#and another hilarious and adorable entry from
eto-ena · 5 months
Here's a list of great VK public pages in Russian that I adore: pt 1
If you're learning the language, I think these might help you get more familiar with not only reading and spelling, but with how Russians actually communicate. And these pages are pretty cool too, so you can just check them out even if learning the language isn't the main goal.
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1. покажи нам кусочек своей жизни/show us a piece of your life
A rather cool page where people share random pictures from their phones with a bit of info about themselves. Every post has its own aesthetic but more importantly, these posts feel very real and authentic. Here's what some of these posts look like.
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"I'm majoring in geo in Moscow, sing in choir, and right now I'm writing my thesis a bit worried about my future. But I'll be fine. Kindness to all"
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"the life of a physics teacher 💫"
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2. пушистые морды/fluffy faces
Another page that accepts post suggestions. Here you can share your adorable pet (it's mostly cats).
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"his name is Oleg"
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3. мам ну не читай/mom don't read it
Did you have a diary when you were a kid? I cringe every time I read my old diaries. But this page collects all the weird diary entries and posts them. Not sure where they take them from, but they're all pretty hilarious.
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"the door to the future"
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"the page of positivity"
I'll be back with a part two!
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zyanova · 2 years
I suppose there is a Part 2.
Collab of MORE Earthspark screenshots from the new episodes I cannot mentally get over.
Warning: TF Earthspark Spoilers! (Eps 11-18)
This one is smaller since I've gotten most of them already.
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I would like to start this with FEDUP. This is hilarious in so many ways. Also I'm curious if the person who added this was aware of the pun, or if it was an accident.
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Fun fact it took me forever to get this screenshot because the frame is so short.
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The animators put SO MUCH WORK into the details! It's insane, I love it.
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I really like this relief(? correct me if I'm wrong?) on the monument's entry, again, another detail they didn't need to add but really adds depth to the episode.
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Every time the Maltos have a cute family hug like this I am filled with joy. Also MALTOBOTS?! I'm kinda in love with that name.
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Underrated!!!! The lighting... The angle... The effort...
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I can't recover from how adorable he looks here. Considering drawing this frame.
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nekosvocabdex · 1 year
The first Pokémon to examine couldn't really be anything else except one of my favourites:
Big disclaimer: I'm still learning myself. This blog is an attempt to learn something new for myself first. If anyone notices any kind of error in what's written here, even just a spelling typo, please let me know!
Learning is what we are all here for after all.
First, let's start with the Japanese name
エネコ Eneko is a pun between 狗尾草 エノコログサ Enokorogusa, which refers to the green foxtail, the type of plant that Skitty's tail looks like, and 猫 ねこ neko, cat.
Then let's look at some of the Pokedex entries:
動くものを 見つけると 夢中に なって 追いかけ回す 習性を 持つ ポケモン。
夢中(むちゅう) being absorbed in something
追いかけ回す(おいかけまわす) to chase something around
"When it sees something that moves, this Pokémon has the habit of getting immersed chasing it around"
You can attach 回す to the -masu stem of a verb to indicate that you are doing that action "all around, all over"
(Example: chasing around)
動くものを つい 追ってしまう。
"It ends up chasing moving things unintentionally"
Different dex entry, same general meaning but with a slightly different nuance. I find reading these kind of dex entries useful because they offer multiple ways of saying the same thing, and are good to reinforce the same vocabulary that appears in them and grammar rules.
ーてしまう signals that you are doing the action without meaning to
つい as an adverb similarly shows that you are doing the action unintentionally, subconsciously, and it's often paired with てしまう to emphasize it.
For its abilities, they are mostly named with English words anyway even in Japanese, except for Cute Charm (which was its only ability in Gen 3, if I remember correctly, since Normalize didn't exist)
Cute Charm is called メロメロボディ, which uses the "meromero" onomatopoeia to indicate being spellbound or madly in love.
Some interesting moves it can learn:
猫騙し (ねこだまし, Nekodamashi) Fakeout
The Fakeout move has a interesting bit of trivia in its Japanese name! It has the kanji for "cat" and "to deceive" in it, and it's actually a reference to a specific sumo move!
"Nekodamashi" refers to a sumo technique where one of the athletes slaps the air with both hands right at the beginning of the match near their opponents face to stun them. That's why it can only be used in the first turn in the Pokémon games!
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And since it translates pretty much to "cat's deception", it's the reason why mostly kitty Pokémon other than Fighting types like Hariyama can use it.
真似っこ (まねっこ, Manekko) Copycat
It stands for "to imitate" and I can't help but think that the reason it can learn this move is because of another cat pun in "manekko", which conveniently also works in the english version. Sadly not in other languages.
Skitty's lost signature move:
猫の手 (ねこのて, Nekonote) Assist
Another cute move with its origin stemming from a Japanese idiom!
Assist is another move that can be learned almost exclusively by cat Pokemon, and it's effect was to randomly use a move known by another Pokémon in the party. It was unique to Skitty in Gen III and is what made it maybe my favourite Pokémon ever: watching this adorable pink kitty bust out Earthquakes and Flamethrowers that the rest of my team used was hilarious. Was it effective? Usually not, but it was hilarious.
I always had a Skitty on my team during most of my Gen III playthroughs and in ORAS.
The idiom is 猫の手も借りたい ("I want to borrow even a cat's paw), which is a way of saying "I'm desperate and need any help I can get ". Even a cat's.
Cute and fitting name for a move where a kitty asks the rest of his team for "help"!
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ultimateaclrecovery · 9 months
Japan day 3
We out to Arashiyama on the west side of kyoto where we saw the bamboo grove, the temple gardens at Tenryu-ji, which were my favorite gardens. They were so pretty and so tranquil (we were there really early)
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After we hiked out to the monkey park where there where so so many monkeys
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We then took a bus to the saihoji temple or the moss temple. We got there before our reservation time so did a quick hike into another bamboo forest (and some city views after a very steep climb) and also saw this pretty bridge.
When we went in we started by copying sutras in the temple and then got to explore the beautiful gardens
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We grab lunch and then head over to the golden temple
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After the golden temple we get dinner at a place that does kyoto home cooking.
All the food of the day
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Lunch was my favorite of pork cutlets rice and sauce but so so so good.
Dinner we got a sampler platter sake and purple French fries! The beer came in this hilarious glass.
And then for dessert we got taiyakis which are fish shaped custards and I was very excited.
Overly long travel diary
Anthony paid 500 each for temple garden
Anthony paid 500 each for temple garden
I paid 1000 Anthony 200 for monkey park
Bamboo forest. Supposedly over hyped but still very cool. Fun how it got dark in the forest.
Ryaku Temple gardens, lots of pretty leaves and a pond with koi fish
We are there so early that we see a lot of people working hard to maintain the gardens. It’s pretty empty of most people and very serene
We pause for breakfast in a little playground with a picnic bench. After I finish eating I go down the concrete slide. It’s funish but I tell anthony it was the most fun.
Hike up to the monkey park. There were so so many monkeys just hanging about. I loved seeing all of the babies and the younger ones playing. They would knock each other out of trees and chase each other around and hang off the fence ropes. You could feed them through an inside grate but we decided not to do this. Because it was up high we also got a great view of the city and surrounding mountains.
Then we head off by bus to the moss gardens. We were early so we headed off to a little hike where we saw more bamboo forest and went up straight vertical stairs and tree root stairs to more fun views. It was nice to basically have it all to ourselves and it was pretty. The leaves are just starting to change and some of them are such vibrant reds.
Then we went into the moss temple. You start by coping sutra at little tables. They give the calligraphy pen and a paper to trace and instructions that also give you the translation. I really enjoy it although my foot falls asleep. Then we walk around the gardens. They tell you not talk and it’s very tranquil. The ground is full of moss and there’s a pond in the center and a scattering of trees. There’s also adorable little bridges going across the pond to an island in the center. We take lots of pictures and enjoy the scenery.
I’m glad we got more snacks today.
Lunch 2970 for both
3000 yen to ic card
200 yen from Anthony to ring the bell. And then I get a postcard too. I like ringing the bell although I didn’t do very hard, I had been wanting to ring the bell after seeing so many so it’s nice to get to do in what is clearly an allowed way.
Golden temple
Anthony paid 500 yen entry each for both of us.
The temple is so gold and shiny. TKe terrible selfie pictures.
I get a golden temple keychain that I’ll use as a Christmas ornament for 400 yen
We then grab the bus back. We don’t make it on the first bus too full, but then we get seats on the next bus five minutes later which is way better anyway.
We try to find a bar from our saved list but are unsuccessful. We then wander for awhile trying to find a place that is both good looking and doesn’t have a long wait. We settle at a place that supposedly does Kyoto home cooking. We get a little sampler plate, vegetable tempura and French fries that turn out to be purple and are my favorite. The sampler has salad, tofu, chicken, some kind of fish and a potato salad that is sweet. We also get sake wine to go with it. We’re still hungry so we order more chicken and some rice balls.
After we get desert that is a fish shaped pastry filled with custard called taiyaki. It is so cute and I love it. My bf found a place that sold them just for me. We also walk around nishi market. It’s really cool but towards the end I definitely get overwhelmed by all the colors and sheer number of stores.
