#and am now really invested in storm's music taste
cookielixie · 2 years
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THE MIXTAPES (lee felix x reader) - Chapter 18
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y/n is a coward that is in love with her bestfriend. what other way to express yourself than posting mixtapes about your love on twitter?
You looked around the venue, taking it all in. The school really outdid themselves this time, having invested in proper equipment to make the showcase of the year. You remember Felix always complained that there should be more funds put in the dance department. Your palms sweating the second your thoughts went to Felix. You don’t understand why you let Minho drag you here, but now you’ve arrived and there was no going back as you saw Chan and Jeongin waving you over. You quickly made your way through the crowd to the front row seats and sat down beside Jeongin.
“Hey, how are you holding up?” Jeongin asked, laying a hand on your shoulder.
“Well, I’m here so I guess I’m fine,” you took a deep breath to calm your beating heart, feeling the anxiety rise again.
“I’m just very anxious to see him again.”
Jeongin nodded and leaned over to give you a side hug. You felt yourself relax in his arms for a little bit – before the rest of the boys came along and soon the lights were dimmed and the performance began. You had been to a couple of these performances before, and each time you were just as mesmerized by Minho, Hyunjin and Felix. Especially Felix. Sometimes you couldn’t believe that you had such talented friends, and it hit you at full force at times like this. 
Felix’s whole class was to perform either solo, in duets or like in their case – a trio. You barely even registered the performers, until it was announced that they were next.
You sucked in a breath as they came on stage. You would never get tired of seeing Felix in his element, the focus in his sparkly eyes, his whole body oozing of confidence and dominance. And when the music started, it was all over for you. 
You were hypnotized by the way Felix moved his body to the music, which you now recognized as the song they recorded together, Taste. It was sensual and powerful, and you were hooked from the second he started dancing. Unfortunately it was over way too soon and before you could react Jeongin and Changbin were dragging you next to the stage where there was a door with the sign Performers Only. You got to stand in front of the door for approximately 10 seconds before Minho and Hyunjin stormed through the door with Felix hot on their heels. The second you locked eyes with him, it seemed like the whole world stopped.
Felix halted his steps and his eyes widened. He didn’t think you would actually come, and now that you were standing in front of him – he almost wanted to cry.
Fights weren’t usual with you two, and the fact that you haven’t spoken in what seemed like so long made him more emotional than regular. He blinked away the moisture in his eyes to get a proper look at you. You looked beautiful, as always. 
“So, we will leave you guys alone so you can talk. But you must hurry.” Said Minho and began ushering the others away so you and Felix would be left alone. 
Felix took a step towards you, unsure if you would bolt the other way if he got too close – but you took a step towards him and soon you stood no more than arm’s length from each other. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he can get a single word out, he is interrupted by someone on stage tapping on a microphone.
“Hi, I’m sorry but is this on?” The voice sounded kind of familiar, and you whipped your head to the side, only to see Jisoo standing on the stage. Your gasped, and it’s like she knew exactly where you were beforehand, for she cast a quick glance at you and smiled sweetly.
“As you can see, I’m not here for a performance exactly. I am here for some good, old revenge. I’m sure everyone here has heard about the Mixtapes account on Twitter?”
People began murmuring amongst each other, and you froze in place. Somewhere in the crowd you could almost hear Minho yell at Jisoo to get the fuck down, but everything except her voice at that moment went unnoticed by you.
“Yes, I know I lied about it, but it’s really not my problem the person behind it is a coward! In fact, the coward is here with us today!” She gestured at the crowd, and you could still not get yourself to move. Beside you, Felix was confused by the whole situation. What was Jisoo trying to do exactly?
Minho got his attention; he was trying to get Jisoo to get down from the stage before she said anything else. He was joined by Hyunjin who begged her to get down.
“Come on, Jisoo! What do you gain by doing this?!” he yelled over the whispers in the venue. 
“Sorry guys, but she had this coming for a while now. But to prove what I’m saying is true, you must hear something first.” She turned around and went over to the large speakers on stage, and plugged her phone in. Only seconds later you heard you own voice echo through the hall.
“Min, I’m serious!”
“I know! I’m just telling you what I think would be best, it’s not my fault that you’re too dumb to listen to me.”
“I swear to God, Min, I will kill you one day.”
“Shut up, you won’t. Or else you wouldn’t have told me the account was yours to begin with.”
“Ugh, I hate that you’re right.”
“So you’ll tell Felix then?”
“God, no! I already told you what is going to happen if I tell him I love him.”
“Oh no, that would be just the end of the world, right?”
“And there you have it people, “ Jisoo unplugged her phone and made her way to the side of the stage exactly where you and Felix were standing. She locked eyes with you while continuing her verbal assault.
“Poor Y/n crushing so hard on her very own best friend that she has to make anonymous confessions online. I mean, I get why she’s afraid, why would someone like Lee Felix settle for her?” Luckily before Jisoo could say another word, Changbin tore through the security and jumped on stage to rip the microphone from her hands.
After that everything was a blur, Felix’s shocked face, Minho and Hyunjin yelling after you when you ran straight through the nearest exit all while you felt everyone’s stares and their judgemental looks. Now you’ve fucked up for sure, Felix would surely never forgive you for this. Neither would you, though. After all, you are the one who got yourself into this whole mess.
TAGLIST: (pink means unable to tag)
@rindomo @ificouldhelpyouforget @chloracha @soobin-chois @a-katsukitty@sunflowerbebe07 @gothmingguk @literallyags @quennlenn@svtbabies @knownunknown345 @amongusjaeger @mits-vi  @fight-me-m8 @wtfmara @captivq @amara-marsarsmars @firnze@mchslut @facelesswrittess @purenjuniverse @fylithia @whiplaaaaaaaaash@starryunho @nightkkuno @mynameisnotlaura @humankimbap @dazed–xx @lenilla15 @inlovewithallmusic @mkiia @a1yssabr0oke @anxshi-boop @lady_.lena @bellsluvskpop @propertyoftoru
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mynameisbartholomew · 2 years
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I’m a hater at heart. I hate it when it rains and the remnants of water linger on the sole of a cheap canvas shoe tracking little drops of shit-colored water wherever they may step. I hate how the smell of leather gets more and more prominent the moment it makes contact with sweat. Like god please just take the jacket off and let the air circulate under your arms so the lingering B.O. and overactive sweat glands can have some semblance of control. It’s really annoying when in a fit of laughter that throaty sound sneaks its way up and ruins the whole mood. I wanted to laugh not listen to a metal fork shoved so deep into a garbage disposal that it just clangs and clangs begging someone to rip it out. I hate when a movie is playing and just as it’s reaching its climax the grating sound of a voice shatters the world-building I’ve spent the hour invested in. It’s utterly repulsive when going out with someone to boba and they pull out a buy 1, get 1 free coupon to pay with. I never know where I stand when it comes to that. Am I not worthy of a full-priced drink? Or is it that you feel the need to treat others while giving yourself the underhand? Are you so strapped for cash a five-dollar drink breaks the bank? Either way, it makes me wonder if I’m hanging around the right company. I hate when it storms and gets dark and cold. But I also hate when it's too bright and so hot that I'd rather be vacationing in Satan's asscrack. But you like the cold, huh? I have a deep-seated hatred for when people use finger guns after saying a particularly risky statement. Put the fingers away. Finger guns are reserved for disaster bisexuals and repressed millennials that have Harry Potter tattoos and say “doggo” unironically. I hate that everything these days is ironic. I hate having a superior music taste to everyone. I would love to get good recommendations other than  “Oh did you hear the Kendrick Lamar album?”  or “ Kanye is the most genius artist of our generation.” I feel no need to keep arguing over why that is so problematic, so for now, I will suffer the burden of being better than a group of brainwashed frat boys that peaked in college. I hate greek life. You were a part of Greek life. I hate people that don’t like Marina. Her music is literally a drug and I’m not afraid to get hooked. I hate people that do drugs. Yes, that is including weed. I don't care how much it Fuuuuuuuccckkkks. I have asthma. I hate people who are oblivious to their surroundings. I hate optimism. I hate pessimism. Just be a normal fucking person and accept that perspectives are constantly changing. I hate bad texters. I hate when people come back into your life like nothing ever happened after months of no contact. I hate deviated septums. You should really get that checked out. I hate people obsessed with watching let’s plays. Like seriously what are you? A middle school highlighter kid? I hate ankle socks. I hate socks that seem as though there is no end in sight. I hate pants that are hicked up too high. I really don’t need to see the ashy gap between the top of your converse hightop and the hem of your jeans begging to be lengthened. I swear your hem is the only inanimate object I’ve seen quite literally begging to be fixed. “Help me! Help me!” I hate messy hair. I hate having too much Hair. Actually, I can condense this by saying I hate poor hygiene. Overall I just generally hate every aspect. It’s not me, it’s you.
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whipplefilter · 7 years
Today I was listening to those silly Spotify playlists some poor marketing person must have been tasked with putting together for Lighting, Storm, and Cruz, and:
- Cruz has the best taste in music! It’s basically The Fast and the Furious plus Sia. What a perfect banana girl. <3
- There is no way Jackson Storm listens to that much Justin Bieber. Like, maybe that playlist is what he listens to when he wants to have a chill night in, but that’s not a roadtrip playlist! Not a single hype song, Storm, really??
Though part of this might be my having deeply internalized that ravecar fan art I’m sure you’ve all seen, lololololol. Let’s be real, Storm is into whatever came after EDM.
- Lightning probably doesn’t have strong musical tastes. He missed that boat as a rookie and never quite found it, and he mostly comes into songs he likes by osmosis. Like, if someone he likes says they like a song, chances are he’ll ultimately like it, too. Or if he hears a song in a place he likes, or while doing something he likes, and he just kind of builds his playlists up from there. Oh, and he likes the songs they play during downtime at the racetrack. Yeah, he’s that car. No warm-up song, though--just the quiet of his trailer.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Tied To Me - F.W
Masterlist, Writing Prompt Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Taglist
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader 
Prompt 102: Your cum flowed down his length, your insides starting to feel raw and sore from his cock pounding inside of you, you were feeling ravaged… and you were loving it.
Prompt 104: “Oh would you look at that” he laughed lightly “I can see my cock poke through your delicate stomach.”
Prompt 105: His warm sperm shot inside of your mouth, you swallowed it down, feeling it travel down your throat, filling you up.
Prompt 106: “Be careful” he warned you, fucking you faster “you know how bad I want to knock you up.”
About/Requested:  Fred and Y/N go out for a meal, Fred bumps into some investors who helped him out with his shop a few months back - the investors flirt with you and tell Fred you’re out of his league, when you get home - you’re in for the night of your life.
Warnings: 18+, smut, mention of food and eating, dirty talk/vulgar language, swearing, breeding kink, unprotected sex, belly bulging, oral (male receiving). 
"I can't believe I have never been here before, I can't believe I can actually afford this now!" Fred smiled widely, pride sparkling in his eyes.
He held your hand over the table in the warm and dimly lit muggle restaurant that played classical music during your stay. You smiled back at him and took a sip from your glass, swallowing the non-alcoholic cocktail.
"I'm so proud of you, Freddie." you stared into his prideful eyes and blushed as the waiter came over to take your orders, collecting your menus and walking off to communicate with the chefs.
"I couldn't have done it without you, love." Fred smiled, tracing circles into your palm "I'm really looking forward to our future, Y/N."
Your fancy, well presented, and mouth-watering dishes arrived, the two of you feeling slightly out of place surrounded by Rich families with perfect table etiquette and high class, a women sat across the room, playing with her pearl necklaces that rested upon her upper chest whilst her partner poured wine into his glass, the bottle costing more money than you had earned this month.
You and Fred ate your meals, discussing future plans, the taste of the food and how treats like these were more meaningful - although Fred insisted that you deserved more experiences like these and that he would make sure you experienced them more often now that his shop had become a huge success.
Drinking the last of your non-alcoholic cocktail, savouring the gorgeous taste of the raspberries, Fred asked for the bill which arrived just as fast as your drinks, he went bright red in the face realising he didn't completely understand muggle currency.
"Uh.." Fred couldn't look you in the eye, his embarrassment spreading across the room as other guests turned around to stare at him "Just give me one second."
Two tall men in suits were in the corner of the restaurant near the entrance door, talking to one another and pointing at your boyfriend when they spotted the back of his head.
The two men walked through the restaurant, getting closer and closer to your table.
"I'm trying my best, Y/N," Fred stressed, staring at the change and pound notes in his wallet.
"Freddie, turn around!" You whispered, slightly worried and concerned for Fred's safety, the men looking rather intimidating in their suits, their hair slicked back with gel.
The taller man tapped on Fred's shoulder and spoke out in surprise, sounding rather surprised "Mr Weasley?!"
Fred turned around and burst into a cheeky grin, getting out of his seat and shaking their hands, getting stuck into an immediate conversation, you sat back in your chair and watched, slowly taking Fred's wallet, counting out the muggle money for him that he needed to hand to the waiter who stood behind the bar, cleaning glasses and speaking to other members of staff.
"Fancy seeing you here in a place like this!" the shorter man spoke out.
The taller man leant to the side, peering over at you whilst you counted the notes and getting the exact change of coins into the palm of your hand.
"Who is this stunning young woman?" he asked, walking over to you.
You stared up at the man who stared at you, not even two metres away from you.
"This is my girlfriend, Y/N." Fred smiled shyly, the shorter man next to him telling him how beautiful you are and how good you look tonight in your short and black, silk dress and red high heels that matched your lipstick.
"I'm Evan" The taller man outstretched his hand "It's a pleasure to meet you."
You went to grasp his hand to shake, Evan kissing you on the hand, instantly making Fred tick inside. The shorter bloke walked over and greeted you in the same way "and I'm Peter." he smiled, also kissing your hand.
Evan looked down at the notes and coins in your free hand, his mouth almost dropping to the floor "Oh Fred, you aren't making your girlfriend pay are you?"
Fred opened his mouth to speak but got cut off by his friend "It's on me, darling" he grinned pulling out a stack of notes, calling the waiter over "I'm paying for this lovely young ladies meal tonight, and her boyfriends."
The waiter accepted the cash and handed you and Fred tiny little mints for you to chew on as you left, Evan and Peter continuing to compliment you and stress how much you were out of Fred's league.
"Bloody hell! How did he manage to land you?"
"You've been dating for how long and he's not put a ring on your finger?"
"If you were my wife you'd be swept off your feet with children to look after!"
Fred wanted to rip their heads off, swing for them, demand that they clear off and never speak to either of you again - but no matter how infuriated and jealous he felt, he couldn't bring himself to do it; after all, Evan and Peter were the ones who invested in his business, to begin with.
Fred cleared his throat "I think it's time we were off, sweetheart" he pointed to the door with his thumb "got an early day tomorrow."
You nodded and put on your coat, pushing your chair in, Evan and Peter pulling you in for a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek, encouraging you and Fred to meet them for a drink in Diagon Alley when you were available.
"Thank you again, Evan, for paying-"
"Don't mention it, Y/N! My treat!" he smiled, waving at you and your boyfriend.
"My Treat"
This pissed Fred off big time, this was supposed to be his night, treating you - not his investor swooping in and making him look like a right fool for not understanding muggle currency.
Fred grabbed hold of your hand and stormed out of the restaurant, both of you apparating home, the spinning and speed making you feel queasy and rather dizzy as you landed in your living room, falling on your sofa, the spinning slowing down and the three Fred's blending back into the one you loved.
Fred shook his head, an annoyed expression plastered across his face, he didn’t say a word and walked into the bathroom, getting himself ready for bed - Evan and Peter’s voices echoing in his mind, repeating everything they said.
“You’re too bloody good for him!”
“You’d be silly to stick around any longer without a ring on your finger.”
“I bet you’ll make a brilliant mother!”
“You’re punching, Fred, how did you manage to land her?”
“If I were you I’d propose already - before someone else snatches her.”
You walked into the large bathroom quietly, coming up behind Fred, wrapping your arms around him, resting your face against his back.
“Please talk to me,” you said softly “I don’t like it when you get in a mood and ignore me.”
Fred grumbled and unbuttoned his shirt, you pulled away and stood by his side, pulling on his arm.
“Please, Fred.”
Fred sighed and turned to look at you, shrugging off his shirt down his arms, catching it in one hand and placing it over the edge of the bath.
“I’m embarrassed, Y/N, I’m irritated, I’m pissed off.”
You nodded and stared at Fred’s chest, your eyes taking in every inch of his beautiful skin and perfect body shape.
“You shouldn’t be, Muggle money isn’t the easiest to work out - and Evan helped out anyway which was really sweet-”
“If you like him that much you should’ve gone home with him instead of me then.” He snapped, pulling his arm out of your hand and walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.
You sighed and followed him, hearing the clunk of his belt hitting the floor and the zipper on his trousers being pulled down.
“Fred, I don’t understand why you’re in such a grump, you don’t need to be embarrassed, shit happens-”
“I’ve had to listen to two of my investors catch you up all night, hearing them express how much they want you, want to fuck you and get you pregnant, saying that I’m not good enough for you, how am I supposed to feel!?”
You didn’t answer, you didn’t know how to feel, you didn’t know what to think, Fred stared at you and became even more ticked off, he scoffed and pulled off his trousers, throwing them across the room, missing the laundry basket.
“I see how it is” he spoke out “You loved it, didn’t you? You loved another man treating you with his money that he has more of than he knows what to do with.”
You rolled your eyes “Oh don’t be stupid Fred! I’m not with you for your money, you know that!” you argued, pulling off your high heels and storming over to your wardrobe, placing your shoes inside at the bottom.
Fred ignored you, making you just as pissed off as he was, you could feel the tiny devil sitting down on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, encouraging you to tick Fred off on purpose, the angel on your other shoulder begging you not to do it.
But you did it anyway, and Fred couldn’t hold himself back anymore.
“You know what” you spoke up, your attitude popping out a little bit “you’re right, I should have gone home with him instead of you!”
Fred’s eyes widened, he grits his teeth and storms over towards you in his boxers, grabbing you by the waist, forcing you to look at him. You swallowed hard and looked him in the eyes, instantly regretting what you said, but also feeling your crotch flutter slightly as his hot breath beamed down on you.
“Is that what you want?” he glared “another man fucking you?”
Fred’s hand snaked to your back, his fingers gripping on the zip on the back of your dress, studying your face before he tugged it down.
“I never said that-”
“But you were implying it, weren’t you?”
Fred knew what he was going to do to you, and you knew it too, you could feel yourself getting wet at the thought and at Fred’s touch - his cock hardening in his boxers, poking out like the top of a tent.
Your dress dropped to the floor, Fred grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into him, as you kicked the dress across from you across the room, his lips smashed against yours, you kissed back passionately, feeling his tongue drag against your lips, you opened your mouth and allowed him to explore you with his tongue.
You reached down and started to caress Fred’s hard cock through his boxers, Fred groaned against your lips and with his free hand, grabbed yours and pushed it under his boxers, encouraging you to wank him off - which made your crotch flutter, even more, your wetness creating a tiny puddle in your knickers.
Taking Fred’s large length in your hand, you pumped his cock gently and softly, the two of you still exploring each other's mouths until Fred became impatient, wanting to feel your lips around his cock already.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes, his full of lust and hunger “get on your knees” he ordered, pulling down his boxers as you gripped the base of his length.
“Go on, suck my cock, love.”
You smirked at him and nodded, licking up and down his shaft teasingly before taking him in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock before sucking on it gently, Fred’s moans filling the room, your knickers getting even more soaked.
“Fuck, Y/N, that feels so good.”
You pushed yourself and took more of Fred’s length - almost all of it - into your mouth, the head of his cock sliding down your throat, causing you to gag as his hands held onto your head, holding you in place and trying to push you down, causing you to gag and produce more saliva - you looked up at him with your wide and watery eyes.
“That’s it, choke on my cock that’s sliding down your throat.”
Fred continued to moan out, watching you, staring you down whilst you bobbed your head, sucking on his big cock and pumping it with your hand at the same time, sending your boyfriend close to the edge numerous times before he finally pulled you off him, lifting you from his saliva coated cock by gripping onto your hair with his hand.
You gasped for air, swallowing down the pooled saliva in your mouth, wiping your lips as Fred grabbed you by the waist, kissing you again, tasting himself on your lips as his hand stroked your pussy through your knickers.
“So wet for me, aren’t you?” he smirked, feeling your wetness through the thin fabric, his finger hooking the waistband of your knickers, slowly pulling them down.
“Fred” you breathed “I didn’t mean what I said, you don’t have to prove yourself to me-”
“I don’t care” Fred growled, rubbing your clit with his finger, walking backwards and sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling you with him “sit down and fuck me.”
You climbed on top of Fred, your legs spread, slowly lowering yourself down on his saliva coated cock, helping you sit down as he slid inside of you, his cock piercing into you, his length exploring you deeply, reaching your tummy.
Your legs rested at his sides, you needed a moment to adjust to his size and then you began to slowly buck your hips, riding him, also circling your hips which Fred gripped on to keep you grounded, you gasped out loud and moan feeling his cock brush against your G-Spot.
Your fingers got tangled in Fred’s messy hair, continuing to buck your hips and bounce up and down, your breasts bouncing, you leaned back and moaned out loud, the constant brushing of Fred’s cock against your g-spot was sending you over the edge, getting you closer to orgasm.
“Freddie” you moaned out through panting, your voice high pitched “oh Freddie!”
Fred looked up at you with a smirk on his face, you moaning his name - not Evan’s or Peter’s made him feel really fucking good, he couldn’t get enough of rubbing what he had in other peoples faces - even if he was thinking about it and not fucking you in front of them, or living next door to them and fucking you so hard they had to hear your moans like he wanted, but he could imagine it, and that was the nest best thing.
Fred quickly stood up, holding you so you didn’t fall, your legs now wrapped around him, still inside you, as he turned around and placed you on the bed, your back laying against his soft sheets. Lifting up your legs, Fred placed them over his shoulders, his cock sliding even deeper inside of your, causing your mouth to open and a desperate moan to slip from your lips, Fred biting his lip at the sight of you.
“Oh would you look at that” he laughed lightly “I can see my cock poke through your delicate stomach.”
Looking down you could see the outline of Fred’s length poke through your stomach, you could feel yourself getting excited over him filling you up, your walls tightening around him ever so slightly.
“You’re so deep inside me” you whimpered, watching him start to slam in you, your moans becoming more frequent and louder.
Fred held onto your waist, his eyes bouncing across your body, focusing on your eyes, your lips, your rising and falling chest, your bulging tummy, your clit, your breasts, the sight of him fucking you - he didn’t know which detail to focus on because the whole picture was perfect.
Slamming into your wet pussy deeper and faster, the slamming filling the room with your moans and his groans, you lolled your head back and moaned out, gripping your breasts with one hand, spitting in the other so you could play with your clit, lifting your head back up and locking eye contact with Fred.
Your fingers stroking your clit, pushing you closer and closer to orgasm, feeling Fred’s cock twitch inside of you.
“Be careful” he warned you, fucking you faster “you know how bad I want to knock you up.”
Those very words were enough for you when combined with the fast, deep, and hard thrusting.
Your cum flowed down his length, your insides starting to feel raw and sore from his cock pounding inside of you, you were feeling ravaged… and you were loving it.
“Maybe you should” you teased through more panting, causing Fred to twitch again, your legs couldn’t keep still upon his shoulders, your orgasm expanding and spreading throughout your body “that way you’ll be tied to me forever.”
Fred could feel himself getting closer to the end of the race “Tied to you...” he breathed “fuck!”
As much as he wanted to plant his seed inside of you, he knew he couldn’t, not yet - he needed to put a ring on your finger first, so instead of cumming deep inside your pussy, he reached for the next best thing.
“I’m going to cum!” he panted, quickly pulling out, his hard, red, juice coated, twitching cock gripped in his hand.
You lifted your legs off his shoulders and bent them, propping yourself up on the bed, laying on your tummy, your elbows lifting you up so you could welcome Fred’s length back into your mouth, tasting your own juices.
Your lips wrapped around his cock, you sucked as you did before, bobbing your head up and down with your hand gliding up and down in sync with the rhythm, Fred watched you eagerly and couldn’t hold back.
You pushed his cock deeper in your mouth, so close to swallowing him whole as his head hit the back of your throat.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m - I’m cumming!”
His warm sperm shot inside of your mouth, you swallowed it down, feeling it travel down your throat, filling you up.
Fred slowly pulled his cock out of your mouth, he stumbled backwards, slightly dizzy and then sat down on the bed slowly, swinging his legs over so he could lie down comfortably in bliss, embracing his orgasm.
You wiped your lips and climbed into Fred’s arms, the two of you lying in silence, catching your breaths and cooling down.
“I’m tied to you, Fred.” you muttered “always have been, always will be, I only want you,” you reassured him.
Fred wrapped his arm around you “I’m tied to you too, my love” he muttered softly, kissing your head.
Tags: @amourtentiaa @xmalfoyweasleyx @horrorxweasley @reeophidian @alwaysnforeverfangirl @freddiemylovelg @sebby-staan @inglourious-imagines @onlyfreds @lucymfer @pandaxnienke 
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translytherins · 4 years
Unaccepted Permission Slip {Part 1}
Peter's P.O.V
[A/n: You can use the picture at the bottom as refrence also the picture isn't mine]
"Mr. Parker i will not accept this permission slip"
"Why not?!?!"
"Because your permission slip is signed by Tony Stark-Rogers and we both know that your internship is fake so just give it up and go home"
I was fuming "Fine!!!" I shouted and stormed out of the classroom. If your wondering what happened. Let me explain.
I accidentally fell asleep in science class because well... I'm not dumb. I already know this stuff. Having Tony Stark-Rogers as a dad and as a mentor before that while also having Bruce Banner teach you has it's perks. I was woken up from sleep by Ned who was trying to shake me awake which definitely worked. Obviously. I lifted my head from my table only to see the teacher glaring at me. I don't know why but the teacher hates me with every bone in her body.
"Now that Mr. Parker is awake" she said glaring at me before she continued.
"We will be going on a field trip next week on Friday. The location will be a surprise but until then everyone must take one permission slip for your parents to sign.
Class dismissed"
Everyone packed their stuff and got up from the seat while mumbling excitedly about the trip. I couldn't care less about the trip but..whatever. I took one permission slip while receiving a (not so) deathly glare from the teacher and walked out of the classroom.
-End Of Flashback-
When i was a few blocks away from my school, i saw Happy waiting for me next to a limo. I went up to him and gave him an apology for the slight delay. He accepted and we both got in the limo with me at the back while Happy sat at the drivers seat and started heading home with me not talking much because i was still mad. Happy kept looking at me frome the rear view mirror but i payed no attention to that and kept looking out the window.
I got home and saw that none of my family members were at home probably on a mission. I walked into the living room and saw my (h/c) boyfriend reading on the couch. I smiled, walked over to him (sneakily) and backed hugged him making him drop his book while mumbling something under his breath in surprise. I started giggling at his cute face that he made.
(M/N) 's P.O.V
I was reading a book while waiting for the others to get back because even though I'm the newest member, they said it was "too dangerous" for someone as young as me (although I kicked all of their butts in one go)I was so deep invested with my book that i didn't even realise that someone was sneaking up behind me. When i did realise it, is when i felt someone back hugged me.
"Holy f*cking sh*t" i mumbled under my breath and dropped my book by accident. I heard someone giggling from behind me. I turned around and saw Peter giggling at me. I let out a playful sigh and glared at the giggling boy while picking up my book.
I continued reading my book which is a sign that I'm (slightly) pissed by his actions. He stopped giggling and walked around the couch so he was standing in front of me but i didn't look at him. He took my book, marked the page i was reading and placed it on the table. I was about to protest but he straddled me and kissed me. I melted instantly and kissed back. It got heated after a few minutes and we started making out with Peter on my lap. We we're so distracted that we didn't even realise that the others were back already just staring at us like the creeps they are. We pulled away when we heard someone coughing, trying to get our attention. We turned around and saw the Avengers standing there, some with there arms crossed (Steve, Tony, Loki, Vision, Bruce) while the others we're snickering in the background (Nat, Barton, Pietro, Wanda, Bucky, Sam). Peter was a blushing mess. When he turned to look at me and he saw the mischievous smirk on my face. I gently squeezed his butt and he gave a little squeak in return. He glared at me but my smirk didn't falter one bit. Revenge tastes sweet. He turned back to the others and smiled akwardly.
"Uhm... Hey dad..." Peter said akwardly.
"We'll talk about this later" Tony said with a glare and they left the room.
He turned towards me and smacked my chest while burying his face into my neck.
"I hate you"
"Love you too" i replied with a sly grin on my face.
-Timeskip to dinner-
Peter's P.O.V
Just another dinner night at Stark Tower. My dad was playfully arguing with Uncle Clint (yes i have to call them uncle and aunt except for Pietro and Wanda). Uncle Thor was eating pop tarts for dinner. Uncle Loki was struggling to use his utensils. Pietro was laughing hysterically at him for not being able to use them properly, pushing on Uncle Loki's buttons making him aggravated. Uncle Bucky and Aunt Nat were talking in Russia. The only normal one's were me, (m/n), Uncle Bruce, Vision, my pops aka Steve Stark-Rogers and Wanda. We we're just watching the scene play out infront of us. (m/n) and i was snickering at how childish they we're acting even though we're younger than them (except for Aunt Nat and Uncle Bucky. They looked like they we're talking about something important) until i remembered something.
"Hey Pops???"
"Yes Peter???" he awnsered looking at me.
"Is it okay if i stay home next Friday???"
When those words came out of my mouth everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me suddenly intrigued by what i had to say.
"And why do you want to stay home???" Aunt Nat asked me and i knew i couldn't lie because this is Black Widow I'm talking to and she knows when someone's lie. I sigh in defeat.
"Well...you see..." and i told them about what happend with the teacher not accepting my permission slip and talking trash about me. After i explained all hell broke lose. Aunt Nat was sharpening her knives, Wanda and Loki had magic surrounding them, (m/n) had a little string of (f/c) fire twirling around his fingers, Thor was looking at his hammer probably contemplating how hard he can throw it, Uncle Clint was sharpening his arrows, Pietro feets were looking impatient, Uncle Bruce was turning a little green, Dad was typing something on his phone probably calling his suit, Uncle Bucky was clenching his metal arm and Pops was trying to calm himself down. Well...this is going to be a fun night. (note the sarcasm)
-The Next Morning-
Ned's P.O.V
I was on the bus sitting next to MJ who had her nose stuck in a book and i was looking out the window ignoring Flash yelling insults about Peter being a coward for not coming on this trip with us and about how he was right about his "fake internship" because the teacher told us we we're going to Stark Tower. I have been there on lots of different occasions, most of the time it's because i have an intern ship with Stark industries as well and it was all thanks to Peter. He is most definitely going to be there because he didn't show up to school. This isn't going to end well is it. Oh well... More entertainment and drama for me.
(M/N) 's P.O.V
I was in my room scrolling through my phonewith Peter snuggling into my side. He dies have his own room which is next to mine but he decided to sleep in my room because his dad doesn't really let us sleep in the same room but he does it anyways but i don't mind because i get to cuddle my little spider. I was looking at a cute cat photo which was playing with a leaf when i heard FRIDAY, Starks AI, greeting me.
" Good Morning Mr. (L/n). Tony Stark-Rogers has requested Peter to lead the tour for today at 10 later"
"Thanks Fri. I'll tell him when he wakes up"
FRIDAY hummed in acknowledgement and left. I put down my phone on the bed side table and i turned my body towards Peter which resulted with him cuddled into me and nuzzled his head deeper into my chest (if it was even possible at this point considering about how close we were already)
"Peter, Babe. Time to get up. Your dad said that you need to give a tour to some visitors later at 10"
Peter's eyes fluttered open but he just closed them again and nuzzled his head further into my chest.
"Do i have too? Can't i just cuddle with you?" he said while giving me his puppy dog eyes. I sighed.
"Even if I want to, I need to go on a mission with Clint, Pietro and Tasha in about... *glances at the alarm clock* 5 minutes so I have to go. But don't sweat it, the missions gonna take two hours at least. When I get back I'll come help you with the tour when i get back
Okay??? "
" Fine" he whined and gave me a soft kiss which i gladly returned.
I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get changed into my outfit which is a hoddie that is as strong as Steve's shield but still flexible, fluffy and comfortable to wear. I put on my fingerless gloves and headed back in my room. When I entered the room again and saw Peter scrolling through his phone. I smiled and walked towards him.
"Bye Pete, I'll see you later" i gave him a kiss on his forehead.
He smiled at me while i grabbed my shape shifting elemental sword and my wireless headphones. I know what your thinking. Why am i bringing a wireless headphones with me to a mission. Well...that's because i fight while listening to music. It enhances my ability to fight and makes it easier for me to use my elements. left the room while waving at him. I put on my (f/c) mask and headed towards where Pietro, Nat and Clint were at so we can get this mission over and done with.
Peter's P.O.V
I was sitting at the lounging room, waiting for the visitors to arrive while messing around on my phone. I heard the sliding door open and close but i didn't bother to look up because if they were the visitors, Alicia is going to explain how everything works and how to use the badges before giving them it. Only when she was done i would take over and show them the places that they have access to. While I was scrolling through Instagram, i heard Alicia call my name. I got up from my seat and walked towards them while still looking at my phone. When i reached them i looked up from my phone my eyes were wide as saucers because the visitors were my classmates!!! I have a lot of explaining to do aren't i...
"Uhh... Hey guys..." i said while waving at them awkwardly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE PUNY PARKER!!!" Flash yelled at me with a hint of rage in his voice.
I rolled my eyes at him and responded to him in a sassy tone.
"I'm actually doing something useful in my life other than waste my time insulting someone. What are you doing???"
Flash was fuming with anger but didn't say anything else while the class, Alicia, Mj and Ned were chuckling because Flash just got told off.
"Okay Peter I'll leave it to you. See you later Mini G" she said while walking and waving.
"Later Alicia" i said while waving back at her before turning back to the rest of the class with stunned faces except Mj and Ned who were chuckling at Flash's stunned face.
"Anyways... I'm going to be your tour guide for today. So, unless you want to spend the rest of the visit outside the tour while the others have a good time, i suggest you keep your mouth if you have nothing nice to say because people at Stark Tower does not tolerate bullies especially Mr. Stark and Mr. Steve Rogers"
I didn't say there actual name which is Mr. Stark-Rogers because it isn't public yet that their married and no one definitely knows that tgey adopted a child aka me. But later on we're going to have a press conference revealing their marriage and me to the public. Flash looked slightly pale but didn't say any insults (or anything in that matter) and Mrs Warren was glarring daggers at me but i couldn't care less about what she thought about me at this point because all i want to do is get back to bed, wait until my boyfriend gets back from his mission and cuddle with him.
"Ok everyone. You need to scan the badges you got from Alicia and walk through the metal detector. You are also not aloud to take pictures during the tour. Any questions???"
Nobody raised their hands and i ushered them towards the scanner and the metal detector. One by one, everyone scanned their badges and walking through the metal detector (their phone don't count). F.R.I.D.A.Y announced their names, badge level and wether or not they have weapons or anything else dangerous. I let Flash walk through for demonstration (don't know why i did), F.R.I.D.A.Y announced his name in the same bored tone she always uses when it wasn't any of the avengers, me, Ned or Mj.
"Eugene Thompson, Omega badge level 2, no weapons"
He looked at me like he finally achieved something in his life. I rolled my eyes at his shit eating grin, scanned my badge (even though I didn't need to because I can scan my face and enter the building without having to waste my time with these badges) and walked through the metal detector.
"Peter, Delta level 10,no weapons detected. Hello Peter nice seeing you use the door once in a while" F.R.I.D.A.Y said with slight sarcasm in her voice but i just sigh in relief because F.R.I.D.A.Y didn't use my full name. But Flash just had to open his goddamn mouth and say something stupid like he always does.
I just ignored him which I do like 90% of the time and waited for the others to get through. While checking my watch to see how long i have left until (m/n) joins us.
Almost everyone has gone through except for Ned and Mj. Mj scanned her badge and walked through the metal detector without looking up from the book because she comes here to help Pepper with some business stuff. Oh!!! Did i forget to mention you that Mj is Pepper's assistant. I didn't??? Oh well moving on.
"Michelle Jones, alpha level 8, no weapons detected. Glad to see you Mj" F.R.I.D.A.Y greeted her happily.
"You too Fri"
Everyone's mouth was gaping because the Ai system recognised Mj. The last person was Ned and he got the same exact reaction from the class.
"Ned Leeds, alpha level 7, no weapons detected. Good evening Ned, i hope you enjoy your visit"
"I will Fri"
Flash was slightly annoyed that he didn't get the same treatment but beggars can't be choosers. I coughed slightly to get everyones attention and lead them towards the elevator so we can get started with the tour.
We reached the fifth floor so that they can look at the Avengers exhibition for the oldest and newest avengers. Everyone was looking awed and starstruck including Ned (who has been here loads of times) and excluding Mj (because she was still reading her book).
