#because the ‘respawns after being defeated’ thing
nerdy-hyperfixations · 5 months
I find it a little annoying when it’s obvious that creators can’t make jokes without fanbases claiming it as “canon” immediately and forever.
Like if I were to make a story about some guy name Greg who works at a desk job or something, and then I make a joke on social media that’s like “oh yeah, haha, Greg also religiously worships Danny Gonzales” and then every time someone doesn’t draw Greg with a shine for Danny on is desk in fanart, they get flooded with comments saying “um actually 🤓☝️…” and everyone goes around saying it’s canon that Greg worships Danny as his lord and savior and goes to Danny church every Monday. Like. No. That was obviously a joke.
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localcryptidsteg · 29 days
Black Myth Wukong and the legacy of the Monkey King
In the game, you play as just a random monkey, but you have most of Sun Wukong's powers. This led to a friend of mine asking the question: "Is this just a reincarnation of Sun Wukong?" The discussion that followed leads me to conclude that, despite looking like him and smelling like him according to most bosses, we are not playing a reincarnation. This is just a descendant.
For clarification, everything we see The Destined One do is something Wukong learned from someone else in the first place. Aside from the way we respawn after being defeated, we dont have any of the inherent strength, power, or defenses of Wukong back when he was just Shihou. We learn and develop even the most basic abilities as we go down the skill trees. Magic, while something we can do, is something we are only ever given or taught by side characters. We only gain Wukong's unique abilities as we collect the relics he left behind.
Which leads to this question: if we are merely following in Wukongs footsteps, could anyone at any time have done the same? Would they even have to be a monkey demon to pull it off?
Logically from the standpoint of a game, the answer is yes. ANYONE could learn do do what Sun Wukong does. They could have given us the option to pick any monkey out of the group and that monkey would be able to complete the journey so long as we ourselves can.
But it gets interesting from a mythos standpoint when the question is posed. Based on the worldbuilding laid down by both Journey to the West and Black Myth Wukong, does the answer change? Or does it remain a yes no matter what?
The Six Eared Macaque couldn't truly become Sun Wukong when he tried, but what was the real factor that determined that outcome? Was he simply not as strong in the end? But then why would there be such an emphasis on the two monkeys being a perfectly even match? Was it because he wasn't taught the things Wukong was? He still mimicked them without detriment. Or was it due to outside interference? It was ultimately Buddha revealing his identity that allowed Wukong to kill him, after all.
And if Wukong had died, would The Six Eared Macaque have successfully been able to become Sun Wukong? The implications of Black Myth Wukong suggest this might be the case. Does that mean the theory that the macaque actually switched places and killed Wukong now retroactively holds water, at least in terms of Black Myth Wukong? Or is it simply that the game may have drawn some inspiration from the theory?
Is Sun Wukong the strongest because he's Sun Wukong, or is he Sun Wukong because he's the strongest?
Just food for thought, and an interesting topic if nothing else.
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bots-and-cons · 2 years
Aye! can I request a Tfp X reader where the reader has the ability to go to other universes (like videogames, aus and other stuff) and they accidentally put team prime into the minecraft universe and has to defeat the ender dragon to get out. (also they have to fight in classic minecraft style)
I love Minecraft, it's my favorite game and I've been playing it for like ten years. I play it almost everyday if I have time, even if it's just for ten minutes between school work. This was a bit challenging to write because I had to do it from the perspective that they’re all players in a way. I only picked five bots, since it’s easier to manage and these still ended up pretty long
•You’re the minecraft pro in this situation and well the team is absolutely clueless
•Sure they’ve seen you play it on your laptop before, but to be in the game? Nononono
•It just happened by accident, and you sort of pulled the team in with you
•So you all get plunged into this darkness and before you knew it, there’s a familiar blue sky with connected cube clouds
•You look around and realize there are five other players around you and they’re all looking around, very confused
•Minecraft skins don’t have a very good resolution but you do recognize everyone, since they’ve got their colors and even though it’s a very simplistic teh designs are obvious
•Everyone is pretty much freaking out, because they have no idea what’s going on and they can’t pull out their blasters
•They can’t transform either and that’s super weird to everyone
•You’re pretty much laughing, because you’ve been in the Minecraft universe before and you know how to get out
•You start explaining how things work and everyone starts punching trees
•Bee is very excited to get a sword, even though it’s just a wooden one
•Like everyone gets all the necessary tools, but Bee is mostly focused on the sword
•Bulk really likes the pickaxe and Arcee’s swinging around a sword as well
•Optimus gets an axe and he’s very efficient at cutting down trees
•You tell him that you need to survive the night and that you need to kill some sheep so you can sleep, which everyone is appalled by
•Optimus is especially not on board with the idea, but he doesn’t protest after you explain you’re basically in a game and that they’re not actual animals
•You don’t manage to get beds for everyone so you can’t sleep the night away and have to fight the mobs and build a little wooden hut
•You build while the others try to keep the mobs away
•Bulk gets blown up by a creeper and barely survives, and Arcee gets has a bit of trouble with a skeleton
•Ratchet fights zombies and luckily no one manages to look at an enderman
•You get the tiny house built and you’re all huddled up inside of it so no one takes too much damage
•You tell them that even if they die in the game, they’re just gonna respawn and have to keep going
•You start making progress with the game and you end up in they caves to find diamonds
•You’ve instructed them all what to do and how to survive best and even though the cave adventure ends up being all mayhem
•Creepers, spiders, zombies and skeletons all around
•When you get out of the caves Bee sees a bee floating around and he’s just pointing at it and buzzing, because it’s so big
•He tries to pet it which obviously doesn’t end well and he gets super sad when it stings him and dies
•You teach them to use bows and swords and ender pearls
•You venture to the nether with the team and Ratchet falls into lava immediately
•You’ve got keep inventory on, so no stuff was lost but he screamed the whole way he fell
•He has to survive in the overworld alone while the rest of the team is in the nether with you, because he can’t find the portal
•You get the blaze rods from the fortress and the ender pearls from the warped forest and you’re out
•Optimus has just been doing what  you’re telling him, because he wants out of there and you seem to know best
•You finally get to the end and you’ve assigned tasks to everyone, Bulk and Optimus are going in with the axes for the crits and Bee with the sword
•You and Arcee are going to take out the crystals with bows and shoot the dragon until it comes down
•Ratchet is on enderman watch and trying to keep you all safe from them with water buckets and by killing them
•You finally get to jump through the portal and you’re back at the base
•The little adventure feels like it was a fever dream and pretty much no time has passed in the real world
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 1 month
The intense agony of playing the Bionicle "Free The Band" campaign's godawful games.
Hi! I'm Lynn and I am very sleep deprived. Anyway here's an extremely long-winded explanation for why I can't make a proper archival post about the Bionicle "Free The Band" games, Voya Nui Adventure and Island Investigation. These games are - in my opinion - the very worst Bionicle games, and they are bad and terrible and shitty and aaaaaaaa and here's why.
