#and brooke is 1000% better than him
safflowerseason · 2 years
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sandwichfordinner · 1 year
Hi its strawberry anon once again >:3, Eli (my bbg real), Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a S/o who wears cute outfits but hella strong? Like strong enough to probably lift a car if they want. (Also take care of yourself and eat well!)
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Eli, Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a strong s/o who has a cute clothing style too ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 🔔 (female reader)
Strawberry anon hello again! Also thank you for the kindness I appreciate it! I don’t think the last ones turned out great I am not sure because I was out of ideas, so sorry
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Now we all know Eli, a calm, intelligent and clever man who promised to himself to not date at the moment ESPECIALLY when he is trapped in this nightmare-
Oh nvm…. uh.. remember how is said like 5 seconds ago he kept his promise? Yeahhh.. well… about that!
He has now a pretty girlfriend that has the best style of clothing! Amazing, spectacular, brilliant, ate the whole table-
The two of you being silly and happy , when you suddenly turn the tables which shocked Eli and Brooke till this day.
No way… Tries to use words instead of touching you but if you have anger issues he will be on panic mode and scared. But he shouldn’t worry, because later on he will get used to it and will be taking lots of notes.
You are so lucky that Ganji has fallen for you.. He didn’t search for your look,,, but… the way you are so strong amazes him.. You’re perfect..
Also likes your clothing style, while he is a poor little guy.
Do you know how he fell even harder for you???
When he couldn’t run because his legs gave up in Moonlit River Park and you carried him in bridal style. AND YOU WERE HUGGING HIM CLOSELY which left him looking away trying not to make eye contact with you..
If you’re beating the absolute shit of someone he will quickly try to pull you away cursing under his breath. He barely got you out of this situation😭
He is still so thankful that you’re his girlfriend, so you sometimes lift him in bridal style to tease him which ALWAYS works to make him blush
An irritating painter falling in love with a peasant????? Please love is the last thing he actually cares about! Love is nonsense.
But when he saw you how surprisingly strong you are he was confused. Confused about all of this situation, first you dress so much differently from the others and you are even stronger than some hunters?? How is this even possible? If you’re extroverted enough to annoy him he will fall in love with you somehow.
And there it is. A boyfriend that is 0% strong and 1000% girlfriend that is stronger but cheerful. I can just imagine you giving him a kiss on the cheek, which makes him blushy and Joseph disturbs you two but you just somehow twist the sword with your hand. And this leaves the photographer and painter flabbergasted.
So confused . How do you even do it???
You know that Norton loves jewels, but you have never been in the mines because of the incident he experienced. Don’t remind him of it please..
,,*sigh* I wished I could’ve had money or diamonds.. something shiny and good…-‘’
You literally crashed your hand into a big rock, and searched until you felt something smooth. You smiled and got your hand out of the big rock, and to his surprise you were holding a bunch of small kimberlite which one costs like 50$ (and you know back when things weren’t expensive as now, and 50$ WAS A LOT I think). Please his reaction was priceless. HOW ON EARTH DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS KIMBERLITE IN THIS BIG ROCK AND HOW DID YOU EVEN SMASH YOUR HAND INSIDE OF THAT ROCK??? HAVENT YOU BROKE IT??
if you two are in the mines, Norton is having bad flashbacks while you crash your hands in the rocks to find anything: iron, gold, coal. Anything that would make him happy.
,,Hey Nort look I found a.. diamond!!!-‘’
,,That’s great honey’’ Literally doesn’t pay attention so you better quickly get him out of here..
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Season 4 Rewatch Drabbles: 4x4 The Apprentice
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Summary:  A series of 100-1000 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 4 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 594
Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew4 @annaamell @flslp87 @emmateo26 @bethacaciakay 
@ultraluckycatnd @effulgent-mind @ilovemesomekillianjones @brooke-to-broch 
@missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich 
@jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma
@daxx04 @nickillian  @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirst
@kmomof4 @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes 
@hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82
@therooksshiningknight @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree @jrob64  @anmylica 
@booksteaandtoomuchtv @i-will-sing-no-requiem @bluewildcatfanatic @laianely
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3)
Mary Margaret plopped down on the sofa next to David, a wide smile on her face, her excitement barely contained.
“I bet she’ll be home soon,” she said.
“We can only hope,” David said, crossing his arms.  “Seems like they’re taking a long time just to have dinner.”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes.  “Oh come on, David.  You remember what it was like to be in love!”
He raised a brow.  “I’d like to think we’re still in love.”
She giggled–actually giggled.  “You know what I mean, the start of a relationship–that falling in love feeling.  The excitement, the butterflies, the–” having run out of adjectives to fully express the sentiment, she simply sighed, long and loud and contentedly.
“I just hope he’s being a gentleman,” David muttered.  “I didn’t like that look he gave me as he ushered her out the door.”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. “David, he loves her.  Anyone with eyes can see that.  He even went to Gold to get his hand back for her.”
“Yeah, that’s something else that’s been bothering me,” David said, overprotective dad mode morphing into genuine concern.  “What did he have to do to get it back?  We both know Gold doesn’t do anyone any favors out of the kindness of his heart.”
“Maybe he did this time!” Mary Margaret said.  “Maybe he’s turned over a new leaf.  Anyway, that’s a problem for another day.  What do you think they’re doing right now?”
David groaned.  “That is something I do not want to think about.”
They lapsed into silence for another moment before Snow smiled again, overwhelming joy bubbling up.
“What?” David asked, smiling back at her; her joy was contagious.
“I was just thinking about how wonderful this is–all of it?”
He gave her a quizzical look.
“You know, helping Emma pick out a dress for her big date,” Mary Margaret said, “helping her get ready.  Seeing the way she blushed and smiled talking about him (even if she tried to hide how excited she is).  Waiting up for her.”
She lapsed into silence for another moment, and David waited patiently.  
“We missed so much in her life, David,” she said finally, her smile slipping as the wistfulness took over. “All her firsts, all the big moments of her life.  Finally we got to be here for one–her first real date with her True Love.”
David’s eyes widened and his brows rose.  “True Love?  I seem to recall a time you weren’t so keen on the pirate.”
“Well yeah,” she said, waving dismissively.  “Back when I thought he was nothing more than a shameless flirt only out for himself and his revenge, but now I know better.  Now I see he’s something more.”
“What’s that?”
She smiled as they heard footsteps outside their door and then silence for long moments.  She was enough of a romantic to guess what was happening out there.  “He’s a good man, and just as important, one who loves our daughter.  The way he looks at her and the way she looks back–well, it’s the kind of love that breaks curses.”
“If he makes her happy, I suppose that’s good enough for me,” David conceded, once more crossing his arms and looking stern, “but that doesn’t mean I let him off easy.  I may have missed out on being the overprotective dad while she was in high school, but I’m milking it for all it’s worth now.”
Mary Margaret just grinned at him and then looked expectantly toward the door as the knob turned and Emma walked in.
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decoloraa · 2 years
Been on a YouTube kick recently and the thought of Briggs hosting their own "Without a Recipe" competition... how much of it would be inedible?
PLEASE I'VE NEVER SEEN IT BUT THIS IS THE MOST PERFECT PROMPT. Had a great time watching and thinking of 100 ways of the Bruggs squad to mess it up.
At Briggs it would be the most chaotic thing ever. The question isn’t even just about how it would taste but also if the fort would burn down in the process…
Olivier - You can’t tell me she ever cooked in her life, she has no clue. How do you make bread? Easy. Flour and water should be the only needed ingredients. Everything else is just extra in case you wanna act like a hobby chef. If a kid could make it, she won't have a problem, right? Don’t eat whatever she did, it looks horrendous and will give you the tummy ache of your life. 0/10
Miles - This man would have a breakdown during the first five minutes bc he needs a recipe he can follow to the tiniest details. But after having a crisis for 30 minutes he would eventually get to it and since he chooses the correct ingredients, it would kinda work out? He'd do nothing experimental tho. 7/10
Buccaneer - He has no clue what he does. Literally. He throws everything together and claims to have a feeling for things. Everyone watching is mortified. He doesn't use normal kitchen utensils, he wants to make everything with his automail (Neil made him one that can knead dough, no one knoes why). In the end to the food turns out fine tho and is quite tasty? How? 8/10
Casther - Listen. Casther is a mess. He has horrible taste and no idea what he's doing. He would make the weirdest food choices, ones that you could never even think of. It's a mix of him thinking things will actually taste good and just him wanting to piss off Miles with his food choices. The challenge is to make pizza? Get ready for the ugliest pizza with a tasty gummi bears and squirrel combo. Casther no pls don’t eat that, it still looks raw… 2/10
Val - If there is one person whose food creations I‘d trust even less than Casther’s, it’s Val. Never cooked in his life, but he'd think he'll be fine since he knows what food tastes like. Whatever he makes, it would be as ugly as Casther’s food but 100x times more disgusting. Val could be the smartest person in the entire fort, but he would kill you with whatever he tries to cook. -1000/10
Thea: She helps out in the kitchen quite often so she has some experience and knows how to cook. But she is equally creative than Casther and makes questioning choices. In the end she'd burn whatever she's trying to do bc she's too busy watching her dads in complete horror. 3/10 since even her burnt foodnwill be better than whatever Casther and Val made.
