#and back at work tomorrow hahahaha god damn
ace-malarky · 21 days
This housework thing is really getting in the way of all my loafing about writing time :(
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justaredheadf1fan · 1 year
I wish Seb's prediction became true in 2023 and this track disappeared under water right now 🤣
Hola muchachos y muchachas 🤪
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It's time to see if I can keep it together and watch this properly. I might die tomorrow morning at work, but who cares.
Quali - Saturday
First few minutes of Q1 not giving much, except for Nico drifting away almost against the wall. We might've had a laugh with this so early...
WHOA KEVIN!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????? Oh my goodness I almost shouted, that was scary, what was he thinking? 😭 Lewis ended up touching the wall, luckily he was super close to the pit lane, thank the stars... AND CARLOS NOW, WHAT IS GOING ON??? And it was just shown how Kevin scratched that wall as well.....
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I hate this track. Can someone please stomp some sense into the damned FIA to stop building and using shitty tracks? Seriously, it's not funny anymore. Not justifying them, just trying to see reasons behind such actions. There were not enough images to really see properly what happened and why, so I'm just thinking about my first impressions. Mercedes really needing to rush into the track, what are they doing? They're out right now!!!! Oh my Lance, no.... 🥲
Starting Q2 while yawning so far, right now I'm not quite sure if it's because I'm beat or because this is the worst. Seriously, I think I might be on the verge of dislocating my jaw at this point 🤣
What are Mercedes doing today? Twice now. Are you kidding me?? There's like 2 minutes left, for fuck's sake. Mmmmmm WHAT? Mercedes what the fuck. I'm truly speechless. What was that?
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This is far from the team I fell in love with back at the end of 2021, honestly. Not because they're not winning, obviously. But because they're just a shadow of what they used to be and I don't get it, personally. I get that you can mess it up developing such a complicated car with less money involved and new shitty regulations, but as a team doing these kids of things... Unbelievable.
I've checked out. I'm gonna watch Q3, but I'm terribly disconnected and just thinking about having a quick shower and dinner so that I can quickly go to bed. I'm actually falling asleep.
NO NO NO CHARLES NO!!!!!!!! RED FLAG, RED FLAG!!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID JUST HAPPEN!!!!!!! Oh my god, same place as yesterday, right at the end of Q3... Nope, too tired for this, more tomorrow, and I hope it's a doozy because otherwise I might as well lose my motivation altogether 🥹
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Race - Sunday
Well, barely made it after taking a very cold shower, but here I am. I missed all the bullshit going around before the race, thankfully. The shitshow is about to begin. Am I excited? Nope. Do I want it to be short and over right now? Yep.
Very clean start in general, maybe there was something tricky at the back of the grid but for now no clue. Oh, apparently Piastri had a very good start and ate up a few people. Moving on. Sargeant pits because of a broken front wing. No idea what happened. Moving on as well.
Sharl takes Kevin amidst Sid the Sloth's tries and then they both lose position. Tell me again how that car's not illegal 🤣 Apparently, someone made a sandwich outta Lewis at the start. No idea who. Estie Bestie going flying over those turns.
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This is just... Meh. Even Alonso and Sainz said to the Spanish media that Fraudstappen would be 1st by lap 25 at most. AT MOST. I mean, if that doesn't tell you anything, I don't know what will. Even they know it's a lost cause already. Pretty sad. And seeing how it's going, he'll be 1st by the time they're on lap 15, 20 at most and I don't think it'll take that long since Carlos is useless.
Meanwhile, Lewis is still P13 and Sharl is P8. Can this be any sadder? Don't think so. Are you really saying that the most interesting thing of this race might be Kevin, Sharl and Estie Bestie fighting? Unbelievable. It's somewhat exciting to watch, not gonna lie to you.
Oh dear God is Carlos really gonna be penalized? I'M FUCKING LIVING RIGHT NOW HAHAHAHA. OH YES, 5-SECOND PENALTY, LET'S GO!!!! If no one can beat the undesirables, at least we have this.
Now Lance and George are being investigating too. Of course I can't have anything nice.
I kinda blacked out for a minute. Not really, it's just... I'm not paying that much attention. This race is complete and utter bullshit. Just like this sport. The FIA wanted Mercedes (Lewis, but saying Mercedes is because that's the team he drives for, basically) out of the way, that's why they pushed these new regulations and instead of making it exciting as they promised they would, they just made RBR untouchable. That's it. No competition, no racing, no nothing. Absolutely heartbreaking, if you ask me. At least for what I gather, Lewis had competition all the way regardless of how crushingly powerful his cars were back then. He competed, not just drove to the sunset and forget about everyone else.
I just need someone to explain to me how the only 2 teams that breached the cost cap and were barely given a slap on the wrist for it, are the teams leading the championship and every single race, and why the fuck no other team is boicotting the sport or doing anything at all because of it.
I'm done with the race. I just hope both RBRs just crash against each other. It's the only chance of anything remotely interesting happening. So Fernando is watching the race ON THE SCREENS. I think that tells you everything that you need to know about this race.
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The only interesting thing was seeing Lewis passing Sharl. That's it. Seriously, this needs to end.
I have nothing today after this. Seriously. No words on my end besides what I already said so far.
Good thing there's no race next week, I don't think I would've been able to take it.
Peace out until May 19th or so, no clue when the next one is 🤣
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belethlegwen · 1 year
What does Henry think about Human holiday traditions? 💜
I was LITERALLY just having a conversation with Zip about this re: Henry and Atticus hahahaha Ok, SO
Please let me apologize for not answering multiple asks about this
They are sittin' in my queue staring me down only because I'm a weirdo with some personal hangups (nothing major or whatever I just... have not put a ton of thought into this).
What I am about to write is very long, winding, and personal. There'll be a TL:DR at the end for the ACTUAL answer to this question, but for now, have a read more:
In the real world, I don't do like... Traditional Christmas for myself. Born and raised Christian/Catholic, of COURSE my family (all of it. So much of it. There is so much family I get two god damn turkey dinners tomorrow. One at lunch and one at dinner) does Christmas and always has. Back in about the mid 2010s I was working with a local non-profit/charity organization and all of my friends were like, 3-10 years younger than I am, all in school, all making ends meet barely kind of deal. I stopped doing Christmas gifts. It started slow and awkward; I got my family who were doing well for themselves and didn't need anything a bunch of those like, "Gifts of Hope" with the money I would've spent on gifts for them. My friends I got basically nothing save for one or two. My sisters' gift money bought a whole bunch of chickens or ducks for a family, my parents bought a goat I think? I can't remember, it was basically a billion years ago now in my brain so I don't fully recall what I got them.
Then I just... stopped getting gifts. Every now and then I'd really spring for something if it jumped out at me or seemed important for someone, but most of the time I would do like... alright cool, I will pay for lunch for everyone at work. I will take someone out for a nice drive. I want memories, I want to give you nice memories. I like giving gifts, but the pressure at Christmas time is UNREAL, and that was one of the real reasons I stopped doing presents. Friends who straight up did not have the money were getting me gifts because they were expecting some from me and I had to put my foot down and tell them No, do not buy me shit. I ain't gettin' you shit, please stop stressing and harming yourself emotionally or financially for me, I don't need anything. So I don't do gifts anymore. I have a little gay Christmas Tree with Bernie Sanders on top, it's out year-round because me and my cousin gay'd it the fuck UP for valentines in 2021 and it became a Pride Tree and so it's just there, always. For Christmas I move it from the corner to the middle of the livingroom window. That's all the decorating I do. In The Rescue, Melanie is still very much grieving the loss of her Father and Step-Mother, who were the people she celebrated a lot of the holidays with. She still does SOME holiday stuff with Laura and Dyna and Mark (sort of on Mark. More like he's around, and she does little things to keep him from feeling excluded) and chats with a few estranged friends rarely, BUT for the most part... holidays just glide by. She was, until Henry arrived, only going to care about Christmas and the lead-up to it in the sense that it would've opened up a bunch of Christmas markets and stuff for her to sell some of her driftwood art pieces at. I have not thought extremely hard on HOW it's going to come up initially in The Rescue, but yes. At some point Melanie will probably celebrate a real Christmas again with Henry and her close friends.
[TL:DR] As for how he FEELS about Christmas:
Henry loves it. They have similar gift-giving or family-get-together holidays near the solstices every year. The Winter Solstice is specifically a food-oriented holiday where the weeks and everything beforehand are people preparing to either host extremely LARGE meals for as many friends/family/neighbours as they can cram in, or if you aren't hosting, you're doing as much long-shelf-life food prep as you can. Henry and his Mom used to do a LOT of bottled chicken/meats, and jams/jellies for their neighbours. In rare years where the harvest wasn't strong enough for there to be a large surplus? Socks, mittens, hats, and so on. His Dad actually used to be phenomenal at mending boots, and apparently a lot of the neighbouring farmers/farm workers begrudged the years that the Lemuels had a great crop year because it meant that his Dad probably wasn't going to be doing his "Bring your boots to the house and I'll have them leak free before the holiday is done". As a boy, Henry hated the fact that he felt he knew all of his neighbours' footsmells individually. When his father passed, because neither he (nor his mother, for that matter) ever knew how he had done it, it was one of the things that made that holiday feel even more hollow in the loss. No smell of old, well-worn boots in the house. Henry thinks the trees and decorating them is "nice" but also "...Why?" and he could do without a good number of the Christmas songs that get played over and over again on the radio. Melanie introduces him to a number of Christmas movies that he enjoys as much as any other movies, but mostly he just loves the atmosphere of friends and loved ones coming together for gifts, joy, food and warmth. It's very nostalgic for him.
Thanks so much for the question, Ozzy! So so so sorry for the immense and possibly heavy answer. AND SO SORRY TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ASKED ABOUT MEL/HENRY AND HOLIDAYS WHO I HAVE JUST LEFT HANGING THERE, I AM A MONSTER.
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HELLO i’m back and i’m bringing some more concepts (sorry in advance if i repeat some btw 😭)
- ok so like imagine if yall went to a concert and like he would be DANCING SO HARD and u would basically whisper-shout bc it’s loud (lol) what the artist/band is doing on stage to him… he would be so grateful for that ????
- omg also can we PLS imagine him as a dad to be trying his veryyyy best to build a crib and like help decorate the room??? trips to ikea!!! and harry feeling material on blankets to see which is best for his bubba!
- speaking to dad to be harry… HIM AT A ULTRASOUND appointment!!!! y/n would count all the babies toes for him!!!!!!! and he would so sob when he finds out the gender 🥰 and would be holding ur hand so hand bc he’s so lucky ????
- ok wait this is a but random but i can imagine him being a best man one day for like his best friends wedding and you would whisper in his ear that he looked beautiful ( him with his suit and colourful tie HE picked out 🥲) and he would blush like crazy… also would defo dance with you all dance night… conga? yeah. chicken dance thing? he’s doing that for an hour straight… and hearing ur laugh?? hes DEAD.
- alsooooo night routines would be so cuteee!! he can hear you taking ur makeup off and would go to the counter of ur bathroom and sleepily ask if you could do his moisturiser or something… or he would sit on the counter and wait for you, ask abt ur day, would get some snacks for ur night movie or something. but random but hey ho!
- small dates are a must btw!!! walk on the pier? yup! just harry feeling the wind on this face makes him so happy! and he doesn’t feel self conscious around you or anything… and if someone gave him a funny look you would be SO close to punching them in the damnnn face!! he’s very lucky to have u lol
sorry if these are bad! it’s evening in the uk so i’m tired lol. watch me come back tomorrow 💞 have a lovely day and hope u like these lol!!!!!! xxx
Okay they are done babyyyy @sunflowerstyles-6
“oh my god, Harry he just fell!” Y/n giggles, watching the concert they caught at last minute. They didn’t even really know the band but they have heard a few songs and the band wasn’t very well known so pit tickets were pretty cheap. “What?!” Harry asks, stilling his dance moves and snapping his head toward his girlfriend. Y/n laughs loudly, “He almost fell off of the stage!” Y/n giggles, clinging to Harry. “Is he okay?!”
y/n nods, kissing harrys cheek. “Keep on dancing, baby! I want to get some videos of you!” Y/n yells over the music, pulling away from his and stepping back to take videos of his crazy head banging and jumping.
Building a crib:
“Honey, it’s okay. I can get someone else to build it.” Y/n says, rubbing her eight month bump while standing in the nursery that belongs to their second baby. “Hush, lovie. I’ve got this. Just let me take my time.” He says, growing frustrated with his pregnant wife but he still kept a smile on his face while talking to her.
“Okayyy, I’m going to watch ******. Yell for me if you need us.” She says, letting her man do what he needed to do.
Soon enough Harry yells her name, Y/n was selling up the stairs with their first born. She smiles while she leans against the door frame, breathless from hauling her big belly up the stairs. “You did it, baby.” She smiles, patting his cheek. “So proud of you.”
Yeah… you guys don’t get to know the name until a blurb comes out 😎 me also using they/ them pronouns so you don’t know the gender yet HAHAHAH
“Bubby, stay on my lap.” Harry whispers to his baby, hugging them while their mummy gets an ultrasound. “Okay… one second and I’ll be able to tell you the sex!” The woman standing in pink scrubs smiles, rubbing the wand over Y/n’s swollen belly.
“Okay, you’ve got a (YOU WISH YOU KNEW HAHAHAHA) in your belly!” The kind lady announces with a warm, excited smile on her face. Y/n jaw drop while Harry and ****** squeal. “ANOTHER?” Y/n cries, making Harry giggle. “Hush, you are gonna love it, baby.”
Best man:
“Don’t be nervous, silly.” Y/n giggles to her fiancé while she fixes his bow tie. They were at Harry’s best friends wedding. Mitch and Sarah had gotten engaged just a couple months before Harry and Y/n had, Harry now being his best man and Mitch going to their wedding as harrys best man.
“Hush it! I’ve got to walk in-front of all of those people.” Harry whisper yells, pointing to the door where people are slowly trickling in behind.
“Baby.” Y/n says, grabbing his face and looking straight into his eyes- he can instantly senses the eye contact and it makes his cheeks burn. “You look fucking beautiful. You are a dream. After the ceremony is over we are gonna go dance out asses off, and have the time of our lives. You aren’t Gonna have a worry in your mind so don’t get worked up now.” She says, hushing him with a firm kiss to his lips before he can even speak. “Thank you,” he cups her jaw. “I needed that.”
Soon enough Harry is screaming at the top of his lungs while doing the cha-cha slide- his suit jacket slipped off and shirt almost completely unbuttoned.
Night routine:
“Are y’ taking off your makeup, beautiful?” Harry asks from the bed, his voice tired and croaky. Y/n nods from the sink in the bathroom- “yup!” Harry groans, rubbing over his face. “Come take mine off, beauty.”
Y/n laughs at her husband, rolling her eyes while she pats her face dry with a towel. “Baby, you don’t wear makeup!” She yells back, stepping into the door way between their bathroom and bedroom. “Yeah but… come make me pretty. Wanna talk to you.” Y/n rolls her eyes but grabs a sheet mask and other things to doll up her husband nonetheless.
“You don’t need this, you’re pretty enough.” She says, swinging a leg over him and straddling his hips while he relaxes his head down into his pillow while she slides the slimy mask onto his face. “Yeah, yeah. How was your day?”
“It was fine, ****** was a little crazy today, but they went down so good for me during nap time.” Y/n hums. Harry smiles, “good.”
“How the company going?” Y/n giggles on-top of her husband, watching him lips form back into a smile. “It was good, sales are still going up!”
“Was it a good day?”
“Never when I’m away from you.”
Small date- at the fair!:
“No, H, come on! Give me a pretty face.” Y/n giggles, trying to take a Polaroid of him while he makes silly faces, pulling at his cheeks and lips to make himself look crazy. “Okay, okay, I swear. This one I will smile.” Harry makes a pretty face, closing his eyes while he smiles, pulling up his shoulders shyly while he does it. “Awe, you are so pretty.” Y/n coos at her fiancé,. Pulling up the camera to her eye.
As soon as the photo is shot harry is switching poses and shoving his corn dog into his mouth like a mad man. “Damn it Harry!” Y/n yells at her fiancé, making her erupt into giggles, almost making himself fall on the ground.
I realized that I spoiled that part about Harry eventually starting his own company… at least you don’t know what the company is 😭
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dynyamight · 3 years
meet cute number 47 is interesting!
send me a writting ask
47. Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
“You got all that, right?” Shinsou asks, readjusting his stance, so others can leave their classroom door easily.
Midoriya hums absentmindedly. He’s still quickly jotting down the last few digits onto his planner. “And, you said tomorrow morning, around 7? At the library?”
“Yeah,” Shinsou shrugs, “Or anytime really. The deadline isn’t until next month, you know.”
“I kinda just want to get it done, as soon as possible.”
Shinsou breathes out a snort. “Figured you’d say that much. Just make sure you got my number. Repeat it, if you need to.”
“No time.” Midoriya drops his bag to the side, shoving his now closed notebook inside. “Thank you! I’ll text you later tonight!” He offers hurriedly, before taking off down the campus halls.
Shinsou’s warning falls deaf to his rushed mind.
He has to run the entire way, in order to graciously catch the last bus for the hour. Sweaty and flushed, Midoriya slumps into his seat in relief. Fortunately, he was able to cop a seat for himself, settling by the window and his backpack right next to him.
Staring out, Midoriya tries to remind himself of the rest of his priorities he needed to do.
He still needed to start on Doctor Chiyo’s online Physiology exam, and gather his notes for the open book portion. It was a bit bothersome to handle tests online, but if the rest of class prefers it, there’s nothing Midoriya can do about it.
Speaking of which, Ochako had requested for copies of those exact same notes, since apparently she barely writes anything during lectures. He wants to suggest to her to just simply take better notes, but alas, he will gladly help her out.
And, finally, Midoriya has to collect reliable, approved research articles for his and Shinsou’s debate, in their argumentative project in Communications. Being assigned “PRO SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE”, while being the most uninvolved people on the internet, Midoriya and Shinsou had a lot of work to do.
Not to mention it was already 18:00 by the time he reached the school’s dormitories. And yet, he needed to shower, make dinner, water his plants, and watch the newest episode of his favorite drama, airing tonight.
University was eating him alive.
Thankfully, he’s able to complete half of his list.
He finishes the exam with a 98%, and quickly snaps the pages of his notes over to Ochako and Iida, making sure to highlight the main topics questioned in the exam. Ochako sends a ‘thank you’ gif, and Iida texts a long, yet endearing message of gratitude.
Midoriya doesn’t have time to shower, instead blasting the TV volume loud, as he waters his indoor plants at the same time. He overwaters them a little bit, busy glancing back at the screen for too long. But, at least he’s able to watch the episode. He pouts when it ends on a cliffhanger, almost drowning his bonsai tree in frustration.
He’s only able to warm up a plate of leftovers, and read through only one research article, by the time it’s already blinking 21:30 on his phone. Sighing, Midoriya closes his laptop and grabs his cell phone instead.
An all nighter wasn’t preferable. But, if Shinsou is working overtime at his late night job, Midoriya supposes he can stay up and keep looking through more articles, until he has at least the required ten.
Flipping open his planner, Midoriya inputs Shinsou’s number into his phone. He adds his name, a contact photo of him sleeping, and finally taps a quick message.
(21:38) < You working?
When Shinsou doesn’t respond right away, Midoriya simply sets aside his phone on his desk. Stretching his arms, he sighs in defeat, now expecting Shinsou to be stuck at work.
He’s never worked at a restaurant, but he bets Friday nights can get pretty busy. And, Shinsou always complains that group outings and dates tend to stay over, even after the place is supposed to close. And, Midoriya trusts his word.
So, by the time his phone dings, Midoriya has been clicking through more articles on social media, bookmarking a few to go over later, as he went.
He lifts his phone, and with a bright screen, a message stares back at him.
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > Who’s this
Oh, he did forget to specify. But, Midoriya smiles, having a small prank in mind. There was no harm in teasing his friends, let alone Shinsou, who definitely needed a good laugh, now and then.
(21:58) < It's the cutie from your communications class ;)
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > So, no one
(21:59) < Haha! I guess you’re right about that
(21:59) < Anyways, it’s Izuku! You still working late, Hitoshi?
shinsou hitoshi (21:59) > This ain’t Hitoshi
Midoriya's face drops, blinking. Oh god, did he mistype the number?
(21:38) < Wait, you’re not???
Another text pops up, shortly after.
shinsou hitoshi (22:02) > You got the wrong number
Embarrassment burning his entire face red, Midoriya wishes he could delete himself from the world.
(22:03) < I’m so so so so sorry!
(22:03) < God, I thought I wrote down my friend’s number right
(22:03) < But, I was in this stupid rush to get on the bus that I didn’t make sure
(22:04) < And, listen, if I had missed that bus, I would’ve had to wait
(22:04) < Not like a few minutes wait
(22:04) < Like, a whole two hours wait!
shinsou hitoshi (22:05) > I didn’t ask
Deleting the conversation, Midoriya erases the new contact completely. And instead, he looks back to his planner, and retypes the numbers in his phone onto a new conversation.
Hopefully, he has typed the correct series of digits.
(22:07) < Hey, Hitoshi! It’s Izuku
unknown (22:08) > ...
unknown (22:08) > What the actual fuck
unknown (22:08) > You've still got the wrong number, you goddamn idiot
Slamming his phone onto his desk, Midoriya grabs a pillow off his bed and shoves it in his face. The temptation to scream sounds awfully pleasant, but it’s too late at night to do so. His dorm neighbors would definitely wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
What’s wrong? Oh, he has completely done one of the most dreaded imaginary scenarios in his head; text a complete stranger. Twice.
What was he supposed to do now? Never text back? Delete it? Block it?
How is he supposed to contact Shinsou now?
His phone dings again.
Lifting the pillow off his face slightly, Midoriya eyes his phone warily from his swivel chair.
That definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. Another text from the same stranger sounds a bit unheard of.
After a seconds-long hesitation, Midoriya lifts his phone and opens it once more.
unknown (22:13) > Double check next time
unknown (22:13) > You can fucking wait the two hours, dumbass
Midoriya grows a little irked. He has a bad feeling that his stranger isn’t too friendly, to say that least.
There was literally no reason to text back something so rude.
(22:14) < Well, that wasn’t nice
unknown (22:15) > Wasn’t trying to be
(22:15) < ..Are you always like this?
unknown (22:16) > Pretty much
(22:16) < That’s sad
unknown (22:17) > What’s fucking sad is that I was woken up from my sleep
unknown (22:17) > Because a damn moron didn’t write down the right number
Midoriya winces. He hadn’t even thought about the other person’s predicament, let alone if he had interrupted anything.
(22:20) > I really didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry :(
unknown (22:22) > Yeah whatever
(22:24) > You should try to go back to sleep, then
unknown (22:25) > I was
unknown (22:25) > But the same moron from before keeps texting me
(22:27) > Who?
(22:33) > Oh.
(22:33) > It’s me, huh?
unknown (22:34) > No shit
(22:35) > Right, of course. My bad!
(22:35) > I’m going to just stop now
unknown (22:36) > Thanks
(22:36) > For the umpteenth time, sorry! ><
(22:37) > Okay, Okay! I’m stopping now, for real
Midoriya desperately needs to call it a night.
After going through his nightly routine, he slips under his bedsheets, exhausted. He sets an alarm for 5:00 on his phone, hoping Shinsou will show up at the library, regardless of the missing confirmation text on Midoriya’s end.
