#and boom inspiration.
atnightiscream · 2 years
A Slime Thief
Desc: you are a new guard, you've been stationed in front of an armory where things have been going mysteriously missing. So far it's been a normal shift, but then you hear it, a weird "drip, drip, drip" sound...you look up to the vents and there's this strange...liquid? No....looks more like..slime?
reader is gender neutral, so throw your pronouns on here BBs
You watch as the slime drips down to the floor in front of the sword rack and begin take shape. The puddle transforming into a rather convincing humanoid shape...full legs, arms, is that green skin? It could pass as a human quite honestly..or maybe a weird looking elf? You shake yourself out of thought and draw your sword. The slime- person? Creature? Thief, better just go with Thief. Begins to take swords off their racks analyzing each one, like it's looking for something specific. "What the hell…" you mutter. At the sound of your voice the creature spins around revealing a rather attractive looking face...you can't quite tell if they're male or female..maybe somewhere in between? Either way- they're stealing from The Guard! "I- um- halt!" You curse yourself for stumbling over your demand. Especially when their demeanor shifts from alert to relaxed that, was definitely not the ideal reaction to being caught stealing.
"Oh...it's just you then...good, good." What?
"Do I know you?" You find yourself asking, right- probably not the right time for that...the slime lifts a finger to their chin "no...I suppose you don't really know me. But I know you~, you see, I've seen you around quite a lot, as I have with all the guards, you're one of the few that I actually like. But-" They wave their hand dismissively "-enough about that, what do they have you guarding the armory for? I suppose they've finally noticed my activities." It's not a question, and your logic is reconfirmed.
You focus on the task at hand. "So you're the one who's been stealing from the vault? Well, thank you for your confession. I need to take you in now." You silently cheer yourself for fixing your demeanor, this guy's been a pain in the ass of your Captain for months! Now you'll finally be able to take them in! But...then..why are they smiling?
"Well aren't you rude...and here I was being polite. Sorry dear, I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
The Thief rushes you, and you brace for a fight. Everything happens so fast- you raise your weapon into it's trained position, you cut forward, attempting to slice the creature in two. You succeed, the creature's body cutting like jello, but only for a second as the body reforms around the sword, effectively trapping your weapon inside of it. All at once, the slime creature laughs, moving as if your cut did nothing. They grab your shoulders and shove you to the ground, swiftly pinning your shoulders to the floor. They smirk down at you, easily removing your sword from their midsection and tossing it out of reach.
"Release me at once criminal!" You grunt, grabbing their arms in an attempt to push them off. They're clearly stronger than they look, you attempt to kick them away, only succeeding in getting your bent knee stuck in their body. They only chuckle in response to your attempts to push them off. "You're quite the fighter Newbie! I admire that. And I really don't want to hurt you on your first real assignment so....what should I do with you? Oh! I know~"
You find yourself tensing up at their sudden change in tone. Your struggles increase as you feel the cold slime trapping your knee begin to move. Seeping into the cracks between the armor to the fabric underneath and engulfing your knee, suddenly you feel..whatever it is begin to squeeze at the sensitive flesh on your knee. You jump, attempting to cover the squeak that shoots out of your throat with another yell "h-HEY! What do you think you're doING! Let me go right NOW- HEY! Cut that oUT!" You squeak again, desperately trying to keep your authoritative tone as soft strokes are added to the squeezing. It might just be the fabric, but the slime doesn't feel like slime, it feels like fingers, cold, ticklish, fingers. Squeezing right above your knee cap and moving up as the slime creature pulls your entire leg into their...torso? Honestly it's hard to tell, you're just trying to keep this annoying jerk from getting what they want- and preferably your dignity.
You clamp your mouth shut as more giggles build behind your thinning lips, desperately shoving at the slime person's shoulders. The squeezing and scribbling feeling has moved to your thigh now, your attempts to pull your leg out only succeeding in getting it further trapped in the tingly prison. You shove once more at the Thief's shoulders and once again, all they do is chuckle at you "Oh little Rookie, it's cute that you're trying, but I've seen how you and the other recruits play~ I've seen just how sensitive you are, especially when you're teased~. Why don't you make this easier for both of us and just laugh for me? You get all tired and giggly, and I complete mission with only some minor hiccups."