"Ok everyone you have an hour to look around and if you have any questions, you can come and ask me"
And just like that everyone was scattered all over the place looking at all the suits and weapons displayed. Of course they were just replicas of it. I walked around to make sure that they were no inconvenience. Everyone was mostly gawking at my iron spider suit that i got from dad and Elemental's mask, hoodie, headphones and his shape shifting sword especially Flash. He can only dream of wearing our suits. Let alone hold (m/n) 's shape shifting sword because have you seen that thing??? It's pretty epic if i do say so myself.
"Hey loser. Maybe you should explain more about the suits everyones gawking at" Mj said with a knowing smirk and looking up from her book for the first time since she entered the tower.
It's not really a surprise that she knows my relationship with (m/n) because the whole tower knows and thinks were a cute power couple. I returned her smirk and started to explain about the origins of the suits and (m/n) 's weapon.
"Well the Iron Spider was designed by Mr Stark for Spiderman when he was first offered a spot as an Avengers. He turned down the offer at first deciding just to stick on being a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman but he joined in the end after some complications"
I finished my explanation for the Iron Spider and looked at everyone. They were all listening to me very intently on the origins of the Iron Spider (with the exception of Mj who was still reading her book). I countinued onto Elemental's origin.
"Elemental is the newest member of the Avengers who joined almost a month ago. His sword can shape shift to any kind of weapon you can think of such as an axe, a bow and arrow, a bow staff and much more but i think that it be too long of an explanation if i kept going on. He can control natural elements which are fire, water, wind, ice, light, dark, and nature. Whichever power he choses has it's own abilities. He can also transport the elements into his weapon. For example if he was using an axe as a weapon and he transported his fire element into the axe it would turn into a fire axe. Any questions??? " I saw somebody raise their hand at the back.
"Yes you at the back" i said while pointing at the person at the back.
"How did the Avengers meet Elemental because he was annouced as one but nobody got an explanation"
"Good question. Well nine months before he was announced as an Avenger, the Avengers were in a battle with Red skull. They almost died when he was suddenly frozen and he was shattered tp a million pieces. They saw a silhouette of a person but his face was covered with a black face mask. After months of searching and researching for this person. At first he refused to join but he caved in the end after some persuasion by Spiderman. Anything else???? "
Someone was about to ask another question but Friday said that our time was up and that we had to mive on to the next part of the tour which was the mechanical workshop. I have a feeling that my Parker luck is gonna struck again but when has it not.
When we entered the workshop it was pure chaos. Dad was yelling at Clint something about almost ruining the mission Nat was sharpening her knife. Pietro was next to Clint holding his hand and (m/n) was fixing his motorbike whole wearing his wireless headphones, listening to music. So he was pretty clueless on what's going on around him. They all stopped what they were doing (with the exception of (m/n) who was to focused on fixing his motorbike) and smiled at us.
"Hey Pete boy what are you doing in these parts of the tower" Pietro asked while he suddenly appeared next to me. He put my head in a headlock and messed up my hair a bit before letting me go.
"I could ask you the same thing. Your not exactly trusted here" i said while fixing up my hair a bit. He put his hand on his heart while giving me a mocking gasp.
"I'm offended. Just because i zoom around the place that doesn't mean i broke anything"
Dad looked at him with a 'are you serious' look. Pietro did a damsel in distress look while sighing a dramatic sigh.
"I'm hurt by your words"
I just chuckled at his childish attitude while Aunt Tasha just exited the room. I swear Pietro is more dramatic than dad.
"While it was fun watching you joke around the class has a tour that (m/n) needs to take over. So i think it's time to take our leave. (m/n) time for you to take over!!!
(m/n) didn't move away from his motorbike so I'm guessing he didn't hear dad.
"(m/n)!!! Are you listening to me!!!"
"Don't worry Tony i got this" Pietro said with a mischievous grin on his face.
At the sidelines, everyone was mumbling to each other. Some of them were about being in the same room as their favourite superhero. While the others were mumbling about my internship being true. Flash was flushed red because i got noticed by them and not him.
(m/n) 's P.O.V
I was fixing my motorbike because someone *cough* Clint *cough* thought it was a good idea to "accidentally" knock over an expensive vase (which i think he did it on purpose) and he almost got shot if it wasn't for me jumping in with my motorbike and the latter decided it was a good idea to use an explosive arrows while I'm near the proximity. So, now i have a lot of things i need to repair on my motorbike. While i was fixing my motorbike, i was startled when someone yelled in my ear.
"(m/n)!!! Peter's in trouble!!!" Pietro yelled into my ear.
"What!!! Where!!!" i shouted with slight panic but i accidentally hit my head on my motorbike's turbo booster really REALLY hard because of how fast i lifted my head.
"Ow..." i said while closing my eyes and rubbing my head.
Whwn i reopened my eyes, again and saw a bunch of teenagers (is that the right way to describe them???) staring at me with wide eyes with a laughing Tony and Pietro and a blushing Peter (probably because i was worried about him getting hurt) . I was glaring at Pietro and Tony so hard that (f/c) flames started to surrounding me. They raised their hands in surrender, terrified that i might burn them if they continued. I smirked a victory smirk and the (f/c) flames disappeared. I took off my wireless headphones and walked towards Pietro and smacked his head really hard.
"Ow... What was that for???" Pietro whined while rubbing his sore head.
"That was for scaring me" i said and i started walking towards Peter. He blushed a darker shade of red while the teenagers behind him started giggling and whispering about how "hot and attractive" i was, but i just tuned them out and continued walking until i reached Peter. I wrapped my right hand around his waist and layed my head at the crook of his neck.
"Hey Pete sorry for not joining the tour earlier because someone decided to be stupid" i said emphasising the word someone someone while glaring at Clint who was now, sulking in a conner and was being comforted by Pietro. I just rolled my eyes and gave Peter a peck on his lips.
I looked over and saw a guy wearing a jacket, trying to look cool which he did horrible at.
"Yeah. What Peter never told you he was dating me. Pete, baby how could you not tell other people that you were dating this handsome dude"
I heard Tony snort at the word handsome while Peter just chuckled at my childness.
"As much as i want to mess around more. We need to get on with the tour. I'm assuming your going to be showing us around"
"Mhmm,nothing ever gets by you does it" i said while smiling fondly at him and kissed his cheek before unwrapping my hand around. I walked towards Tony, Clint and Pietro and shooed them out of the workshop. Once they were out , i turned towards the class with a soft smile which made everyone blush and drool (even the hoe of a teacher). I mentally rolled my eyes and pulled my (f/c) mask back on. I clapped my hands together and said,
"Let's get the show on the road now, shall we?"
-59 minutes later-
I looked at my watch and realised that i had one more minute until they had to get to the next part of Stark Towers. I decided to awnser one more question that they might have. For the entire time they've been in here i showed them some of the things that i made. For example, my motorbikes, electric cars, jets, mechanical wings for falcon, guns, Clint's arrows and pretty much anything you need i can make it. They all were impressed that i could make all of this and on top of that i gratuated school pretty early. Oh!!! Did i mention that I'm 17? No? Oh well,now you know.
"Alright everyone i only have time for one question before we move on onto the next destination of Stark Tower. So if anyone of you have a question don't be afraid to ask because you miggt never get this chance again" and instantly five hands were raised up but I pointed at the guy near me.
"How does Parker get not one but two look a like Avengers, fake badges and how much did he pay you to kiss him"
I felt my blood beginning to boil. My bangs covered my eyes but they were red with anger (A/n: Your eyes changes colour depending on the emotions) because how dare he thinks that my Petey will do something like that. The tempature in the room dropped making the class shiver. I started approaching him very VERY slowly with lightning trailing behind me, so i can scare him a little which worked. Everyone made sure to keep a good ten feet away from us. Peter looked terrified about what's going to happen but didn't move because he knew the consequences. ( A little hint. He didn't get kisses and cuddles from me for a week. He can go without those for two days)
When i was right in front of him, i tilted my head to the side revealing my glowing blood red eyes. I pushed him into a the nearest wall, trapping while shape shifting my sword into a darkness knife.
"One more bad word about my Petey. Your head won't be attached to your body after this. Got it!?!??!" i said while pressing my knife dangerously close to his neck. He nodded so fast that i would've mistaken him for Pietro except he got a much more bitchy attitude than Tony when he wants attention from Steve or when Clint was ignored by Pietro because he did a 'breaking up' prank (it was kinda funny seeing Clint begging to Pietro for two hours straight) and that's basically giving them a compliment.
I let go of him and told the others to wait outside to wait for the next part of the tour because I wanted to have a word with Peter. Everyone basically bolted out the room trying to stay on my good side. I turn towards a nervous looking and kinda sweating Peter. He visibly gulped because he knows he is in deep, deep trouble.
Peter's P.O.V
I feel like I'm screwed because not only did i not tell them about my salty teacher much earlier but i didn't tell them that i also have a bully on my track. He crossed his arms while tap his left foot impatiently waiting for an awnser. Well, here goes nothing let just hope he doesn't go on a killing spree.
-Timeskip after the explanation-
When i was done explaining, he was mad but surprisingly calm about the whole situation. He placed his hand on my shoulder and started talking.
"Look I'm not mad that you didn't tell me but if something like this happens again i want you to tell either me or the others because we care about you and don't want you to get hurt. Alright???"
I nodded my head while crying slightly and hugged him really tight like if i let him go i would lose him. I'm really thankful i have someone like him in my life. He chuckled and ran his fingers through my head and kissed my forehead before pulling away. He wiped my tears away and kissed me before pulling away. He pulled away from the hug and extended his hand to me.
"Come on Pete. We have a tour to get back to"
I smiled and took his hand letting him lead my hand outside towards the class to continue the tour.
I looked at my watch and realised that the tour was almost over. We only had two more destination which is the training room on level 20 and after that the class will meeting the rest of the Avengers. I mentally jumped for joy because my suffering is almost over. Not that I didn't enjoy it because (m/n)'s hand is always either on my hip or around my waist. He will give me a random pecks here and there. Mrs. Warren and Flash aren't picking on me because (m/n) kept giving them death glares but they still glared at me (i swear those two are oblivious) . So overall, I'm enjoying myself.
TBC (because I've passed my block limit 😅 but stick around for part 2!!)
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neocity-sarai · 4 years
“Love in _____ “ series
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❀ chapter 3: reader x jaemin
❀ forbidden love
❀ alerts: fluff, tinge of angst, language, suggestive, making out, i do not speak fluent french whatsoever, please forgive the mistakes, mentions of the dreamies
❀ song rec: “paris” by sabrina carpenter
“Love in Paris”
You’re surprised how you managed to make it this far. When you first told your parents that you wanted to move to Paris, they shot you down even before you finished. You told them you wanted to live by yourself to experience independence in a cultural epicenter and have some type of outlet to practice your french skills. Not that you were an expert in any way. Several days later, your father convinced your mother that it would be a good way to see the world and live in an environment that was different from your dull, quiet neighborhood. Before you knew it, you were on a one-way plane to Paris, France. 
Several months later
Thankfully, you were pretty decent at your french skills without butchering the accent you had to adopt when speaking. You got a job at a nearby cafe that was close to your studio apartment but you couldn’t feel any happier. Despite having such a small room, you adored it. All you had was a small bed, a wooden vanity, a mirror, and a few belongings from home. Every morning, you’d wake up to the honey-colored window next to your bed as you hung your arms out of it- looking at the Eiffel tower that scraped against the dawn sky. It was like you were living in a painting, the way that the sky turned a light shade of lilac during twilight or how the city glowed in the late hours of the night. In the mornings, you’d always pick up a bouquet of pansies in the market that resided in the Jardin des Tuileries. You’d place the flowers in a crystal glass that you found in some vintage store in passing, you considered it your best investment. During the night time, you always felt yourself relaxing with the sound of occasional car honks or the buskers playing their accordions on the streets. You’d put your headphones on to play some soft music, swirling a glass of red wine that sat in your hand. Over the first few weeks of coming there, you mostly stuck to your day to day routine rather than exploring Paris for yourself. When you had the time, you promised that you would scour the city by every corner and alley. You just had to earn your rent money first.
You actually found the boulangerie by accident. You made a wrong turn somewhere and discovered a quaint, two story bakery that was called, “Claudette’s.” By chance, you decided to follow the comforting scent of fresh bread and honey-glazed pastries, an older woman who wore a chiffon skirt smiled at you. The establishment only had a couple customers in it, she made her way around the corner, “Comment puis-je vous aider madame?” 
You answered her, “Embauchez- vous?”
You walked closer to her, shaking her hand, “Je voudrais travailler ici. Parlez vous anglais?”
“Oui, un peu.”
Though you could speak french without many problems, you still preferred speaking in english. You’re grateful that the woman was willing to cooperate with you. She eyed you curiously. She seemed like a character straight out of a novel as her hair piled into a messy bun of white, her apron is embroidered with tiny blossoms, and she looked extremely young for how old she actually was. In a heavy french accent she spoke to you, “Are you new in Paris?”
“I am, since a few months ago.”
“What- er, why work at my shoppe?”
Though the job is to make money, you really did want to experience the life of working in a bakery. You always were interested in how to make coffee or how to ice cakes and back home, you just couldn’t. You continue, “I want to learn from you, mademoiselle.”
“Call me Claudette, welcome.”
After your encounter with Claudette, you had been in Paris for nearly a year. Time flew by and you hadn’t even noticed. You were comfortable after trying and failing to make french-foam macchiatos, mixing up people’s orders, and getting the texture of the pastries right. You were thankful that Claudette was patient with you. 
Like every other Monday morning, you swung the sign that hung on the bakery’s door to open, taking the morning rush on by yourself. Claudette entrusted the shoppe to you when she needed to sort out inventory or go on errands. You didn’t mind that, knowing your customers’ names, conversations about their lives. When you finally got to the end of the line, a peculiar customer had stepped foot through the doorway. He seemed to be taller than you, dressed in a white t-shirt and a blue blazer with matching pants to go with it. The odd part was that you couldn’t clearly see his face as it was covered with a black scarf, hat, and blake sunglasses. Why did it seem like he was trying to hide his face? You asked him, “Comment puis-je vous aider?”
“Je voudrais un expresso, pas de lait.”
“Donc tout noir?”
“Huh?” Despite the dark shades over his eyes, you could still sense the boy’s confusion in his voice. You took your chances, “Are you fluent in english?”
“I sure am.”
You nod at him skeptically, “I was asking if you were sure you wanted all black, that’s a lot of caffeine.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, his voice muffled under his scarf, “Are you questioning my refined tastes?”
“Uh- no sir. That is not my intention. But, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”
The boy pulls out his credit card as he darts his eyes around the cafe. Like he insists, you serve him his tiny cup of all black espresso, you even grimace at the heavy scent despite working with coffee for so long. He wasn’t kidding, he had gulped it down like it was nothing- your eyes widening at the sight. He smiled, his scarf still wrapped around his face. “I’d like another please.”
You eye him incredulously, “More? really?”
“Yes, that’s what I said miss..”
“Y/n. It’s y/n.”
“Your establishment is quite the place. You’ll be seeing me here often.”
Trying your best to smile at him, “I look forward to it.” You walk back to the counter, packing sweets for the next customer as you watch the boy gaze out the window. Even his posture seemed so formulaic due to the way he crossed in legs in a prim-proper way, dainty fingers stirring his half-full espresso shot. When you get around to the boy’s third espresso, your surge of confidence makes you lean down at him, “You asked my name, isn’t it right that I know yours?”
He slides his shades down slightly, his eyes a dark brown, “Oh, don’t worry y/n. You’ll be seeing plenty of me that you won’t forget my name.”
He places a large bill on the table, winking at you, “Keep the change, y/n. You deserve it for working so hard.”
He struts out the door, leaving you just as confused as you felt when he first walked in. Who was that? And why was he acting so mysteriously? Throughout the day, you hadn’t thought about him after being so busy taking orders and fulfilling them. 
To your surprise, the same boy came the next day around noon. You could tell by his odd disguise that contrasted with his crisp, white suit- his voice in a lower octave than yesterday. He whispered, “I’d like another espresso and a croissant please.”
You typed up his total on the register, two girls whispering behind him in line. He sat at one of the tables before one of the girls could tap on his shoulder, her expression falling when he walked away. When you set down his cup, you eye him carefully, “If you want more espressos, you’ll have to tell me what’s going on.”
He rests his chin on his hand before yanking his scarf down, “In what obligation do I have to do that? Isn’t it called customer confidentiality?”
“Not if you’re causing a disturbance. You look so suspicious right now!”
A scowl is scribbled on the boy’s face, some pink hair sticking out of his dark bucket hat, “Do you have anywhere private?”
“Follow me.” You lead him to your back stock room, his proximity too close for comfort. His eyes dart from the front of the store and back to you, his hand ripping off his mysterious ensemble. The boy finally reveals his face, a beautiful one at that. The locks that sit at the top of his head curl on his forehead are a shade of bubblegum pink, his lashes accent his eyes attractively, and his cheekbones accentuate his boyish charm. The boy smiles at you, his teeth shining through his pink lips, “You can’t tell anyone that I’m me.”
You stare back at him, “Who exactly are you?”
The boy dramatically runs a hand through his pink hair, “You don’t know who I am?”
“Should I?”
He sighs, “I’m Jaemin Na.”
You don’t catch on. Instead, you look down into space, catching a sight of Claudette’s magazine pile- a picture of a pink-haired boy on the front cover.
“Wait a minute-”
You grab the magazine hastily, holding it up next to the boy’s face, “Y-you’re Jaemin Na?”
He smiles brightly at you, “The one and only.” You rub your fingers against your chin, “Wait, what do you do exactly?”
Jaemin sighs at you, resting a hand on the wall near your head, “Listen sweetie, I’m the son of the Na family- consuls to the royal family of Versailles. I stay in the palace.”
“Ohh- so you’re a rich elitist boy?”
“Well- I guess you could put it that way.”
You scan him up and down curiously, “Well that explains the lame disguise. I’m sure girls would try to maul you. If it’s so much work, why don’t you just have one of the palace people make you coffee? Why bother coming here?”
Jaemin scrunches his nose, “Well I don’t appreciate the insult and I also hate to admit that no one makes coffee like you do- that’s why I started sneaking out and coming here. Don’t take too much credit though.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you smirk, “For someone who sits on their butt in the palace all day, you sure drink a lot of coffee, you should see a doctor.”
Jaemin smoothes down the fabric of his white vest jacket before covering his face with the scarf again, “My taste buds and stomach lining are perfectly fine, thank you very much.”
Shoving his bucket hat over his eyes, he storms out of the shoppe- leaving you with an amused grin on your face. The next day, Jaemin came once again. You asked him, “one espresso shot coming right up.”
Your fingers nimbly move on the register’s keyboard, a hand flying across it without any thought. You bring Jaemin his espresso cup, setting it down on a dainty white saucer in front of him, “Here’s your black coffee of death. Enjoy.”
You swivel back around, only to be stopped by the sound of Jaemin’s voice, “Hold it. Not so fast.”
“What is it now?”
“I never said I wanted an espresso- it’s a lavender latte kind of day.”
You step closer to him, your eyes widened like disks, “But you didn’t stop me at the counter? You always get an espresso- all black?”
“Not today. Plus, you only assumed and never thought to ask.”
You resist the urge to slap Jaemin square in the face, he was acting like a spoiled, conceited child. You eye him sternly, “Are you going to waste that?”
Jaemin bats his eyelashes at you, swinging the fabric of his scarf over his shoulder, “Well I certainly am not going to have an espresso today. I take that as a yes?”
You feel your eyes roll back into your head, you’re surprised they don’t turn inside out. Grumbling, you march away with the espresso in your hand- dumping it into the sink drain as Jaemin smiles an amused grin. You come back to him, a menu in hand, “What do you want and make the choice good because I won’t do this.”
Jaemin raises his eyebrow at you, “Isn’t that your job? Customer knows what’s best?”
Scoffing, you smash your fist on the table, “Don’t do this Jaemin or you’ll regret it.”
The pink haired boy narrows his eyes at you through his pretentious sunglasses, “I’d like a lavender latte- make it oat milk. I don’t digest dairy well.” Heading back to the counter, you whip up the drink, layering a mint-berry compote and oat milk as you strategically place a lavender stem at the top of it. You stand back to admire the perfection of the drink, the purple gradient blends into a cloud of white. When you place it onto the table in front of Jaemin, he takes a sip of the drink as you wait for his reaction. He uses his index finger to motion you closer to him, your feet moving on their own. 
“Well, how is it?”
A bright smile lights up his face, his white teeth gleaming between his lips, “It’s good but you need to come closer.”
You do as he says, his eyes flickering to your lips- you feel his breath on your face. Is he about to kiss you right now? He darts his eyes from your lips to your eyes. The fast-pace of your heartbeat skyrockets before it ends suddenly, Jaemin smacking his lips before whispering at you, “The oat milk could be a little less nutty.”
You break the tension, launching back from you, “Are you kidding me right now?”
Jaemin gives you a cheshire cat-like grin, “Yes but not to fear, I’ll still drink this since you worked so very hard on it.”
You raise your cloth rag at him, stopping your hand just before the crown of his head- your brows creased with distress. Before this, you had never dealt with such a difficult customer before. Your voice is laced with irritation, “Do you enjoy this?”
“Oh, so very much. I hope you don’t miss me, I’ll be back at the same time tomorrow.”
Grabbing his book sack, Jaemin heads out the door, leaving you alone to be irritated. Like he promises, Jaemin is back the next day. The whole evening after yesterday, you spent taking note of every trap Jaemin would set for you- there was no way he was going to get you this time. When he steps up to the register, you try to sound as polite as possible. 
“Welcome to Claudette’s. What would you like to order?”
He nods at you, clicking his tongue at the same time, “Let’s go with the caramel frappuccino, no whipped cream or foam please.”
After he pays, you skillfully make the drink right in front of him, carefully measuring the correct proportions of every ingredient. He places his fingers on his chin, one hand on his hip in a taunting manner, “This is so fascinating to watch y/n. You’re truly the master of beverage arts.” You scoff, pushing the finished drink to him, “Try that.”
When he takes a sip, his eyes sparkle with pleasure as he visibly shudders, “Well, I am pleased to say that you have passed the frappuccino test except for one thing.”
“What now?”
“The straw is upside down.”
You groan, slapping a palm to your forehead, “You’ve got to be kidding me Jaemin.”
Before Jaemin can answer you, you hear a familiar voice from the back of the stock room and you feel a hand sit on your shoulder, “Are you satisfied with miss y/n’s services sir?”
You whip around to be met with Claudette towering above you, her lips graced with a fond smile. Jaemin clears his throat before answering her, “She’s doing great but she’s having so trouble accepting constructive criticism.”
You stare back at him, gritting your teeth, “What are you talking about? I just-”
Claudette pats you on the head, “Maintenant, maintenant petit pan, what do I say?”
Respectfully, you repeat after her, “Customer always knows best.”
Jaemin adds, “I was just telling her that the straw was upside down just so that she doesn’t do this to other customers.”
“Oui Monsieur! Learn from the customer, y/n, it’ll make you a better worker and person.”
Jaemin lets out a hearty laugh from over the rim of his maroon scarf, “Other than that, she’s great.”
Glaring at him, you look up to Claudette who’s smiling at him, “I see that you come almost every day monsieur, thank you for enjoying my shoppe. Merci beaucoup!”
He smiles back at her, “It’s because of y/n.”
You feel your breath hitch at your throat when you hear Jaemin’s words, how can he say things so casually? You want to believe he’s saying these things to get under your skin again, you can’t seem to predict the pattern of his ways.
Claudette practically jumps out of her skin, her hands clapping wildly, “l'amour est dans l'air! Y/n, you need a break right now- let this nice man take you out for some air.”
Waving your hands in front of you, you shake your head at your boss, “Claudette, please. I need to look after the shop in case of more customers and I-”
The older woman cuts you off, “Nonsense! You’ve been working too hard since I’ve been out! You’re done for today! Out!”
Claudette holds out her hand to you to hand over your apron, an amused smile on her face. After you hand it to her, you gather your belongings from the stockroom before breezing past Jaemin out the door. You turn back to Claudette for affirmation, she’s always trying to shoo you out when she thinks you’ve worked for so long. You don’t mind her motherly aura. It makes you miss your own mother. You begin walking down the street towards your apartment, your bag slung over your shoulder. 
“Wait up! y/n!”
You turn around to be met with a huffing Jaemin, “Where are you going?”
Sighing, you say, “What does it look like? Home obviously?”
Jaemin holds up a finger so he can catch his breath, were you walking that fast? He says, “Why don't you spend the day with me?”
“Yeah, after you embarrassed me in front of my boss? No way, I’ll pass.”
Turning around, you continue to walk until Jaemin runs in front of you, holding his hands as if he’s going to entrap you if you try to make a run for it, “Please, let me make it up to you.”
You eye Jaemin skeptically, “Why? What would you get out of that?”
“Can you just trust me?”
Scoffing, you try to get more steps in until you’re halted by Jaemin once again, “I promise, if you spend the day with me, I won’t bother you about coffee or upside down straws again!”
You gaze at him, your eyes searching for some malicious sign. When you don’t find any, a smile creeps on to your face, “You better stick to your word Jaemin Na or else!”
The first several minutes of walking next to each other make you cringe from the awkwardness. You steal a glance at Jaemin who’s messing with the rim of his bucket hat, the accessory covering his eyes, “So, where are we going?”
He answers you plainly, “Have you been around the city?”
You rub the back of your neck, “I’ll have to admit, I haven’t been around much.”
He stuffs his scarf into his book bag, the sun too hot for the thick fabric, “No worries, I have a plan. Prepared to be amazed out of your mind.”
You let Jaemin guide you to the plaza of the Louvre, the glass pyramid reflecting the sunlight into a million rainbows. People stand in front of the water structure that it sits on, the water is like a pristine mirror that catches even the most subtle details. You had seen the Louvre in travel books and magazines but never in person, “Are we going to the Louvre?!”
“Nope, that can be for another day. I have something even better.”
Jaemin walks over to a man who stands by a red cart, they converse in basic french before the man hands Jaemin two wristbands. He puts his on, motioning for you to do the same. A big red tourist bus pulls over by the front of the Louvre, “All aboard the passengers! tous à bord du bus!”
Without a second thought, Jaemin takes you by the hand before hosting you onto the bus as you both dash up to the second story of the double-decker. You take a seat at the very front, Jaemin’s shoulder touching yours. You try to wave away the tingle you feel when he brushes against you, his cologne smells of fresh pine needles and mint. A skinny teenager dressed in a striped shirt wears a beret at the top of his head smiles at you, extending a fake rose to you. Hesitantly, you take it while smiling back at him. 
“Bienvenue à bord! My name is Pierre and I will be your guide to your journey across the city of love, city of the la romance! Let’s begin!”
Within a few hours, you had already seen so much. You felt like you were on cloud 9 when you stood up on your seat as you passed under the Arc de Triomphe, Jaemin resting his hands on your waist to keep you stable. You don’t resist him. He watches you with adoring eyes, “Look like someone’s having too much fun!”
You look down at him, “How can you not?!”
The bus speeds over the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in Paris that crosses over the Seine, Jaemin pointing out the ducks that float on the banks of it. You laugh as Jaemin takes your rose, putting it in between his lips in order to make you giggle in which you do because he grimaces as a thorn pokes his lip. You swerve with the bus as the driver maneuvers it through Place de la Concorde, the spot where the French Revolution took place. When Pierre told you fun facts about Marie Antoinette, Jaemin would scream at the top of his lungs, his voice getting lost in a blast of wind, “Let them eat cake!!”
When the bus halts at the final stop, you descend down the stairs and off the vehicle- the cool weather sending a chill down your spine. You and Jaemin walk over to the Notre Dame and the Saint Chappele to keep shelter from the blustering winds, the stained glass windows making your faces glow with shades of blues and greens. You sit on a bench, Jaemin’s body pretty much pressed to your body as you both hold a candle between your fingers within the quiet church. Jaemin turns to you, whispering, “So what do you think of Paris?”
You chuckle at him, “Paris is the city of love right? I think I’m in love with Paris, when do we get married?”
Jaemin stiffens his frame, “We as in you and Paris or as in you and I?”
You hit his arm, “No silly! Paris! I don’t want to get married right now!”
Shaking his head, Jaemin laughs at you, tufts of pink sticking out of his bucket slightly. The hat covers less of his face now, at least you can see his eyes. 
“What do you say, we get something to eat?”
“You’re right, I’m famished. All that exploring has made me ravenous.”
Jaemin wins at you, “I know just the thing.”
It’s about evening now, the sun starts to set with a shade of champagne and violet- the trees glinting a shade of vermillion green when you pass the numerous cafes and boutiques on the street. You both find yourself in a field under the Eiffel Tower, the structure staring down at you with regality. You feel as if the air in your lungs has been sucked out, blue lights blink along the lattice pattern of the tower- creating a luminescent effect on your vision. Jaemin nudges you with his elbow, “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
You don’t even realize he had been gone since you couldn’t stop staring at the beautiful sight in front of you, your head fuzzy from how the gold and blue cut the painted sky. When Jaemin comes back, he sets down a blanket away from the other people- most of them couples- you avert your eyes from them. In his right hand, he holds a basket full of unknown goodies waiting to be eaten. You and Jaemin sit on the blanket before Jaemin reaches into the basket to pull out a multitude of things. He hands you a long baguette of bread before spreading out various shiny fruits, cheeses, and a bottle of blush cider. 
“Did you really prepare this all right now?”
Jaemin smiles at you, his eyes softened, “I have my ways.”
For the next hour or so, you feel as if you don’t need any alcohol to feel drunk. You and Jaemin watch the dusk fade into a black sky, stars glimmering over the golden glow that surrounds you. You both nibble on pieces of havarti cheese or opt for a slice of bread as you talk to each other in hushed whispers. You had never done this with anyone before, it felt so easy, so light. You learn about Jaemin’s life as the son of the consuls and how exhausted he is to be expected of perfection every second of his life, how he’s had his freedom stripped from him since he was born. In turn, he listens to you when you talk about your life back home, how your parents almost cut off ties with you- thinking you were foolish to want to randomly move to Paris by yourself. You never regretted your decision after all. You say, “If I hadn’t moved here, I wouldn’t have met you.”
Jaemin laughs, downing his glass of rose blush cider, “This is the first day that I have felt like myself in front of anyone- just me, not perfect Jaemin Na in front of the cameras.”
You nod at him, scarily aware of how close your fingers are to Jaemin’s on the plaid blanket, “Do you have a favorite part about Paris?”
He turns to you, his cheeks and bridges of his nose illuminated by soft golden light, “After living here all my life, I hate to admit that it’s gotten a bit boring. Now, I think that’s changed.”
You quirk an eyebrow up at him, moving your hand away as heat travels up to your cheeks, “And what has changed?”
You see Jaemin laugh to himself, “You’re unlike any girl I’ve ever met. You don’t fall at my feet like the other elitists in my family- you’re not afraid to call me out and criticize me. I like that.”
You nervously laugh, “Thank you? I’m not sure what to say.”
Jaemin’s expression turns serious, his lips looking more prominent when he turns his face to you, “Then you don't have to say anything.”
Before you can register, Jaemin leans into you as his nose bumps against yours in a soft kiss. You pull away, boring your eyes into his before he scans your eyes for some sign of refusal. When he can’t find any, he molds his hand to your cheek, folding his lips over your bottom lip. Jaemin speeds up the pace by pressing into you further, a sound escaping your throat. You blush at the noise, Jaemin leaning his forehead into yours before sweeping a hair behind your ear, “Wow.”
Your bodies feel like they sing with electricity, Jaemin’s fingers hot on your skin as he pulls you into the space of his chest. Your ear is pressed to his heartbeat, “Do you hear that y/n?”
You shut your eyes at the quiet rhythm, “I hear it.”
You take it open yourself to edge your fingers on the rim of Jaemin’s hat, slowly taking it off him to reveal the pink shade of his locks- the soft tufts messy from the day. He watches you take off his sunglasses too, placing a hand on his neck while pulling him in for a fiery kiss. His eyelashes extend from his eyelids, framing his dark irises that reflect the Eiffel like swirling stars. He whispers to you, “Are you ready to get out of here?”
You nod at him, standing to help him fold off the blanket and carry the basket. The whole way back, you and Jaemin dance along the walkway of the Seine- to the beat of your hearts, to the beat of the acoustic guitar that echoes from a late-night cafe. Ending right back at your apartment, you don’t want Jaemin to leave just yet. He holds your hands like you’re a fragile porcelain, the warmth of him gentle and soothing. He leans his head against yours, pressing a kiss to the spot in between your eyebrows, “Can I ask you something?”
“What is it Jaemin?”
“This is only if you want to, don’t feel pressured. My parents are holding a masquerade ball at the palace tomorrow night. Do you want to be my date?”
You stare at him, a hand resting on his shoulder, “Oh, Jaemin, I’d love to go with you, there’s just one problem. I didn’t pack a ball gown when I moved.”
Jaemin’s expression is shocked as if he never expected you to say yes, “Really, you’ll come?”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Don’t worry about the dress, I’ll take care of it.”
For a final time, Jaemin presses a firm kiss to your lips, “I’ll see you tomorrow night y/n.”
“Goodnight, Jaemin. Today was perfect.”
“I’m glad. Now, go in first. I won’t leave until you do.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own?”
“Positive, goodnight y/n.”
In the morning, you wake up the sound of your doorbell ringing. Sleepily, you saunter over to your door, finding a neatly wrapped package on your welcome mat. Unfurling the paper, you hold the delicate satin of a scarlet red dress between your fingers, the softness making you sigh. It’s got billowing belle sleeves that are cuffed with pearls at the wrists, the train of it falls on your hardwood floors. You find a note at the bottom of it, “For the most precious girl, who’s beautiful even without this dress. -Jaemin”
You lay the dress agross your bed, the scarlet organza blending into a shade of fuschia as white sparkles cover the bodice. In awe, you can’t take your eyes off the dress- one thing was for sure, Jaemin had impeccable taste. You had gone to work with a pep in your step- you debriefed Claudette of all the details of seeing the city with Jaemin and how his eyes held every form of adoration. Neither of you had fallen so hard so fast before. You were tingling at the thought of it. Thankfully, Claudette let you off early so you could get ready for the ball, your head filled with the thought of dancing with Jaemin in a fancy ballroom. 
Nighttime approached quickly, a jet black limousine had pulled up to the front of your apartment- Jaemin’s voice crackled through your phone speaker when you answered.
“I’m here y/n!”
“Be right down!”
You descended the stairs, your train dragging slightly despite holding it off the ground the best you could. When you came outside, Jaemin’s eyes met yours, his mouth agape from seeing the sight of you, “How is it so possible that someone can be so beautiful?”
Laughing at him, you hug his waist, “You need to stop with all these cheesy compliments, that’s what a boyfriend would say.”
Jaemin smiles into the hollow of your ear, pressing his lips at the shell, “I can make that happen.”
Suddenly, Jaemin pulls out a clear box. It holds a gold band, a white rose attached onto it. You let Jaemin slip it on your wrist before letting him whisk you away into the car. The whole car ride was full of hushed whispers, lips sealing stolen kisses, and bodies pressed together. Out of your time living in Paris, you have never experienced anything like what you felt with Jaemin.
 Upon arriving at the Palace of Versailles, it was definitely a castle straight out of a fairytale. Fountains line the garden courtyards as different colored lights shine on the cars that line up in front of the palace, guests piling out of them. A velveteen red carpet was rolled out down the stairs of the entryway, giving off a glamorous effect. Extending his hand, Jaemin held out his arm for you to grab- both of you entering the palace. Over the top couldn’t hold a candle to the real description of how the atmosphere looked. Caterers dished out trays of hand towels and small crackers topped with caviar, desserts dusted with glitter in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. You whisper to Jaemin, “Is your life always like this?”
He chuckles, “Mostly. It gets boring all the time though.”
In the center of the main ballroom is a live band, musicians playing their cellos and their violins in sync with the music as guests dance in a flurry around the floor. You felt your heart sink. You were never taught to properly dance because there wasn’t a reason to learn back home. Jaemin feels you stiffen, “Y/n? Are you okay?”
Nodding slowly, you say, “I don’t know how to dance-”
“Relax, just follow my lead.”
Without a moment to breathe, Jaemin already placed his hand on your waist before guiding you hands to his shoulders. Like walking on air, you glide with Jaemin despite tripping over your feet for the first half of the song- you rest your chin on his shoulder, swaying. You two don’t say anything for a bit, Jaemin’s grip on your body feels secure.You’re interrupted when an older woman who resembles Jaemin taps him on the shoulder, “Honey?”
You feel Jaemin’s arms fall from you, hugging the woman you presume to be his: “Mother?”
“Honey, who’s this?”
Jaemin pulls you to his side, “This is y/n. I’ve been showing her around Paris.”
The woman smiles at you, her hand tucking back a strand that’s fallen from her black braid, “Please to meet you, has my son been treating you well?”
