#i am sick and also it is midnight
pyriteplates · 1 year
GiroDoro anon back here! Please give us more about the GiroDoro AU?
Today I offer tidbits from before Dororo rejoined the platoon.... Word of warning, I tend to stick a bit closer to the mangas timeline! So Dororo doesn't come back until like a year and a half after they land.
I always thought it was kind of weird that Dororo got caught in that bear trap, since he's supposed to be this hyper-vigilant assassin. Which is why I was delighted to realize that it fit perfectly with my au!!! ^-^
What with him being all distraught over the break, Dororo is just left bumbling around the forest, not paying attention to his surroundings which is how he gets caught. Of course, Koyuki finds him and takes him home like a stray dog 💖
He finds a lot of purpose in being a ninja, of course. It helps him get a new perspective, be happier with himself, and gets his mind off of... All That (childhood trauma, assassin trauma, and #Relationship Issues)
Giroro spends a LOT of time looking for him, of course he's technically "patrolling" but he's really only kidding himself with that. This is actually sort of canon in the manga! I nearly shat my pants reading it LOL I was so excited 😭😭😭 like HE'S LOOKING FOR HIIIMMMM
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He does on rare occasion spot Dororo in the forest! But VERY rarely, like 1 or 2 times. Dororo probably ends up spotting him more </3 it sends them both into hysterics, especially the first time. Dororo runs away, and Giroro attempts to run after him, but in the end loses him.
Dororo was simply NOT READY to see him again!!!! He'll join again on his OWN terms, thank you very much! (He definitely goes back to the ninja clan and cries for an Embarrassing amount of time. Koyuki just has to sit there because he WON'T TELL HER WHATS WRONG.)
Giroro is just left sort of dazed and confused because WHAT JUST HAPPENED?? Why did he run away? Why did he look so upset seeing him? (He's pretty stupid) (he'll get better I promise he just needs things spelled out sometimes) (#COMMUNICATION_WINS)
I've been trying to write something a little more formal about this but my bouts of writing inspiration are a rare sight! So expect that... Probably never and enjoy the table scraps 💖
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autisticlee · 5 months
I hate that lately my body's response to its chronic pain is "time to become super nauseous for hours, especially when moving!"
stupid body, what is your problem! you should be used to this by now and ignore it, not try to make it worse! you only had chronic pain issues for 3/4 of your existence. it should be nothing at this point. stop being a useless baby and throwing a fit and adding new things on top of it!!!!! 🫠😤
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gemharvest · 1 year
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(id in alt - do not repost)
Ekubo Week: Day 1 (Friendship) @dimpleweek
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i-am-become-a-name · 7 months
Prompt - December 4th. Good King Wenceslas.
The wind was howling a lament through the trees above them, but the small hollow they’d tucked themselves into was dry, even if Ace’s hands still ached from the cold. Camping, the Doctor had said. Bloody well camping. Well this was nothing like skiving off with her friends back home, campfires, charring sausages over the fire, being stupid with no adults around to be boring and sensible. 
“C’mon, Professor, can’t we go back yet?” 
“No,” he informed her sternly, and pointed the end of his brolly at the pitiful pile of sticks she had scrounged up, “fire, please. My nose is starting to get a chill.” 
“Yeah, well maybe you can use that to keep the wind off,” she sniped back, and rubbed the sticks together again. Pointlessly. Her hand strayed towards the inner pocket of the jacket, but a pointed cough sent it back down. That would’ve made one hell of a bonfire, she thought mulishly, even if it would’ve blown their shelter sky high. Best place for it, and they could head back to the TARDIS where there was- was there heating? There were blankets anyway, and a kettle for tea.
Something white landed on the sticks in front of her. Then another, and snow was coming thick and fast, and any hope of lighting a fire with these stupid sticks was over. 
“Professor,” she groused, drawing it out, and he relented, propping the brolly behind her and releasing the catch to protect them from the weather. 
“Go on then,” he said, nodding at her pocket, and cast his eyes to the overhanging log that protected them in lieu of the sky as she triumphantly pulled out a lighter and scraps of paper. Old receipts, notes they’d left for each other at various points, handy little firestarters. She screwed them up, tucking them under the sticks, but the Doctor’s hand was lightening fast, snatching a piece back from the brink of destruction to smooth out and tuck back into her pocket. Nope. Mysterious nonsense, she was Not Going to Ask. Survival skills, meet disposable Bic lighter. Hah! At least her hands were warm now, and the brolly was protecting them from the worst of the bitter wind.
“What was the plan next?” and the Doctor screwed up his face. “Campfire songs?” she suggested, grinning. “Stop me if you know this one.” She opened her mouth as if to sing, but was immediately silenced by- pastry? She bit down, and yeah, a croissant. Huh, with chocolate. 
