#and an electric hot water bottle appreciation post
nightmaretour · 5 months
I love when I find something that makes my life just that little bit better. To an abled/able bodied person it may seem like nothing, just a random gadget or even laziness. But for me it just made every day of my life a little (or a lot) easier, solved a problem I've had to live with my whole life up to this point. Maybe they weren't intentionally made with this purpose in mind sometimes, but I love them nonetheless.
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tgirlwithreverb · 10 months
I saw that post about what to do if you're homeless again (the one that starts by telling you to spend all of your money on motel rooms lmao) anyway, here's a few thoughts, specifically for trans girls, cuz I don't really care otherwise tbh:
1) plan ahead, most trans girls are in precarious housing situations, you will have a much easier time when it falls apart if you already have a pack with most of the gear you need in it. Also, if you find yourself in a situation where you cant make rent, dont pay part of it, spend that money on gear, pocket the rest and leave, youll have a much nicer time. Look up your local eviction laws, you have plenty of time. (Gear list at the end)
2) travel! If you're in Arizona in May, leave. it's about to be hot as hell. If you're in Michigan in October, leave. It's about to be cold as hell. If you're in a big city, leave. It's way easier to be homeless pretty much anywhere else. Amtrak is cheaper and more comfortable than greyhound, hitchhiking is free and easy, if you're alone it's not that much slower than the previous two, and it's more fun, and sometimes people buy you food or whatever or give you money. I promise it's not scary and you're entirely capable of doing it, no matter who you are. 95+% of people who will pick you up are very nice. All you have to do is take the bus out of town, as far down the highway you can, to an exit with a truck stop if possible, then just stand on the side of the road with your thumb out until someone picks you up. You can stand at the bottom of the ramp(on the highway) near where the merge lane ends or at the top of the ramp(where there's usually a traffic light), the former is more likely to lead to cop interactions but will maybe get you a ride faster, check on hitchwiki for how the cops are in the area. don't be afraid to take a commuter bus or Amtrak to get out of a shitty cop area
3) skip shelters if you can (they are very occasionally a decent place to get stuff from) and encampments, good places to sleep include the trees near railroad tracks or highways, wooded areas behind shopping centers, sections of parks without paths, overgrown empty lots. Hang a tarp above you if there's an appreciable chance of rain, there's tons of YouTube tutorials on how to do this, maybe I'll make a post about what I usually do some day. There are many habits more fun than motel rooms, save your money for them lmao.
4) get on food stamps. This is easier in some places than others, but it makes the whole thing a lot easier. Just tell them you're homeless, if they don't give you a card the same day, you can probably ask to pick it up from that office, alternatively some drop in centers/day shelters can receive mail for you, or you can have it sent to general delivery(USPS service, look it up)
7) libraries are great for charging your phone and using wifi, but also keep an eye out, plenty of random outlets on the outsides of buildings are also powered
5) dumpster. sidewalk trash cans, Aldi, Einstein's, trader Joe's, pizza places, etc. You need to develop a bit of a sense for it but it's an easy way to get cooked food or travelling food or expensive food without spending resources. Also it's fun.
6) water is free, go into the bathroom of any gas station or grocery store in America(offer not valid in most big cities or on the west coast, but in that case just go to the library) and fill up your water bottle
8) hygiene notes: truckers get free showers from chain truck stops(loves, pilot/flying j) go there and ask them. convenient if you're hitchhiking, also you don't need to shower 3 times a day, really, you'll survive. Ditto with deodorant. Take care of your teeth though. Take your socks off every. day. Change them consistently. Safety razors give a good shave, work well without adequate water pressure, and the replacement blades are very stealable, they're kind of heavy though. Walmart makes these electric razors for women that take AA batteries and are pretty light but give a worse shave, also they kinda go through batteries, pick whatever works for you(cartridge razors suck)
9) traveling food notes: peanut butter is great, tortillas and bagels travel pretty well, tuna packets are pretty good protein for traveling(the ones with rice and beans or whatever are nice since theyre often the same price as the regular), condiment packets are free, hot sauce makes everything better, and mayo goes well with tuna and has a bunch of calories in it, salad dressing packets are free from truck stops and work well turning the Walmart shredded vegetable packages (labeled for making into slaw, next to the bagged salads) into a salad with real vegetables(not iceberg lettuce) in it or mixing in with tuna packets for even more calories than mayo
Gear world:
Necessary items(in order of importance): a gallon of water carrying capacity(an Arizona jug or other twist top jug is conventional, but a bladder+arizona bottles also works), a tarp(larger than 6'x9', not brightly colored), a hank of parachord, a sleeping bag (20° rated, synthetic insulation), a backpack with a padded hip belt(at least 50L, no more than 75), rain gear(a rain poncho might cover your pack too, a rain jacket can help with wind when its cold, a trash bag inside or outside your pack can keep it dry, a plan to watch the weather and not get caught also works), a z-fold foam sleeping pad, three pairs of socks, two pairs of underwear (at least one pair of boxer breifs strongly recommended if you arent incredibly skinny), a decent pair of shoes with good arch support, a functional jacket(skip if you got a rain jacket before), a base layer(wool or poly, absolutely no cotton)
Convenient items: a sleeping bag liner(cotton free, keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer), gallon zip locks to pack your stuff in(helps keep it dry and organized), no more than one change of clothes(as light as possible), a multi-tool(can opener, pliers, wire cutter), lighter(burning rope ends etc), spoon, floss and needles for patching
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eowynstwin · 1 month
Re: this post. Because we all know what Price would do.
cw: Infidelity. Implied rape (coerced sex is rape). Implied murder. Price is Price.
The scent of ozone is sharp in your nose. The air around your husband gathers, electricity coalescing, taking on a slow, heavy pulse of its own as he sits there, arms crossed, expression closed. Hard.
John Price is a hard man. You knew this when you married him. Appreciated it, even. He suffers no fools, loathes a point belabored. To him, there is an unbroken, straight line, gloriously clear, between himself and his objective; a simple, beautiful connection between means and motive. Anything inconsequential is merely scenery on a road trip. Meaningless visual noise.
Between you, the wallet sits in the middle of the dinner table like a live grenade. Leather; worn around the edges.
Not his.
“Who,” he says. It is not a question. It is an order.
Your lips are pressed together tightly, so it might keep your chin from trembling. Stray tears are hot down the corners of your nose.
You can’t look him in the eye.
“It was,” you stutter, “the man, the—the man—for the car—”
Suddenly you have to take huge gulps of air. You pull them in raggedly, like they claw at your throat, refusing to go willingly into the cage of your lungs.
“It was only—only for—” you heave past a sob “—for the payment, he said—he said either this or—or—”
You cry out in fear as John stands from the chair, whole body shaking now.
Your husband does not suffer excuses, either.
You’ve never been afraid of him; John keeps his anger away from you, when he can. Takes it outside with a cigar and a bottle of scotch, to the gym and the sparring mats, or all the way out there where inevitably he must kill to keep from being killed.
But now it fills the house like tear gas. Billowing, noxious, whipping against your skin, pressing sharply into your eyes.
You squeeze them shut, tightly. He approaches you. Instinct, something written deep in your bones, seizes up, knows it feels the predator closing in. Resigned, like waiting for the jaws to close will make it hurt less when they snap your neck.
It’s why you flinch when his mouth lands, far too gently, on the crown of your head. His hand cups your nape like a newborn.
“Order some dinner,” he murmurs—not gently, but in memory of gentleness. “Have a bath, with those bombs I got you.”
You choke on your own breath. He withdraws, and finally you look him full in the face—
His brow is low. His gaze is shuttered away from you, fixed on some far point.
“John,” you whisper.
“I’ll be back tonight,” he murmurs.
He turns his back on you and walks out the door.
You order pad thai for two, jasmine rice, crab kanob jeeb with spicy dipping sauce. You splurge and have fresh cookies delivered, against better judgement—not your own, you demonstrably have none, but certainly someone’s.
When you close your teeth around a dumpling, broth spurts against your tongue, like an artery punctured. The sauce clears your nostrils in a sudden punch, no lead up, no dancing around what it is and what it’s supposed to do. It’s delicious; exonerating.
You would think guilt would close your stomach, but in fact you eat like a man on death row, inhaling every flavor like you can take it with you into your next life. You have to stop yourself from digging into what your ordered for John.
He said he’d be back. He isn’t a liar.
You do have that bath. You pour yourself some of his scotch, light candles, fasten your hair up with a clip and rest the back of your neck against the slanted lip of the bathtub. You and John had bought this house in part because of this tub; you’d fantasized about doing just this as often as you pleased.
He’d joked about its great capacity for draining a body. You’d told him if he ever used your tub for murder, you’d leave him.
The bath bombs fizz next to your thighs, dying the water in pink and gold, bubbling along your skin. Steam rises visibly from the water; tension bleeds from you slowly, like your body is unwilling to give it up just yet.
When it begins to cool, you open the drain and shower off. You wash yourself from top to bottom, lathering soap between the palms of your bare hands, reacquainting your body with your own touch. There, the dips in your pelvis; there, the folds of your stomach; there, the backs of your knees, calves, the knobs of your ankle bones.
Everything as it was before. Clean. Unblemished.
You take your post on the couch in your softest pajamas, pulling a blanket up to your waist. There’s a game on tonight, a Liverpool friendly that you remember John wanted to watch. He should get back soon, then. He wouldn’t want to miss it—
The front door opens.
You whip around. Your gaze locks with your husband’s. You hold together motionless, staring, as if evaluating each other.
You’re not sure how you expected him to arrive but you find yourself surprised that he’s clean. He’s in the same clothes, even, jeans and a T-shirt and a bomber jacket and work boots. The picture of nondescript.
The air he brings in with him is…different. Not miasmic; more refined. Almost satiated. You can’t read his expression, but the line of his brow is softer.
“Alright?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you say, and find yourself surprised that you mean it.
Words sit heavy in your stomach. Serious, needful. But you know John; and suddenly you realize if there was a time for them at all, he wouldn’t want them anyway.
He comes over to you, toes off his boots and slings his jacket over the sofa back. Sits, gathers you into his side, bringing your legs over his lap and pulling your head into the crook of his neck. He’s warm; warmer than he should be, having just come in from the cold.
“Needed a walk,” is all he says.
“Sure,” you agree.
He smells like your John. Clean, evergreen body soap and fresh laundry and earthy, like the smell of turned humus. A little thread of gun oil that never goes away—metallic, in a way you’ve grown used to, and couldn’t imagine being without any longer.
He cups your shoulder with one hand, lays the other across your lap. Squeezes your thigh. His knuckles are chapped a deep, bruised red from the cold; you notice a dark spot beneath the nail of his pinky.
“What’s the score?” he asks. His deep voice rumbles in his chest.
“They’re losing,” you say. You inhale his scent, hold it in your lungs, and breathe out slowly, calmly.
“Eh,” he says, giving you a squeeze, kissing your hair. “They’ll get away with it.”
You buy a car on a loan from some shady fuck like an idiot and John takes care of it, idk. Don’t worry about watching the news babe he’s a professional
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teawitch · 11 months
Candle substitutes
(This is to answer an ask but because I go on forever, I've made it its own post)
Because I've seen this become contentious in the past, I'm going to start with a little witchy secret - if you've been to a public ritual or event where there were candles burning on the altar and you didn't see them lit - they were probably battery operated and being used to adhere to the fire regulations. Sometimes witches are practical.
For me the answer to candle substitutes comes down to - why would I be using the candle? Because different reasons might have different answers.
Altar or Shrine
On an altar or shrine to represent fire or honor a deity, a battery operated candle or even small attractive lamp might be what you're looking for. Some witches do not want electrical cords or similar intruding into their magical space so lamps would be out. I figure at this point, with wifi and such flowing through air, nothing is really without interference. But if that is the case, you could even just hold up an unlit candle or a wand to signify air. (I've never had a deity object to a really cool lamp in their space.)
Incense and smoke cleansing substitutes. I don't think we give enough credit to the ability for sound to cleanse spaces. It could be a bell or, more popular than people realize - play really loud head-banger rock music to clear the space then something gentler to reset everything at a calmer tone.
If you want a scent-based solution, there are diffusers available but you can also just do a simmer pot of the stove. Or buy one of those mini-crockpots and use it. Or put a bit of scent in a spray bottle and spritz the space.
Fountain Foggers Misters - cheaper than you'd expect on Amazon or your local Halloween store. Put one in attractive bowl or container and add a bit of scent. It will create a wonderful mist that you can watch swirl above the bowl.
The Emergency Tea Solution. This is my hotel room trick when I check in only to find the room feels a bit off. It also works in any place that gets very restrictive about what you can do - no candles, no warmers, no diffuses, etc. Make a cup of hot water and drop a tea bag or your favorite loose herbs into it. Walk the space using your hand to waft the steam around the room. Repeat as needed. (I've used the free Earl Grey tea provided by the hotel for this and it works. Free hotel coffee is probably horrid enough to scare away anything.)
Rewrite the spell or write a different spell. The purpose of burning things in a spell is to send energy out (or up). If you burn something, you transform the energy in that thing into spell energy. You just need another way to do that.
Breath and speech are vibrations. So chanting or speaking the words of spell will send their energy out.
Write the words on something that will biodegrade and tie it to a tree. Or for something long-lasting, like protection, write it on a windchime and hanging it in the wind.
Write the words themselves in water or alcohol and let them evaporate into the air.
And there's nothing like speaking or chanting the words while pouring a libation (alcohol is good if available) on the ground. Most gods, guides and spirits appreciate a drink now and then.
(Oh, the whole candle colors thing is fairly modern because candles being easily obtainable in a wide variety of colors is fairly modern. So feel free to be creative in your color use.)
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eazy-group · 1 year
Simple And Fun Halloween Camping Activities!
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/simple-and-fun-halloween-camping-activities/
Simple And Fun Halloween Camping Activities!
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Plan some frighteningly friendly fun with these awesome Halloween camping activities the kids and adults will enjoy. There are tons of ways to enjoy your Halloween camping trips!
Psst we’re compensated…see our disclosures.
Halloween Camping Games
Add a Halloween holiday twist to ordinary games. Here are a few ideas…
Eyeball Egg Toss
Create an eerie feel to an egg toss game by using black electrical tape or magic markers to draw an eyeball on the egg.
You can use raw eggs to add an extra-gross feel to the competition when an egg is dropped … or just use hard-boiled eggs to keep clean-up to a minimum.
Each team of two people toss their egg back and forth, when a team drops their egg … they are out of the game.
Glow Sticks Pumpkin Bowling
Glow Stick Set With Connectors
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    Make 10 glowing bowling ball pins from bottled drinking water by activating the glow stick and dropping it into the bottle … then replacing the screw-on lid.
Now, use a mini-pumpkin as the bowling ball and play a game fit for the Halloween holiday!
Wicked Witch Ring Toss
Satin-Soft Black Witch Hat Party Accessory
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  Place a Halloween costume witch hat on the ground and use glow stick necklaces as rings to toss around the hat.
The camper with the most rings around the hat is the winner.
Hot Pumpkin Toss
Just like a game of Hot Potato, toss a mini pumpkin around a circle while playing music, when the music stops, the player holding the pumpkin is out of the game.
Candy Bar Bingo
Fun Size Halloween Candy Assortment
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    Play a game of bingo but replace the board chip markers with mini bite-sized Halloween candy. This is a fun activity for the entire month of October.
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Spooky Treasure Hunts
Glow in The Dark Halloween LED Flash Rings
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  Hide little Halloween themed items (like cheap Halloween rings, mini candy bars etc) around the campsite and draw a haunted treasure map for the hidden items.
The camper who finds the most treasures in the scavenger hunt wins.
Festivities In The Halloween Spirit
It just wouldn’t be Halloween without a few spooky stories and costumes! Here are some ideas to make it easy at the campsite.
Tell A Sort-Of Spooky Story
It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse!
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  If you need to stay away from frightening ghost stories and zombie apocalypse tales, go for a little-kid friendly option instead and the whole family will sleep better without turning a fun weekend into a total nightmare. P.S. It’s not just younger children who will appreciate this magic pumpkin patch approach to your Halloween celebration.
Scary Movies
Show scary movies after dark if you have a way to play them. Halloween is a classic. Other favorites are the Blair Witch Project and the Friday the 13th film series (which can be shown on Friday night to start Halloween-themed weekends off on the right foot).
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  Host A Halloween Party With Fellow Campers
Host a party with your camping friends by incorporating these ideas:
Invite Halloween campers to dress up in their favorite costumes then have costume parades.
Serve holiday-themed food (I have awesome ideas for you later in this post).
Use holiday-themed plates, cups and napkins (easy ways to dress up cups is to glue ​googly eyes on them).
Have ​decorating contests like camp site decorating, ATV or golf ​cart decorating then have an ATV & golf cart parade (fake ​spider webs and plastic spiders are always a fun way to ​decorate around the campground).
​Family dance including playlists from Halloween-themed movies.
​Pumpkin carving contests.
Pancake breakfast.
Let the Halloween experts help. Take a short drive to visit ​local Halloween events like:
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Haunted hayrides or fall hayrides for the younger kids
Haunted walks along a haunted trail or in a haunted house
Autumn ​farmers markets (make sure you pick up a few caramel apples) and craft shows
Horseback riding
Wagon rides
If you’re camped at one of the Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park RV park’s across the United States, you’ll have built-in fun Halloween activities during Halloween weekends (yes, that is plural! Many RV resorts have consecutive Halloween-themed weekends throughout the entire month that are filled with family fun for younger and older kids as well as adults. It is so much fun, when Sunday morning rolls around, you’ll be disappointed it is time to pack up to head for home!)
Camping Trick Or Treating
Plan a trick or treat event for the kids and pets. This is really fun if you are camping with other families.
It’s a good idea to do a little pre-planning to coordinate this especially if anybody has food allergies or special dietary restrictions.
Make sure you have pet-safe treats like dog bones … it’s an extra bonus if they are Halloween-themed!
Halloween Bone Bons Organic Dog Treats
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  Halloween Dance Party
Hold a Halloween ball with a glow dance party and play fun Halloween music like Monster Mash (Bobby “Boris” Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers), Thriller (Michael Jackson), Ghostbusters (Ray Parker Jr.) etc.
Costume Contests
Have a costume contest where everyone gets to vote for their favorite costume ideas in categories like …
Most unique camping-themed outfit etc.
Simple Costumes
Face Paint Kit For Kids With Stencils
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  If you want to dress up but don’t want to wear full-blown outfits, here are some easy options. Fun face coverings in the form of masks work great but it is even easier and less stuff to pack if you cover faces with paint. Face painting is fun for kids of all ages and if you use a kit with stencils, you don’t have to be an artist!
Temporary Tattoos
Halloween Temporary Tattoos
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  Using temporary Halloween tattoos and glow in the dark stickers are quick and easy alternatives to wearing complete Halloween costumes. Want a variety in one convenient package?
Halloween Arts And Crafts
Do some Halloween crafts like pumpkin painting and carving … and you’ll get cute campsite decorations out of the projects to display during your trip. Don’t forget to bring the supplies for your planned Halloween camping art and craft projects.
Carve Pumpkins
Who doesn’t love carving jack o lanterns for Halloween? This is one of the most fun Halloween camping ideas because kids and adults can get creative with fun or spooky designs. You can do it free-hand or use stencils.
Pumpkin Carving Stencil Kit
The Ultimate Pumpkin Carving Kit With 10 Pop-Out Stencils
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  One of my totally non-artistic friends carved a pumpkin with a lot of detail in the design and I was amazed at how easy it was when she told me she “cheated” by using pumpkin carving kit stencils! The pumpkins are so cute … WOW!!!
These are easy and fun Halloween camping crafts that will also decorate your campsite for the rest of your trip!
A quick caution about carving pumpkins at the campsite … carving tools are sharp and pumpkins can be awkward to handle so take extra precautions … especially when small kids are carving your jack o lantern!
It’s also a good idea to use battery-operated tea lights instead of candles to light up the carved pumpkin. Practice good camping safety tips to make sure everyone has a fun-filled camping adventure!
Pumpkin Painting
Crayola Pumpkin Paint Set
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  If you don’t feel comfortable with sharp objects, just paint the pumpkins. Any acrylic paint works great, just make sure you have good Halloween-y colors.
Painted Rock Craft Halloween Creatures
Pick up a few rocks around your campsite and paint them with funny zombie faces then set them out as decorations during your trip. See how to make them on sustainmycrafthabit.
Lollipop Paper Ghosts Made With Coffee Filters
Turn lollipops and coffee filters into cute ghosts with this edible craft project. See how to make them on katherinerosman.
Easy Handprint Zombie Craft For Kids
Create adorable zombies that you can hang around camp as decorations after the kids finish this easy craft. See how to make them on simpleeverydaymom.
