#and also so scared of being spoiled if i put it off too long lmao
degozarumyu · 6 months
what do u mean gr op 3 is by masayoshi oishi
praying for shinda levels of banger
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hugemilkshake · 5 months
Snow anon: ok I admit I pretytped this in a notepad on mobile since I thought this up in the middle of the night....buuut added onto it when you mentioned how things will get untense when y/n talks lol! And sorry if it's a little bit of a mess, typed it in a half asleep daze since I woke up in the middle of night with idea and had to type it down as fast as possible before my shitty memory deleted it lol!
Baker thinks once they have healed up and so on after being baked...they think the cookies will put em to work and vows to repay the cookies for their kindness....maybe their first words once they are strong enough to talk is "thank you for everything."
Only to discover the spoiling doesn't end once they get stronger. (If ya want: the spoiling INTENSIFIES!) reader is surprised....but then, to explain why this is happening, maybe they say lines that hint at them knowing y/n's past. Like "oh y/n, you must be tired. You've worked so much. Here, I Made your favorite!" Or "Oh heh y/n, I know you worked hard for [item] so I made/got it for you!" and it's like a gaming console y/n had always wanted but could never afford or fit into their life or a plushie they wanted but couldn't get....like the cookies make sure y/n doesn't want for anything.
Also idea...y/n is either talking or learning to talk at this point...like I'm curious how untense the cookies become once y/n can talk!
(Also random guess why it's tense...they don't know if they grabbed the right human until y/n speaks and they recognize their voice and go something like "oh thank the witches we grabbed the right one!"? Lmao!)
Enjoy the milkshake! Idk why it took me so long to write this but here ya go!
Also sorry if this is shorter than the other 2
Chit chatting
-Platonic scenario-
Part 1, Part 2
Strawberry Cookie was panicking at the fact you were standing up, and also understandably scared. Like you you were randomly standing up, how could she not be scared??
Strawberry Cookie had called Wizard Cookie over to make sure you wouldn’t crumble and to their surprise you were pretty much good to walk and move around! As long as you didn’t do anything too wild
Now trying to explain to the two of them proved to be very difficult due to your throat still being too sore to talk
So you had to try and act out what happened since you didn’t know sign language and their was nothing you could write on around so you were kinda embarrassing yourself
In the end you all gave up since you were getting no where. But good news! You could actually go outside finally! So that was nice
At least so you thought…
Some cookies were… kinda concerned by you. You came out of nowhere and couldn’t talk… it’s a bit suspicious
Other cookie were quite friendly and even offered to aid you in walking since you were being guided by Gingerbrave
The cookies who were more friendly with you kept on giving you lots of free stuff, claiming that you seem very familiar so here’s some stuff
While the cookies who were more put off by you tried yo get information out of you, just to see if you could be trusted.
Chili Pepper Cookie was the one who interrogated you the most, you were hanging around Gingerbrave and his friends, like I mean she doesn’t care for them she does care
Chili Pepper Cookie was also the first one to hear you actually say something, what you said was probably really simple like a yes or no but still you could actually speak
After that you just were spoiled by way more cookies, they thanked you for helping them build this glorious kingdom!
You were starting to think that there was more to this cookie game than meets the eye…
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zapmth · 10 months
Muzan HC's/ thoughts
Am I the only one that thinks even though he's intimidating and arrogant, he def not would be dominant in a relationship like he's just a brat that needs to be put in place
For this reason he's a literal coward and is scared of getting his ass kicked like I'm sure if he was in a relationship' with someone stronger than him than he'd be a submissive but a brat that gets on their nerves
More of a reason I think he likes guys more than girls lmao
He's pretty dramatic and exaggerated in his emotions. He's also very over-emotional, so he'd probably throw a tantrum if he doesn't get his way, or if he's insulted or attacked. Definitely a massive bottom.
Like... He's a sensitive guy. Muzan can be easily upset, he's prone to temper tantrums, mood swings, and fits of anger. Whenever he is challenged or feels threatened, he lashes out with rage and violence. He doesn't cope well with stress or frustration, and usually lashes out physically or verbally. It reminds me of a spoiled child who has never been told 'no'.
 Muzan is a very insecure person, he's always trying to appear strong and powerful, but deep down he's actually quite afraid. He relies on his tremendous power to protect him, and is afraid of being vulnerable or weak. He's also very self-conscious about his appearance and his image, and fears being judged or viewed as inferior.
 Muzan is definitely quite a lazy person. He delegates all of his chores and tasks to his followers, and expects them to do everything for him. He's not motivated to do things himself and would rather have others do it for him. However, he also doesn't like when others are lazy and expects them to be diligent and productive. He thinks he's better than everyone else, and wants people to do things for him. He's kind of a hypocrite
He hates being humiliated and criticized, but loves being praised and admired.
He's definitely a huge egoist, and is very narcissistic, he loves the attention and admiration that he gets from his followers and subjects. He thinks he's better than everyone else, and doesn't want anyone to think otherwise. If anyone criticizes or tries to expose him for the little baby he is, he'll get pissed off and lash out in anger.
How does he fall in love?
 I think that he would be drawn to both a weaker person he can control and a strong person that will keep him entertained and challenge him. He seems to be attracted to strength and power, but he also enjoys controlling and manipulating others. So I can definitely see him having an attraction to someone who is strong and will keep him entertained, but at the same time he'll also want someone he can manipulate to do his bidding.
So in summary, I think that he would be drawn to someone who is strong, entertaining, but also someone he can control and manipulate.
 if he couldn't manipulate and control the person he wanted to fall in love with, he would get bored and frustrated very quickly. He would probably try different methods to gain control and power over the person, but if none of them worked he would likely get bored and move on.
He's a pretty impatient person, so he wouldn't want to waste a lot of time trying to get the person to like him or fall in love with him. If it takes too long or too much effort, he'd probably just give up and move on to someone else.
I think that if someone could successfully dominate and control him, it would bring out a bratty and submissive side to him that he normally hides under his dominant and manipulative persona. He would definitely hate it at first, but I think if the person could maintain control and keep him in line for long enough, he might begin to like be under their control and submit to them.
Relationship with a guy?
Now the category if he was with a guy, and he's the bottom, I think it would be a similar situation with the dominance and submission aspect. Muzan would probably be the more submissive one, and the person he's with would be the dominant one. However, he would definitely play hard to get at first. He might be reluctant to admit that he likes the control the other person has over him, and would initially be very resistant and defiant. But as the relationship progressed, I think he would start to appreciate the control and dominance the other person has over him.
He'd never admit it though
Muzan being the bottom in a relationship with a guy would be quite cute, in my opinion. It would definitely play into his submissive and bratty side, and I can imagine him being very clingy and demanding towards his partner, which would be adorable. The other person in the relationship would probably be a very dominant and commanding partner, who would find it amusing to see Muzan become more submissive towards them. It would be a fun dynamic, with the top taking the lead and making most of the decisions, while the bottom (Muzan) is more passive and clingy.
But not those clingy MF's that be clinging on their whole leg! If you get what I mean LOL
Another thing about him being the bottom in a relationship with another guy would be how protective he becomes. I can picture him becoming very possessive and jealous over his partner, and being constantly wary of anyone else who might express interest in them. He would be very possessive and territorial, always wanting his partner all to himself. If anyone else tried to make a move on his partner, he would not hesitate to fight them.
 I guess any relationship with Muzan is gonna be kinda toxic to some extent. His whole persona is based around manipulation and control, so even if he's the bottom in the relationship, he's still gonna be pretty manipulative and toxic. So yeah, it would be a pretty toxic relationship overall, but I think that's just the nature of Muzan's character. He loves having power over others and doesn't really know how to exist without control, so a relationship without some level of toxicity would probably be difficult for him.
That's it I'm done working my brain for this one? Any suggestions/ requests for other characters or certain HC's (for Muzan?)
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silly-inky · 2 months
You will not believe how long I've wanted to ramble about my boy to someone other than my irl bestie.
So Darlington has a lot of mobility issues due to being half dead from birth so he need mobility aids. He also gets sick really easily again because he'd technically the undead. He looks very human but does have a couple Boo features. He also almost always has his tounge sticking out for no apparent reason (part of the Boo heritage) it's also a slight shade of purple (again from KB). He was also born with albinism and has KB's violet eyes. He does have the ghostly hatred for the sun along side burning very easily so he very much doesn't like being outside. He does have some ghost powers but it's only floating and being able to phase through walls. Despite his disabilities he somehow still manages to scare the crap out of people, for example sneaking up on Peach and Mario when they visit and making them scream bloody murder. He's also a thin child because he's so sickly but he does get better as he gets older so when he's a teen he's actually quite chubby. I was also thinking his eyes would glow in the dark like KB so there's another way he scares the living fuck out of people.
He also has an unholy obsession with opera like KB. That is because off all the times he was bedridden KB would put on records or recordings of operas for Darlington. He also learned a language due to opera but instead of Italian it was French, he already knew Italian because of Luigi. Also Darlington is a rather shy kid, soft spoken too but if he's on stage he can project his voice like none other. He also does the Boo thing of covering the eyes and getting flustered when being introduced to new people.
Also Darlington's first Halloween (that he remembers) Junior was there with them, Junior's costume was an inflatable Boo costume (think those inflatable Dino costumes) Darlington was dressed as the Phantom of the opera. KB has drilled it into his head by the time he can talk that the Phantom of the opera is not an opera but rather a musical with operatics
Awww I love hiimmmm
Darlington sounds like a lovely kid and I'm glad he got a bit healthier as he got older, his dad (KB) essentially made him a vampire lmao.
I'm glad King Boo has someone to share his love of opera now, I'm sure Luigi feels a little singled out for it but I'm sure he loves to his boy's having fun
King Boo going full opera nerd on him about Phantom of the Opera from such a young age is so him and I love it, it seems like something my dad would do honestly lmao
I'm curious as to what characteristics and quirks he shares with his other dad, and I can imagine him being spoiled rotten as kid, but it doesn't seem to have gone to his head which is good
I hope being able to float helps a bit with his mobility issues, do you think if he found another source of power like King Boo did it could possibly help with his powers?
I hope he gets all the love he deserves from his family, and I can imagine him being swarmed and fussed over by all the small Boo's which is just so cute
Thank you so much for sharing
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autistichanseo · 1 year
This is a long one !! sorry!! here's some true brothers angst thinking (with comfort at the end) for you guys though <33 (also read the tags after reading this if you do read this maybe cos I go on another mini ramble lmao)
Thinking about maybe when Hanseo and Vincenzo live together in Malta, since all Hanseo’s ever known is getting abused (both physically and verbally) and hurt over any mistake he made no matter how small, he automatically assumes Vincenzo will do the same to him (of course he would, that's what he “deserves”, right?).
So he tests the water with Vincenzo a bit.
To see what Vincenzo’s limits were, what to avoid doing to not get hurt, what the unspoken rules were (after all Hanseok had plenty).
It starts with small things, not tidying up after himself, breaking a plate “accidentally”, leaving milk out to spoil (also “accidentally”).
But Vincenzo doesn’t hurt him.
He helps Hanseo clean up the plate he dropped, checking to see for any possible injuries. He casually tells him to remember to put his things away when they’re all over one of the rooms. He only ever lightly scolds him (it was more a reminder than anything) in a light tone to make sure to not leave out the milk out next time for too long because it’ll spoil, but it was fine, that they could just ask a maid to add milk onto the grocery list.
It both confuses and scares Hanseo.
It meant he didn’t know what would set off Vincenzo, and he couldn’t handle the anxiousness that clawed at him whenever he was around him because of it.
Plus he was apart of the literal mafia, who knew what he and his mafia family (that also lived on the island) would do to Hanseo when angered?? He had seen first hand all of the various ways he toyed with Hanseok, and couldn't forget what Vincenzo had done to him before he joined his side, so who knew what methods he'd use when angered?? He needed to find out what to avoid, and fast.
Vincenzo starts noticing and asks if somethings wrong and why he's been avoiding him, to which Hanseo was terrified (and slightly relieved) that this was when the other shoe would drop and Vincenzo would shout at him or hit him.
But that never happened.
When Hanseo told him nothing was up, that he was struggling to sleep a bit lately so because of that he's just been a quite tired recently and out of it, Vincenzo seems to buy it and offered to get him a therapist, as after all it makes sense he’d be restless after everything that happened not too long ago in Korea. He ruffles his hair and leaves and Hanseo is just left shocked.
Why was he being so patient with him?? Hanseok would’ve hurt him at so many points in this test, why didn’t Vincenzo? (“Any other person would’ve by now right?”)
Was he toying with him? Making Hanseo more and more relaxed around him so that a real punishment would sting more and Hanseo would blame himself for it?
No, he shakes off that thought immediately. His hyung wouldn’t do something like that. It had to be something else.
He needs to know when the other shoe will drop. So he escalates things. Better to know now than fuck up later and have his hopes ruined.
So he keeps “forgetting” to go to his therapy appointments. He “tripped” and broke one of Vincenzo’s prized art pieces, he refuses to move his things or clean up after himself. He goes out to drink almost every day and comes home at like 3am, sometimes blasting loud music when Vincenzo's sleeping.
Anything. Anything for the second shoe to drop.
And eventually, Vincenzo can’t take it anymore, but it didn’t go as Hanseo expected it.
Vincenzo and him get in a huge argument, Hanseo’s refusing to listen (the shoe has to drop now right?) and Vin just exasperatedly like “why are you doing this?” but he isn't shouting at him or upset, just… concerned?
Why wasn’t he mad??
As Vincenzo is asking him to explain why he was being like this Hanseo can’t bottle it up anymore and just bursts out with “because you won’t hurt me!!! why wont you hurt me??? just get it over with and scream at me for screwing up or slap me or anything! just do something so I'm not always anxious around you and... scared everything’s going to- I don’t know, straight up collapse at any moment or something!! just tell me what your rules are!!”
And that's when Vincenzo realises.
His heart sinks. Because he now knows exactly why Hanseo’s doing this.
He’s trying to figure out what Vincenzo would hurt him for.
He thinks Vincenzo is going to hurt him eventually like Hanseok did.
It takes Vincenzo a moment to process this and it's suddenly silent and Hanseo thinks this is when the other shoe has dropped.
He’s filled with fear once again, but this time it spills over any sort of relief he could’ve gotten at finally “finding out what Vincenzo’s limits were” because Hanseo can’t read Vincenzo’s face right now. He associates that unreadability with the unreadable expression Hanseok would have on his face before hurting Hanseo.
He's bracing himself to get shouted at or hurt so he goes back into Hanseok-mode and takes a step back, starting to cave in on himself as he's about to try to apologise and take back what he just said.
Thankfully, Vincenzo realises this and immediately snaps out of his head to reassure Hanseo. "Hanseo... I'm not going to hurt you... I was never planning on ever laying a hand on you. Ever. Nor was I planning to ever shout at you."
And Hanseo is just.
He doesn't know what to say so he's only responds with a meek "Why?"
For Vincenzo to be like "what Hanseok did to you wasn't normal or even okay in the first place, and you'll never get any of that horrible treatment from anyone again." (Vincenzo will make sure of that).
And Hanseo's just. speechless.
He can't figure out what to say or do so he's just there, starting to tear up like "hyung..."
Because this is when Hanseo realises that for the first time in his life, he's truly, truly safe now.
Because now he has a home, and he didn't just mean the island they lived on, but Vincenzo himself. Vincenzo was home to him, and he was more of a home to him than any fancy villa Hanseo had had before could've ever been.
Yeah, he'll be okay now.
After all, no matter what happens, he has his home to go back to.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 10 months
What are your headcanons for Belle and Adam’s engagement? How and where did he propose? :)
oooh yes yes !! i talked way too much so i’m putting it under the cut to spare people the scrolling lmao
so i’ve actually posted two (2) proposal fics since i’ve been on ao3 lol. the first one was maybe 3 years ago, and THIS one is already a year and a half old ! ah! anyway i think about their engagement every now and then and i melt into a puddle. i love how i wrote the more recent one though i think it’s quite fitting.
without spoiling too much, he proposes to her on the roof of the castle. he’s SO nervous and he still doesn’t feel completely worthy of her, but he just loves her so much he can’t bare ever being apart from her in life. he wants to be hers!!
i think the topic of marriage comes up Kind of early in their courtship. and i don’t think they courted for long. my vague timeline is:
June: the events of the movie, (which, i personally think the curse made them feel like they’d been together for weeks, a month or two even. even though it was 5 days in real time, it seems pretty clear that the curse skews time heavily. but that’s a post for another day.) and the curse lifting and them beginning a “proper” courtship !!!
July: courting, getting to know each other more and more and being SO cute. i think belle kind of splits her time between the village and the castle. she definitely Prefers being at the castle but she also doesn’t want to just abandon maurice completely. at one point she joins him on a week-long trip to an art market (at maurice’s request; i think he was sensing that adam & belle were nearing a point of marriage and he wanted some alone time with her before changes started to happen 🥺) but it’s good for the two love birds to have some time apart anyway! healthy, and all that. one of my favorites of my fics this year is set when she comes back from that trip though, it’s so so sweet.
