#this is a dining trolley appreciation post
nightmaretour · 5 months
I love when I find something that makes my life just that little bit better. To an abled/able bodied person it may seem like nothing, just a random gadget or even laziness. But for me it just made every day of my life a little (or a lot) easier, solved a problem I've had to live with my whole life up to this point. Maybe they weren't intentionally made with this purpose in mind sometimes, but I love them nonetheless.
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dollydeez · 3 years
“Summin Strange in Them There Hills” Preview
Chapter One: Two Missing, Presumed Dead
This was supposed to be my time off, but “two missing, presumed dead” isn’t the kind of story I can turn down. I was in my apartment, surrounded by bottles, dirty dishes and cigarette butts, when an envelope slid beneath my front door. “Fuck,” I thought, assuming it to be a bill I had forgotten or the harbinger of trouble. It was the latter. A note from my boss, sparse on the explanation: and old friend of his was running an outpost on the frontier, two boys went out and never came back, leave [the contact’s] last name out of the press. If there are those of faint heart among us, my next series of columns will not be for you. Or maybe they will, I’m scribbling the first draft of this while waiting for the train with no intent of changing it. My job is to see the present and past with clear eyes; the future will always remain shrouded in fog. The only other instruction I was given was to hop on the next train available to Darmatilo. I know nothing about it, beside the fact that it lies in the region first settled by our kind when we moved westward. In my frenzy to get down to the station, I packed lightly and walked fast. It seems the line only runs in that direction twice a day, so I’ve had plenty of time to wander about. The ticket counter had a small display of pamphlets next to it, trying to tempt workers to waste their vacation in an arid wasteland, but I was able to scrounge up some information on my destination. Not directly, it was mostly an ad for the luxurious riverfront city of Ladustri, but there was a passing line about the ‘historic’ settlement of Darmatilo, separated by a small ridge from the mining town of Lagerdient. After eighty years it’s suddenly ‘historic’, the absolute gall. The train should be arriving any minute, and only now am I realizing that I could have gone back home to pack more substantively. I’m not used to last minute trips, nor stories with the possibility of more than a few days work. Maybe I’ll be lucky and head home before I run out of clean clothes, but it feels almost vulgar to suggest. My packing playing a role in the length of my stay is fine in the context of a feel-good story, but heading into something more dramatic… Comfort be damned, I’ll stay however long it takes to finish the piece.
Travel is not an unfamiliar aspect of the job, and it comes with a few perks. I don’t often head out of the city, Our City that is, but when I do I travel well. Private cabin with plenty of space, complimentary food service, and unlimited access to the sleeper cars. I spent most of my time glued to a book, but when the trolleys passed by and roused me from my trance I would glance up at the world dashing by. Trees to mountains to nothing desert. Swear to god my ears popped at least three times. Despite the emptiness stretching out before me, the desert is a relief. Something about the mountains, knowing I was so far above everything else, put me off. No matter how much I ate, nothing felt satisfying. I couldn’t concentrate on my book and even my nocturnal excursions provided little relief in the face of knowing how separated from everything I was. The air is too thin up there, no one wants to man an outpost up there. Despite all the complaints I could have about the desert, moving away from that truly dead region into one that seems that way was a relief. The ground was more even and I actually ended up finishing my book. Tragic, finishing a nonsense book in a single sitting, everything wrong with it jumped out much more ferociously. But I wasn’t reading for the plot, I wanted to see characters wriggle through strange situations. It posed this great question of, beyond all the strangeness in normal life, what if there was much more out there in the stars? Automatons indistinguishable from humans, Earth as our homeworld being a long forgotten relic, ‘star ships’ with the ability to jump great distances across the universe… I can’t tell whether the idea of humanity’s faults existing far beyond the bounds of our world is deeply cynical or a profane kind of optimism. If I’ve been keeping track of the stations correctly, I should be getting off soon. This section of my notes, or article if I decide to publish it as is, might be coming to a premature end but I need the last five minutes of any journey to get ready to transition back into work. I may travel for work, but it’s never felt like work. I can’t think of any other moment where I feel so comfortable and justified to fold into myself.
The whine of the whistle felt louder, knowing that I should start gathering my things. I’m a professional and know what I’m doing, so I hung back while everyone else stood up and huddled around the doors as they waited for them to open. Part of me can understand the impulse to get out as quickly as possible, but pragmatically the best option is to stay comfortable and seated until everyone is moving. Filtering out with the last of the passengers, I glanced along the platform for a figure who seemed to be waiting for someone. A man dressed in jeans and a dirty grey shirt was leaning against one of the pillars supporting the station awning, brim of his black hat pulled over his face and cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He looked over to me and gave a little nod upwards in acknowledgment. “Nic?” “And you must be Marcy, mighty nice to meet you,” he said, sticking his hand out. I nodded and kept moving, hoping the horses weren’t in the opposite direction. I would not describe Nic as loquacious, gregarious, or even a minor form of talkative. He was silent down the boardwalk, and was sparse with his words in identifying the black stallion as his and chestnut horse next to it, with a white streak going from its mouth past its chest, as the one I would be using. He focused on the case on the ride over, along with confirming that his first name was fine to use. Franz and James were the lads missing, the first disappearances in a long line of ‘kids’ finding refuge in the outpost, and… I’ll print it because it’s the truth, but I hate it: I was only there to make the remaining residents feel at ease. Not to say I won’t see this assignment to the conclusion, I am still an investigator, but I wasn’t meant to mention I’d only shown up to write for a paper. Something about wanting to keep the ‘kids’ from the brutal truths of our existence, make them think someone cares enough to look into it. Seems I am that someone who cares, although their understanding of my motivation may be a bit skewed. The ridge was surprisingly verdant, lined with trees on either side which were surrounded by pine needles and shrubbery. How they got into the desert I’ll never know, but squirrels rustled through the branches as we passed, spooked by our presence. Nic spent the gallop from the station shouting over his shoulder to get me up to speed, yet in the craggy path, full of sharp turns forcing us to keep our pace slow, he was silent. Why was that? “I wanted to give you a chance to appreciate the scenery.” And after all that time on the train, surrounded by dirt out to the horizon, I did. It reminded me of a certain part of the park about seven kilometers south of my flat. A straight path, but juxtaposed with everything around them[rephrase] both feel like somewhere you could get lost amongst the trees.
We spent at least half an hour winding through the wilderness until we entered a clearing, at the centre of which was a three story house. The wood was weather-beaten and dark from some impossible rain localized in this little area, and it had a covered porch out front next to the hitching post with chairs and a barrel hosting a crowded ashtray. The sound of hooves below us was muffled by grass as we approached the house. Candlelight flickered in the windows and I concentrated on taking in the moment; getting back into the experience of the first night off in a distant place, settling in so I can better take in what it feels like to be here. Following Nic inside, I got the faint whiff of roast beef. The dining room to our left was set up for dinner, but the room was empty. In the living room to the right a fire was blazing next to a man in a suit, who glanced up at us from his book with a look of anger. “You’re late,” he said, setting his book aside to get up. Despite shaking his head solemnly, his lips trembled, fighting to curl upwards, as he held in laughter. “Marcy’s train was late, and-” “Absolutely no excuse! The food’s gone cold, what am I meant to do? Heat it up in the oven like a commoner?” I said nothing while observing this ritual, as he sidled up to Nic and gave him a kiss on the cheek. They laughed and he turned to me. “Jasper,” he said, sticking his hand out for me shake. I introduced myself and, looking to Nic to confirm that I could speak freely, made sure we were on the same page as to why I was there. He wasn’t entirely comfortable talking about it, something about it making him not want to leave the house, and shifted the conversation to getting me settled in.[Ugh rewrite this] “We can save this for tomorrow, no? You’re probably starving, let me get dinner heated back up.” He gave Nic another peck, then disappeared into the kitchen. I went with Nic and took a seat at the table. It’d been mostly travel, but it was still a long day and I started to feel it as I sunk into my seat. Jasper was dashing between the kitchen, dining room and cellar as he brought out a bottle and poured us all a glass. In the middle of proposing a toast, he excused himself for a moment to check the oven. When he came back, he raised his glass and said, “To new friendships and new beginnings.”