Halloween Craft Felt Bat Pencil Topper
Enhance your pencils with these lovable bats made out of felt and a few simple hand-sewn stitches. See how to make them on easyfeltcrafts.
Pretty Pumpkins Craft Project
See how easy it is to make these Dollar Tree DIY pretty pumpkins on your Halloween camping trip then use them to adorn your tables. See how to make them on dollarstoreliving.
Egg Carton Tissue Paper Ghost Craft
Don’t throw out the egg carton after breakfast. Make these fun ghosts and then use them for site decorating your camp decor. See how to make them on jinxykids.
Halloween-Themed Food
Serve some yummy treats with these fun Halloween camping food ideas. Your fall camping trip will probably be filled with cooler temperatures. So, you’ll want your picnic table filled with warm and hearty food. Check out all of my winter camping recipes that are great additions to any cold weather trips.
Halloween Lighting
Hang Halloween camper lights around your campsite to add a creepy or cute and spooky feel to your event.
More Tips For Halloween Camping
Experiencing the great outdoors in autumn is unique and exhilarating. Get tips on fall camping so you are fully prepared for your Halloween adventure.
More Meal Ideas
There are so many options to enjoy yummy meals!
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twilightfox1717 · 3 years
I’ve been on here for a few months now...observing the sparxshipping fandom. 
I’ve never written a story before, but I’d like to start. Hopefully I’ll be satisfied enough and brave enough to post a full chapter one day...
Over the past few months, after the big fiasco in Relix, she would get the same nightmare over and over again, and each time, the same emotions flooded her as if she was experiencing it for the first time. However, this time, she saw a silhouette. 
I wonder…who could that be? She thought. She shivered. The sensation that someone’s hands were on her shoulders wouldn't come off.
She stood up, slipped on her slippers, and began pacing around her room.
How peaceful… she thought.
Not far, Flora was sleeping soundly with her plants. The atmosphere was calm and silent. 
“Ouch!” Bloom yelped. A flash of electricity just shook her entire body and left a burning sensation all over her veins. “Hot…so…hot,” she said, falling back down on her bed. Her head was burning with fever and black spots were dancing around her vision. Luckily, the sensation only lasted a few seconds.
When she could finally bring herself up, the atmosphere changed completely. It buzzed with the electricity of Tecna’s gadgets, the warmth of Stella’s floating lamps, the bubbles in Aisha’s water bottle, the quiet tunes of Musa’s headphones, and the pulsing of Flora’s plants. Bloom never felt as alive as she was at that moment. It was as if all the energy in the air was rushing to be absorbed by her.
She stood up and walked around in awe, tracing her fingers across the vines, feeling the silky texture, the fine lines of their cells. She continued walking until she got to their commonplace and paused at the window. It was incredible. Each of the stars in the sky shined with a different color, the moon bigger and brighter than ever. Her hands fell to her sides as she stood there, in a trance.
“Augh…my head,” she groaned. Next thing she knew, she crashed onto the floor, breathing heavily. “Haaah…hahhhh…hhh.” It was too much, like the universe was tightening around her very existence. Not again…it’s so hot; I’m burning up! Her thoughts were racing. Is this a heart attack or something? If she could open her eyes, they would be frantically shooting across the room. Help. Someone please help me.  “Shhhh.” There was that voice again. It was so deep, velvety even. “It’s alright. Calm down.”
if you have any constructive criticism, I’d greatly appreciate it if you shared :)
Happy New Year!
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tearsofsyrup · 4 years
— It’s Seungkwan’s birthday and you want to surprise him with breakfast in bed. But when he wakes up, there’s a different kind of hunger rumbling in his stomach.
pairing. boo seungkwan / female reader
genre. established relationship au; non-idol au; fluff; smut
word count. 2k
warnings. brief sexually explicit content; domestic af; blonde kwan-ah, now with glasses; poorly proof-read
notes. (belated) happy birthday, uri boo. i wasn’t sure whether to post this or not but here we are and here you go! feedback is ardently appreciated!
It isn’t often that you find yourself awake before Seungkwan. But your subconscious must have known that today is special. Not that it makes awakening any easier.
Eyes barely open and limbs stirring sluggishly beneath the duvet, you glance towards your boyfriend. His hair is nothing short of messy against the pillow, recently dyed a warm blonde that you won’t admit exactly how much you enjoy on him. A natural pout puckers his lips, emphasized by how his one cheek is squished beneath him. His skin shines with a golden tan under the shy rays of this morning’s sun. Slow, relaxed breaths leave his nose and you can faintly feel them graze your face. It makes you smile.
But you need to get up before those eyelids of his creak open.
You've always wondered why your body feels ten times heavier when getting out of bed, as if an invisible force is begging you to stay put. And it’s a tempting notion to give in to, despite it only being forged by your own mind. However, the unfortunate nature of breakfast is that it doesn’t cook itself. Not even on birthdays.
So, you rise, the heel of your hand rubbing one eye while the other tries to stay open, balance off as you stand. You don’t bother looking for a pair of pants, aware that you only have so much time before the peace of an asleep Seungkwan will run out, and wander around the bed on wobbly legs and only half your vision with nothing but a pajama shirt and panties on.
You make sure not to stumble into the closed door of Vernon’s room as you pass it, rounding the corner into the kitchen with a long yawn. Eyes blinking tightly and frequently, they scan the poverty of your fridge, not containing much other than an almost empty carton of milk, leftover pizza from a week ago and two bottles of ketchup because Vernon accidentally bought an extra one. And the eggs and bacon you sneaked in yesterday.
As you begin preparing Seungkwan’s meal, you try not to make too much of a racket, in an effort to keep your boyfriend unknowing, even when you accidentally hit your head against the cupboard door that you have a bad habit of leaving open. But it seems to be either that or the fact that you might have jumped with a vocal yelp when the frying pan unexpectedly spit hot oil on your hand, that coaxes consciousness into Seungkwan before breakfast is ready. Because you think you can hear faint footsteps through the hissing heat that your poking with a spatula.
Your lips are already pursed when Seungkwan clears his throat of some post-slumber grogginess.
“Shit, go back to sleep!” You haven’t even turned to look his way before you speak, tone chalky from lack of use and eyes focused on positioning the bacon in a needlessly neat order.
Seungkwan snorts. “That didn’t sound like ‘good morning, honey’ to me.” His voice is even more gritty than yours, something he also seems to notice as he begins clearing his throat again.
You scoff, throwing him a scornful look past your shoulder, secretly delighted by the sight of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. “Like you violently shaking me out of bed while trying to shove vitamins down my throat every day is a form of ‘good morning, honey’.”
Coincidentally though not surprisingly, he is reaching for his bottle of vitamins as you finish speaking. “It’s not my fault you can’t wake up on your own,” he protests, filling a cup with water. “And vitamins are important.”
You try not to roll your eyes too far back into your head when you resume monitoring the bacon. “Anyway, I was gonna make you breakfast in bed, so go back to sleep.”
Seungkwan gulping down his vitamins sounds from behind you and when you turn your head, there is curiosity in the look he gives you. Your focus shifts back ahead as he comes closer. He sniffs from beside you, eyeing the pink strips of meat.
“You’re not burning down my kitchen, are you?” That earns him a side-eyed glare.
“Hey, three people own this kitchen, actually.”
“Ha! When have you ever seen Vernon make anything except cup noodles?”
The lower of your lips juts outward in a pout, unable to argue with that point. But you struggle to maintain the expression wholeheartedly when Seungkwan smiles, brown eyes dripping with amusement before you. You look away, the corners of your mouth itching.
“Breakfast in bed?” he recalls.
“What for?”
You huff a laugh. “Shut up. Go sleep.”
Seungkwan giggles, moving away toward the electric kettle. “Eggs and bacon in bed? Could get grease stains on the sheets.”
“Then stop eating like a child or put a bib on.”
Seungkwan makes a sound of offence and his eyes are wide and accusatory behind the large lenses of his glasses when you twist your neck to shoot him a victorious grin. He scoffs, shaking his head before filling the kettle with water.
“No need to roast me. I’m not a piece of that bacon, you know...”
“Pfft.” Your eyes roll again, the bacon in question slowly turning crisp.
Seungkwan meets you with a low-lidded glance. “You shouldn’t be so mean. Especially on my-”
“No, shhh! Not yet, go back to sleep!”
Seungkwan’s laugh is hearty then, while you keep yourself from being infected by it. He turns the kettle on, placing two mugs on the counter next to it before turning and leaning back with loosely crossed arms.
You squint at the pursed smirk he gives you. “You’re not making coffee, are you?”
His eyebrows jump upward. “I am... Like every other morning.”
You exaggerate the deflation of your posture, pout thrice as dramatic as earlier. “But, you can’t go back to sleep if you’re all caffeinated...”
“Well, I’m not gonna fall back asleep either way, baby,” he says with a grin, the curve of his cheekbones rising higher and accentuating the charming arch of his smiling eyes.
With a heavy drop of your head, you huff. Your plan has officially failed. Staring at the darkening bacon feels demeaning, one hand landing on your forehead where it banged against the cupboard door.
A sudden weight settles atop your right shoulder, making you jump a little before realizing it’s Seungkwan’s chin. The warmth of his chest engulfs your back through the fabric of both of your shirts and makes you realize that you are cold with your bare legs out. He peers over you, watching the sizzling bacon below.
“Sorry, baby. For ruining your plan.”
Your free shoulder shrugs. “It’s fine. Isn’t it the thought that counts?”
He chuckles softly, warm in your ear. “Right.”
Seungkwan’s heat leaves you as he goes to handle the water that’s boiled and you try not to shiver, beginning to lift the now crisp strips of bacon onto a paper towel. While Seungkwan prepares coffee, you reach for the eggs, needing both hands to crack them safely into the frying pan.
You watch Seungkwan with a secret glance, quietly admiring the sharp corner of his jawline and the soft slope of his nose. When he catches you, you admire the smile that grows across his lips too.
No more words are exchanged in the comfortable silence between you, until Seungkwan has placed two cups of coffee on the counter next to the stove and his chin is back in your shoulder. Instinctively, you lean into his warm body and decide not to comment on what you can feel is left of his morning wood against your backside. Seungkwan’s palms run softly over your bare hips and you shudder at the contrasting temperature.
“Why aren’t you wearing any pants, babe? It’s cold,” he murmurs, voice gentler next to your ear.
“I was too tired to care.” You poke slightly at the sunny-side-ups.
“Want me to go get you some clean ones?”
A small smile creeps its way up the corners of your mouth. “What, you don’t like me half-naked?”
Seungkwan laughs. “I like it a little too much, I think.”
With a quirked brow, you wonder if it isn’t a case of morning wood after all.
“I see,” you start. “In that case, I think I’m happy just like this.”
Seungkwan snickers quietly, arms lifting to curve around your waist and hold you tighter against him. Bulge poking at your lower back, he hums a soft melody you cannot place as he watches you move the cooked eggs onto a clean plate and push the pan away from the stove. In an attempt to escape Seungkwan’s embrace, you wiggle a bit and receive a long sigh that brushes across the skin of your neck in return. But he doesn’t relent, simple moving the both of you over with a steadfast grip around you, making you laugh.
“Hey, breakfast in kitchen is ready,” you giggle.
“So, feed me,” he says, grin apparent through his tone.
For a third time, your eyes roll upward, yet you oblige and cut a piece of bacon and eggs for your boyfriend before lifting it into his mouth. He chews it next to your ear, humming with content.
“Wow,” you smirk, arms resting over Seungkwan’s where they hug your stomach. “It’s like live ASMR.”
Seungkwan chuckles. “Thank you, baby. It tastes great.” A sweet kiss is puckered against your cheek.
You twist your neck to meet his face, snuggling into him like he’s a blanket covering you. His eyes meet yours through his glasses and he smiles, wide and pretty, thumbs rubbing against the soft fabric of your shirt. You lean forward, placing your mouth over his and moving it slowly. He reciprocates easily, adding more pressure and quickly turning the kiss more fervent. You feel him hardening behind you, causing a familiar heat to begin aching within the confines of your underwear.
It is first when his fingers sneak up to begin unbuttoning your pajama shirt that you detach your lips from his, lids heavy over your eyes as you watch him. He dives downward and starts pecking and licking at your neck instead.
“Kwannie,” you say with a hushed tone, hand gripping Seungkwan’s wrist weakly. “What if Vernon wakes up?”
Seungkwan huffs into your skin, breath warm. “He won’t,” comes his mumble. “Unless you bang about, like earlier.”
You unsuccessfully suppress a disdainful grunt. “Fuck, I did wake you up when I walked into that damn cupboard door again...”
Your boyfriend grins against you before lifting his head, too amused with the pout you sport. “I’m just teasing, baby. I was already awake by then.”
His giggles are met with disappointed glare. “Bully...”
A quick peck tickles your nose. “Is your head okay, though?”
You shrug. “I’ll live.”
And that is when you notice that your shirt is completely unbuttoned, Seungkwan’s gentle touch pulling it open before placing warm palms over your breasts. You sigh, thighs subconsciously tightening to try and relieve the increasing heat between them.
“Since your first plan didn’t work,” Seungkwan whispers against the shell of your ear and you lean into his erection behind you, “how about we do something else for my-...” Your eyebrows jump at his pause. “Wait, can I say it yet?”
A happy guffaw escapes you, meeting his round eyes with a delighted grin. Gripping his wrist, you guide his slender fingers beneath the cotton of your panties and watch his pupils dilate in real time, his eyelashes dancing with the ends of fluffy, blonde hair. Your hips tense when his skin meets your heat, sensitive with a need for attention.
“Yes, Kwannie,” you finally reply, biting your lip through your wide smile. “Happy birthday.”
Later, when the taste of Seungkwan’s release is coating your throat and your knees are aching, he asks if you want to take your vitamins yet. Your incredulous laugh is so loud that you are sure it makes even Vernon wake up.
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
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Summary: You’d learned to live with your nightmares, never expecting to find any kind of remedy
Pairing: Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Language, mentions of parent death
Author's Note: Back on it, ploughing through some lovely requests :)
You couldn’t believe it when you got the call.
Tony Stark had chosen you to be his new secretary, effective immediately.
Your flight to New York left the same day, but that wasn’t no issue at all, because you had very few belongings to pack and ever fewer goodbyes to say. No heartache or sentimentality, it was finally time to get away from your past and everything that reminded you of it.
Even though America was huge and bright and terrifying, it felt like your promised land, and you were eager to absorb every last drop of its mystifying beauty. You could barely stop yourself excitedly fidgeting in your plane seat.
Unfortunately, you’d greatly overestimated your capacity for adapting to sudden change. Your first day of work was really overwhelming.
You spent the entire morning just trying to familiarise yourself with the insanely complicated computer system, and a great deal of the afternoon doing the same, only getting a “break” during the hour or so you spent sitting in Tony’s meeting with Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes.
They were all huge, incredibly intelligent and intimidatingly attractive- you’d really been thrown right in at the deep end.
Steve and Sam didn’t take much notice of you, giving polite smiles when they arrived but nothing more than that. You figured that, with this workload, Stark probably cycled through a new secretary every couple of months, so they’d have no real reason to learn your name or engage you in conversation.
Bucky, on the other hand, seemed a little intrigued. You felt his gaze land on you a few times, but whenever you mustered the courage to look back, his eyes immediately flicked away.
It was unbelievably difficult to focus on note-taking whilst being repeatedly studied by this statuesque, mountain of a man.
It was also unbelievably difficult to shake him from your mind even after the meeting had ended. When you finally finished for the day, you were completely exhausted and ready to just collapse.
Thankfully, your bed was only an elevator ride away.
Stark had given you a bedroom in the compound while you were looking for an apartment in the city. You told him you were struggling to find a place you liked but, truthfully, there was no way you could afford a deposit until you got your first pay check through.
You whiled away the evening hours watching some crappy shows and reading, eventually bumbling through your night-time routine and slipping into bed, hoping so much that tomorrow would be just a little easier.  
A long, dark hallway stretched out before you. No doors, no windows, no turns, no end.
The soft padding of your bare feet against the ground echoed off the walls as your legs involuntarily marched into the darkness before you.
You focused more intently on the sound. It began to split, a distinct new set of footsteps detaching themselves and moving out of time with yours.
A cold wave of dread trickled down your spine. There was something behind you.
You couldn’t stop, couldn’t run, couldn’t turn. All you could do was carry on walking, forced to helplessly listen to the increasingly fast approach of your pursuer.
Hot, heavy breath brushed against the back of your neck. A set of long, dark claws crept their way into the corner of your vision, twitching manically, before clamping down on your shoulder.
You bolted upright, eyes shooting open as you tried to gulp in deep breaths, heart thumping inside your chest like a jackhammer. Still struggling to separate the residual fragments of your nightmare from reality, you instinctively jerked away the hand firmly gripping your shoulder.
Bucky took the hint and stepped back from your bedside. ‘Are you alright?’
‘Jesus.’ You roughly wiped some of the cold moisture from your forehead. ‘Why the fuck are you in my room?’
‘I’m really sorry, I know this is weird but I heard you freaking out in here and I just wanted to make sure you were alright.’
Your gaze flicked towards him, the intense concern in his face confusing you a little.
He didn’t know you at all, why did he care?
You took a few deep breaths and collected your thoughts. Maybe cursing him out like that was a little harsh, he was just trying to help. Besides, if there was any face you wanted to shake you out of a nightmare, it was definitely that one.
‘I’m okay, thank you.’ You swung your legs over the side of the bed, perching yourself right on the edge as you shot him a faint smile. ‘I appreciate you checking up on me.’
He lingered for a few seconds, rubbing his thighs nervously, before giving you a quick nod and heading back towards the corridor. Just as he reached your doorway, he paused, quickly spinning back around.
‘I’ll be in the living room for a while. Y’know, if you struggle to get back to sleep.’
You felt your smile grow into a wide, bashful grin as you watched him disappear down the hall. Your usual post-nightmare routine consisted of splashing cold water on your face and crying for an hour, so hanging out with Bucky was immeasurably preferable.
You debated how long you should wait before joining him, not wanting to miss an opportunity to get to know him better but also worried about coming across overly keen.
Ten minutes seemed reasonable.
Slipping on a sweater, you tiptoed past the other bedrooms on the corridor, hoping to god you wouldn’t wake any of the others and accidentally make a bunch of powerful enemies before you’d even spent your first night here.
Bucky was slouched on the sofa, watching TV with the volume so low that, at first, you thought it was muted. An open but untouched bottle of beer was standing on the table in front of him.
‘D’you have super hearing or something?’
His head snapped towards you, the corners of his mouth curling into a pleasantly surprised smile.
‘Something like that, yeah.’ He patted the seat next to him as he clicked the screen off. ‘There’s never anything worth watching on at this time anyway.’
‘You make it sound like you’re always awake at 4am.’
‘Mhmm. It’s nice to finally have some company.’
Chuckling weakly, you planted yourself next to him, as close as you could without invading his personal space. As soon as you were settled in, you felt him shift towards you.
‘You get nightmares often?’
‘Most nights since I was a kid.’ His mouth fell open slightly. ‘It sucks, but I’ve learned to live with it. They’re not nearly as bad as they used to be.’
‘Really? You were thrashing around like a fish out of water.’
Your face heated up a little when you noticed his playful smirk. ‘Trust me, that’s nothing. When I was eight I dislocated my aunt’s shoulder. Didn’t even wake up when she screamed.’
‘Jesus. You could’a warned me that I was risking my life earlier.’
‘Yeah, sorry. It’s just that, usually, people wait a few days after first meeting me before they come into my room while I’m asleep.’
He cocked a mischievous eyebrow at your teasing. ‘I’ll knock next time.’
‘Good plan.’
You pressed your hand to your mouth to stifle a deep yawn, feeling incredibly drowsy all of a sudden, like you could drift off right there on the couch. The adrenaline from your nightmare must’ve finally worn off, it just never usually happened so quickly.
‘You good?’ Bucky obviously noticed your abrupt decline. ‘You can rest on my shoulder, if you want. Not as comfy as a bed but I can give you a hard shake if you start freaking out again.’
‘Thanks, I’ll try my best not to.’
You didn’t want to intrude too far, so you just leaned over and perched your head on the very edge of his shoulder. Without missing a beat, he shifted himself towards you, causing your head to slide neatly into the crook of his neck.
‘Did they start for a reason?’ You didn’t answer right away, needing a second to figure out how best to word it. ‘It’s alright if you don’t want to talk about it.’
‘No, I don’t mind. They pretty much started right after my parents died. They probably would’ve just stopped on their own after a while if I hadn’t had to move in with my aunt and uncle, pair of fucking assholes.’
He let a low chuckle escape his lips, sliding an arm around your shoulder and squeezing them lightly. ‘Well in that case I hope you did much more than dislocate her arm.’
