#and asmodeus is like i wish you had more interesting problems
warlordfelwinter · 1 year
a moment alone
you know. i just think novelising dnd games is fun so here's some celeste and patience from the other night
"Celeste, do you want to go keep an eye on Patience, and Nyalori and I can go inside and start looking around?"
Celeste barely heard Corivier, already heading to catch up with Patience. "Hm? Yeah, good idea!" he said absently, trotting over to the tiefling who was starting to make a circuit of the manor, taking notes. His assistant had already gone in, which meant the two of them were alone once Corivier and Nyalori went inside.
"Hey, I need to talk to you," Celeste said as he caught up.
Patience smiled. “I assumed so, you’ve been giving me that look since I came to the office. What is it?” He was writing without looking at his notepad, eyes flicking around the exterior of the old tavern, but he spared Celeste a quick glance.
"I wanted to ask you about something kind of serious.”
Patience stopped. He lowered his notepad and gave Celeste his full attention. "What's on your mind?"
"It's..." Celeste hesitated, glancing around, trying to make sure no one was around before he started asking Patience about things there were no good reason for a solicitor to know.
"Celeste," Patience said, and Celeste looked at him again. Patience held his gaze. "No one can hear us," he said.
"I need to ask you about Tiamat."
Patience stared at him for a moment and then chuckled.
"Don't laugh at me," Celeste said.
"I'm not laughing at you, my dear, I'm just… Every time I talk to you about work it puts you straight to sleep and the first time you ask me about it, it's about Tiamat. Of all the tedious, uninteresting…"
Celeste frowned, slightly. "Just hear me out, please," he said, quietly. "A little over a tenday ago I had a dream, from my guardian—don't give me that look, I know you don't like her—she showed me Waterdeep in flames, the Sword Coast reduced to ash and ember, everyone around me burning and screaming." His voice shook as he remembered the visions. "She told me something would escape the Nine Hells, that it was coming to bring a shadow of death and silence, and everything I've found or others have found tells me it must be Tiamat, so I just… I just need you to tell me she's still imprisoned."
Patience listened to all of that without his expression changing much, apart from a slight distaste at the mention of Hanala. It was measured and thoughtful. He glanced away, gaze unfocusing slightly as he redirected his attention to Avernus.
"At this moment she's still in her miserable little pit, yes," he said, refocusing on Celeste.
"And can you… is there anything you can do to make sure she stays there? To make sure she can't get out?"
"I am already doing what I can, my dear, I'm the one who put her there." Patience frowned slightly, searching Celeste's gaze for something. "Celeste, don't get invested in whatever this is. Tiamat… she doesn't matter. She's nothing for you to worry yourself over. Trust me."
"I do, but my guardian has never lied to me. Whatever she showed me must be real, somehow." Celeste paused, thinking about what else he'd learned. "There's an artifact, apparently, in the city somewhere that would allow a dragon through the wards. Do you know what it is? It seems like no one knows what it is or where, but if anyone would know it would be you. You know everything."
Patience's lips twitched slightly at the assertion. He looked thoughtful. "Ahghairon's dragonward?" he clarified, and Celeste nodded. "Mmm… Last I can recall, what you're thinking of was in the possession of a gold dragon. Part of quite the massive hoard."
"In the city? There's a gold dragon in the city?" Celeste asked, startled, wondering where it could be hidden. Waterdeep was big, but surely it wasn't that big that there could be a dragon here without anyone knowing.
"That must be what they're here for, then, the people Hanala warned me about!" Celeste said, convinced now that his theory was right, and also terrified that it was. "She said they needed something from the city for her, for Tiamat, they must be after whatever that thing is the gold dragon has so they can let her through."
"Tiamat is in Avernus, even if she were able to breach the dragonward, she would need to get to this plane first," Patience said, patiently. "If she were planning to break her contract again, she would need quite a large sum of gold, which may be found here, but, again, I doubt this is something you need to get involved in. Trust me, she won't escape. She may have done before, but—"
"Okay, see, I do trust you but then you say things like that!" Celeste interrupted.
"Celeste, please," Patience said sharply. "Let this go. Don't get invested, don't get involved. If Tiamat is planning on breaking her contract, there's not much you could do to stop her anyway, I don't want you doing something stupid and getting hurt."
"But if something is threatening my home and the people I care about then I am going to try and stop it, if I can."
Patience rolled his eyes.
"You could… help me," Celeste said, quietly, before he could really think about it.
The mild irritation vanished from Patience's gaze, replaced by something else as he looked at Celeste almost warily. Almost disappointed. 
"Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?"
"No… I don't know," Celeste said, confused and upset, "I don't even know what I'm asking you."
Patience sighed. "I like you, Celeste. And one of the things I like best about you is the… power dynamic we have. If you start asking for my help, like this, that balance is going to shift."
Celeste shook his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean…" he faltered, looking away. "I'm just… scared." His voice wavered again. He had been trying not to think about that dream, but it had occupied his thoughts nearly every day and every night since. Though Patience seemed content to dismiss Tiamat out of hand, the thought of her was terrifying to Celeste. He wanted to trust that she would be kept in Avernus, but it was hard to ignore Hanala's warning.
Patience lifted a hand, brushing loose hair out of Celeste's eyes and then cupping his cheek, making Celeste look at him again. "Hm..." he sighed. "It seems I should ask your guardian for tips… she’s obviously quite effective at frightening people."
Celeste could tell Patience was trying to cheer him up, but he couldn't bring himself to smile.
He sighed. "Tiamat is no different than any of the rest of her kin, she just has more heads. All of them chromatic. All of them boring and uninventive, all doing hardly more than chasing the base impulses of their kind. Creatures of greed and little else."
"From what I saw, she doesn't want gold. She wants to destroy everything," Celeste said. He crossed his arms over his stomach and shifted back from Patience's hand, looking away. He understood that the devil in front of him had no reason to be afraid of Tiamat, or anything for that matter, but he wished his own fears were being taken seriously.
Patience looked at him for a moment, tail swishing idly behind him as he thought, and then made a quiet noise. "What's your guardian's name?" he asked.
Celeste looked at him warily. "Why are you asking?"
"For work. If Tiamat is planning on breaking her contract, I'll need what information I can get. If your guardian has seen this, I want to have a word with her."
"… Hanala. She's a deva. Good luck getting her to talk to you, though, she doesn't like you."
"Hm, well the feeling is mutual." Patience smiled after a moment. "I still can't believe you," he said, his tone lightly teasing, again trying to lift Celeste’s mood. "You finally ask about my work and it's Tiamat. I should really be offended."
Celeste smiled slightly, despite himself. "I'm sorry, you can talk to me about work anytime, if you want to," he said, earnestly. "You can talk to me about anything."
"Well, we don't need you falling asleep right here," he replied. He paused, thoughtful, looking toward a broken window of the tavern, from which they could hear Corivier and Nyalori exclaiming in surprise about something.
"Where did you find those two?" Patience asked, after a moment.
"At The Yawning Portal, I told you," Celeste said. "We all just happened to be there and started talking and then the troll showed up and we fought it together, so Volo thought we must be friends and hired all of us to find his friend."
"Hm… Do you know what that ranger keeps in his bag?"
"The dragon? Yes. She's really cute."
Patience's eyes narrowed slightly and he sighed. "That is not simply a dragon."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not entirely sure, which I don't like. And the other one… Do you have any idea what follows her?"
Celeste shook his head, uncertain.
"Your friends have friends in high places, is all I'm saying," Patience said, carefully. 
"Well… they're in good company, then," Celeste said, smiling. "I have friends in low places."
Patience laughed. "Do you trust them?"
Celeste thought about that for a moment. He was surprised at how quickly he had grown attached to Corivier and Nyalori, but truly he knew very little about them. "I don't know,” he said, eventually. “I like them, but…"
"Good. Don't trust them, not yet. Don't trust anyone, for that matter."
"I trust you."
He snorted. "That's a mistake."
"I know," Celeste murmured.
Patience looked at him for a moment. "Just keep your wits about you, my dear," he said softly. "I doubt it's a coincidence you all met that night and they have their own motives for being here. Don't let them use you." With a gentle hand on Celeste's jaw, he pulled him down so that he could stand up on his toes and lightly kiss him on the forehead.
"Come on, let's head inside, I've seen all I need to out here."
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blossomthepinkbunny · 3 months
I wanna talk about the pride artwork for HB, because like a lot of other people I have some thoughts.
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Firstly, positives:
It overall looks pretty good imo. The colours are bright and the picture has nice energy. I don't mind the HB/HH artstyle in general, it's mostly the designs that are the problem (the designs in HB are better than in HH). It is very cluttered, but I sorta learned to deal with that and I don't mind as much here.
Millie being there for Moxxie is cute and she looks amazing.
The outfits for some of the characters look good.
Sallie May being a Lesbian is nice (idk why, it just is).
Verosika looks great and very pretty (as always).
I like the idea of Loona taking Octavia to her first Pride parade. I like the idea of them hanging out in general and I want to see more of that.
Beelzebub looks cute.
I like the face Barbie makes (idk either).
Now onto the things I don't like:
Some of these sexualities seem kinda like they were just made up on the spot. Loona being Bisexual is nice, but she literally only ever showed interest in guys and there was never anything that could lead us to assume that she's Bi. The same thing goes for Mammon or Andrealphus. For Andrealphus it seems like they just made him gay to excuse the weird comments he makes about his Sister and especially since a lot of people started using their weird relationship to imply that Stella has some problems as well and isn't just a heartless bitch. Now they can basically just say: "Andrealphus isn't weird towards Stella, he is literally gay, why would he harrass her". I don't mind as much with characters like Bee or Barbie, because they only showed up once and it would've been pretty difficult to confirm their sexualities.
A lot of people mentioned Mammon being Ace just seems like an excuse to not put him in sexual merchandise or something. He is the only fat character in HB (who is actually relevant) and he is one of the two ace characters. It feels sorta disingenuous when the only two ace characters are a teen and the single fat character you have. Especially since, if I remember correctly there were a lot of people (including me) who found Mammon attractive and were looking forward to more sex-positivity for plus sized folks, especially when in Vivzepops shows theres only him and Mimzy (Adam as well maybe).
Why do a lot of the pansexual demons in this show feel stereotypical. Bee and Asmodeus are fine, the background demons as well I guess. Blitzø is super horny all the time and could fill a whole party just with people he slept with. Verosika and her followers are succubi who we saw sexually assault Moxxie. Barbie Wire manipulated a teenage/barely legal human to do what she wants by using her body. And Chaz is a literal and very open sexual harrasser/abuser. The only joke he has are making unwanted sexual remarks toward Moxxie and being horny. He has a sign that says: "I will fuck anything", which isn't what pansexuality is and the wording makes it really weird ("anything" not "anybody"). And he looks at Andrealphus weirdly. Him and Blitzø are also naked for no reason.
I would've loved to see some nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer characters. We don't have one confirmed genderqueer character. How about nonbinary Octavia or Vasago. Or genderfluid Moxxie. Or bigender Barbie or something. I just wished we had anything like that. Also a personal headcannon of mine, but Asmodeus should probably be Polyamorous. He is the incarnation of Lust and with how they wrote him in the show it's kinda hard to believe/doesn't make sense that he is in a monogamous relationship.
Where are Mayberry and Martha? They were confirmed to be sapphic and so far they're the only sapphic characters in an actually sapphic relationship we see in HB. Why does Wally get to be there but they aren't? Why is Vasago there instead of them, when he hasn't even showed up in an episode yet? Why is Vasago there in general? It's not like i'm gonna be happy with him being confirmed to be gay because there is nothing we know about him yet.
Why is Tex not there? Did they just forget him? He might be straight but he could still be there to support his girlfriend and isn't he literally Verosikas bodyguard. He was at the weird Blitzø hate party with her, but not here?
Isn't Chaz dead?
Why would Asmodeus and Fizz go to the same parade as Mammon, when the only episode with Mammon so far has dealt with how much he hurts Fizz.
You might say: "This isn't supposed to make sense, it's just a more interesting way to confirm characters' sexuality for pride month, so it doesn't have to make canon/logical sense". Which I would agree with, if they didn't excuse Stella and Striker (two pretty important characters) not being there by saying something along the lines of: "Do you really think they would attend a pride parade?". Maybe not, but I also don't think Chaz would attend a parade, being dead and all. I also don't think that Barbie would go out of her way to go to hell, just to attend a pride parade, especially since her brother is there too. I also don't think Andrealphus would go out of his way to go to a parade filled with imps and people he doesn't like. I also don't think Mammon would be there because it's nothing that brings him money or something. Stella might be straight and that's the reason she isn't here. But her brother (who she seemingly likes and confines in) is there and she could go to support him and her being straight isn't even confirmed, so she could very well be queer. And isn't Striker queer as well? Im sorta confused with that, because they try to make him a bigot (probably also homophobic), but the scene he has with Blitzø in "Harvest moon festival" seems very queer. His offense at sexual remarks could also imply that he is a very sex-repulsed asexual or Demisexual or something. Unless of course they want to use the fact that he doesn't like sexual remark from men as a way to make him seem homophobic (even though him reacting bad to unwanted sexual remarks doesn't mean he's bigoted, like that's well within his rights to be uncomfortable). It's not as if Viv shows restraint with making villians/antagonists queer in general. Mammon, Chaz, Andrealphus are all antagonists in HB and are also there. In HH they literally went out of their way to confirm Vox being in a relationship with Valentino, a rapist. It seems like being Straight/Bigoted/too much of an asshole to show up only applies to the characters who actively dislike Stolas and to the only main female antagonist.
