#and better a gang or a sex thing than werewolves
patolemus · 5 months
I've been thinking the past few days about how, after the scene in s2 where these huge chains fall from Stiles' locker, everyone in school thinks he's either in a gang or into some very deep BSDM, and there's like this tally that goes around where people annotate things they've heard him say and debate over why it points to one or the other.
I mean, someone will hear him say human sacrifices and they'll immediately go 'alright so this guy is roleplaying some very hardcore stuff', but then someone else will hear him say something like we gotta find the bodies and then it's like... maybe not roleplaying?
Werewolf? Depending on the context, it's a code word or the name of a rival gang (his gang??), or like some weird kink no one's sure they want to know much about.
Also, Derek Hale is definitely involved somehow, but this doesn't help clarify whether Stiles is in a gang or if he and Derek are just into some very kinky shit. There's a tally on that, too.
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nat-20s · 3 years
what’s poppin everyone please have this fun lil writing warmup/short story inspired by me thinking “Dancing in the Moonlight” was definitely 100% about werewolves
“So, this your first transformation?”
The counselor? Leader? Tour guide? Asked this with a perfectly jovial tone, as if the typical social mores surrounding, ugh, lycanthropy, didn’t apply to her. They didn’t know what exact title to call her, and her name tag just said “Luna”, which, reflecting on it, either was a joke on her part or a reflection of her parents’ sense of humor.
Picking at the scabs from last month, they cringed and replied, “No. Uh. Second.”
Luna lets out a low whistle. “Oof. That sucks. Guessing you got bitten rather than inherited the ol’ wolfman gene?”
“That’s...kind of personal?”
Unlocking the front door of the log cabin that served as King Harvest’s Headquarters, Luna shrugs and says, “Shit, sorry. Forgot the whole weird stigma around your source of the once monthly nightmare, as if it fuckin matters. Also, I know, I know, ass out of you and me. Hey, you got any dietary restrictions? Gluten, peanut allergies, the like?”
Voice flat, they tell her, “I’m vegetarian,” and waits for the obvious response.
As they wander through the cabin towards the kitchen, Luna flipping on the light switches, generic club music starts to filter in. Instead of the obvious response, Luna asks, “You like veggie burgers? Or maybe pasta? I’d offer salad, but that’s really not gonna cut it for tonight.”
“I ate before I came.”
With a snort, she tells them, “Oh yeah? Did you have about 4000 calories?”
“No? Why would I have?”
Sweeping out her arm, she gestures at the food laying out on the counter and tells them, “Then eat up! 4000 is really a minimum for the night if you don’t want to feel like someone physically beat out all of your energy in the morning. 6000 is more the target area, but we got, hmm, about 15 minutes before things get uncomfortable, and half an hour max before things get dire.”
They glance down to the food, and, admittedly, the broccoli alfredo does look pretty appealing. Still, they have to ask, “Is this a cult?”
Luna lets out a bark of a laugh that has nothing to do with her (maybe) being a werewolf. “Okay, first of all, what kind of cult is like ‘fuck yeah, we’re a cult’? Secondly, despite the first thing, I can say that we’re not a cult. I know how “King Harvest: Center for Movement Therapy” sounds, both clinical and vague enough to be suspicious as hell, but I didn’t come up with the title, blame my long deceased dad for that one. Plus, ‘King Harvest: Bitchin’ Wolf Dance House’ probably wouldn’t look good on the grant applications.”
“Oh yeah. This bad boy’s been publicly funded since its opening in 1972. Hence no membership fees.”
“Is that why animal control is giving out your business card? Are they one of your sponsors?”
“Nah, that’s just Jack. Me ‘n’ him go way back, hell, to his park ranger days.  I mean, yeah, I think he’ll campaign for us, but mostly I think he just hates capturing a wolf in the night only to have a naked, trembling human in the morning, and he knows that our program significantly reduces the odds of that happening, at least in this neck of the woods.”
They let out a hum, then glance back down to the food. As appealing as it down look, they’re still about..30% convinced this is an elaborate organ harvesting operation. Or sketchy sex thing.
Apparently sensing their hesitation, Luna says, “You got a favorite chip?”
“Salt and vinegar.”
Grabbing a sealed family sized bag from the overhead cabinets, Luna tosses it to them. “If you come back next full moon, either eat enough in advance or have a real meal here. That being said, excuse the turn of phrase, you should wolf that down. It’s sure as hell better than nothing.”
They catch it, and the bag opens with a puff of air that speaks to a reassuring lack of tampering. As they toss a chip into their mouth, Luna grabs a water bottle from the fridge and places it down next to them. “So? Any questions for me? We’ve still got about ten minutes before we have to go out there.”
Rolling their eyes, they tell her, “No. None at all.”
“Great! Soon as you’re done eating we’ll get you started.”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“Yeah, no shit, smart-ass. Seriously, what are your, we haven’t got much time.”
“I don’t know? The whole..thing? I mean, how is it supposed to..work? Like? At all?”
“You ever see Amok Time?”
“Is that relevant?”
“It’s a yes or no question babe.”
“And if I say no?”
“Then the explanation is going to be a lot more technical and take a lot longer, ultimately to likely make less sense.”
“...I’ve seen it.”
“Great! So, Pon Farr is basically this chemical blood imbalance that results in fuck or die disorder, yeah? But then Spock neither fucks nor dies, and eventually the vulcans get their shit together and find out that an intense fight can serve the same function, and the blood fever chills out. Lycanthropy operates on a similar enough basis for comparison. You’re compelled to act out on energetically heavy base instincts, returning to the ways of the wolf or whatever. Traditionally, that’s done through running and hunting, which has, historically, been a crapshoot at best. Theoretically, sex can also get the job done, but I’m sure you can imagine how that gets extremely dicey extremely quickly. Either restraints or isolation has been implemented for a while, but, c’mon, they’re bandaid solutions, and they’re far from foolproof. Luckily for us all, my grandmother decided to connect back with her ancestors, and there was a handful of stories having huge festivals to deal with ‘moon violence’. She tried it out, and, yeah, dancing works.”
“That sounds…”
They don’t know how that sounds. Made up, mostly.
“Like a bunch of hippie bullshit? Yeah, it kind of is, Grandma Josephine was a huge hippie, but it’s hippie bullshit that works. In fact, let’s go see the others, it almost always makes things clearer.”
Figuring that whatever they’re about to see can’t be worse than their transformation last month. They head through the sliding glass door out the back, the thump of the music suddenly loud enough to be felt in their chest. The sight that awaits them makes them drop their chips and let out a gasp. Barely able to speak, they exhale out, “None of them...they’re not wolves. How..how??”
Indeed, the roughly forty people jumping to the pulse of whatever they’re listening to (some to the in house DJ, some, apparently, to what’s playing over the large headphones they have adorned), resemble the image of a wolfman much more accurately. They bare claws, fangs, elongated snouts, upright ears, and  serious amounts of hair, but they’re on two legs, and moving like humans. Some of them are even singing along to the lyrics, which really shouldn’t be possible.
Luna grins, making it obvious that she’s used to this level of shell shocks. “Ultimately, you do have to give into some damn rigorous instincts. But dancing is a human instinct, not a canine one, so you end up, well, humanoid. Pretty nifty, huh?”
“And they all..they all keep their minds? I didn’t...they don’t blackout?”
“Not since we banned alcohol in the 90s! Here, watch this.”
Luna nods her head at the DJ, and the DJ, obligingly, turns down the music for a moment. The members of the crowd not listening to their own music pause, then look towards the door. She cries out, “Hey gang! HOW WE ALL DOIN’ TONIGHT?”, and gets a mix between a howl and “WOO!” cried back. The DJ then turns the music back up, and the general movement of the crowd resumes.
They should be more skeptical. They want to be more skeptical, they were just minutes before, but it’s hard to disagree with something right in front of you. “This will work for me? I just..have to dance?”
“Well, it’s not guaranteed. Few things are. But we have yet to have someone turn violent on us. If you start to fell yourself slipping from consciousness, though, I do ask that you start heading further into the woods, as to not hurt other guest. If you find yourself just getting tired, there’s beds inside, and a fair amount of pillows around the edge of the quote unquote dance floor, if you end up in more of a nesting mood. Also, I recommend taking off your shoes before you start.”
“What? Why?”
Luna gives a pointed glance at the dancers’ feet, which, ah. They’re about twice as large as normal and at least twice as sharp. The converse on their feet would be no match. “Ah.”
They shove off their shoes and place the remainder of their chips aside. “As I’ll ever be.”
Good thing, too, as they’re starting to feel an uncomfortable pressure in their chest that was the prelude to disaster last month.
Luna strides to the center of the dance floor, which is really a plush lawn surrounded by forest. The crowd naturally moves around her, and she yells out, “Aiyana! Play my song!”
Aiyana gives a nod, and the opening notes of “Dancing in the Moonlight” start to sound out. “Seriously?”
Luna shrugs, grinning like a fool, and says, “It’s a classic!”
“It’s cliché at best.”
Luna shrugs, and then begins dancing. She’s hardly elegant, but she is dazzlingly joyful in her uncoordinated movements. As the song reaches the first chorus, she gives a twirl, and in the split second it takes, she’s transformed. They blink in shock, not knowing you could transform that seamlessly, that quickly, that painlessly. Luna in half wolf form is just as expressive as the human Luna, and she gives a nod over her shoulder as if to say Come on.
Feeling somewhat foolish, they start to bop their head to the tune. Luna lets out a huff and grabs their hands, spinning them around and forcing them to get moving. At first, it’s them indulging Luna, but as they let themselves get lost in rhythm, they feel a stretching sensation in their face and limbs. It’s not unpleasant, more like when you wake up and work out the tension in your spine. They open their eyes and look down at their hands, now covered in fur in and made for slashing. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt, and they’re still themselves, and they had no idea that full moons could be like this, maybe for the rest of their lives.
They turn their head to the night sky, and their body can’t help but continue to dance. Despite all their fear, all their dread, “movement therapy” worked, and they can admit, at least to themselves, that they feel warm and bright.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.43 prt.1
Keith slept like a log. When Lance had left so suddenly it’d taken Matt to make him realise what was happening. Forced into conversation, it’d been nearly an hour before he headed upstairs to check on Lance. Finding his boyfriend asleep and the sweet smell lingering in the room, he grabbed a blanket off the bed and stuffed it along the bottom of the door to keep the scent in. Shooting Shiro a quick text to let him know Lance was “sick”, Keith hoped that Shiro got his implied message. Stripping off to his underwear, Keith slid under the blankets where Lance immediately moved to cuddle him, mumbling his name as he wrapped an arm around Keith’s waist. Why couldn’t Shiro see this side of Lance? Sure, he might be a vampire, but he really was stupidly sweet. Not used to sleeping with someone like this, Keith had expected to spend the night tossing and turning, or even to be plagued with nightmares as usual, instead he woke to find himself spooned up with Lance curled around him.
Letting Lance sleep a little longer, Keith wasn’t looking forward to crawling out of bed. He would have stayed with his boyfriend but his bladder had other ideas, Lance stirring as he lifted his arm from around his waist
“Mmm... ‘kay”
Using Lance’s bathroom felt like a privilege. Keith making sure he hadn’t made a mess before stumbling back to bed. Lance had woken up properly, but that didn’t mean he’d gotten out of bed. Crawling back onto the bed, Lance automatically reached for him, Keith too uncaffinated to feel embarrassed or protest as he climbed into Lance’s hold. Kissing his cheek, Lance sighed as he leaned against Keith
“Good morning”
“I know. You haven’t had your coffee yet. Do you have enough energy for me to cuddle?”
Lance kissed his cheek again
“Thanks for being here when I woke up. I know you’re not used to it and I’m not used to it, but I really needed a hug”
Turning his head, Keith pressed a kiss to Lance’s lips. Lance blushing slightly as he did
“It’s okay... are you okay?”
“Yeah... I slept like the dead”
Keith groaned at Lance. It was too early for his shenanigans
“Didn’t like that one? I’ll keep it in mind. Let’s get you your coffee. Everyone else is already up”
Lance laughed at him as Keith struggled into a pair of the vampire’s jeans and a shirt. Though he would have been fine wearing the clothes he’d had on the day before. Keith glaring the best glare he could manage, mind firmly on his coffee, as Lance went about getting dressed, Keith made to not peak as he changed underwear. Not that he was going to peak. Lance had nothing to be ashamed of down there, but there was a fresh wave sweetness that lasted a few seconds, making them both blush for no damn reason. Keith wasn’t a natural born blusher, yet it seemed to just happen around Lance. Managing to look far more presentable than Keith did, his boyfriend was annoying like that.
Yawning as they entered the kitchen, Keith ignored everyone as he made a beeline for the coffee machine, only to be irritated that his normal cup wasn’t where it was supposed to be. Sharing a house was already proving annoying. He didn’t like it. That wasn’t to say he didn’t like Matt and Rieva... he just liked things better when people didn’t interrupt his coffee routine. Glancing back to Lance, he found he’d already ducked out, leaving him with no support over his stolen cup
“How’d you sleep, kiddo?”
Keith grunted at Shiro. He didn’t deserve words until Keith got his damn cup of coffee
“It’s like watching Pidge in the morning”
“Keith isn’t functional until he’s had his coffee”
“Pidge is like a demon. She’d literally bite ankles if she could get away with it”
“Keith is too. He bit me once for moving his coffee”
“Oh, man. That’s just too good”
Matt and Shiro both seemed in excellent moods as they talked about him. That was something. Yesterday had been draining and he didn’t want a repeat.
“What are we talking about?”
Keith felt himself blushing as Lance walked in. His boyfriend didn’t need to know he was being teased
“Keith is acting like Pidge”
“Pidge is worse. Keith isn’t as snarky as she gets. You guys eat?”
Lance seemed happy enough replying to Matt. Hopefully that was a good sign
“Yeah. We helped ourselves. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. I meant it’s your house too now. If there anything in particular you don’t eat or we need, let me know. I promise I don’t bite”
Matt laughed, even his laugh sounded like Pidge’s. Keith now wondering if she was on her second cup with her laptop in front of her. It seemed highly likely
“Honestly, there’s not a lot we don’t eat. What about you?”
“Blood three times a day and I eat. I think there’s a conversation we need to have too over what happened last night”
Keith froze. He felt like Lance was pushing himself when it came to the subject he thought his boyfriend had in mind. It meant confiding in strangers, which he wasn’t good at. He didn’t dare turn around as he watched his coffee finally coming out the machine and into the inferior cup he’d taken off the hook
“Did we do something wrong?”
“No. It’s just... It might make things complicated and hearing you react last night really drove home how awkward this might be”
“Man, you’re scaring me now”
There was the scraping of a chair, meaning Lance had sat. Keith felt like he should do something, but he didn’t know what
“It’s not you, it’s me... Wow, I didn’t think I’d be using that line so early in the morning... so... um... I’m not a normal vampire”
“You can’t turn into a bat or hypnotise humans to do your will?”
Lance snorted
“I can turn into a bat... not a very good bat... No, it’s, um... I’m a vampire, but... um... I get flushes like a werewolf... in heat. It’s from drinking human blood. Well, from drinking Keith’s blood. You know what it’s like when you turn, so I’ve been trying to live as humanly as possible... I didn’t go out of my way to find out much about that side of things. I thought I had a handle on it... but Keith was the first human I ever drank from... and his blood changed my body. You caught my scent last night... and fuck this is embarrassing. I’m a breeder...”
Lance’s words hung in the air, Keith finally able to move again. Turning, he found himself walking to Lance’s side, and placing his hand on his shoulder to let him know he wasn’t alone
“... and I’m kind of dating Keith”
Matt gaped at the pair of them. Shiro didn’t say anything, which Keith was grateful for
“Pidge never told me that”
“Pidge doesn’t know. That I’m a vampire or that I’m dating Keith. I don’t want to make a big fuss out it. But I really wanted to explain so there wasn’t a misunderstanding on why I left the room the way I did”
“So you go into heat?”
“Basically... My body is still adjusting to it. I didn’t think I could get any weirder but here we are. That’s why Curtis is here. In case I get sick again, or turn into a bat again. It’s not something I can control”
Matt snorted. Keith felt like punching him until he shook his head, he must have been glaring at the man
“Lance, dude, that’s not that weird. You’re in a room with two werewolves, and a cursed guy. We get it. We don’t really talk about heats outside of with our mates, but now things make sense. It’s cool, dude. We’ll show you a good time if you ever...”
Rieva slapped the back of her boyfriend’s head
“Ignore him. He doesn’t get it. If you need help managing your heats, we can talk”
Keith felt like he was invisible. He was the one trying to help Lance with that
“Hey, does that mean you’re boning Shiro’s little brother?”
“We’re not having sex... and that’s fine. My body isn’t stable”
“Damn Keith, you’ve got some balls being with a vampire. Make sure you keep his fangs away from your junk. Shiro, you didn’t let me know about this. You must be freaking out”
Shiro sighed
“Keith and I talked, then Lance I talked. They both know I don’t want either of them going through something like what happened to Adam”
“What happened to Adam was messed up, but Lance seems to have his shit together better than any of us. Plus, he can cook, so Keith isn’t gonna starve, and he’s got a house and job. At least he’s not doing crack in some back alley”
“This is true...”
Matt pulled a face at Shiro
“You’re a right royal arsehole when you travel. You should have seen him in Platt. Zero patience. I thought that orange haired dude was gonna have a coronary”
“I wasn’t that bad”
“You punched the elevator wall because you tripped into it”
That sounded like Shiro was stressed rather than just being cranky from a long flight
“It had it coming”
“Basically you were a dick and now you’re embarrassed. I can smell it on you”
“Fuck off. He’s my brother. I’m allowed to be worried”
“As long as you’re not dooming things. Patience yields focus... so focus on having some patience and not bringing the vibe down”
Keith had to hide his smile behind his hand. Shiro was being put in his place by Matt the same way Adam would have. It was easy to see the absolute worst in people after the shit they’d seen. One time they’d been on a hunt and the vampire caught wind of them. It left its human pets behind, Keith taking months to get over that. There was something even more fucked up about it feeding on children. The memory still made him queasy and his nightmares had been out of control over it. Back in their old apartment there’d been a bullet hole left in wardrobe thanks to him leaving his gun beside his bed before falling asleep. Adam had been pissed for days over it. Keith then forbidden from having his gun in his room, instead it went in to the safe in the hallway.
“You’re making me feel old here”
“Don’t start with that. We’re the same again”
“Technically I’m the older here, so you’ve got nothing to worry about, Shiro. There’s hope for you left”
With how negative Shiro had been, Keith expected him to snap at Lance. Instead his brother shook his head, looking like he’d been ganged up on. It wasn’t so funny when the teasing was happening to him
“I don’t know if that makes me feel better?”
Lance shrugged as he undid the cap on his bag of blood
“Whelp. I tried. Keith, your coffee’s going to get cold. Now, Matt, please tell me I don’t have to lie to Pidge for much longer. She always comes by on the weekends, she’s actually past due for a visit this week. I want to let Hunk know ahead of time, so he can be here too”
Keith went back to his coffee, some one had been at his milk. He had enough for two coffees left despite the fact they’d been shopping with Curtis. He wasn’t happy as he rationed his milk carefully, before carrying the cup over to the table to sit by Lance. His boyfriend was still on guard but Keith could tell he was feeling better now that he’s confused his secret. Keith quietly proud of him
“Tomorrow morning. Call Hunk and let him know. I probably need your number too while I’m at it”
“Sure. So what are you planning on doing today?”
“Shiro insisting on training to better protect ourselves. Maybe we can answer that age old question?”
“Which is?”
“Are vampires really that strong?”
Lance rolled his eyes
“Remember you said that when I’ve wiped the floor with you, Fido”
“Hey, Keith why don’t you stick your hand up his arse and count to ten. This over stretched muppet’s got no clue”
Lance groaned at Matt
“Dude... don’t bring the muppets into this. Though Curtis would be the Chef. No idea what he’s doing in the kitchen and I’m sure he’s make copious amounts of spaghetti if he could”
Curtis sighed, not wanting to be dragged into this
“You kill one toaster and they never let you forget it”
Keith wasn’t sure about this. Curtis warned Lance not to push himself, Lance simply declaring this to be “his weeks worth of physical activity”, before starting to stretch. Sitting in the backyard, Shiro and Rieva sat by him. Curtis would be the referee and Rieva would jump in if Matt got too carried away. Keith was quietly trying not to interfere, telling himself that this was Lance accepting how Matt wanted to bond. Catching his eye, Lance winked at him. Keith realising Lance hadn’t taken his glasses off. The idiot was on his way to breaking another pair
“Lance, glasses!”
Practically smacking himself in the face, his boyfriend pulled his glasses off, jogging over to Keith
“Good call. Look after them for me”
“Don’t make me regret this”
“Look at as a chance to make you fall for my fine Cuban arse all over again”
Keith wasn’t having it
“You hate combat”
“Yeah... but it’s an ego thing... Besides, we’ve got rules. No breaking anything and no going for the throat. Oh, you better take my jacket too”
“Fine. But don’t come crying to me when it hurts later”
“I will”
Lance looked like a video game character as he bounced on the ball of his feet. Curtis didn’t seem pleased to be between two supernatural creatures
Lance nodded, Matt adopting his own pose. Keith waited for the video game announcer voice to come from no where... unfortunately it didn’t
“Bring it Dracula”
“No changing shape, wolf boy”
“I won’t need to”
“Remember that when Rieva’s patching you back up”
“That’s some pretty feisty talk from a virgin”
“What can I say? I believe in true love... and kicking your arse”
“I’ll believe it when I see it”
“Oh, it is so on”
Curtis retreated half a dozen steps backwards
“Okay. Don’t kill each other. Fight!”
Both males circled as they sized each other up. Matt growling at Lance, Lance’s fang emerging as his facial expression changed. His eyes changing from their brilliant blue to something darker, almost completely black as pupils dilated. Keith felt a stab of fear. Lance looked as if he’d let his ego go completely, Matt baring his teeth at the threat
“All bark and no bite?”
“You’re not going to beat me”
“No. You’d have to throw a punch first. If you wanna tuck your tail between your legs and run along, I won’t tell”
Matt let Lance provoke him into the first swing. Lance blocking as he leapt back
“You’re going to lose if you can’t hit me”
Starting to circle again, it felt like a weird dance between the two of them. Lance could be a pain in the arse, practically an expert at avoiding physically attacking. Keith was worried that his boyfriend wouldn’t know what to do. Lance’s fighting experience of late had been fighting him
“Fine. I won’t hold back. You don’t hold back either”
Not holding back put everyone in danger. Matt and Lance going for each other too fast for Keith to catch up. One stage Matt was on the defence and the next he was throwing Lance across the yard... which Lance didn’t take too kindly too. His whole feel changed. His teeth bared as he smiled, nails elongated, and he seemed taller than Keith remembered. He was cold. And he was distant. This was the side himself that Lance feared. The two were back at it again, Keith had a mind to stop this. Lance hated senseless violence and this couldn’t be good for his mental health. Catching Matt as he lunged, Lance wrapped his legs around the man, head butting him hard. Matt grabbing Lance by the waist to slam him down, only for Lance’s legs to end up wrapped around Matt’s neck, hands pulling on the werewolf’s hair. Matt’s hands found their way to Lance’s throat, dropping to his knees as smashing Lance’s head against the ground. Beneath him, Lance went limp as Keith went cold. They weren’t supposed to do serious harm to each other. Matt immediately releasing Lance’s neck, only for Lance to draw himself backwards, kneeing Matt in the chin as he did. Keith hadn’t even seen how Lance managed it. The Cuban joked about being flexible, but this was something else. Snarling, Matt’s internal chain on his wolf snapped. The man changing shape and lunging at Lance. Rieva was tackling him down before Keith could shout in warning.
Laying on the grass, propped nip on his elbows, Lance watched as Rieva changed into her wolf, pining Matt down and snarling at him. Changing back to his human form, Matt looked a little sheepish as he cranes his neck to see Lance
“You good man?”
“Yep. You?”
“Yep. Tie?”
“Okay. Babe, you can get off me now”
Rieva turned back, Keith looking away from where she and Matt were. Both too naked and too casual about the whole thing
“Idiot. What have I told you about you wolf?!”
Matt whined pathetically
“I didn’t mean too”
“I don’t care. You need to control yourself”
“I was having fun. We were having fun, right, Lance?”
Lance flopped back, hand coming up to shield his eyes
“Sorry, you’re own your own with this one. I don’t like fighting at the best of times. Between you and Keith I’ve learned so many new moves I don’t think I wanted to learn. I like peace and not exercising... ugh... I think I’m dead”
“Dude, you’re already dead”
“Fair... I’m going to take a bath”
Keith watched Lance climb to his feet. His boyfriend swaying a little before limping over to him. Something inside Keith coiled away in fear of never having seen Lance like this. His heart was racing from raw power of the fight
“I won’t touch you, there’s blood and that’s dangerous. Can I have my glasses and my jacket?”
“Oh... sure... do you need help getting to the house?”
