#and brandybucks seeing as merry was named after ... merry
spinningalbinoturtle · 6 months
Lotr characters and their dogs (and other pets)
Canonically not a dog person but also just has cat person vibes
He has two cats one of them is a chubby gray kitty named Luthien and she is incredibly spoiled. A birthday present from Bilbo
His other cat is a stray who hates everyone but Frodo- its super scrangly and Sam calls it Gollum and it stuck
After the Quest Frodo gets a little beagle service dog that helps him with PTSD and other medical stuff
Pre Quest had an old basset hound named Fingon. His dad said they didn’t have room for it but Sam insisted on feeding it and when he moved in with Frodo it came along.
Post quest he has a border collie named Ellie (short for Galadriel) who helps him replant the shire
He also keeps chickens at Bag End and spoils them a bit. They are just for eggs
Also has a little dairy cow for fresh milk. Her name is Bell after his mom
The Brandybucks have a pack of mastiffs and they love Merry. Frodo is terrified of them
They also have several feral maine coones that lounge around their manor and also love Merry but hate everyone else
Has a full size horse post quest which he is very proud of and scares the other hobbits. Its name is Theoden
Lets be honest with ourselves Pippin has a lab who has the exact same personality as him and they go everywhere together. Its name is something really basic like Buddy
He also keeps turtles and has a whole menagerie for them. They’re all named after different foods
Aragorn has a husky/malamute that he found on his travels north. He howls back and forth with it and is convinced he can understand it. When he becomes king it sits at the foot of his throne and occasionally will randomly howl in the middle of a meeting.
Horse girl all the way. Brego is his bestie. Man takes excellent care of his horse and buys all kinds of extraneous shit for it.
Denethor has a pack of vicious looking dogs but Boromir has a Dalmatian that loves him so much
Faramir adopts it for a while after Boromir dies but Faramir is much more of a cat person, so ultimately its adopted by Aragorn and becomes mates with his husky. The puppies go to his and Arwens kids
This could go one of two ways-either he has a super graceful hunting dog like a greyhound or whippet or he has a little pomeranian he dresses up and treats like a baby
He has tried to domesticate the spiders with little success maybe because he’s also killed a lot of them
Gimli is a terrier person. He has a little Scottish terrier who sits on his lap all the time when he’s working. Gimli made it a little sweater and it hates Legolas (its jealous of Legolas stealing Gimli’s attention).
He also keeps canaries and they are very well cared for and all have names and he’s the only one who can tell them apart
Has a massive Rottweiler who is super intimidating to everyone except Eowyn. It has bitten Grima multiple times. Around Eowyn it acts like a little puppy.
She also loves her horse as all Rohirrim do.
I could also see her as raising ferrets or chinchilas as well
Firmly a cat person
Doesn’t mind dogs but vastly prefers cats
Has six of them and they’re all rescues. Their names are : Mithrandir, Radagast, Varda, Melian, Beren, and Pippin.
Eowyn indulges her crazy cat husband even when their house is overrun with kittens
Also firmly a cat person
She’s fine Aragorn’s dog but that’s just cause its well trained
Usually just has one or two cats at a time. They’re a special breed from Lothlorien and they’re really beautiful. They like to sit on her lap and purr. They’re also vicious mousers.
Has a big great dane who hangs out in Edoras. Its super sweet and dorky. Everyone loves it.
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luckynumber-8 · 10 months
♡ ~ HOBBIT TRAUMAS (AND HOW YOU TAKE CARE OF THEM) ~ ♡ (4 Hobbits X Reader Preference)
a/n: No one would escape an adventure like the Fellowship had unscathed, especially not if you were an innocent, good-hearted, fun-loving hobbit.
My take on the traumas the 4 hobbits would have after the adventure, and how you, reader, help them deal with that.
P.S. -This is my first-ever writing post in Tumblr... and also my first-ever posted fanfic-type-thing! It's just a bunch of headcanons right now - maybe I'll take one of the ideas and turn it into a drabble or something later. Feedback is the best thing ever, and I would love to get any that anybody has!
P.P.S. - Shoutout to @wordbunch, who's LOTR writings I absolutely adore, and whose post formatting I basically used as a cheat sheet, because I'm a totally clueless newbie. So thank you! I hope that wasn't out of line for me to borrow 😕
Sometimes he can still feel the crushing weight of the ring pulling on his neck or weighing on his chest, and you catch him absentmindedly rubbing one of these spots
So you, you special person, find some excuse to give him a neck rub or a back rub
Because you absolutely cannot stand seeing him trying to hide his discomfort like this
You know openly calling him out on it will just remind him of all that happened to him, so you have become a Master of Subtlety and Distraction
Whenever you catch him staring into the distance, you know it is Time to Remove Frodo From His Own Head
Distractions ensue 
Surprise hugs
Randomly launching into stories or rants that you know he won't be able to help listening to 
(Because the sound of your voice is not-so-secretly one of his favorite things and he will listen forever)
Offering to read to him (we all know this is Book Boy, so what better than having his favorite tales read aloud by you?? His favorite narrator??)
You make him cups of tea as he writes his book
When he sees you smiling in the doorway with a mug in one hand and the scent of his favorite leafy brew drifting out of it, it just makes his day because…well, you.
You just think of him too much and he can't handle it lol
Try to put this poor boy around spiders
(yes I love this HC, idk who came up with it and I can’t remember where I saw it but it’s basically canon in my bran now)
He cannot stand them, not even in the garden anymore. You can see how he stiffens and twitches every time one of those ugly eight-leggers scuttles across his path and instantly know how much restraint he's using not to kill it on the spot.
Spider in the house? It's all you, Y/N
You know he would try to face it down for you and you alone
But you can't stand seeing him go all cold and shaky at a little garden spider 
So you often remove them before he can even notice because peace in the house is a nice thing to have
He also has alarming levels of self-doubt sometimes because of how he thinks he's misjudged things in the past
But luckily for him, he has you
You are there to support him and are always advocating that he is strong and makes solidly good choices
And you know what? You are his world, so he believes your every word. 
He drinks those affirmations up like there is no tomorrow
And you are happy to continue on as his supplier till the end of days
Personal HC that when his arm is burned after stabbing the Witch-King, he gets phantom pains not dissimilar to Frodo's
It's almost like nerve damage - he'll be fine one minute and drop whatever he was holding the next, or his hand will start twitching in weird and sometimes disturbing (to him) ways
This is Mr. "Nothing-Bothers-Me-And-I'm-Fine", so naturally, it bothers him quite a bit that one of his appendages refuses to follow orders on a regular basis
It's something that he tries to hide from you - pretends it's not there, BARELY jokes about it.
If Merry Brandybuck ain't joking about it, you aren't either.
Sometimes you hear villagers mentioning it in hushed whispers, and you (badass) shut them up before a single one makes it back to Merry
Because you know that's what he'd do for you, so you absolutely do it for him.
And you know he secretly appreciates that you don't fuss over it, because he doesn't want to feel different or incapable. It helps, for him, that you treat him like just the same person he was before (because he is duh) and nothing has changed and he doesn't want or need to be coddled.
Not saying you do, but you might sometimes give this particular arm a little extra love and affection. Massaging his hand, tracing circles on his wrist, and just letting him know how dead cool you think his scar is.
Because, really…how many people have changed the fate of Middle Earth and have something to prove it?
Your Merry does, that's who. And you'll never let him forget how amazing and brave he is.
Pippin is constantly awake in the dead of night
Because he's haunted by wild nightmares 
And you're the first and probably one of the only people he would turn to for comfort
So guess what? You're up too, holding him close to you in the dead of night while he tries to calm down
Sometimes he tells you what the night mare was, sometimes he keeps silent and just wants to lay next to you. You know he'll tell you in his own time if it's right to.
This little hobbit is such an empath, he really took to heart EVERYTHING that happened on his journey
And he thinks that way too many things were exclusively his fault 
Gandalf's death? His fault.
Merry getting hurt (because he got them separated and wasn't there)? His fault.
Boromir's death (because he didn't know how to fight)? His fault.
Again, you know better than to push, but you know the content of a lot of his nightmares revolves around his contributions being insignificant, his actions causing people's injury (or death), and how badly things could have played out because of him. It worries you, how much brainspace he gives to these things.
So you keep him close to you. I mean that both literally and figuratively. He's not shy about taking the physical comfort he needs (honestly I don't think he's aware of the concept of personal space), but he gets tripped up trying to talk about his own feelings
So you just give him his space, all the time he needs, and bottomless snuggles 
Because contrary to what he thinks, a lot of things went right because of him, and you can't tell him enough how much he means to everyone (and you. most importantly, definitely you.)