August: I think adam proposes some time early august. maybe in the second week or so. he proposes with his mother’s ring (not her engagement ring, just a ring she wore often and loved). his birthday is the 26th and they’re already engaged by then, though it’s very new! and they probably used his birthday ball as a means of announcing/celebrating the engagement as well
September: they get married september 24th!! it’s all sunny and the trees are turning orange and it’s just beautiful. they get married in paris at notre dame cathedral. and from there they have a Very Long (like two months sjdksj) honeymoon traveling around europe. it’s mostly because adam just wanted to show his adventurous girl EVERYWHERE, so he went a little crazy planning this trip. BUT also it’s their introduction tour as the new king and queen of france. (they won’t be officially coronated until january, but once they’re married it’s like yeah they’re king and queen now. basically.)
anyway i got sidetracked lmao. my POINT was that i think the topic of marriage came up kind of early on, probably even by july. not so much like “I Want To Marry You” (though they both probably Thought that) but more like. the elephant in the room: adam is a prince, and heir to the french throne. and as soon as he finds a wife, he’ll be crowned king. as has been the law looming over him since his father died. HUGE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM !!!!
and some day i would love to write this conversation, i think about it every now and then. like, i think adam worries that the pressures and role that comes along with marrying him will scare belle off. and that’s not really true, though i do think belle Does take time to consider it. like. she’s been a small town farm girl with zero prospects her entire life. now she’s supposed to be queen of france????? quite the leap!!! they discuss it best they can, though it is a nerve wracking discussion because it kind of pops their romance bubble, so to speak. they’re not just a simple couple that can have a normal life. marrying adam is marrying the crown, and wearing it yourself.
i think adam is also very careful about how he approaches it, because in his heart of hearts, he KNOWS belle would make an incredible queen. her kindness and her brilliance, her determination and fearlessness, they’re all the perfect qualities for a leader. he is entirely uncertain about himself as king, (and he struggles with the role a lot at first after the coronation) but he knows belle would be an exceptional queen. when he tells her this, she scoffs and says her background has done nothing to prepare her. she’s not even properly educated. but adam assures her that she will have access to any university she wanted, if that’s what she needs to feel prepared, as well as any instructors and tutors and advisors at her disposal. he doesn’t care about her background, he knows what she is capable of when she sets her mind to it. (and this of course makes belle tear up).
anyway, belle of course comes around to the idea of becoming queen. i think adam even apologizes at one point, wishing they COULD just get married and be a normal couple. but belle tells him she’d marry him in any world, and if this one calls them to the throne, then so be it. (i think i have a fic about that too omg !! it’s very good. set after they’re engaged).
ANYWAY WOWZA ! i sure am rambling. did i even answer your question? i do not know. but i hope you enjoyed the infodump sjdks
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husbandohunter · 3 years
You know ur small predicament post?? you should make a reverse version where s/o is smaller!
A Smaller Predicament [Genshin Impact x Smol!Reader]
Tumblr media
Characters: Scaramouche, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo
Synopsis: Not only did you shrink, you went pocket sized as well!
(A sequel to "A Small Predicament")
(A/n): Sorry for the long wait anon, and I kind of added a twist to the scenario for more diversity hahaha hope you don't mind >_<. And why is Childe the poster boy for this series lmao.
When Childe walks in, he doesn't see you....until he looked down. He almost crunched you beneath his feet if it weren't for your constant flailing of arms and screeching voice. He blanks out for a hot minute as you clung onto his toes, doesn't dare to move an inch because he's so petrified (even though there's nothing to be afraid of??). But honestly if Childe moved right now, he might accidentally flail you to the side and that's the last thing he wants.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??" He screamed so loud it nearly blew you out of proportion. Seems like he's going to have alot of adjusting to do. Childe is a tall man (canonically the tallest) and he knows how impulsive he can get which is why he bought a handmade dollhouse from one of the Liyue merchants for you to stay in.
Though there's something about your tiny size that makes his heart flutter. With your face so small with a pair of eyes far too big, *clutches chest* "My oujo-chan is so cute" -Childe probably. He won't stop saying them over again and you were growing tired of his gushing reactions. He can't help it. He wants to spoil you rotten. You fit right onto the flat of his palms, the way you just snuggle up againts his finger and he just- swoons, might tear up (bruh).
Toys may be for kids but for Childe it was now his favourite pass time. While you navigate around the wooden dollhouse, he pitches in by moving around the furniture to make it easier for you. Offers to carry you through the rooms like a personal elevator. And please, please let him tuck you to bed. He has to pinch his fingers to grab the blanket. It's so adorable to him.
Loves it when you snuggle up against his collar. He thinks it would be the best area for you to be nearby him since the risk of you getting hit by anything (or him) by accident is very slim chance. Sometimes he pulls up his collar so that you're more comfortable and cradled within. He would have to avert his eyes down rather than turning his head if he wanted to look at you otherwise you'd be hit by his chin and that would hurt.
The poking sensation with you by his neck can bother him since he's veeeery tickilish there. Plus, Childe can get easily sweaty so have fun with that.
You have a feeling that he wasn't so pleased when you transformed back. You might be right. Actually, you are right. He secretly has an extra potion hidden somewhere...just in case.
Mortified, his soul just left his body. To think things couldn't get any worse ever since he turned into a child to the point no one took him seriously, now you're literally the size of an apple. Oh god what if his bird suddenly swoops in and gobbles you right up? Or the wrath of the wind comes by, swirling you away towards a tornado. Needless to say, Diluc grew paranoid over your well-being ever since.
Due to your extremely small size, he will ensure that you are supervised by him (except at night where he has places to go). In otherwords, you're slipped into the inner pocket of his coat. It's super warm, you can fall asleep (and feel his heartbeat awww). Diluc doesn't like keeping you in places where people can see you, it would be too easy for outer things to access your tiny form (or maybe he secretly likes the feeling of you in his pocket.)
And he's such a gentleman about it. You noticed how careful he moves among his footsteps because he's worried that you might get dizzy. Diluc guards the pocket at close parameter, keeping an eye on things so he won't bump into them. As if he was treading on thin ice (you even suggested it was best to leave you home but he's too overprotective for his own good).
You're like his little assistant. Diluc does so much paperwork through out the day and although the act was small, he finds it endearing how you would help bring the papers back to it's rightful pile or pushing the ink bowl towards him. Or during his shifts at Angel's Share, crawling around the glass utensils and trying to find a specific wine beverage on his shelf. Of course that only happens when the shop is closed, how is he going to explain to his patrons that you shrank and now live in his pocket?
He dislikes the thought of you wandering too far. It's so easy for you to get lost especially when the mansion is so large.
At night you now sleep atop the fluff of the pillow. Diluc is a calm sleeper so he won't have to worry about hitting into you. However he radiates warmth so you just subconicously roll towards to his face. He usually wakes up with you sprawled over his nose. He can hardly breath (careful, he might just sneeze too).
This all happened because of the experiements you participated with Albedo. Diluc ensures that doesn't happen again. It will take some tencaious effort to convince him otherwise.
Fuck this guy. He treats you like his new pet, a new toy (though you technically are one). He has this arrogant, smug and sadistic look as if he was a predator looking at his prey and grabs you by the collar before dangling you up in the air.
"Hmph, looks like the tables have turned," he says while toying with your state. You tell him he's just angry because he's short himself and mad that everyone else in the Fatui organization is taller than him. Scaramouche demon face activated. He's about to devour you. (Maybe you should keep your mouth shut this time. Honestly your relationship with him is pretty weird).
His hat is so fun to play with. You'd swing around like Tarzan using the strings that were hanging from it. His head was your playground now which annoys him to an enourmous extent because it makes him look ridiculous. Scaramouche will have a hard time catching you since you move around so much. Climb around him, especially the back of his neck. He'll start wheezing when you tickle him there.
The type to put you in a box but also the type to keep you on his shoulders. Being relied on makes him feel taller (lmfao). Scaramouche seemse to have developed a habit to poke your cheeks whenever he needed your attention and you bit him back once when he pushed too hard that you nearly fell off. Despite your size, your teeth still hurt. He threatens to put you back into the box if you don't behave and the outcome ends with a full out brawl as he tries to grab you again while you run around, pulling the strands of his hair to climb on top of his hat. (This is literally Tom and Jerry wtf.)
After transforming back, he outwardly admits his disappointmen. Scaramouche says it suits you better (when he actually meant that he highly prefers you small). You marked his words, keeping an extra vial for your own entertainment in the near future.
Xiao was face-palming against his forehead real hard about this. For the love of Rex Lapis, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time? First it was the child incident, now you're the size of his finger? Good grief, looks like he will have to keep an eye on you from now on but at the same time he's scared to get too close, you are nothing but a tiny mortal in which he would have to double his effort to look after.
He lets you sit at the crown of his head rather than anywhere else. You insisted since it was easier to see everything at a nice distance (plus he's short so you won't have to worry about him bumping into door frames). You noticed that Xiao also has a little strand sticking out from the center (ahoge) and you sometimes grab onto it for stability. Turns out he's quite sensitive there and winces when you pull too hard.
For the remaining week as the antedote was being prepared, Xiao became extremely aggressive over your well-being, he looks as if he's ready to massacre everything in his way...which he did. Clears out the monsters off the path before going on daily strolls with you, you wouldn't have to lift a finger from now on. No one except for him is allowed to hold you unless they're a trustworthy person. You could feel his sharp eyes glued on you like a hawk when walking into the grasp of Zhongli's hand.
You once accidentally tripped into his almond tofu when he wasn't looking and he almost ate you. Turns out being small made his job as your gaurdian ten times harder (especially when you're the clumsy type). If you were to fall off the table, he would have to catch you right? Xiao often bumps into furnitures in the process...ouch!
He's very soft. It's all over his forehead, his mouth, his eyes. When he looks at you, his tense eatures melted away and there's an invisible fondness over them as he cradles you in his palm. The way you snuggle in them is lke the most precious thing in the world.
When you turn back, there's a wave of relief. He was really stressed out you know?
His first thought is to get you as far as he can from the Funeral Parlour before Hu Tao finds you. Who knows what that child might have in mind. Zhongli takes one of his empty tea pots and urges you to go inside, or carries a tea cup with you in it, he likes placing you on objects while carrying you around.
Zhongli realizes that you can no longer use the household items like before so he has to remake them to your standards- especially when he realized he doesn't have the mora to buy you a dollhouse. He improvises. Takes a handkerchief to make your blanket, his cups for your bathtub, Zhongli had to cut the foot into byte-sized too. But in terms of clothes, well he had to make them as well. Living thousands of years would mean he would have lot of experience. Sewing was one of them luckily. But that would mean he has to take your measurements as well. In the end, most of the things he made were dresses since they were alot easier.
You like to sneak in between his shirt and his vest tucked behind the coat he wears. Unfortunately Zhongli doesn't seem to have visible pockets (most likely the reason why he doesn't carry mora either), though if you don't hold on tight you might just slip down his vest and right to his stomach. It makes him chuckle when that happens even if the amount of effort to get you out took more than he thought since his attire is quite complicated to put on. If you really want to climb on him, he'll find a seperate pouch (but realizes it won't be a good idea when there's alot of pick-pocketers in Liyue streets).
All of a sudden he reads you bedtime stories. It's some sort of inner instinct that tells him he's taking care of a child now (he's right though). You realized that his voice was equivalent to a thunder's roar due to size difference. He would have to whisper now.
It will always be part of his precious memories when you turned pocket-sized. Zhongli still keeps the clothing he made somewhere in his closets too.
Amused by this eventful situation. Absolutely thrilled! He's not evil like Scaramouche but this new version of his s/o is both adorable and fun at the same time. You're so easy to tickle, just one poke using his finger against your hips makes you yelp. Sometimes he twirls your hair or taps your forehead gently despite your protest, he's so handsy like always in an affectionate yet annoying way.
Kaeya picks you up and places you among the fluffy comfort of his feathery scarf. You sneezed, the last time he cleaned it was before he went on a mission with the knights. Though you have to admit, it's the best feeling in the world. It's so soft you might sink deeper into the fabric. He likes to put you in places where he can talk to you easily, sometimes on the table while he downs on his wine. Normally you have to take the bottle away before it gets too much, now you have to push it away which he finds very entertaining at your futile attempts.
"Don't you have anything better to do?" you tell him. Since you turned byte-sized, he can't seem to stop playing around. Takes his two fingers and pretends they're legs walking across the surface. You would turn around and he halts, Kaeya sends you his signature grin. When he promises that he wouldn't do anything funny, you would let him hold you. Since hugs are out of the equation, Kaeya gives you his finger instead to wrap your arms around. He can't get enough seeing you like this, things he couldn't do when you were normal-sized. he enjoys your reactions way too much.
His favourite pass time is helping you brush your hair because the hairbursh is too big for you to handle. Kaeya ensure he's handling things delicately but he would love to help style it for you as well. Pretty please? At this point one request turns to another because he's having way too much fun. But it couldn't be helped since you would need his assistance in almost everything so there's really no escaping.
You were so happy when things were normal again but Kaeya would bring this up again during your conversations (how next time he would like to put you in his drinks while you're wearing a swim suit).
Legit blurted out if he could put you on a hamster wheel.
What about trying out the little maze he just made?
Or participating in a race against slimes of different elements?
No? Okay, then he'll just turn you back.
Albedo isn't going deal with this as along as he can help it (especially when he remembers what Klee did to him when he turned small.)
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jade-parcels · 3 years
The genshin men: fatherhood edition
With: Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Baizhu
Ajax loves kids and he’ll make that known early on in your relationship
Like...This man wants five or more kids but he’ll settle for four. He dreams of a big family, getting to surround himself with you and your kids every night for family dinners, everyone getting together for big birthday parties or reunions! That’s his dream life! Plus, in Snezhnaya, most families have more than two kids anyways
He will cry so hard when his babies are placed in his arms for the first time, I mean he’s a mess. Nose is running, eyes puffy, lost of sniffling lmao he is so excited to be a dad!! Don’t you dare tell the other Harbingers how much he cried...What do you mean you took a picture when he wasn’t looking??? Hey??!?!
With his obscene amount of mora, he’ll buy a huge house that will accommodate everyone. Anything you want will be purchased that day or within 48 hours, the same goes for the kids
But they’ll all learn to be thankful for what they have. They’ll learn to fight, fish and speak multiple languages. He has high expectations but let’s face it, he’ll be proud of them no matter what
You’re gonna have to be the one to put your foot down though because Ajax doesn’t enjoy being the ‘mean parent’, he has trouble saying no to the kiddos which can create some tension between you and your husband. He has good intentions of course!! He doesn’t wanna say no to those cute, freckled faces!!
Zhongli is nervous about having kids because he’s immortal. So this will go one of two ways. 1. You have the baby and the baby ends up not being immortal (or you adopt a baby who is not immortal) Then he loses you both. OR 2. You have the baby and it inherits his immortality and becomes an adeptus. Now he and the baby will have to watch you die while they both life forever.
Either way...It hurts him to think about because he loves you!! He wants to have a family with you!! He wants to give you that perfect family life every human desires!! But he’s torn
You two will just have to figure it out.
Zhongli will be a strong, male figure for your kid(s) and he will instill that traditional kindness and respect into their behavior. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ always, always offer to help someone who needs it, do good deeds and you will feel accomplished, be the best you you can be, alway try your hardest because that’s all that matters
He will be sure that your kid(s) always feel loved ALWAYS. Zhongli will tell them stories, cook for them, take them to school, anything that needs to be done. When you’ve had a rough day, he’ll step in to take over for the night without being asked. He shows interest in everything your kid(s) like and he will do his damn best to display every piece of artwork they make or every pretty rock they find
He...will make a great dad :’)
Ooooh brother, at first Kaeya says no he doesn’t want kids but...Then he starts thinking about it
He observes the happy families that walk around the cobblestone streets of Mondstadt, how the kiddos smile and laugh with their parents. He’ll patrol in the afternoons, usually rounding the corner just in time to see the city’s kids leave school for the day, watching as they all run down the street to go home to their parents or play in the fountain together...Yeah, that really warms his heart
He’d want one or two kids, preferably two to avoid an only child being lonely. He isn’t on the best terms with Diluc but he can admit that they had a great childhood together, playing at the winery and running around as brothers do
Kaeya would be a very patient, understanding father. He doesn’t have much of a temper so he’d use the kids’ mistakes as learning opportunities instead of getting upset at them
He would be obsessed with the kids when they’re babies though oh man if you thought you had baby fever, he has it times ten! He loves holding the baby, watching with a twinkling eye as his baby grasps his thumb with its tiny hand... adorable
And if your kids inherited his eyes, his star shaped pupils that his ancestors passed down to him...He’s gonna get emotional
Everyone at the knights’ headquarters and the Angel’s Share will get sick of him REALLY fast cause he won’t stop bragging about how cute and smart his kids are lmao
Diluc would be such a soft dad don’t even get me started
He loves you so much of course he wants to have kids with you! Is that even a question?? He won’t be the one to bring it up unless he gets the feeling that you want kids but once you ask, he’ll agree so fast
He’ll be grateful to even have one kid with you :’) and he’ll be fine with however many kids YOU want. You want one kid? Perfect! You want four? No problem, the manor is big enough for ten! You...you want ten...? Time to hire some more maids then lmao
Diluc is a worry wart though, he’ll be afraid to hold the baby, feed it, bathe it, he’s terrified of hurting the baby or the baby suddenly hating him. So just help him out!! Cause when he gets comfortable with the baby, he’ll be in full dad mode
He isn’t embarrassed to walk around the manor, conducting business with a baby strapped to his chest!
