#and by funny i mean funny of the writers to do it and prolong the agony
sweetfirebird · 1 year
It would be so funny on WWDITS if it turned out Guillermo can't be turned because of his family legacy or something. Like genetically or magically it can't happen.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
HotD S02E06
This show is exhausting, the fandom - even more so. I didn't even want to write this but I hate not finishing stuff I've already started and abandoning my "reviews" halfway through the season just didn't sit right with me. Also, I guess I do want to bitch even if I would be infinitely happier if I didn't have to. There is good news, though, and that's the fact that I did like this episode more than the last one! These thoughts might not be in order because I cannot be bothered to open the episode again and look through it:
Daemon is so funny for real. He has NOT caught on to the fact that Alys is playing him. I think this might be more misogyny from him, though. Look at it - he is blaming Simon, who is allegedly in charge of all of Harrenhal and he is absolutely not clocking Alys despite the fact that she literally gave him a potion to drink. He cannot perceive that there might be some kind of other power different from being a lord/king.
I do not know why Alys is helping him tbh. I guess she sees how pathetic his state and that of the entire team Black is and she figures that if she doesn't help, the war will be over soon. So if her motive is prolonging the war to ensure both sides take as many hits as possible, then she probably wants to end the Targaryens/dragons. It's really funny how they are making team Black the underdogs, however. What, with Daemon alienating all of the Riverlands houses and the loss of Rhaenys and their largest dragon, they are presented at a severe disadvantage. In the book, though, team Black has more dragons and more houses that support them... and they still fucking lose. Guess we know why the writers are "adapting" the situation to make them look like they will come out on top from a worse initial position but it's really funny because who fucking fumbled the Riverlands, guys? It was Daemon! He had one job and the only reason he might come back from his mistake is because Alys probably wants to see all Targaryens dead. What a funny way to present your "heroes".
Love how they also made Alys say that Rhaenyra should get the crown because she's never wanted it. I guess that conversation in 1x02 where Rhaenys warned her it would all lead to war because the men of the realm won't accept her as queen and Rhaenyra's response boiled down to "Fuck them! I will have my crown!" was just some kind of dream we mass hallucinated then. Istg this writing is a fucking joke. I don't think the writers are aware that adapting something doesn't mean "do the exact opposite of the main theme of the source material", which they are doing by insisting Rhaenyra has some kind of divine right to the throne. Read. The. Fucking. Book!
The way they're "adapting" Aemond is killing me so I don't even want to talk about it. I just have to say that the Aemond from 1x09 would never do what he's doing right now. I could be repeating myself but the fact that he regretted accidentally killing the boy that slashed out his eye and mutilated him but burned his own brother in cold blood (and was essentially torturing him in this episode) over one minute of Aegon reverting to bullying him like he did during their childhood is nonsensical af. Not to mention that he already had the chance to be king. Aegon literally begged him to let him run away so that he could be free and Aemond would be king and he didn't do it because he respected his mother's wishes. I do not buy that he would change that much over the course of 2 months.
Having Aemond insult the one other disabled character and call him a toad (and torture the other disabler character besides himself aka his brother) was not great. Trying to marry Alicent off after everything that's happened to her? I think the fuck not (at least he didn't insist on that)!
I was thinking that it would be much more suspenseful if Rhaenyra's first attempt at finding more dragon riders was unsuccessful because imagine how much harder it would be to continue with more attempts - both because of her conscience and because all the other candidates would probably not want to risk their lives on what appears to be a doomed cause. In fact, I was so wrapped up in that scene, I didn't even realize that since it was Seasmoke that they were trying to match with a rider, it obviously wouldn't be successful since Addam was to be Seasmoke's new rider. Then they did the horrible death in dragon fire and I thought we were on the same page only for them to take the easy way out and make Seasmoke hunt down the one person that he would accept as a rider. What a cop-out! Make Rhaenyra make the hard choices! Without dragon riders more people on her side would die! She should have pushed through with the plan until she found a rider! Not this convenient way to absolve her of responsibility for risking more people's lives!
Please, tell me there will be more development with Rhaena and the wild dragon. Why would you tell us there's a wild dragon if nothing will be done about it? Frankly, I am more invested in the potential of this situation than half the other subplots on the show.
I have to say I am... concerned as to what's going on with Otto. First, Aemond wants to get him back as Hand, which is a red flag already. With Otto there the chaos and blunders would be minimized, which is definitely not what they would be aiming for at this point. Then Alicent says that Otto hasn't answered her letters. I'm really starting to think that he's dead. Either that or he's in the middle of some shenanigans. I hope it's the latter.
"Oh, was it the Red Keep or was it their mother?" Yeah, that's right! Their mother. Their single. Fucking. Parent! Since Viserys couldn't be fucking bothered with any of his children from Alicent. Do keep telling us how she is at fault for how they turned out and not the constant neglect and obvious preference for their sister that they suffered from their father. I'm sure that sitting there with your eye slashed out while your father refuses to do anything for you and your sister demands that you be tortured further wouldn't have been life-altering for Aemond if it weren't for Alicent's failure as a mother. I get that Alicent would feel responsible with the way that things are going but I do not trust this show (and especially not the fans) to not frame it like it's the truth. Just fucking give us Daeron already (probably won't happen this season). At least her scene by Aegon's bedside was good!
Speaking of Aegon, I do want to see how things will develop with him from now on! He managed to save himself from Aemond for now but Larys' monologue is really getting my hopes up (silly me) that we will see an evolution of Aegon where he will truly start using his mind now and grow smarter and more cunning. I shouldn't hope but that would be amazing!
I find it curious that Daemon has managed to make some emotional progress by being there for Viserys (in the visions) when Viserys is dead in reality. Rhaenyra is the one who's still alive and needs him but he's loudly proclaimed his intentions to take the throne for himself and betray her and there hasn't been any indication that he's changed his mind about that. So basically, he's only able to "be there" for Viserys because Viserys isn't an obstacle to him anymore, doesn't hold any power that could allow him to take away what Daemon most desires while Rhaenyra is still very much a symbol of Daemon "being robbed of what he deserves". It don't count if it won't hurt, Daemon! Maybe try making nice with the relative that's still alive!
I have seen people say that it's stupid for the small folk to say Rhaenyra cares about them when she's the one implementing the sea blockade and that's true to an extent but I think the bigger reason for the riot was that they were convinced there was food but the Greens were hoarding it. I can kind of understand that but imagine that you're starving so much that you're grateful to the person that implemented a food blockade in the first place for sending you food and then... you start throwing the food you were so desperate for at the royals instead of... idk fucking eating it. Even if Rhaenyra sent an excess, you'd still fucking need to eat tomorrow. Also, isn't it funny how the book describes Alicent and Helaena both as beloved by the small folk while the show makes them the target of the riot? I am sure that was a completely innocent, unbiased change on the writers' part.
I understand Rhaenyra's frustration with everyone talking like Daemon will come to save her. As if he can get anything done. I do think that maybe Jace didn't mean it in that way but was trying to reinforce the idea that she should stay protected and let others fight instead of her because without her everything is lost. Finally, a complex situation that makes their relationship more interesting! Can't wait to see what might happen if the thing with Mysaria continues, though I do have my doubts about that. Rhaenyra has really been feeling the effects of losing Rhaenys' support and Mysaria is the only one that's shown faith in her. It could be treated like a weak moment for Rhaenyra where she was seeking reassurance. I'm hearing that a lot of people thought that scene was blasphemy and I'm glad that at least we, here on tumblr, are fucking normal about it aka we're celebrating it. Frankly, both Rhaenyra and Mysaria deserve better than Daemon so I hope they keep making out and more.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'“Ripley” editor Joshua Raymond Lee explains about his collaboration with fellow editor David O. Rogers, “The first passes of many things were done by Dave and also Lillian Pachter, who’s our first assistant editor … When I started in post I sort of had this different dictate from [creator, writer and director Steven Zaillian] to take fresh cracks at assembling many of the episodes.” This “was a really strange and different exercise to do as an editor, but I think it produced some fruitful results.”...
Based on the sinister con artist created by author Patricia Highsmith, “Ripley” follows its title character (played by Andrew Scott) as he conspires his way into a new life in Italy. Zaillian wrote and directed the whole eight-episode series, so “the entire thing was like an eight-hour-long feature film,” according to Lee, “so it was essentially like we were working on one project together, even if some responsibilities fell to one or the other of us.” Rogers observes that Zaillian was “very in-tune to everything, every component of filmmaking. Anything you see, meaning the pencil holder on the desk and the things that are hanging on the wall and all of that, he would be very meticulous and come into the frame sometimes and move things around to get things just right for both wide and close shots.”
Among the most memorable scenes of the series (SPOILER ALERT) is the prolonged sequence where Tom Ripley kills the wealthy Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn) on a boat and tries to cover up the crime. Rogers remembers, “We sort of built it and then started to chip away at the block of marble to try to get what we needed out of it. They shot the conversation part of it with Tom and Dickie with different angles, some high angles and things like that, so we had a couple of different versions.” Lee adds that the goal was “to properly put ourselves in the mindset of Tom and the way in which the action is suddenly arrested from the way we normally move through time.” The murder happens “suddenly out of nowhere, and suddenly time halts to a stop and moves at almost a completely realistic pace.”
When it comes to editing in general, Rogers says his inspiration “starts with the script,” but he doesn’t have one “standard approach because every show has its own particular style, whether it’s dialogue driven or more visual like this.” For Lee as well, “first and foremost, it’s about the script, and what excited me about this one was Steve’s writing, both for its humor and just the way he writes dialogue, which is so relatable and funny and interesting and dark.” What also stood out was that “the scripts added up to about 500 pages,” but “there were a hundred of those pages that were just single-spaced scene description,” which made Lee realize that “it’s all going to come down to the cinema of it, to the techniques that he employs to capture it on camera, and then to what we would have to play with and discover in post, and that turned out to be very true.”'