Brooks - If the fort hasn't gone up into flames because of the previous ones, it WILL with Brooks. Brooks is that kind of cook who knows how things work but doesn't get it right. The food doesn't taste good but they made it look pretty. 5/10 but mostly for effort
Richie - Richie doesn't cook and he doesn't have high standards in food. But Richie is competitive and if there's something to win, he will do anything. He has no experience, but the food will taste great?? And the presentation would be perfect too. How did this happen? 10/10
Silas - Silas is genuinely a good cook. The food looks great, he uses spices and it’s 🤌 Everyone is legit surprised how amazing his food is. However he'd end up losing against Richie somehow and Silas would never recover from it. 10/10
Neil and Parricia would team up. No one would know why it's allowed but it doesn't matter since they abandon their cooking 5 minutes into the challenge. All they do now is to get themselves some alcohol and watch the others. They'll 100% roast everyone's cooking and won't be afraid to make fun of the worst cooks. If they participated, would they have made even worse things? Or would they have made the most delicious meal? No one knows.
Whoever gets to taste those abominations will have a problem bc they'll most likely get food poisoning and 1) Patricia and Neil are drunk af and 2) Val is salty as hell bc he scored worse than Olivier or Casther. Rip
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Go ahead and ramble/lore dump/give some fun facts about any/all of your ocs!
Ok were just gonna pick out some of my favorites, because I've been writing since middle school, lol.
Oc's created with @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow @animegoddexx @charliedawn @iloveslasher @howl-fantasies @keffirinne
Frances Lecter:
Frances is my self insert I’m writing with the lovely Meadow. It’s the first Poly relationship I’ve ever written and I’m obsessed with that. Who wouldn’t want to be married to Hannibal and this cutie? Frances was a professional Ballerina, but is now a humble dance teacher. But they love the job, and they love their partners. They’re a little accident prone, but they have people who protect them. Their friendship with William is everything!
Newton Lecter:
Newt was originally just a self insert because I was enjoying Charlie’s Hannibal series so much. But thanks to the encouragement of my followers they’ve become so much more. They’re slowly becoming a real part of the Hannibal activities and it’s so fun to watch. I love a corruption trope.
Blinky Firefly:
Blinky my sweet sweet baby! They’re easily my most fun OC. But also one of my saddest. Since they belong to the House of 1000 Corpses universe, I decided to challenge myself and cover darker topics in this series. Despite all the hard times though, they don’t let it get them down! They love clowns and circus stuff and little trinkets. But more importantly, they love their family. One of the only reasons they’ll life their knife to kill, is for them. They’re a sweet little thing and I love them.
Harmony Dwyer:
She was one of my first OC’s and for my very first special interest. She’s Bella swans younger half sibling and has autism. But she doesn’t know it yet. She’s super smart for her age, having moved up a grade in school. Harmony is very awkward, but she’s good company. Her best friends are a vampire and werewolf that are dating. And she’s the descendent of her vampire best friends soulmate who everyone thinks is dead. I love her so so much, and I need to write more for her.
Scorpius Brooks:
I’ve barely written for him yet but he’s my favourite in my Marvel series so far. He’s a vampire who’s also a vampire hunter. He loves morbid jokes and is hopeless at flirting. But he’s an excellent fighter and would kill for his loved ones. None of this stupid “hero’s aren’t killers shit” he’ll gladly claim the title Anti-hero!
Magnolia Blossom:
Maggie is my Gotham oc, from the Gotham TV series. She started as a way to appreciate Howl's OC, and slowly, well Blossomed. I adore her! She has a big heart and really just wants to help people, but she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty to get what she wants or protect her family. A very good girl! With so many secrets!
Morrigan West-Todd:
Little Mo is the best! She’s only 14 at the start of the series but she grows up so quickly. I guess anyone would living in Gotham. She’s actually from out universe, similar to my friends OC’s she randomly shifted to Gotham and now she’s stuck. But she didn’t really want to go home anyways. Why would she, she has a new family here that loves and adores her. And she has powers here, she’s much stronger than she ever would be in our world. She’s a tough cookie.
Macy Love-Hewitt:
Macy 😍 she’s just so good! She may be related to Thomas Hewitt, but she has Bo Sinclair’s personality, and the flirting skills of Jennifer Check. She a bad ass Cannibal Mechanic and we Stan. She hates everyone but her Girlfriend and her family, and won’t take shit from anyone. She may have a bit of a short temper, but she makes up for it by being tender to her loved ones.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 8 December 1836
8 ½
12 ¾
no kiss rainy morning - downstairs at 9 20 to Mr. Washington - he has bought me the little 1D.W. filed (Mr. Harrison’s) opposite Southedge for £150 - saw there would be so many bidders, bought it by private contract - said I was well satisfied - did not expect to get it for less - he had managed it very well - I would give him £5 for his cleverness - to come again next Wednesday for a final arrangement of accounts and everything - said I should leave him to pay the servants wages, to take charge of the land, the roads making and all the out-of-doors jobs of that kind - drains making etc wished Robert Mann to have all the out-of-doors work he could undertake about the house - to tell George R- I meant him to pay £140 per annum for Lower brea and Hipperholme fields but I would throw in the little croft adjoining the mill and lay out £100 in the barn for further trade-convenience - SW- made no remark on the advance of rent - I said my uncle had let the Hipperholme fields at £40 per annum - these I should consider as remaining at the same rent - and the £100 I considered to be for Lower brea - mentioned that I should leave Mr. Harper to let the Northgate hotel - I supposed it would be let to some stranger, for as  I would not let it to Mr. Carr without security given for the rent and Godley at £2500 I supposed he would not come into these terms, and therefore that he would not have the hotel - then (after 10) breakfast - had Oddy in - settled about board wages, etc she says she is in better spirits than she was at 1st - thinks she can manage, and seems (as she well may) very well satisfied - breakfast over at 11 10 - and then till went down to Robert Mann at 11 ½ - wrote all the above of today - fair soon after 10 when A- went to H-x (to Mr. Gilmores’) for another spell at the Registers - the sun out a little and F44 ½° and a little damp and flying small drops of rain now at 11 ½ am - no! rain and wind and very rough stormy day - went with Robert M- to Mytholm quarry - plenty of stone that will do for the pool - ordered all to be for ready for bringing it on Saturday and placing in loco - then to Hipperholme quarry - Booth there - ordered about the water being brought forward to A-‘s Travellers’ Inn cottages - Robert to get it done immediately - very rough weather with the wind in our faces homewards - Robert wet through - left me at Mytholm - I looked over from the bridge into Mytholm Ing - 2 chimneys i.e. vent-pits in the Ing and one in John Oates’s 3 cornered bit - a little with Joseph Mann at Listerwick cabin - home and came in at 1 - wet - changed my dress in about ½ hour - from then till after 4 siding - looking over my travelling bag and partly packing my portmanteau - had Robert Mann about 4 ¼ - Stoney lane would take so much mending gave up the thought - the stone to come round by Hipperholme lane ends - then had Joseph Mann till 5 ½ (A- got back at 4 ½) looking over stone-notes to see what should be taken from Dodgson’s bill for carting - he promised to cart the stone himself that were buried in the Long goit and taken up again to wear the brook - Joseph M- then shewed
me the field in Sour milk hall land where they are sinking for water - had the great plan and he pointed out the various sinkings and drivings for water of Messrs. Ward and Ackroyd - said he (Joseph M-) and his brother Robert had all the coal in Sour milk hall land and grant from Mr. Emmett but there is no coal worth getting - he and Robert had sought all over - spent £70 in seeking and had got all they could perhaps 1000 loads - young Walsh quite mistaken in thinking there was anything left worth getting - sat a little while with A- - then till after 6 wrote the last 18 lines - sat with A- dinner at 6 ½ in ½ hour till 7 - A- read French - coffee - I read tonights’ paper and Travels in Switzerland by Brockedon till 10 ¼ - Letter tonight from Messrs. Gray to say I might count upon the money in April £7000 but the lady would make it £8000 if I preferred it - Messrs. G- had said they thought £7000 would suit me better and the lady had had a security offered for £1000 - ask what security I propose giving - ‘we cannot consistently with our professional duty allow the title deeds to remain in their hands but we can arrange for their being deposited with us or with a Banker so that you may refer to them at pleasure’ - Rainy rough, stormy, windy day F38° now at 10 ¼ pm and fair and wind highish - making out inventory of what to take aboard till 11 ½ pm
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mamamittens · 2 years
Do you write smut for the Blackbeard Pirates? Cuz I have a million and one spicy ideas about them 👀
(I'm a filthy liar but I swear I'll sleep after this lmao)
So... I'm actually not that familiar with the crew? Not quite there yet to put it lightly, though mind you it hasn't stopped me from writing about literally anyone else up to this point so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Haven't even reached Brooks yet. I just... Really don't want to burn out on One Piece so I'm taking it slow... And I procrastinate really weirdly tbh.