Final Notes: I have a small candle resting on the desk in my room, where I’m scribbling this down before going to bed. It feels like a slow start, with little to no new information coming out (beside the ruse I’m meant to carry on with) and I’m fine with that for the moment. It’ll take some getting used to, being out in the middle of nowhere. The constant sounds of the city have been replaced by the buzz of cicadas and chirp of crickets. I’m in a small room, previously belonging to James, with a twin bed set up with an itchy green blanket. Beside the oak armoire and a painting of a dancer hanging on the wall, the room is bare. Despite how late it is and how tired I feel, the prospect of settling in to a new bed feels draining in its own wicked way. It’s an intersection of the trust needed to fall asleep in a strange place, the adjustment to a new environment, and the threat of restlessness. My job demands that I keep daylight hours, but I’ve always been fond of late nights. Not doing anything, but staying up and feeling like the world is my own. One item of concern I brought up over dinner was the absence of the ‘kids’ (it’s an oft enough used colloquialism in this situation that I’ll be removing the apostrophes from here on out) as the pretense for me coming out was putting their minds at ease. It seems their concern was focused on the idea of an unsolved crime rather than their safety. One of the more troubling manifestations of this was their insistence on abducting locals to interview, undermining the separation between residence and feeding grounds. I haven’t looked into how it’s done in the industrialized setting of the city, but from the price I’m guessing there is an assumption that we’d handle it on the individual end. That’s not an option out here, and to compensate they cross county lines for donors in most cases. Thankfully, most of the abductees were taken from their homes and could simply be bitten and returned with no recollection. But this was a corrective course, and at least one was picked up while in transit. If we are dealing with a hunter, which I doubt, they’ve been tossing rocks at the hornets nest. Even if not, one might have been stirred up in this chaos. We’ll just have to see moving forward.
So that’s the start of the [unedited] second draft of my next novel, Summin Strange in Them There Hills. If you read any of the first draft, there’s been a significant shift in the voice which I’m really happy with! My goal with the novels I have planned is to ground the narration in the world of the story, and this draft feels promising.
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alfrett · 4 years
My first Sims 4 home 🙂🙌🏼
Hi there! After a week thinking about in my first post on tumblr, finally i’ve decided to post my first Sims 4 content.
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So this is my first Sims 4 home, well ... actually this is the 2nd, because when i started to play i’ve lived in one of the small apartments at the Fashion District (Zen View) but it was technically impossible to build or decorate because of the tiny size. At this time i’m playing without the money cheat, so it took some time to my sim would affords a new apartment and finally after having it fully furnished i could show my home. 🙂
Welcome to the 122 Hakim House! Located in the Arts Quarter, this historical trait apartment offers extraordinary views to the other side of San Myshuno Bay and of course a lot of space for my two sims who live inside (in another post i’ll be telling you more about their story).
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First of all, my sims love the natural appearance of materials such as: wood, concrete, stone, marble, metals, glass, leather, etc ... so i’ve mix them with contemporary iconic furniture to give a young fresh air to this apartment where my two young adult sims live.
Let’s start the tour! 😁
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At the entry we have a small hall with the essentials: a marble console, a lamp, a round mirror, one coat rack ... and also we have this black and gold Art Déco wallpaper on the background wall which matches the runner rug in the hallway that connects with the study double door.
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My sims needed a private space for developing the writing skills asked in their job and also a quiet room for reading and creating social media content, so we got this amazing office at home. I really love the geometrical wood panel at the back wall that also has a big window that allows the natural light to comes in the room and of course that bitonal rug that i’ve got in real life in my living room hahaha.
This office is just perfect for receiving visits or clients for a quick business meeting without any disturb.
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And we have arrived to my favorite part of the apartment: the big social area! At the dining room we have this six seats glass round table that allow us to have many friends diner during the week, i choose this amazing Magis One chairs in black iron that goes in a perfect match with the white round faux fur rug and the gold nordic ceiling lamps in the area 😍
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Of course our guest could enjoy their favorite shows during their visit on the 65” Samsung Serif Smart TV that doesn’t breaks the environment with the easel style support.
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My sims love to have a lot of plants inside the house so they have this special variety of plants in front of the full sized windows ... another detail i love is that we saved a lot of space with that functional bar trolley instead of having a big bar counter and that decision give us the space for having a piano next to the dining room.
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The central part of the apartment belongs to the open central kitchen which has its counters and cabinets in medium walnut wood with chrome details and white marble tops. The floor and walls are in geometrical black and white patterns, and i decided to give that high contrast accent with a shiny orange color applied in the exterior walls and in the Kartell Ghost barstools, all the appliances are in stainless steel finish but the ceiling lamps was selected in bright gold to highlight their particular shapes.
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The living room is just a dream! 😍 We have this Scandinavian fireplace in black iron that goes in perfect harmony with the furniture: a central Noguchi coffee table in glass and walnut wood, two Wegner Shell chairs in walnut wood and black leather, of course a Barcelona daybed in brown leather with another two sofas in black and white leather.
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The geometrical lattice in medium walnut wood divides the social area from the guest bathroom and the Master suite creating another small hall in that part of the apartment.
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The guest bathroom is fully in black Argos marble with a white vessel sink, a simple white toilet complementing with the solid black floating counters.
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The bedroom is spacious, we have a normal double bed with a closet area, a marble desk that allows to work or entertain with the laptop and a mini lounge with a bench and a chaise longue in front of the 55” Smart TV.
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All of the seats in this room are in saddle leather with black or chrome metal parts matching with the wood and marble coffee table and side table
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The private bathroom in white Carrara marble, is the positive version of the other bathroom.
We have a pair of white porcelain vessel sinks whit a huge mirror in front of the glass shower cabin, a toilet with a hand-held bidet shower system, and of course a white ceramic clawfoot bathtub.
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This apartment offers spectacular views by night, so you can organize fancy parties and diners whenever you want with the guarantee that your guest will be absolutely impressed 😍
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Here is the layout plan if you was lost on the tour hahaha 😉
Finally I would like to thank infinitely to all of the CC creators that make my game possible in this way, i have a lot of CC in my game so is kind of impossible to mention each of you in this post, but i sincerely appreciate your work and passion in every single object you made. ALL OF YOU ARE JUST AMAZING! 🤗 ❤️
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Thanks a lot to YOU if you read the full article, I wrote it for all of your who read me!
Hope to see you again here 🙌��
Sul sul! 👋🏼
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battletoasters · 5 years
Commissions: Hey dudes, I am in another bind!
So Senior Show at my school requires a lot of money to put on. You need to buy business cards, post cards and some form of takeaway like a sticker or button. On top of that, you also need to buy the shelves to to hold these items. You also need to buy headphones to view your thesis if it has sound, and a way to display your name above your thesis (they won’t let me just paint the wall which is sad :(). This all comes to well over $100.
I also just got a new job for post-graduation. It’s literally doing what I love. I teach kids about game design and it pays well and I am so excited. It’s literally what I’ve always wanted to do. But between transportation back and forth (because the trolley NEVER COMES ON TIME and I would have missed the bus twice now and I had to buy regional rail passes which really add up, unfortunately).
AND FINALLY my professor required us to take a trip to New York City, but didn’t take the proper avenues to get funding from the school, and she didn’t warn the dining hall so we couldn’t get meals for the next day. So we had to pay for the bus there and back, the subway, all our meals, and tickets into the museum. This also added up fast.
Now none of this would normally be an issue. I would have had this covered.
But guess who’s back in the scene. Navient. After working with them to get a more reasonable price on my loan payments, and telling me all my payments went through, they just hit me with a barrage of phone calls about how I owe all this money that I thought was getting paid because they took my account number and said it was to be autopay. Well. They didn’t take out the money. So despite my account saying I’m current, they’re telling me I’m two months past due, and I owe them for the past two months and also this month. I’ve tried to correct this twice and they’re still telling me it’s not working.
So once again my funding is spread a little too thin. I’m looking to find a place to stay after school, too, and I’m really afraid I’m not going to have money for a security deposit when it comes down to it. As a senior my school asks way more of us financially than it ever should, and as a professional, I NEED to find a place to stay before the beginning of September so I can afford to have this great-paying, life-affirming job.
So I’m here to offer art.
Want some cute as heckie character design? Low low price of $10 for linework, $20 for color!
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Interested in some illustration? $30 flat price, $10 per character after that.
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Interested in just some fun logo stuff? We’ll talk prices.
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Also just look at this key I’m very proud of it:
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Also if you’re interested in just helping out because there are kind people in the world like that, my paypal is [email protected]
If you can’t afford to help, that’s totally fine. But reblogging is totally just as valuable.
Thank you my dudes, for any help. I deeply appreciate it. Please save me from the gaping jaws of loans going into default.