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lou-struck · 1 year
A Demon's Duty
Satan x reader
Prompt: 🐈 + Park
~Satan leaves the dinner table abruptly, and you follow him into an impending rainstorm.
WC: 1.9k
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the Masterlist on my welcome page.
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“And then the photographer asked me to come back next week for another gig.” Mammon boasts from his seat at the dinner table. He looks around the table at each of his brothers before shooting you a playfully adorable grin. The Avatar of Greed fiddles with his utensils before continuing his story, “Just you wait; I’ll be swimming in Grimm before the next issue comes out.”
“Interesting,” Lucifer says, lifting his glass of demonus and taking a small sip. His crimson gaze stares his younger brother down from across the table. “Then you will have no problem paying me back on the loan I gave you last month. With interest, of course.”
Mammon’s eyes widen in fear as a few of his brothers snicker at his expense. 
“I just don’t understand it,” Asmodeus pouts, looking his brother up and down. “If they wanted someone to model, they could’ve asked me to do it, don’t you think so, Satan?” 
You look over at the Avatar of Wrath, who is paying no attention whatsoever to the dinner conversation. His fork absentmindedly dances across the porcelain as he rests his chin in his other hand, his light brows furrowed in deep thought.
“Satan, are you feeling sick? You haven’t touched your dinner.” Beel, who is seated next to him, asks gently, placing a large hand on the blond’s shoulder. The little nudge causes Satan to jolt up suddenly, the table shaking slightly as he springs to his feet.
“It’s nothing,” he says quickly. “I have to go.” Before anyone has the chance to say anything, he steps quickly out into the hallway and out the front door. 
The room falls silent; Belphie looks awake and alert, Levi has tucked away the Manga he had been trying to read under the table, and Beel is letting his food get cold. 
Everyone is worried about him, but no one knows what to say.
“Well, that was weird.” Mammon huffs after some of the longest seconds of your life. “What’s up with him?”
“Shouldn’t we go after him? He looked upset?” you ask, pushing back your chair. Come to think of it, Satan had been unusually quiet today; initially, you had assumed the demon was tired from a long night of reading. But with the way he had exited, you have a feeling there is more to it than that.
“I think that is a wise decision, Mc,” Lucifer says, doing his best to hide the worry on his features. “Would you like someone to accompany you?”
“No, it’s alright.” you say, already halfway across the carpet, “You guys should just finish your dinner; I’ll call if anything happens.”
Lucifer nods, prompting you to leave the room. Your steps are quick as you try to catch up with Satan to figure out what caused him to step out of one of his favorite meals so urgently.
The Devildom air feels heavy with unfallen rain as you make your way down the path. The one-minute Headstart Satan had on you makes following him difficult. But this is the only way he could’ve gone. As you search for any trace of the demon, your thoughts Jeff back to the conversation you heard earlier this morning about an impending rain storm. It makes you want to hurry up before the both of you get caught in the precipitation. 
“Satan?” You call out, your voice carrying through the ancient trees in the park. “Where are you?”
The pathway twist’s slightly as you walk toward the wishing fountain. But you never make it there…
A hand reaches out at you through the trees and covers your mouth. You clench your fist, ready to fight back against the would-be attacker, only to hear them shush and you gently. It’s Satan. Your shoulders relax, but you look at him quizzically.
When you lock eyes, he lets go of you. Looking at you apologetically. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t want you to scare it away.”
“Scare what away?” You whisper, looking around. But the only thing you see is Satan. His cheeks turn pink, and he casts his eyes to the leaf-covered ground as he pulls a folded piece of paper from his pocket. Your eyes squint to make out the text, but it is written in a language you haven’t learned yet. But you do make out a portrait of a heartbreakingly tiny black and white spotted kitten plastered in the center of it. 
“When I was walking home today, I saw there was a flier up for a missing cat,” he explains, keeping his voice low and steady. “I called the owner and tried to search for it earlier; they told me they were last seen around here. I thought I was getting close but found nothing. When I got home, all I could think about was that poor kitten lost and alone out here in the rain. I couldn’t take it anymore; I had to go back out.”
His words pull at your heartstrings as you nod in understanding. “So you think the cat is still out here? “You ask, looking around for any trace of a kitten, “It’s a large park.”
“I know it is. “He says confidently, and you believe him. After all, he’s Satan; he has a sixth sense about cats. “I just want to find it and bring it back to its owner before anything happens to it.” Dark clouds seem to roll in with a dense breeze that covers the waning moon; he looks at you with concern and reaches for your hand. “But you should go back inside; it’s about to rain, and I wouldn’t want you to get sick because you were out here looking for me.”
“You shake your head and give his hand a light-hearted squeeze. “Not a chance; we have a kitten to find,” you say optimistically. 
“You mean you’re going to help me find it?” he blinks in surprise before giving you a soft smile.
“Of course, I will,” you reply, crouching down and peaking through the branches of some dense shrubbery. “It means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”
“One of these days, that big heart of yours is going to get you in trouble.” He chuckles before going back to his search. His inhuman ears listen for even the slightest sound that could tip him off to where the missing kitten is.
He’s a bit of a hypocrite because his big heart is the reason why the two of you are searching through the forest. But you can save the teasing for later. 
“Any luck?” you ask, walking around the bush to check the other side. The first raindrop drips lightly onto your cheek, but it’s nowhere near a downpour yet. Your heart rate quickens at the idea of getting caught in the storm without finding the kitten.
“No,” Satan mumbles, brushing some thorny branches to the side. “And I’m getting worried; the poster said the kitten is too young to survive on its own. Its owner has been searching everywhere but hasn’t found anything either.”
“We’ll find it,” you mumble, peeking through the branches, “we have to.”
The raindrops get heavier and land on the top of your head. Already cold water is seeping down your neck as you bend over to inspect a new cluster of bushes. The forested area of the park goes on for miles. And the pit of your stomach turns at the thought of never finding the little guy. 
Your foot hits a dark tree root, and you stumble forward, nearly falling into a large berried bush before you catch yourself.
“Mc, are you alright?” Satan asks, coming to your side. “It’s too dark out here for you to see anything; you should go home.”
You shake your head, “I’m fine; let’s keep looking.” you start to say until you feel a slight resistance on your shoelace. Looking down, you see that it has come undone and has attracted a bit of fluff. 
A black and white kitten barely large enough to fit in your hand toys with it playfully. You and Satan stare dumbfounded between yourselves and the kitten.
“Hey there, little one,” you say, gently scooping up the little ball of fluff and tucking him into the inside of your jacket. “Let’s get you someplace warm.” You hold the kitten so carefully, and with so much love it makes Satan’s eyes turn glassy, but there is still a little quirk in his lips that tells you that there is something else he is thinking about. 
“Something’s not right,” he states, turning around and lying down on the ground. Leaves crunch all around him and stick onto his cardigan, but he is determined to settle this feeling of unease in his gut. He peers into the bushes and gasps, reaching under the bush quickly. When it comes back, you see that he, too, is holding a little ball of fluff in his hand; this one is orange and fairly larger than your own. 
“It has a friend,” you whisper as the black and white kitten kneads into your skin playfully, purring up a storm. 
Satan’s smile is victorious as his kitten blinks up at him sleepily and lets out a high-pitched mewl, “Hello there,” he chuckles softly as his kitten begins to lick his fingers with its sandpaper tongue on, “You must be hungry; let’s get you out of this rain and somewhere warm.”
He doesn’t turn to go just yet, turning his attention to you instead. “Is something the matter?” you ask. 
“Thank you for helping me,” he says, stepping closer and giving you a look of love and affection just for you. “If you weren’t out here, who knows when I would’ve found these little guys.” 
“You would’ve found them,” you smile, watching as the kitten looks between the two of you excitedly, “I didn’t do much.”
“You did so much,” he says, “And tomorrow, I promise to thank you the way you deserve to be thanked, but for now, I’m afraid you’ll have to settle with this.”
“With what?” you ask coyly, leaning in a bit closer to him. 
“With this,” he says, kissing you softly, the rain breaking just for the moment he takes your breath away. He parts gently and looks down at you with satisfaction. “Was that sufficient?”
“For now,” you hum, “as much as I would love to kiss you again in the rain, we have to get these little guys back home before we all get soaked.”
He looks down at the orange kitten who is currently trying to burrow into his sleeve and laughs as the two of you head back through the park with your new fuzzy friends.
“I thought you said only one kitten was missing,” you say as you make your way back to the House, the falling rain speckling the pavement below you. You cover the kitten who has dozed off in your hands, and Satan does the same. 
“There was,” he smiles, “But until we figure out what to do with these guys, I guess they will be staying with me. I’ll call the owner and explain the whole situation.”
“What about Lucifer?” you giggle, knowing the eldest brothers rule against cat ownership.
“What Lucifer doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” he smiles devilishly, “I’ve gotten pretty good about sneaking cats into my room over the years.”
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blues824 · 2 years
Can you do obey me brothers with a mc who like qiqi from genshin impact(platonic ofc)
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He knows that you are a zombie, so he will try and adjust accordingly. He finds it adorable and efficient how you give yourself orders, but sometimes you probably shouldn’t because some tasks are too much. He likes how you keep an agenda so that your day is organized.
He will designate a spot in the HoL’s garden so you can plant herbs. You are still a practicing pharmacist, so you will do herbal remedies for the brothers. It’s not only cheaper than going to a doctor, but it’s also just easier.
You are also very polite, but lack emotion. It makes sense, since you are undead and therefore only follow orders like a mindless servant for their master, but you are your own master. Shouldn’t that allow you to show feelings? Well, besides annoyance since you pointed out that Mammon had a very punchable face.
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Big brother Mammon didn’t know you were a zombie until you told him. Honestly, he is kind of offended that you didn’t tell him, but you explained that you had never put it down in your notebook on orders you needed to give yourself to do that day… or any day.
He would help you gather the herbs you needed if someone within your friend group was sick. It was a surprisingly peaceful activity for him. Also, he’s happy that it’s easier and cheaper than going to a doctor since you were a pharmacist.
He once tried to give you an order to see if it would work, but instead of laughing you got a tad annoyed. You explained that since you freed yourself from the amber, you were your own master and therefore only followed your own orders. 
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You remind him of the zombie from ‘My brother/sister was taken away by a god and now I need to travel around to try and get strong enough to get them back!’ You even give yourself orders in the same way that the character from the game does!
He doesn’t really have a green thumb, so growing the herbs is all on you. He wishes that he was more interested in that type of stuff, but he will order seeds that you need online if you want. It’s the thought that counts, right?
He finds it unsettling that you show little to no emotion. Sure, you were the walking dead, but you could at least smile to make it less awkward. The one time he did see you get annoyed was when Mammon came asking him for money and you blatantly stated that the second eldest brother had a ‘punchable face’. It had Levi rolling and laughing on the floor.
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He also knew you were a zombie because he actually bothered to read the student profiles of the exchange students. It was fascinating how you operated by giving yourself orders based on the schedule you set up for your day.
He would also help with taking care of and harvesting the herbs that you needed to practice your pharmaceutical practices. You remind him a lot of Solomon in that aspect, and he is intrigued with the subtle differences. 
He would prefer to not show emotion as well, but since he is the Avatar of Wrath it’s nearly impossible for him to do that. He lets out an audible laugh whenever you get annoyed since it’s usually Mammon who started something. You even said that he had a very punchable face, and Satan agrees.
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He had no suspicion whatsoever since you looked alive. When you did order yourself to tell him that you were a zombie, he was so surprised. He thought you were a human, a sorcerer like Solomon was. Ain’t no freaking way. Then he realized that you had to order yourself to do things and the pieces pieced themselves together.
He would go to you for dermatological problems since you are well-versed in that field. He would help you with whatever you needed as long as it would help his beauty (also, as long as it didn’t get his hands dirty).
He’s slightly concerned when you don’t show any sort of emotion towards any of the things he’s excited about. I mean, whatever it is is a cause of joy! However, he burst out in laughter when you got annoyed at Mammon and said that he had a punchable face.
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He also didn’t really suspect anything about you. He just thought that ordering yourself around was either determination to get tasks done or to remind you of what you were doing, which is generally understandable. When you did tell him, he was shocked.
As much as I love him, please don’t ask him to gather herbs with you. He will most definitely eat them, even if you warn him that they aren’t edible. It’s even worse if it is a rare herb since it looks very appetizing to him.
He doesn’t really mind if you don’t show emotions. He’s typically very neutral as well, so he can’t say much against it. He will say that everyone (besides Mammon) erupted into laughter when you said that the second eldest was annoying and had a face you wanted to meet with your fist.
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He was definitely suspicious of you. He hasn’t read your student file (mainly because he was locked in the attic), but he knew that you weren’t human. At least not completely human. No one went around giving them orders like a master does to a servant. When you did tell him, he mentally slapped himself for being so dumb
He wouldn’t be excited to go collect herbs unless it’s to make a potion that will allow him to sleep better. If that’s the case, then he will gladly go foraging for whatever you need. Anything for a better night’s sleep (I felt that).
He’s mostly just annoyed at all of his brothers, so he feels you when he hears you say that Mammon has a punchable face. He, too, thinks that his older brother has a face that needs a good punch, but he didn’t expect you to say it out loud.