“Nah. You say and enjoy the sun”
Keith didn’t know if Lance had seen the fear in him, but he hoped he hadn’t. The fight had stirred up other emotions in him, other than his fear over Lance’s mental health. Taking a deep breath, he couldn’t quite catch it. Emotions over Adam too strong to stomp down. The fight has been so fast. The grass torn up from the force behind each twist and move. Adam never would have stood a chance... but if Adam had survived the turn why couldn’t he fight back? How had Shiro survived with simply getting scarred?
Shiro’s voice was gentle, his brother asking if he was okay in just the use of his name
“I’m heading back up to the house”
Keith could hear Blue yowling as the sat himself down on the stairs. Burying his face in his hands, he fought to control his breathing. He hasn’t pushed Shiro on the death of Adam. He hadn’t pushed him and now all these questions wouldn’t shut up. Blue sounded worried, her cries getting louder and louder, Keith feeling he needed to find her, even if it was just to make himself feel better for doing something. Heading upstairs, Keith followed Blue’s unhappy cries to Lance’s bathroom door. Scratching on the wood, the feline was begging her human master to be let in, Keith crouching down to scoop her up where she immediately bit his hand
“You don’t want to go in there. There’s water in there”
Blue protested hard, Keith opening the door and the cat immediately jumping from his arms to the tiled floor
“Sorry, Blue wanted in”
“I heard... Hey, can you come in here for a moment?”
It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to be.
Slipping into the bathroom, Keith closed the door behind him. Blue was standing with her paws on the edge of the bath, Lance buried in a mound of bubbles. Keith wasn’t sure if he was supposed to look at his boyfriend or not
“What’s up?”
“Can we talk?”
“Aren’t we already?”
Lance huffed, turning his head towards him. The vampire sporting a rather impressive black eye, Keith’s breath catching at the sight
“It doesn’t hurt. Just... I need to... I need to talk to you and I’m worried”
Keith swallowed, nodding before heading over to sit on the toilet on lid
“What is it?”
“I... I want to apologise for upsetting you”
“I did. I did and I know I did. You’ve been worried about me since this morning, but I still went ahead and fought with Matt, like I didn’t respect your feelings. I kind of want... I want to explain things to you”
Keith shook his head
“You don’t have to”
“I do. I do because you’re important to me. What you saw today, that was ego. Matt losing control, me losing control. That was ego. Last night I was pretty upset at the situation. About everything. Me. Us. This body. While you were getting dressed I was gathering up my bravery to tell him. You know that drive. How you train yourself until you feel satisfied and you hurt in a good way... feeding my ego is kind of like that need. It’s not but it is. My ego and his would kept clashing, so I told myself that if he suggested it, I’d agree. What I didn’t think about was you... and I feel like a douche for it. I know I scared you... I scared me when I saw my face... and I’m... I’m sorry”
Keith blinked half a dozen times. Feeling mad at Lance for not talking to him ahead of time. He had scared him. And he’d been scared for him. He’d thought his heart was going to stop when Matt changed shape. Lance was prepared for it, and he wasn’t
“Why couldn’t you talk to me?”
“We kind of...”
“You didn’t make the effort before deciding everything yourself”
“No. You let yourself be hurt knowing it’d hurt you more than physically!”
Fuck. Fuck. He didn’t want to snap, but he couldn’t get the right words out
“I’m sorry”
“I was worried about you and now you have other friends here to talk to instead”
That’s not what he wanted to say. He wanted to question why there couldn’t have been another way. Lance didn’t need to train with other people when he had him
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angelholme · 3 years
May, Myself and I -- Year 3, Day 22 : Rainbow
"Take some green from a forest, blue from the sea, find the misty pot of gold, and mix them for a week"
There are a lot of unsolved mysteries in life. The Bermuda Triangle. If UFOs really exist. Yetis. Vampires. Zombies. Werewolves. Why people don't realise just how incredibly big moose actually are.
But I think the biggest mystery in the world that has yet to actually be solved is -- what the buggeirng hell was up with Rainbow? How did anyone think that was a sensible show for kids?
We have Geoffrey -- a guy who plays guitar.
And he is friends with a six-foot tall bear. A BEAR! A creature that is known for being incredibly ferocious and eating people. You have a children's program that is teaching them to make friends with BEARS!!
Then you have a pink hippo that is smaller than the bear. Hippos also tend to be somewhat bad tempered and sometimes eat people, but also tend to charge them down and -- in large numbers -- stampede and kill anything in their path. So what better creature to hang out with a bear and a full grown man with a guitar.
And there are three other grown people -- Rod, Jane and Freddy -- who all seem to live together in some kind of polygamous marriage, which I am pretty sure is still illegal now and so must have been illegal back then. Unless they weren't married and were just having a lot of group sex (which I am not sure was the best message to send to any children watching).
However all this pales in comparison to the biggest question of the entire show -- what the buggering hell was Zippy? I mean -- he (I think he was a he? I admit it has been decades since I watched an episode and I can't remember if Zippy was male or gender neutral. I am pretty sure that Zippy was not a girl, just based on the voice alone, but I am willing to stand corrected. But on a similar topic I can't remember what gender George was either, although I am pretty sure George was a he as well -- which opens up a whole bunch of new questions) was orange, had two hands and a zip for a mouth. a zip that he could close or open.
Was he an alien? Was he a mutated creature? Was he a small child that had had a run in with Bungle before Bungle was domesticated and learned to sing? Did Bungle rip out his mouth and it had to be replaced with a zip? Was he the love-child of George and Bungle? George and Geoffrey?
Okay, I may be putting more thought into this than is strictly necessary, but Rainbow started before I was born and it ran for twenty years. And not once, as far as I know, was it ever explained what kind of weird, mutant creature Zippy was and -- quite honestly -- as a kid who watched Zippy wah wah wah on for a decade or so of my childhood I think that we are entitled to some answers.
And also I think we are entitled to some answers as to why a fully grown man was living with a bear that didn't once try to eat him, a hippo that didn't once try to stampede or eat him, three people who were into group sex and some kind of weird alien.
The people have a right to know.
That aside, I kind of liked some of the children's shows as kids. (Before you think I am wandering into the realm of nostalgia I am not suggesting they are better than children's programs today -- I can't remember the last time I watched a kids' program because not being a kid I tend to not watch programs for kids)
I remember Into The Labyrinth -- as a show goes it was quite progressive for its time. The three main characters were a boy, a girl and a black boy (not something you saw that often). The villain was a strong, independent woman, and the hero was an old man. As combinations go it was pretty unusual. And the show itself taught people a lot about history -- even if it was for very short periods of it.
The Adventure Game was all about puzzle solving, maths, language and so forth. And it was quite a lot of fun.
Fraggle Rock was another puppet show that was a wonder to watch, even if it did get a little bit "after school special" in some parts.
Knightmare was the first program to feature any kind of VR -- very low quality and very basic but still, it was ground breaking at the time.
Press Gang was truly outstanding. Well written, well acted, well directed -- there is very little you can say about it that isn't good.
and, of course, Grange Hill. Even when it was being "after school special" (the arcs with Fay, Zammo, Jeremy and so on) it did it in such in such a slow burn, subtle way that it never smacked you in the face. And most of the time the plots it gave you were pretty basic -- the ones with Danny for example -- so you never really saw them coming.
And a lot of these had good lessons to teach people -- even outside of the "after school special" episodes.
Which compared to a guitar wielding lunatic, living with a bear, a hippo, a trio of sexual maniacs and an alien/mutant child/bear attack survivor is definitely a good thing.
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sugar-petals · 5 years
:: BTS ◇ Being Their��Werewolf Girlfriend
NOTE › @.btsxdoll​ reblogged a ‘where are the female werewolves in fantasy?’ post which inspired this. enjoy ♡
↳ warnings 🌙 dom/sub, smut, angst, marking, dash of humor
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[ jimin ] ➝ He definitely knows that catchy Shakira song, even the Spanish version. But what a real she-wolf roaming his garden at 3 AM ends up being like will blow his mochi mind. Oh yes. It really is a whole new world. And holy shit, you are one hell of a gnarling beast on that lawn. Jimin will be honest with you: If he could, he’d probably brag on twitter all day that you have gigantic claws. That he’s allowed to touch them when you aren’t particularly wilding out somewhere in the local forest scratching pine trees or off to hang out with a fifteen-member, cigarette-smoking ghoul gang. 
But since it’s classified who you are, no tweets allowed. Sadly, he can’t meet the cool ghouls either. For obvious reasons though, he’d be too tasty a dinner, and he understands that you want to protect him. It’s already hard on you to have a kind of parallel life far from your control. Something so covert, scary, and taboo. Mingling with dangerous cemetary creatures for a night, only to return to a completely normal life. As if nothing happened! But cordial Jimin reassures you. Doesn’t make a hidden werewolf identity make someone the most interesting person ever? He couldn’t be a better boyfriend.  
[ taehyung ] ➝ It’s no secret that sweet Tae loves everything fluffy. The boy can’t lie, he likes your fur and muzzle. Every time you transform, he even keeps a diary entry on it. Keenly documenting everything he observes from characteristics to variations of behavior depending on the environment. You really could say he’s a werewolf biologist. He even discovers that if you eat red cabbage the with the moon waning, the transformation happens a lot faster than usual. Seriously, who could be better at dealing with any canine activity — large-scale, small-scale — than dog lover Taehyung. 
What he’s scared of and prevents a lot of cuddles are your, um, well. Huge dripping fangs and a bite force of five-hundred pounds per square inch to back it up. He has a reason to be careful. However, you’d rather devour some random suburb animals even in your worst of moods. Yeontan excluded. He likes you. It’s fun communicating with him. The world is interesting through werewolf eyes, but since it’s only for one night or two, Yeontan’s perspective is even more interesting since his form is permanent. Rascal sure knows a lot of gossip that would otherwise have never seen the light of day. 
[ jin ] ➝ Now, let’s set the record straight. If there’s one man on the face of this sordid planet who loves sizzling danger? It’s Worldwide Fearless on duty. Jin is the chosen one to have as a designated boyfriend. All his life he dreamed of eerie thrills like that, and it became true. Fate! The first night you were shocked to see your ears grow all fuzzy out of literal nowhere, but Jin knew he made the right dating choice. Your final form has the guy all fired up. He desperately wants to be bitten, growled at, paw-slapped, tossed around, walked on (!), licked head to toe. Long story short, he’s your #1 biggest were-fan.
But at the end of the day, no sexual feelings and acts involved. You’ve talked about that at length. To him, such conversations are normal, but which other couple ever talks about something as touchy. Jin would totally be a monster fucker if you weren’t completely beside yourself after transformation. So there is surely be no guarantee of what could happen. Especially with you being a very hungry lycanthrope raiding the basement. Which he neatly stocks up three days before the big event, and you can feast on it instead of turning this whole party into a literal “EatJin”. God forbid, you’d rather walk on him.
[ yoongi ] ➝ As cool as a cucumber. His mother raised a level-headed boy. When the moon is out there taking its monthly liberty to go off I guess, he sits on the porch with his phone’s lunar calendar and Rolex out, only waiting for shit to go down. Yes, he’s mastered all predictive methods. Sweet technology has made it easy for him. You always joke how Yoongi might as well open a ‘Were-Watching’ tourism business if the world were just a bit more open-minded and capitalism an ethical thing. Anyways. In the meantime, you’re busy hulking out in the cornfields and howling like there’s no tomorrow. 
Usually coming back for breakfast, hornier than the local elks in heat. Still with all rabid instincts half active, ready to pounce on what smells so good lying in your bed without pajamas on. Yoongi thinks he’s just one lucky dude not just getting all marked up, but occasionally salivated on when he’s waking up. Normally, sex would end up casual, but post-transformation banging is guaranteed to be energetic and sweaty beyond what he believed was possible. Which guy has his girlfriend plant herself on top of him baring her teeth like, well yeah, a fucking wolf? And he thought life would be endlessly boring.  
[ hoseok ] ➝ When you first approach him with your secret five months into the relationship, he thinks that you want to act out some hybrid fanfiction or roleplay. You say no Hoseok, I really am, y’know, huge and a dangerous ball of fur once in a while. But to no avail. To him, out of sight, out of mind. The oddly not-like-you-but-actually-you-shaped footprints around the garage don’t convince him. Hell, even the two-day ‘mountain vacation’ you take every four weeks doesn’t make Hoseok question that something very wolfy could be going on. “A wolf? Just drop by then!” he says, all nonchalant. 
So it takes the big wolf lady to knock on his window to prove that she’s not kidding and this is what he signed up for. He will take a while to digest things, reconsider his priorities. Is he prey, is he not? Tongue-in-cheek, you assure him that you only munch on the super built hikers who throw their trash into nature. You surely wouldn’t feel saturated eating a skinny guy. That does help Hoseok feel off limits in an unexpected way. There’s still much to get used to, but his chef talent can deal with your strong appetite surging every once in a while and he helps to remove the footprints so the neighbors don’t worry.
[ namjoon ] ➝ It’s like Fox Mulder seeing actual aliens land on earth. Hardly surprised. “Knew it!” is the final verdict when you confess to RM what’s going on. After some lightheaded pre-full-moon feelings make you rip up a sofa pillow at night. Entirely in a daze and pretty much close to howling already. Namjoon quickly understands the scope of peril and eventually opts for sleeping at Jimin’s if it gets a little too animalistic. Other than that, he’s well-informed. He might as well read ‘Mystic Creatures of Moderity′ in his favorite chair while you’re busy gnawing on a raw steak locking yourself in the kitchen.
Namjoon is happy to have something weird going on in his life to shake things up. It feels like a movie to him. Arguably, to others, it would be bizarre and both of you have to hide everything properly. Blasting funky disco music during your noisier transformations and such. Or pretending you’re a very well-crafted 3D robot Halloween costume which people do buy into. But some paranormal stuff happening in his backyard once a month? A whole lot of shed grey hair clogging the shower the day after transforming? Who gives a fuck, it’s just Joon’s girlfriend having a jolly good time. X-Files case closed. 
[ jungkook ] ➝ Admittedly... a bit obsessed. With seeing your full eight feet tall incarnation, doing some unhinged shit out in the woods. That’s sexy. But JK is also caring — you’re hypersensitive to anything silver and most other human interference, after all. Sure, his scent has been up close for a long enough time not to trigger you anymore, even in your full wolven form. But there are still risks involved. The angel promises to stay by your side regardless. And indeed: He’s gonna camp in a raised blind with binoculars to watch over you in the forest moonlight. No zookeeper will get their hands on you, promised. 
Jungkook really admires you in every aspect. No judgment. The animal enthusiast in him just can’t help it. Wolves in and of themselves are a huge interest to him, now he gets to know that you can grow paws, a tail and all that, the full package? Wow. He will never not be stunned. Jungkook wants to know everything about your kind. What you eat, how your heightened senses work, how you navigate your territory, what you feel. He also loves the thrill of adrenaline because boy do you go apeshit in the first couple hours of moonlight exposure. JK is a positive type of overwhelmed. The guy’s in love.
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© 2017-2019 submissive-bangtan. All rights reserved. Do not repost, translate, or modify.
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xiubaek-13 · 5 years
Case File 99
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Prompt: You meet Minseok in a bar and swear that you know him from SOMEWHERE but have no idea where, but now you have to do something about it
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
A/N:  This was for a one shot challenge done on tumblr with friends but I’m leaving it open to further one shots in the future. If you like this AU please let me know who and what you want to see and I will make a small list to work on. There are 3 pieces of dialogue in here that are not mine. I have borrowed them from Scott Lynch and his amazing Gentlemen’s Bastards series. I recently reread the 3 books and couldn’t word the dialogue in these 3 spots any better
Rain pelted the windows of your corner office, only adding to the dreary day you were having. You said corner office but you could hardly call it that. It’s not like you worked in some big office building for a massive corporation. No, you worked out of a rundown apartment in the shadier part of town. Still, it had a big glass window that wrapped around the corner of the building and rain was pelting against it. The only people that ever sought you out were in desperate need of your skills. Photographic memory, ability to sneak or talk your way into almost anywhere (except for that one demon club downtown), an unhealthy amount of supernatural knowledge and a general fuck it attitude were among some of your more specific skills that seemed to bring in the clients. If a person went missing and couldn’t be found, you got a call. If one of the supernatural got a little too public with its existence, you got a call. If something was just plain weird, you got a call.
After one too many run ins with the law, and one extremely close call, Detective Markham had worked out exactly what you had been doing every time they found traces of you at a crime scene. Since that day you’d been given a small amount of trust to sort out the less human problems in the city and once you’d been given the freedom to emerge from the shadows without fear of being arrested and thrown in a psychiatric ward, you’d realised just how fucked up your city was.
It would actually be fair to say that humans thought they controlled a lot more of their city than they actually did. You had worked out that the city was divided into 6 very uneven sections. The largest parts went to the vampires, the demons and the fae, then the werewolves, other beings and lastly the humans. The humans bled into all the sectors, unbeknownst to them the danger they put themselves in or the nature of those they worked for. They had no idea that the coexisted with non humans and you couldn't help but laugh at how enterprising the supernatural were. Minhyuk the incubus ran the local sex shop (and business was booming), Heechul the changeling and his mix bag of supes ran one of the malls and Hyojong the ghoul was the local mortician to name a few.
You worked right near the border of the demons territory which meant the streets were always littered with addicts, working women…sometimes men, the odd counsellor trying to help, and travellers for hire. The travellers were chameleons in this city. They could change at will to blend in to the sector they wandered in to so if you needed someone to scout an area or find names for you, you sought out a traveller. They were an information only service though. If you actually wanted to get anything done you either had to do it yourself or pay through the teeth to get it.
In these quiet periods you occasionally wished for the ignorance you once had when you would never have believed in anything other than humans. But, life was rough growing up and you had seen some shit that defied explanation. Then when a friend of yours went missing at the ripe age of 16, a traveller sat you down and explained everything to you. At first you called him crazy but he dragged you all over the city and pointed out the things that were ‘other’ about the residents. Things you ignored if you weren’t looking. Like how some of the ‘people’ moved too fast, how all of their eyes changed, the differences in emotions, how they held themselves, their walks, the agelessness and the sheer cunning in all of them. It had shaken your world view and altered it for the rest of your days.
Sure the humans had their fair share of bad eggs but after seeing the supernatural for the first time you started to notice all of the ways people were manipulated for them. The vampires dealt mainly in brothels and hospitals. It was a good cover for bruised glassy eyed people and blood supplies as well as a good means of disposing of bodies. The demons dealt in contracts, so their sector had the lawyers, the high rollers and gamblers. The werewolves dealt in drugs and weapons since it allowed them to give in to the carnage they desired. The fae were the smugglers. They were who you looked to if a person just disappeared. The vamps at least had the decency to take adults and toss them back after they were done. The fae took children. they took anyone who might interest them for a few hours. Then you never saw them again.  
They were the jobs you hated the most. You knew you’d hardly ever find the people you were looking for, and from the few encounters with the high fae over the years, any conversations you had with the fae required all of your wits. They were more cunning than the demons with how they could talk you round in circles without ever helping you. Entering their territory had its own set of dangers and it was ultimately never worth your time.
A sharp knock at the door broke your reverie. You spun in your chair and waited. Like hell you were getting up, the last three times someone had knocked it was for deliveries to the wrong apartment, salespeople or charity. So this time you decided to wait in your chair and see if they came in. They knocked a second time and still you waited. If whoever was on the other side of that door was seeking you out and they’d ventured through the city to your apartment block, through the gang territories, drug addicts and drunkards, then they weren’t leaving until they saw you.  The handle turned and the door opened slowly, creaking loudly. You’d fix it but it was a good makeshift security system. No one came in through the door without you knowing about it.
“Hello?” A voice broke the silence. “Um, is anyone here?”
“If you aren’t here to try and sell me a product, a religion or a donation then come in. Otherwise fuck off.”
A young woman entered the apartment, closing the door behind her. If you had to guess you’d say she came from uptown, the section controlled by the demons, she looked too put together to be from any other area of town. Her eyes were wary but determined as she approached your desk. “Det. Markham gave me this address. Said you might be able to help me.” She took a seat opposite you and waited.
“I might be able to. It’ll cost you but I’m sure Markham told you that already.” The woman nodded. “Alright, what seems to be the problem?” You leant back in your chair. If Markham had sent her then it was probably an actual case, now you just had to determine if it was worth the risk.
“My sister went missing a week ago. She’s a nursing student and had been having night classes at the hospital. We live in uptown so she had a bit of a journey home each night. She’d always let me know when she was leaving and how she was getting home. That night I got a text saying she was catching the 2.45am bus but she never turned up. I reported her missing and the cops looked for any trace of her for the past week but came up with nothing. Markham gave me your card and told me you might be able to find something they missed. Please help me, my sister is all I’ve got and someone took her from me.” As she spoke, the desperation and loss ebbed into her voice. She was genuinely upset about her sister. You were going to have to call Markham to make sure there weren’t any details you should know about this case but it sounded like the vampires were involved. Your guess was she’d either been attacked or turned. It could also be the fae but you were hoping that since she went missing in vamp territory that the fae weren't involved.
“I’ll have a look into it and see if I can find anything for you. It’s a $200 upfront fee for services and then more as the investigation progresses based off the risk involved. I should know by tomorrow if there is anything to go off but I’ll get you to give me all the information about your sisters movements that week that you have.” The woman nodded and pulled out a binder and handed it to you.
“That has basic info on Juliet, that’s her name by the way, her hobbies, class schedule, travel routes, what she wore that week and more. Anything you need should be in there.” She handed you a wad of money and turned to leave.
“I assume that there is a number to contact you on in here too?” She nodded. “Alright, leave it with me. I’ll do what I can.”
“So what you’re telling me is that you found nothing?”
“Yes. It was weird, if I didn’t know better I’d say someone was trying to make it look like she never existed. When we first looked she still had insurance and bank accounts and a mailing address. Now all of that is gone. Medical history, gone. That’s why I gave her sister your card.” Markham’s voice crackled through the receiver as you leafed through the binder you’d been left.
“I’m guessing vamps. It’s their territory and they have a tendency to delete records when they need to.”
“And if it was them?”
You sighed. “Then Juliet is either dead, a plaything or a baby vamp. I can only get her back if she’s the second option but that won’t be pleasant.”
The club was in full swing by the time you arrived. The music hit you, the dirty bass jerking your pulse to its beat. You wove through the throng of bodies writhing on the dance floor, seeking out one person. You scanned the bar and the booths tucked in the far corner of the club. Out of the light and obstructed by shadows, you spotted him. The lime green hair was a dead giveaway, pun intended. You observed from a distance, taking in his features. His skin was unmarred, save for the tattoos you could spot on any of his exposed skin. He looked up and stared straight at you before pointing a finger at you and beckoning you over. His brows were significantly darker than his hair and his eyes, dark and mesmerising.
You’d heard a lot about the head of the vamp clan, Kwon Jiyong, but you had never spoken to him before. Tonight was a first. You’d requested a sit down with one of the clans higher ups but you had expected your usual contact, Seungri. You approached the booth and tried to get a feel for the leader of the vamps. You had questions and no plans to overstep your boundaries while you were in their territory.
You took a seat opposite him. He leant back and settled into a more comfortable position in the booth, never breaking eye contact. All vampires had a special quality to their eyes but his were enthralling.  He smirked and you got a hint of the mischievous side you’d been warned about.
“Thanks for meeting me. I have to say I honestly didn’t expect you to turn up. Usually it’s Seungri.”
“He was otherwise engaged tonight. You requested a meeting with someone high up so I figured since I was free why not send you the highest up in my clan.”
“I won’t beat around the bush. This isn’t a social call after all. Since we haven’t met before I’ll introduce myself. I’m a P.I. I’ve been hired by someone who is trying to find her sister.”
"Does this P.I. have a name?"
"You can call me Sophrosyne. Syn for short." you replied.
He chuckled, giving you and indignant look. "Greek gods? Really now."
"Names are currency in these parts. This is the name I go by. My true name is not up for discussion." He raised his hands, not in surrender but more as a show that he was willing to move on.
His gaze lingered on you. Vampires were unsettling in that they stared. A lot. “And you think it’s got something to do with us?” You nod. “Why?”
“The girl in question was taking night classes at the hospital and her records have been scrubbed.” A small frown ghosted across his face. If you hadn’t been watching him for any signs of reaction you would have missed it.
“Mmm I see why you came to ask questions. It makes sense. I can tell you this much though.  It wasn’t us.”
“Forgive me if I sound rude but I’m gonna need more than that if you actually want me to believe you.”
Jiyong sighed, an action that was completely unnecessary for him. “We have not made any new vampires in the past fortnight and we have not disposed of any bodies that would fit her description. If she was taken by us, she’ll be in one of the brothels. We wouldn’t scrub her records for that though so it’s unlikely that we have her. You are welcome to check, I’ll send word to answer your questions if you should turn up at any of our fine establishments.” He smirked as he finished his last sentence, amused at the thought of you visiting every brothel in his section of town.
