good does you good.
Let’s support each other on our calendar years of life-changing habits. Comment, share and encourage.
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Overview of what this blog is all about
I’d first like to acknowledge that the meaning of ‘ethical’- or what may be deemed ‘moral’- may differ from person to person. The following are merely choices I have made and goals that I have set for myself that reflect what I believe to be ethical. I now avoid stores/brands that use the fast-fashion system; that exploit their workers; that are unconcerned with the social and environment effects of their process. Stores like Mango, H&M, Zara: the clothing may be cheaper, but somebody elsewhere is paying the price. I shop at stores that are transparent (share information about their process) and that provide their workers with a safe environment to work in. I admire stores that care more about human beings than profit. Stores such as Everlane, Reformation, Zady, Ayton Gasson, and Luva Huva. I also shop at vintage and secondhand stores: I live close to Toronto’s Kensington market which I frequent for vintage goods. Etsy is also a wonderful source. To me, shopping ethically also means taking caring of the clothing you own, shopping less, and appreciating what you have. It’s not just about where you shop, it’s about your attitude towards consumerism in general: It’s about questioning the system and questioning what you purchase as well as educating yourself. Ethical shopping rejects the West’s disposable and materialistic culture and values simplicity, minimalism, and elements of life beyond the material.
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years
Will the iPhone X be a hit beyond Apple diehards?: 3 questions answered
The iPhone X's big new features come with a high price tag. AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez
Editor’s note: As consumers eager to get their hands on Apple’s 10th anniversary phone line up online to be among the first to buy one, a few questions remain. Known as the iPhone X, the device starts at about US$1,000 and only gets more expensive from there. Some have warned that the high price tag will limit demand. Is that true? John Jordan, an expert in supply chain management and information systems, believes answering that and other lingering questions requires a closer look at information economics, supply chain theory and encryption.
Apple stores have become like meccas of consumerism and among most valuable retail spaces in the world. AP Photo/Richard Vogel
Will people pay that much for a smartphone?
There are two things to keep in mind here.
First, Apple understands the luxury goods business as well as any fashion company (the Apple stores outperform Tiffany in sales per square foot, a standard measure of retail business) and sells intangibles – like that feeling of superiority some Apple owners seem to have – as well as anyone.
But the iPhone is also priced like an information good. To illustrate, imagine opening weekend for the upcoming “Star Wars” film in December. Many people will be happy to shell out $20 to see it at the theater even though they could pay substantially less if they wait a few months. Time quite literally becomes money.
Apple is betting consumers will pay up to have it now. As with every previous iPhone, buyers who defer gratification will pay lower prices.
Second, as for the tangibles – the phone’s actual physical characteristics like Face ID and an edge-to-edge display – the X is an extraordinarily capable device. In particular, the application of artificial intelligence to the cameras means that the X’s image quality (via sophisticated exposure control) is actually higher than most standalone cameras.
And this AI is being run on a very fast, sophisticated custom processor that is unique to Apple and outperforms its laptop computers. The processor also opens new horizons for app developers, and their innovations on the platform will bear serious watching. The neural networks built into the processor are designed to mimic some aspects of our mammalian brains. And the image quality comes from an OLED screen – which, along with the iPhone 8, is a first on a phone – that is costing Apple an estimated two to three times what it spent on the iPhone 7 Plus display.
In other words, the retail price is actually helping pay for a lot of identifiable benefits in addition to the brand’s familiar intangibles like design and the device’s feel in your hand.
Foxconn employees assemble phones in Shenzhen, China. AP Photo/Kin Cheung
Will Apple’s supply chain be able to keep up?
By all external measures, the X looks to be a design landmark because of its display, the powerful processor and the unique camera setup, and I believe will definitely be in high demand. But that performance and innovation comes with new levels of complexity, which often causes lapses in the supply chain that slow down delivery.
So far, several typical supply chain issues appear to be under control: The A11 Bionic chip is Apple-designed and manufactured by Taiwan Semiconductor, a longtime Apple partner, familiar with Apple’s high standards and massive demand. The processor also runs the iPhone 8, which spreads development costs over more products.
In addition, final assembly of the X is done in China by Foxconn, another familiar player that has invested heavily in both capacity and capability to meet Apple’s raising of the bar for performance.
Still, an issue that could cause trouble is the operating system. While technically not a supply chain issue, it’s critical to ship phones as complex as the X with stable software from the outset. Problems that crop up could turn into delays or loud customer dissatisfaction.
The other supply chain issue to watch concerns the OLED screen, which is single-sourced from Samsung, at once a major Apple supplier and obvious market rival. Sole-sourcing is always a risk, and in this case, Samsung sells several competing smartphones. While it is reported that Apple is looking for a secondary vendor, Samsung has invested in additional OLED capacity.
Even with this investment, relying on a competitor for a key component of a breakthrough product introduces business risk most managers would rather avoid. The display business unit that supplies Apple has different objectives than Samsung’s smartphone team, which stands to win business if its rival falters.
It’s still unclear whether iPhone X’s use of facial recognition software to unlock the phone will be embraced by consumers. AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez
Will the general public embrace facial recognition?
One of the key new features of the iPhone X is its use of facial recognition software to unlock the phone, known as Face ID.
