#and bias wrecker
4amwon · 1 year
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got my albums today! here are my pulls 🤗🤭 i preordered one random dark blood regular ver and one random dark blood engene ver from weverse. i’m very happy with them. if you’re considering buying the albums DO IT !!!!
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nando161mando · 29 days
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When you’re fed on bias, you spew out bias
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minzbins · 3 months
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(000320) happy birthday hyunjin 🎂
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imlovearm · 5 months
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ermmm love of my life prolly!
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minhanniejoong · 30 days
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myseungsunglove · 6 months
Say that again | Bc
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Pairing: Bang Chan x reader
Warnings: fluff, almost smut but mostly just alluding to it.
Word Count: approx. 800
𖠫Summary: After watching Chan’s episode with the Felix and him playing with the twin girls, your mind is sent reeling by thoughts you’d never really entertained before. You voice those thoughts to Chan and find yourself quite surprised by his response.
✎A/N✎: I am not responsible for my sleepy thoughts. The thoughts that prevail and demand to be written BEFORE the damn stories I already have outlined. I guess be thankful you’re getting anything at all at this point. *laughs nervously* Also, domestic Chan makes me so weak and thus this fic was born. Not super edited because I sleepies.
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「© December 28, 2023 by myseungsungheart」
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“Babe? Did you hear me?”
Chan’s voice shakes you from your thoughts. You’d entirely lost track of the conversation. Mainly because your mind was wondering to places you really never had let it before. The two of you had just watched Felix and Chan’s episode with the twins. Watching Chan with those precious little girls had really stirred something in you that you genuinely thought you didn’t want.
“Hmm?” the sound leaves you as your eyes meet his and he smiles softly at your dazed look.
“What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” Chan asks, a hint of concern in his voice as he reaches out and brushes his hand lightly against your jaw, this thumb caressing your cheek with care as he holds your gaze.
You find that words don’t immediately spring forth, so instead you lean forward and press your lips against Chan’s. He melts into the kiss, his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you closer to him on the couch, your mouths moving slowly together as the graze of his touch causes goosebumps to break out on your skin.
“That doesn’t really answer my question,” he chuckles against your lips, pulling away reluctantly and looking into your eyes again.
You sigh. It’s deep and meaningful. Chan can tell whatever you aren’t saying is weighing heavy on your mind.
“That bad, huh?” he asks hesitantly, letting go of your face to grab your hand instead, interlacing your fingers together. “Whatever it is, I’m always here, baby,” he assures you.
You close your eyes briefly, stealing up all the courage you can muster for the next sentence you’re about to utter. It really could change everything and your heart flutters at the thought. Your husband is a busy man, with producing music and working with the boys non stop. Is this really something he’d want? You haven’t talked about it in so long because you really thought you didn’t want this. Now, you are questioning everything you once thought.
“I think I want to you try to have a baby,” you say and it comes out all in a rush as if the sentence was just once giant word strung together.
“What was that?” Chan asks, his brows knitting together in confusion as he chuckles quietly at you.
“I want to have a baby,” you say, this time more slowly and with more certainty. “I know we haven’t talked about it in a long time because I thought I didn’t want that, but…”
Your words are cut off by Chan’s lips crashing into yours, the kiss raw and hungry, his tongue pushing into your mouth as he pushes you back against the couch and hovers over you. He pulls away breathless, his chest heaving, his eyes full of love and hope. Not the reaction you anticipated.
“God,” he whispers, leaning in to kiss your jaw. “Please,” he continues, the trail of kisses moving along your jaw to your neck. “Say that again,” he all but begs as his lips hurriedly kiss up along the column of your neck and back to your mouth.
You reach out for his face then, holding it mere centimeters away from yours and speak again.
“Let’s have a baby,” you whisper.
“I thought you didn’t want,” he starts but you cut him off.
“I thought I didn’t too, but really I just thought I’d make a horrible mom. Didn’t want to end up like mine, you know?”
He watches you carefully, brows knit together again as he stays hovered over your body. He’s shaking his head, but you power through.
“But watching you with those girls made me realize I could do absolutely anything with you by my side. You’d be such a great dad and god i want that for a kid. I want someone to feel so lucky knowing you’re their dad. I want our kid to know that,” you finish, your eyes darting back and forth between his.