Thank you for reading, if you made it down this far! I hope to post some actual writing soon, if I can find the time to sit down and put my Writer's Cap on. I am considering opening requests! At this point I don't know who will see this r how it's going to do, so we'll see how things work out :)
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velvet4510 · 7 months
Is it just me, or do y’all also sorta wish that Jackson had filmed Appendix B as the actual ending of ROTK? Clearly, as you’ll see, I have relatively normal feelings about this.
I understand and appreciate the movie having the same ending as the actual book. But the STORY itself doesn’t end with the last chapter; it ends with Appendix B.
Imagine a 2-minute montage, fading in after Sam comes home from the Grey Havens:
An unfamiliar female voice narrates over these images:
Sam & Rosie raising their children at Bag End; Sam reading the Red Book aloud to the children.
Sam making a speech as Mayor.
Sam sitting in Bag End’s study, reading a letter signed ‘Frodo,’ which Frodo clearly left for him.
Pippin & Diamond’s wedding.
Merry & Estella’s wedding.
Aragorn & Arwen with their children in Minas Tirith.
Aragorn dedicating and unveiling a tall statue of Frodo & Sam in Minas Tirith.
Legolas restoring the destroyed forests.
Gimli bringing the dwarves to Helm’s Deep.
Faramir & Éowyn with their children in Ithilien.
Teenage Elanor reading the Red Book by herself and reading a letter or poem that Frodo wrote for her before he sailed away (because, come on, he was a 2nd dad to her. he literally named her. he adored her, so of course he left something for her since she was too young to actually remember him).
Aragorn & Arwen visiting Sam, Merry, Pippin and their wives & children at the Brandywine Bridge.
The Gardner, Took & Brandybuck families all celebrating Yule together.
Time passing … the Travellers aging … the children growing up.
Teenage Elanor introducing Fastred to her parents.
Faramir Took and Goldilocks Gardner dancing at a party, transitioning to a dance at their wedding.
Sam and his son Frodo teaching Frodo’s own young son how to work in the garden.
The seasons in the Shire changing as more years go by…
Elderly Sam and his now-adult children gathered around elderly Rosie’s deathbed.
Elderly Sam sitting alone in Bag End’s beautiful, flourishing garden with a faraway look on his face, pulling Frodo’s now-wrinkled letter out of his pocket and reading it again.
Elderly Sam, Merry & Pippin sharing one last drink at the Green Dragon, followed by a tearful group embrace.
(I know the following messes up the book’s timeline, but for dramatic effect, I think this order of events would work better as a close for the film):
Elderly Merry & elderly Pippin hugging their adult sons goodbye and riding out of the Shire together.
Merry & Pippin shaking hands with elderly Éomer in Rohan.
Merry & Pippin’s gravestones in Gondor, with a statue of them standing above their tomb.
Aragorn’s tomb now beside theirs, years later.
Arwen hugging Eldarion goodbye in his throne room, with Eldarion now wearing the king’s crown.
Arwen entering Lothlórien alone.
Legolas hopping into a small sailboat and helping an aged Gimli onboard before they drift off into the sunset.
Sam placing the Red Book in adult Elanor’s hands and embracing her tightly.
A ship pulling away from the Grey Havens.
Elanor standing on the quayside and tearfully waving as the ship disappears into the horizon. She composes herself and her narration says “And that day, my dear Sam-dad passed over the Sea … the last of the Ring-bearers.”
Her words lead into the very last shot, fading from her face into a flash of white, and then fade-in to a distant view of an island, with greenery on one side and a sparkling beach on the other. Two hobbits, their backs to us, are strolling along the coastline, hand-in-hand.
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autistook · 1 month
DAISIES | masterpost
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💛 Chapter 1 💛 Chapter 11
💛 Chapter 2 💛 Chapter 12
💛 Chapter 3
💛 Chapter 4
💛 Chapter 5
💛 Chapter 6
💛 Chapter 7
💛 Chapter 8
💛 Chapter 9
💛 Chapter 10
Plot summary: Merry and you have been best friends for ages. Something slowly starts to change between you two. You start seeing him in a completely new light.
AN: 'Daisies' changes some things from canon, Frodo having a sister (reader) and other things, including the distances between Hobbiton and Tuckborough or Buckland (canonically about 2 days by walking, hours with horses. In daisies however, all a few hours away by walking.)
While the start of the story is set before/at the start of the Fellowship of the Ring, the story will progress to the events of the trilogy. The events will sometimes differ just a little from canon and will also shift between book/movie events. Not everything is going to be 100% lore accurate, and I am sorry about that in advance.
Status: Not even close to finishing, buckle up!
Pairing: Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader / soft oc
Keyword: Slow burning romance
Trigger warnings and genres: At the start of every chapter, some mature themes
Reader/oc character: taken in/adopted by Bilbo Baggins as a small girl, after her parents died by drowning. Reader was given the last name Baggins after this. Reader is awfully afraid of water. Best friends with Merry and Pippin for years. Still lives in Bag End with Frodo, an older brother to her, even though not related by blood. A creative, slightly insecure personality, with a good sense of humor and a temper every now and then. Caring, adventurous and has child-like enthusiasm. Straight forward with words most of the time, but when crushing she becomes more awkward.
If you want to be added on a taglist for this fic, just let me know! 💛
Also available on ao3, but I post here first!
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lady-of-imladris · 9 months
Synopsis: Théoden survives the battle and gets to meet Faramir, the man who has stolen his niece’s heart.
Word count: 1.8k
Pairings: Faramir/Éowyn
Warnings: Battle mention, drug mention, alcohol mention
Additional tags: Just some cute fluffy crack, I hope this is as wholesome and fun as I intended it to be.
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Théoden could not believe it when he opened his eyes and found himself in a healer’s care. He had survived the battle. Éowyn and Éomer had survived. When Théoden awoke, Sauron had been destroyed and all was well in Middle Earth. The healers, however, seemed to be dancing around something, of that he was sure. It was Éomer, his nephew and heir who finally told him the truth. He would never walk again. When Snowmane, his beloved horse was slain by the fell beast, his legs were crushed by its weight, and while it grieved him greatly, Théoden was glad to be alive, and even gladder after hearing the other news Éomer had brought him.
“Éowyn is in love, uncle,” he said, grinning like an idiot. Théoden sank back against his pillows and stared at the ceiling for a while, smiling. “Éowyn is in love. I never thought I would see the day. Tell me everything, Éomer.” And Éomer did. Faramir was his name, son of Denethor, the late Steward of Gondor. Over tea and cake, the two men discussed it all, until they were interrupted by Éowyn and Meriadoc Brandybuck. “Washerwomen, the both of you!” Éowyn exclaimed, smacking her brother on the shoulder. “I have brought you better company, uncle. My brother is needed elsewhere.” Éowyn kept glaring at a giggling Éomer as they left.
“Master Brandybuck,” Théoden addressed the Hobbit, whom he counted among his dear friends, “you do not happen to know this Faramir, do you?” Merry sat down in the chair next to Théoden’s bed. “I do know him, he and my cousin Pippin are good friends. Although technically he’s Prince Faramir now I suppose. Strider will announce that soon.” “Strider?” he inquired. “You know him, tall fellow, fancy sword, has an army of ghosts-” “Aragorn? The King of Gondor?” “Yes, that one.” Théoden sighed happily. Éowyn was in love. With a prince even. Théoden decided at that very moment that he already loved this Faramir. Even though he had yet to meet him.
As the days passed, the king yearned to leave his bed. Someone had brought him a wheelchair and the king was never short of a volunteer to help him get around. So it happened one day, that Théoden and Éomer encountered Faramir and Éowyn on an afternoon stroll. Éowyn was not stupid, she knew that her brother had orchestrated this chance meeting. Now she had nowhere to run. “Éowyn!” her brother called out to her, “what a lovely surprise to see you. Uncle, I do not believe you have met Faramir yet.” Faramir felt his heart thumping in his chest as he bowed to the King.