Senator Al Franken has already sent Apple a letter raising several privacy concerns about this security feature – some of which had already been addressed by Apple. When the new unlocking technology was unveiled in September, numerous social media posts wondered if muggers, jealous partners or police officers could force the phone to unlock on an unwilling, sleeping or reproduced face.
While facial recognition on the X appears to be well tested, Apple has issued a security brief saying it does not guarantee the unlocking technology for kids under 13 or for identical twins. Apparently it’s hard to tell preteens apart by measuring faces that are not fully mature. And during the September presentation, an executive suggested an “evil twin” could unlock your device even though the phone checks 30,000 data points.
In the past, more primitive facial recognition has been cracked with photos or videos of people and later 3-D-printed heads, but Apple insists the X is far more sophisticated, requiring a live, 3-D face to blink for unlocking to occur. The fact that the sensors operate on an infrared spectrum means the unlocking can occur in the dark.
Further, it does not seem to be widely recognized that the facial biometric data is held in a secure element on the phone (not in a cloud) that is unreachable, in theory, by anyone except the user. Apple has no central database of people’s facial pictures or data points, and cannot retrieve such data.
Users can also opt out and simply type a passcode, although the Touch ID option from more recent iPhones is gone.
In sum, early reports show very heavy demand for an admittedly expensive device, demand Apple will ultimately meet but not, as some have reported, until well into 2018. Only minutes after the wee-hours opening of pre-orders on Oct. 27, customers were getting messages telling them their expected delivery was a month beyond the predicted date of Nov. 3 for the first batch of iPhones.
In the longer term, its combination of new cameras, graphics and artificial intelligence technologies devoted to image processing will open a broad range of new possibilities for third-party app developers, as long as they agree to be constrained by Apple’s privacy policies. A year from now, I believe we will see the world differently in the aftermath of this device.
John Jordan does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
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vivianag7-blog · 7 years
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While I was doing my research, seeking for a brand , I saw so many businesses that did not have my attention as they all seemed to follow the same pattern, (overpriced products that have slightly different shape and prints). I felt disappointed by the other niche brands as all they were striving for was to sell a product by forgetting the relevance of the values that a product needs. I was looking for a brand that had something in common with me, that made something that I could find inspirational. That is the reason why I chose SUNAD. What first make me feel interested on the brand , was the roots of the founders. They were born in the same city I was raised, Madrid. Madrid is the third biggest capital city in Europe, after London and Paris, growing up in Madrid gave me the chance to witness the strong disagreement that there is in between the new generations ( which cannot find new ways to innovate as they are limited by the lack of an open minded opinion ) and the old generations (extremely nationalist, closed minded, traditional and religious). Only the privileged can study abroad and experience the new opinions and the advanced ways that other countries can provide. I was surprised to see that this designers went to Parsons Paris and New York and studied completely different careers (graphics and interiors design). I admire the fact that they changed their disciplines and started a brand in the Fashion industry because they wanted to make a better market in which their products strive values but not money. I was not giving enough credit because I am aware of how nationalist people can be in Spain and how focused they can be in the Spanish Market instead of aiming a more productive international Market. The national market can be simple, basic and its only goal is selling enough products to fund the costs and expenses of a brand, reason why I am not agree with the Spanish Fashion market, as I strongly believe that the main aim also is innovate and do something that stands out from the other markets. SUNAD was created as a label in 2015 with the only aim of combining the shared passion of the founders for nature and shirting. The founders Paloma Canut and Ana Marroquin knew how to step forward and take the Spanish tradition and history in textiles. Their ethics defend slow fashion products , Canut and Marroquin believe that the long tradition and history of Spanish fashion has been lost due fast fashion. SUNAD is a shirt-only brand, which does not produce the same range of product but a wide range of product: crinkled cotton button-downs, mustard silk floral blouses, safari-style shirts, boxy eyelet tops, made from all-natural textiles, all of them produced locally. But those luxurious fabrics that they use for their products are not easy to find, they do it themselves. The shirts are made with different silks and cottons that come from a 100 percent natural fibres. Canut and Marroquin are against synthetic fabrics, as they are cheaper and faster to produce, what means a important lost of the quality of the product. I believe that the use of natural fabrics should be more promoted by other brands as the environmental problems are getting worst day by day. I am aware that some of the retailers in the country promote some natural made products (which are not fully natural) and are made in factories in which the workers are not paid an decent wage. Synthetic fabrics creation process is extremely contaminating as the fabrics are polluting the air as well as contaminating the rivers water with toxic dyes that later on are consumed by the nearest population. SUNAD does not use toxic dyes, they use natural dyes that do not contaminate the water, and by using natural fibres made by hand they avoid the air pollution as their fibres are made by using old mills and tools that are part of the Spanish tradition. SUNAD is inspired by the style presented in the film Out of Africa, “the YSL woman of the 70’s with a contemporary twist” –( SUNAD, Vogue, no date) but above all by the wind in the desert and its textures (SUNAD is the anagram of the Spanish word for dunes, “dunas”. Their next collection is going to be inspired by the old film played by Grace Kelly and Ava Gardner “Mogambo”(see fig. 1), Canut and Marroquin want to combine it with the colours of the South of Spain, where the landscapes looks similar to the dessert . SUNAD shirts try to play with the masculine and femininity