Part 1: Voya Nui Adventure should be tried in the Hague
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Starting off with the one that I consider Irredeemably Bad™. So this is like a twin-stick shooter and I hate it. You start out only being able to play as Matoro, and you shoot fast. That green crystal thingy is a turret, which shoots at a slightly slower pace than Matoro's weapon, and doesn't deal much damage per shot, plus it can be cheesed by hiding next to that rock on the top left. So that's fine. If you go up to that glowing tablet at the top, you unlock the ability to go to a presumably defunct website and download "So Far We Are" by French Kicks, whoever that is.
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So then you go to room 2 and oh fuck it's Thok he is there. This is only the second room. Thankfully there's a health pickup, but unthankfully Thok does at least twice the damage of the turrets, and he can move. But that's fine. You kill him and take his coin, which opens the door to room 3.
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Fuck room 3. The second you enter it, the turret on the right starts shooting you. Not only that, but you can probably notice that it seems to be glowing.
That's because it's buffed.
This is my health when I took the above screenshot:
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And this is it after being hit by a single projectile from the buffed turret:
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But UwU, wat dis?
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Hell yeah, it's Jaller! Surely he's better, right? So I press space to switch to him, and his stats claim he has "very powerful blasts":
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So I try him out and oh his firerate is shit. I still destroy the turret though, and unlock "Just Another Girl" by From Satellite (who?).
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I'm missing a bit of health, but that's fine right? So I go up to the next level, which is ice-themed!
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The second I enter the room, Zaktan is immediately charging towards me. And worse, your Toa's health-bars are persistent between levels and don't refill when you die, meaning that I basically only have one life. However, you don't have to kill the enemies to progress, so I go south
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This room has another buffed turret, but also a health thing and Hahli! However, Zaktan is about to come into this room, so I make a beeline for Hahli, and I manage to defeat Zaktan... only for the turret to immediately kill me, meaning I have to repeat the process again.
Except this time it doesn't work, because of Hahli's mechanics.
See, both the Toa I have had unlocked before this have had infinite ammunition, but Hahli is different. She fires harpoons, which have to be picked up after firing, and she can only hold four at a time. They also have a fairly long travel-time. This makes this section painful. And then it turns out that pressing the change character button immediately after dying (which I did by accident) breaks the game and prevents you from respawning. I am done.
Part 2: Yo Yo please end me
Island Investigation isn't that bad. It is, however, very broken.
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Some context; for some ungodly reason, in 2006 there was a crossover between Bionicle and rock-band The All American Rejects. This is a point-and-click adventure game with FPS elements about saving AAR from the fucking Piraka.
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Also Kongu mindjacks a Matoran which is Fine™.
I wrote a whole thing explaining this game and included a screenshot but it didn't save so uh. It looks like MNOG but with shitty prerendered Pirakas and weird gradienty item icons, you have a gun, and there are Piraka Jumpscares™. Also Avak is bigger than a house I guess. Play this one, it's completely broken but kinda so bad it's funny.
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cryingtulips · 6 months
i’ll ruin us all my dear
Written for @dsmp-eras. March 9-12 marking L'Manburg for the event, and I chose to write about c!Tommy and c!Dream's duel but in the perspective of c!Wilbur
Watching as Tommy loses his second life because of his actions, Wilbur can't help but wonder if he's destined to ruin everything he cares for.
ao3 link
If there’s one thing Wilbur regrets never teaching Tommy, it was how to aim.
The younger boy was a good soldier, determined and fierce. Sometimes, as Wilbur watched Tommy train the other soldiers, he wondered if Techno would like him. If he would admire Tommy’s fire and skills, impressive for being self taught. Techno has always admired loyalty, and Tommy’s has always been unmatched. 
But Tommy was young and impulsive. Reckless, Techno would scold if he was here. Techno always believed emotions were a weakness, they cloud judgment and can be the reason you die in battle. But Wilbur, still naive and cocky, always argued otherwise. He wanted to believe in the good of others, that conflict can be resolved not through violence, but through compassion—words .
And look where it got L’Manburg: betrayed, weakened, a failed ideal. Wilbur was an idiot to ever think he could be different from his family, that he could change the order of how life operated. He failed everyone, and everyone knows this now, except for Tommy.
Sweet, brave, idiotic Tommy. Tommy who challenged Dream to a duel, all because he can’t admit defeat, all because he wants to make Wilbur proud.
Now, Wilbur watches as red and green walk away from each other with every count that comes out of his mouth. He hopes Tommy wins, for L’Manburg—one last “fuck you” to Dream—but also because if he dies, Wilbur won’t be able to live past the guilt. All two lives taken because of Wilbur, because he can’t be a good leader. He created L’Manburg to protect everyone, and it backfired tremendously.
But Wilbur knows Tommy, knows his strengths and weaknesses. He knows Tommy has never learned how to use a bow, at least not properly. In terms of combat, archery has always been Tommy’s weakest technique. It doesn’t help that Dream has been known for cheating, and Wilbur wasn’t sure who to watch. Dream or Tommy, his eyes kept flickering between the two; the former for any suspicious movement, the latter in fear of the worst happening. Dream was taunting Tommy, and Wilbur felt his anxiety spike as Tommy’s temper rose. He was becoming too emotional, not attentive— he’s not going to be ready.
Wilbur sees the moment Tommy realizes his arrow is going to miss its target. Dream shot his early, but not that it mattered because Tommy has always been quick on his feet and was already in the process of jumping in the water, the arrow ripping a piece of blue fabric. But that didn’t matter, because Tommy missed his shot, and just put himself at a disadvantage. 
Tommy lost, Wilbur knows this the moment his body hits the water. He blinks, and Dream is drawing his bow again, another blink, and the water is transforming into red. Wilbur screams, Dream’s laughter muffled as he doesn’t hesitate to jump in the water. He reaches blindly until he snags onto heavy material, and struggles to kick as Tommy continues to bleed out into the water that once provided the younger boy comfort, onto the same bridge he and Tubbo were once playing on earlier that day.
It’s tainted now, is Wilbur’s only thought as he’s powerless to save Tommy. He’s numb as Tommy’s chest stops moving, blood marring his own clothing and hands. Someone has to drag him away, even after Tommy’s body has already respawned.
This is Wilbur’s fault. If only he was better; a better leader, a better fighter, a better strategist. He’s tainted, everything he touches is bound to come to ruins, and he was an idiot to think L’Manburg would be different.
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whypolar · 7 months
A whole bunch of aimless vibes based pattern matching.
-Isami nearly dies to the laser in Episode 1. The first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is Bravern.
-Isami is disoriented after being waterboarded in Episode 2. The first thing he sees is Smith, who is holding Isami's head in both hands.
-Isami is injured and nearly passes out (possibly almost dies?) when fighting Pessimism and Vanitas in Episode 9. A drop of his blood lands in Bravern's cockpit. The first thing he sees when he regains consciousness is Lulu.
-Lulu revives from being apparently dead. The first thing she sees is Smith, and she immediately becomes aggressive.
-The first person Smith-Bravern sees after being "reborn" is Isami, obviously.
-Smith's blood was seemingly also all over the Orthus' cockpit when he died, unless those were just burn marks. Yikes.
-After Smith restrains the aggressive Lulu, she closes her eyes. When she opens them again, she seems completely different. Again, the first thing she sees after this is Smith.