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antirepurp · 10 months
im beginning to adore heroes but especially shth from a new angle that is The Absolutely Horrifying Existence Of An Individual vs The Goofiest Available Cast That Surrounds Them
metal sonic craves agency and control and is suffocated by his existence as an identical copy of a person defined by their freedom and willingness to serve no one, the belief that he is the true manifestation of this person. he is stopped and beaten down and decimated and upon asking for answers he is met by The Goofiest Available Cast. "we're sonic heroes!" and they laugh and high five and refuse to acknowledge your turmoil. no one will acknowledge your turmoil. you live in a world that actively mocks the questions you ask. was this intentional narrative design? i kind of doubt that. but i love that sonic fucking heroes is a tale of existential horror
shadow's situation is handled with more consideration but the Goofiest Available Cast remains. he's ridden with memory loss and PTSD and being manipulated by people from all over the place to serve their end goals, he's desperately trying to find some resemblance of answers in a sea of people who don't want to give those to him for one reason or another, and everyone he knows is eerily dismissive of his current situation by acting like nothing's wrong. some can be excused, like charmy who's 6 years old and thus doesn't really have the nuance to approach shadow with the expected consideration, but people like sonic and vector are just hilariously oblivious to the shit that shadow is facing about himself and his past. it creates this funny but horrifying contrast where horrible and serious things keep happening, but no one reacts to them in the way you'd expect them to. certainly shadow's friends must know about his situation and the memory loss and the debate on whether he's the real shadow or not, a detail that only amplifies the absurdity of their behavior towards him
i certainly appreciate the more serious tone that frontiers took with its story and ultimately i hope they keep it up for similarly themed entries in the future, but the unintentional horror that the wacky writing in heroes and shth causes is a huge favorite of mine ngl
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mangatxt · 8 months
For the wip ask, if you don't mind, I'd love to hear more about any of these(you don't have to answer all of them if you don't want!):
"your hand on the hot stove" "Serizawa Broccoli" "Matsuo Pokedex" ?! "Too many beds Serirei" this sounds hilarious, and the title instantly has me humming the 'too many cooks' song "Emi Writes a Novel" "Health Inspector / Blair Witch" ?!?! "Mob and Serizawa Lunch Gossip" this sounds Adorable!!
again you don't have to answer all of them, please forgive my inability to narrow my curiosity
Hope you're doing well!
Best wishes!
"forgive me for my inability to narrow my curiosity" you say, meanwhile i'm over here like
AHHH thank you so much for asking about all of these. i get excited about ideas and end up outlining a story or writing a particular scene i think would be fun. i hope to go back and finish off a lot of these ideas eventually -- or repurpose them into other things i'm working on.
i'll give a summary of these wips under the cut:
your hand on the hot stove
This is a backstory fic for screwball that I've been working on and off for the past year. The summary is: "Serizawa Katsuya will never touch a baseball again. The man who knocks on the front door every day says otherwise." More specifically, Suzuki Touichirou is determined to put together the best supporting team possible despite salary cap regulations, and thus, resorts to recruiting a handful of powerful and impressionable misfits. Among them is Serizawa, a major-league dropout after he accidentally struck a pitcher in the face and put him in a coma. The fic follows Suzuki convincing Serizawa to come out of retirement and get involved in the baseball scene once again -- and explores the twists and turns of Serizawa's simultaneous rehabilitation and indoctrination into the Claw org. Basically, it's a baseball-ified version of the Serizawa backstory and some thoughts about how professional sports recruiting takes advantage of people or invests them in the idea of winning at all costs (e.g. feuds, steroid use, etc). As for the title, the “hot stove” refers to the winter during the major league baseball off-season when free-agent signing and trades are most prevalent. This is one of the more complete fics I have in my WIP folder, but I find I can only work on one angst-y thing at a time, and android au has held that attention for a while.
serizawa broccoli
This was short, angst-y attempt to fill in Serizawa's missing scenes during the Divine Tree arc. In it he reacts to the strange vibes at work and school and eventually receives the candy from Reigen and encounters the brainwashing himself, which mirrors his entry into Claw so thoroughly that he panics and loses control of his powers enough to snap him out of it. In the manga, Serizawa is the first character to identify the roots having weird properties during the Yokai Hunt mini-arc. I think it would be interesting to explore how his Claw deprogramming experience interacts with the city-wide rise of Psycho Helmet -- the indoctrination patterns he might recognize or the tactics he would remain susceptible to.
matsuo pokedex
This is a character study of Matsuo from early life and through major plot points (7D, Mogami, World Dom). It was based on the idea that Matsuo internalized his own powers as a kid by comparing them to Pokemon games. As such, each snippet of his life has Matsuo's version of a PokeDex entry for a relevant spirit. Much of the fic follows Matsuo's journey from treating spirits like tools to something more compassionate and the grief he goes through every time he loses his pets.
too many beds serirei
(nsfw-ish) After an awkward one-night stand with Reigen, Serizawa -- in cahoots with wingman!Dimple -- attempts to spur on another hook-up by engineering a "there was only one bed" situation. He's foiled by "too many beds" at every turn.
emi writes a novel
This a 5+1 "5 times emi's writing was rejected and one time it wasn't" that goes over Emi's progress at her first novel before and after her encounter with Mob and how her writing follows her changes as a person.
health inspector / blair witch
The premise is based on this post. I think it's actually going to be separate from TPC, but still post-Reigen spinoff S&S. A resentful Roshuuto calls the Seasoning City equivalent of OSHA on Reigen and Serizawa, which forces them to cancel out-of-office case plans with Tome. Annoyed, Tome recruits Hoshida and Dimple into a "witch-hunting" trip of her own. The fic swaps back and forth between the comedy-of-errors inspector debacle and the increasingly-troubling Blair Witch situation (which seems to affect Hoshida exclusively) on Tome's livestream. The two situations finally intersect when Tome and Dimple (carrying an unconscious Hoshida) run into Reigen and Serizawa (carrying an unconscious health inspector) at the office stairwell and they're both like, "don't ask." It's only an outline right now, but I fully intend to write this.
mob and serizawa lunch gossip
Mob and Serizawa go out for lunch during Serizawa's first week on the job (sometime between 3x02 and 3x03). Serizawa has a lot of questions about the job and Reigen and society in general, and they talk about some of Mob's more troubling memories. Missing scene friendship stuff with minor references to upcoming Divine Tree arc.
pheeeew that's a lot. it was fun to write this out. thanks again for asking!!!
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banqanas · 4 months
Lurking on your blog for a while now and loving all the Fanta content, but seeing you mention Gekidan made me perk up with interest. They're so underrated by everyone to the point of some people not even counting them as members of Exile Tribe.
I saw your thoughts on member dynamics between the OGs and the new guys, which made me grin so much, but also a bit sad because there really isn't enough content with them.
All I know is that Onocha pretty much adopted Yuki and to a certain extent also Ken-chan (which was pretty much obvious from the start when you consider why both guys decided on joining LDH and all the more happy to be added to Gekidan; they adore their senpai and he's just as great with them as he was with Kanta when he was added years ago). As for Aki, all I know is that one hilarious interaction he and Onocha had last summer when they were together at the annual summer outing, where Aki was clinging to Onocha the whole time and even joking that he feels a little like his girlfriend (the photos of him leaning with his head on his shoulder as he clings to his arm are so good).
I remember that one thing Aki said after watching the JAM recital together with Yuki and Ken-chan, that he's looking forward to work together with the others on projects as a group. (And then "all" we get is him being adorable with Kazuma, which is really great, but it's just not the same).
But yeah, we definitely need more content with all the members together, but seeing how everyone is always so busy with their own projects is both good (for them) and sad (for us). Still, I'm not giving up hope that one day we will get another entry in the JAM franchise with all the members together.
(It's kinda ridiculous that we have more content of Gekidan adopting RMPG's Riku and being adorable cuties than of the actual members together.)
Hello! Thank you so much for your messages! I'm happily reading them and learning more about gekidan from it! My response has gotten pretty long itself so the rest is under the cut.
I don't think it's obvious given from my current fanta phase but yes I was into Gekidan Exile for a while XD (circa 2022-early 2023) I only consider myself a casual fan of them to be honest but the image of 8 gekidan members performing with taiko drums in the middle of tokyo dome before the start of Voice of Red at High&Low The Live is forever embedded in my mind as the group's image. Gekidan Exile is Fucking Cool.
I was maeken's fan before he joined gekidan (when he was active in Kamen Rider Revice). So it was only when the news of maeken joining gekidan (nov 2022) that i got interested in the group as a whole because I wanted to get to know the kind of group maeken is joining.
Since I went through the Highlow -> Prince of Legend pipeline (around 2021), their presence as prominent members of Exile Tribe was strong since they still got main roles and we can directly see their inter-group interactions. I honestly think these kind of interactions of gekidan being friendly with gene members and also as guiding senpais to the currently rising rmpg group were important to show how much gekidan is a core group in the tribe.
Eventho I was aware of them, unfortunately I wasn't following them too much as a group. Mainly bc my japanese wasn't as good back then so I relied a lot on fansubs. And unfortunately there wasnt any gekidan fansubbed stuffs at the time :'D The only member I gave some focus on was Nobu because he's directly interacting with Kazuma and a littleeee bit of Kanta bc of DTC.
I was pretty much late to the "golden" gekidan age so I wasn't able to follow anything in real time, but even in 2022 I was able to enjoy JAM series and the shows of them as a group that's available on CL 😭🙏🙏
I love that Aoyagi Sho is one of the older members but he's pretty silly who likes to tease his juniors for his own entertainment. I like hearing his loud ossan laughs since he already has a really beautiful voice 🥺 Akiyama and Ozawa san are the ones makes sure the group functions. I like how Machida Keita is pretty quiet when he's with gekidan, in comparison to his very very long list of roles, and is just enjoying their company. Masayasu's roles are always more to the loud types but I was surprised that he's very calm and collected when in gekidan. Onocha, Sway and Nobu are there (i already know their works individually so i didn't have much surprise). and Kanta is the youngest who is the receiving end of Aoyagi Sho's teasings.
I love the Camping Club shows and this gekidan wachawacha episode where Kanta dresses like a minion
This phase was unfortunately short lived bc they didn't do anything as a group after the announcement of new members and my interest in maeken was dwindling bc he wasn't in any project i'm interested in. And this was when Highlow The Worst X premiered and i diverged to another pipeline when I met Kamui -> Keito -> Fantastics.