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Hua cheng make brain go brrrrr
People who say Hua Cheng has no depth just don’t get it. Do I wish more than anything that mxtx kept his backstory? Yes. But his narrative function is to be a mysterious bad boy love interest and as a fellow writer and lazy person I somewhat under why she didn’t. Part of what makes him interesting is just how much we don’t know, and the significance of all that we do.
Yes, he is inextricably tied to Xie Lian, as a person and a character. But Xie Lian didn’t ask him to tear his eye out to protect humans. Xie Lian didn’t ask him to found Ghost City or take in persecuted ghosts. Xie Lian certainly didn’t ask him to befriend/ally himself with He Xuan.
And he flat out fucking lies to Xie Lian on several occasions, for the benefit of not only Xie Lian but He Xuan as well. If he could, he could easily kill He Xuan; it’s almost shocking that he doesn’t just tell Xie Lian what his plans are to begin with. He could easily have told Xie Lian to keep Shi Qingxuan away from ‘Ming Yi.’ He could have done the usual protective bad boy thing and forbidden Xie Lian from helping his friend. But he doesn’t. Because on one level, he understands that He Xuan is useful to him as an ally, possibly friend, and narrative foil (who knows how genre aware he is; he’s practically omniscient as is).
What I mean is that Hua Cheng, born from love, understands that He Xuan, born from hate, is who he could have been without Xie Lian. So yes, it’s about Xie Lian, but it’s not only about Xie Lian. It extends beyond the bounds of who Xie Lian is, and into who Hua Cheng is because of Xie Lian.
He also realizes and respects that He Xuan is the only other calamity and one of the few gods who hasn’t directly or indirectly hurt Xie Lian; until the black water arc, when he realizes just how self-sacrificial Xie Lian is and just how stubborn and vindictive He Xuan is. And he beats his ass several times for it.
But returning to Xie Lian, as we must do when discussing Hua Cheng (by his own volition), he understands that for Xie Lian’s mental and emotional well being and for his trauma response, he HAS to help his friend. (There’s quite likely some guilt about Wu Ming driving Xie Lian as well, whether Hua Cheng realizes this or not. If he does, he’s certainly upset with himself for retroactively hurting him. Much to think about.)
He loves Xie Lian for his kindness and his selflessness, but he hates his self harm. And these two things can exist in tandem. He doesn’t ask Xie Lian to stop being kind or to stop being selfless, he doesn’t forbid him from helping Shi Qingxuan, but he does gently beg him not to hurt himself and not to act like his pain doesn’t matter or is funny. He encourages Xie Lian, who at this point has no face left to spare and sees himself as a laughingstock and failure, not to mention morally reprehensible, to continue doing what he wants to do, that what he wants to do is the right thing — as long as it isn’t self harm. So he tells Xie Lian that his benefit matters too, that his pain matters and that he doesn’t deserve it and shouldn’t prolong it (ie, continue running with a nail in his foot or stab himself to perform pseudo mpreg ghost abortion on himself).
Bear in mind that Hua Cheng has witnessed Xie Lian being stabbed for others’ benefit well over one hundred times, two of which by his own hand. So it’s traumatic for him too. He’d much rather be stabbed himself. “To see with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet unable to do anything, is the worst pain in the world.”
Ironically, while Xie Lian’s blithe attitude towards his pain is agony for Hua Cheng, he’s particularly ignorant of his own (he downgrades ripping his eye out and acts nonchalant about using all of his spiritual energy for Xie Lian). For him, the emotional pain of watching Xie Lian suffer is worse than any physical pain. “If your dream is to save the common people, then my dream is only you.” From this quote and most of his actions, one gets the sense that while Xie Lian’s savior complex is utilitarian*, Hua Cheng’s is fixated solely on Xie Lian. Yet he saved the humans in Mount Tonglu, and he takes in stray ghosts. So his savior complex is rather more of a categorical imperative*; that is, if Xie Lian would save these people, I must save these people. But there’s still a Wu Ming inside of him who knows the Xie Lian who would not save someone undeserving, so it isn’t utilitarian but conditional of them not harming Xie Lian.
So who is Hua Cheng? He’s his most devoted believer. But with any religious fervor comes sacraments. Kindness, in his case conditional to his god’s. Self sacrifice, to honor his god’s. A quick wit, a formidable opponent with the saber. Hua Cheng is anything that can be useful to Xie Lian.
“Flower City,” he names himself. Flower, for Xie Lian’s pseudonym given for his kindness. City, a fortress for protection, a place of humanity and a place of worship. Yet, to Xie Lian he becomes San Lang. All others must bear witness to his heathen worship, but Xie Lian knows him the way a god is said to know the devout; wholly, lovingly, benevolently, unconditionally.
*utilitarian - in ethical philosophy, a system of ethics that aims for the least harm/greatest quantity/quality of benefit
*categorical imperitave - in kantian ethics, a maxim that must be followed universally on principle
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wannacrymightdie · 5 months
I am not much of a writer but I do write down my experiences, emotions and heartaches. I also have a passion for writing poems of being consumed with a devotion that feels like you're being lit on fire every possible moment but you still seem to adore it. And that was it, until I met you.
I will always remember the day that I met you; those exact moments still echoes in my mind like the ringing of the church bells. I was busy laughing around at some silly jokes that my brother made when all of a sudden I felt the hairs on my neck stand up as if someone was busy observing me. I never thought much about it and continued to do whatever I was doing. After awhile I did turn around and I was right afterall. There you were standing outside the entrance of the hall with your faded jeans, plaid shirt, white jacket and a pair of worn out Nike. Your military buzz cut suited you well. Your eyes were on me. I couldn't make out the colour from far. They looked like onyx to me. I didn't know who you were and what your name was but I did know that look in your eyes, for I was too familiar with that look. It was that one look that I used to share with the people I once yearned for. Your had the same look in your eyes. You intrigued me and I already knew that I too had become the subject of your interest.
There were multiple moments where I felt your eyes on me. The funny thing is I felt your presence long before I saw you. And you somehow claimed me in some twisted way without even me knowing your identity beforehand.
I knew that you were curious about me. I knew that you were longing to talk to me because I read people well and I read you like an open book. Your eyes spoke volumes that your mouth failed to speak of. I saw it. I felt it.
I met your mother that day. She was a sweet lady. She showed me your pictures and told me about you and the things you liked. Your name means the Sun. The Sun is nice and warm but being out in the sun for a prolonged period of time can be dangerous and we all know how that goes. The Sun does have the ability to burn if you somehow manage to get close enough to it.
When I was passing by you and you stopped me at the doorway to ask for my name, my mind was hazy and my stomach was doing somersaults..even though I told you my name I didn't ask you yours because words froze in my mouth as soon as I looked up at your tall frame and gazed at your eyes. They were the shade of the black coffee that I always drink. I could see that there were some mysterious depth about you that I certainly can never recognise, there were softness too. Your voice was deep and smooth at the same time and it mesmerized me. You were a smooth talker. You made me dream. You made me feel like I was the only one for you. You made me feel special.. .
I was foolish enough to think that maybe, maybe for once I can finally be the poem instead of being the poet only to find out that you already had someone in your life. I was a fool, I was proven wrong once again. I can never be the poem. I will always be the writer, the poet who writes about heartaches that feels like being struck by thunder. This is my fate and I'm stuck with it. I keep on telling myself that this is what attraction is. You were attracted to me and I felt that force of attraction too. Maybe I was more than attracted to you. I do want to say that I'm just nineteen and I don't really know what love is, what attraction is but the reader in me really disagrees. Maybe I should stop writing and reading. I dream too much, too quick. Maybe the only love I know and dream about will be forever stuck in the world of fiction. This habit of mine always lands me in trouble. Once again my fears were alive. I'm perfectly sure that you wanted me. You wanted me in a way I didn't want anyone to want me. You were attracted to my perfectly kept appearance, little did I know that you already fell for someone's messy hair and unkempt apperance. You wanted me to be your trophy girl, a bimbo to show off. You wanted me to hand over my heart to you but I don't think you would've done the same. I cannot be the other woman. I don't want to be the other woman. Not again. I've been in that place unknowingly so I know how it feels. moving on.. I'm glad that I found out your truth even though it made me want to throw up and rip of my skin. I started avoiding you. But you couldn't stop searching for me and my eyes. Why?? How can you be like this if you already have someone?? How can you be so imbecile to think that I'd never find out?
I don't really write anything about anyone specific but I wanted to dedicate a little space in my notes for you. I wonder what you'd think of me if you were to ever learn that I was thinking about you and trying to keep a record about everything that happened even after I ended the story before it could start? I know I did the right thing.. I cannot be what you want me to be. I've morals. I know I can't avoid you everytime I see you, I'll have to face you again..it's inevitable but I do know that the next time we meet I'll be immune to every one of your longing gazes for I already know that those mean nothing and I'll make sure that I won't fall for your antics again. But before this happens this is me writing about how I almost got too close to the Sun but unlike Icarus, I  stopped myself, turned my back and left, I didn't let it melt of my wings to drown in the abysmal depths of the sea. I saved myself from such a ghastly fate.
0 notes
Monday, 3 July 2023
When I stopped doing these a couple of weeks ago, I said it was because I had other stuff to do. The actual reason is that I was feeling a bit jerked around — like a bunch of plots were just running in place, and not delivering much in the way of compelling drama. 
I know soaps are kind of known for this, but Days hasn’t actually done much of it since I started watching! Certainly not with this many plotlines for this prolonged of a period. I don’t know if it’s related to the writer’s strike or if we just hit a rough patch, but honestly it’s not going to take much to catch you up on the past two weeks.
