#and coming off of the scene with Amelia (which had me in tears I may add!!)
bubblesandpages · 2 years
Brohomir saying “you and I are going to be the very best of enemies,” to a newly hatched Felicity right after we’ve spent the whole book seeing Amalia and Svena’s friendship, and establishing that a “dear enemy” is the closest ancient powerful dragons get to being friends is singlehandedly the sweetest moment in the series.
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loverdrew · 4 years
Just A Little Longer | s.r
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(not my gif)
Synopsis: A day out on the field doesn’t go as planned, and Y/N is thrown into am ambulance to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital before anyone can help. 
A Grey’s Anatomy x Criminal Minds crossover.
Warnings: none (?)
There was a ringing in the air louder than the one you hear everyday. I felt my breathing hinder. My eyes can only open so wide, enough to see the light, but once by my side, could see only a dark substance quickly oozing out of my body. As I came to, I could tell it was getting harder and harder to breathe, a sharp pain with every inhale and exhale. Upon instinct, I checked my fingers for mobility, feeling that they could move slightly. At least this means I am not paralyzed in my upper body. There was no other noise for a few more minutes, just a slight rustling of trees and the dirt road beneath me. I don’t even remember the initial shot being taken, whether it was from me or him. All I remember is instantly falling to the floor once I arrived on the scene. I just laid in my own blood, the realization that no one may be coming for me.
“Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!” I could faintly hear from what felt like a mile away. My brain perked at the voice, definitively Morgan, but my body would not react. I tried with every might to move my limbs once again but alas, nothing. It was if my brain was screaming and sending pulses to my muscles but it just refused to move. I started to feel hands all over me, lifting me and placing me on what I could imagine was a gurney, as it moved. My sense of hearing coming in full force, beginning to hear people talking and shuffling. Hotch and Morgan were asking where I was being transported to and Emily and JJ consoling someone else who I could hear was practically sobbing. 
“They’re going to take care of her, c’mon let’s just go follow them now!” Emily yelled to everyone. But that distressed someone fought back.
“No! She’s not even moving! They’re intubating her! Emily she’s dying!” 
“Reid, you want to help her? Get out of here and go to the hospital.” Hotch firmly said, I could even tell he probably put his hands on Reid, as the sound of prominent footsteps were halted. And the next thing I heard was doors closing, and the sirens blaring.
Once we had arrived at the hospital, I heard a woman’s voice that sounded very strong, like she was in charge.
“What do we got?” She asked.
“GW to the left ribcage, she’s lost a lot of blood, almost 2 pints. We’ve been intubating her since we got to the scene but Bailey, it doesn’t look too good. Possible head contusion when she hit the floor as well.” The EMT stated.
“Alright I’ll page Shepard and Hunt immediately. Out of the way everybody! FBI agent coming through!” And my gurney started moving even faster, winding down a short hallway into a room where I could hear many doctors coming to look at my wounds. I felt absolutely helpless, not being able to communicate what hurts for me. What if they miss something? What if they can’t help me in time? The EMT said I lost a lot of blood, what if it’s too much to come back from?
“Hang 2 units of O neg now!” A man with a deep voice yelled out. I could feel big, callus hands turning me on my back, and the next thing I knew a needle was being shoved in my arm and a warm sensation filling my arm. 
“Owen she needs to go up to CT now or she’s not going to make it.” A woman with a softer voice spoke next to the man.
“Amelia she needs this wound patched first or she’ll bleed out and then she won’t even have a chance in CT.” He raised his voice at her, kind of like how Hotch can be sometimes.
“Let me see, I can patch quickly if everyone gives me space. Looks like the bullet left through the back as well.” This time it was another man with a softer voice than the first, and instantly felt his delicate hands holding onto my ribs, feeling a metal substance touching my skin. By my analysis, he’s most likely a plastics surgeon. Only a man in plastics has such delicate touch.
“Well hurry Jackson she’s got about 10 minutes before that brain contusion completely debilitates her and she’ll be in a coma.”
“Yea I got it.” He said nonchalant.
The sounds of beeping and shuffling were quickly interrupted by deep screams, of which belonged to the lanky pretty boy. My heart rate instantly got faster the second his voice entered the room.
“Sir, sir who are you?” The plastics guy asked urgently.
“I-I’m her, her uh- I’m just a friend, please let me be next to her.” He pleaded, rasp in his voice. I can tell he had been crying the whole ride over.
“Okay, sir you’re gonna have to wait with everybody else, she’s in a lot of distress and she’s lost a lot of blood. We’re doing everything we can for her.” Almost on cue, my heart monitor started spazzing. The loud beeping indicating I’m going into cardiac failure. 
“She’s in V-fib, get the defibrillator now!” The man with the lower voice yelled. I felt the clothing on my body being ripped open, a few buttons popping and flying off. The patches were on and in a few seconds, I felt the shock and I could feel it vibrate every vessel inside me. They cleared a second a time, my heart rate returning to normal.
“Okay Jackson you’re gonna have to finish her later she needs a head scan now.” The women voiced, and immediately I could feel the gurney being whisked and into an elevator, going up to the CT room.
Being in the big machine and hearing the slight “ZZZ” sound felt like the first time of peace since my brain fully woke up. For a few hours now I was being poked and prodded, not even getting a chance to hear my own thoughts. This was the only time I got to really savor whatever life I had left, to really hear and feel the people I love around me, and to prepare for what could happen. It felt inevitable to try and escape death, it was a part of my job. And the one regret I’d have is not being the real me with the person I loved most in this world. That tall, pretty, incredible genius was the love of my life for the past 3 years I’ve been with the BAU, and he was everything and more I could’ve ever dreamed of and better. I could physically feel my heart aching at the way his voice cracked yelling for me. I wished nothing more than to look him straight in the eye and hold his hands, telling him I’ll be okay. The way he stuttered when he said friend, so unsure. We had kissed just a few days ago, after a long day of work he came by my hotel room and finally expressed his feelings after so long. The fireworks we shared were something out of a book. The way his hands fit around my face, holding me so close and so softly as if I were glass and he was afraid to break it. We hadn’t talked about it since, but we figured we had more time. But now I realize time is never guaranteed. 
Within 30 minutes I was in a regular room, the plastics man working on sowing back up my wounds. “You, Ms.Y/N are one of the luckiest gunshot victims I’ve seen; no severe tears. Which means this just needs a quick stitch and you’ll be all set.” He said softly to me, I could feel a smile on his face as he spoke.
I heard another person walk into the room, footsteps almost so quiet. 
“H-How, how is she Dr.?” He was shaking.
“The CT showed some swelling but no internal bleeding. We’re going to keep her here overnight but I’m sorry, I don’t know if and when she’ll wake up. That’s all up to her.” The women sadly spoke, unsure of even her own diagnosis.
I heard Spencer start to cry again, a loud puff coming from deep in his chest.
“Dr. Reid, could you please sit with me.” The two of them stepped to sit in the 2 seats next to my bed.
“I know what it feels like to be in a field of study where, you know everything there is to know. And I also know what it feels like to be completely out of control in that field, when you know what to do, but you can’t even do it.” She sighed. “I am one of the best neurosurgeons in the country, I know almost everything...but yet I had a brother who died of a brain injury. I could’ve been there to help him but I couldn’t do a damn thing. I know what this feels like.” Reid started crying harder, his cries muffled by his own hands. He was trying so hard not to let the sounds leak from the room, but it did and it made my bones stand still.
“I had a mentor who was in a coma, and even though I’m in plastics”- (told y’all) -”there was still nothing I could do for him. We just had to wait. He was one of my greatest friends, one of the best people you’d ever meet, so loved. The love of his life died in front of his eyes and I think most of us knew he’d be going next, to be with her. Life was too painful without her. Do you love this girl right here?” Spencers respond came almost immediately.
“More than anybody or anything.”
“Then wait, just a little longer. If she loves you like you love her she’s going to fight to wake up and be alive.” Both of the doctors walked out, leaving me and my lover boy.
His veiny hands grabbed onto mine, rubbing softly at my knuckles.
“I’m gonna do what he said, just wait a little longer. But please Y/N, if you can hear me, come back to me.” He cried into my hand, the tears coating it.
As if the Gods granted it themselves, I moved my eyelids open. Very slowly, and it hurt to do so, but they opened. Spencer sensed movement, and his head instantly came up holding on tighter to my hand. A weak smile placed on my face as my tired eyes loving locked with his.
“Waiting for me?” 
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jazy3 · 3 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X11
I liked this episode overall even though it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I thought that in this episode we were going to see Meredith and Derek reunite one last time on the beach and then Meredith was going to wake up in a dramatic fashion and we would get some big dramatic scene. I now think that that's going to happen in next week's episode or the one after. I like that they showed that she was getting better but that the challenge now was to get her to wake up and stay awake. While it wasn't super dramatic it was probably more realistic to how the disease actually works and affects people in real life.
I kept thinking every time Meredith fell back asleep that she was going to appear on the beach, and I was little disappointed that she didn’t. That being said, I really loved Jo's scene with Meredith. I thought it was really sweet and touching and I like that Meredith was supportive and told Richard what Jo had said so that he could help her. Jo was scared that Meredith would yell at her and not understand if she told her so that was nice to see. I also liked that this episode combined with the previous one seems to indicate that the beach exists in Meredith’s head, it’s her happy place, and that she can hear people when they talk to her at her bedside and can potentially hear people when they stand outside her room.
This means that when she does wake up for real, they won’t have to rehash plots that we’ve already seen because Meredith will already know what happened and they can just go from there. I also really liked the scene where Richard came to Jo and she was worried he was angry with her and would try to talk her out of switching specialties, but instead he told her he wanted to help her but he couldn't do that if he was in the dark. That being said, while I’m okay with Jo switching it up, I'm still not sold on Jo switching to OBGYN because I don't think they've done enough to set up the storyline.
We’re 3/4 of the way through the season and all Jo has done is talk about it, but she hasn't done anything to actually make it happen. We got more set up for her switching to Urology and being mentored by Catherine in one episode than we've had all season with Jo wanting to switch to OBGYN. Jo’s had plenty of time to talk to people in the field about her desire to change careers, talk to her superiors, and find a mentor. She’s done none of that. In fact she’s been hiding her desire to switch from everyone who could actually help her with feels a lot like self-sabotage. If she’s really interested, she should have gone to Meredith, Bailey, and Richard in the first half of the season and talked about how she was feeling.
She should have asked Hayes and Carina what working in OBGYN and Pediatrics was really like. She hasn’t done that and right now she seems to have a very rosy picture of what the field is like that just doesn’t match the reality. She keeps talking about how it’s going to be great because it’s all about happy Moms, but that isn’t the reality for everyone. There’s a lot that can go wrong in childbirth, not everyone is happy to be having a baby, some might be placing their children for adoption, they may be fighting with their partner, they may lash out because they are in pain, the list goes on.
If Jo is serious about switching, she should be asking Hayes and Carina a thousand questions and finding someone to mentor her. Instead her and Carina haven’t had a single scene together this season that I can recall, and she spent two whole episodes screaming at Hayes and being super aggressive towards him when he was already terrified about Meredith and Irene. She knows that if she switches specialities she’ll be working with Hayes and people in his Department a lot. Which means she should be super nice to him and being asking for his help. Instead, she’s created this super weird dynamic in which she’s either yelling at him aggressively or they are exchanging polite conversation about work.
Hayes makes it clear to Irene that they are not friends, he is not interested in her, and has no desire to change that which is on Jo because she went from being nice to him and being friendly and teasing him about his feelings for Meredith last season to taking advantage of the fact that they are coworkers to scream at him when he didn’t want to break protocol after what happened to Meredith and was upset after Irene was admitted. She also made that horrible comment comparing his wife’s death to her divorce from Alex and seem to take the fact that he was upset and wanted the best care for Irene as a personal offence and to mean that Hayes think she’s incompetent. None of which is true. It’s all in Jo’s head.
So yeah, I’m not sold on her switching to OBGYN because they haven’t done enough set up and they already tried that with Carina, and it didn’t work. There just isn’t enough material to have a character appear on the show regularly if they are an OBGYN only and can’t perform pediatric, fetal, or neonatal surgery. After they wrote Arizona off, they spent two seasons trying to find stuff for Carina to do before pairing her with Maya and moving her over to Station 19. Several of the current writers were present during seasons 14, 15, and 16 so they were there when that happened, and they were involved. So, I’m confused as to why they think something that failed the first time is going to work with an existing character.
If this is the show’s last season, I feel like this storyline is going to end with Jo re-specializing and adopting Luna. If this isn’t the show’s last season and they’re doing one more I don’t understand how the writers think they are somehow going to get a season’s worth of content out of Jo delivers babies and sleeps with Jackson. We got some good patient storylines this episode and the storyline about the newlywed couple was funny and interesting. I had a feeling as soon as Bailey convinced the guy to talk to his life that it was going to go the opposite way than Bailey intended.
I like that Owen took Bailey’s advice and gentle prodding to heart and apologized to Teddy. I am happy that Owen finally made amends and that he and Teddy seem to be moving forward. I was so sick of them fighting so I’m glad to see that storyline come to an end. It was exhausting and I'm glad that Owen finally got it and that that they are both starting to heal. It was long overdue. I think he heard what Bailey was saying and even though it didn't hold true for the couple they treated it did hold true for him and Teddy and that's what Bailey was trying to share with him.
As for what the future holds for Teddy and Owen, I'd like to see them become friends again and find a way to co-parent peacefully with Amelia and Link for the good of their kids and themselves. I think there's been too much drama and heartbreak for them to work as a couple at this point. I loved seeing Maggie and Hayes work together to treat a patient. I liked the scene where Maggie said it was time to let the patient go and Hayes looked at her and said aren't you some kind of genius or something? Figure it out.
It was nice to see her in a non-romantic storyline with someone that Meredith is interested in. I never liked the “Meredith is dating or interested in someone or they are interested in her, but her sister misunderstands the situation and thinks they are into her or cluelessly asks them out” plots. I love that Hayes is finally getting his moment in the sun. He's played a big role in the second half of the season so far and I'm really happy about that. He's one of my favourite new characters and they really underutilized him in the first half of the season. I loved seeing his interactions with Maggie and watching them find a solution for his young patient. I really loved the scene where they're all in the OR and their idea works. The unfettered joy on their faces was palpable and it filled me with joy!
The scenes where the patient’s father confided his fears to Hayes about his son and how his wife hasn’t been able to get out of bed in weeks and then just before they took him into surgery, he talked to his son about all of the things he wanted to do with him. That made me tear up. I loved how Hayes got the idea for the surgery from Jo being metaphorical and convinced Maggie to do it. I was surprised that Maggie’s engagement wasn’t mentioned, and I got the impression that Maggie hasn't told anyone about her engagement yet as no one commented on it so I'm interested to see when that will come out and people's reactions to it.
I liked that Link’s parents showed up and offered to take the kids out for the day (safely) and that we got to see Link having a happier interaction with his parents and that Amelia and Link got a break. While his parents have come across as selfish and sometimes cruel and irresponsible in the past it was really nice of them to offer to take the kids for the day and I like that they happily offered and accepted Meredith’s kids as family and that Link’s Mom called Amelia her daughter-in-law and said she considered her part of the family.  
I really loved the Amelia and Link scenes this episode. They were great! They were emotional and sexy and fun and silly and heartbreaking all at once. I'd like to see them get married, but not because his Mom keeps pushing it or because they find out that Maggie and Winston are engaged, but because they feel it's right for them. Link is at that place, but Amelia isn't and I don't want to see her jump into something because of outside pressure. She's done that before, and it always ends badly.
I really appreciate that the series is actively addressing Amelia's addiction and what it's like to live with that. Addiction is a lifelong battle, a chronic illness of sorts, and it is not a one and done deal. Amelia and Link don't have a lot of story options available to them because of Meredith's COVID storyline this season so I like that they are taking the opportunity to explore that more. I liked the comparison to her relationship with Owen where Link said I love you and I want to marry you, but I'm not Owen so I'm not here for the drama and if us getting married could cause you to relapse then we should wait. Link proposing and Amelia shouting no at him especially when he was shirtless made me laugh! I’m always here for shirtless Link!
