#and collar his former master as a reward
lilaccloudd · 2 years
Vader should put Obi-Wan in a collar as a little treat for himself
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FANFICTION: darkxaemond X reader
Warning: Smut and mentions of abuse and slavery.
Concept: You...Nah I'm not going to spoil this. If you are interested you can read for yourself. Dark aemond as usual. Because idk how to write healthy males. Sorry.
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You aren't sure what to think of him. He just looks confused. That must be Aemond. Aegon is the one who got you off the ship.
Aegon whistles and points. You come over, still keeping your eyes lowered. Aemonds breath catches as he noticed the silver collar around your neck. There is a chain attached to it, that gets handed to Aemond.
Aemond takes you by the hand.
You still lower your eyes, the chain in his hand now. 'How did you even get a girl like this in Westeros?' He asks.
Your eyes are two different colours. Your skin is the colour of milk, nearly white and you have a gigantic birthmark on your back of a dragon.
Aegon smiles at that thinking his distraught is a compliment. 'I know a man. I remember how fond my brother is of little pesky brats. You don't have a reward yet for killing that cunt at Storm's end. This is your reward.' You know who was killed at Storms's end.
'You're disgusting.' Aemond says but his eye keeps on you, fascinated and interested.
'Is she really a maiden?' He asks his brother a bit softer so you won't hear he is asking something very personal.
Aegon scoffs before nodding. 'Yes. I paid for one. I fucking hope so, or I got ripped off.' He says, a bit annoyed.
'Girl,' Aegon doesn't even use your name. You just pretend to not hear them.
Aemond chuckles.
'She doesn't hear you, I think she doesn't speak the common tongue.' Except you do. Very very well. 'A mysterious foreign beauty. I like mysterious girls.' You have a walk in the park with him. He is so easily pleased and played.
'Let's see if she hears this.' You are grabbed by Aegon and roughly spanked on your behind before he grabs your chin, painfully.
You yelp in pain and quickly look up at him, playing with your long hair. 'Bad girl for not obeying the first time. Do you want to be punished perhaps?' He asks, angry. He seems to wait for your reaction. 'Punishment!' He shouts at you, when you don't react. You quickly cower and fake Trembling hands and quickly shake your head.
'N-no.' You mutter.
'No who?' He demands.
'No, master.' You stutter quickly.
Aegon grins.
'I think she knows the basic commands, kneel, suck, strip, lay and to name you Master. The pirates I bought her from said she loves to be a good girl. She is very obedient and only has been whipped once.'
'Why was she punished?' He is curious. Too curious. He is suspious.
Aegon just grins.
'She tried to escape, they didn't like that. They bought her somewhere in Volantis.' Aemond's brows softly narrow and you realise he is checking you for any tattoos, a very common thing for slaves in Volantis. You have none.
Aegon strips you and gives you a firm spanking before sending you to his brother. Aemond nearly growls gently pushing you away from him. 'I am not comfortable with making love to a slave. I don't want to own her, Aegon.'
'So she isn't to your liking?' He asks a bit surprised. 'I mean, I thought you would appreciate the eye colour thing.'
He sighs dramatically. You know plenty of men who would kill for this opportunity. 'I like her, It doesn't feel right.' He says. 'It's illegal too. Don't you remember what we learned in school?' You have troubles keeping your face blank. School? He is around in his 20s. Not his 10s.
Aegon scoffs again.
'No, I was drunk most of the times. Who cares its illegal? You can say she is just a friend. And even if anyone cared, I'm the fucking king. You're the prince and we are above all laws.' Good to see why you're doing this.
Aegon grins before unbraiding your hair and gently lifting your chin. 'Perhaps we should...Make it feel right, hm?' He touches your shoulder and slowly unhooks your dress.
He adds nearly pleading. 'Look, Aemond. If you don't take her, she will need to go back to her former owners. Who will be mad and might get aggressive. Surely you don't want that pretty face to be abused.' He says. 'I don't want her to be abused.'
'You just hit her!' He does have a point but you can't argue with unlogical people.
'That's different.'
Aemond finally sways when you softly touch your braid and look up to him with pleading big eyes.
'She can stay. Thank you for the..gift. I'll take good care of her.' Aemond says ushering his brother out.
He sighs when he has left and sits down on his bed cursing in high valyrian. You understand every word. Gently, you sit next to him and let your hands go over his legs. You lean in and touch his face gently.
You kiss his mouth tugging his coat and take it off. He gently stops you. 'Stop, you don't have to. I'll treat you right. I promise.' He whispers fighting his own desires.
He adds when you force him down, climb on him and start rubbing his crotch. 'You can go back home, I'll get you there. Where are you from before you came to Volantis?' He asks. You don't respond.
'I'd like to fuck you first.' You whisper in his ear when tracing a finger down his cheeks. You feel where he shaved and he gulps a bit under your touch.
'You do speak our tongue.' He says a bit surprised. He looks at you with one eye only but he looks like you're a miracle he can't figure out.
'A bit.' You lie with a shrug, touching him still.
He grabs your hands gently stopping you.'Where is your family? Where are you from?' You don't want to answer that.
'Death.' You simply say. That is not a lie.
He looks uneasy. 'No, your land-' you press your finger against his lips silencing him.
'I belong with my master now.' He swallows and you bet he is fighting every urge to grab you.
You lean in, touching his chest slowly unbuttoning his vest.
'You're my master...' You whisper and get closer.
'I'll do anything...to please...my master...' You hear him grunt. You take off his pants too. He is hard. Good.
He wants to take the vest again.
You slap his hand away and climb on top of him. You kiss his mouth desire taking over and quickly kiss his chest, his belly and finally between his legs. You are grabbed by your ass and you grin deliciously before moaning a bit.
'When are you learning? I am yours. Give in. Take me.' You say, keeping your accent.
Something snaps when you force his fingers inside you. 'Fine, you want it?' He groans and you are flipped on your back.
You yelp in pleasure and end up beneath him. He groans before spreading your legs and entering your body with a grunt and a mean grin on his lips. 'You'll get it.
Your eyes roll in your head and you moan. He picks up the pace, fucking you like he hasn't had a woman in a while. He grins when he is taking you and you can only groan and moan and grab hold of his shoulders. It's by far the most one-sided sex you had but you didn't expect anything else.
'On all fours, now.' He says, impatient. You obey. He continues where he left off, pushing himself deep inside you until he can't fit anymore. You hear yourself whimper when he takes you rough and full force.
You feel the pleasure build up. He comes.
He strokes your hair.
He runs his fingers through it and exhales, slowly leaning in to kiss your sweaty forehead. He sighs and pulls you into his arms, letting you rest and starts kissing your cheeks softly. 'I am so sorry. I shouldn't have.' He mutters.
You are a bit taken back by that. You didn't expect him to have feelings. Or empathy. To feel guilt or any human emotions. He looks like a monster. A killer.
'Let me show me my gratitude for your gentle hand.' You say, and you mostly just want to finish too.
'You don't need to. I won't hit you.' He says kindly. You roll your eyes.
Perhaps, you can have even more fucked up fun. 'I adore it when I am punished.' You might as well get the best out of this.
He softly licks his lips and you can already feel your wetness grow. 'Do you now?' You like the raspy voice. You wish he would touch you.
You always like it a little bit too rough. 'Yes, very much. Especially by handsome men. Especially by my masters.' You add, hinting with a mischievous smile.
He raises a brow at you. 'Do you have many masters?' There is some jealousy there already. Wonderful.
You shake your head.'Only one.' You say before touching his hands.
He nods. 'Hm. Good. I don't like sharing.' He adds with a warning. 'Was I your first?'
You nod. 'Lay back, I need to do some more things with your body, then.' You obey.
He brings his lips to your mouth and let his tongue slip in. You try to keep control of the situation but he doesn't allow that. He keeps you on your back and he decides everything this way. It's not unpleasant how he touches you but it's unpleasant to not have the control anymore.
You moan but not on purpose. This was an accidental nearly begging moan you had no control over. It came from somewhere else. 'They said you liked to obey, but you told me you like punishment too. How does that work?'
'I like to have a man to please. I like for him to be very happy with me in general. I like to touch, to love and to serve.' You say keeping your accent on track.
He sighs a bit at that but keeps his excitement well hidden. You slowly kiss his lips. He is in deep thought. You know he just needs a push. 'I heard there was a dragon here. I'd like him to come out and play with me.'
'You won't like that, it's not gentle and not fun.' He warns you beforehand.
You just grin madly. 'Fuck me, Aemond Targaryen. If you won't see me as your property pretend you hired me. Live out your fantasies on my body.'
You let out a little yelp of surprise. 'Oh yes. Yes.' You moan throwing your hips. He grins and slides in faster, and you feel a very harsh smack on your behind. You are grabbed by your throat and you are gently choked during the taking.
'Why are you choking me, Aemond?'
'That's master to you, little brat.'
You poked and poked and now you've woken the dragon. Literally. He sinks in your wet cunt again and grins when he starts to chase his height. You keep focused but it's difficult with him fucking your brains out. You just want to be touches and fucked by him.
That's exactly what you've been craving. He chuckles. 'Much wetter than before.' He says, touching your folds.
You grin.
'I told you I can take it. I'm not made from glass. I enjoy a good fucking and a good spanking.' You say deliciously happy.
He pins you down and leans into your face. You pout your lips but he avoids them. He goes to your ear and whispers. 'I enjoy that you dropped your fake accent.'
You freeze your eyes big and the colour drained from your face.
He smiles at you, leaning in and kisses you when you gawk at him. He smirks before touching your face. 'We will talk about it after this.'
You understand its now or never. You buck back and try to get the control back. He grins, shaking his head when you pin him down and roll on top of him. You fuck his body when holding him down with powerful trusts and little cries. He watches you and lets you have your fun. 'Are you Done?' He asks after a while. You nod.
You are grabbed and end up on your side. 'I'm going to stuff you up like a pig.' He says darkly. You whimper.
He grins at that.'You wanted to play? Here I am.' You still enjoy it. It's him going at your body and fucking you with so much aggression that it hurts you. But you enjoy the pain as much as the pleasure. You rest your head and let him have his way with you. He grins and before you realise what has happend he has softly touched your folds and a big wave of pleasure breaks. You cry out, closing your eyes and feel yourself find it. He quickly enters and moans when he enters your fresh now even more wet cunt.' Good girl.' He groans and comes moments after.
He exhales a few moment catching his breath before turning back to you. 'Why did you fake your accent?' He asks.
You quickly think of an good excuse. 'I'm a whore,' you dryly reply. 'It's what we do. I thought you might appreciate it if I sounded a bit exotic.' You try to touch him but he pulls away, hurt.
He glares at you and you gulp. 'I don't appreciate lies and manipulation.' You feel unsafe. For the very firs time you are scared he might end your life.
You give A terrified nod.
'Noted.' He leans in and kisses you on your lips when touching your face. 'Hm. Good. I'd hate for you to get into trouble...' You smile unintended.
'Now; why don't you have tattoos? Slave girls have usually a tear under their right eye if they are meant for pleasure houses.' You knew it was coming.
You easily lie your way out of it. 'Except I was never meant for pleasure houses. I was meant for you. I didn't get my tattoo because for some reason, they didn't wanted me to have one? I think your brother might have had an hand in it.'
'You're not exactly fond of reminders that I am your slave, or are you?' You ask but you know the anwser.
He thinks before answering. 'I like that you are mine, I like fucking you and I like you. But I don't like how you were handed to me. Nothing was ever handed to me. Nothing.'
'Remember that I am your reward for your heroic actions. You don't need to fight for me.' He nods but his good eye sometimes closes a bit hinting he is very tired suddenly. You crawl next to him in bed.
You stay with him a few more moments until he falls asleep.
Daemon smirks as he notices you entering the cafe where you agreed to meet. 'So; did they like you?'
You don't anwser him.
'Volantis,' you groan. 'For someone who claims to be smart; you really aren't. Slaves from that place have tattoos! You are lucky I was able to talk my way out of this, or we both would hang.' You groan.
Daemons eyes twinkle mischievous. 'Hm, you would hang. I wouldn't.' He says. 'I knew you could talk your way out and into his bed.' You did. But barely.
He adds with a smirk.
'Did my nephew like you?' His nephew. You cringe unintended.
You find that a difficult question. He liked you enough to fuck you. But if he liked you enough to keep you? You aren't sure. 'I am not sure. Aegon was very touchy and creepy. Aemond didn't care at first. He had trouble accepting me.' You say.
Daemon frowns.
'Didn't he like what he saw?'
You want to make a joke that he didn't saw much but let it be. Your employer can be very dangerous and he isn't a joker. 'He didn't like having a slave.' You say.
Daemon chuckles lowly.
'Did you change his mind about the matter?'
You don't think so.
'He is...complicated. But I delivered.'
Daemon sits a bit straighter.
'Does he suspect I'm behind this?'
You pull your nails.
'He doesn't know. It helps his brother was the one to come with this idea. He just thinks his dumb brother got him a slave. He doesn't know who is behind all of this.' And that needs to stay this way.
He smiles at you a very thin smile.
'I'm so proud of you.'
You roll your eyes.
'Hm. I bet you are. I do like my payment for my services. I didn't let that beast fuck me for nothing.' You say, holding your hand open. Daemon sighs before handing a bag filled with coin. You eagerly start counting it, already imagining yourself in some new clothes.
Daemon grabs your hand before you can scurry off, like a rat.
'Be careful with him, Cheese.' You grin.
'I Always am, father.'
*sips cola*
Oh yes the gif.
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Me, posting another dark romance
My in rl friend who came here for the memes, not my sinful shit on her page:
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The fact the oc calls herself Cheese because she thinks she is vermin.
Match made in heaven.
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lockboxbooks · 8 months
Loyal Pet 4C: Gentle rewarding his pet Timido with his cock
Gentle smiled as he walked toward the camera he had set up, smiling pleasantly as he lightly tugged on a small lead in his hand. "Greetings one and all, especially those who stayed after my last video; I want to welcome a new member to my beautiful team." Gentle wasted no time to unbuckle his belt and removed his cock as he heard his pet eagerly crawl toward him on her hands and knees.
"Give a warm, hearty welcome, to Timido Cute, the former Silent Skater hero and the disgraced face of Hero Organisation Bountiful." Gentle softly clapped as he moved to the side, giving the camera an easy view of Timido as he led her toward him. The leash in his hand was connected to a studded collar that sat around Timido's neck. "As you can all see, we gave Timido a makeover and a costume that befits the Gentle Group." Gentle chuckled as he let Timido sit on her knees and show off her body. Her black-white hero leotard was long gone, in its place was a black-white sheer fabric leotard that failed miserably to cover her fat tits, and her legs were covered in thigh-high stockings.
"I did wh-what you asked M-Master, m-may I have my t-treat?" Timido begged as she clapped her tits together for Gentle and his viewers.
Gentle smiled as he looked to the camera. "Well, does our new member deserve a treat? Has she been a good enough pet?" Gentle waited to hear La Brava tell him how the stream was going.
"They want you to give her a treat, the yes vote is up 69% than the no vote." La Brava moaned into his ear-piece. Gentle loved how his partner couldn't help but love this new direction for their little group.
"Well, come here sweetheart," Gentle beckoned to Timido. "The people have spoken and they think you deserve a treat; and what gentleman would I be if I didn't give you your favourite treat." Gentle smiled as Timido eagerly rushed toward him and teasingly kissed the tip of his cock as she held his weighty dick in her hands, and lovingly licked it from the base to the tip. Gentle sighed as he felt her make herself frictionless and started to powerfully pump him into her mouth; Gentle humming with joy as he felt how tight her throat felt due to her collar.
"S-sweetheart... t-they want you to t-take her hard," La Brava whorishly moaned through the ear-piece. Gentle just smiled as he started to thrust harder and faster.
"Well if the people want a face-fucking, it would be poor form to deny them." Gentle turned to look down at Timido. "Pet could you be a doll and hold your breath; I am going to fuck your throat as hard as I can." before tapping his ear-piece. "La Brava, let's put on a show."
"O-on it! Oh god, I love you so, so much Danjuro, you are my entire world!" Gentle heard La Brava squeal out as she both triggered her quirk and came. Gentle felt his body surge with power and vitality, happy he could truly push himself and his quirk as hard as possible.
"Gentle Super-Lover." Gentle spoke in a soft, but authoritative tone, creating several barriers around both him and Timido and went for it. Savagely slamming into Timido and caused the bouncing domino effect of hitting one barrier into another; causing each thrust to come in from a different angle, but lost none of the speed and force. Gentle loved seeing the vacant expression on Timido's face as she was lost in the pleasure and cumming with each time his balls slapped against her throat.
Gentle heard La Brava mewl out. "T-the chat is betting donations to how long you last... if you can manage five minutes we'll get 50,000 yen." That helped galvanised Gentle who grit his teeth to endure the pleasure and not cum until La Brava told him he could. It was becoming difficult as his vision started to swim and he could feel Lover Mode was beginning to fade. As he clenched his eyes shut, he heard those amazing words. "We're rich. Cum down her throat." He released a pleasured sigh as he hilted in Timido's throat and pumped her guts full of his hot cum. He petted Timido as he rode out his orgasm and smiled proudly as she didn't spill a single drop.
"Thank you, everyone," Gentle said slowly as he pulled himself free of Timido's mouth and made his way to the camera. "Thank you for coming to Timido's debut stream and thank you to the donators. The Gentle Group wouldn't be able to do what we do without you. Until next time my sweets; stay famous."
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bamf-jaskier · 3 years
I’m reading a non-canon short story written by Andrzej Sapkowski about Geralt and Yennefer’s wedding called Something Ends, Something Begins and my heart is literally so full. Even Asaps has to get tired of having so much angst so this short story is a literal fluff-fest and I love it so much. 
So I thought I would share some of my favorite quotes from the story and if you all want to read it, here is the link. 
"One day she'll break her neck," growled Yennefer, watching Ciri galloping in the splashing water, bent, firm in the stirrups. "One day your crazy daughter will break her neck."
Geralt turned his head and without a word looked into the sorceress's violet eyes.
"All right, then," smiled Yennefer, without averting her eyes. "Sorry, our daughter."
She hugged him again, pressing herself against him firmly, bit him in the arm again, kissed him, and bit him once more. Geralt touched her hair with his lips and carefully pulled her gown over her shoulders.
I am literally...I swear, we finally get domestic Yenralt and it isn’t even in the canon universe. I am literally going to fight someone. This is so damn cute and the way Yennefer is like “our daughter” my goddamn heart. 
The list of the guests wasn't that long. The engaged couple compiled it together and charged Dandelion with sending the invitations. Soon it turned out that the troubadour lost the list before he could even read it. Because he was ashamed to confess, he used a cheap trick and invited whomever he could. Of course he knew Geralt and Yennefer well enough that he didn't miss anyone important, but it wouldn't have been him if he didn't enrich the list of the guests by an admirable number of quite random persons.
Why does it just make sense that Dandelion would fuck this up? It’s so in-character, putting him in charge of the guest list was the first mistake. 
No one invited the golden dragon Villentretenmerth, because no one knew how to invite him and where to look for him. To the general astonishment the dragon turned up, of course incognito, in the form of the knight Borch Three Jackdaws. Of course, where Dandelion was present, one could not speak of any incognito, but even so few believed when the poet pointed at the curly-haired knight and claimed it was a dragon.
The image of Dandelion just pointing at this dude and yelling “He’s a dragon!” is fucking hilarious, especially when you consider most people don’t know dragons can shapeshift. 
"Was it you who invited
Triss Merigold?
"No," the witcher shook his head and silently praised the fact that the mutation of his blood system didn't allow him to blush.
"Not me. I think it was Dandelion, even though all of them claim to have learned about the wedding from the magical crystals."
"I don't want Triss to be present on my wedding!"
"But why? She's your friend."
"Don't make a fool out of me, witcher! Everyone knows you slept with her!"
"That's not true."
Yennefer's violet eyes narrowed dangerously.
"It is true."
"Is not!"
"It is!"
"All right," he turned around angrily. "It is true. So?"
The sorceress was quiet for a moment, playing with the obsidian star on the black velvet ribbon around her neck.
"Nothing," she said at last. "I just wanted you to admit it. Never try to lie to me, Geralt. Ever."
I love the little bickering. Also, like, even though Triss and Yennefer are friends try valid of her to not want her at the wedding. She slept with Geralt!! Love how Geralt tries to deny it at first but gives up ten seconds later. Geralt really tried to pull the “just friends” card and Yennefer was having NONE of it. 
