#and also. they make me incoherent
pyriteplates · 2 years
GiroDoro anon back here! Please give us more about the GiroDoro AU?
Today I offer tidbits from before Dororo rejoined the platoon.... Word of warning, I tend to stick a bit closer to the mangas timeline! So Dororo doesn't come back until like a year and a half after they land.
I always thought it was kind of weird that Dororo got caught in that bear trap, since he's supposed to be this hyper-vigilant assassin. Which is why I was delighted to realize that it fit perfectly with my au!!! ^-^
What with him being all distraught over the break, Dororo is just left bumbling around the forest, not paying attention to his surroundings which is how he gets caught. Of course, Koyuki finds him and takes him home like a stray dog 💖
He finds a lot of purpose in being a ninja, of course. It helps him get a new perspective, be happier with himself, and gets his mind off of... All That (childhood trauma, assassin trauma, and #Relationship Issues)
Giroro spends a LOT of time looking for him, of course he's technically "patrolling" but he's really only kidding himself with that. This is actually sort of canon in the manga! I nearly shat my pants reading it LOL I was so excited 😭😭😭 like HE'S LOOKING FOR HIIIMMMM
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He does on rare occasion spot Dororo in the forest! But VERY rarely, like 1 or 2 times. Dororo probably ends up spotting him more </3 it sends them both into hysterics, especially the first time. Dororo runs away, and Giroro attempts to run after him, but in the end loses him.
Dororo was simply NOT READY to see him again!!!! He'll join again on his OWN terms, thank you very much! (He definitely goes back to the ninja clan and cries for an Embarrassing amount of time. Koyuki just has to sit there because he WON'T TELL HER WHATS WRONG.)
Giroro is just left sort of dazed and confused because WHAT JUST HAPPENED?? Why did he run away? Why did he look so upset seeing him? (He's pretty stupid) (he'll get better I promise he just needs things spelled out sometimes) (#COMMUNICATION_WINS)
I've been trying to write something a little more formal about this but my bouts of writing inspiration are a rare sight! So expect that... Probably never and enjoy the table scraps 💖
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mafuyuakgae · 20 hours
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even if I came to love humanity in the end, there’s no proof I was ever here, right?
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onelonelymono · 22 days
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so royal's bad ending huh. i still havent finished the actual ending yet but i did the bad ending with a few friends and havent stopped thinking about it.
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electrozeistyking · 9 months
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Ghost Drone is an AU where the events of Murder Drones have been spread out some odd years and changed around (except for Episode 1, which remains the same as it does in the show). Alternate takes on Episodes 2, 3 and 5 have already occurred.
The first comic isn't canon to the AU anymore, but since it's the initial concept, I figured I'd include it. This entire post is basically my way of saying "Hey, this AU has been stewing in my brain since the 16th of November in 2023."
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suncaptor · 4 months
Like I think Feferi and Vriska are SUCH good contrasts of both people who fundamentally want to be strong markers of change and good while growing up in a fundamentally violent society. I also think they clash about it as well, why Vriska is one of the few people to bristle about Feferi.
Because like. Vriska is completely consumed by the violence and strength and markers of heroism. She is not lacking of empathy or desire for good, and she genuinely seems to resent not having another way to achieve these well set desires inside her. She is also incredibly abusive and violent, and these traits have been forced into her. If she did not kill as a young child, she would die. Feferi on the other hand needed to engage in violence too in order to prevent mass death, but she did not and instead that fell onto Eridan, in part because him & Vriska did take that responsibility up, but also because she cannot stand the violence. Vriska is also groomed into violence again which leads her to the killing her friend. It absolutely devastates her, and it was NOT her first impulse. She just wanted to hide when Aradia tried to get her back with ghosts. Vriska is incredibly sensitive, incredibly full of guilt, and is utterly in conflict with her role in the world she grew up in. Even if that doesn't dispel the incredible violence she entertains. She wants to change things, but she is trapped in the rules of how things are.