I also really Jackson and Mama Ortiz’s storyline. They addressed a real issue in that sometimes people try to help because they feel moved or called to do so, but their band aid fix creates more problems long term than they solve. I like that Jackson got what Ortiz was saying and that he called her at the end of the episode and asked for her ideas for how they could use his money to really help people in their community long term. I love the actress who plays her and I'm excited that she’s getting more screen time.
I loved seeing Tom back in action! His lines in the trauma room were great! Bailey had some great scenes this episode as well. They're focusing more on the characters I really like or find interesting in the second half of the season so I'm really enjoying that. I had a few favourite scenes this episode. I loved the moment where Meredith woke up and Richard said, "Hey there, sleepy head," and Meredith said she was sorry he had to put her on a ventilator because she knows how hard that must have been for him and he said he'd do it again. And then Meredith said, "I'm glad I chose you." I love their father daughter relationship and that scene warmed my heart. I also really liked Teddy's line about the tea. That's a meme waiting to happen.
Onto next week’s promo! We see Jackson running by a Black Lives Matter protest which puts this episode at either the end of May or the beginning of June 2020 as George Floyd, may he rest in peace, was murdered on May, 25, 2020 and protests erupted the next day and grew in size in the following weeks and months. In the promo Richard brings in a wounded protestor and tells Jackson they were marching peacefully, and Jackson appears to be treating Hayes who we know has two black biracial children.
We also see Meredith being taken into the Hyperbaric Chamber by Levi, Maggie talking a distressing phone call, and Teddy doing chest compressions which means she’s back at work. Here’s hoping that Teddy took Amelia’s advice and found a new therapist that works for her. The most intriguing part of the Promo for me is that we see Bailey, dressed in full PPE, duck into a stairwell and scream “What?!?” out loud several times. I’m curious to know what she’s screaming about. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it both? Is it something bewildering? Can’t wait to find out.
Until next time!
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You found me
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Summary: It's been five year since what happened. David and I have been married for four years and we have two daughters with another on the way. When we went to spend Thanksgiving with my family David told me a man that he helped put away had escape. He said that the man Jack Daniels swore to take away from David that was taken from him. Which happens to be his family.
My head was pounding and I tried to bring my hand to my head but I was met with the sound of clanking. “Oh good to see that you’re awake daring.” A male voice say. I looked to see the guy that took me. That was when I also noticed that I was chained to the wall. “Where are my daughters?” I asked. “I didn’t have the time to grab them. But you. You just might do.” He said as he walked towards me putting a hand on my cheek. I tried to move away from him but he held it in place. “That detective sure did pick a pretty little thing. I can see why he can’t keep his hands off of you.” He said putting his other hand on my waist as he slowly started to move it under my shirt. “Get your hands off of me.” I said. “Come on now darling it’s been a while since I felt the soft skin of a woman.” He said as I felt his fingertips glazed across my breast. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. “Who are you?” I asked. “The names Jack Daniels darling.” Jack said as he started to lightly kiss my cheek. “Don’t call me darling.” I said. Jack chuckled as he moved his hand from under my shirt and started to put the other down my shorts. I brought me knee up as I kneed him the crotch. He groaned out in pain as then roughly slapped me across the face. “Now. Now darling you can’t be doing stuff like that without being punished.” Jack said. Jack reached up unlocking me from the chains. I almost fell to the ground but he pushed me back against the wall as he tied my hand together throwing me over his shoulder. I started to hit his back as I screamed. “Scream all you want darling no one will be able to hear you.” Jack said. I started to squirm in his grip. I could feel that he was struggling to keep his hold on me. “Stop.” Jack said. “Go to hell.” I said.
I was thrown onto a bed. I tried to quickly to sit up but Jack grabbed my ankle pulling me down towards him. He was quick to grab my other leg holding it down with the same arm. “Stop it please.” I begged. “Aw come on now darling as much as I love her that pretty voice of your begging me I still want to have a little fun.” Jack said as he bent down to pick something up from the ground. “Like hell.” I said as I tried to kick him out his grip was too strong. I could hear the sounds of chains and then I felt something cold on my ankle. “That should keep you in place for now darling. If you promise to be good I’ll take the ones on your pretty little wrist off.” Jack said as he released his grip on my legs. I brought the leg that wasn’t chained up and went to kick him. But he grabbed it pinning it down. “Now that wasn’t nice darling. Didn’t I tell you if you didn’t behave you were going to get punished?” Jack said. Jack started to move his hands up and down my legs. “Now…now how should I punish you?” Jack asked. “Let me go please. Let me go back to my family. You can just leave and I won’t tell David where you went.” I said. “You and I both know that husband of yours will hunt me down like an animal for taking you. You just may have giving me an idea of how to punish you.” Jack said. I was so afraid of what he was about to say. “Don’t you want to know darling?” Jack asked. “What are you going to do to me?” I asked in a small voice. “Well now since your husband took my family away I want a new one. You’re the one that is going to give it to me.” Jack said. I felt the tear start to form in my eyes. I was so scared to mention that I was already pregnant. I didn’t want to tell him. I couldn’t. What would he do if I did? “I have to admit you and your husband have made some really cute babies. But our babies are going to be beautiful.” Jack said as he reached behind his head pulling his shirt up. “Wait..wait stop.” I begged as Jack climbed on top of me. “What is it darling?” Jack asked. “I’m already pregnant.” I said crying. Jack looked down at my stomach. “Well now what are we going to do about that darling?” Jack asked as he stroked my stomach. “Please I beg you don’t take this baby away from me. If you let me keep this one I will give you as many kids you want.” I said. “Is that so darling?” Jack asked. “Yes.” I said. “Alright darling you may keep this one since you very kindly asked. But don’t you think for one moment that you and I won’t be having any fun.” Jack said. I nodded. “Do you promise to be good darling? If you do I’ll take these off.” Jack said as he put on hand on my wrists. “Yes I’ll be good. Can you it off please?” I said. “You may darling. Now is there anything else you would like me to take off?” Jack said. I bite my lip and nodded. “And that is darling?” Jack asked. I took a breath in then out. I wrapped my chained arms the best I could around Jack’s neck as I gently stroked his hair. “I want you to take off my clothes. I want to feel you inside of me.” I said. “And what will tell your husband when and if he finds you.” Jack said. “I will tell him if he truly loved me then he wouldn’t have allowed you to take me.” I said. “There you go darling.” Jack said as he took my arms off of his neck and unlocked them. “Thank you.” I said as I rubbed my sore wrist. “Now let’s have some fun.” Jack said as he grabbed the bottom of shirts and pulled it off.
No One’s POV
It’s been almost two day since Jack Daniels took Y/n and David has been slowly losing his mind. The officers that were sent to watch over and protect David’s family were shot but still alive. Jack had left them alive to tell Loki that it was his fault that his family was taken. But Jack had only taken Y/n and not their girls. Amelia and Clara were both at Y/n’s parent’s house so they could look after them while David work hard to find his wife the love of his life and made sure that Jack Daniels never bother him and his family again. David hoped no he prayed that Jack wouldn’t hurt or kill both Y/n and their child. He feared that if she and the baby were gone how would have tell their daughters that mommy and their sibling are gone. He also feared to tell her family. He had made a promise to her mother and father that he would always love and protect her. But he had failed to do that. He loves her so much god he loves her. He never thought he could love something or someone as much as he loves her. He needed to find her and he needed to do it now. But he couldn’t find any leads. It was almost like they disappeared into thin air.
He was currently at the hospital he had just finished questioning the officers who were shot. Jack didn’t speak a word to them just shot them. Which mean he had nothing to go on for where they would be now. His boss has kept on telling him to sit this one out so he could be there for their daughters who were both scared out of their minds. Even Y/n parents told him the same. But he didn’t listen to any of them if someone was going to find her it’s going to be him. He looked at the time and thought it would be best to go see the girls before they went to sleep.
Before he had left the hospital he had called Y/n parents to let them know that he would be coming by to see the girls. Already knowing that Keller will be hounding him with questions about Y/n. Of course he would. It was his fault that his daughter was taken. It was all his fault. But Grace didn’t seem to blame him as much as Keller. She has seemed to be handling this better than the events five years ago. She knew that the reason why Y/n was taking was because of an unstable man. That’s what Jack was an unstable man.
It was a little after seven when David had pulled into the Dover’s driveway since the girls couldn’t stay at their house until it was no longer needed as a crime scene. But he was allowed to get some of the girl’s things dropping it off just this morning while they were still sleeping. Amelia had been dealing with this way harder than little Clara but after all Clara was still a baby wasn’t she and Amelia wasn’t much younger than Anna was when she was taken. Amelia just wanted her mother back and who could blame her. David let out a sigh as he ran his hands over his face then got out of his car making his way inside.
David knocked on the door. Of course he did. He still knocked even though Grace had told him countless of times that he didn’t have to do that.  It was Grace who had come to the door and gave him a small smile. “David how many times do I have to tell you. You don’t have to knock. You’re family.” Grace said as she moved so he could walk in. “I know. I will someday.” David said as he walked in. “Anything new?” Grace asked as she closed the door. “No I’m sorry. I wish I had some news but I don’t.” David said. “You’ll find them. I know you will. You found Y/n, Anna and Keller five years ago. I just know that you will find her again.” Grace said. “How are the girls?” David asked. “Well I think Clara is still too young to really understand everything that is going on. But Amelia. She been handling it harder she’s been sleeping with Keller and I. But I think that seeing you might do her some good. Their upstairs with Anna I’ll go and get them.” Grace said and made her way upstairs.
A few minutes later Amelia came rushing down the stairs. “Daddy!” Amelia yelled as launched herself into his arms. “Hey princess.” David said as he held her in his arms. “Did you find mommy?” Amelia asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “No princess I haven’t yet but I will princess I promise.” David said. “When can we go home?” Amelia asked. “Soon princess I promise. So I’ve heard that you been sleeping with grandma and grandpa.” David said. “Yeah I’ve been having bad dreams about the bad man who took mommy.” Amelia said. “I’m sorry princess.” David said as he kissed her head. “Daddy is mommy going to die?” Amelia asked.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
May we have more of Jack with baby Racer?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
So, since I haven’t posted just a scene with only Jack and baby Race, so here’s that! It’s pretty short, but I think it’s cute. Let me know what ya’ll think!
Jack was crying. He knew he had no right to be crying. He’d chosen this. It had been his choice and he’d chosen this.
His cell phone had been shut off. He was sure he’d be evicted within the next few weeks. He hadn’t eaten in two days. And Tyler wouldn’t go to sleep.
Bouncing his baby in his arms as gently as he could, Jack sniffled, trying to take a deep breath. “C’mon, little angel, please go to sleep. I promise it’s gonna be okay,” he tried to coax, only resulting in the child screaming even further and somehow even louder. He’d just fed Tyler, so he knew that couldn’t be the problem. He didn’t need to be changed. He just did not want to sleep. “I’ll do anything, Tyler James. Just go ta sleep…”
Jack had an early shift in the morning. He hadn’t slept in nearly two days. Jacobi was nice enough, but Jack was sure if he dropped one more dish, he’d be fired. Maybe he was over exaggerating. He didn’t know. All he knew was that this baby in his arms would not stop crying. “Baby, Daddy’s here… Daddy’s right here n’ I ain’t neva’ gonna let nothin’ happen ta you, I promise…” he whispered to the still wailing little boy in his arms.
With a headache forming and only four hours left to sleep, Jack was coming up to a last resort. He took a deep breath and leaned down to press a soft kiss to his baby’s head before he began to whisper an old melody. “Close your eyes… come with me… where it’s clean n’ green n’ pretty,” he sang. “Where they went n’ made a city outta clay…” It was something his mother had used to sing to him, back when he was very young, when they’d been happy. Poor, sick, maybe even on the verge of being on the streets. But Snyder had not been in the picture. That was enough for him to remember it as just perfect. “Why, the minute that ya get there, folks’ll walk right up n’ say, ‘Welcome home, son. Welcome home to Santa Fe’...”
To his relief, Tyler began to settle against him. Jack rocked him slowly, eyeing the crib that Davey had picked out a few weeks ago. It was as though the boy could read his thoughts. Because he started to whine again, not wanting to be set down. “It’s okay, my sweet baby boy,” he promised, beginning to calm down himself. “Hey… one day, we’re gonna go there. We’ll hop on a train n’ go out ta Santa Fe n’ there ain’t gonna be no one n’ nobody standin’ in our way…” Most importantly, Snyder wouldn’t be there.
Jack still had yet to go back to his old home at all. After seeing what Will could do to an innocent newborn baby, he didn’t want to know if he’d push it any further than that. He didn’t even think about seeing that man again. That man undoubtedly would one day want that favor back from Jack and Jack didn’t know what to do about it then. But right now, his baby was in his arms. And everything could be okay. “We’ll live in a house on an open field where you can play when you grow up. You can lay outside under the stars at night n’... n’ you can see the stars…” Jack wondered what the stars looked like. He often did. He’d never seen them in real life. He’d always lived in Manhattan.
Maybe one day Tyler would get to see the stars for the first time.
“My daddy’s from out there, ya know…” Tyler yawned, his mouth forming a perfect circle as he squirmed around in his father’s arms. The sight made Jack smile every time. “I don’t remember him. My mama used ta say he was a good man…”
Reaching up through his blanket, the child grasped at the air. So Jack bit his lip and offered him a finger to hold and play with, with an innocent, curious, wide eyed gaze on the little boy’s face, as though he didn’t do this everyday. Jack only smiled, his tears long forgotten as he studied this boy again, never wanting to miss a moment. “Oh kid, there’s nothin’ you could ever do ta get me ta stop lovin’ you, do you know that?”
The baby didn’t respond, only began to close his eyes when he got tired. So Jack stood, hovering above the crib and rocking in his feet as his baby finally slipped back into oblivion. He breathed a sigh of relief but smiled at the pure innocence he held in his arms. “Goodnight, Tyler James…” he whispered, lowering the babe down into the crib.
More than anything in the world.
It was odd to him. Before this, Jack had never had anything to lose. Not really. His mother had been gone from him for years. His friends, well, he’d been waiting for them to ditch him since he’d met them. Amelia… it was only supposed to last a month or two.
Now, the entire universe was right here with him. And there was something that Jack would protect day in and day out with everything he had inside him. Now, Jack had Tyler.
And Tyler was everything.
“I love you, baby,” he whispered as he climbed back onto his own mattress, letting his eyes linger on that child before they slipped shut from Jack’s own exhaustion. “More than anything in the world…”
Jack didn’t care much that he was tired the next day. All he knew was that he was lucky to have the little bundle of joy that would be waiting for him in his best friend’s arms when he got home.
All he knew was how much he loved that little boy.
Don’t worry, there will be more than just baby, baby Racer, he will actually grow up as this one continues (if that’s what ya’ll want, of course 😂). He’ll become a toddler (and I do have one ask for Race when he’s older, which I have to assume means a teenager which I have a scene in mind for) so yeah, if you have any specific requests, don’t hesitate to ask!
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popcrone818 · 4 years
Fate - Alec Lightwood
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Let me just say before I start, yes I am aware that Alec is gay! I have read the first book, (getting the rest for my birthday) and I am so in love with Malec it is so not even funny anymore, but at the same time I read fanfiction and fiction in general to escape to put myself in the shoes of the reader. So when I write that is also what I do. I don’t know how to write in a male’s perspective and I’m not about to write a full story about it. 
so in short, I am sorry to whoever I offend by posting this story. But I have been Brewing it over in my head since October 2019. So all I can say is I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. <3
I never knew who my mother was. She left me on the doorstep of the Lightwood’s when I was just a baby. Alexander Lightwood and I grew up together, wreaking havoc on Maryse and Robert since before we could talk. The Lightwood’s were exiled from Idris before my first birthday and with Alec and I in tow Maryse and Robert moved to New York, where they proceeded to have Isabelle, and where they adopted Jace Wayland. The Four of us were never seen without each other as we grew up. Alec became Jace’s Parabatai and Izzy and I were close to it ourselves, we just never got around to doing the ritual while we were growing up.
When Clary joined the institute, Jace and Alec seemed to be in a disagreement constantly. I started to worry for my family, I wasn’t sure how parabatai’s actually worked but I was almost sure that Jace and Alec’s might start to disappear if they kept at it.