‘I wish.’
You yawned again, unconsciously nestling your head further into Bucky’s neck and your body into his side, the soft motion of his hand stroking over your shoulder just making you all the more drowsy.
‘It’s alright, you can go to sleep.’ His soft, low voice was like a lullaby. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’ 
As your eyes fluttered closed, you felt your breathing fall in time with his, and you slowly drifted off into the most peaceful sleep you’d had in years.
It was a little embarrassing when Steve came across the two of you in the morning, fast asleep on the couch, tangled together like electrical wires. Bucky explained the situation, but Steve didn’t look too convinced by his tale of nightmares and innocent chat.
Even Tony gave you a knowing look as he walked past your desk.
This wasn’t exactly the reputation you’d hoped to build in your first week, but nothing that could’ve shaken your good mood that day. Every time you thought about the night before you couldn’t help grinning to yourself like an idiot.
You even felt more optimistic about your future in the job, everything just seemed so much more straightforward and intuitive.
It was incredible what a difference some good, deep sleep made.
As you were getting ready for bed that night, your heart jumped at the sound of a soft knock against your bedroom door. You inched it open to see Bucky, looking a little nervous, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his sweatpants.
‘Hey, I uh- I was just wondering-’ He paused for a second, narrowing his eyes at you slightly before chuckling and taking a step back. ‘Never mind, it was stupid.’
‘Go on. I promise I won’t laugh.’
You waited as he took a deep breath and steeled himself. ‘Well, I don’t know about you, but I slept better on that couch than I have in years. So I thought-’
‘Do you want to come in?’
You were a little surprised at how easily that’d fallen out of your mouth, and he looked pretty shocked too. ‘You sure?’
‘As long as you’re still willing to give me a cold, hard slap when necessary.’
He chuckled, nodding firmly. ‘I can definitely do that.’
You stepped aside and let him pass, quickly ducking your head into the corridor to check for witnesses before softly pushing your door closed.
After that night, you and Bucky fell into a routine of sneaking between bedrooms after everyone else had gone to sleep.
It was inexplicable, but the two of you just seemed to sleep so much better in each other's company. At first, Bucky had to wake you up and calm you down a couple times a night, but it really wasn’t long before you started sleeping through the night.
Between having him in your life, having your dream job and having the brand new feeling of being consistently well-rested, everything in your life finally felt like it was falling into place.
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cozza-frenzy · 4 years
Okay, so, update. We’re okay.
Things have been really really busy here so I never really got around to making a text post, but we’re okay. Everyone in the house ended up getting COVID but we all made a full recovery. Lito (my husband) is out of the hospital but has been diagnosed diabetic - whether that was related to COVID we’re not entirely sure (research into that seems to be ongoing) but he’s doing well with a few adjustments to his diet. We qualified for financial assistance/the CARES act, so medical bills have been pretty minimal so far.  re: The Snowpocalypse, we did lose electricity for about 3 days but we still had gas. So we were able to heat our food on the grill outside, and fill plastic water bottles (we always keep plenty around for shit like this) with hot water for warmth. Pretty much all of our food survived besides a few pints of ice-cream and some leftovers, and the boil water notice was lifted earlier today for the Greater Houston area (we’ll just give it another 24 hours to be safe). So we’ve just spent the last few days trying to re-stock what we lost, and the emergency supplies we broke into. Other people have lost a lot more and are basically starting from scratch, so some basics are a little harder to find, but if anyone from H-town is reading this the Aldi on Bissonnet has a lot of everything. That includes eggs, milk, sandwich fixin’s and bottled water. A couple of people have messaged me out of concern and I do appreciate it, but there’s no need to worry. <3 We’re doing just fine now. Feel free to DM me in whichever way you’d like though, I’m always up to chat.
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meteora-writes · 4 years
We Could Be Perfect One Last Night ch.7
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Fandom: Hannibal Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham Warnings: Arguing, Angst, Snark, Banter, Emotions, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort (sort of?), Forgiveness  Chapter: 7. When We Fight Description: Jack receives a visit from Kade Prurnell, Will and Hannibal have a long-overdue discussion. Authors Notes:  Aight, so, couple things. I struggled hardcore with the dialogue in this one. It’s a lot and IDK why but my brain decided Will and Hannibal need to hash out some shit from their past. Or, rather, Will needs to vent and Hannibal needs to see things from Will’s perspective. So, enjoy. Read on AO3
~~~~~ Read Ch.1.Ch.2.Ch.3.Ch.4.Ch.5.Ch.6~~~~~
Three Days Post Fall - One Day Post Storm
“I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation here, Agent Crawford,” Kade Prurnell says as she comes to stand before Jack’s desk. She’s clearly agitated, not that she ever appears not to be, with her shoulders squared and arms crossed tight over her chest as she glares down at him. It’s her second visit to his office in as many days, and it’s clear it won’t be the last.
Jack, to his credit, doesn’t let show how irritated he is with her presence and attitude. “I am fully aware of the gravity of things, Mrs. Prurnell.”
“If that were true I highly doubt you would have gone along with Mr.Graham’s plan to stage Hannibal Lecter’s escape in an attempt to capture Francis Dolarhyde,” she bites back incredulously. “Do you have any idea what kind of nightmare you’ve created? The media is going to have a field day with this! If word gets out of what your actual plan of action entailed the FBI will be open to multiple lawsuits. Several of which will be aimed directly at you for giving this operation your approval without first receiving approval from higher offices.”
“That operation was our best shot at drawing Francis Dolarhyde out given the way he was escalating. Dolarhyde had developed a kind of respect for Dr. Lecter. He admired him. We had no way of knowing he would strike before the escape could be staged and we certainly had no way of knowing he would take out that many armed police and federal agents,” Jack defends as he sets aside the pen he had been writing notes on the case with and rubs at his forehead with his other.
“Dolarhyde was former military and a decorated marksman. Your people underestimated him and now we have half a dozen dead officers and agents. Not to mention a missing, presumed to be dead special agent, and a missing known cannibalistic serial killer. I don’t care what you thought at the time, you thought wrong and now you’re going to have to answer for it.”
“And if we hadn’t gone ahead with the plan we would be looking at countless more dead families before we could have even come close to catching this man. Those officers knew the risk when they agreed to the assignment. I feel for them and the families they left behind, but I stand by my decision to use Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter to draw out Dolarhyde. The end result isn’t what we intended but they did stop him. As for Graham and Lecter, it is my belief that they are still alive. We simply need to expand our search efforts now that the weather has cleared. Get dogs and search crews out searching the beaches and woods to the south of the cliffs. They could have come ashore somewhere in the area and the storm would have provided ample cover for them to escape,” Jack argues as he moves to stand, hands fisted on his desk in front of him. It’s been three days since Will and Hannibal went missing. Aside from finding Will’s gun on the rocks below the bluff at low tide that first morning, they’ve found no evidence of the two men having survived. He refuses to believe they didn’t make it.
“There won’t be any additional search crews called in, Jack. I saw the footage taken from Francis Dolarhyde’s camera. Blurry as it was, I’m inclined to agree with the forensics analysts, as are my superiors. If no evidence is found to suggest otherwise in the next twenty four hours then Graham and Lecter will be declared dead and the search for their bodies will be called off after the seventh day, with the final report stating their bodies were lost at sea due to the unusually high tides caused by the storm that hit after their encounter with Dolarhyde.” Her tone leaves no room to argue as she locks eyes with Jack. “I suggest you get your reports in order and prepare yourself for another investigation, Jack. This one won’t be like the last. You’ll find the FBI isn’t so forgiving when an agent shows this kind of lapse in judgment more than once.”
Jack bites his tongue and watches as she leaves his office with all the arrogance of a woman who believes she knows better than anyone else. The urge to yell after her, tell her she’s wrong and knows nothing of the situation or the kind of men Will and Hannibal are, is so strong he lets out a low growl of frustration because of it. 
Once he’s alone again he steps away from his desk and reaches for his coat. If they won’t approve additional agents to search, he’ll just have to go out there and look for himself.
Six & Seven Days Post Fall
Chiyoh returns Hannibal’s call that same evening. Their conversation is brief. He explains that he is someplace safe and with Will. He tells her what they intend to do, excluding the visits to certain parties, once they’re well enough to travel, what supplies they’ll need, and most importantly what she can do to help them in the meantime. She agrees readily, glad to hear that Hannibal is alive and not alone.
The following morning she arrives in a nondescript SUV with two bags of clean clothes for Hannibal and Will, antibiotics, more powerful pain medication, and a physician’s bag with enough supplies for Hannibal to properly treat their still healing wounds. She even brings a cooler full of groceries, none of which were asked for, but it’s clear from the look on Hannibal’s face that they’re greatly appreciated as there are a few bottles of wine and some of his favorite fresh ingredients packed inside. 
She only stays long enough to deliver the supplies, find out how to get Will’s prescription for a new pair of glasses, and to be told what kind of boat they would like to acquire. She already knows where she can go to access the funds needed for making their arrangements. And the rest of the details are already known from her short conversation with Hannibal the night before. So she leaves without preamble and with a promise to contact them when preparations are complete.
“Remind me, why aren’t we going with her again?” Will asks once they’ve been left alone again. Not that he has a problem staying in the cabin. He enjoys the quiet and peacefulness of it. But there’s a part of him that would kill for a hot shower and some electricity right now. Washing up with old soap and scrap of cloth in water you have to boil on the stove first gets tiring after a while.
“We’re far less likely to draw attention to ourselves if we stay here for now,” Hannibal explains needlessly as he rifles through the bag of clothing Chiyoh brought him. Most of the contents are from his own wardrobe that he kept at the house she’s currently staying in. But there are several new items mixed in that she undoubtedly purchased having his comfort in mind while he recovers. “If you like, I can call her back for you? I’m sure she won’t mind a bit of company if you require a change of scenery for a few hours.”
“The last time she and I were alone in each other’s company she threw me off of a moving train in the middle of the night,” Will reminds him sardonically with narrowed eyes from across the room. “I’ll pass.”
With a mirthful little chuckle, Hannibal pushes the second bag of clothing Chiyoh provided them across the table, beckoning Will to come and inspect them. Everything inside is to Will’s measurements and looks to match his general taste in attire. “Come now, don’t hold it against her. After all, you had been intending to kill me,” he reminds, tone light as he smiles at the other man.
“I hadn’t entirely made up my mind about killing you yet when I was with her. My only real intention at the time was to find you so that I could make up my mind,” Will mutters as he steps up beside Hannibal and has a look inside the offered bag. He keeps his head tilted down, eyes locked on the various articles of clothing inside, and pointedly not on Hannibal’s face.
“Come again?” Hannibal asks, turning slightly and tilting his head in a way that makes Will have to look him in the eyes. He knows what he heard. But he wants Will to elaborate. He had wondered for a while what Will’s thoughts were leading up to their reunion in Italy. Now seems as good a time as any to ask.
“I hadn’t set out with the intention of killing you, Hannibal. My mind wasn’t yet made up on the matter. Just like it wasn’t when I called to warn you about Jack the night that you…” he trails off, eyes closing against his will as he remembers the night he told Hannibal to run, only to arrive at his door and find him waiting with Abigail at his side and a knife in his hand… 
He has to take a slow breath through his nose and fight back the flood of memories that comes before he can say any more. He needs to say more. To tell his side of events for Hannibal to understand. ”Alana called me that night. She warned me that agents were on the way to arrest me for the murder of Randal Tier, and that the plan to arrest you had been shut down. She told me Jack was going against orders and was already on his way to your house. I knew he was going to try and force your hand. I didn’t know what I was going to say when I made the call, not until I heard your voice. Despite everything else I felt for you back then, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you like that. You were still my friend, and I wanted you to run even if I couldn’t run with you.”
“And when you came to me in Florence?” Hannibal further questions, ignoring the twisting feeling he gets deep inside at the knowledge that Will felt that way when he called on him that night. That he still considered him to be his friend. “You say your mind wasn’t made up, yet you traveled all that way in the hopes I might be there upon your arrival. You followed the echos of my past to the Norman chapel, and for what? To sit in the nave and look upon the mosaics of the saints until you found your forgiveness?”
“I forgave you the moment I decided to leave for Italy, Hannibal. Other than that I held no illusions of what our reunion might be. Until we met again all I had were fantasies. I imagined countless scenarios of what I would do when I finally found you. But nothing came close to what it actually was and nothing was ever decided,” Will informs in that way of his that is so like a teacher reciting some information from a text book and not as if he’s expressing his own thoughts. The feelings are there, but he’s detached himself from them ever so slightly in the way one does when they don’t want to be affected by a memory any longer. “Even then, sitting beside you in that gallery in front of your favorite Botticelli. I still hadn’t made up my mind completely about you.”
“All of that indecisiveness and yet you were still going to stab me in the back as we walked side by side,” Hannibal notes with a tilt of his head as he studies Will’s features. With his eyes closed like this, he’s able to better mask how he’s feeling from Hannibal, but there are still signs. Ones that he recognizes and understands completely. After all, he had contemplated stabbing Will back then as well. And then again with that corkscrew the night they fought their Dragon, despite his conflicting feelings and his fully knowing that he would need Will’s help to take the beast down when he finally showed himself.
“Spare me. You were ready to do the same in the moment before that shot was fired,” Will’s tone shifts to something almost tired sounding. A heaviness to it that’s something akin to resignation. “I saw the knife in your pocket when I came and sat beside you in the gallery, Hannibal. Even if I hadn’t seen it, you wouldn’t sharpen your pencils with anything other than a well sharpened blade or scalpel. Your pencils had been freshly sharpened just before I joined you.”
Hannibal feels a mix of pride and overwhelming fondness flood him. He had been certain back then that in the moments before Will was shot that he had no idea Hannibal was reaching for the knife in his coat pocket. It seems he should have known better, as is often the case where Will is involved. “After all that, when I liberated us from Mason Verge’s grasp and brought you safely home again, you said you wouldn’t miss me. That you didn’t have my appetite for violence. You said you merely tolerated it. Did you honestly believe that at the time or were you simply hoping that saying it would make it so?”
“At the time I thought it would become true if I could distance myself from you. Get out of the mindset of a killer that you facilitated in me. Your influence over me felt like a fog back then. A great haze that came over me but would dissipate if I could get back into the light,” Will admits as he finally opens his eyes and turns to meet Hannibal’s gaze again. They’ve both turned away from the table, facing one another fully now.
“And when you turned your back on me and went into the light, did you find yourself a changed man?” He saw the look in Will’s eyes when he first spoke to him back in the hospital. When he pushed all his buttons about his wife and step-son. And most important he saw the look in his eyes when it came to discussing poor Dr. Chilton and then later when they killed their Dragon together. He knows the answer, but hearing Will say it aloud is something he thinks they both might need. 
“No,” Will utters almost too softly to be heard, with a shake of his head. He closes his eyes again, this time by choice. Head tipping forward just a little as he swallows audibly and finds the words to continue. “Despite leaving that life, that mindset, behind me. I could never truly be free of it. Even when I wasn’t thinking about you, the shadow of your influence lingered. It didn’t matter what I was doing or who I was with, I still felt the darkness inside of me on some level. Like a caged animal biding its time in the dark until inevitability and circumstance set it free.” He knows Hannibal understands this. The feeling of having to suppress a part of yourself. A part of him thinks he could have gone on doing it for years, if Jack hadn’t asked for his help and Molly hadn’t encouraged him to go. But that’s something he can never know for sure now.  
“If I hadn’t waited with the intent to surprise you with Abigail, told you she was alive the night you arrived at my door with Randal Teir’s corpse at your feet, would you still have gone running to Jack? Made your plans to take away my freedom and cast aside my friendship?” Hannibal asks softly after a long moment’s silence passes between them, words carefully chosen. 
He had contemplated telling Will several times in the weeks they had spent together after Will’s release from custody. But he was worried it would negatively impact his greater goal at the time. He cared too much for Abigail to risk exposing her secret before the time was right. But now, he wonders if he might have made the wrong choice in his decision to wait. He’s not one for regrets, but he thinks this is something he always will…
Will keeps his eyes closed. Clears his mind and pictures a world where he arrives on Hannibal’s doorstep after killing Randal Tier only to have Hannibal confide in him that Abigail is alive and safely waiting for them both someplace far away. He was still so scared of who he was back then… But he thinks, no, he knows that learning Abigail was still alive would have been a tipping point. He doesn’t doubt that his resolve would have crumbled and his desire to fight his darkness would have vanished if accepting it meant that they could be together. The way Hannibal had hoped they would all be before he discovered that Will was playing both sides and betrayed his trust.
There’s the gentle brush of fingertips on his cheek, soft and unexpected, and he flinches despite himself thanks to his heightened state of emotions. He doesn’t realize he’s crying until Hannibal’s thumb brushes away a stray tear as it escapes the corner of his eye. Hannibal makes Will tip his head to look at him then. Blue eyes opening to shine with the regret and longing for a life that never was. 
“I never understood how you could betray my trust back then. You hid your true feeling so completely while still sharing so much of yourself,” Hannibal says softly as he moves in closer, invading Will’s personal space as his hand settles fully against his cheek. 
“After everything you did to me, took from me… Is it really so hard to understand the reasoning behind my actions?” Despite looking like physical contact is the last thing he wants, Will doesn’t pull away from Hannibal’s touch. It grounds him in the moment. Keeps his mind from spiraling back to all the times they’ve hurt one another in the past. All the pain and blood and betrayal. The loss of Abigail and of the promise of a child he never got the chance to know. Now the loss of Molly and Walter. The lies and deceit on both sides that brought it all upon them.
“I suppose not…” Hannibal concedes after a moment’s consideration. His left hand comes up to rest on Will’s hip then. Thumb moving slowly to brush over the edge of the scar he knows runs across the expanse of Will’s abdomen. He can easily feel the raised line of scar tissue under the thin material of his shirt. A permanent reminder of everything he took from Will. And from himself in his moment of anger and spite.
“Just…” Will begins, drawing Hannibal’s gaze back up to meet his own. He bites his lower lip briefly and sucks in a breath through his nose to try and settle his nerves even the slightest before asking “Promise me there won’t be any more lies. No more tricks, no more games. I promise I won’t lie to you again, but I need you to promise me the same, Hannibal…”
Hannibal’s eyes move over the features of Will’s face, once again searching for any indication that he doesn’t honestly mean his words. When he finds none he nods. “I give you my word. I will not lie to you again.” He moves to step back then, but Will reaches up and grabs the wrist of the hand that had been touching his cheek, not letting him get more than a few inches away.
“Thank you…” Will looks a bit lost, holding Hannibal so that he can’t back away but appearing not to know what he wants to do now that he has the other man captive.
Slowly, Hannibal steps into his personal space again, his hands returning to where they had been before on Will’s uninjured cheek and right hip. Once there he moves in just a hair closer, noting the way it makes Will’s pupils dilate and breath hitch. 
He doesn’t say anything, just tilts his head ever so slightly forward so that their foreheads touch and their noses bump gently. It’s something that’s happened often when they’re lying in bed together at night and in the early hours of the morning when neither wants to wake quite yet. Holding on as if neither has ever done any of the terrible things that they have to one another. 
Like they’re simply two people that love each other and don’t want to let go. It’s something Hannibal almost expects at this point, when they inevitably crawl into bed together at night. However, this is different. The first time one of them has dared initiated such contact out of that safe space. It’s a show of trust, on both of their parts.
Will’s eyes go impossibly wide a moment, uncertainty clear in his soft blue gaze. But he doesn’t try to shy away or speak out against the intimate gesture. Instead, he lets his free hand come up to gently touch Hannibal’s cheek in a similar manner to how Hannibal touches his own, the pad of his thumb brushing lightly over Hannibal’s cheekbone in the process. Something seems to shift between them in that moment, and his whole body relaxes as he closes his eyes and simply breathes in the air shared between them.
Hannibal lets his eyes slip closed as well, as a feeling of calm contentment settles over him. It’s unexpected. Nice. A sensation he accepts greedily. The warmth of such an intimate yet innocent touch as they share a moment of understanding. Forgiveness. Trust.
They stay like that for a long moment, neither wanting to let go just yet. But eventually, they must part and they simply spare each other a lingering glance before retreating to opposite sides of the cabin to change into some of the clean clothes Chiyoh has provided. Once that’s done Hannibal settles on the couch with his notebook to sketch, and Will takes a seat at the table with everything he needs to start working on a new lure. 
They don’t talk much throughout the day and on into the evening. Will needs time to sort things in his own head and Hannibal knows him well enough to give that time and quiet to him.
