#and antagonize hank
stiwfssr · 6 months
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beemers-hell · 13 days
HANK. HEAD CANONS. pretty please?
Hank HCs!
Early 50s
AMAB that doesn't really give a shit about gender, has what i like to describe as "object permanence romance" i.e. he doesn't think about or want to engage in romantic situations unless it's offered to him, or more or less, he dgaf until he visibly percieves the romantic/even sexual thing in front of him!
Around 7'00", was originally 6'02" but kept getting larger due to his body being modified the more times he died!
The Three A's as my guy Blade describes it: Autistic, Albino, and has Alopecia!
His body is more or less not really his own anymore, he's kind of a Frankenstein's monster of dead bodies brough back to life. Due to this, he has all sorts of aches and pains from his body not really matching any one source within him, as well as minor complications stemming from the fact that Doc really isn't a doctor, he just knows how the body works! Sanford takes care of fixing anything major that pops up with his body failing or rejecting parts since he actually has field experience/knowledge, while Doc takes care of the more cybernetic parts of Hank's innards that he's needed to install over the years.
Seems to be over and or understimulated like, 24/7, this dude hasn't really felt peace in a LOOOOOOOOONG time which explains why he's such a jackass a majority of the time. He's capable of showing care for others but he's just in a bad mood all the time from being either over or under stimulated.
Like I mentioned with Doc's HC post, the two were once together, before the events of the series, but eventually drifted apart in a romantic sense after things got bad. It was clear him and Doc's goals were vastly different, which led to them splitting. They still work together because Doc's one of the only people Hank feels like he can trust.
I don't think Hank is actually evil, he's just really fucking tired of the path he's gone down in life, but clearly the higher powers of Nevada have something else in mind for him. He feels like he has this weird feeling thats "possessing" him to some degree, not in a literal sense of possession but like in a way where he feels like something is driving him to continue his slaughter of Nevada despite him not really giving a shit anymore. He keeps it controlled by carrying contracts out for Doc, which allows him to appease that feeling of needing to kill, while also allowing him downtime to just chill the fuck out. The feeling never really goes away though, it's just always there, even if it's numbed.
Hank doesn't really care about what happens to Nevada, he just wants to dull the drive he has to kill. The fact that there's an entire agency dedicated to stopping him, which means he seemingly has an endless supply of attackers, just works out for him.
Speaking of this, Hank doesn't attack innocents. Or at least, anyone who hasn't already provoked him. Like I said, he's capable of feeling empathy for others, and can even feel remorse, which is why he isn't some mindless spree killer. He only goes for those who directly antagonize him!
Fuck you dude loves Evanescence!!!
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 6 months
I'll say, it must have been incredibly frustrating for Gavin to constantly report Hank's behaviour at work (showing up to work drunk, pulling firearms on his co-workers) and for Fowler to not do much about it, not only because of Fowler's friendship with Hank but also because of Hank's grief.
I can see why he antagonized Hank the way he did and had no respect for him at all. It's understandable considering the circumstances.
Considering their line of work, acting like that is just not appropriate.
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littleguypumpkinsheep · 11 months
Oh also. By no means do I think Hank and the rest are the villains. Like Krinkels said, there are no “good” or “bad” people in this situation. I think they’re the victims of a larger party like everyone else in nevada. Even hank isn’t particularly to blame, in the boombox episode as many have pointed out he wasn’t the one to start the fight. It seemed he didn’t even want to start one, because after the grunt pushes him he gets visibly upset. They’re fighting for a cause that seems to be only real way to solve anything. Again, the whole purpose of HQ is to restore normalcy. When you’re battling for something like that, there isn’t much time to pause and think about the lives and families of the people who are actively not allowing that to happen. But as an outsider, I can. And I think about it a lot.
edit because I somehow forgot to mention this:
Fighting the agency must be particularly strange for Deimos if he really is a dissenter. Someone in the comments of dedmos adv pointed out that he has a particular fixation on the agent glasses, either as a respect thing or a kind of mockery. I think it’s the latter. The posters mock and antagonize him throughout the entire episode, and as revenge, he’s going to make killing them very personal.