Diluc is a very kind, gentle dad who will always offer helpful solutions to the kiddos’ problems. He’ll make sure all of their needs are met while also trying to avoid spoiling them... Too much... There will be a fair amount of spoiling...
His own father wasn’t too affectionate with him so that’s why he’ll be affectionate with his kids! Hugs and kisses when he tucks them in at night, big dad hugs when they get home from school, holding their hands in the busy streets of Mondstadt. His father was a great dad! He just aims to be better.
Like Zhongli, he worries about the mortality thing. Since he’s an Adeptus, his kid will certainly be an Adeptus too if you have kids together.
He also worries that his kid(s) will hate him. His duty is to kill demons which means that rain or shine, holidays, special occasions, day or night he’s gotta be ready to go slaughter demonic beings. So he’ll inevitably miss out on important stages in the kiddos’ lives
And admittedly... He’ll be scared of his kids lmao
They’re screaming, crying, barfing, pooping, laughing, screaming again...He can’t predict their behavior. It’s unsettling. All of that goes away one night when you sit him down and place your sleeping baby in his arms. His eyes go wide...And he just watches. This tiny, little baby...Feels no fear for him. It’s comforted by his presence. He almost cries...ALMOST
He’s still pretty much the same Xiao we all know and love but now he has a kid. “Slaying demons is what I do...Hey, go back inside and finish your dinner. Yes, even your vegetables. I don’t care that you don’t like them-...Fine. Don’t tell your mother, bring them to me. I’ll eat them” cute :)
He’s a protective dad and husband, he’d never let anyone or anything harm his beloved family
Venti....does not want kids. He thinks they’re cute! He likes the idea of kids but he knows he wouldn’t enjoy actually having kids
You two already have so much fun together!! You don’t need a kid!! You guys have dogs!! Dogs are like kids! But they’re more independent and they’re cuter!
He’ll feel bad if you want kids and he doesn’t, he really will! But it’ll be nearly impossible to convince him cause he’s made his mind up :/
Venti’ll make it up to you somehow though, he’ll take you out more and show you all of the adventures you guys can have if there aren’t kids around
But for the sake of fatherhood headcanons, let’s pretend he gave in. Venti would be a very caring dad. He would cuddle the hell out of this kiddo and sing to them :’) the only problem is that Venti doesn’t like being tethered to one place for too long so he tends to take off and not come back for a few days... :(
Albedo wants kids mostly just to see what fatherhood would be like. He’s always been curious about what that part of his life would be like so why not have a kid
He’d be good with one kid, two at most cause after practically raising Klee, he knows how some kids can be and...He doesn’t have the mental capacity for more than two kids at a time lmao
He tries his best to show more emotion in his face. We all know he usually sits like this 😐 and goes ‘wow im so happy right now’. If you didn’t know him, you’d think he was bored out of his mind right? So he’s gotta work on that. And when he musters up a smile for the baby and it smiles back at him????? Yeah...He’s gonna try to smile a lot more now
He definitely softens up once he becomes a dad, he shows emotion more than he used to and surprisingly, he takes time off of work. Shocker, I know! He decides that he’s been in the lab long enough and that he wants to be able to be there for these moments with you and his kid(s) :’) :’) He trusts Sucrose and Timaeus to take over for him for a couple hours
He keeps a journal for each kid and writes down the date and time they have their firsts or just interesting things they do ->
- 8/4: Baby sees and plays with a cat for the first time
- 9/5: Baby smacked me in the face and laughed so hard she threw up
-9/12: Baby learns that pulling my hair gets my attention. She now continues to do so
-10/15: Baby stays at Aunt Klee’s house for the first time
Baizhu really loves kids, he works with them a lot and he considers Qiqi to be his daughter anyway but in terms of you guys having a kid together, with his condition he can probably only handle one kid running around
He will do his absolute best to be a good dad. Even if he feels like death, he’ll help change diapers, feed the baby, care for it when you need a break. He isn’t contagious so when you’re sleeping and he feels gross, he’ll sit back against the pillows with the baby on his chest, the three of you resting together (though he doesn’t fall asleep...that would be dangerous for the baby)
Baizhu already tends to nag at you about your health and lifestyle choices but now?? He’ll be a menace. He’ll be constantly evaluating your baby’s condition, checking to see if a certain food is giving them a rash or making sure their skin isn’t drying out. He’s hyper aware of your baby’s health and will be the one to treat them if they get sick
He’s a busy guy since he runs the pharmacy but he will always do his best to be present for your baby’s big milestones! And when your kid cries cause Baizhu’s medicine tastes like shit, he’ll do his best to not be disappointed in their reaction lmao
When you leave him alone with the baby, he’ll wrap a scarf around himself to tie the baby to his chest while he works and...he looks so cute :) dad baizhu <3 <3 <3 <3
Bonus points for him buying the baby toy medical equipment so he can get your kiddo interested in medicine :)
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moon3thereal · 3 years
bad girls get punished
pairings” wandanat x reader 
genre: no plot just smut
a/n my first smut fic lmao pls don’t judge too harshly 
summary: Natasha catching you touching yourself
warnings: smut, 18+ content, oral sex (r receiving), swearing, degradation, mommy kink 
word count: 1.3k
Out of your two girlfriends, Natasha and Wanda, Wanda was definitely the soft dom, she let you get away with misbehavior 99% of the time and couldn’t even think about punishing you no matter how much of a brat you were. however, the same cannot be said about Natasha, she’d always put you in your place no matter how small the misstep was and you always avoided breaking the rules when she was around
Which was why you were taking full advantage now that Natasha was on a mission, it was just you and Wanda and though you missed Natasha you were also grateful that she wasn’t around to see you right now, your ass would probably be seven different shades of red if she were. You were sprawled across the bed you shared with your girlfriend, one hand teasing your breasts and the other down your underwear, sliding your fingers over your folds slick with your arousal. Quiet whimpers and moans falling from your lips as you pleasured yourself
Wanda had let you get away with it every time and even helped you to your climax a few times, which is why you didn’t even bother to hide your needy whines that reverberated through the room. Natasha wasn’t scheduled to get home until a week later so you were completely safe.
Or so you thought
You were so lost in your pleasure that you didn’t hear the door open and both of your girlfriends walking in chattering animatedly. The second you realized how much of trouble you were in was one you heard Natasha’s voice calling out for you and the Russian appeared in front of your open door. Your expression of euphoria was immediately replaced with one of fear when you realized that it was the redhead instead of the brunette and hurriedly attempted to hide yourself with your sheets
Natasha’s smile disappeared and her eyes darkened, an expression of pure lust streaked across her perfect features. Wanda was behind her telling you silently that you were seriously and utterly fucked.
After a few moments of Natasha simply glaring at your hand that was still in between your thighs and your sweaty figure, she raised an eyebrow “you thought it would be funny to let mommy come home to her little girl being such a needy whore huh” she was walking towards you while taking her leather jacket off at an agonizingly slow rate. You were staring up at her while shaking your head with your eyes wide.
The sokovian was on your other side raking her fingernails over your thigh. “words kotenok (kitten)” the redhead said gripping your jaw “n-no mommy” you stuttered out. Letting go, she kept her gaze on you “you know i don’t like people touching what’s mine, strip.” She said, her voice cold and you could tell that you were in for it. You hastily stripped off your thin camisole and the pink thong that barely covered anything in the first place.
“spread” Natasha’s voice left no space for any disobedience, Wanda coaxed your thighs apart exposing your glistening folds to your girlfriends. You whined when the witch’s fingers made their way up your torso and teased your painfully stiff nipples. Natasha rested two of her fingers on your bottom lip “open up slut” you whimpered taking her fingers into your mouth and swirling your tongue over her slim digits
Wanda was nibbling on the shell of your ear when Natasha abruptly pulled her fingers out and thrusted them into your dripping cunt pulling a gasp from you at the sudden penetration, she thrust her fingers in and out of you roughly “isn’t this better than playing with yourself krasivaya (beautiful), dumb little slut always needs mommy or Wanda playing with her pussy” you couldn’t do anything else but whimper in response. you whined when Natasha pulled her fingers out and held her fingers up to Wanda’s lips.
The brunette made a display of running her tongue up Natasha’s digits collecting all your arousal, letting out a moan at the taste of you “our pretty girl tastes so good” she said and pulled the redhead into a heated kiss, allowing her to taste you on Wanda’s tongue. Frustrated at the lack of attention, “please mommy” you moved your hips against Natasha’s hand earning yourself a smack to your cunt. Natasha glared at you with a perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised “don’t push it slut”
Standing up, Natasha headed towards your shared closet no doubt to retrieve the toys that she kept in the top drawer that would’ve scared the living daylights out of vanilla couples. Wanda was now positioned directly in front of your exposed folds, she ran her tongue along them and on your clit and you let out breathy moans of pleasure “oh right there wan” you breathed out  when she thrust her tongue into your hole, clenching around her tongue, you felt the knot in your stomach tighten and just when you thought that you would reach an orgasm, Natasha’s voice rang out “now now, we cant let our whore cum just like that wans” Wanda lifted her head off your now aching pussy “of course, I was just playing with her Nattie” the Russian was wearing your favorite strap and it stole your breath away.
For a few seconds, you simply lay there staring at her, until she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor. You dropped to your knees so quickly it was embarrassing. Eyes straying to the sokovian you saw that Wanda was watching intently with her hand already in her pants “Get mommy’s cock ready for your pussy kotenok (kitten)” almost immediately, you took the length of the toy into your mouth, when it hit the back of your throat you gagged, drooling over the silicon toy, you could hear Wanda's soft moans and Natasha's groans.
Tears pricked at your eyes as Natasha thrust it further into your mouth “look so pretty crying and drooling all over mommy’s cock” she cooed and when she was satisfied, the redhead pulled you up by your hair and bent you roughly over the side of the bed. In a second, Wanda was in front of you, your jaw in her ring clad hand and she captured your lips in a kiss, you were so captivated by the sokovian’s plush lips that you were completely caught off guard when Natasha thrust the length into you and you gasped, your cunt pulsing around the large toy
Barely giving you time to adjust to the size, Natasha was already thrusting it in and out of you harshly, both hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises. “such a needy slut hm? Just needed mommy to come home and fuck you like the dumb whore you are?” you mumbled incoherently and Natasha slapped your ass leaving a red hand print, forcing you to answer “yes m-mommy fuck feels so good” you released a series of incoherent moans and profanities. Between the combinations of Wanda nibbling on your bottom lip and the toy inside you and Natasha’s finger circling your clit in firm circles, you felt so close to your climax “I’m gonna cum mommy ah-”
You felt the toy leave your aching pussy and gasped. Your cunt clenched on nothingness and you whined desperately “oh come on Tasha, that wasn’t nice, you could’ve let our pretty girl cum” Wanda pouted but Natasha only chuckled “you’ll spoil her then, cant let her get away with being a brat now can we?” the Russian turned back to you “make Wanda and mommy cum, then, I’ll consider letting you cum my little fucktoy”
You were in for a very long night
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
Hey darlings! Can I request Xiao, Albedo and Diluc separately carrying reader around for a day because of a bet they lost? Love yall! <3
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: diluc, albedo, xiao (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: not proofread
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: THIS TOOK SO LONG I’M SO SORRY ANON (i was busy and didnt feel like writing anything for like a month ☹ but im back and ill try and write more, esp since my school year ends in like a month and a half)
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oh you could see so much 
Diluc was so tall.... it was great 
“is this what height feels like?”
despite you enjoying every second of it, the pyro typhoon was slowly suffering
the answer is nothing (except that Donna is jealous and pissed)
“How much longer are we going to have to do this for?”
“The whole day, obviously! That was the bet!” you cheered, clearly enjoying where you were currently. His suffering for your enjoyment.
The red-haired man sighed and continued walking around, eventually drifting over to the giant tree in the middle of Windrise. 
He stops next to the base of the oak tree, slightly lowering himself down. You weren’t exactly surprised that he could carry your weight, since he wields a giant claymore as a weapon, but you couldn’t feel not just the tiniest bit bad for him.
you guys were playing a guessing game as Diluc took a shift at Angel’s Share last night
“how much is venti gonna drink tonight”
you won, obviously
that damn bard drank at least 50,000 mora’s worth in dandelion wine
and thats how you lose money in a business, children
You lowered yourself off of the man’s back, assuming that’s what he wanted. 
“Hey, sorry about the bet...” you trail off, taking a seat on the grass and letting the wind graze your face.
“It’s fine. A bet is a bet.”
“Yeah but--” you stopped. There was absolutely no way that you would win this debate. 
The pyro user looked at you after a few seconds of silence. You usually talked a lot more than this and strongly believed in sharing your thoughts, so what was stopping you now?
“You know what? Let’s just go to the winery and take a walk there together.” You begrudgingly got up from your spot from the cool grass and started to walk in the direction of the winery.
There were a few hurried steps coming from behind you, assumingly from Diluc, but you paid no mind to him. He probably just didn’t wanna leave you behind--
“Woah-- hey! Diluc, wh--”
“A bet is a bet.”
you found yourself on his shoulders this time
dude really ran up and lifted you onto his shoulders
like dipped under you
mans said “woOOP” 
you would kill him but hes too hot for that 😉
You sighed.
A bet is a bet. 
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you were taller than the alchemist
not by much, but it was enough that it was wacky as hell
(i hc that Albedo isn’t super strong so he’s struggling even tho he’s a sword user-- tbh i thought that he was a catalyst at first lmao)
it’s so funny because Albedo is literally holding you like a baby being burped while doing some sort of experiment
“Stop kicking before I spill something on the both of us, (Y/N).”
The blond sighed and continued to work on some kind of potion. 
It was comforting to be in someone’s embrace again. How long’s it been? Years, maybe...
And soon enough, you fell asleep while the scholar cradled you in his arms. 
i can assure you that he was FREAKING OUT
he was scared that he would wake you up if he put you down on the bed that the he occasionally would sleep on (he survives on caffeine)
but he needed to do this experiment 
like... NEEDED to 
“../N)..? (Y/N), wake up.” You whined in response, not really processing anything that was coming out of Albedo’s mouth. “You won’t be able to sleep later tonight if you continue with your nap.”
“..what time is it..?” you let out a large yawn and covered your mouth. Since you had just woken up, your brain had refused to function properly. And with that, it took you a while to realize that you were laying on a bed. 
Albedo was still working on something (you weren’t sure what) but stopped to wake you up.
he’s cute
but he almost blew up
impressive how you didn’t wake up
“Only around sunset. Come, I’ll make dinner.”
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the least i could say is that Xiao was not pleased.
but he didn’t wanna hurt your feelings 🥺
karmic debt was nothing compared to you feeling sad /j 
karmic debt is horrible :( poor xiao
also being in crowded places was not fun for him
LANTERN RITE !!  he did think that the xiao lanterns were cute 
“Ooh, ooh, look! It’s a food stand,” you excited pointed out from on the yaksha’s back, “wanna get something? There might be almond tofu!”
“Only if there’s--”
“--almond tofu. Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s the only thing you can stomach. Mr. Dream Eater...”
That must’ve struck a chord in him. The “young” man kissed his teeth, showing a hostile attitude that he had never done to you. 
“Just because I agreed to let you win doesn’t mean that I won’t go back on it.” 
secretly he didn’t 
he really enjoyed your company and hates everyone else 
funny because he desires company and love but WHATEVER !
xiao loves you in some type of way 
he adores you and all of your stupidity
and sometimes you mess up and it’s fine
it’s just a “mortal thing” 
(he also makes mistakes but shh)
You remained silent until the two of you reached the food stand, filled with savoury smells and delicious aromatics. Though there was no almond tofu.
“You wanna try somewhere else? I don’t mind going to find a different spot.”
Xiao grumbled. Not like you were the one walking and exerting energy to get from one place to another. 
“Look... I promise this is gonna be the last place. If we don’t find any, we can go back to Wangshu Inn and ask Verr Goldet for some,” you reasoned. 
The adeptus remained silent, but didn’t show any signs of displeasure. You took it as a yes.
“Wanmin restaurant has some, I think! It’s the best of the best in Liyue too.”
“This better be worth it.”
“Don’t worry, it will! I’ll even pay for it and everything!” He sighed, making his way toward the restaurant. Honestly, you didn’t wanna even get anything to eat. For the most part, it was just spoiling Xiao for once since he never went anywhere and only ate the almond tofu Verr Goldet made at the Inn.
I hope that you can be happy, at least for today.
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loeyparker · 4 years
hurt her to save her - d.m
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pairing: draco x fem!reader
word count: 7k 
warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of death and torture
plot: getting closer to Draco during sixth year has consequences. Draco realizes that when he’s forced to hurt you in order to keep you safe from Voldemort
a/n: my HP obsession is back so I’ve returned to writing fics but i might have went overboard with this one lmao . it wasn’t requested, but if someone wants part 2 i’m gonna do it <3
Draco Malfoy had a very good memory. Besides being cunning and arrogant, he was also incredibly smart – which is precisely why he was second best in most classes. Behind the cold, uncaring façade the youngest Malfoy put out into the world however, stood a boy who remembered things he probably should have forgotten.
