#and by a baby brother I mean Caranthir
winepresswrath · 2 years
Thinking about TLT and the silmarillion and it's all just resolving into how much Fingon wants to be Maedhros' cavalier but Maedhros refuses for all the obvious reasons and then Fingon dies anyway.
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carmisse · 2 months
The heir of the Noldor ft Fëanor lives AU.
Fëanor : Hello my children!
Amras : Atya, it is so early.
Caranthir : Atar, you cannot summon us this way.
Celegorm : It's not fair. I will not stand for it.
Curufin : Really, we have lives. We have business to attend to.
Fëanor : By businnes do you mean provoking political discussions and getting into trouble that I should ignore?
Maedhros : My word, there are impressionable young gentlemen present.
Fëanor : Impressionable? Trust me, Maitamo, no sexual innuendo makes an impression upon you brothers. I wish it did, that they might get ideas to marry and start fornicating.
Amrod : Atar!
Fëanor : Perhaps, then, I might have grandbabies. Instead; virgins to the left of me, lustful to the right.
Maglor : I believe I am a married elf.
Fëanor : Yes, and where are you babies? You have made zero heirs to the Throne.
Maglor : I am trying!
Fëanor : Are you? Really? Dearest, I explained everything to you? I drew pictures? You are doing it correctly? Make sure you are putting it in the right place?
Maglor : Atar!
Fëanor : The only heir to the throne abdicated and abandoned us!
Curufin : — Sounds of crying —
Fëanor : …
Fëanor : Sorrows, Sorrows, Prayers. — gives him small blows on his back —
Fëanor : I'am stating facts! The princes have had no babies.
Fëanor : We had one heir, one royal and he is gone!
Curufin : — Sobbing —
Fëanor : Sorrows! Prayers!
Fëanor : Children, this is a crisis. I’ve heard from King Thingol on the topic. Worse, Ñolofinwë is talking about it, wich means everyone will be talking about it.
Celegorm : Atar, I think you are being a bit zealous.
Fëanor : No!
Fëanor : It's time to find for respectable husbands, it's time to find for admirable wives. Get started. One of you had better produce to next ruler of The Noldor or your grandfather’s line dies with him.
Fëanor : Make me a royal baby.
Maedhros : Atar, you can't really expects us t-
Amras : I'm still a babe Atya, you can't expect me to have one?!
Caranthir : This is utterly ridiculous. My husband has abandoned me. How will I produce an heir without him?
Amrod : He did not abandon you Moryo, he is dead.
Caranthir : It's the same.
Celegorm : We must get tyelpe back as soon as possible!
Curufin : You will not disturb my baby's peace! In addition, Findaráto won me custody in court.
Maglor : There's no need for that, Daeron and I will make it, eventually.
Fëanor : It is not a difficult task. Your Ammë and I made seven royal babies all by ourselves. I do not see why the would lot of you cannot make just one.
— The noise of arguments and disagreements can be heard in the background. —
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doodle-pops · 2 years
House of Feanor | Getting Into A Fight For Their S/O
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Request: hi, your personal kdrama obsessed anon here: Can I request a HC reactions of the feanorians (bonus Finrod too please) of their s/o willing to attend to their wounds after they get into a fight with someone - 🌊anon
A/N: No Finrod since you asked for the House of Feanor. Finrod can be requested with his House next time or with random characters :)
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You would have to rush to get his sons and more guards to pull him off the poor offender before he finished them off.
Shouts of profanities and threats to end them the next time he saw them in public.
He’d be fighting his own sons to throw them off so he could dive back onto the person. You would have to stand before him and hold his face to redirect his attention to you.
Coos and whispers wouldn’t really calm him down immediately, his sons would have to remove him from the scene so you could attend to his injuries.
He’d be inching to break free and have at it again, but you weren’t letting him go so easily. He needed treatment.
“That bastard was lucky my sons pulled me off. I’d tear his face off the next time I see him.”
You would be rolling your eyes at his antics, only to apply ointment to the area injured to shut him up. “Would you just calm down?” “I'm completely calm!” he softly said.
Maedhros is a force to reckon with and when he’s seething mad and seeing red, I don’t know how anyone can get him off the person.
Not overly muscular and bulky, but he has strength and power which makes it nearly impossible to pull him off.
It would take Fingon and Celegorm to tug Maedhros off the poor offender and drag him off to a secluded area for you to assess him.
You’d be dancing before your lover in an attempt to get him to focus on you and not the crowd behind, but he was determined to finish what he started.
Silently brooding and mumbling under his breath while dancing his eyes to get a good look at the person, only for you to grip his face and yank it to meet yours.
“I think you should let me go – ouch!” you would ignore his complaints as you continued to clean him up, feeling his gaze locked on you.
The only way to get him to remain seated is to bribe him with kisses so his injuries would heal. Would definitely wrap an arm around your waist and nuzzle your stomach like an apologetic cat with some huffs.
He’s perhaps the deadliest and scariest of all his siblings when he becomes angry.
He’d move so quick, that his siblings wouldn’t be able to snatch him until he landed on the offender.
Maglor would be easy to drag off, but his glare would make everyone shiver to their core as he stares at the perpetrator.
You would hum a familiar tune for Maglor to stop seeing red and focus his attention on you.
He would be ashamed that you had to see him in that manner and would remain quiet during the entire cleaning-up process.
“I’m sorry you had to see that; it wasn’t my – what was that for?” you’d give him a kiss on the cut to his upper lip to heal.
This would make him feel better but still guilty about his altercation.
I don’t know how you’re getting this hunk of an elf off someone he’s fighting but good luck to anyone that attempts to prevent it.
Celegorm is swinging at anyone who attempts to stop him. His hands are rated E for everyone and anyone.
But let’s say you do manage to drag him off, he cursing and shouting and wiggling to get out of his brother’s grasp. You probably have to knock him in his head for him to wake up.
He’s silent and brooding the entire time getting healed. Grumbling under his breath about going back after them to finish what was started. The only way to calm him would be to sweet-talk him.
“If you behave, I’ll give you some kisses and cuddles and more.” It works all the time. He expects you to mean your words though, otherwise, he’s finding that person.
Celegorm would pull you in and have his arms wrapped around you allowing you to baby him so more.
The one person who didn’t want for you to witness him in such disarray. He’s livid and has already cut through the crowd for the person.
It would take Celegorm and Maedhros to drag him off while you stood at the side observing his frenzied state.
You would have to step in to calm him because if you don’t, he’s ripping himself out of his brother’s arms.