My secret is that I'm really fucking good at psychoanalyzing animated characters and shows. Kind of makes it hard to binge any show though ngl.
So... While I have literally zero respect for Teach as a Moriarty style villain (or a villain at all cause he could have been %1000 more devious with better planning), I wouldn't say... That I would never write for him. Or his crew that a quick search tells me is fascinating and almost certainly doomed to self cannibalize eventually. (I'm betting Teach does more weird fruit shit later and steals their skills or something equally bullshit on top of being able to literally dual wield other fruits).
So, if I did go about writing for them, it would definitely need a bit more of a prompt to work with than usual. I take pride in my craft, no matter how inconsequential it is, so this would go under the "Challenge Accepted" category (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
If that makes sense?
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
1052—Oda delivers (spoilers)
Oda still did it in his “tee-hee” Benny Hill way (it’s an old reference, but I can’t think of a better one), but he stuck it to the dude-bros. My take, anyway! I’m not saying he’s not indulging in fan-service, because he absolutely is, but he’s not discounting the choices that Yamato and O-Kiku have made either. Nami extends an invitation to Yamato for him to join them in a bath.
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Bello, Oda writing with emphasis on Yama-O, Yama-男, Yama-bro, and with Yamato and O-Kiku both choosing which gender they identify with. I wonder how the dude-bros (guess they’re dude-男 too) will cope with more than one perspective.
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Yamato and Kiku state their preferences clearly (below).
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Got Zoro, in the background, deciding to fulfil his pledge to Sanji of putting him down if worst came to worst. Heh. Oda also ruins many a shipper’s fanfiction dreams, but one can dream and write.
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Above. Fan service here for sure, and I’m wondering how Toei will treat it, as they tend to amp the sukebi scenes up to 1000. Zoro, Luffy, Jinbei, Nekomamushi not fazed. 
Momonosuke maybe not realising that he was nestled against Yamato’s chest for a fair amount of Wano (I would put this down to being 8, but it was a joke Oda made with him and Nami [also in this chapter], so his surprise is a bit inconsistent, I think. Anyway, it’s better than Brook’s and I guess Sanji’s attitude (although that is in character for them)).
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Also, O-Kiku and Hiyori. I like Hiyori’s comment, also that O-Kiku has only been separated from the other scabbards for about six weeks, I think. Also, the official had a better translation of O-Tama’s statement about wanting a mother figure last week (”I hope you stay with me forever”), which doesn’t mean that Speed has been sidelined. It fits in with the general sentiment.
Telling that Oda has so few female characters as leads that the Straw hat bath is full of Straw hats, Nekomamushi (and I guess the other scabbards) and Yamato.That is, the Straw Hats take up most of the frame, but the female baths need to use support (but important) characters to fill the frame. Ooh, and Robin’s missing. Ominous from the opening frames (I haven’t read to the chapter to the end yet).
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choiceskatie · 3 years
Extra Credit (Smut-tember)
Books Featured: Red Carpet Diaries, The Nanny Affair, Queen B, The Royal Romance
Warnings: 18+. NSFW.
Word count: 1000 (you have no idea how difficult I found this lol)
Summary: Dirty Dalton goes to college when the children’s nanny doesn’t quite do it for him anymore.
Author's Note: Happy @smut-tember! I've missed most of the event bc I was awol, but to make up for it, I challenged myself to using every single word on the list for week 4 lol (hence why sticking to the word count was v hard). I also added in a couple of my own words lol, all of them will be highlighted in bold! It was honestly so fun writing cringy smut on purpose, but it feels illegal to even post this lmao. Thanks @lsvdw-blog for prereading this mess and howling with me all the way lol.
Tagging at the end but do NOT feel the need to read this shitshow 💀
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“Class dismissed.”
The instant sound of loud chattering and chairs moving eclipses Thomas Hunt’s deep voice, once thought to be commanding now completely powerless before the group of racious college students.
“Don’t forget! Sam Dalton will be here on Friday so make sure your projects are up to scratch! This is your senior year and if you don’t-”
The door slams shut behind the final student as they file out of the room without a backward glance at their professor.
“Hello, Mr Dalton.”
“Please, call me Sam.”
The man smiles as he nods his head graciously. “Dean Steinhelm wanted me to offer you a warm welcome to Belvoire, and we apologise that Thomas Hunt was unavailable today. Off for stress, between you and I.”
“Ah, so you’re not the man I was scheduled to meet with today?”
“Afraid not, sir. I’m Ian Kingsley, anthropology.”
“Not a problem. Shall we?”
He gestures towards the groups of students scattered around the lecture hall, all with bright eyes and naive smiles. Did they really believe that Dalton Enterprises would choose filmmaking for their first endeavour after breaking out of science?
Anyone with half a brain should be able to surmise that Sam Dalton is here looking for the tightest snatch he can find, and where better to look than a group of college students? If he gets to tear a hymen in the process, even better.
He feels his man meat strain painfully against his slacks as he comes across a group of particularly attractive girls, their outfits leaving little to the imagination as their globes nearly spill out of their dresses, the hem barely covering their meat curtains.
“And who do we have here?”
“This is Bea Hughes,” she smiles up at him, a twinkle in her eye as she fights for his attention. “And here we have Riley Brooks.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr Dalton.” Sam doesn’t miss the seductive rasp in her voice as she gazes through fluttering lashes, eyes hooded as she bites her lip.
Sam stifles a smirk as he speaks with them, practically smelling the girl’s moist honeypot as she tries to get as close to him as possible.
After making his rounds, he pulls Professor Kingsley to the side.
“I’d like to conduct some one-on-one interviews before I decide.”
Ian doesn’t miss the sly smile gracing their guest’s face as he speaks, as if the sight of his bulging phallus wasn’t enough to confirm he was a dirty freak.
“Who were you thinking of?”
“Either of those brunette sluts with the big blue eyes,” he inclines his head towards Bea and Riley, Ian’s jaw twitching.
“I don’t think Bea would be interested-”
“Trust me, she’s interested. They both are, just depends if you’re an ass or tit man, am I right?” He chuckles disturbingly as Ian’s fists ball in the pockets of his pants. “Hmm, I think we’ll go for tits today. Send her to your office for me, please.”
Their hands are all over each other as soon as the lock is turned. He pushes her up against the door, grinding his rock hard member into the heat of Riley’s lady cave.
His hands trail down the sides of her body, cupping her thighs and hoisting her up as he strides to the large mahogany desk and lays her down.
“Strip for me. Let me see that juicy ham wallet.”
She’s quick to follow orders, her clothes laying in a heap on the ground only seconds later.
Sam’s eyes fixate on the wetness dripping from her secret place, his fingers gliding in with ease as his head drops to her fun bags, tongue and teeth teasing her udders.
“You’re soaked. Just how long have you been thinking about my trouser snake?” His lips move down her abdomen as he speaks, her body trembling. “Hmm? Have you been thinking about my baby gravy filling you up?”
Any chance of a reply is caught in her throat as his tongue dives into her love tunnel and her hands fall to his hair, pulling tightly as he groans and his phallus throbs.
He pulls her clit into his mouth and suckles on her coochie meow meow, a premature release of love juice coating his boxers as his excitement gets the best of him.
Despite that, he’s steel hard and ready to go again in seconds, standing back to quickly undress before he flips her over, her chest meeting the cool desk as he tilts her hips up towards him.
He plunges his veiny pecker into her in one sure stroke, her pussy cat clenching around him as she struggles to take his vigorous thrusting.
His hands smooth over the globes of her ass, slapping and palming both over and over until she’s whining uncontrollably.
He spreads her cheeks, slipping his thumb into his wet mouth before sliding it into her puckered hole and grinning as he feels her body shaking.
“What’s your boyfriend gonna say?”
