#she took my drawings and made them even gayer!
trashsketch · 1 year
thanks for tagging me @sunlightslastglimmer for my top ten books list!!! it's taken me two months sorry HAHA cause I didn't read as much as I would've liked until my vacation started, but I have recommendations and i love introducing them and will never shut up about the things i love :>
The Nameless City trilogy by Faith Erin Hicks (rereading it recently with the other two volumes I snagged at TCAF was amazing!)
Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer (watching the movie first scared me cause I don't do well with horror, but the horror aspect of this is one that lingers and isn't just all jump scares. It's the existentialism of it all that captivates me much more, happy to say that the book gives more of that)
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (SO GOOD, I CANT RECOMMEND THIS ENOUGH. Changed my life, made me cry, made me even more gay than before. i want to draw fanart SO BAD)
Stories of Your Life by Ted Chiang (it's a compilation of many short stories from Chiang in the early 2000s, and it's hard for me to name favourites cause they are all very strong and they all have wonderful ways of linking different sciences to philosophy concepts)
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (it took me many years to finally finish this book but it's a good journey, Doerr's writing is prose-like and I enjoy the melody of it)
the Captive Prince trilogy by C S Pacat (so gay. truly unparalleled problematic enemies to lovers. I would say to go into this with the mindset that you're going to be upset, but from what little I've seen of game of thrones this book series has content matter that's p much is about the same level of brutal-ness as GOT at times)
the Witch Hat Atelier series by Shirahama Kanome (Shirahama's art style is my ideal, and everything about this series captures the feelings of aspiring artists so well, and successfully weaves it all into a wonderful tale that is just as attention grabbing even on my second reread)
Queer Ducks by Elliot Scrafer (changed my life, made me gayer :) please read it for good gay science)
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (changed my life too, made me love triangle polycules forever. I love that Xiran wrote this book out of spite and wrote the best girl to support women's wrongs)
The Sweetness At the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley (the Flavia de Luce series has been a longtime favourite of mine, I should really keep up with the newer books that have been coming out, but here's my pitch: if you love young girl detectives who are stubborn as hell and live for danger, this is the book for you. The protag loves poisons and I love that she has an unhinged interest towards mortality and biochemical murder methods)
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mooncat457writing · 2 years
The Not Backup Date
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Written for Fictober 2022 (@fictober-event​​)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Ship: Wolfstar
Rating: T 
Prompt: 1. “I chose you.” Remus asks Sirius an important question about the Yule Ball.
“Hey, Padfoot?”
Sirius looked up from the Marauders’ Map, and a smile lit up his face at the sight of Remus standing in front of the fireplace. “Moony, did you finish your rounds already?”
“Yeah, Lily and I just got back.”
“Merlin, I must have gotten really into the map. I didn’t even realize how late it was.” Sirius chuckled, and Remus joined, although it sounded a little forced. “Well, we should probably get to bed.” Sirius started to stand, but Remus blurred out a frantic, “Wait,” making him stop.
“Um, wait, before you go upstairs….” Remus shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Do you think we could talk for a second?”
Sirius frowned. “Is everything alright?”
Remus looked down at his feet. “Yeah, everything is fine. I just need—I want to run something by you.”
Sirius patted the seat next to him on the couch. Remus took the seat but kept his gaze focused away from Sirius, this time focusing on his clasped fingers in his lap.
Sirius studied him for a long moment. Remus was often quiet. It’s what made him so good at pranks; no one ever suspected him when he was the mastermind. However, even in his quietest moments, he usually carried himself with a certain level of ease and confidence that never failed to draw Sirius in. At least, after their second year, he had. Up until then, he’d been jumpy and a little withdrawn. Still fun and mischievous, but guarded. Not unlike the Remus sitting in front of Sirius now. This Remus was nervous, and if he was nervous, something was wrong.
“Are you sure everything is alright?” Sirius asked gently. He wanted to reach out and take Remus’ hand so he would stop fraying the edges of his jumper—and just hold his hand if he was being honest—but he didn’t. “Did something happen on rounds?”
Remus glanced up. He worried at his lower lip, and Sirius suppressed a groan. If he only knew how crazy that drove him…
“No. No, nothing happened on rounds,” Remus said quickly. “I wanted to talk to you about the Yule Ball.”
“What about it?”
“Do you have a date?”
Sirius shook his head. “Nah, a few girls asked, but I didn’t think it’d be right to say yes and lead them on, knowing it would never go anywhere.” When Sirius started dating Gideon last year, the whole school assumed he was bi since he had also dated Marlene the year before. Since he was still at Grimmauld Place and could spin it to Walburga and Orion that he could still technically produce an heir, he let the assumption go uncorrected. But Remus and the rest of the Marauders knew he was only attracted to blokes—and Marlene since they had figured out together after three months of dating that they were both gayer than Christmas. Now that he was no longer living at Grimmauld Place, he didn’t need to keep up appearances, but he couldn’t quite feel arsed enough to come out all over again.
“Right.” Remus stared back at his hands. “Would you want to go together, then?”
Sirius knew Remus was likely asking him as a backup date or as a friend, but his stomach flipped all the same. “If you’re worried about not having a date, you don’t have to worry about it. I heard from Marls that Mary was planning on asking you.”
“No, I—“ Remus’ cheeks flushed. “She did ask. I said no.”
“I thought you liked Mary,” Sirius said.
“I do. As a friend.”
“And she didn’t want to go as just friends?”
“No, she did. That’s why she asked me. After her breakup with Benjy, she doesn’t want to rush into anything new,” Remus explained.
Sirius furrowed his brow. “Then why not go with her? What’s the difference between going with her as just a friend versus me as just a friend?”
Remus looked up at that and gave him an exasperated look. “I’m asking you to be my date.”
“Right,” Sirius said, also exasperated now. “Your backup friend date in case you can’t find a real date.”
“No, Sirius—I’m asking you to be my date.” He emphasized the last word. “My real date.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Clearly. And to think Lily spent half of our rounds giving me a pep talk because I was nervous you’d say no,” Remus said dryly. “I’m not asking you to go with me as a backup or as just a friend. I’m asking you to go with me because I fancy you and want to date you.”
“Why do I fancy you?”
Sirius nodded, unable to speak.
“I swear to Merlin, Padfoot if you are just fishing for compliments—“
“I’m not,” Sirius said in a rush. And he really wasn’t. Because as much as he had dreamed of hearing Remus say those words to him, it was always just that—a dream. In reality, it didn’t make sense. “You’re cute and smart and kind and funny. You could choose anyone you wanted.”
“Okay, well, no, I really can’t. But even if I could, I chose you—“
“Why would you want me, though? An impulsive, selfish result of centuries of inbreeding who has no idea what it means to actually love another person because I’ve got a family of sociopaths.”
“And I’m a werewolf,” Remus countered. “Yes, you are impulsive and occasionally selfish, and your biological family may be a bunch of sociopaths save Regulus, Andromeda, and your Uncle Alphard. Still, you absolutely know what it looks like to love another person. You obviously love Prongs and his parents.”
“And I love you, but that’s different.” Sirius ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I know I’m capable of feeling love; I just have no idea how to show it. I don’t know what a healthy relationship looks like.”
“You became an illegal animagus on the off chance it might make my transformations easier,” Remus said.
“So did James and Peter.”
“Yes, but I know it was your idea.” Remus smiled softly. “I know you spent nearly all of our third year in the library trying to figure out ways to help me before you even thought to clue in James and Peter. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more loved in my entire life than I did when I saw your mangy black dog for the first time and knew what it meant.”
“I’m not mangy,” Sirius mumbled.
They didn’t speak for a long moment, then Remus finally broke the silence. “So, are you going to answer my question? Because the waiting is kind of killing me.”
Sirius locked eyes with him, and although he was terrified of absolutely mucking things up, he nodded. “Yeah, I’d love to be your date.”
The smile that broke across Remus’ face was blinding, and if he hadn’t been sitting, Sirius might have gone weak in the knees. “I should probably warn you that I’m a terrible dancer.”
“I know. I’ve seen you in McGonagall’s lessons.” Sirius grinned, then in a moment of Gryffindor courage, he reached over to take Remus’ hand in his. “Luckily, I’m graceful enough for the both of us.”
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siro-cyll · 5 years
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More with Ford and the merfolk/Siren. And another journal entry written by @rosenth0rne!
It has been several weeks since my first initial contact with the merfolk of the lake and I have done all that I can to establish some form of communication with them. There seems to be no sign of a native language which leads me to believe there is none as I have not discovered any other merfolk in the area. The one I am currently working with may be very much alone.
Before I came to this realization, I had been referring to the creature as ‘Siren’, believing them to be of the variant. Regardless, I’m keeping it.
My second attempt entailed getting as much fish food as I could at the local pet store, setting up a base where Siren had brought me back to shore, and yelling at the top of my lungs ‘HERE FISHY FISHY FISHY’ to see if it would answer. This resulted in me getting splashed in the face with a large wave. I am fairly certain I was slapped in the face with a large lake fish that was caught up within that wave. When I recovered, I noticed an icy glare from the water and the merfolk swam off with a cold shoulder. I may or may not have insulted them. Siren may understand more than I anticipated.
My third attempt had to be delayed due to a fishing competition on the lake. I began to panic. What if Siren was caught? What if one of the hooks hurt them? I fished out (pun intended) my second journal and found a storm spell that I had archived earlier this year. In my haste, I jumbled up the words in a way I cannot recount and watched as storm clouds gathered overhead. The substance that came down in heavy drops was not water, but a deep red color reminiscent of blood. I watched in horror as the fishermen screamed, scrambled off the lake, and back to shelter. It was then that I slowly closed my journal, turned on my heel and hastily retreated back to the cabin before anyone became the wiser. Siren is probably laughing their tail off. This was not one of my finest moments.
Attempt number… honestly, I lost count… The blood rain made it difficult to try anything. The forest rangers were keeping people away from the lake with an investigation of what the blood was. I was threatened with arrest on the third attempt to make it to the lakeside so I had to abandon seeing if Siren was okay or even there at all.
Once all the blood had been washed away by normal rain and the forest rangers got their unmentionables unwadded and left, I made it back out onto the lake, this time with a basket of food. Whole, dead fish for Siren and a sandwich for me. I was also prepared to go into the water with swim trunks. This attempt was going to play on the creature’s curiosity. I was going to pretend I was distressed over bringing too much food as loudly as possible to see if I could catch Siren’s attention. Apparently, the creature was in the area already because they popped their head up out of the water after the first call. Success!
It did take some coaxing to get Siren to come over to me but in the end, they relented and we ended up having lunch together. Siren lifted themselves out of the water and sat with me on the pier when they felt comfortable enough. I was ecstatic! I was able to see more of the creature. The shape and color of their scales, how their fins mimic human hair along the top of their head, the details along its body- though now that I’m writing this, I have come to the realization that I may have been staring in a way that would have gotten the daylights slapped out of me in any other situation.
Siren constantly looked over their shoulders the entire time while they were out of the water but calmed down over time. I did most of the talking, trying to find ways for them to understand me but all they did was stare at me with those large vibrant gold eyes against a sea of black and that cute little smile of theirs. While they can’t talk, the trills they make while trying to communicate is absolutely adorable. I can’t help but smile. Oh, dear Tesla, I’m falling for a fish. Is that even possible?
After lunch, Siren dove back into the water and tried to coax me in to follow them. Without a second thought, I began to take my shirt off, explaining that I had already anticipated going into the water. The idea of possibly being lured to my death via drowning did not occur to me at that point. Looking back now, Siren could have very well killed me for that “Fishy” attempt. I jumped into the water and I’m pretty sure I heard ‘COLD’ echoing off the cliffs around us in my voice which made me grin sheepishly. Hopefully, no one heard that. 
Siren swam up to me and I felt a strange jolt in my chest as they took my hand and pulled me further out into the lake. I must have been grinning like an idiot the entire time considering my face hurt once we had made it to the middle. This was absolutely amazing! My face fell when I noticed Siren looking below them as if searching for something beneath the water. Before I could ask, they grinned, looked at me and pointed directly below them and dove under, only to come back up to see if I understood them. They wanted me to dive down and follow them. Gladly!
We swam for what felt like ten or fifteen minutes. During that time, we had entered a small cave at the bottom of the lake where it was pitch black. Siren had to guide me from there on since I did not bring any glow sticks with me. I had not anticipated anything like this. Twice, I felt them lift me up to what had to be an air pocket so I could breathe and gather air once more. They seemed to respond to my hand squeezing theirs when I was ready to do something or if I needed something. On the third trip, just before I needed to squeeze their hand again, we resurfaced. 
Once I gathered myself, I looked around. My jaw dropped. Siren had brought me to a bioluminescence cave that had to be somewhere under the town. Caves like those are rare in freshwater, which makes me wonder if whatever was causing the bioluminescence was normal glow worms and their larvae or was it something only native to Gravity falls?! I slicked back my hair in excitement. I must have been rambling for ten minutes straight before I realized that Siren’s eyes glowed too as they watched me in silent comfort. In that instance, the radiance of the cave had paled in comparison.
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nonagesimus · 4 years
sam/jess/brady in the rhps verse (but doesn't have to be rhps related)
anon? i love you. i’m so invested in this verse that very few people care about. this one IS going under a cut since it got a little excessive. the rhps fic, for anyone who would like context.
It wasn’t like Dean had timed it out or anything.
This wasn’t that kind of movie. No long keeping track of days, no semi-stalking. He just maybe had looked up whenabouts Stanford’s commencement ceremony was going to be. And maybe the date had stuck in his head. And then there was a classic salt and burn in Gilroy, and that was so close, so. It wasn’t like it was out of his way, is all.
The figure that crossed the stage when the name Sam Winchester was called was far too tall, beaming like pure sunlight, and as he walked into the group of graduates was immediately mobbed by a pair of blondes.
They were still pinned to his sides when Dean found him in the crowd of families and students afterwards.
“-rents get to argue about who’s taking us to dinner tonight,” guy-blonde was saying as Dean approached, tugging at Sam’s gown like he was straightening it.
Girl-blonde, tucked under Sam’s arm in a way that made Dean think girlfriend for sure, said, “That or one of us calls dibs on Sam and the other one goes solo. Rock, paper, scissors?”
“I’m not supporting that.” It was the first thing Dean had heard his baby brother say in over four years, and the bottom of his stomach went somewhere six feet down.
So, yeah, Dean wasn’t even paying attention to which of the blondes was talking, let alone what they were saying, as he got closer. Close enough to see the moment Sam saw him. Watched the smile slide off his face in favour of blank shock. Watched his spine go poker-straight which, yeah, the kid had gotten way taller than Dean remembered him being and he hated it just a little bit. Whatever conversation that had been happening died out completely. Dean stopped a few feet away.
“Hey Sammy.”
“Dean,” Sam said, and both blondes got a little more tense. “What are you doing here?”
“You think I was gonna miss your graduation,” he said, with a lot more confidence than he was feeling, and his douchiest grin.
The douche part apparently came across, because guy-blond muttered, “Oh, fuck off,” before turning to Sam. “This is your brother?”
Girl-blonde said, “Brady,” in a vaguely warning tone, and guy-blond said, “Jess,” sugar-sweet.
Which, at least now Dean knew their names.
“Yeah,” Sam said, still with his eyes fixed. “This is my brother, Dean.”
“Cool,” Brady drawled, folding his arms and stepping forward so he was standing between them. “Nice of you to show when you never call.”
Sam said, “Brady,” in the same tone Jess had before.
And Dean knew, he was not actually an idiot so he absolutely knew, that picking a fight with Sam’s friends was the stupidest thing he could choose to do at that particular moment, but his hackles were already up. “You got something to say about it?”
By his face Brady definitely did, but Sam said his name again, this time with a hand on his arm to draw him back. “It’s ok, just- Give us a minute ok. Go talk to your parents.”
Brady scoffed, showed no sign of leaving, but he did hang back with Jess when Sam walked off a bit of a distance, gesturing Dean after him.
“Nice to know you have such a good guard dog,” Dean said.
Sam sighed, folding his arms. “Why are you here, Dean? Why now?”
“It’s your graduation,” Dean said. “I know I didn’t go to college, but I know that’s a big deal.”
Sam just stared, eyebrows slightly raised, and that? That was new. Four years ago Dean would’ve had the chops to wait Sam out, even if it was only just. Apparently normal life had mellowed Sam out a little. Or maybe Dean was just a little on edge.
“I don’t know, Sam,” he said. “I just… Thought I’d come see what you were planning to do next.”
There was a terrible understanding look that crossed Sam’s face. His whole posture changed. “That’s- that’s really it isn’t it?” He shook his head, disbelieving. “You came to see if I got this all out of my system and I’m ready to come hunting again.”
“Hey, no,” Dean said, looking over his shoulder and seeing Brady straighten and turn towards them. “No, that’s not why I came. I just want to know, ok?”
He could tell from the set of his jaw that Sam didn’t believe him, but he wasn’t going to fight him on it. It was good enough. “Law school,” he said. “Still here. I got a full ride.”
“That’s- I guess congratulations are in order?” Dean said. “Let me take you out for a drink. Your friends too, I kind of feel like they’ll follow us anyway.”
“Probably,” said Sam, turning to head back towards the pair of them.
As they walked back, Dean did get the chance to pick on something that had been sticking out to him. “So, what’s with the earrings, trying to look like a younger, gayer George Michael?”
And they must have been within earshot, because Brady’s expression flashed venemous, before he turned to greet Sam with the words, “Everything ok, babe?” and a peck on the lips.
And Sam accepted it. Braced a hand on Brady’s waist and stayed close. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
So that. Was something. Dean cleared his throat, tried to move on. “We were gonna go get a drink and catch up,” he said. “If you two wanted to tag along.”
And yes, they did, both splitting off briefly to relocate their parents and confirm plans for later on, and then they were back. Apparently they took some time to make a plan as well, because when they made the decision to drag Dean to a bar within walking distance Sam and Brady pulled ahead and Jess walked with Dean.
“Big move, showing up on graduation day out of no where,” she said, aggressively cheerful.
“Sure,” Dean said, straining despite himself to hear the conversation Brady and Sam were having ahead of them.
Sam’s arm was slung around Brady’s shoulders, and Brady’s was around Sam’s waist, so they weren’t talking loud, but Dean thought he caught Brady saying, “-so sorry-“.
“You wanna talk about your decision making process there, hot shot?” Jess asked.
The phrase, “-not hiding either-“ drifted back in Sam’s voice.
“Not really,” Dean said. Maybe he should’ve been playing nicer.
“Cool,” Jess said, drawing out the vowel so the word could be a sentence. Then she turned so she was standing in front of Dean and stopped walking, meeting his eyes with an expression that made it clear that she was just as angry as Brady seemed to be. “I need you to know that he’s been doing fucking awesome without you. And if you’ve pulled your head out of your ass far enough to be his brother again, that’s great, but you better not hurt him again.”
And Dean should’ve brushed it off. Should have said, “Sure,” or “Or what?” or any number of ways he could dismiss an implicit threat from some college girl. Maybe he didn’t have as much control over himself as he thought he did, because what he said was, “He’s the one that left.”
“Sure,” Jess said, voice scathing. “That’s how that works.” Then she’d turned and jogged to catch up with the others, tucking herself under Sam’s free arm and leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. Dean followed. Kept his distance for a little while. Until they got to a bar and settled into a booth.
He’d kind of hoped to regain to equilibrium in the bar. Kind of hoped eighteen years together would trump whatever dynamic Sam had built up with these two in Dean’s absence, that it’d be easy. They were family, after all. Instead it just rubbed in that as far as Dean was concerned the last four years of Sam’s life were a blank slate. That he’d done much, much more than just gotten taller, and Dean was pretty sure he was the same person he’d been when Sam had walked out that door. It wasn’t that it was awkward, he’d always been able to front, and Sam at least made an effort to include him.
He managed to get them to the pool tables, and that made things little easier. Gave him something to focus on. The familiar feel of a cue in his hands, the crack when the balls impacted. And it gave him the smugness of winning - no need to play dumb because, as tempting as it was, if he tried to hustle Sam’s boyfriend he didn’t think Sam would appreciate it. But he was winning, at least until he noticed Jess leaning to kiss Brady in the corner of his vision and missed a really easy shot, and Sam took the opportunity to clean up the whole rest of the table.
None of them acted like anything at all was up, and eventually Dean had to take a cigarette break and Sam followed him out.
“How’s dad?” he asked. Tentative, like he wasn’t quite sure of his footing.
“Fine,” Dean said. “Think he’s chasing werewolves in Louisiana right now.” There was a pause. “This whole thing with- you and Brady, and Brady and Jess…” He trailed off.
There was a touch of a smirk on Sam’s face. “Yeah?”
“I don’t have any idea what’s going on in your life, do I?” Dean asked.
It got a him a real smile. “No, no you don’t,” Sam said. “Look, they- they’re not your biggest fans. But if you do want to know what’s going on in my life, I’d like you to.”
“Yeah,” Dean said, voice suddenly rough. “Yeah- I’d. That’d be cool.”
“I missed you, Dean,” Sam said, quieter.
A big chunk of Dean desperately wanted to tell him they didn’t need a chick-flick moment, but that chunk was a big part of why he hadn’t spoken to his baby brother in four years, so instead he forced himself past in the lump in his throat to say, “I missed you too.”
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leeknow-bestboy · 4 years
If You Close One Eye - Chapter One
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Ships: Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know, Bang Chan/Yang Jeongin | I.N, If you really squint you can notice Lix is into Binnie, Hyunjin was into everyone once
Characters: All the kids, The ex kid isn't here I edited him out, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Trigger warnings: panic attack, ptsd, original character death, homophobia, original character cheating, descriptive imagery.
Word count: 5277
Chapter: 1/?