He keeps his phone on awhile longer, swiping through his professors’ emails, before a surprising text notification pops in front of him.
unknown (23:01) > FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
(23:02) > …
(23:02) > What was that for??
unknown (23:04) > I CAN’T SLEEP
unknown (23:05) > AND IT’S YOUR FAULT
(23:06) > What do you expect me to do????
unknown (23:07) > HAHAHAHA OH DON’T WORRY
unknown (23:07) > IF I CAN’T SLEEP, NEITHER CAN YOU
(23:09) > Wait
(23:09) > No, please
(23:09) > My alarm is on my phone, I need it on
(23:10) > I need to go to an important meeting for a group project at 7:00!
unknown (23:10) > Aw, really? :0?!
(23:11) > Yeah! I really do!
unknown (23:11) > Sike. I don’t fucking care
unknown (23:12) > Hope you eat shit tomorrow
(23:13) > ..Why are you like this?
(23:13) > I could literally be a twelve year old, for all you know
unknown (23:14) > I doubt fucking twelve years do group projects
unknown (23:15) > But whether you’re a damn infant, or grown adult, I hate you
(23:16) > I wouldn’t say I hate you. That’s too harsh
(23:16) > But, wow, you are very unlikable :/
unknown (23:17) > That’s the fucking nicest thing anyone has said about me
(23:18) > It wasn’t supposed
(23:19) > Nevermind.
(23:19) > Do you have any friends? Just might as well ask
unknown (23:21) > Surprisingly yeah
(23:22) > Oh, so you also agree. That it’s a surprise
(23:22) > At least you’re self aware :0
unknown (23:23) > Yeah, they are annoying as hell
unknown (23:24) > But, also pretty good people, I guess
(23:25) > Pretty good or pretty dumb?
unknown (23:26) > SHUT IT
unknown (23:27) > Only I can make fun of them
unknown (23:27) > You. Don’t.
(23:28) > You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that
(23:29) > I’m sorry :(
unknown (23:30) > You like apologizing, huh
(23:29) > There’s a lot to apologize for tonight
unknown (23:30) > Still, you don’t have to say it every damn minute
(23:32) > You probably don’t ever apologize
unknown (23:33) > Fuck no
(23:35) > Right, of course
(23:36) > Well, you know what I need to do tomorrow
unknown (23:37) > Unfortunately
(23:38) > What about you?
unknown (23:39) > I’m covering a shift at my shit job at the ass crack of dawn
(23:40) > Unnecessary visual, but I digress
(23:40) > Uh, where do you work?
unknown (23:42) > No. I don’t even know your damn name
(23:43) > I told you?? It was in my first text
unknown (23:44) > Yeah, I ain’t scrolling
(23:48) > Well, it’s Izuku. Midoriya Izuku :)
unknown (23:49) > Great. I still ain’t giving you mine
(23:50) > ?? Is there anything I can know about you??
(23:50) > You know more about me, than I do about you
unknown (23:51) > You know I hate you
unknown (23:51) > That’s plenty
(23:52) > But, I have been staying up for you :(
unknown (23:53) > Because it’s your fault I can’t sleep
(23:54) > You aren’t feeling sleepy yet?
unknown (23:56) > ..Are you
(23:57) > I asked you first
unknown (23:58) > I asked you second
(23:59) > That
(23:59) > Look, it’s almost midnight
(24:00) > Oh, now, it’s actually midnight
unknown (00:01) > I have fucking eyes. I can see the time
(00:02) > And we BOTH have places to be tomorrow
(00:02) > So, let’s just sleep. Call a truce, please
unknown (00:03) > What about my petty retribution
unknown (00:10) > FUCK
unknown (00:10) > FINE
The rest of the night, Midoriya hears his phone go off, but he doesn’t bother to open the messages. Fortunately for him, the time staying awake quickly catches up to his body, the moment he shuts his eyes. And, in an instant, he falls asleep, heavy.
However, he’s jolted awake by the ringing of his phone, the tone alerting him of an incoming phone call. Banging his head on the headboard, Midoriya blindly grabs and answers his phone. “Uh, H-Hello?” He blurts quickly.
“Tch.” A low voice emits, “You owe me, Deku.”
Click. The phone call ends.
Confused, Midoriya hurriedly rubs his eyes open. Running his messy curls through his fingers, he lifts his bangs up, in order to correctly look at the time.
The time was 5:10. And, his 5:00 alarm had been off the entire time.
And, instead, that same unknown number from last night was his saving grace.
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dingoat · 3 years
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[So, @cinlat has been dabbling in a Sith au for her Fynta, with cameo slots available for various other characters to come hang out. And just the little bit of contemplation we had about where Ahuska might slot into this particular version of events, I wound up inspired enough to dabble with a scene! So welcome to an Ahuska who still wound up adopted into Mandalorian life, but has not forgotten/repressed her early years. Rather than their usual easy friendship, she and Fynta wind up butting heads more often than not and bumping into one another more than either would like. Apologies if I’ve gotten Fynta totally wrong, I will put up a disclaimer that I’m throwing this out here without any sort of proofing from Cinlat so she gets the final call as to the authenticity of this scene! I’ve also borrowed @askshivanulegacy’s Blakk for the ride, I think I needed a little cathartic fluff to counterbalance all the fluff-gone-wrong happening elsewhere hahahaha.]
‘Not on My Watch’ 
“I don’t know why you won’t just let me take a speeder…”
Ahuska lifted a hand to cut him off, raising a finger and shaking her head with a smile. It was no secret that the young bothan was soft for this particular Imperial Agent, even if her clanmates were quick to remind her that no self respecting human Kaas citizen would pursue anything more than a functional work relationship with her, a rudderless, stable-working alien. 
She chose not to listen to what her clanmates had to say.
“Because a speeder won’t pull back when it feels the ice getting too thin or warn you when you cross a wampa’s path, that’s why.”
Cipher Blakk rolled his eyes and pulled the zipper of his insulated parka higher, but it still wasn’t enough to keep his face properly protected from the frankly absurd level of chill. “It’s not as though I plan to park on an ice sheet…”
“Uh huh, and you’ll know exactly what’s under the two inch layer of snow that’s just fallen…”
He huffed, and she laughed, opening the stall door against which she was leaning to lead out the young tauntaun buck she already had saddled and haltered. “Quit fretting. Thunder here is a solid ride and a soft touch, he won’t give you any problems, and I’d trust him over any autopilot to get you safely back to base if something goes wrong.” Blakk felt some unexpected warmth rise in his cheeks, and while he wondered for the thousandth time why she cared so much that he got back safely, the buck lowered his head to snuffle through Ahuska’s hair. She raised a hand to give the tauntaun a firm rub on the cheek and horn. “Yeah, you’re a good boy aren’t you? You’ll be good for the Empire’s elite, won’t you? Won’t you my good soft woolly buddy…”
Ahuska’s ears flicked at the same moment as Thunder’s twitched, and a heartbeat later Blakk’s head turned as well, hearing the heavy rasp of an iron gate lifting. 
Ahuska had been stationed on the remote Hoth outpost for the last month and a half, more than enough time to get to know the sound of every latch and door in the stables, and the animals that spent their lives here knew them even better. Her sky blue eyes turned to ice as she squinted, staring down into the lower level. “Who… oh.”
Her lips turned to a tight, flat line as she recognised the figure down below, and the coolness in her expression was enough to prompt Blakk to lift a brow. “Ahh, is something the matter…?”
“We’ll see. What is she… oh, oh no, no no no…”
The Cipher suddenly found himself with a set of reins thrust into his hands, with Ahuska taking the liberty of closing his fingers around them and squeezing tight. “What… what are you…?”
“Hold him. Hold him tight and don’t let go for a second, distract him with this if you can…” She shoved a pinkish rock of some sort toward him, and with his hands full he was forced to stoop and hold it under his chin, expression nothing short of bewildered.
“I don’t… oh, gods no,” Blakk had the profound discomfort of realising then that it was a block of salt, as Thunder pressed forward with an eager little warble and began to lick at it. He made a tiny sound of dismay. “Ahuska…!”
But she was already gone, not even sticking around to have a snigger at his predicament, darting down the stairwell rather than waiting on one of the stocklifts. “Oi! Oi, di’kut, what’n Kad’s name do you think you’re doing---!!”
The object of Ahuska’s anger turned, unnaturally blue eyes flashing with irritation, and then immediately turned back to the stall door she’d been about to open.
“Don’t you dare touch that! Who the hell authorized you to be down here and what the shab d’you think you’re doing opening straight up into the yards?” Rather than heading straight toward the Sith, Ahuska veered to the far wall where a harsh wind blustered through the now gaping entry to the outdoor paddocks, and slammed her fist against a set of controls.
“This animal is… Shen-Four-Seven, isn’t it?” Fynta Wolfe, Assassin for Sith Intelligence and Infiltration, glared at the Bothan stablekeep who stood firm in the gateway, as though she could somehow block her passage while the heavy gate groaned back shut. She cut a strong silhouette against the glaring white world outside, framed with reflected light and fluttering snowflakes.
“Star, yeah, that’s her.” Ahuska’s tone was curt. She didn’t enjoy dealing with Fynta any more than she explicitly had to. Never mind that the Sith knew far more about her than Ahuska was comfortable with, but the fact that Fynta thought she could just slip on some beskar and mingle amongst the clans as though she weren’t an out-and-out Sith grated at her terribly. The nerves struck were just… a little too close to home.
“Then she’s the one I’ve been assigned while I’m on duty here. And since I’m not here to take riding lessons, I don’t see why I need to answer to you of all people, stablekeep.”
Ahuska bristled as the steel gate locked shut behind her, putting an abrupt halt to the chill wind. “Maybe ‘cause every last one of these animals has been assigned to me while I’m on duty here, and I don’t give a damn if you’re the Emperor himself, you don’t take one outside without my say-so. Not a taun, not a vulp, not a gods-damned arctic womp-weasel! So you can take your fingers off that latch and let me do my job, or you can deal with the shab’la stampede you’re about to let loose. It’s stable master, by the way.”
Fynta knew Ahuska wasn’t the type to lie for the sake of a power trip. The bothan’s conviction and ferocity at this moment was enough to give her pause and slowly arch a brow, though her tone was flat and unconvinced. “Stampede. You mean the whole three out in the main yard.”
“Mmm.” Ahuska’s tone was equally flat, but there was something smug about the way she lifted her chin and stared down the bridge of her muzzle toward the Sith. “Those three first, if Thunder up on the balcony doesn’t fling himself over to beat them to it.” She gestured upward and over her shoulder with a thumb, toward where Blakk diligently kept a firm but wary hold of the tauntaun buck Ahuska had left in his care. The agent swiftly averted his gaze when he realised attention had momentarily turned his way. “Then the seven in the exercise yards ‘cause let’s face it, those fences aren’t gonna stop a buck in rut, and maybe the dozen in the outer…”
“Excuse me?”
“Excuse what?”
“A buck in rut?”
“I said what I said. I know it doesn’t look much like the seasons change here on Hoth, but believe me, there are seasons, and we’re in the thick of one right now. Your little Star there…” Ahuska dipped her head toward the stall door that Fynta remained precariously close to opening, though to her credit her fingers were looser on the handle than they had been moments before. “Is a very, very appealing little lady at the moment. She gets lead out through the back to be worked in the yards on the south ridge or not at all, and when she’s being groomed and treated in here this gate…” She slapped the metal surface behind her with the back of her hand. “Stays shut! I wouldn’t even recommend her for a mission today or tomorrow unless you were absolutely certain of no wild herds en route and let’s face it, you can never be certain of that…”
Fynta hadn’t exactly paled, but she was definitely looking less confident about taking her assigned mount out onto the slopes.  She found herself feeling unwittingly grateful that the blasted bothan had been here to intercept her, and then an equal measure of furious at herself for feeling grateful at all. “Alright, alright, fierfek, just get me a more suitable animal ready as soon as you can, I’ve wasted enough time here already…”
“Of course, my Lord,” Ahuska’s grin was far too toothy, her flourished salute and bow far too exaggerated to be genuine. She enjoyed watching Fynta bite back her seething a little too much. “And let me know what shebs-for-brains gave you Star to begin with so I can have some words.”
“I’ll try to find out,” Fynta lied. No way in hell was she going to let Ahuska know that, in a bid to get herself in and out of Hoth as swiftly as possible, she might have forged a signature or two on a requisition document here and there, and arbitrarily assigned the tauntaun to herself. She straightened, stepping away from the stall, and stared Ahuska squarely in the eye. “I’ll be back in ten minutes. Don’t keep me waiting.”
She didn’t give Ahuska the opportunity to respond, making her way smartly off down a corridor. The bothan might come across as meek as a runt nerf calf most of the time, but Force be damned if she didn’t find a spine and a half where her animals were concerned. Fynta couldn’t decide whether she was impressed or irritated, and just found herself hoping that Ahuska would be able to find the same amount of backbone if anyone ever pressed her about matters that remained better left unspoken.
She really didn’t want to see another decent Mandalorian having their arm twisted into Imperial service.
Ahuska, meanwhile, had every intention of keeping Fynta waiting; she had another Agent of the Empire to finish dealing with first, and she wasn’t going to rush seeing Blakk and Thunder off soundly for the sake of a single agitated Sith. Her hackles were already smooth and the set of her ears fully relaxed by the time she made it back to the upper level, though the way Blakk’s wide-eyed gaze settled on her when she flashed him a grin threatened to dishevel her all over again.
“Didn’t give you any trouble, did he?”
“No, you were great- I mean he, he was great. Thunder was… great. Perfect. No trouble.”
Ahuska might have plenty of backbone when it mattered, but that didn’t stop certain moments making her utterly weak. She coughed into her hand, glancing aside as she took back the reins and returned the remains of the salt lick to her pocket. “Ahh, uh, right, good. Good! Where have you got your gear then? Better get him all loaded up for you.”
[And now a bonus for everyone who got this far, hahaha, have some zipped up Hoth geared little Imperials. Ahuska thinks they’re both ridiculous for complaining so much about the cold.]
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ilegnangeli · 3 years
Random June Thought #1
I think I may have to be the most sentimental person I know. Or maybe not sentimental but mental. Just kidding. So I’ve shared that whenever I go back home, I get pretty sentimental. And it’s really true.
Maybe because I get to see my parents. My aging parents. And I get reminded of how fast and finite life is.
I have so many things planned for them but I feel like I’m running out of time. Whenever people ask me what I want to have in the future, I don’t answer them with having a family of my own but instead I want to see my family members safe and healthy. I want to spend a longer time with them. Never mind getting married or having a family of my own. Just seeing my family members’ good health and seeing them living a good life will be more than enough for me.
The thing is I almost always get to do heart to heart talks with my family when I meet with them. I get to speak with my father and his plans for the future. I get to chat with my mother about where she wants to go and what she wants to do. I get pretty sentimental because I love these people. I love my parents so much. And I want to honor them as much as I can, spoil them as much as I can. But I’m so short on time. I only get to visit them once a month and it pains me that I need to say goodbye ever so often.
I’m not a kid anymore but I still am a kid in my parents’ eyes. I love that my parents are so loving and unconditional when it comes to providing love, care, and attention to us—their children and of course, grandchildren. I love that I grew up with the parents I have now. I’m grateful that I get to experience life with them as my parents. I love that I have a generous father and a loving mother. Their combination is perfect. So thank You, God. Thank you for giving me these parents. I am eternally grateful.
Today’s Father’s Day. It's funny because since the ‘rents, me, and my younger sister are vaccinated, we get to celebrate together. With my aunt and cousins, too. And little Batuti who had to come along because there will be no one to look after him in our condo. Lmao
Anyway, today was a really good day. An emotional one, too. On the way home, as my cousin drove us back to the Metro, my aunt and I had this conversation about the future. She asked me about my plans. She asked me about my plans for the house where my parents are living. She asked me about the future—my future. I told her I don’t think about getting married. Because I feel like in the short span of time remaining with my parents, I just want to spoil them. I want to give them the life they deserve. I just want to provide for them. Because no one else will do that for them. All my older siblings are married, busy with their lives, and busy their own families.
Plus, I’m afraid of becoming a parent myself. I don’t know if I could be as loving or as caring as Mama Duay. I don’t know of I could ever be as hardworking and generous as Papa Henry. I don’t know if I can call myself a mother, a parent in the future. I’m not sure if I want my future children to grow up in this specific environment. I don’t know how I will be able to raise strong, independent, and caring children. I’m so afraid for them to experience pain and suffering here. I’m not sure if I could take it—just watching them grow up while struggling. I don’t know. I don’t want them to feel the same things I’ve felt—I'm feeling—here. I’m not sure they deserve this kind of life. It’s so hard to live here. My God, just thinking about this makes me tear up.
Life is hard. And I don’t want to be selfish. I don’t want to raise children because I expect them to give something in return for the life I’ve provided for them. I don’t want that.
But then I think about my parents. What they want for me. I feel like sometimes, when I talk about my crush during meals, my dad gets pretty silent and a little jealous because I seriously sound like I want to settle down. Lmao I feel like my mom always says that my crush is gay because she feels that—at the same time—she doesn’t want to give me away. (Dear crush, if you only knew how much I have thought about our future together lol. Thank God, you’ll never know though.)
What’s funny is that sometimes I feel like my parents WANT me to settle down with someone. So that they could be at peace. Damn, this is going to make me cry so hard. I don’t want to cry, I’ve been crying over the weekend. My heart can’t take it anymore lmao. If the world gave me money for every tear I dropped or every ounce of tear that came down my face, I’d be swimming in a pool of money. Dammit. But life, life is much harder. And I can only write about life because that’s how I roll. So in case you’re reading this in the future, SELF. I hope you’re in a much better place. I’m praying for the future of us. This is me from the past saying hello.
On our drive home, I spoke with my aunt about how I was planning to travel with my parents before the pandemic. I wanted to bring my parents abroad. I wanted to bring them to the places I’ve been and experience those places with them. I still want that. I will do that. Please COVID-19, go away.
I also told my aunt that I wanted to bring my dad back to Ilocos. He loves that place. My parents are both from Visayas. Papa is Waray, Mama is Bisaya. How they ended up together? That’s a story for another time. But my dad was stationed in Ilocos for some time, way before I came into their life, and they lived there for some time with two of my ugly ass brothers. Sorry I always call my siblings ugly asses—it’s my endearment. While my elder sister and eldest brother were in Samar. Parents married early, both were 18 at the time of marriage. But despite that they were able to raise their children. I feel like writing about their life—maybe one day I could write about our lives. Soon? Lol anywho, Papa loves Ilocos and I want to bring him back there. With the fam. If God will give me enough time with my parents, I hope to be able to bring them abroad, too. At least once.
I wish I could win the lottery. So that I could do all these things faster. Buy that house I’ve always wanted to have in Presello lmao. Give the life I want to give to my parents and my younger sister. Spoil my nephews and niece to oblivion. And prolly purchase a guy who would love to settle with me. I’m just kidding. I always joke about becoming rich and just buying men. But that also scares the shit outta me. Imagine, what if he’s a serial killer? And he only marries me because he wants my money? Hmm, those are some thoughts to ponder. So much for watching true crime shit on YouTube.
So I’m going back to my original plans. Get those education units. Get that teaching license. If God permits me, get that graduate degree. Leave the country. Never look back. LMAAAAOOOO, girl. Hopefully these aren’t wishful thinking. Because istg, I want a better life for my family. If it means I’ll never get married, then so be it. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, happy father’s day to all you dads out there. I hope you had a great celebration with your families. I had a great one today. And I loved every moment of it. I wish I could celebrate more with my family. I miss us eating out together. We’re big bunch, you see. And I get a little bit too sentimental when I get reminded of the past because right now, in this pandemic, we can’t do that. But thank God for technology, right? We get to video chat our loved ones and celebrate with them even when they’re far away. But then again, these social media networking sites aren’t meant to substitute for real-time, face to face conversations. They’re just here for interim purposes (this line reminds me of my journalism paper back in uni yo!).
I have so many things I want to share, so many things have happened today. Actually over the weekend and I want to write about it. But let’s just leave this post here. Let’s park this topic. Oh man, my brain wants to write more but I don’t want to end this on a sad note.
Mondays are the worst. I want to face tomorrow with a smile. I want to work harder, become better, and then leave with a light heart. My God, I pray for this anxious heart of mine to please calm tf down. Hahaha.
Cheer up, self. Things will get better.
P.S. I am addicted to TWICE's Alcohol Free. This song is my last song syndrome.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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Episode• 2/8
Mobile Masterlist •
♡ ✐
Authors note• honestly I’m beginning to write this character abt myself. AND IM FAILING MATH !🌞🌙✨
Warnings• language, mentions of masturbation
Songs• Norman fucking Rockwell - Lana Del Rey/ everything I wanted - Billie Eilish/
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•”so, you know mark?”
•real smart Jaemin
•you weren’t really focused on what he said
•bc what
•did Na Jaemin just
•talk 2 you?
•the boy? You’ve been crushing on? Since freshman year biology? Wtf?
•you probably looked like a fish
•this was you (•0•)
•just staring at him
•and he’s looking at you like your crazy
•I mean he’s secretly thinking u look so adorable and funny
•and he’s so nervous you’ll reject him
•but you suddenly smile at him
•and you’re like “uh yeah! He’s my math tutor!”
•Jaemin is
•in disbelief
•at a number of things
•1) is there an award for being the prettiest person on Earth? You just won it wtf
•2) thank god he’s only ur tutor
•3) how can he get himself to be ur tutor bc he literally has this class with u
•4) how are u literally a goddess wtf
•he can’t believe he just spoke his first words to you ever and it was abt mark
•he’s gonna play it off doe
•”what! No! He’s literally illiterate, let me tutor you! I have this class with you!”
•coulda played that cooler Jaemin wtf
•but it doesn’t matter
•bc you laughed
•”you wanna tutor me? For free?”
•Jaemin is THINKIN “I’ll kill for you for free bb wtf”
•no it didn’t say I’ll kill you for free go back and read it again
• I’d take either doe!! Hahahaha just kidding,,,,,unless ?👀
•but he SAYS “no problem! I have nothing better to do!”
•the thing is
•you had liked Jaemin since freshman year, like previously mentioned
•but it was more than that
•you LIKED liked him
•and you totally thought he didn’t know who you were
•but ig he did
•so you agreed that maybe you guys could go over the work tomorrow after school
•but he had practice,
•and you had your club
•and the library would be closed
•guess ur gonna have to go to ur house!!!
•haha haha
•I suppose it’s safe to say
•ur mother fell in love w Jaemin more than u think she loved u
•sure she was wondering who tf he was
•but he was cute
•and nice
•and a BOY
•she was thanking any god that was real
•that finally you had a love interest
•”MOM!” -u
•”Well!” -ur mom
•”❤️o❤️” -jaemin
•as if he couldn’t fall in love more
•u had great parents
•he ain’t surprised tbh
•so u DRAGGED his ass into ur room (w some juice boxes and cookies provided by ur mommy)
•and this boy
•who fucking knew u were a hippie witch (I only put this in here bc IM a hippie witch and we need representation)
•if it wasn’t the many different tapestries u had that gave it away,
•maybe the strong smell of insense or the Fleetwood Mac and Mazzy Star vinyls did it
•Jaemin was trying not to NUT
•the bass!
•the sublime poster!
•the plants!
•the paintings of jellyfish!
•the bernie posters!
(This is actually just a list of things in my bedroom IM SORRY)
•the flavor was immaculate for him
•so you actually didn’t end up studying
•you guys were bouncing from one thing to another
•you explaining how gay u are for Lana Del Rey
•him explaining how Honeymoon deserved better
•it was ur turn to nut
•y’all had a lot in common
•almost,,too much
•so this was not the last time he came over
•it got to the point where your mother started calling him son
•and eventually, he invited u over to his homie
•bc Jeno had mentioned u to his mom and now she was Intrigued™️
•bc Jaemin had shown literally no interest in anyone ever
•so she made u dinner
•it was immaculate
•the FlavOr
•it was A C T U A L L Y stuffed bell peppers
•and damn were they yummy
•y’all ever had those ??