Their position offers Riley the opportunity to look confused as she wonders what the hell he’s talking about.
He grabs a fistful of her hair and yanks her back, her back meeting his chest as his lips latch onto her neck. “Tell me. What’s your boyfriend going to do when you go home and you’ve been fucked into oblivion by me? When your meat pocket’s been ruined like the little whore you are.”
What the fuck? Is this doing it for him?
“Are you gonna come for me, Riley? Let me feel your jizzle.”
“Jizzle? Girls don’t-”
“They do when it’s my pork sword fucking them.”
His words are laboured as his thrusts take on a life of their own, his rod driving home and home again until he spurts his seed inside of her with a loud yell.
He pulls out of her, his love stick softening and baby batter dripping down her thighs as he catches his breath.
“Oh, you might want to get a razor on your way home. You missed some pubic hair on your ass.”
@charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @forallthatitsworth @ao719 @burnsoslow @mia143 @stateofgracious @mainstreetreader @emkay512 @jerzwriter @lsvdw-blog @chemist-ana @kat-tia801 @txemrn @thefrenchiemama
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rialynne · 4 years
Little Women Review
I’m feeling incredibly motivated to do this so here we go. To set it up, yes I read little women as a kid and I saw the 1994 version years ago prior to my first viewing. I watched the 1933 and 1949 versions and the 1994 version again before the second viewing. 
TLDR: Go watch this Movie I love it, imma buy this blu ray. To me despite structural changes this is the definitive movie adaptation of Little Women.
So initial personal reasons why I’ve always enjoyed this story is that it takes place in Mass; my cousins live in Concord, I grew up in New England and they definitely filmed in New England cause certain scenes. We still have old style buildings around like they have in the film and the landscape, especially for scenes in the fall were absolutely beautiful. Marmee even name drops my home state at one point so shout out there. 
Greta Gerwig did an absolutely fantastic job with the adapted screenplay of this movie and I am quite the fan of her decision to split up the structure of the novel and create more flash back sequences to emphasize different events that took place and how that impacted characters. I think the decision to film with a yellow warm tone in the past compared with a blue, cool tone in the adulthood scenes was a smart move as a visual way to explicitly indicate which timeline we are in. The fashion of the ladies and the hairstyles definitely did help with the timeline as well. I also love how they designed the girls hair style and clothing when they were younger to have a piece of Marmee’s style with them to signify a piece of Marmee is in each of her daughters. I also really loved the way that scenes played out, how they were shot, how when a bunch of them where showing conversations that could happen in real life. The dynamics of the march sisters remind me of my own family and there are a few scenes where there was like multiple conversations going on at once and I loved that. Also I love the sound track its on par with the 2005 Pride & Prejudice soundtrack.
For the more minor roles:
Meryl Streep did her thing as Aunt March and was quite hilarious, I loved how she was like no kisses plz and her whole you need to marry wealthy and I didn’t get married cause I’m rich bit. Mr. Lawrence has a beautiful character arc especially with Beth. He did so well with that small role and he really made you feel for the loss of his daughter. John Brook was the sweet respectful man for his wife. Friedrich Bhaer was good as well. Not as many scenes of him as I was previously expecting but I bought the connection he and Jo had and he definitely proved to be an intellectual match for him. 
Laura Dern was an excellent Marmee. She really brought the presence that she was the giving, calming presence for all her daughters, especially for Jo. I absolutely love the conversations she had with Jo about her always being angry and for talking to Jo about her not really being in love with Laurie. I felt like that conversation is a really important lesson for everyone to determine if they want to marry someone, to make sure they do marry some one cause they do truly love them and not cause they want to be loved. Mr. Dashwood, the new york city publisher was also a great addition to this story in terms of representing the way publishers were back in the day. 
I loved how connected they made all the March sisters feel. They really did make them all feel like one unit in their younger years, that it hurt much more when they are older when their apart. I really Loved watching Jo especially interact with all her sisters and seeing how the dynamics changed over the years. With Meg she relates to her being the oldest siblings and the scene where they talk about their different goals in life right before Meg gets married. Its a lovely scene indicating not one’s goals in life are better than another persons goals. I Love how she cares so much for Beth and looks out for her. The dynamics of Jo and Amy’s relationship was fascinating to watch cause it reminded me a lot of me and my sister and how we bickered a lot, but still deeply care for one another, and eventually were able to respect one another. 
I knew going into this movie that Saoirse Ronan was going to kill it as Jo, and she flipping delivered. I love her portrayal as Jo where she is not as too much as the 1933 and 1949 portrayals and yet was very ambitious and likable, very similar to the 1994 portrayal from Winona Ryder. I loved her speech with Marmee about how great women are and how she doesn’t have a life goal to get married but how she is very lonely. That hit hard. Her negotiating for her royalties to her book was a great addition to the end of the story. I feel as if she plays a certain type of character in her movies, but she does it sooo well and in a way that no one else can do justice for it. The relationship between Jo and Amy and Jo and Laurie were great to watch. Amy and Jo are so similar besides a few key differences, and those differences help make their tension believable and turns them into remarkable characters.        
I love the take on Beth in this adaptation. They still play her as a sweet and caring individual, one that ultimately leads to her getting sick and dying, but they give her a little more quirky traits and have her say some funny one liners. She has a lot of subtle moments with Jo and Amy especially that makes their reactions to her death feel so real. Emma Watson did a much better job than i expected and gave a surprising amount of depth to Meg. I did really enjoy the sub plot of her buying that fabric for a dress. $50 back then was like close to $1000, and really does show her struggle with wanting to have nice things once in a while. Her speech to Jo about her desires to be a wife and a mother is beautiful. Meg I feel is a difficult role to play due to her calm presence and lack of a super extroverted like personality and Emma made it her own.
Timothee Chalamet is a fantastic Laurie. He did well in balancing Laurie’s immature and lazy side to him while making him endearing. Seeing his love for the March family grow over time was beautiful. His relationship with Jo and Amy were awesome. With Jo, they are a great example of a platonic friendship, especially from when this book was published. I really loved the rejected proposal on the hill. You can see Jo still resisting adulthood still from her sister’s wedding, even when Laurie proposes I think she sees that as the end of childhood for her. Along with that she never had an interest to get married and expresses that she doesn’t love him like that and why they wouldn’t make a good match. The argument doesn’t feel like unrequited love but more like two best friends having a disagreement. His scenes with Amy also highlight his path to adulthood and him learning about love in the process. 
AMY MARCH FINALLY GOT HER DUE! About damn time she did. Amy is my favorite character from this adaptation and is the one that surprised me the most. Lord FLORENCE PUGH needs to get a damn nomination because she was fucking amazing. For me she was able to convincingly play a young and adult Amy so well. Amy is a woman who knows what she wants in life and is very determined to get them and work within the current societal circumstances she is in. She is able to push her ego aside to get what she wants. She is so cheeky and energetic when she is younger but becomes more refined and tactful when older. Her burning Jo’s book did indicate her jealousy of her sister and the immaturity of her emotions that over time she has a grip on more as an adult. Her relationship with Aunt March indicates the idea and pressure she has to take care of the rest of her family. When she has her economic proposition speech, you really see how this is adding so much pressure on her, pressure that does influence her choices and behavior later on. 
But, my absolute favorite part about Amy’s development over the movie was her relationship with Laurie. I’m so happy Greta really took the time to flush out this relationship. I really love these two together. They are both a really great example of love that evolves over time. The little tid bits in the past with the small moments of Amy and her small crush over Laurie: THE FOOT MOLD, the way young Amy looks at Laurie, her drawing of him at the beach while flirting with Fred Vaughn, talking about how hot he is as a half Italian. All of that was perfection. Everything in Paris with these too was also sooo fantastic. I love it that prim and proper 20 year old lady Amy turns into a kid again when she sees Laurie and just jumping and hugging him, and then Laurie is all like you’re beautiful. when she invites him to the ball and he kisses Aunt March. Her being all like “its Laurie!” and looking back at him with that damn smile, the things that make my heart melt. With Amy and Laurie knowing each other for so long, Amy is able to be real with him and call him out throughout their time in Paris, mainly at the ball when his drunken fuckboi ass waltz in. Also The PAINTING ROOM, lawrd. Amy still shitting on Laurie for his behavior, their conversation about love, Amy’s speech on economic proposition, THE UNBUTTONING OF THE PAINTING SMOCK (that absolutely rivals the Pride & Prejudice 2005 hand touch in terms of sexual tension), Amy being able to be her true self around Laurie, Laurie telling Amy “You look beautiful...you are beautiful” (SWOOON). Then when they at the park: Amy scolding him for being lazy and not taking charge and being responsible, Amy drawing him again and showing him the older picture, Laurie telling Amy not to marry Fred “don’t marry him. Why? you know why.”, Amy realizing what hes implying and being all like Naw don’t you dare fam I’ve always been second to Jo “I won’t do it. Not when I have spent my entire life loving you.”. Laurie finally grew a pair and went off to London to make something of himself and Amy turning down Fred’s proposal realizing she wants to marry for love. Them reuniting in Paris after Beth dies, and being alike i wont let you travel alone even if you despise me, which Amy says she doesn’t despise him. And she states she aint marrying Fred and then rambles on and LAURIE KISSES HER GOD BLESS HE DO LOVE HER. and wow. Their love story is one of the most satisfying love story arcs I’ve seen in a long time. 