Given the nature of the day, he expects to be left alone on his side of the queen sized mattress when he climbs into bed after Will that night. But once he’s settled in he finds WIll turning over and wrapping an arm around him beneath the covers. Hand resting over Hannibal's own where it had settled over his bullet wound. Curious, Hannibal splays his fingers just enough to lace Will’s between his own. Will doesn’t stop him or pull away, and that’s when it occurs to Hannibal that he’s taken off his wedding ring.
It had been almost a subconscious tick for Will to fiddle with it over the past week. Twist it around his finger absently while lost in thought. It’s absence now, after what they spoke of that day, makes Hannibal hold onto Will’s hand just a little tighter for the briefest of moments. Any lingering concerns about Will’s feelings for him melting away with the last wisps of consciousness before he lets himself slip into the peace of oblivion.
Read Chapter 8
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elopez7228 · 4 years
Scenic Route 26/47
Read on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/18268208/chapters/43229774 
Start over : https://elopez7228.tumblr.com/post/620919089893933056/scenic-route-0147
Rey was ready.
She was dressed in jeans, high-heeled boots, and a flowing top that exposed most of her back. It was sexy  enough for a concert, comfortable enough to wear all night, and most importantly, perfect for her inevitable confrontation with Ben Solo. Her hair was swept up in a half-ponytail and she had picked out a pair of silver pendant earrings for the occasion.
Her makeup was minimal in that it consisted mostly of nude tones, but she had taken more care than usual in applying it—she looked much better than she did during her daily bouts of tourism. A small bag completed her ensemble, containing the essentials: her wallet, phone, and car keys.
The concert venue was on the outskirts of the city, nestled between a massive parking garage, a few fast food restaurants, the rear end of a warehouse, and a few motels. A mediocre scene at best. Bozeman was not a city known for its animated nightlife: it was frequented by the tourists going or coming from Yellowstone and its inhabitants lived almost exclusively off of this influx of temporary visitors. This wasn’t the kind of place where tourists stayed for more than a night, not that many tourists would attend a rock concert in the first place.
Yet the parking was already full of  vehicles, their plates registered in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Tonight was going to be packed—a congregation of neighbors, friends, and visitors from the surrounding towns and ranches.
The entrance was a free-for-all, alcohol flowed freely as empty bottles of beer and stray cigarettes littered already the cluttered ground.
Rey took BB8 out for one more walk before locking her in the car with the window rolled down, making sure she had plenty of water and dog treats. She didn’t want to attract any more attention to her already infamous eyesore from 1977, so she had parked a little further away, near a McDonald's, where she had also spotted a familiar pickup truck. It featured a “Kylo REN” bumper sticker, the logo not unlike one of the posters near the entrance of the concert hall.
She hesitated. Should it go through the main entrance? He had mentioned an all-access backstage once; could she possibly come in through the back?
When in doubt, text him.
I’m here. Should I buy a ticket or do you have the backstage pass  you offered?
No response.
He was probably busy.
She made her way behind the building and finally recognized one of the musicians (Skylar?) who was leaning against a wall, cigarette in hand. She approached him with her best smile.
“Hi, I 'm Rey, you know, a friend of Ben...uh...Kylo Ren’s. he told me something about a backstage pass, can I come in?”
Upon closer inspection, she noticed his broad shoulders, immaculately shaved head, and intricately tattooed neck and forearms. He deigned not to respond immediately. He lowered the eyes and practically leered at Rey from top to bottom, pausing to take a long drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke in her face.
“He didn't say anything to me. Nice try. Go through the front and pay the price.”
Rey winced. Something about this guy made her skin crawl, she could see in his eyes that this was all an act.
“Is Syed Ren is there? Can I talk to her?”
“What Syed is up to is none of your business.”
Okay...why was he acting like such a guard dog?
“Well,” she insisted, “in that case, maybe you can inform Kylo or Syed, wherever they are, that Rey is out here waiting for them?”
The musician took a step forward and bent slightly to reach Rey’s height, forcing her to reflexively take a step back. He was much taller than her. Classic intimidation technique; it discouraged escalation without attracting attention.
“Listen up, kid, I dunno who you think you are, but nobody’s gonna bother Kylo Ren. Wait your turn and pay your dues or get the hell out.”
Rey gritted her teeth. Her smile was acerbic. “Perfect. Let's do that, then.”
Idiot! She would’ve appreciated if Kylo and Syed had told her about Skylar’s garbage personality when she was still going back and forth about the whole maybe-I-should-follow-you-on-tour-and -drop-by-now-and-then idea. She was hoping she could be more forgiving to Kylo, but of course that proved to be useless. Now she only hoped he would break a leg tonight—literally. Fuck him and his rockstar life. Maybe he would draw the short straw one day and end up cleaning other people’s messes for a change. Maybe that would take him off of his grand fucking pedestal.
Eventually, with no other option (as evidenced by her very silent phone) Rey skirted back around the edge of the building to the entrance. She paid for a ticket—a paltry 19 dollars—and stepped inside.
The room was overheated, and already well full. Rey elbowed her way to the front as much as possible, getting as close as she could to the stage. Suddenly, she felt a hand press against her buttocks as she navigated through the crowd.
Hell, someone was going to pay very dearly for this.
She was spun around, swiftly grabbing a wrist while her fingers formed a vice-like grip around it. At the end of said wrist was a bearded man in a ridiculous hat, with an equally ridiculous expression on his face. He had expected, no doubt, to find her embarrassed and intimidated.
“Whose hand is this?” She yelled as loudly as she could, “because it just happened to grab my buttocks out of nowhere,”  she spat acidly.
The bearded man pulled his hand and tried to flee, but Rey held firmly. She looked him right in the eyes.
“Say, haven't you misplaced something?”
“Uh...hey...” mumbled the guy, visibly panicking now. Another girl jumped in to help her, grabbing the man’s shoulders to shove him off to the side.
“Get lost, there’s no room for pervs here!”
Soon, a group formed around them to collectively push the man out of the door. Rey’s heartbeat soared and suddenly she felt like her confidence was limitless. Yes, by the end of the concert, she would get ahold of Kylo and Syed—Skylar or no Skylar—to hell with waiting outside all night!
In a matter of minutes the lights went out. Amid the whistles and the cheers of the audience, Rey felt her heart skip a beat in recognizing the unmistakable silhouette of Ben Solo on the stage. He was all black again: black Doc Martens, black jeans, and a plain black crew neck t-shirt. Although his shirt was simple, it was very fitted, revealing the shape of his muscular  chest and broad shoulders. She remembered touching that chest, tracing the outline of those hard planes with one hand while using the other to dip below the waistband of those jeans.
Suddenly she felt unbearably hot.
But that was just because of how crowded it was. Right?
Somehow, there were only five people on stage. She looked for Syed in vain, her eyes widening with realization that the guitarist wasn’t there at all. What did that imply? Truth be told, she was a little disappointed; she’d had the every intention to deal with Syed too. It was strange how Rey felt like a target in what seemed to be a folie à deux between Syed and Kylo. There was no use in confronting one of them if the other got away.
She was surprised to find herself swaying to the rhythm of the music, whistling and clapping along with the audience. It must have been the music itself, a paradoxically beautiful cacophony that resonated with the rage she had buried inside and fit perfectly with the mood of the evening.
Kylo Ren felt it too. His voice was hoarser from the screaming, his breath more uneven, his stage presence even wilder than the last concert in Denver. Rey could see in the urgency of his body language a fury that seemed to spill out of him and into the microphone. It was almost a display of violence. Her own anger paled in comparison to his, the vast tidal wave of emotion that emanated from his being.
The atmosphere was electric, the crowd  unhinged. Rey knew the lyrics by heart, after a thousand kilometers worth of repetition, but she was still shocked to find herself belting the chorus at the top of her lungs with the rest. She admittedly knew nothing of the history of Kylo Ren, she didn’t know where she would find the story of his life (on the walls of some gallery?) or where they would end this unexpected journey. But at least she had found a new favorite band, and their familiar melodies had become her anthem—the anthem of her own journey. She would never forget this vintage car, or these desert roads which wound past rugged mountains, or the mesmerizing way Kylo’s hair fell to his shoulders. The dense, silken ebony  that framed his face in wild strands that stuck against his forehead when he was on stage.
The music stopped, the room became dark. Kylo Ren's voice rose in silence:
“This next song is about how we deal with the unexpected, inspired by someone who turned my life upside down. This is my song for her, "First Rain".
Rey felt herself blush to the roots of the hair. Was it a song for her?
Maybe it was for Syed? He hadn't specified anything, was it just her imagination? Did he know? Was she being watched?
Suddenly she found herself unable to move a muscle, frozen alone amidst a sea of nameless faces. Their eyes watched Kylo Ren intently, but him—he was looking directly at her. His gaze pierced through the crowd, unmistakable. He had written it for her. She immediately felt the urge to run, far, far away. But looking into his eyes, she found herself incapable of it.
His gaze held her captive. Dark and hypnotically odd, like his hair, like his clothes—like everything that was ever made in his image. His face was too long and his earlobes too detached, a round sliver of flesh peeking out from underneath of a curtain of black on each side of his face. She bet they were sensitive enough that if she pulled on them he would—
What on earth was happening to her? Was she really going to melt like a lovesick teenager for the first guy with a guitar who bothered to write a song for her? He didn’t even have a guitar.
But he sang words of love.
Better yet, he sang of other things: of a meeting that was more of a collision, of confrontation, of misunderstandings, of sharing secrets, of lies, so many lies...it was all there.
It was all written for her.
She wanted to put her own feelings into words, but her mouth was dry. Her lower half betrayed her desires as her heart hammered even harder. What was he trying to tell her, and, more importantly, what was she going to say in response?
When the music stopped the audience broke out in cheers, but Rey was struggling to breathe. He had sung the entire song while looking right into the eyes, so much so that the crowd around her had receded somewhat, providing them the semblance of privacy.
It was there that she found herself at the center of a circle of people, in the middle of Bozeman, Montana, and in some sense, at the center of the universe.
Then Kylo Ren broke the silence once more as the deafening roar of rock resumed, jolting the audience awake, and Rey was suddenly anonymous again, drowned by a sea of people once more.
She could barely hear the rest of the concert. She was furious with herself for falling into a trap as sickeningly cliche as a song in her name. It was unbearably romantic and...and irresistible.
She couldn't go on.
She left the room, feeling feverish, taking longer and longer strides until she made it to her car, where she collapsed onto the front seat with heaving breaths.
BB8 pawed at her and Rey let the dog bounce excitedly around the car.
She would wait here until the end of the concert, until Kylo and Syed were available. From where she was sitting she could see Kylo Ren’s truck, and she could just make out the entrance to the concert hall. They would be impossible to miss.
Rey was shaken, emotionally drained, even. That song had almost certainly lasted a few minutes, but it had seemed as though he had sung for hours.
Something had happened then, while his eyes held hers as his voice wrapped around her whole being. The room had suddenly felt deserted, like they were alone in the world. It had been so unexpectedly and deeply erotic that she had lost the notion of time.
She didn't know if she wanted to laugh or sob. Her skin felt tingly, crying out to be touched. She had never smoked in her life but she wanted a cigarette.
She grabbed the sweater she had left on the passenger seat, and buried her face in it before unleashing a scream that emptied out her entire lungs—a visceral cry  of anger, of frustration and of relief, simultaneously primal and liberating.
Finally she felt better, leaning her head back again before dozing off.
It was the movement around her that drew her out of drowsiness. The chaotic din of the audience leaving the venue, the roar of engines and bursts of random conversation.
How long had she slept? The concert was over, the people were leaving the premises. Soon she was surrounded only by the vehicles of the tech crew, and those of the Knights of Ren. She recognized the group, two women and two men, walking across the lot.
Rey got out of her car and leaned against the door, ankles crossed, as she scrutinized the darkness. Where was Kylo Ren? He better be out here.
A car approached. A dark grey SUV, which parked near the  pickup.
Rey’s heart began to pound in her chest when she recognized the silhouette in the driver’s seat—a leather-clad woman with a mohawk.
She shuddered. If Syed was there, Kylo would show up soon. Rey was going to call out to her when something stopped her in her tracks.
Syed was holding a knife.
Rey held both hands over her mouth to stifle the cry that threaten to escape her throat and give away her location as she slid down into a crouched position, praying she could just disappear. Syed slipped past the SUV and stopped in front of the black pickup. With one fluid motion, she slashed the rear-left tire, her fist clenching tightly around the hilt of the blade.
Then she directed her attention to the rear-right tire, until she had methodically slashed all of them. BB8 began baring her teeth and growling, but Rey coaxed her to be quiet.
This was highly unusual. Weren't Syed and Kylo supposed to be accomplices in some crazy scheme? Guided by intuition, Rey bent as far as she could in the direction of the Falcon’s boot, taking only a few moments to find what she needed.
Then she hushed BB8 again, who lay unhappily on the back seat, and silent as a shadow, she crossed the road in the direction of the concert hall.
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The snowstorm at the airport. (Part 1)
By Ruth_Oakenshield
You walked into terminal 7 of the JFK airport in NY, NY amidst a flurry of light snowflakes. Last you checked your flight was on time for departure. But you know a lot can happen in two hours’ time. The weatherman was predicting a blizzard, and you hoped you could get out of here and be on your flight before it hit. You NEEDED this vacation and looked forward to your first trip to London.
You walk over to the huge panel of multiple screens in the arrival area informing people of flight departures and arrivals. You were nervous since this was your first time traveling by yourself and your first time traveling overseas. You needed to see where to go for your boarding since you had your hands full and didn’t want to pull out your gate pass yet.
You looked at the group of people standing there and figured out which screen had your flight’s info. You wandered over to it and saw you had to get to gate 7. You looked over at the map off to the side and groaned when you saw it was on the other end of the airport from where you were. You heaved a sigh, flipped your long, silky brown hair over your shoulder and grabbed the handle of your suitcase.
You turned to leave and ran smack into someone who was standing right behind you, your face hitting his chest. Startled you look up to see who you ran into and he looks down to see who ran into him. You couldn’t see his eyes as he was wearing aviator sunglasses which just reflected your shocked and embarrassed face back to you.
He chuckles and apologizes for standing so close, then steps aside motioning for you to pass by him. His dark hair and beard glistening with melting snowflakes. His black Belstaff leather jacket hung loosely open and a bright red and green scarf hung around his neck. And his thin, pink lips turned up slightly in a smirk. The face looked familiar, but you couldn’t place why.
You look at his face and mumble an apology and turn to leave. You hear him chuckle again then hear his phone ring and hear his wonderful baritone voice talking to someone when he answers it as you grab your purple rolling suitcase’s handle and you head for your gate not realizing he is watching you.
You stop at check in, then go through security, then head off to find a food vendor selling snacks and get some stuff to munch on and a bottle of water. You start heading for your gate again when you hear that baritone voice behind you again. Not really close, but near enough that you recognize it. You keep walking and finally arrive at the gate 7.
You pick a spot to plop your belongings down on a bench near a support post that has an electrical outlet & is facing the huge windows. You pull out your boarding pass and get in line to check in with the flight attendant at the desk. You hear the man with the baritone voice arrive and turn to see him plop his stuff down on the bench by the window. He is not going to be directly in front of you when you go to sit down, but will be off to your right.
You dig through your purse and find your phone to text your friend that you arrived safely to your gate. You suddenly feel a presence behind you and glance over to see the man is not at the bench. His stuff is, but he isn’t. You know he is standing behind you and you feel your face turn red. You also remember where you had seen his face and voice from now. He is an actor. Richard Armitage. You sigh and tell yourself to leave him alone. That he probably wouldn’t appreciate you asking for an autograph and picture with him. It’s enough to know you saw him ... and literally ran into him!
You get to the ticket agent and she smiles and looks at your boarding pass. After checking you in, she tells you that you will board first and to listen for the call to board for first class. You nod and take your ticket.
As you turn to go sit back down, you see someone messing with your stuff. “Hey! What are you doing with my stuff?!?” You holler. The thief looks up, drops your backpack and grabs your suitcase and takes off with it, leaving your backpack and pillow. You growl and take off after him, you hear someone behind you and suddenly a dark blur passes you. The thief zigzags in between people and so does the dark blur in hot pursuit. You stop and realize you won’t catch him & turn sadly to head back to the gate.
The ticket agent is talking to security personnel when you arrive and they walk over to you and ask if it was your stuff that was stolen. You nod, tears now welling you in your eyes. They usher you to your backpack and pillow and you dig through both to see if anything else was stolen. Luckily nothing was missing. They get a description of the suitcase, it’s contents, and the person you saw take it. They get your name and contact info and you also give them the info of your friend’s mom in England whom you are going to be staying with.
They leave and you sit on the bench with your head in your hands crying quietly. Now you only have one complete change of clothing with you for a two month trip. You realize that all the money you had saved for that whole new wardrobe in your suitcase is now a bust and that you don’t have enough to buy another batch of clothes and do all the sight seeing you had planned to do.
Suddenly you see a pair of white running shoes standing in front of you, and you feel a hand on your shoulder. You sniffle and look up. Your hazel, red rimmed eyes meet with a sapphire blue set looking back at you with concern. The man you had run into at the departure board is there squatting down in front of you. A little out of breath from his run. His sunglasses now propped on his head.
He reaches up and dries your tears. “Are you ok? I’m sorry I couldn’t catch him. He disappeared into the crowd. Are you going to be ok without the contents of your suitcase?” He asks looking concerned.
You shake your head. “No, I saved up for a year for those clothes and this trip. That was my whole new wardrobe! Now I only have this outfit and the one in my backpack. And all my toiletries are now gone!” You inform him with more tears sliding out of your eyes. You look at the floor dejectedly. “Not how I wanted to begin this vacation!” You cry quietly.
You hear him hum quietly. “Where are you flying to?” He asks you. “To London. I’m staying with a friend’s mom in Nottinghamshire for a two month visit. She promised to show me all over England. I guess we’re gonna have to spend my first day in England shopping to replace everything.” You say with a huge sigh and rub your face.
He looks at you surprised. “Two month visit?”
You look up at him and nod. “I’ve been saving up all my vacation time and extra money for this trip. I’ve never had a real vacation before and never traveled outside of the USA..” you sigh. “This is NOT how I pictured starting my vacation, a stolen suitcase and no way to get clothing and toiletries before I leave.” You said sadly.
“Thank you for trying to catch the thief who took my suitcase. I don’t know what I’m going to do now. I hope we don’t get snowed in here. I didn’t save enough to buy a whole new wardrobe twice, pay for a hotel room if I can find one, and deal with being stuck in an airport for god knows how long. Now I guess I’m gonna have to figure out what to cut out of my sightseeing plans now that I won’t have enough to cover it all plus a new wardrobe.” You inform him.
The man looks at you and frowns. “If it’s ok with you, I’d like to help you with that. I live in London for part of the year and have family in England. Let me get you the new wardrobe since I couldn’t catch the thief for you to get you your suitcase back. I can have my assistant help us find places to shop at. She is amazing with fashion and helps me a lot with clothes shopping.” He suggests with a grin.
You look up into his face, shocked. “Thank you, but why would you do that? You don’t even know me!” He just grins. “Because I’d like to help. You seemed lost and nervous when I saw you at the departure boards and it seems we are on the same flight, to the same destination. Now, do you accept my offer to help?” He asks with a raised eyebrow as he raises his sunglasses off his head and hangs them from the collar of his dark blue tee shirt.
You nod. “Thank you, sir. I’ll message my friend. Would you mind if she tagged along?” You ask. “She was going to pick me up at the airport when I arrived.” You tell him. He chuckles. “Would she mind if I got a ride with you both?” He asked.
You say, “I’m sure she won’t mind.” He smiles and gives your shoulder a squeeze. “Tell her to meet us at the airport then. I will need to drop my luggage off at my flat and pick up my assistant who will meet us there. You can leave your backpack and pillow there too. Then we can shop and we’ll come back to my flat and you can pick up your stuff from there, ok?” He suggested.
You nod. He grins and stands. “Thank you again, sir.” You say and hold out your hand. He smiles, “Call me Richard.” He says taking your hand and giving it a squeeze then bends and kisses your knuckles. “It will be my pleasure to help, Miss???”
You blush and say, “Ruth. My name is Ruth.” “Ruth.” He says, smiling as he stands back up. “If you need anything in the meantime, please let me know. I’m going to go sit down and see if I can get ahold of my assistant to let her know what happened and what our plans are. Get ahold of your friend’s mom and let her know as well.” He says. You nod and he turns to go sit down.
You watch him leave to go sit on the bench by the window. You stare out the window for a few minutes noting that the snow has gotten worse. You look down at your phone in your hand and pull up your friend’s Mom’s contact info. You message her what happened.
A few minutes later she calls you and is being a typical mom all worried. You stand and go stand off in a corner of the gate away from most of the people. Richard looks up when he sees you moving. He decides to keep an eye on your stuff and shifts his body so he can see it from over the top of his tablet.