EJ and Kristen are still tied up in the not-so-secret wine cellar. Today they got discovered by Leo, who just wanders in via the secret tunnels that extend throughout Salem. Which is fortuitous for EJ and Kristen, but Leo really should remember that the last time he helped himself to the Secrets of DiMera Castle, he was a murder suspect for like three months.
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After making a bunch of actually-kind-of-funny (for Leo) implications about incestuous sex dungeons, he unties them! Finally!
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Megan was actually just about ready to let them go, and had injected them with a drug that wiped their recent memories. (Dr. Rolf called this drug CRS-somethingorother, as in “Can’t Remember Shit,” as in your dad’s favorite joke.) Which means they no longer remember why they were tied up here in the first place (because they discovered Megan’s plot to kill Stefan.)
Said plot is well underway, as Stefan and Gabi have an engagement party with all the DiMeras (apart from the two I just accounted for) in the same room again! 
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Even Chad made it for this one! And he’s heckling the entire thing to his date (Stephanie), which is exactly what I would do if I got dragged to a family event I didn’t want to be at. aka literally any family event. 
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Little Johnny Douchebag is also here. Because Wendy wanted an excuse to dress up nice and he’s still about thirty seconds away from losing her to Trip forever. I told you you didn’t miss a lot!
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Gwen is also here, as Dimitri’s date. I don’t know shit about fashion, but I do know this: of all the excellent sparkle dresses at this party, Gwen’s sparkle dress is the best sparkle dress.
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Then Harris Michaels, newly re-hypnotized to do Megan’s evil bidding, shows up to murder Stefan.
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Meanwhile, Li is delivering an entirely unconvincing monologue outside the venue when he’s interrupted by Rafe.
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Rafe, in addition to being the police commissioner, is Gabi’s brother. I don’t think this has come up before. He remembers the shitty stuff Li did to make Gabi love him (gross), a list that includes the attempted murder of Stefan and the successful mind control of Gabi herself.
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So Rafe tells Li to fuck off on home. Which Li does. And then he fantasizes about Gabi coming over to be comforted after Stefan is murdered. 
Which is definitely how this is all going to go down, buddy. A+ handle on reality, there. No notes.
Back at the party, Harris reveals that he was sent here by… Li Shin. Which is actually, despite the circumstantial evidence I sort-of alluded to a second ago, not entirely true! Not because Li doesn’t want Stefan dead. But because he’s much too dim-witted to concoct such an evil scheme.
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Terrified of losing the love of her life again, Gabi actually jumps on Harris! 
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I assumed she was going to be shot in the ensuing chaos, given that her performer is leaving the show soon, but that’s not what happens! Instead, it’s Megan who gets accidentally shot! Oh no! She was the actual mastermind behind all of this, but we like Megan!
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Fortunately they’re able to get her to the hospital in time, thanks to Gwen’s quick thinking (“I’ll call an ambulance,” she says to a dozen people with cell phones who didn’t even consider doing that). She’s also able to comfort Dimitri as his beloved Mother recovers, continuing the fantastic thread of “Dimitri is supposed to trick her into marrying him but now he’s actually falling in love with her for real.” 
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Which makes me happy, because Gwen deserves something nice for a change.
EJ and Kristen emerge from the tunnels. Nicole, who was furious at EJ for abandoning her, realizes what actually happened and returns to doing what she does best: lying about the fact that EJ walked in on her just having kissed Eric. (Seriously, you missed nothing there. I could have dropped in two years from now and the same basic thing would be true of Nicole. This is just what she has always done and apparently will always do.)
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Rafe arrests Li for the whole “sending Harris to kill Stefan” thing. But not before allowing Gabi and Stefan to enter first and taunt him a bit.
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Which seems cruel but you know what they say: you’ve got to be cruel.
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mcu-fan-fics-blog · 2 years
Remember a Time vi
Series:  (Pt.1), (P.t 2), (P.t 3), (P.t 4), (P.t 5)
Wanda Maximoff x Fem! Reader
(High School Au)
Word count: 1113
A/N: Hi! I missed you all dearly, I’ve had writers block and haven't had the motivation to write, but this week has blessed me so here is a new instalment I hope you guys like it! <3 
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Standing here in Tony's kitchen you can’t help but feel giddy. The feeling that this was the beginning of something amazing could hardly be contained. All I can say is that you were right. “I don’t know if i should be worried.” Tony said, eyeing you. “Nothing to worry about, I’m just really happy right now! Things are finally looking up for me Tony, I feel good.” His smile was bright and you couldn’t help but notice the relief in his eyes. If Yelena thought she saw you at your worst she was wrong Tony on the other hand has. Down to the nitty gritty, Tony was there with you every step of the way. It was the first time he’d seen you like this and he’d prefer if it was the last. He’d never admit it but it truly shook him to see you so vulnerable and hurt. “Well, I for one am glad that you’re done with that pity party you threw yourself.” He quips and you chuckle nodding “Me too, besides between us two you were always better at throwing parties.” He smiles again thankful to have his friend back.
Closure is a funny thing, we’re miserable without it, but the only thing that can actually stand in your way is yourself. We want it but only when we’re ready for it. That week you decided enough was enough and got “closure” your objective was clear walk up and get closure... Well not really more like looking to make an exchange, but you weren't complaining closure is good too. “Hey, do you have a minute?” There was silence… The last person that Vision was expecting to see was you. “I-i uhm, Yes do you need something?” He asks sincerely. You nod pulling out a box from your bag and holding it out to him. “Nothing much, a favor will you give this to Wanda? It’s her Christmas gift.” He nods, carefully taking the box and inspecting it. Just as you’re about to leave the room he speaks up. “You know she misses you right?” He asks not really wanting to prolong the awkwardness, but if he could ease the situation he would… for Wanda. You turn slowly and nod. “Then why are you shutting her out?” He asks, confused. This is where the closure comes in. “Because It’ll kill me, I can’t have her in my life and not Have her.” You explain defeatedly “You make her happy.” you continue. “Does she know?” Vision asks and you shake your head. “Don’t tell her, you just please take good care of her.” You ask and he nods and the look in his eyes tells you he means it. “Thank you, truly.” You leave at that.
In that moment that brought you so much relief you felt free. Wanda would grow with Vision… without you and you’d grow without her. But things are never that simple they never could be between you two. “Where’d you go?” Tony asks, snapping his fingers in front of your face. “Nowhere, I was just thinking about how far we’ve come just to end up right at the beginning. The three of us back together.” Tony chuckles, nodding “I’ve got to hand it to Romanoff, she's not half as bad as I remember she’s also very easy on the eyes if you catch my drift.” Nat chooses to make her presence known at that moment. “Well I’d be flattered Tony but I’m afraid pepper wouldn’t like that much.” She teases. He sighs. “But you’re both right, we're reunited and it feels good.” You nod softly agreeing and Tony huff’s. “Where is Pepper anyway? Wasn’t she coming with you?” Pepper walked in at that moment. “There you are, come on, let's go I can’t be here anymore.” He basically rushes her back out towards the door. “We’ll meet you on the plane!” He says on his way out.
“Well…” Nat says somewhat taken by Tony’s departure. Quickly snapping out of it she shifts to look at you. “Come on let's go, what are you staring at?” She asks rhetorically, but your brain and mouth didn’t seem to catch on. “You… Tony’s not wrong, you're very easy on the eyes.” You see Natasha’s eyes widen and a blush fill her face. “You are very beautiful… I can’t believe I missed it.” You confess. “I-I thank you… are you ready to go?” She asks and you nod. The car ride felt domestic; you were talking about nothing in particular but the time flew. Soon enough you were on the tarmac boarding the plane. “I’ll never get used to this tony… I still remember the day I found out you were loaded.” You tease slightly “suddenly it wasn’t for nothing, now I’m just reaping the benefits.” You say patting him on the shoulder. “Very funny actually y/n because I’m seriously considering not being your friend… you know for the sake of appearances.” He quips back. You all laughed and took your seats.
It was beautiful this time of year and you couldn’t be happier it came with the season. The time flew there, you didn’t have to worry about anything, it was all just simple. It was peaceful, Christmas Day rolled around quickly. You all sat next to the fireplace and opened Christmas gifts. Tony always had a flair for the extravagant so his gift were always amazing but sometimes also over the top. The 13 ft. teddy bear said as much pepper appreciated the gift. You got him something you know he’d use tools were always a hit with him. You also get an expansion pack for your shared Lego city currently sitting in Tony’s attic. A dark secret you both keep… you’d give that to him later though. You had a hard time shopping for Natasha but eventually it came to you. She wasn’t the material type so you made her something, a picture book to be precise. “It’s us throughout the years you know us as kids… and I left the rest for the memories we make.” Pepper awed at the gift mentioning how cute it was. “Also got you some caviar, I know how much you like it.”
The rest of the gifts were exchanged and you all spent the rest of the day laying around. You and Natasha had gotten closer and closer as the days passed. You got comfortable you’ll admit but if felt nice for once to let yourself feel unabashedly. You could see yourself falling for her. “Do.. are… are we?” Natasha fails to find the words as you are laying on the couch together. “Take your time.” You ease her “I care for you Y/n… a lot actually. And I know things with Wanda are still recent but I want you to give me a chance… No I NEED you to give me a chance.”
Tag List: @when-wolves-howl, @alyciaddict, @username23345​,  @arixxxxxxxxx, @justyourwritter69, @picnicmic,   @swiftdazer,   @alphawolfchicago1124 ,  @sojo154 , @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ , @marvelogic​, @wandasmistress​ 
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ohifonlyx33 · 2 years
When I hear people say "love square reversal" i don't think most people automatically mean "Marinette abandons her love for Adrien and falls in love with Chat and Chat gives up on LB for Marinette"
Sometimes they do mean that. And that would have been a funny scenario in like season 3 or 4 when writers need an excuse to prolong the lovesquare but still change things up without making progress. A fun twist. A stalling tactic. But also frustrating.