-The first thing she says when she sees him is "Lulu," despite all other sounds she has said up to that point being either "Ga" or "Pi." She puts her hands on both sides of his face.
-Isami declares "I will never die!" during the boxing match
-Smith becomes Bravern because he isn't satisfied with his death
Conclusion: None lol. I'm just thinking
-Cunus claims she has rewound time multiple times to "relive her tryst" with Smith.
-Superbia is defeated in episode 2. He doesn't remember Bravern's name in episode 6, and is shocked that Bravern knows his. This could easily be a gag (i.e., they were not actually communicating during the first fight due to language barrier, and Bravern only knows his name from the time loop), but some people have interpreted this as memory loss.
-Cupiridas seemed to retain his memories after respawning, so that's not something that automatically happens to Death Drives when they die.
-Lulu is going to pilot Superbia?
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I've made more SOTE progress!!!! And I MEAN progress this time! Damn that was fun but I don't know whether to feel happy or sad because like I said, I really don't want this DLC to end ;-;
1) So, I went in the direction of the ruins place..... and then turned around and decided to get back to whatever dragons business I still had left bfhhhvhg And started with that cave which I recalled had a Wyrm (and also a HUGE bowl of spaghetti sauce gfhyhh)
2) After I killed it, I actually went back to Florissax! Apparently this is the name of Dragon Communion Priestess that is revealed indirectly, much like Boggart's! By that time, @val-of-the-north woke up and I allowed him to take my hand here because he warned me that her quest is terribly broken. And, God... -_- You have no idea how much, but perhaps I am getting ahead of myself....... 🤦‍♂️
3) I heard that I needed to kill two drakes above first, and my reaction was just 💀💀💀💀💀 Because I am AWFUL at fighting them! ......Or I USED to be, but perhaps I am getting ahead of myself hfuhfhybj [2]
4) Found this item in a shack nearby!
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5) So, I figured that my usual "strategy" was not going to fly, and finally bothered to upgrade a weapon (big katana) with the built-in anti-dragon effect! You know, a weapon you OBTAIN in this very DLC! HOOOOOO BOY AT LAST!! TWO WEEKS LATER, SHE FINALLY GOT THE BRIGHTEST IDEA TO USE THE TOOLS SHE'S BEEN GIVEN 🙄🤦‍♂️
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6) So I proceeded to go above, and met a singular drake, so I decided to actually fight it normally! No pussy long ass distance dumbass Int user combat! Close combat and learning the dodging patterns only!!
And it actually worked. I actually finally adapted to the dragons' moveset and when to roll in and not away, and how to stay around their feet right and how to run from the fire! After two goddamn years of struggling with dragons (excluding SOMEHOW first-trying Borealis, the frozen dragon) I adapted 🙄🙄🙄🤦‍♂️
7) Cool lore:
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These grow from the burnt dead bodies across the peak and don't respawn
8) So yeah, in the next place, there were two drakes fighting each other (sure guys whatever), and I figured the boss one can first kill the weaker one so I was just standing and watching them like 🍿 until one left!
9) After defeating THIS one, I felt so much power that I decided to side-track and go back to kill two other dragons (the undead ones in Scadu Altus and Cerulean Coast). I didn't need it, I just felt SUCH a strong urge to do that, you have no idea!!!
9.1) Well, first I actually talked with Igon, because after both of the fighting drakes were killed he laughs and praises us for being a great drake warrior xD He gave me an item (his cut finger) that opens a change to summon him against Bayle, which he really asked to do!
9.2) Okay ANOTHER thing I did was to finally jOiN cOvEnAnT to talk with Florissax that Val asked me to do, because according to him I needed to talk to her at night, which was only possible after defeating the two drakes + I could now ask about Igon
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9.3) She also revealed the roots of Dragon fascism; turns out that Ancient Dragons are after Drakes not for some prejudice reason against their species being "diluted", but because Bayle was the one to wound Placidusax and HE is the drake. Argh, can ONE person in this DLC have motivation to be an asshole that is NOT revenge!
10) So I was running around for a bit longer, visited another mine not far away from previous dragon (saw the big rock dude petting the lava slime there), and finally returned to Florissax!
....so, first, she was not appearing during the night. I tried to rest at the grace, still nothing. I tried again, nothing. I asked Val what was going on, and he wasn't sure and went looking on forums, meanwhile I tried to restart from another grace and travel to her location before the night was over! She still did not appear. 🙄
At this rate I started to wonder whether I broke the quest by not talking to her earlier before getting to Igon, but just for the heck of it rested at grace again, but now I skipped time to the night even though it already WAS the night! And then she FINALLY appeared near the Altar at night!! ...only, no new options or dialogue appeared!
According to Val again, I needed to catch her praying to herself so I could give her an item I already had. I reloaded the area, no praying. Reloaded it again, still nothing. Reloaded it again, and she straight up disappeared 🤦‍♂️ I thought that was it, and quest got broken, but just in case I quit the game and started it again.... AND IT WORKED.
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....I am WITHOUT WORDS. According to Val, Jarburg quest used to be the same on launch.
11) But yes, she was praying to Placidussax, saying she surrendered her sleep so he could rest, and we got the choice to use Thiollier potion, that did mention it'd merely make dragons sleep for a bit. Damn... to think of it, Elden Ring quests give enough hints.
12) Val reassured me that was it and I just needed to skip a few days in game, so I went to murder remaining drakes! Fast enough, I killed them! Both of them!! However, the one in Scadu Altus was fighting with a lot of Black Knights and it was just entertaining to watch for like 15 minutes until they all finally died 🍿🍿🍿
13) me before: NOOOOO WHY DRAGONS ARE SO HARD, Val I do NOT want to hear your yapping about how they're not """that""" bad, I don't care and I will just run past them ;-;
me now: NOOOOOO WHY ALL DRAGONS IN THE GAME ARE OVER ALREADY, they needed to put more of them in to kill!!!! ;-;
14) I talked to her, where she was very crashed by having fallen asleep:
"I have broken my pledge. I succumbed to the deep slumber... that was meant for my Lord. Twas a craven act! Of a foul and lowly beast! Forgive me, good warrior. My Lord will no longer look upon me. I have fallen from grace. An old dragon no longer. Go on, leave me be."
15) So, I did gfjgffhg And proceeded to go above! Honestly, when I was looking at this area in the world's map, I was SURE it wasn't explorable...
Also, my complaining about no longer having dragons to kill was met!! There was another dragon, an ancient one now! It gave me a bit of a challenge for several times, but I remembered that rocky things are all weak to magic damage so that + defending myself from bolt more helped x)
15.1) This dragon is named Senessax... Sigh... Remember my theory about Placidussax? Zullie (the youtuber) datamined that he had 2 male heads and 3 female heads (1 male and 2 female missing), so I speculated that those heads turned into Granssax, Fortissax and Lanseax? Now that there are more dragons named with -sax, I feel like this theory aged like milk ;-; On the bright note, I recall King's Field (?) had a pair of white and black dragons siblings, so since Fortissax is black and Lanseax is pale and they're siblings, maybe it is return of the trope?
15.2) Fingers in the Ruins are rocky creatures with gold (AKTYALY amber) sewn into them, and ancient dragons are rocky creatures with amber sewn into them... I guess the ancient life is just like this?