You calm your friend’s mom down and tell her you’re fine, you kept your purse and tablet on you as well as your phone and wallet. “He only took my suitcase of clothes and toiletries. Why he wanted them, I don’t know.” You tell her. “I met a guy here at the airport who tried to chase the thief down, but he wasn’t able to catch him. He offered to take us shopping to replace what was stolen once we get to London, and said you could come with. All he asked was that we give him a ride to his flat so he can drop off the luggage. He said he will have his assistant meet us all there and she will have a plan for where we can shop to get the new clothes.” You tell your friend’s mom.
She is quiet for a minute. “What is this nice man’s name?” She asks. You tell her he said it was Richard. And that you think he is the Actor from the BBC series Robin Hood. She squeals and says that she will meet you both at the airport and reminds you to be careful. You tell her you’ll keep her posted if there are any delays from the weather since a blizzard was supposed to hit NY around the time you’re scheduled to depart and you send her your current flight number and info. Then you two say goodbye and hang up.
You glance over and notice that Richard had been watching you and you nodded to him. He nodded back and went back to typing on his tablet.
You walked back to the window by the pillar and leaned against it, looking out at the snow swirling around. You leaned your forehead against the cool glass. It was getting late and you looked out at all the people sitting in the gate area. A couple families with young children were sitting nearby and the kids were fascinated with the snow outside the window. They ran over to the window you stood by and scrambled up on the bench to look out. Pressing their little hands and faces to the glass.
“Cor! Look at all that white stuff!!!” One little one said. You chuckled. And looked back out the window. “Do you think we could go play in it?” The little girl asked. The kids’ moms called them back and the kids pouted. You noticed they were getting antsy. You looked over at Richard who was frowning. He stood and walked over to the ticket agent and said something. She nodded and replied back. He went and sat back down.
A half hour before boarding the ticket agent announced that all flights leaving the airport have been grounded till the storm passes. She said they will be bringing out blankets and pillows and cots for people who need them and that there are a few rooms left in the hotel nearby. Richard looked up at the agent and she nodded to him. He nodded back then went back to his tablet. You sighed, knowing it was going to be a long night.
Youwalked back to your stuff and pulled your pillow over to you, leaned it against the pillar and pulled your super soft, fuzzy blanket from the pillowcase. You wrapped yourself in the blanket, looping your leg through a strap of your backpack and then shoving it under your seat. You curled up and dozed off.
You don’t know how long you slept, but when you woke up, it was dark. The snow was still swirling and blowing outside and it was piling up on the planes out the windows. One on the young children was crying and two others were whining because they were over tired. The poor moms looked frazzled. You looked over to where Richard had sat but didn’t see him. His stuff was all there but you didn’t see him.
You got up and stretched and yawned. You walked over to the mom holding the crying child and asked her if there was anything you could do to help her. She looked up at you and saw you were serious. “Would you hold Alex for me? He is colicky and I need to get him his meds.” You nod and hold your arms out to take the screaming baby.
He looks up at you for a moment then wails again. You rub his rock hard tummy and start to hum your favourite lullaby from Mary Poppins. The child stops crying and just stares at you as do the two children who come stand by you looking up at you holding their sibling.
After you finish humming the first verse, you sit down on the bench across from Richard’s stuff near the two moms and start rocking the baby and begin to sing the song to him. The two children grab their blankets and pillows and lie down on either side of you, using your lap to lean their pillows on. You don’t notice Richard standing off to the side watching you with wide eyes.
You finish the song and the boy and the baby are asleep, the little girl looks up at you with sleepy eyes and asks you if you know the song from Beauty and the Beast where they dance in the ballroom. You chuckle and nod and begin to quietly sing it to her as you keep tempo while rocking the baby. By the time you finish singing the song the little girl too is fast asleep.
The mother quietly comes over and thanks you repeatedly. She takes the baby from your arms and puts him in the carrier, then she and the other woman help you get out from under their children. They both thank you profusely again. You smile and nod and head back over to your stuff at the pole. You sit down and your stomach grumbles loudly. You realize you slept through supper. So you dig through your backpack and pull out the bottle of water and some of your trail mix you had made at home.
“Is that what you’re having for supper?” A quiet baritone voice says from next to you. Startled, you jump in your seat, knocking the water bottle off the seat next to you. Richard chuckles. “Good thing that wasn’t open!” You say as you bend down to pick it up. You feel your shirt rise up in back, exposing bare skin and your “Hobbit” quote tattoo on your low back. You grab the bottle and quickly sit back up, yanking the shirt down in back hoping he didn’t see it.
You look over at him and he is grinning and is holding two take out trays of food. “I noticed it was getting late and thought I’d get us some supper. I hope you don’t mind?” He informs you with a mischievous grin and twinkle in his eyes. You realize he saw the tattoo and probably read it.
You raise an eyebrow and look at him. “Well, that depends on what is on the menu for supper.” You tease. He chuckles and sits down next to you. He hands you a tray and you open it to find a chicken, rice and veggie stir fry. Your stomach growls loudly at the smell. You both giggle when you hear it. “What is in the other one. He opens it and you see sushi and rice. You make a face and claim the stir fry. Richard hands you a set of chop sticks and a package of plastic silverware as well as a little packet of soy sauce. You set them down on your lap and crack apart the chop sticks.
Richard’s eyes get big and he teases, “...so you know how to use those?” You look at him and then back to your food. You pick up a chunk of chicken and shove it in your mouth, grinning. He laughs and cracks apart his own set of chopsticks. “So, not a fan of sushi, huh?” He asks you, then takes a bite of one. You shake your head and make another face of disgust. He laughs quietly. “Thank you for the food.” You say after a few mouthfuls. He nods.
You both sit, eating in companionable silence. Watching the snow swirl and blow outside the windows. When you both had finished, he took the empty containers and threw them away, then came and sat next to you again.
“You have a lovely singing voice, Ruth. Thanks for singing those songs to the kids to get them to go to sleep. I didn’t think they’d ever quit fussing.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
You shrug. “They were just overtired and over stimulated with all the hubbub going on.” You reply. “Music always helps to calm children and for that matter, anyone who is nervous or anxious.” You say with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
Richard humms for a minute. “Well you sure sing like an angel. You got those kids’ undivided attention almost immediately. Even the baby quit wailing.” He chuckled quietly. He reached out and tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. You blush bright red both from his comment and how gently he touches your ear.
“Those kids probably were never sung to at bedtime. I suppose not everyone can sing and carry a tune as well as I can. It was probably a delightful treat for them to be sung to sleep.” You mumble.
Richard looks at you and smiles. “Would you like a more comfortable place to sleep tonight? I was able to get one of the last hotel rooms and there’s a couch and a bed. You’re welcome to either one if you’d like.” He says quietly. You look at him surprised.
He laughs and holds up his hands. “I promise to not do anything inappropriate to you. I just can’t stand the thought of you sleeping by yourself out here on these horrible benches or on the floor.” He says as he traces your jawline with his finger gently. “I just want to make sure you’re going to be okay. I don’t want you spending your trip money because you’re stuck here.”
You blush and look down at your feet. “Well I won’t exactly be alone Richard. All these other people will be sleeping here too.” Richard rubs his face and groans. “Smart ass.” He chuckles.
You look at him and grin.
“Please, Ruth, just consider it. I would sleep a whole lot easier if you took either the couch or the bed in my room. It worries me that the thief from today wasn’t caught and I don’t want him returning and harassing you or stealing what you have left while you sleep.” He says.
You look at him for a few minutes. Then look down at your feet. “ I will think about your kind offer, Richard. I’m just trying to be careful. I don’t really know you and although you’ve been very kind and helpful, I’m not sure if sharing a room is such a good idea.”
He looks sad for a moment then takes your hand and puts a room key into it. “In case you change your mind...” he says. “Will you at least join me for breakfast in the hotel?” He asks. You nod. “What is your phone number and I will call you when I’m up and ready and we can go eat?” He asks.
You tell him your phone # and he plugs it into his phone, then he takes a quick picture of you to put in with the name “Ruth-JFK airport” he puts for the contact. He sends you a text with his name and phone number and adds a photo of himself. Your phone sings out the few bars of the song Bofur sang in Rivendell from the Hobbit movies.
You blush a deep red and giggle. He looks surprised for a moment then smiles. “I take it you liked those movies?” He asked. You nod. “I loved the books long before the movies came out though. I love reading. Growing up as poor as we did, it was the only way for me to go on adventures. I picture what I read in my head like a movie playing. So yeah, I easily get lost in the stories and often lose track of how long I’m reading.” You say shyly.
Richard grins. “I enjoy a good story too. But it is getting late.” He rubs his scruffy bearded chin, “I will leave you here for now, but if you change your mind, don’t hesitate to come up to the room and stay with me. The room number is on the sleeve of the keycard. I have the room reserved until this the storm lets up and we can fly out.” He tells you as he stands. “Don’t worry about knocking, just come in and make yourself comfortable.” He tells you.
You look up at him and see he is worried about leaving you there. His impossible blue eyes are clearly showing his concern for your safety. He runs his hand along your hair at the side of your head. He tucks it behind your ear and then bends down and gives you a gentle kiss on the top of your head. “Be safe.” He whispers and then walks over to his pile of stuff on the bench. He picks everything up and then gives you one last look🥺 begging you to join him. When he realizes you plan to stay there, he sighs and turns to leave. And quietly walks towards the hallway.
You watch him leave and when he has rounded the corner you look down at the key card. Someone wrote R. Armitage - 307 on the sleeve. You stare at it in disbelief. You text your friend’s mom a photo of it and explain that you weren’t able to depart and are stuck at the airport. You tell her it was Richard Armitage who tried to catch the thief and that he was kind enough to buy you supper and offered to let you stay in his hotel room either on the bed or the couch.
She calls you and gets all huffy but you assured her he meant no disrespect and had promised not to do anything inappropriate to you. You told her you were going to stay at the gate where you were at unless the thief or someone else bothered you then you might risk it and stay in his room. You assured her you didn’t think he was ‘that kind of guy’ but that you had your pepperspray if anything happened. She said it was a good idea and to be careful and to keep her posted on things. You promised to do so.
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You look at the card key again as you hang up from the phone call. You shove the key card in your bra and pull your backpack up onto the bench and put it under your pillow so all the pockets are facing you. Then you put your pillow back against it and make sure your purse is slug across your chest and wrap yourself in your blanket. You lean against the pillow and the post and fall asleep watching the snow swirling outside the windows.
(Part two coming in a separate post)
(The pic of Richard is not mine. I got it off of a Instagram post someone had shared)
@fizzyxcustard wrote this after mentioning my dream to come see England & visiting you and my friend’s Mom! Thanks for the inspiration! Lol!
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You can find rid of the incessant cough with just some natural elements discovered around your home. Find out how to create https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099808380112431 in this article. Find out about the natural vitamins and minerals which will assist your health and fitness as an individual with arthritis. Go through A lot more >> Tea tree oil is A necessary oil which could have Advantages for skin, hair and nails. Listed below are 14 sensible methods to use tea tree oil safely and… A later review printed in 2003 documented that 21 % of ED people who obtained acupuncture experienced enhanced erections. Other research have proven conflicting results, but this treatment method has possible and could be just right for you. You will discover numerous types of exfoliation items available in shops and online, nonetheless it's equally as simple to come up with a scrub at home working with sugar or salt. Based upon prior to and immediately after pictures, this assisted boost acne (sixty). 96% with the members had been delighted with the effects and would suggest the technique to Other folks. Still while these benefits show that exfoliation may perhaps boost acne, more analysis is required. Thanks for making your account on EverydayMe. This article or product is additional towards your favorites. This has prompted A lot of people to take a look at tips on how to get rid of acne naturally at home. The online world is stuffed with suggestions, but do natural treatments truly operate? Alternately, steep two chamomile tea luggage with one cup boiled h2o for quarter-hour. Let the tea neat, then use a cotton ball to dab it on the face right after cleansing. In this article’s exactly what the acne on each and every Element of The body is trying to let you know. Use echinacea tea to be a everyday experience clean by soaking a cloth with it, or place several drops of tincture on a cotton ball and dab it on blemishes. Often request the advice of your doctor or other experienced health and fitness provider before beginning any new food plan or therapy and with any thoughts maybe you have about a professional medical issue. If you have or suspect you have a health-related dilemma, instantly Get in touch with your health and fitness treatment provider. Infections & Allergies Play all Dry cough, fever and even more frequent infections & allergy symptoms could be treated quickly at home with some basic natural treatments. Here are a few! Erectile dysfunction (ED) is commonly termed impotence. It’s a situation in which a man can’t achieve or maintain an erection all through sexual performance. Abide by your normal shampoo regimen in the morning. For just a quicker get rid of, try to find a shampoo that contains olive oil. But you should also maintain some olive oil readily available so You can utilize it for these seven other things.
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You’ll come across you’ve labored out the dry, flaky skin and so are Prepared for the shampoo. Pair one of our other dandruff solutions together with your shampoo for the full treatment method. Dandruff aid is among dozens of useful strategies to use salt. Summary: Green tea is high in antioxidants that assist fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. Making use of green tea into the skin has actually been demonstrated to appreciably lessen acne. HomeVeda Nutrition delivers you information on the most beneficial foods & nutritious recipes which is able to confirm practical in managing & taking care of many common wellbeing situations. It is the food items method to great health! Scientists researched the effects of L-arginine on ED. 30-1 p.c of Gentlemen with ED taking five grams of L-arginine a day professional significant advancements in sexual operate. There are no scientific studies exploring the many benefits of drinking green tea In regards to acne, but implementing it straight to the pores and skin continues to be revealed that can help. Though the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial Homes of honey and cinnamon could gain acne-vulnerable skin, no scientific studies exist on their own capacity to treat acne. How to help make a Honey and Cinnamon Mask Dr. Mehmet Oz swears by apple cider vinegar as being a dandruff solution, since the acidity of apple cider vinegar adjustments the pH of the scalp, rendering it tougher for yeast to develop. Mix 1 / 4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1 / 4 cup drinking water in a spray bottle and spritz in your scalp. 1 research confirmed that shampoos with just 5 % tea tree oil significantly Increase the severity of dandruff. You can even increase a number of drops of tea tree oil to your preferred shampoo as you wash Commonly. Tea tree oil can actually decrease the effects of numerous disagreeable disorders. Then steep you in the hot tub to unwind your muscles as well as your thoughts. In mattress, relaxation your head on a lavender-stuffed pillow—the fragrance induces sleepiness. (Bonus: Cherries can assist prevent gout assaults.) A different review with 31 participants yielded similar success (sixty three). These small studies propose that a small-glycemic diet regime can be valuable for people with acne-susceptible skin, but additional study is required. Douse a cotton makeup pad with isopropyl Alcoholic beverages, hold it up towards your nose, and take a couple deep breaths (no more than a few in a 10-minute period). To accomplish your registration be sure to enter the verification code you acquired with your cellular. If you haven't been given the verification code, make sure you SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 Overcome dandruff with this simple henna cure. Henna softens your hair, though lemon juice performs its ponder in dandruff treatment method. Higher blood cholesterol is A significant cause of heart attacks. Find out what All those cholesterol numbers imply, and examine the home cures which can help get your cholesterol under Command.
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A single study confirmed that shampoos with just 5 per cent tea tree oil drastically Enhance the severity of dandruff. You may also include a number of drops of tea tree oil to your favorite shampoo while you clean Generally. Tea tree oil can in fact decrease the results of several unpleasant circumstances. It's a point: consume an excessive amount of liquor, and you will suffer the following day. Understand natural home solutions for hangovers, all the things from moderation to hydration, and shield your self from discomfort the early morning just after. Set aside in the future a week for the cheat food. Keep in mind, it’s significant to not eat excessive. To find the most out within your cheat meal, take in it little by little and try to stay away from disturbances whilst consuming. Physical exercise encourages wholesome blood circulation. The increase in blood circulation aids nourish the pores and skin cells, which can assist avert and recover acne. As outlined by a recent analyze, crisis space sufferers who inhaled the isopropyl Alcoholic beverages–saturated pads noticed a fifty% reduction in nausea, in comparison with patients who sniffed pads doused in saline Alternative. Affiliate disclaimer: Healthline may get a part of the revenues for those who come up with a order utilizing one of many links previously mentioned. Large blood cholesterol is A serious explanation for heart assaults. Study what Those people cholesterol quantities suggest, and read about the home remedies which will help Get the cholesterol less than Handle. Anything you take in influences a lot of aspects of wellness - which include the skin. Allow me to share 12 foods and beverages to incorporate in your diet regime for much better pores and skin well being. appears to get most effective for those with large lipids of their blood and metabolic syndrome. This herb is known to own anti-inflammatory action, improve lung perform, and boost blood stream in other ailments — all characteristics which could cut down ED. Acne is one of the most prevalent skin disorders on the earth, influencing an believed 85% of individuals in some unspecified time in the future within their life. Steep one tablespoon of dried herb (available in health and fitness foods merchants) in a very cup of very hot drinking water for quarter-hour, then sip. Drink three to four cups per day. If https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_care continue to run very hot after a working day of sipping tea, seek health care attention.  This health supplement is extracted with the bark on the African yohimbe tree. Some reports have proven beneficial outcomes on sexual functionality with use of the drug. The abrasiveness of regular desk salt is effective great for scrubbing out dandruff flakes before you shampoo. Get a saltshaker and shake some salt onto your dry scalp. Then do the job it through your hair, giving your scalp a therapeutic massage. Swinging with the generate-thru or hopping into your favorite speedy-food stuff restaurant tends to happen additional frequently than some would like to confess. Quickly food stuff…
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Summary: Tea tree oil has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying it towards the pores and skin has been demonstrated to scale back acne. Gargle twice every day with an answer of 6 pressed garlic cloves blended into a glass of warm (not sizzling) drinking water. Adhere to the routine for 3 days. Exploration shows that fresh new garlic juice has antimicrobial Houses that battle suffering-creating microorganisms. The nice and cozy liquid soothes inflamed tissue.  From hot and cold treatments, to electrical stimulation, to therapeutic massage, find out more about the natural therapies which can help relieve your ache and arthritis symptoms. Study Far more >> To stay away from that powerful smell, healwithfood.org suggests mixing crushed garlic with honey and massaging into the scalp in advance of washing as normal. In addition to being one of the best dandruff treatments, You should use garlic for your hair, pores and skin, and in some cases immune system. Mint can help eliminate pore-clogging oil. To help apparent acne prior to it starts, blend two tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons each of basic yogurt and oatmeal (use a blender to pulverize the oatmeal to powder). Dandruff can be the result of a dry scalp, or maybe a pores and skin condition identified as seborrheic dermatitis. It may be caused by eczema, psoriasis, or, pretty frequently, an overgrowth of a yeastlike fungus referred to as malassezia. (Allow me to share five more stunning leads to of dandruff.) Drugstore dandruff therapies may include things like shampoos with zinc pyrithione, which targets fungus and microbes; ketoconazole, which also fights fungus; coal tar and selenium sulfide, which sluggish The expansion and die-off of skin cells on the scalp; and salicylic acid, which loosens flakes so they may be washed away. Stick to your normal shampoo plan each morning. For your more quickly get rid of, try to look for a shampoo that contains olive oil. But you should also retain some olive oil available so You may use it for these seven other points. You should just take a bit instant to complete your profile so we can easily personalize your experience and ensure you get content material and presents that are appropriate to you personally. Depart the concoction on your own face for 10 minutes, then rinse off with water. Here are stepto remedies ’re possessing an acne breakout. Incorporate boiling drinking water and also a teaspoon of natural and organic Uncooked honey, an immunity booster that also coats distressing throat tissues. Breathe inside the healing vapor to open up sinuses, and sip a cupful two or thrice each day to struggle the bug. (To generate a standard warm toddy, add a fifty percent shot of brandy.) It is a point: drink excessive liquor, and you will suffer the following day. Master natural home remedies for hangovers, almost everything from moderation to hydration, and protect on your own from ache the early morning right after. Using a analysis, your medical doctor could advocate a variety of ways that might probably make improvements to each your coronary heart well being and your ED. These techniques involve decreasing your cholesterol, lowering your pounds, or having prescription drugs to unclog your blood vessels. The catechins in environmentally friendly tea are very good for burning Fats, simply because they no cost Unwanted fat from Excess fat cells. They also struggle free radicals and end ailments. Sip linden flower tea, which works in two strategies: It stimulates the hypothalamus to raised Command your temperature, and it dilates blood vessels, inducing perspiring.