Feferi on the other hand is specifically put in a place where violence is expected of her, but she does get out of the demands. She wants to change the way her society works, and she's got enough privilege to entertain a world she is not placed as some complete victim of. She hates the violence around her, and she has this entire colonising violent galactic empire on her shoulders. But she also does not hesitate to be willing to kill one of her old best friends. She does not hesitate to cut things off with him as his moirail when she doesn't need him anymore either. She has an instinctual capacity for violence she refuses to entertain, but it does exist within her. She is not made of the same sensitivity and empathy, and this often makes those sort of things tricky for her. But it doesn't stop her deep desire for actual real change to make her society better. She wants to be sweet. She has had the opportunity to know kindness, and that's what she wants to make of things. She's too privileged to completely understand, but she knows what is happening is wrong, and she wants to change the rules of how things work.
And they're both so very young too. These things inside of them and ingrained into them are in some vacuum of traumatised youth circumstances to high stakes in the game. Being a kid and growing up is hard and no one understands. Especially when you die before you get the chance.
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holographic-mars · 5 months
Rereading IDW and how Ravage and Co. found Soundwave and it’s lowkey really funny to me, she really just picked him up off the streets huh
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averlym · 2 months
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"We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the Phaethon Prize...."
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marf244 · 15 days
RAGH I need to talk 💥
I 100% believe that Dutch was a self serving person from the start of the game and some time prior, but I agonize over when it started. I think Hosea even says Dutch was different before. Was it when he lost Annabelle? Was it always just who he was? The saddest thing is that he genuinely helped and brought some people together, but it seems like he may not have truly believed in what he built.
From the beginning of the game, he gave me MAJOR cult leader vibes, especially with all the speeches. They all usually circled back to trust in him, and the kindness he showed his gang likely only served to earn their devotion. Which is probably why he took to Micah so quick and why he pushed away people who genuinely cared. Micah to him seemed perfect cause he was never a 'doubter'. He hated it when people questioned him even though they did it out of genuine love. Cause he didn't 'love' them, he loved their affection and their devotion. He blatantly encourages this devotion by stressing how important loyalty is over everything, which everyone parrots. "He would do it for you."
Dutch was a ticking time bomb from the start, Hosea's death was just the fuse lit. Despite Hosea ultimately backing down everytime he questioned Dutch, he was at least seen as more equal in some way. He did seem to hold Dutch accountable, even if just a little. Hosea was also crucial in binding the gang together. Everyone followed Dutch as a leader sure, but Hosea is seen by most everyone as a father figure making them a family. So when he was gone, nothing was stopping Dutch from cutting others loose.
Arthur's increased skepticism probably threw him too because Dutch always saw Arthur as a wholely devoted follower instead of a person. He's like one of those parents who expect to map out their child's life for them, with no consideration for them as a separate human being. The whole "You insist?" line comes to mind. Dutch is dumbfounded by this because he raised Arthur to be an extension of himself, a tool, so it genuinely shakes him when Arthur defies him. Maybe he even thought with Hosea gone Arthur would listen to him more, but instead he became him.
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flowercrowngods · 2 years
✨🤍 some steddie softness for @thefreakandthehair's birthday, i hope it's the very best so far! 🤍✨(please please your day comes first, read this whenever you have time and space to breathe 🤍)
Eddie is not a religious man — far from it, actually. But there are a few things that make him believe in higher powers. In angels. In destiny and luck and a love so strong it could conquer everything. 
This very moment is one of them. 
Stevie, soft and sleepy beside him in the back of the car as Nancy is driving, the dim light of the passing street lamps painting his face in hues of gold like the light itself favours Steve Harrington, caressing his features with the softest of shadows. 
He’s beautiful. Ethereal. Perfectly angelic with his eyes closed, his whole body turned towards Eddie in the warmth of the car.
It takes Eddie’s breath away, his heart taking up space where before there were his lungs and ribcage, growing in size until he feels like he is about to burst. And even then he keeps looking, staring at that pretty face that looks so at peace with the whole world right now. Eddie has never seen Steve like this, but now he understands why people start wars. Why people defy gods and death itself to be with their one true love. Why Orpheus looked back. 
He understands. Because Steve, his Stevie, warm and safe and perfectly fine in the backseat of a car? That is everything. He doesn’t even need to kiss or touch so long as he just gets to look. And be. Oh, to be at the same time that Steve is. 
