#and boyfriend rooster
stranded-ziggy · 8 months
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Hangman and Rooster || Top Gun: Maverick
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polisena-art · 1 year
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That old TikTok trend of calling your boyfriend by his name instead of his cutesy petname! First ver in Spa/Port and second one fully in English.
ooor,, alternatively this reads as Panchito being addicted to being a good boy and Zé being addicted to being a bastard-
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military-newsboys · 6 months
Mav: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Cyclone: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
Mav: Death is a social construct.
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hotgirlmav · 2 years
Cyrano — Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
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Pairing: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Female!Reader (18+)
Description: PART 2 OF PARTING GIFT! One night stands were never truly your thing. After passing your college midterms and celebrating at a bar, though, a one night stand ended up being just what you wanted. You picked the hottest naval aviator in the whole building and soon learned that he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him. He was set to deploy the next day, and you just wanted a cheap fix. What better way to ruin the convenience of a one night stand than him getting you pregnant?
Warnings: Explicit language, sexual undertones, abundance of angst, depictions of anxiety, vomit, alcohol, pregnancy, mentions of abortion, brief arguing, mentions of death, bits of fluff, Maverick and Iceman mention because I am WEAK.
Word Count: 4,684.
A/N: IGNORE THE FACT THAT I SAID I WOULD POST THIS LAST NIGHT, I TOOK A NAP THAT TURNED INTO ME SLEEPING FOR FIVE HOURS 😭 I also just wanted to take a quick second to thank you all for the response I received on the first part. The amount of comments, reblogs, and messages I got was just absolutely insane. You all genuinely make writing worth it. You have my heart.
Requests are still open!
From the very moment his words went through the phone and to your ear, you were in a state of panic.
Though it had only been a few days since he told you that he was coming, the thought of Rooster’s arrival left a deep wound right in the center of your chest. Fear had been your closest companion ever since you found out about your pregnancy, and over the past number of days, the dreaded nuisance of the emotion refused to part from you. You woke up with it at your bedside, you traveled with it throughout the day, and despite your attempts being to no prevail, you tried to make your peace with it at night.
While currently standing in front of the mirror in your bedroom, every emotion you had felt since you found out about your pregnancy was amplified.
Fear. Guilt. Sympathy for the baby inside of you. Slight excitement. You knew the situation wasn’t exactly ideal, but you refused to not be at least a little excited over what would end up being your child. You refused to let your baby suffer for what you believed to be your recklessness.
Only thirty minutes prior to your silent session in front of your own reflection, Rooster had informed you that he was quite ready to come get you for dinner. You had no idea as to whether he was very far from your house, very close to it, or even if he remembered where it was. In all fairness, he had only been there once.
Almost like he waited for you to doubt him, the sound of a knock outside the door pierced your ears in a way that might as well have been an explosion. You visibly flinched at the faint sound of his knuckles briefly hitting your front door and cleared your throat, trying to suppress the nausea you felt induced both by your baby and by the father. How fitting.
“Just one second!” You found yourself calling out to him, frantically looking around your bedroom. You rushed out to the living room and began to toss everything around in a way that would make it seem just a bit neater, pure panic coursing through your veins.
It took about a minute more until you raced to the door and sharply inhaled through your mouth, practically holding your breath once you opened the door.
Your heart completely stopped at the sight of him. Tanned, sun-kissed skin practically illuminating under the light provided by the sunset, hair so sandy yet golden. His mustache was very neatly trimmed in a way that told you he must have spent quite a few minutes on it, and for that, you fought the urge to grin.
His hazel eyes scanned you as his full lips curled into a cheeky smile, just before he furrowed his eyebrows. His large hand gripped the doorframe as he met your eyes with his own for a moment, then broke the intense eye contact just a second later, leaning his head inside of the doorway. Due to the fact that he was quite a bit taller than you, it was easy for him to do so.
His eyes scanned the now tidy living room, answering his internal question as to just what took you so long to open the door. The man was still essentially towering over you as he turned his head back to your face, gazing right down at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“You didn’t tidy up this well when I railed you.” He remarked in a way that made you let out a small gasp, earning a genuine chuckle from him when you swatted at his chest. Strangely enough, all of your panic evaporated into thin air once he spoke.
“Since you don’t appreciate my efforts, I shouldn’t have cleaned up at all. I should have made even more of a mess.” You teased him in a light tone, your lips already curling into a grin. With how good he looked, you refused to even try to fight it.
Rooster inhaled sharply, turning his head away from you as his face twisted in playful disappointment.
“Damn, and to think that I made a reservation for us.” He jokingly scoffed, shaking his head. He couldn’t even fight the smile on his face.
Your grin was playfully mischievous. You raised one eyebrow before you sharply inhaled as if to mimic the way he did before, pursing your lips slightly.
“Take one of your other girls. This ship,” you began in a light, yet firm tone as you used your index finger to point back and forth between the pair of you. “Has sailed.”
Rooster let out a chuckle that made your knees want to buckle, further proving to you just how easy it must have been for him to get you into bed that night. What he said next, though, that took the cake.
“I don’t want the other girls. I came here for you.” He told you so matter-of-factly, his tone reeking of casualness as he lifted his hand and momentarily stroked your cheek with his thumb.
From the way you couldn’t even fight the immediate beam that appeared on your face, Rooster let out a soft chuckle that came from deep within his chest. Your eyes rolled as your grin and your shyly flattered expression betrayed you, staring up at him through your eyelashes. You opened your mouth to jokingly insult him, but as your eyes landed on his face, you immediately found yourself stuck. At that moment, everything hit you like a ton of bricks.
The man in front of you was the father of your child.
You had only been considering his part in your pregnancy in a vague, common way, but everything was coming together in the most overwhelming way possible. Even if Rooster decided to have no part in your pregnancy and in the child’s life, your baby was permanently going to be partially made up of the man before you.
Noticing the way you fell silent, Rooster took the opportunity to take your smaller hand in his own, standing up straight. His grin remained intact on his beautiful face, blissfully unaware as to why you just fell silent.