“Your grace, it is an honour to meet you,” he offered politely. Théoden smiled warmly at the man, his eyes darting to Faramir’s left arm, to which Éowyn was holding on. “So you are the man who has managed to steal my dear niece’s heart.” “Uncle!” Éowyn exclaimed in shock, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. Faramir felt a feeling of unease in his entire body. This was not going well. “I would never presume to do such a thing, your grace,” he politely replied, trying to appear composed, “I was only so audacious as to take it upon myself to keep the Lady company during your recovery.” “Coward,” Éomer feigned a cough, making Théoden chuckle. “Why don’t we all have some tea in the garden?” the king suggested. Now that he had this elusive Faramir in his grasp, he would not let him go.
“Tell me about yourself, Faramir,” Théoden commanded, “how are you holding up? I was very sorry to hear of your father’s passing. He was a good man.” Faramir froze, holding his teacup in mid-air. Éomer stiffened in his seat and Éowyn failed at subtly rolling her eyes. “Did I say something wrong?” Théoden asked. He was utterly confused at the reaction of his kin. “Lord Denethor was sick, uncle,” Éomer offered an explanation. The King looked over at him, puzzled. “I thought he died during the battle?” Éomer shook his head. “What I meant was-” “My father has not been well for many years,” Faramir said. “The constant threat of Mordor had stirred a fear in his heart. When my brother passed, he became… distant.” “He tried to kill Faramir,” Éowyn proclaimed suddenly, fearing that they would continue to dance around the subject.
“In his defence,” Faramir added, “he believed me to be dead already.” Éowyn sighed. “Faramir, he had wanted you dead for years! He knew you were alive. They told him. He knew.” The King of Rohan found himself speechless. The boy had lost his mother at a very young age, his brother had passed away on the quest to destroy the ring, and his own father had wanted him dead. And still, everyone he asked had told him only the best of the Captain of Gondor. Of his bravery, his chivalry, his sense of humour. He had led the people of Minas Tirith during a time of great uncertainty, from the siege of the city until the return of the rightful king of Gondor. If only one person in all of Middle Earth deserved the love of his niece, it was Faramir.
Théoden enjoyed spending his days in Minas Tirith. He spoke often with the Hobbits, especially his friend Merry, and they smoked many a pipe together. The old king had decided to abdicate. It was time for Éomer to be king, and he accepted humbly, making his uncle promise to lend his counsel, as often as he required it. His niece Éowyn was happier than she had been in many, many years. She visited him often, sitting with him in the garden, or pushing him around the city in his wheelchair. Faramir accompanied her often. His initial nervousness was soon gone. Théoden came to love the boy like he did his niece and nephew, and though Faramir and Éowyn were not even officially courting, Théoden counted him among his family.
Faramir was officially named Prince of Ithilien on the day of Aragorn’s coronation and his wedding to the Lady Arwen of Rivendell. Even though they were still not officially courting, Éowyn stood beside Faramir and not with her brother and uncle. It seemed wrong to Faramir. A lady like Éowyn deserved to be courted properly. To be loved by someone who was not too cowardly to ask her brother - or her uncle - for her hand in marriage. Truthfully, he did not even know who to ask. It came to him after he had indulged in too much ale and even more pipeweed. He did not know, but maybe someone else did!
“Merry,” he turned to the hobbit, whose pipe he was sharing, “if I wanted to marry Éowyn, who would I ask, her uncle or her brother?” Merry looked utterly confused. “Why would you ask Théoden to marry you?” “What? No, I-” Merry started laughing so hard he almost fell over. “Took me a while, sorry. I honestly have no idea. But I know someone who will. Wait here, I will be right back.” Faramir remained in his chair and watched Merry, to his mortification, walk up to Théoden and King Éomer. He could see the exact moment at which they had understood what Merry was referring to. King Théoden slowly raised his hand and beckoned Faramir over to them.
Legolas, who was sitting across the hall whispered something to Aragorn, who, in turn, handed Gimli two gold coins. The elves had all heard the exchange between Merry and Faramir. Even Glorfindel, who was talking to Éowyn about her heroic duel with the Witch-king of Angmar. Time seemed to stand still as Faramir slowly made his way over to Théoden. He would strangle the Hobbit in his sleep! His palms were sweaty and he felt the blood rush in his ears as he sat down in the chair the King of Rohan had dragged over. Between the other two. “So,” Théoden began, “is there anything you want to talk to us about, son?”
Faramir cleared his throat. Éomer and Théoden were both leaning in slightly, fixing their eyes on Faramir’s face. “I wanted to ask if- I could potentially- even though I don’t deserve- ask you,” he turned to Théoden, “or you,” he turned to Éomer, “for the hand of- of the Lady Éowyn.” He looked down at the table, nervously tapping his foot, expecting to be ridiculed or sent away. Éomer laughed and clapped Faramir on the back. Théoden smiled. “You have to ask her yourself, son. But you have my blessing, even though that is irrelevant.” Faramir looked at Éomer expectantly. Would the king give him his blessing? Éomer shrugged. “Ask her.”
It was the next day when Faramir summoned all his courage and made his way to Éowyn’s chambers to collect her for their daily afternoon stroll, his mother’s ring in his pocket. He led her to the place where they had first stood together, looking east, anxiously awaiting news from the battle at the Black Gate. Éowyn wondered at Faramir’s nervousness, scolding him for smoking too much weed the day before. Something Faramir swore to her he would never do again, the effects having clearly affected his judgement. He took her hand in his, putting the other in his pocket to procure the ring.
Éowyn looked as though she might faint when she saw Faramir get down on one knee. “Éowyn, my dearest Lady,” he began. “Yes!” Éowyn exclaimed. “For Eorl’s sake, sister, you need to let him ask first!” Éomer’s voice came from a nearby window. Faramir jumped at the sound of his voice and Éowyn trembled with anger and embarrassment. After a moment, Faramir cleared his throat, preparing to start again. “Éowyn, my dearest Lady, I have known you for many months now, and have loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I do not wish to be parted from you for even one day. Will you marry me?” Éowyn had tears in her eyes as she nodded rapidly. “Yes. Yes!” Faramir slid the ring onto her finger and she pulled him to his feet and into a sweet and passionate kiss, uncaring that Éomer was watching.
Théoden cried at their wedding until Merry pointed out to him that technically, he did not lose a daughter, but gain a son.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 12 hours
Re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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Hi, Hello, Welcome! The conceit of these posts is pretty self-explanatory. I read the Lord of the Rings for the first time at age 17, in the middle of my parent's divorce (it was messy, we're not going into any details). Needless to say, I remember pretty much nothing about that read, and I would like to give the books a fair shake of a re-read. That's what this is, and there will be spoilers throughout!
I usually do full-book reviews, but if ever I was going to do a chapter-by-chapter re-read, it would be for LotR. The rules are that I'm going in as blind as I possibly can (I have watched the movies and have absorbed like...a reasonable amount of lore from existing on the internet as a millennial) and I'm not doing any research beyond like, defining words for myself as I read. So here we go, and I hope you enjoy rereading with me! Let's talk "A Long-Expected Party."
The first chapter of ANY book has a lot of work to do. The first chapter of THIS book has...rather more to do than most. Which is why I was kind of floored by HOW MUCH of it was dedicated to establishing how godawful the Sackville-Bagginses are. Like, when Tolkien said,
He remained on visiting terms with his relatives (except, of course, the Sackville-Bagginses)
on literally page one of chapter one, I was over here going "relatable, my dude." I also taught The Hobbit for an Intro to Literature class when I was getting my PhD, so I also knew that they had overtaken Bag End and were on the verge of declaring Bilbo dead and taking over his life and estate. I also knew about Lobelia stealing the spoons. I was ON BOARD with the Sackville-Bagginses being the godawful relatives that not only we do not like but also we legally cut out of their inheritance. I was cool with that, it was fine. I got it.
THEN IT KEPT GOING. They get snobby about attending the birthday party. They only showed up because the invitation was inexcusably fancy. They got offended about Bilbo's speech. They talked shit about him on his birthday at his party. They bulled into Bag End to insist on seeing the will, and stole stiff while they were there. They insulted Frodo's parentage and the Brandybuck side of his family IN FRONT OF MERRY, the most famous Brandybuck of the fellowship. And then Lobelia has the sheer goddamn nerve to be offended when Frodo stops her from stealing his shit, calling her on her bullshit, and kicking her out of his house.
Did...did Tolkien have an aunt that he had a massive, lifelong beef with? Because IT SURE SEEMED LIKE IT. Although passively aggressively gifting her the remainder of the set of spoons was just A+ shitty relative management on Bilbo's part, and I deeply appreciated that he can do both sincere and pointed gifting.