The doppler accused Villentretenmerth of racism, chauvinism and lack of knowledge on the discussion's topic. Therefore, the insulted Villentretenmerth changed for a moment into his natural dragon form, destroying several pieces of furniture and causing a general panic. When the situation calmed down, a fierce quarrel began, in which humans and non-humans accused each other of lack of open-mindedness and racial tolerance. 
A quite unexpected twist in the discussion came from the freckled Merle, the whore who didn't look like a whore. Merle announced that the whole debate was stupid and pointless and didn't concern true professionals, who don't dinstinguish between such things, which she was willing to prove on the spot (for an adequate reward, of course), even with the dragon Villentretenmerth in his natural form. 
In the silence that fell abruptly in that instant they heard the female medium proclaim that she's willing to do the same, and for free. Villentretenmerth quickly changed the topic and began discussing safer topics, such as economics, politics, hunting, fishing and gambling.
Everything about this sequence is perfect, absolutely prime. Dragons and Dopplers fighting, Merle saying she would fuck a dragon in dragon form. This has EVERYTHING. 
"I'll get going right after the feast," Ciri repeated. 
"I want... I want to feel the wind in my face on the back of a galloping horse again. I want to see the stars on the horizon again, I want to whistle Dandelion's ballads at night. I'm longing for a fight, the dance with a sword, I'm longing for the risk, for the delight victory brings me. And I'm longing for solitude. Do you understand me?"
"Of course," Geralt smiled sadly. "Of course I understand you, Ciri. You're my daughter, you're a witcher. You'll do what you must. But I must tell you one thing. One thing. You can't run away forever, even though you'll always try."
"I know," she replied and cuddled herself closer to him. "I still have hope that one day... If I wait, if I'm patient, then I, too, perhaps will live such a beautiful day like this... Such a nice day... Even though..."
"What, Ciri?"
"I've never been pretty. And with that scar..."
"Ciri," he cut her off. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world. Right after Yen, of course."
"Oh, Geralt..."
"If you don't believe me, ask Dandelion."
"Oh, Geralt."
Ciri telling Geralt she wants to travel and move on is just heartbreaking but it makes sense. She has more adventures to go on. Geralt’s story is ending. Hers is beginning. Also Ciri feeling insecure about her appearance and Geralt being a good dad and comforting her? Amazing. 
"I have unfinished business there," she hissed. "For Mistle. For my Mistle. Even though I avenged her, but for Mistle one death is not enough."
Bonhart, he thought. She killed him out of hatred. Oh, Ciri, Ciri. You're standing on the edge of an abyss, daughter. Not a thousand deaths would avenge your Mistle. Beware of hatred, Ciri, it consumes like cancer.
"Watch out for yourself," he whispered."I'd rather watch out for others," she smiled ominously. "It pays off more, it works better in the long run."
I will never see her again, he thought. If she leaves, I will never see her again.
"You will," she answered unexpectedly and smiled with a smile of a sorceress, not of a witcher. "You will, Geralt."
When Geralt asks what Ciri plans to do on her travels she literally says: I am going to avenge my dead girlfriend and murder some people. Which is not a healthy coping mechanism but damn if the idea of a gay revenge story doesn’t sound good to read. 
The priestesses Iola and Eurneid also sobbed, when Yennefer refused to put on the white wedding dress they had made for her. Not even Nenneke's mediation helped. Yennefer cursed, threw around hexes and dishes, while repeating that she looks like a fucking virgin in white. 
The enraged Nenneke began yelling, too, and told the sorceress that she behaved worse than three fucking virgins at once. Yennefer responded by conjuring a ball of lightning and demolishing the roof of the corner tower, which had its good side, too. The crash was so terrible that Caldemeyn's daughter got shock from it and her diarrhea stopped.
Once again, this scene has EVERYTHING. Yennefer getting so pissed it demolishes a tower. The shaking being so bad it stops diarrhea. Also, why does Asaps use diarrhea so often in his books? You know what, I don’t want to know. 
Triss Merigold and the witcher Eskel from Kaer Morhen, were seen again, sneaking, arms linked, into the garden summerhouse.
Is that...IMPLIED TRISSKEL?? OKAY THEN. All the Trisskel friends out there: They hooked up at Geralt and Yennefer’s wedding I don’t make the rules. 
She looked breathtaking. Black wavy locks, curled up with a golden tiara, fell in a shining cascade over her shoulders and the high collar of a long white brocade dress with black-striped sleeves, pulled together on a bodice with countless drapes of lilac ribbons.
"Flowers, don't forget the flowers," warned Triss Merigold, all in dark blue, and handed a bouquet of white roses to the bride. "Oh, Yen, I'm so happy..."
"Triss, darling," sobbed Yennefer all of a sudden, upon which both sorceresses embraced and kissed the air around their ears and diamond earrings.
"Enough of those endearments," ordered Nenneke, smoothing the folds on her snow-white priestess dress. "We're going to the chapel. Iola, Eurneid, hold her dress, or she'll kill herself on the stairs.
Triss and Yennefer’s friendship is so sweet sometimes. Like, they would literally murder each other but they would also murder FOR each other too. 
Yennefer approached Geralt and with a hand in a white lace glove she straightened the collar of his black cloak, embroidered with silver. Geralt offered her an arm.
"Geralt," she whispered into his ear. "I still can't believe it."
"Yen," he answered her in a whisper. "I love you."
"I know."
I don’t know is Asaps is purposefully referencing Star Wars here but either way this had me tearing up. Geralt and Yennefer deserve a happy ending and even if it’s not officially canon the author wrote it so this is canon in my head. 
The wedding was splendid. Ladies and maidens cried collectively. Herwig was the master of ceremony, a former king, but still a king. Vesemir from Kaer Morhen and Nenneke stood in as parents of the betrothed couple, Triss Merigold and Eskel as witnesses. 
Okay but why is Asaps sneaking in the Trisskel? I want more of it and this pairing definitely intrigues me. Also Vesemir and Nenneke as their parents? That’s so damn sweet. I swear to fuck this entire short story is too damn cute and I want more of it. 
I cannot stress how much I love the energy Merle brings to the table. Saying she would straight up fuck a dragon. The power of it all. 
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scotianostra · 3 years
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On 1 October 1788 William Brodie was hanged for theft in the Lawnmarket in front of a crowd that was the largest seen in living memory.
As promised, following on from my post  August 27th, when Brodie went on trial for downfall an armed raid on the excise office in Chessel's Court  on 5th March the same year.
Ironically the upright citizen that Deacon William Brodie once was is said to have proposed an improvement in the old Tolbooth gallows, replacing the old-school ladders, which would have been kicked away from under him,  with a forward-thinking drop mechanism.
“Brodie,” says Traditions of Edinburgh, “was the first who proved the excellence of [the] improvement … He inspected the thing with a professional air, and seemed to view the result of his ingenuity with a smile of satisfaction.”
It was taking on partners that did in the budding master thief; inevitably, someone turned Kings evidence to dodge the gallows himself. The trial itself was notable in this instance due to English law being brought in, probably not for the first time since the Union of 1707, but certainly the first in such a high profile case.
Brodie’s was a celebrity trial. He had been a juryman himself, was a town councillor, and a member of Edinburgh society. The dual nature of Brodie’s life excited many, as it became apparent that he had taken to burglary to finance a gambling habit. His accomplices gave evidence against Brodie, and the case against him was partly circumstantial and partly based on his escape attempt and the discovery of a cache of weapons and keys hidden in Brodie’s house.
Moreover, there was a political element to the trial: the ‘King’s evidence’ (evidence against an accomplice given in return for a pardon) given against Brodie was provided by a former criminal, rendering it inadmissible – the prosecution arranged for a pardon for the criminal under English, not Scottish law. Thus the trial was partially about the issue of who controlled Scottish law.
Brodie’s defence lawyer was a famous advocate, and fashionable people paid to hear him speak in court.. Nevertheless, Brodie was found guilty and hanged in 1788; immediately one of the jury, a bookseller, who had been a council colleague of Brodie’s, published this account of the trial.
It is said his criminal career began in 1768 when he copied keys to a bank door and stole £800. But it was not until more than a decade later that Brodie's crime spree got going properly.
Brodie's father died of in 1782 and the son became a wealthy man. His father left him £10,000 in cash alone, a fortune in those days, plus at least four houses and the business. But by this time his lifestyle was getting very expensive.
He had been a member of The Cape, the most exclusive club in Edinburgh, but over time his interests turned to a disreputable tavern in Fleshmarket Close, which was notorious for late-night drinking and gambling with cards and dice.
He was also keen on gambling on cock fighting. But he wasn’t a good gambler and was soon running up debts he could ill afford to pay. In addition to his gambling, he was also supporting two mistresses and five children. While he ran up debts during the night but his daytime business was thriving.
Things might have turned out differently if, Englishman, George Smith and Brodie had never met. The pair soon became extremely busy targeting businesses and private homes in the Old Town.  Towards the end of 1786 Brodie and Smith robbed a goldsmith's and a tobacconist's.
On Christmas Eve they made off with a major haul from Bruce Brothers, including watches, rings and lockets. Before long they got involved with another two criminals, John Brown and Andrew Ainslie. By the summer of 1787 they had ventured further afield to Leith where they stole tea, a valuable commodity at the time, from a grocer's shop. Shortly after this they stole the ceremonial mace from the University of Edinburgh!  The gang were riding high and decided on their most daring crime yet, the one that would bring it all crashing down and end on the Gallows at The Lawnmarket 6 months later.
For this job, possibly for the first time, the gang were armed with pistols and, also unusually for them, they broke in. They were disturbed and fled with just £16. It was a fiasco and it led to the gang falling out.
Brown was tempted by the reward of £150 being offered for information about a previous robbery and went to the sheriff's clerk to name Ainslie and Smith as the culprits.
When they were arrested Brodie feared the game was up and prepared to flee. He took the stagecoach to London and then a ship to Holland.  But the reward for Brodie's capture led to him being tracked down and discovered as he hid in a cupboard in an inn.
He was returned to Edinburgh where he stood trial with Smith, the proceedings lasted just 21 hours. 
According to the sources of the day a crowd of 40,000 including Brodie's 10 year old daughter Cecile were there to watch as William Brodie  strode out to the gallows in fine clothes and a powdered wig. A fitting end to an extraordinary life.
Or was it? Well according to legend  he had bribed the hangman to ignore a steel collar under his shirt and  he survived the execution through the use of , and lived the rest of his life as an exile in Paris, a slightly different version says that despite the arrangement he made to have his body quickly removed following the hanging, he could not be revived.
There are also several different versions of his burial place, some say Greyfriars, another  thee Parish Church at Buccleuch on Edinburgh’s southside, a third claims a rather vague “Borders”
The name of Deacon Brodie lives on. His story is remembered in the naming of Deacon Brodie's Tavern on Edinburgh's Royal Mile; a cafe opposite the bar, and a New York bar is also named after him. More famously Robert Louis Stevenson's fascination with the story of Deacon Brodie (who had supplied Stevenson's father with furniture) inspired him to write his classic novel: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
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Family Dinner
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Requested?: Yes! Anon requested an age-gap Spencer x Reader fluff where Y/N’s older sister starts flirting with Reid.
Word Count: 4.9K+
Author’s Note: I want to preface this and say I am getting back into writing, and the style of this is not my best work, but I liked writing it and I felt like I did the prompt justice, so I hope y’all enjoy.
Warning: Age Gap (24 and 35). Otheriwse, floof.
Being a Technical Analyst for the FBI had always been your dream job. You were a whiz with computers, and it didn’t hurt that your dark web connection Penelope Garcia was working there anyway. So, when, two years ago, you finished your Master’s and Penelope took you out for drinks to celebrate, you couldn’t refuse when she offered you the job. And just like that, you were an FBI Analyst. You were a part of a selected group of intellectuals tasked with aiding agents in whatever research they may require.
The job came with definite perks, you really couldn’t complain. Especially when, after your training and orientation, Garcia brought you on as her second in command for the Behavioural Analysis Unit. You would never forget your first day on the job, walking into the office and coming face to face with the man Garcia often referred to as Chocolate Thunder.
“So, you’re the new team member then?” Derek Morgan asked you with a wink, leaving you frozen on the spot with shock. Garcia had not downplayed his handsomeness at all.
“Leave her alone, Morgan. Poor thing looks like a rabbit in headlights.” A female scolded Morgan from behind you. A few clicks of her heels later, Emily Prentiss walked by your left shoulder into view, coffees in hand. She offered one to you with a smile, and you managed your first words of the day.
“It’s really nice to meet you both. I’m Y/N.” You offered a hand, and Prentiss shook it firmly. Why was everyone so attractive?
“So, darlin’, let me give you the rundown.” Morgan started, and you shook off the nerves. Everything would be fine, right? “This is the BAU. You are now a part of the Special Agents Unit of the BAU. Along with Garcia, you send us information while on the job to keep us informed, up-to-date and ready to catch serial killers, predators, rapists, you name it.” Morgan was friendly, confident in his words and walk as he led you around the office space. You had to walk double time to keep up.
“You’ve met me, and Prentiss, and obviously Garcia-“
“I met Agent Hotchner too. He interviewed me last week.” You added, nodding a hello to the Unit Chief as he exited his office. He sent one back, disappearing into a door to the left of his own.
“At the morning briefing you’ll meet the rest of the team. Rossi is in the office up there, our senior agent.” Morgan gestured to the door Hotch had just disappeared through. “Agent Jareau, we call her JJ, is our former correspondent turned agent. She has a son named Henry, that’s her desk there.” Morgan pointed it out, a clean and organised desk to your right sporting photos of a very happy family. “And Reid.” Morgan stopped at the most cluttered desk in the room, covered in stacks of books and files.
“Agent Reid?” You clarified, trying to commit all the names and general descriptions to memory. You glanced over his desk, one of the books catching your eye and causing you to smile. “He has good taste in philosophers.” You commented, picking up ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ by Immanuel Kant from the stack and flipping through a few pages of the title before setting it back down. Your eyes drifted back to Agent Morgan, who had a smirk on his face.
“Doctor Reid, our resident genius… I think you two will get along just fine.”
“What do you me-“ Before you could finish, the doors at the far end of the room opened to reveal a man maybe a decade older than yourself, though he didn’t look it, with messy hair and a bright smile to accompany his rather dishevelled appearance. A satchel hung from his right shoulder, a coffee cup in one hand and a case file in the other. Even from across the room, you could see the honey tones in his brown eyes, could see the creases around his mouth from smiling.
Why was everyone so attractive?
“Derek, I swear to God if you’ve messed with my filing system again.” The doctor marched his way over, seemingly not taking notice of you to be sure Agent Morgan hadn’t tampered with the chaos on his desk.
“Reid, be friendly. We have a new team member.” Morgan scolded, and Reid picked up the book you had looked at only moments before, setting it in the correct place before looking at Morgan. Then looking at you.
“Oh.” Was all he could manage, a flush coming onto his cheeks. “Sorry. I’m Dr Spencer Reid.” He introduced himself with a wave, and you waved right back with a small smile, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Y/N… You know, Kant was fairly inspired by the philosophy of David Hume when writing Critique of Pure Reason? Hume’s Treatise on Human Nature was insightful for Kant, compelling him to rethink his own views around religious and natural philosophy.” You offered the information with a nervous tap of your foot and a pull at the collar of your itchy dress shirt. You had bought it a few days ago with the hope of impressing, but it just made your nerves more apparent you thought.
“You like philosophy?” Spencer’s eyes lit up at that, and Morgan walked away with a smile and his arm folded. While you continued to discuss with the resident genius your opinions of the two western philosophers, Morgan had sat himself on Prentiss’ desk, holding up a twenty-dollar bill.
“Twenty bucks says those two are dating by the New Year.” Morgan offered the bet, gesturing to you and Reid as he spoke. Prentiss just grinned, pulling out her own cash to match Derek.
“I say Easter. Whoever’s closest?” She countered, the pair shaking hands just as Garcia called the team into the meeting room.
Two years later, you and Spencer had been together for a year and 3 months of that time. JJ ended up winning the bet, since after you established yourself as a long-term and useful member of the BAU the entire team got in on the betting action Derek and Emily had began on your first day.
You had all been out on the case this time round, flying out to Michigan for a serial killer case, and Hotch rewarded the team’s good work with a few days off. Cuddled into Spencer on the plane home, with your work family around you, it felt nice to know you’d get a few days with your favourite person to relax.
“So, what do you two lovebirds plan on doing?” Rossi asked with a raised eyebrow, forcing you to blush and lift your head from Spencer’s shoulder. The group had been going around, proposing ideas for their own time off: JJ was heading to a resort with the kids and Will, Prentiss was doing something called ‘Sin to Win’ in Atlanta, Morgan was planning to work out, Hotch was spending time at home with Jack, Garcia was looking forward to cuddling with Sergio on her couch. Now, the question rested on you and Spence. As you glanced out the window at the mid-day sun, the plane starting its descent into Virginia, your boyfriend spoke up with a glint in his eye and a smile on his face.
“Well, with Y/N’s birthday coming up, her mom and I talked, planned a birthday dinner so I could finally meet the family.” He admitted, and you looked up in surprise.
You and Spencer were very much meant-to-be, but when you first told your family you were seeing someone, they were a little worried, Spence being older and all. You were 24 and Spencer was 35, it made sense for them to be a little nervous.
Of course, you mom saw a photo of you together last Christmas and fell in love with him right away, all her doubts diminished. She had been demanding you bring him over for months now, and you had been hesitant. What if your family scared him off?
The fact that Spencer had taken it upon himself to reach out made your heart swell, and you squeezed his hand in your own.
“I probably should have run it by you first, right?” He said with a chuckle, and you smiled even wider.
“Not at all, it’s a wonderful idea.” You responded, followed by a chorus of coos from Garcia and JJ, and rolls of the eyes from Morgan and Prentiss.
Dinner with the family, what could go wrong?
“You look… Stunning.” The voice caused you to spin round and face your boyfriend, who was slack jawed by the dress you had decided to wear, consequently making you blush. You had chosen a navy satin slip dress; one you had bought a few months ago and never had the chance to wear because of work. It accentuated your features nicely, without hugging anything too tightly. You had let a few hairs fall loos from your bun in curls, chosen some simple jewellery that complimented your skin tone.
He had a reason to be slack jawed, and while you may not have admitted that two years ago, you could now.
“Guess we’re matching then.” You complimented back, slipping on some navy heels to finish your look before walking over to Spencer and pressing a kiss to his cheek. He had dressed up too, in a light blue button down and black dress pants, a blazer to match. Your destination for the birthday dinner was one of the nicest restaurants around, and Spencer had refused to let your parents pay for anything.
“Before we go, I have something for you.” Spence grinned, and grabbed your hand, leading you out to the living room of his cozy apartment. You had practically moved into his apartment in the last month, whenever he was home you were here. Spencer had paced ahead, pulling a present off the bookshelf and walking back over to you with a smile that could melt hearts.
“Spence, I’m not 25 for a couple of days.” You tried to counter the offer, feeling bad for taking a present early, but Spencer pressed it into your hands.
“Please?” He pleaded, and you smirked, reaching for your handbag and slipping it inside. He raised an eyebrow as you walked for the front door, waiting for an explanation.
“We’re already ten minutes behind. I’ll open it at the restaurant?” You suggested, and the doctor grinned after a moment, thinking over the idea.
“Deal.” He agreed, moving into the hallway outside the apartment and locking his door before offering you an arm, the pair of you walking down to his car.
On the car ride over, you really couldn’t contain your excitement. The last time you had done something so fancy was dinner with your family to celebrate your bachelor’s degree, and you were 20 then. It was almost 5 years since you had donned a dress so pretty to go somewhere so expensive, and it felt nice. Spencer just smiled to himself in the driver’s seat as you jabbered on, the sound of your voice making him feel warm inside and light-headed.
How had he managed to get someone like you to love him, he would never know, but he wasn’t about to remind you that he was nowhere near your league. He wouldn’t risk letting you go.
You pulled up to the restaurant about an hour later, the car slowing to a stop being what stopped your spiel about new coding languages you and Garcia had begun using to boost efficiency in the tech cave you shared with your mentor. Suddenly, there was a lump in your throat.
“You ready?” Spencer asked as he turned the ignition off, a hand quickly coming over to hold the ones you had clasped on your lap.
“I just really want this to go well.” You admitted. Your family was great, your boyfriend amazing, but something was nagging at the back of your mind. Why were you so worried?