That might just be life’s greatest gift to him. 
A tiny sigh falls from Steve’s lips and Eddie really, really might be about to burst. 
“Hey, angel,” he whispers, because moments like this aren’t made for anything but hushed words, their truths too heavy, too sincere for the world to hear and keep on spinning. He doesn’t need the world to spin as long as there is Steve. 
“Hi,” Steve whispers back, his eyes still closed but the smile lighting up, luring Eddie in like he is but a moth drawn to the flame. 
Eddie leans in and rests his forehead against Steve’s, his hand coming up to cradle a light-kissed cheek. Steve leans into it, following Eddie’s hand like maybe they are twin stars pulling each other closer until there will be an explosion of light and creation. Steve nuzzles against his palm and leans further into Eddie’s body until they share the same breath — but still it’s not enough. 
Eddie wants to say so many things now that their hands are entangled, their soft exhales mixing. But after a while he notices that Steve is humming before gently singing along to the song coming quietly from the speakers. 
“Take it easy with me, please. Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze. Take your time, make it slow. Andante, Andante. Just let the feeling grow.”
Eddie knows the song, recognises it instantly, and his breath gets stuck in his throat once more. Because he has a secret. He loves it. He has imagined for the longest time that one day, someone would make it his song. Sing it for him, to him. 
He’s never told anyone because he has a reputation to uphold and more than enough metal music to listen to, but of course Steve wouldn’t care about his secrets being secret, and just oh so casually make his deepest, most private of dreams come true. 
He’s an angel, that one. A hero. Myths and fairy tales should be woven around that heart of his, folklore speaking of his name until history itself wouldn’t dare to forget. No one can convince Eddie otherwise. Not in that moment, not with Steve singing so quietly, so gently, so adoringly. 
I think I love you. I think I can’t ever stop, not when I’ve seen you like this. Not when you’ve just shown me what life can be about, what it should be about. Gods, I love you and love you and love you. 
That’s what he wants to say. 
But all that comes out is a marvelled, “Shit, Stevie.”
It has the desired effect of a huffed breath, an even wider smile, and Steve cuddling further into Eddie’s side, eyes still closed. Eddie brushes a kiss to Steve’s forehead and feels like maybe his love can make it into the fairy tale, too. 
It will. Oh, it will, when Steve finally lifts his head from Eddie’s shoulder and looks at him through hooded eyes, all soft and sleepy and safe. A moment passes like this and Eddie can’t breathe, maybe he can never breathe again — but it only lasts until Steve slowly, so very slowly begins to lean in to claim Eddie’s lips with a kiss so gentle it could bring him back from the dead. 
Eddie kisses Steve back just as slowly, because in moments like this there is no rush, no hurry. There’s only them, there’s only this. Only a kiss until there is another. 
And with Steve, there is always another. 
Nancy smiles as she is taking the long way to Steve’s house, rounding Loch Nora twice because she knows how comfy Steve gets in cars at night when he doesn’t have to drive and there is soft music playing. 
Eddie kisses her goodbye on the forehead, fully aware of what she’s done. He doesn't tell her about the sun and the myths and all the wars he would start for Steve.
Nights like this are not meant for telling anyone about them. They can hardly be believed as it is. They can only be lived, hand in loving hand.
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vash-in-the-void · 8 months
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Inspired by a post I can’t find rn but if you made a similiar post calling Meryl and Vash girlfriends just know you inspired this travesty
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theelmoarchive · 2 months
Sanders Sides theory (rant). I know im mainly a mh acc here but I have thoughts i need to get out there
(just fyi this theory is Roman centric, I know most TSS people nowadays are talking ab Orange and Logan so if Roman's not interesting then continue on 🔥🔥)
(Also slight TW, talking ab the sides "ducking out" and depression themes, so yeah👍👍)
Okay so. I was scrolling through Sanders Sides theories and found that no one seems to have this theory, even though I thought the Roman angst enjoyers like me would be writing this all over the place but. Ig that means I need to talk about it.
I've had this theory for years now, since the day I first watched SVS Redux.