As for Aki, all I know is that one hilarious interaction he and Onocha had last summer when they were together at the annual summer outing, where Aki was clinging to Onocha (...) (...) Aki said after watching the JAM recital together with Yuki and Ken-chan, that he's looking forward to work together with the others on projects as a group.
OH MY GOD????? I didn't realise I was so out of the loop that I didn't know any of this happening??? Jr gekidan (personal nickname) were at JAM recitals as well??? That means they've been connected even before it was announced they're joining gekidan 😭😭😭 I honestly have no source/fans of gekidan to follow so I would appreciate any and all direction to these 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
But yes!!! Gekidan is Exile Tribe!!!!!!!! And the new gekidan members are Jr Exiles (personal delusion)!!!!!!!!
I am the type of fan that likes to see how my oshi (Maeken in this group) interacts with friends and members, so I am always waiting to see more interactions between the senior and junior members. even if just a quick livestream, I want to see the group together 😭🙏
Not only that, I really do wish to see more integrated projects/activities between them and the other tribe groups like highlow & prilege, but i would consider this a pipe dream for now.
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what-gs-watching · 1 year
"One fabulous kiss and we're good. I have a plan."
So far this week I've cleaned out all of the cabinets in my kitchen and our master bathroom, did some sadness shopping, attempted to clean out my car, and packed up my stupid fucking laptop. So. I guess it's time to get back to Good Omens (even though I've been playing Supernatural in the background just to have something...we'll get into that entire situation eventually).
Right, episode 3. Wherein we get more adorable interactions, a yellow Bentley, an absolutely clueless angel, more meddling, and laudanum. I love this one, if only for laudanum!Crowley. And the look on Crowley's face during the awning of a new age...but we're getting ahead of ourselves.
At the shop, Aziraphale is listening to the Buddy Holly record when he gets a knock at the door, opening it to a person appearing to be a police officer, but dressed completely in white. The 'police officer' tells him that because they are a police officer, they can monitor him without raising suspicion and Az is already on the uptake it appears, so when they ask if they can come in because it's loud outside and they can't hear anything, he lets them in. 
The entire scene with this 'police officer' is hilarious, Az offers a cup of tea and says that a human police officer would definitely accept it. Crowley shows up with a box of his plants that he's pulled from the Bentley asking why Aziraphale can't go by train, "you LOVE trains" he says, and then he just exclaims "who's THIS now" but he quickly figures it out as well. The two of them are so sweet about it, even if they're highly amused. Crowley sits on the arm of Aziraphale's chair (again, swoon, it's so natural) and the laugh he emits is so sweet, and they both just make little moon faces at the angel that's shown up before excusing themselves to another room. 
Aziraphale thinks this angel is going to figure out quickly that the lie he told about their extremely powerful miracle is untrue, and Crowley says they just need to get Nina and Maggie to have "one fabulous kiss" and they're done. 
The angel bursts in to interrupt them of course and Crowley asks if they're interested in humans being in love, especially Nina and Maggie over the road. The whole point of this interaction is that Crowley says that you can only tell if they're in love by waiting a few days because humans are weird and that's how it works (ya know, to buy them some time), and then he announces "don't hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions about love" and y'all. Aziraphale's reaction. Like, baby girl, you are thirsty. You legit looked him up and down and stuck out your lip and you did not look away. I see you.
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Anyway, Aziraphale takes the Bentley and he heads off to Edinburgh to investigate his Clue, leaving poor Crowley behind. 
We're then flashed-back to an entry in Az's diary from 1827, wherein he and Crowley were in Edinburgh doing this and that. Crowley took Az to a statue he's found of Gabriel in a graveyard. They stumble upon a young girl trying to steal a fresh body from a grave, and Crowley puts on a hilarious Scottish accent, and offers to help her in her endeavor. Aziraphale is shocked by this of course, and he wants to stop her so he trails behind them whining about how wicked her actions are. 
They find out that she's doing it because she's living on the street with another woman, but Az still isn't moved. He says that people have opportunities to prove how good they are by resisting the temptation to do wicked things, and poor people have even more opportunities to do so. Crowley of course knows this is ridiculous, but black-and-white Aziraphale just says it's "ineffable". 
Back in the present, Az is bonding with the Bentley, talking to it about how they've come to an understanding. He's very proud of himself until Crowley comes blaring through the speakers to tell him he can feel when he drives the Bentley under the speed limit. He tells him to speed up, so he tries, but Az says it seems the car doesn't want to, and he grabs himself a little treat from the dash. Crowley is incensed, asking "was that a travel sweet?" This man knows what's going on, he can feel Az has done something to the car. And he has of course, the Bentley is now a beautiful shade of yellow (it's his favorite color because of, possibly, a certain demon's eyes?) but Crowley isn't having it. He says it must be changed back and Az whines "but it's pretty" so Crowley resorts to threatening to sell some books if he doesn't, these two know how to push each other's buttons clearly. 
Meanwhile in 1827, Aziraphale and Crowley follow the grave robber Elsbeth to her destination and clueless little Az is determined to ruin her mission. They're introduced to MISTER (he's a surgeon, not a doctor) Dalrymple and when they're let inside Az does a little miracle to ruin the corpse and he's so proud of himself. Elsbeth runs off because she can't get paid but Az wants to stop both supply and demand so Crowley stops time to convince the surgeon to let them stay and talk about his work. (The surgeon has started calling the angel and the demon 'doctor' which I love, so many Who easter eggs.)
However, it doesn't go to Aziraphale's plan - he learns that Dalrymple is just trying to save lives, he needs corpses to do so, he needs them to teach and to learn. He shows them a tumor he pulled from a 7 year old boy and Az is devastated to learn the boy died, he clutches the specimen to his chest, and things are shades of grey baby boy, not the perfect black and white you cling to. So he changes his mind and decides Elsbeth's actions are holy after all, and offers to help. Because now it's somehow good. 
Coming back to present-day Edinburgh, Az rolls up to the pub with the haunted jukebox and he's wearing a cute little getup, he's so pleased with himself. Boy is cosplaying at being a reporter and he thinks it's a fun little jaunt. He learns from the owner that Gabriel definitely had been there about a year ago, and that he was with someone else. He's giddy. I really feel the need to point out that Aziraphale is still under the impression that he's investigating a cute little mystery and there isn't really anything on the line at all. Which is honestly insanity. 
In the 1800's Crowley and Az go back and gather up Elsbeth's friend Wee Morag and off they go back to the graveyard, but things go wrong. A grave gun gets tripped and Wee Morag is shot, and they try to get the girl to safety in a nearby tomb, but she dies. And Elsbeth decides to just sell her body to get the money she desperately needs, that's what she'd want. 
She goes back and delivers the body, and gets less money than she'd expect, and she's angry. So she sees some laudanum on the counter and she nicks it, and then goes off to buy some wine to toast her friend. Crowley and Az show up back at the tomb to join her, and things start to go off the rails. 
They both see the laudanum of course, and as she's explaining that she's going to drink the wine and then the laudanum so she can join her friend in the afterlife, Crowley grabs it and downs it. She's horrified, says he's going to die and Crowley exclaims "constitution of an ox" (oh really? An ox? Didn't we just see Aziraphale devour an ox......)
I can't decide what my favorite part of laudanum!Crowley is. He starts rambling about no more dying, "No dying! no more dying! it's just....wrong!" He sings the Scottish national anthem(?). He makes goat noises (all the Job references), he unexpectedly shrinks. I love him yelling "I'm small aren't I?" and the faces and the growling and the dance he does to return himself to a normal size, but just kidding, not a normal size, he bursts through the ceiling of the tomb. 
He tells Elsbeth "you've sinned very bigly!" (and I'm totally going to use that) he says "Trying to kill yourself...I mean....it's NOT ON!" He asks the angel how much money he's got - 90 guineas. He tells Elsbeth she can atone by taking the money, buying a farm, and being good, properly good ("gi'er the money, angel!") And so, she promises she will and runs off. 
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Afterward Crowley yells "Laudanum, oooh wee! Last time I do that!" and he stumbles around and he's afraid he's lost Aziraphale who snakes an arm around his waist and tells him he did a really good thing. Which he denies, of course. He was off his head on laudanum, not responsible for his actions. But Aziraphale is worried that hell must have noticed, and Crowley says if they had he'd already be....and then he's sucked down, and away. In his diary, Az says he doesn't see Crowley for a long time after that. 
(And if we think about the timeline, we know that in the 1860's Crowley appears again, and he's now asking for holy water. What happened to that poor baby?)
Meanwhile, Aziraphale calls the bookshop after he finds himself staring at Gabriel's Edinburgh statue to catch Crowley up, who answers the phone by saying "Fell's bookshop - we probably don't have what you want, and we wouldn't sell it to you if we did" because he's very good at protecting his angel's interests. More swooning. Az is excited because Gabriel was with someone, but they're not really listening to each other as usual and Crowley hangs up because he sees an opportunity to enact his Nina/Maggie plan. 
Which doesn't work, of course. He gets the rain going, he gets them under the awning, and they are having a heart to heart. Crowley's smile watching the two of them is so pure, he's convinced this is all it's going to take but shit does not work like that, he and Aziraphale are so dense, and instead of vavooming, the awning breaks and the girls get drenched. 
And then Shax shows up. Crowley goes outside to find out what she wants and she insists that Beelzebub knows that Aziraphale is hiding Gabriel in the bookshop. He insists that he isn't, and we learn that Shax can't cross the bookshop's threshold and Crowley tries to keep his cool, but Shax says that hell is going to declare war - not on him, mind, but on Aziraphale. 
Ya boy is once again in panic mode, he flys at Gabriel and starts threatening him over harm coming to Aziraphale but then he deflates just as quickly, saying "It doesn't matter. It's too late for that now, isn't it? It's always too late."
Y'all. Crowley knows they're living in an extremely dangerous situation and Aziraphale is just off dressing up and having fun and enjoying himself. I understand wanting to protect Az however possible, I do, but he's just making it worse. They're both just making it worse...