I had followed Clary, Jace and Izzy to help free Meliorn from Lydia. We were surprised to say the least when Alec was the one leading Meliorn to the silent brothers. Clary, Jace and I snuck up behind Alec and Meliorn.
“Alec.” Clary yelled jogging ahead and gaining his attention. Jace stepped in between Alec and Meliorn and the entrance to the City of Bones. I stayed back out of the way. I noticed Alec’s eyes shift for a spilt second to me before turning his attention back to Jace and Clary like I wasn’t even there.
“You told me you were taking Clary back to the Institute. You lied to me.” He growled his hands closing into fists.
“I did what needed to be done.”  Jace fired back as Clary walked up to Meliorn and I took a couple of steps forward, in case I was needed to break up a parabatai fight.
“Alec, the Clave has gone too far. You have to see that. Please, just let Meliorn go.” I said calmly to him. His eyes flicked to me yet again before he looked down, not making eye contact.
“I have my orders.” His hand twitched slightly, getting ready for a fight. I saw Clary flare up.
“You and your damn orders. Who cares about orders?” Clary shouted at him. I squeezed my eyes shut, she has no idea about this world. I opened my eyes as Alec took a step closer to Clary.
“See?” he almost laughed while he gestured to Clary. “That’s how little you know about being a Shadowhunter. You couldn’t possibly understand–.”
“It’s you that doesn’t understand, Alec. Not this time.” Jace started as Alec started to move closer to the entrance. “I’m really sorry.” Jace’s head motions for me to go. I jump on Alec’s back, easier than I expected honestly, still not as easy as you might think.
“Clary, Meliorn, go, now!” Jace yells, Clary and Meliorn make a run for it as Alec flips me off his back and kneels gently on my chest. Jace knocks Alec off me and quickly jump up into a fighting stance.
“You always broke the rules, but never the law, not until she showed up.” Alec accused.
“You’ve had it out for Clary from the start. And now you’re getting married, Alec? We both know what this is about.” Jace yelled, I stood back and watched boys fight it out.
“Oh, do we? Okay. Why doesn’t the legend, Jace Wayland, tell us what’s it about?” Alec counters pushing Jace up against the cave wall.
“It’s about Mia! It’s about your feelings. It’s because you’re–.” Jace yells at him as my jaw goes slack looking at the two of them. Alec has pulled out his blade and now has Jace on the ground with it placed against his neck. “Do it. Do it! I don’t wanna be alive if we’re on different sides, Alec.” I watch as Alec gets off Jace.
“Come with us. We’ll fight Valentine the right way: together.” I told Alec stepping closer to him as Jace gets to his feet.
“If we do that, we’ll be considered traitors like Mom and Dad.” Alec said, I knew he was worried about what they had done as circle members, but I didn’t think it was this bad. This must be why he is getting married.
“I’m begging you, my parabatai, my brother. Please, Alec, come with us.” Jace pleaded with him as he and I both stepped forward again. Alec slid down the wall of the cave shaking his head.
“No.” with that one word I felt my heart break. I made sure Alec could see it as Jace and I walked away, he pulled me into his side as a tear rolled down my cheek.
We met back up with Meliorn and Clary outside of the Hotel Dumort. Izzy was locked in a passionate kiss with Meliorn before Jace clears his throat to break them up.
“I hate to break up this reunion, Izzy, but we have to go.” Jace reminded her of the rest of the mission; get Meliorn back to the Seelie realm.
“You’re in good hands.” Izzy says to Meliorn before turning to Clary, Jace and I. “I need to get back to the Institute, see what hell has broken loose. Try and talk some sense into Alec.” She gives me a sad look before she places a hand on my arm gently. “Take care of him.”
“We will.” Clary and I saw in unison.
“Kick Alec’s ass for me.” I told her. She and Meliorn share another kiss before she pulls away and walks her way to the institute.
Isabelle told me it was your idea to rally the Downworlders. That you spearheaded my rescue.” Meliorn said to Clary, “She also told me that you would have to go up against Alec, someone you love,” he turned his attention to me. I felt my cheeks blush before the memory of Alec saying ‘no’ to Jace and I resurfaced and all I did was nod my head towards Meliorn.
“Don’t give me too much credit. Isabelle made this happen. We just helped.” Clary stated as we started walking.
“She’s being modest. You’re a Shadowhunter now.” Jace said.
“I have been surprised by more than one Shadowhunter tonight. You risked everything to unite us.” Meliorn thanked Clary once again.
“Right after you tried to sell her out.” Jace reminded Meliorn. I looked away as we continued to walk towards a park I had never seen before.
“Not my finest moment. Which is why I’m offering you both a gift, for your sacrifice. If you’re ready, I can help you find your father.” Meliorn said addressing both Clary and I. I looked behind me to Jace, giving him a questioning look. I didn’t know who my father was.
 Clary and I stepped through the portal to the alternate dimension, where she and I were standing in a kitchen together. She turns around and grasps a butter knife holding it up in front of her.
“Where’s my mother?!” she shouts accusingly.
 “Whoa. Is this from one of your cosplay skits?” I heard Valentine ask as I turn around. “Uh, honey? Come in here. You gotta see this.” He turns to call into the living room. “No, seriously, you have to let me come with you, just once, okay? I wanna see what you do at these things, all right?” he turns to face the two of us again. Jocelyn enters the kitchen and takes in the scene in front of her, Clary slightly in front of me holding up a knife.
“Val, you’re not allowed to do cosplay. You’d stick out like a sore thumb.” Jocelyn says coming up to Valentine. At the sight of her mother Clary drops the knife and moves over to her.
 “Mom.” She pulls her in for a tight hug. I just stand there unsure of what to do.
 “Wow. Wow, if you miss us this much, you should really leave the dorm room more often.” Jocelyn jokes as Clary pulls away.
 “Right. Sorry.” Clary moves back over to me.
“Oh Amelia, honey, your mum said she wouldn’t be able to see you for breakfast this morning, so you’ve got us instead.” Jocelyn says to me before she moves to sit down at the kitchen table. I notice one of the sketches is signed by Jocelyn Morgenstern. I nudge Clary discreetly who then looks at the painting also. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as Clary sits down hesitantly.
 “Clary…” Jocelyn holds up a cup of tea in a toast as I sit down opposite Clary at the table pulling out my phone. “In honour of your father’s Mad Hatter party tonight.” She takes a sip and I look at the message that lit up my screen.
From: Alec
Can’t wait to see you today, looking forward to that coffee :)
“Your mom made waffles for you. Come on, kiddo, you gotta eat something, right. So, Clarissa… when do I get to meet this new man in your life, hmm?” Valentine asks as he also sits down. It felt like I was intruding on family bonding time and I wasn’t even sure why I was here in the first place anyway. Valentine wasn’t my father.
 “Val.” Jocelyn chastised
 “What? I have to give my stamp of approval, right? For both of you by the way, you may not be blood related but we still think of you as our daughter Amelia.” Valentine said looking towards me. So that’s why I'm here. I'm basically family.
 “Oh, Clary, look at this commercial, it’s hilarious. It’s so bad, it’s good.” Jocelyn states and we all swivel on our chairs to look towards the tv sitting in the dining room. I see Magnus, Hodge and Luke on the tv in the commercial, apparently in this dimension Magnus is a psychic, I guess a warlock never changes his mark. I notice Clary starts to space out slightly and I drop my fork to bring her back. She gasps before standing up abruptly.
“I have to go.” She says as she gathers up her things.
“Uh, so do I, thank you for breakfast.” I say politely as I grab my phone and stand up too.
 “What?” Jocelyn asks Clary and I.
 “I thought you were spending the morning with us.” Valentine asks looking up at the two of us also.
“I, uh, have a last-minute assignment due that I haven’t even started yet, so I gotta go.” Clary states before rushing out of the door.
“I uh, have a date.” I say before following Clary out.
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allforhader · 4 years
New Perspective
Bill Hader x (F) Reader
Warnings: Langauge
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Y/N has been childhood friends with Bill and she has always been supportive of what he wants to pursue in life. She’s watched him evolve into one of the greatest in her opinion and she’s been there for almost every major moment. Perks of being a fellow actor. You see a lot.
But with personal things. She was at his wedding, was in the chain of messages when it came to his girls coming to the world, and when he had his lowest moments...Y/N dropped everything to be by his side.
“You always have my back Y/N, how can I ever repay you”
“You don’t have to Bill. What are friends for?”
Apart of her never wanted to tell him that she had feelings. It felt and from the looks on how life played out, it was one-sided. Partners never came easy when her mind is obviously tied to something else. She knew that holding on was only going to hurt her, and it did. It did on most days but of course he always made them 100% better.
Y/N was there for him when he went through his divorce and not much was said. All he wanted was her to be there and that’s exactly what she did.
Now the two were given a movie opportunity and it’s been some time since they’ve worked together. This’ll be fun.
For the most part.
“Ms. Y/L/N” Bill smiles knocking on her open trailer door.
“Mr. Hader” Y/N smiles setting her highlighter down as Bill sits across from her in the booth. “Thought you were talking to the other star in this film”
“I was, she’s nice. But shouldn’t I be getting to know the main love interest for my character instead?” Bill smiles resting his head in his hands on the table.
“You’ve known me all your life Bill”
“Okay touché but I prefer hanging with my best friend on set any chance I get”
Y/N smiles hearing that as it also chipped at her for a moment.
“Are you staying at the hotel near by?”
“Yeah, ain���t gonna live in a trailer” Bill laughs a bit. “Have you checked in yet?”
“I just got in, so not yet”
“You can stay with me, my room got another bed”
“Y’know the film company got me a room to myself right?”
“Yeah but come on, it’s better being with someone than alone”
“Okay...” Y/N smiles seeing how excited he got hearing her agree.
Filming scenes out of order is very common and the two are used to it. Neither of them had an opinion of which to do first since their schedules were changed in order to film without interruptions. Only time something may happen is something with Bill’s girls. Other than that, they took things slow and did the easiest scenes to begin with.
“Oregon is a beautiful setting to film at”
“It beats the normal New York setting like a lot of films”
“True, do you want to get drinks next night out?”
“If you’re paying” Y/N smiles making Bill laugh as he wraps an arm around her shoulders.
The director a moment after had Y/N sit with him as they go over scenes with just Bill and the other interest. He wanted her to watch so that she can get a feel for her character but her character felt more real.
The main female lead, who’s love of their life is their best friend and he doesn’t know that she loves him until it’s too late.
At least the ending is happy. Sad to a degree but—yknow. Rooting for the main lead is the way to go for the most part.
“Be prepared to cry Y/N”
“That’s very unsettling director”
“Well you know your scenes”
“I do”
“You’ll do great” He smiles as Y/N continued to watch the two before getting up and leaving to go over her lines with herself.
Bill turns his attention to Y/N as the director stands up.
A few months went by in filming as Y/N lays in the bed beside Bill’s thinking about the fact that they are doing one of her heartbreaking scenes. She didn’t want to do it but has to at the same time.
Y/N now in the makeup department scrolling through her phone as the crew worked on her makeup.
“Have you worked in a rainy state before?”
“Hm?” Y/N looks up from her phone catching a smile from the lovely woman doing her makeup. “Oh, yeah. But most of the time we are filming inside”
“True true...but it’s beautiful when it rains here in Oregon. Knock on wood that it doesn’t rain when we film but reading a few scenes with you in it. It’ll be beautiful if it did” She smiles touching up on her blush as Y/N was flattered but nervous.
After getting dressed in the causal outfit her character demands for, Y/N walks into set seeing the tents over the equipment just in case it does rain. She bumped into Bill adjusting herself once she caught her balance.
“Sorry Y/N”
“No I am, wasn’t looking”
“Well. It’s nice running into you than a stranger” Bill smiles fixing his blazer as Y/N wanted to say something then and there but
“Places please!” The director states as Y/N retracts herself walking over to her marker as Bill locks arms with the other love interest.
Bill stood at his placement seeing Y/N starting to count with her fingers. A habit from when they were younger, she did it when she got anxious. He never forgot the little things. He wanted to check up on her but the moment he heard action, he couldn’t.
Script Characters - Bill is Ethan, Y/N is Amelia, other love interest is Evelyn
“Love, you know how to make a girl’s night” The interest steals a kiss as Y/N’s chest started hurting.
“Evelyn, you are worth every moment. Which...is why I want to make it worth it” Bill smiles glancing around them and back to his interest. “The love of my life stands in front of me and it always feels like I’ve known you for all the years I’ve been on this earth. You...make it worth living every day in this chaotic world and I want to fight every day with you right beside me”
“Ethan...are you saying what I think your saying?”
“Every word”
Every word, stated for the wrong person. But Y/N didn’t know that. The director gestures for Y/N to start approaching and the scene and she drops her phone to her side.
“Hey Et—-“ Y/N steps forward before turning her body toward the camera retracting herself back when she saw Bill get down on one knee.
It’s a movie. Y/N, remember it’s a movie...
“Will you marry me Evelyn?”
“Yes! A thousand times yes!” She laughs as Bill picks the interest up spinning her in his arms before stealing a kiss.
The director looks at the shot on Y/N making them zoom in the moment the tears formed and rolled down her cheeks. He didn’t expect that, but it made it ten times better. He was about to yell cut to take another shot when the rain started.
Knock on wood my ass...
Y/N steps back not having anymore words from the scene as her body shifted quickly going behind the prop building but she slipped on her way. Bill quickly looked over after setting his interest down. A great shot. The director had them follow Y/N for the rest of the shot as the rain poured on them. She held her head down letting everything hit her.
This is fake
It’s a movie
These aren’t real characters
But this story feels too familiar...
Y/N brought her head up wiping away her tears as they came down but the rain made it difficult to differentiate. Perfect.
“Cut! THAT WAS FLAWLESS Y/N, SAME GOES TO YOU TWO! Flawless! Now get the hell out of the rain, we don’t want our stars getting sick” The director states helping his crew get the cameras and personnel out.
Bill took his blazer off as the interest’s assistant ran over with an umbrella for her, helping her off set as he makes his way to Y/N who hasn’t move from her spot. He covered her with the jacket not giving a damn if it was for his character. He didn’t want Y/N to get sick.
“Come on...” He held his hand out as Y/N took it carefully being brought up from the wet ground. “It’ll be hell if you got sick” he wrapped his arm around her hurrying her out of there.
After a while the two were in their hotel room, and as Bill got dressed in the bathroom, Y/N sat on her bed already out of the wet clothes and into something comfy as she dries her hair with a towel while the feelings lingered.
“That was an intense scene, one of the electrical people said the director wanted to get another shot until he saw how you were performing. Kept the scene going” Bill walks in sitting across from her on her bed. “You’re amazing you know that?”
“Haven’t heard it enough honestly” Y/N laughs a bit hugging herself as she rubs her arms to warm her.
“You sat in the rain for a while, why don’t take a hot bath. Maybe that’ll warm you up” Bill suggest watching her shake her head before trapping the pillow she wasn’t leaning against hugging it close.
“I’m okay Bill, I’ll be fine” Y/N smiles watching Bill move himself to be beside her. Keeping close brings warmth in ways.
“Come on. I don’t bite” Bill laughs as Y/N rolls her eyes before leaning against him feeling his arm wrap around her shoulders brining her close.
Warmth huh...
A few more months, a couple hundred shots, and more intense emotions that Y/N thought she could handle for the most part. Filming the wedding was killer when her character was best man and now was the money maker scene.
“Looking beautiful like always Y/N” The director smiles helping Y/N step down from the box after getting her dressed hemmed.
“I know it’s for the scene and the movie, I really hate pink” Y/N fixes her dress sighing.
“Well, it suits you. Don’t have to wear it long. One more scene where Amelia grows fed up over the reality and storms out of the reception catching Ethan’s attention. Then the confession” He smiles going to his crew and talking about the trolly shots as Y/N sighs going to her marker.
Y/N turns around catching Bill’s attention making her smile with a tint of pink growing.
“You look beautiful”
“You saw me in this dress yesterday”
“Well, I’m simply stating facts and I like complimenting you” Bill says with a hint of nervousness in his voice. “I uh. Well! Time to get in position. Right?”