“I will go fully fucking insane if they offer our table to someone else.” He casually chuckled under his breath as he motioned for you to come out, earning a small giggle from you as you did just that. Seeing as you had already been holding your purse, all you needed to do was lock the door.
After doing so, he led you to the quite beautiful Bronco, causing your lips to curl into a grin. You knew it was an older model, but it was taken care of as if it was brand new.
The car ride there went by smoothly. A few jokes were exchanged, your hand was being held, and the heightened part of your libido that came with pregnancy was really kicking your ass. You couldn’t look at the man for more than two seconds without shifting in your seat, causing you to look out of the window almost the entire time.
By the time you two had arrived, your table was perfectly ready for the pair of you. You silently thanked your lucky stars, as you just didn’t need him being even slightly cranky when you informed him of the parting gift he left you just two months prior.
You two sat down with ease and ordered soon after, but that wasn’t without any minor complications.
“Oh, no wine for me, please.” You quickly added once you heard Rooster order a bottle, earning a confused expression from the man. Even with the way your heart was skipping a beat, you still couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with him. His furrowed eyebrows and his broad shoulders under his open Hawaiian shirt just made you excited, and that was not an issue you wanted to deal with.
“Cramps.” You quickly excused yourself to aid his confusion, earning a look of understanding and a nod. Silently, you thanked yourself for the fact that Rooster was just another brainless man. You had to both love him and hate him for it.
Once you ordered your drink of choice and the server left, you tilted your head and sat back in your seat. You watched him sip the complimentary water that was given to you both, causing you to press your legs together under the table. You knew that if you didn’t break the silence, you’d just pounce on him.
“Are you going to tell me your name, or am I going to keep having to call you Rooster?” You questioned in a light tone, your lips curling into a soft smile as he chuckled at your question.
“It’s Bradley. Bradley Bradshaw, Rooster is my callsign.” He informed you in a low tone, raising his eyebrows slightly as you began to rub his leg with your own under the table.
“Wait.” You immediately stopped, furrowing your eyebrows. “Bradley Bradshaw…? Brad Brad?”
Seeing that you were fighting the urge to laugh, the man couldn’t even resist a chuckle of his own and shot you a warning glare. “Don’t even start.”
You let a soft giggle escape your lips as you gazed over at him mindlessly, tilting your head. It was almost as if you completely forgot what you had to tell him.
“You don’t even know my name.” You told him with a playful huff, immediately reaching for the complimentary bread that was just begging to be eaten.
“Sure I do.” He responded, reaching for a piece of the bread at the exact same time.
“Yeah?” You challenged him with an amused expression. “What is it?”
Like clockwork, there was a cheeky little grin on his face as he popped a piece of the bread into his mouth. His eyebrows furrowed as a way to fake concern for you. “Why, you don’t know your own name?”
You couldn’t help but let out a genuine laugh at his response, shaking your head as his chuckle matched your own. “Asshole.”
After a few moments, your food arrived, and your thoughts began to remind you of just what was going on.
You were pregnant. Waiting any longer to tell the man wouldn’t have made any sense. He was sitting right in front of you, and God only knew when the next time that would happen would be.
Your eyes glossed over the man as he shoveled bites of food into his mouth, your head tilting to the side as your eyes furrowed slightly. Not even noticing the fact that your eyes were glued to his face, he spoke in between bites.
“I haven’t eaten since I landed. Don’t mind me eating this like I'm scared of it walking away.” He casually remarked, his lips curling into a grin as he wiped them with his napkin once he heard the sound of your light giggle.
It was no wonder why you even brought him home to begin with. He was charming, he was witty, he was funny, he was insanely attractive; Rooster truly was a million dollar man with the smile to match. Though it would just pain you to admit it, in the deepest recesses of your heart, you were glad that he was the partner you were given in such a tricky situation.
“No, no, don’t worry.” You attempted to reassure him, silently hoping that his remark wasn’t made out of any discomfort. “I’m just admiring you.”
Had the lighting in there not been so dim, you would have realized just how shyly Rooster grinned at your words. His body was slightly tense from the light form of flattery that you bestowed on him, proving to him that he truly did like you. Something about you just seemed so— different. So special.
Dinner went by smoothly. An incessant amount of flirting took place at that table, fueling your devious little crush on him. Had you not been haunted by the fact that you were carrying his baby and he was still yet to know, you wouldn’t have even considered not taking him home with you.
You two were just absolutely smitten with each other.
The ride home, though, was absolutely painful. Your chest felt very tight from the fact that you still hadn’t told him, and the warmth from his hand on your thigh could only hold you over for so long. Before you knew it, you were home. The opportunity was slipping through your fingertips.
The car came to a halt in front of your house, both relief and guilt washing over your body as it did so. Though you truly did come to love the feeling of being with Rooster, you missed a warmth from your home that even the sun could not provide. Had you not felt guilty about the fact that you still hadn’t told Rooster about the fact that you were about to be the mother of his child, being right outside of it would have drowned you in pure euphoria.
You wanted to scream. You wanted to throw the words over at him like a game of catch, but for the most aggravating reason in the world, you couldn’t. Your hand was finding its way to the door handle, despite the fact that you were silently screaming at yourself to spit it out.
Almost like he could hear you, you felt a large, warm hand gently grip yours before he pulled you over. Luckily, you had just taken your seatbelt off, so there would have been nothing to restrain you when you leaned over per his physical request.
Before you knew it, the warmest and most perfect pair of lips were pressed to yours, causing your heart to just melt inside of your chest. You lifted one of your hands and slowly pushed your fingers into his sandy blonde hair as his lips danced with yours, your eyes threatening to fill with tears. You just couldn’t fathom that being the last time you kissed him. That very well could have been the last good moment you two shared as people who liked one another, and not just as co-parents.
“What’s the matter, pretty girl?” He quietly asked with a playful grin once he detached his lips from yours, the volume of his voice mirroring the way it sounded the morning you last saw him. His long fingers were now gently massaging the very back of your scalp, your eyebrows furrowing at just how good it felt. He let out a small chuckle at your expression and pressed yet another peck to the very corner of your lips, small strands of hair from his mustache slightly tickling your skin. “Thought I’d just let you leave without giving me a kiss?”