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bestdelawareroofing · 5 years
Fun Things To Do in Wilmington Delaware
Fun Things To Do in Wilmington, Delaware
Wilmington, Delaware is the largest city in Delaware with a population of over 70,000 people. While Wilmington is not the largest city, it is still divided into numerous subdivisions and neighborhoods, that is split between North of the Brandywine River, East of I-95, West of I-95 and the historic and conservation districts in Wilmington.
For a small “large” city, there is still a lot to do. Whether you are visiting family, or live in Wilmington, there is something for everyone. Perhaps you are visiting with family and your kids, or perhaps you’re visiting solo and looking more for nightlife. If you’re searching for family activities or adventure, there is plenty to do in Wilmington for a day trip. Museums, gardens and scenery, Wilmington is a great tourist spot!
Wilmington & Western Railroad
Located in Wilmington is the Wilmington & Western Railroad. Here you can take a train tour through the Red Clay Valley of Wilmington. These steam and diesel powered trains offer theme based trips and are perfect for kids and the entire family. There are many events year-round, such as in September there is Mt. Cuba Meteor, Brews on Board where local craft brews are served on a 90 minute trip through the valley, Hayride Express, Hockessin Merchant Express, the Autumn Leaf Special in early October, the Halloween Express on October 27th, and the Santa Claus Express on Nov 29th. This is a wonderful attraction not to be missed.
Hagley Museum and Library
If you enjoy museum and historical sight-seeing, the Hagley Museum is a sport worth seeing. It is a former industrial site of the DuPont Company in 1802. It is currently 100’s of acres of rolling hills with stone ruins and beautiful estates. This is now a National Landmark and a Recreation Trail. This is the spot where the DuPont Company was formed, and features a museum with numerous interactive exhibits. This is one of the most beautiful parts of Delaware as well, and features a beautiful property. The tour guides can help guide you around the property, and discuss the rise of DuPont.
Nemours Estate
The Nemours Estate is a large, mansion with huge gardens for sightseeing. The woodlands, meadows and lawns are an incredible sightseeing and photo opportunity. The home is extravagant and features many beautiful paintings all around the estate. There are both self guided and attended tours if you would like to be led on a personal tour of the mansion. There is plenty to see and learn about. If you want to spend an afternoon traveling back in time and imagining what it would have been like to live in such a luxurious estate, this is the place to visit!
Walk The Wilmington Riverwalk
If you are looking for something outdoorsey, be sure to check out the Wilmington Riverwalk. This is a beautiful waterfront developed my Wilmington with excellent landscaping, and restaurants, shops, for a unique day experience. Check out the board walk to experience real downtown Wilmington, and catch a sunset on the riverfront. It features a beautiful view of the river, and is lit up at night with even fishing opportunities underneath the dam! If you want to do something different, take a walk on the riverfront and be sure to grab a photo!
Delaware Museum of Natural History
You won’t find anything like the Delaware Museum of Natural History in Delaware. It has numerous exhibits on dinosaurs and mammals. If you are visiting Wilmington with your children, it features numerous interactive exhibits to entertain your family and facilitate learning.
Delaware Art Museum
If you can appreciate art and culture, the Delaware Art Museum is a must-visit. It is one of the largest art collections in the entire state of Delaware with more than 12,000 pieces. From American art to illustrations from the 19th century, there is plenty to see. There is exhibits and displays featuring work from both national names and local Wilmington artists. There are also classes and workshops offered for visitors.
Grand Opera House
One of the most iconic ‘things-to-do’ in Wilmington, Delaware is visiting the Grand Opera Ho   use in downtown Wilmington. The Grand was built all the way back in 1871 to the Masons. It then became a venue for operas and symphonies. You can visit the Grand Opera House to watch plays and opera shows. It is a beautiful and intimate venue with quality lineup. While there isn’t a bad seat in the house, you may want to try to get a seat in the balcony or the Parquet!
Brandywine Zoo
The Brandywine Zoo is located in downtown Wilmington on over 12-acres land, and over 150 different species! The zoo has three sections, the main zoo, a petting zoo and for the exotic animals. Be sure to visit the sloth exhibits, the capybara and the red pandas! If you are traveling with children, there are plenty of educational and informational learning opportunities on the exhibits that focus on select species!
Wilmington is home to some of the most delicious restaurants in not only Delaware, but the Mid Atlantic! Big Fish Grill on the Riverfront is the perfect dining spot after walking on the Riverfront. It features a perfect location with delicious steaks. Big Fish Grill has delicious calamari and seafood, and a beautiful outdoor ambiance. Another highly rated and reviewed Wilmington restaurant is Domain Hudson. This is a restaurant that features classy New American food and an extensive wine menu. If you are traveling to North Wilmington it is one of the best restaurants in the area with not only excellent food, but mouth-watering cocktails as well. It is one of the lesser-known restaurants, but highly rated and adored by all those that do.
Banks’ Seafood Kitchen and Raw Bar has a patio, happy hour and riverfront setting to create the perfect ambiance. If you like seafood, be sure to visit Banks. Whether you like tuna, oysters, crab, soft shelled crab or scallops, this is one of the most delicious seafood restaurants in all of Wilmington. Trolley Square Oyster House is another hot spot seafood restaurant in Wilmington with a raw bar and seafood plates. You may want to sample the crab cakes or the fish ‘n’ chips or oyster! There is both an indoor and outdoor bar with copious amounts of space to dine in comfort!
A Local Wilmington Roofing Company That You Can Trust
Is your roof leaking? Do you have an aging roof that is in need of being replaced? Don’t hire just any roofing company, as your roof is one of the most valuable investments you will make in your home. We have proudly served the Wilmington metro area for years, and take pride in our Delaware roots. We shop at the same stores as our customers, and eat at the same restaurants. There is no doubt that we take our commitment to the Wilmington community seriously, as we value our local roots and contributions.
We provide roof replacement services across the Wilmington area, including asphalt shingle, metal and slate roof replacement. Give us a call today for a next day roof inspection! Or, visit our website http://www.bestdelawareroofing.com for more information.
The post Fun Things To Do in Wilmington Delaware appeared first on Delaware Roofing Company | Wilmington | Dover | DE Roofing.
from Delaware Roofing Company | Wilmington | Dover | DE Roofing https://bestdelawareroofing.com/fun-things-to-do-in-wilmington-delaware/
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ricardotomasz · 4 years
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Old London Town Theme Park Proposal 1
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on http://greaterandgrander.com/2020/05/old-london-town-theme-park-proposal-1/
Old London Town Theme Park Proposal 1
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Old London Town London Themed Land And Attractions A Greater & Grander Proposal
Old London Town Introduction
Focused on family entertainment in a family-oriented community, Old London Town is primed to take advantage of the expanding and profitable industry of themed, location-based entertainment.
Entertainment has become a buzzword of the new millennium: David L. Malmuth, senior vice president of the TrizenHahn Development Corp. has observed, "People are not just interested in buying things. They want an experience, adding that the keys to providing successful experiences are authenticity, fun and participation.” More and more people have money to spend and will spend it on entertaining themselves.
Quality family entertainment is the focus of Old London Town. The construction and commercialization of our park is factored into the initial development phase detailed within. The company's proposed development will be designed to provide the type of family entertainment and adventure the current market demands.
Based on the current entertainment prices and cost of revenue structure in the local amusement and recreation industries, we believe that our anticipated development will have the potential of several million dollars in gross sales in the first year of operations.
Old London Town will be a romanticized version of classical London.  Similar to Rome or other cities in Europe, the history of culture will be overlayed in a stratified presentation, ranging from the Romans battling with British tribes, to the legend of King Arthur, to the current cosmopolitan and commercial hub. 
Visitors will enter through a replica of the iconic Marble Arch, and will proceed to choose their own adventure in the park, including thrill rides, ferris wheels, shows, and great food.  They’ll even have the ability to purchase high-quality and affordable souvenirs, as well as dine on delicious British cuisine. 
Old London Town Purpose
The purpose of Old London Town can be many-fold:
To provide a recreation venue where individuals and families can spend quality time in a day-long experience.
To be part of an existing theme park, or themed shopping center outside of the United Kingdom, in order to provide a new and exotic experience to visiting guests.  This can also include a themed hotel/casino (ex. The Venetian, or New York New York in Las Vegas), or themed shopping mall (as popular in China).
The design could also potentially be used as the first floor for a themed real estate development (ex. Paris in Tianducheng).