Coos and soft touches to his face bring his focus in and avert his attention to his injuries. His knuckles would be bruised and bloodied from all the hitting.
Caranthir wouldn’t want you to spend your time cleaning him up because he was ashamed, but you didn’t let his reason stop you from taking care of him.
Hugs and kisses to his forehead would be given and you would drag him inside your home to blow some steam off.
It would take a lot to make this Feanorian fistfight someone because he isn’t the physical violent type, more the manipulative type, but hey, he’s throwing hands in this headcanon.
Curufin is just as deadly as his brothers so Celegorm would be the safer of them to drag him off and put him in the time-out corner.
Disgruntled like his father and throwing around threats and insults at the person. He’d attempt to fight his way out of Celegorm’s grip, but it's Celegorm, so no escaping.
He’s going to be ultimately grumpy and would refuse to acknowledge your presence because someone was still seething and itching to throw hands. You’re going to have to grip his face and pull it to face you.
Might have to be a bit rough with him to gain his attention. “Ouch. That was awfully harsh – can’t you be a bit gentler? I just got hit to my face.”
It would take you a while to realize that Curufin was only attempting to defend your name, so being harsh on him was unnecessary. You’d sit on his lap and give him a few kisses to cool his steam.
The more rambunctious of his twin who’s always looking out for both you and Amras would be the one to involve himself in greater altercations.
His older brothers would easily pull him off the perpetrator while he spewed the deadliest things past his lips. Typical Feanorian behaviour.
His twin would rush in first to calm his brother down before you stepped in to assess his injuries. Little scraps and cuts would be adorning Amrod’s hands and face since the person fought back.
 Amrod would be hesitant to look you in the eye since this would give you the opportunity to assess his Feanorian temper you’ve always heard about.
“You’re such a hot-temper little ginger baby Amrod.” “Baby? I’m no baby.”
You’d tease him to lighten the atmosphere and tell him that he’s a baby because you now had to take care of him. He’d be pouty about it, so long as you comforted him with cuddles later.
Being the quieter of the twins, Amras's actions would go almost unnoticed when he strikes to action the offender.
Quick his brothers would be to drag him off the person even though he refuses to let them go.
Similar to Amrod, his twin would rush to calm him down before you join him to clean up any injuries and scold him.
He’d be grumbling and refuse to converse with you believing that your displeased state meant that he had no right defending you. To him, he felt as though it was necessary.
Throughout the clean-up, he’d shift his eyes over to peek at your expression and observe how concentrated you were on stitching him up. This would make him feel a bit sad since you ended up spending your time fixing him instead of enjoying yourself.
“I’m really sorry love, I just wanted to do something.” “I know Amras, and I love you.”
Anyone who attempted to insult the grandson of the elf who literally combusted into flames without a care in the world while cursing Morgoth is foolish.
He’s a hammer-swinging Feanorian who hates the fact that he has his family’s hastiness and anger and is bulky enough to knock you over with one gentle swing.
His guards would have to pry him over the offender as they insulted you for courting him. Celebrimbor didn’t care about the slurs they threw at him, all that mattered were the slurs thrown at you.
He does suffer a few bruises to the knuckles from how hard he threw his fist and the little scuffle him the offender had, but it’s not much.
Celebrimbor doesn’t wish to be around you because he’s embarrassed that you had to see him in what he considers, the worse state. Just find this big baby and give him some kisses while cleaning his wounds.
Lock the door and sit on him, that way, he doesn’t leave your embrace and you could get the job done. He’s quiet during the entire process and refuses to make eye contact but nuzzle his cheeks and pull him in for some cuddles and he’ll mellow out.
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @someoneinthestars @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin @lilmelily @hoshinokurasa
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There’s been a persistent headcanon I cannot get rid of in my head. There’s been many contradictory statements on when Finwë and Indis got married and how old Feanor was when they did. We know Feanor married young and I don’t imagine Nerdanel and him wasted anytime to get going making babies unless Feanors fear of childbirth got to him due to his mothers death. But if we consider that elf’s are said to have other kids when the first child is grown or as close to it as possible and Nolofinwë was the second child of Finwë and Indis, there’s a chance that Maedhros is older or at least the same age as Nolofinwë. This means that at least four of Feanors kids are older than their aunt and uncles and the rest may be older than all their cousins added together. I’m just thinking of the dynamics between cousins if the Feanorians are that much older than them. We know Maedhros was close to Fingon in Valinor, Curufin and Celegorm was said to be close to both Aredhel and their Arafinwean cousins, it makes for an interesting dynamic if all of them were older than them.
If Maedhros was born around the same time as Fingons father their dynamic is all the more interesting. And since Celegorm is the third eldest he might be around Arafinwes age if this headcanon holds true, and that makes his friendship with both Nolofinwes daughter and the sons of Arafinwe all the more interesting. Although the most interesting may just be Caranthirs beef with elves younger than his younger brothers. Imagine a grown Caranthir glowering at 50 year old Aegnor or Angrod.
If Meadhros was born before Nolofinwë then his father name Nelyafinwë would be less of a pointed jab towards his uncle and more of Feanor reaffirming his own line of succession, but that could mean that Indis named Nolofinwë “high chieftain” in retaliation but I don’t want to think of her as that much of a petty person no matter how interesting that line of character development may be. Or if Nōlo was a bit older than Maedhros I can definitely see Feanor being that stupendously petty and aiming to hurt his new born infant brother who’s the same size as his son.
I think an AU where all seven of Feanors sons are closer in age to their aunts and uncles than their cousins would be really interesting, especially since we know how much each sons friendship with their cousins meant to them and vice versa inspite of the betrayal as Losgar and the First kinslaying. Even after the first kinslaying Celegorm and Curufin fled to Finrod and was welcomed and was the vanguard needed for Orodreth to escape, we know that even after the sons of Feanor condemned the entire host of Nolofinwë to cross the grinding ice Aredhel still went to visit them first after escaping her guards when she fled gondolin. I think it would be much more interesting if they instead were their fathers age then there’s cuz it really does show how fucked elven aging is compared to our understanding of how we age and age differences.
Also I think it would be hilarious for caranthir to have beef with babies ngl. I think it’s hilarious he’d want to throw hands with golden haired toddlers when he’s the same age as their dad.
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magpiecaranthir · 6 days
Ok bestie, you remember that hc I snt you ages ago about a re-embodied Fëanor running into Celebnínim doing embroidery at Maggie’s house and thinking for a second he saw his mum.