Your face flushes with embarrassment, they saw you? That's how they knew! You pray to the gods they didn't figure out the rest of your little secret. But damn this was NOT good. "F-fuck you!" You manage to hiss. They frown in response "my such a mouth...I thought they trained you better than that-" their grin returned and they leaned down to your ear with a whisper "-cutie~"
You felt you would implode.
That name- that secret nickname only your closest friends knew, that name that they called you that made you blush every time without fail. That name that meant that this thief knew of your biggest secret.
And here they were...voluntarily doing it...tickling you? When they could have just knocked you out and left...why?
Your thoughts were cut short by what felt like a pair of hands digging into your hips. Catching you off guard, immediately sending the trapped laughter flowing from you. Instinctively, you tried to curl into a ball to escape the tickly feeling, unfortunately your captor wasn't having any of that, keeping your leg tightly held inside their gelatinous body and shoulders gently, but firmly to the old wooden floor. "There it is!" The Thief cheered giddily "I knew that would get you, always seems to when I see you and your little friends~ now then, let's see how badly I can "wreck" you!~"
Like an over-excited child on their birthday, the Miscreant, now holding your shoulders down with what looked like two pseudo-arms, moved their real arms down to your face, teasingly wiggling their fingers in front of you menacingly, grinning even wider when they saw your reaction. They let out some giggles of their own as they put both hands on your chest plate, wiggling their eyebrows at you in an overly suggestive manner. Their hands melt over your plate and into the intersections of your armor, landing on your stomach and wriggling with purpose.
You're dropped into a heavy fit of laughter and protests. "No nonono StahahaAHAHAHAP! eek! NOoo! Plehehehese!" Was all you were able to get out as more of the slime slipped into your armor, attacking your sides, ribs, and some even crawling towards your back causing another squeal to fly from you as scribbling sensation wreaked havoc all over your midsection and shoulder blades. Your laughter going up an octave when the slime on your ribs began to gently vibrate over the bones.
And all you could do was laugh, there was no one coming to take over for you for another hour, you were too far for anyone to hear you, and there was no escaping the ticklish sensation that encompassed your body. You were effectively trapped, just you, and the Slime Thief, who seemed all too excited about tickling the life out of you, and the walls of weapons...and yet....you found yourself enjoying it- this whole situation was honestly just ridiculous, yet it could have gone so much worse. At least that's what you thought until you felt the sudden VERY raspberry like vibration on your stomach-
A squeal and snort came out this time, followed by another peal of laughter. Your arms having long since turned to jelly, weakly reaching to futilely "cover" your stomach. Your eyes began to water with mirth, as fun as this was, you weren't sure how much more you could take.
The Thief seemed to notice this as well, they'd be drinking in every little reaction you made, every giggle, snort, squeal, and especially anything that made you flustered. They smiled above you, never stopping their adoring grin, cooing over your reactions, and even cupping your face and brushing away the tears that formed.
"Oh my~ is the big bad guard all tickled out?" They teased "Aw~ poor thing. I'd love to give you a rest sweetheart, but I need a confirmation that you aren't going to say a word to anyone that I was here." Their tone shifting to a more serious note, the slime within your armor retracting to let you breathe. You took a minute to recover and think, how could you not report them? It was your job! What were you supposed to do? Say that whatever they stole just happened to disappear under your watch?? You gazed at the waiting face above you.
They raised an expectant eyebrow
"I can't. Y-you know....I can't..."
The slime thief sighed "very well.." was their disappointed response. You couldn't help but feel bad...they had been very pleasant...for a thief, you opened your mouth to give them some sort of apology, maybe even talk a compromise. But you didn't get the chance.
Slime crashed back under your armor in a wave, ruthlessly targeting all of your most ticklish places at once. You were thrown back into a squealing fit of laughter, thrashing back and forth under the playful torture. Arching your back, shaking your head, no matter how you twisted and turned, you couldn't get away. The once giddy grin of your attacker turned to a sadistic smirk. They leaned down, cupping your chin to still your head and whispered into your ear. "I don't think you quite grasp the situation here Darling. I was being nice~ but I can be cruel. And we have allll night for me to get what I want. So do you want to try that again?"
Through your endless shrieks of laughter you belted out a loud "OHOHOHOKAHAY!! OK!! OKOKOK!"