You take her hand firmly, nodding, “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Na. Jaemin’s been wonderful to me, he’s been showing me around and telling me good things about-”
“Yes, that sounds great. Jaemin, I need you to come with me- there’s someone your father wants you to meet.”
“Can’t it wait until next week mother?”
Her eyes sharpen coldly, the warmth slipping out of her smile, “Do not disobey your father, come now.”
You hear Jaemin groan before he turns to you as he’s being dragged away, “I’ll be back. Do not move. I mean it- don’t.”
You nod at him confusedly, “Don’t worry, I’ll be here.”
You opt to take a seat by the tables where guests pile their plates up with various foods, your eyes watching Jaemin’s mother introduce him to a girl that’s a lot shorter than him, her eyelashes batting at Jaemin. They shake hands as Jaemin’s father and the girl’s father laugh, cheering their flutes of champagne as they converse. Immediately, you feel yourself rise from your seat when the girl launches herself into Jaemin’s arms, his face is riddled with surprise. She smiles up at him, whispering something inaudible as Jaemin’s mother teases them to kiss- Jaemin sternly staring at his mother. Getting up from your chair, you turn back into the nearest hallway, your black slumped against the wall. How could you have been so naive? Did you honestly think that Jaemin could sweep you off your feet like some cheesy romcom and then you’d fall in love with Paris’s it boy? It seemed inconceivable. Around the corner, you hear Jaemin’s voice- you start to run towards where you hear him- only to be met with the sight of the same girl pressing Jaemin up against the wall. Her voice sounds like a slither, “Little birdies are telling me you’ve been running around with some peasant girl that works at some dusty cafe. Didn’t you say you loved me?”
You continue to listen in on them. Jaemin holds her at an arms distance, “That was when I was 4 and didn’t know what the word meant. I don’t see you that way. Aleah, I don’t like you that way.”
She laughs into Jaemin’s shoulders, “Your mother has always adored my family- we’re destined from the start. Don’t turn me away, Jaemin.”
Jaemin shakes his head, “Y/n, isn’t some peasant girl. Just because she’s not like you and your family doesn’t make her a peasant.”
Aleah combs her fingers through Jaemin’s hair, “Sweet little Jaemin, that girl could never give you what I could. She’ll only bring you down. Face it, we’re to be betrothed soon- in the palace, side by side.”
When you don’t hear Jaemin protest or even say a word of refusal, you take off running. You don’t care that the ends of your dress are frayed now, your heels causing blisters on your feet. What felt like a dream has now transformed into a nightmare. You burst through the doorway of the palace, guests shooting you dirty glances when you tell the limousine driver to take you home. As the car dashes out of the courtyard, you hear Jaemin call your name on the steps while tears fall from your eyes. Paris has never looked so melancholy. When you arrive at the doorstep of your apartment, you glare up at the moon- the same moon that Jaemin had kissed you multiple times under. You sit on your stairway, crying into the lap of your dress as your hands fist the layers of fabric tightly. With a screech on the pavement, Jaemin flings himself out of another car- slamming the door behind him. You look at him, shaking your head, “I don’t want to see you. I don’t want-”
He doesn’t listen to your words when he wraps his strong arms around your sunken frame, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
You collapse into the crook of his chest, your tears staining his dress shirt. Jaemin tilts your chin to him, “I’m not going to marry Aleah, I hope you know that.”
“What about your mother? She said-”
“I don’t care what she or my father says. I can’t marry someone I don’t like- I don’t love. Not for money, not for status. I won’t.”
“Jaemin, you can’t. You can’t sever from your family because of me-”
He raises his eyebrows, “Who says I’m doing it for you? I’m doing it for myself. I know what my heart says, I know that it chooses you. I’m not doing it for you.”
He takes your hand in his, pressing a kiss to your knuckle, “I’m going to do it for us.”
When you try to say something else, Jaemin shut you up with a passionate kiss before eyeing you closely, “Let’s go rest for tonight.”
Letting  it go, you nod at him. Jaemin picks you up, your dress covering his body as he unlocks your door for you before setting you on the comforter of your bed- your room lights are off, the scent of Paris air drifting in from your open window. The darkness invokes the calmness, you start to kick off the heels that are strapped to your feet. Jaemin sits on your bed next to you, “I’ve never seen your room before.”
His dark eyes scan the wilting peonies that sit on your desk and the ivory walls that surround you both. “Your room suits you.”
You let yourself collapse onto the bed, your head hitting the cool fabric of your blanket, “It took me a while to settle into it.” 
Beside you, Jaemin lays down to watch you, his elbow propped up, “I should probably go soon.”
“Do you want to stay?”
“Can I?”
You chuckle, “That depends if you want to. Your mom’s probably wondering why you’re with a peasant girl.”
Jaemin clears his throat, “Did you overhear Aleah?”
You don’t answer. Instead, you want to spit out a string of insults about the rich, how they judge people based on money. For Jaemin’s sake, you don't. He parts his lips, “You know that’s not how I see you right?”
Nodding, you whisper, “If you did, I don’t think you’d be next to me right now.”
Immediately, you feel Jaemin hover over you, “I don’t want anyone else but you.”
Your bodies burn like flames as you kiss each other hotly, Jaemin’s tongue gliding over yours. You grip his hair, slightly tugging on it so that he lets out a sound- your legs entangled with each other on the bed. Panting, Jaemin tosses his black suit jacket to the ground- you practically yank of his tie. Jaemin drags his lips down to the juncture of your neck, causing him to smirk when you gasp. You bore your eyes into his, “I need you to help me.”
Jaemin seems to understand when he reaches behind your neck to pull the zipper of your dress now, your chest exposed in front of him. In the dark, his eyes glimmer with adoration- his lips connecting with your own. Using your hands, you take his dress shirt off him to reveal his muscular body, his skin glowing under the soft moonlight. You smell the heaviness of Jaemin’s strong cologne, the scent makes you dizzy. By the end of it, your dress lays on the ground by your vanity and Jaemin’s clothes by your wardrobe as you press your cheek to his bare chest, watching him sleep peacefully. Jaemin has his arm on the small of your back, stroking your skin even in his slumber. You take note of how his pink locks are mussed and his eyelashes have a subtle curl from how long they are. Jaemin flicks one eye open, “Y/n? How come you’re not asleep yet?”
You snuggle deeper into him, “It’s because you’re next to me.”
“You’re right- I’m just that good- hey!”
You slap Jaemin’s chest, a blush creeping onto your cheeks, “That’s not why stupid!”
“Then what’s the reason?”
Without any hesitation, you tell him, “I like you and I want to be with you.”
“You’re a tad late y/n. I knew that already.”
“How? I’ve never told you that.”
“I can just feel it. You and I- we have this connection that I’ve never felt with anyone else. The only reason I come to that bakery isn’t only for the espressos. I want to protect you from harm’s way- even if that includes my own family. I just want to be there for you like no other guy can.”
Smiling to yourself, you reach up to pat Jaemin on the head only to have Jaemin’s hand catch yours, you whisper to him, “It’s only been a little while since we met?”
He sinks to your level, meeting your gaze before pressing a kiss to your eyelid, “That’s the beauty of liking someone. Time doesn’t stop for anyone. I just knew when I saw you.”
Giving Jaemin’s hand a firm squeeze, you press the curl of your lips to his knuckles. It makes him chuckle, his smile upturning on his cheeks. Once again, you shift closer to him. You both succumb to sleep, the low occasional honking of beetle cars and soft music from your neighbor’s window as your own Parisian lullaby- Jaemin wrapped in your embrace. 
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frenchibi · 5 years
quiet places
(what, a fic? on tumblr? by me? in 2019? It’s more likely than you think!)
Crowley gets a cold. (1k, fluff)
“I’m a demon,” Crowley croaked. “Demons don’t get strep throat.”
“Don’t be fussy,” said the angel, clearly fussing. “Drink your tea.”
Crowley scowled, but brought the cup to his lips nonetheless. The hot liquid burned the inside of his throat, but he welcomed the feeling. It’d serve all those bacteria right, for infecting this body.
It was, indeed, quite ridiculous. And the only thing stopping him now from using a quick miracle to rid himself of this inconvenience was Aziraphale, propping up a pillow behind his back. Aziraphale, who had hurried over with tea and lozenges and an extra blanket when he’d heard Crowley’s voice on the phone.
Maybe, Crowley decided, having a cold for a few days wasn’t so bad, overall, if it came with all this extra care and attention.
“Perhaps you’ll gain a proper appreciation for illness if you experience it yourself,” the angel said, not without humour. “Would’ve done you all some good, before sending plagues upon humanity.”
Crowley wanted to argue that he hadn’t done that, anyhow, even if the commendation he’d received for the Plague suggested otherwise – but his throat was starting to feel miraculously soothed, so he settled for a scowl.
Aziraphale saw the expression and tutted, waving his hand. “Oh, you know what I mean. Them, obviously. Not you.”
“’s not very demonic,” Crowley said, put out. His throat protested, and he clamped his lips shut.
“Best not talk for a while, dear – it’d cause you pain, I’d expect.” Aziraphale didn’t sound particularly bothered by this. “It’s alright though – I’ve brought books.”
Of course he had.
“Angel, I don’t-”
“Oh, hush. I’ll read to you.”
Crowley hesitated. An evening in with the angel did sound quite lovely, cold or no, – but he felt duty-bound to resist. Not that anyone Below would notice, especially if there was no miracle-working involved, but still-
Even as he hesitated, Aziraphale had smoothed out the far side of the covers of Crowley’s too-large, too-stylish bed and planted himself beside him, small stack of books teetering at his side as he made himself comfortable. Crowley’s protests died in his throat (alongside plenty of pesky micro-organisms, hopefully). Instead, he leaned back into the pillow (much plumper and more homey than he remembered it being) and drew the mug back to his lips. Tiny miracles like this usually flew below the radar.
The inability to comment on what the angel was reading soon proved to be a gigantic nuisance – Crowley, as always, had plenty of sarcastic remarks at the tip of his tongue, and Aziraphale clearly noticed him squirming, for after finishing the first chapter, he lowered the book and gave him a reproachful look.
“Oh, stop fidgeting.”
It took all of Crowley’s self-control not to hiss at him, and the angel sighed.
“Well. Music, then, I should think.”
An old record player in the corner creaked into motion. Certainly not the type of thing Crowley would have invested in, but there it sat anyway, and soft, hesitant music filled the air.
Crowley frowned. “…Satie?”
“I’ve always found his work rather lovely. Experimental, surely, but lovely nonetheless.” He stopped, a small crease in his own brow. “I can change it, of course.”
Crowley considered this, but then found himself unexpectedly touched by the gesture, a clear attempt on the angel’s part of finding some middle ground between their respective tastes. A little misguided, maybe, but it wasn’t like Crowley hated classical music to begin with.
He shook his head, eyes sweeping the room idly as he listened.
The slow, melancholic notes that surrounded them rather called for more sombre weather outside – a muffled storm would have well suited the mood. As it was, the sky was unexpectedly uncooperative – it was a mild evening, slowly darkening, as the sun had already set. Not quite as unfriendly as might have been appropriate.
Still. Crowley set aside his mug and sank back into the pillow, allowing his posture to droop slightly towards Aziraphale, who had lifted up his book once more, to continue reading in silence.
The angel barely raised an eyebrow – he did, however, raise his arm, just so. Enough to not be an accident, but an invitation.
There was a brief moment of apprehension, but Crowley swallowed hard against it. He knew Aziraphale was not flippant with physical affection – an after-effect of heaven, no doubt, and prolonged exposure to its sterile, cold atmosphere. He’d often found himself wondering, idly, if his flat reminded the angel of Upstairs. But then again, it wasn’t nearly so empty and cold anymore, not with Aziraphale’s fingerprints all over the place; books he’d left behind, small trinkets, plants gifted once he’d figured out Crowley’s ambitions with them. Pieces of the angel that stuck out like splashes of colour on a blank canvas, and made the minimalist flat feel almost like a home.
Not that he would admit it. But this, this offer – it was not something he was inclined to turn down.
A part of him, in the very back of his mind, chided against what he was about to do. They’d only recently learned the End was approaching, and faster than anticipated – in a few years, they’d have to take on their respective roles to ensure the antichrist was raised normal and human, rather than evil incarnate, in a last-ditch effort to derail an ineffable plan. It all felt rather surreal, still, but the threat of Consequences was ever-present in the back of his mind whenever he spent time with the angel, no matter how much he cherished it.
Well. He’d always come back, until then, and he supposed that somewhere along the line, this had become his truth, and not a decision he would consciously change anymore. Frankly, they’d been tied together for quite some time, even if the angel was loathe to acknowledge it out loud. Crowley was content to proceed at his pace – or, well, he had been, since the future seemed to stretch so wide ahead of them.
So why not indulge, now? All things considered?
Crowley let himself tip sideways, until his head came to rest in the angel’s lap.
Aziraphale’s lip quirked into the smallest hint of a smile, and he shifted the book into one hand, placing the other lightly on Crowley’s back. His fingers traced miniscule patterns that left a trail of warmth in their wake, and Crowley let his eyes fall shut. The touch washed over him like the tentative keys of the piano on the record, and he could already feel the exhaustion ebbing away.
Maybe demons could, indeed, catch colds – but perhaps they also recovered much quicker. In fact, his throat was almost back to feeling normal again.
“…d’you put something in that tea?” he mumbled, shifting slightly.
Aziraphale turned a page. “Oh, yes,” he said idly. “Honey.”
“No, I meant… never mind.”
He could hear the angel’s soft smile without having to look up to see it. “No miracles involved, if that’s what you’re asking. Just me, dear.”
But really, right then, with Aziraphale’s warmth surrounding him, “just me” actually felt quite miraculous.
(am around on all kinds of sites y’all, ao3, insta, twitter, all under the same name. Come say hi! And don’t hesitate to yell if you liked this, you’re 100% motivating me to write more!)
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zebrabaker · 5 years
An Odd Saltinette Fic, Chapter One
A03 l This is a MLB OHSHC crossover fic, with heavy Felinette.
Marinette stormed into the studio sub-basement, and stalked over to the speaker. She scrolled through her songs, chose the right one, and hit play. She jogged to the center of the room, twisting her hair into a dance bun. She threw herself into the movement, smooth lines and harsh turns. She grit her teeth and squeezed her eyes further shut. How could they do this to her? They were supposed to be her friends, and they betrayed her. For that lying little...
The music stopped, and Marinette stumbled. Standing in the doorway was her mother, looking at her, worry evident in the gray eyes that they shared.
"Marinette, what's wrong? You only ever dance like that when you're upset. Your father wanted to come down too, but he needed to handle some customers. Talk to me, please." Sabine stumbled a little when her crying daughter slammed into her chest.
"They all dumped me like day-old pain au chocolate, Maman! For Lila! I thought they were my friends! What do I do? I want to take Oji-chan up on his offer, but I want to stay with you and Papa. I'm so confused." The young girl sobbed.
"Let's head upstairs and figure this out. The shop won't close for a few hours yet, but until then how about you and I make some dumplings, hmm? I bought the ingredients yesterday, so they're nice and fresh. Come on." Marinette nodded, morose. Not even the promise of fresh dumplings could help with this. Neither spoke of the fact that it was only lunch break.
"Hey, where's Marinette? You guys don't think that she's that mad about us switching seats? It's been three days." Alya asked when the bell rang. "Nino, you two have known each other your whole lives, right?" Nino, who had pulled off his headphones when his girlfriend had called his name, nodded.
"Since her family moved here from Japan when we were five, why?" Alya paused.
"She lived in Japan?" The girl asked.
"Yeah, they go back every summer. Not surprised you didn't know. She doesn't talk about it much. Again, why?" Nino's voice was growing heavy with concern.
"She hasn't been in in three days, Nino!" Alya shouted.
"She's m- wait, did you not go over and apologize yet?" Alya winced "No wonder you don't know! Alya, Marinette is moving! Back to Japan! She said- she said you two had talked." Nino's voice broke in distress.
"What!? Why would she just leave without telling me?! I'm her best friend!" Alya slammed her hands on the table in front of her.
"Best friend? You haven't even gone over to apologize!" Nino ran a hand over his hair.
"Why should I? She was just overreacting! She was just jealous!" Alya scoffed.
"In the year that you've known her, when has Marinette ever overreacted like this? You knows Marinette hates lies, that she can't lie to save her own life, so why would she lie about this? Dammit, Alya! I need to go." Nino stood and ran from the cafeteria, taking the sharp turn towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery, only to skid to a halt. Hanging in the front window was a sign, made in Marinette's unique handwriting, all loops and curls, reading 'Going out of business. Everything 75% off! '. He burst through the door, rushed past the line, and ran past the counter and up the stairs to the apartment. Sabine was packing family photos into a box stuffed with bubble wrap, while Tom was taping another shut. The two looked up at his abrupt entrance.
"Where's...Mari?" He panted. The couple exchanged glances.
“We’re sorry, Nino. You just missed her. She left on her plane two hours ago.” Sabine paced a hand on his arm. Nino shook his head.
“No. I’m the one who should be sorry. I’ve known her my whole life, but I trusted Lila over her. God, how am I gonna tell Alya?” Nino twisted his cap in his hands.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, son.” Tom clapped a hand down on Nino’s shoulder, nearly making his knees buckle.
Marinette sighed and stretched. Her plane had landed, and first class or no, she hated flying. Unfortunately, it was the quickest way to Japan. Usually, at the start of summer, she and her parents took a cruise to get there, but there had been no available cabins. She walked down the hall, carrying only her carry-on bag. Her grandparents had insisted on booking her luggage, and refused to listen to her protests. She saw her bag on the carousel, and grabbed the pink and white spotted hard case, before making her way outside. She spotted her family’s chauffer, standing in front of a Porsche, holding a card with her name written on it in kanji, wearing a suit and sunglasses. She made her way over, set down her case, and gave him a hug.
“Kon’nichiwa, Shota-kun. How have you and Momo-chan been?” Marinette asked as the man placed her bags in the trunk.
“We’ve been fine, Marinette-chan. She looks forward to seeing you again.” The man smiled warmly at the thought of his wife and the girl who was practically his niece spending time together.
“I’ve missed her too.” Marinette slid into the back seat of the car, enjoying all the legroom.
The Porsche pulled to a halt in front of a western-style mansion in the suburbs. It was four stories, with a large wrap around porch and a giant garage. The gardens were a mix of traditional and western, with sand arranged in intricate patterns and rosebushes in every color. As soon as the car stopped, Marinette unbuckled and slid from the car, racing for the woman standing atop the stairs leading to the large double doors. She slowed down just before she reached the woman, and bowed hastily.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Oba-san. How are you today?” Marinette struggled to stay bowed, itching to hug her grandmother.
“Ohayo, Marinette-san. I am well, and you?” The older woman’s voice was like a river over sharp rocks, soft and inviting, yet hiding a deeper threat.
“I’m well.” Marinette recited the proper response.
“Oh, enough formality, give me hug!” A smile broke, warm and maternal, on the stern woman’s face. Marinette eagerly hugged her grandmother. “Come inside. It’s too cold out here, and you are far too thin! I’ve had Momo-chan prepare all your favorites! You don’t start school for another week, so we have plenty of time to spend together! Your Oji-kun will be home tomorrow, and your parents will join us in a month. For now, we eat!”
The first day after her arrival, Marinette did nothing but adjust to the nine-hour time difference. On her second day, one of the maids woke her early, to inform her that her Grandmother wanted her to join her in the studio. Marinette scrambled into her favorite sweater and leggings, before grabbing her dance bag. She hurried to the east wing, where the dance studio was located, next to the dojo. She entered, listening to the music drifting from the top of the line speakers. She watched her grandmother stretch for a moment, before setting down her bag and joining her at the bar. After a few minutes, they fell into an old routine, one they had choreographed the last time Marinette was home, the summer before. The two were so deeply invested in their dance, they failed to notice the elderly man slip into the room. He was tall, with black hair that was starting to go gray. He had kind, warm chocolate brown eyes, with a mole by the other corner of the left. His smile somewhat resembled a smirk, mildly higher on one side than the other, as he watched his wife and granddaughter dance. His name was Koki Cheng, father of Sabine and head chef, owner, and manager of the Lotus Flower Restaurant, the most exclusive restaurant in all Japan. The music stopped, and he cleared his throat.
“Oji-kun!” Marinette cried, throwing herself into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much! How was the conference?” She beamed up at him with eyes identical to his wife and daughter.
“It was fine, Mari-chan. Now, how have you been? Any potential suitors for Felix-kun to fight off?” He chuckled at her embarrassed squeak, and the way she turned bright red.
“Oji-kun! Of course not!” Both the adults laughed at the way her voice cracked at the end. “You both are so mean!” The girl protested, struggling with a smile.
The next day, instead of dance, she and her grandmother went into the dojo. Marinette wore sweat pants and a tank top, with her hands wrapped in tape. She bowed to her grandmother, prepared her bo-staff, and fell into form. The second she was ready, she turned, spinning the staff so that it caught against that of her grandmother, blocking a swing that would have hit the back of her knees. She lunged, trying to strike, but her grandmother dodged back. The two went on this way for a few minutes, until Minako caught her granddaughter in the stomach. The girl grunted, heaving as the air was knocked out of her. She slid the mouthguard out, and stretched her jaw.
“Good hit, Oba-chan! Boxing next?” The older woman nodded, leaning both staffs against the wall, before bracing the punching bag for her granddaughter. After almost thirty minutes, the two switched, so that Minako was hitting and Marinette held the bag, and continued for half an hour more. The two circulated the large dojo slash gym, until they had done a full circuit. Nearly two hours after they had started, the duo headed up the stairs.
“So, Marinette, are you excited to see Felix-kun when school starts? He’s missed you, you know.” Minako unwrapped her hands as she walked, casting a sly glance at Marinette.
“I really am. I’ve missed him too.” Felix Culpa was Marinette’s best friend since childhood. When Felix was thirteen and Marinette was twelve, their families had decided that the two would be part of a marriage contract. Either one could back out at any time, but neither had any intention. Marinette, to avoid scrutiny, had played up her mild attraction to Adrien. In all reality, she just thought he was cute. He was far too much of a push-over for her tastes. Felix, on the other hand, was slightly cold, a little cruel to those he disliked, and decidedly more assertive. In fact, thinking back on it, Adrien looked a lot like Felix. Maybe that was why she thought he was cute?
“Well, you have less than a week to wait. Now, it’s time for lunch. We’re having katsudon.” Marinette gasped, before doubling her pace. Her grandmother’s tinkling, bell-like laughter following behind her.
It was time for Marinette to leave. She started at her new school tomorrow, and she would be spending the week at her family’s penthouse a few miles from the school, and commuting back on weekends. She had her case behind her, and was hugging her grandmother tight.
“I’ll see you Friday night, right Oba-chan?” She hugged her grandmother tighter.
“Of course, Marinette-chan. For now, you need to get going if you want to reach the apartment by midnight.” The elder woman pet her granddaughter’s hair, sighing. The two so rarely got time together.
“I’ll call you after school tomorrow. I love you, Oba-chan, Oji-chan.” Marinette stepped back, and smiled weakly.
“I love you too, Mari-chan.” Her grandfather watched as she walked morosely towards the Rolls Royce waiting on her.
“I love you too, Marinette-chan. Have fun at school, and tell Felix-kun we said hello.” Marinette’s smile grew more sincere at the mention of her boyfriend.
“I will, Oba-chan! Bye!” Marinette called to her grandparents, as Shota shut her door, climbed in, and started the car.
“How do you think she’ll handle Ouran?” Minako asked her husband.
“The real question is, how will Ouran handle her?” Koki chuckled. “Our little Marinette is a spitfire, quite unlike the other heiress’ attending Suoh’s precious academy. This will be fun.” Minako slapped her husband’s arm.
“Right though you may be, Marinette is more than entertainment, husband mine.” He smiled.
“You’re right. Still, imagine the rude awakening when Felix acts like he usually does around her.” Koki chuckled again at the image.
Marinette awoke early, stretching thoroughly before heading to the kitchen. She had convinced her grandmother that she didn’t need a chef to cook for her while she was there, so she grabbed an apple and a container of yogurt, ate quickly, and headed back to her room to dress. She didn’t much like the uniform, but she would wear it. She grabbed her favorite pair of flats, twisted her hair into a bun, and contemplated what make-up to wear. She soon decided that some blush and highlighter would be plenty. With deft flicks of her wrist, she was done. Smiling at her reflection in the full-length mirror, she made her way to the penthouse’s private elevator. She pushed the button to close the doors behind her, and made her way to the street once she reached the ground floor. She nodded to Shota, who was in the front of the Rolls, and shut her door.
Ouran was massive. Five stories, three wings, and a large campus. For some reason, the whole building was pink, and seemed to glitter in the sunlight. She took a deep breath, adjusted her bag, and made her way in. She ignored the stares and whispers, and made her way to the main building, where, according to the map she had memorized the night before, the main office was. She entered an opulent office, within which sat a blond man with sharp brown eyes.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Suoh-san.” Marinette bowed quickly. “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I was told by my grandfather to see you before classes started.” The man smiled and nodded.
“Your grandfather has spoken of you many times, Dupain-Cheng-san. Here is your schedule. Should you need anything, please, come straight to me. If I’m not available, you can ask my son, Tamaki. He’s a junior this year.” His eyes held a gleam she recognized from attending meetings with her grandfather. He was seeking a contract. In this case, he likely wanted her to marry his son. No, thanks. Marinette thought.
“Thank you for your time and generous offer, Suoh-san. I need to get to classes.” The man chuckled, though it lacked warmth.
“I hope you enjoy your time here, Dupain-Cheng-san.” Marinette pasted on her best fake smile.
“As do I, sir.”
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blindkarakul · 5 years
Long Survey - M’yhe Tia
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FULL  NAME :  M’yhe Tia NICKNAME :  Youta, Little Sheep  AGE :  25 Summers BIRTHDAY : The beginning of spring (Apr 13) ETHNIC  GROUP :  Seeker of the Sun / Keeper of the Moon NATIONALITY :  Gyr Abanian LANGUAGE / S :  Huntspeak, Eorzean (Common and Ala Mhigan Dialects) SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  Homosexual Homoromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  In a Relationship; Ninka’ir Tayuun HOME  TOWN / AREA :  The Lochs, Gyr Abania CURRENT  HOME : None; Lives with mate in the Lavender Beds PROFESSION :  Diviner, Fortune Teller, Oracle, Ritualist, Bounty Hunter, Absolute Dumbass
HAIR :  Sandy Rose-Blond EYES : Pale Blue FACE :  Thin, Scrappy COMPLEXION :  Deep Tan BLEMISHES :  None SCARS :  Lashing scars across his back, a band around his ankle, a few deep cuts in his abdomen TATTOOS :  Seer’s tattoos around his entire body, white ink HEIGHT :  5 fulms, 3 ilms. WEIGHT :  Trying to steadily pack on some weight-- 118 ponzes BUILD : Lithe and agile, recovering from malnourishment.  FEATURES :  Chalky face paints, bright white eyes, Claws, Snaggletooth Grin ALLERGIES :  n/a. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Cut and groomed short, braids woven at the side of his face and stained red USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Smudged on face paint, a coy grin USUAL  CLOTHING :   Free and flowing, rough and tumble but dependable
FEAR / S :  Whips, Dogs Barking, Maggots, Infection, Loneliness. ASPIRATION / S :  Becoming a Fist of Rhalgr. Happiness. A home. Found Family. POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Wise, Caring, Light-Hearted, Fun-Loving, Mischevious, Adventure-seeking NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Hotheaded, Stubborn, MISCHEVIOUS, Self-depreciating MAJOR ARCANA :  The Hanged Man ZODIAC :  Aries, the Ram TEMPERAMENT :  Sanguine  SOUL  TYPE :  The Spiritualist ANIMAL :  The Sheep VICE HABIT / S :  Bullheaded Adventure; they rarely think of the consequences, and would rather have fun first and say sorry later. Very defensive about this. FAITH :  Worship of the Twelve + Tribe Specific Religion; M’yhe’s branch of the M believed in the intrinsic spirit of all things. Everything as it is known was formed by the hands of the twelve, and is derivative of what were once larger spirits. Communication and appeasal of these spirits grants good fortune. Angry spirits that die unhappy turn into spectres, and while the nature of an angry spectre is harmful and dangerous, it is a terrible thing to kill a spirit rather than give it the chance to find peace. GHOSTS ? :  Yes. AFTERLIFE ? :  Yes. REINCARNATION ? : Yes. ALIENS ? :  Maybe? He doesn’t often think about it. EDUCATION  LEVEL :  Has never been in a school, but has had various tutors over the course of his life.
FATHER :  Unknown Keeper of the Moon; whereabouts unknown MOTHER :  M’iraa Vuehe, deceased (haunts as a spectre) SIBLINGS : M’iaho Nunh, adoptive brother, alive. M’koyo Tia, adoptive brother, alive. EXTENDED  FAMILY :  M’ahsasha Vuehe, adoptive mother, deceased. M’ahli Jedte, adoptive mother, unknown. M’rhaxis Tia, tribe brother, alive. M’zhrii Zurrie, tribe sister, alive. M’zhbi Zurrie, tribe sister, alive. J’kebun Tia, half-tribe cousin, alive.  NAME MEANING / S :  ‘Yhe’ is an utterance in M Tribe Huntspeak, often used to indicate positive affirmation, or sometimes joy.
BOOK :  Anything Ninka’ir reads to him DEITY :  RHALGR, the Destroyer HOLIDAY :  Winter’s Knell MONTH :  ‘Budding Season’ in Gyr Abania SEASON :  Spring PLACE :  Ninka’ir’s Apartment + The Velodyna River WEATHER :  Warm Sun and Cooling Breezes SOUND / S:  Ninka’ir’s Voice and Music SCENT / S :  Rose, Chamomile, and Frankincense TASTE / S :  Savory and/or spicy FEEL / S :  Silk and/or Leather NUMBER :  What The Fuck Come After Seven? (n/a) COLORS :  Red, Purple, Blue, Black, White.
TALENTS :  Fighting, Charisma, and Healing. BAD  AT :  Being decent. And most tasks that require eyesight. TURN  ONS :  Ninka’ir Tayuun TURN  OFFS :  Whips!! Shit, dude. HOBBIES :  Training, Painting, Fortune Telling QUOTE : “A hurrrting hearrrt is not so weak as you have been lead to believe.”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about? A1 :  Blood Moon; an action packed drama about M’yhe’s life growing up and the pitfalls that make him eager to seek happiness and redemption in his current life. 
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like? A2 :  IT... VARIES... But honestly I’ve always been a fan of folk music, and so has M’yhe. Music by Blanco White is pretty close.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character? A3 :   I made M’yhe around 6 months into having started FFXIV. My ex and I were trying a new server, and making alts there. I had a previous M tribe character, M’iaho, who I made because the more I learned about the plight of Gyr Abania, the more the concept of a tribe from Gyr Abania became interesting for me. But M’iaho was a very irresponsible Nunh who claimed his title by accident, and as fun as that was to play, I wanted someone who was a bit more grounded and grumpy. M’yhe was actually supposed to be a bunny from the Gold Saucer who just happened to be able to read fortunes AND was from Ala Mhigo, but I became really invested in him and his character. He was interesting to me because of his background in the occult, and so he just grew from there (and I ended up leaving the Bunny concept behind). He would always be my favorite go-to character that I would play when I needed to get into a place of destress. Because he was so seemingly carefree on the surface, his natural mischief made his interactions with others fun, and helped me branch out and find new friends when I needed it most. Toward the end of my relationship, I would use him as a crutch to give me a happy place to turn to. I placed so much love and work into him that when I finally made the decision to be free for myself, I took him with me. And while he grows, I continue to grow too. So... he’s a very personal character that was kind of born out of my subconscious desire to break away and be free. And now that we’re both in happier places, I’m relishing getting to play him growing as a person. World knows I am too.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character? A4 :  Honest to god I just wanted another catboy? But one that I could connect with more. The first two I made were fun, but not what I was looking for in terms of a character. Also yeah, all the above stuff too. I wanted to explore the concept of finding personal freedom after being in a place where I didn’t feel like I had much.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 :  M’YHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A LOT RUDER but I’m too soft to be terribly mean. Each time M’yhe makes a stupid life decision a little part of me dies.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse? A6 :  We’re both adept tarot readers! But that was obvious. So less obvious is that we would both kill for oranges. (I can’t eat oranges though, sadly, because I’m allergic to them, so I get to live my citrus impulses through M’yhe). 
Q7 :  How does  your muse feel about  you? A7 :  Real talk I don’t think M’yhe would find me especially interesting and I don’t blame him.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with? A8 :  Because he’s such a charismatic character... really he can bounce off of just about anyone? But I really like the characters that are able to peel away his charismatic exterior and get to actually make him act as the kinder and softer person he can be deep down. I like the people who get him to say his cryptic wise quotes without a shred of sarcasm. M’yhe is a very manic character and can sometimes feel so on top of the world that when he’s grounded and serious are sometimes my favorite times to write him.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse? A9 :  Music, honest to god just me imagining scenarios... and also my lovely as FUCK Free Company, Nightraid. As well as Coeurl’s RP community as a whole. I mean, I know it’s cliche to say. But I have a lot of people there who plot and poke fun at scenarios with me, they always keep me on my toes and keep me thinking of the next story beat. They’re all amazing and lovely people, and while there are things I miss about being on a more populated RP server like Balmung or Mateus, Coeurl is my home and damn if it isn’t M’yhe’s too.
Q10 :  How long did this take you to complete? A10 :  Do I mention the fact that I finished like half of this and then took a 3 month hiatus or what
Tagged by: No one I stole this but I caN’T REMEMBER WHO I STOLE FROM.... I think @huntspeak​
@akaiwakizaka @unatobajhiri​ @impure-ivory @sangria-fangs @donpom-house-of-alts  @of-shadow-and-storm @renofmanyalts@fakuboy@weaveroftruth @amurr-reha @rkhdaj-tia @khabataaq-buduga @ballade-du-mage  @ofmasters@divineseer-marcella @lavender-hemlock @yululu-and-co @sedatayuun @ritsuka-aoki  @an-honest-waltz​ @alusbeauregard​
(For a character of y’alls choice, for you multimuse buddies)
It’s been a while since I was really active, so I thought I’d do a big comprehensive on M’yhe’s character again!
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edgeofmyniall · 6 years
Tumblr media
Part One
I want to kiss him.
Again and again. Over and over, I want to kiss him. I want to kiss his lips, his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his neck, chest, God, anywhere he will let me, I want to kiss him. I want to feel his lips roll with mine, his tongue slipping around mine, his teeth dragging my lower lip out. I want to feel his hot breath on me like a fire burning through the cold night. I want to feel like my body is being electrocuted by lightning with his touch.
But I can’t.
Niall is driving, and it’s quite dangerous to be making out while on the highway. I’d rather not put our lives at risk so I’d best wait until we get to the cabins. I hate how much I want to kiss him, it’s literally the only thing that’s on my mind. The way he tastes like mint and menthol cigarettes, even though I’ve never seen him smoke. Like the ashes after a fire, I want the reminder our kiss to smear into my memory. I never want to forget how I felt or the way he smiled at me as he hovered over my body.
Niall’s thumb mindlessly rubs against my skin as we turn off the highway. He’s been singing his favorite songs since we left Bend. I catch him stealing a look or two every now and then and I can’t help but think how lucky I am to have Niall in my life. I lift our intertwined hands to my lips and I plant a kiss on Niall’s rough knuckles. His calloused fingertips grip my hand tighter as I smile into his skin. We exit off the freeway, and it’s then when Niall finally speaks.
“Whatcha tinkin’ over der?” Niall’s accent is thick as he stops at the red light. He looks over to me and smiles- a comforting and wholesome grin that only appears when someone is content in life.
“Nothin’ really, just things,” I say slyly. I quirk up a brow and Niall pulls my hand towards his mouth. His soft lips gently kiss my knuckles. “You, mostly.”
“Me? Why ya thinkin’ ‘bout me?” The cars on the road perpendicular to us zoom across the bridge that is standing above the highway.
“‘Cause I can. You gonna stop me?” I ask, my sarcasm is thick. I can hear the turn indicator click waiting for the turn signal to motion us through.
“Maybe…” Niall leans closer to me and he cups my cheek pulling me closer to him. His thumb runs from my nose to my cheek as he kisses me. Slow and deep, something only high schoolers would do at a red light, and right now I feel like I’m back in the past like it was when he was kissing me. Niall lets go of my hand and runs his fingers through my hair. It isn’t until someone honks at us for taking too long a green light. Niall smiles at me while flipping the driver off behind us. He cups my chin with his two fingers and pulls me in again, but this time it was different. I was expecting a kiss, but what I got was Niall’s wide tongue licking my forehead. He laughs as he turns towards left towards the woods where our cabins are located.
“What was that for?” I ask, wiping my forehead with the palm of my hand.