But what people also commonly mean is that they simply want Marinette and Adrien to make some room in their hearts... to shift their focus... to recognize romantic feelings for the other. Because Adrien would deny Marinette is "more than a friend". And Ladybug would deny feelings for Chat. But what if they went "Oh wait. Dang. Am I in love with someone else?" And then explore that?
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pinkpoundcake · 3 years
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Since we’re on the topic of it in my last reblog. I had a recent twitter thread where I was talking about how genuinely horrific some nsfw art is to a Vagina owning viewer. Some pretty funny replies in the thread, too.
Seeing some male nsfw artists draw the Penis going past the cervix and genuinely believing it to be a depiction of incredible sex for the female receiver, is like a clueless female artist drawing a blowjob with teeth full on dragging into and biting the glans with the receiver going “Uwah!! Wonderful! Feels so good!”
And I’m not exaggerating. For a lot of people having the cervix bumped is very painful and can leave someone sore for several days. Prolonged irritation warrants a doctor’s visit. They’re not calling you back bro. Unless having pain with sex is absolutely their thing. But someone having their cervix messed with is on par with someone liking their scrotum stepped on. It’s usually torture.
I think a part of the issue is that some folks may not actually know what’s going on, on the inside, cause education failed us. Or they didn’t care to investigate it. Or they assumed their fave artist’s/writer’s interpretation was accurate. The front view of the vagina/cervix/uterus is deceptive, and so is it’s appearance.
I mean sure drawings are just drawings. And writing is just writing. You can do as you’d like for the sake of fantasy. I do think that that’s fine. As long as you know going too deep absolutely sucks in real life so you don’t embarrass yourself. The horror stories I know...
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You know, with Jay so adamantly denying that anything happens with Miggy yet, I do have to wonder what the plan is moving forward.
I mean, how are they planning on making it make sense that they don't get together at this point? If they want to drag it out longer, why have an episode that was practically dedicated to them both confessing their feelings to someone out loud? Surely it would make sense to prolong the amount of time before it's acknowledged verbally?
I can see it making sense that they don't confess their feelings in the season finale - there seems like there's a lot going on in this episode and they won't have much time to touch on it, nor will Magnum and Higgins have too much time to think on their feelings themselves. Maybe the episode will end on a cliffhanger like I've suggested, or it ends with them smiling at one another as they crowd round Rick, Suzy and the new baby - a silent acknowledgement that things are changing now, not just for the Ohana as a whole, but for them and their relationship too.
But what about beyond that? I can't imagine them going romantic-comedy on us and giving us repeated episodes of them trying to confess their feelings but being interrupted before they can each time. Not only is it not really the show's style, but as much as it would be funny to begin with, it would likely get repetitive and boring pretty fast.
If they don't get together this season or at the beginning of next (assuming it gets renewed but cast and writers seem very confident that it will, thank goodness), I'm very intrigued as to how they'll play it out in order to keep it interesting, and - more importantly - believable with the groundwork they've laid for Miggy so far. Unless Jay is just lying through his teeth lmao
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
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During Alec’s time as the Consul, the Shadowhunter’s codex was rewritten. Representatives from all Downworld fractions were included as writers to ensure no community will be misrepresented in the book. Also, Magnus’ name was finally included as the co-inventor of portals.
Alec finally got the opportunity to visit all the institutes on his wish list. He personally visited as many institutes as possible to evaluate their needs and requirements. According to close sources, it sort of turned into a prolonged honeymoon trip. (What do you mean when am I coming back? I am on a work trip! Of course Magnus is with me! Where else would he be? IZZY, THIS IS NOT A ROMANTIC GETAWAY! IT’S FOR WORK!!!)
Alec refuses to admit it, but he still blushes a little when someone calls him ‘Consul Lightwood-Bane’.
Ever since he became the Consul, his Spanish got better real fast. Magnus reckoned his husband finally downloaded a cursed app, but apparently Perfect Inquisitor Rosales is a perfect teacher too.
Alec’s Consul robes are cobalt blue to match his eyes and Magnus’ magic. The angelic rune and the symbols of all downworld fractions are printed on his sleeves. The robe was designed by Clary Fairchild.
Sometimes when the kids misbehave, Alec has no choice but to use the ‘Consul Voice’. However, it doesn't really work at home. Max finds it funny and Rafe finds it lame. Although there are some fans too. (I am just saying you can use it in the bedroom too, darling!!)
Once the Shadowhunter Academy was established, Alec, along with the new dean Simon Lovelace, introduced extracurricular programs at the academy. The academy now has a music room, a library with mundane books and a science lab so students can pursue other interests during their leisure time.
People no longer address him as ‘Jace Herondale’s parabatai’ but instead refer to Jace as ‘Our Consul’s parabatai’. When Jace heard of this shift, he apparently screamed ‘about fucking time’.
The first week after Alec’s induction, the downworlders threw a party to celebrate. There is word that the party is still going on. It’s been two years.
Every time Alec travels for work, Jace makes up a medical emergency so he can go see Alec. It gives Magnus serious Deja vu. (Listen, iratzes given by my Parabatai work faster. Everyone knows that. Do y’all want me to walk around with a broken foot? DO YA????)
Alec appointed Isabelle as the weapons master of the Clave. She is currently working as an apprentice in the LA institute under Diana Wrayburn.
Alec stills checks in with the Alliance - at least once every two weeks. He is very pleased with the progress made by Cristina and Mark. He is not so pleased to know that Lily has been flirting with them both constantly. (Well, if you want me to stop flirting with them, you better back here and fix it yourself. Ha! Checkmate, bitch!)
With the help of Simon and Catarina, Alec was able to normalise mental health support among nephilim. There are many nephilim now taking mundane courses to train themselves and meanwhile Alec identified reliable mundane experts with sight whom nephilim can be referred to.
Alec also repealed the law that prevented nephilim from seeking mundane medicine. If any nephilim wants to use mundane medicine for a legitimate and valid reason, they can submit a petition to the Clave - which will be assessed and carried out with the help of warlocks.
And of course, all marriage and adoption between same-sexed and nephilim-downworlder couples was legalised.
Happiest of Birthdays to @my-archerboy​! This one is just for you 💙💙💙
(This is a repost for malec month 🥰)
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angeloroki · 3 years
shoto the nurse — s. todoroki
you unintentionally burn yourself trying to prepare a surprise for shoto. fortunately, he has a fictitious nursing diploma.
— character ; shoto todoroki x gn!reader
— request ; Hiiiiii! I recently burned my hand :( and I was wondering how Shoto would react to their s/o accidentally burning their hand so I thought I’d ask my favorite tublr writer for a story ☺️ thank you i’m always enjoying your content!!! Have a great day💕
— genre ; fluff
— warnings ; burning, curses!!
i juste re-read, and i noticed that there is lot of french expressions, sorry about that but i think it's way more funny in an english context 😭
— a/n ; *put a kiss on your burn* but here for you love <3 @iseetodoisicy
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« baby i'm back ! »
shit shit shit. the dish you had prepared was burning, and shoto's sudden arrival didn't really help.
« oh hi honey. » you answer, sounding a bit hurried.
you hear him kick off his shoes and come towards the sound of your voice.
« oh if you only knew how tiring the patrol was. » you heard him say.
you jumped at shoto's arrival in the kitchen and suddenly turned to greet him with a wide smile. your attention was immediately caught by your boyfriend's beautiful face.
oh là là, he's so handsome.
« aoutch ! » you shout.
yes aoutch, being subjugated by your boyfriend, your arm suddenly touched the pan that was heating up. tears quickly came to your eyes. it was the coup de grace. everything happened very quickly, and you saw shoto coming towards you in long strides to take your hand.
« are you alright ? let me take care of that, sweetheart. »
you could see his usually stoic face distorted by panic, his eyes wildly searching for some warm water and something to bandage you.
a slight smile passed over your face.
« i should take you to the hospital, it looks serious and i don't want to aggrave it. baby, tell me do you feel nauseous ? tell me how do you feel- »
you ran your other hand over his face, which calmed him down a bit.
« hey, don't worry. it's just a burn. »
« no, it hurt, didn't it? so it's not nothing. »
he brought a chair for you to sit on, while his hand did not let go of your arm. looking contentious, he passed some lukewarm water.
your features hardened slightly at the contact with the liquid. his made shoto slightly sad. he placed a quick kiss on your cheek, and whispered softly to you, letting the water run over your burn.
« what were you doing ? i'm usually the one who cooks because... »
« because i'm a mess in the kitchen i know ! but- »
he smiled gently at you, and you stole him a second kiss.
« but i wanted to surprise you for a change. » you huffed softly.
his other free hand came to find the fresh towel. his thoughtful gaze met yours. you watched him do it silently, his gestures were so gentle, so thoughtful that you hardly felt the pain. until you felt the cream on your skin.
« stay still sweetheart, it's almost over. »
you breathed before closing your eyes. well, you could say that your surprise was clearly a failure. but it's the thought that counts, right? let's say that.
it was only a few seconds later that you felt soft lips on yours. a sly smile came over your face before prolonging the kiss.
« it's over. » he said between kisses.
« mmh, i wouldn't hesitate to hurt myself more, if it's shoto the nurse who comes to treat me. » you say with a smirk on your face.
he rolled his eyes before coming to the dish you were making.
« whoa, what's that ? »
you puffed up your cheeks before pinching his buttocks lightly.
« spaghetti bolognese, you idiot. »
« mmh, my bad, mio amore. » he answers ironically.
« come here and gimme a kiss before you start doing the dishes ! »
he looks at you, unfazed.
« what do you mean, i'm doing the dishes ? »
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ninma · 3 years
A look at Dream's punishment through irl rules and taking into account UN's rules regarding prisons. Because it is just interesting and it proves how there is NO justification for it. But mostly because it's interesting to look at and you may learn a thing or two.