He leant forward, all signs of mischief gone from his face. “We aren’t the only ones to scrub records darling. If I were you I’d check uptown then the west. If she was taken downtown then you might as well tell whoever is looking for that she’s dead because if the fae have her, she’s never coming home.”
You nodded. You had the same plans. Vamps were the most likely suspects but if it wasn’t them then you were off to see the demons next. They were sly but civil. The wolves were tenacious so you had to pick your moments with them. The fae… well you were hoping to avoid setting up a meeting with them. “I planned on leaving them til last. I have connections with the other 3 factions but not the fae. I’d need all my wits about me before questioning them.”
Jiyong raised an eyebrow. “And you don’t need your wits about you with the rest of us?”
“I understand how each of you work. I’ve had dealings with each of you in the past. I’m not saying that makes you predictable or safe because lord knows you’re all dangerous but the fae are a whole other monster.”
You settled into a conversation with the head of the vampires. You could see the cogs turning in his brain every time you answered one of his questions. He was gracious, offering you a tidbit of his or his clans life whenever you answered him. There was no doubt in your mind that this man was also cunning and ruthless, one doesn’t remain the head of a clan for so long by simply being nice.
You noticed a man standing at the bar, his body turned towards your booth. He was swirling a glass of whiskey in his hand. His lilac hair stood out amongst the crowd of darkly clothed club goers. He was staring down at his glass as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. Something kept dragging your focus from him and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t keep your eyes on him for more than a few seconds. It was like something was willing you to not notice him. You turned back to Jiyong to mention him but when he asked you what this man looked like you couldn’t pull a single feature from your mind to share with him.
Jiyong tried to pull details from your mind for the next twenty minutes before giving up. He called a guard over and had him search the club for fae. The guard didn’t find anything which didn’t surprise either of you. After an hour the two of you parted ways. He wished you luck on your investigation but told you not to hold out much hope. What you didn’t tell him is with any client, you presumed them dead until a piece of evidence told you otherwise.
The next day you headed uptown into the middle of demon territory. You made your way through the tent city on the outskirts, the alleys full of passed out addicts and hovels with working girls. The derelict buildings only represented the edges of the district. The edges were where you went if you’d run out of luck but didn’t want to leave the district. It was where you found yourself if you still thought you could win it all back. No one ever won it all back, beating the demons was unheard of. As you continued on the buildings became nicer, sleeker and colder. There was no warmth in this district. Courts, legal offices and casinos were big business here. Not to mention all of the stores catering to the high rollers. Car dealerships, designer fashion, award winning restaurants and more were places around the central business district.
At the epicentre stood The Cardinal, a luxurious, exclusive and extremely well guarded casino. It was where the demons had based themselves and it was fitting really, each sin was well represented inside those walls. To gain entry you were required to prove your wealth and you had to look the part. It was like most casinos in that you rarely ever beat the house but the similarities stopped there. If you ran out of cash other bargains could be struck with one of the 7 owners if you were dumb enough to make a deal with them.
You had heard stories about con artists who had tried to scam the place and the tales you had heard were not pretty. It would be very, very unfortunate if one of the 7 were to realize that and patron to the establishment were counting on what one con artist had liked to call ‘discreetly unorthodox methods’ to win the game – hell, it would be preferable to simply lose the old-fashioned way, or to be caught cheating by the normal attendants. They, at least, would probably be quick and efficient executioners. They had a very busy establishment to run. If, however, one of the 7 caught you, you would wish you were dead.
You had earned yourself free entry into The Cardinal after you had been tricked into catching one such con artist. At the time you hadn’t known you were hired by a demon, they were cunning like that. Avarice, or Yoongi as he had requested you refer to him, was cutthroat when it came to losing what he saw as rightfully his. The way he saw it, someone was out to take his money, and he saw that as a personal attack. You never asked what became of the con artist and frankly you didn’t want to know.
Over the years you had used the demons for their knowledge. Very little happened in the entire city without their knowing. Not surprising when you were dealing with demons. Even less surprising after you realised that the district was run by the seven deadly sins. In hindsight, Avarice was a little on the nose but demons always had weird latin names and you weren’t always bothered with translating them.
You had learned quickly that in order to deal with the demons and not end up as one of their victims you had to be extremely adept at double speak, specifics and manipulation. They were masters at the art of talking unsuspecting humans around in circles, promising them the world all the while tricking them into selling their souls, eternal servitude or death.
You made your way up the stone steps and spotted one of the bouncers sidestep to block you from entering the building. You turned your head towards one of the security cameras and blinked, waiting. A moment later the bouncer moved out of your way. You inclined your head at the camera before continuing up the steps to the entrance of the building. You paused in front of the doors that would lead you inside. Once you crossed that threshold it was a sensory overload and if you weren’t careful you’d never leave. Normal casinos were designed to fully immerse the gamblers into a world where time doesn’t exist, money is constantly won and where they directly influence the odds. The Cardinal did all of that and more. The windows were actually black reflective glass so if you looked at them you would never see the outside, only the interior of the casino. The layout was deceptively simple but if you strayed from the main aisle you could lose yourself for days. There were no clocks so that gamblers lost track of time, servers provided free food and booze to gamblers and if you weren’t gambling they’d tell you which machines were the good ones and which tables you’d win at in order to coerce you into gambling. Each of the three floors had different music, noises, lighting and scents. The kicker was that each room might just have one of the seven deadly sins in it, influencing the gamblers every move.
You bypassed the ground floor and headed straight up the stairwell to the main bar. You didn’t have a meeting set aside with Yoongi because you refused to give him any advantage when you needed to get information out of him. The less time he had to prepare, the better. You didn’t expect to find him in the bar area but you needed one of the others in order to gain access to whichever high stakes room he was more than likely in.
As you sat and waited for your drink the youngest of the seven dropped into the seat next to you. “I see you are taking your sin literally tonight Jungkook.” He smirked back at you.
“Well when you look this good…” He chuckled. He knew he was attractive, his body and charms were a weapon. Tall, dark haired, well built, strong but not imposing, thighs to die for, killer smile and that way of talking to you like you were the only person in the universe. Jungkook was dangerous to anyone he went after. Lust was definitely in his element in the casino and tonight he was not going for subtlety. Every other time you’d been here he’d been in a perfectly tailored suit that accentuated every feature that he wanted to highlight. Tonight he was in black skinny jeans, a collared shirt that was being held together with two buttons and a leather jacket. He exuded sex appeal and you needed him to leave the room. You couldn’t afford to waste any of your mental fortitude on anyone other than Yoongi tonight.
You reminded yourself why you were here and spoke. “I need access to whichever private game he’s running tonight.”  
Jungkook shrugged. “He’s not running one tonight.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, not believing the statement. “I’m not kidding, I have information to swap with him and some questions.”
Jungkook leaned forward and ran a hand through your hair. “And I told you, he isn’t running any of the private games tonight. V & Jin are. A bunch of foreign businessmen arrived earlier so those two get the honours for the night.”
You refused to break eye contact or allow yourself to notice how he had moved closer to you or all of the little touches he’d given you since sitting down. You did not come here to be seduced by Lust. No, you came here for a far more idiotic reason, to try and get Greed to give up information for free. “In that case where is he?”
Jungkook spun your body around on your seat so that he could stand right behind you. He extended his arm over your shoulder and pointed toward the other end of the floor before speaking in a sensual tone in your ear..  “He’s down near the roulette and blackjack tables. You could always just stay with me though. Surely we could work out a deal.”
You shook your head and removed yourself from his clutches. “You’d stand a chance if I didn’t know what you are. Unfortunately for you, I know better than to get involved with Luxuria.”
He grinned as you got up to leave. “Ah but that’s what makes it fun for me. When I finally do win you, you will beg for me.”
You waved as you walked off. “Keep dreaming on that. Never gonna happen.”
You scanned the area as you reached the blackjack tables. So far you hadn’t spotted him at any of the tables or walking the floor. You were getting ready to go back and chew Jungkook out for wasting your time when you finally spotted him. The mess of white blonde hair, the dark eyes observing the room hungrily from a recess in the room was unmistakably Yoongi. He glanced at you and raised an eyebrow. You approached him and took a seat in the recess next to him.
His low rasp startled you. “It’s fascinating to watch them revel in their greed. They hardly even need my influence on this floor, it’s almost like they think they could win.” He chuckled. “They know deep down that they cannot win, that no one beats the house, but still they try.”
“If they don’t need your influence then why bother making an appearance on this floor?”
“To recharge. I don’t need to influence them but I can feed off their greed.” His dark eyes gleamed. “And there is so much to feed off.” He waved a hand in your direction. “You aren’t here for a social visit so what do you want?”
“I have some questions for you about a case I’m working.”
You would have missed the gleam that flitted across his eyes if you hadn’t been looking at him to gauge his response. The vices were always easy to pander to, the difficult part was getting what you wanted unscathed. “What are you offering in exchange for my answers? You know nothing is free inside these walls.”
“Between 40 – 100% of the physical assets, gold, property, valuables etc will go to you. The percentage depends on the state that I find my client in.”
“80 – 100%”
“55 – 100%. No more. All I require from you is information, you don’t even have to move from this spot.”
He thought about your offer as he watched the humans throw their money down at the roulette tables, as if they stood a chance at winning. Their greed was palpable. “Fine. I will answer 3 questions. If you require more than that then we renegotiate the terms of our deal.” Clever. It was a smart move. This way he would gain some knowledge about what your case was and then he could figure out just how badly you wanted to solve it. He was trying to use your need for answers against you. It was not likely that he would budge from the initial offer of three questions so you got to work on the phrasing, you could not afford to leave any cracks for him to evade answering you.
“Agreed.” He shifted in his seat to face you, providing you with his full attention. “A girl went missing on her way home from night classes at the hospital. She lives in this territory. Every night she would call or text her sister to let her know she was on her way home and which bus she was on. The night she went missing she texted her sister to say she was leaving the hospital but she never arrived home. I initially thought vamps because by the time I was hired all of her records had been wiped. It’s as though she never existed.  I met with Jiyong and questioned him about the circumstances. After talking it out I can safely say I’ve eliminated the vamps from suspicion. That now leaves demons, wolves and the fae.”
“Not even considering humans for this?”
“The police sent the sister to me after they came up with nothing. They’ve had similar cases over the past few months and have never found a body or a suspect. Humans just aren’t as adept at making multiple people disappear without a trace.”
“Careful now Syn, that almost sounds like a compliment.”
“Question 1: In the past 10 days have any deals/bargains or agreements been made that resulted in the disappearance of a girl named Juliet on her way home from class at the hospital?”
“Question 2: Where was she taken?”
“It’s flattering that you think I know the whereabouts of everyone in this city.”
“You have eyes on every person who lives in your sector and she lives here. Answer the question Yoongi.”
He smirked at you. “Away from her home.”
You mentally kicked yourself for not making the second question more specific. That was a rookie mistake, something you were not. “Question 3: Specifically, what building in which section was she taken to?”
Yoongi glared at you as he pondered how to respond. He eventually sighed. “This particular inhabitant of this sector was abducted before she reached the border. She was taken downtown so you might as well forget about ever finding her. I don’t know a specific building because fae territory doesn’t abide by the normal laws of physics.”
You slumped back into the recess. Fae territory meant bad news. You weren’t even sure if the case was worth pursuing at this point. When the fae took you, you never returned. The travellers had many stories about what happened if you got taken by the fae but that’s all it was, stories. None had ever met anyone who had been taken and returned.
You stared out at the blackjack table and tried to work out what you were going to do. To proceed would mean putting your life in danger but you hated the idea of throwing in the towel and giving up. You were pulled from your thoughts as Yoongi nudged your leg with his. “So, my payment…”
“Are you trying to be annoying or does it just come naturally?
“It comes naturally. But really, what percentage?”
You scowled at him. “I’m not sure yet.”
“Wait. You aren’t seriously going to pursue this are you?”
You shrugged. “I’m not sure yet.”
He scratched the back of his head and stared back out at the casino floor. You resumed watching the blackjack table. A man grabbed your attention. He was good enough of a cheat to not get noticed by the staff or guards but you were sure that he was cheating. The most common thing people tried to do was count cards but it was extremely obvious unless you were a master at it. This man wasn’t counting cards. He was a good player but he was drugging the other players. It was subtle but you spotted the slight touches and the residue that the players couldn’t see. Their betting became more extravagant and their actions less logical so he was naturally cleaning up at the table as a result of their bad bets. “Table 12, red hair and black suit.”
Yoongi quickly looked to the table you mentioned and watched as the game progressed. “That fucker thinks he can steal from me does he? Well. We’ll see about that.” He stood and turned to you. “I can provide extraction from the fae sector for you.”
Your head snapped up to look at him. There was no way he would ever offer something for nothing. “At what cost?” you asked.
He shrugged, a cold smile growing on his face. “If you die I get everything you own.”
You tried not to laugh. What exactly did Yoongi think you owned? Your shitty apartment was full of second hand furniture and you had lived a minimalist life , not by choice, so your version of everything was a lot less than he must have thought. “Deal.” You responded. “Try not to kill the guy before questioning him this time.”
He grinned at you, his gummy smile completely changing his face. “Got to mind the delicate social nuances when you inform some poor fellow that he’s a dumb motherfucker.”  Yoongi turned and disappeared in the crowds.
You returned to the bar, thankfully Jungkook was busy and was leaving you alone. You drank your whiskey in peace and watched the crowds. You’d always been fascinated by people and observed their behaviours whenever you could. You could tell a lot from watching a person who had no idea they were being watched. The Cardinal was full of liars, deceivers, criminals and the selfish tonight. Everyone you observed was trying to swindle their opponent and get rich. Observing that grew boring rather quickly.
A tuft of lavender hair across the room stole your attention. Piercing feline eyes stared back at you, cutting through the crowds like a laser. As soon as you stared into them they seemed to disappear. If it wasn’t for the fact that you could still see the lavender hair you would have believed you’d imagined it. You had no idea why you were so drawn to the man with lavender hair but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d seen him before.
You stood at the threshold between the fae sector and the human sector. You had spent the remainder of last night organising how you were going to ensure yourself safe passage in and out. You’d called Juliet’s sister to update her on the case, she’d quickly agreed to your higher fee in the hopes that you could return Juliet to her. Zico, head of the werewolf clans, had given you directions to the main bar in the fae sector. He’d told you that it was the main hub for getting information and that you might be able to get some of your questions answered there. He had told you not to hold out much hope though. The fae were very private and getting direct answers out of them was like drawing blood from a stone. Yoongi had struck a deal with you that promised he could get you out of the fae sector and demons never failed to deliver when a deal was struck so that made you feel a little safer.
You’d talked with sprites that had moved to the mixed sector and they’d given you rules to follow. Don’t eat or drink anything while in the fae sector or you’ll never leave and if you were to run into one of the princes, bow and leave. According to the sprites, the emissaries to the fae sector were the ones who did all of the dirty work like kidnapping girls but the princes were a different matter entirely. The princes could alter your mind and make it so that you’d never want to leave. They could bring you untold pleasure or unbearable pain.
Lastly, you’d called Detective Markham and told her what you could about the abduction and what she was to do if you disappeared.  She wished you luck on your rescue operation but reminded you not to sacrifice your own safety just to close a case. That was a little hypocritical coming from her but you had promised her you’d try. Anything more would have been a lie.
So you stood at the threshold trying to talk yourself into crossing the invisible border. You stood at the threshold convincing yourself that you weren’t an idiot to try and find this girl. That you could enter this sector and come back out unscathed. That you wouldn’t need to call in any of your contingency plans to get you the fuck out of there if everything went sideways. You trusted in your abilities. You weren’t just any human, you were skilled in areas that others weren’t and you trusted that you could either get the job done or confirm that Juliet was a lost cause. Either way you would walk back out across the border in a few hours. You squared your shoulders and took a deep breath and then stepped into the fae part of town.
The bar was not like you had expected. You weren’t sure what you’d expected but a tiki themed bar had definitely NOT crossed your mind. It was weird. Surely it was a joke of some sort, or an illusion. Zico had told you about some of the powers the fae had and the drugs they used. He’d given you a dose of something that he said would remove glamour and allow you to really see what was happening but standing in the middle of the tiki bar… you weren’t sure that it had worked. Barmaids were dressed in coconut bras and grass skirts, tropical looking drinks and fruits were being served and there was weird rainbow coloured candy in bowls all over the bar. You felt like you were at a frat party not in a fae bar.  They were supposed to be scary… this was the opposite of that.
You watched as another girl wandered around the bar, clearly enthralled by the theme. She eventually made it to the bar and ordered some weird blue drink and the bartender dropped a piece of the rainbow candy in it. He was speaking to her as he stirred her drink and she was giggling at the attention. Part of you wanted to go and stop her from consuming a drop of it but you needed to see what happened when she drank it. She lifted the drink to her lips and took a sip through her straw. Nothing happened. How anti-climactic. She took her drink and moved to a table in the far corner to continue enjoying her drink and staring around the bar. Seriously how could a tiki theme be this engrossing for a person? You were actually starting to wish for something to happen to her so that she’d stop staring at the tiki torches like they were the most exotic thing she’d ever seen in her life.
As soon as she sat down an orange haired man appeared. The way he held himself made you think he was potentially one of these princes Zico had warned you about. There was a cunning gleam in his eyes as he made a beeline for the girl and sat opposite her. You cursed under your breath. You could only see her face as he spoke to her and you watched the flirty smile and body language that she was offering up. As you continued to watch you notice the desire in her eyes build but you also saw something else. Fear. As he continued to speak to her you watched that fear and apprehension grow. She shook her head in response to something he said and he shrugged, moving to get up and leave. She grabbed his hand and begged him not to leave her. It was surreal. Here was this woman in front of you who was clearly terrified but begging to go with the very person who terrified her.  She nodded at something he’d said and then they both left.
“It’s rude to stare you know.” A light voice pulled you out of your tunnel vision of the recently vacated table. You nearly jumped out of your seat when he’d spoken.
“You might need to tell yourself that if you were watching me long enough to decide that I was staring.” You turned around in your seat to see who was speaking to you. When you turned you were met with an empty seat.
“You were hardly subtle about it. Sitting at a table alone, no food, no drink, not blinking…” This time you did jump as the voice now sounded from opposite you on the table. You turned back around and staring back at you was a fae man. You knew he was fae because no human looked that good. It simply wasn’t possible. The man staring back at you had the most mesmerising eyes, feline in shape. You felt like you had looked into these eyes before but you couldn’t remember when. He watched with a smirk on his face as you took in his appearance. The lavender hair, that stood out.  You were certain you’d seen him before.
“It’s also rude to invade a person’s space without introducing yourself.” You bit back. This guy clearly thought a lot of himself because he scoffed at your words and leant forward on the table, placing his head on top of his hands and raising an eyebrow at you. You hated how good he looked while doing that.
“I like doing things I shouldn’t. I don’t feel guilty. I don’t feel remorse. Why should I tell you who I am?”
You sat back in your chair, wishing you had a whiskey right now. “Well, simply put, it would be rude of you not to introduce yourself now.” There was something about this guy. If any other being irked you like this you wouldn’t have tolerated it but something about him made you keep your cool. You mind was trying to work out when you’d seen or spoken to him before but it was coming up foggy.  You had a niggling feeling that he had been keeping an eye on you over the past few days but you had no proof. You weren’t stupid though, you knew someone had wiped part of your memory. The foggy emptiness that a memory wipe left behind was something you’d seen in clients over the years but it had never happened to you.
He chuckled at you. “Is this how you treat everyone you meet?”
“Stop evading the question.”
“What, and ruin the air of mystery I have working for me? No I don't think I'll give you a name yet.”
You leaned forward, closing the gap between the two of you. “Why won't you tell me your name?”
”Because that would be telling.” He took a sip of his whisky and licked his lips “Since when do you need a name to enjoy someone's company?”
It might have been his eyes, the way he just licked his lips or it might have just been the strange feeling of familiarity he gave you that caused you to respond with “I can think of at least one good reason.”
That caught his attention, earning you another smirk. He placed his glass on the table in front of him and used his free hand to push your hair behind your ear, slowly trailing his hand along your jaw until he reached your chin, which he lightly grasped. “I do wonder what that reason could be. You make it sound so very enticing. Did you notice that I never asked for your name?”
You smirked. “Names are dangerous to throw around, especially with the fae.”
He sighed. “You ruin the fun so quickly. Fine. Why are you here kitten?” You glared at the pet name he gave you. “What? You don’t want to give me a name. I have to come up with one myself.”
You centred yourself and reminded yourself not to get into an argument with the fae. This guy seemed playful enough now but if you pissed him off you could tell you’d regret it. “I came to ask some questions about a missing girl.”
He sat silently, waiting for you to continue. “She went missing a week ago from the hospital. It wasn’t humans, vamps or demons that took her. Her records were scrubbed so now it appears like she never existed.  The last sighting of her was 5 days ago as she was taken across the border into this territory.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “And?”
It took all of your will not to snap at him. Why would he give two shits about the life of a human? You described her to him and handed him a photo of Juliet. “So my first question is; have you seen her?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“Who took her?”
He sat back in his chair, swirling his whiskey. “How much do you know about our kind kitten?”
“Enough to know that you are clever and dangerous.”
He laughed, actually laughed at you. “I meant our history but it’s good to know you aren’t stupid like that girl you were staring at earlier.”
You scrunched your nose as you thought. “Not much. No one is really all that forthcoming with fae history lessons.”
He set his glass on the table and sat up straight. “There are 9 fae princes. 4 belong to the seasonal courts, summer, spring, autumn and winter and 3 belong to the solar courts, dawn, day and night. There are 2 emissaries, one to the seasonal courts and one to the solar courts. The emissaries are the ones who frequent the human world. The other princes are supposed to remain in their lands and not venture out into the human world but they are easily bored so sometimes they visit to observe and to choose new playthings. If they find a plaything, the emissaries collect said plaything for them and transport it to the fae lands. These 9 princes are said to be devastatingly handsome and dangerous. They each have a power that helps their court flourish and grow... Why are you laughing?”
“Sorry but if you could see your face when you said devastatingly handsome. Ego much? So, is the point of this history lesson to tell me that Juliet was taken by one of the two emissaries and is now a plaything in one of the courts?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Be careful how to address me now. I ignored your earlier rudeness since you did not know my status. Now that you do, I won’t ignore your lack of manners or tact any more. It is true, Juliet now resides in one of the courts.”
Your shoulders dropped. If she was in one of the courts and not somewhere in the city there you had no hope of getting her back. You hated cases with bad outcomes but no one ever entered the far realm and came back. Once you entered, you were as good as dead in the real world. The man across from you noticed the shift in your mood and pouted slightly. “You could get her back. For a price.”
You shook your head. “Deals with demons are iffy enough, striking deals with the fae? That’s a whole different problem. The price is always too high, and 90% of the time the deal is worded in such a way that it only benefits the fae.”
He smirked at you. “You might find that you enjoy this one.”
“I can’t make a deal with anyone if I don’t know their name.”
“I thought you specialised in dishonest finesse?”
“I also do a brisk trade in putting knives to peoples’ throats and shouting at them”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Something is different, you weren’t able to focus on me before. Why is it that you can now?”
“A little wolf helped me get past your glamour.” You paused. “Answer one more question for me. Have we met before?”
“Oh my dear, if you remembered you would blush.” He bit his lip and stared at you brazenly. “I will make an addition to my terms. I will secure passage for Juliet, the girl from that picture who went missing from the hospital last week, to be returned to her sister unscathed, not remembering anything about her time in the fae lands if you agree to tell me your name, allow me to remove the glamour on your mind and live in my court for one month. After the month is over I will offer to wipe your memory and return you or let you keep your memories and return you.” He took a swig from his glass and chuckled at the look on your face as you tried to process the fact that you had met him before and apparently had some sort of history with him as well as how specific he had been in wording the deal. “See, fae can make detailed deals when we want to.”
“How do I know you or anyone else won’t harm me?”
“No harm shall come to you whilst under my protection, which will last from the moment you enter the fae lands until you leave a month later.”
You mulled the proposed deal over in your head. It seemed fine, your only concern was that you would have to go to the fae realm for a month. “I will agree to your terms with a few additions. 1. The normal fae rules for food and drink consumption will not apply to me whilst under your protection. 2. You will tell me your name during this month. 3. You will allow me one phone call before I go with you and 4. Juliet and her sister will remain safe.” He agreed, his lip curling upwards as you sealed the deal with a handshake. A small brand appeared on your forearm in the shape of a snowflake. “Winter court I assume?” He nodded.
You dialled and waited for your call to be answered. He picked up after 3 rings. “What?”
“Yoongi, the extraction plan we made a deal on, if I am not back in The Cardinal in one month send someone to my office. If I’m not there, extract me from the winter court.”
Yoongi’s low rasp sounded “Are you really this dumb Syn?”
“Your missing citizen will be returned tomorrow. I’ve struck a deal and I’d like to think after all these years hanging around you lot I’ve picked up on a thing or two.”
“Just remember what happens if you die.” With that he hung up.