So, when I watched Dom Noble's LiA on Fellowship, I was like, "I don't actually know if I agree that the hobbits would vote Republican, Dom." Let this be my public apology for doubting Dom, because HOLY TITS YES, YES THEY WOULD. It literally took a gaggle of hobbits two "Well I heard"s to get to "Primula pushed Drogo out of the boat and he pulled her in after him" like it's a murder gone wrong. And no matter what the Gaffer said, nobody would hear different after "murder" came up.
And speaking of the Gaffer...his name is Ham. Ham Gamgee. Ham and Sam Gamgee. What the Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien was happening with this name, John Ronald??? I demand to know! And no, not even Bilbo calling him Master Hamfast makes "Ham Gamgee" any less ridiculous.
Now, let's talk Gandalf for a sec. I know there are plot reasons that Gandalf doesn't initially know that Bilbo's ring is THE ONE RING, but like...their first conversation weeks before the party tells us that Gandalf has concerns. And yet he still is cool with Bilbo HANDING THE RING OFF TO FRODO??? Even if it's just a weirdly powerful, not inherently evil ring, Frodo is basically an 18-year-old (33 in hobbit years) with no life experience and no sense of how to manage a magic ring. Gandy. Wizard, buddy, friend. This is not like...a great plan. Yes, you get Bilbo off the ring cocaine, but you've just exposed Frodo to it. And this is BEFORE you know it's holding a bit of Sauron's soul. If you taking it is a bad idea, there has to be a secret third option that isn't "Leave it with Frodo." That all said though, Gandalf was SUPER prepared to hand fireworks to LITERAL CHILDREN and hammered hobbits at Bilbo's birthday, so he's clearly not the guy you call for safety or babysitting.
That probably hits all the key things from me for this opening chapter, so other than calling out how cute Merry and Frodo are when Merry has Frodo's back as the Shire descends on Bag End to claim or just straight steal shit, I will sign off for now. Key takeaways were that the Sackville-Bagginses FUCKING SUCK, and Gandalf was super cool with exposing Frodo to basically magical cocaine.
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pathfinderswiftpen · 8 months
My art for @tolkienrsb Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2023, slide #66 "Gold on Aubergine Glass"
I made a jewelry set, imagining it to be from the Second Age and giving a glimpse of the life of its wearer when found by a later person, perhaps in the Third or Fourth Age.
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AdmirableMonster ran with this idea and wrote a wonderful and thought-provoking story which will be revealed later in the month!
Merry Brandybuck and Estella Bolger named their first child Boromir, after the hero of the War of the Ring. But the young hobbit's dearest secret is the name she wishes she had. One quiet day, after finding an unusual necklace in the cellar, she begins to see visions of an ancient past that whisper to her of ways she might heal a poisoned pond that has never recovered since the Scouring of the Shire. Can she unlock the secrets of a long-ago chemister and his lover and find the courage to stay true to herself along the way?
Chalcedony pursed her lips together. She did want to see Gondor, very much, but it also wasn’t going to help her to talk around the thing she wanted to ask. “I think it’s making me see things,” she blurted out, in a wobbly voice. “The necklace.”
Uncle Sam set down his trowel. “What kinds of things?” he asked neutrally.
She took a deep breath and sat back on her knees, rubbing her sweaty palms on her apron. “A Man—a Big Person. It’s like I’m seeing his…memories? When I touch it. Sometimes.”
This time concern did flicker in his eyes; he settled back on his knees. All his motions were calm and careful, and Chalcedony remembered how much the animals loved him. No wonder. “How does it make you feel?” he asked at length.
“Frightened,” Chalcedony mumbled, looking down at her front. “But—but also curious.” [...] She was making a terrible hash of this.
Uncle Sam blew out his breath and wrinkled his nose. “Well, this is a right pickle,” he said. “Lad, how would you feel about giving me the necklace for a bit while I write a letter to someone who might be able to give it a good look over?”
She put her hand on the little box and squeezed. “You’d give it back after that? I mean, if it’s not evil?”
“I surely would.”
“All right, then.” She put out her hand and passed the box over to him; Uncle Sam’s shoulders seemed to relax a little, and it was only then that Chalcedony realized that that must have been a test. If she couldn’t give it up—
Sometimes people said Uncle Sam was a little bit stupid. Next time Chalcedony heard anyone talking like that she was going to knock them down.
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Here’s who won:
Aragorn vs. Gandalf
Gimli vs. Maedhros
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck vs. Glorfindel
Finrod Felagund vs. Sauron
Boromir vs. Thorin Oakenshield
Celebrimbor vs. Thranduil
Éomer vs. Peregrin “Pippin” Took
Arwen Undómiel vs. Maglor
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I’m proud of the Silmarillion fandom for keeping your blorbos in the race this far, but my condolences to all Maedhros and Maglor lovers. I’m holding your hand. I also voted for them both, but I kind of had a feeling they wouldn’t win. At least Fëanor is still in the running, but we won’t see him again until the round after next! Will he face off against Pippin or Arwen? Either way, he’s in for quite a fight.
My favorite race of all of these had to be Finrod vs. Sauron, simply for the poetic justice. If you have a minute, look through the tags on that race, because they are as golden as Felagund. At least here on tumblr, he can emerge victorious. Please hold as I cry a little.
Now comes the time to part with some of our beloved blorbos. Eliminated this round were the following:
Thorin Oakenshield
Pour one out for our boys. And yet, as we enter round four of the second chance bracket, we also enter the Fourth Age of Middle-earth, as both Morgoth and Sauron have now been defeated.
Round Four (Second Chance Bracket) will start tomorrow at 12PM EDT (GMT -4)! I’ve got it all queued up, and I’m excited to see what happens.
And now, for some analytics...
Who got the most votes?
Pippin absolutely destroyed the competition with 1,449 votes. His cousin Merry, for reference, got the second most votes, and he only got 576. I’m chalking that discrepancy up to Éomer being more well-known than Glorfindel, so more people felt like they could made an educated decision.
On the losing side, Thranduil got the most votes, with 482 to his name.
Who got the least votes?
Glorfindel has bowed out of the competition with 239 votes. He’s got more important things to do, anyway.
On the winning side, Arwen only got 415 votes total – less than Thranduil! I’m assuming again because Maglor isn’t as well-known. Sorry, Silm fans. Now I’m just thinking about what Elrond has told Arwen about her sort-of grandpa. My mind is going into fanfic territory. Reeling myself back.
Which races were the most contentious?
Celebrimbor vs. Thranduil was neck-and-neck, but Celebrimbor managed to come out on top by 1.6%. That’s only 16 votes! Both beloved blorbos, for sure, but Thranduil has now been eliminated.
Which races were the least contentious?
While Éomer has done decently until this point, he didn’t stand a chance against Pippin. He only managed to get 22.2% of the vote.
I have more questions!
You probably don’t, but I have one for you! Are there any ~unofficial~ polls you’d like to see? Certain characters you’d like to see face off against each other that you don’t think will happen? I’ll throw those in for funsies! Let me know!
See you tomorrow for a new round!
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LOTR x albino elfling reader
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Age:9 reader Chan is an albino elfling a rare breed of elf in middle earth. She ends up meeting the hobbits after they took the "Shortcut." They are surprised to see a child but don't know her race (she is wearing a cloak with the hood up.) she is also badly injured from running away from orcs after she saw her parents get killed.
No one's POV:
You and your parents are taking a nice Elk ride near where a place called the Shire is at. You rode with your mother on her elk cow named Rain in front of her while your father rode his elk bull named Lightning walking in between them is your own elk you named Cream the calf of your parents elks. It was a calm and peaceful ride until the screech of orcs was heard "What are orcs doing near the Shire?" Your mother asked holding you closely in a tight protective embrace, Rain and Lightning got in front of cream while your father took out his sword with his arm in front of you and your mother in a protective manner "Nana I'm scared." You whimpered to your mother fear in your Ruby red eyes as she gave you a loving look in her own Ruby red eyes. Your father can see an Orc charging in on his warg with his blade out your mother shot the Orc in the forehead making him drop dead but the Warg was still charging and howling making both your parents terrified that more are coming. Your father fearfully picks you up from Rain as your mother slides off her to join "Y/N take Cream, my sword and Nana's bow and arrows run as far as you can. Cream is old enough and big enough to carry you away from here." He said giving you a kiss on the head "We both love you little gem." Your mother said as she gave you her necklace and kissed your head.