Any ways that’s my long ass Review of Little Women 2019.  GO watch it in theaters if you can. I will buy it and stream it when it comes out of theaters. This is the definitive adaptation for me and I think it will hold up well as an amazing period drama for years to come. 
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 999 - Initial Thoughts
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One to go We are within breathing distance of Chapter 1000, but we still have 999 to sate us The tower climb continues as down in the basement Yamato mentions Ace, implying a flashback too
so let’s get into it
Spoilers below for the chapter, Support the Official Release Too!
As the color spread combines with 1000, I won’t talk much about it, but it does look like it’s an updated homage to Chapter 100′s color spread
We start immediately into an Ace vs Yamato flashback
It kinda surprises me how much hassle Yamato is having with Ace, I mean we knew Ace was strong but he was only 550 million, which isn’t that big in the new world
Not ‘daughter’ guys, ‘son’ - also WHERE TF IS MASKED DEUCE!?
Kaido not being around does explain a few things though; Ace would’ve never ran away from a fight - this much we painfully know - and at the very least they got to free some abducted children
It is cool that Ace and Yamato found some common ground over the fact that they hate their bio fathers, though it is more tragic that Ace hates Roger who wanted nothing but love for him compared to Yamato hating Kaido because he’s abusive, negligent and a horrible creature
Turns out that Yamato broke the dragon statue first, using it as a gesture to declare his intention to go out to sea. It kinda reminded me to when Calgara killed the snake in front of Noland
The ace has to get a punch in while it’s down XD friendship is sealed at least
HAHAHA Cavendish losing all the respect, at least Ace remembers half his name XD
Yamato’s face though hearing about the budding supernovas is precious
I guess Ace’s drink of choice has been the ‘Gush about Luffy’ Juice, order 10 more! It’s wonderful how much Ace is talking up Luffy to the oblivious Yamato, even with that evil grin
Seems that Ace made 2 promises in Wano he couldn’t keep :/ if only he didn’t let Akainu get to him...
Momo and Shinobu do catch on that Yamato said ‘Father’ though, and from that they completely lose it. But like, come on, random allies in the den of Kaido are likely to come from Kaido’s ranks
Shinobu though just rolling away XD Yamato took cannonfire for you I think you’re good
I can’t seem to grasp who’s surprised about Ace’s death, either Yamato is responding to the question or Momo/Shinobu are pointing out that Ace has been dead for a while and Yamato didn’t know
At the same time we also note the Ace connection with Tama, as someone (Nami with the long nose) tells her of Luffy’s connection to Ace
Kaido’s forces attacking Marco because they don’t want to be killed by Queen is a better reasoning than they just believe that Chopper is lying
Robin and Brook taking the stairs? Looks like they’ll be halted by someone, or tag in for someone else having a fight
I think this is the first time Zoro’s been carried by a bird and he’s actually okay with it XD
Through Marco we get more of Ace’s side as to why he didn’t return to Wano
So nobody has been 2nd Division Commander because the WB crew learned of Oden’s death much later, I wonder how that went down. It’s interesting that Ace was told about Oden though
Oda though going all in with Marco and the Pineapples, first the attack pun now he’s just eating one
I mean, WB is right, Ace can’t beat Kaido, but at the same time avoiding casualties would’ve been easy if you just stormed Onigashima
SHUT UP MARSHALL! all gloaty because he could scar Shanks and would later take WB’s devil fruit and become a ‘big shot’ himself...
Looks like Izo and Marco were always gonna come support Luffy, out of the same solidarity they had for Ace, Whitebeard’s last order is still in effect
The tears! Hit me in the heart why don’t you?
King has finally showed himself again, direct opposition for Zoro and Marco
‘The New Generation’ huh, better than the ‘worst generation’
Wait...Does Queen have Gun Tongues!? He could’ve killed Luffy and Zoro when he had them in his mouth if he had gun tongues!
The penny finally drops for Tama, but it’s adorable that she immediately thinks about how harsh she was to Luffy, luckily Nami is there to ease her
At the same time, Momo’s learning that Ace’s Roger’s son and Luffy’s brother, serendipity in the air since Roger always believed that his son would be the reincarnation of Joy Boy
It’s a nice metaphor, but I don’t think Yamato has ever tried to count stars in the sky XD
It does seem fateful doesn’t it, or is Oda doing that out of a rug-pull intention?
The way Yamato is looking at Oden’s Journal makes me feel like answers about the D. are in them
Welp, Zeus and Prometheus are fully recharged, meaning that Big Mom will be certainly at full strength
It doesn’t surprise me that they want Robin alive, Inu and Neko did warn her of this, but again - doubt you’d be able to force her to read it
 Rare Pudding mention there, ‘True Awakening’ does imply more things would come from the eye
Ah, so Onigashima’s mainly gonna be dropped on Oden Castle rather than smack bang in the middle of the Flower Capital? Less casualties but still a lot
It kinda felt uncharacteristic for BM to be so cruel to innocent, neglected people, and to even consider slaves, someone needs to bonk her head again!
Wait Wait, you’re telling me that Kaido hid his Road Poneglyph in the place the Wano lot were bunking in while WCI happened!?
Little Brother? Sure Linlin. But we got a little more God Valley juice, looks like Kaido was broken bad and BM saved him
But a Fish-Fish Fruit? I guess you can say it’s Of-fish-ial? I mean, she said Mythical Fish and people are thinking it’s more a Koi that becomes a dragon by rising the waterfall, it’d explain his orange tattoo, but why is Kaido a creature then? Why not say what animal? There seems to be more to it, and what does this mean for Yamato?
Oooh you said the thing you do not say, Luffy’s radar is gonna go ballistic
So yeah, 999 is building up with full strength Yonko waiting for Luffy, but they do have to remember that Zoro and Kid are on their way, Law of course is taking his sweet time too
With Robin and Brook climbing manually it may be a point where Robin has a target on her back, but she could also provide a key distraction.
The Ace stuff was nice, good clarity there, and Tama finding out about Luffy being Ace’s brother may further push their dynamic.  Still a lot to look out for, I mean we still haven’t gotten back to Carrot and Wanda vs Perospero, none of the Tobi Roppo fights resumed and Luffy wasn’t in this chapter at all All in build for 1000
Hopefully it’s a good xmas present rather one of complete devastation XD
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twiststreet · 3 years
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Tenet (2020) thoughts:
1) That movie owns.
2) I have no idea what happened during any moment of that movie, and did not understand anything that was happening on screen at any time whatsoever, not even a little, for serious.  *Makes interesting Hand gesture*. 
3) It didn’t matter to me that I didn’t understand Tenet; I don’t understand normal movies either.  Here’s all I’ve been able to figure out about movies generally: they’re a series of photographs, except shown to you very very quickly.  (What’s that 30 Rock joke?  “I finally understand the ending of the Sixth Sense.  Those are the names of the people who made the movie!”).  
4) The dialogue is atrocious and frequently VERY FUNNY (entirely accidentally!) and also very confusing.  Sometimes someone will respond to questions by saying “you just haven’t thought about quantum testicles” very solemnly and it’s like oh okay, sure, I guess i haven’t, this movie’s got my number.  But all the dialogue is said very very quickly and I think that’s the movie’s way of making it clear that it doesn’t really have any interest in you understanding or enjoying the dialogue, whatsoever.  So to me, that basically balances things out.  
If you’re of the Chris McQuarrie “Emotions > information” school, that’s a valid choice!  I got to watch Michael Caine talk about secret cities at 5000 words per second-- understanding what any of that meant is unnecessary. Nobody’s making me do a book report!  There’s not going to be a quiz!  Get nutty with it, Caine, homework is over, the Berlin Wall has fallen, love is free if you want it.
(I did like that the only heartfelt dialogue in the entire Christopher Nolan movie was Michael Caine saying “fuck a Brooks Brothers, wear some nice clothes you asshole”-- I thought that said a lot. It said Tenet. Note: I would wear nothing but Brooks Brothers, if I had the dough but if Chris Nolan feels differently, so be it. I did not direct Batmen and look, I appreciate that he believes it-- it’s called celebrating diversity-- *interesting hand gesture*).