through form and colour, even the are creating androgynous designs they use for their catalogues only female models. Marroquin and Canut are not agree with the trends followers and they decided to focus on classic designs that are produced in the best quality possible. However they respond to key runway trends by picking up on a colour wave that suits the SUNAD style . Nowadays the trend followers are mainly satisfied by retailers that use synthetic fabrics, and low quality products. The shirts are highly priced—from 120 pounds to 150 pounds, the shirts have this cost because they pay ethical salaries to their manufacturers and they source the best quality of fabrics, they try to keep the price low but they cannot put it as low as the fast fashion market does. The shirts are all handmade in Spain, including our buttons that are made in a small factory in Palma de Mallorca. They have thought about every single detail that is part of their shirt as they want to contribute to the national economy by making their business international. Their website is the only place where their products can be bought (www.sunad.es). It is presented on a clean style. As they have recently started as a brand they have their own editorial available in their own website(see fig. 2). I think this a good idea to promote their products and show their style to the costumer. In some of the images it is easy to see the old films inspiration that their shirts have (see fig. 3) “We design for the stylish, adventurous and powerful. woman. Someone who is curious about the world, its cultures and colours. A well-travelled curator, who is ambitious and values quality over quantity. There is no age limit to our designs.”-Paloma Canut and Ana Marroquin, 2016, interview for WGSN. I strongly believe that Fashion must promote values, because the market must change for everyone, even their products are reasonably priced they are still not affordable for a main part of the public that mainly cares about the practicability of the product. Fast fashion promotes a continuous waste of products, due to a lack of life and a change with products that are cheaper and cheaper each time. The consumerism promotes a product that is not required but is visually attractive, and will have a poor quality, while the slow fashion promotes a product that may be needed and will last more than the one that is made to satisfy the demand. I agree with the ethics that SUNAD promotes, because they are making a change not only in the a fashion industry but in a country. Currently Spain is going through an economic crisis that benefits more the Business and owners than the workers. The Fact that SUNAD founders give a ethical wage to the workers is making the difference, because in Spain they don’t have minimum wage at the moment. Also by bringing the tradition back they are saving the legacy that could be lost due to fast Fashion. SUNAD is promoting an ethic against the consumerism, SUNAD is not selling a product but values and a chance to make better for those women that are aware of the impact that buying this products can have. "Madrid is an old and classic city. I wouldn’t say people here are (in general) super trend-focused but instead strive to dress more classic and elegant” –( SUNAD,GRAZIA UK, no date) .The fact that they started this business in Spain is risky itself, the probabilities for the brand to be successful were less there than in other cities because the Fashion interests for the consumers are too basic there. Fashion is not fashionable it must be practical. Fashion is only for the ones that want to make and statement and want to show up that they have an economic access that the rest of the population does not have. Fashion is not considered design. I think that they had a hard starting point with as they aim that they were striving for was not only a value, but necessary . I strongly believe that SUNAD made such a progress as a brand because of the international recognition it has, not because it started as a way to contribute the national market. Their national Spanish Market consumers consider unnecessary to pay 120 for a shirt that is making such a change in their own city. The progress they have made as a brand has helped to hire more people locally, not only for the craftmanshift and manufacture but the expansion of her studio. I strongly believe that they a excellent marketing strategy as they are not only to sell one shirt, they are aiming a tradition, better salaries for the workers and a environmental awareness products that are fully natural, which is exemplar in countries that are going through an economic crisis and need business that promote a better life quality for the population. The brand has been on the market for two years now and it already has dressed models for magazines as Harpers Bazaar, Hello and Glamour Spain, but also has received its reputation from articles written by The new York Times, Vogue, GRAZIA UK, The Telegraph Fashion. “Collaborations are and will be key in the future for SUNAD” said the founders of the brand. I tried to contact the brand founders by using the emails provided in their website without receiving an answers, however I would have love to suggest them the chance of collaborating with a former Fashion designer . I think their shirts would receive more recognition if they had a more interesting shape, by using the natural fabrics their work it’s remarkable but I think it could be improved it they made more fashionable. Also a good point for SUNAD, would be the use of media as an advertising tool, they currently only have a Facebook page which does not have any advertised product, they need to start using another social media like Instagram and Twitter, I consider this a strategy to save money and increase the sells. A thoughtful design process could help them to expand their business easily and hence to share their values with the others. Bibliography -“Editorial.” S U N A D, www.sunad.es/editorial/. -Fowler, Danielle. “This Is The Spanish Fashion Brand You Need To Know About.” Grazia, Bauer Media Group., 5 June 2017, lifestyle.one/grazia/fashion/news/spanish-fashion-brand-sunad/. -NA, NA NA. “Facebook.” SUNAD, SUNAD, May 2015, m.facebook.com/sunadshirts/?locale2=en_GB. -Radin, Sara . “SUNAD: The Spanish Womenswear Label You Need to Know About.” WGSN Insider, WGSN, 4 May 2016, www.wgsn.com/blogs/sunad-spanish-fashion-label/#bulletin.
0 notes
rcultado · 7 years
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“If my life circumstances had landed me in a sweatshop, I’d want someone to be standing up for me and to refuse to be a part of my exploitation”
A long-haul move to Manila turned ethical fashion advocate Hannah Theisen from a sunshiny social activist to an impassioned warrior. Renee Christopher Ultado keeps up with her journey
A Japanese man occupies a box of a room with white walls, wooden floors, and a simple wooden table and two chairs.