Just like that, you felt a bolt of electricity shoot throughout your body. People all around the world walked across hot coals, went skydiving, and rode rollercoasters to replicate the adrenaline that just consumed you. For you, all it took was a small kiss from Rooster.
“Bradley, I’m pregnant.”
Silence. Pure silence.
The second the words hit the air, some might as well have dropped a bomb in the middle of the street. You wasted no time in retracting back to the passenger seat, studying the look of shock and confusion on his face.
“I know it’s confusing, I know you’re shocked. Trust me, I wasn’t exactly relieved and jumping for joy when I found out. I guess we were just too drunk to use protection, but—”
“It’s mine?” He cut you off in complete and utter surprise, his face looking awfully pale. Suddenly, your body was filled to the brim with rage.
“Who the fuck else’s would it be?” You couldn’t help but scoff, your eyebrows furrowing. You couldn’t stand the look of shock on his face. Being shocked about the baby, you understood, but being shocked that it was his? That is how he thought of you?
Rooster clearly did not enjoy your tone. He shot you a small glare as your sudden aggression filled the air, taking his keys out of the ignition. “Don’t do that. Don’t give me attitude; I have every damn right to be surprised.”
As much as you wanted to argue back, you knew that he was right. He truly did have every excuse to be surprised. Seeing as you essentially collapsed upon finding out, he was taking the news much better than you did.
“Why don’t you come inside?” You asked him in a very soft tone, earning another glance from him that made you want to implode. “I can make tea and we can talk about it.”
The silence that filled the air was deafening. At that moment, you just wanted to be completely sucked into the ground. You didn’t know if he was just going to shun you and send you on your merry way, but whatever it was, you wished he would just speak.
Very suddenly, he took his own seatbelt off and opened the door, getting out of the car. Before you could even think to open your own, he did it for you.
Even in his state of shock, he was a gentleman.
You pressed your lips together as if you were scared of what would come out if you didn’t. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as you offered him a small form of gratitude for helping you out of the car, quickly retrieving the key to your house from your purse. The sound of crickets filled the night, and the scent in the air signified that it would rain soon. You usually loved smelling it when the rain was on its way, but at that moment, you felt smothered by it.
After unlocking your door with your key, you stepped inside and immediately rid yourself of your shoes, not being able to suppress the small grunt of relief when your feet were free. You were only two months along in your pregnancy, but the small heels you wore to pair with your black dress made you want to chop your feet clean off.
You tossed your keys into the bowl you had tastefully placed on an end table next to the door, rubbing your own shoulder as you heard the sound of Rooster closing and locking the door. He took his time in removing his boots, figuring you taking your shoes off was just a house rule. Had you had just a moment to recognize what he did, you would have sobbed about how sweet he was and begun to unzip his jeans.
“Which kind of tea would you like?” You asked in a soft tone as you made your way to your kitchen, feeling the presence of the aviator behind you.
“Whatever you have is fine.” He told you in a way that was not exactly cold, but certainly not warm. Regardless of that, you opened one of the cabinets and took a small box outside of it, setting it on the countertop. Once you turned to fill the kettle with water, you furrowed your eyebrows at the fact that it was missing from the stove eye it usually rested on.
Your head turned once the sound of running water hit your ears, and your lips parted at the sight.
While you were getting the box full of teabags, Rooster took it upon himself to prepare the kettle.
You didn’t have to ask, you didn't request that of him. Hell, you didn’t even expect it from him. To be quite technical, you served no greater significance to him than a woman whom he had a one-night-stand with.
Well— aside from the fact that you were about to be the mother of his children, but still.
In your house, doing his part in an action that you offered to perform, he assisted you in making tea. He wanted to. He wasn’t asked to, nor was he forced. He just— wanted to.
You knew the action was minuscule, and you knew that taking it as seriously as you were was foolish. You knew that the way tears began to fill your eyes was a bit extreme, but you were hormonal, goddamn it. In your pregnant mind, this was quite literally the nicest thing anyone had ever done for you in your entire life.
The symbolism of it all was what made you ache like no other. After spending what felt like ages in complete and utter fear of how Rooster would react to your pregnancy, the small action of preparing the kettle washed it all away like a wave crashing onto the shore. You were almost certain that the man would run out on you, or that he would simply refuse to take responsibility for his part in the situation. You knew it was wrong to assume that about a man you hardly knew, but you couldn’t refrain from fearing the worst.
The second you saw him with that kettle, though, everything changed.
He showed up for you. He was there for you, and you didn’t even have to ask him to be. Deep down, you wanted to laugh at yourself for making something as simple as filling a kettle with water and putting it on the stove into such a profound sentiment. Despite wanting to do so, you could not bring yourself to it. Just from the way he was there for you in the moment, you knew he would be there for you in the long haul.
Both of you.
“My dad died when I was still pretty young.” He broke the silence as he placed the kettle back onto the stove eye, turning it onto a high setting after doing so. He didn’t dare to look you in the eye. He refused to let you see the pain in his, and he was petrified of seeing whatever was in yours.
Your face fell at his abrupt confession, your heart now twisting in guilt as you blurted out the first thing you thought. “How old were you?”
“Two.” He responded almost immediately, his hands resting on the edges of the countertop as he leaned his head down slightly. From the way he was standing, his back looked incredibly broad, as did his shoulders. You knew the timing was awful, but the fact that you could see the slight curvature of his back muscles through his not-so-thin sweater made your mouth water. You were glad he wasn’t able to see the way you were devouring him with your eyes.
Immediately feeling guilty for the way you were lusting over a grieving man, you deeply inhaled and decided to carry the discussion a bit further. You knew that him bringing up such a topic was to slightly cover the topic of how little he knew about fatherhood, so you decided to push. “Did you have a father figure?”