Old London Town Story Theme
What we think of as London is actually not really London. The city of London is actually relatively small. Modern London is comprised of multiple cities and boroughs that have conglomerated together. It began centuries ago when many tribes and people's united whether for security, conquest, or for trade, and evolved into the powerful hub it is today. So the theme of our environment is that there is strength between people when they unite together, even when they unite between the past, the present, and the future.
You cannot live your life just for you. You are part of a whole. You are part of a community. And we all must do our part.
The emotions we wish to convey are camaraderie, and respect for one another as human beings.  The setting should be warm but also convey a sense of power and nobility. The visitors should leave with a sense of joy and a feeling of gratitude.
Old London Town Location
An ideal location would be outside a major city in the tropical or subtropical regions of the globe, either as a standalone park, shopping center, hotel, casino, or real estate development, or conversely, as a new land as part of an existing park. 
One important note is that what we’ve learned from Disney’s California Adventure is to not locate the park in or near London.  Creating a London theme park in or near London is setting the stage for disaster, because there is no incentive for Londoners to visit a theme park that they live every day.  Each part of Old London Town is reimagined within the park to be “a romanticized, idealized version of the city, rather than a veritable postmodern spoof of British culture.
Options within the United States that currently have NO theme parks include Houston, Phoenix, Miami, Raleigh, and Nashville. Options around the world include Tokyo, Hong Kong, Osaka, Mumbai (India), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), etc.
Old London Town Map
In order to fulfill our Unity narrative, we want to portray many different versions of London.  Each city block will have its own style and theme, including royal block, Arthurian block, modern block, etc. Even though each block will be slightly different, there will be an overall cohesion by employing similar design details throughout.
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Old London Town Attractions
CLIMATE CATASTROPHE; A River Rapids ride that takes you through the streets of a flooded London, as the historical landmarks collapse around you, and you surf the wild rapids through Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery. THEME; We must work togethert to be stewards of the planet, or everything will fall down around us.
DRAGON DUNGEON; An indoor roller coaster where guests venture with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, into an underground cavern where Dragons dwell, and must escape from the fire-breathing beasts.  THEME; We must trust in one another and work as a team in order to accomplish great things.  
LONDON EYE; A ferris wheel themed to look like the famous London Eye, with LED light shows to be presented in the evening.  THEME; Slow down and appreciate the world around you, and take a long look from above at everything we have accomplished together.
Old London Town Possible Alternative/Future Attractions
Hedge Maze - In the event of overwhelming popularity of Old London Town, one possible expansion attraction would be a classically designed, seventeenth-century hedge maze.  Similar to famous London hedge mazes like Hampton Court and Hever Castle, this maze would incorporate classic British gardens in a tasteful and organic method. There can be many benefits to hedge mazes, including being a fun family-friendly activity, providing an opportunity for quiet contemplation & reflection, and being low cost compared to other types of attractions.  In addition, a fine mist spray would be installed to give guests a source of cooling comfort during the hotter months.
Victorian Era Vehicles - Old-time vehicles that add color to Old London Town with our colorful Cockney chauffeurs; the vehicles include a Fire Engine, Horse-pulled Trolley, Horseless Carriage, and Omnibus (double-decker bus).
Act of Desperation - Derived from the theatre term (I.e. performing a play in five acts), and performed in our replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, our cast of comedic misfits will perform hilarious postmodern interpretations of British classics. If you like Shakespeare, you'll love this new version performed in 18 minutes, where everything goes wrong.
Old London Town Other Possible Attraction Tie-Ins
Film franchises have always played an important role in theme parks.  For this reason, we’ve identified several franchises and story worlds that could be incorporated into Old London Town:
Alice in Wonderland
Cars 2
Fast And The Furious 6/Franchise
Harry Potter Franchise
James Bond Franchise
Lord of The Rings/Hobbit Franchise
Mary Poppins
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Phineas and Ferb
The Great Muppet Caper
Thor: The Dark World
Winnie the Pooh
Old London Town Possible Public Domain London-Based Characters
Character meet and greets have been a growing staple of theme parks, for the simple reason that visitors like being incorporated into the characters’ stories. To add additional color to Old London Town, we’ve identified the following characters/stories that take place in and around London that also are in the public domain.  This allows us to add extra features and color to the park for low/no-cost.
Sherlock Holmes
Robin Hood
Peter Pan
Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Captain Nemo
Allan Quatermain
Captain Ahab
Dorian Gray
Ebenezer Scrooge
The Time Traveler
Winston Churchill
Old London Town Building Design
The building design is meant to represent a mesh of London architecture, presented in a stratified manner.  Each block is designed to focus on a different style of architecture, alternating between noble, ancient, modern, and combinations of all three. 
The facades of the buildings will incorporate several elements to add scope for guests. For example, the buildings will have at least two-stories for interiors, but will present an exterior of 3 stories or more to add a feeling of grand scope for the visitors, using forced perspective, similar to how the Disney theme parks incorporate forced persepctive to simulate a grander scale.  In order to utilize forced perspective, the second and third floors of the exterior facades will be built in 5/8's scale.  In addition, the facades will be split to present multiple buildings and multiple landmarks, so one building will appear to be several.
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Streets are estimated to be roughly 60 feet wide. From building face to building face: the street is 60 feet (18.2 meters) wide, including a 28-foot (8.5-meter) roadbed and 16-foot-wide (4.8-meter-wide) sidewalks on either side. This measurement is designed to allow for fire truck access and emergency services.
Key functions will be built into the land’s design.  For example, outside doors for bathrooms will be disguised as classic London call boxes.
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krystangreen-blog · 5 years
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Visiting the USS Midway Museum is truly one of the most interesting things to do in downtown San Diego. The USS Midway was one of America’s longest-serving aircraft carriers in the 20th century (1942–1992) and is now a floating museum that is docked permanently along the popular downtown Embarcadero waterfront area.
When you visit the USS Midway Museum, you’ll learn what life was like on board this floating city, along with quite a bit of military history. It is hard to believe that 4500 sailors once lived and worked here (200,000 throughout the years, in total).
Below, you’ll find my top tips for visiting the USS Midway Museum and all the information you’ll need to plan your visit.
USS Midway Museum Tickets
Go straight to the gate and skip the ticket booth.
Who Visits the USS Midway?
Visiting the USS Midway Museum is fun for many reasons, so nearly everyone can visit and enjoy the experience. You’ll see veterans and current military personnel, especially Navy service members, visiting this museum.
Children frequently visit on school-sponsored field trips conducted by USS Midway staff (our daughter’s elementary school takes an annual field trip here). It is a must-visit for San Diego tourists, and for locals alike.
USS Midway Volunteers and Docents Add Incredible Value
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Hands down, the museum would not be what it is without the tireless dedication of its volunteers and docents. You’ll find the latter particularly insightful as many were sailors on the ship when it was still in service. Oh, the stories they can tell that will enhance your experience. It’s worth keeping an eye out for them when you’re visiting the USS Midway Museum.
See also: 40 Best Things to Do in San Diego with Kids
Restored, Vintage Aircraft
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The USS Midway has dozens of restored vintage aircraft, including jets and helicopters, on the outside flight deck and below in the main hangar. For many, this section is a highlight of visiting the USS Midway Museum.
Others who know a lot more about aircraft may find that their knowledge enables them to appreciate these planes and helicopters on a much deeper, meaningful level. Kids, in particular, love this part of the museum because they can get right into the cockpits of many of the aircraft and pretend to fly.
Flight Simulators A La Carte
There are several enticingly-elaborate flight simulators available to ride in the main hangar. Our daughter and her friends always ask to ride them. The cost of one ride is $16 (for either one or two people), but they are really cool. It’s worth doing at least once.
Highlights Beyond the Vintage Aircraft
Everyone who visits the USS Midway will find their own favorite spots. My daughter and her friends enjoyed these areas of the ship the most:
The brig, which is tiny!
The kitchen, which fed hundreds at a time in a remarkably small space
The electrical turbines
A sentry post where a guard (now a mannequin), stationed in front of an access door to weaponry/missiles, was apparently authorized back in the day to shoot any trespasser who crossed a yellow line painted on the floor in front of him
USS Midway Dining Options
A lot of people visiting the USS Midway Museum choose to eat at one of the many downtown San Diego restaurants nearby, but there is also a self-service bistro called the Midway Marketplace on the Hangar Deck that offers pre-made sandwiches, salads, snacks and more for sale. (Note that the Fantail Café which served recipes from the ship’s 1945 cookbook is now closed.)