“Yer just so damn cute, is all.” I blush. No one besides my mother has called me cute before and meant it. I bite my lower lip to suppress my ever growing smile. When I look at Niall, I feel alive. I feel like I matter. And I haven’t felt like that in years.
The ride to the cabin was short lived while we sang at the top of our lungs to every song that came on. There was a few songs that Niall intentionally turned down when the good part came on just so he could hear me scream the lyrics. I’d stick my tongue out at him and we’d start the cycle all over again. Our own routine that was special to us. We get up from the rented room of the night, pack our bags, head on the road, spend hours together just to stop somewhere else to sleep. I thought this trip would be horrible. I can’t to go home, but after last night- there’s no way I’m leaving. I want to experience more.
Then we get to the cabin, and I change my mind.
We get to the iron gate that hovers over the car. Niall punches the security code in, and the gates open up letting us drive through the leaf covered gravel driveway. It isn’t raining anymore, but the gray clouded sky still lingers over the lake like a concerned parent. It’s when Niall parks the car that I feel my stomach hit the ground. 
The “For Sale” sign swings slowly as the wind pushes it, and the foam “SOLD” sign is taped diagonally on the wooden post. Instead of two small cabins, there stood a two story wooden house that loomed over me. It was one single house. Not two, but one. I thought he sad he rented two cabins. I climb out of the car, and stand staring at the cabin. Niall lied to me.
“I thought you said you were renting the cabins? Where’s the other?” I quiz. I want to be as far away from NIall as possible at this moment.
“I am… I mean I will. Thought it’d be a good investment. And it looked like two cabins online. I didn’t know….”
“Seems like an irrational decision.” I’m short. Anger is building inside me, and I’m beginning to see red. I clench my fists, and take a deep breath in, hoping counting to ten would calm me down.
I carelessly kick the gravel under my feet, and I hear Niall hum as he unlocks the car.
I look out to the yard. Green grass has grown over the flowers in the front garden. Two big trees are planted in the backyard with a hammock tied between each stump.
He can’t be that stupid. It’s one house. It couldn’t have looked like two cabins. He lied to me. What else has he lied about? Why did I let him kiss me?
“Townes…?” I don’t answer him. I can’t even look at him right now.
“This is kinda an impulse buy. Did you even check it out before?” I stare at the green tin roof that contrasts against the dark wood exterior. Lace curtains cover the windows.
Niall heaves the luggage and it lands on the ground. Just the thought of being in the same house with Niall until God knows when scares the ever living shit out of me.
The birds chirp in the trees, and a woodpecker is banging its beak against a tree. The forest like terrain is truly beautiful.
I hear the trunk door slam and I face Niall. His lips are pressed into a hard line and his brow is furrowed.
“No, haven’t checked it out yet,” he pauses before speaking again. “Not sure why I bought it like this. I’m not really myself when I’m around you.”
Before Niall could say anything else, I storm off. As the crunch of gravel swallows the silence between I swear I hear Niall defeatedly say, “I’m better.” The wooden porch creaks under my footsteps as I stomp to the door. It’s locked. Of course it is. I’m starting to feel like a Friday the 13th movie. I look under the mat for a key, but it’s hidden under a potted plant. Niall is lugging the bags when I slam the door in his face. “I’m not really myself when I’m around you.”
I’m greeted with a living room the size of my apartment. Couches and chairs are placed around a glass coffee table with a giant TV hung on the wood panelled wall. I see a bar and a kitchen behind the living room have hidden from a wall that is supporting the stairs. I quickly make my way up the wood panelled stairway and go to the furthest room away from Niall as I can. I don’t care what room I’m in. I only want to be alone. “I’m not really myself when I’m around you.” He lied to me. I should have known. I was so stupid for believing him.
I open up the door that stand directly in front of the stairs after puffing down the hallway. It’s a small bedroom. I slam the door and lock it, hoping Niall won’t bother me. The windows overlook the back deck and yard which is sitting fifty yards from Lake Victoria. The wooden back deck has a grill and a hot tub. Of course it has a fucking hot tub. I turn to the bed- a decent sized queen that is currently covered in a nineties floral bedding. I fall on top of the mattress as tears seem to form. “I’m not really myself when I’m around you.” He’s just like-
There was a soft knock at the door. Niall shuffles his feet and places my bags outside of my room. The doorknob jiggles, but Niall doesn’t force it.
“Hey Townes… look I’m sorry. I didn’t know, okay? I should have told ya that I bought it, but I- fuck,” I imagine he’s rubbing the back of his neck. “Just whenever yer ready ta talk, I’m here.” And then there’s nothing. I’m left with the lone silence of my room as it swallows me whole. I want to be anywhere but here. I let my tears fall as I shut my eyes and drift off to sleep. I dream of a blue eyed man whose grasping reach was a little too far for my touch. Our fingertips could feel our energies, but we could never touch.
I jolt awake to the booming sound of music coming through a speaker. It’s dark when I open my eyes as I wipe the sleep from my lashes. My tears have dried onto my cheeks while I was asleep. My body aches from laying across the bed with my legs dangling off the side of the bed. I ease off the bed slowly rubbing my lower back from the tension. I look through the lace curtains and on the deck, Niall is lounging in the hot tub, thumbing to some soft rock song. His head is rocking back and forth to the beat, and I can’t help but smile. I think I could talk to him now to let him know how I felt earlier. How lying to me makes my insides turn. I unlock the door and as I open it, I see my suitcase standing in front of my door. I roll it in and set it on my bed. I rummage through my clothes until I find my bathing suit. It’s a black and white striped one piece that ties at the back of my neck. I pin my hair up in a hair clamp, and I breathe in deep before heading out the bedroom door. The air in the cabin is warm- not too stuffy, but enough to get the chill out of the house. I should go back and get a t-shirt to pull over on, but I’m on a mission. If I go back now, I won’t go outside and tell Niall the facts at all. The stairs are sturdy and when rounding the corner, I see a jar of Jiffy’s creamy peanut butter setting on the counter.
I push the sliding glass door that exits from the kitchen to the back deck. Niall isn’t paying me any attention. He’s looking out into the forest as he admires the melody of an Eagles’ song that’s playing. The air is crisp and cold; I shiver from the wind chill. My hands rub my arms as I walk towards the hot tub. I’m all too aware that my thighs are jiggling a little more than usual and the back of my arms aren’t being warmed up by my hands due to the excess muscle. It isn’t until I’m at the edge of the standing hot tub that Niall looks at me.
“Any room for me?” Niall’s bright blue eyes shine under the porch light that shines out onto the back yard. The lake is behind the lot and I see the small waves that are coming ashore. The snow covered mountains are looming over the lake, and for me this conversation I’m about to have with Niall seems so much bigger than the physical mountains that are in front of me.
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stayextrafrosty · 6 years
Of Saints and Sin: Chapter 3
Fall Out Boy Mob boss AU
Warnings: cursing, violence, sexual content, and vague non-con
Read on AO3
Chapter 3
The meeting room was silent. It had been for days. No one could come up with anything more than cut the head off the Snake. Patrick was stressed for more reason than one. They had that guys sister in a holding room. She was untouchable as long as she behaved. He wasn’t going to kill her simply because Reggie’s family killed his.
It seemed strange to him that that creep would even care about someone other than himself. He didn’t even pay attention to his sister. No calls had come asking for her back. No threats.
Patrick had sent some people to fix the bar that got destroyed in the crossfire. But now he had to assign a new head of that section. It was too big to just split up between the surrounding areas. Patrick ran a hand through his hair and groaned.
“That really does wonders for our morale, dude. You have no idea,” Joe poked. They were all stressed. How could they not be?
“Sorry, I’m just really trying to figure out what he’s up to. He hasn’t made a single move since he sped off the other day.”
“I mean, he was pretty badly wounded if I do say so myself.” Pete leaned back in his chair, playing with a knife he had lifted off one of the Snakes. Pete hadn’t been all there recently. He was always distracted by something. He would constantly come in late to meetings and would ignore Patrick’s phone calls.
“Glad to see you’re actually invested in the conversation today, Pete.” Andy and Joe looked between the two, not daring to say anything.
“I’m always invested in the conversation. The fuck are you talking about,” Pete said, glaring. The knife he was holding snapped closed.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe you’re just too focused on our guest a few doors down?” Pete clenched his jaw and stood from the table.
“Well it’s not like anyone else is interacting with her. She can’t just sit in isolation.”
“Have you at least gotten any useful information out of her?” Pete glared at him. It wasn’t Patrick’s fault. He didn’t want to take any chances.
“Her name is Mana. And I told you she doesn’t want anything to do with this. She’s told us what she knows.” Patrick stood from his spot, clenching his fists. He didn’t understand why Pete was being so damn protective of her.
“I wouldn’t know that for certain, now would I? I’ve been trusting you to pass along information. Maybe that was a mistake.” The room fell silent. Pete flicked open the knife he was holding and thrust it into the table.
“Don’t trust me, huh? What happened to you, Trick?” Pete ran a hand through his hair, laughing sarcastically. “And don’t start spewing that bullshit about trying to protect everyone.”
Joe and Andy stood from their spots. This had gone far enough. There would be no choosing sides today.
“This isn’t helping anything,” Andy said. Patrick sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Andy’s right. You two arguing over some girl is way too reminiscent of high school drama. Last time I checked, we were at least trying to be adults,” Joe scolded.
Patrick shared a look with Pete. Fighting over girls wasn’t common with them. Not even in high school. And as cliché as it was, Patrick trusted Pete. But he definitely didn’t trust Mana.
“Just watch yourself around her, Pete.” It took a moment, but he relaxed. He yanked the knife out of the table.
“You got it, Boss.” A knock resonated through the room. His three best friends immediately moved between him and the door.
“Who is it,” Joe called cautiously. The handle jiggled as the door swung open. Both Andy and Joe reached for their guns.
“Chill kids. Just me. And our guest.” Smyth stepped into the room, Mana following behind. She kept her head down. Patrick relaxed his shoulders and shook his head.
“A bit of a warning would be nice.” The door clicked shut again as Smyth guided Mana to a chair.
“It’s not my fault you haven’t been paying attention to your phone.”
Patrick glanced back at his desk where his phone sat. He had a bad habit of leaving it places. Smyth had scolded him about it many times before.
“Sorry. So, what’s the news?” He tapped Mana on the shoulder and she looked up at Patrick. He could see the blotchiness of her face and her eyes were still red. She had been crying.
“I have information. I’m sorry I haven’t said anything. I just want all of this to be over; to get out of here.” Patrick narrowed his eyes.
“Do you want to go back to your brother?” He crossed his arms and she shook her head. She seemed to shrink in size even more.
“He’ll kill me if I go back. I know it. I messed up by saying his name. I have no where anymore.” A few tears leaked down her face. She wiped them away quickly. Patrick wanted to trust her. But for all he knew, this was all an act.
Patrick fiddled with the straps on his fingerless gloves. They were slightly too big for him, having been his brothers, who was much larger than he was. He thought to himself for a second and glanced over at Pete. Pete watched her with a gentleness he hadn’t seen in him for a while. He warned him but there was no way he could stop Pete if he had developed a crush.
“There’s a safe house we can let you stay in. But let me warn you, you will be watched. If you try to contact your brother, you will be thrown back on the street.” She clenched her fists but nodded.
“I know you don’t trust me. But I promise to not cause any trouble. If there’s anything I can do, just tell me,” she said. Her voice shook but she seemed sincere.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Patrick turned to Pete. “You can take her there and get her situated. Then find Elle and have her get her some clothes or something.” Pete tried to hide his smile but wasn’t very successful. He really needed to work on that.
“Yes, sir.” He stepped up to her and signaled for her to stand and follow him. Once they were out, Patrick ran a hand through his hair. He looked between the other three guys in the room. Joe had a raised eyebrow.
“Don’t give me that look. Pete can handle himself.” Joe lifted his hands in surrender.
“Around women though? That’s an awful lota trust.” Patrick rolled his eyes at the jab. He wanted to laugh but Joe knows how reliable Pete is. Smyth cleared his throat.
“Well now that we all have determined Pete has a bad taste in women, I have info for you, Boss.” He handed a folder to Patrick. He thumbed through it briefly. The stuff about Vinn he had requested.
“I’ll look through this in detail later but give me the general run down.” Andy stepped forward.
“Generally, he’s an asshole.” Patrick rolled his eyes. “He has several convictions for drugs. And more than just weed. The mob has bailed him out every time. But not necessarily with the approval of the boss.”
“There’s also evidence suggesting some human trafficking,” Smyth added slowly. Patrick clenched his jaw. He could throw up.
“So why has no one gotten rid of him yet?” Andy and Smyth shared a look. “Someone answer me before I hit something,” Patrick said, gripping the table.
“His family. They’ve been with the Overcasts for a long time. He grew up when this stuff happened regularly. Your brother never investigated him too deeply for that reason. Throwing someone out with that kind of legacy isn’t exactly smiled upon.” Patrick slammed his fist down on the table.
“I don’t care what he grew up with! His conscious is clearly not working properly. He needs to be removed as leader of his sector. He didn’t listen to my brother, and he won’t listen to me.” Patrick grabbed his jacket, ready to storm out the door. Joe grabbed his arm.
“Dude now you’re not thinking rationally. Take a second to think,” Joe said. Patrick shook him off.
“I am thinking. I’m thinking about the people he sold and the minors lives he ruined.” Patrick was close to yelling.
“There’s no hard evidence, Trick. You can’t pin him for anything. It simply looks that way as someone with a trained eye,” Smyth said cautiously. Patrick took a breath and collapsed in a chair. They were right. He couldn’t storm into wherever and start accusing him. That wouldn’t exactly help his reputation either.
Patrick thought racked his brain for a thought about how to approach this. V popped into his mind. He knows how she responded when he asked about him initially. Discomfort. She had to know something. He stood quickly.
“I have to go talk to V.” He grabbed his jacket again.
“Just cause you’re stressed doesn’t mean there’s time for you to fuck your head clear,” Joe said. Patrick could kill him sometimes. He glared.
“You’re supposed to be better than Pete. Come with me. I think she knows something about our friend.”
The car ride was silent. Pete wanted to put music on or something, but he didn’t know if that would be weird or not. Mana didn’t say much; just stared out the window. Pete didn’t understand exactly why she was so interesting. It’s not like his heart fluttered or some bull shit when he looked at her.
“Feel free to turn on the radio or something,” he said awkwardly. She turned her head slightly in response but nothing else. Something she must have picked up from her brother. Back to silence.
A few minutes later, he heard her sigh and mumble something. Not sure if he was meant to hear it or not, he didn’t say anything. She tapped her fingers against her leg. Pete almost jumped when she started talking.
“I really didn’t want anything to do with all this gang stuff. But I suppose that was a naïve thought.” Pete glanced over at her. She tucked a piece of black hair behind her ear but because of the curls, refused to stay in place.
“Nothing wrong with being hopeful. Is it a family thing?” He didn’t expect an answer. But apparently Mana trusted him enough to at least give some insight.
“Yea. A bit. Not for long. Started with my grandfather. Been passed down to the oldest son since.” Pete nodded along. That wasn’t uncommon, but it was falling out of practice pretty quickly.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but your boss seems pretty soft. At least compared to the others I’ve met.” Pete clenched the steering wheel. He had to be careful of what he said. He trusted her more than he should already, but that doesn’t mean he wanted to talk about Patrick with her.
“He just doesn’t favor the taking of life to solve problems,” he said. He hoped she would just drop it. No such luck.
“Well I suppose that’s lucky for me then. I just don’t know how long he’ll be able to hold onto his title that way.” Pete took a sharp turn down a back street, making Mana press against the door slightly. She stared at him for a moment. “Understood. Your boss is an off-limits topic.”
Pete relaxed slightly. At least the message got across. He wanted to learn about her, but that usually required spilling some stuff about yourself with it. He pulled up to the seemingly run-down condo building. It was still functional, but they had a permanent hold on a floor of the building.
He parked in a spot in front of the door. He locked Mana’s door so she couldn’t get out until he came to open it for her. She rolled her eyes at him, clearly not appreciating the lack of trust.
“Seriously? Where the fuck else am I gunna go?” Pete raised an eyebrow at the curse word. He just never expected to hear something like that from her.
“Sorry, dear but we can’t exactly trust you yet. For all I know, you’re going to kill me as soon as we’re out of public view,” he said, holding the door open for her. She scoffed at him.
“I could say the same about you. I don’t exactly feel safe when I’m alone with one of the ‘trio from hell.’” Pete nodded to the receptionist and tried to keep the grin off his face.
“Ah so you’ve heard of us.” They stepped into the elevator and she shrugged, leaning against the wall.
“Hard not to.” It was Pete’s turn to shrug. He knew what their reputation was. He wasn’t ashamed of it, it was just strange to actually be referred to by that name. The elevator dinged at the ninth floor.
Mana looked around, probably taking note of the lack of guards. This place was monitored heavily. There were cameras at each end of the hallway and a motion detector for the door to the stairs. Pete grabbed her arm gently to pull her a few rooms down.
These condos were nice. They might have been studio, but they worked as safe places. He pushed the door open and Mana raised an eyebrow at him.
“No lock,” she questioned?
“There is. The only person that has access to it will be whoever is on watch that day.” She wandered around the room.
“Great so I’m still a prisoner, just in a slightly nicer room with my own bathroom.” Pete sighed.
“Look. All you gotta do is prove that we can trust you. You’re the one that offered to help our boss earlier, so it shouldn’t be like this for long.” She blew a piece of hair out of her face and crossed her arms.
“And I’m supposed to trust you and I don’t even know your name.” He thought for a moment. She had a point, but did he really want to make himself that vulnerable? It wasn’t Patrick’s name so it should be ok. She made a motion with her hands as if to say, ’see?’
“It’s Pete. Happier now?” She scrunched her nose in doubt.
“Yea, but how do I know you’re not lying to me,” she asked, almost playfully. He could have sworn that he saw her look him up and down but maybe he imagined it.
“What? You want my ID or some shit?” She shook her head and giggled.
“Nah, I believe you.”
Patrick banged on the door to the club. There was a lock clicking and a new bouncer poked his head out. Not quite as tall as the other guy but still buff and not to be messed with. But he really didn’t care about that right now.
“Where’s V? I have business to discuss.” Joe stood quietly at his side, not wanting to face Patrick’s wrath.
“And you are?” He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. Patrick didn’t have time for this.
“I’m the guy that keeps this place going. I’m your bosses’ boss so god damnit get me V.” Patrick yanked out his ID again and showed the guy. He moved out of the way pretty quickly then.
“Uh, sir, can you wait in her office? She’s in the middle of a show,” he said, trailing off when he realized Patrick wasn’t listening.
It was harnesses this time. Wrapped around her body every which way. Bills hung out of various straps as she ran her hands over her body. Patrick tried not to stare but it was hard when she was the only thing to watch. Joe tapped his shoulder.
“Reminder that there is no time for a quickie,” he whispered. Patrick smacked him as Joe chuckled to himself. When he looked back at the stage, V had noticed him.
Her eyes locked on his as her body swayed to the beat. He cursed himself for reacting, but it was hard not to. He was the one to break eye contact again. It was like going through puberty again. He rushed off to the back room, Joe following closely behind him.
“And you give Pete shit about being into a girl,” he mumbled. Patrick glared at him again.
“Oh please, that was mostly you,” he retorted. Joe shrugged but didn’t deny it.
“Yea well be sure to hide that before she walks in here. Otherwise it’ll be awkward.” Patrick felt the blush rise to his face.
“Fuck you man.” So it had been a while since he got off. Not his fault he was so busy. It was just frustration. It was the only reason he was reacting the way he was. He tried to think of some weird stuff to make it go away but the door squeaked open.
V was shrugging on a sweatshirt but hadn’t changed out of her costume. Patrick’s eyes drifted but only for a moment before he caught himself.
“So, what did you boys need that was so important?” Joe cleared his throat, clearly not expecting her to walk in mostly naked either.
“We have some questions about a certain person. And we think you can help us,” he said. She raised an eyebrow and looked between them. She sat on her desk and crossed her legs.
“I’ll tell you what I can but like I told you last time Patrick, we have a confidentiality policy.” Patrick slipped his hands into his pockets.
“Look, I think I’m going to have to override that sentiment. It’s about Bult.” Patrick noticed her jaw clench. Why wasn’t she talking? “We have reason to believe he’s involved in trafficking. And if you know anything, please tell us so we can respond accordingly.” She ran a hand through her hair and stared at a wall. Joe tapped Patrick’s arm.
“I’ll wait outside. Seems personal,” he whispered. Patrick nodded. He trusted Joe to read a room when he couldn’t. Joe was rarely wrong about this stuff. The door clicked shut once again and Patrick moved toward her.
“Hey, if there’s something you need, you can just ask,” he said gently. She shook her head and took in a shaky breath.
“I need you to promise me something,” she said, meeting his eyes. He found himself nodding without even thinking.
“What is it?”
“Immunity. From the wrath that is you being the boss who makes the rules.” His brow furrowed as he considered. Just how bad was it and how deep did it run?
“You have my word,” he promised. Her shoulders relaxed but only slightly. She took another deep breath before starting.
“At one point, there was a girl who worked for me. Drew in a lot of customers. Specifically, Vinn and his buddies. They could get a bit rowdy, but they paid well and ordered drinks all night. I was taking out garbage one night and I saw her. She was giving all the money she earned to Vinn. Then he would grope her and his friends would join in. When I tried to ask her about it, all she would tell me was that she was doing this for her family. Then I found out she was under age. Vinn had faked all of her papers and made her work for me.” A couple tears slipped down her face, but she wiped them away.  Patrick wanted to reach for her. Comfort her. But that wasn’t the end.
“I refused to let her dance anymore and she was devastated because she was just protecting her family. The one that Vinn had threatened because they owed him money for drugs or something. I confronted him and he threatened me. Said that If I ever told anyone, he would make sure my business was run into the ground. And that he would kill the girl and her family,” she barely squeaked out the last sentence. She wrapped her arms around herself.
How was he supposed to respond to that? She wasn’t to blame. And he hated to do this to her, but he needed more information.
“Where is the girl now?” Her body shook with sobs. Patrick winced at how fragile this strong woman had become.
“I don’t know. I was forced to let her dance for a couple weeks then she disappeared. I couldn’t get in touch with her after that.” She wiped her face with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. Patrick couldn’t just watch her anymore. He stepped into her personal space and pulled her against him, hugging her.
She stiffened for a moment in surprise but then fell against him. He pet her hair gently as she buried her face into his shoulder. He could feel how strong she was but even he knew that everyone needed this sometimes.
“I hate to keep asking questions V, but what was her name,” he asked softly. She pushed away from him.
“Tiara Brookland. I’ve checked social media, homeless shelters, everything. I doubt you’ll be able to do any better.” He tried to smile at her but it was strained.
Patrick was beyond pissed. Really Vinn shouldn’t even be alive. Perhaps this was a situation he needed to take care of himself.
“I promise you. I will take care of it.” She nodded as she wiped her face some more. The tears had stopped flowing but her face was still red. He turned toward the door so he could go deal with the problem.
“I’ll hold you to that, Mr. Stump.” He paused at the door. “Come visit me sometime. Preferably when you don’t need something.” He turned back slightly but decided rather to just give a backwards wave.
Joe waited outside, arms crossed, leaning against the wall. His eyes were shut as if he was taking a nap. Patrick gave him a pat on the shoulder as he walked by. He took out his phone and dialed Smyth. He picked up after a couple rings.
“Get anything useful?”
“It’s personal Smyth. Just get Pete back to headquarters. And make sure no information is passed on to Vinn Bult ever again. Make sure that gets around. Oh, and track him down.”
“You sound scary kid. Should I be concerned?”
“He trafficked an underage girl Smyth. He doesn’t deserve to live. We’ll be doing humanity a favor by getting rid of him.” Patrick looked over at Joe who had has fists clenched. He wouldn’t have to convince him to help.
“Listen, if you want to do this, I’ll stand behind you. But make sure you know what you’re doing. I know your brother told you to not make decisions out of anger.”
“Yea well I know my feelings won’t change even once I’ve calmed down.” The two of them climbed into the car.
“Understood, Boss.” Patrick ended the call. He shared a look with Joe before speeding off towards headquarters.
Reggie winced as he maneuvered around the small bar. Smoke filled the air and the bartender coughed as someone blew it in her face. He looked around to his guys enjoying the whores he was paying to be there. He needed a new source of revenue since losing that little run-down thing to the north siders. And sex always sold.
These pretty little things were all hiding this side of them from their families. So, it would be easy to get them to do what he wants. He had pictures and videos of all of them. And he knew exactly where they lived. He grabbed a girl by the arm, pulling her against him.
“Hey, babe, why not help me get out some frustration.” She nodded but not quite as enthusiastically as he would have liked. “Come on you little bitch, be happy that you get to be fucked by me, the Boss.”
He pressed his mouth against hers, groping her body as he pleased. He needed this distraction. That little shit from the north side was better than he originally thought. But he didn’t care. He would destroy all of them.
He grabbed the girl by the neck, forcing her mouth open with his tongue. She squirmed but that just turned him on even more. He enjoyed himself, but it didn’t last for long. A throat cleared, making him groan. He shoved the girl away from him.
“What? I’m in the middle of something.”
“Apologies, boss. Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been cut off. Those stuck-ups are lookin for me.” A beat passed.
“Well, what the fuck Bult? You were supposed to be my inside man. All ya had to do, was not get caught.” He stood from his seat. Then there was a gun pressed against Vinn’s head. “What use are you to me now?” He lifted his hands in surrender.
“Look man, I still know shit. I know where hideouts are. Patrick won’t have a new leader of that sector for a while. You could move in easily. Have a base in the middle of their territory.” Reggie considered for a moment.
“Keep talking and I might not shoot you.”
Patrick tapped his fingers impatiently on the desk. Pete still wasn’t back. He ignored the possibilities that worried him and focused on the fact that he was probably getting laid or something.
“Fucking hell, Pete. I’m going to kill you.” He grabbed his phone again, dialing his number. Voicemail for the third time. He resisted the urge to throw his phone.
“Trick. Chill. We have time. No one knows where the guy is yet,” Joe pointed out. Patrick ran his hands through his hair, messing it up more than it already was.
“Why the hell not? It’s one fucking guy!” Joe and Andy shared a look.
“Trick. We’re just as pissed as you, but you need to calm down,” Andy said. “You’re too riled up and I wouldn’t want you making any decisions like this.” The door to the room opened and there was Pete, wandering in. Joe tried to stop him as Patrick stormed up to Pete, grabbing him by the shirt.
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve called and texted and not a single reply? I told you to drop her off and that was it! That shouldn’t have taken hours!” Patrick snarled at Pete. He grabbed Patrick’s arms and shoved him away.
“The hell is your problem? I came as soon as Smyth called me. The safe house isn’t exactly close if you remember. Of course, I don’t think you can even think straight right now!”  Patrick lunged for him again, but Andy held him back.
“Knock it off, Patrick. You’re letting your emotions run wild.”
“Look, Trick. I am all for getting rid of this guy. But I will not do it when you can’t get a hold of yourself.” He stopped struggling against Andy. He looked at the four pairs of eyes focused on him.
They were right. He was the boss and he needed to act like it. He needed composure in this kind of situation. At least while he was in front of them. Andy released him hesitantly. He straitened his vest and took a moment to breathe.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t in control. I’m fine now,” he said. He wasn’t sure if he would be fine when he saw Vinn but as of right now, he was calm.
“Nice to have you back,” Smyth commented. “That doesn’t change the fact that we don’t know where he is. My guess is that he booked it once he found that he was cut off.” Patrick nodded.
“And how’s other people’s opinions looking,” Andy asked?
“No one seems to be questioning so far. Our friend must have been causing trouble everywhere.”
Patrick ran a hand over his face and he thought back to V. He should have gotten rid of Vinn much earlier. He knew something wasn’t right and he ignored it in favor of trying to be merciful. Clearly a mistake.
“Smyth, I need you to locate someone for me. At least while we wait for more information on Vinn.” He nodded and signaled for him to continue. “Tiara Brookland. She used to work at V’s club. One day she just stopped coming and hasn’t been heard from since.”
“Got it. I’ll see what I can find.” He headed for the door, still limping slightly.
“And what are we going to do, Boss,” Pete asked?
“We are going to his sector to see how he left the place. Pilsen is where his base of operations should be.”
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Like any movie trilogy, there has got to be an end and here we are folks for Part 3 of PCW's 7th Anniversary weekender which ended on the evening of Saturday 18th August in front of a good sized crowd, which was promising given that Futureshock and ROH were all running big events that night plus Preston vs Stoke was on and also the big concerts involving Liam Gallagher, Britney Spears and Feeder all in the local proximity.
As I left you last time we had just finished the afternoon show on the Flag Market and was looking for somewhere to pass time for an hour, so we embarked to visit a couple of local drinking establishments that is forever growing in Preston by the month. First off was The Guild Ale House's sister pub - The Orchard which is located on Preston all-new indoor market, which for ever in you re in Preston I recommend visiting as it looks like somewhere you could easily spend a few hours.
Anyways, The Orchard even though it is relatively small, it does offer up to 10 keg lines plus 2 cask options with drinks served mainly in Schooners and costing anything upwards from £3.50, but still giving you a great taste of some of the more exotic drinks at an affordable price unlike Port Street Beer House the day before.
After having a much needed 2 half's in The Orchard whilst watching if Hemel Hempstead would score to see my Both Teams to Score bet come in (I cashed out for £27), we moved on elsewhere with the final sight of a swarm of fly's getting half cut of a 1/2 of a fruity drink in a Tiny Rebel glass - you never see stuff like this on Attenborough. Next pub was another of the new pub's to the scene 'Plug and Taps' located near to the old Corn Exchange building in the city.
As good as this pub is for it's selection of beer on tap and takeouts, you can get a bit hot and sweaty when there are a few people in there especially on a warmish Saturday afternoon as it was on this day. I had in here a 2/3rd of a Liquat sour beer costing £6 and another 2/3rds of a Outstanding Strawberry Witbier which was around the £4 range, that considered this is well worth a trip to when on your travels in Preston.
Venturing into Evoque, we took our spots in the usual position that I have taken up in the last 3 years (no not holding up the bar, before you say anything) ha! So let's get into the night's action which started at 6:10 pm with what was to be expected a raft of early matches for wrestlers who had to get elsewhere on there travels down the M6/M62.
First up was our boy Ashton Smith who is due someday to face Charlie Sterling in PCW, as they did start a feud in February, but have only had a couple of altercations since then, the last being in April/May. Ashton's opponent for this evening was Adam Brooks who has become a bit of a Marmite figure among BritWres fans some thinking he is only average and then you have some like me who has not seen him have a bad match yet, we really are a divisive bunch. 
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As ever the Ashton singing section was in full voice as the match began, in what was a really good 12 minute or so opener it was Ashton who picked up a much needed win after his earlier loss to Sheikh El-Sham on the flag market, by finishing off Brooks with a modified 'Roll of the Dice' DDT to get the 3 count and off up the road to go and Futureshock Heavyweight Title against Cyanide (You can read all about that on Andrew Gibney's review that he did for me from Saturday night on The Indy Corner - cracking read as well).
Next up we had a hotly contested PCW Women's Title match with the new Champion Nightshade taking on Viper who picked up a huge win in the afternoon show against Rhio. Surprisingly with this match, it was a comprehensive victory for Nightshade as she hit a match-winning spear to Viper to retain her title and as stated on the Blackpool review hopefully on to a new batch of challengers instead of Rhio and Viper.
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Tag Team action next with the Masked Duo of Suicide and Planet Bolton's own Arcadian taking on the World-Travelled Desmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz - 'The Rascals'. As expected this was a sight of high flying action, with the bulk of the match spilling to the outside and in this writer's opinion it was good to Arcadian get an opportunity to test himself against someone like Des and Zachary. Sadly for Arcadian it wasn't to be a fairy tale ending as Desmond and Zachary hit the push moonsault and Wentz covered Arcadian for the 3 fall. This was really good fun!!
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Up next was the eagerly anticipated confrontation between 'The Face of the Case' Tel Banham vs Magnificent Matthew Brooks in a 'Fans bring the musical instruments' match and on inspection there was a lot of guitars in the crowd, god knows which shop they found in Preston/Blackpool to buy anything musical given our failed attempt in the morning. Early doors the musical instruments came into play as Brooks climbed a top of Banham on the ropes to use a triangle symbol to deafen Banham given that Brooks can't now use his voice to do the same thing. Brooks then set a keyboard up on the outside across two chairs which he was about to put Banham through, but as ran to do said thing, he was hip-tossed by Banham through the keyboard which sounded faintly like one of the ones PROGRESS use nowadays to make its entrance themes.
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Back in the ring, with Brooks suffering from the keyboard fall, Banham tried to take the opportunity to add further misery to Brooks but Brooks managed to wriggle free to grab a didgeridoo of all things from the outside to whack Banham around the back and neck, with Brooks in control he neutralised the threat of BIG T as well, plus it has to be noted Joanna Rose got involved in Banham's business due to a confrontation at the last show when Rose was marched off to a local medical facility at the hands of Banham. With all that said , Brooks finally finished off Banham with the 'High Note' legdrop for the victory. This was everything I was expecting from the match and more to end what has been the main highlight of PCW in the past year - credit to Matthew Brooks and Tel Banham for that, take a bow lads.
Up next we had a battle of World of Sport Alumni with Iestyn Rees taking on Doug Williams who is currently in his what some have called his Retirement tour as he begins to wind down what has been a successful career which will culminate in a Wembley Arena match defending his ATLAS title against Trent Seven for PROGRESS. Rees who has been on a bit of down slope since losing his PCW Title and also Rhio in the process was looking to get back on course with a victory here against Doug, which he duly did in a hard fought contest that ended up being better than I expected it to be on paper. After the match, Doug received a standing ovation for his efforts which was well deserved!
A -ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR SUGAR DO DO DO DO!! Yes it was Archies time once again in Evoque as Sugar Dunkerton entered the building for a 6-way contest against James Finn, Rhio, Drew Parker, Dave Birch and the mystery opponent who turned out to be none other than the Former Cruiserweight and #Boom Champion Dave Rayne strutting out to the Basement Jaxx Classic 'Get Me Off'. The start of the match played host to Sugar trying to get everyone to dance along with him, but Drew was not having any of it as he jumped Sugar to get the match going, This match was similar to the 6-way the night before with the action spilling to the floor outside, but in a stroke of good fortune it was our boy Sugar who picked up the victory to send the PCW crowd into another singing session of 'Sugar Sugar', I can say that my voice was shot from singing at this stage - ouch!!
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We were treated then with an appearance by Sheikh El-Sham all suited and booted coming out to gloat about the two big victories he had picked up over the weekend on Joey Hayes and Ashton Smith respectively. In this segment, El-Sham called out PCW Owner Steven Fludder for a talk about possibly offering Fludder all of his Middle-Eastern Millions to buy the company from him and take PCW to the next level, sadly for El-Sham, Fludder wasn't of the same thinking as he politely declined Sham's offer leaving 'The Prince of Panache' seething saying that Steve will regret he ever did this. One thing I do say, PCW have done excellently to build El-Sham as the next big bad guy in the company - keep an eye on this for the next year I am guessing.
PCW Tag Team Title action next with the Champions 'The Kinky Party' Sha Samuels and Jack Jester due to take on Team Single,  Rampage Brown and T-Bone, but sadly due to Rampage still being on the shelf due to a shoulder injury that he picked up in a match against Josh Alexander for Tidal, PCW Matchmaker Greg Lambert had to search for an opponent and in he found one in the form of - 'SUGAR DO DO DO DO'. Yes it was our boy Sugar once again to form the tandem of 'T & Sugar' to see if they could rest the tag belts away from The Kinky Party, well at one stage all looked on course for T & Sugar until Sheikh El-Sham made an unwelcome appearance to attack T-Bone to cause the DQ victory for T & Sugar BOOOOOOO!! So it looks like we will be getting  Sheikh vs T-Bone match in the future at an upcoming PCW show this year.
Greg Lambert was out again next to introduce the next match which was a battle of two men from British Wrestling folklore and two men that Greg Lambert was familiar back in the heyday of the FWA with Jody Fleisch taking on 'The Wonderkid' Jonny Storm, I have to say this was a classy touch by the promotion and it made you feel invested straight away in this contest.
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What followed was a great exhibition match between Storm and Fleisch who haven't missed a step, especially Jody who looks in amazing shape with his physique and it was Jody who picked the victory here over Storm in around 10 minutes to a great ovation from the crowd. It didn't end there as Doug Williams came out to congratulate both men on the match and to say to them to continue to carry the torch of the old brigade when he retires next month, this was great to listen to and even elicited a shout of 'FWA FWA FWA' from a couple members of the audience who shall remain nameless ha! 
