#and also just in the anime when Scott gets defeated they throw a *funeral* for him
nerdy-hyperfixations · 5 months
I find it a little annoying when it’s obvious that creators can’t make jokes without fanbases claiming it as “canon” immediately and forever.
Like if I were to make a story about some guy name Greg who works at a desk job or something, and then I make a joke on social media that’s like “oh yeah, haha, Greg also religiously worships Danny Gonzales” and then every time someone doesn’t draw Greg with a shine for Danny on is desk in fanart, they get flooded with comments saying “um actually 🤓☝️…” and everyone goes around saying it’s canon that Greg worships Danny as his lord and savior and goes to Danny church every Monday. Like. No. That was obviously a joke.
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softspideys · 5 years
Alone (Peter Parker x Stark!Reader)
summary: on the day of the funeral, you’re feeling more alone than ever. good thing your worst enemy peter parker is there to remind you that you’re not. 
warnings: angst, ***MAJOR endgame spoilers!!!***
words: 2.9k
pairings: peter parker x stark!reader
a/n: yes more angst I’m SORRY. also another reminder that if you haven’t seen endgame still you should definitely not read this :^)
When Pepper came into your bedroom on the morning of your father’s funeral you were gone, but your window was open. She stuck her head out and found you sitting on the roof, your knees hugged to your chest.
“How long have you been up?” she asked quietly, her voice shattering the silence you’d grown accustomed to.
You shrugged. If you were being honest, you couldn’t remember the last time you slept. Every time you tried, you were faced with nightmares of that final battle, of your father’s wide, unseeing eyes boring into your own.
So what if humanity was saved? So what if everyone was back? So what if Thanos was gone? You didn’t care about any of it, not anymore. Not if it also meant your father was dead in exchange.
“Come eat some breakfast,” Pepper said.
“Not hungry.”
“At least come inside,” she said. “It’s cold.” It was almost summertime, but the nights and early mornings were still chilly. Not that you really felt it. Not that you really felt anything anymore.
But she sounded so tired, and you knew today was going to be just as hard for her as it was for you. So you relented, climbing back through your window. Pepper stepped back, watching as you landed less-than-gracefully before straightening up and facing her. She said nothing, reaching out and smoothing your hair. You thought maybe she was going to start crying or worse, hug you, but all she said was, “Try not to kill Peter Parker when you see him today, please.”
“No promises,” you said. She sighed.
“Everyone will be here soon. Finish getting ready, will you?”
You nodded. She squeezed your shoulder once before leaving you alone at last.
It wasn’t that you didn’t love your stepmother. You did, of course you did. She’d raised you like one of her own long before she and Tony ever got together. You were just having a hard time accepting the fact that she and Morgan were the only family you had left now, and they weren’t even 100% yours.
For as long as you could remember, it had been you and Tony against the world. After he took you in when your mother dropped you at his doorstep as a baby (only after a paternity test proved you were his, of course), it was rare to see him without you. You were at the press conference when he announced he was Iron Man. You went to every hearing, every charity gala, every party. You watched as he went from a consultant for S.H.I.E.L.D. to the leader of the Avengers. You kept him company in his workshop during the long, lonely nights when Pepper was gone and the group had splintered and no one else was there for him.
And now he was gone. And you were alone.  
The sound of the front door opening, followed by muffled voices, broke you out of your trance. You looked over at your bed, where your plain, short-sleeved black dress was waiting for you.
When you went downstairs a few minutes later you were greeted by a crowd: Steve, Happy, Rhodey, Bucky, Banner, Clint, Thor, Sam, Nick Fury, Carol Danvers. According to Pepper, more people were coming: there was still Scott Lang, T’Challa, Dr. Strange, and Nebula, plus all of their families. Even Harley Keener had texted you to say he was making the trip up.
You knew it should’ve made you happy that your dad was loved and respected by so many people, but instead it just made you angry. Look at everyone you left behind.
No one really knew what to say to you, and you didn’t particularly feel like talking anyway, so you retreated back into the living room and sat on the couch with Morgan, watching her color. She wasn’t as sad as you and Pepper were; mostly just confused. In some ways that made it even worse.
There was another knock on the front door. Since you were closest and Pepper had her hands full in the kitchen, you got up and opened it. You immediately wished you hadn’t.
Peter and May Parker were standing on your porch, dressed in all black. She smiled when she saw you, but his jaw tightened, and even though his hands were in his pockets you could tell they were clenched into fists.
To say you and Peter despised each other was an understatement. You’d been competing for Tony’s attention since the day you met: you may have been his daughter, but Peter was the son he’d always wanted. He had an advantage and never failed to remind you of it.