Lately, Draco Malfoy couldn’t remember the last time he felt anything but fear. He attempted to mask the feeling either with anger, determination or indifference but the true, raw feeling of fear was behind it all, much like a dementor guarding all his other emotions. The past summer planted dread and terror deep into his mind and the ink on his skin felt like it was seeping through his skin, entering his veins and poisoning his heart.
By the time he arrived back at Hogwarts for his sixth year, he felt drained. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, the young boy attempted to pretend to be a normal student, despite the countless sleepless nights and stray tears that sometimes escaped through small cracks in the emotional wall he’d built around him over the years. The tears only saw the light of day in the darkness of the Room of Requirement, where he found himself surrounded by old artifacts and silence.  
“Draco, Severus has been telling me you seem distracted.” The soft, yet scared tone of Draco’s mother rang throughout the empty, rotting room in the Shrieking Shack. Broken windows allowed for the wind to invade the abandoned building violently and loudly, and to dance around the three figures standing in the dark. It caused a shiver to run up Draco’s spine, but he couldn’t tell if the reaction came from the cold or from Narcissa and Severus’s stares aimed at him.
Draco felt so small under their gaze.
“That’s true, I have been.” Draco admitted, looking forward. He focused on a spider trapping a moth in its web. “With school.” The moth fought, attempted to flap its wings but the web was too sticky. “I have to keep up my grades. Them dropping suddenly would be suspicious.” Draco’s voice didn’t waver, despite his heart beating at a much more rapid pace than normally.
“Lie.” Severus Snape spoke simply. The professor was tasked with taking care of the Slytherin boy, but he wasn’t about to listen to his childish lies while the man knew what he had been seeing in the past months around Hogwarts.
Draco didn’t move.
Narcissa sighed and got closer to her son. She placed her palms on Draco’s pale cheeks and she felt them being hollower than she remembered. Draco still didn’t look at her. The spider was covering the dying moth in his web, fully suffocating the creature.
“My boy, the dead don’t need lovers.” Narcissa’s voice was quiet, regretful even. Her heart ached for the boy who was so quickly deprived of a childhood.
“You cannot forget about the assignment because of a girl.” Snape spoke up, his voice monotonous.
“I haven’t forgotten.” Draco spat back and took a step away from his mother, whose hands dropped. He didn’t feel the lack of her palms on his cheeks, as they left no warmth Draco could feel. “And there’s no girl.”
“Do not lie to us, boy. I have seen you with the Ravenclaw girl, I am not blind.” Snape saw the glances between Draco and you in the Great Hall, he saw the way Draco fixed his gaze on you during DADA. He also caught you walking into the Room of Requirement not long after Draco the previous night. On top of that, Minerva had mentioned how Draco’s recent assignments closely mirrored yours. You had a certain style noticeable in your homework answers, and that style began to be seen in Draco’s own homework which lead everyone to speculate the two students may be closer than everyone thinks.
Before Draco could deny, Narcissa spoke “Under other circumstances, I’d be delighted to hear about a girl in your life.” Her tone was soft, yet it held an edge and sternness to it. “But you have a mission, Draco. Do I need to remind you of the consequences to befall our family if you don’t succeed?”
“No.” Draco spat. He already knew the consequences – loud and clear. They had been drilled into his mind, heart and soul the entire summer. If he couldn’t kill Dumbledore, Voldemort would kill Draco’s entire family instead.
“The girl is another weakness. Another person to add to the death list, Draco.” His mother pleaded. “You know he will kill her if he finds out.”
“I know.”
Draco could feel all the warmth in his body melt away and even his bones felt cold and heavy.
“You can still save her.” Snape spoke. “Focus on you mission, hurt her. Make her believe you don’t love her.”
Draco glanced at the spider one last time, and the moth laid still in the webs of the predator. The wind made the web sway, but only slightly. It was too sturdy to be blown away by any forces.
“Hurt her to save her.” Narcissa’s voice echoed through Draco’s mind all the way back to the castle. The Room of Requirement didn’t appear that night, and so the boy went to bed instead. He entered an empty Slytherin common room and even though the fire was burning, Draco couldn’t feel its warmth. Not even as he knelt in front of the flames, attempting to warm his freezing hands. His movements were mechanic. As he laid in bed that night, he couldn’t remember how exactly he got back into the dorm from the Shack.
However, he remembered events that took place years ago perfectly.
He especially remembered the night of the Yule Ball, two years prior. He can pinpoint the exact moment he spotted you in the crowd of well-dressed students. It was, in his mind, the first time he really, truly saw you. He remembered the small -but noticeable skip of his heart that happened as soon as his eyes landed on your figure. You were smiling, but sitting at the wrong table –  which confused him for a moment. You were sat at the Gryffindor table, right next to the Weasley twins who were making you laugh. A Ravenclaw boy whose name Draco didn’t know was behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders thus signaling that he was your date that night through possessive body language. You didn’t acknowledge his presence much, though.
Pansy, Draco’s date, made comments about your dress each time you stood up to dance. The long dark blue satin dress gently touched the ground with each step you took, the slit in its side slightly exposed your leg with each movement. There was a smile on your face the whole night.
Draco thought you looked so beautiful.
He thought you looked beautiful even when your glance danced towards Ron Weasley until the end of the ball.
Draco also remembered the night Pansy dragged you into Umbridge’s office a year later. She held your arms behind your back forcefully while you struggled to get out of her grasp. Your wand was in her possession and you looked angry. A great juxtaposition to how you looked on the night of the Yule Ball. He remembered thinking how much sense it made for you to be tangled in Harry Potter’s mess because that’s what Potter did. He had everyone on his side, all odds in his favor while Draco was being dealt bad cards at every turn.  
You fought and tried to get away from Pansy. Your hair was messy, and your oversized blue sweater was getting untucked from your jeans with each forceful move you made. A frown painted your soft features, your eyes seemed darker than usual. Draco caught a glimpse of the scars on your wrist which he immediately knew came from Umbridge’s detention sessions, and he felt a flicker of rage rise into his stomach. The feeling directly contradicted the satisfaction he had been feeling at the sight of Potter getting his plans spoiled right in front of him.
“Parkinson, lay it off.” Draco found himself spitting when he realized the pressure on your wrist was painful. He spoke before he realized what he was doing, and so he found the confused gazes of Ginny and Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and you – all fixed on him. Pansy obeyed Draco with discomfort.
You looked at him quizzingly, not really understanding why he was suddenly…helping you? He met your gaze just for a second before a heavy glare returned in his eyes and he turned away, focusing entirely on Harry and Umbridge.
It was minutes later when he watched your figure getting smaller as you ran away from Umbridge’s office, escaping with your friends. Draco and his friends were left behind and unable to follow as they each struggled with curses thrown at them in the escape. You were all long gone by the time the group of Slytherins came to, and Draco remembered that he found himself wishing he had people running into the line of fire for him like Harry did – he wished you would’ve glanced back at him in your escape and then weeks later when he was told about the events of that night, he found himself hoping his father didn’t hurt you in the Ministry attack.
Those thoughts and memories didn’t stay with him for long that summer, though. Draco couldn’t say that you crossed his mind after he received the Mark.
Until that night.
It was late and he was in the Room of Requirement, still fiddling with the cabinet. It was the fourth consecutive night spent in there after finding the damn thing, and he wasn’t anywhere close to fixing it. Frustrated, he punched and kicked the wood so hard that his knuckles sent sharp waves of pain through his arm. It was because of the noise he was making, the kicks and grunts that he didn’t hear the Room’s doors open and close.
You had previously been in the Gryffindor common room, attending one of their parties. There weren’t lots of Ravenclaws there – hell, it was only you, Stiles, Padma, Anthony and Michael. And it was all going well. You were sat on a bean bag chair with Stiles in-between your legs, surrounded by your Gryffindor friends: Ron, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Ginny, with Dean and Seamus on their way to you all with butterbeers in hand. The atmosphere was fun and light – a welcomed escape from the reality surrounding you, but you all decided to enjoy the moment and pretend the world outside the common room didn’t exist for the night. So you sat close to the fire and you didn’t know if the hot flames were warming you up or if it was the fact that Ron was focusing an unusual amount of attention on you.
You’ve had a crush on the Weasley boy since third year, and no matter what you did, you couldn’t stop your heart from beating faster each time he smiled at you.
You were having a great time.
“And if I become an Animagus to help Scott, then what?” Stiles spoke. Harry shook his head. You puffed. “What? We’d be the new generation of the Marauders; someone has to keep the legacy alive.” He continued, determined.
“Lupin would kill you, mate.” Ron laughed.
“You know animagi don’t pick their animal though, right?” You questioned. Stiles looked up at you and beamed.
“I know. But it’s like, vibe related so I think I’m safe. I’d absolutely be a dog, or a wolf.”
You glanced worryingly at Harry, but the boy simply burst out laughing and denied jokingly. Everyone else hearing the conversation laughed as well.
“Stiles, if it’s vibe related then you’d be a weasel.” You spoke, prompting laughs from everyone. Ron high fived you for the joke and you smiled wider than you thought possible.
The good mood didn’t last long, though. Only moments later Lavender Brown joined the group and comfortably sat herself in Ron’s lap. You watched him give her a quick kiss and wrap his arms around her. “What are we talking about?” She asked and it was as if your ears got covered. The sound faded, your smile dropped, your shoulders slumped. Ron would never like you back, you had to accept that. It was pathetic how you longed for the boy for so long.
So, you excused yourself and left the common room entirely to take a walk. You didn’t expect to end up outside the Room of Requirement, and you didn’t even feel like going inside. But the hall was dark and cold and you began hearing footsteps and the flickering light of Filch’s lantern slowly began illuminating the stone walls and with a haste movement, you went into the Room before Filch could walk around the corner and catch you.
You found yourself in a Room much different from the training grounds you had known while being part of the D.A. Tall piles of clutter seemed to reach the ceiling and despite the room being extremely vast, it felt tiny and crowded because of all the objects tossed and piled everywhere in sight. You walked on a path formed through columns made out of old boxes and books, all piled amongst stacked chairs, empty owl cages and rusty potions equipment. Loud bangs followed by grunts caused you to stop in your tracks and draw out your wand. The room in itself seemed unpredictable, and so you already had about six defensive spells ready to go in your mind and on the tip of your tongue.
You caught a glimpse of platinum blond hair before anything else. It looked messy – very different from the way Draco usually wore it: slick and perfect. Now, it gave you the feeling that he’d been vigorously running his fingers through it, causing it to become tousled. He was only in a white shirt – the robe, vest and tie laid disregarded on a near-by couch.
Lowering your wand, you gently knocked on a table to get his attention.
He turned around in a panic. His hand reached for his wand but stopped midair when he saw you. “What are you doing here?” Draco spat with no hesitation. His heart skipped a beat again, like it did on the night of the Yule Ball.
“I could ask you the same thing.” You responded, glancing at the cabinet in front of him. At the time, you didn’t think anything of it.
“None of your business.”
“I don’t care anyway.” You glared. “This room appeared to me like it did for you and since I think I need it, I’m not leaving.” With your arms crossed, you leaned against a random tossed out piece of furniture.
“Isn’t there a Gryffindor party you should be at?” Draco’s gaze remained cold and the scowl on his face didn’t falter.
“You know about that?”
“Don’t sound so surprised, I know everything that goes on around here.” He broke eye contact by focusing on folding up his sleeves. When his hand began working on his left forearm, he stopped abruptly, remembering. He went stiff at the realization, which you noticed. Before you could speak however, he looked back at you with a smirk, “Was Lavender Brown there so you ran away?” It was as if he didn’t look struck by lightning just two seconds before.
However, his words made you forget his strange behavior. “The hell? I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh, come on, (Y/L/N). Everyone knows you have the hots for Weasley. Least you can do is own up to it.” He teased with a mixture of annoyance and amusement present on his face.
“Piss off, Malfoy.” Walking up to the old couch Draco’s uniform laid on top of, you sat down and watched as the dust flew out of its cushion. Draco groaned. “I’m just gonna nap here until I’m sure Filch left and isn’t near the Ravenclaw tower.”
Draco mumbled some things you didn’t bother to understand, and then silence befell both of you. He didn’t really bother to fight you to leave even though, in retrospect, he should have had. Maybe if you didn’t stay with him that night, he wouldn’t be meeting you in the Room months later with tears burning his eyes. But, to be fair, he couldn’t have known that night. That night, he just rolled his eyes at you breaking the silence ten minutes later, when he thought you were asleep.
“What are you even doing there?”
“I told you, none of your business.” He spat.
“Is that the vanishing cabinet Peeves broke a few years ago?”
Draco turned around. It was his turn to be surprised by your knowledge. “How do you know about that?” He couldn’t help but let his eyes roam over your figure as you sat cross-legged on the old couch he napped on countless times before. You wore casual clothes – which he always thought looked great on you, and your hair laid straight over your shoulders. The few candles he had lit around softly luminated your face with warm tones.
You smiled proudly at his question.
“Fred and George shoved Montague in it last year” you laughed “it was quite funny.”
Draco remembered the incident. He was, after all, the one who found Montague stuck in a bathroom after the encounter with the twins.
“You’re trying to fix it, aren’t you?” Draco watched you jump up from the couch and walk next to him to examine the cabinet. He suddenly felt on edge, exposed. The Ravenclaw in you was jumping to solve a problem, while the Slytherin in him was about to explode. “Have you tried a mending charm?”
“Of course, I tried a mending charm.” Draco answered with annoyance in his voice. You rolled your eyes. “It doesn’t work.”
“Well, then- “
“I don’t need nor want your help, (Y/L/N).” He glared down at you. “I can handle it myself.”
“Asshole.” You mumbled before taking a few steps back from Draco. He didn’t turn to you. Instead, he focused on his task even though his mind wasn’t on it anymore. He focused on your footsteps as you began to walk away without another word and before he could overthink, he spoke up softly. “But you can stay, if you want.”
You didn’t stop walking as you answered him. “I don’t.”
Draco then heard you utter “Lumos”, heard your footsteps getting quitter and quieter, then the heavy doors being pulled open. After they closed, he found himself surrounded by silence once again. Not dwelling on it, he pushed the thought of you away and resumed his work. Nothing was more important than his assignment.
Things slowly started to shift after that night.
The next day in Transfiguration as he was zoning out, a paper butterfly landed on his desk. He glanced around the room but saw nobody giving any sign of sending him the note. However, after he opened it and read its contents, his eyes immediately found you. On the paper was a list of incantations that would be useful in repairing things, and he knew you had sent it even though you looked focused on the textbook in front of you. It looked as if you were purposefully trying to ignore him, and Draco allowed the ghost of a smirk to form at the corners of his lips.
Two nights later, Draco walked into the Room of Requirement and you were already there. A few more candles than usual were lit as you sat on the (now clean looking) couch, reading a heavy, dense book. “Have they worked?” you asked without looking up from your book.
Draco sighed, loosening his tie. “No.”
And as time passed, you and Draco began spending more and more time together. Initially, you tried to help him fix the cabinet. It gave you a distraction from Ron and Lavender. But it was also obvious that fixing the old thing was important to him – he seemed desperate and for some reason, you felt like helping. And so, you found yourself sitting close to Draco on that old, tossed out couch with different heavy books resting in your lap every night, both searching for spells that could work. Each few day the space between you decreased until you reached a point where your knees touched and your shoulder pressed into his bicep. Sometimes you could even feel his minty breath on your face – just for a second. But the feeling began to linger even as you walked the stairs up to the Ravenclaw tower late at night.
You also found yourself thinking less and less about Ron.
Then, about a month after the Gryffindor party, the Katie Bell incident took place.
Harry began suspecting Draco of the attack and accused him of being a Death Eater. You didn’t go to the Room of Requirement for a few days after that because honestly, you were scared. You knew, deep in your heart that what Harry was saying made sense and because of that you started to believe that Draco’s cabinet wasn’t just some fun project. You lit on fire all the parchment you had written mending charms on, in a haste and with shaky hands.
You didn’t want to see him after that.
But you found yourself days later sneaking out of the tower late at night, quietly making your way to the seventh floor.
Draco got heavily scolded by Snape for the necklace attempt. The Professor found his action completely foolish and didn’t hesitate to let Draco know that. The boy arrived at the Room feeling beaten, defeated. On top of that, he was met by the empty couch and the broken cabinet and he snapped. In a fit of rage, he broke one of the cabinet’s doors and threw it at the couch. The noise he caused rang through the entire room, momentarily covering the silence. He couldn’t bear the sight of his failure any longer and the thought that you were now possibly scared of him after rumors of him being a Death Eater spread around the school, thanks to Potter, angered him even more.
“Training for the next Triwizard Tournament, Malfoy?”
Your voice made him turn around quickly, surprised look on his face.