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torterrachampion · 1 year
I'll reciprocate what you sent me! Top 5 books?
Maybe I shouldn't have asked you that considering I'm not 100% on my own answer lol but we'll give it a go. Top 5 (not in order) or at least 5 that come to mind as favourites
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It wasn't that long ago that I read this book but god, this is such good sci-fi. It's particularly appealing to me as someone who studies biology, I think because the evolutionary world-building is so juicy and fun. Also made me, known arachnophobe, feel deeply sympathetic to the wonderful spiders in this book (Portia <3). Something about seeing non-mammalian, non-humanoid societies being explored was uniquely engaging, and the spider misandry was really funny. Genuinely intelligent book with a good sense of humour and great characters of the human and non-human variety.
Tehanu by Ursula Le Guin. I love the whole Earthsea series so much and it was hard to pick a favourite of them but I do think Tehanu stands as the one I personally enjoy most. Earthsea was something I read for the first time in I think my early teens and it's really stood the test of time. Great fantasy series with a lot of heart. Tehanu might be less fantastical than some of the other entries but it has some of the best characterisation. It also centres a female perspective a little more than the previous books so I enjoyed that.
Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda. I am cheating by naming the whole series but I own an omnibus so fuck it. It's a kids book series and not necessarily something I'd recommend to anyone my own age who doesn't already have nostalgia for it, but it absolutely stands as great in my eyes. It was among some of first series to foster my love of reading and I'm really attached to it for that. It still has some of my favourite creature designs/concepts in anything ever and the world always felt really exciting because of it. Also there's a surprisingly rich amount of lore in the series and side books that I absolutely devoured when I was younger. And it's an Australian book series so this is a point of national pride for me.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The first book of the Hitchhiker's guide series is certainly the best in my eyes. And actually I'm only especially fond of the first two books in the series but those books are amazing. Douglas Adams' writing is hilarious and creative with some of the best descriptions I've ever come across. It's just about the wittiest thing I've ever come across and I adore it. Good for anyone who likes sci-fi or fun.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. The first Neil Gaiman book I ever read actually. I picked it up after recognising his name from the credits of some Doctor Who episodes lol. The setting appeals to me in particular and I've always liked things with worlds on top of one another or just barely hidden from view. But besides all that I also have fondness for it as a way of bonding with my dad. After reading Neverwhere he followed suit and then we got into a rhythm of trading Neil Gaiman books back and forth between each other. It's weird now that I know who he is though and am always seeing him get reblogged by someone on my tumblr dash lmao
Man, this was such a hard question. I like reading a lot and it's always so hard to pick favourites. Too many criteria to judge on... it's overwhelming.
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drea-exclusives · 8 months
Week 2 — CNY Incoming 🍊🧧
So, it is only after yapping on and on about everything that went down in week 1 that I came to know that we don't actually have to write about what happened in our week for these entries. But since I've already jotted down about the events that took place over the past 2 weeks, I figured I'll include it for this entry anyway. Perhaps after this I'll write about both my weekly experiences as well as the thoughts in my head for my entries, it's quite fun albeit a little time consuming.
If I were to have searched the readings for my zodiac sign this week, I have a pretty good feeling it would've said that I would be unlucky on Monday. By that I mean the 10 minute intervals I encountered while waiting for the MRT. And it didn't just happen once, but twice! Both the Putrajaya and Kajang train doors closed just before I could enter, leaving me 15 minutes late for class. Though this is a usual occurrence, I think I definitely need to start leaving my house earlier this year. The lecture was rather boring so I honestly didn't mind being a tad bit late, it was just English after all. The more memorable parts of this day I would say were the clear blue skies and fluffy clouds; I remember staring out the train windows with soft music playing from my earbuds adoring the scenery. Despite my love-hate relationship with the MRT, this visual experience is definitely something that makes my commutes worthwhile.
Tuesday was another driving day. This time I came to uni earlier and found parking easily without humiliating myself! I was pretty stoked by then as I had an hour or so to eat my lunch while watching my K-drama. I've been watching a new horror/thriller drama lately called "Gyeongseong Creature", which is frankly quite a shocker since I'm probably the biggest scaredy-cat amongst the people I know and would probably cry if you forced me to watch a horror movie. But since I had seen a few snippets and knew the rough plot of the show, I figured to give it a go as it looked intriguing (and it surely has been so far).
I also received a few positive feedbacks for my short story as we had to critique each others' works during class. This was quite a shocker as I had mentioned in my previous post about how I struggled to write that story and was a bit disappointed with the outcome post-writing. I feel like this was one of those times when I realise how critical I am of myself and how low my self-esteem truly is, and only through receiving praise and academic validation that I allow myself to feel deserving in life. Although this was just a small example, but moments like these make me reflect a lot, and was for sure a booster for my self-esteem telling me I'm more than the thoughts in my head.
I drove home that day, euphoric and with music blasting while I sped through the empty highways. I will say though, this good day was interrupted by unbearable heat in the evening. It was the type of heat and humidity that made you say "CNY is coming", as this incredibly hot weather was typically seen every CNY season.
Wednesday was a free day! We didn't have class since Ms Ashley was able to finish the lecture on Tuesday (thank you Ms Ashley for letting us sleep in 🫶). It was also the last day of January, which was a little weird as for the first time in a long while, a month actually felt like it lasted for the proper duration of a month.
I collected my laptop from the ASUS repair centre in Lowyat Mall today. Long story short, these 2 weeks going back and forth to the repair centre was a tedious process that had my parents saying to "not buy from ASUS after this". I was glad to have my laptop back without the fan inside revving like an engine; it really was quite hilarious yet absolutely terrifying when I had to bring my laptop to class last semester as I had no idea when it would start sounding like a motorboat.
The day ended with me (finally) starting to set up my Tumblr account and decorating it. The process of searching for layouts made me so reminiscent of the time I was on BTS stan Twitter. Scrolling on Pinterest for hours on end to find a header that matched the aesthetic of my profile picture, designing my account layout, and so on. I miss that era a lot, with all the online friends I met and experiences I gained so I'm glad I was able to do something like that again for this account in the efforts to make it a place I enjoy coming to.
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(headers I saved while trying to design my layout)
I don't know why, but Thursday schedules are always the worst. It is yet another semester where I have morning to evening classes on Thursdays, but since my classes don't start at 8 am, I won't complain. To make matters worst, it was from this day that I started attempting to save my data and use the uni wifi as I was running really low on data (note to future self: please look into other data plans.)
Our first broadcasting class was today, and at the end of the class our task was to come up with a script on a given topic and record a video roleplaying a news anchor. Although my group had chosen another group member to be the news anchor, the role was handed over to me at the last minute. I found it kind of ironic that the person in the group who was the least likely to major in broadcasting ended up roleplaying as the news anchor, but it was kind of fun nevertheless if we ignore my anxiety levels spiking because of this sudden change.
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Friday had finally come, and this was the last day of us meeting all our lecturers in-person. I was 5 minutes early for class which is a rare occurrence for someone with time management issues, but it actually felt nice not having to rush my way to class so hopefully this is something I can keep up next week. Having officially met all the lecturers for my courses this semester, I feel a little more at ease as the classes seem promising. I do hope this is the case for the rest of the semester since it is a rather long one.
After class ended, I headed to Tropicana Gardens mall just to look around, have dinner, and hopefully get some work done, since it was a Friday evening after all. I spotted a new cafe and decided that this was where I was going to settle my dinner and enjoy the rest of my K-drama. As a pasta girlie, of course I ordered the pesto pasta and it definitely did not disappoint. Would've definitely ordered a coffee if I hadn't already had one earlier in the day, so next time it is!
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Saturday was another shopping day, with my parents this time. I had initially wanted to do my shopping after class on Friday, but seeming that my parents needed to shop for CNY too, hence we all went this day. To say that the mall was crowded would be an understatement, evidently since it was the weekend before CNY itself.
After browsing many clothing stores for hours on end, I only ended up getting a blouse, but the backstory for this blouse made it worthwhile. The store I had gotten it from was more of a boutique, with its prices ranging from RM100 to over RM300. I went in with no intention other than window shopping as it was way out of my budget, until I stumbled upon this blouse in the discounted section, originally priced at RM129 but currently sold at RM39. Even though this blouse (which was more of a fancy T-shirt honestly) was definitely overpriced, but it was still a steal after being discounted.
The funnier highlight of this day was noticing all the tired boyfriends in the mall, standing outside the stores with bags of clothes in their hands, tired and scrolling on their phones while they wait for their girlfriends to shop. There must've been a couple of them in every 1-2 meters from me as everywhere I turned, they were there undoubtedly. I found this quite amusing as someone who was single, and it was also a moment of gratitude for being single as I had the joy of spending time on my own without limitations and troubling others.
By the time Sunday came I was exhausted and aching all over from going out the past few days. Hence, it was a day to relax and take it easy. The only major event was following my parents to the market after lunch to buy some mandarin oranges! Once again, the weather was just ridiculously hot and having to walk under the sun carrying bags of fruits and cooking ingredients made me realise how much our parents do for us, especially in terms of food as food is such a significant part of Chinese culture. I'm grateful for the hard work my parents put in to always make sure there is more than enough food on the dinner table, and of course the daily cut-up fruit that is a symbol of their love.
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Week in Summary
This week made me think and reflect quite a lot, particularly regarding my self-esteem and just how I feel about myself in general. I long for the day when I'm older and wiser and have more experience in life that I realise that I should've been kinder to myself. I say this because sometimes it's difficult to comprehend in the present; it is over time as you change that you figure out these things along the way and are able to look back and see how far you've come. But for now, I simply wish to have more faith in myself and to trust the process as it will lead me to where I need to be.