You hated the bond they shared. You hated coming home and finding them tinkering away in Tony’s workshop. You hated when he stayed for dinner, or when your dad consulted him on a project over you. You hated his stupid smile and his know-it-all brain and how quickly and easily Tony grew to love him. You were so used to being the center of Tony’s world and now you had to share him with someone else, someone who barely even knew him. Peter, you assumed, hated you simply because you hated him. There was no reason for him to be jealous of you.
The worst part by far was how attractive he was. When you’d first met, he was nothing but a scrawny kid. But months of training with the Avengers, plus the natural wonders of puberty, had turned him into someone taller and muscular. It wasn’t fair that someone so annoying could also be so good-looking. You were never sure if you wanted to punch him or kiss him.
“Hello,” you said stiffly.
“Hi, honey,” May said, leaning in to give you a hug. For some reason you let her; May Parker just had that motherly effect on you. Peter, however, brushed by you without saying a word.
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly as you stood aside to let her in. “He’s been like this with me, too.”
You doubted it, but nodded anyway. “It’s fine.” You shut the door and sat back on the couch next to your half-sister, listening vaguely to everyone talking in the kitchen.
“Wanna color?” Morgan offered. You looked at her paper. She was drawing a forest of some kind, all flowers and trees and wonky animals.
“No thanks.”
“Is it ’cause you’re sad?” she asked, rather bluntly. You blinked.
“Mommy says you’re sad about Daddy,” she said without looking up from her drawing. “And that’s why you won’t do stuff with me anymore.”
For such a little kid, you forgot how perceptive she could be. Yup, definitely Tony Stark’s daughter. But was sad really the right word for it? Was there even a word to describe the empty, crushing feeling that sat on your chest day and night?
“Yeah,” you said finally. “I am sad.”
Morgan nodded thoughtfully. “Sorry you’re sad,” she said, pushing her drawing over to you. “You can have this, if you want. It’s one of my best ones.”
Despite everything, you smiled a little. “Thanks,” you said. “I love it.” And just for a second, things were better.
Then Pepper came into the room. “There you both are.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “It’s time to go say good-bye.”
* * *
You found yourself on the roof again, watching the sun set behind the trees. You knew you should be downstairs with everyone else, talking and reminiscing about your dad, but you just didn’t have the energy for that yet.
The ceremony was nice. You knew your dad probably would’ve joked about why no one was throwing a parade and lighting off fireworks in his honor, but he secretly would’ve liked it.
“You gonna jump?” a voice said. You turned.
Peter Parker was sticking his head out the window, looking up at you. You gritted your teeth, fixing your eyes back on the horizon. “No.”
“Hmm.” With annoying ease, he climbed out of your room and onto the roof, hoisting himself up to sit next to you. “Why aren’t you inside with everyone else?”
“I wanted to be alone,” you said coldly. You knew he got the hint but was ignoring it anyway, and that made you even angrier. “Why are you here? What do you even want?”
“You shouldn’t be by yourself,” he said simply.
“Yeah, well a lot of things that shouldn’t be happening currently are,” you snapped. “What’s one more thing?”
He rolled his eyes and you had to fight the urge to push him off the roof. He’d survive somehow, anyway. “Maybe I don’t want to be alone, did you ever think of that? Maybe I’m doing this for me, not you.”
You blinked, a little startled. “Where’s your aunt?”
“You kidding? It’s like Smother City with her.”
You had to admit he had a point there, thinking of Pepper and all she’d tried to do to get to you to talk about your feelings and “start the healing process.”
“Whatever,” you said finally. You ignored the smirk that flickered across his face, knowing he’d won.
To his credit, he did manage to sit in awkward silence with you for a few minutes. Then a breeze blew past and you rubbed your arms. “You cold?” he asked.
“No.” But of course, he was already taking off his suit jacket and thrusting it at you. “I told you I’m not cold.”
“Why were you rubbing your arms then?”
“I don’t know, it’s a free country?”
“Just take the jacket.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Take it!”
“I said I don’t want it!”
“Just take the fucking jacket!” Peter said loudly.
“For fuck’s sake.” You snatched it from him and pulled it on. “There, are you happy now?”
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Then go away!” you shouted. “No one’s making you be up here! I don’t want to talk to you! I don’t even know why you came up in the first place; you hate me!”
“Hate you?” he repeated. “I don’t hate you; I’m trying to be fucking nice to you. You’re the one who hates me. I don’t even know what I did.”
He sounded so tired, so defeated, and for some reason it made all the anger drain out of you. What was the point in fighting with him anymore? There was no one to impress anymore, no reason to beat him.
“You didn’t really do anything,” you said finally. “I’ve always just been . . . jealous, I guess.”
“Jealous? Of what, me?” He seemed genuinely surprised.
“Yeah, of you,” you said, annoyed. “You were like the son my dad always wanted. He loved you. You’re so smart and he always valued your opinion, sometimes over mine. And you’ve got these cool superpowers and I’m just . . . me. I never had to compete with anyone else for his attention before that, so I guess I just felt . . . threatened by you.”