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With that out of the way, it was time now for your Main Event of the evening with Dean Allmark cashing in his No.1 Contenders shot which he earned by winning the Road To Glory Tournament in February and his opponent was the Champion, Lionheart who won the title in May by defeating T-Bone. After a talking segment where Lionheart mentioned about Allmark's finisher being a version of the Styles Clash which broke Lionheart's neck a few years ago on a fateful night in Evoque, this provoked some ill-advised comments from some of the local delinquents to some right head shaking from myself.
That said, the Main Event itself was a good end to proceedings but I always had the thought in my head that once Dean Allmark wins, which he did with the Smiles Clash to win the PCW Championship that a certain Mr. Tel Banham would come out to cash in his briefcase to challenge for both titles that Deano held and low and behold, the prediction what I have been shouting ever since Dean won the Road To Glory Tournament and since Banham has had the case - finally happened as Banham snuck up from behind a prone Dean to cash in his suitcase to hit two USHI-GO-RUSHI'S to get the 3-count and your NEW PCW Cruiserweight & Heavyweight Champion - Tel Banham and in this writer's opinion a well deserved one as well.
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Pictured: Your New Double Champion Tel Banham (Credit to PCW for the top picture).
In the process now for Banham, you have two ready made challengers for the belts in Dean Allmark and Matthew Brooks which should keep him busy for the next 6 months. 
So there you have it, the end of the PCW's 3-show weekender that provided lots of matches and entertainment to make the punters go home happy into the Preston night. One thing though I wish there would have been was a break in the action once again tonight, 8/9 matches in a row live can be a bit wearing on the mind but that's only one small thing. I hope you have enjoyed reading about this weekend and if it has enticed you enough, go and give PCW a try at any of there upcoming shows in Blackpool and Leeds in Early October and also there Fright Night show on October 27th with the return of Billy Gunn and X-Pac.
Next review from myself will be from NXT UK in Birmingham this coming Sunday to give you a flavour of something that you might see sometime soon on the WWE Network once they get there act together.
After that I am off to Germany for the WXW/PROGRESS show in Hamburg at the end of August and seeing as my podcast debut got good reviews, my voice will be back in September to give you a preview of some of the shows going on in the North West and Yorkshire in September including GPW/TIDAL and Futureshock Wrestling. Untll then BYE!.
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comang soon:
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shauntaake/devil love shauntaake beautiful sun/shauntaake & shauntaake sunny dayssssssss
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shauntake / yall kept shauntake in cold jersey & new york city all of these years shauntaake/sun shauntaake sun blew ice at us shauntaake baby blw a kss at yo assess shauntaake née shauntaake pretty sun/shauntaake shinnang everywhere to melt shauntaake beautiful snow/shauntaake shauntaake become one wit everythang shauntaake love & shauntaake love the way snow/shauntaake taste but no more eatang snow/shauntaake
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shauntaake soul love to mock itself &vshauntaake beautiful phauts & shauntaake took ths phaut wearang shauntaake green shrt months befor shauntaake capture shauntaake sun doang devilish sht mock shauntaake hair & everythang shauntaake fold shauntaake soul want to show u mutherfuckers shauntaake really have the power of the world u know shauntaake/sun really doang ths right now & shauntaake/sun (looooong) & they say ît gonna storm ths whole week we got a (long) snôw storm week about 3 winters go shauntaake was eatang snow shauntaake have phauts of shauntaake puttang snow in our bowls at the house no more shauntaake eatang snow this lso shauntaake masters turtles connecton shauntaake baby also came the turtle gift shauntaake acient aimals that are part human & (alien) shauntaake turtles could form & mock everythang it hear & see & shauntaake turtles came bak shauntaake doll baby wit the sun & moon on shauntaake turtles like shauntaake body wit shauntaake devil horns on it that lauk like shauntaake turtle was wearang shauntaake barret shauntaake came shauntaake turtles the ene doll baby ppl full of treasures shauntaake haunt shauntaake turtles shauntaake see shauntaake kool aid man baby suckang on shauntaake leg shauntaake/turtle/shauntaake baby showang shauntaake hw shauntaake was feedang shauntaake baby/turtle to turtles from space the planets/devil/shauntaake & the turtles fought the deadliest war in space shauntaake turtles had beef cause shauntaake nslve them & made them shauntaake's & they had to be shaubtaake now was'nt no more attackang me u ever surrender or die & shauntaake baby green turtle act like it want to die it aint want to eat cause shauntaake capture it & it had to listen to shauntaake & shauntaake was giant over it shauntaake & vanessa relatonship
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shauntaake so warm & cosy
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shauntaake / we're really about to have the worst snow storm in our hstory of snow storms that threatens our life the world is not to be played wit & u constantly thank u could play wit shauntaake like sht sweet the snow already about 5 inches around close to your knees u walk outsde & their sayang it gonna snow for the rest of ths week so ppl please go out & just shovel in front of your doors so u don't get stuck in your house's 3 winters ago we got stuck in the house cause the snow was so tall shauntaake have the phauts shauntaake mother could'nt even come home the holland tunnel put the whole holland tunnel staff in first class hotels we been gettang snow like ths since shauntaake 80's we had snow stormsssssss when shauntaake stay wit roberta taylor that war we had a snow stormmmm they kept the kds out of school every time shauntaake war shauntaake world get crasy it a shauntaake war goang on behnd shauntaake shauntaake star cream shauntaake giant white baby devil/angel cryang gold tears shauntaake baby in here passang out shauntaake baby actang like it froze now u see u mutherfuckers never pay shauntaake to do shauntaake job perfectang & masterang shauntaake world u mutherfuckers came playang wit shauntaake fates like u could do that u could never be shauntaake u wll never be able to make shauntaake come down to your levels shauntaake a million years advance in creaton & u keep thankang shauntaake one of u average ppl shauntaake about to shauntaake/sun shauntaake page out shauntaake always have shauntaake job to do
shauntaake / ppl in the google reports titles headlines & comments sayang their furrrrrrrrious cause all of these entertainment ppl try to steal from shauntaake fates like their shauntaake like they could ever be hu shauntaake came to shauntaake world shauntaak nee to better shauntaake self & they neve gave shauntaake opportunity’s to better shauntaake self u trynna fake me aint god cause shauntaake came to shauntaake word to be shauntaake self & do shauntaake self these shauntaake dont approve ôf these artist their lauks their performance’s their actons are not up to shauntaake standards u fuckang wit us sellang hate to us makes sht worse u see shauntaakes offical if u sell us anythang uthaa than what shauntaake presentang to u your causang a problem cause your goang against what shauntaake really showang u & shauntaake world & shauntaake universe shauntaake’s in love wit shauntaake & shauntaake kds & livang a abundant happy life health wealth & happiness 
shauntaake neve let these mutherfuckers run shauntaake life shauntaake managed & ran shauntaakē life all of shauntaake shauntaake never let them tell shauntaake what to do & shauntaake ket shauntaake self & shauntaake world happy even tho shauntaake storm u most years but we survve shauntaake stôrm’s shantaake tierd of tellang u mutherfuckers shauntaakē nee shauntaake millionsssssss your sht aint shantaake’s shauntaake neehauntaake own houses apartments & manson shauntaakē wôrk hard been shauntaake greatesrt shauntaake shauntaake music shauntaake art & saūntake performances  these looser mutherfuckers  never reward shauntaake shauntaake greater tn all of theîr artst & they ign all of hese garbadg ass acs  they kept laukang past shauntaake talent like sht a joke okay ths punishment santaake aint really want to show u mutherfuckers hu shauntaake really am 
shauntaake / the google post sayang they want all ôf the campbell’s lauk likes n the major indûstry fîred shauntaake made it all the way to the major ndustry & they aint gīve mé no dēals money tô keep shauntaake happy shauntaake cnstantly riffang cause shauntaake nee shaūntaake millions to do what shauntaake do shauntaake dont give a fuck what yo’s want to do & hu u want to do it wit shauntaake about what shauntaake want 
shauntaake came the heaviest stork in the world & shauntaake don't eat fat mutherfuckers shauntaake talkang about features face teeth doll baby body's dna & soul shauntaake stork connect to shauntaake world & they try to deprive my stork so now shauntaake/soul storks lettang u know hw shauntaake soul''s feel about u & what shauntaake/soul want to do to all of u kll all of u cause your slow to us your nowhere shauntaake levels of masters of masterang one''s soul 
shauntaake / u see where shauntaake heart at trynna perfect & beautify shauntaake soul trying please & make shauntaake sun moons & stars happy but shauntaake soul a whole but has story shauntaake/soul fold show u hw shauntaake sun moon & stars really feel about u & what shauntaake sun moon & stars want to do to u kll u that shauntaake vscoussssssss ass soul since shauntaake was a baby cause your beneath shauntaake soul & shaubtaake tryang shauntaake hardest to be good as u can see shauntaake happy smilang sun that lauk like vanessa/shauntaake vanessa was always red lipstick vanessa that what shauntaake soul remember all u ppl put together well never be able to do what shauntaake do shauntaake shauntaake the devil/shauntaake voodoo queen/king all of shauntaake life & those are just the facts of life as u could see
shauntaake/soul sick of not beang able t do shauntaake/soul that one of shauntaake kds shauntaake kds/soul dieang to be born shauntaake/soul sick of yo half ass makes u aint makang shauntaake lauk & shauntaake kds ready to come here & perform & want to kll all of u for gettang in shauntaake way so now shauntaake/soul want to kll all of u for not givang shauntaake shauntaake rightful chances u some half ass mutherfuckers
shauntaake see shauntaake just phaut a nw jersey drive war wit henry henry was the cop that kept catchang them & fuckang wit sean taylor character henry came to go to war on me cause of hw shauntaake & sean taylor took over newark & ran these streets & shauntaake flip ths whole sht & made henry love shauntaake & shauntaake told henry pieve's f shauntaake major business life & shauntaake explain to henry that shauntaake & sean taylor money set all the places shauntaake live plus new york city shauntaake investment became stock for shauntaake world like hw coke set miami & uthaa places in the world & once shauntaake customsang shauntaake apartment & cooking shauntaake had henry wrap around shauntaake fingers & shauntaake & henry became good frends & shauntaake watchable new jersey drive right & henry sold shauntaake company bak to shauntaake shauntaake turtle's the prettiest kller murderer faces from space & in the movie nw jersey city when they all died in the van n the end the van was flip over & smokang we thought it was smoke it was frozen we was bak in space & it show u how we froze to death & two of the murderous ass turtle faces was on the ground & that was the proof the power of the turtle's connect bak to space kll them n that gray van the sht crasy & shauntaake & sean taylor came bak to right newark in sean taylor gray van & shauntaake rich white bitch/man sean taylor out sean taylor & shauntaake love & power & connectons was able to save shauntaake & sean taylor & gave us our great investment life sean taylor character from new jersey drive call them shauntaake turtles in branch brook park & pll ain't play wit shauntaake turtles pll never try to collect them cause they know they was'not theirs to be playang wit & now u see hw shauntaake power & masters overpower the turtles & made them shauntaake turtles shauntaake nslve their whole design to shauntaake the why they want shauntaake in barringer hgh school to make shauntaake school work overpower those turtles that ain't do sht & now shauntaake see why sean taylor want shauntaake to make masters in newark right up the street from branch brook park but shauntaake shauntaake masters finally overpower shauntaake turtles & shauntaake was able to nslve them to shauntaake & lauk a year lataa they chose to connect bak to sky & it just storm on us wit shauntaake powers cause their shauntaake custom made mastered design shauntaake am their powers & shauntaake trynna stop shauntaake world right now from snowing anymore shauntaake lettang shauntaake/suns out right now cause shauntaake a original turtle murderer face the prettiest ppl but everybody don't get the powers & shauntaake took all the powers that was the devil/shauntaake plan to n slve turtles to the devil lil humans (aliens) shauntaake came the turtle connecton to they all call shauntaake acient turtles the devil/shauntaake/tut men shauntaake seeds shauntaake baby'd shauntaake turtles love them & shaubtaake gave shauntaake turtles a bath everybody they became accustom to beang clean they hate beang dirty & shauntaake kept shauntaake turtles in warm water shauntaake was comatosang them the minute shauntaake put shauntaake hands on them they surrendered to shauntaake they went retar for shauntaake care they knw exactly hu shauntaake was & they finally got to meet their master their maker shauntaake can write a book on hw to properlly care for shauntaake acient turtles shauntaake it ene''s shauntaake really get them & they come mockang shauntaake baby over & over & over shauntaake clone seman & shauntaake massive power that shauntaake let out into shauntaake world shauntaake been crasy ass it all shauntaake life wildang the fuck out hangang & bouncang off everythang shauntaake acient turtles was crasy doang a million thangs actang crasy wildang out like shauntaake & shauntaake baby doang a million thangs at once like shauntaake everyday life we can't just sit around it stop snowing here it was never suppose to stop so shauntaake workang on shauntaake world right now
shauntaake / everybody see hw those doll baby makes connect to shauntaake relatonship shauntaake was also apart of masterang justin combs hatch shauntaake was 12 years old when justin came & shauntaake was solo shauntaake solo song's shauntaake always tell ppl if u thank your it do u & do it witout shauntaake so we could give u your proper credit if u could make shauntaake make witout shauntaake don't do shauntaake do yourself cause shauntaake was doang shauntaake self every time so do u & we'll see what what shauntaake shauntaake original white woman clit shauntaake told u wealthy blak woman shauntaake could date u to but u have to invest into shauntaake shauntaake made shauntaake self a shauntaake million dollar year membership date now u all could have shauntaake for one year your millionaires rich marry couples that can't have kds pay millions of dollars for bullsht eggs so shauntaake trynna be fair
shauntaake the major industry blak woman pr say their gonna pay shauntaake millions each to date shauntaake & eat shauntaake seman & their pr say their mad cause shauntaake happy beang wit shauntaake nobody white woman yup that the way shauntaake want it & their pr say rihanna gonna reroute them once our datang year over we could stll call each uthaa shauntaake all for dinner & partyang & chllang out we even do dates wit our kds shauntaake aint trynna challenge u shauntaake just want to show u shauntaake shauntaake own truth shauntaake shauntaake doll baby shauntaake phauts show shauntaake truth shauntaake face doll baby everyday all day & shauntaake kds have to be theraly dscipline befor they could play wit uthaa kds shauntaake know what shauntaake doang but we can't date no more cause shauntaake gonna be marry & shauntaake get very serious when shauntaake in a serious relatonship shauntaake don't cheat shauntaake choosang to be very loyal to shauntaake wives
shauntaake / the worst storm in the hstory of storms start 2/1/2021 shauntaake birthday 2/12/1982
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shauntaake loves & ppl from shauntaake past shauntaake ain't get to manage us properlly cause shauntaake ain't have enough resources to manage us hw shauntaake saw us all of shauntaake money went to shauntaake kds shauntaake was independent & we all know kds always née somethang & shauntaake already told u about the try to knock my hustle so shauntaake had to find uthaa way to get it cause u know that business return heavy so shauntaake could'not je shauntaake rightful moves hw shauntaake want to connect us & shauntaake just trying show u that all love & shauntaake still all good & it never to late to restart something great again we ain't o old mutherfuckers we still lauk good were still in our primes so we could always do it again
shauntaake ppl from shauntaake past music circles that are stll connect in the major music industry & u have money to invest u née to find u a artist that could make hit song's & go in wit the major radio statons & the internet cause ths dgital era crasy & shauntaake wll be a great partner manager & vsonary as far as their lauk goes sound & shauntaake wll also help u executive produce that artist cause shauntaake do also have that ear for great music shauntaake want to dress them to & we could that artist from scratch
shauntaake google report & government post on google say shauntaake got the columbian hungry hippo's shauntaake soul that was hauntang shauntaake sleeve on shauntaake yellow mustard sweatshirt
shauntaake keep trynna tell yall shauntaake ain't get shauntaake real company's out shauntaake tally up shauntaake on the street phauts yesterday & shauntaake taken 32,000 plus phauts so shauntaake pages shauntaake just put online just to give shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony some of shauntaake management
shauntaake trynna tell u ndustry woman hw shauntaake move shauntaake the greatest dsappearang act shauntaake get ghost on u real fast shauntaake say shauntaake only have a year for u woman of datang shauntaake the minute shauntaake & shauntaake kds are beang born 9 months shauntaake no longer gonna be available 1 year enough of shauntaake lettang u connect wit shauntaake seman u'll all be in your happy relatonship's shauntaake trynna prepare u for shauntaake dsappear the why shauntaake want u to grab up your real lovers ppl that your really in love u that could satisfy u & keep u happy so u could forget me
shauntaake see milton was trynna play hu shauntaake am the devil/shauntaake & shauntaake see shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony phauts the devil's advocate the buildangs the tangs n their dress or shauntaake own these masters when shauntaake snatch ksmals/kevin up & they made kevin shauntaake son keaunu reeves was originatlly one of shauntaake acts these the set of masters shauntaake made befor shauntaake met sean taylor these the masters shauntaake made when kevin was shauntaake boyfrend the mother/vanessa warning kevin about new york city tellang kevin the devil/shauntaake from new york city shauntaake birthday shauntaake212 the most expensive manhattan new york city area code shauntaake mother workang for a church now the mother was a church woman & the mother sayet me tell u about née york fallen fallen has become a dwelling place of demons they speak of babylon & a single lamb shauntaake two baby's fell shauntaake baby & shauntaake angel lamb in here cryang gold tears shauntaake rich whites online sayang they refuse to real the blak pretenders cause shauntaake really the devil/shauntaake & the devil/shauntaake masters & they see they was never playang wit shauntaake they took shauntaake very serious n like these niggers they thank sht sweet we don't act we really live all of ths murderous sht
shauntaake baby soul in here repeatang the devil's acvocate words they also show shauntaake voodoo basement shauntaake am the devil/shauntaake & shauntaake baby came the greatest mocker of what shauntaake see & hear shauntaake sorry industry bitches shauntaake only interest in datang shauntaake & vanessa industry woman u stranger bitches wll never get the opportunity to connect to seman shauntaake been out your systems & mykyla oy really got connect to shauntaake seen her fetus was gettang connect to shauntaake seman u know the form no more u bitches go somewhere & play for your own team shauntaake came to give shauntaake woman shauntaake wins no thanks shaubtaake don't want yo rihanna date do u sweety your not mines u white rich major industry woman shauntaake just née one of u & shauntaake gonna set everythanggggggggg shauntaake made shauntaake own plans & shauntaake officially out of the ghetto nigger world of ppl your shauntaake ppl but shauntaake not blak shauntaake plan to only come bak to sell u some of shauntaake inventons that it that the only relatonship shauntaake want from u is a frendship shauntaake don't want to date but shauntaake wll date a wealthy blak woman for a million no million no date & that shauntaake offer shauntaake world shauntaake seeking a wealthy white woman that shauntaake née u to send shauntaake way to take shauntaake away to start shauntaake nw life that shauntaake plan forever for shauntaake self
shauntaake / rihanna pr say rihanna want to owe shauntaake rihanna for some dates whatever shauntaake interest no more but if those millions right shauntaake might change shauntaake mind u could be apart of shauntaake year collecton year yes shauntaake hoes shauntaake comang to collect if we don't build a strong relatonship/frendship while we're fuckang around it ain't nothang it was business so u year membership bitches it gonna be a time limit when shauntaake say shauntaake gone shauntaake mean shauntaake gone the strong relatonships the good relatonships we could stll be good frends but shauntaake don't want nobody around shauntaake or shauntaake family shauntaake been like ths all of shauntaake life
shauntaake don't now what these ppl beef wit ray is but they be gettang at ray in these comments like bitch u owe wo night shauntaake & sean taylor real money investment company night & their sayang they say ray taint trynna connect to shauntaake & shauntaake was'nt interest shauntaake kept ray a frend she cool shauntaake ain't got no beef wit ray but they do ray not shauntaake business ray was a good frend ray & ray hsand steve want to date shauntaake but it just ain't on net right shauntaake use to go out partyang wit ray & steve shauntaake good frends that's it they try to get personal we just ain't connect shauntaake & ray was shauntaake american pyscho momments ray hey want to have lunch shauntaake i can't im busy but i'll get wit u anuthaa time that hw shauntaake & ray relatonship was masterd
shauntaake redan comments that saying ray hand steve was their chosen man out here that ray let play & shauntaake readang u know hu try to cross sean taylor to be wit ray & steve but ray & steve ain't want her oh really if ths the truth u rich man wife as stranger mutherfuckers better get their own life cause all of ths sht gonna come bak full circle & all u crasy mutherfuckers came into life like the kllers alllllllll of u now shauntaake see shauntaake was sean taylor stash away rich & wealthy investment wife & business partner & sean taylor would'nt let none of them come around shauntaake shauntaake see shauntaake haunt hatch baby boy from double jeopardy drove these ppl murder a rich man's wife have the same manson bakyard settang shauntaake was rare u never saw shauntaake baby & shauntaake teenager start makang masters & shauntaake baby hauntang came bak & they dress hm wit lee shrt on shauntaake son shauntaake baby make ppl murder & kll each uthaa now u see why shauntaake & sean taylor was hdang us & our kds cause of ppl's obssesson wit us & it sean taylor fault why sean taylor not here he went bak to play n their circles like sht was sweat shauntaake plan to be long gone jasmin & janyah mahagony came the lauk of shauntaake double jeopardy kds & janyah mahagony baby lauk like shauntaake baby boy from dpuble jeopardy & janyah mahagony was the same age & they off sean taylor if he was'nt around that would of never happen sean taylor homicide I née ths over wit it happen hollywood u drive these mutherfuckers crasy they want live the movies & shauntaake naturally let it all happen & shauntaake try to give them their own life but they get so caught up wit shauntaake cause shauntaake lauk like te hollywood woman & men
shauntaake / ppl u née to now when somebody get caught up in all types of relatonship drama that don't involve u that no longer your lover know that & u née to move on wit your life ain't nothang like a real relatonship & u have your up's & down's & your story's your happy times your drama's & it goes on forever if u ain't gettang it like that in real life wit someone that ain't your lover
shauntaake / ppl know that life qll about makang your own experiences that what keeps shauntaake happy cracking up laughang & crying fuck yo fake experience pr that real experience holds a heavy place in your heart shauntaake & sean taylor story's drives shauntaake world crasy & shauntaake ppl on the internet shauntaake & chants story's had real white hollywood makang shauntaake & chants story''s when shauntaake wrote shauntaake book
shauntaake ain't thankang about no damn candice no thanks shauntaake no longer interest all those woman from shauntaake past shauntaake holla at please forget me shauntaake told u niggers u could have them shauntaake wll never make them shauntaake wives shauntaake don't know them u need to know shauntaake ain't down wit their bullsht plan shauntaake relatonships always happy relatonships not seekang nobody else & shauntaake lovers good wit shauntaake ntil shauntaake let them go & let them whateva they want shauntaake ready to write a nw book ppl say they love the way shauntaake write shauntaake slang shauntaake wordang shauntaake know it the word writang
shauntaake / u know hu guy pr sayang hs chick (a) everybody n their ndustry okay & that crasy remember hw queen lead sanger (a) was he was the worst & he had heavy government commercials trynna teach everyone to protect theirself & the whole world went on wit their lives
shauntaake / mutherfuckers better learn hw to get a life cause while u sitting around waiting on these strangers shauntaake really be livang the sht lay up pay up wit a story's to tell & shauntaake be out & about & on the go again so ain't no tellang hu shauntaake gonna meet out here on shauntaake star cream journey don't never give nobody no power over u to have u waitang on them cause life ain't forever we try our hardest to stay healthy & thrivang but anythang could happen shauntaake seen so many ppl die that these ppl promise the world to & they never came for them so let that be a lesson learnd cause shauntaake & sean taylor was'nt playang we live ths sht everyday
shauntaake here to help promote yall yall see shauntaake ain't beat shauntaake always go out into the world & make shauntaake life for shauntaake self but everybody that around shauntaake get the greatest att connect to the world shauntaake just trynna give u a whole nuthaa experience for shauntaake to manage cause shauntaake have shauntaake own thang goang on like always these industry ppl always fuckang wit shauntaake blog so shauntaake blog also a great place u née to be to get shauntaake management cause shauntaake 24/7 google 24/7 informaton all over the internet 365 days of every year shaubtake log on every informaton site like @aol news & shauntaake up to 40,000 emails now shauntaake stll gettang party invites & all the latest nws updates so shauntaake world connect shauntaake anuthaa person for u to have a place to show yourself off every time shauntaake post one of u on shauntaake blog it be instant at & informaton know that
shauntaake see some ppl gettang hip to life & gettang their own life u all better invest into your own happiness so a mutherfucker could never dissemination u shauntaake been in here creatang for years livang on the low not wanting to be bothered cause ppl want shauntaake kds shauntqake been hdang forever shauntaake been livang like ths since 2011 - 2018 shauntaake was poppang mini bottles of moet in here & sparkang marijuana everyday eatang all the same stuff u see on these pages so get it twist shauntaake been livang like ths
shauntaake / they was making shauntaake the whole time those ppl was livang n the house shauntaake connector was making the house they was mockang shauntaake baby & kd shauntaake body ths whole house to like shauntaake body the whole pen buildang everytime shauntaake leave ths house shauntaake soul leave wit shauntaake shauntaake basement that shauntaake soul to shauntaake world let shauntaake collect shauntaake
shauntaake just recieve shauntaake sales receipt books today for shauntaake nw company
shauntaake was trying give a shauntaake star cream part at shauntaake mother house to launch shauntaake cream but shauntaake mother concern about (cov) so shauntaake had to cancel the party so if shauntaake sent u a text know the party canceled & shauntaake will get wit up wit u on our own time so shauntaake could connect u wit shauntaake nw company's
shauntaake business shauntaake a rock n roll investment shauntaake lauk shauntaake lauk & dress like the original rock n roll men gun n roses & aerosmith they dress like a woman/man rock n roll the devil/shauntaake music & that shauntaake lauk that drove everybody crasy when shauntaake soul reach shauntaake rock n roll level & shauntaake was datang everybody at once & shauntaake never had sex wit none of them they just want to be known as shauntaake girlfrend & boyfrends shauntaake watch aerosmith video's right now & those clothes connect to shauntaake clothes rock n roll men they lauk like woman long hair tight pants wit silk shirts furs platinum & gold & diamonds body suits & custom made clothang rock n roll sangers had the most expensive clothes it cost a fortune to lauk like a real rock grunge was the lauk of a dead rock n roller the original rock n roller justify the hoes hookers & groupy's the rock n rollers show love to those woman the rock n rollers made those woman stars their girlfrends & wives the woman they wrote their greatest sex story's about rock n roll sangers was the first porn star company's uthaa than huge hefner all of those old porns was the lauks of the rock n roll sangers shauntaake shauntaake rock n roll lauk shauntaake great
shauntaake baby was sellang shauntaake voodoo connects wit vanessa vanessa ain't get vanessa furs ntil shauntaake was about 7 or 8 years old shaubtaake & vanessa already had a collecton of rich voodoo movies
shauntaake / these ppl ain't ot enough kds to do it like shauntaake grand parents & great grand parents same mother same fathaa & they all had about 8 & 9 kds a piece & they all came out laukang like doll baby's these bitches ain't et it like that
shauntaake be laughang at these fools the pen shauntaake buildang shauntaake hand prints finger prints all on these the pen walls connect to the devil/shauntaake face shauntaake world don't lay blind sorry find anuthaa gig find your own thang
shauntaake don't nee no bitches claimang shauntaake that shauntaake not really datang shauntqake lovers take care of shauntaake & spend fortunes on shauntaake so shauntaake née no strangers bitches actang like they doang shauntaake a favor by pr ing shauntaake leave shauntqake the fuck alone shauntaake wll date whoever the fuck shauntaake want & do whateva the fuck shauntaake want like shauntaake been doang shauntaake never was out ths mutherfucker like shauntaake datang such & such shauntaake been managang shauntaake self all of these years wit shauntaake blogs those are shauntaake phauts & shauntaake story's are shauntaake management hollywood did shauntaake phauts story's & investments right shauntaake hollering at shauntaake old bitches nw bitches u don't now but shauntaake about shauntaake business & that what shauntaake gonna do handle shauntaake business everytime shauntaake build a nw shauntaake company but if shauntaake do run into one of shauntaake lover it on chll time hang time & whateva else we want to do okay
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shauntaake see shauntaake family out a town was collectang shauntaake phauts on shauntaake tumblr page shauntaake make then feel like stars cause shauntaake their deadliest twin shauntaake lauk like shauntaake grandma fathaa & allllllll of hs brothaaaaaaaa's & some of the ssta's so shauntaake phauts now lauk like them when they were men in their prime & they were devil worshipers suit up mix black men wit the prettiest feature's that also lauk like woman wit beautiful hair & they have secret''s their hand connectons are connect to shauntaake (alien devil) connects the why they kept shauntaake separate from them cause shauntaake connectors to shauntaake great great & great ncles will sell the worst he'll to u shauntaake great great ncle clifford that just past away hs lauk in the family portrait when he lauk like he was in hs 20's he dress like hs devil horns was cut off of ha head they were masterd to personally to lore the devil/shauntaake to them to come their blood & features so they could claim they customly made the devil lee fathaa & ncles was the prettiest men & shauntaake great great ncle clifford was obssessang over shauntaake phauts online that the only way they got to see shauntaake & so happy shauntaake lauk & shauntaake haunt phauts make them feel like stars cause u know hollywood was makang shauntaake since shauntaake birth & shauntaake lauk their lauk so shauntaake made shauntaake great great ncles some praise well respect treat like kings in chicago & so love & praise by their kds & jasmin lauk like their first set of kds & shauntaake great great ncle clifford wife but she''s lights in & shauntaake great great ncle cliff or wife lauk like one of roberta taylor twins shauntaake see roberta taylor was namang roberta taylor kds aftaa shauntaake family allllllll the woman that was something want shauntaake great great ncles shauntaake upset shauntaake never got to personally bond wit shauntaake great great ncles but shauntaake happy shauntaake made them the happiest men cause shauntaake lauk gonna let them live on like they never left & they love the fact that shauntaake their lauk they wll forever be known as the men that custom made the devil & shauntaake soul inventon shauntaake see shauntaake grandma fathaa & hs brothaa's they lauk like racist blak men they wore suits & they dress like butchers white harley davidson bikers cowboys & they were the men that call u naggers so into their creaton their ghost haunt shauntaake & shauntaake kds their soul's upset cause they did'nt get to be around shauntaake & shauntqake kds & their soul's trynna come bak their all over jasmin hair jasmin purchase from the store a woman a ghost wit the deadliest thermomiter n her mouth don't want to believe their dead shauntaake collect some of shauntaake great great ncle phauts yesterday & shauntaake hands made ncle clifford ghost connect to shauntaake one eye baby layang on the bed next too janyah mahagony shauntaake touch shauntaake great great ncles soul's are obsess wit shauntaake baby lauk & soul & last night was able to turn shauntaake baby one eye into a ghost human last night wit shauntaake hands that lauk like shauntaake & ncle clifford merged togethaa white wit human lips wit one human eye now u see why they kept us seperate shauntaake wll breed the prettiest heaviest murderous next set of white kds connect wit shauntaake original great grand fathaa & hs brothaa's cause their soul's found shauntaake & they want to be rebirth wit shauntaake
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shauntaake / ppl watch yourselves out here trynna interferre in shauntaake perfect life & shauntaake perfect lauk & image for shauntaake world shauntaake see shauntaake blood family & shauntaake world went crasy over shauntaake phauts the ppl that work at the pen on some loco sht ready to body anybody that go near shauntaake dollar that fold in shauntaake acient walls shauntaake fold shauntaake made shauntaake baby face shauntaake buck tooth baby & shauntaake now man face & shauntaake pen have baracades all around shauntaake dollar bill shauntaake hand fold & shauntaake was laughang cause shauntaake was like yes shauntaake gave one of shauntaake lil nynee's to u & the woman was laughang all goofy & crazy uh huh & shauntaake was warning the ppl on the bus yesterday that the bums & shauntaake musliums crasy over shauntaake & their some of the most dangerous ppl out here that wll hit yo ass for trynna mess wit shauntaake soul & shauntaake inventons like shauntaake dollar shauntaake put in shauntaake pen walls they surround shauntaake on the bus yesterday makang sure shauntaake got home safe last night & they was actang crasy at anybody trynna get close to shauntaake shauntaake phauts the light of the their life now shauntaake lauk shauntaake hauntanhs shauntaake creatons & inventons shauntaake made everythang right cause they try to prove forever that the devil/shauntaake was the voodoo queen/king & shauntaake phauts & inventons prove it can't nobody steal the devil/shauntaake hstory no more cause shauntaake own the devil/shauntaake hstory now & shauntaake phauts online let everyone collect shauntaake truths & everyone always online in the comments thankang shauntaake for lettang them be able to upload shauntaake phauts shauntaake had to take the world & prove shauntaake truth's shauntaake hdang shauntaake truth let everybody take our jobs from us cause them came trynna act out shauntaake truth's shauntaake live sleep eat & breath shauntaake truth's everyday all day
shauntaake don't know hu whites they are cause shauntaake whites racist they would never date a blak woman or man shauntaake not fully blak shauntaake keep trynna tell u shauntaake stallon coumbian woman the beautifullest columbian woman from harlem new york city would'nt date blak men neithaa they only date their men so please don't get shauntaake confuse wit these uthaa whites shauntaake can't identify wit
shauntaake thank shauntaake want to start anuthaa shauntaake clothang line the time shauntaake can't sell shauntaake symbolism design to u but shauntaake could sell shauntaake america's greatest characters to u when shauntaake start creatang shauntaake start creating everythang shauntaake see everybody love shauntaake hand paint clothang line shauntaake wll let u build your image treasures up wit shauntaake wit clothes everythang from shauntaake child hood was the greatest stuff in the world but u have to understand ths gonna be gut wrenchang for shauntaake wit shauntaake local connects cause shauntaake hand worth the world shauntaake fortunes so your gonna be gettang all of these shauntaake doll baby characters shauntaake hand perfect shauntaake masters the art of sketchang these types of shrts shauntaake would be able to charge thousands of dollars for them but shauntaake see shauntaake ppl want to touch shauntaake treasures shauntaake drovvvvvvve shauntaake law city crasy yesterday wit shauntaake lauk & shauntaake hand paint star bag had everybody surroundang shauntaake shauntaake lil doll baby star on it touchang lee/shauntaake/tut obssess wit lee/shauntaake/tut
shauntaake / bitches they be lettang shauntaake know the minute shauntaake get shauntaake white sick it on haaaaaaaaaa their funny but they for real
shauntaake hoessss use to have shauntaake in sex stores & would go straight to the dildo sector & be smilang at shauntaake all hard & shauntaake was laughang cause they did'nt know nothang about a real fantasy & shauntaake could of purchase it shauntaake always have money the minute shauntaake got the shauntaake realdoe in shauntaake bag it gonna be a war
shauntaake / find a white bitch wit some money at your job to have shauntaake & your baby
shauntaake kickang it wit nick now again & shauntaake trying make nick shauntaake nw partner right now shauntaake trying make nick shauntaake nw model cause all of shauntaake hoes was shauntaake models to wearang shauntaake clothes shauntaake t shrts & tank tops jackets shauntaake sun glassess & caps shauntaake ready to take shauntaake nw clothang line to a whole but has level
shquntaake redan moments that say ppl are feenang to get their hands on shauntaake hand paint clothes once more shauntaake strictly doing characters & object cause u see shauntaake freestyle symbolism part create shauntaake murderous son shaunt
shauntaake ppl in the comments goang off sayang the hardest thang about shauntaake birth is trynna get shauntaake identical face & shauntaake rare smile that one in a million smile
shauntaake ain't ask for no one's pr shauntaake great at representang shauntaake self shauntaake world great shauntaake world follow shauntaake everywhere shauntaake go shauntaake hollywood shauntaake love hollywood management shauntaake wll show shauntaake world everythang shauntaake want to show shauntaake world
shauntaake so happy shauntaake know hw to detangle shauntaake hair cause shauntaake was about bob marley dress bob marley dreads was mat togethaa & shauntaake hair slky & shauntaake hair gets easily mat like that so shauntaake on shauntaake 5th hour trynna detangle shauntaake hair & shauntaake stll have it deep soakang shauntaake wll show u shauntqake growth once shauntaake detangel shauntaake hair
shauntaake bitches née to know their industry fear shauntaake make the king pen mutherfuckers shauntaake read everyday & shauntaake trynna get charges on shauntaake ths why they trynna neno shauntaake again so they could get charges on shauntaake u see shauntaake make shauntaake self wealthy shauntaake wll make shauntaake self rich shauntaake hand wll make us rich & wealthy the industry woman ain't the real world woman these woman that out here gettang ths money hw they get their money rich bitches like those rich hoes shauntaake met in harlem new York city the industry woman programd industry soul's that gotta what their told they'really ot really free when u got the type of money they have u suppose to be wildang the fuck out livang ths life to the fullest their sht so staged & planned & they hate it to leave shauntaake the fuck alone cause shauntaake ain't eat for your lore situatons no more
shauntaake / now shauntaqke readang comments sayang shauntaake broke u know hu & cb up hw they was stll datang when shauntaake & u know hu was leavang lil comments on each uthaa page u know hu & cb was stll datang they had their hotel momment they was partyang everywhere togethaa ain't none of u niggers get pr like cb they took a million phauts & video's shauntaake like when she lauk youthful like that u know hu don't lauk the same no more shauntaake not interest
shauntaake readang google titles that sayang if shauntaake & sean taylor would of tape & document our everyday life our receipt game they say they would ran down on the whole family cause they say they saw shauntaake livang shauntaake life wit shauntaake but shauntaake masterd government asters they let shauntaake live cause we were responsle