Song of the Week! This week's song is another one that's been a favourite for awhile. Although the title may raise eyebrows at first glance, but the lyrics are really sweet once you've understood the meaning of the song. I listened to this song many times this week as I admired the bright blue skies; the soft, calming melody were extremely fitting along with parts of the lyrics incorporating different colours which reflected how I felt about life at the moment. Despite not having a lover to daydream about with these romantic lyrics, the melody itself feels really grounding and peaceful.
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the-loaf-of-all · 10 months
Entry #3 (it's the magic number)
"Yes it is, it's the magic number."
Ah, maybe. But! it sure is gonna be fun to add some more to this playlist we've been putting together!
Without further ado (ADIEU?):
Coolidge (Descendents): Ah, this one. One of my favorite ones to play along with, as it has that incredible Stewart-Copeland-Influenced-driving-8th-note-bass-drum beat over open hats with just the right amount of dorky misplaced snare. Thank you, Bill! You're one of my biggest influences. And the riff....absolutely powerful, driving, and perfectly caffeinated. It's got those beautiful Descendents touchess: Karl's roaming bass lines over the chorus, a perfect Stephan solo, the aforementioned genius percussion from Bill, and that hilarious "sorry" Milo moment after the solo. All in All (NO! ALL!), one of my faves - and I loved that the video we saw this week was just more reason to add it here. :) Aside: I've always wanted to play the intro in 6/8, and then launch into the song from there. Someday. :) .
Wonder (All): Another brilliant track from Percolator! My buddy Joel once said that this is the perfect song to describe existentialism. I don't know what that means, but its double-entendre name (and the rest of it) makes me love it. And, of course: Scott Reynolds (swoon).
Hey Bug (All): Worth it just because of the laugh at the end. :D
Pervert (Descendents): One of the most caffeinated, odd-time, disGUSting songs they every wrote. And I adore it. :)
I Like Food (Descendents): I'm sure you've heard me sing this to you. :)
Check One (All): This one just burns. Some of the greatest, most stream-of-consciousness lyrics ever. And I just adore "zip, zilch, zero, jack, squat, none, nil, nada, nope!" This might be the perfect All song. <3
Breathe (All): Or, maybe this one. :)
Shreen (All): As you can see, I lean Scott Reynolds. I can't stand Dave Smalley's voice most of the time, but I do like me some Chad Price - and gat DAYUM this song slaps. One of the simpler Karl bass lines, but Stephen's insanely chunky guitar just drives this monster. I still don't know how these guys didn't get more popular - that turnaround before it goes back to just bass and Chad is just heavenly.
Hurtin' Crue (Descendents): I love that they spelled it "Crue". I love that the main riff of the song is just neanderthal palm muted 16th notes with accents on beat 1. I love that one of the lyrics is "1420...I am better than you..you are a piece of poo." (allegedly what their friend from high school told them after scoring a 1420 on the SAT). I love it because it's so fucking ridiculous....just like them. :)
Cheer (Descendents): And, then, they write this. Definitely some conflicted lyrics in there, but "don't wanna spend the rest of my days dreaming yesterday's daydreams" is gorgeous.
Jean Is Dead (Descendents): A beautiful, aching song about losing a friend. One time, when asked to play this at an All show, Bill (who wrote it) allegedly said, "Some songs, we just don't teach the new guys." When I was younger, I thought the chorus was "Now you're running out of love", which is also powerful, but "Now you're gone and I'm alone" is just heartbreaking.
She Broke My Dick (All): #snort This has all the makings of an Anthrax joke song, except it's fucking technically perfect. :D :D :D
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siro-cyll · 5 years
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More with Ford and the merfolk/Siren. And another journal entry written by @rosenth0rne!
It has been several weeks since my first initial contact with the merfolk of the lake and I have done all that I can to establish some form of communication with them. There seems to be no sign of a native language which leads me to believe there is none as I have not discovered any other merfolk in the area. The one I am currently working with may be very much alone.
Before I came to this realization, I had been referring to the creature as ‘Siren’, believing them to be of the variant. Regardless, I’m keeping it.
My second attempt entailed getting as much fish food as I could at the local pet store, setting up a base where Siren had brought me back to shore, and yelling at the top of my lungs ‘HERE FISHY FISHY FISHY’ to see if it would answer. This resulted in me getting splashed in the face with a large wave. I am fairly certain I was slapped in the face with a large lake fish that was caught up within that wave. When I recovered, I noticed an icy glare from the water and the merfolk swam off with a cold shoulder. I may or may not have insulted them. Siren may understand more than I anticipated.
My third attempt had to be delayed due to a fishing competition on the lake. I began to panic. What if Siren was caught? What if one of the hooks hurt them? I fished out (pun intended) my second journal and found a storm spell that I had archived earlier this year. In my haste, I jumbled up the words in a way I cannot recount and watched as storm clouds gathered overhead. The substance that came down in heavy drops was not water, but a deep red color reminiscent of blood. I watched in horror as the fishermen screamed, scrambled off the lake, and back to shelter. It was then that I slowly closed my journal, turned on my heel and hastily retreated back to the cabin before anyone became the wiser. Siren is probably laughing their tail off. This was not one of my finest moments.
Attempt number… honestly, I lost count… The blood rain made it difficult to try anything. The forest rangers were keeping people away from the lake with an investigation of what the blood was. I was threatened with arrest on the third attempt to make it to the lakeside so I had to abandon seeing if Siren was okay or even there at all.
Once all the blood had been washed away by normal rain and the forest rangers got their unmentionables unwadded and left, I made it back out onto the lake, this time with a basket of food. Whole, dead fish for Siren and a sandwich for me. I was also prepared to go into the water with swim trunks. This attempt was going to play on the creature’s curiosity. I was going to pretend I was distressed over bringing too much food as loudly as possible to see if I could catch Siren’s attention. Apparently, the creature was in the area already because they popped their head up out of the water after the first call. Success!
It did take some coaxing to get Siren to come over to me but in the end, they relented and we ended up having lunch together. Siren lifted themselves out of the water and sat with me on the pier when they felt comfortable enough. I was ecstatic! I was able to see more of the creature. The shape and color of their scales, how their fins mimic human hair along the top of their head, the details along its body- though now that I’m writing this, I have come to the realization that I may have been staring in a way that would have gotten the daylights slapped out of me in any other situation.
Siren constantly looked over their shoulders the entire time while they were out of the water but calmed down over time. I did most of the talking, trying to find ways for them to understand me but all they did was stare at me with those large vibrant gold eyes against a sea of black and that cute little smile of theirs. While they can’t talk, the trills they make while trying to communicate is absolutely adorable. I can’t help but smile. Oh, dear Tesla, I’m falling for a fish. Is that even possible?
After lunch, Siren dove back into the water and tried to coax me in to follow them. Without a second thought, I began to take my shirt off, explaining that I had already anticipated going into the water. The idea of possibly being lured to my death via drowning did not occur to me at that point. Looking back now, Siren could have very well killed me for that “Fishy” attempt. I jumped into the water and I’m pretty sure I heard ‘COLD’ echoing off the cliffs around us in my voice which made me grin sheepishly. Hopefully, no one heard that. 
Siren swam up to me and I felt a strange jolt in my chest as they took my hand and pulled me further out into the lake. I must have been grinning like an idiot the entire time considering my face hurt once we had made it to the middle. This was absolutely amazing! My face fell when I noticed Siren looking below them as if searching for something beneath the water. Before I could ask, they grinned, looked at me and pointed directly below them and dove under, only to come back up to see if I understood them. They wanted me to dive down and follow them. Gladly!
We swam for what felt like ten or fifteen minutes. During that time, we had entered a small cave at the bottom of the lake where it was pitch black. Siren had to guide me from there on since I did not bring any glow sticks with me. I had not anticipated anything like this. Twice, I felt them lift me up to what had to be an air pocket so I could breathe and gather air once more. They seemed to respond to my hand squeezing theirs when I was ready to do something or if I needed something. On the third trip, just before I needed to squeeze their hand again, we resurfaced. 
Once I gathered myself, I looked around. My jaw dropped. Siren had brought me to a bioluminescence cave that had to be somewhere under the town. Caves like those are rare in freshwater, which makes me wonder if whatever was causing the bioluminescence was normal glow worms and their larvae or was it something only native to Gravity falls?! I slicked back my hair in excitement. I must have been rambling for ten minutes straight before I realized that Siren’s eyes glowed too as they watched me in silent comfort. In that instance, the radiance of the cave had paled in comparison.
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Woo, we survived another hiatus! To ring in Season 2B, we have Follies at the Coven Day Parade! Let's see what's in store, shall we?
(Good to be back!)
I see we're building off that diary entry right off the bat with another video from Luz trying to convince Camila that the Demon Realm is a nice place, actually
Ah, a magic demonstration, what could possibly go wrong? (If you didn't read this in a Bubsy voice, you're doing it wrong)
I, uh, don't think Boscha was impressed...
Ah, yes, very reassuring, Principal Bump
Then again, we're going by Boiling Isles standards, so he's probably confident that this is reassuring
Ah, they're talking about Belos
"Maybe the real emperor was society all along" lol Willow
Y'know, Gus, with a certain segment of the fandom, you're not exactly wrong
(In the interest of full disclosure, I am sorta in the "Belos is hot" camp. I'm not pleased about it, either)
Luz clearly concerned the video isn't making her case
Amity sneaking up with a correct(?) assumption
Amity's learning Spanish! I repeat: Amity's learning Spanish!! AAAAA❤❤❤
"Sweet potato" a bit unorthodox, but that's pretty cute, actually
Lmao a cookbook. I know they say the way to someone's heart is through their stomach, but this is ridiculous!
Also loving the idea that Amity is talking with Gus about human customs. It's like we all dreamed of
Hmm, traumatic flashback time
That's not what Camila said...hmmmmm...