Peter was facing you head-on now, wide-eyed. “That’s . . . that’s insane,” he said. “I mean, I know Mr. Stark and I got along really well and he became like a mentor to me, but . . . you’re his daughter. If anything, I was jealous of you.”
“Me,” you said incredulously.
“Uh, yeah,” Peter said. “He talked about you all the time. You meant the world to him. And you were there for everything, like when he became Iron Man and when the Avengers first formed. I was just that annoying new kid he found on YouTube who followed them everywhere.”
“You still are,” you muttered. To your surprise, he huffed out a laugh.
“Thanks. I guess it’s true, though. Bucky and Sam still barely give me the time of day. But you . . . you’re smart, and beautiful, and just like him. They all love and respect you. I’ve always been jealous of that.”
But you were still caught on one word. “Beautiful? You think I’m beautiful?”
It was dark, but you could see Peter’s cheeks flush. He looked up at the sky, drumming his fingers on his knees. “I—well—yeah, of course. Of course I do. Because you are.”
“Thank you,” you said, too stunned to even make a snarky comment. Since he was no longer looking at you, this gave you time to study him. He’d loosened his tie since the funeral, and you could see the fine muscles of his arms through his white dress shirt. His eyes were still red from crying earlier, but it didn’t look bad. His hair, which had been carefully gelled back earlier, was starting curl again. You liked it better that way.
When Peter spoke again, his voice was soft. “I never got to tell you how sorry I am.”
Your stomach dropped and you went back to staring at your knees. “You lost him too.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “But he wasn’t my dad. He was yours.”
For some reason his words made tears well up in your eyes, ones that you hastily brushed away. “It’s just hard,” you said finally. “Tony was the only thing in this world that was 100% mine. He was my dad. Even when there was nothing, there was me and him. And now it’s just me.” You bowed your head, struggling to keep your voice even. “And I’m so mad. I’m so mad he died and left me alone because now I’m gonna have to spend the rest of my life trying to figure out how to be without him.”
“You’re not alone, though,” Peter said. “Tell me you know that. Even aside from Pepper and Morgan, you have Happy, Rhodey, May . . . me . . . all of us. We might not be blood, but we’re your family.”
You nodded wordlessly. You were still crying, but the hot tears felt good pouring down your face and neck. You’d been holding them in for far too long.
“And I know you miss him,” Peter said. “I miss him too. We all do. And I’ll help you make sure no one forgets him.”
“Swear on my life.” He held out his pinky. You choked out a laugh, locking it with your own.
“Thank you,” you said. For some reason, crying in front of Peter Parker didn’t make you feel as shitty as you thought. Instead you felt . . . understood.
You went to wipe your eyes, but Peter reached out and caught your hand before you could. You turned to look at him, opening your mouth to speak, but stopped when he reached out with his other hand and cupped your face.
Gently, he brushed the tears away with his thumb. Even after they were gone, he still left his hand there. You hadn’t realized how close he’d been sitting to you this whole time, but you didn’t pull away.
For a second neither of you spoke, just sizing each other up. You knew where this was heading and found that you didn’t mind, not at all. “Peter Parker,” you said quietly, “are you starting to like me?”  
He rolled his eyes, but you caught a glimpse of affection in them. “I always liked you,” he mumbled before he leaned in and kissed you.
Part of you wondered if it was fucked up to be kissing a boy at your father’s funeral. The other part of you wondered why you hadn’t bothered to do this sooner. Peter let go of your hand and moved it to your waist, pulling you even closer to him, while you slid yours to the back of his neck, your fingers absently playing with the curls there. You felt him smile into it and realized you were smiling too.
The two of you sprang apart, looking towards the window. Happy was glaring up at you. “Are you kidding me?” he demanded. “Everyone’s been looking for the both of you.”
“Tell them we’re up here,” you said, annoyed at being interrupted, while Peter squeaked out an apology.
Happy rolled his eyes, but even he didn’t have the heart to really be mad. “You should come down and be with everyone else.”
“We’ll be right there,” you said, raising your eyebrows.
He sighed, shaking his head. “Your dad called this whole thing ages ago, you know,” he said. “He’d be glad to know he was right.” With that, he left you and Peter alone again.
As soon as he was gone, you burst into giggles as Peter buried his head in your shoulder. “He scares the shit out of me already,” he complained. “And now he just caught me kissing Tony Stark’s daughter.”
“Those are the risks that come with being involved with me,” you said, shrugging.
“I guess I’m willing to take those risks,” Peter said with a grin that you found yourself returning. “Should we go inside?”
You stopped him before he could get up. “Can we stay for just a few more minutes?”