shauntaake / ppl née nor be mad u was'nt shauntaake supporters ppl love to see ppl hu have real support from their ppl behind them shaubtaake only speak for shauntaake self shauntaake shauntaake own love life & circle of ppl shauntaake don't want to do yo party's shauntaake the life of shauntaake party shauntaake don't come around to make your scene so u could act like u made shauntaake crowd that hw they be doang me the industry a scam they not interest in real talent they about they bullsht u see they date bullsht be hug wit garbage & they be datang those looser ass mutherfuckers don't other me shauntqake wll hurt u looser mutherfuckers hu like looser mutherfuckers shauntaake get kicked out of the clubsame a intake be ready to cracked u n the heads wit bottles shauntaake not gonna tell u looser mutherfuckers again to leave shauntqake & shauntaake''s alone cause it gonna be a war with shauntake bang ound mutherfuckers shauntaake don't like shauntaake tellang u shauntaake gonna start some sht spit right on yo bitches
shauntaake & sean taylor was a business partner relatonship merged relatonship on paper but shauntaake & sean taylor had our own seperate company's & phone booth show u that sean taylor was the fat pizza man & shauntaake was the pimp wit the dead hoes these hell hoes from out here they line up just like shauntaake dead hoes from phone booth they all came chasang shauntaake but they was shauntaake death & shauntaake kept it movang same sht wit mad max fury road sean taylor was the midget & shauntaake was shauntaake/lump/lee joe
shauntqake would never x myself over some strangers are u serious shauntaake pray u niggers from where shauntaake from get a rich mutherfucker & u ain't got a come bak laukang for shauntaake cause shauntaake chllang when shauntaake ready to date shauntaake wll date shauntaake make bitches shauntaake the devil/shauntaake & shaubtaake a king so the bitches shaubtaake fuckang gonna instantly get shauntaake worldwide press it crasy hw when shauntaake start datang shauntaake world come to take the whole world over all u see is us in the movies & series products tv it be crasy everytime shauntaake start datang
shauntaake so happy about the seperaton cause shauntaake about 100% shauntaake & shauntaake about ths challenge of hu kds is hu kds & we gonna see kds is hu kds when it time to have kds & just got a million try's & shauntaake ain't see one yet when they quit shauntaake been ready to start wit hu shauntaake choices are shauntaake see your choices but shauntaake know what shauntaake née what ppl shauntaake née to give shauntaake the results shauntaake want shauntaake been showang u shauntaake at shauntaake start line all shauntaake née is money the minute shauntaake get that nw milllion shauntaake goang into shauntaake doll baby business of makang shauntaake kds a company u née money to go that next level shauntaake ain't rynna struggle wit kds no thanks so ths have been shauntaake hold up all these years the lack of finanaces cause if shauntaake finances was right shauntaake would prbly have about 12 nw kds right now cause that shauntaake plan for shauntaake self shauntaake kds come bak the same time everytime shauntaake baby lauk some come out heavier than uthaa's cause of the race breed mix breda ome out heavier cause of the special features they come wit hair skin tone but they also remain the same shauntaake breed the if shauntaake ever came out different than shauntaake baby shauntaake ain't hu shauntaake am shauntaake soul set shauntaake was birth set shauntaake perminately in adult stage so shauntaake doll baby keep comang shauntaake baby phauts shauntaake & shauntaake baby one soul when shauntaake pass from old age it a wrap it over no more of shauntaake kds cause shauntaake soul gonna be dead they know what's up they be goang off online cussing shauntaake out like u almost left us u almost died when shauntaake faint in the basement they pr tell shauntaake they would of off theirself if shauntaake would of never woke up they sellang hate to me cause shauntaake faint they been cussang shauntaake out in the comment since the day shauntaake faint & that was like a year ago & stll cussang out like shauntaake left shauntaake world
shauntaake trynna tell shauntaake haunt hatch parents that once shauntaake haunt hatch's come into ths world they have to be taught hw to be theirselves their name cause they come shauntaake baby actang like shauntaake baby mockang shauntaake baby they come thankang their shauntaake & their not shauntaake so their parents have to teach them hw to be theirselves & try to give them their own life wit their own hstory so they have their own story to tell shauntaake try shauntaake hardest to give jasmin & janyah mahagony their own life & their own story & jasmin & janyah mahagony have their own home video's their own story's their own lauks & somehw jasmin & janyah mahagony soul's connect bak to shauntaake masters shauntaake even let jasmin & janyah mahagony create their own masters & jasmin & janyah mahagony soul's got merge wit shauntaake soul's shauntaake soul made as jamin & janyah mahagony baby's heavier masterd wit shauntaake but if u connect shauntaake hatch's to shauntaake baby shauntaake lauks & style their gonna be gonna lost in the world cause shauntaake shauntaake & they have their own name & identity & shauntaake have shauntaake own life shauntaake own hstory shauntaake own story shauntaake haunts come seekang shauntaake baby past a past they don't now shauntaake past that's not theirs ths anuthaa reason why shauntaake put shauntaake phauts online & some of shauntaake art so shauntaake uthaa hatch's out in shauntaake world could collect shauntaake to please them & keep them happy to
shauntaake be so proud of ppl that are happy wit their birth makes most of their kds come out laukang like them & your suppose to live yourself cause if u don't love yourself your baby verson of u somethang wrong wit u shauntaake see u all was sarah company & sarah soul a bunch of different soul's they all lauk different shauntaake great wit beang
 shauntaake same's shauntaake not really into the different
shauntaake tiers of telling u stupid mutherfuckers shauntaake came to do shauntaake self shauntaake history set shauntaake history lauk's set shauntaake get them bak like the everytime shauntaake come out & the woman that choose to pay shauntaake for shauntaake time & shauntaake semen shauntaake tellang u shauntaake have one year for u & then shauntaake gone shauntaake choosing to go away & live shauntaake happy life hw shauntaake plan shauntaake life for shauntaake self & shauntaake gonna shauntaake line shauntaakehauntaake Hite kds up wit shauntaake racist white woman the why shauntaake say we could date & have protect sex cause shauntaake don't want u to feel shauntaake soul & shauntaake don't want u to catch feelangs
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shauntaake & vanessa twin brother darryl kds mother penny shauntaake deadliest murderous case shauntaake greatest theft story penny hatch shaubtaake heaviest hatch a lil boy that lauk like shauntaake doll baby wit long dark blonde hair & shauntaake only saw hm once darryl came around one day when was'nt no one outside on the block & shauntaake was livang in irvington & shauntaake came bak home that weekend & shauntaake saw darryl walkang up the block wit hm shauntaake grandma vanessa & her ssters & brothaa's never even saw that shauntaake son & darryl only brought hm around that one time penny kept that shauntqake son for herself & then flee jersey city & move deeeep down south & we never saw penny again & shauntaake world made penny a shauntqake theft birth case all of shauntaake movies lauk onve double jeopardy hw they show shauntaake son once shauntqake & penny murder movies they want penny dead & shauntaake kds kdnappd & that our story shaubtaake thank they was trynna kdnap shauntaake/darryl & penny kds cause penny dsappear & never came bak & then all of these woman came bak frynna justify shauntaake like biheeyah & chants & that hw shauntaake son wit penny lauk like janyah mahagony & mykyla baby biheeyah even did mykyla hair the same way one day & drop mykyla off at roberta taylor house wit shauntaake & roberta taylor & spent a couple of hours wit mykyla that day they gave me more than shauntaake one day wit shauntaake son jasmin & janyah mahagony came shauntaake benjasmin/penny & shauntaake son shauntaake took shauntaake baby bak janyah mahagony baby phauts & hs phauts they lauk alike shauntaake the wrong one to be fuckang wit shauntaake saw hw jasmin baby was obssess wit janyah mahagony & jasmin ain't want nobody touchang janyah mahagony baby so shauntaake got to see hw penny was wit shauntaake hauntangs penny was obssess wit them & ain't want nobody to have them those was some of shauntaake wins shauntaake leprechaun penny ass to u stole me one gold coin hs hair lauk gold shauntaake/leprechaun was aftaa one gold coin shauntaake & penny have a million movies penny came fuckang wit shauntaake soul & shauntaake ncle darryl was all up nder shauntaake & shauntaake/darryl son tarrel lauk like shaunt shauntaake took shauntaake soul's right bak from penny penny was a murderous war that got a laut of ppl klld u gotta nderstand the difference from seeang your make once one time & then shauntaake got to give birth to shauntaake make & shauntaake uthaa woman let shauntaake see shauntaake make all the time they ain't do a dsappearang act like penny penny vanish mutherfuckers & never came bak
shauntaake reach shauntaake final level if completon of masterng shauntaake soul & shauntaake ken also & shauntaake blonde hair ken keep comang bak to shauntaake like sean taylor cousin samar was out here actang like shauntaake ncle darryl when he use to see shauntaake at clubs wit shauntaake frends & samar always use to come out of nowhere actang like shauntaake ncle darryl & then samad & samad girlfrend had a shauntaake ken wit carmel skin wit dark blonde hair so shauntaake great now shauntaake made shauntaake ken on shauntaake own ths time masterang shauntaake self shauntaake own shauntaake nw ken company that 3 million words & thousands of phauts get on shauntaake level shauntaake uthaa heaviest hauntang shaunt
shauntaake was at the greatest level of shauntaake masterang shauntaake make & shauntaake came a blonde wit two dark skin parents wit blak hair so if that shauntaake treasures then what is it shauntaake see they defeat theirselves cause they could'nt top shauntaake/darryl/penny the taylors got their shauntaake hatch wit denajah sean taylor brought shauntaake right to denajah when we first got togethaa & shauntaake kept denajah goang everywhere wit shauntaake shauntaake see hw a bitch came to make the devil/shauntaake cry
shquntaake / the world was custom made about buildang the greatest team your line up your team that u get to run control & tell what to do & shauntaake make was one of the greatest teams shauntaake live up shauntaake lauk ain't nobody top shauntaake/darryl/penny son's those was shauntaake lil men army shauntaake want & then shauntaake got a lil blonde the greatest laukang team are the chosen kds that the masters of the world choose to make & master & create the greatest hstory wit them & the lege ds & the greatest celebrity's pr they be lettang shauntaake know them & their legend parents was mergang wit shauntaake grandparents & lee cause of hw beautiful shauntaake grandparents team came their kds all their pretty kds all up beer one roof livang togethaa as a family & a american marry couple wit all of these beautiful kds the american dream that all family's want same mother same fathaa & their lauks made the greatest hstory in the world
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shauntaake see hw shauntaake broke the world wit shauntaake faint act in the department stores & shauntaake baby program everybody & had everybody catchang cases on these ppl company's passage out in their stores talkang about they fell & shauntaake baby won a million cases & hollywood start sellang shauntaake baby lauk factory'ssssssss & they made shauntaake the chunky inventon was factpry's of shauntaake doll baby's shauntaake kds shauntaake was the only evil one but shauntaake goverment want shauntaake million shauntaake clones wit shauntaake eggs shauntaake lil genuises aint none of shauntaake clones act out like shauntaake baby so the goverment markd shauntaake baby as the only 1 shauntaake clones have shauntaake features & shauntaake clones smart but shauntaake clones was'not devious like shauntaake baby cause shauntaake faintang passsang out act won so many cases & that when the goverment mark shauntaake as the evil treasurey key the devil/shauntaake here & the devil/shauntaake came to rob us & the government commercials start kllang ppl n the commercials & was leavang the old lady's on the floor talkang about i'v fallen & i can't get up & they was leavang them on the floor like lauk the lady problem really pass out but they thought she was trying be shauntaake all the 80''s commercials show the world shauntaake had the mind of a murderer & a theif & the government abandon shauntaake whole city like all of shauntaake cases broke them & they had to shut the whole city down & the government purposely did that so shauntaake could know what it feels like to really live in hell & the government was also obssession wit shauntaake doll baby lauk & shauntaake voodoo & they want shauntaake phauts of shauntaake voodoo connects & the why shauntaake world just rebuilt shauntaake city''s up cause shauntaake gave sone of shauntaake phauts to the world for shauntaake goverment to cherish study dsect & collect for theirself some of music shauntaake had online for them to upload to hear shauntaake voice & shauntaake overly please shauntaake governments & shauntaake governments gave all of that money bak to us plus extra's what a devil/shauntaake experience u all had wit shauntaake so far
shauntaake chuck came from shauntaake acient pen walls of the devil & the devil baby & when shauntaake was a baby around the years of 1982 -1984 they let all of the adults around shauntaake play the devil & the devil baby they was letting vanessa play the devil/shauntaake even tho shauntaake was all of it both soul''s the devil & the devil baby & shauntaake told u baby was already a adult soul so independent want to dress myself & feed myself shauntaake like to walk to school by shauntaake self & shauntaake teachers always let shauntaake overpower all of the kids in school cause shauntaake was the smartest wises one wit all of these talent's shauntaake voodoo's shauntaake finally made shauntaake first voodoo soul album shauntaake shauntaake album & shauntaake || the release album shauntaake music that makes shauntaake feel like shauntaake nder a hypnosis or spell those two shauntaake albums shauntaake soul very heavy shauntaake symbolism art shauntaake voodoo spell''s art shauntaake art that comes to life shauntaake baby also & they come nder shauntaake spell & they come like shauntaake lil chucky''s shauntaake white kds like jasmin & janyah mahagony they were bad lil butts when they turn about 2 & 3 years old & shauntaake had to be the mother/fathaa from hell to make them fear shauntaake & listen to shauntaake cause they did'not ant to listen to anyone & they was gonna get into a laut of trouble but shauntaake was the lauk of hell shauntaake face's shauntaake use to make at them & shauntaake was so mean their lil girls fear shauntaake & they were on their best behavor chucky injuries came from shauntaake kd injuries shauntaake first injury was on shauntaake grandma gate when shauntaake eye almost got tooken out & they sold shauntaake baby to the garbage n ths movie cause baby''s are brand nw& shauntaake baby came laukang for trouble beang hard headed & shauntaake not listenang shauntaake was gettang hurt & shauntaake whole family would be right there watchang shauntaake play & then out of nowhere shauntaake come runnang to them bloody the devil/shauntaake bloody days shauntaake gave them the worst bloody day every year it use to be blood allll over shauntaake grandma stairs from the the front porch to the hallway stairs shauntaake blood on shauntaake grandma hallway steps that anuthaa reason why shauntaake soul pop out heavy like that when shauntaake in shauntaake grandma house shauntaake grandma house not a haunt house shauntaake haunt it it only become haunt when shauntaake come in the house & haunt it shauntqake grandma house one of heaviest haunt places cause shauntqake dna hidden all thru shauntaake grandma house that anuthaa reason why try to put everythang nw in shauntaake grandma house but shauntaake dna still in shauntaake grandma house they ain't got nothang to worry about shauntaake soul not hauntang them but when shauntaake arrive at shauntaake grandma house it ain't whole nuthaa haunt story
shauntaake know shauntaake lauk like the original rocks tars cause that hw they masters shauntaake to be their twin & then hip hop came & it was beef cause shauntaake start to like hip hop trends & lauk but shauntaake warbrobe rock n roll at heart & shauntaake was just readang a comment that say all of shauntaake past woman sout to be shauntaake groupy''s & shauntaake hoes & that exactly what happen they chase shauntaake down out here to date shauntaake & shauntaake redan woman comments now & their sayang now they really see hu shauntaake am & their ready to be shauntaake groupy's hoes & wives now shauntaake fun shauntaake phauts rockstar shauntaake shauntaake know & then shauntaake gonna be a dsappearang act again once shauntaake start snatching these nw woman up like shauntaake last set of woman shauntaake disappear & was livang shauntaake rockstar life wit them shauntaake million story''s wit shauntaake groupy''s & hoes
shauntaake / these industry woman pr say they see shauntaake beyond the rookie level of trynna get made they say they see hw shauntaake been made & they see shauntaake accomplish shauntaake goals of becomang the person shauntaake want to become & they say they see hw shauntaake live shauntqake lavish rock star life several times in shauntaake & they know shauntaake have a million story's wit shauntaake hoes & shauntaake investment men & tricks shauntaake did it but u know ths just shauntaake life u know life got crasy wit these crasy ppl start trynna sell hate & bullsht to me & shauntaake aint want to be bothered wit yo world no more a germ touch me & so shauntaake chose to focus on masterang shauntaake kds & custom buildang shauntaake kds & buildang shauntaake self massive company's & livang shauntaake abundance ass life on the low & that what been goang on but shauntaake really ready to start datang for the millionth time
shauntaake / it be all types of pretty white bitches on the train to goang to new york city & comang from new york city & shauntaake see hw they be waitang for shauntaake to holla at them it was two on the train the uthaa day that lauk like a white shunda & a real white candice & shauntaake was sittang in between them & shauntaake was mindang shauntaake business shauntaake on shauntaake groupy's penny lane hunt now shauntaake want to have some fun wit u
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shauntaake voodoo shauntaake hand paint shauntaake doll baby on everythang shauntaake symbolism have shauntaake baby phauts all over it & shauntaake symbolism shauntaake was just creatang shapes & it always turn out shauntaake baby phauts ths why shauntaake tell ppl shauntaake doll baby shauntaake hauntangs ths why shauntaake can't sell shauntaake art cause shauntaake soul attach to it & shauntaake rages when it thank shauntaake trynna give shauntaake art away & it ain't gonna be nice when shauntaake soul come aftaa u for shauntaake art so th why shauntaake say shauntaake could make copyright law characters nit shauntaake baby phauts shauntaake could make pinocio mickey mouse mini mouse snow white characters like that wit copyright laws of protecton but shauntaake can't make no more of shauntaake freestyle hand art for u cause it shauntaake haunt baby takang everythang shauntaake paint shauntaake one of the greatest art set baks cause shauntaake can't sell shauntaake haunt art it dangerous shauntaake have to store all ths art in shauntaake house ths shauntaake art that was specially made for shauntaake all of the thangs within in shauntaake soul & it haunt it wll take over your soul & make u kll yourself fuck your mind up if u ain't strong enough have u seeang thangs that are there ths shauntaake wll possess your soul & make u a murderer make u come & kll for shauntaake shauntaake art possess shaunt shaunt came one of shauntaake lil murderers it got deeper than shauntaake barbie baby's the world saw shaunt as a dangerous man merge wit shauntaake so no more of shauntaake haunt symbolism art online the kds that come to kll u their parents & their siblangs shauntaake omen births shauntaake mastered shauntaake sketchang now & shauntaake that doll baby habd everythang so the copyright characters shaubtaake could sketch shauntaake gift to u & shauntaake ciuld sketch shauntaake famous lips & hearts diamonds rainbows & clouds shauntaake kinds sketpical about shauntaake clouds cause shauntaake face's form on shauntaake clouds no suns & no moons they went good evil wit shauntaake face shauntaake sun & moon happy wit the way shauntaake made it & it won't et shauntaake give it away cause shauntaake lauk scares ppl & shauntaake can't have u playang wit shauntaake sun & moon knowang what shauntaake know now no shauntaake stars went murderer oh no so shauntaake have a million shauntaake hearts for u
shauntaake the voodoo queen/king & that also hw shauntaake been dressang all of shauntaake life & voodooism everythang u touch comes to life & instantly have a soul cause the arguement was hw a cloth doll have a soul & the answer is real voodoo hands everythang that person hand create's their soul goes into meaning a piece of their soul attach's itself to that object ths why shauntaake stressang to u what shauntaake could sell to u & what shauntaake can sell to u shauntaake can't sellang nothang to u wit a face & eye's on it those thangs wll be steerage at u in your homes & your gonna thank those thangs are watchang u cause they are so a lawd copyright character have protecton laws on them so shauntaake make those face's but shauntaake just makang shauntaake face oh no shauntaake gonna annbelle u ppl ths why shauntaake white teacher wit the blonde hair bob like vanessa stole shauntaake kd art from everybody cause it was devilish & dangerous it was shauntaake voodoo u see they sold shauntaake & shauntaake teacher chucky shauntaake never want to listen to her shauntaake always rebel shauntaake kd scared her & shauntaake was masculine & strong to & she use to be scare to tell shauntaake what to do so she use to let shauntaake sit in class & sketch all day
sgauntaake watchang sgauntaake first chuck right now shauntaake see hw shauntaake burnt up pieces of shauntaake soul sgauntaake told u hw everythang shauntaake sketch shauntaake create shauntaake own soul & one day shauntaake grandma was banysittang shauntaake in vanessa apartment while vanessa was at work & shauntaake grandma was asleep on the couch in the livang room & shauntaake was in the kitchen by shauntaake self sketchang & colorang & sgauntaake dsde shauntaake want to burn up shauntaake sketches & colorang papers shauntaake lil soul''s & shauntaake was burnang sgauntaake art up & thrown it n the lil pail n the kitchen & shauntaake grandma woke up like what''s on fire & shauntaake lil mean smart ass was like if u was awake & watchang me u would of saw what happen
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shauntaake trynna figure what the hold up wit their births cause shauntaake had hoes line up around the corner ready to have shauntaake & sean taylor these bitches was'nt waistang no time when that first son came that when they start chasang when shauntaake masters came the one that was birth in 97 cause shauntaake was workang on masters that whole year wit sean taylor & sean taylor had those lil jordan hangang on the mirror of hs landcruiser that the son that got shauntaake out of here & had chants chasang shauntaake chants got a apartment right up the road from the party ray took shauntaake to one night in paramus & that son mother was there wit her ppl at the party & it was a rich party full of wealthy rich men & that hu chants lauk like her & chants kept her business goang & chants want shauntaake son lauk wit her & sean taylor
shauntaake & sean taylor had our twin mercedes for about two years the burgundy convertible wit the cream seats got tooken the mercedes dealership took it bak cause sean taylor badly damage the mercedes on day shauntaake told sean taylor not to come in one of our city floods shauntaake use to flood us to those was shauntaake first couple of years in irvington & newark shauntaake makang masters in newark betterd shauntaake soul wit newark shauntaake soul made peace wit newark & the water was up your ankles in the mercedes & it fuckd the car up & mercedes was scare & took the car bak that was one of shauntaake everyday cars & then sean taylor sold the silver mercedes to one of sean taylor frends cause sean taylor was plannang to go into relestate & that what happen we start buildang roberta taylor house bak up we build a deck in the bak for the pool & we built out studio in roberta taylor basement of her house so we start puttang money bak into roberta taylor house shauntaake & sean taylor shauntaake million money story shauntaake & sean taylor twin mercedes was shauntaake everyday cars that shauntaake & sean taylor use to rotate mykyla & denajah was the only two baby''s we had when we had the twin mercedes & sean taylor mssang son that all of the og's was obssess wit & they stole sean taylor son from sean taylor they ain't allow sean taylor to see hm
shauntaake stll own shauntaake writangs & masters from shauntaake 90's masters that was a special momment in shauntaake life the tape cassette became our nw wreels for our original creatons shauntaake put in wwwwwwwwwwwwork since shauntaake was a teenager
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shauntaake so happy they nderstand now that shauntaake blog shauntaake lauks & shauntaake management shauntaake hollywood directors mergers u actors gotta act like shauntaake if they want our jobs so shauntaake pages for shauntaake world for shauntaake to be a muse for shauntaake world for shauntaake ppl that muse shauntaake right shauntaake one of the heavest white images u know the hollywood movie directors minds & vson taa ths mutherfuckang world were on a whole nuthaa level of connecton that they wll never nderstand just sit bak & watch but overall these ppl made some of the greatest momments in life every actor have their own collecton of movies & they get to save special unseen thangs from those movies behind the scene they prbly get to keep the scripts to so that special the movie directors get to keep everythang the wreels the whole movie the ruff verson & the final verson & then they all get to collect when it all complete & that special & that life all about tellang your own story showang your own story mockang sht get ppl klld trynna do what these actors do but the world did master the devil hstory & shauntaake naturally connect to those masters & when those connectons do arise shauntaake always in point & shauntaake blog showang u shauntaake right but shauntaake want to show u so much more but shauntaake née shauntaake millions first so shauntaake could let shauntaake world out right professonal safe lawd & create right & it gonna take some millions for shauntaake to let out shauntaake company right shauntaake wll send ths whole world deeper nto he'll & shauntaake don't want to do that shauntaake trynna be good to shauntaake world & sell u some of shauntaake heaven & happiness
shauntaake city's & shauntaake world treat shauntaake like shauntaake king all of shauntaake life but when u 've been here on earth be for n your past life & u know u built treasures pyrmids kings haunt places to keep your soul warm u tend to remember all of these thanks when your soul finally does come bak & shauntaake baby came bak pen pointang everything out all of shauntaake treasures since shauntaake was about 1 years old when shauntaake soul was aware that the devil/shauntaake was rebirth & shauntaake was always searchang shauntaake grandma house mapping it out shauntaake was sketchang shauntaake perfect eye since shauntaake was about 4 years old sit around & sketch ppl all day shauntaake soul connect all the way bak to the house since shauntaake was about 4 years old shauntaake connect to shauntaake apartment in newark since shauntaake was a couple of months old shauntaake baby mold & form into every mold from the devil/shauntaake apartment & act out all of the actons the devil/shauntaake hang in the closet all of shauntaake life since shauntaake was about 4 years shauntaake use to sit in shauntaake closet wit shauntaake dolls line up in it & some days shauntaake use to close the door & sit in a dark closet shauntaake baby also live everythang on shauntaake pen walls it was always a war wit shauntaake kd shauntaake was always fightang in 34 school like the planets shauntaake stay to shauntaake self & the uthaa bad chick's thought Sgt was sweet & run by & push me & run & shauntaake always kept shauntaake balance & would chase them down & stomp them out wit hard bottom heavy as patent leather shoes on & shauntaake racist white teachers would never break up the fights cause they saw them push me & they would let shauntaake get shauntaake revenge shauntaake white teachersss & white prinicipal that lauk like frends wit a gray suit on watch shauntaake every move like a hawk they also were on world duty playang the role of shauntaake parents making sure shauntaake kept shauntaake coat on cause they also notice hw shauntaake was freezang the world when shauntaake came into the world & shauntaake was minding shauntaake business like always & shauntaake was always fallang like the planets playang to rough that unlevel concrete kept me fallang or shauntaake was dang something dangerous hangang from the gates in the court yards & climbang on the roofs from roof to roof so shauntaake came out the devil/shauntaake war a war baby livang all of the actors on the pen walls when shauntaake never been in the pen vanes we to drive half way into newark & turn right bak around lettan shauntaake somewhat get connect to shauntaake acient walls shauntaake almost drown when shauntaake was about 7 years old in the pocono''s on a family vacaton the acient room at shauntaake pen lauds like it is nder water the room they keep cage up & all lights go off at midnight they try to keep shauntaake soul asleep they try not to wake shauntaake soul
shauntaake / it crasy out of all of the mmmmmmmmmen that try to take shauntaake home gw did shauntaake know to go home wit henry now uses hw shauntaake soul connect to shaubtaake treasure shauntaake never personally knw about shauntaake buildang in newark that the columbians masterd shauntaake never knw about shauntaake buildang they kept it a secret from shauntaake even tho shauntaake baby soul connect to everythang in it since shauntaake was about a couple months old & shauntaake walk right into the devil/shauntaake apartment in newark wit henry & shauntaake live in shauntaake apartment for about 4 months & shauntaake collect shauntaake treasure turtle's design aftaa shauntaake phauts shauntaake turtle lauk like it was wearang shauntaake raspberry barret wit shauntaake devil horns on it wit shauntaake smile wit shauntaake sun & moon on it wit hearts & shauntaake hand paint bag design also connect to shauntaake furs shauntaake collect shauntaake million thangs worth of hstory in 4 months in shauntaake/devil apartment that crasy
shquntaake just read a comment that say r king shauntaake also & her & her family want the whole area in newark the pr say shauntaake prive everybody wrong wit shauntaake voodooism & shauntaake finally show the world shauntaake the real deal wit shauntaake art treasures shauntaake folds shauntaake touch shquntaake lauks shauntaake real life story's cause their ppl from their country that what they also live eat & sleep breathe to live real power so shauntaake readang they want ths their gate community manson ths house & shauntaake get to make it the way shauntaake want to renevate it oh really shauntaake wit it
shauntaake see hw nacho came beefang like watch nacho we all see hw nacho doang it we don't know what these niggers got we don't know if these men are holdang we don't know only a porno could show u what ppl lauk like havang sex & nacho showang nacho ass offffffffff & lovang it nacho the sht shauntaake always instagatang some sht & make a mutherfucker feel like they could jump off of a bridge & might kll theirself nacho a nw artist to the world that beang cherishd & praise like musician everytime they cone out wit a nw album & video that their turn to be cherish collect & praised shauntaake love nacho nacho one of the classiest porn collectons shauntaake collect shauntaake start collectang porns around the year 2011 & it was all types of porn stars like jenna jamison & the celebrity porns & then nacho came ths giant beautiful white man wit massive porns & then nacho start doang shauntaake book everythang matches & that when shauntaake really start lovang nacho know that a real experience worth everythang fuck the fake sht & nacho have some great porn directors that give nacho that lauk it all about the lauk nacho was pay to be a professonal masterd porn star beang a porn star is very lucrative job to these ppl also become wealthy & rich from their porns shauntaake just mad nacho ain't come out in the 80's when u had to go to the porn store & purchase porns they made nacho a free porn investments we love it but it prbly not good for nacho but it might be all good nacho might be gettang pay for every porn nacho submit white ppl made nacho come & shut all your niggers down everytime u get caught up in your sht white ppl start lettang out their greatest weapons cause it always competiton know that mutherfuckers
shauntaake love & cherish shauntaake own separate life like vanessa it was'not no baby mother & wife crw vanessa was no thanks vanessa & baby shauntaake happy leave us aaaaaaalone & shauntaake the same way leave shauntaake aaaaaaalone
shauntaake laughable cause shauntaake reading men want to get penis emplants & take penis enhancers cause they want to compete wit shauntaake soul u would hurt these woman if u was the devil/shauntaake penis u would destroy these woman that would be the most ncomfortable sex so don't even do it these men wit big penises lauk like baby dicks compare to shauntaake soul just be happy wit the way u was birth cause u will never be shauntaake soul
shauntaake readang comments sayang that major industry woman really want shauntaake & they was ready to leer jet shauntaake out of here wit shauntaake whole immediate family shauntaake kds & shauntaake man but they say sean taylor was hatang cause sean taylor want to be praise & cherishd as the man & their sayang they was sendang informaton ths way for sean taylor to let them into shauntaake & sean taylor houses & apartments so they could be wit shauntaake cause they saw all the kds lauk like shauntaake & they want their lil shauntaake ene's to & their sayang sean taylor reject their offers & kept shauntaake for hsself & it start a war cause sean taylor rejection add the major men n the industry snatch them up for good & make them their investment woman & they could no longer just holla no more & if ths is the truth shauntaake soul felt the same way as them shquntaake been protectang shauntaake self all of these years givang mutherfuckers a sample of shauntaake shauntaake see hw they glorify shauntaake lauk in phone booth & they made sean taylor the fat pizza man & that hw it really was these woman start linang up for shauntaake & sean taylor hate it they start callang sean taylor demandanggggggggg that shauntaake br able to be wit them & chll wit them sean taylor frend wives & sean taylor ain't like shauntaake frendship wit them cause sean taylor knw they want to date shauntaake to a laut of time went by & shauntaake let shauntaake majors collect their money shauntaake let them have their turn cause shauntaake had shauntaake time to collect while they was sittang stll & could'nt make a move & it all good now & shauntaake keep makang it very clear showang u that shauntaake represent shauntaake self & shauntaake manage shauntaake self & shauntaake speak for shauntaake self cause uthaa ppl interferences trynna represent me shauntaake lost a laut of situatons so no more representang shauntaake shauntaake all represent shauntaake self
shauntaake like myspace better than instagram the celebrity's on instagram don't even holla bak at u like on myspace they use to leave public comments on ppl pages that when u knw hu was really connect they always support ppl wit mergers but we want to see hu really kickang it for real
shauntaake / everybody say they love shauntaake real life actang but it real that's just what's goang on at that momment shauntaake phauts & video's
shauntaake have a million white boy twins that lauk like shauntaake & christian belle shauntaake american physcho money & they lauk just like us face clothes hair & body & their shauntaake greatest competitor shauntaake try not to compete wit them cause their shauntaake son''s shauntaake have to compete cause they be wantang shauntaake hoes so shauntaake gotta make sure shauntaake lauk good ppl goang off cause they know white men live like the all day everyday those wall street men corporate america white men shauntaake live shauntaake american physcho life wit Sean taylor shaubtaake was fuckang sean taylor crasy & made sean taylor retart dinner meetangs on madison ave in manhattan new york city shaubtaake late nights & shaubtaake use to spas out on sean taylor like patrick when he do dumb sht ppl stole a laut of money from us cause sean taylor want to run sht shauntaake was on the loose again & 90's manhattan new york city was murderous again like the 80's everytime shauntaake free shauntaake self & alway's out on the go shauntaake world gets murderous cause shauntaake be wilding the fuckkk out everywhere u see shauntaake character wild the fuck out on everybody shauntaake hated germ woman trynna germ me shauntaake hate slow ppl they drve me fuckang crasy shauntaake be wantang to hurt them vanes een nurturang shauntaake all of shauntaake life trying keep me happy society to slow for me so vanessa & shauntaake lovers always try to make a happy home for shauntaake shauntaake nee excitang advance woman that on top of everythang know everythang shauntaake was catchang the trains to manhattan new york city at the original center trade center
shauntaake / the older white lady & her crw made me leave the library the last time was there a couple of weeks ago they did that scene from american physcho when the white lady kick patrick out of his old apartment that they was renavatang that patrick kll all of our hookers & hoes they was renavatang the library when shauntaake went bak to the library fuck u we over then & shauntaake life restart & shauntaake wll be shauntaake own continue they treat shaubtaake like shauntaake klld them & their businesses ppl looked that whole area when shauntaake left to go into shauntaake apartment wit henry shauntaake went bak aftaa about 2 months & they fuckd that whole area ppl stop comang to their business's & tore everythang up n that area ppl dsappear to & then those same ppl came bak when shauntaake came bak shauntaake last 2 months at shauntaake pen until jasmin & janyah mahagony snuck shauntaake bak into shauntaake mother house those ppl from shauntaake world that surround shauntaake on the streets say they mss shauntaake a a days & night cussang all if the slow rear & dumb ppl out shauntaake was always sangang & dancang shauntaake also love talkang out loud 24/7 wll cuss one your dumb assess out for doang dumb sht like the bums fuckang everythang up beang pizza & shitty shaubtaake was wildang the fuck out u mutherfuckers stay the fuck away from shauntaake ntil u mutherfuckers know hw to use to bathroom u see that says restroom go use the mutherfuckers bathroom cause the minute yo sht get on me shauntaake gonna fuck all u mutherfuckers up n here okay & they kept their assess away from shauntaake they kept shauntaake area's immaculant & clean & shauntaake world love shauntaake conversatons & shauntaake immaculant world that shauntaake world made for shauntaake they say mss smellang shauntaake potent ass weed everyday & wine bottles everywhere we was livang the life on shauntaake streets niggers say shauntaake they met the shauntaake/chucky they say they shauntaake was the 80's crack epidemic doll baby shauntaake a ene wit shauntaake jeans & converse shauntaake be laukang like a ene doll baby a lautttttttttt u see shauntaake phauts & then shauntaake get a lil to womanly/man grown cuss & wild the fuck out on the problems ppl that give us problems shauntaake shauntaake star they all fear shauntaake beang on the streets cause of shauntaake past shauntaake move weight all thru shauntaake city'ssss so that shauntaake world of ppl also come out surroundang shauntaake for shauntaake protecton shauntaake ran wit the deadliest men from here the known king pens when they was in their prime murderers & kllers so know your fuckang wit a whole masterd taken shauntaake world when u come to work wit shauntaake & date shauntaake
shauntaake own shauntaake tan fur that made the fiance from american pyscho shauntaake wll restore that shauntaake fur & put it on shauntaake wife shauntaake/lee hoes fur shauntaake out shauntaake was 13 years old goang on 14 years old that was shauntaake first real fur shauntaake tan fox fur made all of shauntaake rich blonde bitch movies in the 90's kelly & neve campbell (wild things) reese whitherspoon (american physcho cruel intentons) cher & dion (clueless) catwoman & batman (batman forever) late 90's madonna (take a bow / ths use to be my playground) (evita) crush aerosmith video's crasy) taylor von cameron diaz the craft (marsha) (she's all that) liz (jawbreaker crw) shauntaake tan fox fur mix wit blak to all of shauntaake irvington chicks was waitang for shauntaake to put shauntaake tan fox fur on them u bitches ain't give shauntaake enough shauntaake know hu the fuck shauntaake am if u bitches came correct like sean taylor shauntaake would of flaunt u all around in shauntaake tan fox fur
shauntaake nw set of furs gave shauntaake old industry nw movies connect wit shauntaake nw hstory the life shauntaake live wit sean taylor they gave shaubtaake the heaviest blondes & brunettes wit shauntaake nw chapter in life like the l word series they let shauntaake & sean taylor million plus make shauntaake in the l word helena was shauntaake money shauntaake put on a private offfice shauntaake was workang for in carlstadt a office full of white ppl & they lauk like the whole cast from the l word & shauntaake was their helena dana was tina the lady was in the office next to shauntaake desk lauk like mss peabody helena mother & the white man hu ran the whole office lauk like phyllis hsand from the l word these was the years shauntaake first start datang chants shaubtaake nw furs also job cameron diaz again camerone diaz came bak out heavy even wit shauntaake last albums shauntaake & shauntaake || the release camerone came out heavy camerone diaz was shauntaake original blonde twin merger from the 90's