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Developing your hair out is a heck of quite a bit more challenging than reducing it. Skip the uncomfortable phases entirely with this particular amazing tutorial to rising out your bangs with no attempting to throw your self away from a window. There are many items and treatment options You can utilize at home to take care of nasal congestion. Discover more about home remedies for nasal congestion from this information. Did your grandma ever tell you to toss away the painkillers and just take a nice long Epsom salt bath? Is this just an old wives' tale, or do these salts seriously have therapeutic powers? Let The 2 accept a few minutes. Combine properly and increase in two tablespoons Greek yogurt, two tablespoons manduka honey, and a single egg white. Blend properly and utilize on the confront for ten minutes just before rinsing with lukewarm h2o. In winters, lips get chapped and dry incredibly easily and it becomes all the more crucial that you exfoliate them with a very good lip scrub and what's much better than a homemade one particular.  Swallow one to two teaspoons of sugar. The dry granules stimulate and reset the irritated nerve that is certainly creating the spasms with the diaphragm. Any coarse compound, including salt, can function in a pinch, but sugar tastes best. (Learn six issues your hiccups try to inform you.)  Winter season period is synonymous for the time of dryness. The shortage of humidity along with the imbalance in temperature - cold outside and warm indoors - make our hair dry, frizzy and unmanageable. Sometimes, you just don’t really feel like drying or flat-ironing your hair, but no-warmth hairstyles just received’t Minimize it. Movie star hairstylist Josue Perez walked us by way of some simple tips to shorten our warmth-styling time. Superior blood cholesterol is A serious reason behind heart attacks. Find out what Those people cholesterol quantities imply, and examine the home remedies that can help Obtain your cholesterol beneath Regulate. Regardless of whether you have got naturally wavy or super-straight hair, finding beachy waves is easier than you're thinking that. Bond. “I propose impacted individuals rub a piece of papaya fruit on the white patches. Allow it dry then use again. See the juice penetrates the skin. As well as this, drink papaya juice daily. Papaya aids in reviving the melanin cells. Proceed with this particular treatment method and you will perceive visible results.” Humidity doesn’t should be a death sentence for the blowout. To understand the secret to frizz-no cost, silky easy hair, we caught up with two stylists who presented skilled tips, from very long-Long lasting therapies to styling methods and will have to-have merchandise. You’ve been undertaking it for ages, but do you really know how frequently you ought to wash your hair? The solution may well surprise you.
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Aquiring a nagging cough receives troublesome speedy—specifically for All those all-around you. An excellent home treatment is black pepper tea. To make the tea, place one teaspoon of freshly floor black pepper and two tablespoons of honey in a very cup. Fill with boiling water and Permit steep, included, for 15 minutes. Some researchers qualified in both of those Western and conventional Chinese drugs have tried to deconstruct historical healthcare texts in The sunshine of recent science. One particular idea would be that the yin-yang balance, at the least regarding herbs, corresponds to the pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant balance. Facial exfoliation and rejuvenation products and solutions are hugely proposed for skin nourishment. Look through the range of well known and premium facial kits on line at Amazon India and find a solution that addresses your certain skin issue including Total fatigue, dull complexion, uneven skin tone, wonderful traces, wrinkles plus more. Ginseng has been useful for A large number of many years, but has just lately identified favor which has a general public searching for a natural Strength-Improve. Learn extra in Ginseng: Herbal Remedies. What to anticipate depends on the sort of practitioner you’re consulting. A clinical doctor, osteopathic health practitioner, or naturopath may perhaps recommend an herbal solution in the middle of an Business office go to When you have produced a particular criticism. [twenty] In the United States, the Nationwide Centre for Complementary and Integrative Wellness of your Countrywide Institutes of Health funds clinical trials on herbal compounds, gives fact sheets analyzing the protection, prospective effectiveness and Negative effects of many plant sources,[21] and maintains a registry of clinical analysis performed on herbal goods.[22] Walking—If you're able to’t run—is a reduced affect, helpful cardio-conditioning training, whilst excess weight teaching will help you Create muscle mass, rev up your metabolism, and hold you emotion robust. Use these workout drive tips to start out. Steven Novella, a neurologist at Yale School of Drugs, wrote that federal government funded scientific tests of integrating substitute medicine methods into the mainstream are "accustomed to lend an overall look of legitimacy to solutions that are not genuine."[one hundred fifty five] Marcia Angell regarded that critics felt that healthcare tactics really should be categorised primarily based solely on scientific evidence, and if a cure were rigorously tested and located Secure and efficient, science-primarily based drugs will adopt it regardless of whether it absolutely was regarded "choice" to begin with. Allergy sufferers can take into consideration including an omega-three nutritional supplement for example DHA, EPA, and krill oil as they are anti-inflammatories. A German examine revealed while in the journal Allergy CAM is usually frequently significantly less regulated than traditional medication.[203] There are actually moral issues about irrespective of whether people who accomplish CAM have the appropriate expertise to take care of sufferers. The catechins in eco-friendly tea are very good for burning Excess fat, as they no cost Body fat from Unwanted fat cells. They also battle free radicals and quit diseases. Among the most troubling skincare truths is the fact acne isn’t something which goes away after you move your teenage several years. In actual fact, Girls can suffer from it perfectly into adulthood. One of several excellent acne natural remedies is uncoated aspirin, that is natural salicylic acid. Before engaging in any complementary health-related procedure, such as the utilization of natural or herbal remedies, you have to be aware that a lot of of those approaches haven't been evaluated in scientific reports. Use of such remedies in connection with over the counter or prescription prescription drugs may cause severe adverse reactions. Often, only constrained https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099810723445530 is available regarding their basic safety and usefulness. Each and every state and each willpower has its have procedures about whether or not practitioners are required to be skillfully accredited. If you plan to go to a practitioner, it is usually recommended that you decide on just one who is certified by a regarded countrywide Firm and who abides through the Business's criteria. It is always ideal to talk to your Major health and fitness care provider before beginning any new therapeutic approach. Complementary therapies are sometimes Utilized in palliative care or by practitioners aiming to regulate chronic ache in people. Integrative medication is considered much more suitable while in the interdisciplinary strategy used in palliative care than in other parts of medication. "From its early experiences of care for the dying, palliative care took as a right the necessity of putting client values and Way of life habits in the Main of any layout and delivery of good quality care at the conclusion of life.
New Step by Step Map For beauty tips
Our units have detected unconventional website traffic from a Personal computer community. This webpage checks to view if It really is definitely you sending the requests, rather than a robotic. Carefully pat your skin dry using a towel. This applies to each the skin with your facial area an on The body. It would be a lot better to leave your skin a bit moist. Using this method, your skin can absorb the excess humidity and re-hydrate alone.[two] [24] Use brown sugar for just a gentler scrub and white sugar for a regular scrub. You can utilize any type of oil you'd like, but coconut oil or olive oil would operate most effective. Have to have some thing more powerful? Try salt! It's also possible to open up your eye just a little and afterwards shut it. Throw absent the liquid and make the same drinking water for one other eye and repeat the procedure. Following this, splash the eyes with chilly mineral water. There possibly slight redness for a while but it will eventually go away before long along with your eyes will truly feel refreshed in minutes. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that provide your skin toughness and elasticity. Also, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — for instance pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to maintain out smoke — can add to wrinkles. Meditate. This can be an ancient apply that's been all-around for centuries—and forever explanation! Many people realize that it can help them apparent their minds and loosen up. In the following paragraphs I have conjured up some INSTA recipes (equally magical and natural) that are guaranteed to work and give some amazing benefits to dead on the lookout skin and hair. So awaken and imbibe these spells into your festive appear. Scientific research on a handful of herbs are underway, but to assist you have an understanding of the benefits and challenges, we've compiled an extensive manual to herbs, which includes likely uses, Uncomfortable side effects, and safeguards. Very quickly you can learn how to utilize herbs to take care of some widespread overall health situations like allergic reactions, indigestion, and in many cases panic. Normally Tips for Methodologies on Investigate and Analysis of Regular Drugs, revealed in 2000 by the entire world Health Firm (WHO), complementary and option medication were being defined for a wide set of health care procedures that are not Portion of that state's have custom and therefore are not built-in to the dominant health and fitness care procedure.[twelve][13] Herbal medication blurs the road between foods and medicines – a line that, in many cultures, was by no means drawn to start with. Working with herbs and spices that have disorder-preventive impact in foods is the most effective methods to make use of their therapeutic power. Labels on retail store-purchased herbs seldom reveal how plants are raised, let alone how long the substances are subjected to light and large temperatures whilst saved inside their plastic containers. Mature your own personal to make certain the best quality and potency of your respective herbal remedies. Exceptions: it’s considered Risk-free to choose up to 1,000 mg of ginger in capsule or candied varieties for early morning sickness; short-phrase usage of echinacea also appears Protected for Expecting Women of all ages who produce colds or flu. Even beginner gardeners can concoct straightforward home remedies including teas and salves working with Bredesen’s listing of the best nine uncomplicated-to-improve medicinal herbs. "quackademic drugs" is usually a pejorative phrase utilized for integrative medicine, which healthcare professionals consider an infiltration of quackery into educational science-dependent medication.[58]
5 Simple Techniques For home remedies
These so-termed probiotics contend with and substitute the reeking bacteria. (They also make you prettier—check it out!) The lemon-yogurt combo quickly neutralizes odor and lasts 12 to 24 hrs. Bathe inside your breakfast. Although oatmeal is really a hundreds of years-aged skin soother, researchers only a short while ago acknowledged the avenanthramides in oats as The crucial element compounds that calm inflamed, itchy skin. Glycerine, generally known as glycol, may be extracted from animal Fats and also vegetable Body fat. It is a thick gelatinous, sweet tasting, odourless liquid that's utilized in a number of ... Lemon drinking water is a superb consume for weight reduction. Lemon juice helps Your system obtain the nutrients it should burn fat into Strength and end bodyweight obtain. Make sure to maintain ingesting lemon juice even When you lose fat, to maintain your new body weight. Underneath click here , suppliers, retailers, and importers of cosmetics in Europe are going to be designated as "Liable Human being".[seventy four] This new standing indicates the dependable person has the authorized legal responsibility to ensure that the cosmetics and brands they manufacture or provide adjust to The existing beauty restrictions and norms. A stippling brush has comfortable, artificial bristles that provides an airbrushed influence. This brush is greatest made use of to accomplish gentle to medium coverage. False eyelashes are employed when exaggerated eyelashes are wished-for. Their standard layout commonly consists of human hair, mink hair, or artificial resources connected to a skinny fabric-like band, which is applied with glue into the lashline. Young children less than five several years shouldn't be given tricky sweet cough drops or the rest that might pose a choking danger. Use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZSkyCPhERY when supplying cough drops to small children underneath 10 years. Don’t give honey to youngsters that are younger than one year. Gargle 2 times daily with a solution of 6 pressed garlic cloves blended right into a glass of heat (not hot) drinking water. Adhere to the regimen for 3 times. Analysis demonstrates that contemporary garlic juice has antimicrobial properties that combat ache-resulting in microbes. The warm liquid soothes inflamed tissue.  Acquire made use of chamomile tea luggage and shop them from the freezer. Grate half a cucumber and massage all-around eye region and afterwards lie down While using the tea luggage with your eyes for 10 minutes.You'll find An immediate difference in the way your eyes look and feel. We commit a bomb every time we visit our salons for getting that radiant, flawless skin. Take care of your skin at home utilizing a mix of foods products and solutions Which also without the need of burning ... If you have a brownish tinge in the hair and haven't got enough time to henna or colour it, then take a couple sprigs of rosemary from your kitchen area shelf and simmer them in 2 cups of h2o in addition to two tsp black tea until finally it minimizes to half the amount. Then get a small sip from the combination, and repeat the whole system 1 to 2 occasions per hour. Make sure to drink lots of water between the gargling sessions. You will discover a variety of means of utilizing ACV to treat sore throats, based on the severity in the illness and in addition Your entire body’s sensitivity to vinegar. It's best to initial speak to your medical professional or healthcare practitioner. Shop for apple cider vinegar. Our techniques have detected abnormal site visitors from the Computer system network. This site checks to view if It can be actually you sending the requests, and never a robot.
The best Side of healthy habbits
If you'd like lovely hair, begin by washing and conditioning it thoroughly. Then, find out the healthy tips on how to dry and elegance your hair. Ultimately, make healthy Way of living improvements to aid healthy hair.
It depends upon the sort of conditioner. Nope! Unless you might be only using a deep conditioner, the type of conditioner should not change the frequency of conditioning. You should definitely make use of a conditioner that matches your hair variety. Decide An additional reply! Feeding on a midmorning or midafternoon meal alternative bar does not just bridge the hole concerning meals; It is a fairly easy method of getting inside the habit of having scaled-down meals more frequently, One more routine you will eventually want to adopt. Curly or Afro-textured hair possibly wishes frizz-reducing or softening shampoo that is definitely creamy and it has all-natural oils in it. Other examples: Pack a can of tuna and two apples. Or deliver a skinless hen breast and a few cucumbers. Just be sure to get ready it beforehand--this way you will not must opt to try to eat healthy. You merely will. Reminding oneself what you're grateful for every day might help keep your spirits up and fend off any lingering depression. Deal with the positives in your daily life rather then the negatives, and keep the strengths in mind as You begin every day. Your not long ago viewed things and highlighted tips › View or edit your searching record The hair cells are the quickest developing cells in the body but They're also the first ones being impacted You do not consume correct or suffer with deficiencies simply because they aren't necessary for survival. Waistline-length – hair that falls with the smallest Section of one's midsection, a bit earlier mentioned the hip bones Not quite! Your Over-all well being is connected to your hair health, but finding sick possibly will not likely have an effect on your hair like this. Take in many fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins to help keep One's body and hair healthy. Select A different answer! In the course of pregnancy and breast feeding, the traditional and all-natural shedding procedure is usually suspended (setting up close to thirty day period a few as it requires some time for your body to acknowledge and reset for the hormonal shifts the human body goes as a result of) for the period of gestation and prolonged for a longer time if one particular breast feeds (this involves pumping for breast milk). Upon cessation of either of those, it commonly requires about two months for the hormones to shift again to the normal hormonal configurations, and hair shedding can boost exponentially, for roughly three–6 months until finally hair returns to its standard quantity. Some scientists feel that laughter actually may very well be the most beneficial medicine, as it will let you really feel superior and lessen anxiety. At last, being able to forgive can improve your connection with all your friends and family. Preventing deep-seeded strains in near interactions is an important part of sensation connected to those all-around you and living daily life in harmony with individuals who cross your path. Maintaining healthy relationships is really a key component of residing a healthy Way of living. These patterns are good for people today of any age, of course. Even so the quicker you have on it, the quicker you could experience the sweet, sweet benefits of healthy dwelling. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2088296957930240
5 Tips about hair care You Can Use Today
Getting both of those family and friends which you could depend on, flip to, and socialize with will provide you with a sense of belonging and allow you to relate to folks who share your values and beliefs. They clean your scalp and hair, departing the dirt from it. But some scientists also counsel which they strip your hair of vital oils. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1084945117566267392 why your eye stings when shampoo runs down the aspect of your respective facial area. If you're feeling any kind of discomfort over the scalp or find your hair drying up after a while then try and purchase a shampoo that's sulfate-no cost. I did not "transition" for every se. I just wakened 1 early morning and explained to my partner to help you me shave it all off. He's this kind of a very good person for heading together with a great number of of my "times." This could dry upon the scalp skin and flake off, appearing like dandruff and perhaps causing itchiness, but haven't any overall health consequences by any means. All people gets into an average plan where they are doing the same factor basically each day. Even so, there are lots of tips on how to blend up your plan somewhat so you're able to attempt new items. Changing your program will let you challenge oneself and understand new factors. Do not overlook this stuff and hope they'll disappear. In its place, be proactive and take a look at a dermatologist each year to receive checkups so they can seem in excess of the skin for anything at all they might locate suspicious. Sitting down in Vajrasna (Adamantine Pose) for a few minutes right after having foodstuff can help you there. This specific yogic posture boosts blood circulation during the decrease abdomen and increases the digestive procedure. Training Yoga can help produce the human body and mind, however just isn't a substitute for medicine. It is vital to know and practice yoga under the supervision of the skilled Yoga Instructor. In case of any medical issue, observe yoga only after consulting your physician and a Sri Sri Yoga Trainer. Mindlessly having in front of The tv or working towards the fridge When you've got had a nasty working day are both equally bad feeding on practices that bring about more medical problems in the future. "Entire grains are inclined to have a decrease GI (glycaemic index), so they assist maintain you experience fuller for for a longer time and keep your Power levels and focus," Georgie states. And the greater antibiotics you're taking, the greater you operate the potential risk of increase a resistance for the antibiotics, which means they will be significantly less helpful down the line any time you may well basically have to have them. or one thing to carry out when you're bored or stressed out. Be sure to are mindfully consuming when it's time to do so, and that you choose to sit down and only target your foodstuff. Eating a midmorning or midafternoon meal replacement bar does not just bridge the hole among foods; It is an easy way to get in the pattern of having scaled-down meals far more often, An additional habit you'll at some point would like to undertake. It can be way too easy to eat takeaway if you will find almost nothing during the fridge or put with each other some thing naughty when It can be full of unhealthy foods.
Top healthy diet Secrets
Tender coconut drinking water-It's really a nutritious beverage can be utilized as oral rehydration medium, nevertheless in affected person owning hyper kalaemia for example renal failure, acute adrenal insufficiency As well as in people with lower urine output, it ought to be averted. Some food items manufacturers are reformulating recipes to reduce the sodium content material of their items, and folks ought to be encouraged to examine nutrition labels to view exactly how much sodium is in an item ahead of acquiring or consuming it. Salt is a crucial ingredient on the diet. Most people do not know the level of salt they consume. Significant salt use and insufficient potassium ingestion (below 3. A 1200 Cal food approach can in no way go Mistaken, but the result will definitely depend on Anything you eat. You cannot just take with your stipulated 1200 Cal from junk food stuff, fries, sugary treats and sweets and assume to view productive effects. If you really want a few of your favourite junk food stuff, examine the label and persist with a person serve. Don’t eat The full packet! Are you aware A few chips contain all-around three teaspoons of Excess fat? Ingesting a assorted, nicely-well balanced diet usually means eating a variety of foods from each food items groups daily, inside the advisable amounts. It is additionally crucial that you pick out many different foods from in Every foods team because distinct foods present differing types and amounts of important nutrients. Food protection for summer time celebrations (movie) In the hot temperature There's a larger possibility of foods poisoning but in case you stick to some simple guidelines once you get ready, tackle and retail outlet meals it is going to drastically decrease your chance of receiving Ill... Toned Milk- It can be mixture of normal milk and designed-up milk. It consists of a single part of h2o, just one Component of pure milk and one/8part of skim milk electricity. Considering that milk Unwanted fat is of your saturated variety, those who have to generally be on the reduced Body fat diet can consume skimmed/toned milk. You'll find specialised healthy diets, identified as healthcare nourishment therapy, for individuals with several conditions or disorders. You can also find prescientific ideas about these specialized diets, as in dietary therapy in regular Chinese medicine. Staying physically Energetic and consuming fewer calories can help you eliminate pounds and continue to keep pounds off after some time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPlOEudlCv0 to be decreased slowly. Different types of dietary Unwanted fat have distinctive outcomes on blood amounts of cholesterol. As an example, polyunsaturated fats have a tendency to lessen each sorts of cholesterol; monounsaturated fats are likely to decreased LDL and lift HDL; saturated fats tend to either increase HDL, or increase both HDL and LDL;[forty two][forty three] and trans Excess fat tend to raise LDL and reduced HDL. Right here, I've furnished a sample 1200 calorie Indian diet prepare for fat reduction such as equally vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes that can help you get an notion of what it ideally appears like and what portions you might be designed to try to eat. Preserve potatoes in a very amazing, dark, nicely ventilated place to stay away from greening and sprouting; take away from plastic bags and place in a strong paper bag, box or inside a wire or plastic bin. Potatoes should not be held during the fridge. Healthy spending budget - tucker talk recommendations You can buy far more foodstuff in the event you commit nearly all of your cash on essential healthy foods like bread, cereals, fruit and vegies...