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ressu-rection · 1 year
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My experience of King Asmodeus
Upon meeting him while drawing a gift for a friend, he greeted me with a nauseating rush of energy and later with the words “Finish my drawing”
At this point I hadn’t read the myths relating to King Asmodeus and I admittedly giggled a bit because wow, this drawing is a gift, not a commission and the audacity was funny to me. It quickly turned into a “job” tho, with his energy hanging around my right shoulder while I worked.
During this period, a huge storm was coming in and a tornado was expected. I have a huge problems with tornados and getting overwhelmed with anxiety when sirens go off. While the wind bent the trees outside I felt his presence enter into my space and the words “nothing will happen to you and your family”
Thankfully he wasn’t blowing smoke and everything turned out fine, the weather calming down an hour or two later. After the drawing was finished and sent off (signed Dobby the art elf cuz that’s exactly what it felt like), I still felt his energy in the house. With the nerves from the day and the onset of hormones I asked that I be left alone, that his energy is very there, and that it was an honor to meet him but I’m only interested in working with Mammon and this house is closed off to frequent visitors.
He respected my wishes and I felt the air clear. The next day I woke up and like normal folk, scrolled the feed. An artwork popped up with the exact features of the portrait I had done the day before. I took this as a knock at my door and decided to ask what he would like to talk to me about.
A tarot spread later it became pretty clear that he was interested in working with me. A few other discussions later and it slowly became apparent that it was more of a matter of fact instead of a proposal. The whole interaction boldly stated “I’ve adopted you, you’re mine and you work with me now”
Even more discussions with current guides advised me that there was something’s to learn from him and that they felt it was a good choice. I decided to go with the flow and accept it, knowing that he was an addition and not a replacement for current guides. And let’s be honest, he probably seen my daddy issues from miles away and who am I to deny the perfect opportunity to be bossed around by a man that seems to know exactly what he’s doing?
I let him know that, yes, I would like to work with him. Thus initiating the next task. An altar. After just two days of knowing him a space for him was cleared and the beginnings of an altar was set up.
Other things I’ve observed is that even tho he is quite bossy at times, he is very respectful and seems to be very good at communicating. I’ve asked him favors and set boundaries and he will clearly respond and be accommodating.
I’ve also noticed that he has an aura of acceptance that comes with him. A benevolent aura that just simply understands. He is also fantastic at working with my adhd, and rolls with the punches fluently. Taking advantage of my stim breaks and my frequent daydreaming while listening to music.
Overall, it’s a vibe, and I feel honored to share this past week with him. I’m excited to see where it goes in the future. Hail King Asmodeus, thanks for adopting me lol
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I wish there was more thought and world building put into the imps, goetias and other hell creatures anathomy.
I mean, they are supposed to be those evil demon spiritual beings (i assume) yet they can get hurt like any other earthly creature, throw up, get drunk and be depressed I guess? How does it work? What does death in hell mean? Do they just go to limbo, do they get reborn? Can Asmodeus like break a bone or something, do they have bones?
Stella mentions she lied an egg but then she has breasts like a mammal?
Hell is such an interesting setting, and yet in HB and HH it really just is a big american city pained red, and the same goes for heaven.
Listen, if I would be thrown into some metropolis filled with people using smartphones and gen Z humor after i die I would scream.
Part of me kinda likes that Hell is just a society. Theres something fascinating there I guess, the concept of like... it not being one at first, but because large groups of people will always eventually do things like create currency etc, it inevitably became one. I wish it was stated explicitly that hell was never supposed to be a society but simply became one because it was too efficient and beneficial for it to not be one, lol.
You did crack me up though you're onto something anon, hell having smartphones and gen z humor is just accurate how could it be hell otherwise lmfao.
But that aside, I do feel you with a lot of the rest, yeah. Personally I wish the Goetia had been more planned and that Stella was a secretary bird that exhibited behaviors like one (for example stomping). Shes supposed to be a swan but seeing people reply to my asks saying they HC her as a secretary bird had me obsessed. Some things feel more planned but others feel very much feel like they were done on the go and as a result it leaves characters like Stella's species and why she doesn't have powers but some of the other birds/goetia do, why the goetia do arranged marriages etc feeling confused and poorly elaborated on despite the characters and concepts being really interesting. You really feel the favourtism, some things have great interesting lore but then others its really threadbare and confused and. Aaaa.
This stuff feels more like a problem in HB to me. HB isn't about the sinners its about hellborns, so PLEASE can we focus on the hellborn lore then? Plz plz plz! How do they feel about their lives? Most of them, for example imps, they age, they're mortal. But they don't get 2 lives like sinners do, presumably once they die its over. Why do we never delve into that and how that might feel for an imp? Like man some of the stuff thats here, I adore it. I have to admit, there's really interesting concepts and characters. Stuff like Blitz's past and Barbie Wire!? Holy hell we need to know more! But. The show doesn't focus on all this brilliant interesting stuff its got right there and that its set up. Sigh.
And you know, I try not to be too harsh because we may get there in the end with a lot of this stuff like Barbie for example. The show isn't over! And filler episodes are often important to establish character and to make tone not get too heavy etc. However, lately HB isn't heavy with filler to establish character and keep the tone light. Its ship drama, ship drama, and MORE SHIP DRAMA. Everything is St*litz now. The heavy shipping focus in HB while cool lore and other relationships like the brother/sister Blitz and Barbie relationship are getting left in the dirt... God man. God. It just feels really tiring, I hate what is chosen to focus on because while the show has better material its hard not to get bored and frustrated that they won't focus on the better material.
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How was your Helluva Boss watch?
It was pretty neat! Thanks for asking!
Here's a list of the stuff I liked:
Moxxie and Millie's marriage is cute! I'm a sucker for fictional married couples who are sickeningly adorable and genuinely care for each other rather than arguing all the time.
I think I might have an autistic headcanon for Moxxie? It was the bit where he started infodumping to Millie's parents that did it for me.
There were plenty of lines of dialogue that made me splutter because I wasn't expecting them to be so hilarious.
The part of the interrogation scene where Moxxie intelligently explains why torture is a bad interrogation tactic and Blitzo adds that the demons might enjoy the torture too much and then the agents would have a whole other set of problems on their hands lives in my head rent-free for some reason.
While I'm not sure I want Stolitz to become canon, I will admit that their complicated relationship is interesting to watch. The childhood flashback episode had some cute moments. And I'm fascinated by the changes that Stolas has undergone over the course of the series. I'm glad he's not as creepy as he was at the start.
(I prefer Owling at the Moon over Stolitz, which is probably why I don't want Stolitz to become canon. Imagine if Loona and Octavia started dating and Blitzo and Stolas became the awkward in-laws. I'd like watching that play out!)
Fizzmodeus intrigues me. I wasn't sure about that ship at first, but they do seem to have a cute thing going on. Watching Asmodeus trying to help Fizzarolli after his panic attack was unexpected. I've not really seen stuff like that in the fiction I've encountered.
I came across a Hellaverse crossover fanfic where Angel Dust meets Asmodeus and I thought it was well-written. (You can read it here if you're interested. But given the two main characters are the King of Lust and a porn star, it's very much NSFW, so don't look if you're a minor.)
And here's a list of the stuff I wasn't keen on:
The show was supposed to be about a team of demonic assassins taking out targets on Earth, but it seems to have abandoned that premise rather quickly to focus on exploring side characters and fleshing out the worldbuilding in Hell. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the worldbuilding (certainly more than I would have enjoyed the gory killings) - it just bothers me that the show starts with a premise and then forgets it. At least in Hazbin Hotel, the themes of redemption and second chances are almost always present, even if the Hotel itself isn't getting much focus. By contrast, what does Fizzarolli's clown career have to do with assassinating humans?
The sound mixing on the songs bothered me. Most of the time, the dialogue is loud and clear, but when a song starts, the voices go really quiet for some reason and the instrumentation drowns them out and I can't hear what they're singing. It's as if the show keeps coming down with a bad case of Sonic Adventure 2 sound mixing.
I wish Loona was treated better by the narrative. She seems very underdeveloped to me, and I'd love to see an episode or two focusing on her and giving her time to shine. (And more of her hanging out with Octavia. That'd be neat.)
They got Barrett Wilbert Weed to voice Octavia and they haven't let her sing a song yet?! I've heard her Heathers and Mean Girls stuff! She's a good singer! Don't let her go to waste!
So, as you can see, I do have some quibbles with the series, but overall, I had fun!
I am now finally watching Hazbin Hotel properly (hooray!), and I prefer that show over Helluva Boss. The characters resonate with me more, and the songs stand out to me more. But I still enjoyed checking out Helluva Boss!
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arklayraven · 1 year
Gonna share my thoughts about NB lesson 24 now. Expect spoilers under the cut. (I haven't read the extra story since can't get access to it. so am keeping that out for obvious reasons.)
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So we start off with Asmo first charming Lucifer of all demons and I was very surprised to see it even work. Like holy shit, Asmo charmed LUCIFER. Felt both impressed and concerned pff
Then we slowly start to see things take a turn from interesting to very concerning...Tbh. This way they went about on showing Asmo's charm at a stronger rate, is actually okay with me. Like its bad yeah, because Asmo is taking advantage of everyone around him. Which just happens to be his brothers. But this could of been played out way worse by the writers, since this is Asmodeus after all. The Avatar of Lust.
Some will think he'll just use his charm to do some fucked up shit with his brothers...But thankfully, they(the writers) proved here Asmo doesn't have any true desires for that. So those anti Asmo fans can quit it with constantly saying Asmo just wants to fuck his brothers. Seriously, fucking stop it. It's tiring and annoying now.
Anyway, back to the lesson...So Asmo just uses his charm to just make everyone spoil and pamper him like a literal "Queen". Or as quoted by Solomon later on, making his brothers act like royal servants, which "Queen Asmodeus" had. (I'm so interested to hear more of Queen Asmodeus. Solomon, fucking spill the lore. I NEED it. lol)
Most of the brothers are easily charmed by Asmo's stronger charm now at first. Then there's Lucifer, first charmed of course, then worked on resisting his charm in time. Which apparently the other brothers can do too or try, as implied by Lucifer.
Then we finally get Asmo snapping and his sin consuming him truly now after Mammon upset him a lot with the stuff he told him. At this moment, all the brothers, including Lucifer too, are now victim or fallen victim to Asmo's powerful charm.
Then here's us...Honestly, I wish they let Asmo try to charm MC so we can know if they truly retcon the fact MC can't be charmed or not. Though maybe we'll find out in next lesson...
(Though that whole scene of MC running away from Asmo trying to hunt them down to charm them. Just was some yandere-ish vibes to me. lol Fueling the fics ideas for me now.)
Anyway, we escaped unhinged Queen Asmo's charming wrath pfff, and we were sent to Solomon for help. (ugh...but it is what it is.)
I chose to land on his head btw. Heheh. REVENGE~.
Anywaaaays. We tell Solomon what's going on, and of course he finds this all interesting...but quick to accept this is a problem...Then goes with us to help save the brothers and stop/save Asmo too.
That where we see Asmo just living a spoiled life of being pampered and attended to endlessly by his brothers, and this is where Solomon brings up this is like with Queen Asmodeus and his royal servants. (AGAIN. SPILL THE DETAILS WIZARD MAN. LOL)
I was honestly very concerned over how this will play out with Solomon. I knew he'll get involved since he has a pact with Asmo...But in the end he just kept resisting or reflecting Asmo's charm, even with his weakened power(still having doubts if that's true or what from him lol). Then in the end resorted to using Barbatos to help stop Asmo like nothing. Which honestly...I'm happier with Barb stopping Asmo truly than Solomon himself directly. (Even if Barb showed no mercy it seems...haha)
Then we get left with some cliffhangers and yeah...Can't wait for the next lesson.
But now I got some stuff to say, about Asmo, and Solomon here.
Now you know I love Asmo with all my heart...But won't lie. Hearing him call Jayce/Me a nuisance...Was a huge stab to my heart lol. Like personally, I feel like one as is in life to everyone around. Which is why I'm so distant and all. So yeah...It just sucks. lol But I know this isn't truly Asmo talking truly from his heart, just his sin consuming him making him act and talk this way. But for my MC Jayce, this will certain leave a scar and now moments of doubt when with Asmo...lol the angst is gonna be real from this now.
Now for Solomon...Honestly I still don't like him because of the stuff he's said or done (but won't deny he's kinda hot. so there. happy? lol), but appreciate him protecting us and defending us. Though I just hated how he said this to Asmo...
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Like it just proves to me again, he just sees Asmo as nothing more but a tool than someone special and important to him. No love is felt from him or through his words over Asmo. (Like some like to believe they apparently are madly in love with each other...Uh huh...) Just this need to prove he's in control and powerful over another, which is Asmo in this case...Ugh...I hate it so much. Reminds me of those toxic partners in relationships who need to always be in control and more power than other...or some people I know irl who really are like this...
Anyway...That's all to say for now. I think. Might of missed stuff but mind is everywhere rn so yeah lol. I'll say/add more later if anything comes up.
All I know, once this is all over. I expect many hugs and kisses from Asmo. (As well will maybe be writing some angsty stuff over Jayce and Asmo thanks to this all. lol)
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honeyabyss · 3 years
Phone calls after Mc returned to the human realm
this man is stubborn, calling you would be like admitting he's gone soft and his pride does not allow that!
so he refuses to call for the first few weeks, keeping himself busy with work of which he has enough anyway
due to all his student council work, a few other tasks of Diavolo and on top of that the usual shenanigans of his brothers, he quickly becomes very stressed
he's at his breaking point and needs someone to talk to so he can release some of his stress before he takes it out on someone else
so he goes to your old room and starts talking as soon as he enters it, only to stop confused when he doesn't see you in the room, remembering only now you left for the human realm
disappointed he sits down onto the bed and curls the blanket around himself
"Their scent is almost gone...Soon it'll be as if they were never here"
he closes his eyes, sighs softly and makes his decision
"Mc? I hope I didn't wake you. I simply thought a conversation would be nice, it's been a while..."