Their smirk relaxed into a smile, and once again, some of the slime retracted, though this time they left some to drill into your underarms and brush against your neck, just enough to keep you laughing.
"IhIhI wohohon't say a wohord just stAHAp!" You beg. Your answer seems to satisfy your tormentor, as they pull all of their slime back to their form. They gently pet your head, giving you a charming smile. "See now? That wasn't so hard was it?"
A tired giggle is all you can manage as you lay on the floor. It takes a while for the ghostly tickles to go away, in that time you hopelessly watch as the Thief takes a bundle of arrows, and a short sword. "That's...it?" You find yourself asking, they turn to you, gently smiling once more and nodding. "Truth be told I got most of what I need from one of your neighboring armories. I only needed one more sword and these" They hold up the quiver. Walking over and crouching beside your limp form, continuing.
"-You should really advise some more guards there, or, preferably, don't, at least tell them to restock more often. I know that the old geezer in charge has a surplus in the South." You blink in confusion too tired to really process all of what they just said. Noticing the look on your face they give you an endearing smirk. "Nevermind cutie, you just focus on resting, when your superiors ask, just say I knocked you out or something." You nod in silent agreement, rolling your head to stare up at the ceiling as you hear the sound of the vent opening and closing.
Not your worst start to a guard shift...
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macbethz · 20 days
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tea-cat-arts · 22 days
Shen Yuan getting transported into pidw isn't "the system punishing him for being a lazy internet hater," but instead representative of "step 1 of the creative process: getting so mad at something you decide to go write your own fucking book" in this essay I will
#svsss#scum villian self saving system#shen qingqiu#shen yuan#the fact that people think scum villain#-a series that examines and criticizes common tropes in fiction-#is somehow against criticism or being a little hater is wild to me#especially since shen qingqiu never gets punished for being a hater#heck- he's still a little hater by the end of the series#he mostly gets punished for treating life like a play and like he and the people around him are characters#(or in other words- he suffers for denying his own wants and emotions and his own sense of empathy)#I think some of y'all underestimate how much writing/art is inspired by creaters being little haters#like example off the top of my head-#the author of Iron Widow has been pretty vocal about the book being inspired by their hatred of Darling in the Franxx#I think my interpretation of Shen Yuan's transmigration is also supported by the fact that this series is an examines writing processes#side note- though i understand why people say Shen Yuan is lazy and think its a valid take it still doesnt sit right with me#i am probably biased because my own experiences with chronic pain and depression and isolation#but ya- i dont think Shen Yuan is lazy so much as he is deeply lonely and feels purposeless after denying parts of himself for 20ish years#like yall remember the online fandom boom from covid right?#being stuck completely alone in bed while feeling like shit for 20 days straight does shit to your brain#the fact that no one came to check on him + he wasn't exactly upset about leaving anyone behind supports the isolation interpretation too#+in the skinner demon arc he describes his life of being a faker/inability to stop being a faker now that he's Shen Qingqiu#as “so bland he's tempted to throw salt on himself” and “all he could do is lay around and wait for death” (<-paraphrasing)#bro wants to be doing stuff but is stuck in paralysis from repeatedly following scrips made by other people#another point on “Shen Yuan isn’t lazy” is just the sheer amount of studying that man does#also he did graduate college- how lazy can he really be#he doesnt know what hes doing but he at least tries to actively train his students#and he actually works on improving his own cultivation + spends quite a bit of time preping the mushroom body thing#+he's experiencing bouts of debilitating chronic pain throughout all this#but ya tldr: Shen Yuan's transmigration is an encouragement to write and not a punishment and also i dont think its fair to call him lazy
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persnickety-doodles · 7 months
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But Korra's protests die on her tongue as Asami pulls her in for another kiss, and by the time they resurface their tea has long since gone cold.
Under Me, Over Me, Any Way You’ll Have Me by @korrasamibottles
I’m back with another inspired doodle! ☺️ Enjoy!
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redswaberkez · 6 months
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the most sane nirvana enjoyer (he has massacred ppl)
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dragon-razor-writings · 2 months
Jaune: "Dad, are you sure this is a good idea?"
Louis, working on a firework RPG: "Not really, no. There's a very real chance that this goes horribly wrong."
Jaune: "Then why are we doing this?"