In her distraction, the Doctor had conjured up a cake tray. Tiered and all, like they were having a posh afternoon tea in the middle of the woods in a snowstorm. He hadn’t even brought a bag! Bloody Time Lords. She crossed her eyes, and picked a piece of lint off the end of her croissant. That explained something, she guessed, and her eyes went blurry as she focused back on the Doctor, who was pulling out a teapot so comically out of size compared to his jacket pocket, spout already steaming. 
“An’ yoo ma’muse icks?” she complained through the pastry, ignoring the chiding look at her lack of manners. 
“I won’t always be around to play Prometheus for you, Ace,” and there was a brief old sadness to his voice, before he started patting his pockets, making tutting noises, before he pulled his hat off, and pulled two teacups out of the crown, wiping them out with the end of his scarf. 
He poured hers first, leaning around the side of her cheerily blazing fire to pass it over, and she supposed she could manage without milk or sugar. So long as he passed over one of the muffins off the stand too, and her hopeful eyes bore fruit as he sighed, passing it over balanced on top of his hat. 
There were no sausages, no being silly with her old mates, but when she stretched her legs out to press her boots against the side of the Doctor’s trousers, he didn’t shift away, and it wasn’t too long till dawn when they could get back to the TARDIS. Her jacket clinked reassuringly when she moved, and she hoped she’d be allowed to break camp. Camp would go flying, she promised, as a stray snowflake caught the back of her neck.
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there-will-be-a-way · 7 months
No sleep meds and quitting weed is a baaaad combination
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livingasaghost · 3 months
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i never think of him...'cept on midnights like this...
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atherix · 1 year
Hi guys have a little ficlet? I decided it didn’t fit into the main story so it’s going onto tumblr exclusive status hehe Also I’m lowkey sick right now and I can’t think to write today thanks
CW? I guess? Because some of this comes across as pretty Religious Talk so
The King doesn’t look down at the child standing next to him, instead gazing out across the realm, all the way to the sea and what lies beyond. Scar looks up up up at him- distant and so far away, untouchable and cold.
“Yes, my Grandson?” the King speaks, voice soft and flat. 
Scar fidgets with his hands, turning back to look through the balcony railings. “What am I?” he asks after a moment of hesitation, the question echoing oddly around.
There is a moment of silence from the King, and Scar’s heart races.
“You are a Prince,” the King says simply.
“One of the healers you bring here says I should not be,” Scar says carefully, hesitantly. “They say I am not even Fae.”
The King finally looks at him, though Scar doesn’t dare look up. “Yet I, the Fae King, am saying you are a Prince, and you are Fae. Would you take the word of a healer over the word of your Grandfather and King?”
“No!” Scar says quickly, looking up at him. “No, but- is being Human really so bad? That- that some Fae won’t even see me as Fae?”
Despite the suns resting across from one another in the sky, lighting up the world around them, Scar can’t make out the expression on his grandfather’s face. It’s like a shadow is being cast, obscuring him from sight even as he pulls away from the rail, kneeling down in front of Scar. Even nearly on his knees, he’s taller than Scar can ever imagine being.
He reaches out and brushes the loose, wispy strands of Scar’s hair away from his face, almost gentle as he traces the braids. They’re tight, and the ribbons and vines woven through them, tied to a veil in the back, hide just how short his hair is right now. Scar can’t help but lean into his grandfather’s touch despite how cool his skin is.
“You,” the King says, “are you. You are Fae and you are Human. You are both of these at the same time. You are the proof that our world is changing.” The King moves his hand away, setting it on Scar’s shoulder now. Scar watches him quietly. “The Pantheons have a plan for you.”
“How can they have a plan for me?” Scar asks, tilting his head. “How can they have a plan for me when I probably won’t even grow up?”
“Everyone has a role to play,” the King says. “The gods give us these roles. Nothing happens when nothing is done- we cannot stand idly by and wait for it to change. We must act to make the change and fulfill the plan.” He pauses, studying Scar from behind the shadows in his face, and Scar can’t bring himself to ask about his own role. “There are no mistakes in this world. Everything that happens has always been planned. Your birth, your existence is neither accident nor mistake. You have a role to play in this world. It is the role of your family to see you grow, safe and strong, to take on your role. One day, everything will be made clear.”
The King turns away, towards the horizon again. Scar glances over, seeing the suns lowering towards the sea. They cast the world in orange and gold, glimmering and burning.
“Regardless what any person might say to you,” the King says softly, “you are Fae. You are a Prince. You are Human. You are all of these things, and one day you shall be even more.” He looks back at Scar, and for one brief moment Scar sees fire. “All you have to do is wait.”
“Wait?” Scar frowns. “But didn’t you just say...”
The King tilts his head. His smile is cool and distant, but it settles something in Scar’s chest- like comfort, like love, like everything will be just fine.
“One day your waiting will come to an end,” he says. “One day will come the time to stop waiting. Just watch for the signs. You’ll find your place when the time is right. Until then...”
He moves his hand from Scar’s shoulder and stands, gaze back on the horizon and the everything beyond. “Be patient and learn. The answers will present themselves, but you must look for them. Watch and wait until you know your next step, and then...”
“... Act.”