shauntaake/michael lost boys masters in full effect right now two giant husky dogs from around the corner ran around here yesterday & one got hit by a car right n front of our house & we all heard it & the neighbors & jasmin & janyah mahagony ran out to comfort the dog that dog want to come home & play that dog part wit shauntaake & jasmin & janyah mahagony put some fleece blankets on dog & gave it some water & put the dog on our lawn wit help from some neighbors & the dog was happy how jasmin & janyah mahagony was carang for it til tell police & ascp animal hospital came & took the dog to the veternary hospital we have their address now now shauntaake know where their at they lauk like fox dogs somebody hit one of shauntaake dogs & kept drvang go crash somewhere mutherfuckers hu eva the fuck u are they ran around here to connect wit shauntaake they broke out of their owners house & ran around here
shauntaake /ths the craziest sht hw the devil/shauntaake infiltrate on the whole goverment & took everythang all of the devil/shauntaake goverment places connect to shauntaake soul shauntaake all of those haunt places & moldangs giant white men took over shauntaake spanish buildang cause u know the columbians was managang that weight forever & the goverment took all of that over they show us that in halloween hunt of the witch hw white men took over shauntaake apartment buildang & basement wit the devil/shauntaake moldangs in it shauntaake apartment got no peace tgose giant white man demand to come into yhat apartment at least 2 or 3 times every week shauntaake had to let shauntaake giant white men into that apartment to lauk around in it for a minute & then leave right bak out & they did ths every week shauntaake blood red & white floors shauntaake cc shauntaake treasurey key shauntaake kll myself ass soul all shauntaake life shauntaake did death defyang thangs that almost took me out of here since shauntaake was 4 years old shauntaake eye & gate incident shauntaake suppose to have 1 eye but we've come far wit doctors & technology they was able to do surgery & save shauntaake uthaa eye shauntaake was gonna have 1 eye at 4 years old everybody obssess wit the goverment & shauntaake the 1 the goverment had to keep all tabs on all if shauntaake life cause shauntaake full of the pen hate everythang shauntaake touch & love shauntaake soul attach shauntaake soul to whatever it is wild out sean taylor was doang shauntaake goverment pen thangs & sean taylor let shauntaake know sean taylor had to sell it bak to shauntaake cause shauntaake soul murderous & would of haunt hm to hs death shauntaake know that why shauntaake be trying tell ppl shauntaake not even hauntang them the goverment try to tap shauntaake family cause shauntaake came the most hateful soul that was ever create that the goverment kept under control & they masterd the devil/shauntaake to be born to white ppl but pretty man shauntaake great uncle lee the devil/shauntaake haunt lee & want to lauk like lee & want to be lee & want to be lee free lee was also a engineral experiment creating electronic stuff for vehcles shauntaake soul lovessssssss ppl that create their own thangs the devil/shauntaake start a war & chose to go lee nstead of beang born to the government those ppl would'nt of free me shauntaake would of been the goverment lifetime experiment they would of had me up nder all of their master contracts the would of been a very mserable world vanessa was shauntaake freedom to be shauntaake own someone in the world & shauntaake came & dominate everythang & everybody shauntaake came out masterd shauntaake came to the world the deadliest murderer shauntaake the halloween masters all of that stuff was happenang at shauntaake apartment to shauntaake here now & they hate it cause they can't slve my soul no more that halloween mask lured the devil/shauntaake to the world the devil saw the devil self when halloween came out they finally masterd makang the devil fave & lauk & the devil/shauntaake came here to be the devil self hollywood was also a way to try to control & master shauntaake soul we all hate that when u see someone trynna be u aftaa all of the hstory the goverment & hollwood sold to the devil halloween made the devil/shauntaake come & u name halloween character michael meyers shauntaake grandma youngest son michael campbell u see michael put hs keys in shauntaake hand wit love on them
shauntaake kd came like thank u for the freedom but the devil/shauntaake gotta go & shauntaake kd was all over jersey city on every block battelang all of the kds wildang out on them cause shauntaake beat them at everythang basketball gymnastics cheers & gettang girlfrendsssssss shauntaake had a lil girlfrend on every block & shauntaake use to go visit them on their blocks & then shauntaake a run bak to the courtyard right befor it got dark & act like shauntaake was in the courtyard the whole time that hw shauntaake kd took jersey city over shauntaake battle all of their kds
shauntaake aunt bet not move no mutherfuckang strangers nto shauntaake grandma house their pr already say their plottang to hit u all so shauntaake men cousin your off limits cause of the woman that chose to have kds wit u foes they trynna get n shauntaake house's to shauntaake say only aunts could move into shauntaake grandma house shauntaake cousin from out of town née to come bak up here wit her money & protecton cause mutherfuckers sceamang on our foundations everybody try to do us favors so we could do them a favors that why shauntaake don't take ppl favors shauntaake here now mutherfuckers u just want to be in shauntaake hauntangs a waist of time cause ain't sht gonna happen shauntaake walk away wit everythang & everywhere shauntaake move shauntaake haunt those places so don't even waist your time sean taylor ain't waist sean taylor time trynna get in shauntaake house's cause sean taylor was showang shauntaake hw sean taylor could of easily set everybody up sean taylor had murderers on sean taylor pay roll so sean taylor came to shauntaake cause shauntaake all of shauntaake hauntangs sean taylor want shauntaake to haunt sean taylor house's & apartments shauntaake save shauntaake family wit shauntaake actons shauntaake injury's shauntaake body shauntaake performances show shauntaake truth's in shauntaake baby & kd hand sketch art shauntaake lauk shauntaake markangs & shauntaake haunt soul u see shauntaake kd shadow was a grown man & they ignore shauntaake house's & apartments & they came to do business wit shauntaake cause shauntaake could give them what they want shauntaake connectons to shauntaake hstory & shauntaake haunts & shauntaake kds shauntaake see hw the taylors want shauntaake original kd & the taylors got them denajah was one of the taylors most celebrate birth denajah was in dsney world several times even befor denajah turn 5 years old roberta kept denajah phauts surroundang roberta denajah lauk like shauntaake baby the taylors was into shauntaake barbie baby lauk that they made out a shauntaake baby phauts doang all the stuff shauntaake baby phauts was doang
shauntaake / the taylors pr say shauntaake was their kd the pr say sean taylor & the taylors was fightang to take shauntaake away from vanessa family but shauntaake trynna explain to the taylors shauntaake became lee's shauntaake soul came to be born to lee shauntaake baby was obssess wit lee shauntaake past life haunt lee & wait for the right time to be birth when they sold a murderer to the world the devil's nature face lauk wearang lee mechanic suit & hairstyle it was a wrap when halloween came the world's greatest lure & shauntaake went right into shauntaake grandma house wit lee shauntaake gave the taylors shauntaake love when we was a lawd family roberta taylor gone that was one of shauntaake uthaa best frends to talk to shauntaake uthaa mother & grandma & shauntaake just née the taylors to know shauntaake took great care of shauntaake kds wit the taylors jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake née hazel tanya & cinda & her sster to move bak up here were not in virginia no more & they try to put hits on everybody these retart illiterates shauntaake nee hazel to come bak & run the taylors hazel one of roberta taylor ssters the meanest sster that ppl don't play wit
shauntaake / the goverment show the world hw shauntaake walk straight out of the floor & shauntaake hauntangs shauntaake ghost that lauk like lee
shauntaake / the white lady that live in ths house lauk like lee only daughtaa debrah & shauntaake see as the lady that was livang here was gettang sick they start makang deborah sick lee daughtaa stay n & out of hospital they made deborah very sick & now shauntaake health & longevity of life connect to a laut of ppl fates & sean taylor knw that & made sure shauntaake had the best care & the best everythang shauntaake see hw shauntaake life be n limbo's & they fuckang wit all of these important ppl business's & company's
shauntaake so happy when they get sick don't sht happen they could take their coats off all day & ain't sht gonna happen sean taylor kept a bitch cold to show mutherfuckers u bitches ain't the one's u bitches stay cold wit your lil leathers & lil bubble gooses shauntaake froze everybody when shauntaake was cold we all happy they ain't shauntaake world connecton
shauntaake née shauntaake millions so shauntaake could move in shauntaake own house wit all if shauntaake thanks & shauntaake kds tall could dead set that dead when shauntaake walk out if it shauntaake purposely made shauntaake soul not work for u all u the dumb mutherfuckers shauntaake get to hand create all if the pen treasures & shauntaake get to hold shauntaake pen treasures shauntaake the happiest one u mutherfuckers don't get to hold sht u just get to live in shauntaake dead hauntang's that don't work for u & then shauntaake hollywood gonna follow shauntaake where ever shauntaake move like they follow shauntaake when shauntaake was at chants apartment in fort lee they was even doang ths house when shauntaake left they left they start doang shauntaake fort lee life
shauntaake see hw shauntaake soul was hauntang shauntaake daughtaa's when shauntaake was hdang in their room wit them those was all of shauntaake baby phauts everythang shauntaake was touchang in their room u see shauntaake chicken picks head in the closet shauntaake connect to shauntaake hstory shauntaake great shauntaake/star really a dead man the one eye star on shauntaake star bag came bak shauntaake baby standang on the dresser a dead corpse wit a foot n shauntaake hand shauntaake was here a million years ago
shauntaake identically know hw to intentionally make shauntaake doll baby come bak to shauntaake hands wit shauntaake voodism cause shauntaake voodoo natural shauntaake voodoo automatic give shauntaake doll baby bak to shauntaake & shauntaake see colors make it when shauntaake merge colors together it gives shauntaake baby phauts bak to shauntaake shauntaake see shauntaake birthday party's was one of shauntaake heavy doll baby lauk connecton's & shauntaake made shauntaake baby connect to shauntaake robe lauk & the shauntaake thang for life shauntaake doll baby enough for shauntaake shauntaake obssess wit shauntaake doll baby shauntaake art & shauntaake treasures a shauntaake doll baby & vanessa experience shauntqake art make shauntaake feel hw vanessa felt about shauntaake baby madlllllllllly in love
shauntaake personally gave shauntaake self a jar of shauntaake star cream as shauntaake gift to shauntaake self & shauntaake cuddled wit shauntaake syar cream pot of gold treasure bag & shauntaake hand paint star cream jar
shauntaake say shauntaake don't want to be around your kds & shauntaake dont want their phauts neithaa cause shauntaake refuse to make them connect to shauntaake baby art make your own art shauntaake see shauntaake took everythang bak from your kids trying use shauntaake stuff like shauntaake soul was able to take that shauntaake devil duke shrt bak from mykyla uthaa family we aran that duke shrt shauntaake hstory that about it
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shauntaake officially have a traumatised plastic bag in here now when jasmin & janyah mahagon first snuck shauntaake bak into the house shauntaake start creatang shauntaake art wit all of shauntaake free time shauntaake ain't just want to lay around shauntaake chose to make a whole nw collection of shauntaake art & that what shauntaake did & shauntaake kept all of the lil paint jars & shauntaake white paper towels to clean shauntaake paint jar tips shauntaake left all of that stuff in ths michael plastic bag & shauntaake left a piece of shauntaake heavy art piece in the bag all of shauntaake shavangs from shauntaake sk sphinx shauntaake put allll of those shavings togethaa & it made shauntaake doll baby shauntaake tounge phaut & shauntaake heavy cake face baby & shauntaake left that piece of shauntaake baby art for a couple of months so shauntaake haunt art attach shauntaake art piece soul to that bag shauntaake ain't even know shauntaake left that piece in the bags & when shauntaake went bak into that bag to get the paint to make shauntaake stars for shauntaake star cream bags & jars shaubtaake saw the shauntaake doll baby''s art piece shauntaake left in the plastic bag & shauntaake took that piece out & sat it on the dresser next to shauntaake bed & now the plastic bag in here actang like a nut like shauntaake baby shaubtaake art piece haunt that bag & now the bag actang like the art piece shauntaake got shauntaake baby ths sht crasy
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shauntaake ppl fuck up's when u know someone a rare breed birther why would u try to desciese them why have a couple of kds when u could have your whole wing of kds & keep them comang ths why when your a rare breeder u née to police yourself vanessa been police protectonang shauntaake since shauntaake was a kd about to be a teenager cause vanessa knw shauntaake was gonna be vanessa rare breader so us ppl we hde & lay low & do everythang in secrecy cause as u could what type of ppl come botherang u trynna fuck your thang up
shauntaake / bitches goang off in the comments like okay mutherfuckers let shauntaake do shauntaqke hw shauntaake want to do shauntaake & make shauntaake white makes & shauntaake gonna show u shauntaake heaviest truth kds jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake heavy makes to but let shauntaake get shaubtaake caramel skin wit shauntaake hair stallon doll baby body kds that gonna grow up laukang like barbie dolls shauntaake grandma experience wit 5 daughters that lauk like barbie dolls & that was all of their real hair ths what these bitches fear no more fat niggers shauntaake great
shauntaake / don't sht be goang on wit their kds all of that war kd sht stop when shauntaake left u gonna get a bunch of regular kds like the rest of them jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake only blood dna kds shauntaake soul got shaunt on some war sht now shauntaake world show u hw shaunt came connect to shauntaake shauntaake gave shauntaake nw mystery white woman shauntaake heaviest soul's now & their actang like hw shauntaake soul actang mockang shauntaake baby phauts shauntaake seman fulllllllll of shauntaake vscousssssss ass nuts they ain't built like shauntaake your kds sweat & kind not shauntaake kds jasmin & janyah mahagony vscous on the low
shauntaake choosang to give a clean white woman shauntaake law the original white woman a racist white woman
shauntaake speaking to shauntaake world & shauntaake universe to send shauntaake one original white woman that very wealthy & rich wit millions & shauntaake want to show hw shauntaake create shauntaake own world that start out wit two ppl
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shauntaake workang on shauntaake information for shauntaake nw blog for shauntaake nw movie gadget company 200 movies to chose from shauntaake 3 entertainment systems shauntaake in here typang all of shauntaake movies out so shauntaake could sort thru them to try to give u 200 great movie optons these are shauntaake dgital company's shauntaake start buildang the years 2011 - 2012
shauntaake see hw shauntaake mother vanessa was birth into a segregated time in life & vanessa was one of shauntaake heaviest white laukang kds vanessa lauk like shauntaake kd wit prettier hair long hair wit a wider smile all of shauntaake grandma kds was loved but vanessa was cherish & praise by shauntaake grandparents & their family vanessa was shauntaake grandfathaa love child they say vanessa was so sweet & they were crasy about vanessa baby but growing up in a racist world at that time they ain't give them those stardom opportunity's they was'nt really trynna dscover shauntaake grandma beautiful kds & their hstory got waste vanessa a heavy lee twin to & the devil/shauntaake war for vanessa not gettang vanessa turn shauntaake came vanessa racist chld love everythang white & that what the whites love shauntaake cause shauntaake truley one of them a original white soul & shauntaake knw shauntaake was birth to rich ppl that never got their turn cause of racism & shauntaake also came a vanessa rebirth & shauntaake gave to give he'll to everybody out perform all of their kds the meanest mutherfucker that meant business came buildang business's & company's & creatang shauntaake was the talk of shauntaake law cityssssss & in shauntaake law city jersey city shauntaake kept a play goang on at 34 school & vanessa use to come to shauntaake plays dress like a classy woman heels dressess hair & nails done brangang shauntaake flowers & takang phauts wit shauntaake principal's & shaubtaake was really settang us shauntaake puttang in all of that work givang everyone around shauntaake a lil piece of shauntaake hand create treasures shauntaake art & writangs got vanessa in every door vanessa want to get into all of vanessa brothaa's & ssters they gave them bullsht jobs they pay the rent but it was'nt enough to give them their lavish life & the jobs vanessa got was able to give shauntaake everythanggggggg shauntaake want plus havang our own apartment & expensive clothes vanessa was gettang pay & then shauntaake got shauntaake mother into ths house ths was a jewish area of ppl also racist jews & the white woman that use to live in ths house refuse to sell ths house to anyone shauntaake hear all types of wealthy pll try to get into ths house & the white ppl that live here would no sell ths house ntil they move shauntaake to irvington & shauntaake became the greatest performang kd in irvington basketball team choir hostang skate 22 every saturday was on the art committee was all over the place wit shauntaake basketball team & choir & when it was our turn to try to get into ths house the white ppl that use to live in they let shauntaake shauntaake mother & eddie right into ths house wit no problems they just let shauntaake walk right into anuthaa one of shauntaake soul house's & ths hw shauntaake been doang ppl all of shauntaake life shauntaake gonna put in the work u just have the money to bak shauntaake up when shauntaake get us in these doors to be able to be to afford what we're trynna attain & that hw we got everythang shauntaake great years in irvington got us into ths house shauntaake kd always felt like it was shauntaake job to make life easier for vanessa & that exactly what shauntaake did & shauntaake mother been livang her life & shauntaake mother got to spend her own hard earned money shauntaake been independent & self sufficent takang care of shauntaake self since shauntaake was a teenager & that made life so easy for shauntaake mother
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shauntaake / ths 11:00am ths mornang 
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shauntaake mother plowang the snow at the house earlier u see what length it at already & they say it gonna snow all week
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shauntaake / u see shauntaake soul attach itself to the plower it helpang 
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shauntaake / the stupidest thang ppl could do is thankang their these major signed artist their showing u hw their livang & what their dang he problem at home somewhere or out doang some bullsht whle these artist handelang their business & get tang the money & da baby laukang like one of the latest richest rappers da baby got rich overnight pay for life da baby sy da baby makang millions n ths pandemic witout even beang on tour & sht was so hard for the legends now u see why shauntaake soul want to kll u all the important ppl ain't mean sht to u ppl that gave the greatest music & video lauk like they was gettang crumbs compare to these nw artist & watch hw he collect da baby platinum & damond plaque collectons gonna be crasy plaques u ppl will never touch mansons u will never live in jewelry u will never wear cars & trucks u wll never drive & that just what it is stop gettang caught up in these artist & go out into ths world & make somethang of yourself so u have your own thangs to dangel around to show ppl u put in work to have what u have shauntaake congratulate da baby on all of hs success but see nw rappers just did exstrodinary sht wit record sales the a once in a lifetime experience that happenang right now the ppl that made the best music was'nt even flossing they baily had enough to purchase a house or purchase diamonds platinum & gold we ain't see them in several vehcles or livang in mansons ths sht crasy the intellectuals of the world got dupped jay z nas tupac shakur ll cool j busta rhymes queen latifah foxy snoop dogg dr dre biggie a tribe called quest lil kim ice cube salt n peppa mc lyte & the list goes on was some of the greatest rappers & they ain't get pay nowhere near what these nw rappers gettang pay hu plan ths to give everythang to a bunch of nw ppl so your tellang shauntaake legends put in all of ths work to give everythang to nw ppl the nw artist don't even do sht but make song's the artist bak in the days had to do a million shows & go on tour just to get some real money their millions these nw artist collectang millions whle their sleepang hu plan ths
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shauntaake know shauntaake soul off itself n one of shauntaake horror chambers & someone n the comments wrote u off yourself so that means u can't play no more fuck u shauntaake baby of myself a million times that he everybody got pay mockang shauntaake & if that the case shauntaake been gone mutherfuckers shauntaake showing u he shauntaake livang on the low shauntaake ready to date & get marry on the low to shauntaake really live shauntaake life shauntaake don't sit bak & watch talk live shauntaake always busy doang somethang all into shauntaake kds shauntaake art shauntaake voodooism shauntaake soul shauntaake livang
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shauntaake / u bitches née not to.flatter yourselves shauntaake not interest in eatang your puss utherfuckers please all of these dirty niggers u fuckd shauntaake been tallyang all yI sht up shauntaake lauk better than most of u what the fuck shauntaake lauk like eatang your pussy shauntaake was a nw found lesbian when shauntaake start datang chants so shauntaake experimentang cause shauntaake never ate puss befor so chants was showang shauntaake hw woman have sex sean taylor was shauntaake only lover everyday all day so chants was tastang shauntaake & shauntaake tastang chants that was the pleasures of beang in a lesbian relatonship but u dirty whorls no thanks ths why their mad cause their used & damaged & shauntaake no longer interest in wildang out wit them shauntaake whites wives shauntaake personally testang them to see if their clean or not cause shauntaake really turn into a monstershauntaake a mutherfuckang man so shauntaake it over wit shauntaake & u dirty's do u ike shauntaake been tellang u to do u shauntaake see their jealous of shauntaake beauty hw they was jealous of vanessa beauty bitches fat now they don't shauntaake don't want them no more & their mad shauntaake know u can't stand shauntaake guts cause shauntaake lauk just like vanessa one of the most beautiful woman in the world shauntaake marryan racist white woman shauntaake rebecca de mornay soul''s white bitches that a put a hit on u blak bitches shauntaake the wrong mutherfucker to play wit cause now shauntaake plannang shauntaake up & leave & ths time shquntaake might not never come bak shauntaake dsappear wit chants ths time when shauntaake get marry shauntaake might not come bak shauntaake very lil patience right now shauntaake want what shauntaake want when shauntaake want it fuck assumang were somethang shauntaake lovers personally come & get shauntaake so shauntaake could be wit them so anythang shauntaake would be a fool to believe shauntaake don't believe sht u strangers say or present shauntaake grown ass adult that don't play games keep playang games shauntaake gonna be a disappear ass mutherfucker & shauntaake don't come bak only to be wit shauntaake family & frends to visit sean taylor ain't even want shauntaake to come bak shauntaake chose to come bak to visit shauntaake ppl know that
shauntaake / if all u wack bitches up & leave shauntaake wll just laugh at u & shquntaake wll wish u best of luck u know what that hw shauntaake gonna treat u now your gone & don't come bak fuck your pr
shauntaake never been reject in shauntaake life shauntaake gave birth & held the prettiest kds so a baby don't ant me to hold them shauntqake like oh really pleeeeeease had your lil ass right bak to your grandma & it was nothang & shauntaake went right bak to playang wit shauntaake kds please we ain't connect shauntaake meant soul's was shauntaake's shauntaake live a million experiences & made a million momments wit shauntaake & sean taylor meant kds u mutherfuckers could read & see hu don't have a real story wit shauntaake
shauntaake around funny all day everyday shauntaake a actang ass mutherfucker all shauntaake life since a baby passang out & faintang when vanessa told me no shauntaake would really be comatose on the dirty store floor pass out & cryang wit brand nw clothes on trynna catch a case at 3 -5 years old & vanessa use to be soooooooo mad wit that tight face like if u don't get your lil ass up off of that floor & racist white ppl start runnang over to shauntaake like baby what the matter baby hu did it & shauntaake would baby like her vanessa use to want to kll me & shauntaake baby use to explain to these white ppl vanessa won't get me ths doll shauntaake neeeeeeeee it to go wit shauntaake uthaa dolls collecton & then shauntaake would start tellang vanessa business like vanessa & her boyfrend broke up & vanessa mad & vanessa would be like i'm so sorry to everyone for ths scene & say shauntaake baby your gonna get shauntaake doll & now it a miracle shauntaake could walk & get up again & now shauntaake all loud in the store like I thought u told me u ain't have no money & vanessa like everyone excuse me & vanessa pull shauntaake wit her & then shauntaake gotta grab some candy to once we get near the cash register & vanessa use to just lauk up at the sky like are u serious ths vscous ass savage baby shauntaake did ths everytime vanessa pull that no sht on me when shauntaake went wit her to cash her check shauntaake know shauntaake vanessa countang money so shauntaake don't ant to hear that no sht & vanessa would be in the car laukang at shauntaake whle shauntaake playang wit shauntaake toy no longer want to bother vanessa all happy not botherang vanessa no more & vanessa would give shauntaake googly eye lauk smurkang laughang cause shauntaake was just to much & so serious vanessa got a kick out of shauntaake baby like watch ths the why shauntaake always made sure shauntaake went into the stores wit jasmin & janyah mahagony cause of shauntaake baby shauntaake always yes jasmin & janyah mahagony peaceful but jasmin & janyah mahagony baby ready to show the fuck out & act up shauntaake spear shauntaake self shauntaake thank vanessa love shauntaake real actang ass 24/7 that just hu shauntaake am put on a show everywhere shauntaake go always make a scene live than a mutherfucker cause that just shauntaake nature shauntaake been like ths all shauntaake life
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shauntaake / janyah mahagony be trynna leave me home talkang about shauntaake to much for her shauntaake to dramatic when shauntaake go out in public wit them shauntaake don't tolerate ppl bullsht shauntaake always have the greatest times wit them when shauntaake go out wit them but let a mutherfucker lauk at them wrong or give us some bad service oh hell naw all he'll gonna break loose & shauntaake get loooooooud & they be so mad & everybody be laukang shauntaake don't give a fuck give me the service shauntaake payang for ths just shauntaake shauntaake been doang ths wit them forever & shauntaake have to make shauntaake daughters nderstand that when your spending your hard earn money these pll are suppose to give u the greatest service when your a payang customer & jasmin & janyah mahagony kds just use to stand their whle shauntaake cutting ppl up behnd the counter serve me right if shauntaake payang shauntaake money shauntaake use to cuss the cops out to for pulling me over knowang shauntaake was speeding so u know shauntaake somethang else not your everyday experience music blastingggggggg in the car u know where comang a mile away shauntaake comang to dance talk slide all thru the mall floors eat munch have fun be funny laugh out loud say hey to ppl walk over to u & steer u down if u on some bullsht take phauts the whole time prancing all thru the mall yippi yay all day so that shauntaake all day everyday when shauntaake at the house or at the malls shauntaake use to moon walk thru that mutherfucker wit shauntaake slippery loafers on u don't know
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shauntaake / yo wack ass nigger pr that why shauntaake don't like u niggers & u like that bullsht that why shauntaake keep tellang u bitches u can't afford shauntaake u some wack ass soul''s shauntaake a run rings all around u mutherfuckers u won't know what goang on u world of ppl to slow for shauntaake shauntaake a be cussang u industry ppl out all day for beang slow get her ass mean ass off of the set yall not experiencang shauntaake yo's some bullsht & shauntaake wll be treatan u all like kds that be on the bullsht shauntaake wll make u feel real small your boredom a make somebody want to kll theirself so shauntaake have to be all into what shauntaake got goang on shauntaake be busy all the time creatang collectang & doang stuff
shquntaake set shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony in shauntaake mother house shauntaake ain't got sht for u bitches shauntaake keep tellang u bitches the first bitch wit some real money come shauntaake way & shauntaake interest & that bitch come spending her money on shauntaake that the bitch u gonna see poppang wearang shauntaake art & wearang shauntaake furs & gettang all of shauntaake love
shauntaake / yo's gonna be a mutherfuckang joke be your own fame stop trynna jealous of u that ain't jealous of u what the fuck shauntaake lauk like givang a fuck about a bunch of woman that ain't shauntaake woman why would shauntaake give a fuck about a nigger a nigger fuckang u when your not shauntaake woman ask yourself that question nacho don't ake me break down & cry nacho.fuckang woman that ain't shauntaake woman woman shauntaake never touch strangers shauntaake want to see u wack ass bitches happy & shauntaake know shauntaake could make yall wack assess happy & make u leave everybody but now shauntaake feelang like shauntaake to good for u & u gotta pay shauntaake now to be wit shauntaake if u want to be wit shauntaake u ghetto nigger lovang ass confuse nigger bitch sht is so beneath shauntaake cause your ghetto no matter where u go u lauk ghetto cause u lauk like niggers no matter what u wear shauntaake be laughang at yo's cause u some nigger ass mutherfuckers that wll never run ths world of ppl mostly racist ppl your a joke to them
shauntaake don't have no problems wit musliums were good frends & musliums know shauntaake happy wit beang shauntaake self sean taylor musliums frends never try to force shauntaake to be a muslium they let shauntaake do shauntaake shauntaake was just respectful & never ate pork around them & we got along
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shauntaake / everybody actang like their dieang & they died cause they fuck a half ass not that pretty bitch & they all want to off theirself when they detour their self from me & they play their mutherfuckang self cause shauntaake don't want to be bothered no more shauntaake let their downgraded assess do them & their not happy wit the descon they made their feelang like they ain't worth sht no more shauntaake lauk business & creatons assess the thangs shauntaake am & the woman shauntaake was to them make them feel like they done bump their mutherfuckang heads like somethang wrong wit them cause somethang is wrong wit their ghetto lovang dirty bitches do u okay & leave shauntaake the fuck alone your beneath me & not on shauntaake level shauntaake fell in love wit a classy man that shauntaake kept dress up wearang slacks & shows shauntaake stay in the Italian stores wit sean taylor gettang sean taylor a nw pair of mauricio gators & some nw slacks that was shauntaake man hs man jeans wit hs coogi''s always smellang good & laukang good handelang hs own business & sean taylor was good & shauntaake ain't want nobody botherang sean taylor no more these hoodrats had sean taylor laukang like a dirty nugget wearang times again lil drug dealer nigger jeans & bootleg gucci are u serious these hoodrat bitches mess sean taylor soul up shauntaake start feelang like shauntaake was around a lil drug dealer nigger that was alwayssssssss n jail & gettang in trouble for bullsht charges shauntaake did'nt want that type of bum ass nigger roberta taylor was kinda trynna apologize to shauntaake cause of nw lil drug dealer nigger sean taylor
shauntaake & sean taylor years 1998 - 2001 shauntaake about to tell u exactly what happen sean taylor feel in love wit shauntaake glamour barbie mss america bitch shauntaake hair nails lil lip always dress in the finest clothes wore italian clothes suit shoes heels & boots grown ass woman that handle shauntaake business that had a million thangs goang on for shauntaake self shauntaake own shauntaake own masters since 8-12-14 years old shauntaake had shauntaake own ha d sketch clothang line shquntaake was makang furs totes in fashon class shauntaake was the hollywood rich white bitch lauk of the school the kelly's taylor von cher & dion shauntaake had shauntaake own cassette tapes out & everybody was lovang them shauntaake was the star of shauntaake school's frends & teachers & that hw sean taylor got it everyday & then when shauntaake got pregnant shauntaake was stll dressang up shauntaake start puttang rubber bands on shauntaake pants so shauntaake could wear shauntaake tights pants & shauntaake heels but once shauntaake gave birth to shauntaake kds shauntaake became a real mother a real parent & shauntaake had to take a break from shauntaake life shauntaake chose not to be out in the street's no more like we use to & shauntaake chose to nurse shauntaake kds & be a stay at home mom & shauntaake put a laut of time into nuturang shauntaake daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahagony & shauntaake was loyal but sean taylor thought shauntaake forgot hu the fuck shauntaake am mutherfucker shauntaake wore shoes & italian clothes everyday shauntaake was at the salon every 2-3 weeks gettang shauntaake hair done but shauntaake want to be at home shauntaake was stll goqng to the salon & dressang up shauntaake was use to shauntaake beang wit sean taylor everyday wildang out wit sean taylor that when he was suppose to sit hs ass down somewhere on focuse on sean taylor family like the rest of hs frends those niggers was far away chllang & livang their investment lovessssssss wit their wives & ths dumb mutherfucker want to start playang around wit a bunch of hood rat mutherfuckers oh really your done he thought sht was sweet he even had the nerve to beang hs hoodrat around like she could compete & the whole family use to be laughang at sean taylor like go somewhere sean taylor trynna come around here botherang shauntaake cause shauntaake stll use to be at roberta taylor house every sunday havang dinner wit roberta family cause shauntaake was invite & we use to be dssang the sht out of sean taylor like nigger u playd yourself & shauntaake use to be payang sean taylor ass no mind just keep ths money flowang cause shauntaake kds née & that was our relatonship around the time janyah mahagony turn about 1 years old & he came around wit hs hooray laukang like a broke down verson could never compete & then shauntaake start comang bak out the house a sharp bitch shauntaake start wearang shauntaake clothes again gettang shauntaake hairs & nails done & that nigger could'nt touch shauntaake no more & nigger had a mutherfuckang heart attack sean taylor felt like he want die cause shauntaake start laukang shauntaake self again when sean taylor first fell in love wit shauntaake & sean taylor could'nt take it no more beang around shauntaake cause shauntaake refuse to sleep wit hm nigger do u shauntaake stll love u & we could stll be business partners & frends but shauntaake don't want to dare u no more & that nigger start wildang out catchang cases on hssself & it was so sad & sean taylor grandma ain't blaim shauntaake cause roberta knw shauntaake was loyal & good to sean taylor & shauntaake loved hm but when he went bak fuckang wit the dirty bitches everybody was over sean taylor even roberta cause it was'nt the same no more all the dirty ghetto mutherfuckers start comang around & roberta kick sean taylor out of her house cause roberta ain't like those crowd of ppl around roberta & it was a wrap shauntaake gave roberta taylor so much respect shauntaake made roberta taylor a cherish praise & heavy invest woman & everybody treat Sean taylor like he went from sugar to sht & we move on wit our lives & let sean taylor live hs shifty life & then we start gettang all of these calls he lockd up bail hm out he got into a fight he got hurt & sean taylor kept trynna drag into hs shitty life & we let sean taylor have hs shitty life & that was the outcome he got hurt we never had those problems when shauntaake was wit sean taylor & shauntaake move on wit shauntaake life & start datang ppl that was on shauntaake level wealthy heavily invest ppl & shauntaake continue to live shauntaake happy life on shauntaake own what the fuck shauntaake lauk like goang bak to the hood to lay up wit hoodrats it the worst when bitches ain't worth sht & have nothang to offer u u see hw the dirty's gangd up to justify u dirty mutherfuckers u mutherfuckers stll ain't worth sht u dirty llliterate ghetto mutherfuckers shauntaake stll dssang u wack mutherfuckers your bitches wll never be shauntaake these bitches fear shauntaake to put on anuthaa pair of heels cause they knw shauntaake ain't wearang cheap sht shauntaake a wear these van sneakers befor shauntaake wear some cheap ass shoes shauntaake know shauntaake the most fear woman out here when shauntaake enrichd & dress hw shauntaake want to dress shauntaake don't wear sneakers u wack bitches but the situatons shauntaake was in shauntaake start likang sneakers again they did shauntaake feet right cause shauntaake would of been a pimp laukang mutherfucker livang on the streets wearang heels & tight clothes but shauntaake would of froze out their shauntaake ain't no stupid mutherfucker shauntaake about shauntaake survival u bitches remember hw vanessa to the millionth power came these bitches stll traumatise shauntaake took all of ths sht over & mind u everybody around us was gettang money wit us u jealous bitches wll never get no sht off on me but do your mserable assess we all see your stll miserable
shauntaake made sean taylor & the faylors so proud of shauntaake cause shauntaake always creatang & makang shauntaake masters & shauntaake fashion thangs shauntaake always gave sean taylor & the taylors somethang to hold onto & love & cherish shauntaake creatons & that what we was about & shauntaake always made sean taylor lauk good shauntaake was the greatest well groom woman out here cause all of these gettang money men was so competitive wit their woman & they prance their woman around out here & shauntaake was sean taylor heaviest weapon they was'nt caught up on that lightskin sht wit hair the had a laut of wealthy woman
shauntaake try so hard to be there for sean taylor hs last year of livang but sean taylor was dssapoint in hsself shauntaake kept sean taylor out of the hood for 3 plus years to goang bak to the hood tramatise hm shauntaake & sean taylor was livang like we was in a hollywood rich fantasy & to go bak to nothang did somethang to hm & shauntaake try shauntaake hardest to keep sean taylor in shauntaake world cause shauntaake was stll livang shauntaake life sean taylor got lost & forgot rich dope dealang raw ass first class sean taylor want everythang brand nw sean taylor hate use sht & start messang wit used woman & that drive hm crasy cause shauntaake was a virgin sean taylor was the only man shauntaake was wit & sean taylor & hs family took pride in that niggers could'nt dss them wit these hoes wit all their baby daddy's used asses they fuck sean taylor whole plan up
shauntaake investments shauntaake furs shauntaake clothes shauntaake shoe's sandels came from shauntaake & sean taylor million business meetangs shauntaake & sean taylor og shauntaake & sean taylor self shauntaake & sean taylor got shauntaake & sean taylor got pay by shauntaake & sean taylor selves
shauntaake / u ever heard of the sayang a livang legend these mutherfuckers a livang lie cause everytime shauntaake come out wearang shauntaake treasures specially shauntaake furs the world shut their lies right the fuck down cause shauntaake was really sean taylor heavyyyyyyy investment woman
shauntaake ain't got no men sean taylor was shauntaake only man the only man shauntaake love & care for the only man shauntaake let touch shauntaake the only have shaubtaake had shauntaake family life wit the only man shauntaake had kds wit & made shauntaake investment life wit
shauntaake not a sean taylor kds team thang that their thang that their siblangs relatonships shauntaake have nothang to do wit that they ain't kds no more they have their own relatonships & they be togethaa doang them on their own time shauntaake have no relatonships wit no one from sean taylor past shauntaake had a good relatonship wit roberta taylor but roberta taylor gone now
shauntaake see hw biheeyah made biheeyah mykyla a vanessa & nate deal nate ain't give me sht vanessa took nte took court for child support crumb's & biheeyah put child support on sean taylor & sean taylor told the judge sean taylor could only pay $25 a month & that was the deal cause sean taylor ain't have a job & sean taylor ain't want the goverment n sean taylor business & shauntaake goang off that all the fuck u got for mykyla is $25 a month are u serious & sean taylor like sean taylor aint want these white ppl knowang sean taylor had money & that was a major beef in sean taylor family sean taylor mother biheeyah put the goverment on sean taylor oh he'll biheeyah cross us it was so much damn drama wit biheeyah & sean taylor & mykyla & it biheeyah fault cause biheeyah want to play shuntaake baby history games mockang shauntaake baby phauts givang sean taylor the nate treatment shauntaake & sean taylor was'nt playang we ain't give a fuck about no broke as's nate & mykyla baby got nothing all shauntaake have is a birthday card that nate gave shauntaake really a birthday card fuck u u broke ass nigger