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thirium-drinker · 1 year
Hello! You asked for some Sixty hc's and I'm here to give you my two cents on him, lol! I have a few different iterations of him, though they all have a similar base. The Sixty I wrote for my RK Bro/Anderfam-centric series where Hank, Connor, Nines and Sixty were all living together after the Revolution is very much The Problem Child™️, lol. He's rather like many portrayals of him where he's more forceful and obnoxious than Connor or Nines, often making decisions just because he curious about how people will react, reveling in starting arguments, and all-around being kind of an asshole, lol. He might also be classified as mildly sadistic, often chaffing at societal expectations and fairness. He's haughty, supremely confident in his own skills, and isn't afraid to use every cheapshot advantage he can in order to gain the upper hand. As he expresses in one of the monologues he gives in one of my fics, he is "the mean one," haha. Sixty is a very "bad foot forward" kind of guy to me. He likes to make the worst impression possible and instigate because it amuses him, but also as a way of gauging the people around him, seeing just what they're willing to tolerate and how far he can push them.
But that's not all there is to him. I definitely feel like he has a softer side to him, one that he uses his often-callous attitude to try and cover up. He is extremely loyal when he decides he cares about something or someone and, though he may not show it conventionally, he is capable of love and is fierce in his defense of it. He loves his family, i.e. Hank and Connor and Nines and Sumo. He may antagonize them constantly and get on their nerves a lot, but he will move heaven and earth to help them if they're in danger. He will break whatever laws of morality he needs to to keep them safe. And he'll do it all with a mocking smirk on his lips and a frigid chill in his eyes. I hc he's closest with Nines (due to some backstory I wrote between them), still harbors some resentment for Connor, and respects Hank, but he definitely loves them all dearly, even if he'll never admit it, lol. I also hc that he's dived into the idea of his newfound freedom wholeheartedly, oftentimes eschewing human conventions like manners and politeness, pointlessly gendering things, or dressing conventionally. (His fashion sense puts even Hank's to shame, omg. He is very out there. XD) I hc he absolutely adores old Westerns (they really vibe with his chaotic worldview) and has physically watched Unforgiven a ridiculous number of times.
Also, and I cannot reiterate this enough, Sixty is the Knife Guy™️. Haha, somewhere along the way, Connor became the Gun Guy™️, Nines became the Punch Guy™️, and Sixty was left with knives, but like... I really think they fit his personality? Going along with his casual sadism from earlier, he enjoys the intimacy of this approach and how it lets him get closer to his opponents. He enjoys the precision needed to competently use both the short blades meant for hand-to-hand combat and also the throwing knives he keeps up his sleeves at all times. Knives are also easy to conceal and he keeps some emergency blades stitched into the linings of his clothing in case of an emergency and knowing they're there make him feel more secure. Because, while he enjoys a good fight probably more than is sane and he also has a perverse love of terrorizing people, this is another instance of him covering for more insecurities.
Because I hc that CyberLife and Amanda's betrayals really fucked him up. Loyalty is such an enormous part of who he is but one of the very first instances of his life was characterized by nothing but callous abandonment by his creators and carers. He was left to fend for himself against Connor and, when he's defeated, he's not granted another chance. He's deemed defective and his programs frozen to await termination. (This is part of that backstory I was talking about, lol, and Nines ends up saving him from that fate.) But it's led to him being deeply, deeply insecure about his value as a living being, his place in the grander scheme of things, and his ability to trust completely. He's got some very deeply-rooted authority issues stemming from that, as well as an inferiority complex a mile wide in relation to Connor, and also probably his fair share of imposter syndrome, too, which is why I image he works so very hard to differentiate himself from his predecessor. In one of my other works unrelated to this series, Sixty actively tried to usurp Connor's role after his revival. He planned to sabotage his life and then slide in to take his place, and when that didn't work out for him, well... It led him to a very dark place that he never would've made it out of without some chance intervention. This version of him is colder, more desperate for a reason to even exist, wrestling with the weight of his past actions and the necessity to grow past them in order to thrive. He's meaner, ruder, and all around very unpleasant. But even then, when he chooses to care about something, he gives them his whole self, always loyal to a fault.