“This is how people usually imagine minimalist living,” says Hannah Theisen. Clad in a black crop top, black culottes, and a wispy gold necklace tucked under her shirt, Theisen looks like she herself would be just at home in the same Spartan conditions. “But minimalism is really about only keeping the things that you absolutely love. You can lead this kind of lifestyle and still love embellished clothing, bright colors, and little trinkets as long as you value and wear each one of them,” she continues.
Part of the growing community of Fashion Revolution, a worldwide organization advocating sustainable fashion, humane working conditions, and fare wages for garment workers, Theisen sheds light on the ramifications of the rapid fashion cycle via her blog, www.lifestylejustice.com. More than focusing on the negative and preaching from a high horse, her website is an avenue for championing ethical brands and serves as a guide and open call to responsible consumerism. Along with this project, she runs a full-time US-based consulting firm she manages from Manila, and spearheads A Beautiful Refuge, a social enterprise and ethical lifestyle brand based in Tagaytay.
In her move to the Philippines, her journey takes a more personal turn. More than statistics or cautionary tales featured in documentaries, clothing factory workers laboring under deplorable conditions for little compensation are her friends. “I have always cared about the people behind my clothes ever since I started this journey, but it's different now, it's more intense. Now they are people I've sung karaoke with, joked with, and shared meals with,” says Theisen. Like the statement on one of her T-shirts, [ethical fashion] is not the new black. It's actually Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
What started this journey for you? Have you always been an advocate of social justice and sustainable living, or was it a big lifestyle change?
Even as a child, I was always quite conscientious, and I’ve been an activist with interests in various social justice issues since I was a young teenager. However, it wasn’t until about 2011, after I graduated from college, that I became more deeply aware of the potential negative effect of my shopping and lifestyle habits. I felt conflicted speaking out against injustices like forced labor and inhumane treatment and still indirectly “fund” it by buying cheap clothes and other goods. I realized that I didn’t know where the products I was purchasing came from or how they were made, and I wanted that to change. It was a lifestyle shift, for sure, because prior to becoming a “conscious consumer,” I was a bit of a bargain hunter, always out looking for the cheapest deals. However, it didn’t feel too overwhelming because I grew up without access to a ton of money so I was used to shopping secondhand, growing and preserving my own food.
 How is it going so far?
My exploration into ethical living has been a continuous journey, because there’s always an aspect of my lifestyle and purchasing habits that I can work on, there's always something I can improve. At first, I was just avoiding purchasing items that I knew were likely to be made in poor labor conditions, like cheap clothing and chocolate and coffee. When I found that quite simple to do, I moved on toward only purchasing items that I needed and wanted that I could prove were made ethically—be it clothes, shoes, home goods, or beauty products. After that became second nature to me, I started working on reducing the single-use plastic waste in my life and trying to become completely zero waste. Easier said than done, though, living in Metro Manila!
What brought you to Manila and what keeps you busy here?
I’ve loved the Philippines every since I first visited as a teenager. I lived here in 2009 while working with an NGO and always knew that I wanted to come back someday. When a friend who runs a non-profit in Tagaytay asked me to help set up a social enterprise to employ women who had come through her program and were in need of employment, I said yes, thinking I’d spend a few months in the Philippines getting things set up with the bonus of hanging around my favorite islands during downtime.
Fast forward to today: I’m living in Makati and running my US-based consulting business remotely while still volunteering to help the social enterprise get through its first year smoothly and profitably. I really love what I’m doing because it blends my interests in ethically produced fashion, small business development, and social justice together perfectly.
Can you talk about the social enterprise in Tagaytay?
A Beautiful Refuge is an eco-friendly (and aspiring zero waste) screen printing and sewing workshop offering sustainable employment to women who need it. We’re less than a year old, and only have six employees, but we’re steadily growing and really excited about the future. We make T-shirts, totes, various home items in our workshop. The products are for sale in the Philippines and in the US. We’re really into transparency, paying fair wages (workers start at double the standard rate for seamstresses), and being environmentally friendly. 
What about Fashion Revolution? How does the Philippine organization contribute to the global movement?
With participating chapters in 92 countries worldwide, Fashion Revolution seeks to raise awareness of unfair labor conditions in the garment and textile manufacturing industries, and to spark change though widespread social activism. Much of this activism is focused around Fashion Revolution Week, which takes place around April 24th each year. This date is significant because it is the anniversary of the fatal collapse of Rana Plaza factory Dhaka, Bangladesh, which claimed the lives of at least 1,134 and injured 2,500 more.
Here in the Philippines, Fashion Revolution’s Philippines country team works with local organizations, Filipino fashion brands, colleges, and the general public to raise awareness and educate on the issues within the fast fashion industry. The Philippines is one of the newest countries to officially join Fashion Revolution, but has already had a huge impact. In fact, there were several hundred attendees for April’s Fashion Revolution events in Manila—which included a workshop for up-and-coming ethical brands, a film screening and panel discussion, and a talk on minimalism that I was lucky enough to lead alongside Jella Jornales, my best friend and one of the few Filipina fashion influencers who promotes only ethical brands. After the positive response that the Fashion Revolution team saw following our events, it’s my hope that the Philippines can play a bigger role as an agent of change in the global fashion industry.
What’s the hardest part about leading this kind of lifestyle?