16) I finally met Bayle!!!!!! And I actually laughed when Igon INSTANTLY started screaming curses at him upon being summoned XDDD The most character ever! Also cute that he said Bayle was going to face "the true drake warrior and him" gfhhbv He doesn't acknowledge himself as one anymore because of his fear, but acknowledges US!
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Took me a few tries, but like I said, I finally adapted! 😎
17) Returned to his corpse:
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(He also dropped his bell bearing, need to check the item it gets later just in case)
18) I talked with Florissax about the victory! She gave dialogue: "Ahh, finally, our wish is granted. Our dream, long yearned for, has come to pass. My Lord was blessed with great insight. He saw in the insatiable hunger and fierce spirit of man, the very things that would fell Bayle, our wretched nemesis. Warrior, you soar with the strength of dragons. Whereas I am fallen. Leave me be."
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And gave this item! Sooooo that's how her name got revealed!
19) There was an option to tell her that we put her into sleep ;-; I was a bit nervous to pick it but felt like I should jtythhhgb
"Never, in all my years... How could you inflict such cruelty? No, that is not for me to judge. Whatever your hand in it, it was I who succumbed to the sweetness of slumber. The fault lies with me. I may be fallen, but I need not surrender my honour."
Arghhh shut up girl, you talk like an abuse victim :/ Not even a slap in the face?
20) So, she continued:
"On the second thought (? not certain, I forgot to write the starter), I believe you do owe me something for the transgression. On a mere whim, you've stripped me of my one and only Lord. As such, I require another - you. One day, may you become a dragon whole, a Lord of your own making. Lead me, and I will follow. My good Lord."
.....well, "now you have to adopt me" is sure one way to solve the conflict, I guess hfhgfnh
21) This way, I got her spirit ash:
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So yeah, I ASSUME that her set is available, and I am not 100% sure whether her head piece is just the mask or simply how her head is supposed to look! She does have a face data, but she would need to since her model uses NPC mechanics, so it could be ignored?
I just haven't seen the description yet, but ER logic does let us adopt to appearances of others (like getting hair of other characters for example), and her body appears to be very black and shriveled, with sharp inhuman features! I sure hope that her look IS how ancient dragons in human form are supposed to look! It would offer an insight on how Lansseax used to look when communicating with the Dragon Cult!
(Besides I am still biased since I wss cursed with boring portrayals of Godwyn x Fortissax where the latter was a basic bitch yaoi bishounen without even the slightest monstrous features 😔 Even horny Lanseax waifu artistd had the basic dignity to at least add some horns and scales hfhyghj Okay that was my monthly voucher of being a petty bitch used, until the next time when my mask of respecting all type of creations cracks hdhhjgfhhnhh)
Conclusion: character development if I've had one lol
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
Man. I have this sort of half formed idea that would require rewriting some of my lore, but I like it, so I just might go for it...
I know the fact that my muses' ability to respawn is tied to the Office, but it isn't specifically stated how, just that it is. Which is fine and all. Part of the reason it's written that way now is because of the history of my blog and how it all started and how it's all gotten to this point. If I change things now, it won't make as much sense. Except I have changed things and things still don't make sense. xD
Let's see if I can simplify it.
The Office was alive when I first created the blog. Then I changed my mind and it wasn't alive. Then I changed my mind again and it was alive because it was also taken host by the mist, and it died when the mist was defeated and nobody ever knew it was alive in the first place. It was supposed to be one of the first of its kind to have started evolving, one of the first buildings to have a soul and to start gaining living functions. There was no rhyme or reason for this.
But then I got the idea later on that the Monolith came to Earth after the apocalypse happened and triggered the evolution of new species on Earth, ones that combined organic species and the refuse left behind by mankind. This also brought buildings to life. The Monolith gave a soul to the dead body of the Office, thus Dorian was born. Dorian's essentially lives in the body of an older building.
With me so far? It's a mess, but hopefully you're with me.
The whole deal with my muses being able to respawn at first was tied to the Dampening mist. Cyrus, Thursday, and Stanley were able to respawn because the mist was in their blood and it brought their bodies back every time they died. It was able to repair them because it essentially "owned" their bodies and could regenerate them. But after the mist was killed off, they no longer had a way of respawning.
Except everyone was still subject to the Parable, meaning they still had to be able to respawn... somehow. With the mist no longer being around, I no longer had a viable explanation for them all being able to respawn, so I just went with, "Well, they're essentially still in the Parable, so they can just respawn because I say so, poof, it's done, it's roleplay, nobody will question it, moving on."
Except... that never really sat right with me either, so I came to tie their lives to the Office.
Except... the Office was dead at that point.
I then got the idea that if their lives were to be tied to the Office, the Office had to be alive. And remain alive. And by that point we had Dorian. But that didn't explain how they were able to die and respawn in the interim between the mist being dead and Dorian being born. There's a whole gap there that doesn't make sense from a storytelling perspective. Given the fact that this is roleplay and not a professionally published novel, everything is made up and the points don't matter, so it's not really that big of a deal. BUT here's where the potential rewrite in some of my lore comes in.
I'm not sure how I'll work it all just yet, but I really like the idea of my muses' lives and ability to respawn being tied directly to the Office's life. I might have to change up Dorian's biology and history a bit here in order for it to work the way I want it to, so I'll think on it a bit.
One thought I have is that while everyone was trapped in the Office during the time the mist was there, the Office was technically stuck in a black hole. The Monolith could have been the one to grant a soul to the Office at that time, but there was some kind of spacetime cosmic narrative delay (or however you want to spin it :p) due to the presence of the black hole, and once the mist was defeated and Cyrus and Aurora released the Office from the black hole, everything caught up then. Dorian is still essentially a younger sentience then, or at least misplaced in time as a result of the delay, and something in this process of giving the Office a soul while it was a black hole connected everyone's souls to the Office. So when someone dies, they respawn there. It's like they belong to the Office, in a way, and can never leave fully leave it, not even in death.
A problem with this idea, though, is new people moving into the Office. Currently the idea is, if a new person moves into the Office and stays there for long enough, eventually they become connected to it too and eventually the Office becomes a sort of respawn point for them. I suppose the same can be applied to the updated lore in this case? Maybe there's some sort of black hole soul-bonding side effect of being in the Office over a long period of time. The longer you stay, the more it absorb you into it or something. But you don't realize it's happening until it's too late. And for the Haunted Office residents, it's already too late. Their souls have bonded with Dorian's and now they're stuck together forever, mwahahahahaha.
A caveat might be, though, that if Dorian dies, then everyone else dies too! 🙃
I'll think over this some more before I rearrange everything permanently, though. Like I said, the lore is... a mess... because it's roleplay and I didn't plan everything out for sure before moving forward. I like the things I've started with here, though! So yeah. That's it for now, and if you've read down this far, cool. x)
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katyahina · 10 months
Hey so are Izzy’s admirer and beastclaw Jozef different characters or the same guy actually?