He nodded. “Sure. We can stay as long as you want.” He put his arm around you and you snuggled into his side, staring up at the stars. Silence fell between you again, but this time it wasn’t uncomfortable. It promised that you would have more time to talk later.
As you sat there, feeling Peter’s warmth from both his body and his jacket, you realized there was a lightness in your chest that hadn’t been there in weeks. 
You would always miss Tony, and the pain of losing him was never going to go away. But you weren’t alone anymore. Not by a long shot.
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officialmccall · 7 years
Believe It or Not. Part 20/?
(Based off 2x08, “Raving”)
“Oh, what the hell is this?” The sheriff asked his son as he set down the fast food that he had brought into the station for his father working a late night.
“Veggie burger.”
“Stiles, I asked for a hamburger.” He sighed in discontent.
“Well, veggie is healthier, we’re being healthy.” Stiles reminded as he gestured towards the salad he had gotten himself.
“Oh, hell, why are you trying to ruin my life?” She jokingly mocked his son.
“I'm trying to extend your life, okay? Could you just eat it, please?” Stiles snapped a little harsher than he meant to, taking out his anger and hurt about… other things… on his father. The sheriff noticed immediately too.
“Woah, hey what's wrong?” The sheriff asked concerned.
“What? Nothing.” Stiles dismissed the insinuation.
“Are you actually trying to lie to your father, who also happens to be the sheriff?” He raised his eyebrows at the boy and smiled.
Stiles just sighed in defeat, “there's just a lot going on with, certain things.” He gave in.
“Certain things as in Y/n?” His father pushed for more.
Stiles looked at him a little bewildered, “How did you do that? You just know things, you knew when you found us at the gay club too. How?”
The sheriff just confidently pointed at his badge before shaking his head and laughing lightly, “no, but in all seriousness, ever since you and Scott became best friends Y/n was always there too. I remember when your mom passed,” his father’s eyes became sad as the sad topic was brought up but he continued, “I remember us standing at the funeral, and of course Scott was there, there was nowhere else he would've been. You wouldn't cry, Stiles. But I could see it in your face that you wanted to, and I think somehow 7 year old Y/n saw it too- because all of the sudden she was standing next to you and she grabbed your hand- when she did, I watched you lift your head and look at her and the smile she greeted you with. And finally, you let a tear fall before smiling back. And I swear Stiles since that day, you've looked at her exactly the same. The same way I used to look at your mom every time I realized that she knew me better than anyone.”
Stiles had to swallow harshly listening to his father’s words. It hurt him to think about Y/n right now, but he could never stop and he didn't think he ever would.
He couldn't believe he hadn't figured it out yet, but right at this moment it felt like his mind grew wider and everything around him turned a brighter shade of the color it already was- he loved her- he was in love with her. But he couldn't tell her, he had to keep his promise to her. And if he had to, he would let her go, that's what you do with the people you love.
“Tell me what you found.” Stiles coldly replied, quickly wiping under his eyes and changing the subject.
“No, I'm not sharing confidential police work with a teenager.” The sheriff pointed sternly at his son.
“Is that it on the board behind you?” Stiles leaned to the right in his seat.
“Avert your eyes!”
“I see arrows… pointing to things…”
“Okay, okay, stop. Fine.” Mr. Stilinski held his hands up in defeat as he and Stiles processed the recent information on the case together.
“Come on, is that all you got?” Allison mockingly laughed at Y/n as she laid wincing on the ground.
They were training more intensely now than ever, and Y/n was getting good, like, really good. Allison was pretty sure her dad would be super impressed if she wasn't keeping her friendships with the entire pack a secret.
“Sorry.” Y/n sighed as she jumped back up on her feet, putting her hands back up in fighting position.
The pair began sparring again. Y/n swung her fist towards Allison whilst Allison ducked and avoided the impact, taking the opportunity to kick Y/n right in the center of her body as she left herself unguarded.
Y/n was knocked backwards, sighing with frustration she rolled her eyes. Allison noticed her friend’s off behavior, deciding not to attack again since she obviously wasn't focused on fighting at all.
“What's wrong with you?” Allison squinted her eyes.
Y/n shook her head as she took a drink of water, “Nothing, I’m all good. Let's go again.” She insisted.
“Oh no, as much as I love kicking your ass there's definitely something else going on inside your head.” Allison chuckled at her own sarcastic remark.
Y/n shut her eyes and placed her face in the middle of both of her hands.
“Idontknowwhatimdoing.” Y/n mumbled into her hands, causing Allison to scrunch her facial features in confusion not actually hearing what she said.
“You what?”
“I don't know what I'm doing!” Y/n yelled, her anger filled response echoing through the underground bunker.
“Well yeah that part’s obvious you're fighting technique sucks.” Allison continued to joke not really understanding that Y/n was actually at her breaking point.