The prince of the winter court had a devilish smirk on his face as he approached you which unsettled you. “I’m going to show you a memory that was wiped before we leave.” He raised his hand to your face and cupped it. Memories of your night at The Cardinal came flooding back to you. How you’d followed the lavender haired fae to the bar and tried to flirt in order to work out who he was. He’d played along, toying with you. He’d moved you into a small private booth in the bar and allowed you to push him down into the booth and straddle him as you drunkenly tried to get answers out of him, the lust and desire clouding your mind. You should have left the casino earlier, the effects of the sins, namely Lust, were starting to get to you.
“Yes, I think I'm starting to see why you might want my name.” He rolled his hips against yours causing you to cry out. “Do you want to know my name?”
“Yes!” You panted. He was giving you pleasure but holding back, yet to touch you where you craved it the most.
“Hmm, I think you're going to have to earn the privilege. Think you can earn it Syn?” You responded by kissing and nibbling at his neck whilst removing his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt. Then you started to kiss your way down his chest and slid yourself down off his lap until you were knelt in-between his legs. You ran your hands up the inside of his thighs and bit your lip. The memory then faded.
He whispered into your ear. “For the record, I know your name. You are still working on getting mine.” You were blushing as the memories remained with you, embarrassed at what you’d seen. He took your hand. “Ok, time to go. A deal is a deal. As soon as you enter the fae realm you are under my protection and Juliet will be sent back home.” He tugged your hand and started to walk towards the back of the bar. The wall shimmered and he waited for you to step through.
The last words you heard before stepping across the threshold were. “You have a month to earn my name.”
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b-listbadboy · 5 years
Castlevania Season 3 was disappointing
(Spoilers for Castlevania Season 3, if you haven’t seen it yet it’s out now on Netflix. I suggest watching that first before reading this review)
I won’t say it was an awful season by any stretch of the imagination but man was it a drag to get through.
Almost nothing of significance happens for the majority of the season and the things that did happen felt extremely off and weird. 10 episodes, 25 to 30 minutes each, and every single one except for the fucking TWO LAST EPISODES were spent dicking around with a mystery that had little to do with anything from season 2 beyond a really out there twist that I’m sort of iffy on. Top that off with a lackluster arguably stupid ending to leave us off on a needless cliffhanger, and that’s the magic remedy that will leave me feeling pretty damn frustrated.
The best parts, in my opinion, were with Isaac’s massive undead crusade he was waging throughout his journey for revenge, and Trevor and Syph’s interactions with each other as well as with the little villagers. Isaac’s arc going from a servant of Dracula to slowing evolving into the master of the damned felt genuine, intriguing, and badass! I really wish he was the next main villain instead as it makes sense thematically. He carries out Dracula’s nihilistic views of humanity in a similar but now more direct way and that can lead into something really intriguing. However, for some reason, this season left him and his whole journey on a back burner, and virtually everything else that is implemented into main villain role fell flat on its face execution wise.
For example; The new vampires of this season are Camilla’s three other empress sisters, and while they do have a plethora of personality at the very least, that kind of comes at a cost of the main threat being extremely diluted. We go from this hurting sympathetic undead overlord with the power of an anchent GOD, to a couple of wicked sassy sisters who just wanna eat people forever? It’s a bit lame of a progression from what we once had, we know Vampires like to eat people that’s nothing new or exciting. There’s no real twist to it besides it being “led by women in the dark ages” and granted that makes sense here since it IS the dark ages, but come on we literally just had arguably the BEST adaptation of friggin’ Dracula! This shouldn’t be all they got moving forward from that.
Now, I have ZERO issue with the main antagonists being female or even two of the four sisters (not by blood don’t worry) being a lesbian couple. I hate that I have to emphasize this, hell I often defend Cinder Fall in RWBY more than anyone in the fandom at all despite her issues as a complex and sometimes flat out badly written character. However, The four of them in this season have the most basic of plans that it seems arbitrary status quote fluff at best. It felt like just because it’s Castlevania, we HAVE to have the vampires as the villains. Even though in the games the Belmont’s were literally fighting werewolves, dragons, skeletons, and the GRIMM REAPER??
Therefore, the sense of urgency and tense calculating plans of ‘survival vs extinction’ is completely gone. And yknow in a way, I can kinda initially SEE that working in a sort of “Empire Strikes Back” esque plot. Yknow, with Alucard and the gang go around cleaning up Dracula’s leftover horde only for Isaac or even Camilla to have this huge vengeful comeback of dominance? But there’s no one exactly “striking back” or even taking any kind of immediate initiative after Dracula’s death. It’s been MONTHS after the whole event and no one seems like they really care about that world changing event from the last two season’s. Everything is fine and dandy, no one has a single worry in the world! How enthralling...I miss Godbrand 😑
Besides the plan the four empresses have as well as Issac’s revenge, which I hope will both be more explored in season 4, no one really has any goal to warrant THAT kind of length of a season. This is more of a Netflix problem that I have with most of their shows and it’s one of the reasons why I don’t like watching them. Almost every singe show Netflix produces now, feels the need to overstuff itself with needless filler that gets us really nowhere until the very end where it SUDDENLY all comes together. But because of the nature of binge watching and considering how Netflix wants to desperately keep their subscriptions in fear of intimidating competition, they make these shows 12 episodes long with HALF HOUR OR MORE amount of filler content that’s supposed to satisfy us cause it’s “cute”?! No, stop this shit! Granted, Castlevania wasn’t nearly AS bad as the live action shows, but honestly, what exactly was shown to us that couldn’t have been reduced to like 5 solidly paced episodes focused on one or two plot lines ONLY like before? It worked perfectly back then, why change what ain’t broke?
As much as I don’t like the immediate rush of Trevor and Syph’s out of nowhere sexual relationship, I didn’t overall mind it too much since they still somewhat felt consistent. Their characteristics play off very nicely with one another and it’s pretty easy to see the chemistry between the two....HOWEVER I’M STILL GONNA COMPLAIN ABOUT IT SO HERE WE GO!
I get that they were setting them up as an endgame ship of the series, there’s no denying that, but they start fucking for what feels like (to the audience) two days after and I think that’s a bit ridiculous! Even if Alucard states that it’s been at the very least a month worth of time since the events of Season 2, there’s no real physical signs showing that statement to be true. Hell, Trevor’s beard and hair remains the same despite a HUGE passage of time where it would naturally grow out to indicate said time passing by. But both him, Syph, Alucard, and damn near everyone else looks the exact same as last season. So for all I know it could have been like a week since Season 2 and that to me doesn’t feel exactly earned. The Season 2 finale didn’t explicitly leave off Trevor and Syph officially a couple, they felt more like partners in crime more than anything else. Not to say that there wasn’t any chemistry there to develope INTO a relationship GRADUALLY, but going from a little spark of interest to the immediate jump of them sleeping together naked all comfortably as if they’re a goddamn married couple is a STRETCH! Even Trevor himself thinks so too so don’t jump down my throat about not being immediately swooned by the shipping fanservice given to us. I don’t dislike them as a couple at all, in fact I think their dynamic is cute! However, I would have also liked to have this couple feel natural and earned. They most certainly do not feel earned this way, at least to me.
Oh god, then there’s this out of nowhere sexual tension between Alucard and his new two recruits from another region hinted at in the previous season? Mind you, Alucard was doing literally NOTHING throughout the entirety of Season 3. Yep, literally the ONE DUDE WHO BASICALLY KILLED DRACULA gets about fuck all story progression afterwards out of the three. But what they DO give him are these two new vampire hunting student’s who look identical to one another (no racial they just literally look like fraternal twins) so I assumed they were either siblings or a couple, which makes it REALLY WEIRD WHEN THEY BOTH FUCK ALUCARD OUT OF NOWHERE?! I’m NOT making this shit up I promise! What makes even less sense is that it was really just a ploy for them to steal the Belmont knowledge of killing vampires to show to their people who have been enslaved. Which of course ends with them being killed so it really makes this entire conflict in his character damn near pointless besides “sad vibes check”, but here’s the thing...why didn’t they just keep doing training with Alucard?? There were virtually no downsides to having him teach you how to kill Vampires to save your village from being enslaved, he was teaching you both very well and gave you like the eternal knowledge of how to kill literally EVERY MONSTER and even let you live in the castle FOR FREE, food and wine included! What was the turning point for them to want to kill him all of the sudden? Cause he’s a vampire?? THEY FUCKING KNEW THAT ALREADY!!! Why was is suddenly not a problem at first but then coincidentally a problem now? If they wanted to use this to somehow depict this notion of “Oh my dad/Dracula was right humans are the worst” mindset, trust me, it was better conveyed with Isaac. These twins side plot not only made no sense, but also felt unjustified for Alucard to be an emo boi. I get that it’s supposed to be symbolic of him going through the same issues that both of his parents went through, but none of that really showed how bad human’s are. Just that those two twins didn’t think things through apparently. So the point of Alucard having this odd character convenience shift feels by the numbers cliché, and most importantly CHEAP.
It really makes no sense to me why they’re adding so much of this filler for such a long time, especially with some of this filler being oddly sexual. I don’t mind honest depiction of sex between consenting adults of course, but it just felt so misplaced and awkward at parts where it showed itself. I felt like I was reading a mediocre fanfic of Castlevania instead of the actual show itself! Granted, Season 2 had somewhat of a similar dilemma but the lull in between was still showing the character specifically doing things to further the story along. Towards the end, it gave us a way more satisfactory closure of that saga with Dracula that felt natural and well earned. This season however, felt like they were scrambling with different ideas here and there and didn’t know which to go with. Alucard training new recruits in his castle, Trevor and Syph figuring out an estranged (and BORING/GENERIC) cult of Dracula’s plan, Camilla setting up an army with her fellow sisterhood of evil vampires to gain ultimate power, Hector surviving captivity by using his wit and charm, Isaac raising up the dead for revenge on his deceased master, a new character introducing an all new world to the lore of Castlevania as we know it, all of these interesting concepts and ideas that could easily make up for a good season alone! And instead of focusing on one or two ideas to develope into something natural, they ended up saying “FUCK IT! Fucking I dunno what to- WE’RE DOING ALL OF IT I DUNNO!” and mixed the whole thing in a blender of different flavors that don’t necessarily blend together well enough for a tasty satisfactory meal. It just ends up being a mesh of okay at best, and gross at worst.
IN CONCLUSION, Castlevania Season 3 had a rocky start, an okay middle, and a kind of cool end. There was definitely some cool and exciting ideas implemented in here, but not enough to warrant that lengthy amount of time that Netflix seems to love to give to most of their TV shows. Sometimes less is more, and all that shiny cool glitter isn’t necessarily going to turn out to be gold. I’ll give this season a 5/10. It’s not the worst I’ve ever seen but it certainly could’ve been a lot better.
P.S. “Who Do Ya Voodoo” from Dead Island is Isaac’s new theme song, you can’t convince me otherwise.
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bafflinghaze · 4 years
Original M/M Fic Recs
organised by rating 👀 I may have recommended some of these before, but they’re just so good. Like, seriously 👀 👀
Raindrops In The Desert
Diamond_Raven | 230k, Explicit
After years of bad experiences with doms, Scott decides to stop having sex. Unfortunately, his attempt at celibacy only succeeds in frustrating himself and his detective partner Ryan, who happens to be a dom. When Ryan offers to be Scott’s dom, the arrangement seems like a good solution to Scott’s problem. What neither of them are counting on is falling in love.
Contains: caring dom/sub, friends first, mutual pining, fluff, kink negotiation, aftercare
With Love in Mind
TuppingLiberty | 82k, Explicit
Tongue stuck between his lips, his mind goes quiet for a few precious moments as he concentrates on the polish. He sighs with happiness when he’s done, admiring his toes, wishing he could wear the color on his nails. Graeme Webster, 20, is clawing at survival the best way he can. He works two jobs, but can’t make rent. He has an anxiety disorder, but can’t afford his meds. He’s trying his best, but he needs help.
“You might be leaning on urban geekster a bit too hard.” “Okay, I’m probably going to regret asking, but ‘geekster?’” “Geek-hipster. Geekster.” Alan Garry, 30, is an app programming millionaire with a middle class background. He may be a workaholic, but he’s carved out time for the Seattle kink scene since being introduced to it in college. He sits somewhere on the asexual spectrum, and the fact that he can’t figure out precisely where bothers him more than he’d care to admit.
“It’s going to be okay, Graeme. Where do you hurt the most?” An unfortunate chance encounter brings them together, but they realize quite quickly that neither of them are willing to part again.
Contains: caring dom/sub, sugar daddy, fluff, kink negotiation, aftercare
LauraSFox | 93k, Explicit
Jake is young, wild, and runs with his brother's bad-ass gang. But he has a secret he needs to hide. When he is saved from a rival gang by a guy with eyes blue as the summer's sky, all dressed up in an Armani suit and moves like Bruce Lee, the walls he carefully built around him start to crumble.
Contains: sugar daddy, Romance, some violence (happy ending), first times
And Then There Were Five
DarkSparx | 75k, Mature
Ricky is a low ranked demon who's ex husband cheated on him. Seven years later, he learns that they're still technically married, but due to demon law, he's now the property of his ex's current husband. What's more, they have two more husbands for him to meet. How is Ricky going to climb the ranks of demon society when he's suddenly thrust into a polygamist marriage that he never asked for?
Contains: Demons, Mild magical elements, M/M/M/M/M, Angst
The School Idol's Roommate
At 12 MN | 137 Episodes (tapas), Mature
After getting his heart broken, Aki closed the doors to his heart. But his life was thrown upside down when he started living with the most popular guy on their campus.
Contains: Romance, Mutual Pining, Flat mates, Angst, Fluff
Daz The Destroyer Conquers Prom
Fair_Feather_Friend | 8k, Teens and Up
When Melchior Gordon is faced with the prospect of either attending prom alone, or not going at all, he summons a demon to escort him.
Daz the Destroyer is not the date Melchior expected.
Contains: Demons, Cinderella elements, Fluff, Light-hearted humour
Old World Coffee
Daniellecluck | 15k, Teens and Up
Since he was a vampire, working the night shift at a slow 24 hour coffee shop had seemed like a good idea to Aleks at first. No need for sleep meant it's not like he had anything better to do, might as well try to earn easy rent money somehow. However, some new customer turns out to be a bit more tiring than he'd like, meaning he might actually have to both care and make an effort to survive this.
Contains: Vampires, Fae, Hunters, Coffee Shop, Humour, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Only_1_Truth | 209k, Teens and Up
Inside a Werewolf pack, Omegas are prized: they calm everyone around them, like a cool sea on a hot day, making it possible for that many people with fanged alter-egos to live together.  The problem is, no pack ever has more than one Omega.  
Marcus Rushton lost his pack, and has been learning the hard way how impossible it is to find another one when you’re an Omega.  What he’s learning even more is that a lone Omega is wrong - an aberration.  A threat.  Loved within packs, without one, Omegas are seen like blood in the water, and he’s already spilled enough of it whenever he’s stumbled upon others of his kind…
Werewolves can look very human, and mingle freely with their human counterparts, but Declan Fen (a resident Alpha who just found out that he’s got a lone Omega in his territory) is learning the hard way that Wolf instincts can override just about anything - even the side of him that says he should be nice to Marcus, whom he’s only just met.
Contains: Werewolves, Angst, Fluff, Modified A/B/O dynamics, dom/sub undertones
can't turn away
carmiros (lemonlee) | 38k, Teens and Up
A love story between a college student and a bookstore owner with an absurd amount of cats.
Contains: FTM Character, Cats, Fluff, Romance, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn
Like & Subscribe
Jay Bell | 8 Episodes (tapas), Teens and Up
Remember that hunky guy on YouTube who caught your eye? The one with the awesome pecs and killer smile? I bet you couldn't stop watching his videos. Just imagine if you had a chance to meet him and all your fantasies started coming true. There's only one catch: Between you and your dream guy is his less-than-pleased boyfriend. They say that love conquers all, but can love conquer love?
Contains: Pre-romance, Mild Angst
Shut Up, Cinderella
Rubyleaf | 45 Episodes (tapas), Teens and Up
A grumpy Cinderella and a childish prince—what could possibly go wrong?! Cinder is a young shoemaker who just wants to do his job. The only one to support his irresponsible stepmother and stepsisters, the last thing on his mind is the prince's ball. He'd much rather stay home alone and clean...too bad his fairy godmother has other plans and drags him to the ball against his will! It's love at first sight—for Gem, the prince. Cinder just hopes to never see the obnoxious guy again. Too bad Gem is such a hopeless romantic that he searches the entire country for his mysterious guest...and winds up enlisting Cinder's help as a shoemaker to find the owner of the one shoe he kept from his crush? The pay is good, but for how long can Cinder hide his identity while pretending to help the bratty Gem? And what happens when the two start finding common ground after all? At this rate it won't be long until Cinder is hard pressed for his sanity...
Contains: Humour, Oblivious Prince, Romance, Fantasy/Cinderella Elements, Friends First
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thecleverdame · 6 years
Tumblr media
Alpha!Werewolf!Sam x Omega!Werewolf!FemaleReader 
Summary: You’re a bonded Omega who left your human family when you were turned. Now, a year later, your mother and father have hired an interventionist to extract you from what they assume is a cult. 
Warnings: Pregnancy, kidnapping, dominance, violence. References to: claiming, choking, oral sex, unprotected sex (obvi), biting, rough sex, some dom/sub overtones.
It’s not that you didn’t love your family, in fact, it’s quite the opposite, love is the reason you disappeared. Being bitten by a werewolf meant that life as you knew it was over. You had nightmares of killing your mother under a full moon, unable to control your base instincts: ripping out your father’s heart and eating it raw under the night sky.
Telling them the truth wasn’t an option; your father’s a physiologist, your mother a nurse. They’re level headed people who at the first mention of lycanthropy would have had you committed.
You couldn’t stay. You couldn’t see a way out, so you ran.
You wrote a note. Most of it was lies, but you wanted it to seem plausible. It wasn’t in your character to just abandon the people you loved, so you had to make it seem real. You had to hurt them so they would let you go. You wrote about meeting someone you wanted to start a life with, about how they’d suffocated you for twenty-five years and you just couldn’t take anymore. You told them they drove you to leave.
You cried as you set the note on the kitchen table early one brisk autumn morning, then walked out the door falsely assuming you’d never seem them again.
One Year Later…
Sensitive hearing is part of the werewolf package, it’s one of the few perks that are permanent and not just some amazing ability you development under a fat moon. The truth is that between full moons and heats, you’re pretty much a run of the mill woman, save for the few heightened senses like hypersensitive smell and hearing.  
So, you hear the man peeking through the curtains of your living room window before you ever see him. You mute the television and listen intently as he tramples your flower bed. After several minutes of creeping around the house, he announces his presence by knocking at the front door.
Something doesn’t feel right. Picking up your cell phone you move to the front door, opening it and pressing ‘call’ beside Sam’s name. You let the phone ring, setting it on the table, Sam’s distant voice answering as you open the door.
“Y/N?” He’s a big guy smiling unnervingly wide in his cheap suit. He smells faintly of chicken noodle soup or body odor, you’re not sure which.
“Do I know you?” you ask taking a step back.
“My name is Gary Thompson, and I need to talk to you. May I come in?” There’s a locked screen door between the two of you. He tries the handle, failing to hide his displeasure when it doesn’t turn.
“No,” is your matter of fact response. “That name doesn’t mean anything to me. Who are you?”
“I represent a whole bunch of people that care about you,” he says as he nods confidently.
“What are you talking about?” you ask, one hand on the inside door.
“I know this is confusing, but I’d like it if you’d come with me. I can explain everything to you.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you. I think you better leave now,” you warn, backing away.
He yanks on the screen door again, this time grabs the handle and pulls with everything he has. He’s strong and the door is flimsy. The lock breaks without much force, and he lunges for you as the screen swings open, bouncing off the side of the house.
“Sam!” you scream as his stranger wraps a hand over your mouth. You bite him, wailing as he curses, replacing his hand with a rag.
“Christ, Mitch, she’s pregnant.” You’d know your mother’s voice anywhere, even as she mutters in a low hush, there’s no question. The cardigan you’re wearing slides off your shoulder and you hear, “Oh my God, look at her arms.”
You know exactly what she’s talking about, the handprints on your biceps where Sam held you up in the shower, fucking you senseless as you came twisting on his cock. You really hope they don’t get the chance to see the rest of your body because the skin is littered with bruises and teeth marks. The remnants of Sam’s last rut. Your sex life, while rougher than you ever previously fathomed enjoying it, is a hundred percent consensual. The Omega in you loves those marks, begs Sam to squeeze harder, to hold you down and make you his. It’s not a conversation you’re at all ready to have with your parents.
You mumble into the tape over your mouth, pulling at the rope that’s bound your hands together in your lap. “What the hell, is she gagged?” Now it’s your father’s voice.
What the hell indeed.
You feel someone tug the pillow case off your head and blink as a dingy motel room comes into view. Your mother, in tears, is seated at the small table in the corner, your father standing next to her. Gary is sitting on the bed next to you. “I’m going to take the tape off your mouth, but you can’t yell. Do you understand?”
You nod, glaring at him.
“For God’s sake, just take it off her, she’s…” She can’t bring herself to say the word again like it’s filthy: pregnant.
He peels the tape slowly, ripping every fine hair in its wake. Once removed, you take a deep breath and kick him in the leg as hard as you can. You know you’re not getting far but you try anyway, the fight’s part of who you are now. Gary yelps and your father is the one who grabs you by the shoulders and sits you back down on the bed.
“Asshole,” you mutter, spitting toward Gary. You don’t fight your father, instead refusing to look at him as you sit obediently on the bedspread.
“I’m so sorry,” you mother begins. For a split second you think she’s talking to you, but instead she wipes her eyes and gestures toward Gary. She looks at you before dropping her line of sight to the floor, “You’re safe now baby, just try to calm down.”
“Safe?” you howl, raising your hands, tied at the wrists. “I don’t feel very fucking safe right now.”
“It’s alright, it’s to be expected,” Gary explains, standing up to adjust his belt as if he’s just won a prize fight. “They live in this culture of violence, day in and day out.”
“What?” You question, genuinely perplexed as to where this is headed.
“I’m so glad you asked, Y/N.” Gary pulls chair from the table so he can sit in front you, just out of harm’s way. His hand is bandaged, blood seeping through from where you bit him earlier. “The most important thing is to remember that we’re here because your mom and dad love you very much. I’m here as more of a moderator, just try to think of me as a friend. Someone to listen and offer an outside perspective.”
“What are you-” you stop as the wheels turn in your brain, the pieces clicking into place on gear at a time. Of course. It makes sense now. “This is an intervention.”
“Intervention is such a clinical term,” Gary waves his hand dismissively, offering you a well-rehearsed smile. You wonder if most people really fall for this act. “This is just a conversation about the life you’ve been living. I think we can all agree that there are points in everyone’s life when things spin out of control and we find ourselves in a situation we might not want to be in anymore…a situation we don’t know how to get out of with a little help from the people who know us best.”
“This is a safe place,” you mother leans forward, clutching a wet kleenex in her hands. “You don’t have to be scared of anyone here. No one is going to hurt you anymore, not even…” She stops looking to Gary, who turns to you with a somber expression.
“Sam,” He nods gravely. “Maybe we should talk about him, confront the elephant in the room.”
You know damn well that Sam would never hurt you, but they obviously don’t. He’ll find you, and when he does you’re not sure what he’ll do. “Look,” you bite your lip, struggling for the right words. “You guys really need to rethink this. You just have to trust me when I tell you that if he finds us and you’re keeping me here…” Anything else you say at this point makes him sound like a sociopath, so you stop.
“What will he do?” Gary asks opening a small notepad. “Would you say that Sam is a violent person?”
Oh God.
“Look, he’s not violent. But you just broke into my house and kidnapped me. I mean, I’m his-” You stop just short of saying I’m his Omega. They will never understand the dynamic between you, it’s just not possible. Stuttering you repeat the words, “I’m…his.”
Your mother closes her eyes, your father looks at the floor. Gary turns to them, offering an analytical explanation as if you’re not even in the room. “This is just another form of control, the displays of ownership are very common, especially with this cult…this group. Typically a woman belongs to one man, however, I’ve seen a few cases where one woman will be passed around until she’s no longer…desirable.”
“I don’t think I’m explaining myself the way I want to.” You take a deep breath, trying to present in a calm and collected manner. “No one controls me, or passes me around like an appetizer.”
“I know that’s what you think, sweetheart,” Mitch, your father, speaks up for the first time, “But you just need to listen to us, hear us out.”
“You can’t see things when you’re in the middle of them,” your mother pleads, desperate but hopeful that they’re getting somewhere.  “Dr. Thompson has spent a lot of time studying and getting to know this…group you’ve fallen into.”
“So you think I’m part of a gang or something?”
“Gang, cult, they’re all just terms that really don’t help us right now,” Gary interjects. “You’re a smart girl, Y/N. Your parents have told me so much about over the last six months, hell, I feel like you’re practically family. I know that deep down there’s a part of you that knows there’s something wrong with Sam and his friends, something that’s not right.”
