#and because it's a love letter to Kiana that makes it a love letter to the players/devs and vice-versa
blazingblorbos · 2 years
   Honkai Impact 3rd is a love letter of a game
  In its creation, and throughout its conception, the story that it sought to tell is one filled, so completely, with the concept of love and thanks.
  It's a medium of appreciation. The story thanks everyone and everything that it comes into contact with.  Its creators, developers, player-base, and characters.
   I think the story is perfect, not necessarily because it's masterfully well-written, or because it's groundbreaking in its approach, but because it served its purpose so well.  The pride and joy of Honkai as a game, is the way its community feels so united in its experience with the story.
   Every time I think about it, I feel like I just know that these developers care so much about their game. About their characters, their story, and the world they've created. And they never fail to try and let the playerbase know this.
   Recently - especially - they've dedicated the last couple shorts to the collective community. Uniting us in their message "Fight for all that's beautiful in the world"; and their sincere dream: "May all the beauty be blessed"
It's been through its ups and downs, but personally I think that only contributes to its sincerity. I've seen and heard so many beautiful stories about the way this game has helped others. How other players feel so deeply connected to it, because something about it - the narrative, the characters, the music, etc - just resonated within them. And it really is the case for the majority of us.
I haven't had experiences with any other piece of media that loves its community so much.... Whose community seems so deeply connected, related, and intertwined through their shared - HIGHLY EMOTIONAL - experience with the game.
   And I feel so at home here, despite not really directly interacting with others. 'Cause I'll browse posts made by other people- other players, about how excited they are for the next version, or how scared they are to watch the new short.  How loudly they sobbed over the lyrics of the latest song, how much they've saved for that one character...
      This game, this story, has left such an impact on us all. It's the reason we're still here,  it's the reason we stayed. Some people quit after the first hour of playing, and it's understandable because the beginning of the game is far from amazing.   But not us. We kept going - for one reason or another - and eventually settled in and stayed for so many more reasons.
And now that Part 1 is over, Graduation Trip managed to tie together everything about this ~7 year old journey into one tender 7 minute piece of masterful emotional expression.
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 It's a little hard to say goodbye, but it doesn't hurt anymore.  I cried because I'm happy, and I'll look back at the story that once was with fondness.
   It is the culmination of everything we've been through - all of us.  From creators to veterans to new players. They're thankful for all of it, and this short is the epitome of their gratitude. It's their love letter to the story we all made.
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   It's a love letter to her.  To her who inspired them, and inspired us.  A love letter to us. To us who inspired her and them.  The devs created this story. The story reached us, affected us, and as a result we - the playerbase, who game developers naturally depend on - managed to affect the story in return.
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Thank you
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uchu-no-bashira · 2 months
Hi Kiana(mod)! I hope you're well 🥺 Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions! I hope I didn't scare you away! How do you balance your personal life and relationships with the demands of being a Demon Slayer?
It’s fine!! It just took me a minute because there are so many, it’s a bit overwhelming but I love the attention.
“It is very difficult and there are times where I go months without speaking to people I hold dear. I make sure that I send letters by crow to my brothers and sister, as well as any of my fellow Hashira, to provide updates when I am not busy. But, my crow hates me and rarely does things that aren’t requested by Oyakata-sama.”
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Overall what is your opinion on APHO and does it actually affect the main story?
On its own, I think APHO is fine, it has a range of good points and interesting possibilities, especially APHO2's combat system over APHO's. It's trying something new! I think that's cool! Love breaking into places I'm not supposed to sneak into! Love platforming! (yes really).
But it also has big flaws. Having no self-insert character in the story really allowed Honkai's characters to shine in their own story because they only have relationships with EACH OTHER, and I don't think MHY really understands this given the shift to birthday letters and events like AI-chan's. Adam was incredibly flat and boring in APHO and stole the show away from beloved characters, which I believe got pretty bad backlash, and while APHO2 partly fixed this, I'm not certain they've learned their lesson...
APHO also basically locks the main story into ending a certain way, since they decided to state it was canon. Which isn't great, it kills the suspense on certain main characters' fates, we KNOW they manage to deal with Kevin and project STIGMA probably failed entirely given the state of the world we're told about.
This weakens spotlight characters' struggles and increases worry for others who haven't appeared yet in APHO, despite them not being in danger at the current moment in the main story.
Nobody's worried about Mei or Bronya, but Kiana, oh boy. Implying something bad happened to her was a meaningful choice when the story was years behind the ending of part 1, when they thrived off players' tears, but now that we're THERE, it's throwing the stakes off their course... especially since they've largely refused to let alive characters be permanently offed for like, a dozen chapters. (Not counting the sims; they were already doomed from mhy not wanting to keep ER around for the endgame, and they KEEP SHOWING UP ANYWAY.)
So yes, it affects the main story, and not really for the better, MHY basically wrote itself into a corner with it, and now they have to follow through even if the story's changed somewhat. (Stories always do.) It also basically spoils the story/suspense for players, thus throwing off the story's effect and making the players focus on the wrong place uncontrollably...
But it also has its own compelling points! It should've probably lived as a bubble universe instead, to get the best of both worlds, but I'm not mhy heh.
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shining-gem34 · 6 months
||Overdue 2.1 Commentary (The Mess)
HSR Spoilers
I'll put it out here now I started 2.0/Penacony thinking I won't be emotionally attached to the characters. Do I like them? Yes, I do to the point I like to give my thoughts about them and their actions just like any other characters. Just not to the extent I would be having my heart strings snapped and used as a jump rope for H*yoverse as they revel in my suffering.
Everything about 2.1 story is still information overload for me so I feel like I'm still missing alot of stuff.
Minor stuff (1): Gameplay wise(?), I do like how they handled switching Character POV's and label it as Trailblazer Story Quest (yellow/gold plot icon). It did fee like they improved it from the beginning parts of Xianzhou main story where you had the option of playing Dan Heng side of the story (purple plot icon) even though it felt just as important main story wise. So that was nice to see.
Acheron & Welt
I'm not too familiar with HI3 and other game/stories relating to it. I can recognize a few references to it such as Acheron is definitely Mei in HSR universe, her Myraid Celestia Trailer is a reference to the Honkai invading "Earth"and the twelve blades are references to the Herrschers in order, and Acheron is a result of no Kiana(?) and she defeated/kill "Kevin"/End. So I cannot say much about any HI3 references between them other than the fact it was nice they met and somehow recognized each other secrets. It makes me think about again how lonely Welt must've felt seeing a familiar face but it's not the person he knows. At the very least Acheron can be someone he might be willing to talk to about his past. Keyword: might. Main story wise cause Penacony 2.1 so far (or overall since 2.0) is a detective-like story, their discovery of new clues in Sunday residence is very eye-catching when you confirm Sunday is aware of "Death" (the meme) and IT has been around for a long while. Robin and Firefly are not the first victims based on the notes, BUT it randomly attacks people anywhere at anytime with no pattern. Sunday himself is personally looking into this case, moreso since Robin is now a victim but he's discouraged and told to hold off on it by Old Oti (Alfalfa Family) until after the festival is concluded. Of course we also learn Sunday definitely loves his sister as he kept a Light Cone of her first performance when they were kids. But more interesting is Robin letter. We find out why her voice is different not because of health-related reason, but because of the "Harmony in Penacony is not pure". She knew something was going on in Penacony and came to the conclusion there is a traitor in the Family. She was going to join her brother and go over what information she had, but unfortunately as we saw at the end of 2.0 she got caught by "Death". :((( Also what I find interesting about Robin "voice" is that she's far more sensitive to the "Harmony" to notice something was wrong compared to Sunday, as we saw both siblings are capable of using Harmony power by a "voice". But so far I haven't seen Sunday confirm if he noticed anything wrong with his "voice" unlike Robin. Makes me wonder how close she is to Xipe...
Aventurine & Ratio (Aventurine Boss Fight)
This was like the big bulk of 2.1 story where Aventurine is pretty much the main character. I will admit it does feel weird we're getting to see alot of Aventurine backstory at once before getting to read his character story, but again- He's the star of the show here. We're seeing Aventurine making the biggest bet of his entire fucking life here. Starry did warn me beforehand his story will be tragic but I did not expect for a seven course dinner of tragedy and angst to be shoved down my throat. Because at the beginning with Aventurine and Ratio??? They were a duo who got along pretty well despite their contrasting personalities. It could be years of working together, or they're more alike than they admit. Also I love the sandbox pit, because it was so funny to watch a giant Ratio helping out this itty bitty Aventurine wandering in Golden Hour city replica. The NPC's T-Posing bothered me more than needed...As they should (T-Pose for dominance). Then the big fucking thing happened during the meeting with Sunday where Ratio "sold" Aventurine out and I was ready to throw my phone like: DAMN. But also I had to stop and think about it carefully, because ??? That isn't Ratio style. He can plot behind the scenes but that's for the sake of "students" to find a lesson to learn from it. Also! He would not risk people lives at that too and had a measure of safety net arranged. He's a Scholar who believes knowledge is for everyone and in all, a pursuer to find a cure for people "ignorance". Not play with people lives. Even if there is a chance he hates Aventurine, he wouldn't betray his own principles like that for greed. The obvious answer? Ratio "betrayal" is part of the plan. Aventurine obviously has a plan when Sunday interrogates him. Not going to lie, when Sunday pretty much put a death sentence on Aventurine, I was legit worried we were going to have another "death" happening. I will say I do admire Aventurine perseverance (HAH!) in trying to survive and fighting to the bitter end. And we do see! That his fight to live stems from his past from his childhood! His home planet is dying, his parents gone, his clan slowly dying off, losing his sister, sold as a slave, and eventually joining the IPC- Aventurine went through so much to survive! But we also see his survival comes to a price- the death of many he cares about. The guilt of being the only survivor combined with his sense of worth led to a disarray of thoughts we see in the quest description.
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Unable to escape, unable to move on, unable to see his own worth, and unable to see his own future where he's still alive. In an illusion where he's facing his own selves, the past and the future as he marches onward, Aventurine came to find his own answer at the end: He wants to live. I'm still untangling stuff around the parts where Aventurine grand plan is to call a bluff for Acheron to unleash her true power and leaving a deep mark on the Dreamscape. I do know her power had effectively removed the Harmony placed on Aventurine thus saving his life from that. But the big point Aventurine had to Penacony regarding the "murders" happening is that: No one can "die" in a dream(?????). And it felt like he was taking a big risk with his life on the line to not only save his own life but to point to a bigger clue to the guests after the Watchmaker legacy: Who dunit? For Aventurine, his story has more or less concluded in Penacony. He's not dead despite it looking like he is accepting his "death" because again- You can't die in Penacony. I do know he'll return in the next story. And Dr. Ratio has full faith in his return, and it was??? Like I got chicken tendy that Aventurine looked relieved reading his note. Like there is someone waiting for him. BUT ALSO HE'S SAYING GOODBYE TO HIS PAST SELF TOO, I'M JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. TLDR: Jade is not okay during the entire Aventurine portion of the story. I just wanted to cry and hold this bitch close, because this bitch is making me emotionally attached to him. AND HIS BOSS FIGHT WAS SO COOL. I was reminded of Childe Foul Legacy appearance with the beam shooting from his mask but Aventurine was his chest gem. Super nostalgic. I was just super bummed when I found out H*yoverse just nerfed his boss fight when I fought him. ;;w;; I really wanted to experience how hard he was based from what everyone was saying, but I guess that's what I get for taking my time. Though I guess they had to nerf it so people can continue the story.
Gallagher & Sunday
Gallagher background information about the Watchmaker. The tidbits I focused on is the fact Mikhail, who we've been hearing about since last patch, is actually the Watchmaker (Betrayer of the Family). If the Watchmaker title is inherited, and Mikhail is dead, who is the next Watchmaker? Is it Gallagher, one of his "children" or another individual? He never did explain, if he knows, how the Watchmaker are chosen. (I'm putting my bets on Misha because why not-). Minor Vent: When Gallagher answered the question of his age with "I'm Thirteen"- I prayed that social media peeps do not take it literally. Unfortunately, and I mourn for this, people did take it literally. Yes, you can disguise yourself in dreams, but come on. It's obviously means something else and how quickly, Gallaghter changed topics back to the original subject at hand before anyone can ask about it. The question remains that idk if it's been answered in-game or it's in other lore (Relics- I haven't read the Watchmaker relics lore yet because I haven't needed to grind that set yet): What did the Watchmaker do that was considered betrayal to the Family and earn their hatred? And what did they do for the Oak Family to have set them up to be branded as traitors? I haven't gotten a good grasp of Sunday character yet. The characters, except Robin, have a neutral to disdainful view of him. I can tell he manipulates to get things done for the sake of the Family, likes to be very much in control of the situation, and very much adores his sister Robin. But the confrontation between Sunday and Gallagher has me going unga bunga. The tension between them as Sunday reveals his suspicions about Gallagher, ripping apart his identity piece by piece to unveil a bigger puzzle. I thought it was another Sparkles disguise moment, or when Gallagher called Sunday "my brother"- I thought it was Robin and I was like HUH???? And then I realized it was something akin to mocking Sunday. Also Sunday calling Gallagher follower of Enigmata. I had to look it up because I was not too far into Gold/Gears/Swarm Universe to unlock the Aeon of Enigmata. Oh boy, that unlocks ALOT of possibilities for Gallagher. BUT ALSO GALLAGTHER AND DEATH MEME CONNECTION???? THAT LAST SCENE OF DEATH APPEARING AND STABBING SUNDAY? WHAT THE FUCK I GOT BLUEBALLED SO HARD AT THE CLIFFHANGER. Holy shit so Gallagher is definitely (99% likely now) one of the culprits here. The question does remain is: Who is Gallagher exactly? Because Sunday described so many pieces Gallagher had taken from 52 loyal members of the Family and made it into his own identity. What was the truth and lie he told us, the Nameless? And what did happen to Sunday??? Man. Oh Man.
Sam & Trailblazer
Man, I was like already 99% certain Firefly and Sam are the same people. But at the end where Sam revealed himself to be Firefly, I was the Trailblazer for that moment getting sucker punched into the gut. Like, Trailblazer had no breaks??? How long has it been since they saw Firefly got stabbed and disappeared, and shortly found out Robin was also stabbed? And then they had to be dragged all over Penacony to unveil the murders behind it? And then fight Aventurine??? Like legit they get no breaks and to find out Firefly, whom they consider a close friend and thought they were dead, is actually alive and part of the Stellaron Hunters? Man I would feel betrayed. I am curious to Firefly/Sam story though.
Minor tidbits to include:
-Sparkles answering Aventurine inquiry about the "mute" person that is not Robin, but somebody else. This is still stuck in my head. I'm just like: ????????????????????
-Baby Aventurine is too cute and pure for this world.
-Jade (I found HSR version of me everyone /j) is beautiful and I am willing to roll for her.