I haven’t ever really felt that it’s too challenging to live this way. Probably the biggest challenge that I face in promoting ethical and minimalist living is convincing people that my lifestyle isn’t too difficult or expensive to achieve. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. I buy mostly used clothing, buy my food (mostly vegetables and fruits!) from an open market that doesn’t package stuff in plastic and that’s cheaper than the grocery store, make my own beauty products, and don’t really buy much beyond the necessities. I usually save money, experience less stress, and have greater contentment by living as a minimalist and conscious consumer! 
The second biggest challenge, and one that I’m currently working on, is cutting out ALL single- use plastic from my life. It's all about willpower. It’s really easy to grab a plastic-packaged ice cream bar when I’m stressed or a package of chips when I’m starving and rushed in between meetings.
As someone who also tries to live as sustainably and as ethically as possible, I sometimes feel frustrated, like the little things I do are futile. Do you ever feel like that?
Though most days I really, really love my lifestyle, there are days where I’m tempted to break the rules that I’ve imposed on myself. Honestly, what keep me going are my faith and just a deep connection that I feel with the people who make my clothes and the other goods that I buy. For me, living ethically is how I interpret the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If my life circumstances had landed me in a sweatshop, I’d want someone to be standing up for me and to refuse to be a part of my exploitation. It just makes sense to me to use the privilege I have to do as much good as possible with my everyday actions and decisions. Even if I can’t personally end unfair labor conditions in the garment industry by the relatively small amount of ethical purchases that I make, I am taking a stand against injustice, standing in solidarity with my people around the world.
You have made meaningful encounters here in the Philippines. Would you mind sharing some stories?
Last year when I launched A Beautiful Refuge, I sat with my new friend M over steaming bowls of tinola and learned about how she was just a teenager when she started working in clothing manufacturing for brands like The Disney Company and Victoria's Secret. She made very little, and by the time she'd paid for her transportation fare to and from the factory and for food, there wasn't much left.
A few weeks ago I talked with K, another friend who worked in the garment industry before she was sucked into a life of commercial sexual exploitation through promise of more income and an easier method of survival. I felt a wave of hot anger pass through me as I thought of the wealthy high-level employees of the same multi-billion-dollar companies that "couldn't afford" to pay my friend and countless workers like her a few more dollars a month. How can they live with themselves when their success comes at the expense of the broken lives of others? 
Yet you seem to approach such a grave subject with light and positivity. What keeps you motivated?
I learned early on that the best way to encourage others to try making more ethical lifestyle choices wasn’t by using guilt or shame. Asking someone how many slaves were involved in building their closet is more likely to make a person defensive and offended than to make them receptive to learning how they can promote kindness and justice through their wardrobe choices. Instead, I try to get people around me excited about ethical and minimal living and promote the positive and freeing impact it can have on their lives. You can’t go around pointing fingers at people and expect them to change. I think that joy and compassion are much more powerful motivators than guilt and shame, anyway. I love hearing from readers of my blog who have switched to more sustainable habits. My family has also been really affected by the way I live, which is really cool. One of my four brothers, in particular, is even more hardcore than I am with his minimalist lifestyle now—a classic case of the student surpassing the teacher.
Ethical fashion is usually perceived as elitist, reserved for those who have an elevated spending capability. For people living within a budget, fast fashion stores offer an affordable way to shop and have a style. What do you think of this?
It’s true that ethical fashion can seem unattainable for fashion enthusiasts on a budget. Clothing that is made responsibly, of course, has a higher price tag to ensure that there’s enough of a profit to pay the workers who made those garments fairly. However, there are lots of ways to watch your spending, prioritize ethical goods, and still have great style like using what you already have. There is no shame in repeating an outfit. Re-make and re-style the pieces you already own. Most of us have items in our closets that we’ve never worn, or that we’ve worn only a few times, so how can we creatively re-think the way we use those items so that they’ll have a regular rotation in our wardrobes? There's also buying secondhand. Ukay-ukay shopping may not be glamorous, but it’s an affordable way to add unique items to your wardrobe and keep textiles out of the landfill at the same time.
You also mentioned buying less and buying better.
Yes! Instead of spending P500 a month on cheap T-shirts and tank tops that you’ll need to replace in a few months when they fade and rip, save up for three months and spend P1,500 on a beautiful blouse or pair of recycled shoes made locally. Ethical fashion isn’t that far off from the prices you’re used to paying for name brands. Here in the Philippines, you can often purchase beautiful, ethically and locally made goods for the same price as buying something from a popular British or American brand. If you’ve ever bought an over-priced, brand-name item, you can afford an ethical fashion purchase. It's really about choosing and making an effort to find out what's out there, which companies are manufacturing with as little social and environmental havoc as possible.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/dit-model-krijgt-2-000-euro-elke-keer-ze-iets-op-instagram-post/
Dit model krijgt 2.000 euro elke keer ze iets op Instagram post.
Meer dan drie miljoen volgers heeft ze op Instagram en dat legt Rosanna Arkle (28) geen windeieren. Het model uit Nieuw-Zeeland incasseert ruim 2.000 euro elke keer ze iets put up en daar heeft ze onder meer al een prachtige villa van gekocht. Geïntrigeerd? Dan heeft ze enkele pointers voor jou. Eerlijk gezegd: Arkle had wel al enige bekendheid toen ze haar entree maakte op sociale media. Zo stond ze onder meer al in Playboy en Sports activities Illustrated en nam ze deel aan een realityprogramma over inwoners van Nieuw-Zeeland die hun geluk beproeven in Australië.