Next chapter 
Tags: Murder Mystery, amateur detective minho, Soulmates, not your typical soulmate AU, Alternate Universe - College/University, Slow Burn, Slow Build, good things take time let it slowburn, minho is singlehandedly responsible for the slow burn so blame him, no soulmates in this universe only they are, criminology student minho, art student jisung, POV Third Person, chan deserves better and he does indeed get better don't worry, art references please look stuff up, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, best sibling bond ever.
"If you close one eye, you can see what your soulmate sees"
Born with one eye an unnatural golden color, Minho and Jisung have been forced to cover them up with colored lenses in order to blend into society.
The magic to their eyes? Even they still didn't know.
This is the story of how criminology major and dance minor Lee Minho found himself hopelessly in love with the serial killer, local artist Han.
[Alternatively, let's see how long I can make these two dumbasses pine without one of them snapping. Edit: they finally did]
[Also WARNING: a HUGE amount of Jeongchan ahead, it's not subtle at all! So much fluff--]
As per usual, the playground was packed; children of all ages ran wild, squalling and laughing like the little menaces they were- all of them avoiding a short kid who couldn't be older than five, seated at the very end of the sandbox and holding back tears of offense and loneliness.
It's not that he got bullied, he wasn't. His mom raised a tough kid who'd bite back when he's bit, but no one would play with him now. Not with how he looks, they'd rather scream and run.
Five year olds shouldn't worry about that.
Rubbing his left eye- the good one, he could see a woman's shoulder and hair. Her smile, bright and comforting, wording out a song with no sound.
"Jisung!" His mother's voice rang aloud, recognizable and warm in the hostile environment.
"Baby," She called again, finding him and wrapping her son in her arms. For the moment, there was no strange woman- only his own mother.
Jisung sniffled. "I hate people." -These words that shouldn't be said by a child flowed so easily from his lips, as if it was the only reasonable conclusion.
"We need to talk about something" his mother's voice, once excited and lively sounded utterly defeated. Little did he know, it was the last time. Years of telling him he's perfect just the way he is, special and unique in a good way, definitely- have ended up making no difference in the end.
That day, he learned to put on contact lenses.
"I know you're upset about the divorce, but you have to accept that it happened."
The woman's voice, high pitched and unpleasant, drove Minho ever so slightly closer to the edge. By now he knew no adult in the world would ever take him seriously, so what was the point in sitting here and listening to her talk?
The woman pursed her lips, plump and telling of the many times they went under the scalpel. Tapping her foot, she hazily reminded Minho of his own mother when scolding was due.
"If you don't talk to me, that's fine. Nothing's going to change. I get paid by the hour you know, I can do this all day."
That being said, she was probably stressed- no therapist had ever gotten Minho to talk, he's been changing doctors since his hallucinations began, which adds to a little over three years now.
"Minho, I can't help you like this. Tell your mother I give up."
A sense of dread spread over the eight years old. Again, another adult doesn't get it. Another one giving up on him, leaving, and suddenly he wanted her to stay. Pretty badly he did, at the time.
"I don't care that my parents broke up, I've been seeing monsters all day"
The woman blinked, stunned into silence. At the tinge of tears he rubbed his right eye- and there it was, certain as ever; drawn with a sharpie, people with horns. In a moment, a pair of hands that weren't his took the drawing away and pulled out a new one, drawing harshly a sad smiley face.
Although he was a big boy, he cried right then, scared out of his mind and very confused. He cried so hard it almost slipped off- the contact lens hiding his mother's disgrace.
Looking up, the woman made no effort to comfort or dissolve his fright. Rather, she was scribbling down the whole ordeal. Taking notes, furiously assessing and picking him apart, she finished her analysis smugly and said,
"It's time we get you a prescription, my dear"
And that was definitely not the last of it.
Minho groaned lowly, alerting the speaker to the fact he's been woken from sleep.
"Minho oppa!" the voice persisted. Fully intent on hanging up, Minho side glanced at the caller id to make sure it wasn't important.
"Motherfucker!" the voice on the other end rose. From the corner of the bed Doongie meowed, alarmed.
"Freaking shrimp, what do you think you're calling your oppa?" He blurted. This isn't a call he should skip.
"Egg laying bastard! Answer me when I call you!" His sister's comforting voice trickled out.
"Gremlin twarp!"
"Whiny child!"
"Prune old man!"
"spoiled princess!"
"Mean hoe!"
"-!" Wheeze.
"I got you, you horrible gay bitch"
"We're both gay, Ryu" He threw back.
It's been a while since she last called.
"Well, you live alone, so I assume you're doing much gayer things than I can do at home."
Minho started, failing to hold back his horrified gasp. "Ryujin, you're eighteen!" He exclaimed. It seemed like yesterday she was still following him around, like some baby duckling.
"She's being mean Doongie, like you three don't count." He added, Ryujin electing to ignore his comment.
"How's dance going?" her tone changed, turning softer. For all their differences, dance for sure has always been something both loved and loved together. From copying idols on TV, to taking ballet and hiphop together, Jazz too.
"I'm not in college for dance and you know it" He groaned, immediately softening as well.
"I miss it a lot. I wish I could do more than minor in it.." On the other side of the call Ryujin hummed, understanding. She has always known his passion best.
"You're good at what you do too. You'd make a kickass detective." She claimed.
"I'm not taking criminology to be a detective." Why she had to be reminded was beyond him. If anything he aimed to be an officer, someone to tell kids off if they mess with the neighborhood cats.
"I'm just saying you could be!" She defended- which wasn't wrong, if he played job openings right. He did have a knack for picking apart mystery books too, but that was nothing out of the usual.
"How's grad life?" He asked with genuine interest. Nothing could ever matter to him more.
"I asked Chelle out, finally." She said, and Minho couldn't help but notice the edge evident in her voice.
"What happened? Did she let you down? Should I come over?" The questions left his lips before he could consider them, worry clouding over him.
"No, it's nothing like that. She said yes, but.. Yeah, oppa, I really wish you were here. I need to talk to you, face to face. Mom misses you too." She ended lamely. It was so unlike her, Minho couldn't find it in him to correct the fact that it was only Ryu's mom and not his.
"Tell her I'll be visiting tonight then, I'll go get ready." He said, fully intent on making the sudden drive over. It was only a two hour ride over to his father's, where Ryujin and his step mother lived too. If he headed out now, he could make it before dinner.
"Really? You don't have to, I know you hate it here-" Her attempts of taking it back wouldn't work once he set his mind to do something.
"Really really. I miss my stinky troll sister too," He insisted. No way was he leaving her be. The moment something felt off with her, he knew he had to go make sure she's fine; there aren't many things as precious in his life as she is.
"Dumbass," she relented, voice worryingly relieved. "I'll go tell mom."
He smiled, tapping his nail on the headboard, now sitting up at his bed. "Bye"
She huffed, pausing for a moment before giving her last reply. "Goodbye, oppa. I love you."
Minho sighed, leaning his forehead against the steering wheel.
For what little time he spent at his father's place, a surprising amount of bad memories were made. Up until his teen years he wouldn't even enter, and every time after that made for a rich history; first panic attack, first time breaking a leg falling down the stairs, coming out, taking Ryu to junior prom- door shut in his face that time, claiming she was grounded for beating up the neighbor's son. First time stung by a bee, and that weekend when his father's doberman puppy bit him in play, tore open his front lip and got sent to a dog pound despite his protest.
'Come on,' he thought. 'You can do this. Count to three-' and at three he did, opened his car door and walked up through the front gate.
"Minho! How lovely to see you." Smiled his step mom, a warm, if not a tad unnerving woman.
"Nice to so see you too. How have you been?" He asked, clean-cut manners kicking in. Dal and Byul had meanwhile made their way running over to the door, immediately rubbing against him with some level of desperation. He leaned down, rubbing Dal's small head.
"I've been well, your father too- that's right! Honey, come say hi to Minho." The short, lean woman called, still blocking the entrance to the oversized house and keeping Minho at the door. Whether this was on purpose shall forever remain a mystery- she did it every time.
"That brat has nothing to do in this house" His father's voice warmed over.
"Hi dad." He tried still, calling over the woman's shoulder. "Can I come in?"
Said obstacle smiled, moving aside at last. "Of course sweetie, Ryujin will be right over."
Taking that exchange for what it was, he made fast pace towards the kitchen. Avoiding his father has become a praised skill by now, a crucial one by all means.
"Dallie, Byulie, psps" he tried, pleased when both ran on over towards his outstretched hand. Two more allies at the ready.
Light steps cleared the remaining discomfort sullying his mood in short moments. "You!" A pair of arms tightened around his shoulders, prompting Minho to lift his little sister in a piggyback.
"You too!" He answered, relieved at feeling welcomed at last.
"I can't believe you actually came. Did you tell your mother you're over?" She asked, tactless as ever. He loves her a whole lot for that, too.
"She's not the boss of me, I'm twenty one" He announced, eyes closed in a content smile as his sister gently pet his hair like a cat.
"What about me? I'm almost nineteen, I wish I was free like you, Lino!" Exclaimed Ryujin, but really she didn't. There was a certain freedom gained from nobody caring about you that no one should be jealous of.
Letting her hop back onto the ground, Minho kept the smile on his face. She seemed fine, but he could tell better. Still, they couldn't talk before dinner- the pots and pans at the stovetop smelled just about ready, after all.
Instead he turned to face her, petting her head lovingly like she had his. "What's this? This tiny Ryuddaeng's nineteen? No way."
"Almost!" she growled. "Next month I'll be."
"Where have the times gone?" he questioned, shoving her playfully at the comments of "old man".
Dinner went as uncomfortably as expected, his father and he had behaved remarkably well- hadn't spoken a word to each other throughout. Minho ate neatly, made sure to compliment his step mother for every dish, and Ryujin helped by washing them after. All in all, it was successful unlike many dinners before.
Making way to the guest bedroom, Minho paused at the sight of his sister's door left slightly open. Right, yes- this would be a good time.
Knocking quietly, he waited for permission before entering and closing the door, waiting for Byul to enter alongside him. "Are you alright?"
Ryujin nodded, glancing up at him and back to the floor. He took that as a sign to take a seat down on her fancy dragon themed carpet.
"Are you really alright? Ryujin, I know we're not great communicators, but I'm still very worried. Is it dad?" At that his sister shook her head, taking a deep breath.
"Don't get mad, but I have a huge favor. You know Chelle, I swore I'll ask her out when I graduate and I did, but she…" Minho crossed and uncrossed his legs, chin finding its place resting on a knee. Byul purred, rubbing against it.
"She's missing. She's been missing for two weeks now, no one knows where she is." She explained, voice stern.
"I don't think she ran away, but her parents keep saying she did. She said nothing to me." She added, hoping he'd fill in the rest on his own.
"They're not filling in for missing person?" He asked, worry making his back stress and ace.
Ryujin nodded. "I know she's the bad girl type, but she wasn't into drugs and her friends seem fine. I keep trying to ask around but I can't, what if something serious happened?"
Minho nodded, realizing where he comes in. "You want me to investigate? See where that takes us?" He asked. For sure, that should be the police's job- but with her parents saying she ran away, would they even bother?
Ryujin kept quiet, eyes burning holes into Minho's. This was her crush, a big one- he's never liked Chelle, but now? If Ryujin cares that much… sure. It's not something he should be messing with legally, and a new project to be added atop his ever growing college work, but he'd do it for her. "Okay."
"Okay?" Ryujin asked back, relieved.
"Yes. I'll do it." He assured.
Ryujin's features softened farther, mouth breaking into a smile. "You're my new favorite person."
Minho smiled lightly, mind running full speed. "I need details. When and where she was last seen, and about her; exes, Instagram, friends and hangouts."
Ryujin's smile faded. Nonetheless she turned, pulling a notebook out of her bedside drawer.
Scribbling away the details he requested, she paused to ask a couple questions before turning back to her chore. "I know less than I thought." She admitted.
"That's fine, but I have a few more. How was her mental state, where did she study, was she on meds and did she mention any places?"
This kept on for a few hours, ending after they let an annoyed Byul out of the room - with Ryujin tiredly announcing that her brain is fried and he can ask the rest over chat when he's back in college. On his end, Minho learned one important thing:
This girl was not who she seemed to be.
Back at his apartment, Minho re-read all eleven papers of info they've gathered. On the way he's prepared a list of places to visit, only two of which stemmed from the info Ryujin herself had given him. Other than the school and family bistro down the street, it seemed the two have never gone out together, although Chelle was one to do so.
Good, he thought.
Scrolling through her Instagram, he noted which followers seemed to comment more, and who would show most often on highlights. Her latest post have been boring- it was landscape art of what he assumed to be a tall grass field on the outskirts of seoul. Around three months back he found a picture of some guy at the beach, shirt off and abs in clear view. Seeing as he looked nothing like Chelle, it would seem they weren't related.
Sorting through the packed comment section, someone's request to take it down stood out. Tapping on the person's icon, he realized that was probably the guy in the picture, although the account was made private. An ex? That would make a good trail.
Not having an account himself, by now Minho has used Ryujin's, but to follow guys it would seem he needs his own account.
Setting up all the necessities, he took a nice picture of Dori and made it his profile, sending the guy a follow request right away.
Now we wait.
"Oppa, if you have no photos or description and no followers, and he doesn't know you, did you really expect he'd approve your request?" Ryujin's laughter trickled through the speakers, as if it's been obvious. "You're going to have to find him." She pointed, before hesitantly adding, "Or I can-"
"No." Minho said, stern. "This guy could be Chelle's ex, he might be really dangerous! You don't get to follow his Instagram."
Ryujin sighed, and Minho got the sudden mental image of her rubbing the bridge of her nose as she did. "You have friends right? Ask one of them." She advised.
"I need to go, dad said I can't go out unless I finish these applications." She explained, hanging up after a round of goodbyes.
Right. He did! He has friends.
Picking his phone back up, Minho scrolled his contacts looking for either Felix or Hyunjin. The two weren't in his major, but they shared a dance class. Out of the student body, they were closest to his definition of friends.
A couple rings went by before the line picked up. "Hyung? Hello!" Felix's cheerful voice calmed the older's nerves ever so slightly.
"Felix, hi." He answered, trying to seem casual. "How are you?"
Felix took a moment before responding. "I'm great! I'm actually out with Chan hyung, is something up?"
"Who?" Minho asked, confused.
Felix took another moment. "Bang Chan. He's a fourth year in sociology, I don't think you'll know him."
Minho came close to a sob right then. "Can you pass him the phone?"
"Yeah sure." Felix agreed immediately, followed by ruttling sounds.
"Hello?" A voice sounded, accent similar to Felix's own.
"Hi! My name is Minho, I followed you on Instagram a couple days ago."
A short silence. "Oh my god." Chan exclaimed.
"No, never mind that, I need to talk to you." He rephrased.
"I have no idea who you are." Chan replied, confused.
"It's about Chelle." Minho added, hoping to learn anything from the other's reply.
"Oh." Was all he got. "Okay, I guess we should meet sometime then. How is she?"
The question caught Minho off guard.
"I, I'll tell you more when we meet. When are you free?" he asked, quickly seeking out a pen and scribbling the time and date on his wrist, phone squeezed between his ear and shoulder.
"Yeah, sounds great! See you then." He concluded, getting passed back to Felix and thanking him profoundly before hanging up.
"In my own college." He muttered after the phone found its place back on the table.
Not many people occupied the café, despite its convenient location not far off the olympic park. For that reason Minho concluded, the coffee there probably sucked.
It wasn't his intention to show fifteen minutes early, but his nerves got the best of him, taking shape in miserable pacing until he deemed it late enough to leave his apartment already. Worst case scenarios running through his mind, he wasn't expecting it as someone took seat in the chair opposite of his.
"Hello. It's Minho, right?" Asked the stranger, dimples forming in an awkward smile.
"Ah." Minho voiced dumbly before quickly picking himself up adding,
"You're Chan?"
In the short time that passed between first learning of Chan's existence and actually seeing him, Minho's mind managed to fill with expectations and fears, all of which shattered right in that moment.
First of all, the guy in the picture had very defined abs and arm muscles, making it seem as if he'd be your average muscle-head, someone who could pull apart limbs off boys like Minho- a description that apparently had nothing in common with the hesitant and awkward person in front of him. Rather, he found that this Chan was a tad shorter than him, barely filling the light gray sweater he threw on.
Secondly, while the photo showed a man with straight dark brown hair, the man in front of him had soft blond curls that seemed so, so fluffy- invoking a primal urge to pet them in, Minho assumed, not only himself, but also every innocent bystander.
Lastly, by the amount of english in his Instagram description, one would expect an obvious accent, but that had been proven false on the phone call anyway. Regardless, Minho imagined a foreigner, so seeing his face up close had been a surprise on its own, especially considering the smile… he was, how would he put it? Cute.
"Yeah! Nice to meet you. I was worrying I'd be early, but it's good to see you are too." Minho could only half process the words, a glance at his phone telling him they both still had around ten minutes before the planned meetup time.
"Right! Right, I wanted to talk to you." Minho started, forcibly clearing his mind of any strange thoughts.
"You said it was about Chelle? I assume you're her new boyfriend?" Chan asked, voice a bit strained.
"No, It's not like that. I wanted to know if you've heard from her for the last couple weeks." Minho replied, quick to correct him so to not make things needlessly awkward. Right, he thought- Chan still might have had something to do with this girl's disappearance.
"Oh, well, I actually hadn't, I try not to do that anymore. We didn't end things on good terms." Chan confessed, picking Minho's interest.
"What happened?" He asked, worries picking back up.
Chan paused. "Are you her friend? This kind of thing is a little personal, I don't want it to affect your friendship."
Minho blinked, thinking up a smaller scale storm. "I live in her neighborhood. We're not very close, but some things happened that made me look for you."
Chan hesitated, saved by the waiter's interruption asking which drinks the two would have. Still suspicious, Minho only ordered a small iced americano, Chan matching with a small iced tea.
"You probably know we dated for around two months, it ended after I found she was cheating for a long time."
Minho's breath hitched, dangerously close to choking on his coffee. "She cheated on you?"
Chan's expression fluttered before he nodded, sheepish smile back on. "Kind of pathetic, isn't it? I couldn't hold her attention. At least, the others didn't know."
Minho gaped, unsure how to handle the new information. Chelle, the girl Ryujin asked him to look for. Was that her true nature? "What do you mean others?"
Chan's embarrassment grew, yet he didn't look away. "We were around.. five, I think.. that I know of. I followed her for a bit."
The awkwardness settled, leaving both speechless.
"Okay, I'm really sorry but I still need to ask you a couple more things." Minho was the first to break the silence.
"Go ahead." Chan smiled in relief.
"Were you mad? Wait, no- Can you think of anyone who could have held a grudge against her? More than, I guess, this."
Chan shook his head. "She's a really nice girl! She has some serious issues, but I liked her a lot at the time."
Minho bit his lip, ready to push on. "Chan, I'm going to be honest with you.. Chelle's been missing for over two weeks now."
If Chan was drinking at the moment, it would have been his turn to choke. "What?" he asked, voice steady.
"I got in touch with you because right now, nobody knows where she is. Or someone does know, but I don't" Minho explained, hoping his message went through alright.
"Are you sure she's not ghosting you? She might be." Chan offered. Minho stiffened. If Chelle was fine, if she was ghosting his sister- there will be hell to pay.
"I don't think so?" he continued anyway.
"I can't remember a specific person who would want to hurt her, but.. God, I'm worried. Chelle's gone? Like, kidnapped or.." Chan paused, taking deep breaths.
"If you have any information on where she could be, it would help a lot. I don't know her well, I'm not sure who else to ask either." Minho added.
"What do you want to know?" Chan asked, worry clouding his face in an unpleasant way. Minho almost felt, scratch that- he did feel really bad for the guy.
"Hangouts, friends, habits, names of other exes- mental state too, it's a little invasive but I can't find her otherwise." Chan stared, eye contact with Minho intensifying as neither averted their gaze.
"Okay." Chan replied after a while. "I don't really know you, but I guess it suits her. If anything happened, I wouldn't expect an officer anyway."
Slightly disturbed, Minho pulled his notes from his bag, offering Chan a big sheet of paper. Just like that, the two had begun- Just as Minho had with Ryujin before.
"I can't help with other Exes, I don't know any of their names. I do know where she hangs out usually." Chan supplied helpfully.
"Chelle, she's very into art. She thinks her art, only hers, is the best of the best. She considers herself an undiscovered gem, that kind of mentality. She'll do anything for exposure, and she likes compliments a lot." Chan bit his lip, pausing in his writing.
"She's not on good terms with her parents, and sometimes I remember, she said she wanted to run away. She has horrible mood swings, but when she's happy she can be the sweetest, most considerate person in the world. I think she had too much love in her, that's why…" Chan trailed off, sighing before shaking his head and writing down some more details.
"I'm not okay with that, you know? It's the worst kind of betrayal, but I'm still so worried. I never wanted anything to happen to her, I don't wish that for anyone." Minho hummed, recalling back on his previous suspicion, how ridiculous it seemed now to think that of this person.
So it went on, the two of them coming up with important details and question marks to jot down. Before they knew it the sky turned dark, an impatient barista politely asking them to leave.
"You have my number, right?" Chan asked.
"I don't." Minho replied, glad Chan remembered. The two exchanged phones, filling in their details with some hesitation.
"Call me if you need anything, or if you find her." Chan added, eyes glinting under the streetlights.
"You too, call me if you remember anything important." Minho replied, parting with a wave goodbye and heading towards the bus station.
It was only on his way back that he recalled their first exchange through the phone, and how stupid it had been to expect anything else from a friend of Felix's, of all people.
Groaning lowly, Minho moved his bag up, staring at the paper pile stuffed inside it neatly. Ahead was, he expected, a night full of reading- all 38 new pages of details about this girl, who he found himself liking less and less with every passing statement.
Over an extended time period Minho had found himself visiting many different places to no avail. He tried asking around, dropping Chelle's name here and there for good measures, but it seemed that the girl had vanished into thin air. Her only legacy had been the outrageous rumors surrounding her name, such as dating kids much younger than herself and having sex to get her way in the art world. Really, Minho should have stopped there- he wanted nothing to do with this girl anymore, was happy even; happy that she didn't get to lay her hands on his sister. Yet he couldn't stop thinking, this girl.. She was missing, it was real, and not one soul other than him have made a single attempt to locate her. How could he give up now?