“No, Allison. I'm not talking about being able to defend myself, or the kanima, okay? This has nothing to do with the supernatural,” Y/n took a moment to breathe deeply as she felt tears start to form at the corners of her eyes, “this is about that stupid sarcastic boy with the buzz cut who thinks it's OKAY to be completely supportive about my life decisions, but then it's also about the other stupid boy who thinks it's okay for him to kiss me and tell me I'm his anchor.”
“Wait a minute, you just described two different boys.” Allison’s eyes grew wide.
“Yeah I know,” Y/n scoffed, “and I thought I could get through the supernatural monstrosity without one boy being an issue and karma bit me in the ass by making it two!” She exclaimed pacing back and forth while throwing her hands in the air. She needed to punch something.
“It's Isaac isn't it?” Allison replied hesitantly, cringing a little bit.
Y/n shut her eyes and groaned loudly, shaking her head in embarrassment.
“Maybe.” She whispered, praying that maybe Allison wouldn’t hear her, but of course the huntress did.
“NO, no no no, please tell me you did not kiss Isaac Lahey.” Allison pleaded.
“Okay, to be clear, I absolutely did not kiss him.” Y/n stated confidently as she waved her finger at Allison, gaining a disbelieving expression from the brunette, “he kissed me.”
“But you let him?” Allison clarified more than asked.
“Yeah, yeah I think maybe I did.” Y/n squeezed her skull between her hands hoping that maybe if she squeezed hard enough her brains would just explode out and she wouldn’t have to deal with all of this.
Allison couldn't help but just start laughing. But not just laughter, the girl was completely doubled over and clutching her stomach.
“Allison you're seriously not helping right now!” Y/n complained, glaring at her friend.
“I'm- I'm sorry it's just- holy shit!” Allison managed the squeeze in the words between gasps of laughter.
“You're the worst.” Y/n meant to sound angry, but the sight of Allison laughing only caused her to start laughing. Ironic isn't it, laughing at your own distress. But it was exactly the break she needed to take her mind off of everything for a little while.
“Okay, okay, I'm good now. I promise.” Allison finally stood up straight and took a deep breath as Y/n followed suit.
“What do I do?” Y/n asked as she sat on the floor, dropping her daggers.
Allison came and sat down next to the twin, sighing and offering a gentle smile and grabbing her hand.
“You know, since I met Stiles and he and Scott became best friends, I've always been drawn to him. When we were younger, and I didn't understand what I was feeling, I still new that what I thought about him was different than just any person who's there for you. And childhood forward he's always been there, you know especially when my dad left. I remember that day Allison, every single detail because it was the worst day of my life, and the only good memory I have from that day is Stiles telling me that everything was going to be okay. And it was okay, because I had him. Scott and I have always had him. And I'm afraid to hurt him because even if I do, that one fact will never change.” Y/n took a deep breath.
“And now Isaac has somehow managed to weasel his way into my mind, and I have no idea how I let him get there. It's like I have no control over what he does to me. And I know he's technically the enemy, but he also isn't. I know he wants to be a part of Scott’s pack but I think he's scared, and hell we’ve all been scared before so how can we blame him? He challenges me and the decisions I make you know, and it's confusing but it's exciting.”
Once Y/n was finished finally putting all of her confusion thoughts into words, she finally looked up to see Allison already staring at her with soft, sympathetic eyes.
“I think,” Allison began, “at the end of the day, it's the person who your heart talks about, not your mind.”
Y/n had no idea who that was yet, but she almost couldn't wait until she figure it out because this was starting to be too much for her.
The girls had to cut their training session short due to Allison getting interrupted by a call from Chris, while Y/n was interrupted by a call from Scott.
So Y/n currently found herself driving to the animal clinic where Scott had asked her to meet him… and Derek.
The last time Y/n actually had an encounter with Derek was during her outburst when she had straight up punched him. And she didn't regret punching him, but she regret being so irrational. And to be honest, he had hurt her.
She realized she had gotten there before the alpha when she walked in only to be met by Scott and Deaton.
“Hey, what’s going on?” She asked them, arms outstretched to her sides in confusion. Scott opened his mouth to answer, but before he could form the words the sound of the door opening interrupted him.
The sound of the door hitting the bell also caused Y/n to turn around and see who had walked in, it was Derek as expected, but also Isaac.
“What’s he doing here?” Scott asked angrily as Y/n made her way over to stand beside Scott.
“I need him.” Derek replied simply, as if it were obvious.
Scott continued, “I don’t trust him.”
“Yeah, well, he doesn’t trust you either.” Isaac smoothly and sarcastically replied. Suddenly, his eyes met Y/n’s and she swallowed harshly feeling uncomfortable. Deciding to shift her gaze down and away from him, Isaac felt his stomach turn a little.
“You know what? And Derek really doesn’t care. Now where’s the vet? Is he gonna help us or not?” Derek demanded and Y/n just rolled her eyes.