Now, this but crossover with Tinwë. Fëanor has not been re-embodied for long, maybe a week or two, when he stumbles upon Celebníním AND Tinwë doing some sort of needle craft and he’s hit with a wave of pain bc this could be Míriel and young Tinwë spending time together.
You mean this one? Ohhhh yeah.
Now. Listen. Maglor doesnt live in the smial as we've known. It's right at the very edge of a city tinwe and Caranthir established out of spite with their former people (those from their 2nd & 3rd age city and whoever else was a thrall and hates valar).
bc the smial still is very quaint and quiet and a bit out of the way, feanor has to go there. But now.
Theres a very good chance that he will find not only Ranyatinwe (who looks identical to miriel from the back and very similar Nerdanel from the front), but also Carnendo (who also has that pure white hair and who shares feanor's smile and Tinwe's freckles), AND ninim (who has pale silver hair and gives him uncanny Valley of olwe and turgon), AND possibly meril (also pale silver hair who is a fucking morph of Elrond and Finarfin) (at least for the intents of this timeline that's how they look) while ALSO there is a chance that miriel has left vaire's halls on occasion and is in the city too.
There is a VERY good chance that feanor comes to that smial one day and finds two elves with pure white hair (his daughter and grandson), and two with pale silver hair who look similar to his half-brother and their children.
There WILL be existential angst. There will be a shock and an extreme fight or flight or freeze reaction (he will freeze, bluescreen if you will).
He would see this constellation and see miriel¹ and tinwe² and a child³ he had imagined for tinwe (¹ being Carnendo seated to hide the height, ² being tinwe, ³ being ninim/meril bc he didnt think that pure white hair would perfectly be passed down so her babies couldnt possibly have that. Silver would be the most logical for him)
He literally sees three generations bonding over embroidery or mending a seam from Maglor's children's clothes. Throw in one of his black-haired babies?
Feanor is turning around to have a crisis hiding in the corn field.
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whiteladyofithilien · 5 months
So I got bored last night while jamming to some classic music and it led to this...
The sons of Feanor assigned Planets from the Holst suite...
Maedhros - Jupiter
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The music just sounds as gallant and noble as the first born of Feanor is. The king of planets' music for the High King of the Noldor. And the slower stately part of the piece (what gets extracted for the song I Vow to Thee My Country) feels very appropriate for a soundtrack to the peace he and Fingon foster together.
Maglor - Neptune
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It's not just the water association that both Maglor and Neptune have at work here. The whole piece has a beautiful forlornness to it that is also an easy summarization of Maglor's tragic life. Plus all the strings near the beginning make me think of him playing his harp by the sea
Celegorm - Saturn
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The music is subtle like the workings of Celegorm's mind. A slow methodical creeping melody tinged with hints of the sinister. An unexpected blare of horns for the great hunter and his hound approach and then back to the lower tones as he stalks his prey
Caranthir - Mars
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It's in the name "bringer of war" I feel there's no need to really explain why this aggressive piece of music inspired by the planet named for Mars the god of War is the perfect piece for contentious Caranthir
Curufin - Venus
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He is the image of his father's wisdom and skill with words. He is well spoken and where his nearest older brothers are always stirring up strife he supports with a more subtle touch. The gentler rippling melody suits the dutiful brother who follows the lead and offers love and support to his kin and is even fair enough to let Eöl go in spite of his loathing of him. He's the chill one of the middle three which isn't saying a whole lot when it comes to Feanorians I know
Amrod - Uranus
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The one who in one version was set fire to by accident by Feanor in the burning of the ships at Losgar this more disjointed musical piece fits the various views that exist for Amrod's narrative. There's a dramatic beginning to the piece just as there is to Amrod's life being named "fated" by his mother. But the melody gets more merry and you can almost see Amrod and his twin brother riding far and wide enjoying a hunt in their lands around Estolad
Amras - Mercury
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Youngest and therefore to my mind the most playful the jubilant whirling melody of Mercury fits best to the baby of the family. There's not much on the twins but I like to imagine that perhaps rather than always riding sometimes Amras runs during the hunts with his brother and is very fleet-footed and really into enjoying nature for a Noldor. I mean after all he was the twin okay with sleeping on the ground while Amrod went back onto the ships to sleep(in the one version). Just my headcanon for him about being a little nature boy because I refuse to fall into "twins are exactly the same" thinking. Anyone who's known twins in real life knows that's not true and I've known lots of twins. My dad is even a twin.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Question can you bring Caramel Caranthir back if so can i get his brothers teasing him about it (can be a part two of i think aeonian archives sent you the caramel request or you could maybe redo it idm) Ps I am a huge fan of Faeron so if he lets you can you maybe add him into it. (i mean who isn't a fan of him and Cara needs a twin)
ofc it's the readers fault the brother learnt about it but Caranthir can't stay made at them, maybe the reader accidently slips up and calls Caranthir Caramel Infront of the brothers and he does nothing to correct him.
please and thank you (if you do write it)
Brothers react to Caramel Caranthir
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characters caranthir x gn reader, maedhros, maglor, celegorm, faeron (@aeonianarchives 's oc), curufin, ambarussa
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n here you are hun @aetherofthepen i hope you like - this was easy enough to make and didn't take me long - so the two requests are still open. also my own thoughts on Faeron's and Caranthir's relationship, I hope you like it Kaiden :)
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It was a small family dinner gathering – your Caramel invited you himself. He normally didn’t like these family gatherings.
But his mother had insisted – your best friends Ambarussa too. Cara said he would do it to finally shut them back – yearning an eye roll from you.
It had been almost a decade since the two of you began your courtship – time was flying and you became good friends with almost all his other brothers – especially calm twin silver-haired twin Faeron.
He was reasonable – cracking light jokes unlike your lover. It’s what made you develop a friendship – and the fact you wanted good impression for Caramel Caranthir’s sake – especially since it was his twin brother.
While Cara never truly admits it – you can clearly see how much he loves and adores his twin. He loved him in his own way – their trustable strong silent bond made you almost jealous.
They were certainly no Ambarussa – Celegorm or Curufin either – but like two bright northern stars on each side, shining as much as the other – beautifully on a cold night.
Silent and beautiful.
Grumpy as ever – your sweet as caramel ellon stuck to the side arms crossed – occasionally only helping out either you, his mother or this twin.
Everyone else was either chatting or helping one another.
You were setting the table – when you asked him a plate.
“Could you please hand me that plate?”
You asked – and reached your hand out.
He walked over without hesitation – to grab the plate that was too far out of reach and handed it to you.