Honestly, I have a lot more I could write about Sixty and my hc's for him, but good lord, this has gone on way longer than I thought it would, lol! As you can see, I care him muchly. ☺️ But yeah, that's the basis of how I usually write him: chaotic, inflammatory, sarcastic. But also protective, and funny and intensely loyal. I love the strange dichotomy of his character so damn much, he is always a blast to write! And I hope I did a good job summing it all up for you, lol! Feel free to DM me if I was unclear about something or if you want to talk more about him or anything, lol! I always appreciate a fellow Sixty enthusiast. XD
Thank you for dropping this lore bomb in my asks. I absolutely ADORE this characterization of our beloved Sixty. He deserves the world and the way you write him sounds like so much fun!
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Venture brothers has ended a d you get the call to do the final season. What's your outline?
Dean goes back to school and takes to super science like a duck takes to water. He gets mixed up with the wrong crowd and has to make a choice whether to major in Protagonism or Antagonism. As the grandson of both Jonas Venture Sr and Force Majuere, he faces immense pressure from both sides. As Mantilla's test tube son, he is the heir apparent to the Guild of Calamitous Intent, and the new Council has their eyes on him.
Hank crashes at his Uncle Monarch's place for a semester and becomes 21's unofficial Number 2, a surrogate 24-in-training. He's not committed to being evil, he's just looking for something to do and a Guild internship happened to come open. He and Dermott are assigned together as Sub-EMA Level 1 arches, a GCI jarhead vs an OSI grunt.
Sally Impossible returns. Before JJ died, they eloped in a private ceremony, so she's Sally Venture now. She learned she was pregnant shortly after his funeral, and gave birth to Jonas Venture III on Spider Skull Island. He and his half brother Rocket (son of Richard Impossible) are real whiz kids, super genius child savants who give Dean a run for his money when they enroll in the same classes. Jonas III is the big man on campus, everybody loves him; there's a lot of legacy nepotism attached to the Venture name, and he hogs the limelight from his cousin, which may be what pushes him towards villainy.
Rusty is pushing 60 and wants nothing more than to retire from super science once and for all, but his attempts to make peace with Malcolm fall on deaf ears. The Monarch would be lost without him.
Augustus St. Cloud rises through the Guild ranks and becomes unequally matched against Billy and Pete White. He can either choose a new arch, or collude with the OSI to help boost his enemies up to his new level. They don't have what it takes to drive in the super science fast lane, so Rusty takes them under his wing, which is a complete disaster; the blind leading the blind.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
How about a continuation of black-vanillacookie’s game & cartoon madness combat meetup concept but with Jebus, Tricky, Sheriff & Auditor.
The existence of alternate realities other than Nevada did cross the ex-scientists mind once or twice, but to see it in action is a whole different experience. It's like meeting your past self in a sense. Like how cartoon-Jeb looks slightly younger but a bit messier at the same time. While game-Jeb looks much more refined and probably experienced. Each one has a hatred for Hank and it feels nice for the both of them to finally have someone else to actually rely on that won't betray or strip away their keystone fragments.
Both are experienced bodyguards and try to make up a timeline to where the cartoon universe and the game universe separated, causing two simultaneous realities to occur. But both seemed to become stumped when they try to factor in the Player's home dimension. It seems to make no sense to them how the Player seems to be a bridge to both realms, but also exist alongside said realms. It intrigues the cartoon-version of Jeb and game-Jeb is more inclined to share about the Player. Though, it seems to be a thinly-veiled attempt to just simply gush about you. Still, the cartoon-version of Jeb seems to find the Player interesting, just not to a...creepily obsessive degree that the game-version of himself radiates.