Lucifer's call is pretty casual, he talks about his day, work and his troublemaker brothers, it almost feels like any other day before just this time it is over phone
he does not want to admit he misses you, a) because he'd seem weak and b) he fears what admitting it will do to him, he might just miss you even more
BUT while saying goodbye he accidentally lets a "I miss you" slip, his breathing stops shortly realizing his mistake, he is about to apologize when you say it back
he smiles softly, genuinely relieved about your shared sentiment and whispers "I'll call you again soon then" before hanging up
from then on he calls you every evening and you better jump right away and pick up at the first ringing, because this man is lonely without you
"Congratulations! You're one of our lucky winners of our monthly Devil-Lottery. We'll have to confirm your bank account number with the one given to us when you agreed to participating in the lottery. Would you be so kind to slowly repeat the number-"
this greedy demon will quite literally try to scam you, only to absolutely panic when you hang up on him
he will instantly call you back, constantly adjusting his glasses, a nervous habit he acquired over the years
"H-hey...Mc...uhm, it's me your favourite demon!"
he is relieved you picked up, as it means you didn't block him right away, he stumbles over his words trying to find an excuse why he just tried to scam you
"Ah you know I only did that to test you, you've passed nobody scams my human! You're my amazing human after all! That's why I love you...u-uh I-i mean...nothing...that was a static you must have misheard..."
when you tell him you knew it was him as you recognized his voice, he'll be outraged, screaming into his D.D.D (and probably later getting punched by Lucifer for being so loud)
"What do you mean you already knew?! You dared to hang up on The Great Mammon?
He gets a bit sulky by your reaction, so how about playing into his obvious lie of testing you to make him feel better again
besides trying to scam you Mammon also called to (not so sneakily) check on your wellbeing
now that you're gone he constantly worries about you and he can't do much to help, but if you were actually in need of help due to whatever, trust me he'd fight Lucifer himself for permission to go to you
he'll call you as often as he can, sometimes with a few days of a break in between, asking you about your life and also letting you in on his upcoming money making schemes...please don't tell Lucifer about them
Mammon has learned his lesson though, he'll never try to scam you again, he couldn't bare it if you were to block or ignore his calls
phone calls? Why? You two can just talk about the in-game talk function of this new online game you play, but no real world talk while playing that ruins the immersion!
Levi will rarely call you as he just doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk with you about normie stuff for too long
he normally just spam writes you, ding, ding, ding, one message after another coming in without you being able to respond quick enough
so if gets too much and you decide to just call him so you can have an actual chance of responding, Levi just panics and almost drops his D.D.D
"Mc? D-did you accidentally hit the c-call button? N-no? I-i see no I love you too!!....AAAAAAAh I-i meant I l-l-love t-talking to you too...hehehe w-why would a yucky o-otaku like me say something like that"
poor boy is so nervous he'll say something stupid and will stutter a lot the first few times you call him, he is just not used to talking on the phone
he will laugh nervously over everything and sometimes there'll be a phase of awkward silence, but please don't point it out, Levi is already stressed enough as it is
once he gets used to calls, he'll surprisingly suggests to have a phone call while both of you are watching the new episode of an anime, so he'll be able to talk to you as if you're right next to him, which works out mediocre at first, you have to tell him to be a bit quieter a few times but besides that it's quiet nice
"Ooooooowhooooooah!!! Did you see that? That was amazing, I wish I had these superpowers, I'd save you of every danger like a real hero! W-what do you mean I'm already your hero?"
Yes, you saw and heard it, and your neighbours probably heard Levi...
on the rare occasions Levi calls you he'll often asks you for favours like to buy him this exclusively in the human realm sold limited edition game, of course he isn't like his scummy brother Mammon who'll constantly asks for things and he'll also make it up by sending you stuff you can only get on Akuzon
so calls don't happen very often, but neither if you really mind, you'll still be in contact through messages and games
Satan will be very proper about calling you, he'll check through messages if you're fine with him calling you, so he can be sure you have time and he doesn't bother you
Satan never jumps into a conversation right away (unless he is angry), he makes sure to show interest in you and hold a bit small talk, asking about your day, how you're doing and so on
you talk about many different things with him mostly about your shared interests, but Satan is willing to listen to you ramble about hobbies he doesn't have as well
one thing you two quickly come to do was have book club sessions over phone
"I wish you were still here Mc. I miss my book discussion partner, nobody here has as interesting opinions and views as you..."
back in Devildom you two would both read a book and afterwards discuss your thoughts, and you found a way too keep doing just that
you both write about books, decide on one to read for the week and would than have a phone call where you just talk for hours about the piece of literature you've read
now that you're back in the human realm, the book choices are even bigger as you can read human books as well, you just have to send a copy to Satan, sometimes Barbatos will be nice and pick a book up and deliver it to Satan, or to you if it's the other way around with a demon book
"Oh? No, you're right. I haven't thought about it like that yet...your thoughts are so fascinating!"
Satan will shower you in praise for every little detail that you noticed yet he missed. he genuinely enjoys your phone calls, and though he wouldn't admit it, sometimes he anticipates your call more than the actual book
even though there now is a bigger distance between you two he still feels as close to you as before, not much has changed for him and he knows he'll be able to see you again soon, he'll just have to be patient
"Next week, same time? I'm looking forward to talking to you again. Take care until then!"
"Oh my Lord! You won't believe what just happened!!!"
no greeting or alike, just straight into the discussion
whenever something gossip worthy happens, Asmo is already dialling your number to spill the tea and keep you updated on any Devildom related gossip, even if it won't help you much, it's a nice thought of him keep you in the loop
those are only the spontaneous call though, obviously you can't take these all the time...you still have a life of your own...
you two actually call each other every day at the same time, plus/minus a couple minutes, the water in the tub has to be filled first...yeah Asmo likes to talk you while he is taking his afternoon bath
"Hahh it's so relaxing, warm water caressing my beautiful skin, and the bath bomb today smells so good! I wish you could smell it, or even better I wish we could bathe together!"
*water sloshing noises intensified*
Asmo...no....yes...maybe...just stop, you'll fluster Mc!
"No really! I miss having you here, I'll pamper you all day the next time I'll get to see you. You must already be starved of my beauty, but don't worry my dear, I'm just as starved of seeing your lovely face!"
what to talk about while he is bathing? Anything really if it's about your day, any complains or whatever, just expect a few innuendos of him...that's nothing new though
seriously though Asmo is the guy to talk to about any of your problems, he will listen and try to come up with a solution for you, even if he seems a bit narcissistic sometimes he really cares about you, so use your phone calls as therapy from time to time
"Oh darling, don't worry it'll be okay! I'm here to help...now tell me every detail so I can come up with a plan! I'll always be there for you, no matter what!"
"*munch munch* This one is really good! Mc you should try some...oh"
now that you're back in the human realm, Beels snack times are very lonely, he has just gotten so used to your presence, even sharing his food is normal by now
and let's be honest Beels snack time is 24/7 so he misses you a lot
he feels the urge to call you every five minutes and sometimes even forgets to eat while phone is ringing and he is waiting for you to pick up
but you can't constantly talk with him over phone so the calls often end up on your voicemail where Beel tells you about all the different kind of foods he ate that day
when Belphie catches wind of his twin constantly pestering you, he hides Beels D.D.D so he can't call you all the time
when you're actually able to pick up on his call, Beel will be so happy you can quite literally hear his huge grin while he's excitedly talking about his current snack
"Have you ever tried spicy bat-wings? There opened a new restaurant in town and it's really good!! Next time you're here I'll invite you there. Oh but what if it closes before you're back...ah you'll just have to visit soon!"
though Beel is often disappointed when you don't pick up, he would never hold it against you, he knows he calls quite a lot, but he just misses you and tipping a message while he eats is harder than putting his D.D.D on speaker and talking to you
of course he doesn't only talk about food, he also tells you about how his brothers are doing and how his workout was, or what things he has planned to do at the weekend, all in all Beel is just super happy to share everything of his life with you
on rare occasions he'll call you and be untypically quiet, that happens when he had a fight with his twin, it's not often but sometimes it happens and his first instinct is to call you, because he feels like he can tell you everything so he is very comfortable and trusting with you
"I miss you a lot, you know...but I also know that you think about me daily, every time your stomach rumbles you'll be reminded of me and that makes me happy, I also think about you every time I'm hungry! Hm? But I'm always hungry? That's right! You're always on my mind!"
Listen, his sleeping schedule is very tight, you can't just expect him to call you!
he will call you so rarely and if you call him it might just happen that he is sleeping and has phone on silent...or he's just to lazy to walk to his phone, or he is just not in the mood to talk... he takes any excuse to not be on the phone
Belphie does like talking to you, but he is not the greatest at long conversations so he like messages more
sometimes when he can't seem to fall asleep, he will be the one to call you...in the middle of the night...and you better pick up or he gets annoyed
"What took you so long? I thought you wanted to talk more often and then you leave me hanging for a whole minute? Doesn't matter I would have waited longer with you...."
he is mostly silent through a phone call, his main reason to call you is because he like to listen to you talk, it's calming to him and if he calmer then he might be able to fall asleep again
so don't expect an amazingly deep conversation...
"Mhmmm...hm? Yeah I'm still there. I'm listening keep talking, I love your voice..."
he'll bring up a topic from time to time so you have an inspiration about what to talk about, but most of the times he just lazily hum or making acknowledging noises so you know he is still listening
he will to 100% fall asleep while being on the phone with you, that doesn't mean you're boring, but that he trusts you so much that he is comfortable enough to let his guard down
"Good afternoon! How was the week of my favourite human?...ah don't tell Solomon I said that hahaha"
as the future king of hell, he is a busy man, but he still manages to give you a call once a week, to the same time you two would have normally had your weekly afternoon tea meeting in the castle
with the exchange year over there is not much about your classes to talk about left, but Dia is just as excited about any other topic you decide to talk about, be it the most mundane thing he loves it!
"Oh so you went grocery shopping? That must be fun! Barbatos does it all the time, though I suppose you buy less things...I'd like to see a human market at some point, I wonder if they're very different from ours...oh but I wouldn't really able to tell I suppose, Barbatos and you would need to point out the differences!"
this man can talk without taking a break for hours...you think Asmo is bad? Prepare for Diavolo...
but seriously it never gets boring with him, because he somehow finds good and fun stuff in every activity, I swear give him a vacuum and watch him clean you're whole flat with the enthusiasm of a child getting presents on Christmas
the work of a future king consists of so much paperwork, Dia will have only few events of his week to tell you about, if there is something to talk about there is a high chance it has to do with the brothers
so he'd much rather just sip his tea and listen to you, he'll ask you loads of questions though about anything he doesn't know
sometimes you two forget the time and Barb sadly has to remind you to come to a stop for now
"Mc? Did I wake you? If so I'm terribly sorry...would you be up to talk for a little bit more? I'm not feeling too tired yet"
surprise night time calls from Dia where you'll have to speak silently or Barbatos might reprimand Diavolo for staying up all night and being tired the next day, Dia doesn't regret it ever though, he likes to talk you a lot!
Barbatos is always busy and his schedule can often suddenly change with a new whim of his master, so he can't exactly have a scheduled call with you
so you might not get to hear of him very often
BUT he made it a habit to call you when he is on duty to do the dishes, the chore is somewhat boring to him with no one to distract him
so he calls you and if you pick up, he'll put you on speaker and talk to you about whatever comes to mind while his hands wash one after another of the expensive porcelain of the royal household
"I've bought this new tea which is said to be really nice, it can even be enjoyed cold apparently. It seems to have to just the right amount of sweetness to not get bitter when drank cold...you can still add sugar for extra sweetness, though I believe you're already sweet enough as it is"
no matter what you decide to talk about Barbatos always has at least some knowledge about it, so it's beneficial for both of you, he can tell you the things he knows and you tell him your stuff
"I hope I'm not bothering you too much? There is quite a lot to do today... so it might take some more time..."
you will never get to know that Barb has actually already finished the dished a few minutes ago, but just isn't ready to say goodbye yet
the rest of the employees will be able handle the castle for a bit longer without him, meanwhile he can take a well deserved tea break and listen to you
he very much enjoys the fact he found a way to have some time with you while theoretically having to be at work, as long as he is able to finish all the tasks of his daily schedule, he doesn't feel too bad about his not so legal break
"I fear I'll have to get back to work now, but I loved talking to you today! I hope you enjoyed it as well. I'll talk to you again soon!"
Though Solomon returned to the human realm with you, you haven't heard much of him, being a wise old man sorcerer must be very time consuming
so calls of Solomon might be rare but that doesn't mean you don't write messages every now and then, when he calls you though it's always about something interesting or important to share, he talks about those things rather verbally, the best option for him would be in person, but that doesn't always work so a phone call is the second best option
"My lovely apprentice, how is your studying going? I've found the tome we were talking about last time you were interested in...it took some research to find which sorcerer had it but I brought it back for you. How about I'll drop by you next week? I can help you with your studying then, the tome is written in an older version of the language it might be easier if we do it together!"