Once the cameras were in place with the wall separating the scene in two shots. The trolly camera being set on the one outside and the other having two cameras set on both main characters. Y/N stood in her spot hearing action as she leans against the wall watching Bill enjoy himself in his own little world. She took a deep breath resting her hand on her chest before stepping out.
“Why did I do this? Why did I sign onto this...I shouldn’t have. Shouldn’t have stayed. I should’ve left a long time ago...”
Y/N froze along with the camera as it planned to Bill but he didn’t care for that.
“Where...where are you going? The reception barely even started”
“I know...I just...”
“Just what?” Bill rests a hand on her shoulder getting pushed off but it felt personal. “Amelia...”
“Sorry. I can’t stay”
“What do you mean?!”
“I CANT STAY” Y/N shot back snapping as Bill took a step back. “I can’t stay and watch this go on”
“What does that mean? You’re not...You’re not acting like yourself Amelia”
“Ethan...I-...” Y/N felt her face heat up staring at Bill as she suddenly started crying. “I love you...I have always loved you...a-and I can’t stand there and watch you move onto the next chapter of your life...without me”
“Amelia...why didn’t—-“
The director read the script knowing this isn’t what he written and Bill knew instantly.
“I was afraid to ever say anything because you...you were all I cared about. I cared about every single thing you did and everything that happened to you. Because...it either hurt you or put you in a state of mind that i couldn’t always help you out of” Y/N felt her body shake as she clenched her fists. “Every chance I got...you were always with someone. Always in love with somebody and I knew it was never going to be me. Because I’m not...I’m not the love of your life. I never was...”
“A-Amelia please don’t go—“ Bill grabbed her wrist the moment she stepped away and Y/N ripped her hand away not looking at him.
“I love you...I always will....and the only thing that’ll help me get over you...is never being around you ever again” Y/N states as that last part was scripted but the first two lines were all her in the voice of her character.
Y/N stormed off as Bill stood there feeling his anxiety course through his body watching her go.
“Ethan?” The interest interrupts as the scene was continuing. But he didn’t want to continue filming.
Bill looks at the director hearing him say cut as he instantly ran after Y/N.
Y/N had no more scenes that day and Bill searched for her all over set and even went to her trailer before being called back. The director told him to give her space since he didn’t know what went on there and as stupid as some directors are. He’s going to use that shot but of course he himself was going to check up on her actress when they got Bill back in makeup.
“Y/N” He knocked on her hotel room door, this time in hers and not in the one she shared.
“Please. Give me a minute”
“I’m not asking you back to set. The shot was fine. If you don’t mind me using it of course”
“God I don’t care if you use it or not. I just...I full on confessed how I felt all of these years of being friends with Bill and...it just. Blew up in my face”
“Bill left set looking for you. He’s back because it’s your guys job not to leave unless it was an emergency. But you have no more filming and...he was upset that he didn’t find you before we brought him back to set”
“Sir, you don’t know the personal stuff about this”
“I know you two have been friends for years, and you have chemistry. Chemistry that would work amazingly playing as friends or lovers. I also know this is your first film as a major love interest and what you told me, it would’ve gone differently if the partner wasn’t Hader”
“Get dressed out of that dress and come back on set. If I can guess how he’s feeling. He won’t work like this”
“Isn’t that the point of Ethan’s character? To be emotionally bombarded by what Amelia said?”
“I love that you know every minor detail in my story, but Y/N. His character’s reality. Became his. Knowing that you’re not okay...he won’t work properly even for the character” the director left going back to continue hoping Y/N would come onto set.
A few shots went by and they were re-taken two or three times do to Bill not being in the right headspace. He looks over to the crew watching them discuss what they just shot and before the director asked for places again, Bill saw Y/N stand beside him looking at him for a moment then to the screens.
“Bill, are you okay?” His other co star asks as Bill was in his own world.
“I’m going through it...”
When the work day was over, Y/N knocked on Bill’s trailer watching it instantly open as Bill steps out looking at her. The silence was killer and Y/N didn’t really know what to say since she has already said it.
“I’m so—“
“Don’t apologize for something you kept to yourself for years...I wish you didn’t keep it to yourself for years”
“Your life moves faster than mine Bill. I’m...just. Behind”
“You’re not. You just...why did you put me before you always? You would’ve said something sooner if—“
“Bill just shut up” Y/N frowns. “You’re my best friends. That’s why I did it. But the confessing? I didn’t tell you how I felt because...because life got in the way. You fell in love on a few occasions and I watched. I couldn’t butt in every time! You wouldn’t have the life you have if I did!”
“Y/N, I do love the life I have. I can’t lie about that even if I tried. But...you can’t just stand there and assume I never felt the same way” Bill frowns as Y/N felt her face heat up when he said that.
“I-....For fuck sake Hader”
“Y/L/N. You assume a lot. But for my sake. Can you tell me how you feel without having to do it in a scene to do so?”
“Well. Spit it out then”
“I love you too, and I’m sorry it took you this long to say anything. But I’m also sorry...that I didn’t do it first” Bill instantly presses his lips against hers maneuvering his arm around her waist bringing her close to his chest.
Y/N grabbed his shirt keeping him close to her and taking in the moment as she continues to kiss him. The moment air was needed, Bill didn’t wait long to kiss her again.
They both had enough of waiting, for this new perspective.
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jesslivesau · 4 years
jess au @iloveeverythingwaytoomuch
pre show jess: doesn't know anything except that sam told her some fucked up shit and she didn't really believe him much like amelia didn't believe jimmy but what's clear to her is that sam's upbringing was deeply fucked up in what might've been some kind of apocalypse doomsday cult and she can say "sam, it wasn't real" as much as she can til she's blue in the face but it isn't going to change the fact that sam is Deeply Fucked Up by Shit. and it upsets her and confuses her but he does a good job of setting it aside or knowing when to give in and he's such a sweet and Loving Dude otherwise so she just files it away in her bf trauma bank and keeps cheering him on
s1 jess: your bf's CRAZY brother shows up says he needs help finding your bf's CRAZY dad who may or may not have been part of a doomsday cult and you say, bitch i watched the heaven's gate documentary there is NO WAY i'm letting you leave with him, but he's not gonna Stay cuz he insists it's just for one night (and his brother DOES seem relatively stable, like, as a person), so jess insists she'll go too. while she's in the back seat sam tells dean he told her everything dean's like lol. sure. you believe in ghosts, sweetheart? and jess is like no but i do believe that i'll kick your ass if we don't get home in time for sam's interview tomorrow morning. and then the whole white woman thing happens and she's like oh fuck it's REAL but they DO GO HOME and instead of jess dying on the ceiling there's like idk ghost mary on the ceiling or some shit and they NARROWLY escape the fire together andddd idk they can't go back to stanford cuz it's not safe and their apartment complex literally went up in flames. there’s a more complex reason here but idk what it is. maybe it was brady (demon brady) who died or something IDK LISTEN ITS JUST AN AU
anyway all of season 1 when they’re trying to track down john jess is the voice of reason asking why do they need john in the first place? And eventually sam is like listen we don’t need HIM but if he’s got research on where yellow eyes is, that’s what we need. and dean is mad about that and he’s mad at jess and they bicker like crazy. and sam sleeps on the floor because dean is like dude cmon. don’t make me sleep in the same room as you and your gf together. maybe meg gets replaced by meg possessing jess, and she doesn’t get thrown out the window so when they exorcise her she just needs a hospital and then she’ll be ok. and that would explain why she’s in the hospital and not there for the finale, but can meet up with sam & john & dean in the hospital after
s2 jess: sam is so consumed by grief and fear that jess is actually the first one to notice that dean’s spirit might still be still Around. i’m imagining a scene where sam is asleep next to dean’s bed and jess is awake, and she slowly looks around towards dean and you see ghost!dean Connecting with her for the first time
obviously, all the grief episodes keep happening. maybe jess got seriously hurt as well tbh so she goes back to her parents house to recover; there’s an episode where the boys go meet her parents and dean and sam’s Daddy Issues come out in full force. eventually jess is back and kicking ass and slowly getting along more with dean, partially perhaps because of dean’s Grief Response to john’s death, which is that all the anger and hate comes bubbling up, and jess is like i don’t fucking know this dude, but from what sam’s told me, i hate him, which is not something that sam is in a position to Deal With right now. things proceed pretty much along the course
i am considering now if jess could also be a special child. she also has some kind of psychic abilities but i’d have to choose something cool for her. anyway if she IS then that gets her in the town with sam in all hell breaks loose which i think is the best place for her during that arc? i know all the other special children supposedly had to die but maybe her psychic power was to go inviisble or something lmfao i don’t fucking know. anyway dean has his sad monologue but jess either (a) fully shuts down or (b) just goes STRAIGHT to hunt down whatever the fuck his name is. jake? leverage man? that would be dope actually. and then actually dean, sam, bobby, and ellen actually meet her at the hell’s gate
s3 jess: truly does not understand why they’re hunting. gets into arguments with the boys all the time about how this is pointless, if you’re not gonna try and save yourself then why can’t you just put it down and let yourself have this year?? and dean’s a little bit like you know what jessica that makes a lot of damn sense. but it makes sam mad and they argue a lot about it and jess probably takes off halfway through the season. maybe after malleus maleficarum? partly cuz that’s the ep where ruby more or less becomes part of the team and also when she confirms that she can’t save dean from hell. and i just feel like jess would be like i cannot.... Sit Here.... and watch you both drive yourself into the ground. dean, if you’re gonna die, sam’s coming after you. you knew that. you just didn’t want him to go first.
maybe dean hits her lmfao and sam screams at him for it and jess just Walks Away, tearfully
s4 jess: so jess bailed midway through s3, but when dean wakes up and starts making calls in that phonebooth, he calls bobby and bobby hangs up, so he calls jess. and she comes and gets him.
jess and sam are obviously not together anymore, but jess is totally civil with sam and even with ruby. she’s like we can work together, it’s fine, whatever. and this is the season where dean and jess really bond and become a good Team. and cas is just usually confused why jess is Around but eventually gets used to her. i’ve toyed with jess being jewish which would lend a good and also funny perspective to all the heaven and hell stuff
jess heard about hell first from dean, but not the specifics of the stuff that dean told sam, not until after on the head of a pin. she’s their Lore Expert on seals and is trying to identify as many of them as possible so they can put in place safeguards, and maybe that bumps her up against angel priorities for an episode. maybe we get an episode where cas has to Threaten her 00 and he can say something like sam and dean are important..... you are not. remember that. and then [flappy wings vanish]
uhhhh jess’s siren in the siren episode....... is just like a carbon copy of sam lmfao. which is extremely funny and sam and jess will both kind of awkwardly clear their throats and not address that. i guess jess is just fucking stuck with bobby during the finale because the point of her presence is that she’s so USELESS to both demons and angels
s5 jess:  i’d probably add in an early episode where her parents are killed, probably by demons because the demons know they can’t touch the winchesters due to angel shit but they can fuck up jess as much as they want. then when sam and dean temporarily split up jess would go with dean cuz she’s a hunter now and has nowhere else to go and it doesn’t feel right to just sit around with sam. or maybe she also leaves and splits up and doesn’t stick with dean cuz she’s processing her own traumatic shit. at any rate, early in the season there’s a moment where sam is Gone and dean and jess are drinking together and talking about their feelings and they have a moment where they gaze at each other in the eyes and almost lean towards each other.... then jess goes you know what? this is fucking weird and dean is like oh thank god you said that absolutely this is too weird
in The End, it’s revealed that jess was killed and no one will tell dean more information or talk about her until he finds out that she was pregnant when she was killed (presumably with sammifer’s baby)
in changing channels they get put into a telenovela and sam and jess have an tearful emotionally charged confession scene in spanish. this is about when sam and jess finally get back together [cue cheering]
in the chuck eps it’s revealed chuck rewrote it so that jess died on the ceiling in the first book cuz he was like “i just didn’t think it made sense for her to be alive! it was literary symmetry that’s all!”
in sam, interrupted when sam is all high on meds that’s when he says lots of kooky sweet shit to jess about wanting to MARRY her and have a FAMILY together and it’s sweet and also dean throws up in his mouth a little bit having to hear it
in my bloody valentine the thing that jess is hungry for is Family but i do not know the logistics of how
in dark side of the moon jess does die with the boys but it takes a while to find her, tho they eventually do in one of sam’s favorite memories (probably from the first time they met or something). she’s like what the fuck i’m jewish
no, i have no clue how she factors into swan song. she just does, ok. lucifer can snap her neck along with bobby’s
s6 jess: she tried to check in with dean occasionally at the braedens, and actually had dinner with them once but started checking in less and less as the year went on, and it turns out she knew that sam was back and she’d been hunting with him + the campbells and a couple things
when dean finds out he is truly FURIOUS, but jess is like dean i saw you with lisa and ben! i saw you getting better! i saw you happy, i saw you ok, and hell i’ve only known you since you showed up in palo alto five years ago but it was the most at peace i’ve ever seen you, and i couldn’t take that away from you, and neither could sam.
she’s also like yes, dean, he’s different, he’s colder, it makes me sad but who was the one who put up with YOU when you were spiralling after your dad’s death? or when you were all buttoned up after you came back from hell? he did! so show him a god damn OUNCE of empathy, would you!
and when they find out he’s soulless jess is like. hm. and dean is like i TOLD you there was something wrong with him!!! and jess is like i mean.... yeah....... and maybe i didn’t really want to admit it... cuz.... the sex was So good.........
[soulless sam winks at her]
anyway, s6 happens the way it happens and that’s fine
s7: the only important thing that happens in s7 is that Season Seven, It’s Time For a Wedding! is actually about some sort of monster and the only way to kill it is to cast a spell but the spell must be cast by “two warriors joined before god” which means married and cas is awkward about it cuz he doesn’t want to Presume Anything 
and the whole episode is lots of sam and jess being like “i mean, of course, if you want to..... .like, but if you DON’T, that’s also totally fine, of course.... you know.... whatever you’re comfortable with” until finally they’re in the final battle and cas has to marry them the way barbossa does for will and elizabeth in potc and when dean is pinned against the wall by the monster he goes “DAMMIT JESS WILL YOU KISS MY BROTHER ALREADY” and then sam dips jess in a kiss and the monster is instantly obliterated [heart eyes]
i truly genuinely do not remember anything that happens in s7. anyway jess and sam are married now
s8: sam was with jess the whole year dean was in purgatory. they were struggling to get back to normal life after everything. dean is still fucking mad that sam didn’t go looking for him. i assume everything else goes pretty much according to whatever the fuck happened in s8 except jess at one point has to go to bat for benny cuz sam for some reason hates him so much
i’ve been toying with the idea of jess doing the trials not sam but i mean how can i take that away from my Boy
s9: i do not know anything that happened in this season ):
s10: see above
s11: see above
s12: now i never watched s12, but in this au there is no lucifer’s son jack. instead jess gets pregnant midway through the season; cas finds out first because he can sense it and he’s like why does it feel like there’s an extra being in the bunker, and then he spills to dean cuz he can’t keep a secret, and then dean is like “oh shit what are you gonna do” and jess is like well!!!! sam and i.... talked about this. we were.....open to the possibility. and dean is like wtf how could u possibly bring a child into this world that’s fucked up adn cas is like [wipes tear] that’s beautiful
anyway when they come back from some kind of hunt (probably something that involved claire) and sam and jess are in the bunker, sam goes “jess, seeing claire, seeing jody and the girls.... it makes me think.... i wanna have a family with you” and jess hugs him and then cas walks into the bunker with dean and is like “oh, have you told him about the baby?” and everyone SCREAMS at him
and cas uses his annual miracle allowance to just reverse time about 30 seconds so when he enters the bunker he just goes “i have nothing to say” and Fucking Leaves
the baby is born in the back of the impala in the s12 finale, on the way to the hospital. dean is devastated. he’ll have to reupholster the WHOLE THING. sam accidentally names the baby john but they don’t want to tell dean that so they decide to call him jack.
s13-15 gets to be mostly about how cute it is to have a wittle baby in the bunker. cas is the best babysitter because he loves babies and is very powerful so he can protect him. the occultum nonsense in s15 can be about finding a Safe Place for baby jack, no matter what happens to the rest of the world. sam tells jess, you go with him, you’ll be safe there. dean tells sam, you go with them, you’ll be safe there. all of that good good cute family stuff. was it the best idea to have a baby in the middle of constant apocalypses? maybe not, but like, they are ALWAYS in constant apocalypses, so at some point you just have to bite the bullet
anyway. please clap
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fuckyeahalexjo · 5 years
Hey, I've been stuck with this idea since a watched the last episode, could you please write a fic where Alexandra is in a car accident on Seattle and the family ends up at the hospital where Vicki begs Jo to save her sister and the family learns about Jo's existence?