•*chefs kiss*
•so Jaemin takes u up to his room and
•you wanted to pounce on him
•he was just
•so hot
•he was wearing a black shirt
•and a bunch of jewelry
•and his blue hair
•you two had known each other for like a month at this point
•and it seemed like you guys were teetering on the edge of friends and something more
•ur hands, always inches from touching but never actually interlocking
•ur eyes, always finding each other in a room and staying on each other, but never truly showing how the other feels
•Jaemin knew prom was 7 months away
•he had to act and act fast
•he didn’t want to
•he was honestly putting it off
•but he knew eventually he would have to do SOMETHING
•so as he watched you sit in his bed and sift through a magazine he had on his bedside table
•(which, btw, this was one of his dreams
•you in his room
•on his bed
•he used to jack off to the idea of this)
•it took three PHAT strides to get to the side of the bed
•where you were staring at Jaemin in confusion at the sudden aggression
•and he took the magazine out of your hands and YEETED that shit over his shoulder
•and just
•took your face in his hands
•and smashed ur lips to his
Continued here
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@ivietea @fiveguysgoodbyeguys
@comically-sleep-deprived @woosans-sann @mozartwasajungkookstan @littlefluu @cxcxlxlee @jaesluvklub
@uyuzo @sweetie-yoongi7 @marklexleaf
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Word Count: 4413 
WARNINGS: smut, language and drugs 
If you wanted to be tagged please let me know. :))
"Baze pass me the joint!" I admit, I'm pretty drunk and I'll start to lose my shit any minute from now. My cousin Baze tag me along tonight, its suppose to be a boy's night out but nah I don't mind they can have their fun. I'm no stranger to them. We're in Andrei's house. These guys are my childhood friend, wrong they are my brothers and we're reunited after 4 years? I think. I've been in Ireland for too long and now I'm back to my roots. "Yo Y/N! Are Irish girls hot?" Slim asked and everyone starts laughing. I flip him off and chug down the vodka in my cup. I smoked the joint Baze handed me. Ah I miss these. Chill night with the gang. "Yo seriously. You look like them. What made you color your hair red? You look like a fuuucking idiot." Then Slim laughed sounding like a goat in labor. "Shut up fucker." My only response. I know they missed me that's why I'm their target tonight. And Slim is the leader of the pack. "Kells is on his way here." Rook said while looking at his phone. "Who's Kells?" Everyone fell silent as if I said something wrong. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Slim look at me in disbelief and laughed like a goat again. This dude is high I'm sure of that. "Really? You don't know who's Kells? Dang girl it's Colson." The fuck? Colson? Since when did he become Kells? Rook must have read my confusion.  "It' his screen name Machine Gun Kelly. Kells for short." I don't know if it's the alcohol or the shroom but I laugh so hard. "What the---- hahahaha as in Colson Baker is Machine Gun Kelly?" They look at me weirdly, like I'm some kind of alien. "Dude you don't know? He's famous." I shut up. Colson really made it. He is successful now. "What did Ireland do to you?" I just shook my head. I can't think of any comeback cause my head is somewhere in space and everything looks sharp. I guess the shroom is having it's effect on me. "What's up fuckers!" That deep voice vibrated all over the room. Colson. "Ayo man. Finally." The boys did their handshake until his eyes landed on me. "Y/N? What the fuck?! Dude you're here!" I got up from the couch and he embrace me in a tight bear hug. "Dude I fuckin miss you." I felt dizzy when he let go of me so I hold on to his arm. "You okay?" He holds my wrist and look at me. I nodded as a response. "Yeah." I sat down on the couch again, eyes felt heavy and mind flying somewhere. They converse about work, which I could not relate so I just listen and nods whenever they ask me something. "Yeah, why don't we talk about our Irish lady here." All eyes are on me again. "Seriously dude. We missed you. The good shit and such when you are here."
Back when we were bunch of idiots we used to hang at Ashleigh's place. She's the only one who has a decent home to stay and live in, and her mom was kind enough to let us stay especially Colson. "Yeah I missed you too." I drink from my cup and my gaze landed on Colson who is looking at me too. "What?" I asked, my brow raising. "Nothing. I'm just appreciating the changes." I shrug. My hair is red for a year and I'm planning to dye it black. "Whatever Colson."  I rolled my eyes while giggling. It was unintentional though.
We are all catching up. Especially me, since they missed the 4 years of my life and me missing the 4 hollywood glamour of their lives too. It's all sex drugs and rock and roll. I'm just hoping it won't get the best of them. "Daaaamn. We're really getting old. Next thing we knew Casie's walking down the aisle while Colson's crying." Colson almost choke on his drink after Baze said that. "Not happening Baze. No boys for my baby girl until I said so." Oh yeah Casie. Colson's daughter. That girl is turning to a lady and that will make Colson grow 10 years because of headache. The kid is beautiful and for sure boys will be chasing her. I wish she could spend more time with us whenever she's in Ireland. "Of course. Look at Y/N, we're so protective of her that 'til now she's single." I want to kick Dubo's shin for blurting out to everyone that I'm still single. "You're still single?" Colson asks. I can't help but blush, nothing's wrong about being single but talking about my romantic life with these idiots is like telling them that I shit in my pants and the teasing will never stop after that. "Well, it's our fault. We never let a guy come near you before. " Slim confessed. It didn't shock me though cause the guys who wanta to date me before told me that these idiots scared them or bribe them. Atleast I knew that they aren't men enough to be scared by my friends. "I don't mind though. I suck at dates." Through my peripheral, I see Colson smirked. I rolled my eyes at him. "And you have a bad taste when it comes to men." He added. I scoffed. If he only knew. Indeed I have bad taste.
We continue chatting and some of the guys are already drunk or high. I too is drunk. I stood up to went to the bathroom but everything seems spinning. With my high and drunken state I look for the bathroom. I found  it in a hallway to the kitchen but when I opened the door Baze is in there doing some porno. "Fuck. I'm sorry, don't mind me so proceed." I didn't wait for their answer and close the door. Damn I have to see that. I can't help but giggle, ironic I did that before too. I search for another available bathroom upstairs and I trip in every step. My body felt heavy so I crawled until I ended up in a room. Guest room I think? "Damn it." My vision is blurry but I managed to reach the bathroom and puked my brains out. "Fucking vodka." I wipe my mouth before puking again. Oh god, I never puke before. I felt a hand massaging my back and I turn to see who it is. Colson. "Alcohol is a bitch."
"Fuck. Y/N saw me fucking in the bathroom." Baze came from god knows where while zipping his pants a girl clinging on his arm. Mod Sun laughed. "That cousin of yours is hot." Baze threw his cup at Mod. "You're not hitting her." Y/N changed a lot, physically. I mean it's good maybe I'm not just used to since we haven't seen each other for 4 years.
I don't know why she left, everything was okay back then. But I guess it's better that we separate ways, look at us I made it to Hollywood, she's fine and we're all good. "Yo Colson! You're awfully quiet today." Actually I'm high already. Not drunk but high. I smoked two in the studio before getting here. "Nah. I'm good. Where's Y/N?" I search the room if there's any sign of Y/N. "Maybe she went into another bathroom, one with no one fucking." Everyone laughed even Baze at Drei's statement. "Seriously tho, you and Y/N are good?" This is the question I've been dreading. Me and Y/N are good but awkard so I'm avoiding their attention by remaining silent. "You know what. Stop dicking around and tell her what you feel." I was taken aback. How the hell did Slim knew when I didn't tell anyone about it. It's so hard to act cool whenever she's around. So I didn't tell anyone and it's better if it remains tgat way and I won't lose her.  "Tell her what?" Acting as if I don't know something will do me no good. Action speaks louder than words. "Go on Colson. Deny it, next thing you knew she already have someone who's not scared to admit his feelings." I clenched my jaw at the thought that Y/N is with someone who's not me, us. "Hell yeah, we got you bro." Rook taps my shoulder. I stood up from my seat and look for Y/N. I went upstairs and search each room for her and I found her on the left wing puking her guts out in a bathroom. I immediately attended her and rubs her back. When she's done she turns around and look at me with droopy eyes. "Alcohol is a bitch." She wipes her mouth and leans on the wall. "Goddamn I need a bed." Y/N close her eyes. The alcohol and weed must have hit on her. "Hey hey, stay with me, I'll put you to bed." I held her arm but she flinch. "Don't fucking touch me Colson. I wanna fucking beat you right now." Since she's drunk I didn't mind what she said. I grab her arm again but Y/N clung on my neck and buried her face on my chest. "I thought you wanna beat me?" I held her waist to support her weight cause she looks like she's about to melt. "Shut up. I hate you." Maybe it's just her drunk self hating me. Everyone's her enemy whenever she's drunk. "Why do you hate me?" I decided to ride along with her craziness. "Cause you're a fucking asshole?" She mumbled almost hakf asleep. "And you love this asshole?" I couldn't hide my smirk. She probably won't remember this tomorrow. "Of course I love you..........and Rookie, and Slim, and Baze, and Casie.....I love EST fam." She look up to me with a smirk. Damn, she played well. "How about me? I mean only me?" She freed herself and sat on the counter, I moved forward a bit so I can be in between her legs. Y/N leans her head on my chest again. "I hate you. But I hate that I don't hate you at all. I wish you would meet Chase." Who the fuck is Chase? Is he her boyfriend? Am I too late? The fuck the boys were right, I should've told her earlier. "Who's Chase?" I rub Y/N's back, soothing her. "He's.........I love him. But I wish you would love him too." My heart began to race and I am now confuse. I held her face and look at her straight in the eye. "Y/N, tell me who's Chase?" Her eyes are all droopy and red but managed to return the look I gave her. "He's your fucking son. Happy?" Suddenly I am the one whose high. Everything around blurred and Y/N's word echoes. He's your fucking son. I have another kid. I have another kid, with her. I had a fucking kid with her and I didn't knew. I didn't even knew something happened between us. "H-how? We didn't even....." A lot of questions are running in my head but  that's the only thing came out. I am loss for words right now. "Of course you don't remember. You were so doped up with drugs that you almost raped a fan but being the good friend I am I came to the rescue and....." I think I knew what happened next. "I had sex with you instead." I finish her sentence. "I can't fucking blame you because I was the one who's sober. And God..... why did I let it happened." I didn't expect my night to be like this especially she just got back from overseas. And her confession infuriates me. "Why did you not tell me?" I want to punch myself for doing that to her. I blow every fucking chance. I took a good thing and fuck it all up in one fucking night. "I fucking loved you asshole! We were both a fucking mess. I was with you during your worst, sex drugs, rock and roll, fame is getting on you then you got me pregnant, I wasn't ready and......How can we raise a child if we're like that?! One of us has to sober up so that we won't end up hurting ourselves and the child. Funny how one night can change life forever." Y/N broke down into tears. She fucking love me. She said she fucking love me. I wish she's sober right now cause I'm not believing what's happening. She went through all this alone and I hate myself for that. I was dicking around when she was suffering alone in that goddamn country. "I'm sorry Y/N.....I -I didn't knew." I wipe her tears and rubs her back while kissing her head. "It's my fault. I never told you." I hushed her, but tears still streaming down her face. I am so angry right now, to myself, to what happened. I feel like shit for being a dick. Now I have a son whose growing up not knowing his father. It's an awful situation cause I grew up without a mother too. I may be an asshole but I won't let a kid running around not knowing me especially if it's mine. "Let's get you to bed. You're drunk." I carried her out and brought her to my room. I laid Y/N on my bed and undress her after. As if I've never seen her naked before. I dress her with one of my shirts then cover her with a blanket. Kissing her head I left the room and went back downstairs. Everyone seems to chill now. "Yo dude. Is Y/N okay?" Baze asks. He was caught off guard when I lounge him and held the collar of his shirt. "Why the fuck you didn't tell me?!" Slim, Rook and Drei went to the rescue to ease the tension. "Ayo, Kells chill. What the fuck is going on?" Slim held me back while Drei is pulling Baze from my grasp. "Man. It was her decision, and I won't intervene on whatever's going on between you two. I didn't know how did you even got her pregnant when you were busy fucking around." My blood boils and Baze's words fuelled my anger. I was about to attack him again but Slim blocked me. "What the fuck Kells? You had a child? With Y/N?!" Everyone fell silent. "Yeah." Rook was the first one to speak. "No shit. How old is the child?" I don't want my son to estranged me, it was hard before when I had Casie. "Probably 3. Who else fucking knew? Could've told me I had another kid." I glared at Baze. "Ashleigh fucking knew." Baze answered. Damn it Ashleigh. "But she just found out when Y/N called before going back here." Didn't they even thought that it was my child who's growing up not knowing his father?! "Yeah. Whatever. Thanks for the info. Gotta go."
I grabbed my keys and left. I need to fucking think.
I woke up with wave of nausea. My head hurt like it was hit by a ton of bricks. I opened my eyes just tk realized I'm not in Baze's house and I'm not wearing my clothes. I couldn't even remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember was Colson helping me threw up. Guess this is his clothes I'm wearing base on it's size.
I look at the clock and it's 2 in the afternoon. Damn I was that passed out? I opened the closet searching for a sweatpants or short. Fuck that 6'4 height of his. I look like a sack. Blame my 5'8 height. I settled on his shorts because it's the only bottom I look human. I don't want parading around the house with only my panties on. I went downstairs to see if someone's here. Slim is in the kitchen looking like a bitch. Looks like he hadn't sleep yet. "Slim where is everyone?" Slim jumped a little, surprised by my presence. I giggled and I sat down to one of the chairs in the counter. He served me a plate of pasta which I heavenly feasted. "Out. With Colson." Had they sleep yet? "Where are they going?" I munch all in the plate while listening to Slim. "Out, having some quality time with his son." I choked on my food. I coughed, It feels like the pasta stucked in my throat and wants to go out in my nose. Slim handed me a water. "T-thanks. What do you mean son?" My heart started to hammer. "Oh? I thought Colson's the one who didn't knew he had a child. Seems like you forgot." I feel like all the Colors in my face drained. Impossible. I have blurted out everything last night! Stupid! Colson already knew. I won't get away this time. Slim taps my shoulder. "You know we're here for you Y/N."  Slim said sincerely. I sighed feeling guilty. I feel like a bitch for not telling Colson, he deserves to know, it's his right. "I was just so scared Slim. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready and I don't know how to raise a child." A tear fell. It's all out now. "You two should talk." Just in time the living room is filled with noise. They're here. Anxiety building up inside me, Colson is here and I don't know how to act. I heard the small giggles and that little voice of a child approaching. "Look who's hereeee..." Chase's blue orbs widened when he saw me. But I almost cry at the sight because Colson is carrying him. "Mumm..." Chase wiggled and Colson put him down. He ran towards me. "Baby......mommy missed you." I held Chase, embracing him in a tight hug while I gave him kisses. "Ash! Can you get Chase here first. Y/N and I, need to talk."
A shiver went down to my spine. This is it. And by the looks of it Colson is not happy, he keeps a neutral face except when he holds Chase. Ash went to here in the kitchen and took Chase. I gave her a reassuring smile and went back to the living room.
"In my room now." He didn't let me answer and immediately went to his room upstairs. I followed him. I got into his room and locked the door.
"Colson I'm so sorry I didn't tell you---" Colson turned to face me and his eyes is at it's darkest shade of blue.
"Take off your shirt now." My jaw dropped. I am confused, we are in a serious situation and he wants my shirt off? I followed his orders and take off my shirt exposing my bust in lacy bra. "I don't know what this is bu---" he didn't let me finish my sentence again. "Strip all your clothes." My eyes widened this time. "Colson what the fuck are you up to?!" Is he insane? "Are you going to do it? Or let me do the honor?" I gulp. He is serious. I strip all the remaining clothes leaving my underwears. Damn good thing I have everything lasered. "Do you know how frustrating all this is?" He moves forward. I move backward. I am so scared of him right now, excited at the same time I don't knkw if he's high or what. "Leaving without saying goodbye, showing up again after years and told me that we had a son." I keep moving backwards until I hit the wall, Colson trapping me with both arms. "You know how frustrating it is you left me hanging?" His fingers ran through my sides giving me shiver. He hooked one of his fingers to the strap of bra. He lowered his head on my ear. "You know how frustrating it is when I am fucking someone but it's your face I see." He whispered. I bit my lip from the sensation. "You are not getting away this time Y/N." He licks my ear and kisses my jaw reaching my lips. I respond to his kisses but Colson suddenly pulled away. What the fuck. "I don't forgive easily babe." He unbuckled his belt with one hand while the other was holding both of my wrist already. I was so drown in his charms that he already held my wrists.  He tied the belt around and held both of my hands up. "My rules." Colson dipped his head on my neck sucking it making sure it will leave marks after. I bit my lip hard, holding myself back not to let out a moan. "I am so angry that I want to fuck you so bad. So dirty." I clung both my arms to his neck initiating the kiss rubbing myself against him, being the fucktard he is he pulled away again. I can feel his boner poking to my stomach, that's it go hard for me asshole. "A-ah, what did I say? My rules. Now behave." Colson slammed me to the wall and kiss me hungrily, it wasn't gentle at all, seems like he's venting out all his anger. My lips will be swollen after this. I kissed him back with the same enthusiasm, it's my inner dominant self taking over. He grabs my ass lifting me and I gladly wrap my legs around his waist. "Bad huh. " He smacks my ass throwing me to his bed. "You're all talk Colson. Just fuck me." I don't know where my confidence came from but that made him smirk, grabbing my legs and pull me to the edge of the bed. I know I hit his ego and now he's more aggressive. I pulled him towards me, clinging on to his neck, kissing him passionately and less angry than earlier. He ripped my panties off and throw it god knows where the same aith my bra. "What the fuck! That was la perla!" He insert 2 of his finger making me gasp. "I can fucking buy you a hundred pair of those. Now moan." Biting my lip didn't help at all, I let out a slutty moan feeling his fingers inside me. "Damn look at that so wet for me." He trailed kisses from my thighs to my belly button adding speed to his pace. I rolled my eyes back from the sensation fuck his fingers feels good, I want them in all day. "God dammit you're mine." He kisses me again and lowering it to the valley of my breasts. "Did you feel like this when we did it Y/N?" He added another finger causing me to moan louder. "I----fuck it." He remove all his fingers. "Fuck give it to me Colson!" The bastard just smirked unbuttoning his pants and taking off his shirt. "Say it, or you won't getting this." He took off his pants leaving his ethika boxers, his XXX tattoo and boner peeking. I have the same tatto on my belly button. "Yes you fuck so good!" His eyes turned darker, taking off his boxers his dick sprang out in it's fullest hard form. My eyes glued to God's gift to women not believing it fit inside me years ago. "Give me a head sweetheart." I don't know but his words are like spells that makes me follow him. Colson moved forward, I grab his dick running my hands up ad down. I lick the tip of his dick which earned him a groan, falling his head back. I started to bob my head up and down, taking him all within my reach.  He grabs my hair guiding my head. "Fuck. You're doing good baby." Colson breaths heavily, he couldn't take it anymore he pulls me up and lay me down to bed placing himself above me. He kissed my head before kissing my lips feeling him entered me. I gasped. It was painful, it feels like giving birth. A tear rolled down my cheek but Colson was quick to kiss it away. "I got you baby." He let me adjust to his size before moving slowly. I moaned, not feeling pain but pleasure instead, making me scratch hard his back while my other hand grips his hair. Colson groaned speeding up his pace and my moans are getting louder. "Colson......oh my god. Don't stop." I arch my back and wrap my thighs around his waist tightly giving him more access. "Fuck Y/N you're so tight." Colson pulled out and I swear I wan't to cut his balls. He flip me off, now my ass is facing him. He entered me again without warning and it feels damn good in this position. I moaned out loud not giving a damn if somebody hears me. Colson gripped my waist tight continue slamming himself. We're both panting as our bodies slapped against each other, sweats dripping, and lust feeding us both. Colson knows what he's hitting and it made me see the heavens and galaxies. "Colson I'm c-cumming." I said through heavy breaths. He lowered himself and bit my earlobe. "Come for me baby." My walls clenched around him, tension building from my stomach until my orgasm hits. Colson didn't stop he speeds up instead and moments later he came, spilling his essence inside me. "Fuck." He lets out a groan while still inside me riding out his orgasm. We stayed in that position for a minute and laid beside me after. I moved and laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry." I pressed a soft kiss of his jaw before kissing him on the lips. "I love you." I jolted up from the bed covering myself with a blanket. He just blurted out those 3 words. "Shit. Don't freak out." He also got up from the bed but only on the edge. "Fuck Y/N! I fucking love you okay? Since the day we stole a weed from your dad." I couldn't help but cry. I straddled Colson's lap and kissed him hard. "You asshole." Colson kissed me again his hands on my waist. "Round 2?" The bastard grins wiggling his eyebrows. "I fucking love you asshole even though you're the worst."
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comicteaparty · 4 years
April 20th-April 26th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from April 20th, 2020 to April 26th, 2020.  The chat focused on Only In Your Dreams! by Tuyetnhi Pham.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Only In Your Dreams! by Tuyetnhi Pham~! (http://oiydcomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until April 26th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
5. I like how distinctive the character designs are! The mcs are both very unique and recognizable
8. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but it also explores some real neat concepts
the story is full of personality
the comic's not loading for me shakes fist at wifi, gonna try again tomorrow but i just wanted to say the look of the site is really cute!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Got the chance to read it So here are some of my thoughts: 1. I like the romantic atmosphere that the comic starts off with warm colours and it gives a vacation ad sensation? 2. My favourite moment is in the pink strange dream world, the colours contrast to the reality of Cara. 4. Fave moment: When that mystery guy shows up and he had corny lines like a romantic parody. It seem so fantastical. 5. I like the colour palette choice of brown tones, shades of pinks. 6. I think the theme is about expectations (it's not clear atm), how Cara is distancing from real relationships and prefer to indulge. 7: I like how the creator shows Cara looking scared of confronting things. It sets an interesting tone of uncertainty. Is she hiding something?(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'm super curious about the situation of Cara not remembering her past dreams with Richie, and how that ties into the theme.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
1. I like how I don’t know what to expect. I also like how the premise is relateable; the idea that you are scared of imperfection making you have high standards in life hit close. 2) Every single time we’re treated to....Tuyetnhi’s lovely use of expression. Also the end part of episode 2, because that’s when I realized it’s going to get dark. 3) A tie between Ana and Richie. Ana because she makes me laugh with her blunt assertions (which...aren’t wrong) and Richie because he’s so flamboyant and extra. I love how much personality they all have. 4) Hands down Richie and Cara. They have a really hilarious dynamic going on. 6) The idea that people seek perfection through their dreams instead of facing reality. Also I really liked how it tackles society’s fixation on everyone to find someone....maybe Cara doesn’t need that and needs to focus on herself first? 7) That I won’t know what to expect. I came into this thinking it was going to be a classic romcom, and then I get hit with implicit horror and trippyness. I have a feeling Tuyetnhi is hinting at some darker aspects of the story we have yet to see. 8) Good lord the expressions. They really do the story justice and make me turn the page every time. Also the colours are beautiful.(edited)
(Whoops sorry keiiii)
7) two moments actually!
The fact that their wide eyed sweaty expressions matched made me laugh really hard
And also Cara’s quick acceptance of the situation was so unexpected and hilarious I took a double take. Also props to the colour dissonance; that looks like meme material right there!