I think Roman is going to duck out.
I dont know if I have to explain why but. I mean, just looking at the explosive end SVS Redux had will tell you a lot.
He doesn't belive Patton when he tells him they love him. He thinks Thomas has lost all faith in him in favor of the person Roman views as the epitome of evil. He's been switching views left and right to stay on Patton's side (because Thomas prides himself on his morals), but he always ends up doing something wrong - he always ends up as an antagonist. He no longer believes that he is the one thing that being has kept him stable since "Am I Original?" - Thomas' hero. The only side he has a stable and positive relationship with is VIRGIL of all people. And tbh that could quickly be ruined too. Logan is second, though, but that's EXTREMELY fragile, as we've seen.
Roman always does something wrong and it will and has sent him over the edge. From Roman's perspective, with a very flawed view of everyone around him, he is inherently the thing that flaws Thomas.
+ Roman is really dramatic obviously, so ofc he would do this.
When you look at Virgil's reasonings for ducking out, it seems plausible after everything Roman has gone through recently, too. I mean like:
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"I quit. Decided it wasn't worth it anymore"
Why would Roman keep fighting a battle he knows he will never win?
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"Well, It didn’t seemed like I was wanted. You all made that pretty clear any time I showed up."
Again, from Roman's perspective, he is constantly and consistently antagonized.
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"If I wanted to stand around being insulted, I would've shown up I would've shown up in person like I usually do."
[same thing]
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"I actually think you were right to not want me around."
Roman fears that he is becoming the villain (as we see in SVS, SVS Redux and DWIT).
(In fact, Roman has already said something quite similar to that last one in sentiment.
In SVS Redux, Roman says this, which is pretty funny because of the dramatics and the stupidity, and does get shot down quickly, but I am begging you to listen to him.
"The blame falls to me. If you're missing that do-gooder drive... I think It's because I'm in the driver seat... And I'm an awful driver... Perhaps... Perhaps I should let Patton take the wheel.")
(2nd sidenote to the Virgil quotes, can we talk ab Thomas' acting again I just love how tired Virgil is in AA. He's so. Troubled. I love him.)
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"I've always aimed to protect you,"
THIS!! First of all his face makes me so sad BUT SECOND OF ALL yeah. Roman core idk what else to say, you get it right.
"I thought I was your hero."
So yeah.
Anyway, I think the episode where Roman does this will be centered around depression. Without Roman, Thomas is depressed. Let me explain this further.
Roman is Thomas' creativity, imagination, ego, passion, love, wills and wants, hopes and dreams, aspirations and enthusiasm.
Without any of that, what is left? A guy who can't even will himself out of bed, but can still feel the nagging voice of reason and logic telling him how unreasonable he's being. A guy who cant will himself to talk to friends, family and loved ones, but can still feel sorrow for letting them down and worrying them. A guy who can't will himself to pursue creative content that he relies on for a living but can still feel anxious about letting millions of people down and never being able to create again. A guy who cant even make food for himself or brush his teeth, but still knows he NEEDS to take care of himself. A guy whose only creativity is activly trying to disturb and scare him.
So yeah thats really awesome idk.
Furthermore, I think the sides might be SEVERELY impacted.
It has been said many times over the series that the sides are purely figments of Thomas' IMAGINATION. so. Without Roman, I doubt anything would be left. Obviously, if Roman does duck out, I don’t think they'd all immediately just cease to exist because an episode still needs to occur, but I find it likely that they'd all start slowly fading or maybe even "malfunctioning", glitching, putting them on a timer to get back Roman and making it far more tense.
Is this theory weird?????? I feel like it's the natural progression TO ME but I've seen no one even getting near this and im just confused ghfhfhfh. Maybe it is kind of weird and im just too much of a Roman enthusiast. SORRY I LOVE ANNOYING WEIRDO FREAKS!!!! AND IF I WAS HIM ID DUCK OUT TOO BECAUSE NO ONE IS APPRECIATING HIM ☹️☹️☹️ EVEN THOUGH HE'S LITERALLY WHAT MAKES THOMAS DO THINGS. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
I also think it fits really well because of Prinxiety's parallels, such as:
(using the ship name just as a duo name because that's what I usually do I am not trying to push the prinxiety agenda although I am a fan of it ghfyfgfh)
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"Thanks everyone... Well, almost everyone."