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Detailed Notes on hair care
Your kitchen could keep The crucial element to an itch-cost-free, flake-totally free scalp. Some components you employ everyday double as effective dandruff remedies—like baking soda. Damp your hair after which rub a handful of baking soda vigorously into your scalp. Crush a few refreshing strawberries into a scrubbing pulp that you just combine having a pinch of stain-removing baking soda and adequate h2o to make a paste. Utilize the mixture to some comfortable-bristled toothbrush and polish for a couple of minutes once each individual three or 4 months. L-arginine can be an amino acid naturally existing in Your whole body. It can help make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels to facilitate An effective erection and it is essential for healthful sexual working. Managing dandruff at home with curd is a little messy but really productive. Process for applying curd as a home treatment for dandruff is given beneath: Sip linden flower tea, which performs in two strategies: It stimulates the hypothalamus to raised Handle your temperature, and it dilates blood vessels, inducing sweating. From cold and hot treatments, to electrical stimulation, to massage, find out more concerning the natural therapies which can help ease your ache and arthritis indicators. Study Much more >> The catechins in inexperienced tea are Superb for burning Fats, simply because they free of charge Body fat from Body fat cells. They also combat absolutely free radicals and prevent health conditions. Since apple cider vinegar has acetic acid, it’s superior for losing excess weight. Acetic acid stops human body Extra fat from increase. Apple cider vinegar also helps Your system get in nutrients from your foodstuff you try to eat, treats digestive issues, and fights bacterial infections. Choose whole grain and more healthy varieties of these foods. Their labels should really say “100 percent full grain”, not merely “made with full grains” or “multi- grain”. Water is crucial to healthier dwelling. Understand the home treatments that will continue to keep you from becoming dehydrated. Inadequate hair brushing and shampooing habits, dry skin, pressure and inappropriate diet plans, could make your scalp extra vulnerable to dandruff. Now that you’re conscious of the results in, it’s time and energy to battle dandruff.  Many individuals claim that coconut oil helps treat acne. This may go very well for many people, but can actually make acne even worse for people with oily skin. The abrasiveness of regular desk salt performs great for scrubbing out dandruff flakes prior to deciding to shampoo. Grab a saltshaker and shake some salt onto your dry scalp. Then perform it through your hair, offering your scalp a massage. Though there isn't any evidence that ingesting inexperienced tea can struggle acne, some investigation suggests it should still be advantageous.
About natural treatments
From hot and cold treatments, to electrical stimulation, to therapeutic massage, find out more about the natural therapies which will help ease your ache and arthritis symptoms. Go through https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689548197 >> Thanks for building your account on EverydayMe. This information or item is additional on your favorites. Crunchybetty.com suggests coconut oil is often a “attempted and genuine” dandruff treatment method, and it smells nice as well. In advance of showering, therapeutic massage 3-five tablespoons of coconut oil into your scalp and Enable sit for about an hour. Some investigate indicates that making use of more virgin olive oil to pores and skin after sunbathing may aid reduce skin cancer.  A afterwards review revealed in 2003 documented that 21 % of ED clients who been given acupuncture experienced improved erections. Other scientific tests have proven conflicting final results, but this cure has prospective and may be just right for you. That which you eat has an effect on lots of facets of wellness - including your skin. Here i will discuss twelve foods and beverages so as to add to the eating plan for greater pores and skin wellbeing. Dr. Mehmet Oz swears by apple cider vinegar being a dandruff solution, since the acidity of apple cider vinegar modifications the pH of one's scalp, making it more challenging for yeast to increase. Blend 1 / 4 cup apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup drinking water inside a spray bottle and spritz on the scalp. The good news is, several natural remedies can even be powerful. The home treatments stated in this post may well not get the job done for everybody, but They only could be worthy of a check out. There are a wide variety of exfoliation solutions accessible in retailers and online, but it's just as easy to generate a scrub at home applying sugar or salt. Keep in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMSRF9wM_Jk , all of these remedies have to be utilized not less than thrice every week for ideal final results; keep on to take action till the thing is the difference. Aren’t you happy that you just’re now empowered to do your individual dandruff therapy at home? Health-related conditions undoubtedly are a frequent cause of erectile dysfunction or ED. But at times, the bring about has to do with Life style choices. To accomplish your registration you should enter the verification code you obtained with your cell. When you haven't acquired the verification code, be sure to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 Whichever route you're taking, keep in mind that ED is a common problem that’s incredibly treatable. With a few trial and error, you’re prone to find a treatment method that actually works for you and your associate. Superior blood cholesterol is A significant cause of coronary heart assaults. Find out what Individuals cholesterol quantities necessarily mean, and examine the home remedies that will help get your cholesterol underneath Management.
Not known Facts About home treatments
Right after viewing merchandise element internet pages, look in this article to uncover a fairly easy way to navigate again to pages you have an interest in. There are not any reports Checking out the many benefits of consuming green tea On the subject of acne, but implementing it on to the pores and skin has become proven to help. Dr. Mehmet Oz swears by apple cider vinegar being a dandruff remedy, as the acidity of apple cider vinegar adjustments the pH of your scalp, making it more durable for yeast to increase. Mix 1 / 4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1 / 4 cup h2o inside of a spray bottle and spritz on your scalp. Go away the concoction in your face for ten minutes, then rinse off with drinking water. Below are a few sneaky factors you’re having an acne breakout. Summary: Eco-friendly tea is significant in antioxidants that assist battle germs and lower inflammation. Applying environmentally friendly tea to the skin is shown to appreciably lessen acne. It's also possible to get aloe gel from wellbeing-meals retailers—just be sure it’s pure aloe, without having extra components. From a person who has examined them all and located hangover aid. Find out more about these seven natural hangover cures that function. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkq89Ro-H6o through times of hormonal imbalance. Some find natural treatments these types of oral vitamin and mineral dietary supplements. Learn which natural cures… A next review confirmed that L-arginine coupled with pycnogenol, a plant item from tree bark, restored sexual ability to eighty percent of individuals just after two months. Ninety-two % had restored sexual skill right after 3 months. Bask in a sq. or two of darkish chocolate. Scientists found that chocolate's theobromine compound is more practical than codeine at suppressing persistent coughs without the Unwanted side effects of drowsiness and constipation.  Aspirin consists of the exact same active ingredient (salicylic acid) as several medicated dandruff shampoos. Hold flaking in Look at by crushing two aspirins to some wonderful powder and introducing it to the traditional degree of shampoo you employ every time you clean your hair. It is usually Probably the most studied natural treatments for acne. Exploration displays that individuals with acne are inclined to acquire lower levels of zinc of their blood than These with apparent pores and skin (9). Just after viewing product detail pages, seem in this article to find a fairly easy strategy to navigate back again to web pages you are interested in. Exfoliation is the entire process of taking away the top layer of dead skin cells. It can be achieved mechanically by using a brush or scrub to bodily take out the cells. Alternatively, it may be eradicated chemically by implementing an acid that dissolves them.
5 Easy Facts About home treatments Described
Extra a short while ago, DHEA has been determined being an choice for procedure of ED for men with concurrent diabetes. ED usually influences these Adult males on account of hormonal difficulties as well as diabetic issues difficulties that interfere with blood stream to organs. It's also possible to get aloe vera gel from The shop, but ensure it really is pure aloe with no included ingredients. There are no reports Discovering the key benefits of ingesting environmentally friendly tea In regards to acne, but implementing it on to the skin has actually been shown to aid. Early studies advise that weed may possibly contribute to erectile dysfunction, but far more analysis is required. One more review with 31 members yielded related final results (sixty three). These compact studies counsel that a lower-glycemic eating plan could be useful for individuals with acne-susceptible pores and skin, but more investigation is required. Lemon water is a superb drink for weightloss. Lemon juice assists your body get the nutrients it has to melt away fat into energy and halt pounds get. Ensure that you retain drinking lemon juice even Once you drop excess weight, to keep your new excess weight. Multani mitti will help to restore hair well being. This simple dandruff cure working with multani mitti provides smooth, silky hair and dandruff-free hair. Tea tree oil is A vital oil which will have Added benefits for skin, hair and nails. Here's 14 realistic solutions to use tea tree oil properly and… When applied to the skin, aloe vera gel will help heal wounds, handle burns and struggle inflammation (44). Aloe vera also incorporates salicylic acid and sulfur, which might be both used extensively during the therapy of acne (45). Crush the cubes and suck the icy chips throughout the day to supply your tummy with a steady relaxing dribble. https://prakritiherbals.wordpress.com/2017/08/01/natural-home-remedies-to-keep-baldness-away/ are particularly efficient throughout pregnancy or soon after surgical treatment. Combine some drops of tea tree oil with concerning 20 and 40 drops of witch hazel, then use a cotton swab to use. This really is a kind of home cures for acne which you can check out as many as two times daily; more could dry the skin and make the acne even worse. An right away olive oil soak is often a people remedy for dandruff. Therapeutic massage about 10 drops into your scalp and cover with a shower cap right away. As an alternative to shelling out for expensive acne treatments, master ways to get distinct pores and skin with these natural at-home cures. When the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial Homes of honey and cinnamon may possibly reward acne-inclined pores and skin, no research exist on their own ability to treat acne. How for making a Honey and Cinnamon Mask
The smart Trick of natural cures That Nobody is Discussing
So that you’ve dyed your hair, but now you’re still left with brassy, orange hair? Right here’s how to remove brassy hair once and for all. Have you ever tried using Keeping your breath, drinking h2o upside down or An additional weird method of receiving rid from the hiccups? See our list of 13. Some investigate indicates that implementing further virgin olive oil to skin following sunbathing could assistance reduce skin most cancers.  Francis. “The lymphatics operate under the skin and therefore, skin brushing stimulates them enabling for far better elimination (the skin and lymph are each organs of elimination). https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099734926786443 is supplied on an as-is basis. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689372453/ , info or opinions appearing inside the write-up never replicate the sights of NDTV and NDTV won't believe any duty or legal responsibility for the same. Icing the inflamed region can relieve the ache but received’t necessarily make the condition disappear. Authorities say that this can in fact stiffen muscles and tendons and slow the blood stream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1egj9RxjB0I in awkward or disabling joint suffering, but home remedies for osteoarthritis soreness relief might help. When you've got naturally wavy hair, Then you definately know that in some cases your texture seems like a curse. Wavy hair isn’t as wash-and-go as straight strands, and it lacks the bounce that curls have. At any provided moment there are actually about one million and a single causes to become pressured. Seems just getting quarter-hour of sunshine can go a great distance to aid mitigate this. Why? It’s The obvious way to naturally boost your vitamin D concentrations, which could decrease signs and symptoms of depression and anxiousness. The gallbladder is tiny, but has the essential occupation of storing bile for the liver. Too much cholesterol could cause gallstones, and after that a lot of agony. Find out how home remedies can ease gallbladder ache. Put aside one day per week for your cheat meal. Recall, it’s crucial to not consume a lot of. To find the most out of the cheat food, try to eat it slowly and try to stay away from disturbances while feeding on. I have read through the Privacy Plan plus the Terms and Conditions. I give my consent for my data to generally be processed for the uses as explained and obtain communications for assistance connected info. Backstage with the Jason Wu exhibit, makeup artist Diane Kendal for Lancôme shared a few of her specialist tips for pulling off the appear in actual daily life.
Your hairstylist wants you to halt shampooing on a daily basis, but that's she kidding? Luckily, you can find solutions to rework every hair kind from unhappy and unwashed to flawlessly stunning—with no ranging from scratch.
The Definitive Guide to home remedies
Gurus advise putting a single teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of drinking water and consuming it (just don’t try this on a complete stomach). Look into these other amazing home utilizes for baking soda. g., using the expressions "western drugs" and "eastern drugs" to suggest that the primary difference is often a cultural distinction between the Asiatic east and the European west, rather than that the real difference is in between evidence-dependent drugs and treatment options that do not do the job.[four] Complementary or integrative medicine [edit] Lowland gorillas take 90%[verification necessary] of their diet plan within the fruits of Aframomum melegueta, a relative with the ginger plant, That could be a potent antimicrobial and apparently retains shigellosis and related infections at bay.[88] Existing exploration concentrates on the possibility that this plant also shields gorillas from fibrosing cardiomyopathy, which has a devastating effect on captive animals.[89] A healthful eating plan may help you feel and appear your very best. Try to eat an abundance of fruits, veggies, total grains and lean proteins. The Affiliation concerning diet regime and acne isn't really clear — but some study indicates that a diet regime rich in fish oil or fish oil nutritional supplements and small in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates could possibly advertise younger seeking skin. Drinking an abundance of h2o helps keep the skin hydrated. The best herbal medicines are those you grow by yourself. Preserving a private herb backyard garden can make sure freshness and quality. Allopathic medicine or allopathy is surely an expression frequently utilized by homeopaths and proponents of other forms of other medication to make reference to medicine. Prescription medicines are marketed alongside essential oils, herbal extracts, or herbal teas. Herbal remedies are viewed by some as being a remedy to get preferred to pure healthcare compounds which have been industrially created.[29] Even now trying to find the best Answer? Another natural remedy for acne is adding a spoonful of pumpkin seeds towards your smoothie, salad, or soup. “Acne can happen when the human body is very low in zinc and pumpkin seeds can be a great supply of this mineral as well as other wholesome nutrients,” describes. Dr. Minimal Canine. There are a variety of home remedies to take care of reproductive wellbeing. Find out how natural cures like vitex can advertise reproductive wellness. Mainly because apple cider vinegar has acetic acid, it’s very good for losing bodyweight. Acetic acid stops human body fat from building up. Apple cider vinegar also aids your body take in nutrients through the meals you try to eat, treats digestive issues, and fights infections. And lastly there is the cynicism and disappointment and depression that some patients get from occurring from just one alternate medication to another, and they uncover immediately after 3 months the placebo result wears off, and they're upset they usually move ahead to the next a person, and they are let down and disillusioned, and that can develop despair and make the eventual cure of the individual with anything at all effective tough, since you might not get compliance, since they've observed the failure so generally in past times.[195] a) Misinterpreted natural training course – the person will get much better with out treatment method. b) Placebo result or Wrong procedure effect – someone receives "choice therapy" and is also certain it should help. The conviction would make them additional more likely to recover. c) Nocebo result – a person is persuaded that common remedy will not operate, and that substitute remedy will work. This decreases the chance conventional treatment will function, although the placebo result from the "different" stays. d) No adverse outcomes — Common remedy is changed with "choice" treatment method, getting rid of adverse results, but also of improvement. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2087800381313231 , in his 2003 guide A Satan's Chaplain, outlined alternative drugs to be a "set of procedures that can't be analyzed, refuse to become analyzed, or consistently fall short tests. Some definitions find to specify choice medication when it comes to its social and political marginality to mainstream healthcare.[sixty four] This could certainly seek advice from The shortage of aid that option therapies get in the clinical institution and related bodies pertaining to entry to investigate funding, sympathetic protection within the clinical push, or inclusion inside the regular medical curriculum.[sixty four] In 1993, the British Clinical Association (BMA), one amongst numerous Specialist organizations who may have tried to define choice medicine, stated that it[n ten] referred to "...Those people forms of remedy which aren't commonly used by the standard healthcare professions, and the abilities of which are not taught as Component of the undergraduate curriculum of common clinical and paramedical healthcare courses".
New Step by Step Map For skin care
Do Additionally you occur to get amongst all those who have fallen prey towards the brunt of severe winters? Winter season usually provides as well as it dryness, which might make your skin truly feel ... There exists also a rise in conspiracy theories towards traditional medication and pharmaceutical organizations, mistrust of traditional authority figures, such as the doctor, and also a dislike of the present shipping methods of scientific biomedicine, all of that have led people to hunt out option drugs to treat a range of ailments. Chiropractic Spinal manipulation aims to deal with "vertebral subluxations" which happen to be claimed To place stress on nerves. Chiropractic was made from the perception that manipulating the backbone affects the movement of the supernatural crucial Power and thus affects overall health and disease. Vertebral subluxation can be a pseudoscientific principle and has not been proven to exist. Cilantro features a unique taste that people possibly love or dislike. The leaves usually garnish Mexican and Thai dishes. The seeds, known as coriander, are a first-rate ingredient in Indian curries. Dandruff is Probably the most typical hair problems confronted with the tens of millions around the world. Ayurveda has lots of home remedies which could support combat dandruff. Here are a few ways in which ... To cleanse skin, most Females want the h2o process: Use warm drinking water to loosen Dust and clogged pores. Utilize a dime-sized little bit of cleanser, then rinse with neat or lukewarm drinking water. That which you put with your plate is much more essential than Whatever you put on the skin. If you've been loading up on junk food items these days, then you can find higher probability of ... Info on this Site is furnished for informational needs only and isn't meant in its place for the advice supplied by your medical professional or other healthcare professional. You shouldn't use the knowledge on this Internet site for diagnosing or treating a health dilemma or illness, or prescribing any medication or other therapy. Blend with one/4cup of shampoo and whenever you shampoo, use this combination. Depart the shampoo inside your hair for about quarter-hour and see the main difference it would make. Don't have time for intense skin care? You are able to continue to pamper oneself by acing the fundamentals. Good skin care and healthful Life-style possibilities can assist delay natural ageing and prevent many skin problems. Get going Using these 5 no-nonsense tips. And And finally you will find the cynicism and disappointment and depression that some patients get from going on from a single alternative medicine to the subsequent, and they find just after a few months the placebo outcome wears off, and they are let down and so they move ahead to the next one particular, and they are upset and disillusioned, and that may generate despair and make the eventual remedy of the individual with anything effective tough, as you may not get compliance, given that they've viewed the failure so normally previously.[195] tea tree oil utilized topically for fungal bacterial infections such as athlete’s foot and fungal bacterial infections in the toenails and fingernails Have you at any time exfoliating your lips right before? Otherwise, you ought to get started now due to the fact hydrating is just not the only thing your lips need. You must exfoliate your lips frequently to maintain that pout. Aloe Vera Gel with not less than ninety% pure aloe barbadensis leaf juice in it is actually great for sunburned or irritated skin. Aloe vera is known for its healing Qualities and might do miracles for that skin.
skin care Options
Vapor rub is getting traction amongst some Medical professionals who motivate parents to prevent giving about-the-counter cold medicines to youthful little ones due to undesired Unintended effects. Study what you are able to do to stop colds and also the flu. We'll Offer you several different tips to help keep you healthful and pleased, from feeding on environmentally friendly greens to… Colds and flu are inclined to present up with dreary regularity. Learn which of them may basically help, and which can be absolutely nothing but charming folktale. The conventional relies on other excellent administration techniques, making certain easy integration with these kinds of units as ISO 9001 or even the British Retail Consortium (BRC) conventional for client items. Much more Swirl on blush "I spin my brush in smaller, gentle circles from my cheekbone to my hairline. This trick provides a flawless, airbrushed glimpse."—Allison Kratzer "After I douse a cotton pad with my typical makeup remover, I insert some coconut oil and utilize it to my closed eye. It helps crack up the make-up, so it slides off with extra simplicity."—Julie Gutierrez, YouTube vlogger fifteen of 31 Far more Beachy waves with braids "My hair goes flat pretty speedily, so I am constantly trying to find strategies to perk it up. Whatever the season, you need to just take care of your respective ft. Here are some ways to comply with to own neat and glossy ft. It is best to by no means give honey to a toddler youthful than 1 calendar year old, mainly because it typically incorporates botulinum spores. Whilst they’re typically harmless to more mature kids and Grownups, infants’ immune devices aren’t able to fight them off. Peppermint is known for its power to freshen breath. Diluted peppermint oil sprays can also ease sore throats. Absolutely anything might make you split out in hives, including peanuts, strawberries, medicine including penicillin or aspirin, and vitamin health supplements. Find out about home remedies which will help you steer clear of or minimize hives. In case you have a brownish tinge inside your hair and don't have some time to henna or colour it, then have a few sprigs of rosemary from the kitchen shelf and simmer them in two cups of water together with two tsp black tea until finally it reduces to 50 percent the amount. Sip linden flower tea, which functions in two ways: It stimulates the hypothalamus to raised Handle your temperature, and it dilates blood vessels, inducing sweating. To naturally take away blackheads and possess a fairer skin, get ready a paste with equivalent quantities of cucumber juice and lemon juice.
Rumored Buzz on healthy habbits
Mindlessly eating before the television or working for the refrigerator When you've got had a foul day are both equally poor consuming habits that result in even further health issues in the future.