The complication seems to come from the fact that with some Tomb Prospector summons and enemy variants, their face data are identical! So, enemy variants of Executioner are sharing the sliders with Queen Killer, enemy variants of average Tomb Prospectors share the sliders with Gremia (technically, because they have generic placeholder face model instead of sliders used to create NPCs)... and Izzy's Admirer hostile NPCs are just enemy variants of Beastclaw Josef!
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(Izzy's Admirer/Successor)
You can already tell they have identical faces! I would like to 1000% confirm this, if I get a decent free-camera tool for Bloodborne to do this, but so far it seems legit! Another interesting detail is that the summons (Gremia, Queen Killer and Josef) have absolutely identical weapons and clothes sets to their "enemy" counterparts! I take this information from a certain Bloodborne wiki all compiled by one guy (@Mephistophea on Xitter, absolute chad) where many datamines are included just to confirm lack of differences! Here ( x ) is the page for Izzy's Admirer, confirming that he has the same clothes and weapons (Charred Hunter set + Beast Claw) as Josef, and here ( x ) is the page for a nameless Tomb Prospector that has the same clothes and weapons (Tomb Prospector set + Rosmarinus and Ludwig's Holy Blade) as Gremia! Mind that there is a variant of hostile Tomb Prospector NPC that has different weapons (Kirkhammer and Repeating Pistol). And... well, with Queen Killer, you can say that hostile variant is the same - naked NPC except for Gold Ardeo and Logarius' Wheel :p
The thing is, two of these hostile NPC are found in preset (so, "canon" dungeons): a single preset Izzy's Admirer in Lower Loran and a single preset Tomb Prospector in Isz! Needless to mention that 'Izzy's Admirer' somehow earned a "profile picture"...?
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So yeah, I personally think that this is valid to make an exception for these specific two hostile NPCs since they are found in preset dungeons and make them their own characters! But also, these hostile hunters are just variants of generic hostile NPCs found all over Root Dungeons, besides they respawn... And ALSO, 'death' is a very loud word for Bloodborne lore, so for all we know preset Izzy's Admirer and preset Tomb Prospector might be Josef and Gremia but more in "shadow of the past" form. Like, we kill Henryk and after that we can summon him for the hunt! ...but also, we never need to kill these preset hunters to summon Josef and Gremia...
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My answer is, it is up to interpretation! Because Chalice Dungeon summons and enemies specifically went under the 'videogame mechanics' razor the most imo! The certain thing is though, that 'Izzy's Admirer/Successor' is a covenant, and they all use Beast Claw, roam Loran dungeons and wear Charred Hunter set! My headcanon is that they just try to find whatever 'epiphany' that Irreverent Izzy had (in Loran), and wearing Charret set might be either because of their fear before fire (as those seeking beasthood power), because they all were Powder Kegs that agreed with Djura but went above and beyond, or a mix of both ideas! I myself choose to personify Josef and Izzy's Admirer from preset dungeons, and see them as different characters!
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Somewhat relevant information:
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(Image from official guide, found on Xitter ( x ))
Here you can see all hostile Chalice Dungeon hunters, SOME of which also made it into being summons! Gremia is Tomb Prospectof B, as you can see! But also, there was a plan for a Vileblood Drifter summon named Leo and Bone Ash Hunter summon named Carla! These names are cut content and I found here ( x ) (together with mysterious 'Defeated Hunter'). Fandom has an agreement that the face data for unused NPC that still exists in the game files is likely Leo:
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So yeah, in the conclusion, I myself apply the known face data to Hunter summons (Queen Killer, Josef and Gremia), make unique one for hostile variants found in preset dunegons (single Izzy's Admirer and single Tomb Prospector B) and reuse the unused hunter face for Leo, which I count as Cainhurst character! (I combined the Cainhurst portrait of female Knight and cut NPC Carla, because Carla is a very Cainhurst name and I would not put it past a Vileblood to connect with their ancestors and join Bone Ash Hunters to defend her clan from their own curiosity, but that's another story lol. Though actually this is an idea of @val-of-the-north, I just stealeded it :> )
(Here is the face data page: ( x ))
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The Spot
I always feel like when talking about movie adaptations of Comic villains that we look at what they’re adapting The Spot is interesting because it more Lore accurate than you think. His name before the became The Spot was a pun. His name was Johnny Ohnn as in “Johnny on the spot. In the comics he was an MIT Scientist employed by Kingpin to try and find out how to purposefully create superpowers.
Dr. Ohnn was failing at every turn and Kingpin was about to “remove” him if he didn’t create results. Until while trying to figure out the secret to the teleporting powers of the Hero Cloak (he had a large black cloak and would fall into the darkness of his own cloak and teleport between shadows) what he instead created was a literal Black Hole in his lab
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Not liking the idea of dying by Kingpins hands he took the chance of a lifetime and went inside. Instead of finding pathways of Darkness that Cloak used he found himself in white Void with infinite Dark Pathways. He did not stand inside the holes of dimensions somehow he managed to stand OUTSIDE of all dimensions. Upon finding the Hole that led out his body forever reflected that strange void he would call “The Spot World”
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He would then use his powers to try and kill Spider-Man and his first words to Spider-Man were “I’m your arch nemesis!” To which Spider-Man laughed and said “no you’re not” and fairly easily defeated him after figuring out how he can run out of spots after a while.
After some time The Spot would return with a bunch of genuinely pathetic D Tier villains like Kangaroo 2 (a man who gave himself a super suit in the shape of a kangaroo with all the abilities of said animal) Grizzly (a Rhino Knock off with a grizzly bear costume) and Gibbon (a wannabe hero who dressed like a monkey with his only skills being acrobatics and was promptly laughed at by Spider-Man which is why Gibbon turned to villainy in the first place and YES THATS DUMB) this group of absolute losers called themselves the “Spider-Man Revenge Squad” and Spider-Man called them “The Loser Squad”
Spot would eventually display a new ability which I call the Kenny Power. As in Kenny from South Park, apparently much like Kenny Spot will die one issue and then come back in another. He broke Tombstone out of jail and Tombstone thanked him by snapping his neck. He was killed by Electra who was brainwashed by Hydra, he was recruited by Hydra then killed by Hydra after he tried to betray them. After all these years later Kingpin killed him after forcefully using his powers far more effectively than Spot could on his own (I’ll get back to that)
Spot can full on die and then come back like nothing happened not because he can heal like Deadpool but because he’s Inter-Dimensional super being and whenever he dies he just respawns in Spot World
The thing is despite the fact the Marvel World constantly shuts on Spot and calls him a loser (and he is) his powers are also extremely powerful and basically God-like. The problem is that he’s a terrible Villain. He just straight up sucks at being the bad guy. Theirs been many stories of villains capturing Spot and forcefully using his powers for their own ends or villains straight stealing his power. It’s always horrifying. The Spot is basically a newly born unkillable Eldritch God whose only held back by the fact he doesn’t comprehend the scope of his own power
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for stealing a dragon’s egg? This may require a lot of context, so I’ll start at the beginning.