I have seen too many times people trying to justify Dream's punishment. I did research and read through multiple articles and documents (over 73 pages of two different documents) about the more legal sides of his punishment. While Quackity's physical torture is obvious, I am here to address that even before that it was still very illegal. I know it is fictional! This is just a look into the real life facts and rules regarding prisons because it is interesting to look at Dream's punishment and Pandora's Vault under the light of these. So keep that in mind while reading this!
Welcome to my ted talk with actual facts and be prepared for quite the ride!
While yes, he has done bad things...however he has not done something so bad that he deserves a punishment so cruel that it's considered too inhumane for even mass murderers. Like actually! Stay tooned and you'll see what I mean.
His sentence is indefinite solidary confinement. Which is defined by the united nations as:
"the confinement of prisoners for 22 hours or more a day without meaningful human contact."
This means his punishment fits the definition for all his time (including visits) except when Tommy was locked inn and now with Quackity (although I'd consider the last one a turn for the worse). Now that we have that cleared up- lets get into the rule breaking. But first, let me introduce you to The Mandela Rules!
"The Mandela Rules reinforce human rights principles, including
 the recognition of the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman
 or degrading treatment or punishment and effective guidance 
to national prison administrations for persons deprived of their liberty"
Now that we have established that, lets get into this concerning fact train!
Rule 43
1. In no circumstances may restrictions or disciplinary sanctions amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
The following practices, in particular, shall be prohibited:
(a) Indefinite solitary confinement;
(b) Prolonged solitary confinement;
(c) Placement of a prisoner in a dark or constantly lit cell;
(d) Corporal punishment or the reduction of a prisoner’s diet or drinking water;
(e) Collective punishment.
Yeah...pretty clear breaking of 4/5 there. They can't even break e! Not to mention the pretty explicit breaking of d that was probably a surprise. You can count it as them breaking 4/4 if you count the fact that they can’t even break e. Rest assured my friend, this is just the beginning.
Rule 44
For the purpose of these rules, solitary confinement shall refer to the confinement of prisoners for 22
 hours or more a day without meaningful human contact. Prolonged solitary confinement shall refer to 
solitary confinement for a time period in excess of 15 consecutive days.
Already broken this one too huh. Even visiting days counts because I don't think anyone has been there for hours and I also don't think Sam's interactions would be long enough or count as meaningful human contact. The time with Tommy and Quackity is the only time it dosen't count as solidary. So this is getting...very much concerinng. But this is still only the start.
Rule 45
1. Solitary confinement shall be used only in exceptional cases as a last
 resort*, for as* short a time as possible and subject to independent
 review, and only pursuant to the authorization by a competent authority. It
 shall not be imposed by virtue of a prisoner’s sentence.
2. The imposition of solitary confinement should be prohibited in the case
 of prisoners with mental or physical disabilities when their conditions
 would be exacerbated by such measures
Woops...so not only is it illegal as a punishment...but also the "he is a psychopath" argument (which is already a bad stereotype, but I won't get into psychology here. It's a common misconception and c!Tommy not knowing is almost to be expected. However please do not say that someone, character or real person, have a mental disorder or illness without proper knowledge about psychology and in the case of characters we shouldn’t put labels unless the writer has said that they have taken mental disorders or illnesses into account when making the character) just got yeeted out the window. Actually that argument just took a loop and now is an argument for the other side. It makes sense because as it says: it exacerbates their preexisting mental illnesses. Which is why it's prohibited. 
"In no case may a detainee’s contact with the outside world be
 dependent on his or her cooperativeness, be used as a disciplinary
 sanction or form part of the sentence."
  - Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Civil and Political Rights, Including the Questions of Torture and Detention, ¶ 43, Comm’n on Human Rights,
“…The medical officer should visit prisoners held in solitary confinement
 every day, on the understanding that such visits should be in the interests
 of the prisoners ’ health. Furthermore, prisoners held in solitary
 confinement for more than 12 hours should have access to fresh air for at
 least 1 hour each day” - Subcomm. on Prevention of Torture [SPT]
Wow Sam...it is almost impressive in a dark way just how explicitly these are broken. The Warden's very punishments for disobedience just straight up counts as torture. And for the obvious record I highly doubt Quackity's daily visits to the green bloob counts as anything but 'the interests of the prisoners' health'. You can disagree here...but I am being very sarcastic.
Rule 22
1. Every prisoner shall be provided by the prison administration at the
usual hours with food of nutritional value adequate for health and
strength, of wholesome quality and well prepared and served.
Raw potatoes every day for the rest of your life..eehhh no thanks. If Dream ever gets out he will probably join me in the 'eating potatoes trauma' box. As funny as that sounds, it isn't a joke. I was force fed potatoes as a child and I hated it to the point where it gave me a mental block that stops me from eating them as my body just does not want to swallow it. It's a problem. But I can joke about it. Maybe Tommy will join us too, although it wasn't really the eating potatoes that caused that trauma...rip. Rest in anything but potatoes.
Rule 42
General living conditions addressed in these rules, including those related
to light, ventilation, temperature, sanitation, nutrition, drinking water,
access to open air and physical exercise, personal hygiene, health care
and adequate personal space, shall apply to all prisoners without
I think it's pointless to say more on that topic as it's pretty much already summed up. Let us now move over to what are probably some of the qoutes so specific that it's scary.
“Furthermore, [the Committee] is concerned about the use of solitary
 confinement for indefinite periods of time.... Full isolation of 22 to 23
 hours a day in supermaximum security prisons is unacceptable
(art. 16).” - Committee. against Torture [CAT]
Oh wow.. talk about on the nose. I should've just started with this one as it pretty much says pretty clearly how it is unacceptable. Like yikes...can you get more specific? It is just downright ridiculous at this point. (-_-;)
“Solitary confinement, when used for the purpose of punishment,
 cannot be justified for any reason, precisely because it imposes severe
 mental pain and suffering beyond any reasonable retribution for
 criminal behaviour and thus constitutes an act defined in article 1 or article
 16 of the Convention against Torture, and a breach of article 7 of the
 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights."
Ahaha...ha....yeah for those who justify it...the convention against torture is very much against it being justified...Imagine if the characters could read these rules, that'd be interesting. Although I am pretty sure they don't follow realism for the imprisonment. As I have already said; this is just an interesting look at the irl rules and how Dream's punishment and Pandora's Vault stand under light of them.
“No prisoner, including those serving life sentence [sic] and prisoners on
 death row, shall be held in solitary confinement merely because of the
 gravity of the crime.”
 - Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Like...there are no loopholes here. It is so extremely clear that it truly is darkly impressive how the characters don't seem to have a second thought about this. How do you accidentally sentence someone to a lifetime of torture without realizing? If they do know...It'd be very dark.
Btw Tommy's exile and his time in prison doesn't count as solidary confinement. Just to clear that up.
It amazes me how badly they break these rules...I know they probably didn't take the realism into consideration. However it is still kind of darkly impressive. Especially considering how scary specific they break them too. Even though this is just a interesting (I was about to write fun, however I wouldn't count realizing how inhuman the prison is is 'fun'. But it is interesting) look at Dream's punishment and Pandora's Vault under the light of real life rules for prisons. (lol my paranoid self have said this so much)
These facts also proves how saying it's justified...is kind of morally bad. Not attacking anyone! I just want to also say how while it is pure fiction and the characters in the story can have whatever opinion they want as they are characters. However when it comes to fans approving and justifying it without taking time to consider how it really isn't something that can be justified (real or no). You can have whatever opinion you want, however just maybe take some of what you have learned today and reflect over it? To think twice after having received new information dosen't hurt. I am not here to tell you what to think, so rest easy. Only to share some facts^^ (*so obviously scared of offending anyone*)
I recommend taking some time to look it up yourself if you want to look further into it. The psychological aspects of it is also interesting to look at!
I hope you have learned something here today and found this post and my research interesting! I spent hours on this so I hope you have enjoyed this! I originally posted this on reddit and I was very surprised at how many stopped by to read it and therefore I choose to post it here as well because you learn something and hopefully also gained a new perspective. 
Ninma over and out!
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peterspaperplane · 2 years
I think I have told you how terrible my 2021 was. But maybe, maybe, I haven’t told you this one: it began on August.
I remember: farewells. Too many farewells. It’s always goodbyes that makes things harder, isn’t it? End of college means that people would eventually leave the city for their family, prolonged hometown, dreams, work. Meanwhile, I did not. It was my whimsical choice to stay. As I’m thinking of it now, what I wanted was not actually staying in the city; what I wanted was to succumb in the memories I had made in all over its body.
I did internships and took part-time jobs in places, so that I could manipulate my head into thinking that I was alive and useful—and to my parents: that I still had reasons not to come home (I could tell you how many times Mum begged me to and how many times I regret that I was not acting like a good kid and obey her instantly, but I am not writing that pathetic essay).
So, I am rewriting it here. I did internships and took part-time jobs in places, so that I could manipulate my head into thinking that I was alive and useful. But there was one particular time when I came to realize that I was not manipulating my head into thinking that I was alive—'cause I was alive. It was when Renmeraki Architect decided to let me in.
Don’t Wake Me Up When September Ends
I am still wondering whether or not being an architect was in my card since the beginning. All I can remember is that I aspire to be a wordsmith. I even did my final project in architecture with poems and silly doodles. It was a museum, that is one thing. But, combining it with fairytales? That is another thing. This might not be the most authentic idea, but pretty sure this was definitely the most un-architectural project ever.
Therefore, in my admission letter to Renmeraki, I also wrote ‘writer’ in the job proposal table and sent my sort-of-writing-portfolio next to the design one. There is still a part of me desiring it to come true, to be a writer.
But in Renmeraki, I saw people seemed to live for the sake of architecture.