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yeah. I want to make it clear that Cara is like "This is really not my day." lol
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Well....you portrayed that sentiment perfectly
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Omg yes the wide eyed expressions were also making me laugh! Well that was an expression I didn't expect coming into the story(edited)
I was wondering if that was suppose to be serious or humorous?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
both LOL
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I see the horror you got going there Tuyetnhi Reminds me of...I dunno Jojo?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
well............ yes and no lol
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
But I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen
Although...if we’re going by the silhouette....is she scared of herself?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I like that sense of not knowing what's happening? :)(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
that will be coming up in Ch. 3 soon
so please wait till then thank u lol
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
So far it's tough to choose a fave character right now since I feel the story has just started its first segment. I would like to wait until more content is shown before I can make a firm choice? (I'm analytical, I like to go over OCs flaws and strengths once I know more about them)(edited)
I'm curious to learn about her ex crush, since we only get a glimpse of how Cara precieve him. But what is Dean really like? *Drum rolls(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
you got.... good questions
it will be rewarded.... later on LOL
mariah (rainy day dreams)
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? I really liked the colors and island vibe. And this was even before Animal Crossing came out and I started hardcore living that island life I just love a good, soft pink to purple gradient generally speaking so the opening of the story was like falling into a comfy brain pillow for me. 2-4 I'm just gonna answer these ones kind of all together because they thoughts on then are all kind of threaded together into one big thought. After having read through the archive I really liked the scene with Ana and Cara. When I first read it I was like "dang, she's giving Cara such a hard time," but after having read the scenes where Cara just refused to admit to Richie she doesn't know what's going on I really retroactively appreciated Ana's willingness to call Cara on her bullshit XD I think it's a really good foil trait to have for a protagonist who seems dead set on avoiding confrontation even though it seems like doing so is most likely just gonna come back to bite her later. I imagine we aren't going to see Ana for a while though unless Cara is able to use her Phone A Friend card in the dream realm XD I am also looking forward to seeing more of the Cara doppelganger and how she and Cara interact with each other going forward. That feels like an exciting and drama filled mystery
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? I also love the atmosphere. The color choices are just so beautiful. 2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)? Ana pointing out Cara's BS hahahaha. 3. Who is your favorite character? Definitely Ana. She's so down-to-earth from what I can tell, someone I'd want to be friends with. 4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most? Probably Ana and Cara. I like to see good friendships depicted, especially in a romance. 5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it! In general, everything is so soft and pretty. I also really appreciate the fact that all the characters have larger noses. If I had a favorite panel, it would be at the beginning, the sunset beach waves. 6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores? So far, I'm not sure about themes, but I like the talk about the pressure parents give to their children to get married. 7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content? There's a lot of mystery, so I'm looking forward to learning about Cara's dreams, Richie, and the key. 8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are? The visuals are really nice. I can't stop gushing about the color choices and the pretty atmosphere.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
The way Cronaj sums up their thoughts on OiYD, I'm agreeing with the statement on Ana and Cara! Esp friendship part
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'll answer the questions hopefully later this week, but this song reminded me of the comic!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4z5ecLCvSQ(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
@Deo101 [Millennium] damn that’s a good song
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
He's definitely hot and extra
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
My joke idea is that Cara is secretly in a reality show starring Richie and her and the bonds they play out is meant for a live broadcast. But she's clearly not agreeing to this(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh god. i don't think that's good for Cara's mental state lmao
Feather J. Fern
Also I have to say, I do love how the first cover is literally Cara being the meme of "Oh no he's hot"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Feather J. Fern
Also I finally started it, while a bit late, I have to relate to Cara being an accountant.
Also I think my favourite panel is "Welp that worked"
Also I have to appreciate picking a pink that doesn't grate on the eyes.
https://gyazo.com/71fe22ea6ac2ebf6b3d85531c66bf8ed Another really good panel
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I enjoyed making that one LOL
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
that face is one of my favourites not gonna lie
Feather J. Fern
I really like the surrealness of the story, can't wait to see what happens next
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
same! I feel like something is about to happen
I'm also wondering how Richie would react to the real world
like....the ex. And her parents.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Feather J. Fern
More like everyone reacting to Richie XD
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Yeah pretty much
Like can Richie handle the world?
More like
Can the world handle RICHIE
I like that the beginning really contrasts the dream and Cara's reality pretty quickly. I kind of feel it catches that feeling of coming out of a dream to face reality which kind of sucks, and also plays into the themes of dream vs. reality and expectation vs. reality. It's very easy to idealize things, whether as a route of escapism or just because it sounds appealing. But the reality of things generally is always different, and I like that we're seeing this full force in the comic through Cara's perspective. And the contrasts between the two really enhance those topics. My favorite moment in the comic so far is probably when Cara meets what I assume is Dean. Cause I really loved that both parties were kind of at fault, and I also liked how quickly that convo devolved into a grumpfest, because that felt very realistic. My favorite character right now is definitely Richie, because he is ridiculous and sympathetic at the same time. I adore his exaggerated personality, while at the same time feel sorry for him since for him the memories are clearly there and like...I would not want to be in the shoes of someone where the person they loved no longer remembered them. As for character interacting the most, Cara and Richie because that entire premise of one person remembering and the other not makes for a really tense and awkward situation. It's hard to tell where it's going to go. What I like about the art is the palettes of color chosen, since there's some beautiful scenery as well as fantastic contrasts when needed to make certain moments pop (like dream vs. reality).
As for the story content, what I actually like the most is that Cara is a flawed protagonist. I've read a lot of stories where the protagonist is always 100% right in the relationship and is just eternally the victim because society pressure. But Cara has a lot more going on, since she's clearly been at fault in some interactions, and while we can sympathize with people pressuring her into relationships, she also maybe takes it too far by being avoidant of basically every relationship. However, since she has these traits, I'm more invested into her personal dilemmas since she'll actually make mistakes when dealing with stuff. Which I think this is the overall strength of the comic. Cara is just a damn good protagonist who is easily likeable but isn't perfect and whose imperfections are not just brushed off so easily.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
;_; .... thank you.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I love the story so far! When I first started, I figured it would be some sort of awkward story where Richie comes into the real world and he has to figure out how to, like, act natural, and hilarity ensues. But holy cow, Cara losing her memories, and the slide into somewhat of a horror angle - it's not something I expected (though admittedly I could have read the synopsis lol), but it's definitely something I like!(edited)
Comic Tea Party
9. Do you think the people around Cara were right to try and pressure her into a relationship? Overall, what do you think the comic has to say about relationships and the themes regarding relationship pressure?
10. Is what Cara experiencing dream or reality, and where is the line between them in this case? Additionally, why do you think her dreams have the potential to become reality as opposed to other people? Also, what is the overall message underlying these themes?
11. Is Richie really just a dream Cara dreamt up, or is there something more to him? If he somehow makes it to Cara’s world, do you think he’ll be able to adjust to that reality? Also, can he win Cara over?
12. What do you think the Cara imposter is about, and what does this have to do with the entire situation? Do you think Cara will eventually remember her dreams? Lastly, what do you think Cara has in store for her as the story continues?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
9. I personally don’t think it was great of the people in Cara’s life to pressure her like that. Sure, they mean well, but it’s most likely bringing Cara’s self esteem down by a lot. I have a feeling that her dreams/reality colliding together is partially motivated by that; the pressure of pleasing society has made her....subconsciously take drastic measures?
10. I’m actually not sure! Maybe there’s a supernatural explanation to it, or it could all just be a dream. Dreams have a way of showing a person’s innermost desires or fears, so maybe Cara’s desires and fears are coming alive in response to external stress factors. So perhaps she opened a portal of sorts between the realms in some way (there’s a key!!!!).
11. Oh I’m thinking they might end up together. But the realist inside me thinks...perhaps what Cara needs isn’t romantic love, but more independent love and being able to love herself. What DOES worry me, however, is the fact that Richie seems...a bit desperate for Cara to like him. Is there a condition to his love after all? If so, that means that it’s possible he’s forced in some way to love her or make her love him. And that’s not really conducive to romance, is it?
12. Ah...the thing that makes me mystified the most. Cara seems to have a negative view of herself, since she told her to get out in the end of chapter two. However, Cara #2 seems to be pretty helpful; knocking on the door to tell her to get out of the house (which Richie has her in), so in a way letting her out. While our Cara seems to dislike her a lot, I think the key to the story would be our Cara needing to accept this double Cara to be really free. Maybe she will, maybe she won’t! But from what I can see from the story and like I’ve said earlier...maybe Cara needs to be able to find love within herself. Love for that Cara double, and enough love to become independent and not bend to society’s overwhelming pressure for outside romance. I hope she finds that as the story comes along, and know that it’s okay to not be ready for love.
As for Richie...hmm. He’s dealing with an amnesiac heroine, and adjusting to the real world. I’m sure it’s going to lead to some hilarious hijinks, but hopefully he can manage! He seems up to the task
I think whether people were right to pressure Cara is a tricky gray area. On the one hand, no, they were wrong. Nobody should be forced into a relationship. But on the other hand, if you know a person is actively self-sabotaging, isn't it more correct to speak up? So to me this is maybe a situation of good intentions with bad execution. However, I do think overall the comic does say pressuring people into relationships sucks and plz don't do that cause that's how you make ppl run further away. I think it's both, because a dream is reality in a sense. I think many of us have had dreams that caused real emotional affects, whether negative or positive. So the line between them is merely the fact effects are limited. Cara have may have just found a way to cross that line and make a dream a tangible thing that has more consequences. As for why her dreams, I don't know. Maybe she's just super good at dreaming. I do think as the overall message though is that dreams are good but not when we get lost in them, because then we idealize and reject "reality" in ways that aren't healthy. I do think Richie is primarily something Cara dreamt up, but kind of not maybe. Like sure maybe Cara is idea creator, but something else was involved in making the physical reality of that idea. As for Richie adjusting to Cara's world, I'm sure it will be laughably hilarious. I do think he can sort of win Cara over, at least in the sense of being friends. Cause how can you hate Richie? I'm taking a shot in the dark and saying Cara imposter is the embodiment of Cara's missing memories but since they're just memories, all they can do is imitate. As for Cara remembering, I feel like it will be yes but I kind of want it to be no. I like the idea of them having to reform a relationship entire from scratch.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Oo good impressions! I wish I have more to say but it would affect the story LOL. Enjoyed reading everyone's theories tho!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Ok my turn, let's see what my head theories are: 9: I felt the same annoyance as Cara but it's a mixed feeling, Even though, people shouldn't pressure a lady on her love life, she also has a problem with being in relationships. Or I remember one quote from the story was how she 'ditched her dates by rushing to the bathroom.' although I don't know her circumstance, I do know she has issues to settle too. Relationship pressure is real, especially as a young person grows older. 10. From the comic visuals, it feels much like it's her escapism dream. The only clue I got, is that her holding a literal 'key' connecting both worlds, is evidence that both world could collide. So far, we haven't seen other people's dreams, or whether this is an unusual occurrence in the world? It seems to be a message about idealistic relationships. Since Cara seem to turn away real ones, it manifested? 11. I'm curious about Richie's character too. He seems like a powerful imagination, enough to sway the lead, so he's more than a simple figment. I wonder if his submissive, flirtatious (?) personality was build in him. He doesn't seem to have a 'life' outside his dream house, or so far. 12. I'm not sure whether the 'Other Cara' might be trying to help her or is that.. actually a shadow side? I don't want to say too much, but it's interesting to see where the story goes.(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh! You make a good point about Richie; I never thought about that! Do you think maybe he's simply a part of Cara and eventually gains his own sentience/personality?
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Hehe I like analyzing dreams :3 In dream theory, I feel he could be? I was more skeptical whether he should be treated as a real character or something else.(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
man this does make me want to look up dream psychology
i have a feeling...Tuyetnhi is using some theories from that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Hmmmm dream psychology you say?
I guess you can say there's some elements of that, but it's not a major chunk of it if that makes sense lol
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
13. Maintaining the will power to finish OIYD! so I can see it as its end lmao. As a passion project but also something that I want to invest in when I have the time, I hope ya'll looking forward in reading Ch. 3 very soon lol.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
13. I really want to see how both Cara and Richie will develop as characters. Whether Cara will figure out for herself what being both independent means....and whether she does want a relationship for herself and not for other people. Likewise with Richie, I want to see if he'll be able to be his own person...and whether he's real or not. I have a lot of questions that I want to be answered, and I can't wait to keep reading.
14. Tuyetnhi, good luck on the webcomic. It's hard to start one and even harder to pull off a good one, and I know yours is a good one. I really look forward to reading more from you. You're amazing (edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
thank you
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
13. I'm interested in learning more about Cara's conflicts, why she is hesitant about having a real relationship vs her dream one? I love the unexpected dark twist that the story seems to be going. 14. I want to say, no pressure and take your time to complete the chapter. Just know you have my support and willing to read when it is ready. Good luck
I'm looking forward to more Richie being Richie. Because he is an adorable person. And also because I'm waiting for some 'reality' culture shock. My final words are that this comic has a strong themes game going on and an intriguing premise, so it'll be fun to see where the comic is in a few more chapters since I'm pretty sure we're in for a wild ride.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Only In Your Dreams! this week! Please also give a special thank you to Tuyetnhi Pham for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Only In Your Dreams!, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://oiydcomic.com/
Tuyetnhi’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/oiydcomic
Tuyetnhi’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/tuyetnhip
Tuyetnhi’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/tuyetnhip
6 notes · View notes
atc74 · 5 years
Breaking The Law
Squares Filled:  Cop AU for @spnaubingo / Neighbors for @spnkinkbingo / Thunderstorm for @spngenrebingo / Accidental Cuddling for @spnfluffbingo / First Kiss for BTZ Bingo 
Warnings: Where do I start? Baking, Dean in uniform, incredibly horrible, daringly hilarious and completely inappropriate pick up lines, masturbation, dirty talk, use of a sex toy, use of handcuffs as restraints during sex, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, consensual role play, intentional law breaking.  Crack, fluff, smut - what a package!
Summary: Y/N always bakes a pie for new folks when they move in to her quiet little Topeka neighborhood. When Dean Winchester moves in next door, she is in for a surprise. Her new, insanely hot neighbor is not what he appears and she formulates a plan to get what she wants. 
Pairing: Cop!Dean x Reader
Word Count: 6333
Written for: @spngenrebingo @spnfluffbingo @spnkinkbingo @spnaubingo BTZ Bingo and @luci-in-trenchcoats who, over the course of a couple weeks said this: Hm, like obnoxiously fluffy lol. Maybe Dean meets the reader as a new neighbor or something and he doesn’t get a chance to say what he does for a living so she thinks he’s just this really nice guy always doing cute things around his house and with his family and then she finds out somehow he is one and is surprised because she thinks of him as super sweet Dean? Or you know, smutty cop Dean is always a safe bet too lol. Can’t go wrong with that. Dirty talk? Like because he’s so sweet that too is a bit of a shock.Maybe edging too? And then he’s as sweet as can be afterwards again? Michelle, I started writing and this is what came to me. I hope you love it! Even if it isn’t exactly what you asked for, I still think it’s pretty damn good! Thank you so much for the graphic! How you made this only knowing what squares I was filling boggles my mind!
Beta’d by: @hannahindie​, my support beam and enabler, who had this to say: ‘Hahahaha yes. And yes...I am howling...Oh good lord almighty I’m gonna die...I think I blacked out.’ Han, thank you!
A/N: So when I got this request, I set out on a mission and google’d my little heart out. This is not the smuttiest, but it is definitely the funniest thing I have ever written. Enjoy!
Want Dean’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker​ 
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Ringing the doorbell, Y/N stood on the front porch of her new neighbor’s house. It was a sultry evening and with the fresh baked pie in her hands, still warm from the oven, she was starting to sweat. “Dammit, just answer the damn door already!” She cursed under her breath just as the door swung open, a cool breeze hitting her in the face.
“Oh Christ that feels good!” Y/N exclaimed, pushing the pie into his hands as she walked through his front door, lifting the hair off her neck and fanning herself. Only slightly cooler than when he opened the door, she turned to him. “Welcome to the neighborhood!”
“Thank you?” He replied, looking at her with a confused look on his face. That is when she finally got a good look at him in person and not through the dusty windows in her kitchen.
“Damn! You’re a handsome one aren’t you?” she whistled, giving him a once over. “Sorry! Where are my manners! I’m Y/N Y/L/N, your neighbor.”
He shifted the pie to one hand and held his right out to her. “Dean Winchester. Nice to meet you, Y/N. Did you make me a pie?” He looked down to the glass dish in his hands.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Romeo. I’m a baker. It’s what I do. I bake the best pies in the county. I always bake a pie for someone when they move into the neighborhood,” she rolled her eyes and walked further into the house, without even a glance back at him. “Looks nicer than when Mr. McGregor lived here.”
“Well, from what I heard from my realtor, Mr. McGregor was ninety, a bit senile and a hoarder,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, but he liked my pie,” she smiled, remembering the sweet old man that had passed a few months earlier.
“Oh I bet he did,” Dean muttered, not taking his eyes off her ass as she walked toward the kitchen. Not that he minded a beautiful woman in his house, but this was a bit odd. He followed her, placing the pie on the counter.
“What did you say?” she turned around to face him.
“I said, I bet he did. This smells delicious! Apple?” He changed the subject and bent down to get a good whiff of the spicy goodness he couldn't wait to dig into.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought you said!” She laughed. “Well, I am sorry for barging in here like that on your first day in the new place. It was just getting so damn hot out there and with the warm pie, I was sweating like a whore in church! I better get out of your hair and let you settle in.”
He burst out laughing. “Oh my god! I haven’t heard that in forever!”
“Things old folks say, right?” She giggled, a hand over her mouth. “Anyway, nice meeting you Dean. I’m just that way if you need anything.” She pointed to her house and made her way for the front door.
“Thank you for the pie, Y/N. I’ll get the plate back to you tomorrow,” Dean walked her to the door.
“No hurry, just bring it back when you’re done. It should keep for the week just fine if you refrigerate it,” she informed him.
“Oh that won’t be necessary because it won’t last long. Pie is my favorite thing and I will probably have it finished by lunch tomorrow,” he told her.
“Well, then. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, Romeo,” she winked and walked out his front door.
“Holy hell! That’s the hottest guy I have ever met!” She shut her front door, leaning against the cool surface. “I’d only kick him out of bed to fuck him on the floor!”
“Fuck! She is the hottest chick ever,” Dean mumbled as he grabbed a fork and dug into the pie she made. “And she can bake pie? I gotta get me some of that.”
The next day, Y/N was busy baking away in her kitchen and trying to keep cool from the sweltering heat. Turning her trusty fan up a notch, she heard a knock on the door. As she approached the front, she could see a very tall, very built silhouette on her front porch.  She turned the knob and opened the front door to a very sweaty Dean Winchester, her unfairly hot new neighbor. She stood there for a moment, checking him out.
“Do you work for UPS? Because I am pretty sure I just caught you checking out my package,” he asked, his deep voice rumbling through her body like an earthquake.
“Are you a sprinkler? Because you’re making me all wet,” she murmured in response, not even caring that Dean caught her checking him out and and damn did she like what she saw. “Well come in already! It’s fucking hot enough without you standing there, letting all the cool out!”
Dean’s jaw dropped an inch or two and he didn’t try to hide the fact that he was giving her the twice over. He had never met a girl so bold before and it made him bolder in return.
“Your pie was fucking delicious. I could eat that shit all night long,” he admitted, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes darting from her eyes to her mouth to her tits and back to her mouth.
“Oh yeah? What’s your favorite flavor Romeo?” she cooed, turning her back to him and slinking back to her kitchen.
“Whatever’s on the menu, Sweetheart,” Dean got a good long look at her ass as she opened the oven and removed the two freshly baked pies.
“Do you have a shovel? ’Cause I’m digging that ass!” He gave a hum of appreciation and continued to stare are her.
“Pretty awful pick up lines we got, huh?” she laughed.
“Yeah, they’re not the greatest, but it’s a good time!” He agreed.
She grabbed two beers out of her fridge and handed one to him. “So Dean, tell me a bit about yourself.”
“Uhh, I’m gainfully employed. I’ve got a brother, Sammy. He is an attorney in KC. My mom still lives in Lawrence in the house we grew up in. I have dinner with her every Sunday. My dad, uh, he died a few years ago,” Dean took a long pull off his beer.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” she smiled warmly, laying her hand on his arm.
“You know, he lived a good life. He loved us and he was proud of us. That’s all I need,” Dean shrugged. “But, you...you’re a baker. Like is that your career?” His deep green eyes lit up.
“No, not officially, not yet. Right now, I just bake as a hobby and I do some small time catering,” she replied. “I am saving up to open my own place. I have a responsible, adult job with medical coverage and a ton of vacation. I am kinda liking my gig right now.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I have held the same job for fifteen years and I love it. I get paid well to do what I love and the time off isn’t bad. I am dreading going back to work in a few days though,” he sighed, finishing the beer. “Thanks for the beer, Y/N. What time can I expect that pie delivery?”
“Oh, you think I deliver free of charge more than once?” she winked.
“I already told you I get paid well,” he winked back. His pink tongue darted out, licking his lips.
“You know, we could always just skip the niceties, go upstairs to my bed and do all the things I’m going to tell my girlfriends we did anyways,” she stepped closer to him, keeping her eyes locked on his.
He chuckled.
“What’s so funny, Romeo?” She was so close to him now, she could the heat radiating off him.
“Oh nothing. I was going to tell you a joke about my dick, but it’s too long,” he quipped. “Have a nice day, Y/N.” He turned and was out her front door before she could even respond.
It’s not that Y/N had never met a man as attractive as Dean before. It was that she had never met a man that attractive with a job and a sense of humor. He had values. He cared about his family. He had dinner with his mom every week and she could tell the way he talked about his brother that he loved him and was proud of him. So yeah, she had never met a man as attractive as Dean, and it wasn’t all about the looks.
She did not deliver a pie that evening. She stared at it on her kitchen island. Well, when she wasn’t staring at Dean. He was bent over the front of his car, his ass on full display, tinkering with something under the hood. She literally could stare at that ass for hours. And she mostly did, until it started getting dark. Then it just felt creepy watching him with the lights off. So she slipped on a pair of flip flops, grabbed the god damned pie and stomped over to his house.
He was still playing with that car when she reached his driveway. The muscles in his back flexing under the thin, damp cotton shirt. The flood lights illuminating every curve and dip as he worked. She admired his back side, before she made her presence known. “Are you butt dialing me right now Winchester? ‘Cause I swear that ass is calling me.”
He jerked upright so fast, he hit his head on the underside of the hood. “Son of bitch!”
“Oh my god, Dean! I am so sorry!” she placed the pie on the steps of his porch before rushing to his side. “Just let me take a look.”
“No! It’s fine!” he protested, still holding the back of his head.
“I’m sorry,” she repeated. “I brought a peace offering...pecan?” She pointed to the pie on the stairs.
“Did you say pecan?” He asked.
“I did say pecan,” she replied.
“Damn sweetheart, that’s one of my favorites,” he winked and turned to grab the pie. “I like a woman that can bake. You know what else I like in a woman? My dick. Come on in.”
“Ha! As much fun as that sounds, I’ve already got plans,” she turned to leave. “Enjoy my pie, Dean and remember my name. You’ll be screaming it later.” She licked her lips and sauntered back to her front door, swinging her hips more than necessary.
Y/N lied about her plans for the evening, but Dean didn’t need to know what she was really doing. As hot as it was outside and as hot as Dean was making her on the inside, she hurried up to her room and stripped out of her sweaty clothes. She turned the ceiling fan on high, and pulled out her favorite toy.
Armed with only silicone, batteries, and the image of Dean, sweaty and covered in grease, stuck in her head, she played out her fantasies of him until she was too weak to move. Buck naked, she rolled over and slept peacefully for the first time since this heat wave hit.
Dean sat under the shower head, the cool water spraying over his tired muscles. He couldn’t get Y/N out of his mind. The way she unapologetically gives as good as she gets. That was the thing on his mind...giving it to her, hard and fast. His hand wandered to his dick. It was twitching at the mere thought of her. He gave it a squeeze, but knew it wouldn’t help. Dean stroked himself to full hardness, picturing Y/N. If he didn’t feel so relieved by his release, he would be embarrassed by how fast he came, like a fucking teenager. She was right about two things now. Her pie was out of this world and he came screaming her name.