Solomon can simply not sit still, so while you're on the phone, he is always tinkering at something and the background noises are sometimes quite peculiar...
Was that a pig squeaking? Are you sure you should be brewing a potion while being on the phone? Isn't it distracting?
Oh Lord was that an explosion?!
"Hmm? Oh yeah...I`m cooking dinner right now! It was just a small explosion though, you know the ones that are regularly happen in the kitchen. Why? Was my cute student worried about me?~ heheh alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you...for now!"
no matter how chaotic, teasing or busy Solomon is though, if you call him and are in need of help, he'll drop everything and run to you
he knows how hard it can be when studying magic, not to mention that the studies are difficult, the constant hiding of any magic in front of other humans is also very nerve wrecking, sometimes you feel like giving up and going back to your normal life, back to your non-magical very human friends that are blissfully unaware of everything happening around them, but you know you could never forget and act as if nothing happened, you'd also miss your new not so normal friends, so when times get hard Solomon will rush to you and comfort you in person or at least calm you down on phone until he is able to go to you
if that happens he is more likely to call you every two to three days just to check in on you
"Hey how is my strong and beautiful fellow human doing? Feeling better yet? Need a shoulder to lean on? I'm at your flat in 10 minutes..."
Simeon is a daily caller as well, he's gotten so used to seeing you every day that he feels quite restless if he doesn't get to hear your voice at least once a day
he asked you to recommend at what time he should call, he doesn't want to restrict you in your daily life, so you both came to the conclusion after dinner would be perfect, as both of you are free for the rest of the day then
He will often write a bit on his TSL scripts, just some notes and inspirations he comes up while talking to you
"How was your day my little lamb? You haven't overworked yourself right? Tell me if you ever need help!"
though Simeon would definitely have things to complain about with how Michael is working him to the bone, he'd rather not worry you so instead he tells you about how Luke is doing and evasively answers you questions about himself
"Oh me? Ah yes, I'm doing fine, just doing the usual archangel stuff you know...Ah please do not worry Mc, my dear! Nothing dangerous!"
over the time his TSL notes turn into random scribbles, rhymes and poems and every now and then something that looks suspiciously like your name
Sometimes Luke crashes the call and wants to speak with you as well so Simeon tries to put the phone on speaker only to end up ending the call and Luke getting frustrated with Simeon and doing it himself
then again Simeon also just accidentally hangs up on you mid conversation, because his fingers hit the button without him noticing, he'll get so confused when you cut off in the middle of your sentence and thinks something has happened to you, only to be relieved when you call back a few seconds later
Simeon is very interested in your day and how you doing, asking you many questions and encouraging you to keep talking
"Oh no please keep talking! You're not overwhelming me at all, in fact I like listening to your voice, it puts even the most melodic voice of an angel into the shadows...hahaha did I make you embarrassed? I apologize, I didn't mean to, I was only telling you my honest opinion!"
Simeon is quite the flatterer, but he often does not notice it, he simply tries to be nice, so a call with him leaves you flustered and stuttering ever now and then, but he is just as quick to blush at a honest and heartfelt compliment
Luke might be an angel, but he is still low ranking and therefore has less assignments, besides studying to become a great angel and doing some minor tasks for Michael, he is relatively free
he often spends his free time in the kitchen constantly trying to improve his baking, now after the exchange year not only to impress Michael and Simeon but also Barbatos, maybe a bit Beel and definitely you!
but as Simeon is still working at these times, he gets somewhat lonely so he'll try calling you to keep him some company
Luke has this habit of speaking the recipes out loud to remember the steps better and be able to able to make them from memory, he got that tip from Barbatos, but he still has his moments where he gets stuck and forgets what to do next, you can notice that when he gets silent and concentrates on trying to remember
"Ah right that was it! I almost forgot about the eggs! Good thing you were here...or well on the phone hehe! You always remember this stuff, you're so amazing!"
when you tell him you simply looked it up in the internet for him, he'll get a bit sulky that he now basically cheated, but with your reassurance that he is already great and can remember so many other steps, he is quickly back to his happy little angel self
"Michael let me help with his conference today I was assistant record keeper today, one day I'll be able to do it alone, bit they're talking so much and so fast...I think I still need a couple centuries until I'm fully ready, but I'm working on improving! You should also try to improve your skills daily! Even a small bit of practice is good! Though I think you're perfect already!"
Luke most definitely learned his flattering from Simeon... he talks about many different things on the phone but repeating topic is Michael...just talking to you makes his day and later he'll tell everything Simeon and he smiles so brightly while he reports to him, please keep talking to him a lot!
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Aaa congrats on 666 :D you've been one of my favorite obey me blogs since I joined the fandom! can I request the brothers with an mc that looks/acts like they just walked out of a zombie apocalypse? Turns out that while the demons werent looking, things in the human realm went down hill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
👀 I love this! Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy!
When Solomon popped down into the Devildom earlier, Lucifer had noticed that the sorcerer looked a tad… concerned. After he left, Lucifer thought nothing of it until the second human exchange student appeared brandishing a gun and looking like they hadn’t showered in eight days.
After managing to disarm the human and avoiding the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, Lucifer managed to explain exactly why the human was in the Devildom and what was going on. In return, the human calmed down and explained what was going on in the human world.
…geez, shit really hit the fan. Uh… Lucifer wished them luck in their exchange year and foisted them off on Mammon. Lucifer was not about to deal with that right then.
(Apparently one of Solomon’s necromancing acquaintances had something to do with the mini apocalypse going on in the human world. Lucifer and MC were assured that the zombie problem was being dealt with)
As confused and annoyed as Lucifer was at first, he quickly became glad that the human had some kind of self defence on them. The Devildom was a dangerous place, and the human could nullify some of that danger by popping a bullet or twelve into some idiots’ heads.
But one of MC’s more annoying habits were their tendency to set traps and hoard food. They didn’t seem to grasp that lack of food wasn’t an issue and that there were plenty of spells in place to make sure-
Okay, Beel just raided the fridge. Maybe MC had the right idea. Up for sharing some spaghetti-o’s?
Now listen here! The Great and Amazing and Mega-Sexy Mammon wasn’t scared of the human at all! Got it?! Good. He wasn’t scared of how dishevelled and dirty they were and how they looked like they just crawled out of a horror movie! Not at all! He also wasn’t scared of the baseball bat they threatened to hit him with if he continued to spout threats of eating them.
Pff, he wasn’t scared… totally not scared… *ahem*
Once the human took a bath and stopped pointing their various weapons at him, Mammon quickly began to warm up to the human in their own tsundere kind of way. Fine, he could admit that MC was kinda cool.
The one thing that Mammon just couldn’t deal with was MC’s traps… he kept setting them off while trying to get into MC’s room!
Oi! Don’t look at him like that! He wasn’t tryin’ to steal anything! He also wasn’t goin’ in there to hang out with the dumb human either! Wasn’t goin’ in there to check on em’ and make sure they were comfortable…
Mammon is also #2 in terms of food theft in the house. He just spotted ramen and decided that possibly getting hit with MC’s baseball bat of pain was worth getting his greedy little mitts on some dollar store noodles.
When Levi went downstairs to threaten Mammon for his money back, Levi immediately recoiled at the absolutely fowl smell coming from the human. Ew, normie stink was getting all over him! And why did they look like they just walked out of TellTale’s The Walking Dead?
Once MC explained their situation, Levi took it upon himself to mansplain the zombie apocalypse to the poor human that was going through it. He had played plenty of zombie survival games and he was surely the expert-
After that was over and done with, Levi decided it would be his job to reintroduce MC to some quality entertainment. There couldn’t be that many good shows to watch in the apocalypse, so MC (starved for entertainment) agreed to watch whatever Levi wanted.
Food hoarding? Been there done that. Levi keeps at least ten boxes of Pocky in his room at all times, and a crap ton of other snack foods too. That habit doesn’t phase Levi.
The traps on the other hand? HELL YES TEACH HIM MC! THAT’LL WARD OFF SOME SCUMMY MORONS! *insert Levi cackle here*
Satan was amongst the people who had the privilege of getting a gun pointed at them on the first day of the exchange program. He kept his fake little smile on his face, but he sure as hell wasn’t too pleased with the human.
He kept his distance at first, studying MC from afar and taking note of their weird little habits. Satan found it quite interesting how quickly this seemingly average human adapted to their new circumstances.
After the body switching incident and the murder train incident, Satan developed a fondness for MC. But… maybe MC shouldn’t have brought their weapons with them on one of their hangout sessions with Satan.
It was on that day that MC learned that Satan was as good a shot with a gun as they were… Rest in Pieces to the idiot that decided fucking with the Avatar of Wrath would be a good idea.
The traps… oh yes the traps… that exact skill set transferred perfectly to pranks! Oh if MC would be so kind as to let Satan teach them the way of the bastard (tm) so the two of them could annoy that pompous peacock together?
Ewwwww! What was that awful stench coming from the- EWWWWW! Why was the human so gross and dirty! Someone get the hose! They summoned a feral one!
Asmo was less concerned with the fact that the human was threatening everyone with an actual weapon and more concerned with how they smelled like a month old macaroni salad.
MC got a bottle of admittedly pleasant smelling soap thrown at them before Mammon dragged them off to the HOL.
Despite the nasty first impression, once MC took a much needed bath and washed all that gross grime off of themselves… they were honestly really hot… man, apocalypses should happen more often if they produce babes like MC~ *eyebrow wiggle*
Though, the poor human still needed some work, Asmo declared himself their fairy goddaddy (I regret ever learning how to type) and took every opportunity to make sure MC looked their best and took care of themselves.
MC’s odd habits don’t exactly phase Asmo much, I mean, look at who he lives with.
…he doesn’t wanna eat this human.
Listen, Beel will eat anything, but if he has other options, he’s not eating the gross dirty human pointing a gun at him.
At first, Beel’s pretty neutral towards anything and everything MC ends up doing. They barricaded themselves in their room to keep safe out of habit? Okay. They scarily polish and clean their weapons out in the middle of the living room? So does Satan on occasion. They cleared out the fridge- wait they cleared out the fridge?
MC miraculously survived a hungry Beel attack by chucking food at him until he calmed back down. Beel felt a little bad for scaring them, but anyone with more than five brain cells should know not to steal food from the Avatar of Gluttony.
Anyway, once the two get closer, Beel’s always there for a hug and comfort if MC needs it. Just don’t let him near the food hoard. He will reduce it to nothing in less than an hour.
More than 90% of the traps that get set off are set off by Beel trying to get into MC’s room for food.
Father Dammit, Belphie wanted a nice easy defenceless human to murder, not this Rambo-lookalike. Whatever, sure the human looked tough, but Belphie’s a demon.
Well… Belphegor’s plan went to shit when he was in the middle of choking the human, who pulled out a gun and nearly shot him in the eye. He ended up dropping them in surprise when the bullet grazed his face and ended up getting MC’s boot planted into his forehead.
Yeah… Belphie did not fare well. MC: 1 Belphie: 0
After that nonsense, Belphie demanded begged that MC become his full time nap guardian. They were scary and could protect him, the totally defenceless war criminal 🥺, come on MC, don’t be heartless!
Similar to Asmo, Belphie isn’t too phased by MC’s weird habits. As long as they don’t try and steal his pillows, he’s okay. Those traps though… perfect for a certain older brother of his…
He joins in on Satan’s crusade to get MC to join the Anti Lucifer League. Puh-LEEEEEEEAAAAAASE MC?
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equizona · 3 years
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Note: Since my ask box is empty, I decided to write this idea. I thought it would be an interesting approach. If you guys would like to see the dateables then tell me! (ALSO MY ASK BOX IS OPEN!)
Scenario: Obey Me! where the MC is a character in an otome game.
Fandom(s): Obey Me!
Character(s): Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor,
Warning(s): Light angst?
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Lucifer[Avatar of Pride]
He probably just passed by Leviathan when he was playing the game, and your design caught his attention.
He refuses to let ANYONE know he plays the game, and his fondness of a fictional character will be taken to his grave.
He has ALL of your cards, no exceptions on the rule, and he's quite proud about it.
He probably has your set outfit be a more formal one? If there is a card where you're dressed in more formal setting that would probably be his favorite too.
Acts like he has no idea who you are whenever any of his brothers talk about you.
Surprisingly, none of his brothers know that he plays the game. Satan is a tiny bit suspicious because of his detective skills, but nothing is confirmed.
He's rich as shit so he has no problem using real money on special items for you, and if there's any items that give special dialog he WILL get his hands on it no matter what it takes, trust me.
Won't be able to answer any calls he gets from you all the time, but whenever he does he'll just relax to the sound if your voice.
Will give donations to whoever is your voice actor don't testhim—
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Mammon[Avatar of Greed]
He likes to pretend that he isn't your fan but everyone can see right through him–
Will never miss any of your phone calls, they are the light of his life, like, seriously.
Will use actual money to get you the items, he just wants you to be happy.
Whenever you give him an item he goes over the moon, giving his phone this super cute giddy smile.
Whenever he gets an action during the surprise guests wrong he wants to cry, he doesn't want you to get angry at him.
Will get lots of items that are themed around you, and will probably grab anything he sees that holds even the slightest resemblance to you.
If you have a theme song then it is 100% his ringtone, no that is not up for debate.
Whenever he gets sad he'll play a phone call and just listen to your voice.
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Leviathan[Avatar of Envy]
Ah yes, the king of being a fictional character simp.
He's the one who found the game, which set in motion the action of everyone adoring you.