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jackies-ear · 2 months
Hozier concert tonight (whyyyyy a week nite) and I’m already like this close to calling out ‘sick’ tomorrow 🤏
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solarshadow · 2 months
I wanted to be productive today but I was out until midnight last night for the first time in months and I need the day to recover 😂
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shima-draws · 1 year
I’m at the state of restlessness where I want to do a million different things. I want to start playing a new game I want to start an art project I want to work on commissions I want to deep clean my room I want to write a 50k fic I want to make a game I want to binge watch an entire series I want to learn a language I want to get into a new hobby I want t
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pallases · 3 months
#i am feeling so ill rn for no reason and i need to shower and wash my hair so bad but i can tell if i do it rn it’ll make the#lightheadedness ten times worse and there is a nonzero chance i will just pass out in there 😭#best guess is bc my period started today and yeah the first two days suck but they’re not usually This bad#personal#also this is the last thing i need rn it’s tech week and all rehearsals lately have been going/are going to go till 10 pm and i have no tim#to do all my assignments and my probability prof assigned a lab today that’s due TMRW AT MIDNIGHT? <- we usually get a class period btwn#it being assigned and the deadline and he’s not even giving us until the next class period to do it now like why is it due at midnight#instead of noon the next day… also i have not one but two exams immediately following this weekend and i really want to see my family for#easter but that sounds like such a bad idea im so unproductive at home and i’ll be busier than usual when i go home on top of that bc easte#and one of the exams is circuits for which exams are worth 90% of our grade and im averaging a 74% at the moment which is NOT#promising and. AAAAA#also have an exam this thursday which imnot nearly as worried abt but still. and i have to meet w someone abt a scholarship tmrw during my#free period so i Still can’t work on that stupid lab due tmrw night like. this sucks okay ‼️#the engineering chronicles#the music chronicles#i know it was only a matter of time before musical started stressing me out but 😭 please give me back the joys of saturday’s rehearsal…#oh also there’s ANOTHER probability lab due day after easter and same day as circuits exam and the prof is the same so he knows full well#what he’s doing like. why are you not giving us the usual period in btwn for these anymore fuck you <3#OH ALSO soldering qualification i need to do for like 3 hours wednesday the night before my thursday exam. nearly forgot abt that one i hat#it hereeee#soldering i could reschedule tho which i might do. but ive already pushed it back once so im like :/ do i really wanna do that#idk. still feel sick as fuck and still need to do physics prelab tonight 😭 it shouldn’t take long but i really don’t want to get up and#stare at my computer even more ifeel so awful rn#ANYWAY. sorry that was oversharing even for me i am just 😐 you know.
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Me sitting, on the couch as my father laughs at the scene on The Midnight Club where Jake and Kirk we're making out under the bleachers, calling it "disgusting" and suddenly I'm worried how he'd take queer representation in other shows we'd watch and how those reactions would reflect on how my brother looks at queer people in general
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 9 months
Thinking about the narrative pipeline between the opening salvo inciting incident from the first verse of You’re Losing Me:
Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? I'm getting tired even for a phoenix Always risin' from the ashes Mendin' all her gashes You might just have dealt the final blow
To what is arguably the crescendo of the bridge of:
And I wouldn't marry me either A pathological people pleaser Who only wanted you to see her
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sleepless-crows · 11 months
there should be a scientific reason why i get sick every time i get excited
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cycyuu · 11 months
In just 4 hours wow...
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parasolids · 1 year
i think december 2021 was just kind of an insane time of my life in retrospect. bc i was very very very sick with a nasty sinus infection, to the point that i couldn't focus my eyes or talk, and i was either throwing up or dry heaving almost nightly for a few weeks. and my brain had just been completely broken for the past 2 months, i'd been on an emotional rollercoaster and at the time i had no clue why. crying at work, freaking out all the time, just completely out of control.
but i was also on vacation.
we went to nashville first but really all we did there was go to a subpar indian chinese restaurant, and then whole foods, about five different urgent cares (the first four turned me away for having covid symptoms even though i'd tested negative), a vegan bakery (which was next door to the urgent care, since there was an hour wait), and then CVS before we hit the road for atlanta. i had to get a steroid shot in my butt. i hate needles i have a phobia but it did help the symptoms a little bit. the meds they prescribed did nothing, so by the time we got to atlanta, i was better but still coughing up a lung every night.
it was an unfamiliar city, it was december, it was still warm somehow, it was 6 pm pitch black out, i was having random crying meltdowns in the hotel room and having these incredibly vivid and detailed dreams where i'd try and fail to kill myself. i remember i ate hot pot for the first time in years and it was wonderful. i went to ponce city market and got wildly existentially frustrated at a paper shop and then experienced transcendent joy at another shop where my mom got me a cool pendant and i got her a toy penguin.
i was also inexplicably obsessed with watching dumb edits of bad and boujee:
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i dont know i was just thinking about this because migos came up on my youtube recs and now whenever i listen to them im just mentally transported to the absolute vibes of december 2021
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