-Black Swan investigating Acheron! I wish this was explored more, but I know this will be a big plot in 2.2 since we heard Boothill voice! I'm curious to what kind of relationship Acheron has with the Galaxy Rangers. She is an imposter, but she continues to call herself a Galaxy Ranger. In Boothill case, he has a vendetta against her and plans to fight her. But also! It's confirmed Acheron did kill Duke Inferno and his children escape! And we heard Constance too!
-Also!!! My son Dan Heng makes an appearance...Over the Astral Express group chat asking if he needs to join them in Penacony and help out. ;;w;; Because everyone was worried about the Trailblazer not responding and obviously something serious happened. And Mom Himeko reassuring he's not needed for now, and Dan Heng trusting they'll let him know when they need him. ;;w;;
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userheree · 8 months
ok so i couldn't find the orginal sketch so I remade it when I had the time today andd
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this was only the sketch AND IGNORE THE FACT EVERYONE IS BALD LMFAOO the idea is that the day before (or during up to interpatation) valentienes day, MC got bombarded by kinda everyone,
kiana asked her on a date, blaise asked just to hang out (his words lmaoo it was him attempting to be lowkey ab wisking MC away idkk) theo offered to walk around and listen to music as a date, mylo just asked her straight up ot be his (valentine), and nicolas basically had the same idea as MC and gave her a letter (asking to be his valentine and to hang out) and if eve is a LI then the reason she isn't drawn is bc she is too prideful to ask MC out (main reason,,, i didn't know if she was LMFAOO)
I kinda wanted MC and Nicolas to have similar faces since I see some parallels between them?? tho that could just be me lmao ANYWAYS i WILL LINE AND COLOR ALL THIS AND SUBMIT TI TO YOU HOPE U LIKE THE SKETCH
ur perception of my OCs must be so accurate because this is EXACTLY how things would go down LMAO
Kiana is my pookie I love her she's so <333 she'd ask MC on a date and then buy flowers and chocolates and a teddy bear such a green flag muah (for now she is... will she alwats be? who knows?)
Blaise is so accurate he's like "Let's hang out on this very romantic day as friends!! no other reason..."
Theo offering to listen to music with MC is so BUCBFVFFBVIEFB because now that SHE KNOWS everything he's not gonna let her until he ACTUALLY LOVED HER because sharing music anbd opening that part of his heart is just UGHH
Mylo would he;d just be like "Hey so i blew you off but your cool and i like you so go out w me" and like?? hes an asshole but your honour hes so wirth everything hed also buy you flowers and chocolates
Nicolas omg the prettiest meanest person in the books (he's debateably prettier than eve) but he would buy a letetr and compliment and insult you at the same time. "your an idiot if you didnt see this coming... be my valentine?" and then chocolates bcs he's nicolas and then he'd be like "of course theyre fo ryou?? dumbass" and then take like so many pictures
there are nicolas and mc parallels ty for noticing!!! MC's more laidback than Nicolas and they do differ in some ways but theyre more similar then some ppl realise :)
im thinking of dong smth for valentines im gna use this sketch (or the coloured version if you make it b4 then, no pressure!!) for the cover its so cute!!!
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milaswriting · 3 years
if mc were to make a care package for the ros, what would be in there? and how would the ros react? 👀
{deep into the relationship}
Athalia/Asher: Coffee, a new mug. a fountain pen, a new journal, a good book, a punnet of fruit, a hair tie (for Asher), a chess board, a bandage, a pack of plasters, a tag necklace, something from the MC that annoys them but A secretly loves.
A would let out a soft chuckle, take a grape from the punnet, (Asher would slip the hair tie on his wrist), flicks through the pages of the new book because A loves the smell of new books - then leans over and places a kiss on the MC’s forehead as a thanks.
Blaire/Blaze: Gold jewellery (soo surprising), rings especially, hot chocolate, designer clothes, headphones, lots of snacks and junk food, sunglasses, nail polish, hair products, two plane tickets for them and the MC.
Is definitely the one to say “you didn’t have to get me all of this”, but gets excited looking through everything with the MC. They’d slip on a ring or two, eat some of the snacks, and then plan to make the MC their own care package.
Kiana/Kaidan: A new denim jacket, diamond earrings, a personalised playlist of some sort, a swear jar (just to see if they could actually handle not filling it for a day :D), a blood bag, a basketball, a lighter, a picture of the MC (yup, K’s gonna get soft like that), a game of Jenga :D
Kisses the MC as a thank you, it’s probably one of the nicest things anyone has done for them. Utters a curse word when they see the swear jar, then drops a few coins in it :D . Slips on the jacket and admires the picture of the MC.
Phoebe/Phoenix: Blond(e) hair dye, a sweet smelling candle, a new book, a Polaroid camera, tea, perfume, sharpened pencils, a hair tie (for Phoebe, seriously, she’s always losing them), a laptop, a typewriter, a piano, a few handwritten letters.
They’d probably go out, take lots of pictures of the city and the MC. When it gets to night, they’d light the candle, read over the handwritten letter the MC gave them, fall in love more and the next day they’d plan to do all of the MC’s favourite things as a thank you.
Thank you for your ask! 💛
~ xXx
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busghost · 4 years
what are your thoughts on Himeko lorewise? just watched Final Lesson 😢 did she have a good and worth life?
Like many characters in Honkai, being Himeko was suffering. BUT The last few years of her life were full of love and happiness with the St. Freya crew.
Sources for Himeko's backstory come mostly from the Alien Space manga, her battlesuit descriptions, and oddly enough the Durandal visual novel as she makes a short appearance in Bianka’s origin story.
Starting from the beginning Murata Himeko was born on June 11, 1987, to Schicksal scientist Murata Ryusuke and an unnamed mother in Japan. Her mother died when she was young.
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She graduated from high school with top honors (some people claim at age 15, but I haven’t found the source for that yet, but she was extremely intelligent). She then went to the United States to enroll in Cal Tech's Aerospace and Space Engineering program. One of her professors was Dr. Frederica Nikola Tesla, and was well on the way to her degree. There was a point just at the start of the Alien Space manga where Welt Yang substituted for Tesla and she had something akin to a schoolgirl crush on him. She also was an enthusiastic alien hunter, always on the look for aliens in the news or shady forums.  Once you play Chapter XI-EX, you learn more about her hopes and dreams at this point in her life.
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Everything went wrong for her in 2005 when her father Murata Ryusuke left Schicksal to give Anti-Entropy the controls to the 4th Divine Key. I’m gonna skip through a lot of the manga’s plot but basically, all Himeko knew was one moment she was having dinner with her father and Professor Welt, then she woke up in a hospital, her father was dead, and Welt was nowhere to be found.
what actually happened:
Welt chose to leave her out of the loop on what had happened, because her father used her, knowing she could possibly die, to appeal to the fact that AE actually cares about human life. Ryusuke betrays AE, kills his alien friend, and attempts to kill Welt to get his Herrscher core. So Welt kills him with 5D chess (he is actually able to experience more than three spatial dimensions because that’s apparently a power the Herrscher of Reason has) because he was a crazy bastard willing to kill his own daughter “for the sake of humanity”. This is an insultingly stupid version of the 2005 plot in Alien Space. I didn’t include the 2029 plot but it does confirm there’s an alternate universe where Himeko is still alive. It also confirms that this universe’s Himeko is dead, so I guess this death is sticking.
Anyway, the only clue she has about any of this is a letter from Schicksal, so that’s the lead she follows. She became a Valkyrie at age 19, older than most, and with poor Honkai adaptability, so she had the Schicksal artificial stigmata implanted, greatly reducing her lifespan. She was part of the Valkyrie Assault Squad, led by Ragna until 2010 when a mission left her as the only survivor. Prompted by Ragna she became a teacher at St. Freya.
One day when she visited the orphanage that Ragna used to help at she met Bianka Ataegina and informed her of Ragna’s death, which lead Bianka to become a Valkyrie.
And so we get to the beginning of vol. 1 of the manga. Himeko is a sad, angry alcoholic who can’t get a relationship to last longer than one date. She’s also  Schicksal Far-East Branch’s most powerful Valkyrie, Major of Valkyrie Squad V, and Captain of the battleship Hyperion. And her current date has just been interrupted because she has to go respond to the 3rd Honkai Eruption (hey that’s the game’s title!). A few days later and she’s a surrogate mother to Kiana, Mei, and Bronya because Theresa moved them into her apartment.
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Chapter Chiyou and Chapter Xuanyuan both happen but those are both in Chronicles in the game and are worth playing if only for the crystals. And since you say you’ve played Chapter 9, that’s basically everything there is about Himeko.
misc. Himeko ramblings/opinions/feelings below the cut.
I love how Himeko goes from telling the girls that if a comrade is corrupted by the Honkai they must be killed immediately, to giving her life to bring Kiana back from the Honkai. Not only giving her life but giving her life when the option was to save herself OR save Kiana because to her it wasn’t an option. The power of love, a science serum, and a badass suit of armor really is beautiful.
I know I only gave basically the “here’s what happened” above but, she really did seem so happy when Kiana, Mei, and Bronya became part of her life. With the addition of Theresa of Fu Hua to that group, they really had a beautiful little family and despite all the bad that had happened to her previously, I really think that she was happy in the end.
Excuse me, I’m gonna go cry again and maybe make a sappy post about Himeko. Again.
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fatewalker-phoenix · 3 years
2, 13, 20. *spins the wheel* (from oc asks pt 2)
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it?
Eden Azalea's name has such a long boring history behind it that I fear I would put everyone to sleep recounting it, suffice it to say that it comes from the names I used for two previous MMO's I played before xiv, as well as my online tag. In-game, as we know, eden is the fae word that means utopia, and is the alias she adopted for herself on a whim following the loss of her memories. Her birth name is Tsutsuji.
Kiana's name origin story is that I literally took Kiara from the Lion King II and changed one letter for the OC I was developing for my Inheritance Cycle fanfic, from which she originates. Kveykva is from the in universe ancient language of that series, and means lightning. The name Kiana itself is of Hawaiian origin and means divine, so put em together and you get divine lightning, which, I mean, is pretty metal ngl. Ironic since she's the most Baby of the three.
Airi Nakamura was the name given to a Bleach OC made for me by a friend. Airi itself has meanings both in Japanese (beloved jasmine) and Finnish (messenger). In story it has come to be her nickname, as her full first name is Aurora.
13. What are their views on marriage? If they want to get married, what would their dream wedding be like?
Eden, as the sole married one of the three, thinks marriage is pretty dang sweet. In keeping with both her and Astor's (@tiredassmage) wishes, theirs was a fairly quiet wedding, much to the chagrin of much of the Alliance who wanted a union between two Warriors of Light to be a grand affair. But enough of their lives and accomplishments are under the scrutiny of the public that they are happy to keep such a moment to themselves. With that said, let there never be any doubt that the two are deeply, deeply in love. Eden couldn't imagine a future without him in it that she would want for herself, and he will never fail to get a shiver of delight out of her when calling her Mrs. Caulfield.
Airi's views on marriage are...complicated. On one hand, she would absolutely be down for a lavish affair and the chance to dress up and declare her vows! But. Her strict parents drilled into her that her marriage would be one that benefits their family, feelings and romance be damned, giving her an overall bitter feeling toward the idea. Additionally, the man who owns her heart is...not one for conventional weddings, period. It was already a shock to see him dressed up for the Banquet at all. And their bond is already one that has transcended eons and lightyears, to declare their union in a ceremony seems very insignificant in comparison. There will be opportunities to dress up, but a wedding as the setting is unlikely for the time being.
What AU would they belong in the best?
See it's funny, because all three of them come from other fandoms, technically making ffxiv the AU!
Of the three of them, however, Eden's characterization was developed the most in xiv, and it's become a little difficult to fit her into other universes without having to change large parts of her (such as her memory loss and future-sight Echo). If I had to pick one AU she would do well in, it's one where she can flex her full queenly self to its max, so something in the fantasy/historical fiction genre would fit her. If she finds herself
Kiana is meant to be an underdog protagonist, so she's very flexible on where she can go. I do still carry a soft spot for her original incarnation as a surprise Dragon Rider in the war between the Varden and the Empire. She's most recently found herself in a small YGO 5'Ds AU with a few friends.
Airi is also very flexible on which universes she can go into, she usually fits into the role of the rich family's runaway heiress (think Lucy from Fairy Tail), who like any Disney princess just wants more than whatever stifling role her parents want to force her into. Bonus points if she's able to meet a brooding world-weary grump who slowly warms up to and falls in love with her over the course of the story (psst Shay that's your queue)
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asheshq · 3 years
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name: isabella macmillan  birth date (age): 3 november 1928 (27)  faceclaim: kiana madeira  gender identity (pronouns): ( she / her)  blood status: pureblood  occupation: mediwitch; former tutor
your mother said the hardest thing in the world was to love unconditionally. your father said it was calculus. you did both, just to prove you could. turns out love is more your thing-- you love unconditionally, indefinitely, unquestioningly. you took home strays, cats and dogs and friends that needed a place to stay for the holidays. you’re the first to volunteer, at the school or the animal shelter or the hospital. the world might hurt you, but you’ll still love it anyways.
Growing Up: 
Isabella grew up in a very loving home, though one with firm expectations. While her family extends far and wide with cousins on every limb of her family tree, she mostly grew up with her immediate family. She was privileged, with financial security and good social standing, but her parents pushed her to make her own way in life and to decide for herself who she ought to align herself with (with the unspoken promise that they would be there were she to stumble and fall). Her parents were very busy individuals themselves, however, and she often spent time with babysitters including Arabella Greengrass and with cousins who lived close enough. 
After Hogwarts: 
Initially, Isabella took a respectable job of tutoring the children of wizarding families. She helped prepare them before they would attend Hogwarts, and also helped babysit from time to time as well. Additionally, she spent her time with friends and family, taking in family who needed it. She reconnected with Arabella during this time as well, aiding her in tracking down witnesses and information for her article. It is one of her greatest regrets. On the day of the attack on the Prophet, Isa had been attending an interview to become a mediwitch. She got the job, but struggles with the guilt of not being with Arabella when the attack happened. 
Connection to Tom Riddle: 
Hate isn’t something that comes naturally to Isabella either, but she hates him. She’s tried all her life to see the good in people, but there’s absolutely nothing to see in him. He was beyond her in years though not by too much, but she never really spent much time with him. He’s the reason Arabella is gone, how could she possibly do anything but hate him? The difficulty comes with his followers. She knows some of them better than others, and the possibility of seeing them differently is very real. 