A crowd had gathered outside in the ambulance bay with available staff gowning for the incoming trauma. Jo rolled her shoulders as she listened to Teddy explain the situation after a passenger van with UW students had collided with a transfer truck. She could sense Alex’s worried expression before she even glanced his way, “What?”
He shrugged casually, “Nothin’. Was just about to ask how your day was going.”
“Seriously? How does it look like it’s going?”
Alex cringed slightly, but still sported a small smirk, “Good point.” He then turned more fully towards her, “But really, how are you feeling? Kind of a rush for your first day back on rotation.”
“Sure as hell beats staying exclusively in the lab one more day.” She looked at him lovingly, “I promise I’m fine. I’m glad I eased back into working, but now I’m ready to get back into the meat of things….so to speak.”
“Well Karev, looks like you’ll get your wish,” Bailey directed towards her as the paramedic wheeled a gurney in her direction. “Possible abdominal and head injuries with multiple lacerations. Trauma 3.”
“I can give a hand….,” Alex started only to be cut off by Bailey.
“Did I say Karevs with an S, Trauma 3. No I said one Karev. We need you on the next one coming in.”
Jo shook her head at her husband as she walked in while trying to suppress her laughter, “I’ll be fine.”
In the trauma room, she quickly checked for abdominal injuries by ultrasound as Amelia assessed the patient’s head injury. After she was left alone with the patient, Jo made quick work of suturing the various cuts on the patient’s legs and head. She was just finishing the last calf wound when the door banged open, “Alexandra?”
Jo looked up in horror upon recognizing the voice and slowly stood from the stool she had been perched on, “Wha-“
“What’s wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?”
Jo took a breath to calm herself, wanting desperately to keep her wits about her, “She will be. She was alert at the scene, but was given medicine to help calm her which has made her sleep. She needs a CT to rule out a brain bleed but the neurosurgeon believes it may just be a bad concussion.” Jo could feel her mother’s eyes on her and could sense that her mouth was agape, but she ignored that to finish her assessment, “She does have an abdominal wound that will need surgery, but it’s not an immediate emergency, just something that will need to be done today. She had multiple lacerations, but those are stitched up. She appears to have a broken wrist, which will be x-rayed when she goes to CT.” Jo bit her bottom lip as she mustered the courage to look up, “Do you have any questions for me?”
Her mother continued to look at her in amazement, her mouth opening and closing repeatedly, “I…”
“Don’t worry, another surgeon will take over. I didn’t….none of the students had ID from what I was told and I never would have imagined….”
“No, I know.” Vicky pulled a stool up to the bedside and took her daughter’s hand, “It was a tour for the incoming freshman. They uh…had a parent’s orientation at the same time so I held onto her purse since they were going to be walking around campus for a while so she only had her cell phone. Josh, my…., well he was already bored yesterday so my husband, Daniel, he took him out of the city to hike somewhere.” She held her cell phone up, “Apparently somewhere out of service.”
“We can keep trying for you if you’d like.”
“You know, I’ve worried. Ever since she decided she wanted to go to school on the west coast, I have worried about what all could go wrong.” She looked up with tears in her eyes, “I don’t have to explain to you why, you’re one of the very few people on the planet who would understand why but I couldn’t tell her. And I couldn’t stop her, I mean, she’s just like me. I traveled halfway across the country to go to college myself so in her mind, I should understand.” Vicky shook her head ruefully, “I ran through every horrible scenario in my head, but never did I anticipate wrecking at orientation to be one of them. Please, you have to make sure she’s okay. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if…please make sure she’s okay.”
Jo tried to speak, but found herself unable to. Her phone broke the silence and she looked up with a small smile, “CT is ready for her. I’ll….I’ll show you where you can wait.”
Jo made sure Vicky was settled before rushing to CT, learning the good news that the head injury would just need to be monitored to make sure it did not bleed further. Jo escorted Alexandra to x-ray, feeling responsible for her biological sister in ways she was not expecting. Now that she understood the connection, Jo found herself almost in a trance staring at her younger sibling, suddenly focusing on how much they seemed to have in common, from the shape of their eyebrows to their stubby thumbs. While in the abdominal CT, Alex rushed up behind her, grabbing her by the hips, “Hey. I heard you had an abdominal wound I need to take.”
Jo nodded quickly, “Yep.”
Alex looked at the scans with his eyebrows slowly arching in question, “Jo, what’s up? You’d be able to do this in your sleep and it’s not a pediatric case.”
“I know.” When he continued to look at her, unable to drop the subject, she took a deep breath and let it out with her eyes closed, “She’s my sister, so I can’t be her surgeon.”
Alex looked at her in bewilderment, “Your what? How?” When she looked at him incredulously, he rolled his eyes, “Why is she here? For you?”
“No, she apparently wants to attend UW in the fall. According to her mother anyway.” She cut her eyes down at him, “What?”
“You’re not okay.”
“Which is why I’m handing this off.” She then muttered more to herself than anything, “Should’ve stayed in the stupid lab.”
Alex stood and rubbed her shoulders, “Let me hand this off to Webber.” When she started to protest, he shrugged, “I can’t operate on my sister-in-law anyway.”
Jo was about to respond when she noticed movement from the gurney, “She’s awake.” Jo rushed in and rubbed her hand over her sister’s, “Alexandra? Hey, I’m Dr. Karev, you were in a car accident and need surgery, but you’re going to be okay.”
The younger girl’s voice broke as she tried to hold in her fear, “My mom?”
Jo gave a sad smile, “She’s here, in the waiting room. Probably anxious for an update by now.”
“She’s probably going insane.”
Jo looked up to see Link and Webber walk in, who both explained the procedure she would be having. When they were done, Jo looked back at Alexandra, “Do you have any questions?” When the younger girl shook her head no, Jo smiled softly, “Okay, I’m going to go get your mom and see if your brother and dad have arrived yet, okay?”
Jo rushed out of the room with Alex hot on her trail, “You handled that well.”
Jo looked at him in surprise, “Really, cause I feel like I could hurl.”
“Why don’t I go update the…your….her instead,” he suggested, fumbling all over himself with how to address Vicky.
Jo shook her head, “No, I need to follow through with this,” she explained as they paused in the waiting area. Jo rubbed his arm, hoping he would get the message to give her a little space as she moved towards Vicky, “Ms. Rudin?”
Her mother looked up in surprise at the greeting, “Yes?”
“Alexandra is now awake. She’s asking for you, so I can take you to her if you would like.”
Vicky grabbed her chest and let out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank God. You scared me with that voice and formality.”
Jo looked around, trying desperately to keep a professional demeanor, “I’m sorry. I guess I don’t really know what to call you. Nothing seems to feel right so I’m sorry if I…”
“No, no that’s my fault. Put that on me.” She stared at Jo with sincerity, “I’m ready whenever you are.”
Jo’s voice softened to a near whisper, “Okay.” She looked over to see Alex silently standing guard, waiting to jump in if needed and knew she should take the opportunity to introduce him, “While you’re both in the same room, I’d like you to meet my husband.” Vicky glanced up in surprise, her eyes wide at the sudden revelation as they walked over, “This is Alex.” Jo then looked at him with a smile, “Alex, this is my birth mother, Vicky Rudin.”
Vicky immediately stuck out her hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Alex grinned, “You too, you just don’t know how much.” He then looked at Jo with worry, “I’m getting paged back to the ER….are you okay?”
Jo nodded and rubbed his forearm, “Yeah. I’m good. I’ll probably be back down soon.”
With that, Alex nodded at them both and quickly left, looking back over his shoulder occasionally. Vicky was the first to speak, “He seems lovely. Looks like you’ve done well for yourself.”
Jo nodded in agreement as she hit the elevator button to take them upstairs, “He is, I lucked out.”
“Seems to me that he did too. I know I don’t know you really at all, but in those two seconds I didn’t know it was you and you didn’t know it was me, you seemed entirely competent. And then, I don’t know if you know or not, but in the waiting room there are multiple accolades about you and the work you do here.” There was a brief pause with neither really knowing what to say, with Vicky starting to speak again but slower and more deliberate, “I told my husband about you after our meeting.” Jo looked at her with eyes wide in surprise as she continued, “It wasn’t easy. At all. But he knew something was up and I couldn’t hide it from him anymore. I started counseling again…I just kind of got lost in my own mind for a bit. Daniel and I are going together as well, just trying…” She glanced away and quickly swiped at her cheek, “I say that to say that I haven’t told Josh or Alexandra yet, but I want you to know I plan to.”
Jo shook her head, “You don’t have to. Not for me anyway.”
Vicky nodded quickly as they exited the elevator and met up with the surgical team for her to visit Alexandra and ask questions of Link and Webber. As they moved Alexandra towards the operating rooms, Jo escorted Vicky to the surgical waiting area, “Do you know them? Are they good?”
Jo smiled with a slight nod, “She’s in really good hands.” Jo studied Vicky for a moment, having difficulty leaving her, “Is there anything you need?”
Vicky shook her head quickly, “I know I don’t have the right to ask, and I know you’re incredibly busy, but could you visit a bit?” Jo stared at her in confusion for a moment as Vicky rambled on, “I’m sorry, that’s out of line. Of course you don’t want to, not after last time. I just…”
“No, no that’s not it,” Jo interrupted as she sat in the seat beside her mother, “I just had the impression you never wanted to see me again, so I….I guess I’m just surprised is all.”
Vicky nodded, “I get why you would think that. I just…I’m sorry, so sorry, for the way I acted last time. I just…I wasn’t ready. I should have been. I know that. Thirty-two years I had to prepare but I guess….I don’t know. All I know is I’m sorry. And I’ve replayed that day in the diner so many times and wish I could have a do over.”
Jo smiled and closed her eyes briefly, “Me too. Every day. I just….I had thirty-two years worth of anger and hostility and hope stored up and ready to go and I…I didn’t handle that well. And I didn’t handle it well after I got back. I…checked myself into inpatient psych for a while. I…I did everything backwards. I’m in therapy now and I’m processing through everything, but I should have gone before. I probably would have been better prepared for other scenarios that I may have been confronted with other than you being a hateful bitch.”
Vicky tilted her head, her voice questioning, “Thank you?” Both women laughed softly together as Vicky stretched her back, “You know…all those years…I thought of you every single day.” Jo looked up in surprise as Vicky continued without looking at her, “Every day. Where you were. What you were up to. What color your hair and eyes were. What kind of home you were in. What your favorite subject in school was. The…when Alexandra and Josh hit school everything they did caused me to think about what experience you would have had. What field trips did you go on? Did you play sports? What did you wear for picture day? A million questions. But since you came to Pittsburgh it’s changed.” She looked up to catch Jo’s eyes, “Now its ‘I wonder if Jo’s seen that commercial.’ ‘I wonder if she’s watching this same movie at this same time.’ I changed shampoo not too long ago and as I walked down the grocery aisle, I found myself smelling every bottle to see if I could find yours, just to smell it again. It’s like you’ve somehow become more tangible. Which doesn’t make sense, I know, but it does. Maybe because so many questions got erased by meeting you and now I’ve just replaced them with a whole other gamut of things I don’t know. That’s my new therapist’s guess anyway.” Vicky looked up to meet Jo’s eyes that were brimming with tears, “What I’m trying to say is that I would like to get some of those questions answered if you’d be willing to let me have the privilege of getting to know you.”
Jo sat back in surprise, unsure of how to respond, when suddenly two figures appeared and rushed towards them, “Mom!”
Jo stood quickly and took the opportunity to wipe her eyes as Vicky hugged her son and husband. She suddenly felt very awkward and out of place, so she began to ease herself away when Vicky caught her leaving and summoned her quickly, “Dr. Karev!” At Vicky’s motion for her to return, Jo stepped forward insecurely as Vicky turned to her husband and son, “This is Dr. Karev, she was one of the doctors that worked on Alexandra.” She then turned to her husband giving him a pointed look, “Dr. Josephine Karev.”
Jo nodded politely, “I’ll just go check…”
But she was cut off by Daniel Rudin putting the pieces together. He quickly took her hand and shook it excitedly, “It is really nice to meet you Dr. Karev.”
She smiled shyly, “Jo, please. I’m glad you all are here.”
He let go of her hand and pulled out his wallet, giving Josh a couple of bills and asking him to get a soda for them. When he was out of earshot, Vicky turned back to Jo as her husband put his arm around her shoulders in support, “Before we go home…whenever that may be now. I’d really love to have dinner, maybe the two of us and you with your husband?” Jo was surprised to see Daniel nodding so excitedly, “I probably won’t be able to tell the kids about….everything before then, but I would really love to see you again.”
“That would be nice.” Jo glanced down the hallway to see Josh returning and as a habit reached out to touch her forearm in comfort, ecstatic when Vicky did not jerk away as she had in Pittsburgh, “I’ll go get an update on Alexandra.”
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lovecanbesostrange · 5 years
What in the world is happening to Grey's :( I can't believe Alex actually left like that
Yep, that happened. :(
But this whole thing shows that overall people don’t understand how tv shows are produced. There is some information we’re missing, but the thing is, that Justin Chambers just left. If it’s because of (mental) health problems like some suspect or if there was a denied request for producer status or just burn out… we don’t know. And I totally understand why an actor would want to leave after over 15 years.
Still, whenever an actor wanted out, the writers at least saw it coming. Sandra Oh’s departure was perfect. Clearly communicated and all. Dempsey’s exit likewise. When Capshaw and Drew were suddenly let go, the writers could at least give them something. (As stupid and hemfisted as it may have been, especially with April. Don’t mind her ending up with Matthew, he is a better fit for her anyway, but it was too sudden.)
Well, and here we are. Personally I like to think that it started as some time-off. Chambers asked for a time-out and got it, with this one line that Alex had to look after his mom. And that everybody thought he’d be back. He could skip 4-6 eps with no real questions asked. But then he didn’t come back. Not a single extra scene could be filmed. And the romantic storyline with Jo could not be followed up. They just got finally officially married, everything was perfect for them. So, now what?
This is kinda the whole Meredith/Derek situation all over again. And ever since january when news broke, the only logical explanation to me seemed to kill Alex. To do the Derek thing again. (Except Chambers was clearly more liked than Dempsey, so they did want to leave the door open.) Let’s be real. A lot of people are now saying “should’ve killed him off”. But there would’ve been a huge outcry anyway, because it’s also the laziest/easiest thing to do. Big plus: Alex’ character would be frozen in time. Jo would habe to mourn him (double widow), with nobody’s fault.
I don’t see any explanation that could satisfy me, why on earth Alex would leave Jo. They are too good together. Perfect. In a way most Grey’s couples actually aren’t (Bailey/Warren are the only truly good one left now imo). And again, for the record, I hate everything about Alex being with Izzie again. They were not a good couple (like most). Her cancer brought them together and they were build on crisis mode, but there was no deeper friendship as a foundation. Alex wasn’t the guy he is now and Izzie never got over Denny. Fear held them together.
BUT for the little time they had, for the impossible task to go from happy-spontaneous-marriage to leaving, to give me something I could angrily say “okay” to - Alex leaving because he has biological children he didn’t know about? Yes. I don’t think that contradicts his character development. Of course if Chambers had been there and this had been any kind of plan, the build up would have been different. (With him around and everybody accepting that he would leave a lot of things would have been different.) There would have been face to face moments. I even could imagine a tearful Alex telling Jo all this when he found out, being torn, because CHILDREN! HIS CHILDREN!! And Jo being as tearful telling him to go. But those scenes were never an option.
I have read a few upset fans coming up with other non-death ways to write him out. But those either ignore that there were no more scenes to shoot or are at least as terrible as what we got. (No, fandom really should not write any shows.)