It had been a long day- visiting a bar from the list in the morning before moving to a café nearby and finishing one of his assignments, Minho decided to follow up on Chelle's tracks. Twelve days have passed since his meeting with Chan, and although his anxiety kept getting worse, the list of things to check kept getting shorter with every lead he crossed out.
This one had honestly been a lame lead, but he wanted to make the most out of it- a short trip out of seoul, to a grass patch stretching a couple miles that was similar to the one he saw on her Instagram. If he couldn't find her with anyone's help, he thought- maybe he should try to think like her more. This girl, where would she go? Who would she meet? What would she do? And for that this practice was important, too.
The land stretched, tall grass for as far as the eye could see. He roamed around, looking at the tall buildings that made his home from afar. From here, definitely- he recognized the scenery as the one she drew that time. Stepping back through the grass, it didn't make much of a difference from how far he's already been, but the moment felt special somehow.
Minho breathed in, a strong breeze blowing from the front and carrying the dust and pollution of the city with it. Bad air, even this far back. At least it was silent, no cars, no birds either- it felt peaceful. Minho stepped back again, pulling out his phone, intending to take a photo. A couple more steps back, and he tripped- landing on his butt in the grass.
It was there that he found her.
Jisung stretched, back aching after sleeping in so late.
"Good morning, and good luck falling back asleep at a normal hour." Seungmin commented. True that, Jisung managed to mess his sleep schedule pretty badly. Good thing it was friday.
Standing up, he considered responding before giving up and making his way to the kitchen.
"Ji," Seungmin spoke up once more,
"At least brush your teeth. I'm your roommate, not your mom- I shouldn't have to tell you this!" His voice, although annoyed, remained calm. He did have a point.
"Okay mom." Jisung replied, deadpan. Without another word he turned, entering the bathroom and picking up his toothbrush to do as instructed.
Life as an art major was hard- he had so much work to do in little time, and the pressure made it feel a little like a job. Nowadays his minor in music made for the only stress reliever he could put time into without guilt, and he wondered if maybe he should have chosen it for major instead. Useless thinking about it now, anyway.
Jisung went on brushing, releasing a small whine at the thought of his next assignment. Whatever- he rolled his eyes, raising a hand to rub the remains of sleep away.
Tall grass, the clear view of seoul from afar- blurring, moving, fast as if he was struck by lightning.
The toothbrush clinked loudly against the sink as it dropped, leaving Jisung with the reflection of himself in the mirror, left hand raised. He made quick way, spitting the paste and powerwalking back to their room, brushing against Seungmin on his way there.
"Jisung? Jisung, you can't just leave this here." Seungmin bristled, pausing at the sight of Jisung pulling out his sketchbook with the craze of someone going through a revelation.
He sighed, recognizing the scene in front of him. "Inspiration struck?"
Jisung hummed, wiping his mouth and beginning to sketch. This happened every once in a while, it was one of the things that made Jisung… well, Jisung.
"I'll clean up. Should I order takeout?" Seungmin asked, affection sneaking into his voice. He's a bit weird, but sometimes he was cute too.
"Thank you, please." Jisung replied absentmindedly, focused on the paper.
"I will. Okay." Seungmin concluded, fishing his phone out to call his favorite fast food handler.
To them, after all, it was nothing more than an average friday night.
23 notes · View notes
I love having characters discuss media they like / characterization-through-fandom so maybe have A Boy of choice discuss their favorite movie and everyone else reacts?
Okay so this isn’t very good, but I guess I like how I wrote Eduardo. Basically teenage Eduardo, Jon and Mark lowkey larp as their old west ancestors, Eduardo Juan and Marco, while waiting at a park for Edd Tom and Matt to come larping as their respective ancestors, Edward Thompson and Matthew.
Critique is welcomed but idk why you’d wanna do that with this piece lmao.
Word count: roughly 1,400. 
“Barbie and the Diamond Castle,” Juan said, biting into his very authentically old west McDonald’s Mcdouble. 
Eduardo’s laughs quickly turned to wheezing coughs. “God, Jon, what’re you, my niece?” 
“Who?” Juan looked at him expectedly.
“Fine, Juan.” Eduardo said, “why’d you choose the most feminine movie out there? Not enough reasons to not have sex with you yet?”
“I just really like it, okay?” Juan said, “the animation’s really cute, the songs are nice, and I watched it at least once a month until I was seven.” 
“Jesus you’re gayer than me.” Marco said.
“Haha, I think my parents are still waiting for me to come out,” Juan laughed.
“What’s your favorite scene from the movie?”
“I’m sorry are we seriously talking about fucking Barbie movies now?” Eduardo said, “this is supposed to be a stake out.”
“We had to listen to you play Mindless Self Indulgence the entire car ride here, so shut your mouth.” 
“What are you talking about? I had my earbuds in.”
“You were blasting it.”
“Oh, that’s why your mother kept looking at me weird through the front view mirror.” Eduardo said, “that sucks.”
“It’s okay, I think she’s come to terms with the fact that I’m friends with exclusively delinquents.”
“Just kidding, just kidding.”
“That’s mean, Mark. O. M-Marco.”
“Hypocrite.” Eduardo said.
“Anyways,” Marco rolled his eyes, “what about Barbie and her castle and your obsession with them both?”
“I don’t like it anymore! Just when I was a kid,” Juan said. “And it wasn’t her castle, they were actually really poor, they just had to travel to the castle to save a girl trapped in a mirror and the concept of music.” 
“...Huh?” Eduardo said.
“I don’t remember the plot very well, but I think that’s about it.”
“Huh. Sounds like something my niece would actually like.” Eduardo said, “they wear dresses in those movies, right?”
“Yeah of course, it’s Disney.”
“Can you text me a picture of the main girl? I’ll draw her in the dress and give it to her on her birthday.” 
“Aw, how sweet! Sure.” Juan, the infamous old west bandit, got out his phone and texted Eduardo the main girls.
“When are Edd, Tom and Matt supposed to come, anyways?” Marco asked, “my mom’s picking us up in a couple of hours.”
“Shut up Mark, they’ll be here,” Eduardo said, looking out across the grass and duck pond. 
“How do you know?” Juan asked, collecting the group's trash to throw away. “You said Edd has bad handwriting, maybe you read it wrong.”
“I didn’t read it wrong! Trust me, they’ll be here. They’re fuckin’ nerds and their ancestors were these cool action hero guys, of course they’ll wanna larp as them!”
“I thought you said they weren’t cool at all?” Juan asked, “and that their ancestors were gay or something?” 
“Of course they’re not actually cool!” Eduardo said, “but they sure thought they were, so I’m just explaining their train of thought.”
“Couldn’t we just larp as our ancestors?” Juan asked, “it would be fun, and a lot less stressful.”
“I thought that’s what we were doing?” Marco asked, tugging at his cheap brown bandanna Juan had found at Walmart the day before.
“I mean, I guess, but it’s not really authentic if we keep talking about Barbie and cars.”
“Then stop talking about fucking Barbie, problem solved,” Eduardo said. “Now make use of that second pair of binoculars, I think I see their car.” 
“...I wonder if Marco was gay.” Marco said, watching the ducks sleep.
“What d'ya mean?” Eduardo asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. Obviously I know there were quite a few gay people in the old west, it’s just funny to think about. How different of a life he would’ve led.”
“I found a photo of him kissing a guy on google.” Juan said, getting out his phone to find it again.
“Really?” Eduardo turned to face him, the car having driven past the parking lot. “How?”
“I remember hearing Edd talk about how that detective’s diary was really gay and thought about if that made Marco’s ancestor gay, to.” 
“Well not everyone in my ancestral line was gay, you know.”
“Yeah but the detective looked a lot like Edd, and Marco looked a lot like you, so I figured it only made sense to check. Here.” Juan handed Marco his phone. “It doesn’t say who the guy is.”
“Wait, so are you saying you think Edd’s gay?” Eduardo lit up and put his fingers together like a pyramid, “oh that’s interesting.” 
“What, are you planning on outing him to the school or something?” Marco asked. 
“No, of course not!” Eduardo said, “I just think it’d be something to bring up.”
“What does that even mean?” 
“Come on, he’s bullied you for being gay before!”
“That was a year ago, and that doesn’t mean he deserves the same treatment!”
“-Mark,” he glared at Juan, “just drop it, okay? If they don’t show up we won’t be able to catch them being idiots, so we’ll have to find some other way to do it!”
“Why do we need to? Have you ever considered that maybe if you stopped picking fights with them they’d leave us alone?” 
“Me?! They’re the ones that pick fights with us!” Eduardo slammed his fist down on the table, making the old wood wobble, “don’t you remember when we were in English and they told the teachers we were the ones that started that knife fight, when really it was them? Or when they were throwing knives at each other, and then stashed them in my locker when they heard a teacher coming? Or when that girl got stabbed-”
“Look, I get it, they suck, but at some point we become just as bad as them.” Marco reasoned. 
An alarm went off in Marco’s pocket.
“Hey, it’s almost 7. We should be packing up.” 
Eduardo sighed, “...fine.”
Juan threw away their trash as they were walking back to the parking lot. Marco took his bandanna off and stuffed it in his pocket.
“Are you able to eat dinner at my place?” Mark asked.
“You sure your parents would want me over again?”
“What are you talking about? Of course. Why not?”
“I don’t know, I just got the impression I annoyed them last time.”
“You didn’t. So, can you come?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t think to ask my parents.”
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah sure.” Eduardo got out his phone and texted his mom. 
“I won’t be able to come, my grandma’s over and dad’s making stew.” Juan said.
“Oh, nice.”
“Yeah, it is.”
The ducks walked out of their way as they passed.
 {i really am just writing the most boring shit rn, huh? I mean i guess its realistic.}
 “Okay I can go, she said to be home by 10.” Eduardo put his phone away.
“Your dad isn’t gonna gril me about colleges again, is he?”
“Hey, if I have to deal with it then so do you.” Mark smirked. 
“It’s just annoying to hear him talk about all these engineering colleges.” He rolled his eyes, “as if I want to drive myself insane with those classes.”
“He’s only doing it because he wants you to have a nice job.”
“...I can have a nice job as a painter too.” Eduardo said, but the bite was gone.
 {my moms getting mcdonalds i cant wait im so hungry its literally 10pm} {its 1230 now and btw i loved it}
 “It’s your choice.”
“Have you decided what college you want to attend yet, Marco-Mark?” Jon asked.
Eduardo chuckled.
“I’m not sure yet. I might become an english teacher, or a librarian.”
“Huh. Nice.” Jon said. “I kinda wanna be a photographer, but I know there isn’t a lot of 
{and then I gave up}
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Ava & Buster
Ava: Are you lot en-route? Buster: 'Course Buster: But we've had one foot out the door for like half an hour, honestly Ava: Good, 'cos I have presents Buster: Yeah? Buster: Pot of gold or what, like Ava: Hardly appropriate for a two-year-old Ava: None for you, soz 💔 Buster: I'd argue it's very appropriate Buster: All the shit he needs haemorrhages cash Ava: You were warned Ava: Extensively Buster: And I ain't sorry I didn't listen Buster: They can all try and sue me Ava: Enter an arena where they aren't the experts? Ava: Doesn't sound like mum and dad Buster: No such arena exists, clearly Buster: Know it all, have done it all Ava: Your degree must be a waste of time then Buster: You'd have to ask 'em what they reckon Buster: But I'd wait til they've got a few more drinks down 'em first, get closer to the truth Ava: Ugh, shut up Ava: You know they're proud of you Buster: Yeah yeah, blah blah Buster: But are you proud of me? Real MVP and everything Ava: When you get your cap and gown Ava: Funny wig, even better Ava: I still only got stuff for the kids and Ri though Ava: I'll chase a 🌈 down ASAP Buster: You're alright Buster: Already got a girlfriend, don't you? Buster: No need to get gayer just to wind me up, Nance has got that covered Ava: Ha, don't even chat to me about annoying Buster: I won't Ava: 😏 Ava: No, you're meant to ask, idiot Ava: You're so lucky you only have a son Buster: Tell me then Buster: I want a girl next Ava: Well she's not coming back, not that I'm surprised Buster: What bullshit excuse did she go with this time? She's got too much work on, girlfriend drama or she just hates fam functions SO MUCH Ava: It was column A presented but 1000% came across as column C Ava: She can be so Buster: I know Buster: Did she try and buy you off with an NYC trip that ain't gonna happen just like the last one didn't? Ava: Twin telepathy is real, yeah? Ava: 🙄 Buster: Fuck that and her Buster: I told you before, when you actually wanna go I'll take you Buster: Then you only have to see her a bearable amount Ava: I know Ava: It'd be interesting to see how long she could hold a conversation with me but yeah Ava: won't happen so Buster: Longer than she can with me or dad, probably slightly less time than she can with mum, depending what mood they are both in Buster: That'd be my bet Buster: Chin up, the good twin is finally on his fucking way Ava: Sounds about right Ava: Good time to tell you to call her yourself later or do you want a drink before you process that? Buster: Bad time to be forced to remember that I told Rio right at the start I wouldn't drink when she couldn't Ava: Honestly, I thought this kid was PLANNED Ava: She couldn't Christmas or New Year either Buster: She was planned, just not by me Ava: 'Course, you would've factored in drinking Ava: Must be their gay agenda Buster: There's loads of shit I'd have factored in Ava: That's your upbringing talking Buster: Shut up Ava: It is though Ava: Personally, I agree its better than the more the merrier approach too Buster: You'll personally be waiting a load more years before you make me play uncle then, yeah? Buster: Good Ava: Ugh Ava: Don't be making me 🤢 just because green is the colour today Buster: Gotta Buster: Who the fuck is there to be jealous of when we're us? Ava: You couldn't go the more traditional routes, no? 🍾🥂 Ava: Seeing as I'm NOT pregnant or being a very supportive partner to someone who is Buster: Come on, who am I? Buster: And you can leave me out of your rites of passage, I've cleaned up enough sick in the name of being a supportive partner Buster: Grace'll hold your hair back for you Ava: There's no need to be old AND boring 😏 Buster: Fuck off Buster: Counting down the days til I can drink you under the table Ava: Dad lets me Buster: There's nothing dad won't let you do Buster: Got him well wrapped around your finger, like Ava: It's not my fault I'm the most lovable Ava: Do better 😋 Buster: That's the one title you can keep Buster: Got all the love I need, cheers Ava: 🤢🥰 Ava: N'awh Buster: Lyla didn't wanna come and hang with the extended fam then? Ava: Wouldn't do that to someone I liked, would I? Buster: Depends how much you like her Ava: Nah Ava: That's all a bit heavy Buster: Well yeah Buster: It would be a trial by fire Ava: Then pissed on Ava: then set on fire again Ava: I like having time away when I come here, you know Ava: Not attached at the hip Buster: I know Ava: I'll send her a hilarious postcard or something Buster: You sounded like Nance there Buster: No need to miss her at all Ava: Fuck off Buster: You're right she'd never write it Buster: Half her holiday would be over before she got the words down Ava: 😂 Ava: Rude Buster: It's fuck all I wouldn't say to her face if she ever bothered to show it Ava: Can no one in this family be nice Ava: Honestly Buster: Come on Buster: I'm nice to you Buster: You ain't even bought me a present Ava: I know, I'm very lovable Ava: Have you got me one? Buster: Yeah but you ain't having it now Ava: Yeah right Ava: I know who gets last word in your house Ava: and Rio is nice to everyone Buster: She's nicest to me and she always does what I say Buster: So you might wanna think again Ava: That's entirely too much information, thank you Ava: you owe me double as compensation Buster: You ain't having two bottles Buster: Keep the first one down and then we'll talk Ava: Challenge accepted Buster: Good Buster: Don't really wanna have to disown you before the day's out Ava: Least there's enough of 'em to fall back on should you get the urge Ava: I'll survive Buster: Keep that quiet around mum, it's still them and us with her Ava: Sounds familiar 🙄 Buster: You're bound to hear it yet again by the time she's had a few Ava: Not if I have anything to do with it Buster: Sounds like you've got a plan Ava: As planned as a party should ever be Buster: Yeah Ava: 💃🎉 Ava: Hurry up Buster: Traffic's worse than London at its finest right now Buster: Everyone on the road's either already wasted or angry they ain't Ava: Stay safe Buster: 'Course Buster: Speaking of, where you staying tonight? Ava: Tipsy childcare is better than no childcare Ava: No need to beg Buster: Shut up, I'll drive you is all I'm saying Ava: Cheers 💙 Buster: I'll cash the IOU when you're sober, like Ava: Better cash it before I cash my 2nd present then Buster: Forget it for now, it's a holiday Ava: That's what I've been saying Buster: You ain't gotta tell me, even if today I can't play as hard as I work Buster: Still not a fucking amateur Ava: Still a McKenna Buster: First and best Ava: Hardly Buster: If we're going by mum's them and us viewpoint, there's hardly any competition Buster: Just you and me, kid Ava: Well I'm just saying, Granddad is gonna be fuming Buster: Everything you learned about wrapping dad round your little finger you got from watching me with him Buster: I ain't worried Ava: Pfft Ava: My baby blues are bluer and my pout is poutier Ava: I'm the new model, boy Buster: 'Cause you need 'em to fall back on Buster: I'm just that good Buster: you're the youngest model that's all Buster: Due a spectacular fuck up about now Ava: You wish Ava: On all counts Buster: Nah, I'm rooting for you Buster: 'Course I am Ava: Mhmm Ava: Dead convincing 😏 Buster: I always am Buster: Wig or no wig Ava: So soppy, you Ava: Have title of my best big brother Buster: That's a copout but whatever Ava: And fussy Ava: Alright best sibling but that isn't much more of an achievement really Buster: Don't worry about it Buster: I know how great I am Ava: Yeah yeah, blah blah Buster: Get me the least shit sounding soft drink and I'll believe you Ava: If there's anything being tragically underage has taught me Ava: 👍 Buster: Cheers Buster: See you in 5 Ava: Bring your cute kid Buster: I taught him how to say “Sláinte” earlier so you'll be able to rate my achievements for yourself Buster: He ain't just a pretty face Ava: 🥺🥰 Ava: What a face though Buster: I can't take all the credit Buster: He takes after his mother Buster: Tell her how good she looks when we get in, yeah? I'm living a nightmare Ava: 'Course Ava: I've got a girlfriend, remember Ava: I know the drill, just amp up period level love 1000% for a pregnant bitch Buster: My wife ain't a insecure teenager Buster: But I appreciate the sentiment Buster: Just don't call her a bitch ever again Ava: I say it with love Ava: from one to another Ava: but got it, I'll remind her she's old Buster: Don't Buster: It'll be your funeral Ava: 😂 I only like winding you u Ava: p Ava: Don't need anyone crying on me Buster: Good Buster: I don't need to be breaking up any girl fights Buster: Especially when I've taught you both everything I know Ava: Even if me hitting a girl is more acceptable than you, I think everyone draws the line at a pregnant one Buster: Fine, I don't wanna pick you up off the floor once she's knocked you out and do a concussion test after someone pours a pint over you to bring you round Buster: I was trying to soften the blow of how it'll play out since I'd be powerless to stop the actual Ava: And I thought you were in the festive spirit Ava: 🙄 Ava: I'll take back this virgin cocktail, like 😏 Buster: Not without any spirits in me Buster: You'll have to take what you can get Ava: Few folk songs and you'll be well into it Buster: Voice of an angel, obviously Buster: Could've been a choir boy if not for everything else Ava: You took living vicariously a wee bit hard with the name already Buster: You'd have preferred me to name him after a silent film star, yeah? Ava: That was pure wishful thinking 🙊🤐🤫 Buster: Fucked over as my boy's been by not being named Rudolph Valentino or Roscoe Arbuckle, I reckon he'll be alright Buster: Cheers though Ava: I think Fatty murdered someone Ava: so as far as aspirations go, you're in the right direction Buster: I always am Buster: Never a misstep made, no matter what mum and dad say Ava: Alright 👼 its St Paddy's not confessional Ava: and the priest would be rare pissed off if you waltzed in and said you'd never done anything wrong 😂 Buster: He'd be a fine one to talk Ava: The drama of it all Buster: Again, I don't need to be told Buster: There's a kid here asking for you, except shouting's more the word Ava: He gets it 👏 Ava: 💃 Buster: Come out before he legs it in
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Butterflies - Bechloe (Pt3)
Part 3/?
Beca woke up the next morning and blinked a few times before looking down at her waist where an arm was slung across her before glancing over to her chest where ginger hair covered what she knew was Chloe's beautiful face. Beca couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips as she gently moved the hair back to reveal Chloe's content sleeping face.
Beca had never had a best friend, not really anyway and well if this is what it felt like to have a best friend, well then, she really had missed out when she was a kid. She adored Chloe and would do anything for her, things that usually made Beca cringe like hugging or any form of physical contact really, she relished with Chloe.
Beca just couldn't wait to move into the Bella house- shit they were supposed to be getting the keys at 11:30 from the dean, what time was it? She grabbed her phone and saw that it was already 11:05. Shit! "Chlo" Beca called softly to wake her "Mmmm five more minutes" Chloe mumbled sleepily and snuggled even tighter into her best friend "Chlo its gone 11 o'clock" she told her but Chloe only grumbled in return "Remember we need to meet the dean at half 11 to get the keys for the Bella house" Beca had barely finished the sentence as Chloe shot up "Crap!" she mumbled as both of the co-captains got up and frantically started to get ready. "Take whatever clothes you want" Beca said as she quickly brushed her hair.