“I guess, yeah.” He responded in a low tone, clearing his throat as he stood up straight. Practically feeling Carole scold him for his impoliteness, he finally turned his body to face you and leaned back against the counter very slightly. “My Uncle Tom was around as much as he could be. It was mainly my Uncle P—”
He fell silent rather abruptly, causing you to furrow your eyebrows. Before you could question it, he finished the sentence that formerly hung in the air. “Maverick. My dad’s old friend, he was flying when my dad died.”
Your eyebrows raised at his last statement. His words seemed to hold quite a bit of weight, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t curious as to why that was. You knew that pushing the topic even further would result in something neither of you would like. “And your mother?”
“Died two years ago.” He responded to you in a cool, casual tone. The fact that you brought her up after she had just crossed his mind was too ironic for him to laugh at it.
Immediately, the corners of your lips curved downward into a frown. Despite his collected posterior, you knew that the man in front of you was nothing short of haunted. With two deceased parents and an estranged uncle that formerly served as a father figure, Bradley harbored emotional trauma that would make even the strongest people wince. No one deserved that. Least of all, him.
At least he had an Uncle Tom, though, right? He seemed nice. Everyone loves Uncle Tom.
You took a deep breath as you found yourself shuffling over to the taller pilot, his gaze now tiredly placed on yours. Both of you saw what the other was trying to hide. His pain, your fear; once they were formally acquainted with one another, they disappeared. Your arms snaked around his torso before you simply laid your head on his chest, your eyelids slowly falling shut.
The warmth from his body almost completely consumed you. Rooster wrapped both of his rather strong arms around you without so much as one word. The two of you stood in each other’s arms silently, both silently scared and comforted by the fact that only you two could understand what the other was going through. It was your first embrace not as just soon-to-be parents, but as two people who cared about one another. The baby that was growing in your belly essentially acted as a Cyrano, forcing and tricking you two to realize that you were meant to be more for one another than you formerly realized.
“I don’t know how I’ll do it.” You took it upon yourself to breathe the silence with a whisper, your eyes still closed as you listened to the melancholic sound of his heartbeat mixed with the faint sound of the kettle.
“We’ll just have to figure it out, I guess.” Rooster muttered lowly to you in a way that made your heart melt, crack, drop, and burst all at the same time.
You furrowed your eyebrows in pure awe of his words. You had never felt so held by someone in your life, both physically and metaphorically. You lifted your head from his chest and looked up at the man, your desperately relieved eyes meeting his. “We will?”
“I don’t know if you know this, but I don’t think we have a choice.” Rooster teased you in a way that made you let out such a warm giggle, the grin forming on his face turning such a scary moment into something of pure beauty.
“Thank you so much, Bradley.” You abruptly whispered to him, your eyes still wondrously peering into his as you did so. “Thank you for being this nice about all of this, I— I was so scared of how you’d react. I’ve been doing nothing but panicking since I found out.”
Your voice began to tremble midway through your sentence as the sheer horror and exhaustion that you had undergone since finding out began to flash throughout your mind. You couldn’t fight the tear that fell out of your eye as you spoke, and Rooster immediately took note of it.
Before he could do anything, however, the sound of the kettle whistling to indicate that it was ready startled both of you. The pair of you looked over at the same time before you let out a soft laugh at how it tore the moment to shreds, watching Rooster simply turn the stove off. He returned to his prior position and instantly wrapped his arms around you just as he did before, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head once you laid it on his chest again.
The words he whispered to you would be engrained in your memory for the rest of your life. Any time the trials and tribulations of motherhood threatened your peace and your sanity, his words came back to you like a moth to a flame, calming you down completely.
“You don’t need to panic, pretty girl. I’m here.”
Yes, he was.
@rosiahills22 @mak-32 @ghxst-heart @gretagerwigsmuse @aurisnightmare @twsssmlmaa @alldaysdreamers @mushy-mushroom04 @castle-bookworms-world @lunamooncole @maggiedanikka @mattyskies @classyunknownlover @lovelyladymayyy @adhxmoony @astroponyo @londonbeachgirl @belledawnidk @hope-love-equality2 @je-suis-prest-rachel @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @ahintofkiwistrawberry @ebonyhogan24 @alana4610 @affabletimelady @double-j @mrsjaderogers @littlesoulintheuniverse @bluelicious
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rottingxrooster · 2 months
Holy shit I'm so funny
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notroosterbradshaw · 9 months
thinkin about the first kiss again for love and bradley
oh, this nonny? it was sooo long ago...
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“I just can’t - ” he closed his eyes, dropping everything he was holding and grasping your face tenderly between his calloused palms. “Please think about this.”
“And if I fuck it up?” you asked, scared as reality started to kick in.
“What if I do?” he challenged. “Do we not owe it to ourselves to find out?”
You nodded, almost pained, pressing your hands to his chest because you needed the last few touches before he left you. “Yes, we do,” and with that, his lips were on yours. Soft, unobtrusive, it felt like you’d been kissing him your whole life. Familiar and right, you didn’t realise how long you’d been waiting for this. He was such a good kisser, and there was no going back now. The words were out there… his kiss had tainted you.
His hands left your face, tangling into your hair, it felt incredible. He smiled against your lips and lightly pulled back. “You only needed to say yes,” he told you, holding your face, his warm hazel eyes dancing and he kissed you again, a little rougher this time, his large hands tangling into your hair, tugging at strands as they moved to your back, dangerously close to your ass. “I’m holding back so bad right now, because the second I give in, I will stay.”
“Can’t you call in?” you asked hopefully, reaching for his lips again, your hands drifting to his hips and his head fell back with a quiet sigh. He pleaded for your hands anywhere further north.
“If I don’t front up today… every single person we know will know exactly where I am… and why,” he said, voice laced in mirth.
the boyfriend experience masterlist
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pollyna · 1 year
5 times through the years, Bradley sees Iceman, the navy pilot, and then the rising Admiral and learns almost nothing about him + 1 Bradley not only sees him but also gets to know him and Tom.