“You’re wrong about one thing,” he counters, kissing your lips gently before speaking again. “You’re already great at loving people. You love me for god knows why. You love those seven crazy men I call my members and take care of them. You would make a great mom, of that much I have never had any doubt.”
You pull his lips to yours once more, your fingers running into the hair at the back of his head and hold him to you. You’re crying and you’re not sure when that started.
“Please,” you beg as Chan’s hips settle between yours, his desire for you evident as he presses in closer to you. “Chan,” you can’t stop the breathy moan that escapes you.
“I’d take on the world with you, do anything for you,” he says, pulling away from your lips long enough to look into your eyes. “Including starting a family,” he adds, his hips rolling into you and causing your back to arch up off the couch. “How about we see if we can’t make that happen, hmmm?” he says against your mouth, his hands now freely roaming your body.
“Yes,” you agree, your head spinning. “I love you,” you remind him as his hands move to remove your clothes and make your’s and his dream a reality.
“I love you more,” he assures you, before kissing you deeply once more and giving you everything you’ve hoped for and more.
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michinarty · 18 days
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waldau · 7 months
husband — lee seokmin | 1,220 words | fluff
this one is dedicated to lee seokmin's smile :)
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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"what do you mean, no?" dokyeom asks, manspreading. the exasperated eyebrow raise you give him doesn't deter him in the least.
"no, i'm not sitting on your lap to watch a movie."
"there's not much place on this sofa, though," he says, spreading his arms along the back of the sofa to emphasize his point. he really can take up a lot of space if he wants to.
"the floor is all free real estate, as far as i can tell."
"there's no way i'm letting my sweetheart sit on the floor when i'm on the couch."
"this is how your sweetheart can do it," you say, simply sitting down cross-legged on the floor in front of him and fumbling with the remote to find some good movie. you barely have two seconds of peace before he scoops you up in his arms and pulls you onto himself, so you're exactly where you said you wouldn't be.
he gasps. "my whole name?"
"be thankful i didn't call you seok—"
"can't hear you," he says loudly, one hand coming up to your mouth to stop you from saying his real name. you shut up for a second.
"ew," he says a moment later, taking his hand away from your mouth like it's on fire. "you licked it!"
"be thankful i didn't bite it."
"i'm thankful for you! isn't that enough?" he whines, hand returning to its place around your stomach.
your retort dies on your lips. you're still not used to how open dokyeom is with his words.
"i guess," you say. the remote lies forgotten on the floor.
"so," he says, turning you to face him, "why don't you want to sit on me?"
"i paid for this sofa, silly. i should be able to sit on it if i want to."
"but you know you don't have to pay anything for me. i mean, unless you want to," he adds with a sleazy wink, and it makes you laugh.
"what about functionality?"
"what about it?"
"the sofa's soft. sitting on you is like sitting on a rock."
"all that workout and you call me a rock? at least i'm warm!"
"okay, but what about a headrest when i need one?"
dokyeom guides your head down to his chest. "how's this?"
"hm. your heart's beating a bit too fast."
"that's because you're so close to me."
you let out a fake groan. "why did i have to get stuck with the cheesiest husband in the world?"
the moment you actually hear your own words, even mortified doesn't begin to cover what you're feeling. dokyeom lowers you down to the sofa and sinks to the ground on his knees, looking at you like you've given him the best gift he could've ever asked for.
"stop looking at me like that," you say, but you're not trying to bury your face into the fabric of the sofa. part of you wants to know what he thinks about your words.
he has that shit-eating grin on his face, the one that's burned into your eyelids even when you close your eyes. it never fails to make you smile.
"i'm not looking at you like anything," he says, but one of his hands has snaked up to your face, tracing your cheek.
"you look like you're in love. it's embarrassing."
"you're the one that called me your husband. that's worse."
"is it?"
dokyeom looks at you with a softer smile before he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. you loop your hands around his neck, pulling him back in for more. you never do get enough of him, even on days you spend all twenty four hours by his side.
"i think," dokyeom says when he pulls back, having kissed you to the point where you've forgotten your name for a few moments, "being married to you would be the worst thing ever."