She stayed away for a couple days to give her mind and hormones a rest, but she still couldn’t get Dean out of her mind. She caught glimpses of him every now then, but did her best to stay put, enjoying the last few days of her vacation.
She stepped outside one morning, the air cooler than it had been in more than a week. She decided it would be a good day to walk to the market and gather the supplies she needed for the large birthday party she was catering in a few days.
With her wagon full of fresh ingredients, she walked down the street toward home. She felt better since the weather had cooled down some and was looking forward to getting her baking done. She whistled as she approached the corner, waving to the mailman when she noticed a squad car parked in Dean’s driveway. His car wasn’t there, but she should’ve seen it coming. She knew he was too good to be true. She cursed herself for letting herself think the best of him. She put her head down and walked right on past to her own drive.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait up!” A familiar, deep voice called out to her.
She whipped her head up and saw Dean rushing toward her, a pie plate in his hands. He was wearing a Topeka Police Department uniform, complete with the utility belt holding a gun, taser, baton, and handcuffs.
“Sweetheart, you’re gonna catch flies if you keep that pretty mouth open any longer,” he laughed.
“You know, that uniform looks great on you,” she composed herself and licked her lips. “It would look even better on my bedroom floor.”
“Wow, I - uh…” Dean stammered, rubbing his free hand over the back of his neck nervously.
“Speechless, Winchester? I’m surprised,” she smiled coyly.
“Oh no, not at all. I just wanted to thank you for the pie. It was incredible. And when you decide to open that bakery, let me know if you want to add ‘impeccable gag reflex’ to your resume,” Dean smirked, handing her the pie plate and walking home.
She stood and watched as he opened the door and slid back into his cruiser. He gave her a wave and sped off down the street in the opposite direction. “I thought he was a mechanic!”
Y/N spent the entire afternoon baking, icing and baking some more. She had cakes, cupcakes, and cake pops. Her first floor looked like a birthday party vomited everywhere, but she didn't care. She was formulating a plan. Now, she just needed to put it into action.
She waited until she heard Dean’s car pull into his driveway. She had showered the icing out of her hair and even put on a little makeup and painted her toenails. She dressed in her shortest cutoffs and a tight tank top and slipped on a pair of heeled sandals. She placed a few mini pies on a platter and gracefully walked over to Dean’s front door.
Without knocking, she opened the door wide and slammed it shut behind her. She counted to five, but only made it to three before Dean ran down the stairs in nothing but black socks and matching black boxers, his gun drawn. “What the hell are you doing, Y/N? I could have shot you! You don’t just walk into someone’s house like that! Especially a house that belongs to a cop!”
“Oh hi Dean!” She chirped. “I just wanted to bring you some pies. I’m sorry. Am I trespassing?” She bit her bottom lip and popped one hip out.
“What?” he answered perplexed.
“I’m sorry? Are you questioning the pies or trespassing?” She walked into his kitchen and dropped the platter on the table.
“Pies or trespassing? Are you drunk?” Dean took the last few steps, coming to a stop at the door as she walked past him, putting her hand on the knob.
“Oops! Sorry,” she giggled and walked out.
Dean locked the door and leaned against it, letting his head hang down. That is when he noticed for the first time that he was just in his socks and underwear. And sporting a tent in his boxers. “What’s a nice girl like her doing in a dirty mind like mine?”
The next day, Dean went home for lunch to find Y/N laying out in her front yard. She was wearing a skimpy kelly green bikini and...was she spitting? He took a few steps to the edge of his lawn. Sure enough she was spitting on the sidewalk. What the hell? He shook his head and walked back home. He let himself in, remembering to lock the door this time, although he was sure he wouldn’t mind her trespassing wearing just those two slips of spandex she called a bathing suit.
Later that evening, Dean was sitting on his sofa, a beer in one hand and the remote in the other. He was watching the last inning of the Royals game against the Twins. He heard what sounded like singing coming from the street. He put the beer down and moved to his front window. Pulling the curtain back a little, he opened the window to listen, and watched for a couple minutes trying to figure out what the hell she was doing.
Y/N was riding a bicycle in those too short shorts and flip flops. She was singing the Alphabet Song. Now, Dean couldn’t deny she was the hottest thing he had seen in his entire life, but he was beginning to think she just might be bat shit crazy. He made a mental note to run a background on her before his shift the next day.
Dean woke earlier than normal the next day, showered and dressed and was out the door in record time. He sat down at his desk and pulled her report. There was nothing. She was clean, like squeaky clean. She didn’t even have a speeding ticket on her record. He just sat there and shook his head, not knowing what he was going to do about the hot and crazy neighbor chick. He wanted nothing more than to fuck her sane.
Each night for a week solid, Y/N rode her bike, or walked, up and down the block singing that damn children’s song. He decided then and there if he ever had kids, they were learning their ABC’s some other way because if he heard that fucking song one more time he was sure he just might shoot her.
He avoided her for the next week or two. He still saw her out in her yard. She would sing some nights and was still oddly spitting on the sidewalk. He missed their dirty banter and her pie. Maybe he should try to talk to her. Maybe she just needed a friend.
Dean walked over to her house with a six pack of beer. He stood on her front porch waiting for her to answer and just as he was about to go back home, the door opened. She greeted him warmly.
“Hey Dean, come on in,” she swung the door open so he could follow her.
“What is that smell? It smells like heaven!” Dean breathed deeply through his nose and closed his eyes.
“That is an order for Saturday. I am catering a police retirement party,” she commented, waving her hand over the dozens of baked goods in her kitchen.
“You’re the lady Bobby and Ellen have been raving about?” Dean marveled.
“I make more than just pie, Dean!” She told him, throwing a pinch of flour in his direction.
“Hey! Be nice,” Dean ducked, avoiding the mess. He grabbed a beer and handed her one. “So, do you usually socialize when you go to these parties?”
“No, they’re my clients, not my friends. Well, except for Bobby and Ellen. I worked with Ellen years ago and she was what I needed when my mother died. They’re like family,” she shrugged, cracking a few eggs into the bowl.
“Well, since you put it that way, would you like to come with me?” Dean asked. “I’ll be there, too. Bobby’s been like a father to me and my mentor since I was in the Academy.”
“Dean, I’m already going, besides, I will have work to do. I don’t just get to hang out all night like you do,” she replied, whisking the cake batter.
“Well, what if I help? That way, you have less to do and more time to spend with your extended family?” Dean offered. “And me.”
“We’ll see, Winchester. Now, if you’re not helping, you’re just in the way!” She poured the batter into a waiting pan and popped it in the oven.
“I’ll just be in your way,” Dean made a move to leave, but stopped. “I’ll see you Saturday, Y/N.” He gave her a wink and showed himself out.
“Hey Bobby!” Dean called out to the retiring chief. “I didn’t know you knew my neighbor, Y/N.”
“Oh yeah. She and the wife go way back,” Bobby commented, taking a sip of his coffee. “Don’t even think it boy. I’ll whoop you.”
“I can’t deny I feel something for her, Chief. But I think she might be a little ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’, if you know what I mean,” Dean relayed, his finger turning circles at his temple.
“She ain’t crazy boy, unless she’s into you,” Bobby chuckled. “She’s a sweet girl with a good head on her shoulders and is close to opening her own bakery.”
“Bobby! She rides up and down the block on her bicycle, singing the fucking ABC’s! She spits on the sidewalk for fuck sake! You know who does that? Crazy people!” Dean was shouting now.
“Oh boy, she got it bad. I gotta go call the wife,” Bobby walked away.
“What are you talking about, Chief?” Dean stepped in front of him, blocking his path back to his office.
“You ever looked up old laws that just never got gone?” Bobby asked him pointedly and Dean shook his head. “Just look ‘em up. Don’t be late to my party and remember I like Johnny Walker Blue.”
Dean was driving home from the retirement party behind Y/N’s delivery van. He kept replaying the night in his head. He also kept thinking about what he had found out the other day. Y/N wasn’t crazy, she was trying to tell him something. Now he just needed to get her to admit it.
He pulled into his driveway and hopped out of his car. “I’m gonna change quick, then I’ll help you bring in the rest, okay?” He called out to Y/N as she opened the back of her van.
“No problem. I’ll leave the door open, just let yourself in,” she called back, carrying a few trays in the house with her. A crack of thunder sounded above her and she rushed for the door. If she hurried, she could get them in before the storm started.
Dean quickly took off his jeans and button down and changed his clothes. He gave his teeth a good brush, then walked back out his front door, locking up behind him. Lightning had joined the thunder and the sky lit up as he made his way to Y/N’s front door.
He stepped up onto the porch and pounded loudly on the door. “Miss Y/L/N!”
“Dean, I told you to let yourself in!” she reminded him as she opened the door. Her jaw hit the floor as she took in his change of attire. “Wha-what are you doing, Dean?”
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“Well, Miss Y/L/N, we’ve been getting complaints in recent weeks and decided it was time to look into it before it became a big problem,” Dean stood with his hands on his belt and his voice carried an air of authority. The sky opened up and the rain pelted down.
Y/N involuntary pressed her legs together. She could already feel the wetness in her panties just from looking at him. “I’m sorry, Officer…”
“Winchester, ma’am,” Dean nodded, not breaking character.
“I’m sorry, Officer Winchester. What complaints are you talking about?” She asked, batting her eyelashes. This was it, she thought.
“One of your neighbors said you’ve been spitting on the sidewalk. And not only is it unfitting of a lady like yourself, it’s also against the law, Miss,” Dean took a step forward, breaching the threshold.
“I’m so sorry, Officer,” she cooed, looking up at him. Even as he took another step closer, she didn’t back up like he expected.
“You’ve also been singing the Alphabet Song at night,” Dean added to her list of complaints.
“I love to sing, Officer Winchester,” she smiled. “I didn’t know singing was against the law.”
“And you entered the home of a law enforcement officer without proper permission. Miss Y/L/N, that is trespassing,” Dean took one more step, closing the gap between them. His uniformed figure just inches from her. She ran her eyes up and down.
“But we’re neighbors, Officer Winchester,” she looked back up at him. “And I brought him pie. He likes my pie.”
“That’s not the point, Miss Y/L/N. You’ve been carrying on with illegal activities for days and I’m here to put an end to it,” Dean reached behind his back for his cuffs. “Unless we can come to some kind of arrangement…”
“Oh Officer Winchester, what kind of arrangement?” Y/N queried, her voice breathy as her lips parted. “I have pie.”
“Oh Miss Y/L/N, I’m not sure pie will be enough to get you out of this predicament,” Dean grabbed her wrist and unfolded the cuffs. He pressed the cold metal to her heated skin.
“If you show me what I can do to get out of this, I promise I’ll learn my lesson, Officer Winchester,” she panted, holding her wrists out for him. “Surely a big strong man like yourself can show me.”
“Oh, I can show you alright, Miss Y/L/N,” Dean slapped the cuffs on one wrist, then the other and led her through the house back to her kitchen. “This looks like it’ll do.”
Dean pushed her forward over the island, her cuffed wrists in front of her. He pressed into her back as he leaned over her. “You ready for your lesson, Miss Y/L/N?” He breath was hot and heavy in her ear.
“Yes!” She shouted. “Officer Winchester, is that a weapon in your pants?”
“Oh sweetheart, I am armed and dangerous,” he growled. He let go of her and walked around the front of the island. It was narrow enough that her hands her hanging over the edge. He uncuffed one of her wrists, wrapped the cuff around the silver handle and recuffed her.
“Oh my god, Dean,” she moaned as a gush of wetness left her throbbing pussy.
“That’s Officer Winchester, Miss Y/L/N,” he corrected her as he walked around the other side of the island, coming to a stop behind her. He undid his utility belt, letting it crash loudly to the floor due to its weight.
She heard the rustling of fabric and the metal of his zipper and swore her pussy was leaking like a sieve. She felt two strong hands on her back as they trailed down her spine and across the swell of her ass up in the air. The touching didn’t stop there. His hands moved over her cheeks and down her thighs until he reached the bottom of her skirt.
A cool breeze blew across the backs of her legs as Dean pulled up the back of her skirt. He whistled low as he admired her backside.
“Christ sweetheart! This all for me? You’re so wet, it’s dripping through your panties,” Dean breathed out heavily. She felt his breath against her thighs and spread them for him as much as she could in her position.
“I do love a man in uniform Officer Winchester. It just turns me on so much, I could come just from you talking to me and wearing that,” she panted, looking at him over her shoulder.
“Fuck,” he whispered. His fingers hooked into the sides of her panties, pulling them down and over the cute little boots she had on. “I can smell you. You smell just as good as those pies you’ve been making me. Now I want to taste your pie.”
Her moans increased as he buried his face in her wanting pussy from behind. At the first drag of his tongue against her sodden hole, she screamed out in pleasure. “Dean!”
“Sweetheart, do you know why they call me the cat whisperer? ‘Cause I know just what your pussy needs,” he licked, his tongue breaching her and sending her into her first orgasm. “Wow. That’s impressive.”
“I told you,” she mumbled against her arm. Her legs were trembling already and he had barely touched her.
“Well, I better try harder,” Dean announced. He walked back around and uncuffed her. He flipped her over and lifted her onto the counter. “Such a beautiful fucking pussy and I’m gonna wreck it.”
His tongue darted out over her outer lips as he slipped two fingers inside her easily. She was tight, but so wet and dripping for him. He pumped gently at first, exploring her both inside and out. Her moans were louder as he flicked her clit from his left and her hips bucked off the counter as he did it over and over. As he circled her swollen nub, he finally reached that sweet spot inside her with his fingers and within no time at all, she was coming again.
“Fuck, Dean! Oh my God!” she cried.
“Fuck me,” Dean panted, his cock hard in his pants.
“Upstairs, now!” Y/N sat up, her pussy dripping all over her counter and down her thighs.
Dean picked her up in one move and took the stairs two at a time.
“Last door on the left,” she pointed and he opened the door. He set her down gently on the bed then stripped out of his pants.
“God, I wanna fuck you so bad,” Dean confessed, his eyes never leaving hers as she slipped off her boots and skirt, wearing only a sleeveless blouse.
“Oh Officer Winchester, you have got a dirty mouth on you,” she tsked, running her hands up her body, stopping to play with her breasts.
“Miss Y/L/N, I’m afraid I do,” Dean agreed. He moved toward her. She opened her legs invitingly as he reached the edge of the bed. “I’m still new here, and I’m not stopping until your legs are shaking and all the neighbors know my name.”
“Dean, I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” she breathed.
“I’m going to make you feel so good,” Dean promised, as he removed his pants. She reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt.
“You already have. Please let me,” she reached for his boxers and slipped her slender fingers in the waistband,
“I can’t wait, Y/N. I’ve been dying to get inside that pussy for weeks. Please, there’ll be time for that later,” Dean was on his knees, shrugging out of his uniform shirt.
Y/N pulled her blouse over her head, revealing her lace and satin covered breasts to him. He swallowed loudly and got up off his knees. He picked her up under her arms and moved her to the top of the bed, before settling over top of her, bracing himself on his elbows.
Their eyes met and he crashed his lips to hers. The kiss was soft, but wanting. Dean’s lips were softer than she expected, but firm as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. Her mouth parted and she slipped between his lips, her tongue seeking his. “Dean.”
“Y/N, you have no idea what you do to me, do you?” Dean murmured, his lips trailing across her jawline.
“I have an idea. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that first night. And then there was all the flirting and fuck, I’ve never wanted someone so badly in my life,” she panted between the kisses he bestowed on her. His lips moved further down her neck.
“You make me so hard.”
“I’m so wet for you Dean.”
“Oh Christ.”
Dean’s lips wandered over her collarbone, stopping at the swell of her breast. He reached behind her with one hand and flicked open the clasp. His lips moved to her shoulder, slipping the strap down slowly as he edged on the thunderstorm brewing inside of her. He moved to the other side, mimicking his movements until she was bared to him.
“You’re ravishing,” Dean professed, his eyes roaming her bare body laid out before him.
“Dean, baby, fuck me, please,” she pleaded with him. Her hands moved to his boxers, slipping them down over his hips. She used her feet to remove them, until he too, was bare.
“Yes, God yes,” Dean moved back over her, one hand guiding his cock toward her entrance, but stopped. “Fuck! Condom? I didn’t bring my wallet. I’m sorry.”
“Dresser, top drawer,” she heaved, so close to where she wanted him.
Dean bolted from the bed, ripping open the top drawer of her dresser. It took him no time at all to find what he was looking for and he tore open the package, rolling the rubber over his dick. He was back in her bed and where he really wanted to be.
“You ready for me sweetheart?” Dean looked into her eyes and she nodded. He held her gaze as he slowly pushed inside her wanting hole. “God, you’re so fucking tight!”
She moaned as he finally bottomed out inside of her. “I love the way you fill me up, Dean. Like my pussy was made for you.”
Dean pulled out and pushed back in faster and faster with each pass, growling with intensity. “I’m gonna make this pussy mine.”
“It’s yours Dean, take it!” she sobbed as the storm raged on inside her. With the two orgasms he had already given her, she knew it wouldn’t take her long to reach that edge again.
“Fuck, Y/N! You feel so good,” Dean grunted, his pace increasing as he pounded into her. “Gonna wreck this perfect pussy.”
“Oh my god Dean! I-I’m gonna come. Ohhhhhhhhhh!” her pretty little mouth froze in a perfect o shape, the scream forced out of her under Dean’s thrusts.
“I’m right there, God you feel so good,” Dean groaned as he pulled her leg up to change the angle. He carried her through her release, her walls clenching around him as he found his own. He gave one final pump, stiffening and stilling inside her as he filled the condom. “Fuck.”
After they had given themselves a few moments of rest, Dean rose from the bed, and returned with a warm towel. He cleaned them both up, then crawled into the bed next to her. They were both laying on their backs, staring up at the ceiling.
“I was wondering how long it would take you. How long I would have to sing that stupid fucking song,” she turned her head to look at him.
“It took me a while to figure it out. It was actually Bobby that clued me in. I just thought you were all ‘Girl Interrupted,’ Dean admitted.
“I don’t know what it is about a man in uniform, but it literally does things to me. I can’t explain it,” she confessed.
“I’m sorry about earlier...you know, if I was a little rough with you,” Dean turned to his side, facing her.
“I kinda liked it, Dean. What would you say if I said I was thinking about installing a new bathtub?” she smiled at him.
“I would have to cuff you and read you your rights, Miss Y/L/N,” Dean leaned in and kissed her deeply.
She pulled away for a breath, looking into those deep emerald eyes. “Think we can have a snowball fight this winter?”
“You’re nothing but trouble woman,” Dean laughed. “I should probably get going.”
“You don’t have to leave, you know,” she placed a hand on his arm.
The sun broke through the flimsy curtains in Y/N’s bedroom, filling the room with the bright orange and gold of the sunrise. Dean stirred, burying his head in the pillow, away form the sunlight. The pillow moved, feeling silky under his stubbled cheek. And it smelled of vanilla. “Shit! I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean-”
“Dean, relax, it’s okay. I’m a bit of a cuddler myself. But I should probably ask...post-coital-cuddle-by-accident isn’t against some strange Topeka law is it?” she giggled, wrapping her arm around his waist, she felt his morning wood press into her thigh.
“No, no it isn’t,” Dean breathed in her scent as he pulled her into him.
“Damn, I guess I’m going to have to start breaking real laws now,” she pressed a kiss to his chin.
“I don’t want to have to arrest you for real. How about if I just show up in uniform once a week to take the edge off?” Dean offered.
“What about the other six nights? Can you take the edge off those, too?” She asked.
“I think we can come to some type of arrangement,” Dean agreed, his hips rutting against her.
“I think I’m going to order that new bathtub...the corner one. That’s big enough for two,” she breathed out as his fingers found her core.
“I think I should probably invest in some new cuffs,” Dean claimed her lips with his. They had plenty of time to come up with some type of arrangement.
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The Whole Enchilada: @closetspngirl @emoryhemsworth @iwantthedean  @meganwinchester1999 @sis-tafics @wilde-abandon @wegoddessofhell @holyfuckloueh @horsegirly99 @smoothdogsgirl @dolphincliffs @thisismysecrethappyplace  @neeadinghugs @roxyspearing @theoriginalvicki @andkatiethings @mrswhozeewhatsis @just-another-busy-fangirl @linki-locks11 @evansrogerskitten @hennessy0274-blog @hobby27 @kdfrqqg  @gh0stgurl @charliebradbury1104 @blacktithe7 @the--blackdahlia @fortisetgloriosusinarduis @roseblue373 @hannahindie @pinknerdpanda @cherrycokegirls1 @mogaruke @kickingitwithkirk @wotinspntarnation 
The Dean’s List: @supernatural-jackles @dean-winchesters-bacon @docharleythegeekqueen @maddiepants @squirrel-moose-winchester @amanda-teaches @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @adoptdontshoppets @wingedcatninja  @akshi8278 @kathaswings @deansgirl215 @x-waywardaf-x  @elara98azalea @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @pretty-fortune @deanwinchesterwitch 
AU Tags: @luci-in-trenchcoats @kayteonline
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joshslater · 5 years
Kyle and Cody
@cashgodcodystrong published a fan-fiction on his blog, and I immediately fell in love with how the protagonist flows in and out of agency. But there were too many things I wanted to put my fingerprints on, so here is my remix.
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Cody and I became best friends in middle school, and stayed close all through high school. So it was only natural that we shared an apartment after high school, while we figured out what to do next in life. Living with someone is very different than going to school with someone, and it soon became clear that we weren't as close anymore as we had once been. Our work schedules made us drift apart, and he spent most of the little time that overlapped in the gym, working on his already naturally muscular build. But even though the roof was pretty much the only thing we shared nowadays, I always assumed we were still somehow friends. Not after yesterday.
It was late afternoon and Cody was back from the gym. I joined him less and less often, as I can't really build mass and he had been progressively more taunting about his gains. I was about to go on a date, so I wouldn't have joined him even if he wasn't a dick at the gym. He was wearing his typical, super slim white compression shirt and pants, that leaves very little to the imagination. On top of that a pair of grey athletic shorts, presumably to not be stopped by the police for indecency. He was glistening in sweat. It didn’t look like a single inch of him was dry, despite the high tech materials. Cody plopped down on the couch and put his feet up on the ottoman.
"Hey man, if you’re gonna be sitting on furniture you should probably clean up first. You’re soaked." "Yeah, nah..." "Stop being a jerk man, get off my couch, you’re gonna leave stains." "I’m not getting up." "Dude what’s wrong with you? Get the fuck up off my couch! Take a shower!" "How about I sit here, and you get down on the floor and take off my shoes for me." "Just get off the couch."
I started to approach him. When I was in reach of his feet I froze. "Come on, take off my shoes."
My face fell blank and I slowly got to my knees so that Cody's feet were at my chest.
"Now take them off", he said and nudged my chest with his foot. I stared at the foot that nudged me and slowly put both of my hands on it. The shoe was warm. My mouth fell open in disbelief as I pulled his shoe off. I looked up in shock and confusion, and saw Cody grinning.
"Good boy, now the other one", he said as he put his socked foot on my shoulder while I reached for his other foot. I pulled off the shoe, and his foot went right into my face. His socks were black, short and almost soaked.
"Hahaha! Un-fucking-believable, you’re like a robot", he said while moving his foot across my whole face, holding my head in place with the other foot behind the back of my head. He pulled his feet back, and saw my shocked expression along with the sweat he left on my face. My hair was damp, and I was engulfed in the sour scent of fresh foot sweat and funky gym shoes. I still had time for a shower before my date, if I’d hurry.