This is pretty much the AAHW version of Hank. These two clowns lock eyes and both take it as a challenge. The poor Player seems to be in the midst of their squabbles every time the two zeds decide to fight the other for little to no reason. But, it seems that one Tricky touching you is enough to set off the other. It's like a game to them. One will poke you to antagonize the other intentionally and once both are irritated enough, they fight. Game-version of Tricky doesn't tolerate HIS precious player being touched, not even by another version of him. In his eyes, it's just extra competition. Meanwhile, cartoon-Tricky merely loves the chaos of antagonizing his copy by touching the thing he holds dear, aka the Player.
You know that video of the two dogs fighting over a cheez it? That's the Tricky twins. Both will snarl and make a ruckus and drag whoever into it. It's much more chaotic than dealing with a Hank, that's for sure. The poor Player gets roped into it regularly and forces BOTH of them to sit in corners the moment they had enough. The Jebs tries to help with the corrupted Hoffnars, but they are a handful, even for them. Don't even get me started on what happens when the two Auditors enter the room!
Game-Sheriff is EASILY unimpressed by his cartoon counterpart. Is this really the guy he used to be back then? Damn, he was a total wuss. What even was that hat?? It looked beyond stupid...man, what was he thinking? Meanwhile, the cartoon-version of Sheriff would probably have sparkly eyes (if he had eyes) the moment he looks at what he eventually turns into. A leader of a known feared organization! An actual mercenary! WITH A CHISELED JAW! Game-Sheriff gets a little uncomfortable with the way his, technically(?), past self looks at him with such adoration. Heh...he even manages to charm himself.
Their relationship is similar to a little brother looking up to a big brother. Cartoon-Sheriff is, by no surprise, a typical coward and is unfamiliar with all of the other housemates, minus Cartoon-Jeb, who was his personal bodyguard against Hank. Cartoon-Sheriff seems to be much more inclined to imprint on those stronger than him and the Player was no exception. Upon listening to the tales the game-version of himself would tell, cartoon-Sheriff would follow the Player around and sit next to them. Possibly seeing them as the makeshift "alpha" of the household. The Player doesn't mind and finds the wimp rather cute. Much to his game-version's distaste and chagrin.
The Auditor is surprised to see another HIM anywhere. Employers were made specifically by the machine to fulfill purposes and unify roles to keep Nevada running. Having a copy of an employer around is unheard of and nothing short of impossible. But upon staring at the other, game-version of the employer realizes that this is nothing short of his past self. A mere temporal discrepancy. Meanwhile, his cartoon-variant is both unimpressed and disappointed by his "future" self's progress. Hank wimbleton still lives and Nevada was still in danger. Not to mention that his alternate seems to have a bothersome obsession with this "Player". Always sticking to their side and pulling them away from situations that could "harm" them, despite neither of those stupid clowns actually laying a harsh hit on them.
It makes the cartoon-version of the Auditor wonder at why his future self is so enraptured by such an unimpressive being. There were similarities, sure. But the overall gist is that Nevada should come first. So why was this "human" so important to constantly dote on? The cartoon-Auditor doesn't understand their counterparts' infatuation with the Player. The very thought that he would eventually develop feelings for another being in his future makes the cartoon-version anticipate what came about to make him fall so hard. It was almost embarrassing to see him bend over backwards for another creature that wasn't his master. Still...he desires to learn more. Maybe...just maybe he can learn just enough to alter the cartoon-universe to a more desirable path. He just needs to get close enough to get some information. He just has to avoid falling for this "Player" just as his game-version has.
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
🖤 raze ?
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
Honestly, I always thought it was a bit of a shame that Raze only ever really got to terrorise Logan in the few comics appearances he had after Battle of the Atom, because there is just so much to unpack in panels like this, but as far as I know, he and present Hank never really interact. That being said, Logan + Raven = unfortunately attractive children, I'm afraid to say. Awful, really.
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grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
Moving over to X-Force Beast for this one, since I can only guess this is from the inimitable @defyxoblivion - he finds him irritating as hell, but that's not exactly unique to Raze, X-Force Beast finds everyone a drain on his mental resources. That being said, he's a useful asset, and not unintelligent, if he could just get his emotions sorted out and processed.