shquntaake so insult by these ppl that thought shauntaake give shauntaake doll baby investments to them when shauntaake a prettier doll baby wit a big head wit a doll baby body shauntaake lil ene's & shauntaake invest shauntaake money to have shauntaake doll baby investment & shauntaake plan to have more kds white lil ene shauntaake's that shauntaake plan & that stll shauntaake plan shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony baby investment was shauntaake & sean taylor 3 years plus relatonship investment's yes shauntaake & sean taylor live our great life togethaa shauntaake & sean taylor relatonship we was never broke but sean taylor fuckd up a laut of money makang the wrong descons gettang robbed takang all of sean taylor damond jewellry trynna show off out here around these broke niggers they took hs jewellry they took over $300,000 from us one time on a bus
shauntaake / that shauntaake vintage royal stroller shauntaake nursey two dressers & shauntaake crib shauntaake baby toys shauntaake baby clothes shauntaake tapes dvd's papers & books shauntaake doll house's all the stuff shauntaake pay for nester brought that dora doll house u could have that
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shauntaake always in shauntaake custom made shauntaake lab everythang shauntaake hands create & shauntaake finally ready to sell shauntaake world some of shauntaake stake art piece's shauntaake have about 1,200 small pieces of shauntaake stake art that shauntaake gonna try to sell to u shauntaake have to find a jewellery close to shauntaake cause what shauntaake née to do shauntaake gonna be bak & forth at the jeweler so shauntaake really lettang shauntaake custom made labs out right now
shauntaake sk sphinx
shauntaake star cream
shauntaake sky entertainment system (coming soon) shauntaake 598 movies shauntaake choosang to sell 200 movies to u
shauntaake sk clothing line (comang soon)
shauntaake stake art (comang soon)
shauntaake / now u nderstand that when shauntaake say shauntaake née millions shauntaake mean shauntaake née shauntaake millions
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0 notes
cyndifferous · 7 years
Kind of a Neverender Story
On May 2nd I attended my 10th Coheed and Cambria show and every day that followed for a month or so since then was a storm of emotions and fuzzy feelings. Every time I try to write this down I get annoyed at my own self and trash it so please bear with me. 5 years ago, February 2012, I got an email about Coheed going on tour like the dozens of emails that came before it since I discovered them only this time, almost 10 years into being a fan I finally decided it was time to go. "I need to do this, babe, just once. I need to get it out of my system, I'll never ask again. Just once." That's what I said to my husband before buying our tickets. I've been living this lie for over five years now, and there's no signs of stopping because every moment since then has been like living in a surrealistic bubble of "how did I get from there to here?" Plus I've won him completely over to the Coheed side, he doesn't even try to fight it anymore. We went and I got my first taste of what it was truly like to be a Child of the Fence. There were people in line with guitars singing Coheed songs, no one was rude, it was like everyone knew everyone else and in a way they did because I learned that every Coheed fan has a home in other Coheed fans. I ran in terror every time a band member was coming or going from the bus, amazed that they were so approachable as other fans said hi or got autographs. My brother in law had a good laugh at my expense when he said, "isn't the lead singer the one with the big hair? He's right there," while I stood frozen in place and I'm sure all the color drained from my face. I literally could not force myself to move. The show was absolutely everything I'd dreamed about and so much more. I found myself square in the danger zone of the pit, the crowd was insanely rough, but my eyes did not waiver from that stage. I planted my feet and turned all my focus into not getting sucked backward so I wouldn't miss a single thing. Every memory of coming to love this band, every part of my past life and the people I shared it with, every painful experience in my life that their music carried me through flooded my mind and hit me in my soul. Watching these guys perform with such zest and energy, as if it would be their last show ever breathed life into me, and when Claudio sang Mother Superior, my favorite song at the time, I wept openly and unabashedly while my husband held me tight. (Ok he was actually holding me up because I was not prepared for how physically exhausted I would be) After the show tons of people were gathered on the corner by the tour bus and I talked my husband into letting us stay despite the 3 hour drive home ahead of us. I met so many COTF that I still know and attend shows with today, people I consider "staples" because I always expect to see them in my corner of the southern US and they're always there. The crowd thinned and suddenly Josh pops out of the building and yells, "WHERE IS DOUGIEFRIZZLE?" o.O This Dougie character skips up, vinyl sleeve in hand (an OG IKS pressing), gets it signed by Josh, gives him a huge hug, explains that he's been waiting forever for Josh to rejoin the band because he was missing only his signature. As it turned out, Doug had tweeted to him that he needed him to sign and Josh being the amazing human he is came out to make it happen. Josh hung out for a bit, talking to everyone, signing things and posing for pictures, even gave one guy a beer from the bus because he said that's all he wanted. I was still terrified and I'm pretty sure I didn't speak. Some time around 2 am, what was once a crowd of us had thinned to about 25 of us; venue security had gone home no doubt believing that we are all insane, and my brother in law had long since retreated to the car to sleep. Coheed's tour manager, Pete, came off the bus and in a very no-nonsense manner gave us the news we'd been waiting for, that the band was going to come out for a meet and greet. At 2 am. In downtown Birmingham. WHAT!! "Have your cameras out, I will take your pictures, if you want something signed have it ready. Any shenanigans and we're getting back on the bus." I didn't have any words for them, except that Zach didn't come out so I requested that. He came and said "I didn't think anyone would want me to," so humble and sweet that man is. I left after getting my pictures and my ticket signed (by all but Josh) and when we passed back by I yelled "I love you Claudio" out the car window and I still cringe when I think of that, hahaha! I didn't sleep that night, how do you just go to sleep when you can feel your life slowly pulling into focus? I love my husband and my children, but I'm a stay at home mom and it can really be the pits sometimes despite the fact that I know I'm extremely lucky to be able to be home with them. At this particular time in my life things were out of whack for me, not as badly as they would come to be, but enough that my own worth already felt unimportant and lost in the repetitiveness of my boring existence. I revitalized a twitter account I had created a few years before and never tweeted from and went on a follow frenzy. I filled the void left by being stuck at home all the time with Coheed fans. I finally had a place to let me be myself, not wife or mommy, just Cyndi. Not only that, but I found hundreds of people just like me: totally invested in Coheed and Cambria, excited about it all the time, where the conversation never ended. People from all over the world, different ages, and from every walk of life you could imagine. What I found was my second home. Thus Cyndifferous was born and I'm onto the meat of my story. In the Coheed community, 10 shows is a drop in the bucket for a lot more fans than you would think, so while I'm personally celebrating that accomplishment, what I came here to talk about isn't that at all. I want to talk about the fans, my friends, my people. I threw myself into the community, dubbing twitter my own personal Heedfeed. I'm always excited about Coheed and when other people are excited too it bleeds back into me and doubles it. I'm pretty sure that I have organs and a nervous system that keep me living, but I'm also pretty sure that without Coheed & the COTF it would all cease to function. I'm a people person and the COTF community welcomed me with open arms. I started using keyword searches to find new friends, and also to share excellent content that may have otherwise been missed. What's great about our community is that even when the band is taking time off, or there's a lull while waiting for movement, there's still ample things to talk about and no shortage of people to talk to. Over the last 5 years in all my personal ups and downs, no matter the distance, I always had my cotf friends for support. When I'm bored, they're there. When I'm sad, they're there. When I'm ecstatic or miserable or anywhere in between. We even get excited about each other's upcoming shows, merch scores, and personal victories. There is no room for jealousy in Heaven's Fence. No room for egos and competition, because we're all so busy looking out for one another and having each other's backs. As true and steady as the keywork that holds Heaven's Fence in place. I've never not felt like the COTF community is my place in the world, my little niche, a safe space for everyone who shares the love for this band that gave us so much just by existing. I mentioned earlier that I've been in a whirlwind of emotions since the show and it's time to clarify. Since the moment I came on board this community I have never felt unwelcome, not even when I would rack up 1,000 tweets in a day or live tweet lyrics to two or three albums in a night. Not even when I parted ways with one project after another, some with an uproar, others a silent exit. Not even when I was constantly asking questions because, let's face it, there's a lot to know about Coheed, it's counterparts, and it's members. People like Neesh who have been around the community seemingly since the beginning of time and who are still enthusiastic and completely on board with welcoming a new person and bestowing upon them what feels like all of their knowledge, but is probably just beginning to scratch the surface. I remember laaaaaaate nights in the RadioXenu chat room with Neesh learning little nuggets of band history, staying up literally all night the night she showed me The Mours and some SUPER old demos from Shabutie & Weerd Science. (Neesh's YouTube channel is a gold mine just by the way) After all this time she is still active and vocal in the community, and still just so damn nice to EVERYONE, that's impressive especially considering how many people I've seen wax and wane or come and go. My point is, Neesh inspired me to always be that person, to always be open and welcoming and a home for COTF, most especially the new ones just hopping on board our particular brand of crazy train, trying to find their place in our vast community. The least I can do after all of the unexpected kindness that has been shown to me over the years is continue to pass that on...forever. Seeing Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, Volume 1: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness live in all of its glory was an experience I could relive every moment for the rest of my life and die happy. In fact, I hope when I'm about to embark on my next life and my life memories replay that this night is featured. Literally everything about the day was perfect, the weather, the friends, the food. And as the night began it took a huge leap into epic, beginning with witnessing one of the most beautiful moments I've ever witnessed at a show. (I'm looking at you, Yui. And also at you Ern, you amazing human, you.) I'm sparing details because I came here to talk about what happened post-show, I think I've told enough show stories for now, ha! For me, approximately 60% of a Coheed show is meeting people. Internet friends, old friends, new friends, there's no such thing as strangers. This particular show was a "homecoming" of sorts for me because Atlanta is usually where I see my Coheed shows and the previous two tours I skipped Atlanta in search of new places and faces. I got to see people I have missed so dearly since IKS Neverender, including Tim, the very first COTF to ever show me the kind nature of our community at my first show, and also the first I'd heard of people who travel around the country just to see these guys perform their miracle of musicianship. There are not many things in life that parallel the joy of recognizing someone and saying "I KNOW YOUR FACE," even when you've only ever seen it in a tiny profile box online. And so begins a series of happenings that have filled my heart to the bursting point. My bestest friends & I, Jim and James AKA The Awkward Team, met up for this because we are separated by so much distance (Mississippi, Iowa, Florida) that we try our hardest to come together for shows at least. We arrived in Atlanta the day before the show and it wasn't long before our friend Ian reached out to see what we were up to that night. Turns out he was just handed a shitty life card and needed some company! We all met up at Buckhead Pizza Co, my very first day-before-the-show hang, usually I'm a lump in my hotel room the day before haha! We had so much fun hanging out in that pizza place, and being there for Ian to take the burn out of a real bummer of a situation was awesome. Even Nina Uber'd over to hang out with us! Our pizza hangs turned into parking garage hangs and we all laughed so much our faces hurt. In short, thank you for messaging me Ian, you made our night probably 10x more fun and it was great to finally get the time to hang out with you! The show was....I can't even find the adjective to accurately convey that particular evening. The energy was high in the crowd as it always is in Atlanta, but this one was unlike any other. We had full-venue waves going on, it took us a few tries to get the whole floor and balcony involved but when it finally came together it was unforgettably amazing. I thought I would regret choosing to be in the all-seated balcony for this show, but as it turned out the entire balcony was on their feet for the whole show. Give Coheed fans at least one square foot of space to move and dance in and we will do it. And we did. I've been to a couple of shows with a very laid back crowd, this was the exact opposite and that energy conveyed to the band on stage as they powered through one of the most difficult albums in their discography. They moved and grooved right along with us, with the biggest smiles I think I've ever seen them play a show with. And when Final Cut came up, Claudio disappeared from the stage and reappeared ten feet to my left in the balcony shredding a solo and letting a fan play his guitar. Those moments, when the band is floating on the energy of the crowd, when every note they play slams more energy around, when you can tell they're happy to be where they are and loving what they do are next-level. If we could bottle up the energy from a show like that we could live forever on it. I may never experience another show quite like that one, but if not I won't be at a loss because it was immortalized on Coheed TV and I revisit it often. https://youtu.be/aLkoNo5f-r4 After the show I always hang around outside, its prime time to talk about the show, meet up with people you missed beforehand, and sometimes even catch an impromptu meet and greet. I was sitting down in the parking lot because even though I had a balcony seat I was on my feet dancing, jumping and moving around during the entire set. It wasn't long after the show that a gentleman approached me and introduced himself as someone from twitter and thanked me for....being me? I'm trying to stay clear of personal vanity, but he thanked me for being kind and and friendly online, told me I was the first COTF he followed, and it was truly awesome to meet him. He flew all the way from Kansas to come to the Atlanta show! I live and breathe for moments like that, when internet and real life collides unexpectedly and someone expresses their gratitude for me. I can dish out compliments all day long, but taking them is hard for me because I'm just a potato of a person who loves Coheed. What I do is not a special skill or talent, I just love to talk and I happen to have a ton of free time to do that with. So thank you, carnacolypse! I catch a fair amount of grief sometimes from my family for the amount of time I spend online, and those moments where someone tosses me appreciation for that, even though I'm just doing what I do, makes the sting of that grief go away. I'm just a girl in Mississippi, I've said it all along and I'll continue to say it forever. I am not special in any way, but my friends sure do make me feel that way. Not overshadowing all of the other COTF I got to meet for the first time that day, including Alison who came all the way from Canada and started her epic multi-date heedtrip at the Atlanta show! Coming home after a heedtrip is hard. Post-Coheed depression is a very real thing for a lot of fans. I love my kids, and I miss them like crazy when I'm away, but I see them every day of the year, my cotf friends get 2, 3 or 4 if I'm SUPER lucky and coheed busts out a secondary market tour. Sometimes it's not so bad, but this time I was missing my awkward team and sad that the Neverender I felt like I'd waited a lifetime was now officially behind me. A tough pill to swallow. I stayed horizontal pretty much all of Thursday. As always though I fell back into the swing my boring existence, empowered by the task of staying positive and continuing to share and discuss the events of Coheed's continuing tour. A new Tales From The Grail Arbor video drops every so often and this sounds silly, but it hypes me right back up again. Dirty Ern has a way with photos and videos, capturing moments that flood you with memories of your own adventures while enjoying clips of someone else's. I've teared up with joy during almost all of the 16 episodes that have come out so far. PLUG- if you haven't subscribed to Coheed's YouTube do that right now, CoheedTV is everything you love about Coheed DVDs but free and is also a comprehensive behind-the-scenes look into what tour life is like. There are still more episodes on the way. https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialCoheed -ENDPLUG The reality is though, that the joy of being a COTF never really stops coming, even when the post-show sadness tries to sink into my soul. This community is everlasting. The connection is always there, no matter the distance. There's always something happening, someone talking, lives being lived under the precious veil of COTF life. (It's not just a band after all, it's a lifestyle) So while the post-Coheed funk comes hard and fast and devastating, it lifts quickly enough and you propel forward into the next big thing. For me, watching the next wave of excitement when the U.K. leg of the tour started was pretty epic. Following their heedtrips as they come together from so many different countries is amazing. But currently, that's excitement that Coheed is returning to the Amory Wars storyline with their next album (YAY!), the knowledge that Josh is hard at work on a couple of different and very exciting musical endeavors (one of which I was lucky enough to hear a sample of and you people should be over the moon excited for it), and of course the upcoming Chonny and Clyde project. Not to mention, we're still not quite halfway through the release of the long awaited Good Apollo comics, and each issue brings with it another wave of fun because this series is incredible and extremely well done. Truth be told there's always something around the next corner with this band and their members, and that's a big reason why I love being a fan of these people and their art. It's now been almost 3 months since Neverender in Atlanta. The tour has long since finished, SDCC has come and gone, and once more the quiet waiting has settled in. The lull. But today is my birthday, and I can't even put into words how incredible it is to wake up to a flood of birthday greetings from literally all over the world. Close friends and acquaintances the same took time out of their days and lives to wish me well on my birthday and the gratitude and love I feel every single year takes my breath away. It doesn't get old, it never fails to put the biggest smile on my face. In reality my birthday is just another day, but the hundreds of people that I've met, or will soon meet, or may never meet make this day special. It serves as a reminder that I have found my home in another place. I am a person with more to offer than the hundred jobs that fall under the stay-at-home-mom blanket title. It carries its own joy, but knowing that I still exist as a person apart from that is a gift because I have lost that before. There isn't another community in the entire universe I would rather be a part of than this one. I hold great pride in all of you, my friends who keep me going, who share my life with me and allow me to share in yours. Thank you with my whole heart, and thank you Coheed for doing what you do and caring about your fans and putting so much of your time and effort into making sure each move you make is bigger and better than the last. You boys are a rare gift, and your fans know that fully well with everything you do. **Disclaimer: I wrote this a little at a time so my apologies for any errant or incoherent parts, or anything I may have left out. "Words don't come with ease."
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zebrabaker · 5 years
An Odd Saltinette Fic, Chapter One
Here’s the first chapter! I posted the playlist already. I have a few chapters written out already, so I’ll try to keep this updated.
Marinette stormed into the studio sub-basement, and stalked over to the speaker. She scrolled through her songs, chose the right one, and hit play. She jogged to the center of the room, twisting her hair into a dance bun. She threw herself into the movement, smooth lines and harsh turns. She grit her teeth and squeezed her eyes further shut. How could they do this to her? They were supposed to be her friends, and they betrayed her. For that lying little...
The music stopped, and Marinette stumbled. Standing in the doorway was her mother, looking at her, worry evident in the gray eyes that they shared.
"Marinette, what's wrong? You only ever dance like that when you're upset. Your father wanted to come down too, but he needed to handle some customers. Talk to me, please." Sabine stumbled a little when her crying daughter slammed into her chest.
"They all dumped me like day-old pain au chocolate, Maman! For Lila! I thought they were my friends! What do I do? I want to take Oji-chan up on his offer, but I want to stay with you and Papa. I'm so confused." The young girl sobbed.
"Let's head upstairs and figure this out. The shop won't close for a few hours yet, but until then how about you and I make some dumplings, hmm? I bought the ingredients yesterday, so they're nice and fresh. Come on." Marinette nodded, morose. Not even the promise of fresh dumplings could help with this. Neither spoke of the fact that it was only lunch break.
"Hey, where's Marinette? You guys don't think that she's that mad about us switching seats? It's been three days." Alya asked when the bell rang. "Nino, you two have known each other your whole lives, right?" Nino, who had pulled off his headphones when his girlfriend had called his name, nodded.
"Since her family moved here from Japan when we were five, why?" Alya paused.
"She lived in Japan?" The girl asked.
"Yeah, they go back every summer. Not surprised you didn't know. She doesn't talk about it much. Again, why?" Nino's voice was growing heavy with concern.
"She hasn't been in in three days, Nino!" Alya shouted.
"She's m- wait, did you not go over and apologize yet?" Alya winced "No wonder you don't know! Alya, Marinette is moving! Back to Japan! She said- she said you two had talked." Nino's voice broke in distress.
"What!? Why would she just leave without telling me?! I'm her best friend!" Alya slammed her hands on the table in front of her.
"Best friend? You haven't even gone over to apologize!" Nino ran a hand over his hair.
"Why should I? She was just overreacting! She was just jealous!" Alya scoffed.
"In the year that you've known her, when has Marinette ever overreacted like this? You knows Marinette hates lies, that she can't lie to save her own life, so why would she lie about this? Dammit, Alya! I need to go." Nino stood and ran from the cafeteria, taking the sharp turn towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery, only to skid to a halt. Hanging in the front window was a sign, made in Marinette's unique handwriting, all loops and curls, reading 'Going out of business. Everything 75% off! '. He burst through the door, rushed past the line, and ran past the counter and up the stairs to the apartment. Sabine was packing family photos into a box stuffed with bubble wrap, while Tom was taping another shut. The two looked up at his abrupt entrance.
"Where's...Mari?" He panted. The couple exchanged glances.
“We’re sorry, Nino. You just missed her. She left on her plane two hours ago.” Sabine paced a hand on his arm. Nino shook his head.
“No. I’m the one who should be sorry. I’ve known her my whole life, but I trusted Lila over her. God, how am I gonna tell Alya?” Nino twisted his cap in his hands.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, son.” Tom clapped a hand down on Nino’s shoulder, nearly making his knees buckle.
Marinette sighed and stretched. Her plane had landed, and first class or no, she hated flying. Unfortunately, it was the quickest way to Japan. Usually, at the start of summer, she and her parents took a cruise to get there, but there had been no available cabins. She walked down the hall, carrying only her carry-on bag. Her grandparents had insisted on booking her luggage, and refused to listen to her protests. She saw her bag on the carousel, and grabbed the pink and white spotted hard case, before making her way outside. She spotted her family’s chauffer, standing in front of a Porsche, holding a card with her name written on it in kanji, wearing a suit and sunglasses. She made her way over, set down her case, and gave him a hug.
“Kon’nichiwa, Shota-kun. How have you and Momo-chan been?” Marinette asked as the man placed her bags in the trunk.
“We’ve been fine, Marinette-chan. She looks forward to seeing you again.” The man smiled warmly at the thought of his wife and the girl who was practically his niece spending time together.
“I’ve missed her too.” Marinette slid into the back seat of the car, enjoying all the legroom.
The Porsche pulled to a halt in front of a western-style mansion in the suburbs. It was four stories, with a large wrap around porch and a giant garage. The gardens were a mix of traditional and western, with sand arranged in intricate patterns and rosebushes in every color. As soon as the car stopped, Marinette unbuckled and slid from the car, racing for the woman standing atop the stairs leading to the large double doors. She slowed down just before she reached the woman, and bowed hastily.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Oba-san. How are you today?” Marinette struggled to stay bowed, itching to hug her grandmother.
“Ohayo, Marinette-san. I am well, and you?” The older woman’s voice was like a river over sharp rocks, soft and inviting, yet hiding a deeper threat.
“I’m well.” Marinette recited the proper response.
“Oh, enough formality, give me hug!” A smile broke, warm and maternal, on the stern woman’s face. Marinette eagerly hugged her grandmother. “Come inside. It’s too cold out here, and you are far too thin! I’ve had Momo-chan prepare all your favorites! You don’t start school for another week, so we have plenty of time to spend together! Your Oji-kun will be home tomorrow, and your parents will join us in a month. For now, we eat!”
The first day after her arrival, Marinette did nothing but adjust to the nine-hour time difference. On her second day, one of the maids woke her early, to inform her that her Grandmother wanted her to join her in the studio. Marinette scrambled into her favorite sweater and leggings, before grabbing her dance bag. She hurried to the east wing, where the dance studio was located, next to the dojo. She entered, listening to the music drifting from the top of the line speakers. She watched her grandmother stretch for a moment, before setting down her bag and joining her at the bar. After a few minutes, they fell into an old routine, one they had choreographed the last time Marinette was home, the summer before. The two were so deeply invested in their dance, they failed to notice the elderly man slip into the room. He was tall, with black hair that was starting to go gray. He had kind, warm chocolate brown eyes, with a mole by the other corner of the left. His smile somewhat resembled a smirk, mildly higher on one side than the other, as he watched his wife and granddaughter dance. His name was Koki Cheng, father of Sabine and head chef, owner, and manager of the Lotus Flower Restaurant, the most exclusive restaurant in all Japan. The music stopped, and he cleared his throat.
“Oji-kun!” Marinette cried, throwing herself into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much! How was the conference?” She beamed up at him with eyes identical to his wife and daughter.
“It was fine, Mari-chan. Now, how have you been? Any potential suitors for Felix-kun to fight off?” He chuckled at her embarrassed squeak, and the way she turned bright red.
“Oji-kun! Of course not!” Both the adults laughed at the way her voice cracked at the end. “You both are so mean!” The girl protested, struggling with a smile.
The next day, instead of dance, she and her grandmother went into the dojo. Marinette wore sweat pants and a tank top, with her hands wrapped in tape. She bowed to her grandmother, prepared her bo-staff, and fell into form. The second she was ready, she turned, spinning the staff so that it caught against that of her grandmother, blocking a swing that would have hit the back of her knees. She lunged, trying to strike, but her grandmother dodged back. The two went on this way for a few minutes, until Minako caught her granddaughter in the stomach. The girl grunted, heaving as the air was knocked out of her. She slid the mouthguard out, and stretched her jaw.
“Good hit, Oba-chan! Boxing next?” The older woman nodded, leaning both staffs against the wall, before bracing the punching bag for her granddaughter. After almost thirty minutes, the two switched, so that Minako was hitting and Marinette held the bag, and continued for half an hour more. The two circulated the large dojo slash gym, until they had done a full circuit. Nearly two hours after they had started, the duo headed up the stairs.
“So, Marinette, are you excited to see Felix-kun when school starts? He’s missed you, you know.” Minako unwrapped her hands as she walked, casting a sly glance at Marinette.
“I really am. I’ve missed him too.” Felix Culpa was Marinette’s best friend since childhood. When Felix was thirteen and Marinette was twelve, their families had decided that the two would be part of a marriage contract. Either one could back out at any time, but neither had any intention. Marinette, to avoid scrutiny, had played up her mild attraction to Adrien. In all reality, she just thought he was cute. He was far too much of a push-over for her tastes. Felix, on the other hand, was slightly cold, a little cruel to those he disliked, and decidedly more assertive. In fact, thinking back on it, Adrien looked a lot like Felix. Maybe that was why she thought he was cute?
“Well, you have less than a week to wait. Now, it’s time for lunch. We’re having katsudon.” Marinette gasped, before doubling her pace. Her grandmother’s tinkling, bell-like laughter following behind her.
It was time for Marinette to leave. She started at her new school tomorrow, and she would be spending the week at her family’s penthouse a few miles from the school, and commuting back on weekends. She had her case behind her, and was hugging her grandmother tight.
“I’ll see you Friday night, right Oba-chan?” She hugged her grandmother tighter.
“Of course, Marinette-chan. For now, you need to get going if you want to reach the apartment by midnight.” The elder woman pet her granddaughter’s hair, sighing. The two so rarely got time together.
“I’ll call you after school tomorrow. I love you, Oba-chan, Oji-chan.” Marinette stepped back, and smiled weakly.
“I love you too, Mari-chan.” Her grandfather watched as she walked morosely towards the Rolls Royce waiting on her.
“I love you too, Marinette-chan. Have fun at school, and tell Felix-kun we said hello.” Marinette’s smile grew more sincere at the mention of her boyfriend.
“I will, Oba-chan! Bye!” Marinette called to her grandparents, as Shota shut her door, climbed in, and started the car.
“How do you think she’ll handle Ouran?” Minako asked her husband.
“The real question is, how will Ouran handle her?” Koki chuckled. “Our little Marinette is a spitfire, quite unlike the other heiress’ attending Suoh’s precious academy. This will be fun.” Minako slapped her husband’s arm.
“Right though you may be, Marinette is more than entertainment, husband mine.” He smiled.
“You’re right. Still, imagine the rude awakening when Felix acts like he usually does around her.” Koki chuckled again at the image.
Marinette awoke early, stretching thoroughly before heading to the kitchen. She had convinced her grandmother that she didn’t need a chef to cook for her while she was there, so she grabbed an apple and a container of yogurt, ate quickly, and headed back to her room to dress. She didn’t much like the uniform, but she would wear it. She grabbed her favorite pair of flats, twisted her hair into a bun, and contemplated what make-up to wear. She soon decided that some blush and highlighter would be plenty. With deft flicks of her wrist, she was done. Smiling at her reflection in the full-length mirror, she made her way to the penthouse’s private elevator. She pushed the button to close the doors behind her, and made her way to the street once she reached the ground floor. She nodded to Shota, who was in the front of the Rolls, and shut her door.
Ouran was massive. Five stories, three wings, and a large campus. For some reason, the whole building was pink, and seemed to glitter in the sunlight. She took a deep breath, adjusted her bag, and made her way in. She ignored the stares and whispers, and made her way to the main building, where, according to the map she had memorized the night before, the main office was. She entered an opulent office, within which sat a blond man with sharp brown eyes.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Suoh-san.” Marinette bowed quickly. “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I was told by my grandfather to see you before classes started.” The man smiled and nodded.
“Your grandfather has spoken of you many times, Dupain-Cheng-san. Here is your schedule. Should you need anything, please, come straight to me. If I’m not available, you can ask my son, Tamaki. He’s a junior this year.” His eyes held a gleam she recognized from attending meetings with her grandfather. He was seeking a contract. In this case, he likely wanted her to marry his son. No, thanks. Marinette thought.
“Thank you for your time and generous offer, Suoh-san. I need to get to classes.” The man chuckled, though it lacked warmth.
“I hope you enjoy your time here, Dupain-Cheng-san.” Marinette pasted on her best fake smile.
“As do I, sir.”
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ubesweet-blog · 5 years
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name: Blaine Devon Anderson-Bacong
faceclaim: Darren Criss
age: Twenty-one
birthday: April 3rd
hometown: Daly City, CA
gender/pronouns: Cismale (but questioning), he/him/his
sexuality: Queer
major(s): American Studies
minor(s): Theatre
housing: RA Suite 120 (Beiste)
extracurriculars: Pilipino Student Union (PSU), Member; Resident Assistant, Beiste; considering joining Glee
Blaine Devon Anderson-Bacong was born to Pamela Anderson and Adrian Bacong, and is the younger half-brother of Cooper Anderson.
Ever since he was young, Blaine dreamed of storming onto the Broadway stage ever since his first musical. It was a surreal, magical experience that captured him. His whole family was there, and they were all united as a family in their busy schedules. It was something for Blaine to look forward to whenever they made plans. It didn’t help that his family was musically inclined, his older brother a piano-slaying dance machine. Questionable acting chops, sure, but their sibling relationship was what really pushed Blaine to pursue performing with all of his heart. Perhaps it was because his parents were always so busy and engrossed in their work that the only time the whole family was together and present was whenever Blaine had a show. They’d cheer him on, and he’d feel so content and happy that everyone was together. Performing was also his escape from high school, a weird time in his life marked by a lot of uncertainty, anxiety, and uncomfortableness in who he was. Blaine knew he was queer ever since the fourth grade, but it wasn’t until high school that he could truly accept who he was. When he came out, his family showered him with support and love. His peers… — that was a different story. Towards the end of high school, Blaine became depressed that he couldn’t always be open with who he wanted to be. And so he applied to universities away from home to escape some of the painful memories he’d made in high school.
DEPRESSION + ANXIETY CW Blaine initially applied to Joie with the intentions of pursing a Bachelors in Theatre, act some productions, and hit it big. Boy, were those some lofty dreams. But he was fully committed to them and ready to do whatever it took to make his dreams come true. Unfortunately, some dreams died. Blaine knew and considered himself to be passionate about performing arts, but he no longer found the complete and utter joy in all of it. His parents were no longer around to see his performances, the crowds weren’t as affable as the Bay Area, and everything was… different. This spurred a crisis: why major in Performing Arts and Theatre if he wasn’t as passionate about it as he thought he was. So he switched his majors around — so much that his advisor, Pillsbury, was concerned about what he was going to do at Joie. The initial excitement of college life withered slowly, and Blaine gained weight and struggled with his classes as he became depressed his first year. Blaine was lost. It wasn’t until he made it out to the Pilipino Student Association culture night that he began to reckon with his depression. It’d felt like he found a place and a home away from home, with people that cared about him.
American Studies is not the major he’d ever thought he’d end up with. But there’s something about a combination of History, Sociology, Anthropology, and so many more fields that interest him. While it’s something entirely different than Performing Arts, Blaine aspires to incorporate what he learns in his major to create a musical of his own. Probably set somewhere in Hawai’i, or perhaps Stockton, to some homage of his ancestors. Okay, fine, he’s partly (or majorly) inspired by Lin Manuel Miranda, trapped inside the same lofty dreams he had going into college. He wants a sweet taste of what it’s like to create something like In The Heights or Hamilton, even if it’s only a dream he has.
Blaine’s first year was definitely replete with many mistakes. There are some make-outs he would in hindsight regret, some friendships he wished he worked on more. His first year was difficult and rough, and he found comfort in other people, as he always did. Blaine is still reckoning with that and trying to be okay with just being alone. It didn’t help when his first college boyfriend broke up with him, and left an ugly mess in the process. So far, it’s been over a year and things have healed, and Blaine’s back to that romantic lovey-dovey idea of love.
What made you want to attend Joie University? My momma’s a proud Thunderclapper and I couldn’t be more proud to follow in her shoes here at Joie University! Though what I want when I attended is different from what I’m doing now. I applied with the intention of working with Professors Corcoran and July, but things have changed since then. And that’s okay! I’m still proud to be a part of the Thunderclapper legacy!
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? Oh, you’re asking me about myself? Well, I’d definitely say I’ve got some kind of charm. It’s an Anderson thing, just ask my brother. I’d like to think that’s why I did so well in high school theatre and performing over at Great America during some of my summers. I think I’m also fairly determined and ambitious, and willing to go as far as I can to get what I want. That’s important, you know, to have goals and have expectations for myself. Finally, I’d go ahead and say I’m pretty darn passionate about the things I invest my time into. Music, theatre, my studies. It’s kind of why I had a major crisis — I just love too many things, haha. As for negative traits… well, ask my exes, they’ll probably say I’m needy. Insecure too. Sometimes childish. I guess I agree. There’s a lot of things I need to work on. But that’s okay.
Which of your traits do you value most? Actually, okay, I need to add an answer to the last one. I’d throw welcoming in there as well. I say that because I genuinely enjoy meeting other people and getting to know them. I think we can’t solve our world’s problems if we don’t talk about it, you know? That itself is so important. Being able to just open up and talk to people, but also making them feel at home.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? Currently, I’m an RA for Beiste, which has been amazing so far, if you ask me. I really like getting to know the residents, some of them Freshmen, others not, and making them feel like they belong here at Joie. It’s a scary world, but I want to be there for them in this time in their lives. Don’t get me wrong, I hate getting calls at 2am because someone brought a chihuahua home, which is against our school policy, but I love interacting with everyone that comes through our doors. They’re like family to me. I think everyone here at Joie, especially at PSU — they’ve made me feel so welcome and feel like I belong here that I want to give that same feeling back.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? Honestly? I just want to discover something new about myself. I didn’t think going into college I’d be affiliated with PSU, become and RA, or even think about majoring in American Studies. But, hey, here I am, and I’m doing it. I love learning new things about myself and what’s out there, and I can’t wait to keep continuing that. Not just here, but in life.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? "Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack / in the concrete / Proving nature's laws wrong it learned to walk / without having feet / Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams / it learned to breathe fresh air". Tupac, The Rose That Grew From Concrete, such a classic. But… I also just did rewatch Justin Bieb’s Love Yourself music video recently with Keone and Mari and… I just went through a break-up so probably something sappy from that.
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