A small smile danced at your lips, and you took out your wand. Pointing it at the broken door, you cast out “Repairo,” and the door lifted from the couch, gently levitating towards the cabinet and fixing itself. In the end, it looked as if nothing had happened. “At least this works, otherwise you would’ve had to pick up some muggle skills.” You teased.
Draco let out a small laugh, before his face fell again and he sat down on the dusty floor. His back rested against some other piece of forgotten furniture and he brought his knees up, hugging them to his chest. His head fell back, and he closed his eyes.
You quietly sat next to him with a huff.
“Why are you here?” Draco asked quietly.
After a moment of silence, you answered with honesty “I don’t know.” And you didn’t. You couldn’t understand why, despite the pit in your stomach that took shape as soon as Harry accused Draco of being a Death Eater, you were alone with him in a secret room, late at night.
Opening his eyes, Draco made a quick decision. He placed his left hand on your right knee, squeezing. Your eyes met – he looked calm; you were confused. “Do you trust me?” Draco’s voice was just a whisper. Alas, through the deafening silence of the Room, you heard him loud and clear.
“I don’t know.” You answered again. And, mirroring his impulsive move, you placed a hand over his. He felt cold at the touch and as you got used to the slightly stinging feeling, he found comfort in your warmth. “All I know is that I’m here, for some reason. I felt like seeing you.” You admitted, your voice tender and quiet.
Draco didn’t speak for a while. You thought you embarrassed yourself but didn’t dare to move.
“There are things about me that you really wouldn’t like if you knew.” The boy finally spoke. His eyes were glued to the cabinet that was a few feet from you both, but his mind was miles away. “I’m not a good man.” He admitted with no waver in his tone, no hesitation.
And maybe it was the daily, month-long meetings you’ve had with him. Or maybe it was the flicker of decency you saw in him when he got Pansy to release her painful grip on you the previous year. But your mind dug up small events and information buried deep in your memory that made you frown at his words. You remembered Dobby. Harry told you he was the Malfoy’s house elf who tried to keep him safe during second year, and it all seemed strange to you. You knew that house elves, if owned, could not act on their own volition no matter how strong their beliefs and inclinations were. In your mind it seemed unlikely that Dobby left the Malfoys without their knowledge and so, for the longest time you had a hunch it was Draco who sent Dobby to warn Harry. Especially since Lucius was the one who snuck Tom Riddle’s diary into Hogwarts. You were also quite sure it was Draco who helped Harry figure out the monster from the Chamber of Secrets was a Basilisk.
But overall, you knew Draco didn’t grow up in a good environment. He’d been heavily manipulated his entire life and it was in that moment, as you sat next to him on dirty floors, hand on top of his, that you decided whatever he was doing, he was doing either because of blackmail or manipulation.
“You can’t let the bad things from the past define you,” You whispered as your fingers slowly occupied the empty spaces between Draco’s own fingers. He was quick to grip your hand into his. “I think you are good. You’ve just been dealt shit cards.”
Draco didn’t show any emotion as he processed your words. But that night as he lay in his bed all he could think about were your words. Nobody had told him he was a good person before, and he’d never felt supported before in his life. And he felt a wave of emotions hit him all at once. He felt envy because Potter had had you all this time and because of your friendship with him, Draco didn’t get close to you sooner. He felt jealousy because he remembered you were in the Room in the first place because you were heartbroken over Ron – again, someone he didn’t like had all the things Draco felt he should’ve had instead. He felt comfort knowing you weren’t scared of him despite Potter filling your mind with (true) accusations. He felt hopeless because he was a Death Eater now and you were one of the good guys. He also felt entitled, selfish and determined because for the first time in a while, he found himself wanting something – someone, that he wanted for himself: you.
Over the next few months, you both unintentionally grew closer. Draco remembered every smile, every laugh shared between the two of you in the candlelight, hidden deep inside the Room of Requirement. Most days, he worked alone on the cabinet while you studied and pretended he wasn’t doing something potentially harmful. You both found yourselves finding comfort in the other’s mere presence.
You began to think less about Ron and more about Draco and it made you feel strangely guilty, especially when Ron would throw his arm around you like he used to in the Great Hall and you’d catch Draco’s eyes and excuse yourself to move back to the Ravenclaw table.
On certain nights you attempted to get Draco to do homework with you. But with each passing day, he became more and more anxious and afraid. And with each passing day, it hurt and worried you more and more. On a few occasions you did his Transfiguration homework for him just to keep him out of detention.
He owled you a Merry Christmas note during winter break but told you not to write him back. He knew you wished him happy holidays as well.
You gave him a Christmas present when you got back to Hogwarts – a ring, as you’d noticed he liked wearing them. His face lit up at the gesture and it was the first time he embraced you. The action was impulsive but it felt right. One of his arms wrapped around your lower back, the other cradled your head gently. His face buried in your neck and he held you so tight you didn’t dare move. He held you to make sure you were real and wouldn’t slip away from his grasp.
A little over a month later, Draco was feeling the pressure of his tasks heavier than ever. He felt sick each time he looked at the cabinet and you were noticing that. You were also noticing his complete disinterest in school and his reoccurring absences. He’d spend days in the Room, not even coming down to eat. You snuck him meals each time you could but sometimes you’d find them untouched on the floor.
“Alright, Draco. What’s going on?” You confronted him one night.
“Nothing.” He mumbled. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Then help me understand,” you pleaded “Draco you’re not acting like yourself please, tell me what’s going on so I can help.” You never pleaded with a man before, never thought you would. Your ego felt too strong for this. And yet, there you were, standing behind a disheveled Draco Malfoy with an ache in your chest.
He ignored you.
You felt like throwing something at his head.
You watched as he opened the cabinet doors and took out a rotten apple. He held it in his hand for a second too long. It wasn’t unusual, you’ve watched him do this repeatedly over the past five months. You flinched when he threw the apple on the floor with vicious force. He then kicked the bottom of the cabined a bunch of times, yelling out in anger and frustration. His scream echoed through the Room. You pursed your lips.
“I can’t do this.” He finally spoke. “I can’t bloody do this and everyone’s going to die.” He started pacing around the small clearing amidst clutter. “My mum, my dad, me…you – we’re all going to die.” He kicked the plate of food you had brought him a few hours prior, spilling the contents over the floor.
You frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“He’s gonna kill you and mum in front of me, make me watch,” He was frantic “probably gonna torture you first so I die remembering your screams. Then,” he pinched his nose, wiped his mouth “then he’ll kill me. I’ll be last and everyone’s gonna be taking the piss out of me, the fucking kid who couldn’t fix a fucking,” he kicked the cabinet again “magic fucking cabinet!” he kicked and kicked until you could feel the pain he felt in his leg yourself.
You walked up to him and attempted to pull him away from the large wooden broken object, but he pushed you away forcefully. You stumbled back in shock. “How dare – “ You couldn’t finish your sentence, however. He hastily turned to face you, pulling up the sleeve of his left arm aggressively, exposing the Dark Mark.
No words came out of your mouth after that.
You couldn’t seem to peel your eyes off of the mark, and Draco watched you with a pained heart. Part of him expected you to run, another to pull out your wand and attack. He didn’t know which one was coming, he didn’t know which one he preferred. However, he didn’t expect you to walk up to him with slow, steady steps.
His eyes locked with yours as you took his arm into your own. It was as if the Room emptied and the only things in it were the two of you. Holding his arm to your chest, you got as close to him as possible. As he looked down at you, his heavy breath fanned your face. “It’s okay, Draco.” You whispered. “I understand.”
And you did. You understood his choice, understood the position he was forced into. And your heart ached for him.
That’s the night Draco remembered best. The way your figure was illuminated by the soft glow of yellow candles, the soft fabric of your sweater rubbing on his skin. The kindness in your eyes spreading warmth through his veins, the way your lips moved when you spoke his name. Most times he thought about conjuring a Patronus, Draco believed the memory of that night was what he needed to focus on in order to succeed.
With his hand on the back of your head, he quickly lowered himself to reach your height and caught your lips in a kiss. He felt you smiling into it and he found himself mirroring you, until you pulled away to giggle into his shoulder. He couldn’t do anything besides kissing the top of your head.
Days later you were both laying on the couch you had transformed into a cozy spot. You were focused on his Mark, tracing your fingers along the lines of it, gently. Draco knew he was supposed to feel pride in having the Mark – that’s what his family had told him, but he felt something close to shame each time he looked at it.
You rested your hand on top of it, covering it. “I’m sorry. But we’ll figure it out.”
A week later he was forced into the meeting with his mom and Snape at the Shrieking Shack. The following night he walked towards the Room of Requirement late, with heavy steps. It felt as if each movement he made on the way happened in slow-motion.
You were reading comfortably when he finally reached you. A smile formed on your lips upon seeing him, but it faded when you took in his appearance, his sour face, hardened figure, stone gaze. “What’s wrong?”
Draco didn’t speak, only pointed his wand towards you. You froze. “Draco?” His hand shook, his face wavered. You were confused.
“I have to do this, (Y/N). He’ll kill you otherwise.” Draco’s voice cracked.
“No, he won’t. You’re a skilled Occlumentist, right? He can’t get into your mind.” You immediately caught on.
He shook his head. “He’ll know, he’ll know. Snape knows, mum knows,” he sounded so scared that you attempted to get up to comfort him, but he threated so you sat back down “he’ll know.”
Tears formed and blurred your vision as your heart picked up speed.
“You know, I didn’t wanna think about you, I wanted to stay focused. I came here to do a task, that’s it. I came to be great, to do great things for the Dark Lord.” Draco began, “But then I saw you. I’ve wanted you since fourth year and then here you were, being good to me and…you woke up a weakness inside me. And I got selfish, I put my mission aside to get something for myself.”
Tears now ran down your face, and Draco mirrored you. You shook your head, silently pleading for him to reconsider.
“But I have a mission, (Y/N) and it’s so important. I can’t be distracted. And I can’t have you being associated with me – it’ll get you killed and I can’t – I can’t have it.”
The candles flickered and for a split second your mind went to a Divination class, where Trelawney explained candle magic. Their dancing light showed instability, chaotic energy while its tall flame indicated success brought about with complications. The air felt cold as you stared at Draco who hadn’t fully stepped into the candlelight. An abyss of darkness stood tall behind him, the sights of it deepening the pit in your stomach. Despite his shaky hands, dark circles underneath his saddened eyes and hollow cheeks, Draco looked put-together. His hair wasn’t messy like it was the first night you found him in the Room. It was back to its slick, flawless style. He wore his all-black suit, and his tie wasn’t loosened.
“I also can’t have you walk out of here knowing everything about me.” His voice hardened and for the first time while being with him, you felt fear.  
“I won’t tell anyone.” Your voice was small. You sat up, your eyes beginning to look for a way out.
“I can’t risk it, you’re friends with Potter. You’re one of the good guys.”
“I won’t put you in danger, Draco.”
He grimaced at your words as if they’ve hit him with the force of a Cruciatus Curse. He tried not to let any more tears fall. You took his reaction as an opportunity to get closer to him. Maybe if you could take away his wand, touch him. Maybe then you could change his mind.
“I won’t endanger you either,” He whispered. “That’s why I have to do this.” At that, he lowered his wand and took two long strides towards you. Another one of his unpredictable actions that left you frozen in your spot. In a swift motion, he cupped your face between his calloused palms. “You know this is the right choice.”
“No,” you whispered and shook your head “no, it’s not. You can teach me Occlumency, I can help you,” your fearful eyes bore into his saddened ones, his heart ached at your words, at the fear he was capable of instilling in you. “We’re a good team, remember? I can help.” You kept pleading as your own hands rested on top of his. You felt the ring you’d given him still on his finger.
He simply shook his head with a small, almost unnoticeable smile on his face. “I’ve already corrupted you enough.” Draco admitted and you were taken aback; rendered speechless. “You’ve been covering for me with your friends, lying to Professors, basically doing my homework while I’m working on bringing the school down.”
Your heart dropped; hands started shaking. Draco felt it. He felt the weight of his words starting to crush you. Down in your mind you knew he was doing something bad with the cabinet, but you didn’t think it was so drastic.
Draco continued. Hurt her to save her, his mom’s words rang through his mind. “I’m using the Vanishing Cabinet to bring Death Eaters into Hogwarts,” his words made you remember the Death Eaters attack at the Quidditch World Cup, where you were almost trampled. You remembered the attack on London that sent one of your family members to the Hospital. You remembered how ruthless the Death Eaters were at the Ministry, when they were throwing deadly curses at a bunch of teenagers.
And there it was.
The look of betrayal, hurt and fear on your face that Draco never wanted to see. He tried to remember the night you saw his Mark, the night you accepted and comforted him. That’s what he wanted to remember, not this. “After I get them here, I’m going to kill Dumbledore.” He continued.
Chills erupted on your body and you recoiled from his touch.
“I knew you were planning something bad, but this, Draco?” You couldn’t speak louder than a whisper as you took small steps away from him. He knew this was coming; the disgust, the unacceptance. Was your speech about understanding him all bullshit? “You don’t have to- “
“Yes, I do. It’s my mission.”
“No, listen to me. You’re not this person, you’re not a Death Eater. I know you, Draco. You’re still a good person put in a terrible situation but it’s not all lost, we can-“ Despite your fear, you still found yourself comforting him, pleading with him. Your mind lead an inner battle between understanding the boy’s motives and wanting to let Harry know of everything that was happening.
You couldn’t let Dumbledore die, couldn’t let Death Eaters attack Hogwarts.
“I cursed Katie Bell. Almost killed her.” Draco cut you off.
“I know.” You deadpanned. He parted his lips and frowned in confusion. “I saw the necklace in your bag a week before it all happened. Then I saw it on McGonagall’s desk. It wasn’t hard to piece together the puzzle.” You explained.
Despite the warmth spreading through his heart at the thought of you not abandoning him even after knowing that all those months ago, at the thought that he’d finally found someone to be on his side for once in his life, someone who understood and maybe even actually loved him – despite it all, Draco’s eyes had never showed less emotion.
You wanted to cry but didn’t. Your ego won.
“You know I have to do this, (Y/N).” His voice didn’t waver anymore. The more reasons you gave him to love you, the more his decision solidified in his mind. “And you know I’m doing the right thing,” he wanted to hold you so bad, but he didn’t move; instead, you both stood feet away from each other. “Knowing all this puts you in danger. Coming here every night puts you in danger hell, even looking at me in the Great Hall puts you in danger. I can’t see you brought into the manor tied up, imprisoned and killed as a punishment for me. And you know I’m right. I’m not just some irrelevant follower, I’ve sat at a damn table with The Dark Lord countless times this summer. He’s been in my home; he knows me personally.”
You couldn’t look at him the more he spoke. So, your gaze was stuck on a candle, but your eyes remained unfocused.  
“You’re smart.” Draco kept speaking, his tone now loud and confident. “This is the part where you tell me that even though you wanna change my mind, you know I’m doing the right thing,” he even joked. You wanted to cry but couldn’t speak. He was right. “Tell me you’re proud of me because I’m putting someone else’s wellbeing above my own for once” his voice became muffled, as if he spoke from underwater. It was silent for a moment as Draco watched you process his words, “You’ll be on the right side of history after this. You’ll go back to Weasley who’s a better choice for you than I could ever be – even though it kills me to say that.”
All you could do was shake your head in disbelief.
By the time you looked back up at him, he had a few tears running down his face and his wand pointed at you. And so you cried.
“We were a good team, weren’t we?” Draco spoke with one last saddened smile.
“Draco, please. I love –“ you began, but Draco couldn’t bear hear it.
You watched Draco wipe his tears with a swift motion, before a white light formed at the tip of his wand. His voice came out strong, unwavering, and determined. His hand stopped shaking.