"Hahahaha! Sorry buddy, you wanted to learn the hard way. How, about you give this feet a good rub?” I started rubbing his warn, damp feet. "And thank me that I’m letting you do this." "Thank you." "Kiss my foot." I planted a kiss on the socked foot in my hands. "Hahaha, I can’t believe that you are doing this. I wonder how I get you out of this 'mode'?"
He stood up in front of me, my head was almost eye level with his crotch. He placed his hand around my face and made me look up to him. He caressed my cheek with his thumb.
"Okay, you can be free."
I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my face.
"Cody!" "Hahaha! You should have seen yourself. You were on your fucking knees kissing my feet." "Cody! What the fuck did you do? How did you do it?" "You were like, ‘master Cody you are the best, master Cody I love your sweat’" "No, the fuck I was not!" "Fuck yeah, you were." "No–"
Cody violently grabbed the back of my head and pushed it towards his balls, and slapped my cheek.
"Tell me you love it" "I–" "Okay, you’re going to wear my sweaty clothes to your date." "I love your sweat" "I know you do, and I think you need a whole day to really enjoy it"
I panicked. This was my first date with this girl I was interested in, and I couldn't meet her while wearing his gym clothes, even if they had been freshly washed.
"You can be free."
I sat at his crotch with my nose near his balls. It was humiliating, but I didn’t want to risk going out looking, or smelling, like Cody.
"Look who’s being a good boy? You wanna give it a kiss for good luck?"
I got chills down my spine. I didn’t want to be anywhere near his balls. I didn’t know what to do next. Was doing what he wanted the best, for now? I closed my eyes and quickly gave his crotch a peck kiss.
"Hahaha, I guess I’m a pretty good damn teacher. Now undress so you can put my clothes on."
"But! I kissed your–" "Do you want to lick my ass before you go?"
I froze mid sentence, went to the bathroom and took off my clothes.
"Hey, if you want my clothes you’re going to have to put them on out here."
I don’t want your clothes, I thought as I got out of the bathroom with one hand on my crotch. Cody was naked but wasn’t hiding anything, lounging in the corner of my couch, legs spread wide, showing off his huge dick he's been so proud of since middle school.
His clothes were dropped in a pile in front of him. I grabbed his white compression pants, and tried to put them on quickly to avoid standing naked in front of him. I ended up tripping over, almost face planting in his crotch, because his wet bundle of clothes were so unruly to put on.
"Don’t worry about your clit. It's not like she will have a bulge to look at once you’re in pants."
Awkwardly I managed to put them on, and the equally difficult compression shirt, and the two wet socks. I finished with the damp exercise shorts. How the fuck could he sweat this much? Of the two of us I probably had most sweat on me now. I certainly smelled the worst.
"I think you’re forgetting something". In his hand was one of his shoes that he had relaced while I was preoccupied struggling with his clothes. He held it with the opening towards me, toes up, like a muzzle.
I got down on my knees next to him and put my face in it. He pushed it in hard so my chin fit into the heel and the upturned tongue of the shoe pressed against the ridge of my nose. He then tied the shoe laces tight around the back of my head, so the tip of my nose and chin touched the sole inside the shoe.
"Okay, now you’re ready to go on your date, hahahahaha."
I stood up with his warm shoe on my face. It smelled so much worse than his socks and feet.
Then all of a sudden I forgot about what I was wearing. I searched the pockets of the gym shorts and asked Cody, “Have you seen the keys to my car?”, muffled through his shoe, as if it was normal. His face was just a giant smirk. He followed me around the apartment as I looked for my keys, looking like he would burst into laughter at any moment. As if he had hidden the keys or taped them to my back or something. Finally, and with little time to spare, I found the keys in the pocket of a pair of trousers I’d hastily left in the bathroom.
"How about you just go to bed like you are, have some sweet dreams and let me know how you're feeling tomorrow?"
"I guess that’s okay", I said in a monotone voice.
"I can’t believe it. I am a god!", I heard Cody say as I went into my room.
I laid down in bed with his shoe on my face and his sweaty compression clothes hugging me. I vaguely remember doing the motions of undressing, but not actually removing any clothes, and going to bed as if I was naked. I immediately fell asleep and blissfully dreamed about Cody's body, his abs, his sweat, his arms, his clothes, his scent, his feet, his shoes.
I woke up in shock, still wearing his damn shoe on my face like a fucking Alien face hugger. It was still warm, but now from my breath. All the moisture had brought forward a deeper, muskier stench. I unsuccessfully yanked it in panic a few times, and frantically started to untie the hard knot behind my head, threw the shoe across the room, and jumped out of bed.
The clothes felt dry, but reeked of Cody. I reeked of Cody. The bed reeked of Cody. The whole room was filled with the smell of Cody, his sweat, his feet, his shoes. I felt unclean and violated, more than ever before in my life. His stink was ingrained into my pores, like a branding. I wanted him off me.
I started pulling off his compression shirt, feeling it peeling away from my skin, tugging where it had dried to my body. I threw it in a corner, and the shorts after. The compression pants were nearly as unhelpful coming off as they had been getting on. The upper parts that had been covered by shorts were still damp.
The socks were damp too, as sleeping with clothes on, and a shoe inhalator, had made me sweat under the covers. The mix of my and Cody’s feet juices took the stink in the room to a new level. I rushed out of my room, towards the bathroom. I wanted to shower in bleach to get his scent off me, his smell out of my nose, the taste of him out of my mouth.
I spent probably half an hour in the shower, really soaking in the hot water. Standing face up, gargling water in my mouth. Repeatedly lather in citrusy soap and rinsing it off. I don’t know why I had reacted in such distress and panic. I’d only slept a night in someone else’s clothes, after all. I could imagine a scenario where I would wear his damp workout gear voluntarily. Say I exit the shower at the gym and someone had taken all my clothes with him. If Cody had offered his clothes for the way home, I sure would have taken him up on it. But it was the way he’d made me do it that made me feel violated. Perhaps it was mind tricks, but I couldn’t shake him. I probably imagined it, but it felt like I now smelled of citrus and Cody. When I brushed my teeth I tasted mint and Cody.
Just as I was about to leave the bathroom I went into the shower again for a few seconds, until I was dripping wet. Then I went into my room and put on the compression pants and compression shirt. Then the socks and the shorts. I picked up the shoe and walked out into the living room, where the other shoe sat in front of my couch. I sat down, fixed the lacing and put both shoes on. I leaned back where Cody sat yesterday and let my wet body inside his clothes make the smell of stale gym bag come to life.
Now I am really scared.
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shijiujun · 5 years
History3 ep 13 summary - TUGS AT UR HEARTSTRINGS BUT it’s a good episode
I’m soooo tired but the energy has come again because of Trapped HAHAHAHA the thought of BIRTHDAY SCENE gives me strength to go on praying there is NO JAM on the live stream today we’ll see
OMG what the hell we don’t get a bed scene so the two bed scenes that the writers were talking about WE WILL GET THEM SOMETIME LATER it might be after birthday scene now that I think about it but also guys I think you’ll like this episode because the PLOT MOVES and there’s plot development thank god and we actually delve into serious stuff - the dilemma of Tang Yi as a mob boss and Shao Fei as a police officer finally comes into play here
Shao Fei runs off after Tang Yi kisses his wound (DAMN HE PRESSED HIS MOUTH TO THE WOUND FOR SO DAMN LONG?!) and asks if it still hurts and Tang Yi just laughs and says ‘he’s still too soft’ AND SHAO FEI IS LITERALLY HYPERVENTILATING IN THE TOILET THEN WE GET DOMESTIC SCENE - Tang Yi cooking in the kitchen for Shao Fei WITH AN APRON ON and Shao Fei is all: “it smells so good! is this the spicy dish we had with coke the other time?”
and wow BEST HUSBAND IN THE WORLD JUST SMILES AND GOES: “you can’t have spicy food or coke while you’re recovering”
shao fei: *pouts* “you’re so stingy, controlling this and that”
so they sit down and cute shao fei takes a bit of the dish and puts it on tang yi’s rice first before eating himself (i LURVE THIS) - and tang yi obviously is kind of amused and touched that shao fei did that, and as they’re about to eat that’s when tang yi broaches the topic of shao fei staying at the police station because it’s safer for him there, and obviously shao fei is all ‘WHY?!’ and demands to know a reason and i thought they were gonna start fighting but thank god they’re both soft smol bbs so they just look at each other waiting for the other person to say something, and tang yi goes: “i’ll tell you, but you must promise to stay out of it. if you can’t promise me that, i won’t tell you”
so shao fei obviously agrees and tang yi starts the flashback by saying: “do you know what it’s like to grow up in a place where no one cares about and loves you? that’s the kind of place i grew up in”
AND YES HERE WE GET TANG YI AND BOSS TANG AND HONG YE BACKSTORY (still waiting for Shao fei’s COME ON) - This entire like flashback tugged at my heartstrings guys TUGGED AT MY HEARTSTRINGS I almost cried?!!! - So young Tang Yi was adopted by adoptive parents because the mom wanted to adopt him but the mom died, so the dad was never supportive of his wife adopting tang Yi and when she died he became neglectful and abusive
We start off with young Tang Yi going home and it’s his birthday but obviously the terrible dad doesn’t notice, but Tang Yi goes to his room and eats food and is about to eat cake in front of the photo of him and his mom - the dad comes into the room and he yells at tang yi for going into his room to steal the photo of him and his mom - tang yi says that it’s not his, it’s a photo of him and his mom
and the dad goes: “she’s not your mom and i’m not your dad!”
tang yi doesn’t get why he can’t have the photo and snarks back and the dad slaps him, and says a bunch of other stupid shit, so tang yi leaves home with literally just the clothes on his back and the backpack (can’t rmb if he took the photo or not) - and this scene was truly realistic, i felt that slap and everything so kudos to the actors playing young tang yi and the dad?!
then next scene: we see a super skinny hong ye fighting with a bunch of older male teens over the bicycle they stole, and tang yi is somehow there as well, and they end up fighting with the older teens - long story short, boss tang (tang guo dong) passes by with a SUPER YOUNG LOOKING DAO YI OMG?! and they help tang yi and hong ye out - boss tang tells them to hurry and go home, and hong ye just simply says: “i don’t have a home”
boss tang stares at them for a while, and although tang yi doesn’t say a thing you can tell by his clothes and dirty face that obviously he has been on the streets for a while as well? so boss tang is all: “you guys hungry? want to eat some food?”
tang yi, the cautious, smart boy who knows that most strangers are up to no good, says no, while hong ye who really is hungry, says yes
anw in the next scene boss tang and tang yi are eating at the table alone - although tang yi isn’t eating (and boss tang mentions that hong ye has already eaten three bowls of rice), so boss tang leaves tang yi to eat by himself and give him some space while he goes check on hong ye to see whether she’s gone for a shower yet 
a year or less later, we see tang yi coming home to the house, and boss tang is cooking dinner - it looks fucking delicious btw and i haven’t eaten dinner so jfc i really wanted to reach into the screens for those golden fried mantous (buns) - anw, tang yi is holding onto a little box that is definitely a cake for his birthday and boss tang tells him that dinner is ready so he can come down after he’s put away his stuff - much later, the sky is dark and they’re eating already and BOSS TANG says there’s one more dish and then switches off all the lights, much to tang yi’s confusion
then boss tang comes out with a cake!!!! omg sweetest thing ever - after that they sit at the couch and make playdoh or clay figurines of ‘old tang’ and ‘little tang’ - it’s the cutest shit i’ve ever seen
so while tang yi is reminiscing all of this, he says: “boss tang gave me my first home, my first birthday etc. etc.” - basically boss tang gave him the home he never had, and then he says to shao fei: “but on that day four years ago, i watched him bleed to death in front of me - can you imagine in that moment i lost everything, and my life was ruined? do you think i can let the person who did this go?”
shao fei: “so that’s why you said you didn’t know anything, because you were waiting to take revenge yourself”
then: “tang yi, the best punishment for that person is to get justice under the law”
and of course tang yi insists that he will never ever give this person to the police, he WILL take revenge by his own hands - and shao fei dishes out what probably is the most realistic line in this entire damn show (and one that i think we’ve all been waiting for): “but tang yi, you know that if you take revenge on your own, as a police officer, i will have to catch you?”
and OMG THE HEARTBREAK BETWEEN THEM BOTH!!!! tang yi’s eyes are already watery and he just says: “you do what you need to do. i do what i need to do”
GOSH COULD THEY BE ANYMORE HEARTBREAKING LIKE WE BARELY JUST GOT THE HAPPY PARTS TWO EPISODES AGO?!! (and though i say that i think this episode was about time, because we really needed to move on the plot!!!!)
the next scene we get zhao zi asking online on a forum “what to do when a guy confesses to another guy” AND OMFG THIS IS HILARIOUS he gets the following responses:
“welcome to a whole new world”
“rmb to prepare some VASELINE”
LIKE WOW chinese netizens, you guys are real damn helpful?!!!! HAHAHAHHAA anw i totally died at the vaseline part and the funniest thing was zhao zi, at work, was READING THE RESPONSES OUT ALOUD like did you want the entire police station to know that jack, a well-known gangster and criminal, wants to bang you? and then yu qi who sits next to him (she’s recovered at least on the surface and moving on with her life ATTA GIRL YOU GO!!!) gives him the WHAT THE FUCK look at the things he’s saying - then zhao zi goes to shao fei and asks him the same thing, but shao fei was the one who confessed in this case, and zhao zi just shook his head and goes: “irrelevant, totally irrelevant”
then we move to tang yi’s house!!! omgggg TANG YI LOOKS DAMN FINE WITH THOSE EARRINGS AND THAT WHITE TURTLENECK i would like to thank the wardrobe in charge for picking out tang yi’s HELLA FINE CLOTHES
anw, hong ye and dao yi are there to discuss work, and she’s obviously still mad at dao yi, and tang yi then peruses some files on the project they’re on and picks a company - hong ye is like: “are you sure? they’ve only been around for 5 years”
and tang yi goes on and on about how he thinks the founder of the company is a good and capable person, and that hong ye should meet him because for work, and also secondly, because the founder actually told tang yi that he kind of liked hong ye at a party previously (so anw this founder is the guy we saw in the previews) - and then obviously dao yi is not happy about it and tells tang yi not to do that, but tang yi reminds him that: “if you keep on regretting, you’re going to miss her and you will miss this chance forever”
ah de turns up then and tells tang yi that chen wen hao has invited him for tea next week and tang yi says: “i’ll be there” - ah de tries to discourage him from gg but we all know that tang yi is doesn’t usually listen to ah de so he ignores him
the next scene: tang yi opens the box and we see the birthday hat from his first birthday with boss tang and the clay house he made when he was younger that represented the home that boss tang gave him, and he says to himself: “a year has passed again, happy birthday (to himself)”
anw we’ll get all the crazy scenes like the drugging part and the knifing parts PLUS BIRTHDAY SCENE TOMORROW - everything exciting is only happening tmr so let’s all prepare for death tomorrow friends!!! i’m just glad they’re moving things along but i’ve really got no idea how they’re gonna squeeze:
1. dao yi and hong ye
2. jack and zhao zi
3. tang yi and shao fei being happy and all and omelette scene and DOMESTIC HUSBANDS 
4. slightly more backstory to reveal the incident four years ago
5. tang guo dong + li zhen storyline briefly at least
6. li zhen and shao fei relationship 
... all in the next 7 episodes, which is like about 3 hours worth of screen time, i really got no idea
i really liked this episode though! really liked that we saw young tang yi and younger boss tang!!! <3
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
Can I please request some Modern AU with a spoonful of pining/adorkable Roy and tons of fluff? :D :D thank youuuu in advance, Emma!!
so i’ve fallen in love with this oneshot and writing their banter in a modern setting uwu thank you for this tas!! 
also i hope the texting reads well in this format ksjdfjk i realise the format is 14:00pm which is a bit redundant but i didnt notice until reading it back on here aaaaand tbh i’ve waited too long to post this and its 10:30pm so i really can’t be bothered changing it at this point
part 2 | part 3
There was an incessant banging on his apartment door.Stumbling through his living room, Roy cursed as he kicked the corner of hiscouch hard, his toe throbbing. His irritation growing by the second, hisvisitor still banging away on thedoor like there was no tomorrow, he wrenched the door open with a glare. Riza,his neighbour, stood on the other side of the door, hand raised and poised toknock again with an impatient expression.
“What?” he growled irritably.
“Hey,” she greeted brightly, unconcerned about the time andthe sacred rite that was a lie in on a fucking Saturday. “Can I ask you a favour?”
“Riza, it’s Saturday morning.”
“And?” Damn her. Dam her and her ability to rise at six inthe morning any day of the week. The woman had probably never slept past sevenbefore in her life. Roy, on the other hand, appreciated and valued his sleep.
“Saturday,” hestressed slowly. He had finished work late last night and had been lookingforward to his sleep. Now it had been ruined by Riza.
They were good friends and hung out frequently. Starting offas neighbours who politely greeted each other every morning, they quicklydiscovered they shared mutual friends, so it was easy for their relationship todevelop. To Roy it had been the most natural thing. The only down side was saidfriends were both couples and they ended up third wheeling any outing theyattended. Through this, however, they had formed a close friendship, which hedeeply valued.
But when she interrupted his morning by loudly banging on his front door for about five minutes instead ofwaiting for a more respectable hour, Riza really tried his patience.
“Good observation,” she quipped. “Anyway, I need a favour,if you’re up for it?”
Roy sighed, admitting defeat. He rubbed his eyes tiredly,resigned to the fact that for the fourteenth day in a row, he had been woken upat six thirty in the morning.
“What?” he asked irritably.
“I’ve got a work thing tonight and I need you to come withme.” Roy narrowed his eyes critically, eyeing her open and honest expression.
“What’s this really about?”
With a sigh, she finally revealed the truth. “You know thatguy I was dating?”
“The stick?”
Riza huffed. “He’s not a stick.”
“Riza, he’s built like a stick.”
“Anyway, it didn’twork out and now I have… a situation.”
It shouldn’t have excited him so much to hear that herrelationship with Stick Man Dan didn’t work out. Roy wasn’t blind, Riza was abeautiful woman. Plus, he adored her as a friend. They had clicked instantlyand the banter they shared was effortless. If things were to progress furtherbetween them, Roy certainly wouldn’t say no.
“A situation?” Roy asked doubtfully, yawning loudly. “Whatkind of situation?”
“Just some friendly stalking, that’s all.”
That woke him up.“He’s stalking you?”
Riza nodded and Roy didn’t miss the briefest flash of worryappear on her face. “Have you gone to the police?”
Riza nodded. “Yeah, of course, but they won’t do anything.”
“Why?” he asked, unable to keep the anger out of his voice.Regardless of his feelings towards Riza, they should be doing something aboutit.
“Apparently until he does something concrete, and there’sevidence, they can’t charge him.”
Riza’s lips quirked upwards. “I’m inclined to agree. Anyway,it’s fine. I can look after myself. My hope was that you could accompany me tothis thing tonight to try and gently tell him that, you know, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah, of course,” he replied, tone concerned. “Do you needsomewhere to stay? Is it that serious?”
Riza smiled at him instead of replying, Roy unable todetermine the emotion on her face. “No, thank you. I’m okay.”
“Let me know if you do. And if Stick Man Dan comes around,give me a text or a knock.”
“I will,” she smiled that cryptic smile, expression soft.“Thank you.”
“Okay then. What time do I need to be ready for?”
“Six, if that’s okay?”
“No problem.”
“It’s date,” she grinned.
“But be warned,” Roy added. Riza’s expression turnedexpectant. “Wake me up, banging on my door, at this time tomorrow and I will remove your hands from the ends ofyour arms.”
Riza grinned. “Thanks Roy!” She walked towards the lift, aspring in her step, completely unconcerned about his empty-but-tempting threat.He sighed, closing his door, but smiled as he re-entered his apartment. Anevening with Riza on a “date” didn’t seem so bad.
*          *          *
RM: What do Ineed to wear tonight? 13:44pm
RM: Smart?Casual? We talking tux? 13:44pm
RH: Smart casual is fine.13:51pm
RM: Wow. Thankyou. Much helpful. Very cool. 13:51pm
RH: You’re welcome.13:52pm
RH: Do I detect sarcasm?13:52pm
RM: Your powersof deduction are unparalleled. 13:53pm
RH: Thank you. I pridemyself on that. 13:54pm
RH: Idk just weartrousers and a shirt. 13:54pm
RM: Still nothelpful. 13:55pm
RH: Idk, I’m nota dude. I don’t know what you wear on a night out. 13:55pm
RM: Where is itbeing held? 13:56pm
RH: In a function suite.It’s just a gathering to celebrate a colleague retiring. Dan will be therebecause he was a friend of the retiree and one of my colleagues. 13:57pm
RM: Stick ManDan is friends with old age pensioners? 13:58pm
RM: Riza.13:58pm
RH: Shut your mouth rightnow. I already regret the decision no need to rub it in. 13:59pm
RH: And if you say I toldyou so I will punch you in the face. Guaranteed. 13:59pm
RM: What acatch. 14:01pm
RH: I hope you enjoy thatpunch coming your way in approximately 4 hours. 14:01pm
RM: Hey if noone else will make fun of you for it I’ve got to step up to the plate. 14:05pm
RM: I’m justfulfilling my duty as a friend. 14:05pm
RH: Two punches. 14:05pm
RM: Come at me.I look forward to them. 14:06pm
RM: So… Aboutthat dress code… 14:10pm
RH: Roy. You’re a grownass man. Dress yourself. 14:11pm
RM: Do you wantStick Man Dan to get the message or not? 14:11pm
RH: What, pray tell,message could you send from the way you are dressed? 14:12pm
RM: That I’m asexy motherfucker and you’ve done so much better than him already? 14:13pm
RH: … 14:13pm
RH: Insert picture of melaughing my ass off while rolling my eyes here. 14:13pm
RM: Juststaying true to myself. 14:13pm
RH: Keep telling yourselfthat buddy. 14:14pm
RM: To behonest anyone is a step up from Stick Man Dan. 14:14pm
RH: All right I’m goingnow. I’ve got more important shit to do than tell a grown man how to dress fora “date”. 14:15pm
RH: I thought you were“Mr. Hot Stuff” anyway? Surely you know how to dress for a date. 14:15pm
RH: Wait. 14:17pm
RH: You’ve gone on a datebefore, haven’t you? 14:17pm
RM: I’m noteven going to dignify that stupid question with an answer. 14:22pm
RH: Oh my god. 14:22pm
RH: Hahahaha. 14:22pm
RH: That pause speaksvolumes. 14:22pm
RM: I was inthe bathroom. 14:22pm
RH: TMI dude. 14:23pm
RH: Roy is not the“player” he makes himself out to be. Confirmed. 14:23pm
RH: I can’t wait to tellBecca. 14:25pm
RM: Youwouldn’t dare. 14:24pm
RH: ; ) 14:28pm
RM: Yourloyalties, and any impending betrayals, are noted. 14:29pm
*          *          *
“I’m going to kill you,” Roy grinned, trying to hide hisirritation as they walked arm in arm towards the function room where this partywas being held. “Really, Riza. This time, I will.”
“I’d like to see you try,” she muttered under her breathquickly before greeting a colleague and introducing Roy.
“You told Catalinaof all people.” Riza snickered beside him, steering Roy towards the buffettable. “You lied to her as well.”
“You neither confirmed, nor denied, if it was true.”
“I said I wouldn’t dignify it with an answer,” he bit back,his irritation rising. He couldn’t believeRiza had said to Catalina that he’d never been on a date before. Of course, he had been on a date before.The woman had phoned him up, cackling, asking if it was true. No matter what hesaid, Rebecca refused to accept any other answer.
God, he hated those two when they were together. A force tobe reckoned with, for sure, and often at his expense. Although they were maddening,Roy never minded it really. It was all good fun. However, it was just asentertaining to banter back and forth with Riza about the situation.