USS Midway Gift Shop
Visiting the USS Midway Museum usually involves a stop at the gift shop — especially if you’re visiting the USS Midway Museum with kids. My husband chaperoned my daughter’s recent field trip to the USS Midway, and the girls lured him into the gift shop where they bought a tub of slime.
You’ll find a wide variety of logo items and toys in the shop, but what caught my husband’s eye was a small collection of ‘vintage’ 1950s candies for sale near the register, a good souvenir option for visitors looking for something small and sweet.
If you don’t want to buy souvenirs, you can also make your own with the USS Midway chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Important Logistics
Visiting the USS Midway Museum involves a lot of walking, stair climbing, and bending. That’s because this WWII-era ship has very narrow stairs, low ceilings, and cramped hallways that may pose unique challenges for some visitors. That said, there are several elevators, and about 60% of the exhibits are wheelchair accessible.
The sights on the USS Midway that are most popular with visitors are deep inside the ship, far from natural light, wind, or other weather. Don’t skip a visit if you happen to be in San Diego on one of our rare drizzly days.
As mentioned above, the flight deck on top is one of the biggest draws. It is totally open to the sky, and accessible no matter what the weather.
It’s a good idea to wear layers when you’re visiting the USS Midway Museum. You might want a hat or a cover up when you’re exploring the flight deck and it’s nice to be able to take off a layer when you check out the cramped hot quarters below.
USS Midway Tickets
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You’ll need tickets for the USS Midway Museum, but you don’t need to pay full price. There are multiple tiers of USS Midway Museum admission prices, with different prices for adults, seniors, students, retired military, and more, as well as a discount for purchasing tickets online. USS Midway Museum admission is free for children under the age of 5 years old.
The USS Midway Museum admission fee includes a self-guided audio tour that is narrated by former sailors on the ship. The tour takes visitors to about 60 locations. If you were to visit all the locations, it would take about 3 hours, but most people pick and choose the locations that they find most interesting.
There are two ways to buy USS Midway discount tickets:
Buy tickets through aRes Travel (these are often discounted)
Get the Go San Diego pass
LJM Exclusive: Click to apply a 10% discount on All-Inclusive Go San Diego passes through January 1, 2020.
See also: 10 Benefits of the Go San Diego Discounted Attractions Pass
How to Get to the USS Midway Museum
The USS Midway Museum is located at 910 North Harbor Drive in San Diego. The Midway is docked right at the end of Broadway, alongside Navy Pier, and is therefore very walkable to and from most downtown San Diego hotels. 
If you plan to take the trolley or a train, the MTS station and Santa Fe Depot station are just a few blocks from the Midway (a 5-minute walk).  
There are about 300 parking spaces located on Navy Pier immediately adjacent to the ship, but you’ll pay for it ($10-$20) and it tends to fill up quickly during the summer and on holidays. Metered parking is available on the streets near the USS Midway Museum with a two-hour time limit. Walking will give you maximum flexibility and eliminates the need to find parking. If you have to drive, plan to arrive early in the day.
Have you been to this San Diego attraction yet? What tips for visiting the USS Midway Museum can you share?
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*Photos with the exception of the top are used courtesy of the USS Midway Museum.
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This $25.9M Mansion Has Hosted Presidents and Is Maryland’s Most Expensive Listing
Maryland’s most expensive home, also known as Ishpiming, was built in 1894 by slick Nevada politician Francis Newlands. Now listed for $25.9 million and extensively renovated over the century since its construction, the mansion was to be the centerpiece of a new development north of Washington, DC, called Chevy Chase.
Newlands and a business partner bought up 1,700 acres of what would become the tony suburb, and even persuaded Congress to greenlight a trolley line from downtown. This house, which rests on a hill (Ishpiming apparently means “high ground” in the Chippewa language), “was prominently positioned to be seen from the trolley,” explains listing agent Ted Duncan.
“It was a conspicuous example of what Newlands envisioned as the typical Chevy Chase home: opulent and ample,” writes Mark Walston in Bethesda Magazine. The home’s second owner, William S. Corby, invented a machine that shapes bread and made a fortune. His company was eventually sold to the makers of Wonder Bread.
Master bedroom
Corby and his family renovated the house into an English-inspired manor. Its 12,885 square feet include seven bedrooms, a 1,500-square-foot ballroom, opulent entertaining spaces, period fireplaces, handcarved ceilings, dramatic chandeliers, interior columns, stained-glass windows, arches, and other ornate features.
The second floor has three master bedrooms, each with its own fireplace, and the third floor has four guest bedrooms.
There are huge dining spaces, multiple sitting rooms, an art studio, dance rehearsal space, butler’s pantry, clubroom, piano room, spiral staircase, library, drawing room, massive porch, and gilded details around every corner. The 2-acre property includes manicured grounds, a huge garden, and a reflecting pool fountain.
Sitting room
The home has hosted former presidents (George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush), dignitaries, politicians, and power brokers. As the original piece of property developed by the Chevy Chase Land Co., 9 Chevy Chase Circle is an incredibly well-preserved piece of DC history.
“It’s geared toward someone who wants to entertain,” says Duncan. Whether that’s a politician, socialite, power broker, philanthropist, or just someone who appreciates historic homes, Ishpiming is ready for its next owner.
Dining room
The post This $25.9M Mansion Has Hosted Presidents and Is Maryland’s Most Expensive Listing appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/unique-homes/chevy-chase-mansion-maryland-most-expensive/
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businessliveme · 5 years
These Are the Most Luxurious Airport Lounges in Asia
Airport lounges are no longer just a place to while away your time in transit. The best airport lounges have become a five-star escape from the masses: spacious, stylish sanctuaries with their own restaurants and à la carte dining, a well-stocked bar plus creature comforts ranging from a day spa to private rooms.
Wind down and relax with a hand-picked list of seven havens for business travelers journeying to and through Asia.
Read also: These Are the World’s Best Airports
The Pier First Class Lounge, Hong Kong (Cathay Pacific)
Cathay Pacific’s flagship lounge is best described as being “like an apartment owned by a friend, if that friend was far richer than you and had much better taste than you.” However, it’s not your mythical friend’s exquisite taste which makes The Pier First Class Lounge such a stunner.
Credit for that goes to London-based design doyen Ilse Crawford, who developed Cathay’s luxurious new-look lounges along residential rather than commercial lines. The Pier oozes understated elegance, thanks in part to Crawford’s choice of warm, tactile and timeless materials such as onyx, limestone and bronze.
Read: Five Backdoor Hacks to Win Elite Status at Hotels and Airlines
After gliding down the escalator from the cavernous airport terminal to this cozy haven of a lounge, most travelers peel left to visit the dining room or try their luck requesting a foot massage (bad news, there’s almost always an hours-long waiting list). On long layovers, the private day suites provide a relaxing contemplative space while the sizable shower suites with Aesop amenities leave you feeling not only refreshed but recharged.
The large bar is another standout, as is the curated music playlist which seamlessly shifts its vibe to suit the time of day. (We should make mention of the nearby The Pier Business Class lounge, which has a similarly elegant design, great showers plus a Noodle Bar and tended bar of its own — we’d rate this as among the world’s best business class lounges.)
Read: How to Fly the Best First-Class Seats, Cheaper Than Economy
Who gets in
First-class passengers on Cathay Pacific and other Oneworld member airlines flying out of Hong Kong (such as British Airways), along with top-tier frequent flyers across the Oneworld alliance (such as Oneworld Emerald, Marco Polo Diamond and Diamond Plus, British Airways Executive Club Gold, and Qantas Frequent Flyer Platinum and Platinum One).
Centurion Dining Room, Hong Kong (American Express)
What is arguably Hong Kong’s most exclusive restaurant isn’t found behind imposing doors at Admiralty or bathed in the bright lights of Kowloon. It’s tucked away on the upper level of Hong Kong airport, inside the American Express Centurion Lounge.
The restaurant is the AMEX Centurion Dining Room, and the menu is crafted by Lau Yiu Fai, Executive Chef of the InterContinental Hong Kong’s two-Michelin-starred Yan Toh Heen restaurant. A highlight of the all-day menu include Oscietra caviar served atop a mix of Dungeness crab meat and crème fraîche, but served on locally-inspired seaweed crackers rather than blinis.
Well-heeled travellers can also sup on pan-fried sea bass and Hokkaido scallop, with a ratatouille emulsion and a basil lobster sauce; and beef short rib pot-au-feu, adorned by vegetables and shaved truffles atop a small bed of noodles. Add a glass of G.H. Mumm Grand Cordon Champagne and your flight is off to a wonderful start before you even leave the ground.