“Obliviate,” Draco uttered before you could react.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 310: A Tale of Two Kacchans
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Deku was all, “hey, you know what sounds like a good decision? Abandoning my studies at the safest place in the country so that the bad guy who wants to find me and kill me has literally nothing standing in his way of doing that.” All Might was all, “I fucking knew you were going to say some bullshit like that so whatever, but I’M COMING WITH YOU and I’m also going to invite the Hawksquad to come with us, mostly so that I can steal Jeanist’s car.” Jeanist was all, “okay fine you can borrow my car, All Might, but only if you wear jeans.” All Might was all, “okay sure” and he wore jeans and also sunglasses and a leather jacket and it was pretty rad. Anyway so now they’re out there fighting crime and hunting down the LoV and stuff, and absolutely none of it is going to end well, I’m just letting you know now. But I guess we’ll let them enjoy it while it lasts.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “happy belated Kacchan’s Birthday makeste, here’s the flashback you really wanted at long last,” and proceeds to pull the old vestige flashback out of the kitchen drawer and upend its contents all over my Friday afternoon without the slightest bit of warning. OFA III is all “WHAT’S UP I’M JUST SOME GUY, HELLO,” and okay?? Hello yourself. OFA II, on the other hand, is all, “okay yeah I have different hair and stuff, but I’m like 98% sure I’m either Bakugou or his goddamn twin, I mean look at me.” Which, yeah. I looked, and he really is though you guys. Anyway though, so he and OFA II basically just showed up in the First (who goes by Yoichi now)’s prison cell one day all “HEY THERE, WE’RE HERE TO SAVE YOU, APPARENTLY, ALTHOUGH WE SEEM REAL CONFUSED ABOUT IT TBH BUT HEY.” And so they saved him, and Yoichi was all “hey nice to meet you do you want to join my super-exclusive Saving The World Club”, and so they did, and then the chapter ended lol. I would have said yes too.
oh my sweet lord?? I didn’t realize we were getting a color page this week, but LOOK AT THIS
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this could have been a fucking volume cover. I’m almost mad that it wasn’t, lol but I mean fkldjslklk just look at it??! Horikoshi out here spoiling us and making sure we’re well fed since next week the manga is on break for Golden Week. well this will certainly help to tide me over. hot damn look at those colors
so now it’s raining on some dumb building in the middle of somewhere
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is this where the Hawksquad has set up camp for the night? or are we actually cutting back to the League? that’d be unexpected (but not unwelcome)
ffff nevermind dammit it’s just more random citizens under attack
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feels like this is the third or fourth scene we’ve had of civilians being Under Attack since this arc started. I mean no offense, but I think we get it by this point. it’s the end times, etc. etc. we’re well aware that things have gone to shit
so apparently these two guys are facing off against a girl with a mutant quirk. and she’s telling them that she’s not a monster and she was just scared, oh shit. I believe her btw, you can see it in her face
but these assholes don’t believe her at all and they’re pointing what looks to be some type of support item gun at her
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you know what’s interesting, is that this kind of random quirk discrimination is the exact kind of thing PLF and the like were swearing up and down they’d put a stop to with their glorious revolution. it’s almost like those guys were completely full of shit. huh
so yeah, fortunately for this woman someone is stepping in and intervening before she can be blasted to bits by this trigger-happy asshole for absolutely no fucking reason
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looks like a hero actually stepped in and saved her?? but no that can’t be, heroes are the ones that ruin everything and make everything worse, or so I understand. lol where did all of this sarcasm come from out of nowhere dlkdsjlk I’m sorry guys I just suddenly got swept up in the hypocrisy of certain people’s philosophies out of the blue idek
anyway so it is of course Deku saving her, and now he’s trying to talk thess jerks down all diplomatically instead of just kicking their asses, which is certainly a choice
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fucking impossible to miss the real world parallels here. shit. this woman nearly died for her crime of Walking While Having A Mutant Quirk huh. and meanwhile Deku is just letting this guy scurry away and even letting him keep that fucking bazooka of his, like, ????
fucking hell she’s crying!!
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lmao this chapter is actively trying to make me mad now huh. that’s some genuine righteous anger I’m feeling on behalf of this fictional ferret lady whom I only met two minutes ago. girl you are not the one who needs to explain herself here!! you didn’t do anything wrong holy fuck. everything about this situation sucks so much
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“I’m sorry I made you upset, please enjoy this panel of tiny!floating!Deku hefting this lady’s massive beach umbrella up for her like the fucking gentleman he is” well okay then thank you sir
and JUST LIKE THAT the tension is broken and I’m entirely incapable of taking the rest of this conversation seriously because Deku’s trying to be all calming and authoritative, but now the illusion has been broken because I know he only comes up to like her knees
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“well thanks again for saving me young man. I’ll leave you to it, I’m sure you’ve got more important things to do like protecting your Lucky Charms cereal from all those greedy children”
oh hey All Might
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you wouldn’t have just let that guy with the bazooka just walk away to commit more attempted murders would you?? man
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I ~CANNOT STAY HERE~ oh, well, sorry to keep you detained I know you’re busy
dfslkjlk oh my god
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fucking told you Deku didn’t pack any food lol. it’s literally all notebooks in that bag you guys. he couldn’t just leave them all in his dorm room when he left, because what if someone tried to read them and came across one of the pages where he absentmindedly doodled Kacchan’s name surrounded by little tiny hearts oh gosh
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I needed this Horikoshi. thank you for this wholesome soul-cleansing interaction after all of that bullshit earlier
so now Deku’s climbing up this tall building to eat his lunchbox more dramatically. Tokoyami would be proud
and Banjou is saying that society right now is just like in The Good Old Days (read: bad old days) when quirk society was even more of a mess than it is now
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which is exactly how AFO likes it, no doubt
so now Deku’s having a whole conversation with Banjou seemingly out loud lol, weird. and he’s basically saying that they don’t have any clues as to where TomurAFO and the League are hiding right now, and none of the Tartarus escapees they’ve found knew anything either
mmmmmfmhm, marge simpson noises
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but you think you can?? you, alone, by yourself?? you think you stand a chance?? I just need you to think this all through a bit more kid
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and of course my pleading is all in vain, because he’s a fictional character who can’t fucking hear me, and also because I’m pretty sure there’s only one character who is going to actually be able to get him to hear reason here. I’ve been saying it, and I’ll keep saying it lol. so until then I guess I’ll just have to be patient
anyway so it appears we’re segueing into another flashback??? HORIKOSHI PLEASE GIVE ME SOME BAKUCRUMBS BEFORE THE TWO WEEK BREAK, I BEG YOU
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oh my god oh my god I’m not readyyyyy, but also FUCK YEAH I AM SO FUCKING READY LOL LET’S DO THIS
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(」゜ロ゜)」 щ(゜ロ゜щ)
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well okay then sir. so are you an ~ancestor~ or a Kacchan from another timeline or so what’s your deal then
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(ETA: I’m going to punch myself in the face lmao. he’s Yoichi. he, the First. that’s his name. name reveal at long last what what!!)
(ETA: I actually think he’s going to end up being voiced by Nobuhiko whether he ends up being Kacchan or not, just because it fits right in with the general “identical in almost every way” aesthetic he’s got going on.)
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“some bright-eyed brat” oh come on. IT’S GOTTA BE HIM LOL
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oh my god you all are probably TIRED AS FUCK of all my screaming but I’M SORRY IMMA HAVE TO DO IT ONE LAST TIME BECAUSE...
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and so they really are the ones who busted First out of his jail cell huh
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so how did they know you were in the room?? why did they come and break you out?? and how, pray tell, did they know to get you to transfer OFA to them?? hmmmMMMMMMMM
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you guys. oh my god. it’s too much. every last bit of it lines up exactly with the Bakuverse theory sdkjfj I’m short-circuiting. it’s really fucking happening oh my lord
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lol, anyways so as I said in my other post, mysterious sexy guys with tragic pasts are what bring us together as a fandom, so whatever your thoughts are on the rest of it, let’s just rejoice in that. it’s what we deserve
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alleunwalk · 3 years
tokyo revengers idol au hcs part 3 that no one asked for AGAIN here’s part 1 and part 2 to get a better understanding.  this is what the members would be doing alongside their idol promotions+ what they would post on social media  toman tbh these guys are all just so damn funny on their own that they would constantly be invited to comedy variety shows. maybe perhaps doing something similar to seventeen or wanna one where they even have their own variety show on youtube (ie. seventeen’s-going seventeen series or wanna one’s show on mnet)  mikey-he would post basic food pics like of his parfaits or taiyaki but also it’s rare because he’d constantly forget his password. however on important days he’ll post long emotional and sentimental posts that hit you in your feels thanking his members and fans always. he also has a youtube channel posting random funny vlogs. draken- he has his own personal soundcloud to upload solo mixtapes/songs feat diff members. posts photos of his bikes and different tattoos he would be getting. responds with 1-2 words to fans during fansigns or ig comments but like mikey, once in a while, will also write heartfelt posts thanking everyone.  baji- his ig feed is filled with animals + dance practice vids. also has his own soundcloud too. trolls his members by commenting on their stuff. “delete this u ugly mf no one wants to see this”.  takemichi- very chatty, (sometimes too chatty where he’ll end up accidentally spoiling their next album info) and interactive on social media to his fans. tries his best to respond to most comments or ama ig stories questions. posts a lot of selfies and photos of his members. king of fan service.  chifuyu- beautiful photos of the sky a lot on his ig (in canon he wanted to be a pilot :,) ) along with cute soft selfies. (which baji and kazutora troll and comment being like “damn....u ugly AF!” “lmao stop pretending to act cute u loser”  kazutora- his ig is filled with pure chaos. just pics of him catching his members slipping (sleeping photos where they’re drooling or have their eyes slightly open or making ugly faces behind the scenes). also has photos of cursed memes and memes made by fans. he’s a literal enigma.  mitsuya- very wholesome ig photos- lots of photos of his family, group photos, sometimes cool artsy edited selfies. occasional photoshoot photos.  hakkai- ig is filled lots of #ootd photos and occasional photos from his modeling or acting gigs (he’s the visual, duh!) gets a lot of sponsorships from big brands.  pah-chin: has a joint youtube channel with peyan. they do silly challenges but will sometimes post dance videos (feat. baji) since they’re the main/lead dancers. fans love him because of his “matter-of-fact” responses that are funny without even trying. (example- fan comment: omg i love u guys soooo much u guys are the best in the whole world!!!<333 toman OUTSOLD!.  pah-chin: idk about best in the world but we’ll just take “the best in our neighborhood” for now i guess. thanks.”)  peyan: joint youtube channel with pah-chin. at fan signs mikey has to warn him to chill out cuz peyan will accidentally yell and scare fans without meaning to, but he’s just really excited to meet his fans is all ^_^   angry: posts a lot of wholesome photos like mitsuya (selfies with smiley) and writes a lot of motivational sweet captions cheering fans up and reminding them to always be happy :,)  smiley: joint youtube account with angry. smiley does a lot of prank videos and angrys just usually in the back like  🧍‍♂️... he also does tiktok- he would be doing all the dances, memes, and trends.  inui: ok hear me out, i mentioned before inui has similar vibes as cha eunwoo so i’d figure his ig would give the same vibe as his (iykyk). since he’s the other visual he would be getting a TON of acting and modeling gigs. idk why but i feel like inui would be a great actor (his facial expressions during tenjiku arc, the range!). actor of the year. gets a lot of skincare commercial deals too. 
black dragons shinichiro- photos of bikes, cars, and photos where hes pretending to do a cool pose but his members (+mikey) would troll and comment “LAME!!!!!” “why tf do u look like that?” “hey leader, it’s not too late to delete this now bestie :)” does fun ig lives. on variety shows as a joke his members tease him there as well. really great at fan-service and pulls the whole “pretend boyfriend” scenario with fans (the delusional fans are gonna act up if he keeps this up...).  taiju- (if shinichiro did not exist in this au OR if you wanted both in the group) photos of him at the gym, photoshoot photos.  inui- similar to if he was in toman, his ig would just be a lot of cool and cute photos of him from behind the scenes of dramas or photoshoots. a soft visual king. occasional selfies with koko and bike photos.  kokonoi- has a personal youtube channel but he would be Drowning in sponsorship videos all from high-end designer brands. he’s just casually flexing that PPL in his vlogs. ig feed is a lot of #ootd photos or pics taken with inui. him and inui would be makeup brand ambassadors or faces of brands (ex: like jennie from blackpink represents chanel). in this case kokonoi would be the face of fendi (he wears fendi slides in the manga cover) and inui would be the face of jimmy choo (his heels in the manga cover looked like jimmy choo but i could be wrong.. but u know what i mean) 
tenjiku  izana- pretty leader has a very artsy ig feed. extremely photogenic like inui. has photoshoot photos and candid pose photos. acts in dramas time to time (gg second male lead syndrome).  kakucho- posts gym or dance practice videos on his feed but he posts rarely because he’s just too busy or forgets he actually has an ig. loves commenting on takemichi’s posts “haha no wonder ur called baka-michi!” as a joke.  kanji- posts gym photos but it’s rare because he always forgets his password.  ran- the other visual. he would be modeling for high-fashion brands and go on runway shows. also definitely gives off actor vibes (he would be constantly casted in dark action movies hahaha). loves giving fan service.  rindou- in contrast to his brother, rindou when it comes to fan service, he loves trolling fans. also he’s really good at drawing a line between fans (y’know, keeping the delusional ones in check...which means he ‘friend-zones’ them but it’s for their own good tbh idols need to remind people their boundaries). has a youtube channel where he just posts random dance practice vids and occasional vlogs. also comments under his brothers ig posts “you look stupid af in this wtf”. on variety shows people find their brotherly banter hilarious.  mutou- posts gym photos, also really awkward selfies (he doesn’t know what his angle is lmao). another member who also reminds fans of their boundaries and keeps it real. (sanzu always likes his photos though and hypes him up in the comments).  sanzu- shy baby. constantly following mutou around. posts a lot of cute selfies and random pics of shogi stuff (he tags mutou in it of course). during fan signing/autograph sessions they love putting cute headband props on him like this or this. 
bonten because this group’s concept and aesthetic is mysterious, mature, artsy, gloomy, and dark they will take this concept to the grave. (minus a few exceptions) they are invited to variety/talk-shows but never make an appearance because they want to keep the air of mystery around them. (it’s a good marketing technique).  mikey- does not have any social media. he does have a private account to lurk around but no one knows what it is.  kokonoi- has a youtube channel but it’s locked and you have to pay to get into it. posts super short vlogs and teasers. thats it. (the ultimate scam! but their fans love them too much to notice). lots of sponsored #ootd posts on ig.  kakucho- he would be modeling ONLY high fashion brands and high end editorial places. his instagram is just his exquisite and expensive modeling photos whether it be candid backstage photos from shows, candid runway walk pics/vids, pics of diff photoshoots you name it. doesn’t really comment much.  ran- visual. similar to kakucho- modeling ONLY high fashion brands and editorial places. instagram is filled with modeling photos but also some artsy scenery pics he took.  rindou- posts short artsy dancing clips (like modern dances in black&white filter) on ig.  sanzu- since he’s the other visual, he also posts a lot of his modeling/acting photos on instagram. also pretty chatty (he’s the exception) on social media and loves teasing and trolling fans. posts with a lot of random cute emojis on everything. “just ate lunch and now im off to practice hehe 🍜🍇🤟💃🤠🧚‍♂️💞🦋” no one really knows why he uses random emojis but it’s just endearing lmao.  kanji- no social media at all.  akashi- manager....or if you made him the rapper in this au then he too would also not have any social media. 
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poppywrites41 · 4 years
Why? Eren x Reader
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Pairing: Eren Jeager x Fem! Reader
Summary: Y/N and Eren had always been close friends since childhood. Both of their parents had been lost when they were younger and they both joined the survey corps with their friends Mikasa and Armin. Y/N and Eren began to realize feelings for each other after the first time they went to the beach. Eren couldn’t keep his eyes off of her as she was playing in the water with her best friend, Sasha. Ever since then, they two would always look after each other and take comfort in each others arms. However, after their first trip to Marley with Yelena, after developing the plan with Zeke, she noticed Eren has been acting different…
Warnings: NSWF, Cursing, mentions of death, SMUT
CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM MANGA. DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED. This is a pretty long one. It goes along with the manga but I added my own twist.😊 There will be some time-skips bc I can’t write that much LMAO
“Meeting dismissed. Everyone pack your stuff and head to the ship. We will depart to Marley in 2 hours.” Hange said to the new Levi squad and Yelena’s crew.
Y/N was still in disbelief that they would be taking the fight to Marley, to innocent civilians. She knew that they needed to retrieve Zeke, but she wasn’t too keen on Eren destroying anything. She thinks it would make things worse. Eren on the other hand, was rearing to go. He had a devilish look to his eyes when he stated that he would transform during the ceremony. Y/N almost didn’t recognize the person in front of her. She needed to talk to him before they leave. 
“Eren?” Y/N knocked on his door. 
“Come in”
Y/N opened to door to see Eren putting on Marleyian soldier clothes. She hadn’t realized how much he physically changed until now. He was taller and well built. His hair grew out and he started to grow a stubble. His eyes. His beautiful green eyes seemed to have lost their sparkle that was there when they were younger.
“Did you have something to tell me or are you just going to stand there like a mute?” his monotonous gruff voice brought her out of her thoughts. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled and she played with her sleeves, “I wanted to talk to you about the plan.”
Eren looked at her with his piercing eyes, “You don’t agree with the plan?”
Y/N gulped and shifted on her feet, eyes looking at the floor, “It’s not that I don’t agree with the plan. The plan is to retrieve Zeke, Eren. Do you have to kill civilians in the process? What if they fight back? What if someone we love dies?”
Eren sighed, “Y/N, if you have any doubts, I suggest you leave immediately. We cannot have weak soldiers there to mess things up.”
Y/N’s head snapped up to meet his eyes, her own eyes brimming with tears. 
“Eren...you don’t mean tha-”
“I am going to attack when they declare war on us Y/N. That is final. We need to send a message to them. Yelena came up with a plan to lure their titans away and so do I. The soldiers here are well equipped to handle anything so I doubt anyone will die. If they do, they were being careless.”
Y/N stared into his eyes to look for any sort of emotion, but saw nothing. She was scared, she was trembling. “Eren I-”
“You need to stay.”
Eren took a few steps to Y/N and caressed her cheek in his palm looking down into her big e/c eyes. “You need to stay. I fear you will get hurt and I cannot have you getting hurt.”
She looks up at him in disbelief. “No Eren, I can do it. Let me come wi-”
“I CAN’T LOSE YOU!” he yells and brings her into a bone crushing hug.