And Luz tells an obvious lie. I don't think Amity's buying it
(I do like that they're still all blushy around each other, too)
Lol Amity was red for a good while there
Uh oh
She did seem to tell Eda and King. Seems like @novelist-becca was onto something
Oh, Eda, you would find a way to take a stock phrase and take it up to 11
"A fancy way to kiss the emperor'sssssss...whatever"
Also, I refuse to believe Eda hasn't cursed in front of King before, so I'm not sure what that gesture was supposed to do lol
Kikimora? With family issues? Interesting...
Luz giving off some "Big Mood" vibes there
"Private Inspectergator" the wordplay in this show remains 10/10
Not talking about bread puns...followed by a bread pun
Well, now we know Eda keeps a diary, and didn't tell the kids about Raine
Yeah, Luz's reaction is pretty much what I thought it might be when finding out about Raine
Palisman: Unknown
Master of all manners of instruments from the GUI-SCAR to THE ORGAN
Also they like spicy food and their favorite movie is Die Bard 2, truly the deepest lore
Oh hey parallels to Azura. "Just like Azura and Hecate in Book 5!" Damn, Hecazura was also made canon, this episode has it all!
I don't know why I'm so amused by the tape player playing Eda's Requiem
"Someone on the inside" Gee, wonder who that could be?
Love this face:
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Playing therapist for Kiki
Eda makes very good points. In fact, I'm somewhat surprised Kiki didn't blast them then and there
(Side note: Hearing Eda casually say "your girlfriend" to Luz is just 💯)
"Not the hot kind of bad" lmao Eda
"What are you getting out of this?" Ah, Luz, having empathy for a foe in a situation you relate to hard
"I'm just a party planner at this point" Damn, Belos does not treat his top brass well at all
Luz succeeded her bluff check
Ah, a fake kidnapping that's also a real kidnapping!
Oh, Hooty, you continue to be hilariously off-putting
That whole transaction with King and Edric is amazing
Good to see Hooty is self-aware about his desperate need for attention, at least
Uh, Luz, you're starting to sound like Kiki a bit...
And you most certainly did not leave your phone at the Owl House
Willow workout! Fuck yeah!
Ah, awkward solo interaction. Luz did mention that they were still working things out.
"Her phoon...her phun...her...thingy at school"
Amity at the classic privacy crossroads
As nice as the whole moment with the braiding is, that look on Willow's face didn't escape my notice. There's still work to be done here
"You know I hate these things! Talking to people...waving to people...People! *shudder*" Wow, even brainwashed Raine is a whole-ass mood
Kiki, you triggered that vine thingy, why are you surprised at their behavior?
Ah, Plant Coven Head! Terra! She seems...ominous
Those...headaches...I don't like this...
Jeez, Terra is setting off some creep alarms...I kinda love it
You step away from them, lady!
Fuck, Terra even makes me feel dread for Kikimora, this is too much power
Oh, that cat float was for the Beast Keeping Coven! Makes sense
Hey, it's the old man from the Looking Glass Graveyard!
And there's the screenshot of Luz leaping
There is something darkly amusing about Raine still having stage fright despite the brainwashing. Then again, that's probably a trait left intact to make their actions all the more convincing...
You know what, Eda? Considering that float was made from scraps of garbage, it does actually look pretty damn good
Why is Luz me if I tried to get down off a roof like that?
(Oh right, because she's my favorite)
Hooty's watch is upsetting, like almost every aspect of him
"Belos? More like BOO-LOS!" Ouagh, gottem!
I wonder how a non-brainwashed Raine would react to those fireworks
EC rank and file continue to seem rather underwhelming. I'm beginning to think they're selected more for pliability than actually being good at anything
Ooh, bad acting time!
Lmaooo Luz
Even Amity's facepalming
Sneaky? I don't think Hooty is physically capable of such a thing
"Not the first time I heard that!" You know, considering how the Emperor's Coven probably tried to capture Eda before, he's definitely right about that
Oh, Raeda angst, since they don't, uh, remember
Probably not the first time they've fought with magic, come to think of it, if some of the fan theories are anything to go by
"Who will end us?" There she is!
Full name: Terra Snapdragon!
Also, full name? That seems...significant
Thank goodness Hooty's here to be fucking hilarious
Reciting the exact chapter from Book 5 of Good Witch Azura that Luz took the plan from? Amity knows her girlfriend so well
Oh, that skateboard's gonna be a meme
Back to Eda and Raine...Raine's definitely continuing that internal struggle
That recording is much less amusing in this context
"Are you hurt?" "No. Not badly." (wipes away a tear, thus disproving this)
Princess is an unreasonably adorable name for that hand dragon thingy
(monotone voice) Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal...
"She could have been lying" Probably was
Oh, we're in real battle couple hours now
Yoooo icy rocket fist that's kickass!
Love seeing Lumity teamwork here yessss
"You're welcome! I mean...aw, dang it!"
Loving how they grasp hands to brace themselves
Oh she back
Ah, so she was sent to keep an eye on Kikimora the whole time
"You get...to live" BUHHH (complimentary)
"The emperor says he looks forward to meeting you, human." I DON'T LIKE THIS
And now serious discussion. Will they avoid the communication pitfalls that Eda and Raine had?
They did! Talking things out! Positive relationship portrayal! We love to see it!
Dang, I didn't expect to feel bad for Kikimora so soon into this part of the season
Why yes, I am going to take this opportunity to gush about the casual physical contact between Luz and Amity, because it's fucking great
Yup, the emperor broadcasting across the Isles, spouting his propaganda about the Day of Unity
One month? Shit
A lunar eclipse? Shit
Oh, hey, Lilith and Gwen
This utopia free of wild magic talk totally isn't cultish at all
I've been watching way too many Gianni Matragrano videos, because when Belos said "One more thing," I immediately thought of Columbo
Oh shit, face reveal to the Isles!
I mean, we as the audience have already seen it, but this is probably a Big Fucking Deal to the denizens of the Isles
Willow and Gus seem underwhelmed, though
Fuck, I hate how kindly this asshole looks
Some shit's going down...
Nice bookend with the "One day at a time" quote, too
Also, small detail, but Amity's tiny voice crack really sells Mae's performance
And the new end credits cards
Hot damn! Leave it to The Owl House to return from hiatus in style! The brainrot is definitely back in full swing, especially after such a fantastic episode! Apart from the Lumity moments (which were *chef's kiss*), there was plenty of lore introduced and setup of future happenings, giving us plenty to look forward to. Also, have my posts always been this long? Jeez.
Anyways, tune in next week! Same Owl Time, same Owl Channel!
(I will never say that again)
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nextonmy-tbr · 2 years
Book Review: Rule of Wolves (Nikolai Duology #2)
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Author: Leigh Bardugo
Genre: YA Fantasy 
With Fjerda preparing its best to invade Ravka, the worst enemy resurrected and the Shu queen making conspiracies it is becoming difficult for Ravka to survive every roadblocks put on their way and remain standing as a strong country. But the demon king, the witch general and the heartrender spy won’t let Ravka fall. They will do anything and everything to save their broken nation. Watch them use tricks, thief, spy, magic, monsters and alliances to make this dream possible. Will they succeed? Read the book to find out…
My thoughts:
After a powerful ending to the first book, Leigh Bardugo is back with another epic book to bring conclusion to the Nikolai duology. This book has to be better one as compared to the first. I liked everything in this book, from the cover to the plot, from the start till the end, from the characters till their development. Another thing that I loved the most in this book has to be entry of Six of Crows characters. To me it felt like my fav characters from another universe entering into this one. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time I was reading about them.
“Maybe the gift of being human is that we do not give up- even when all hope is lost.”
To be honest after reading the end of the first book, I thought that this book is going to be about Darkling being the major villain of the series again and I really wasn’t keen on that idea. But I was happy to see that this time their focus on Fjerda and nation politics. They way that the plot was built up it made us see that how difficult it was to rule Ravka and make it sustain and survive. For a minute I thought that it is not going to be possible for them to win against Fjerda military, Shu planning and Kerch diplomacy. But then I remembered that this is Nikolai and Zoya, they won’t let this happen. Having Nina influence the thoughts of the Fjerdans right below Jarl Brum’s nose was a nice spice to the story that brought immense satisfaction to me.  
“The world might crumble, but Nikolai Lantsov would be holding up the ceiling with one hand and plucking a speck of dirt from his lapel with the other when it all went to ruin”
Nikolai Lantsov is that fictional character that just increases your expectations from any guy you will ever meet and potentially ruin your life coz of course there isn’t anybody like him. His witty charming self, fills the book with warmth and light and makes us love him even more. His interactions with Kaz were just hilarious (Yes, there is Kaz in this book). With there interactions it is so ironic to notice that how much these two characters are similar and yet complete opposite. What makes Nikolai so adorable is his love and compassion for Zoya, Ravka and his friends and even his enemies. His personality is just a cherry on the cake. We watch him grow a lot in this book.
"I'm the queen. I must do nothing but please myself."
Characters like Zoya makes me love Leigh so much, coz she definitely creates them one of a kind. We see a lot of development from Zoya’s side. She is more patient, compassionate and learning and allowing how to love herself and the others around her. Her pain and struggles are her biggest strength and she finally uses them for her benefit. It was really admirable to see her growth and how she becomes the best version of herself. Her relationships with Nikolai, Genya and Nina were also enchanting.
“I was a soldier before I was a spy, and I am done with lies.”
Nina has shown such a wide and huge growth in her character. Sometimes it feels that the Nina in Six of Crows and Nina in this book are different people. But her pain and her ghost of the past represents that they are the same and how much she has endured. It was actually really nice to see her finally happy after entirely two years. She is one character to be proud of. Her plot brought life to this book.
Other characters that one can enjoy in this book is the Darkling – though I didn’t like it much, he surely brings a sense of threat and chaos in this book. Also, the small parts of the other book characters like Kaz, Jesper, Wylan, Alina and Mal, makes it like a multiverse. Apart from that you will love Hanne and her progress too.