Constantly, I witnessed Mas Ren—who always comes out with the most unimaginable things—tailoring his designs very precisely as though it was a fragile creature—while, time to time, ensuring that we had the most comfortable place to work in. I saw Teh Amel taking care of interior details as well as teaching me how to render from scratch; knee-deep in notes as well as keeping the conversations going on with clients (no matter how boring it was).
I saw Mas Indro repeatedly distressed and yet still enjoyed doing his daily structural works (please note that by structural, I mean that exact post and beam) while throwing jokes to the table—what a pure soul. I saw Tante Rani (a.k.a Roni) glittered in smiles when we visited her beautifully designed interior for an apartment in the city, only fifty meters from our hive. I saw Ayeng, heartfully assisting the same façade project again and again (Ayeng if u read this, u know what I’m talking HAHA); providing endless energy while helping everybody with anything: free Indomaret jastip (with Ajeng) and laughter. Most importantly, she always responds to my jokes, no matter how cringe it was (I know that this is un-architectural but I want to put it here anyway).
I saw Ajeng trying to catch up with this new world she stepped in as a student (she graduated now, anyway. CONGRATS, GVRL!) as well as the somehow-funny-confusion she regularly showed. Rei Hana Kireina, Teh Amel’s little sister (along with Ajeng, Ayeng, Roni) who always knew how to answer interior-y problems, who has the most infectious laughter on Earth. I saw Rudi, my batchmate, always ever so passionate talking about the future of architecture. And lastly, Melinda Potter (A Gryffindorian), who came daily to the office from the other side of the world, with whom I shared my first project with.
I paused. I came to think that maybe it is not that bad to be an architect. Instead, it is tempting in its way.
Too Many Places, Too Little Time
The sense of separating from the people whom I shared at least my two years with was horrible. It’s like you are suddenly not allowed to come to your favorite bakery before school ‘cause the cakes are too sugary and your Mum is worried from watching some random YouTube videos. It’s like losing reasons to walk to school—‘cause, what school would be without too-sugary-cakes for brunch? It was the time when I considered that maybe loneliness can be the worst feeling.
As much as I said I am an introvert, living with huge troops for several years had changed me. It was torturing to stay all day in my place. Indeed, I was somehow fear of missing out.
Then suddenly, I had busy days during this internship. Mas Rendy always told us to experience all the possible works our office is having at the moment; site visitation, architecture observations, measurement (!!!), client-meetings, project control. But the busy-ness sometimes including: casual lunch/dinner, café-hopping, beach. Suddenly, I had something worth waiting for the weekends. Always.
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Early (Grey) Year
In the end of 2021, I gotta come back for a moment ‘cause Mum suddenly decided to die.
Mas Ren allowed me to take day-off until Mum’s 40 harian, but I refused to take. It was partially ‘cause it seemed like all of a sudden everyone had made plans for my life—that I should come back to take care of Dad (which now I regret. Why on earth would I take this stupid path), and the rest half was ‘cause I could not stand any longer in the house where I used to share my life with Mum.
Early January 2022 I came back to the city to wave my goodbye. There were new folks in the office—some were old friends from college (Cece As Ida, Ria Racing) and some are new acquaintance (Kharisma, Izzati, Sabrina). I actually met Kharisma and Izza in the end of 2021, though.
It somehow made me sad knowing that this is what’s going to happen: our lovely office would grow up, new people would always come in: interns, clients. It made me sad knowing that I ran out of time. I was offered to stay a bit longer—little did everyone knew how bad I wanted to do so, had the situation been different.
But I was also happy knowing that I took a tiny-tiny part here.
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Train Rides, It’s Always The Train Rides
In one of our last site visitations, Mas Ren took me and Izza to Tulungagung. We took a morning train—beautiful timing. Though the sun came out in the morning, the rest of the day was gloomy—it was either raining or cloudy.
We came back at night—beautiful timing. I don’t recall who started first, or maybe it was merely because it was ‘night’: we had a talk. The serious one. That kind of talk you wouldn’t have in a normal day in office.
It always stoned me seeing people around me sharing their stories. Though it might only be small things for them, it means the whole world for me. I always believe that only people who trust you that share their vulnerability.
It’s always the train rides, indeed. It was that exact train ride that made me feel accepted in this place.
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Hindia and the Hidden Farewells
Dad came to Malang in early February. It meant I only had less than 10 days in the city.
Within the same week of my father’s arrival, I officially resigned as an intern from Renmeraki Architect. But guess what, it was apparently also a goodbye for Kharisma and The Amel. So we had our usual ritual: presentations. Mas Ren Invited us to a coffeeshop nearby Taman Kunang-Kunang. The dress-code: blue denim and white.
I wonder, what is the color of confusion?
I was confused ‘cause I felt relieved that I was not alone taking such a weird path. However, I also took it in a very sentimental way, ‘cause it somehow was happening: people are leaving. Departures, separation—the strangest thing mundane human ever experience.
Why can’t we just live forever and never get separated?
I wonder, what is the color of goodbyes?
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To sum up this long crap: if there’s something that I’m grateful for happening in 2021, it is that I found a home named Renmeraki—and hence including: the moments, the people (oh, and the plants. and the chairs. and the curtain. and the---). 
Ad astra per aspera, Renmeraki!
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life-rewritten · 4 years
The doomed futility of Sisyphus; Sisyphus The Myth Kdrama Analysis
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Before we start this analysis, I did have a lot of help getting to understand what's happening in this show especially the logical rules of time travelling, due to this website bitchesoverdrama, we have a great community over there we talk about shows and comment our thoughts and the way packmule sees things in shows is so inspiring. So even though this is my theory it is based of her own theories and opinions on what's going on in the show. 
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Sisyphus The Myth Ep 1-4
Let's talk about Sisyphus. The Korean drama that everyone seems to have something to say, mostly negative because they don't understand where the storyline is going, and because of that frustration of lack of understanding, they go to insults, and annoyance, and lack of patience to wait it out, they call the show ridiculous with it's terrible directing and also outlandish action scenes and unreasonable logic. The first mistake these people made is going into this show, thinking it was a logical sci-fi. There is another show where people have mistaken a mystery fantasy plot (as the writers announced it was, in an interview)  for sci-fi because it includes scientific rules sometimes and discusses time travel. Do you the know the show? It's The king's Eternal Monarch. So because logical people have it out for writers using specific sci-fi plotlines to write a romantic mystery show; that doesn't actually base its self on the realism or logic of the science they expected, people call these stories dumb; they say it's ridiculous and should not have been done. And it's hard for people like me who completely gets bored at the idea of a sci-fi show, I'm not logical. Let's first get that out of the way; I won't be calculating mass, and time, and velocity and use maths and science as a base for my analysis.  In fact, I usually run away from anything to do with sci-fi. But there's something funny about this, that with TKEM and now Sisyphus, mystery fantasies that do incorporate a piece of the sci-fi genre, actually make me enjoy them. 
Perhaps it could be argued that it's because I'm not smart and I like ridiculous things, I only want romance with shitty writing, and maybe that's it. However, I disagree, what I see in these stories are a different sort of basis; instead of relying on scientific logic rules, or whatever is seen as appropriate in a sci-fi plotline, they use meta; they use other things to make their world mean something. For TKEM, it was literature and fairytales, and stories, and for Sisyphus actually named after the  Greek myth, it's the same. In order to understand where a show is going when it uses a literature base, you have to first understand the source. What is the source saying? Why have they chosen this source to tell this story? But people clock out and don't want to wait, aren't connected to the characters enough to care, or just plain detest anything that doesn't follow a specific set of logical rules, and that's fine; you're allowed to like or want whatever you want to see on TV, it's your experience, but  for the others who do want a show that is maybe deeper, interesting, laced with a good plot and love story that is sad, futile and also romantic, then I would suggest Sisyphus being for you. This isn't going to have a lot of support, and I already know this. Still, I do want to write about this show and explain why I'm into it because it has everything I like, a mysterious plot, fantasy/sci-fi elements, and a romance that is very angsty but also very deep. The show's director maybe not be as great as the others before him, but I think he's doing an okay job showcasing what he wants from the story. So yes, Sisyphus has so many scientific questions to ponder about, but I want to get rid of all that and focus on the bare bones of the story. How does this myth connect to this story, and why does it foreshadow how good this plot could be? This doesn't mean, this plot will be great because it all depends on the directing and writing skills, I'm not familiar with their work and with the director. I don't particularly care a lot about what he offers. But I know how he makes shows, I know the themes he's into and from this myth analysis, this show is definitely up his alley. So for now, I'll keep enjoying it and analysing, but it doesn't mean I think it's the best thing ever to exist in this genre. Okay, now we have that out of the way; let's learn about Greek Mythology, shall we? 
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An Introduction to a Genius
So who or what is Sisyphus? When I hear about Sisyphus, I think about the guy who tried to run away from d*ath but ended up being captured by Zeus for even trying to think he could do that. He ends up basically with this painful task of constantly rolling a boulder uphill. In a way, it's depressing AF, and it really holds this theme of futility and punishment. So it's interesting to see we have a character who is being punished for his brains and his cunningness to evade situations and save people, and it seems unfair that he gets this ending. It also makes me worry about Tae Sul, our main character in Sisyphus the myth, who begins the first episode evading d*ath by saving tons of people on a plane and then also wanting to revert a specific family member's demise that he feels guilty about. Taesul is just as smart and cunning as Sisyphus; he uses his skills, his brain and his talent to help people. So it's a bit disturbing because already from looking at him, it's unfortunate he's destined for a futile, sad ending; he's destined to be punished by powers be, for being an obstacle. And will you have it, the whole plot revolves around him being chased by people who want to get rid of him because it seems he's found a way to prevent d*ath and prolong the lifespan of the people he loves. What a surprise. Honestly, it's that simple; the boulder represents him having to take on weight constantly because of his actions and live with that repeatedly being chased by the thing he tried to avoid. The episodes scream that it's because he tried to bring back his brother from the past, but the thing is, there's more to the myth of Sisyphus than just this outline. So before we can truly understand the big picture and where this plot is, we need to truly go back and understand the real story of Sisyphus, the myth. 