This all makes sense; if you didn’t know the truth about werewolves and shape-shifting under the full moon you’d probably come to the same conclusion. “Look,” you flex your hands where they’re still bound resting in your lap. “I understand how this looks, I do. But you have to believe me when I tell you that the only person holding me hostage is you. Sam has never hurt or threatened to hurt me. We love each other and we’re going to have a family together.”
“God help us,” you mother tilts her head toward the ceiling.
“I’ve spent the last few months gathering information about your situation. I spoke to a young woman named…” Gary flips back through his pad of paper until he finds what he’s looking for. “Laurie, does that name ring a bell?”
Fuck. Laurie used to work at the bar with you, Sam’s bar. She meant well and was nice enough but she’s human so she didn’t understand. Sam fired her the week after the two of you bonded and she started asking too many questions. She even had a sheriff’s deputy sent to the house to check on your well being.
“Laurie told me that you two were pretty good friends until she voiced her concern about some of the things she saw happening. She said that Sam dragged you out of the bar one night and she couldn’t reach you for three days. When you came back you were covered in bruises. She said he marked you.”
“She just misunderstood,” You reason, shifting on the mattress, You’re six months along with your first child, not a huge belly yet, but big enough to become uncomfortable.
“Oh, misunderstandings happen.” Gary shrugs. “Can we see your neck?”
You swallow and remain silent. Looking to your parents, you lock eyes with your mother and Gary reaches up and sweep your hair to the side. There are three audible gasps as they get a clear view of the bite mark at the crook of your neck and shoulder. It’s healed now, just scar tissue in the form of a bite mark: Sam’s bite.
“That is not love.” Your father moves toward you, setting on the edge of the bed as if he’s afraid to get too close.
You’ve had just about enough of this victim bullshit. While you understand why they believe what they do, the thought of anyone assuming Sam is some abusive captor makes you angry. You set your jaw and stare cold and hard at Gary. “I asked him to bite me, begged for it actually.”
“Disgusting,” you mother hisses, clapping a hand over her mouth.
It’s the truth. You bucked under Sam as he knotted you, panting and pleading for him to claim you. When his teeth sunk into your flesh you came clenching around his cock, chanting Alpha, Alpha until your throat was raw.
“Okay,” Gary stands up, moving to comfort your mother who looks white as a ghost. “I think maybe Y/N and I need some time together, to sort through some of this more disturbing material.”
Your parents don’t question his decisions, just stand and head for the door.
“You’re leaving?” you ask.
“We’ll be back honey, just try to listen. We’re doing this because we care.”
The door clicks shut, Gary flips the deadbolt and then it’s just the two of you. He saunters around the room, rolling up his sleeves. “I have to take a few precautions, I’m sure you understand.” He pulls a roll of duct tape from his bag, then a taser. “If you move or fight me, I’ll zap you good, you got that?”
You’re still, your eyes never leaving the taser. You afraid now, this has gone from irritating to something more terrifying. “I’m pregnant,” you offer, watching as he drops to his knees wrapping tape around your ankles.
“All the more reason for you to behave yourself.” He smiles, then tightens the ropes at your wrists. “I think we both know you’re a pretty fucked up person, the things you let him do to you? Man.” He whistles. “Anything happens to that baby, we just blame it on the daddy. A man with a history like that, no one would even question it.”
He pulls a manila folder from his briefcase, then moves the chair closer to you before taking a seat. He pulls out a photo holding it up inches from your face. You’re looking at a black and white photograph taken from some distance, through an open window.  It’s an older picture, just after you met him, it’s of Sam fucking you up against the wall in the back storeroom of the bar. He’s fully clothed save for a peek of his ass cheek hanging out from his shirttail. You, on the other hand, are completely naked, bare thighs wrapped around his waist. He’s got a mouth full of your breast, sucking on as much of your tit as he can get. To top it off his hand is wrapped around your neck, your flesh giving way as he squeezes. The photographer caught you mid-gasp, adding to the intensity of the photo.
“See,” Gary leans forward. “They’ve had me following you for a long time now. I’m not as naive as your parents. I don’t buy into the fact that you’re a saint.”
He lets the photo fall to the ground and reveals another. This one was clearly taken outside your house, you’re guessing through your bedroom window. You’re seated in Sam’s lap, lying with your back on his chest. He’s nipping at your jaw from behind as you ride his cock, one of his giant hands spread wide over your swollen stomach. 
This is from last week.
“You’re a fucking pervert,” you hiss, looking toward the door, making it clear that you won’t entertain this stomach-turning exercise.
“I’m proving a point,” Gary inches his chair close, tapping you on the knee. “I get it, you got in over your head, fell in love with a bad guy before you knew what kind of a person he really was.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” you’re exasperated. “You’ve got it all wrong.”
“This isn’t just one guy with a kink, half the women Sam and his friends have around have marks just like yours, like that bite on your neck. I mean Jesus, you have to know that’s not a normal thing.”
“Please,” you plead, “please just let me go home. I’m fine. I’ll find a way to make things right with my parents.”
“I can’t do that, sweetheart. I’m being paid to break this, to help you see what you’re really a part of. You have to trust me.” He places his hand on your knee and you flinch.
“A second ago you were threatening to kill my baby, now you want me to trust you?”
“I would never purposely hurt your child, but I will do what I have to save your life,” he quips.
“Sam is going to find me.” He doesn’t know it yet, but that’s a threat.
“I hope so, I’d like to have a talk with him. He needs to know that we’re watching. People will come forward eventually,” Gary states, matter of fact.
“He’s gonna find me and he’s gonna kill you,” you snarl.
“I really hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Gary, you’re so far off base I don’t where to begin.”
“Then why don’t you tell me where I’m wrong. Because from the outside it looks like this: Thirteen months ago you were a happy young woman, just graduated from college, getting ready to start a new job. From all accounts, you were well adjusted. Then one night you just poof, disappear. You leave your parents a letter that and no one hears from you again. So they call me because this is what I do. I rescue young women like you and bring you back to your families. I didn’t take that much to find you, just a friend who had access to the police database. You weren’t trying that hard to hide, so I thought to myself, fuck Gary, maybe she did just run away with some guy. You can imagine my surprise when I stumbled onto this sick little group these guys put together. The one thing I can’t quite figure out is how do they draw you in? I know it’s not religious, Sam’s no David Koresh, but whatever he has over all you girls, it’s something like I’ve never seen before. No one will fucking talk.”
“So you honestly think, after all this time watching us and snapping dirty pictures, that Sam is a cult leader?”
“See, at first I thought it was a gang, a bunch of hardass bikers mixed up in the usual. Drugs,  maybe some organized crime…but it’s more than that. I know something happens during the lunar cycle, how you all disappear whenever there’s a full moon. I can see in the way you’re looking at me right now, there’s a total belief in whatever line of bullshit Sam’s feeding you.”
“I’m gonna go off on a limb here and say you’re less interested in helping me and more into the idea of exposing what you think is the next Jonestown.”
“If you help me, I’ll help you. I’m gonna write a book, we could sell millions.” His eyes light up, he’s clearly been thinking about this for a while.
“You really wanna know Gary?” You laugh tipping your head back.
“Yes,” Christ, he’s desperate.
“Sam’s a werewolf, we all are. Well, most of us anyway. When I say I’m his, I mean it literally: he’s my Alpha, I’m his Omega.”
“You honestly believe that, don’t you?” He sits back in his chair as if you’ve just blown his damn mind.
“You think I’m lying? You asked for the truth and I’m giving it to you. Last year when I disappeared it was because I got bit. ”
“You mean the mark on your neck?”
“No the wolf that turned me bit me on the arm, that healed a long time ago. The bite on my neck is where Sam claimed me, it happens when you bond. We’re mated for life, the scar is marking his territory.”
“So he claims you and you’re his? Just like that?” He’s writing furiously.
“More or less, it’s a bit more nuanced than that,” you shrug.
“And once you’re mated, are you expected to give him children right away?” He gestures toward your stomach. “I suspected that was part of it, half the woman in the group are pregnant.”
“It’s biology dude: we mate, we fuck, we reproduce.”
“And you wanted this? You wanted to have a child with a man that you only knew….”
“A day,” you smirk. “I only knew Sam for a few hours before he put his pups in my belly. When you know, you know. There’s a scent that your intended mate gives off, like pheromones. It just kinda takes over.”
“Pups,” Gary mutters, scribbling in his notebook.
“You think I’m crazy, right?”
“I think you believe what you’re telling me is the truth.”
“Wonderful,” you squirm.
“And Sam, he’s the ah, the head werewolf?”
“Head werewolf? This isn’t a city council.” You laugh you give is one of genuine amusement. “Well, we call it a pack leader, he’s not just my Alpha, he’s the Alpha. But yeah, I guess you could call him the head werewolf.”
“This is really, good stuff. Really helpful. I can see it’s a much more complicated dynamic than what I’ve come across before. Can you explain to me what drew you in? What made you believe that this was possible?”
There’s a twinge in your stomach, more than just the baby moving. This is your body reacting to Sam’s proximity, much the same way your heat trigger’s his rut. He’s calling out to you and he’s close. Another cramp shoots through your belly, your cringe, moaning in pain. “He’s coming for me now, you should untie me Gary. You’re a jerk but I don’t want him to kill you. He’s gonna be really pissed if he finds me tied up like this.”
“Ahuh,” he’s still taking notes, “and how exactly would he know where we are? I’ve done this a dozen times before, I take precautions.”
“Because I’m his, he just…always knows, he can feel me.” You lean to the side, trying to alleviate the uncomfortable ache of your hips. You can’t sit the way you need to with your legs tied together, the weight of your stomach bearing down on your pelvis. “Please just cut the tape on my feet, it hurts for me to sit like this.”
He glances up, dismissing your complaint. “It’ll be fine, tell me more about this psychic connection you think you have.”
“I’m serious, you need to let me go.”
“I’m the one who’s serious.” He gets up from his chair. One thing’s for sure, Gary’s got a short fuse. He towers over you, pointing his finger in your face. “We can do this the nice way where you and that bastard child in your stomach are nice and comfortable. Or we can try a little aversion therapy, see if it helps your attitude.” He brings your attention back the taser that’s sitting on the floor next to the chair.
“You really shouldn’t have said that,” you whisper.
Gary doesn’t get a chance to respond, instead, the door explodes inward, wood shattering as it’s kicked off the frame, landing with a thud on the ground. Dean’s the first thing you see, followed by Sam who’s red-faced behind him.
Gary screams, a high pitched junior high girl sound as Dean grabs him and pushes him up against the wall with a gun poking his cheek.
“If he moves, shoot him,” Sam commands, kneeling in front of you. He looks you over from head to toe, reaching down and ripping the duct tape at the ankles with a simple flex of muscle. “Are you okay? Is he okay?”
His hand moves from your thighs to your stomach, cradling your unborn child with both his hands. “We’re fine, just please untie me.”
“Shit,” he mutters, pulling at the rope around your wrists. He looks back at Gary who’s pissed himself in fear, wet soaking through the front of his pants. “Did he touch you?”
“No,” you shake your head, “but he would have hurt me if you hadn’t gotten here. He’s was gonna shock me with that thing.” You point to the taser lying on the carpet.  
Sam closes his eyes, ticking his head to the side as rage boils up from his gut. “Who is he?”
“I think my parents hired him to find me, they think I’m in a cult or something. He’s been following us for months, Sam, look at the pictures.”
Sam bends down and picks up one of the grayscale photos from the floor, his pupils shuttering from the photo to you, then Gary. You assume it’s one of the pictures you’ve already seen, but it isn’t. When he lays it on the bed to pick up the folder you get an eye of your naked breasts, you’re clearly changing in the laundry room.  Sam looks through the rest, then shows you a nude photo of Marie, Dean’s Omega. She’s on her knees sucking Dean’s cock on their living room couch.
“Look at this,” Sam holds up the photo for his brother inspect. “Looks like we caught a real sick fuck.”
“Nonononono,” Gary panics and Dean looks from the picture back to him. “It’s not what you think.”
“Really? Because it looks like you’ve been sneaking around the neighborhood playing private detective when you’re really just a peeping Tom.” Dean hits him on the side of his head with the butt of his gun and blood pours from the wound. Gary howls, blood streaming through his fingers.
Sam picks up the taser, stalking toward the two men. “I’ve got him, Dean.” Sam takes his place and Dean begrudging release his hold on the man. “What’s your name?”
“Gary Thompson,” he sputters in terror as Sam’s hand closes around his neck.
“Well, Gary I’m gonna let Dean discuss the photos with you in a minute and believe me, he’s not going to be nearly as nice as I am.”
“I am definitely not,” Dean confirms, standing behind Sam his arm folded over his chest.
“But right now Gary Thompson, I want to address the fact that you threatened to electrocute my pregnant wife. Because despite whatever little scenario you’ve cooked up in that head of yours, that’s what she is to me. That’s my wife and my unborn son.”
“I’m sorry,” Gary cries and Sam squeezes hard as his face turns red. “I didn’t understand, but I do now and I’m so sorry. Please don’t kill me.”
“He knows,” you explain stepping closer. “He knows what we are. I told him.”
Sam side eyes you, then looks back to the man he’s choking, releasing his grip. Gary drops to his knees, coughing as he clutches his throat. “Did he believe you?”
“No, he thinks you’re a cult leader who’s brainwashed all us mindless women. He’s gonna write a book about it.”
“Oh,” Sam nods, then grins biting his lower lip. He crouches down next to Gary, directing his attention to you. “I don’t think anyone’s told her what or how to think a day in her life. God help me if I ever try.”
You can’t help but smile, you are one stubborn woman.
“Gary, I want you to look at me,” Sam uses the gun in his right hand to point to his own face. Gary looks up trembling, as your Alpha leans in even closer. Sam blinks and when he opens his eyes they’re bright yellow, burning around his pupils.
“Oh God,” Gary puffs out, his mouth falling open. Sam bears his teeth, no longer human, instead sharp fangs that line the inside of his mouth. He growls an inhuman sound that reverberates throughout the room. With a tick of his head, Sam’s face returns to normal. The man before him practically vibrating with fear.
“You understand now?” Sam asks gently, tilting his head to the side.
“Ahhmm,” Gary whimpers.
“You understand that if you ever come back, you ever touch her again I’ll kill you. You ever tell anyone about us, I’ll find you and I’ll eat your heart out of your chest.” Wide-eyed, Gary sits silent, unable to speak. “I need you to nod if you understand me, I need to know, that you know.” He nods sharply and a putrid smell fills the room.
“What is that?” you gag, covering your face with your sleeve.
“I think he just shit himself,” Dean waves his hand in front of his face.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Sam questions for the hundredth time. You’re both fresh from the shower, he’s standing over you with a towel hung around his hips watching as you smooth lotion down your legs. You can only bend over so far so he wordlessly drops to his knees in front of you, rubbing the rest into your calves. Then squeezing more into his hand before massaging your feet.
“I’m fine, I’m just creeped out. He watched us for a long time, Sam, we had no idea.”
“I know,” he looks up at you. “We’ll figure something to make everyone feel safe. We’ll make sure nothing like this happens again.”
“We need to do something for my parents too,” you moan as this thumb presses into a sore spot at the arch of your foot. “I just assumed that they would find a way to move on once I left, I was so wrong. They think that you’re some evil guy who’s keeping me here to be his sex slave.”
“It’s not that far off the mark,” he grins, backtracking when he sees you’re not amused. “Sorry, it’s not going to be easy, but we’ll start small. I’m guessing once they talk to Gary they’ll have more questions.”
“If he can even talk, you did a real number on him.”
“I had two choices, scare him straight or kill him.” He runs a hand up the inside of your thigh, placing a kiss on the side of your knee. “Would you rather I’d….”
“No.” You lay back on the bed and Sam pulls you forward until you’re seated on the edge. He reaches over you, grabbing a pillow and wedging it between your shoulder blades and the bed.
“Are you okay like this?” he asks, thinking of your comfort.
“Ahum,” you confirm, closing your eyes as his dips his head between your legs, his tongue scooping over your clit. “Sam, wait.”
You grab his hair, pulling his head up until he emerges over your stomach, “What?”
“Can you make sure the curtains are closed. After the pictures, I just…”
“Sure baby,” he wipes his mouth, standing to check the blinds are shut. The towel falls from his waist, leaving him naked, with a half hard cock. He secures both windows, turning to see you propped up on your elbows with a lopsided grin. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I just,” you run your hand over your stomach. “I just love you.”
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Moon Monsters - Chapter 9
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Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance, Comedy Rating: M Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (stay safe!!), knotting, mild language Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jimin x oc, Taehyung x oc Notes: werewolf!bts au. Not idol!bts. Same goes for GOT7. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: Major crap happens in this chapter, gang. Be prepared. XD
Tagging: @och-ako @jiminnies-baby @justbangtanandjams @lizardsocial @breadcaaat @wordsturnintostories @jennierubyjane0116
Summary: You’re the CEO’s new personal assistant. But there’s something strange about him and the company you work for.
🌕 ~ ☽ ~ ☾ ~ 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 ~ ☽ ~ ☾ 🌕
You had to admit, waking up and not feeling like death itself was really really nice. There was no hard of breathing or body aches. It was nice......but it confused you greatly. People don’t just magically get over something like what you had overnight. You were practically on your death bed less than 24 hours ago and now you’re waking up in bed feeling amazing. Made no sense at all.
At the time, yesterday, you didn’t really question it. You were just so overjoyed to have your boyfriend back that it was all you could think about. But now that you’ve had time to get some good sleep and rest up, your mind is more clear and you’re starting to question things.
None of it made sense. Now that you were thinking about it, you’d have to ask Jungkook why he was licking you just yesterday evening. He had mentioned something about needing to be cleaned......Yeah. There were lots of questions and absolutely no answers. You let out a sigh as you stared at the wall of your boyfriend’s bedroom.
And then it hit you.
“Shi---- Work! I have to go to work!”
“Yah yah. Pipe it down, woman. Get over here.”
Suddenly, you were tugged down from your sitting up position to where you were now being spooned. Spooned by your very handsome and extremely warm boyfriend. Dang. He was like a space heater. Whining softly, you tried to wiggle out of his hold as you spoke up in a tone to match your soft sounds of complaint,
“Kookieeee. I have to get ready for work. I’m already late! Namjoon is g----”
“Namjoonie hyung already knows you’re not coming in today because you’re sick. You’re still recovering from your illness.”
When you were finally allowed to move, you rolled over onto your other side and naturally gave him a look of complete and utter confusion. He grinned from his laying position in bed next to you and added in further explanation,
“I called hours ago and told him you were still feeling unwell. He knows it’s a lie but because he’s the coolest boss ever, he’s granting us the day together.”
Well......It wasn’t a lie. You guys really did have an amazing boss. Namjoon was a great man and you were eternally grateful that he was your man in charge. Still feeling a little stunned, you blinked at your boyfriend as your head rested on the pillow. Humming in thought while you mulled everything over in your head, you eventually spoke up and said softly,
“Well.......If he’s okay with it.”
“He’s absolutely okay with it. And Jimin hyung has already taken care of your time sheet for you too. All is good, babe. You can relax now.”
Grinning even wider with a mischievous glint in his dark doe eyes, he pulled you back into his chest where you playfully whined in his face. Only halfheartedly wiggling this time around, you spoke up in a whining tone once more,
“Yaaaah. You’re too warm. I’m gonna get all sweaty and gross.”
“That’s just when we take a shower together.”
“Pffft. In your dreams, pal. Besides. I need to clean and tidy up the apartment. I really let it go this week with being sick and all.”
‘This is it, kid. She’s going to start nesting. She feels it. She feels that need to clean the den and prepare it for pups. Our pups.’
Jungkook had to bite back a groan of arousal as his member twitched ever so slightly. The mere idea of you preparing the apartment and nesting. Dear god you would look adorable all round and plump full of his pups. Who was he to deny your natural instincts? Smiling more warmly and hoping you hadn’t felt his arousal, he nodded and spoke casually while running his fingers through your bedhead,
“Very well, beautiful. Do what you need to do. But just know this is our day. Our weekend starts now. We have the next three days together. No work, no stupid people, no distance. Just us. Right here in our cozy apartment.”
“Our cozy apartment will be even better once I clean it. But I know you ended up cutting your vacation short because I got sick. So please don’t feel the need to stick around or anything. If there’s something you’d like to go out and do or----”
The rest of your sentence became muffled and quickly silenced when you suddenly felt a pair of soft lips molding against your own. You could feel the way he was kissing you that it was with purpose. Despite your guys’ morning breath, you eagerly kissed him back; mewling against his lips. Your hands found his chest and you gently clawed at the skin there; normally looking for a t-shirt to fist.
“Mmm. Babe. I gotta get up and clean. The place is so messy.”
You were surprised when he actually listened and pulled away from your lips completely. Staring into each other’s eyes, you almost felt a little intimidated by him. His stare was so intense but you couldn’t figure out what was going through his mind. Eventually he spoke up as he said softly,
“Just know that you did nothing wrong, okay? It was stupid of me to think I could go on this vacation and not miss you like crazy. But don’t worry, love. It’s not going to happen again. Next time, you’re coming with me. I promise you that. Right here with you is where I want to be.”
A sly smirk suddenly formed on his face while rolling the two of you over till he was now caging you in under his body. His nose gently nuzzling your own as he spoke an octave lower,
“Why else do you think I’m trying to keep you here in this bed.....my bed.....all to myself? Hmm?”
Dear god Jeon Jungkook was going to be the death of you. He was. You suddenly felt really really warm and the bulk of that heat was pooling to your core at a rapid speed. Embarrassingly enough, your walls clenched around nothing as your mind went wild; laying there underneath your fine piece of boyfriend. Wow. Wow wow.
Meanwhile, Jeon Jungkook was suffering. You smelled so good and the slick you were producing did not go by unnoticed as his canine nose was extremely sensitive. Even more now that he was going through heat. Oh yes. He was suffering. That arousal from earlier was growing and he couldn’t stop his erection at this point. He was beyond self control. Well mostly. Otherwise he would have started devouring you seconds ago.
“Can we just-----Have a little bit of fun first? Before you go all nesting and stuff.”
“Ne-Nesting??? It’s not nesting! I’m just----I’m just cleaning. There’s a difference.”
The male flashed you one of his signature bunny smiles as he watched you get all flustered once more. You were so cute all pouting and blushing like that. It was amazing how you still hadn’t caught on. Well.....that probably just meant you didn’t believe in such things as werewolves and magic. He couldn’t blame you, really.
You couldn’t help it. When you hear the word nesting, it makes you think of......kids. Was that what your boyfriend thought of too when he said it? Was he thinking about kids.....already??? Nah It had to be the slip of the tongue. Had to be. It was probably just the first word that came to his mind.....Right???
Gulping more audibly than you meant to, you stared up at him and noticed he was eyeing you up and down. Practically undressing you with his eyes. Eventually locking your gaze with his, it was then that he finally spoke up.
“We don’t have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable. I know we just became an official couple and all. I don’t want to move too fast for you. The last th----”
“I want it.”
You only gave a short few seconds pause before adding,
“I want this. And I want you.”
Silence filled the bedroom as the two of you stared into each other’s wide eyes. Both of you were just as shocked by your words with his doe eyes searching your face for something. Perhaps it was a trace of doubt or maybe he thought you were feeling pressured into saying such things. Not wanting there to be any such doubt, you quickly explained.
“I want to be with you in every way. Jungkook, I spent days looking the other way and trying to avoid these feelings that confused me for so long. I wasted a lot of precious time and I don’t want to lose another second.”
Your words touched him in all the right ways. His heat may be controlling most of his actions and words, but his heart was swelling with happiness. You wanted him. You wanted to be with him just as much as he wanted to be with you. Smiling a small, and perhaps sly smile, he replied softly with confidence,
“And you don’t have to. Not anymore.”
The next thing you knew, there was a clashing of lips, tongue, and teeth. His eagerness nearly took your breath away as his tongue shoved it’s way into your mouth to meet your own in a playful battle of dominance. Of course with him having caught you off guard, it was easy to overpower you and take control of the kiss. Not that you minded.
This was it. This was happening. Jungkook could feel his control slipping as his wolf practically begged to be let out. Mate. Mate mate mate mate mate. That was the only thing on the poor boy’s mind right now. Not exactly how he imagined having his first time with you.
Gosh your skin was so soft and your smell was intoxicating. Even more so with how drunk he was with heat. He could smell the slick you were producing and dear god he was going to lose it. If this was how you smelled, image how you’d taste. His mouth watered just thinking about it.
His lips traveled from your own, down to your jawline and further south to your neck. Oh how he wanted to mark you and make you his officially. In human respects, you were very official. But from a wolf’s point of view, you were still a free agent to any other canine. Something that made Jungkook’s hair stand on end and making him extremely territorial.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good, pet. Gonna fill you with my pups.”
Oh shit.
Yeah. Control was definitely hanging by a thread. The young man froze as he had his nose pressed into your neck; caging you in under his body. Fear was an emotion that was new to Jungkook, honestly. There was very little in life that actually scared him. But right now, in this moment as he towered over you, he was literally scared stiff.