I think what I hate most is that the letter to Jo felt... less. Less emotional than the one for Meredith. I think it was really good getting four letters. Three for the other three people who had been there for his whole journey and of course one for his fucking wife, who had stood by him for over six years (I think, Grey’s sometimes forget to count the 9 months that Meredith took of, but S15 was shorter than a pregnancy and nobody knows how to count time. Some people keep forgetting that S1-3 were all one year. Alex and Izzie knew each other for less than three years.........)
Jo said it best. “I am angry. And I’m hurt.” Buuuuuuuuuuuu~t it is so obvious that this was scrambled together and the actual ideas thrown out the window. There is nothing that the writers could do, that would have saved this mess. But this way at least Alex gets a chance to be happy. Which is nice. I guess. A bit. (So from now on, I will be very anxious everytime Jo is near any dude. Keep the romance away from her. And omg I pray to Grilled Cheesus that Krista isn’t thinking about pairing her up with anybody from Station 19... it’s all so forced... I’d rather see Amelia finally getting her threesome.........)
Personally for the me the insult to injury is Bailey’s storyline with foster kid Joey. Which is everything I wanted for Alex and Jo. (Somebody needs to stop Krista Vernoff from throwing in more pregnancies and babies.)
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robbyrobinson · 5 years
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Tales from Cherryshrub, Mississippi: Kidnapped By A Demon
In the early 2000s, a man collapsed in front of a police station. He was completely naked and possessed a skeletal frame. Bystanders saw this action transpire, but they continued their stroll out of the assumption he was merely a drug addict who had become dependent on whatever substance he was taking. The chief of police came to the station not too long after the man fainted. Without much delay, he sends for some of his men to collect the man and bring him inside.
The man awoke in the interrogation room with a warm, wool blanket around him. His eyes were sunken in most likely from weeks of insomnia. He shakily had a cup of coffee in his hands: every instant he went to take a swig of the beverage, he spasmed in his chair, spilling the hot liquid on the floor. He looked behind his back constantly during the interview. He brought his cup down on the table and cupped his face hiding his shame.
"Sir, I'd like to introduce myself," the interrogator began, "My name is Officer Mackenzie, and I would like to ask you a few questions."
The man shook his head violently. "No! No! I can't!"
"Sir, we found you naked within arm's length of the station. We want to know what happened."
"I can't! He'll know where I'm at!"
Officer Mackenzie took a deep draw of his cigar and breathed out a ring of smoke. He waited a bit for the interviewee to recuperate. He set his timer to sixty minutes. During those minutes, he talked pleasurably with the man on unrelated topics to make the interviewee more comfortable in hopes of making him more lenient on elaborating what brought him there. The man breathed in slowly and took a final look behind his back before answering.
"Are you able to tell me what incidents brought you to our station?" Mackenzie asked.
"Yes," he said, "it may sound crazy, though."
Officer Mackenzie leaned backward in his chair, motioning for the man to continue. The interviewee's hands started to shake again, but he was able to choke out a mumbled line of words. "Have you...ever heard of the Popobawa?"
Officer Mackenzie stared at the man and then at his fellow officers. "No. I haven't."
The man sighed in relief. "You don't know? That's good."
"What does this...Pippy-Ba-Ra have to do with you?"
"That thing," the man drew out the last word, "is not of this Earth." He rubbed his eyes that were laced with eyebags. "He is some monster from this country I never heard of Zanzibar."
"Zanzibar?" Officer Mackenzie reiterated. "We live just north of Cherryshrub, Mississippi, son."
"My co-worker told me about the legend," the interviewee clarified, "I didn't believe it at first. Some bat thing from Hell who...well you know."
The interviewee was laughing nervously at the last note of his dialogue. Ugly tears began to fill his eyes as he deteriorated back into a sniveling wreck. "But I was wrong to encourage him like that. With my disbelief."
"What happened, son?"
"He...he appeared to me as a black cat that I pass on the way to work. That didn't intimidate me much. But each time I took the long drive home, I could've sworn I've felt a... dark presence watching my every movement. At night, as I laid in my bed, that same feeling of being watched arose in me. I saw a dark figure with a flaming eye glare at me from my closet. First, it was just a wing. Then another wing. His feet appeared immediately afterward. For an entire week, this thing stalked me, robbing me of my sleep. I held the covers firmly over my face by the time I saw his terrible, hideous eye. He spoke out to me in a voice only I could hear. That mocking, giddy voice continues to haunt me."
Officer Mackenzie raised an eyebrow. "So, this...creature from a country you never heard of kept you up at night and whispered to you?" Officer Mackenzie smashed the end of his cigarette butt onto the ashtray. "I understand being petrified by an urban legend, but what are we supposed to do about it?"
The interviewee shook his head defiantly. "No, you don't understand!" His shaking returned more violent and unprovoked than earlier. "He snatched me away in the night and took me into his world! He put his disgusting body on top of me and pressed down against me. My ribcages hurt so much, I thought he would crush them! He whispered horrible things to me and kept me as his prisoner for two months!" He broke down and banged his hands on the table. "He took me back home, and he made me do…horrid things to my wife and daughter. Amelia, baby, please forgive your foolish father!"
Without warning, he gripped his arms and brought his forehead down onto the table. He bashed his head once, twice, three times. Office Mackenzie watched the display with disturbance and ordered some of his fellow officers to restrain the man from bashing his head further. His forehead split open causing blood to trickle down. The ambulance was alerted to the situation an hour later, and they wheeled the man away in a gurney.
That night, Officer Mackenzie found himself further disturbed by what the interviewee had disclosed to him. Popobawa? Zanzibar? Mind control? He was barely able to comprehend anything that he was informed. In the middle of the night, he decided to conduct some research into this strange monster. A few hours on the internet proved fruitful. He was what the natives of Zanzibar referred to as a shetani or an evil spirit. From the looks of it, he was giving the populace quite the scare. Mass hysteria erupted in his wake; some were even killed under the false notion of them being the Popobawa. He thought back to the interviewee and how his lower regions were bleeding (contributing to him collapsing from what seemed at the time to be blood loss.
The Popobawa's origins were…sketchy at best. Some cite him being conjured by a sheik who was angered with his neighbors but as with any curse, it backfired tremendously. It had a perverted love for the most deplorable of the cardinal sins and in each of the cases, it broke into people's homes and violated them, or possessed family members into committing the crimes before leaving them to psychologically deteriorate from the realization behind their actions. That called to mind something that the interviewee had mentioned about the creature making him do indescribable things to his wife and daughter. Mackenzie couldn't help but cringe at the thought.
"So, what he apparently hates the most is when people vehemently deny his existence?" he pondered. He shrugged his shoulders before yawning. Whatever the case, he had spent too much time online researching something that very well sounded ridiculous.
Life continued normally for Officer Mackenzie. He oversaw the training of new officers and wrote and filed reports on the occasional changes the police department mandated. In July 2001, Officer Mackenzie was reviewing the latest police report, one of his lieutenants ran in.
"Sir, you may want to see this."
Without delay, Officer Mackenzie followed suit of his lieutenant to an apartment building. The road was blocked off by the ambulance. Yellow crime scene paper aligned the scene of the crime. From what the witnesses could describe, a man jumped off the second floor through one of the windows and collided on the roof of a car. Not much of his body survived the impact. Prior to his death, he complained of being stalked by some bat-winged monster who he blamed for his crimes of sexual abuse on his family. Even without a body, Officer Mackenzie didn't have difficulty with the identity of the man.
Officer Mackenzie excused himself from the crime scene, deciding to take a stroll. Along the way, Mackenzie walked past an alleyway. Before turning around the next corner, he heard a small rustle in the dumpster. Curious, he walked into the abandoned alleyway. He readied his gun under the belief that an assailant was making that noise. A cat's head popped up from the slashed garbage bags with a tilt suggesting curiosity.
"Wait, that's a black cat," Officer Mackenzie noted. The cat arched its back and jumped out of the dumpster. It landed by Mackenzie's feet letting out a tiny "mew." It rubbed itself against his legs, indicating wordlessly that it wanted to be picked up. Mackenzie sighed and complied to the feline's wishes. "I guess you can come home with me."
He arrived back home with the cat in tow. He was greeted by his wife and his son. His wife planted a kiss on his cheek while almost not noticing the feline in his hands. "Dear?" she asked, "why is there a cat?"
"Oh, I found this little scoundrel in the alleyway when I was notified of an incident."
His wife shook her head. "I've heard about what happened. I hate that the man took his own life. How tragic."
The couple's young son became enamored by the cat, naming it George W. Bush. The two would often seclude themselves to play with each other. However, strange occurrences began to befall the home. Items were disappearing, and there was knocking throughout the home. The couch and other sofa were getting clawed open by George W. Bush. From there on, Officer Mackenzie placed George W. Bush in the garage. Nevertheless, mysterious happenings were continuing to plague the family.
One night after a grueling hour of work, Officer Mackenzie collapsed onto his bed and immediately slipped into sleep. Around 8, a chill ran down his spine for some unknown reason. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he found his eyes wandering towards his closet which was now open. He tried to rationalize it as just being the case of a gust of wind, but he stopped in his thoughts when he saw something large protruding from the closet. In the moonlight, he could make out a batwing. However, it belonged to what may as well be a larger species than the ones native to his county.
"You have yet to believe that I exist?"
Mackenzie wanted to scream, but he felt something pressing down firmly on his abdomen. His arms were glued to his sides just as paralyzed. The door creaked open further when the wing began to beat in and up and down fashion. The scent of sulfur filled the room. Another bat wing emerged from the closet. The monster's footsteps echoed on the floor. The large frame of the creature erupted from the restricted space. What Mackenzie saw next was the creature's singular, flaming eye.
The Popobawa darted at Mackenzie like a speeding bullet. He swept the chief of police off his feet and made for the windowsill. Mackenzie's wife shot awake from the sound of the glass breaking. Mackenzie regained consciousness and awoke to find himself in a strange realm. Within the realm, he saw what appeared to be emaciated skeletons in piles around the Popobawa. The realm was laced with a yellow hinge, explaining the smell of sulfur.
"Where am I?" Officer Mackenzie finally asked.
The Popobawa acted hurt. "You don't remember me? As your cat, I was certain that you would recognize me."
Officer Mackenzie's eyes widened. He went to pick himself up, but he was still paralyzed. The large bat monster towered over him. Popobawa bent downwards with a demented smile on his face. "I'm so happy to have a new playmate. I once knew this man who also refused to believe in me. I stalked him relentlessly for weeks until I drove him mad."
The grip that Popobawa had on Mackenzie increased. Mackenzie felt his ribcage straining from the monster's weight. If the Popobawa did not relent, his ribcage would be crushed into a paste in no time. Warmblood was seeping out of Mackenzie's mouth. His words came out in a garbled hush. "Please, Popobawa, what do you want of me?"
The Popobawa's sadistic smile flared again. "You didn't believe I existed. That other fool also refused to believe I existed. I kept him in my realm for a solid week, but the rules of my world do not even begin to resemble your own." He cupped Mackenzie's cheek with one of his single-fingered hands. The weight was now becoming unbearable. "I can't decide whether to emasculate you here or now or crush you to nothingness. Either one is a fine idea for me."
Mackenzie's bones were on the brink of splintering. He was done for, he thought. His lungs were getting compressed as with his lower body. He was losing consciousness quickly. His eyes glazed over from the restricting of oxygen flow.
"I'll tell others. Just please…"
The last thing he heard was the shrill laughter from Popobawa. He felt himself drifting away, certain that he was about to enter the Pearly Gates. The creature's eye was glowing deeper. "Remember to tell others about what happened to you, or it will be worse next time."
''Beep! Beep!''
A blaring alarm stirred Mackenzie awake. Somehow, he was in the middle of a four-way way. His clothes were missing. More alarms sounded as the irritated drivers slammed down on their horns. Fully awake, Mackenzie sprinted to the side and called his wife. His wife was noticeably upset even though he felt that he was only gone for an hour. She arrived with fresh clothes and embraced her husband.
"We all thought you were dead, dear!"
"What? I was only gone for an hour."
They returned home, the first person greeting them being their son. But something felt off about the development. Before he was kidnapped by the Popobawa, his son was eight years old. And yet, the boy before him was now 23 years old. Like his mother, he hugged his perplexed father.
"Son? What happened?" Mackenzie inquired, "when did you grow up so fast?"
His son was confused. "I got older, Dad," he replied.
"But how can you be? You were still 8 years old when I disappeared."
His son had a look of depression on his face. "I was 8 years old. 15 years ago."
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jazy3 · 4 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X5
I’m going to go right ahead and say it. This episode felt like a PSA to me, but it was well done. It was emotional and impactful and the storyline about Bailey’s Mom made me tear up, but at the same time the episode felt very stagnant and I feel like the lives of the other characters didn’t really move forward or go anywhere. It felt like they were all standing still. I liked the conversations between Jackson and Richard and Bailey and Maggie about how COVID has impacted black and brown people more than other races and how unfair that is and how politicians and decision makers need to pay more attention to that.
I loved the conversation between Bailey and Maggie. I liked that they addressed what happened with Maggie’s Mom because that storyline bothered the heck out of me. Maggie treated Meredith and everyone else horribly when all they did was try and help and then she forced her mother to undergo treatments she didn’t want because Maggie couldn’t handle the fact that she was dying and then they just dropped it. I’m glad to see that make a comeback and that Maggie has recognized that what she did and the way she behaved was wrong and is now using that experience to help others.
I loved their comments about guidance counsellors and others assume black people aren’t as bright or as capable as white folks and how insidious that is. It’s not something I’ve experienced myself as a white person, but I’m glad they’re highlighting it. This episode was written by Zoanne Clack who is a black woman and a former E.R. Physician. The previous episode was written by Julie Wong who is an Asian woman and I think it’s great they are utilizing the talent that they have so that people of colour can share their stories and their experiences on a global scale. 
By telling these stories through the lives of characters we know and love and can empathize with it allows people who will never have these experiences understand a little bit more. Representation is important and this show has always done a really good job in my opinion of highlighting important topics and social issues in a sensitive and thoughtful manner. These characters are fictional, but their stories are taken from the lives of real people and I think an important step in the process of creating a better fairer world is creating media that reflects people’s realities in order to cultivate empathy so that people who might not otherwise understand or get it have a window into that experience.
Maybe it changes their mind. Maybe it doesn’t. But the point is that it opens people’s minds to the possibility of seeing a side that they didn’t before and that is half the battle when trying to get people to understand someone else’s experience or point of view. I’m going to be seeing my family this holiday season virtually and in small groups from a safe distance. As is the case for many visiting with relatives over the holidays means having to listen to a lot of ignorant opinions, frustrating statements, and in some cases racial slurs and inappropriate remarks. 
So I’ve been thinking a lot about how I’m going to handle that this year because my tolerance for that crap has gone out the window. All this to say it’s nice to see good people fighting the good fight to get these stories out there to a global audience so that maybe some people will get it and maybe some good will come of it. And even if it doesn’t seeing characters and stories that represent you on screen is powerful and moving and wonderful and we all deserve that. I teared up watching Bailey suffer with the deterioration and death of her Mom.
The end scene where Bailey describes the patients she’s lost to COVID in the voice over while her and Richard sing ‘My Girl’ to give her Mom that moment of peace and a death with dignity got me. It really put a face on the disease. Watching her and her Dad struggle with it was so hard. I loved Bailey’s voice over where she shared info about the COVID patients she’d lost so far and who they were not just their disease. That was well done. Made me tear up.
I loved the talk between Meredith and Bailey at the hospital and on the beach. This episode wasn’t as shocking as the previous ones, but it was still good. I’m glad Meredith is getting better. I will miss the beach, but I’m excited to see her wake up, get better, and hopefully spend some time with Hayes. Which brings me to my chief complaint with this episode which is where the heck was Hayes?!?! This is the second episode he’s been absent from for no discernable reason and no explanation has been given as to where he is.
I did not sign up for this. A big part of the joy I felt when they announced that he was being upped to a main character was the implication that he was going to be given his own storylines and character development outside of Meredith and his relationships with Abigail, Liam, and Austin. But Hayes being absent when Meredith’s not awake robs of him that. Don’t get me wrong. I love Meredith and Hayes together and all I want is for them to be together and live happily ever after.