Let's go back. So yes, Sisyphus is cunning, smart, witty, he has many moments since he's apparently a king, royal full of influence and power. He really cares about protecting people, including himself, yet the way people see him is actually harmful. They see him as childish, sneaky, heartless and a player. Surprise. The thing is, this is precisely how we are introduced to Taesul. He's a big flirt, a big child who complains and acts immaturely with his company. He's someone of influence, in fact, significant impact; so much money and prominence, and yet he doesn't seem like he cares about anything. So yes, you can understand why people have a wrong perspective of our Sisyphus. However, he doesn't want to care about anything because he's self-destructive, broken by the guilt of letting pride, money and greed stop him from preventing his brother from being eliminated.
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 And it's something that lives with him every day; in fact, he's dependent on self-medication to get rid of the haunting figment of his brother. Now he says he doesn't care about people and others, but we know he's lying; he's clearly someone who's destined to protect, he does care even when he acts nonchalant, for example, saving a whole plane from crashing and hurting people, especially when he has said he is waiting and has been excited to leave the world, if he were selfish he would have let the plane crash, he didn't care as he said, but something in him still went back and provided the solution to help. 
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So this is really vital, this idea of Sisyphus being misunderstood by people in a way he's actually with a saviour complex, he protects, and he saves people with what he has yet even his actions are deemed evil or selfish or a natural disaster for them. So again, it's obvious the plot is based on whatever he has done to create this apocalyptic future we see in the show that is being misunderstood. The people who are out to get him are seeing him and hating him when in reality, it's obvious this was meant to better the world/ also himself because as much as Sisyphus has a saviour complex, it doesn't mean he's selfless; in fact, he's a very selfish character, he'll put his own needs above the world at times. This is where Taesul will make a mistake. Because for him, his only goal is to bring back his brother, even when warned he shouldn't, even when there are hints that him unveiling the truth will lead to suffering and the end of the world as we know it, it's still all he wants to do. Is it just that though? I'm getting ahead of my self I still need to break down this myth. 
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The Problem with Cunningness
So Sisyphus is someone with cunningness, knowledgeable and powerful, so when the first time he sees an opportunity to get rid of this thing we call mortality for people (not just him), he's punished when the gods aren't happy. Especially the god of war himself, Ares, who is frustrated at Sisyphus for chaining de*ath,  Ares is upset; he is annoyed that Sisyphus is getting in his way, making people lose the meaning of war, what's the fun of war if no one is being removed? Which is interesting because we also find out in Sisyphus that Taesul's actions and mistakes and his own demise will lead to a war that will end everything and some organisation isn't happy they were at the losing end of that war. They hated the result of Taesul being alive to either cause or prevent that war. So they're sending people from the future who look creepy as hell and also like don't have limbs because they're rushing the process of uploading or just using a fake uploader with more errors (not yet sure which), but they are here with one goal; to get rid of Taesul, like Ares. Wow.
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 So Sisyphus punishment is actually that he is eliminated and sent to the underworld. Wait, so it wasn't the boulder that was his first punishment; his first punishment was to be chased by De*ath (I'm going to find another name for this we're gonna say D  because of this stupid flagging system in Tumblr) just like Taesul is suffering in the present time in our show. Oh, okay, so where do we get the other punishment, the one Sisyphus is really known for. This is where the plot of this show unfolds, surprisingly. Because there's another character connected in this Sisyphean myth, Seohae, meaning Sisyphus had a wife. So when Sisyphus ends up, you know, getting axed, he still has a few tricks up his sleeves; he asks his wife to do something for him, not to bury him or respect his body wishes appropriately, in fact, to drop him naked in the middle of the city (that's obviously a parallel to how people are being downloaded into the past in the show visually). So because he did this, he's able to trick Hades and Persephone into letting them allow him to run back to the past to his wife to have a go at her, to tell her she didn't respect his wishes. And oh boy, oh boy, does he end up again evading D. Genius, in fact, he ends up going back to his wife and staying a very long time because it was his plan all along; he wasn't back to the underworld; they were all chumps who allowed his escape. So Sisyphus is a funny character, he chooses to go back, and he again avoids D; however, when he finally reaches his old age, he has to face everyone, including the gods; Zeus isn't happy with Sis; he says it's a bit of an insult really for what he has done, so Zeus basically punishes him with that godforsaken boulder. 
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Okay, hold, that's a lot to unpack. So what happened here is we're still seeing Taesul as Sisyphus in this second part of the myth, right? So he's going to find a way to avoid Sigma always and survive, but we know he doesn't. His story ends truly when his demise leads to the war if we're following a timeline mentioned by Seohae. So what is this second punishment about a boulder?  Because this is the most crucial plot for every Sisyphus myth. 
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Our Surprise Sisyphus
Well, look at it carefully;
 it has themes of running back to the past to criticise a lover,
 it has themes of trying to prevent a lovers demise, 
it has themes of futility and repetitive actions, it has themes of being punished by a powerful source,
 it also has themes of someone who is rebellious and doesn't want to let D win. 
It's Seohae. And that blew my mind. We don't have one Sisyphus in the storyline; we have two. The show's title is Sisyphus the myth because the love of these two is actually the role of Sisyphus; let me explain. 
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The first acquaintance with D is Taesul's story he's the one who invents a way to chain D and then is punished by being taken by D. The person who ends up wanting him to save himself is not himself in this show; it's Seohae her whole goal, her whole reason to want to go back is also to evade D for her mother (she mentions this in episode 1 to her father) but also to stop Taesul from being eliminated, to stop the war but more of all because she loves him, she's married to him, they're meant to be lovers. However, she doesn't have all her memories of everything. All she knows is that another version of her self has told her she needs to go back in time to warn Taesul, so he doesn't make this mistake, so they live happily together after marriage, and the war doesn't happen. 
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Ohhh, that's what's happening. So who's Zeus, you ask? It's the ICB, the Control Borough, that has to find balance and makes things right with all of the time travellers; they're looking for Seohae because she's illegal; she's not meant to be doing what she is doing. Just like Zeus has to intervene to punish Sis. So alright, we're getting there, we have Taesul, he's going to do something to avoid D, but unfortunately, he is going to be found by D because someone does not want him to succeed. Okay, however, we have Seohae; she is in love with Taesul and is determined to keep him safe. Hence, she finds a way to go back and warn him to prevent D from finding him; she essentially tricks the system to find and save the world, but also selfishly to go live a happy life with the guy she loves. So what's this about this boulder then?
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The boulder; A heavy frustrating punishment
 Well, unfortunately for our two characters, it's pretty apparent Taesul always ends up being eliminated #, and it always leads to the war that destroyed earth. But also we know Seohae gets shot; during her wedding, she also is fated to suffer and be eliminated if she goes back to save Taesul. Her father warns her repeatedly about this. She doesn't listen. The clue here is the boulder keeps on being pushed; Sisyphus is in a constant struggle of the futility of his punishment; he can't escape; he is tied to this boulder to keep trying to push it to a destination, but all he does is repeatedly keep pushing the boulder infinitely.
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Oh, wait, a show about time travel, a show about the futility of trying to change the past, a show where the future versions can go back with regret and meet their past versions which make the same mistakes over and over again, no matter how much Seohae tries to stop Taesul from opening the stupid suitcase that starts everything, he always opens it, it's useless, they're in a time loop. Each time he always creates the uploader, and each time the war happens, Seohae returns to stop him from being eliminated each time they always fail, and Seohae somehow leaves her diary telling her next self to do the same. It's an eternal loop. She's stuck being punished for carrying that weight, constantly relive that story over and over again, to try and save Taesul; her destination is always the start again. Like Sisyphus with the boulder. 
The only thing is why does she not remember or why is she acting like she doesn't remember, because it's different versions of her, it's a paradox, she always goes to find her next self, and she leaves that diary starting this all over again, her next self has now instructions always telling her to find Taesul, to save him and when she's going to be eliminated. (her wedding probably). Each time she goes back to save Taesul, she falls in love with him, they get closer to the wedding, and she gets shot. For Taesul, we see that the wedding leads to him making an ultimate decision, remember Sisyphus evades D twice. Seohae does this all the time to escape D for her mum and Taesul.
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Meanwhile, Taesul only does this to avoid it for Tae san, his brother. Who is the second person? It's Seohae. They're Sisyphus for each other, surprise, Seohae ends up becoming Sisyphus always to try to prevent Taesul's demise and the war, but Taesul has a choice on the wedding day to choose either Seohae's life, or the world, what do you think he chooses? That's why I think he continually invents the uploader because of her, to save her, more than anything else. He always chooses futilely to save her above the results of the war. In doing so, he always ends up being the one who gets eliminated, but she always ends up determined to prevent that situation. 
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Her dad was indeed right; she shouldn't meet with him; they both are in this repetitive loop, and the world is always a victim because of it. See how Sisyphus can try to be good and protective but still be seen as evil, a disaster, and a curse. So, in the end, both Seohae and Taesul are Sisyphus; both are punished every time. One by Taesul continually being caught and two by Seohae constantly losing her memories and forcing her self to repeat the journey again, to push that boulder over and over again. But with TKEM, we entered a timeline where change could happen after being stuck in an infinite loop forever, and that's interesting. With this show with how many times it seems Seohae has always written more instructions each time she travels, could we be in the timeline where things may become different? 
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Sisyphus; A chance to change the past futilely
It seems like it more things are being revealed to them, that might be new information, Jung apologising and realising his mistake in probably being the one who takes Seohae's life in the wedding because he thinks she's evil (lied to by ICB) might be a new occurrence in this new timeline. There's more information slowly being added each time we do this time loop; the question is, where are we now? As I said, I don't know the science or calculations needed to understand the time travel aspect of the show, but that is important. 