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You tearfully got on Cream and she galloped as fast as her legs can carry her and you but she is strong. Fearfully you looked back to see your parents being attacked by orcs with their only weapons being daggers tears swam down your porcelain face as you gripped the necklace tightly. As Cream galloped some Orcs followed behind you and shoot arrows at you as you galloped through trees and bushes luckily they were normal arrows that only gave you a few cuts and scars but the branches of trees gave you a few scratches and bruises big and small but you didn't care and shoot back with your mothers big bow killing them.
Days later:
You and Cream stoped at a cliff with a cornfield that leaves out of the Shire. You looked around to see if there was a safe path for you to walk on but your search was cut short when you heard barking and yelling soon you see four Hobbits running your way three of them stopped in front of you and Cream but the last one bumped into them sending you, Cream and them tumbling down the cliff. Luckily no one was badly hurt but your cuts were still stinging "Are you four alright?" You asked making the hobbits look up in surprise.
The four hobbits looked to the girl shorter then them wearing a red tunic with burgundy leggings, black boots, a black cloak and a lovely silver pendant with a ruby on it and her voice sounded like music to their ears next to her is a cream colored elk calve with a bridal and saddle on it. Frodo snapping out of his gaze gave the child an answer "We are. How about you little one?" He asked seeing the injuries on her smaller body "I'm alright oh my name is Y/N. Y/N L/N and this is Cream." The girl introduced herself and the calve "Ohh I'm Frodo Baggins." The hobbit Frodo introduced himself this is my Friend and gardener." Frodo said gesturing to honey blond hobbit "Samwise Gamgee call me Sam." Sam said "And my two younger cousins." Frodo said gesturing to Merry and Pippin "Merridoc Brandybuck call me Merry." Merry said "And Peregrin Took call me Pippin." Pippin said.
After the introduction you and Frodo are looking at the dark road of the forest until you see a very dark shadow "Get of the road." Frodo said grabbing your hand while the other three hobbits and Cream followed you under a fallen tree as your sitting the sound of hooves can be heard soon sniffing from your hiding place. Cream laid her head on your lap felling your terror. After a few more seconds the figure finally left on horse back.
Your POV:
I followed the hobbits while riding Cream. We ran into these men in black cloaks, master Sam said they are called black riders. We managed to out run them until we ran to the front gates of Bree in the rain, a man answered the gate. He asked what our business was and Frodo answered after that he pointed us to an inn called the prancing pony. We made it to the inn, we put Cream in the stables of the inn and then entered wet and cold.
No one's POV:
you and the hobbits go to the man at the desk who was thrilled to have more costumers he offered hobbit sized beds but when he asked for Frodo's name he said "Underhill." You being young and curious looked around seeing the race of men up close but staying close to the hobbits. As your looking you see a man in a cloak staring at you and the hobbits but you didn't pay it no mind until you heard Sam "What do we do now Mister Frodo?" He asked Frodo in a whispered.
Your all sitting at a table eating "He'll be here Sam." Frodo told Sam who looked anxiously around and it didn't help that Pippin had gotten up to get a pint even though he already had one "That Fellow has done nothing but stared at us since we've arrived." Sam said pointing at the man you saw earlier. Everything happened in a blur you and Merry continued eating, Sam talked to Frodo who looked like he was in a trance and Pippin was talking to men but spilled that he knew a Baggins, Frodo shot up to grab him but he fell, a gold ring falls on his finger and then he just disappeared. You being a young elfling wanted to run but couldn't for your legs went numb ohh what a day you were having.
You, Merry, Sam and Pippin are all standing in front of the man Strider after he took Frodo all of you armed well they had objects from the inn while you had your father's sword "Unhand him longshanks." Sam yelled to Strider. You didn't quite get what the man was saying but you did understand that you and the hobbits were in danger and that you couldn't stay in Bree any longer and that you had to get out of Bree and head to Rivendell. Your eyes sparkled at the name you heard stories from your parents of the last homely elven home but you never saw it in person.
You were awaken to the sound of screeching along with the four hobbits "A... Are we going to die mister Strider?" You asked fearfully clutching the blanket in your scratched and bruised hands while looking at the ranger who is staring in awe at your ruby red eyes that held so much innocence and curiosity but also tears and trauma "Of course not little one." He said gently grasping your hands in his big ones giving you comfort "I promise nothing will get you as long as I'm around." When he said that you smiled and whipped your tears away causing your hood to fall revealing your milky white hair and pointy ears making Strider gasp "You are an elfling." He said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear making the hobbits go eye wide in awe "I have heard from Uncle Bilbo that elves are very protective of their young." Frodo said equally shocked "Where are your parents Peneth?" Strider asked "My Nana and Ada were killed by orcs when we were taking a stroll with our elks near the shire." You said making the hobbits and Strider shocked "You are all lucky to get out of the Shire on time." He said running his hand through your milky white hair in comfort.
In the morning:
You, the hobbits and Strider headed out of Bree first thing in the morning but not before getting Cream, a pony and stocking up on supplies for the trip to Rivendell "It's ok Girl he's nice." You told Cream who squeaked in curiosity at the ranger.
Strider and the hobbits walked on foot while you rode Cream with Strider holding the reigns. The walk was very entertaining with Pippin complaining which you didn't mind at all because you know a guard from home just like him "What is making you laugh Tithen pen?" Strider asked chuckling "Master Pippin is funny." You said pointing to the youngest hobbit who is complaining about food and stuff making Merry and Frodo laugh but Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance.
After crossing a bog with bugs Strider left you and the hobbits after giving them weapons while he patrolled the area.
You and Frodo fell asleep with you resting your head on Cream but the smell of fire woke you up along with Frodo "What are you doing?" He asked his friend and cousins. It turns out Hobbits can't go a day without their many meals a day "Put it out you fools." You said fearfully looking around as Frodo put the fire out with his feet but the damage was done as shrieking was heard making you fearfully clinch Frodo's shirt in fear as the hobbits formed a protective circle around you "Frodo I'm scared." You whimpered pulling out an arrow from your mothers quiver on your waist and drew the string ready to shoot.
Ringwraith's surrounded you and the hobbits.
By the Valar you hoped Strider was done by now.
You shot one of the wraths in the chest causing it to fall but you and the Hobbits were out numbered until Strider came and set one of them on fire but before you knew it everything was In slow motion.
You and Frodo each got stabed by a blade and you two could turn into a Nazgûl if not treated soon and to rub salt on the wound you were six days away from Rivendell, you don't remember what happened after but before you fell asleep Strider gave you and Frodo to a very pretty woman with Black hair and blue eyes and you can hear her soft gentle voice "Stay awake little one." You heard her say but you soon fell asleep from exhaustion.
You steered to the sound of soft talking and whispering followed by the sound of Strider's voice. Slowly fluttering your ruby red eyes open you see Strider talking to an elf with dark hair, when he saw that your awake Strider smiled at you "You're awake little one." He said walking over to you with the man smiling fondly at you. You yawned and rubbed your eyes allowing your hood that was still on to fall off making the adult elf gasp in shock. He walked over to you and gently grasped your tiny hands in his bigger ones "You are an albino elfling." He said in awe making Strider gasp in surprise "I thought you said they have long left Middle Earth Lord Elrond." Strider said to the older elf you now know as Elrond "It seems I have been proven wrong." He said smiling down at you gently making you smile back until you heard the door open "By my beard." You looked to see a man in grey entering the room with the four hobbits and another elf with Blond hair and blue eyes "See Gandalf we told you." Pippin said gesturing to you making the man you now know as Gandalf wack him on the head with his staff "I can see that Master Took." He said while the blond elf walks up to you with a smile on his face "Hello little one." He said "H... Hello." You stuttered out "I am Legolas Greenleaf. And you are?" He said "Y/N, Y/N L/N." You said smiling that you didn't stutter "Where is your family Y/N?" Lord Elrond asked "They were killed by orcs when we were riding our elks near the Shire." You said sadly from seeing your parents get massacred but you soon smiled "That's were I meet the hobbits." You said happily until a shrill scream was heard "My Lord the elk got in." An elf with brown hair said and right on cue a familiar cream colored Elk calf came into the room "Cream." You said happily to see your trusted stead galloping towards you and stopping at your bed "We couldn't keep her still." The brunette elf said "It's alright Lindir." Elrond said to the elf you now know as Lindir "Thank you for looking after Cream Mr Lindir." You said giving Lindir a big smile making him smile back.
You have been living in Rivendell after the fellowship set out to Mordor, Elrond loved you very dearly and started allowing you to call him Ada, Arwen became like a big sister to you and Elrond's twin sons Elladan and Elrohir became like big brothers to you and fell in love with you the moment they saw you.