Isabella simply wants to do her best. She wants to love people well, and continue to support her friends and family. She also desperately wants to put an end to the things that they have endured. She sees the pain her loved ones experience and she feels it deeply. She is brave and bold, and as darker days continue to come, she’s going to do everything she can to shelter those she cares about, and possibly even those undeserving of such kindness. She doesn’t want Arabella’s article to be forgotten, the warning ignored, and she doesn’t want her death to be in vain. .
arabella greengrass (deceased). you know bella. grew up on the same street, she was even your first babysitter. and she’d not have been able to track down half of the people she interviewed without you. and now she’s dead because of the story. it’s not your fault, not really, but it kind of is.
achilles tolliver. you wanted to go over and help when it all happened, but you were still in school. the letters you sent back and forth are still tucked in a drawer, even though you never want to see those descriptions again. making him dinner every night won’t take that away, but you don’t know what else you could do.
lucrecia black. well behaved women rarely make history, but empires fall without them. you wish she would realise that, that she would stop thinking less of herself. either way, it’s nice to have someone to plan dinner parties and puzzle over paint colours with.
jacq bell. your mum almost took cassius to court over jacq, you know? wanted to keep the kid in ireland, make sure they grew up okay, but they just left in the middle of the night. they could have grown up your sibling, spared so much pain. they should have had that life.
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horrcrshows · 3 years
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kiana madeira, lesbian, cis female + she/her ― hey look, it’s rickie bellows! they’re twenty-four years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for 6 years, and they’re currently working at dick's sporting goods. i heard they’re pretty competitive, but i think they’re so driven at the same time. can they make it out alive?
quick stats.
full name: rickie bellows
nickname(s): none.
age: twenty-four 
date of birth: december 19th
place of birth: charlotte, north carolina 
gender: cis female
sexual orientation: lesbian
rickie always grew up thinking she had a pretty charmed life. her family had money, she was pretty incredible at sports and her parents really seemed to love her. while that was true for her, it wasn’t true for how her parents felt about each other.TW: DIVORCE they divorced when she was 13 years old and her mom soon moved across the country with her new family to shrike heights, leaving rickie behind with her father. 
she held things against her mom for a long time, ignoring her calls and letters, blaming her for ruining her family. 
she put all of her pain and bitterness over the divorce into her sports training. it was the one thing she felt like she could rely on after what happened between her parents. she was playing sports frequently, always picking up another when the season ended for one, trying to stay in the best shape she could. 
while she was pretty good at everything she tried, soccer is where she really shined. she was an absolute monster on the field and had multiple scholarship opportunities to pretty much any college she wanted. she truly felt like everything was coming together for her, at least until she got injured. she’d always been good about injuries, having never spent much time off at all and then the big one happened. in her last match of her senior year she landed wrong after a slide tackle and tore both her acl and mcl, effectively ending her career. 
she tried to get surgery and get back but she never quite reached the same ceiling she was at before and while she was still offered scholarships she soon dropped out. she was ashamed of herself and had a hard time facing the people back in her hometown that had been cheering her on all those years. so she finally reached back out to her mother, eventually asking if she could come and stay with her and that’s when she moved to shrike heights, where she’s been ever since. 
despite not being as good at sports as she once was, she still loves to do anything competitive when she can but can be an absolute nightmare, win or lose. she doesn’t take losing well and is an absolutely cocky winner. 
she’s still bitter sometimes about not being able to make it in sports but has calmed down a lot over the past few years about it. she’ tends to be rather friendly and spends whatever time she can when she’s not working with her friends. 
she can also be a huge flirt though, seeing dating most of the time as just another game she can win. because of this she’s made some bad blood with some of the girls in town but that hasn’t slowed her down yet. 
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romewritingshop · 4 years
Only Love could kill me
Fandom: Choices, The Royal Masquerade
Relationship: Kayden Vescovi X F!MC (Name: Kiana Rosario)
Warnings: Blood, slight gore, fight sequence, brief torture, knife use.
Word Count Total: 2714
A/N: After several days, I finally managed to finish this fic. I can’t remember the idea but I know I was definitely was inspired by the song Power is Power by SZA, The Weeknd & Travis Scott. The vibes in that song helped me with the mood and action in this fic but I do hope it is action piece. Would love constructive feedback but that’s totally up to you. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. I tagged you because I thought you’d like a bit of Kayden in your life!!! 😘 Song is below if you want to listen to that while reading.
Power is Power - SZA, The Weeknd, Travis Scott
Tagged: @ravenpuff02​ @choicesficwriterscreations ​ @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria ​ @katedrakeohd ​ @masquerade-reimagined ​
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A sigh left his lips as his eyebrow quirked upwards with amusement at his kidnappers. Three scrawny young adults that were arguing about the price in exchange for Kayden’s freedom. If his wife, Kiana were here, she would roll her eyes and laugh at his current situation. The strong mighty Crown Shield is kidnapped by three teenagers. His wrists were held up by metal chains and what was worse, was that he couldn’t use his powers to make the keys levitate to his lock so he was absolutely stuck. Judging by the surroundings, he had a feeling that he was in a barn in a remote location in the forest. His kidnappers addressed one another by numbers.
“Look One, let’s just ask for a quarter of the royal treasury. They can spare that much and we can walk away peacefully.”
“You think so little, Three. A quarter is not enough to survive for years. Getting half will build our lives for generations to come. We can escape Cordonia and claim a different land as our own. We will become the kings of our own land. What do you think, Two?”
“Will they even pay up for him? He’s the bastard of the Vescovi house.”
Kayden controlled his reaction at Two’s words as Kiana’s words came echoing in his mind. Reminding him of his worth and strength as well as the fact that he is not just the bastard of Vescovi house. He worked hard and was the Crown Shield of Cordonia.
“Oh Two! He is the Crown Shield! He saved Lady Rosario from several assassination attempts and he defeated Renza Fierro. Not to mention the fact that he took on the horde of Danish soldiers using a shield and a lance, emerging victorious in what would seem like a suicide. The regency would pay a lot to get their Crown Shield back, especially Lady Rosario.”
He needed to bide his time as he knew Hunter and Kiana were working on tracking him. He spent weeks training Kiana to be a good fighter and tracker. He didn’t expect her training to come into use, until now. His perpetrators were wrong about one thing.
“I never took on a horde of Danish men. It was me and three of my men that took on the horde. We barely won and that was because our back up had arrived at the battlefield. The Danish were threatened and they ran away like cowards. A bard misinterpreted the story and discredited my fellow soldiers.”
One was interested by his sudden expression as he wandered over to crouch a little distance away to avoid being kicked. He was wearing a grey robe-like suit along with a fox shaped mask which mocked the royal emblem and pet of house Rosario.
“I see.”
“If I were you, I would stick with a quarter. The kingdom might even let you live.”
Three stood up, dressed in a similar fashion to One, gesturing towards Kayden as if to prove he was right.
“See! Even the Crown Shield agrees.”
“Three, he is trying to scare you to surrender. You see Crown Shield, it’s never enough. Taking half of the wealth will help set our and our children’s lives. The kingdom can still recover so taking half is just taking two quarters.”
“Then it’ll be death knocking on your door.”
One stood up and he could sense the smug grin from behind his mask as he gestures to Two to come forward. Two trawled past One and Three, twirling a knife between his fingers. Crouching to Kayden’s level with threat and danger dancing in Two’s eyes.
“Not if we got you to shake hands with death first.”
Kaydeb felt the cool sharp edge of the blade press on his cheekbone, he tensed at the slight tingle as the blade pressed deep till it penetrated the skin. Teeth gnashed against each other and his body writhed at the aggressive pressure of the knife trailing down and cutting his cheek, blood spilled out as Kayden grunted low.
“This will raise the ransom we have placed on your head. One, I think we should demand for half the wealth. The blood in the letter will make them hurry to rescue him and pay the ransom.”
“Agreed, Two.”
Two stepped away and handed the knife to One, who pressed the quill against the blood of the blade and began writing the ransom on a parchment paper. A few minutes later the letter is written and handed to Three. One and Three speak quietly before he leaves the barn and mounts his horse to deliver their note. One and Two glance at each other and rub their fists. Excited at the prospects of having the Crown Shield at their mercy while Kayden held his head high. Not showing any weakness or fear and relying on his faith that his wife will come.
It’s been several days and he could feel the tendrils of strength barely holding on as his head lolled from side to side. The blood in his arms rushing back into his body, leaving Kayden lightheaded. He was fed stale bread and drank somewhat murky water, memories of sleeping in the stables came flooding back. It wasn’t that Kayden was spoilt, he felt like a little powerless child stuck to fend for himself and he was worried about Kiana.
Worried if she’d find him or she was too distraught to even search for him. He hoped it was the former because he knew Kiana was the fiercest woman he had ever met and she would never abandon him. One was patrolling the perimeters of the barn whilst Two was scraping his dagger against a sharp stone to sharpen the edge. Over the days he came to understand how his perpetrators worked: One was charismatic and an idealist. Always thinking beyond the bigger picture of greed while Two was a soulless brute that relished in laying scars on his body.
There was a series of knocks that he recognised as code for entering the barn. Two held the blade in his right and carefully opened the door, ready to attack whoever was behind it. One came in, pushing the door out of Two’s hand and letting Three come in. Three looked different, shorter and slightly more nimble. Kayden frowned at the change of appearance of Three, wondering if his kidnappers would notice the difference.
"Did you deliver the letter, Three?"
Apparently they were blind as they did not pay attention to the sudden physical change to Three, he gave a silent nod and handed a parchment to Two. One snatched the parchment and read aloud, unaware that Kayden is listening.
"We accept your demands. We will meet you at dawn, at the edge of the forest."
One turned to his accomplices with a firm nod, indicating their futures were set in stone. Kayden was a little taken aback about the fact that the kingdom surrendered but a part of him felt that the best decision was taken, a fight won without bloodshed. Two had a strip of cloth in his hands as he came around Kayden and tucked it between his teeth forcefully.
Silencing him in order to avoid interruptions to their exchange as One delegated roles. 
"Two get the horse and carriage ready. We will ride the instant in order to be ahead of the Kingdom. There is no doubt that they will be waiting with an army to ambush us. Luckily I summoned reinforcements."
A rhythmic knock sounded on the door as One opened it to let in three big burly men, all dressed in the similar fox masks and white robe-like tunics.
"Three begin to unhook the Crown Shield. He is our path to a better life."
Three nodded curtly before walking around Kayden to unhook his metal cuffs from the hanging chains. Taking both wrists and pressing them to the small of his back, something cold fell into his hand as he felt the sharp edge and firm hilt. A blade.
Before Kayden could react, Three tossed a dagger at One's hand only for it to hit and pin the parchment to the wooden wall of the barn. The men stare in confusion at their comrade, who brought a hand to the corner of their mask to unveil a long curved face, plush light pink lips and light brown skin. Tousled black curls as Kayden smiled proudly at his wife, she too had a grin at the kidnappers opposite her. Her work was cut out for her as she helped her husband up, carefully stroking the cuts on his face before turning to her enemies with a renewed fire.
One’s comrades were poised to attack when One held a fist up to halt their attack, instead taking the time to clarify a few questions.
“Lady Rosario. How ever did you come to find us?”
“I’d like to say I followed the foul stench of deceit but instead I followed your companion to the edge of your barn. He’s sound asleep and safe.”
“You’re smarter than I took you for.”
“I wasn’t Queen for nothing.”
Whilst One was engaging in a conversation with Lady Rosario, Two was carefully skirting along the edge of the barn towards the Crown Shield and the head of House Rosario. Silently anticipating the moment to strike as he managed to get into position, in the shadowy abyss behind the regent members. Two tiptoed carefully out of the shadows, with his dagger poised to stab at Lady Rosario. One jerked his head ever so slightly which gave Two the signal to attack as he swung his knife down, only to feel a barrier holding his arm upright.
Kiana jumped away and noticed that Kayden had his blade raised to block Two’s jab, the two of them staring aggressively at one one another before Kayden raised his leg to kick Two away. Kayden and Kiana stood back to back with their enemies surrounding them, now prepared to fight.
“Kayden, how do you intend we settle this?”
“Depends when Hunter gets here.”
“He should be here within a few hours.”
“Plenty of time, my Lady.”
Kiana smirked as she and her husband began their attack, she swung under One’s blade to grab at her blade pinned to the wall. Kayden began clashing his dagger with Two, his opponent was fast and agile. Matching ferociously against Kayden’s jabs and swings while Kiana was holding up a little better than Kayden. Her nimble form enabled her to confuse her enemies and strike with viper strength, she curled her arm around one of One’s reinforcement men; bending his elbow before pushing the wrist to get her opponent to stab himself in the shoulder.
She threw her energy to her wrists and hurled the man onto another enemy, ducking another swing of a dagger and swinging her leg to bash her enemy’s groin. Kayden had taught Kiana well as she tossed her head against the other to break his nose before backhanding him to knock him unconscious. Kayden was holding himself well against Two as he used the metal cuffs to his advantage by bringing both his hands up and connecting the metal cuffs against Two’s head. A loud metal clang rang as Two clasped his head tightly, once incapacitated Kayden jumped down to swing his legs under Two.
Kayden was returning some of the brutality that Two inflicted on him as the Crown Shield loomed over Two. Fist pummeled into Two’s face and Two felt like he was brushing hands with death. Instead mercy took his hand as Two’s vision spun violently, Kayden stood up heaving as he turned away from Kayden to help his wife. Being the bigger better man as Two tipped over to the state of unconsciousness, Kayden went over to Kiana and raised her up by the waist. Kiana took this opportunity to swing her legs across two enemies' faces before Kayden and Kiana swung their dagger’s across their enemies' faces. The two stumbled back before Kayden and Kiana simultaneously kicked their stomachs as a final blow. All were laid to rest accept for One, who twirled his two daggers between his hands.
Kiana and Kayden circled One before they surged forward but One was quicker to retaliate, swinging his arm to knock Kiana’s dagger out of her hand before ducking low to raise her and throw her against Kayden. Kayden was thrown back as Kiana landed on him, rolling over and pushing herself onto her feet, taking an opportunity again to retaliate. The adrenaline in Kayden’s body was being taken over by exhaustion as he lay against the damp straw floor. He slowly pushed himself up to see One dodging Kiana’s attacks and jabbing at her sides.
Tiredness was also hitting Kiana as Kayden teetered slightly yet his eyes caught onto some black metal on the floor. Upon further examination, he realised it was the key for his metal cuffs and in that moment, Kayden leaped forward at the keys. Putting the key into the holes and they easily dropped off his wrists, enabling him to use his power. Kayden glanced up and it was the wrong moment as One’s dagger dug into Kiana’s right shoulder. She whimpered loudly as Kayden felt a surge of anger burn through him and he flicked his left wrist to send One flying to the barn wall.
He held himself up and rushed over to Kiana, carefully examining the dagger but Kiana gritted her teeth and pushed herself up to face against One. The agony was coursing through her blood and she could be seeing death anytime soon but One needed to pay for taking her husband. Kiana yanked the dagger out of her shoulder and ran at One to jam the knife in the same spot he hit her, pinning One to the wall.