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So we have a star crossed romance that is being torn between the claws of D, two people punished continuously for just wanting to be with each other and putting the world at risk. We've seen what the results of Taesul's actions lead to; it leads to an apocalypse, a disaster and more; we've seen his stubbornness and determination not to let that stop him. All he wants is to evade D for his loved ones. But Seohae also becomes like that; she's also stubborn, also determined just like him to protect her loved ones despite both being advised not to do anything more, not to shake fate, not to mess around with time and life. Still, they never listen; they've put themselves in a time loop where they're being punished, and their punishment leads them again to do the same thing because of their desperate need to be together. 
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It's heartbreaking; however, there's a slight hope for a happy ending, one because this director does stories of couples torn apart by forces and things they can't control (Master's sun, Dr Strange etc...) being tied to each other's downfall and growth, being pulled away no matter how desperate they want each other. Their need to be with each other puts others at harm, but he always ends it in a happy ending. Sisyphus actually gets his goal a bit, not how he wants it, but he gets to live a long life with the woman he loves. However, it's after he lives that life; he goes back to being punished. So maybe this timeline Seohae may succeed and live the married life she wanted with Taesul (she does not know she loves him, she will fall for him repeatedly each time they do a loop, both of them always do); however, the sad truth is it was not her first version/authentic version that got to live that happy ever after,  it might be this version though who knows? Either way, her original (her first-ever version, always suffered and had to be the one to push that eternal boulder with no end, she didn't get to see her ending) but this one or another future version may do. Taesul also has a chance to have a happy ending because even though his story ends with the first part of Sisyphus, Sisyphus finds a way to get out of the underworld and go back to his wife, so again it's like yeah, his first version did get punished, did get eliminated, failed, but this version or a future version may get a chance to spend that time with this Seohae. 
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Do you get me? It's not their original versions that get the happy ending, but it's still them that gets a chance to live old and have a happy life. So I'm hopeful, is what I'm trying to say. Thought that infinite loop of futility and failure to escape mistakes isn't a great sign. Let me know what you think about Sisyphus so far. Are you like me? Are you intrigued by this love story, and what are your theories? Let me know. 
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vongolachouko · 2 years
A FanFiction Writer - New Story!
I just wanted to say, it took A LOT of courage to actually post it here in tumblr, where it’s more exposed QAQ, but here we are...
You may also read the story here:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39713136
FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14096479/1/A-FanFiction-Writer
When Byakuran came back from a week long Famiglia conference meeting, he didn't expect to see his beloved being very preoccupied, enough to not even notice his arrival.
What is she even doing?
Maybe a very frustrated Chouko shouldn't be left alone in the penthouse after all, lest she create a hundred VERY QUESTIONABLE fanfiction stories.
Someone is bound to get punished X) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Ciaossu everyone! It's me again, the normal and mundane but down-bad person who terribly wished to be a dimension traveler so she can become an anime and be with the person she deeply loves. (Yes, I'm talking to you guys as well, I know I'm not alone in this) ٩( ᗒᗨᗕ )۶ This story is my attempt at being funny while still being horny explorative, despite only writing drama so far. LMAO XD Please be warned, I might cringe some of you out (@.@) 
I really had a lot of fun and kilig moments when writing this story, so I hope that I could share these outpouring feelings of happiness to everyone who might wish to read it.
I hope that it will also bring a smile to your face, make you laugh, or for even just a bit, be of help to make your day brighter (♡^▽^♡)//
Sending internet hugs and cookies to all of you! Enjoy~~~ (灬♥ω♥灬)
T for now X) Might go up to M if needed
Alternate Universe, Suggestive Themes, Self-Insert - Can be read as an x reader too!
Chapter 1: Mind in the Gutter
*tak… takatak… tak… tak…tak*
I gazed intently at my computer screen, my fingers thumping rhythmically on the keyboard. With every word and sentence I feel that I’m descending more into a very deep red rabbit hole.
Merde- I’m so down bad, but this is just… Ughhh!
A sigh escape my lips as I continue typing, now more intensely. I find it insane what a week being alone without a childlike, possessive, special someone can do to my psych. Ah but alas, being a mafia don means someone is bound to be very busy.
Honestly I should have gone with him. I should have been more stubborn. But he sounded so uncharacteristically worried and cross about me going that I had to concede to just stay put in our penthouse… It’s been a week though! When is he even coming back…
I feel very restless with his prolonged absence, but I’m not too worried he’ll be in danger since the whole squad is with him, not to mention he can handle himself and he’s just going to meet with smaller Famiglias. That’s why I thought he’ll be only gone for two days at most, but to my huge frustration he’d been gone for this long. There’s not even a personal update or call, just official reports from the squad captains regarding the conference’s progress, ensuring that nothing is wrong.
How busy could he be? Or is he just refraining from calling me directly to make sure I won’t get dragged into the mafia dispute mess he’s currently trying to fix? Then that’s another great reason why I should have gone with him instead, right? So I could help…
I frowned and clicked my tongue, contemplating if I should go join him first thing in the morning.
On a second thought, I think that’s a dumb idea. And maybe I can bring more distraction to him instead of help…
I breathed deep and cleared my thoughts, no sense in wallowing in it now after so many days have already passed. With that worried thought put aside, I brought my attention and concentration back to the story I’m writing. Boy, this is becoming a very hot mess. I can feel the heat rising from my neck to my face as I carefully write the climax of my story in a piece of word document. My typing became faster as a flood of inappropriate thoughts and sentences passed my brain and escaped my fingertips.
If I look myself on a mirror right now I could bet I would look like a damn maniac.
It might have been just tiredness overwhelming me, but I swear I heard some creaking noises. Though, I really can’t be bothered to check it right now since I’m already at the most juiciest part of the story. It’s probably just my cats playing, right? There’s no way someone would trespass here. I would like to see someone dare even the thought of it.
I continue typing without a care until-
“Extremely busy are we, dear~” A very familiar voice said as I felt air blowing onto the crevice of my neck. A shiver ran down through my spine. I jumped up from my seat in panic and reflexively looked at him.
“HIEEEEEEEEE!! B-Byakuran! You’re b-back, since when?” Due to his antics, a rush of blood enveloped me, creating a furious blush on my cheeks. I tried to calm my racing heart, putting on a façade of composure while also trying to inconspicuously cover my wide monitor screen, and failing to do so.
“You didn’t even seem to notice I’m finally back. After one long week of purely long boring and murderous business meetings, I’m really looking forward to finally being home, only to find out you didn’t even seem to care. Did you miss me at all?” He said in a sad voice while making a hurt expression, but I can definitely see the lifted corners of his lips and the twinkle in his eyes, barely hidden. Then he pouts at me…
I so badly want to suck that-
“I’m sorry okay... I miss you badly and of course I’m really excited to have you back. I just didn’t know you’ll be back today, and umm...” I frantically glance at my screen, still covering it as much as I can, hoping he will never notice the subtle move… But of course he did.
”Ohhh? And what’s this?”
“Nothing! Really, ha ha ha, why don’t we go have dinner and catch up? How was your meeting with other dons? Dispute has been settled I hope?”
”Come now Chou, don’t change the topic.” He smiled playfully and yanked me towards him, effectively making me sit on his lap, and effectively unblocking the damn computer screen, with my word document laying completely bare for his eyes to read. I yelped and looked at him in absolute horror as he started reading the sentences out loud. I tried standing up to cover it once again, or at least reach out to close it, but with his arm having a firm half-hug on my waist and arms, keeping me immobile, any attempts at preventing my impending doom and humiliation is lost.
“-He caressed my thigh, a gasp escaped my lips. His touch feels electric, and I yearn for him so much more. *bleep* inside me. Put your *bleep* inside my *bleep*, please I’m begging you, fill me with your overflowing *bleep*. Devour me, stop teasing me. I want to feel your humongous hard *bleep* deep-”
“OH MY G-! PLEASE STOP! BYAKURAN NO!!!” I can feel my ears, neck, and basically my whole body overheat as he read my story in his husky deep voice while giving me sultry looks.
This guy will be the death of me someday, I just knew it.
“Ho ho~ My, what a very naughty girl.” He smirked as he caressed my face with his other hand, tenderly but with underlying hint of possessiveness.
“Well the last time we did it was quite a while ago now, wasn’t it? Because of the boring useless conference with other dons, I haven’t seen much of my sweet butterfly for a week.” He paused as he moved closer so his face is only few inches from mine while I’m still on his lap, eyes darkening with desire and lust.
I know this look… It’s the look that makes me want to go almost insane with want.
I breathe shakily and swallowed the thick lump on my throat. My mouth feels awfully dry as I bit my lip in anticipation.
“-So I can imagine your... pent up frustrations... Much like mine” He said with a purr.
Byakuran’s eyes darted its attention back to the wanton document once again, an amused, almost evil, smirk crossed his sexy features as he continued reading the document in silence.
I swear I could feel my nosebleed forming.
”By-Byakuran! Please don’t-! OH MAY GAWD THIS IS EMBARASSING!-“ I covered my face with both hands. “Gosh... stop reading it, damn it!!” But he’s still going on; he’s even chuckling to himself now.
Earth, kindly swallows me right about now. I want to disappear.
“Why? I’m not wrong though, am I?” He whispered onto my ears silkily. “What about having the real thing instead of writing it in a story? Or do you want to re-enact everything you’ve written in here and make it a reality, hmmm Chouko?”
He didn’t even wait for me to respond as he kissed me with hot passion and deep yearning that melts me to the core.
That’s when I became certain. This night will be a sleepless one, possibly with a lot of moaning screaming. I can only thank the Tri-Ni-Sette we have the whole building all to ourselves.
And that's just one of my MANY stories… What will happen if he finds and reads the others too?
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