After the Battle is won you meet Galadriel and Celeborn who instantly loved you when they saw you and became your new grandparents.
At Aragorn's coronation you are exited to see that Aragorn and Arwen are courting each other and you asked to be the flower girl at the wedding making everyone laugh.
Elrond, Galadriel and Celeborn stayed in Middle earth in order to watch you grow along with Frodo and Bilbo.
In the months you've been in Rivendell you settled into your new home but with time your mischief side came out and you began pranking your new big brothers "Y/N! Where are you?" Elrohir asked looking around for you in your room that you use to share with Arwen until she moved to live in Gondor with Aragorn. You held back a laugh as your hiding underneath the queen size bed. You crawled over to your big brother Ro's leg and grabbed it making him scream like a little girl causing your new father and other big brother Dan to burst into the room "Father! Brother there is something under the bed." Elrohir said lifting his leg with you still attached to it laughing "I got you good big brother Ro." You said swinging on his leg making him chuckle "You sure did little Gem." He said lifting you higher "Ada! Big brother Dan! Did you see?" You asked excitedly making them chuckle "We did little ruby." Elladan said lifting you up and tossing your smaller frame up "You scream like a girl Elrohir." a familiar voice said from the door way "Big brother Legolas." You said running over to him and hugging his waist making him smile, pick you up and spin you in his arms earning a laugh from you "I see you played a prank on Elrohir." He said putting you down "Yep. I scared him." You said happily making Elrohir roll his eyes "There is scared and then there is surprise." He said making your new father roll his eyes "Come along Y/N you have your sword training with Glorfindel this morning." He said "Ok Ada." You said grabbing your fathers sword and following the even older elf to the training field.
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starchascr · 2 months
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𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧
‘ aslıhan malbora, cis woman, she/her, 27 / 268 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems MELINOE DRAVEN has finally made it to the capital, the LADY from the NIGHT COURT is said to be CHARISMATIC and is said to describe themselves with WISHING ON EVERY STAR IN THE NIGHT SKY, COURT GOSSIP AS A FORM OF CURRENCY, PAINT-SPLATTERS ON WRINKLED SILK DRESSES, CONSTANT APOLOGIES FOR BEING LOST IN YOUR OWN THOUGHTS, PEOPLE CALL YOU FICKLE & YOU LAUGH IN THEIR FACE ( WHO WOULD EVER WANT TO BE KNOWN AS PREDICTABLE? )  and with all of this in mind their CAPRICIOUS nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
compare to : caroline forbes ( the vampire diaries ), carrie bradshaw ( sex and the city ), sarah cameron ( outer banks ), holly golightly ( breakfast at tiffany's ), serena van der woodsen ( gossip girl ), oberyn martell ( game of thrones ), ty lee ( avatar: the last airbender ), lydia bennett ( pride & prejudice ), thor ( marvel cinematic universe ), buffy summers ( buffy the vampire slayer ), angela montenegro ( bones ), daisy buchanan ( the great gatsby ), merry brandybuck ( lord of the rings )
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*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒
full name : melinoe lyra draven nicknames : mel age : 268 ( physically 27) species : high fae gender / pronouns : cis woman & she/her sexual orientation : pansexual romantic orientation : panromantic occupation : lady / aspiring painter
personality traits : charismatic, flighty, capricious, fickle, compassionate, brash likes : painting, revelries, star gazing, dancing, late mornings spent sleeping in, taking care of stray animals dislikes : responsibility/duty, early mornings, long travel, outfit fittings, long meetings fear(s) : death, boredom secret talents : can juggle up to 6 items, is ambidextrous goals & ambitions : to be known for art rather than the immature night court daughter memorable traits : is constantly in motion alignment : chaotic neutral label(s) : the social butterfly, the sabaist, the effervescent, the reveler vices : vanity & foolhardiness virtues : friendliness & pride
eye color : dark brown hair colour : dark brown hair type/style : typically worn long & wavy/curled height : 5'6 build : slender exercise habits : occasionally practices fighting, but it's rare dominant hand : left glasses/contacts : n/a tattoos : n/a scars : n/a piercings : ears pierced
*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘.
father : tbd. mother : tbd. siblings : tbd draven (eldest sibling), cathal draven (elder adopted sibling), sabine draven (elder adopted sibling) children : n/a extended family : tbd. pets : far too many to name
as a child, melinoe had always been a flighty thing, flitting from one interest to another. she would give each of her toys equal attention in part because she feared their jealousy should she show more affection towards one bauble over another, but partly because nothing held her attention for long. more than that, there was so much in this world to explore, and mel wanted to see and do everything. after all, why would she limit herself when the world was endless? she hated the routine and monotony that some preferred, instead enjoying creating her own worlds to play in. and when people called her fickle for bouncing around from thing to thing, she would laugh in their face. who would ever want to be known as predictable? there was something in stars that called to the girl. there was an element of wonder there, something that lent back to the fantastical child who dreamed of something more waiting for her. she always stared up at the stars at night and made up stories for made up constellations before she learned all of their names and stories. it was a game to her, making up stories. there are moments that she feels like she belongs more to the burning balls of gas that have held her fascination than to her family and friends around her. so instead she took that feeling and put it into her art, trying to capture the feeling of awe and wonder she always has every time she looks up at night. she still feels like she hasn’t fully achieved that goal no matter how many of her pieces have sold. for a girl otherwise known as fickle, art is the only thing she has ever dedicated herself to other than her family. mel seems to be constantly in motion, flitting from one thing to another. she’s compassionate, but forgetful. people shake their heads when she passes, muttering about how she’s just so immature, so young. and that’s more than true. she prides herself on being decisive, but never really stands by any sort of decision. she prefers love over war and fighting, never having really trained beyond what was necessary to her own protection. the word ‘responsibility’ is a ugly one that she hopes to never come into contact with ( though she supposes everyone must grow up some day ). if she had her way, she would spend her afternoons and early evenings painting, her nights partying, and leave her mornings for sleep. there’s nothing better than being surrounded by people, music, alcohol, and treats. and if there is no event, then she’s perfectly happy to throw one ( or rather, have someone do it for her ). ultimately, she’s just trying to live her best life.
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All right, I'm about to say it. Frodo Baggins is autistic.
During what I just realised is literal years I've spent researching autism, I have noticed quite a lot of autistic traits not only in myself, but also in Frodo. And I'm going to talk about them because I've been thinking about this for a long time and I just really want to talk about it. (Also this gives me a chance to practise analysing stuff for some English exams which are happening soon.)
Just to be clear: I am not a psychologist nor do I claim to be; this is based on extensive research, my own experiences and the experiences of other autistic people that I've seen/heard/read about.
I'll focus on the book first.
So, literally one of the first things anyone says about Frodo and his family is that they're "queer", in this case meaning "strange". Someone also says Frodo is very similar to Bilbo, and if Bilbo is not autistic I will eat my fucking hat. It also makes sense that some people in Frodo's family would be autistic because autism is genetic.
In the first chapter of "Fellowship", Frodo spends the day after Bilbo's party dealing with various annoying hobbits, and we get these lines: "In the middle of the commotion the Sackville-Bagginses arrived. Frodo had retired for a while and left his friend Merry Brandybuck to keep an eye on things. When Otho loudly demanded to see Frodo, Merry bowed politely. 'He is indisposed,' he said. 'He is resting.'" and "Frodo was sitting at a table with a lot of papers in front of him. He looked indisposed – to see Sackville-Bagginses at any rate; and he stood up, fidgeting with something in his pocket. But he spoke quite politely". Both imply quite strongly that he ends up getting burnt-out from having to interact with all those people. Also, "fidgeting with something in his pocket" sounds a lot like stimming, and it happens again in the Prancing Pony when he stands on a table and tries to divert the attention away from Pippin. Another example of stimming is the random singing/waxing poetic that happens frequently in the book. However ridiculous it might be to read, it's actually something I do quite a lot, especially at school.
There are some implications of sensory issues throughout the book. In chapter six Frodo is "reluctant to have his garments touched". When he is in Lothlórien he seems to experience some kind of sensory euphoria, suggested by the lines: "The others cast themselves down upon the fragrant grass, but Frodo stood awhile still lost in wonder" and "He saw no colour but those he knew, gold and white and blue and green, but they were fresh and poignant, as if he had at that moment first perceived them and made for them names new and wonderful", which describe quite accurately how sensory euphoria feels for me. In chapter one of book four when he hears one of the Ringwraiths he "loosed his hold (on the rope) and put his hands over his head and ears"; this quote is fairly self-explanatory.