If you love Grishaverse, country politics, magic and monsters, spying, forging alliances, stealing and Nikolai being his best romantic self then you must check this book out.  So, let me know what are your thoughts on this book. You can also recommend some books to read or to write reviews on.
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I haven't seen this idea before and I think it has promise.
Humans having an intergalactic buddy system
The general idea is:
It was found that humans were less likely to be destructive (read: bored) if there was another human near by. Similar interests between the humans also helped keep both humans busy off-shift. So in the interests of both the safety of the crews working with humans and the humans themselves, it was ruled that every human crewmember had to have at least one other human within shouting distance.
The humans themselves think it's hilarious and mostly go along with it.
Then somewhere along the line the 'Buddy-System' law for humans has to be amended to include, "When getting your human a buddy first make sure they are compatible before going on any long range trip. Failure to take this precaution could lead to an increase in boredom and anger in both humans if they are not compatible." This is because other species had just assumed humans had to interact with others to form an opinion of them. The explanation of why humans could simply adore or despise another on sight was complicated to say the least. (There were many entries and edits to the Human Handbook: A Guide to Humans for Those Around Humans, a bestseller)
Eventually Humans would have to have 'Buddy' ID along with their other ID/credentials. Which would just list the Humans specific Buddy(ies) on what ship. This is so if a human is separated from their buddy while off ship the local law enforcement would be able to know which human/ship to look for to return the human.
The more that I think about this the more I'm imagining buildings where humans without Buddies have to register to get a Buddy before that human can be added to a crew. Just a DMV but for a intergalactic Buddy-system.
I may expand on this in future posts but for now it's just an idea. I'm probably going to turn this blog into a 'humans are space orcs' blog with my own storyline.
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heytherejulietx · 4 years
K. ~ Fred Weasley
Requests are CLOSED
Notes - Hi! So this is my own entry to my writing challenge. I found this song literally yesterday and after listening to the lyrics I had to use it. Originally I was going to use the song Dear True Love by Sleeping At Last but when I heard this I had to write it. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it as mich as I do! Please leave some nice feedback, I’m a slut for validation.
Warnings - A few hot moments, though no actual smut.
Word count - 4.2k.
Harry Potter tag list - @idont-knowrn @weasleysflowr @angelinathebook @msmimimerton @durmstrange @kashishwrites
Twins tag list - @whizbangs-78
If you’d like to be added to any tag list please just tell me!
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I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back
We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check
Fred couldn't really distinguish the line that was drawn between when he was friends with Y/N and when he first started liking her. They had been best friends since their first year at Hogwarts; himself, George, and her. They were inseparable. The three did everything together, and the only time they really were apart was when they had to head off into their separate dormitories for the night. As they got older, Fred started to view her as more of a friend. Though if someone was to ask him when he started feeling that way, he couldn't give an answer. Fondness turned into adoration, friendliness turned into flirtatiousness, and friendship turned into a crush. Though Fred never did anything about it throughout his schooling years. He thought she didn't like him in that way, and whilst being bound in the agonising friend-zone hurt him, he respected her decision and just wanted to get happy.
Though, there was still never a day where he looked at her and didn't think she was beautiful. There was never a day when he didn't want to gather her in his arms and never let go of her. There was never a day where he didn't want to pull her closer by the belt-loops on her trousers and kiss her until they were breathless. Sometimes George teased him about how whipped he was, though instead of getting offended he just agreed. He most definitely was whipped, but he loved it.
When the twins had left Hogwarts to start up their shop, Y/N had remained at the school to finish off her year and complete her exams. And whilst the twins - but mostly Fred - missed her horribly for those months - on the day after the summer she'd finished school before, she turned up at the door of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, asking for a job. And since that point on, it was like they were at school again. They were inseparable. And Fred was more in love with her than ever before.
Though he had never felt more in love with her than he did one early Sunday morning. The shop was closed for some maintenance that was being done, so whilst George was snoozing in his apartment, Fred and Y/N had gone out for breakfast at a muggle café in London. They had already eaten all of their food and were waiting for the check so that they could leave. In that moment Y/N was laughing at something that Fred had said, and he just looked over at her with such adoration and love, only one thought going through his mind.
"I bloody love this woman."
We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached
But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then
Fred could remember the night before that morning so clearly. He couldn't get it out of his head, the way she looked in his bed, clothes discarded over the bedroom floor and her hair splayed out over his pillow, whispering his name breathily as she pulled him impossibly closer. He would die a happy man if that was his last thought. She was just so beautiful, simply the thought of it made butterflies swirl in his stomach and a fond smile to sweep across his lips.
The night before hadn't been planned. At first she had just been coming over Fred's place for dinner as George was busy on his own date with Angelina, though the atmosphere between them was so different that night. Y/N kept shifting in her seat the whole dinner, and whenever they made eye contact, it was intense. Intense in a way that it had never been before. He couldn't remember what he had said to her, but after the dinner was over she flung herself at him mid-conversation and kissed him with a passion that he didn't realise she had.
"Please." She had whined through the kiss, both of them stumbling through the hallway towards Fred's bedroom. "Just tonight, Freddie. No strings attached."
And whilst the promise of no strings attached stung a little, the attraction and lust that had filled him in that moment was undeniable.
Fred looked back up and across the table at Y/N, pulling himself out of the love-driven trance that he had found himself in. When he met her gaze he pulled a half-smile onto his lips when looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, and seeing the way she was looking at him.
She was looking at him the same way he looked at her multiple times a day. With such a fondness that his heart started racing in his chest and his palms became sweaty. 
She liked him back.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
Fred groaned as he rolled over in the bed and stretched his arm out for his lover, though felt nothing but pillows and the quilt, and not the beautiful girl who belonged there. He pat around the space another few times, just to make sure her frame really wasn't there, before pouting as he flipped over to lay on his back.
"Darling!" He groaned, and didn't miss the distinct giggle across the room from his lover. "Come back, I miss you too much. I can hear my heart breaking more and more with every moment that you're away."
"Stop being so dramatic, I'm just lighting a candle." She scoffed fondly, followed by the click of a lighter being lit.
"You left me to light a bloody candle?" Fred sat up and had to squint his eyes to see her in the dimly lit room. When he spotted her, stood on the other side of the room by their dresser with a now-lit candle, he couldn't help but smile despite the false annoyance he was trying to portray. She was stood there in just her underwear, her hair messy and a bit knotted, but to him she looked perfect. She caught his gaze across the room and sent him a wink, before shrugging her shoulders at his previously spoken statement.
"Hey, they smell nice. This is the one that reminds me of your mum's house." She explained with a soft smile as she put the lighter away in the top drawer of their dresser.
"Why? Because it's in an orange jar?" Fred joked with a small entertained smirk when he watched her roll her eyes.
"No." She giggled. "It smells like cinnamon, like her cooking whenever we go to visit them." 
Fred watched as she approached the bed with the candle in her hand, and waited until she had put it down on their bedside table before he smirked and moved his arms around her waist, tugging her into the bed.
"Fred!" She squealed, laughing once he had rolled them so he was leaning over her, his legs bracketing hers as his hands moved down to her waist to start tickling her. She only laughed harder, the noise making him smile fondly as he kept running his fingers across her ribs, pushing away her hands that made a futile attempt at getting him to stop. He kept at it until he could see that she was running out of breath, despite still laughing loudly. In one fluid movement he caught each of her wrists in one of his hands and pinned them above her head against the pillow, his other hand resting on her hip, his thumb brushing along the waistband of her underwear.
"I hate you." She groaned, a slight giggle in her words at the ghosting of his tickles. 
"No you dont." Fred smirked, looking down at her with a shit-eating grin. "You love me."
"Yeah, I guess I do." She sighed dramatically, just giggling when Fred had rolled his eyes at her dramatics.
"You guess?" Fred raised an eyebrow at her before lowering his head to her neck, leaving light kisses along the already marked skin. He felt her hands wiggle in his grip, though he kept her wrists pressed into the pillows.
"Mhm." She hummed, another quiet giggle leaving her lips. 
Fred just smirked against her neck before tilting his head a little, leaving open-mouthed kisses at the base of her throat instead. He felt an especially smug feeling wash over him when he heard her breath catch in her throat once he'd lightly sucked on the exposed skin there, her hands wriggling again.
"Still guess so?" He asked smugly against her neck, being answered with a quiet whine instead of a sarcastic remark.
"Freddie." She whined, pulling against his hand. "Stop being such a tease."
Fred only chuckled, pulling back from her neck to lift his head and meet her lips with his instead, breathing in her exhale once she had sighed into his mouth. "Sorry, love." He muttered, releasing her wrists to rest his hands on her hips, feeling her's immediately find a place in his fiery locks. "Can't help myself."
And on the Lower East Side you're dancing with me now
And I'm taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall
One of her favourite things to do was dance. She danced all the time; when she was working, when she was cooking, when she was getting changed. She was always in such a good mood, it was astonishing to him that one person could hold so much happiness in them. Which was why it was so obvious to Fred when she was in a bad mood. She became very quiet, and almost drained.
Fred noticed this when he came home from work on one of the days she had off, and noticed her sat on the sofa with their cat Percy (Fred thought that naming their cat after his older brother was an absolutely hilarious idea, especially since Percy hated cats) still in her pyjamas, which was odd because even if she wasn't going anywhere she would still get dressed for the day.
She greeted him when he had come home, looking over at him as he took his shoes off with a small smile, and Fred could definitely tell that something was wrong when the smile didn't quite meet her eyes as it usually did.
"Hey, love." Fred said softly as he walked into the room, moving to crouch in front of her and gently took her hands. "Are you alright?"
Y/N sighed, shrugging as she looked down at their hands. "I had an argument with my mum this morning when she called. And we just never really argue a lot, so it kind of upset me a bit."
Fred frowned and let go of her hands to wrap his arms around her waist, standing with her so they could hug properly. "I'm sorry, darling." He said softly, leaving a kiss against her hairline as he held her tighter when feeling her grip on him tighten. 