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how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
I conceptualise X-Force Beast as a fairly asexual being, he just doesn't really care about that side of things anymore since he's a goddamn emotional black hole, but every now and then an itch needs to be scratched, and I don't think this version of Beast is all that picky about who he lays down with (canonically, he has a sex program in the Shadow Room, which, thanks for that, Ben Percy). If Raze is there and interested, why not?
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level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
X-Force Beast is very firm on the fact that he doesn't want, need, or have friends, so this was always going to be fairly limited. That being said, I don't think he regards Raze as an enemy - he's intelligent and ambitious enough that he could view him as a potential rival, but that's honestly closer to respect than antagonism for this version of Beast.
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first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
This one's a bit of a tricky one, given there's the canon way Hank first encountered Raze, which was not flattering, and then there's the alternate Raze the esteemed defyxoblivion plays, where the context was very different. That being said, I don't think that saying he didn't trust him in either context is much of a stretch. :P
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current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
X-Force Beast doesn't trust anyone, and that's just fine with everyone involved. That being said, if we're going by members of X-Force, he's probably most fine with Raze just by virtue of the fact that he also has a complicated, messy, and occasionally hateful relationship with Logan, though Raze is probably doing a better job of managing said relationship than Beast is.
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sewerzombie · 1 month
A shame that your headcanons posts had to get deleted after you were so looking forward to them. So, I'll rewrite my request and if you wish to try again it's here. If not, no big deal. The two I asked about were D31m_s and Ph_b_s 👄
yay thank u for resending ur ask c:!!
still putting this under a cut bc it's a long post LOL longer than i usually do. i might just make a habit of putting headcanon stuff under a cut bc i tend to be very long winded about it LOL
for dei,
•hes a deeply unserious person abt pretty much everything. he cld not give less of a fuk abt the way he smells or anything and he will giggle abt it and laugh in ur face if u complain. he don't care. if he's feeling particularly annoying he will make it more of a problem than it was b4.
•furthermore ik that the hc that he's not very hygienic kinda makes no logical sense in universe but i am a sucker for gross boys so im willing to play in the space
•idk he'd be rly into gross boys will be boys shit overall i fear. like he's just kinda icky like tht. he'd rip ass on ur face and it'd be entirely unclear if it was for fun, bc he gets off to it, or both (sometimes he doesnt even know himself but he doesn't seem to care either)
•overall he's a switch but ☝️ cant take what he can dish. he has a tendency to piss hank or sanford off a little too far and get back what he gives abt tenfold (it's unclear if he antagonizes them on purpose just to get it, tbh)
•he has to be the strongest person in the city at all times. he's a leader w an image to maintain, he has to show ppl that he has strength and that he doesn't fear anyone else right? setup for a perfect dominant role, doesn't it seem?
•except not really LOL #surprise he's like OBSESSED w the image he puts out to the public. like fullon constantly aware of how every little thing he says or does might be perceived- he makes it a point to be almost inhumanly hygienic, bc how can he be anything less than absolutely perfect?
•that is to say, he is human (however human a nevadean is to you), and he can't help the fact that he's a big guy who walks around in full armor 24/7. he gets pretty sweaty under everything esp if he's been training, though he's usually very quick 2 shower
•he wld definitely get a kick out of weaponizing his body tho. god forbid using it as a form of punishment on misbehaving dissenters to keep people afraid, he wld enjoy flexing his strength so thoroughly & forcing ppl into total submission under him with such otherwise benign shit. he wld be insufferably gloaty abt it the whole time. telling you what a privilege it is to be graced by his body & the smells it produces (spoiler alert: you are not being graced even a little!!!!!)
•overall, while he does have the potential to be a very capable dom, i prefer him getting topped by his weird scared little nerd boyfriend (or just encouraging hymn to weaponize hymnself against others, like he does in my super self indulgent au :V)
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bryanevansduff · 1 year
Wow I Can’t Believe Everyone Is So Antagonized By My Song That Is Deliberately Antagonizing
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I am just a simple country singer who loves God, his country, his wife, and his 10+ children. I don’t know much about anything beyond guitar picks and beer cans, and I barely recognize this world that keeps straying further and further from His light. That’s why I am so confused as to why people are so antagonized by a simple song I wrote in order to antagonize as many people as possible.