"yeah?" you ask, tugging him up to his feet and letting all his weight fall on you. it's not often that he lies on top of you, and you're reminded of how strong he really is.
"mm. you'd have to change your last name to match mine."
"what if i don't want to?"
"i could always take yours."
you smile. "oh? and how would the wedding be?"
"we could run away and get married, just the two of us."
"and what, have seungkwan curse us for the rest of his life?"
"our lives," he corrects, propping his chin up on your chest. "we could have a beach wedding, though. or a wedding at our dining table."
"who'd be your best man?"
dokyeom shudders. "not facing that headache till we actually get to it. your turn. what kind of a ring do you want?"
you pretend to think. "an adamantium one."
"funny," he deadpans. "i was thinking we could get married on the moon."
"you were thinking about marrying me?" you ask, wiggling your eyebrows.
"isn't that what we've been talking about all this while?"
"what else would be terrible about being married to me?"
dokyeom is the one who pretends to think now, his chin digging into your collarbone. not that you mind. "i'd want to be around you all the time. i'd make you call me your husband every time we meet someone. i'd spend so much time trying to find houses we'd like. terrible, no?"
you press a kiss to his forehead. "horrifying. would you marry me if i asked you to, right now?"
he looks at you for a moment more before hiding his face in your neck. "i hid something in the knife drawer that says yes," he says, voice muffled.
"the knife drawer?" you ask. "of all the places you could possibly..." dokyeom really does have the annoying ability to steal your breath, both with his kisses and words; your words dry up when you realize what exactly 'something' means.
"i learned it from the boys," he says, looking at you again, all proud. "you never know where to expect the mafia to hide their money."
you're not listening to him. it's the way he says it so easily. you were just joking about it, not even intending to say it, but the fact that he's had it in there since who knows when...
"kyeom, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"
dokyeom looks up at you with wide eyes. "are you saying that just because i have a ring for you?"
you snort, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. "no, silly. i love you. i know i don't say it enough."
"you don't need to," he says, gentle. "i know you do."
both of you lie like that for a while, your hand gently scraping through his hair.
"so if i ask you to marry me right now..." you say again, because you just want to hear his voice.
"ten more minutes and that ring is yours. but it's not adamantium."
"what a shame."
you can feel his grin against your skin. "what did we even want to watch?"
you can't be bothered to remember. "i don't know, but i want to watch you."
dokyeom snorts. "stop trying to be cheesier than your own husband."
you don't think you're ever going to tire of hearing that.
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spteez · 26 days
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#홍중: 24.21.05
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bestleader · 11 months
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gnabnahc143 · 1 month
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milkteabinniechan · 7 months
bf binnie <3 pt 2
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synopsis: Changbin has been your *unofficial* boyfriend for a few months now. You hold hands/kiss in public and sometimes go on dates. But neither of you have introduced each other as bf/gf. One day you decide to bring Changbin his lunch while he records a new song with the rest of 3racha...
warnings: penetration, unprotected s*x, subby talk, implied aftercare! probably typos.
You had just finished the final touches on the sushi roll and dim sum. fresh edamame was placed delicately next to it. The fruit cup was already packed. the metal checklist you had made was nearly complete. "hmm. strawberry milk or matcha?" you wondered. You knew he'd like either one, binnie was good like that. You had burned the dinner on more than one occassion and binnie was more than happy to eat it, picking off the burned pieces and giving you the biggest smile.
You decided on strawberry milk and zipped the lunch bag closed. You checked your watch to make sure you were still on schedule for his break. He should be the only one in the studio today anyway, but you still don't want to interrupt him unless it's time.
The drive to the studio was always easy. The security guard at the front desk always greeted you with a smile and asked how your day was going. You just smiled back. You wanted to shout that you were on your way to see the most amazing man but you just smiled back. The elevator dinged on the studio floor. Your heart was beating so fast. Even though you had just seen Changbin the other day, you couldn't wait to see his face. Ah that perfect face. You take a step then another toward the studio door, you reach for the door handle and push the door open slowly.