They kept stood like that for a while in silence, with Fred leaving kisses against whatever part of her he could reach as he gently rubbed her back, trying to offer whatever sort of comfort he could give her that would make her feel even just a little bit better. He noticed that as the minutes passed her grip on him subtly got looser and looser, until she was simply holding him normally.
After a few minutes Fred pulled away from the hug with a soft smile, and leaned down to her height so he could press a soft kiss against her lips, and couldn't help but feel a bit better when he felt her smile against his lips. When he'd pulled away she smiled at him softly and pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek, before returning to her spot on the sofa beside Percy, who was now asleep.
Though she still didn't look too happy, so after a moment of thought Fred smiled and moved across the room to their muggle CD player - an invention that she had introduced to him a few months back, and since then had loved it so much to be collecting muggle CDs of music that he liked. He found one of their favourite CDs to listen to together and put the disk in before he turned back towards Y/N as the music started floating across the room.
"Could you do me the honour of dancing with me, my love?" Fred bowed before her with one hand stretched out towards her, his words spoken in an over-the-top posh accent.
"Of course, my darling." She giggled, taking his hand and letting him pull her out of her seat to the middle of the room.
Fred's hands fell to rest on her waist as her arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders, the two of them swaying to the music together as they kept each other held close. Her head leaned to rest against his chest and she sighed softly, before Fred felt her relax against him. They danced for a while, long enough and peacefully enough for the rest of the world to blur away, and to just be left with the two of them there, the music a beautiful ambience in the background as the two swayed together lovingly.
"I love you, Freddie." She whispered softly, tilting her head to look at him with an expression that made him melt.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He leaned down to capture her soft lips with his own, a warm feeling bubbling in his stomach at the simplest touch from her.
Once he had pulled away, he removed one of his hands from her waist and reached to take one of her's instead, his smile growing as he gently spun her twice. Y/N giggled as she spun, falling back into Fred's chest with a light laugh as her hand gently squeezed his. Their dancing soon became almost silly, with her trying to spin Fred a few times - which was only successful when Fred helped her out by ducking since he was a considerable amount taller than her - and Fred dipping Y/N whenever a song ended. They ended up dancing for so long that before they knew it the album had ended. At the end of the song Fred dipped Y/N which caused her to giggle and smile at him - an expression that always made him fall in love with her all over again. Instead of letting her back up he leaned down with her to kiss her instead, smiling against her lips when she had wrapped both arms around his shoulders to pull herself closer and deepen the kiss.
By the evening, when the light outside was a beautiful orange glow that cast an amazing light through their windows, they were both in the bedroom, wrapped up in each other's embrace underneath the sheets.
"Freddie." Y/N whispered, only getting a hum from the man who had his face pressed against the soft skin of her neck, his arms wrapped around her gently. "I need to get up, I'm staying at my sister's to help with the baby."
Fred groaned, holding onto her tighter which made her giggle as she lightly slapped his shoulder. "Come on, please? I can't be late, you know what she's like."
Fred sighed heavily though despite his reluctance to let her go he unwound his arms from her waist and rolled over, pouting when she had turned to look at him, whereas she just giggled quietly at his expression before getting out of bed. 
"I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, love. We've got that double date with George and Angelina, remember?"
Though Fred wasn't really listening to her, instead his attention was her moving around the room to get her underwear, his eyes never leaving her body as she put them on. He sat up when she'd walked past the wall parallel to the window which had flowers painted over it, holding a hand up, despite her still only in her underwear. "Hold still for a moment."
"Fred, I really need to-"
"No no no, it'll only take a moment." Fred searched the draw of his bedside table for a moment before he smiled as he pulled out what he had been looking for - a polaroid camera. It had been a gift from one of their muggle friends the previous christmas, and Fred had been obsessed with it since they had gotten it. He took every opportunity to take a photo of her, and that was a lot of the time.
"Fred, I look awful." She groaned.
"Awfully gorgeous, my love, now stand still for a moment, will you?" He asked, smiling when she had sighed though leaned against the wall and kept still. He raised the camera to his eye, a fond smile crossing his lips at the beauty he was met with - the orange glow of the evening light casting over her exposed skin, making her look like an angel. "Beautiful." He complimented once he had snapped the picture, watching as it was printed at the top of the camera.
"Thank you." She smiled almost bashfully. "Can I get dressed now, love?"
Think I like you best when you're dressed in black from head to toe
Think I like you best when you're just with me
And no one else
Fred always thought she was beautiful. The word ugly or unattractive just wasn't in his vocabulary whenever she was around. Every outfit looked good on her, every colour looked good on her - though his favourite colour on her had to be black. To Fred, it was the colour that made her features stand out the most. It made her eyes seem brighter than ever before. It made her hair shine and almost glow whenever it was under any sort of light. It made every beauty mark and freckle stand out. It made him fall in love with her even more, if that were possible. 
Though Y/N didn't always see that, and for the life of him Fred couldn't understand why. She was so beautiful and he thought that it was so obvious, but to her it wasn't.
"Freddie?" She had asked him once from their bedroom, whilst he had been in the kitchen cooking dinner. "Can you come in here for a moment? I need to ask you something."
Fred frowned, noticing almost a hint of nervousness in her voice, though he was almost stunned when he walked into the bedroom and saw what she was wearing. She was dressed in a vintage style button-down  black dress, that had a neckline that dipped down low enough so that he could see her collarbones and the top part of her chest, and was short enough so that he could see above her knees to her mid-thigh.
"Do you think this looks alright?" She asked, looking at herself in their bedroom mirror, turning to different angles as she frowned at herself critically. "I got it for that party we're going on but I'm not too sure about it."
Fred shook his head, moving over to stand behind her and moved his arms around her waist, tucking her head underneath his chin as he met her gaze in the mirror. "You look beautiful, darling." He said softly, gently squeezing her in his hold. "You could never look anything less than gorgeous, okay?" 
He watched as she smiled bashfully and nodded her head, looking at herself in the mirror again as she leaned against him. "Thank you, Freddie."
"It's no problem, love." He smiled softly, leaning down to press a gentle kiss against her neck as she closed her eyes and sighed in content.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
Fred groaned as he collapsed back onto the bed, watching as Y/N moved across the room to light a few of the many candles she had collected over time. "You're not leaving me for those bloody candles again, are you?" He huffed, watching her, in nothing but her underwear, light the candles like he'd seen her do many times.
"Hey!" She whined, pouting as she turned to look down at him. "Candles are romantic. And they smell nice."
"I'm romantic and I smell nice, what's your point?" He asked with a small smirk, only getting a scoff in return. "Darling come back, I want you now." He groaned overdramatically, flopping back over the bed with a loud sigh.
"You have a left hand, don't you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "Use it if you're that impatient." She giggled when turning and seeing his bewildered expression, as he had definitely not expected that sentence to leave her mouth so casually.
"Okay, that's it." Fred moved to get up and crossed the bedroom to be standing behind her, before he wound his arms around her waist and picked her up.
"Fred!" She giggled the complaint as he carried her across the bedroom towards the bed. "No wait, I didn't finish lighting the candles!"
He simply ignored her and gently tossed her onto the bed, which caused her to laugh a lot harder as he got onto the bed and situated himself over her.
"Oh yeah, that's terribly romantic, Freddie." She teased with another giggle as she pushed some of his hair out of his eyes.
"Oh, just shut up and kiss me, will you?"
And I'm kissing you lying in my room
Holding you until you fall asleep
Fred adored every single aspect of being with Y/N. He could spend the whole day in one of her hugs, or dancing with her, or even just talking with her. And maybe he was a little biased considering he loved her to the moon and back anyways, but everything about her just pulled him in deeper and deeper, like a siren leading a sailor into the deep dark waters. Though one of his favourite moments with her was probably when they shared lazy kisses, whether that was first thing in the morning or the last thing at night. If it was the latter, then that usually entailed after-sex kisses, which Fred adored as much as the sex itself. There was nothing better than soft and light kisses after deep and passionate ones had been shared.
Y/N sighed into Fred's mouth as he rolled them over so she was underneath him, peppering her flushed and sweaty skin with light kisses once he had pulled away, nothing in contrast to what he had previously been leaving against her skin.
"I love you." Fred whispered against her pink cheek, before tilting his head to capture her lips in a soft and gentle kiss, despite it's lightness, still managed to take Fred's breath away.
"I love you too." She smiled softly, and when Fred pulled away enough to look at her he could see her eyes were half closed, and he could see how tired she was.
In one careful movement Fred rolled off of her and curled his arm around her waist, pulling her smaller frame into his larger one so her back would be flush against his chest. He felt her body relax against his as he pulled the covers over the both of them, and tightened his arm around her waist subtly.
"Night Freddie." She whispered, her eyes closing when Fred had left a gentle kiss against her exposed shoulder.
"Goodnight, darling." He whispered, leaving another kiss against her skin before relaxing against the pillows, holding her until she fell asleep.
And it's just as good as I knew it would be
Stay with me I don't want you to leave
Fred often found himself staying up longer than Y/N, though he loved those moments he got to admire her beauty in it's rawest form. He thought she was absolutely stunning, inside and out, and really couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the rest of his life with. Of course, back in Hogwarts when he was crushing on her like crazy, he often imagined what it would be like to be with her intimately. He imagined late night walks by the lake, candlelit dinners, late nights up talking. He had thought at that moment in time that nothing could possibly be better than that. Though he was so so wrong, because the real thing was so much better. She was so much better than whatever version of her he had imagined. Sure, she was probably the best friend he could have asked for in Hogwarts, though her friendship was absolutely nothing compared to her love.
That was one of many reasons why in the bottom of Fred's bedside table was a small red velvet box in, with a small silver diamond ring in. He wanted her to be his forever and he wanted to be her's. He never wanted her to leave.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
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