But, Hayes has such a rich and interesting backstory and there’s so much to explore there. Richard Flood who plays him brings such a wonderful depth to the character and he deserves to have his own story apart from Meredith and I really want to see him interact with the other characters more. We’ve seen him interact significantly with Jo and Bailey, but I’d love to see him interact with Maggie, Amelia, Jackson, and Owen more. His absence this episode reminds me of the episode after the Conference Episode last season where he was suddenly missing for no reason and they didn’t explain where he was.
I’m confused because he was upped to a main character just before this season started so he should be in every episode or almost every episode like the other characters are. I’m starting to get concerned that the actor who plays him has fallen ill or tested positive for COVID-19 or that he’s dealing with some kind of family emergency and so they had to cut him out of the episode last minute. I hope I’m wrong, but I honestly can’t think of another reason the actor would be missing for upwards of 2 to 4 weeks when these episodes were filmed.
I can’t see his absence being a story choice because it doesn’t make any sense and they haven’t addressed it on screen as they usually do when an actor has departed or needs time off and they have time to write that in. He also doesn't appear to be in the promo for next week’s episode which is strange considering it shows another meeting being held by Richard where some of the other department heads can be seen and we get shots of most of the other characters. After the Premiere aired he appeared in the promo for Episode 3 standing outside Meredith’s window and in that episode we saw them have a heart to heart that I thought was really beautiful and lovely.
At this point it’s unclear if Meredith even knows that Hayes is the one that found her and got her help and is distraught over her condition. He’s the head of Peds which is a pretty important department. Where the heck is he? They can gladly write off other characters in the second half of the season to give him more screen time in my opinion. I really hope the actor and his family are okay.  I’d also hate for his sudden absence to wreck Meredith’s storyline.
I love their friendship and flirtations and I’d hate to see her wind up alone or with someone that clearly isn’t right for her and that she doesn’t really love because something unexpected happened with the actor. I really really hope he’s in the mid-season finale next week! Jo suddenly declaring that she wants to quit general surgery to become an OBGYN came out of nowhere and makes no sense to me.
She spent years being with and then married to the Head of Pediatric Surgery and was decidedly lukewarm on the idea of having kids or even being near them. So her and Alex split and in the wake of that she randomly decides she wants to be an OBGYN and deliver babies? What the heck? I’m also confused because I feel like Hayes should have been there because it was a Peds case and he wasn’t and if Jo wants to re-specialize it would make sense for her to talk to Carina or Hayes.
Carina’s a main character on Station 19 and is still reoccurring on Grey’s so she can talk to her for an episode or two, but anymore than that and I think that would fall under Hayes perview because he’s a main character. But he’s currently MIA and we don’t know why. I did love Jo’s scenes with Levi though. They’re always hilarious and I think they bounce off of each other really well. I’m glad that Tom improved and apparently isn’t dying.
I like him with Teddy and I hope they get back together at some point. I’m glad they are choosing to be friends again. More than anything I want Teddy to pick a lane here. Owen or Tom. Pick one and go with it. Stop flip flopping all over the place like a fish out of water. Teddy’s a hot mess these days. I liked Amelia’s speech to Teddy. She has feelings about what Teddy did and didn’t do, but as she says she herself has done horrible things, some of them involving Owen, so she’s not in any place to judge, but she also doesn’t want to be friends with Teddy or really talk to her. And that’s fair. I have to say I love Amelia post-tumour. She’s great.
Also what happened to Casey Parker the resident from last season who was transgender and former military? I really liked him! Where did he go? I’d much rather see him that DeLuca or Nico on screen. Based on what I caught of next week’s promo it looks the COVID situation at Grey Sloan is about to get worse. We see Richard addressing staff in the cafeteria saying that they need to prepare for a surge of patients and that their patient load could double. We’re in May in the current Grey’s timeline so that fits.
It’s apparently also a cross over. I don’t want another cross over. I want to know where the hell Hayes is! And it looks like Amelia is back in the OR and the doctors are treating two teenagers who were kidnapped and held captive. Yikes! And we see Meredith smiling at someone on the beach before suddenly waking up. My guess is that it’s Derek and we are finally going to get to see them embrace and then Meredith is going to return to the land of the living. And hopefully interact with Hayes.
Until next time!
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
asks for fanfic writers
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things that inspire you- Aesthetic Images,Pinterest,FanFiction,Shows,Movies,Fan Music Videos,Songs,Whichever Celeb or Character I have a Crush on that Week or Month. 
things that motivate you- My Muse,When People like and Comment on My work!
name three favorite writers-as in Published Authors? Cause I have alot of Faves on Tumblr. Authors-Yasmine Galenorn,Marissa Marr and Francesca Lia Block.
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why-Not too many tbh. I’m mainly influenced by TV Characters. and OTP’s in MV’s. I would LOVE to write like Francesca Lia Block one day and I’d say as a Teen I was heavily influenced by Amelia Atwater Rhodes. 
since how long do you write? How long have I been writing you mean? since I was 13. 
how did writing change you? Made me more of a Day Dreamer and a bit Absent minded lol 
early influences on your writing-Already told one but other’s would be Christopher Pike as well as Watching WWE and Anime’s like Sailor Moon.
what time are you most productive? Whenever I get free time and am Inspired.
do you set yourself deadlines? No.
how do you do your research? Again watching Episodes of a certain Character,Headcanons and such,or Wikipedia if it’s something on The None Fiction or Mythological side. 
do you listen to music when writing? Sometimes. 
favorite place to write-My Room I guess.
hardest character to write-Right Now Peter Hale,which is why I took such a long break from Teen Wolf lol (I need to finish watching it)
easiest character to write- Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash aka EoWells.
hardest verse to write- Not Verse but My hardest Fic to write was actually a One Shot of My Wells of Hearts Fic From The Flash. It was after HR Wells dies (on The Show) and I was pretty sad writing it. 
easiest verse to write-idk about Verse but The easiest Fic I wrote was My Cat & Mouse one with WWE’s Bray Wyatt. It’s a bit too NSFW to put here though ;)
favorite AU to write-All Mine are AU’s since I create a bunch of insert characters lol
favorite pairing to write-Freddy Krueger/Robert Englund with My OC Rika. Also Michael Langdon and My OC Helena. I have a weak spot for Dark,Tragic Soul Mates. 
favorite fandom to write-WWE’s The easiest lol I’d probably have to say The Flash or Walking Dead though. 
favorite character to write-That’s not mine. Negan. 
least favorite character to write-Archie Andrews from Riverdale lol I feel bad because I think reading my Mughead story you can tell. 
favorite story you’ve ever written-Online I’d say My Flash one that is STILL not done. 
least favorite story you’ve ever written-I probably have a few Sailor Moon one’s I wrote when I was younger that aren’t that good or Some of My Michael Jackson One Shots. 
favorite scene you’ve ever written-Ok I’ll just Copy and Paste it. again keeping this SFW.  TWD Kings and Queen of Disaster pt1- “Don’t. Merle knew you’d kill him for siding with his Brother and you did anyway,I was there when Daryl had too…” I closed My eyes briefly trying to calm myself. It didn’t work.  Before I realized what I was doing I was standing,my gun pointed at him.   But The Governor was always one step ahead as he pulled a gun from the back of his waistband and pointed it at me as well. We had each other a stand off.  I didn’t waver as I glared at him. “Merle was the one man i knew loved me for all his faults and you took that away.” I said through clenched teeth,angry tears pricking my eyes.The Governor stared at me unblinking. “I loved you. I did.” He insisted at my scoff. “I realize it now. Killing Merle wasn’t personal. Even if it was,it didn’t make a difference,we both lost that day. Merle,My Daughter,Each other.” The Governor looked at me remorsefully. “I am sorry.” “So sorry you disappeared.” “So did you!” Governor shot back. “I had to…” I trailed off not wanting to explain myself to him.  I felt defeated,saddened,confused in that moment,that I didn’t notice when The governor slowly circled around the table,gun still in hand to walk behind me,grabbing my wrist that held the gun,putting his own to my temple. I stiffened but didn’t shrink away. We both knew we wouldn’t shoot one another. No matter how psychotic he could be or how hurt and angry I was.
story you’re most proud of- That one ^ or Wells of Hearts. 
best review you ever got-On My Gotham one or My Cat & Mouse Trilogy. 
worst review you ever got-None yet.
favorite story/poem of another author-Not sure.
hardest part of writing-Getting enough Motivation to write what is in your Head!
easiest part of writing-The Smut lol at least for me. ;)
alternate title for (The Alpha) My Alpha. Yeah very original I know lol
alternate ending for (Wells of Hearts) Not to give anything away but I had this big Fight scene between Reverse Flash,Obsidian Storm and Team Flash and Obsidian was going to turn her back on Eobard and side with Team Flash again at the last minute. But I decided her staying a Villain,essentially staying how Eobard made her,and joining The Legion of Doom plus all that happens afterwards would be more interesting. 
alternate pairing for (MugHead) I really don’t change My Mind when it comes to Pairs lol But I may write an Alternate Story with Michelle ending up with FP Jones instead of Jughead. 
single story or multi-part story? Multi.
one-shot or multi-chaptered story? Multi. 
canon or AU? usually AU unless the Canon is REALLY good. usually stay in The Canon World though. 
do you reread your own stories? Yeah all the time lol
do you want to be published some day? Maybe but since I write about Other Creators Characters I don’t think that’s possible. 
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series-Any of The Wrestlers actually being in a Romantic/Sexual Relationship like the one’s I write them in would be ideal. I’d watch it!
one song that captures (Wells of Hearts) The title is literally a Song except it’s WELLS instead of WAR of Hearts. Kings and Queen of Disaster is inspired by Queen of Disaster by Lana Del Rey. 
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? Whenever it pops into My head or when I can. 
would you ever write a sequel for (The Mark) I’d write another Baron Corbin x Roxy story but probably not a Sequel to that one since Dean is no longer in WWE. 
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? Linear. Though I should just write what pops into My head so I don’t forget it later. That just seems Messy to me.
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet- The Alpha-My OC Marianna is 18 and Best Friends with Lydia,Alison,Childhood Friends with Scott and Stiles. When She meets Peter (in his Teenage Guise) After much banter and courting by Peter,they start dating. Until Derek tells her the truth about Peter being a WereWolf and killing Alison’s Aunt (She knows Scott’s a WereWolf at this point) and Peter appears to her in his adult form. Marianna breaks up with him but Peter starts stalking her,claiming they have a bond. It turns very dark after that and a year goes by until Marianna admits her real feelings towards him. They start dating again but in secret. Peter ends up turning her and becoming her Alpha,which is when The Group is finally told. After many Deaths,Forgotten memories,a short lived Relationship with Stiles and Memories restored,they end up leaving for Arizona and having a Child,Malia. 
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet-The Alpha-I noticed his dark slicked back hair and all black attire but I also noticed The Claws on his hands and The Fangs jutting out as he snarled at Stiles,ready to take another swipe at him or a bite. I recognized that look and not just because My Pack,Scott,Derek and Erica,wolf out. This was different this wasn’t out of Protectiveness,because I mean it was Stiles,but Jealousy and Possessiveness,over me. Because this Wolf was... “My Alpha...”” I whispered in shocked realization as My memories started rushing back, I knew something had been missing,I just didn’t know what. “How could I forget you...”
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? Currently like 5 lol
three spoilers for (Kings and Queen of Disaster)-Suzanna will end up becoming Pregnant with Negan’s Child,Philip Blake will eventually be told of His and Suzie’s Daughter but it will be too late as Negan will end up Killing him after. 
writing advice-Nah this has already been too long.
open question to the writer
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - March 1st, 2019
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. This and all previous Fabulous Olicity Fanfic posts can be found on my blog.
One Step Ahead multi-chapter WIP by @stephswims - Felicity Acerbi is married to esteemed Italian mob boss. Married after a failed business deal with her father, she is forced into a life decided for her. That is until a new bodyguard is hired. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16959333/chapters/39855036
Will Fate Allow? multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Seeing her parent's marriage dissolve at a young age made Felicity yearn for a healthy marriage of her own. She thought she'd finally found what she was looking for when Billy Malone showed up offering her what her heart desired. She thought she was happy and had everything she could want, but things began to unravel. Slowly she turned to someone who had become an unparalleled constant in her life...Oliver Queen. Oliver and Felicity are the definition of polar opposites. He is the mob boss that strikes fear in the hearts many, while she is seen as the sweet girl next door, but there is more to both of them underneath the surface. Along the way, they become connected to one another leading to their lives being intertwined forever. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16521596/chapters/38699951
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
The Fan multi-chapter WIP by @leuska - For the past couple of months, Felicity Smoak, previous child star known to the world through her alter ego Lisy the Tech Whiz, who ended her career and her growing popularity at the age of thirteen rather abruptly, has sporadically received disturbing notes and gifts in her mail. Police believe the notes to be just little tokens of appreciation by a former fan. Despite having left the spotlight over a decade ago and living in anonymity since, the fan mail keeps coming, increasing in frequency as well as intensity. The last drop is when Felicity receives another letter with a love note. A scary, ominous note. A note written in human blood.FBI director Amanda Waller tasks her best Agent to the case. Oliver Queen, a criminal profiler, is currently working on a special task force formed between SCPD and FBI to catch a man dubbed the Start City Slasher, who has murdered at least three young women in the past nine months. Agent Queen is not thrilled with the prospect of holding a former princess’ hand through her problem with a simple stalker while a serial killer is still at large. However, once meeting her, Oliver finds there is nothing easy or simple about Felicity Smoak as their worlds start to intertwine. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17726573/chapters/41820368
Love and Little Cupcakes multi-chapter WIP by @christinabeggs - Felicity loved sweets so much that she paid no attention to her lovelife. Until Thea Queen came into her store wanting fabulous cupcakes for her sixteenth birthday. SO ADORABLE! http://archiveofourown.org/works/12400539/chapters/28216053
If I Tremble multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - A collection of prompts and ficlets, with all the smut! Olicity sexy times are the best times. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15409122/chapters/35762643
| ONE | (Oliver the Footballer) multi-chapter WIP @someonesaidcake - Felicity Smoak had a plan; to save enough money to kick her monotonous job and start up the company of her dreams. She made good plans, solid plans, attainable plans. He was never part of her plan. His name was Oliver Queen, the reclusive Brazilian football star with a broken smile and a story to tell. He'd never planned on her either. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15005402/chapters/34779542
Run to the Water multi-chapter Complete by @someonesaidcake - The year is 1912, Oliver was 9 and far too old to be babysitting that nonsensical girl Felicity whose parents owned the cattle ranch where his parents worked and lived, but she won him over with oat and raisin biscuits and soon became his little blonde sidekick...with a completely unrequited crush on him. Years later she returns from boarding school and more than bush fires ignite in the changing times.... https://archiveofourown.org/works/7455738/chapters/16942293
With the Speed of an Arrow multi-chapter WIP by @academyofshipping - Oliver Queen’s elite and silver-spoon life has taken some blows in the past few years, but he is still the carefree billionaire everyone knows of and loves. When his role in the family business is in jeopardy and he is introduced to a motley of new people, his status quo is threatened. With a changed perspective, Oliver realizes his feeling for his best friend and anchor-in-life, Felicity Smoak, may be more than just platonic. OR A modern adaption of Jane Austen’s Emma with a gender swap* and no island. *Knowing that gender is not binary https://archiveofourown.org/works/16559846/chapters/38799857
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747
Providence multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated - Will Queen has struggled in silence in the year since he was shot. But when a shadowy crime lord known as Domino targets the only woman Will’s ever truly loved, fate forces him to confront his demons in ways he never could have imagined… Whether he wants to or not. Amelia Prescott has fought to take control of her life since learning two years ago that her personal and professional worlds were manipulated by others. But nothing can prepare her for just how hard she'll have to fight to set her own course, especially when her heart belongs to a damaged man and a crime lord threatens her every professional move... And her life. Destiny brings them together, but as chaos reigns and personal demons haunt Will and Amelia both, it may also threaten to tear them apart. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17919056/chapters/42308753
(Don't) Let Me Go multi-chapter WIP by @emmilynestill - Felicity told him to let her go, but even when Oliver tried, it didn’t seem to be something he was capable of. In the end, there would be nothing in the world Felicity was more grateful for. Weaving in and out of the final four episodes of Season 5 and beyond, follow Oliver and Felicity’s emotional journey back to one another, one step at a time. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11591223/chapters/26051715
There's a Hole in My Soul multi-chapter Complete by @felicityollies - Felicity Smoak is the daughter of a powerful and dangerous mob boss. Oliver Queen, who had been an associate until recently being promoted to bodyguard, was given the job of protecting Felicity. Neither of them are very happy about the arrangement. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5827837/chapters/13431532
The Emerald Umbrella multi-chapter WIP by @arrowgirl20 - All it took was a little rain and a emerald umbrella for Oliver and Felicity to take their relationship to the next level.http://archiveofourown.org/works/8752441/chapters/22096217
Overwatch multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - A burglary attempt convinces the Mayor of Starling City to hire Smoak Technologies to strengthen his security. But between the sassy AI watching him 24/7 and the personal trainer with his own reasons to kill him, Oliver may wish he’d stuck with his baseball bat for protection. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17500640/chapters/41221793
Home To You multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Oliver Queen has never done what his family expected of him. He took a gap year after high school instead of going to college right away. He quit his fraternity sophomore year to join the student newspaper, switching his major from business to journalism. He became a photojournalist for a wire service instead of taking a place at Queen Consolidated. He went missing after six months instead of coming home for his sister’s twenty-first birthday. He survived five years of captivity in a war zone when everyone thought he was dead. He came home. But home didn’t have a place for him in it anymore. His parents were both dead, casualties of their own mistakes and a city they had turned against them. His sister was all grown up, the CEO of Queen Consolidated with a fiancé and a dog and a life of her own. Oliver didn’t belong in his old life, but there was nowhere else for him to go. He was a man without a home, without any way of finding one, until he stopped by the IT department of his sister’s company to get files off an old, battered memory card, and found a woman with curly blonde hair and bright, intelligent eyes chewing on a bright red pen and swearing at a computer screen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12613188/chapters/28734552
Burning Souffles multi-chapter Complete by @allimariexf - Felicity really needs to have a talk with Oliver. Which they will really, definitely do just as soon as she stops being kidnapped. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17827772/chapters/42064055
Re-Airrow 2x18 by @lostolicityscenes - A short and sweet end scene takes place after the events of the episode. Felicity seemed in a lot of distress in the episode, most of it nonverbal choices by Emily Bett Rickards; arms crossed defensively, hands crossed over her throat, or other body language cues. https://lostolicityscenes.tumblr.com/post/183078203313/re-airrow-2x18
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joysmercer · 6 years
Grey’s Anatomy 15x14 Final Thoughts
 This is going to be a little bit on the short side, but tl;dr: this was one of the better episodes of the season, and I love Amelia. Let’s get started.