You think he likes the lord of shadows? Henry? Ruri-chan? If so, then I don't want to tell you how bad he's got it for you.
He has ALL of your cards, haste highest level of your intimacy, knows all of your dialog by heart by now.
He has all merch that is even remotely related to you, and your theme song would also be his ringtone and alarm.
He cosplays you for sure.
Has a body pillow that he would bring to prom no questions asked.
Is your number 1 fan, and he gets involved with anything that is involved with you.
Will not stands any slander on your name and has only positive things to say about you.
Sometimes gets super sad that you aren't real but he'll get over it the next time he gets a phone call from you.
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Satan[Avatar of Wrath]
Honestly he was not ready to end up liking a dating game so much, but here he is.
He'll just kind of have you on the screen on his phone while he reads aloud wishing that you were real–
Whenever he gets upset or angry he'll take his phone out and see if there's anything related to you that he can do to calm down.
Really likes playing the events and is always super excited to see what the next one will be about.
Get's super angry each time someone other than you is a surprise guest, it just really passes him off for some reason?
Will suck up every single detail about yourself that is given to him, he knows your character better than the writers do at this point.
If your character likes books he's even happier!
Has a suspicion that Lucifer knows and likes your character but he can't confirm anything.. yet.
He's getting there don't worry, and he'll be telling you every step on that plan–
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Asmodeus[Avatar of Lust]
He doesn't have as much as Leviathan does, but he has have some of your merchandise.
Definitely has a keychain of you on his phone. He isn't embarrassed, he likes your character almost as much as he likes himself!
Because of him the game has a way bigger fandom than it used to do, many wanting to know what got the Asmodeus so hooked.
He defiantly paints his nails themed around you, as well as his make-up. coming up with fun designs on both make-up looks and his nails themed around you is his favorite thing ever.
If he sees any outfit of your character that he really likes he will get it!
Bases some of his outfits on you as well!
Likes to make jewelry and other accessories that would fit your aesthetic too!
Whenever he's doing his beauty routine he'll either be talking about random things to his phone with you and the screen, or he'll be listening to a phone call or a theme song.
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Beelzebub[Avatar Gluttony]
Sweet boy probably only downloaded the game when he realized that three of his siblings(Levi, Satan and Asmo, they are the only ones brave enough to show how much they like you) enjoyed the game and he wanted something to talk to them about!
He didn't really know which character his siblings liked but he immediately took a liking to you.
He spends real money to get food for you to eat since he doesn't want you to be hungry.
Listents to your phone-calls while he eats or before a game so that he can hype himself up.
Sometimes likes to play music while he works out and your song is on ALL OF HIS PLAYLISTS–
When he realized that you were his brothers favorite character too, he was super excited, listening to all of Levi's rants about you.
Since Asmo dles everyone's nails he might sometime ask him to make his nails a bit different and theme them around you.
Whenever he can't sleep or has had a nightmare, he'll try and refrain from eating everything in the kitchen and instead opens the app to talk with you.
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Belphegor[Avatar of Sloth]
Remembers Leviathan talking about you and the game, and since he was feeling really fucking lonely in the attic he downloaded it and gave it a try.
Your character was a huge comfort to him, especially since he remembered that Beel liked your character as well.
If your character is human it might have helped him calm down from his hatred a tiny bit. Not a lot, but a bit.
Will talk about the stars with you whenever he can, even if he knows you can't actually hear him.
Will listen to your phonecalls or songs whenever he goes to sleep, which is quite often lmao.
He has really good luck and somehow has all of your really rare cards!
He's super smug about that.
He doesn't level a lot of your cards up though, since he's too lazy to actually focus a lot on the story line. He mainly likes your character from what he's seen in chats.
When content with you starts running low he'll just quickly go through some seasons so that he can have comfort from you–
You made him feel a lot less lonely when he was in the attic
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing 💖 and since your requests are open, could we getvthe brothers with a plant-loving MC?
I personally really love my plants and am so proud whenever I see that they've grown or have a plant baby and show them to everyone who's willing to listen to me ramble about my plants 🥺
Brothers With A Plant Loving MC (Headcanons)
Keeping plants alive in the Devildom is a hard task, at least it is when trying to keep human realm plants alive.
There’s no sun, so, there’s no way that the plants would be able to thrive. So Lucifer does the next best thing he can think of.
He buys you a little light thingy, it’s kind of like an artificial sun for your plants, he also, unbeknownst to you, does a spell to help give them the nutrients that the artificial sun lamp can’t give them.
He loves listening to you talk about your plants though. He finds it interesting and he’ll always listen when you excitedly tell him about new sprouts or how much they’ve grown.
He had never found interest in plants until you came along, but you sparked a new joy in him.
Or maybe it’s just that he finds joy in seeing you happy…
He knows absolutely nothing, nothing about plants. Nothing at all.
What he does know though is that they make you happy, and that’s all he needs to know.
He’ll definitely try to get involved in some way, just so that he can share that happiness with you. He wants to be a part of the things that make you happy.
Watering the flowers has become his self appointment job, but please let him know if he’s over watering or under watering because he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he just knows they need water because he watches you.
He doesn’t notice the small changes, not as much as you do. He’ll only notice if new leaves start sprouting and things like that.
When you get excited though, he’ll ask what happened and then he’ll get excited with you. You both are the best plant parents in the entire universe because he said so.
He doesn’t know much about plants that grow outside of water, that’s not his forte. He does know a lot about aquatic plants though, although they’re not very similar, but he thinks he can help, which is pretty cute.
Finds out that the plants that you’re growing are not at all like aquatic plants… You can’t just stick them in Henry’s fish tank and call it a day.
Realizes that he actually knows very little about how to care for plants, and now he’s watching you take care of yours because he thinks it’s neat.
You give the plants so much love and attention, he wishes it were him. Yes, he slightly envies the plants for making you smile so much, for making you so excited, but he also really likes them because they do make you smile so much and make you excited.
He will ask to keep one in his room so he can sit it on his desk. It makes him think of you, and whenever he looks at it it makes him smile, and since having it on his desk he’s won a lot more games, so it’s like a lucky little plant now.
Also having it in his room means that you stop by every day to take care of it and check how it’s doing, so it’s a win win for him.
There’s books for this, and he’s read them. He knows all about plants from all three realms.
He is highly interested in what kind of plants you have and if he’s ever seen them in any of the books he’s read, and if he has, he’ll even tell you the scientific name for the plant and the subfamily it comes from.
Honestly though he just wants to seem smart about it all so that maybe you’ll want to have him around more often when you’re working on your plants.
It’s nice being around you when you’re happy about them, and your excitement about their changes is contagious, he feels himself getting excited whenever you tell him about them.
He’ll even start recommending Devildom plants (that aren’t dangerous or poisonous or lethal to humans because he doesn’t want you hurt or anything) that he thinks you’ll do a great job at taking care of.
He just genuinely and thoroughly enjoys being around you because he can talk about the books that he’s read on the subject, and you’ll actually listen to him and you seem interested. It’s nice to have someone who’s interested in the things he reads about.
He absolutely loves your plants! They’re beautiful, and they smell amazing, and they make you happy! How could he not love them?!
Only thing he won’t do is touch the dirt that they’re growing in, but he really admires that you do. He’s got no problem with other people getting their hands dirty, that’s sometimes the price for beauty, he just doesn’t want to pay it.
He does know a lot about certain plants and their benefits for hair and skin care. He’s not as knowledgeable on the matter as Satan is, but he does always make sure to read the back of his beauty products to see what’s in them.
Please do tell him all about your plants though, he loves listening to you talk about them. If you have no news to give him, he’ll actually get really sad.
He heard that talking to plants helps them grow, so if you ever see him having a full conversation with your plants about how pretty they are, he’s doing it to help.
He might nonchalantly bring the prettiest plant and place it in his room because with the prettiest plant comes his favorite gardener in the house… you!
Plants are nice, sometimes he stops on his way to the gym to look at the flowers that grow along the sidewalks in the Devildom. Your plants are nicer though because you come with them.
They also smell really nice too. Some of them even smell sweet, really really sweet and he has to keep himself from taking a bite out of your flowers because he knows it’ll upset you if he ruins them.
He likes to hear you talk about them, your smile is really nice when you get all enthusiastic about them. It’s really nice.
He also likes to be around you when you take care of them, especially if you talk about what you’re doing while you work. He takes it all to heart, and he remembers every single thing you say.
He’ll even start taking care of them too once he thinks he knows enough to not ruin them. He wants you to be proud of him like you’re proud of your plants.
He really enjoys spending that time with you and doing things together that make you happy because your happiness is important to him, it makes him happy.
He doesn’t know much about plants… but what he does know is that there are some plants that can help people sleep better, and that’s pretty cool to him.
He also doesn’t really like having to leave the house to see nature, so the fact that you brought it along with you is nice.
He’ll ask you to bring the plants up to the attic, and he’ll say it’s so that Mammon doesn’t mess with them or so that Beel doesn’t eat them, but really it’s because he likes looking at them, he likes having them around.
Having the plants around means having you around, and sometimes he’ll even pretend to be sleeping when you come up to check on them, hoping that you’ll talk to yourself about how good they’re doing because it’s just so precious and he loves hearing it. But you don’t know that.
He doesn’t trust himself to actually take care of them, but he does enjoy watching you take care of them. While your back is turned he’ll be smiling the entire time, especially if he sees you get excited about something. Please tell him about it.
He’s not really the best at showing that he cares, but he does, he really does, and things that you love and things that are important to you, they’re important to him and he loves them too.
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gloryofluv · 3 years
How the Last Three Brothers react to MC with ADHD
So this is the last half of the brothers. I also added some bonus content at the bottom in regards to all of them!
Here's the first four in case you missed them!
Heard about it from Satan. Was amused, but definitely didn’t care too much about it.
After meeting you the first time he decides that you’re not quite his type, but is friendly anyway. It wasn’t until he noticed that you were trying to mimic his makeup and did a stellar job that he was interested. He flat out asks you why.
When you express that he’s the most beautiful friendliest demon and wants to fit in more that he gushes! He immediately starts to have beauty sessions and finds out through teaching you proper hair care that you confess that you never feel like you fit in and want to, that he asks more about your ADHD.
Telling Asmo is easier than Lucifer. Mostly because he’s hugging you and brushing out your hair. Relaxing you into a state where you’re able to admit how awkward it makes you feel.
He immediately makes it his goal to improve your self-confidence! Doesn’t ask. Barges into your room with products, brushes, and other items at least once a week. You review the week and he listens to your worries. If someone is bothering you at RAD, he has ways of ending their lives in social suicide.
This beautiful boy becomes your gal pal with benefits. He always has something healthy to offer for your skin, clothing that he wants you to try on, and never says one horrible thing about you. He LOVES that you want assistance with your Devilgram and makeup. He even doesn’t mind when you zone out. He’ll be patient and repeat it.
Alone time? Well, don’t expect him to leave you completely alone. He’ll text you and not worry about receiving answers right away. He knows sometimes you just need to hear what he does. You give him so many compliments that his ego is boosted through the roof. He suddenly can’t live without you!!! Don’t leave him, okay? Other than Solomon, he’s never adored a human this much.
This boy. He didn’t care, but not because he was indifferent. He was just like, okay??? Doesn’t get it.
Notices you don’t snack or you snack all the time. No in-between. That’s a problem. Humans need to eat, right? Starts to make extra afternoon snacks for you. Doesn’t even make a big deal out of it. He just knocks on your door with water and a plate, offering them and leaving.
Notices that you’re tired or ready to run for a mile. No middle. Starts to ask if you want to go with him every day and will carry you on his back if you’re tired. Once something happens once it’s routine. Expect a knock at your door every afternoon with a snack and then going for a jog.
He isn’t as interested in the clinical details but asks you what it means when you become closer. You explain in a simplistic fashion why your brain is weird. He laughs and nods but still says he likes you just the way you are.
If you ever get sad, he will definitely ask if he can help. If you get tired, he’s used to carrying around a tired teddy bear. He offers to carry you. If you’re stress he’ll ask if he can give you some of his snacks and hug you.
He really likes you. A lot. You’re always saying how sweet, kind, and gentle he is. He’s just himself, but he always glows when you say it. It makes him warm and fuzzy.
If anyone makes you cry. Be prepared for this gentle giant to go full apocalyptic demon. He will ruin them! It doesn’t matter if he finds out after the fact. He will find them and eat them. No one fucks with his little human cupcake. Well, inedible cupcake, he’d never eat you. (Well… he had thoughts when you playfully tease, but no. He could never hurt you and worries about that.)
Beel is literally your bodyguard and teddy bear. Expect big hugs, head pats, and plenty of food. That’s the way he shows his love. You will have to tell him you can’t eat so much and he can have it and to tell you how it tastes. He’d be happy to share that and anything else of his. He’d give you anything because he sincerely loves you like his brothers. Maybe more? Food = love, right?
Meets you well after there are established routines. He notices how you are so odd for a human. He likes it, but then he doesn’t, but then he really does. He asks Beel about it and that’s how he finds out about your ADHD.
A weird brain? That might be fun. He uses that as a base to start contact with you. You tell him all about it without resistance and explain how the last several months have gone.
He suddenly has the urge to see how much your quirky personality is entertaining for him. He asks you to tell him more stories, they don’t even have to be about the Devildom. You tell him all the funny and ridiculous stories laying with him in the planetarium. It was… endearing.