“Aigoo. I didn’t realize you were into role play, Kookie. So if we’re talking pups, does that make me your bitch?”
Oh dear lord. That went straight to his cock. You were too busy grinning up at him to notice the twitch in his length. Okay so the moment was extremely bittersweet for him. He didn’t blow his cover but also you thought he was just into role playing. Gosh if only you knew the truth. He was so close to just outing himself right then and there.
“Damn right, you are. You’re my bitch who I’m going to breed. You’ll look so beautiful all swollen and plump. These breasts full of milk for our offspring.”
It was amazing how natural those words came to him. Perhaps Jungkook himself was no longer a pup. He was a young man who was going to start a beautiful family with you. You, his beautiful she-wolf. He wondered what color of fur you’d have when he goes to turn you. Of course that was under the impression the two of you made it that far.
His words must have turned you on just as much as they did him because he could smell a fresh batch of slick dripping between your thighs. Now it was his turn to grin down at you as you blushed a pretty shade of pink. Not wanting to let this opportunity pass, the dominating side of him came out as he asked teasingly,
“You like that idea, pet? You want to have my pups? You want me to breed you?”
“Yes. Yes, please. I want to have your babies. All of them.”
You weren’t going to lie, you had already had plenty of daydreams about carrying his children. You wanted a family and you wanted it with Jungkook. But of course the rational side of you knew that it was way too early to be seriously considering children. Hence why you were on birth control. Not to mention you two weren’t even engaged yet. You just started your relationship but for some reason you were just so......sure. You were sure about Jungkook. Did that make sense?
“Then all my babies you shall have, my love.”
He wanted to take you right then and there. Just flip you over and start plowing you from behind. But he knew you’d need to be prepped first. Despite the fact that you were literally dripping all over the bed sheets. Besides......He wanted a taste before he had his way with you.
“But first, I need to get you ready.”
“Baaabe.....I’m dripping. I’m ready. Don’t make me wait!”
Gosh you were so cute when you whined like that. All needy and begging for him. Grinning with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he slowly crawled down your body till he was right where he wanted to be; between your legs with his face mere centimeters from your dripping core.
“But first----This has got to go.”
You watched with building anticipation as he carefully tugged off your matching panties from your babydoll nightie set. The cool air of the bedroom hit your core and you immediately clenched around nothing; causing slick to ooze down between your folds. This definitely didn’t go by unnoticed as a loud groan filled the room.
“God, babe. I bet you taste delicious. Forgive me. I can’t wait any longer.”
It was a bit surreal to realize you were about to do the dirty with your coworker. But something told you it would be even more odd when it came time for you both to go back to work. What would happen to your working relationship? Would things be different? Would you be able to keep things professional? All those thoughts left you when you suddenly felt a hot, wet muscle swipe up your folds.
“Eyes on me, my pretty pet.”
The predatory look in his eyes had your walls clenching around nothing once more. Ugh. You just wanted him in you.....now. But you did as he ordered and watched him as he once again leaned in and swiped his tongue up between your folds; catching all your slick that had collected over the last several minutes. Upon tasting you, you watched him shut his eyes and a long, drugged out moan filled the bedroom.
“You taste amazing. Better than I could have imagined. I’m going to devour you, babe.”
Meanwhile, you were quickly turning into a heaving mess. It was hard to watch him when your chest kept rising and falling like that. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you looked down at the scene between your legs and spoke between heavy breaths,
“Yes. Please. Ruin me, baby. I want it so bad.”
That was when you watched him grip the back of your knees so that he could swing your legs over his shoulders; your heels gently digging into his bare back. Spreading your thighs further apart, it allowed him more room for his next attack. You subconsciously licked your dry lips as your eyes never left him; watching his every move like a hawk which he loved.
Not wanting to send your body into some kind of state of shock, he eased forward and gave a tentative lick up your folds. Once he was sure you’d be good, he gained more confidence and dove right in. It was like he was a man starving. Which, in a way, wasn’t far from the truth. He had gone all week of his heat without any relief. Well now it was time.
“Oh god. You taste so good. I could eat you out for hours and still want more.”
Meanwhile, you were a hot mess. Your body shivered and your thighs shook as he continued to taste you. Your hips would buck whenever his tongue brushed up against your sensitive clit. No longer able to hold yourself up, you fell back against the sheets with your head cradled by pillows. It wasn’t till he suddenly added two fingers that you started moaning uncontrollably.
Using the two fingers in a scissoring motion, he helped stretch you out while still pleasuring the both of you. He wasn’t kidding when he said he could sit here and taste you for hours and hours. You were so tight too; it had to have been awhile since you last had any kind of real relief. Not that he was judging. It just meant you’d be extra tight for him which he loved.
Your breathing had long become labored. It had been so long since you last had sex that honestly you had almost forgotten how wonderful it could feel. So naturally it didn’t take long for your first orgasm to build. That time was only growing shorter when he started pumping those two digits and curved them at just the right angle to find your spot. That spot. The one where you saw stars constantly exploding in your vision and jolts of pleasure ran up and down your spine.
“Kook----I’m not gonna last----Ah god!”
But he never responded. At least not vocally. No. Jungkook simply picked up the pace as he started sucking on your clit harder and nearly ramming his fingers into you; adding a third finger to boot. The squelching sounds his fingers made were embarrassing to your ears and made you cover your face with both arms. But to him it sounded sexy as hell because it meant he was doing a good job.
He could feel your walls starting to clench uncontrollably around his fingers and that only egged him on to finish you off. To tip you over the edge so that you could fall into a state of pure bliss. He wanted to make his mate feel just as amazing as she made him feel. And that was when he heard you screaming his name.
“Jungkook! I’m cumming!”
Again, the young man remained silent as he worked his lover over; milking you for all you were worth. He loved the feeling of your body shaking under his fingertips while your walls tried to suck his three digits in even further like your life depended on it. He could only imagine what you’d do when it was his cock making you feel this good.
Meanwhile, you were in a state of pure euphoria. Your vision having gone white when your orgasm hit you like a semi truck. The thing about Jungkook, he knew how to help you ride out your orgasm rather than just suddenly stopping once you hit your peak of pleasure. He seemed like a real natural so you wondered if he had done this before.
Truth be told, Jungkook was a virgin but one would never know it. He had plenty of opportunities to relieve himself with other packs’ females during his heats, but he had always insisted on his first time being with his mate. For a young one, he was quite traditional and old fashioned. Something that his pack leader Namjoon was fond of.
Like a good mate, the young man was diligent in cleaning you up. He knew you’d be a bit sore so he slowly licked at your swollen lips and did his very best to soothe you after coming down from your first high. He could hear your breathing heavy but trying to even out and your heart was trying to get back to a normal rate.
“Wow. That was amazing, Kook. I didn’t even know orgasms could feel like that.”
Okay. Now that took him by surprise. Suddenly stopping, his head popped up between your legs and honestly the sight was kind of comical. The look of complete surprise and confusion on his face was priceless. Blinking his doe eyes, he asked hesitantly,
Your face had already been pretty flushed from the warm up round, but now you were blushing for an entirely different reason. Trying to not shy away from the eye contact, you swallowed dryly and said timidly,
“Yeah.....My past partners.....They um.....Well let’s just say they were all take and very little give.”
To your great surprise, you heard a growl. A growl. It sounded so.....menacing. You felt your body turn a bit cold and you looked to see the expression on your boyfriend’s face. He looked absolutely furious. It actually made you quite nervous.
‘Ease, kid. You’re scaring her. I know it’s infuriating but just remember, she’s ours now and no one else’s. We’re the ones taking care of her now. Just relax. Breathe.’
Taking deep breaths to help calm himself down, Jungkook shut his eyes tight but only for a moment. Finding his inner peace as best he could given the circumstances, he finally locked eyes with you once more and spoke softly.
“That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Whether it be sex or making love, it should still be an intimate act where both partners feel good at the end, not just one.”
Wow. You were in shock. You had no idea that Jungkook felt that way. In fact, you were impressed that he distinguished a difference between what was considered having a simple, clean and cut good time and what was considered something deeper with more meaning to it. And with that in mind you finally said with a soft voice,
“Make love to me, Jungkook.....Please......I want it.......I want you. All of you.”
It was like something in him had snapped. There you were, there you lay. His mate in all her half naked glory. The love that swirled in both of your eyes was intense and neither one of you wanted to break the connection. Licking his lips and trying not to let the beast within out, Jungkook said just as softly,
“Then roll over for me, pet. And I’ll give you every inch of me and all my love along with it.”
You wasted absolutely no time in following his request. Although you did take a moment to rid yourself of the last article of clothing you had on. Your body was slick with sweat and any kind of clothing was now considered more than uncomfortable. With you now laying on your stomach, you heard a low groan along with sounds of fabric rubbing against skin come from behind you.
“Have you always had such a nice ass or have I just now started paying attention?”
The snort that left you was accompanied by a wide smile and a look of great amusement on your face. Turning your head to try and glance over at him from behind you as best you could, you ended up propping yourself up on your elbows and replied casually,
“I personally felt that my ass has always been nice. But who’s to say, you know?”
“Well I say it’s absolutely amazing. And it’s all mine.”
A small yelp of surprise mixed with pain filled the room when you suddenly felt a large hand make contact with your left cheek. The urge to rub the sore spot on your bum was strong but your lover beat you to it. That same large and warm hand started to rub the spot soothingly.
“Feels amazing too. But enough of that. It’s time, pet. Time for me to fill you with all my pups.”
You instantly became tense but in all the best ways. Anticipation. There you were with your perky bum up in the air and ready for him. You could feel your arousal trying to run down your inner thighs. The sight your boyfriend had......you could only imagine the look on his face but you never looked back to find out. To try and entice him, you wiggled your bum a bit.
However, all that got you was another slap to the butt cheeks. Granted it wasn’t as hard but the surprise of it still caused a squeak to leave your lips. Looking back over your shoulder, you could see Jungkook staring down at you with dark eyes. It was like he was possessed by his lust. Kind of sexy, really. You watched him make a hand motion for you to face forward again and so you did.
That was when he really took you by surprise.
Perhaps you were a little biased, but it felt like his member was made for you. The stretch was, dare you say, delicious. He had just the right girth and his length reached the deepest part of you that no other man had ever managed before. Wow. Like really wow.
Despite his lust, he was a true gentleman and stayed still while fully sheathed inside you; your walls already trying to suffocate him. Dear god you felt amazing. He couldn’t wait to mate with you and finally make you his. Granted he had already imprinted on you but still. It was then that your shaky voice drew him out of his thoughts.
“Yo-Y-You can mm-mo-oove now, K-Kook.”
Still being gentle, the young male let out a shaky breath of his own as he slowly eased himself out till only his tip remained and carefully slid forward once more. He knew he was slightly larger than normal males and it had been awhile for you so he wanted to take it easy on you......this time.
After awhile, your moans intermingled with his own as you felt the pain from the stretch slowly turning into a deep seeded pleasure. No longer distracted by said pain, you were slowly becoming more aware of everything else. Like the way his fingers dug into your hips; controlling your movements as he needed. You became increasingly aware of just how big he really was and it made your mouth water.
“God, Kook, you feel so good. Faster. Please.”
“You want it faster? You like it rough, my pretty pet? You want my bruises to remind you of who you belong to? Hmm?”
“Yes! God, yes! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! Please!”
It was amazing how.....needy you were. Perhaps greedy was a more appropriate word. Yes. You were greedy for his cock.  Never before had anyone made you feel this good. Just then, you felt him picking up his pace and the moan you released was both loud and wanton. If it hadn’t been for both your hands being preoccupied gripping the bed sheets, you would have tried covering your mouth.
You were absolutely beautiful when you begged like that. If you kept behavior like this up, Jungkook wasn’t going to last long. Then again, who could blame the poor kid after the rough week he’s had? He’s waited all week for this and now the moment was finally here. The moment he would finally mate with his beautiful she-wolf and breed her like she was meant to be.
“That’s it, beautiful. Moan for me. Scream for me. Cum for me!”
You were definitely close. There was no doubt about it. With the way he was hitting you in all the right places; finding your g-spot like he had known where it was all along. That painful knot in your lower belly was tight but it was like there was something stopping you from tipping over the edge. Something was holding you back from falling into pure bliss.
Sensing just as much, your boyfriend knew exactly what you needed. Like a good mate, he released one of his bruising hands from your hips and nimble fingers were swift as they found their target. Your clit. Drawing figure eights over your sensitive bundle of nerves, he could only hope he would send you to Heaven and back.
Suddenly, your moans turned into screams as you started clawing at the sheets instead of merely tugging on them. It was amazing. You had turned practically wild with overwhelming pleasure and Jungkook’s inner wolf was here for it. He was here for all of it. His tail wagging like a happy pup.
‘She’s beautiful, kid. She’s taking us so well. Look at her! I bet her howls will be just as gorgeous as she is!’
But the poor boy wasn’t really listening. He was too busy chasing his own high. He was so close! Sweat practically poured down his toned body as he was finally about to relieve himself of his painful heat. Feeling you spasm around his length finally broke him and he let out a roar of pleasure as his thrusting grew sloppy and his fingers left your clit to grip your hip once more.
With one final thrust, Jungkook completely sheathed himself inside you and let his seed coat your walls and fill your womb. Wow. Wow wow. How he had managed to go so long without feeling this kind of euphoria was beyond him. This was way better than his past heats when he’d have to try and relieve the pain himself.
The two of you were basking in the after glow of bliss. You with your face and lower body long planted into the sheets; your body too exhausted to keep itself up on it’s own. Your ragged breathing muffled from the fabric. Jungkook held you firmly in place so that he could soak up this amazing feeling and accomplishment. He had finally mated with the woman he was fated with. All was good.
That is.......till another canine attribute of his decided to make itself known.
‘Oh shit.’
As you laid there trying to recover from the mind-blowing orgasm, you felt something......happening.....And it confused you greatly. Something painful was happening down where your bodies were still connected. Eyebrows knitting together in said confusion, your body instinctively tried to move away from whatever was causing it discomfort.
However, your boyfriend’s grip only grew tighter as he gently shushed you in what was meant to be a soothing fashion. Despite his attempt to try and distract you with peppered kisses to your back, the pain was growing worse. It felt like something was expanding and was trying to rip your vagina down the middle. In a strained voice, you spoke.
“K-Kook. Wh-What’s-----God what’s happening!? What’s going on!? Why does it suddenly hurt!?”
“Shhh. It’s okay, beautiful. It’ll be over soon. I promise. Let me move us so that we’re more comfortable.”
He had completely forgotten about his knot. So consumed by his heat that he never even thought about having to explain that part of his canine nature. Even the cover-up of role playing couldn’t explain that. Talk about a bittersweet moment.
Your soft whimpers of pain broke his heart as he laid the two of you on your sides; you basically becoming the little spoon and he the big spoon. You felt one of his hands on your lower stomach and couldn’t believe how.....full it felt. Was that from his cum?! You were all kinds of confused and mentally in a frenzy while he laid there behind you trying to soothe you in any way he could.
“Babe......I........I have a confession to make........”
“I swear, Kook. If you tell me this was all just for a chance to get in my pants and that you’re breaking up with me, I’m gonna throw hands! I’ll cut your balls off and make you eat them! I’ll----”
“I’m a werewolf.”
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sapphicdalliances · 5 years
Hi, Yuletide writer! First of all, my sincere apologies in my delay of getting this letter written up at all, and my enthused thanks for being here!
I’m a simple bitch with simple tastes; here is a general summary of my preferences, and fandom-specific notes and prompts can be found further down!
I very much enjoy:
Romance -- anything up to and including plotless shippy drivel
Short fics, or even collections of tiny fics
Long fics too, so I guess what I mean is, don’t feel pressured either way
Comedic tones, slice-of-life, lighthearted fun, any amount of improbable romcom tropes
Am also hella on board with misunderstandings, drama or angst as long as there is a happy ending!
I’m deeply okay with AUs, and most likely would be down for any modern, romcom, fantasy/fairytale, gender swap, or remix/crossover AUs you feel inspired to explore! My favourite settings include mundane/urban fantasy (witches! werewolves!), anachronism-stew-with-magic western fantasy jumbles, and disney’s Tangled.
Specific tropes I love:
Proposal fic
Wedding fic where the couple getting married is not the main couple
Outsider/third character POV of the main couple
Exes who are still in love/getting back together
Friends-with-benefits-with-feelings/did a bad job keeping it casual
Shipfic where two or more couples are contrasted
Oblique declarations of love/saying i love you without saying i love you
Provision and caretaking (acts of service!)
Aggressive matchmaking/wingmanning by an enthused friend
Hanahaki, or any other improbably dramatic instances of Cannot Spit It Out
Arranged marriage/fake marriage/fake dating
Epistolary fic
Regrettably I also love a/b/o, especially the kind that emphasises on scent safety and contains little to no actual sex
I’m not as into:
Political or social intrigue, mysteries, complex magical plots — by no means a dealbreaker, but not high on my list of priorities
First person narration
Soulmate AUs specifically
In general, please avoid:
Character death or serious/permanent injury
Animal abuse or death
Hopeless or downer endings
Fandom specific info starts here!
Princess Tutu - Ahiru, Fakir
I’ve loved Ahiru/Fakir for years and years — they are both very strong, willful but compassionate characters, and the way they intersect is just so sweet to me. While I would be ravenous for any tutu content, gen included, I really would be particularly delighted with some overtly shippy fic for this one, I hope that’s okay!
Modern AUs: vet science major Ahiru + English major Fakir meet in theatre club?
Step Up-style remix where they become somewhat-unwilling dance partners because their regular partners are somehow indisposed and work better than expected
That one ending fix-it AU where Fakir writes her back into a girl and they retire into the village, the one we all have in our treacherous hearts, i will never get enough of these
Fakir and Ahiru’s relationship progression as observed by the other members of the school/town
Or mix it up with any of the tropes in my general list! For this ship, I would like a maximum rating of T, please!
I love every ship in this manga equally but perhaps I love Kou/Naoya more equally than the other two? They are just so kind and so silly, and so sweet to each other in exactly the way both of them didn’t realise they were missing! Honestly, anything with these characters that’s along the lines of canon would be delightful; the particular energy of misfits realising that they don’t have to be alone is something very dear to me.
Accidentally dating ft. Kou and Naoya, or, “and you’ve made out how many times now? Hmm. Yeah, that’s not technically a bromance.”
5 times Hirotaka and Narumi almost, almost kissed, and 1 time they did; the unresolved romantic tension may kill me and it would be worth it
What Hirotaka and Narumi taught each other (apart from the more mundane gaming and life skills, i believe that she taught him how to smile and be loved by others, and he taught her how to be loved by herself!)
Smutty domesticity ft. Koyanagi and Kabakura — a lazy Sunday, laundry in the sun, fucking on the couch, everything easy with familiarity
The fantasy/MMORPG AU, where Hirotaka is the lazy but brilliant crown prince, Naoya the hapless but beloved second prince, Koyanagi his spymaster and Kabakura the captain of the prince’s guard; Narumi his childhood friend-cum-betrothed, and Kou a mysterious archer who saves a distressed Naoya from bandits in the village?
The gang tries to play DND. We finally find a game that Naoya is good at.
Or mix it up with any of the tropes in my general list!
Nezha - Oubing
I feel 100 different ways about this movie and 88 of the ways are SO CHINESE. The filial piety, the familial sacrifice, the friendship! I do believe that Nezha and Aobing are in love, I hope this is a reading of the text that we share, but if not, gen about their friendship/rivalry would also be well-recieved.
Aobing has been practicing bigu (a cultivation style that is meant to remove one’s need for food or water) since he was born; Nezha introduces him to food, and other creature comforts — do they have BEDS in the dragon palace for example?? Buddhist-style cultivation is very ascetic and difficult, but Nezha is so wild and full of feelings and love!!
Modern AU: delinquent Nezha and prim, proper exchange student Aobing
Modern AU addendum: nobody believes Nezha when he says he’s got a hot boyfriend in Taiwan and thinks that he has made Aobing up
Arranged marriage/political fantasy AU where the prince of dragons is given to the most controversial heavenly general in an effort to improve both families’ social standing
For a gen prompt, if you want to do something about Nezha and/or Aobing’s relationships to their fathers, debts and affections and resentments, that too would be lovely!
On the other end of the spectrum, i’m down for PWP with xeno tropes re: aobing’s dragon anatomy! So long as the top/bottom roles are not too strictly defined, i just like it when they’re equitable or switch!
And of course, feel free to mix it up with any of the tropes in my general list!
Kazetsuyo/Run with the Wind
I didn’t tag any characters because my favourites were not in the list, and of course because I do love everyone, but my personal priorities are in order: Shindo, Musa, Haiji, Kakeru, Nico-chan, Yuki, the bombastic twins, and then everyone else. The spaces between those positions are very small so if you happen to have a passion for a character/ship lower on the list, worry not, there is limitless affection within me for everyone!
Shindo should get to take Musa to see the snow… he deserves that
He also deserves to run the ekiden again in his fourth year and not be sick and actually win section 5!
I do think Kakeru and Haiji are most definitely soulmates — if you choose to focus on one or both of them, I really do believe they are in the romantic kind of love, is the thing!
Perhaps their relationship, an inevitable drifting together, as perceived by everyone else in aotake?
Or Haiji comes to Kakeru’s graduation, all their tenderest affections still unspoken, and somehow, without any premeditation, by the end of the day they’ve kissed
You know what I think? I think Hana-chan likes and is capable of dating both of the twins, and I love that for her
Or gen canonverse with everyone (or just everyone you care about) taking turns caring for Nira and reflecting on the race!
As above, please feel free to mix it up with the tropes in my general list!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
I only selected Seo and Waka because they are simply my top priority, but if you want to serve a side of Chiyo/Nozaki and/or Hori/Kashima and/or Seo and Kashima being beautiful best friends and/or Mikorin being a beautiful himbo who we are delighted to have here, i would not complain at all!
Absolutely anything about them being goobery oblivious idiots in love would be perfect, such as:
5 times they went on a date without realising, and the time they realised
Everyone else literally just thinks they’re dating and they are completely clueless
Or on the other end of the spectrum, everyone tries desperately to set them up/matchmake for them, not realising that they’ve been going steady for four months
A hanahaki AU would be particularly hilarious with these two, I feel
Urban fantasy AU where Waka is a hapless monster hunter and Seo is an annoying but deeply harmless werewolf who’s been terrorizing his town??
Regency or faux-regency AU where Waka is literally like “drive by your rival’s estate slowly so that she may seethe with jealousy at the loveliness of your new hat” and Seo is like “oh goodness, he is courting me. What a fool. What an absolute buffoon.” and challenges him to a swordfight
Fairytale AU where Seo believes she must rescue the prince from the tower and deliver him back to the kingdom capital, and the prince, who had not realised he’d been kidnapped, thinks Seo is a usurper from a rival kingdom who must be supervised all the way back to the kingdom capital to be served her justice
Or anything else equally romcom-y, and of course, as always, throw in as many tropes as you like!
Thank you for reading this whole mess of a letter, and I sincerely hope I haven’t bored you too much. The most important thing to me is that whatever you end up writing, you are able to enjoy the process at least somewhat, and deliver a fic that you like! I can also be found on twitter at @hawberries_ (for art) and @popplioikawa (for general ramblings), and if you have any desire to send an anon ask to this tumblr with questions, i’m actually not sure if that’s allowed but i’d be happy to get some! Thank you again, and happy holidays!
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aikainkauna · 6 years
Fanfic trope meme
Apologies to those of you who see this for a third time, as I’ve crossposted it to both LJ and Pillowfort. Feel free to comment over on there (or my other posts) if you like. And of course, feel free to grab this one and do it yourself, if you like.
Grabbed this meme from a couple of people on LJ. It's... well, apparently about fanfic tropes. Some of them more terrifying than others.
I have written:
-Hurt/comfort (Yeah, baby! Most of my fic is this.)
-Body swapping (Sort of? Souls slipping into each other's bodies for a bit? Jaffar feeling what Yassamin feels? Sex swap, I've definitely done.)
-Soulmate identifying marks (tattoo, red thread of fate, etc) (I have! The Throne of Solomon. And maybe The Past Forgotten counts, in its way. I may have written more, but I forget.)
-Snowed-in cabin/isolated together for extended period of time (The Jaffar/Pwinzezz Cavefic!)
-Found families (I guess the Samarkand gang counts for poor old Fadl? Even if Jaffar *is* his brother, so technically it is his family. But he does have his religious congregation and Zainab, and is... well, he always does seem to be seeking something, so he's the kind of guy to go for this trope.)
-Fairy tale/mythology AU (And not just when I am  writing in *actual* fairytale/mythology fandoms. Which I am doing most of the time, what with Thief of Bagdad being a 1001 Nights fanfic anyway. So I'm writing fanfic about a fanfic of some age-old RPF (fantasy AU!) about historical figures from the late 700s/early 800s...)
-Enemies  to friends to lovers (Yes, please! Aplenty. I'm surprised that  enemyslash/FoeYay/Hero(ine)/Villain(ess), whatever you want to call it,  isn't mentioned on this list.)