Meredith: Of course she broke another record, congrats to her, I guess. I wish we actually got to see her prep for and actually do the surgery, but I’m also glad they didn’t cut time from the other storylines in this episode to make that happen. Deluca seemed more like her cheerleader than her resident (or boyfriend) in the scenes they had together, which was just weird. 
Alex: I have to admit, I did enjoy seeing him (slightly) jealous of the attention Mer was getting with her surgery. It was one of the few lighthearted moments from this episode, which I appreciate. 
Seeing Alex deal with another addict-parent really highlighted how far he’s come. We saw him, for the first time, really stepping up as chief last week, but he’s also changed so much personally. There was a similar storyline a few seasons ago, where he was treating a kid whose parents were meth dealers (or something like that). In that episode, he completely freaked out and got really angry about it. Now, he handled the situation with grace and class while making it absolutely clear what his opinions were. The scene with him and Jo at the end was adorable, and I’m glad with how their storylines played out here.
Nico/Levi: Don’t really ship this, especially since we (STILL) know nothing about Nico except for his sexuality, but they had some cute moments.
Maggie/Jackson: Still don’t care about them, but Maggie freaking out about camping, of all things, was kind of hilarious. What they did for the homeless man at the end was really heartwarming. Also, Jackson telling Qadri to fix her facial expressions was pretty funny. 
Owen: I feel bad that he “lost” Leo so soon. But I’m irritated that we didn’t see him apologize to Amelia; it seems like what he said last week had, like, no effect on their relationship. I hope he and Amelia stay friends instead of anything more. 
Teddy: I’m not really on board with this whole “Cardio surgeon becomes chief of Trauma” thing, but it was incredibly gratifying to see her boss around the doctors and organize the ER almost as efficiently as Kepner would have done. When it came time for Betty’s surgery, I’m glad she was the one to do it – familial reasons aside,  and the show did a good job of finally highlighting that despite Pierce being chief, Teddy is, first and foremost, a world-class Cardio surgeon, and Betty couldn’t have been in better hands. There’s more about this below.
Amelia & the Betty Storyline:
I know that there’s an Amelia-centric episode coming up, but she still really had her moments in this episode. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about the parallels between Link and her ex-fiancé. I haven’t seen Private Practice  so I can’t really comment on that, but while I don’t really ship it romantically, I can see, and I do want, her and Link having a friendship similar to that of Meredith and Alex. 
Even without watching Private Practice, it’s evident just how much she’s evolved from simply being Derek’s sister. @jordan202 put it really well: she’s made strides with coming to terms with what addiction did TO her, but before this, she never truly understood what it did to her family and friends. Dealing with Betty has definitely changed her for the better, and I’m excited to see her reflect on that experience in the future. 
Teddy’s “Amelia may never see that little girl open her eyes again” line was perfect. First of all, she’s acknowledging the bond that the Sisters share (despite brushing it off before). But all that aside, Teddy may not verbalize it, but she knows first-hand how much it matters to have someone there for you during moments like this. That person during Henry’s debacle was supposed to be Owen, but he couldn’t be there, and we all know how that turned out. For Amelia, those people are Maggie and Meredith, and Teddy did everything to make sure that Amelia wouldn’t be left alone. Amelia embracing her in relief at the end was wonderful. These two women (undoubtedly) still harbor some not-so-nice feelings towards each other, but in that moment, all of that was put aside.
Amelia was wearing her emotions on her sleeve for the majority of this episode, which just made Caterina Scorsone’s acting even more phenomenal throughout. With every word, tear, and facial expression, we could see just how much Betty meant to Amelia, and just how strong she has become because of it. And her final monologue was so powerful and emotional. Once again, hats-off to her. 
And Amelia’s been through so much on this show. She’s faced obstacles at nearly every turn, both emotionally and due to circumstance. Here scenes and storylines have been some of the most vulnerable and heart-wrenching. It’s incredibly hard to put into words what Amelia’s experiences have meant to me, but…I cried at the end of this episode. Amelia always had it in her to be a superhero, and it took awhile for her to believe it herself; now, with this episode, she’s proven it to everyone else, once and for all. 
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We’ll Make It Through
Hello, hello! So I don’t know about you guys, but I was rather upset by the fact that only two characters got content for the recent Vampire spin-off. While I love Klaus, I had really wished they added some more guys, which is why I took it upon myself to write a Vampire fic with my favorite boy, Hugo!
This is my first time writing a Vampire fic for Hugo, so It’s a little bit short, but I hope you guys will enjoy it nonetheless!
I had recently gotten a magic note from Elias during one of girl gossip sessions with my roommate and best friend, Amelia. The note was an invitation to the Night Class cafe, apparently, it was going to be a game night and Elias wanted to know if I would join in on the festivities and be on his team. I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity and so I changed out of my uniform and into my casual wear before heading to the cafe.
Along the way, I somehow managed to write a sloppy but readable magic note to Hugo, asking if he would meet me there. It had been about two days since I had last seen or heard from Hugo. I assumed he had more missions to do with his older brother and Mischa, but surely he’d be able to take a small break from it, right? With hope in my heart, I had watched the note go flying in the moonlit sky, a sigh escaping my lips before I turned around and proceeded to make my way to the cafe.
In the hallway, I could hear laughing coming from the cafe clear as day and when I stood by the entrance, a shocking scene was in front of me. Everyone was there, even Klaus and Elias! They all seemed to be laughing about and chatting among each other. But what shocked me the most was the fact that Klaus wore a smile as he talked with Elias and Alfonse, he even gave Alfonse a hearty pat on the back before laughing at what I assumed was a joke. I was so happy to see the three of them getting along that a smile had crept onto my face.
“Why are you standing out there all alone, Liz?”
Looking over, I noticed that Caesar had appeared right beside me, drink in hand while wearing a smile.
“Oh, hello Caesar.”
“Come on in and join the party, you’re starting to look like Hugo when you just stand in the entranceway all silent and stuff.”
“Did I really seem like Hugo?”
“Yeah, except you had a goofy smile on your face.”
“Hey!” I laughed and playfully nudged Caesar with my elbow. “It seems like everyone is getting along rather well today.”
“Yeah, Klaus came in with Alfonse, and Elias. He said he’d be paying for drinks this evening. He didn’t really give us a reason for it, but Alfonse and I were talking about it and he said it’s most likely a way of showing his gratitude for the things we’ve been doing for him and the Ministry.”
“That’s really nice of him.”
“Nice? I think odd is a better term.”
“Klaus has his nice side, he’s done a lot for this Academy and for the students here when he was a Prefect.”
“Really, like what?”
“Well, he was in charge of doing almost everything, he would teach classes, coordinate events and although he could come off as mean and strict, he really did care about the students here. He even said that if he couldn’t land a job in the Ministry, then he wanted to be a professor.”
“A professor? Why do I have a feeling he’d be strict.”
“He was, but his teaching methods proved very useful. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his help.”
“You two seem close.” Caesar took a drink and smiled.
“I’d like to think we are, I mean he practically treats me like I’m a little sister. You should have seen the way he acted when he found out that Hugo and I started dating.”
“Really?! What did he do?”
“Well he--”
“Liz, you made it!” Alfonse’s cheery voice filled my ears as he walked up to where Caesar and I were sitting.
“Hello, Alfonse!”
“Are you two ready for game night?”
“I am.”
“Same here.”
“So how many teams are there going to be and who is going to be on them?”
Well, Klaus, Elias and I are one team and we were hoping you could be a part of it as well.”
“Oh, sure, I’d love too!”
“Meanwhile, Hiro, Zeus, Lucious and I are on the other team.”
“Oh, hey Liz? Do you think Hugo will show up to game night?”
“I actually haven’t heard from Hugo for a couple of days, but on my way here I did send a magic note. Maybe, later on, he’ll show up. But I bet he’s still busy hunting down Felix with Vain and Mischa.”
“It must be hard having him gone like that…”
I had a pain tear through my heart at Caesar’s words. It was true, I missed him so much and sometimes it really did hurt. But I knew that this was something that he had to do, not just for himself but for the sake of the future. I knew he’d always come back to me in the end.
“Sometimes, but I know he’s alright, besides, I’m sure I’ll hear from him soon.”
“Alright you loser Day Class, are you ready to lose?”
“Hey, you know I’m on your team, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, we’re all split into teams so once everyone finishes their drink we can finally begin the games.”
“Guess we should head over to our side of the table.”
I nodded. “I guess so.”
I got up from my seat and followed Alfonse over to where Elias and Klaus were standing. They seemed to be in a serious discussion or possible debate.
“Hey you two, look who I brought.”
I gave a small wave before speaking. “Hey, you guys.”
“With Liz on our team, there’s no way we’re going to lose.”
“Even if we didn’t have her on our team we wouldn’t lose to Zeus and his team. I wouldn’t allow that.”
“Neither would I.”
“Is that what you guys were talking about over here then?”
“Yes. Strategy.”
“Yes, we have a plan that can and will not fail.”
“You guys are serious about this game, huh?”
For some reason, Alfonse seemed to sound a little disappointed.
“I don’t know why you’re not taking this seriously, Alfonse.”
“I am. But at the same time, I’d like to have fun, I mean, that’s what games are all about, even competitive ones.”
“I agree with you, Alfonse.” I smiled.
“Then let’s make the most of it!” Alfonse cheered before giving me a high-five.
“Honestly, you two…”
Klaus shook his head, but I could see a smile spreading on his face as he spoke. I knew he was going to have fun playing this game too, even if he didn’t want to admit it. After some tie had passed, Zeus began the games, he had quite the selection of games, but halfway through one of the games, Zeus lost his temper and pushed it away.
“I’m done playing with cheaters.”
“What do you mean cheaters? We were playing the game fair and square.”
“Yeah right! The Day Class could never beat the Night Class, so that’s why you had to stoop so low and cheat.”
“Are hearing how ridiculous you sound right now?”
“He’s right, idiot.”
“Just give it a rest, King Kook.”
“No way! I’m calling them out on this!”
Before I knew it, Zeus and Klaus were shouting at one another while the others desperately tried to calm them down. I was about to step in and help with the situation, but it was at that moment that I felt a presence nearby. Could it be who I think it is? I began to wonder, before looking at the entrance to the Night Cafe. it didn’t look like anyone was out there, but I wanted to check for myself, just to make sure.
I left the cafe and walked out into the darkened hallway, as I kept walking, everyone’s voices began to fade away until it was silent, leaving me only to my silent thoughts and the sound of my heel against the floor. I had only meant to step out and have a quick look around, but it was as if some unseen force, was telling me to keep going. But despite having walked all the way towards the exit, I had seen no signs of anything or anyone, until….
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the shadow of figure nearby. Their silvery hair and long flowy attire were unmistakable. Yet when I had called out his name, he didn’t respond, so I decided to move in a little closer, to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. But before I could even get closer…..
“Come no further, Goddess.”
“Huh? Is there something wrong?”
“I don’t want you getting too close to me.”
“Are you sick?”
“Then why am I not allowed coming over there and seeing you?”
His voice trailed off and for some reason, his voice sounded like he was in pain.
“Because why?”
“Just forget it, better yet, forget me, Goddess. Let us go our seperate ways.”
“What? Hugo!”
I cried out his name before closing the space between and then grabbing his arm, not allowing him to leave. I had no idea what was going on with him and why he was acting the way he was. But the moment he turned around, I found myself in complete shock.
His once beautiful yellow eyes were now dull and crimson and his skin was now a pale sickly color. I let go of my grip on him, letting my hand fall to my side before staring at him in silence and I found myself unable to speak.
“This is why I want you to stay away from me Goddess. You know what I am, don’t you? I can see it on your face, you know I’m a monster. If I stay close to you then something bad could happen to you Goddess, I would fail my mission as your guardian and as your boyfriend. It’s best if we just say our goodb--!”
“Don’t say it!”
My hands grabbed at his and I could feel tears begin to build up and spill down my cheeks, my lips quivered slightly as I tried to choose my words.
“Hugo, you’re not a monster, not even in the slightest, you may have the effects of Vampirism, but you’re still you Hugo and nothing is going to change that.”
I let go of his hands and reached up to cup his cheeks.
“And I know that if I was in this situation, you’d do whatever you could for me, right?”
“Of course I would.”
“It’s the same for me. Hugo, I’m going to do whatever I can for you. I know there might be some risks, but we’ve been through worse things than this, and we still came out of it strong. I know that this isn’t anything different.”
As I spoke, I could feel a smile creep on my face, followed up by more tears, but I felt them being wiped away.
He pulled me into a tight embrace and leaned down, before whispering into my ear.
“I’m so sorry…”
“For what?”
“For trying to push you away like that. I didn’t want to, but the thought of something happening to you makes me worried enough. But the thought of it being me, who could inflict damage to you, made me so scared that it became hard to breathe. That’s why I wanted to put distance between us. If I did that, then I thought you’d be safe. Instead… I made the one I love cry and seeing you cry is just as painful.”
He pulled away a little bit, before leaning down and kissing the top of my eyelids, following it up with a kiss on my lips. His skin and lips might have been cold to the touch, but the kiss we shared warmed my heart and my body. I could feel just how much he loved me and it gave me the strength I’d need so we could find a cure for him.
I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but as long as I had Hugo by my side, I knew that we’d make it through in the end. It had been like that many times already, and although I might have been a little uncertain, I knew that it was going to be alright in the end. We’d overcome this, together.
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