Ten minutes later and both girls were up and ready, Beca found it quite amusing seeing Chloe in her clothes, the two girls clearly having vastly different styles. She mentioned this to Chloe on their march up to the deans office "Yeah you dress gayer than me!" Chloe laughed "What do you mean?" Beca questioned "I mean come on for a straight girl you sure do dress gay, you confused my gaydar when we first met" Chloe laughed as they walked into the waiting room to see the rest of the Bellas already there.
"Chloe why are you wearing Beca's clothes? Did you two bone?" Fat Amy asked upon seeing the two approach "What no, Chloe slept at mine last night and borrowed some clothes, sorry were late guys we slept in" Beca replied "I sleep-murder sometimes..." Lily whispered as everyone looked over at her "Well I'm not rooming with her then" Cynthia Rose blurted out just as the secretary called the Bellas in.
"Okay here are your keys girls you know the rules, don't destroy the place okay?" The older man said as he passed the keys over to Chloe "Of course, may we say thank you again sir" Chloe said taking the keys off him "You can go now" he said and the Bellas all nodded and made their way out of the room. "Let's go to our new house!" Chloe squealed in excitement as the girls made their way to the Bella house. Once they had all looked at the house the discussion about the room situation came about, there were 5 rooms and currently 8 Bellas, although they were sure to pick up new members soon.
There was one room with a double bed, a room with three single beds, and three rooms with two single beds. "Shotgun the-" Fat Amy began but Beca cut her off quickly "We are not shotgunning rooms we will do it fairly, everyone write your name down and we'll draw someone out for the big room" Beca said before finding a pen, paper and a bowl. "CR you can pick a name out" Beca said as she picked the name out and opened it.
“Fucks sake, it's obviously Chloe" she grumbled as Chloe beamed "As for everyone else, we can pick roomies if you want? Shall we also leave the double for the new recruits?" Beca asked as everyone nodded "Shotgun Shawshank!" Fat Amy yelled as Beca smiled over to her, it felt nice to be wanted. Jessica and Ashley obviously chose each other which left CR, Stacie and Lily in a room together "She better not murder me in my sleep or I'm coming back to haunt you all" CR grumbled referring to Lily as the rest of the girls laughed.
The whole rest of the day was spent packing their stuff from their old rooms, carrying it across campus and unpacking it. Fat Amy went for a nap after she finished so Beca decided to wander downstairs from their attic room to see Chloe in her room. She knocked and was greeted with a bright sing-songy "Come in!" Beca smiled at the sound and entered Chloe's now semi-furnished room "Oh hey Becs!" she said engulfing her in a quick hug which made Beca once again unable to help herself from smiling. "Have you come to help?" She asks "Nah I came to watch you struggle" Beca said flopping onto Chloe's bed with a smirk "Fine, suit yourself" she replied pulling tongues at the younger girl. Beca stood back up and casually wandered around her room looking at the way she had decorated the place, it was all so... Chloe.
She wandered over to her desk to see a framed picture of the Bellas after the ICCA along with a neatly organised pens, highlighter, files books and folders. Beca flopped back onto the gingers bed and saw that she had another framed picture on her bedside table, it was of the two of them. It was a picture with the two of them back to back with matching hoodies and jeans, pulling silly faces, Beca instantly recognised the picture and the memory of the day came flooding back.
The shipment of costumes for the Bellas had arrived and these hoodies were part of it, not something that they had ordered but the girls decided to keep them anyway. They both wore them with jeans and did a mini photo before spending the day together discussing all things Bella related whilst enjoying a host of non- Bella related activities like bowling, eating at Chloe's favourite restaurant and getting ice cream on the beach. It had been a perfect day and both girls had loved it.
Beca grabbed the picture off the table "This is so cute Chlo, plus it was like the best day ever!" Chloe glanced over and her face split into her infamous beaming smile "I know right! If I'm ever feeling down, I look at that picture and it cheers me up" she confessed "You're so soppy" Beca teased but internally thought it was the cutest thing ever.
"Shut it short arse! Now are you going to help or am I going to have to kick you out?" Chloe questioned Beca who laughed in reply. "Help with what?" Beca asked looking around the almost complete room "Oh yeah" Chloe mused, "How about you help me make dinner for the Bellas?" She asked and fluttered her eyelashes at the brunette who couldn't resist it when Chloe did that "Fine but cooking dinner for 8 people is going to take us forever" she complained whilst following Chloe down the stairs. "Not with both of us and its only pasta now come on".
The two girls began to prep dinner like a well-oiled machine, with Chloe giving direction and Beca following them. Chloe instructed Beca to chop the onions whilst she stirred the sauce, soon after Beca began to cry and Chloe took a picture of her "I finally have a picture of Beca 'the badass' Mitchell crying!" the older girl crowed "You'd delete that if you knew what was good for you" Beca warned playfully as she began to chase the ginger around the kitchen who sprinted away giggling "Right that's it!" Beca yelped picking up a tomato "Last chance Beale!" she shrieked who shook her head defiantly, Beca took aim and sent a tomato hurtling at Chloe, it hit her square in the chest.
Chloe's mouth dropped open as she picked up her own tomato and launched it at Beca which hit her in the head. Beca ran at Chloe and playfully wrestled her to the floor grabbing chunks of tomato out of her hair and rubbing them on Chloe's face.
The two girls began laughing uncontrollably when a confused looking Stacey and Cynthia Rose entered the kitchen. "What the fuck is going on?" CR asked to which the girls laughed even more "I... we... tomatoes" was all Chloe could get out through her fit of laughter "Right, I'm leaving now" CR said "Good idea" Stacie agreed as they both turned and exited the room. After another five minutes the laughter finally subsided, both girls wiped tears of laughter away and stood up "That is the most I think I have ever laughed" Chloe choked out "Fuck me that was funny" Beca agreed before the girls finished cooking and called the Bellas down for tea.
The girls served the rest of the Bellas before sitting themselves down "So did you both get into a fistfight with a tomato or is there another reason for this?" Fat Amy said pointing to the two co-captains tomatoey-attire. The girls explained the story giggling throughout "Yeah I think that was one of those you had to be there moments because that wasn't funny" Fat Amy told the girls which just caused them to laugh again.
After the girls had all finished their food, Jessica and Ashley offered to wash up whilst Fat Amy grabbed Beca "Hey short stack, Bumper is coming over till like 9 so if you could make yourself scarce that'd be great" Beca rolled her eyes at her but agreed to see if she could chill with Chloe that night. "Of course you can! You don't need an excuse to hang out with me Becs!" Chloe trilled "Ugh I need to get a shower first, how the hell am I going to get this off?" Beca asked motioning to the tomato stains covering her body "I can come in the shower with you and show you" Chloe suggested, Beca's jaw went slack at the suggestion and she began to blush, Chloe winked "Gotcha!" she smirked "Now I'm going to use my shower first see you later" She giggled as she left for the bathroom. Beca sat on Chloe's bed and groaned, God why did Chloe make her feel like this? Friendships with girls are weird.
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superemeralds · 7 years
my sonic characters: a masterpost
I’ll add more whenever i get new info on characters and so on sakjsak
I used to have more but i gave some of them away so i dont feel like i should mention them here (even if those designs are not in use anymore)
[edit 4/20/2019 (haha) added nexus and links to character tags]
1) Saph the hedgehog
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This is Saph. He’s a 18/19 year old disaster gay trans boy.
I change his shoe design literally every single time i draw him. :)
I’ll go in depth about his past later.
Saph is pretty much all over the place and forgets to be considerate of other peoples feelings sometimes. He might come off as very egoistic of self centered, but he does actually care in his own kind of way (even when its. kinda bad bc he gives off wrong signals sometimes and ends up hurting people hes close to)
He’s looked up to Sonic ever since he was small and he collects all of the Sonic comics and video games. His dream is to meet Sonic and win against him in a fight.
Shadow is his big idol in many things so he tries to be edgy sometimes or act tough but he fails miserably most of the time and makes a fool of himself; which he doesn’t really mind because he can take a lot of things with humour (sometimes too much). He also uses white eye liner to imitate shadows marks, and he dyes some parts of his fur white to make the marks he already has extend to look more like shadows.
Shadow was the person that taught him how to control his chaos powers, because he’d always just weakened himself in the past, because he is super unstable. (If it wasnt for Shadow he probably would have died by now.) Shadow also was the one that told Saph to go to Tails for help with the buckles on his wrists and the rings on his ankles. They are made of a material similar to shadows rings (tails tried his best to replicate them) so they would help keep the energy in Saph balanced. Due to his strong affiliation to Chaos Energy, he could technically even turn super; but his body would be unable to hold the immense amount of energy and begin to literally burn down to ash within a few minutes.
He is very gay and in a relationship with Ezra.
He’s on T and has not yet had top op. (his bobbies smol its all muscle >:3€ )
Old pic of him and his bf as humans uwu
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2) Red the hedgehog
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Red is 25/26 years old and works at GUN as special agent. Sometimes he and Rouge get drunk in her club at night and joke about tearing that organization down (or maybe they are not joking)
he’s pansexual and horny 24/7. He has a girlfriend and is in an open relationship. hes polyam if you didnt guess it askdsajh
he’s blind in the right eye and has a tattoo of a star on his chest
(here’s his gijinka because i just. hes hot. he used to be the one character that had like 30 fangirls on deviantart and each of them would comment “nosebleed” every time i uploaded)
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Saph and Red. They are brothers.
*WARNING: abusive parents, transphobia, homophobia, violence
When red was a young lad and Saph was still a baby their father snapped and beat Red up with an iron bar, making him blind on his right eye. Red took Saph and ran away from home.(Their mother died at saphs birth)
They lived and still live in a city a litte farther off Empire City.
Red decided to go to an orphanage because he could not possibly take care of an infant. (granted his dad couldnt either but it seemed the best possible solution)
They lived in the orphanage for a few years, but saph very soon showed sighns of being trans and got bullied by the other kids. they would call him gay and tr*nny and kick him until he fell silent to endure his “punishment”.
Red couldn’t take it and decided to run away with Saph again. They lived on the street for a while, but Red was caught by GUN for stealing. Once they found out he had a form of chaos powers (even if weak) they decided to let him slide and hire him as Special Agent.
Red accepted this and uses the money he ears to make sure Saph has a good life. This kinda spoiled Saph a little, but he also deserved it lets be real here.
Red made sure to enable saph to get education (which he totally refuses to acknowledge and take seriously) and physical transition.
3) Ellectra “Ellie” the tenrec
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[ pardon me being inconsequent with the design omg ]
Ellie is a 20 year old functional asexual demiromantic lesbian who is not interested in dumb boys and would rather talk about science with a pretty girl.
She can manipulate electricity and is called “Daughter of Zeus” by the townsfolk in her home island called Coral Island, which is located near the windsmil isles in Apotos.
She studies archeology and gaia mythology/ancient history, which makes it very convenient that she lives nearby an actual gaia temple. (She wants to be like lara croft one day)
At the 2005 black arms invasion her mother got heavily wounded when she tried to protect the town from the aliens and died from the aftermath.
Ever since then Ellie hates Shadow with a burning passion and holds him responsible, because she believed the government propaganda (provided by GUN ofc) that Shadow is One Of The Aliens. If she was ever to meet him she would be FURIOUS and ready to murder (she knows he cant die though).
She tried not to focus too much on that and just. do her cool ancient stuff.
Here are her parents Chion and... the mother i had still not found a good name for.
5) Chion the tenrec
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This gentleman is 40+ years old and proud father of Ellie.
Hes also a het ace.
Chion is greek for snow (as far as google translate goes) and he was named that bc of his white nose lmao. its like a snowflake on his black body.
He doesn’t have any elemental powers, but he is naturally very strong and will punch anyone who comes close to his family. He can also use swords and is a skilled swordsman.
He inherited an olive farm from his family and he does keep it going. He makes his money selling olive products he does make himself.
6) Athena the hedgehog
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Athena was the daughter of the “major” of the island that the family lived on (coral island), so she was expected to become the new major once he had to retire.
Due to the location of the island and the geographical landmarks on it, many raiders (and also eggman) have great interest in the ruins and mythological places. Athena is not one to give in easily and defended her people and the island from many intruders.
She possessed a less particular (than Ellie), but still fierce power of lightning manipulation. Having used her powers excessively, she sustained severe damage to her arms which showed as lighting shaped scars. She showed them with pride, because they meant she had fought hard to get where she was now.
She was bisexual and married to a tenrec called Chion. She was a year older than him.
The rings Ellie wears on her wrists were her mom’s.
7) Frost the snow leopard
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Frost is a 15 year old demiboy who really just wants to have a good time. He hasnt really given his sexuality much thought.
He lives in a small village in Holoska; hes actually even met the werehog. Well he saw him. but he was too afraid to talk to him because holy shit its Sonic The Hedgehog!!!!!!!
He has ice powers!!!!
His insides are like -18°C and he cant eat anything that is hot. He has to eat cooked meals when they are room temperature, or even cooled down to fridge temperatures ( about 6°C).
He basically lives off ice cream and dry meat (if they get fancy food from the city he gets frozen pizza) He thinks of going to the UF for college, but he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life yet so hes just having fun snowboarding.
8) Mitzu the Cheetah
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Mitzu is 22 years old and owns a flower shop/chao garden combo where she takes care of chao, while taking care of flowers and breeding them. Her hydrokinesis powers are very helpful in that!
She loves nature and the outdoors and feeling the grass under her feet, so she doesn’t wear shoes/socks. Ever.
She generally is very free spirited and optimistic!
Shes a big sapphic but shes also okay w being single atm.
Her chao are like children to her and she loves the chao that get left in the garden as much as her own. (ppl leave their chao there when they cant watch over them anymore or if they go for a vacation and cant take them with them or smth)
9) Dan the red panda*
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Dan is 17 years old and a big homo.
He has no special powers, except being able to eat and sleep more than the average person.
He’s from a very rich family, but his parents insisted in him finding a wife to like. pass down the heritage but he aint having none of that so his punk ass ran away from home to be his gay self and study art. 
He lives in a tree house a little off a small village in a more rural area in east UF, near station square. let the depression boy be happy...
10) Yoshi the siamese cat
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Yoshi is a 20 year old enby kitty who wants to make the world a gayer place!
They are studying fashion design in hope to one day open their own fashion store for queer people! The clothes are made with body differences in mind and they also want to offer a free customization service to fit clothes to every single body type.
They don’t have any special powers as of now but i kinda want to give them a power that could be helpful with their goal Im still thinking about it ...
11) Joel “Spirit” the Husky
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Spirit is fresh ripe 14 years old and Sonic the hedgehog is his big big idol. He wants to be JUST like him when he grows up.
It has come to my attention that he is basically the sonic universe Deku and I may or may not be planning to write a fanfiction for that...........
He doesn’t have any special offensive powers, but he has orange blood and he has the ability to read the Chaos Signature of anything he encounters. (called: Chaos Vision)
This means he will immediately know if a person he meets has super powers and he will also know what that power is. He can also guess the emotions of people because they are tied to the kind of chaos energy that surrounds a person.
12) Aurora the Husky
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Spirit’s Sister!
Her name is Aurora and she also has Chaos Vision!
She was born blind, but she’s been able to see with her power, so that’s just what the world looks like to her: Darkness with many many colorful lights.
Over time through hard training she was able to perfect her vision and be able to distinguish between a lot of things and even see things that only have very little chaos energy in them!
13) Axel the Axolotl*
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I don’t really have much info on them I made them pretty random one day bc i thought. hey. .... what if... axolotl sonic character.
14) Azul the cat
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Azul is my sonicsona kinda. He was pmuch my persona b4 i was kin w shadow. 
He’s an edgelord and i guess he’s still technically me; or rather what i want to be. 
He’s already on T and has has top op and he does not crumble away under social anxiety like i do askjdsakjd.
15) ( UNKNWOWN) the Pangolin*
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Similar to Axel I didn’t think much about him yet......  
he’s aroace and kinda goofy but he cares for his friends. He can roll up and do spin dashes and homing attacks like sonic, but he obviously doesnt have his super sonic speed.
16) Coal the hedgehog
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Coal is one of the newest of my characters; but he’s also one of my oldest. 
You see, Coal is a revamp of a very old crappy fanchild i had back in like 2012.
for reference thats him
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New Coal is 27 years old and a gay mess. He can turn into a cloud of smoke and control it at will. He is completely immune to physical attacks. try to stab/shoot him and u ded. hes coming for u.
he steals, but only from rich ppl. hes chaotic neutral tho bc he keeps that shit for himself safhsaljfha he generally just wants to chill and have his peace. 
he loves being an edge lord though he just wants that image for himself, even though he is kinda a softie... hes good at keeping up an act in dangerous situations though and that sometimes scares attackers off (also his powers)
Some gijinka doodles that make his age more justice than sonic style aksjfhaskj
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17, 18, 19) The Crew On ARK
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old bad art but i never really drew them, i did write about them in my fic about shadows past! (im excluding the black guy from the list because i didnt write him yet and i guess hes not really established yet since i got literally nothing on him)
from left to right
Nia, (that dude), Hikari, (gerald), Theodor
Nia is the daughter of a shamaran professor and a woman who owns a boulongerie in spagonia. She joined the ARK program in hope to make the world a more accepting place.
Hikari is is from an island near chun-nan (japan) and she also joined the program in hope to be able to help make a change for the better. she also enjoys biology and genetics a lot.
Theodor joined purely because of his joy in working on genetics and robotics that immitate life. He’s innitially from the GUN team but was assigned to work with Gerald.
20) Commander Jonathan Williams
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old art again sorry sakjfhsakj. He is the father of the current GUN commander! He’s 52 and a total douchebag. He’s kinda mad with power and genuinely believes that putting shadow under pressure to become the ultimate and strongest weapon (stronger than an atomic bomb) was necessary to end the war that was going on at that time.
I cannot spoil too much on what happened to each of these people as it’s spoilers for my fanfic. 
If you want to know more, read here -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/10992156/chapters/24482199
21) Sidus “Nova” the black panther (and 22 Badass the Chao)
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You see. The thing with nova is that i recycled him as human/demon character for a story sjkhfkafhsakj but he has shadow powers where he can use all shadows as portals into a shadow dimension that is entirely his own. he can travel through that but it makes him very tired. he likes to store capri suns in there and just take em out whenever he wants. He has a Chao called Badass (pictured below)
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his new human/demon design is below
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23) Blossom the horned Frog
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She is new and I don’t have much info other than that she’s from a jungle area; perhaps in adabat.
She secrets a poisonous slime from her body; yet her spit has healing accelerating properties.
A gene defect lets her never lose her tail.
24) Nexus the demonic sheep hound
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nexus is a demonic sheep hound mix?? idk i just didnt want to draw hooves aksfsakhfa
they can manipulate metal and bend it in any shape they want
however they cant make it float n shit like youd think of metal powers like magneto jsfhsakjf they can literally just. shape it like play-doh but with their mind
they wear those gold rings so when theyre in a pinch they can just make a bunch of cool knifes of a sword n be like SURPRISE BITCH IM NOT JUST PRETTY. IM PRETTY DEADLY!
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nauseateddrive · 3 years
THE DISCONNECT by Zachary Toombs
“What is this place?”
“Just a spot I found a while ago.”
The pair of them sat on that wooden skeleton of a rooftop, facing the endless forest. She rubbed her shins every so often when the wind picked up and nipped at them.
He cracked open the tall can he’d gotten. “I hope this is as good as you say it is.”
“It’s stupid that guys have to conform to only drinking beer.” She chuckled. “I promise I won’t call you a pussy.”
He slurped a little. “You know, beer fucking sucks.”
She snickered.
“This shit,” he said, holding up the can, “is great.”
She cracked hers open.
“What’d you get again?” he asked.
“I always drink this. Spiked seltzer.”
“I can’t believe I love canned margaritas.” He shook his head as he took another gulp. “But fuck, if this is the gold standard, I’m gonna have a lot more of them.”
“You’re funny.”
“So,” he said after swallowing. “Where do you live again?”
“The other side of town,” she replied, nodding. “On Hurst.”
“I’ve got a buddy that lives there.” He scoffed. “Well, he was a buddy.”
“What do you mean? Who?”
“Jimmy Kenning.”
“Is it bad that I don’t know him?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know.” He sipped from his margarita. “We used to make movies together.”
“Yeah.” He chuckled. “They were stupid little short films, mostly.” He turned and looked at her. “But we were planning a feature. I spent a whole summer writing it and revising it and table-reading it with other friends.” He shook his head with a smile. “It was awesome.”
“That does sound really awesome.” She raised her eyebrows.
He nodded.
“What happened with you two?”
“Well, when it got time to shoot it…” He buried his face into his palm. “No, it’s stupid.”
“Come on, I want to know!” She tugged at his arm.
“Well, the whole thing with the script was that it focused on a closeted gay man.” He looked at her briefly, pausing.
She nodded with a smile.
“And he has this friend through all three acts. Well, actually, two and a half acts.” He took a quick gulp of his drink. “By the end of it, he confesses his love to this friend. Of course, before then, there are little hints and blips of foreshadowing that lead up to it.”
“That’s sweet.”
“It was my way of confessing my love for Jimmy. We were going to play the two leads.”
She looked into his eyes. Hesitant. “O-oh. Does that mean you’re—”
“Oh!” He laughed. “I’m bi. I didn’t totally fool or catfish you or whatever. I promise.”
She laughed too.
“You see, you’re accepting of that.” He shook his head, and the rippling trail of his smile faded. “Jimmy wasn’t.”
“What did he do, if I can ask?”
The silence came, then. It was sharp and hot and prickly, but in direct dissonance with the birds and teeming insects.
“Well.” He bit his lip. “He read it and was really enjoying it until he got to that point.”
They only ordered a couple of coffees—which they drank black, because that’s what artists do—and some soup. People who had jobs, lives, and actual schedules hurried about the diner and talked on cell phones with colleagues. They seemed above the two of them, on another plain of existence.
Jimmy read the title again, his steaming cup to his lips. “‘The Disconnect.’” He raised his eyebrows and bobbed his head.
Cameron rubbed his cup of coffee with a stiff thumb. The ceramic could fragment at any moment with that amount of pressure. “Well, I hope you enjoyed it.”