5) Here is That movie owns backwards:  Snwo Eivom Taht.  (Tenet.)
6) Just as I did not understand every other scene in his movie, I did not understand anything that was happening in the last action scene, in terms of the geography of the action or its meaning.  But things were exploding and guns were going off and my hair looked good (Tenet), and for me that is enough. Understanding geography, cause or effect is for my betters, and I accept my place in this life-- RIP Bourne Franchise (2002-2016).
7) Denzel Washington’s son is very good and only does an impression of his dad a few times, but it feels like we only get glimmers of how cool he could be in a movie, if they built a movie for him just right.  I feel like he’s got a cooler movie than this in him.  (Well, it’s called Deja Vu and it stars his dad and it’s fucking incredible).  Anyways, then occasionally his love interest Robert Pattinson pops up saying “I know how to do heists in the most ridiculous way possible” while loud techno music plays and I just like that dude, likable screen dude, so I was into that.  
And occasionally, the Tall Blonde Giraffe Woman from Widows is on screen and that is also extremely interesting to me not in that I find her desirable as I would obviously have no idea how to interact with all that, but in that she seems like a James Cameron creation, except in our world and I enjoy science fiction (Tenet).  
This was mostly a good time in terms of the casting, with the big exception of Kenneth Branagh, the charm of whom wore off for me a long time ago.  I find him boring and stuffy. He’s not my dude.  
8) Two Heists, and a pretty goddamn fun opening sequence, though-- I was really into that opening 10 minutes.  And heists!  Anne Hathaway is doing heists in a week or two on HBO, too.  I love heists so much.  The first movie I saw this year was Ocean’s 11, which I’ve seen a million times, and has never (will never?) gotten old for me. I will like any movie where people do heists because heists are a thing that reminds audiences that sexy people should do sexy things in movies and/or with their lives, and I think that’s a Good Lesson for Our Times (Tenet).
9) Even though I could not comprehend what I was viewing, I tried to guess what was going to happen at the end during the movie anyways, even at one point pausing for no other reason than to congratulate myself for figuring out what I imagined would be the movie’s big twist.  All my guesses of course turned out to be 1000% wrong.  This happens every single time I see any movie, including romantic comedies, my guesses never work out. But I do it anyways, this movie included, even though I did not understand this movie or time or space or, as it turns out, I also don’t understand how bungee cords work (???).  I try to guess the plot anyways, no matter how many times I’m wrong.  Does that make me a hero?  Well, what’s a hero... 
10) I just thought it owned because cool things kept happening to slick, globe-trotting professionals, and that is a genre I like and support and want out-of-touch Hollywood zillionaires to make movies in every year, several times a year. I want to see dudes in suits who are rad beating up dudes in kitchens-- kitchen fights are always good in movies. Except: ones where the grown-ups in the movie are more interested in having sex with each other would be nice because that is also a thing that makes movies better.  Needed more nudity.  Time nudity.  (Tenet).
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kingluffy · 4 years
It might just be me but I feel like oda is now focusing a little bit on romance since dressrosa, and is nearly like putting endgame ships together but not fully trying to give it away, like with sanji for example I think it’s clear now that his two realistic end partners are either pudding or viola since he’s kissed both of them and generally if we being honest been less of a pervert (well sexually) around them especially pudding, but I think it’s clear pudding would end with him just because they technically got married (an official marriage is complete when the vows are done) their wedding got interrupted when they were about to kiss which they did later on and I think that pudding did that so at least to her they are married.
With ussop I think it’s clearly kaya but you know the more I think about it he might just might have an outside chance with nami but if I’m being honest they give me more of a friends and sibling vibe.and with kaya both her and ussop has shown feelings for each other but you never know this is Oda we are talking about.
For robin I think it’s going to be franky, now hear me out if I’m being honest I didn’t think robin would get an ending partner until very recently, I always heard of zoro and robin but I never really felt that ship like I wasn’t against it but I wasn’t for it. Then the colourspread where she was holding frankys face came like a punch to me 😂 all of a sudden I was like omds how didn’t I see that coming because I started to remember how their interactions where during water 7, Ennis lobby and thriller bark was like we all know how she made him join the crew ouch, when she got her wings she made him blush and only him in thriller bark, they both have sleep on each other or with each other (not sexually) loads of times actually some with brook, however so yeah and in wano you could now see their interactions too, franky offering to give only robin a ride on his motorbike, kinda cliche but hey it it works it does
Next is chopper I think he has two realistic options because most of the others would be beastiality which I highly doubt oda would include in the biggest manga of all time, so anyways I think he’s two options are carrot and the reindeer mink but I think if he was to have a pairing it would hands down be the reindeer mink because number one chopper actually has a crush on her and number two they are both in the same profession with her being a nurse and so on it’s almost as if oda made the mink just for chopper. And for chopper and carrot I get the same vibe as with nami and ussop friends/siblings vibes and the fact carrot calls chopper “chobro” shows she feels it’s like that too but I would rule it out.
Now for zoro there isn’t much to say here I already said my opinion on zoro and robin which is I don’t feel they have had enough moments especially recently too be considered endgame, don’t get me wrong it’s a big ship with loads of fans so I could see it happening I just doubt it same with zoro and tashigi with them I just don’t think they could happen ,because they are on two different sides pirate and marine, like their pairing is heavily reliant on the marines and world gov having a major reshaping. And I’m not gonna lie I thought and still have it in my mind just not as strong that zoro is asexual like I’ve never seen him show interest in other females or anything a prime example of that was the happiness punch in alabasta everyone went to see it even chopper did but zoro was the only one who didn’t and people would say what about luffy isn’t he asexual which I’ll touch on later but no luffy isn’t asexual and there’s evidence for that but none for zoro. That being said can still see zoro ending with someone that being hiyori because let me get this out there I think there’s a 0.1% chance of zoro asking a girl out and I just feel it more likely a girl would like aggressively love him (like be getting them into awkward situations time and time again to express her feeling) and the only girl who I think would do that is hiyori, tagashi is too tsundere to do it and robin is too composed and calm to do it too. I’m just thinking about the personalities with this one because I don’t really think zoro has had a lot of moments with girls apart from tashigi and you know about my problem with that ship so yeah hiyori for me.
Now the last one this one I can go on for literal days on this ship but this post is already long so I’ll try and summarise as best I can and if you want me to go in detail just tell me. So now for luffy. Now with luffy as most of you know I can only see him ending with nami like yeah girls like mageret have an outside chance but I can only really and truely see luffy and nami, let me just talk about personalities not even moments yet, they are the perfect example of opposites attract, ying-yang, definition of completing one another with luffy and nami they are my otp because of this reason mainly because unlike other anime’s and manga you can clearly see this and you could see it develop each arc and saga like for luffy every attribute he lacks like intelligence, craftiness, intimidation, etc nami compensates with him and teaches him about them and for nami her lack of bravery, see people’s true intentions luffy compensates for her teaching her and showing her it let just list a few of this moment : nami showing luffy how normal pirates behave after ussops arc, luffy showing nami his bravery in arlong arc, strong world etc And where we see them develop for nami we saw nami show her bravery for luffy in whole cake island when she fough cracker knowing she had no chance of winning or when she fought big moms army too. For luffy we see him becoming smarter and see his enemies true intentions in arcs like zou where he suspected sanji was taken against his will. Then we got how their goals and personality’s intertwines with each other because luffy wants to become pirate king and nami what’s to map the whole world, one of the things luffy loves the most is adventure and what adventure is bigger than exploring the whole world? Maybe love😂😂 (cringe I know but had too). Now people might say hancock but let me just say this I think the chances of hancock ending with luffy is so low that I believe yamato has a better chance than her and we’ve only seen Yamato for like 6 chapters so let me explain the main reason why I think she doesn’t have a chance is simply because luffy rejected her now to people that might not be a lot but it really is simply based on the fact that in nearly 1000 chapters and 15 movies luffy has never ever changed his mind. When he says something it happens or in this case does’nt for example when he said he’ll get a musician he did, when he said he’ll beat people’s asses he did even when he said he’ll save ace he did do it unfortunately ace went back, so when luffy has numerously told hancock he won’t marry her he really won’t. Now people can say that just means he won’t marry her but that doesnt mean they can’t be together but my response to that is simple what pairing in one piece aren’t married or engaged? So far in one piece every couple have been married or at least engaged. So that’s why I think hancock is out of the runnig or at least has a much less chance than nami does for ending with luffy. I didn’t even go into detail for luffy and nami but I’ll probably do that later. But please remember this is just MY opinion about the pairings in one piece you are free to disagree with it you can even comment to me why you disagree but I don’t want people to start acting toxic please. The reason i didn’t include brook or jimbei is because I don’t see them ending with anyone
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kata1803 · 4 years
The Wayward Sisters - Prologue
Summary: After the twins convinced their father Sam and their uncle Dean that they aren’t monsters like the rest of the amazons, they finally let them go with them. Over the course of time a special bond was formed within their little family. But the twins aspire to help others and be with people their age. 