"anyone here? Maybe a super cute, funny and sexy boyfriend..?" Your voice trails off as your eyes meet not Changbin's but Han's and Chan's as well. They were all standing, and staring, at you.
Han spoke first, "boyfriend?" He chuckled. "And which one of us are speaking to, y/n?"
You could feel your face growing hotter. Your mouth was dry. You tried to speak, "I was just... Well.. I was.."
"come on, man." Chan spoke up and pushed Han's shoulder lightly. "Leave y/n alone." His attention turned to you, "Changbin ran out to get something, he should be back any minute."
You smiled thankfully at Chan and made a quick b-line toward the couch. Just as you sat down, Changbin walked through the studio door with his eyes glued to his phone screen. " Sorry guys I was just trying to call..." Han interrupted him "check the couch, hot stuff." Changbin looked confused at Han, then Chan then the couch. His eyes grew wide when he saw you. "Hey! I was just trying to call you! I wanted to hear your voice so I..." He sat down next to you on the couch and stroked your face lightly with his thumb, his hand cupping your chin.
Suddenly you were both painfully aware of the other two in the room. Both of them staring and watching and waiting. "I... Called you my boyfriend." You confessed. Binnie looked puzzled for a moment then looked around the room, then back at you, "well, that's what I am. Right?" You smiled wide. "Right." You replied, placing your hand on his face. His cheeks were warm. It made you want to feel his arms, his hair, his legs... You looked back at Han and Chan for some kind of help. Thankfully Chan had picked up on your nonverbal cues and cleared his throat, pushed han toward the door and gave you a reassuring nod. "They like you, you know. Changbin said with a smirk. "Well, I like them too," you giggled.
"I made you a lunch, binnie." You whispered as you slowly lifted yourself off the couch to straddle yourself on top of him." He growled low when you sat yourself down. "You did?" He whispered back. Pushing your hair back to one side, exposing your neck. Placing little kissed on the soft, sensitive skin. Your thighs clenched around his. You slowly start to move your hips without even realizing. You needed him so badly and he knew it. Your panties were already wet and he had barley even touched you. How does he do that?
You run both of your hands down his chest and slowly start to undo his belt. A deep moan comes across your ear as Changbin reached up your skirt and hooks his thumbs around the lining of your panties. You smile at the thought of deciding to wear a skirt today. As he started to slide your panties down, he stops. Instead he places to fingers at the base of your cunt and pushes your panties to the side. The bulge inside his pants practically breaking away from his jeans. As you pull his full length out, surprised again at the sheer girth of him, binnie lifts you up just enough to slip inside. Your back arched slightly as you grab his back for some kind of support. He fills you immediately. All at once he is too much and not enough. Your skin becomes hot as his hands find your hips.
Changbin starts at a slow pace. Rhythmically moving in and out of you. The noises almost pornographic and he inches deeper and deeper inside. "More, please." You whine in his ear. "You want faster, baby?" He growled back. His pace picking up, hands gripping your hips tighter. The sound of slapping making him harder by the second.
"baby, you're taking me so well. Look at you. You're doing so great. How's that feel?" His soft words sending tingles all through your body. You could feel the build up in your core. It was growing stronger. Your legs were shaking now. "I want to cum, binnie, can I?" you begged. You loved asking for permission. You loved turning to putty in his arms. "Come on babygirl, say please for me." He nibbled your ear lobe as he continued to increase his speed. Slamming into now with a volume that you were sure anyone could hear. "Please binnie, please!" You cry out. So desperate for release.
"come for me, baby." Changbin mumbled into your hair. That was exactly what you needed. Electric waves shoot through your entire body. That was all binnie needed too. He filled you up the moment you orgasmed. Both of you emptying out into each other. You felt it everywhere, every inch. He was all over you. You collapse on top of him. Both of you breathing heavy and holding each other tight. "I love you so much, baby. So much." Changbin kissed your forehead tenderly. "Now, about that lunch, what are we having?"
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anxiousuglyduckling · 23 days
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cookiesandbiscuits · 2 months
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noonaracha · 9 months
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happy birthday to the talented (always), sweet (sometimes??), savage (24/7), puppy (∞) Seungmin!
bonus sleepy seungmin on wide:
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minhanniejoong · 1 month
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