“I did.” Jimmy scratched his chin. “Their relationship is so—”
“It’s not one-dimensional, is it?”
Jimmy chuckled. “No, not at all. I was gonna say the opposite, actually. It’s really authentic.”
Cam sighed, shakily. He tried to shed at least one layer of anxiety. “Thanks.”
“And, at first the end was a shock, but it made sense to me once I thought it over.” He exhaled. “I’m really impressed, Cam. It’s such a you piece.”
“Thank you. It means a lot.”
“Who’d you have in mind for casting?” He took a sip of coffee. “You thinking about doing a call?”
“Well,” he began. “I was thinking we could fill the roles.”
Silverware clinked. Someone���s cell phone rang and wouldn’t stop. Each sounding of the ringtone blared and blared in a crescendo.
“Cam,” Jimmy began. He stared, perhaps to draw an admission of sarcasm. “You’re serious?”
“I mean,” Cam rubbed the cup of coffee harder and faster, “I know how you feel about being on camera, but as artists, we need to push ourselves out of each other’s comfort zones and—”
“What is this?” He shook his head, script in hand. “Seriously, what is this?”
Cam looked at him, tears on the fringes and legs shaking. “I love you,” he said.
Jimmy scoffed. “Are you fucking joking?” He buried his face in both hands, which rubbed. “Oh my god…”
“Jimmy, I—”
He lifted his head up, shooting a glare. That brought silence. “I can’t believe you.”
Jimmy hurried to his feet. He tossed the script toward their booth vaguely, the pages flapping until they hit the tile floor.
Cam felt the tears come. He rubbed his mug hard at first, before befalling to his emotions entirely. He gave his wet cheek to the table. Idiot, he told himself. Why are you such an idiot?
“I’m over it, though.” Cam finished the margarita, throwing the can into the forest. “Fuck that guy.”
“Wow,” she said, half-ignoring his remark. “You’re so brave.”
“What? No, I’m not.” He shook his head vehemently. “The whole thing was just stupid.”
“No, I really mean it, Cameron.” She smiled. “You didn’t have to tell me that, and you did.”
“Like I said.” He sniffled. “I’m over it.”
“It’s okay not to be, you know.” She sipped from her seltzer. “I have regrets from, like, eighth grade, still.”
“Yeah. More than just an embarrassing tattoo.” She rubbed her shins. “Which I do have.”
“You’ve got to show me before the end of the night.”
“Yeah, we’ll have to see about that,” she said through her teeth.
“What actual regrets do you have, though?” he asked.
She hesitated. Sighed. “I don’t know. A ton.”
“You don’t have to share, of course. That goes without saying.”
“I will though, I will.” She laughed. “You know it’s funny, Cameron.”
“You can just call me ‘Cam’ by the way.”
“Oh, okay. Well, Cam, I was going to say I just think it’s funny.” She giggled.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know!” she protested, still giggling. “I just feel like I’ve known you for a while.”
“Yeah, me too.” His fingers raked his scalp. “Well, actually, it feels like I’ve known you for a while, not that I’ve known me for a while, because obviously I have.”
She took a sip of seltzer, humming quirkily.
“You’re working through that drink pretty slowly, even though I’ve been running my mouth this whole time.”
“Do you want to help me finish it?” she asked, shoving the drink in his face.
“Okay.” He took the can. “A night of firsts. Margaritas, online date, spiked seltzer; what else?” Cam chugged.
“It’s my first online date too.” She scratched her cheek. “I was kind of hoping for just sex at first, but, I’m glad it’s turned into more than that.”
“Me too,” he said quickly. “And holy shit, this seltzer’s made me even gayer.”
She started laughing with her nose scrunched. “You’re fucking hysterical.”
“Hey,” he began, turning stern all of the sudden. “Regrets. Remember.”
“Okay,” she said, begrudgingly.
That highway always looked the same. Even if the sun hit the asphalt from a clear sky, the road appeared muddy. There must’ve been construction underway for the better part of a decade, and the same orange cones sat there, collecting weather.
Meaningless traffic.
Just watching the rain patter against the windshield. Following the wipers whir and skid across the glass. Mundane. Irritating.
“I really have to go?” she asked.
Her mother huffed. “It would mean a lot to your father.”
“I didn’t even know this guy.”
“But you know your father, right? And if this means a lot to your father, then it should mean a lot to you, Abby.”
She sighed. Impenetrable silence. The sort Abby couldn’t really fragment with any quip or rebuttal. How could anyone, really? Even if she conjured the most incredible weapon of a sentence, a swift lecture would follow.
Her mother enjoyed those.
“You’re not even going,” Abby said. Perhaps an argument she could defend would do.
“I can’t help with your tuition if I’m not seeing these extra patients.”
Abby sighed.
“But that doesn’t mean you get to just blow Kevin’s wake off.” Her hands smacked the steering wheel between each sentence. “I know it’s your day off, and I know you’ve been having a tough time recently, but…”
A tough time. Abby’s mother knew the mere surface. She had told her about the time she tried acid, but not about the weeks of unbearable depression or random bouts of anxiety that crashed into her. Plus, the acid didn’t really bother her like she said it did. She may had even tried it again. But that wasn’t the point. Abby didn’t want to open up to anyone, let alone her mother, who judged first and gave sound advice second. It was already enough work hiding the smell of cigarettes, which she started smoking to cope with all this.
Everything was gaining ground on her.
“Alright, sweetie?” Her mother’s tone had lightened since Abby started ignoring her.
They got off the highway. Exit forty-two. There was a deli near the funeral home. Abby didn’t eat breakfast or lunch, so, a roast beef sandwich appealed to her stomach. Most of the time she forgot to eat, and even though it was six-forty-five, she really didn’t feel too ravenous. She could wait until tomorrow if she really wanted to.
Abby watched the deli pass. But after a few more buildings, the funeral home appeared, with a hive of cars surrounding it.
“Text me when you and your dad get home,” her mother said as Abby stepped out of the car. “I love you.”
Abby shut the door.
And after her mother drove away, she pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
“I never said it back.”
The night’s ambient symphony filled the silence. The slight breeze. The groaning of tree trunks and rippling of leaves.
“My mom died on her way to work. Some piece of shit in a ‘72 Gran Torino totaled her car.” She finished her drink and threw the can away.
“I’m sorry,” Cam said. “I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“It’s so selfish of me, too.” Abby scoffed. “And for what? A stupid day off?”
“I think you blame yourself too much, if I can say.” Cam scratched his cheekbone. “It was just another ordinary argument. And, I don’t know how things were between you guys, but you probably would’ve had some animosity for a day.”
She fended off tears.
“Then you’d make up. Someone would apologize before the other person would.” He snickered. “She wouldn’t want to see you like this, Abby.”
“Thank you.” She wiped her eyes with pulled down sleeves. “That really does help me. I mean it.” Sirens echoed in the distance, over the trees. “What happened with you and Jimmy after that?”
“I haven’t talked to him since.”
“It would be worth it to try.” She gazed into his eyes. “If not for his second chance, then for yours.”
“You think I should?”
“I do.” She nodded. “You can come over before or after you do it.” Abby smiled. “You know what street I’m on.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I do.”
It was a small, yellow ranch. The front screen hadn’t been replaced since he’d been there, and the front lawn was overgrown in the same places. That identical plastic fence held nothing but weeds out back.
But he didn’t recognize the car. He remembered Jimmy’s parents always driving Audis.
It didn’t matter what sort of financial drought they were trapped in. It was always Audis. Today, beneath a powdery blue sky laced with strands of clouds, a Honda sat in the gravel.
Cam rubbed his jacket zipper with a stiff thumb. Faster as the seconds passed. He took a step forward, prepping himself for whomever may answer. They could’ve moved. Jimmy could have left Hurst street and the town and all of it to pursue something else. What if Cameron was the reason Jimmy diverged from the path of an artist?
What if it was all his fault?
He knocked, gentle at first, half-regretting his decision already. But when he realized the choice had already been made, he knocked harder and more pronounced. Cam exhaled, tapping his foot on their stoop excessively. “Oh god, what are you doing? What are you doing, Cameron?” he murmured to himself.
The front door’s seal broke. Its hinges groaned as it opened further.
He was thinner—no, leaner—than Cam had remembered. But Jimmy stood before him, mind and soul, in the same—albeit trimmed—shell. “H-how’ve you been?”
Cameron rubbed his nose. “Good.”
“Come in, man, come in.” Jimmy opened the screen for him, allowing Cam to step foot into his home. “I’ve missed you.”
They stood in the foyer for a second, inspecting each other to reacquaint. And as Cameron lingered on his chest—on the text of his sweatshirt—he felt the swift embrace of Jimmy.
“I’m sorry,” Jimmy said through a heavy throat. “I was such an idiot, then, such an idiot.”
“It’s okay,” Cam said, wrapping his arms tight around him. “It is, Jimmy.”
The pair of them stood, the house’s walls sputtering with sounds of pipes.
“Come on,” Cam said. “I want you to meet someone.”
Zachary Toombs is a published author, artist, and filmmaker with works in Fine Lines Creative Journal, Mad Swirl and Freedom Fiction. His artwork is typically done with ink on paper, and is available to view on his Instagram page @toombszachary
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meek-boy-rogers · 7 years
You’re My Soulmate
Fandom: Marvel Words: 6,675 Summary: Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are soulmates. Steven and James written delicately on the others wrist. This is how they lost each other and found each other.
Warnings: Okay, so basically this is just Captain America: TFA, TWS, and a hint of CW with like an alternate ending and a little bit of lines are changed and its gayer than the originals. Also, soulmate AU. 
This took me so long to write and I wanted to give up so many times but finished it! Enjoy. Thank you xxx Bambi
 Steve knew exactly who his soulmate was, they both knew. It took the two a long time to come to terms with the fact. It was the 40s, after all. Two men being together was practically forbidden, if you were outed, you were shunned. They spent countless nights talking about it, talking about the fact that their wrists hold the others name, yet no one else can see that. It was thrilling, almost. That they knew they belonged together but no one else dare know the secret they hold on their skin. They loved each other, no doubt. They shared unspoken kisses and soft touches, they held each other late at night, knowing that this was only for them.
 When Bucky joined the 107th, Steve had to come to terms that he had to let his soulmate go into a war that he might not return from. They kept telling Steve he was too weak, too small to go to war. But, Steve never gave up. Even when Bucky told him not to do anything stupid till he got back, which Steve took as ‘don’t you go lying on your enlistment papers again’. Which he didn’t listen too, but fortunately he met Dr. Abraham Erskine, who gave him the chance. He trained to the best of his abilities, which wasn’t much seeing as he was as healthy as anything but a horse. He wanted nothing more than to protect and fight for his country.
 It was a surprise he’d survived the super serum, no one would have foreseen it. Peggy was worried for him, they’d gotten close when he told her about Bucky. She didn’t see the problem; a soulmate is a soulmate. If it is meant to be, how could it ever be wrong? She assured him that she would keep it to herself, she told him that Bucky would be okay, he seemed like an able soldier. Steve couldn’t help but agree, he really looked up to Bucky. Much to Steve’s excitement, no longer would that be a literal statement. But, with every good thing, came the downside. Steve wasn’t made into this super soldier to protect his country, he was nothing more than a showgirl. He was kind of glad that Bucky couldn’t see him then, he thinks he would be disappointed in him.
 He travelled the world doing shows, same thing over and over. He thought this was what it would take to get him into the field, so he did it. In Italy he was met with Peggy, he was quite relieved to see a familiar face, that was until she informed him that many men from the 107th were killed or taken by Schmidt.
 “Well, if it isn’t the Star-Spangled Man with a Plan. And what is your plan today?” Colonel Phillips asked, sarcasm laced in his voice.
 “I need the casualty list from Azzano.” Steve ordered, clear panic in his voice.
 “You don’t get to give me orders, son.”
 “I just need one name. Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th.”
 Colonel Phillips pointed to Peggy, “You and I are going to have a conversation later that you won't enjoy.”
 “Please tell me if he’s alive, sir. B-A-R…” Steve pleaded.
 “I can spell.  I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I'm sorry.” Phillips didn’t even look at Steve when he said it, he was faced the other way.
 He didn’t even plan a rescue mission, he just stated that winning the war is what would resolve the issue. When Steve observed the map, Peggy knew immediately what was going through his head and she knew that she had no choice but to help him, because damnit, that was his soulmate out there. She could see him looking down at his wrist, drawing a finger across it. She called up Stark as soon as she came to the conclusion that she would help him, no matter what. As soon as they made it onto enemy territory, he got ready to jump out, telling them as soon as he was out, for them to turn around and get out of there.
 It only took him knocking out 4 guards to make it to the prisoners. Once he let them out, he made his way to the isolation ward that one of the prisoners told him about. He wondered around, taking out all the guards he came across before he went down a corridor where he saw a shorter man running, a bag in his hand. He hesitated to go after him when he heard murmuring, whispers.
 “Sergeant. 32557…” He trailed off. Steve entered the room, seeing Bucky strapped down to chair.
 “Bucky? Oh my God.” He started to work on the straps, taking them off his wrists and ankles. He could see the dazed look in his eyes, “It’s me. It’s Steve.”
 “Steve.” Bucky had a smile on his face, teeth showing through. He was still a little confused.
 “I thought you were dead.” Steve spoke softly, looking over his love.
 “I thought you were smaller.” Bucky looked down over Steve’s body, noticing the height difference that was on Steve’s side now. “What happened to you?” Bucky asked, holding onto Steve for support.
 Bucky continued to ask questions, while Steve was pushing forward, trying to find Schmidt. They heard an explosion, causing Steve to look down, seeing the factory was going up in flames. Steve and Bucky made their way up higher, only to be greeted with Schmidt, “Captain America! I'm a great fan of your films. So, Dr. Erskine managed it after all. Not exactly an improvement, but still impressive.”
 Steve punched him in the face, causing them to fight before Zola pulled a lever, causing the bridge to separate. Schmidt kept talking, talking about how he was Erskine’s best creation before he peeled back his face to reveal the Red Skull. He entered the elevator, leaving Steve and Bucky in the doomed building. They made their way up further, Steve sent Bucky across the makeshift bridge first. The shaking of the building causing it to start giving out under his weight, but he made to the other side before it fell.
 “There’s got to be a rope or something!” He yelled across to Steve.
 “Just go! Get out of here!” Steve yelled, waving his arms for emphasis.
 “No! Not without you!” Bucky retorted.
 Steve looked around for a second, weighing his options before moving the piece of metal on the barricade that was in his way. He walked back a couple of steps. He looked at the distance, took a breath out, then ran. He jumped, behind him the building going up into flames, before he landed.
 It took them days to get back to the field, but it was worth it. When they finally got there, him and Bucky leading the way, they were met with soldiers clapping, hollering.
 Steve saluted to the Colonel, “Some of these men need medical attention.” He stated, before speaking again, “I’d like to surrender myself for disciplinary action.”
 “That won’t be necessary.” He says before turning to Peggy, “Faith, huh?”
 “You’re late.” Peggy said, before Steve held up the transponder.
 “Hey! Let’s give it up for Captain America!” Bucky yells, looking at Steve with proud written across his features.
 They put together a team, hundreds of men pulled together to take out Hydra bases, with Captain America leading them. They took down dozens of the bases together, going in guns blazing. Till, one day they caught up to Zola. He was on a train, heading somewhere, and fast. They sent men down on a zip line to the train, but Steve and Bucky were the ones who went inside. There for each other till the end of line, right? When they got in, Steve up front, leading the way, the door shut right after he entered another section of the train. The guards kept coming, when they would take one or two out, more would pursue them. This caused a guard to rip a hole right in the side of the train, Bucky had no choice but to jump out as the guard raised his gun again. Steve took the guard out.
 “Bucky, hang on!” Steve made his way out of the train, holding onto the railings. “Grab my hand!” He said, seeing the railing Bucky was holding onto was giving out. But, Bucky couldn’t reach. He fell. “No!” Steve yelled.
 He’d promised himself, his country, Peggy, and most importantly, Bucky, that he would take down Hydra. He would make sure that every single person was captured or dead, he did just that. He took down Red Skull, more likely that he took down himself. But, he found himself in a situation where he had to put his life to an end, to save his country. He signed up for that, though. He knew that if he didn’t force the plane down it would hit New York. Peggy tried her best to talk him out of it, but it was his choice. And she knew he was doing it for the greater good.
 Now, here he is. In the 21st century, working along side Natasha Romanoff, or more formally, Black Widow. He didn’t miss the fact that usually all she did was suggest him to woman for him to ask out, he always swept it off, telling her was too busy or making a half assed excuse. Sometimes, he’d catch himself looking down at his wrist with the faded name; James. He’d remember when the name used to be written with bold, dark lettering. Now, it seemed nearly gone. He couldn’t help it when sometimes he would trace his fingers over it, thinking about him and how he would love the world in 2014. The future. Natasha didn’t need to know much about him, she knew of him, everyone did. Steve Rogers best friend, sidekick. If only they knew the full story, if they only knew the love the two men shared. It would be a completely different story.
 When Fury showed up at his apartment telling him that S.H.I.E.L.D was compromised, telling him to trust no one, he was worried. He looked over to his window, seeing the man who shot him and pursued him. When he made it to the roof with the man, he threw his shield, only for the man to catch it with his metal arm, before he threw it back and nearly knocked Steve off his feet. He looked over the city, seeing the man was gone and sighed. When Nick died, he took it into consideration that he shouldn’t trust anyone and hid the flash drive that he gave him. The last thing he thought would happen was the S.T.R.I.K.E team circling him, along with the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. When he made back to the hospital to retreat it, he was met with Natasha.
 He pulled her into a room, before pushing her up into the wall. “Where is it?”
 “Safe.” She retorted.
 “Do better.” He said, still not letting her go.
 “Where did you get it?” She asked, he shot back his own question, asking why would he tell her. “Fury gave it to you. Why?”
 He asked her more questions like what was on the flash drive, asking if she knew that Fury was the one who ordered the pirates onto the ship. When she kept dragging it on, he held her arm tighter, telling her he wasn’t going to ask her again.
 “I know who killed Fury.” She stated. He loosened the grip on her. “Most of the intelligence community doesn’t believe he exists. The ones who do call him the Winter Soldier. He’s credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years.”
 “So, he’s a ghost story.” Steve said.
 “Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer, so he shot him straight through me.” She lifts her shirt to show a scar on her hip. “Soviet slug, no rifling. Bye-bye bikinis.”
 She tells Steve about when she went after him, but he’s a ghost story. She surrendered the flash drive to him, letting him take it. He went on to say, “Well, let’s find out what the ghost wants.”
 They disguised themselves, hoodies up, hats on, fake glasses. They made their way to a public mall, using a laptop in an Apple store. Natasha was running through the flash drive while Steve looked around, anxiously. He tried to hurry her along after an employee came up to them, just in the last minute she got the location. Wheaton, New Jersey. They made their way out of the store, keeping their heads low. Natasha told him to put his arm around her shoulder and to laugh, before they made their way to the escalators.
“Kiss me.” Nat said, after spotting Rumlow coming up, causing a confused look from Steve. “Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.”
 “Yes, they do.” He said before she leaned up, grabbing the back of his neck and placed her lips onto his. Once they made it out of the mall without being caught, Steve stole a truck and they made their way to New Jersey.
 “Alright, I have a question for you, which you do not have to answer. I feel like if you don't answer it though, you're kind of answering it, you know?” Natasha went on, causing Steve to let out an impatient ‘what’. “Was that your first kiss since 1945?” She asked, a small smirk playing on her lips.
 “That bad, huh?” He jokingly questioned, which she stammers and says she didn’t say that.
 “I’ve just wondered how much practice you’ve had?” She asked.
 “You don’t need practice.”
 “Everybody needs practice.” He informed her afterward that it wasn’t his first kiss since then. “Nobody special, though? You’re soulmate?” She asked, looking down at his wrists.
 “It’s kind of hard to have a soulmate when they aren’t exactly alive anymore.” He stated, giving a small, sad smile. He decided to change the subject. “You know, it’s kind of hard to trust someone when you don’t know who that someone really is.”
 “Yeah.” She said, looking out the window for a moment. “Who do you want me to be?” She asked.
 “How about a friend?” He asks, causing Nat to let out a small laugh.
 “Well, there's a chance you might be in the wrong business, Rogers.” She said, just as they pulled up to an abandoned military base.
 They walked around the base for a moment, Steve couldn’t help but think of the horrible memories it held from when he was being trained and no one believed in him but Peggy and Dr. Erskine. He spotted a building that wasn’t meant to be there, telling Natasha that Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within 500 yards of the barracks. They walked up to it, Steve breaking the locks with his shield before walking into the office type space. Concluding that this was most likely where S.H.I.E.L.D started. They came across a shelf, Steve noticing the movement of the spiderwebs, seeming that there is air flow through the small space between the shelves.
 “If you’re already working in a secret office…” He spoke, pushing the shelves out of the way, revealing an elevator. “Why do you need to hide the elevator?” He questioned.
 Natasha used her phone to find out the passcode to open the elevator up, pressing the numbers in, causing the doors to open with a ding. They looked at each other before stepping in and going down. The room they came upon held old computers and technology. Natasha looked around, confusion written across her face.
 “This can’t be the data-point, this technology is ancient.” She looked over to Steve, before he eyes travelled down to a port. She made her way over to it, placing the flash drive into one of the slots. The computers started whirring, coming to life. The computer spoke, the words ‘initiate system’ coming across the screen.
 “Y-E-S, spells yes. Shall we play a game?” She spoke while typing into the keyboard. “It was from a movie that was really...” She trailed off when Steve interrupted.
 “I know, I saw it.”
 The computer started to static, a green outline of what looked like a face came into view before it started to speak, “Rogers, Steven. Born, 1918. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born, 1984.”
 “It must be some kind of recording.” Natasha concluded, confused.