“Thank you, Caramel!”
You replied sweetly.
But then when his brothers suddenly stopped their chatter – and froze, you cursed under your breath – wide eyed.
You quickly turned to Caranthir Caramel but to your ultimate surprise he answered with a mumble of:
“Anytime. . .”
Mae would be slightly surprised – he lets out a chuckle or two. You said it so sweetly – more than anything he’s pleased his brother has found someone as loving and caring as you – and that you see him for who he truly is. He might or might not comment on it – inside he’s melting in awe. He’ll tease alongside the others a little – but nothing enough to make his baby brother embarrassed – “Caramel Caranthir” – he might say it out for the crack.
Our musical Maglor? – Oh he’ll tease him alright, in a singalong voice too. Maglor would crack a few on the spot lines about “Caramel Caranthir” – while laughing, you probably won’t understand half of it. He’ll make you embarrassed about it too. Cara’s eyes will be twitching and he’s ruby red too. But in all honestly – he’s like Mae too, but this is his form of celebrating that someone has truly seen beyond the name of ‘Caranthir the Dark’ and as the misjudged and misunderstood Caranthir, who’s in need of love and understanding. You gave him just that!
Oh poor Cara – Celegorm will be merciless! He won’t stop – smirking with a glint in his eyes. You added another thing on his list of ‘How to rile up or embarrass my red bean brother’ – “Well, has my dearest little brother gone all soft for this sweet lad/maiden – why brother, am wounded – you never gave me the honor, little Caramel” – he won’t stop until he gets on Caranthir’s nerves – rile him up until Cara is ready to throw his fists. You might have to hold Cara back a few times.
FAERON (@aeonianarchives 's oc - Cara's twin)
Faeron would stand back in awe – and witness the little blush on his twin brother’s cheeks. He’s so happy and full of pride – already imagining the both of you married. He’s beyond proud to call you his friend – Faeron is incredibly happy for this twin, finally having someone who’s able to understand and love Cara. I lowkey can imagine him quietly suggesting to their mother- “Can we change his name to Caramel? – Each of us know Y/N is right!” or a little tease like “Mother, father, are you sure the name Caranthir wasn’t accidental? – Y/N clearly has the best knowledge!” Honestly speaking, Cara wouldn't mind the teasing from his twin. Faeron would jump into protective you and his twin if a fight did break out between Celegorm and Caranthir.
He’s just as bad as Celegorm – agreeing and siding with anything and everything Celegorm has to say or do. He isn’t as verbal as Celegorm – but he would be behind Celegorm, leaned against the wall – with a smirk and expression like: you know he’s right. Ready to defend Celegorm if a fight breaks out.
The first thing they’ll do is burst into laughter – then point at Cara calling him Caramel while holding onto their stomachs. Then compliment and pat you in the back. But except them to mock the two of you later – Amrod sweetly saying Caramel in a high-pitched voice and Amras blinking bashfully and blushing – pretending to be Cara. Except Cara to roll his eyes and curse at them.
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form for taglist
tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @wandererindreams @spidergirla5 @aeonianarchives
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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sparklecryptid · 2 years
in caladion+anordil verse maglor certainly got around, huh. oh that means caladion is the baby sibling??????????? cain instinct time???
Fjfjkdfn there is like. More than three hundred years between them so. It’s chill.
Anordil’s Cain Instinct takes the shape of ‘I wish I had a cardboard tube to bop you with’ and that is contrasted with ‘TOUCH MY LITTLE BROTHER AND DIE’ instincts.
(She will remind him that she is older than him forever. She will also embarrass him whenever she can. It’s fine. She’s his older sister it’s her duty to annoy him.)
(The Ghosts ™️ are out here like: DID ANYONE KNOW OF MAGLORS DAUGHTER?
Maedhros:….she grew up well.
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In your Caranthir headcanons you mentioned Finrod and his exploitation of the dwarves and humans. What are your headcanons surrounding that and Finrod in general?
finrod, i think, is a fundamentally self-contradicting character. he's good-aligned to his bones; he's a fair, smart, and compassionate ruler; he's a good friend and son and brother; he loves liberally and often--and he's also manipulative, condescending, arrogant, and a little too fond of playing the savior god.
finrod the shepherd
i want to emphasize that he truly, genuinely loves humans. he would be the first to admit that his relationships with bëor, andreth, barahir, and beren changed him for the better as a person and as a leader. but he never really, at least not until his death, acknowledged humanity as a whole being equal to elves. for most of his life, he regarded humans more like pets: sweet ingenues to be cherished and looked after and encouraged and protected from harm, but not intellectual or cultural peers. he considered himself their steward and advocate, a sort of paternalistic park ranger or teacher with them as his beloved charges. before knowing bëor and andreth, i don't think he ever considered things from a human perspective.
finrod the scientist
he thought of them like babies with highly developed motor skills. their cultures, religious beliefs, art forms, communities, and languages were all just interesting scientific phenomena to be recorded and observed. though he loved bëor, he still thought of the house as a sort of lab experiment he was doing--breeding and cultivating stock, tracking traits and influencing the gene pool. he would teach other elves about them; he would trot out his docile little human and show how eventually, they could be civilized! look at him, he speaks a proper language and bows and sits at the table just like we do! see the progress that can be made with a little gentleness and kindness! and in time, i think he did change a lot and got to the point where he at least began to recognize, if not that stuff he did was outright unethical/exploitative, that he wasn't just a fairy godfather for the humans and didn't have the right to move them around like dolls whenever he felt like it, even when he thought it was for their own good.
finrod the...killer?
slightly tangential sidenote: one of the most upsetting episodes in the silm for me was reading about the establishment of nargothrond and the persecution of the petty-dwarves. up until then, i was a die-hard, no-bones-about-it finrod fan. and then he....exterminated an entire group of people and then set up shop in their house. it made me sick (especially as someone in a minority group) because it was so reminiscent of things that have happened, and continue to happen, to indigenous groups in our world. i found it really weird that someone like finrod (notable for being a general good egg) would perpetrate such a horrific action, which is what started me really thinking about his character and arc in the story.
personally, i think that early in his middle earth days, he was a lot more "ends justify the means" than he was, say, during the beren-at-nargothrond episode. he was newly a king with responsibility for a weakened and traumatized group of people in a strange country, and his priority was to protect them first. everything else came after. his people needed a safe place, and if some obviously primitive (errghhhh cleanse that word from my fingers please) people had to be the casualty of that, well, so be it. it wasn't like they were even making use of nargothrond anyways! they were practically animals! even the other dwarves thought so! they would find a new home. these are the kinds of things i think finrod fed himself to feel okay about driving them out, and by and large, i don't think he questioned these thoughts very much. he regarded it as a hard situation in which he had to make a difficult call for the sake of his people.