Author’s note: Hi, I’m new on Tumblr and I wrote my first fanfiction and just thought I’d post it here. Also english is my second language (I’m from austria, so my first language is german) and I’m sorry if I make any grammar mistakes or get words wrong. And I’m just not good at writing more than 1000 words, I don’t know why, it bugs me too, but that’s just how it is...please stay with me on this, I know the prologue is weird, but I didn’t know how to start it otherwise...
And yes, there are characters in this story that do not exist in the show. I also changed some things that happened to fit better in my story.
Word Count: 800 words
Warnings: None, I think...if there are any, please let me know, so I can add it
And now, even though my entire body is not ready I’m gonna publish it and hope that there will be someoone who likes it...
„What should their names be?” a blonde woman asked the two women in front of her as she holds one of her two newborn babies in her arms. “Their names will be Brooke and Brynna. Tomorrow at noon they will be picked up at your house.” one of them answered her coldly while the other one hands her her second baby. “We expect you to prepare them, Gracelyn!” she adds and then dismisses her. Gracelyn just nods and leaves the building.
At the next day at noon Sam, who was just dropped off in front of the house by Dean, starts walking towards the building where he spent one of his best nights ever. He wanted to ask the young girl, who he spent it with, for her number even though he knew he would never call her anyways. But two steps before he could reach the door, he stopped and hid. Four women exited the house along with two girls who are looking to be around the age of 10. Behind them the girl he wanted to visit stood in the doorway. She waved the girls goodbye that looked at her sadly as they cried out for her, referring to her as “Mom”. Sam just stood there shocked. Gracelyn never told him that she was a mother. Granted they didn’t exactly talk much at all, but still he also didn’t see any toys around her house. And who are those women taking her girls away? Why doesn’t she stop them?
When he later found out that Dean witnessed the same thing at his mistress house, the brothers started to wonder and dig into the lore, just to find out about amazons or in other words that they were screwed.
A black car dropped two teenage girls of at a motel complex. “We expect you to get the job done and report back before 12 am.” A female voice commanded them out of the car, which then proceeded to drive away.
The two girls looked at each other with the same expression in their eyes. Worried and guilty, even though they haven’t done anything yet. They gave each other one last glance before entering the building. Emma, who they knew was practically their cousin was dropped off about an hour ago, which meant that either only one of their fathers was still alive or they both were and Emma was dead. Knocking on the door the twins waited for a reaction. A tall man answered it and they both looked up at his stone-cold expression. “So, the amazons really send the daughters to kill their fathers, right?” he asked them bluntly and the two girls lower their gaze. “We don’t want kill you. Our mother told us that we should try to get out of this as fast as we can.” Brooke speaks up but Sam just laughs. “Yeah Emma tried that too. You won’t come far with this, girls.” A voice behind Sam explains to them. “This is not a joke! We know we’re monsters, but we don’t want to be. It’s not our fault that we were born as amazons!” Brynna exclaims. “Here, we will hand over all our weapons!” And with that the girls drop their blades and knives in front of Sam, who quickly gathers them. “We just want to have a life!” Brooke adds and Sam gestures them to come in. Dean still has his gun out now pointing it at the twins. “Please help up.” Brynna speaks up again. “You can hand-cuff us if you want! But get us out of this town! They will search for us; they will torture us for not doing our jobs!” she says. And with that Sam steps forward hugging his daughters for the first time.
“You know what, Brynna and Brooke suck ass as names! You should get new ones!” Dean says loudly one night in another crappy motel room. The girls are sitting on the floor and look at him. “And which names do you suggest?” Brooke looks at him confused.
“Well how about Joy Elle. We have had friends named Jo and Ellen. They were amazingly strong women and I think that name suits you better.” he answers his niece as she thinks about it for a second. “Joy Elle Winchester. I like it.” she smiles and then looks at her twin sister. “And her name?” she asks as Brynna looks at both her uncle and father. The latter speaks up before even waiting for his brother to respond. “Phoebe Jess Winchester.” he says. “For one of my best friends at Stanford, Phoebe, and the love of my life, Jessica.” he tells her and Brynna smiles. “So, shall it be!” she grins and the twins get up to hug both of their only relatives.
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bebepac · 4 years
Come At Me Hoe
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Pairing: Liam X Riley
This is @emceesynonymroll Wacky Drabble Prompt #30.  “I’m not afraid to use this,” which will appear in bold.  This one took a turn for me as I was not expecting it to turn out this way.  I’ve been deviating from the Canon a bit, and this one is off canon. 
Summary: We took the Delorean back in time peeps, to when Riley was a suitor vying for Liam’s hand.  Constantine comes up with an interesting way to test the Suitor’s devotion to the Crown Prince.  
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Word count: 1000 (holla back!!!)
As always forgive any typos.  
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, profanity, fighting,  attacking someone with their back turned,  which i think is totally shady.  
If you like my writing, please like and share.  If you want to be tagged, please feel free to let me know for now tagging the usual suspects: @dcbbw @queenjilian @kacie-0156 @janezillow @loveellamae @kingliam2019 @annekebbphotography @waytooattuned @emceesynonymroll @hopefulmoonobject​ @queencordonia @lodberg @burnsoslow @texaskitten30 @kaitycole @glaimtruelovealways @custaroonie @mrsdrakewalkerblog @kimmiedoo5 @my0123456789universe @queenwalton @nomadics-stuff​ @marietrinmimi​
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“Are you fucking serious right now Maxwell?!?“
“Yes, Little Blossom.  It’s the first time they have ever done this during a social season.”
“So let me get this straight, all us suitors are going to fight each other in a mortal kombat style competition, winner gets a date with Prince Liam?”
“Yeah, it’s called, “Defend your Prince.” 
 "If the monarchy is depending on me to defend the life of the Prince, this place has serious security issues.”  
Watching Kiara and Penelope “battle” it out, she laughed hysterically.  
Olivia walked up sitting  next to her. 
“That’s completely ridiculous.”
“Something myself and Olivia Nevrakis agree on, not that I was looking for anything. What do you want?”
“You know this thing is going to come down to us.  Street smarts vs, well Me. I play to win.”
“As do I.”
Sure enough, the final match was Olivia versus Riley. They stood side by side, and Prince Liam walked up to the two of them.  He was to address both ladies but his eyes were fixed on Lady Riley.  “Good Luck ladies.”
She heard a soft knock on her door.  
She opened it to find Prince Liam.   
“May I come in?” 
She nodded excitedly, pulling him inside.
He hugged her, nuzzling her neck. He started to release her.
“No, kiss me Liam,“ she whispered.  
He claimed her lips for his.  Deepening the kiss, he lifted her off the floor.  She wrapped her legs around him.  Prince Liam groaned, carrying her over to the bed.
He kissed her neck. Riley moaned softly.  “Lady Riley, you have no idea how much I want you.”
“Is there something you desire Your Highness?“
Liam pressed his hips into hers, she felt the Crown Prince’s hardened length rub against her. The Prince was  incredibly "gifted." 
His eyes darkened as he gripped her hips grinding into her again. "I think you know, and I will have it soon." 
He rested his forehead on hers.  "I really did come here for a purpose.  I want you to win Lady Riley. I want my first ever date to be with you. I am gonna tell you how to beat Olivia. You can fight, but you are gonna need something more, her weakness."  She listened closely to Liam. 
The next afternoon Riley walked out into the auditorium. 
Drake lost his shit screaming and cheering.  “She’s wearing the yellow and black jumpsuit!!!!”
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LIam stared blankly.  
“It’s iconic.  It’s a metaphor.  Bruce Lee,  Beatrix Kiddo.  Underdogs who wind up kicking some serious ass.  It’s about to be FIYA IN HERE!!!!!!“
Liam’s interest piqued. He didn’t know about the jumpsuit but damn he loved the way it fit over Riley’s sexy curves.  Liam loved that Lady Riley wasn’t as thin as the other ladies at court, he loved Riley’s thick hourglass figure.
Riley’s coin toss won so their weapon of choice was hand to hand combat.  
Riley took her fighting stance.  She winked at Olivia, smiling.  “Come at me hoe, I got 99 problems and A Liv  ain’t one.”  