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"I mean, it's cool to see you all trying to be helpful. Well most if you, but-"
The only difference in these two is obviously that Virgil just silently ducks out, while Roman has the entire "You make us better" speech, probably effectivly saving Virgil and Thomas, because it seems like Virgil was going to insist.
(Also another sidenote that I think everyone will agree with: WE NEED A "YOU MAKE US BETTER" SPEECH BY VIRGIL FOR ROMAN that is all)
Also. Who can forget.
Virgil saying that he tried to "duck out" and then
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"That's a thing you can do?"
Do you understand what I'm saying. Do you. Huh.
Okay anyway.
Idk how to end this I feel like theres still more I wanna say but i forgot. In conclusion: prin up that xiety. Reminder that FWSA was real and not a fever dream. I lied this is actually prinxiety propaganda.
But Hey That's Just A Theory. A really quite depressing and sad theory. Thanks for tumbling down a hill with me 🫶
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fantasykiri5 · 7 months
Fabian and Riz to me are like. They’re like the definition of “a secret third thing” to me but not like in a qpr way. Their thing is just Their Thing, like they’re inseparable they drive each other fucking bonkers they care so deeply and they’re stupid teenagers and I don’t think they would even really think about it at all. I don’t think either of them can imagine a world where they’re not at least around the other, and like whatever their thing is definitely isn’t allo but it’s definitely not regular besties shit. They just like being around each other, I don’t think either of them would really even think to put a name to whatever it is they’ve got going on, and I definitely don’t think either of them would ever put enough thought into it to even figure out what a qpr is, much less label themselves in one. They’re just Fabian and Riz. The Ball and Captain of the Owlbears. They’re just them I think. Idk man.
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neixins · 3 months
hm. i apparently have an unpopular opinion about yona’s decision during her conversation with hiryuu…… like. obviously she’s motivated by the desire to save her friends—she loves them and cares about them deeply and is scared of losing them—and there’s some selfishness in that (on a more facetious note though, god forbid teenage girls do anything i guess…). but the interpretation of her decision as selfish to the point of cruelty and/or naïveté just doesn’t sit right with me. like there is no solution to the conundrum she was presented with that doesn’t involve tragedy. and i’m never, ever letting anyone forget that jaeha, gija, and sinha were never given a choice regarding zeno’s whole murder-suicide plan, and they don’t regret being alive, so wouldn’t changing the past and effectively erasing them from existence (when they already have no agency atm!!!!) be so much more cruel? wouldn’t discarding two millennia worth of lives, regardless of how painful they’d been, be so much more cruel? does a life lived not matter because there was suffering?
and yona values life, even when it hurts, so she was never gonna make a different choice, and i just don't think that that's extremely selfish or naïve of her; the dragon warriors are not just vessels for the gods, they're people, and they don't deserve to be erased because the gods don't care about the pain they cause, and she can't confront the gods in the dream realm, she has to do it in her present which can't exist if she changes it! (also on a purely narrative level, any other choice would've basically rendered 40+ volumes of the story pointless.) and besides, it's more interesting to focus on trying to make things better rather than rewriting the past, and she'll have to sacrifice something to save everyone (the part of her that's a reincarnation of hiryuu, obviously, and possibly something more) which will even things out anyway.
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celestialrealms · 1 year
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barbatos letting himself be loved and cared for. barbatos letting himself be loved and cared for!!!
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suncaptor · 8 months
okay one of the reasons Sam is soooo transmasc to me is that he identifies and associates with being a man while also being a target of misogynistic tropes and also not being seen as a real man constantly.
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hydrodragons · 9 months
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genshin impact gif challenge ✦
[1/?] story quests → diluvies chapter, act i: the remains of the past day
"you will see much in the human world, from the delightful to the depressing. and one day, when you have dwelt among humanity long enough, you will be placed to bring judgment over all as the spokesperson for fontaine's past."
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