“Next time, try not to ask beyond ambition. A quarter would have let you lived.”
She punched across One’s jaw which knocked him out and after a moment’s silence, Kayden and Kiana emerged victorious from their bout. Kiana stumbled back and sat down next to Kayden, who ripped a strip of cloth from his torn shirt and tied it against the stab wound in her shoulder. The barn door slammed open as Hunter and Fabian stormed in with armored men, Sunshine, Teapot and Frisk. Fabian ordered his men to arrest all the robed figures whilst Hunter came and sat on the floor next to Kiana and Kayden, an eyebrow raised at the sleeping bodies around them.
“I see that you were right about handling this yourself, Kiana.”
“Kayden has been teaching me well. It would be a shame not to put his teachings to the test.”
Kayden quirked a smile as Hunter patted his shoulder, concern itched on his face.
“Are the both of you okay?”
“Apart from my wife being stabbed and the cuts, we’re fairly tired and need a night's rest.”
“I’ll see right to it and send the physician to your room.”
Kayden bowed as he helped Kiana up and the both of them limped towards a spare carriage, climbing in and sitting back against the plush seats. Kiana rested her head on his shoulder, breathing slowly to ignore the pain but Kayden sensed that there was a smug smile plastered on her face as he exhaled.
“What is it, my dove?”
“You’re getting a little slow, dear husband.”
Kayden snorted affectionately as he pressed Kiana closer to his side.
“I was held captive for several days. I am bound to be slower than usual. You fought very well my dove.”
“I was taught by the best.”
“Yet you still managed to get stabbed.” Kiana pinched her husband, who hummed delightfully. “Still. I was worried if you were going to ever come.”
At that moment, Kiana looked up at her husband, placing her palm on his cheek to make him face her. Determination and love danced in their eyes as Kiana spoke firmly.
“Regardless if there is a knife in my heart, it would never stop me from reaching you. As you have always been there for me, I will be there for you, whether the world burns or freezes. I am forever yours.”
“And I yours, my dove.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
2003 (1/2) (Vanique) - Ortega
a/n: VANIQUE MUST RIIIIIIISE!!!! ayo team, welcome to this. i pulled this ship from virtually nowhere when i was writing n19f and people seemed to like i as much as i did, so i wrote these two together for the fic challenge. i’ve split this fic into two halves, as they’re two very different vibes. this part follows Vanessa and Monique as they go through primary school and then start their first couple years at high school, so it’s definitely more platonic than anything else but it’s cute! also overall this was inspired by two songs, one being 2003 by Todrick and the other being I Choose You by Kiana Ledé which will be the title of the next part, so look out for that. i so so sosososo hope u enjoy, bc i highkey love this pairing a lot. lots of lo-ove, by-ee!
tw: implied child neglect and drug use
summary: Vanessa Mateo and Monique Heart start school in the year 2003. They love girlbands, superheroes and football, and they’re best friends forever. At least, that’s the plan.
The room smells of squeaky floors and play-dough. It’s not like anything she’s ever smelt before, but it’s weirdly comforting. She’s sat on a carpet patterned with all kinds of fruit. It doesn’t have pineapple (which is her favourite), but that’s okay. The walls are covered in colourful paper, an arts-and-crafts rainbow explosion. There’s words too, different curly and spiky shapes making letters. She knows one has a “V” in it because that comes at the start of her name and it looks the same, but she can’t read any of the writing yet. Some of the kids in nursery could already read and one of the boys could even write stories. Vanessa couldn’t. She still can’t, but that’s okay. She can write her name and say please and thank you in two different languages and she knows how to count up to 12 (she gets stuck after that, but she’ll learn the rest).
She looks around the carpet. There’s a girl nearby her with two huge black plaits and huge brown eyes to match. Her skin is dark, and Vanessa feels comforted by the fact she’s not alone in sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the Snow Whites and Cinderellas and Auroras and their matching porcelain-skinned Disney princes that are sitting on the carpet with her. She scratches her head, feeling the bow her Mama tied in dark her hair shift. She hopes she’s not made a mess of it. Then Mama would be mad.
Her teacher’s been talking for a while now. It seems like she’s been talking for two hours. Maybe she has been talking for two hours. Vanessa looks up at the clock, even though she doesn’t know how to tell the time yet so the information is less than useless to her. Bored, her eyes drift towards the girl she was looking at before. She’s wearing a white polo shirt and a red pinafore, and her white socks have got red bows on them. Vanessa is jealous. Her new jumper with the school logo is scratchy on the inside and she told her Mama that her leggings have a hole at the knee but they can’t get any new ones until she gets paid.
She bum-shuffles across to sit beside the girl, keeps her eyes trained on the teacher like a sniper as she leans in and whispers. “You look like a princess.”
The girl gives her a big smile. Vanessa knows she should say thank you, but maybe she doesn’t know as much about manners as Vanessa does. The girl whispers to her. “You look like Meg from Hercules.”
Vanessa smiles at her. She’s seen Hercules- it’s not her favourite, but she’s seen it- and Meg was her favourite character. “Thanks.”
“It’s okay,” she whispers. There’s a pause before she hisses to her again. “My name’s Monique, what’s yours?”
“I’m Vanessa,” she replies quietly. Vanessa picks at the hole in her leggings. It’s now about the size of a 1p coin. She knows about coins, at least. “Hey, you wanna play princesses at playtime?”
Monique nods excitedly, then whips her head around, scared. Vanessa looks up at her teacher. Her eyebrows are almost joined-up and there’s little lines on her forehead and her eyes have gone all hard. Vanessa knows this means she’s feeling cross.
“Vanessa, Monique! It’s rude to talk while someone else is talking. We don’t do that in school.”
Vanessa knows she should nod, but her stomach feels all fizzy and she finds herself frowning at her teacher instead. Monique says sorry. Maybe Vanessa should say sorry too. She decides she doesn’t want to.
“She’s been talking for about 5 hours. Maybe even 4 years,” Vanessa whispers to Monique again. Monique covers her mouth with her hands and lets out a tiny giggle. Their teacher gives them a suspicious look again and Monique shuffles away from Vanessa. Vanessa knows this means she doesn’t want to get into trouble. As soon as the teacher starts talking again, Vanessa hisses over to her.
No answer. “Monique!”
Monique turns around a little bit to face her. “What?”
Vanessa cups her mouth with her hands so the girl can hear her. “Do you want to be best friends?”
Monique gives her another big smile. It makes Vanessa feel happy too. “Okay!”
She’s only been here for five hours, maybe even four years, and she’s already made a best friend. This school thing is easy.
It’s the two of them for life. Vanessa just knows it. They’re BFFAEAE (best friends forever and ever and ever). They get in trouble for chatting at school and their long-suffering teacher monitors them like a hawk. They’re banned from sitting near each other on the carpet because even when Vanessa tries to listen (even if it’s P.E., her favourite), she’ll think of something funny she just has to share with Monique, and of course Monique is incapable of laughing quietly so she lets out a screech that completely disrupts the whole lesson and earns them both five minutes off their reward time. Vanessa doesn’t even mind losing reward time. They sit at the same table while everyone else plays and they write out the class rules, but Vanessa doesn’t mind because it’s the only time they’ll ever be allowed to sit together in class.
In the playground and after school it’s a different story. In Reception they play princesses and animal rescue with their threadbare, well-loved stuffed animals they sneak into school in their schoolbags. By Year 1 they’re popstars learning dance routines and designing album covers and falling out because Monique wants to call their double-act The Strawberry Babies and Vanessa knows that obviously The Starlights is a far superior name. In the Summer between Year 1 and Year 2 Vanessa’s Mama takes them to the cinema to see Fantastic Four and so for the whole of Year 2 they’re obsessed with superheroes, rolling around on the tarmac play-fighting with each other and getting bruised knees and scraped elbows and so far removed from the girly girls they were when they started school.
Vanessa knows everything about Monique and Monique knows everything about her, because that’s what it means to be best friends. Vanessa knows that Monique’s brother is eleven and goes to Big School and doesn’t play with her and slams his door and plays rap music that Monique can hear when she’s in her room with the door closed. Monique stays in the high flats with her brother and her gran.
“Do you have a Mama?” Vanessa remembers asking her one day in the playground, drawing in the dirt with sticks.
Monique’s voice had been quiet. She hadn’t looked up from drawing in the dirt. “Uh-huh.”    
“Where is she?”
Monique had shrugged, scribbled out the happy face she’d drawn. “Gran says she’s not allowed to see us any more.”
Vanessa could tell talking about her Mama had made Monique sad, so they don’t talk about that any more. Dads are off the table too. Vanessa doesn’t know hers and Monique doesn’t either. Vanessa doesn’t really need a Dad. Her Mama works in the supermarket and keeps their tiny pebbledashed council house in the estate spotlessly clean and is always on time to pick Vanessa up from school. She drags Vanessa kicking and screaming to mass every Sunday (Vanessa doesn’t like it because all the chanting scares her) and threatens her with El Coco until she’s blue in the face. Monique goes to church too but hers sounds more fun- they laugh and clap and sing their hearts out. Monique sings the songs in school. Vanessa thinks she sounds like she could be in the Sugababes, not that she’s allowed to listen to the Sugababes.
Monique comes round to Vanessa’s house every few weeks or so. She lives close, and Monique is allowed to walk round on her own. Vanessa is jealous of that. She wishes her Mama would let her go places on her own. She tells her that one day and Mama howls with laughter, says she’s not allowed out on her own until she’s at least twenty-one. Vanessa thinks she’s joking. Thinks.
Vanessa gets excited when Monique visits because she knows her Mama will make an effort with the dinner. That’s unfair and disrespectful, she knows; Mama works hard to put food on the table, but her stuffed arepas are just better than rice and beans (and microwave meals if it’s near her pay day, which her Mama makes Vanessa promise she’ll never tell her Abuela they eat). They sit and eat with their bowls on their laps on the sofa in front of the TV and watch The Weakest Link. They sometimes get the questions right even though they’re only 7 and the people on the show are fully-grown adults. Monique is smart, though. Smarter than Vanessa. Vanessa thinks she’s smarter than their teacher. She’s the best at writing in the class and the best at maths too, and she can read any word at all.
Vanessa’s not that smart, but she knows Monique is, and she thinks she’s amazing.
It’s a grey-clouded day in July in the Summer of 2007 when Monique pulls up outside Vanessa’s house on a brand new bike. It’s blue and the seat is close to the ground and the spokes are all shiny. Vanessa runs out to see her, sticks her feet in between the bars of the rusty iron gate at the front of their house and swings back and forth as Monique talks.
“My brother got me it. Someone from the skatepark didn’t want it any more and it’s too small for him, so I guess it’s mine now,” Monique shrugs happily. There’s a smudge of dirt on her face that Vanessa knows her Mama will wipe off with a hot cloth if she sees it. “It’s kinda big for me but it works okay. You got a bike, right?”
Vanessa cringes, thinks about the pink bike with streamers at the handles that lives in their back garden and is probably crumbling away with rust. “I got one, but it ain’t as cool as yours.”
Monique smiles, satisfied with the compliment. “Well, go get it an’ we can go for a ride.”
Vanessa blushes and thinks of how many cool points she’s going to lose when she tells Monique that she has to ask her Mama first. Monique laughs at her good-humouredly, sticks her tongue out at her and calls her a baby. Monique turned 9 two months ago and Vanessa has to wait four more to catch up with her, so the comment stings but she pretends it doesn’t.
To her surprise and delight, her Mama lets her go out on her bike with Monique but only if they just go round the estate and they’re back before dinner time. Vanessa has never been able to follow the rules, though, so when Monique tells her she knows a place by the river under the bridge with a scrub of sand like it’s the seaside then Vanessa doesn’t hesitate to follow her. Vanessa wonders how Monique seems to know the city so well: she takes her on a journey through dark underpasses with yellow strip lights and bright scrawls of graffiti, narrow bridges above busy roads that Vanessa tries to pretend don’t scare her, secret little paths through the big park Vanessa goes to with her Mama sometimes. They pedal wildly and everything zooms by so quickly that even though she has no idea where she is, Vanessa feels safe. Any vaguely scary things they see (big dogs) are gone a second later, and Vanessa knows Monique would protect her if anything scary did happen. She would protect her too. That’s just what best friends do.
They arrive at the place Monique had been talking about. The brown stone bridge hangs high above them but Vanessa can still hear the cars on it pass by. They’re drowned out slightly by the babbling of the river, inky and cold and black with jaggy rocks underneath its surface. There’s huge clusters of boulders that they both have to climb over to get to the sand and they have to leave their bikes leaning against the wall on the path. It’s not a pretty place, but it’s still a little bit magical. It has the aura of adventure rather than beauty and they’d be more likely to discover pirates here than fairies, which is just how Vanessa likes it. Together they chuck stones into the water haphazardly, their hands growing more grubby by the minute and the dirt black under their nails.
“What’s that?” Vanessa narrows her eyes, reaches down to pick up the object she’s spotted. It’s embedded in the sand and she can’t really see what it is, but it looks like what she got her injections with at the doctor’s. Monique races over to see what she’s talking about and pushes her hand away quickly. Vanessa snaps. “Hey!”
“You’re not s'posed to touch that, it’s dangerous!” Monique cries, outraged. “What if you got stabbed?”
Vanessa snorts a laugh. “It’s ain’t a knife, M'nique, it’s only a stupid needle."
Then, almost as if Monique’s warning had been a dare, Vanessa picks it out the sand with her thumb and index finger, holds it by the plastic tube. Monique’s face falls. "Stop it, ‘Ness, that’s creepy.”
Vanessa laughs, starts making the needle float about while making spooky noises. Monique takes a step back, her face all panicked. Vanessa gives a giggle. Monique’s acting like a scaredy-cat; she does that sometimes and it’s funny to wind her up. She usually takes it well but she’s growing more distressed than she usually does. Her eyes are all wide and Vanessa stops playing the moment she sees tears start welling up in them. She immediately drops the needle into the river and crosses over to her, her trainers leaving huge Nike ticks in the sand.
“Hey, what’s the matter? I’m sorry,” she mumbles. She regrets joking around now, and Monique is wiping at her eyes and sniffing and smearing dirt across her face.
“They used to be all ‘round my house before we lived with Gran,” she sniffs. Vanessa gets a churning feeling in her tummy. She doesn’t really know what that means, but it makes her feel frightened just hearing about it. She can’t imagine how frightened Monique felt seeing them for real. Slipping the sleeves of her hoodie down over her hands, she gives Monique a hug, pats her back in the hope it’s comforting.
“I threw it in the river. Don’t worry. You don’t need to see it ever again,” Vanessa says. She’s not Monique, she doesn’t know what it’s like to have a sibling, but Monique is the closest thing to a sister she has and she wants to keep her safe. Monique is smiling at her when she steps out of the hug, and Vanessa feels relieved.