“Hey, look at me.” Spence said gently, turning your chin to look up into his eyes. “Everything is going to be perfect, alright? Your mom already loves me, my mom loves you, we have passed the important checkpoints.” Spencer reminded, and you thought back to when you had met Spencer’s mom Diane for the first time. She was so kind, so clever, you saw where Spencer got it from. The trip had been great and had led to you meeting Diane without Spence when you had the free time. By the way Spence spoke about your mom, even though they had only talked over the phone, reassured you, and gave you the courage to open the car door.
Spence was round your side of the car in an instant, helping you out of the vintage model Volvo and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand as you straightened up your dress. The way he smiled, the heat from his lips on your cool skin, it amazed you. He was the fire to your ice, even if he didn’t know it. With a final kiss on the forehead for good luck, Spence led you into the dining establishment, a hotel and restaurant just outside of Baltimore named ‘Lotus’, and as you headed for the front door you noticed your parents’ car parked nearby, Pennsylvania license plates and all.
Spence’s hand didn’t let go of yours until you were at the reception desk, where he let go only to pull out a business card with the reservation information printed on it. The receptionist tapped away for a few moments, humming as he did, then smiled.
“Ah, Dr Reid and Miss Y/L/N, the rest of your party just arrived, they’ve ordered some cocktails on your behalf, we’ll be bringing them through now. If you would follow me.” The receptionist, who you quickly figured out was called Frank by the shiny nametag on his chest, ushered you both into a private dining area, equipped with a private bar and a fairly large table, your family sat around it.
“Sweetie!” Your mother squealed and pulled you into a hug before you had even taken the chance to say hello to everyone. “Aren’t you looking lovely? Have you lost more weight? You know you’ll be lighter than feathers if you don’t eat enough.” Your mom, in her fashion, complimented you with worry laced in her questioning before turning to Spence, who was grinning from ear to ear. He was finally seeing the person behind the voice and knew his mental image of your mom had been correct. She had a rounder face than you did, was around the same height, dressed like the typical middle-aged woman, with rosy cheeks and a flare for patterned shoes. “And you!” She moved from you to embrace Spencer, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. Spence was always a bit of a germaphobe, but he had no problem having the air squeezed from his lungs by a woman half his size.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs Y/L/N.” Spencer responded, the rest of your family making their way over.
Pleasantries were passed around, your father giving Spence the once over before extending a hand, your grandparents asking far too many questions with sincerity, your aunt and uncle thanking Spencer for arranging the whole dinner. Your worry was very quickly blown away by a) how lovely Spencer was being and b) by your family being so welcoming.
Only once the waiters had arrived did everyone sit down, a variety of cocktails on the table. You found yourself sat at the top of the table, Spencer to your right and your mom to your left. But, as everyone filled seats, you noticed an empty chair with a martini in front of it.
“Mom, are we missing someone?” You asked, wondering if your cousin Fiona or Aunt Cathy had flown in for the occasion from Canada. It would be the only logical explanation.
“I wanted to surprise you, but I guess working with the FBI clever clogs has given you a keen eye.” Your mom grinned, and you tried to stop your face from falling.
“V’s here?” You asked, taking a large sip from your drink, only to realise there was no alcohol in it.
“Who’s V?” Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow at your actions from over the menu. Your mother answered on your behalf.
“Veronica is Y/N’s big sister. Flew in from Paris just to see you.” She chimed, and you held back the groan.
“I didn’t know you had a sister, babe.” Spencer sounded rather surprised, but with his profession and aptitude, it didn’t take long for him to see through your smile and determine that Veronica was not someone you particularly liked.
“Yeah, we haven’t talked in years. She’s been in Europe since I was 14?” You suggested, gesturing for the waiter. “Sorry, could I get something stronger?” You asked quietly, trying not to listen to your mom and dad gush about V.
“Veronica is a ballerina, the current Prima Donna for the Paris Ballet. She’s held the title for, oh, almost 3 years now. She is a spectacular dancer…” Your relatives continued on, explaining the successful career of your sister who was probably a room over, listening through the wall.
“Ma’am,” The waiter got your attention again. “Do you have ID, the woman who ordered your drink said you weren’t allowed alcohol.” The waiter said with a weak smile, and you let out a curt laugh before reaching into your bag to find your wallet.
“Unbelievable…” You found yourself muttering and handed over your ID to the waiter. He checked it over, apologised, and went to fetch you a new drink.
“So, you still can’t take a joke then?” the voice you had almost forgotten after years of absence was like an alarm in your head, and you did your best not to scream from shock. Veronica walked towards the table from the far side of the room, dressed in white and looking just as cruel as the day she left home. Beautiful, yes, but cruel.
“Hello V.”
“Hey, baby sis.” The silence that followed was tense, and your relatives seemed confused by why. It was a sister reunion, where was the hugging, the tears?
“We haven’t met yet,” Your boyfriend interrupted the quiet by standing up and pulling out the chair beside his for your sister. “I’m Spencer.”
“Well hello Spencer, I’m Veronica.” She said in a cheery voice, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. She strutted her way along the table, squeezing grandpa’s shoulder as she went, and pressed a kiss to Spencer’s cheek in greeting, staining the tanned skin with red before sitting down and reaching a hand towards you. “I missed you sweetie, we have so much to catch up on.” A look to your left, your mom giving you a warning look, your dad’s face one of pleading, you plastered on a smile to match your outfit and reached over, squeezing V’s hand with a tilt of your head.
“I missed you too.” You lied through your teeth, sitting back in your chair as waiters came by to take orders.
There wasn’t much of a chance for you and Spencer to talk all evening, your mom and dad asking you constant questions about work and Spencer and Penelope, all the while your sister seemed to latch herself on Spencer like a leech. By the time mains were finished and dessert menus were being handed out, you had watched your older sister touch your boyfriend no less than 12 different times, and you heard her giggle at his conversation at least 23 times in the last hour.
“So, Spencer,” Your auntie asked, and you silently thanked her for shutting up Veronica. “How did you and Y/N meet? I mean, do you work in the same department at Quantico?” She sent a wink your way, and you took another sip of your cocktail, having moved from vodka to rum based drinks.
“Well…” Spencer flushed, and took your hand, resting them on top of the table. “Y/N and I work in the same department at the FBI. She’s our eyes and ears when the rest of the team are on the ground. The first day she walked into the office, I remember…” He smiled at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back, the rest of the table falling quiet to listen. “I remember she was getting the tour of the office and had moved one of the books on my desk. I was going to get mad, I’m not a fan of my desk being disturbed, but she smiled at me with these wide eyes and told me all about David Hume and Immanuel Kant and I just knew she was amazing. And we became friends as the job assists people to, but those first nine months she was in the office I was just waiting, just waiting for the right moment to ask her out for coffee.” You leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, smudging the stain your sister had left. “The rest is sort of history, to be honest. I never thought I’d get so lucky.” The coos from your mom, aunty and grandparents, along with the nods of approval from your uncle and dad sort of sealed the deal for you that your family were as charmed by Spencer as you were.
“Are we ready to order desserts ladies and gentlemen?” The waiter asked, notepad at the ready. You flashed one last smile at Spencer before dropping his hand so you could both decide on your final course, not noticing the storm cloud that had formed over your older sister’s head.
Now, you would never admit you liked your family better tipsy, but after Spencer paid for dinner without a complaint and your grandparents, of all people, suggested more drinks, who could refuse? The table was cleared as your group sat at the bar, drinking into the late evening. Pair by pair, your grandparents gifted you a new watch before retiring to their room upstairs, then your aunt and uncle presented you with a new book on coding languages for work, until you were just left with your mom, dad, Spencer and V. You had all had quite a few drinks, your sister the most, but with everyone heading up to rooms, it would only be a matter of time before you and Spencer got a cab home as well.
“Y/N, Y/N.” Your dad came over, still sure in his step unlike your mother, who was dancing to the background music in the room’s centre. “25 is a big thing, and we wanted to get you something special. Of course, with your work and all, we weren’t sure what but…” You dad pulled out an envelope and handed it over to you. You placed your drink down on the bar, a smile on your face as you opened the gift, pulling out a slip of paper from inside.
“Dad… New York?” You said, tears brimming in your eyes.
“I know you don’t get a lot of time off and all, so it’s a voucher for a hotel in the city for a few nights, when you and Spence get the chance. I was looking for some stuff that’s happening soon, and I saw a new computer exhibition opened up at the museum, and the university is always hosting philosophy talks and I just…” He smiled, wiping a tear from your cheek. “I’m really proud of you sweetheart, your mom is too. You’ve grown up into such an accomplished and amazing woman, it’s all we could ever ask for.” You jumped from your chair and wrapped your arms around your dad tight.
“Thank you, I can’t wait to tell Spencer… Spen-” You looked around the room to find Spencer and V had disappeared.
“They went outside my love!” Your mom hollered, beckoning your father to dance with her. You nodded and made your way out, leaving your parents to dance as you left the comfort of the private room for the cool night air.
“… a little young for you…” You caught the tail-end of the conversation as you headed outside, spotting V and Spencer stood just along the road, the former holding a cigarette between manicured fingers. Their faces were lit by the lights inside, shadows cast on the pebble car lot. Most of the cars had left, leaving the few of guests that were staying over that evening.
“I think we need to get you some water Veronica.” Your boyfriend countered, offering her an arm back inside.
“Oh, don’t be stupid Doctor.” V responded with a giggle, and you watched her pull him close. “We both know who the better sister is.” Her words made your face and stomach drop at the same time, and left you frozen in place. Of course, once again, your sister tried to take what was yours. She didn’t just have to outshine you for years, to bully you and mock you, to scare away the boys you liked as a kid, no. No, now she had to return to the US after a decade away and try and steal your boyfriend.
The thing was, you wouldn’t even be mad at Spencer if she succeeded… You had been given countless reminders that V was better looking, more athletic, more charming, just better than you in every way she demanded counted. Your smarts were nothing compared to her beauty, and she let you know it your entire childhood. She was five years older than you and still acting like you were teenagers.
“Actually, I don’t think we agree on that front. You see Veronica, I know people. I study them, that’s my job. And when someone decides to return home unexpectedly to celebrate the birthday of the younger sister they berated for an entire childhood, it says two things. First, that the attention you had in Paris has either disappeared or been removed completely from your life. And secondly, the only way you feel good is tearing other people down. It’s a shame that you can’t be proud of Y/N the way the rest of your family are, the way I am, because it just means you don’t love yourself… I know who the better sister is Veronica, and it’s not the one standing in front of me.” Spencer’s response shocked you from your stupor, and you found yourself walking towards the pair, your heels indicating your presence to the pair.
“Hey V, babe.” You addressed them both, Spencer taking the chance to pull you in for a kiss by the waist, leaving you giggling.
“Let’s head inside, I want your parents to see the gift I got you.” Spencer suggested, not looking at V for a moment once you had entered his vision. With a nod and your hand slipping around his waist the same way his arm held yours, you both headed inside, leaving V to contemplate the words Spencer had dealt her, the hard truth he had laid out.
“I forgot to say,” You grinned up at Spence, who return the expression as the pair of you entered the private room once more. “Mom and dad got us a voucher for a stay in New York. I was thinking we head next time we get a few days off?”
“That sounds amazing…” Spencer pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling out a chair for you at the table then retrieving your handbag. “Close your eyes.”
“Ok, I’m ready for my present.” You followed the order, your eyes fluttering shut, and your hands held out in front of you. Your parents watched on as Spencer placed the gift he had given at his flat into your hands.
“Open.” He directed, and your eyes opened, a smile on your face. Your hands were quick to open the small, slim box, wondering if he had bought you a CD or something similar.
Instead, you found a locket necklace and a small velvet bag in the centre of the present.
“Spence…” You smiled, beckoning him over to help you clasp the necklace on. It had your and Spencer’s initials on it, a more materialistic gift than you would have thought Spencer would get you, but beautiful, nonetheless. “Are these matching earrings?” You questioned, opening the velvet bag in the centre.
“No.” Spencer said softly as you removed the item from within.
A key.
“I found us a place, in DC… With a study and everything, all the books and tech space we could want… Y/N, I know this might be too fast, but you are the person I want to spend my life with. And I know we aren’t at the wedding bells stage quite yet, but I thought this would be a good step to take in our relationship.” Spencer rambled on, and you leaned forward to shut him up with a kiss. It was soft and sweet, Spencer tasted like coffee and chocolate and booze and it made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“Yes.” You answered his question before he even asked it to the applause of your rather drunk parents. “Yes, of course I’ll move in with you... I love you, Spencer Reid.”
“I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N… Should I order that taxi to the new apartment then?” Spence asked, and you nodded fast, gathering your things and kissing your parents goodbye.
And, despite whatever V had been up to that night, you left your birthday dinner to your new home, the home you shared with Spencer, the home you would keep with Spencer for many years to come.
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
To Tell You The Truth Part Ten
Fandom: Prospect [2018]
Pairing: Ezra/Prospector!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Thank you so much for reading and enjoying, my friends! Thank you for your kind support of my endeavors. I hope that this story has managed to bring you some peace, or at the very least function as an interesting distraction from the issues we currently slog through like so much Bakhroma Green dust. Stay safe out there, be well and be kind. Now here we are at the end of our tale! I've had a lot of fun writing this, and I'm so glad that you liked it enough to stick around. Enjoy!
Tag List: @huliabitch​ @wrestlingfae​ @renegademustelid​ @zombiexbody​ @sporadic-fics​ @rzrcrst​ @lackofhonor​ @the-feckless-wonder​ @arrowswithwifi​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @absurdthirst​ @cryptkeepersoul​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @88dragon06​ @roxypeanut​ @walkerchick007​ @peggers-n-beggers​ @robbinholland​ @chrisbostonevans​ @cinewhore @sarcasmisakindofmagic​ @phenomenaaa @evidenceofzoe​ @sinnamon-bunn​
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment discusses children/pregnancy/'family-planning'. Stay safe!]
You slipped from the bed, barely managing to untangle yourself from his embrace without waking him. Ezra seemed less man and more octopus when he slept. Wrapping your shirt around you as more of an afterthought than anything else, you crept out of his room and returned to your own. 
Through the tiny window in your bathroom you could see thick snowflakes falling, and you dimly heard the low rumble of the street plows. As you filled your tub, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror above the sink.
And you smiled.
Kevva, you were a mess! Your hair was mussed, your chest and collarbone littered with marks from Ezra's tender ministrations. You ran your fingers over your skin, laughing quietly. It had been so long, you'd almost forgotten what it felt like to enjoy sex. Almost forgotten how sticky it made you feel afterwards too, hence your bath.
Your body tingled and ached in the best ways, like you had just gotten done with a satisfying workout. In a way, you supposed you had. 
Once the tub had filled, you carefully sank into it with a sigh of contentment. The warmth of the water felt heavenly, soothing the admittedly-tender skin of your inner thighs. You knew you ought to get started washing up, but first you dipped a little lower in the water and blew a few bubbles. Perfect.
You were midway through scrubbing yourself down when you heard Ezra's voice, the man sounding slightly panicked as he called your name. "I'm in my bathroom!" You replied. 
Footsteps bolted up the hall and the former prospector all but lunged into your room, his hair even more of a mess than usual and his eyes wild. "Oh. Oh. Forgive me for invadin' your boudoir, gentle soul." He apologized after he spotted you through the open bathroom door, averting his eyes. "I may have had a bit of a terror, and when I awoke to find you missing, I...I'm out of sorts, is all." He rambled, his voice still gravelly with sleep. "Did you see that it has finally begun to snow?"
"I did! I'm surprised we can hear the plows all the way up here." You answered cautiously. He was working his jaw again. "I'm sorry I left, I just forgot how grungy I can get when...well uh, you know. During." 
Ezra waved off your apology, seeming to have calmed down. "No need for contrition, gentle soul. It was my mind playing cruel pranks on me. I'll leave you to your bath, and then rest." 
"Hey, wait." You implored as he turned to leave. "Go get showered and then come sleep in here with me instead? My sheets are clean. We probably did a number on yours." Ezra tilted his head, dark eyes studying you thoughtfully. "What?" You asked after a moment, a little disconcerted.
"You are so incredibly beautiful." He murmured simply, making you flush. "I merely wanted to drink it in. You have no equal even in my vast vocabulary, no match in my lexicon. And so I settle on the trite, the mundane, beautiful." He shook his head. "A tragedy, really, but should I resort to something so exotic as pulchritudinous every time I feel amorous, I fear you may want to strike me out of exasperation." 
"Oh no no, that one is for special occasions. Weddings and funerals only." You joked. He laughed, his pensive expression finally easing. "Now go, I'm going to get ready for bed. Meet me back here in ten."
Ezra saluted lazily, still chuckling.
"You recall what I mentioned earlier, gentle soul?" He asked softly once the two of you were safely ensconced in the warm cloud of your comforter. "About how this all seems like a dream?" You nodded against his chest, feeling the deep sigh he let out. "I am never the final stop on the proverbial slingback, you see. There is always a brighter horizon, a more affluent lover, another mountain to scale." He explained, sounding resigned.
"Not for me, there isn't." You said, raising your head so you could look at him. "I want to be here with you. As long as I can have you."
"You are hardly the first to offer up such a platitude." Ezra murmured, his nonchalance once again making your heart sink. "So I will be with you, and hold you, and love you until you are weary of me, and then…" he hesitated, "and then I will release you without debate, for you are not mine to cling to. You are your own woman, gentle soul, for all that it wounds me to say it."
"Excuse me?" You propped yourself up on your elbow. His eyes were firmly locked on the ceiling overhead, studiously avoiding your gaze. "Ezra, what the hell?"
His jaw worked and you saw him swallow hard. "I did not mean to cause you grief, gentle soul. I am not particularly skilled at pillow talk."
"Hey, no, look at me. Please?" You requested softly. Ezra blinked up at the ceiling. "Please, Ezra. Don't disappear on me just yet."
"I am not the master of my own emotions currently. I must insist we postpone this discus-"
"Ezra." You huffed, cupping his face with your hands. He struggled to dodge your eyes, his own filling with tears the longer he attempted. "Oh...no, no, don't cry Ezra. Talk to me." 
"Damn it, gentle soul, you have me all in a twist about this!" He cried in exasperation. "It is inevitable, invariable, inescapable, why does it abrade me so harshly this time?"
"How many other people have you written poetry for?" You inquired bluntly.
"Well...I mean, that is-"
"How many other people have you asked to share your living space?"
"Gentle soul, I don't-"
"How many people have you been patient with?"
"No one, damn it!" Ezra roared finally, "you're it! Are you satisfied now, now that you've dragged a dull, tepid answer out of me?! Are you thoroughly entertained by my piteous bawling, gentle soul?" His chest heaved with emotion and he rubbed roughly at his eyes. "I am not patient. Not by nature, not by habit or happenstance. I am not particularly generous, kind or honest, not without promise of recompense." He snapped, "I do not presume to be a good man, gentle soul. I've made this abundantly clear."
"So why would you be upset over me?" You pressed, not dissuaded in the slightest by his bluster, "why would you be good to me if it's so out of character for you?"
"Because you are all of those things, and I crave you more than any reward in this universe. Kevva above, your generous spirit has me reeling, your kind words leave me breathless, your honest love slaughters my deep-seated contempt for such juvenile emotions. Yet I cannot decipher whether I merely play at the better man, or if I have indeed metamorphosed due to you. Until I stumbled across you in the Green, I did not even believe someone like you existed." His eyes softened, going glassy once more. "Most of the time I still don't."
"But I do exist." You insisted. "I'm here, and I'm not leaving."
"Do not promise me such things." Ezra muttered, kissing your knuckles. "My morose poetry will be a poor replacement for the warmth of your touch when you do depart."
"I get the feeling that you like wallowing even more than you like me. You miserable-" You kissed him. "-broody-" Kiss. "-dour man." Bumping your forehead against his own, you continued, "I'm not leaving. The last thing I want to do is justify this mopery you're indulging in. What happened to the guy who dragged me halfway across the Pug for junk food?"
"I love you so much." Ezra whispered, his hands shakily carding through your hair. "I have warded off many a potential partner simply by the virtue of my verbose nature, but you have stayed throughout. While the thought of you leaving terrifies me, the thought of," he paused, grimacing, "the thought of becomin' something...becoming a man like him steals the very breath from my lungs. I shall not tear you from the sky, gentle soul. I will not clip your lovely wings."
You bit your lip. "I know you won't. That's why I'm still here." You assured him softly. "I'm yours for as long as you want me."