“Eren…” Y/N breaths as she rubs his back, “It’s okay. I-”
“Please stay here...please. I promise I will come back. I need you here. I need you safe.”
“Why? Eren, I can help!”
“You will be helping! If you stay here, it will help me get home faster! I also need someone here to make sure everyone is safe. Please?” Eren looks into her eyes and her see tears. His eyes are full of sadness and fear and it hurt her. She took his head in her hands and wiped his tears.
“Okay,” She say with a sad smile, “I will stay.”
Eren gives a small smile and leans in to place his lips on hers. It has been a while since they have kissed mainly since everyone was busy planning and training. Y/N and Eren haven’t had much time to themselves. Eren leans back and looks at the clock, “We still have some time left before I leave…”
Y/N smirks, “Let’s make the most of it, Jaeger.”
Eren picks her up and lays her on his bed, smothering her neck and collarbone with kisses and love bites. Y/N slides her hands under his shirt, feeling his toned abs and back.
Eren steals her lips as he slowly unbuttons her shirt and caresses her smooth skin.
“I love you.” Y/N says out of breath pulling her hands through his dark hair.
“Yes I know” Eren says. He loves it when she does that to his hair. It relaxes him.
Once her shirt is off, he trails kisses down her bra and begins to suck at the top of her breasts.
“Ah! Eren…” Y/N breaths, tugging at his hair.
He chuckled and reached behind her to unclasp her bra, freeing her beautiful mounds. His hand immediately goes for her right breast, kneading it slowly as he spread kisses on her left. His mouth latched onto her nipple and began to suck. Y/N moaned and writhed on the bed, panting.
Eren used his left hand to travel down to her pants. He unbuttoned them and began to pull them down, leaving her in her black lace underwear. He marvels at the sight before him.
“I’m glad you wore this pair. They’re my favorite.” He smirks and slids his hand underneath to her core, feeling her arousal.
“You’re so wet,” he says, easily sliding his two finger, earning a moan from the woman underneath him, “so perfect.”
“Ngh...Erennnn…” Y/N begins to writhe in pleasure as he begins to quickly slide his fingers in and out of her. Her hips bucking into his palm.
“You’re close? Already?” He asks in disbelief.
“W-We haven’t done a-anything in a while. Ah!” Y/N pants, hands gripping to his shirt.
Eren gives a small smile when she begins to tighten around his fingers. She’s close. He goes faster and listens to her moans and pants.
“E-Eren!! I’m-”
“Cum.” he says in a low voice.
Y/N felt her whole world shake as she felt her body spasm, giving out a long moan. Her whole body shaking. Eren chuckled and gave her a kiss as she slid her underwear down and unbuckled his pants. He had to leave soon so he only pulled them down a bit to free his cock. He gathered her wetness from her orgasm and spread it over his cock. Y/N watched him through lidded eyes, anticipating the feeling of having him inside her.
“Eren,” she whined, “now.”
“Yes, darling.” Eren chuckled and lined himself up to her entrance. He took her in his embrace and pushed himself him, wrapping his arms around her.
“A-Ahhhh Erennn” Y/N whimpered, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Her walls were stretching all over again. Eren gave her a minute to adjust since they haven’t been together like this in a while and began to rock his hips into her gently, relishing in her moans, memorizing everything about her.
“Fuck Y/N…” Eren breathes, “you’re so fucking tight…”
All Y/N can do is moan in pleasure, too out of it to talk. Eren then sits them up and has her bouncing on his cock in his lap. The new position allowed him to go deeper, earning louder moans from the woman. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go.
Eren was close. He hated that he was so close this early, but he knew he needed to leave soon. He dug his face into her neck and breathed in her scent.
“Y/N...I’m close.”
Y/N’s hand went into his hair again, tugging at the long dark strands, “Yes! Yes! Eren please!!”
Eren thrusted himself into her a couple more times. He gave one final thrust as he came deep inside her, groaning as his seed spilt inside her. He stayed there for a few minutes, making sure every last drop made it inside her. Y/N on the other hand, was completely spent. Eren slowly untangled himself from her and gently laid her down on his bed, using his hand to move any stray hairs out of her face.
“Eren…” Y/N says.
“Shhh,” Eren hushes her, pressing a kiss to her lips, “Rest. I will be back in a month. Wait for me.”
Y/N’s eyes close, too tired to do anything from exhaustion. Eren looks down at the sleeping woman, the woman he held so dear to him. He sighed and stood up, grabbed his things and left. 
“It had to be done.”
*Time skip to a month after*
It had been a month since that day and 2 weeks since Y/N found something. She was planning on telling Eren, only to then hear that Eren had been locked up for acting on his own and that her dear best friend, Sasha, had been killed.
“Y/N” Armin said as they all gathered together, “We will talk to Eren and figure something out.”
“Why do you always defend him, Armin?!” Connie yelled.
“Connie...” Mikasa warned.
“No, Mikasa! You cannot defend Eren for what he did! You are doing it because of your Akerman instincts.” Connie looked at us with tears, “I lost my twin...I lost half of me...And do you know what Eren did when he heard Sasha died? That bastard laughed.”
Y/N looked at him in shock, “No...He wouldn’t-”
“Why would he laugh if you all knew everything about him?” Connie pressed.
“Let us talk to Eren. Hopefully Y/N can talk to him.” Armin said.
“What if Eren shares the same goals as Zeke?” Jean asks, “What then.”
“The scouts have medicine that can turn someone into a titan..” 
“Armin” Y/N began to tear up, “No...”
“If Eren can no longer be trusted, we need to transform someone we trust into a titan and feed Eren to them.” 
“But Eren still has time left!” Y/N cries.
“We know,” Mikasa hugs her, “So that’s why we need to talk to him and figure out his motives to see if he is still on our side.
*Time skip to when Eren breaks out*
“We have an emergency!!” An officer barges into the meeting room, gathering everyone’s eyes on him, “Eren Jeager has escaped!”
“What?!” Armin exclaimed, “How?!”
“He used the War Hammer titan,” Hange sighed, “I guess his is going to meet up with the Jeagerists. We need to meet with Nicolo and figure something out”
 *At the restaurant*
“NICOLO! Stop it now!” Jean said as he held back the chef.
“She killed Sasha!” the chef cried pointing at Gabi.
“Calm down, we will handle her!” Armin said, “Y/N, Mikasa, let’s take her to another room.”
“I killed your friend. Killing me should be enough. Just don’t hurt Falco.” Gabi said.
“We aren’t going to kill you.” Y/N said.
“You can’t stop yourself from wanting to kill me right?” the little girl asked.
“No,” Armin said, “That’s all you ever talk about huh? Kill, kill, kill. You remind me of a certain someo-”
Armin was interrupted by the door opening to reveal Eren.
Everyone looked at him in shock.
“E-Eren...” Y/N sighed.
“Sit down,” Eren said showing a cut on his hand, “and keep your hands on the table.”
Everyone did as they were told, not wanting to risk and accident. There was a knock on the door.
“We’re leaving.”
“Okay.” Eren called.
“Was that Floch’s voice?” Armin asked, “You came with Floch?”
“Yeah” Eren said, “I wanted to talk to you guys in a quiet setting. We can settle Eldia’s problems without any conflict. Hange and the others will be fine. We’re just moving them.”
“We are the ones who wanted to talk to you,” Armin said, “We just wanted to know what you were thinking Eren.”
“What made you decide on your own to attack Marley.” Y/N said, “If Zeke and Yelena have really gotten you on their side…”
“I’m free.” Eren and said, “Whatever I do, whatever I choose, I do it out of my own free will”
“You met with the Yelena in secret the night of the rail opening right?” Armin asked, “Has this all been your free will since then?”
“That’s right.” Eren said
“You’re being controlled.” Mikasa said.
“Eren..” Y/N began, “You are not the kind of person who would involve innocent civilians and children, even if they live in an enemy state. You’ve cared for and thought about us more than anyone. Haven’t you? You saved us multiple times out of your own kindness right?” Her hand instinctively going down to her stomach.
“I said keep your hands on the table” Eren said sternly. “I hid myself in Liberio and spoke with Zeke brother to brother. I learned a lot then. Zeke knows more than Marley does.”
“Eren-” Armin begins.
“Armin,” Eren said, “You’re still going by and seeing Annie aren’t you? Is that out of your own will or is it Bertolts?”
Armin was taken aback, “what-”
“If memories play a major role in forming who the person is, that means part of you has become Bertolt. A part of an enemy soldiers that feels love for another enemy soldiers influencing a significant part of your judgment. You weren’t soft like this before. You never back to the enemy. Your judgment was always able to lead us to the answer. But every time you open your mouth now, it’s ‘let’s talk’ you’re absolutely useless.” 
“Eren…” YN began.
“Armin you’re the one being controlled by the enemy.”
“Eren stop” Mikasa says.
“I learned about the Ackermans there too. The reason you’re strong Mikasa. It turns out the Marleyian scholars still barely know anything about titans but what came about by accident from the Eldian empires fiddling around with the subjects of Ymir during its long history was the Ackerman clan who maintain a human form but in some cases can manifest the power of the Titans. Still the Ackerman clan was designed in order to protect Eldia’s king as a result the instincts and their blood will still activate once they recognize someone as a host. In other words you only cling to me because of your instincts as an Ackerman. You obeyed my order in that moment when you were facing death. Apparently when all of those conditions are met the instincts hidden inside the Ackerman clans blood will awaken. Not only did this heighten your physical abilities to an extreme, you were even given the experience in battlefield accumulated by every past Ackerman by way of a path. All because you happened by chance to trick yourself into believing I was the host you had to protect.”
“You’re wrong.” Y/N said. 
Eren turned to her with a glare, “Oh? Am I? How?”
“It wasn’t by chance,” she said, “It was because of you she was able to become strong. Because of you and your kindness.” 
“Apparently once an Ackerman awakens they find themselves suffering from headaches. They say this happens out of the true self trying to resist being forced to protect its host. Sound familiar Mikasa? What I’m saying is that the real Mikasa disappeared in that mountain hunt nine years ago leaving only you behind ever faithful to your Ackerman instincts.”
“Eren stop.”
“The clan who lost their true selves created only to follow orders. In other words, slaves.”
“Eren please stop”
“Do you know what I hate the most in this world, anyone who isn’t free. That, or cattle. Just looking at the made me so angry. Now I finally understand why. I couldn’t stand to look at it and doubting slave who only ever follow orders. Ever since I was a kid I have always hated you.”
“STOP IT!” YN slapped Eren but he slammed her to the ground. “Stay Y/N” 
Armin threw himself across the table and began to throw punches but Eren deflected them with ease. 
“Armin we’ve never fought before, huh? Do you know why that is? It’s because there’s no way you could even put up a fight against me.” Eren slammed Armin into the ground and began stomping on him. 
He suddenly stopped when a pair of arms wrapped around his torso. 
“Please... stop.” Y/N said crying. 
Eren looked into her eyes, “I will stop if you tell me where Zeke is. Or you can just come with us.”
 He signaled the guards to pick up Armin. 
“And what is it you even wanted to say?” Armin coughed, “Is that the freedom you wanted? The freedom to hurt all of us? Tell me who’s the real slave to a piece of shit?”
Eren gritted his teeth, “Who are you calling a slave? Let’s go.”
That night they went to the Shiganshina district. Eren had Y/N, Mikasa, and Armin thrown in a cell while he and his group made a plan to meet up with Zeke.
“Why…” Y/N cried as tears flowed down her cheeks, “Why would he do this?”
“I don’t know.” Armin said.
Y/N got up from her chair to lay down, but collapsed due to the pain in her stomach. She groaned in pain, clutching herself.
“Y/N!!” Jean and Mikasa cried out and rushed to help her up.
“Are you alright?” Armin asked.
“I think so…” Y/N said with tears, “But I am not sure about it…”
“...It?” Armin questions.
“I was planning to tell Eren when he got back…” Y/N said, her whole body shaking, “But he’s not the same person, I don’t know what he would do to me if he found out…”
“Found out what?” Connie asked.
“That...I’m…” Y/N shakes uncontrollably, “p-pregnant.”
Armin hold Y/N closer, “And that bastard floored you earlier. That can’t be good.”
“HEY!!” Jean yells through the halls, “We need a doctor immediately!! Please!!”
“Someone please!! Get a doctor!!” Mikasa screams.
“Hold on, Y/N!” Armin rubs her shoulder, “We will get you help! Just hold on. Maybe if Eren knows, he will-”
“No!” Y/N cries, “He cannot know. He must not know!”
“I can’t know what?”
Everyone gasped at the familiar voice. Eren.
There was complete silence and that ticked Eren off.
“What. Can’t. I. Know.” He annunciates. Y/N winces.
“Eren,” Mikasa starts, “Y/N is hurt. You went too hard on her.”
Eren skeptically looked at Mikasa then at Y/N. He saw how red, sweaty and pained she was.
“Are you so weak that you couldn’t handle a shove? I didn’t even do it that hard.” He chuckled.
“Eren…” Jean growled stalking towards the bars. He reached through and grabbed Eren’s shirt, “If you still have feelings for her, you will get her help.” 
“Jean…” Y/N whimpers, catching Eren’s attention, “Don’t.”
Eren laughed, “You care about him don’t you Y/n? Would you hate me if I hurt him?”
“P-please don’t Eren,” Y/N said, “He’s my friend, but you are special to me.”
“Then you wouldn’t have a problem joining my cause. If I’m so special to you.”
Y/N gets up with the help of Mikasa, still clutching her stomach, “Not if it means hurting my friends.”
Eren eyes her clutching her stomach but doesn’t move, “How will I know you are not tricking me to open this cell and you all attack me?”
“Eren” Armin starts, “You have three titans and could kill us at any moment. However, Y/N, our friend, is in serious pain. Why would we risk her safety to escape from you?”
“We will go to the opposite side of the cell.” Mikasa said.
Eren seemed to be lost in thought but hearing Y/N groan in pain brings him back to reality.
“Fine,” He said, “I will take her to get help. But if any of you try anything, I will not hesitate to hurt you.”
“Thank you…” Connie breathed.
Eren took the keys to the cell out of his pocket and unlocked the cell door, “Move.”
Everyone stepped back, leaving Y/N by herself. Eren opened the door and roughly grabbed her, Y/N making her wince. “Y/N!” Mikasa flinched, causing Eren’s head to snap up, his titan marks showing up on his skin. “I’m fine! It’s okay.” Y/N said as Eren quickly dragged her out, looking back at her friends in the cell with a sad smile.
Eren walked into the conference room gathering the Jeagerists attention, “I need a doctor.” he said in a monotonous voice. 
“Eren!” Floch said, “Why is Y/N out of her cell?”
“Get a doctor. Now.” Eren ordered. Everyone went out in search of a doctor while Eren and Y/N waited in an unoccupied office. Soon, a man was led in by a soldier. 
“Mr. Jeager,” the man greeted, “My name is Dr. Kim, I was told you are in need of a doctor?”
“Yes. Apparently this woman is hurting in her stomach.” Y/N flinched when Eren referred to her as a woman and not by name.
“Alright. I will take a look at her and will grab you if there is anything wrong.” Dr. Kim said. Eren nodded and left.
Y/N gave a sigh of relief when Eren left, which went unnoticed by the doctor. “So,” he began with a warm smile, “What seems to be the issue?”
“Please don’t tell him anything.” Y/N whispered.
“Excuse me?”
“Please...and do not condemn him. I am pregnant with his child. He does not know. My friends and I tried to confront him, which ended up in him attacking us. Hurting me. He cannot know. But I need to know if the baby is fine.”
The doctor looks shocked. “You must tell hi-”
“No! Not right now. Please doctor. This must stay between us.”
The doctor gave a long sigh and nodded, “Alright. But I need you to take your shirt off so that I may check.”
Y/N took off her shirt, and laid down on the bed. The doctor began to feel around her lower stomach area on her very small bump. 
“You have some bruising, but I believe it is alright. Have you bled at all since the incident?” He asked. Y/N shook her head and the doctor nodded. 
“Well then, I believe everything is alright. Please try to take it easy. Maybe stay away from him for a while.” Y/N nodded, tears streaming down her face, “Thank you.” The doctor smiled and walked out.
The doctor walked to the other room where Eren was. 
“Well?” he asked while looking out the window.
“She has bruising on her abdomen, but overall she is fine. I suggest you be careful with her.”
Eren was caught off guard by that last sentence and looked at the doctor. 
“Well,” The doctor said, “I must get going. I still have many patients to attend to.”
Eren gets up and shakes the doctor’s hands, “Of course. Thank you.”
When the doctor left, Eren went to the office where Y/N was. He slammed open the door to see Y/N laying on the bed with her hand on her stomach, startling her.
“So you lied.” Eren said.
“What?” she said.
Eren walked to her and stood next to the bed, looking into her eyes with hatred, “You made it sound like something bad was happening, but you just had a few bruises. You lied to me. Did you do it to distract me from them escaping?”
“Wha-Eren! I wasn’t lying!” Y/N said.
“What are you hiding?” Eren asked.
Y/N’s eyes widened slowly sitting up, “Hiding?”
“You’re hiding something Y/N. What is it?” Eren said darkly.
“I’m not hiding anything Eren! You’re scaring me!” Y/N cries backing into the wall.