Maar het turned into een eenvoudige foto van het model in een grijze onesie die haar in amper 24 uur van six hundred.000 naar meer dan een miljoen volgers bracht en daarna ging het pijlsnel.
En met de Folgers women de aanbiedingen van advert orders. Intussen is ze regulating tie in op foto’s Terrill ze proteïneshakes of Fiji water drink, of hair tended Bleeker. “Het hat er echt van of shoe heel Folgers be heated om te beat hoe veil he ran dragon door Een foto op Instagram. Standaard is 0,7 euro in keeping with 1.000 Folgers op elke sponsored post”, vert et ze. (fees hereunder order
Quick Tips to Build Your Brand Using Instagram
Social media is the new medium for emblem constructing. Businesses which can be the use of this as a platform for their logo’s voice are gaining extra visibility and quickly. This is why social networks must be one of the core tools being used on your online recognition control. Nearby Seo Organizations are already the usage of it as part of their offerings for branding businesses. If you do not know where to begin, take into account consulting with one.
Why Use Instagram?
There are various social media networks available that you can use as a platform to your business enterprise. Why select one over another? The first step is to decide whether it’s in which your audience hangs out lots. Next, you have to pick out whether or not or now not you’re capable of creating applicable content for that unique web page. This is in which a few agencies fall off, due to the fact they lack creativity.
Instagram is a visual platform, so it requires content in the form of video and pics. There are clever approaches you may make this form of content material match your business and target audience. This is additionally in which hiring one of the fine Neighborhood Search engine optimization Businesses can are available accessible. Their experts can conjure up ways to create content so that it will draw to your specific audience.
Now, what is the purpose for the use of Instagram?
For one, it has over 600 million customers around the sector. Sincerely, you’ve got a small percent of this pie it truly is made of your goal customer. In step with different stats, over three hundred million human beings are using the platform on an everyday basis.
The brands which have already begun using this platform are witnessing high quantities of person engagement. Numbers from Forrester Research display a 2.3 percentage in line with-follower engagement charge. That is plenty better than Fb’s zero.2 percentage Twitter’s zero.02 percentage rates.
Steps to Branding Yourself On Instagram
Optimistically, this helped capture your interest and preference to provide Instagram a try. What have you got to lose besides? you can rent a Search engine optimization organization to design an approach to make sure your launch in this network is surprising.
Right here’s what you need to do to get your enterprise noticed on Instagram:
Create your posts using your computing device. Why? Because it’s faster and simpler. Plus, That is in which all of your scheduling gear will be, which makes it easier to put in force.
Report content material posted through others. One has a look at accomplished by way of Crowdtap suggests that people trust consumer-generated content material extra. also, person-generated posts are 50 percentage extra sincere and 35 percent greater memorable. You should upload your own caption, so your essence is implemented into the publishing. don’t forget your gallery’s topic. This could rely on the kind of industry you’re in and the point of interest of your social media method. It is able to be a combination of enterprise images, topic-related pictures, person-generated images and so forth.
Set aside time to do every task to prevent multi-tasking. Research carried out with the aid of a professor from NYU shows that multi-tasking reduces your recognition and productivity. That is due to the fact your mind has to always switch backward and forward from one project to the opposite. Schedule time for posting and scheduling and yet again for engaging and commenting on posts.
Increase content material earlier. This can assist unfastened up a while to recognition on enticing with content and customers. you could also rent a Nearby Seo organization that may do all of the introduction and publishing for you.
Use the equal filters and edits for most or all of your posts to offer consistency.
Why Self-Esteem Is Important for a Model
We talk approximately how modeling can assist to boost one’s  and on the equal time what you may do to come out of the shell of insecurity and worry.
Whilst you Begin Getting Jobs
The whole thing seems like a scam and an evil plot against you until your modeling employer helps you to Begin acquiring jobs. Your self-belief skyrockets when the roles are obtained with credible clients or even greater so whilst they may be jobs that match your interests and likes. Modeling is a really effective shape of labor that could create confidence for your appearance and skin that few other jobs or careers can.
Beyond getting paid on your paintings, you also get your work published and marketed through courses, and mass media channels consisting of Tv on Print advertisements. This means you accumulate acknowledgments and also you as a consequence feeling desirable in your skin as nicely.
Modeling Can Play Tricks along with your Mind
While you see other fashions around you, you could begin to surprise, am I supposed to be that skinny? Have to I have actually 0 body fats so that it will be considered a model? properly if you have been imagined to be as skinny as a stick your modeling organization would not have well-known you for his or her work in the first place. If they do want you to alternate your weight in a drastic manner all you need to do is surely say no and discover every other modeling organization. Do no longer take recommendation out of your imagination, or from extreme humans. Be in a lean and fit frame and handiest work in jobs that healthy your herbal size and body. As a way to come up with the maximum career and intellectual pleasure you need.
Workout Right, Sleep Right, Eat Proper and Stay Proper
Drop the capsules and pills. What you want are herbal and natural methods to maintain your beauty and fitness in a test. Do not fall prey to consumerism schemes and truly by no means into excessive measures which include starving yourself. thin does not same stunning. You ought to be in your herbal frame size that suits you and your appearance, and most of the times that is obtained truly with the aid of normal Exercise and ingesting proper meals and avoiding speedy and fried food.