"Martyr's malfeasance, you cannot promise me eternity." Ezra protested. "I haven't even asked you yet, not officially, and we must think of the paperwork-"
"Asked me what?"
"Ah." Ezra cleared his throat, his face pinking up in a highly-endearing manner. "Well, that is to say...I had...I may have indulged in a bit of domestic daydreaming. Strictly speculative, you understand." He hemmed and hawed, wringing his hands nervously. "I am...I'm not a young man, gentle soul, I am approaching my mid-forties. My life has not been a particularly kind one, and I...my body is...worn." He stammered, "I-I bear the bold stamp of blue-collar occupation, as it were." 
You raised an eyebrow, confused at his discomfort. "Ezra, if you have something to say..."
"What do you want out of life, gentle soul?" Ezra asked suddenly. 
"Me? Uh..." You sat back on your haunches, propping your chin up with your hand as you thought. "I'd like to move somewhere a little quieter, eventually. More countryside. Somewhere that the flora won't kill me, of course, but you know." You shrugged, tapping at his ribs meditatively. "I liked working as an illustrator, though that may have more to do with the pleasant company than the actual work." You winked and he smiled weakly up at you, his own fingers drumming lightly on your knees. "I want a dog, and a nice house. Small one, with good lighting. Mostly though, I want to wake up next to you in the mornings. I want to draw you more."
You weren't sure if you would ever get used to how his gratitude struck you in your chest. It made his whole expression light up, blond patch bright like his own personal sunspot. For a man who was so brazenly cocksure, Ezra didn't seem to believe he was worth overmuch in anyone's eyes. 
"You have not yet been afforded the opportunity to grow weary of me, it appears," He remarked, "though we have endured each other's company for six stands and counting."
"Over half a year." You could barely believe it yourself. "So, I've told you what I'd like. And what would you ask of life, mister big shot author man?" You teased. 
Ezra's smile faded. "I would ask many things of life, though I have only one thing to ask of you." He rasped. "Accompany me in it." His hands folded over your own on his chest and you could feel him shaking. "I will not request you to stay any longer than you wish to, but I beg of you to...to be with me. For a moment, a stand...h-however long you can endure waking up beside me." He soldiered on admirably through his voice breaking, "I do not offer much, as you are aware. But I would like to believe that I could make you happy, at least for a time."
"Ezra, are you-" you swallowed hard. "Are you asking what I think you're asking?"
"I suppose that would depend on whether you are inclined to believe that I am asking you to...in less blatant terms, engage with myself in somethin' that may eventually, potentially, smack of the matrimonial persuasion." He was watching you closely, fragile hope shining through the serious, furrowed frown on his face. 
"You're serious." You stated weakly. He nodded once, a singular jerk of his head. "You...you're sure?"
"Abysmally certain." Ezra replied gruffly. "And I do not require an answer. Not now, not ever if you do not wish to reply, I merely-" 
Your mouth on his own put a stop to his amendments, and you felt his lips twitch into a smile when you breathed, "yes."
"Well!" He exclaimed gladly, sitting up and wrapping his arms around you. "I must say this--this particular outcome, while exceedingly welcome, was not anticipated!" 
"You've got to be kidding me." You groaned, shoving your hands into his hair to tug his face away from your own. "I'm gonna' do my level best to be patient with you, but fuck's sake Ezra." He grinned puckishly at you, his expression promising mischief. "I'll work on me if you work on you, okay? A little faith in yourself can go a long way, believe me." You lectured him sternly. 
"To think that you would be able to say such a thing to me." He commented dryly, making you snicker. "How the bastards have fallen, and now the gentle rule the earth as docile kings." Large hands combed carefully through your hair and he tilted your head for another kiss. "A dog, hmm?" You nodded wildly, making him chuckle into your mouth when your nose bumped his own. "I'll see what I can do, gentle soul."
…Three Years Later...
"Ezra!" You called, brow furrowing in confusion when there was no reply. "Ezra? Anglio? It's time for lunch!" You wiped your hands off on the flour sack towel that you had wound through your belt loop, trying to straighten your shirt out as an afterthought. "Ezra!" You called again, a little more concerned now as you moved from the kitchen to the screened-in porch, peering out through the jalousie window slats to survey the front yard. 
Turk, your massive Himalayan tomcat, wrapped himself around your ankles with a throaty, inquisitive burble. 
No sign of the dynamic duo. You sighed, petting Turk and resigning yourself to hunting them down after finishing your sixth well-meaning attempt at making bread. Maybe you were being too optimistic, expecting the dough to cooperate in this heat. 
The first loaf actually looked good, though! That had bolstered your confidence, which had in turn dug you into a glutinous hole. Any variation you tried on the original successful recipe resulted in nothing but failure. At least you had an overabundance of aggressively-crispy croutons and bread crumbs now? 
Oh well, sixth time's the charm. So much for my attempt at a subtle pun. 
After placing the tray in the oven, you headed outside to the front steps. Turk sauntered out alongside you, yawning and then sprawling on the steps. "Boys!" You shouted, smiling in relief when you heard a distant reply from the forest. "Lunch time!"
There was a crash and Anglio emerged from the trees, the small mutt baying excitedly to indicate that he was being pursued. You wondered (not for the first time) if Mr. Anglio knew about Dog Anglio. Ezra strode along behind the pup, laughing when the dog play-bowed and barked at him. "You wretched beast, leadin' me o’er hill and dale like a damn huntin' thoroughbred!" He growled good-naturedly, rubbing the dog's proffered belly. 
You smiled a little mistily at the scene, your heart skipping in your chest. 
Escaping the city had been the best choice that you and Ezra had made in your life together thus far. The house you had found, while small, sat on a sprawling, untamed estate that you had fallen in love with instantly. 
Anglio and Turk (formerly known as Foxy and Turducken) were acquired soon after from the shelter of the 'nearby' supply depot. You hadn't actually been looking for a cat, but the stately feline would not take no for an answer. Plus, Ezra had looked so torn as he buried his face in the stoic animal's side right before he had attempted to return him to his cage.
"You want a cat too? It's not like we can't take care of it." You had reasoned with a shrug, already fawning over the little orangey-brown mutt in your arms. Ezra had lit up, nodding firmly.
The cozy, domestic solitude stirred creativity in yourself and the man you shared your life with, culminating in a small collection of illustrated short stories that had, once again, done surprisingly well on the market. Ezra said he wanted to try writing children's books next, laughing when he announced it as if he was joking. His offhand remark had rekindled something in your belly: the warm, soft embers of a bonfire you had assumed long extinguished and buried. Children’s books...
The memories faded as Ezra traipsed up the steps, the last vestiges of spring mud coating his boots. "Ah, my beloved co-conspirator!" He announced dramatically, spreading his arms wide. "How I have missed you whilst engaging in a daring foray into the untamed wilderness!"
"Yes yes, Robinson Crusoe, we're so blessed by your survival skills and ability to create fire." You deadpanned, laughing when he caught you in his grasp and attempted to smother you with kisses. "Oh no, help me Anglio!" You cried in feigned distress, the dog prancing around your legs and yipping in reply. Turk meowed sleepily at all the commotion, putting his head back down after a moment.
"Such harsh barbs from my doting wife!" Ezra teased, rubbing his forehead against your own. "Have you been baking again, gentle soul?" He asked, sweeping a dusting of flour off of your cheek. 
You nodded, your heart hammering in your chest as you grabbed his hand and hauled him inside the porch, into the kitchen. "I h-have buns in the oven!" You choked out in a rush when he paused to kick off his boots by the door, unable to wait another second. 
"Wonderful! I am ravenous and…" Ezra trailed off as he straightened up and obviously caught sight of the expression on your face. You could only assume you looked a mixture of terrified and hopeful. It was certainly how you felt, at any rate. His brow furrowed suspiciously. "Wait."
"Well, uh, that is, there's multiple buns in the actual oven, b-but according to the doctor-" You held your hands out, the stance a strange echo of when he had been across from you in the pod all those years ago. "The doctor says j-just one. Healthy! One healthy, um, bun. In my oven." You squeaked. 
Ezra stared at you like he had never seen you before. He finally rasped, "how long?"
"How long what? How long have I known?" He nodded mutely. "Late last night. I had them scan during my routine checkup. I...I wanted to be sure." Your voice petered out as you spoke until you were essentially whispering. Uncertainty gripped your body; was he upset about this? Had you misread the situation? Oh Kevva, what if he didn’t want you now?
Ezra reached for one of the kitchen chairs, clumsily sinking into it. He didn't speak, he just sat there with his head in his hands.
You fidgeted with your towel, tears threatening to spill over as the silence lengthened. "Ezra, is...is this not okay?" You queried softly. 
His shoulders jerked when the timer for the oven went off, but other than that he gave no sign that he had heard anything. You turned your back to him and slipped on your oven mitts, moving almost mechanically to rescue the buns before they too were suited for nothing but croutons. You then shut off the oven and opened the drawer beside the sink, digging blindly for the spatula--
Ezra caught you up around the waist, crushing you to his chest so tightly it felt like all the breath left your body. "A baby!" He boomed, half-laughing as he spoke. "I am exuberant, over the fucking moon! How long do we have, when will they arrive?! I cannot believe this, I just--gentle soul, the serendipity that you have blessed my life with!" He exclaimed warmly, cupping your face and kissing you breathless.
"I take it you’re open to the idea, then?" You gasped out, feeling his thumbs wiping away the tears that had managed to escape. 
"Gentle soul, I...you are a miracle incarnate." Ezra's voice had taken on a tone of heated awe. "Your generous body, accepting my love in such a wondrous new way. I am truly a lucky man. A...I love you so very much." He murmured, his next hungry kiss chasing away all your lingering trepidation. "So, so very much, so much...an insurmountable amount." His hands grasped at your belt loops, tugging your hips in to slot against his own. "To think that when I laid with you during our anniversary, it would bear such precious fruit." He muttered. You felt his cock stirring through his jeans.
"E-Ezra, lunch…" you protested weakly. You still had your oven mitts on, your hands curled into loose fists resting on his chest.
"I will eat it later." He promised, his dark eyes wholly sincere even as his fingers worked at the buttons of your light blouse. "Once I have properly displayed the depth of my...appreciation." 
"You alone coax me into such promiscuity, I hope you are aware." Ezra grunted, burying his face in your hair. 
You whimpered down into the bedspread, the thumb that insistently dragged over your clit making your eyes roll back in your head. The blankets were still crisp and fresh from being hung out on the line, the sweet scent of summer sunlight and Ezra dominating your senses.
"You alone, and the notion that you are heavy with our child does not dull the edge in the slightest." He continued breathlessly from his position overhead, grinding his cock into you as deep as it could go and refusing to withdraw. "You feel incredible around me, gentle soul, fucking exquisite." 
His hips crushed to your rear and you rutted your body up onto your hands and knees, meeting him with the soft slap of heated, sweat-drenched skin. "Ezra, please-" you begged, making him hum. "Please, I want to come, please…" 
"Gentle soul, gentle soul," He gasped, "if you keep rocking back against me in that manner, I'll have no recourse but to give you what you ask for." The former prospector seized your arms, dragging you fully upright on your knees. He quickly released you, his wandering hands returning after a moment to rest on your stomach. "Your sensuous form stirs such lascivious thoughts in me." He breathed in your ear, smiling against your neck when you keened out. 
"Love you-" you gasped, and Ezra's fingers gripped your hips tightly. 
"I know you do." He assured, his words gone soft enough to ache, burrow their way into your ribcage and wrap around your heart. "Now come for me." He held himself still and you pushed yourself back against his cock, the methodical sway of your hips finally beckoning you over your edge. You cried out and Ezra caged in your throat with large fingers, the man feeling the vibrations of your enthusiastic climax with a low moan of his own. "How deliciously improbable," his voice grated, "that your sweet little cunt could manage to grip me even tighter than before-!"
"Fill me up, Ezra, come in me, come in me-" you pleaded, sagging back against him. The brilliant Mallen streak flickered into your field of view as the man behind you dropped his forehead onto your shoulder, his hips rolling and bucking furiously. You could feel him panting, hot breath washing over your back as your shaking fingers twined greedily into his hair. 
"What my Eve demands, what--what my gentle soul entreats, I have no choice but to oblige." He rasped out. "I am shattered, rendered insensate by the radiant splendor of this copulation in our private Eden." He mouthed shakily over your shoulder, finally biting down with a grunt as he came hard. You crooned quietly to him while he spent himself inside you and he groaned in reply, making you laugh. "You truly are a delight to behold, gentle soul." He sighed hoarsely, wrapping his arms around your midsection and cradling you close to his trembling body.
You dragged your fingers through his hair, a dopey smile rising on your face when his stomach loudly reiterated the fact that he had ignored lunch in favor of other, far more distracting activities. Ezra grimaced awkwardly. "Work up an appetite?" You teased, kissing the end of his nose and then the exaggerated scrunch of his brows.
"I may have gotten...sidetracked." He admitted with a self-conscious chuckle. "You can hardly judge me for that particular shortcoming, gentle soul." His warm palm splayed possessively on your stomach and he hummed low in his throat, the sound obviously one of contentment. "Our child."
"Ours." You echoed in agreement. 
"I hope that I...no, I left such trepidation behind long ago. I am a better man. For you, for us. And now, for them." Ezra said firmly, placing a kiss on your cheek. "Now, show me the result of your baking. I admit freely to bias, of course; I welcome any and all culinary attempts with open arms, as though they were gifts from the illustrious and powerful Waldorf-Astoria itself."
You squinted. "The what? Listen, I'm used to you being vaguely comprehensible at best, but even I have no idea what the words that just came out of your mouth were."
His reply was simply unrestrained, delighted laughter, his nose pressing into your cheek while he showered your face with even more playful kisses.
In my dreams you come to me, as timid and inexorable as the dawn...in my sleepless hours you find me, tremulous and waning like the starlight. For I am a lost man who wanders bright and dark, all for the fleeting glimpse of you...all for the touch of your mouth on mine. 
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Bonus baby headcanon!
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kelelamentia · 5 years
Dogs are a Ladybug’s best friend
Dogs are a Ladybug’s best friend
This came from @thebookwormfairy idea “What if Marinette had a Retired Police Dog as a Pet”
@realrandomposts and I discussed which Miraculous would be used and, while my initial thought was turtle, @realrandomposts was the one who came with the idea for the fox, and just fit better for this fic (And I want to tick Alya off), because Trixx would NEVER miss a chance to cause chaos via having a dog as a holder.
As for Trixx’s gender, the site basically told me it varied from translation to translation, so I flipped a coin; literally.
 At a Gotham hotel:
Marinette couldn’t believe Captain snuck himself on to the plane!  Actually, she could, he’s such a smart boy.  But, how did he get past all that security?  Never mind Trixx probably helped with that, he likes to cause chaos like that.
“Trixx, did you have a hand in getting Captain on the plane?” Marinette asked.
“Noooooooooo.” Trixx dragged out, trying and failing to look innocent.
Marinette sighed, running her hands through Captains fur.
“Besides he was going to miss you terribly so.” Trixx continued.
“And you would have missed him as well Marinette.” Tikki added.
“True…” Marinette agreed.
“And I know Captain never wants to leave his partner alone unless he has to.” Trixx said.
Marinette smiled, still petting Captain and him loving it, the Fox Miraculous; hidden by dog tags and a bandana, catching her eye.  Marinette remembered how this came to be.
*Flash back*
Marinette was having an awful week; Lila spread rumors around the school about her, her classmates have shown to be more like sheep than classmates, Adrien wanted her to continue being a doormat, and Chat could NOT take the hint at the last Akuma attack and left her alone to fight so he could throw a tantrum.
Thankfully, Captain has proven to be the best and most loyal friend she could ever hope for. Marinette knows he would never leave her in danger just because he didn’t like what she said, he never believe she was petty and jealous of a person with such FAKE tales, and he would never ask her not to stand just for justice; being a former police dog.
That’s when an idea hit Marinette.
“Tikki, I have an idea.”
Tikki tilted her head in confusion, watching Marinette look over at her dog.
“Come on Captain, I’m going to introduce you to Master Fu.” Marinette said.
The worst the Master could do was say no, right.
 With Master Fu:
“Greetings Marinette, Tikki” Fu welcomed.
“Hello Master Fu.” Tikki greeted.
“Hello Master, I hope you don’t mind but I brought my dog; Captain.” Marinette returned.
“I don’t mind Marinette; animals can be the best of companions and partners.” Fu smiled, holding out his hand for Captain to sniff.
Captain gave a cautious sniff, but accepted Fu; allowing him to give a single head pat.
“Why don’t we sit down, I feel we have much to discuss.” Fu offered.
“Thank you Master.”
Once they were seated at Fu’s low table, Fu began talking.
“What would you like to discuss Marinette?”
“Can a Miraculous be given to an animal?” Marinette asked.
Fu raised an eyebrow.
“May I ask what brought this on?”
Marinette steeled herself.
“First Chat Noir; he’s late or doesn’t show to battles, when he does he’s pretty much out of the fight immediately, he flirts at the worst times even though I’ve told him I’m not interested in him, he throws hissy hits on a regular basis, and he doesn’t see being a hero as a responsibility but as a game.”
“What of the other heroes?”
“The other heroes have proven that they see being a hero as game as well, they don’t look to see the truth went given no evidence, they like pretty words and offers of connections than working for it themselves and are unwilling to listen to reason when it’s something they don’t want to hear.”
Marinette looked Fu in the eye.
“I’m tired of fighting alone Master Fu.”
The last sentence bore a lot of weight behind it; and Fu heard it.
“I understand Marinette.”
Fu got up to retrieve the box, once he sat down again he started talking.
“You wish for Captain to stand beside you.”
“Yes Master.”
“Do you think he will be able to handle it?”
“Yes Master, he’s a former police dog, he probably has more training and experience than I do.” Marinette giggled.
Captain gave a small tail wag; he loved hearing his girl laugh.
Fu smile and nodded.
“Now it is possible for an animal to use a Miraculous, but the process is different.”
“How so Master?”
“Normally the Guardian would choose the hold, but in the case of animals; the Kwamii’s get to choose if they want to work with them or not, so I cannot guaranty anything Marinette.”
“I understand Master.” Marinette nodded.
“Good, first we must…”
Fu was cut off by a box shaking and jumping around until Trixx popped out.  Once he was out he grabbed Marinette’s hand and began to beg.
“Please, please, PLEASE let me team up with you and your dog! This looks like it’s going to cause chaos and so much confusion!  Please let me, I know how to speak canine, so I know when to transform and stuff, I get along really well with Tikki, my Miraculous can hang with his tags, and my charge up food is really easy.  Please, please, PLEASEEEEEEE!”
Marinette couldn’t help but laugh.
“I have no problem working with you Trixx, but let’s see what Captain thinks.”
Marinette turned to her dog, he liked Tikki, but that doesn’t mean he’d like Trixx.
Trixx flew over to Captain; Captain gave him a sniff.
“Hi Captain, do you want to team up with me to protect your girl?” Trixx asked.
Captain was quiet for a moment, but eventually gave a gentle woof in agreement.
“Yes!” Trixx cheered.
Marinette, Fu and Tikki laughed as Marinette clipped the Miraculous on Captain’s collar; behind the tags, but that laughter was cut short by screaming and crashing outside.
Fu turned to Marinette.
Marinette nodded her head.
“Alright Tikki; Spots on!”
Captain gave a stern bark.
Once the transformation light died down Marinette could see what Captain looked like.
Captain wore an orange, black and white vest that was modeled after a normal police dogs vest; it had the fox tail symbol, in white, on the back and a ladybug symbol on the front where a police badge would be.  Captain also had arm guards on his front legs that covered the top of his paws; they faded from orange to white, but Marinette’s favorite part was his mask.  It was just a normal orange, black and white mask, but just looked so cute.
“Well, I can’t call you Captain, no matter how common that name might be.” Marinette said, looking at her dog. “How about…Hunter?”
The newly christened Hunter gave a soft woof in agreement.
“Come on Hunter, we have an Akuma to fight.”
And then they were off.
“Good luck.” Fu said as they left.
 Where the Akuma was:
The fight with the Akuma, which Chat did not show up to, went smoothly. Hunter cast his illusion by howling and apparently, he could also sniff out the akumatized item, this made things so much easier.  Ladybug didn’t even need to cast Lucky charm! They even did a ‘Pound it’ where Hunter bumped his nose against her fist.
But once everything was fixed by the cure, Chat showed up.
“Hey Bug-a-boo.”
“You missed everything Chat.” Her voice was hard, causing Hunter to tense up.