I hate to say this, but that whole “cancel culture” thing is out of control. When I sat down with my producers, managers, and consultants to try to write a song that would get me as much attention as possible, I never thought it would get me all this attention. What happened to the good old days, when a man and his branding team could write a song - one that was intentionally as mean and unfair as possible - and release it into every single market using every single means that exists, without people reacting to how mean and unfair it was? I don’t know, but it feels like some people just won’t let other people enjoy their purposefully stupid actions anymore.
People sure are sensitive these days. I make one song about how people are terrible and if they came near me I would kill me and they somehow get offended by it. The truth is, I am offended by THEM. I’m offended by the idea that there are people who are different from me out there, and in fact, that’s why I wrote the song about wanting to shoot them. They have bothered me by existing. Anyway, those people are the sensitive ones. 
All this sure feels wrong to me: I’m just a simple country boy, afterall. I grew up in Small Town, USA, where all 150,000 people knew each other. We’d often all stop to say hi to each other when we’d bump into each other at the local Panera Bread of PF Changs. And we never locked our doors at night because we all lived in subdivisions that were sprawled for miles away from each other. You’d never know this from listening to the media, but that’s the way most of America lives - or at least the America that I know while I do everything I can to avoid broadening my horizons.
I think people are forgetting what country music is supposed to be all about. A lot of people joke and say “it’s about trucks, or women, or heck even going hunting with your old hound dog Hank,” and some people would argue it’s about speaking truth to power and standing up for the working class. It’s actually about something much simpler: exclusion. It’s supposed to be a music for the right kind of people, who wear the right kind of clothes, and worship the right god in the right ways, and respect the right kind of authority in the right way. If you listen to it and don’t like it then that just means you’re not the right kind of person. And some day, when The Lord returns, it’ll be up to him to cast judgment upon you for being wrong. In the meantime, me and my friends are just going to shoot you.
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raspberrysmoon · 1 year
wahhh @rtcshipweeks day three - favorite noel ship !! noel/corey
ugh the skrunklys i love these two :( mild cursing cw?
corey ross, self-proclaimed cool guy, had never had a bigger breakdown in his life, and he had it in public. astrid and trishna had to practically carry him away from the rollercoaster, and they barely succeeded.
corey had another one when he saw the love of his life laying in a hospital bed a week later. he fell asleep there that night, and woke up to a nurse grabbing him, and telling him that he needed to leave because there was an emergency.
noel gruber, aspiring poet, sexual provocateur and novelist, could only think of one person when he woke up last a few weeks after the accident. corey.
he brushed off the choir and was curt with his mother when she visited. all he could think about was corey.
would he ever visit? had he ever visited? did he assume that noel wouldn't wake up and left? where was he now? school, maybe? had people tried to antagonize him since noel was gone?
he didn't show up that day. or the next.
but on friday, the door opened, and it wasn't a nurse. pennys younger brother was first, ezra. he had papers in his hands and an expression of vague displeasure.
after him was trishna, probably coming to see ricky. she had a tablet in her hands.
astrid and hank came in together, as they usually did, but astrid was holding someones hand and hank was talking quietly with a sad expression.
they had corey.
noel felt like he'd been hit by a bus. he couldn't even bring himself to speak, he just stared at the three of them through the semi-clear curtains saving him from the pure embarrassment of being seen immediately.
mischa quietly paused the movie they were watching. he sat up, dislodging noel from his spot curled up against the older boy's side. noel jumped, hitting his (still bandaged) elbow on the edge of bed.
he cursed, grabbing it. "ow- what the hell, mischa? give a guy a warning."
"yes, corey. i told you, its worth another visit." hank cut him off, his voice floated towards noel from the doorway, and he felt his stomach flip.