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compacflt · 1 year
Okay maybe I totally missed it in the story, but I’ve gotta ask: how did Jake find out about Ice and Mav?? I know there was a line about “figuring out who Bradley’s dads were” in Debriefing, and it seems like Jake definitely knows by the carrier for the mission, given how he reacts when Bradley says he’s gay and that they “hate him for not being able to hide it like them”, but when was the discussion about exactly what Ice and Mav are to each other? At what point did Bradley tell him, and how long did Jake spend staring at a wall and saying “huh” in a dazed sort of way???
i admit i made it confusing on purpose and i admit there isn’t much of jakes reaction but yes
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it’s the third “he was my dad.” specifically about ice. whereas the other two are about goose & mav. because, you know, there are three of them. dads, that is. ice just happens to be the third
Jake canonically doesn’t know what’s up with the holy dad trinity because he doesn’t even react to seeing goose btwn ice (fucking cdr of the pacflt) and mav (his fucking CO) in that old top gun photo —only cares about goose. clueless-ass mf. and the homosexual little “what is with these two!” during the first practice dogfight.
but i bet there were clues. a lot of little things that eventually came together.
a.) scrolling through the navy times on his laptop in bed cause he’s bored one night, tilting it over so bradley can see the screen and read the headline, ‘RADM tom Kazansky named pacific fleet commander,’ just randomly asking “whaddaya make of this guy?” and next to him bradley freezes and almost refuses to speak and then snipishly says, “he’s gay.” / “what?” what a wild thing to say! / “i just know it. he’s gay. look at him. hiding it like that.” / “what a weird fucking thing to say about a guy you’ve never met, bradshaw!” / and bradley going all silent and sullen the way he does sometimes and saying “well i don’t think anything of him. whatever.” / and then both of them put it from their minds and never talk about it again.
B.) all the quiet little dad-related breakdowns over the years. Father’s Day is never happy when bradley’s around. jake made the mistake of asking him why, once. he said something to the effect of “well with three of them you’d think id be statistically likely to get a dad who wasn’t unbelievably fucked-up or dead but nope! it’s three times as bad as usual!” and refused to elaborate. bradley is often annoying this way.
c.) the fact that capt mitchell, maverick, who looks like a gracefully-aging movie star, is by all accounts nice and charming and mostly-ish respected, and yet apparently chronically single, a confirmed bachelor for as long as most officers can remember. hondo knows something, clearly, but he’s being very cagey about it, apparently out of loyalty to maverick. even on day ONE of the special training detachment at Top Gun, there are rumors. Some more mean-spirited than others (looking at you, harvard) which Jake tries to shut down, because he remembers being on the receiving end of mean-spirited rumors like that, and rumors about a guy like maverick probably aren’t true. ‘I’ve heard about him. Whispers. Watch him the next time we hit the Hard Deck. He’ll flirt with Penny the bartender, and she’ll flirt back, but he sure as hell won’t take her home. You know what I mean.’ Yeah right. dangerous to make comments about a man like maverick. jake keeps his mouth shut.
d.) but then there’s the way bradley acts around him. They’ve met before and they know each other and there is not only bad blood between them, it’s blood that’s been simmering for a while and just now boiling over. Three dads. the maverick-related rumors. hmm…
e.) that picture of goose and mav and ice. OKAY. Now we’re getting somewhere. Bradley’s dad… LTJG nick bradshaw… FLEW with maverick. Looks up the obituary online and reads the news reports he can find in the archives. Maverick was behind the stick when goose ate it. Okay. Two out of three dads found and accounted for. (Because they’re broken up, and because jakes still heartbroken, this fact will be used as ammunition. “Or that maverick was flying when his—“ “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” et cetera et cetera.)
f.) on the flight deck shaking hands with the commanding officer of every commanding officer jake has ever dad—admiral tom kazansky, come to wish the aviators good luck, and to sanction their attack. this is, like, a big deal. like a really big deal. like, makes you wanna stop and ask him for a selfie to post on your LinkedIn to advance your career kind of big deal. but out of the corner of his eye… jake’s noticing Bradley on the verge of a dad-related breakdown. bradley doesn’t seem to care how much of a big deal it is to have the privilege to shake the hand of the commander of the pacific fleet. isn’t even looking. something big and hateful between them. something like bad blood. oh oh oh. wait. It’s coming together.
g.) poking fun at him. psyching him out. what’s a little pre-suicide-mission hazing between exes? what is with you, bradshaw? you’re, like, freaking out over here..! —and Bradley, looking for someone—anyone!—to trust, tugging him into his cabin on the aircraft carrier and bursting into tears and crashing down onto the linoleum into jake’s arms and saying “he was my dad…!”
h.) bingo.
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sainzwife · 1 year
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marckurtzberg97 · 5 months
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Mysterious Marc - Part Two
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listerbirdloml · 1 year
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rooster love each other really (i forgot again but if i had to guess 14/????)
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 8 months
happy Lunar New Year, too all friend & oomfies🎵 Happy Wood Dragon🪵🍁 ~~Lucky times for us all ~~ wear Red & Gold today❤️for extra luck boost⭐️🌙⭐️
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thedroneranger · 1 year
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My BB™ Cass, you know I'm filling both drinks in this order. Anything for my BB™s 🖤 Here is your champagne. Heavily inspired by this little fic. Salut, 🥂
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw | Too Much is Just Right | requested by @notroosterbradshaw
Don't forget your whiskey! 🥃
Thirsty? Order a drink, or see what others are drinking!
Tag list: @cherrycola27 @roosterforme @taytaylala12 @galaxy-of-stories @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @malindacath @violyn20 @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @blue-aconite @hecate-steps-on-me @chicomonks @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @mayhemmanaged @desert-fern @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @mavrellover91 @s-u-t @averyhotchner @penguin876 @kmc1989 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @seitmai @abaker74 @callsignharpe @cassiemitchell @startrekfangirl2233 @dakotakazansky @beyondthesefourwalls @bradshawsprincess
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zaskiaz · 1 year
sneak 👏 peek 👏 friday 👏
haven’t written much this week because i was catching up on stranger things and steddie had me in a chokehold. i’m not a big fan of the series but it’s so refreshing to read new fics in a new fandom, i had missed that feeling (also love how the fandom collectively agreed to ignore the s04 finale, bc it was bullshit, and instead started their own fix-it fanfics, as it should be lol). anyway, here we go c:
top gun | icemav | wip (birthday oneshot)
He's zipping up his khakis when the phone rings. Maverick frowns. It's ass o’clock in the morning, and he definitely isn’t expecting anyone to call at this hour. He crosses the distance to the wall where the phone hangs and picks up.