 “I am not a recording, Fräulein. I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945, but I am.” The computer spoke, before a picture of Arnim Zola was projected onto another small computer screen.
 “You know this thing?” Nat asked, pointing her head to the computer.
 “Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull. He's been dead for years.” Steve walked around the computer, examining it and the room as the robotic version of Zola spoke.
 “First correction, I am Swiss. Second, look around you. I have never been more alive. In 1972 I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body, my mind, however, that was worth saving on two hundred thousand feet of data banks. You are standing in my brain.”
 Zola went onto to show them and walk them through how it got to this point. Showing them that he was recruited by someone in S.H.I.E.L.D, or how he explained it, a beautiful parasite inside of S.H.I.E.L.D. He showed photos of the chaos that was caused over 70 years, a picture of the Winter Soldier flashing across the screen briefly. Steve could feel his anger building on as the robotic man went on, he couldn’t help but punch the screen with all his willpower. Only for him to come back onto the smaller screen.
 “What's on this drive?” Steve asked, hurriedly.
  “Project Insight requires insight. So, I wrote an algorithm.”
 Natasha stepped up next to Steve before speaking, “What kind of algorithm? What does it do?”
 “The answer to your question is fascinating. Unfortunately, you shall be too dead to hear it.” Zola said just as the metal doors began to close, Steve threw his shield, but it was too late, the doors closed.
 There were 30 seconds tops before the bogey was to hit, Zola still kept talking. Steve noticed a metal grate, flinging it open before pulling Natasha and himself into the hole, holding his shield over their heads to protect them from the debris. He managed to get the heavy pieces of the roof off them, picking up a loopy Natasha. Just before S.T.R.I.K.E agents arrive and start to roam the area for them. Only one person came to mind when he thought of somewhere trustworthy.
 He showed up to Sam Wilson’s house, told him he needed a place to lay low, that everyone they know is trying to kill them. He welcomed them in, ensuring that not everyone is out to harm them. They informed him of what was happening, how S.H.I.E.L.D was after them, about Hydra. He showed them what he would call a ‘resume’.
 “I can’t ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason.” Steve spoke, looking up from the file.
 “Dude, Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in.”
 He went on to tell them where they could find his jet-pack suit. They found Jasper Sitwell, pressured him for answers about the algorithm. It was to kill off people by the millions, anyone who is a threat to Hydra. Now or in the future. He told them that the 21st century is like a digital book, Zola taught them how to read it, to see everyone’s information. The algorithm goes through people’s pasts to predict their futures. Sam was driving, making their way to Triskelion, they were talking over the plan to stop the Helicarriers.
 “What? Are you crazy? This is a terrible, terrible idea!” Sitwell spoke urgently, right before there was a thud on the roof and he was yanked out of the car and thrown into oncoming traffic by the Winter Soldier. The Soldier started to shoot through the roof, Natasha jumped to the front of the car onto Steve’s lap, moving him forward. Steve reached for the emergency brake, pulling it, causing the man to tumble off into the road. He swiftly landed before standing back up and looking at them, eyes covered with a pair of goggles and a mask covering his lower face.
 Just as another car slams into the back of them, pushing them along the road toward the Winter Soldier. He jumps back onto the car, smashing through the windshield and yanking the steering wheel out of the car. The other vehicle keeps pushing them, causing the car to almost flip. Before it could, Steve pulled Sam and Natasha close to him, against the car door, and fell out, shield protecting them along with the car door. They slid along, Sam falling off, rolling onto the pavement. The Soldier shot at them, Steve pushing Nat out of the way and using his shield as protection. He was pushed back, landing into a bus. The other agents and the Winter Soldier began shooting at Nat and Sam, Nat shooting at them before taking off, hiding behind a truck and shooting up at the bridge at the man.
 Once Steve got out of the bus, him and Sam took out the men with the machine guns. Steve ran to find the Soldier, seeing him standing on top of a car, gun up getting ready to shoot. Steve runs toward him, the man seeing him and punching his shield, breaking out into a fight. The man kicks Steve back, pulling out his gun and shooting at Steve. Steve used his shield to ward off the hits, before going toward the man, shield in front of him. The man took hold of it, flipping Steve, only for Steve to go along and land back on his feet, leaving the man with the shield. They fought for a few moments before the Soldier threw Steve’s shield. Steve leaning out of the way of being hit, before pursuing the man again. They battled, Steve trying to avoid the knife. The man grabbed him by his throat, throwing him into a van, raising his knife. Steve held the mans wrist away from him, causing them to cut a long, jagged cut along the side of the van. Steve got the man away from him, pulling his shield out of the back of the vehicle before getting back into fight mode. He shoved his shield in the mans robotic arm, hit him in the face with it to catch him off guard before grabbing his face, flipping him onto the pavement.
 The man rolled along the ground, swiftly as usual, mask falling off in the process. He stood faced away for a moment before turning to face Steve. Steve looked at the man, confusion and heartbreak battling in his heart and mind, he stood up straighter.
 “Bucky?” He asked, the name rolling off his tongue like a breathy sigh.
 “Who the hell is Bucky?” The man spoke with anger, confusion laced in his voice. He raised his gun up, not getting the chance to shoot as Sam flew in, kicking the man away. He stood back up, he looked toward Steve, he hesitated for a moment before raising it again and shooting the grenade behind Steve.
 There was barely anytime to think before the S.T.R.I.K.E agents rolled in, yelling at the trio, arresting them. Steve didn’t even have the energy to fight. Only one thought was able to slip into his mind, one name. Bucky. Bucky. Bucky. When they finally made it into the van, being escorted to presumably S.H.I.E.L.D.
 “It was him. He looked right at me like he didn’t even know me.” Steve spoke as if he was on autopilot.
 “How's that even possible? It was like seventy years ago.”
 “Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and...” Steve explained, before Natasha cut him off. Telling him it wasn’t his fault. “Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky.” Steve said, sadness showing through his voice.
 Sam notices that Natasha is bleeding, looking toward the guards and ordering a doctor. He moved back a bit when the guard pulled out an electric rod, before they flipped it and jammed it onto the other guard, knocking them out by kicking them. The guard took of the helmet, to reveal Agent Hill, “That thing was squeezing my brain. Who’s this guy?” She asked, referring to Sam.
 The following went by almost like a blur. Agent Hill took them to a secret facility where they were met with Fury, still alive. He spoke to them about his injuries, why he faked his death. That he didn’t know who to trust. Just while they were doing that, Bucky was getting his arm fixed, going through his scrambled brain to past memories. He saw Zola, he saw Steve, the man, hanging off a train yelling. Bucky no! The pictures, the memories went by like a film on a projector. He felt himself get angry, losing control. When the man came in, the bad man, asking for a mission report. He couldn’t speak, he didn’t speak. The man slapped him.
 “The man on the bridge… Who was he?” Bucky asked, going back to the blonde-haired man who said a name, a name that itched the back of his brain because he knew it, he could see it, but he couldn’t grasp it, hold onto the memory of the man who looked at him with so much distress but with a lost love glinting in his blue irises. The man insisted he’d met him on another assignment. “But, I knew him.”
 He couldn’t focus on the words the man was saying, he could only replay memories of this man. He looked down at his wrist, that held a name. It was bold, dark. Steven. The name went through filters in his mind. Steve. Steve. Steve. The men kept talking, pushed him back into the chair, restraints holding his arms back, a mouth guard tucked securely in his mouth. As soon as the electricity was running from his head, he couldn’t help but yell out the name, before he didn’t even know what name he was yelling anymore.
 Steve looked over the trees and the water, a memory of him and Bucky playing in his head. I’m with you till the end of the line, pal. It was a sad memory, but it was also a happy one. Knowing that Steve and Bucky were going to be there for each other, no matter what. It was reassuring.
 “He's going to be there, you know?” Sam interrupted Steve’s thoughts. Steve gave a quiet ‘I know’. “Look, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop.”
 “I don’t know if I can do that.” Steve spoke, not going into detail as to why. But, the name that took over his wrist, that was his soulmate. James, Bucky, that was his soulmate, the love of his life and he was going to fight to keep him, to save him.
 They suited up, Steve wearing his suit from WWII that he stole from the Smithsonian, Sam with his jet-pack wings, Agent Hill in her usual. They had Natasha using a digital face that was made to look like one of the Counselman. Steve took over the intercom, telling the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D of the hijacking done by Hydra, telling them that the S.T.R.I.K.E and Insight team were Hydra agents as well. He gave them a speech, hoping they’d do the right thing. Once Steve and Sam made it into the Helicarrier and placed the two cards in the rightful spots, it wasn’t long before Bucky, the Winter Soldier, showed up. He tackled Steve, sending him off the Helicarrier, Sam going after him only for the Soldier to grab one of his wings and flip him back. Soon enough, Sam was grounded, leaving Steve to his lonesome on the ship.
 When Steve found the last port for the card, Bucky was waiting for him. Eyebrows scrunched, a solid, straight face. Almost as if he had no emotion.
 “People are going to die, Buck. I can’t let that happen.” Steve said, getting no response, no facial movement at all from the other man. He pleaded, “Please don’t make me do this.”
 He knew that he wasn’t going to stand down so, he threw his shield at him. Only for Bucky to block with his arm and the battling to begin. For a moment while Bucky was down, Steve opens the targeting blade system. Bucky continued to fight him, causing the card to fall from Steve’s hand. Bucky fell off the platform onto the windowed floor below, Steve following to grab the chip before the fight broke lose again. As Steve was pulling out the knife that Bucky jammed into his shoulder, Bucky reached for the card, as he grabbed it Steve goes to grab him by the throat, slams him down and locks the arm that is holding the card. When he wouldn’t drop it, Steve snapped his arm. The crack and scream that came from Bucky left an unpleasant shiver down his spine. He rolled them over, arm around Bucky’s neck, leg securely holding down his metal arm.
 He waited for him to pass out before grabbing the card that fell from his hand and running to the targeting system, pulling himself onto the platform. Once he got on, Bucky became conscious and shot Steve in the thigh. Steve pushed on, climbing up to the system, only for Bucky to shoot him once more in the shoulder. Just as he was about to put the card into the slot, Bucky shot him once more in the back. Steve dropped, holding his stomach. But, in the last minute, he slid the card into the slot, causing all the targets to be wiped and for it to reset, making the carriers the targets. Hill told him to get out, but he knew it was no use.
 As the carrier was being taken down, he got up, noticing that Bucky was pinned by a heavy piece of the ship. He jumped down onto it, still gripping his stomach before making his way over to where Bucky was. The unsteadiness of the Helicarrier causing him to fall back. But, he got back up, using all his strength he could muster to get the debris off Bucky. He took a couple shallow breaths.
 “You know me.” He stated, looking over to Bucky who was just standing up.
 “No, I don’t!” Bucky yelled, punching the shield causing Steve to fly back.
 “Bucky, you've known me your whole life.” Steve tried to stay on his feet, the ship moving under him making him unstable. Bucky hesitated for a second before raising his fist and hitting Steve again. Steve didn’t fight, he chose not to. “You’re name is James Buchanan Barnes.”
 “Shut up!” Bucky screamed, punching Steve once more, causing him to fall onto the grown. Steve only got up again, took off his Captain America helmet, and stood his ground.
 “I’m not going to fight you.” Steve says, dropping his shield through a hole, letting it fall into the water below them. “You’re my soulmate.”
 Bucky looked at Steve for a few heartbeats before running after him, pushing him to the ground, hovering over him, “You’re my mission.”
 He punched Steve once, twice, three times, four times. Repeating the words over again, before stopping. He looked at the beaten-up Steve, eye swollen, blood trickling down his face. The twist in his heart confusing him further. He raised his hand once more, held it there.
 “Then finish it.” Steve spoke, voice gruff and laced with pain. “Cause, I’m with you till the end of the line.”
 Bucky examined the mans face. He knew the phrase, he knew this man. But, his mind was still fuzzy. He was still unsure exactly who this man was, but he could feel a tugging in his heart, a pull in his chest. He felt love, compassion, confusion. But only for a brief moment because now he was looking at the man falling. His mind raced. This man was only a mission, would say one part of his brain. Another repeating, Steve, Steve, Steve. He let go of the bar he was holding, falling in after the man. He swam a few feet before reaching a hand out to the mans shoulder, holding him above water while he swam to shore. Thoughts swimming in his mind the same as he swam through the ocean.
 When he reached the shore, setting the man down out of the water, he couldn’t help but study his unconscious form. The man was moving his head, water seeping out of his mouth. He had to look, he had to. Even if it would wake the man. He bent down, raising the mans right wrist, looking over the area of skin. James. That’s what it read. James Buchanan Barnes, the name that the unconscious man kept saying, Bucky. It was him. He sighed and looked around before standing back up and leaving the man, knowing he was alive, so it didn’t hurt as much.
 After his recovery, Steve set to find Bucky. To go after him. Natasha gave him his file, telling him to be careful. Sam agreed to help him, like he said; he does everything Steve does, only slower. He went over the file hundreds of times, he followed every trace that would lead to where Bucky was. With help from Sharon, he was able to locate him in Bucharest, Romania after nearly two years of searching. It wasn’t ideal to have to mourn the loss of Peggy and then set off to find Bucky, but it was as if losing someone was meant to happen to regain another. He didn’t know whether to trust that Bucky wasn’t the same, hostile as he was back in Washington, he made sure to suit up, bring his shield as protection.
 When he showed up to the small apartment, the bedroom and kitchen connected, he walked around, examining the room. A mattress lay on the ground, there wasn’t much furniture besides a table or two and a couch. He noticed a small notebook underneath two candy bars, he flipped through it. It seemed to hold memories, words, names. Things he remembered during his time away from Hydra, the world. But most importantly, a picture of Steve in his Captain America uniform.  It was almost an hour before Bucky returned, Steve could sense another person in the room before he turned to see Bucky, he had his guard up it seemed.
 “Do you know me?” Steve asked, setting the book down. Bucky stared at him, face showing no emotions, but if you looked closely enough you could see the pain hidden deep in his eyes.
 “You’re Steve. I read about you in a museum.” Bucky stated, looking away for a moment.
 “I know you’re nervous. And you have plenty reason to be, but you’re lying.” Steve took a step closer, but only one, in fear that he’ll scare away Bucky.
 “I haven’t done anything wrong, not since Washington. I don’t do that anymore.” Bucky said, changing the subject.
 “No one said you did.” Steve retorted, taking another small step forward. Bucky walked over to a table, placing his bag of plums onto it. He removed a glove from his metal hand. “You pulled me from the river. Why?” Steve asked, voice soft yet urgent.
 “I don’t know.” Bucky looked up at Steve, his eyes holding turmoil and just hint of a glint that looked a lot like a hidden love.
 “Yes, you do.” Steve said, giving him a stern look, holding his ground.
 Bucky sighed, walking over toward Steve before going to the couch that was placed next to him, sitting down. He placed his hands over his face, leaning forward. He let out a muffled groan before sitting back up. He heard Steve’s footsteps coming toward him, and he couldn’t help but watch him. Steve took off his helmet, running his hands through his hair before kneeling in front of Bucky. He was a little claustrophobic in that moment, his lungs feeling like the air was slowly leaving him to just be soaked up by Steve. He couldn’t remove his eyes from Steve’s though, even when Steve moved his eyes toward Bucky’s covered wrist. When he lifted the sleeve up to show the name written delicately on his wrist.
 “Steven.” Bucky said, voice softer than it has been in a while. He liked the way the name danced on his tongue, it tasted sweet, loving. “Stevie.”
 Steve lifted up the sleeve of his Cap suit, showing Bucky’s birth name on it. He placed his next to Bucky’s that was laying on his lap. The names, the wrists and the men, they fit together so perfectly, so delicately. Bucky couldn’t stop his heart from racing, from the panic that set in, the tears that decided to leave without permission. He came to the realization that he hurt this man, his Stevie. He hurt him in more ways than he thought possible.
 “What’s wrong?” Steve asked, seeing the tears spilling from his loves eyes, the expression that took over his features.
 “I hurt you. And I didn’t mean to, I know I probably didn’t have much of a choice, but why couldn’t I stop them from doing this to me? If I could take out dozens of innocent people and even people who had abilities near to mine. How come I couldn’t stop average men with guns?” Bucky questioned, searching Steve’s eyes for answers.
 “It isn’t your fault, you know? It’s theirs, they took over your brain, your thoughts and memories. Wiped you clean of all of them. You had no power over them.” Steve tried to reassure him. He thought it best to change the subject, “Now, do you know why you saved me from the river?”
 “Because, I love you. Even when I barely had control of my own actions, I knew I loved you. You’re my soulmate.” Bucky answered, a small smile playing on his lips when he finished.
 Steve couldn’t hold back much longer, he’s waited over 70 years to feel Bucky again, to feel the softness, the warmth that was him. He placed his hands gently onto the sides of Bucky’s face, rubbing small strokes on his cheeks. He looked over his face once more, eyebrows scrunched, fear of losing him again setting in causing his grip on Bucky to strengthen by a little. He shut his eyes for a single moment, relishing in the moment till he felt a cold finger run along the side of his face, knowing it only to be Bucky’s metal arm. In a moment, he was leaning in, lips pressed softly onto the rougher ones of the other man. He knew this kiss was different than any others they have shared. Their older ones weren’t scared, they weren’t fearing the loss of them like they were now. They’ve felt the loss and coldness of not having the other with them, they don’t plan on feeling that again. So, they held each other tightly as their lips moved together urgently trying to make up for 70 years of lost touches, kisses and presence of their soulmate.
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fulloflesbeans · 7 years
Hazel Eyes & Cake Pops [Ch. 16]
Read on Ao3 here
We left on another walk, arms locked together, through the bustling and crowded sidewalk. The afternoon became really hot and Kate was fanning her hand at me and herself. It was kind of working.
"The next place is going to be perfect for this weather." I looked over at her as she continued to fan.
"I hope it's that frozen yogurt place coming up." Kate referred to the bright pink sign in the distance. It was pink-and-blue, self-serving frozen yogurt, and it served different flavors every day. I may or may not have chosen the place to share again.
"Today's your lucky day!" I nodded. It certainly felt like my lucky day. I fucked up a couple times already, but I already have plans to fix it within the day.
"You really put a lot of work into this." She sounded like she was impressed.
"I didn't want to let you down."
"You're not going to, Max. You're fine."
We entered the little shop, incredibly crowded and it was cold on impact, hearing one employee say "hello welcome!" as they worked behind the counter. I guided Kate through the crowd towards the towers of cups of various sizes we could choose from.
"Would you like to share again?" I asked her. I felt myself overdoing the whole sharing thing.
"You still don't feel bad about the whole cup thing, do you?" She placed her hand on my back again.
"No! No, no... no." My reply became less confident and quiet.
"I don't feel bad!"
"I kinda do!" I blurted. Kate's hand fell down to my lower back.
I took a step back, "But I really want to, for real. I'll forget the cup, we've been sharing all day."
She hummed and smirk, and said, "Okay, we can share. I'll pick this time."
She went ahead and picked the biggest cup and turned to look back and forth at the flavors. I followed behind her as she chose double cookies and cream, cinnamon roll, mint chip, and cheesecake. It was piled high, going above the rim, and it only got higher when she went to the toppings and added M&M's, Fruity Pebbles, and coconut flakes.
"You really went all out on that." I twisted the cup around to see all the different flavors she got.
"It's hot outside! You can't blame a girl for wanting so much."
"I'm not complaining."
When I bought the heavy cup of dessert, we were given two pink spoons and we left to the tables outside with blue, pink, and white umbrellas. Before eating, I obviously had to take a picture of it for the multiple colors and lighting, and then take a sudden one of Kate while she was on her phone. I tried to get a little bit of everything to eat, which was nearly impossible, and ate it. It was very delicious and it all went together so well, I almost made the same sound from the omelet.
"You like it?" She was only eating in tiny bits. I couldn't reply; I continued to eat in increasingly bigger amounts. About halfway, I started to feed her, since she kept eating in small bites. She had a huge grin every time I fed her, making me wonder if she was doing that on purpose. And of course, she did the same to me.
"Why do you keep eating like that?" I finally asked.
"No reason." She replied without making eye contact with me. She then took the cup for herself, not allowing me to get anymore.
"You ate here before?" She finished the bowl, leaving the rest of the melted yogurt.
"Everything we're doing today is new to me too," I pulled my hair tie out and fixed my hair up again, "Except for the last part of the day."
"How fun, I can't wait for the next place!"
The next location was very risky. I chose it because I found it very interesting and really wanted to go for myself, but I picked it for us to see her reaction to it. She had to have some interest in women, but the whole jumble of her being so touchy, compliment-y, yet also devoted to God and Christianity was killing me. The next destination was another museum with a little twist.
"I keep getting texts from my friends even though I told them to not do that." Kate grumbled as she put her phone back in her pocket.
"What are they asking for now?"
"Help with assignments for school and asking what we're doing. I haven't replied to any of them."
"You should tell them to stop."
We stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the light to turn. Kate kept a distance and when we stopped, she simply rolled her eyes.
"I don't want to. I just want a day with you."
"Unless it's like your family or something, by all means answer it."
"... Right. Same to you."
She became aloof in an instant. When we started to walk across, she held onto my arm again, but she didn't say another word. The whole walk was very quiet and I could hear her audibly huff in annoyance. I looked at her every couple of minutes and she gave a small and weak side smile every time. I had to stop for a second, taking her over to the shade and out of peoples' paths.
"Kate, are you okay?" I grabbed Kate's hands.
"I'm fine. Why?" She said blandly.
"You're not talking anymore."
"It's nothing," she shook her head and held my hands firmly, "I'm exhausted from all the heat, you know?"
"Oh, do you want to sit down for a bit?"
"If you don't mind."
We went to the nearest bench in the shade, right next to a pizza shop, and we sat down. She instantly rested her head on my shoulder, letting out a tired sigh, and resting her hands on her lap.
"I didn't think it would become this hot. Will you be okay?" I rubbed her back.