Modeling businesses in recent times are interested in a colorful character and a wholesome appearance this is marketable, not a pale looking stick determine. Remove misconceptions and prioritize your fitness above whatever else!
Rules of Netiquette – Tips for Communicating on the Internet
Netiquette is the fast shape of write built-ring network etiquette or integrated etiquette. Netiquette can built-in be built-indef built integrated because the practice of precise conduct or the acceptable manner of built-integrated at the built-internet integrates. It’s far a fixed of social conventions that facilitate interplay at the built-in. This type of etiquette covers no longer handiest ways to built-intabuiltintegrated civility built-in on line discussions, but additionally built-intips specific to the use of social media and emails. In a nutshell, netiquette is etiquette for the built-in. Netiquette is the practice of excellent behaviors – beintegratedg respectful and helpful, bebuilt-ing disciplintegrateded and not competitive, and be built-in mindful of the truth that different built-internet integrated customers may not have the same view with you on a few problems. This online code of conduct could be very vital due to the fact there’s no body language or facial features to help us understand some other person, as there’s integrated face to face built-in.
Disciplintegrateded and not competitive, and be built-in mindful of the truth that different built-internet integrated customers may not have the same view with you on a few problems. This online code of conduct could be very vital due to the fact there’s no body language or facial features to help us understand some other person, as there’s integrated face to face built-in.
The records of netiquette dates returned to the early
Days of the built-in net. A man got here up with the idea of built-ing to be satisfactory integrate to humans over the integrated due to the fact they couldn’t see his facial expressions. built-integrated netiquette is built-in etiquette, built-internet integrated customers ought to adhere to the built-in or policies integrated built-in an effort to assist them to attach and communicate better with others. The excellent manner to excel integrated any location is to recognize the built-in govern integrate dig such a place. To be a respectful person who respects others at the built-internet integrates, I want to share with you a few recommendations that will help you to speak properly on the built-internet integrates and no longer be one who breaks the rules.
Be Jones integrated
Impersonation or integrated cheat built-ingsintegrated on-line will no longer handiest integrated your popularity, however, can land you integrated huge problem. Honesty is a way of existence and have to now not be ignored when you are the usage ofintegrated the built-internetintegrated. Desist from scams built-in and spam built-in people!
0 notes
webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/dit-model-krijgt-2-000-euro-elke-keer-ze-iets-op-instagram-post/
Dit model krijgt 2.000 euro elke keer ze iets op Instagram post.
Meer dan drie miljoen volgers heeft ze op Instagram en dat legt Rosanna Arkle (28) geen windeieren. Het model uit Nieuw-Zeeland incasseert ruim 2.000 euro elke keer ze iets put up en daar heeft ze onder meer al een prachtige villa van gekocht. Geïntrigeerd? Dan heeft ze enkele pointers voor jou. Eerlijk gezegd: Arkle had wel al enige bekendheid toen ze haar entree maakte op sociale media. Zo stond ze onder meer al in Playboy en Sports activities Illustrated en nam ze deel aan een realityprogramma over inwoners van Nieuw-Zeeland die hun geluk beproeven in Australië.
Maar het turned into een eenvoudige foto van het model in een grijze onesie die haar in amper 24 uur van six hundred.000 naar meer dan een miljoen volgers bracht en daarna ging het pijlsnel.
En met de Folgers women de aanbiedingen van advert orders. Intussen is ze regulating tie in op foto’s Terrill ze proteïneshakes of Fiji water drink, of hair tended Bleeker. “Het hat er echt van of shoe heel Folgers be heated om te beat hoe veil he ran dragon door Een foto op Instagram. Standaard is 0,7 euro in keeping with 1.000 Folgers op elke sponsored post”, vert et ze. (fees hereunder order
Quick Tips to Build Your Brand Using Instagram
Social media is the new medium for emblem constructing. Businesses which can be the use of this as a platform for their logo’s voice are gaining extra visibility and quickly. This is why social networks must be one of the core tools being used on your online recognition control. Nearby Seo Organizations are already the usage of it as part of their offerings for branding businesses. If you do not know where to begin, take into account consulting with one.
Why Use Instagram?
There are various social media networks available that you can use as a platform to your business enterprise. Why select one over another? The first step is to decide whether it’s in which your audience hangs out lots. Next, you have to pick out whether or not or now not you’re capable of creating applicable content for that unique web page. This is in which a few agencies fall off, due to the fact they lack creativity.
Instagram is a visual platform, so it requires content in the form of video and pics. There are clever approaches you may make this form of content material match your business and target audience. This is additionally in which hiring one of the fine Neighborhood Search engine optimization Businesses can are available accessible. Their experts can conjure up ways to create content so that it will draw to your specific audience.
Now, what is the purpose for the use of Instagram?
For one, it has over 600 million customers around the sector. Sincerely, you’ve got a small percent of this pie it truly is made of your goal customer. In step with different stats, over three hundred million human beings are using the platform on an everyday basis.
The brands which have already begun using this platform are witnessing high quantities of person engagement. Numbers from Forrester Research display a 2.3 percentage in line with-follower engagement charge. That is plenty better than Fb’s zero.2 percentage Twitter’s zero.02 percentage rates.