“Mitchell speaking.”
“Uncle Mav!” it’s a whisper-shout, and it lights up every fiber in Maverick’s body.
“Hey, little guy! What are you doing up?”
“It’s your birthday, Uncle Mav! I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday, of course!”
Maverick snorts. “Of course.”
“It’s today, right? Daddy said it was, and Ms Riley helped me mark it in my calendar. Ms Riley is my new teacher, by the way! She’s sub– subti– she’s teaching us while Mrs Sophie is on leave! Did you know she’s having a baby? She said it could be born any day now, that’s why she’s gonna stay home and rest! I was sad at first, because I really like art classes with Mrs Sophie, but I guess Ms Riley is cool too. She helped me make your present, did you know?”
Maverick’s grinning from ear to ear. He fucking loves the kid.
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hotgirlmav · 2 years
Parting Gift — Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
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Pairing: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Female!Reader (18+)
Description: One night stands were never truly your thing. After passing your college midterms and celebrating at a bar, though, a one night stand ended up being just what you wanted. You picked the hottest naval aviator in the whole building and soon learned that he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him. He was set to deploy the next day, and you just wanted a cheap fix. What better way to ruin the convenience of a one night stand than him getting you pregnant? PART TWO IS OUT!
Warnings: Explicit language, sexual undertones, abundance of angst, depictions of anxiety, vomit, alcohol, pregnancy, mentions of abortion, reader going complete Joker, flirty Hangman, writer missing Maverick. Maverick, come home. The kids miss you.
Word Count: 3,688.
A/N: Apologies for the heartache in advance. Also, JUSTICE FOR THE PREGNANCY TROPE? So many people seem to hate it, but I'm sorry, I love the drama. It fuels me. It keeps me GOING.
Requests are still open!
“Wake up, pretty girl.”
Your eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of the deep, raspy voice that filled your ears.
Your lips curled into a soft grin at the sight of the mustached man, traces of drowsiness still present in his hazel eyes. The hint of sunlight peering through the window rested upon his face, making him glow in a way you hadn’t quite seen before. Had your head not been aching as a result of a small hangover, that moment would have been your complete description of heaven.
Realizing just how tired you two still were, you furrowed your eyebrows.
“What time is it?” You asked him just barely above a whisper and lifted your hand, trying to rub at least just a little bit of the sleep out of your eyes.
His gaze shifted from you for only a mere second, but it felt like an eternity. For a second, you just wanted to cup his cheeks with your hands and make him look at you. You wanted to remain the subject of his sleepy, lustful gaze, but unfortunately, reality had to set in.
“Almost seven.” He responded to you in a way that seemed as if he had overslept, despite such an hour being one you wouldn’t dream of waking up at on a weekend.
He got up from his spot in your bed within just a few seconds, causing an uninviting gush of wind to wash over you. The now vacant spot where he once rested still contained his warmth, but it was nothing compared to actually having him next to you. You slowly sat up in your spot, your bare back now exposed to the harsh temperature as the blanket continued to cover your exposed chest. You watched the man pull his boxers up swiftly before following with the jeans, the white tee, and the Hawaiian shirt from the night before. Even in your tired, slightly hungover state, his beauty clouded the room like fog on a winter’s morning.
“I don’t usually do this, you know.” Rooster broke the silence, earning a small giggle from you. Despite the fact that you took his words as a joke, he shook his head and pulled his shirt over his head.
“No, I mean it. I don’t. Trust me, if I could stay in bed with you and give you something much nicer to wake up to,” he trailed on with a chuckle, his voice still raspy from waking up moments prior. “I would. I’m just usually back at base by now, and since I have to travel for my deployment later, I don’t want them to get any ideas. Don’t want them to think I’m just flaking on them or something.”
“You don’t have to do that.” You couldn’t help but gently laugh at his demeanor, shaking your head slightly. You highly appreciated where he was coming from, but you knew he was just being a gentleman. “If I expected morning cuddles and breakfast afterwards, I wouldn’t have slept with you the same night I met you.”
Was it reckless? Yes. Did you care? No. While one-night stands were not usually your thing, last night was quite special. Rooster wanted to get a few drinks with his friends before having to deploy, and you had just passed your college midterms. He was hot, you were hot, you both were tipsy; it felt like fate.
“I’m not saying any of this to make you feel better, I’m saying it because I mean it.” He informed you, putting his Hawaiian shirt on over his tee. Despite his tone remaining soft, it was a bit firm. He didn’t want you to think he was just hitting and quitting.
Rolling your eyes playfully at his response, you simply held the blanket to your chest and took another deep breath. His gaze landed upon you once more, causing him to let out a small chuckle. You furrowed your eyebrows as he simply stared and laughed under his breath.
“What?” You asked, now slightly uncomfortable at the realization that you were still completely in the nude and he was laughing.
“I, uh,” he began, clearing his throat as he pointed his finger right below your head. “I need those.”
You looked down in complete confusion, your eyebrows still furrowed as you did so. Once you saw the metal from his dog tags resting right under your collarbones, you could feel your heart begin to speed up slightly, seeing as you didn’t even remember the fact that you were wearing his dog tags.
“God, how drunk were we?” You couldn’t help but mutter under your breath as you used one of your hands to take them off. You held them out and tensed slightly once you felt his large, warm hand cup your cold one momentarily, watching him take them.
“I’m not surprised. Thinking about you now in nothing but my dog tags is doing something to me, so I can only imagine what it did to me last night.” He casually remarked in a way that made you almost shyly giggle. You weren’t accustomed to such suave flattery, but from him, you’d take it. It felt perfect. It felt natural.
“The second I come back, I’m taking you out.” He broke the silence once more, causing you to raise your eyebrows.