finrod the friend
outside of the petty-dwarves though, i think he actually really respected and admired dwarves and dwarven culture. he still held prejudiced beliefs about them, and could often be condescending, but unlike humans, the dwarves he met hadn't been generationally taught to be grateful to finrod and were much more forthright about calling him out when he said and did stuff he shouldn't. he considered dwarves his teachers and thought of them as having certain innate wisdom that elves didn't. at a basic level, he also just needed their help: they knew middle earth much better than he did and had been evading angband's forces for centuries. he recognized that without their support and advice, he wouldn't be able to maintain nargothrond as a safe haven (given that he didn't have a goddess for a wife, he had to make do with what was available). but i think overall he also just considered dwarves much closer to, if not exactly, the intellectual and cultural peers of elves (though he never listened when dwarves tried to explain that maybe he should take a step back from direct tampering with human affairs). he considered receiving a dwarven name one of the greatest honors of his life (i also headcanon that in order to get a community epithet he had to be adopted formally by a dwarf family. he very much loved his dwarven "parents").
anyways, this guy is so complex that i feel like this barely scratched the surface, but i hope it answered your questions okay!! <333
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tar-thelien · 5 days
Chapter 7
Maglor, Caranthir, and Curufin meets Maedhors for the first time after his rescue, with Fingon trying to guide their meeting.
Words: 1481
Fingon´s POV
"Nelyo, are you awake?" Findecáno softly asked as he gently attempted to rouse Nelyafinwë from his slumber, "your brothers have arrived– at least a few of them. They are eager to visit you. Would you like me to let them in? I have also brought your breakfast."
With a slight flinch Nelyafinwe woke as he turned to face Findecáno, causing a brief surge of pure terror in the latter before transitioning into a calm expression of peace and something akin to admiration. Despite occasional doubts about whether Nelyafinwe's recognized him or not, Findecáno found comfort in the knowledge the Nelyafinwe had four full days free of his terror outbursts. This sense of safety and respite for fear from his cousin brought a smile to Findecáno's face.
With a nod of his own head, he inquired once more, "are you fine with it, Nelyo? Just a brief visit, right? They shall depart shortly after. I will make sure of it."
After a slow painstaking moment, Nelyafinwe eventually nodded in agreement, although his gesture seemed more like a copy of Findecáno's actions rather than a genuine expression of his own desires. 
"Would it be acceptable for you to have breakfast together with them at this moment, or would you prefer to delay eating? I am concerned that we might not have the ability to delay your brother. Unless, of course, you are not comfortable with their presence here today. They are eagerly anticipating seeing you again and it would bring them great joy to see you, you know."
Nelyafinwe, with a subtle movement, adjusted his position slightly as he opened his mouth, resembling a vulnerable baby bird seeking nourishment from its parents so as not to starve.
“It seems like moving does not pain you as much as it did in the start, that means we will soon have to give muscle therapy,” Findecáno said as he hoisted Nelyafinwe to sit against the headboard of the bed, “such progress you are making, Melda."
The act of not having to physically reposition Nelyafinwe to prevent bedsores, a duty previously carried out by either the healers or Findecáno, all the time anymore, provided a sense of relief and comfort for them. And Findecáno thought that Nelyafinwe was overjoyed over it too as he usually flinched and whimpered when they tried to move him, and now, it was almost as if he was making a show over moving.
"You are welcome to enter now!" Findecáno called out as he started serving Nelyafinwe his soup. He immediately noticed Nelyafinwe's flinch and the rapid, fearful gaze that swept around the confined space within the tent, prompting him to swiftly apologize.
Atarincë expressed his shock, hissing quietly, upon observing Findecáno holding both the bowl and spoon, “don´t you think he can feed himself??”
Nelya´s hand hurt due to the inside having old, untreated, burns and scrapes, making it painful for him to hold objects," Findecáno responded stoically with a cold demeanor, "the healers are treating it well, with salves that will soften the scars, and make it less painful to move or hold things."
"Come on, Russo," he urged gently noticing Nelyafinwe's hesitation in accepting the spoonful offered to him, "isn't it time for you to eat? It´s fresh, it even has rabbit meat in it. Don´t you like rabbit? It was caught doing the hunt last evening.”
Nelyafinwe slowly prepared to take another spoonful of food, all the while attempting to shift his position to catch a glimpse of the newcomers who had just arrived, their presence hidden by the form of Findecáno.
"Háno?" Makalaurë asked as he neared Nelyafinwe, only to halt abruptly as he saw that of Nelyafinwe that wasn´t covered by blankets. This revelation included Nelyafinwe's gaunt face and arms, adorned with numerous scars, most of which were concealed by pristine white bandages. Among them, a few crimson or earth-toned spots stood out, contrasting with the rest. Additionally, there was a leather apparatus encircling his right shoulder, extending up to the base of his neck to keep his shoulder from moving. And then of course the right arm that ended in a... stump.
Makalaurë struggled to get the words out, his voice trembling with emotion as he spoke, “Háno,I-I- I missed you, do you know that? I missed you a lot, it's been a deep ache in my heart, Háno," he whispered, trying to compose himself, before finally settling down on the floor, leaning his arms against the edge of Nelyafinwe´s bed near his abdomen.
As Makalaurë extended his hand towards his brother, Nelyafinwe let out a brief whimper as he attempted to move nearer to Findecáno at the unexpected movement of Makalaurë, gazing at him with eyes filled with confusion in their deep sunken depths.
Findecáno attempted to soothe the situation by stating, "it's perfectly fine, Russo. Makalaurë and the rest will depart if their presence is unwelcome," he let out a light chuckle as he observed Nelyafinwë quietly accepting another spoonful of food, all the while casting anxious glances at the newcomers but not letting his answer be known.
Letting out a nearly hysterical surge of emotions, Makalaurë released a desperate sob as Findecáno turned his gaze towards yet again upon the minstrel, who leaned sobbing over the bed, his face buried in the covers. A hand hovered uncertainly above his head, as if seeking solace or guidance. Through choked sobs, Makalaurë´s words tumbled out in a torrent of remorse and anguish, "I'm sorry, I´m sorry, I´m so sorry. This is my fault, all my fault. Please, Timo, show me the way to mend this. I will give anything, do anything. Tell me Timo! Tell me what to do to make it well again! I´ll give you anything. I´m sorry, so so so sorry!” the room echoed with the weight of his plea, the air heavy with the burden of his words.