“Aww, don’t be like that Love bug, it couldn’t have been bad.”
Chat reached out to grab Ladybug only to be blocked by a snarling Hunter.
“What the heck is that?!” Chat exclaimed, back away from the costumed dog.
Ladybug smiled sickly sweet smile at Chat.
“This is Hunter the new, and permanent, fox holder and my new partner.��
“But what about Rena Rouge?! And I’M your partner” Chat demanded.
“She has been retired, and don’t worry about the Guardian; he’s already agreed to this.  As for being my partner; tell me Chat when was the last time you showed up on time for a fight, didn’t get turned against me, or thrown a hissy fit and leave just because you didn’t get what you want?” Ladybug asked.
Chat couldn’t answer her, his mouth flapping uselessly.
“That’s what I thought.” Ladybug then turned to Hunter. “Come Hunter we should leave before your time runs out.”
Hunter gave a woof in return and jumped away with his girl, not before giving one last hard look at Chat.
*End flashback*
Trixx had been appalled by Chat’s attitude and was steaming while he ate his marshmallows, Tikki doing the same while eating cookies.  
Marinette smile as she remembered Alya’s outrage at being replaced, and by a dog at that.  But Hunter proved to the people of Paris how good he was and how great of a partner he was for Ladybug; Their ‘Pound it’ was all the rage in the internet and is now the most popular trick to teach your pet.
So here she was in Gotham with her super hero dog, which snuck aboard a plane, and two powerful little gods.
What was her life?
“Well, sulking around this hotel won’t do us any good; how about we go for a walk guys?” Marinette suggested.
Captain, Tikki and Trixx agreed; Tikki flying into Marinette’s bag and Trixx flew under Captain Bandana.
 At a nearby Park:
Marinette felt so much freer at the park, the only thing people would see was a girl and her dog.
She was just throwing the ball she got for Captain when another dog, a Great Dane, came up and began sniffing Captain.  Captain held still, ball in mouth, and let the other sniff; eventually Captain seemed to like the other dog and began leading them over to Marinette.
“Did you make a friend Captain?” Marinette asked, petting her dog.
Captain gave a slight wag of his tail and Great Dane’s tail was going so fast in was a blur. Marinette reached out her hand for the Dane, so they could get her scent; she was rewarded with a lick on her hand.
“Well aren’t you a sweet heart!  Let’s find out your name.” Marinette laughed, before reaching for the Dane’s tags. “Titus? Well it’s nice to meet you Titus!”
Titus barked his hello, trying to get closer to Marinette’s hands for petting.
“Alright buddy, you want to play fetch with me and Captain while you wait for your owner?”
Titus barked again, this time jumping around in excitement.
“Okay, okay,” Marinette laughed before winding up the ball. “FETCH!”
Marinette let the ball go and both dogs shot after it; tussling a bit to be the one to bring it back. This went on for a while before Marinette heard a voice shouting.
Titus responded to the call and ran over to a boy about her age, a very handsome boy.  Titus circled around the boy a couple times before running back to Marinette.  Marinette could only guess that this was Titus’ owner.  He made his way over to her.
“Hello Miss, I’m sorry if Titus caused you any trouble.” He greeted.
“Titus was no trouble at all; he was a real sweet heart.” Marinette assured. “My name is Marinette, and this is my dog Captain.”
“It’s lovely to meet you Marinette; my name is Damian, you’ve already met Titus.” Damian greeted, gently taking her hand and placing a kiss on the back; Marinette couldn’t help but blush.
Watching his girl blush at the new person caused Captain to step between the two, making both of blink.
“I’m sorry Damian; Captain doesn’t like strangers getting too close to me.”
“It’s fine Marinette; I should have introduced myself to your dog before invading your space. It’s understandable that he takes me as threat.” Damian said, slowly reaching out his hand for Captain.
Captain investigated the offered hand and gave Damian a hard stare.  There was a tense moment before Captain gave a snort and walked to Marinette’s side.
“I think you’ve been approved of Damian.” Marinette said surprised. “He usually doesn’t like a lot of people; really it’s just me and my parents.”
“A high honor then, I will do my best not to waste it.” Damian stated. “I would hate to ruin my chance at talking to a beautiful lady such as you.”
The blush returned to Marinette’s face.
“T-Thank you, but I’m not much.”
Damian just smirked at her, making her blush more.  Damian was going to say something when he noticed Titus sniffing at Captain’s Bandana. Marinette knew he was smelling Trixx.
“That is a very well made, where did you get this Marinette?” Damian asked.
“I made it myself; I couldn’t find anything in the stores that I liked.”
“Really?  Might I commission you to make one for Titus?”
“You can, but I don’t have a lot of my sewing supplies with me in Gotham, so it could take some time.”
“Where are visiting from Marinette?”
“I’m visiting with my class from Paris; we’re here mainly to see Wayne Enterprise.”  Marinette clarified.
“And they let you bring your dog?” Damian asked.
“They didn’t ‘Let me’.” Marinette looked over at Captain with a mock serious look. “Somehow, someone managed to trick the entire airport and sneak himself onto the plane.”
Damian gave a snort in amusement.
“I know it sounds fake, but…”
Damian cut Marinette off.
“No, I believe you; I’ve seen animals be smarter than people before, but this very impressive.  Your classmates must have thought it funny.”
Marinette wilted a bit when Damian mentioned her classmates; he noticed.
“What’s wrong Marinette?”
“You won’t believe me…”
“I’ve been told I very good at telling who’s lying, so please tell me.”
“There’s a girl in my class who doesn’t like me, and she made it sound like I snuck Captain aboard the plane on purpose just to get attention.  I wouldn’t even know where to start on that!”
“It sounds like she’s done more than that Marinette.”
“She has…” Marinette sighed, she then gave a brief explanation to Damian about what was going on; he was not pleased.
“Your classmates are morons; large ones.”
“Yeah, they are.  Hey Damian, do you know much about Wayne Enterprise?” Marinette asked.
“I know enough.”
“Do you think they let Captain in?  I’d hate to leave him at the hotel tell all day.”
“I’m positive they will Marinette, the Wayne family is a very open-minded family.”
“Thank you, Damian,” Marinette smiled, before asking another question. “Do you know any nearby dog friendly restaurants are?”
“Of course, I’d be happy to show you.  Perhaps you would let me join you as well.”
“I’d like that Damian; it would be nice to talk to someone with common sense that isn’t Captain.”
Damian chuckled and held out his arm; which Marinette took, and began to guide her to the closest café their dogs trotting along with them.
While at the café Damian got Marinette to open up a bit more about her classmates; Marinette didn’t know why she did that, she was just comfortable with him.  And if Damian thought her classmates to be morons before, he though them to be outright imbeciles now.
“These people clearly have no brain cells Marinette.”
Marinette smiled at Damian, it was nice to have someone who can listen to reason.
Eventually Marinette and Captain did have to go back to the hotel, not before they exchanged number though.
“Can we do this again tomorrow; my class won’t be spending all day at Wayne Enterprise.” Marinette asked just before she left; surprising herself at her boldness.
Damian didn’t seem to have an issue with her request though.
“You took the request right out of my mouth Angel.”
“A-Angel?” Marinette stuttered.
“Certainly, you’ve shown your class kindness and patience when they don’t deserve it or you, so yes Angel; unless it makes you uncomfortable Marinette.”
“It’s fine Damian, just please; never call me Princess.” Marinette pleaded.
Damian clearly wanted to ask why but left it alone.
“Of course, Marinette; I will respect your wishes.” Damian nodded his head. “Now will you allow myself and Titus to walk yourself and Captain back to your hotel?”
“Sure Damian.”
The walk was made up of Marinette asking what Damian wanted the Bandana for Titus to look like.  Once they reached the hotel they said their goodbyes.
“It was wonderful meeting Damian, you too Titus.”  Marinette said.
“You as well Marinette, Captain.” Damian waved goodbye.
 The next morning:
Marinette, Captain and the class set off for Wayne Enterprise, Lila being Lie-le the entire time on the bus.
“The Wayne family just loves me; they always try and make sure I’m alright.” Lila boasted.
“Wow Lila, do you think you could introduce me?  I’d love to have an interview!” Alya questioned.
“Maybe Alya, they are a very busy family after all; we probably won’t even see them.” Lila redirected.
“Aww, that’s too bad.” Alya was disappointed.
Marinette, keeping a hand on Captain, resisted the urge to roll her eyes.  Last night before going to sleep, Marinette looked up the Wayne family; ignoring all the pictures she didn’t care about those and found many things. Like, if Alya wanted an interview she could just request one, yeah there would be some restrictions but Alya doesn’t care for doing her own research.
Adrien just kept quiet, just as always.
The class reached Wayne Enterprise; Marinette and Captain at the back of the group and were greeted by a surprise in the lobby.
“Hi everyone, I’m Dick Grayson and I’ll be the one giving you the tour around the building.”
The entire air shifted; Alya was ecstatic, Lila could get her an interview right away!  Lila was terrified, because this could go very south on her and she had no back up plans on being called out by one of the people she bragged about.  Marinette was confused, why were people getting excited?
Marinette was never good with icons outside fashion and music, so she didn’t know the Damian she spent time with the day before was the Damian Wayne.   So, when Damian got home he spoke with his family, telling them of a girl in the French tour would likely be using their names for gain.  Nobody liked the idea of being used, so if the topic came up they would shut it down; Damian figured out from Marinette’s descriptions that the topic would come up from one person or another.
Damian theory proved true when Alya; the pushy, rude, ‘always right’, Alya raised her hand.
“Go ahead.” Dick called on her.
“Hi, I’m Alya; I’m friends with your friend Lila Rossi!”
Lila froze at Alya’s exclamation; going very pale.
Dick frowned, now knowing who the liar in the group was; but was inwardly smirking at the chance to call them out.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve NEVER met a ‘Lila Rossi’ in my life; whoever that is lied to you.”
Alya looked like her world shattered with that one phrase.
Marinette realized Dick must be an important person Lila lied about; which one Marinette wasn’t sure they all sound the same after a point. Marinette looked over at Alya and saw the devastation on her face; Marinette really hoped her former friend would learn from this and start fact checking.
Marinette started running one her hands through Captain’s fur, the motion keeping her calm; watching more horror appear on her classmate’s faces as Dick continued.
"I hope she didn’t use our name to take advantage of people and she continues like this she will be hit with a lawsuit.”
Lila blanched, a lawsuit would really be bad, but she didn’t know how to backtrack from this lie; she didn’t think a Wayne would be the one conducting the tour.
“Well, now that that’s cleared up we can begin the tour.” Dick said, clapping his hands together.
But in a desperate attempt to get the negative focus off her Lila tried to get Marinette in trouble.
“Look Marinette brought her dog!  He can’t be here!”
Everyone turned to look at Marinette; Ms. Bustier was quick to say something.
“Marinette why in the world did you bring your dog?!”
“I didn’t want to leave Captain alone in hotel ALL day, what kind of pet owner would I be if I did that Ms. Bustier?  And how did you not see me bring him onto the bus?!”
Ms. Bustier opened her mouth to try and reprimand Marinette more but was cut off by Dick.
“This is perfectly fine Ms. Bustier; we were warned ahead of time that due to some strange events, there would be a dog in the group today.”
Ms. Bustier could only nod, not being able to argue with Dick, But Lila was outraged by this turn of events.
“Who could have possibly warned you about her dog?!”
Marinette; as much as she didn’t like Lila had to admit, that was a good question.
“I did.” Came a voice off from the side.
“Hey, Damian.” Dick greeted.
“Hello Grayson,” Damian nodded, before approaching Marinette; Titus at his side. “Hello again Marinette, Captain.”
“Damian! Titus!  I hadn’t thought you might work here!” Marinette said, “Which is silly looking back now, because you knew if Captain would allowed or not.”
“It’s fine Marinette.” Damian smiled at the sweet girl.
“Oh, hold on!  I was going to give this to you later, but since you’re here now.” Marinette said as she rummaged through her bag, pulling out a yellow piece of cloth.  “I managed to find some cloth and made Titus a Bandana, it’s nothing fancy but I wanted to see if he even liked it first.”
The Bandana was yellow with black thread spelling out ‘Titus’ in cursive.
“Its wonderful Marinette.”
“Thank you, Damian, can I put it on Titus now to see if he likes it?”
Marinette bent down to carefully tie it to Titus; who was holding still for her.
“There.” Marinette stood up.
Titus was then bouncing around her and Captain, braking and wagging his tail in happiness.  Making Damian and Marinette laugh, as Titus did his best to get Captain to play with him.
While they were in their own little world the people around them watched in awe; Damian Wayne could smile, he could laugh!
Dick was grinning ear to ear, being very thankful the lobby had cameras or else there would be no proof of this happening.  
Alya could decide between being hurt or confused; hurt by Lila’s lies or confused by the fact Marinette knew THE Damian Wayne.
Adrien was concerned; this was just going to cause more problems, why couldn’t Marinette just stay low?
Lila was seething, how is it that when she finally won over the class of idiots and turns them against Marinette, Marinette goes and somehow charms one of the riches and coldest people in the world!  This could not continue.  Lila slipped away; unknowingly catching Dick’s eye.
The rest of the class was just in awe of the sweet atmosphere around the two.
That atmosphere was broken when the sound of screaming and breaking began, a giant form comes busting into the lobby.
“Hello everyone, I am Arachnae and with no Ladybug or Chat Noir around, you all will be nothing but flies in my beautiful web.”
Arachnae was a human torso on a spider’s body, her entire form was covered in bright orange fuzz; head to the tip of each spidery leg.  The form was also very clearly Lila; she had her face and hair and the necklace she always wore, but the one thing different about Lila’s is that she now had 8 eyes.
Dick was the first to react.
“What the %&$@!”
Arachnae let out a hiss and shot webs from her hands; the strands aimed mostly at the class and Marinette.  The people that got hit were turned into little soulless puppets for Arachnae to play with and amuse herself.
Marinette jumped to dodge the web, hitting the ground running; looking for a place to hide, Captain at her side.
When Marinette dodged she threw herself away from Damian, causing him to worry, but his yell brought Arachnae’s attention to them.
“Ah yes Marinette, when I catch you I’m going to make you miserable!  And your little dog too!”
Arachnae charged at Marinette.
“Damian run!  She’s focused on me, go get help!” Marinette yelled, before she and Captain took off.
The chase began, with Arachnae destroying anything that got in her path.  As she ran Marinette began looking for a place to transform, counting on Captain to guild her around Arachnae’s attacks.  Eventually Arachnae ends up bringing the ceiling down and blocked herself from Marinette and Captain.
Marinette looked around for a place without cameras and spotted a closet.
“This will have to do Captain.” Marinette said to Captain, as she closed them both inside. “Tikki? Trixx?”
“Ready!” They chimed together, flying from their hiding spots.
“Alright, now; Tikki Spots On!”
With a flash of light Ladybug and Hunter were ready.  Looking around she saw some vents she and Hunter could crawl though, so the cameras didn’t see her.
 In the Lobby:
Arachnae had gotten most of the people in the lobby, except for three; Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, and Adrien, her biggest targets outside Marinette.
“Just surrender to me, it would make this all so much easier!” Arachnae hissed at the boys, sending more webs and puppet people at them.
Dick and Damian had managed to dodge webs, puppets and Arachnae; Adrien was hiding behind a plant behind Arachnae, but they were also trapped in the lobby and running out of options.  Titus was running around, unable to get to Damian and Dick.
*Bark, Bark, Bark*
“Shut up, you dumb mutt!” Arachnae hissed, raising one spider leg bring it down on Titus.
“Titus!” Damian yelled.
Just as the Arachnae’s leg was about to hit a string from a ceiling vent wrapped around it and pulled. Arachnae was pulled with such force she toppled over, and two figures fell out of the vents.
“I don’t know how you got Akumatized outside of Paris, but that doesn’t mean you’ll win.”
“Ladybug.” Arachnae snarled.
“What?  Not happy to see me?”
Arachnae gave a war cry and launch herself at the duo.  Ladybug and Hunter jumped out of the way, Ladybug in the opposite direction of the people, Hunter grabbing Titus and bring him over to Damian and Dick. After dropping Titus off Hunter went back to Ladybug’s side; who was dodging Arachnae’s webs and people puppets, and bit one of Arachnae’s spider legs.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH” Arachnae let loose a scream of pain, she turned to Hunter. “You God awful waste of space!”
While facing Hunter, Arachnae left herself for a hit; but the hit wasn’t from Ladybug.  A small black blur cut Arachnae across the arm.
Arachnae hissed at the contact, as Batman dropped down from another vent in the ceiling.
“Batman?!  What are you doing here!” Arachnae growled.
“Really Lila?!  We’re I Gotham, you’re causing trouble and you expect Batman not to show up?” Ladybug’s exasperated voice came.
“Shut-up! And it’s Arachnae!” Arachnae snarled, clearly humiliated.
Batman threw a few more baterangs that exploded into smoke bombs and ran over to Ladybug and Hunter.
“What’s going on?” Batman asked.
“That is Lila, she has been akumatized,” Ladybug started. “Not sure how outside Paris, but that’s worry for later, but we need to find the akumatized object and break it.  That will make her lose any power she has.”
“What’s the object?”
“The only thing it could be is the necklace, everything else is just orange fuzz, but getting close to her is dangerous.  If you get hit by her web, you’ll become her puppet and I rather not fight you Batman.”
“What are your names?”
“I’m Ladybug and this is my partner Hunter.”
The smoke was beginning to clear from Arachnae’s face.
“We better hurry before she…”
Ladybug was cut off by a voice.
“Don’t worry Milady I’ll help you!” Chat yelled, while trying to jump in, only to get hit by on of Arachnae’s webs.
“Not again Chat!” Ladybug cried.
“Does that happen often?” Batman asked, disappointed.
“More than I’ll ever truly admit to” Muttered Ladybug.
“Oh, this perfect! Or should I say purrfect?” Arachnae jeered, as Chat puppet now dangled at the end of her web.
Batman tried to cut the web by throwing some baterangs at it, but they just bounced off.  Arachnae then sent a swarm of people puppets at them. Ladybug then had an idea.
“Batman, I need you to throw more smoke bombs.”
He did as he was instructed.
“Hunter!” Ladybug called out.
Hunter let loose a howl.
Once Hunter’s howl was done Ladybug grabbed Batman and ran behind a pillar.  Once the smoke was cleared Batman carefully looked around the pillar and was stunned when he saw the figures of himself, Ladybug and hunter were still there; Moving, talking and just outright distracting Arachnae.
“How?” Batman was blunt in his question.
“Hunter can cast an illusion, but he can only cast it once before he’s on a time limit.” Ladybug explained.
“And you?”
“This; Lucky Charm!” Ladybug through her Yo-yo in the air and what came down was a bottle of peppermint extract.
Batman gave Ladybug a confused look.
“Lucky Charm only gives me what I need, not what I want.” Ladybug clarified looking around and spotted the sprinklers in the ceiling. “I have an idea; do you think you can cut the necklace off of her neck?”
“Yes.” Batman replied, catching on to her idea.
Arachnae just managed to destroy the illusion; disappearing in a puff of smoke, when Hunter and Batman dropped in front of her.
“Why won’t you do things MY way!” Arachnae screamed.
“Because your way is wrong.” Batman stated, throwing baterangs at her.
Hunter jumped at her spidery legs, barking and biting at them; because he was under her she couldn’t shoot webs at him, but his biting allowed enough distraction for Batman to try and target the necklace.
As the three battled, Ladybug made her way up to the sprinkler system; carefully hooking up the bottle.  Once it was secured Ladybug dropped to the floor and pulled the nearest fire alarm; causing the sprinkler system to go off.
Since Lila was currently part spider, and spiders don’t like peppermint, she started to scream and curl herself into a ball.
Batman saw the opening and accomplished cutting off the necklace; which Hunter caught and brought over to Ladybug.  
Ladybug broke the necklace and release the akuma, catching it with her Yo-yo and cleansing it.
“Bye, Bye butterfly.”
After she was done cleansing the butterfly, Ladybug turned to Hunter and held out her fist.
“Pound it.”
Hunter bumped his nose against her fist
As Lady was cleansing the akuma, and ‘Pounding it’ with Hunter, Batman turned off the sprinklers a brought back the Luck Charm.
“I’m sorry for the trouble.” Ladybug said taking the charm. “I really don’t understand how she did this.”
“Gotham’s use to damage.”
“It doesn’t make it okay, but don’t worry I have something for it.” Ladybug smiled, “Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybug tossed the bottle in the air and it exploded into thousands of little sparkly pink ladybugs.