Who gets in
Passengers whose names are laser-etched onto the invitation-only titanium American Express Centurion card.
Royal Orchid Spa, Bangkok (Thai Airways)
(Source: Luxe Traveller)
This isn’t a lounge per se, but it’s an adjunct to the Royal First Class lounge at Thai’s home hub with offers indulgently hour-long free massages. This is perhaps the major drawcard for first-class flyers, as Thai’s first-class lounge itself can’t hold a scented candle to the best of its competitors.
The serenely quiet treatment rooms are decked out like that of any upscale Thai spa with warm woods and a separate shower area.
Travellers can relax before or between flights with a full body massage incorporating acupressure techniques to relax the muscles, relieve stress and stimulate blood circulation. Additional herbal steam and sauna treatment “ease the aches out of your travel-weary body”, the airline promises. After your session, soothing tea is served in a sitting room while tranquil music plays in the background.
Who gets in
First-class passengers on Thai Airways (however, business class and Royal Orchid Plus Platinum status frequent flyers qualify for a free neck and shoulder or foot massage).
The Private Room, Singapore (Singapore Airlines)
“The Private Room”. Even the name has a certain patina of exclusivity. And Singapore Airlines chose that name well, as the only way you’ll get into The Private Room is to have a boarding pass for Singapore Airlines’ first-class suites.
The emphasis is on not only privacy but calm serenity, a world away from the clatter of the nearby business lounge which is almost always bursting at the seams. That said, The Private Room isn’t a lush oasis of luxury: it’s a little old-world and perhaps even worn around the edges, which is why Singapore Airlines is embarking on a 50 million Singapore dollar ($36 million) upgrade of The Private Room and its other flagship Changi Terminal 3 lounges across the next two years.
The dining room is certain to remain a centerpiece of The Private Room’s appeal. With its parquetry floor, wide plushly-padded leather lounge chairs and wall panelling, discrete lighting and dusky tones the dining room channels the spirit of an English club. The Private Lounge’s dining room menus are changed seasonally, although several favorites of the frequent first class flyers remain as a culinary north star, including wok-friend lobster, chirashizushi and, of course, satay. Piper Heidsieck Rare Millesime and Charles Heidsieck Champagne headline the drinks menu.
Who gets in
The Private Room is exclusively for first class passengers on Singapore Airlines.
Japan Airlines First Class Lounge, Tokyo Narita
(Source: Lajollamom.com)
Japan is a food-lover’s paradise, and the nation’s dueling flag-carriers ANA and JAL (Japan Airlines) both take pride in the meals they serve in flight and on the ground. Japan Airlines has, for the time being, wrested that crown with the dining room of its newly-renovated first-class lounge at Tokyo’s Narita Airport.
Two sushi chefs serve freshly-prepared sushi and sashimi, with the menu changing weekly so that regular travellers don’t tire of the same fare.
There’s also a ramen counter, a champagne bar where the choice between Taittinger and Laurent-Perrier could involve a glass of each, and, as you’d expect, a premium sake selection. Other creature comforts available at the JAL’s flagship first class lounge include a shoe-shine service.
Who gets in
First-class passengers on Japan Airlines and other Oneworld member airlines flying out of Tokyo/Narita, along with top-tier frequent flyers across the Oneworld alliance (such as Oneworld Emerald, JAL Diamond and Premier, and Cathay Pacific Marco Polo Diamond and Diamond Plus).
Qantas Lounge, Hong Kong
(Source: Qantas)
This unassuming Asian outpost of iconic Aussie airline Qantas eclipses most business class lounges when it comes to pre-flight bites. Instead of bland “international” or predictable Western food, travelers have a last chance to enjoy authentic Hong Kong meals.
No wonder there’s often a queue at the BBQ Pork Bar for some Cantonese-style char siu, or a frisson of foodie excitement when the yum cha trolley tray trundles around with dim sum and custard egg tarts.
Complement this with a cocktail or two from the bar and you’ll soon appreciate why the Qantas lounge is a hit with business class passengers and frequent flyers alike.
Who gets in
Business-class passengers on Qantas and other Oneworld member airlines jetting out of Hong Kong, along with frequent flyers holding Oneworld Emerald and Oneworld Sapphire status (equivalent to Qantas Platinum and Gold, British Airways Gold and Silver, and Cathay Diamond and Gold).
Qatar Airways Premium Lounge, Bangkok
Qatar Airways has barely a half-dozen lounges in its network, but they’re all classy affairs.
The Premium Lounge at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport opened earlier this year, with this business class lounge winning instant popularity for its à la carte dining room – a sight more common in first-class lounges.
The Bangkok lounge is a compact version of Qatar’s highly-regarded Premium Lounge at London Heathrow Terminal 4, so travellers can expect the same quality of furnishings plus a dress code which keeps things respectable among the hoi polloi (even if you consider shorts suitable for Bangkok weather).
Who gets in
Business-class and first-class passengers on Qatar Airways and other Oneworld member airlines flying out of Bangkok (a long roster which includes British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Japan Airlines and Malaysia Airlines).
ExecutiveTraveller.com is the global authority on business travel. With a daily mix of news, reviews, interviews and strategies, ExecutiveTraveller.com helps business travelers to travel better.
Read also:
The World’s Best Restaurants: 2019
The post These Are the Most Luxurious Airport Lounges in Asia appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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janetchavezcom · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/08/great-adult-spring-break-trips-for-grown-ups-avoiding-the-college-scene/
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mrrolandtfranco · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from The FlipKey Blog http://bit.ly/2FW2nyS
0 notes
kevingbakeruk · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/08/great-adult-spring-break-trips-for-grown-ups-avoiding-the-college-scene/
0 notes
marymperezga · 5 years
Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene
Your college years might be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the start of spring with a memorable getaway. We’ve hand-picked some of the best adult getaways across America, featuring luxe spas, golf courses, and charming beaches where the vibe is a little more, shall we say, low-key.
Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends, family, or just your significant other, each of these destinations is home to amazing FlipKey rental properties that are a real step up from the party-hearty hotel rooms of your youth. Pour yourself a cocktail by the private pool and raise a glass to how far you’ve come.
Amelia Island, Florida
“While there are plenty of restaurants and rentals, the beach here is not a typical ‘teenager beach,’” one reviewer writes. “It’s more of a family-oriented place with a lot of history.” Take a trolley or carriage tour of the downtown district to see local landmarks and learn more about this barrier island’s backstory, then tee up for a round of golf along the Atlantic Ocean.
Find a great place to stay on Amelia Island!
Hilton Head, South Carolina
Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean from a condo or villa in Hilton Head, a destination known for its Lowcountry cuisine, coastal-chic resort vibe, and award-winning golf courses. With 12 miles of beautiful beaches and 60+ miles of pathways perfect for long walks and bike rides, this classic Southern destination is always worth a visit.
Find a great place to stay in Hilton Head!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Welcome to the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun and Creole Country, where bold art and big flavors are a nod to the city’s creative spirit. Visit Vermilionville to learn about the cultures that have shaped this vibrant destination, then rub shoulders with the locals at the Lafayette Farmers and Artisans Market or the monthly ArtWalk downtown.
Find a great place to stay in Lafayette!
Gulfport, Mississippi
If your version of an ideal vacation is dozing on the beach or casting a line at sunrise, book a roomy vacation home on the Mississippi Coast and fall in love with Gulfport. Whether you kick back on the wraparound porch or rent kayaks to paddle up and down the scenic shore, the Gulf Coast is a peaceful place for a getaway by the water.
Find a great place to stay in Gulfport!
Port Aransas, Texas
Tired of traditional party-hearty destinations? Steer clear of the party scene and book a rental nestled in the dunes of Mustang Island. As the only established town on the island, Port Aransas strikes a balance between natural beauty and a fun-filled beach escape. Fishing charters are easy to come by—this is the fishing capital of Texas, after all—and birdwatching, windsurfing, and kite sailing are popular pastimes.
Find a great place to stay in Port Aransas!
Branson, Missouri
Given its central location—within a day’s drive of a third of the population—this southwest Missouri town is one of the most accessible trips in the country. Take in a show at one of 50 theaters, enjoy some retail therapy at Branson Landing, or climb aboard the Showboat Branson Belle for a two-hour riverboat cruise on Table Rock Lake.
Find a great place to stay in Branson!
Kansas City, Missouri
Thanks in part to a revitalized downtown, dotted with galleries and performance venues, there’s never been a more exciting time to visit Kansas City. This buzzworthy destination is exactly where to go if you’re passionate about good food and great music. With 100+ barbecue joints and live jazz clubs across the city, you won’t be disappointed.