“Oh, are you?” You asked with a grin to match your surprise, your eyes slightly lighting up.
There was a smirk on his face that did unexplainable things to you as he nodded his head, not even dreaming of tearing his gaze away from your face. He nodded his head in response, his tongue momentarily leaving his mouth to wet his lips. You bit the inside of your cheek as you gazed at him, trying your hardest not to just grab him and pull him back into bed.
He inched closer to the bed and leaned down, his tall frame essentially in half as he dipped his head down to your ear.
“Until next time, pretty girl.” He whispered into your ear in a way that sent chills down your spine, his warm hand pressing to the small of your bare back as he pressed his lips to the very beginning of your jawline.
You let out a small giggle as he stood up properly, his gaze not leaving you as you simply laid back. You gave him one final wave, and just like that, he was off.
That was seven weeks ago. That was a much calmer time, a nicer time. Certainly not a time where you couldn’t even look at anything without having to throw up.
The sound of the flushing toilet rang in your ears for what seemed to be the millionth time in the past few days, earning a disgruntled groan from the recesses of your throat. Even doing so caused you more pain, seeing as the acid in the vomit was enough to make your throat burn.
For the past week, you had been under the impression that you had the most vile case of the flu. At every second, you were emptying the contents of your stomach, doing so in what almost seemed like an ungodly manner. Had you not been oddly late for your period, you would have just written this off entirely.
Tired of the situation and confused, you sat in your bed with a scowl on your face, your free hand absentmindedly on your stomach as the other typed your symptoms into the search engine on your computer.
Had the word never shown up on the screen of your laptop, you would never have considered it. To be quite honest, even when the word did show up, it just made you dryly laugh out loud. Your initial thought was that such a thing was impossible, seeing as you hadn’t slept with anyone recently enough for you to be pregnant. The second that thought came across, though, you could feel your heart drop as flashes of the naval aviator from two months prior began to flicker throughout your head.
You began to wonder if you two used protection, seeing as you couldn’t remember much from that night. You doubted that he could either, due to both of you not remembering how you ended up with his dog tags once you woke up. Your gut was telling you that the fact that you had to question it said enough, but you didn’t want to listen. You had to be sure.
The next hour flew by in what seemed like a sequence. Within an hour, you made your way to the drugstore that was the closest to your house, purchased three different variations of pregnancy tests, had a miniature breakdown in the car, calmed yourself down, made your way back home, and stood impatiently in the bathroom for what seemed like an eternity. The wrapper for the first test was lazily resting next to the pregnancy test, the instructions strewn out next to the ripped box as you waited. The test itself was facedown as your timer finally rang after five minutes of pure hell.
Once it rang, you gasped under your breath and quickly turned it off, the sound essentially giving you a heart attack. You pursed your lips together tightly and squeezed your eyes shut, deciding to just rip it off like a bandaid. You took the test in your hand and quickly turned it over, looking down at it.
Two pink lines.
The second one was faint, but it was unmissable.
Letting out what almost sounded like a maniacal laugh, shaking your head as you furrowed your eyebrows. Immediately, you began to tear open every other test.
“No, no. False positive. False positives happen all the time.” You thought to yourself in a panic, taking the next few moments to take each and every single one.
Moments later, you were met with what almost seemed like an ungodly amount of positive pregnancy tests. One false positive was already pushing it, but six? That was unmistakable. You were pregnant.
With shaky hands and a heavy heart, you silently thanked your lucky stars for the fact that there was a wall behind you. Had there not been, you would have fallen directly onto your back. You knew that was something not only you couldn’t afford, but your baby couldn’t afford.
“God, my baby.” You whispered under your breath shakily, your voice riddled in disbelief as your vision began to blur with tears.
The memories of the night you spent several weeks ago took solace in every tear that rolled down your warm cheeks, the sight of your temporary lover fading off into the distance. You knew that even if you tried to reach for him, he would be gone before you would even realize it. Your fingers would pierce the transparent photograph of him in your memory, and he would be none the wiser.
The only thing you had left of him was the parting gift he left you, now seven weeks along. The tiny blip inside of you, the faint yet present pink line, and the role of motherhood that you would have to take on in just a number of months. You watched your own life and your own reason for being walk out of the door, quickly being replaced by what would be this baby.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. You were well aware of the fact that this is certainly not the first nor the last time this has happened, but you never wanted such a thing for yourself.
You wanted the big house. You wanted the white picket fence. You wanted the his and hers sinks. You wanted the matching rings. You wanted the arguments over where the remote to the television went. You wanted the sigh of relief and to feel that they missed you in their hug whenever they got home. You wanted the shocked reaction in the bathroom. You wanted the tears of joy, the hugs, the cheers, and the calls to be sent out after telling them.
All you got was the shocked reaction in the bathroom.
You wanted your child to grow up in a home with parents that loved them, parents that loved each other. At that point in time, you weren’t even sure if your child’s father remembered your name. The memory he had of you would extend no further than the inner-workings of your body, and it would all remain in his fingertips. You couldn’t even be mad at him for such a thing. Apart from his profession, his callsign, and the way his body worked, what did you truly know about him?
Could he handle a child? Did he even want a child? Even if he did, how would you even reach him? Did you even want a child?
The air seemed to grow thinner at the number of thoughts racing throughout your head, causing you to take a very deep breath and close your eyes. You knew you had to map out what your next move was, and what exactly would follow after that.
Keeping the baby seemed like a no-brainer. While you were comforted by the fact that whatever you decided would be solely your decision, and while you completely understood anyone choosing to terminate the pregnancy, you just knew that wasn’t what you wanted to do. In that area, your mind was as good as made up.
Within the next three days, things seemed to go by both far too quickly and far too slowly. Your pregnancy was confirmed by an ultrasound that you scheduled directly after your breakdown on your bathroom floor, and you still had yet to tell anyone. Even though you knew what kind of reaction you’d get to keeping the baby, let alone being pregnant in the first place, none of it worried you as much as how the father would react. The past three nights had been haunted by memories of your night with him, and oddly enough, that comforted you. Even if you didn’t have his support, you’d always have that night.