When I was very young, my father attempted to train me into a capable fighter. He would train with me daily, but I couldn’t live up to his standards. He would always get upset with me and end up hurting me, but it makes sense as to why. We were fighting, of course someone would get hurt. Just because it was training doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare like it was a real fight. Apologies for going off-topic like that, but I do not wish to paint him in a bad light here (It’s my fault for not being able to fight, not his.). What I was leading up to was that one day, he got sick of my continuous failures and left me and my mother for good. My mother also died shortly after. Since then, I’ve been trying to find him. If I could finally manage to impress him, he’d come back. I did many things to try and achieve this. 
I used to be the king of a village. Everything was going great until 2 travelers (We can call them G and B.) came along and gathered quite the crowd. I ordered for them to be arrested, but they managed to escape. They seemed like they wanted to work with me, so I decided to…ah, I don’t wanna say “use them”, I just… let them help me with something. I decided to give them their own crowns and the 3 of us went on a mission. We teamed up to defeat a dragon and retrieve her egg. Everything was going great, but G and B got stuck falling to their death and needed me to come help them. 
I didn’t. I took the dragon’s egg and left. They ended up getting saved by their friends who were looking for them, and it’s not like their deaths would have been permanent. They would have respawned. It was just such a good opportunity. I was thinking my father would have surely been impressed by something so valuable. Instead, the dragon came and destroyed the entire village to get it back. 
Everyone seemed really mad at me, but I don’t understand why. It’s not like I could have predicted that, and I wouldn’t have gotten the egg in the first place if I went back for G & B. I had a good reason to do so, right? AITA?
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
☉✎✦✿(last one for the winter depression kon fic<3)
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing?
usually, step back and take a break!! if i'm stuck writing at ALL instead of just on a specific wip it usually means i'm flirting with burnout and need to chill for a bit. time to read, play viddy game, hang out with friends, etc.
but i never take TOO long a break because if i do then it's really hard to get back into writing. so if its been a few days and i still havent written anything i'll open whatever wip i wanna work on and try to add at least a couple of sentences.
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
i have NO idea but the other day someone who knew me on my old ao3 account messaged me like "hey is this you?" and i was like HOW DID YOU KNOW? and they were just like "i recognized your style!" so there's clearly SOMETHING askjdhfdjks
but in the timkon tag specifically, um. well. probably the specific kryptonian headcanons, t4tisms, and "giving a shit about kon as a character" would probably give me away.
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
*opens ao3 real fast to check what i've written* uhhhhh
okay lessee. there's several of the shorter oneshots here that i actually just wrote entirely in one sitting and didn't edit just plonked em right on ao3, so those would probably count as easiest (reflections on respawning, aftershocks, faith trust and a bit of pixie dust, your ghost i will gladly bear, and we will walk in bitter rain).
hardest probably goes to sotm just for length, but in terms of content it's all emotional hurt/comfort and that is my wheelhouse! in terms of content, the hardest is probably androecia. i've never written much explicit fic before, so it was a challenge!
✿ did anything major change when you started writing "under the small fire of winter stars" to when you finished?
so the original iteration in my notebook was a multi-scene thing with a heavy focus on kon & kara and Both of them being depressed and kara telling kon about new years' celebrations on krypton (occuring the day after the winter solstice, as days started to get longer and nights shorter again, with accompanying stories about rao's pantheon's defeat of cythonna and triumph over winter and darkness). and then i was like "hey this fic is for moss! i should add tim." so then i added tim and MORE scenes. and then i was like "oh no i will never finish this on time" especially because i could NOT figure out the ending in a way that felt satisfying to me so i kinda scrapped most of it.
the scene that became the actual fic is what was gonna be the second scene in the bigger thing, with tim finding and taking care of kon in the aftermath of kon and kara fighting and then severely bitching about metallo.
initially, kon was gonna mention some of the winter celebration stuff kara told him about and how he kinda wished he had more of a connection to kryptonian culture, and tim was gonna go Hm. and start thinking of ways he could get clark, chris, and/or jon to help him plan Something to surprise kon and kara with a little new years party. but that plot kept coming out feeling overly cheesy and contrived and i just was not satisfied with it, so. snip snip bitch.
still, i think the focus morphing into just "tim loving on kon with acts of service (and quality time) while mr acts of service himself is so out of it" was fun too!!! get loved idiot, etc.
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Remember the "Last line Challenge?"
Tagging @banterismylovelanguage , @isnt-it-pretty and @canonical-transformation because I'm about to ramble about the story.
So, imagine if, in a future installment of Star Rail, we face off against another one of the Lord Ravagers (Irontomb in this case).
However, this time they're targeting Nous and all of the cyberspace, after all, is there anything more destructive than erasing all manner of communication and data between worlds? Everything would plunge into chaos.
Let's say that their choice of attack is using the denizens of propagation (Tanzzyroth), as literal bugs in the system, similar to how Phantylia used the Abundance to destroy the Luofu.
This would happen in Hertha Space Station (or anywhere that's related to the Genius Society). And, although we would have Hertha and Screwllum on our side, only the Trailblazer would actually be able to enter.
The bossfight has 5 stages, one for each firewall we have to bypass (the bugs ate most of the wall but we have to get to Nous).
The first is a 2d platformer where we have to avoid the bugs and find the first entrance, then the second is a simulated universe themed encounter with plenty of riddles, the third one is to literally "surf the internet" (think of a mix between Elysia's Herrscher music video and the first half of Dvalin fight).
During each of the stages, we can see Silver Wolf's chibis hiding in the background, sometimes even giving tips on how to proceed.
The last two stages are the actual bossfight, the first round is basically the Traiblazer and Silver Wolf, who joins the fight, against the Lord Ravager, with the two of them being the last line of defense between him and Nous. (The other character slots are locked).
It's just us, the Emanator of Destruction and everyone that is watching because the whole thing is being livestreamed to the entire Galaxy. (Something something let me crush all your remaining hopes by defeating the resistance in front of your eyes.)
The first round ends with everyone almost dying, only to be saved by Nous (and Silver Wolf usung her chibi friends as a respawn feature). The background changes to the Simulated Universe, Screwllum's disembodied voice is giving us directions, and we can now choose the last two party members from the ranks of the Nameless and Stellaron Hunters (you can only choose one from each faction, though).
Turns out that our friends in the Astral Express and the Stellaron Hunters have been trying to hack their way into the fight as soon as the livestream started, Welt was doing his best while the Mara got the best of Blade and he decided to headbutt the monitors to see if they were portals, Kafka wasn't fast enough, though Elio prophesised that the devices had to go, so no harm done.
Anyway, Nous noticed their efforts and decided to help out, by giving them gsme controllers and letting them pick a fighter. Notice that Blade is awful at any games so his character acts erratically, think Donald from Kingdom Hearts. He is playing on a Wii remote. Help him.
Nous summons all of the Genius Society, represented as shooting stars, as an extra attack, similar to the Engine of Creation or Inhibitor Lunae. Sometimes we get a different effect based on the Genius Society member, like a freeze reaction for Hertha.
We manage to beat the Lord Ravager and return to the real world for some much needed rest (the Stellaron Hunters don't have to worry about their bounties for a bit because they did help save an Aeon so they've been temporarily pardoned).
And that's how Silver Wolf returns home to see all of the monitors destroyed, leading to Kafka's line: "Sorry sweetie, Bladie destroyed all of the monitors!"