"Perhaps you could sing for him?" Findecáno suggested quickly open observing the slight tensing of Nelyafinwë at his brother pleading, "you were always the most skilled, and perhaps something familiar would bring comfort." 
“Do you want me to sing for you Timo?” Makalaurë finally sobbed out after a moment filled with more tears.
As Findecáno glanced back at the two other brothers, following a few other spoonfuls served to Nelyafinwe, he observed Atarincë leaning in to get a better view of his brother, while Carnistir remained motionless at the entrance. The sole color on his pale face was his distinctive red birthmark, his eyes widened as he stared with big eyes on what he could see of Nelyafinwe.
“This is not my brother.”
Read the rest on AO3
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Weep, Willow, Weep
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OSHqT5M
by Chessiescott
His sorrow and grief would stay there, locked in the embrace of the willow on the edge of the lake, where the tree would weep for him.
- Or, an introspective of Caranthir and the House of Feanor using the concept of Family Trees and making that a bit more literal.
Words: 2736, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Rings of a Tree (Are All the Rings I Need)
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, Other
Characters: Caranthir | Morifinwë, House of Finwë, House of Fëanor, Haleth of the Haladin, Maedhros | Maitimo, Maglor | Makalaurë, Celegorm | Turcafinwë, Curufin | Curufinwë, Amrod (Tolkien), Amras (Tolkien), Celebrimbor | Telperinquar, Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Nerdanel (Tolkien), Finwë (Tolkien)
Relationships: Caranthir | Morifinwë & House of Finwë, Caranthir | Morifinwë & Haleth of the Haladin, Caranthir | Morifinwë/Haleth of the Haladin, Caranthir | Morifinwë & Sons of Fëanor, Amras & Amrod & Caranthir & Celegorm & Curufin & Fëanor & Maedhros & Maglor (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: Good Parent Fëanor, Good Parent Nerdanel, Finwe is trying, I don't understand how everyone can so easily villainize Feanor and his family, to me they are actually the saddest part of this story, you cannot tell me Alqualonde was not a mistake of panic and grief, the Valar are not trustworthy, you can't tell me Feanor wasn't on the spectrum, Child Neglect, even a court in paradise is still full of wolves, Feanor knew this, stress and grief and fear can make a person lose themselves, when you think about fading, is that not what that is?, Feanor was fading by the time he thought up the Silmarils, Melkor was only the final straw, the Silmarils were supposed to be gifts to his wife and sons, pieces of him for them to remember him by when he was gone, Feanor doesn't know how to be a brother so he tries to be a father, Unsurprisingly Findis and Fingolfin aren't fans, Headcannon that Finarfin and Maedhros are VERY close in age, because why not, this is all from Caranthir's perspective, which means limited but also like he's pretty good at noticing things, also foresight might help, Caranthir has foresight did i mention, Caranthir also knows he's going to die, i mean duh - Freeform, but like he can see himself dying while fighting Dior, and he plans accordingly, does that make this suicide?, the Doom of Mandos was wholly freaking unfair and I stand by that, Feanor had good intentions, how the hell should he have known they would cross the Helcaraxe?, He just wanted to keep them safe in Valinor like Finwe would have wanted, he didn't exactly want his sons coming along with either, he DEFINITELY did not want Celebrimbor coming along, Celebrimbor's a baby yall, both metaphorically and not, it's Þerindë yall, id be pissed if someone got my mother's name wrong constantly too, i actually haven't read the Shibboleth but that's next on my list, technically I haven't finished the Silm yet either but I know all of it, the Silm is somehow more interesting and more boring than LotR and the Hobbit, which is a feat, it's like reading a history book but with poetry, Does that make sense?, It's very vague, and very one sided in perspective, okay i'm done, but seriously I don't like the Valar, does it show?, the Valar conveniently damn a whole people and their descendants, if the tags are a mess I apologize because I went over the limit
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OSHqT5M
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arofili · 1 year
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I posted 19,599 times in 2022
That's 431 more posts than 2021!
569 posts created (3%)
19,030 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 19,112 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#something for queue - 16,454 posts
#wonderful writing - 1,512 posts
#maedhros - 1,493 posts
#fingon - 885 posts
#maglor - 706 posts
#russingon - 659 posts
#art - 652 posts
#sauron - 587 posts
#elrond - 578 posts
#&lt;3 - 531 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also i had to tweak the picrew quite a bit here; edited pointy ears onto them and also the flag; which unfortunately erased the watermark :/
My Top Posts in 2022:
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242 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
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welcome to T4TOLKIEN, a trans-positive Tolkien server!!!
This is a space for uplifting trans-focused Tolkien fandom content, but anyone is welcome to join!
You do not have to be trans to get involved, and non-trans discussion is absolutely welcome. We wanted to create a space where trans identity is normalized and accepted, and in doing so that means integrating other aspects of everyday life into this server. This is a trans-positive, trans-friendly space, but it’s not a trans-only space!
I’m super excited to get this server started!! I have some amazing co-mods working with me, and I would love love love to see you join us!!!!
mods: @arofili @russingon @thatfeanorian <3
265 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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298 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
you ever think about how the sons of feanor were never alone
how they came in sets: maedhros and maglor, celegorm and curufin (and caranthir), amrod and amras. yes, caranthir’s the loner, but he’s also the middlest middle child, he always had someone around
how they lived in groups: maedhros and maglor in the north, caranthir and the ambarussa in the south and east, curufin and celegorm in himlad
how they died together: celegorm and curufin and caranthir in doriath, amrod and amras at sirion (and even if you go with amrod dying at losgar, amras is finally returning to him, finally not alone) --
except for maedhros
he went to his death alone
there was a time when maedhros was an only child. the only time he had no brothers with him. until the very end, when he had no one left but maglor, and chose to leave maglor on his own
and maglor lived the rest of eternity alone
maglor, who had never known a life without any brothers
maglor, who watched all his baby brothers die
maglor, who was abandoned by his big brother
how quiet the crashing of the waves must be, to someone used to a life full of laughter and arguing and crafting and song
how lonely he must be, when all the rest are gone
how angry he must be, that he alone must carry on
431 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
genuinely if someone's greatest crime is being too cringe I would so much rather like their content than the person who thinks making fun of them for being cringe is a fun pastime
549 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
in the halls of mandos
Celegorm: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Caranthir: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Curufin: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Ambarussa: I joined you in the dumb stuff.