He instantly adored you. You made him feel something more than bitter and tired. He listened to you and snoozed, opening an eye every so often to see you smiling and animatedly talking. He liked the inflections in your voice. He liked the smile on your lips. He liked that you were weird because he is sure as fuck was.
The fact that you were unique and still felt awkward in your own skin except when you were alone made him identify. Sees you. Sees that your struggles didn’t define you. Your issues, no matter the list, didn’t make you angry or mean.
Not only did he value your forgiveness and care. He valued your differences the most. He didn’t care if you were a bit wild or sad or even stressed. He would pull you into a tight snuggle and kiss your hair. He’d wait until you were almost napping in his arms to say he’d never let anyone else ever hurt you. He would love you for every piece of you for eternity.
He’d never admit to his soft and fluffy side in front of his brothers, often teasing you, but his hinted smile only reinforced your private friendship. It was all part of the layers you both built so no one truly could dig to the fluffy pillows you were.
Soon naps and confessions became routine in the afternoons after RAD. He would spill his heart out in return for your sincerity. It would make you mushy and relax you so that you could release the day.
Expect Beel and Belphie to become inseparable with you. The minute this little cuddle bear identifies that you are his squishy human, he tells his twin it’s their job to make sure you never leave them. He is a bit demanding but always returns the favor in different subtle ways.
Expect midnight texts and asking you to come up to his room or the attic. Insomnia is no longer really an option. The moment he latches onto you, you’re comforted like a weighted blanket and out in minutes.
Expect secretive treats, blankets, and gifts left in discreet places for you. Expect him to wait for you outside the classroom if you’re not together with Beel holding him up. Oh, and don’t even think you’re getting out of it. He found the one thing he loves more in life than sleeping. He dreams about you all the time and will tell you all about them, even the dirty ones to your chagrin. This demon boy will do anything to keep you happy and his.
~BONUS~ Fun additives!
Lucifer often asks Mammon to be sure that you aren’t stressing over homework and has him go check on you. That usually leads to some antic that makes you relax and have more fun and less anxiety.
Satan has a favorite blanket that he’ll wrap you both in when you’ve had a long day. It has aromatherapy and helps him too. It’s weighted and often both of you relax and find a way to laugh over books or a cat video.
Asmodeus has a whole wish list on Akuzon made just for you. Some items are personal care, others are cute stuffed animals because he knows you have bad days. Lucifer knows of this list and will often offer some money for doing a simple task so he can buy them for you.
Belphie will tolerate sharing your time with Leviathan to play video games or watch anime. As long as you allow him to curl against you so he can watch you smile or hear the thrum of your voice as you talk to Levi about the game or show.
If you are crying and Lucifer caught you, he will pull you into his study. Sit you down with tea and ask you what’s wrong. If you tell him it’s just a bad moment, he will break formality and stroke your hair. He will tell you stories about his brothers so that you start to smile and relax. He fucking lives for that smile.
Satan sets up mock adventures through the Devildom so that you enjoy the impulse of adventure without the dangers. (Mammon does enough endangerment to your impulses!) He will be sure while setting it up that it’s human proof. He also asks Solomon for extra warding charms for you without telling you. They’re usually hand-made bracelets that Satan crafted and attuned by the sorcerer.
Leviathan will do check-ins when you’re at RAD and he isn’t. If you feel upset about something, he will quote TSL at you to give you courage. Then when you get home, he will have a video game you have to try. Soon you’ve forgotten about the stressful day.
Asmodeus will take pictures with you allllll the time. He says it’s for him because he’s so beautiful, but his captions are always about how gorgeous you are while tagging you. Half of RAD thinks you’re dating just because of how much you’re on his Devilgram.
Beel will listen to everything you say. He may not respond immediately, but he evaluates it. If you’re having a really rough go at something, he will ask Belphie what to do. Often he’ll just sit with you or ask if you want to help him in the garden just so he can try to make you smile. He’s not horribly good with bad feels, but he will do anything for you.
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vomitlyart · 4 years
Reading you based on your obey me Kin
i will be ruthless and im not holdin back!! ok now say it with me😈
I kin Lucifer and I have a hard time reaching out to my friends for help even when i know i need it. I don't want people to get worried about me so i mask my issues and help everyone with thier issues, completely disregarding my own needs for a break. in the end i feel alone because regardless of saying im ok, i want someone to truly sit with me and ask me if im ok, but i fear that moment because im not used to dealing with my own issues
I kin Mammon and i just want to feel seen and loved. sometimes i do stupid/dumb things to get the seratonin that comes from making people laugh. i feel like no one ever listens to me and it makes me feel insignificant and like the last one to get picked. i truly want to be myself and fear that if im not the odds one out by doing little dumb things people will think im essentially worthless and most likely think im borning. I have a hard time talking about my feelings and want to so desperately, that if i do i won't know what to say or where to start due to the many emotions i've bottled up throughout my life
I kin Leviathan and i have very bad anxiety. i have a difficult time making friends and part of that reason is bc im scared they already hate me or want nothing to do with me. I know my interests are different from what is considered the norm but i so desperately want to talk and ramble about said interest for hours to someone who will at the very least listen. I get bashed about the things i like by my family and although i dont show it, this hurts me deeply. I lock myself in my room and indulge myself in my favorite things bc each character makes me wish i had certain aspects of them and makes me wish i lived an interesting life but bc of my anxiety it's extremely hard for me to do so. Im also used to being the last one picked and often assume i will always be the last one picked no matter how many times im reassured and deep down i want someone to relish in my own interests with me and truly love and care for me
I kin Satan and i have a horrible realtionship with my father. I Loathe my father and the tension arises every time we a near one another. A part of me feels terrible that i loathe my father because i know he has his own mind and emotions and i want to forgive him for what he's done but in the end I know it's fruitless to forgive him bc he has put me through alot of pain and hurt. i wish things couldve been different and we couldve had a normal bond. I also hide my emotions very well and am ashamed of ever feeling angry bc it makes me feel like i am horrible person. im also not used to affection and have only ever seeked or felt genuine affection from my pets. I also fear as if i have no personality and that im boring.
I kin Asmo and i feel like i need to act confident around others in order for them to like me because im too scared to show people my insecurities because i fear they will never view me the same again and leave me in disgust. I want everyone to like me and I also can't handle when someone doesn't want to be my friend or doesn't like me bc i feel if there's something wrong with me. the need to act confident and cute all the time makes me oblivious to the fact that my insecurities shine through at times and make me even more oblivious to the fact people like me for who i am, insecurities and all
I kin Beel and i have some form of sepreation anxiety towards my favorite person. i often get a sudden fear that something bad will happen to my fav person even though everything is ok. I get made fun of or scolded by my eating habbits and it makes me feel absolutely terrible because i'm trying. i also care very deeply for my family/friends and will do anything for them. i place unnecessarily guilt onto myself and perfer to do so, so that no one else has to bear the burden.
I kin Belphie and i act as if nothing matters but i secretly am very worried and care alot about my friends/family. I also stay up very late because i feel like i have no control over my life during the day and for some reason i feel like staying up late gives me some kind of control. I also hide my emotions with a sarcastic tone and usually think about the the mistakes ive made in my past while i cry in bed. i dont ask others for help emotionally and i want someone to care and listen to me as well as to relish in a calm peaceful life.
I kin Diavolo and i fear that telling ppl i care about them isn't enough to get the message across so i constantly gift people things in hopes to show them i care. i also fear gifting things too much drives people away from me, i also dont get included much with friends and feel as if i have done something wrong. i also feel very upset when a fun time is over because the feeling of happiness goes with that moment, so i constantly throw little parties and whatnot to relish in the joy but feel upset once it's over. i can also read people well and get put on edge or very cautious when i cannot read someone
I kin barbatos and i constantly take care of others never once letting myself take a break. I hide my emotions behind a smile in order to not worry others and because i dont want dont ppls sense of depency on me to be ruined. i rarely let myself take breaks bc i fear that i wont be there for the person i care about when they need me.
I kin solomon and i usually supress my emotions to hide the fact im not very used to being shown affection and that im not as confident as i seem. I also am a very private person but the fact im so secretive makes me disliked by some bc they think i dislike them. i also wish my friends would include me in more events with them and when they dont i bury myself in an activity to hide the fact im upset about it
I kin simeon and i want to know and make sure they everyone is ok. i know just how to push and pull people's buttons but i wont abuse this because i care about those people. i'm also very hard to read and perfer to give people advise rather than answers to their problems. The constant taking care of others makes me forget that i also need time to just myself. It takes alot and i mean alot to anger me but once it happens it's not very pretty.
I kin luke and I want to take care of everyone and often forget to take care of myself. People often dont take me seriously and so i often i find myself baking as a coping mechisim bc it makes me feel in control of little things. I also have a hard time admitting that i care about others and i'll unknowingly show my affection that i do care about them by giving them little gifts and advice. im also very oblivious to certain topics and are i get mad when i get left in the dark about certain topics.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Reading progress: chapter 243 (oh my god no i didnt give up just. gah. life)
reading highlights: in which keeping notes for a very long story pays off, i didnt remember shit. my general track record of focusing on one interest over time is, very bad. also in which i have to manifest a second voice to encapsulate my reactions
222 yjh prev death trauma
223 swk new sugar daddy/whale
kdj fan of hiatus media when theres a new drop
yjh pov beloved. asmodeus grabbing yjh face and calling him pretty, alright
HHH ORV kdj showing up all possessive. jesus
hes doing a flatliners
225 Constellation who likes to change sex (-> CWLTCS) wants you to change your sex
kdj did you just invent corporate shares
argh the drama of claiming to be yjh sponsor then looking to (real sponsor) to save (yjh)
226 kdj gething fucked up abt yjh "death"
novel revision yjh is sooooooo
everyone politely giving the room to dokhyuk reunion
yjh said bluntly/expressionlessly. yes. but have you considered hes being the sweetest man in the world. -> referencing the very end of the chapters where yjh fills in what the rest of the company have been doing, and when kdj kinda existential crisis's about it tells him that his (kdj's) story, is still being told "Lets go back to Earth, Kim Dokja"
227 yes kdj yjh is clearly trying to steal your valour and send you back to earth thats why hes doing ID theft
228 Kdj: this person is so beautiful, beyond words.
↳ (—_—): How Beautiful Are They?
↳ kdj: ... 3 YJH's.
↳ (—_—): YAY!
229 peanut gallery: kdj arent you gay?? dont look at women...
Foodie and [tech] guy yjh [-> cant read my own writing]
YJH & JHY transphobic beef
231 yjh hiding in a tree
omg. doggie. sounds like it looks like my dog
↳ the dog blew hmo out of the house.
↳ "The confrontation between man and dog was filled with unbelievable tension"
232 "There were probably no dogs in the Star System stronger than the Breaking the Sky Master"
233 Yjh is just being spanked... have i got that right?
gah kdj's constellation messages kill me
yjh prespective on kdj clownery beloved
234 yjh puts kdj behind himself as kdj does his saying inflammatory shit thing
235 via Yjh -> uriel is really strict and lofty when she doesnt have fujo brain rot
yjh 100 years old? more??
yjh said this and thought he was talking like kdj -> AHA!
Breaking the Sky Sword wasn't originally for men -> the problem of gender can be resolved "CWLTCS is snorting"
↳ complex emotions about that huh?
236 OUR nebula
cowboy carriage footman?
Novel revision yjh: It would have been nice if he had come with me
kdj being given story food -> me: wow just like silverwing! (sunwing in particular... i think)
237 "Yes, an unexpected accident. An accident that happens accidentally"
KDJ SICKO MODE/angry protective dad mode
ORO castle... Immeasurable Austerity -> I think rich people eat the poor maybe
DO appreciate kdjs constant "Dream Bigger" energy
238 persephone and uriel being little dokhyuk shits
kdj problems time
kdj trying to hype up his comfort novel on social media to no avail
240 "Please tell me exactly precisely."
okay so lotr
"It might be time to admit it. I had become the 'constellation' I hated"
Iris loves che and early marx hell yeah girl (1 point to orv teens and being really philosophically well read)
↳ oh seriously hell yeah girl
↳ "Iris cursed something that wasn't 'capital' ... the star stream" Hmm, Debatable
241 kdj I wish I could offer something to this scared child but i can only do this trade! -> i mean, you are saving her life?
Eoren's sword. Eowyn... Arwen? -> only women can wield it. yep checks out
242 once again I realise how great Yjh is -> yeah.. I know bud
"Yjh overcame (breaking the sky sword female only nature) with great effort." hmm. mh hm. yup. arduously, I bet. sure man, w/e
Rotating: now there are some very juicy tid bits here with yjh past hinting, and a few scenes from his pov even. similarly kdj confronting, just a bit, the means towards his end are leading to him to some interesting places. that said, in an effort to motivate myself to just read the dang thing. i feel myself really just focusing on giggling at all the delightful dokhyuk baiting and the more just comical aspects. like. horton hears a WHO CARES-- THIS DOG CAN DUEL. in order to get the joy of having fun notes on and thoughts about this story, i must in fact, keep reading it.
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devildomdoofus · 4 years
I saw you said your commissions are open, if it's ok can I request a fluffy morning with the demon brothers, please? I just found your blog but I already fell in love with your writing style 😍. I hope you have a great day 🤗
Thank you so very much!! 😭 I’m over the moon that I can make you happy with my writing and I’ll GLADLY take this request ✨ I hope you have a great day as well!!