Coloured or addressed hair most likely desires a shampoo that's fortified with extracts or amino acids, due to the fact managing your hair is essentially harmful it. Hurt or variations created into the seen hair shaft can not be fixed by a Organic process, nevertheless A lot can be done to handle hair and be sure that the cuticle remains intact. Professional suggestion that'll make it easier to get started using this type of one: 19 Conditioning secrets everyone should really know. You're welcome. We're not produced to Are living by itself. https://steptoremedies.com have been born with our moms, and quite quite possibly other bordering members of the family. Throughout numerous levels of life, we rely upon Others to help us achieve factors alongside the best way. Should you shower before you decide to slumber right away, put your hair up in a bun and Permit it air-dry overnight. Your hair needs to be dry in the morning. Even so, this will not operate for hair that is very thick or quite extensive. At an age exactly where a person is predicted to operate dedicatedly, we regularly find yourself compromising our wellness. Even though Lots of people would concur that a very good Conditioning regime assists continue to keep these pitfalls at bay, it may just not be adequate. Break up ends, identified formally as trichoptilosis, transpire when the protective cuticle has long been stripped away from the ends of hair fibers. Midsection-length – hair that falls with the smallest A part of 1's waist, a bit previously mentioned the hip bones It doesn't matter how old you are or how terrible your former habits have already been, you'll be able to shift ahead to boost them and create an even better everyday living in your case. Receiving Actual physical action doesn't have to entail several hours with the fitness center. As a substitute, there are various ways you could make tiny variations throughout the day for making your daily life much less sedentary and have Your entire body relocating. "I obtained to grasp the amount shampoo I should use. I cherished the suggestion by which you informed that we shouldn't slumber with damp hair, in addition to employing a tooth comb as opposed to brush. Many thanks, I really like these articles. "..." a lot more Irish Mascardo The solution? If you are going to consume, be smart about this. That means no more than one consume every day for Girls of any age, and not more than two beverages a day for guys underneath sixty five, according to the CDC. It really is thus essential to keep up muscle versatility as a crucial ingredient of General Conditioning.
healthy habbits for Dummies
Although some may not apply to all folks, these routines are an awesome start line for anybody who could possibly be planning to far better by themselves. 1. Egg, curd and mustard oil - If you have hay-like dry hair then This is the answer to all your issues. Eggs are rich in vitamin A, B12, D and E, fatty acids and protein. The protein can help fortify the roots, the fatty acids make it a organic hair conditioner and B12 allows incorporate quantity. You've got to have the ability to self-replicate to discover When you have any repetitive behaviors that you choose to do with no rational motivation.​ Healthy lifestyle habits might also enable you to reverse your worry response, enabling you to prevent or simply reverse the negative results of Serious worry. Finding out to Reside a healthy Way of living usually delivers extra Positive aspects far too, which include an endorphin rush, a release of aggravation, or additional longevity. Last but not least, having the ability to forgive can bolster your connection with your relatives and buddies. Preventing deep-seeded strains in near associations is a crucial Portion of experience linked to People about you and living everyday living in harmony with folks who cross your path. Preserving healthy relationships is really a vital component of residing a healthy Way of life. The simplest property remedy for hair care is often a healthy food plan. That you are Anything you take in, and Anything you put into The body are going to be reflected on the outside./p Having a while out from the working day to tranquil your mind and meditate is a terrific way to lower worry. It can help you link The body with the mind and release any built-up pressure from things which are taking place in your own or Expert daily life. Sustaining your hair is relatively quick after you understand how to care for it. Hair is crafted from protein, so trying to keep a healthy diet plan and working towards great hygiene are essential elements of keeping luscious locks. Mindlessly having before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToDVKZp7fmk or managing on the refrigerator When you have had a foul day are equally lousy taking in habits that bring about additional medical problems down the road. "Full grains tend to have a lessen GI (glycaemic index), so they assist keep you experience fuller for longer and sustain your Power stages and concentration," Georgie suggests. Waist-duration – hair that falls in the smallest Element of one particular's waistline, a little bit higher than the hip bones Warmth the butter until It can be all liquid and Allow it awesome. Include the necessary oil to an empty, sterilized jar and pour the butter. Enable weight loss down until the butter usually takes a sound sort again. Your muscles Obviously reduce toughness and decrease in size with age. They will likely also come to be much less supple and stiffer. These modifications can impact your selection of movement with your joints and trigger you to get rid of tissue elasticity, which will produce tight muscles. For The majority of us, It is extremely hard in order to avoid do the job gatherings or birthday bashes, wherever many food items and Alcoholic beverages are on provide, and the next day we're wracked with remorse if we've over-indulged.
Little Known Facts About healthy diet.
A lower sodium diet is useful for individuals with large blood pressure level. A Cochrane assessment revealed in 2008 concluded that a long-lasting (greater than four weeks) small sodium diet has a practical result to reduce hypertension, each in people with hypertension As well as in those with standard blood pressure.[24] In the event you’re however tempted, Why don't you make your own personal, that way you are aware of just what exactly’s heading into them. Savoury muffins are healthier – test our sweet potato and cheddar muffins. Prepare forward Fresh and cured meats, fish and shellfish, dairy merchandise and ready foods ought to only ever be acquired from a refrigerated display. Meals variety signifies ingesting numerous types of foods from Just about every from the 5 food items teams, from the amounts proposed. Consuming a variety of foods helps sustain a healthy and attention-grabbing diet which presents a spread of different nutrients to the body. Consuming a range of foods promotes very good well being and may help cut down the risk of ailment. Food items allergy and intolerance Foods allergy can be an immune response, whilst food intolerance is often a chemical response... Elders typically complain of loss of urge for food or occasionally issues in chewing. A soft diet ought to be offered to elders, with inclusion of fruits and vegetables in their diet. Calcium abundant foods like dairy items (low fat), milk (toned) and green leafy veggies must be A part of the every day diet to keep up bone health, so as to circumvent osteoporosis and bone fractures. ” Derivatives of such grains such as triticale and malt along with other historical wheat types such as spelt and kamut also contain gluten. The gluten found in these grains has been identified as the element effective at triggering the immune-mediated disorder, coeliac ailment. Meals purchasing - fresh develop alternatives at local marketplaces (movie) Reporter Flip Shelton can take us on a tour and shows us what new develop is out there at a local market place... Wellbeing and nutrition are the most important contributory components for human resource progress while in the country. Foods basic safety when eating out When you have any doubt about the security of meals when you are out, Do not consume it... Mercury in fish Expecting Women of all ages and younger small children should really limit use of fish that include significant levels of mercury... Finding plenty of protein Protein is a vital nutrient that helps One's body expand and mend cells. Most Australians eat over plenty of protein, but For anyone who is vegetarian or vegan you may not be finding sufficient protein (or... Food stuff - pesticides and other chemicals Chemicals including pesticides, antibiotics and hormones are used to boost foods creation and be certain enough foods provide... Fruit and veggies ought to be handled thoroughly to prevent bruising and breaking the skin. This sort of destruction will result in deterioration and rotting.
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Returning the Flash Drive
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC/BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG
Original Idea: An AU prompt list I found on Pinterest but was from Tumblr.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) The italic blocks of text are parts of the original project. And that original project is actually an actual original project of mine. @welovegroot @batboys-and-other-messes Posting way early today because why not and I have no self-control
Jason plopped down at the library computer, fully intending to just search the catalog for Sense and Sensibility, check it out, and leave.
But he got distracted by the bright blue flash drive sticking out of the USB port. There was a piece of blue masking tape on the side, with a heavily worn-out name written on it. But it was so worn, all he got was a T and maybe an e. Though it could have been a g. He wasn’t sure.
Curious, he clicked out of the library catalog window, and found the drive on the desktop. It was named, “Bat-Drive.” He couldn’t help but snicker as he opened it up.
There was a long list of Microsoft Word docs immediately there with weird file names. Angst Galore, Crimson Poison, Duct Tape and Safety Pins, For What I Love, and Winter Went Down to Georgia as some of the ones he noticed. At the very top, though, was a file that read, !!!IF FOUND PLEASE READ!!!
Jason clicked it open.
“Hi there, stranger! If you’re reading this, that means you found my flash drive. This thing is my life. Thank you so much for finding it. Please text me at ###-###-#### and say you found it and where I left it. I’ll promptly come back and get it! Thank you so much! I appreciate it!”
Jason blinked and got out his phone, already typing the person’s number into a new text message box. He closed the file.
Another file name caught his eye.
Knowing he shouldn’t, he opened it. The person’s little note for whomever found the lost drive didn’t have a name. Just a phone number. But the file name implied it was some form of fiction. Maybe there would be a byline.
Supernatural High
By: Me
Well that wasn’t helpful. Jason narrowed his eyes in frustration.
Chapter 1—My Roommate is a Vampire
“Welcome to Supernatural High School!” the banner read over the huge front door. I looked at it, reading the same five words over and over again.
“Wow,” I said to my mom. “I’m here.”
Jason tilted his head, attention caught. He leaned forward, laced his fingers under his chin, and started to read.
He knew he shouldn’t be reading this. He knew that someone else’s writing was a private thing until made public, but it was good. The writing style felt like someone around his age wrote it—probably a girl if the main character being a first-person narrator female character was anything to go on—and it was engaging. Creative and with an interesting premise.
Jason poured over the third draft of the story—and glanced at the page count. 102. Single-spaced. Wow.
Enraptured, he continued reading.
Vicky pulled open the A-G Freshmen filing cabinet. It took her three seconds to find Adamaris, Aaralyn (the name of the protagonist) in the front of the drawer.
Vicky snatched it and flipped open the light-yellow file folder.
“What in Hades is an aquatic hybrid?” Vicky hissed to Carrie and Vinnie.
“What?” two voices asked quietly. Carrie left the computer where she was trying to erase Aaralyn’s name from the teachers’ rolls and Vinnie left the door so they could both look at the file over Vicky’s shoulders.
Species: Aquatic Hybrid.
“Huh,” Vinnie grunted.
“Yeah… what is an aquatic hybrid?” Carrie whispered.
The light flicked on. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” a voice said from the doorway.
Jason paused reading for a moment. Who was writing this? He needed to return the flash drive to its owner…
Opening the file explorer window again, he scanned down the file names.
Me—Facebook Profile.jpeg
Jason opened the picture.
Weirdly, the girl looked like the kind of girl who would write the piece of fiction open on his screen. A wide, sparkling smile. Eyes full of sweetness and intelligence. A few wisps of hair caught in a breeze. She was standing on top of the Wayne Enterprises tower on the observation deck, arms thrown in the air and one leg popped behind her, obviously excited. A Batman beanie was hanging out of the bag on her shoulder.
Jason smiled and looked around the library. He couldn’t see around corners or shelves, but in his line of sight, the girl in the photo was nowhere to be found around him.
So he kept reading. When he was done, he’d turn it in to the lost-and-found or go searching for her through the shelves—and maybe even down in the children’s section in the underground level.
He was so entranced by the words that flowed so naturally, so casually, down the page that he really didn’t notice time was even passing. He didn’t notice his back muscles growing stiff or the occasional buzz of his phone in his pocket.
When he finally reached the end of the document—“Kalen’s arms found my waist as the disco lights swirled over our skin and the music beat its gentle rhythm into the floorboards and our hearts. I smiled and”—he almost flipped the desk over. Why did it end in the middle of the sentence? Why did it end at all?! Where was the rest of it? That couldn’t be the end!
In a frustrated state, he closed the document, and the picture, ejected the drive, and yanked it out of the computer. He logged off and roughly shoved his chair back. Holding the drive lightly in his right hand, he started to wander the library, looking for the girl to return it to.
I’d been sitting in the same spot in the library for hours. My apartment’s electricity was off for the day while some wiring was getting fixed and my laptop had broken. Not to mention the library was the only place my sister wouldn’t look for me and I’d been avoiding her for two days. Long story.
I was sitting in a worn-out old velvet armchair with Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan’s Curse in my hands. My water bottle was halfway empty—I’d need to get up and refill it before I left… if I ever left.
Something hit me in the chest.
“What the—?” I muttered, looking down.
It was my flash drive. Bright blue with my smudged-out name in masking tape on the side.
“Why did you stop there? How’s it supposed to end?” a voice hissed.
I looked up, one hand closing around the drive.
The man in front of me was so ridiculously handsome that my mind went blank and my breath went away. Tall, muscular, black-haired, blue-eyed, chiseled face with a jaw sharp and strong enough to cut glass. Wearing skinny jeans that showed off exactly how powerful his legs were, a white T-shirt with what appeared to be Red Hood’s red bat symbol on the chest, and a red hoodie.
I didn’t even process that he’d asked me a question. My brain was going more along the lines of, “Oh hot dang he’s handsome. How is a man that handsome even allowed to exist? Wait. Hang on. Did he say something? Shoot.”
When I didn’t answer, and just stared blankly, he sat down in the long-vacant armchair across the tiny coffee table from me, and continued, “Your Supernatural High story. Why did you stop writing in the middle of a sentence?”
I realized what he was talking about. “Oh. You read… my story…” I trailed off.
“Yeah, missy. And listen, I get that Kalen and Aaralyn totally have a thing goin’ on, but c’mon lady! He’s too old for her at that stage in their lives and he may be the hot, bad boy type but she’s so bright and sweet! What about Conan? I know he and Zurie seem to have a small flirtation but everyone knows werewolf-vampire romances are doomed so why not just give him to Aaralyn? Though, I do appreciate the whole Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers vibe they have since you mentioned that the Wolfes and the Addingtons don’t get along,” he ranted.
I blinked but didn’t say anything. This handsome stranger wasn’t finished yet.
“I also really liked the Pride and Prejudice, Much Ado About Nothing feel between Aaralyn and Kalen. Especially with Zurie, Lyric, Conan, and Ryker contriving to set them up in a very Lady-Beatrice-and-Lord-Benedick way while the Mr. Darcy and Lizzie Bennet thing can be slyly represented by the fact that he’s a pureblood fairy and therefore more respected in the community while she’s a hybrid that others distrust for being half-human. What’s she even a hybrid of? A-hundred-and-two pages and you still haven’t revealed what her other half is.”
Someone in the library shushed him.
I opened my mouth, trying to come up with something to say. I hadn’t really intended for there to be all those classic literature parallels, per se, but it was nice to know someone could pull something out of what I’d written.
“I don’t even know your name,” I finally managed to say, whispering because we were in a library.
“I'm Jason. And why isn’t this published?”
“It’s not done, genius. Why do you think?” I retorted.
“Fair point. But seriously, what’s Aaralyn’s other half? What even is an aquatic hybrid?” he asked.
“A-hundred-and-two pages of implications and you can’t figure out what she is?” I joked. “With everything I’ve mentioned and every not-so-subtle clue. From her singing at the dance to getting pushed in the pool to what happened when those three boys drowned at the school decades before she even attended and you have no idea?”
Jason thought hard for a second, trying to puzzle through everything he’d just read. To be fair, he’d read quite a lot in a short time and it had almost overloaded his brain.
He glanced down at the book in her hands. He’d never read the PJO series but he’d heard a lot about it. His eyes also searched the ceiling, as though still reading the text on the computer screen up there.
An idea popped into his head. He looked back down at the writer girl.
Realization dawned on the man—Jason’s—face. His jaw dropped. He mouthed one word. I smirked.
“There you go. You got it,” I said, a little louder than I intended.
The librarian shot us a dark look.
“Look, I don’t even know your name, but I have to read the rest of this story. Please. It’s really good and I was really enjoying it and you ended it in the middle of a sentence!”
I smile lightly. “Thank you,” I said before offering him my name. “And if you really wanna read it, give me your email and I’ll send it to you as I work on it. I’d love a beta reader.”
“Absolutely. Please. I have to know what happens,” Jason said.
I pulled my notebook out of my bag and passed it to him, tucking my flash drive securely into a zipper pocket and zipping it up. Wasn’t going to lose that again.
He handed me back my notebook with his email address scrawled over almost an entire blank page.
“Can I take you out to lunch or something and you can tell me more about your stories? Especially this one but what else do you write? I saw a bunch of titles on your flash drive but I only read the one.”
My jaw dropped open. “Uh—I mean—yeah. Sure,” I said.
Jason got to his feet and offered me his hand to help me up. “I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out. I'm just a… voracious reader—” I could tell by that vocabulary word. “—and I’ve recently been getting into more contemporary stuff. There’s only so much classic you can read. It’s a finite genre.” He pulled me to my feet. I scooped up my bag and put PJO back on the shelf. Before walking next to Jason out the door.
“It’s okay. You freaked me out at first because you never expect someone to approach you accusing you of not finishing your story when you don’t know them and don’t realize at first how they even read your story, but I'm so unused to having someone so enthusiastic about what I’ve written that I was just surprised,” I replied. He smiled.
“I really look forward to the finished product,” he said.
“Thank you. I'm excited to have someone who’s excited,” I said as we left the library.
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intelligiraffe · 3 years
Best place to live - free rent.
I didn’t think the HEB parking lot would be so scary. I saw a cop. Wrong reason to be scared at 11 o’clock at night? Just goes to show you the type of sketchy activity I’m up to right now. I’m writing this intro after a lonely cigarette in the driver seat of my car with the AC blasting, and I’m currently halfway through this hot and steamy adventure that I’m about to take you on. So, buckle up! Or more formally, hop up in your backseat for the worst yet most thrilling night sleep of your life.
Apart from goal setting, is the complete opposite, diabolical cousin, fear setting: Purposefully starting a friendship with the irreversible consequences of risk, but without the irreversible consequences. Your goals from a year ago have been fulfilled, that list is expired, and ripping the very things that you love most and appreciate everyday will allow you to endure the pain and fear of losing them when you actually lose them. You’ll grow used to discomfort and that by itself will enhance your ability of self-control. Getting things done is the most important thing here, and you definitely do not want to cheat yourself. In order to be extraordinary you have to do extraordinary things.
To kick off my journey I bought a six pack of granola bars, two apples, a salad, and a liter of water. I brought one book to keep my spirits going, Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss. I parked my car directly under a street light in the back of the 300+ car parking lot, near a Whataburger. I have two neck pillows that I plan to use for support and hopefully will comfort me in my sleep. I didn’t bring any blankets because I figure in Houston, it going to be quite warm.
I end up shutting the car off at 11:30 to get the ever so sweet, thrilling sleep I had promised myself. What a great combination right? I’m ready for it, but 20 minutes in I’m hot. Wow. It. Is. Hot. Depressingly hot. It’s 82 degrees at midnight. Beads of sweat on my arm are reflecting off of the light post that I’m under. My t-shirt is basically soaked in sweat. Think about this, you’re tired. But it’s the type of tired where you can’t even keep your eyes open and it feels like your eyelids are crusted over. You continue to open them every fifteen seconds anyway because your body is in the wild. Survival mode. You can get comfortable, and even imagine yourself lying in your bed, great. Still hot.
At this point I still don’t regret my decision. It’s quite unusual the way I am thrilled. By going against the norm, I’ve sparked a flame in myself that I’m lighting this paper with, eventually starting an electric fire that sends my small sedan into flames, evaporating any self-doubt and disbelief I may have. God, I hope that doesn’t happen. I sit straight up in my backseat, contemplating whether I should hop in the driver seat and crank the AC, but that would definitely wake me up and keep me from achieving the goal. I sit for another minute or so, and decide to hop out of the car to enjoy that lonely cigarette I mentioned in the introduction.
I get back in the car, this time I’m in the driver seat, AC filling my lungs with delicious fresh air. I decide to take a break from the courageous feats I’m undergoing, and take a little time for some introspection. Right now, I feel strong. No, I feel invincible. NO. I feel – oh sh*t. Is that one of my best friends pulling into the Whataburger drive through? You bet it is. I can see him. His black SUV, his hat, his soul. Don’t look this way, Zane, don’t notice me. It’s not pretty. What would happen if I called him? “Dude no way that’s you getting Whataburger right now.” “Yeah, that’s me!” He would say excitingly. “Uh quick question... What are you doing out here alone at 1AM?” Yeah, I would love to save that conversation for a different wild adventure that I take myself on. I watch him peacefully grab his food and drive out of the exit, taking the elegant course to his ever so comfortable home.
The right thing to do right now is to hop back into the backseat and get the low quality, sweaty night sleep I came out here for. But I hesitate because it’s almost torture. And I have to pee. The wrong thing to do is to pee in this empty bottle that I have. So I did that. Problem solved. Well, now I need to figure out where to dispose of this urine-filled bottle. Eh, I’ll worry about it tomorrow. I set it on the ground outside of my car. I soon see what looks to be a barefoot, mildly drunk 18-year-old jump out of the backseat of an SUV and run to the side of the dumpster to release a ferocious, earth-shattering stream of urine. Smart guy, he’s going to go home tonight and lay in his bedroom after a fun night out with friends. I should do what he does.
It’s 3:30 AM, 79 degrees, and by this point I realize that there is more “camping” going on than sleep. The thoughts of despair and regret that I have make me want to take a trip through the Whataburger drive thru and enjoy an avocado bacon burger on the way back to my place where I can take, at this point would preferably be, an ice-cold shower to freshen up, and then hit the sheets. I’m sticking around anyways to fully absorb the experience. Plus, you know how much moms love their beauty sleep. Stumbling inside the front door and blasting the shower doesn’t seem like a wise decision at this hour.
Well as you can guess the next morning was not pretty, I woke up feeling the worst I have felt in forever. Worse than a hangover, but only for the first two or so hours starting my day. I fell asleep around 4:30AM and woke up at 9:13AM. That is nowhere near the amount of sleep I get on a regular basis! I could try this again one day, but I found what I was really looking for out of this very night. The heat, sleep, and small spaces are not my preferred combinations at all. I’m finishing this essay in my bed, at home, where I will be spending the night until the next adventure.
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