“An’ if it does come back we’ll just stab it before it can stab us first!” Monique jokes. It’s a silly joke but Vanessa still bursts out laughing.
“We’ll stab it with a stick!” she joins in, and soon the two girls are laughing and anything vaguely threatening has been forgotten about.
They end up cycling a lot that Summer, Monique showing Vanessa all sorts of hidden places all round the city. Vanessa never feels freer than when she’s racing around on dirt paths behind her best friend, and worries are a distant memory. Vanessa’s life is good and she has a lot of things to be thankful for but she knows she looks different and doesn’t fit in, she knows there’s a lot of things that the other kids have that she doesn’t, she knows that there are times when her Mama sits up at night time with her bills spilling out across the kitchen table and a calculator in her hand. Monique is a bright smile and a sense of adventure and she makes Vanessa feel happy.
They don’t go out on their bikes as much when they go back to school after the holidays. Year 4 flies by almost as quick as they used to cycle, as does Year 5. They don’t pretend as much in the playground anymore, preferring to run riot on the astroturf with the boys in their class and play football and get bruises on their shins from being tackled to within an inch of their life. Not much changes by Year 6; their last year of primary school when they should be responsible and conscientious and yet they’re still getting in trouble for giggling in class and playing pranks on the other kids and whispering swear words in Spanish (that one is Vanessa’s fault).
They’ve only got a month left of primary school and Vanessa’s allowed to walk home with Monique now as long as she keeps her phone on loud and texts her Mama to tell her if they’re stopping by the park or the snack van. Today is one of those days. They’re sat underneath the huge cherry blossom tree at the park; Vanessa wants to climb it but Monique’s saying that’s too babyish. They’re too old for that now, so they’re bluetoothing each other Tinchy Stryder and N-Dubz songs and blaring them at full volume out of their tinny phone speakers instead. Vanessa’s about to show Monique a parody somebody’s made of You’re Beautiful by James Blunt when Monique breaks the not-quite-silence.
“You gotta crush on anyone?”
Vanessa wrinkles her face up, snorts a laugh. “Ew! Nah. All the boys in our class are gross. I ain’t ever had a crush on any of ‘em.”
Monique gives a quiet laugh. “Me neither. They all use that Lynx Africa like it’s gonna cover up their B.O.”
Vanessa lets out a howl of laughter. She wasn’t lying to Monique; she doesn’t have a crush on anyone. If she thinks about it, she’s never really had a crush on any of the boys in her class. It’s just not something she thinks about. She cares more about her best friend than she’d ever care about any boy.
Their laughter dies down, and Vanessa gets a knot in her stomach. It happens every so often when she thinks about high school. Their class went up to see the school last week and it felt like such a terrifying maze of identical-looking corridors and crowds of kids so old they looked to be mini adults. Their teacher had told them to write down three friends they wanted to be in the same form class as, even though she said she couldn’t guarantee they’d get to stay together. Vanessa had written only one name on her form- Monique Heart - in her curly, barely-legible handwriting, the “i”s dotted with hearts. It’s been on her mind ever since, though. They’ve been together since Reception, Monique is all Vanessa knows. She wouldn’t begin to know how to make any other friends. She doesn’t want any other friends.
“M’nique,” Vanessa says, and the other girl looks up. “What happens if we ain’t in the same form class next year?”
Monique gives a small, humoured laugh. “Well then we ain’t in the same form class.”
Vanessa rolls her eyes and shoves her. “Duh, idiot! I mean like…with us. We still gon’ be best friends?”
Monique laughs dismissively, shakes her head at her. “Now who’s being the idiot?”
“I’m serious!” Vanessa objects, annoyed that Monique’s still got her eyebrows raised at her like she’s a little kid. She’s going to be 12 in October; it’s not like she’s a baby. “What if you find other cool girls to hang out with? What if you get a new best friend? What am I gonna do?”
“You’re gonna do nothing, cuz that ain’t gonna happen,” Monique insists. Her face lights up as she gets an idea, jabs a finger against the tree trunk. “Okay. If I carve our initials into this tree, it’ll be like a promise. That we’re always gonna be best friends. I don’t want to hang out with cool girls. It’s fun just me an’ you.”
Vanessa smiles, her heart feeling all warm at the reassurance. Monique rummages around in her bag and produces her keys, starts stabbing at the bark of the tree relentlessly. Vanessa flinches a little, part of the reaction a residual memory from watching Pocahontas too much when she was really little; she used to believe that trees could feel things like humans. She shares the memory with Monique who doesn’t laugh at her, even though she probably has every right to.
“Well humans feel things an’ they get tattoos. So this is like a tattoo for a tree,” she shrugs. She’s chipped a big capital M in the bumpy bark so far and is starting on an H.
“Hey, you think we should get matching tattoos when we’re grown ups?” Vanessa suggests, the idea exciting her. Monique frowns as she drags her key over the wood.
“Don’t they use needles for that?”
Vanessa regrets the idea as soon as Monique says it; she’d forgotten about her friend’s fear. She decides to commit to the idea. “They do, but they’re all clean an’ safe. An’ you wouldn’t have to be scared cuz I’d go with you.”
Monique nods as she starts on Vanessa’s name. “I never feel scared when I’m with you. Except when Mrs Del Rio yells at us.”
“She’s a big baby. She just hates us cuz we would be better teachers than her,” Vanessa shrugs. It’s true.
“Well, what tattoo are we gonna get? We need to decide now so we can start saving up for it,” Monique questions her. Vanessa scoffs.
“How much do you think a tattoo costs? It’s like ten pounds, God!"
It’s Monique’s turn to laugh. "Nah, it’s way more than that! My brother’s got one and his cost a hundred and fifty.”
Vanessa lets out an outraged screech. “That’s a damn lie! You’re gonna go to the bad fire if you keep tellin’ lies like that.”
“An’ you’re gonna go to the bad fire cuz you just cussed.”
“Well, see you down there,” Vanessa shrugs. She considers Monique’s question. “What about we get BFFs in cool writing?”
Monique nods enthusiastically. “Yeah! With a heart maybe.”
“Yeah!” Vanessa agrees, excited about the prospect of their matching tattoos. She Googles “when can i get a tatoo” (spelling’s never been her strong suit) and lets out a groan at what she reads. “Ugh. We have to wait seven whole years.”
“You have to wait seven years, I only have to wait six!” Monique boasts, Vanessa sighing. She hates being one of the youngest in the class. She doesn’t have time to feel down for long though, as Monique shows her her handiwork with a flourish; MH + VM, scratched into the tree forever. “There! Best friends forever.”
Vanessa feels as if her smile is going to break her face. It feels like her body is made of the sun’s rays. When Monique says that, high school doesn’t seem so scary any more.
“Where we gonna get these tattoos anyway?” Monique speaks again. Vanessa’s smile turns wicked and she can barely get her thoughts out without laughing.
“Imagine we get them on our butt!”
Vanessa thinks Monique’s Gran might be able to her them screeching with laughter from the top floor of her tower block.
Things change though, despite the promise they make. Monique doesn’t think either of them mean to break it but life gets in the way and God has other plans. It’s what she believes at least.
Though she doesn’t know what his plan was for separating her from her best friend. Monique cries for forty-five solid minutes when she receives the letter telling her what form class she’s in; she knows it’s different to Vanessa’s. Her Gran holds her tight and rocks her against her chest on the sofa while her brother yells at her to shut up and slams his bedroom door. Her Gran is full of comforting words: you’re a strong girl, and you’ve been through worse in your life than this, and this isn’t going to change a single thing, hush now. But it is going to change things. When she’s with Vanessa, Monique feels like she can take on the world. She brings out her confident side when she feels shy, matches every shriek with a screech, takes her mind off the fact that she lives in a shoebox fourteen storeys high in the air where the elevator doesn’t work and the stairwell smells like piss. She can’t imagine starting high school without her. She doesn’t want to imagine it.
Monique batters out of the flat despite her Gran shouting after her, dashes down the stairs like her life depends on it. Her heart feels ready to give out when she reaches the lobby and bursts out into the open air but she still unchains her bike from the rack outside, pedals madly to Vanessa’s house. The bike is too small for her now and it’s uncomfortable to ride but it’s all she has to get her to the person that matters most. She reaches the house and Vanessa’s Mama lets her in, and Monique takes the stairs up to Vanessa’s bedroom two at a time where they hold each other tight and bundle up in Vanessa’s duvet and sob and sob and sob.
But looking back, Monique knows she’d been a little dramatic that day. Not being in the same form class as Vanessa really is not the end of the world. They walk there together on their first day and give each other a tight, nervous hug before they each head to their own form rooms. Monique pushes down on the doorhandle and anxiety fills her body as she walks in, freezes at the doorframe. There’s about twenty other kids already in the room and the whole scene is a bit chaotic. There are two boys chucking a ball to each other across the classroom, some girls with hair in high ponytails screeching and playing Katy Perry out of their phone speakers. Even though Monique has sat through countless interviews with social workers, child psychologists and police officers, this is one of the scariest experiences of her life.
“Hey. You wanna sit with us?”
Monique’s eyes fall on a table of girls with skin just like hers and hair to match. Monique instantly feels 80% more reassured; she’s never seen a classroom with a colour palette like this in her life. She and Vanessa had been the only two girls in their year at primary whose skin colour had deviated from the sea of pink or almost-translucent. There’s one girl who fits that mold at the table with the others, and Monique thinks it’s funny that she’s got pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes and still happens to be the odd one out.
The girls take her under their wing that first day, and the next, and the next. They’ve all gone to a different primary school from Monique and so are already closer than close, but they never make her feel like an outsider. Asia with the sleek, black hair that tumbles down her back has a sweet smile and explains all the in-jokes that Monique doesn’t understand. Antonia, the girl who invited Monique to sit with them, has an intimidating face and a skinny frame but a kind heart and always shares her snack and pens with her. Roberta- Bob- has a huge untameable afro and personality to match, and her cousin Monét isn’t dissimilar apart from the fact that her hair is wavy and caramel instead of jet black and curly. They bicker with each other and gossip about their teachers and make Monique laugh when she’s down. And Brianna is kind and caring and is always able to put a smile on Monique’s face.
Before long, it seems like Monique has made five new friends without even having to try. She wishes she could say she’s friends with Vanessa like she always used to be, but that would be lying.
Because Vanessa’s made friends too. They’re the girls Monique’s Gran always warned her about- friends with the devil and they’ll lead you on a path straight to him. Akeria and Silky make a reputation for themselves at high school within a week of the year beginning. They mess about in class, text during lessons, Silky starts fights with other girls in the corridors that her victims never have the balls to finish. Akeria flirts with the boys and the rumours say she’s had her first kiss already. They backchat teachers and keep cans of spray paint in their bags and walk along the train tracks to the depot after school to spray their wobbly initials on the side of freight trains.
But despite the fact they don’t hang out as much in person any more, that doesn’t diminish the light that Monique keeps burning in her heart for Vanessa. They bump into each other in corridors and chat excitedly in the five minutes they have between lessons, smile and wave at each other from across the lunch hall, and they still text each other and walk there and back from school together. Well, until just after the start of Year 8. Vanessa starts getting a lift from Akeria’s Mum in the mornings and hanging out at the shopping centre with her and Silky after school. It’s not her fault, and Monique supposes she’s no better- Monét lives on Monique’s route to school so the two of them start walking together instead, and after school the girls often go to the chicken shop in town and shovel down wings to make up for the disgusting school lunches.
By her second year of high school it’s almost like Monique has a new best friend.
But she doesn’t want to think like that, so she’s overjoyed when it gets to the start of Summer, just before the last term of their second year ends, and Vanessa’s texts change from general small-talk chit-chat to an invitation to have a sleepover at her house at the weekend. Monique feels embarrassing levels of excitement as she texts back confirming she’ll be there.
M: Are your other friends gonna be there??
V: nah just me n u
And it is just her and Vanessa. It’s a gorgeously sunny day and Vanessa’s Mama puts up a tent in the garden that they can camp out in. It’s nice to be back with her, talking and giggling and laughing about stupid stuff. Vanessa laughs uproariously as she tells Monique about Silky and Akeria’s latest exploits and Monique listens nervously, anxious just hearing about them.
“Do you join in when they do stuff like that?” Monique asks her, after a story about how Silky signed her name in the same Sharpie she does her eyebrows with on a toilet cubicle door and got detention. Vanessa shakes her head, smiles bashfully.
“Nah. I tell ‘em it’s good to keep someone onside in case we get into trouble. The teachers’ll let us away with more if they like one of us. 'Least that’s my excuse,” she explains. Monique smiles, reassured.
“I didn’t think you were like them,” she says, relieved. She thinks Vanessa narrows her eyes at her, but she blinks and her expression has changed. Vanessa’s started wearing makeup and it suits her, even though her foundation is maybe a little off-colour. The mascara she’s swept onto her lashes opens up her eyes a little more and lets Monique see the twinkle that seems to be permanently shining in them.
She is so pretty, and Monique wishes she could look like her.
They talk as if nothing has changed over dinner, various barbecued meats grilled on a disposable barbecue Vanessa’s Mama got from her work. Monique has never had a barbecue before and she decides that burgers charred to within an inch of their lives are the best thing she’s ever eaten. They make smores from chocolate digestives and marshmallows for dessert and Monique howls with laughter as the chocolate and marshmallow melt down half Vanessa’s hand and she licks it off as her Mama rolls her eyes, goes to find her a hot cloth and mutters in Spanish that Monique doesn’t understand but knows is long-suffering. She has almost forgotten the way Vanessa can make her belly laugh just by acting the fool. Monique has spent two whole years not even knowing how much she’s missed her friend, too distracted by her new ones.
When it’s time to go to sleep they both cosy up under Vanessa’s duvet that’s been dragged outside and a sleeping bag each under that. Every available pillow and cushion in the house has been utilised in lieu of a blow-up mattress but the set-up is still comfortable, even though it’s pitch-black both in the tent and outside. It might be the end of June but it’s still cold once the sun goes down, and Vanessa has shuffled up near to Monique in a bid to try and keep warm. Vanessa being so close makes Monique feel warm on the inside as well as the outside.
“Hey, you know that rumour about Akeria kissing Dean from Year 9?” Monique pipes up, interested. “Is that true?”
Vanessa rolls onto her tummy to face Monique, and her eyes are sparkling with mischief even in the dark. It makes Monique’s stomach do a flip. “Yeah. They did it at the food court after school one day. You wanna know what else?”
Vanessa’s face is so full of glee that Monique can’t help but nod in anticipation. She’s almost in fits of laughter as she tries to get the secret out. “He tried to get her to touch his…you know!”
Monique lets out a screech that is equal parts horrified and amused as Vanessa dissolves into giggles too. “GROSS! Did she do it?”