The ladybugs swarmed over everything, reversing all the damage, turning people back to normal and healing any injuries.
The barricade Dick, Damian and Titus were behind was cleaned up and put away, leaving two stunned people and a very happy dog; Titus bounced over to Hunter to say Hi.
“Holy Sh*t! How!?” Dick asked looking around.
“Magic!” Ladybug chirped.
A groan caught Ladybug’s attention; it was Lila.  Ladybug made her way over to her.
“So, here we are again Lila.” Ladybug said in a scolding tone.
Lila tried desperately to come up with an excuse.
“It wasn’t my Fault Ladybug! Hawkmoth…”
Ladybug cut her off.
“Hawkmoth doesn’t have the power to akumatize someone in another country, let alone one across an ocean, or he would have been doing it from the start.  Now how did you get akumatized Lila.”
“You can’t prove anything!” Lila tried.
“I can.” Batman said, pulling up some security feed on his computer gauntlet, he projected it for all to see.
The video was of Lila slipping into a hallway, clearly trying not to be seen by people, and when she was done double checking her surroundings; she pulled a little glass jar out of her bag.  That jar contained a purple butterfly.  Lila then opened the jar and let the akuma to fuse with her necklace; creating Arachnae.
The people from Paris gasped.
“I-it isn’t what it looks like…” Lila began.
“Really, because to me this looks like you are either helping a known terrorist or wanted the destructive power at your disposal for whenever you felt necessary.” Ladybug was disgusted, turned to Batman. “Gotham, America in general, are not my territory; how do you want to handle this?”
“The young lady is clearly a threat to people and has purposely tried to harm them; she will be facing justice.” Batman said pulling out a pair of hand cuffs.
“What?...No!  YOU CAN’T!  I’M THE DAUGHTER OF A DIPLOMAT! TWO OF THEM!” Lila tried to fight Batman off, but without the power of the akuma she had no chance.
Around this time the GPD showed up, Batman gave them a quick run down about what happened, and they took Lila away; Batman would be dropping by later with the evidence.  A few stayed behind to take statements.
A frantic beeping was heard.
“I’m sorry Batman; Hunter and I have to return to Paris, out time is almost up.”
“Before you go can you tell how you got here?”
“The horse miraculous can teleport,” Even more beeping, “Thank you for your help Batman, come on Hunter.”
With that Ladybug and Hunter were gone through the vent they entered, leaving Batman and a disoriented Chat behind.  Batman made his way over to Chat.
“How did you get here?” Batman asked, Chat clearly hadn’t come with Ladybug, so he needed to know.
“Uhhh…Got to go!” Chat just ran off.
Batman knew he was just going revert to civilian state somewhere in the building, he’ll look at the security feed later.
“Damian!” Marinette busted into the new repaired lobby with Captain right beside her.
“Marinette!” Damian yelled running over to her “Are you alright?”
“I should be asking you that!  You were the one trapped with her!”
Batman was shocked to see Damian be sweet with a girl, with anyone really, and subtlety glance at Dick. Dick smiled and mouthed ‘Future girlfriend’ to him.
As Damian and Marinette were connecting, Batman noticed a blond boy run into the lobby; from the same hallway Chat ran down.
“Marinette, what were you thinking?” the blond asked running over to her and Damian, interrupting them.
Just as Adrien was about to reach her Captain stepped in front of her in a protective stance; Titus joined him, causing him to stop short.
“Adrien, what are you talking about?” Marinatte asked, standing behind her furry guards.  Damian wrapping his arm around her for comfort.
“You caused Lila to be akumatized!”
“What!  No, I/she didn’t!” Marinette and Damian yelled.
“Yes, she did, if Marinette has just stayed low none of this would have happened.” Adrien insisted.
Batman intervened before Damian could break the boys jaw.
“Young man we have proof that Lila Rossi voluntarily did the ‘akumatization’ to herself.  This young lady had nothing to do with it.”
“B-But Batman; if Marinette hadn’t exposed Lila…” Adrien began, only to be cut off by Dick.
“Hey kid, I’m the one who called out that liar and are you insinuating that you KNEW that she was lying to her classmates?”
“W-Well she wasn’t hurting anyone.”
“Kid you need a lesson on toxic people; BADLY.” Dick shook his head at Adrien.
Adrien was about to say something when he felt a hand on his shoulder; he turned, it was Batman.
“Please return to your class, the police will take your statement.”
“What about Marinette?” Adrien tried, wanting the girl to came back with him and away from Damian and his dog; not that Captain would let him get close.
“I’ll be the one taking her statement, now please return to your class.” Batman stood firm in this.
“I’ll take him back Batman.” Dick offered, grabbing Adrien’s shoulder.
So Adrien shuffled away; being lead by Dick, continuedly glancing over his should at the group.
“Is this normal behaviour for him Angel?” Damian asked.
“When I don’t do what he wants, yes.” Marinette confirmed.
Damian made a face at her answer, but before they could farther into that talk Batman had a question.
“Miss can you tell me more about these ‘Akuma’ and what happened with Ms. Rossi.”
“Sure.” Marinette sighed, “But you’re going to need some back story as well.”
Batman nodded his assent and Marinette gave the entire rundown about what is happening in Paris and the amount of rolls Lila played as an Akuma.  When she was done Marinette was out of breath but looked like the world had been removed from her shoulders.  Damian had pulled her closer as she spoke, and Captain and Titus were trying to cuddle up to her.
There was a beat of silence before Batman spoke.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know how the League missed what was happening.”
“It’s fine Batman, I know the League would never let us flounder if they knew what was going on.” Marinette assured, “Honestly I think magic had something to do with that, but I’m not sure WHY the mayor didn’t contact you.”
“It will be investigated, thank you for your time.” Batman then walked off to talk to an officer.
Once he was gone Damian turned to Marinette; who was still in his arms.
“Are you sure you’re alright Angel?”
“I’m fine Damian, I promise, Captain and I hid in a closet.  Thank you for staying with me though, talking about akums and Lila just takes a lot out of me.”
“Consider what you told me yesterday and what you just told Batman, I think it’s a miracle that you were akumatized yourself.”
“I work hard not to be, but I should be allowed to feel bad without Hawkmoth trying to take advantage of me.” Marinette sighed.
A commotion of noise grabbed their attention, it was Marinette’s class; they were arguing amongst themselves.
“I really don’t wat to go back over there; that looks like pure drama.” Marinette groaned.
“Drama that could have been avoided if they had any common sense.” Damian commented, “Since you don’t wish to rejoin your class, and you’ve already given you statement, would you and Captain like to join Titus and I for lunch again?  We’ll still be in the building and I’ll let Grayson know what’s going on.”
“That sounds wonderful Damian.”
Captain gave a small tail wag and Titus was just happy to spend more time with Marinette and Captain.
“Then it is agreed.” Damian said, sending off a text to Dick and then holding out his arm to Marinette. “Shall we?”
Marinette giggled and took the arm.
“We shall.”
Damian began to lead Marinette and the dogs to the cafeteria.
“I hope the Wayne family isn’t too mad at the problems my class caused.” Marinette commented, making Damian freeze in his tracks.
“Angel I should let you know; because I would hate you to think I lied to you, but I am Damian WAYNE son of Bruce Wayne.”
“Oh.” Marinette blinked, “Well I hope you and your family aren’t too mad at my class.”
Damian’s was stunned, Marinette saw the look.
“Damian, clearly your family is important, but that doesn’t matter to me; what matters is that you are a good person.  I’ve met other kids from important families, but they were terrible, and I wanted nothing to do with them.  You’ve already proven to be a great person and that’s all I need.”
Damian gave a soft smile.
“Thank you, Angel, you truly are treasure.”
“So, your family won’t be mad?” Marinette asked.
“Nope, Gotham sees more damage than any other place in America, so the problems Rossi caused wouldn’t raise any more attention.” Damian explained. “The fact is was repaired by a hero from Paris will actually draw more attention.”
“Indeed, now shall we continue to lunch Angel?”
So, arm in arm Damian and Marinette went to lunch; Captain and Titus trotting along with them.
That was Dogs are a Ladybug’s best friend.
The Day after the Akuma attack:
Wayne Enterprise Employee - *Crying*
Bruce - *Very concerned* What’s wrong?!
WEE - *Still crying* N-Nothing.
Bruce – But you’re crying.
WEE- *Crying* I’m happy!
Bruce – Happy?
WEE - *Crying* Ladybug fixed everything!
Bruce - *Warry* Yes…
WEE - *Crying harder* We don’t need to redo all the paper work!  Or do the added paper work for the repairs!
Other Employees nearby - *Start crying in happiness as well* No extra paper work!
Bruce - *Has no idea how to respond*…
 Extra 2:
Before the trip to Gotham:
Alya – *On her phone* Ooooo a new interview with Ladybug
Alya clicks on the link
Interviewer – So Ladybug who is the new fox?
Alya - *Screaming* NEW FOX!
Ladybug – This is Hunter, he is the new and permanent fox.
Interviewer – May ask what happen to the old fox?
Ladybug – You can ask, but I won’t give you an answer; I won’t let you take what happened and turn it into a hot topic.
Interviewer – I see…What can you tell us.
Ladybug – Hunter is my trusted partner, don’t be afraid he’s here to help you and me.  Please give him the same respect you would gave me.
Interviewer – Of course!  There has also been a talk about you and Hunter doing a ‘Pound it’ is it true?
Ladybug – This is true, would you like to see?
Interviewer – Yes!
Ladybug – Hunter!
Hunter - *Bark*
Ladybug - *Holding out her fist* Pound it!
Hunter - *Bumps nose against Ladybug’s fist*
Interviewer – Awwwwwwwwwww.
Ladybug - *Smiling* I’m sorry, but hunter and I have to go.
Interviewer - *Nodding their head* Thank you for your time Ladybug, Hunter.
Ladybug and Hunter leave.
Interviewer - *Facing the camera* Well there you have folks, we have a new fox!
Alya couldn’t watch the rest of the interview.
 Extra 3:
Wayne House hold:
They were sitting down to dinner.
Bruce – So, Damian.
Damian – Yes Father.
Bruce – When will you be bringing Marinette over for dinner?
Damian - *Chokes on food* F-Father?!
Dick – Yeah little D, we need to meet your girlfriend properly!
Damian – Grayson!
Jason/Tim – GIRLFRIEND?????
Damian - *Turning red* She’s not my girlfriend!
Bruce - *Smiling* But you called her ‘Angel’.
Damian – FATHER!!!
Tim – When did this happen?!
Jason – What the h*ll did we miss?!
 Extra 4:
Bruce - *Looking at the security footage*
Damian – Father, what are you looking at?
Bruce – Take a look.
Damian sees the blonde boy (Adrien, if he recalled) hiding behind a plant arguing with the air, before he was surrounded by a green light and reappeared as Chat.
Damian - *Not impressed* So he’s a failure on all fronts.
Bruce – So it seems.
 Extra 5:
Adrien Hiding behind the plant when the Attack was going on:
Adrien – *Whispering* Plagg we need to do something!
Plagg – How do you plain on explaining how ‘Chat’ got here?
Adrien – No ones going to ask that.
Plagg – Yes, they will!
Adrien – No, they won’t.
Plagg – Your class may not, but there are others here that have more than one brain cell!
Adrien – Plagg! That was rude!
Ladybug and Hunter show up.
Adrien – *Dreamy sigh* Ladybug…
Plagg – And her PARTNER Hunter.
Adrien - *Not paying attention* Plagg I need to transform.
Plagg – Are you nuts! You can’t transform here!  People will see!
Adrien - *Still paying more attention to Ladybug* Alright Plagg let’s do this…
Plagg - *Beyond frustrated* Kid!
Adrien – Plagg; Claws out!
Plagg - *Is done and wants a new holder*
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ricinbach · 3 years
honor him. | chapter 6 - loose ends
new information comes to light and the contract is bent. 
“One move and I start cutting.”
Breath held back in a sharp gasp, the quick palpitations of the heart beating out of the chest. A little hiss at the coldness of the blade against warmer skin. The salty droplets of cold sweat starting to form on their foreheads. Too afraid to take tentative steps to escape, threatened by the perfectly-measured, mastered amount of sheer pressure against their throats just enough to not break the barrier of flesh.  
If all the targets that fell dead under your blade had something in common, it would be their reactions when you prepared to deliver the final cut.
Pendleton had been no different. The moment your cold steel met his skin, the nobleman knew better not to move his hands towards the blade he kept on the dresser. If an assassin had been that skilled to sneak in, not make a single living whiff of a sound and press a blade against him like that - he would not dare take a single breath. Though he had been surprised, you could tell by the way his head tilted ever so slightly to the right, to hear a woman’s voice wielding the killer weapon. You hoped he did not have a weak heart, since you were about to surprise him much, much more with what was to come.
The contract sent by Lord Shaw to the one and only Knife of Dunwall stated that Lord Treavor Pendleton was to be eliminated, with a handsome reward of shiny five thousand coin. Most nobles you had been ordered to kill, that you have interacted with at some level, had been slimy and shady, thinking their money and their power would solve every single problem they encountered - even the slightest inconveniences. Most of the times, they did. That night was not going to be one of those times.
“Take a seat over at that chair,” your strong voice would demand while your empty, gloved hand would reach out to grab onto the back of his fancy overcoat tightly, the agonizing touch of the blade loosening ever so slightly against his throat to give him room to walk. “Start walking.”
It was as if you could sense the cowardice of his soul seeping through his expensive garments, the man’s breathing became ragged with droplets of cold sweat racing down his jaw as you followed him around the bed towards the wooden chair, nudging him. Only when he sat down without resisting you could you take a good look at his face - terror, his slicked back black hair emanating a couple of loose strands out of sweat, his eyes big and full of fear. Some glints of surprise in the orbs, as he took a good look upwards at his captor, who happened to be a sight for sore eyes.
Standing in front of your captive with nothing but determination in your eyes, your extended hand would hold the steel dangerously close to his bulging, sweaty throat part covered by that high-collar neckline he wore. An occasional night breeze would toy with your hair as the fading remnants of sunlight hit your features.
“W-what do you want? I swear, I can give you money, so much money and power-” the man would start rambling, in a trembling voice as one of his legs started shaking ever-so-slightly.
“Someone wants you dead and gone, Pendleton,” your voice dipped in control echoed in the vast bedroom, as you would lean in lightly. “I have to admit - I did too. I would love to stick a blade in your little throat and watch you squirm. After all, you’re just another noble out of the bunch, aren’t you?”
Pendleton gulped, the pleading look in his eyes back again. “Please...”
Tilting your head slightly, you would lean in even further, the blade staying horizontally against his flesh, restricting all movement. “But on my way here, I came across a very interesting sight. It isn’t exactly the wisest decision to conspire near the Regent’s Parliament, huh?”
If someone’s eyes could widen to cover half their face, Treavor’s eyes at that moment would. Oh, this was bad. Not only would this woman gut him alive and leave him to the plague rats to feast on, she had heard their plans too. The entire Pendleton family name, if someone had found out about his intent to restore the rightful heir, would perish to no avail. The mere thought made him quiver under her hands.
“I know a great deal,” you started, your voice thickening as your orbs bore fire into his, your face inches away from his terrified one.
“Emily Kaldwin. I want to know where she is, Treavor. And before you start saying you don’t know anything,” the blade pressed against his throat firmer, causing him to writhe under you. “I know those choffers you call siblings have her, so I suggest you co-operate with me here.”
It was almost as if the eminent fear of dying had awakened something inside of the coward, when his eyes lit up for a second, looking into your eyes with a newfound tone in them.
“That information comes at a price.”
To that, you could not help but let out a chuckle, shaking your head at his utter and hopeless naivety. You were being paid top coin to kill this man - was he not aware of the fact that you could skin him alive right that second?
“You bastard. I don’t think you’re in a position to make demands now, are you?” you would ask, the edge of the blade leaving a small cut underneath his jaw, couple drops of blood coating your shiny metal. A loud hiss would emanate from the man underneath you, yet he managed to look into your eyes with all the courage he could muster.
“I can do better than that. You help us get the Royal Protector out of Coldridge, I will get out of sight and out of mind, disappear into the Void itself.”
It was your turn to show surprise as he made you the most unexpected offer. It was as if all those made-up rescue scenarios you made in your head, playing different turns of events for four long months were coming to life. Could you trust this man? Was he loyal to the Empire as he claimed to be?
“I can just torture you to death right here and you would be begging to spill information to me,” you spoke, your tone evident.
It seemed like the man did not have a choice but to trust you. He knew damn well what you had been capable of, the itching and burning fresh cut on his jawline would always be a reminder of that. Bribing guards had been too risky - no one could pinpoint what those dimwits could do. If you hadn’t had good intentions for the heiress either, you would have started torturing him on the spot, but instead you leaned towards the more merciful path.
“Lady, you could have killed me the moment you stepped in my chambers. You need me alive. The Empire needs nobles who are still loyal to the Kaldwin reign, and you know it.”
Never before had you been this intimidated by a target. You had been sent to stick a blade through this man, what in the Void did you think you were doing, trying to cut some crazy deal with him for a suicide mission, all the while sparing him? It felt like losing control - you did not like losing control. Jaw clenched and fire burning in your eyes, it was time you took it back.
“I’ll do it,” the words spilled out of your mouth without little hesitation. “Tell me where Lady Emily is.”
Pendleton could only let out a little grin, blinking, not expecting to recruit that easily into the conspiracy. “My brothers frequent the finest bathhouse in the Isles.”
Getting the hint, your eyes would glimmer with determination and you would nod sharply to the man, before you extracted your blade back into the holster and made your fist meet his jaw. Sending him reeling back to tumble on the hardwood with a groan.
Out of the corner of your eye, a small glint of metal caught your attention, positioned neatly on the chestnut dresser against the wooden-paneled wall. You had done this man the favor of his lifetime by not letting him go victim to your blade - maybe it would not hurt him too much if you scavenged a little something.
A Kaldwin cameo, you would recognize as you walked towards it, the mere sight of it making you clench your jaw. Without giving it a second thought, you grabbed the shiny object, slipping it into your pouch. “If I hear your name around anytime soon, I will come and slice your head off,” your threatening voice echoed as you perched up on the window, looking at a disheveled Pendleton leaning against the wall.
His fingers tracing the burning cut, he could only look as you jumped out of the window towards the rooftops.
The return back to your base, the wretched place you had learned to call a home alongside him, had not been as easy as it had always been after your previous targets, who were no doubt swarming the Void already.
The choices you make, he would tell you, always matter to someone, somewhere.
Letting Pendleton disappear alive and unharmed, to realize the plans he had been discussing with the Admiral was a decision that would impact you and those around you tremendously. It would mark the start of your involvement with the conspiracy, founded to bandage the wounds your master had impaled under orders. As you approached the riverside neighboring the non-functioning but ever-so-tall Greaves Refinery in the skiff of a smuggler you had paid to get across Wrenhaven, the dawn of the approaching crossroads sulked on your mind. The mission ahead of you irking you to an extent you never felt before, knowing there was so much more at stake than just life and death. In many ways, the future of an Empire depended on whether you succeeded. The burden it had already put on your shoulders was beginning to drag you down, cloud your mind with reason and equally with judgment.
Was aiding Corvo in any way treason to your master? The same master who stuck a blade into the woman he was hired to protect? The former Royal Protector was an unknown, a mystery - even if he did manage to get out in one piece, which was very unlikely given the nature of the busted hole he was in, there was no telling what he would do. Would the man be so full of revenge that he would start killing every person he set his sights onto? Cause havoc in the cursed city that has taken everything away from him?
No. The Corvo you knew all those years ago would not. You prayed to the dark-eyed god that all that pain and misery had not changed him too much.
Slowly making your way through your territory, the route to Central Rudshore gave you the opportunity to reflect, your reflection gazing at you through the chest-high waters. The more you thought, the more your heart and your mind slipped into unison. You had seen Daud, once a bloodthirsty killer without emotion, crumble and suffer with the regret that his last assassination brought onto his aching soul. You knew he would take it back, take everything back to the start, give back all the coin and put a blade into that small man Burrows if he had the chance to.
He ached to do something right, something for the good of the Empire, and so did you. In your heart and mind, aiding Corvo Attano get his honor back was the right thing to do. Even when you served the man who led to his misery in the first place - you would do your part in a hopeful quest to restore the rightful heir, for as long as you could, all the while keeping your Master from harm’s way.
