#and by a large margin too
psychotrenny · 6 months
When Liberals describe a piece of media dealing with contemporary war or politics as being "Morally Ambiguous" they mean nearly always mean that it questions the specific decisions of those in power, not the basic ideological assumptions that their power rests upon. Like it's always "Was it a good idea to invade this tyrannical terrorist shithole in order to spread freedom and democracy?" or "Is it okay to torture evil terrorists shitheads to save people from their oppression", never questioning whether the US actually are protecting the innocent and spreading prosperity or if their enemies really are straightforwardly sadistic oppressors. It may question whether the US is acting like a good guy, but it always affirms that the US inherently is good or at least has the greatest capacity to be. Even in Liberal media where the doesn't come off looking the best, they still make sure to present their enemies as even worse. Not to mention the way that any atrocities the US does commit are presented as either mistakes, malicious perversions of the system (probably orchestrated by enemy infiltrators anyway) or tragic but necessary evils. Meanwhile the atrocities committed by their foes are the proof of their innate evil and strong necessity of stopping them; this is the basis of that whole discussion around whether terrible means should be adopted to achieve the noble end of defeating these villains.
And like a story apparently "isn't making a political statement" when it doesn't give a clear answer on these terms, but the terms themselves are never up for discussion. Like I heard someone call Call of Duty: Modern Warfare "apolitical" because it neither justifies nor condemns stuff like those SAS soldiers torturing Arabs and killing sleeping or unarmed Russians (leaving it for the player to decide oooooooooh sooooo deep), as though its choice of antagonists and decision to present them as unambiguously evil isn't a statement in of itself. And like its choice to give Soviet imagery to the Russian Ultranationlists is apparently just a silly oversight (like ooooh real Ultranationalists hate those Soviet lefties hahaha) that says nothing at all about the creator's view of international politics and anti-US ideologies.
As far as your average Liberal is concerned, media contains political statements are when a character turns directly to the camera and says "This thing is good/bad". Anything else is deep stuff that makes you think and lets you come to your own conclusions. Just play the game, don't worry about who set the rules
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the thing about being a disabled grad student is that if you want even half a chance you constantly have to not only reveal but interrogate and explain your softest most vulnerable parts. while people around you act like this is just completely normal and actually that is not the softest most vulnerable part of you and actually you are exactly the same as all of them. so you feel like you are in disguise as exactlythesame while also completely exposed. and you just have to live like that. absolutely insane
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jakeperalta · 1 year
I get why people complain about the overexposure of celebrities..... I'M sick of hearing about taylor and I'm a fan :/
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oneawkwardcookie · 3 months
The amount of seats with a less than 1% margin in winning that seat - Hendon with only 15 votes making a difference - a reminder that every vote counts!
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blueiight · 1 year
& i seriously feel like 60% of dumb takes that abt amc louis’s social position would be solved if ppl simply read john w blassingame’s amazing research on black new orleans from 1860-1880. just one nonfiction. 20% of my reading is fiction, 80% is legit nonfiction be it for my field or bc im sick+ think history is a hobby.
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heretherebedork · 8 months
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Is that what we're calling it now? Is that what he's saying he did?
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Yeah, Yeaaah, Ugh, I at least like Keen a bit. Captain's just obnoxious. Poor Keen, though. Being literally used for sex work without consent and without any share of the profit by someone you think is in love with you? Rough.
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linkedin-offficial · 4 months
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made a lion base for myself for a world ive been building on so i wouldnt have to draw lions over and over
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archivestarlyht · 3 months
dwarves average height range : 4-5’0
drow average height range : 5’0-5’5
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spectrum-color · 1 year
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Enjoy my janky MS Paint meme everybody
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whichdirection · 5 months
whoever typeset the manuscript for priory of the orange tree when i catch you... when i fuckin catch you...
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He definitely would run a third time but I don’t think he’s going to be mentally coherent in four years. Dementia runs in his family and his own nephew thinks that he is showing signs of it. Usually I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy but after the irreparable damage he has caused and the lives he has destroyed I’ve made an exception. I also low key think he’s going to flee the country when he loses so idk
Oh, he so obviously has signs of genuine cognitive decline and it’s a disgrace that the mainstream media considers it taboo to discuss while they helped push Biden out of the race for having a speech impediment while being old, but ANYWAY, yeah I have zero mercy for that man. He’s one of the absolute worst figures in American politics and one of the worst post-WWII world leaders, as well. He shouldn’t be given sympathy he’s literally never given to another human being in his entire life. When he eventually croaks, there will probably be dancing in the streets
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sadaveniren · 4 months
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I'll be fine and then I'll make any attempt at genuine connection and run headlong into a fucking wall
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ikilledamanforthisurl · 9 months
on the topic of people taking advantage of the genocide in Palestine to turn themselves a pretty profit, why does everyone else have to buy esims if they're a purely digital process? what's stopping companies from providing that shit out to the people in need exactly? and more importantly, how do we know the esims we donate even get to where we want them to go? what stops a company from just pretending or lying?
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mothmore · 9 months
me feverishly searching for a scrap of paper i can write my ideas down on
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morphogenetic · 9 months
love suddenly having a crisis about how literally every possible hobby I can have contributes to climate change and/or the exploitation of underpaid workers and feeling fucking awful because of it. can't have fun any more bc my enjoyment always comes at someone elses expense. like:
video games: obvious. electricity and mining
sewing/cosplaying: microplastics and also fabric workers are never paid enough
watching videos on my phone: eventually have to charge said phone -> electricity consumption
book: either printed on paper -> killed trees, or electricity
watching any TV show ever: electricity, also mining a little and ofc exploitation of actors/crew/animators
cooking [not really a hobby but still]: uses electricity
and yes I realize this is true of non-hobby uses of electricity as well (and don't I feel guilty about that too! lol) but the hobby uses feel even more frivolous and wasteful. at least with the paper use for my textbooks - and cooking to some extent - im improving myself marginally. can't say the same with literally any hobby that I can do.
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