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Riley landed some good hits, and Olivia landed some as well. She managed getting Olivia to the ground three times without imploring what he had told her.  
She was declared the winner.  With Riley’s back turned, Olivia grabbed one of the swords from the display charging her.  He opened his mouth to scream Riley’s name, but Hana did.  The fight was not over in Olivia’s eyes.  Riley dodged out of the way, but Olivia quickly got the jump on her tackling her to the ground.  
Riley kicked her off,  and once free, did a kip-up to get herself back on her feet. 
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 She scanned the room for a weapon, but nothing was near her.  Liam saw a bo staff grabbing it.  
He called Riley’s name sliding the staff across the floor.  I hope she can use it.  
“Liam,” Constantine remarked disapprovingly.
“This makes it a fair fight, Father.”
To Liam’s surprise, she stopped the rolling staff with her foot, rolling it over her sneaker, kicked it into the air, and caught it in her hands.  
She then proceeded to execute a flawless butterfly spin and release technique.
“FIYA!!!!” Drake screamed. “She’s better than you with the staff Liam.”
“Is it strange that I’m turned on by this?”  Liam watching Riley as she expertly landed blows on Olivia with the staff.
Drake was too,  Brooks was so fucking hot.
Spinning the staff once again, she slammed  it down on Olivia’s right knee causing her to crash to the floor ending the fight.  Olivia’s eyes shot to Liam as he was the only one who knew, but his eyes were locked on Lady Riley, the staff at her side.  
She kissed her two fingers pointing them to the heavens.  Another win for the freaky muscle memory super powers.  As her eyes looked upward, Riley experienced a memory flash. Her with her dad, before the accident, standing on the lawn, both expertly spinning their bo staffs in unison. "Thanks Dad.”
Liam showed up at her room later to take her on her date. Riley was wearing a short fluttery white dress.
“Where would you like to go?” He asked as he handed flowers for her to take.
“Your room.”
“Lady Riley….”
“I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Liam’s eyes darkened as he walked up to her, pushing her against the wall. She widened her legs for him, as his hand slid up her dress.  Feeling nothing but hot wet skin, he bit his lip, pupils immediately dilating.  
“Let me give you the ride of your life, Your Highness.”  
He couldn’t get her to his room fast enough,  In seconds they were stripped naked.  She looked down at his impressive hardened length, licking her lips.
“I’m not afraid to use this.”  
Liam gasped when he felt Riley’s tight moist flesh engulf him.  He gripped Riley’s hips securely, her back arching, as she rolled her hips against his setting a frantic cadence.
“Use me Lady Riley….“ Liam cried out in pleasure. "USE ME!!!!”
Riley delivered as promised.
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missameliep · 4 years
Rainy Days - Part 2 (TRR - Liam x MC)
Book: The Royal Romance Pairing: King Liam x Riley Brooks (MC) Summary: A rainstorm reaches Cordonia, and Riley Brooks enjoys her husband company. Word count: ~1000
Notes: This fic was inspired by my submission to Choices Secret Santa - 2019, and it’s a miniseries. * All characters belong to Pixelberry. * English is not my first language.
Tagging some of you who might enjoy reading it: @princess-geek @islandcrow @desiree---1986​
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The wind blew through the trees eliciting haunting whispers and causing leaves to dance suspended in the air. A green one reached the window on the second floor of the palace and sat on the windowsill like a bird, almost as if looking back at the woman inside.
In a matter of minutes, the clouds blocked the sun completely and the afternoon turned almost as dark as night. The pleasant smell reached Riley’s nostrils minutes before she heard the drumming of the raindrops against the glass.
Petrichor. A word learned many years ago from a teacher and one of her favorite scents. One that can magically bring her back to her childhood, to having her face peppered with cold droplets on her way back from school and walking outside, after the rain ceased, splashing on puddles with her red rain boots.
Under the blanket, Riley stared at the small screen of her phone. Thirty minutes since Liam’s last message.
*** Liam: Wrapping the meeting. See you soon, love.
The rhythm intensified as the downpour showered the world outside.
Where is he? It’s starting…
Biting on her lower lip, she replied a text from Hana, all the way at Valtoria, her friend was concerned if she returned to the palace before the downpour reached the capital city.
The door opened and Liam walked inside, with an apologetic expression. “My love,” he said quietly, removing his shoes, “I’m sorry. It took me longer than I expected –”
“It’s okay,” she said and lifted the covers of their bed. “Now, hurry.”
She was grateful that her husband, being the King of Cordonia, would just drop whatever he was doing to be with her, and she smiled at him.
Liam crossed the room in his socks, taking off his jacket, which was carefully placed over an armchair, and sat by her side. With an amused expression, he adjusted himself and encircled her with his arms.  
“Thanks,” she said quietly, pulling his arms to hold her tighter.
“Always my pleasure,” he breathed his answer.
Her eyes moved from his and fixed on the droplets running down the windows.
“Do you want me to close the curtains?” he whispered.
“No, I like seeing the rain.”
A distant lightning illuminated the entire room, and she trembled inside the circle of his arms in anticipation of the distant rumbling noise that followed a few moments later.
“It never ceases to amaze me how you do it, love. Until this morning the Meteorological Institute assured the storm wouldn’t reach the shore.”
“There’s something about the wind… I don’t know…” she shrugged and fisted his dress shirt, closing her eyes after another bolt of lightning.
“We should hire you as the director of the Institute,” he said kissing the top of her head. Nuzzling her hair, he breathed the sweet floral scent of her shampoo.
“Maybe you should.” She added with a wistful look, “My talents would serve the country better this way than going to another of Penelope’s dog fashion’s show...”
“Didn’t you enjoy it?” asked Liam softly stroking her arm.
Eyes shut close in anticipation, she murmured against his chest, “Of course I did! Chance looked so regal in his tiny suit! Penny tailored one matching yours. Included even a little sash! You can see the pictures on Pictagram.”
Breathing deeply, Riley met his confused gaze, “But this is the kind of thing that does nothing for the country… You’re working and I...”
“I know we still haven’t found something really worth of your time and wit, Riley. But we’ll leave for Valtoria in a matter of days, and you’ll return to your work with the kids. I know you worry about the Duchy.”
“I don’t. Hana is doing an amazing job in my absence… but I miss doing something that matters,” she sighed.
“We’ll remedy that. Soon,” Liam promised, his voice as gentle as the  kiss he pressed on her forehead, and Riley nodded. The knowledge there’s no other choice but waiting.
Getting closer and louder, the thunders caused her body to stiffen and curl even more. The woman nuzzled Liam's chest and felt the rumble of a chuckle he was trying to stifle.
“I’ll never understand your fear of thunders.”
“Hey! It’s a legitimate fear! Thunders kill a bunch of people every year!”
“Outside,” he added, fingers raking her long brown hair, “You’re safe here.”
“I can’t help it if –” A shrieking sound escaped her lips after the loudest one reverberated, and she covered her ears.
“Don’t laugh at me!” She slapped his arm, once his chest trembled with laughter.
“I’m not laughing at you…” He failed to make a straight face. “I remembered a joke Max told me!”
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t mock you for your fear of spiders!”
“Hey! I’m not afraid. I’m concerned about the matter, since it’s obviously an important security issue. There are thousands of venomous spiders!”
“And none of them live in the palace, my King.”
“It’s better to be cautious. What if an attacker decides to use one? It's a very effective way to kill someone!”
“Uh-hu,” she nodded and teased, “It would be more poetical to use a poisoned apple.”
“Don’t even say that out loud,” he said meeting her eyes and the sardonic smile on her lips, “Besides, terrorists are only poetic in movies.”
The room brightened with another lightning and he held her closer as they waited for the sound.
“I believe the worst part is over…”
“I didn’t mean to upset you, my love,” he said softly.
“You didn’t.” Her fingers moved up and down his chest over the thin fabric of his shirt, drawing imaginary shapes. “I’m also working this with Doctor Miller.”
“You fought assassins on our wedding day. You’re the strongest and fearless woman I know. I’m certain you’ll overcome it too.” He returned her smile and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m pretty sure that post belongs to Olivia…” she chuckled.
Fixing his black eyes on her, he corrected her, “You’re both strong.”
“Perhaps I’ll always be afraid of thunderstorms if this means you’ll leave any meeting to be here with me,” she said softly and her thumb caressed his cheek.
“You don’t need a pretense to have me come running to you, my Queen. You should know that by now.”
Liam beamed and his warm wide and perfect smile always brightens her days, makes her heart flutter and could almost make Riley forgets her fear of thunders. Almost. Her fingers dug into his arm when an unexpected loud thunder echoed in the silent room.
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