Find a great place to stay in Kansas City!
Henderson, Nevada
For small-town atmosphere and big outdoor adventures, escape to Henderson, located 20 minutes from Las Vegas. You’ll have easy access to the bright lights of Sin City—minus the “what-happens-here-stays-here” chaos that comes with staying on the Strip. Bike along the River Mountain Loop Trail or polish your swing at Rio Secco Golf Club.
Find a great place to stay in Henderson!
Savannah, Georgia
Romantic architecture, airy galleries, canopies of live oak—if any Southern city can charm its way into your heart, it’s Savannah. You’ll find a wealth of activities here, from walking tours in the dreamy historic district to shopping on River Street, fishing on Tybee Island, and teeing off at one of the area’s legendary golf courses.
Find a great place to stay in Savannah!
Charlottesville, Virginia
For wine lovers, history buffs, and anyone who appreciates stunning scenery, Charlottesville is the place to be. This classy mountain town offers a wealth of attractions, from the Monticello Wine Trail to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and the University of Virginia).
Find a great place to stay in Charlottesville!
Nashville, Tennessee
With quirky shops, hidden gem restaurants, and exciting nightlife options cropping up all over the city, Nashville has so much to explore beyond the Honky Tonk Highway. Yes, you should see a show at Ryman Auditorium, but you should also eat at a few off-the-beaten-path restaurants and shop at the amazing vintage boutiques in East Nashville.
Find a great place to stay in Nashville!
Portland, Oregon
Whatever words you’ve heard used to describe Portland—trendy, creative, hipster, weird—flavorful is one adjective that definitely applies. March is Portland Dining Month, and that makes PDX one of the top adult getaways for foodies. While you’re in town, take the opportunity to grab a bite at one of 600 local food trucks.
Find a great place to stay in Portland!
Healdsburg, California
Located less than two hours from San Francisco, Healdsburg is surrounded by three winegrowing regions and more than 100 wineries. This charming small town makes the perfect home base for exploring Sonoma County, and the array of farm-to-table restaurants complement those incredible Zinfandels and Pinots. We’re all for ocean views and mountain vistas, but this adult-friendly destination is as scenic as they come.
Find a great place to stay in Healdsburg!
Mammoth Lakes, California
Rent a rustic mountain chalet on TripAdvisor and make Mammoth Lakes the headquarters for your next adult group trip. Home to postcard-worthy ridges, valleys, and sparkling lakes, this mountain town offers scenic hiking trails like McGee Pass, challenging terrain for road bikers, and paved trails in town for novice cyclists.
Find a great place to stay in Mammoth Lakes!
Houston, Texas
Why is Houston on our list of top adult getaways? Aside from having one of the largest museum districts in the country (featuring 20 museums within easy walking distance) and 10,000 local restaurants, there’s a packed calendar of exciting events happening here in March, from the Bassmaster Classic Expo to the Shell Houston Open.
Find a great place to stay in Houston!
Hollywood, Florida
What’s better than watching the sunset from your hotel balcony? Taking in the view from the covered veranda as you fire up the grill to make dinner. The waterfront rentals in Hollywood boast luxe amenities like heated pools and private docks, all within walking distance of the best bars, boutiques, and restaurants. Add in seven miles of designated Blue Wave beaches.
Find a great place to stay in Hollywood!
Jacksonville, Florida
“This is a great little beach town that has just gotten better over the years,” one reviewer writes. With 22 miles of white sand beaches, a top-notch urban park system, and ample opportunities to go fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding, we can’t help but agree.
Find a great place to stay in Jacksonville!
Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is famous for barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll, but great ribs and Graceland aren’t the only reasons you should pack your bags for this top destination for adults. Memphis Black Restaurant Week, Memphis Comedy Fest, and the Midtown Opera Festival are just three of the exciting events happening here in March.
Find a great place to stay in Memphis!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post Great Adult Getaways For Grown-Ups Avoiding The College Scene appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/08/great-adult-spring-break-trips-for-grown-ups-avoiding-the-college-scene/
0 notes
anneedmonds · 6 years
Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Him
I’m writing this post on the train to Paddington. My MacBook Pro, which is too big to fit on the pull-down table, is wedged sideways on my lap so that I’m having to type around a corner. My iPhone, which lasts approximately three minutes before running out of battery unless it’s plugged into a power point, is jammed between my thighs.
So not the most comfortable of positions – the creative juices are somewhat stilted – but in a way, it’s fitting. Because I find men’s gift guides quite arduous to write. It’s easy to pull one together if you include things like electric shavers and socks and novelty beer selections, but if you actually want to collate some interesting items then it’s a long slog. Riddled with patches of self-doubt. (Would he really want an ornate magnifying glass disguised as a gecko?)
I hope that the present ideas here act as a sort of spring board to further ideas – if he doesn’t need an ornate magnifying glass, then what about an ornate vintage drinks trolley? If he doesn’t like vintage, but the magnifying glass would appeal, then how about one of those and a huge, framed map, perhaps of his birth city or a far-flung country he travelled through on his gap year?
Magnifying glass too archaic? How about night goggles? You catch my drift. One idea leads to the next. At any rate, I’ve left the nose-hair trimmers out and skipped on the aftershave/shower gel sets; you need only click onto the home pages of any big beauty retailer to find dozens of those…
(links marked * are affiliate links, for more info see disclaimer below post)
…although the men’s gift guide wouldn’t be complete without a Tom Ford fragrance, just because they always look (and smell) so ridiculously sexy. Who wouldn’t want one? Tom Ford’s Ombre Leather is £114 here*. Throw in the coolest handkerchiefs on the block and you have a thoughtful little package – the ones above are £15 from Chase & Wonder. To top it all off? The best-looking hair tamer. Johnny’s Chop Shop pomade has a strong hold and cool sheen – it’s £7 at Boots*.
Lot 2, let’s do it – the first item is the Makita laser measure. OK, so who wouldn’t want one of these? If you’ve ever measured anything longer than your arm span with a tape measure then you’ll know how awkward it is; if you’ve renovated a house and measured for carpets, wallpaper, plug socket positions, bed sizes, wardrobe sizes, window sizes and various ceiling heights then a digital measure that’s accurate and requires no measuring partner (“HAVE YOU GOT YOUR END OF THE TAPE RIGHT IN THE CORNER THOUGH? PULL IT TAUT! FFS!”) seems like a no-brainer. Why don’t we all have one? The Makita model looks the part and is £55 at Amazon*.
I’ve exhausted myself getting all excited over the laser measure so here’s some incredibly hot hot sauce (£6.99 here*) and some Musgo shave cream with all of the style credentials, £22 at Amara*.
The last item in the picture above also gets me a little over-excited; it’s a security camera that connects to your smart devices so that you can check what’s going on at home/downstairs/in the cellar. Creepy horror movie scenarios a go-go with that one. £139 at Amazon here*.
Lot 3. Another random ensemble but bear with. This skull poster is actually huge, but here it looks smaller than the welly. You have to take these flatlays with a pinch of salt; I get carried away and my sense of proportion goes out of the window. Take a look at the skull picture online here*; if you fancy investing in something arty yet relatively safe, it’s £168.
Mr AMR declares (and has done for years) that Muck boots are the comfiest wellies in the world. I have to hand it to him; they are very soft and padded and a lot more pleasant to wear than nearly every other brand I’ve tried. I think I may jump ship… From £68 at Amazon here*.
Lastly on this little square of gifting delight, we have a watch winder. A whatty winder, you might ask? Well, it’s for people who have more than one watch and need the one they’re not wearing to stay wound and therefore keep time. Luxury problems and all that. To be fair, I rarely wear my watch now because it stops if you take it off and don’t wear it for more than a day and setting the time is a pain in the arse, now that I can just look at my iPhone every eight seconds instead, so I do see how a watch winder could be a handy old thing. This one is posh – the Perpetua Walnut Winder – and costs £425 here*.
Talking of posh, the lamp pictured above is one of my favourite lamp designs of all time. Classic, curvy-yet-masculine, the Kaiser Lamp by Fritz Hansen is a thing of utter beauty. If he’s into his interiors and you want something special that he’ll keep forever then check it out – it’s £590 here* and comes in lots of different colours.