"Yeah, it might be the beanie." she sat up straight again and then took her hat off. Her blonde hair was messy and she did her best to fix it.
"The one time I don't style my hair and this is what happens," She finally giggled again, "Sorry to worry you. We could go."
And so, we did. I ended up picking the GLBT History Museum. The building was brick and a lot of bright blue colors surrounding it and leading inside. On the window it held a sign, bright and clear, "gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender History Museum."
"I've heard about this place!" Kate’s eyes opened up and had a twinkle in them, "I've always wanted to go!"
"Oh, thank dog, I wasn't sure about this one. It was a little far." The last part was a lie. I was not worried about distance what so ever.
"No, it's perfect. I can't wait to see what's inside."
The building was a lot bigger on the inside. It started with a white room that moved in a circular path and had various memorabilia and the details within glass cases against the walls. Kate took the time to read every single one and look closer at the pictures. It leads into another white room full of photos and easels lining along the walls and sculptures in the middle.
Kate was silent, but she was smiling wide as she read and observed. I couldn't help but gaze at her more than the actual artworks around us. She finally noticed and her cheeks promptly turned pink.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
This was my chance, "Because you're cute when you're excited."
Kate hit me on my shoulder and went back to looking at the glass cases, holding her beanie to her mouth to hide the smile she couldn't hold back. She avoided even touching me; she was probably really warm.
Once again, we were stopped by strangers who wanted to tell us how cute we were together and how pretty Kate was. It was flattering, but Kate was right, it really was easier to just say thanks. After the eighth person, Kate finally put her arm around mine again. For some reason, I didn't want to take any pictures in the place or of Kate. There was something about it that felt right to just take it all in with memory. I felt really inspired by all the black-and-white photographs of people of different races, backgrounds, and ages that took up a whole wall from ceiling to floor.
"I have so many ideas to draw out later." Kate said as we left the building.
"Me too," I squinted my eyes from the bright sunlight, "If you don't mind, we need to take the metro for our next and final stop."
"Oh, we're at the final already?"
"We're going to eat there too and it's huge. It's an hour away."
"Alright, lead the way, Max."
On the metro train, there were about twenty other people inside. Kate and I sat in a middle aisle. On our travel, she was on her phone. I started to look over little-by-little, until I was just leaning over and my head was touching hers.
"Shit, sorry." I sat normally again.
She moved closer to me, "It's okay, you could look too. I'm reading my friend's suggestions and I just responded to them."
I looked again and there were text messages from someone named "Ledah."
Ledah: Can I make it gayer?!
lol You could if you want!
Ledah: Okay, so I'm thinking they are always with each other BUT only at the library and they always stealing glances or whatever and at one point they almost kiss and it's like AHHHHHHHHHHH BUT THEN—
The message was way longer than that, but that was a lot to take in.
"What an excitable friend." I smiled. They seemed nice, but also unpredictable.
"They’re the one directing it. They recently got into a relationship with a girl and they’ve been like this ever since."
I let out an understanding hum, "I feel like I would be the same way."
Kate only nodded, "I didn't want to keep them waiting, but I won't reply to this one. They definitely told everyone else on the project."
She avoided what I said completely. I wanted to push on it or finally let this moment be the one where I finally asked her about it.
"Hey, do you like girls?" "Have you been with a girl before?" "Are you gay or bi or...?"
She went back to other texts, still allowing me to read them. However, there was a Victoria one that she ignored and turned off her screen. After putting her phone back, she put her beanie back on her head. There was one thing I haven't stopped thinking about, though.
"Hey, I'm sorry if this is super personal and you don't have to answer, there was something I've been wanting to ask."
I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip. The question was making me nervous.
"It's fine, what's on your mind?" Kate looked at me and waited patiently. She had her hands together and her legs were crossed. I took a deep breath and I kept rubbing the back of my neck.
"You were talking to Rachel when we were studying and it's been stuck on my mind. Have you... Did you... D-did... W-what—"
"Oh... When I said the purity ring thing?" She already knew it, "Everyone asks about that."
"I'm sorry if it's weird."
"It's not. I'll tell you what I tell everyone. I don't wear it anymore for the exact reason you think."
My eyes widen so much, I think my eyes were going to pop out of my head.
Kate wasn't upset but rather, she was happy, laughing even, "That's usually the reaction I get."
"You don't feel awkward or weird for talking about it?"
"I've had to tell so many people, it doesn't matter anymore. People usually ask after I mention it, so you're the first to wait."
"It's pretty shocking. And that's it or did you ever have to elaborate?" I finally relaxed. Damn, I barely had my first kiss.
"I never told anyone beyond that. My friends try, but I dunno, I don't feel ready to do that?"
"That's understandable. Have you lost friends from talking about it?"
"Of course, plenty of friends. That makes me sad, but it happened a while ago and I don't exactly regret anything. You don't have a changed opinion about me, right?"
"No, in fact, I feel a little closer to you now. I feel honored that you trust me."
"I've always trusted you." Kate reached over and held my hand. We interlocked our fingers and changed the subject to movies that came out recently and more books Kate would recommend.
We finally arrived to the outlet, the same one Rachel and I went and she spent around five-thousand and I nearly slipped into a coma from adding up everything. It was close to sunset and there were hundreds of people walking and shopping. It was the weekend and it only made sense that it was full for the day.
"I've been here too, actually! Victoria shops a lot and she makes me hold her bags." Kate said that too happily.
"That's mean of her." I raised an eyebrow.
"It's how we connect."
We started our walk. I wasn't sure which stores Kate wanted to go into, so I told her to go into one whenever. In the meantime, we got into another conversation about her rabbit and how I personally have taken cared of plants.
"You named your plant Lisa?"
"I did! I did a pretty good job taking care of her too, but she’s gone now because I accidentally drowned her."
"Oh my, did you ever get another one?"
"I haven't gotten around to it. At this moment, Chloe and Rachel are technically my moms and are looking after me."
"Did you check your phone if you ever got messages from them?"
"I could right now." I took my phone out, welcomed by multiple messages from Rachel and one from Chloe.
Chloe: Text me so I can pick you up!
Rachel: I have big news!
Rachel: Will tell you when you come home!
Rachel: How's the date?!
Rachel: Don't ignore me!
"I did, I'll reply right now." I did so, giving Chloe a single emoji and Rachel two different answers: Can't wait to hear and It's going great, mom.
"They do seem like parents for you, now that I think about it."
"They're the cool parents."
On our walk, the first store Kate went into was Aeropostale, looking at colorful shirts and ripped jeans. She eventually tried some, making me wait outside her dressing room and asking for my opinion when she went out again. She stated she wasn't going to buy any of it and she just wanted my opinion. Of course, I thought she looked nice in all of them. We left again, Kate dragging me behind her by the hand.
"Who's walking fast now?" I teased.
Kate stopped abruptly and swiftly turned around, making me bump into her. I think our faces were an inch apart for a second.
"I already know what I want, but I want to try on things because I like it when you compliment me."
I couldn't reply and let her drag me around again. Into stores like Forever 21, Gap, and Levi's, she went in, grabbed clothes she liked, tried them on and made me check her out, and then leave without buying a thing. She told me to wear a couple of things and complimented me, but none of them were really my style. I could only describe them as either floral or white. About another hour had passed and suddenly, the weather was chilly again. I shivered, but Kate was shivering harder. I had to do something.
"Are you okay?"
She was shivering a lot and was trying to hug herself for warmth. She nodded and grinned, "I'm good."
I took my flannel off, fixing it off and draped it over her shoulders. I felt very bare after taking it off.
"Oh, Max, you don't have to do that!" She started to take it off, but I stopped her, holding the front together.
"You're way colder than me. You can use it. It matches and it looks way better on you than me." I let go and she started to put her arms through the sleeves.
"And that's why I like your compliments." She folded her arms again, continuing warming herself up again.
"I try," I chuckled, "Where to next, Kate Marsh?"
"Well, Max Caulfield, I'm a bit hungry so we should go to the food court for something."
"Agreed," I nodded, "What about after that?"
"Then I'm going to buy something for the both of us, but it's a surprise."
I groaned, "Are you cereal?"
"Yup, but you'll be happy once I give it to you."
We headed to the building that had all the foods and mini restaurants inside. Kate and I were only a little hungry, so we ordered from Wetzel's Pretzels for the pretzel bits covered in brown sugar and almonds. We shared from one bag, taking one at a time and walking around aimlessly along the brick path.
"Can I get a hint on what you're getting us?" I asked. My mouth was full when I asked.
"It's small." She deadpanned.
"Can I... wear it?"
"That's all I need to know." I handed the yellow and blue bag to her, letting her take the last pretzel bit. She ate it for herself and then threw it into the nearest trash can. She then grabbed my hand and started to go in the direction of whatever this mysterious store was. Hastily and clumsily, I grabbed my phone in order to take a picture of Kate dragging me along. It was a better reply to Rachel.
We ended up at Tilly's. Kate stopped and made me sit down at a nearby bench. It was finally sunset and the sky was blue, orange, and even slightly pink.
"You stay here and I'll be right back." Kate went into the blue and dim store. I was from a far distance, but I could vaguely hear rap music coming out of the place. Back on my phone again, I sent the picture to Rachel.
After taking another picture of the sky, I went back to my phone and scrolled through Tumblr again, looking at the memes and aesthetic pictures with dramatic text under them. I let out a drawn-out yawn, finally letting the day sink in. Everything felt so unreal from all places we went to being with Kate at all! I impressed her and I took her to all the places she always wanted to go. We held hands and we shared food and we learned about each other. Once I get home, I'm going to fall into complete bliss and won't be able to get out for days... weeks... maybe months.
What was the most mind-blowing of all was the fact that Kate was experienced. She had sex before with whoever, but it happened and broke her promise to God to wait. It was a curiosity to me and I wanted to know more. She was so shy, but looks were deceiving after all.
It was a lot quicker than I thought, Kate already walked out with her hands behind her back and smiling from ear to ear. I stood up, my heart pounded and my cheeks burned from the sight of her in my plaid shirt, and waited for her.
"Close your eyes." She told me right away.
"What is it?" I leaned over to see it, but she turned and hid it from me.
"Just close your eyes and hold your hand out, please?" She said sweetly, biting her lip.
I sighed, but obliged, closing my eyes and put my right hand out. I could feel Kate's soft hand and I felt a bracelet start to go on my wrist. I felt weird about the sensation and not being able to see it; I was uncomfortable, almost.
"Okay, open them." Kate sounded gentle.
I did so and I was met with her hand still holding mine, showing off the bracelets we now had. It was a braided bracelet; to me, it looked like shoe laces. Mine was yellow and black, and hers was green and white, with gold-colored aglets.
"I love it, Kate. This is so nice." I let go of her hand and twisted my wrist around to make it spin around and look at every part of it.
"I'm so glad you do. I was scared you were going to hate it or not say anything."
"No, I like it. I'll wear it all the time."
"I'll do the same."
We stayed at the bench to talk about random things, one of them being finding another time we could hang out together again.
"Do you go anywhere during the quarter breaks?" I tapped my foot to the beat of the Tilly's music.
"No, I stay at the apartment while my roommate goes out to parties and whatnot," Kate gripped the cuffs of my flannel, "Do you do anything?"
"Nope, I hole up at my apartment and get food from Chloe. I have no doubt that Chloe and Rachel have crazy plans, so if they are, I'll call you and see if you want to be a part of it?"
"I could try. I can't go too crazy, so I hope you don't mind that I might decline."
"It's all good. Chloe just might take me to a tattoo shop."
"Oh, you always wanted one?"
"This undercut changed me, Kate. I'm going rouge."
"So, you're a bad girl now?"
I chuckled at her comment, "Maybe. Do you want one? A tattoo, I mean."
"Ah, no, I've never been interested. I'll be there for support if you do get one. That's all I could provide."
"That's perfect, actually."
"Thought of any designs or ideas?"
"Well, I would go with a camera, but that's super obvious. I would get it on my left forearm, right below my inner elbow. Though, I had this shirt that I loved so much. It was a pink one and it said "Jane" on it, but right next to it was a female deer. So like, Jane Doe, you know? Or just a deer, but I don't know where I would put that."
Kate hummed, "maybe... right here?"
She poked her finger on my back, right on my shoulder blade.
"That sounds like a good idea. I'm still thinking about it."
"Don't force yourself then. I wouldn't want you to regret it."
"I won't. I might even get a sleeve on my left to match Chloe's right arm."
"Okay, that I don't know if you would ever do." She snickered. Yeah, it was a ridiculous thing to say.
"You're right... Are you ready to go now?" I asked her.
She sighed, "I don't want to yet. This has been such an awesome day. I don't want it to end..."
"How about we take a picture then? To remember this day?" I took my camera off my body.
She nodded, timidly smiling. I put my arm around her, holding her close, and held the camera towards us. I waited for a second before I pressed the shutter. It flashed in our eyes and it made Kate laugh. We waited for the film to come out.
"Would you mind if I keep this one?"
"Not at all, I was going to give it to you!" I replied, bumping my arm with hers.
I called Chloe after the photo was developed and waited for her. Kate told me that her apartment wasn't hard to miss and it was super abstract and built in an odd way. It took thirty minutes for Chloe to arrive with Rachel and we got into the backseats.
"Hey you two!" Rachel greeted us.
"Hey Rachel, hey Chloe." I greeted back.
"How were your guys' days?" Kate asked politely.
"It was complete ass, thanks." Chloe replied bitterly. Another customer pissed her off passed her limit. She wasn’t going off like before, most likely because Kate was here. I remembered her saying that she had to see Dana tonight again. I hope she’ll cool down until then.
"Nothing much really. I saw that video of your roommate and I need and want to meet her." Rachel turned and looked over her chair.
"She would lose her mind. I'll try to find a way to surprise her."
"Please do and I saw the picture you sent, Max. It was cute!"
"Thanks, I tried."
“What picture?” Kate looked at me with her eyebrow raised.
“When you were dragging me around.”
Kate snickered and nodded, “Payback for you walking fast.”
"Oh!” Rachel interrupted, “Speaking of paying back, Kate, we got you cake pops."
She presented the white box we all knew and loved and handed it to her.
"Aw, thank you."
"You're welcome. Now, it has been a long day, so just tell us your address and you could nap for a bit."
When Kate gave her address and we got back on the road, she rested her head on my shoulder and went into a deep sleep. I felt myself going to sleep too, but I stayed awake in case Rachel or Chloe had something to say.
"What's the good news, Rachel?" I asked her.
"Oh yeah! My manager is the fucking shit, okay, she set up a photoshoot for Vanity Fair and you'll be the one taking the photos. It’s just the cover, but you’ll be coming with us!"
My mouth fell open to the fucking ground.
"Don't fucking joke with me!"
"I'm not fucking around! Tomorrow, we'll be going to a studio and you'll be working with so many different people, you'll be exposed to all of it!"
"Holy shit..." I cursed under my breath. I couldn't believe it.
"It's a photoshoot for me and Chloe, so you better make us look good!"
Chloe finally laughed. Since she didn’t seem as mad, I took the opportunity to say another nickname I came up with.
"Chlomoji, why—"
"Leave. The. Damn. Nicknames. To. Me. Max." She hissed through her teeth.
"Chloe... why are you so mad?"
"Worst workday ever! Everyone was fucking up! Us, the customers, the machines, fuck this day!"
I checked on Kate and she was still asleep after all that yelling.
“… Don’t you have to see Dana tonight?”
The rest of the ride was quiet for Kate and I was still stuck on how unreal the whole day was. It was the best day I could think of, if not better, and it was like it ended too soon.
"We're here." Chloe said, a slight bitterness in her tone.
I shook Kate around and she woke up with a groan.
"We're here, Kate. Want me to walk you to your door?" I asked jokingly.
"Do you want to?" She grumbled, rubbing her eye.
I thought about it. I mean, it would be the polite thing to do.
Kate got out first with the box of cake pops and I followed her to her front door. Her apartment was on the first floor.
"I had the best time today, Max." Kate said tiredly. She was still smiling, nonetheless.
"Me too, let's do that again sometime."
"Absolutely." She nodded. We told each other goodnight and to sleep well and I walked away after she unlocked her door. As I left, I didn't look back, but I could hear her door opening and closing again.
When I got into the car again, Rachel and Chloe were giggling. More likely they were trying to hold laughter back. Chloe drove away and then they laughed harder.
"What's so funny?"
Rachel turned to me, "You left your flannel!"
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safyresky · 7 years
11 Questions
@mellomadness tagged me in this fun ask game!! I’m too tired to think of questions so I’m just gonna answer yours and double tag the usuals which are @lovelypidge and @thewayhistoryiswritten bc I TAGGED U AGAIN FIRST HA
The rules, in case anyone was interested: ask ur own 11 questions after answering these and tag 11 people!
1: One song you could have on repeat forever?
Honey There’s a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, You Just Haven’t Thought Of It Yet by Panic! At The Disco, or Bulletproof Heart by MCR!
2: Favourite hobby?
Writing!! It’s my only hobby, tbh. That and drawing as of late!! It’s fun to be able to draw the OC’s and their silly occasionally slightly OOC shenanigans
3: Opinion on shoes? Do you have a favourite pair? Why?
God damn I LOVE shoes, fave accessories, especially BOOTS!!!!! My favourite pair has to be either this brown pair of boots that have little slouchies and buckles, bc they remind me of Avatar Korra, or my newest pair of boots (I have not yet worn them bc it’s been so HOT) bc they’re really cute and I don’t have any cute ankle boots like this pair I just got!!!
4: Have you ever taken a class you though would be horrible but ended up enjoying it?
I went to England 2 years ago to take an archaeology program for the summer at the castle, and I thought I would hate the two courses it consisted of but I ended up LOVING THEM
I also had the opposite happen to me. I took Astronomy last year, thinking I would love it, and ended up HATING IT by the end bc of the Prof. I love me some space shit but got damn, that prof made the class dreadful
5: Favorite author/book?
Favourite author is a good one. I have a LOT. Terry Pratchett is fast becoming a fave, his humour is on POINT and so GOOD! Debbie Macomber has always been a fave, her books are honestly boring and just about life of people in towns but I love them!! They could be gayer, for sure, it’s. It’s very hetero, all of her books (and v catholic at times, she’s an old lady) but I’m fond of her writing style (even if it is heavily edited by the editor). Twenty Wishes was my favourite of them all, I think! 
There’s also Mercedes Lackey who writes these PHENOMENAL fantasy romance series refereed to as the 500 Kingdoms Series, if I remember correctly,  that take regular fairy tale tropes and throw them into a world where everyone is self-aware it’s a fairy tale, and play the system. It’s hard to explain but holy fuck I loved them and I lOVE her writing! Her humour is great as well :D
My all time favourite book series is the Poison Study series by Maria V. Snyder! They follow the adventures of a girl from a military anti-magic district who is actually from the magical district, and are about her journey back to the magical district, regaining he memories, finding her family, and uncovering a complex and dark magical conspiracy (for lack of a better term) that stretches all the way to the 4 high Magicians who run the Magical District. She wrote a second series but I haven’t yet read it through and such :)
I, uh, went out on a tangent but, uh, I don’t have 1 favourite I have like 10
6: Books, Movies or Graphic Novels?
Books!!! Movies are great too but I’m way too critical of them as of late (thanks English Lit Major) and with books, I enjoy visualizing it my way :)
7: Favourite Autumn drink?
Hot chocolate I guess, I’m not a fan of the pumpkin flavours and such (I am a very picky person flavour wise)
8: Very Important!!! Do you like Halloween?
9: Is there one person you could listen to talk forever and still love their voice? Like, could they read a phone book and you’d still listen as if they were reading you the most interesting story ever?
Hmmm...Brendon Urie probably, he’s got a nice fuckin voice holy heck his range??? god DAMN
Also Richard when he speaks Polish. His voice gets a scintilla deeper and it’s N I C E (it’s the same as his morning voice and I love it, it’s deep and soothing and sleepy)
10: Favourite YouTuber?