“Ew! What do you think? Of course she didn’t. That shit’s nasty.”
There’s a pause in which Vanessa lets out a few more giggles. Monique doesn’t. She’s silent. She’s thinking.
“I wonder what it’s like.”
Vanessa’s voice is loud in the silence of the night. “What? Touching a boy’s-”
“No, idiot!” Monique laughs, explaining herself. “Kissing someone. Wonder if it’s as nice as people say it is.”
Vanessa falls quiet as well. Monique wonders what she’s thinking. She decides to break the silence. “You ever kissed a boy?”
Vanessa lets out a snort. “Come on, M’nique, you know I ain’t.”
“No I don’t!” Monique protests, her voice dropping to a murmur as she feels herself pout while she speaks. “I feel like I don’t know anything about you anymore.”
They both fall silent, and there’s a shift in the atmosphere that Monique can’t quite put her finger on. Vanessa lets out a sudden giggle.
“What?” Monique asks awkwardly, unsure if she’s meant to be in on the joke or the butt of it.
Vanessa’s face is scheming. She laughs a little, buries her face in her pillow before she speaks. “You know we could practise?”
Monique is slow on the uptake at first. “Practise? Practise what?”
She realises as Vanessa lifts her head and gives another giggle. Monique lets out a screech, takes the pillow from underneath her head and thumps her friend with it. “Ew, Vanessa! Ew, ew, ew! You’re so weird!”
“Oh, c’mon! I don’t wanna go kiss a boy and then be really bad at it, then he’s tell his friends and they’d tell their friends and then the whole school would think I’m shit!” Vanessa insists. Monique’s heart gives a very loud thud as Vanessa inches her face close to Monique. She’s not taken her makeup off and her mascara is all smudged around her eyes like makeshift eyeliner. She looks really pretty.
Monique shoves her away back onto the pillows. “I ain’t doin’ that shit with you! Ask Akeria since she’s so experienced.”
“But I don’t wanna practise with Kiki! I wanna practise with you!” Vanessa says matter-of-factly. Monique’s stomach gives another churn. Something is different, something has changed. Monique isn’t sure what it is or what to make of it.
“Well, tough shit. We ain’t…practising,” Monique huffs, turning her back to Vanessa and letting her eyes burn holes in the flimsy tent walls.
Vanessa’s voice comes from her side of the tent. “Fine! But if they call you…shit, I don’t know…Washing-Machine Mouth Monique…don’t say I never warned you!”
Monique lets out another huff, squeezes her eyes shut and wills herself to sleep. She feels weird. Her heart is going too fast and her stomach feels fizzy and it takes her a moment to realise her face has gone all hot.
“M’nique?” Vanessa’s voice comes from the darkness. She ignores it. “You mad at me?”
She sighs, rolls her eyes even though she knows Vanessa can’t see. “No.”
“Okay,” Vanessa says. Her voice is soft, and she rolls over onto her side. She rests her head against Monique’s back and puts an arm around her. They hug all the time, but this one feels different. It’s nice, though, and Monique feels warm and safe. “I’m sorry we haven’t hung out much. You know. Like we did in primary.”
“I’m sorry too,” Monique sighs, bringing a hand up to pat Vanessa on the arm. She ends up simply leaving it there.
“Hey, we should hang out more in the Summer! You know you can always come round to mine,” Vanessa continues.
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” Monique murmurs, letting out a heavy sigh. She’s not lying- it would be nice. She knows she could never have friends back to her flat because they don’t have the space and besides, most of them wouldn’t even want to set foot in the high rise anyway. Monét’s parents are doctors and Asia’s Dad is a barrister and her Mum is a lawyer, and Bob’s parents work in something accountant-y, and they all live in big houses with sweeping paved driveways and garages and gardens the size of the Emirates stadium. Granted Antonia’s Mum and Dad both work two jobs to pay the rent and Brianna’s Dad is a dustbin man while her Mum stays at home to look after her baby sister, but at least their families are happy ones. Monique has never known the luxury of a fancy house or a private garden or a car or a perfect, cookie-cutter family. She wonders if she ever will.
She’s pulled out of her thoughts by Vanessa giving her a gentle squeeze, cuddling closer. She didn’t think it would be possible but she somehow manages it, and Monique isn’t complaining. “G'night, M'nique.”
Monique is too tired to think any more. Vanessa’s arms feel comforting around her, and she chooses to settle in them. “Night, 'Ness.”
29 notes · View notes
lostinthewinterwood · 4 years
Heart Attack 2020
Hey friend!
Looks like you and I both like to write like the wind and suffer in the process, so without further ado, let’s go :D
Also, oops, my habit of procrastination has caught up with me… sorry about that!  Here’s a letter now at least…
   General DNW
explicit sexual content;
incest (incl. adoptive/chosen family);
non-canonical permanent major character death;
complete downer endings;
hurt no comfort;
heavy angst;
on-page deliberate self-harm*;
on-page suicide;
graphic physical trauma;
character bashing;
cringe comedy;
fic that’s all about real-world bigotries or real-world politics;
canon-typical 2020;
unrequested full-setting AUs;
unrequested identity headcanons;
unrequested romance as the main plot.
*I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. However, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
General Likes
– I really like plotty fics
– Secret identity and disguise shenanigans, the more layers to them and more absurdity the better.
– Crossdressing for whatever reason and gender disguises, also for whatever reason, though not as a fetish thing—that I enjoy less.
– Time travel and time loops are always fun, especially as a fix-it.  I have a general preference for Peggy Sue style (aka, an older character getting put back in their younger body at an earlier point in the timeline) over the character’s physical body stepping back in time, but either one is good.
– A focus on family and/or friendship, especially characters realizing they’re not nearly as alone as they think they are, and just generally characters who like each other and enjoy spending time together
– Found family; families of choice
– Character studies
– Worldbuilding
– Canon-divergence AUs and missing scenes; things set pre- or post-canon; wriggling into canon and poking at it to see what it spits back at you, if that description makes any sense at all.
wherein i request a time-travel canon and mostly don't request time travelers [art and fic]
Mother of Learning - nobody103  
·        Alanic Zosk & Silverlake (Mother of Learning)
·        Zach Noveda & None (Mother of Learning)
·        Kirielle Kazinski & Zorian Kazinski (Mother of Learning)
·        Kirielle Kazinski & None (Mother of Learning)
·        Raynie & Kiana (Mother of Learning)
·        Neoluma-Manu Iljatir & Zach Noveda (Mother of Learning)
·        Alanic Zosk & Xvim Chao (Mother of Learning)
fandom-specific dnw: romantic and/or sexual Zach/Zorian; physical parental abuse within the Kazinski family; significant exaggeration of canonical emotional neglect/abuse/general family dysfunction
If you want to write an AU, you can consider any AU requested for AUEx for Mother of Learning, as listed here, to be requested in this exchange as well, even if the requested characters aren’t requested there, as long as it isn’t written as purely mundane.
I’ve written a fair few Mother of Learning prompts already; if you want to see me going off more about things, especially for Kirielle, please see the Mother of Learning section of my Gen Freeform Ex letter here.  If you don’t want to click through, though, here’s a bit of things.  
 Kirielle, Kirielle & Zorian:
If you want to focus on Kirielle’s relationship with someone who isn’t Zorian, for Kirielle and Nochka, they’re adorable and I’d love a further development of their friendship, especially getting to see it grow and develop over the months and years after the invasion.  If you want to write about Kiri and Zach, these two seem to have a lot of fun teaming up against Zorian lol, I really enjoy their dynamic and how they play off each other.  For Kirielle and Zorian, I love their dynamic!  And again here I’d really enjoy seeing their relationship developing in real time, rather than a constantly looping world.  I think it would be great to see either of them defending the other to their parents—and maybe Zorian ends up with custody of Kiri, there’s definitely things to explore there.
For Kirielle by herself, I’d love some sort of character study—what does she do now that the time loop is over?  She’s growing up into a war; will she be a mage?  An artist?  Something else?  Alternatively—what if she got pulled into the loop; what would it be like to grow older while still looking nine?
 Zach, Zach & Neolu:
Assuming you don’t go for a setting AU, I’d generally prefer something set at least in part after the time loop begins, but beyond that I don’t have a strong preference for where in the timeline this might be set.  Maybe something from before Zorian got looped in—maybe one of the iterations where Zach and Neolu just went off across the country having fun the whole month? Zach doing whatever, possibly very early on, or maybe him freaking out a little because what the hell, time travel is supposed to be impossible, and yet—what did he do in the start?
Or for post-canon, I’d really like an exploration of Zach, who’s got the lived-time of a middle-aged man and the body of a teenager—how does he relate to his classmates/other people in the real world, where everyone’s growing again?  Maybe something about his lawsuit against his caretaker, or just a little thing with him, Zorian, and How Do You Live Normally, Again?  This Is Hard, or some such thing.
 Raynie & Kiana:
Me? Latching onto a minor character in a big sprawling canon? It’s more likely than you think!
Anyway I like Raynie a lot; we don’t get a whole lot on her, but what we do get paints her as someone who’s having a very interesting life of her own, utterly divorced from the timeloop shenanigans (except re: the shifter children thing).
I like her and Kiana’s friendship, too; I like how when we finally see more of them both we learn more about how they’re similar and different.
For specific prompts, if you want to go pre-canon I’d really love something with her initial going to Cyoria and how she befriended Kiana in the first place (or, perhaps more likely, how Kiana befriended her; I somehow doubt that Raynie age 13, recently semi-exiled from her tribe, was particularly in search of outsider friends).
For post-canon, really, anything dealing with the fallout of all the things that go down in the real world would be fantastic too.
 Alanic & Silverlake, Alanic & Xvim:
I’ve grouped these because they both have to do with Alanic, but really they’re not very similar prompts.
For Alanic and Silverlake I’d be very interested in something to do with Alanic’s backstory; Silverlake knew him as a young necromancer, so… what happened there?  How did they know each other?  Why was Alanic set on becoming a necromancer; clearly he got far enough to have soul sight himself—how’d he get that?  Why did he leave the necromancer’s path to become a priest?
For Alanic and Xvim, I dunno, this seemed fun?  They’re both part of the “annoying but ultimately helpful teacher” club to Zorian, and they get along well with each other—gonna admit I don’t fully remember what goes down for them in the final, real-world iteration, but.  They’re both a lot of fun and they play off each other well; just go wild here.  I’m down for it if you are.
 mostly found family and similar vibes here lbr [art and fic]
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (Cartoon)  
·        Cassandra & Varian (Disney: Tangled)
·        Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider & Red | Catalina (Disney: Tangled)
·        Angry | Keira & Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider (Disney: Tangled)
·        Cassandra & Red | Catalina (Disney: Tangled)
·        Cassandra & Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider (Disney: Tangled)
·        Angry | Keira & Red | Catalina & Lance Strongbow (Disney: Tangled)
·        Angry | Keira & Red | Catalina (Disney: Tangled)
fandom-specific notes: Cass's canonical injured hand/arm that canon just kind of... forgets about and doesn't ever address after it's introduced is totally fair game; I'd love something that addressed that, just nothing too graphic about the original injury please.  Dnw fic which explicitly breaks up Rapunzel/Eugene.
So, overall, I just love this show a lot?  It’s just so wholesome and heartfelt and hopeful?  Anything you write which can grab that vibe I’ll probably enjoy tbh.
But! Onwards to specifics!
 Cass & Varian, Cass & Catalina, Cass & Eugene:
This is my “team betrayed Rapunzel and/or ill-advisedly trusted a blue spirit in the woods and/or died for her before being resurrected” group lol, and I’d love something that explores one of those things; canon gives us a little bit of that between Cass and Varian in the form of “Nothing Left to Lose,” but it doesn’t really address it after they’ve both found their way back; I’d love something post-canon for any of these pairs, after Cass has finally got her act together and they can start learning to deal with all of it.  Sharing their experiences!  Figuring out how to emotionally process the bad (or good-but-with-unfortunate-consequences-even-if-only-temporary) decisions you made!  I’m here for it.
 Eugene & Angry, Eugene & Catalina, Angry & Catalina, Angry & Catalina & Lance:
All the found family! If you’re just dealing with Angry and Catalina, I’d take anything at any point in the timeline tbh—how did they meet? When and how did they start thieving together?  What did they do between their major appearances in the show?  If you go post-canon—how do they work out their new lives with Lance?  They’ve been living on their own for at least two years, probably longer; how do they learn to let go and let someone else take care of them?  And for either (or both tbh) of them with Eugene—former child-thieves, reformed because of Rapunzel!  He doesn’t have any parental-style authority over them; how do they relate to him as opposed to Lance, in a post-canon world?
 superhero time babey [art and fic]
Secret Society of Second-Born Royals (2020) [SAFETY]  
·        Matteo & Roxana & Sam & Tuma (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        January & Matteo & Roxana & Tuma & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Mike Kleinberg & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Eleanor & None (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Catherine & Eleanor & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        January & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Eleanor & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Worldbuilding & None (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
Fandom-specific dnw: January as purely, irredeemably evil; absolute monarchy as unambiguously purely good.
Fandom-specific note: since I’m directly asking for politics in the worldbuilding option, it would be a bit silly to fully dnw real-world politics in this real-world-adjacent setting. Don’t worry about referencing real politics if that’s where you go with your fic; however, I would rather any focused-on politics be filtered through the context of the fictional countries the film uses, and please don’t reference real-world American politics post-2015.  “unrequested full setting aus” dnw has been modified to “unrequested mundane aus” so if you want to, idk, put them in a fairytale au or a sports-but-still-have-powers au or something—go right ahead.
So, I enjoyed this silly little movie quite a lot—the characters were a lot of fun!  I love them all!  I really mostly just want more of them tbh.  If you want an overarching theme—I would adore time travel here, even more than I normally do. Time loops especially are just… perfection.
 Matteo & Roxana & Sam & Tuma, January & Matteo & Roxana & Tuma & Sam:
Team fic! Team fic! Team fic!  For these two sets, I’d love something about the whole team—of course—doing team-y things. You could set it in the summer, before shit goes down in the climax; or you could set it after—they’re going after January, of course.  What happens when they finally catch up to her?  What do they do?  How do they all process the relevant emotions of having been betrayed?  Do we catch a redemption arc?
 Mike & Sam:
These two are such good friends!  I like their friendship a lot, and I’d love to see more of it.  Something fun would be pre-canon—how did they meet?  What led them to start their band?  How much traction does their band have, really? Or post-canon—even having forgiven her, it’s got to be a lot to deal with, your best friend turning out to not just be a princess, but a superhero princess, while you’re just… a groundskeeper’s son(?).
 Eleanor, Eleanor & Sam, Catherine & Eleanor & Sam:
Family times!  There’s a lot of tension and secrets here, have been for a long time; tell me how they come to deal with it all and learn to live with each other better than they have been before the film—or give me backstory! How did things end up spiraling this far down?