-Characters swap roles AU (Uh... I've written sexual switching in some isolated chapters? Like when Laura  briefly doms Torsten in The Fall of Angels, to help him get over some traumas?)
-Friends to lovers (With RPS, Veidtbone in particular, and Theta/Koschei. This also seems to happen whenever I write femslash.)
-Magical  connection (telepathy, etc) (Doctor/Master basically ruined me for all  my other ships what with their telepathic ability. So that now, it feels less interesting for me to write love/sex that *doesn't* have telepathy.)
-Fake dating/fake marriage accidentally turns into feelings (see next trope)
-Royals/political marriage turns into feelings (These last two are pretty much the same thing in ToB, as I've had Yassamin marry Jaffar a couple of times--like The Past Forgotten and The King's White Falcon, but without him laying a hand on her for up to a year, until she finally grows a brain and realises how loveworthy he is after all.)
-Seemingly unrequited pining (Emphasis on the "seemingly." Jaffar's unrequited   pining is painful enough in the movie, so there's no point in making him  suffer any more.)
-Accidentally fell in love with the mission target (Well, *kind of,* what with Torsten. Lars-Erik was definitely his mission target in the original film, and at the start of Because The World Belongs to the Devil, he made no bones about having wanted to kill Laura Erika [the teenage girl version of Lars-Erik in this AU, to those of you just joining in] when she was born.)
-They break up (but then they get back together) (With Jaffar/Fadl.  Fadl's stormed off in a huff at least twice in the past. And Doctor/Master is always the same old on-off car crash, isn't it? Although this is not a favourite trope of mine, as the setup would usually necessitate them being an existing couple in the first place,  and I tend to not write canon or "plausibly lovers" ships because   they're already happily together. What do Two and Jamie, Holmes and   Watson etc. need me for? They're already as good as married. Let them have their happiness.)
-Supernatural creature/human romance (Sort of. I've written Time Lords/humans, humans/djinn at least. And surely wizards count as supernatural romance, anyway?)
-Reincarnation/'25  Lives' AU (What's with the 25 lives? Is this some big fandom thing again? One of the darkest, most fucked-up fics I ever wrote was the Master killing the Doctor during sex and fucking him as he regenerated around him. As you do. And there's reincarnation in one of my Jaffar/Pwinzezz fics,  but I won't spoil it for the new readers by telling you which one it is.)
-Selfcest (possibly due to time travel) (I am scratching my head trying to remember when I wrote this and in which fandom, but I have the distinct feeling I've written it. I've certainly whacked off to  that World Of Simm!Masters clusterfuck what with the pink dress so many  times I... I think I broke two clit buzzers during that time. I've certainly drawn it. And drawn some Connies on Connies. And then there's, of course, Sarosh the Sexbot  who's a clone of Jaffar, looks-wise, but he is very distinctly just a robot, not a living character as such--not the sort with which you could  have a real, interpersonal dynamic. My problem with selfcest, in general, is that I like having that character dynamic--and that requires  the characters to be different from one another. If it's two characters  that are too similar--if they fulfill a similar role in the canons--it's hard to create a dynamic between them and to make it   interesting.)
-Polyamory (Swinging away ALL the bloody time with the Roses!Jaffar and Yassamin, and Torsten/Laura. Sometimes I miss the monogamous 'verses.)
-Amnesia (I've got a post-movie "Jaffar comes  back from the dead" WIP I'll probs never finish, because it doesn't seem to get off the ground. If I wrote this trope, I would have the characters gradually regain memory, though; complete mind-wipes are   horrid. I did have Handy lose the majority of his cognitive/motor/Timey skills in No More  and that was the main reason I had to... well, I'm not going to spoil it if someone hasn't read it yet, but it wasn't the cheeriest of fics. The Past Forgotten *sort of* has this, but I don't want to spoil as to how that happens.)
I could write:
-Daemons (Why the archaic spelling? I have written djinn, so I almost put this in the 'have written' section. I can't remember if I actually *have* written real demons, because I might have. Surely, Torsten counts...)
-'Everyone is evil'/mirrorverse AU (Well, mostly, if I want to explore "evil"   characters, I write about those types of characters in the first place, without having to turn anyone evil. Devilry is the 'verse for that. Hell, usually it's the other way around; I try to look for the human elements of the baddies, or at least explore their logic--what makes them tick, what makes them the way they are. So, IDK, I could've also   put this in the "unlikely to ever write" section.)
-And they were roommates! (This would be terrible and also hilarious, whatever characters ended up becoming my victims. Even if I'm more interested in those hurt/comfort plots, overall. And I have always found it *impossible* to live under the same roof with other people because I need peace and quiet and solitude too much. So this is almost a bit too much like the sorts of negative RL experiences I don't really want to get more of in fic.  But I *could* write it as a comedy for cheap lols, especially if the stress were resolved by hot bonking, ASAP.)
-'They  all work in an office' AU (Otherwise, I would've put this in the "just  no" category, but... the Barmakids were civil servants. So I *could*   write Jaffar and Fadl drowning in paperwork--"WHY DID WE EVER introduce paper into THIS EMPIRE?!?" and cursing their fates and Jaffar restraining Fadl from braining Harun al-Rashid with a paperweight. Same with Lina doing Zainab's books and trying to hold back The Fist of Death when Fadl carelessly drops a piece of his lunch over her perfectly calligraphied accounting.)
-'Falling for a coworker/teammate is a bad idea' except this is fiction so it works out (Maybe. Just maybe. But it'd also be in a medieval ToB context.)
I will probably never write:
-'Groundhog  Day'/karmic time loop (I just never got the appeal of this. Sounds like the sort of thing experimental writers would like? The sorts who really  like filling in bingo cards and challenge lists?)
-Vampires/werewolves  AU (I'm not that big on either. Super-unpopular opinion coming up: I prefer sex to the sublimation of it that vampires are often all about; bloodsucking in lieu of sex, and/or being seen as way better than sex just always feel to me like a cheap cop-out from writers who are disappointed in sex, or afraid of it. I've never grokked it any more   than that stupid, stupid "chocolate is better than sex" quip from women who don't know what masturbation is--yes, it fucking well is sex, TYVM! I much prefer to make partnered sex better than it is IRL by adding supernatural stuff like telepathy to *that*. Immortality alone is interesting to explore, as are Gothic themes, but all the usual themes that vampires *specifically* usually represent just... either hold little interest for me, or then, I can explore them in other ways.)
-'Pride  and Prejudice' AU (I don't hate Jane Austen, but it's not my fandom. That kind of society stuff and being witty over teacups in bonnets has never really been my thing--if anything, I usually have my characters exist in their own bubble, isolated from society and its restrictive mores and social stresses.)
-Coffee  house AU/food service AU (AUGH! Please, no coffeeshop AUs for me; the world is full of them already. Maybe I could write it as some terrible, short parody? Or doodle it? But no more than that.)
-Hogwarts AU (Haven't read HP. Young Adult isn't really my genre. I know, I know; I've just lost all my WLW cred.)
-High  school/university AU (I've done Time Lord Academy-era stuff with Doctor/Master, but I expect this means a sort of American high school/university AU with jocks and cheerleaders and shit. Hell, no. Again, the exact sort of horrid society stuff I would rather have my characters escape from.)
-Adopting/raising a baby (Erm, not unless you count Jaffar/Yassamin adopting a cheetah? They do have kids in some 'verses but there's none of that everyday baby stuff that this question/trope probably implies. I'm squicked by   babies, sorry.)
-Unusually specific occupation AU, like, the Author clearly has the same job (It worries me that this is, by virtue of its inclusion here, apparently seen as normal and acceptable..? When it's crap fanfic, inserting yourself into something that should be about the *established* characters instead. Jesus, I don't want to go in expecting a fanfic, and then find out it’s your diary instead! Unless you're Anaïs Nin. And even if you really *do* want to write about yourself, then just... write original fic? An autobiography? A blog? Write an OC that has your job. Don't do this false advertising where you insist it's fanfic when it's not. That's a dick move towards your readers.)
-Loyalty kink (see next trope)
-Alpha/beta/omega (Too creepy. I can write about piss, shit, incest, necrophilia and cannibalism, but not these last two. Any more than I can glorify the Nazis I've written about; I either take the piss out of them, as with Strasser, or just step outside of their politics and bring them into the land of happy sexings like with von Kolb, with the aim of dragging him out of that madness and leaving it behind.)
-Hot single parent(s) (Please. Rundvik: "You love children." Torsten: "I loooooathe themm.")
-Unrequited pining (Too much of an emotional squick. Has to be requited. I write fanfic to fix things, to avenge wrongs, to set things right. I don't write them to make the characters more miserable than they already are. Unless it's for temporary, character-development purposes, that is.)
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scorpio-karma · 6 years
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Wet Dreams
I can tell you a pro, but baby be gentle 
 I ain’t never did this before, no
and I ain’t never did this before, no.
Vampires, witches, werewolves, hybrids, things had gotten so complicated and in such a short time. Their lives had always been connected peripherally, but now being among one of the few who knew about the supernatural they interacted regularly and got to know each other more than they ever did in 11 years of childhood in just this last year.
Klaus, the original hybrid who was a threat to everything they knew and loved, was finally dead and they all celebrated with a party that had end a half an hour ago and now it was just the who gang gathered up in the Salvatores living room post party basking in the glow of finally feeling safe, or as safe as on could feel with Damon still around, but still for now there were no threats just a bunch of teenagers drunk after a house party.
“Tyler, truth or dare?” Caroline said walking in with a open new bottle of champagne taking a swig from it.
“What are we? In high school?”
“Yes! Finally we’re just high school students for the first time in what feels like forever. Just answer the question Tyler.”
“Fine, truth.”
“I’m playing the game, you don’t get to criticize my choice.”
“Fine, let me think of a good question.” Caroline looked around at everyone the room and tried to think about what question would yield the best results. When she eyed Bonnie she knew exactly what to ask. “Who was your first?”
Tyler sighed. Damon rolled his eyes at the juvenile question, Stefan looked disinterested, Bonnie rolled her eyes knowing where this was going and Jeremy just looked bored.
Elena snoredt. “Are you sure he even remembers?”
“He should. You never forget your first. Isn’t that right Damon?”
“You got me there blondie.”
“See, so Tyler should remember his first, if the man-whore over there can.”
“Why are you asking a question you already know the answer to Caroline?”
“Because I don’t, I know who you’ve slept with but I don’t know who was the first.”
Tyler rolled his eyes and conceded. “Bonnie.”
“What?” The three girls said simultaneously.
“I told you, you knew the answer.”
“I knew you were Bonnie’s first but I didn’t know she was yours.”
“It was eight grade who else would I have slept with?”
“I don’t know, Vicki?”
“Hey,” Matt chimed in.
“Don’t act surprised.”
“She was still my sister.”
“I know I’m sorry.”
“Wait a minute, you slept with Tyler,” Jeremy said outraged.
“You slept with Vicki,” Bonnie pointed out.
“Yeah, but I didn’t lie about it.”
“And I didn’t lie about this.”
“But you never told me.”
“When would I have told you?”
“Alright, calm down both of you. If you must argue please take it outside where I don’t have to listen to this high school shit,” Damon rudely interrupted.
Tyler looked at Caroline. “You happy now,” he said pointedly to her enjoying himself way too much. Caroline scoffed.
That was the end of their post celebration. Truth or dare had effectively killed the mood and everyone either went to bed or home. It was late and Bonnie was in the kitchen sitting at the counter enjoy the ice cream straight out of the tub.
Tyler walked in. “Hey.”
“Hi,” she said tentatively.
“Hungry too?” he said with a smile.
“What gave it away?”
He didn’t answer her. He raided the cupboards and fridge to find them both sparsely populated. He settled on a bowl of cereal and plopped down next to her.
“So…crazy night.”
“Yeah.” Silence fell between them—the only noise heard was their eating sounds.
“So why did you act like you didn’t know you were my first?”
Bonnie paused mid scoop, “I wasn’t acting.”
“You had to have known I was just as awkward as you.”
“I wasn’t awkward!”
Tyler laughed loudly and Bonnie soon joined. It was a bold face lie and they both knew it.
“Tyler, do even remember what you were like back then?”
“You were arrogant.”
“Don’t spare my feelings or anything?”
“It’s true. You were arrogant and you liked to talk. There were enough rumors going around that I seriously considered someone else because I thought you had herpes or something. And then after you were just as arrogant, so what was I supposed to think?”
Silence fell on them again and they focused on their food. Bonnie decided she was full and put the ice cream back. She was about to leave to the guest room with Jeremy when his words stopped her.
“You know I have to make it up to you right?”
“I have to make it up to you.”
“Why do you have to make it up to me.”
“Because I was horrible and I can’t have you thinking I’m bad at sex.”
They both laughed.
“I’m sure you’ve improved since then.”
“But you won’t know until I show you. It won’t be tonight, or the night after that but eventually I will show you I can be better.”
“Good night Tyler.”
Three Years Ago
Looking back on it, Bonnie can say losing her virginity at 14 wasn’t the best idea. She didn’t particularly regret it, but she definitely wasn’t proud of it. Don’t get her wrong, sex can be a beautiful thing, a fun thing, a pleasurable thing, but it definitely wasn’t any of those things when she was 14 and all she could think about was beating Caroline and Elena at something.
Caroline was the first to have a boyfriend, followed by Elena, and then her. Elena was the first to get boobs, followed by Caroline, and then her. Caroline was the first to get her period, followed by Elena, and then her which she quickly realized was a blessing, but still, she was tired of feeling like the late bloomer, so she decided that she was going to be the first to have sex.
It took less effort than she expected it to, getting a boy to sleep with her. She knew she wasn’t ugly by any means, but she wasn’t a smooth talker, and lucky for her Tyler Lockwood didn’t need her to be anything other than direct. All it took was for her to come up to him at one of his infamous parties and say “want to have sex” for him to disown all his friends and take her up to his room.
It didn’t take him long to attack her mouth and roughly grab her boob quickly rushing them over to his king sized bed. Tyler was excited to have sex with any girl let alone Bonnie. She was the prettiest girl in their year, but also the most reserved, so he had no idea when an opportunity like this would arise again. 
He disengaged himself when they reached the end of the bed.
“Should we take off our clothes?” he asked nervously hoping she didn’t back out.
“Um…yeah, sure. And put this on.” She handed him a condom from her pocket. She came prepared.
When they were both completely naked they moved underneath the sheets of his bed with him on top. He looked down at her with an overly excited grin. He had a naked girl underneath him, that had never happened before.
“Can I…can I go in now?”
“Yeah,” she said plainly.
“Alright, brace yourself.”
I am. She thought to herself. From what she heard from others she knew that it was going to hurt, and it did. There was a lot of resistance from her nether region, but that didn’t stop Tyler, he just kept pushing and pushing until he was a far as he could go. Bonnie tried deep breaths but it was too much pain that she had to stop him.
“You want me to get out?” he asked with his voice quaking.
Bonnie shook her head. The thought of him moving even just to get out seemed like it would be just too painful so she had him stay still with his dick inside her.
Though he felt bad that she wasn’t enjoying it as much as he was that didn’t stop the amazing feeling. He tried not to move but his hips went on autopilot moving in and out of her slowly. Bonnie’s face scrunched in pain. He wanted to hold out, tried to hold out until it could get good for her, but the sensation was too good that his hips involuntarily jerked as he released his load in the condom.
“Shit, shit, shit,” he hissed. When his sense came back to him embarrassment filled him as he slowly pulled out and rolled over onto his back. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright.” And she meant it. Though she expected more she was kind of glad he finished, she didn’t know how much longer she could take the pain. Plus she wasn’t expecting it to be perfect, just something to get out of the way and now it was gone. She sat up and motioned to leave.
“You don’t have to go. We could try again this time better.”
She gave him a sympathetic smile. “It’s alright Ty, besides you have a party get back to.” And with that she got dressed and left him to his embarrassment.
When she told Caroline and Elena they were speechless. Sex, while was something they both had thought about, was uncharted territory for them that they both feared. Very few people in their grade had actually had sex and most of it was rumors. So when Bonnie told them both in a very flippant tone that she had sex they were completely dumbfounded.
First, it was Bonnie, they didn’t know how to explain it but she just didn’t do things like that. She was very reserved and careful how she planned things out. Second, she didn’t have a boyfriend, not that they knew of, so they had no idea who she was supposed to have had sex with. And lastly, they were curious about what it was like, especially Elena. Her and Matt had been dating since sixth grade and she felt that they were ready for the next step, but she was too scared to go through with it.
They flooded her with questions which she gladly answered. First question being who.
“TYLER!” they said in unison. He was the oldest boy in their class and though it wasn’t true in the slightest to them that made him the most mature. Bonnie didn’t just pick Tyler randomly, he raised her popularity and was one of the biggest gossips in school so he had already told everyone in school by now. Caroline had heard it through the grapevine but didn’t believe until Bonnie spoke the words herself.
They asked for details but because not much had actually happened she embellished a bit (a lot). Given all the lying she did with the details she wondered why she bothered to go through with it at all, but she guessed that it was for her own peace of mind. It was her goal to make herself feel better, not brag to everyone, and the moment she realized that the better she felt about lying. The real story was for her and only her, well, only her and Tyler. It was a moment they shared which they would remember for the rest of their lives.
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nerdylittleshit · 6 years
Thoughts about Spn 13x21
Welcome to this week’s episode of ALL THE FEELS. Featuring the hit singles “I Just Wanna Make Love To You”, “Another One Bites The Dust” and “Father & Son”.
This might as well be Beren’s last episode (if they hopefully pick up “Wayward Sisters”), so he made sure he delivered. And boy, he did! I wasn’t quite sure in which direction the episode would go, but I wasn’t expecting THAT. This episode moved the characters where they needed to be for the big finale, both locally as emotional. As I expect the last two episodes to be rather plot heavy, this episode focused more on the character themselves, their current state of minds, as well as the questions about their future.
But as always, let’s have a closer look!
Home Alone
We start the episode with Sam’s dream of his family reunited in the bunker, eating pizza. The scene reminded me of the end of 10x18 and 12x02; both times the family reunion foretold a tragic event (Charlie’s death and Mary choosing to leave her sons). And even though the scene is not real, in the end the one who dreamt it is taken away.
Of course the dream tells us also something about how Sam sees his family. Everyone scolds Dean for his eating habits, but I really think this is more Sam’s view than anyone else’s. Because as Dean said, 7 slices of pizza is not even an entire pie, and he is a grown man. I mean I eat an entire pizza if I want to, so. And then of course there is Cas nagging, but later giving Dean another slice anyway (which interesting enough happens after Sam left the room), which is their usual old married couple behaviour, but this is still how Sam sees them. It is also possible that this little moment actually happened, and Sam integrated the memory into his dream. We also get another mention of John, whose absence in their family dinner is made textual.
In the real world Rowena and Gabriel have both agreed to help Sam & Dean to get their family back, preparing the spell to open the rift. Once again after 13x13 Grace is associated with sex; Gabriel demands some time alone to extract his grace (to Dean’s horror in his room), but then his juice is not strong enough to get it up. The rift of course. To be honest I could have done without all the sexual innuendo, but at least it wasn’t as cringeworthy as when Bucklemming do it.
I was also not even a little bit surprised that Rowena and Gabriel hooked up, I called it. And really they are perfect for each other. They have both been characters who in the past only did what was good in their own interest, who faked their deaths, both also killed by Lucifer, and who are now at a turning point in their lives. Isn’t it interesting that they only met because they both agreed to help the Winchesters, because they have both changed?
Lucifer is then literary haunted by his past, as the two people he killed come back to get him. And by now there is really an incredible long list of characters who want to see him dead, so I hope it is a group effort that kills him in the end.
Rowena is the one left in charge to babysit Lucifer (after Sam made sure she is ok with that, bless his heart) and this is the part where the plot demands certain characters to act a certain way, despite all logic not do so. Because they have carefully avoided to mention that they know where Jack is and of course Rowena could have simply use a spell to silence Lucifer. But as I said the plot demanded that Lucifer would learn about the whereabouts of his son and break free to get him, so here we are.
And then of course we have Rowena who shows that she really changed after all. Because the old Rowena would have gone, wouldn’t have made it her problem that Sam & Dean are trapped in another world. But in a strange twist of destiny they have become the only allies she has left, and just as she couldn’t kill Sam she now can’t leave them behind.
Strangers In A Strange Land
The gang lands in the apocalypse world, and it is clear that only Dean has mastered the superhero landing. Gabriel though lands in Cas’s lap and then we get a reaction shot from Dean. Twice. I wonder why that is, but I guess we will never know.
We also learn that angels have a built-in-GPS (convenient) and then we see a short conversation between Cas and Gabriel, where Gabriel learns about heaven’s current situation and Cas suggests that he could help. This could already foretell what role Gabriel could be given next season, if he survives this season, that is. Part of me thinks however that would be too easy, and that the angels might instead turn to AU!Michael for help, as there is still a big chance neither Gabriel or Lucifer will survive this season (Gabriel as part of his redemption arc, Lucifer because he sucks).
I have written in another episode review before that I really like the exploration of the apocalypse world; back in season 5 the concept of the apocalypse was rather abstract, now we see how the world would have evolved from that. We learn that the monsters there, namely the vampires, turn back to an almost animalistic form, caused by starvation (that first vampire did remind me of Nosferatu to be honest). Back in 12x23 we saw a demon in the apocalypse world, full with horns, and now I wonder if it looked like that as a consequence of the apocalypse as well.
The two strangers our team met seemingly didn’t react to the fact that Cas and Gabriel are angels (which ultimately became clear when Cas couldn’t pass the angel warding). They were either too afraid to ask or it does imply that even in the apocalypse world are still some angels left who help humanity.
Then of course the big event that shaped the entire episode and probably the outcome of the season happens: Sam dies. This of course is a reminder of 11x17, the other episode where Sam randomly died (I love how this sentence makes only sense in our fandom). Both episodes are reminders that Sam and Dean can die on any hunt. Yes they are experienced and perhaps better hunters than most, but the risk is always there. 11x17 featured werewolves, now we have vampires, both monsters they faced before, and Sam even says that they faced worse than a nest of vampires. And by now we as the audience, and the Winchesters themselves expect to go out with a big bang.
The difference we see then compared to 11x17 is Dean’s reaction. Back then Dean killed himself in order to bargain with Death to bring Sam back (only to learn that Sam was still alive). This time however he doesn’t. It is Cas who follows Sam and who then tells Dean that Sam is gone and that there is nothing left for them to do. And Dean, heartbroken, trusts Cas on this. Which is huge. But he also knows that Cas would have done anything he could to save Sam.
And it is not just Dean and Cas who have to face Sam’s death, but Mary and Jack as well. Mary who just said last episode that she can’t lose another boy. And Jack who is facing his first real loss (he never had a chance to get to know his mother).
Of course as an audience we already know that Sam would come back somehow, so the question is why kill him in the first place? For one thing to tie him to Lucifer, because this season everyone has to face their abusers and their worst nightmares. Lucifer bringing back Sam from the dead is a dark mirror to Cas bringing back Dean from hell. Sam is just a means to an end for Lucifer to get to his son (though I admit I was worried for a minute that Lucifer wanted Sam to say “yes”). But it means more to Sam, because now he owns his life to his abuser. And just as Rowena he realizes that he can never truly escape Lucifer.
Dean had to experience the death of his brother again, after he admitted last episode that he doesn’t care about his own life as long as Sam is ok. Sam’s death and the return of Lucifer are two of his worst nightmares coming through. By now he is willing to do whatever it takes to kill Lucifer. Even giving his own life… in the hands of someone who had the power to kill Lucifer.
We end with the reunion of Lucifer and Jack, with the big question of how Jack will react to his biological father. We know that in the past he had seemed afraid of Lucifer, had feared his own potential to go dark side. He sees Sam, Dean, Cas and Mary as his family and it is possible his mother has told him about the abuse she had to suffer from Lucifer. And yet I don’t think Jack would kill his father, unless he threatens his chosen family. Jack is too kind, too innocent, someone who wants to believe in the good of everyone, perhaps even his father. I’m really curious how this relationship will develop.
The other two characters they will likely again are Lucifer and AU!Michael. Lucifer already told Sam that they need his help to beat this Michael. So will they make a deal with the devil to kill Michael? Or will they make a deal with Michael to kill Lucifer?  
Only two episodes left and I’m pretty sure Sam’s dream will remain only this, a dream.
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livelivefastfree · 6 years
100% need a masterpost of your fics cause you've been drawing them and I love everything. But recs would be appreciated too!!
ALRIGHTY THEN.  One……VERY large post of my fics and my Motorcity recs, coming up.  ^v^  50+ fics for y’all’s consumption.
Let’s start with my fics, because I know them better, haha.
Save A Horse, Ride A Dragon
One of my fav fics I’ve done to date in any fandom.  Mike is a mercenary dragon trapped in the shape of a human, wandering the Michigan wastes in post-apocalyptic magical America, when he and his Burners get an offer from the mysterious Lord Vanquisher.  T+ at this point for suggestive moments and makeouts. Polyburners/Muckles.  Warnings for the Duke being The Worst, and for Mike being the DUMBEST oblivious thirst-lizard.