Louis: "Simply put; it'll be very, very funny."
Jaune: "…And that's the story of nearly lighting the house on fire."
Ruby: "Can I meet your dad?"
Jaune: "No."
Nora: "Can I-"
Jaune: "Fuck no."
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abraincellandahalf · 27 days
You start watching Doctor Who for the whimsy and the fantasy of having first hand knowledge of the past and future and the silly alien person and their police box, but you stay in the fandom for episodes with one word title that will absolutely ruin you forever
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polar-equinoxx · 21 hours
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death of the star.
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thewordfortheday · 7 months
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"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:15
Eternity is there to be gained or to be lost by each one of us. And if we know Jesus, we know the way, and we need to tell others. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Let's work as long as it is day, you and me in our own ways. Has the Lord called you to go far away? Then do so. Does He want you to stay? Then be obedient. God can only use us where He calls us. Isn't it wonderful to work for a King who has never lost a battle!
Corrie ten Boom
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quotelr · 1 year
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.
Corrie ten Boom
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eugeneplace · 2 months
Did you guys know that there's people who ship poly Kismet?!
Because I didn't and now I can't stop thinking about it
I had to do this, otherwise I was going to explode
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There's Coal, Ablaze/Branch kid, he's the oldest with eleven (They had him when they were very young). Red hair and a Mix of blue and lilac. Inherited the glitter freckles.
No one expected Ablaze's Rock genes to give the kid fangs but they did. He looks a lot like Clay but has a very JD personality.
Fun fact: Trickee gave him permission to get his hears pierced even though the others said no
Then we have Bang! Boom/Branch child (Boom thought that name was funny). Dark purple hair (I am one of those who believe that the rainbow hair is dyed) and shining green. Not a glitter troll but has a lot of freckles.
Very bock smart like Clay and got Floyd looks and shyness. I'm a sucker for Branch having a mad scientist child. So she is your typical genius but socially inept character!
... "She" is totally growing to be a they/them
Not so fun fact: The village kids nicknamed her vampire
Twig is from Trickee/Branch. Hey! One of his kids needed to have Branch's attitude. Dark blue hair and warm orange, to contrast his coldness.
The brain of the team and moral compass of his older siblings.
The Jonh Dory resemblance is going to be terrifying to Bruce and Clay in the movie. Especially because the kid looks at you as if he were disappointed in being related and as if he despised every decision you have made in your life...
He's actually very sweet, don't worry!
Jacaranda is Hype/Branch baby, they wanted a blue themed name.
She is just three (omg same age as Branch when his brothers left) but has already proven to be an entity of chaos.
Her puppy dog eyes get her older siblings out of trouble
And oh boy! If these kids get in trouble...
(Version without color 'cause I liked how it turned out)
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jahiera · 10 months
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you want to just team up with some blood-stained killer?! because I'm fine with that.
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“Life’s been kicking my butt lately so I’m gonna try to take it eas—“ *makes another Guy*
This is Renn, a depressed forest ranger who realizes he’s managing an alter ego that apparently does magic & likes property damage.
Oh he’s on Artfight btw
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jennicatzies · 4 months
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Been seeing a bunch of priest!Stanleys. Decided to put my own spin on this hehehehehehehe
With a Stanley comes a Narrator as well so. Angel Narrator 👍
Concept yapping + extra drawings under the cut
Plot summary abridged: Aziraphale kinnie and his emotional support pastor. Or something.
Guys. Guys I love Faith and Good Omens and The Stanley Parable all very much. This was inevitable.
RIGHT SO the plot is just. Narrator [ cannot cook up an angel name for him sorry you have to deal with it /lh ] [ Narrator already sounds. Higher beingy if you think hard enough ] fucks up as an angel [ specification of " fuck up " not thought of yet houhh ] and out of fear and panic he decides to escape Heaven and comes down to Earth to hide from Management. Yayyyy
Also Stanley happens to be a priest and Narrator thinks hes neat so he just shows up to the confession booth one day and goes " greetings esteemed son of man I've come to inform you that I might have gravely fucked up " and shenanigans ensue from there
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drawthething · 1 year
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We, as a society, need to remember the masterpiece that is Tina Belcher's Erotic Friend Fiction
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summerroseart · 5 months
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Part 2 is Amy! I think I'll do Tails next :3
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