 January & Sam:
I’d love to have something dealing with January’s PoV on the events of the film, or Sam’s PoV on January; more fun with secrets and betrayals!  (Fun for the audience at least; maybe less fun for these two though.) They got pretty close, after all—how did that have January feeling?  Did she second-guess herself over that?  How about Sam—she was the one betrayed by her new friend, after all.  If you want to see me talking more about just January, check out my Yuletide letter here.
Okay, so, I really did like this movie, so I say this affectionately, but… to call the worldbuilding here flimsy would be to, well, imply that it had bothered doing any worldbuilding whatsoever, and that’s not quite accurate, now is it?  To be clear, I do think this was probably a good decision, given that the movie is dedicated to superhero funtimes, not How The Hell Is This Happening, but it does leave me with so very many questions. For being a movie all about royalty, this movie is almost allergic to actually engaging any of the politics it hints at, what with the presented sides being “monarchy good” and “terrorism is fine actually”; if you want to write about the politics of the world these characters live in, by all means go ahead! For example, how did they manage to be a Western European absolute monarchy all the way to the present day?  I’d love to see that, or anything like it really, explored.  Other worldbuilding I’d be interested in includes an exploration of the “gene” which… somehow… manifests exclusively in second-born children of royal bloodlines—does this include bastard children?  What counts as a royal bloodline?  What happens when one of the superhero royal children has to ascend the throne?  Why only the second-born?  Is it really genetic at all, or is it some sort of magic?  If not magic, then wtaf is going on in the genetics of this world, I have to know more.
 disguise shenaniganery and/or PUNS
Original Work [SAFETY]
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Student Warrior Disguised as a Boy (M/F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Fellow Student Mage (M/F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Male Student Warrior (M & M)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & His Older Female Mentor (M & F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Female Student Warrior Disguised as a Boy (M & F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Female Fellow Student Mage (M & F)
·        Child Superhero & Their Concerned Supervillain Nemesis (Any & Any)
·        Spellsword Mercenary & Mathemagician (Any & Any)
fandom-specific dnw: age gaps in ships of more than 3 or so years when one character is underage; predatory manipulation between characters in the relationship in service of the relationship–if characters are manipulating each other for non-relationship things and such that’s okay, but i’d rather both parties in any of the ships be interested in the romance of their own accord. Additionally, please don’t have characters react to any gender-disguised characters (or characters in general, but it’s most relevant to them) in transphobic or transphobic-adjacent ways (i.e. none of the characters are requested as trans, but I still wouldn’t want to see the kinds of comments people make about trans people aimed at them). I’d also rather not see any kind of serious relationship with at least one character disguising their gender pre-reveal of that disguise–flirting, starting to date a little is okay but if it’s going further please have them reveal it. Please don’t play into the idea of gender-disguised character as “trap”.
also dnw characters requested as gender-disguised to be written as trans or to be written as absolutely loathing their disguise. other characters are fair game. if writing trans characters, dnw them to be explicitly nondysphoric (but not addressing it is fine).
fandom-specific note: the “setting au” dnw obviously does not apply here; my typical “identity headcanon” au dnw has been replaced by a dnw for “marginalized identities as the main focus of a fic” since there isn’t exactly a canon here lol.
If you’re a lovely friend who wants to do treats, I’d be totally on board for art treats for this section; however, I haven’t requested them as actual fills.
All of these are fun groupings that, I think, imply both setting and some amount of plot; but I’ll have some more specific prompts anyway.  Overall I like all sorts of settings; all of my requested pairs imply some amount of speculative elements in the setting, but beyond that it’s all up to you.  Just-left-of-modern?  Ancient China but with magic?  IN SPACE? Whatever you want to do, go for it.
 Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl &/Whoever:
Look, I’m a sucker for identity/disguise shenanigans, and I love gender disguises, and for all the books I read as a kid featuring girls disguising themselves as boys to do [insert restricted activity here], I never saw its natural inverse; this is a travesty and must be corrected for.  Anything playing into this whole trope/idea is just chef’s kiss, I promise you I’ll love it.
 Child Superhero & Their Concerned Supervillain Nemesis:
Another favorite dynamic of mine!  I love supervillains getting tricked into that semi-parental role where they’re like “hang on I may be a supervillain and a criminal but you’re a child where are your parents what are you doing here,” it’s quite possibly the Best dynamic I have yet encountered in superhero fiction… even if I haven’t actually encountered it all that much.
 Spellsword Mercenary & Mathemagician:
Okay, I’ll admit that I mostly nominated and requested this for the pun potential.  But I think there’s also quite a lot of implicit lore you could really dig into; what kind of world is this, where magic can be imbued in or used through swords, but can also be related to mathematics?  Tell me more about it!  How do these two know each other?  Are they both shamelessly, pundamentally invested in wordplay as well as their actual jobs?  If you’re looking for more plot-implying ideas, I would be super down if you wanted to map this onto one of my other origfic requests (but no pressure lol).
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ofmymuses · 5 years
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         welcome  to  PART  TWO  of  a  little  surprise  collab  ---  &  click  here  for  part  one  on @musehelping​ ‘s  blog  !  we  decided  it  would  be  a  great  idea  to  put  our  creative  minds  together  to  come  up  with  some  muse  ideas  that  are  connected  to  a  specific  fc  (  but  feel  free  to  use  &  take  inspiration  from  these  bios  and  match  them  with  any  fc  of  your  liking  ) !  these  are  also  some  ideas  for  anyone  who  is  interested  in  joining  our  new  appless  &  slasher-themed  group  MASKEDFM  but  aren’t  sure  of  what  type  of  character  to  bring.
so  without  further  ado,  here  are  a  total  of  05  different  character  ideas  making  a  total  of  11  all  together.
i just wanted to quickly note beforehand  ---  while there are gendered words used for each person, you can - by all means - change their gender expression !
01. Virginia Gardner.
Name: Cordelia Kelly
Age: Twenty-Two.
Major: Veterinary Science.
Hogwarts: Slytherin.
Enneagram: 2w3.
Astrology: Leo Sun-Libra Moon.
Cordelia was born into a family who wanted their little girl to be a spitting image of them: kind, ambitious, a born leader. She was taught empathy, resilience & accountability ( things they considered to make a good leader ) from the second she could understand them. Cordelia didn’t take no for an answer … well, from anyone aside from her parents. She was determined to be the best; to be the type of leader you see in movies & video games. Of course, there were some downsides to seeing herself as a leader. She often came across as rather bossy & rather shrewd; although, her parents didn’t see a problem with this.
In a lot of ways, Cordelia was glad her parents brought her up the way they did. She wasn’t afraid: when someone tried to tear her down, the words simply bounced off of her. Some family members feared she would let this get to her head -- meaning she would become malicious & let pride get to her head. But Cordelia was quite the opposite. She cared for others. She enjoyed every second she spent helping others. And with doing so, Cordelia actually found a great love for animals. One of her close friends was studying animals for an art assignment, which Cordelia found a bit strange but she offered help nonetheless. After the assignment was finished, she found herself longing to do more; to help more. It didn’t even matter how, honestly. Cordelia was excited to put her heart into something bigger.
High school passed very quickly for Miss. Busy Bee. It was a rather easy decision to go to school to study Veterinary Science. It put two of her favourite things together: helping others & animals. Cordelia, now growing up & moving on in her life, would surely miss her parents and hometown but she was looking forward to the exciting wonders that are to come.
                  *     *     *     *     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *   *   *   *   *
02. Kiana Lede.
Name: Fiona Miller.
Age: Eighteen.
Major: Pre-Law.
Hogwarts: Slytherin.
Enneagram: 2w4
Astrology: Capricorn Sun-Aries Moon.
Fiona came out of her mother living her best life. Sure, it wasn’t always perfect; with the pressure of having a rather well-known brother in the picture & feeling left within his shadows most of the time. The sadness that grew because of this only fueled her to do better; her hardworking nature came in handy. And so, instead of paying mind to her brother and his achievements -- which were always seemingly better than hers -- she dove into the things she deeply enjoyed; ignoring any and all remarks that came from her family.
Fiona seemed to blossom after this. She’d spent so much of her energy worrying about being the better sibling that she had lost herself. And for the first time in a long time, Fiona felt like herself. She began watching true crime documentaries behind her parents’ back because she knew they would never allow such awful videos to be seen by her. Fiona was quickly fascinated with the likes of true crime and serial killers. Strange, she knew. But she spent most of her time wondering why, how, who?
When she originally started watching the documentaries, Fiona never imagined it would have such an impact on her life. Fresh outta high school and she was already diving head first into her college application. She was ready to learn. To defend. She was ready to make a change to anyone who never got the time of day.
                   *      *      *      *       *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    *    *    *    *
03. Jack Mulhern.
trigger warning : mentions of murder & death.
Name: Leo Gallagher. 
Age: Nineteen.
Major: Criminal Justice.
Hogwarts: Gryffindor.
Enneagram: 8w9.
Astrology: Aries Sun-Aries Moon.
Leo was born into tragedy. His very birth was one, some might say. With distant parents who had too many kids to care for and not enough love to spread around. And while most family members thought this lack of affection would do more bad than good for him -- he proved them wrong. Leo didn’t want anyone to feel the way he did and so, he did everything in his power to spread love, nurture and affection where he could. Not only did it make him feel good but a lot of the times, he got love in return.
( tw ) It was when Leo was 17, did things change. There was a death in his area of a young woman who was just starting to spread her wings. He was reminded a lot of himself while reading the article about her. Leo was completely heartbroken for the woman and her loved ones. And it only got worse when the trial came around. The police were completely oblivious. The judge was completely oblivious. One family was sent home free of any guilt or remorse and the other was left at a loss for words; Leo wasn’t having any of it. But he knew very well that he had no power to do much of anything as it was.
With anger fueling him, Leo knew what he wanted to do for a living. He wanted to give justice to those who the police have failed. And in doing so, he would not only be doing what he loved -- helping & ensuring others are cared for -- but he would also be doing good. Leo didn’t want another family to have to go home and wonder what could’ve been.
                  *     *     *     *     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *   *   *   *   *
04. Maxence Danet-Fauvel.
Name: Alex Dumont
Age: Twenty-Two.
Major: Fine Art.
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw..
Enneagram: 9w1.
Astrology: Pisces Sun-Aquarius Moon.
A man of few words since the day he was born. No one really knows why he doesn’t take a particular interest in speaking unless he needs to. It stirred up quite the concern from his parents as he was growing and developing but they realized there was nothing “wrong” with him -- Alex just simply didn’t want to talk. This made it rather hard to make friends in school;  people often thought he was weird or rude for not engaging in conversation. & don’t even start with the teachers. He’d been on every one of their bad sides at least once because he didn’t participate in class discussions.
His parents never forced him to speak. Or to do anything for that matter. Alex was their miracle baby; with him showing up after years of trying & nearly giving up. They encouraged him from the sidelines -- becoming his number 1 fans. The encouragement they shared with him pushed him to tell them about his love for art. For creating. Alex found a great love for art when searching around his grandparents house for something to do  &  found his grandmother’s art kit. She eventually gifted it to him which only made the passion grow. This was a bit of an issue though. He’d become even more introverted -- only getting out of his house if absolutely necessary.
Alex met his best friend at a school art exhibit. She tried sparking up a conversation but realized that he wasn’t much of a talker. And instead of using words, decided to use other ways of communicating to him. She would sent him artwork, letters, poetry. It took a few weeks but Alex finally came out of his shell a little bit. His best friend helped him get out more; see the world & meet new people. They got so close that they promised to apply for the same college.
                 *    *    *    *    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  *  *  *  *
05. Bruna Marquezine.
Name: Gabriela Santos.
Age: Twenty-Two.
Major: Elementary Education.
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff.
Enneagram: 4w3.
Astrology: Cancer Sun-Virgo Moon. 
Having been born to two business-people, Gabriela found herself alone a lot of the time. She considered her nanny to be her caretaker more than her own parents. And with her parents being away so often, they thought it’d be best for Gabriela to be homeschooled -- not by them, but by the nanny. She looked up to her nanny more than anyone; more than her parents, though she’d never admit to it. It broke her heart knowing she would come home from school with no mommy or daddy waiting for a hug. They didn’t leave as much as a text either.
Some days Gabriela felt like her parents forgot about her. And then they would come home for two nights, spark hope in the girl that they wouldn’t leave, travel back to their business partners and the cycle would begin again. Her nanny, who had grown to love Gabriela as her own, felt hopeless to do anything. What could she do? Tell her parents to quit their job and act like actual parents? And so, knowing she could only care for and tend to Gabriela’s needs, the nanny tried her best to be there for the child. To laugh, to cry, to hold her whenever needed. Gabriela’s parents were never home but she was not left unloved.
When Gabriela was 18, the news came to her like a bullet to the heart. Her nanny, aged 81, had passed away. She was left heartbroken. She had spent a lot of time on her own; figuring things out. And when Gabriela had finally come out of grieving, she knew what she was going to do. To honor her nanny --- she was going to major in elementary education. Gabriela was going to be the person kids with parents like hers could look up to. And to her surprise, she found joy in it while doing her studies. Bonus!
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Show Your Friends a Good Time
You: Let’s round up our crew. You gather your friends and raid the mansion’s kitchen before charging upstairs to the balcony! You close the sliding door behind you as your wedding party makes drinks and ravages the snacks. With so many bodies in the confined space, Eden nearly spills her drink. Eden: If ten weeks in the AME mansion didn’t bring us together, one afternoon out here sure will. This balcony is… cozy. You: Now that you mention it, the mansion’s a lot smaller when no one’s getting eliminated every week… Best Man: Oh, we know. Thanks to the lack of privacy, I’d say we’ve gotten to know each other pretty intimately. You: In that case, I think it’s time we play an AME All-Stars favourite! Bianca: Pleeease say Truth, Dare, Drink, or Strip. Adam said we missed the last game, and I still haven’t had a turn. Han: Uh, some of us weren’t on the All-Stars season… Kiana: And thanks to Carson’s poor planning, I missed the team bonding. You: Then I guess the first round is just for the newbies. Slater, Eden, Bianca, you guys can jump in too. Fiancée: Usually, you’d choose between telling the truth, doing a dare, taking a drink or baring it all, but I think we can start off slow with just a group dare. Best Man: I say we officially welcome the newbies to the pack by daring them to howl like wolves. Maid of Honour: Or, we can dare them to speak in Pig Latin for the rest of the night. Officiant: Why don’t we let Jamie decide?
You: I want them… -To howl at the moon!
Eden: It’s the middle of the day! You: It’s sunset somewhere. Eden, Slater, Bianca, Han and Kiana gather at the balcony’s edge. With nervous looks at each other, Han starts off. Han: Awooooo! Bianca: Awooooo! Slater: Awooooo! Their baying echoes through the neighbourhood… until other dogs begin to howl back! Nearby, a jogger looks for the source.