The Officer Present//Director Absent series (AKA Live Free and Welcome To The Kane Co Family)
A love letter to the Season 2 that never was, co-written by me and my twin sister toastyhat/HeatedHeadwear!  :D  Live Free chronicles the appearance of a new, menacing super-soldier in Motorcity, the shadowy machinations that led to his appearance and an overarching plan from Kane that could destroy Motorcity–once and for all!!!!!!  Welcome to the Kane Co Family starts shortly after the fallout from the first, with both cities struggling to come to terms with their new reality–but the world is changing and there are new threats on all sides, and if they thought their status quo changed in the first fic, BOY THEY’VE GOT A BIG STORM COMING!! >8Dc  Also Julie punches multiple people and generally kicks ass, it’s fabulousBoth fics are gen, they’re both rated T+ for violence, Evil Science, angst, etc.  Warnings for copious Deluxe worldbuilding, egregious amounts of backstory, a couple OCs I’ve been reliably informed are extremely fun, and chapter titles in the style of anime episode titles, because why not.  :D
Originally created solely to fill a prompt from a sexy prompt generator, this fic and the world it’s set in both spiralled wildly out of control, and a much more plot-heavy sequel is in the works.  Supersynesthesiac follows Mike Chilton, a vigilante superhero in Detroit Of The Future, as he finally meets his elusive, telepathic partner Blonde Thunder under the most dramatic circumstances possible.  Rated M for psychic makeouts, mind-melding and also there’s sex happening, probably.  It’s not nearly as lovingly described as the mind-meld porn going on in the foreground.  Polyburners is happening in the background, but this fic is basically entirely Muckles.  Warnings for Red being awful.
Rest In Pieces (Come Apart)
Mike is getting entirely out of control, and needs to burn off energy before he can get himself (and everybody else) in trouble again.  Fortunately his gang has a Plan.Rated M for sweet, loving and totally relentless polyburners gangbang.  Warnings for everybody being absolute dorks.  Also bondage and edging, if that’s not your thing. UoU
Werewolves Of Detroit
A series of vignettes exploring the world of Mike Chilton, rogue ex-commander werewolf, his vampire best friend, his highly unconventional pack, and the world they live in. EVERY section is illustrated and I’m very proud.Rated T+, mostly gen with mentions of Dutch/Tennie.  Warnings for Kane being a huge bigot, mentions of KaneCo-mandated surgery, and Texas being an asshole about vampires.   
Exposure Therapy 
Mike has a cool idea for a cool present for his cool boyfriend to totally cure Chuck’s fear of going fast in Mutt.  Rated M for dumb, fluffy smut and implied sex toys.  Warnings for unsafe driving practices.
Kiss And Tell
Somebody came into my askbox and suggested polyburners–but the rest of the city doesn’t know that’s their relationship, just that SOME configuration of Burners is together, and it seems to change CONSTANTLY.   Rated T+ for vaguely-implied possible sex at some point off-screen.  Warnings for nothing, this fic is a perfect warm fluffy representation of my poly-burner feelings and I love it.
A little snapshot from an AU I’m not really planning to flesh out–I mostly wanted to capture a certain kind of bittersweet emotional conflict.  Chuck’s doing his best to keep his head down and live through college when a face he hasn’t seen since The Accident shows up at his door.  Vaguely Muckles-ish.  Rated T+ for reference to a nasty car accident and the aftermath, warnings for Kane being, just, Not A Good Dad.  
Override 0
Not exactly an AU, more of a speculative fic about the Burners finding out that Chuck’s enhancements go a lot further than just the weapons systems in his arms.  A realization prompted, of course, by the Duke of Detroit’s thirst for drama.  T+, no pairings.  Warnings for, in the words of AO3′s tag system, “#Loss Of Limbs”, mind control via brain-hacking, and mentions of unethical scientific/surgical procedures.
So Real In The Dark
I challenged myself to write people pining for each other while simultaneously being in a relationship, and a sci-fi AU with an artificial amnesia hookup service turned out to be the solution.  Half a fic about boys being incredibly dumb, and half a fic about trauma, bigotry, coping mechanisms and communication, and how you can love somebody and know them incredibly well and still not really understand them.  Explicit, Muckles, background Dutch/Tennie and Claire/Julie.  Warnings for brief stranger danger, aphrodisiacs, more poor treatment of cyborgs, and emotional gut-punch.
 –Stuff I Post About That Isn’t Posted/Finished Yet–
A universe where the Burners are grown-up villains, and the former villains of the canon series are our new teenage heroes.  They’re dysfunctional and weird, but they’re doing their best to protect the clean, orderly, shining city of Deluxe from the gangs and bots and nasty, climbing bots that Ms. Kane sends up from the city below.  UoU  Likely to be rated T+ if I ever post it. Not much in the way of pairings except Ms. Kane’s right and left-hand man are VERY married and VERY tragic because you know I gotta fit Muckles in there.  
–Collab Fic / Gift Fic–
Chilton 2.0 by me and LaughingStones
The Kane Co. super-soldier program needs a volunteer, and who better to be superhumanly enhanced than the rising star of the Security program, Commander Chilton?  He’d never betray Kane Co, or need to have his brain overridden!  There’s no way this project can possibly go wrong!  Rated M for some pretty fucked-up treatment of cyborgs, and also for sexy future reasons. Warnings for Mike getting really messed up physically, emotionally and psychologically by bad programming and free-will overrides, and also for dumb boys stumbling awkwardly through impromptu sex-ed together.  Muckles.
i’m not the same kid from your memory by roachpatrol and also I helped
Kane Co. captures Chuck and manages to do some nasty shit to his brain before the Burners come and re-capture him.  Chuck does NOT appreciate being held captive by Burner Scum.  Emotions!!! Angst!!!!!  …it’s rated T+ on AO3 but there’s sex so just, be aware of that.  UoU  Muckles!
Experiments In Cross-Species Makeouts by LaughingStones
This one is very hard to explain, because Jem and I like to bounce of each other’s AUs and fics and write derivative fics of fics–there’s an OC in the Live Free/Welcome To The Kane Co Family universe who has what is essentially a nasty brainy kismessisitude/hate-love relationship (not fully explored in the fic, but very fleshed out in my mind, haha) with Chuck.  And this is….those two, but with the races/species from Werewolves of Detroit.  So…supernatural AU Chuck/OC hate-sex.  M, obviously.  Warnings for vampires getting drunk on siren blood and Live Free/WttKCF spoilers.
Recalibration Nation by HeatedHeadwear
!!!! A fic for my picture of Chuck as the Duke’s cyborg bodyguard, because toasty is great.  A+ hurt/comfort and recovery and bittersweet life-goes-on vibe, aslkfjsadf I love it.  T+, no pairings, warnings for anxiety/panic attacks, ear trauma, violence, emotions.
Proper Disposal Of Project Materials by LaughingStones
A scene in Chilton 2.0 I didn’t get to write; Chuck is a Failed Project, and Kane Co. has no used for Failed Projects.  Fortunately, the techs he grew up working with have his back.  T+ for (yet again) unethical treatment of cyborgs.  
Making Friends The Superhero Way by LaughingStones
Set before Supersynesthesiac; Mike’s good at his superhero job, but sometimes everybody needs help.  In this case, help just happens to have cat ears.  Gen, rated G.  Warnings for trouble breathing and also Mike being a doofus.
The Space Shenanigans series by LaughingStones and roachpatrol 
Loosely related to/based on the Forget Me Not, but set much later.  I’m not sure FMN is going to be poly or not, but these fics are inspired-by, so they go in this section. :D  The various sexy shenanigans of space-captain Mike, cyborg Chuck and Julie the terrifying space princess.  M for sexy shenanigans.  Warnings for (acted/fake) dubcon for the benefit of an asshole, and…..just various sexual shenanigans, I would check the warnings on the fics, haha.  :D
–Aaaaaand some non-me recs!–
(((I’m going to have to speed through these a little bit more, but I love them also, this post is just getting VERY long)))
All Steamed Up by Gumbridge 
Gen, G: coffeeshop AU, technically. Chuck would REALLY like a new espresso machine, he has done the MATH, it’s GOOD BUSINESS, MIKE!!!!!
Artificial Nocturne by Icka M. Chif (mischif)
Gen, T+: Mike accidentally trespasses on the territory of a mysterious guy who calls himself “Hound”.  Mike immediately sets about pushing past the emotional barrier of standoffishness and the physical barrier of giant, repurposed KaneCo HOUNDbots, and ends up with two awesome new friends out of the deal.  (The “Chuck is a constantly-terrified badass with an army of bots” AU)
Atlas and Copernicus by charcoalmink
Gen, G: A piece about how Kane can think of Mike and Julie both as his children, but feel so completely different about them.  Hurts so good, ahhh ToT
Behind The Throne by intravenusann
Duke/No. 2, Explicit: Number 2 would never really leave.  But sometimes it’s nice to be reminded why she stays.  
Bittersweet by EnsignCelery
Gen, G: Sometimes they get stressed.  Sometimes you just gotta lie down and cuddle.
Chicken Soup For The Burner Soul by renquise
Gen, G: Mike’s immunity boosters start to wear off and he goes down like a tree.  Good old-fashioned soft sickfic hurt/comfort.
Constantinople And Timbuktu / By(zantine) Any Other Name by (orphan_account)
Mike/Chuck, G: oh my god, this fic is strange to explain but so fun?? Historical AU–Chuck’s an orphan who ended up a body-double for russian royalty in like 1500, until he ends up kind of ambiguously kidnapped by a Tatar horseman who doesn’t speak his language but has a really nice smile and a fun come-and-go family of other riders from other countries.  In the words of the author, “ [the Russian nomad!au] “
Degreaser by Gumbridge
Claire/Julie, T+: Claire can tolerate getting dirty down in Motorcity, but it has to be under the right circumstances. Julie provides those circumstances.
I Thought You Were Dead by Caligraphunky
Gen, G: Jacob thought all the androids he created for KaneCo were scrapped.  But here’s unit CHUCK, back again.
In The Lost Age Where The Jewels Hide by roachpatrol and LaughingStones
Chuck (Lord Vanquisher)/Mike (Smiling Dragon), Explicit:  The LARPing group plays WAY crazier games than Mike is used to, but he could really get used to in-character Never Have I Ever if it always ends with stuff like this.  WOW.  Sex is GREAT.
Loaded Up And Truckin’ by RaccoonDoom 
Gen, T+: Smokey And The Bandit AU–AKA Jacob has a truck and uses it to run illegal goods; Mike and Chuck run interference and keep the cops off his tail.  Trucker AU, heyyyy. :D
Love Free by Prim_the_Amazing 
Multi/Polyburners, G: KaneCo has the algorithms, the expertise, they determine the most perfect possible partner.  So what do you do when the person KaneCo chooses isn’t the person you wanted?
Never Quite Thought We Could Lose It All by LaughingStones
Mike/Chuck, Explicit: It’s not weird for a KaneCo tech to have a huge blank spot in their memory, but it is unusual for one of their childhood friends to show up at their cubicle dressed as a physical relief technician, looking stressed and desperate and acting like Chuck should know him.  Warning for implied/referenced noncon.
The Obligatory Fantasy AU series by LaughingStones 
Mike/Chuck, G/T: Chuck’s a Mage On A Mission, and he’s not going to be derailed by the fact that his bodyguard is definitely a dragon who definitely considers Chuck his beautiful, golden-haired treasure.
our guts can’t be reworked by roachpatrol
Mike/Julie, Chuck/Mike, T+: Mike finds out he’s bisexual in the most confusing possible way: BODY-SWITCHING.  
Pyrrhic Victory by Clementine
Mike/Chuck, G: I live for Mike and Chuck LARPing dramatic emotional scenes and being dumb, dorky boys and that’s what this is, and I LOVE it. 
Quiet by deanon
Mike/Chuck, Explicit:  Mike makes the mistake of wondering about Chuck and sex and being noisy, and get catapulted abruptly into terrible, flustered pining.
Quit or Retry by Caligraphunky
Gen, T+: a really short but really nicely done piece that slowly illuminates more and more of a single scene until you get the full picture.  fear. android Chuck.
Riding Shotgun by Oisiflaneur
Polyburners, T+: I’ve never smoked pot but I’m all for the Burners hanging around being chill and kissing and occasionally also Mike does shotguns and people make out.
rise if you’re sleeping (stay awake) by RaccoonDoom 
Gen, T+: Another cyborg fic, this time about Mike and Chuck and insomnia and nightmares.  Sweet hurt-comfort. UwU
Rule Number Eight by drown (teii) 
Chuck/Texas, Chuck->Mike, T+:  the fic that got me into Chuxas–starting with the aftermath of one-sided Chuck/Mike and chronicling Chuck’s descent into weird, Texas-related madness. 
Scars by corelton
Claire/Julie, G:  Julie’s line of work puts her in enough danger for her to actually have scars, like, old-fashioned scars from actual injuries.  Claire is fascinated by them.
searchlights in the parking lots of hell by roachpatrol
Gen, T+: I don’t know if it sounds like a compliment to say this is one of the most subtly, gorgeously horrifying fics I’ve ever read, but that’s basically how I feel.  Mike is a kid in a cyborg program, and he keeps ending up in sparring matches with the same kid, over and over again; it’s a different kind of unsettling every time.  There’s something about seeing a scenario that’s obviously intensely messed up, through the point of view of a character who thinks it’s normal and good.  It gives it a special, extra punch.  
Sex Level: Texas! by LaughingStones
Texas->Mike, Texas->Burners, Explicit: Texas has some totally cool and sexy thoughts–mostly about Mike.  WHAT?  It’s not like it's weird.   
Spend Life Fighting For Your Sanity by roachpatrol 
Dutch/Tennie, T+: Deluxe has no patience for rebel scum, free-thinkers or artists.  Unfortunately for Dutch’s continued health and well-being, he’s all of those things.  Even if he can’t really remember what he did.  AKA: Deluxe re-captures Dutch and comprehensively fucks him up, but SUCK IT you can’t take away the colors in his SOUL.  
Sprouts by renquise
Gen, G:  a fic about Dutch finding ROTH, and Dutch and Chuck becoming ROTH’s weird programmer dads.  ROTH is adorable and the characterization is great, A++ 
Test Drive by renquise 
Mike/Julie, Explicit: Julie and Mike have a fun adventure in pegging together. 
thursday’s child has far to go (and they go so very, very quickly) by thinkingCAPSLOCK
Gen, G:  Kane loses one child, but at least he still has the other.
Walls Twice As Strong by deanon
Mike/Chuck, T+:  in the words of the original summary: “When Mike and Chuck fight, everybody knows.“ 
We Are Golden by renquise
Polyburners, T+:  Mike kisses everybody, and it’s soft and good and makes my heart feel all happy. 
We Can’t Punch Good: A Love Story by heartsinhay
Dutch/Texas, T+: Texas is pretty sure Dutch has just gotten immune to Texas’s sweet Texas Moves, but that’s okay.  Texas has got more than one trick up his sleeve, and he knows what Dutch likes.  Probably
yellow highway lines (that you’re relying on to lead you home) by renquis
Gen, G:  A delicious exploration of the world that might exist outside the dome, and also THE BURNER ROADTRIP FIC YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR.  The kids take a package from Rayon and go on the road, headed for San Fran come hell or nuclear superstorm.This is one of the first Motorcity fics I read, and It’s a big part of why I started making things for this fandom in the first place. :D  Very recommend, A++
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wowawesome117 · 6 years
Vargstad - the Wolf City
There's a city run by werewolves, for werewolves. Everyone outside the city claims its a safe haven for those afflicted. It's safety for werewolfs and for everyone else. Keep all the bad seeds in one place and they won't spoil the bunch. But to everyone inside Vargstad, it's not quite as simple.
It's a home of debauchery. Non-werewolves travel here to indulge in carnal desire. Prostitution, high-stakes gambling, murder, and all manner of perversion. For the right amount of coin you can find anything you want. There are no laws in the city. There is no government and no region claims ownership of the land.
Roll a d12 to see what's going on around you right now 1-4. Too much drinking, 50% of a street fight starting 5-6. Public orgy 7-8. Show of domination 9-10. Public feash 11. Bonfire in street 12. Public assassination
The city itself is made of tall, leaning, brick buildings, with large, wrought iron fences wrapped around them for protection. It's tightly packed and claustrophobic. It's always too hot and there's never enough shade. There's no pets, no animals of any kind, and it's quiet the majority of the day. Don't meet anyone's eye while walking down the street. Don't answer any leeding questions at the tavern. And DO NOT comment on anyone's smell, not even your own.
Werewolves come in one shape and size. Monsterous wolfman and large. But how they see themselves and how they choose to interact with the world around them is the true personality of a lycanthrope. And in the secluded city of wolves, there are several different personalities that lend to the politics.
Shortened to Wulf. This is the name for any werewolf in the city. The new, the old, the scared, and the proud.
Most people in Vargstad do not come willingly. Parents send their children, soldiers send bitten comrades, monster hunters capture wild ones and drag them here for coin. The ones that do come willingly hear the same stories as everyone else. "This is a safe place for you. You will be cured and be able to leave whenever you're feeling better".
Wulfs are met with a much harsher reality. It's a city based on pure instinct The two biggest factors are Fear and Sex. Everyone wants to mate, and eat, and sleep. There are fights in the streets. People travel in packs, never alone. An argument will end in bloodshed. Food is served raw and on the floor. There is a watering hole in town that everyone drinks from and bathes in. There is no sewer system, and there is no need. Everyone does a wolf would do.
It's not all violent. In fact it's quite peaceful most of the time. The basics for survival are handled, so only when something threatens that survival do things become violent. But when it does, it happens fast. Vargstand snaps from dead silent to racous slaughter in no seconds flat. And before you know it, it's back to its peaceful, serene self.
There are a lot of politics in Vargstad that the Wulfs get tangled up in. Everyone is a part of a gang whether they want to be or not. If you live on a certain block, you're under someone's protection. If you eat at a certain pit, you eat there because the people know you. If someone doesn't know your name, that's grounds enough for a fight.
Some loan their expertise out to other sides as mercenaries, some are constantly reaching out for a cure, and a few take on a Bond.
Bonds are Songbirds who are accepting of whatever Lycanthropy is and are looking to take a Wulf on adventures. These bonds are sometimes short lived, and some can last a life time. It's the only legitimate way that Wulfs are allowed to leave Vargstad, and only Beowulfs can take on Bonds.
D12 Wulf-for-hire Costs number on the die times 10gp per day Has hp equal to the dice (do 1HD per number on die if in 5e) 1-6. Young Wulf, freshly captured, doesn't want to be your Bond, wants to escape, easily gives into animal ways, quick to grow attachment 7-10. Seasoned Wulf, previously lost Bon, lasting injury, haughty and knows more than you, has weapons and gear 11. Riddare, armored, can attack with claws and teeth 12. Kung, armored, has a class
The Bastille
After some years, a minority of the population of Vargstad was born inside the walls. Born of one or two werewolf parents. These children have the odd experience of growing up as mostly animal in a city that acts as both a cage and a warzone. These kids do not turn out normal by any stretch of the word.
In a recent development, masked Wulfs have been hitting various all-human, and human-accepting residences in Vargstad. They do this in their human form, fighting with makeshift weapons and tactics that illicit terror. They use their wolf-forms to rip humans apart in front of large crowds. At nights they go through human-centric living districts and raid houses, maiming all those they find.
They call themselves the Bastille, and a young girl by the name of Dawnar Bloothe has claimed to be the leader. In a message left on the wall, written in a Lumineer's blood, the Bastille claimed that their goal is to rid the city of human, kill any werewolf that opposes them, and go from village to village eating every human they can.
Dawnar Bloothe
Says Wulfs are better than humans
Doesn't say that all she wants is the power that comes with fear
Actively hides that she was not born in Vargstad
When things get boring in Vargstad, roll a d12 to see what the Bastille do 1-4. Leave a warning in blood on the wall 5-7. Set fire to a house 8-10.Rob a general store at gunpoint 11. Drag a human family from their home and parade their body parts through the street 12. Terrorist attack in public space
The Cursed
Led by the Alchemist Lidande, the Cursed are a sect of Wulfs who worship Suffering. They believe, and Lidande preaches, that Wulfs are a cursed folk. That lycanthropy is a punishment given to them for some past deed, possibly even from a previous life. She says that only through continuous suffering can peace be attained.
These cultists follow the Path of Suffering, an ancient tradition of habitual self-harm and bodily sacrifice meant to appease the Spirit of Suffering.
They are a non-violent group, not retaliating to the attacks of other political groups in Vargstad. Instead they hold large gathering in broad daylight by choosing a building or place in the city, taking it over with their wolf bodies, and holding sermons of agony. Lidande herself holds these sermons personally. Even if there are multiple going on in different parts of the city.
Path of Suffering
To walk the path of suffering, Wulfs must shed their human form and leave it behind. Once this choice has been made, their fur is trimmed by sharpened knife, by their own hand. No one can aid them in this. Then the claws must be clipped down to the finger.
After this they are officially followers of Lidande and must daily give sacrifices of their own body. Roll a d12 to see what method a Cursed takes today.
1-5. Blood letting 6-8. Fasting 9-10. Running the fat from their bodies 11. Removal of a non-essential organ 12. The taking one of one's left eyeball
The most elite members of Lidande's cult with have an eyepatch and be little more than skin and bone.
Says she's a paladin of suffering
Doesn't say she's not a werewolf
Actively hides that she uses the sacrifices of her people to make clones of herself
The Lumineers
An Inquisition that has pushed itself on Vargstad with a patient and violent force. They take no prisoners and no excuses. They are the pack considered to be in control at the moment and they hold onto their control with an iron fist. They believe that being a werewolf is wrong, that embracing your animal instincts is vile and against the nature of humanity itself.
They are at war against the Beowulf of Vargstad. Most of them are Wulfs themselves who have abandoned their animal form. Everyone from the scribes to the high ranking inquisitors wear steel collars around their necks so that if they turn, a strong electric shock will neutralize them. At nights they chain themselves like dogs so that the rest of the city is safe.
The Enforcers roam the streets as a vigiliante police force, equipped with strobe-light gauntlets meant to render the Wulfs useless. They protect public spaces, track criminals, and apprehend those suspected of unhuman conduct. After just a week of this, their jails filled up. So they began funneling people out of the prisons single-file. They are led to a judge who asks them their crime and if they are guilty. The judge then either has them step to the left or to the right. To the left is freedom and all information is expunged from their record. To the right is the gallows, or the guilotine, or firing squad. This is done in public. There's always a crowd.
Saint Forlorn is the head of this inquisition. He's a young saint looking to prove himself and has a knack of the dramatic.
Says he wants to bring peace and knowledge to humanity and is using Vargstad as an example
Doesn't say that he thinks all animals/animal-human hybrids are lesser than humans
Actively hides that he has no idea what he's doing and that this whole thing is going out from under him
Spectre Cost is the head Enforcer.
Says he's a servant to the cause
Doesn't say that he enjoys killing
Actively hides that he's a werewolf
If there's Wulf activity, roll a d12 to see the response 1-6. Lumineers attempt to aprehend suspect 7-8. Lumineers round up several suspected Wulfs for trial 9. A Wulf is hung from a tree and beaten like a pinata 10. A Wulf is drawn and quartered in the street 11. Wulfs in cages are paraded down the street to be mocked 12. Public Wulf execution
Despite the city's purpose, plenty of humans enjoy living in the general populace. The city became what it is today because humans allowed werewolves to stay un-hunted. But as the years went by, things became more complicated as the politics took hold. Now there are humans on all sides of the werewolf idea.
Notable Humans
Dio - Werewolf hunter turned activist. He fights against the punishment and vilification of werewolves. He's always mad at something and always in a hurry. Angus - Leader of a small cult who follow the path of suffering, believing that all people should suffer, not just werewolves. He is attracted to scars. They are a person's true character. Sabbath - Leader of werewolf hunters who wear the pelt of their kill. After they make their kill, they eat the heart of the werewolf and gain bestial strength. They are known for starting fights and being more animal that most Wulfs. Rane - Leader of an extremist group of abstainers that route out werewolves, even if they haven't done anything wrong. She is always front and center at the executions.
The Hunt
I'm a fan of werewolves transformations not linked to the moon. If you prefer the moon transformation (or just like violence) you can use the Hunt.
This is a night where all werewolves transform, willingly or forcibly. For all purposes, it's the Purge. The city turns into the main city in Bloodborne. Lots of danger, violence, and bloodshed. It's a time for the factions and cults to make a mark so that when the sun comes out, maybe they will be in charge.
Why would you come to Vargstad?
Escorting a werewolf in custody to be dropped at the city
One of the party members has been bitten by a werewolf and wants a cure
Same as above but someone is paying you to find a cure
You meet Lumineer Inquisitors who urge you to join the cause
Hunting werewolves is a wealthy proffesion
You want to indulge in your animal desires
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