I also hope I’ve done your request justice 🥺
- DevildomDoofus
Through Morning’s Rays
Fluffy mornings with the Obey Me! Brothers
Both of your schedules differed a generous amount. He wakes up the earliest out of the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall combined, to ensure everyone’s up and ready for school/work/etc.... and he is the last to go to bed.
That is, if he isn’t dog tired by the time he’s finished doing his last rounds of security checks and sending any remaining night owls to their rooms to keep their schedules in check, and collapses at his desk while finalizing reports.
You, on the other hand, have a steady schedule due to your obligations to your school (and job, if you worked).
To say that you two have a hard time spending any amount of quality time together is an understatement
Please forgive him, he is a lone father and he is trying his best
When he’s up early to get a head start in working to the bone, as usual and doesn’t have much time to share the fleeting, morning hours with you, he’ll gingerly place a kiss to the top of your head and shift the blankets from your late night tossing and turning, back to their place over your shoulders and covers the rest of your body. He’ll leave a little note by the bedside table that wishes you a wonderful day and promises that he’ll meet with you shortly to make up for lost time.
On the rare occasions that he manages to be able to share mornings with you, it is like a gift from the celestial realm to you both in which afterwards, the two of you are like completely different people, beaming with sunshine and happiness as your batteries have been recharged.
In those rare moments, he’ll slide to your side of the bed, oh so carefully snake his arm around you and tugs you gently into his embrace as he places kisses all atop your head. When you finally open your eyes and face him, he’ll run his hand up the length of your silhouette to your face, cupping it, rub his thumb over your cheek and smile lazily. “Good morning, lamb.” He whispers, trying to disguise the grogginess in his voice. Then, he leans down to press his lips against yours in a way that makes you feel like he’s been starving for you for months on end, only to now get what he’s craved and yet it’s not enough.
In this moment, nothing in all of the realms matters to him more than you. Just you and you alone.
You spent many, many, MANY mornings with him and they were some of your favorite memories since you first came to the Devildom. For him.... well, maybe not at first since you were kind of a chore. But the was before you two became so close.
The only problem was that neither of you were morning people, especially if either of you had responsibilities that day like school or work. To deal with such a thing, the two of you made a deal where each of you took turns being the one to help wake the other.
There were mornings where he woke you up with a heavy pillow to the torso and it ended up in you two being late for school due to an epic pillow fight that neither of you wanted to lose.
Other mornings, you woke him up by jumping and flopping around next to him on the bed, belting a song that was the favorite of the pair of you, and he tackles you back down to the bed to deliver you a piping hot plate of a tickle fight
and then there were THOSE mornings.
These mornings, when the two of you just happened to wake around the same time, he’d smile sleepily, yank you closer, and place a kiss on your forehead. “Mornin’, my lil’ human.”
UGH, that gravely, morning voice would be the bittersweet death of you.
While having a few hours to spare, you would lay there in the semidarkness, whispering sweet everythings to each other, exchanging kisses and joke ensued laughter, and simply enjoying each other’s company while entangled in a comfy, cozy embrace.
It’s the same sort of situation as with Mammon; neither of you were really morning people. But with you two, it was because it came with the terms and conditions of being like minded nerds (as a fellow ‘nerd,’ I mean that term in the best way possible and as a compliment) in which the endgame boss had to be defeated, or that one episode simply could not be missed, or your favorite celebrity/idol was going live and you were not about to be absent for it. Many evenings were spent indulging in both of your favorite hobbies, well into the latest hours of the night and early morning, when you should’ve been sleeping instead.
So of course, mornings were INCREDIBLY ROUGH for the two of you.
In the beginning and a majority of the time, you were the one to wake him up. I hope you can forgive him, though, because almost all of his energy is spent drowning out his negative thoughts and the outside judgement from his own brothers, haters, and toxic fans alike via his hobbies and he doesn’t quite have enough energy to take care of himself, including waking up on time for school or other responsibilities/obligations to avoid getting an ass-chewing from Lucifer... much less waking up on time and then having to wake YOU up.
You had to show him the way, in a sense. You’re his motivation and safety net. Where you go, and ensure his ‘safety’ he delightfully follows. Ergo, you had to be the alarm clock for him, for a while, to be shown that you truly care about him and it’s not all just some exasperating, ridiculously elaborate and heart shattering prank.
Your method of ‘raising the dead’ was to gently comb your hand through his hair while softly beckoning him from his dream world with your sweetest voice to ‘the land of the living.’ His eyes would flutter open and as soon as he saw you with that heartwarming smile, his face would turn a deep crimson and he’d smile back, reaching a hand up to place it over top of yours, somewhat nuzzling into it. “Good morning, my human Henry.” His shy, quiet, gravely voice could melt lava.
Through this method of yours, he no longer woke with animosity for the normie world but was rather hopeful and optimistic, feeling as if nothing could bring him down. Not even his brothers’ insults.
Eventually, he got the hang of it, and he was the one waking YOU up and he did so as sweetly as you had done. He’d place his hand on your cheek, rub his thumb over it, and gingerly place a multitude of kisses atop your head as he whispered your name until you woke.
Some mornings when he was feeling extra giddy, he would place a little speaker near where you had fallen asleep and quietly play your favorite song as he sang along and took hold of your hands to swing them gently to the beat. He saw it once in an anime episode and was hoping it would award him the same giggles the love interest gave the protagonist.
Fortunately for him, it always did.
Being one of the more mature and responsible brothers, he rarely ever slept in. It’s just in his nature to be an early bird to catch the early worm.. mostly to get it over with so he could get back to doing what he loved most; reading in comfort. Even still, his schedule matched with yours almost perfectly, and that’s due to the fact that, similar to Leviathan, you two were likeminded.
You had the same interests and hobbies so of course, the pair of you grew very close, very quickly. You first linked up for study sessions because celestial realm knows that school in the Devildom was VASTLY different than human world schools, then book club meetings for when you got a little more comfortable with each other’s presence, then as you became even closer, you just decided to do the same things at the same time as it killed two birds with one stone; you got to do what you enjoyed with the person you enjoyed the most.
Mornings to you two were fairly simple and honestly, quite enjoyable with the other being there when you woke.
One morning, Satan took the first step and woke you to the pleasant sound of one of your favorite records echoing from an antique gramophone while placing a tray of your favorite breakfast foods next to the bed. He then leant down, took your hand into his, and kissed from your knuckles, all the way up to your shoulder, and then planting one final, light kiss to your cheek. “My darling MC, it is time to come back to me. Your dreams have had you long enough.”
From then on, you took turns in trying to wake the other in the most romantic ways possible. From your favorite flower’s petals scattering the bed, to his favorite audio books reading him awake. There was nothing that you two wouldn’t do in order to guarantee that the other woke to nothing less than the world on a silver and golden platter.
He was the envy of his brothers especially Mammon, getting to spend so much time with you and having you smile as brightly as you did with him.
Surprisingly, he’s another early riser. Though when you really think about it, it isn’t quite that surprising, considering he has a strict self-care routine that CANNOT be broken, lest he wishes to end up with a pimple or even worse... a wrinkle! Which neither are bad if you have them, it’s just for Asmo’s personal tastes for his own appearance, he prefers to have none of them.
Because he cares for you so much, he forces sternly asks that you have the same schedule as he does so he can give you the same love and care as he gives himself. He wants you to look and feel as wonderful as who you are on the inside... but he also loves it when you absolutely SHINE.
Please don’t be mistaken, he doesn’t think you’re ugly or unattractive or any other negative thoughts you might have about yourself, in the least. Not at ALL. He simply wishes to amplify what wonderful assets you already have (to your own tastes, of course) because of that oh so magnificent way you carry yourself when you feel your best.
Want to as pretty as a sunset? He’s got you covered. Want to be as handsome as... well, him? You’re covered there too. Want a little mix of any and everything? Oh please, give him a challenge! Whatever look you wish for, he’s there to help you make it happen.
You just have to take his hand and follow his lead. And his lead requires that you be ‘up and at ‘em’ early enough to go through the self-care routine (that he handpicked things for, according to you and your body’s needs), and eat the proper foods so your body and mind can handle the weight of being the most stunning thing to walk the face of any of the realms... besides him, of course. Also, all of this has to happen before school begins.
Unfortunately, that’s pretty early. There’s a LOT of self-care to-do’s that you two have to go through to ensure maximum amplification.
But because he knows that this can be rather overwhelming and a bit stressful to keep up with all of the time (and stress causes physical and mental harm), he’s always sure to make your mornings as pleasant and stress-free as possible.
He lights one of your favorite candles or incenses, and/or turns one of your favorite slower/softer songs on then climbs into bed and over top of you to begin his trails of kisses from the top of your head, down your face, neck and chest, further down your precious tummy, and stops right at your hips to go back up your body and start again. All of this on repeat as he coos and whispers your name, his soothing voice leading you from your dreams to the waking world. When your eyes meet his, he hums “ahh, my dear, you’ve returned to me.” He moves to kiss your lips as sweetly as he speaks.
He then slips his arms underneath you and lifts you up, as if you were one of Lucifer’s feathers, to carry you bridal style into the bathroom. He’ll then set you down and slowly undress you, taking as much time as you need him to, before helping you into the tub and giving you the gentlest of washes you’ve had since before you can even remember.
He’s the most soothing alarm that’s ever existed.
Not really an early riser but he’s also not one to sleep in, either. To sleep in means to miss breakfast, and to miss breakfast is a death sentence for himself and anyone in the way of his next meal.
It also means that he doesn’t get to spend his mornings or share breakfast with you. Another death sentence but this one’s for his heart. Even though he might not say it, being that putting his thoughts and feelings into words is a bit harder than his more comfortable/natural way of simply showing you through his actions, he loves you very, very, VERY much.
This man cares so fucking much for you, he’d give up eating for the rest of his life if it meant you got to have a crumb. But he hopes it doesn’t have to come to that.
The way that Beel shows you that he cares is through food. Eating with you, cooking with you, watching you eat to be sure that you’re getting enough food in your own body, taking his time to eat his food because, now, he’s too busy having wonderful conversations with you, and every and anything in between.
One of his favorite ways is breakfast in bed. You had done it once for him before on one of your anniversaries and ever since then, he’s done it for you in return whenever he got the chance.
On mornings that he had waken up early enough, he’d quietly get up and tiptoe to the kitchen to make both of you a delicious breakfast. If Belphegor was up, on the rarest of rare occasions that he was, he’ll make a little something for him too. He’d put together your favorite foods and beverage while doing the same for himself, draw a cute little heart on a small post-it note and placing it on your side of the tray, tip-toe back up to the room and sets it on the nightstand beside the bed, then moves in close to you to start waking you up. He leans in close and peppers your face in little kisses before moving a little lower to your neck and giving his signature, gentle bite. “MC, honey, wake up. I’ve brought you breakfast.”
Nine times out of ten, you wake up in an instant. When you’ve slept heavily during the night and have a harder time waking up, he plops down onto you gently of course as to not squish you and groans in your ear, nibbling them to remind you of who you’re keeping waiting. “MCCC, pleeeease, I’m hungry. Don’t make me eat yours.”
The warning never fails.
As you two chow down, his dimpled smile never leaves his face nor his eyes on you as he watches you enjoy another morning filled with your favorite things: Beel and Beel’s signature breakfast.
Morning? What the hell is a morning?
Yeah, yeah, he knows what a morning is. He’s had to get up for them too many fucking times to count in order to get to school on time.. or at least try. His attendance is, more or less, nonexistent. He’s just not a morning person.
at ALL.
The one thing ‘Mr. Sandman’ doesn’t do is wake up or get woken up if the awakener values their life
However... if it is you, his favorite walking and talking pillow, he can’t be that pissed about it. It’s a little more of a smooth transition from being asleep to being awake when you’re the one bringing him there.
So, yes, you’re the one waking him up and it’s never the other way around, but you knew this would be your lot in life the closer you had gotten to him.
And yet, whenever you tried to wake him, he’d simply wrap his arm over you and drag you back down onto the bed as he rolls on top of you, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. “No.” he’d groan in his gravelly morning voice.
What? What did he mean ‘no’ ?! It’s time to get up!!
You’d try your best to to wiggle free but Belphegor is far more stronger than he looks and keeps you pinned down in place. Well... at least it’s comfy.
Wait no, this is his way of coercing you to go back to sleep with him!
Before you can try something else, he plants warm and slow kisses up and down your neck and nibbles at the skin just beneath your ear while whispering in a low tone, “why don’t we just stay here and do something better than go to school?”
Your face heats up and body tenses underneath him. It was not uncommon for him to try this tactic, especially in the morning, so you were fairly used to it but sometimes... sometimes it just does something to you and you’re frozen in place with nothing but his voice to lull you wherever it pleased. Maybe it came with being the Avatar of Sloth? He moves up onto his elbows to deliver his final attack that was his signature, teasing smile in order for him to fully keep you here, in bed, with him and simply enjoy each other’s company while you slept.
Unfortunately for him, this was his mistake and you gained yourself a foothold in pushing him off of you. Getting up from the bed, you look back at him as you straighten your clothes out and fix your hair, saying “Breakfast is in ten minutes,” with a stern voice. You take notice of this and try to sweeten it up to truly convince him. “Be there, won’t you?” you demand more than request, with a signature smile of your very own.
He brings his dropped jaw back up from when you were able to knock him off, and shakes his head as he lightly chuckles. “Whatever you want, MC.” Before you completely walk out of the door, he calls after you. “You owe me!”
You peak back in just enough for him to hear you as you’re closing the door. “No, you owe me.”
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