If you didn’t have his support, though, what an asshole. Right?
Sharply exhaling as your car came to a halt outside of the bar that you met Rooster at, you closed your eyes as the sound of music blaring from the inside of the building filled your ears. Figuring that if you didn’t just do it at that moment, you’d never do it, you simply got out and made your way in before you could turn around.
Everything about the atmosphere of the bar reminded you of him. You were incredibly irritated by that fact. You had been frequenting that bar since your freshman year of college, how come he got to ruin it for you in just one night?
Huffing at the thought of him and the impending nausea that threatened to consume you, you began to look around for any familiar faces. Within an instant, your eyes landed on a man you had not only seen that fated night, but a man that even spoke to Rooster before you practically stole him. If anyone knew how to contact Rooster, it was probably him.
Immediately, you approached him.
The blonde-haired pilot had the cockiest grin on his face as he listened to another pilot speak, clearly ready to argue with whatever was being said.
“Excuse me.” You tried to kindly get his attention, not speaking loud enough over the music. Deciding that yelling at a man you were trying to get information out of just wouldn’t be the wisest way to go about it, you tapped his shoulder with your index finger, causing him to look back over his shoulder.
Though you were more of a Rooster girl, you had to admit, being under this man’s gaze wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
“How can I help you, sweetheart?” He asked you with what almost seemed to be an even cockier smirk, a beer bottle in his hand as he turned around fully to face you.
“Hi, I’m sorry. I was here a few weeks ago, and you were with this guy I was talking to. His name is Rooster, do you know him?” You asked as sweetly and as calmly as you could, despite wanting nothing more than to throw up right on his shoes. It wasn’t personal; you just had to puke.
The man let out what almost seemed like a devious chuckle, nodding his head at your words. “I know him. Why, he couldn’t give you what you wanted? Referred you to me?”
His words were filthy, but his tone was still playful. In all honesty, you would rather have him be like that than withholding.
You forced out a small giggle at his words and immediately shook your head, following up with a few of your own. “No, no, it’s not like that. He had to deploy the day after, and I never got a chance to get his number. I was wondering if you had it and if you could give it to me. I really have to talk to him, it’s important.”
His eyebrows were raised at your words, as he knew Rooster had left quite some time ago. He wasn’t quick enough to put two and two together, but he did realize that it must have been important if you waited two months to tell him. Still, though, he wanted to let you dangle a bit more.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. Not sure Roo would want me giving out his number to just any pretty woman who asks for it.” He remarked in a tone that you’d be lying if you said it didn’t give you goosebumps, his cold hand pushing a bit of your hair behind your shoulder. You knew exactly what he was doing, so you just let out a small giggle and kept your gaze on his face.
“It’s really important.” You reiterated, your tone still soft yet firm. You exhaled in relief as he simply nodded after a moment, taking his phone out.
After he read the ten-digit phone number to you, you sighed in relief and quickly saved his contact, going to put your phone away. Before you could do so, he began to read out another number.
You furrowed your eyebrows and hastily unlocked your phone, your fingers frantically dancing across the screen to jot the number down. Once he finished, you gazed up at him in confusion. “What is the second number for?”
“That one is mine.” He cheekily told you, your expression softening in realization as his smirk returned. “For when you get bored of Rooster.”
You couldn’t help but let a small laugh out at the man, shaking your head. “Thank you, um…”
“Hangman.” He finished for you, licking his lips after doing so. You responded with a kind smile and nodded your head.
Within the next few minutes, you kindly bid him adieu, making sure to attach his callsign to his contact before you could forget. You made your way back out to your car and got into the driver’s seat, immediately putting your seatbelt on. Before you could even leave the parking lot, you found yourself pressing the small call icon next to Rooster’s contact.
Your heart began to race as it began to ring, your entire body filling with regret. You were already too far into the call to hang up without suspicion, and you felt completely paralyzed. You couldn’t hang up. Just when you thought you were safe, a voice entered your ear with the intensity of a jump scare.
Your heart completely stopped. Your chest began to tighten as you opened your mouth to speak, despite being unable to get any words out. Before he could hang up, though, you figured that it was your turn to break the silence.
“Hi.” You spoke into the phone, squeezing your eyes shut at how pathetic you sounded.
“God, don’t hang up, don’t hang up.” You thought, just before you frantically spoke again.
“I-I’m sorry, you probably don’t remember me. I—” You began to stutter, being cut off by words that made your heart just melt.
“Pretty girl, is that you?” He asked into the phone with a chuckle, his eyebrows furrowing as he slowly began to recognize your voice.
Immediately, you had the dumbest smile on your face. For a second, you completely forgot what you even called for. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s me.”
“How did you get my number, hm? Stalking me?” He teased you in a way that made you understand just why you brought him home with you that one night, earning a small giggle from you.
“Some guy at the bar. Said his name was Hangman.” You softly told him, looking down at your hands as you held the phone to your ear with your other hand.
Rooster raised his eyebrows as he sat down, a shirt absent from his body as he held his phone to his ear. “That’ll go down as the first and last good thing he’s ever done for me.”
Of course, he had no idea what would happen just months later.
You let out another laugh as he poked fun at his fellow naval aviator, the newly found silence now reminding you why you called.
“Listen, uh— I actually called because I have to talk to you.”
“Oh, that’s fine. We can talk next week, I’ll be back on Monday.”
“Back? Back here, what…?” You asked in pure confusion, your eyebrows furrowed as he responded to your tone with a chuckle.
“Yes, back there. You didn’t think I forgot that I promised you a date, did you?” He asked in a way that made you just want to implode right there, following up before you could respond. “Listen, I have to go. I’ll see you Tuesday night?”
“Oh— kay. Okay, sure, yeah.” You found yourself saying, completely dumbfounded.
“Alright, then. It’s a date.” He spoke in a way that made his smirk almost audible. “Bye, pretty girl.”
“Bye.” You forced yourself to respond, hanging up in an instant.
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indybob · 1 year
Bradley cries the first time Jake cuddles him and runs his fingers through his hair because the last person to hold him like that was Carole before she died🥺
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