“That depends. Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?” Deaton emerged from around the corner of the animal clinic.
“Kill him.” Derek answered coldly.
“Save him,” Scott cut Derek off with an infuriated tone, “we’re going to save him.” He finished the statement more calm.
The group moved back into the back room and surrounded the metal table in the center of the floor. Deaton then continued to spread out various herbs and papers with different patterns and symbols, none of which Y/n recognized or understood.
“So, what are you?” Isaac disturbed the silence, “Some kind of witch?”
“No, I’m a veterinarian.” Deaton replied to the beta without blinking an eye and continued speaking, “Unfortunately, I don’t see anything here that’s going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin.”
“We’re open to suggestions.” Derek interjected.
“What about an effective offense?” Isaac suggested.
Derek shook his head in response, “We already tried that. I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up.” He finished with a sigh laced with frustration.
“Has it shown any weaknesses?” Deaton asked for more information.
“Well, one,” Derek started before Y/n cut him off, “it can't swim.”
“Does that go for Jackson as well?”
“No. He's the captain of the swim team.” Y/n almost laughed at the ironic situation.
“Essentially, you're trying to catch two people,” Deaton spoke, “ A puppet- and a puppeteer. One killed the husband, but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?” He glanced at Scott.
“I don't think Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant too, and she was maybe murdered. I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else.”
“How do you know it's not part of the rules,” Isaac spoke kind of surprising everyone, “the Kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too.” Y/n glanced and made eye contact with Scott, raising her eyebrows and shrugging her shoulders as if to suggest that it's not a bad theory, no matter how annoyed Scott is by Isaac.
“Does that mean your father was a murderer?” Scott asked the beta.
“Wouldn't surprise me if he was.” Isaac sighed shifting his gaze to ground sadly.
Instinctively and without realizing her movements before she made them, Y/n reached her hand out and grabbed his, causing his eyes to look into hers. She smiled softly, wanting to bring him comfort at the mention of his father. He returned her smile, gripping her hand tighter.
Scott watched the interaction, and to say he was confused would be an understatement, but he had to focus on one thing at a time so he ignored all the questions in his head for now.
“Hold on.” Deaton had a look on his face as if he finally thought of something. He followed his gaze over Y/n’s shoulders and saw what he was looking for.
“Y/n, can you hand me that book on the counter behind you?” He asked.
She disconnected her hand from Isaac’s and turned around towards the counter, she spotted what Deaton had asked her for and picked it up walking it over to him. While she was in middle of exchanging the book to him, something strange happened. His hand grasped it while Y/n’s still secured held the other side.
He audibly gasped, closing his eyes and gripping her arm unintentionally with his other hand locking her in his grip.
Y/n instantly turned to look at Scott confused and slightly scared while Isaac took a couple steps towards her, eyes wide.
“Deaton.” Scott yelled.
Finally, Deaton opened his eyes and let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding. Both of them released the book and watched it fall to the ground. Y/n met Deaton’s eyes because he was already looking at her, confusion written on everyone’s face in the room.
But Deaton knew exactly what happened.
Y/n backed up until she felt her back come into contact with Isaac who had moved very close to her, he protectively wrapped his hand around her arm and pulled her back a little bit.
“Okay I'm sorry but- what the hell?” Y/n swallowed harshly as the words left her mouth.
“I-” Deaton wracked his brain for the explanation, but he couldn't give it to her. “I don't know, I'm sorry.”
“Okay, can we just move on please?” Derek redirected everyone in the room, Y/n giving Isaac a silent nod as if to signal that she was fine, he didn't quite believe her but he didn't say anything for now knowing they needed to refocus.
Deaton cleared his threat, “The book says they're bonded, right? What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson, but the person controlling him? What If something that affects the kanima also affects its master?”
“Meaning what?” Isaac asked.
“Meaning we can catch them,” Y/n answered and looked at Scott, “both of them.”
“Ketamine?” Scott asked aloud as Y/n found herself back at the animal clinic standing between Scott and Stiles while they went over the plan for tonight. They wanted this over.
“It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage. If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down enough to buy you some time. This-” he picked up a small glass jar filled with some kind of powder, “ is some of what you'll use to create the barrier. This part is for you Stiles, only you.” Deaton instructed strictly.
“Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure. Can we maybe find a slightly less pressure-filled task for me?” He rambled nervously, Y/n rolled her eyes at his sarcastic approach to every situation.
“It's from the mountain ash tree, which is believed in many culture to protect against the supernatural. This office is lined with ashwood, making it difficult for someone like Scott to cause me any trouble.”
Stiles sighed, holding the glass jar between his fingers, “Okay, So then what? I just spread this around the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever’s controlling him can't cross it?”
“They’ll be trapped.” Deaton explained.