Steps to Branding Yourself On Instagram
Optimistically, this helped capture your interest and preference to provide Instagram a try. What have you got to lose besides? you can rent a Search engine optimization organization to design an approach to make sure your launch in this network is surprising.
Right here’s what you need to do to get your enterprise noticed on Instagram:
Create your posts using your computing device. Why? Because it’s faster and simpler. Plus, That is in which all of your scheduling gear will be, which makes it easier to put in force.
Report content material posted through others. One has a look at accomplished by way of Crowdtap suggests that people trust consumer-generated content material extra. also, person-generated posts are 50 percentage extra sincere and 35 percent greater memorable. You should upload your own caption, so your essence is implemented into the publishing. don’t forget your gallery’s topic. This could rely on the kind of industry you’re in and the point of interest of your social media method. It is able to be a combination of enterprise images, topic-related pictures, person-generated images and so forth.
Set aside time to do every task to prevent multi-tasking. Research carried out with the aid of a professor from NYU shows that multi-tasking reduces your recognition and productivity. That is due to the fact your mind has to always switch backward and forward from one project to the opposite. Schedule time for posting and scheduling and yet again for engaging and commenting on posts.
Increase content material earlier. This can assist unfastened up a while to recognition on enticing with content and customers. you could also rent a Nearby Seo organization that may do all of the introduction and publishing for you.
Use the equal filters and edits for most or all of your posts to offer consistency.
Why Self-Esteem Is Important for a Model
We talk approximately how modeling can assist to boost one’s  and on the equal time what you may do to come out of the shell of insecurity and worry.
Whilst you Begin Getting Jobs
The whole thing seems like a scam and an evil plot against you until your modeling employer helps you to Begin acquiring jobs. Your self-belief skyrockets when the roles are obtained with credible clients or even greater so whilst they may be jobs that match your interests and likes. Modeling is a really effective shape of labor that could create confidence for your appearance and skin that few other jobs or careers can.
Beyond getting paid on your paintings, you also get your work published and marketed through courses, and mass media channels consisting of Tv on Print advertisements. This means you accumulate acknowledgments and also you as a consequence feeling desirable in your skin as nicely.
Modeling Can Play Tricks along with your Mind
While you see other fashions around you, you could begin to surprise, am I supposed to be that skinny? Have to I have actually 0 body fats so that it will be considered a model? properly if you have been imagined to be as skinny as a stick your modeling organization would not have well-known you for his or her work in the first place. If they do want you to alternate your weight in a drastic manner all you need to do is surely say no and discover every other modeling organization. Do no longer take recommendation out of your imagination, or from extreme humans. Be in a lean and fit frame and handiest work in jobs that healthy your herbal size and body. As a way to come up with the maximum career and intellectual pleasure you need.
Workout Right, Sleep Right, Eat Proper and Stay Proper
Drop the capsules and pills. What you want are herbal and natural methods to maintain your beauty and fitness in a test. Do not fall prey to consumerism schemes and truly by no means into excessive measures which include starving yourself. thin does not same stunning. You ought to be in your herbal frame size that suits you and your appearance, and most of the times that is obtained truly with the aid of normal Exercise and ingesting proper meals and avoiding speedy and fried food.
Modeling businesses in recent times are interested in a colorful character and a wholesome appearance this is marketable, not a pale looking stick determine. Remove misconceptions and prioritize your fitness above whatever else!
Rules of Netiquette – Tips for Communicating on the Internet
Netiquette is the fast shape of write built-ring network etiquette or integrated etiquette. Netiquette can built-in be built-indef built integrated because the practice of precise conduct or the acceptable manner of built-integrated at the built-internet integrates. It’s far a fixed of social conventions that facilitate interplay at the built-in. This type of etiquette covers no longer handiest ways to built-intabuiltintegrated civility built-in on line discussions, but additionally built-intips specific to the use of social media and emails. In a nutshell, netiquette is etiquette for the built-in. Netiquette is the practice of excellent behaviors – beintegratedg respectful and helpful, bebuilt-ing disciplintegrateded and not competitive, and be built-in mindful of the truth that different built-internet integrated customers may not have the same view with you on a few problems. This online code of conduct could be very vital due to the fact there’s no body language or facial features to help us understand some other person, as there’s integrated face to face built-in.
Disciplintegrateded and not competitive, and be built-in mindful of the truth that different built-internet integrated customers may not have the same view with you on a few problems. This online code of conduct could be very vital due to the fact there’s no body language or facial features to help us understand some other person, as there’s integrated face to face built-in.
The records of netiquette dates returned to the early
Days of the built-in net. A man got here up with the idea of built-ing to be satisfactory integrate to humans over the integrated due to the fact they couldn’t see his facial expressions. built-integrated netiquette is built-in etiquette, built-internet integrated customers ought to adhere to the built-in or policies integrated built-in an effort to assist them to attach and communicate better with others. The excellent manner to excel integrated any location is to recognize the built-in govern integrate dig such a place. To be a respectful person who respects others at the built-internet integrates, I want to share with you a few recommendations that will help you to speak properly on the built-internet integrates and no longer be one who breaks the rules.
Be Jones integrated
Impersonation or integrated cheat built-ingsintegrated on-line will no longer handiest integrated your popularity, however, can land you integrated huge problem. Honesty is a way of existence and have to now not be ignored when you are the usage ofintegrated the built-internetintegrated. Desist from scams built-in and spam built-in people!
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