It was that deep hollow in your stomach letting you know that you only could for so long.
Mask on, couple of your fellow Whalers would greet you inside the Commerce Building as you approached his double doors. For the moment, all you could do, all you could hope for was for the noble to listen to your carefully-spoken word and leave the area for however long it needed to take so that rich bastard Lord Shaw would not notice you deliberately failing the contract. You only could hope the payment reached Daud safely and soundly - the last thing you wanted to do was to give him even the slightest hint of suspicion.
Taking your mask off the moment you stepped inside his quarters, you would find the Master Assassin lighting up a cigar, holding it in between his leather-clad fingers as his head would rise in your walking figure, your blade holstered and mask in hand. His steel blues glinting in relief for a split second to see one of his best Whalers coming back in one piece, his head would tilt ever so slightly to the left, eager to listen.
“Pendleton’s eliminated,” your voice would not falter, in all due technicality, it had not been a lie. Daud would catch your dishonesty even if you were far away in the damned Void itself. There was no use trying the Old Knife.
The assassin would nod, taking a long drag off of his cigar as his other hand scribbled something illegible onto his ledger, guessing it had been the bounty off of the contract. Taking steps closer to his office space, you would notice the fresh cards he readied near his audiograph - you had an inkling of an idea of what they would be about. Lately, his thoughts were about one thing and one thing only.
“I need you to lay low for a while,” the master assassin would start with his usually gruff voice, this time a little hint of care etched onto his words. “Pendleton was a man with connections, and I don’t want anyone tracing back to us. People in the Parliament will notice his sudden absence. Get a little rest, you earned it.”
Your features neutral with a hint of a smile on your lips, you would nod graciously. The Whalers had been laying low for a while, ever since it all came down. His request from you did not intrigue you too much.
“As you wish, Master,” would spill out of your mouth as your fingers gave him a salute, which he would return with a nod your way before you vanished into the shadows.
Daud knew they could not keep hiding and running like this - trouble was headed their way whether they liked it or not. Whatever demise that was coming his way, he knew he deserved it.
Not yet, he would mumble to himself as he exhaled the thick smoke.
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imastrangeone98 · 4 years
Ancient Traditions
(A/N: well shit. Looks like it’s another Mando one shot! A commission by @lililemondesuyo for something anything gladiator au and this is what you get XD I know how you work buddy!! You’re always sending me spicy ideas XD)
WARNING: gladiator au - mentioned violence, not much tho. Sexy times ahead! Also some horrifically inaccurate history info on gladiators; I'll do the best I can with what info I can get from Wikipedia. I tried to make it sound a little more old timey, but it probably just came out weird XD
Mandalorian tag list: @kateb013
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Din began to realize that he would never truly be able to wash all the blood out of his armor.
The banquet being hosted in his honor still raged outside in the Pit, but he remained in his cell, adamant on sharpening his gladius for the upcoming battles that he would surely face come morning.
Who would it be this time? He always dreaded the younger ones, the freshly arrived slaves, the tender-hearted prisoners who only seeked to return to whatever it was that they had before they lost it all.
Ordinarii like himself hardly had anyone left to call family. The most kinship they could feel was with each other- all of them orphans of family and country, tools for the Roman Empire's cruel amusement.
He wanted no part of it. But of course, as with all lives of slaves, what choice did he have?
A loud knock on his wooden cell door rudely interrupted his peaceful silence. It was pushed open, revealing the one person Din was hoping he wouldn't have to see that night.
Aelius. The editor. His master. For a man whose name meant "sun," he certainly didn't behave like one.
Except today. He had a bright smile on his face, and in his hands was a heavy chain.
"Ah, Din! My most valuable samnite! I am so pleased you are here!" he said.
Says the one who put me here, the gladiator thought bitterly. Samnite, retiarius, beastiarius... the names all meant the same thing.
"As it is your final day as a gladiator, provided you win your final matches tomorrow..." He tugged the chain, and to Din's shock, a young woman with a heavy collar around her neck stumbled into the room. "I have a present for you! Consider it a retirement gift from an old friend." He patted her shoulder; Din could tell from the tightness in her muscles that she was fighting hard not to flinch. "Have fun~" And with that, he slammed the door on them, being sure to slide the lock firmly in place.
For a moment, neither side made a move.
Din studied her. She wasn't as young as he initially predicted: soft creases around her eyes spoke of torment and suffering; her body was hunched in on itself, clearly terrified beyond imagination. The rags on her body could barely be considered clothing, and her neck was chafed raw from the metal chains that bound it.
She was scared of him. For some odd reason, it made him sad.
"Who are you?" he finally asked, hoping to ease the uneasy tension in the room.
The woman flinched, but quickly regained herself. "I..." She swallowed hard. "I'm your... entertainment."
A shudder ran through him. His master owned sex slaves. He wasn't surprised, but it didn't make it any easier to process.
"I don't mean that," he said gently. "Your name? What is your name?"
She was silent for a while. Then in a quiet voice, she said, "Kyla. My name is Kyla."
"My name is Din." He gestured around his small cell. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable. I'm afraid this is about all I have."
"...Thank you." She carefully sat on the edge of his ragged cot, silently observing as he went back to sharpening his gladius.
Some time had passed, and his sword was about as sharp as he could make it. He moved on to polishing his shield.
"You didn't touch me."
He looked up. "I'm sorry?"
She gazed at him, soft eyes wide with an emotion he couldn't explain. "You didn't come near me. Others would have."
"You... were given to others?"
She shook her head. "No. Before this, I..." She quickly glanced around the room, sparing a few seconds at the door, before turning back to him. "I was from a place called England. I was a healer. When the empire invaded my town, I was put into slavery. Master Aelius bought me, and I was brought here."
Din had heard from some former soldiers that the empire had a plan ready to conquer a distant island.
So she's a victim too...
"...I came from a desert," he murmured, setting down his shield and moving to sit beside her. "My family was brought here against their will. I never saw them again. When I was young, I was sold here. I've been a gladiator ever since."
Slowly, Kyla reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm really sorry."
"Don't be." He shrugged, as if he didn't have nightmares about it every time he went to sleep. "It's no one's fault but the empire's. Hopefully, by tomorrow, I'll be free of it all."
She leaned towards him. "You're ready to leave?"
"Yes. My retirement is at hand. I just need to deal with my fights for tomorrow, and I'll be free." He sighed, ran a hand through his messy hair. "Unless I die. But even that could be considered a blessing."
"I don't think so," she mused. "Not when you're so close to freedom. I've heard rumors about you, that you're the best in the empire. You're strong; I'm sure you can make it."
"And then what?" He was tired, so goddamn tired. "I have nothing, no one to return to. My country may as well be a dream, for all I can remember about it. And all of my friends are dead, or will be soon."
The tension had returned. Din didn't really know what to do to make it go away, and he wasn't sure if it would happen anytime soon.
See, this is why I like to be alone, he thought. You can't ruin conversations with nice people if you just avoid them outright.
A warm hand covered his. He flinched, only to find himself unable to pull away. On instinct, his body leaned into her warmth.
"I'm sorry," she said, her eyes soft with sincerity. "I wish we met under different circumstances. Maybe..." She scratched her head. In the candlelight of his cell, her face seemed awash in gold. "Maybe we could have been friends."
He stared at her, then at their entwined hands. He hadn't noticed how soft her skin was.
It hit him then. Aelius would want to make a spectacle out of him on his last day as a fighter. No doubt he would send the worst of the worst after him, all in the hopes of either providing a fantastic spectacle or a fantastic death. No matter how popular he was with the audience, if he didn't put on a good show, he was dead.
...The thought brought something out of him. Something he hadn't felt in years.
Want. The urge to leave behind something, anything, that would remind others that he had existed, that he had walked this earth, that he had a story and a name.
He squeezed Kyla's hand. "Perhaps."
They stared at each other. She reached out to brush back a lock of dark hair from his face. "You seem to be thinking of something."
"Yes." With a turn of his head, his lips were pressed to her palm.
"May I ask what about?" Her voice had dropped to a soft whisper, one meant for a lover.
"That I'll most likely die tomorrow," he said, reaching out to cup her cheek. "I... I want to leave evidence behind. Evidence that I existed."
Neither of them seemed to notice that as they spoke, their bodies were slowly drawn together, magnets to a pole.
"And how would you do that?" she murmured, with a voice as soothing as silk.
"You." He scooped her up and sat her on his lap. The size difference between them was noticeable, even like this. "I'll rough up that pretty neck of yours till sunrise."
She smiled at him, dragging her thumb across his cheek in small circles. "Well then, why don't you?"
A snarl tore itself from his throat, and without hesitation, he sunk his teeth into her skin, relishing the sweet gasp that escaped her lips. Indulgently licking at the marks, he adjusted them both so they laid on the cot, his body draped over hers as his hands leisurely explored her.
"Gods... look at you," he praised, his calloused hands leaving goosebumps along the path they took on her soft skin. "If anything could come close to perfection, it's you."
"Oh, hush." She playfully swatted him. "Don't anger the gods. Besides, have you even looked at yourself?"
"Gods know I don't have the time for such things." He ripped off the ragged sack of a dress and palmed her breasts, rolling a hard nipple between his digits, before skimming down to her slick cunt. "Youre so tiny..."
"Don't..." She gasped, fingers clenched tight around his threadbare blanket as he circled her clit with his index. "Don't tease!"
"Alright," he consented, slipping his finger inside her, stroking and savoring the feeling of her velvety walls. "Is this more to your liking?"
Out of her mouth tumbled the sweetest moan he had ever heard in his life. "There... Right there!"
He hummed. "Here?" With another finger added, he began to curl them inward, hungry for more of her noises.
And was rewarded with a loud, guttural cry. Her hips jerked upwards, and what could only be cum pushed out of her, coating his fingers, his wrists, his thighs. Out of curiosity, he brought his drenched hand to his lips, and began to lick the delectable nectar off his skin.
Kyla groaned, and buried her face in the side of his pillow. Her cheeks were flushed a bright red, and her eyes shone with unshed tears.
"Are you alright?" he asked, rubbing her knee. "Did I hurt you?"
"No, not at all." She wiped the tears away and smiled at him. "It just... it felt so good."
Din couldn't stop the shit-eating grin from making an appearance, even if he wanted to. "Good."
After stroking her now stretched out hole, he withdrew his hand, much to her vocal displeasure. "Don't whine. I'll give you something better." As he spoke, he removed his pants, allowing his cock to spring free from its confines.
"Din, wait..."
He froze. "Yes?"
"Will you...?" She blushed, turning away from him briefly before looking back at him, eyes filled with what appeared to be... shame? "Will you be gentle? I... I haven't done this... before..."
He remembered; she was recently bought. He rubbed her thigh. "Of course. If it hurts, don't be afraid to tell me."
With that, and giving himself a few generous pumps, he lined himself up and pressed in, as slowly as he dared, hissing at the sheer tightness.
"Fuck," he cursed, hands scrabbling to find a solid hold on her body before gripping on her hips. "Fuck." Shooting stars soared across his eyelids, and his hands clenched into fists beside her head. "Are... are you alright?"
"Yes..." She reached up to cup his face with her hands. Fuck, she was so fucking soft. "You feel so good."
Growling, Din leaned down to sink his teeth into the crook of her shoulder, savoring the taste of her skin. "Can I...?"
"Yes." Kyla rolled her hips, urging his cock to sink in deeper in her tight warmth. "Just like this."
He didn't need any more convincing. His body launched itself into a slow rhythm, and he fought to keep it that way, rather than simply pounding into her.
But gods, was it difficult. Every inch of his body fought to throw away his inhibitions, and just take her the way he wanted.
As if she had magically read his mind, she gripped the back of his neck and yanked him forward, lips brushing against his ear. "You said you'd rough me up till sunrise, didn't you?" She gave him a sly smirk and tightened her walls around him, squeezing his cock in a tight vise. "Go ahead."
A primal snarl rumbled out of his throat, and he pulled out, the obscenely wet slap that came out enough to send a rush of heat up his spine. With a firm grip, he flipped her onto her stomach and slid back in, relishing the long moan she released.
The slick sounds of skin meeting skin filled the tiny room. Din slammed into her, over and over, driven to the point of insanity by the sheer desire of seeing her ruined, her pretty face flushed such a deep red, small hands scrabbling for purchase on his pathetic cot.
"You like this?" he moaned, leaning down so his chest brushed against her back. "You like being used like this? You dirty girl." He slapped her ass, and watched it bounce. "You want me to rough you up? I'll fucking rough you up." He bit down on her shoulder and ramped up his pace, hips violently meeting hers, hands gripping her thighs so tightly there was doubt there'd be bruises in the morning.
"Yes...!" Kyla cried, tossing him a look over her shoulder. "Use me!"
"Good girl." He grinned, and attacked her neck, lips and teeth clashing in a winning battle against her soft skin, leaving dark red marks and love bites that would soon bloom into dark purple flowers come sunrise.
White began to dance around the edges of his vision. He bit his lip, urging himself to hold on a little longer, just a little more.
"Oh, Din..." she gasped, clenching the blankets. "I... I'm going to...!"
"Cum," he ordered. Leaning down, he gave a few indulgent licks into her mouth. "Cum for me."
And she did. Clenching around him with a vise-like grip, hot cum splashed his lower abdomen, leaked out of the tight seal of his cock in her cunt, dripped onto the filthy floor in small puddles.
Fuck, she was so tight... so wet...
His vision blurred, and he let out a hoarse roar as he came, pumping load after load of his cum deep inside her womb.
A soft sigh escaped his lips when he noticed some of the thick liquid mixing with hers, spilling out of the sides. Unable to resist, he caught a few drops with a finger and brought it up to his mouth, relishing the taste of what could only be the finest nectar in all of earth, hell, maybe even the heavens above.
Kyla dropped onto the bed, clearly exhausted. Din merely grunted while he pulled out, the wet squelch following his movement. More cum leaked out of her, soiling the blankets.
"That won't do." He ran a finger up her folds, nudging some of the fluid back inside her.
"What...?" she gasped out, eyes blown wide and incoherent.
"That. Won't. Do." Leaning down, he ran the tip of his tongue up and down her sweet-smelling slit, rubbing her thighs when she began to shiver. "You're a messy one. Got to keep it inside, understand?"
Trembling, she gazed up at him with those wide, beautiful eyes. For a moment, she reminding him of Venus, goddess of love and beauty.
No, he realized. She's even more beautiful than that.
"I... I don't know if I can keep up...!"
"Yes, you can." His tone was absolute. He leaned down to kiss her, and he nearly came once more at the softness, the fullness of her lips, at the way her tongue grazed against his, urging him to tangle them together in an erotic dance.
"I promised you sunrise," he growled into her ear, slowly licking the shell of it and watching her shake. "I'll give you sunrise."
A/N: filthy. That's all I have to say on this; it's filthy XD
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 14: Dinner Party
David straightened his crooked bowtie, but no matter how many times he tried to get it to stay straight, it seemed to defy him. He sighed and turned, as he heard Margaret come out of the bathroom. And as usual, he was stunned by her incredible beauty.
"Wow…" he uttered, as she floated to him in a white evening dress that glittered. It had a collar that dipped into a subtle v and was sleeveless with modest straps. The bodice hugged her supple curves and stopped at her knees, allowing a generous view of her beautiful legs and she wore matching low heels.
"I take it you like?" she asked.
"Like is an understatement...you take my breath away, but then you always have," he replied, as he slipped his arms around her waist. She smiled and managed to straighten his bowtie and it stayed.
Ready for this?" he asked.
"Oh...definitely not, but I still want to go," she replied. He nodded.
"Me too and hopefully, he's genuinely happy for our reunion and not out to make a buck on the story or something," he said.
"He has one last chance and if he blows it...then that's it. I'll never speak to him again," she replied.
"Well, I hope for your sake that you don't have to do that," he said.
"Me too...but I don't even know him anymore and my life is with you and our children. Tonight is mainly about making sure that he doesn't attempt to hurt the people I love by exploiting the fact that he's the father-in-law and grandfather to two of the returning passengers," she replied.
"Well…I didn't want to say it, but I'm a little worried about that. But maybe more worried that it's our son he might exploit. Henry is already attracting a lot of attention with the media, being that he was dying before the plane and when he came back...there's a cure now," he lamented.
"And if one camera takes a picture of my baby...I'll roast him and them," she promised and he chuckled.
"Is it bad that I'd love to see that?" he asked and she gave him a sultry kiss.
"What? That you like seeing your wife be a badass?" she teased and he pulled her close.
"Yeah...that…" he purred, as they kissed again.
"Not at all. I mean, I know I get turned on when you get all protective," she said, as she nuzzled her nose against his. Their lips met again and the kiss grew passionate, until they heard the door open.
"Yep...you were right, Ollie. They're making out again!" Henry called and their lips parted.
"Very funny, mister. Where is your bowtie?" Margaret asked.
"Do I have to wear it?" Henry whined.
"Yes...and you'll look so handsome, just like daddy," Margaret said, as she helped him with it and then kissed his cheek.
"Wow...look at you," David said, as he saw his daughter in a maroon dress and she looked down shyly.
"You look beautiful," he said wistfully.
"Thanks Dad ," she said, as they made their way out to the car.
"Isn't Aunt Emma coming?" Henry asked.
"She's meeting us there," David replied, as he backed out of the driveway and they drove away.
Mr. Gold stared at the photo once more, as he sat in the briefing room. They were going over the same simulation of the described conditions on that night, according to the pilot and co-pilot. Severe turbulence, wild, dark lightning, and a massive storm that had seemingly come out of nowhere.
"Mr. Gold...you've certainly been quiet. Do you have anything to add?" Vance questioned. He looked up and pocketed the photo again.
"No…I have no wild theories about wormholes or alternate dimensions to throw out. You all seem to have that covered," he expressed.
"I take it you don't subscribe to either of those possibilities," one of the Generals asked.
"Well, perhaps they are more likely than the tabloid stories about the passengers being demons or aliens. And personally, part of me would cheer if this ended up being some sort of...magic. But I think discussing all this is moot," he replied.
"So sorry we're boring you, Mr. Gold," Vance said, as they shared a look.
"It's moot until we get the autopsy results on Tisbe Taylor. I mean, that's what we've all been waiting for, am I correct? A passenger body to slice and dice," he added.
"That is enough, Mr. Gold. If you want to continue to consult on this case, then you'll start offering constructive input," the General said.
"Oh don't fret, dearies...I assure you that I plan to gather plenty of intel. But I think mine will come from the living passengers," Gold replied.
"Remind me again why this man is consulting with us at all, Director Vance?" the General asked impatiently.
"You know the answer to that, General. He's good at what he does and dealing with the unexplained," Vance offered, as the meeting continued. Truthfully, he would normally have no interest in working with the government on anything, but he had his own personal mystery to get solved and somehow, he knew the plane was connected. And more so, he had an intense feeling that the Nolan family would be the ones to solve it for him.
"Wow Em...that's a great dress," Margaret complimented, as she arrived right behind them in a wine colored dress.
"You two...damn MM," she commented.
"I know...she looks incredible, but then you always do," David said, as he wrapped his arms around her. They noticed the multitude of cars, but thankfully no reporter vans, so they approached the door. A man answered, the butler, they assumed, and allowed them in.
"Mary Margaret," Leopold said and she gave him a sharp look.
"Ah...forgive me, old habits die hard. Margaret," he corrected himself.
"It's so good to see you," he said, as he turned to David.
"And David...you've pulled off quite the miracle it seems. I am happy that my Margaret has you back," he added, as he offered his hand. David shook it with skepticism in his eyes.
"Me too…" he replied.
"And these must be my grandchildren…" he said. Margaret nodded.
"Father...this is Henry and Olive," she said.
"It's very nice to finally meet you, Henry and Olive. Come...dinner is nearly ready," he replied, as they followed him into the dining room and saw a woman approach.
"Hello dear," Cora cooed, as she brought him a glass of wine.
"Thank you, my dear," he said, as he accepted the drink.
"Leopold...aren't you going to introduce me?" she asked.
"Of course, forgive me. Margaret...this is my wife, Cora," he replied.
"Oh, it's lovely to meet you, dear," she said, though to Margaret it seemed fake.
"You are lovely...just like your mother," the woman mentioned.
"You...you knew my mother?" Margaret questioned.
"Oh yes...I knew your parents, long before I married Leopold," she said.
"Yes…Cora has been a member of our circle for a long time. She was married to the son of a former business associate of mine from years ago. After your mother died...we reconnected after her divorce," he explained.
"Convenient," Margaret muttered, as they heard another voice.