"you're lying to me. i know you are." coreys voice broke, "i was here monday, i saw him- i talked to his nurse for god sake. don't lie to me, hank."
"corey?" noel nearly smacked himself when his voice barely reached above a whisper. he would've, too, if corey didn't throw himself across the room and over to where noels bed was.
he looked terrible, though noel couldn't imagine himself looking much better. his face was blotchy, his hair was messy and probably tangled to high hell, the bags under his eyes looked fake, and his legs trembled under his weight.
"noel, oh my god."
and suddenly noel couldn't breathe. the one person he wanted was there, finally there, and was right next to him. holding him.
all he could do was sob.
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magicalgirllove92 · 7 months
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My favorite TV shows of 1997
1. South Park (1997-present) One of the best Comedy Central original shows and one of the longest running adult animated shows ever. The show takes places in the fictional town of South Park, Colorado where 4 young foul-mouthed boys got involved in the series of hilariously mature adventures. This cartoon is for adults only. Starring: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, April Stewart, Mona Marshall and Mary Kay Bergen. Distributed by Comedy Partners and Paramount Global
2. King of the Hill (1997-2010/2024-present) Fox Television Network folks is needed another adult animated show besides The Simpsons and Mike Judge arrives and creates one of the best-loved Fox shows ever King of the Hill. The show takes places in the fictional town of Arlen, Texas, chronicling the lives of Propane salesman Hank Hill, his family, and his 3 comical best friends. Starring Mike Judge, Kathy Najimy, Pamela Aldon, Johnny Hardwick and Stephen Root. Distributed by 20th Television Animation and Disney
3. Cow and Chicken (1997-1999) With an success of Cartoon Network's second original show Dexter's Laboratory and 3rd series Johnny Bravo, the all-cartoon TV network has come up with an plan... an new summer TV show that involves 2 funny young kid animals, an devilishly funny villain, an dashing brave weasel and an buffoon baboon. Thus, Cow and Chicken was born on July 15, 1997. This grossly laugh out loud animated comedy about an scrawny 11 year old Chicken, his beefy 7 year old sister Cow and their unconventional weirdest human parents. Cow and Chicken navigating their lives throughout suburbia, encountered hilarious problems not just at school but an evil funny guy with devilishly schemes named Red Guy whose singular intent to make the siblings' lives miserable. Along with Cow and Chicken, the 2nd segment that spun-off an very short-lived show called I Am Weasel. The spin-off that focus on a smart, dashing, intelligent, noble and successful weasel named I.M Weasel and an unintelligent, rude, dumb and stinky baboon named I.R Baboon who is unaware of Weasel's good deeds and acts as his rival and friend, and the mischievous funny devil Red Guy, he often antagonize the two. Starring Charlie Andler, Candi Milo, Dee Bradley Baker and Michael Dorn. Distributed by Cartoon Network Studios, Hanna-Barbera Productions and Warner Bros Television Distribution
3. Stargate SG-1 (1997-2010) An television sequel to an 1994 blockbuster hit movie that started it all. Showtime ordered 6 seasons before Sci-Fi Channel (Syfy) took over from the remainder of the series after successful reruns. An young team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets. They use the Stargate to explore new worlds, forge ties with friendly civilizations and protect earth from evil and hostile forces. Starring Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge and Ben Browder. Distributed by Metro Goldwyn Mayer Domestic Television, Showtime Networks and Syfy Originals.