“Well, now we know you have,” she deadpanned, picking up apaper plate and filling it with food.
Roy followed suit, a smirk on his face as he shook his headin amusement. “I don’t feel so bad about making fun of you about Stick Man Dananymore. In fact, I don’t feel bad at all.”
“I would care butthat’s history.”
“Doesn’t look like it,” he muttered in her ear, picking outthe Stick Man himself heading their way, his approach unknown to Riza. Roy shothim a polite smile, which was ignored.
“What?” she asked, mid turn.
“Hey, Riza,” Stick Man Dan greeted his ex, still completelyignoring Roy. Thanks, mate.
Roy had never liked him. He was built like a stick, all skinand bones, and taller than anyone Roy had ever met, which did nothing in hisfavour in the appearance department. Every time they met up as a group, hewould completely gloss over everyone who wasn’t Riza, offering only one-wordanswers. Not to mention he hated Roy for some unknown reason. He couldn’tfigure out what it was. Roy would chuckle to himself when he considered StickMan Dan may have felt threatened by him.
Roy had often wondered what Riza saw in him. “As a concernedfriend,” he would tell Hughes and Catalina irritably when they gave each otherThe Look. Said look was a “oh-shit-he-loves-her” look.
Amusement aside, Roy did consider how it looked from anoutsider’s perspective. Both he and Riza were very close. Probably too close inthe opinion of significant others, but nothing had ever happened. It didn’tmean Roy didn’t want it too, but ifRiza wasn’t interested, then so be it. He wasn’t about to mess up thisfriendship and make it awkward by asking her.
As Stick Man Dan ignored Roy, he considered that perhapsthey were close enough that it wouldn’t makeit awkward between them. They told each other everything.
Only one way to find out, however now was not the time.
“So, you’re here with Gerald?” Riza asked him politelygripping Roy’s arm tighter and sliding an arm around his waist. Not expectingsuch close contact, his breath hitched as he ate, but was luckily able to hideit behind that.
“Gerald, unfortunately, was unable to make it tonight,however I thought I would just come anyway to honour Janine.”
Roy frowned. What person comes to a friend’s retirementparty? At said friend’s place of work?
A stalker, looking tosee someone who shot them down.
Roy shifted, wrapping his arm around Riza’s shoulder as hecontinued to eat, staring Stick Man Dan down. His hand came to rest on saidshoulder and he gave it a quick squeeze. Dan seemed to realise who it wasstanding beside Riza, and his eyes flicked to Roy’s briefly, before moving toRoy’s hand on Riza. If a six foot seven bean pole could look dangerous, thenthat’s what Stick Man Dan’s eyes looked like.
And Roy did notlike it.
Apparently, neither did Riza. She was tense underneath his arm,so he rubbed his shoulder in response. This man made her uncomfortable now,that was for sure. That was his job tonight, as a friend, to help her make itthrough this night and get rid of this guy forever. The only way Stick Man Danwould ever take the hint was if they were convincing.
However, he didn’t want to push the boundaries too much –
Oh my god, Roy, chill.You’re here as a friend, that’s it. Nothing more. Just help her out.
“That’s very nice of you,” Riza replied.
Stick Man Dan’s eyes flicked over to Roy’s once more. Oh, so he wasn’t invisible? Who knew? “Iwas wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?”
“Sorry, Janine asked us to come and speak to her after we’vegrabbed a plate,” Riza lied smoothly. Roy watched as the disappointment crossedStick Man Dan’s face, feeling very pleased by the show. Riza begun to walk away,neglecting to offer Dan another chance for his talk, and Roy let his arm drop,regrettably, but followed after her.
“Can you see me?” Roy whispered to her quietly, leaning inclose, as they left Stick Man Dan at the buffet table alone.
“What?” Riza asked, looking up at him, confused.
“Can you see me?” he repeated. “Stick Man Dan acted as if Iwasn’t there and I was wondering if I’ve miraculously achieved the ability toturn invisible.” Riza snorted, loudly. “I mean, it would come in incrediblyuseful. I’ll be disappointed if you cansee me at this point.”
“Shut up,” she laughed quietly, approaching the woman of thehour. “He’s an ass.”
“I honestly don’t know what you saw in him,” Roy joked,sighing dramatically. He would never let on that he was being serious. “I mean,clearly he was a charmer.”
“He never liked you, did he?” Riza smirked, popping asandwich in to her mouth.
“Oh, we were best buds. Me and Dan?” He rose his hand,crossing over his pointer and middle finger. “We were tight, just like that.”
“Shut up,” she chuckled.
The rest of the evening was pleasant. Riza’s colleagues weregood people who welcomed him with open arms. Apparently, they were in on thewhole stalker situation, and were aware of Roy’s role in the night. It didn’tstop them from playing it up, perhaps too much. As much as Roy enjoyedpretending that he and Riza were a couple, that was just it.
“Do you want to go with them?” Riza whispered in his ear.The feeling of her hot breath on his ear made him shiver, goose bumps rising onhis flesh. There were a few people who were going out for the night to a clubnearby. Truthfully, Roy didn’t want the evening to end. He enjoyed having hisarm around Riza as they sat together, their thighs pressed against each other.Holding her hand was something he couldn’t get enough of, and often foundhimself stroking the back of it with his thumb as they sat.
It’s all an act,he kept reminding himself.
But as the night wore on, Roy found he didn’t want it to bejust an act.
So, he agreed to going out to the club.
That was his first mistake.
His second came when they were dancing under the dimlighting, smoke coiling around their legs as they moved dangerously close to one another. Roy saw, rather than felt, hishand reaching out to brush her bangs off her face, his hand curving around hercheek to cup it. Riza’s eyes that had once been on the space between them hadsnapped up to meet his, both their dancing slowly coming to a stop. A thumbbrushed over her cheekbone and Riza’s eyes widened. The music in the clubdulled to a heavy thump, the wordsfading away to become obsolete.
He pressed his lips gently against Riza’s, feeling herbreathing hitch underneath them. His free hand made its way to her waist, handgliding effortlessly across the material of her silk top as it moved around toher lower back. Riza responded eagerly, deepening the kiss after she locked herarms around his neck, pulling him tightly against her body.
For a few moments all was right in the world. This felt good. It felt natural. It made Roywonder why they hadn’t done it sooner. He pulled back, as if his brain finallyrealised what he had done, and who hehad kissed.
Riza was a friend. This was supposed to be pretend. Not thatRiza could hear him, but he stuttered, trying to apologise for oversteppingthat final boundary.
The look in her eyes told Roy she was okay with it.
One of her own hands rose to cup his cheek this time, drawing his lips back against hers.
*          *          *
“Would… Would you like to come in for a coffee?”
Riza smiled tiredly. She had ridden in the lift with her headon his shoulder, eyes closed, and a small smile on her face. It had made Roy’sstomach go crazy and grip her hand tighter as they stood waiting on theirfloor.
That second mistake was working out all right.
“I would love to, but I think I’m just going to go tosleep.”
“See, if you slept in at the weekend, you wouldn’t be sotired at one am.”
Riza smirked but the lift dinged at their floor before she would reply.
“Maybe one day, you could teach me,” she replied, playingcoy, before giving him a wink as she stepped out of the lift. That left Roystaring after her, desire in his eyes.
A hand stilled the one on her door handle, gently but firmlyspinning Riza around so her back was against her apartment door. Roy’s handswere pressed flat against Riza’s apartment door, trapping her head betweenthem. Her surprised squeak was adorable and so was the grin on her face as Roybent to kiss her lips. Since he had done it for the first time in the club, he hadached to do it again.
“See you tomorrow?” Roy murmured, his hands moving slowly upand down her waist.
“See you tomorrow,” she agreed, her face and neck flushedfrom their activities. “You can count on it.”
He bid her goodnight and entered his own empty apartment. Thememory of kissing Riza, the feelings of her skin underneath his hands on herwaist, the softness of her hair as he ran his hands through it feverishly were freshin his mind as they lulled him peacefully to sleep.
Only to be interrupted by incessant knocking on hisapartment door.
At six thirty in the morning.
There is only one person…
Gearing up for his charade of being truly irritated, butready to joke with his friend, his retort about removing her hands from theends of her arms died on his tongue. One look at Riza’s face told him this visitwas different. She looked… scared?
“Can… Can I stay here?” Her voice was hesitant and quiet,almost fearful. His irritation gone after hearing her speak, Roy opened thedoor wider so she would enter his apartment. He was worried. Riza never looked like this.
“Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?”
Riza shook her head, offering him her phone instead ofreplying. Apprehensively, Roy took the phone from her unresisting hands.
Unknown Number: Riza weneed to talk. I didn’t like what I saw tonight. I don’t like you spending timewith that guy. I won’t allow it. 06:21am
Roy looked up at her from the screen. Her eyes were castdown towards the floor, not looking at him in the eye.
“I got that this morning, a few minutes after I woke up.”
He tried to reign in his anger. He really did. Was he watching her? The thought made himphysically ill and see red at the same time. “This happen often?” he askedcurtly, but somehow, he already knew her answer.
“Yes,” she replied in a small voice.
“Has it ever escalated?” Riza was silent and that was theonly answer Roy needed. “Why didn’t you tellme?”
“I could handle it,” she replied, voice stronger now. “Buteven after last night he still hasn’t gotten the hint and…”
“I’m scared,” she whispered. “I’m scared of what he might do,of what he’s possibly already done, and I… I don’t want to be alone right now.Especially not in my apartment.”
Roy closed the door behind her, putting the chain across it,as if a reassurance that Dan wouldn’t get anywhere near her. Not while Roy wasaround anyway.
“Block that number after you’ve reported him to the police,”Roy told her. “I’ll drive you down there tomo – Well, at a more respectablehour,” he quipped.
“Why don’t we just go now?” Riza asked, confused. Ah, of course, Misswhat-is-sleeping-past-six-am?
“I’m going back to bed,” Roy told her. “And – only if youwant to – you can learn the benefits of sleeping past six am at the weekend.”
His attempt at humour was only to try and lighten the mood –to try and take Riza’s mind off things – and he was pleased to see she fellinto step with him, their banter coming easily to each other. He was thrilledto learn thigs weren’t different between them, despite what happened tonight.
Riza’s lips quirked up and her posture relaxed. Instead ofher arms hugging her body, they moved into the front pocket of her hoodie. “Andwhat benefits would those be?”
“Waking up next to me?” he offered with a smirk.
Riza sighed, cocking her head as if to consider hisproposal. “I think I like that benefit. Are there anymore?”
Roy grinned widely as he closed the distance between them,kissing Riza Hawkeye like his life depended on it.
God, it felt good.
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cdc1345711 · 5 years
The South East Weirdos # 2
(The next day April was snoozing on her couch after trying to study for Obediah’s test until………)
April:GAAAAH(checks her phone)Geraldine?....what time is it?”
Geraldine:Observing the sun’s radius to 2 degrees I can tell……”
April:In English please Gerry?”
Geraldine:.......It’s 5:49 and School starts at 6:00”
April:SHIT!!!!(frantically get up and puts her clothes on-looks in the mirror)I look okay(looks down to see)WHERE ARE MY GOD DAMN PANTS…….AND UNDERWEAR???”
(Back with Geraldine)
Geraldine:Why that woman sleeps bottomless I’ll never know(walks to her brother’s room)Jeremiah it is time for school”
Jeremiah:Don’t worry Geraldine(looks at the monster pill he bought off the carrier from last night)I am ready for school”
(April meets up with Geraldine,Jeremiah and Carol)
April:Hey sorry I’m late-I realized I wasn’t…….fully prepared”
Carol:For the test?.....or because you slept without pants again and you were this close to going to college bottomless?”
April:Haha very funny-it helps me relax when I study”
Jeremiah:There are better ways to study you know?(pushes aside)GAH”
Burton:Watch where you’re walking Nerd HAHAHAHA”
April:Jesus Christ how is that ass-hole even in college?”
Geraldine:Sports scholarship no doubt(to her brother)are you okay?”
Jeremiah:Yeah I am(feeling the Monster Pill in his pocket)I know how to deal with him”
(Elsewhere in an undisclosed location a four-armed being is staring at the many screens he has in his lab)
AL:Curiouser and curiouser? So far the ‘Monster Pills’ are moving around the globe like any other drug,and if my calculations are correct…..(hears a ding on his computer)What is it IAN?”
IAN:A small dose of ‘Monster Pills’ have been spotted here in South Carolina”
AL:Where is it?”
IAN:At ‘Norman Goute Community College’ AL”
AL:Ready my tools,I’m heading out”
(Elsewhere a beautiful Sheep Girl is in her dressing room waiting for her next shoot)
Concierge Carlos:Madame Lana,they are ready for you now”
Lana:Thanks Carlos-wait would I do without you?”
Carlos:On the tip of my tongue…...miss out on your appointments and wear the tackiest clothes EVER”
Lana:Hahaha yeah you got me there(removes her bathrobe to reveal her beautiful new orange swimsuit for the New Beach Summer line)time to earn my paycheck”
(At the beaches of South Carolina at a simple fruit stand)
Papa Dar:Daria,Dora,all hands on deck,Lunch rush soon”
Daria:On it pops”
Dora:Fruit chilled and stocked Daddy”
Papa Dar:Alright here comes the crowd”
(A big group of people line up to try ‘Papa Dar’s Fruit Shack’)
Daria:Dad,we need 2 Mango Orange Sunsets and a Blueberry Chiller”
Papa Dar:2 MOS and a Blue Chill on it(makes the ice,mixes the fruit in it,blends and serves them)here we are girls”
Daria:Here you go folks”
Beach Goer Girl 1:Mmm so delicious”
Beach Goer Girl 2:And it’s healthy?”
Daria:No sugar added”
Beach Goer Guy:Sweet”
(More people line up for their fruity beverages)
(Near the beach front is a gym where 2 cousins are working out)
Five-Arms(aka Felipe):Yo Cous,looks likes I’m about 4 pumps ahead of you”
Trev(aka 3-Arms):Oh please,I’m just slowing down because I know how competitive you are Ese”
5-Arms:You wish you could beat this(flexes his five arms making them all big and bulky)”
Trev:Oh yeah?”
(So the 2 cousins challenged each other to a game of strength-weight lifting,squats,burpies,Elliptical,the works with both men becoming exhausted)
5-Arms:Tie…..wanna shower than get some lunch?”
Trev:Sure…...where you wanna eat?”
5-Arms:Wanna try the food from that Fruit Shack?”
Trev:Felipe you just wanna see that muscly Durian Girl”
5-Arms:(Trying to not show it)WHAT? No,not one bit…….and her name is Daria”
Trev:Ooh Daria and Felipe sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I…..”
5-Arm:(Smacks him upside of his head)Shut up fool”
(Down by the beach a Metal Organic Yoga teacher is teaching his students)
Chad:Breath in……..breath out…….feel nature around you and let it fill you with incense”
(As they breath in a loud fart noise is heard-disgusting everyone)
Chad:Harry,that’s not what I meant by…..breath out”
Harry:How you know it was me?”
Chad:Because I know you had 4 bean burritos before class”
Chad:(Sees his watch beep)Okay class is over-meet back tomorrow same time same place”
Rhona:(His girlfriend standing up and walking to him)Best class yet hon”
Chad:You say that about all my classes”
Rhona:Only because it’s true”
Chad:Well I’m not that good but the vote of confidence really helps a bit”
Rhona:Hey,that’s what girlfriends are for”
(They both reach in for a loving kiss)
Chad:I’ll see you later Rhona”
(As she walks off Chad looks around and using his magic to coppertone Rhona)
Rhona:Hey-I thought we said no powers…..unless in bed?”
Chad:Sorry-I just love seeing that lovely bum of yours”
Rhona:Keep flirting and we might as well find an empty bathroom”
Chad:Okay I’ll stop”
(We now return to Norman Goute Community College-seeing Jeremiah bullied non-stop by Burton)
Geraldine:My brother knows brains are better than brawn but I can’t stand him getting bullied”
April:Yeah….if I wasn’t worried about this test,or wanting to humiliate Jerry,I’d rat out Burton”
Obediah:Mr.Jeremiah will confront his bully if and when he deems worthy”
(Their teacher’s sudden appearance scares the group)
April:Jesus Mr.Obediah Wait…….you know Burton was bullying him?”
Obediah:A boy of his intellect is always the target of brain dead oafs like Burton”
Carol:I don’t think you can call your students Oafs?”
Obediah:But Burton isn’t my student”
Carol:True enough”
Geraldine:Speaking of…...where is my twin sibling?”
(In the Boys room Jeremiah looks at his bruised face in the mirror-with anger in his eyes)
Jeremiah:Now is the time”
(It is lunch hour and Jeremiah is skulking for his bully and he spots him)
Burton:Huh?(sees Jeremiah)What do you want nerd?”
Jeremiah:Revenge…..(stuffs 3 pills in his mouth)”
Burton:What are those breath mints? Wanna kiss something how about a KNUCKLE SANDWICH(throws his punch as Jeremiah but he catches it)What the…..(then before he knows it a giant shadow is covering the bully’s entire face)Mommy…..”
April:Might as well have lunch without…..(Burton is thrown through the concrete)WHAT THE FUCK?????”
Obediah:Language Miss Stelang-but what has the strength to throw a person like Burton”
Carol:I got an idea……”
(A giant mole is terrorizing the lunch quad and every student is running for their lives)
Geraldine:Is….is that…….”
April:(Enthusiastically)A MONSTER EEEEEEEEK(flies into action)”
Obediah:APRIL WAIT!!!!!!”
(But April hoping for glory)
April:Halt foul monster you day of threatening innocent students has….(get’s slammed by the Mole’s giant tail)AAAAAAAAH(hits the granite)not how I imagined it……”
Obediah:We should wait for the regular police……”
Geraldine:He’s heading for the city…..”
April:Round 2 Jack-Ass……”
Obediah:God-better go with her so she doesn’t kill herself”
Geraldine:(Heading with them until she’s grabbed by her leg)GAAAAH-what?(it was Burton)”
Burton:Hold on…...you needs to know somethin’.....”
(At the fruit shack 5-Arms and Daria are talking while his cousin went back to the gym for his wallet)
5-Arms:So Daria…..when do you get off?”
Daria:Felipe ‘5-Arms’ Gonzales are you finally asking me out on a date?”
5-Arms:Well….haha,it’s how you interpret the question”
Daria:Well I say…….WHAT THE HELL????”
(The Mole Monster is behind them destroying buildings and is attacking the Fashion studio where Miss Lana is shooting her photos)
Lana:What in the…..(a chunk of debris is about to smush her)AAAAAH(she closes her eyes only to not feel crushed by a rock but a tight touch on her shoulder and legs)Huh what??”
April:Hey are you okay???”
Lana:(Entranced by the heroism of April)Yuh yuh Yeah……”
April:(Sat her down)Well steer clear of the giant Mole-Zilla unless….”
Lana:’GASP’ CARLOS!!!!!!”
Lana:Hold on Carlos…..”
April:Hey hold on you’re not strong enough to…(sees Lana’s wool cover her arms and lifts the rock off Carlos’ leg like a toddler playing with it’s blocks)Whoa…..”
Lana:Can you walk”
Carlos:A little-Oh My Darling Lana...ze pain it hurts…..”
Lana:(Looking down)Stay here Carlos…..you Miss……”
Lana:April…..Let’s take down this Monster”
April:With that Strength I’d be stupid not to ask for your help”
(Outside the Mole Monster is running through town destroying everything it sees as it heads for the beach front)
5-Arms:It’s heading for the Gym-TREV!!!!”
(‘Mole-Zilla’ has struck the gym leaving it in rubble-as 5-Arms frantically looks for his cousin)
5-Arms:TREV???…..TREV?????(Moves the rubble more frantically until he sees him)Oh God……”
Trev:Hu…..Hey Cous…..get the number of that giant Pendejo that ran by?”
5-Arms:Hold on Trev I’ll get you to a doctor…..”
Trev:Good….I’m gonna…...take a little nap”
5-Arms:Trev?.......TREV????(Feels his heart beat,he’s still alive but in shock,and now with his fists clenched and looking at Mole-Zilla)”
(April and Lana caught up to Mole-Zilla ready to land a smack down on him but to no strong effect until…..)
5-Arms:HEY FUCK-FACE(jumps onto the monster and repeatedly pounds the monster with his 5 arms)this…...is…..for…...my…...COUSIN!!!!!”
Lana:Whoa where did this guy come from?”
April:I don’t know but he’s really laying the beat down on him(Mole-Zilla grabs 5-Arms and flings him to the ground)Or not?”
(A giant Rock hits MZ-it was Daria)
Daria:(Looking at 5-Arms)Yo Felipe are you okay(everyone says ‘Felipe’)”
5-Arms:Yeah I am-nice hit”
Daria:So…….is Trev…..”
5-Arms:In shock…...but alive but this …..THING…..”
April:Hey this ‘Thing’ is heading for a 3rd or 4th round”
(Mole-Zilla is about to attack until a big blast hits him-and everyone turns around to see)
AL:Hello-I’m AL and I’m here to help”
April:Whoa dude I want to imprisoned him not kill him?”
AL:These aren’t meant to kill just weaken so the sedatives can heal him”
Lana:’Heal him’? What do you mean?”
(Just before AL could answer Geraldine and Obediah appear)
Geraldine:Guys don’t hurt him-IT’S JEREMIAH!!!!!!”
April:WHAT???(Everyone is confused because….they don’t know Jeremiah)HOW?”
Obediah:Burton saw Jeremiah stick 3 pills in his mouth and become…..THIS!!!!……”
April:Holy Shit…...so how are we gonna change him back?”
AL:I theorized that if we weaken him than my cure might calm him down and in theory cure him”
Geraldine:I see…..but to do so you have to at least knock him out with the force of a Megaton nuke”
Obediah:Well we don’t have a nuke…..but I believe our new friends may help”
AL:But how can we restrain him to do so?”
(Mole-Zilla arises just to swing his claws only to have them grabbed with blue energy around it)
Chad:Sorry to barge in on the battle but…...the guy seems to be attacking most of my friends so…..”
(AL,Geraldine and Obediah look at the Metal Organic man)
Obediah:Let’s just roll with it”
(On top of one of the destroyed buildings Daria,Lana,and 5-Arms prepare to launch a massive synchronised punch into Mole-Zilla)
Daria:So any last words if this fails?”
5-Arms:Yeah……(grabs Daria and kisses her passionately)”
Lana:Really? Right now??”
April:(While distracting Mole-Zilla)NOW!!!!”
(And in an instant Lana,Daria and 5-Arms jump and they all 3 hit Mole-Zilla with a strong punch to his head knocking him on the ground)
April:AL THE SEDATIVES!!!!!!!!!!!”
AL:(Getting out his dart gun)Have to increase the dose,this usually works on people who use one pill”
Geraldine:Oh no……”
(Mole-Zilla rises)
Mole-Zilla:Mole-Zilla DESTROY PUNY PEOPLE!!!!!!!”
“I don’t think So…….”
April:Oh what now?”
(Above a Heart person is staring down at the heroes and the Monster)
Tough Love:I am Tough Love-AKA Teddy Lovers-and I can’t sit idly by while you give your lives to save this city of ours,so with my powers of love I shall beat you….”
Daria:’Powers of Love’? What’s he gonna blow him a kiss?”
5-Arms:Or suck his dick?”
(Tough Love jumps from his high stand and with much gusto forms his hand in a fist)
Tough Love:I give you ‘Mole-Zilla’ my……...LOVING FIST!!!!!!”
(The punch hit Mole-Zilla so hard everyone can feel a shockwave that can also destroy the O-Zone layer)
Everyone:HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!”
TL:There-now…..AL was it give him the sedative”
AL:Uh sure……”
5-Arms:Okay what the Hell was that?”