The funny thing is that I had all of this thought out before the 1.3 trailer. And now we're getting Tanzzyroth bugs in Simulated Universe!
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shkika · 1 year
Having trouble with thinking of something to ask hrmm
What part of the rw lore do you find most interesting? Like..what are your thoughts on it? any twists you've thought up or any detail/s you just wanna rant abt?
The rainworld lore is painfully a lot and painfully little at the same time, like why are the pearls focused on garbage worms and what is noise milking oh my goddd
moon isnt lore on her own but her pearl readings are a massive source of it. so if i had to say my favorite thing would be iterators and the relationship they had with their colonies. the fact they can vary and the fact iterators have different opinions of their parents!! (one iterator talked abt havjng to sit through dark political times awkwardly like 🧍🤷 at some points. thats funny)
ahem I looove it a lot!! for example the way moon worded her existence is sad. the way she speaks about them is sad. like in short “ancients must not try very hard so we do that for them. at least i did” <- smth along the lines
she sounds bitter she dislikes them with a hidden passion even when she has 5 braincells left. Not to mention she calls them parasites with bad takes (sheesh). something people dont really ?? recognize enough or at all imo is that moon almost retired (ancients moving away from her city) and she was happy about it. Until it didnt work out and some stayed and she was pissed again.
now pebbles speaks with softness (as much as he has it in him) he liked them! he liked their art! their music! he liked witnessing their stupid arguments even when they were in his name (he found the citadel he shaded funny for being so angry)
he found a lot of things they did stupid but he also was impressed in other aspects! he liked them a lot to the point the last item that he keeps for comfort and keeps him together as a whole is a hymn of theirs. even when abandoned, he finds comfort in the company they used to bring him!!! how sad!!
Another part of the lore. Hm cycles.
I have no idea how they work. Youd believe at first that when you die. You get reborn. Pain!!! never escaping!!
But that cant be the case it has sooo many plotholes if thats the case.
1 artificers kids died! straight up GONE. theyre dead!! thats why shes so insane you cant tell me theyre just lost somewhere and also pups cant ascend (me when i reach spiritual enlightenment at 10). theyre straight up gone.
2. imagine u defeat the scav kind and he comes back an hour later.. nah. thjngs DIE
3 why did the ancients go crazy over killing themselves then idk!
4 suns was basically crying about how they dont know what theyll do if spearmaster dies. yeah no respawning then.
So then the cycle is being reborn into smth new. great. how does karma play in this. how do you raise it. time? do you have your old memories after u go into a new cycle?? i dont know!! no scug has ever been plagued with dreams of being smth else before. !!! how do you confirm its a thing!! idk!! how do you know you are in a samsara! i wish we got ancients talking about it. in pearls or smth.
i havent ascended with saint yet. (reached karma 10 and bonked the siblings) but i doubt they answer all of my questions
random kiki rw lore fact- did you know that the rot area - (riv gameplay) there is a room in it thats just called terror!!! it upsets me greatly. the place is so different because the rot literally eats his walls. it fucks me up sometimes even if it seems obvious
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1tsjusty0u · 8 months
I need to ask questions before i forget
ok so: ofc i could not forget this question. what does link think of sheikah tech
also impressions/interactions with purah and robbie Perhaps
AH!! honestly i dont think he really thinks much about it unless he needs it (ex robbie stuff), or zelda/purah/robbie/even impa mention things about it (like snippets of how it works or the history of it). usually the only thing that matters is “dangerous = avoid” or “helpful = get”. the only exception to this being the shrine of resurrection, which at first he didnt question at all, but once he learned of What It Was, then he was like “OH. oh i Dont like that”. the few times hes gone back in there he’ll sometimes just. sit in there. and try to discern more about it (and also more about his past self by proxy, despite not really being awake when he was put into it). the divine beasts creep him severely out at first, Especially vah naboris at first. it just walks so unnaturally…. and it walks in circles and gets closer to the mountains but then it turns away. however after he frees the champions he just. sits by them. once again either just to have a Moment or to talk to the champions. i really like this idea because it both means link can share food with them and also it can get more character revelations (maybe mipha can finally talk to sidon and her dad. WHICH BY THE WAY ITS SO SAD YUNOBO SAW DARUK BUT SIDON DIDNT SEE MIPHA. like im sure mipha did that on purpose as well as daruk but D: ). the guardians probably scared him really badly at first, and hed avoid them at all costs. i think the only time he found out you could fight them And Win would be if/when he got the guardian sheild from cherry, where it autoblocks their beams. thats how he learned he could parry them and now fighting them is Tense but also pretty easy. he doesnt like the flying ones he cant parry them. he just uses ancient arrows on them or avoids them. speaking of when doing miphas guardian fight its kind of the first time he realizes that the guardians Werent Meant to do all of this. the ones mipha fought were Designed to fight, and you could tell as they glowed orange not pink. doing the kakariko shrine also cemented this and i think he would miss that specific guardian (i dont know if it respawns on blood moons. i know the strength trial ones do but this one might not). i think he would like cores though just on the account of being rare and looking very cool. he also uses guardian weapons sometimes both on the basis of being cool and being respawnable weapons (shrine strength trials and all that jazz). speaking of the shrines he either loves them (shrines that require outside challenges like the skull lake one) or does Not like them (ones that can kill him like the spike balloon one). he saved some shrines for zelda to do (including the one in the memory, half out of spite and half out of she Did want to see. she might actually use this to get better at defending herself if it comes to that (and also studying how the guardians move and their attacks. once defeating it taking its parts and deconstructing it). this also does put into question how im making death work here (i like to think that save reloads or those little link falling off . animations? cutscenes? are like previews of what happens and then he just comes back to himself. they do Actually happen and he can Feel It but he always ends up in the position he was just before he did that (like getting off the ground after those cutscenes). those are jarring for him and he doesnt like the feeling.
i think how he sees ganon by proxy would also be interesting. ganon uses sheikah tech a Lot (the blights and his own mini shrine of resurrection). hed probably think the blights are just kind of. proxies of the divine beasts? like not questioning it at all because the aesthetic fits and all that jazz. but once he got to the castle he Would question ganons own SoR thing (and the decayed guardian attached to it). and also ganons form before he turns into the dark beast would be. Very Weird to him. he wouldnt ask zelda but hed ask impa or purah how thatd work or how he can do that and they go “he can do fucking What?”.