All of them like loud crying babies and clinging onto him: bRoTHeR
And he failed 😥 I mean...well done boys 🤷🏻‍♀️
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doodle-pops · 1 year
Maedhros Having A Twin Sister
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A/N: I remembered the anon who sent the request for Caranthir's twin sister had given me the option of him, Maedhros and Fingon, and I've been obsessed with the idea of Mae having a twin sister. I might follow up with Fingon soon.
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𑁍 So let’s say that you were the older born 20 minutes before him, you and Maedhros are going to be considered the apple of everyone and the family’s eye. The first child, the first girl, the first of everything within the House of Feanor, you are going to be cherished.
𑁍 Both you and Maedhros would receive equal parts of love, affection and attention. There isn’t any need for either of you to fight over who gets to spend more time with amillё and atar. Both Nerdanel and Feanor would be over the moon that their first babies were twins and equally beautiful.
𑁍 As Maedhros twin, growing up as the first two of the third generation of the House of Finwe, you are both alone for the greater half of your childhood before the rest of your siblings and cousins arrive. This means that you and Mae have many years to bond wonderfully.
𑁍 From playmates as children, you two would grow into adolescence and then adulthood having taken care of each other and constantly hovering. His attachment to you was always ‘she’s my sister, we’re supposed to be together always.’
𑁍 Maedhros was always attached to you, following you around wherever you went. If you wanted to play dress-up and dollhouse, he was down for that. If you wanted to host a tea party, he was also down for that. It didn’t matter (since it was just you two) where he was, so long as you were there.
𑁍 It was quite some funny years after your younger brothers were born, they were always fighting for your attention and Maedhros hated it, especially when Maglor and Caranthir used to cry and beg for you. It caused him to act stingy and keep you to himself.
𑁍 He can always count on you to be honest, brutal as well, and truthful with him. The both of you would adapt the roles of acting as parents to the rest of your siblings and cousins. This was a great relief for him because he would joke about what if it was just him alone as the eldest.
𑁍 Despite you being the eldest, for him as the eldest brother, he took the role of being head. You witnessed this during his years in Beleriand, he refused to give you that position, not wanting to give that volume of stress to you.
𑁍 You are close with him, Maglor, Caranthir and Ambarussar since the quiet personalities you all share are compatible. He was attached to you from a young all the way into adulthood. It’s something he uncontrollably does—just whips his head around to search for you and then stands nearby.
𑁍 He isn’t one to hover, but as the years pass and he realised that you were the only other girl in the family, he becomes protective. Giving your suitors the fatherly glare from over your shoulder or talking behind your back, and then acting dumb as if he had nothing to do with your suitor never returning.
𑁍 Arguments between you both are…complex. You’re opposites in terms of personality, but share lots of similarities with Nerdanel and her temperament, so disputes are never long but grudges were. Partially reasoned and sorted out, this was during Valinor.
𑁍 For his years in Beleriand, he was grateful for your company during his lonely and emotionally detached days in Himring. When Fingon or Maglor wasn’t there to sing away his nightmares, you would swoop in the care of him.
𑁍 Tending to his injuries, dressing and feeding him on his bad days, going to his meetings and assisting him with his documents/reports. He was grateful but also ashamed for dragging you into this. Despite acting as the eldest over everyone, he would always feel like your baby brother before you.
𑁍 This is the time when he would lean into your embrace and allow you to brush his hair and sing or baby him. He hates it since he doesn’t like the incapacitated feeling, but it makes him remember his youthful days with you; carefree and running around chasing each other.
𑁍 In return, he would spoil you with the finest riches the land had to offer because he enjoys gift-giving. Maedhros would take up training you in self-defence while being protective and not fancying the idea of you roaming about Beleriand.
𑁍 As the big sister, you were responsible for helping him with suitors. Dressing him up and making him appear desirable to the public. You would give him lots of advice on how to charm people and you were the final say on if you approved of his choice.
𑁍 His favourite days are spent going on walks or rides through the forest and getting everything off his chest. Witnessing him cry and breaking down was a familiar sight that broke your heart. You felt horrible that you could save your twin.
𑁍 Furthermore, you used to feel his pain, when be was going through the rough, but never told him to avoid him wallowing in guilt and shame. You took your job of being his big sister seriously, always easing his stress load and watching over him.
𑁍 You are his confidant and best friend, and he trusts you just as much as he trusts Maglor. You know all his secrets and his bond with you is unlike any other.
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @singleteapot @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @justellie17 @justjane @silverose365 @bunson-burner @hoshinokurasa
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effervescentdragon · 3 years
Finwean descendants as things me and my friends have said at one point or another
(Idk if this has already been done, but here, and its a bit long.)
Celebrimbor: I will either write out the whole of liver compensation mechanism or drown my liver in methanol, there is no middle ground.
Maedhros: He's like, sexy and scary. Sexy when he's in his doctors coat. Scary when he starts talking about post-mortem dissections like he's talking about winning a bag of gold. Whic is also kinda sexy. Also, I may not be as straight as I thought I was.
Aredhel, probs about Galadriel: Her imagined suffering makes my girl-parts tingle. What are you suffering from, bitch, your parents paid for you to spend a month in fucking Tuscany?!
Fëanor: If I figure out a way to intravenously give myself caffeine I will be a God. In fact- *starts muttering calculations*
Turgon: *grabs my chair and turns me around to start examining my neurological reflexes* *ignores me, then mutters* I think you may be dead.
Celegorm: *takes a baseball bat, climbes on a table and breaks a bird in cage chirping thing we bought for laughs* THE FUCKING BIRD WOULDNT SHUT UP SO I SHUT IT UP PERMANENTLY!!
Finrod: I will NOT tell you where I've hidden that abomination of a curtain! You all are peasants and have NO STYLE, IT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS MADE OUT OF VOMITED KIDNEY STONES!
Finarfin: *wakes from an impromptu nap on a textbook* OH MY GOD I FORGOT TO FEED THE FROG! *goes back to sleep* (he has no frog)
Galadriel: Not to be a bitch, but-
Aegnor: Every time you say that, we know you're definitely being a bitch.
Angrod: The BIGGEST bitch, in fact.
Fingon: I will let you put glitter in my hair and beard only if you promise to bring me the biggest bottle of your grandmas homemade shampoo there is, and an even bigger bottle of your grandpas schnapz.
Elrond: So you mean to tell me you're gonna choose? Why? Just bang them both, non-monogamy is a thing. The best thing ever to be honest.