TL:My Loving Fist?,I trained my body to use the love I have for my planet,family and closests friends and channel them into my strength increasing it ten fold,and the love I felt for protecting the homes and people you cared about was enough to have me use my technique to knock out the behemoth”
5-Arms:I don’t understand a word you just said compadre but it sounds…..cool?”
April:Wait you knew we needed help but didn’t show until now? What the Hell????”
TL:I…..wanted to have a cool entrance like in the movies,cartoons…..and comics”
April:(Mad but get’s it)Yeah I get that too”
AL:(Putting the sedative into Mole-Zilla,calming him down but not reverting back)Dammit...even at a higher dose it didn’t work….”
Geraldine:But can you help him??”
AL:(Looking at the sad expression of Geraldine)I’ll do whatever is in my power to help him Miss….Geraldine was it?”
Geraldine:(Cries and hugs him)Thank you….”
AL:(Completely off guard by the hug)You’re…….welcome(but yet he doesn’t mind it)”
“Whoa you guys saved us”
(A whole crowd gathers around the heroes)
Old Man:Are you whipper snappers heroes?”
Everyone:Oh no,not really,maybe,...”
April:Yes we’re...uh……(looks at the store ‘South Style’....’East Bakery’ and a T.V. with the Weirdos on it and April knew what to call themselves)mmm….We are  THE SOUTH EAST WEIRDOS!!!!!”
The Team:Huh?”
(Everyone cheers)
April:(In a huddle)Come on,we were an awesome team”
5-Arms:I only fought Gerry’s brother because he hurt my cous,I didn’t sign up to be a part of no team”
Chad:But she is right,we were very skilled”
Daria:I already got a responsibility working at my Dad’s Fruit Shack”
April:Oh I knew I recognized you,I love your Dad’s fruit Chillers”
Obediah:Plus I’m a teacher”
AL:And I prefer to work alone…..”
Tough Love:Well I’m with you April”
April:Thanks TL”
Chad:Count me in too”
Lana:If it means I can spend more time with you……”
Lana:(Blushing Mad)NOTHING!!!!I’M IN”
(April looks at Obediah,AL,Daria,5-Arms and geraldine)
Obediah:’Sigh’ Fine,guess I can assist AL with finding a cure for the MP victims,if it’s alright”
AL:You’re welcome to help,2 minds are better than one”
Geraldine:What about 3….(they look at her)Until my Brother is healed I’m helping you to the extent of my intellectual capabilities”
5-Arms:Eh….even though it was your brother who destroyed the gym and hurt my Cous it’s basically those MP drug dealers who really did this so if it means taking them down I’m in”
Daria:And if Felipe is in I’m in too”
April:Alright…...AWE MAN I forgot where are we gonna hangout and plan our missions…..anyone know of a Bat-Cave or Avenger’s Towers we might crash?”
(Everyone ponders and AL says….)
AL:I might have a suggestion………”
(They see a gigantic somewhat empty warehouse)
AL:I earn a lot of Money through Science Competitions I join so I spend it on this warehouse so I can create more inventions to better help the world”
Lana:Mmm not bad,could use some throw pillows,a couch….”
Daria:TV Set”
5-Arms:You mean TV….SETS hahahaha”
Chad:I could put my Yoga mat and sand garden right there”
Obediah:This will do nicely”
April:Well guys….let’s get going”
(Elsewhere Murch the man who sold the MPs to Jeremiah meets with his boss showing him the video of the new team)
Murch:Apparently they’re callin themselves the ‘South East Weirdos’,you figure we should take them out boss?”
????:For now let them be,their interference with our….’customers’ might prove useful in advancing our stock,and better stock more money”
Murch:Now that’s what I love ta hear big man,I’ll send out some more”
????:You do that….(sees the video again)South East Weirdos hmm…...this will be most…..Interesting…..”
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bts-ficrecs · 6 years
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So I’ve read quite a lot of stories ever since my re-entering the fanfic community (after 3420 years) and I’ve reblogged a lot of them to remember and recommend as well. And of course, like with all things, there are some special ones that slithered their way into the crevices of my heart. These are the stories that my mind comes back to every once in a while. These are the stories that made me laugh, cry, yell, and blush - all times 3000. Yes I went there. Cry with me.
These are the stories I hold dear :“) I hope anyone who happens upon this post enjoys the stories I listed below just as much as I did (and still do).
I will update whenever I find a new favorite!! :”) Also be forewarned, there are over 40 fics under the cut 😅😂❤
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➢ Butterfingers by @seokkbuns ⠀ ✎ Summary: He had you at the very first pebble he gave you. ⠀ ▸ fluff, hybrid AU, teacher AU ⠀⸙ notes: i. swear. to. glob. this. is. the. most. ADORABLE. STORY YOU WILL EVER READ !!!!!!!111111 I am absolutely smitten and refuse to shut up about it!!! Just. GO READ IT!!!! Cute and clumsy teacher!! Who loves kids!! I just cannot deal.
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➢ Duck and Cover by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: There were two things you never dreamed would become your biggest worries with your new job: Kim Namjoon, and that god damn camera. ⠀ ▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: absolute fluff. minor angst. secret relationships~~ ooh la la
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➢ For All The Petals by @rosaetae ⠀✎ Summary: A story in which you met him in the spring, fell in love with him in the summer, but he left you in autumn and how you missed him in the winter. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: AUHGHHAKJGRL you don't know how many tears i spilled reading this. does soft heart ache even exist???!? like. it wasn't a punch-in-your-gut kind of attack but more like a i’ll-tell-you-i-love-you-every-day-and-then-disappear-forever like of attack..... hahahaha wow now that i think about it, that hurts even more than a punch in the gut. lmao. good luck with the emotions when you read this!
➢ Intro: Her by @jamaisjoons​ ⠀✎ Summary: You enter Namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? Not to mention your own emotional baggage. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: I fell in love with the characters and the story line so fast. And so will you.
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➢ Obligated by @underthejoon ⠀✎ Summary: Married by obligation, weighed down by circumstance. Except for those nights when you’re both drunk, falling into bed with one another and realizing you’re human. Occasionally this happens, occasionally you fuck. Until your life changes and you realize Namjoon, the very man you’re obligated to, might just be the very man that you crave. ⠀⠀▸ angst, smut, fluff, arranged marriage AU
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➢ Out of The Ordinary by @njhsmoon ⠀✎ Summary: One of your mage students is extremely gifted and her human father is beyond overwhelmed so you take it upon yourself to tutor her outside of school. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, mage AU, teacher AU, single parent AU ⠀⸙ notes: SOBS. I JUST. I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH. can you imagine a human Namjoon extremely overwhElmed with his magical little girl with no one to help him!! and then a magical woman teacher appears and! saves the day!! and his life!! askjfaef YO UWILL LOVE THIS I RPOMISE YOU. OK OK ALSO THERE’S A DRABBLE FOR THIS CUTE ASS FIC!!! READ IT!!!!!
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➢ Pages of Petals by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: A change in the weather stirs a sweet encounter between a florist and a bookshop owner, where one begins to learn the language of flowers. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: soft namjoon + flowers. what more could you ask for? asaskdjflka <333333
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➢ The Take Home Test by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: In which your mission to deliver homework to Kim Namjoon goes very, very, wrong. ⠀⠀⠀➥ 3 extra drabbles ⠀⠀▸ dirty smut, college AU ⠀⸙ notes: IT'S DIRTY. BEWARE THE ARMPITS.
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➢ Through the Phone by @imaginethisbts ⠀✎ Summary: The sexual frustration is real when Namjoon goes on a month long business trip, halfway across the world. So when the chips are down and the tides get rough, and you can’t actually get to one another… what do you do? You go to the next best thing of course - phone sex. ⠀⠀▸ smut, smidgen of fluff ⠀⸙ notes: i’ll just say one thing. and that is that i love it when random moments of fluffy romance happens after the dirty :”)
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➢ Tigerboy by @joonbird​ ⠀✎ Summary: You, a docile rabbit hybrid, have been waiting a long time to meet the mysterious tiger hybrid, Kim Namjoon. ⠀⠀▸ smut, hybrid AU
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➢ Try Me by @jjkfire​ ⠀✎ Summary: You wanted nothing more than to leave behind your old self when you graduated from high school and moved on to college to play rugby but when you see your high school classmate, resident fuckboy and captain, Kim Namjoon, at the rugby department orientation, you feel like everything might fall apart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, rugby AU, ongoing series
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➢ By Your Side by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: Jin is somewhat arrogant, overly confident and a tease. All the things you find infuriating in a man and he also happens to be your roommate. It’s a wonder how you two can live together without killing each other…but it’s not like you’re anything more than friends. Right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, roommate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: UM. this was so incredibly amazing and heart wrenching and frustrating to read. hahahaha. the friendship dynamic that changed over time throughout this series was incredible to read. both characters had a lot of growing up to do and grow up they did. i enjoyed every moment of it.
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➢ Edge of Tomorrow by @thedefinitionofbts​
⠀✎ Summary: No matter the amount of rain that falls, what the unrelenting darkness erases, or how many times we are reverted back to the past, I’ll definitely save you. ⠀⠀▸ angst
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➢ Ephemeral by @donewithjeon ⠀✎ Summary: As your eyes fluttered open, you were met with a familiar white ceiling and the sound of steady beeping coming from beside you. A quick scan of the surroundings confirmed your suspicions—you were in a hospital room. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, patient AU ⠀⸙ notes: I almost never reread things much less sob each time that I do. I wish I was exaggerating lmao this fic makes me such a crybaby. It's great. I love pain <|:o)))) [insert clown meme]
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➢ Let Me Be Yours by @glassbangtan​ ⠀✎ Summary: How did people just get into relationships? Friends getting married at such young ages, inviting you to weddings left, right and centre – it definitely left room for you to feel like shit about your own love life. After getting stood up, you decide to treat yourself – and it is during this coping-shopping spree that you come across a fellow lonely person like yourself, Kim Seokjin. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff ⠀⸙ notes: This fic just... hits a different way than all the others listed here. I relate a lot to this story. That’s all I can really say. This is special to me.
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➢ Long Live The King by @remembeo​ ⠀✎ Summary: Long live the King, and may he reign forever more. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, fantasy AU, prince AU
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➢ Off Limits by @floralseokjin ⠀✎ Summary: You’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: you want PAIN? you want NASTY? you want FUZZIES? this series has got it ALL i tell you!!!!! adfhklafh yeah. i . yeah. do yourself a favor and just read it.
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➢ Sehnsucht by @johobi​ ⠀✎ Summary: An embarrassing run-in with your new boss is only the start of your destructive infatuation. ⠀⠀▸ smut ⠀⸙ notes: W H E W !!!!!111 
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➢ Seven Seconds in Heaven by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: In the moment of your death, Heaven drops the hammer of punishment; making him travel back in time to relive memories that can never be changed. Seven memories. Seven minutes in each. Seven seconds before they are ripped away. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, little bit of smut ⠀⸙ notes: WOW. YEAH. TALK ABOUT GETTING A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE. UUMMMM. I don't want to say anything else in case I spill the beans so I'll leave it at that. Read it.
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➢ The Leather Loafers by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Yes. You went to the ball. Yes. You ran into the prince. Yes. The shoe fits. BUT-! You aren’t that Cinderella bitch. THEY’VE GOT THE WRONG PERSON! ⠀⠀▸ fluff, Cinderella AU ⠀⸙ notes: yeah...there's some crack involved but c'mon. it's Jin we're talking about. minor angst. Great adventure :")) 
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  ➢ Untimely Confessions by @jjungkooked ⠀✎ Summary: Your friendly neighbor finds his way into your (very unsocial) heart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, neighbor AU ⠀⸙ notes: CUTE NEIGHBOR AU WHat more can I say TTT0TTT
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➢ Untitled by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: It's been a week since you last talked, three since you saw him in person. You miss him terribly... so you call him despite your nerves. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: when i first read this, i was in incredible need for a soft jin fic. and this was it. this is it. an incredibly soft jin fic. giving him. ALL. THE. LOVE. HE. DESERVES.
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➢ Burn by @dreamscript ⠀✎ Summary: Love is a powerful force; You and Yoongi defy nature itself and burn down the barriers. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fantasy AU ⠀⸙ notes: don't let the short length mistake you into thinking it's not gonna hurt. because. it's. gonna. HURT .
➢ Cobalt and Charcoal by @tayegi​ ⠀✎ Summary: In just ten minutes, he has ruined everything that you and Yoongi have worked for in the past year. It's terrifying to realize that a stranger could have such an impact on you so quickly... except he's no stranger. He's your other half. The only person who will ever own your heart. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, soulmate AU, feat. Jungkook
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➢ Intoxicating by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: You go clubbing and get drunk to spite your annoying, stonecold roommate. ⠀⠀▸ angsty fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: se xual  tens ion + drunken mistakes. that's all i gotta say.
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➢ Jilt by @taesthetes​ ⠀✎ Summary: Forever was only temporary. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: don’t underestimate short fics. 
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➢ Koi No Yokan by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: The boy on the bus could work on his bedside manners. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: discovering this fic was an absolute MIRACLE. i swear to glob. i'm so glad i went hunting for this fic after finding out the person i originally read it from was an imposter. and then i got to shower the true writer with loving words. and this story definitely deserves so many loving words.
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➢ Miss Dial by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: [11:31] You: okay so i’m texting you now like I promised instead of drunktexting yoongi and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. Arent you proud? [11:32] unknown number: this is yoongi, hi ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, university AU, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: //CCOOUGGHHSSS// THIS. This is the fic. My baby. I'm so freaking attached. This. Is the story that basically started it all for me. I had only just started dipping my toes back into the world of fanfics when I encountered this. And wow did I get pulled in so quickly. It holds title for many firsts. I have so much affection for this series and I will for sure shed a lot of tears when it ends. My forever favorite. I love you Kappy and Nat for having brought this to life.
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➢ Monochrome by @chimchimicorn ⠀✎ Summary: The world is black and white until you meet your true love. ⠀⠀▸ angst, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ notes: this is not a Tumblr fic but a story posted on ARMY Amino (ARA). No worries, you don’t need an account to read it! ⠀⸙ notes: it will hurt. 
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➢ Play With Me by @thatonegirl ⠀✎ Summary: Your world is breaking and you and Yoongi struggle to push through the pain. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: another story found on ARA
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➢ Please Be Naked by @floralseokjin​ ⠀✎ Summary: You find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series
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➢ Candy Hearts by @puppetwritings​ ⠀✎ Summary: He starts dropping candy hearts on your desk. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Delicate by @bluesxde ⠀✎ Summary: After being effectively dumped by your fuck-buddy, your attention is unexpectedly drawn towards your womanizing friend and fellow dance major, Hoseok. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, college AU, fuckboy/fuckgirl AU, friends with benefits AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: what a ride. *wink wonk* i loved on this story so much. i have a weak spot for fwb!AUs. and y/n constantly trying to! pull! him! in! and! him! constantly! trying! to! resist! the danger. the fun. spicy~ i love this story so very much.
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➢ Fetish by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: Hoseok is the sweetest boyfriend. Even in bed. But you want him to be more dominant. So you tell him. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy smut ⠀⸙ extra notes: the fluff is so overpowering I barely paid attention to the sex. But the sex was still great 👀
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➢ Misconceptions by @yoongihime​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which your roommate bails out on you last minute and you’re forced to share an apartment with this gorgeous a f human but, no worries, he’ll never see you that way… right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: s e x u a l  t e n s i o n .
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➢ Transference by @jeonjagiya ⠀✎ Summary: During a routine visit to the local bakery, you stumble upon an intriguing business card and figure, what the hell. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, therapist AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: the Hoseok series that took BTS Tumblr by storm, lol. And for good reason!! The character development!! The rawness and vulnerability from both characters! The naughty goodness! Just wowowow, a great Hoseok series that definitely deserves the hype it received :')))
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➢ Written on Our Veins by @army-author ⠀✎ Summary: You and Hoseok are sick of spending the holidays soulmate-less while your friends enjoy Christmas as couples… tired of waiting for fate to make a move, you decide to take matters into your own hands. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, soulmate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: if you want a story that will give you lovely feels and then RIP IT AWAY FROM YOU only to give it back (with extra goodies), this is the story for you :") I absolutely enjoyed watching Hoseok and Y/N get themselves into what they thought would be innocent fun for the holidays only to find out that maybe... it wasn’t such a good idea... but maybe it was? :”)))))
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➢ Azure Blue by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: You set off on a journey only to be joined by Jimin: the boy with elegant, azure blue wings. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Beneath the Water by @jungshookz ⠀✎ Summary: His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smidgen of smut, mermaid AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I think this was my first mermaid AU?@?@?@ but oh my goossshhhhh asdfj;alje yeah. that’s all I can really say. I’m in love with mermaid Jimin. I thirst for morrre from this AU afaaa;kls don’t mind me as I spazz all over my keyboard once more :’))))
➢ Cordially, Jimin by @kpopfanfictrash​ ⠀✎ Summary: When you start work in your new office, the last thing you expect is a distraction. Especially not one as cute, witty and impossible to handle as Park Jimin. A story told through correspondence. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Desires by @nightbts​ ⠀✎ Summary: It wasn’t your place to worry for him, you shouldn’t, it wasn’t good for you. But since the day you saw him that hurt, you couldn’t help it. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, bad boy AU ⠀⸙ notes:
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➢ The Blue Notebooks by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You meet Park Jimin after a particularly rough landing. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, time traveler AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I didn't think a fanfic could affect me so much. Even now as I write this, without having to reread to refresh my mind, my heart thumps painfully. It feels like I only read this a few days ago. It's one of those stories that doesn't rip your entire heart out in one go but slowly tears a few slivers out and continues to do so even when you're done reading. The pain is never ending. No, no one dies. No, there isn't an ugly break up. It's one of those "what if" stories. To me, anyway. I can't reveal anything more or else I'll spill the story lol I don't know what's up with this fic. But I'm never ok when I think about this story. My rambling doesn't do this story justice. Just read it.
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➢ Away From the Sun by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You leave your home in search of your brother.. in search of answers.. but you end up making a slight detour. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this was. a. journey. i kid you not. 20k story. i lived every moment of this - that's how good the story is. i felt the respect and fondness y/n felt for the eccentric taehyung. i felt the confusion of the "what next?" phase in y/n's life. i felt that hard. an amazing story beyond romance.
➢ Amaranthine by @rainwards​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which the sun loved the moon so much that it died every night just to let it breathe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, reincarnation AU ⠀⸙ notes: :-)))))))))))))) don’t read if you donut wanna be SAd.
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➢ Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) by mindheist ⠀✎ Summary: I miss you like the moon misses the sun, destined to chase you until the end of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, historical fantasy AU, feat. Jungkook ⠀⸙ notes: ur heart will heart. i can promise u that.
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➢ laser tag AU by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: You go laser tagging with the boys and come face to face with Taehyung. ⠀⠀▸ s e x u a l  t e n s i o n but it's PG ⠀⸙ extra notes: I have never been so invested in a drabble I swear. The amount of times I've fantasized about this lasertag!Taehyung and Y/N's story is almost embarrassing to admit, hahaha.
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➢ Rent-A-Boyfriend by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love? If you said ‘yes’ to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you! RENT-A-BOYFRIEND TODAY! ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F
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➢ Seoksanhwa by @gukyi​ ⠀✎ Summary: May you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Watch your back, keep to the wall. Always be ready to attack. Do not let your guard down, for it will be the last thing you ever do. The game of love is cruel and treacherous, the obstacles high and the stakes even higher, and the royal family never did play fair.  ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, prince AU, joseon AU ⠀⸙ notes: r u ready to cry ur fcking eyes out :-)
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➢ Song of Sunrise by Fable ⠀✎ Summary: Late at night, as dawn started painting the horizon, a night elf was running, his thin silhouette shining in the moonlight, the sound of his light steps resonating in the leaves of the silent, silent trees. That elf’s name was Tae. And Tae was heartbroken. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy angst, fantasy AU ⠀⠀▸ platonic Taehyung x Jimin ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA
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➢ All's Fair by @goldenscript ⠀✎ Summary: Sometimes people can surprise you and do absurdly kind things, even the ones you least expect… even your rival, Jeon Jungkook. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, enemies to lovers AU, baseball AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this fic made me blush a whole lot. just a lot of wholesome fluff. :")
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➢ A Piece of the Moonlight by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, mulan AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this is the fic that led me to KNOW WITH STRONG CONVICTION that there are some fanfic writers who are unbelievably talented way beyond the world fanfics and deserve so so much joy and success if they decide to pursue writing as a career. This is it. This is one of them. If ((((jimlingss)))) ever decided to make this into a full fledged book with her own OCs, there's no doubt it'll be even more A M A Z I N G than it already is. I just love this story so much. It moved me to tears. And not just tears -- but legit ugly crying. Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece.
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➢ baby!Jeon drabble series by @an-exotic-writer ⠀✎ Summary: A series of drabbles and scenarios about (Not-So-)Baby Jungkook, his 6 older brothers, and you. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !!!!!! ⠀⸙ extra notes: 6 GROWN MEN. 1 GROWN WOMAN. 1 LITTLE BABY. SO MUCH FLUFF. AFJALEJGAJFAE. 60k+. this is 2 years worth of writing, y’all. so much fluff. so much luv.
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➢ Blue Orchids by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You were eighteen years old when Jimin’s name showed up on your hand. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, implied smut, hanahaki AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Date in a Box by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !
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➢ Heat Wave by @iq-biased​ ⠀✎ Summary: The air conditioner breaks during the hottest week of summer and you have to figure out how to stay cool. ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: the title is accurately named bc reading this will definitely make you warm. very warm.
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➢ Five Dates by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: “Ten dates,” he nods, smile tugging at his lips. “Ten dates, to decide if you want this – want me – or want me to go. Ten dates to get to know me. Ten dates,” he says, oddly soft, “to fall in love with me.” ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smut
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➢ Hiraeth by @thedefinitionofbts ⠀✎ Summary: We are always yearning for someone, even if that person may not exist in this tangible realm. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, college AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Human Error by @gardentulips ⠀✎ Summary: Jungkook is your latest creation, and so much more... ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, robot AU
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➢ Mamihlapinatapai by @tayegi ⠀✎ Summary: You reunite with an old flame. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ extra notes: it's not a happy story. i'm sorry. but it is a definitely good painful story. so i'm not sorry.
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➢ Orange Tulips by @kainks ⠀✎ Summary: You’d remember Jungkook with every life you lived. Only he’d never remember you, never recall how your fates were written in the stars since the beginning of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, smut, soulmate AU, reincarnation AU
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➢ The Swirling Ways of Stars by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: He feels like the thrill of the unknown and the unexplored, like that hesitant feeling of a new sensation under your fingertips. He’s like the first taste of a newly discovered flavor, one that hits your tongue and quickly spreads through your body from head to toe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, fantasy AU
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➢ Tea and Ice Cream by @blackcatkuroi ⠀✎ Summary: It’s the small moments that truly shine. ⠀⠀▸ platonic OT7 ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA. Super cute story that briefly illustrates the close bond between these guys.
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Random notes: (cause I just LOVE to blab even when no one cares hahahaha) 1. Not surprising that JK has the most, lol. People just love writing him... and I'm okay with that :"))) I am surprised by the amount of Namjoon fics though, I didn't think it'd be that many! I guess I'm lowkey Namjoon biased................. no scratch that. I'm SO Namjoon biased. Lmao. 3. I realized quickly on that I'm very picky about Taehyung fics I read thus I have few Taehyung favorites :"( I need more. Also I really need to read more Hoseok and Jimin fics. Also I'm whipped for Yoongi. What can I say. He my Master 4ever. And of course I read a lot of Jin fics considering he is my UB, so I have a lot of favorites :"))) 4. Haven't read found very many OT7 fics. I would very much like to find more stories that explore their amazing brotherhood/bond!!
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