Thomas Sanders probably!!! I don’t watch youtube as much as most people do/as I use to  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11: Do you have a favourite sound from nature? (I.e.: Rain, crunching leaves, wind, etc…)
The crunch of snow under my boots, and that specific winter wind that blows through the leafless trees. It sounds so lovely and calm and I like it
THANKS FOR THE TAG MELLO!!! @ all my lovely followers, feel free to do this as well!!! with whatever questions you want bc i am. too tired to think of new questions heh
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thanos-kin · 7 years
crossover au
SINCE EVERYONE SEEMS TO LOVE THE POLY AU WITH CONNOR/EVAN/MICHAEL/JERRMY SO I'LL POST SOME MORE HEADCANNONS @all-you-see-is-nightmare-eyes HELPED ME WITH THESE - the boys get progressively gayer now that they're together, they hold hands and make out and cuddle and everyone finds it really cute?? (everyone as in heidi and jeremy's dad) - they have a specific way they cuddle, connor's on the left curled up around them since he's the tallest and the main one he's curled up around is michael, his nose nuzzled in his hair. honestly he's just spooning michael. michael's arms are around evan, who's nuzzled in his neck and has his arms wrapped around him and connor. jeremy's spooning evan, nuzzled in the back of his neck as he wrapped his arms around michael and evan and he's holding connor's hand. - it's almost impossible for them to sleep unless they're with each other it's crazy - connor definitely dramatically drapes himself across michael when he's playing games to get his attention - "pay attention to me and your other boyfriends" "just one more level-" "no it's late and we wanna watch movies" "start one without me then i'll be there right after i beat this i promise" "you said that four levels ago, please?" all three of them give michael puppy eyes; he can't resist - okay but evan's never had a slushy before and michael is OFFENDED, so he grabs all of the boys and they go to the seven eleven down the street. at 2 in the morning. - when evan first tries it he's like "HOLY HECK THIS IS GOOD" and he drinks it way too quickly and no one has enough time to tell him about brain freezes - HE'S SUFFERING BECAUSE "WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME SOMETHING SO SWEET COULD BE SO EVIL" - turns out evan gets extremely hyper with just a small amount of sugar so everyone just watches him tired himself out and then connor has to carry him home when he crashes - they all bought evan a bonsai tree for his birthday and evan treasured it so much that he wont even let his boyfriend's touch it - eventually they all end up talking about the squips and the suicide attempts. there's a lot of tears, but they're there for each other and they comfort each other through it, they make sure to be each other's rocks. - HALLOWEEN IS CONNOR'S FAV HOLIDAY he plans out matching costumes (they're all dressed up as zombie mario characters) and he helps decorate everyone's houses because he can't do it at his own and he scares the fuck out of his boyfriend's 24/7 - christmas is definitely jeremy's favorite time of the year because he likes the cold, but also because of the cliche's - mistletoes, matching sweaters, snow ball fights, dazzling lights and presents - it's just great - god fuCKING RUN from michael on april fools day he plays so many tricks on everyone and one time he put hair dye in connors shampoo and he came out with bright pink hair its a fucjing disaster - everyone protects evan from michael on april fool's day to be honest - evan's favorite time of the year is definitely new years eve because. like. everyones celebrating for their own reasons, and he has his own. connor's lived another year, he's been with his boyfriend's for another year, he's actually here for another year. plus, he gets to kiss his boyfriend's at midnight. - plus they all stole wine from jeremy's dad and evan totally got grounded for it - on their anniversary, they decide to get each other promise rings and give them to each other at the end of the day. they go back to the orchard with a picnic basket and spend the entire day there, talking and laughing and taking pictures. eventually they all pull out the rings and give them to each other. - the inside bands of rings all say something different - jeremy's says "you're our world and stars" michael's says "you're our happiness and laughter" evan's says "you're our calm in the middle of a storm" connor's says "you're our beacon of light in darkness" - they kept their relationship a secret from everyone at their schools, but when they checked Instagram that night, evan had posted a picture of their ring hands reaching for the sky. underneath it the caption says "All we see is sky for forever ~ These three mean the world to me and I can't express it enough. One year already and I can't wait for the years to come." - they all decide to post similar things on their instagrams, and it feels nice to finally be out and free to be themselves. - the first time the boys went to connor's house was to meet his parents - he had told them a month earlier that he was gay and had three boyfriend's and his parents took it somewhat okay, but they're really confused about it all. so they invited them to a dinner. - connor finds out last second that they were supposed to dress up all nice, like tuxes and stuff and he tried to warn his boys but they were already there - so now there's these three awkward boys standing there in their basic regular clothing while everyone's wearing dresses and tuxes - at least connor looks good - after that they spend a lot more time at evan's house because his momma is so sweet when she's there - EVAN DOESN'T SWEAR OFTEN. HIS BOYFRIENDS EVEN KEEP TRACK OF WHEN HE SWEARS AND WHEN EVAN FINDS OUT HE DOES NOT HESITATE TO JUST. LET IT ALL LOOSE. - "shit bitch tit fuck asshole" THEY LITERALLY SCREAM - "you know you guys make such a big deal out of me swearing when i can have you all swearing and moaning in five minutes" EVERYONE GOES INTO SHOCK - one night evan's mom goes out on a date and everyone is SCREAMING BECAUSE HEIDI HAS A BOYFRIEND - her boyfriend has a little four year old daughter !!! - he meets evan and his boys and hes like "oh are you guys heidi's sons?" and connor without thinking says "nah we're all evan's boyfriends" and everyone's hearts stop for a moment but new like "okay" and evan actually feels his chest swell with pride and happiness and he just. laughs and says "okay." back and everything is good - he's able to bond with all of the boys in one way or another, he talks with michael for hours on end just about how amazing his jacket is and all of the patches on his jacket and stands behind connor while he's drawing sometimes and gives him some tips and when jeremy tries to cook he swifts by and gives him tips too, adding in stuff now and then secretly to help and with evan, well they talk all the time considering this man is dating evan's mom, and really quickly evan trusts him and is happy for him and his mom - HE PROPOSES TO HEIDI AND EVERYONE IS EXCITED - all the boys are the best men no questions asked and they all wearing matching ties and tuxes and heidi's boyfriend's little girl is the flower girl - after the wedding at the after party the boys lay outside in the grass and they're just talking and watching the sky and there's music faintly playing in the background from inside the building and they're just so happy and calm - jeremy suddenly says "i can't wait for our wedding" and everyone is shocked but jeremy is just confused because he didn't even know he said that out loud but when he finds out he did he blushes and covers his face - connor is like "i would marry you all in a heart beat" and michael is like "we already have matching rings.." - evan suddenly stands without saying a word and the rest of the boys stand too thinking they made him anxious, but he turns around and suddenly gets down on one knee and hes like "will you all marry me?" - and it's so cliche but every one of them say yes and they all cry - here they are - these fucking kids, jeremy and michael at age seventeen, evan at eighteen, connor at nineteen - here they all are, proposing to each other - they of course can't legally get married but they all change their names a week later. they all sport the last name, Hansen-Heere-Murphy-Mell. okay im done for now because my fingers hurt from typing
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Harry Potter AU; Javid
(so the way this is going to go, because i’m so hyped about this, is four sections, following along with the plot of the last four books in the series. this is part one, with the next three to be posted in the next few days.) (also like this is all assuming the reader will have knowledge of the plot of the last four harry potter books!! wikipedia that shit if u dont know!)
again, sincerest hugest thanks 4 this prompt!!!!!!!
Davey knew, logically, that there was no way he could really be hurt at this thing. He was far enough away that he could enjoy the thrill of the event without being nervous (for himself, that is, the kid that was down there was another matter entirely.) But all the same, there was a fucking dragon there.
He would have been content to hear about it from his friends after it happened, head full of fantasies of how quiet the library probably was, how he’d be able to get at the herbology book he’d been coveting for weeks - but they’d forced him out, stressing how historic this tournament was, and how much he’d regret missing it. He didn’t tell them that actually, he’d missed a lot of historic events before, and he was really quite alright with it. For his part he’d made them stand at the back (although he was sure that if a dragon really wanted to hurt them it wouldn’t be put off by the extra fifty feet or so it had to travel.)
‘I wonder how they’re meant to pull this off?’ Albert squinted out into the field, trying to assess what the poor bastards taking part had to deal with. ‘Do they get any help?’
‘I don’t think so.’ Davey had read up a little on these tournaments. ‘I think the point is they’re meant to be able to come up with their own way.’
‘I couldn’t do it, ya know. I’d piss my pants and cry for a really long time, til everyone went home.’
‘That might work.’ Davey raised his eyebrows. ‘The dragon might feel sorry for you and let you win.’
‘Maybe I should have entered my name after all!’
They were interrupted by a short Gryffindor wielding a wad of parchment. 
‘You guys want some action?’
‘I’m sorry?’ Davey couldn’t unpick this guy’s phrasing.
‘Good odds on Potter and Diggory. C’mon, let’s liven it up.’
‘It’s already pretty lively, I think.’
‘Give it up, Race,’ another Gryffindor appeared behind the kid and affectionately pulled on his friend’s woolly hat. ‘Them Weasley boys have monopolised the game.’
‘Rats.’ Race tucked his betting slips under his arm.
Davey turned back to Albert. ‘I was about to complain about being cold but I don’t want to tempt fate.’
‘I don’t think the dragon cares too much, Davey.’
‘Hey, I know you.’ Race’s friend butted in. ‘Albert, you’re in my potions, right?’
‘Right! What’s up? Davey, this here’s Jack Kelly. He’s the kid who exploded the Confusing Concotion in Snape’s face in second year, oh my god.’
Davey nodded in greeting, vaguely remembering hearing the story. Jack smiled and reached out his hand to shake Davey’s. It was at that moment that the dragon decided to show the world what a bad mood it was in, and blast a stream of fire over the entire stadium. Davey gasped, and ducked - because there was a fucking dragon there - and if he happened to accidentally squeeze this stranger’s hand, well, that was probably entirely understandable.
Because of the fucking dragon.
Jack grinned and raised his eyebrows but he didn’t pull his hand away. If a cute stranger needed him to protect them, he’d be there.
‘Sorry,’ Davey muttered. He dropped Jack’s hand and looked towards the arena, where the first competitor was coming out to somehow fight the god damn dragon. ‘Apparently dragons make me anxious.’
‘It’s no problem.’
Race and Albert, sharing a look, stepped away so Jack and Davey were standing next to each other. They all turned their attention back to the action. Cedric Diggory looked tiny among the rocks and the dragon had apparently noticed him going for the golden egg. This was terrifying. Davey jumped at every movement down there and, after only a few minutes was watching through his fingers. Cedric was shooting curses to try and distract the creature and they were almost working - not well enough for Davey to be anything less than petrified. A shocking near miss involving a badly timed leap from the champion saw him jump and physically look away.
He felt a nudge from next to him and turned to see Jack smiling and offering his hand.
‘Might help?’
He looked down at the hand and back up at Jack. Part of him wanted to defend himself, say he didn’t need protecting, that he wasn’t even scared - but a way bigger part of him, a very sensible part of him, was on edge, and grateful for the comfort.
And Jack was pretty.
He took the had and held it tight. None of the champions died, and the protective stranger turned out to be good company. Jack managed to supply witticisms to offset the tension of what they were seeing, and Davey appreciated it as much as he appreciated having a hand to squeeze when things got edgy. Even if he’d just met the guy, comfort was comfort.
At the end he let Jack’s hand go with only some reluctance, cringing at the white imprint his fingers had made on Jack’s skin.
‘Sorry. And thanks.’
‘Don’t mention it.’ Jack flexed his hand (it was only moderately painful.) Students around them were emptying the arena fast. Albert and Race started to head off in different directions. Jack took a couple of steps backwards, following Race. ‘Maybe I’ll see you around?’
‘Maybe you will.’ Davey smiled, almost daring himself to ask Jack when he might see him around, but panicking at the last moment. He headed away with Albert.
Race stared, incredulous, at Jack. ‘”Maybe I’ll see you around?”’
‘Didn’t wanna come on too strong!’
‘You just held his had for almost two hours, Jack.’
Jack glanced back over his shoulder and caught a fleeting moment of eye contact with Davey who was doing the same.
‘It’s a good start, isn’t it?’
Davey went to watch the next task with Sarah. Again, he had been planning on staying in and studying, even with the potential draw of handsome strangers offering to protect him from danger. At the same time, he may or may not have been keeping an eye out for Jack Kelly in the week since they had met, and he hadn’t spotted him once. He might not even be at the event, and if he was, there was no guarantee Davey would see him.
Like he had even thought about it. 
But Sarah had cornered him at breakfast and told him categorically that they were going on a sibling date to check out the foreign kids in their bathing suits. They ambled down to the hills to take a sailboat into the lake, clad in their big coats and knitted hats, using the opportunity to catch up.
‘What happened to the little kid who used to come and find me every mealtime, huh? Haven’t seen you in weeks.’ Sarah aimed a light kick at him from across the boat. Davey smiled as he remembered how scared he’d been of starting at Hogwarts.
‘I guess I thought that you’d be able to introduce me to people, but you weren’t as cool as you pretended to be.’
‘Excuse you! I happen to be very popular… among… my friends.’
‘You’re right, I’m very sorry, Sarah.’
‘I actually do have some exciting developments in the gal pal department. You know Katherine from seventh year?’
‘I know Katherine from seventh year.’ He clambered out of the boat up to the stand, reaching in to help her up.
‘I’ve been getting to know Katherine from seventh year.’ She grinned, pushing him towards the crowd. ‘We spent all day together in Hogsmeade last weekend and then we had an accidental sleepover by the lake.’
‘Ew. I’ve heard enough.’
‘Not like that, gross! But I am feeling really good about her.’
‘Is she not here today?’
‘No, she’s on press duties. How cool is that?’
‘That is cool. In fact, maybe too cool. Definitely too cool for you.’
‘Luckily she hasn’t realised that yet.’ She poked him in the chest. ‘Your turn.’
‘Anything on the horizon?’ They found a place at the front and Davey leaned over the railing, letting the cold air whip his face, trying to decide if “I met a hot guy a week ago” was sufficient gossip for Sarah.
‘Not really.’
‘Your pause was very telling, Davey.’
‘It’s nothing. There’s no-one.’
‘You’re not getting out of it that easy!’
‘Davey!’ He heard the voice over his shoulder and for a split second he was glad of the distraction, before he realised who it was. Oh boy. He turned to see Jack heading over. He smiled in greeting, ignoring Sarah’s raised eyebrows. ‘You look cold.’
‘Yeah, it’s the… cold.’ His cheeks turned even redder as Jack reached out and touched one gently. 
‘Better than almost being set on fire, I guess.’
‘A lot of things are.’ Jack stood next to him, leaning on the rail, looking at Sarah. ‘I’m Jack.’
‘Not crashing a date or something, am I?’
‘Not at all. This here’s my baby brother.’ She grinned at Davey, who had managed to blush harder.
‘Bet you could tell me some stories, huh?’
‘Depends what you wanna know.’
Davey cleared his throat. ‘Guys, it’s starting.’ He didn’t want their conversation going any deeper - he knew what Sarah was like. She loved him a lot but god, she liked making him squirm. 
The four champions stepped forward and a distinct impressed mumble passed through the crowd. Jack took a few seconds to rake his eyes over Viktor Krum and his tiny red shorts, and piped up. 
‘I’m gayer than I thought.’
Sarah, just barely hearing, was captivated by blonde hair and lycra.
‘Me too.’
During breakfast the day before the first task, an owl dropped a handwritten note into Davey’s porridge.
How about we meet at the last task on purpose?
It was complete with a little moving doodle of cartoon-Jack valiantl protecting cartoon-Davey from a dragon, a drawing that might have been embarrassing were it not, you know, true. All the same it made Davey chuckle quietly, and he pulled out his quill to scribble a yes. Hanging out with Jack at the second task had been fun, even if Davey felt like an asshole for letting Sarah be turned into the third wheel. Jack was funny, making quips about what the mermaids might have stolen from him, and how he’d go about trying to do the task (transforming into a giant squid and fucking up everyone and everything until they handed Crutchie back to him with an apology note.) 
At the end when Katherine came over to find Sarah, having finished composing her report, Jack confessed that he’d lost his friends when he spotted Davey, so the two ended up sharing a boat back to the castle. It had all seemed to get very… date-like, something Davey was totally fine with of course, but he was a little reticent in acknowledging it, in case he’d misread all the signals. Even now, telling Jack that he’d like to go with him to the last task, he didn’t want to let himself get too hopeful about the two of them, telling himself that it was still a good thing that Jack wanted to hang out. Even without any… intentions.
He gave the note back to the owl and watched as it soared across the great hall, over to the Gryffindor table he’d spent so long looking for Jack at. It flew all the way to the end, by the door, and he sat up as straight as he could to spot him.
Jack was sitting at the very end of the table, backwards, which went some way to explaining why Davey had never been able to spot him before. He was talking animatedly to a kid at the Hufflepuff table, one who had similarly turned his back on his own housemates. Davey recognised him, it was the kid everyone called Crutchie - he assumed it was an affectionate nickname, but he couldn’t be sure. Now he had found Jack, he watched him read the reply, felt the violent sting of butterflies in his stomach when he saw Jack say something to Crutchie, and Crutchie react with sheer delight.
Then Jack looked over his shoulder and caught Davey staring. Crutchie waved. Davey blushed, obviously. But he smiled too.
They met by the front door and walked across to the arena in the twilight. Davey itched to reach out and take Jack’s hand but even though they’d been there and done that, it would have felt like an enormous assumption. He took his cues from Jack, the more confident of the two, who was interested in using the cold weather to his advantage. They found decent spots towards the back.
‘Who d’you think’s gonna take this?’ Davey asked as they stared down at the hedges.
‘As much as I wanna say one of our guys, I kind of want it to be Krum. But I think that’s just me falling for his charm.’
‘Is that your type?’ This felt like a very brazen and un-Davey thing to say, but he saw a tiny window and had to leap through it. Jack pretended to think about it for a moment.
‘You know, I’m not sure. I’m starting to think I prefer someone a little taller. Little cuter.’ He looked at Davey. ‘Little smarter.’
‘How do you know how smart he is?’
‘I know how smart you are. Odds are he don’t match up.’
Davey looked at the ground to hide the grin that forced it’s way on to his face. Jack bit his lip, shuffling from one foot to the other.
‘Sorry, that was too corny. You can tell me to stop it.’
‘I don’t really want you to stop it.’ He looked back up at Jack. The air was full of excitement. Student babbled incoherently around them, and suddenly they’d both admitted something. They were quiet amongst the chaos for a moment and it was Jack who, with a smile on his face, started to lean in.
Cheers exploded around them as they kissed for the first time and they took a couple of seconds to pretend it was for them, riding the high of what sounded like a Hogwarts victory, with their own personal wave of elation. It only lasted a moment, more sweet and searching than anything else. 
Their resultant dopey grins fell quickly as they heard an anguished scream from the field. Something was wrong.
Reflexively Davey reached for Jack’s hand, seeking that comfort, as he tried to figure out what was going on. The news of Cedric’s death travelled up to them via murmurs in the crowd and catalysed the wave of unease that the castle wouldn’t shake for months, that contradicted fiercely with the new happiness Jack and Davey had found, and yet that gave them more reason to cling to each other.
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
Haha the 1k limit hit me in this. I wanted to put in some more explaining but it didn’t happen. But I did clarify some confusing parts from before. Thanks for the feedback. This is rough and wild, written off the top of my head, so feedback is really necessary for this particular story X_X.
@mags-duranb @everybodys-chains @the-archangel-of-zeref @raijindork @gsut
Secrets Underneath
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Part Four
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Heart pounding at the chilled, soulless voice from within the room, she lunged forward and started dragging insistently, “You. C’mon.”
They were in the hall and no one but Sorano had seen him. If they slipped away quickly, before the officers finished questioning Juvia, he had a good chance of getting away scot-free. As much as he unnerved her, the hatred and distrust she had for the law kicked in automatically.
"But Erza…”
“Ain’t going nowhere…” She ignored his wince at her blunt assessment.
No way, no way was she going to let the cops get their hands on him before she got her answers. 
Abso-fucking-lutedly not.
She’d successfully abducted him right up until they reached the door leading out to the parking lot when he seemed to regain his senses. Grabbing her hand, a bit too hard to be comfortable but not crushing, his eyes narrowed, taking her in for the first time. And he wasn’t budging, using his size and weight to stay anchored at the cusp.
The command that snapped out sounded nothing like his previously mild-mannered self, “What is your name.”
“Sorano.” It sounded like a lie to her ears, saying it to HIM.
He squeezed harder in warning, “No, your NAME.”
“None of your business, asshole,” a snarl was curling on her lips, bristling and aware of the fact their tense, hushed conversation was drawing far more attention than she’d like. “Look, SIEGRAIN,” the ugly look he gave made her flinch instinctively but she pressed on brutally, “You want to get hauled off to prison, huh? How’s that going to help your girlfriend? I have no idea what the FUCK is going on, and I want answers. You, buster, are giving them to me, got that?”
He looked thoroughly unimpressed by her commands, and fucking shit if he wasn’t so hot right now with his handsome face drawn into a serious scowl that quirked at the corner with a tilt of the brows that made her wonder what they’d look like peering up and over something. Something being her.
“Let go of me. I left that life behind. I don’t know who you are…”
“Who is grabbing who here? And it’s Angel,” she whispered dangerously soft, a velvety purr of satisfaction leaving her lips as his expression morphed in recognition at her moniker, “Tell me again what you left behind? Or rather-- WHO you left behind. How about all the people who took the fall for you, hmmm? Had their lives shattered, went to prison for your wrongdoings, died for you… you are THAT Jellal, aren’t you?”
He didn’t have to say a word; his face said it all.
Like a cat that caught the canary, she continued triumphantly, “Betcha you’re not in good with the law either, are you? The cops found your stupid ass easy enough, huh? Juvia one of your guys or just another sucker ready to take the fall for you? Either way, that's a shit thing to do to my friend and I outta fuck you up for it."
The second the word left her mouth, she jammed her teeth into her lip so hard it bled. What in the world possessed her to call Juvia a friend? And threaten a man who had the power to snuff her out of existence? She was going damn fucking nuts, wasn't she? Finally snapped under the pressure...
"Juvia is Erza's girlfriend," he replied warily, watching for a flying punch carefully. But he had started moving the dog and pony show outside, suddenly cognizant of the fact the coppers might stroll up any moment. She shuffled with him, unwilling to let go of his jacket collar, aware of the bright and sunny early summer day that contrasted jarringly with their dark argument.
"Damn, knew that girl was gayer than a rainbow," Sorano muttered to herself, relief rushing through her and a tiny bit of hope flickering up despite the way her stomach flipped. That meant neither Erza OR Juvia were tangled up with him. And she was relieved for... well, fucking selfish purposes if she didn't lie to herself.
What was she thinking? This guy indirectly ruined her life and threw her in jail for two years! She should want his dick to CHOP IT OFF not to take a ride on it, jesus, girl get it together.
"Erza is my childhood friend... we grew up in the system together... she's... she's the only one of us who stayed straight and it's not fair she... paid..." he voice grew progressively softer and the hairs on the back of her neck started to raise as he added in a lethal, chilled voice, "And when I find out who did this to her... it doesn't matter what happens to me... they will face the consequences for targeting Erza to get to me."
Swallowing, and cussing herself out as a dozen types of fool, she tugged on their still clasped hands, hers clammy with fear but voice still bossy, "Look, you need to talk to Cobra, so you're coming with me for n--"
Before she could finish her sentence, "Anaconda" started to jingle from her purse. Fishing it out, she didn't know if she'd accidentally summoned the devil by speaking his name or Erik was just that good.
Flicking the screen, she brought the phone up to her ear but he didn't even wait for a greeting, his voice holding a note of fear she'd never heard before, "Sorano, MacBeth is gone. Maybe you weren’t so paranoid about Siegrain making a comeback after all..."
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