“Doesn't sound too hard.” Y/n shrugged glancing at Stiles to already find him glaring at her with an annoyed expression directed at her comment. She just held her hands up in surrender before placing them on the table again.
“So… what's my play in all of this?” Y/n inquired, glancing at Scott.
“I was actually hoping you'd stay with Stiles, I don't want anyone to be alone tonight with the kanima out there.”
Y/n laughed slightly, covering her mouth quickly as she watched Stiles’ jaw drop at Scott’s directions.
“Dude what- she's my bodyguard?” He scoffed, a little embarrassed that he needed her for protection, but getting over it quickly because the sight of her trying not to laugh was something he hadn’t seen in a while and was more than happy to see again.
The car ride was silent as Y/n sat in the back of the jeep, the front occupied by Scott and Stiles. The jeep came to a screeching stop behind the club, which also happened to be an alleyway, how cliche… Y/n thought to herself. The trio hopped out and began grabbing everything they needed for tonight from the back of Roscoe.
“You okay?” Y/n asked Stiles as he stood beside her, she had noticed the usually bubbly boy was uncharacteristically quiet. And to be completely honest, it made her heart sink.
“Yeah, why?” He replied, not glancing at her but slightly fixing his posture so that she would actually believe him when the words left his mouth.
“You just- didn’t say anything the whole way over here.”
He swallowed inaudibly, “No, I’m fine, just grab the other bag.” It came out a little harsher than he meant it to sound, but he couldn’t have her know that anything was wrong, right now wasn’t the time.
But, she saw right through him, she didn’t try to figure him out either she just could. She’s always been able to. His cold presence gave her goosebumps that arose due to the concern she felt for him right now. But as a sigh left her lips, she grabbed the bag anyway and followed.
She caught up to wear the two boys were standing, once she took her place back beside Stiles she noticed Scott’s furrowed eyebrows and absent mindset.
“No. Not here, not now!” He whispered the himself before sprinting off around the corner leaving Stiles and Y/n to themselves.
“What? Scott! What am I supposed- plan officially sucks.” Stiles gave up on calling after his best friend, turning his neck to glance at Y/n who appeared slightly nervous.
“Are you sure you’re okay?’ Y/n tried Stiles one more time, the tense silence between them killing her as he started to poor some of the mountain ash into his hand to begin his part of the plan.
The night was fairly warm, but there was a breeze that every now and then made Y/n shiver slightly. Her hands gripping her daggers even tighter each time the wind brushed against her skin.
“Yeah- yep. All good, nice and solid.” He awkwardly answered, knowing nothing he said was convincing her at all.
Rolling her eyes, she placed her daggers in the back of her jean’s band and walked towards him, cupping his hands in hers careful not to spill the mountain ash from his finger tips.
His breath hitched in his throat as he finally let himself and look up at her. As his eyes slowly traveled up her face he took the time to notice everything about her. First he noticed the small smile offered upon her lips, and he remembered what it was like to kiss those lips, the memory soon making him sad as the thought washed over him that the time he kissed them last could’ve actually been the last time. He then focused on the curve of her nose and the slight cherry blush on her cheeks from the chill in the air. Then, he finally made it to her eyes, already staring into his and he knew that he trusted this girl with his life. And even if things between them were a little rocky right now, he wanted to hear her voice and talk to her like he used to be able to. He didn’t just need her in his life, he needed her to be apart of his life.
“My uh-” he looked down at the ground as his words caught in his throat, who knew words could be so painful, “my dad, he uh- got fired today. Well, temporary leave of absence.”
Her eyes change from concern to empathetic for him, “Stiles what happened?”
“I stole some police property, or uh, evidence,” He laughed sadly as a tear escaped from him surprisingly and he quickly wiped it away, “so it was my fault, just like everything else.” She could see him breaking from the inside as he said these words.
Y/n didn’t hesitate to engulf him in a hug, he happily wrapped his arms around her waist at her touch. He really needed it, and she didn’t know she needed it either until she had him in her arms, and a smile crossed her face unexpectedly.
He started to pull away and Y/n reluctantly let him out of her embrace, both understanding they needed to get this done. Walking in a straight line, Stiles let the mountain ash fall from between his finger-tips creating a solid barrier.
Everything was going smoothly, until he was down the just a small portion of mountain ash in his hand, and about 50 feet more of area to cover. He stopped suddenly, turning to look at Y/n panicking and eyes wide.
“What do I do?” He rushed the question out, noticing the panic on her face too. Before she remembered something. Like a lightbulb igniting in her head, she remembered Deaton’s words.
“Come on, believe Stiles,” She spoke to him, catching a glimpse of hope in his eyes as she listened to her, “just picture it. Just- imagine it working, okay?” She encouraged him. She watched hopefully as he shut his eyes and began to let the ash fall again, walking slowly.
“Just- imagine.” He whispered, now trying to encourage himself.