Stylish book award 2018 goes to the brilliant photography tome called, simply, The Swimming Pool. Find it for £22.75 here*. He could read this whilst perched on his burnt orange footstool, which I want for myself (I’m hoping that Mr AMR reads this to guffaw at my men’s gift choices and then sees that I want the footstool – ditto the laser measure) – it’s from Soho home and is £396 at Liberty here*.
I’d also have the monkey candlesticks, if anyone was offering – they would look brilliant in my dining room! £90 from Liberty* again.
You know what every man needs? A letter opener that’s also an ornate crocodile objet. £45 here*. The book Writers and their Cats also scores style points – it’s very retro – and is a great stocking filler, if his stocking is absolutely flat. And square. The book costs £11.34 here*.
The Tom Ford beard comb has become a bit of a classic, mainly because it’s the cheapest thing you can buy from Tom Ford that has Tom Ford written on it. I think a lipstick even costs more than this comb. Snap it up, it’s a veritable bargain! £30 at John Lewis here*.
Now. Let’s get practical with an excellent coffee machine; I’ve been researching them and this one from Smeg (I will never be at peace with that brand name) comes highly rated time and time again. It’s £259 here*. The Michael Caine print is from amazing online print shop Surface View. They have a huge image inventory and can print onto canvas, wood, wall murals and even onto window blinds. Have a browse – a large black and white photograph, printed and framed, never fails to make a striking present.
Oh, the Rose Shaving Cream from Taylor of Bond Street. I had been buying this for my Dad for his Christmas present for the past few years; he loved it and said that the smell and texture were amazing. He was a stickler for a proper shaving ritual, like his own Dad before him. I wouldn’t have included this if I’d thought it through properly as it has made me a bit sad on the train, but it’s a great little present and I hope that a Dad somewhere gets it on Christmas day and enjoys it as much as mine did. This tub of pure shaving luxury is £10.95 here*.
Again, my sense of proportion has escaped me – the trainer care kit pictured above isn’t a miniature at all, click the link to see it in all its glory! It has loads of special sneaker-cleaning tools and unguents in it. I just chuck my trainers in the washing machine in a pillow case, which is free, but if he likes a bit of a ritual, like car-cleaning (give me strength!) then you can find this kit for £50 here*.
Lot…er…5? GIANT PUG HEAD! Not really, it’s my flatlay trickery again – this is a pen pot. I love the brand that makes all of these vases and jugs and egg cups – you can find the Pug Pen Pot here* for £20 but there are loads of other animals. And you didn’t think I’d get through a post without slipping some bees into the mix? I think that these pyjama bottoms look very pricey and (sort of) royal. An eccentric prince might wear them whilst breakfasting. They are a pleasing £28 at John Lewis*.
I know I said I’d avoid toiletry sets but this one from Liberty, with an amazing Scamp & Dude bag to hold it all in, is excellent. The product prices add up to way more than the price of the set, too – it’s £65 at Liberty here*.
Aha, the ornate gecko magnifying glass. What man cave/office/study/billiards room/library would be complete without one? You can find this L’Objet piece at Liberty here*. What else in this line-up? A very smart coffee press, £55 here* and, for those who like their jewellery chunky, a silver Gucci letter ring. That’s £350 here*. If he has a shortish name, like Norm or Tom or Bob, he could have multiple letter rings and spell his entire name.
And finally (thanks for hanging about until the end, my train-squashed body really appreciates it) some good-looking bits for the discerning wine-drinker/music-listener/egg-eater. The Porter Corkscrew in brass is £48 but will last a lifetime (find it here*); the Sony WH-1000XM3 Noise Cancelling Headphones are epic – not as noise-cancelling as a pair of slow-rebound foam earplugs (see here) but pretty effective. They are £329.99 here*.
Last but not least, the thing on every wishlist up and down the country this year – all the men want one! – an octopus egg cup. I like this for its utter absurdity – it belongs on one of those really long dining tables that you see in stately homes that are open to the public. Where they have to use a loudspeaker to talk to one another at dinner. If that’s you/him, then you can get your egg cup online here* for £16. It’ll be the most luxurious dippy egg he’s ever eaten. Perhaps whilst wearing bee pyjamas.
  The post Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Him appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Him was first posted on November 26, 2018 at 7:51 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Him published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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bestforlessmove · 6 years
This $25.9M Mansion Has Hosted Presidents and Is Maryland's Most Expensive Listing
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Maryland's most expensive home, also known as Ishpiming, was built in 1894 by slick Nevada politician Francis Newlands. Now listed for $25.9 million and extensively renovated over the century since its construction, the mansion was to be the centerpiece of a new development north of Washington, DC, called Chevy Chase.
Newlands and a business partner bought up 1,700 acres of what would become the tony suburb, and even persuaded Congress to greenlight a trolley line from downtown. This house, which rests on a hill (Ishpiming apparently means “high ground” in the Chippewa language), “was prominently positioned to be seen from the trolley,” explains listing agent Ted Duncan.
“It was a conspicuous example of what Newlands envisioned as the typical Chevy Chase home: opulent and ample,” writes Mark Walston in Bethesda Magazine. The home's second owner, William S. Corby, invented a machine that shapes bread and made a fortune. His company was eventually sold to the makers of Wonder Bread.
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Master bedroom
Corby and his family renovated the house into an English-inspired manor. Its 12,885 square feet include seven bedrooms, a 1,500-square-foot ballroom, opulent entertaining spaces, period fireplaces, handcarved ceilings, dramatic chandeliers, interior columns, stained-glass windows, arches, and other ornate features.
The second floor has three master bedrooms, each with its own fireplace, and the third floor has four guest bedrooms.
There are huge dining spaces, multiple sitting rooms, an art studio, dance rehearsal space, butler's pantry, clubroom, piano room, spiral staircase, library, drawing room, massive porch, and gilded details around every corner. The 2-acre property includes manicured grounds, a huge garden, and a reflecting pool fountain.
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Sitting room
The home has hosted former presidents (George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush), dignitaries, politicians, and power brokers. As the original piece of property developed by the Chevy Chase Land Co., 9 Chevy Chase Circle is an incredibly well-preserved piece of DC history.
“It's geared toward someone who wants to entertain,” says Duncan. Whether that's a politician, socialite, power broker, philanthropist, or just someone who appreciates historic homes, Ishpiming is ready for its next owner.
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Dining room
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The post This $25.9M Mansion Has Hosted Presidents and Is Maryland's Most Expensive Listing appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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This $25.9M Mansion Has Hosted Presidents and Is Maryland’s Most Expensive Listing
Maryland’s most expensive home, also known as Ishpiming, was built in 1894 by slick Nevada politician Francis Newlands. Now listed for $25.9 million and extensively renovated over the century since its construction, the mansion was to be the centerpiece of a new development north of Washington, DC, called Chevy Chase.
Newlands and a business partner bought up 1,700 acres of what would become the tony suburb, and even persuaded Congress to greenlight a trolley line from downtown. This house, which rests on a hill (Ishpiming apparently means “high ground” in the Chippewa language), “was prominently positioned to be seen from the trolley,” explains listing agent Ted Duncan.
“It was a conspicuous example of what Newlands envisioned as the typical Chevy Chase home: opulent and ample,” writes Mark Walston in Bethesda Magazine. The home’s second owner, William S. Corby, invented a machine that shapes bread and made a fortune. His company was eventually sold to the makers of Wonder Bread.
Master bedroom
Corby and his family renovated the house into an English-inspired manor. Its 12,885 square feet include seven bedrooms, a 1,500-square-foot ballroom, opulent entertaining spaces, period fireplaces, handcarved ceilings, dramatic chandeliers, interior columns, stained-glass windows, arches, and other ornate features.
The second floor has three master bedrooms, each with its own fireplace, and the third floor has four guest bedrooms.
There are huge dining spaces, multiple sitting rooms, an art studio, dance rehearsal space, butler’s pantry, clubroom, piano room, spiral staircase, library, drawing room, massive porch, and gilded details around every corner. The 2-acre property includes manicured grounds, a huge garden, and a reflecting pool fountain.
Sitting room
The home has hosted former presidents (George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush), dignitaries, politicians, and power brokers. As the original piece of property developed by the Chevy Chase Land Co., 9 Chevy Chase Circle is an incredibly well-preserved piece of DC history.
“It’s geared toward someone who wants to entertain,” says Duncan. Whether that’s a politician, socialite, power broker, philanthropist, or just someone who appreciates historic homes, Ishpiming is ready for its next owner.
Dining room
The post This $25.9M Mansion Has Hosted Presidents and Is Maryland’s Most Expensive Listing appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2L6o2Fs
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