Eren slowly climbs onto the bed towards her, “You called a doctor for bruising. BRUISING. On your stomach. Isn’t that suspicious?”
“I will ask you again. What. Are. You. Hiding?” He ordered. His face centimeters from hers.
“Nothing...I’m not hiding anyth-AH” Eren cut her off by roughly grabbing her and slamming her back onto the bed. 
“Eren!” She cried, “Stop it! Please!”
“I will figure it out. What are you hiding…” Eren holds her hands above her head with one hand and with his other, he ripped her shirt off. 
“Stop it Eren! Please stop!” Y/N cried trying to kick him off, “No! Don’t!”
But it was too late. Eren saw the bruises that littered her lower stomach…and the tiny bump. 
At that moment, Eren couldn’t hear Y/N’s cries, only his heartbeat. Y/N kept crying for him to get off and to not hurt her, shaking like a leaf.
“How long…” Eren’s voice silenced her, “How long?”
“A-A m-month. Eren p-please don’t-”
“You weren’t going to tell me.”
“You WEREN’T going to tell me!”
She can feel Eren shaking with anger on top of her, his hold tightening around her wrists.
“Ngh! Eren! Stop it! Eren!” She cried.
“Why…” He asks with a shaky breath, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“You aren’t yourself. Y-You have been acting on your own. Jeopardizing everyone’s safety. My best friend was killed because of you...and...and you LAUGHED!!” 
Her scream caught Eren off-guard which allowed her to push him off onto his back and start punching him.
“Why did you laugh Eren?! WHY? Why did you laugh at Sasha’s death?! Did she not mean anything to you!? WHY EREN?”
Eren laid completely still, letting her land her punches on him, he would heal anyways.
“Why are you helping Zeke?! Why are you hurting us?! Armin?? Mikasa?? Why are you hurting me??” Y/N’s began to tire and her head began to hurt she got one last punch to his face before collapsing on his chest, crying. 
“Why did you turn against us??” she sobbed digging her nails into his skin through his shirt, “What happened to you?”
“I am still me-”
“No you’re not.”
“I am doing what I need to do to to save us.”
“We can find a different way.”
“There is no other way, Y/N. I need to get to Zeke. I need to prevent him from keeping Eldians from having children!”
Y/N looked up at him in shock, “What?”
“I am not going with Zeke’s plan all the way Y/N. He want me to use the Founding Titans power to make all Eldians unable to have children. But I won’t let that happen, I will connect with him and use the Founding Titan to start the Rumbling to destroy the Marlayians.”
“But why hurt us?”
“It’s best if not everyone knows what’s going on so Zeke does not get suspicious.”
He brings her face to his and kisses her lips.
“But Eren. Thousands of innocent lives will die…”
“But not everyone on Paradis,” he says trailing kisses down to her breasts, “Not you. Not the baby.”
Y/N clutches Eren’s shirt as he sucks on her nipples, “You can save everyone Eren. All this bloodshed isn’t the answer.”
“Let’s not talk about this.” He says as he trails his hand into her pants, finding her wet core. “Let me love you.”
Y/N dug her nails into his skin, whimpering as he brought her to her high with his digits.
“Erennnnnnn” She cries out in ecstasy, panting like a dog. Eren looks at her with gentle eyes. The woman he loves underneath him, carrying his future. Seeing her tiny bump awoke something in him. He suddenly rid himself of his clothes, ripped off her pants and underwear and quickly slid his cock into her heat. 
“Eren!” Y/N cried out, “Be careful! I’m still sensitive there…”
Eren gives her a long passionate kiss as he begins to thrust his hips into hers, earning beautiful moans from her.
Y/N had never felt such pleasure before, Eren’s cock was hitting all the right places in her, bringing her closer to another orgasm.
“E-Eren I’m c-close” She panted.
Eren then grabbed her and flipped her on her hand and knees, pressing her head onto the soft pillow under her. He loved this position. He loved to look at her smooth back, the way her hair would be all over the place and how her big e/c eyes would look back to meet his. She was like a goddess. He began to feel her walls tighten around him, a tell sign that she was closs. He leaned over her as he went harder against her hips, earning himself louder moans, kissing her nape. His hand slithered under to to rub her clit, bringing her closer to her high.
“Nghh E-Eren! P-Please don’t stop!!” She cried.
“Cum for me Y/N.” 
And she did. Her body went limp. Eren had to hold her up to that he could finish, spilling his seed into her. Eren wasn’t sure if it was physical or emotional exhaustion, but he collapsed right next to Y/N, pulling her into his arms, laying a hand on the tiny bump. Y/N on any day would love it when Eren spooned with her after sex, but she did not want to stay with him any longer. When she tried to get up, Eren’s hold on her tightened.
“Don’t leave me.”
“Eren, we can’t keep this up.”
“Please…” She stiffened as she felt wetness on her skin. Tears. “Let me hold you.” 
She didn’t say anything more, but she laid back down in his hold and relaxed.
“I love you, Y/N”
Y/N looks up at Eren with teary eyes, “Eren…”
“I am doing this to save you.”
“Eren, please…”
“Please let’s not talk about this. Let me hold you both for now.”
Y/N stiffens in his arms.
“Y/N, I’m sorry about Sasha. I will kill the brat who killed her-”
“No. You will not kill a child for revenge. She knows what she did and she regrets it. Leave her be.”
“Please... Just hold us.”
Eren nods and flips you in his arms to face him.
“I hate you.” Y/N cries as she digs her face into his chest inhaling his scent.
“I know.”
“We will fight you.”
“I know.”
“We will fight to kill you.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
WOW! This is my first fic that I’ve ever posted on here! I’m sorry if there are some errors, but I hope you guys love it and my little twist on the story!💜
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Alright so this is a little different from what I have been doing, but it has been on my MIND. I swear I am working on requests too, writing a spicy Tech fic rn.
But anyways.
Due to this post by @spaceydragons I have come up with a series of headcanons for my beloved Echo, but as a country boy because as a country-ish girl myself I love them. (Was fr late to work the other day because of a farmer and his flock of geese on the road and had to help him chase them back into their pin. It had just rained so they were running to the ditch when he didn't get the gate shut all the way 😭)
But enough stories, have this series of headcanons because I feel no one would like a story over it LMAO
If you want me to do a differentcharacter for this au, just shoot me a message, ask, or a comment!! I have ideas for the rest of TBB and some other clone boys and even some Generals 😌
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Sorry this is LONG
Echo would be the type that would take you out fishing your first date.
He is a bit shy and awkward, but fishing is something that doesn't need a lot of talking, but you can.
It is something that is peaceful and relaxing, plus he can help you if need be.
Or you can even help him.
I feel like he would absolutely love hunting with you too!
Not hunting with guns, but hunting for different herbs or foods.
He wouldn't be opposed to hunting animals, but it isn't always his cup of tea.
I headcanon that maybe he and all the rest of TBB were in a war, but they made it out.
Echo lost his arm and legs to it.
Which fives told you when you first met them. "Yep, the war cost my buddy an arm and TWO legs."
Echo was not amused and wanted to beat up Fives for embarrassing him in front of a pretty lady.
He is very insecure about his prosthetics at first, but after you assure him that you think they're unique and what makes him, him. He thinks he absolutely wants to die for you.
Plus you admire the fact that he can still do the things he loves even with a fake arm. Which he doesn't always put on around you after you reassure him a few times that it's fine.
He would definitely brag you up if you caught a big ass fish.
"Oh, you caught that? That ain't NOTHIN' compared to what my girl caught down at the lake the other night. 'Bout the size of her arm!"
This may be me being biased, but he would love night fishing too.
He would put his pole up sometimes just to hold you in his lap while you let your line set in the water.
Just admiring the feel of you pressed against his chest and the way the moon light reflected off your features.
He would also love sleeping with you in a hammock.
Unless it's hotter than all get out.
Then he'd stick to two separate hammocks while the two of you talked and slowly dozed off for an afternoon nap.
He also seems like the gardener of the group along with Wrecker.
He would have a mad green thumb with his gentle giant brother.
Though Wrecker would prefer the flowers, while Echo would be more for the fruits and veggies.
Echo would be in close contact with the 501st still, as well.
Taking you over to meet his other brothers. Meet their families and friends as well.
You and Fives would click with the 501st just as well as you do the Bad Batch, and Echo would love you even more for it.
Tbh in this hc I feel TBB would be more the hillbillies and the other clone units. Especially the 501st would be the farming/rancher types.
So Echo would have traits from both.
He would take you for a ride in the tractor, too 😏
He would let you feed the animals and play with the dogs.
Rex would absolutely love you as well. For the fact you're so nice to them and help them out even when Echo isn't around, AND the fact that you are taking care of his brother.
"I haven't seen him this happy since I upped his and Fives' rank."
You would feel absolutely amazing about yourself.
Until Hardcase and Jesse demanded you cook them all a meal.
To which you would, but you'd deep down hate it only for the fact they could all eat a fucking horse, each.
You would be cooking most the night when all the boys got together.
Echo would help out, along with some of his other brothers you trusted in the kitchen.
Like Kix, Tup, and especially Fives.
No one knew how Fives was such a damned good cook, but he was.
Echo would watch you braid Tups hair and make a mental not to let his hair grow out longer.
He loves it when you run your fingers over his shorter hair, but the way Tup seemed to be nearly falling asleep against your thing as he sat on the floor in between your legs while you sat in the chair and braided his hair? He knew he'd love it.
So this actually happened to my uncle 💀. But I feel like Echo would lose his prosthetics as least once. Say he has an old truck, but he loves it? Yeah there's a hole in the floor and "PULL OVER THERE GOES MY FUCKING LEG-" "AGAIN?? ECHO-"
Okay, okay. But imagine- you, Echo, and TBB all going for drives to the lake???
I feel like everyone but Echo and Crosshair would fully submerge themselves underwater on hot days.
Cross seems like he wouldn't enjoy it much. Maybe a little? But I deadass feel like he can't swim.
This may be me projecting my own fears onto Echo(I do that sometimes.) But I really feel like he would be scared of deep waters. Even before he lost his limbs.
He only sits near the water and occasionally goes in with you, but you have to be right next to him at all times while holding his hand
Plus he won't let it go past his mid calve.
Echo would most definitely make you stuff too!
You want a new coffee table?
Bam, him and Tech made you a new one.
It's your anniversary?
Well lookie there, you have a necklace he made just for you!
He would also spoil you.
Even if he doesn't have the most money, he would do little things that meant the world to you.
THey would be little picnics outdoors on a blanket with you favorite sandwiches and drink 🥺🥺
He would wear a buttoned up flannel and blue jeans with cowboy boots because they are easy to slip over his prosthetics.
You unbutton his flannel to find nothing underneath 😏
Oh, and I do feel he would have scarring from the explosion. Which I always hc him with.
He would also have a mega bad farmers tan, because same.
He'd melt each time you trace his scars and nearly malfunction when you kiss them 😩
In conclusion, he would be the best country boyfriend.
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Hello, if you're still taking requests, what about a HC for the Main 6 with a GN!MC who is like Deathstroke/Deadpool basically an immortal mercenary who can't die and gets into all sorts of dangerous situations
Lmao! Your wish is my command!
Also, I still take requests yes. I just write painfully slow sometimes lol 😔
Deadpool-like MC Headcanon
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Did you saw him mad before?
He will make the hellfire fall upon your enemies
Asra is not the one to fight often
Yet if he senses trouble he will be on alert
Will get you behind him too
So cute
He knows you can regenerate
But what if you suddenly won't heal anymore?
He is not taking any risks
He hates it even when you get sick, what do you mean people wanting your ability to heal??
No. No. No.
No no no no no.
No one is allowed to touch his lover.
The mere thought of it makes him sick.
Asra scares to touch you
What if he holds your hand too tight?
What if his hands are dry and won't feel nice when he touches your face?
What if you will be uncomfortable with him clinging to you?
I mean he is touchy with you.
This is not like that.
He loves you so much that sometimes he just can't even touch you
He will be fine with only looking at you and love you
Whenever he touches you his fingers feels like feathers on your skin
So he will ask a lot of protection runes and spells from Muriel
Will also research your condition
Will make a great to heart conversation with you about not getting yourself into dangerous situations
He is too open to you when it comes to feelings and opinions
He knows your everything
And you know his everything
You know full well that Asra is not dealing well with the possibility of you getting hurt or even die
So you have to make him sure that you are safe at all times.
Allow him to be close to you.
Don't let him fear not being able to hear and feel your heartbeats again.

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It is a marvel that you have such a gift
But no injuries are allowed in this palace.
Especially no injures for MC.
You are not allowed to get hurt.
You have to get spoiled rotten by her
Sit on her lap and ask for silks and gold
Not ask to go out avenging
She knows about combat and is educated we'll about it
So if a fight is inevitable, Nadia will be your personal Spartacus on the streets
And your personal Doctor House on the sheets.
Have you ever seen Nadi grumpy??
Oh my, you will love it
She will tell you exactly what would happen if your wound was worst and you never had the power to regenerate
Everywhere you go, she must escort you
And if you come with “I can do whatever I want” she will make you her right-hand person or something in the palace lmao
She naturally likes you around her so more the benefits for her
But she will not let you go off her sight for too long
If so, like Muriel she will trust you to people she knows that will keep you safe
Will make you stay in bed when you get hurt
Even tho the times you get to heal under ten minutes
You must stay in bed for the entire day and she will prepare a shared bath for you two
Also declare your attackers the “enemies of the state” lmao

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Healing huh?
He can too!
Insert meme Both? Both. Here
Since he can heal as well why would you let yourself get hurt??
Or at least that's what he says anyway.
He will get hurt for you. Why bother yourself with the trouble?
He got this.
He got you.
Will jump in front of you
Will be dramatically heroic in front of you too
He hates the idea of you getting hurt so he will sacrifice himself each time
So you have to be careful with him
He won't be hesitant to die for you
Won't hesitate to get deadly wounded only for you to not get hurt
He will always test out the curious-looking floors himself before letting you enter a new places etc.
You have to think three times before doing something
Ask key questions before each decision you make concerning dangerous things
Would that possibly hurt me?
If so, if Julian jumps to the action without thinking, will he get hurt more than they would have hurt you if he wasn't there?
Now ask the questions two more times.
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Guess who will not give a damn about your regeneration?
You are not even allowed to get a paper cut 
Portia is like the mom friend in a relationship 
She will feel every painful thing you go through herself
In her heart
It's almost impressive because she will know whenever you experience pain
Like a sixth sense
And even tho you can heal, she will wrap your injuries
Will ask so many questions
How you ended up like this?
Who hurt you?
Does she need to punch anyone for it?
Will she end up punching someone even tho you say it's all good?
She will have lots of bandaids lol
Heart-shaped, cute colored pick your poison
She will also get insanely worried and anxious when you are out of sight in a dangerous place/ situation
She had many panic attacks too
With you beside her or without you around her
She will cry and end up overthinking everything
Not because Portia doesn't trust you
But because she has a traumatic past with nearly losing her family
She had to live many years worry for Julian and now she will worry for you
She just can't lose her family
Even the thought of it makes her shiver and want to vomit because of stress
More on that
She hates that she might be too weak to protect you from harm
Even tho you get to heal yourself
Even tho you are smart and know how to get yourself out of trouble
Portia will work out and train herself in magic and all kinds of stuff to be stronger
Only for you to not get any harm
Even the paper cuts.

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Doesn't matter how fast you heal Muriel will be in a state of about to faint and having a heart attack each time you get hurt
He will ask soo many questions about your injuries
Will give you looots of silent treatments after each trouble you got yourself into because he “told you not to go” lmaoo
After giving up and admitting that you will not change your lifestyle, Muriel will change his
He will be like the type to put baby protectors on every corner of the house
Everyday he will ask himself
Why are we still here?
Only to suffer??
Bc you are the little shit to wake him up in the middle of the night to say you have a paper cut kind of annoying him
He will be more alert than ever when you two are out in the public
One hand always ready to grab a wooden staff he carries around under his cloak
He hates the idea of a fight but he’ll fight the devil itself for you if necessary
He'll never leave you alone
Will be two steps near you all the time unless you are with someone he trusts
Like Asra
In the shop. Maaaybe
But outside? No.
He thinks you both need protection smh

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So you can like grow a limb or something?
Shit he should have asked that from the devil instead of becoming a living goat ghost
He will hate it when you are in pain but not the type to get super overprotective over you like Muriel
He knows about war and fights and he had experienced many types of physical pain
That means he will be able to understand you the most in that way
During a fight, he will swing a sword alongside you but won't jump in front of you to prevent you from getting scars
He knows you will heal but he won't.
Your healing will fascinate him each time like he never seen you heal before
He will also give you a lot of freedom than most people might think
Like the complete opposite of Julian
He will let you do anything you want during dangerous situations
He knows that you will be fine at the end
But he trusts your wisdom the most
You probably experienced many types of danger your entire life
And most probably you are better than him in defenses and combat
So you can go anywhere you want
He will just make sure that you don't die
Like literal dying.
No ghost MCs dying.
But he will also still get very furious when someone tries to hurt you
He will fight back like a demon released from its chains each time people hurt you
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