Y/n smiled watching him, it was working. And he couldn’t describe the amount of joy that washed over him when he opened his eyes to see his barrier completed.
“Yes!” He cheered, pumping his fists in the air and jumping to face Y/n. She laughed, relief flooding through her as she ran towards him, his arms open to catch her in another embrace. This time almost being knocked over from the force of her excitement.
“You did it!” She laughed as she pulled her head away to look at him while still remaining in his arms. He smiled a genuine smile as he looked at her bright eyes, noticing a few strands of hair that had gotten caught between her eyelashes.
“We did it.” He whispered as he gently brushed her hair back behind her ear, making her heart beat ten time faster.
“We make a pretty good team, Stilinski.”  
“Scott.” Derek said out loud, in a tone that Y/n would describe far from comforting.
“What?’ Stiles asked, confused as the three stood behind his hand made barrier.
“Break it.” Derek demanded, referring to the line if mountain ash.
“What? No way.” Stiles scoffed at the alpha.
“Scott’s dying!” Derek yelled angrily, his words unfreezing Y/n from her current position and putting her into action.
“I’ll break it.” She stomped forward, kicking the line of ash with her foot. She waited for Derek to cross over before she began following in his steps, hoping the use of his werewolf senses would lead them to her brother.
“Y/n-” Stiles began. Y/n didn’t have time to stop walking as she turned around and held her arm out towards him as a warning, “Just stay here, we’ll come back with Scott.” She promised.
Y/n followed Derek around the back of the club until they came to be outside a room that didn’t have any people in it, at least not any that were there for the rave. Derek was walking quickly, Y/n able to keep up with his pace until he came to a sudden stop, and before she could comprehend the stillness she ran straight into his back.
“Sorry.” She awkwardly whispered as he just sighed and ignored that it had even happened.
“He’s in here.” But before Y/n could say anything Derek had already kicked down the door, the two coming face to face with Scott being tortured, Victoria Argent ready and more than capable to kill him.
Derek immediately wolfed out and attacked her, letting him handle Victoria- Y/n ran to where her brother was positioned barely able to keep his eyes open.
“Scott-” She placed both hands on the side of his face as her voice cracked slightly, “Scott, hey, you’re okay I got you.” She groaned involuntarily as she began to pick his arm, one of his arms wrapped around her shoulders while her other arm steadied around his waist.
After biting Victoria (yikes), Derek quickly came to help both Y/n and Scott. The night was nearly over once Scott could heal all the way.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?” Stiles asked Y/n one more time through the window of his jeep.
She looked through the window at her brother fast asleep in the passenger seat and smiled to herself, yeah I’m good, just get him home please.” She couldn’t bring herself to tell Stiles the real reason she was staying behind, she hadn’t even told the reason she was staying behind that was going to stay behind. But she made a pretty good guess that Isaac was listening to every word of this conversation.
“Okay sure,” Stiles glanced down and cleared his throat before looking at her again, “thank you for tonight, I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Y/n couldn’t help but let the widest smile overcome her features as the jeep drove off, yet she watched it drive away until she could no longer see it.
She turned around to go find Isaac only to run into Derek for the second time tonight, considering he was standing right behind her.
“Seriously?” She sighed, rolling her eyes. Literally the last person she wanted to be around right now.
He just smiled down at her though, leaving her confused. “What?” She asked, well, more like demanded.
“Thank you.” The smile remained on his face as he said it.
Confusing replacing the anger on her face, Y/n opened her mouth to speak but Derek cut her off before she could, “I know I let you down. I know that at a time when there was no one in your life you could trust- you found a way to trust me… mostly because you had to but you still did.”
He cleared his throat uncomfortably before continuing, “I realize now that I’ve lost that trust, and you don’t consider me a friend anymore. But I need you to know- you’re still considered a friend to me, so I will always protect Scott, nothing will ever change that. And I will always protect you.”
Y/n couldn’t do anything but stand there frozen and in silence as he walked away from her. Suddenly feeling a wave of confidence wash through her, she turned around to say something before he left but as she turned around he was already gone.
Feeling overwhelmed, Y/n decided that finding Isaac really wasn’t something she wanted to do right now, she had much greater things to be thinking about. Like happened with Deaton.
“I can’t decide if I admire your sentimentality or despise it.” Ms. Morrell stood on the floor of her brothers’ work environment.
He wasn’t facing her, but he knew she was there, “If I want your opinion, I’ll make an appointment with the guidance office.”
“From the state of things, I think you could use a little guidance. Are you really going to leave all of this up to a couple of kids?”
“They’re more capable than you think.” Deaton replied without hesitation.
“And what about the McCall?”
He sighed, “Scott’s doing just fine.”
His sister just scoffed, “No. Not Scott, the other one. Have you told her what’s coming?”
“She’s got enough to worry about.”
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