Caranthir: Nope, I'm not playing cards with you assholes anymore. You *points to Curufin* keep cheating, you *points to Maedhros* are drunk, and you *points to Maglor* dont even know the rules of the game!
Curufin: Do you think if I tweak my stethoscope a little I can overhear their strategy through the door?
Idril: And then I told him "I dont need you to have this baby, it's my fucking baby, and I have inheritance, and a LOT of it!"
Maeglin: I am going off to fucking Russia and everything there will be fucking amazing and I will finally be appreciated as I should be! (when he came back after a year, spoilers - it wasn't)
Amras: You know what? Fuck this printer, and fuck all of you *takes the printer and throws it through a window, where it smashes on the ground*
Amrad: Well I aint cleaning that shit, brother. Also, I'm your ride home, and im going in 10 minutes, so chop-chop. *sips coffee*
Fingolfin: Ever since we got the third kid, I legit have no time for pop-culture anymore. The last thing I watched was 5 mintes of Guardians of the Galaxy porn parody, and then the baby started crying and I lost my will to live.
Lalwen: Is that the one you sent me over email?
Anaire: Yup :)
Lalwen: Damn that was good.
Anaire: *whispers* I'm sending you the Captain America one I found tonight. That one's even better.
Findis: Gods I'm just? So pretty?
Nerdanel: Could you please stop looking at yourself in the mirror and hold this fucking pipe so I can fix it before it bursts?
Gil-Galad: As the president of this club-
Celebrimbor: We're a commune.
Galadriel: Also who voted for you? I sure as fuck didn't. I voted for me.
Elrond: I love you, honey, but sit down. We're a democracy.
Celebrian: None of you understand. If I don't go and get drunk tonight, I won't be able to fake an illness tomorrow, and my mother wants me to meet the son of her friends so we can "hang out", and I have the ORL exam on Tuesday, and I dont care how much money that dude has, I'm not dating someone my mother thinks is appropriate! So fucking drink, I didnt bring this gin for you to look at it!
Maglor: You may think you're good at this. You aren't. I, on the other hand, am amazing at this. *deepthroats an icecream* No gag reflex, bitch. OH FUCK, BRAIN FREEZE!
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magpiecaranthir · 1 year
There is a question eating at my mind: how would Tinwë react to Maglor’s version of Old Maggie Took? I’d die for a crossover of the two…
And because my sleep deprived brain likes to come up with weird questions at night, how would she feels toward to my cabbage patch elflings? I already have a few headcanons but I am interested in what you think.
OH OH OH Its gonna be a really long one so under the cut (you gave me an idea and I might as well write a whole fucking fic now bc I couldnt stop lol) ^^
Ok so first how Tinwe would react to Old Maggie?
Ok so in OWWSAF we put it in a tiny paragraph that Maglor died, right? So by all means tinwe doesnt think she'll see her big brother again. But then if we screw the timeline a bit to make it so that she's in Imladris when he and Liló go there for the first time, Lindir recognizes Maglor.
And how would Tinwe react to your Cabbage Patch elflings??
Of course he does. He sometimes watches tinwe paint when she's in the valley and he watched her more than once sketch that face. Even if lindir wouldnt be the one to recognise Maglor, Erestor would. Or anyone else left of the formerly feanorian host. And BOI they would not know what to do.
On one hand, they now have the thrice kinslayer who suddenly popped up from... the shire??? With a toddler????
On the other they have a (known to react very harshly) wife of the captain of the guard who does not speak of her family to others unless it's to remind them that they were the ones holding the North, not the Sindar of Doriath.
By the time the people who realize that problem decide to keep their mouths shut and pray ecthelion has the sense to keep tinwe away from everyone else until Maglor disappears again, Tinwe gets found by Liló.
Of course she does.
And Liló is just a baby but shes a smart baby who remembers the bedtime story Maglor told her about his siblings and she remembers he had a little sister with white hair and lilo obviously is convinced tinwe is that sister (even if she werent, lilo equals white haired elf to Maglor's sister).
So LILO drags tinwe to 'her ada'.
Tinwe sees Maglor.
Tinwe calmly asks for lilo to go play somewhere else. Everybody knows what's coming. Ecthelion manages to get the concealed daggers off tinwe before she charges at that mf and throws him on the ground in a chokehold.
Screaming. Blaming. Absolute guilt tripping and gaslighting on her part (she's going to feel bad about it later bc that's her big brother she has her big brother back maglors there he can cuddle her shes not the last- but first she's getting her anger out. He left her alone. And got a fucking perfect life with a BABY!
She's not going to stop being hostile towards him, but she's doing it lowkey like just occasionally mentioning she got tortured for Celebrimbor while Maglor was doing fuck-all and that's why her hands tremble every so often, or how she has been keeping the dunlendings safe while Maglor was having tea partys (her coming clean about Caranthir and haley's marriage is a WHOLE other conversation they're having at some point) but she's only doing that when lilo isnt around.
She's sweet with lilo. She's a baby. She's cute. Tinwe is a sucker for babies just like she was with Lindir. Teaches lilo how to paint. Encourages lilo to paint on everything in Maglor's smial.
It takes a few years of tinwe coming to terms with Maglor being alive, but the hostility ceases bc that's her only family left that's her big brother he knows her and loves her even in her anger and Big emotions and she doesnt want to lose him again
When she's over it, she goes to the Shire with ecthelion. He says it's to make sure she doesnt get harmed on the way there, but they both know it's because he wants to see that shit for himself.
Oh god she would just flop over like Maglor did. Like what the fuck?? Faint of disbelief. Why the fuck do babies grow like that???
And the second shes digested that change of her reality, ecthelion's just casually like "so... remember how we have a very nice garden?"
And yeah tinwe is hesitant because Doom and shit, but pls she always wanted to be a mum. She always wanted babies and she wanted them with ecthelion.
So yeah. They plant a baby. So what.
While their bby grows she is absolutely doting on the double twins from Elladan and elrohir. Just stealing one or two away for a day or two or five bc they are babies they are so cute 🥺
She's also the first ti see the signs of their neurodicergence bc she's nd herself and remembers well the struggle it was growing up and e.g. not understanding why you wanted to rip the pretty dress auntie Allen gifted you off your back while you're crying so hard you cant speak (hint: the fabric was capital b Bad). So she just starts getting accommodations and dropping hints about how others can deal with these things when she notices them
Their own bby gets born (hatches? Gets harvested?) And of fucking course its twins. Twins with white hair, too, bc tinwes genes bullied Ecthelion's into submission lol.
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