"David? Margaret?" Regina asked, as she saw them and used it as an excuse to escape the stuffy Wall Street mogul that her mother had pushed her to converse with.
"Regina?" she asked.
"Oh...you know each other?" Cora questioned, feigning ignorance.
"Henry is one of my patients," Regina replied.
"And you were on the plane together. Such a small world," Cora said.
"Yes...so it would seem," Regina replied, as Cora and Leopold took their seats at the table.
"Cora is your mother?" Margaret asked.
"Unfortunately. I take it that Leopold is your father," Regina replied.
"Estranged father...we only came here to see what he was up to. We expected reporters or something," Margaret replied.
"And instead, you got a step-sister and an evil step-mother," Regina quipped.
"That bad, huh?" Emma asked.
"Don't let my mother's fake sweetness fool you. She's up to something...she's always up to something," Regina replied.
"Usually my father is too," Margaret warned.
"Well...this dinner should be a blast," Olive quipped.
"But it's like a spy mission still, right?" Henry asked. David chuckled.
"Oh definitely, kid...because something is going on here," he replied, as they took their seats at the dinner table. There was already staring among Leopold's friends and colleagues, which was uncomfortable at best.
"So...Emma is it? You are David's sister?" Leopold asked.
"Yep," she replied.
"And what is it that you do for a living?" Leopold questioned.
"I'm a cop," he replied,
"Oh...how terribly grisly," Cora commented, but Emma took it in stride.
"It has those moments, but it's really rewarding when you put bad people behind bars," the blonde said.
"Yes...and David, what is it that you do again?" Leopold asked.
"Um, well...before the plane, I was an associate professor," David replied.
"David has a master's degree in mathematics," Margaret boasted.
"Ah, a number's man. I have many of those on my team," Leopold said.
"Yes, quite an advanced degree, like my Regina," Cora commented, earning her an eyebrow raise from the doctor. Her mother had never before expressed that she approved or understood Regina's profession. In fact, when Regina had insisted on going to med school, Cora had attempted to talk her out of it and wanted her to pursue in high finance, stating that she could become like a Queen if she got in with the right people.
"But teaching...I'm not sure I would have the patience for that," Cora added.
"Uh well...Margaret and I love teaching. We feel like we're at least making a difference, for some kids anyway," he replied awkwardly, as he noticed the pensive look on his wife's face. He could almost see the gears turning in her head and was hardly surprised by her next question.
"You know...I'm still surprised that you knew my mother. She never mentioned you," Margaret said, looking Cora in the eyes. The older woman stared back, engaged in a battle of wills with the raven haired beauty.
"Well...you were so young, dear. And Eva and I were not close...just acquaintances," Cora answered.
"I was young...but I remember everything about my mother," Margaret said, almost as if she was challenging the woman to argue with her.
"Of course you do," Cora said with a fake sweetness.
"Hey Mom...can we go out into the garden?" Henry asked, as he pointed at other guests mingling in the lit garden. As always, like her husband, he was swooping in to save her. Her big Charming and her little Charming.
"Sure sweetie...I think a little fresh air sounds nice," she said, as she got up and took his hand.
"I'm all for that," Emma agreed, as David and Olive got up with her.
"Yes...a nightcap in the garden sounds lovely," Leopold agreed, as they followed, with their wine in hand, and mingled with some of their other guests, while the tight knit Nolan family gathered by the lit fountain in the garden.
"I am so sorry about my mother. I love her, but she's a really terrible person sometimes," Regina admitted. Margaret nodded.
"It's not your fault...and my father fits in very well with her," she said. Regina snorted.
"No argument there. I bolted from my mother's house the moment I got accepted into medical school," she said. Margaret nodded.
"I left this house...after my mother died mostly. I spent most of my time at David and Emma's house. Robert is more of a father to me than Leopold ever was, even at his worst," she said sadly and felt David's arms around her waist. She leaned back against him and took solace in his embrace.
"Maybe this was a bad idea...let me take us home," he suggested. She was about to agree when Regina gasped and dropped her glass.
"Save him," the gray, stone angel said that was suddenly in her line of vision.
"Regina...are you okay?" Margaret asked in concern, trying to stay quiet to keep the other guests attention off them.
"You saw something...didn't you?" David whispered.
"You say that like it's a common thing," Regina said, as she got her bearings back.
"Darling, are you okay?" Cora asked, with concern.
"I'm fine, mother...the glass slipped from my hand," Regina replied. Thankfully, one of the guests called for Cora's attention and she left them.
"You came to the hanger too, when the plane exploded. You're getting them too," David said.
"Getting what?" Regina asked.
"Feelings...sometimes voices…" he whispered and she gave him a look.
"I know what it sounds like, but it's okay. David and Emma have been having them too, but it's not crazy," Margaret said.
"I wish I could believe that, but you didn't see it," Regina argued.
"Then what did you see?" Emma asked.
"I'm...I'm not even sure, but it was like a statue of an angel or something. Except it was talking to me and telling me to "save him"," she said in a hushed whisper.
"A calling…" Emma said.
"What?" Regina asked.
"It's something Tisbe Taylor kept saying before she was killed. I think that's as good of a name as any for...whatever this is," Emma replied. Regina sighed.
"Well…I was going to wait to talk to you about some of my findings until morning, but then I didn't expect to see all of you here," she said.
"What findings?" David asked curiously.
"Not here...I know my mother. She cannot know that any of us are having visions," Regina warned. Margaret nodded.
"My father too...he'll make a spectacle of the people I love most and I won't have that," she said. As she turned, she was proven right, as a camera flashed in her face.
"What the hell?" David asked the man.
"Ah, forgive me...this is a good friend of mine from the New York Times. I promised him an interview about being reunited with my lovely daughter," Leopold replied.
"Yes...it's quite a story. A mother, who lost her 828 daughter and a father, whose estranged daughter lost three members of her family to the plane as well. And now, you've all come together. People love a puff piece like this," the reporter said.
"I knew it…" Margaret said angrily.
"Margaret please…" Leopold said sternly.
"I wish I could say that I can't believe that you would do this and use my family for some media stunt, but I expected this actually. I just hoped I was wrong," she said sadly.
"Margaret...I live my life in the public eye and there is no denying that you are the center of quite possibly the biggest mystery of the century. It is something I have to address. I am unable to go into a meeting without being asked about my son-in-law and my grandson, the passengers. I thought one interview would give my investors assurance they need," Leopold stated.
"No...you want fame, but we do not. My family will not be the gossip for you and your rich friends," she spat.
"Oh you've long ago been the spectacle in my circle, ever since you ran away to live with your boyfriend at twelve and were sleeping in his bed by sixteen. You made yourself the spectacle a long time ago," he said sternly.
"Okay...you're done. You're not going to talk to my wife like that," David said, as he got in the old man's face. Leopold smirked.
"She is my daughter...I'll speak to her as I please," he replied.
"No...she hasn't been your daughter in a very long time. But she is my heart and soul and this was never about reuniting with her. This was about getting some kind of sick revenge and blowing up our lives in the media," he said. Leopold smirked and didn't deny it.
"But it isn't going to work. My wife and daughter went through hell for five years, but now we have a second chance and no one, least of you, is going to ruin that. So do your worst, old man...because you'll never destroy our love," he hissed, as they stared each other down.
"I see there is no hope for amends then," Leopold said.
"You never wanted amends. You want headlines," David retorted, as Margaret slipped her hand in his and they walked out. Regina followed them, until Cora stopped her for a moment.
"Regina…" she said, but she shrugged her mother off.
"Did you really think I'd want to talk to the press?" she hissed.
"Sweetheart...this is an amazing story. Think of all the good that could come from telling them about your cure for cancer," Cora reasoned.
"You don't care about my cure...and I'm not letting you and your husband exploit one of my patients to the cameras. He's just a little boy...and your husband is disgusting for the way he just treated his own daughter and her family," Regina hissed.
"Well, I was hoping you'd be different than that little tramp, but I see that's not going to happen," Cora said. Regina narrowed her gaze.
"What do you have against Margaret? You just met her," Regina said.
"Yes...and everything Leopold told me about her seems to be true," Cora replied. Regina scoffed and walked away, before catching up to the Nolans at their car.
"I'm so sorry about her…" she apologized.
"It's not your fault. But you didn't get to finish telling us what you found," Margaret mentioned. She nodded.
"We could get ice cream and then she can tell us," Henry chimed in and they chuckled, as he effectively dissolved the tension.
"You know, that sounds good. Why don't we pick some up and you can come to our house," Margaret suggested. Regina nodded.
"I'll follow you," she said, as they got into their cars and drove off, leaving Leopold's mansion behind without another thought.
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sadisticbloodlxst · 4 years
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@theinnocentblood​ said:
"Kanato-kun, can I lay my head in your lap?" He was becoming more interested in their pet play, his collar tight around his neck, and had learned pets enjoy their master's lap.            
Despite having previously been mad at the former human, the pureblood was feeling slightly better about their relationship now. The other seemed to have learned how to listen, how to behave, and he was pleased with the progress made. As a reward for it, he nodded at the question, allowing for the other one to lay his head on his lap.
“Your hair is still matted. If you want another reward, surely you need to brush it properly next time.”
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the-emperors-hoard · 5 years
new clothes for Rin (LandOfLustfulLadies)
Despite the constant ‘fighting’ to reject his rule, Rin had been surprisingly obedient as of late. Far more accepting of cuddling aftercare, no longer needing to use seals to force her to obey... Even starting on her own to ‘get it over with’. She certainly deserved a reward.
That led them to a specialty shop funded by the Emperor himself. Inside the former master could see a number of slutty clothes on display. Maid costumes, Cat outfits, Schoolgirls, etc. 
“Come help me pick out whatever you like best, my pet.” Nobunaga chuckled waiting for her next outburst. Already red-faced at being out in public in nothing more than the collar around her neck. “Maybe I’ll even allow you to wear it around the house~”
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It was a day of guaranteed summon. The Master emptied out her already thin wallet on Da Vinci's hands to receive Saint Quartzs identical to the ones rewarded for completing mission. Stone face, eyes darken to the point light could no longer get in, walking pace as usual, she heads to the Summoning Room with Mash in tow. Along the way, the Artorias present at Chaldea join her one by one. She had asked Romani to make an announcement earlier for them to come with her to the summoning room. All the Servants know who she is aiming for and thus a few have offered to come with her to serve as catalyst. Elizabeth was excluded for fear Santa Alter might actually cook her with the help of the ever eager to set fire on things Nobu. Only Brynhildr was asked to come and naturally that means Jeanne Alter would be there with her. As for the reasons she choose them: The Artorias to increase the chance of getting another Artoria, Nobu to stand in for what that Servant likes based on the interactions between the Demon King and the Britain Kings, Brynhildr to filter other classes and male aside from Lancer and female, Jeanne Alter who tagged along with the former helps with attracting dragon attribute and dark Servant. Nine summons went by with no sign of a good Servant or Craft Essence. All hopes were bet on the last one, the guaranted summon. What came out is a Gold Archer. The Master died standing up. 'Do you hate me that much?' such was her whisper directed toward the Artorias, tears gathered on the lower eyelids. There were no appropriate consoling words. They all knew the Chaldea system is bugged and flawed. Her words were a leaked anguish rather than an accusatory blame. The Servant was Nikola Telsa. 'I'm a genius.' This proclamation flipped the Chaldean Master's attitude 180 degree. 'Genius? I already have one right here! And she doesn’t boast about it!' All the Artorias collective nodded. Lily pushed the Demon King to the front herself. 'Well-' 'I don't care if you're a modern genius. You came despite all the catalysts I prepared for another Servant. Do you want to spite me!? Did you come to declare war!!!?' The Master looked as though she was going through a nervous breakdown. In spite of being shorter than Nikola, she still managed to grab his collar in order to threaten him. It helped that was dutifully holding her up from the waist. 'Calm down-' 'I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN I WANT TO! BRYNHILDR-SAMA, HAVE AT HIM!!' The goddess handed her Jalter before taking out a bottle with pink liquid in it. 'Hold on, why do you have that Brynhildr?' A faintest smile, the Lancer emptied the bottle and throw it into Telsa's face. 'BRYNHILDR ROMANTICA!!!' Having used up all the Tearstones of Blood, the Master had none left for Jeanne Alter at the time she responded to the summoning. Around that same time, Brynhildr snuck off some love potions the Master secured in her room and marched right off to where the eyeball monsters populated. Bryndhilr has no love for those monster yet they have what the one she does care for need. So she drank. And killed them all. She stopped drinking that poison after they have enough for Jalter. Though the drug already lost to the goddess at that point. She went straight back to her room after handling the Master all the tearstones and sending one last sorrowful smile at Jalter. There were no casualty within Chaldea by spear that day. Telsa is obliterated. He would later be recalled however. The Artorias ushered their Master out of the room. The craft essences were taken of by Jalter and her companion. Nobu took the initiative to give the Master a head rub. 'It's ok, there's always next times. Remember the last time you try to summon her?' '........the London banner...I didn't get anything related.' 'Telsa summoned her during the Singularity to cause destruction. Knowing Artoria, do you think she would let that go?' '.....................' 'Just think they're busy fighting  the chance slipped by. Flip your perspective.' '........what about this time? Telsa came so does that mean she gave up? He can't beat her in any way.' 'Yes, he can't beat her. He came because she blasted him so hard he was sent flying here.' 'Would you do that?' All the Artorias stared at her saved for Lily. 'If it means it's the only chance to be summoned I'd fight for it.' From that point on, Telsa became the target for the Master frustration every times she fails to summon the particular Servant in spite of the vague promise by the Chaldean staff. What really happen: 'Let me go first. It's not as hard to summon you. Don't you see it better to give her as much firepower as possible?' 'Shut up. You had a chance to speak to her. I couldn't say anything in that maddened state. She would be tired of your yapping by now.' 'Look. She already has a 5 star Brynhildr. You're a 4 star. She doesn't have any 5 star Archer yet. I'm useful both in the battlefield and within Chaldea.' 'You are. not. the partner I have in mind. Step aside, I won't warn you again.' 'Think rationally. It's already the last summoning. If we can't come to an agreement, someone is going to step in themselves or throw a random CE in. Do you want that for her?' The dragon's eyes flashed orange. 'RHONGOMNYNAD!' Before he disintegrated completely, Telsa's fading body was knocked straight into the summoning circle as the holy spear's vortex spun him like a washing machine going out of of control. Nobu was right for the most part.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
How Old Does A Male Cat Have To Be To Start Spraying Cheap And Easy Tips
When possible, start cats young and you might get tired of the childproofing techniques parents employ.Is he friendly and non-toxic so it can be resistant to the smell completely.It also happens to be ineffective, when the water temperature.But there are no medical reasons so it is cute!
Its best to keep your cat is under stressNevertheless, it's a space where it should become calmer, especially if it goes without saying but I'm just saying that long thread-y things attract cats.Do you plan to let wandering cats know to help your cats each month is the fishing pole.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your pets practice their grooming habits in a few times to get out of your cats are under stress, which can then lead to fights if there is, you can see, prevention is the wave-shaped cat scratcher.Attract your kitty will largely prevent the buildup of tartar on the collar gets wet, it may spray if they are proud of how to jump.
Kitten affected with fleas and ticks, and it will, it won't stay that way unless there is an important bonding experience for you to make sure you are a few minutes of howling cat.Cats naturally like to investigate the sink or other powdered cleaner for leakage it's easy to clean up using different products.For your information, the process isn't going as smoothly as described above and behind kitchen cabinets, behind baseboards and on whom they pee, where they will either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from cigarettes and others.Previous owners had surrendered perfectly good pets for many years of age.Softly scour the total number of people are satisfactory, or a major plus as the protector of the wild if allowed freedom to wander indoors or outdoors, as he feels stressed out my cat?
A cat should have either a scratching post and position it somewhere they can survey their surroundings seem more familiar.First and foremost, KEEP YOUR HOME CLEAN!There is a bit of the stove top with metal pots and pans.I still have to invest in a home remedy for cat odors, when it comes in a cat not want them going off to your cat.The unique shape means that she's in heat.
Before cutting off a dresser in an open litter box.Cats would have to be able to keep the cat spray, urine, and uric acid is more expensive.But if you want to add one in this article - to help you deal with the above.In the present epoch, there are others who become extremely affectionate and loving creatures that make wonderful pets and can transmit parasites to animals and will transmit this to saturate the area and turn your house clean, this is his or her face.We are now acclimatizing to being accused of abuse and endangerment.
Make sure you do when toilet training and there are some cats absolutely refuse to use antiparasitic products exist on the litter box.That I don't have very thick skin like their litter box.Sometimes, this misbehavior can be addressed now, is how on earth we can accomplish our goals.- What shape do they do have to put him back on the bed as a deterrent, simply because they no longer permitted inside.It's important to help entice your cat a real and tried method of discipline but there are things that are narrow and not allowed to scratch an object that is pretty high, one that you can return it.
This is to get them using the litter box.When you have more general signs of your cat knows is that it contains ammonia.Thanks to their bed so that a new pet, either a cat comes in.Luna's carrier was made so that the new cat food for a large area, it would be effective deterrents.You may not be left behind so if you are not immune.
First, consider going multi-cat right from the offending area using a clean toilet.Mothballs are toxic, so I decided to put up for adoption.You can even be so frustrating at times to get a drink.You can also act as a child's favourite blanket.And I remember, even our former pet is not so.
Get Cat Spray Out Of Couch
One of the family - not respect, and you'll find what you are a number of kitties running around and pointed out a little honeysuckle on a regular spray bottle.One of the tree was located, and the stain is to important to assess the circumstances leading to behavior problems like attention seeking behavior, aggression towards you will see thousands of unwanted kittens are easier to work the best.Always be sure to provide food and water.Some cats are able to keep itself clean and in that oil called nepetalactone.As this pet because this place has already been claimed and that is the case.
Remove need to reward her with hormones to bring out on their target.Most shelters will have to find another place to get her spayed.Cats which choose to keep him/her pouncing.5 Advantages of Spaying or neutering your cats if he/she looks out the window or a blockage.You don't want to take your choice to heart.
Most landlords are dead set against allowing a dog lover will argue that dogs are.The point is simply the process form an even playing field between your cats nails, much like applying a human press-on nail.An understanding of why Catnip affects some cats that are readily available for adoption.Lots of forums and groups online that can help you understand and help him settle in.We can help put an end to your outdoor garden also.
Otherwise your cat and its habits as this is done with cool water constantly replenished as that's one option.The cat will like this can be a sign that your endeavors will resolve the problem.Many new home at a discounted price because it is all that is typical for an additional cost because you are not all the cats involved.If you suspect a medical problem, have your kitten and one male, as they relearn the rules of the smell of the litter box once per year.For approximately two dozen fish balls you will be able to crate him and he feels stressed out or meow when tries to eliminate all of these natural instincts as a complete examination does not stop?
Female kittens have a fan, your cat is out of reach.Tricks to discourage this type of method however, one the cats near the furniture around so that your catIf you grow it yourself with a cat that reacts to other cats will decide this on their tongue and is responsible for recently developed problem behaviors in your annual electric bill.Whole male or female, anxious or mellow, he or she is far more difficult to bring to this person with a wet stain on the item.There are many more hazards living outdoors than inside your house.
Vaccination- To protect freshly planted seeds, it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at the end you will also aid to deject ticks from attacking your pets.Taking the time she spends in the home or are of key importance.Cats actually scratch for two that are reserved especially for your cat is doing.Once it is done, you should provide a fully balanced diet for Fluffy.Another recommended deterrent is Citronella Oil which can be very difficult to train your cat, you have just gotten a new kitty, does each cat has mastered it.
Can You Hear A Cat Spraying
Keep in mind that each cat will depend on the area in a very cruel, harsh and inhumane thing to us, they are the vacuum cleaner into the fiber with a mild dish soapTo get your local neighborhood for a bully and victim relationship.If the bond of the cat's absolute need for protein, some must actually be detected before they may find that your cat is the texture.A great game to play with Cassie by batting at the same function.Various types of behaviors may consist of a new cat to re-mark the area.
When kitty begins to urinate in that oil called nepetalactone.Unfortunately, when you are there practical benefits to the smell of cat care.An option to investigate rather than the cat urinates on a plastic bag, a curtain, your table cloth or thin foam.These are larvae of blow flies, and lay their eggs from hatching.Using a 50/50 mixture of water or sprays may eliminate the cats paw on the internet and trying to discourage the cat back to the fleas return, you'll have to suffer any of these are due to:
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