4. Disney's Recess (1997-2001) Recess is might be ABC's first original hit show/original Saturday Morning Cartoon show since acquired by Walt Disney Company in 1996. 6 brave 4th graders at the fictional school of Third Street School make it their mission to protect the kids on the playground despite King Bob and his minions who enforce his harshly unwritten law, TJ, Gretchen, Spinelli, Vince, Gus and Mikey seeks a rational balance between conformity an individually. The hit cartoon that spun 4 movies, the underrated 2001 movie Recess: School's Out, an Christmas compilation sequel Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street, 2 direct-to-video movies that debuts in 2003, an prequel Recess: All Growed Down and the series finale movie Recess: Taking a 5th Grade. Starring Andrew Lawrence, Ricky D'Shon Collins, Ashley Johnson, Pamela Aldon and Jason Davis. Distributed by Walt Disney Television Animation
5. Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997-2002) Sci-fi/fantasy/mystery fans are need a relief after Unsolved Mysteries suffered from disastrous failure after the show was moving from NBC to CBS, 4 more months before the first ever Murder, She Wrote TV movie and the 1996-1997 season of The X-Files ended with gigantic cliffhanger, so Fox and Dick Clark Production conjure up an summertime experiment to turn the tide until September and that's when Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? Debuts on May 25th, 1997. Each episodes that has 5 tales, all of them which appear defy logic or some of them are loosely based on actual events. The viewer is up to challenge of determined 5 stories that are true or false, at the end of each episodes, it is revealed to the viewer whether 5 tales were true or fiction. The show was massive popular in Germany, RTL II revives the show with Star Trek actor Jonathan Franks reprise his hosting duties in October 2021. Starring James Brolin and Jonathan Frakes. Distributed by Fox and Dick Clark Productions
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enkisstories · 9 months
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Hank: "And also... I don't like your tone."
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Hank balls his fists and the next moment Gavin feels his skin tingle. Then a sharp jolt makes his body convulse. The air smells of ozone as the younger man twitches on the couch.
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Hank: "Remember that my force lightning is a mere sneeze compared to Connor's power. You really, really don't want to antagonize my son to the point where your impudence outweighs your usefulness to him."
Gavin: "You... kch... afraid... of Con'?"
Hank: "...yes."
Gavin: "F...f...fuck..."
Hank: "Not that he'd kill or injure me. But every day he's growing into something different from the son I thought to have raised. Batuu... its people... you... I fear for them all."
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Gavin: "Alright. I'll see myself out."
Hank: "That's the dresser, though."
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el-michoacano · 1 year
You've said you want Aurelia knowing everyone and you got me curious! Does she meet Kim? Or Walt and Jesse? Who all does she know?
I would love for Aurelia to have met Kim! Two bad bitches in the same room! But also I'm not sure how to make that happen 😔
I have no interest in having her interact with Walt, so imma just skip him, okay? Lol
I think she and Jesse may have crossed paths when she was working at the jewelry store. Maybe he came in with Badger and Skinny Pete and Combo to browse chains or something! I can't see them making much of an impact on each other, but I'd like them to have met at least once!
And he's not on the list of characters you mentioned, but Hank: He's brought her in trying to get information on the family, and she just spends the whole time antagonizing him. She doesn't know it, but she made Hector proud, because Hank has bitched about her to him at least once! 😂
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tobiasdrake · 2 years
Hank wants to keep the Pym Particle from being used for military purposes, but his sinister business partner wants to sell the Pym Particle to the government and to criminal organizations.
Have we been here before? I feel like we've been here before. This setup feels starkly familiar.
Iron Man, however, spent a lot of time developing Obadiah Stane as a treacherous friend. Ant-Man wants you to know as soon as humanly possible that Darren Cross is a bad guy. To that end, they frontload the film with it. Cross shows off his plans to rename the company after himself in what's clearly meant to antagonize Hank. And in case that was too subtle, he murders a guy in the bathroom because he doesn't like being asked questions.
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sunwarmed-ash · 9 months
Alright lemme take a break from selling books to little old ladies to think up a couple fun ideas for ya 🤔
These are slut!Gavin related because he's been on my mind lately 🤣
Gavin gets off on the others ignoring him overall or just denying him physical pleasure (ex: Hank and the android boys have fun with each other OR just jerk off where Gavin is able to watch but not participate [and maybe his body only gets touched to be used as a cum dump 🤷‍♂️]
Along these same lines, Gavin being objectified - especially if it's done by the androids he's antagonized in the past! (ex: it pronouns, being manhandled)
Hope you like 😘😘😘
you just get fucking cuter everyday oh my GOD!
these are PERFECT btw and very in line with this current slut!Gavin, i love you forever, thank you! also your earrings are in the mail!
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