Frodo doesn't speak for a great deal of the book (highlighted in various quotes, including, "He said nothing, indeed he hardly spoke at all") and there are multiple occasions when someone, usually of high status, is talking to him and he doesn't say anything back because he can't find the words. When I read this I thought, bloody hell this is literally me.
He also has a very strong moral compass and sense of justice, which is shown frequently in the book (and the films, of course, but the book seems to make it more obvious). He makes a point of avoiding having to kill people, two good examples of these people being Gollum and Saruman. Several moments in the book, for example, the part where the elves don't want to let Gimli into Lothlórien and Frodo defends him, and the part where Faramir says Gollum should be blindfolded when they leave Henneth Annûn to which Frodo says this: "Blindfold us all three, and cover up my eyes first, and then perhaps he will see that no harm is meant" show how much he values fairness, and his determination to keep things fair in difficult situations.
To end the section about the book, here are two quotes:
"'I had a funny dream an hour or two before we stopped, Mr. Frodo,' he said. 'Or maybe it wasn’t a dream. Funny it was anyway.' 'Well, what was it?' said Frodo, knowing that Sam would not settle down until he had told his tale, whatever it was. 'I haven’t seen or thought of anything to make me smile since we left Lothlórien.' 'It wasn’t funny that way, Mr. Frodo. It was queer. All wrong, if it wasn’t a dream.'"
and: "Faramir smiled grimly. 'Then you would grieve to learn that Boromir is dead?' 'I would grieve indeed,' said Frodo. Then catching the look in Faramir’s eyes, he faltered. 'Dead?' he said. 'Do you mean that he is dead, and that you knew it? You have been trying to trap me in words, playing with me? Or are you now trying to snare me with a falsehood?'"
In the first quote Sam says his dream was "funny", meaning, "It was queer. All wrong, if it wasn’t a dream", but Frodo takes him literally and thinks he means "funny" as in "anything to make me smile". Autistic people are often more likely to take things literally when meanings aren't entirely clear. And something similar happens when Frodo talks to Faramir, as shown in the second quote. When Faramir says, "Then you would grieve to learn that Boromir is dead?" Frodo doesn't understand him straight away and assumes he is talking hypothetically.
Okay now I'll focus on the films. I'll probably be doing more subtext-reading for this, because the films can't really show what's going on in Frodo's head as well as the book can. So I can't promise that everything I say here will be totally accurate but I'm thinking, if it's not explicitly stated, you technically can't tell if it's wrong or right so I'm going to go with what I think is the most accurate interpretation of the evidence given, and hope for the best.
The way Frodo expresses himself in the films is interesting. He is likely to be more expressive when he's with people he's close to, like Gandalf, than when he's with people he is less friendly with, like the elves in Lothlórien. If we compare his facial expressions in these shots:
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to these:
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we can see that they change a fair bit more when he's talking to Gandalf than when he is in Lothlórien with the rest of the Fellowship and the elves. In the first three pictures his face doesn't really change drastically but it conveys various different emotions, whereas in the last two pictures his face is very neutral and it's harder to tell what he's feeling. It's also important to take note of the scene in between these two sections, which I'll just refer to as Gandalf's Death Scene. Frodo's reaction to Gandalf's death presents itself as a relatively short but very intense outburst which quickly turns into a much quieter, and what looks like a more internal, reaction. He goes from screaming at the initial shock to just crying silently within about two minutes. The impression I'm getting from this is that he feels quite intense emotions but possibly struggles to express them, especially around people he doesn't know. And the scenes I've mentioned are just a couple of examples. Here are some more:
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(talking to Faramir)
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(talking to Sam)
See the difference?
Going along similar lines, Frodo is clearly shown to have a lot of empathy. The stereotype is that autistic people don't have much empathy, and while this is the case for some people, for others the opposite is true. Frodo is very empathetic and also very compassionate. He obviously cares a lot about other people and he at least tries to be kind to everyone, even when no-one else sees the point. (Is it obvious I'm referring to Gollum? Because let's be real, we all knew this was going to come up eventually. I've talked in great detail about this before so I won't elaborate too much about it now or else I'll just be repeating myself. If you want to read my analysis about Frodo's relationship with Gollum, it's on my blog somewhere, it's fairly recent and it shouldn't be hard to find.)
I think one of the most noticeable differences between the book and the films, at least in the context of what I'm writing about, is the fact that the body language in the films seems to have more significance (for want of a better word). Not that there isn't any in the book, because of course there is, but as far as I can tell, the films, being very visual things, allow body language to be shown more clearly and with more subtle details than the book. This is what has led me to focus more on things like facial expressions when I'm talking about the films, in contrast to what I've said about the book, which is mostly about dialogue (or lack thereof) and description. So, following on from that, I'd like to point out something that is apparently quite obvious and has caused a lot of people to take the piss out of Frodo: his clumsiness. Apparently Frodo falls over thirty-nine times (or thereabouts) in the film trilogy, and spends a fair amount of time walking like he's got two left feet. Struggling with balance and coordination is a slightly less well-known autistic trait but it's an autistic trait nonetheless, and it's also a symptom of other disabilities like dyspraxia. So I would advise against making fun of it, because being made fun of for showing signs of a disability doesn't feel great.
In conclusion, Frodo is autistic-coded and I see this as an absolute win, whether it was intentional or no. He is a brilliant character and the fact that he is autistic-coded just makes me like him even more. There are a lot of fictional characters that I like and can relate to, but I have yet to find someone I can identify with as much as Frodo.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Audiobook Review: “A Long-Expected Party”
I am back with more to say about Phil Dragash’s audio drama!
The cheerful way he says “by J. R. R. Tolkien 😄” in the beginning just tells you everything you need to know. This man is so excited to be reading this book! It’s lovely and very contagious.
“Except, of course, the Sackville-Bagginses 😡🙄😑” LOLOL so much genuine spite pushed into that line
The hobbits’ voices!! The Shire music!! The pub ambiance!! I’m love!
“*loooong pause* ‘Til he was d r o w n d e d.”
“Then there was a dead silence, until suddenly, after several deep breaths, every Baggins-Boffin-Took-Brandybuck-GrubbChubbBurrowsBolgerBracegirdleBrockhouseGoodbodyHornblower and PROUDfoot began to talk at once.” HOLY EVERYTHING that is the BEST way of reading that list of names I have EVER HEARD 🤣🤣🤣 Everybody else go home, there is no other way of reading that, Phil Dragash wins them ALL.
Now seems like a good time to comment that I love all the extra voices that are added in the background. When it says Rory Brandybuck “called loudly to Frodo to send the wine round again”, you can hear his faint shout underneath the following narration. That’s just brilliant.
Dude, that “I am old, Gandalf” was 100% like Ian Holm’s delivery. Holy cow.
Merry gets a bit of a rasp. I never considered that, but I LOVE it. It’s so in-character.
Gandalf’s muffled voice as he’s yelling at Frodo outside the window 🤣
Frodo just sounds so…..young. Even younger than Elijah Wood did in the movies, if that were possible. I’m not complaining, but it’s kinda weird, given the voice I have for him in my head when I read. We’ll have to see if it changes in later chapters; maybe he’ll sound older 17 years down the road.
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tarnera-blog · 1 year
Some people have expressed interest in seeing my various alts from FFXIV, so here we go! I am starting with the 8 characters I have on my main world server, along with a little of the backstory I have about each of them. So a brief explanation about this: in my game headcanon, for lack of a better way to put it, Ginko Biloba is the only ‘real’ Warrior of Light. The rest of his party are all very competent warriors who have the Echo, but they lack the Blessing of Light.
The other ‘rule’ I had about them is that they all had to be a different race. They ended up being all male because at the time that’s all I wanted to play as.
1. Ginko Biloba
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A Hellion Hrothgar, he was abandoned as a child in the wilds of Yanxia. Found by people living in a nearby tiny village, he was raised by a Lupin couple without any children of their own. All-rounder who favors Dancer, he’s shown as a Black Mage in this photo.
He is based on several characters that I love, though the Hrothgar thing is just because I love tigers. Ginko is my favorite anime character, and I gave him the last name Biloba after much encouragement, and I can’t see myself changing it to anything else anytime soon.