impressions of purah and robbie pre cal are: pretty cool but doesnt know well, and cool and weirdly nice. robbie would slightly scare him until he works with him more, and purah wouldnt scare him but hed be awkward around her as if they worked together itd probably be in silence, unless something would happen in which case link would have no idea whats happening so he’d just. go with it. minor deadpan “yay!” or “ah sorry”s. i like to think that at some point he’d have to scavenge guardian parts for purah as a debt for something (if she built the hateno lab pre cal and he told his sister about it i think purah and aryll would meet, but also purah would not want strangers really knowing about all of this. though it does bring into question how the lab would be “hidden” in the first place? post cal has the excuse of its been 100 years and people forgor but pre cal the ancient tech is super relevant. i imagine purah would simply lie to the kids to spread rumors and keep people out. but also in creating a champion and robbies diary its mentioned that the labs were built After the calamity so. shrugs. on one hand im keeping it because it gives me an excuse to have the champions visit hateno, but yeah. was the hateno lab also a lighthouse before…?). purah and link would make a slightly distant but friendly duo. its like purah would lead it but is also more self conscious at the time so if link questions something she would have trouble answering (especially if its about herself ((ex. isat loop reacting to siffrin telling them that theyre awkward and taking it personally). however getting guardian parts between the two of them would be easy and also scarily effective. neither of them care about dirt or grime and parts collecting is fun for link and simply looking inside guardians both decayed and not is fun for both of them. and once link knows How to take apart guardians/search for parts without damaging anything else hed be extremely meticulous about it. what i mean by that is that hed get extra things he didnt have to and sort it out depending on the factors. this is great for purah, because it means more data on how some parts were damaged to begin with and how she can restore them. other than that though i dont think theyd work much together. theyre just in their own little corners + purah is more friends with zelda than link. unless he collected parts for her however they would less “work together” and more “ah item collection time” and mailing it to her/just. handing it in. however robbie and link would be less distant but still in their own little corners. its the prime example of . sorry i just violently remembered pansexual introvert asexual extrovert show while typing i need a better explanation for this. guy who is the most energetic person you will ever meet vs guy who is the chillest person you will ever meet. actually while typing this i was about to say robbie would drag him into things and while thats Probably true for like. small experiments i think if link was already there purah would drag him into more dangerous ones (unless link explicitly stated he didnt want to). she Did do the anti aging rune while robbie just sat there. basically robbie would initiate a partnership and purah would deepen it through increasingly mad scientist experiments. though i think she’d test the waters in how far she could actually go with it if that makes sense. i mentioned the self consciousness but from aocs cutscenes she seems more nervous in general but that could be me. but yeah she would hesitate. and also test certain ones on herself with proper safety. robbie would basically just make link bring certain items over (“pass the wrench” type of deal) and really just talk to him. also getting distracted in the middle of talking when something Happens but talking when he can. in the senario of link collecting parts i think hed go to robbie to restore some rusted over parts because he really doesnt know who else could do that. and also robbie would know purah so itd probably be cool. and yeah things go well
long paragraph. but!! yeah they could theoretically be friends they just arent into the same things. hypothetical tumblr mutuals. otherwise theyre nice to each other and would play board games
post cal!!! suspicious until he learnt she was the actual director. then he thought she was a fun person but mostly focused on fixing the runes at the time and memory collection. he was also slightly miffed about the having to bring parts but he couldnt complain because well. Yeah Fair Enough. he likes snapping with her and would probably ask about divine beasts the most with her. at some points he both asks about the little divine beast on the ceiling. otherwise i think hed like to hang out with her he just doesnt a lot, as theres nothing really to update on with the shekiah tech or anything. he might? tell her about the forgotten temple considering the sheer amount of guardians there but i think hed have. Weird feelings about that place in general
robbie!! old cronk. he lights up the furnace first so he doesnt come to an empty lighthouse before. hes still nice and his weapons are Very Useful however he laments the rupees leaving his pocket. he does read his diary and actually feels kinda bad for robbie and purah + the tech in general. like no one knew that was going to happen and they Still felt guilty. would probably ask robbie about the lomei laybrinth guardians but also doesnt visit him a lot. he Would play uno with him though. other things: hed use both of their telescopes, ask for recipes and when he stops by he’ll make food for each of them, keeps bringing new glasses or hats for the frog statues (or makes more tiny statues), ask purah more things (can i build a mini divine beast too. whats up with the cores. how do the divine beasts work. ..do you think the champions could still be alright in there. and she can only really say that well. she really doesnt know. its possible ((but its a slim possibility))). he also goes to them for slate fixings! purah would, on one hand, want to try out wind bombing so bad, but also it looks So Dangerous. robbie would also love it and keep making bomb designs to help wind bombing (of which they explode in his face.) purah would probably just make a seperate rune for it entirely (and also make it Not hurt).
this is not part of the ask but if totk was canon he would miss everything so badly. the divine beasts would hit like a fucking Truck man. and nobody mentions it!!!!! not even purah!!! he doesnt bring it up either but it still hurts. miphas statue being moved and not realizing where it is at first hurts Even More. he feels a bit betrayed by that. he even misses the guardians. not one exists. the only one being on purahs lab. he’d go back to the castle just to find Anything on the sheikah tech. his friends are gone and barely anything remains. he’d search robbies old lab. he’d search Everywhere for them. he might even ask some constructs if theyve seen more tech like the ancient arrow tips. he cant even wind bomb he has to Build a machine that goes Slower like a Pleb . sorry just the ludonarrative dissonance in totk. the shrine of resurrection being gone would hurt so so So badly. its like none of it even happened. he never got hurt his friends never existed any memories he had didnt exist any pain or happiness never existed. once he saved zelda he would either go insane or go to robbie and ask to make a sheikah device. or ask where everything is. i think even robbie and purah would be surprised at the SoR being gone and thatd only make the feelings of hurt worse. majoras mask but termina is a mirror world of hyrule and instead of helping link cope through greif it makes everything worse on socmany levels.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Speaking of "something intimate touched by dirty hands", I'll be real, I kinda do still need someone to "cleanse" image of Mic0lash for me. Ever since the grand fandom rift I've of course fallen onto the better side where fans are trying their best, I just can tell my Mic mutuals are trying their best with the guy. But something so incredibly bad is connected with the character- You guys know how negative experiences with people can ruin a character (and you're in luck if not the whole piece of media)? This character for me is a manifestation that if someone claims to really love and need me, I should keep in mind that it is a lie I should not trust.
I should know by now that when something sounds too good to be true - it IS, but he is like... an "avatar" of that realization. Someone I could just look at at be reminded without the words that yes, I should remember that I'll never be happy or valued like I want to. That my "ability" to see something good even in the darkest people or to listen to the intention of even the most distorted message is reserved for someone else. For something else. I am just not built for things like long friendships, celebrating holidays, exploring the world together, just being loved, just being able to trust, just being cared about, just sharing life with someone. My role in this world is to be a "tutorial enemy". Someone people would have a negative experience with but in exchange, understand who they are and what they really want in life, and let go of their struggles and wishes that tormented them. But I feel like I can only fulfill my purpose in this world for as long as I am ignorant about it. If I stop trusting people and seeking the type of love I need - I won't get attached, so I won't get hurt when people hurt me, so I won't be slain. Because this is what I am in - a videogame enemy that people need to defeat to level up and proceed to their own games. And if I stop respawning - how I can be what I am?
I just should not learn a thing, because people better off after they "murder" me. More cruel and reclused, but better off - more self-sufficient, more confident, more.. secure of how much good they deserve. It would just help them to be more cautious when someone actually toxic appears. Like, someone who is not even self-aware, not struggling and not remorseful. So they won't take chances, to the better.
But I just need to blind myself to the truth, because I've got nothing better to offer to this world than being that "tutorial enemy". People are better after slaying me. I drop Insight points upon being stabbed, and it happened so many times. I guess this character is just cursed with being associated with a truth so horrible that it is better off not realizing it and just be moved like a pawn.
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