Han: How do you even speak Pig Latin? You: You just drop the first letter of a word and add it back to the end with -ay. Kiana: Ike-lay is-thay! Eden: Ut-bay is-that… say… lay… Eden: I speak three languages, and this is easily the hardest. Slater: The only language I know is English, and even that’s fifty-fifty.
You and your fiancée explode with laughter, and your best man and your maid of honour grip their sides. Your officiant shakes with silent joy. Slater: Laugh it up. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Kiana: And in the spirit of the game, I think it’s your turn, Jamie. You: Do your worst. Han: Careful what you ask for. I have a dare that’ll send you running for the outfield. Eden: When my sorority sisters play this, I always get some pretty juicy dirt from girls who pick truth. Bianca/Slater: I think Jamie should strip down and give the neighbours a sneak peek! Kiana: Or we’ll let you off the hook, and you can drink this beer instead. Slater: At least make them shotgun it. Fiancée: Pick your poison, Jamie. Truth, dare, drink, or strip! You: Hmm…
What do you do? -Shotgun the beer!
You: I think I’ll just drink. Kiana: With those options, I don’t blame you. You take a can from Kiana, carefully feel around for the pocket of air, and puncture a hole in the aluminium. Slater: Chug, chug, chug! You: Bottoms up.
You: … -Chug! -No action
The pressure sends the beer rushing down your throat!
You: … -Chug! -Choke! -No action
The can lightens as it empties… You’re almost there!
You: … -Choke! -Cough! -Chug! -No action
You guzzle the frothy ale from the hole in the side, gulping it down and leaving the can empty in seconds! You: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present… YOUR SHOTGUN CHAMP!
-Do a dare!
You: What’d you have in mind, Han? Han: Ronan and Yvette are always talking about the ‘good old days’ of AME, but I think we should show them the good new days are here to stay! Han: So I dare you to jump off the roof of the mansion into the pool! You: Are you crazy? Derek: Ronan’s the only one who’s ever done that… and there was a rumour that he was on peyote when he did! Adam: You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Jamie. You: A dare’s a dare… To the roof!
You all climb the stairs to the rooftop before pushing open the heavy metal door and coming to stand at the ledge. You: You mean to tell me that wise, sensible Ronan jumped from here? Derek: No, but wild, reckless Ronan did. Mackenzie: I’m guessing wisdom found him on the way down. Han: Ball’s in your court, Jamie. What’s it gonna be? You peer over the railing, taking in the steep drop and the distance to the pool… You: You can’t be old and experienced without being young and stupid first. Quickly, you strip down to your underwear, hand your clothes to Adam, and climb over the railing. You: Incoming! You leap from the roof, the rushing air deafening as you leave the ground behind. The world spins wildly around you, and you tuck your chin into your knees…
Until you hit the water with a loud splash! You resurface to the cheers of your wedding party and sprint back up to the balcony before Wrenn or Omar can see you.
-Moon the neighbours!
You: I guess it’s time to show the neighbourhood my best side. Slater: Why don’t you show off your assets to… him? Slater points out a target, and you peer over the ledge to see a man skulking around the mansion’s perimeter. Stranger: … Slater: Time to turn the other cheek. You: Here goes nothing… You hesitate for just a moment before calling down to him… You: Take cover! It’s raining cracks and dogs! Stranger: Huh? …And whipping your clothes aside to bare your backside in his direction! The balcony explodes with laughter, and you quickly yank your outfit back into place.
-Confess the truth!
You: Let’s see how far you can dig, Eden. Truth. A mischievous smile crosses her face, and she quickly scans the group. Eden: Out of everyone on your team… who would you choose to dump, bang, and marry? You: Well, marry is easy— Fiancée: I sure hope so. You: But the other two are tricky. You glance around the balcony to see nine sets of expectant eyes looking back at you. You turn back to your fiancée. You: I’d marry and bang my fiancée, and then dump them so I could do it all over again. Fiancée: Thanks… I think. Eden: How very diplomatic of you.
Best Man: Nicely done, Jamie. You: Thanks, but that doesn’t get you off the hook. If my math’s right, a few of you still haven’t had a turn. Fiancée: Take your best shot. We can handle whatever you throw at us. Maid of Honour: And to prove it, why don’t you do the honours and tell us who’s next? You: Alright then…
Who do you pick? -Your maid of honour!
You: I pick you, Jen/Mackenize. Truth, dare, drink, or strip?
-If Jen is your maid of honour Jen: Something tells me I might regret this, but… dare.
-If Mackenzie is your maid of honour Mackenzie: You know me better than that, Jamie. Dare.
You grab a bag of marshmallows from the snack pile and hold them out to her. You: You’ve got ten second to stuff all of these in your mouth, or… You: You’ll have to confess your undying love for Omar on set! Maid of Honour: What?! Fiancée: Starting.. now! Your maid of honour rips open the bag and shoves marshmallows in by the fistful! Kiana: Look at her go! Han: I’m not sure whether she likes marshmallows… or just really doesn’t like Omar. You: 3… 2… 1… Stop! You reach for the bag to reveal… One remaining marshmallow! Your maid of honour’s eyes widen nearly as much as her cheeks. Fiancée: Looks like we might have to make this a double wedding.
-Your best man!
You: Looks like you’re up, Adam/Derek. Truth, dare, drink, or strip? Best Man: Knowing you guys, a drink is probably my best best. He grabs a nearby bottle of champagne and turns it bottom up, gulping down the bubbly liquid… Eden: … Bianca: … Han: … Until the pressure inside the bottle builds, gushing a stream of froth all over him! He shoots up, swiping at his clothes. Best Man: Whoa! Best Man: …Still better than one of Jamie’s dares.
-Your officiant!
You: Looks like you’re up, Officiant. Truth, dare, drink, or strip? Officiant: If I’m gonna play, I might as well go for it. Dare. You: I dare you to practice officiating… using my maid of honour and my best man as stand-ins. Maid of Honour: Hey, I thought this was your officiant’s dare? Officiant: Don’t worry. I’ve got an idea. The three stand up, and your wedding party circles around them as your best man takes your maid of honour’s hands. Officiant: Do you, Adam/Derek take Jen/Mackenzie to legally be your bestie? To have on your worst days and to hold on hers? Until the end of time? Best Man: I do. Officiant: Jen/Mackenzie? Maid of Honour: Absolutely. Officiant: Then I hereby pronounce you BFFs. You can hug it out to signify your bromance. Your officiant bows, and your maid of honour gives your best man a squeeze before throwing an imaginary bouquet to your friends.
-Your fiancée!
You: Looks like you’re up, Fiancée. Truth, dare, drink, or strip? Fiancée: How about… truth? You: Playing it safe? Fiancée: With you in charge of the questions, there’s no such thing. What do you wanna know, Jamie? You take a moment to think, before looking your fiancée right in the eye. You: Why do you want to marry me? Your fiancée smiles and takes your hands, never once breaking eye contact. Fiancée: Before I met you, I felt like I’d been looking for something without knowing what it was or what it looked like. Fiancée: But when I laid eyes on you, I realised the search was over. I felt at home. At peace. I want to marry you, because… Fiancée: You’re what I’ve been missing my whole life. And after knowing how this feels, I can’t go back to the way I was before. You: Fiancée… You press your foreheads together, their mouth inches from yours… Han: Get a room! …Before remembering you’re surrounded by your friends! The group cheers as the two of you blush and separate.
You: Why don’t you go, Bianca/Slater? Truth, dare, drink, or strip?
-If you kissed Bianca Bianca: A body like mine is too hot to keep under wraps. I’ll strip...
-If you kissed Slater Slater: I know you guys are too shy to ask, so I’ll give you what you’ve been wishing for. I’ll strip…
Bianca/Slater: But can I at least get some music? You make eye contact with your best man across the balcony, and together the two of you start singing the AME theme song! Soon, the others join in. Bianca/Slater: You’ve gotta be kidding me. Kiana: Come on, Bianca/Slater. Shake it! With a roll of the eyes, Bianca/Slater begins to wiggle and gyrate, dropping articles of clothing with every twist and turn before finishing with a flourish. Bianca/Slater: You’re welcome.
You wait for the cheers to settle down before grabbing a drink from the beverage pile and holding it high. You: I’d like to make a toast. All eyes land on you, and you look around at your friends, your eyes watering as you think back on all that you’ve been through together… You: When we started this special, my fiancée and I knew we were in for a wild ride, but we had no idea it would be this much fun— Slater: Wait, wait, wait… You’re not gonna cry are you? You: Well, I— Slater: Come on, Jamie. Enough with the sad sack, sappy toasts. Give us something fun to go out on! Slater grabs a handful of chips and hops to his feet, flinging crumbs all over Bianca, who flips him off, irritated. He raises a chip. Slater: You all know I was the ‘villain’… but what you don’t know is that I loved every second. Slater: So, here’s to doing bad, looking good, and never getting those two mixed up! He bites down with a satisfied crunch, unleashing more crumbs, and Bianca bolts to her feet, her champagne in the air. Bianca: To being the most fabulous dresser in the house. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. Eden: In that case, to age before beauty. You: Alright, alright. I think I get the point.
You: Here’s to… -Team Jamie-Fiancée! +50
You: I can’t imagine having a more passionate, loving, and supportive team... You: Actually, I can, but I prefer you guys.
-Strangers that became family! +50
You: Now if only that worked in reverse.
-Memories we’ll never forget! +50
You: May the paparazzi pay us well for ‘em.
Your wedding party laughs before each chiming in with a more outrageous toast than the last until Jen’s walkie talkie chirps from its perch on the table. Suddenly, you all fall silent. Wrenn: The crow is in the nest. I repeat, the crow is in the nest. We’re go for filming. Jen: That’s our cue. Are you ready, Jamie? You: I guess it’s now or never… You look your fiancée in the eye, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest. You: Let’s go win a wedding.
You and your wedding party saunter back out onto the patio to find a scowling Vince. Vince: And just where have you been?
-If you dared your maid of honour
You: That’s for us to know and you to wonder. Right now, I think my maid of honour has something to say to Omar. Your maid of honour shoots you a look but turns to face him. The crew stops what they’re doing to stare. Maid of Honour: Omar, I can’t hide it anymore. I’ve been in love with you since I first laid eyes on your handsome face. Omar: Jen/Mackenzie, I… I don’t… He looks up to find your wedding party red faced from holding in their laughter. You catch his gaze and break, your grin betraying the joke. Omar: Ha. Ha. Everybody get back to work.
-If you dared anyone else
Kiana: Doesn’t feel good when the shoe’s on the other foot, huh?
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carreraleigh · 5 years
Every song I’ve written is about you
A Raleigh x MC Playlist
Hi you all! I finished making the playlist for this two and I really like the result. I hope you all like it like I do. ♡
Tagging people who were interested: @grumpynazario @rosesandchoices @furiouscloddonutpeanut @ccolz88-blog @thequeenofhousenevrakis @lifeof-liv @ethan-jonah-ramsey @badboycarrera
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Playlist Name: Every Song I’ve written is about you (inspired by the raleigh quote)
Songs: 30
Time: 1h 39min
Time needed to make this playlist: 3hrs
My Spotify acc: surreptitiouz
Link to this playlist
Please leave a review in the comments if you like it!
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Note: I use the pronun “him” because I have the male Raleigh.
Everything I Need; Skylar Grey ━ Personally I think there’s a reason why Raleigh has a hard time accepting that he’s falling in love with mc. This song talks about loving with all the faults and fears. I can imagine mc singing it.
Ground Running; Will Young ━ With this song I imagine Raleigh getting carried away by what he feels for mc, aware that he is falling in love with her, but not wanting to fight against it (at the time).
Empire; Ella Henderson ━ Raleigh and mc building their own empire (as the two are famous people) from a false relationship that becomes more and more real.
All The Songs, Will Young ━ I can imagine Raleigh thinking of mc when he listens to his own songs.
Why; Shaw Mendes ━ This song talks about two people who love each other but neither is willing to take the first step.
No Words; The Script ━ This song is about a person who has a lot of opinions and things to say (like raleigh), but when it comes to the person they loves, they just doesn’t have words.
Crush; David Archuleta ━ This song is about fears and doubts, do you feel the same as me?
Better; Khalid ━ This song explains well the strange relationship of Raleigh and mc, yes, they are acting for the spotlight, they are supposed to be just friends, but why when they are alone they act in the same way?
Eyes Off You; PRETTYMUCH ━ I imagine Raleigh singing this to mc, realizing that he can’t take his eyes off her everytime he’s with her.
Love Alone; Mokita ━ Once again, this song describes the insecurities of Raleigh and mc, do you feel the same as me or is really just an act?
Señorita; Shaw Mendes & Camila Cabello ━ I recently read that someone mentioned here that this music reminded them of Raleigh and mc (thank you very much, whoever you are), and they are absolutely right. Two people who love each other, who wish they didn’t (like raleigh). Besides, I imagine Raleigh saying to mc “señorita”, since he can speak Spanish. (Solo imaginen a Raleigh diciendo señorita, me muerooo skkdkskd)
Anti-Everything; Lost Kings ━ “I hate everything but you” - Raleigh to mc all the time.
Goodnight n Go; Ariana Grande ━ MC realizing she’s falling in love with Raleigh. <3
So It Goes; Taylor Swift ━ “You know I’m not a bad girl but I do bad things with you”
Look What God Gave Her; Thomas Rhett ━ This is Raleigh talking about MC, you all can’t change my mind.
Rewrite The Starts; James Arthur & Anne-Marie ━ What if things were different? Without pretending to be in a relationship and being able to do what they want without pressure?
Remedy; Alesso ━ Raleigh didn’t know he needed someone in his life, until she appeared.
Silence; Marshmello & Khalid ━ This is about breaking the silence and tell that person what you really feel.
Wild Ones; Flo Rida & Sia ━ I picture Raleigh and MC having fun and doing whatever the hell they want with this song.
Broken; lovelytheband ━ I love that you’re broken, broken like me.
Capital Letters; Hailee Steinfeld ━ A song that talks about discovering that you fell in love with someone.
I Think I’m In Love; Kat Dahlia ━ The same as above.
Imagine; Ariana Grande ━ What if things were different?
Paparazzi; Lady Gaga ━ A love song related to fame and paparazzis <3
So Bad; Brandon Skeie ━ A song about waiting a person so bad, without worrying about anything.
There’s No Way; Lauv & Julia Michael ━ Two people who are in love and they know it, and they try to fight it, but they know would it will need.
Drink About; Seeb & Dagny ━ Again, a song that makes me thing of Raleigh, drinking and thinking of mc.
My my my!; Troye Sivan ━ A song about stop running from love.
I Choose You; Kiana Ledé ━ This song is like a conclusion to the playlist, they choosing each other after everything.
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