2. Merri Brandybuck
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Youngest son of a vigneron-turned-merchant, Merri ran away from home quite young and started making his way as an Adventurer, taking shameless advantage of people who can’t tell what age Lalafells are and wouldn’t care even if they did. Met Ginko early on, took him under his wing so to speak--Ginko might be older than him, but he’s got more adventuring experience. I also had the idea that his dad’s vineyard was located where Brayflox Longstop is now, before the Calamity.
Obviously his name isn’t Lalafellan, but I think I was going to have him change his name to that of a folk hero or something along those lines.
3.  Populus Tremuloides
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I don’t have much of an idea for him, yet. I was toying with the idea of borrowing from a webcomic I used to read and have him get badly sick and forget how to get home? It would at least mean I wouldn’t have to say where he comes from, though if SE give us more information about the Viera that would be fantastic. He was originally a woman.
His name is the scientific name for the trembling aspen tree, and I tried to design him with that inspiration in mind.
4.  Crataegus Songarica
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Yet again I’m not sure what I’m doing with him so far. Ginko was going to meet the various people in this group at different parts of his journey, so I guess the thing I have to decide is if Crataegus will leave the Steppes or if Ginko will meet him there. I also don’t know what tribe he should come from.
His name comes from the hawthorn tree, specifically the kind with black fruit and white flowers.
5. Quercus Muehlenbergii
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I’m definitely thinking he was born and raised in Limsa Lominsa, and his father wanted him to go into some kind of career that involved boats (possibly piracy). To escape this fate, which he had no interest in, he left for Gridania as soon as he was able to save up enough money.
His name comes from the chinquapin oak.
6. Improbable Soda
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I... didn’t actually plan to give him and Quercus the same color of Odd Eyes, switched. It just kind of happened. Anyway.
This is my ex-Garlean-turned-hero alt. I don’t have the mods to do things like give him a third eye, so he’s simply a conscript pressed into service, but he 100% fought at the Battle of Carteneau. I had the vague idea that after the Calamity he got away, hid out, changed his name and wandered the land helping people to try and make up for what he’d done in service to the Empire. Eventually he caught the eye of the Scions, and so it goes.
His name came to me in a dream. No, I’m not kidding.
7. Edgeless Blade
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He is the son of an Elezen lord and a Hyuran maid, which I admit I stole from the MSQ but it’s such a compelling story and it happens often enough, so why not. In his case it was hushed up entirely because his mother left/was kicked out of the household before he was born. Having nowhere to go, she was reduced to begging for bread and gil. Luckily for her, a passing merchant from Hingashi took pity on her, marrying her quickly and bringing her back with him. He refuses to claim his Elezen father’s name, and doesn’t claim the merchant’s name so no one connects his activities with his adoptive father, who he respects greatly. In fact, he doesn’t claim a name at all; he gained the name he uses from the fact he fights with a wooden sword, and it amuses him to introduce himself as the Edgeless Blade.
I named him after the moniker of a character from Thunderbolt Fantasy.
8. Salix Discolor
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I have no idea for him. I just wanted to name a character this name, and also I needed one more character to fill out my ‘static’.
His name is from the glaucous willow.
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samwys · 3 years
still  crying  over  how  sam  goes  from  being  sam  gamgee  to  being  known  as  sam  gardner  because  of  his  role  in  replanting  the  shire,  &  how  his  kids  took  on  that  surname  too  ,,,
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ducklooney · 2 years
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Duckvember - Recording Duck(s)
Plus Fantasy
Sorry for my delay, I was away for a while working on other things, and somehow I managed to catch up. I apologize for the delay of other drawings related to Duckwember, but I hope that I will be able to catch up in the coming days to publish the previous drawings related to Duckwember, along with new topics. Sorry about that and I hope you understand me.
So on today’s topic, I drew two drawings related to Recording Duck or better said re cording Ducks. The first drawing refers to the shooting of a film directed by John D. Rockerduck and his partner Jeeves (Lusky), one of Scrooge’s main rivals and opponents. Well, John got a little involved in the role of director Peter Jackson, so he directed the film based on the books of the genius J. R. R. Tolkien, which are The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. They are shooting a film in their alleged production house, and the main actors as you can see are Scrooge, Donald and nephews. Scrooge McDuck is Gandalf, Donald Duck is Bilbo Bagins, and Huey, Dewey, Louie and Phooey Duck (as teenagers, more precisely from Quack Pack) are hobbits or hobbit gang, Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck, Samwise Gamgee and Pereg "Took). I don’t have to say why they play such roles. After all, I love fiction, and the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are one of my favorite movies I've ever watched, and I'll have to watch it again, and read Tolkien's novels in order to remember such a lore better.
The second drawing refers to Camera 9, the same cameraman, who is more precisely named Stefan Vladuck and he comes from the PKNA comics (Paperinik New Adventures) and is mostly treated like a robot, except that he is actually a man, actually a duck. Also, the only one who treats him as a person is Lyla Lay. Stefan mostly works for the frowning reporter Angus Fangus. Although this was drawn at speed, my mistake, I still drew as a redraw, one as with a camera and the other as a real man.
P.S. Sorry it turned out a little bad, I was in a hurry, and if I get the chance to make drawings related to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but in a Duckverse way. I hope you like this.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 years
For the fictional friendship asks:
Merry and Pippin 1,3,5 👈👉
1) When I think they became friends
This got me to start out with a bit of math, because I realized I didn’t know the age difference between them. Frodo, at the time of the Quest, is of course 50; Sam, based on the appendices, is 35; and Pippin, as he states in the “Minas Tirith” chapter of ROTK, is 28. I don’t think we’re told Merry’s age, but Frodo leaves him to handle the ‘guests’ (invited and otherwise) for a while the day after the Long-Expected Party, so I think Merry must be at least in his twenties then. Since there are 17 years between the Long-Expected Party and the Quest, there’s a good chance that Merry is older than Sam, and may be as much as 10 years older than Pippin. (EDIT: Thanks to @madrielite: we have canon on this, Appendix C shows Merry as being 36 at the time of the Quest, eight years older than Pippin.)
I think they became friends in Pippin’s teens and Merry’s twenties, probably meeting up at some party or social gathering, or, quite likely, in a pub/inn. Hobbits are very social and spend a lot of time in groups, and the Tooks and Brandybucks have very similar vibes, so I think they’d hit it off very quickly. Merry had probably already done some adventuring - had been into the Old Forest at least - and Pippin would have been fascinated and asked a million questions.
3) A random headcanon I have of them
Merry and Pippin, in their youth in the Shire, have rather different attitudes about adventures. Merry’s very interested in the wider world and wants to know more about it - after the hobbits meet up with Strider, he questions Strider about the lay of the land: what Weathertop is and the origins of the ruins, and the names and layout of rivers. In Rivendell, he reads up on Isengard enough to give a detailed description of it to Pippin later, even though the Fellowship isn’t planning to head in that direction.
Pippin does none of this, and for all his inquisitiveness doesn’t seem very good at retaining the information he’s told or connecting the dots between facts (such as that Aragorn is the heir to the throne of Gondor); I think in the Shire, he loved hearing about the outside world but was far more interested in the adventures themselves than the concrete where and when. And that he probably had the attitude that adventures should be spontaneous - it’s not an adventure if you plan it. Merry’s much more of a planner, and became somewhat more so after becoming friends with Pippin, out of the need to keep his young friend out of trouble. (Pippin looking after Merry after the Battle of Pelennor Fields is very sweet because it’s quite a role revesal.)
5) A scene I wish we had of them
I’d have liked to have more of a scene of them, after the end of the war, talking about their impressions of Faramir and Eowyn and Rohan and Gondor and everything that happened in ROTK while they were separated. (For that matter I’d like to hear Pippin and Frodo and Sam sharing theur impressions of Faramir.) We get a little bit of it, but I want more. I think the comparisons and contrasts between theur trajectories when separated - both swearing alliegiance to a foreign ruler; both ending up defying their orders to protect people they cared about; Pippin saving Faramir and Merry saving Eowyn; the deaths of Denethor and of Théoden - are very interesting, and I’d like to hear more of their own impressions and ideas. As well as their impressions of Frodo and Sam and how they’ve changed. And given Pippin seeing the Witch-king at the gates of Minas Tirith, I think once he’d had time to process it and wasn’t worrying about Merry as much, he’d be incredibly impressed that Merry had a key role in killing the Witch-king.
By the Scouring of the Shire, they’re very different people than they were even at the end The Two Towers; they’ve grown a lot (not just taller!). And I’d like it if we spent a little more time with that in the aftermath of the War of the Ring.
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